Dataset[{<|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "2008 Democratic Party Platform", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 2008, "Date" -> DateObject[{2008, 8, 25}], "Text" -> "RENEWING AMERICA'S PROMISE\n\nPreamble\n\nWe come together at a defining moment in the history of our nation – the nation that led the 20th Century, built a thriving middle class, defeated fascism and communism, and provided bountiful opportunity to many. We Democrats have a special commitment to this promise of America. We believe that every American, whatever their background or station in life, should have the chance to get a good education, to work at a good job with good wages, to raise and provide for a family, to live in safe surroundings, and to retire with dignity and security. We believe that quality and affordable health care is a basic right. We believe that each succeeding generation should have the opportunity, through hard work, service and sacrifice, to enjoy a brighter future than the last.\nBut today, we are at a crossroads. As we meet, we are in the sixth year of a two-front war. Our economy is struggling. Our planet is in peril.\nA great nation now demands that its leaders abandon the politics of partisan division and find creative solutions to promote the common good. A people that prizes candor, accountability, and fairness insists that a government of the people must level with them and champion the interests of all American families. A land of historic resourcefulness has lost its patience with elected officials who have failed to lead.\nIt is time for a change. We can do better.\nAnd so, Democrats – through the most open platform process in history – are reaching out today to Republicans, Independents, and all Americans who hunger for a new direction a reason to hope. Today, at a defining moment in our history, the Democratic Party resolves to renew America's promise.\nOver the past eight years, our nation's leaders have failed us. Sometimes they invited calamity, rushing us into an ill-considered war in Iraq. But other times, when calamity arrived in the form of hurricanes or financial storms, they sat back, doing too little too late, and too poorly. The list of failures of this Administration is historic.\nThe American Dream is at risk. Incomes are down and foreclosures are up. Millions of our fellow citizens have no health insurance while families working longer hours are pressed for time to care for their children and aging parents. Gas and home heating costs are squeezing seniors and working families alike. We are less secure and less respected in the world. After September 11, we could have built the foundation for a new American century, but instead we instigated an unnecessary war in Iraq before finishing a necessary war in Afghanistan. Careless policies, inept stewardship and the broken politics of this Administration have taken their toll on our economy, our security and our reputation.\nBut even worse than the conditions we find ourselves in are the false promises that brought us here. The Republican leadership said they would keep us safe, but they overextended our military and failed to respond to new challenges. They said they would be compassionate conservatives, but they failed to rescue our citizens from the rooftops of New Orleans, neglected our veterans, and denied health insurance to children. They promised fiscal responsibility but instead gave tax cuts to the wealthy few and squandered almost a trillion dollars in Iraq. They promised reform but allowed the oil companies to write our energy agenda and the credit card companies to write the bankruptcy rules.\nThese are not just policy failures. They are failures of a broken politics –a politics that rewards self-interest over the common interest and the short-term over the long-term, that puts our government at the service of the powerful. A politics that creates a state-of-the-art system for doling out favors and shuts out the voice of the American people.\nSo, we come together not only to replace this President and his party –and not only to offer policies that will undo the damage they have wrought. Today, we pledge a return to core moral principles like stewardship, service to others, personal responsibility, shared sacrifice and a fair shot for all –values that emanate from the integrity and optimism of our Founders and generations of Americans since. Today, we Democrats offer leaders – from the White House to the State House – worthy of this country's trust.\nWe will start by renewing the American Dream for a new era – with the same new hope and new ideas that propelled Franklin Delano Roosevelt towards the New Deal and John F. Kennedy to the New Frontier. We will provide immediate relief to working people who have lost their jobs, families who are in danger of losing their homes, and those who – no matter how hard they work – are seeing prices go up more than their income. We will invest in America again –in world-class public education, in our infrastructure, and in green technology –so that our economy can generate the good, high-paying jobs of the future. We will end the outrage of unaffordable, unavailable health care, protect Social Security, and help Americans save for retirement. And we will harness American ingenuity to free this nation from the tyranny of oil.\nThe Democratic Party believes that there is no more important priority than renewing American leadership on the world stage. This will require diplomatic skill as capable as our military might. Instead of refusing to confront our most pressing threats, we will use all elements of American power to keep us safe, prosperous, and free. Instead of alienating our nation from the world, we will enable America –once again –to lead.\nFor decades, Americans have been told to act for ourselves, by ourselves, on our own. Democrats reject this recipe for division and failure. Today, we commit to renewing our American community by recognizing that solutions to our greatest challenges can only be rooted in common ground and the strength of our civic life. The American people do not want government to solve all our problems; we know that personal responsibility, character, imagination, diligence, hard work and faith ultimately determine individual achievement. But we also know that at every turning point in our nation's history, we have demonstrated our love of country by uniting to overcome our challenges—whether ending slavery, fighting two world wars for the cause of freedom or sending a man to the moon. Today, America must unite again –to help our most vulnerable residents get back on their feet and to restore the vitality of both urban centers and family farms –because the success of each depends on the success of the other. And America must challenge us again –to serve our country and to meet our responsibilities –whether in our families or local governments; our civic organizations or places of worship.\nAmericans have been promised change before. And too often we have been disappointed. We believe we must change not just our policies, but our politics as well. We cannot keep doing the same things and expect to get different results. That is why today we come together not only to prevent a third Bush term. Today, we pledge to renew American democracy by promoting the use of new technologies to make it easier for Americans to participate in their government. We will shine a light on government spending and Washington lobbying –so that every American is empowered to be a watchdog and a whistle blower. We are the party of inclusion and respect differences of perspective and belief. And so, even when we disagree, we will work together to move this country forward. There can be no Republican or Democratic ideas, only policies that are smart and right and fair and good for America –and those that aren't. We will form a government as decent, candid, purposeful and compassionate as the American people themselves.\nThis is the essence of what it means to be a patriot: not only to declare our love of this nation, but to show it –by our deeds, our priorities, and the commitments we keep.\nIf we choose to change, just imagine what we can do. What makes America great has never been its perfection, but the belief that it can be made better. And that people who love this country can change it. This is the country of Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Rosa Parks – people who had the audacity to believe that their country could be a better place, and the courage to work to make it so. And this Party has always made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people when we summoned the entire nation to a common purpose.\nWe have a choice to make. We can choose to stay the current failed course. Or we can choose a path that builds upon the best of who and what we are, that reflects our highest values. We can have more of the last eight years, or we can rise together and create a new kind of government. The time for change has come, and America must seize it.\nI. Renewing the American Dream\nFor months the state of our economy has dominated the headlines–and the news has not been good. The sub-prime lending debacle has sent the housing market into a tailspin, and many Americans have lost their homes. By early August, the economy had shed 463,000 jobs over seven straight months of job loss. Health, gas and food prices are rising dramatically.\nBut the problem goes deeper than the current crisis. Families have seen their incomes go down even as they have been working longer hours and as productivity has grown. At the same time, health costs have risen while companies have shed health insurance coverage and pensions. Worse yet, too many Americans have lost confidence in the fundamental American promise that our children will have a better life than we do.\nWe are living through an age of fundamental economic transformation. Technology has changed the way we live and the way the world does business. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the advance of capitalism have vanquished old challenges to America's global leadership, but new challenges have emerged. Today, jobs and industries can move to any country with an Internet connection and willing workers.\nLeadership on these issues has been sorely lacking these past eight years. In the 1990s, under Bill Clinton's leadership, employment and incomes grew and we built up a budget surplus. However, our current President pursued misguided policies, missed opportunities, and maintained a rigid, ideological adherence to discredited ideas. Our surplus is now a deficit, and almost a decade into this century, we still have no coherent national strategy to compete in a global economy. The price tag for these failures is being passed on to our families.\nFrom the mother working two jobs to pay the bills and the couple struggling to care for young children and aging parents, to the tens of millions of Americans without health insurance and the workers who have seen their jobs shipped overseas, too many Americans have been invisible to our current President and his party for too long. The people who do the work in America have never been invisible to the Democratic Party. It is time to make the American Dream real for them again.\nWe need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.\nIn platform hearings around the country, Americans reaffirmed our belief that this great nation can compete–and succeed–in the 21st Century but only if we take a new approach. One that is both innovative and faithful to the basic economic principles that made this country great. We Democrats want–and we hereby pledge–a government led by Barack Obama that looks out for families in the new economy with health care, retirement security, and help, especially in bad times. Investment in our country–in energy, education, infrastructure, science. A ladder of opportunity for all. Democrats see these as the pillars of a more competitive and fair economy that will allow all Americans to take advantage of the opportunities of our new era.\nWe will provide an immediate energy rebate to American families struggling with the record price of gasoline and the skyrocketing cost of other necessities – to spend on those basic needs and energy efficient measures. We will devote $50 billion to jumpstarting the economy, helping economic growth, and preventing another one million jobs from being lost. This will include assistance to states and localities to prevent them from having to cut their vital services like education, health care, and infrastructure. We will quickly implement the housing bill recently passed by Congress and ensure that states and localities that have been hard-hit by the housing crisis can avoid cuts in vital services. We support investments in infrastructure to replenish the highway trust fund, invest in road and bridge maintenance and fund new, fast-tracked projects to repair schools. We believe that it is essential to take immediate steps to stem the loss of manufacturing jobs. Taking these immediate measures will provide good jobs and will help the economy today. But generating truly shared prosperity is only possible if we also address our most significant long-run challenges like the rising cost of health care, energy, and education.\nEmpowering Families for a New Era\nMany Americans once worked 40 hours a week for 40 years for a single employer who provided pay to support a family, health insurance, and a pension. Today, Americans change jobs more frequently than ever and compete against workers around the world for pay and benefits.\nThe face of America's families is also changing, and so are the challenges they confront. Today, in the majority of families, all parents work. Millions of working Americans are also members of a new \"sandwich generation,\" playing dual roles as working parents and working children, responsible not only for their kids but for their aging mothers and fathers. They are working longer hours than ever, while at the same time having to meet a new and growing set of caregiving responsibilities.\nOur government's policies–many designed in the New Deal era–have not kept up with the new economy and the changing nature of people's lives. Democrats believe that it is time for our policies and our expectations to catch up. From health care to pensions, from unemployment insurance to paid leave, we need to modernize our policies in order to provide working Americans the tools they need to meet new realities and challenges.\nAffordable, Quality Health Care Coverage for All Americans\nIf one thing came through in the platform hearings, it was that Democrats are united around a commitment that every American man, woman, and child be guaranteed affordable, comprehensive healthcare. In meeting after meeting, people expressed moral outrage with a health care crisis that leaves millions of Americans–including nine million children–without health insurance and millions more struggling to pay rising costs for poor quality care. Half of all personal bankruptcies in America are caused by medical bills. We spend more on health care than any other country, but we're ranked 47th in life expectancy and 43rd in child mortality. Our nation faces epidemics of obesity and chronic diseases as well as new threats like pandemic flu and bioterrorism. Yet despite all of this, less than four cents of every health care dollar is spent on prevention and public health.\nThe American people understand that good health is the foundation of individual achievement and economic prosperity. Ensuring quality, affordable health care for every single American is essential to children's education, workers' productivity and businesses' competitiveness. We believe that covering all is not just a moral imperative, but is necessary to making our health system workable and affordable. Doing so would end cost-shifting from the uninsured, promote prevention and wellness, stop insurance discrimination, help eliminate health care disparities, and achieve savings through competition, choice, innovation, and higher quality care. While there are different approaches within the Democratic Party about how best to achieve the commitment of covering every American, with everyone in and no one left out, we stand united to achieve this fundamental objective through the legislative process.\nWe therefore oppose those who advocate policies that would thrust millions of Americans out of their current private employer-based coverage without providing them access to an affordable, comprehensive alternative, thereby subjecting them to the kind of insurance discrimination that leads to excessive premiums or coverage denials for older and sicker Americans. We reject those who have steadfastly opposed insurance coverage expansions for millions of our nation's children while they have protected overpayments to insurers and allowed underpayments to our nation's doctors. Our vision of a strengthened and improved health care system for all Americans stands in stark contrast to the Republican Party's and includes:\nWe must fight HIV/AIDS in our country and around the world. We support increased funding into research, care and prevention of HIV/AIDS. We support a comprehensive national strategic plan to combat HIV/AIDS and a Ryan White Care Act designed and funded to meet today's epidemic, that ends ADAP waiting lists and that focuses on the communities such as African Americans and Latino Americans who are disproportionately impacted through an expanded and renewed minority HIV/AIDS initiative, and on new epicenters such as the Southern part of our nation. We support providing Medicaid coverage to more low-income HIV-positive Americans.\nHealth care reform must also provide adequate incentives for innovation to ensure that Americans have access to evidence-based and cost-effective health care. Research should be based on science, not ideology. For the millions of Americans and their families suffering from debilitating physical and emotional effects of disease, time is a precious commodity, and it is running out. Yet, over the past eight years, the current Administration has not only failed to promote biomedical and stem cell research, it has actively stood in the way of that research. We cannot tolerate any further inaction or obstruction. We need to invest in biomedical research and stem cell research, so that we are at the leading edge of prevention and treatment. This includes adequate funding for research into diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes, autism and other common and rare diseases, and disorders. We will increase funding to the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the National Cancer Institutes.\nRetirement and Social Security\nWe will make it a priority to secure for hardworking families the part of the American Dream that includes a secure and healthy retirement. Individuals, employers, and government must all play a role. We will adopt measures to preserve and protect existing public and private pension plans. In the 21st Century, Americans also need better ways to save for retirement. We will automatically enroll every worker in a workplace pension plan that can be carried from job to job and we will match savings for working families who need the help. We will make sure that CEOs can't dump workers' pensions with one hand while they line their own pockets with the other. At platform hearings, Americans made it clear they feel that's an outrage, and it's time we had leaders who treat it as an outrage. We will ensure all employees who have company pensions receive annual disclosures about their pension fund's investments, including full details about which projects have been invested in, the performance of those investments and appropriate details about probable future investments strategies. We also will reform corporate bankruptcy laws so that workers' retirements are a priority for funding and workers are not left with worthless IOU's after years of service. Finally, we will eliminate all federal income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 per year. Lower- and middle-income seniors already have to worry about high health care and energy costs; they should not have to worry about tax burdens as well.\nWe reject the notion of the presumptive Republican nominee that Social Security is a disgrace; we believe that it is indispensable. We will fulfill our obligation to strengthen Social Security and to make sure that it provides guaranteed benefits Americans can count on, now and in future generations. We will not privatize it.\nGood Jobs with Good Pay\nIn the platform hearings, Americans expressed dismay that people who are willing to study and work cannot get a job that pays enough to live on in the current economy. Democrats are committed to an economic policy that produces good jobs with good pay and benefits. That is why we support the right to organize. We know that when unions are allowed to do their job of making sure that workers get their fair share, they pull people out of poverty and create a stronger middle class. We will strengthen the ability of workers to organize unions and fight to pass the Employee Free Choice Act. We will restore pro-worker voices to the National Labor Relations Board and the National Mediation Board and we support overturning the NLRB's and NMB's many harmful decisions that undermine the collective bargaining rights of millions of workers. We will ensure that federal employees, including public safety officers who put their lives on the line every day, have the right to bargain collectively, and we will fix the broken bargaining process at the Federal Aviation Administration. We will fight to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers, so that workers can stand up for themselves without worrying about losing their livelihoods. We will continue to vigorously oppose \"Right-to-Work\" Laws and \"paycheck protection\" efforts whenever they are proposed. Suspending labor protections during national emergencies compounds the devastation from the emergency. We opposed suspension of Davis-Bacon following Hurricane Katrina, and we support broad application of Davis-Bacon worker protections to all federal projects. We will stop the abuse of privatization of government jobs. We will end the exploitative practice of employers wrongly misclassifying workers as independent contractors.\nThe Bush Administration Department of Labor has failed in its obligation to stand up and protect American workers. Our Department of Labor will restore and expand overtime rights for millions of Americans, and will actively enforce wage and hour laws. The Bush Administration is the only administration that has never voluntarily issued a significant final standard for workplace safety. Our Occupational Safety and Health Administration will adopt and enforce comprehensive safety standards. Right now, far too many workers – especially those in the construction and mining industries-risk their lives every day just by going to work.\nIn America, if someone is willing to work, he or she should be able to make ends meet and have the opportunity to prosper. To that end, we will raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation, and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit so that workers can support themselves and their families. We will modernize the unemployment insurance program to close gaps and extend benefits to the workers who now fall outside it.\nWork and Family\nOver the last few decades, fundamental changes in the way we work and live have trapped too many American families between an economy that's gone global and a government that's gone AWOL. It's time we stop just talking about family values, and start pursuing policies that truly value families. We will expand the Family and Medical Leave Act to reach millions more workers than are currently covered, and we will enable workers to take leave to care for an elderly parent, address domestic violence and sexual assault, or attend a parent-teacher conference. Today 78 percent of the workers who are eligible for leave cannot take it because it's unpaid, so we will work with states and make leave paid. We will also ensure that every American worker is able earn up to seven paid sick days to care for themselves or an ill family member. And we will encourage employers to provide flexible work arrangements—with the federal government leading by example. We will expand the childcare tax credit, provide every child access to quality, affordable early childhood education, and double funding for after-school and summer learning opportunities for children. We will provide assistance to those who need long-term care and to the working men and women of this country who do the heroic job of providing care for their aging relatives. All Americans who are working hard and taking responsibility deserve the chance to do right by their loved ones. That's the America we believe in.\nPoverty\nWhen Bobby Kennedy saw the shacks and poverty along the Mississippi Delta, he asked, \"How can a country like this allow it?\" Forty years later, we're still asking that question. The most American answer we can give is: \"We won't allow it.\" One in eight Americans lives in poverty today all across our country, in our cities, in our suburbs, and in our rural communities. Most of these people work but still can't pay the bills. Nearly thirteen million of the poor are children. We can't allow this kind of suffering and hopelessness to exist in our country. It's not who we are.\nWorking together, we can cut poverty in half within ten years. We will provide all our children a world-class education, from early childhood through college. We will develop innovative transitional job programs that place unemployed people into temporary jobs and train them for permanent ones. To help workers share in our country's productivity, we'll expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, and raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation. The majority of adults in poverty are women, and to combat poverty we must work for fair pay, support for mothers, and policies that promote responsible fatherhood. We'll start letting our unions do what they do best again—organize and lift up our workers. We'll make sure that every American has affordable health care that stays with them no matter what happens. We will assist American Indian communities, since 10 of the 20 poorest counties in the United States are on Indian lands. We'll bring businesses back to our inner-cities, increase the supply of affordable housing, and establish \"promise neighborhoods\" that provide comprehensive services in areas of concentrated poverty. These will be based on proven models, such as the Harlem Children's Zone in New York City, which seeks to engage all residents with tangible goals such as attendance at parenting schools, retention of meaningful employment, college for every participating student, and strong physical and mental health outcomes for children. The Democratic Party believes that the fight against poverty must be national priority. Eradicating poverty will require the sustained commitment of the President of the United States, and we believe that the White House must offer leadership and resources to advance this agenda.\nOpportunity for Women\nWe, the Democratic Party, are the party that has produced more women Governors, Senators, and Members of Congress than any other. We have produced the first woman Secretary of State, the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives, and, in 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first woman in American history to win presidential primaries in our nation. We believe that our daughters should have the same opportunities as our sons; our party is proud that we have put eighteen million cracks in the highest glass ceiling. We know that when America extends its promise to women, the result is increased opportunity for families, communities, and aspiring people everywhere.\nWhen women still earn 76 cents for every dollar that a man earns, it doesn't just hurt women; it hurts families and children. We will pass the \"Lilly Ledbetter\" Act, which will make it easier to combat pay discrimination; we will pass the Fair Pay Act; and we will modernize the Equal Pay Act. We will invest in women-owned small businesses and remove the capital gains tax on startup small businesses. We will support women in math and science, increasing American competitiveness by retaining the best workers in these fields, regardless of gender. We recognize that women still carry the majority of childrearing responsibilities, so we have created a comprehensive work and family agenda. We recognize that women are the majority of adults who make the minimum wage, and are particularly hard-hit by recession and poverty; we will protect Social Security, increase the minimum wage, and expand programs to combat poverty and improve education so that parents and children can lift themselves out of poverty. We will work to combat violence against women.\nWe believe that standing up for our country means standing up against sexism and all intolerance. Demeaning portrayals of women cheapen our debates, dampen the dreams of our daughters, and deny us the contributions of too many. Responsibility lies with us all.\nInvesting in American Competitiveness\nAt a critical moment of transition like this one, Americans understand that, more than anything else, success will depend on the dynamism, determination, and innovation of the American people. But success also depends on national leadership that can move this country forward with confidence and a common purpose. In platform hearings, Americans called on their government to \"invest back\" in them and their country. That's what Lincoln did when he pushed for a transcontinental railroad, incorporated our National Academy of Sciences, passed the Homestead Act and created the land grant colleges. That's what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in creating the Tennessee Valley Authority, electrifying rural America and investing in an Arsenal of Democracy. That's the kind of leadership we intend to provide.\nNew American Energy\nIn the local platform hearings, Americans talked about the importance of energy to the economy, to national security, and to the health of our planet. Speaking loud and clear, they said that America needs a new bold and sustainable energy policy to meet the challenges of our time. In the past, America has been stirred to action when faced with new threats to our national security, or new competitive conditions that undercut our economic leadership. The energy threat we face today may be less immediate than threats from dictators, but it is as real and as dangerous. The dangers are eclipsed only by the opportunities that would come with change. We know that the jobs of the 21st Century will be created in developing new energy solutions. The question is whether these jobs will be created in America, or abroad. We should use government procurement policies to incentivize domestic production of clean and renewable energy. Already, we've seen countries like Germany, Spain and Brazil reap the benefits of economic growth from clean energy. But we are decades behind in confronting this challenge.\nFor the sake of our security–and for every American family that is paying the price at the pump– we will break our addiction to foreign oil. In platform hearings around the country, Americans called for a Manhattan or Apollo Project-level commitment to achieve energy independence. We hear that call and we Democrats commit to fast-track investment of billions of dollars over the next ten years to establish a green energy sector that will create up to five million jobs. Good jobs, like those in Pennsylvania where workers manufacture wind turbines, the ones in the factory in Nevada producing components for solar energy generation plants, or the jobs that will be created when plug-in hybrids start rolling off the assembly line in Michigan. This transition to a clean-energy industry will also benefit low-income communities: we'll create an energy-focused youth job program to give disadvantaged youth job skills for this emerging industry.\nIt will not be easy, but neither was getting to the moon. We know we can't drill our way to energy independence and so we must summon all of our ingenuity and legendary hard work and we must invest in research and development, and deployment of renewable energy technologies—such as solar, wind, geothermal, as well as technologies to store energy through advanced batteries and clean up our coal plants. And we will call on businesses, government, and the American people to make America 50 percent more energy efficient by 2030, because we know that the most energy efficient economy will also gain the competitive edge for new manufacturing and jobs that stay here at home. We will help pay for all of it by dedicating a portion of the revenues generated by an economy-wide cap and trade program- a step that will also dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and jumpstart billions in private capital investment in a new energy economy.\nWe'll dramatically increase the fuel efficiency of automobiles, and we'll help auto manufacturers and parts suppliers convert to build the cars and trucks of the future and their key components in the United States. And we will help workers learn the skills they need to compete in the green economy. We are committed to getting at least 25 percent of our electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Building on the innovative efforts of the private sector, states, cities, and tribes across the country, we will create new federal-local partnerships to scale the success and deployment of new energy solutions, install a smarter grid, build more efficient buildings, and use the power of federal and military purchasing programs to jumpstart promising new markets and technologies. We'll invest in advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol which will provide American-grown fuel and help free us from the tyranny of oil. We will use innovative measures to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of buildings.\nTo lower the price of gasoline, we will crack down on speculators who are driving up prices beyond the natural market rate. We will direct the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice to vigorously investigate and prosecute market manipulation in oil futures. And we will help those who are hit hardest by high energy prices by increasing funding for low-income heating assistance and weatherization programs, and by providing energy assistance to help middle-class families make ends meet in this time of inflated energy prices.\nThis plan will safeguard our economy, our country, and the future of our planet. This plan will create good jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. With these policies, we will protect our country from the national security threats created by reliance on foreign oil and global insecurity due to climate change. And this is how we'll solve the problem of four-dollar-a-gallon gas— with a comprehensive plan and investment in clean energy.\nA World Class Education for Every Child\nIn the 21st Century, where the most valuable skill is knowledge, countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. In the platform hearings, Americans made it clear that it is morally and economically unacceptable that our high-schoolers continue to score lower on math and science tests than most other students in the world and continue to drop-out at higher rates than their peers in other industrialized nations. We cannot accept the persistent achievement gap between minority and white students or the harmful disparities that exist between different schools within a state or even a district. Americans know we can and should do better.\nThe Democratic Party firmly believes that graduation from a quality public school and the opportunity to succeed in college must be the birthright of every child–not the privilege of the few. We must prepare all our students with the 21st Century skills they need to succeed by progressing to a new era of mutual responsibility in education. We must set high standards for our children, but we must also hold ourselves accountable–our schools, our teachers, our parents, business leaders, our community and our elected leaders. And we must come together, form partnerships, and commit to providing the resources and reforms necessary to help every child reach their full potential.\nTo reward our teachers, we will follow the lead of school districts and educators that have pioneered innovative ways to increase teacher pay that are developed with teachers, not imposed on them. We will make an unprecedented national investment to provide teachers with better pay and better support to improve their skills, and their students' learning. We'll reward effective teachers who teach in underserved areas, take on added responsibilities like mentoring new teachers, or consistently excel in the classroom.\nWe will fix the failures and broken promises of No Child Left Behind–while holding to the goal of providing every child access to a world-class education, raising standards, and ensuring accountability for closing the achievement gap. We will end the practice of labeling a school and its students as failures and then throwing our hands up and walking away from them without having provided the resources and supports these students need. But this alone is not an education policy. It's just a starting point. We will work with our nation's governors and educators to create and use assessments that will improve student learning and success in school districts all across America by including the kinds of critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills that our children will need. We will address the dropout crisis by investing in intervention strategies in middle schools and high schools and we will invest in after-school programs, summer school, alternative education programs, and youth jobs.\nWe will promote innovation within our public schools–because research shows that resources alone will not create the schools that we need to help our children succeed. We need to adapt curricula and the school calendar to the needs of the 21st Century; reform the schools of education that produce most of our teachers; promote public charter schools that are accountable; and streamline the certification process for those with valuable skills who want to shift careers and teach.\nWe will also meet our commitment to special education and to students who are English Language Learners. We support full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. We also support transitional bilingual education and will help Limited English Proficient students get ahead by supporting and funding English Language Learner classes. We support teaching students second languages, as well as contributing through education to the revitalization of American Indian languages.\nWe know that there is no program and no policy that can substitute for parents who are involved in their children's education from day one–who make sure their children are in school on time, help them with their homework, and attend those parent-teacher conferences; who are willing to turn off the TV once in a while, put away the video games, and read to their children. Responsibility for our children's education has to start at home. We have to set high standards for them, and spend time with them, and love them. We have to hold ourselves accountable.\nHigher Education\nWe believe that our universities, community colleges, and other institutions of higher learning must foster among their graduates the skills needed to enhance economic competitiveness. We will work with institutions of higher learning to produce highly skilled graduates in science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines who will become innovative workers prepared for the 21st Century economy.\nAt community colleges and training programs across the country, we will invest in short-term accelerated training and technical certifications for the unemployed and under-employed to speed their transition to careers in high-demand occupations and emerging industries. We will reward successful community colleges with grants so they can continue their good work. We support education delivery that makes it possible for non-traditional students to receive support and encouragement to obtain a college education, including Internet, distance education, and night and weekend programs.\nWe must also invest in training and education to prepare incumbent job-holders with skills to meet the rigors of the new economic environment and provide them access to the broad knowledge and concrete tools offered by apprenticeships, internships, and postsecondary education. We need to fully fund joint labor-management apprenticeship programs and reinvigorate our industrial crafts programs to train the next generation of skilled American craft workers.\nWe recognize the special value and importance of our Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other minority serving institutions in meeting the needs of our increasingly diverse society and will work to ensure their viability and growth.\nWe will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit to ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans. In exchange for the credit, students will be expected to perform community service. We will continue to support programs, especially the Pell Grant program, that open the doors of college opportunity to low-income Americans. We will enable families to apply for financial aid simply by checking a box on their tax form.\nOur institutions of higher education are also the economic engines of today and tomorrow. We will partner with them to translate new ideas into innovative products, processes and services.\nScience, Technology and Innovation\nAmerica has long led the world in innovation. But this Administration's hostility to science has taken a toll. At a time when technology helps shape our future, we devote a smaller and smaller share of our national resources to research and development.\nIt is time again to lead. We took a critical step with the America Competes Act and we will start by implementing that Act —then we will do more. We will make science, technology, engineering, and math education a national priority. We will double federal funding for basic research, invest in a strong and inspirational vision for space exploration, and make the Research and Development Tax Credit permanent. We will invest in the next generation of transformative energy technologies and health IT and we will renew the defense R&D system. We will lift the current Administration's ban on using federal funding for embryonic stem cells– cells that would have otherwise have been discarded and lost forever–for research that could save lives. We will ensure that our patent laws protect legitimate rights while not stifling innovation and creativity. We will end the Bush Administration's war on science, restore scientific integrity, and return to evidence-based decision-making.\nIn sum, we will strengthen our system, treat science and technology as crucial investments, and use these forces to ensure a future of economic leadership, health well-being and national security.\nWe will invest in American jobs and finally end the tax breaks that ship jobs overseas. We will create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to provide for our next generation of innovators and job creators; we will expand the Manufacturing Extension Partnerships and create new job training programs for clean technologies. We will bring together government, private industry, workers, and academia to turn around the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy and provide assistance to automakers and parts companies to encourage retooling of facilities in this country to produce advanced technology vehicles and their key components. We will support efforts like the recently proposed Senate Appropriations measure that gives manufacturers access to low-interest loans to help convert factories to build more fuel-efficient vehicles. And we will invest in a clean energy economy to create up to five million new green-collar jobs.\nOur manufacturing communities need immediate relief. And we will help states and localities whose budgets are strained in times of need. We will modernize and expand Trade Adjustment Assistance. We will help workers build a safety net, with health care, retirement security, and a way to stay out of crippling debt. We will partner with community colleges and other higher education institutions, so that we're training workers to meet the demands of local industry, including environmentally-friendly technology.\nCreating New Jobs by Rebuilding American Infrastructure\nA century ago, Teddy Roosevelt called together leaders from business and government to develop a plan for the next century's infrastructure. It falls to us to do the same. Right now, we are spending less than at any time in recent history and far less than our international competitors on this critical component of our nation's strength. We will start a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank that can leverage private investment in infrastructure improvements, and create nearly two million new good jobs. We will undertake projects that maximize our safety and security and ability to compete, which we will fund as we bring the war in Iraq to a responsible close. We will modernize our power grid, which will help conservation and spur the development and distribution of clean energy. We need a national transportation policy, including high-speed rail and light rail. We can invest in our bridges, roads, and public transportation so that people have choices in how they get to work. We will ensure every American has access to highspeed broadband and we will take on special interests in order to unleash the power of the wireless spectrum.\nA Connected America\nIn the 21st Century, our world is more intertwined than at any time in human history. This new connectedness presents us with untold opportunities for innovation, but also new challenges. We will protect the Internet's traditional openness and ensure that it remains a dynamic platform for free speech, innovation, and creativity. We will implement a national broadband strategy (especially in rural areas, and our reservations and territories) that enables every American household, school, library, and hospital to connect to a world-class communications infrastructure. We will rededicate our nation to ensuring that all Americans have access to broadband and the skills to use it effectively. In an increasingly technology-rich, knowledge-based economy, we understand that connectivity is a key part of the solution to many of our most important challenges: job creation, economic growth, energy, health care, and education. We will establish a Chief Technology Officer for the nation, to ensure we use technology to enhance the functioning, transparency, and expertise of government, including establishing a national interoperable public safety communications network to help first responders at the local, state and national level communicate with one another during a crisis.\nWe will toughen penalties, increase enforcement resources, and spur private sector cooperation with law enforcement to identify and prosecute those who exploit the Internet to try to harm children. We will encourage more educational content on the Web and in our media. We will give parents the tools and information they need to manage what their children see on television and the Internet – in ways fully consistent with the First Amendment. We will strengthen privacy protections in the digital age and will harness the power of technology to hold government and business accountable for violations of personal privacy. We will encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum.\nSupport Small Business and Entrepreneurship\nEncouraging new industry and creating jobs means giving more support to American entrepreneurs. We will exempt all start-up companies from capital gains taxes and provide them a tax credit for health insurance. We will provide a new tax credit for small businesses that offer quality health insurance to their employees. We will help small businesses facing high energy costs. We will work to remove bureaucratic barriers for small and start-up businesses–for example, by making the patent process more efficient and reliable. Our Small Business Administration will recognize the importance of small business to women, people of color, tribes, and rural America and will work to help nurture entrepreneurship. We will create a national network of public-private business incubators and technical support.\nReal Leadership for Rural America\nRural America is home to 60 million Americans. The agricultural sector is critical to the rural economy and to all Americans. We depend on those in agriculture to produce the food, feed, fiber, and fuel that support our society. Thankfully, American farmers possess an unrivaled capacity to produce an abundance of these high-quality products.\nIn return, we will provide a strong safety net for family farms, a permanent disaster relief program, expansion of agriculture research, and an emphasis on agricultural trade. We will promote economic development in rural and tribal communities by investing in renewable energy, which will transform the rural economy and create millions of new jobs, by upgrading technological and physical infrastructure, by addressing the challenges faced by public schools in rural areas, including forest county schools, supporting higher education opportunities and by attracting quality teachers, doctors and nurses through loan forgiveness programs and other incentive programs. All Americans, urban and rural, hold a shared interest in preserving and increasing the economic vitality of family farms. We will continue to develop and advance policies that promote sustainable and local agriculture, including funding for soil and water conservation programs.\nEconomic Stewardship\nSince the time of our Founders, we have struggled to balance the same forces that confronted Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson–self-interest and community; markets and democracy; the concentration of wealth and power, and the necessity of transparency and opportunity for each and every American. Throughout our history, Americans have pursued their dreams within a free market that has been the engine of America's progress. It's a market that has created a prosperity that is the envy of the world, and opportunity for generations of Americans. A market that has provided great rewards to the innovators and risk-takers who have made America a beacon for science, technology, and discovery.\nBut the American experiment has worked in large part because we have guided the market's invisible hand with a higher principle. Our free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it. That is why we have put in place rules of the road to make competition fair, open, and honest. We have done this not to stifle–but rather to advance – prosperity and liberty.\nIn this time of economic transformation and crisis, we must be stewards of this economy more than ever before. We will maintain fiscal responsibility, so that we do not mortgage our children's future on a mountain of debt. We can do this at the same time that we invest in our future. We will restore fairness and responsibility to our tax code. We will bring balance back to the housing markets, so that people do not have to lose their homes. And we will encourage personal savings, so that our economy remains strong and Americans can live well in their retirements.\nRestoring Fairness to Our Tax Code\nWe must reform our tax code. It's thousands of pages long, a monstrosity that high-priced lobbyists have rigged with page after page of special interest loopholes and tax shelters. We will shut down the corporate loopholes and tax havens and use the money so that we can provide an immediate middle-class tax cut that will offer relief to workers and their families. We'll eliminate federal income taxes for millions of retirees, because all seniors deserve to live out their lives with dignity and respect. We will not increase taxes on any family earning under $250,000 and we will offer additional tax cuts for middle class families. For families making more than $250,000, we'll ask them to give back a portion of the Bush tax cuts to invest in health care and other key priorities. We will end the penalty within the current Social Security system for public service that exists in several states. We will expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, and dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans can do their taxes in less than five minutes.\nHousing\nThe housing crisis has been devastating for many Americans. Minorities have been hit particularly hard—in 2006, more than 40 percent of the home loans made to Hispanic borrowers were subprime, while more than half of those made to African Americans were subprime. We will ensure that the foreclosure prevention program enacted by Congress is implemented quickly and effectively so that at-risk homeowners can get help and hopefully stay in their homes. We will work to reform bankruptcy laws to restore balance between lender and homeowner rights. Because we have an obligation to prevent this crisis from recurring in the future, we will crack down on fraudulent brokers and lenders and invest in financial literacy. We will pass a Homebuyers Bill of Rights, which will include establishing new lending standards to ensure that loans are affordable and fair, provide adequate remedies to make sure the standards are met, and ensure that homeowners have accurate and complete information about their mortgage options. We will support affordable rental housing, which is now more critical than ever. We will implement the newly created Affordable Housing Trust Fund to ensure that it can start to support the development and preservation of affordable housing in mixed-income neighborhoods throughout the country, restore cuts to public housing operating subsidies, and fully fund the Community Development Block Grant program. We will work with local jurisdictions on the problem of vacant and abandoned housing in our communities. We will work to end housing discrimination and to ensure equal housing opportunity. We will combat homelessness and target homelessness among veterans in particular by expanding proven programs and launching innovative preventive services.\nReforming Financial Regulation and Corporate Governance\nWe have failed to guard against practices that all too often rewarded financial manipulation instead of productivity and sound business practices. We have let the special interests put their thumbs on the economic scales. We do not believe that government should stand in the way of innovation, or turn back the clock to an older era of regulation. But we do believe that government has a role to play in advancing our common prosperity: by providing stable macroeconomic and financial conditions for sustained growth; by demanding transparency; and by ensuring fair competition in the marketplace. We will reform and modernize our regulatory structures and will work to promote a shift in the cultures of our financial institutions and our regulatory agencies. We will ensure shareholders have an advisory vote on executive compensation, in order to spur increased transparency and public debate over pay packages. To make our communities stronger and more livable, and to meet the challenges of increasing global competitiveness, America will lead innovation in corporate responsibility to create jobs and leverage our private sector entrepreneurial leadership to help build a better world.\nConsumer Protection\nWe will establish a Credit Card Bill of Rights to protect consumers and a Credit Card Rating System to improve disclosure. Americans need to pay what they owe, but they should pay what's fair. We'll reform our bankruptcy laws to give Americans in debt a second chance. If people can demonstrate that they went bankrupt because of medical expenses, they will be able to relieve that debt and get back on their feet. We will ban executive bonuses for bankrupt companies. We will crack down on predatory lenders and make it easier for low-income families to buy homes. We will require all non-home-based child care facilities to be lead-safe within five years. We must guarantee that consumer products coming in from other countries are truly safe, and will call on the Federal Trade Commission to ensure vulnerable consumer populations, such as seniors, are addressed.\nSavings\nThe personal saving rate is at its lowest since the Great Depression. Currently, 75 million working Americans—roughly half the workforce—lack employer-based retirement plans. That's why we will create automatic workplace pensions. People can add to their pension, or can opt out at any time; the savings account will be easily transferred between jobs; and people can control it themselves if they become self-employed. We will ensure savings incentives are fair to all workers by matching half of the initial $1000 of savings for families that need help; and employers will have an easy opportunity to match employee savings. We believe this program will increase the saving participation rate for low- and middle-income workers from its current 15 percent to 80 percent. We support good pensions, and will adopt measures to preserve and protect existing public and private pension plans. We will require that employees who have company pensions receive annual disclosures about their pension fund's investments. This will put a secure retirement within reach for millions of working families.\nSmart, Strong, and Fair Trade Policies\nWe believe that trade should strengthen the American economy and create more American jobs, while also laying a foundation for democratic, equitable, and sustainable growth around the world. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development, but we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few rather than the many. We must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably.\nTrade policy must be an integral part of an overall national economic strategy that delivers on the promise of good jobs at home and shared prosperity abroad. We will enforce trade laws and safeguard our workers, businesses, and farmers from unfair trade practices–including currency manipulation, lax consumer standards, illegal subsidies, and violations of workers' rights and environmental standards. We must also show leadership at the World Trade Organization to improve transparency and accountability, and to ensure it acts effectively to stop countries from continuing unfair government subsidies to foreign exporters and non-tariff barriers on U.S. exports.\nWe need tougher negotiators on our side of the table–to strike bargains that are good not just for Wall Street, but also for Main Street. We will negotiate bilateral trade agreements that open markets to U.S. exports and include enforceable international labor and environmental standards; we pledge to enforce those standards consistently and fairly. We will not negotiate bilateral trade agreements that stop the government from protecting the environment, food safety, or the health of its citizens; give greater rights to foreign investors than to U.S. investors; require the privatization of our vital public services; or prevent developing country governments from adopting humanitarian licensing policies to improve access to life-saving medications. We will stand firm against bilateral agreements that fail to live up to these important benchmarks, and will strive to achieve them in the multilateral framework. We will work with Canada and Mexico to amend the North American Free Trade Agreement so that it works better for all three North American countries. We will work together with other countries to achieve a successful completion of the Doha Round Agreement that would increase U.S. exports, support good jobs in America, protect worker rights and the environment, benefit our businesses and our farms, strengthen the rules-based multilateral system, and advance development of the world's poorest countries.\nJust as important, we will invest in a world-class infrastructure, skilled workforce, and cutting-edge technology so that we can compete successfully on high-value-added products, not sweatshop wages and conditions. We will end tax breaks for companies that ship American jobs overseas, and provide incentives for companies that keep and maintain good jobs here in the United States. We will also provide access to affordable health insurance and enhance retirement security, and we will update and expand Trade Adjustment Assistance to help workers in industries vulnerable to international competition, as well as service sector and public sector workers impacted by trade, and we will improve TAA's health care benefits. The United States should renew its own commitment to respect for workers' fundamental human rights, and at the same time strengthen the ILO's ability to promote workers' rights abroad through technical assistance and capacity building.\nFiscal Responsibility\nOur agenda is ambitious–particularly in light of the current Administration's policies that have run up the national debt to over $4 trillion. Just as America cannot afford to continue to run up huge deficits, so too can we not afford to short-change investments. The key is to make the tough choices, in particular enforcing pay-as-you-go budgeting rules. We will honor these rules by our plan to end the Iraq war responsibly, eliminate waste in existing government programs, generate revenue by charging polluters for the greenhouse gases they are releasing, and put an end to the reckless, special interest driven corporate loopholes and tax cuts for the wealthy that have been the centerpiece of the Bush Administration's economic policy. We will not raise taxes on people making less than $250,000, and we will eliminate federal income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000. We recognize that Social Security is not in crisis and we should do everything we can to strengthen this vital program, including asking those making over $250,000 to pay a bit more. The real long-run fiscal challenge is rooted in the rising spending on health care, but we cannot address this in a way that puts our most vulnerable families in jeopardy. Instead, we must strengthen our public programs by bringing down the cost of health care and reducing waste while making strategic investments that emphasize quality, efficiency, and prevention. In the name of our children, we reject the proposals of those who want to continue George Bush's disastrous economic policies.\nII. Renewing American Leadership\nAt moments of great peril in the last century, American leaders such as Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and John F. Kennedy managed both to protect the American people and to expand opportunity for the next generation. They ensured that America, by deed and example, led and lifted the world–that we stood for and fought for the freedoms sought by billions of people beyond our borders. They used our strengths to show people everywhere America at its best. Just as John Kennedy said that after Hoover we needed Franklin Roosevelt, so too after our experience of the last eight years we need Barack Obama.\nToday, we are again called to provide visionary leadership. This century's threats are at least as dangerous as, and in some ways more complex than, those we have confronted in the past. They come from weapons that can kill on a mass scale and from violent extremists who exploit alienation and perceived injustice to spread terror. They come from rogue states allied to terrorists and from rising powers that could challenge both America and the international foundation of liberal democracy. They come from weak states that cannot control their territory or provide for their people. They come from an addiction to oil that helps fund the extremism we must fight and empowers repressive regimes. And they come from a warming planet that will spur new diseases, spawn more devastating natural disasters, and catalyze deadly conflicts.\nWe will confront these threats head on while working with our allies and restoring our standing in the world. We will pursue a tough, smart, and principled national security strategy. It is a strategy that recognizes that we have interests not just in Baghdad, but in Kandahar and Karachi, in Beijing, Berlin, Brasilia and Bamako. It is a strategy that contends with the many disparate forces shaping this century, including: the fundamentalist challenge to freedom; the emergence of new powers like China, India, Russia, and a united Europe; the spread of lethal weapons; uncertain supplies of energy, food, and water; the persistence of poverty and the growing gap between rich and poor; and extraordinary new technologies that send people, ideas, and money across the globe at ever faster speeds.\nBarack Obama will focus this strategy on seven goals: (i) ending the war in Iraq responsibly; (ii) defeating Al Qaeda and combating violent extremism; (iii) securing nuclear weapons and materials from terrorists; (iv) revitalizing and supporting our military; (v) renewing our partnerships to promote our common security; (vi) advancing democracy and development; and (vii) protecting our planet by achieving energy security and combating climate change.\nEnding the War in Iraq\nTo renew American leadership in the world, we must first bring the Iraq war to a responsible end. Our men and women in uniform have performed admirably while sacrificing immeasurably. Our civilian leaders have failed them. Iraq was a diversion from the fight against the terrorists who struck us on 9-11, and incompetent prosecution of the war by civilian leaders compounded the strategic blunder of choosing to wage it in the first place.\nWe will re-center American foreign policy by responsibly redeploying our combat forces from Iraq and refocusing them on urgent missions. We will give our military a new mission: ending this war and giving Iraq back to its people. We will be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in. We can safely remove our combat brigades at the pace of one to two per month and expect to complete redeployment within sixteen months. After this redeployment, we will keep a residual force in Iraq to perform specific missions: targeting terrorists; protecting our embassy and civil personnel; and advising and supporting Iraq's Security Forces, provided the Iraqis make political progress.\nAt the same time, we will provide generous assistance to Iraqi refugees and internally displaced persons. We will launch a comprehensive regional and international diplomatic surge to help broker a lasting political settlement in Iraq, which is the only path to a sustainable peace. We will make clear that we seek no permanent bases in Iraq. We will encourage Iraq's government to devote its oil revenues and budget surplus to reconstruction and development. This is the future the American people want. This is the future that Iraqis want. This is what our common interests demand.\nDefeating Al Qaeda and Combating Terrorism\nThe central front in the war on terror is not Iraq, and it never was. We will defeat Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where those who actually attacked us on 9-11 reside and are resurgent.\nWin in Afghanistan\nOur troops are performing heroically in Afghanistan, but as countless military commanders and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff acknowledge, we lack the resources to finish the job because of our commitment to Iraq. We will finally make the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban the top priority that it should be.\nWe will send at least two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan, and use this commitment to seek greater contributions–with fewer restrictions–from our NATO allies. We will focus on building up our special forces and intelligence capacity, training, equipping and advising Afghan security forces, building Afghan governmental capacity, and promoting the rule of law. We will bolster our State Department's Provincial Reconstruction Teams and our other government agencies helping the Afghan people. We will help Afghans educate their children, including their girls, provide basic human services to their population, and grow their economy from the bottom up, with an additional $1 billion in non-military assistance each year–including investments in alternative livelihoods to poppy-growing for Afghan farmers–just as we crack down on trafficking and corruption. Afghanistan must not be lost to a future of narco-terrorism–or become again a haven for terrorists.\nThe greatest threat to the security of the Afghan people–and the American people–lies in the tribal regions of Pakistan, where terrorists train, plot attacks, and strike into Afghanistan and move back across the border. We cannot tolerate a sanctuary for Al Qaeda. We need a stronger and sustained partnership between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and NATO–including necessary assets like satellites and predator drones–to better secure the border, to take out terrorist camps, and to crack down on cross-border insurgents. We must help Pakistan develop its own counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency capacity. We will invest in the long-term development of the Pashtun border region, so that the extremists' program of hate is met with an agenda of hope.\nWe will ask more of the Pakistani government, rather than offer a blank check to an undemocratic President. We will significantly increase non-military aid to the Pakistani people and sustain it for a decade, while ensuring that the military assistance we provide is actually used to fight extremists. We must move beyond an alliance built on individual leaders, or we will face mounting opposition in a nuclear-armed nation at the nexus of terror, extremism, and the instability wrought by autocracy.\nCombat Terrorism\nBeyond Afghanistan and Pakistan, we must forge a more effective global response to terrorism. There must be no safe haven for those who plot to kill Americans. We need a comprehensive strategy to defeat global terrorists–one that draws on the full range of American power, including but not limited to our military might. We will create a properly resourced Shared Security Partnership to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation with countries around the world, including through information sharing as well as funding for training, operations, border security, anti-corruption programs, technology, and targeting terrorist financing.\nWe will pursue policies to undermine extremism, recognizing that this contest is also between two competing ideas and visions of the future. A crucial debate is occurring within Islam. The vast majority of Muslims believe in a future of peace, tolerance, development, and democratization. A small minority embrace a rigid and violent intolerance of personal liberty and the world at large. To empower forces of moderation, America must live up to our values, respect civil liberties, reject torture, and lead by example. We will make every effort to export hope and opportunity–access to education, that opens minds to tolerance, not extremism; secure food and water supplies; and health care, trade, capital, and investment. We will provide steady support for political reformers, democratic institutions, and civil society that is necessary to uphold human rights and build respect for the rule of law.\nSecure the Homeland\nHere at home, we will strengthen our security and protect the critical infrastructure on which the entire world depends. We will fully fund and implement the recommendations of the bipartisan 9-11 Commission. We will spend homeland security dollars on the basis of risk. This means investing more resources to defend mass transit, closing the gaps in our aviation security by screening all cargo on passenger airliners and checking all passengers against a reliable and comprehensive watch list, and upgrading plant security and port security by ensuring that cargo is screened for radiation. To ensure that resources are targeted, we will establish a Quadrennial Review at the Department of Homeland Security to undertake a top to bottom assessment of the threats we face and our ability to confront them. And we will develop a comprehensive National Infrastructure Protection Plan that draws on both local know-how and national priorities. We will ensure direct coordination with state, local, and tribal jurisdictions so that first responders are always resourced and prepared.\nPursue Intelligence Reform\nTo succeed, our homeland security and counter-terrorism actions must be linked to an intelligence community that deals effectively with the threats we face. Today, we rely largely on the same institutions and practices that were in place before 9-11. Barack Obama will depoliticize intelligence by appointing a Director of National Intelligence with a fixed term, create a bipartisan Consultative Group of congressional leaders on national security, and establish a National Declassification Center to ensure openness. To keep pace with highly adaptable enemies, we need technologies and practices that enable us to efficiently collect and share information within and across our intelligence agencies. We must invest still more in human intelligence and deploy additional trained operatives with specialized knowledge of local cultures and languages. And we will institutionalize the practice of developing competitive assessments of critical threats and strengthen our methodologies of analysis.\nPreventing the Spread and Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction\nWe will urgently seek to reduce dramatically the risks from three potentially catastrophic threats: nuclear weapons, biological attacks, and cyber warfare. In an age of terrorism, these dangers take on new dimensions. Nuclear, biological, and cyber attacks all pose the potential for large-scale damage and destruction to our people, to our economy and to our way of life. The capacity to inflict such damage is spreading not only to other countries, but also potentially to terrorist groups.\nA World Without Nuclear Weapons\nAmerica will seek a world with no nuclear weapons and take concrete actions to move in this direction. We face the growing threat of terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons or the materials to make them, as more countries seek nuclear weapons and nuclear materials remain unsecured in too many places. As George Shultz, Bill Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn have warned, current measures are not adequate to address these dangers. We will maintain a strong and reliable deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist, but America will be safer in a world that is reducing reliance on nuclear weapons and ultimately eliminates all of them. We will make the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons worldwide a central element of U.S. nuclear weapons policy.\nWe will work with other nations to secure, eliminate, and stop the spread of nuclear weapons and materials to dramatically reduce the dangers to our nation and the world. There are nuclear weapons materials in 40 countries, and we will lead a global effort to work with other countries to secure all nuclear weapons material at vulnerable sites within four years. We will work with nations to increase security for nuclear weapons. We will convene a summit in 2009 (and regularly thereafter) of leaders of Permanent Members of the U.N. Security Council and other key countries to agree on implementing many of these measures on a global basis.\nEnd the Production of Fissile Material\nWe will negotiate a verifiable global ban on the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons. We will work to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons technology so that countries cannot build–or come to the brink of building–a weapons program under the guise of developing peaceful nuclear power. We will seek to double the International Atomic Energy Agency's budget, support the creation of an IAEA-controlled nuclear fuel bank to guarantee fuel supply to countries that do not build enrichment facilities, and work to strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.\nEnd Cold War Nuclear Postures\nTo enhance our security and help meet our commitments under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, we will seek deep, verifiable reductions in United States and Russian nuclear weapons and work with other nuclear powers to reduce global stockpiles dramatically. We will work with Russia to take as many weapons as possible off Cold War, quick-launch status, and extend key provisions of the START Treaty, including its essential monitoring and verification requirements. We will not develop new nuclear weapons, and will work to create a bipartisan consensus to support ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which will strengthen the NPT and aid international monitoring of nuclear activities.\nPrevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons\nThe world must prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That starts with tougher sanctions and aggressive, principled, and direct high-level diplomacy, without preconditions. We will pursue this strengthened diplomacy alongside our European allies, and with no illusions about the Iranian regime. We will present Iran with a clear choice: if you abandon your nuclear weapons program, support for terror, and threats to Israel, you will receive meaningful incentives; so long as you refuse, the United States and the international community will further ratchet up the pressure, with stronger unilateral sanctions; stronger multilateral sanctions inside and outside the U.N. Security Council, and sustained action to isolate the Iranian regime. The Iranian people and the international community must know that it is Iran, not the United States, choosing isolation over cooperation. By going the extra diplomatic mile, while keeping all options on the table, we make it more likely the rest of the world will stand with us to increase pressure on Iran, if diplomacy is failing.\nDe-Nuclearize North Korea\nWe support the belated diplomatic effort to secure a verifiable end to North Korea's nuclear weapons program and to fully account for and secure any fissile material or weapons North Korea has produced to date. We will continue direct diplomacy and are committed to working with our partners through the six-party talks to ensure that all agreements are fully implemented in the effort to achieve a verifiably nuclear-free Korean peninsula.\nBiological and Chemical Weapons\nWe will strengthen U.S. intelligence collection overseas to identify and interdict would-be bioterrorists before they strike. We will also build greater capacity to mitigate the consequences of bio-terror attacks, ensuring that the federal government does all it can to get citizens the information and resources they need to help protect themselves and their families. We will accelerate the development of new medicines, vaccines, and production capabilities, and lead an international effort to detect and diminish the impact of major infectious disease epidemics. And we will fully fund our contribution to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and work to ensure that remaining stockpiles of chemical weapons are destroyed swiftly, safely, and securely.\nStronger Cyber-Security\nWe will work with private industry, the research community and our citizens, to build a trustworthy and accountable cyber-infrastructure that is resilient, protects America's competitive advantage, and advances our national and homeland security.\nRevitalizing and Supporting the Military, Keeping Faith With Veterans\nTo renew American leadership in the world, we must revitalize our military. A strong military is, more than anything, necessary to sustain peace.\nEnding the war in Iraq will be the beginning, but not the end, of addressing our defense challenges. We will use this moment both to rebuild our military and to prepare it for the missions of the future. We must retain the capacity to swiftly defeat any conventional threat to our country and our vital interests. But we must also become better prepared to take on foes that fight asymmetrical and highly adaptive campaigns on a global scale.\nWe will not hesitate to use force to protect the American people or our vital interests whenever we are attacked or imminently threatened. But we will use our armed forces wisely, with others when we can, unilaterally when we must. When we send our men and women into harm's way, we must clearly define the mission, listen to the advice of our military commanders, objectively evaluate intelligence, and ensure that our troops have the strategy, resources, and support they need to prevail.\nWe believe we must also be willing to consider using military force in circumstances beyond self-defense in order to provide for the common security that underpins global stability–to support friends, participate in stability and reconstruction operations, or confront mass atrocities. But when we do use force in situations other than self-defense, we should make every effort to garner the clear support and participation of others. The consequences of forgetting that lesson in the context of the current conflict in Iraq have been grave.\nExpand the Armed Forces\nWe support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 troops and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.\nRecruit and Retain\nA nation of 300 million people should not struggle to find additional qualified personnel to serve. Recruitment and retention problems have been swept under the rug, including by applying inconsistent standards and using the \"Stop Loss\" program to keep our servicemen and women in the force after their enlistment has expired. We will reach out to youth, as well as to the parents, teachers, coaches, and community and religious leaders who influence them, and make it an imperative to restore the ethic of public service, whether it be serving their local communities in such roles as teachers or first responders, or serving in the military and reserve forces or diplomatic corps that keep our nation free and safe.\nRebuild the Military for 21st-Century Tasks\nWe will rebuild our armed forces to meet the full spectrum needs of the new century. We will strongly support efforts to: build up our special operations forces, civil affairs, information operations, engineers, foreign area officers, and other units and capabilities that remain in chronic short supply; invest in foreign language training, cultural awareness, human intelligence, and other needed counter-insurgency and stabilization skill sets; and create a specialized military advisor corps, which will enable us to better build up local allies' capacities to take on mutual threats. We also will ensure that military personnel have sufficient training time before they are sent into battle. This is not the case at the moment, when American forces are being rushed to Iraq and Afghanistan, often with less individual and unit training than is required.\nDevelop Civilian Capacity to Promote Global Stability and Improve Emergency Response\nWe will build the capacity of U.S. civilian agencies to deploy personnel and area experts where they are needed, so that we no longer have to ask our men and women in uniform to perform non-military functions. The creation of a volunteer Civilian Assistance Corps of skilled experts (e.g., doctors, lawyers, engineers, city planners, agriculture specialists, police) who are pre-trained and willing to aid in emergencies will involve more Americans in public service and provide our nation with a pool of talent to assist America in times of need at home and abroad.\nDo Right by Our Veterans and Their Families\nWe believe that every servicemember is a hero who deserves our respect and gratitude, not just on Veterans Day or Memorial Day, but every day. When they put on their uniforms, these servicemembers all become all of our daughters and all of our sons, and it is time we started treating them as such. As the shameful events at Walter Reed hospital and the recent reports on growing numbers of homeless and unemployed veterans show, this Administration that has asked so much of them has not repaid their sacrifice.\nWe will build a 21st century Department of Veterans Affairs that reflects the reality of America's all volunteer military and has the resources, without returning every year to fight the same battles, to uphold America's sacred trust with our veterans. We will make sure that members of our Armed Forces have a fair shot at the American Dream by implementing the new GI Bill. We will ensure that every veteran has access to quality health care for injuries both physical and mental, and we will require that health professionals screen all servicemembers upon their return from combat. We will aggressively address Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. We will work to ensure that every veteran receives the benefits he or she has earned and the assistance he or she needs by making the disability benefits process more fair, efficient, and equitable. We will dramatically reduce the backlog of disability claims. We will combat homelessness, unemployment, and underemployment among veterans and improve the transition for servicemen between the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. We will continue to honor our promises to all veterans, including the Filipino veterans, especially with regards to citizenship and family reunification.\nLift Burdens on Our Troops and Their Families\nWe must better support those families of whom we are asking so much. We will create a Military Families Advisory Board to help identify and develop practical policies to ease the burden on spouses and families.\nWe will protect our military families from losing their homes to foreclosure. We will work for pay parity so that compensation for military service is more in line with that of the private sector. We will end the stop-loss and reserve recall policies that allow an individual to be forced to remain on active duty well after his or her enlistment has expired, and we will establish regularity in deployments so that active duty and reserve troops know what they must expect and their families can plan for it.\nSupport the Readiness of the Guard and Reserve\nDemocrats will provide the National Guard with the equipment it needs for foreign and domestic emergencies and provide time and support to restore and refit between deployments. We will also ensure that reservists and Guard members are treated fairly when it comes to employment, health, education benefits, deployment, and reintegration. We will do this by adequately funding reintegration programs to assist returning service members and by enforcing the Service Members Civil Relief Act and the Uniformed Service Employment Rights and Readjustment Act, laws too often observed in the breach today. To ensure that the concerns of our citizen soldiers reach the level they mandate, Democrats will elevate the Chief of the National Guard to be a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.\nAllow All Americans to Serve\nWe will also put national security above divisive politics. More than 12,500 service men and women have been discharged on the basis of sexual orientation since the \"Don't Ask, Don't Tell\" policy was implemented, at a cost of over $360 million. Many of those forced out had special skills in high demand, such as translators, engineers, and pilots. At a time when the military is having a tough time recruiting and retaining troops, it is wrong to deny our country the service of brave, qualified people. We support the repeal of \"Don't Ask Don't Tell\" and the implementation of policies to allow qualified men and women to serve openly regardless of sexual orientation\nReform Contracting Practices and Make Contractors Accountable\nWe believe taxpayer dollars should be spent to invest in our fighting men and women, not to fatten the pockets of private companies. We will instruct the Defense and State Departments to develop a strategy for determining when contracting makes sense, and when certain functions are \"inherently governmental\" and should not be contracted out. We will establish the legal status of contractor personnel, making possible prosecution of any abuses committed by private military contractors, and create a system of improved oversight and management, so that government can restore honesty, openness, and efficiency to contracting and procurement.\nWorking for Our Common Security\nTo renew American leadership in the world, we will rebuild the alliances, partnerships, and institutions necessary to confront common threats and enhance common security. Needed reform of these alliances and institutions will not come by bullying other countries to ratify American demands. It will come when we convince other governments and peoples that they too have a stake in effective partnerships. It is only leadership if others join America in working toward our common security.\nToo often, in recent years, we have sent the opposite signal to our international partners. In the case of Europe, we dismissed European reservations about the wisdom and necessity of the Iraq war and their concerns about climate change. In Asia, we belittled South Korean efforts to improve relations with the North. In Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina, we failed to address concerns about immigration and equity and economic growth. In Africa, we have allowed genocide to persist for over five years in Darfur and have not done nearly enough to answer the United Nation's call for more support to stop the killing. Under Barack Obama, we will rebuild our ties to our allies in Europe and Asia and strengthen our partnerships throughout the Americas and Africa.\nU.S. engagement with Africa should reflect its vital significance to the U.S. as well as its emerging role in the global economy. We recognize Africa's promise as a trade and investment partner and the importance of policies that can contribute to sustainable economic growth, job creation, and poverty alleviation. We are committed to bringing the full weight of American leadership to bear in unlocking the spirit of entrepreneurship and economic independence that is sweeping across markets of Africa.\nWe believe that sustainable economic growth and development will mitigate and even help to reverse such chronic and debilitating challenges as poverty, hunger, conflict, and HIV/AIDS. We are committed to bringing the full weight of American leadership to bear to work in partnership with Africa to confront these crises. We will work with the United Nations and Africa's regional organizations to prevent and resolve conflict and to build the capacity of Africa's weak and failing states. We must respond effectively when there is a humanitarian crisis–particularly at this moment in Sudan where genocide persists in Darfur and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement is threatened.\nMany African countries have embraced democratization and economic liberalization. We will help strengthen Africa's democratic development and respect for human rights, while encouraging political and economic reforms that result in improved transparency and accountability. We will defend democracy and stand up for rule of law when it is under assault, such as in Zimbabwe.\nRecommit to an Alliance of the Americas\nWe recognize that the security and prosperity of the United States is fundamentally tied to the future of the Americas. We believe that in the 21st Century, the U.S. must treat Latin America and the Caribbean as full partners, just as our neighbors to the south should reject the bombast of authoritarian bullies. Our relationship with Canada, our long-time ally, should be strengthened and enhanced. An alliance of the Americas will only succeed if it is founded on the bedrock of mutual respect and works to advance democracy, opportunity, and security from the bottom-up. We must turn the page on the arrogance in Washington and the anti-Americanism across the region that stands in the way of progress. We must work with close partners like Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia on issues like ending the drug trade, fighting poverty and inequality, and immigration. We must work with the Caribbean community to help restore stability and the rule of law to Haiti, to improve the lives of its people, and to strengthen its democracy. And we must build ties to the people of Cuba and help advance their liberty by allowing unlimited family visits and remittances to the island, while presenting the Cuban regime with a clear choice: if it takes significant steps toward democracy, beginning with the unconditional release of all political prisoners, we will be prepared to take steps to begin normalizing relations.\nLead in Asia\nWe are committed to U.S. engagement in Asia. This begins with maintaining strong relationships with allies like Japan, Australia, South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines, and deepening our ties to vital democratic partners, like India, in order to create a stable and prosperous Asia. We must also forge a more effective framework in Asia that goes beyond bilateral agreements, occasional summits, and ad hoc diplomatic arrangements.\nWe need an open and inclusive infrastructure with the countries in Asia that can promote stability, prosperity, and human rights, and help confront transnational threats, from terrorist cells in the Philippines to avian flu in Indonesia. We will encourage China to play a responsible role as a growing power—to help lead in addressing the common problems of the 21st century. We are committed to a \"One China\" policy and the Taiwan Relations Act, and will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross- Straits issues that is consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan. It's time to engage China on common interests like climate change, trade, and energy, even as we continue to encourage its shift to a more open society and a market-based economy, and promote greater respect for human rights, including freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, uncensored use of the internet, and Chinese workers' right to freedom of association, as well as the rights of Tibetans.\nStrengthen Transatlantic Relations\nEurope remains America's indispensable partner. We support the historic project to build a strong European Union that can be an even stronger partner for the United States. NATO has made tremendous strides over the last fifteen years, transforming itself from a Cold War security structure into a partnership for peace. But today, NATO's challenge in Afghanistan has exposed a gap between its missions and its capabilities. To close this gap, we will invest more in NATO's mission in Afghanistan and use that investment to leverage our NATO allies to contribute more resources to collective security operations and to invest more in reconstruction and stabilization capabilities. As we promote democracy and accountability in Russia, we must work with the country in areas of common interest–above all, in making sure that nuclear weapons and materials are secure. We will insist that Russia abide by international law and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors. We are committed to active Presidential leadership in the full implementation of the Irish Good Friday Agreement and St. Andrews Accords. We will seek to strengthen and broaden our strategic partnership with Turkey, end the division of Cyprus, and continue to support a close U.S. relationship with states that seek to strengthen their ties to NATO and the West, such as Georgia and Ukraine.\nStand with Allies and Pursue Diplomacy in the Middle East\nFor more than three decades, Israelis, Palestinians, Arab leaders, and the rest of the world have looked to America to lead the effort to build the road to a secure and lasting peace. Our starting point must always be our special relationship with Israel, grounded in shared interests and shared values, and a clear, strong, fundamental commitment to the security of Israel, our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy. That commitment, which requires us to ensure that Israel retains a qualitative edge for its national security and its right to self-defense, is all the more important as we contend with growing threats in the region–a strengthened Iran, a chaotic Iraq, the resurgence of Al Qaeda, the reinvigoration of Hamas and Hezbollah. We support the implementation of the memorandum of understanding that pledges $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade to enhance and ensure its security.\nIt is in the best interests of all parties, including the United States, that we take an active role to help secure a lasting settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with a democratic, viable Palestinian state dedicated to living in peace and security side by side with the Jewish State of Israel. To do so, we must help Israel identify and strengthen those partners who are truly committed to peace, while isolating those who seek conflict and instability, and stand with Israel against those who seek its destruction. The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel's right to exist, and abides by past agreements. Sustained American leadership for peace and security will require patient efforts and the personal commitment of the President of the United States. The creation of a Palestinian state through final status negotiations, together with an international compensation mechanism, should resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees by allowing them to settle there, rather than in Israel. All understand that it is unrealistic to expect the outcome of final status negotiations to be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949. Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.\nDeepen Ties with Emerging Powers\nWe also will pursue effective collaboration on pressing global issues among all the major powers–including such newly emerging ones as China, India, Russia, Brazil, Nigeria, and South Africa. With India, we will build on the close partnership developed over the past decade. As two of the world's great, multi-ethnic democracies, the U.S. and India are natural strategic allies, and we must work together to advance our common interests and to combat the common threats of the 21st Century. We believe it is in the United States' interest that all of these emerging powers and others assume a greater stake in promoting international peace and respect for human rights, including through their more constructive participation in key global institutions.\nRevitalize Global Institutions\nTo enhance global cooperation on issues from weapons proliferation to climate change, we need stronger international institutions. We believe that the United Nations is indispensable but requires far-reaching reform. The U.N. Secretariat's management practices remain inadequate. Peacekeeping operations are overextended. The new U.N. Human Rights Council remains biased and ineffective. Yet none of these problems will be solved unless America rededicates itself to the organization and its mission. We support reforming key global institutions —such as the U.N. Security Council and the G-8—so they will be more reflective of 21st Century realities.\nAdvancing Democracy, Development, and Respect for Human Rights\nNo country in the world has benefited more from the worldwide expansion of democracy than the United States. Democracies are our best trading partners, our most valuable allies, and the nations with which we share our deepest values. The United States must join with our democratic partners around the world to meet common security challenges and uphold our shared values whenever they are threatened by autocratic practices, coups, human rights abuses, or genocide.\nBuild Democratic Institutions\nThe Democratic Party reaffirms its longstanding commitment to support democratic institutions and practices worldwide. A more democratic world is a more peaceful and prosperous place. Yet democracy cannot be imposed by force from the outside; it must be nurtured with moderates on the inside by building democratic institutions.\nThe United States must be a relentless advocate for democracy and put forward a vision of democracy that goes beyond the ballot box. We will increase our support for strong legislatures, independent judiciaries, free press, vibrant civil society, honest police forces, religious freedom, equality for women and minorities, and the rule of law. In new democracies, we will support the development of civil society and representative institutions that can protect fundamental human rights and improve the quality of life for all citizens, including independent and democratic unions. In non-democratic countries, we pledge to work with international partners to assist the efforts of those struggling to promote peaceful political reforms. Ongoing funding to the National Endowment for Democracy and other U.S. government-funded democracy programs reflects American values and serves our interests.\nInvest in Our Common Humanity\nTo renew American leadership in the world, we will strengthen our common security by investing in our common humanity. In countries wracked by poverty and conflict, citizens long to enjoy freedom from want. Because extremely poor societies and weak states provide optimal breeding grounds for terrorism, disease, and conflict, the United States has a direct national security interest in dramatically reducing global poverty and joining with our allies in sharing more of our riches to help those most in need.\nIt is time to make the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, which aim to cut extreme poverty in half by 2015, America's goals as well. We need to invest in building capable, democratic states that can establish healthy and educated communities, develop markets, and generate wealth. Such states would also have greater institutional capacities to fight terrorism, halt the spread of deadly weapons, and build health-care infrastructures to prevent, detect, and treat deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and avian flu.