| | | | | | Minimum Infective Concentration: | Nb: Assumes minimum infective concentration of 1 virion per innoculum volume: | | | TBPV: Total Body Plasma Volume, PRBC: Packed Red Blood Cell. | | Critical Care Interval (Admission to blood draw (Days)) | | | | | | | | Select increased risk behaviour | | | MSM: Men who have sex with men, PWID: Persons who inject drugs, HRSP: Higher risk sexual partner. | | | | | | | | | | | | Vdt:Viral Doubling Time, X50: X50 Limit of Detection,X95: X95 Limit of detection, Mic: Minimum infective concentration.Inc: Incidence Rate (100PY). | |
| | | | | | The Assay's Window Period is 6.2 day(s) | | | For a Critical Care Admission Length of 1 days, | there are 5.2 days of exposure in the community. | The risk of undetected donor infection is 0.000 128 246 | This equates to approximately 1 in 7,797. | | Alternative Deferred Blood Draw | For a Critical Care Admission Length of '2 days, | there are 4.2 days of exposure in the community. | The risk of undetectedted donor infection is 0.000103591 | This equates to approximately 1 in 9,653. | | Number Needed to Defer Analysis | The number needed to defer to prevent 1 organ donor progressing to retrieval surgery with an undetected infection is: 40,560 |