bloxberg Demonstration Notebook
bloxberg Demonstration Notebook
Accessing bloxberg blockchain data
Supplementary material for the book “Innovations in Social Finance” and for users of
Ask the latest information about the bloxberg blockchain data.
Let’s check information about the latest block.
Let’s check information for specific block number.
Let’s check information for specific block hash.
Let’s check information about the blockchain transaction using a transaction hash.
Let’s check information connected with the specified address.
Let’s check all the tokens deployed on the bloxberg blockchain
Let’s check holder’s tokens.
Let’s check the RelaySet contract address
Ask for the owner address calling the “owner” property at the RelaySet contract
The syntax to use the Typed symbol is the following:
Typed[func, datatype], where the func and datatype is defined in a Solidity smart contract code
Typed[property, datatype], where the property and datatype is defined in a Solidity smart contract code
Ask for the current validators calling the function “getValidators” at the RelaySet contract.
Gives the name of the default blockchain to be used for blockchain computations. By default it is Automatic which for the blockchain computations is Bitcoin.
Changing the setting to bloxberg:
BlockchainData will use the current setting for $BlockchainBase:
Exploring Units on bloxberg
In the following weeks Unit will have support for the official symbol of bergs
Create a bloxberg account
Generate an address to make basic transactions on the bloxberg blockchain network. As bloxberg is based on Ethereum, the next steps generate a valid address and key pair as well.
First we need the private and the public key. We generate those keys with GenerateAsymmetricKeyPair.
The following shows the private key in HEX string
The following shows the private key in HEX string
Use BlockchainKeyEncode to derive a unique new Ethereum address from the public key, it can be used as a bloxberg account address:
Use BarcodeImage to create a QR code associated with this Ethereum address
Send QR code, use SendMessage to send the address and QR code to your mobile device
Save your private key. Use Export to save the private key to a .wl file for later use:
Send bergs
Changing the setting to bloxberg:
Set the addresses of the sender and the receiver
Use BlockchainAddressData to check receiver’s balance
Use BlockchainAddressData to check the balance and the transaction count of the sender
Set a gas price
Use BlockchainTransaction to build the transaction object, using the preceding transaction count and gas price. The following example will send 1 Gbrox to the receiver’s address.
The transaction exists locally until it is submitted to the bloxberg blockchain
Use BlockchainTransactionSign to sign the transaction with the private key as HEX string
Another option it to use the key pair coming from the BlockchainKeyEncode. In this way, your private key is not exposed as HEX String
Use BlockchainTransactionSubmit to send the transaction to the blockchain
After the transaction is submitted, you must wait for it to be included in a block.
Use BlockchainTransactionData and the transaction ID to check if the transaction has been added to the blockchain.
Use BlockchainAddressData to check the receiver’s balance. The previous balance was 13 Gbrox but now it’s 14 Gbrox
Verify a transaction using a Cryptographic Digital Signature
Use BlockchainTransactionData with a transaction ID, the output includes a TransactionDigest, a Digital Signature and the sender’s Public Key.
Use VerifyDigitalSignature to verify the signature with the public key
Use Case: “Verify & Certify”
Let’s hash a Notebook with research data on Coronavirus
We also need UNIX time and the certify contract address.
To send a transaction, an address with some berg balance and a private key are required
Use BlockchainAddressData to know the transaction for the address
Set a gas price value
Use BlockchainTransaction to build a transaction that calls to createData which is a function in the certify smart contract
Where the FunctionCall key parameter set the Function and Inputs to call to a smart contract’s function
Typed[func, {idatatype1, idatatyp2,...}] -> {odatatype}, the left side of this rule set function name and the Solidity datatype of the inputs. The right side set the Solidity datatype of the output.
Inputs -> {ivalue1, ivalue2,...}, This rule set the input values
Use BlockchainTranscationSign to sign the transaction
Use BlockchainTransactionSubmit to submit the transaction
Let’s check if our transaction has been added to the blockchain.
Use the TransactionID to verify the transaction
The following works as the bloxberg verifying application