\nWe will double our annual investment in meeting these challenges to $50 billion by 2012 and ensure that those new resources are directed toward worthwhile goals. We will work with philanthropic organizations and the private sector to invest in development and poverty reduction. But if America is going to help others build more just and secure societies, our trade deals, debt relief, and foreign aid must not come as blank checks. We will recognize the fragility of small nations in the Caribbean, the Americas, Africa, and Asia and work with them to successfully transition to a new global economy. We will couple our support with an insistent call for reform, to combat the corruption that rots societies and governments from within. As part of this new funding, we will create a $2 billion Global Education Fund that will bring the world together in eliminating the global education deficit with the goal of supporting a free, quality, basic education for every child in the world. Education increases incomes, reduces poverty, strengthens communities, prevents the spread of disease, improves child and maternal health, and empowers women and girls. We cannot hope to shape a world where opportunity outweighs danger unless we ensure that every child everywhere is taught to build and not to destroy.\nOur policies will recognize that human rights are women's rights and that women's rights are human rights. Women make up the majority of the poor in the world. So we will expand access to women's economic development opportunities and seek to expand microcredit. Women produce half of the world's food but only own one percent of the land upon which it is grown. We will work to ensure that women have equal protection under the law and are not denied rights and therefore locked into poverty.\nWe will modernize our foreign assistance policies, tools, and operations in an elevated, empowered, consolidated, and streamlined U.S. development agency. Development and diplomacy will be reinforced as key pillars of U.S. foreign policy, and our civilian agencies will be staffed, resourced, and equipped to address effectively new global challenges.\nAmerican leadership on human rights is essential to making the world safer, more just, and more humane. Such leadership must begin with steps to undo the damage of the Bush years. But we also must go much further. We should work with others to shape human rights institutions and instruments tailored to the 21st Century. We must make the United Nations' human rights organs more objective, energetic, and effective. The U.S. must lead global efforts to promote international humanitarian standards and to protect civilians from indiscriminate violence during warfare. We will champion accountability for genocide and war crimes, ending the scourge of impunity for massive human rights abuses. We will stand up for oppressed people from Cuba to North Korea and from Burma to Zimbabwe and Sudan. We will accord greater weight to human rights, including the rights of women and children, in our relationships with other global powers, recognizing that America's long-term strategic interests are more likely to be advanced when our partners are rights-respecting.\nGlobal Health\nDemocrats will invest in improving global health. It is a human shame that many of the diseases which compound the problem of global poverty are treatable, but they are yet to be treated.\nThe HIV/AIDS pandemic is a massive human tragedy. It is also a security risk of the highest order that threatens to plunge nations into chaos. There are an estimated 33 million people across the planet infected with HIV/AIDS, including more than one million people in the U.S. Nearly 8,000 people die every day of AIDS. We must do more to fight the global HIV/AIDS pandemic, as well as malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases. We will provide $50 billion over five years to strengthen existing U.S. programs and expand them to new regions of the world, including Southeast Asia, India, and parts of Europe, where the HIV/AIDS burden is growing. We will increase U.S. contributions to the Global Fund to ensure that global efforts to fight endemic disease continue to move ahead.\nWe also support the adoption of humanitarian licensing policies that ensure medications developed with the U.S. taxpayer dollars are available off patent in developing countries. We will repeal the global gag rule and reinstate funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). We will expand access to health care and nutrition for women and reduce the burden of maternal mortality.\nHuman Trafficking\nWe will address human trafficking—both labor and sex trafficking–through strong legislation and enforcement to ensure that trafficking victims are protected and traffickers are brought to justice. We will also address the root causes of human trafficking, including poverty, discrimination, and gender inequality, as well as the demand for prostitution.\nProtecting our Security and Saving our Planet\nWe must end the tyranny of oil in our time. This immediate danger is eclipsed only by the longer-term threat from climate change, which will lead to devastating weather patterns, terrible storms, drought, conflict, and famine. That means people competing for food and water in the next fifty years in the very places that have known horrific violence in the last fifty: Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. That could also mean destructive storms on our shores, and the disappearance of our coastline.\nWe understand that climate change is not just an economic issue or an environmental concern– this is a national security crisis.\nEstablish Energy Security\nNot since the 1970s has America's national security been so threatened by its energy insecurity, and, as we have learned the hard way over the past eight years, achieving energy security in the 21st century requires far more than simply expending our economic and political resources to keep oil flowing steadily out of unstable and even hostile countries and regions.\nRather, energy security requires stemming the flow of money to oil rich regimes that are hostile to America and its allies; it requires combating climate change and preparing for its impacts both at home and abroad; it requires making international energy markets work for us and not against us; it requires standing up to the oil companies that spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying and political contributions; it requires addressing nuclear safety, waste, and proliferation challenges around the world; and more.\nDemocrats will halt this dangerous trend, and take the necessary steps to achieving energy independence. We will make it a top priority to reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or ten million barrels per day, by 2030. This will more than offset the amount of oil we are expected to import from OPEC nations in 2030.\nLead to Combat Climate Change\nWe will lead to defeat the epochal, man-made threat to the planet: climate change. Without dramatic changes, rising sea levels will flood coastal regions around the world. Warmer temperatures and declining rainfall will reduce crop yields, increasing conflict, famine, disease, and poverty. By 2050, famine could displace more than 250 million people worldwide. That means increased instability in some of the most volatile parts of the world.\nNever again will we sit on the sidelines, or stand in the way of collective action to tackle this global challenge. Getting our own house in order is only a first step. We will invest in efficient and clean technologies at home while using our assistance policies and export promotions to help developing countries preserve biodiversity, curb deforestation, and leapfrog the carbon-energy-intensive stage of development.\nWe will reach out to the leaders of the biggest carbon emitting nations and ask them to join a new Global Energy Forum that will lay the foundation for the next generation of climate protocols. China has replaced America as the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Clean energy development must be a central focus in our relationships with major countries in Europe and Asia. We need a global response to climate change that includes binding and enforceable commitments to reducing emissions, especially for those that pollute the most: the United States, China, India, the European Union, and Russia.\nThis challenge is massive, but rising to it will also bring new benefits to America. By 2050, global demand for low-carbon energy could create an annual market worth $500 billion. Meeting that demand would open new frontiers for American entrepreneurs and workers.\nSeizing the Opportunity\nIt is time for a new generation to tell the next great American story. If we act with boldness and foresight, we will be able to tell our grandchildren that this was the time we confronted climate change and secured the weapons that could destroy the human race. This was the time we defeated global terrorists and brought opportunity to forgotten corners of the world. This was the time when we helped forge peace in the Middle East. This was the time when we renewed the America that has led generations of weary travelers from all over the world to find opportunity and liberty and hope on our doorstep.\nIt was not all that long ago that farmers in Venezuela and Indonesia welcomed American doctors to their villages and hung pictures of John F. Kennedy on their living room walls, when millions waited every day for a letter in the mail that would grant them the privilege to come to America to study, work, live, or just be free.\nWe can be this America again. This is our moment to renew the trust and faith of our people– and all people–in an America that battles immediate evils, promotes an ultimate good, and leads the world once more.\nIII. Renewing the American Community\nIn local platform hearings around the country and the world, Americans talked of the need for compassion, empathy, a commitment to our values, and the importance of being united in order to take on the challenges and opportunities of the new century. They sounded the same themes we have heard since the campaign began, whether in town halls in Nevada, policy roundtables in Philadelphia, or online gatherings held by Democrats Abroad. They said that they valued Barack Obama's message that alongside Americans' famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the American saga: a belief that we are connected to each other. We could all choose to focus on our own concerns and live our lives in a way that tries to keep our individual stories separate from the larger story of America. But that is not who we are. That is not our American story. If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to us, even if it's not our child. Similarly, if there's a senior citizen in Elko, Nevada who has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes our lives poorer, even if it's not our grandmother. Because it is only when we join together in something larger than ourselves that we can write the next great chapter in America's story.\nService\nThe future of our country will be determined not only by our government and our policies but through the efforts of the American people. That is why we will ask all Americans to be actively involved in meeting the challenges of the new century. In this young century, our military has answered the call to serve, even as that call has come too often. We must now make it possible for all citizens to serve. We will expand AmeriCorps, double the size of the Peace Corps, enable more to serve in the military, create new opportunities for international service, integrate service into primary education, and create new opportunities for experienced and retired persons to serve. And if you invest in America, America will invest in you: we will increase support for service-learning, establish tax incentives for college students who serve, and create scholarships for students who pledge to become teachers. We will use the Internet to better match volunteers to service opportunities. In these ways, we will unleash the power of service to meet America's challenges in a uniquely American way.\nAmerica has always been a nation of immigrants. Over the years, millions of people have come here in the hope that in America, you can make it if you try. Each successive wave of immigrants has contributed to our country's rich culture, economy and spirit. Like the immigrants that came before them, today's immigrants will shape their own destinies and enrich our country.\nNonetheless, our current immigration system has been broken for far too long. We need comprehensive immigration reform, not just piecemeal efforts. We must work together to pass immigration reform in a way that unites this country, not in a way that divides us by playing on our worst instincts and fears. We are committed to pursuing tough, practical, and humane immigration reform in the first year of the next administration.\nWe cannot continue to allow people to enter the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. The American people are a welcoming and generous people, but those who enter our country's borders illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of the law. We need to secure our borders, and support additional personnel, infrastructure, and technology on the border and at our ports of entry. We need additional Customs and Border Protection agents equipped with better technology and real-time intelligence. We need to dismantle human smuggling organizations, combating the crime associated with this trade. We also need to do more to promote economic development in migrant-sending nations, to reduce incentives to come to the United States illegally. And we need to crack down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants. It's a problem when we only enforce our laws against the immigrants themselves, with raids that are ineffective, tear apart families, and leave people detained without adequate access to counsel. We realize that employers need a method to verify whether their employees are legally eligible to work in the United States, and we will ensure that our system is accurate, fair to legal workers, safeguards people's privacy, and cannot be used to discriminate against workers.\nWe must also improve the legal immigration system, and make our nation's naturalization process fair and accessible to the thousands of legal permanent residents who are eager to become full Americans. We should fix the dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy that hampers family reunification, the cornerstone of our immigration policy for years. Given the importance of both keeping families together and supporting American businesses, we will increase the number of immigration visas for family members of people living here and for immigrants who meet the demand for jobs that employers cannot fill, as long as appropriate labor market protections and standards are in place. We will fight discrimination against Americans who have always played by our immigration rules but are sometimes treated as if they had not.\nFor the millions living here illegally but otherwise playing by the rules, we must require them to come out of the shadows and get right with the law. We support a system that requires undocumented immigrants who are in good standing to pay a fine, pay taxes, learn English, and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become citizens. They are our neighbors, and we can help them become full tax-paying, law-abiding, productive members of society.\nHurricane Katrina\nFor many in America, Hurricane Katrina conjures up the memory of a time when America's government failed its citizens. When the winds blew and the floodwaters came, we learned that for all of our wealth and power, something wasn't right with Washington. Our government's response during Hurricane Katrina is a national shame—and yet three years later, the government has still failed to keep its promise to rebuild.\nThe people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are heroes for returning and rebuilding, and they shouldn't face these challenges alone. We will partner with the people of the Gulf Coast to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina and restore the region economically. We will create jobs and training opportunities for returning and displaced workers as well as contracting opportunities for local businesses to help create stronger, safer, and more equitable communities. We will increase funding for affordable housing and home ownership opportunities for returning families, workers, and residents moving out of unsafe trailers. We will reinvest in infrastructure in New Orleans: we will construct levees that work, fight crime by rebuilding local police departments and courthouses, invest in hospitals, and rebuild the public school system.\nWe also commit to the rebuilding and restoration of the Iowa communities affected by the floods of 2008.\nWe will also work to prevent future catastrophic response failures, whether the emergency comes from hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, wild fires, drought, bridge collapses, or any other natural or man-made disaster. Maintaining our levees and dams is not pork barrel spending–it is an urgent priority. We will fix governmental agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency, ensure that they are staffed with professionals, and create integrated communication and response plans. We will reform the Small Business Administration bureaucracy, and develop a real National Response Plan.\nWe will develop a National Catastrophic Insurance Fund to offer an affordable insurance mechanism for high-risk catastrophes that no single private insurer can cover by itself for fear of bankruptcy. This will allow states and territories to deal comprehensively with the economic dislocation of natural disasters.\nStewardship of Our Planet and Natural Resources\nGlobal climate change is the planet's greatest threat, and our response will determine the very future of life on this earth. Despite the efforts of our current Administration to deny the science of climate change and the need to act, we still believe that America can be earth's best hope. We will implement a market-based cap and trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary to avoid catastrophic change and we will set interim targets along the way to ensure that we meet our goal. We will invest in advanced energy technologies, to build the clean energy economy and create millions of new, good \"Green Collar\" American jobs. Because the environment is a truly global concern, the United States must be a leader in combating climate change around the world, including exporting climate-friendly technologies to developing countries. We will use innovative measures to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of buildings, including establishing a grant program for early adopters and providing incentives for energy conservation. We will encourage local initiatives, sustainable communities, personal responsibility, and environmental stewardship and education nationwide.\nWe will help local communities in the American West preserve water to meet their fast growing needs. We support a comprehensive solution for restoring our national treasures—such as the Great Lakes, Everglades, and Chesapeake Bay—including expanded scientific research and protections for species and habitats there. We will reinvigorate the Environmental Protection Agency so that we can work with communities to reduce air and water pollution and protect our children from environmental toxins, and never sacrifice science to politics. We will protect Nevada and its communities from the high-level nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, which has not been proven to be safe by sound science. We will restore the \"polluter pays\" principle to fund the cleanup of the most polluted sites, so that those who cause environmental problems pay to fix them.\nFederal Lands\nWe will create a new vision for conservation that works with local communities to conserve our existing publicly-owned lands while dramatically expanding investments in conserving and restoring forests, grasslands, and wetlands across America for generations to come. Unlike the current Administration, we will reinvest in our nation's forests by providing federal agencies with resources to reduce the threat of wildland fires, promote sustainable forest product industries for rural economic development and ensure that national resources are in place to respond to catastrophic wildland fires. We will treat our national parks with the same respect that millions of families show each year when they visit. We will recognize that our parks are national treasures, and will ensure that they are protected as part of the overall natural system so they are here for generations to come. We are committed to conserving the lands used by hunters and anglers, and we will open millions of new acres of land to public hunting and fishing.\nMetropolitan and Urban Policy\nWe believe that strong cities are the building blocks of strong regions, and strong regions are essential for a strong America. To build vibrant and diverse cities and regions, we support equitable development strategies that create opportunities for those traditionally left behind by economic development efforts.\nFor the past eight years, the current Administration has ignored urban areas. We look forward to greater partnership with urban America. We will strengthen federal commitment to cities, including by creating a new White House Office on Urban Policy and fully funding the Community Development Block Grant. We support community-based initiatives, such as micro-loans, business assistance centers, community economic development corporations, and community development financial institutions. To help regional business development we will double federal funding for basic research, expand the deployment of broadband technology, increase access to capital for businesses in underserved areas, create a national network of public-private business incubators, and provide grants to support regional innovation clusters. Since businesses can only function when workers can get to their place of employment, we will invest in public transportation including rail, expand transportation options for low-income communities, and strengthen core infrastructure like our roads and bridges. We will provide cities the support they need to perform public safety and national security functions, reinvest in Community Oriented Policing Services, and keep children off the streets by supporting expanded after-school and summer opportunities. Finally, we will work to make cities greener and more livable by training employees to work in skilled clean technologies industries, improving the environmental efficiency of city buildings, and taking smart growth principles into account when designing transportation.\nFirearms\nWe recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans' Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce commonsense laws and improvements – like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban, so that guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals. Acting responsibly and with respect for differing views on this issue, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe.\nFaith\nWe honor the central place of faith in our lives. Like our Founders, we believe that our nation, our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith and the countless acts of justice and mercy it inspires. We believe that change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up, and that few are closer to the people than our churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques. To face today's challenges–from saving our planet to ending poverty— we need all hands on deck. Faith-based groups are not a replacement for government or secular non-profit programs; rather, they are yet another sector working to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. We will empower grassroots faith-based and community groups to help meet challenges like poverty, ex-offender reentry, and illiteracy. At the same time, we can ensure that these partnerships do not endanger First Amendment protections – because there is no conflict between supporting faith-based institutions and respecting our Constitution. We will ensure that public funds are not used to proselytize or discriminate. We will also ensure that taxpayer dollars are only used on programs that actually work.\nThe Arts\nInvestment in the arts is an investment in our creativity and cultural heritage, in our diversity, in our communities, and in our humanity. We support art in schools and increased public funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. We support the cultural exchange of artists around the world, spreading democracy and renewing America's status as a cultural and artistic center.\nWe will once again reclaim our role as world leaders in protecting the rights of people with disabilities. We will lead the United States in ratifying the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the first human rights treaty approved in the United Nations in the 21st century. We will ensure there is sufficient funding to empower Americans with disabilities to succeed in school and beyond. We will fully fund and increase staffing for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. We will restore dignity for Americans with disabilities by signing the Community Choice Act into law, which will allow them the choice of living in their communities rather than being warehoused in nursing homes or other institutions.\nChildren and Families\nIf we are to renew America, we must do a better job of investing in the next generation of Americans. For parents, the first and most sacred responsibility is to support our children: setting an example of excellence, turning off the TV, and helping with the homework. But we must also support parents as they strive to raise their children in a new era. We must make it easier for working parents to spend time with their families when they need to. We will make an unprecedented national investment to guarantee that every child has access to high-quality early education, including investments in Pre-K, Head Start, and Early Head Start, and we will help pay for child care. We will ensure that every child has health insurance, invest in playgrounds to promote healthy and active lifestyles, and protect children from lead poisoning in their homes and toys. Improving maternal health also improves children's health, so we will provide access to home visits by medical professionals to low-income expectant first-time mothers. We must protect our most vulnerable children, by supporting and supplementing our struggling foster care system, enhancing adoption programs for all caring parents, and protecting children from violence and neglect. Online and on TV, we will give parents tools to block content they find objectionable. We also must recognize that caring for family members and managing a household is real and valuable work.\nFatherhood\nToo many fathers are missing–missing from too many lives and too many homes. Children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and are more likely to commit crime, drop out of school, abuse drugs, and end up in prison. We need more fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception. We need them to understand that what makes a man is not the ability to have a child–it's the courage to raise one. We will support fathers by providing transitional training to get jobs, removing tax penalties on married families, and expanding maternity and paternity leave. We will reward those who are responsibly supporting their children by giving them a tax credit and we will crack down on men who avoid child support payments and ensure those payments go directly to families instead of bureaucracies.\nSeniors\nWe will protect and strengthen Medicare by cutting costs, protecting seniors from fraud, and fixing Medicare's prescription drug program. We will repeal the prohibition on negotiating prescription drug prices, ban drug companies from paying generic producers to refrain from entering drug markets, and eliminate drug company interference with generic competition–and we will dedicate all of the savings from these measures towards closing the donut hole. We will end special preferences for insurance companies and private plans like Medicare Advantage to force them to compete on a level playing field. We will address the challenges that older Americans who are not yet eligible for Medicare face in finding affordable and quality health insurance.\nWe will take steps to ensure that our seniors have meaningful long-term care options that are consistent with their individual needs, including the option of home care. We believe that we must pay caregivers a fair wage and train more nurses and health care workers so as to improve the availability and quality of long-term care. We must reform the financing of long-term care to ease the burden on seniors and their families. We will safeguard Social Security. We will develop new retirement plans and pension protections that will give Americans a secure, portable way to save for retirement. We will ensure a safe and dignified retirement. We will work to end abuse of the elderly. We will safeguard from discrimination those who choose to work past the age of 65.\nChoice\nThe Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.\nThe Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman's decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.\nCriminal Justice\nAs Democrats, we are committed to being smart on crime. That means being tough on violent crime, funding strategic, and effective community policing, and holding offenders accountable, and it means getting tough on the root causes of crime by investing in successful crime prevention, including proven initiatives that get youth and nonviolent offenders back on track. We will support communities as they work to save their residents from the violence that plagues our streets. We will reverse the policy of cutting resources for the brave men and women who protect our communities every day. At a time when our nation's officers are being asked both to provide traditional law enforcement services and to help protect the homeland, taking police off of the street is neither tough nor smart; we reject this disastrous approach. We support and will restore funding to our courageous police officers and will ensure that they are equipped with the best technology, equipment, and innovative strategies to prevent and fight crimes.\nWe will end the dangerous cycle of violence, especially youth violence, with proven community-based law enforcement programs such as the Community Oriented Policing Services. We will reduce recidivism in our neighborhoods by supporting local prison-to-work programs. We will continue to fight inequalities in our criminal justice system. We believe that the death penalty must not be arbitrary. DNA testing should be used in all appropriate circumstances, defendants should have effective assistance of counsel. In all death row cases, and thorough post-conviction reviews should be available.\nWe must help state, local, and tribal law enforcement work together to combat and prevent drug crime and drug and alcohol abuse, which are a blight on our communities. We will restore funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program and expand the use of drug courts and rehabilitation programs for first-time, non-violent drug offenders.\nWe support the rights of victims to be respected, to be heard, and to be compensated.\nEnding violence against women must be a top priority. We will create a special advisor to the president regarding violence against women. We will increase funding to domestic violence and sexual assault prevention programs. We will strengthen sexual assault and domestic violence laws, support the Violence Against Women Act, and provide job security to survivors. Our foreign policy will be sensitive to issues of aggression against women around the world.\nA More Perfect Union\nWe believe in the essential American ideal that we are not constrained by the circumstances of birth but can make of our lives what we will. Unfortunately, for too many, that ideal is not a reality. We have more work to do. Democrats will fight to end discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and disability in every corner of our country, because that's the America we believe in.\nWe all have to do our part to lift up this country, and that means changing hearts and changing minds, and making sure that every American is treated equally under the law. We will restore professionalism over partisanship at the Department of Justice, and staff the civil rights division with civil rights lawyers, not ideologues. We will restore vigorous federal enforcement of civil rights laws in order to provide every American an equal chance at employment, housing, health, contracts, and pay. We are committed to banning racial, ethnic, and religious profiling and requiring federal, state, and local enforcement agencies to take steps to eliminate the practice.\nWe are committed to ensuring full equality for women: we reaffirm our support for the Equal Rights Amendment, recommit to enforcing Title IX, and will urge passage of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. We will pursue a unified foreign and domestic policy that promotes civil rights and human rights, for women and minorities, at home and abroad. We will pass the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. We will restore and support the White House Initiative on Asian-American and Pacific Islanders, including enforcement on disaggregation of Census data. We will make the Census more culturally sensitive, including outreach, language assistance, and increased confidentiality protections to ensure accurate counting of the growing Latino and Asian American, and Pacific Islander populations, and continue working on efforts to be more inclusive. We will sign the\nU.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and restore the original intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act. That is the America we believe in.\nIt is not enough to look back in wonder at how far we have come; those who came before us did not strike a blow against injustice only so that we would allow injustice to fester in our time. That means removing the barriers of prejudice and misunderstanding that still exist in America. We support the full inclusion of all families, including same-sex couples, in the life of our nation, and support equal responsibility, benefits, and protections. We will enact a comprehensive bipartisan employment non-discrimination act. We oppose the Defense of Marriage Act and all attempts to use this issue to divide us.\nBut it is no good to be able to ride the bus when you can't afford the bus fare. We will work to provide real opportunities for all Americans suffering from disadvantage; we will pioneer new policies and remedies against poverty and violence that address real human needs and we will close the achievement gap in education and provide every child a world-class education. We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future. As the late Ann Richards said, \"We offer a vision where opportunity knows no race, no gender, no color, a glimpse of what can happen in government if we simply open the doors let the people in.\"\nIV. Renewing American Democracy\nAmericans of every political stripe are hungry for a new kind of government. We want a government that favors common sense over ideology, honesty over spin, that worries less about losing the next election and more about winning the battles we owe to the next generation.\nThe over 30,000 Americans who attended 1645 local platform hearings demonstrated their commitment to reasserting government of, by, and for the people. So too did the millions of Americans who turned out in primaries and caucuses, and the record-breaking number of Americans abroad who participated – including men and the women who serve in our military. Democrats want to continue the momentum of the election. Only by doing so can we bring the change necessary to restore the promise of America.\nThe government we create will open up democracy to the people and protect our civil liberties. We'll invite the service and participation of American citizens, and use the tools of government and technology to lead us into a new era of connectedness, teamwork, and progress. A Barack Obama Administration will make it clear to the special interests that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over, because the American people are not the problem in the 21st Ccentury—they are the solution. We'll make every vote count, because in America, everyone's voice matters in the political process.\nOpen, Accountable, and Ethical Government\nIn Barack Obama's Administration, we will open up the doors of democracy. We will use technology to make government more transparent, accountable, and inclusive. Rather than obstruct people's use of the Freedom of Information Act, we will require that agencies conduct significant business in public and release all relevant information unless an agency reasonably foresees harm to a protected interest.\nWe will lift the veil of secret deals in Washington by publishing searchable, online information about federal grants, contracts, earmarks, loans, and lobbyist contacts with government officials. We will make government data available online and will have an online video archive of significant agency meetings. We will put all non-emergency bills that Congress has passed online for five days, to allow the American public to review and comment on them before they are signed into law. We will require Cabinet officials to have periodic national online town hall meetings to discuss issues before their agencies.\nImplementing our Party's agenda will require running competent, innovative, and efficient public agencies at all levels of government with the resources necessary to get results. We will develop a comprehensive management agenda to prevent operational breakdowns in government and ensure that government provides the level of service that the American people deserve. Because we understand that good government depends on good people, we will work to rebuild and reengage our federal workforce and encourage state and local governments to do the same. We will make government a more attractive place to work. Our hiring will be based only on qualification and experience, and not on ideology or party affiliation. We will pay for our new spending, eliminate waste in government programs, demand, and measure results, and stop funding programs that don't work. We will not privatize public services for the sake of privatizing. We will use carefully crafted guidelines when determining whether to contract out any government service and whether a function is \"inherently governmental.\" We will provide improved accountability, oversight, and management in the contracting process to protect the public.\nWe are committed to a participatory government. We will use the most current technology available to improve the quality of government decision-making and make government less beholden to special interest groups and lobbyists. We will enhance the flow of information between citizens and government—in both directions—by involving the public in the work of government agencies. We will not simply solicit opinions, but will also use new technology to tap into the vast expertise of the American citizenry, for the benefit of government and our democracy.\nAmericans want real reform that will help them pay their medical bills and put the country on the path to energy independence. They are tired of lobbyists standing in their way. So we'll end the abuse of no-bid contracts by requiring nearly all contract orders over $25,000 to be competitively awarded and tell the drug companies and the oil companies and the insurance industry that, while they may get a seat at the table in Washington, they don't get to buy every chair. We will institute a gift ban so that no lobbyist can curry favor with the Administration. We will close the revolving door that has allowed people to use their position in the Administration as a stepping-stone to further their lobbying careers. We support campaign finance reform to reduce the influence of moneyed special interests, including public financing of campaigns combined with free television and radio time. We will have the wisdom to put the public interest above special interests. As a national party, we will not take any contributions from Political Action Committees during this election.\nReclaiming Our Constitution and Our Liberties\nAs we combat terrorism, we must not sacrifice the American values we are fighting to protect. In recent years, we've seen an Administration put forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we demand. The Democratic Party rejects this dichotomy. We will restore our constitutional traditions, and recover our nation's founding commitment to liberty under law.\nWe support constitutional protections and judicial oversight on any surveillance program involving Americans. We will review the current Administration's warrantless wiretapping program. We reject illegal wiretapping of American citizens, wherever they live.\nWe reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. We reject the tracking of citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. We reject torture. We reject sweeping claims of \"inherent\" presidential power. We will revisit the Patriot Act and overturn unconstitutional executive decisions issued during the past eight years. We will not use signing statements to nullify or undermine duly enacted law. And we will ensure that law-abiding Americans of any origin, including Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans, do not become the scapegoats of national security fears.\nWe believe that our Constitution, our courts, our institutions, and our traditions work.\nIn its operations overseas, while claiming to spread freedom throughout the world, the current Administration has tragically helped give rise to a new generation of potential adversaries who threaten to make America less secure. We will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools to hunt down and take out terrorists without undermining our Constitution, our freedom, and our privacy.\nTo build a freer and safer world, we will lead in ways that reflect the decency and aspirations of the American people. We will not ship away prisoners in the dead of night to be tortured in far-off countries, or detain without trial or charge prisoners who can and should be brought to justice for their crimes, or maintain a network of secret prisons to jail people beyond the reach of the law. We will respect the time-honored principle of habeas corpus, the seven century-old right of individuals to challenge the terms of their own detention that was recently reaffirmed by our Supreme Court. We will close the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years. With these necessary changes, the attention of the world will be directed where it belongs: on what terrorists have done to us, not on how we treat suspects.\nWe recognize what leaders on the front lines of the struggle against terrorism have long known: to win this fight, we must maintain the moral high ground. When millions around the world see America living up to its highest ideals, we win friends and allies in this struggle for our safety and our lives, and our enemies lose ground.\nFor our Judiciary, we will select and confirm judges who are men and women of unquestionable talent and character, who firmly respect the rule of law, who listen to and are respectful of different points of view, and who represent the diversity of America. We support the appointment of judges who respect our system of checks and balances and the separation of power among the Executive Branch, Congress, and the Judiciary–and who understand that the Constitution protects not only the powerful, but also the disadvantaged and the powerless.\nOur Constitution is not a nuisance. It is the foundation of our democracy. It makes freedom and self-governance possible, and helps to protect our security. The Democratic Party will restore our Constitution to its proper place in our government and return our Nation to our best traditions–including our commitment to government by law.\nVoting Rights\nVoting rights are fundamental rights because they are protective of all other rights. We will work to fully protect and enforce the fundamental Constitutional right of every American vote—to ensure that the Constitution's promise is fully realized. We will fully fund the Help America Vote Act and work to fulfill the promise of election reform, including fighting to end long lines at voting booths and ensuring that all registration materials, voting materials, polling places, and voting machines are truly accessible to seniors, Americans with disabilities, and citizens with limited English proficiency. We will call for a national standard for voting that includes voter-verified paper ballots. We will ensure that absentee ballots are accessible and accurately counted. We will vigorously enforce our voting rights laws instead of making them tools of partisan political agendas; we oppose laws that require identification in order to vote or register to vote, which create discriminatory barriers to the right to vote and disenfranchise many eligible voters; and we oppose tactics which purge eligible voters from voter rolls. We are committed to passing the Count Every Vote Act. Finally, we will enact legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who engage in voter intimidation and creates a process for providing accurate information to misinformed voters so they can cast their votes in time.\nPartnerships with States\nGiven the economic crisis across the country, states, and territories today face serious difficulties. More than half of our states face a combined billions of dollars in shortfalls. As a result, states have had to innovate and take matters into their own hands—and they have done an extraordinary job. Yet they should not have to do it alone. We will provide significant and immediate temporary funding to state and local governments, as well as territories and tribes. We will give these governmental entities a partner in the federal government, and a president who understand that prosperity comes not only from Wall Street and Washington, but from the perseverance of the American people. County and municipal governments, as well as territories and tribes, are also key partners with the federal government. These partnerships need to be revitalized to address their critical needs.\nPartnership with Civic Institutions\nSocial entrepreneurs and leading nonprofit organizations are assisting schools, lifting families out of poverty, filling health care gaps, and inspiring others to lead change in their own communities. To support these results-oriented innovators, we will create a Social Investment Fund Network that invests in ideas that work, tests their impact, and expands the most successful programs. We will create an office to coordinate government and nonprofit efforts.\nDistrict of Columbia\nOur civil rights leaders and many Americans of every background have sacrificed too much for us to tolerate continuing denial to the nearly 600,000 residents of our nation's capital of the benefits of full citizenship, especially the vote, that are accorded to citizens of every state. We support equal rights to democratic self-government and congressional representation for the citizens of our nation's capital.\nTribal Sovereignty\nAmerican Indian and Alaska Native tribes have always been sovereign, self-governing communities, and we affirm their inherent right to self-government as well as the unique government-to-government relationship they share with the United States. In exchange for millions of acres of land, our nation pledged to provide certain services in perpetuity; we will honor our nation's treaty and trust obligations by increasing resources for economic development, health care, Indian education, and other important services. We will respect American Indian cultural rights and sacred places. We will reexamine the legal framework that allows extreme rates of violent crime in Indian country; we will create a White House advisor on Indian Affairs; and we will host an annual summit with Indian leaders.\nWe support the efforts for self-determination and sovereignty of Native Hawaiians, consistent with principles enumerated in the Apology Resolution and the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act. We will increase federal resources for economic development, education, health, and other important services. We will respect Native Hawaiian culture rights and sacred places.\nPuerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands\nWe recognize and honor the contributions and the sacrifices made in service of our country by the people living in Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. We believe that the people of Puerto Rico have the right to the political status of their choice, obtained through a fair, neutral, and democratic process of self-determination. The White House and Congress will work with all groups in Puerto Rico to enable the question of Puerto Rico's status to be resolved during the next four years. We also believe that economic conditions in Puerto Rico call for effective and equitable programs to maximize job creation and financial investment. Furthermore, in order to provide fair assistance to those in greatest need, the U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico should receive treatment under federal programs that is comparable to that of citizens in the States. We will phase-out the cap on Medicaid funding and phase-in equal participation in other federal health care assistance programs. Moreover, we will provide equitable treatment to the U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico on programs providing refundable tax credits to working families. We believe that U.S. citizens in Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands should receive similar treatment.\nWe support full self-government and self-determination for the people of Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands, and their right to decide their future status. We will seek input from Guam on relevant military matters and we acknowledge the unique health care challenges that Pacific Island communities face. For all those who live under our flag, we support strong economic development and fair and equitable treatment under federal programs.", "Words" -> 24644, "WordCounts" -> <|"and" -> 1218, "the" -> 1162, "to" -> 909, "of" -> 648, "will" -> 527, "We" -> 507, "in" -> 425, "that" -> 396, "our" -> 365, "a" -> 336, "we" -> 292, "for" -> 265, "are" -> 166, "with" -> 160, "on" -> 149, "is" -> 146, "by" -> 120, "have" -> 114, "their" -> 109, "American" -> 107, "as" -> 103, "not" -> 100, "who" -> 86, "must" -> 86, "work" -> 84, "be" -> 83, "support" -> 82, "from" -> 82, "more" -> 81, "it" -> 80, "all" -> 80, "new" -> 79, "Americans" -> 78, "people" -> 76, "can" -> 72, "this" -> 70, "an" -> 69, "America" -> 69, "they" -> 66, "government" -> 60, "health" -> 59, "ensure" -> 59, "has" -> 57, "The" -> 56, "make" -> 56, "help" -> 56, "or" -> 55, "also" -> 55, "at" -> 54, "security" -> 53, "world" -> 51, "so" -> 51, "provide" -> 50, "need" -> 50, "than" -> 49, "energy" -> 48, "care" -> 48, "workers" -> 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"working" -> 23, "too" -> 23, "To" -> 23, "take" -> 23, "restore" -> 23, "over" -> 23, "millions" -> 23, "local" -> 23, "like" -> 23, "leadership" -> 23, "increase" -> 23, "future" -> 23, "come" -> 23, "Act" -> 23, "tax" -> 22, "nation" -> 22, "most" -> 22, "law" -> 22, "Iraq" -> 22, "common" -> 22, "citizens" -> 22, "while" -> 21, "technology" -> 21, "service" -> 21, "resources" -> 21, "no" -> 21, "meet" -> 21, "into" -> 21, "institutions" -> 21, "But" -> 21, "well" -> 20, "way" -> 20, "such" -> 20, "right" -> 20, "promote" -> 20, "leaders" -> 20, "democracy" -> 20, "current" -> 20, "against" -> 20, "through" -> 19, "system" -> 19, "reform" -> 19, "program" -> 19, "opportunity" -> 19, "job" -> 19, "It" -> 19, "insurance" -> 19, "get" -> 19, "fight" -> 19, "continue" -> 19, "Administration" -> 19, "access" -> 19, "together" -> 18, "respect" -> 18, "policy" -> 18, "opportunities" -> 18, "lead" -> 18, "international" -> 18, "interests" -> 18, "if" -> 18, "fair" -> 18, "expand" -> 18, "Democrats" -> 18, "community" -> 18, "commitment" -> 18, "assistance" -> 18, "about" -> 18, "21st" -> 18, "what" -> 17, "threats" -> 17, "states" -> 17, "special" -> 17, "Security" -> 17, "secure" -> 17, "National" -> 17, "just" -> 17, "committed" -> 17, "child" -> 17, "better" -> 17, "affordable" -> 17, "A" -> 17, "war" -> 16, "strong" -> 16, "same" -> 16, "reduce" -> 16, "private" -> 16, "next" -> 16, "making" -> 16, "lives" -> 16, "improve" -> 16, "full" -> 16, "family" -> 16, "efforts" -> 16, "comprehensive" -> 16, "between" -> 16, "around" -> 16, "any" -> 16, "trade" -> 15, "They" -> 15, "research" -> 15, "recognize" -> 15, "quality" -> 15, "oil" -> 15, "million" -> 15, "combat" -> 15, "climate" -> 15, "cannot" -> 15, "America's" -> 15, "put" -> 14, "parents" -> 14, "nation's" -> 14, "live" -> 14, "less" -> 14, "keep" -> 14, "infrastructure" -> 14, "housing" -> 14, "home" -> 14, "Democratic" -> 14, "companies" -> 14, "Century" -> 14, "within" -> 13, "violence" -> 13, "training" -> 13, "That" -> 13, "students" -> 13, "standards" -> 13, "services" -> 13, "seek" -> 13, "science" -> 13, "schools" -> 13, "Party" -> 13, "own" -> 13, "laws" -> 13, "free" -> 13, "foreign" -> 13, "forces" -> 13, "first" -> 13, "develop" -> 13, "democratic" -> 13, "century" -> 13, "businesses" -> 13, "benefits" -> 13, "back" -> 13, "agencies" -> 13, "address" -> 13, "was" -> 12, "under" -> 12, "Today" -> 12, "responsibility" -> 12, "require" -> 12, "reject" -> 12, "providing" -> 12, "prevent" -> 12, "power" -> 12, "political" -> 12, "platform" -> 12, "place" -> 12, "partners" -> 12, "open" -> 12, "necessary" -> 12, "know" -> 12, "investment" -> 12, "growth" -> 12, "generation" -> 12, "fully" -> 12, "For" -> 12, "failed" -> 12, "face" -> 12, "dramatically" -> 12, "down" -> 12, "civil" -> 12, "both" -> 12, "because" -> 12, "allies" -> 12, "Afghanistan" -> 12, "across" -> 12, "would" -> 11, "values" -> 11, "today" -> 11, "terrorists" -> 11, "technologies" -> 11, "teachers" -> 11, "supporting" -> 11, "state" -> 11, "skills" -> 11, "sector" -> 11, "school" -> 11, "safety" -> 11, "retirement" -> 11, "promise" -> 11, "process" -> 11, "past" -> 11, "order" -> 11, "needs" -> 11, "men" -> 11, "made" -> 11, "long" -> 11, "key" -> 11, "investments" -> 11, "innovative" -> 11, "innovation" -> 11, "immigration" -> 11, "give" -> 11, "fund" -> 11, "even" -> 11, "drug" -> 11, "crisis" -> 11, "business" -> 11, "best" -> 11, "Asia" -> 11, "As" -> 11, "allow" -> 11, "AIDS" -> 11, "again" -> 11, "you" -> 10, "without" -> 10, "where" -> 10, "We'll" -> 10, "sure" -> 10, "strategy" -> 10, "stand" -> 10, "Social" -> 10, "seniors" -> 10, "rural" -> 10, "renew" -> 10, "protections" -> 10, "peace" -> 10, "one" -> 10, "New" -> 10, "means" -> 10, "Israel" -> 10, "interest" -> 10, "intelligence" -> 10, "information" -> 10, "immediate" -> 10, "HIV" -> 10, "hearings" -> 10, "establish" -> 10, "enforcement" -> 10, "encourage" -> 10, "crime" -> 10, "conflict" -> 10, "clean" -> 10, "capacity" -> 10, "before" -> 10, "become" -> 10, "At" -> 10, "want" -> 9, "understand" -> 9, "Trade" -> 9, "stronger" -> 9, "still" -> 9, "status" -> 9, "serve" -> 9, "safe" -> 9, "Rights" -> 9, "requires" -> 9, "prosperity" -> 9, "priority" -> 9, "personal" -> 9, "part" -> 9, "offer" -> 9, "nations" -> 9, "measures" -> 9, "markets" -> 9, "market" -> 9, "Indian" -> 9, "homes" -> 9, "higher" -> 9, "growing" -> 9, "great" -> 9, "fundamental" -> 9, "freedom" -> 9, "ensuring" -> 9, "enhance" -> 9, "eliminate" -> 9, "eight" -> 9, "effective" -> 9, "disease" -> 9, "critical" -> 9, "created" -> 9, "could" -> 9, "close" -> 9, "clear" -> 9, "challenge" -> 9, "call" -> 9, "whether" -> 8, "vital" -> 8, "U.N." -> 8, "tools" -> 8, "threat" -> 8, "there" -> 8, "themselves" -> 8, "taxes" -> 8, "sustainable" -> 8, "stop" -> 8, "start" -> 8, "small" -> 8, "savings" -> 8, "rule" -> 8, "real" -> 8, "Puerto" -> 8, "prevention" -> 8, "politics" -> 8, "planet" -> 8, "plan" -> 8, "percent" -> 8, "pension" -> 8, "partnerships" -> 8, "others" -> 8, "operations" -> 8, "now" -> 8, "materials" -> 8, "living" -> 8, "life" -> 8, "Islands" -> 8, "important" -> 8, "immigrants" -> 8, "House" -> 8, "hope" -> 8, "history" -> 8, "high" -> 8, "greater" -> 8, "five" -> 8, "financial" -> 8, "especially" -> 8, "enforce" -> 8, "efficient" -> 8, "dollars" -> 8, "discrimination" -> 8, "demand" -> 8, "day" -> 8, "confront" -> 8, "college" -> 8, "capital" -> 8, "bring" -> 8, "beyond" -> 8, "being" -> 8, "Barack" -> 8, "agenda" -> 8, "Africa" -> 8, "advance" -> 8, "willing" -> 7, "White" -> 7, "Washington" -> 7, "wage" -> 7, "veterans" -> 7, "used" -> 7, "two" -> 7, "tough" -> 7, "terrorism" -> 7, "strategic" -> 7, "steps" -> 7, "spread" -> 7, "society" -> 7, "shared" -> 7, "share" -> 7, "rising" -> 7, "Rico" -> 7, "regions" -> 7, "rebuild" -> 7, "reach" -> 7, "practices" -> 7, "plans" -> 7, "pensions" -> 7, "party" -> 7, "partner" -> 7, "off" -> 7, "North" -> 7, "move" -> 7, "moment" -> 7, "modernize" -> 7, "members" -> 7, "low-income" -> 7, "lost" -> 7, "long-term" -> 7, "last" -> 7, "It's" -> 7, "issues" -> 7, "investing" -> 7, "industry" -> 7, "individual" -> 7, "India" -> 7, "incentives" -> 7, "ideas" -> 7, "here" -> 7, "hard" -> 7, "half" -> 7, "governments" -> 7, "Global" -> 7, "Fund" -> 7, "force" -> 7, "food" -> 7, "failures" -> 7, "equitable" -> 7, "environmental" -> 7, "enable" -> 7, "employers" -> 7, "effort" -> 7, "during" -> 7, "diseases" -> 7, "developing" -> 7, "Credit" -> 7, "crack" -> 7, "Constitution" -> 7, "cities" -> 7, "choice" -> 7, "China" -> 7, "can't" -> 7, "Bush" -> 7, "billion" -> 7, "basic" -> 7, "ban" -> 7, "areas" -> 7, "after" -> 7, "additional" -> 7, "achieve" -> 7, "accountability" -> 7, "abroad" -> 7, "able" -> 7, "youth" -> 6, "world-class" -> 6, "When" -> 6, "we'll" -> 6, "ways" -> 6, "water" -> 6, "vulnerable" -> 6, "vote" -> 6, "truly" -> 6, "troops" -> 6, "treat" -> 6, "transparency" -> 6, "Tax" -> 6, "success" -> 6, "succeed" -> 6, "struggling" -> 6, "standing" -> 6, "spend" -> 6, "since" -> 6, "significant" -> 6, "show" -> 6, "sexual" -> 6, "said" -> 6, "Russia" -> 6, "rules" -> 6, "role" -> 6, "return" -> 6, "response" -> 6, "residents" -> 6, "remain" -> 6, "receive" -> 6, "rather" -> 6, "raise" -> 6, "Qaeda" -> 6, "protecting" -> 6, "produce" -> 6, "problem" -> 6, "prices" -> 6, "President" -> 6, "possible" -> 6, "places" -> 6, "personnel" -> 6, "permanent" -> 6, "pass" -> 6, "partnership" -> 6, "ourselves" -> 6, "online" -> 6, "often" -> 6, "Obama" -> 6, "Nuclear" -> 6, "never" -> 6, "natural" -> 6, "makes" -> 6, "majority" -> 6, "leave" -> 6, "Iran" -> 6, "increasing" -> 6, "increased" -> 6, "importance" -> 6, "If" -> 6, "how" -> 6, "Health" -> 6, "had" -> 6, "generations" -> 6, "gap" -> 6, "foundation" -> 6, "Families" -> 6, "Europe" -> 6, "essential" -> 6, "era" -> 6, "equal" -> 6, "ending" -> 6, "employment" -> 6, "employees" -> 6, "efficiency" -> 6, "effectively" -> 6, "each" -> 6, "Dream" -> 6, "double" -> 6, "domestic" -> 6, "diplomatic" -> 6, "Development" -> 6, "Department" -> 6, "debt" -> 6, "cuts" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "creation" -> 6, "costs" -> 6, "Congress" -> 6, "compete" -> 6, "Community" -> 6, "choose" -> 6, "building" -> 6, "always" -> 6, "All" -> 6, "Al" -> 6, "agreements" -> 6, "Administration's" -> 6, "accountable" -> 6, "Yet" -> 5, "yet" -> 5, "year" -> 5, "Women" -> 5, "why" -> 5, "Weapons" -> 5, "waste" -> 5, "voting" -> 5, "vision" -> 5, "violent" -> 5, "Veterans" -> 5, "trust" -> 5, "tribes" -> 5, "treatment" -> 5, "transportation" -> 5, "transition" -> 5, "times" -> 5, "That's" -> 5, "territories" -> 5, "State" -> 5, "smart" -> 5, "skilled" -> 5, "save" -> 5, "sacrifice" -> 5, "Roosevelt" -> 5, "returning" -> 5, "responsibly" -> 5, "responsible" -> 5, "renewing" -> 5, "relief" -> 5, "recent" -> 5, "pursue" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "proven" -> 5, "problems" -> 5, "preserve" -> 5, "powers" -> 5, "poor" -> 5, "police" -> 5, "pledge" -> 5, "participation" -> 5, "Pakistan" -> 5, "overseas" -> 5, "organizations" -> 5, "oppose" -> 5, "once" -> 5, "Nations" -> 5, "meeting" -> 5, "maintain" -> 5, "line" -> 5, "lift" -> 5, "liberty" -> 5, "level" -> 5, "legal" -> 5, "led" -> 5, "learning" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "kind" -> 5, "Kennedy" -> 5, "Katrina" -> 5, "Internet" -> 5, "instead" -> 5, "industries" -> 5, "independence" -> 5, "income" -> 5, "includes" -> 5, "implement" -> 5, "Hurricane" -> 5, "honor" -> 5, "he" -> 5, "Guam" -> 5, "groups" -> 5, "governmental" -> 5, "go" -> 5, "getting" -> 5, "fuel" -> 5, "forward" -> 5, "fix" -> 5, "find" -> 5, "fighting" -> 5, "few" -> 5, "Federal" -> 5, "far" -> 5, "extremism" -> 5, "existing" -> 5, "exist" -> 5, "example" -> 5, "ever" -> 5, "English" -> 5, "emerging" -> 5, "eligible" -> 5, "Education" -> 5, "early" -> 5, "doors" -> 5, "direct" -> 5, "diplomacy" -> 5, "cultural" -> 5, "coverage" -> 5, "contributions" -> 5, "contracting" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "competitive" -> 5, "commit" -> 5, "combating" -> 5, "colleges" -> 5, "children's" -> 5, "chance" -> 5, "broken" -> 5, "border" -> 5, "bills" -> 5, "Bill" -> 5, "Because" -> 5, "bankruptcy" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "assault" -> 5, "ask" -> 5, "annual" -> 5, "among" -> 5, "Americas" -> 5, "allowed" -> 5, "aid" -> 5, "age" -> 5, "Afghan" -> 5, "advanced" -> 5, "adequate" -> 5, "active" -> 5, "achievement" -> 5, "abuse" -> 5, "ability" -> 5, "$250,000" -> 4, "worldwide" -> 4, "world's" -> 4, "works" -> 4, "worker" -> 4, "woman" -> 4, "With" -> 4, "were" -> 4, "wealth" -> 4, "War" -> 4, "Virgin" -> 4, "valuable" -> 4, "using" -> 4, "urban" -> 4, "united" -> 4, "unions" -> 4, "Union" -> 4, "turn" -> 4, "tribal" -> 4, "Treaty" -> 4, "treated" -> 4, "train" -> 4, "top" -> 4, "ties" -> 4, "three" -> 4, "threatened" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "that's" -> 4, "terrorist" -> 4, "terror" -> 4, "sustained" -> 4, "successful" -> 4, "strike" -> 4, "strengthened" -> 4, "strategies" -> 4, "story" -> 4, "stem" -> 4, "stay" -> 4, "spur" -> 4, "spending" -> 4, "South" -> 4, "solutions" -> 4, "So" -> 4, "simply" -> 4, "side" -> 4, "shape" -> 4, "seven" -> 4, "set" -> 4, "seen" -> 4, "Samoa" -> 4, "safer" -> 4, "safeguard" -> 4, "sacred" -> 4, "reward" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "Republican" -> 4, "Renewing" -> 4, "renewable" -> 4, "remains" -> 4, "relationship" -> 4, "regional" -> 4, "region" -> 4, "reducing" -> 4, "Protection" -> 4, "protected" -> 4, "projects" -> 4, "progress" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "productivity" -> 4, "privacy" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "prepared" -> 4, "practice" -> 4, "potential" -> 4, "playing" -> 4, "physical" -> 4, "perform" -> 4, "peaceful" -> 4, "passed" -> 4, "parts" -> 4, "outrage" -> 4, "options" -> 4, "Opportunity" -> 4, "ones" -> 4, "officers" -> 4, "Northern" -> 4, "Nevada" -> 4, "network" -> 4, "needed" -> 4, "nearly" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "Native" -> 4, "much" -> 4, "moral" -> 4, "missions" -> 4, "mission" -> 4, "minority" -> 4, "minimum" -> 4, "middle" -> 4, "medical" -> 4, "matters" -> 4, "math" -> 4, "Mariana" -> 4, "manufacturing" -> 4, "management" -> 4, "man" -> 4, "love" -> 4, "losing" -> 4, "longer" -> 4, "loans" -> 4, "likely" -> 4, "least" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "Justice" -> 4, "justice" -> 4, "join" -> 4, "John" -> 4, "it's" -> 4, "issue" -> 4, "improved" -> 4, "identify" -> 4, "humanitarian" -> 4, "hours" -> 4, "homeland" -> 4, "hold" -> 4, "highest" -> 4, "healthy" -> 4, "having" -> 4, "Guard" -> 4, "greatest" -> 4, "Grant" -> 4, "Good" -> 4, "goals" -> 4, "goal" -> 4, "genocide" -> 4, "gender" -> 4, "further" -> 4, "Franklin" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "focus" -> 4, "final" -> 4, "fathers" -> 4, "farms" -> 4, "faith" -> 4, "expect" -> 4, "European" -> 4, "environment" -> 4, "Energy" -> 4, "empower" -> 4, "election" -> 4, "easier" -> 4, "Don't" -> 4, "done" -> 4, "doctors" -> 4, "division" -> 4, "Disabilities" -> 4, "disabilities" -> 4, "different" -> 4, "did" -> 4, "deployment" -> 4, "depends" -> 4, "Democracy" -> 4, "defeat" -> 4, "decades" -> 4, "decade" -> 4, "dangers" -> 4, "dangerous" -> 4, "damage" -> 4, "cut" -> 4, "creating" -> 4, "country's" -> 4, "Council" -> 4, "cost" -> 4, "corporate" -> 4, "cooperation" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "consistent" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "concerns" -> 4, "competitiveness" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "comes" -> 4, "closing" -> 4, "civilian" -> 4, "changing" -> 4, "central" -> 4, "catastrophic" -> 4, "capabilities" -> 4, "came" -> 4, "called" -> 4, "By" -> 4, "burden" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "buildings" -> 4, "brought" -> 4, "broadband" -> 4, "bipartisan" -> 4, "billions" -> 4, "bilateral" -> 4, "belief" -> 4, "bear" -> 4, "based" -> 4, "barriers" -> 4, "available" -> 4, "attacks" -> 4, "Assistance" -> 4, "another" -> 4, "Amendment" -> 4, "alone" -> 4, "agriculture" -> 4, "Agreement" -> 4, "aging" -> 4, "Africa's" -> 4, "addressing" -> 4, "action" -> 4, "act" -> 4, "accurate" -> 4, "accessible" -> 4, "abuses" -> 4, "9-11" -> 4, "40" -> 4, "$50" -> 3, "write" -> 3, "World" -> 3, "workplace" -> 3, "women's" -> 3, "win" -> 3, "whenever" -> 3, "we're" -> 3, "weight" -> 3, "weak" -> 3, "voters" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "victims" -> 3, "verifiable" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "uphold" -> 3, "unless" -> 3, "unemployment" -> 3, "unemployed" -> 3, "undocumented" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "tyranny" -> 3, "TV" -> 3, "transitional" -> 3, "trafficking" -> 3, "toward" -> 3, "tolerate" -> 3, "today's" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "These" -> 3, "there's" -> 3, "ten" -> 3, "tell" -> 3, "Technology" -> 3, "technical" -> 3, "taxpayer" -> 3, "taking" -> 3, "sustain" -> 3, "surplus" -> 3, "supports" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "summer" -> 3, "suffering" -> 3, "subsidies" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "strength" -> 3, "Street" -> 3, "storms" -> 3, "stewardship" -> 3, "step" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "stability" -> 3, "spectrum" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "societies" -> 3, "Small" -> 3, "skill" -> 3, "single" -> 3, "ship" -> 3, "shift" -> 3, "she" -> 3, "sex" -> 3, "serving" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "sent" -> 3, "send" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "self-determination" -> 3, "self-defense" -> 3, "see" -> 3, "scale" -> 3, "saving" -> 3, "sanctions" -> 3, "road" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "Right" -> 3, "rich" -> 3, "results" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "restoring" -> 3, "Responsibility" -> 3, "responders" -> 3, "respond" -> 3, "resourced" -> 3, "reserve" -> 3, "repeal" -> 3, "remove" -> 3, "religious" -> 3, "reliable" -> 3, "relationships" -> 3, "Relations" -> 3, "reinvest" -> 3, "regime" -> 3, "reforms" -> 3, "reflects" -> 3, "reconstruction" -> 3, "recognizing" -> 3, "recently" -> 3, "rebuilding" -> 3, "rate" -> 3, "rail" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "question" -> 3, "qualified" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "promoting" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "promised" -> 3, "professionals" -> 3, "production" -> 3, "produced" -> 3, "prisoners" -> 3, "priorities" -> 3, "principle" -> 3, "prepare" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "play" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "penalties" -> 3, "Pay" -> 3, "path" -> 3, "patent" -> 3, "pandemic" -> 3, "Palestinian" -> 3, "paid" -> 3, "page" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "oversight" -> 3, "Over" -> 3, "outside" -> 3, "Orleans" -> 3, "orientation" -> 3, "openness" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "older" -> 3, "officials" -> 3, "offenders" -> 3, "obligation" -> 3, "number" -> 3, "non-military" -> 3, "neighbors" -> 3, "neighborhoods" -> 3, "negotiations" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "mutual" -> 3, "multilateral" -> 3, "mothers" -> 3, "More" -> 3, "months" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "Military" -> 3, "Middle" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "Members" -> 3, "Medicare" -> 3, "media" -> 3, "meaningful" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "matter" -> 3, "maternal" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "match" -> 3, "massive" -> 3, "mass" -> 3, "Many" -> 3, "manipulation" -> 3, "major" -> 3, "loopholes" -> 3, "localities" -> 3, "lobbyists" -> 3, "lobbying" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "light" -> 3, "liberties" -> 3, "leverage" -> 3, "left" -> 3, "leading" -> 3, "Leadership" -> 3, "lasting" -> 3, "languages" -> 3, "language" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "Labor" -> 3, "knowledge" -> 3, "Just" -> 3, "itself" -> 3, "Iranian" -> 3, "invisible" -> 3, "Investment" -> 3, "integrity" -> 3, "Institutions" -> 3, "Instead" -> 3, "instability" -> 3, "innovators" -> 3, "injustice" -> 3, "initiatives" -> 3, "Infrastructure" -> 3, "indispensable" -> 3, "independent" -> 3, "incomes" -> 3, "Income" -> 3, "inclusive" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "improving" -> 3, "implementing" -> 3, "implemented" -> 3, "implementation" -> 3, "illegally" -> 3, "ideology" -> 3, "Human" -> 3, "homelessness" -> 3, "historic" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "highly" -> 3, "helps" -> 3, "helping" -> 3, "hands" -> 3, "guarantee" -> 3, "ground" -> 3, "greenhouse" -> 3, "green" -> 3, "grants" -> 3, "grant" -> 3, "going" -> 3, "goes" -> 3, "giving" -> 3, "generate" -> 3, "gas" -> 3, "gaps" -> 3, "functions" -> 3, "framework" -> 3, "four" -> 3, "Founders" -> 3, "forge" -> 3, "Forces" -> 3, "flu" -> 3, "fiscal" -> 3, "fires" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "Finally" -> 3, "favors" -> 3, "farmers" -> 3, "famine" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "F" -> 3, "extremists" -> 3, "exports" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "expanded" -> 3, "executive" -> 3, "exchange" -> 3, "everywhere" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "equipped" -> 3, "Equal" -> 3, "entrepreneurs" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "engineers" -> 3, "engage" -> 3, "enforcing" -> 3, "ends" -> 3, "Endowment" -> 3, "Ending" -> 3, "enact" -> 3, "emissions" -> 3, "emergencies" -> 3, "edge" -> 3, "East" -> 3, "Earned" -> 3, "doing" -> 3, "does" -> 3, "diversity" -> 3, "diverse" -> 3, "disability" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "devote" -> 3, "developed" -> 3, "devastating" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "deployments" -> 3, "deny" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "Defense" -> 3, "deals" -> 3, "deadly" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "daughters" -> 3, "danger" -> 3, "crimes" -> 3, "creativity" -> 3, "counter-terrorism" -> 3, "Convention" -> 3, "contracts" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "confronted" -> 3, "components" -> 3, "complete" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "company" -> 3, "commitments" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "Cold" -> 3, "class" -> 3, "city" -> 3, "circumstances" -> 3, "chronic" -> 3, "choices" -> 3, "Choice" -> 3, "changes" -> 3, "cells" -> 3, "caring" -> 3, "Caribbean" -> 3, "careers" -> 3, "cap" -> 3, "Business" -> 3, "budget" -> 3, "bringing" -> 3, "Brazil" -> 3, "borders" -> 3, "Board" -> 3, "benefit" -> 3, "believes" -> 3, "battles" -> 3, "basis" -> 3, "balance" -> 3, "background" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "avoid" -> 3, "asking" -> 3, "asked" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "alternative" -> 3, "agency" -> 3, "after-school" -> 3, "African" -> 3, "afford" -> 3, "Affairs" -> 3, "advisor" -> 3, "adoption" -> 3, "adopt" -> 3, "actually" -> 3, "actively" -> 3, "achieving" -> 3, "account" -> 3, "2030" -> 3, "$50,000" -> 2, "Zimbabwe" -> 2, "young" -> 2, "wrought" -> 2, "worst" -> 2, "worry" -> 2, "Working" -> 2, "workforce" -> 2, "worked" -> 2, "Without" -> 2, "wisdom" -> 2, "wiretapping" -> 2, "wind" -> 2, "wildland" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "we've" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "wealthy" -> 2, "warfare" -> 2, "Wall" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "Voting" -> 2, "voter" -> 2, "Vote" -> 2, "volunteer" -> 2, "voice" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "visits" -> 2, "violations" -> 2, "video" -> 2, "vibrant" -> 2, "veteran" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "vehicles" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "urgent" -> 2, "Urban" -> 2, "upgrading" -> 2, "unprecedented" -> 2, "unleash" -> 2, "units" -> 2, "unique" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "undo" -> 2, "undertake" -> 2, "underserved" -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "try" -> 2, "trillion" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "transformation" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "traditional" -> 2, "town" -> 2, "towards" -> 2, "tougher" -> 2, "torture" -> 2, "Too" -> 2, "tomorrow" -> 2, "toll" -> 2, "tolerance" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "tests" -> 2, "Terrorism" -> 2, "term" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "Tell" -> 2, "television" -> 2, "teach" -> 2, "targeting" -> 2, "talked" -> 2, "talent" -> 2, "taken" -> 2, "Taiwan" -> 2, "table" -> 2, "swiftly" -> 2, "sweeping" -> 2, "Support" -> 2, "supplies" -> 2, "summit" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "Sudan" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "subprime" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "student" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "streets" -> 2, "stood" -> 2, "stockpiles" -> 2, "Stewardship" -> 2, "start-up" -> 2, "starting" -> 2, "Start" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "stage" -> 2, "staffed" -> 2, "Staff" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "stabilization" -> 2, "spreading" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "spent" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "specialized" -> 2, "sovereignty" -> 2, "south" -> 2, "sound" -> 2, "sons" -> 2, "something" -> 2, "some" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solar" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "size" -> 2, "sites" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "signing" -> 2, "shot" -> 2, "short-term" -> 2, "shed" -> 2, "sharing" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "setting" -> 2, "Services" -> 2, "servicemen" -> 2, "servicemembers" -> 2, "sensitive" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "secret" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "Science" -> 2, "sake" -> 2, "safely" -> 2, "Rural" -> 2, "running" -> 2, "run" -> 2, "rooted" -> 2, "root" -> 2, "roles" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "rise" -> 2, "rigid" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "review" -> 2, "reverse" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "reunification" -> 2, "retirements" -> 2, "retention" -> 2, "retaining" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "Response" -> 2, "respected" -> 2, "resolve" -> 2, "reservations" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "requiring" -> 2, "replacement" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "removing" -> 2, "remedies" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "relevant" -> 2, "release" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "reinvigorate" -> 2, "reintegration" -> 2, "regulatory" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "regimes" -> 2, "regardless" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "Reform" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "redeployment" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "realities" -> 2, "reaffirmed" -> 2, "read" -> 2, "Rather" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "puts" -> 2, "pursuing" -> 2, "pursued" -> 2, "Pursue" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "public-private" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "protects" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "prosecute" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "promotes" -> 2, "proliferation" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "privilege" -> 2, "privatize" -> 2, "privatization" -> 2, "principled" -> 2, "primaries" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "pressing" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "presidential" -> 2, "president" -> 2, "prescription" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "potentially" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "populations" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "Policing" -> 2, "pockets" -> 2, "plot" -> 2, "plants" -> 2, "Planet" -> 2, "Plan" -> 2, "pillars" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "Persons" -> 2, "persons" -> 2, "peril" -> 2, "penalty" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "pays" -> 2, "payments" -> 2, "paying" -> 2, "Party's" -> 2, "Partnerships" -> 2, "Partnership" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "particular" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "parks" -> 2, "parent-teacher" -> 2, "parenting" -> 2, "Pakistani" -> 2, "pace" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "owe" -> 2, "overextended" -> 2, "overall" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "Oriented" -> 2, "organize" -> 2, "Organization" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "Obama's" -> 2, "nurses" -> 2, "Non-Proliferation" -> 2, "nonprofit" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "night" -> 2, "newly" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "Nearly" -> 2, "NATO's" -> 2, "mortgage" -> 2, "mortality" -> 2, "moon" -> 2, "monitoring" -> 2, "mitigate" -> 2, "misguided" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "minds" -> 2, "Millions" -> 2, "might" -> 2, "middle-income" -> 2, "middle-class" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "mental" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "meetings" -> 2, "medications" -> 2, "Medicaid" -> 2, "mechanism" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "market-based" -> 2, "Manufacturing" -> 2, "manufacturers" -> 2, "man-made" -> 2, "malaria" -> 2, "lower" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "look" -> 2, "long-run" -> 2, "locked" -> 2, "lobbyist" -> 2, "livelihoods" -> 2, "livable" -> 2, "listen" -> 2, "list" -> 2, "Lincoln" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "Like" -> 2, "licensing" -> 2, "levels" -> 2, "levees" -> 2, "let" -> 2, "lending" -> 2, "lenders" -> 2, "legislation" -> 2, "learned" -> 2, "learn" -> 2, "leads" -> 2, "Lead" -> 2, "lawyers" -> 2, "law-abiding" -> 2, "Latino" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "Language" -> 2, "Korean" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "kill" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "jurisdictions" -> 2, "jumpstart" -> 2, "judges" -> 2, "Joint" -> 2, "Jobs" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "issued" -> 2, "isolate" -> 2, "Iraq's" -> 2, "Iraqis" -> 2, "involving" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "intolerance" -> 2, "Intelligence" -> 2, "Institutes" -> 2, "inside" -> 2, "insecurity" -> 2, "inherently" -> 2, "inherent" -> 2, "ingenuity" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "inflation" -> 2, "inequality" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "Indonesia" -> 2, "Individuals" -> 2, "index" -> 2, "incubators" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "inclusion" -> 2, "improves" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "imperative" -> 2, "impacted" -> 2, "impact" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "ideal" -> 2, "hurricanes" -> 2, "hunger" -> 2, "humanity" -> 2, "humane" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "household" -> 2, "hostile" -> 2, "hospital" -> 2, "honesty" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "homework" -> 2, "homeowners" -> 2, "Homeland" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "hit" -> 2, "high-quality" -> 2, "high-level" -> 2, "helped" -> 2, "heating" -> 2, "heard" -> 2, "Head" -> 2, "Hawaiian" -> 2, "haven" -> 2, "harness" -> 2, "harmful" -> 2, "harm" -> 2, "hard-hit" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "Hamas" -> 2, "halt" -> 2, "Gulf" -> 2, "guaranteed" -> 2, "grown" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "grid" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "graduates" -> 2, "government's" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "gone" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "Given" -> 2, "girls" -> 2, "George" -> 2, "generous" -> 2, "generic" -> 2, "gasoline" -> 2, "gases" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "fund's" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "front" -> 2, "From" -> 2, "friends" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forest" -> 2, "foreclosure" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "floods" -> 2, "fissile" -> 2, "first-time" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "firearms" -> 2, "finally" -> 2, "fifty" -> 2, "feet" -> 2, "fears" -> 2, "Family" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "faith-based" -> 2, "Faith" -> 2, "fairness" -> 2, "fairly" -> 2, "Fair" -> 2, "failing" -> 2, "faced" -> 2, "extreme" -> 2, "extraordinary" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "expressed" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "exploit" -> 2, "expired" -> 2, "experts" -> 2, "expertise" -> 2, "experience" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "evidence-based" -> 2, "everyone" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "equipment" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "epidemics" -> 2, "entrepreneurship" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enter" -> 2, "enlistment" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "engineering" -> 2, "engagement" -> 2, "enforceable" -> 2, "enemies" -> 2, "End" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "empowers" -> 2, "empowered" -> 2, "Employment" -> 2, "employer-based" -> 2, "Emergency" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "elected" -> 2, "elderly" -> 2, "educators" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "eclipsed" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "ease" -> 2, "earn" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "dump" -> 2, "drought" -> 2, "dreams" -> 2, "draws" -> 2, "don't" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "displaced" -> 2, "disparities" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "disclosures" -> 2, "disastrous" -> 2, "disasters" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "disadvantaged" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "determining" -> 2, "determine" -> 2, "detention" -> 2, "detect" -> 2, "details" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "designed" -> 2, "deploy" -> 2, "depend" -> 2, "Departments" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "democratization" -> 2, "democracies" -> 2, "Delano" -> 2, "defining" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "defense" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "defeated" -> 2, "decisions" -> 2, "decision-making" -> 2, "debilitating" -> 2, "debate" -> 2, "death" -> 2, "Deal" -> 2, "Day" -> 2, "Davis-Bacon" -> 2, "data" -> 2, "Darfur" -> 2, "cyber" -> 2, "cutting" -> 2, "cultures" -> 2, "culture" -> 2, "Cuba" -> 2, "crucial" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "covering" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "couple" -> 2, "countless" -> 2, "counter-insurgency" -> 2, "count" -> 2, "counsel" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "Corps" -> 2, "corps" -> 2, "cornerstone" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "convert" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "contractors" -> 2, "contract" -> 2, "continuing" -> 2, "content" -> 2, "consistently" -> 2, "conserving" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "connectedness" -> 2, "congressional" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "concrete" -> 2, "concern" -> 2, "Comprehensive" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "compassionate" -> 2, "community-based" -> 2, "communications" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "Common" -> 2, "commanders" -> 2, "combined" -> 2, "Combat" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "code" -> 2, "Coast" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "Civilian" -> 2, "civic" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "choosing" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "childhood" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "Chiefs" -> 2, "Chief" -> 2, "Chicago" -> 2, "Chemical" -> 2, "checks" -> 2, "checking" -> 2, "check" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "champion" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "century's" -> 2, "cents" -> 2, "centers" -> 2, "Census" -> 2, "cell" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "cargo" -> 2, "Care" -> 2, "Card" -> 2, "carbon" -> 2, "capacities" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "campaigns" -> 2, "campaign" -> 2, "calamity" -> 2, "buy" -> 2, "bus" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "brigades" -> 2, "bridges" -> 2, "bridge" -> 2, "breaks" -> 2, "brave" -> 2, "box" -> 2, "bottom-up" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "Block" -> 2, "blank" -> 2, "biomedical" -> 2, "biological" -> 2, "biggest" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "begin" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "bankrupt" -> 2, "ballots" -> 2, "avian" -> 2, "availability" -> 2, "attend" -> 2, "attacked" -> 2, "assessments" -> 2, "assembly" -> 2, "Ask" -> 2, "Arts" -> 2, "arms" -> 2, "Armed" -> 2, "armed" -> 2, "area" -> 2, "approach" -> 2, "anything" -> 2, "answer" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "alongside" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "allowing" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "alliance" -> 2, "ahead" -> 2, "agricultural" -> 2, "ago" -> 2, "Agency" -> 2, "Against" -> 2, "After" -> 2, "Affordable" -> 2, "advocate" -> 2, "advising" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "advancing" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "Adjustment" -> 2, "addiction" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "acres" -> 2, "acquiring" -> 2, "acknowledge" -> 2, "Accountable" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abandon" -> 2, "2050" -> 2, "2008" -> 2, "$500" -> 1, "$4,000" -> 1, "$4" -> 1, "$360" -> 1, "$30" -> 1, "$25,000" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$1000" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "Zone" -> 1, "Yucca" -> 1, "your" -> 1, "York" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "year–including" -> 1, "wrongly" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "wracked" -> 1, "would-be" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worthwhile" -> 1, "worthless" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "Worse" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "worrying" -> 1, "worries" -> 1, "world–that" -> 1, "workforce—lack" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "won't" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "women-owned" -> 1, "woman's" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wireless" -> 1, "winning" -> 1, "winds" -> 1, "Win" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "whistle" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "what's" -> 1, "What" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "wellness" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "welcoming" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "weekend" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "Web" -> 1, "weatherization" -> 1, "weather" -> 1, "weary" -> 1, "wave" -> 1, "watchdog" -> 1, "watch" -> 1, "wasn't" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warrantless" -> 1, "warned" -> 1, "warming" -> 1, "Warmer" -> 1, "warehoused" -> 1, "want–and" -> 1, "Walter" -> 1, "walls" -> 1, "walking" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "waited" -> 1, "vote—to" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voter-verified" -> 1, "volunteers" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "volatile" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "visions" -> 1, "visionary" -> 1, "visas" -> 1, "Violence" -> 1, "villages" -> 1, "vii" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewpoints" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "vi" -> 1, "verify" -> 1, "verification" -> 1, "verifiably" -> 1, "Venezuela" -> 1, "veil" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "vanquished" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "vaccines" -> 1, "vacant" -> 1, "(v)" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "update" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unstable" -> 1, "unsecured" -> 1, "unsafe" -> 1, "unrivaled" -> 1, "unrealistic" -> 1, "unquestionable" -> 1, "unpaid" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unlocking" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "Unlike" -> 1, "Universities" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "uniting" -> 1, "unites" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "uniquely" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "uninsured" -> 1, "unilaterally" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniforms" -> 1, "Uniformed" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "UNFPA" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "undetected" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "underpins" -> 1, "underpayments" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "underemployment" -> 1, "under-employed" -> 1, "undercut" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "undemocratic" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "unchecked" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "uncensored" -> 1, "unavailable" -> 1, "unaffordable" -> 1, "unacceptable" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "Ukraine" -> 1, "two-front" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "turbines" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "trustworthy" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "trucks" -> 1, "tropical" -> 1, "Troops" -> 1, "tries" -> 1, "Tribal" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "treatable" -> 1, "treasures—such" -> 1, "treasures" -> 1, "travelers" -> 1, "Traumatic" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "transparent" -> 1, "transnational" -> 1, "translators" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transforming" -> 1, "transformative" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "transcontinental" -> 1, "Transatlantic" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "trailers" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "trafficking—both" -> 1, "trafficking–through" -> 1, "Trafficking" -> 1, "traffickers" -> 1, "traditions–including" -> 1, "traditionally" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "tracking" -> 1, "track" -> 1, "toys" -> 1, "toxins" -> 1, "toughen" -> 1, "tortured" -> 1, "tornadoes" -> 1, "top-down" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "told" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "tired" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "Ties" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "Tibetans" -> 1, "thumbs" -> 1, "thrust" -> 1, "throwing" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "thirteen" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "themes" -> 1, "Thankfully" -> 1, "Thailand" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "Test" -> 1, "terrorists–one" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "temples" -> 1, "temperatures" -> 1, "Teddy" -> 1, "technology-rich" -> 1, "technologies—such" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "tear" -> 1, "teamwork" -> 1, "Teams" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "tax-paying" -> 1, "taught" -> 1, "Tasks" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "targeted" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tap" -> 1, "tangible" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talking" -> 1, "Taliban" -> 1, "Taking" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "tailspin" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "tag" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tackle" -> 1, "table–to" -> 1, "TAA's" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "synagogues" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sweatshop" -> 1, "Sustained" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "Suspending" -> 1, "suspects" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "Susan" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "surveillance" -> 1, "surroundings" -> 1, "surge" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "Supporting" -> 1, "suppliers" -> 1, "supplementing" -> 1, "summoned" -> 1, "summon" -> 1, "summits" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "succeed–in" -> 1, "succeeding" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "sub-prime" -> 1, "subjecting" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "Stronger" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "stripe" -> 1, "striking" -> 1, "strides" -> 1, "Stress" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "strain" -> 1, "straight" -> 1, "stories" -> 1, "store" -> 1, "stop-loss" -> 1, "Stop" -> 1, "stirred" -> 1, "stifling" -> 1, "stifle–but" -> 1, "stewards" -> 1, "stepping-stone" -> 1, "stemming" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "stays" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "state-of-the-art" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "startup" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "started" -> 1, "START" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "Stand" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "staff" -> 1, "stability–to" -> 1, "Stability" -> 1, "St." -> 1, "squeezing" -> 1, "squandered" -> 1, "spy" -> 1, "Spread" -> 1, "spouses" -> 1, "spin" -> 1, "spending–it" -> 1, "speeds" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "speculators" -> 1, "specific" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "specialists" -> 1, "Speaking" -> 1, "Speaker" -> 1, "spawn" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "space" -> 1, "Soviet" -> 1, "Sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "sounded" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sorely" -> 1, "Sometimes" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "someone" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solicit" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "smuggling" -> 1, "smarter" -> 1, "Smart" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "skyrocketing" -> 1, "sixth" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "six-party" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "sit" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "signed" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "sidelines" -> 1, "sicker" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shuts" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "Shultz" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "shouldn't" -> 1, "shortfalls" -> 1, "short-change" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shipped" -> 1, "shine" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "shareholders" -> 1, "Shared" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shame—and" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "shadows" -> 1, "shacks" -> 1, "sexism" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "sets" -> 1, "servicemember" -> 1, "service-learning" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "Serve" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "September" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "Seniors" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "self-interest" -> 1, "self-governing" -> 1, "self-governance" -> 1, "self-employed" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "Seizing" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "seeing" -> 1, "security–and" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "Secure" -> 1, "secular" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "Secretariat's" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "searchable" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "screening" -> 1, "screened" -> 1, "screen" -> 1, "scourge" -> 1, "score" -> 1, "sclerosis" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "Sciences" -> 1, "schools–because" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "scapegoats" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saw" -> 1, "Savings" -> 1, "Saving" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "sat" -> 1, "sandwich" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "same-sex" -> 1, "Sam" -> 1, "saga" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "sacrifices" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "Ryan" -> 1, "Russian" -> 1, "rushing" -> 1, "rushed" -> 1, "rules-based" -> 1, "rug" -> 1, "row" -> 1, "roundtables" -> 1, "Round" -> 1, "rots" -> 1, "Rosa" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "rooftops" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "rolling" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "Rodham" -> 1, "risk-takers" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "rigors" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "rights-respecting" -> 1, "rigged" -> 1, "ride" -> 1, "Rico's" -> 1, "riches" -> 1, "richer" -> 1, "Richards" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "Revitalizing" -> 1, "revitalizing" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "Revitalize" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "revitalization" -> 1, "revisit" -> 1, "reviews" -> 1, "Review" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "retrain" -> 1, "retooling" -> 1, "Retirement" -> 1, "retirees" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retire" -> 1, "retains" -> 1, "Retain" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resurgent" -> 1, "resurgence" -> 1, "results-oriented" -> 1, "restrictions–from" -> 1, "Restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "Respect" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resourcefulness" -> 1, "resolves" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resilient" -> 1, "residual" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "reservists" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "reputation" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "repressive" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "replenish" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "repaid" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renounces" -> 1, "RENEWING" -> 1, "remittances" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "Relief" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "releasing" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "reinvigoration" -> 1, "Reinvestment" -> 1, "reinstating" -> 1, "reinstate" -> 1, "reinforced" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "regularity" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "register" -> 1, "region–a" -> 1, "regards" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "refundable" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "reformers" -> 1, "refocusing" -> 1, "reflective" -> 1, "refit" -> 1, "reexamine" -> 1, "re-equip" -> 1, "reentry" -> 1, "reengage" -> 1, "Reed" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "redeploying" -> 1, "rededicates" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "recurring" -> 1, "Recruitment" -> 1, "recruiting" -> 1, "Recruit" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "record-breaking" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "Reconstruction" -> 1, "Recommit" -> 1, "recommit" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "Reclaiming" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "recipe" -> 1, "recidivism" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "re-center" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "Rebuilding" -> 1, "Rebuild" -> 1, "rebate" -> 1, "reasserting" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reap" -> 1, "real-time" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "Real" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "Readjustment" -> 1, "Readiness" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "R&D" -> 1, "Rating" -> 1, "ratifying" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "ratchet" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "ranked" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "rainfall" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "raids" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "radiation" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "quick-launch" -> 1, "Quartet" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualification" -> 1, "Quadrennial" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "purposeful" -> 1, "purge" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "pump" -> 1, "pull" -> 1, "publishing" -> 1, "publicly-owned" -> 1, "pro-worker" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "Provincial" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protocols" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protecting" -> 1, "prostitution" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "proselytize" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "propelled" -> 1, "promotions" -> 1, "Promote" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "PROMISE" -> 