Perform analytic and numeric quantum computations
Contributed By: Wolfram Research, Quantum Computation Framework team
The Wolfram Quantum Framework brings a broad, coherent design for quantum computation, together with a host of leading-edge capabilities and full integration into Mathematica and Wolfram Language. Starting from discrete quantum mechanics, the Framework provides a high-level symbolic representation of quantum bases, states and operators. The Framework can perform measurements and is equipped with various well-known states and operators, such as Bell states and Pauli operators. Using such simulation capabilities as a foundation, one can use the Framework to model and simulate quantum circuits and algorithms.
All functions and objects in the Wolfram Quantum Framework work seamlessly with the 5,000+ built-in functions made available through Wolfram Language. The immediate availability of such functions allows one to study a full range of questions around quantum computation and can serve as a helpful resource for teaching.
Installation Instructions
To install this paclet in your Wolfram Language environment,
evaluate this code:
To load the code after installation, evaluate this code:
Paclet Guide
- Wolfram Language built-in symbols
- Paclet dependencies