Quadrilaterals include the square, rectangle, trapezium, trapezoid, rhombus, kite and parallelogram. Quadrilaterals can be concave, convex, cyclic, tangential, extangential, orthodiagonal, equidiagonal or bicentric. Most of these properties are obscure, but a similarly exhaustive list of triangle properties would fill many pages. When in doubt on a quadrilateral, add a diagonal to make two triangles.
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 33
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 34
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 35
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 36
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 43
Euclid Book 1 Proposition 46
Euclid Book 3 Proposition 22
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 1b
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 14a
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 14b
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 23
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 24
Euclid Book 6 Proposition 26