1, "Project-level" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "Prohibition" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "progressing" -> 1, "Program" -> 1, "profiling" -> 1, "Proficient" -> 1, "proficiency" -> 1, "professionalism" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "Production" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "problem-solving" -> 1, "probable" -> 1, "prizes" -> 1, "privatizing" -> 1, "prison-to-work" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prison" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "Prevent" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "pre-trained" -> 1, "presumptive" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "presenting" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "Pre-K" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "predator" -> 1, "preconditions" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "pre" -> 1, "practices–including" -> 1, "Practices" -> 1, "power—to" -> 1, "powers–including" -> 1, "Powers" -> 1, "powerless" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "Postures" -> 1, "Post-Traumatic" -> 1, "postsecondary" -> 1, "post-natal" -> 1, "post-conviction" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "portrayals" -> 1, "portable" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "pork" -> 1, "Population" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "poppy-growing" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "poorer" -> 1, "pool" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "polluter" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "pollute" -> 1, "polling" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "policing" -> 1, "policies–many" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "poisoning" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "plunge" -> 1, "plug-in" -> 1, "pledge–a" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "playgrounds" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "planning" -> 1, "planners" -> 1, "planet's" -> 1, "plagues" -> 1, "pioneered" -> 1, "pioneer" -> 1, "pilots" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "pictures" -> 1, "philanthropic" -> 1, "Philadelphia" -> 1, "phase-out" -> 1, "phase-in" -> 1, "perspective" -> 1, "persists" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "persistence" -> 1, "persist" -> 1, "perseverance" -> 1, "Perry" -> 1, "perpetuity" -> 1, "Permanent" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perfection" -> 1, "Perfect" -> 1, "perceived" -> 1, "people–lies" -> 1, "people–in" -> 1, "people–and" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "Pennsylvania" -> 1, "peninsula" -> 1, "Pell" -> 1, "peers" -> 1, "Peacekeeping" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "pay-as-you-go" -> 1, "patterns" -> 1, "Patriot" -> 1, "patriot" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "paternity" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passengers" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "Pashtun" -> 1, "partisanship" -> 1, "participatory" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "Parks" -> 1, "Parkinson's" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "pages" -> 1, "packages" -> 1, "overturning" -> 1, "overturn" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "overpayments" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "outweighs" -> 1, "outsourced" -> 1, "outreach" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "out-educate" -> 1, "out-compete" -> 1, "outcomes" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organs" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "Or" -> 1, "option" -> 1, "optimism" -> 1, "optimal" -> 1, "opt" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opposite" -> 1, "opportunity–access" -> 1, "opinions" -> 1, "operatives" -> 1, "operational" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "Open" -> 1, "OPEC" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "Online" -> 1, "Ongoing" -> 1, "one–who" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "Officer" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "occurring" -> 1, "occupy" -> 1, "occupations" -> 1, "Occupational" -> 1, "occasional" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obstruct" -> 1, "observed" -> 1, "objectively" -> 1, "objectionable" -> 1, "obesity" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "nurture" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "Nunn" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "nullify" -> 1, "nuisance" -> 1, "nuclear-free" -> 1, "nuclear-armed" -> 1, "NPT" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "nothing" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "normalizing" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "nonviolent" -> 1, "non-violent" -> 1, "non-traditional" -> 1, "non-tariff" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-home-based" -> 1, "Nonetheless" -> 1, "non-emergency" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "non-discrimination" -> 1, "non-democratic" -> 1, "nominee" -> 1, "no-bid" -> 1, "NMB's" -> 1, "NLRB's" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "Nigeria" -> 1, "nexus" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "neutral" -> 1, "Network" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "Needed" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "NATO–including" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "Nation's" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "narco-terrorism–or" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "Muslims" -> 1, "Muslim-Americans" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multi-ethnic" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "Mountain" -> 1, "mountain" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "mosques" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "month" -> 1, "monstrosity" -> 1, "moneyed" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "moments" -> 1, "moderation" -> 1, "moderates" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "mixed-income" -> 1, "misunderstanding" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "missing–missing" -> 1, "missed" -> 1, "misinformed" -> 1, "misclassifying" -> 1, "minutes" -> 1, "Minorities" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "Millennium" -> 1, "mile" -> 1, "migrant-sending" -> 1, "micro-loans" -> 1, "microcredit" -> 1, "Michigan" -> 1, "Metropolitan" -> 1, "methodologies" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "mentoring" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "Memorial" -> 1, "memorandum" -> 1, "Meeting" -> 1, "medicines" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "Medicare's" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "Mediation" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "mean" -> 1, "maternity" -> 1, "Material" -> 1, "matching" -> 1, "Mass" -> 1, "Martin" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "Marriage" -> 1, "market's" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "Marines" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "Manhattan" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "Make" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "Maintaining" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "Main" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "macroeconomic" -> 1, "machines" -> 1, "Luther" -> 1, "low-interest" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "low-carbon" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "loved" -> 1, "loud" -> 1, "Loss" -> 1, "loophole" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "looked" -> 1, "long-time" -> 1, "longstanding" -> 1, "longer-term" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "lists" -> 1, "linked" -> 1, "Limited" -> 1, "Lilly" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "Lift" -> 1, "lifestyles" -> 1, "life-saving" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "library" -> 1, "Liberties" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "letters" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lethal" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "lender" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "legendary" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "Ledbetter" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "Leave" -> 1, "Learners" -> 1, "Learner" -> 1, "leapfrog" -> 1, "lead-safe" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "lax" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "launching" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "large-scale" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "ladder" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "labeling" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "knowledge-based" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "Kissinger" -> 1, "King" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "killing" -> 1, "kids" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Keeping" -> 1, "Karachi" -> 1, "Kandahar" -> 1, "jumpstarting" -> 1, "Judiciary–and" -> 1, "Judiciary" -> 1, "judiciaries" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "Jr." -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "job-holders" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "Jefferson–self-interest" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "jail" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "iv" -> 1, "IT" -> 1, "Israel's" -> 1, "Israelis" -> 1, "Israeli-Palestinian" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "isolating" -> 1, "Islanders" -> 1, "Islander" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "Islam" -> 1, "Irish" -> 1, "Iraqi" -> 1, "Iowa" -> 1, "IOU's" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "invests" -> 1, "Investing" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "Invest" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "intertwined" -> 1, "interoperable" -> 1, "internships" -> 1, "Internet's" -> 1, "internet" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "internally" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interest–above" -> 1, "interdict" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "integrate" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "insurgents" -> 1, "insurers" -> 1, "insurer" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instruct" -> 1, "institutionalize" -> 1, "institutional" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "instincts" -> 1, "instigated" -> 1, "install" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "inspirational" -> 1, "insists" -> 1, "insistent" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "input" -> 1, "Innovation" -> 1, "innovate" -> 1, "inner-cities" -> 1, "Injury" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "Initiative" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "ingredient" -> 1, "infrastructures" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "inflict" -> 1, "inflated" -> 1, "infectious" -> 1, "infected" -> 1, "inequalities" -> 1, "inept" -> 1, "industries-risk" -> 1, "industrialized" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individualism" -> 1, "indiscriminate" -> 1, "Independents" -> 1, "incumbent" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "incorporated" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "Incomes" -> 1, "incentivize" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "impunity" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "Improve" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "Implementing" -> 1, "impacts" -> 1, "imminently" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imagine" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "ILO's" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "ill-considered" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "iii" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ii" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "ideologues" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "identity" -> 1, "identification" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "IAEA-controlled" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "(i)" -> 1, "hybrids" -> 1, "hurts" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hunters" -> 1, "hunt" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "hung" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "Humanity" -> 1, "Humanities" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "How" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "horrific" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "hopelessness" -> 1, "hopefully" -> 1, "Hoover" -> 1, "Homestead" -> 1, "homeowner" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "Homebuyers" -> 1, "hole" -> 1, "hoc" -> 1, "HIV-positive" -> 1, "Historically" -> 1, "Hispanic" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "Hillary" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-value-added" -> 1, "highspeed" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "high-schoolers" -> 1, "high-risk" -> 1, "high-priced" -> 1, "high-paying" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "high-demand" -> 1, "Hezbollah" -> 1, "hesitate" -> 1, "heroically" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "hero" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "Henry" -> 1, "Help" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "healthcare" -> 1, "health-care" -> 1, "headlines–and" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "havens" -> 1, "Hate" -> 1, "hate" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "Harry" -> 1, "harm's" -> 1, "Harlem" -> 1, "hard—in" -> 1, "hardworking" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "happens" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "hands—and" -> 1, "hampers" -> 1, "Hamilton" -> 1, "halls" -> 1, "hall" -> 1, "Half" -> 1, "Haiti" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "guns" -> 1, "gun" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "Guantanamo" -> 1, "Group" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "grounded" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "greener" -> 1, "green-collar" -> 1, "Green" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grassroots" -> 1, "grasslands" -> 1, "grandmother" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "graduation" -> 1, "Governors" -> 1, "governors" -> 1, "government—in" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "government-funded" -> 1, "Governance" -> 1, "God-given" -> 1, "Goals" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "glimpse" -> 1, "glass" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "Getting" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "Georgia" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "gatherings" -> 1, "Gas" -> 1, "garner" -> 1, "games" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "gag" -> 1, "G-8—so" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "fundamentalist" -> 1, "functioning" -> 1, "fuel-efficient" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "Frontier" -> 1, "Friday" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "fraudulent" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "fragility" -> 1, "four-dollar-a-gallon" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "Forum" -> 1, "Forty" -> 1, "Forms" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forgiveness" -> 1, "forgetting" -> 1, "forever–for" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "foresees" -> 1, "foreclosures" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "focuses" -> 1, "flowing" -> 1, "floodwaters" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "Fissile" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "Firearms" -> 1, "finishing" -> 1, "finish" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "filling" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "Filipino" -> 1, "filings" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fiber" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "fester" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federal-local" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fatten" -> 1, "Fatherhood" -> 1, "fatherhood" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "fast-tracked" -> 1, "fast-track" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "fascism" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "far-off" -> 1, "farmers–just" -> 1, "fare" -> 1, "famous" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "Faith-based" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "extremely" -> 1, "extra" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "exporters" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploitative" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expending" -> 1, "expectations" -> 1, "expectant" -> 1, "expectancy" -> 1, "expansions" -> 1, "expands" -> 1, "Expand" -> 1, "ex-offender" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "excel" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyone's" -> 1, "Everglades" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "evaluate" -> 1, "ethnicity" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "Ethical" -> 1, "ethic" -> 1, "ethanol" -> 1, "estimated" -> 1, "establishes" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "Establish" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "era–have" -> 1, "Eradicating" -> 1, "Era" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equipping" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "epochal" -> 1, "epidemic" -> 1, "epicenters" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "environmentally-friendly" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "enumerated" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "Entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entrepreneurial" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "Ensuring" -> 1, "ensured" -> 1, "enroll" -> 1, "enrichment" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "enhancing" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "energy-focused" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "endemic" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "Empowering" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "Employee" -> 1, "employee" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "empathy" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emitting" -> 1, "emitter" -> 1, "Emerging" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "emerged" -> 1, "embryonic" -> 1, "embraced" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "embassy" -> 1, "emanate" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "Elko" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "eliminates" -> 1, "elevated" -> 1, "elevate" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electrifying" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "e.g" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "educated" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "economy-wide" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "easily" -> 1, "earth's" -> 1, "earthquakes" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earns" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earmarks" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "dysfunctional" -> 1, "dynamism" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drugs" -> 1, "dropout" -> 1, "drop-out" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "drones–to" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "drill" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "doorstep" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "donut" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "doling" -> 1, "Doing" -> 1, "Doha" -> 1, "doesn't" -> 1, "Do" -> 1, "DNA" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "divides" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "district" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distance" -> 1, "disrespect" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "displace" -> 1, "disparate" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "Disorder" -> 1, "dismissed" -> 1, "dismay" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disenfranchise" -> 1, "discuss" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "discovery" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disciplines" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "discarded" -> 1, "disappointed" -> 1, "disappearance" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "disaggregation" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "Director" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "directions—by" -> 1, "Diplomacy" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "dimensions" -> 1, "diligence" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "digital" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "dictators" -> 1, "dichotomy" -> 1, "diabetes" -> 1, "Develop" -> 1, "devastation" -> 1, "deterrent" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "detained" -> 1, "detain" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "Destruction" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destinies" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "designing" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "Depression" -> 1, "depoliticize" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Department's" -> 1, "De-Nuclearize" -> 1, "denials" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "Democracies" -> 1, "Demeaning" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "Delta" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "delivers" -> 1, "deforestation" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "defendants" -> 1, "Defeating" -> 1, "defeating" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "deeper" -> 1, "deepening" -> 1, "Deepen" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "dedicating" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "Declassification" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "deck" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "debates" -> 1, "debacle" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "dams" -> 1, "dampen" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "Cyber-Security" -> 1, "cyber-infrastructure" -> 1, "cutting-edge" -> 1, "Customs" -> 1, "curry" -> 1, "curricula" -> 1, "Currently" -> 1, "currently" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "culturally" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "crossroads" -> 1, "cross-border" -> 1, "cross" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crisis–particularly" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "crippling" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "Crimes" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "creators" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "Creating" -> 1, "crafts" -> 1, "crafted" -> 1, "craft" -> 1, "cracks" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "Coverage" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courthouses" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "coups" -> 1, "couples" -> 1, "County" -> 1, "county" -> 1, "country–in" -> 1, "counting" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "counted" -> 1, "Count" -> 1, "cost-shifting" -> 1, "cost-effective" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "corners" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "convene" -> 1, "contributions–with" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "Contractors" -> 1, "contractor" -> 1, "Contracting" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "contends" -> 1, "contend" -> 1, "contacts" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "Consultative" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "construct" -> 1, "constrained" -> 1, "Constitution's" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "consolidated" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "conservatives" -> 1, "consensus" -> 1, "connectivity" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "Connected" -> 1, "connected" -> 1, "connect" -> 1, "conjures" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "confirm" -> 1, "confidentiality" -> 1, "conferences" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "comprehensively" -> 1, "compounds" -> 1, "compounded" -> 1, "compound" -> 1, "component" -> 1, "complex" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "Competitiveness" -> 1, "competitively" -> 1, "competition–and" -> 1, "compete–and" -> 1, "Competes" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compensated" -> 1, "compassion" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "communism" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "commonsense" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "comment" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "Combating" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "Colombia" -> 1, "Colleges" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "Collar" -> 1, "collapses" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "coastline" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "coaches" -> 1, "clusters" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clock" -> 1, "Clinton's" -> 1, "Clinton" -> 1, "climate-friendly" -> 1, "Climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "cleanup" -> 1, "clean-energy" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "classroom" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "Class" -> 1, "clarify" -> 1, "claiming" -> 1, "civilians" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "Civic" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "churches" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "child–not" -> 1, "child–it's" -> 1, "children–without" -> 1, "Children's" -> 1, "childrearing" -> 1, "childcare" -> 1, "Cheyenne" -> 1, "Chesapeake" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "chemical" -> 1, "cheapen" -> 1, "Chavez" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charging" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "chaotic" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "Change" -> 1, "challenges—whether" -> 1, "challenges–from" -> 1, "Chairman" -> 1, "chair" -> 1, "Cesar" -> 1, "certifications" -> 1, "certification" -> 1, "CEOs" -> 1, "century-old" -> 1, "centerpiece" -> 1, "Center" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "cellulosic" -> 1, "ceiling" -> 1, "Ccentury—they" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "caucuses" -> 1, "catch" -> 1, "Catastrophic" -> 1, "catastrophes" -> 1, "catalyze" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "cars" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "Careless" -> 1, "careless" -> 1, "caregiving" -> 1, "caregivers" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "carbon-energy-intensive" -> 1, "capitalism" -> 1, "Capacity" -> 1, "candor" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "Cancer" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "camp" -> 1, "calendar" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "Byrne" -> 1, "businesses–for" -> 1, "Bush's" -> 1, "Burma" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "Burdens" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "bullying" -> 1, "bullies" -> 1, "build–or" -> 1, "builds" -> 1, "building–a" -> 1, "Building" -> 1, "Build" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "brokers" -> 1, "broker" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "broadcasters" -> 1, "broadcast" -> 1, "brink" -> 1, "brighter" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "breast" -> 1, "breakdowns" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "Brasilia" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "Brain" -> 1, "bountiful" -> 1, "borrowers" -> 1, "Border" -> 1, "booths" -> 1, "bonuses" -> 1, "bombast" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "boldness" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "Bobby" -> 1, "blunder" -> 1, "blower" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "blocks" -> 1, "block" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "blew" -> 1, "Black" -> 1, "bit" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "bioterrorists" -> 1, "bioterrorism" -> 1, "bio-terror" -> 1, "Biological" -> 1, "biofuels" -> 1, "biodiversity" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "biased" -> 1, "Beyond" -> 1, "Berlin" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "benchmarks" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belittled" -> 1, "belated" -> 1, "Beijing" -> 1, "beholden" -> 1, "Behind–while" -> 1, "begins" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "bedrock" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "Bay—including" -> 1, "Bay" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "batteries" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "barrels" -> 1, "barrel" -> 1, "bargains" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "banning" -> 1, "bankruptcies" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "Ban" -> 1, "Bamako" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "Baghdad" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "backlog" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "AWOL" -> 1, "awareness" -> 1, "awarded" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "automobiles" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "automakers" -> 1, "autocratic" -> 1, "autocracy" -> 1, "auto" -> 1, "autism" -> 1, "Authority" -> 1, "authoritarian" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "audacity" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attracting" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attended" -> 1, "attendance" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "atrocities" -> 1, "at-risk" -> 1, "Atomic" -> 1, "asymmetrical" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "aspiring" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "Asian-American" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "artistic" -> 1, "art" -> 1, "Arsenal" -> 1, "arrogance" -> 1, "arrived" -> 1, "arrangements—with" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "Argentina" -> 1, "aren't" -> 1, "archive" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "Arab-Americans" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "Appropriations" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "apprenticeships" -> 1, "apprenticeship" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "Apology" -> 1, "Apollo" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anti-corruption" -> 1, "anti-Americanism" -> 1, "Anthony" -> 1, "answered" -> 1, "Ann" -> 1, "anglers" -> 1, "Andrews" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "AmeriCorps" -> 1, "AMERICA'S" -> 1, "Americans—roughly" -> 1, "Americans–including" -> 1, "American-grown" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "ambitious–particularly" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "Allow" -> 1, "Allies" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "Alliance" -> 1, "alleviation" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alienation" -> 1, "alienating" -> 1, "Alexander" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "airliners" -> 1, "air" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "agendas" -> 1, "Agency's" -> 1, "age-appropriate" -> 1, "again—organize" -> 1, "Afghans" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affiliation" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "Advisory" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "Advantage" -> 1, "Advancing" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "Advanced" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "adopters" -> 1, "admirably" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "adaptive" -> 1, "adaptable" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "ADAP" -> 1, "ad" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "Action" -> 1, "Acting" -> 1, "Acquiring" -> 1, "accurately" -> 1, "accountable–our" -> 1, "Accords" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "Academy" -> 1, "academia" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absentee" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "abortions" -> 1, "abides" -> 1, "abide" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "8,000" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "78" -> 1, "76" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "65,000" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "600,000" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "47th" -> 1, "463,000" -> 1, "43rd" -> 1, "35" -> 1, "33" -> 1, "30,000" -> 1, "300" -> 1, "27,000" -> 1, "250" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "21st-Century" -> 1, "20th" -> 1, "2025" -> 1, "2015" -> 1, "2012" -> 1, "2009" -> 1, "2006" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "1990s" -> 1, "1970s" -> 1, "1949" -> 1, "1645" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "12,500" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 2004", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 2004, "Date" -> DateObject[{2004, 7, 26}], "Text" -> "PREAMBLE\n\nAs we come together to declare our vision as Democrats, we are mindful that the challenges of our times are new and profound. This November, the choice we face as Americans may have more impact on our people and our place in the world than any in our lifetimes. We approach this task with a seriousness that matches the challenges before us, but also with a profound optimism about our future – an optimism that springs from our great faith in America, and our great pride in what it means to be Americans.\nWe know the stakes are immeasurably high.\nFor the first time in generations, we have been attacked on our own shores. Our brave men and women in uniform are still in harm's way in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war against terror. Our alliances are frayed, our credibility in doubt.\nOur great middle class is hard-pressed. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and millions more are struggling under the mounting burden of life's everyday costs.\nIn Washington, the President and his allies stubbornly press on, without regard to the needs of our people or the challenges of our times.\nIt is time for a new direction.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party bring a new vision for America – strong at home, respected abroad. An America that offers opportunity, rewards responsibility, and rejoices in diversity.\nWe have a plan to build a strong, respected America: protecting our people, rebuilding our alliances, and leading the way to a more peaceful and prosperous world.\nWe have a plan to build a strong, growing economy: creating good jobs, rewarding hard work, and restoring fiscal discipline.\nWe have a plan to help our people build strong, healthy families: securing quality health care, offering world-class education, and ensuring clean air and water.\nAnd we will honor the values of a strong American community: widening the circle of equality, protecting the sanctity of freedom, and deepening our commitment to this country.\nIn offering this vision, we affirm our faith in the greatness of America. We recommit to the ideal of a people united in helping one another, an ideal as old as the faiths we follow and as great as the country we love. To those who are threatened, we pledge protection; to those who are victims, we promise justice; to those who are hopeless, we offer hope. And to all Americans who seek a better future for themselves, for their loved ones, and for our country, we say: your cause is our own.\nThat is the America we believe in. That is the America we are fighting for. That is the America we will build together – one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.\nA STRONG, RESPECTED AMERICA\n\nAlone among nations, America was born in pursuit of an idea – that a free people with diverse beliefs could govern themselves in peace. For more than a century, America has spared no effort to defend and promote that idea around the world. And over and over, that effort has been marked by the exercise of American leadership to forge powerful alliances based on mutual respect with longtime allies and reluctant friends; with nations already living in the light of democracy and with peoples struggling to join them.\nThe might of our alliances, coupled with the strength of our democratic ideals, has been a driving force in the survival and success of freedom – in two World Wars, in the Korean War, in the Cold War, in the Gulf War and in Kosovo. America led instead of going it alone. We extended a hand, not a fist. We respected the world – and the world respected us.\nAs Americans, we respect and honor our veterans. We are indebted to all those courageous men and women who have answered our country's call to duty. Their service and sacrifice, their dedication and love of country advance our cause of freedom and uphold our finest traditions as a nation.\nThat is the America we believe in. That is the America we are fighting for. And that is the America we can be.\nBut the Bush Administration has walked away from more than a hundred years of American leadership in the world to embrace a new – and dangerously ineffective – disregard for the world.\nThey rush to force before exhausting diplomacy. They bully rather than persuade. They act alone when they could assemble a team. They hope for the best when they should prepare for the worst. Time and again, this Administration confuses leadership with going it alone and engagement with compromise of principle. They do not understand that real leadership means standing by your principles and rallying others to join you.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe in a better, stronger America – an America that is respected, not just feared, and an America that listens and leads. Our vision has deep roots in our Declaration of Independence and Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Four Freedoms, and in the tough-minded tradition of engagement and leadership—a tradition forged by Wilson and Roosevelt in two world wars, then championed by Truman and Kennedy during the Cold War. We believe in an America that people around the world admire, because they know we cherish not just our freedom, but theirs. Not just our democracy, but their hope for it. Not just our peace and security, but the world's. We believe in an America that cherishes freedom, safeguards our people, forges alliances, and commands respect. That is the America we are going to build.\nOur overriding goals are the same as ever: to protect our people and our way of life; and to help build a safer, more peaceful, more prosperous, more democratic world. Today, we face three great challenges above all others – first, to win the global war against terror; second, to stop the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; and third, to promote democracy and freedom around the world, starting with a peaceful and stable Iraq.\nTo meet these challenges, we need a new national security policy guided by four new imperatives: First, America must launch and lead a new era of alliances for the post-September 11 world. Second, we must modernize the world's most powerful military to meet the new threats. Third, in addition to our military might, we must deploy all that is in America's arsenal – our diplomacy, our intelligence system, our economic power, and the appeal of our values and ideas. Fourth and finally, to safeguard our freedom and ensure our nation's future, we must end our dependence on Mideast oil.\nToday, the Bush Administration is waging a war against a global terrorist movement committed to our destruction with insufficient understanding of our enemy or effort to address the underlying factors that can give rise to new recruits. This war isn't just a manhunt. We cannot rest until Osama bin Laden is captured or killed, but that day will mark only a victory in the war on terror, not its end. Terrorists like al Qaeda and its affiliates are unlike any adversary our nation has ever known. We face a global terrorist movement of many groups, funded from different sources with separate agendas, but all committed to assaulting the United States and free and open societies around the globe. Despite his tough talk, President Bush's actions against terrorism have fallen far short. He still has no comprehensive strategy for victory. After allowing bin Laden to escape from our grasp at Tora Bora, he diverted crucial resources from the effort to destroy al Qaeda in Afghanistan. His doctrine of unilateral preemption has driven away our allies and cost us the support of other nations.\nWe must put in place a strategy to win – an approach that recognizes and addresses the many facets of this mortal challenge, from the terrorists themselves to the root causes that give rise to new recruits, and uses all the tools at our disposal. Agents of terrorism work in the shadows of more than 60 nations, on every continent. The only possible path to victory will be found in the company of others, not walking alone. With John Kerry as Commander-in-Chief, we will never wait for a green light from abroad when our safety is at stake, but we must enlist those whose support we need for ultimate victory.\nVictory in the war on terror requires a combination of American determination and international cooperation on all fronts. It requires the ability and willingness to direct immediate, effective military action when the capture or destruction of terrorist groups and their leaders is possible; a massive improvement in intelligence gathering and analysis coupled with vigorous law enforcement; a relentless effort to shut down the flow of terrorist funds; a global effort to prevent failed or failing states that can become sanctuaries for terrorists; a sustained effort to deny terrorists any more recruits by conducting effective public diplomacy; and a sustained political and economic effort to improve education, work for peace, support democracy and extend hope.\nWe must also improve our intelligence here at home. From the failure to uncover the September 11th plot to the deeply misguided reports about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction, we have experienced unprecedented intelligence failures in recent years. We must do what President Bush has refused to do – reform our intelligence system by creating a true Director of National Intelligence with real control of intelligence personnel and budgets. We must train more analysts in languages spoken by terrorists. And we must break down the old communications barriers between national intelligence and local law enforcement, taking care to fully preserve our liberties.\nWe must expand NATO forces outside Kabul. We must accelerate training for the Afghan army and police. The program to disarm and reintegrate warlord militias into society must be expedited and expanded into a mainstream strategy. We will attack the exploding opium trade ignored by the Bush Administration by doubling our counter-narcotics assistance to the Karzai Government and reinvigorating the regional drug control program.\nBeyond Afghanistan, terrorist attacks from Saudi Arabia and Indonesia to Kenya, Morocco, and Turkey point to a widening network of terrorists targeting this country and our friends. Failed and failing states like Somalia or countries with large areas of limited government control like the Philippines and Indonesia need international help to close down terrorist havens.\nAmerica needs a major initiative in public diplomacy to support the many voices of freedom in the Arab and Muslim world. To improve education for the next generation of Islamic youth, we need a cooperative international effort to compete with radical Madrassas. And we must support human rights groups, independent media, and labor unions dedicated to building a democratic culture from the grassroots up. Democracy will not blossom overnight, but America should speed its growth by sustaining the forces of democracy against repressive regimes and by rewarding governments that work toward this end.\nThere is no greater threat to American security than the possibility of terrorists armed with weapons of mass destruction. Preventing terrorists from gaining access to these weapons must be our number one security goal.\nContaining this massive threat requires American leadership of the highest order – leadership that brings our allies, friends, and partners to greater collaboration and participation – and compels problem states to join and comply with international agreements and abandon their weapons programs. Unfortunately, this Administration's policies have moved America in the opposite direction. They have weakened international agreements and efforts to enforce non­proliferation instead of strengthening them. They have not done nearly enough to secure existing stockpiles and bomb-making materials. They have failed to take effective steps to stop the North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs. We must change course now.\nMore than a decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Russia still has nearly 20,000 nuclear weapons and enough nuclear material to produce 50,000 more. For most of these weapons and materials, cooperative security upgrades have not been completed. The world is relying on whatever measures Russia has taken on its own. At the current pace, it will take 13 years to secure potential bomb material in the former Soviet Union. We cannot wait that long. We will do it in four years.\nWe should maintain the six-party talks, but we must also be prepared to talk directly with North Korea to negotiate a comprehensive agreement that addresses the full range of issues for ourselves and our allies. But we should have no illusions about Kim Jong Il. Any agreement must have rigorous verification and lead to complete and irreversible elimination of North Korea's nuclear weapons program.\nEven as we have scoured Iraq for signs of weapons of mass destruction, Iran has reportedly been working to develop them next door. A nuclear-armed Iran is an unacceptable risk to us and our allies.\nThe same is true for other countries that may be seeking nuclear weapons. This is why strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is so critical. We must close the loophole that lets countries develop nuclear weapons capabilities under the guise of a peaceful, civilian nuclear power program. We also need to strengthen enforcement and verification and make rigorous inspection protocols mandatory.\nWe must work with every country to tighten export controls, stiffen penalties, and beef up law enforcement and intelligence sharing. That way we can make absolutely sure that a disaster like the AQ Khan black market network, which grew out of Pakistan's nuclear program, can never happen again. We must also take steps to reduce tension between India and Pakistan and guard against the possibility of their nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands.\nWe know that promoting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law is vital to our long-term security. Americans will be safer in a world of democracies. We will work with people and non­governmental organizations around the world struggling for freedom, even as we work with their governments to protect our security from weapons of terror. We will restore America's credibility and commitment as a force for democracy and human rights, starting in Iraq.\nWe believe that upholding international standards for the treatment of prisoners, wherever they may be held, advances America's national security, the security of our troops, and the values of our people. And we believe torture is unacceptable. America should abide by its own laws and the treaties it has ratified, including the Geneva Conventions. We will also support international efforts to address the problem of landmines, while at the same time ensuring that our troops are protected.\nPeople of good will disagree about whether America should have gone to war in Iraq, but this much is clear: this Administration badly exaggerated its case, particularly with respect to weapons of mass destruction and the connection between Saddam's government and al Qaeda. This Administration did not build a true international coalition. This Administration disdained the United Nations weapons inspection process and rushed to war without exhausting diplomatic alternatives. Ignoring the advice of military leaders, this Administration did not send sufficient forces into Iraq to accomplish the mission. And this Administration went into Iraq without a plan to win the peace.\nNow this Administration has been forced to change course in order to correct this fundamental mistake. They are now taking up the suggestions that many Democrats have been making for over a year. And they must – because having gone to war, we cannot afford to fail at peace. We cannot allow a failed state in Iraq that inevitably would become a haven for terrorists and a destabilizing force in the Middle East. And we must secure more help from an international community that shares a huge stake in helping Iraq become a responsible member of that community, not a breeding ground for terror and intolerance.\nAs a first step, we must create a stable and secure environment in Iraq. To do this right, we must truly internationalize both politically and militarily: we cannot depend on a US-only presence. Other nations have a vital interest in the outcome, and we must bring them in to commit troops and resources. The Bush Administration has missed three great opportunities to do that. First, the President broke his promise to build a legitimate coalition in Iraq by exhausting diplomacy before resorting to the use of military force. Second, when the statue fell in Baghdad, Kofi Annan invited the United States to come to the table to discuss international support – but we rejected his offer. Third, when the President addressed the United Nations last fall, he once again refused to acknowledge the difficulties we faced in Iraq and failed to elicit support from other nations.\nThe President has not given our troops the clarity of mission, the equipment or the international support they need and deserve. We have a different approach based on a simple commitment: Troops come first. Our helicopter pilots have flown battlefield missions without the best anti­missile systems. In a Democratic Administration, that will change. Too many of our nation's finest troops have died in attacks, because tens of thousands were deployed to Iraq without the best bulletproof vests, and there is a shortage of armored vehicles on the ground. In a Democratic Administration, that will change. Thousands of National Guardsmen and reservists have been forced to leave their families and jobs for more than a year – with no end in sight – because this Administration ignored the pressing need for a true coalition. In a Democratic Administration, that will change.\nTo succeed, America must do the hard work of engaging the world's major political powers in this mission. We must build a coalition of countries, including the other permanent members of the UN Security Council, to share the political, economic, and military responsibilities of Iraq with the United States.\nTo win over allies, we must share responsibility with those nations that answer our call, and treat them with respect. We must lead, but we must listen. The rewards of respect are enormous. We must convince NATO to take on a more significant role and contribute additional military forces. As other countries, including Muslim majority countries, contribute troops, the United States will be able to reduce its military presence in Iraq, and we intend to do this when appropriate so that the military support needed by a sovereign Iraqi government will no longer be seen as the direct continuation of an American military presence.\nSecond, we need to create an international High Commissioner to serve as the senior international representative working with the Iraqi government. This Commissioner should be backed by a newly broadened security coalition and charged with overseeing elections, assisting with drafting a constitution, and coordinating reconstruction. The Commissioner should be highly regarded by the international community, have the credibility to talk to all the Iraqi people, and work directly with Iraq's interim government, the new U.S. Ambassador, and the international community.\nAt the same time, U.S. and international policies must take into consideration the best interests of the Iraqi people. The Iraqi people desperately need financial and technical assistance that is not swallowed up by bureaucracy and no-bid contracts, but instead goes directly into grassroots organizations. They need to see the tangible benefits of reconstruction: jobs, infrastructure, and services. They should also receive the full benefits of their own oil production as quickly as possible, so as to rebuild their country and help themselves as individuals, while also reducing the costs of security and reconstruction on the American taxpayer and the cost of gasoline to American consumers. And they need to be able to communicate their concerns to international authorities without feeling they are being disrespected in their own country.\nAmerica also needs a massive training effort to build Iraqi security forces that can actually provide security for the Iraqi people. It must be done in the field and on the job as well as in the classroom. Units cannot be put on the street without backup from international security forces. This is a task we must do in partnership with other nations, not just on our own. And this is a task in which we must succeed. If we fail to create viable Iraqi security forces – military and police – there is no successful exit for us and other nations.\nThe challenges in Iraq are great, but the opportunity is also significant. Under John Kerry and John Edwards, we will meet those challenges, win the peace in Iraq, and help to create new hope and opportunity for the entire Middle East.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to revitalizing the Atlantic partnership. The international goals that the United States pursues will be easier to attain if Europe and America are working together. We will ensure that NATO remains strong, continuing to consolidate peace in Europe even as the alliance takes on new tasks in Afghanistan and Iraq. We look forward to the evolution of the European Union and to a prosperous and unified Europe that joins the United States in meeting today's security challenges and expanding the global economy.\nUnder a Democratic Administration, the United States will demonstrate the kind of resolve to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that President Clinton showed. We will work to transform the Palestinian Authority by promoting new and responsible leadership, committed to fighting terror and promoting democracy. We support the creation of a democratic Palestinian state dedicated to living in peace and security side by side with the Jewish State of Israel. The creation of a Palestinian state should resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees by allowing them to settle there, rather than in Israel. Furthermore, all understand that it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949. And we understand that all final status negotiations must be mutually agreed.\nWe need a new military to meet the new threats of the 21st Century. Today's American military is the best in the world, but tomorrow's military must be even better. It must be stronger, faster, better armed, and never again stretched so thin.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party will send a clear message to every man and woman in our armed forces: We guarantee that you will always be the best-led, best-equipped and most respected fighting force in the world. You will be armed with the right weapons, schooled in the right skills, and fully prepared to win on the battlefield. You will never be sent into harm's way without enough troops for the task, and never asked to fight a war without a plan to win the peace. You will never be given assignments which have not been clearly defined and for which you are not professionally trained.\nThe Bush Administration was right to call for the \"transformation\" of the military. But their version of transformation neglected to consider that the dangers we face have also been transformed. The Administration was concerned with fighting classic conventional wars, instead of the asymmetrical threats we now face in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war against al Qaeda. To rise to those challenges, we must strengthen our military, including our Special Forces, improve our technology, and task our National Guard with homeland security.\nTo pick up the slack, we've called up our Guard and Reserves at historic levels. Some have been on the ground in Iraq for as many as 15 months, much longer than was expected or promised. Many of these units are being pushed to the limit and stretched far too thin. The Administration's answer has just been to stretch further. They have extended tours of duty, delayed retirements, and prevented enlisted personnel from leaving the service – effectively using a stop-loss policy and recall of Individual Ready Reserve members as a back-door draft.\nWe will add 40,000 new soldiers – not to increase the number of soldiers in Iraq, but to sustain our overseas deployments and prevent and prepare for other possible conflicts. This will help relieve the strain on our troops and bring back more of our soldiers, guardsmen and reservists. We are dedicated to keeping our military operating on a volunteer basis. We are committed to management reform both to ensure that our defense funding is spent effectively and to help pay for these new forces.\nWe will increase our civil affairs personnel – those who arrive on the scene after the major conflict ends to work with local leaders and officials to get the schools back in shape, the hospitals reopened, and the banks up and running. We also need more military police, because public order is critical to establishing the conditions that allow peace to take hold.\nAnd we will build and train new forces equipped with the most-sophisticated technology to specialize in finding, securing, and destroying weapons of mass destruction and the facilities that build them.\nNo strategy for American security is complete without a plan to end America's dependence on Mideast oil. Today, the American economy depends on oil controlled by some of the world's most repressive regimes. This leaves our economy dangerously vulnerable to nations that do not share our interests. America too often is silent about the practices of some governments because we depend on oil they control.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe a strong America must no longer rely on the cooperation of regimes that do not share our values. We believe a strong America must move toward energy independence.\nIn the Bush Administration, energy independence doesn't get a thought. Their energy policy is simple: government by big oil, of big oil, and for big oil. This Administration let oil industry lobbyists and executives write our nation's energy policy in secret. They even went to the Supreme Court to stop the public from learning what they were doing. They've done nothing as gas prices have soared to record levels. Even the Administration's own economists have found that their energy plan will do nothing to reduce gas prices. This President's approach to energy policy leaves America shackled to foreign oil, dependent, vulnerable, and exposed.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe in a better, stronger, more independent America. We are committed to achieving energy independence, and we know we can do it. Our ingenuity and determination built the cars we drive and the bridges we use. It electrified rural America in the 1930s, and took us to the moon in the 1960s. Our resolve helped conquer polio.\nIt's this simple: When we see a problem, we roll up our sleeves and solve it. And that's what we pledge to do now.\nAchieving energy independence will improve our ability to protect our values and interests in the world. It will reduce energy costs for our families. It will create high-paying new jobs. And it will improve our environment and make our people healthier.\nWith sixty-five percent of the world's oil reserves in the Middle East, we cannot drill our way to energy independence. But we can create, think, imagine, and invent our way there. And we will create jobs, help our environment, and build a stronger country as we do.\nThe first and foremost responsibility of government is to protect its citizens from harm. Unfortunately, Washington today is not doing enough to make America safe.\nWe have made some progress since the terrible attacks of September 11th. We have taken steps to secure our airports. After resisting Democratic efforts for months, the Administration finally agreed to create the Department of Homeland Security.\nBut we have not done nearly enough. Our intelligence services remain fragmented and lack coordination. Millions of massive shipping containers arrive at American ports every year without being searched and without even a reliable list of their contents. Our borders are full of holes. Our chemical plants are vulnerable to attack. Across America, police officers, firefighters, and other first responders still lack the information, protective gear, and communications equipment to do their jobs safely and successfully.\nThe Bush Administration, full of tough talk about terror, has no coherent plan for domestic defense. John Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe America can do better. We believe America must do better. We believe America will do better.\nWe will ensure that our watch lists are accessible when and where they are needed. We will also give security clearances to appropriate state and local officials so they can get critical information at the critical times. Our intelligence apparatus needs significant reform, and so creating a true Director of National Intelligence is critical.\nWe will put an end to political delays in adopting tighter controls on air cargo, tons of which goes uninspected every day. We will increase perimeter inspections at U.S. airports and work with international aviation authorities to make sure the same standards are in place overseas. Working with our Northern and Southern neighbors, we will strengthen controls at border crossings, and use modern technology and better staffing to improve the quality of border inspections while enhancing commerce.\nThere are more than 100 chemical plants where an attack could endanger more than one million people, and the FBI has warned that al Qaeda may target our chemical industry. The Bush Administration was actually moving toward a commonsense solution that would set minimum standards for safety at chemical plants. But dangerously true to form, after heavy lobbying by the chemical industry, they backed down. We will make these plants secure; by requiring more guards, more fencing, and the use of less dangerous chemicals when possible.\nOur first responders are the first ones up the stairs in the event of the emergency, and it is wrong that today they are last in line when it comes to this administration's budgets. Under the Bush Administration, police departments in small cities have lost more than 15 percent of their full-time paid police and employees. And today, two-thirds of our nation's fire departments are not fully staffed. We can do more for the heroes of 9/11 and we can do more for our fellow citizens. And we will. We will provide direct assistance to our police officers and firefighters on the frontlines. They'll have the equipment and manpower they need to protect us. We will also ensure that front line workers throughout our transportation system receive the security training necessary to respond to terrorist threats. We also need to modernize our emergency warning system to provide localized warnings, treat the fighters on the frontlines as partners, and give families all the information they need. This Administration may think that homeland security is about changing the alert from yellow to orange. They're wrong; the colors of safety are firefighter red, EMT white, and police officer blue.\nWe will dramatically improve our ability to respond to a biological attack. We will appoint one individual to oversee all bioterrorism programs, budgets and strategic priorities. We will set national benchmarks for state and local preparedness so community leaders aren't flying blind. We will harness America's bioscience genius to increase drug and vaccine development. We will revitalize our public health system, improving monitoring capabilities and coordination. And we will strengthen hospitals, which today cannot prepare for a bio-terrorism emergency because they are overwhelmed by the everyday emergencies of people without insurance.\nWe also will encourage all Americans to do their part to make America safer. We support the development of a new community defense service grounded in neighborhoods and comprised of ordinary Americans from across the country. Like a 21st Century Neighborhood Watch, members would work within their communities to make a contribution—helping health professionals, assisting with evacuation plans, and standing ready in emergency.\nTogether, we can make America safer, stronger, and more respected. We can do it in a way that safeguards all the greatness of America by protecting our people, securing our homeland, and reinforcing our values – faith and family, duty and service, individual freedom and a common purpose to build one nation under God. We can do it in a way that keeps faith with the best measures of American leadership around the world – the builder of alliances, the defender of freedom, the champion of human rights. We can do it, and we will.\nA STRONG, GROWING ECONOMY\n\nThe great promise of America is simple: a better life for all who work for it. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you believe, as an American, you live in a land that offers you all the possibilities your hard work and God-given talent can bring.\nThe opportunity to build a better future starts with a good job. It has always been that way. From the time when most people worked in the fields, through the Industrial Revolution and into the Information Age, the opportunity for work, the rewards from work, and the dignity of work have made Americans successful and America strong.\nWe offer America a new economic plan that will put jobs first. We will renew American competitiveness, make honest budget choices, and invest in our future.\nA strong America keeps the promise of opportunity for all and heeds the warning of special privileges for none. That's the America we believe in. That's the America we're fighting for. And that's the America we can build together.\nIn President George Bush's America, unfortunately, too often you need special privileges if you want opportunity. This White House values wealth over hard work, lavishes special treatment upon a fortunate few at the expense of most businesses and working people, and defends policies that weaken America's competitive position and destroy American jobs. Instead of meeting the challenge of globalization by strengthening our workers' ability to compete and win, this Administration uses globalization as an excuse not to fight for American jobs.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe in a better America—a strong America.\nWe believe that a strong America begins at home, with good jobs that support families and an equal chance for all our people.\nWe believe in progress that brings prosperity for all Americans, not just for those who are already successful. We believe that good jobs will help strengthen and expand the strongest middle class the world has ever known.\nWe believe the private sector, not government, is the engine of economic growth and job creation. Government's responsibility is to create an environment that will promote private sector investment, foster vigorous competition, and strengthen the foundations of an innovative economy.\nWe believe Americans are the smartest, toughest competitors in the world. Our products and ideas can compete and win anywhere, as long as we're given a fair chance. And our companies can keep and create jobs in America without sacrificing competitiveness.\nWe will fight for American jobs and we will fight for American workers. Under John Kerry and John Edwards, we will revive America's manufacturing sector, create new jobs and protect existing ones by ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and cutting taxes for companies that create jobs here at home; by fighting for free, fair and balanced trade; by encouraging investment in small businesses and helping companies deal with rising health care costs; by promoting new technologies, like energy, that will lead to the companies and jobs of tomorrow; and by ensuring that people of every age learn the skills to succeed in today's economy.\nWe will stand up for American workers and consumers by building on President Clinton's progress in including enforceable, internationally recognized labor and environmental standards in trade agreements. We will aggressively enforce our trade agreements with a real plan that includes a complete review of all existing agreements; immediate investigation into China's workers' rights abuses and currency manipulation; increased funding for efforts to protect workers' rights and stop child labor abuse; new reforms to protect the innovations of high-tech companies; and vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws. We will use all the tools we have to create new opportunities for American workers, farmers, and businesses, and break down barriers in key export markets, like the Japanese auto market and the Chinese high-technology market. We will effectively enforce our trade laws protecting against dumping, illegal subsidies, and import surges that threaten American jobs.\nNew trade agreements must protect internationally recognized workers' rights and environmental standards as vigorously as they now protect commercial concerns. We will build on and strengthen the progress made in the Jordan agreement to include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in the core of new free trade agreements. And no trade agreement should stop government from protecting the environment, food safety or the health of its citizens. Nor should an agreement give greater rights to foreign investors than to U.S. investors, require the privatization of our vital public services, or limit our government's ability to create good jobs in our communities.\nWe will help businesses cope with the skyrocketing cost of health care by reforming our health care system and cutting taxes to help small businesses pay for health insurance. Retiree health costs impose major burdens on many employers, particularly manufacturers, and we will push for reform so that companies are not forced to choose among retirees, current workers, and their own ability to compete.\nUnlike the Bush administration, we will always stand by workers who lose their jobs as the economy changes. We will require companies to give employees at least three months notice before a planned shutdown. We will expand efforts to help manufacturers, workers, the long-term unemployed, and communities hurt by imports, including extending trade adjustment assistance to workers in the service sectors and making health insurance more affordable for workers who lose their jobs due to trade. Through our jobs plan, we will bring hope and jobs back to the cities and small towns devastated by the shuttering of factories.\nThe heart of the American promise has always been the middle class, the greatest engine of economic growth the world has ever known. When the middle class grows in size and security, our country gets stronger. And when more American families save and invest in their children's future, America grows stronger still.\nBut in President George Bush's America, where everyday costs are soaring and ordinary incomes are sinking, the middle class is struggling, and our economy is suffering.\nToday, the average American family is earning $1,500 less than in 2000. At the same time, health care costs are up by nearly one-half, college tuition has increased by more than one-third, gas and oil prices have gone through the roof, and housing costs have soared. Life literally costs more than ever before – and our families have less money to pay for it. Three million more Americans have fallen into poverty since 2000. Average family debt is higher than ever. And as they lose the struggle to make ends meet, one out of every seven middle class families may be bankrupt by the end of the decade.\nPresident Bush and the Republicans in Congress have ignored the middle class since day one of this Administration. They have catered to the wealth of the richest instead of honoring the work of the rest of us. They have promised almost everything and paid for almost nothing. And the middle class is shouldering more taxes, earning less money, and bearing higher costs. The bottom line for the middle class under President Bush and the Republican Party is this: Instead of working hard to get ahead, the middle class is working hard just to get by.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe in a stronger, more prosperous America for all our people. We believe in an America where the great American promise of upward mobility is alive and well. We believe in an America where the middle class is growing, our economy is thriving, and America is strong. And we have a plan to build that America.\nToday, thousands of businesses that would otherwise provide raises are using that money to pay climbing health care premiums. That is cutting wages for working people. Reforming health care, offering tax credits to pay for it, and cutting health costs will raise wages for working people.\nCollege tuitions rose by 35 percent between 2000 and 2003, and this year, 220,000 Americans were priced out of college by its high costs. We will make college affordable for every qualified student with a tax credit for four years of college.\nChild care costs are rising twice as fast as inflation, and millions of working parents worry desperately how to care for their children between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. each day. Other families must care not only for their children, but also for loved ones who are older or have disabilities. We will increase tax credits to pay for child care and eldercare, and make sure those credits are available to lower-income families and stay-at-home parents. We will expand after-school opportunities, help schools stay open until 6 p.m., and offer good transportation so young people can take advantage of it. We support expanding family and medical leave to help parents meet the growing challenge of balancing work and family responsibilities.\nThe price of gas is at an all time-high, placing an enormous burden on millions of Americans who have no choice but to drive to work. We will help cut costs in the short-run by halting additional stockpiling of oil reserves and working more effectively to ensure that OPEC increases production. For the long-run, we offer a detailed plan for energy independence.\nWe are absolutely committed to preserving Social Security. It is a compact across the generations that has helped tens of millions of Americans live their retirement years in dignity instead of poverty. Democrats believe in the progressive, guaranteed benefit that has ensured that seniors and people with disabilities receive a benefit not subject to the whims of the market or the economy. We oppose privatizing Social Security or raising the retirement age. We oppose reducing the benefits earned by workers just because they have also earned a benefit from certain public retirement plans. We will repeal discriminatory laws that penalize some retired workers and their families while allowing others to receive full benefits. Because the massive deficits under the Bush Administration have raided hundreds of billions of dollars from Social Security, the most important step we can take to strengthen Social Security is to restore fiscal responsibility. Social Security matters to all Americans, Democrats and Republicans, and strengthening Social Security should be a common cause.\nFiscal discipline helped create 23 million new jobs in the 1990s. Fiscal discipline frees up money for productive investment. And over time, fiscal discipline saves families thousands of dollars on their mortgages and credit cards.\nWe will roll back the Bush tax cuts for those making more than $200,000. We will restore commonsense budget rules that this Administration has abandoned, like \"Pay-As-You-Go\" rules that require the government to pay for new initiatives. We will commit to living within tough budget caps—real and enforceable limits on what the government can spend. We will enact a Constitutional version of the line-item veto to make it easier to root out pork-barrel spending. And we will make our government more efficient by cutting the waste of taxpayer dollars in the federal budget, from unneeded travel budgets to crony contracting. We are committed to cutting the deficit in half over the next four years.\nThe Democratic Party understands that working people built modern America. We understand that today's global economy requires new rules, new skills, and new approaches, and we believe that the time-honored values of equal opportunity, fair play, and good rewards for hard work still apply. That's how we give all our people the chance to succeed. That's how we keep on building the America we believe in. That's how we keep the promise of America.\nSTRONG, HEALTHY FAMILIES\n\nFamily is the center of everyday American life. Our parents are our first protectors, first teachers, first role models, and first friends. Parents know that America's great reward is the quiet but incomparable satisfaction that comes from building their families a better life. Strong families, blessed with opportunity, guided by faith, and filled with dreams are the heart of a strong America.\nToday, a family's ability to ensure that all its members get the quality health care they deserve is challenged like never before. For the most fortunate, America offers the best health care in the world. But tens of millions of Americans pay too much and get too little from our health care system, and tens of millions more have no health insurance at all.\nSkyrocketing health care costs not only hurt our families; they hurt our economy. American businesses pay more than their competitors for health care, reducing their competitiveness. American incomes suffer because raises are stifled by rising insurance premiums.\nWe will attack the health care crisis with a comprehensive approach. Our goal is straightforward: quality, affordable health coverage for all Americans to keep our families healthy, our businesses competitive, and our country strong.\nIn President George Bush's America, drug company and HMO profits count for more than family and small business health costs. Health care costs increased four times as fast as wages in the last year alone. Prescription drug spending has more than doubled during the past five years. Nearly 82 million Americans went without health care coverage at some point in the last two years. And the President has done nothing to bring costs down or lift these burdens. The few small proposals he has offered would further divide our health system between one that is affordable for the healthy and wealthy, and one that is unaffordable for the elderly, the sick, and increasingly, for America's broad middle class.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe in a better, stronger, healthier America. Our resolve to fix the health crisis is stronger than ever. In the wealthiest country in the world, every expectant mother should get quality prenatal care; every child should get regular check-ups; every senior should be able to get safe, affordable prescription drugs; and no hard­working family should ever lose everything because illness strikes a loved one.\n8.5 million children still lack health insurance. We will strengthen Medicaid for our families and expand the children's health program created under President Clinton so no child goes without medical care.\nWe will improve the quality of care and the efficiency of the medical system by using American technological know-how to cut billions of dollars wasted in administrative processing and paperwork. Today, about a quarter of all health-related spending is not even medical. We can do better. We will ensure that all Americans have secure, private electronic medical records by 2008, and we will give medical providers incentives and resources to simplify their paperwork so patients spend more time with doctors and less time filling out forms. We recognize that our health care system is substantially strengthened by the daily efforts of the men and women in a variety of health professions and we support fair treatment for all health professionals.\nWe will enact a real Patient's Bill of Rights to put doctors and nurses back in charge of making medical decisions with their patients – instead of allowing HMO bureaucrats to decide what a patient needs.\nWe will ensure that seniors across the country, particularly in small-town and rural America, no longer suffer from geographic discrimination.\nWe will end the disgrace of seniors being forced to choose between meals and medication. Today, our seniors are paying too much for prescription drugs, while options abroad are far cheaper and just as safe. We will allow the safe reimportation of drugs from other countries.\nThe current Medicare drug program serves drug companies more than seniors. It allows these companies to change the price of prescriptions more frequently than seniors can change their plans. It does virtually nothing to bring down prescription drug costs. It forces seniors into HMOs. Elderly Americans deserve a real prescription drug benefit – one that uses the government's purchasing power to lower costs and ensures access to new therapies for their illnesses.\nWe will cut the waste and abuse that cost Medicare billions each year, using competitive bidding to lower the costs of buying medical equipment, educating providers to file claims more efficiently, and increasing penalties for those who bilk the system.\nPresident Bush has rejected the calls from Nancy Reagan, Christopher Reeve and Americans across the land for assistance with embryonic stem cell research. We will reverse his wrongheaded policy. Stem cell therapy offers hope to more than 100 million Americans who have serious illnesses – from Alzheimer's to heart disease to juvenile diabetes to Parkinson's. We will pursue this research under the strictest ethical guidelines, but we will not walk away from the chance to save lives and reduce human suffering.\nWe believe in an America where health care is available and affordable. Where every family looks to the future with hope and excitement, without worry that the cost of health care is becoming too great to bear. Where strong, healthy families build a stronger America.\nThe simple bargain at the heart of the American Dream offers opportunity to every American who takes the responsibility to make the most of it. That bargain is the great source of American strength, because it unleashes the amazing talent and determination of our people. And as our people seize the opportunity to build a better life, they build a stronger country.\nToday, our people compete with workers on every continent. Information flows across oceans. High-wage jobs are more dependent than ever on high-level skills.\nNow, as never before, education is the key to opportunity, essential to a strong America. So we believe in an America that offers the best education to all our children – wherever they live, whatever their background. Period.\nWe believe in an America where every child comes to school ready to learn. Where every student is held to high standards, and every school has the resources and responsibility to meet those standards. Where every classroom has a great teacher, and every student gets enough personal attention to foster a talent or overcome a difficulty. We believe in an America where every teenager completes a rigorous high school curriculum. Where every qualified young person who wants to go to college can afford it. And where every adult who needs additional job training can get it.\nIn President George Bush's America, our government ignores the shameful truth that the quality of a child's education depends on the wealth of that child's neighborhood. Our best public schools are the best schools in the world, but too many children go to schools that just don't work. Too many children who beat the odds and succeed in school can't afford to go on to college. And too many adults who need added training aren't able to get it.\nFor this White House, education is an easy promise – easy come, and easy go. When President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, he said the right things – asking more from our schools and pledging to give them the resources to get the job done. And then he promptly broke his word, providing schools $27 billion less than he had promised, literally leaving millions of children behind.\nThe President also gets a failing grade for higher education. Over the last three years, college tuitions have risen by 35 percent, pricing 220,000 students out of college. Yet while then-Governor Bush promised to increase college aid, President Bush tried to charge more for student loans and eliminate Pell Grants for 84,000 students.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe that a strong America begins at home with strong families, and that strong families need the best schools. We believe schools must teach fundamental skills like math and science, and fundamental values like citizenship and responsibility. We believe providing resources without reform is a waste of money, and reform without resources is a waste of time. And we believe politicians who expect students to learn responsibility should start by keeping their own promises.\nParents are our children's first and most important teachers, and they have a responsibility to participate in their children's education. We will help them do so by offering information and resources to better teach their children, whether reminding them about homework or attending a parent-teacher conference.\nThe promise of America is the promise of opportunity. If we are going to keep that promise, every child should have a great teacher and every high school graduate should have the chance to go to college. Nothing less is good enough for America.\nFor generations, Americans of all political beliefs have understood that the protection of our environment and the stewardship of our land are vital to the strength of our nation. God gave America extraordinary natural gifts; it is our responsibility to protect them. The health of our families, the strength of our economy, and the well-being of our world all depend upon a clean environment.\nBut in President George Bush's government, where polluters actually write environmental laws and oil company profits matter more than hard science and cold facts, protecting the environment doesn't matter at all.\nEven though 133 million Americans already live with unhealthy air, the Bush Administration bowed to energy industry lobbying and rewrote rules to allow 20,000 facilities to spew more smog, soot, and mercury into the air. Even though public water systems in many cities are polluted, they have taken environmental cops off the beat and pushed to allow more arsenic in our water. Even though the President promised more than five billion dollars for our national parks, he has delivered a fraction of that, leaving trails closed, historic structures collapsing, and our parks losing luster. And even though overwhelming scientific evidence shows that global climate change is a scientific fact, this administration has rewritten government reports to hide that fact.\nJohn Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party believe in a stronger, safer, healthier America. A strong America depends on healthy families, and healthy families depend on fresh air, pure water, and clean neighborhoods.\nThese are our commitments: we will make our air cleaner and our water purer. We will ensure our children can safely play in our neighborhoods, our families can enjoy our national parks, and our sportsmen can hunt and fish in our lakes and forests. We will foster a healthy economy and a healthy environment by promoting new technologies that create good jobs and improve our world. And we will work with our allies to achieve these goals and to protect the global environment, for this generation and future generations.\nWe reject the false choice between a healthy economy and a healthy environment. We know instead that farming, fishing, tourism, and other industries require a healthy environment. We know new technologies that protect the environment can create new high-paying jobs. We know a cleaner environment means a stronger economy.\nWe will conserve and restore the habitats where wildlife flourish, expanding use of voluntary, incentive-based programs that target private landowners.\nThis great land has been placed in our hands for safekeeping. It is our responsibility to protect it. We will exercise that responsibility with the courage to take on special interests, the creativity to promote new technologies, the determination to reassert our global leadership, and the commitment to achieve real results. That is how we will ensure that God's gifts of nature bless all of God's children for generations to come.\nA STRONG AMERICAN COMMUNITY\n\nAmerican history is the story of a diverse people striving – sometimes fitfully, but in the end, faithfully – to realize our ideals: a common dream of equality, and opportunity, freedom and community. Each step along that path has made us stronger.\nThis year we recall two of our country's greatest steps toward equality and inclusion – fifty years ago, Brown v. Board of Education, and forty years ago, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Those great achievements of the civil rights movement strengthened America immeasurably—by breaking down the legal barriers to equal citizenship for African-Americans and expanding the circle of equal opportunity for all. This year, as we celebrate these anniversaries, we recommit to the spirit of service that secured these breakthroughs and the values they embody: all of our people should have the opportunity to fulfill all of their potential, and each of us should be as equal in the eyes of the law as we are in the eyes of God.\nThat is the America we believe in. That is the America we are fighting for. That is the America we will build together.\nPresident Bush has a different vision – instead of searching for common ground to bring our people together, he has sought political advantage in driving our people apart. He has neglected the opportunity of most Americans, choosing instead to lavish resources on those who need them least. He has rejected the American vision of greater equality, appointing judges more interested in rolling back rights than protecting them. Perhaps most striking of all, in a time of war, he has abandoned our great tradition of asking Americans to meet shared challenges in a spirit of shared sacrifice. This President has regularly governed for the benefit of special interests, not the public interest.\nOur commitment to civil rights is ironclad. We will restore vigorous federal enforcement of our civil rights laws for all our people, from fair housing to equal employment opportunity, from Title IX to the Americans with Disabilities Act. We support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit. We believe a day's work is worth a day's pay, and at a time when women still earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, we need stronger equal pay laws and stronger enforcement of them. We will enact the bipartisan legislation barring workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation. We are committed to equal treatment of all service members and believe all patriotic Americans should be allowed to serve our country without discrimination, persecution, or violence. We support the appointment of judges who will uphold our laws and constitutional rights, not their own narrow agendas.\nVoting is the foundation of democracy, a central act of civic engagement, and an expression of equal citizenship. Voting rights are important precisely because they are protective of all other rights. We will call for legislative action that will fully protect and enforce the fundamental Constitutional right of every American to vote -- to ensure that the Constitution's promise is fully realized and that, in disputed elections, every vote is counted fully and fairly.\nTo advance these goals, and to guarantee the integrity of our elections and to increase voter confidence, we will seek action to ensure that voting systems are accessible, independently auditable, accurate, and secure. We will support the full funding of programs to realize this goal. Finally, it is the priority of the Democratic Party to fulfill the promise of election reform, reauthorize the expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act, and vigorously enforce all our voting rights laws.\nOur voting procedures are observed by people and nations around the world. Every vote must count and every vote must be counted, including absentee ballots. To achieve all of our goals, we support moving toward a census that duly counts every American. And we support the election of candidates who express the many voices of America.\nBecause our democracy thrives on public access to diverse sources of information from multiple sources, we support measures to ensure diversity, competition, and localism in media ownership.\nWe will defend the dignity of all Americans against those who would undermine it. Because we believe in the privacy and equality of women, we stand proudly for a woman's right to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of her ability to pay. We stand firmly against Republican efforts to undermine that right. At the same time, we strongly support family planning and adoption incentives. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.\nRacial and religious profiling is wrong and we will work to stamp it out. Hate crimes desecrate sacred spaces and demean good people, and we support a strong national law to punish them.\nWe will extend the promise of citizenship to those still struggling for freedom. Today's immigration laws do not reflect our values or serve our security, and we will work for real reform. The solution is not to establish a massive new status of second-class workers; that betrays our values and hurts all working people. Undocumented immigrants within our borders who clear a background check, work hard and pay taxes should have a path to earn full participation in America. We will hasten family reunification for parents and children, husbands and wives, and offer more English-language and civic education classes so immigrants can assume all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. As we undertake these steps, we will work with our neighbors to strengthen our security so we are safer from those who would come here to harm us. We are a nation of immigrants, and from Arab-Americans in California to Latinos in Florida, we share the dream of a better life in the country we love.\nWe support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits, and protections for these families. In our country, marriage has been defined at the state level for 200 years, and we believe it should continue to be defined there. We repudiate President Bush's divisive effort to politicize the Constitution by pursuing a \"Federal Marriage Amendment.\" Our goal is to bring Americans together, not drive them apart.\nAs we encourage democracy around the world, we must extend democracy here at home. We support equal rights to democratic self-government and Congressional representation for the citizens of our nation's capital.\nWe believe that four million disenfranchised American citizens residing in Puerto Rico have the right to the permanent and fully democratic status of their choice. The White House and Congress will clarify the realistic status options for Puerto Rico and enable Puerto Ricans to choose among them.\nWe support full self-government for the people of Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands, and their right to decide their future status.\nFor all those who live under our flag, we support strong economic development and fair and equitable treatment under federal programs.\nWe honor the sovereignty of American Indians and reaffirm our commitment to respectful and meaningful government-to-government relations. We must renew the trust obligations that this Administration has disregarded, and must improve the education, health, and job opportunities for American Indians who too often face terrible poverty.\nWe honor the central place of faith in the lives of our people. Like our Founders, we believe that our nation, our communities, and our lives are made vastly stronger and richer by faith and the countless acts of justice and mercy it inspires. We will strengthen the role of faith-based organizations in meeting challenges like homelessness, youth violence, and other social problems. At the same time, we will honor First Amendment protections and not allow public funds to be used to proselytize or discriminate. Throughout history, communities of faith have brought comfort to the afflicted and shaped great movements for justice. We know they will continue to do so, and we will always protect all Americans' freedom to worship.\nWe pledge to stand up for our beliefs and rally Americans to our cause. But we recognize that disagreements will remain, and we believe disagreement should not mean disrespect. Members of our party have deeply held and differing views on some matters of conscience and faith. We view diversity of views as a source of strength, and we welcome into our ranks all Americans who seek to build a stronger America. We are committed to resolving our differences in a spirit of civility, hope and mutual respect.