Cluster construction and analysis
GTAdjacencyMatrix — constructs an adjacency matrix for a cluster.
GTCluster — constructs a spherical cluster.
GTShells — gives a cluster reordered into shells.
Lattices in Real Space or Reciprocal Space
GTLatCluster — constructs a spherical cluster of lattice points.
GTLatShells — reorders a cluster of lattice points in shells.
Symmetry Analysis of Real Structure Clusters
GTGroupGlp — gives the groups of point group, leaving the
GTShellVectorsQlp — gives the vectors for the shells.
GTTransformToQlp — gives the operations of point group transforming the shell vectors to .
Reciprocal Lattice
GTReciprocalBasis — gives the reciprocal lattice vectors from a given list of lattice vectors.
Brillouin Zones
GTBZLines — generates k-points along a set of lines defined in the Brillouin zone.
GTBZPath — generates a standard path in the Brillouin zone.
GTBZPointMesh — gives a k-point mesh in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone.
GTBZMPBPointMesh — exports a k-mesh for use in MPB input files.
GTGroupOfK — gives the group of the wave-vector k.
GTStarOfK — gives the star of the wave-vector k.
Brillouin zones and Wigner-Seitz zones
GTVoronoiCell — constructs a Voronoi cell to a lattice.