From Richard N. Werthamer's, Risk and Reward:
The Science of Casino Blackjack
The Science of Casino Blackjack
But the distributions of outcomes in Fig. 6.1, after 1000 rounds, show that each Player is likely to win or lose up to 20 units or more. Even though the peaks (and means) of the distributions are indeed different (–5 vs. +10), the distributions themselves are so broad that the distinction between them is barely perceptible. The competitive card counter loses in 44% of such sessions; the recreational non-counter wins in 46% of them.
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Fig. 6.1: Distribution of outcomes: initial plot shows results after 1000 rounds. To see how this changes with number of rounds, adjust the slider to select the desired number. For each plot, the left-most (red) curve represents the non-counter, the right-most (blue) the counter.