\nThat's the America we believe in.", "Words" -> 10638, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 505, "and" -> 448, "to" -> 352, "of" -> 289, "our" -> 199, "a" -> 192, "in" -> 175, "We" -> 160, "we" -> 139, "that" -> 134, "will" -> 129, "for" -> 129, "is" -> 98, "America" -> 90, "are" -> 73, "with" -> 65, "have" -> 64, "by" -> 60, "more" -> 54, "all" -> 54, "must" -> 51, "on" -> 50, "believe" -> 46, "as" -> 46, "their" -> 45, "has" -> 45, "people" -> 43, "American" -> 42, "not" -> 39, "from" -> 39, "new" -> 38, "And" -> 38, "health" -> 35, "Americans" -> 35, "The" -> 34, "be" -> 34, "this" -> 33, "it" -> 33, "can" -> 32, "than" -> 31, "Administration" -> 31, "world" -> 30, "work" -> 30, "who" -> 30, "an" -> 30, "they" -> 29, "every" -> 29, "do" -> 29, "jobs" -> 28, "support" -> 27, "should" -> 27, "John" -> 27, "families" -> 26, "care" -> 26, "at" -> 26, "security" -> 25, "President" -> 25, "strong" -> 24, 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-> 6, "That's" -> 6, "status" -> 6, "state" -> 6, "some" -> 6, "Social" -> 6, "small" -> 6, "safer" -> 6, "programs" -> 6, "political" -> 6, "policy" -> 6, "offers" -> 6, "offer" -> 6, "needs" -> 6, "may" -> 6, "massive" -> 6, "law" -> 6, "job" -> 6, "insurance" -> 6, "independence" -> 6, "home" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "four" -> 6, "force" -> 6, "fair" -> 6, "face" -> 6, "done" -> 6, "democratic" -> 6, "cutting" -> 6, "commitment" -> 6, "child" -> 6, "chemical" -> 6, "benefit" -> 6, "back" -> 6, "As" -> 6, "allow" -> 6, "air" -> 6, "affordable" -> 6, "A" -> 6, "world's" -> 5, "women" -> 5, "Where" -> 5, "water" -> 5, "was" -> 5, "U.S." -> 5, "treatment" -> 5, "training" -> 5, "toward" -> 5, "there" -> 5, "tax" -> 5, "task" -> 5, "succeed" -> 5, "struggling" -> 5, "strength" -> 5, "stop" -> 5, "steps" -> 5, "stand" -> 5, "special" -> 5, "skills" -> 5, "simple" -> 5, "share" -> 5, "school" -> 5, "safe" -> 5, "restore" -> 5, "reduce" -> 5, "Qaeda" -> 5, "put" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "promised" -> 5, "possible" -> 5, "parents" -> 5, "now" -> 5, "nothing" -> 5, "nation's" -> 5, "money" -> 5, "members" -> 5, "mass" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "live" -> 5, "last" -> 5, "keep" -> 5, "interests" -> 5, "information" -> 5, "human" -> 5, "how" -> 5, "honor" -> 5, "high" -> 5, "goals" -> 5, "go" -> 5, "George" -> 5, "generations" -> 5, "expand" -> 5, "Even" -> 5, "equality" -> 5, "environmental" -> 5, "enforce" -> 5, "dollars" -> 5, "diplomacy" -> 5, "critical" -> 5, "cost" -> 5, "compete" -> 5, "communities" -> 5, "coalition" -> 5, "citizenship" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "chance" -> 5, "benefits" -> 5, "attack" -> 5, "At" -> 5, "assistance" -> 5, "approach" -> 5, "always" -> 5, "alone" -> 5, "al" -> 5, "agreement" -> 5, "Afghanistan" -> 5, "across" -> 5, "wrong" -> 4, "waste" -> 4, "War" -> 4, "vote" -> 4, "vital" -> 4, "vigorous" -> 4, "victory" -> 4, "using" -> 4, "understand" -> 4, "Under" -> 4, "two" -> 4, "today" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "three" -> 4, "threats" -> 4, "though" -> 4, "themselves" -> 4, "tens" -> 4, "technologies" -> 4, "taxes" -> 4, "talk" -> 4, "student" -> 4, "STRONG" -> 4, "strengthening" -> 4, "strategy" -> 4, "seek" -> 4, "safety" -> 4, "rules" -> 4, "rewards" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "resolve" -> 4, "requires" -> 4, "require" -> 4, "receive" -> 4, "provide" -> 4, "prosperous" -> 4, "promote" -> 4, "progress" -> 4, "private" -> 4, "prescription" -> 4, "plants" -> 4, "place" -> 4, "percent" -> 4, "peaceful" -> 4, "Palestinian" -> 4, "others" -> 4, "opportunities" -> 4, "only" -> 4, "ones" -> 4, "offering" -> 4, "nearly" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "much" -> 4, "men" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "making" -> 4, "major" -> 4, "lose" -> 4, "longer" -> 4, "local" -> 4, "leaders" -> 4, "lead" -> 4, "land" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "justice" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "here" -> 4, "heart" -> 4, "ground" -> 4, "greater" -> 4, "going" -> 4, "God" -> 4, "goal" -> 4, "gas" -> 4, "fundamental" -> 4, "friends" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "forced" -> 4, "fight" -> 4, "failed" -> 4, "expanding" -> 4, "everyday" -> 4, "equipment" -> 4, "emergency" -> 4, "effectively" -> 4, "diversity" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "discipline" -> 4, "determination" -> 4, "depend" -> 4, "Democrats" -> 4, "day" -> 4, "control" -> 4, "complete" -> 4, "common" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "choose" -> 4, "choice" -> 4, "children's" -> 4, "cause" -> 4, "call" -> 4, "building" -> 4, "budgets" -> 4, "budget" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "allowing" -> 4, "again" -> 4, "action" -> 4, "Act" -> 4, "achieve" -> 4, "able" -> 4, "your" -> 3, "You" -> 3, "within" -> 3, "White" -> 3, "When" -> 3, "were" -> 3, "went" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "vulnerable" -> 3, "Voting" -> 3, "voting" -> 3, "uses" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "tough" -> 3, "today's" -> 3, "thousands" -> 3, "technology" -> 3, "talent" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "systems" -> 3, "sure" -> 3, "successful" -> 3, "students" -> 3, "step" -> 3, "states" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "spending" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "soldiers" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "significant" -> 3, "services" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "securing" -> 3, "sector" -> 3, "Second" -> 3, "role" -> 3, "rising" -> 3, "rise" -> 3, "rigorous" -> 3, "Rights" -> 3, "retirement" -> 3, "rejected" -> 3, "regimes" -> 3, "reducing" -> 3, "recruits" -> 3, "reconstruction" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "problem" -> 3, "prices" -> 3, "presence" -> 3, "prepare" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "poverty" -> 3, "policies" -> 3, "p.m." -> 3, "pledge" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "personnel" -> 3, "path" -> 3, "particularly" -> 3, "parks" -> 3, "overseas" -> 3, "organizations" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "often" -> 3, "North" -> 3, "No" -> 3, "next" -> 3, "neighborhoods" -> 3, "NATO" -> 3, "movement" -> 3, "months" -> 3, "mission" -> 3, "Middle" -> 3, "meeting" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "matter" -> 3, "loved" -> 3, "love" -> 3, "living" -> 3, "lives" -> 3, "line" -> 3, "leaving" -> 3, "learn" -> 3, "lack" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "investment" -> 3, "increased" -> 3, "important" -> 3, "immigrants" -> 3, "ignored" -> 3, "hurt" -> 3, "House" -> 3, "homeland" -> 3, "higher" -> 3, "helping" -> 3, "helped" -> 3, "held" -> 3, "healthier" -> 3, "He" -> 3, "growth" -> 3, "growing" -> 3, "groups" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "gone" -> 3, "goes" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "gets" -> 3, "funding" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "fiscal" -> 3, "First" -> 3, "federal" -> 3, "far" -> 3, "failing" -> 3, "extend" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "exhausting" -> 3, "Europe" -> 3, "ensuring" -> 3, "engagement" -> 3, "enforceable" -> 3, "enact" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "effective" -> 3, "easy" -> 3, "East" -> 3, "earned" -> 3, "each" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "drugs" -> 3, "drive" -> 3, "diverse" -> 3, "directly" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "different" -> 3, "development" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "depends" -> 3, "defined" -> 3, "defense" -> 3, "dedicated" -> 3, "dangerously" -> 3, "cut" -> 3, "current" -> 3, "credits" -> 3, "credibility" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "creating" -> 3, "could" -> 3, "controls" -> 3, "comprehensive" -> 3, "competitiveness" -> 3, "competitive" -> 3, "company" -> 3, "Commissioner" -> 3, "comes" -> 3, "clear" -> 3, "clean" -> 3, "cities" -> 3, "challenge" -> 3, "billions" -> 3, "big" -> 3, "beliefs" -> 3, "become" -> 3, "Because" -> 3, "based" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "attacks" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "already" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "afford" -> 3, "Administration's" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "actually" -> 3, "access" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "2000" -> 3, "youth" -> 2, "young" -> 2, "write" -> 2, "worry" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "widening" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "we're" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "warning" -> 2, "wait" -> 2, "voices" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "vigorously" -> 2, "views" -> 2, "version" -> 2, "verification" -> 2, "v." -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "uphold" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "Unfortunately" -> 2, "undermine" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "tuitions" -> 2, "treat" -> 2, "transportation" -> 2, "transformation" -> 2, "train" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "Too" -> 2, "Today's" -> 2, "through" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "Third" -> 2, "think" -> 2, "thin" -> 2, "There" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "that's" -> 2, "terrorism" -> 2, "terrible" -> 2, "teachers" -> 2, "teacher" -> 2, "teach" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "target" -> 2, "taking" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "stretched" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "starting" -> 2, "standing" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "spend" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "soared" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "September" -> 2, "senior" -> 2, "send" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "safely" -> 2, "safeguards" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "Russia" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "root" -> 2, "roll" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "rewarding" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "responders" -> 2, "respond" -> 2, "reservists" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "research" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "Republican" -> 2, "repressive" -> 2, "reports" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "refused" -> 2, "recommit" -> 2, "recognized" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "recall" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "rather" -> 2, "raises" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "providers" -> 2, "protective" -> 2, "protections" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "profound" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "professionals" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "privileges" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "premiums" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "potential" -> 2, "possibility" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "penalties" -> 2, "patients" -> 2, "partnership" -> 2, "partners" -> 2, "participation" -> 2, "Parents" -> 2, "paperwork" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "outcome" -> 2, "Other" -> 2, "ordinary" -> 2, "options" -> 2, "optimism" -> 2, "oppose" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "old" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "Now" -> 2, "Not" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "neighbors" -> 2, "negotiations" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "needed" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "Muslim" -> 2, "moving" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "Millions" -> 2, "might" -> 2, "Mideast" -> 2, "Medicare" -> 2, "media" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "manufacturers" -> 2, "lower" -> 2, "lost" -> 2, "long-term" -> 2, "long" -> 2, "lobbying" -> 2, "literally" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "Like" -> 2, "light" -> 2, "levels" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "leaves" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "Laden" -> 2, "Korean" -> 2, "key" -> 2, "keeps" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "judges" -> 2, "Israel" -> 2, "Iraq's" -> 2, "Iran" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "invest" -> 2, "internationally" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "Intelligence" -> 2, "Instead" -> 2, "inspections" -> 2, "inspection" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "Indonesia" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "incomes" -> 2, "inclusion" -> 2, "incentives" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "illnesses" -> 2, "If" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "ideas" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "ideal" -> 2, "idea" -> 2, "housing" -> 2, "hospitals" -> 2, "HMO" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "historic" -> 2, "high-paying" -> 2, "harm's" -> 2, "harm" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "Guard" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "grows" -> 2, "greatness" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "grassroots" -> 2, "government's" -> 2, "God's" -> 2, "globalization" -> 2, "gifts" -> 2, "generation" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "frontlines" -> 2, "From" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "fortunate" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "Fiscal" -> 2, "firefighters" -> 2, "finest" -> 2, "finally" -> 2, "final" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "fast" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "fail" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "eyes" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "everything" -> 2, "enormous" -> 2, "engine" -> 2, "ends" -> 2, "encourage" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "easier" -> 2, "earning" -> 2, "earn" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "dream" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "doesn't" -> 2, "doctors" -> 2, "disabilities" -> 2, "Director" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "did" -> 2, "develop" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "desperately" -> 2, "dependent" -> 2, "dependence" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "decide" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "day's" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "credit" -> 2, "coverage" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "coupled" -> 2, "country's" -> 2, "counted" -> 2, "count" -> 2, "coordination" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "cooperation" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "continue" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "conflict" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "competitors" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "communications" -> 2, "commonsense" -> 2, "commit" -> 2, "Cold" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "Clinton" -> 2, "cleaner" -> 2, "classroom" -> 2, "civic" -> 2, "circle" -> 2, "child's" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "Century" -> 2, "central" -> 2, "cell" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "burden" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "broke" -> 2, "brings" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "both" -> 2, "borders" -> 2, "border" -> 2, "biological" -> 2, "bin" -> 2, "billion" -> 2, "begins" -> 2, "beat" -> 2, "battlefield" -> 2, "bargain" -> 2, "background" -> 2, "backed" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "authorities" -> 2, "assisting" -> 2, "asking" -> 2, "arrive" -> 2, "aren't" -> 2, "appropriate" -> 2, "apart" -> 2, "answer" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "airports" -> 2, "agreed" -> 2, "ago" -> 2, "agendas" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "After" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "addresses" -> 2, "address" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "accessible" -> 2, "abuse" -> 2, "absolutely" -> 2, "abandoned" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "35" -> 2, "220,000" -> 2, "21st" -> 2, "20,000" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "11th" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$27" -> 1, "$200,000" -> 1, "$1,500" -> 1, "Yet" -> 1, "yellow" -> 1, "wrongheaded" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "workplace" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "worked" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "woman's" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "wives" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "why" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "whims" -> 1, "we've" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "wealthy" -> 1, "wealthiest" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "Watch" -> 1, "watch" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Wars" -> 1, "warnings" -> 1, "warned" -> 1, "warlord" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "want" -> 1, "Wall" -> 1, "walking" -> 1, "walked" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "Wade" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "Victory" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "vests" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "vaccine" -> 1, "US-only" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upholding" -> 1, "upgrades" -> 1, "unrealistic" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unneeded" -> 1, "Unlike" -> 1, "unlike" -> 1, "unleashes" -> 1, "Units" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unions" -> 1, "uninspected" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unhealthy" -> 1, "unfortunately" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "Undocumented" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "understands" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "uncover" -> 1, "unaffordable" -> 1, "UN" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "Troops" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "trails" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "tours" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "tough-minded" -> 1, "toughest" -> 1, "torture" -> 1, "Tora" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "tons" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "time-high" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "tighter" -> 1, "tighten" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "thrives" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "They've" -> 1, "They're" -> 1, "They'll" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "therapy" -> 1, "therapies" -> 1, "then-Governor" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "Terrorists" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "teenager" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "technical" -> 1, "team" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "targeting" -> 1, "tangible" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "swallowed" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "supposed" -> 1, "suggestions" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "stubbornly" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "striking" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strictest" -> 1, "stretch" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "strain" -> 1, "straightforward" -> 1, "story" -> 1, "stop-loss" -> 1, "stockpiling" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "stiffen" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "Stem" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "stay-at-home" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "statue" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stakes" -> 1, "stairs" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "staffed" -> 1, "springs" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sportsmen" -> 1, "spoken" -> 1, "spew" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "specialize" -> 1, "Special" -> 1, "spared" -> 1, "spaces" -> 1, "Soviet" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "soot" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "Somalia" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "society" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "smog" -> 1, "smartest" -> 1, "small-town" -> 1, "sleeves" -> 1, "slack" -> 1, "Skyrocketing" -> 1, "skyrocketing" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "sixty-five" -> 1, "six-party" -> 1, "sinking" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "silent" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "signed" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shuttering" -> 1, "shutdown" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "showed" -> 1, "shouldering" -> 1, "short-run" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shaped" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "shadows" -> 1, "shackled" -> 1, "sexual" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "searching" -> 1, "searched" -> 1, "scoured" -> 1, "schooled" -> 1, "scene" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saves" -> 1, "Saudi" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "sanctuaries" -> 1, "sanctity" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safekeeping" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "Saddam's" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rushed" -> 1, "rush" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "rose" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "Roosevelt's" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "roof" -> 1, "rolling" -> 1, "Roe" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "richest" -> 1, "richer" -> 1, "Ricans" -> 1, "rewrote" -> 1, "rewritten" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "Revolution" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "revitalizing" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retirements" -> 1, "retirees" -> 1, "Retiree" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "RESPECTED" -> 1, "resorting" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resisting" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "Reserves" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "repudiate" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reportedly" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "reopened" -> 1, "reminding" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "rejoices" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "reinvigorating" -> 1, "reintegrate" -> 1, "reinforcing" -> 1, "reimportation" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "Reeve" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "records" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "reauthorize" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realistic" -> 1, "Reagan" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "Ready" -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "rallying" -> 1, "rally" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "raided" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "Racial" -> 1, "quiet" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "pursues" -> 1, "pursue" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "purer" -> 1, "pure" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "protocols" -> 1, "protectors" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proselytize" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "profiling" -> 1, "professions" -> 1, "professionally" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "procedures" -> 1, "problems" -> 1, "privatizing" -> 1, "privatization" -> 1, "privacy" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "priority" -> 1, "priorities" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "pricing" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "prescriptions" -> 1, "Prescription" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "prenatal" -> 1, "preemption" -> 1, "precisely" -> 1, "PREAMBLE" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "post-September" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "pork-barrel" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "politicize" -> 1, "politicians" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "polio" -> 1, "plot" -> 1, "pledging" -> 1, "planning" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "pilots" -> 1, "pick" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "persuade" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "Period" -> 1, "perimeter" -> 1, "Perhaps" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "Pell" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "Pay-As-You-Go" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "Patient's" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "Parkinson's" -> 1, "parent-teacher" -> 1, "Pakistan's" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "overseeing" -> 1, "oversee" -> 1, "overriding" -> 1, "overnight" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "Osama" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "orange" -> 1, "opposite" -> 1, "opium" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "OPEC" -> 1, "one-third" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "older" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "odds" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "observed" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "nuclear-armed" -> 1, "Nuclear" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "Nothing" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non­proliferation" -> 1, "non­governmental" -> 1, "Nonproliferation" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "no-bid" -> 1, "newly" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "Neighborhood" -> 1, "neighborhood" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "Nancy" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "most-sophisticated" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "mortal" -> 1, "Morocco" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "missed" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "militias" -> 1, "militarily" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "mercury" -> 1, "Members" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "medication" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "mean" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "math" -> 1, "matches" -> 1, "Marriage" -> 1, "marriage" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "mark" -> 1, "Many" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "manhunt" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "Madrassas" -> 1, "luster" -> 1, "lower-income" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "loophole" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "longtime" -> 1, "long-run" -> 1, "localized" -> 1, "localism" -> 1, "lobbyists" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "lists" -> 1, "listens" -> 1, "listen" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "line-item" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "lifetimes" -> 1, "life's" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "lets" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lesbian" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "legislation" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leadership—a" -> 1, "lavishes" -> 1, "lavish" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "Latinos" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "landowners" -> 1, "landmines" -> 1, "lakes" -> 1, "Kosovo" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "Korea" -> 1, "Kofi" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "Kim" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "Khan" -> 1, "Kenya" -> 1, "Kennedy" -> 1, "Karzai" -> 1, "Kabul" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "Jordan" -> 1, "Jong" -> 1, "joins" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Japanese" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "It's" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Israeli-Palestinian" -> 1, "isn't" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irreversible" -> 1, "ironclad" -> 1, "Iranian" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "invent" -> 1, "intolerance" -> 1, "internationalize" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "innovative" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "initiatives" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infrastructure" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "independently" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "indebted" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "incomparable" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "incentive-based" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "imperatives" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immeasurably—by" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imagine" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "Il" -> 1, "Ignoring" -> 1, "ignores" -> 1, "husbands" -> 1, "hurts" -> 1, "hunt" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "hopeless" -> 1, "honoring" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homework" -> 1, "homelessness" -> 1, "Homeland" -> 1, "holes" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "HMOs" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "High-wage" -> 1, "high-technology" -> 1, "high-tech" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "high-level" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hide" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "helicopter" -> 1, "heeds" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "HEALTHY" -> 1, "health-related" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "havens" -> 1, "haven" -> 1, "Hate" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "harness" -> 1, "hard­working" -> 1, "hard-pressed" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "halting" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "Guardsmen" -> 1, "guardsmen" -> 1, "guards" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "GROWING" -> 1, "grounded" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "green" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "graduate" -> 1, "grade" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "God-given" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "geographic" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "gear" -> 1, "gay" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "full-time" -> 1, "fronts" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "frees" -> 1, "Freedoms" -> 1, "frayed" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "fragmented" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "Founders" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forty" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forges" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "Forces" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flown" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "Florida" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "fitfully" -> 1, "fist" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fish" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "firefighter" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "filling" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "file" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fencing" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "fell" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "feared" -> 1, "FBI" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "family's" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "FAMILIES" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faith-based" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "Failed" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "facets" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exploding" -> 1, "expiring" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedited" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expectant" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "exit" -> 1, "executives" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "excitement" -> 1, "exaggerated" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evacuation" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "ethical" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "ensures" -> 1, "ensured" -> 1, "enlisted" -> 1, "enlist" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enhancing" -> 1, "English-language" -> 1, "engaging" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "EMT" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "embryonic" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "embody" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eliminate" -> 1, "elicit" -> 1, "electronic" -> 1, "electrified" -> 1, "Elderly" -> 1, "elderly" -> 1, "eldercare" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "ECONOMY" -> 1, "economists" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "drill" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "Dream" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "drafting" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "don't" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "disrespected" -> 1, "disrespect" -> 1, "disregarded" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disputed" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disenfranchised" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "disdained" -> 1, "discuss" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disarm" -> 1, "disagreements" -> 1, "disagreement" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "Disabilities" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "diabetes" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "destabilizing" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "desecrate" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "democracies" -> 1, "demean" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "Delano" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "defends" -> 1, "defender" -> 1, "deepening" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "cuts" -> 1, "curriculum" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "culture" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "crossings" -> 1, "crony" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "counts" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counter-narcotics" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "core" -> 1, "cops" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "Conventions" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contribution—helping" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contracting" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contents" -> 1, "Containing" -> 1, "containers" -> 1, "Constitution's" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constitution" -> 1, "consolidate" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "conquer" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "confuses" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "comprised" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "completes" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "compels" -> 1, "compact" -> 1, "COMMUNITY" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commands" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "colors" -> 1, "College" -> 1, "collapsing" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "cold" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "Clinton's" -> 1, "climbing" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clearances" -> 1, "classic" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "clarity" -> 1, "clarify" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civility" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "Christopher" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "China's" -> 1, "cherishes" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "chemicals" -> 1, "check-ups" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "cents" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "census" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "catered" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "cars" -> 1, "cargo" -> 1, "cards" -> 1, "captured" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "caps—real" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "can't" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "bureaucrats" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "bully" -> 1, "bulletproof" -> 1, "builder" -> 1, "Brown" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broadened" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "breakthroughs" -> 1, "breaks" -> 1, "breaking" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "bowed" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "Bora" -> 1, "bomb-making" -> 1, "bomb" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blue" -> 1, "blossom" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "bless" -> 1, "black" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "bioterrorism" -> 1, "bio-terrorism" -> 1, "bioscience" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bilk" -> 1, "bidding" -> 1, "Beyond" -> 1, "betrays" -> 1, "best-led" -> 1, "best-equipped" -> 1, "Berlin" -> 1, "benchmarks" -> 1, "Behind" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "beef" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "bearing" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankrupt" -> 1, "ballots" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "Baghdad" -> 1, "badly" -> 1, "backup" -> 1, "back-door" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "Average" -> 1, "average" -> 1, "auto" -> 1, "Authority" -> 1, "auditable" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "asymmetrical" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "assignments" -> 1, "assemble" -> 1, "assaulting" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "arsenic" -> 1, "arsenal" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armored" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "areas" -> 1, "Arabia" -> 1, "Arab-Americans" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "AQ" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apparatus" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anti­missile" -> 1, "answered" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "anniversaries" -> 1, "Annan" -> 1, "analysts" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "America—a" -> 1, "AMERICAN" -> 1, "AMERICA" -> 1, "Ambassador" -> 1, "amazing" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "alternatives" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "Alone" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "Agents" -> 1, "Age" -> 1, "after-school" -> 1, "African-Americans" -> 1, "Afghan" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affiliates" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "admire" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administration's" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "Across" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absentee" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "Abortion" -> 1, "abide" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "9/11" -> 1, "8.5" -> 1, "84,000" -> 1, "82" -> 1, "77" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "50,000" -> 1, "40,000" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "23" -> 1, "2008" -> 1, "2003" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "1990s" -> 1, "1964" -> 1, "1960s" -> 1, "1949" -> 1, "1930s" -> 1, "133" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "11" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 2000", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 2000, "Date" -> DateObject[{2000, 8, 14}], "Text" -> "INTRODUCTION\n\nToday, America finds itself in the midst of prosperity, progress, and peace. We have arrived at this moment because of the hard work of the American people. This election will be about the big choices we have to make to secure prosperity that is broadly shared and progress that reaches all families in this new American century. In the year 2000, the Democratic Party stands ready to meet that challenge and to build on our achievements.\nWhen Thomas Jefferson was elected as our Party's first president in 1800, America was a young country trying to find its place in the world. Two hundred years later, Democrats gather at a moment of vast possibility to nominate Al Gore as America's next president. A new economy founded on the force of new technologies and traditional values of work is giving rise to new industries and transforming old ones. Biological breakthroughs give us the chance to unlock the mysteries of humanity's deadliest plagues. While the globe is still beset with tragedies and difficulties, more people live under governments of freedom, liberty, and democracy than ever before in history. America enjoys unparalleled affluence at home and influence abroad.\nYet this moment is clearly one of possibility, not absolute guarantees. We must remember that our achievements were accomplished only with creativity, courage, and conscience; with a willingness to innovate and imagine; and with a recommitment to our basic American values of hard work, community, embracing diversity, faith, family, and personal responsibility. And all of it can be imperiled again.\nLet us not forget that America's future did not always seem so bright. Under the Bush-Quayle administration, America was suffering through economic stagnation. Businesses were failing. Jobs were disappearing. The welfare rolls swelled. Crime exploded in the streets. Hope and optimism were scarce. Most Americans felt that the American Dream was endangered - if not extinct.\nBut in 1992, Americans elected Bill Clinton and Al Gore with a mandate to turn America around. And that's just what they did. They took on the old thinking that had come to dominate politics and offered new ideas - new ideas that met the challenges of the day, new ideas that kept faith with America's oldest values, new ideas that worked.\nEight years later the record is clear: the longest economic expansion in American history. The most jobs ever created under a single administration. The first real wage growth in 20 years. The highest home ownership rate ever. The lowest African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment rates in American history. The lowest crime rate in 25 years. The lowest number of people on welfare since the 1960's. The largest drop in poverty in nearly 30 years. The lowest level of child poverty in 20 years. And after 15 painful years when the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, America is finally growing together instead of growing apart.\nThese are accomplishments, not accidents. They came about because Democrats - from the White House, to the Congress, to State Houses all across America - brought new thinking and new action to our most pressing challenges. We used government as a catalyst to engage the best ideas and energies of the American people. We asked citizens to get involved and they did. They tutored in their children's schools, patrolled on neighborhood crime watches, volunteered in local hospitals, and voiced their opinion on every issue. They shaped effective solutions to real problems. It will take more of this brand of new thinking if we are to build on this record of achievement.\nDuring our nation's darkest hours, Americans have strived mightily and succeeded in meeting the challenges of their times. The question before us is whether we will do the same during this bright moment; whether we will seize this moment to bring more prosperity and progress to more Americans than ever before; whether, having finally conquered our financial deficits, we will have the courage to conquer the other deficits - in health care, in education, in the environment - that challenge us today.\nIn this Platform, today's Democratic Party lays out its plans to do just that. This platform was not written in a dark backroom, but in the light of day; in an open, democratic process that was interactive and inclusive. It was developed both with the guidance of the brightest Democratic leaders and with the voices of thousands of ordinary Americans around the country who contributed their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and dreams to this platform in person, on paper, and over the Internet. This is a 21st century platform for the 21st century's party. A people's platform for the people's party.\nIf one theme runs through this 2000 Democratic platform, it is this: if America is to secure prosperity, progress, peace and security for all, we cannot afford to go back. We must move forward together and we must not leave anyone behind.\nI. PROSPERITY\n\nEight years ago, America was facing a big challenge. Under the Bush-Quayle Administration, the American economy was floundering. Slow growth had turned into no growth and into a jobless recovery. Americans in all walks of life were facing a future of less prosperity and more resignation. In 1992, Bill Clinton and Al Gore were elected to turn the American economy around and point upward toward the future.\nThey took office with a new set of ideas about how to get the economy moving again. They knew that the private sector is the engine of economic growth, but they also knew that, in Franklin Roosevelt's phrase, \"the national community\" - acting through government - can make a big difference.\nToday, the success of these new ideas is clear. After a generation of stagnation for many and decline for some, real wages for all working families have started to rise again. America has the lowest unemployment and fastest economic growth in more than 30 years. The American people have created 22 million new jobs. We have the lowest inflation rate in decades. More Americans own their home than ever before. Looking back on 1992, this much is clear: Americans are better off than we were eight years ago.\nBut ours is a record to build on, not to rest on. That's because eight years later, we face a new challenge: how to keep prosperity alive - and how to deepen it - in a fast-moving, fast-changing economy. We can never take our economic prosperity for granted nor can we afford to go back to either tax-and-spend or cut-and-run - the failed policies of the past. It took innovative, new Democratic policies to create the environment where prosperity could bloom. It will take more such policies to allow prosperity to blossom - to forge a prosperity that does not leave anyone out and does not leave anyone behind.\nDuring the past decade, the birth of the global, information-based new economy has changed most every aspect of Americans' lives. As we move inexorably from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, the transition will be difficult for some. In the decade to come, Democrats must lead the way in equipping all Americans with new tools for economic success and security. This is the only sure means of ensuring that America's prosperity is one that is broadly shared.\nTime after time, Republicans opposed the ideas that brought prosperity to America. Time after time, they have been proven wrong. But their sorry record does not give them pause, it does not even slow them down. Despite a Democratic record of success, the Republicans now propose to rewind to the policies that brought America the days of deficits, doubt, debt, and decline; a retreat to the thinking of the era of recessions, repossessions, and retrenchment.\nDemocrats believe that to further our prosperity and make sure all Americans are ready to reap the rewards of the new economy we need thinking as innovative as the moment in which we live. First, we must continue the fiscal discipline that has been the hallmark of the past eight years - that means paying down the debt and offering the right kind of tax cuts. Second, we must use our unprecedented prosperity to secure Social Security and Medicare for future generations. Third, we must invest in the most precious resource we have - the American people and their skills and ability to innovate. Fourth, we must continue to reinvent government so that it works better and costs less and is in line with the on-line world. Fifth, we must open new markets to American products at home and around the world. Finally, we must reinforce the basic American bargain of requiring and rewarding hard work and we must provide Americans with the opportunity to participate in key decisions at work and in their communities.\nFiscal Discipline\n\nFor the 12 years before Bill Clinton and Al Gore took office, Republicans talked about fiscal discipline while they quadrupled the national debt. They ran up monstrous yearly deficits and nearly ran the American economy into the ground. In 1992, Democrats promised to cut the deficit in half in four years. They did - and went even further. It took Al Gore's tie-breaking vote in the Senate to overcome unanimous Republican opposition to deficit reduction. Today, America has gone from the biggest deficits in history to the biggest surpluses in history. Fiscal discipline keeps interest rates low and investment rates high - and it has helped fuel America's remarkable prosperity.\nWe must not go back. That's why Democrats now vow to balance the budget every year, barring a national emergency. But even this is not enough. In the 160 years since the very first Democratic Platform, America has always struggled under a national debt. Today's Democrats believe we should pay down the debt every year until we can give our children the independence, self-sufficiency, and prosperity that will come from an America that is debt-free. In 12 years of rule, Republicans quadrupled the national debt. In the next 12 years, Democrats vow to wipe out the publicly-held national debt.\nToday, because of the success of the Clinton-Gore Administration, a debt-free America is within reach. This would free businesses to invest and innovate, it would provide an ever more sturdy foundation for future economic growth, and it would create good jobs. That's why Al Gore is determined to completely eliminate the publicly-held national debt by the year 2012.\nThe Right Kind of Tax Cuts.\n\nThe road to long term prosperity starts with embracing fiscal discipline. Unfortunately, the Republicans eschew fiscal discipline and offer up nothing less than fiscal disaster. They would squander the surplus on a more than trillion-dollar federal government tax giveaway for the well-off and well-connected, while failing to eliminate the national debt, neglecting to shore up Social Security and Medicare, and shirking the need to invest in the education of America's children and the skills of her workers.\nFor the past eight years, Democrats have been working to offer tax relief to the Americans who need it the most where they need it the most. We cut taxes for working parents who were struggling to make ends meet. We cut taxes for parents who were working hard and trying to raise good kids. We cut taxes for Americans who had studied hard and made it to college. We cut taxes for Americans who were continuing their educations and gaining new skills to stay on the cutting-edge of the economy. We cut taxes for companies that were helping Americans make the transition from welfare to work. We cut taxes for more than 90% of America's dynamic small businesses. Today, for most families, the federal tax burden is the lowest it has been in twenty years.\nThe Bush tax slash takes a different course. It is bigger than any cut Newt Gingrich ever dreamed of. It would let the richest one percent of Americans afford a new sports car and middle class Americans afford a warm soda. It is so out-of-step with reality that the Republican Congress refused to enact it. It would undermine the American economy and undercut our prosperity. Under the leadership of Al Gore, Democrats want to give middle class families tax cuts they can use - tax cuts that will put their own values into action and that will not injure the economic vitality they rely on. Democrats seek the right kind of tax relief - tax cuts that are specifically targeted to help those who need them the most. These tax cuts would let families live their values by helping them save for college, invest in their job skills and lifelong learning, pay for health insurance, afford child care, eliminate the marriage penalty for working families, care for elderly or disabled loved ones, invest in clean cars and clean homes, and build additional security for their retirement.\nRetirement Security\n\nAmericans' golden years should be times of calm and security, not concern and stress. Few achievements testify more to the ability of government to do good than Social Security. It has lifted millions of elderly Americans out of poverty and helped them make ends meet. Social Security is more than a government program. It is a solemn compact between the generations. It is our nation's most important family protection. The choice for Americans on this vital part of our national heritage has never been more clear: Democrats believe in using our prosperity to save Social Security; the Republicans' tax cut would prevent America from ensuring our senior citizens have a secure retirement. We owe it to America's children and their children to make the strength and solvency of Social Security a major national priority.\nThat's why Al Gore is committed to making Social Security safe and secure for more than half a century by using the savings from our current unprecedented prosperity to strengthen the Social Security Trust Fund in preparation for the retirement of the Baby Boom generation. We now have an extraordinary opportunity to maintain Social Security. In addition, we can reform it - not the wrong way, with proposals such as raising the retirement age, but the right way - with fiscal discipline and by making it fairer for widows, widowers, and mothers.\nRetirement security comes on many fronts. Democrats have successfully passed reforms to simplify the pension process for small businesses, expand pension portability, and protect employee pension funds. Democrats believe that workers' pensions should be protected and more portable. We also believe that changes in every American's pension rights should be fully disclosed. This is becoming increasingly important today, as pensions are progressively being shifted from a workers' benefit plan to a workers' contribution plan. We believe these changes need to be carefully examined by independent agencies to make sure they abide by current federal law. Democrats support President Clinton's veto of the Republican tax scheme that would have diminished anti-discrimination protections for middle-class and lower-income workers.\nTo build on the success of Social Security, Al Gore has proposed the creation of Retirement Savings Plus - voluntary, tax-free, personally-controlled, privately-managed savings accounts with a government match that would help couples build a nest egg of up to $400,000. Separate from Social Security, Retirement Savings Plus accounts would let Americans save and invest on top of the foundation of Social Security's guaranteed benefit. Under this plan, the federal government would match individual contributions with tax credits, with the hardest-pressed working families getting the most assistance.\nThe Republicans have a far different idea - a scheme that would come not in addition to Social Security but at the expense of it. Their Social Security privatization plot would siphon $1 trillion in payroll taxes away from the Social Security trust fund, take 14 years off the life of Social Security, eliminate the fundamental guarantee of retirement security, and raise the specter of massive government bail-outs. And, according to independent analyses, the Republicans' privatization plan would cut the guaranteed benefits for young workers by as much as 54 percent. It would take the \"security\" out of Social Security.\nRetirement Savings Plus does not threaten Social Security's guaranteed benefit. Social Security may be 65 years old - but it is not ready to be retired. Taken together George W. Bush's $2 trillion tax cut, his campaign-season spending proposals, his support for an unspecified but unprecedented missile defense system, and his support for privatizing Social Security add up to an assault on the surplus - causing Americans to have to choose between drastic cuts in education and health care or a return to the days of deficit spending. This is not a choice Americans should have to make. With fiscal discipline and a commitment to honoring our values, we can both save Social Security and give Americans the ability to create a nest egg without turning back the clock on our prosperity.\nInvesting in Americans\n\nDemocrats know that today, more than ever before, we need the right kinds of investments - in education, lifelong learning, skill development, and research and development - to take advantage of the vast opportunities of the Information Age. We need to make sure Americans have the skills and tools they need to compete and win in the new knowledge-based, global economy.\nA Revolution in American Education\n\nDemocrats understand that ensuring every child the highest quality education is essential if America is to remain strong and competitive in today's economy. That's why Al Gore's very first campaign speech was about education and that's why Al Gore will make education his top domestic priority.\nNine out of every ten children in this country attend a public school. Public education already allows the United States to have one of the highest standards of living in the world, providing equality of opportunity for all regardless of socioeconomic status.\nThe success stories coming from public schools are greater than at any time in their history: higher graduation rates, increasing test scores, and higher student achievement - with especially substantial gains among our neediest students. We must continue to build on this record of success that Democrats have compiled in the last eight years. We have helped states and communities set high academic standards for students and called for an end to social promotion. We have started hiring 100,000 qualified teachers. We have increased accountability. We have opened the gates of college to millions of Americans.\nNow we must do more. Democrats understand that America will not long remain first in the world economically unless we become first in the world educationally. We cannot continue to generate a fifth of the world's economic output if a third of our students do not meet basic reading standards. We cannot stay number one in high technology jobs if we remain last in the percentage of degrees awarded in science. In today's knowledge-based economy, it's just that simple. Education leads to the future success and security of our country and citizenry.\nAmericans have been told they must choose between investing in education and demanding accountability. This is the type of false choice that drives our government into stalemate and drives Americans up the wall. Americans believe that we need to invest more in our children's educations - and they're right. Americans also believe that we should not be pouring more money into a system that is producing bad results - and they're right about that too. We should do more of what we're doing right and less of what we're doing wrong.\nAl Gore and the Democratic Party know that investments without accountability are a waste of money and that accountability without investments are a waste of time. George W. Bush and the Republican Party offer neither real accountability nor reasonable investment. What they do offer are soothing sound-bites and bite-sized solutions. They refuse to invest in America's crumbling schools and crowded classrooms - spending 100 times more on tax cuts than on education. They don't help pay teachers like professionals nor do they insist on higher standards for teachers. They propose blank check block grants without accountability. Their version of accountability relies on private school vouchers that would offer too few dollars to too few children to escape their failing schools. These vouchers would pass the buck on accountability while pulling bucks out of the schools that need them most. When it comes to education, Democrats want to invest more and aim higher, the Republicans invest too little and aim too low.\nWe cannot afford - materially or morally - to let another generation of American children pass through inadequate schools before we make needed changes that will save them from a lifetime of frustration and limited horizons. The time for action is now.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, we should have a fully qualified, well trained teacher in every classroom in every school in every part of this country - and every teacher should pass a rigorous test to get there.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, every failing school in America should be turned around - or shut down and reopened under new public leadership.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, we should ensure that no high school student graduates unless they have mastered the basics of reading and math - so that the diploma they receive really means something.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, parents across the nation ought to be able to choose the best public school for their children.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, every eighth grader in America should be computer literate.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, high-quality, affordable preschool should be fully available to every family, for every child, in every community in America.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, every child should learn in a safe, modern classroom with the most up-to-date technology.\nBy the end of the next presidential term, the achievement gap between students of color and the rest of America's students should be eliminated.\nAll this we pledge - and more. The time for tinkering around the edges has long passed. We need revolutionary improvements in our public schools. This requires a major national investment; a demand of accountability from all; a genuine expansion of public school choice; and a renewed focus on discipline, character, and safety in our schools.\nDiscipline, Character, and Safety.\n\nEducation is not just about test scores, but about passing on our values to the next generation of American citizens. Our children and teachers deserve schools of safety and classrooms free of fear. We should have a zero-tolerance policy towards guns in schools. Each school should institute strict, firm, and fair discipline policies that are agreed upon on the first day of the school year at a meeting of teachers, parents, and students. We should expand the Family Leave Law to make sure parents can attend these meetings and all parent-teacher conferences without being scared they will lose their jobs.\nWe must do all we can to encourage active parental involvement in our schools - after all, parents are a child's first and best teachers. A parent's job does not end when they drop their child off at the schools front door. They have a responsibility to actively participate in their childrens' education, to read to their children, and to help their children with their homework. Schools need to do their part by welcoming parents into the education process and giving them a voice in the education of their children.\nDemocrats believe in \"second-chance schools\" where kids expelled from school and those headed for trouble can get the concentrated help, services, and guidance they need to get back on the path to success.\nIf we are serious about fighting school violence, we need a dramatic increase in after-school care for America's children. The average two-parent family works 500 more hours a year than they did a generation ago. Children often come home from school to empty houses. We know that the most dangerous hours for children are those between the end of the school day and the end of the work day. It is in these afternoon hours that children are most likely to get into trouble and fall under bad influences. Democrats have increased after-school assistance 500 times over in the last four years. Al Gore believes in expanding after-school programs and providing Americans with an after-school tax credit so that children have a safe, supervised after-school environment where they can continue to learn and learn right from wrong.\nToo often, our culture offers our children a virtual crash course in violence and degradation. It is sometimes a culture of too much meanness and not enough meaning. That's why character education is so important in our schools. Education should not be a morals-free zone. Schools can teach our kids about honesty, hard work, openness to new information, strong discipline, willingness to reason, personal responsibility, and tolerance for different points of view. Teachers can help children develop the values and the character - as well as the intellectual tools - it takes to succeed and contribute to their communities. The traditional three R's are not enough. Schools need to make sure they teach kids respect, reliability, and responsibility as well.\nWe must also remember that our schools are not just training the next generation of workers, they are also educating the next generation of citizens. That's why Democrats support democracy education, civic education, and service requirements in our schools.\nStrict Accountability for Results, Strong Incentives for Success.\n\nDemocrats believe that everyone involved in the education system should be held accountable. Accountability means we will no longer tolerate mediocrity and no longer allow failure. Accountability applies to states, school districts, schools, teachers, students, and parents. Everyone must do their part. Nobody can shirk their responsibility.\nConsistently bad schools should be shut down. No excuses. No exceptions. Every state and school district should identify failing schools and turn them around with all necessary measures and all necessary resources. Students in those schools should get first priority in transferring to a better-performing public school in the district and getting intensive after-school academic help to make sure they are not left behind while their school is being turned around. Failing schools that do not improve should be quickly shut down and reopened with a new principal and new teachers.\nStates should be held accountable for reducing dropout rates, increasing graduation rates, and raising student achievement. Working together with teachers, school principals should be able to hire on the basis of qualifications and fit, not just on the basis of seniority.\nTeachers should be answerable for what goes on in their classroom. New teachers who answer the call to join this honorable profession should get the mentors and professional support they need to make the transition into teaching - and then should have to pass a rigorous and fair test before they step foot into a classroom.\nTeaching is no easy job and we should not expect that everyone is able to make it in the classroom. New teachers should receive ongoing support and mentoring from their more experienced colleagues. Current teachers should receive continuing quality professional development to ensure that their skills and knowledge reflect the most up-to-date information and research.\nThose teachers who do not meet the highest quality standards should not be allowed to sully the reputation of the teaching profession. That's why teachers who are not teaching well should receive help in getting up to standards. At its best, teaching is the job of a lifetime. But teaching contracts and licenses should not be an automatic lifetime job guarantee. That's why we need regular evaluations to determine whether a teacher's license should be renewed. Democrats urge faster but fair ways, with due process, to identify, help - and when necessary - speedily remove low performing teachers.\nEvery student must be given the opportunity to learn. But students have to take responsibility and be accountable for their own educations, as well. We need measurements to make sure students are getting the preparation they require - including voluntary national tests in 4th grade reading and 8th grade math. Democrats insist that no student should graduate with a diploma they cannot read.\nThe federal government needs to be held accountable, too. In states that do not make progress in improving student performance, the federal government should redirect money from state bureaucrats and transfer it directly to schools that need it. States that do succeed in raising student success should receive bonuses - and schools that are making a positive difference should receive bonuses, as well. In addition, teachers who earn a National Board Certification should be especially rewarded.\nInvesting in Our Schools.\n\nWe cannot expect our children to learn all that they need to know in classrooms that are overcrowded, with teachers that are overburdened, and with textbooks and technology that are out-of-date. We need to invest in our schools and our childrens' futures.\nHigh-quality preschool should no longer be a luxury. Research - and the experience of path breaking states such as North Carolina and Georgia - shows that giving kids a smart start can lead to higher reading and achievement levels, higher graduation rates, and greater success in the workplace.\nWe need an aggressive national campaign to put one million new well-trained teachers in our classrooms. We must start reducing class size by finishing the job of hiring 100,000 new qualified teachers. In addition, Al Gore has proposed the creation of a new 21st Century Teacher Corps - open to talented people around the country who agree to teach in a school that needs their help. In return, they would get help paying their college tuition, assistance in paying off their student loans, or a hiring bonus for those willing to switch careers. And we need alternative certification so that those who choose to switch into teaching don't have to start their education all over again.\nFar too many teachers are overstressed and overworked, underpaid and underappreciated. We need to treat teachers like professionals - pay them like professionals and hold them to professional standards. All qualified teachers should get a raise and master teachers should get the biggest raise. We need to provide professional development, training, and support so that all teachers can succeed.\nWe should rebuild and modernize our school buildings to assure students can attend schools that are modern, safe, and well-equipped for learning. And we need to construct more new schools to meet the needs of the largest generation of students in American history. We cannot convince our children to value education when they are packed into crammed classrooms like sardines in a can and when their facilities are falling down. Al Gore and the Democrats believe we need smaller classes, smaller schools, and \"schools within schools\" so that impressionable children do not get lost in the shuffle.\nWe must ensure that children with disabilities are not blocked from having access to free, appropriate education and that the doors to our public schools are not closed to children with special needs. We must, finally, live up to the Federal government's promise to communities to help them defray the expenses of educating children with special needs.\nWe must assure that schools have the resources to meet the challenges of an increasingly diverse student population with programs for English language learners, including bilingual education, to close the achievement gap. We oppose language-based discrimination in all its forms, including in the provision of education services, and encourage so-called English-plus initiatives because multilingualism is increasingly valuable in the global economy.\nWe should create new Opportunity Academies around the nation between high school and college where disadvantaged students can get the intensive academic preparation in math, reading, writing, and study skills that will improve their likelihood for success in college and beyond.\nSupporting Schools of Innovation.\n\nIn order to create a world-class educational system for all our students, we must allow experimentation in our public schools to find out what works. The Democratic Party supports expansion of charter schools, magnet schools, site-based schools, year-round schools, and other nontraditional public school options.\nCharter schools and other nontraditional public school options can free school leaders, teachers, parents, and community leaders to use their creativity and innovation to help all students meet the highest academic standards. The Democratic Party will triple the number of charter schools in the nation. And, we will ensure that these charter schools are fully accountable - financially and academically - to students and the communities they serve, and that they are indeed making progress in maximizing student achievement. All public schools should have the freedom to design their curriculum within high standards and all public schools should compete for students - and we should start by bringing universal public school choice and competition to our lowest-performing public schools.\nLet there be no mistake: what America needs are public schools that compete with one another and are held accountable for results, not private school vouchers that drain resources from public schools and hand over the public's hard-earned tax dollars to private schools with no accountability.\nClosing the Opportunity Gap\n\nForty years ago, the Democratic platform discussed a Missile Gap as a measurement of America's competitiveness around the world and our security here at home. Today, too many Americans face an Opportunity Gap - a lack of the skills they need to be competitive in the global economy and have career security in the workplace. The Opportunity Gap is also a chasm created by income disparity, discrimination by race and gender, and the abandonment of our inner cities.\nMany of today's workers will need retraining over the next decade. Nearly ninety percent of companies say they already face a shortage of skilled workers. The Opportunity Gap is costing American workers good jobs at good wages - and it must be closed. Al Gore has proposed a broad set of initiatives to provide college education, lifelong learning, and ongoing skill development for all Americans.\nCollege Education and Lifelong Learning for All.\n\nWith Democratic leadership over the past eight years, the percentage of young people who are entering college has gone up by nearly 20 percent. In the Information Age, it is clear that a college education is more important than ever. The HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Tax Credit have opened the gates of college wider than ever before. Pell grants are at their highest level ever.\nNow we need to do more. We should make a college education as universal as high school is today. Al Gore has proposed a new National Tuition Savings program to tie together state tuition savings programs in more than 30 states so that parents can save for college tax-free and inflation-free. We propose a tax cut for tuition and fees for post-high school education and training that allows families to choose either a $10,000 a year tax deduction or a $2,800 tax credit.\nIn today's economy, education should not be a time in a person's life but a way of life. To keep up with the fast-moving, fast-changing economy, workers must have the ability to continue learning and upgrading their skills for a lifetime. The next great frontier in American education is dramatically expanding opportunities for lifelong learning, skill development, and training.\nDemocrats believe that every hardworking American should have the chance to use their best talents. That is why we support a major new commitment to expanding worker training and skill development, including the creation of national skills standards. Al Gore has called on companies and workers to build more partnerships for skill development. He has proposed incentives for states and employers to expand worker training. We should fund partnerships of employers, colleges, unions, and others that will connect workers to the training they need. We should create a new tax credit for employers who train their workers in the skills needed in the New Economy. We must also give new training allowances that will extend unemployment insurance for those who need time to finish their training courses. Al Gore has called for new 401(j) accounts - like the 401(k)'s which so many Americans use - that would let employers help their employees save tax free and use those savings for the lifelong learning for the employee or their spouse, or their children's college education. Al Gore has also called for a permanent tax exemption to encourage employers to provide tuition assistance benefits to their workers, and for expanding this exemption so that entire families can benefit from these tuition benefits as well.\nBridging the Digital Divide.\n\nDemocrats believe that every American - regardless of income, geography, race, or disability - should be able to reach across a computer keyboard, and reach the vast new worlds of knowledge, commerce, and communication that are available at the touch of a fingertip.\nThat is why Democrats fought for the e-rate to wire every classroom and library to the Internet. In the next four years, we must finish connecting the job and then go further.\nWe must launch a new crusade - calling on the resources of government, employers, the high-tech industry, community organizations, and unions - to move toward full Internet access in every home, for every family, all across the United States. We must make sure that no family or community is left out. We must not rest until Internet access is universal.\nWe must also launch a new national effort to provide basic skills in the newest technology. Al Gore has proposed a major initiative to set and achieve a national goal of computer literacy for every child by the time they finish the eighth grade. He has also called for expanded technology training for workers, and supports incentives for employers to provide home computers and Internet access to their workers. And we must do more than merely teaching technology in the classroom and the workplace. We must dramatically expand teacher training in how to use the power of the Internet. We should also use our AmeriCorps national service corps members to teach and promote the Internet in the schools, libraries, and technology centers that need them the most. America was the pioneer of universal education; now America must become the pioneer of universal computer literacy.\nInvesting in Innovation\n\nTechnology is no longer just wondrous gadgets, it is an ever more integral part of our economy - and an enormous part of what has been driving economic growth. We need to harness technology's power and make sure America stays on the cutting-edge.\nThat means continuing to invest in experimentation, exploration, and innovation. Democrats recognize that a sustained public investment in long term basic research has been the foundation for America's scientific and technological leadership. That's why both public and private investment in research and development is crucial to sustaining our prosperity.\nOn the public side, Democrats believe in doubling the current levels of investment in information technology research and biomedical research and supporting the continued development of the Next Generation Internet - moving 1,000 times faster than today's Internet. We believe in helping universities and federal laboratories become centers of innovation that support and catalyze private sector growth. We also believe in the use of creative public-private partnerships that will, when appropriate, help bring new products to market faster. We continue to support technology transfer - forming partnerships between industry and government that can help ensure that American companies and workers develop the technological tools needed to compete in tomorrow's global markets.\nIn the private sector, Democrats believe in supporting the startups, the small businesses, and the entrepreneurs that are making the New Economy go. This means making permanent the Research and Experimentation tax credit and expanding it to make it partially refundable so that small businesses can use it more easily. It also means keeping cyberspace a duty-free zone so that American companies can sell goods around the world and insist that other countries refrain from actions that impede commerce. To expand technology's worldwide potential as a force for good, Al Gore has advanced a bold vision for a new Global Information Infrastructure - a network of networks that sends messages and images at the speed of light, across every continent - to expand access to phone service and communications, further improve the delivery of education and health care, and create new jobs and industries.\nStrengthening small business is a vital component of economic innovation, job creation, and supporting entrepreneurship. Small businesses have accounted for more than 90 percent of the 22 million new jobs created with Democratic leadership. The Democratic Party is committed to sustaining and adding to that level of growth of small businesses, including home based businesses. Democrats believe that strengthening small businesses is a vital component of strategies to create opportunity and community economic development. We will build on the tremendous progress of the Clinton-Gore Administration in modernizing the Small Business Administration and improving access to the Federal marketplace. We will fight to reform and strengthen programs to combat discrimination against women and minority entrepreneurs, including federal procurement, because the playing field is still not level.\nAmericans generate more new technologies, new inventions, and more creative works of software and entertainment than the citizens of any other country in the world. American creativity contributes greatly to improving the quality of daily life, helps us work more efficiently, and enriches our national culture. America's laws and policies must be tailored and equipped to nurture and advance this unique aspect of our national character. This means we must ensure that sound patent and copyright laws motivate our inventors and creators to pursue their vision. Internationally, we must work to build support for strong intellectual property laws among the community of nations, including in trade agreements. We must take all steps necessary to secure effective enforcement of those laws - at home and abroad - to ensure that others do not steal intellectual property through piracy and other forms of theft.\nDemocrats know that technological innovation is critical to maintaining a strong manufacturing sector as we enter the Information Age. Manufacturing is a principal engine of productivity growth, a provider of jobs that pay family-supportive wages, and a significant source of exports for paying our way in the world economy. Al Gore and the Democratic Party will fight to keep America's basic industries the most competitive in the world.\nProtecting American Consumers\n\nAs our science and technology advance we must work hard to protect our oldest and most cherished values. That's why Al Gore, while supporting the completion of the Human Genome Project, has championed legislation to ban genetic discrimination. While fighting to expand Internet access, he has led the Administration's efforts to give parents, schools, and communities effective tools to protect children from inappropriate content on-line. In particular, Al Gore has focused on the challenge of protecting Americans' personal privacy on-line as well as the medical and financial information that can all too easily be intercepted and abused by others.\nAl Gore has called for an Electronic Bill of Rights for this electronic age - including the right to choose whether personal information is disclosed; the right to know how, when, and how much of that information is being used; the right to see it yourself; and the right to know if is accurate.\nWe must protect not only our privacy, but the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. That's why Democrats believe we ought to have a modern, science-based food safety system, including meaningful food labeling that also discloses where our food comes from, and that communities should have the right to know about toxins that are released into the air and water.\nInvesting in Communities\n\nDemocrats believe that in building upon the record-breaking prosperity and growth achieved in the past eight years, we must not leave any community behind. Under the leadership of Al Gore, the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities programs have brought new hope to cities and rural areas all across America. Now we need a new round of Empowerment Zones to spread prosperity even further. The Clinton-Gore New Markets Initiative is shining a spotlight on the untapped potential for commerce, tourism, and investment in many communities, and Al Gore will extend these efforts to see that the prosperity of the mainstream economy flows to the Main Streets everywhere. The Clinton-Gore Administration fought to strengthen the Community Reinvestment Act and to create a network of Community Development Banks, and Al Gore will continue that fight. Democrats are committed to building an America in which no neighborhood or town see joblessness and shuttered businesses commonplace or inevitable, and where no families or young adults surrender their God-given right to work hard and live the American dream.\nPart of that dream is home ownership. Under Democratic leadership, we have achieved an all-time high in home ownership, including among groups that have historically been left out. We are committed to continuing this progress, because home ownership is a foundation for building wealth and economic security for families, and it provides a vital anchor enabling neighborhoods to thrive. In too many communities, however, owning or renting an affordable home seems an impossible dream. Al Gore and Democrats have long defended the mortgage interest deduction and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and believe we must reinvigorate our communities and support our families through partnerships and targeted investments and eliminating community redlining by lenders that will better harness the power of markets to create the housing we need. We must pay down the debt to keep interest rates low. We need to create a continuum of care for homeless people so that they get help in getting themselves off the streets and back on their feet. We must ensure that housing costs in thriving communities do not outpace the income of middle class families. We must expand the supply of life cycle housing. We must encourage the renovation and construction of affordable housing closer to places of work and to mass transit so workers can get to their jobs without being tied up in traffic for hours.\nIn rural America, we have the opportunity to create a rural renewal on our nation's farms with improved transportation and infrastructure, better access to capital and technology, reduced concentration in agribusiness, and an expansion of new markets for our crops, and strengthening our ability to compete in world markets. The Internet can break down barriers of geography and isolation and bring the rural economy into the new economy. Farmers should receive incentives to conserve soil and improving farming and forestry techniques. The Republican Freedom to Farm Act has resulted in years of low prices and necessitated billion dollar bailouts. It is misguided and must be changed. Family farmers who work hard and smart should be able not only to survive but to thrive. Democrats will strengthen, not shred, the safety net for family farmers; we will open markets abroad for them. And we will not turn our backs on rural communities; we will work to ensure that they share in the new prosperity we are building for all of America.\nLivable Communities.\n\nAcross America a new movement is emerging as citizens work together to build more livable communities. These are communities where the streets are safe and schools are good, where high wage jobs are not hours away from home, where people can get to work and run their errands without spending hours stuck in traffic, where they can breathe clean air and drink clean water, where the spirit of community reigns.\nDemocrats believe communities know best and that they should have the resources and tools they need to act on their decisions, to have the ability to create communities of which families can be proud. We want to transform out-of-control sprawl to well-planned smart growth.\nThat is why we support the \"Better America Bonds\" - tax credits for state and local bonds to build more livable communities. We must help communities reconnect to the land around them, preserve open spaces, build parks, improve water quality, and redevelop rusty old brown fields. We need to help save farms from being turned into strip malls and parks from being paved over. We should acquire new lands for urban and suburban forests and recreation sites and set aside wetlands, coastal and wildlife preserves. And it is time we enhanced our quality of life by unclogging our nation's roads and airports.\nAl Gore and the Democratic Party support the building of high-speed rail systems in major transportation corridors across the nation. High-speed rail reduces highway and airport congestion, improves air quality, stimulates the economy, and broadens the scope of personal choice for traveling between our communities. We support new grants to Amtrak and the states for improving and expanding passenger rail routes and corridors.\nOpening Markets Around the World\n\nExports sustain about 1 in 5 American factory jobs - jobs that pay more than jobs not tied to the global economy. Open markets spur innovation, speed the growth of new industries, and make our businesses more competitive. We must work to knock down barriers to fair trade so other nation's markets are as open as our own.\nTrade has been an important part of our economic expansion - about a third of our economic growth in recent years has come from selling American goods and services overseas. There is no doubt that with trade - and with investments in giving American workers the skills they need - we can out-compete workers anywhere in the world.\nIt's clear we live in a globalized world - and that there is no turning back. But globalization is neither good nor evil. It is a fact - and we have to deal with it. Democrats believe we must be leaders in the new global economy, not followers. We believe that globalization will work for all Americans only if there are rules of the road, as in the domestic economy, that promote both a strong economy and our basic American values.\nWe need to make the global economy work for all. That means making sure that all trade agreements contain provisions that will protect the environment and labor standards, as well as open markets in other countries. Al Gore will insist on and use the authority to enforce worker rights, human rights, and environmental protections in those agreements. We should use trade to lift up standards around the world not drag down standards here at home.\nTrue open trade is not just about profits, but about people; not a race to the bottom, but a dash to the top; about a rising tide lifting the boats of workers here and abroad; about reinforcing the values of freedom and liberty and the rule of law in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. The test of open trade in the years ahead is whether it empowers the many and not just the few, whether its blessings are widely shared, whether it helps to lift the poor out of poverty; and whether it works for working people.\nDemocrats know that to build a new consensus for more open trade, we must give workers the tools they need to compete in the global economy and support rules that will protect workers' rights, human rights, and environmental protections. That's why our lifelong learning and skill development proposals are so important. American workers need access to ongoing skills development so that they have the tools they need to succeed in the New Economy. In addition, our trade adjustment assistance programs should be improved so that all affected workers receive timely and adequate assistance, including measures to address health care coverage and pension protections.\nWith the leadership of Al Gore, Democrats helped America's steel industry weather the effects of the Asian financial crisis. As President, Al Gore will move aggressively to reduce our overall trade deficit and stop the erosion of good paying manufacturing jobs. This includes negotiating tough agreements to reduce our persistent automotive trade imbalances with our major trading partners. We must continue to monitor imports and, consistent with the World Trade Organization, ensure that the United States utilizes all of its trade laws and other mechanisms, including product specific safeguards, to stop quickly and effectively any import surges when they threaten our workers and communities.\nThe President should be able to negotiate trade agreements with the nations of the world and should include worker rights, human rights, and environmental protections in those agreements, as well as market opening initiatives. At the same time, Al Gore will challenge American companies to ensure labor protections and worker safety at their overseas operations. And U.S. representatives at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank should also seek to advance fair treatment for workers internationally. We should create an environment in which electronic commerce can flourish globally as it has here in America. We are committed to supporting the rights of workers around the world. And we should vigorously monitor trade agreements to make sure other nations are not shirking their responsibilities.\nDemocrats are committed to addressing the problem of manipulative corporate tax shelters, including in the international context, that undermine the public's faith in the fairness of our voluntary tax system. At the same time, we must ensure no tax provision has the effect of encouraging corporations to locate in other countries at the expense of American workers.\nBuilding a 21st Century Government\n\nSince he took office, Al Gore has led the way in reinventing government - making government more effective in its mission of service to the public. Under his leadership the federal workforce has been cut by 377,000, making it the smallest government since Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. This has been accomplished through cooperation and partnership. Sixteen thousand pages of regulations were scrapped. From tea testers to mohair subsidies to the Navy's own dairy farm, over 200 outdated and unnecessary government programs have been eliminated. As a percentage of the workforce, the federal government is the smallest it has been since the New Deal.\nWe have saved over $135 billion - contributing to the surplus and our prosperity. But we have saved something much more precious as well. We have begun to earn back the faith and trust of the American people in their democratic institutions. Trust in government has almost doubled. The first customer survey ever taken of American's satisfaction with the services government delivers found that fully 60 percent felt service had improved in the last two years and rated government services at levels almost as high as services in the private sector.\nToday, our government is focused on emphasizing results over red tape, offering Americans quality service, old-fashioned common sense, and working in partnership with the private sector to achieve common goals. Republicans attack public workers and tear down public services. We have empowered government workers and improved public services.\nNow we need to go much further. We have ended the era of big government; its time to end the era of old government. We need to create a government where Americans can easily find the services they need; one that is on-line all the time with no need to wait in line, an open\nGovernment that's always open. On the Internet, citizens will be able to help cut crime in their neighborhood, notify government of potentially dangerous environmental hazards, or sign up for a clinical trial of the latest advances in medicine. And all of this will be done while protecting everyone's personal privacy and with the highest levels of universal access and security. This new e-government will break down barriers to service, reduce costs, and make government accessible for all.\nWe must forge partnerships between labor and management that recognize the interests of both sides while uniting both front-line government workers and managers in a common crusade to improve government performance.\nWe must ensure that government has the tools and expertise necessary to provide high-quality services. Democrats do not believe that privatization is a panacea. Some services are inherently public. Democrats also believe that, to ensure government works better and costs less, public employees must be allowed to compete both for their current work and for new work. When government work is contracted out to private companies, they should adhere to same level of accountability as public agencies and those arrangements must incorporate labor, safety, health, civil rights, and other important safeguards.\nWe must also continue to decentralize our government, to make it more flexible and responsive towards communities and individuals, and to turn its focus towards empowering Americans to take charge of their own lives.\nFaith-based and community-based organizations have always been at the forefront in combating the hardships facing families and communities. Democrats believe it is time that government found ways to harness the power of faith-based organizations in tackling social ills such as drug addiction, juvenile violence, and homelessness. However, in contrast to the Republicans, Democrats believe that partnerships with faith-based organizations should augment - not replace - government programs, should respect First Amendment protections, and should never use taxpayer funds to proselytize or to support discrimination.\nValuing Work\n\nDemocrats believe in hard work and we believe that work must pay. It is what has made America great. There is a basic bargain at the heart of the American story - hard work should be both required and rewarded. Democrats also believe that those who do work hard should not be stuck in place - they should get ahead. And those who work hard should have a voice in their workplace.\nSupporting Working Families.\n\nDemocrats know that workers' freedom to choose a voice at work is a fundamental American right that must never be threatened, never be obstructed, never be taken away. From the Industrial Age to the Information Age, unions have given working people the chance to improve their living standards and have a voice on the job. The Clinton-Gore Administration stopped the Team Act, defeated a national right-to-work law, and fought for the resources to enforce worker protections. Al Gore will protect our wage and hour laws, including the forty-hour workweek and overtime requirements, and stand firm in support of the Davis-Bacon act and the Service Contract act. He has also proposed reforming government contracting rules to ensure that taxpayer dollars do not go to companies that break basic labor laws. Democrats have always believed in making work pay.\nWe are fighting for a new ergonomic standard and whistle-blower protections. We have stood up for the National Labor Relations Board and fought to protect the right of working families to participate in the political process when it was under attack.\nNow we must go further - not just playing defense against misguided Republican attempts to set back the cause of worker's rights, but moving the ball forward. We need a new national law banning permanent striker replacement workers - so that workers' right to organize into a union and bargain with their employers are never compromised. While we have made the workplace the safest ever, we need to further increase workplace safety. We should stiffen penalties for employer interference with the right to organize and violations of other worker rights. We must also reform labor laws to protect workers' rights to exercise their voices and organize into unions by providing for a more level playing field between management and labor during organizing drives, and facilitating the ability of workers to organize and to bargain collectively.\nRewarding Work for All.\n\nDemocrats believe in an economy that works for everyone and gives everyone a chance to work. We have made a good start by fighting for the Earned Income Tax Credit which has helped millions of American families work their way out of poverty. We won the battle for increasing the minimum wage.\nNow we must do more. We must bring all Americans who are willing to work hard into the circle of prosperity by more fully extend the benefit of the Earned Income Tax Credit to working families, again raising the minimum wage, and giving American workers the skills they need to make it in today's economy. We will vigorously enforce protections against on-the-job discrimination, reassert our belief in an equal day's pay for an equal day's work, seek to prevent the exploitation of workers, and ensure that the nation's worker protection laws are enforced.\nDemocrats believe that one way we value and reward hard work is to modernize, strengthen, and sustain the nation's unemployment compensation system - a bedrock protection against poverty for millions of workers and their families. Today, the system serves far fewer working families than in the past and many especially vulnerable workers - such as low wage workers, seasonal employees, contingent workers, and women - are especially likely to fall outside the system's protective safety net. Democrats believe we must fight to update and upgrade the nation's unemployment system, to stabilize its funding, extend eligibility to more workers, and improve benefits.\nWe know that even as the economy changes and expands, millions of workers will continue to labor in jobs that pay low wages and may not require significant education or skills. Many of these workers are women, people of color, or recent immigrants. These workers provide invaluable services to American society and their work has great dignity. Democrats are committed to ensuring that these workers - no less than their counterparts in more highly-skilled, better paid positions - are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness on the job. Democrats also believe that workers in temporary, part-time, and contract jobs should be treated fairly and earn the wages and benefits they deserve because of the jobs they do.\nRequiring Work from All.\n\nWith Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the White House, we changed the nation's welfare system - transforming the program into one that encourages and promotes work. Since 1993, the welfare rolls have fallen to their lowest levels in over 30 years. Today, millions of parents now have the dignity of a paycheck, rather than the stigma of a welfare check. The next step is to help these new workers move into the economic mainstream so that they can support their families. It is part of our vision of abolishing poverty. Al Gore is committed to helping new workers and those still on the rolls get help with childcare, transportation and other supports to ensure that anyone who can work, does work. Democrats also believe that we must continue the fight to restore fairness to legal immigrants - these Americans also deserve access to the American dream.\nOur fundamental mission is to expand prosperity, not government. But the choices government makes can help or hurt prosperity. For the past eight years, Americans have counted on Democrats to make the right choices. The resulting prosperity is clear. Now, in another moment of big choices, Democrats stand ready to lead again - with a record of results and a vision for the future.\nPROGRESS\n\nEight years ago, many citizens had come to accept the idea that America's best days were behind her: that crime, welfare, teen births, divisiveness and irresponsibility would continue to rise; that our air and water would keep getting dirtier; and that our essential social safety net programs were fated to go broke.\nInstead, with the leadership of today's Democratic Party, the past decade has seen not just a rebirth of American prosperity, but a new season of progress in meeting our challenges and living up to our obligations. Crime is down to its lowest levels in a generation - the longest decline on record, teen births are down seven years in a row, adoptions are up by 30 percent, millions of Americans have moved off the welfare rolls and onto the payrolls. America is not just better off, it is better.\nBut Democrats know that it must be better still. So we want to use this moment to bring even more progress to America. To make America safer, healthier, more secure. To clean up our environment and our politics. To make the job of parents easier and to bring us together as one America.\nFighting Crime\n\nDemocrats believe government's most basic duty is to establish law, order, and freedom and keep citizens safe from crime. When crime is rampant, families are forced off the streets and behind closed doors. When children are ducking for cover, they have a hard time reaching for their dreams. When people are afraid to walk in their own neighborhood, communities are robbed of the basic sense of decency and togetherness. When an overburdened justice system lets thugs off easy, good parents have a harder time teaching their children right from wrong.\nBill Clinton and Al Gore took office determined to turn the tide in the battle against crime, drugs, and disorder in our communities. They put in place a tougher more comprehensive strategy than anything tried before, a strategy to fight crime on every single front: more police on the streets to thicken the thin blue line between order and disorder, tougher punishments - including the death penalty - for those that dare to terrorize the innocent, and smarter prevention to stop crime before it even starts.