GTGetWyckoff[space group number, setting]
gives a space group with the corresponding Wyckoff positions by means of the space group number and the setting.
Details and Options
- Currently available space groups and Wyckoff positions are stored during a GTPAck session in the global variable wyckoff and can be listed by GTAllWyckoff.
- Space groups and Wyckoff positions from external files can be loaded using GTLoadWyckoff.
- By means of space group number and setting the Wyckoff positions of a special space group are selected.
- The following option can be given:
GOVerbose True Controls the output of additional information - The command is not explained in:
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter
open allclose allBasic Examples (1)
Clear the variable wyckoff .
List all available structures.
Now a structure can be selected, by means of the space group number and setting.