
Cluster construction and analysis

GTAdjacencyMatrix constructs an adjacency matrix for a cluster.

GTCluster constructs a spherical cluster.

GTShells gives a cluster reordered into shells.

Lattices in Real Space or Reciprocal Space

GTLatCluster constructs a spherical cluster of lattice points.

GTLatShells reorders a cluster of lattice points in shells.

Symmetry Analysis of Real Structure Clusters

GTGroupGlp gives the groups of point group, leaving the invariant.

GTShellVectorsQlp gives the vectors for the shells.

GTTransformToQlp gives the operations of point group transforming the shell vectors to .

Reciprocal Lattice

GTReciprocalBasis gives the reciprocal lattice vectors from a given list of lattice vectors.

Brillouin Zones

GTBZLines generates k-points along a set of lines defined in the Brillouin zone.

GTBZPath generates a standard path in the Brillouin zone.

GTBZPointMesh gives a k-point mesh in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone.

GTBZMPBPointMesh exports a k-mesh for use in MPB input files.

GTGroupOfK gives the group of the wave-vector k.

GTStarOfK gives the star of the wave-vector k.

Brillouin zones and Wigner-Seitz zones

GTVoronoiCell constructs a Voronoi cell to a lattice.