\nThey stood up to the gun lobby, to pass the Brady Bill and ban deadly assault weapons - and stopped nearly half a million felons, fugitives, and stalkers from buying guns. They fought for and won the biggest anti-drug budgets in history, every single year. They funded new prison cells, and expanded the death penalty for cop killers and terrorists.\nHere are the results of that strategy: serious crime is down seven years in a row, to its lowest level in a quarter-century. Violent crime is down by 24 percent. The murder rate is down to levels unseen since the mid-1960's. The number of juveniles committing homicides with guns is down by nearly 60 percent.\nBut we have just begun to fight the forces of lawlessness and violence. We cannot go back to the finger-pointing and failed strategies that led to that steep rise in crime in the Bush-Quayle years. We can't surrender to the right-wing Republicans who threatened funding for new police, who tried to gut crime prevention, and who would invite the NRA into the Oval Office. Nor will we go back to the old approach which was tough on the causes of crime, but not tough enough on crime itself.\nWith Al Gore as President, America won't go back. We will move forward. We will fight to increase the number of community police on our streets. We will fight to give police the high-tech tools and the training they need to keep our streets safe and our families secure. We will toughen the laws against serious and violent crime to restore the sense of order that says to children as well as to criminals: don't even think about committing a crime here. We will reform a justice system that spills half a million prisoners back onto our streets each year - many of them addicted to drugs, unrehabilitated, and just waiting to commit another crime. We will make schools safe havens for students to learn and teachers to teach. We believe that in death penalty cases, DNA testing should be used in all appropriate circumstances, and defendants should have effective assistance of counsel. In all death row cases, we encourage thorough post-conviction reviews. We will put the rights of victims and families first again. And we will push for more crime prevention, to stop the next generation of crime before it's too late.\nVictims' Rights.\n\nWe need a criminal justice system that both upholds our Constitution and reflects our values. Too often, we bend over backward to protect the right of criminals, but pay no attention to those who are hurt the most. Al Gore believes in a Victims' Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution - one that is consistent with fundamental Constitutional protections. Victims must have a voice in trial and other proceedings, their safety must be a factor in the sentencing and release of their attackers, they must be notified when an offender is released back into their community, they must have a right to compensation from their attacker. Our justice system should place victims and their families in their rightful place.\nEnding the Revolving Door.\n\nWe have to test prisoners for drugs while they are in jail, treat them for addictions, and break up the drug rings inside our prison system. Drug and alcohol abuse are implicated in the crimes of 80 percent of the criminals behind bars. Al Gore believes we should make prisoners a simple deal: get clean to get out, stay clean to stay out. And this deal should be non-negotiable.\nWe should do even more to make sure that when criminals leave jail, they leave a life of crime behind. We should impose strict supervision of those who have just been released on parole - and insist that they obey the law and stay off drugs. In return, we should help them make it in the workplace. Al Gore believes that ending the revolving door, in combination with more determined efforts at prevention, will both combat crime and ultimately reduce rates of incarceration that are so tragically high in many communities.\nFighting the Scourge of Drugs and Gangs.\n\nWe should send a strong message to every American child: drugs are wrong, and drugs can kill you. We need to dry up drug demand, hold up drugs at the border, and break up the drug rings that are spreading poison on our streets. We should open more drug courts, to speed justice for drug-related crimes; double the number of drug hot-spots where we aggressively target our enforcement efforts; expand drug treatment for at-risk youth; and make sure that all of our school zones are drug-free zones - by stiffening the penalties to those who would use children to peddle drugs, and those who would sell drugs anywhere near our schools. We know that to dry up drug demand, we must provide drug treatment upon demand. To empower communities protect themselves from organized criminal conduct, the Democrats support giving communities relief against gang related crimes. We should be tough on drugs no matter which form they take and should not discriminate in sentencing.\nStrong and Sensible Gun Laws.\n\nA shocking level of gun violence on our streets and in our schools has shown America the need to keep guns away from those who shouldn't have them - in ways that respect the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and legitimate gun owners. The Columbine tragedy struck America's heart, but in its wake Republicans have done nothing to keep guns away from those who should not have them.\nDemocrats believe that we should fight gun crime on all fronts - with stronger laws and stronger enforcement. That's why Democrats fought and passed the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban. We increased federal, state, and local gun crime prosecution by 22 percent since 1992. Now gun crime is down by 35 percent.\nNow we must do even more. We need mandatory child safety locks, to protect our children. We should require a photo license I.D., a full background check, and a gun safety test to buy a new handgun in America. We support more federal gun prosecutors, ATF agents and inspectors, and giving states and communities another 10,000 prosecutors to fight gun crime.\nEnding Racial Profiling.\n\nGood policing demands mutual trust and respect between the community and the police. We shouldn't let the acts of a few rogue officers undermine that trust or the reputation of the outstanding work of the vast majority of our dedicated men and women in blue. That is why we need to end the unjust practice of racial profiling in America - because it's not only unfair, it is inconsistent with America's community policing success, it is a violation of the basic American principle of innocent until proven guilty, it views Americans as members of groups instead of as individuals, and it is just plain shoddy policing. We believe that all law enforcement agencies in America should adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward racial profiling.\nHate Crimes.\n\nThe very purpose of hate crimes is to dehumanize and stigmatize - not only to wound the victim, but also to distort the American conscience. Every crime is a danger to Americans' lives and liberty. Hate crimes are more than assaults on people, they are assaults on the very idea of America. They should be punished with extra force. Protections should include hate violence based on gender, disability or sexual orientation. And the Republican Congress should stop standing in the way of this pro-civil rights, anti-crime legislation.\nProtecting Our Most Vulnerable Citizens.\n\nOur most vulnerable deserve special protections. We need tougher penalties against all sex offenders. We should raise the penalties for those who commit crimes against the elderly. We should give federal prosecutors new tools to fight fraud and abuse. We should move aggressively to shut down fraudulent telemarketers who target the elderly. We believe that we must overcome constitutional objections and reenact a strong new law to combat violence against women. And if you commit any violent crime in front of a child, you should pay an even higher price for it: more time in jail.\nEnding Domestic Violence.\n\nViolence in the home is an often silent terror in the lives of millions. We have to make sure that all battered women have the legal protection and the support they need to be safe in their own communities, and to keep their attackers away. By stopping domestic violence, we can also break the generational cycle of violence. We know that when children grow up in abusive families, they are more likely to become abusers themselves.\nStopping Crime Before it Starts.\n\nDemocrats also know that all Americans are better off if we stop crime before it claims new victims, rather than focusing single-mindedly on pursuing perpetrators after the harm is done. That is why we are firmly committed to sound and proven crime-prevention strategies that are good for all Americans. Solid investments in children and youth, in job creation, and in skills development are powerful antidotes to crime.\nJudges and the Supreme Court.\n\nWe will fight to fill the vacancies on the federal bench to make sure we have enough judges to promptly decide all cases and to end Republican delays in the Senate that have kept qualified nominees, especially women and minorities, waiting literally for years for a Senate vote. Democrats oppose efforts to strip the federal courts of jurisdiction to decide critical issues affecting workers, immigrants, veterans and others of access to justice. And, unlike Republicans, Al Gore will appoint justices to the Supreme Court who have a demonstrated concern for and commitment to the individual rights protected by our Constitution, including the right to privacy.\nValuing Our Families\n\nGovernment does not raise children, families do. But government can help make the hardest job in the world - being a parent - a little easier. Today, families come in all different shapes and sizes, but they all face similar challenges. Government should be on the side of parents - making it easier for them to raise their children and pass down their values. With Democrats in the White House, we have passed the Family and Medical Leave law, which has been used by 20 million Americans to care for a newborn baby or a sick loved one. Al Gore led efforts to create the voluntary TV ratings system, to put the V-chip in all new TV sets sold in America so that parents can stop the assault of graphic images in their children's lives, and to insist on a quick and easy way for all Internet users to be able to make offensive web sites off limits to their children.\nBalancing Work and Family.\n\nIf we are to value our families, we have to make much more progress. Strengthening America's families means helping parents make time for their children. We need to find new ways to help parents balance work and family so that they will have time to pass on the right values to their children. Already millions of Americans have benefited from the Family and Medical Leave law, now we need to expand it so that it covers parent-teacher visits and children's routine medical appointments. And we will extend the law to cover more employers so that more working families enjoy this vital protection during times of family and medical need. We should urge employers to make workplaces more parent-friendly; explore strategies, including voluntary initiatives and policy reforms, that can provide income support for workers during periods of family and medical leave; call on parents to be more involved in their children's learning; and fix the \"marriage penalty\" so that parents can spend more time at home and less time trying to make ends meet. We should not penalize families by forcing couples to pay more in taxes just because they have made the sacred commitment of marriage to one another. We should also provide grants to community and faith-based organizations to help couples prepare for and strengthen their marriage and relationships, become better parents, and reduce domestic violence.\nChild Care and Early Childhood Education.\n\nDemocrats believe in making child care more affordable through targeted tax cuts and other investments, in improving the safety and quality of child care centers, in ensuring that children start school ready to read, and in giving a helping hand to parents who decided to stay at home with their children. We need both higher pay and higher standards for child care workers - and they need to get training so that they can do their jobs well. It is a priority of the Democratic Party to fully fund Head Start.\nEldercare.\n\nThe Baby Boomers are the first generation with more parents than children. Many families are doing all they can to help for and care for their elderly parents. These families are doing the right thing - and America must be on their side. We must do more to support the families and individuals who are caring for relatives suffering from long-term illnesses at home or at institutions. We should provide Americans with long-term care needs and their caregivers a $3,000 tax credit. We should hold those who care for our nation's elderly to the highest standards and improve these workers' wages, benefits, training, and working conditions. We should make sure that every community in the country has a program to offer caregivers critical information, referrals, and respite from the difficult work of caring for a loved one.\nFatherhood.\n\nPromoting responsible fatherhood is the critical next phase of welfare reform and one of the most important things we can do to reduce child poverty. Three times more men acknowledged paternity in 1998 than in 1993. This is a first step toward giving to a child the emotional and financial support a father must give to merit the name.\nDemocrats believe in cracking down on deadbeats who abandon their children. So we must require all fathers who owe child support to pay or go to work; strengthen child support enforcement, including increasing the amount of child support that gets paid directly to poor families; and make it harder for parents who owe child support to get new credit cards. However, we also recognize that, in addition to dead beat dads there are dead broke dads. Thus Democrats support helping those men who want to reconnect with their families and who want to become a positive force in the lives of their children.\nResponsible Entertainment.\n\nParents are struggling to pass on the right values in a culture that sometimes seems to practically scream that chaos and cruelty are cool. Democrats have worked to give parents the tools to have more control over the images their children are exposed to. Parents and the entertainment industry must accept more responsibility. Many parents are not aware of the resources available to them, such as the V-chip technology in television sets and Internet filtering devices, that can help them shield children from violent entertainment. The entertainment industry must accept more responsibility and exercise more self-restraint, by strictly enforcing movie ratings, by taking a close look at violence in its own advertising, and by determining whether the ratings systems are allowing too many children to be exposed to too much violence and cruelty.\nDemocrats call for the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine by the Federal Communications Commission. We believe in public support for the arts, including the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Public and private investment in creativity and cultural heritage - the arts and humanities - is an investment in the education of our children, in the well being of our communities, in the strength of our economy, and in spreading the dream of democracy throughout the world.\nAccessible, Affordable, Quality Health Care\n\nFor fifty years, the Democratic Party has been engaged in a battle to provide the kind of health care a great nation owes its people. We reaffirm our commitment to take concrete, specific, realistic steps to move toward the day when every American has affordable health coverage. And we will not rest until the job is done.\nDuring the past eight years, Democrats have helped Americans keep their doctor when they lose or change jobs. We passed the Child Health Insurance Program to help states provide health coverage to millions of uninsured children - the largest single investment in children's health in a 35 years. We kept solvent a Medicare system that was scheduled to go bankrupt this year. We brought immunization rates to an all-time high.\nIn contrast, the Republican Party has refused to use one penny of the surplus to secure the solvency of Medicare and has supported plans that would increase Medicare premiums, force elderly patients into HMOs and raise the eligibility age for Medicare to 67. They have adamantly opposed the Patients' Bill of Rights and proposed instead a mirage \"Patient's Bill of Goods\" that would leave out a real guarantee of the right to see a specialist and assurances that you can go to the nearest emergency room - and leave out 135 million Americans in the cold.\nInstead of the guaranteed, universal prescription drug benefit that Democrats believe should be added to Medicare, Republicans are proposing to leave to insurance companies the decisions about whether and where a drug benefit might be offered, what it would include, and how much it would cost. Studies suggest that less than half of seniors will be able to use this benefit.\nUniversal Health Coverage.\n\nThere is much more left to do. We must redouble our efforts to bring the uninsured into coverage step-by-step and as soon as possible. We should guarantee access to affordable health care for every child in America. We should expand coverage to working families, including more Medicaid assistance to help with the transition from welfare to work. And we should also seek to ensure that dislocated workers are provided affordable health care. We should make health care accessible and affordable for small businesses. In addition, Americans aged 55 to 65 - the fastest growing group of uninsured - should be allowed to buy into the Medicare program to get the coverage they need. By taking these steps, we can move our nation closer to the goal of providing universal health coverage for all Americans.\nA Real Patients' Bill of Rights.\n\nMedical decisions should be made by patients and their doctors and nurses, not accountants and bureaucrats at the end of a phone line a thousand miles away. It is time we meaningfully addressed concerns about the quality of care and about the decline of patient, access, trust, and satisfaction. People need to get the health care they need, when they need it, without having to leap endless hurdles. Americans need a real, enforceable Patients' Bill of Rights with the right to see a specialist, the right to appeal decisions to an outside board, guaranteed coverage of emergency room care, and the right to sue when they are unfairly denied coverage.\nAl Gore will work with a wide range of stakeholders to develop a national strategy to reduce medical errors, including appropriate public reporting, analysis of root causes, and development of error prevention models. Democrats also believe that doctors, nurses, and other health care practitioners must be allowed to advocate freely on behalf of their patients.\nProtecting and Strengthening Medicare.\n\nIt is time we ended the tragedy of elderly Americans being forced to choose between meals and medication. It is time we modernized Medicare with a new prescription drug benefit. This is an essential step in making sure that the best new cures and therapies are available to our seniors and disabled Americans. We cannot afford to permit our seniors to receive only part of the medical care they need.\nDemocrats believe Medicare is worth fighting for - and worth saving. With the number of Americans on Medicare expected to double in the next 35 years, Al Gore has stepped up and taken responsibility by proposing a Medicare Lock Box that would insure Medicare surpluses are used for Medicare - and not for pork barrel spending or tax giveaways. We should also modernize Medicare by promoting competitive prices and remain vigilant against Medicare fraud.\nFighting Diseases.\n\nOur newest medical miracles give us the chance to make significant progress in battling some of the most dreaded diseases. Democrats believe that we must invest in biomedical research and continue to fight and conquer everything from AIDS to Alzheimers to Diabetes to Parkinsons to spinal cord injuries. We must speed up the development of new drugs and get them to patients sooner while maintaining essential health and safety standards. We should allow stem cell research to make important new discoveries. We should expand prevention and widen access to clinical trials. And we should devote more resources to eliminating disease disparities among racial and ethnic groups.\nOur nation must do all it can to focus its efforts on fighting HIV and AIDS. A top priority for Democrats will be the continued investment in research, prevention, care, treatment, and we are deeply committed to the search for a cure. Democrats continue to support important programs such as the Ryan White CARE Act, the Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS program, and incentives to return Americans with HIV/AIDS to work.\nFor a generation, America has been waging a war on cancer. Al Gore believes it is time we started winning it. Because of astonishing scientific breakthroughs, the day that America is cancer-free is within reach. With the completion of the draft of the Human Genome, we are on the verge of cracking cancer's secret code. Democrats believe in taking advantage of this progress by doubling federal cancer research.\nFighting Teen Smoking.\n\nAl Gore is committed to dramatically reducing teen smoking in America. It is time we treated underage tobacco use like the health crisis it is. That's why we need to give the FDA full authority to keep cigarettes away from children. We must match the power of big tobacco's advertising dollars with a counter-campaign that tells kids the truth about the dangers of smoking and the risks of cancer to themselves and to others through second-hand smoke. And we should double our investment in efforts to prevent teen smoking and break the deadly grip of nicotine addiction.\nState attorneys general across America have recovered billions of dollars from the tobacco industry for damages caused by tobaccos' advertising directed at our children and for the death and disease created by cigarettes. Now Republicans are trying to stop the United States Justice Department from pursuing similar litigation to hold the tobacco companies accountable for the damages they have caused to American taxpayers. We believe it is wrong to insulate the tobacco companies from liability for their wrongdoing.\nMental Health.\n\nMental illness has long been concealed behind a shroud of silence and shame. Mental illness affects nearly one in five Americans each year, but nearly two-thirds of those Americans affected by mental disorders do not receive help. When mental illness goes untreated, undiagnosed, and unmentioned, people are denied the opportunity to live full lives and our nation is denied their full contribution. Democrats believe in supporting families caring for loved ones with mental illness by strengthening our community mental health system, providing access to full mental health coverage for every child in America, giving teachers and schools more mental health resources, and ensuring that mental illness and physical illness are treated equally by our nation's health plans.\nDisabilities.\n\nDemocrats believe that we must fight to ensure that people with disabilities can meet their full potential and participate fully in the American dream. For people with disabilities accessing affordable health insurance is the greatest barrier to returning to work. That is why we fought to assure that people with disabilities do not lose their health care when they return to work. Democrats also support tax credits and grants to pay for rehabilitation and work-related expenses for people with disabilities. And we support all efforts to implement the Supreme Court's Olmstead decision and to make personal assistance services and supports available to people with disabilities in their homes and communities - because no one should be kept in a nursing home or institution if they prefer to live in the community with the necessary supports.\nChoice\n\nThe Democratic Party stands behind the right of every woman to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of ability to pay. We believe it is a fundamental constitutional liberty that individual Americans - not government - can best take responsibility for making the most difficult and intensely personal decisions regarding reproduction. This year's Supreme Court rulings show to us all that eliminating a woman's right to choose is only one justice away. That's why the stakes in this election are as high as ever.\nOur goal is to make abortion less necessary and more rare, not more difficult and more dangerous. We support contraceptive research, family planning, comprehensive family life education, and policies that support healthy childbearing. The abortion rate is dropping. Now we must continue to support efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies, and we call on all Americans to take personal responsibility to meet this important goal.\nThe Democratic Party is a party of inclusion. We respect the individual conscience of each American on this difficult issue, and we welcome all our members to participate at every level of our party. This is why we are proud to put into our platform the very words which Republicans refused to let Bob Dole put into their 1996 platform and which they refused to even consider putting in their platform in 2000: \"While the party remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing its historic principles and ideals, we also recognize that members of our party have deeply held and sometimes differing views on issues of personal conscience like abortion and capital punishment. We view this diversity of views as a source of strength, not as a sign of weakness, and we welcome into our ranks all Americans who may hold differing positions on these and other issues. Recognizing that tolerance is a virtue, we are committed to resolving our differences in a spirit of civility, hope and mutual respect.\"\nProtecting Our Environment\n\nDemocrats know that for all of us there is no more solemn responsibility than that of stewards of God's creation. That is why we have worked for eight years to produce the cleanest environment in decades: with cleaner air, cleaner water, and a safer food supply; a record number of toxic waste dumps cleaned up; new smog and soot standards so that children with asthma and the elderly would be able to live better lives; and a strong international treaty to begin combating global warming - in a way that is market-based and realistic, and does not lead to economic cooling.\nFrom the Redwood forests to the Florida Everglades, from the Grand Canyon to Yellowstone to Yosemite, we have protected millions of acres of our precious natural lands. We stopped development in America's last wild places. Teddy Roosevelt saw our national parks as the playground of the people - there for average families to enjoy with camping and hiking. Today's Republicans see them as the playground of the powerful - there for big businesses to exploit with drilling and mining. The Republicans have tried to sell off national parks; gut air, water, and endangered species protections; let polluters off the hook; and put the special interests ahead of the people's interest. They are wrong. Out natural environment is too precious and too important to waste.\nAl Gore is committed to restoring the Everglades; protecting the coasts of California and Florida and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil and gas drilling; and preserving our untouched forests, including the Tongass, from logging and development. With regard to public lands, Democrats believe that communities, environmental interests, and government agencies should work together to protect our public resources, critical habitat areas, and wildlands while ensuring the vitality of local economies. We will work together to find land-based alternatives and decontamination technologies that will permanently end the ocean disposal of contaminated dredge spoils.\nOnce Americans were led to believe they had to make a choice between the economy and the environment. They now know that this is a false choice. But there is a real choice to make in 2000: whether we will protect our environment in ways that are practical and achievable or go back to the policies that led to generations of environmental devastation and degradation.\nWe have to do what's right for our Earth because it is the moral thing to do. It involves all of our lives - from the simple security of having clean safe, reliable, affordable electricity for your home; to America's ability to build and sell the best new clean cars, trucks, and technology to the world; to guarding our children from the summer smog that is made worse by global warming, and securing for our grandchildren the expectation of a joyful array of seasons that we took for granted when we grew up ourselves.\nDemocrats believe we must give Americans incentives to invest in driving more fuel-efficient cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles; living in more energy-efficient homes, and using more environmentally-sound appliances and equipment. We need to clean up aging power plants. We must invest in rebuilding and improving our transportation infrastructure and ensure that we adequately maintain these systems for the future. Americans need and rely on diverse transportation sources, and our public infrastructure priorities should reflect that diversity.\nWe should invest in roads, bridges, light rail systems, cleaner buses, the aviation system, our national passenger railroad, Amtrak, and high-speed trains that would give Americans choices - freeing them from traffic, smog-choked cities, and being held hostage to foreign oil. We should ensure that urban communities affected by the presence of airports which create increased levels of noise and pollution be provided mitigation support to address these concerns. We must also ensure that we maintain adequate public funding and public administration of publicly operated and delivered transportation services, without gutting collective bargaining agreements or long-standing worker-protections. In these and other areas, we will encourage project labor agreements, fostering labor-management cooperation, quality development, and efficient use of public monies. Today, technology has advanced to the point that we can drive the kind of cars we like and live in the kind of houses we like - while being kind to the earth. We should use some of our budget surplus to help Americans take advantage of these new opportunities. With the right investments, these new environmentally-friendly technologies can create new jobs for American workers.\nAmerica is blessed with abundant low-cost sources of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, but we must use them wisely and ensure that changes in the energy sector promote a workforce whose skills are expanded, utilized, and rewarded. Democrats believe that with the right incentives to encourage the development and deployment of clean energy technologies, we can make all our energy sources cleaner, safer, and healthier for our children. This responsibility includes disposing of nuclear waste in a scientifically-sound manner in accordance with standards designed to protect human health and the environment.\nAnd we must dramatically reduce climate-disrupting and health-threatening pollution in this country, while making sure that all nations of the world participate in this effort. Environmental standards should be raised throughout the world in order to preserve the Earth and to prevent a destructive race to the bottom wherein countries compete for production and jobs based on who can do the least to protect the environment. There will be no new bureaucracies, no new agencies, no new organizations. But there will be action and there will be progress. The Earth truly is in the balance - and we are the guardians of that harmony.\nEight of the ten hottest years ever recorded have occurred during the past ten years. Scientists predict a daunting range of likely effects from global warming. Much of Florida and Louisiana submerged underwater. More record floods, droughts, heat waves, and wildfires. Diseases and pests spreading to new areas. Crop failures and famines. Melting glaciers, stronger storms, and rising seas. These are not Biblical plagues. They are the predicted result of human actions. They can be prevented only with a new set of human actions - big choices and new thinking.\nWorking with the America's great automakers, Al Gore has led the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles which has helped spur the development of high-performing cars that get far better gas mileage while meeting emissions standards. Now we need to give Americans help in being able to afford these new cars - getting them out of the showrooms, onto the streets, and into our driveways. At the same time, we are committed to improving fuel economy in a way that preserves and creates jobs for American workers, and delivers products that consumers want to buy. To further this kind of progress, we now need the oil industry to join us in producing much cleaner fuels that will allow automotive environmental equipment to achieve the maximum possible reductions in emissions.\nWe have also created a new 21st Century Truck Initiative to build highly-efficient heavy duty pick-up and delivery trucks, even long-haul 18-wheelers. Now we need to work in partnership with industry to create a new generation of mass transit and a new generation of cleaner, more reliable power systems. Al Gore wants to swap every dirty, smoke-belching city bus for a cleaner, less polluting one.\nRenewing Our Democracy and Campaign Finance Reform\n\nIn the year 2000, along with all the other big choices they have to make, Americans will be making a choice about who's running their country: the people or the special interests, the voters or the lobbyists, the many or the few. We must restore American's faith in their own democracy by providing real and comprehensive campaign finance reform, creating fairer and more open elections, and breaking the link between special interests and political influence.\nThe Republicans will have none of this. Instead of limiting the influence of the powerful on our politics, they want to raise contribution limits so even more special interest money can flow into campaigns. The big-time lobbyists and special interest were so eager to invest in George W. Bush and deliver campaign cash to him hand-over-fist that he became the first major party nominee to pull out of the primary election financing structure and refuse to abide by campaign spending limits.\nIn this year's presidential primaries it became clear that the Republican establishment is violently opposed to John McCain's call for reforming our democracy. Al Gore supports John McCain's campaign for political reform. In fact, the McCain-Feingold bill is the very first piece of legislation that a President Al Gore will submit to Congress - and he will fight for it until it becomes the law of the land.\nThen he will go even further - much further. He will insist on tough new lobbying reform, publicly-guaranteed TV time for debates and advocacy by candidates, and a crackdown on special interest issue ads. Most boldly of all, Al Gore has proposed a public-private, non-partisan Democracy Endowment which will raise money from Americans and finance Congressional elections - with no other contributions allowed to candidates who accept the funding. This will let our politics be free from the influence of special interests and let Americans believe in their own democracy again.\nJust as our country has been the chief apostle of democracy in the world, we must lead by example at home. This begins with our nation's capital. The citizens of the District of Columbia are entitled to autonomy in the conduct of their civic affairs, full political representation as Americans who are fully taxed, and statehood. Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over a century and Puerto Ricans have been U.S. Citizens since 1917, but the island's ultimate status still has not been determined and its 3.9 million residents still do not have voting representation in their national government. These disenfranchised Citizens - who have contributed greatly to our country in war and peace - are entitled to the permanent and fully democratic status of their choice. Democrats will continue to work in the White House and Congress to clarify the options and enable them to choose and to obtain such a status from among all realistic options. Democrats believe the people of Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands have a right to be fully self-governing. We are committed to fair treatment in economic and social policies as well as improvement in federal-territorial relations in accordance with the needs of each area. Elected representatives of these areas will be regularly consulted on policies, laws, and treaties that affect the areas and we will ensure fair treatment for our fellow Citizens in the territories.\nBuilding One America\n\nDemocrats believe that God has given the people of our nation not only a chance, but a mission to prove to men and women throughout this world that people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, of all faiths and creeds, can not only work and live together, but can enrich and ennoble both themselves and our purpose. America's diversity is expanding, yet amidst important signs of progress, there is widespread evidence of persistent discrimination, growing racial segregation of our schools and neighborhoods, and dream-crushing barriers to opportunity. We cannot - we dare not - remain a nation divided. Our vision is of an America healed of hatreds and misunderstanding, with equality and opportunity so rich that legacies of discrimination and exclusion will be found only in history books, and not in our communities. To that end, Democrats support creation of a commission of distinguished scholars and civic leaders to examine the history of slavery, discrimination, and exclusion suffered by all minorities; to report on the continuing effects of those tragic chapters in our history; and to make appropriate recommendations on behalf of the American people.\nWelcoming Our Newest Americans.\n\nImmigrants enrich the tapestry of American life, making our economy more vibrant, our workplaces more productive, and our nation stronger. We believe that all levels of government, in partnership with the private and voluntary sectors, must devise and pursue a comprehensive immigrant integration agenda that will make the newest Americans full participants in the nation's mainstream. That's why Democrats support reforming the INS to provide better services, and investing the resources needed to reduce the backlog of citizenship applications from nearly two years to three months. Democrats also support increased resources for English language courses, which not only help newcomers learn our common language but also help us promote our common values. And, we believe that family reunification should continue to be the cornerstone of our legal immigration system.\nDemocrats believe in an effective immigration system that balances a strong enforcement of our laws with fair and evenhanded treatment of immigrants and their families. The Clinton-Gore administration provided long overdue leadership in dramatically improving border management and law enforcement, including a major expansion of the Border Patrol and curbs on abuses of the asylum process. We also recognize that the current system fails to effectively control illegal immigration, has serious adverse impacts on state and local services, and on many communities and workers, and has led to an alarming number of deaths of migrants on the border. Democrats are committed to reexamining and fixing these failed policies.\nWe must punish employers who engage in a pattern and practice of recruiting undocumented workers in order to intimidate and exploit them, and provide strengthened protections for immigrant workers, including whistleblower protections. Doing so enhances conditions for everyone in the workplace. We believe that any increases in H1-B visas must be temporary, must address only genuine shortages of highly skilled workers, and mist include worker protections. They must also be accompanied by other immigration fairness measures and by increased fees to train American workers for high skill jobs. The Democratic Party is committed to assuring an adequate, predictable supply of agricultural labor while protecting American farm workers who are among the poorest and more vulnerable in our society. We reject calls for guest worker programs that lead to exploitation, and instead call for adjusting the status of immigrants with deep roots in the country. We should have equitable asylum policies that treat people the same whether they have fled violence from the Right and Left. And we support restoration of basic due process protections and essential benefits for legal immigrants, so that immigrants are no longer subject to deportation for minor offenses, often committed decades ago without opportunity for any judicial review, and are eligible to receive safety net services supported by their tax dollars.\nFighting for Civil Rights and Inclusion.\n\nPassage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of the proudest moments of our nation's history and a sterling testament to our aspirations as a people. Yet, despite undeniable progress over the last several decades, inequality and polarization nevertheless persist in far too many American workplaces, schools, and communities. Over the last eight years, we have fought hard to end discrimination. We have increased funding for civil rights enforcement - so that the laws on our books are not just pleasant words, but pledges of justice. Al Gore has strongly opposed efforts to roll back affirmative action programs. He knows that the way to lift this nation up is not by pulling the weakest down, but by continuing to expand opportunities for everyone who wants to achieve. The Clinton-Gore Administration has appointed the most diverse administration in American history, demonstrating that pursuing excellence means including the all of the best that our nation has to offer.\nAl Gore and the Democratic Party know that much remains to be done. We must remember we do not have an American to waste. We continue to lead the fight to end discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation. The Democratic Party has always supported the Equal Rights Amendment and will continue to do so, and we are committed to ensuring full equality for women and to vigorously enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act. We support continuation of the White House initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Because every American counts, we will continue to work toward a census that counts every American. We support continued efforts, like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, to end workplace discrimination against gay men and lesbians. We support the full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of the nation. This would include an equitable alignment of benefits. We recognize the importance of new battles against forms of discrimination and disadvantage that stand as barriers to communities and families, such as environmental injustices and predatory lending practices. And we will fight for full funding and full staffing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other civil rights enforcement agencies so they can do their job of ensuring that America lives up to its creed of equal rights and equal opportunity for all.\nThe Democratic Party proudly upholds its tradition of support for the first Americans. The sovereignty of the American Indians and Native Alaskans and a strong affirmation of the government-to-government relationship are basic to our approach to the tribal governments. As we move into the 21st century, we have to renew our trust obligations and work to improve the lives of the many Indians who live in terrible poverty. The Democratic Party pledges to continue our work to make a difference in the lives of those who occupied this land before us. We affirm the legal and political relationship between the United States and Native Hawaiians as an important step in the continuing process of reconciliation. We will work to pass legislation establishing a process for Native Hawaiians to reorganize a governing body, freely chosen, expressing their rights to self-determination. The justice we provide the first Americans is a measure of our nation's character, and Democrats believe we should build on the progress of the last eight years.\nForging Common Ground.\n\nAmerican citizenship entails both rights and responsibilities and we need to ask every American - from every walk of life - to give something back to their communities and their country. We are committed to expanding AmeriCorps so that more Americans both serve their country and further their educations.\nAmerica will become much more diverse in the coming century. But while much is changing, much remains. Our common civic culture - one grounded in the values most Americans share: work, family, personal responsibility, individual liberty, and faith - ties us together. Our common ground - our shared civic institutions - makes us whole. In the years to come, we must celebrate our diversity and focus on strengthening the common values and beliefs that make us one America - one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.\nPEACE\n\nEight years ago, Americans found themselves between two worlds. After half a century in which we stood up for peace and security all over the globe - taking on the forces of tyranny and terror that imperiled our interests and assaulted our values - the Cold War was over and a new Global Age was beginning. We needed new ideas and new leadership.\nDemocrats have provided them. Under the leadership of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, the first light of the 21st Century finds America at peace. More of the world's citizens live in freedom than ever before, and our people and our values are protected by the greatest military force the world has ever known.\nDemocratic leadership has brought peace and security to Americans and to millions of freedom-loving people around the globe. We achieved victory and ended ethnic cleansing in Kosovo - allowing hundreds of thousands of refugees to return to their homes in safety. We helped achieve historic breakthroughs in the Middle East peace process. We led the efforts that produced the Good Friday Accord in Northern Ireland - offering the best hope yet of ending decades of bloodshed. We are working to build a self-sustaining peace in Bosnia through the implementation of the Dayton Peace accords. We have ended the military dictatorship and given democracy a chance in Haiti. We have made Americans safer by reducing Russian nuclear arsenals. We strengthened and expanded NATO for a new century.\nBut now is not the time to sound the trumpets of triumph. In the wake of the Cold War, America has entered a new Global Age that is altering our security challenges and creating entirely new issues. Globalization is transforming the international order that defined the 20th century. Today, for both good and ill, our destiny and the destinies of billions of people around the world are increasingly intertwined, and our domestic and international challenges are bound together as never before.\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that globalization will continue shaping our future. We also believe that the United States has the means and the responsibility to shape globalization so that it reflects the needs and the values of the American people.\nAl Gore and the Democratic Party know that we must be able to meet any military challenge from a position of dominance. But Al Gore and the Democratic Party also recognize that there is a new security agenda - threats that affect the entire world and transcend political borders.\nDuring the past century, we have learned that if we wish to avoid war, we must be strong enough to deter aggression, but also farsighted enough to invest in peace. Now it is time to apply this lesson to the new global challenges we face - to shape a new strategy of Forward Engagement to guide our conduct around the world.\nForward Engagement means addressing problems early in their development before they become crises, addressing them as close to the source of the problem as possible, and having the forces and resources to deal with these threats as soon after their emergence as possible.\nWhile we must always stand prepared to use our military power when all other options fail, Forward Engagement also means addressing societal and political problems before they evolve into threats to our national security and values - before armed conflict becomes the only way to achieve our goals. And Forward Engagement means drawing on all three main sources of American power - military strength, a vibrant, growing economy, and a free and democratic political system - to advance our objectives around the world.\nThe Democratic Party believes that America's peace and security depend on our unflagging leadership and engagement in global affairs-and that Forward Engagement is the strategy that must guide us. We must maintain America's economic and military strength. We must also form partnerships to help solve global problems and take advantage of new global opportunities. That means we must deepen our key alliances, develop more constructive relationships with former enemies, and bring together diverse coalitions of nations to deal with new problems. America has a responsibility to lead - and should lead from within the international community.\nAt a time when new conditions require new thinking, the Republican Party offers little more than outdated positions and a narrow worldview that lets international problems fester.\nSome Republicans believe America should turn away from the world. They oppose using our armed forces as part of international solutions, even when regional conflicts threaten our interests and our values.\nOther Republicans want America to act unilaterally. They attack the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty - even at the risk of precipitating a new nuclear arms race. They voted down the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, threatening both our security and our global leadership. They have attempted to sabotage the Clinton-Gore administration's efforts to negotiate with other nations by declaring that any arms control agreement - regardless of content - would be \"dead on arrival.\"\nMired in the past, the Republican Party fails to realize that ensuring peace and security for Americans today does not just mean guarding against armies on the march. It means investing in building the global peace. It means addressing the fact that more than 1 billion of the Earth's inhabitants live on less than $1 a day - inviting social dislocation, violence, and war. It means meeting new challenges such as international crime and terrorism, environmental degradation, and pandemic diseases head-on. And it means that Forward Engagement must be the new pole-star of our global strategy.\nNeutralizing the Forces That Cause Chaos and Instability\n\nThe questions of war and peace among sovereign states are as important to our security as ever. But today America also faces a new set of international issues. Technology's unprecedented power means that lawlessness, diseases, and ecological disruptions - which once were localized - now land on America's doorstep even as they also threaten the stability and security of nations all over the world.\nDisruption of the World's Ecological System.\n\nThe disruption of the world's ecological systems - from the rise of global warming and the consequent damage to our climate balance, to the loss of living species and the depletion of ocean fisheries and forest habitats - continues at a frightening rate. We must act now to protect our Earth while preserving and creating jobs for our people. In 1997, we negotiated the historic Kyoto Protocols, an international treaty that will establish a strong, realistic, and effective framework to reduce greenhouse emissions in an environmentally strong and economically sound way. We are working to develop a broad international effort to take action to meet this threat. Al Gore and the Democratic Party believe we must now ratify those Protocols.\nGlobal Epidemics.\n\nGlobal epidemics constitute another major security threat. Malaria is running out of control in Africa, and antibiotic-resistant strains of tuberculosis are ravaging Russia and other countries.\nBut the most severe global epidemic is HIV/AIDS. It is more than a health tragedy, it is a threat to global security. AIDS now grips 20 million Africans. Fourteen million have already died, a quarter of them children. Each day, 11,000 more men, women, and children become infected. Diseases like AIDS threaten not just individual citizens, but the very institutions that define and defend the character of society. The Democratic Party believes we can and must do more to prevent transmission, care for those who are ill, and lead in knitting. together the scores of AIDS-fighting initiatives into a global campaign to defeat this threat.\nFighting Drugs and Organized Crime.\n\nInternational drug networks and other organized crime syndicates represent a growing threat to the survival of democratic governance. They breed corruption and lawlessness and they erode the institutions that maintain societal order.\nDrug producing nations like Colombia have seen their societies torn apart by the intersection of criminal activity, political discord, and terrorism. And our nation is also afflicted with the violence and hopelessness of drugs. We must continue to combat narco-traffickers, increasing our budget to do so. We must continue to have a strong Drug Czar who can bring together the considerable resources of the U.S. Government in this effort. We must continue to fight those who make the financing of this effort possible such as the money launderers who facilitate the drug trade. We must continue to work with our friends and allies and international organizations to fight the blood money of the drug trade by getting a handle on those nations who turn a blind eye to the financial end of this problem.\nWe must remember that the drug trade, like other criminal enterprises, fundamentally reflects the economics of hopelessness. Farmers have been drawn to cultivate these crops as a means for economic survival in the absence of other viable alternatives. Al Gore and the Democratic Party understand that no policy of interdiction and prosecution will succeed unless it is combined with robust investment in alternative ways to make a living. We must also build on our efforts to expand the rule of law, fight corruption, and improve democratic governance.\nTransforming Our Military\n\nA strong, flexible, and modern military force is the ultimate guarantor of our physical survival and the protection of our interests and values. Today, America's military is the best-trained, best-equipped, most capable, and most ready fighting force in the world. With Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the White House, Democrats reversed a decline in defense spending that began under President Bush, boosted pay and allowances, and provided the funding for a new generation of weapons.\nThe Democratic Party understands that, good as they are, the armed forces must continue to evolve. They must not only remain prepared for conventional military action, but must sharpen their ability to deal with new missions and new kinds of threats. They must become more agile, more versatile, and must more completely incorporate the revolutionary implications and advantages of American supremacy in information technology.\nRecruiting, Training, and Retaining Our Troops.\n\nA high-tech fighting force must recruit, train, and retain a professional all-volunteer force of the highest caliber. The Democratic Party understands that in order to do this, military pay must continue to increase. We enacted the largest military pay increase in twenty years - and we must raise pay even more. We need to further reform the military retirement system and improve housing, health care, and childcare benefits to support the general competitiveness of military careers during a period of unprecedented prosperity in the civilian economy. While the number of soldiers and families on food stamps is down by two-thirds over the past decade, it is unacceptable that any member of our armed forces should have to rely on food stamps. Al Gore is committed to equal treatment of all service members and believes all patriotic Americans be allowed to serve their country without discrimination, persecution, and violence.\nThe Democratic Party honors America's veterans for their selfless willingness to defend the United States and promote our values around the world. We must always remember the debt this nation owes its defenders. Al Gore will expand access to health care for all eligible veterans; pursue the causes of illness suffered by Vietnam and Gulf War veterans; press for more research on diseases caused by exposure to toxic battlefields and treat fairly veterans suffering from those ailments; back research efforts to screen and treat hepatitis C; and expand programs in the areas of mental health, spinal cord injury, and vision impairment. We will streamline the disability claims process to ensure that this nation continues to live up to its sacred commitment to the men and women who served in uniform. We support efforts of the Filipino American Veterans who fought in World War II to obtain equity.\nDeploying America's Technological Edge.\n\nIt is imperative that aging weapons systems - which are now the backbone of our military - be replaced by the oncoming generation of advanced, high-tech weapons which are designed to make sure that our armed forces face any future conflict from a posture of dominance. Al Gore and the Democratic Party will make sure that the military has the most advanced weaponry, sophisticated intelligence, and information systems and, in addition, continues to invest in research and development for future supremacy. By contrast, George W. Bush has talked about \"skipping\" this generation of weapons - which could mean skipping our responsibility to give our fighting men and women the weapons they need. We must also ensure that investment in the infrastructure needed to support the military, including our maritime capability, is not ignored. And we must ensure a competitive workforce maintaining high-skilled workers and training programs that will ensure the capability to respond to national security emergencies and defense readiness.\nProtecting Our Interests and Securing Our Values.\n\nThe lessons of the past eight years show that the nation must be prepared to use force when American interests and values are truly at stake. We cannot be the world's policeman, and we must be discriminating in our approach. But where the stakes are high, when we can assure ourselves that nothing short of military engagement can secure our national interest, when we know that we have the military forces available for the task, when we have made our best efforts to join with allies, and when the cost is proportionate to the objective, we must be ready to act.\nClosing the Gates of War\n\nIn areas where conflict has raged, comprehensive peace agreements are the foundation for lasting security. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have actively pursued peaceful resolutions to conflicts across the world and have been prepared to go the extra mile on behalf of negotiators seeking peace. Al Gore and the Democratic Party are fundamentally committed to the security of our ally, Israel, and the creation of a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace between Israel and its neighbors. We helped broker the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty, the Wye River accords, and the Sharm el-Sheik Memorandum, and will continue to work with all parties to make progress towards peace. Our special relationship with Israel is based on the unshakable foundation of shared values and a mutual commitment to democracy, and we will ensure that under all circumstances, Israel retains the qualitative military edge for its national security. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. In view of the government of Israel's courageous decision to withdraw from Lebanon, we believe special responsibility now resides with Syria to make a contribution toward peace. The recently-held Camp David summit, while failing to bridge all the gaps between Israel and the Palestinians, demonstrated President Clinton's resolve to do all the United States could do to bring an end to that long conflict. Al Gore, as president, will demonstrate the same resolve. We call on both parties to avoid unilateral actions, such as a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood, that will prejudge the outcome of negotiations, and we urge the parties to adhere to their joint pledge to resolve all differences only by good faith negotiations.\nIn Northern Ireland, we helped facilitate multi-party talks and played an instrumental role in brokering the historic Good Friday Accord, which has greatly enhanced the prospect for peace. We will continue to work toward implementation of the Accord and provide continued political and economic support for the new institutions involving Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Great Britain. Our goal is not merely the laying down of arms, but the joining together of hands in a new political relationship that enables former rivals to govern and thrive together.\nWe have worked hard and successfully to calm dangerous tensions between our allies Greece and Turkey over issues of sovereignty in the Aegean, and we have never ceased our efforts to facilitate a resolution of tensions between the Greek and Turkish communities on Cyprus. This work must continue.\nIn the Balkans, the Clinton-Gore Administration ended ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Kosovo by the resolute use of military power and vigorous diplomacy. The Republican Party, having first opposed the Administration's efforts to restore peace in the region, now tries to impede the Administration's efforts to rebuild these shattered societies. We look forward to the day when Serbia will be free from the grip of Slobodan Milosevic, and we will work to make that happen. America did right in the Balkans, and now we must finish the job.\nRemembering the historic suffering of the people of Armenia, and recognizing the need of the modern Armenian state for security and economic growth, Al Gore and the Democratic Party are committed to continuing our efforts to bring a permanent end to tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, along with the restoration of diplomatic, commercial, and economic ties between Armenia and her neighbors, including Turkey. Al Gore helped bring about a special task force to intensify economic cooperation between the United States and Armenia.\nWe have helped close the gates of war in other parts of the world as well, and our work continues. We helped settle the Peru-Ecuador border dispute and end the civil war in Guatemala. We have worked for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, and on the Ethiopia-Eritrea border. And we helped end the violence and protect democracy in East Timor by leading diplomatic efforts and supporting an international peacekeeping mission.\nWe helped facilitate the dialogue between North and South Korea, without which the recent summit could not have occurred. We continue to work with China and Taiwan to resolve their differences by peaceful means. And we continue our work with India and Pakistan to dampen down a nuclear arms race on the sub-continent and continue to urge them to deal with their differences over their conflict in Kashmir with peaceful means. President Clinton's historic trip to India and Pakistan has created new possibilities for dialogue with these countries, and under a Gore Administration these will be continued vigorously.\nEngaging Former Enemies\n\nDemocrats understand that we must engage former enemies. This Administration's efforts to design new relationships with the Russian Federation and China have been continuously subjected to every form of harassment and attack by the Republicans - but they have been in America's national interest and they have been the right thing to do.\nWe recognize that Russia's historic transition to a market democracy is difficult - all the more reason we must continue to engage Russia. We recognize that Russian democracy is challenged by corruption that deeply penetrates her society - all the more reason to engage Russia on behalf of reform. We recognize that Russia has her own self-interest and concerns that can and do run contrary to ours - all the more reason to search for constructive forms of cooperation. We deeply disagree with what Russia is doing in Chechnya and remain concerned about signs of Russian efforts to intimidate the press - all the more reason to step up our discussions with them on those issues. The Democratic Party is prepared to pursue American objectives as needed even at the cost of friction with Russia. But it is also of tremendous potential benefit to us if we can nurture a sense of common purpose and trust. Al Gore and the Democratic Party will continue that effort.\nSimilarly, we must continue to engage China - a nation with 1.3 billion people, a nuclear arsenal, and a role in the 21st Century that is destined to be one of the basic facts of international life. We must search out ways to cooperate across a broad range of issues, such as the environment and trade, while at the same time, insisting on adherence to international standards on human rights, freedom, the persecution of religions, the suppression of Tibet, and bellicose threats directed at Taiwan. China cannot be ignored, and these issues cannot - and must not - be marginalized. A deterioration of the U.S.-China relationship would harm, not help, American national security interests and the promotion of our values. A Gore Administration will fulfill its responsibilities under the Taiwan Relations Act. A Gore Administration will also remain committed to a \"One China\" policy. We support a resolution of cross-Straits issues that is both peaceful and consistent with the wishes of the people of Taiwan.\nEnhancing Existing Alliances\n\nThe security and stability of Europe is critical to America's national security interests. We will continue to partner with the European Union to address global issues that could benefit from our combined capabilities. Under a Gore Administration, the U.S. will continue to work with our transatlantic allies to make the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) even stronger, thereby enhancing stability, promoting prosperity, and fostering democracy throughout Europe. The Democratic Party strongly supported the accession of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary as a milestone in building a stronger NATO and a more democratic and unified Europe. We look forward to bringing in additional qualified members in the future who share our values and are willing to take on the responsibilities of membership. A Gore Administration will ensure that the issue of NATO's future enlargement is part of the Alliance's agenda at the next summit in 2002 and that no non-NATO member has a veto over NATO decisions in this regard.\nWe must strengthen our alliances and partnerships in Asia, with Japan and with South Korea. We must intensify our strategic cooperation with our ally Japan, building on our Joint Security Declaration, while finding more avenues to deal with Japan on a range of issues, from supporting democracy in Asia to promoting fair trade. And we remain committed to the defense of South Korea. The Democratic Party views our warm relationship with Australia as an anchor for our security interests in Southeast Asia, and we commend Australia for its leadership, and we applaud other nations for their participation with us in the peacekeeping operation in East Timor.\nWe also are committed to enhancing our alliance with the countries of Latin America. We must build on the work that we began when we hosted the first Summit of the Americas, and we must accelerate implementation of the Plan of Action that will promote hemispheric cooperation on a full spectrum of political, economic, security and social issues.\nPreventing New Physical Threats\n\nPreventing Proliferation.\n\nWe must strengthen our defense against the proliferation of conventional and unconventional weapons that threaten America. Our first priority must be to continue the work we have begun in cutting stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, halting testing, and ensuring that weapons and weapons-grade material do not fall into the wrong hands. Working with the government of the Russian Federation, we have helped safeguard nuclear material against the danger of theft. We have made it possible for thousands of Russia's nuclear scientists and weapons experts to find peaceful pursuits. And we have helped deactivate nearly 5,000 nuclear warheads.\nWe are also equipping our military and continuously preparing our defenses for an unconventional attack. We have been an active player in international efforts to strengthen compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention. We renewed and made permanent the Non-Proliferation Treaty and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention, but our effort to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was derailed by Senate Republicans. As President, Al Gore will promptly resubmit this treaty to the Senate with a demand from the American people for its ratification.\nAl Gore and the Democratic Party recognize the possibility of change in Iran, but we remain focused on the realities. Even as elements in Iran press for reform, the country still supports international terrorism, strives to acquire weapons of mass destruction, and represses its citizens, as evidenced by the immoral trial of 13 Jews in Shiraz. Ultimately, we must judge Iran by its actions. Al Gore will make an all-out effort to halt Iran's acquisition of weapons of mass destruction and delivery systems.\nIn Iraq, we are committed to working with our international partners to keep Saddam Hussein boxed in, and we will work to see him out of power. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have stood up to Saddam Hussein time and time again. As President, Al Gore will not hesitate to use America's military might against Iraq when and where it is necessary.\nIn light of the possibility that U.S. Forces or our allies will have to contend with hostile tactical range ballistic missiles, we have been working rapidly to develop anti-tactical ballistic missile systems. We are working successfully with Israel on developing and deploying the Arrow anti-tactical ballistic missile system and the Tactical High Energy Laser.\nOur diplomacy has helped to halt North Korea's push for nuclear weapons. We got North Korea to stop testing long-range ballistic missiles and are also engaged in continuing negotiations regarding their testing and export of long-range ballistic missiles. The tight coordination between the United States, South Korea, and Japan is critical to our success, and we will maintain it as the two Koreas continue the dialogue began at the recent summit.\nWe reject Republican plans to endanger our security with massive unilateral cuts in our arsenal and to construct an unproven, expensive, and ill-conceived missile defense system that would plunge us into a new arms race. Al Gore and the Democratic Party support the development of the technology for a limited national missile defense system that will be able to defend the U.S. against a missile attack from a state that has acquired weapons of mass destruction despite our efforts to block their proliferation. A decision to deploy such a system should be made based on four criteria: the nature of the threat, the feasibility of the technology, the cost, and the overall impact on our national security, including arms control. The Democratic Party places a high value on ensuring that any such system is compatible with the Antiballistic Missile Treaty. We also support continued work in significantly reducing strategic and other nuclear weapons, recognizing that the goal is strategic nuclear stability at progressively lower levels.\nBattling Terrorism.\n\nWhether terrorism is sponsored by a foreign nation or inspired by a single fanatic individual, such as Osama Bin Laden, Forward Engagement requires trying to disrupt terrorist networks, even before they are ready to attack. We must improve coordination internationally and domestically to share intelligence and develop operational plans. We must continue the comprehensive approach that has resulted in the development of a national counter-terrorism strategy involving all arms and levels of our government. We must continue to target terrorist finances, break up support cells, and disrupt training. And we must close avenues of cyber-attack by improving the security of the Internet and the computers upon which our digital economy exists.\nAs President, Al Gore will tolerate no attack against American interests at home or abroad: terrorists must know that if they attack America, we will never forget. We will scour the world to hunt them down and bring them to justice.\nWhile fighting terrorism, we will protect the civil liberties of all Americans. Our justice system must guarantee fairness with procedures that protect the rights of the accused, even under the unusual circumstances of the investigation of threats to our national security. We must avoid stereotyping, for it defeats the highest purposes of our country if citizens feel automatically suspect by virtue of their ethnic origin. The purpose of terrorism is not only to intimidate, but also to divide and fracture, and we cannot permit that to happen.\nSeizing Opportunities\n\nForward Engagement requires investment. But while international assistance and government aid are important - we should do more. There is no way to donate enough money to the parts of the world that are most deeply affected by war, lawlessness, disease, or disorder. What applies to us, applies to them: the only way for them to make real progress is to encourage investment by promoting growth that is sustainable and broadly shared.\nLatin America and the Caribbean must continue to be a focal point of our efforts. We believe that increased cooperation and trade with our partners in this hemisphere can reduce poverty and the reliance on the drug trade, and ultimately lead to economic development, stability, and prosperity. We have made great strides by helping avert a financial crisis in Mexico. Mexico's ongoing shift to a mature democracy, as demonstrated by her recent election, makes it increasingly possible for us to visualize even stronger relations and more effective relationships between ourselves, Mexico, and Canada, building on our growing economic ties to address environmental and social issues of common concern. A Gore Administration will build on this possibility in order to assure ourselves and the people of the Americas a future of democracy, prosperity, and security built on mutual trust and respect. At the same time, we should continue to safeguard environmental standards, food safety, and worker protections by refusing to allow cross-border trucking and bus operations until appropriate safety and worker fairness standards have been met.\nProsperity and peace in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa will only be possible when those regions are fully integrated into the global economy. In Asia, we are working to promote fair trade with Japan and China. In the Middle East, we are promoting regional trade, particularly among Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. We must continue our work to reach out to moderate Arab states and we must intensify our effort to foster closer ties to the Islamic World.\nWith respect to sub-Saharan Africa, the Democratic Party believes in supporting what South African President Thabo Mbeki has called \"an African renaissance.\" Notwithstanding this region's many problems, we see the example of South Africa as a great beacon of hope. We are encouraged by the restoration of democracy in Nigeria, the long-term continuation of a stable democratic system in Botswana, and Mozambique's courageous efforts of recovery after years of civil war. Even in the midst of her continuing problems, we see in Zimbabwe's recent election hope for the survival of the ideal of a multi-ethnic society. We regard the recently enacted African Growth and Opportunity Act as a major contribution toward the future.\nWe believe that the United Nations can play an integral role in our policy of Forward Engagement. We understand that the institution needs both resources and reform if it is to play that role, and we pledge to take the lead on both fronts.\nProsperity Abroad.\n\nGlobalization must be a tide that lifts all boats, not a wave that overwhelms the most vulnerable among us. We support increasing our investment in the International Labor Organization and expanding the use of trade preferences that are tied to improvement in core labor standards. We also want to reverse the widening gap between rich and poor and nations, which is why Al Gore and the Democratic Party back debt forgiveness for the world's poorest nations.\nWe must seek to reform international institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank so that core labor standards, human rights, and protections of the environment are integral to their policies and practices. These institutions must also improve their transparency, accountability, and level of consultation with civil society so that citizens around the world can both understand the basis for their decisions and contribute to them. We should use our influence in multilateral development institutions to not only provide emergency assistance for stabilizing economies and to create social safety nets, including unemployment insurance and health care, but also to give people the skills, education, and training they need to compete in the New Economy.\nWe must make a special effort to help women and children in societies that are devastated by war, disease and poverty. Women are traditionally the backbone of the family. We must also make a special effort to hear women when they rise up courageously to resist or end war in their communities. They are in a sense the front lines - the first affected - by the horrors of war and the misery of disease and poverty. We demand the United States Congress pass the Convention to Eliminate all forms of Discrimination Against Women which has been consistently blocked by the Republican Senate. And children represent the future. When we lose our children, we lose the promise of a future. Our investment programs must be more targeted toward women. And we must end the scourge of child labor by helping societies create educational opportunities for children and, more importantly, economic alternatives to employing the young.\nPromoting Democracy, Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Civil Society.\n\nAmerican values and freedoms are a beacon unto nations, and we should use the power of our ideals to foster democracy, human rights, rule of law, and civil society throughout the world. The Democratic Party believes that America must continue to work closely with other nations, as well as non-governmental organizations to promote these goals. We aim to rededicate ourselves to the defense of democracy in the Americas at a moment when it is being brought into question in Peru and absent on the island of Cuba. We will continue to work with Haiti to deepen the roots of democracy that we helped replant. We will continue to press for human rights, the rule of law, and political freedom. We will continue to support the spread of democracy across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and the development of judiciary, legal systems, media and civil society organizations.\nTo accomplish this, we need the right tools. Al Gore and the Democratic Party support continued funding for the National Endowment for Democracy, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia, Radio Marti, and other efforts to promote democracy and the free flow of ideas. We will build on our successful Reinventing Government program, led by Al Gore, to help other nations make their governments more responsive, more open, and more effective. We strongly support international educational exchanges. The students who come to America to study here - at the best academic institutions in the world - learn about our democratic values and institutions, our entrepreneurial skills, and our culture. They learn that Americans are noble dreamers remaining ever inclusive.\nForty years ago, John F. Kennedy came to Los Angeles to accept the Democratic Party's nomination for president. In doing so, he pointed America towards new frontiers at home and abroad. In the year 2000, Al Gore comes to Los Angeles to accept that same nomination and renew our party's determination to accept big challenges and make bold choices. At the edge of a new century, Democrats stand united in our determination to offer prosperity to all who are willing to work for it, to provide progress to all who are willing to live by the values that have made America great, and to bring peace to all those willing to embrace democracy all over the world.\nFor eight years, the Democratic Party's new thinking has helped America reach unparalleled heights of prosperity, progress, and peace. Now, we say that this is the time to move forward - not to go back. Now, we say that Democrats have just yet begun to fight for a better America and a brighter future. Now, we say to America, \"You ain't seen nothing yet.\"", "Words" -> 24045, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1227, "and" -> 1039, "to" -> 955, "of" -> 680, "in" -> 445, "that" -> 375, "a" -> 375, "We" -> 276, "our" -> 264, "for" -> 259, "we" -> 243, "is" -> 210, "must" -> 166, "are" -> 165, "have" -> 150, "with" -> 148, "their" -> 145, "should" -> 139, "on" -> 137, "will" -> 127, "new" -> 122, "more" -> 121, "not" -> 113, "be" -> 111, "Democrats" -> 103, "all" -> 98, "they" -> 97, "as" -> 93, "Americans" -> 92, "by" -> 89, "Gore" -> 88, "it" -> 86, "has" -> 86, "Al" -> 84, "need" -> 83, "The" -> 81, "America" -> 76, "work" -> 75, "American" -> 75, "make" -> 74, "from" -> 71, "can" -> 71, "believe" -> 71, "workers" -> 66, "who" -> 62, "this" -> 62, "also" -> 60, "support" -> 58, "children" -> 58, "years" -> 56, "Democratic" -> 55, "schools" -> 54, "an" -> 54, "do" -> 51, "continue" -> 51, "government" -> 49, "at" -> 48, "Party" -> 47, "people" -> 45, "so" -> 44, "In" -> 44, "families" -> 44, 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"over" -> 24, "means" -> 24, "even" -> 24, "out" -> 23, "democracy" -> 23, "us" -> 22, "progress" -> 22, "pay" -> 22, "only" -> 22, "military" -> 22, "know" -> 22, "just" -> 22, "first" -> 22, "fight" -> 22, "child" -> 22, "But" -> 22, "build" -> 22, "working" -> 21, "sure" -> 21, "Social" -> 21, "Security" -> 21, "provide" -> 21, "next" -> 21, "nation" -> 21, "international" -> 21, "create" -> 21, "both" -> 21, "back" -> 21, "around" -> 21, "while" -> 20, "skills" -> 20, "protect" -> 20, "helped" -> 20, "give" -> 20, "ever" -> 20, "community" -> 20, "before" -> 20, "were" -> 19, "was" -> 19, "safety" -> 19, "protections" -> 19, "invest" -> 19, "go" -> 19, "against" -> 19, "where" -> 18, "take" -> 18, "students" -> 18, "responsibility" -> 18, "now" -> 18, "many" -> 18, "investment" -> 18, "hard" -> 18, "future" -> 18, "country" -> 18, "well" -> 17, "way" -> 17, "violence" -> 17, "training" -> 17, "too" -> 17, "together" -> 17, "That's" -> 17, "technology" -> 17, "such" -> 17, "services" -> 17, "Now" -> 17, "Medicare" -> 17, "making" -> 17, "leadership" -> 17, "generation" -> 17, "expand" -> 17, "drug" -> 17, "access" -> 17, "much" -> 16, "live" -> 16, "law" -> 16, "job" -> 16, "important" -> 16, "if" -> 16, "high" -> 16, "growth" -> 16, "federal" -> 16, "women" -> 15, "weapons" -> 15, "strong" -> 15, "special" -> 15, "resources" -> 15, "Republican" -> 15, "programs" -> 15, "past" -> 15, "open" -> 15, "nations" -> 15, "nation's" -> 15, "Internet" -> 15, "good" -> 15, "family" -> 15, "citizens" -> 15, "Bill" -> 15, "better" -> 15, "basic" -> 15, "A" -> 15, "success" -> 14, "States" -> 14, "research" -> 14, "off" -> 14, "made" -> 14, "laws" -> 14, "issues" -> 14, "interests" -> 14, "full" -> 14, "environment" -> 14, "eight" -> 14, "discrimination" -> 14, "cut" -> 14, "cannot" -> 14, "bring" -> 14, "best" -> 14, "being" -> 14, "Administration" -> 14, "year" -> 13, "whether" -> 13, "United" -> 13, "under" -> 13, "tools" -> 13, "Today" -> 13, "there" -> 13, "reform" -> 13, "power" -> 13, "political" -> 13, "policies" -> 13, "meet" -> 13, "like" -> 13, "life" -> 13, "labor" -> 13, "keep" -> 13, "improve" -> 13, "history" -> 13, "further" -> 13, "college" -> 13, "businesses" -> 13, "any" -> 13, "able" -> 13, "worker" -> 12, "without" -> 12, "With" -> 12, "war" -> 12, "reduce" -> 12, "private" -> 12, "President" -> 12, "poverty" -> 12, "percent" -> 12, "own" -> 12, "millions" -> 12, "lives" -> 12, "lead" -> 12, "justice" -> 12, "fully" -> 12, "force" -> 12, "ensuring" -> 12, "drugs" -> 12, "debt" -> 12, "because" -> 12, "accountability" -> 12, "what" -> 11, "That" -> 11, "systems" -> 11, "streets" -> 11, "states" -> 11, "remain" -> 11, "recognize" -> 11, "receive" -> 11, "raise" -> 11, "quality" -> 11, "process" -> 11, "personal" -> 11, "part" -> 11, "opportunity" -> 11, "nuclear" -> 11, "move" -> 11, "levels" -> 11, "less" -> 11, "institutions" -> 11, "ideas" -> 11, "environmental" -> 11, "employers" -> 11, "effort" -> 11, "companies" -> 11, "clean" -> 11, "choose" -> 11, "choice" -> 11, "challenges" -> 11, "century" -> 11, "By" -> 11, "benefit" -> 11, "assistance" -> 11, "across" -> 11, "welfare" -> 10, "want" -> 10, "toward" -> 10, "To" -> 10, "through" -> 10, "term" -> 10, "student" -> 10, "strengthen" -> 10, "secure" -> 10, "same" -> 10, "safe" -> 10, "Rights" -> 10, "record" -> 10, "rates" -> 10, "pass" -> 10, "order" -> 10, "number" -> 10, "New" -> 10, "never" -> 10, "needs" -> 10, "million" -> 10, "major" -> 10, "lowest" -> 10, "level" -> 10, "let" -> 10, "led" -> 10, "leave" -> 10, "improving" -> 10, "human" -> 10, "highest" -> 10, "giving" -> 10, "getting" -> 10, "fighting" -> 10, "fair" -> 10, "does" -> 10, "discipline" -> 10, "day" -> 10, "coverage" -> 10, "continuing" -> 10, "common" -> 10, "come" -> 10, "big" -> 10, "believes" -> 10, "behind" -> 10, "become" -> 10, "away" -> 10, "agreements" -> 10, "affordable" -> 10, "ability" -> 10, "wrong" -> 9, "workplace" -> 9, "When" -> 9, "Under" -> 9, "These" -> 9, "supporting" -> 9, "stop" -> 9, "see" -> 9, "respect" -> 9, "real" -> 9, "proposed" -> 9, "promote" -> 9, "presidential" -> 9, "platform" -> 9, "partnerships" -> 9, "organizations" -> 9, "nearly" -> 9, "moment" -> 9, "markets" -> 9, "learning" -> 9, "learn" -> 9, "interest" -> 9, "information" -> 9, "higher" -> 9, "helping" -> 9, "gun" -> 9, "free" -> 9, "fought" -> 9, "Forward" -> 9, "expanding" -> 9, "Engagement" -> 9, "enforcement" -> 9, "elderly" -> 9, "effective" -> 9, "democratic" -> 9, "defense" -> 9, "cuts" -> 9, "compete" -> 9, "Clinton-Gore" -> 9, "Clinton" -> 9, "civil" -> 9, "building" -> 9, "benefits" -> 9, "attack" -> 9, "among" -> 9, "Age" -> 9, "again" -> 9, "Act" -> 9, "universal" -> 8, "turn" -> 8, "trust" -> 8, "treatment" -> 8, "took" -> 8, "today's" -> 8, "thinking" -> 8, "teaching" -> 8, "taxes" -> 8, "strategy" -> 8, "state" -> 8, "society" -> 8, "social" -> 8, "small" -> 8, "set" -> 8, "service" -> 8, "save" -> 8, "ready" -> 8, "race" -> 8, "put" -> 8, "problems" -> 8, "possible" -> 8, "offer" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "money" -> 8, "mental" -> 8, "men" -> 8, "long" -> 8, "last" -> 8, "Israel" -> 8, "investments" -> 8, "industry" -> 8, "increased" -> 8, "great" -> 8, "funding" -> 8, "freedom" -> 8, "forces" -> 8, "food" -> 8, "enough" -> 8, "encourage" -> 8, "decisions" -> 8, "deal" -> 8, "creation" -> 8, "commitment" -> 8, "clear" -> 8, "choices" -> 8, "break" -> 8, "As" -> 8, "areas" -> 8, "always" -> 8, "ago" -> 8, "afford" -> 8, "addition" -> 8, "21st" -> 8, "World" -> 7, "works" -> 7, "White" -> 7, "While" -> 7, "ways" -> 7, "water" -> 7, "very" -> 7, "U.S." -> 7, "Treaty" -> 7, "times" -> 7, "test" -> 7, "supports" -> 7, "stronger" -> 7, "still" -> 7, "spending" -> 7, "skill" -> 7, "since" -> 7, "sector" -> 7, "program" -> 7, "prevention" -> 7, "party" -> 7, "Opportunity" -> 7, "needed" -> 7, "National" -> 7, "medical" -> 7, "low" -> 7, "kind" -> 7, "insist" -> 7, "individual" -> 7, "immigrants" -> 7, "illness" -> 7, "how" -> 7, "hours" -> 7, "historic" -> 7, "her" -> 7, "growing" -> 7, "For" -> 7, "fiscal" -> 7, "faith" -> 7, "develop" -> 7, "critical" -> 7, "created" -> 7, "countries" -> 7, "cooperation" -> 7, "continued" -> 7, "comprehensive" -> 7, "cleaner" -> 7, "classroom" -> 7, "children's" -> 7, "chance" -> 7, "challenge" -> 7, "campaign" -> 7, "called" -> 7, "call" -> 7, "brought" -> 7, "At" -> 7, "Asia" -> 7, "arms" -> 7, "another" -> 7, "air" -> 7, "AIDS" -> 7, "after" -> 7, "action" -> 7, "achievement" -> 7, "accountable" -> 7, "accept" -> 7, "willing" -> 6, "waste" -> 6, "wages" -> 6, "wage" -> 6, "voluntary" -> 6, "vision" -> 6, "until" -> 6, "unemployment" -> 6, "understand" -> 6, "transportation" -> 6, "today" -> 6, "threats" -> 6, "threaten" -> 6, "threat" -> 6, "themselves" -> 6, "terrorism" -> 6, "step" -> 6, "stay" -> 6, "start" -> 6, "South" -> 6, "shared" -> 6, "Senate" -> 6, "Russia" -> 6, "rise" -> 6, "return" -> 6, "retirement" -> 6, "relationship" -> 6, "recent" -> 6, "reach" -> 6, "rate" -> 6, "qualified" -> 6, "providing" -> 6, "protection" -> 6, "priority" -> 6, "policy" -> 6, "permanent" -> 6, "participate" -> 6, "opportunities" -> 6, "old" -> 6, "missile" -> 6, "members" -> 6, "mass" -> 6, "maintain" -> 6, "living" -> 6, "lifelong" -> 6, "liberty" -> 6, "legal" -> 6, "kids" -> 6, "innovation" -> 6, "Information" -> 6, "increasing" -> 6, "increase" -> 6, "incentives" -> 6, "House" -> 6, "here" -> 6, "held" -> 6, "he" -> 6, "having" -> 6, "half" -> 6, "had" -> 6, "Government" -> 6, "goal" -> 6, "foundation" -> 6, "forward" -> 6, "find" -> 6, "financial" -> 6, "Fighting" -> 6, "fairness" -> 6, "failing" -> 6, "face" -> 6, "expansion" -> 6, "everyone" -> 6, "engage" -> 6, "Education" -> 6, "East" -> 6, "during" -> 6, "dream" -> 6, "dollars" -> 6, "doing" -> 6, "disabilities" -> 6, "difficult" -> 6, "did" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "culture" -> 6, "crimes" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "Congress" -> 6, "competitive" -> 6, "China" -> 6, "character" -> 6, "cars" -> 6, "available" -> 6, "appropriate" -> 6, "allowed" -> 6, "allow" -> 6, "All" -> 6, "agencies" -> 6, "after-school" -> 6, "act" -> 6, "achieve" -> 6, "abroad" -> 6, "2000" -> 6, "young" -> 5, "world's" -> 5, "worked" -> 5, "within" -> 5, "War" -> 5, "voice" -> 5, "vital" -> 5, "veterans" -> 5, "used" -> 5, "unprecedented" -> 5, "tuition" -> 5, "trying" -> 5, "treat" -> 5, "transition" -> 5, "towards" -> 5, "tough" -> 5, "throughout" -> 5, "There" -> 5, "technologies" -> 5, "teach" -> 5, "Tax" -> 5, "surplus" -> 5, "succeed" -> 5, "strength" -> 5, "status" -> 5, "stand" -> 5, "stability" -> 5, "single" -> 5, "sense" -> 5, "seek" -> 5, "Schools" -> 5, "Russian" -> 5, "rural" -> 5, "rule" -> 5, "Retirement" -> 5, "results" -> 5, "require" -> 5, "remember" -> 5, "reducing" -> 5, "reason" -> 5, "reading" -> 5, "range" -> 5, "racial" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "Protecting" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "professional" -> 5, "prevent" -> 5, "president" -> 5, "prepared" -> 5, "possibility" -> 5, "police" -> 5, "plans" -> 5, "place" -> 5, "pension" -> 5, "penalty" -> 5, "peaceful" -> 5, "paying" -> 5, "passed" -> 5, "ourselves" -> 5, "others" -> 5, "options" -> 5, "opposed" -> 5, "often" -> 5, "North" -> 5, "modern" -> 5, "meeting" -> 5, "lose" -> 5, "longer" -> 5, "local" -> 5, "light" -> 5, "leaders" -> 5, "Korea" -> 5, "Japan" -> 5, "insurance" -> 5, "initiatives" -> 5, "influence" -> 5, "increasingly" -> 5, "include" -> 5, "housing" -> 5, "hope" -> 5, "hold" -> 5, "his" -> 5, "He" -> 5, "guns" -> 5, "guaranteed" -> 5, "guarantee" -> 5, "grants" -> 5, "Global" -> 5, "Gap" -> 5, "fundamental" -> 5, "forms" -> 5, "few" -> 5, "Family" -> 5, "extend" -> 5, "ethnic" -> 5, "essential" -> 5, "especially" -> 5, "equal" -> 5, "ended" -> 5, "election" -> 5, "Eight" -> 5, "dramatically" -> 5, "done" -> 5, "domestic" -> 5, "diversity" -> 5, "diverse" -> 5, "disease" -> 5, "different" -> 5, "deficits" -> 5, "deeply" -> 5, "decline" -> 5, "decades" -> 5, "decade" -> 5, "death" -> 5, "current" -> 5, "Crime" -> 5, "could" -> 5, "control" -> 5, "contribution" -> 5, "conflict" -> 5, "close" -> 5, "classrooms" -> 5, "civic" -> 5, "changes" -> 5, "Century" -> 5, "Bush" -> 5, "border" -> 5, "based" -> 5, "barriers" -> 5, "ballistic" -> 5, "assure" -> 5, "armed" -> 5, "allies" -> 5, "Africa" -> 5, "affected" -> 5, "administration" -> 5, "addressing" -> 5, "address" -> 5, "actions" -> 5, "academic" -> 5, "30" -> 5, "20" -> 5, "1992" -> 5, "you" -> 4, "yet" -> 4, "Working" -> 4, "workforce" -> 4, "Work" -> 4, "warming" -> 4, "W." -> 4, "vulnerable" -> 4, "vigorously" -> 4, "views" -> 4, "vast" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "using" -> 4, "urge" -> 4, "upon" -> 4, "unions" -> 4, "two" -> 4, "turned" -> 4, "treated" -> 4, "top" -> 4, "tobacco" -> 4, "ties" -> 4, "testing" -> 4, "teen" -> 4, "targeted" -> 4, "taking" -> 4, "Taiwan" -> 4, "survival" -> 4, "Supreme" -> 4, "supported" -> 4, "summit" -> 4, "suffering" -> 4, "strengthening" -> 4, "strategies" -> 4, "stood" -> 4, "speed" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "sound" -> 4, "some" -> 4, "societies" -> 4, "shut" -> 4, "share" -> 4, "serious" -> 4, "sell" -> 4, "say" -> 4, "Savings" -> 4, "savings" -> 4, "safer" -> 4, "rolls" -> 4, "role" -> 4, "restore" -> 4, "rest" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "resolve" -> 4, "Republic" -> 4, "relationships" -> 4, "regardless" -> 4, "refused" -> 4, "realistic" -> 4, "raising" -> 4, "rail" -> 4, "Radio" -> 4, "pursue" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "protecting" -> 4, "protected" -> 4, "privacy" -> 4, "press" -> 4, "precious" -> 4, "potential" -> 4, "poor" -> 4, "politics" -> 4, "plan" -> 4, "penalties" -> 4, "patients" -> 4, "partnership" -> 4, "parks" -> 4, "ownership" -> 4, "organize" -> 4, "Organization" -> 4, "on-line" -> 4, "ongoing" -> 4, "office" -> 4, "nothing" -> 4, "nor" -> 4, "net" -> 4, "neighborhood" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "mutual" -> 4, "mission" -> 4, "Middle" -> 4, "marriage" -> 4, "Many" -> 4, "loved" -> 4, "line" -> 4, "likely" -> 4, "lifetime" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "lawlessness" -> 4, "largest" -> 4, "land" -> 4, "kept" -> 4, "issue" -> 4, "Ireland" -> 4, "Investing" -> 4, "International" -> 4, "instead" -> 4, "infrastructure" -> 4, "industries" -> 4, "income" -> 4, "improved" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "homes" -> 4, "high-tech" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "globalization" -> 4, "given" -> 4, "George" -> 4, "front" -> 4, "four" -> 4, "found" -> 4, "focus" -> 4, "finish" -> 4, "far" -> 4, "facilitate" -> 4, "expanded" -> 4, "Europe" -> 4, "entertainment" -> 4, "Endowment" -> 4, "emergency" -> 4, "eliminate" -> 4, "educations" -> 4, "Economy" -> 4, "Earth" -> 4, "each" -> 4, "During" -> 4, "diseases" -> 4, "disability" -> 4, "differences" -> 4, "determined" -> 4, "destruction" -> 4, "deserve" -> 4, "Democracy" -> 4, "deficit" -> 4, "dangerous" -> 4, "criminals" -> 4, "criminal" -> 4, "Credit" -> 4, "creativity" -> 4, "costs" -> 4, "cost" -> 4, "continues" -> 4, "consistent" -> 4, "conscience" -> 4, "computer" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "comes" -> 4, "combat" -> 4, "class" -> 4, "Citizens" -> 4, "capital" -> 4, "billion" -> 4, "biggest" -> 4, "behalf" -> 4, "begun" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "bargain" -> 4, "balance" -> 4, "Armenia" -> 4, "approach" -> 4, "anyone" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "African" -> 4, "advantage" -> 4, "advanced" -> 4, "advance" -> 4, "Administration's" -> 4, "workplaces" -> 3, "willingness" -> 3, "Weapons" -> 3, "vouchers" -> 3, "violent" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "Victims" -> 3, "victims" -> 3, "unless" -> 3, "uninsured" -> 3, "unilateral" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "TV" -> 3, "trucks" -> 3, "tried" -> 3, "trial" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "transforming" -> 3, "train" -> 3, "tragedy" -> 3, "traffic" -> 3, "Trade" -> 3, "tougher" -> 3, "tied" -> 3, "tide" -> 3, "thrive" -> 3, "three" -> 3, "thousands" -> 3, "thing" -> 3, "that's" -> 3, "tensions" -> 3, "ten" -> 3, "technological" -> 3, "teacher" -> 3, "target" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "successfully" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "Strengthening" -> 3, "strategic" -> 3, "stopped" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "started" -> 3, "spreading" -> 3, "sovereignty" -> 3, "source" -> 3, "sometimes" -> 3, "something" -> 3, "solutions" -> 3, "smoking" -> 3, "smart" -> 3, "simple" -> 3, "significant" -> 3, "side" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "seniors" -> 3, "seen" -> 3, "search" -> 3, "scores" -> 3, "rules" -> 3, "row" -> 3, "rich" -> 3, "rewarded" -> 3, "restoration" -> 3, "requires" -> 3, "renewed" -> 3, "remains" -> 3, "rely" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "released" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "reforming" -> 3, "reflects" -> 3, "read" -> 3, "ratings" -> 3, "pursuing" -> 3, "proven" -> 3, "prosecutors" -> 3, "propose" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "professionals" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "producing" -> 3, "problem" -> 3, "privatization" -> 3, "prisoners" -> 3, "preparation" -> 3, "powerful" -> 3, "positions" -> 3, "policing" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "Plus" -> 3, "pledge" -> 3, "playing" -> 3, "places" -> 3, "percentage" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "Patients" -> 3, "Party's" -> 3, "partners" -> 3, "parties" -> 3, "owe" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "onto" -> 3, "ones" -> 3, "oil" -> 3, "offering" -> 3, "Northern" -> 3, "newest" -> 3, "networks" -> 3, "negotiations" -> 3, "natural" -> 3, "Native" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "Most" -> 3, "More" -> 3, "modernize" -> 3, "missiles" -> 3, "Missile" -> 3, "middle" -> 3, "Mental" -> 3, "Medical" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "math" -> 3, "match" -> 3, "market" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "makes" -> 3, "maintaining" -> 3, "mainstream" -> 3, "look" -> 3, "long-term" -> 3, "little" -> 3, "limits" -> 3, "lift" -> 3, "Leave" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "later" -> 3, "language" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "John" -> 3, "jail" -> 3, "it's" -> 3, "Iran" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "investing" -> 3, "intimidate" -> 3, "intensify" -> 3, "intellectual" -> 3, "integral" -> 3, "Instead" -> 3, "innovate" -> 3, "individuals" -> 3, "Income" -> 3, "implementation" -> 3, "images" -> 3, "If" -> 3, "idea" -> 3, "Human" -> 3, "HIV" -> 3, "hiring" -> 3, "harness" -> 3, "groups" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "graduation" -> 3, "grade" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "Good" -> 3, "goals" -> 3, "globe" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "gender" -> 3, "gates" -> 3, "gas" -> 3, "gap" -> 3, "Fund" -> 3, "fund" -> 3, "fronts" -> 3, "From" -> 3, "former" -> 3, "form" -> 3, "forests" -> 3, "focused" -> 3, "Florida" -> 3, "finally" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "faster" -> 3, "fall" -> 3, "faith-based" -> 3, "failed" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "facing" -> 3, "Every" -> 3, "era" -> 3, "equality" -> 3, "enforce" -> 3, "energy" -> 3, "ends" -> 3, "Ending" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "emissions" -> 3, "eliminating" -> 3, "elected" -> 3, "effects" -> 3, "educational" -> 3, "easy" -> 3, "easily" -> 3, "easier" -> 3, "earn" -> 3, "Drug" -> 3, "drives" -> 3, "double" -> 3, "don't" -> 3, "disorder" -> 3, "Diseases" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "difference" -> 3, "dialogue" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "demonstrated" -> 3, "delivery" -> 3, "degradation" -> 3, "defend" -> 3, "deepen" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "dead" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "crisis" -> 3, "credits" -> 3, "creating" -> 3, "Court" -> 3, "couples" -> 3, "corruption" -> 3, "Convention" -> 3, "contrast" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "conditions" -> 3, "concerns" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "Communities" -> 3, "commit" -> 3, "closer" -> 3, "closed" -> 3, "Clinton's" -> 3, "Civil" -> 3, "cities" -> 3, "circumstances" -> 3, "check" -> 3, "charter" -> 3, "changed" -> 3, "centers" -> 3, "causes" -> 3, "caused" -> 3, "cases" -> 3, "caring" -> 3, "cancer" -> 3, "buy" -> 3, "Bush-Quayle" -> 3, "budget" -> 3, "broadly" -> 3, "broad" -> 3, "breakthroughs" -> 3, "began" -> 3, "battle" -> 3, "Ban" -> 3, "bad" -> 3, "avoid" -> 3, "attend" -> 3, "assault" -> 3, "applies" -> 3, "Americas" -> 3, "American's" -> 3, "Amendment" -> 3, "alternatives" -> 3, "already" -> 3, "aim" -> 3, "ahead" -> 3, "aggressively" -> 3, "agenda" -> 3, "advertising" -> 3, "adequate" -> 3, "achievements" -> 3, "achieved" -> 3, "accounts" -> 3, "Accountability" -> 3, "Accord" -> 3, "accessible" -> 3, "abortion" -> 3, "35" -> 3, "22" -> 3, "12" -> 3, "$1" -> 