Submit your declaration of assets 720 for  2024

Use this form to provide the basic information that we need to prepare your asset declaration.


We will ask you about :

  • Your personal information.
  • Your assets offshore.

Service Pricing:

  • Basic Package: €150 + VAT (€181.50) per submission (covers up to 5 assets).
  • Additional Assets: €25 + VAT (€30.25) per extra asset included in the declaration.


  • Married couples must file two separate submissions. However, if both declarations include the same assets, they will be charged as a single submission.
  • A fee of €25 + VAT (€30.25) will apply for each asset that differs between the two declarations.

We manage this data according to our Privacy Policy.                     Any question?Call us on 951 087 937LimitConsulting          Click on Submit to start!