Avoiding overfit models
Avoiding overfit models
First, evaluate the hidden cell above. Now, again create some artificial data. We will assume that of data comes from the function:
y = f(x) = x^3 - 2 x^2 + x - 3
Suppose that we don’t know this function when collecting our data, that our data collection was noisy so that we did not recover our samples accurately, and that we missed data when the x value was between 0 and 2. This time, we will collect two separate datasets: one for model training, and one for model validation. Running the following cell will plot our data:
y = f(x) = x^3 - 2 x^2 + x - 3
Suppose that we don’t know this function when collecting our data, that our data collection was noisy so that we did not recover our samples accurately, and that we missed data when the x value was between 0 and 2. This time, we will collect two separate datasets: one for model training, and one for model validation. Running the following cell will plot our data:
Create data
Create data
Fit polynomials of various degrees
Fit polynomials of various degrees
Using only the training data, we can have Mathematica compute the polynomial which fits best. We do have to make a choice of which degree to use. Evaluating the following cell will compute the best fitting polynomial and tell you the average error for points in the training data as well as the validation data.
Which do you expect to be larger?
Using only the training data, we can have Mathematica compute the polynomial which fits best. We do have to make a choice of which degree to use. Evaluating the following cell will compute the best fitting polynomial and tell you the average error for points in the training data as well as the validation data.
Which do you expect to be larger?
Now do the same thing, but this time graphing the results. Choose a variety of degrees for the polynomial, let’s say as high as thirty, and describe what happens as the degree increases. What happens in the interval where we have missing data?
Now do the same thing, but this time graphing the results. Choose a variety of degrees for the polynomial, let’s say as high as thirty, and describe what happens as the degree increases. What happens in the interval where we have missing data?
We can plot the training and validation errors versus n, the degree of the polynomial we are using to fit our data. Which degree should we use to form our model?
We can plot the training and validation errors versus n, the degree of the polynomial we are using to fit our data. Which degree should we use to form our model?
More complex data
More complex data
Now let’s do the same with a higher degree polynomial. First create synthetic data:
Now let’s do the same with a higher degree polynomial. First create synthetic data:
And then fit polynomials of various degrees:
And then fit polynomials of various degrees:
Even more complex data
Even more complex data
And finally, what is the function underlying the original data is not even a polynomial?
And finally, what is the function underlying the original data is not even a polynomial?