2, "Zones" -> 2, "zones" -> 2, "zone" -> 2, "zero-tolerance" -> 2, "youth" -> 2, "Yet" -> 2, "year's" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "worlds" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "won" -> 2, "Women" -> 2, "What" -> 2, "we're" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "warm" -> 2, "wants" -> 2, "walk" -> 2, "wake" -> 2, "waiting" -> 2, "vow" -> 2, "vote" -> 2, "voices" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "virtue" -> 2, "Violence" -> 2, "vibrant" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "V-chip" -> 2, "Valuing" -> 2, "urban" -> 2, "up-to-date" -> 2, "upholds" -> 2, "unparalleled" -> 2, "understands" -> 2, "unconventional" -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "ultimate" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "twenty" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "Turkey" -> 2, "Trust" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "trouble" -> 2, "trillion" -> 2, "tremendous" -> 2, "transit" -> 2, "transfer" -> 2, "traditional" -> 2, "toxic" -> 2, "Too" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "tolerance" -> 2, "Today's" -> 2, "Timor" -> 2, "Time" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "thousand" -> 2, "third" -> 2, "they're" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "theft" -> 2, "Test" -> 2, "terrorists" -> 2, "terrorist" -> 2, "terror" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "technology's" -> 2, "Teachers" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "tax-free" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "talked" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "switch" -> 2, "sustaining" -> 2, "sustain" -> 2, "surrender" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "supremacy" -> 2, "Supporting" -> 2, "suffered" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "stuck" -> 2, "struggling" -> 2, "Strong" -> 2, "strip" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "starts" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "stamps" -> 2, "stakes" -> 2, "stagnation" -> 2, "spur" -> 2, "spread" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "spinal" -> 2, "specific" -> 2, "species" -> 2, "specialist" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "Some" -> 2, "solvency" -> 2, "solemn" -> 2, "societal" -> 2, "So" -> 2, "smog" -> 2, "smallest" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "skipping" -> 2, "skilled" -> 2, "sites" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "signs" -> 2, "sign" -> 2, "show" -> 2, "shouldn't" -> 2, "shirking" -> 2, "shape" -> 2, "sexual" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "sets" -> 2, "sentencing" -> 2, "seems" -> 2, "Security's" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "scheme" -> 2, "saved" -> 2, "satisfaction" -> 2, "safeguards" -> 2, "safeguard" -> 2, "Saddam" -> 2, "sacred" -> 2, "Russia's" -> 2, "running" -> 2, "run" -> 2, "roots" -> 2, "room" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "rising" -> 2, "rings" -> 2, "rigorous" -> 2, "Right" -> 2, "revolutionary" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "responsive" -> 2, "resolution" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "requirements" -> 2, "reputation" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "representation" -> 2, "represent" -> 2, "reopened" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "reliable" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "reject" -> 2, "regional" -> 2, "regarding" -> 2, "refuse" -> 2, "reforms" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "recovery" -> 2, "reconnect" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "ratify" -> 2, "rather" -> 2, "ran" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "quadrupled" -> 2, "push" -> 2, "pulling" -> 2, "Puerto" -> 2, "public's" -> 2, "public-private" -> 2, "publicly-held" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "proud" -> 2, "Protocols" -> 2, "Prosperity" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "proposing" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "promptly" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "Promoting" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "proliferation" -> 2, "progressively" -> 2, "profiling" -> 2, "profession" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "principal" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "Preventing" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "preserves" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "prescription" -> 2, "preschool" -> 2, "practices" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "playground" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "Platform" -> 2, "plagues" -> 2, "pioneer" -> 2, "physical" -> 2, "phone" -> 2, "persistent" -> 2, "persecution" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "performance" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "pensions" -> 2, "peacekeeping" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "path" -> 2, "passenger" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "parent-teacher" -> 2, "Parents" -> 2, "Pakistan" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "owes" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "overcome" -> 2, "overburdened" -> 2, "overall" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "outdated" -> 2, "ours" -> 2, "ought" -> 2, "orientation" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "Opportunities" -> 2, "operations" -> 2, "opened" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "On" -> 2, "oldest" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "offered" -> 2, "ocean" -> 2, "occurred" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "nurture" -> 2, "nurses" -> 2, "nontraditional" -> 2, "nomination" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "nest" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neighbors" -> 2, "neighborhoods" -> 2, "negotiate" -> 2, "monitor" -> 2, "Monetary" -> 2, "misguided" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "might" -> 2, "midst" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "merely" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "McCain's" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "Markets" -> 2, "manufacturing" -> 2, "Los" -> 2, "long-range" -> 2, "longest" -> 2, "lobbyists" -> 2, "livable" -> 2, "literacy" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "license" -> 2, "lets" -> 2, "Let" -> 2, "Learning" -> 2, "launch" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "Kosovo" -> 2, "knowledge-based" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "knew" -> 2, "kinds" -> 2, "key" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "Iraq" -> 2, "involving" -> 2, "internationally" -> 2, "intensive" -> 2, "intelligence" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "innovative" -> 2, "Innovation" -> 2, "innocent" -> 2, "Initiative" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "Industrial" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "India" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "incorporate" -> 2, "inclusive" -> 2, "inclusion" -> 2, "includes" -> 2, "improvement" -> 2, "imperiled" -> 2, "impede" -> 2, "immigrant" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "identify" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "Hussein" -> 2, "hurt" -> 2, "However" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "houses" -> 2, "hopelessness" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "high-speed" -> 2, "high-quality" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "helps" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "healthier" -> 2, "Hawaiians" -> 2, "Hate" -> 2, "hate" -> 2, "harm" -> 2, "harder" -> 2, "happen" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "halt" -> 2, "Haiti" -> 2, "gut" -> 2, "guide" -> 2, "guidance" -> 2, "guarding" -> 2, "ground" -> 2, "grip" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "greater" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "government's" -> 2, "governance" -> 2, "Gore's" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "gone" -> 2, "goes" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "Globalization" -> 2, "geography" -> 2, "genuine" -> 2, "Genome" -> 2, "Generation" -> 2, "generate" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "gay" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "fundamentally" -> 2, "fuel" -> 2, "Friday" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "fostering" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "Forty" -> 2, "forget" -> 2, "forge" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "Forces" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "Fiscal" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "firm" -> 2, "finds" -> 2, "financing" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "felt" -> 2, "fees" -> 2, "Federation" -> 2, "fast-moving" -> 2, "fastest" -> 2, "fast-changing" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "Farmers" -> 2, "farmers" -> 2, "farm" -> 2, "Families" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "faiths" -> 2, "fairly" -> 2, "fairer" -> 2, "fails" -> 2, "extra" -> 2, "exposed" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "exploit" -> 2, "experimentation" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "exemption" -> 2, "exclusion" -> 2, "example" -> 2, "evolve" -> 2, "everywhere" -> 2, "Everglades" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "equipping" -> 2, "equipment" -> 2, "Equal" -> 2, "entrepreneurs" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enrich" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "enhancing" -> 2, "enhanced" -> 2, "English" -> 2, "engine" -> 2, "engagement" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "enforcing" -> 2, "enemies" -> 2, "ending" -> 2, "endangered" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "Empowerment" -> 2, "Employment" -> 2, "employee" -> 2, "embracing" -> 2, "eliminated" -> 2, "eligible" -> 2, "eligibility" -> 2, "electronic" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "either" -> 2, "eighth" -> 2, "egg" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "educating" -> 2, "edge" -> 2, "economies" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "ecological" -> 2, "Earned" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "dry" -> 2, "Drugs" -> 2, "drop" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "drink" -> 2, "drilling" -> 2, "dreams" -> 2, "doubt" -> 2, "doubling" -> 2, "doors" -> 2, "door" -> 2, "dominance" -> 2, "doctors" -> 2, "district" -> 2, "disrupt" -> 2, "disclosed" -> 2, "Discipline" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "Disabilities" -> 2, "directly" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "diplomacy" -> 2, "diploma" -> 2, "differing" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "despite" -> 2, "designed" -> 2, "design" -> 2, "delivers" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "decide" -> 2, "debt-free" -> 2, "deadly" -> 2, "day's" -> 2, "dare" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "damages" -> 2, "dads" -> 2, "cycle" -> 2, "cutting-edge" -> 2, "crusade" -> 2, "cruelty" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "cracking" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "courses" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "courageous" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "counts" -> 2, "corridors" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "cord" -> 2, "coordination" -> 2, "conventional" -> 2, "contributions" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "continuously" -> 2, "continuation" -> 2, "content" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "construct" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "conquer" -> 2, "conflicts" -> 2, "computers" -> 2, "Comprehensive" -> 2, "component" -> 2, "completion" -> 2, "completely" -> 2, "competitiveness" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "committing" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "combined" -> 2, "combating" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "Cold" -> 2, "Closing" -> 2, "clinical" -> 2, "cleansing" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "cigarettes" -> 2, "childrens" -> 2, "childcare" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "change" -> 2, "cells" -> 2, "caregivers" -> 2, "careers" -> 2, "Care" -> 2, "capability" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "calm" -> 2, "bus" -> 2, "bureaucrats" -> 2, "Building" -> 2, "broke" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "bright" -> 2, "breathe" -> 2, "breaking" -> 2, "Brady" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "Bosnia" -> 2, "books" -> 2, "bonuses" -> 2, "bold" -> 2, "boats" -> 2, "Board" -> 2, "blue" -> 2, "blocked" -> 2, "block" -> 2, "births" -> 2, "biomedical" -> 2, "Biological" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "beliefs" -> 2, "becomes" -> 2, "Because" -> 2, "became" -> 2, "beacon" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "ban" -> 2, "Balkans" -> 2, "backbone" -> 2, "Baby" -> 2, "average" -> 2, "avenues" -> 2, "automotive" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "Australia" -> 2, "attackers" -> 2, "asylum" -> 2, "assaults" -> 2, "aspect" -> 2, "Asian" -> 2, "arts" -> 2, "arsenal" -> 2, "apart" -> 2, "anywhere" -> 2, "anti-tactical" -> 2, "Angeles" -> 2, "anchor" -> 2, "Amtrak" -> 2, "AmeriCorps" -> 2, "alternative" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "all-time" -> 2, "allows" -> 2, "allowing" -> 2, "allowances" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "airports" -> 2, "aging" -> 2, "After" -> 2, "affect" -> 2, "adhere" -> 2, "additional" -> 2, "addiction" -> 2, "actively" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "acquire" -> 2, "accords" -> 2, "accordance" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "abuse" -> 2, "abide" -> 2, "65" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "500" -> 2, "1993" -> 2, "100,000" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$400,000" -> 1, "$3,000" -> 1, "$2,800" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$135" -> 1, "$10,000" -> 1, "Zimbabwe's" -> 1, "yourself" -> 1, "your" -> 1, "You" -> 1, "Yosemite" -> 1, "Yellowstone" -> 1, "year-round" -> 1, "yearly" -> 1, "Wye" -> 1, "wrongdoing" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "writing" -> 1, "wound" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "worldview" -> 1, "World's" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "workweek" -> 1, "work-related" -> 1, "worker's" -> 1, "worker-protections" -> 1, "won't" -> 1, "wondrous" -> 1, "woman's" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wire" -> 1, "wipe" -> 1, "winning" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wildlands" -> 1, "wildfires" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widowers" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "widening" -> 1, "widen" -> 1, "widely" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "who's" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "whistleblower" -> 1, "whistle-blower" -> 1, "Whether" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "what's" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-trained" -> 1, "well-planned" -> 1, "well-off" -> 1, "well-equipped" -> 1, "well-connected" -> 1, "Welcoming" -> 1, "welcoming" -> 1, "web" -> 1, "weather" -> 1, "weapons-grade" -> 1, "weaponry" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "weakest" -> 1, "waves" -> 1, "wave" -> 1, "watches" -> 1, "warheads" -> 1, "wall" -> 1, "walks" -> 1, "wait" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "Wade" -> 1, "Vulnerable" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "volunteered" -> 1, "voiced" -> 1, "visualize" -> 1, "visits" -> 1, "visas" -> 1, "virtual" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violently" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "Vietnam" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "version" -> 1, "versatile" -> 1, "verge" -> 1, "Vehicles" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "Values" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "vacancies" -> 1, "v." -> 1, "utilizes" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "U.S.-China" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "upgrade" -> 1, "update" -> 1, "unusual" -> 1, "untreated" -> 1, "untouched" -> 1, "unto" -> 1, "untapped" -> 1, "unspecified" -> 1, "unshakable" -> 1, "unseen" -> 1, "unrehabilitated" -> 1, "unproven" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unmentioned" -> 1, "unlock" -> 1, "unlike" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "Universal" -> 1, "uniting" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "unilaterally" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "unflagging" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "undocumented" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "undiagnosed" -> 1, "underwater" -> 1, "underpaid" -> 1, "undercut" -> 1, "underappreciated" -> 1, "underage" -> 1, "undeniable" -> 1, "unclogging" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "unacceptable" -> 1, "Ultimately" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "two-parent" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "tutored" -> 1, "Turkish" -> 1, "Tuition" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trumpets" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "trucking" -> 1, "Truck" -> 1, "Troops" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "triple" -> 1, "trip" -> 1, "trillion-dollar" -> 1, "tries" -> 1, "tribal" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "traveling" -> 1, "transparency" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "Transforming" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "transferring" -> 1, "transcend" -> 1, "transatlantic" -> 1, "trains" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "traditionally" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "toxins" -> 1, "town" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "toughen" -> 1, "touch" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "Tongass" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "told" -> 1, "togetherness" -> 1, "tobaccos" -> 1, "tobacco's" -> 1, "tinkering" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "tight" -> 1, "tie-breaking" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "Tibet" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thugs" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "Threats" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "thoughts" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thin" -> 1, "thicken" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "therapies" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "theme" -> 1, "Thabo" -> 1, "textbooks" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "testify" -> 1, "testers" -> 1, "testament" -> 1, "terrorize" -> 1, "Terrorism" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "tells" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "telemarketers" -> 1, "Teen" -> 1, "Teddy" -> 1, "Technology's" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "Technological" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "tear" -> 1, "Team" -> 1, "Teaching" -> 1, "teacher's" -> 1, "Teacher" -> 1, "tea" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "tax-and-spend" -> 1, "tapestry" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talents" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "Taken" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "Tactical" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "tackling" -> 1, "system's" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "Syria" -> 1, "syndicates" -> 1, "swelled" -> 1, "swap" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "suspect" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "survey" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "supervised" -> 1, "Summit" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "sully" -> 1, "suggest" -> 1, "sue" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "Success" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "suburban" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "sub-Saharan" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "submerged" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "sub-continent" -> 1, "sturdy" -> 1, "Studies" -> 1, "studied" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "strives" -> 1, "strived" -> 1, "striker" -> 1, "strides" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "Strict" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "Streets" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "strains" -> 1, "story" -> 1, "storms" -> 1, "stories" -> 1, "Stopping" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stimulates" -> 1, "stigmatize" -> 1, "stigma" -> 1, "stiffening" -> 1, "stiffen" -> 1, "stewards" -> 1, "sterling" -> 1, "stereotyping" -> 1, "stepped" -> 1, "step-by-step" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "steep" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "steal" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "stays" -> 1, "startups" -> 1, "Starts" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stalkers" -> 1, "stalemate" -> 1, "stakeholders" -> 1, "stake" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "stabilizing" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "squander" -> 1, "sprawl" -> 1, "spouse" -> 1, "spotlight" -> 1, "sportsmen" -> 1, "sports" -> 1, "sport" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spoils" -> 1, "spills" -> 1, "spend" -> 1, "speedily" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "specter" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "spaces" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "sound-bites" -> 1, "sorry" -> 1, "sophisticated" -> 1, "soothing" -> 1, "soot" -> 1, "sooner" -> 1, "solvent" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "Solid" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "software" -> 1, "soda" -> 1, "socioeconomic" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "Smoking" -> 1, "smoke-belching" -> 1, "smoke" -> 1, "smog-choked" -> 1, "smarter" -> 1, "Slow" -> 1, "slow" -> 1, "Slobodan" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "slash" -> 1, "sizes" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "Sixteen" -> 1, "site-based" -> 1, "siphon" -> 1, "single-mindedly" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "silent" -> 1, "silence" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "Sierra" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shuttered" -> 1, "shuffle" -> 1, "shroud" -> 1, "shred" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "showrooms" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shore" -> 1, "shoddy" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shirk" -> 1, "Shiraz" -> 1, "shining" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "sharpen" -> 1, "Sharm" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shapes" -> 1, "shaped" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "Serbia" -> 1, "Separate" -> 1, "Sensible" -> 1, "seniority" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "sends" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "self-sustaining" -> 1, "self-sufficiency" -> 1, "self-restraint" -> 1, "selfless" -> 1, "self-interest" -> 1, "self-governing" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "Seizing" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "Securing" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "second-hand" -> 1, "second-chance" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "seasons" -> 1, "seasonal" -> 1, "season" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "screen" -> 1, "scream" -> 1, "scrapped" -> 1, "Scourge" -> 1, "scourge" -> 1, "scour" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "Scientists" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "scientifically-sound" -> 1, "science-based" -> 1, "Scholarship" -> 1, "scholars" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "scared" -> 1, "scarce" -> 1, "says" -> 1, "saw" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "sardines" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "sabotage" -> 1, "Ryan" -> 1, "rusty" -> 1, "runs" -> 1, "rulings" -> 1, "Rule" -> 1, "R's" -> 1, "routine" -> 1, "routes" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "Roosevelt's" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "Roe" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "robbed" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rivals" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "right-wing" -> 1, "right-to-work" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "richest" -> 1, "richer" -> 1, "Ricans" -> 1, "rewind" -> 1, "rewards" -> 1, "Rewarding" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "Revolving" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "Revolution" -> 1, "reviews" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "retrenchment" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retains" -> 1, "Retaining" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "Results" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "resubmit" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respite" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "resignation" -> 1, "resides" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "Requiring" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "reproduction" -> 1, "represses" -> 1, "repossessions" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replant" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "renting" -> 1, "renovation" -> 1, "Renewing" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renaissance" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "Remembering" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "religions" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relies" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "release" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "related" -> 1, "reinvigorate" -> 1, "Reinvestment" -> 1, "Reinventing" -> 1, "reinventing" -> 1, "reinvent" -> 1, "reinstatement" -> 1, "reinforcing" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reigns" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "region's" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refundable" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "Refuge" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "reexamining" -> 1, "reenact" -> 1, "Redwood" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "redlining" -> 1, "redirect" -> 1, "redevelop" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "Recruiting" -> 1, "recruiting" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "recovered" -> 1, "recorded" -> 1, "record-breaking" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "recommitment" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recessions" -> 1, "recently-held" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "rebirth" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reap" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "reality" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "Real" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "reaches" -> 1, "ravaging" -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "rated" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "raged" -> 1, "Racial" -> 1, "quick" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "quarter-century" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualifications" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pursuits" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "punishments" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "pull" -> 1, "publicly-guaranteed" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "provides" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "proudest" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protections" -> 1, "PROSPERITY" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "proselytize" -> 1, "proportionate" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "Proliferation" -> 1, "Project" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "PROGRESS" -> 1, "Program" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "Profiling" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "pro-civil" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "procedures" -> 1, "privatizing" -> 1, "privately-managed" -> 1, "priorities" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "principals" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "primaries" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "prejudge" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "predicted" -> 1, "predictable" -> 1, "predict" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "precipitating" -> 1, "practitioners" -> 1, "practically" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "pouring" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "posture" -> 1, "post-high" -> 1, "post-conviction" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "portable" -> 1, "portability" -> 1, "pork" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "poorer" -> 1, "polluting" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "policeman" -> 1, "pole-star" -> 1, "polarization" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poison" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "pointed" -> 1, "plunge" -> 1, "plot" -> 1, "pleasant" -> 1, "player" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "planning" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "piracy" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "pick-up" -> 1, "Physical" -> 1, "phrase" -> 1, "photo" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "pests" -> 1, "Peru-Ecuador" -> 1, "Peru" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "personally-controlled" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persist" -> 1, "perpetrators" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "penny" -> 1, "penetrates" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "Pell" -> 1, "peddle" -> 1, "PEACE" -> 1, "payrolls" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "paved" -> 1, "pause" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "patrolled" -> 1, "Patrol" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "Patient's" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "paternity" -> 1, "patent" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "Passage" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "part-time" -> 1, "Partnership" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participation" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "partially" -> 1, "Part" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "Parkinsons" -> 1, "parent's" -> 1, "parent-friendly" -> 1, "parental" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "pandemic" -> 1, "panacea" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "Palestinian" -> 1, "painful" -> 1, "pages" -> 1, "packed" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "owning" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overworked" -> 1, "overwhelms" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "overstressed" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overcrowded" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "Oval" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outpace" -> 1, "out-of-step" -> 1, "out-of-date" -> 1, "out-of-control" -> 1, "out-compete" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "Out" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "Osama" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organizing" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "optimism" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operational" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "openness" -> 1, "Opening" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "Open" -> 1, "on-the-job" -> 1, "oncoming" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "Olmstead" -> 1, "old-fashioned" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offensive" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "offender" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "obstructed" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "objections" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "NRA" -> 1, "Notwithstanding" -> 1, "notify" -> 1, "notified" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "Non-Proliferation" -> 1, "non-partisan" -> 1, "non-negotiable" -> 1, "non-NATO" -> 1, "non-governmental" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "Non-Discrimination" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "nominee" -> 1, "nominate" -> 1, "noise" -> 1, "Nobody" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "ninety" -> 1, "Nine" -> 1, "Nigeria" -> 1, "nicotine" -> 1, "Next" -> 1, "Newt" -> 1, "Newest" -> 1, "newcomers" -> 1, "newborn" -> 1, "nevertheless" -> 1, "Neutralizing" -> 1, "nets" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "neglecting" -> 1, "neediest" -> 1, "necessitated" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "nearest" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy's" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "NATO's" -> 1, "Nations" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narco-traffickers" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "Nagorno-Karabakh" -> 1, "mysteries" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "multi-party" -> 1, "multilingualism" -> 1, "multilateral" -> 1, "multi-ethnic" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "Mozambique's" -> 1, "movie" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "motivate" -> 1, "mothers" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "morals-free" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "monies" -> 1, "moments" -> 1, "mohair" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "mitigation" -> 1, "misunderstanding" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "mist" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "Mired" -> 1, "mirage" -> 1, "miracles" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "minor" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "Milosevic" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "milestone" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "mileage" -> 1, "mile" -> 1, "migrants" -> 1, "mightily" -> 1, "middle-class" -> 1, "mid-1960's" -> 1, "Mexico's" -> 1, "messages" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "mentors" -> 1, "mentoring" -> 1, "Memorandum" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "Melting" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "mediocrity" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "medication" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "mechanisms" -> 1, "measurements" -> 1, "measurement" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meanness" -> 1, "meaningfully" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "McCain-Feingold" -> 1, "Mbeki" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "maximizing" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "mastered" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "Marti" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "market-based" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "marginalized" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "Manufacturing" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulative" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "malls" -> 1, "Malaria" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "Main" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "magnet" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "lowest-performing" -> 1, "lower-income" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "Low" -> 1, "Louisiana" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "Looking" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "long-haul" -> 1, "logging" -> 1, "locks" -> 1, "Lock" -> 1, "locate" -> 1, "localized" -> 1, "lobbying" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "Livable" -> 1, "litigation" -> 1, "literate" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "link" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "likelihood" -> 1, "lifts" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "Lifetime" -> 1, "Lifelong" -> 1, "licenses" -> 1, "library" -> 1, "libraries" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liability" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "lesbians" -> 1, "lesbian" -> 1, "Leone" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "lenders" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legacies" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "Lebanon" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "learners" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "leap" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "lays" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "launderers" -> 1, "latest" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "Laser" -> 1, "language-based" -> 1, "land-based" -> 1, "Laden" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "labeling" -> 1, "Kyoto" -> 1, "Koreas" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "knock" -> 1, "knitting" -> 1, "Kind" -> 1, "killers" -> 1, "kill" -> 1, "keyboard" -> 1, "Kennedy" -> 1, "keeps" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "Kashmir" -> 1, "juveniles" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "justices" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "Judges" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "judge" -> 1, "joyful" -> 1, "Jordan" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "joblessness" -> 1, "jobless" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "j" -> 1, "It's" -> 1, "Israel's" -> 1, "Israel-Jordan" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "island's" -> 1, "Islanders" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irresponsibility" -> 1, "Iran's" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "inviting" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "inventors" -> 1, "inventions" -> 1, "invaluable" -> 1, "INTRODUCTION" -> 1, "intertwined" -> 1, "intersection" -> 1, "Internationally" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "Interests" -> 1, "interdiction" -> 1, "intercepted" -> 1, "interactive" -> 1, "intensely" -> 1, "integration" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "insulate" -> 1, "instrumental" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "Instability" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "inspectors" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "inside" -> 1, "INS" -> 1, "inner" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "injure" -> 1, "inherently" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "Infrastructure" -> 1, "information-based" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "inflation-free" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "infected" -> 1, "inexorably" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "inequality" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "indeed" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "Inclusion" -> 1, "Incentives" -> 1, "incarceration" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improves" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "impressionable" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "importantly" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implications" -> 1, "implicated" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impairment" -> 1, "impacts" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "immunization" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "Immigrants" -> 1, "imbalances" -> 1, "imagine" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "ill-conceived" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "I.D." -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hurdles" -> 1, "hunters" -> 1, "hunt" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humanity's" -> 1, "Humanities" -> 1, "humanities" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "Houses" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hottest" -> 1, "hot-spots" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "hosted" -> 1, "hostage" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "horrors" -> 1, "horizons" -> 1, "HOPE" -> 1, "Hope" -> 1, "hook" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honoring" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "homicides" -> 1, "homework" -> 1, "homelessness" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "HMOs" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "Hispanic-American" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "hiking" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "High-speed" -> 1, "high-skilled" -> 1, "High-quality" -> 1, "high-performing" -> 1, "highly-skilled" -> 1, "highly-efficient" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hesitate" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "hepatitis" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "heights" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "health-threatening" -> 1, "healed" -> 1, "head-on" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "havens" -> 1, "hatreds" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "hardworking" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "hardest-pressed" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "hard-earned" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "hand-over-fist" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "handgun" -> 1, "halting" -> 1, "hallmark" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "habitat" -> 1, "H1-B" -> 1, "gutting" -> 1, "Gun" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guest" -> 1, "Guatemala" -> 1, "guardians" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "grounded" -> 1, "Ground" -> 1, "grips" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "greenhouse" -> 1, "Greek" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "graphic" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "Grand" -> 1, "graduates" -> 1, "graduate" -> 1, "grader" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "got" -> 1, "Goods" -> 1, "golden" -> 1, "God's" -> 1, "God-given" -> 1, "globally" -> 1, "globalized" -> 1, "glaciers" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "giveaways" -> 1, "giveaway" -> 1, "Gingrich" -> 1, "gets" -> 1, "Georgia" -> 1, "genetic" -> 1, "generational" -> 1, "gather" -> 1, "Gates" -> 1, "gaps" -> 1, "Gangs" -> 1, "gang" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "gadgets" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "fugitives" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fuel-efficient" -> 1, "frustration" -> 1, "front-line" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "frightening" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "friction" -> 1, "freeing" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freedom-loving" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "fraudulent" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "fracture" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "Fourteen" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "forty-hour" -> 1, "forming" -> 1, "Former" -> 1, "forgiveness" -> 1, "Forging" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "followers" -> 1, "focusing" -> 1, "focal" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "floundering" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "fled" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "finishing" -> 1, "fingertip" -> 1, "finger-pointing" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "filtering" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "Filipino" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "fifth" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "Few" -> 1, "fester" -> 1, "felons" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feet" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "federal-territorial" -> 1, "feasibility" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "FDA" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "Fatherhood" -> 1, "fatherhood" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "fated" -> 1, "farsighted" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "fanatic" -> 1, "famines" -> 1, "family-supportive" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "Faith-based" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "Failing" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "facilities" -> 1, "facilitating" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "F" -> 1, "eye" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extinct" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploded" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "expertise" -> 1, "Experimentation" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expensive" -> 1, "expelled" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expectation" -> 1, "expands" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "Existing" -> 1, "excuses" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exceptions" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "examined" -> 1, "examine" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyone's" -> 1, "Everyone" -> 1, "evenhanded" -> 1, "evaluations" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "ethnicity" -> 1, "Ethiopia-Eritrea" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "eschew" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "error" -> 1, "errands" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "ergonomic" -> 1, "e-rate" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "Epidemics" -> 1, "epidemics" -> 1, "epidemic" -> 1, "environmentally-sound" -> 1, "environmentally-friendly" -> 1, "environmentally" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entrepreneurial" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "Entertainment" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "enriches" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "ennoble" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enjoys" -> 1, "Enhancing" -> 1, "enhances" -> 1, "English-plus" -> 1, "Engaging" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "energy-efficient" -> 1, "Energy" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "Enemies" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "empty" -> 1, "empowers" -> 1, "empowering" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "empower" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "emphasizing" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "el-Sheik" -> 1, "Eliminate" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "Electronic" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "Elected" -> 1, "Eldercare" -> 1, "Eisenhower" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "e-government" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "educationally" -> 1, "edges" -> 1, "Edge" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "Ecological" -> 1, "eat" -> 1, "Earth's" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "Dwight" -> 1, "duty-free" -> 1, "dumps" -> 1, "ducking" -> 1, "drug-related" -> 1, "drug-free" -> 1, "droughts" -> 1, "dropping" -> 1, "dropout" -> 1, "driveways" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "dredge" -> 1, "dreamers" -> 1, "dreamed" -> 1, "dream-crushing" -> 1, "Dream" -> 1, "dreaded" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "drastic" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "drag" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "doorstep" -> 1, "Door" -> 1, "donate" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "domestically" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "Dole" -> 1, "Doing" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctor" -> 1, "DNA" -> 1, "divisiveness" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "Divide" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distort" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "disruptions" -> 1, "Disruption" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disposing" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "disparity" -> 1, "disparities" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "dislocated" -> 1, "disenfranchised" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "discussed" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "discoveries" -> 1, "discord" -> 1, "discloses" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disappearing" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "disadvantaged" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "dirty" -> 1, "dirtier" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "Digital" -> 1, "digital" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictatorship" -> 1, "Diabetes" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "devastation" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "destinies" -> 1, "destined" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "derailed" -> 1, "deportation" -> 1, "deployment" -> 1, "Deploying" -> 1, "deploying" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "dehumanize" -> 1, "degrees" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defenders" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defendants" -> 1, "defeats" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decontamination" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "decentralize" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "debates" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "Deal" -> 1, "deadliest" -> 1, "deadbeats" -> 1, "deactivate" -> 1, "Dayton" -> 1, "Davis-Bacon" -> 1, "David" -> 1, "daunting" -> 1, "dash" -> 1, "darkest" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dampen" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "Czech" -> 1, "Czar" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cyberspace" -> 1, "cyber-attack" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "Cuts" -> 1, "cut-and-run" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "curriculum" -> 1, "Current" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "curbs" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "cultivate" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "crumbling" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "crowded" -> 1, "cross-Straits" -> 1, "cross-border" -> 1, "Crop" -> 1, "criteria" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "Crimes" -> 1, "crime-prevention" -> 1, "creeds" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creators" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "crash" -> 1, "crammed" -> 1, "crackdown" -> 1, "covers" -> 1, "Coverage" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "courageously" -> 1, "counter-terrorism" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counter-campaign" -> 1, "counted" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "costing" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "corps" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "copyright" -> 1, "cop" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "cooling" -> 1, "cool" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contracting" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "Contract" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "contraceptive" -> 1, "continuum" -> 1, "contingent" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "contend" -> 1, "contaminated" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "Consistently" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "considerable" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "consequent" -> 1, "consensus" -> 1, "conquered" -> 1, "connecting" -> 1, "connect" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "Congo" -> 1, "congestion" -> 1, "conferences" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "concealed" -> 1, "compromised" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "compiled" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "compatible" -> 1, "compact" -> 1, "community-based" -> 1, "Communications" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commonplace" -> 1, "Common" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "Columbine" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "Colombia" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "College" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "colleagues" -> 1, "cold" -> 1, "code" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "coalitions" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "clock" -> 1, "climate-disrupting" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "cleanest" -> 1, "cleaned" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "clarify" -> 1, "civility" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "circle" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "Choice" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "Childhood" -> 1, "childbearing" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "Chemical" -> 1, "Chechnya" -> 1, "chasm" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "Character" -> 1, "chapters" -> 1, "Chaos" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "Certification" -> 1, "certification" -> 1, "century's" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "census" -> 1, "cell" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "Cause" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "catalyze" -> 1, "catalyst" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "Carolina" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "CARE" -> 1, "cards" -> 1, "car" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "Canyon" -> 1, "can't" -> 1, "cancer's" -> 1, "cancer-free" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "camping" -> 1, "campaign-season" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "Campaign" -> 1, "Camp" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "caliber" -> 1, "C" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "Businesses" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "Bush's" -> 1, "buses" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "buildings" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "bucks" -> 1, "buck" -> 1, "brown" -> 1, "brokering" -> 1, "broker" -> 1, "broadens" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "brightest" -> 1, "brighter" -> 1, "Bridging" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "bridge" -> 1, "breed" -> 1, "brand" -> 1, "boxed" -> 1, "Box" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "Botswana" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "Border" -> 1, "boosted" -> 1, "Boomers" -> 1, "Boom" -> 1, "bonus" -> 1, "Bonds" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "boldly" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "Bob" -> 1, "board" -> 1, "blossom" -> 1, "bloom" -> 1, "bloodshed" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "blank" -> 1, "bite-sized" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "Bin" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "big-time" -> 1, "bigger" -> 1, "Biblical" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "better-performing" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "best-trained" -> 1, "best-equipped" -> 1, "beset" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "bend" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "bellicose" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "begins" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "begin" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "bedrock" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "beat" -> 1, "Battling" -> 1, "battling" -> 1, "battles" -> 1, "battlefields" -> 1, "battered" -> 1, "basics" -> 1, "bars" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "barrier" -> 1, "barrel" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "banning" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "bankrupt" -> 1, "ball" -> 1, "Balancing" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "bailouts" -> 1, "bail-outs" -> 1, "backward" -> 1, "backs" -> 1, "backroom" -> 1, "backlog" -> 1, "backgrounds" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "baby" -> 1, "Azerbaijan" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "awarded" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "automakers" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "attorneys" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attacker" -> 1, "at-risk" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "ATF" -> 1, "astonishing" -> 1, "asthma" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assurances" -> 1, "assaulted" -> 1, "Assault" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "arsenals" -> 1, "Arrow" -> 1, "arrived" -> 1, "arrival" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Around" -> 1, "armies" -> 1, "Armenian" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "appliances" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apostle" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "anti-drug" -> 1, "antidotes" -> 1, "anti-discrimination" -> 1, "anti-crime" -> 1, "antibiotic-resistant" -> 1, "Antiballistic" -> 1, "Anti-Ballistic" -> 1, "answerable" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "analyses" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "amidst" -> 1, "Alzheimers" -> 1, "altering" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "Alliances" -> 1, "Alliance's" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alignment" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "Alaskans" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "ain't" -> 1, "ailments" -> 1, "AIDS-fighting" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "agribusiness" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "agile" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "afternoon" -> 1, "Africans" -> 1, "African-American" -> 1, "afraid" -> 1, "Affordable" -> 1, "affluence" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affirmation" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affairs-and" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "Aegean" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advocacy" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "ads" -> 1, "adoptions" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "administration's" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjusting" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addictions" -> 1, "addicted" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "adamantly" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "Action" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "Across" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acknowledged" -> 1, "achievable" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accounted" -> 1, "accountants" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "accession" -> 1, "accessing" -> 1, "Accessible" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "Academies" -> 1, "academically" -> 1, "abusive" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "absent" -> 1, "absence" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "abolishing" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "90%" -> 1, "90" -> 1, "8th" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "67" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "54" -> 1, "5,000" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4th" -> 1, "401(k)'s" -> 1, "401" -> 1, "3.9" -> 1, "377,000" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "24" -> 1, "20th" -> 1, "2012" -> 1, "2002" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "1998" -> 1, "1997" -> 1, "1996" -> 1, "1964" -> 1, "1960's" -> 1, "1917" -> 1, "18-wheelers" -> 1, "1800" -> 1, "160" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "135" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "1.3" -> 1, "11,000" -> 1, "10,000" -> 1, "1,000" -> 1, "100" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1996", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1996, "Date" -> DateObject[{1996, 8, 26}], "Text" -> "Today's Democratic Party: Meeting America's Challenges, Protecting America's Values\n\nIntroduction\n\nIn 1996, America will choose the President who will lead us from the millennium which saw the birth of our nation, and into a future that has all the potential to be even greater than our magnificent past. Today's Democratic Party is ready for that future. Our vision is simple. We want an America that gives all Americans the chance to live out their dreams and achieve their God-given potential. We want an America that is still the world's strongest force for peace and freedom. And we want an America that is coming together around our enduring values, instead of drifting apart.\nToday's Democratic Party is determined to renew America's most basic bargain: Opportunity to every American, and responsibility from every American. And today's Democratic Party is determined to reawaken the great sense of American community.\nOpportunity. Responsibility. Community. These are the values that made America strong. These are the values of the Democratic Party. These are the values that must guide us into the future.\nToday, America is moving forward with the strong Presidential leadership it deserves. The economy is stronger, the deficit is lower, and government is smaller. Education is better, our environment is cleaner, families are healthier, and our streets are safer. There is more opportunity in America, more responsibility in our homes, and more peace in the world.\nToday's Democratic Party stands proudly on the record of the last four years. We are living in an age of enormous possibility, and we are working to make sure that all Americans can make the most of it. America is moving in the right direction.\nNow we must move forward, and we know the course we must follow. We need a smaller, more effective, more efficient, less bureaucratic government that reflects our time-honored values. The American people do not want big government solutions and they do not want empty promises. They want a government that is for them, not against them; that doesn't interfere with their lives but enhances their quality of life. They want a course that is reasonable, help that is realistic, and solutions that can be delivered -- a moderate, achievable, common-sense agenda that will improve people's daily lives and not increase the size of government.\nThat is what today's Democratic Party offers: the end of the era of big government and a final rejection of the misguided call to leave our citizens to fend for themselves -- and bold leadership into the future: To meet America's challenges, protect America's values, and fulfill American dreams.\nOpportunity\n\nFor 220 years, America has been defined by a single ideal: Opportunity for all who take the responsibility to seize it. The mission of the Democratic Party in 1996 is to ensure that the great American Dream of opportunity for all is within reach for all, and that it travels with us, whole and intact, as we walk together into tomorrow.\nIn the 12 years before President Clinton took office, Republicans in the White House allowed the deficit to spiral out of control, and ignored the economic interests of ordinary Americans. Bill Clinton was determined to turn things around and move America in a new direction. With his leadership, we put in place a comprehensive strategy for economic growth. Today's Democratic Party knows that the private sector is the engine of economic growth, and we fought to put America's economic house in order so private business could prosper. We worked to tap the full potential of a new global economy through open and fair trade. We fought to invest in the American people so they would have the capacity to meet the demands of the new economy. And we have invested in the roads, bridges, and highways that are the lifelines of American commerce.\nDemocrats in Congress supported this course and America is better off because they did. Republicans opposed our economic plan; America's economic growth over the last four years makes it clear that they were wrong. Our strategy is in place, and it is working. We are proud of our economic record over the last four years -- and we know that our record is a record to build on, not to rest on. We have to move forward, to make sure that every American willing to work hard has the opportunity to build a good life and share in the benefits of economic success.\nIn the last four years we worked to get the American economy going: cutting the deficit, expanding trade, and investing in our people. In the next four years we have to make the new economy work for all Americans: balancing the budget, creating more jobs, making sure all families can count on good health care and a secure retirement, and, most of all, expanding educational opportunities so all Americans can learn the skills they need to build the best possible future.\nBalancing the budget. For 12 years, Republicans hid behind rosy scenarios while quadrupling the national debt. We knew this had to stop. In 1992, we promised to cut the deficit in half over four years. We did. Our 1993 economic plan cut spending by over a quarter trillion dollars in five years. The only deficit left today is interest payments on the debt run up over the 12 Republican years before fiscal responsibility returned to the White House. President Clinton is the first President to cut the deficit four years in a row since before the Civil War.\nNow the Democratic Party is determined to finish the job and balance the budget. President Clinton has put forward a plan to balance the budget by 2002 while living up to our commitments to our elderly and our children and maintaining strong economic growth. The Republican Congress' own economists admit the President's plan will balance the budget by 2002. It cuts hundreds of wasteful and outdated programs, but it preserves Medicare and Medicaid, it protects education and the environment, and it defends working families. The President's plan reflects America's values. The Republican plan does not.\nToday's Democratic Party believes we have a duty to care for our parents, so they can live their lives in dignity. That duty includes securing Medicare and Medicaid, finding savings without reducing quality or benefits, and protecting Social Security for future generations. The Republican agenda rests on massive Medicare cuts, three times bigger than the largest Medicare cuts in history, including new premium increases on seniors, and drastic changes to Medicaid that will jeopardize the health care of children and seniors.\nToday's Democratic Party believes that all children should have the opportunity and the education to make the most of their own lives. We believe that schools should be run by teachers and principals, not by Washington. The Republican agenda slashes college scholarships and college loans, cuts Head Start, and cuts funds to reduce class size and improve teacher standards.\nToday's Democratic Party believes we have a duty to preserve God's earth and American quality of life for future generations. We are committed to reform, so we protect our environment but we do not trap business in a tangle of red tape. The Republican budget guts environmental protection.\nToday's Democratic Party believes that working people should not be taxed into poverty. The Republican budget raises taxes on millions of working families.\nToday's Democratic Party believes that America must put our families first. The Republican budget tried to take Big Bird away from 5-year-olds, school lunches away from 10-year-olds, summer jobs away from 15-year-olds, and college loans away from 20-year-olds.\nToday's Democratic Party believes in a government that works better and costs less. We know that government workers are good people trapped in bad systems, and we are committed to reinventing government to reform those systems. We believe that public servants have suffered too long from unfair politically based criticism destroying their morale and hampering their ability to perform duties which the private sector will not undertake. The Republican budget cuts government where it is needed to protect our values, and they were even willing to shut down the government altogether to force their budget on the American people.\nTax relief for working families and small businesses. President Clinton and Democrats in Congress expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit, cutting taxes to help 40 million Americans in 15 million working families -- without a single Republican vote. The Dole-Gingrich budget was designed to give a massive tax break to the wealthiest Americans, and pay for it by raising taxes on ordinary Americans and slashing health care for the elderly. America cannot afford to return to the era of something-for-nothing tax cuts and smoke-and-mirrors accounting that produced a decade of exploding deficits. Today's Democratic Party is committed to targeted tax cuts that help working Americans invest in their future, and we insist that any tax cuts are completely paid for, because we are determined to balance the budget.\nWe want to strengthen middle-class families by providing a $500 tax cut for children. We want to cut taxes to help families pay for education after high school and to guarantee the first two years of college. We want people to be able to use their IRA's to buy a first home, deal with a medical emergency, or provide for education. We want to cut taxes for small businesses that invest in the future and set up pensions for their workers. And we want to cut taxes for people who are self-employed and self-insured so their health care is more affordable.\nTechnology. We know investments in technology drive economic growth, generate new knowledge, create new high-wage jobs, build new industries, and improve our quality of life. In the face of Republican efforts to undermine America's dedication to innovation, President Clinton and the Democratic Party have fought to maintain vital investments in science and technology. We remember that government investment in technology is responsible for the computer, for jet aircraft, and for the Internet -- no investments have ever paid off better, in jobs, in opportunity, or in growth.\nWe support government policies that encourage private sector investment and innovation to create a pro-growth economic climate, like a permanent research and development tax credit. We want technology to create jobs and improve the quality of life for American workers. President Clinton and Vice President Gore fought for, and the President signed, a sweeping telecommunications reform bill that will unleash the creative power of the information industry to create millions of high-wage American jobs. We recognize that our system of research colleges and universities is the bedrock of American leadership in science and technology. When we invest in our research institutions we are literally investing in our future by helping to train the next brilliant generation of American scientists and engineers. As we enter the 21st century, we will continue to invest in world-class research and development, advanced technologies in transportation, information, and other industries, and agricultural and environmental research in partnership with American business. We are working to reinvent the national laboratories and revitalize America's space program, including support for the space station.\nCreating jobs through trade. We believe that if we want the American economy to continue strong growth, we must continue to expand trade, and not retreat from the world. America's markets are open to the world, so America has a right to demand that the world's markets are open to our products. American products are the best in the world. When American workers and American companies have the chance to compete around the world, we do not take second place.\nIn the last four years, the Clinton-Gore Administration has signed over 200 trade agreements, including NAFTA and GATT, to open markets around the world to American products, and create more jobs for the people who make them here at home. We have put in place the most sweeping agreements to lower foreign trade barriers of any administration in modern American history, including over 20 such agreements with Japan alone -- and American exports to Japan in the sectors covered by those agreements have increased by 85 percent. All over the world, barriers to American products have come down, exports are at an all time high -- and we have created over one million high-paying export-related jobs.\nIn the next four years, we must continue to work to lower foreign trade barriers; insist that foreign companies play by fair rules at home and abroad; strengthen rules that protect the global economy from fraud and dangerous instability; advance American commercial interests abroad; and ensure that the new global economy is directly beneficial to American working families. As we work to open new markets, we must negotiate to guarantee that all trade agreements include standards to protect children, workers, public safety, and the environment. We must ensure adequate trade adjustment assistance and education and training programs to help working families compete and win in the global economy.\nEvery step of the way, we have been opposed by Republicans intent on cutting education. Now, they want to cut education from Head Start through college scholarships. They want to undermine our public schools and make borrowing for college more difficult for millions of students.\nToday's Democratic Party will stand firmly against the Republican assault on education. Cutting education as we move into the 21st century would be like cutting defense spending at the height of the Cold War. We must do more to expand educational opportunity -- not less.\nStrengthening public schools. We increased Head Start funding to expand early education for more children who need it. We passed Goals 2000 to help schools set high standards, and find the resources they need to succeed: the best books, the brightest teachers, the most up-to-date technology. We restructured federal education programs and eliminated federal regulations to give local schools, teachers, and principals the flexibility and help they need to meet those standards. We've worked to make sure our children have the best teachers by expanding teacher education. We applaud the work of state and local Democrats to develop innovative solutions to make sure our children get the best possible education.\nTeaching values in schools. Today's Democratic Party knows our children's education is not complete unless they learn good values. We applaud the efforts of the Clinton-Gore Administration to promote character education in our schools. Teaching good values, strong character, and the responsibilities of citizenship must be an essential part of American education.\nSafe schools and healthy students. If young people do not have the freedom to learn in safety, they do not have the freedom to learn at all. Over the last four years, we have worked hard to keep schools safe and drug-free, and students healthy. When Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich led Republican efforts to cut school safety funding, President Clinton and Democrats in Congress wouldn't let them get away with it. When Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich led Republican efforts to destroy the nation's school lunch program, President Clinton and Democrats in Congress stopped them cold. Now, we must work together at every level of government to launch a major rebuilding effort to make sure our children go to school in high-quality facilities where they can learn. We must help schools set the highest standards for good behavior and discipline in our schools. Children cannot learn -- and teachers cannot teach -- without order in the classroom.\nTechnology in the classroom. We must bring the 21st century into every classroom in America. There is a vast realm of knowledge waiting for our children to tap into. Computers are powerful tools to teach students to read better, write better, and understand math. President Clinton and Vice President Gore understand that technological literacy is essential to success in the new economy. The only way to achieve that for every student is to give them all access to a computer, good software, trained teachers, and the Internet -- and President Clinton and Vice President Gore have launched a partnership with high-tech companies, schools, state, and local governments to wire every classroom and library to the Information Superhighway by the year 2000.\nPreparing students for jobs. We passed School-to-Work so young people can learn the skills they need to get and keep high wage jobs. The Republican Congress is trying to destroy it, and we pledge to stop them. We want to keep working with the private sector, to encourage community partnerships that build the bridge between a good education and a good job.\nHigher education for all Americans. Finally, we must make sure that every American has the opportunity to go to college. Higher education is the key to a successful future in the 21st century. The typical worker with a college education earns 73 percent more than one without. America has the best higher education in the world. We do not need to change it -- we need to make it available for all Americans. Our goal must be nothing less than to make the 13th and 14th years of education as universal as the first 12.\nOver the last four years, the Democratic Party under President Clinton has put an unprecedented college opportunity strategy in place: We reformed the student loan program, to make college more affordable for 5.5 million students -- and we saved money for the taxpayers by eliminating the middleman, cutting red tape, and cutting the cost of student loan defaults in half. We have expanded Pell Grant college scholarships for deserving students. And the President's national service program has already helped 45,000 Americans earn money for college by helping their communities.\nTax cuts for college. Over the next four years, we want to go even further: We should expand work-study so one million students a year can work their way through college by the year 2000.We should allow people to use money from their IRA to help pay for college. We should give a $1000 honor scholarship for the top 5 percent of graduates in every high school. And we must make 14 years of education the standard for every American. The Democratic Party wants to create a $10,000 tax deduction for families to help pay for education after high school. And we want to create a $1,500 tax cut for Americans, modeled after Georgia's successful HOPE scholarships, to guarantee the first year of tuition at a typical community college, and the second year if individuals earn it by maintaining a B average. No tax cut will do more to raise American incomes than a tax cut to pay for college.\nRewarding work. We honor work in America. Americans work hard, and they have a right to expect that work will pay. We want to continue reversing the trend of the eighties, so all Americans benefit from continued economic growth and rising wages. The President and Democrats in Congress raised the minimum wage to $5.15 an hour, after defeating fierce Republican opposition led by Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich. We believe the minimum wage should be a wage you can live on. President Clinton and Congressional Democrats fought for and won the largest expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit in history, a tax cut for 15 million working families, because no parent who takes the responsibility to work full time should have to raise children in poverty. We want to strengthen families, and we challenge the private sector to help their workers earn enough to support a family.\nHealth care. The Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that Americans have access to affordable, high-quality health care. Because of President Clinton's determined leadership and the tireless efforts of Democrats in Congress, we passed the Kennedy-Kassebaum health reform bill to stop insurance companies from denying coverage to families where one member has a preexisting condition, and to make sure that people can take their health insurance with them when they change jobs. No more Americans should have to turn down a better job because they would lose their health care if they took it. We have expanded the Women, Infants, and Children program that provides prenatal and early childhood nutrition, so that all eligible women, infants, and children will have access to the health and nutrition services they need. We established a comprehensive effort to immunize children, after defeating Republican opposition led by Senator Dole. Last year, the percentage of two-year-olds in America who were fully immunized reached an historic high.\nThe Clinton-Gore Administration has dramatically shortened the approval process for new lifesaving drugs at the Food and Drug Administration and will continue to work to streamline the process further; and we have made AIDS research, prevention, and treatment a top priority, increasing funding by almost 40 percent, including more than doubling the Ryan White Care Act to help care for people with AIDS. We are committed to finding a cure for AIDS, combating HIV-related discrimination, supporting HOPWA funding to help with housing for people living with AIDS, and working to ensure that all Americans living with AIDS have access to new and potentially lifesaving drugs; serious biomedical research which promises breakthroughs for so many diseases; and doing more to help all Americans live longer, healthier lives. We recognize the enormous contribution of our teaching hospitals and medical schools -- they lay the foundation for the best medical care in the world, and we will continue to promote policies that strengthen them.\nWe have paid special attention to women's health issues, including a 65 percent increase for breast cancer research. We are committed to finding a cure for breast cancer and we pledge to continue supporting funds for innovative research, and access for all women to high quality treatment and care.\nThe Democratic Party is proud that we held the line against the Republicans' mean-spirited Medicare and Medicaid cuts that would risk the health care of millions of Americans, from infants to seniors. Senator Dole voted against Medicare when it was first created, boasts about it today, and now Republican leaders want Medicare to Awither on the vine.\" The Dole-Gingrich Medicare plan would put millions of our parents into a second class health care system for the first time in their lives, and we will not stand for it. The Dole-Gingrich Medicaid plan would end the guarantee to meaningful health benefits for millions of children, older Americans, and people with disabilities. President Clinton forced Republicans to put aside their attempt to block grant Medicaid, and insisted that welfare reform protects women and children by maintaining the Medicaid guarantee. The Democratic Party wants America to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, so we honor our values and protect the health of our children, parents, and grandparents, ensuring they can get the health care they need, from doctors visits to long-term care.\nIn 1993 -- without a single Republican vote -- President Clinton and Democrats in Congress extended the Medicare Trust Fund into the 21st century. We have given 12 states more flexibility to run their Medicaid programs more efficiently and expand coverage, while maintaining the guarantee of meaningful benefits. When these plans are implemented, two million more Americans will have health insurance because of them. We have given Medicare beneficiaries more health plan choices and increased benefits. We have cracked down on health care waste, fraud, and abuse, saving more than $15 billion in three years. Now we must finish the job -- we can balance the budget while we preserve and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, protecting millions of middle class families from being overwhelmed by health care costs for their parents, children, or family members with disabilities.\nIn the next four years, we must take further steps to ensure that Americans have access to quality, affordable health care. We should start by making sure that people get help paying premiums so they do not lose health care while they're looking for a new job. We support expanded coverage of home care, hospice, adult day-care, and community-based services, so the elderly and people with disabilities of all ages can live in their own communities and as independently as possible. We are disappointed Congress walked away from bipartisan efforts to provide mental health parity; we believe health insurance coverage for mental health care is vitally important and we support parity for mental health care.\nRetirement. Over the last four years, President Clinton took strong steps to protect the pensions of more than 40 million workers and retirees by fixing the federal pension insurance system and demanding that companies fund their retirement plans fully. We established a nationwide retirement protection program to protect workers' 401K retirement savings from fraud and abuse. We recognize the unique concerns of women when it comes to preparing for retirement and have worked to protect women's pension rights.\nOver the next four years, we want to take further steps to make sure that Americans who have worked hard for their whole lives can enjoy retirement in the dignity and security they have earned. We want to make sure people can carry their pensions with them when they change jobs, protect pensions even further, and expand the number of workers with pension coverage. We will continue to support the Railroad Retirement System. Democrats created Social Security, we oppose efforts to dismantle it, and we will fight to save it. We must ensure that it is on firm financial footing well into the next century. We call on Republicans to put politics aside and join us in a serious bipartisan effort to make sure that Social Security will continue to provide true security for future generations, as it has done for millions of older Americans for decades.\nTraining. We must do more to make sure all Americans have the skills they need to compete. We want a G.I. Bill for Workers to transform the confusing tangle of federal training programs into a simple job-training skill grant that will go directly to unemployed workers so they will be able to get the training that is right for them. We want to strengthen training opportunities for people with disabilities, so they can learn the skills they need to live independent, productive lives.\nStanding up for working Americans. We nearly doubled funding for the dislocated worker program and launched special projects to help workers displaced by base closures, natural disasters, and mass layoffs. We are reforming OSHA so it can do a better job to protect worker safety with less red tape, and we continue to oppose Republican efforts to gut it. We beat back efforts to undermine workers' rights to form and join unions and to dismantle the enforcement powers of the National Labor Relations Board. The Democratic Party is committed to prompt, fair, impartial, protection of workers and the traveling and shipping public by improving the speed, efficiency, authority, and efficacy of the FAA and the FRA. We vigorously oppose Republican efforts to pass Right-to-Work legislation, and we are proud the President vetoed efforts to undermine collective bargaining through the TEAM Act. We are working to eradicate sweatshops in the U.S. apparel industry by stepping up enforcement and public education. We oppose the hiring of permanent workers to replace lawful economic strikers; we support the President's action to stop the government from procuring goods and services from companies that do so; and we support legislation to prohibit the permanent replacement of lawfully striking workers. We believe in equal pay for equal work and pay equity.\nPromoting economic growth and opportunity for all Americans. We know that it is good for America when small, minority, and women-owned businesses have the opportunity to grow and prosper. These business-owners create new jobs, expand opportunities, and serve as powerful role models for young people. Over the last four years, the President has transformed the Small Business Administration to eliminate burdensome paperwork and deliver real assistance to entrepreneurs as they work to start or expand their businesses. At the same time, since Bill Clinton became President, we have more than doubled the number of loans to small businesses, nearly tripled loans to minority businesses, and quadrupled loans to women-owned businesses. The President ordered all federal agencies to comply with laws designed to ensure that small, minority, and women-owned businesses can compete for their fair share of procurement dollars. We are committed to continued efforts to expand opportunity for small, minority, and women business owners.\nClean, affordable energy. Clean, abundant, and reliable energy is essential to a strong American economy. We support investment in research and development to spur domestic energy production and enhance efficiency. New technologies -- natural gas, energy efficiency, renewable energy -- developed in partnership with American industries and scientists are increasing productivity and creating jobs. We believe America should reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources.\nCorporate citizenship. Employers have a responsibility to do their part as well. President Clinton and the Democratic Party stand on the side of working families. We believe that values like loyalty, fairness, and responsibility are not inconsistent with the bottom line. The Democratic Party insists that corporate leaders invest in the long-term, by providing workers with living wages and benefits, education and training, a safe, healthy place to work, and opportunities for greater involvement in company decision making and ownership. Employers must make sure workers share in the benefits of the good years, as well as the burdens of the bad ones. Employers must offer employees the opportunity to share in the profits they help create. Employers must respect the commitment of workers to their families, and must work to provide good pensions and health care. When CEOs put their workers and long-term success ahead of short-term gain, their workers will do better and so will they.\nResponsibility\n\nToday's Democratic Party knows that the era of big government is over. Big bureaucracies and Washington solutions are not the real answers to today's challenges. We need a smaller government . . . and we must have a larger national spirit. Government's job should be to give people the tools they need to make the most of their own lives. Americans must take the responsibility to use them, to build good lives for themselves and their families. Personal responsibility is the most powerful force we have to meet our challenges and shape the future we want for ourselves, for our children, and for America.\nBill Clinton promised to turn things around, and that is exactly what he did. After a long hard fight, President Clinton beat back fierce Republican opposition, led by Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich, to answer the call of America's police officers and pass the toughest Crime Bill in history. The Democratic Party under President Clinton is putting more police on the streets and tougher penalties on the books; we are taking guns off the streets and working to steer young people away from crime and gangs and drugs in the first place. And it is making a difference. In city after city and town after town, crime rates are finally coming down.\nCommunity policing. Nothing is more effective in the fight against crime than police officers on the beat, engaged in community policing. The Crime Bill is putting 100,000 new police officers on the street. We deplore cynical Republican attempts to undermine our promise to America to put 100,000 new police officers on the street. We pledge to stand up for our communities and stand with our police officers by opposing any attempt to repeal or weaken this effort. But we know that community policing only works when the community works with the police. We echo the President's challenge to Americans: If 50 citizens joined each of America's 20,000 neighborhood watch groups, we would have a citizen force of one million strong to give our police forces the backup they need.\nProtecting our children, our neighborhoods, and our police from criminals with guns. Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich, and George Bush were able to hold the Brady Bill hostage for the gun lobby until Bill Clinton became President. With his leadership, we made the Brady Bill the law of the land. And because we did, more than 60,000 felons, fugitives, and stalkers have been stopped from buying guns. President Clinton led the fight to ban 19 deadly assault weapons, designed for one purpose only -- to kill human beings. We oppose efforts to restrict weapons used for legitimate sporting purposes, and we are proud that not one hunter or sportsman was forced to change guns because of the assault weapons ban. But we know that the military-style guns we banned have no place on America's streets, and we are proud of the courageous Democrats who defied the gun lobby and sacrificed their seats in Congress to make America safer.\nToday's Democratic Party stands with America's police officers. We are proud to tell them that as long as Bill Clinton and Al Gore are in the White House, any attempt to repeal the Brady Bill or assault weapons ban will be met with a veto. We must do everything we can to stand behind our police officers, and the first thing we should do is pass a ban on cop-killer bullets. Any bullet that can rip through a bulletproof vest should be against the law; that is the least we can do to protect the brave police officers who risk their lives to protect us.\nTough punishment. We believe that people who break the law should be punished, and people who commit violent crimes should be punished severely. President Clinton made three-strikes-you're-out the law of the land, to ensure that the most dangerous criminals go to jail for life, with no chance of parole. We established the death penalty for nearly 60 violent crimes, including murder of a law enforcement officer, and we signed a law to limit appeals. The Democratic Party is a party of inclusion, and we respect the conscience of all Americans on this issue.\nWe provided almost $8 billion in new funding to help states build new prison cells so violent offenders serve their full sentences. We call on the states to meet the President's challenge and guarantee that serious violent criminals serve at least 85 percent of their sentence. The American people deserve a criminal justice system in which criminals are caught, the guilty are convicted, and the convicted serve their time.\nFighting youth violence and preventing youth crime. Nothing we do to fight crime is more important than fighting the crime and violence that threatens our children. We have to protect them from criminals who prey on them -- and we have to teach them good values and give them something to say yes to, so they stay away from crime and trouble in the first place.\nThe Democratic Party understands what the police have been saying for years: The best way to fight crime is to prevent it. That is why we fought for drug-education and gang-prevention programs in our schools. We support well thought out, well organized, highly supervised youth programs to provide young people with a safe and healthy alternative to hanging out on the streets. We made it a federal crime for any person under the age of 18 to possess a handgun except when supervised by an adult. Democrats fought to pass, and President Clinton ordered states to impose, zero tolerance for guns in school, requiring schools to expel for one year any student who brings a gun to school.\nAt the same time, when young people cross the line, they must be punished. When young people commit serious violent crimes, they should be prosecuted like adults. We established boot camps for young non-violent offenders. If Senator Dole and the Republicans are serious about fighting juvenile crime, they should listen to America's police officers and support the steps Democrats have taken, because they are making a difference, and then they should join us as we work to do more.\nWe want parents to bring order to their children's lives and teach them right from wrong, and we want to make it easier for them to take that responsibility. We support schools that adopt school uniform policies, to promote discipline and respect. We support community-based curfews to keep kids off the street after a certain time, so they're safe from harm and away from trouble. We urge schools and communities to enforce truancy laws: Young people belong in school, not on the street.\nWe also know that we must do everything we can to help families protect their children, especially from dangerous criminals who have made a dark habit of preying on young people. Study after study shows that sex offenders are likely to repeat their crimes again and again. Under President Clinton, we have taken strong steps to help keep children safe. We required every state in the country to compile a registry of sex offenders. The President signed Megan's Law to require that states tell a community whenever a dangerous sexual predator enters its midst. We support the President's directive to the Attorney General, calling on her to work with the states and Congress to develop a national sex offender registry. This will ensure that police officers in every state can get the information they need from any state to track sex offenders down and bring them to justice when they commit new crimes.\nBattling illegal drugs. We must keep drugs off our streets and out of our schools. President Clinton and the Democratic Party have waged an aggressive war on drugs. The Crime Bill established the death penalty for drug kingpins. The President signed a directive requiring drug testing of anyone arrested for a federal crime, and he challenged states to do the same for state offenders. We established innovative drug courts which force drug users to get treatment or go to jail. We stood firm against Republican efforts to gut the Safe and Drug Free Schools effort that supports successful drug-education programs like D.A.R.E. The Clinton Administration went to the Supreme Court to support the right of schools to test athletes for drugs. The President launched Operation Safe Home to protect the law-abiding residents of public housing from violent criminals and drug dealers who use their homes as a base for illegal activities. We support the President's decision to tell those who commit crimes and peddle drugs in public housing: You will get no second chance to threaten your neighbors; it is one strike and you're out. We are making progress. Overall drug use in America is dropping; the number of Americans who use cocaine has dropped 30 percent since 1992. Unfortunately casual drug use by young people continues to climb. We must redouble our efforts against drug abuse everywhere, especially among our children.\nEarlier this year, the President appointed General Barry McCaffrey to lead the nation's war on drugs. General McCaffrey is implementing an aggressive four part strategy to reach young children and prevent drug use in the first place; to catch and punish drug users and dealers; to provide treatment to those who need help; and to cut drugs off at the source before they cross the border and pollute our neighborhoods. But every adult in America must take responsibility to set a good example, and to teach children that drugs are wrong, they are illegal, and they are deadly.\nWe must do everything we can to make sure that the victims of violent crime are treated with the respect and the dignity they deserve. We support the President's call for a constitutional amendment to protect the rights of victims. We believe that when a plea bargain is entered in public, a criminal is sentenced, or a defendant is let out on bail, the victims ought to know about it, and have a say. A constitutional amendment is the only way to protect those rights in every courtroom in America.\nWe know that citizenship is the cornerstone of full participation in American life. We are proud that the President launched Citizenship USA to help eligible immigrants become United States citizens. The Immigration and Naturalization Service is streamlining procedures, cutting red tape, and using new technology to make it easier for legal immigrants to accept the responsibilities of citizenship and truly call America their home.\nToday's Democratic Party also believes we must remain a nation of laws. We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it. For years before Bill Clinton became President, Washington talked tough but failed to act. In 1992, our borders might as well not have existed. The border was under-patrolled, and what patrols there were, were under-equipped. Drugs flowed freely. Illegal immigration was rampant. Criminal immigrants, deported after committing crimes in America, returned the very next day to commit crimes again.\nPresident Clinton is making our border a place where the law is respected and drugs and illegal immigrants are turned away. We have increased the Border Patrol by over 40 percent; in El Paso, our Border Patrol agents are so close together they can see each other. Last year alone, the Clinton Administration removed thousands of illegal workers from jobs across the country. Just since January of 1995, we have arrested more than 1,700 criminal aliens and prosecuted them on federal felony charges because they returned to America after having been deported.\nHowever, as we work to stop illegal immigration, we call on all Americans to avoid the temptation to use this issue to divide people from each other. We deplore those who use the need to stop illegal immigration as a pretext for discrimination. And we applaud the wisdom of Republicans like Mayor Giuliani and Senator Domenici who oppose the mean-spirited and short-sighted effort of Republicans in Congress to bar the children of illegal immigrants from schools -- it is wrong, and forcing children onto the streets is an invitation for them to join gangs and turn to crime. Democrats want to protect American jobs by increasing criminal and civil sanctions against employers who hire illegal workers, but Republicans continue to favor inflammatory rhetoric over real action. We will continue to enforce labor standards to protect workers in vulnerable industries. We continue to firmly oppose welfare benefits for illegal immigrants. We believe family members who sponsor immigrants into this country should take financial responsibility for them, and be held legally responsible for supporting them.\nOver the past four years, President Clinton has dramatically transformed the welfare system. He has freed 43 states from federal rules and regulations so they can reform their welfare systems. The Clinton Administration has granted 77 waivers -- more than twice as many waivers as granted in the Reagan-Bush years. For 75 percent of all Americans on welfare, the rules have changed for good already, and welfare is becoming what it should be: a second chance, not a way of life. Welfare rolls are finally coming down -- there are 1.8 million fewer people on welfare today than there were when President Clinton took office in January 1993.\nWe are proud the President forced Congressional Republicans to abandon their wrong-headed and mean-spirited efforts to punish the poor. Republicans wanted to eliminate the guarantee of health care for the poor, the elderly, and the disabled. They were wrong, and we stopped them. Republicans wanted to destroy the food stamp and school lunch programs that provide basic nutrition to millions of working families and poor children. They were wrong, and we stopped them. Republicans wanted to gut child abuse prevention and foster care. They were wrong, and we stopped them. Republicans wanted to cut off young, unwed mothers -- because they actually thought their children would be better off living in an orphanage. They were dead wrong, and we stopped them. The bill Republicans in Congress passed last year was values-backward -- it was soft on work and tough on children, and we applaud the President for stopping it.\nWe know the new bill passed by Congress is far from perfect -- parts of it should be fixed because they go too far and have nothing to do with welfare reform. First, Republicans cut too far into nutritional assistance for working families with children; we are committed to correcting that. Second, Republicans insisted on using welfare reform as a vehicle to cut off help to legal immigrants. That was wrong. Legal immigrants work hard, pay their taxes, and serve America. It is wrong to single them out for punishment just because they are immigrants. We pledge to make sure that legal immigrant families with children who fall on hard times through no fault of their own can get help when they need it. And we are committed to continuing the President's efforts to make it easier for legal immigrants who are prepared to accept the responsibilities of citizenship to do so.\nBut the new welfare plan gives America an historic chance: to break the cycle of dependency for millions of Americans, and give them a real chance for an independent future. It reflects the principles the President has insisted upon since he started the process that led to welfare reform. Our job now is to make sure this welfare reform plan succeeds, transforming a broken system that holds people down into a working system that lifts people up and gives them a real chance to build a better life. States asked for this responsibility -- now we have to make sure they shoulder it. We must make sure as many people as possible move from welfare to work. We must make sure that children are protected. In addition to health care and nutritional assistance, states should provide in-kind vouchers to children whose parents have reached the time limit. We challenge states to exempt battered women from time limits and other restrictions. We challenge states to ensure that hard-earned, federal taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and fraud and abuse are prevented. We challenge the business community to provide more of the private sector jobs people on welfare need to build good lives and strong families. We know that passing legislation is not enough; we must make sure people get the skills they need to get jobs, and that there are jobs for them to go to so they leave welfare and stay off. We want to make sure welfare reform will put more people to work and move them into the economic mainstream, not take jobs away from working families.\nChild support. Nobody has the right to walk away from the responsibility to care for his or her children. If you owe child support, paying it fully and promptly is just the first step in living up to your responsibility as a parent. The Clinton Administration has made a determined effort to crack down on deadbeat parents, collecting a record $11 billion in 1995 through tough enforcement -- almost a 40 percent increase over 1992. President Clinton issued an Executive Order to track down federal workers who fail to pay child support, and force them to pay. The Clinton Administration is working to put wanted lists of parents who owe child support in the post office and on the Internet. President Clinton and Democrats in Congress insisted that the toughest possible child support enforcement be part of the new welfare reform plan -- including the President's plan to deny drivers licenses and professional licenses to people who do not pay their child support. We are telling deadbeats: If you neglect your responsibility to your children, we will suspend your license, garnish your wages, track you down, and make you pay.\nTeen pregnancy. For the first time in years, the teen pregnancy rate has leveled off and begun to drop. But we all know it is still far too high. Government alone cannot solve this problem. That is why President Clinton challenged community, business, and religious leaders together to form a national campaign to keep the teen pregnancy rate going down. And he expanded support for community-based prevention programs that teach abstinence and demand responsibility. We must send the strongest possible signal to young people that it is wrong to get pregnant or father a child until they are married and ready to support that child and raise that child.\nWe also know that half of all underage mothers were made pregnant by a man in his twenties, or even older. Statutory rape is a crime, but unfortunately the laws that protect young women from it are almost never enforced. We echo the President's call to America's prosecutors: Enforce the statutory rape laws vigorously against men who prey on underage women.\nThe Democratic Party is a party of inclusion. We respect the individual conscience of each American on this difficult issue, and we welcome all our members to participate at every level of our party.\nOur goal is to make abortion less necessary and more rare, not more difficult and more dangerous. We support contraceptive research, family planning, comprehensive family life education, and policies that support healthy childbearing. For four years in a row, we have increased support for family planning. The abortion rate is dropping. Now we must continue to support efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies, and we call on all Americans to take personal responsibility to meet this important goal.\nIn the last four years, President Clinton, working with the National Performance Review chaired by Vice President Gore, has cut the federal government by almost 240,000 positions, making the smallest federal government in 30 years. We did it the right way, treating workers with respect. The federal government is eliminating 16,000 pages of outdated and unnecessary regulations, has abolished 179 programs and projects, and saved taxpayers billions of dollars. The President fought for and signed unfunded mandates legislation. This stops Congress from requiring state and local governments to implement expensive policies without providing any means to pay for them, and encourages better partnerships and more balance of resources and responsibilities. Beginning with Ulysses S. Grant, Presidents have tried to get the line-item veto and failed; President Clinton signed landmark legislation that will give him and his successors this powerful tool to cut pork-barrel spending from bills passed by Congress.\nFor years, Republicans talked about making government smaller while letting it grow -- Democrats are doing it. For years, Republicans talked about cutting the deficit while letting it climb -- Democrats are doing it. For years, Republicans talked about shifting power back to states and communities -- Democrats are doing it. For years, Republicans talked about making government more businesslike and efficient -- Democrats are doing it. Democrats are bringing responsibility back to Washington. In the last two years, Republicans under Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich shut the federal government down in an irresponsible attempt at partisan blackmail. Democrats under President Clinton said, and America agreed: Partisan threats are no way to run a government. Nobody should ever shut down the government again. The Republican shutdown cost the taxpayers $1.4 billion. Democrats believe government should work better and cost less -- not work less and cost more.\nThe Republican shutdown was an affront to the hardworking public servants in our cities, towns, states, and nation who devote their lives to improving life in our country. Thanks to them our streets are safer, our water is cleaner, and our nation is secure. We condemn Republican tactics to sow cynicism and mistrust by scapegoating those government workers. Front-line federal workers committed to providing quality services have joined the President's efforts to make government work better for the American people. With their help, we are saving money for the taxpayers and improving services for our people. Those workers who are doing more with less deserve our respect and admiration.\nIn the last four years, we have transformed the Federal Emergency Management Agency from an outdated bureaucracy into a swift and effective agent of relief for victims of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or other disasters. Americans with life-threatening diseases like cancer and AIDS gain access to new drugs faster, because the Food and Drug Administration has streamlined its approval process, become more flexible in certifications, and eliminated unnecessary paperwork. The Small Business Administration has eliminated half of its regulations, cut loan applications as long as 100 pages down to one, and doubled its loan volume -- all helping Americans to produce record numbers of small businesses in each of the last three years. American homebuyers are saving an average of $1,000 in closing costs because the Department of Housing and Urban Development has eliminated paperwork and other unnecessary burdens.\nOver the next four years, the Democratic Party will continue to make responsibility the rule in Washington: cutting bureaucracy further, improving customer service, demanding better performance, holding people and agencies accountable for producing the best results, ensuring all Americans have access to high quality public services, whether they reside in inner cities, suburbs, or rural communities, and forging new partnerships with the private sector including small, minority, and women-owned businesses, and with state and local governments to enhance opportunities for all Americans from technology to transportation to travel and tourism. We concur with the unanimous findings and recommendations of the Department of Labor Task Force on Excellence in State and Local Government outlining further ways to improve the functions of government through labor-management partnerships.\nShortly after Bill Clinton took office, he implemented the toughest ethics code on executive officials in history: Senior appointees are barred from lobbying their own agencies for five years after they leave, and they can never lobby for foreign governments. After years of Republican delay, Democrats passed and the President signed the Motor Voter Bill to make it easier for people to participate in our democracy and exercise their civic responsibility in the voting booth. The President led the fight to repeal the tax loophole that let lobbyists deduct the cost of their activities, and prevailed. In 1995, after a Republican filibuster, Congress finally answered the President's call to stop taking gifts, meals, and trips from lobbyists; to bring lobbyists out from dark rooms and into the bright light of public scrutiny by requiring full disclosure; and to apply to itself the laws that apply to the rest of the country.\nBut we must take further strong action. The President and the Democratic Party support the bipartisan McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. It will limit campaign spending, curb the influence of PACs and lobbyists, and end the soft money system. Perhaps most important of all, this bill provides free TV time for candidates, so they can talk directly to citizens about real issues and real ideas. Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress will not even let this bill come up for a vote. We call on them to stop stonewalling. It is time to take the reins of democracy away from big money and put them back in the hands of the American people, where they belong. We applaud efforts by broadcasters and private citizens alike, to increase candidates' direct access to voters through free TV.\nFinally, we believe all Americans have a right to fair political representation -- including the citizens of the District of Columbia who deserve full self-governance, political representation, and statehood. We recognize the existing status of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the strong economic relationship between the people of Puerto Rico and the United States. We pledge to support the right of the people of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to choose freely, and in concert with the U.S. Congress, their relationship with the United States, either as an enhanced commonwealth, a state, or an independent nation. We support fair participation for Puerto Rico in federal programs and are committed to providing effective incentives for investment based on preserving and creating jobs in the islands. We pledge just and fair treatment under federal policies to the peoples of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands; we respect their right to be consulted on policies that affect them directly, and to choose freely their future political status; and we will continue to work with Guam to reach agreement on establishing a Commonwealth of Guam.\nSecurity, Freedom, and Peace\n\nThe firm, sustained use of American might and diplomacy helped win the greatest victory for freedom in this half of the century -- the end of the Cold War. But to meet the challenges of this new era of promise and peril, America needed leadership that was able to see the contours of the new world -- and willing to act with steadiness, strength, and flexibility in the face of change to make the most of it.\nPresident Clinton and Vice President Gore have seized the opportunities of the post Cold War era. Over the past four years, their leadership has made America safer, more prosperous, and more engaged in solving the challenges of a new era.\nFour years ago, thousands of Russian nuclear weapons were aimed at American cities. Today, not a single Russian missile points at our children, and through the START treaties, we will cut American and Russian nuclear arsenals by two-thirds from their Cold War height.\nFour years ago, the forces of reform in the former Soviet Union were embattled. Today, U.S. initiatives are helping democracy and free markets take root throughout the region, Russian troops are out of the Baltics, and democracy has triumphed in Russia's elections.\nFour years ago, the Middle East process had not moved beyond a set of principles, and there were no signs of peace in Northern Ireland. Today, in the Middle East we have seen real agreements toward peace, and handshakes of history, and the people of Northern Ireland have seen a 17 month cease-fire and historic negotiations among the parties.\nFour years ago, the North Koreans were operating a dangerous nuclear program. Today, that program is frozen, under international inspection, and slated to be dismantled.\nFour years ago, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- the bulwark of Western security during the Cold War -- was losing direction and support. Today, NATO is keeping the peace in Bosnia with its Partnership for Peace allies and, as a result of American leadership, preparing to welcome new members from Central Europe.\nFour years ago, America stood aloof as war and genocide spread through the former Yugoslavia. Today, thanks to NATO airstrikes, American diplomacy and the deployment of troops from the U.S. and other nations, the war has stopped and Bosnia has its first real chance for a lasting peace.\nFour years ago, dictators ruled in Haiti, abusing human rights and leaving thousands of its citizens desperate to flee to our shores. Today, the dictators are gone, democracy has been restored, and Haiti's mass-exodus has stopped.\nFour years ago, South Africa was struggling under political violence associated with apartheid. Now, following the 1994 elections -- which the United States strongly supported -- there is a national unity government and South Africa is free and democratic.\nFour years ago, there was good reason to worry that the world was dividing into separate, isolated, regional trading blocks. Today, thanks to Clinton Administration efforts to find new markets for American products and strengthen our existing ties, America's relations with our trading parties around the world are stronger than ever. We applaud efforts like the Summit of the Americas, the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings, and, especially, the extraordinary leadership of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown on behalf of American industry and workers everywhere. Ron Brown will always be remembered with great pride and the deepest gratitude by the Democratic Party and by all Americans.\nThe Clinton-Gore Administration's record of leadership has deterred America's adversaries and earned respect from our allies and partners. The Dole-Gingrich Congress and the Republican Party have a different approach to America's security. Too often they would force America to go it alone -- or not at all. Their shortsighted approach has cut resources for diplomacy that could strengthen our security, and reflects an inadequate understanding of the threats and opportunities of this new era.\nToday's Democratic Party is unwilling to surrender to the voices of retreat and indifference. We believe the only way to ensure America's security and prosperity over the long run is to continue exerting American leadership across a range of military, diplomatic, and humanitarian, challenges around the world. Led by President Clinton and Vice President Gore, today's Democratic Party has set a far reaching agenda to strengthen our security, and promote peace and freedom.\nToday's Democratic Party is committed to strengthening our military and adapting it to new challenges; reducing the threat of weapons of mass destruction; and meeting new challenges to our security such as terrorism, international crime, and drug trafficking.\nStrengthening our military. Over the past four years, the Administration has undertaken the most successful restructuring of our military forces in history. Even as the size of our forces has decreased, their capabilities, readiness and qualitative edge have increased. The Administration has ensured that America is prepared to fight alongside others when we can, and alone when we must. We have defeated attempts to cut our defense budget irresponsibly. Three times in three years, President Clinton has increased our defense spending plans -- a total of almost $50 billion -- for readiness, force modernization, and quality of life improvements. We will continue our work to ensure that the men and women who wear American uniforms receive adequate pay and support, including: childcare, education, housing, access to quality health care for themselves and their families, and protection against sexual harassment. The Administration defense plan reverses the downward trend in procurement with a 40% real increase for weapons modernization by 2001. At the same time, as part of its reinventing government program, the Administration has fundamentally reformed government procurement rules in order to get the most for our money. We should also work to increase our efforts to convert unnecessary or obsolete military facilities to serve important economic needs of local communities and, while maintaining military readiness, to continue our initiatives to make our defense industrial base and products applicable to domestic commercial markets.\nRepeatedly during the past four years -- from the Persian Gulf to Bosnia -- our men and women in uniform have proven they are the best trained, best equipped, best prepared fighting force in the world. The Democratic Party is committed to build on this record by fully funding the Pentagon's 5-year defense plan; undertaking a second fundamental review of our defense structure; finding new ways for our service branches to work jointly to increase our war fighting capabilities; and ensuring that our troops can dominate the battlefield of the future.\nWe honor America's veterans; they put their lives on the line to protect our way of life and promote our values around the world. Today's Democratic Party will stand by America's duty to our veterans. President Clinton and Vice President Gore have fought hard to protect veterans' benefits; to expand disability benefits for Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange; aggressively responding to veterans of the Persian Gulf War suffering from undiagnosed illnesses; promoting veterans employment; and improving and strengthening the medical system of the Department of Veterans Affairs.\nReducing the threat of weapons of mass destruction. Strengthening our security also requires an aggressive effort against weapons of mass destruction -- nuclear, chemical, and biological -- and their means of delivery. From the nuclear weapons programs in Iraq and North Korea to the Sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway, our nation has seen that this threat is clear and present. To meet it, we must seize the opportunities presented by the end of the Cold War to cut weapons of mass destruction stockpiles while working to prevent lethal weapons and materials from falling into the wrong hands.\nPresident Clinton and Vice President Gore have pursued the most far reaching arms control and non-proliferation agenda in history. They negotiated an agreement to end the targeting of Russian nuclear missiles on American cities and citizens. They secured ratification of START II which, along with START I, will reduce Russian and American arsenals by two-thirds. They prevented the breakup of the Soviet Union from yielding three new nuclear weapons states, by convincing Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to give up the nuclear weapons left on their territories when the Soviet Union collapsed. They secured the indefinite and unconditional extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. They acted to freeze North Korea's nuclear program.\nThe Democratic Party supports efforts to sign a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty this year and to bring it into force as soon as possible. We support immediate ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention -- delayed too long by the Dole Senate. We support full funding of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program to eliminate former Soviet nuclear and chemical weapons and support funds to ensure that nuclear materials in the former Soviet Union are secure and do not fall into the wrong hands. We support vigilant efforts, in cooperation with the Republic of Korea, Japan, and others, to ensure North Korea fully abides by its agreements to dismantle its nuclear program, and we support the Administration's vigorous efforts to prevent Iraq, Iran, and other dangerous states from acquiring or developing weapons of mass destruction.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to a strong and balanced National Missile Defense (NMD) program. The Administration is spending $3 billion a year on six different systems to protect our troops in the field and our allies from short and medium range missiles. To prepare for the possibility of a long range missile attack on American soil by a rogue state, the Clinton Administration is committed to developing by the year 2000 a defensive system that could be deployed by 2003, well before the threat becomes real. The Democratic Party opposes the Republican NMD plan -- spending up to $60 billion on a revival of the Star Wars program that would force us to choose a costly system today that could be obsolete tomorrow. The Republican plan would waste money, weaken America's defenses and violate existing arms control agreements that make us more secure. It is the wrong way to defend America.\nMeeting new challenges. Today's Democratic Party knows that stronger security requires vigorous efforts to address the new dangers of this era. Chief among these are the interwoven threats of terrorism, drug trafficking, and international crime. We have seen the terrible toll they have exacted -- the murder of American soldiers in their barracks in Saudi Arabia and of innocent civilians on buses in Israel; corruption and crime from the former Soviet Union to Latin America. We know these vicious criminals may come from within or without and pay no heed to borders; we have seen firsthand the awful, evil work of the forces of terror at the World Trade Center and in Oklahoma City. And we know all too well the havoc drugs wreak when they cross our borders and flow through our neighborhoods.\nThe Clinton-Gore Administration has mounted the most aggressive effort in American history to combat terrorism, drug trafficking, and international crime. We captured and convicted the perpetrators of the World Trade Center bombing. We enacted a strong new anti-terrorism law, in spite of foot dragging by the Republican Congress; now, President Clinton and Democrats are fighting to take further steps to protect American citizens. We convened an historic summit of Mideast leaders at Sharm el-Sheik to coordinate anti-terrorism efforts, and made anti-terrorism a centerpiece of the 1996 G-7 summit. We imposed or maintained strong sanctions against states that sponsor terrorism, including Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan, and made clear to Syria that normal relations depend on concrete steps to end its support for groups involved with terrorism. We opposed irresponsible cuts to U.S. intelligence programs and supported efforts to reorganize and strengthen the full range of intelligence agencies and programs. We opened FBI centers to provide anti-crime and anti-terrorism training. We made Colombia ineligible for most American assistance after that country's leadership failed to cooperate with American anti-narcotics efforts.\nOur three front war on terrorism -- abroad, through greater cooperation with our allies; at home, by giving law enforcement the most powerful tools available to fight terrorism; and in our airports and on airplanes, through tough air travel security measures -- is producing results. President Clinton asked the Vice President to chair a commission on the future of air traffic security and safety. We will work to increase the security of our air travel system, the safety of our airplanes, and the safety and security of our air traffic control system.\nToday's Democratic Party is determined to keep the war on global terrorism, narcotics, and crime at the center of our security agenda. We will seek increased cooperation from our allies and friends abroad in fighting these threats. We will continue to work aggressively to shut off foreign drug flows, eradicate foreign drug crops, and assist countries that demonstrate active cooperation.\nThe Democratic Party believes a key to strengthening peace is stable and peaceful relations among the world's major powers. That has been the driving force behind much of the Clinton-Gore Administration's work, from its peace initiative in Bosnia to new security agreements with Japan. We are committed to promoting democracy in regions and countries important to America's security, and to standing with all those willing to take risks for peace, from the Middle East to Northern Ireland, where President Clinton was the first U.S. president to engage directly in the search for peace, including making an historic visit to Northern Ireland. And we are committed to doing it with all the tools we have: with diplomacy where possible, with force where necessary, and working with others where appropriate -- our allies, willing partners, the U.N. and other security organizations -- to share the risks and costs of our leadership.\nEurope and the former Soviet Union. Today's Democratic Party knows that the security of Europe remains a vital American interest, and that we must remain engaged in Europe, a region in which we have fought the two world wars and the Cold War this century. It is our vision to see, one day, a community of free, democratic, and peaceful nations, bound by political, security, cultural, and economic ties, spanning across North America and Europe. We applaud the Clinton-Gore Administration's efforts to foster a peaceful, democratic and undivided Europe -- including expanded support for reform in former communist states; dramatically increased assistance to Ukraine; the Partnership for Peace program of military cooperation with Europe's new democracies; its steady, determined work to add new Central European members to NATO in the near future; and its efforts to resolve regional disputes such as between Greece and Turkey. We support continued efforts to secure a just and lasting peace in Bosnia, Northern Ireland and Cyprus. We are committed to the success of independence in Ukraine and the Baltics. And we support the continuing evolution of a prosperous and peaceful Russia. And as part of our effort to support we will pursue a relationship in which we seek cooperation when we can, and frankly express disagreements where they exist, such as on Chechnya.\nAsia. We know that many of America's most pressing security challenges and most promising commercial opportunities lie in the Asia Pacific region. The Democratic Party applauds the important new security charter with Japan, the Administration's close cooperation with the Republic of Korea toward the goal of a unified and non-nuclear peninsula, and the deployment of an American naval task force to the Taiwan Straits to ensure that China's military exercises did not imperil the security of the region. The Party supports the Administration's policy of steady engagement to encourage a stable, secure, open and prosperous China -- a China that respects human rights throughout its land and in Tibet, that joins international efforts against weapons proliferation, and that plays by the rules of free and fair trade. Today's Democratic Party strongly supports continued American troop presence in East Asia and efforts to promote increased regional security. And we are committed to building long-term relationships with India, Pakistan, and others in South Asia in order to advance America's diverse interests in that region, from democracy and commerce to nuclear non-proliferation.\nThe Middle East. President Clinton has overseen a remarkable record of achievement toward peace and security in the Middle East -- the Israeli-Palestinian accords; the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan; new regional security and investment summits; Israel's increased acceptance throughout the Middle East and the world; the dual containment of Iraq and Iran. The Democratic Party is committed to help build on this record, knowing that peace and security are indivisible, and supports the efforts by the Clinton-Gore Administration to achieve a comprehensive and lasting peace among Israel and all its neighbors, including Lebanon and Syria. The Democratic Party remains committed to America's long-standing special relationship with Israel, based on shared values, a mutual commitment to democracy and a strategic alliance that benefits both nations. The United States should continue to help Israel maintain its qualitative edge. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. We are also committed to working with our Arab partners for peace to build a brighter, more secure and prosperous future for all the people of the Middle East. To that end, we seek to further and enhance our close ties with states and peoples in the Arab and Islamic world committed to non-aggression and willing to take risks for peace.\nLatin America and the Caribbean. The Clinton-Gore Administration forged an historic partnership with the democracies of the Western Hemisphere, as reflected in the 1994 Summit of the Americas. Today, every country in the Hemisphere is a democracy except Cuba. Because democratic stability and prosperity in the countries to our south are in our interest and theirs, President Clinton took bold steps to bolster Mexico's economy when it was threatened by crisis; worked to resolve internal and border conflicts in the Hemisphere; joined with regional partners to combat narcotics trafficking; and tightened the tough sanctions against the repressive Castro regime and those who support that regime, while reaching out to the people of Cuba in their quest for democracy, human rights, and freedom. The Democratic Party is committed to further consolidating democracy, stability, and open markets throughout the hemisphere.\nAfrica. The Clinton Administration championed South Africa's democratic transition; supported Africa's many emerging democracies and led international efforts to speed the return of democracy in Nigeria; helped save countless lives in Somalia, Rwanda, and elsewhere through conflict resolution, removal of landmines, and humanitarian relief; and took steps to help sub-Saharan Africa's 700 million people develop into strong economies and markets. The Democratic Party believes that continuing to help the people of Africa nurture their continent's extraordinary potential and address its serious problems is both the right thing to do and profoundly in America's interest.\nPromoting democracy. America remains a beacon of hope to all who cherish democracy and human rights, and America's security benefits from the enlargement of the community of market democracies. The Clinton-Gore Administration has actively promoted the consolidation and spread of democracy and human rights: in Russia and throughout the former Soviet Union, Central Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. President Clinton directed Vice President Gore to lead bi-national efforts to establish trading relationships to help promote democracy in three strategic areas: Russia, South Africa, and Egypt. The Democratic Party supports the aspirations of all those who seek to strengthen civil society and accountable governance. To this end, we support the MacBride Principles of equal access to regional employment in Northern Ireland. We are committed to the human rights and well-being of Jewish people and other minorities in the countries of the former Soviet Union. We support continued funding for the National Endowment for Democracy, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Asia Pacific Network, Radio Marti and other efforts to promote democracy and the free flow of ideas. We recognize the Information Age offers new opportunities and responsibilities for our democracy and diplomacy that we must seize and meet.\nResources for diplomacy. There is a price to be paid for America's security and its leadership in world affairs -- and the Republican Party now refuses to pay that price. Even though less than one percent of the federal budget goes to foreign policy spending, the Republican Party has savaged our diplomatic readiness, defaulted on treaty obligations to pay dues to the United Nations, slashed assistance to the poorest and most vulnerable populations on earth, and pushed the United States to dead last among developed nations in the global fight against starvation, infant mortality, natural disasters and environmental degradation and other worldwide problems. The Democratic Party is committed to resist these irresponsible cuts that undermine our security and America's ability to lead. We are committed to strengthen our security and express our values, by strongly supporting the Clinton-Gore Administration's work to ensure adequate resources for American foreign policy.\nCommunity\n\nAcross America, in far too many places, the bonds of community that tie us together and remind us that we rise or fall together, have too often frayed. Today's Democratic Party believes we must reawaken the strong sense of community that has helped America to prosper for 220 years. America is uniquely suited to lead the world into the 21st century because of our great diversity and our shared values. We must never let our differences divide us from each other; instead we must come together on a new common ground, based on the enduring values we share. When Americans work together -- in our homes, our schools, our houses of worship, our civic groups, our businesses, labor unions and professional associations -- we can meet any challenge, and realize every dream.\nStanding up for parents. In the first month of Bill Clinton's Presidency, the Democratic Party ended eight years of Republican gridlock and enacted the Family and Medical Leave Act. Americans blessed with a new child or troubled by a family health crisis can no longer be forced to choose between their families and their jobs. A bipartisan panel reported that 12 million workers have already been able to live up to their family obligations without risking their jobs. And almost 90 percent of businesses found that complying with this law cost them little or nothing. Despite how important this is to American families, Senator Dole led Republican opposition to it and still insists it was wrong. This law is good for families, it is good for America, and it would not be the law today without the Democratic Party. President Clinton fought for and secured tax credits to encourage adoption, and stood firm against Republican attempts to undermine adoption assistance.\nNow we want to take the next step. We believe parents should be able to take unpaid leave from work and choose flex time so they can do their job as parents: to do things like go to parent-teacher conferences or take a child to the doctor. We challenge employers to plan and schedule work to allow parents to have time with their children and to afford employees the opportunity to see their families.\nResponsible entertainment. President Clinton and Vice President Gore have led the fight to help parents control what their children see on television. Because of their leadership, Congress passed a law requiring all new televisions to include a device called a V-chip that will block violent programs when it is activated by an adult. Senator Dole likes to talk about TV violence, but when it came time to act, he stood with a small minority to oppose the bipartisan V-chip bill. The President achieved a breakthrough agreement with the media and entertainment industries to develop a rating system for TV shows similar to the motion picture rating system, so parents can make informed decisions about what they want their children to watch. When parents control the remote, it is not censorship, it is personal responsibility for their children's upbringing.\nWe believe in public support for the arts, including the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Public and private investment in the arts and humanities and the institutions that support them is an investment in the education of our children, the strength of our economy, and the quality of American life. We support high-quality, family-friendly programming. America is the leading exporter of intellectual property built on a strong foundation of artistic freedom. We are proud to have stopped the Republican attack on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- we want our children to watch Sesame Street, not Power Rangers. And we echo the President's call to the entertainment industry: Work harder to develop and promote movies, music, and TV shows that are suitable -- and educational -- for children. President Clinton has revived and restored the Consumer Product Safety Commission as an effective guardian of children and families in and around their homes. We will continue to work with industry and consumers to protect children and other Americans from dangerous toys and hazardous products.\nTobacco. Cigarette smoking is rapidly becoming the single greatest threat to the health of our children. We know that 3,000 young people start smoking every day, and 1,000 of them will lead shorter lives because of it. Despite that, Senator Dole and other Republicans continue to ignore volumes of medical research to make baffling claims that cigarettes are not addictive. They even argue with distinguished Republican experts like President Reagan's Surgeon General C. Everett Koop. President Clinton and Vice President Gore understand that we have a responsibility to protect our children's future by cracking down on illegal sales of tobacco to minors and by curbing sophisticated advertising campaigns designed to entice kids to start smoking before they are old enough to make an informed decision. The President has proposed measures to cut off children's access to cigarettes, crack down on those who sell tobacco to minors illegally, and curtail advertising designed to appeal to children. Tobacco companies may market to adults if they wish, but they must take the responsibility to draw the line on children.\nEncouraging private sector investment, and community-based solutions. After over a decade of sustained Republican neglect and empty Republican promises, President Clinton and Democrats in Congress launched a comprehensive strategy to unleash economic growth and restore opportunity to our distressed neighborhoods. Without a single Republican vote, we created 105 Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. This effort, chaired by Vice President Gore, is bringing jobs and businesses to our poorest urban and rural areas. Thousands of new businesses have already moved into these areas, or expanded existing operations, bringing new hope and new jobs to these neighborhoods. We reformed the Community Reinvestment Act to shift the focus from process toward results; we implemented low income mortgage purchase requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and we created a Community Development Financial Institutions Fund. Together, these efforts are unleashing billions of dollars in new private sector lending and investment for housing and economic development in our inner cities and poorest rural areas. The President and Vice President have created a brownfields initiative to bring life back to abandoned and contaminated property by reforming outdated regulations and providing incentives for cleanup.\nOver the next four years, we want a second round of Empowerment Zones to bring economic growth to more American communities; a significant expansion of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund to spur more private sector investment in local economies; and a new tax incentive to encourage further cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. We are committed to American cities. We believe that vast opportunities for private investment exist in America's cities. We want to leverage federal investment to maximize private sector investments in our urban centers and support a comprehensive approach to urban problems. Today's Democratic Party knows that the best way to bring jobs and growth back to our poorest neighborhoods is to harness the job-creating power of the private sector.\nHelping people afford safe, secure housing. Safe, secure housing is an essential part of strong communities and strong families. We are proud that after four years of a Democrat in the White House, the percentage of people who own their own house climbed faster than it has in 30 years. Bill Clinton took executive action to make it easier and cheaper for working and middle-class homebuyers to get a home loan. We pledge to stand against Republican efforts to repeal the deductibility of home mortgage interest payments. Fulfilling his 1992 pledge, President Clinton made the low-income housing tax credit permanent, encouraging private developers to build more affordable housing. This tax credit is making it easier for families to get housing, and we will stand against Republican attacks on it.\nThe Clinton Administration has made sweeping changes to transform the nation's public housing system after decades of neglect. In the last four years, Democrats demolished more units of unlivable public housing than Republicans did in the previous twelve years, replacing them with lower-density developments that can serve as anchors for neighborhood renewal. In the next four years, we want to transform the worst public housing from a system that traps people in rundown, crime-ridden projects into one which gives families the freedom to choose where they live by providing vouchers to help them with housing costs. We have dramatically increased help for the homeless, and shifted focus from temporary shelters toward permanent solutions designed to move people back into the mainstream, into jobs and a home of their own.\nThe Republican Congress, under Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich, voted to cut environmental enforcement resources by 25 percent. President Clinton and Democrats in Congress said no. We believe government has a responsibility to enforce the laws that help keep toxic chemicals from our water, pesticides from our food, and smog from our air.\nThe Republican Congress, under Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich, let lobbyists for the polluters write their own loopholes into bills to weaken laws that protect the health and safety of our children. President Clinton and Democrats in Congress said no. We believe America's elected officials have a responsibility to protect America's families from threats to their health, and that trust must never be abdicated -- especially not by placing control of environmental safeguards in the hands of the very polluters those safeguards are meant to keep in line.\nThe Republican Congress, under Senator Dole and Speaker Gingrich, tried to make taxpayers pick up the tab for toxic wastes, and let polluters who caused the problem and can afford to fix it off the hook. President Clinton and Democrats in Congress said no. We believe America should insist that toxic waste cleanup is paid for by those responsible for it in the first place -- and not foisted off on the taxpayers.\nIn the last four years, President Clinton and Vice President Gore have taken strong action to make our air and water cleaner. They reformed the Superfund program -- in each of the last two years nearly as many toxic dumps were cleaned as in the previous decade. They dramatically strengthened Community Right-to-Know efforts, because Americans should be informed about toxic chemicals being released into the air and water so they can take steps to protect themselves and their families. They took measures to cut toxic air pollution from chemical plants by 90 percent, and after years of Republican neglect they cleaned up hundreds of nuclear weapons sites and are committed to finishing the job.\nEnvironmental protection should include more education on compliance for small and medium sized business, more strategies to increase compliance for all businesses, and tough enforcement -- including criminal prosecution -- for those who put human health and the environment at risk.\nWe are committed to protecting the majestic legacy of our National Parks and enhancing recreational opportunities. We are determined to continue working to restore the Florida Everglades, to preserve our wildlife refuges, and to fight any effort to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling. We will be good stewards of our old-growth forests, oppose new offshore oil drilling and mineral exploration and production in our nation's many environmentally critical areas, and protect our oceans from oil spills and the dumping of toxic and radioactive waste.\nThe President and Vice President announced an historic partnership with the Big Three American automakers to develop the technology to produce cars up to three times more fuel efficient than those made today -- cleaner cars for a cleaner environment. We will continue to support responsible recycling, and encourage energy efficiency that makes our economy more efficient and less reliant on foreign oil. We believe that adequate investments in better mass transit, cleaner cars, and renewable energy sources are good for the environment and good for the economy.\nAfter years in which Republicans neglected the global environment, the Clinton Administration has made America a leader in the fight to meet environmental challenges that transcend national borders and require global cooperation. The Clinton-Gore Administration led the world in calling for a global ban on ocean-dumping of low-level radioactive waste and for a legally binding treaty to phase out persistent organic pollutants such as DDT and PCBs. We will seek a strong international agreement to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and protect our global climate. We are committed to preserving the planet's biodiversity, repairing the depleted ozone layer, and working with other nations to stabilize population growth.\nDemocrats recognize that sustainable development is the key to protecting the environment and promoting economic growth. That is why the Clinton-Gore Administration has reformed our foreign aid programs to focus on sustainable development. At home, Democrats know that sound economic development means sound environmental protection.\nFighting discrimination and protecting civil rights. Today's Democratic Party knows we must renew our efforts to stamp out discrimination and hatred of every kind, wherever and whenever we see it. We deplore the recent wave of burnings that has targeted African-American churches in the South, as well as other houses of worship across the country, and we have established a special task force to help local communities catch and prosecute those responsible, prevent further arsons, and rebuild their churches. We believe everyone in America should learn English so they can fully share in our daily life, but we strongly oppose divisive efforts like English-only legislation, designed to erect barriers between us and force people away from the culture and heritage of which they are rightly proud. The Clinton Administration is committed to strengthening the government-to-government relationship between the federal government and the American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments. The President will continue implementation of the Self-Governance/Self-Determination Act amendments which he signed in 1994 that will eventually open up the self-governance program to all tribal governments who wish to participate, giving these governments full control of where and how certain federal resources are spent on their reservations. We must remember we do not have an American to waste. We continue to lead the fight to end discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation. The Democratic Party has always supported the Equal Rights Amendment, and we are committed to ensuring full equality for women and to vigorously enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act. We support continued efforts, like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, to end discrimination against gay men and lesbians and further their full inclusion in the life of the nation. Over the last four years, President Clinton and the Democrats have worked aggressively to enforce the letter and spirit of civil rights law. The President and Vice President remain committed to an Administration that looks like America, and we are proud of the Administration's extraordinary judicial appointments -- they are both more diverse and more qualified than any previous Administration. We know there is still more we can do to ensure equal opportunity for all Americans, so all people willing to work hard can build a strong future. President Clinton is leading the way to reform affirmative action so that it works, it is improved, and promotes opportunity, but does not accidentally hold others back in the process. Senator Dole has promised to end affirmative action. He's wrong, and the President is right. When it comes to affirmative action, we should mend it, not end it.\nReligious freedom. Today's Democratic Party understands that all Americans have a right to express their faith. The Constitution prohibits the state establishment of religion, and it protects the free exercise of religion. The President fought for and signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, to reaffirm the great protection the Constitution gives to religious expression, and to recognize the historic role people of faith have played in America. Americans have a right to express their love of God in public, and we applaud the President's work to ensure that children are not denied private religious expression in school. Whenever the religious rights of our children -- or any American -- are threatened, we will stand against it.\nResponsibility to our community and our country. Today's Democratic Party believes every American has a duty and a responsibility to give something back to their community and their country. In the past three years, 45,000 Americans have performed national service as part of the AmeriCorps program President Clinton and the Democrats fought so hard to create -- and we applaud those Republicans who joined a bipartisan effort to preserve AmeriCorps when Speaker Gingrich\"s House tried to kill it.\nWe applaud the American spirit of voluntarism and charity. As we balance the budget, we must work even harder in our own lives to live up to the duties we owe one another. We must shrink the government, but we cannot shrink from our challenges. We believe every school and college in America should make service a part of its basic ethic, and we want to expand national service by helping communities give scholarships to high school students for community service. We challenge Americans in all walks of life to make a new commitment to taking responsibility for themselves, their families, their communities, and their country.\nIf we do our job, we will make the next American century as great as each one that has come before it. We will enter the 21st century with the American Dream alive for all, with America still the world's strongest force for peace and freedom, and with the American community coming together, enriched by our diversity and stronger than ever.\nAmerica's best days lie ahead, as we renew our historic pledge to uphold and advance the promise of America -- One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", "Words" -> 15667, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 788, "to" -> 734, "and" -> 719, "of" -> 341, "in" -> 240, "a" -> 212, "We" -> 210, "for" -> 210, "that" -> 184, "we" -> 173, "our" -> 160, "is" -> 139, "are" -> 115, "President" -> 105, "have" -> 101, "their" -> 96, "The" -> 95, "on" -> 92, "with" -> 91, "it" -> 89, "from" -> 80, "they" -> 79, "by" -> 79, "Clinton" -> 75, "American" -> 75, "years" -> 71, "Party" -> 71, "Democratic" -> 67, "people" -> 64, "has" -> 60, "more" -> 57, "America" -> 57, "all" -> 57, "will" -> 55, "new" -> 55, "must" -> 54, "support" -> 53, "Americans" -> 52, "make" -> 51, "children" -> 51, "as" -> 51, "Republican" -> 49, "not" -> 46, "them" -> 45, "efforts" -> 45, "work" -> 44, "who" -> 42, "can" -> 42, "an" -> 39, "want" -> 38, "families" -> 37, "America's" -> 36, "so" -> 35, "should" -> 35, "help" -> 35, "government" -> 35, "committed" -> 35, "health" -> 34, "be" -> 34, "do" -> 33, "Democrats" -> 33, "protect" -> 32, "security" -> 31, "four" -> 31, "Congress" -> 31, "Administration" -> 31, "working" -> 30, "workers" -> 30, "into" -> 30, "education" -> 30, "Today's" -> 29, "Republicans" -> 29, "responsibility" -> 28, "jobs" -> 28, "continue" -> 28, "care" -> 28, "this" -> 27, "or" -> 27, "cut" -> 27, "economic" -> 24, "take" -> 23, "strong" -> 23, "good" -> 23, "believe" -> 23, "than" -> 22, "sure" -> 22, "In" -> 22, "federal" -> 22, "world" -> 21, "when" -> 21, "schools" -> 21, "need" -> 21, "its" -> 21, "future" -> 21, "every" -> 21, "against" -> 21, "most" -> 20, "know" -> 20, "at" -> 20, "values" -> 19, "program" -> 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14, "growth" -> 14, "Gore" -> 14, "fight" -> 14, "drugs" -> 14, "build" -> 14, "best" -> 14, "away" -> 14, "year" -> 13, "which" -> 13, "way" -> 13, "strengthen" -> 13, "rights" -> 13, "out" -> 13, "no" -> 13, "next" -> 13, "like" -> 13, "fought" -> 13, "end" -> 13, "effort" -> 13, "cuts" -> 13, "Clinton-Gore" -> 13, "would" -> 12, "where" -> 12, "us" -> 12, "under" -> 12, "sector" -> 12, "research" -> 12, "quality" -> 12, "proud" -> 12, "place" -> 12, "Over" -> 12, "opportunities" -> 12, "million" -> 12, "Medicare" -> 12, "making" -> 12, "led" -> 12, "investment" -> 12, "increased" -> 12, "illegal" -> 12, "give" -> 12, "communities" -> 12, "challenges" -> 12, "call" -> 12, "benefits" -> 12, "any" -> 12, "access" -> 12, "women" -> 11, "use" -> 11, "state" -> 11, "real" -> 11, "own" -> 11, "meet" -> 11, "less" -> 11, "job" -> 11, "immigrants" -> 11, "high" -> 11, "full" -> 11, "foreign" -> 11, "expand" -> 11, "child" -> 11, "century" -> 11, "but" -> 11, "believes" -> 11, "about" -> 11, "while" -> 10, "When" -> 10, "trade" -> 10, "together" -> 10, "Today" -> 10, "steps" -> 10, "stand" -> 10, "small" -> 10, "signed" -> 10, "record" -> 10, "provide" -> 10, "oppose" -> 10, "officers" -> 10, "national" -> 10, "millions" -> 10, "Medicaid" -> 10, "keep" -> 10, "home" -> 10, "hard" -> 10, "go" -> 10, "global" -> 10, "Gingrich" -> 10, "freedom" -> 10, "For" -> 10, "determined" -> 10, "create" -> 10, "country" -> 10, "back" -> 10, "applaud" -> 10, "without" -> 9, "well" -> 9, "War" -> 9, "took" -> 9, "three" -> 9, "these" -> 9, "technology" -> 9, "students" -> 9, "stopped" -> 9, "stop" -> 9, "Speaker" -> 9, "Soviet" -> 9, "secure" -> 9, "respect" -> 9, "promote" -> 9, "pledge" -> 9, "part" -> 9, "open" -> 9, "markets" -> 9, "live" -> 9, "learn" -> 9, "increase" -> 9, "history" -> 9, "historic" -> 9, "funding" -> 9, "Four" -> 9, "former" -> 9, "environment" -> 9, "cutting" -> 9, "citizens" -> 9, "chance" -> 9, "challenge" -> 9, "around" -> 9, "agreements" -> 9, "ago" -> 9, 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"40" -> 5, "1992" -> 5, "world's" -> 4, "works" -> 4, "women-owned" -> 4, "water" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "vote" -> 4, "violence" -> 4, "victims" -> 4, "unnecessary" -> 4, "turn" -> 4, "troops" -> 4, "tried" -> 4, "trafficking" -> 4, "tools" -> 4, "today's" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "These" -> 4, "Tax" -> 4, "tape" -> 4, "systems" -> 4, "supporting" -> 4, "successful" -> 4, "success" -> 4, "student" -> 4, "strongly" -> 4, "stronger" -> 4, "strengthening" -> 4, "street" -> 4, "stood" -> 4, "start" -> 4, "special" -> 4, "smaller" -> 4, "shut" -> 4, "sex" -> 4, "Security" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "said" -> 4, "safer" -> 4, "Safe" -> 4, "Rico" -> 4, "repeal" -> 4, "remain" -> 4, "religious" -> 4, "reflects" -> 4, "red" -> 4, "readiness" -> 4, "range" -> 4, "Puerto" -> 4, "prosperous" -> 4, "potential" -> 4, "poorest" -> 4, "peaceful" -> 4, "pass" -> 4, "partnerships" -> 4, "partners" -> 4, "outdated" -> 4, "opposition" -> 4, "Opportunity" -> 4, "oil" -> 4, "office" -> 4, "never" -> 4, "neglect" -> 4, "nearly" -> 4, "nation's" -> 4, "men" -> 4, "long-term" -> 4, "legal" -> 4, "leave" -> 4, "leaders" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "just" -> 4, "joined" -> 4, "join" -> 4, "Iraq" -> 4, "insisted" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "if" -> 4, "honor" -> 4, "homes" -> 4, "helped" -> 4, "hands" -> 4, "goal" -> 4, "General" -> 4, "gas" -> 4, "fraud" -> 4, "forward" -> 4, "forced" -> 4, "firm" -> 4, "finding" -> 4, "express" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "ever" -> 4, "essential" -> 4, "especially" -> 4, "equal" -> 4, "Employers" -> 4, "eliminated" -> 4, "elderly" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "efficiency" -> 4, "Dole-Gingrich" -> 4, "disabilities" -> 4, "deserve" -> 4, "democracies" -> 4, "countries" -> 4, "could" -> 4, "compete" -> 4, "community-based" -> 4, "coming" -> 4, "classroom" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "borders" -> 4, "border" -> 4, "big" -> 4, "based" -> 4, "barriers" -> 4, "attempt" -> 4, "At" -> 4, "assault" -> 4, "anti-terrorism" -> 4, "already" -> 4, "aggressive" -> 4, "agencies" -> 4, "again" -> 4, "After" -> 4, "afford" -> 4, "adult" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "across" -> 4, "abroad" -> 4, "youth" -> 3, "worker" -> 3, "With" -> 3, "why" -> 3, "weaken" -> 3, "watch" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "urban" -> 3, "understand" -> 3, "Ukraine" -> 3, "Treaty" -> 3, "travel" -> 3, "transformed" -> 3, "transform" -> 3, "trading" -> 3, "track" -> 3, "toughest" -> 3, "ties" -> 3, "thousands" -> 3, "things" -> 3, "There" -> 3, "tell" -> 3, "taking" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "sweeping" -> 3, "strongest" -> 3, "Strengthening" -> 3, "step" -> 3, "START" -> 3, "Start" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "Social" -> 3, "smoking" -> 3, "size" -> 3, "shows" -> 3, "sexual" -> 3, "seniors" -> 3, "seize" -> 3, "secured" -> 3, "saving" -> 3, "sanctions" -> 3, "Russia" -> 3, "rural" -> 3, "risks" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "returned" -> 3, "results" -> 3, "Responsibility" -> 3, "renew" -> 3, "remains" -> 3, "religion" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "relations" -> 3, "reaching" -> 3, "reach" -> 3, "rate" -> 3, "raise" -> 3, "Radio" -> 3, "punished" -> 3, "protects" -> 3, "prosper" -> 3, "promoting" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "promised" -> 3, "promise" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "procurement" -> 3, "problems" -> 3, "previous" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "prepared" -> 3, "pregnancy" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "poor" -> 3, "polluters" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "policing" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "party" -> 3, "participate" -> 3, "paperwork" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "owe" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "older" -> 3, "nutrition" -> 3, "number" -> 3, "nothing" -> 3, "natural" -> 3, "NATO" -> 3, "mental" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "mean-spirited" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "lower" -> 3, "lobby" -> 3, "limit" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "lasting" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "key" -> 3, "justice" -> 3, "issue" -> 3, "irresponsible" -> 3, "Iran" -> 3, "Internet" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "innovative" -> 3, "informed" -> 3, "information" -> 3, "independent" -> 3, "increasing" -> 3, "inclusion" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "implemented" -> 3, "high-quality" -> 3, "Hemisphere" -> 3, "Head" -> 3, "gut" -> 3, "gun" -> 3, "Guam" -> 3, "groups" -> 3, "greater" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "funds" -> 3, "Fund" -> 3, "freely" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "flexibility" -> 3, "finally" -> 3, "fall" -> 3, "failed" -> 3, "extraordinary" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "everything" -> 3, "entertainment" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "enhance" -> 3, "engaged" -> 3, "Endowment" -> 3, "eliminate" -> 3, "educational" -> 3, "echo" -> 3, "earn" -> 3, "Drug" -> 3, "doubled" -> 3, "dismantle" -> 3, "disasters" -> 3, "direction" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "difficult" -> 3, "Development" -> 3, "destroy" -> 3, "deplore" -> 3, "Department" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "decade" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "cross" -> 3, "Crime" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "creating" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "convicted" -> 3, "continuing" -> 3, "Commonwealth" -> 3, "commitment" -> 3, "commercial" -> 3, "close" -> 3, "clear" -> 3, "cleanup" -> 3, "class" -> 3, "city" -> 3, "chemical" -> 3, "Central" -> 3, "cars" -> 3, "cancer" -> 3, "campaign" -> 3, "bringing" -> 3, "break" -> 3, "Brady" -> 3, "both" -> 3, "Big" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "Because" -> 3, "became" -> 3, "beat" -> 3, "basic" -> 3, "base" -> 3, "attempts" -> 3, "attack" -> 3, "As" -> 3, "approach" -> 3, "aggressively" -> 3, "age" -> 3, "Africa's" -> 3, "affirmative" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "achieve" -> 3, "30" -> 3, "2000" -> 3, "1996" -> 3, "1995" -> 3, "1994" -> 3, "1993" -> 3, "Zones" -> 2, "write" -> 2, "worship" -> 2, "worldwide" -> 2, "World" -> 2, "women's" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "wish" -> 2, "win" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "whenever" -> 2, "Western" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "ways" -> 2, "wants" -> 2, "walk" -> 2, "waivers" -> 2, "vulnerable" -> 2, "vouchers" -> 2, "voted" -> 2, "vital" -> 2, "vision" -> 2, "vigorous" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "V-chip" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "using" -> 2, "users" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unleash" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "Unfortunately" -> 2, "undivided" -> 2, "understands" -> 2, "underage" -> 2, "typical" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "trouble" -> 2, "tribal" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "transportation" -> 2, "trained" -> 2, "traffic" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "town" -> 2, "top" -> 2, "tomorrow" -> 2, "Tobacco" -> 2, "tobacco" -> 2, "Three" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "thought" -> 2, "thing" -> 2, "they're" -> 2, "thanks" -> 2, "teen" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "technologies" -> 2, "Teaching" -> 2, "teacher" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "tap" -> 2, "tangle" -> 2, "talk" -> 2, "Syria" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "sustainable" -> 2, "supervised" -> 2, "Summit" -> 2, "summit" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "strategic" -> 2, "steady" -> 2, "stay" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "Standing" -> 2, "stamp" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "spur" -> 2, "spread" -> 2, "sponsor" -> 2, "spent" -> 2, "speed" -> 2, "space" -> 2, "sources" -> 2, "sound" -> 2, "something" -> 2, "soft" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "simple" -> 2, "shutdown" -> 2, "shrink" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "servants" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "self-governance" -> 2, "scientists" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "say" -> 2, "savings" -> 2, "saved" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "safeguards" -> 2, "row" -> 2, "Ron" -> 2, "role" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "retreat" -> 2, "Retirement" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "resolve" -> 2, "requires" -> 2, "require" -> 2, "Republic" -> 2, "representation" -> 2, "renewable" -> 2, "remember" -> 2, "Religious" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "reinventing" -> 2, "registry" -> 2, "regime" -> 2, "reforming" -> 2, "reducing" -> 2, "reawaken" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "reached" -> 2, "rating" -> 2, "ratification" -> 2, "rape" -> 2, "radioactive" -> 2, "qualitative" -> 2, "putting" -> 2, "punishment" -> 2, "punish" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "Protecting" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "prosecuted" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "Promoting" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "principals" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "prey" -> 2, "prevented" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "preparing" -> 2, "pregnant" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "poverty" -> 2, "post" -> 2, "possibility" -> 2, "planning" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "Persian" -> 2, "percentage" -> 2, "peoples" -> 2, "penalty" -> 2, "payments" -> 2, "paying" -> 2, "Patrol" -> 2, "Partnership" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "participation" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "parent" -> 2, "pages" -> 2, "ordinary" -> 2, "ordered" -> 2, "often" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "obsolete" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "nutritional" -> 2, "Nothing" -> 2, "non-proliferation" -> 2, "Nobody" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "NMD" -> 2, "neighbors" -> 2, "neighborhood" -> 2, "needed" -> 2, "necessary" -> 2, "narcotics" -> 2, "murder" -> 2, "moving" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "mothers" -> 2, "mortgage" -> 2, "month" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "missiles" -> 2, "missile" -> 2, "minors" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "might" -> 2, "middle-class" -> 2, "Meeting" -> 2, "medium" -> 2, "meaningful" -> 2, "McCaffrey" -> 2, "may" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "market" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "major" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "mainstream" -> 2, "lunch" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "longer" -> 2, "lifesaving" -> 2, "lie" -> 2, "licenses" -> 2, "level" -> 2, "letting" -> 2, "legally" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "leading" -> 2, "Last" -> 2, "largest" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "labor" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "kill" -> 2, "kids" -> 2, "January" -> 2, "jail" -> 2, "issues" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "investing" -> 2, "intelligence" -> 2, "Institutions" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "insists" -> 2, "innovation" -> 2, "inner" -> 2, "initiatives" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "infants" -> 2, "indivisible" -> 2, "Income" -> 2, "incentives" -> 2, "ideas" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "humanitarian" -> 2, "how" -> 2, "houses" -> 2, "house" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "homebuyers" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "high-wage" -> 2, "Higher" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "height" -> 2, "healthier" -> 2, "harder" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "Gulf" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "Grant" -> 2, "grant" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "going" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "gangs" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "foundation" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "Food" -> 2, "food" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "finish" -> 2, "find" -> 2, "Financial" -> 2, "financial" -> 2, "Finally" -> 2, "Fighting" -> 2, "fierce" -> 2, "faster" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "face" -> 2, "expression" -> 2, "exports" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "except" -> 2, "everywhere" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "eradicate" -> 2, "enter" -> 2, "enormous" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "empty" -> 2, "Empowerment" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "eligible" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "edge" -> 2, "economies" -> 2, "earth" -> 2, "Earned" -> 2, "earned" -> 2, "early" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "drug-education" -> 2, "dropping" -> 2, "drilling" -> 2, "dreams" -> 2, "Dream" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "divide" -> 2, "diversity" -> 2, "diverse" -> 2, "diseases" -> 2, "discipline" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "directive" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "different" -> 2, "difference" -> 2, "dictators" -> 2, "developing" -> 2, "developed" -> 2, "Despite" -> 2, "deported" -> 2, "deployment" -> 2, "demanding" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "defeating" -> 2, "decades" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "death" -> 2, "dealers" -> 2, "deadly" -> 2, "dead" -> 2, "dark" -> 2, "daily" -> 2, "cure" -> 2, "Cuba" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "Credit" -> 2, "crack" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "conscience" -> 2, "Congressional" -> 2, "computer" -> 2, "compliance" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "comes" -> 2, "combat" -> 2, "Clinton's" -> 2, "climb" -> 2, "climate" -> 2, "cleaned" -> 2, "Clean" -> 2, "civic" -> 2, "cigarettes" -> 2, "churches" -> 2, "China" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "chemicals" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "changes" -> 2, "challenged" -> 2, "chaired" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "centers" -> 2, "Center" -> 2, "catch" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "brownfields" -> 2, "Brown" -> 2, "breast" -> 2, "Border" -> 2, "books" -> 2, "bold" -> 2, "block" -> 2, "bills" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "belong" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "bargain" -> 2, "Baltics" -> 2, "bad" -> 2, "average" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "asked" -> 2, "aside" -> 2, "arts" -> 2, "arsenals" -> 2, "arrested" -> 2, "arms" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "AmeriCorps" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "always" -> 2, "allow" -> 2, "airplanes" -> 2, "ahead" -> 2, "advertising" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "address" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "accountable" -> 2, "accept" -> 2, "abortion" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "A" -> 2, "90" -> 2, "85" -> 2, "45,000" -> 2, "220" -> 2, "2002" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "100,000" -> 2, "$8" -> 1, "$60" -> 1, "$5.15" -> 1, "$500" -> 1, "$50" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$1,500" -> 1, "$15" -> 1, "$1.4" -> 1, "$11" -> 1, "$10,000" -> 1, "$1000" -> 1, "$1,000" -> 1, "zero" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "you're" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "You" -> 1, "yielding" -> 1, "yes" -> 1, "wrong-headed" -> 1, "wreak" -> 1, "wouldn't" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "worry" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "work-study" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "wire" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "Whenever" -> 1, "We've" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "wear" -> 1, "Weapons" -> 1, "wealthiest" -> 1, "wave" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "Wars" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "walks" -> 1, "walked" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "waged" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "Voter" -> 1, "voluntarism" -> 1, "volumes" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "visits" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "vine" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "Vietnam" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "vetoed" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vest" -> 1, "vehicle" -> 1, "values-backward" -> 1, "Values" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "USA" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "Urban" -> 1, "up-to-date" -> 1, "upon" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "upbringing" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unwed" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unpaid" -> 1, "unlivable" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unleashing" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "uniquely" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "uniforms" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unfunded" -> 1, "unfortunately" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undiagnosed" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "under-patrolled" -> 1, "under-equipped" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "U.N." -> 1, "Ulysses" -> 1, "two-year-olds" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "twenties" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "truancy" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "troop" -> 1, "triumphed" -> 1, "trips" -> 1, "tripled" -> 1, "trillion" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "travels" -> 1, "traveling" -> 1, "traps" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "trap" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transforming" -> 1, "transcend" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "toys" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "tougher" -> 1, "Tough" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "Too" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "Tokyo" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "tireless" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "tightened" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "Tibet" -> 1, "three-strikes-you're-out" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "Threat" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "Thanks" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "Test" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "telling" -> 1, "televisions" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "telecommunications" -> 1, "Teen" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "TEAM" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "Task" -> 1, "targeting" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "Taiwan" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tab" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "sweatshops" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "Surgeon" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "Superhighway" -> 1, "Superfund" -> 1, "summits" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "Sudan" -> 1, "successors" -> 1, "succeeds" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "subway" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "sub-Saharan" -> 1, "Study" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "striking" -> 1, "strikers" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "Street" -> 1, "streamlining" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "strategies" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "stops" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stonewalling" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stewards" -> 1, "stepping" -> 1, "steer" -> 1, "steadiness" -> 1, "Statutory" -> 1, "statutory" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "starvation" -> 1, "started" -> 1, "Star" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stalkers" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "sportsman" -> 1, "sporting" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "spills" -> 1, "spanning" -> 1, "sow" -> 1, "south" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "sophisticated" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "something-for-nothing" -> 1, "Somalia" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "software" -> 1, "society" -> 1, "smoke-and-mirrors" -> 1, "smog" -> 1, "smallest" -> 1, "slated" -> 1, "slashing" -> 1, "slashes" -> 1, "slashed" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "sized" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "significant" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shoulder" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "shortsighted" -> 1, "short-sighted" -> 1, "Shortly" -> 1, "shorter" -> 1, "shortened" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shifting" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "Sharm" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "severely" -> 1, "Sesame" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sentences" -> 1, "sentenced" -> 1, "sentence" -> 1, "Senior" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-insured" -> 1, "Self-Governance/Self-Determination" -> 1, "self-employed" -> 1, "seized" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "seats" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "School-to-Work" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "scholarship" -> 1, "schedule" -> 1, "scenarios" -> 1, "scapegoating" -> 1, "saying" -> 1, "saw" -> 1, "savaged" -> 1, "Saudi" -> 1, "Sarin" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "S." -> 1, "s" -> 1, "Ryan" -> 1, "Rwanda" -> 1, "Russia's" -> 1, "rundown" -> 1, "ruled" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "rosy" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "rooms" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "risking" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "rip" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "Right-to-Know" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "rhetoric" -> 1, "Rewarding" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "Review" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "reversing" -> 1, "reverses" -> 1, "retirees" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "Restoration" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "repressive" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "Repeatedly" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repairing" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remembered" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "reliant" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "rejection" -> 1, "Reinvestment" -> 1, "reinvent" -> 1, "reins" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "refuses" -> 1, "refuges" -> 1, "Refuge" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "Reduction" -> 1, "Reducing" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "redevelopment" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "realm" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "realistic" -> 1, "Reagan's" -> 1, "Reagan-Bush" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "Rangers" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "quadrupling" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "pursue" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "proliferation" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "pro-growth" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "programming" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "procuring" -> 1, "procedures" -> 1, "prison" -> 1, "priority" -> 1, "Principles" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "preying" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "president" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "Preparing" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "prenatal" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "preexisting" -> 1, "predator" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "pork-barrel" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "pollute" -> 1, "pollutants" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "planet's" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "picture" -> 1, "pick" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "pesticides" -> 1, "Personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "perpetrators" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "Perhaps" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "Performance" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "Pentagon's" -> 1, "peninsula" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "Pell" -> 1, "peddle" -> 1, "PCBs" -> 1, "patrols" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "Paso" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "Partisan" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "Parks" -> 1, "parent-teacher" -> 1, "panel" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "PACs" -> 1, "ozone" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "overseen" -> 1, "Overall" -> 1, "outlining" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "OSHA" -> 1, "orphanage" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "organic" -> 1, "Order" -> 1, "Orange" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opposes" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "Operation" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "old-growth" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "Oklahoma" -> 1, "offshore" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "offender" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "ocean-dumping" -> 1, "nurture" -> 1, "Nunn-Lugar" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "Nuclear" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "non-violent" -> 1, "Non-Proliferation" -> 1, "non-nuclear" -> 1, "Non-Discrimination" -> 1, "non-aggression" -> 1, "Nigeria" -> 1, "Newt" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "Network" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "Naturalization" -> 1, "Native" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "Nations" -> 1, "NAFTA" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "music" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "movies" -> 1, "mounted" -> 1, "Motor" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "mortality" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "modeled" -> 1, "mistrust" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "Missile" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "millennium" -> 1, "military-style" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "Mideast" -> 1, "middleman" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "Mexico's" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "mend" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "Megan's" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "McCain-Feingold" -> 1, "Mayor" -> 1, "maximize" -> 1, "math" -> 1, "mass-exodus" -> 1, "Marti" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "Mariana" -> 1, "mandates" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "majestic" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "Mae" -> 1, "MacBride" -> 1, "Mac" -> 1, "lunches" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "low-level" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "lower-density" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "loopholes" -> 1, "loophole" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "lobbying" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "lists" -> 1, "listen" -> 1, "line-item" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "likes" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifts" -> 1, "life-threatening" -> 1, "lifelines" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "Libya" -> 1, "library" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "leverage" -> 1, "leveled" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lethal" -> 1, "lesbians" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "legacy" -> 1, "Led" -> 1, "Lebanon" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "Leave" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "layoffs" -> 1, "layer" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "lawfully" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "law-abiding" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "landmines" -> 1, "landmark" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "Koreans" -> 1, "Koop" -> 1, "knowing" -> 1, "knew" -> 1, "kingpins" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "Kennedy-Kassebaum" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "Kazakhstan" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "Jordan" -> 1, "jointly" -> 1, "joins" -> 1, "job-training" -> 1, "job-creating" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jet" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "Israel's" -> 1, "Israeli-Palestinian" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "islands" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irresponsibly" -> 1, "IRA's" -> 1, "IRA" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "Introduction" -> 1, "interwoven" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "intact" -> 1, "instability" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "in-kind" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflammatory" -> 1, "Infants" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "ineligible" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "independently" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "indefinite" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "improved" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "immunized" -> 1, "immunize" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrant" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "Illegal" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hurricanes" -> 1, "hunter" -> 1, "Humanities" -> 1, "humanities" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostage" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospice" -> 1, "HOPWA" -> 1, "HOPE" -> 1, "hook" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "HIV-related" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "high-tech" -> 1, "high-paying" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "hid" -> 1, "He's" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "Helping" -> 1, "heed" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "hazardous" -> 1, "havoc" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "harness" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hardworking" -> 1, "hard-earned" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "hanging" -> 1, "handshakes" -> 1, "handgun" -> 1, "hampering" -> 1, "Haiti's" -> 1, "Haiti" -> 1, "habit" -> 1, "guts" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guardian" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "gridlock" -> 1, "greenhouse" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grandparents" -> 1, "graduates" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "governance" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "God's" -> 1, "God-given" -> 1, "Goals" -> 1, "Giuliani" -> 1, "gifts" -> 1, "G.I." -> 1, "Georgia's" -> 1, "George" -> 1, "genocide" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "gay" -> 1, "GATT" -> 1, "garnish" -> 1, "gang-prevention" -> 1, "G-7" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "Fulfilling" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "fugitives" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "frozen" -> 1, "Front-line" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "freeze" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Freddie" -> 1, "frayed" -> 1, "frankly" -> 1, "FRA" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "forging" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "Force" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "foisted" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flowed" -> 1, "Florida" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "flex" -> 1, "flee" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "firsthand" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "finishing" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filibuster" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "fend" -> 1, "felony" -> 1, "felons" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "FBI" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "Fannie" -> 1, "family-friendly" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "FAA" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "export-related" -> 1, "exporter" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploding" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "expensive" -> 1, "expel" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exerting" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "Excellence" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "exactly" -> 1, "exacted" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everyone" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "Everglades" -> 1, "Everett" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "Europe's" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "ethnicity" -> 1, "ethics" -> 1, "ethic" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "erect" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "environmentally" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "entrepreneurs" -> 1, "entice" -> 1, "enters" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "ensured" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enhancing" -> 1, "enhances" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "English-only" -> 1, "English" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "engagement" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "Enforce" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "emissions" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "embattled" -> 1, "el-Sheik" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "El" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eighties" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficacy" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "economists" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "earthquakes" -> 1, "earns" -> 1, "Earlier" -> 1, "dumps" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "Drugs" -> 1, "drug-free" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "drivers" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drifting" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drastic" -> 1, "dragging" -> 1, "downward" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "Domenici" -> 1, "doesn't" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "doctor" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "dividing" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dismantled" -> 1, "dislocated" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disappointed" -> 1, "disagreements" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "Disabilities" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "device" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "developers" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "demolished" -> 1, "Democrat" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "defied" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defends" -> 1, "defendant" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defaults" -> 1, "defaulted" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "deduction" -> 1, "deductibility" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "decreased" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "deadbeats" -> 1, "deadbeat" -> 1, "DDT" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "day-care" -> 1, "D.A.R.E." -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cynicism" -> 1, "cynical" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "Cutting" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "curfews" -> 1, "curbing" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "culture" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "criticism" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "crime-ridden" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "Creating" -> 1, "cracking" -> 1, "cracked" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "courtroom" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "Corporation" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "cop-killer" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "Cooperative" -> 1, "Cooperation" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "convincing" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "convened" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contraceptive" -> 1, "contours" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "continent's" -> 1, "contaminated" -> 1, "containment" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consolidating" -> 1, "confusing" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "conferences" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concur" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "concert" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "Computers" -> 1, "Comprehensive" -> 1, "complying" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "compile" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "Communities" -> 1, "communist" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "common-sense" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "committing" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "combating" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "Colombia" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "collapsed" -> 1, "cold" -> 1, "code" -> 1, "cocaine" -> 1, "closures" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "climbed" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilians" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "Citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Cigarette" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "China's" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "childcare" -> 1, "childbearing" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "Chemical" -> 1, "Chechnya" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charity" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "Challenges" -> 1, "chair" -> 1, "certifications" -> 1, "CEOs" -> 1, "centerpiece" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "censorship" -> 1, "cells" -> 1, "cease-fire" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "caught" -> 1, "casual" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "captured" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "C" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "business-owners" -> 1, "businesslike" -> 1, "Bush" -> 1, "buses" -> 1, "burnings" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "bullets" -> 1, "bulletproof" -> 1, "bullet" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "Broadcasting" -> 1, "broadcasters" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "brilliant" -> 1, "brightest" -> 1, "brighter" -> 1, "bright" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "bridge" -> 1, "breakup" -> 1, "breakthroughs" -> 1, "breakthrough" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "borrowing" -> 1, "booth" -> 1, "boot" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bombing" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "Bob" -> 1, "boasts" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blocks" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "blackmail" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "Bird" -> 1, "biomedical" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "biodiversity" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "bi-national" -> 1, "bigger" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "Belarus" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "Beginning" -> 1, "bedrock" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "Battling" -> 1, "battlefield" -> 1, "battered" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "Barry" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "barracks" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banned" -> 1, "Ban" -> 1, "Balancing" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "bail" -> 1, "baffling" -> 1, "backup" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "Awither" -> 1, "awful" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "automakers" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "Attorney" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attacks" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "athletes" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "assist" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "artistic" -> 1, "arsons" -> 1, "argue" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "Arabia" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "applauds" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apparel" -> 1, "apartheid" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anti-narcotics" -> 1, "anti-crime" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "answered" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "anchors" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "altogether" -> 1, "alternative" -> 1, "aloof" -> 1, "alongside" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "Al" -> 1, "airstrikes" -> 1, "airports" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "Agent" -> 1, "agent" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "Age" -> 1, "African-American" -> 1, "affront" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "addictive" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "adapting" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "activated" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "Across" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "achievable" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accords" -> 1, "accidentally" -> 1, "accessible" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "abusing" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "abstinence" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1, "abides" -> 1, "abdicated" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "77" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "73" -> 1, "700" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "60,000" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "5-year-olds" -> 1, "5-year" -> 1, "5.5" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "43" -> 1, "401K" -> 1, "40%" -> 1, "3,000" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "240,000" -> 1, "20-year-olds" -> 1, "2003" -> 1, "2001" -> 1, "2000.We" -> 1, "20,000" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "18" -> 1, "1.8" -> 1, "179" -> 1, "1,700" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "16,000" -> 1, "15-year-olds" -> 1, "14th" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13th" -> 1, "10-year-olds" -> 1, "105" -> 1, "1,000" -> 1, "100" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1992", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1992, "Date" -> DateObject[{1992, 7, 13}], "Text" -> "A New Covenant with the American People\n\nPreamble\n\nTwo hundred summers ago, this Democratic Party was founded by the man whose burning pen fired the spirit of the American Revolution—who once argued we should overthrow our own government every 20 years to renew our freedom and keep pace with a changing world. In 1992, the party Thomas Jefferson founded invokes his spirit of revolution anew.\nOur land reverberates with a battle cry of frustration that emanates from America's very soul—from the families in our bedrock neighborhoods, from the unsung, workaday heroes of the world's greatest democracy and economy. America is on the wrong track. The American people are hurting. The American Dream of expanding opportunity has faded. Middle class families are working hard, playing by the rules, but still falling behind. Poverty has exploded. Our people are torn by divisions.\nThe last 12 years have been a nightmare of Republican irresponsibility and neglect. America's leadership is indifferent at home and uncertain in the world. Republican mismanagement has disarmed government as an instrument to make our economy work and support the people's most basic values, needs and hopes. The Republicans brought America a false and fragile prosperity based on borrowing, not income, and so will leave behind a mountain of public debt and a backbreaking annual burden in interest. It is wrong to borrow to spend on ourselves, leaving our children to pay our debts.\nWe hear the anguish and the anger of the American people. We know it is directed not just at the Republican administrations that have had power, but at government itself.\nTheir anger is justified. We can no longer afford business as usual—neither the policies of the last 12 years of tax breaks for the rich, mismanagement, lack of leadership and cuts in services for the middle class and the poor, nor the adoption of new programs and new spending without new thinking. It is time to listen to the grass roots of America, time to renew the spirit of citizen activism that has always been the touchstone of a free and democratic society.\nTherefore we call for a revolution in government—to take power away from entrenched bureaucracies and narrow interests in Washington and put it back in the hands of ordinary people. We vow to make government more decentralized, more flexible, and more accountable—to reform public institutions and replace public officials who aren't leading with ones who will.\nThe Revolution of 1992 is about restoring America's economic greatness. We need to rebuild America by abandoning the something-for-nothing ethic of the last decade and putting people first for a change. Only a thriving economy, a strong manufacturing base, and growth in creative new enterprise can generate the resources to meet the nation's pressing human and social needs. An expanding, entrepreneurial economy of high-skill, high-wage jobs is the most important family policy, urban policy, labor policy, minority policy and foreign policy America can have.\nThe Revolution of 1992 is about putting government back on the side of working men and women—to help those who work hard, pay their bills, play by the rules, don't lobby for tax breaks, do their best to give their kids a good education and to keep them away from drugs, who want a safe neighborhood for their families, the security of decent, productive jobs for themselves, and a dignified life for their parents.\nThe Revolution of 1992 is about a radical change in the way government operates—not the Republican proposition that government has no role, nor the old notion that there's a program for every problem, but a shift to a more efficient, flexible and results-oriented government that improves services, expands choices, and empowers citizens and communities to change our country from the bottom up. We believe in an activist government, but it must work in a different, more responsive way.\nThe Revolution of 1992 is about facing up to tough choices. There is no relief for America's frustration in the politics of diversion and evasion, of false choices or of no choices at all. Instead of everyone in Washington blaming one another for inaction, we will act decisively—and ask to be held accountable if we don't.\nAbove all the Revolution of 1992 is about restoring the basic American values that built this country and will always make it great: personal responsibility, individual liberty, tolerance, faith, family and hard work. We offer the American people not only new ideas, a new course, and a new President, but a return to the enduring principles that set our nation apart: the promise of opportunity, the strength of community, the dignity of work, and a decent life for senior citizens.\nTo make this revolution, we seek a New Covenant to repair the damaged bond between the American people and their government, that will expand opportunity, insist upon greater individual responsibility in return, restore community, and ensure national security in a profoundly new era.\nWe welcome the close scrutiny of the American people, including Americans who may have thought the Democratic Party had forgotten its way, as well as all who know us as the champions of those who have been denied a chance. With this platform we take our case for change to the American people.\nI. Opportunity\n\nOur Party's first priority is opportunity—broad-based, non-inflationary economic growth and the opportunity that flows from it. Democrats in 1992 hold nothing more important for America than an economy that offers growth and jobs for all.\nPresident Bush, with no interest in domestic policy, has given America the slowest economic growth, the slowest income growth, and the slowest jobs growth since the Great Depression. And the American people know the long Bush recession reflects not just a business cycle, but a long-term slide, so that even in a fragile recovery we're sinking. The ballooning Bush deficits hijacked capital from productive investments. Savings and loan sharks enriched themselves at their country's expense. The stock market tripled, but average incomes stalled, and poverty claimed more of our children.\nWe reject both the do-nothing government of the last twelve years and the big government theory that says we can hamstring business and tax and spend our way to prosperity. Instead we offer a third way. Just as we have always viewed working men and women as the bedrock of our economy, we honor business as a noble endeavor, and vow to create a far better climate for firms and independent contractors of all sizes that empower their workers, revolutionize their workplaces, respect the environment, and serve their communities well.\nWe believe in free enterprise and the power of market forces. But economic growth will not come without a national economic strategy to invest in people. For twelve years our country has had no economic vision, leadership or strategy. It is time to put our people and our country first.\nInvesting In America\n\nThe only way to lay the foundation for renewed American prosperity is to spur both public and private investment. We must strive to close both the budget deficit and the investment gap. Our major competitors invest far more than we do in roads, bridges, and the information networks and technologies of the future. We will rebuild America by investing more in transportation, environmental technologies, defense conversion, and a national information network.\nTo begin making our economy grow, the President and Congress should agree that savings from defense must be reinvested productively at home, including research, education and training, and other productive investments. This will sharply increase the meager nine percent of the national budget now devoted to the future. We will create a \"future budget\" for investments that make us richer, to be kept separate from those parts of the budget that pay for the past and present. For the private sector, instead of a sweeping capital gains windfall to the wealthy and those who speculate, we will create an investment tax credit and a capital gains reduction for patient investors in emerging technologies and new businesses.\nSupport for Innovation\n\nWe will take back the advantage now ceded to Japan and Germany, which invest in new technologies at higher rates than the U.S. and have the growth to show for it. We will make the R&D tax credit permanent, double basic research in the key technologies for our future, and create a civilian research agency to fast-forward their development.\nThe Deficit\n\nAddressing the deficit requires fair and shared sacrifice of all Americans for the common good. In 12 Republican years a national debt that took 200 years to accumulate has been quadrupled. Rising interest on that debt now swallows one tax dollar in seven. In place of the Republican supply-side disaster, the Democratic investment, economic conversion and growth strategy will generate more revenues from a growing economy. We must also tackle spending, by putting everything on the table; eliminate nonproductive programs; achieve defense savings; reform entitlement programs to control soaring health care costs; cut federal administrative costs by 3 percent annually for four years; limit increases in the \"present budget\" to the rate of growth in the average American's paycheck; apply a strict \"pay as you go\" rule to new non-investment spending; and make the rich pay their fair share in taxes. These choices will be made while protecting senior citizens and without further victimizing the poor. This deficit reduction effort will encourage private savings, eliminate the budget deficit over time, and permit fiscal policies that can restore America's economic health.\nDefense Conversion\n\nOur economy needs both the people and the funds released from defense at the Cold War's end. We will help the stalwarts of that struggle—the men and women who served in our armed forces and who work in our defense industries—make the most of a new era. We will provide early notice of program changes to give communities, businesses and workers enough time to plan. We will honor and support our veterans. Departing military personnel, defense workers, and defense support personnel will have access to job retraining, continuing education, placement and relocation assistance, early retirement benefits for military personnel, and incentives to enter teaching, law enforcement and other vital civilian fields. Redirected national laboratories and a new civilian research agency will put defense scientists, engineers and technicians to work in critical civilian technologies. Small business defense firms will have technical assistance and transition grants and loans to help convert to civilian markets, and defense dependent communities will have similar aid in planning and implementing conversion. We will strongly support our civilian space program, particularly environmental missions.\nThe Cities\n\nOnly a robust economy will revitalize our cities. It is in all Americans' interest that the cities once again be places where hard-working families can put down roots and find good jobs, quality health care, affordable housing, and decent schools. Democrats will create a new partnership to rebuild America's cities after 12 years of Republican neglect. This partnership with the mayors will include consideration of the seven economic growth initiatives set forth by our nation's mayors. We will create jobs by investing significant resources to put people back to work, beginning with a summer jobs initiative and training programs for inner-city youth. We support a stronger community development program and targeted fiscal assistance to cities that need it most. A national public works investment and infrastructure program will provide jobs and strengthen our cities, suburbs, rural communities and country. We will encourage the flow of investment to inner city development and housing through targeted enterprise zones and incentives for private and public pension funds to invest in urban and rural projects. While cracking down on redlining and housing discrimination, we also support and will enforce a revitalized Community Reinvestment Act that challenges banks to lend to entrepreneurs and development projects; a national network of Community Development Banks to invest in urban and rural small businesses; and microenterprise lending for poor people seeking self-employment as an alternative to welfare.\nAgriculture and the Rural Community\n\nAll Americans, producers and consumers alike, benefit when our food and fiber are produced by hundreds of thousands of family farmers receiving fair prices for their products. The abundance of our nation's food and fiber system should not be taken for granted. The revolution that lifted America to the forefront of world agriculture was achieved through a unique partnership of public and private interests. The inattention and hostility that has characterized Republican food, agricultural and rural development policies of the past twelve years have caused a crisis in rural America. The cost of Republican farm policy has been staggering and its total failure is demonstrated by the record number of rural bankruptcies.\nA sufficient and sustainable agricultural economy can be achieved through fiscally responsible programs. It is time to reestablish the private/public partnership to ensure that family farmers get a fair return for their labor and investment, so that consumers receive safe and nutritious foods, and that needed investments are made in basic research, education, rural business development, market development and infrastructure to sustain rural communities.\nWorkers' Rights\n\nOur workplaces must be revolutionized to make them more flexible and productive. We will reform the job safety laws to empower workers with greater rights and to hold employers accountable for dangers on the job. We will act against sexual harassment in the workplace. We will honor the work ethic—by expanding the earned income tax credit so no one with children at home who works full-time is still in poverty; by fighting on the side of family farmers to ensure they get a fair price for their hard work; by working to sustain rural communities; by making work more valuable than welfare; and by supporting the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively without fear of intimidation or permanent replacement during labor disputes.\nLifelong Learning\n\nA competitive American economy requires the global market's best educated, best trained, most flexible work force. It's not enough to spend more on our schools; we must insist on results. We oppose the Bush Administration's efforts to bankrupt the public school system—the bedrock of democracy—through private school vouchers. To help children reach school ready to learn, we will expand child health and nutrition programs and extend Head Start to all eligible children, and guarantee all children access to quality, affordable child care. We deplore the savage inequalities among public schools across the land, and believe every child deserves an equal chance to a world class education. Reallocating resources toward this goal must be a priority. We support education reforms such as site-based decision-making and public school choice, with strong protections against discrimination. We support the goal of a 90 percent graduation rate, and programs to end dropouts. We will invest in educational technology, and establish world-class standards in math, science and other core subjects and support effective tests of progress to meet them. In areas where there are no registered apprenticeship programs, we will adopt a national apprenticeship-style program to ease the transition from school to work for non-college bound students so they can acquire skills that lead to high-wage jobs. In the new economy, opportunity will depend on lifelong learning. We will support the goal of literacy for all Americans. We will ask firms to invest in the training of all workers, not just corporate management.\nA Domestic GI Bill\n\nOver the past twelve years skyrocketing costs and declining middle class incomes have placed higher education out of reach for millions of Americans. It is time to revolutionize the way student loan programs are run. We will make college affordable to all students who are qualified to attend, regardless of family income. A Domestic G.I. Bill will enable all Americans to borrow money for college, so long as they are willing to pay it back as a percentage of their income over time or through national service addressing unmet community needs.\nAffordable Health Care\n\nAll Americans should have universal access to quality, affordable health care—not as a privilege, but as a right. That requires tough controls on health costs, which are rising at two to three times the rate of inflation, terrorizing American families and businesses and depriving millions of the care they need. We will enact a uniquely American reform of the health care system to control costs and make health care affordable; ensure quality and choice of health care providers; cover all Americans regardless of preexisting conditions; squeeze out waste, bureaucracy and abuse; improve primary and preventive care including child immunization and prevention of diseases like Tuberculosis now becoming rampant in our cities; provide expanded education on the relationship between diet and health; expand access to mental health treatment services; provide a safety net through support of public hospitals; provide for the full range of reproductive choice—education, counseling, access to contraceptives, and the right to a safe, legal abortion; expand medical research; and provide more long term care, including home health care. We will make ending the epidemic in breast cancer a major priority, and expand research on breast, cervical and ovarian cancer, infertility, reproductive health services and other special health needs of women. We must be united in declaring war on AIDS and HIV disease, implement the recommendations of the National Commission on AIDS and fully fund the Ryan White Care Act; provide targeted and honest prevention campaigns; combat HIV-related discrimination; make drug treatment available for all addicts who seek it; guarantee access to quality care; expand clinical trials for treatments and vaccines; and speed up the FDA drug approval process.\nFairness\n\nGrowth and equity work in tandem. People should share in society's common costs according to their ability to pay. In the last decade, mounting payroll and other taxes have fallen disproportionately on the middle class. We will relieve the tax burden on middle class Americans by forcing the rich to pay their fair share. We will provide long-overdue tax relief to families with children. To broaden opportunity, we will support fair lending practices.\nEnergy Efficiency and Sustainable Development\n\nWe reject the Republican myth that energy efficiency and environmental protection are enemies of economic growth. We will make our economy more efficient, by using less energy, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and producing less solid and toxic waste. We will adopt a coordinated transportation policy, with a strong commitment to mass transit; encourage efficient alternative-fueled vehicles; increase our reliance on clean natural gas; promote clean coal technology; invest in R&D on renewable energy sources; strengthen efforts to prevent air and water pollution; support incentives for domestic oil and gas operations; and push for revenue-neutral incentives that reward conservation, prevent pollution and encourage recycling.\nCivil and Equal Rights\n\nWe don't have an American to waste. Democrats will continue to lead the fight to ensure that no Americans suffer discrimination or deprivation of rights on the basis of race, gender, language, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or other characteristics irrelevant to ability. We support the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment; affirmative action; stronger protection of voting rights for racial and ethnic minorities, including language access to voting; and continued resistance to discriminatory English-only pressure groups. We will reverse the Bush Administration's assault on civil rights enforcement, and instead work to rebuild and vigorously use machinery for civil rights enforcement; support comparable remedies for women; aggressively prosecute hate crimes; strengthen legal services for the poor; deal with other nations in such a way that Americans of any origin do not become scapegoats or victims of foreign policy disputes; provide civil rights protection for gay men and lesbians and an end to Defense Department discrimination; respect Native American culture and our treaty commitments; require the United States Government to recognize its trustee obligations to the inhabitants of Hawaii generally, and to Native Hawaiians in particular; and fully enforce the Americans with Disability Act to enable people with disabilities to achieve independence and function at their highest possible level.\nCommonwealths and Territories\n\nWe recognize the existing status of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the strong economic relationship between the people of Puerto Rico and the United States. We pledge to support the right of the people of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to choose freely, and in concert with the U.S. Congress, their relationship with the United States, either as an enhanced commonwealth, a state or an independent nation. We support fair participation for Puerto Rico in federal programs. We pledge to the people of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands just and fair treatment under federal policies, assisting their economic and social development. We respect their right and that of the people of Palau to decide freely their future relationship with the United States and to be consulted on issues and policies that directly affect them.\nII. Responsibility\n\nSixty years ago, Franklin Roosevelt gave hope to a nation mired in the Great Depression. While government should promise every American the opportunity to get ahead, it was the people's responsibility, he said, to make the most of that opportunity: \"Faith in America demands that we recognize the new terms of the old social contract. In the strength of great hope we must all shoulder our common load.\"\nFor twelve years, the Republicans have expected too little of our public institutions and placed too little faith in our people. We offer a new social contract based neither on callous, do-nothing Republican neglect, nor on an outdated faith in programs as the solution to every problem. We favor a third way beyond the old approaches—to put government back on the side of citizens who play by the rules. We believe that by what it says and how it conducts its business, government must once again make responsibility an instrument of national purpose. Our future as a nation depends upon the daily assumption of personal responsibility by millions of Americans from all walks of life—for the religious faiths they follow, the ethics they practice, the values they instill, and the pride they take in their work.\nStrengthening The Family\n\nGovernments don't raise children, people do. People who bring children into this world have a responsibility to care for them and give them values, motivation and discipline. Children should not have children. We need a national crackdown on deadbeat parents, an effective system of child support enforcement nationwide, and a systematic effort to establish paternity for every child. We must also make it easier for parents to build strong families through pay equity. Family and medical leave will ensure that workers don't have to choose between family and work. We support a family preservation program to reduce child and spousal abuse by providing preventive services and foster care to families in crisis. We favor ensuring quality and affordable child care opportunities for working parents, and a fair and healthy start for every child, including essential pre-natal and well baby care. We support the needs of our senior citizens for productive and healthy lives, including hunger prevention, income adequacy, transportation access and abuse prevention.\nWelfare Reform\n\nWelfare should be a second chance, not a way of life. We want to break the cycle of welfare by adhering to two simple principles: no one who is able to work can stay on welfare forever, and no one who works should live in poverty. We will continue to help those who cannot help themselves. We will offer people on welfare a new social contract. We'll invest in education and job training, and provide the child care and health care they need to go to work and achieve long-term self- sufficiency. We will give them the help they need to make the transition from welfare to work, and require people who can work to go to work within two years in available jobs either in the private sector or in community service to meet unmet needs. This will restore the covenant that welfare was meant to be: a promise of temporary help for people who have fallen on hard times.\nChoice\n\nDemocrats stand behind the right of every woman to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, regardless of ability to pay, and support a national law to protect that right.\nIt is a fundamental constitutional liberty that individual Americans—not government—can best take responsibility for making the most difficult and intensely personal decisions regarding reproduction. The goal of our nation must be to make abortion less necessary, not more difficult or more dangerous. We pledge to support contraceptive research, family planning, comprehensive family life education, and policies that support healthy childbearing and enable parents to care most effectively for their children.\nMaking Schools Work\n\nEducation is a cooperative enterprise that can only succeed if everyone accepts and exercises personal responsibility. Students must stay in school and do their best; parents must get involved in their children's education; teachers must attain, maintain, and demonstrate classroom competency; school administrators must enforce discipline and high standards of educational attainment; governments must end the inequalities that create educational ghettos among school districts and provide equal educational opportunity for all; and ensure that teachers' pay measures up to their decisive role in children's lives; and the American people should recognize education as the core of our economy, democracy and society. Labor-Management Responsibilities.\nThe private sector is the engine of our economy and the main source of national wealth. But it is not enough for those in the private sector just to make as much money as they can. The most irresponsible people in all of the 1980s were those at the top of the ladder: the inside traders, quick buck artists, and S&L kingpins who looked out for themselves and not for the country. America's corporate leaders have a responsibility to invest in their country. CEOs, who pay themselves 100 times what they pay the average worker, shouldn't get big raises unrelated to performance. If a company wants to overpay its executives and underinvest in the future or transfer jobs overseas, it shouldn't get special treatment and tax breaks from the Treasury. Managers must work with employees to make the workplace safer, more satisfying and more efficient.\nWorkers must also accept added responsibilities in the new economy. In return for an increased voice and a greater stake in the success of their enterprises, workers should be prepared to join in cooperative efforts to increase productivity, flexibility and quality. Government's neutrality between labor and management cannot mean neutrality about the collective bargaining process, which has been purposely crippled by Republican administrations. Our economic growth depends on processes, including collective bargaining, that permit labor and management to work together on their common interests, even as they work out their conflicts.\nResponsibility for the Environment\n\nFor ourselves and future generations, we must protect our environment. We will protect our old growth forests, preserve critical habitats, provide a genuine \"no net loss\" policy on wetlands, reduce our dependence on toxic chemicals, conserve the critical resources of soil, water and air, oppose new offshore oil drilling and mineral exploration and production in our nation's many environmentally critical areas, and address ocean pollution by reducing oil and toxic waste spills at sea. We believe America's youth can serve its country well through a civilian conservation corps. To protect the public health, we will clean up the environmental horrors at federal facilities, insist that private polluters clean up their toxic and hazardous wastes, and vigorously prosecute environmental criminals. We will oppose Republican efforts to gut the Clean Air Act in the guise of competitiveness.\nWe will reduce the volume of solid waste and encourage the use of recycled materials while discouraging excess packaging. To avoid the mistakes of the past, we will actively support energy- efficiency, recycling, and pollution prevention strategies.\nResponsible Government\n\nDemocrats in 1992 intend to lead a revolution in government, challenging it to act responsibly and be accountable, starting with the hardest and most urgent problems of the deficit and economic growth. Rather than throw money at obsolete programs, we will eliminate unnecessary layers of management, cut administrative costs, give people more choices in the service they get, and empower them to make those choices. To foster greater responsibility in government at every level, we support giving greater flexibility to our cities, counties and states in achieving Federal mandates and carrying out existing programs.\nResponsible Officials\n\nAll branches of government must live by the laws the rest of us obey, determine their pay in an open manner that builds public trust, and eliminate special privileges. People in public office need to be accessible to the people they represent. It's time to reform the campaign finance system, to get big money out of our politics and let the people back in. We must limit overall campaign spending and limit the disproportionate and excessive role of PACs. We need new voter registration laws that expand the electorate, such as universal same-day registration, along with full political rights and protections for public employees and new regulations to ensure that the airwaves truly help citizens make informed choices among candidates and policies. And we need fair political representation for all sectors of our country—including the District of Columbia, which deserves and must get statehood status.\nIII. Restoring Community\n\nThe success of democracy in America depends substantially on the strength of our community institutions: families and neighborhoods, public schools, religious institutions, charitable organizations, civic groups and other voluntary organizations. In these social networks, the values and character of our citizens are formed, as we learn the habits and skills of self-government, and acquire an understanding of our common rights and responsibilities as citizens.\nTwelve years of Republican rule have undermined the spirit of mutual dependence and obligation that binds us together. Republican leaders have urged Americans to turn inward, to pursue private interests without regard to public responsibilities. By playing racial, ethnic and gender-based politics they have divided us against each other, created an atmosphere of blame, denial and fear, and undone the hard-fought battles for equality and fairness.\nOur communities form a vital \"third sector\" that lies between government and the marketplace. The wisdom, energy and resources required to solve our problems are not concentrated in Washington, but can be found throughout our communities, including America's non-profit sector, which has grown rapidly over the last decade. Government's best role is to enable people and communities to solve their own problems.\nAmerica's special genius has been to forge a community of shared values from people of remarkable and diverse backgrounds. As the party of inclusion, we take special pride in our country's emergence as the world's largest and most successful multiethnic, multiracial republic. We condemn antisemitism, racism, homophobia, bigotry and negative stereotyping of all kinds. We must help all Americans understand the diversity of our cultural heritage. But it is also essential that we preserve and pass on to our children the common elements that hold this mosaic together as we work to make our country a land of freedom and opportunity for all.\nBoth Republican neglect and traditional spending programs have proven unequal to these challenges. Democrats will pursue a new course that stresses work, family and individual responsibility, and that empowers Americans to liberate themselves from poverty and dependence. We pledge to bolster the institutions of civil society and place a new emphasis on civic enterprises that seek solutions to our nation's problems. Through common, cooperative efforts we can rebuild our communities and transform our nation.\nCombatting Crime and Drugs\n\nCrime is a relentless danger to our communities. Over the last decade, crime has swept through our country at an alarming rate. During the 1980s, more than 200,000 Americans were murdered, four times the number who died in Vietnam. Violent crimes rose by more than 16 percent since 1988 and nearly doubled since 1975. In our country today, a murder is committed every 25 minutes, a rape every six minutes, a burglary every 10 seconds. The pervasive fear of crime disfigures our public life and diminishes our freedom.\nNone suffer more than the poor: an explosive mixture of blighted prospects, drugs and exotic weaponry has turned many of our inner city communities into combat zones. As a result, crime is not only a symptom but also a major cause of the worsening poverty and demoralization that afflicts inner city communities.\nTo empower America's communities, Democrats pledge to restore government as the upholder of basic law and order for crime-ravaged communities. The simplest and most direct way to restore order in our cities is to put more police on the streets.\nAmerica's police are locked in an unequal struggle with crime: since 1951 the ratio of police officers to reported crimes has reversed, from three-to-one to one-to-three. We will create a Police Corps, in which participants would receive college aid in return for several years of service after graduation in a state or local police department. As we shift people and resources from defense to the civilian economy, we will create new jobs in law enforcement for those leaving the military.\nWe will expand drug counselling and treatment for those who need it, intensify efforts to educate our children at the earliest ages to the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, and curb demand from the street corner to the penthouse suite, so that the U.S., with five percent of the world's population, no longer consumes 50 percent of the world's illegal drugs.\nCommunity Policing.\nNeighborhoods and police should be partners in the war on crime. Democrats support more community policing, which uses foot patrols and storefront offices to make police officers visible fixtures in urban neighborhoods. We will combat street violence and emphasize building trust and solving the problems that breed crime.\nFirearms.\nIt is time to shut down the weapons bazaars in our cities. We support a reasonable waiting period to permit background checks for purchases of handguns, as well as assault weapons controls to ban the possession, sale, importation and manufacture of the most deadly assault weapons. We do not support efforts to restrict weapons used for legitimate hunting and sporting purposes. We will work for swift and certain punishment of all people who violate the country's gun laws and for stronger sentences for criminals who use guns. We will also seek to shut down the black market for guns and impose severe penalties on people who sell guns to children.\nPursuing All Crime Aggressively.\nIn contrast to the Republican policy of leniency toward white collar crime—which breeds cynicism in poor communities about the impartiality of our justice system—Democrats will redouble efforts to ferret out and punish those who betray the public trust, rig financial markets, misuse their depositors' money or swindle their customers.\nFurther Initiatives.\nDemocrats also favor innovative sentencing and punishment options, including community service and boot camps for first time offenders; tougher penalties for rapists; victim-impact statements and restitution to ensure that crime victims will not be lost in the complexities of the criminal justice system; and initiatives to make our schools safe, including alternative schools for disruptive children.\nEmpowering The Poor and Expanding The Middle Class\n\nWe must further the new direction set in the Family Support Act of 1988, away from subsistence and dependence and toward work, family and personal initiative and responsibility. We advocate slower phasing out of Medicaid and other benefits to encourage work; special savings accounts to help low-income families build assets; fair lending; an indexed minimum wage; an expanded Job Corps; and an end to welfare rules that encourage family breakup and penalize individual initiative, such as the $1,000 limit on personal savings.\nImmigration.\nOur nation of immigrants has been invigorated repeatedly as new people, ideas and ways of life have become part of the American tapestry. Democrats support immigration policies that promote fairness, non-discrimination and family reunification, and that reflect our constitutional freedoms of speech, association and travel.\nHousing.\nSafe, secure housing is essential to the institutions of community and family. We support home ownership for working families and will honor that commitment through policies that encourage affordable mortgage credit. We must also confront homelessness by renovating, preserving and expanding the stock of affordable low-income housing. We support tenant management and ownership, so public housing residents can manage their own affairs and acquire property worth protecting.\nNational Service.\nWe will create new opportunities for citizens to serve each other, their communities and their country. By mobilizing hundreds of thousands of volunteers, national service will enhance the role of ordinary citizens in solving unresolved community problems.\nThe Arts\n\nWe believe in public support for the Arts, including a National Endowment for the Arts that is free from political manipulation and firmly rooted in the First Amendment's freedom of expression guarantee.\nIV. Preserving Our National Security\n\nDuring the past four years, we have seen the corrosive effect of foreign policies that are rooted in the past, divorced from our values, fearful of change and unable to meet its challenges. Under President Bush, crises have been managed, rather than prevented; dictators like Saddam Hussein have been wooed, rather than deterred; aggression by the Serbian regime against its neighbors in what was Yugoslavia has been met by American timidity rather than toughness; human rights abusers have been rewarded, not challenged; the environment has been neglected, not protected; and America's competitive edge in the global economy has been dulled, not honed. It is time for new American leadership that can meet the challenges of a changing world.\nAt the end of World War II, American strength had defeated tyranny and American ingenuity had overcome the Depression. Under President Truman, the United States led the world into a new era, redefining global security with bold approaches to tough challenges: containing communism with the NATO alliance and in Korea; building the peace through organizations such as the United Nations; and advancing global economic security through new multilateral institutions.\nNearly a half century later, we stand at another pivotal point in history. The collapse of communism does not mean the end of danger or threats to our interests. But it does pose an unprecedented opportunity to make our future more secure and prosperous. Once again, we must define a compelling vision for global leadership at the dawn of a new era.\nRestructuring Our Military Forces\n\nWe have not seen the end of violence, aggression and the conflicts that can threaten American interests and our hopes for a more peaceful world. What the United States needs is not the Bush Administration's Cold War thinking on a smaller scale, but a comprehensive restructuring of the American military enterprise to meet the threats that remain.\nMilitary Strength.\nUse Of Force.\nThe United States must be prepared to use military force decisively when necessary to defend our vital interests. The burdens of collective security in a new era must be shared fairly, and we should encourage multilateral peacekeeping through the United Nations and other international efforts.\nPreventing And Containing Conflict.\nAmerican policy must be focused on averting military threats as well as meeting them. To halt the spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, we must lead a renewed international effort to get tough with companies that peddle nuclear and chemical warfare technologies, strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency, and enforce strong sanctions against governments that violate international restraints. A Comprehensive Test Ban would strengthen our ability to stop the spread of nuclear weapons to other countries, which may be our greatest future security threat. We must press for strong international limits on the dangerous and wasteful flow of conventional arms to troubled regions. A U.S. troop presence should be maintained in South Korea as long as North Korea presents a threat to South Korea.\nRestoring America's Economic Leadership\n\nThe United States cannot be strong abroad if it is weak at home. Restoring America's global economic leadership must become a central element of our national security policies. The strength of nations, once defined in military terms, now is measured also by the skills of their workers, the imagination of their managers and the power of their technologies.\nВ Either we develop and pursue a national plan for restoring our economy through a partnership of government, labor and business, or we slip behind the nations that are competing with us and growing. At stake are American jobs, our standard of living and the quality of life for ourselves and our children.\nEconomic strength—indeed our national security—is grounded on a healthy domestic economy. But we cannot be strong at home unless we are part of a vibrant and expanding global economy that recognizes human rights and seeks to improve the living standards of all the world's people. This is vital to achieving good quality, high paying jobs for Americans.\nTrade.\nOur government must work to expand trade, while insisting that the conduct of world trade is fair. It must fight to uphold American interests—promoting exports, expanding trade in agricultural and other products, opening markets in major product and service sectors with our principal competitors, and achieving reciprocal access. This should include renewed authority to use America's trading leverage against the most serious problems. The U.S. government also must firmly enforce U.S. laws against unfair trade.\nTrade Agreements.\nMultilateral trade agreements can advance our economic interests by expanding the global economy. Whether negotiating the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) or completing the GATT negotiations, our government must assure that our legitimate concerns about environmental, health and safety, and labor standards are included. Those American workers whose jobs are affected must have the benefit of effective adjustment assistance.\nPromoting Democracy\n\nBrave men and women—like the hero who stood in front of a tank in Beijing and the leader who stood on a tank in Moscow—are putting their lives on the line for democracy around the world. But as the tide of democracy rose in the former Soviet Union and in China, in the Baltics and South Africa, only reluctantly did this Administration abandon the status quo and embrace the fight for freedom.\nSupport for democracy serves our ideals and our interests. A more democratic world is a world that is more peaceful and more stable. An American foreign policy of engagement for democracy must effectively address:\nEmerging Democracies.\nHelping to lead an international effort to assist the emerging—and still fragile—democracies in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union build democratic institutions in free market settings, demilitarize their societies and integrate their economies into the world trading system. Unlike the Bush Administration, which waited too long to recognize the new democratic governments in the Baltic countries and the nations of the former Soviet Union, we must act decisively with our European allies to support freedom, diminish ethnic tensions, and oppose aggression in the former communist countries, such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, which are struggling to make the transition from communism to democracy. As change sweeps through the Balkans, the United States must be sensitive to the concerns of Greece regarding the use of the name Macedonia. And in the post-Cold War era, our foreign assistance programs in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America and elsewhere should be targeted at helping democracies rather than tyrants.\nDemocracy Corps.\nPromoting democratic institutions by creating a Democracy Corps to send American volunteers to countries that seek legal, financial and political expertise to build democratic institutions, and support groups like the National Endowment for Democracy, the Asia Foundation, and others.\nChina Trade Terms.\nConditioning of favorable trade terms for China on respect for human rights in China and Tibet, greater market access for U.S. goods, and responsible conduct on weapons proliferation.\nSouth Africa.\nMaintenance of state and local sanctions against South Africa in support of an investment code of conduct, existing limits on deductibility of taxes paid to South Africa, and diplomatic pressure until there is an irreversible, full and fair accommodation with the black majority to create a democratic government with full rights for all its citizens. We deplore the continuing violence, especially in Boipatong Township, and are concerned about the collapse of the negotiations. The U.S. Government should consider reimposing Federal sanctions. The Democratic Party supports the creation of a South African/American Enterprise Fund that will provide a new interim government with public and private funds to assist in the development of democracy in South Africa.\nMiddle East Peace\n\nSupport for the peace process now underway in the Middle East, rooted in the tradition of the Camp David accords. Direct negotiations between Israel, her Arab neighbors and Palestinians, with no imposed solutions, are the only way to achieve enduring security for Israel and full peace for all parties in the region. The end of the Cold War does not alter America's deep interest in our long-standing special relationship with Israel, based on shared values, a mutual commitment to democracy, and a strategic alliance that benefits both nations. The United States must act effectively as an honest broker in the peace process. It must not, as has been the case with this Administration, encourage one side to believe that it will deliver unilateral concessions from the other. Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Israel and should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.\nHuman Rights\n\nStanding everywhere for the rights of individuals and respect for ethnic minorities against the repressive acts of governments—against torture, political imprisonment, and all attacks on civilized standards of human freedom. This is a proud tradition of the Democratic Party, which has stood for freedom in South Africa and continues to resist oppression in Cuba. Our nation should once again promote the principle of sanctuary for politically oppressed people everywhere, be they Haitian refugees, Soviet Jews seeking U.S. help in their successful absorption into Israeli society, or Vietnamese fleeing communism. Forcible return of anyone fleeing political repression is a betrayal of American values.\nHuman Needs\n\nSupport for the struggle against poverty and disease in the developing world, including the heartbreaking famine in Africa. We must not replace the East-West conflict with one between North and South, a growing divide between the industrialized and developing world. Our development programs must be reexamined and restructured to assure that their benefits truly help those most in need to help themselves. At stake are the lives of millions of human beings who live in hunger, uprooted from their homes, too often without hope. The United States should work to establish a specific plan and timetable for the elimination of world hunger.\nCyprus\n\nA renewed commitment to achieve a Cyprus settlement pursuant to the United Nations resolutions. This goal must now be restored to the diplomatic agenda of the United States.\nNorthern Ireland\n\nIn light of America's historic ties to the people of Great Britain and Ireland, and consistent with our country's commitment to peace, democracy and human rights around the world, a more active United States role in promoting peace and political dialogue to bring an end to the violence and achieve a negotiated solution in Northern Ireland.\nPreserving The Global Environment\n\nAs the threat of nuclear holocaust recedes, the future of the earth is challenged by gathering environmental crises. As governments around the world have sought the path to concerted action, the Bush Administration—despite its alleged foreign policy expertise—has been more of an obstacle to progress than a leader for change, practicing isolationism on an issue that affects us all. Democrats know we must act now to save the health of the earth, and the health of our children, for generations to come.\nAddressing Global Warming.\nThe United States must become a leader, not an impediment, in the fight against global warming. We should join our European allies in agreeing to limit carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000.\nOzone Depletion.\nThe United States must be a world leader in finding replacements for CFCs and other ozone depleting substances.\nBiodiversity.\nWe must work actively to protect the planet's biodiversity and preserve its forests. At the Rio Earth Summit, the Bush Administration's failure to negotiate a biodiversity treaty it could sign was an abdication of international leadership.\nDeveloping Nations\n\nWe must fashion imaginative ways of engaging governments and business in the effort to encourage developing nations to preserve their environmental heritage.\nPopulation Growth\n\nExplosive population growth must be controlled by working closely with other industrialized and developing nations and private organizations to fund greater family planning efforts.\nAs a nation and as a people, we have entered into a new era. The Republican President and his advisors are rooted in Cold War precepts and cannot think or act anew. Through almost a half century of sacrifice, constancy and strength, the American people advanced democracy's triumph in the Cold War. Only new leadership that restores our nation's greatness at home can successfully draw upon these same strengths of the American people to lead the world into a new era of peace and freedom.\nIn recent years we have seen brave people abroad face down tanks, defy coups, and risk exodus by boat on the high seas for a chance at freedom and the kind of opportunities we call the American Dream. It is time for Americans to fight against the decline of those same opportunities here at home.\nAmericans know that, in the end, we will all rise or fall together. To make our society one again, Democrats will restore America's founding values of family, community and common purpose.\nWe believe in the American people. We will challenge all Americans to give something back to their country. And they will be enriched in return, for when individuals assume responsibility, they acquire dignity. When people go to work, they rediscover a pride that was lost. When absent parents pay child support, they restore a connection they and their children need. When students work harder, they discover they can learn as well as any on earth. When corporate managers put their workers and long-term success ahead of short-term gain, their companies do well and so do they. When the leaders we elect assume responsibility for America's problems, we will do what is right to move America forward together.", "Words" -> 8313, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 414, "and" -> 396, "to" -> 260, "of" -> 252, "in" -> 153, "a" -> 150, "for" -> 117, "our" -> 96, "We" -> 95, "that" -> 89, "will" -> 80, "on" -> 57, "their" -> 54, "must" -> 52, "is" -> 50, "we" -> 49, "people" -> 46, "as" -> 44, "The" -> 43, "American" -> 40, "with" -> 39, "new" -> 38, "by" -> 37, "support" -> 36, "work" -> 35, "have" -> 35, "be" -> 35, "an" -> 34, "more" -> 32, "all" -> 32, "who" -> 31, "not" -> 28, "make" -> 28, "government" -> 26, "from" -> 26, "at" -> 26, "they" -> 25, "are" -> 25, "public" -> 24, "economy" -> 23, "it" -> 22, "has" -> 22, "Americans" -> 22, "should" -> 21, "can" -> 21, "world" -> 20, "America's" -> 20, "or" -> 19, "national" -> 19, "health" -> 19, "years" -> 18, "United" -> 18, "Republican" -> 18, "other" -> 18, "communities" -> 18, "children" -> 18, "care" -> 18, "family" 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"democratic" -> 7, "crime" -> 7, "costs" -> 7, "change" -> 7, "As" -> 7, "act" -> 7, "without" -> 6, "War" -> 6, "use" -> 6, "up" -> 6, "trade" -> 6, "take" -> 6, "system" -> 6, "such" -> 6, "strength" -> 6, "social" -> 6, "services" -> 6, "sector" -> 6, "schools" -> 6, "role" -> 6, "resources" -> 6, "President" -> 6, "poverty" -> 6, "poor" -> 6, "police" -> 6, "personal" -> 6, "percent" -> 6, "past" -> 6, "only" -> 6, "nation's" -> 6, "meet" -> 6, "market" -> 6, "lead" -> 6, "international" -> 6, "income" -> 6, "housing" -> 6, "give" -> 6, "class" -> 6, "But" -> 6, "budget" -> 6, "best" -> 6, "achieve" -> 6, "world's" -> 5, "When" -> 5, "waste" -> 5, "twelve" -> 5, "treatment" -> 5, "together" -> 5, "Support" -> 5, "strengthen" -> 5, "standards" -> 5, "spending" -> 5, "society" -> 5, "seek" -> 5, "savings" -> 5, "Revolution" -> 5, "revolution" -> 5, "respect" -> 5, "relationship" -> 5, "reform" -> 5, "recognize" -> 5, "rebuild" -> 5, "protect" -> 5, "productive" -> 5, "prevention" -> 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"conversion" -> 3, "contract" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "combat" -> 3, "college" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "choose" -> 3, "breaks" -> 3, "big" -> 3, "bedrock" -> 3, "based" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "average" -> 3, "assault" -> 3, "Arts" -> 3, "around" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "aggression" -> 3, "Administration" -> 3, "achieving" -> 3, "accountable" -> 3, "zones" -> 2, "youth" -> 2, "wrong" -> 2, "would" -> 2, "workplaces" -> 2, "workplace" -> 2, "Workers" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "Welfare" -> 2, "ways" -> 2, "water" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "want" -> 2, "vow" -> 2, "voting" -> 2, "volunteers" -> 2, "vision" -> 2, "violate" -> 2, "vigorously" -> 2, "victims" -> 2, "unmet" -> 2, "universal" -> 2, "unequal" -> 2, "Under" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "tradition" -> 2, "trading" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "thinking" -> 2, "there" -> 2, "technology" -> 2, "teachers" -> 2, "tank" -> 2, "sustain" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "struggle" -> 2, "street" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "stay" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "spread" -> 2, "solving" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "solid" -> 2, "shut" -> 2, "shouldn't" -> 2, "shift" -> 2, "sexual" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "sectors" -> 2, "says" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "rose" -> 2, "roots" -> 2, "revolutionize" -> 2, "Responsible" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "Responsibility" -> 2, "require" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "reproductive" -> 2, "replace" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "reject" -> 2, "registration" -> 2, "regarding" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "reducing" -> 2, "recycling" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "R&D" -> 2, "racial" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "punishment" -> 2, "protections" -> 2, "protecting" -> 2, "prosecute" -> 2, "Promoting" -> 2, "projects" -> 2, "progress" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "preventive" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "Preserving" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "playing" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "penalties" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "part" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "Over" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "ordinary" -> 2, "order" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "neutrality" -> 2, "networks" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "neighbors" -> 2, "necessary" -> 2, "Native" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "multilateral" -> 2, "mismanagement" -> 2, "minutes" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "Military" -> 2, "medical" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "mayors" -> 2, "may" -> 2, "mass" -> 2, "many" -> 2, "managers" -> 2, "made" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "lost" -> 2, "longer" -> 2, "local" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "limits" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "level" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "leaving" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "language" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "join" -> 2, "It's" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "investing" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "Instead" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "initiatives" -> 2, "infrastructure" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "inequalities" -> 2, "industrialized" -> 2, "individuals" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "incomes" -> 2, "include" -> 2, "improve" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "II" -> 2, "ideas" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "his" -> 2, "high-wage" -> 2, "higher" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "half" -> 2, "Growth" -> 2, "greatness" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "great" -> 2, "graduation" -> 2, "Government's" -> 2, "Global" -> 2, "generations" -> 2, "generate" -> 2, "gas" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "fund" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "frustration" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "fragile" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forces" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flexibility" -> 2, "fleeing" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "financial" -> 2, "fiber" -> 2, "Federal" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "faiths" -> 2, "fairness" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "expanded" -> 2, "everywhere" -> 2, "everyone" -> 2, "even" -> 2, "European" -> 2, "equity" -> 2, "Equal" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "Environment" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "enriched" -> 2, "Energy" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "Endowment" -> 2, "empowers" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "either" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "East" -> 2, "early" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "During" -> 2, "Dream" -> 2, "do-nothing" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "discipline" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "Development" -> 2, "deserves" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "Defense" -> 2, "decisively" -> 2, "dangers" -> 2, "dangerous" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "Cyprus" -> 2, "cycle" -> 2, "cut" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "criminals" -> 2, "Covenant" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "controls" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "continuing" -> 2, "continue" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "conflicts" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "comprehensive" -> 2, "competitors" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "companies" -> 2, "Commonwealth" -> 2, "come" -> 2, "collapse" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "civic" -> 2, "choice" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "challenged" -> 2, "century" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "Care" -> 2, "cancer" -> 2, "campaign" -> 2, "call" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "burden" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "breast" -> 2, "borrow" -> 2, "black" -> 2, "biodiversity" -> 2, "Bill" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "assure" -> 2, "assume" -> 2, "assist" -> 2, "ask" -> 2, "areas" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "another" -> 2, "anger" -> 2, "anew" -> 2, "An" -> 2, "alternative" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "alliance" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "AIDS" -> 2, "aid" -> 2, "ahead" -> 2, "ago" -> 2, "agency" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "adopt" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "administrations" -> 2, "Addressing" -> 2, "address" -> 2, "actively" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accessible" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "abortion" -> 2, "1988" -> 2, "1980s" -> 2, "$1,000" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "you" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worsening" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "workaday" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "wooed" -> 1, "women—to" -> 1, "women—like" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "windfall" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "Whether" -> 1, "What" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "we're" -> 1, "We'll" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weaponry" -> 1, "wealthy" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "War's" -> 1, "Warming" -> 1, "warming" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "walks" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "waited" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "Wade" -> 1, "vouchers" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "visible" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "Vietnamese" -> 1, "Vietnam" -> 1, "victimizing" -> 1, "victim-impact" -> 1, "vibrant" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "vaccines" -> 1, "v." -> 1, "usual—neither" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "uprooted" -> 1, "upholder" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unsung" -> 1, "unresolved" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "Unlike" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "uniquely" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "undone" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "underway" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "underinvest" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "tyrants" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "Twelve" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "Tuberculosis" -> 1, "trustee" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "troop" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "tripled" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "treatments" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "traders" -> 1, "track" -> 1, "Township" -> 1, "toughness" -> 1, "tougher" -> 1, "touchstone" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "torture" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "today" -> 1, "timidity" -> 1, "timetable" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "Tibet" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "three-to-one" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "there's" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "theory" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "Test" -> 1, "terrorizing" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "Terms" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tenant" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "technicians" -> 1, "technical" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "tapestry" -> 1, "tanks" -> 1, "tandem" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "tackle" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "system—the" -> 1, "system—Democrats" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "symptom" -> 1, "swindle" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sweeps" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "swallows" -> 1, "Sustainable" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "supply-side" -> 1, "Summit" -> 1, "summers" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "suite" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "sufficiency" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "subsistence" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "struggle—the" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stresses" -> 1, "strength—indeed" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "Strengthening" -> 1, "Strength" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "strategies" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "storefront" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "stereotyping" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "Standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stalwarts" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spousal" -> 1, "sporting" -> 1, "spills" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculate" -> 1, "specific" -> 1, "space" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "soul—from" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "something-for-nothing" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "society's" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "slower" -> 1, "slip" -> 1, "slide" -> 1, "S&L" -> 1, "skyrocketing" -> 1, "sizes" -> 1, "Sixty" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "site-based" -> 1, "sinking" -> 1, "simplest" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "significant" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shoulder" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "sharply" -> 1, "sharks" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settings" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "Serbian" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sentencing" -> 1, "sentences" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-employment" -> 1, "self" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "security—is" -> 1, "Security" -> 1, "seconds" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "science" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "scapegoats" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "Savings" -> 1, "save" -> 1, "savage" -> 1, "satisfying" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "same-day" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safer" -> 1, "Safe" -> 1, "Saddam" -> 1, "Ryan" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "Roe" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "Rising" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "Rio" -> 1, "rig" -> 1, "richer" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "Revolution—who" -> 1, "revolutionized" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "reverberates" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue-neutral" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "results-oriented" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "Restructuring" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restores" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "Responsibilities" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "reproduction" -> 1, "repressive" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "replacements" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "renovating" -> 1, "renewable" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "reluctantly" -> 1, "relocation" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "Reinvestment" -> 1, "reinvested" -> 1, "reimposing" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "registered" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "reexamined" -> 1, "reestablish" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "redlining" -> 1, "rediscover" -> 1, "Redirected" -> 1, "redefining" -> 1, "recycled" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "recedes" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "Reallocating" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rapists" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "rape" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "quo" -> 1, "quick" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "Pursuing" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purposely" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "providers" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "proliferation" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "productively" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "pre-natal" -> 1, "preexisting" -> 1, "precepts" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "post-Cold" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "Population" -> 1, "Poor" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "Policing" -> 1, "policing" -> 1, "Police" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "planet's" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "placement" -> 1, "pivotal" -> 1, "phasing" -> 1, "pervasive" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "penthouse" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "pen" -> 1, "peddle" -> 1, "peacekeeping" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "patrols" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "paternity" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participation" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "Palau" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "PACs" -> 1, "packaging" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "Ozone" -> 1, "ozone" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "overpay" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "ovarian" -> 1, "outdated" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "options" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opportunity—broad-based" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operates—not" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "one-to-three" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "often" -> 1, "offshore" -> 1, "Officials" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "Of" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "nutritious" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "nothing" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "nonproductive" -> 1, "non-investment" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "None" -> 1, "non-discrimination" -> 1, "non-college" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "Neighborhoods" -> 1, "neighborhood" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "Needs" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "NATO" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "NAFTA" -> 1, "myth" -> 1, "murdered" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "multiracial" -> 1, "Multilateral" -> 1, "multiethnic" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "mountain" -> 1, "motivation" -> 1, "Moscow—are" -> 1, "mosaic" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "mobilizing" -> 1, "mixture" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "mired" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "microenterprise" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "meager" -> 1, "math" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "market's" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "Mariana" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "mandates" -> 1, "Managers" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "Making" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "Macedonia" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "looked" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "long-overdue" -> 1, "locked" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "listen" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "life—for" -> 1, "Lifelong" -> 1, "lifelong" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "liberate" -> 1, "leverage" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lesbians" -> 1, "leniency" -> 1, "lend" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "Learning" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "layers" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "Latin" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "ladder" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "kingpins" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "kids" -> 1, "key" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Israeli" -> 1, "isolationism" -> 1, "irreversible" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "irresponsibility" -> 1, "irrelevant" -> 1, "inward" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invokes" -> 1, "invigorated" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "Investing" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interests—promoting" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intensely" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "integrate" -> 1, "instill" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "inside" -> 1, "innovative" -> 1, "Innovation" -> 1, "inner-city" -> 1, "Initiatives" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "infertility" -> 1, "industries—make" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "indexed" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "inattention" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "improves" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "impediment" -> 1, "impartiality" -> 1, "immunization" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "Hussein" -> 1, "hurting" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "horrors" -> 1, "honed" -> 1, "homophobia" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "homelessness" -> 1, "holocaust" -> 1, "HIV-related" -> 1, "HIV" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "hijacked" -> 1, "high-skill" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "hero" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "Helping" -> 1, "helping" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heartbreaking" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "hazardous" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "hate" -> 1, "hard-working" -> 1, "hard-fought" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "harder" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handguns" -> 1, "hamstring" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "Haitian" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "gut" -> 1, "gun" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "grounded" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "grass" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "government—to" -> 1, "government—can" -> 1, "governments—against" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "G.I." -> 1, "ghettos" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "gender-based" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "gay" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "GATT" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "full-time" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "fragile—democracies" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "Forcible" -> 1, "Forces" -> 1, "Force" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "foods" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "focused" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "fixtures" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fiscally" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "fired" -> 1, "Firearms" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "ferret" -> 1, "fearful" -> 1, "FDA" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fast-forward" -> 1, "fashion" -> 1, "farm" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "faded" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "facilities" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "Explosive" -> 1, "explosive" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploded" -> 1, "expertise—has" -> 1, "expertise" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expands" -> 1, "Expanding" -> 1, "exotic" -> 1, "exodus" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "executives" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "evasion" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "ethic—by" -> 1, "ethics" -> 1, "ethic" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "epidemic" -> 1, "environmentally" -> 1, "entrepreneurs" -> 1, "entrepreneurial" -> 1, "entrenched" -> 1, "entitlement" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "ensuring" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "enhance" -> 1, "English-only" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "engaging" -> 1, "engagement" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "Empowering" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "emissions" -> 1, "emerging—and" -> 1, "Emerging" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "emanates" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electorate" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "Either" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "educated" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "edge" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "East-West" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "Earth" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "dulled" -> 1, "Drugs" -> 1, "dropouts" -> 1, "drilling" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "divorced" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "disproportionate" -> 1, "disfigures" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disarmed" -> 1, "Disability" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "Direct" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "dioxide" -> 1, "diminishes" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "dictators" -> 1, "dialogue" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "Developing" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "depositors" -> 1, "Depletion" -> 1, "depleting" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "Departing" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demoralization" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "democracy—through" -> 1, "democracy's" -> 1, "Democracies" -> 1, "democracies" -> 1, "demilitarize" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "defy" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "Deficit" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deductibility" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "decisively—and" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "decision-making" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "deadbeat" -> 1, "dawn" -> 1, "David" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "cynicism" -> 1, "cuts" -> 1, "customers" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "culture" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "cry" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "crime—which" -> 1, "crime-ravaged" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "cracking" -> 1, "crackdown" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "coups" -> 1, "country—including" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "counselling" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "corrosive" -> 1, "corps" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "Conversion" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "contraceptives" -> 1, "contraceptive" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "Containing" -> 1, "containing" -> 1, "consumes" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "constancy" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "Conflict" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "conducts" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "Conditioning" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "concert" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "Comprehensive" -> 1, "complexities" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "competitiveness" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "competency" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "communist" -> 1, "Commonwealths" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "Combatting" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collar" -> 1, "code" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "clinical" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "classroom" -> 1, "Class" -> 1, "claimed" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Cities" -> 1, "choice—education" -> 1, "Choice" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "childbearing" -> 1, "chemicals" -> 1, "chemical" -> 1, "checks" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "characteristics" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "champions" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "CFCs" -> 1, "cervical" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "CEOs" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "ceded" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "care—not" -> 1, "carbon" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "Camp" -> 1, "callous" -> 1, "burning" -> 1, "burglary" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "builds" -> 1, "buck" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broker" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "breeds" -> 1, "breed" -> 1, "breakup" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "Brave" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "Bosnia-Herzegovina" -> 1, "borrowing" -> 1, "boot" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "Boipatong" -> 1, "boat" -> 1, "blighted" -> 1, "blaming" -> 1, "blame" -> 1, "Biodiversity" -> 1, "binds" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "betrayal" -> 1, "betray" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "Beijing" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "begin" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "bazaars" -> 1, "battles" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankruptcies" -> 1, "bankrupt" -> 1, "Ban" -> 1, "ban" -> 1, "Baltics" -> 1, "Baltic" -> 1, "ballooning" -> 1, "Balkans" -> 1, "backgrounds" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "backbreaking" -> 1, "baby" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "averting" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attacks" -> 1, "Atomic" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "Asia" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "argued" -> 1, "aren't" -> 1, "Area" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "approaches—to" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "apprenticeship-style" -> 1, "apprenticeship" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "antisemitism" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "anguish" -> 1, "Americans—not" -> 1, "American's" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "alternative-fueled" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "airwaves" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agreements" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agreeing" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "Aggressively" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "agenda" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "African" -> 1, "Affordable" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "afflicts" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advisors" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "Administration—despite" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adhering" -> 1, "adequacy" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "addicts" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activist" -> 1, "activism" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "accumulate" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "accountable—to" -> 1, "accords" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absorption" -> 1, "absent" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "abdication" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "90" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "200,000" -> 1, "2000" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1975" -> 1, "1951" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "100" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "В" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1988", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1988, "Date" -> DateObject[{1988, 7, 18}], "Text" -> "WE THE PEOPLE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,\nIn order to initiate the changes necessary to keep America strong and make America better, in order to restore competence, caring and incorruptibility to the Federal Executive Branch and get it working again fairly for all Americans, and in order to secure for our children a future of liberty and opportunity,\nHereby pledge our Party, our leaders, our elected officials and our every individual effort to fulfilling the following fundamental principles for all members of the American family.", "Words" -> 91, "WordCounts" -> <|"to" -> 6, "and" -> 6, "our" -> 5, "the" -> 4, "THE" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "OF" -> 3, "for" -> 3, "of" -> 2, "in" -> 2, "America" -> 2, "all" -> 2, "working" -> 1, "WE" -> 1, "UNITED" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "STATES" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "PEOPLE" -> 1, "PARTY" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "incorruptibility" -> 1, "In" -> 1, "Hereby" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "family" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "DEMOCRATIC" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "caring" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "American" -> 1, "AMERICA" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "a" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1984", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1984, "Date" -> DateObject[{1984, 7, 16}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nA fundamental choice awaits America—, a choice between two futures.\nIt is a choice between solving our problems, and pretending they don't exist, between the spirit of community, and the corrosion of selfishness: between justice for all, and advantage for some; between social opportunity and contracting horizons: between diplomacy and conflict: between arms control and an arms race: between leadership and alibis.\nAmerica stands at a crossroads.\nMove in one direction, and the President who appointed James Watt will appoint the Supreme Court majority for the rest of the century. The President who proposed deep cuts in Social Security will be charged with rescuing Medicare. The President who destroyed the Environmental Protection Agency will decide whether toxic dumps get cleaned up. The President who fought the Equal Rights Amendment will decide whether women get fair pay for their work. The President who launched a covert war in Central America will determine our human rights policy. The President who abandoned the Camp David process will oversee Middle East policy, The President who opposed every nuclear arms control agreement since the bomb went off will be entrusted with the fate of the earth.\nWe offer a different direction.\nFor the economy, the Democratic Party is committed to economic growth, prosperity, and jobs. For the individual, we are committed to justice, decency, and opportunity. For the nation, we are committed to peace, strength, and freedom.\nIn the future we propose, young families will be able to buy and keep new homes—instead of fearing the explosion of their adjustable-rate mortgages. Workers will feel secure in their jobs—instead of fearing layoffs and lower wages. Seniors will look forward to retirement—instead of fearing it. Farmers will get a decent return on their investment—instead of fearing bankruptcy and foreclosure.\nSmall businesses will have the capital they need—instead of credit they can't afford, People will master technology—instead of being mastered or displaced by it. Industries will be revitalized—not abandoned. Students will attend the best colleges and vocational schools for which they qualify,—instead of trimming their expectations. Minorities will rise in the mainstream economic life—instead of waiting on the sidelines. Children will dream of better days ahead—and not of nuclear holocaust.\nOur Party is built on a profound belief in America and Americans.\nWe believe in the inspiration of American dreams, and the power of progressive ideals. We believe in the dignity of the individual and the enormous potential of collective action. We believe in building, not wrecking. We believe in bridging our differences, not deepening them. We believe in a fair society for working Americans of average income: an opportunity society for enterprising Americans; a caring society for Americans in need through no fault of their own—the sick, the disabled, the hungry, the elderly, the unemployed: and a safe, decent and prosperous society for all Americans.\nWe are the Party of American values—the worth of every human being; the striving toward excellence; the freedom to innovate; the inviolability of law; the sharing of sacrifice; the struggle toward justice; the pursuit of happiness.\nWe are the Party of American progress—the calling to explore; the challenge to invent; the imperative to improve; the importance of courage; the perennial need for fresh thinking, sharp minds, and ambitious goals.\nWe are the Party of American strength—the security of our defenses; the power of our moral values; the necessity of diplomacy; the pursuit of peace; the imperative of survival.\nWe are the Party of American vision—the trustees of a better future. This platform is our road map toward that future.\nChapter I: Economic Growth, Prosperity, and Jobs\n\nIntroduction\n\nBuilding a prosperous America in a changing world: that is the Democratic agenda for the future. To build that America, we must meet the challenge of long-term, sustainable, noninflationary economic growth. Our future depends on it.\nTo a child, economic growth means the promise of quality education. To a new graduate, it means landing a good first job. To a young family, growth means the opportunity to own a home or a car. To an unemployed worker, it means the chance to live in dignity again. To a farmer, growth means expanding markets, fair prices, and new customer. To an entrepreneur, it means a shot at a new business. To our nation, it means the ability to compete in a dramatically changing world economy. And to all in our society, growth—and the prosperity it brings—means security, opportunity, and hope. Democrats want an economy that works for everyone—not just the favored few.\nFor our party and our country, it is vital that 1984 be a year of new departures.\nWe have a proud legacy to build upon: the Democratic tradition of caring, and the Democratic commitment to an activist government that understands and accepts its responsibilities.\nOur history has been proudest when we have taken up the challenges of our times, the challenges we accept once again in 1984 to find new ways in times of accelerating change, to fulfill our historic commitments. We will continue to be the party of justice. And we will foster the productivity and growth on which justice depends.\nFor the 1980's, the Democratic Party will emphasize two fundamental economic goals. We will restore rising living standards in our country. And we will offer every American the opportunity for secure and productive employment.\nOur program will be bold and comprehensive. It will ask restraint and cooperation from all sectors of the economy. It will rely heavily on the private sector as the prime source of expanding employment. And it will treat every individual with decency and respect.\nA Democratic Administration will take four key steps to secure a bright future of long-term economic growth and opportunity for every American:\n* Instead of runaway deficits, a Democratic Administration will pursue overall economic policies that sharply reduce deficits, down interest rates, free savings for private investment, prevent another explosion of inflation and put the dollar on a competitive footing.\n* Instead of government by neglect, a Democratic Administration will establish a framework that will support growth and productivity and assure opportunity.\n* In place of conflict, a Democratic Administration will pursue cooperation, backed by trade, tax and financial regulations that will serve the long-term growth of the American economy and the broad national interest.\n* Instead of ignoring America's future, a Democratic Administration will make a series of long-term investments in research, infrastructure, and above all in people. Education, training and retraining will become a central focus in an economy built on change.\nThe Future if Reagan Is Reelected\n\n\" Since the Reagan Administration took office, my wife and I have lost half our net worth. Took us 20 years to build that up, and about three to lose it. That is hard to deal with...\"\nDavid Sprague, Farmer. Colorado (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, Springfield, Illinois, April 27, 1984)\n\"There's got to be something wrong with our government's policy when it's cheaper to shut a plant down than it is to operate it...The Houston Works plant sits right in the middle of the energy capital of the world and 83 percent of our steel went directly into the energy-related market, yet Japan could sit their products on our docks cheaper than we can make it and roll in there.\"\nEarly Clowers. President, Steel Workers Local 2708 (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing. Houston, Texas. May 29. 1984)\nA Democratic future of growth and opportunity of mastering change rather than hiding from it, of promoting fairness instead of growing inequality, stands in stark contrast to another four years of Ronald Reagan. Staying the course with Ronald Reagan raises a series of hard questions about a bleak future.\nWhat would be the impact of the Republican deficit if Mr. Reagan is reelected?\nA second Reagan term would bring federal budget deficits larger than any in American history—indeed, any in world history. Under the Republican's policies, the deficit will continue to mount. Interest rates, already rising sharply, will start to soar. Investments in the future will be solved, then stopped. The Reagan deficits mortgage the future and threaten the present.\nMr. Reagan has already conceded that these problems exist. But as he said in his 1984 Economic Report to the Congress, he prefers to wait until after the election to deal with them. And then, he plans \"to enact spending reductions coupled with tax simplification that will eventually eliminate our budget deficit.\"\nWhat will Mr. Reagan's plan for \"tax-simplification\" mean to average Americans if he is reelected?\nHow will Mr. Reagan's \"spending reductions\" affect average Americans if he is reelected?\nIf he gets a second term, Mr. Reagan will use the deficit to justify his policy of government by subtraction. The deficits he created will become his excuse for destroying programs he never supported. Medicare, Social Security, federal pensions, farm price supports and dozens of other people-oriented programs will be in danger.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, will our students have the skills to work in a changing economy?\nIf we are to compete and grow, the next generation of Americans must be the best-trained, best-educated in history. While our competitors invest in educating their children, Mr. Reagan cuts the national commitment to our schools. While our competitors spend greater and greater percentages of their GNP on civilian research and development, this President has diverted increasing portions of ours into military weaponry. These policies are short-sighted and destructive.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, will basic industries and the workers they employ be brought into the future?\nThe Republican Administration has turned its back on basic industries and their communities. Instead of putting forward policies to help revitalize and adjust, Mr. Reagan tells blameless, anxious, displaced workers to abandon their neighborhoods and homes and \"vote with their feet.\"\nAmerica's economic strength was built on basic industries. Today, in a changing economy, they are no less important. Strong basic industries are vital to our economic health and essential to our national security. And as major consumers of high technology, they are catalysts for growth in newly emerging fields. We need new approaches to ensure strong American basic industries for the remainder of this century and beyond.\nCan the road to the future be paved with potholes?\nAdequate roads and bridges, mass transit, water supply and sewage treatment facilities, and ports and harbors are essential to economic growth. For four years, the Reagan Administration has refused to confront adequately the growing problems in our infrastructure. Another term will bring four more years of negligence and neglect.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, how many children will join the millions already growing up at risk?\nBetween 1980 and 1982, more than two million younger Americans joined the ranks of the poor: the sharpest increase on record.\nWith the Reagan Administration's cutbacks in prenatal care and supplemental food programs have come infant mortality rates in parts of our cities rivaling those of the poorest Latin American nations. Black infants are now twice as likely as white infants to die during the first year of life.\nCuts in school lunch and child nutrition programs have left far too many children hungry and unable to focus on their lessons.\nTeenage prostitution, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, and suicide have all been linked to child abuse. The Administration has abandoned most avenues to breaking the cycle of abuse. Funding to prevent and treat child physical abuse has been cut in half. And funds to help private groups set up shelters for runaway youth are being diverted elsewhere.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, will we ensure that our children are able to enjoy a clean, healthy environment?\nProtecting our natural heritage— its beauty and its richness— is not a partisan issue. For eighty years, every American President has understood the importance of protecting out air, our water, and our health. Today, a growing population puts more demands on our environment. Chemicals which are unsafe or disposed of improperly threaten neighborhoods and families. And as our knowledge expands, we learn again and again how fragile life and health—human and animal—truly are.\nEnsuring the environmental heritage of future generations demands action now. But the Reagan Administration continues to develop, lease, and sell irreplaceable wilderness lands. While thousands of toxic waste sites already exist, and more and more are being created constantly, the Reagan Administration is cleaning them up at a rate of only 1.5 per year. The environmental legacy of Ronald Reagan will be long-lasting damage that can never truly be undone.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected will we be able to heat our homes and run our factories?\nTwice in the past, our country has endured the high costs of dependence on foreign oil. Yet the Reagan Administration is leaving us vulnerable to another embargo or an interruption in oil supply. By failing adequately to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and trusting blindly to the market to \"muddle through\" in a crisis this Administration has wagered our national security on its economic ideology. One rude shock from abroad or just one \"market failure\", and our country could find itself plunged into another energy crisis.\nThe New Economic Reality; Five Reagan Myths\n\nUnderlying the Reagan approach to the economy are five key myths: myths that determine and distort the Reagan economic policy, and ensure that it is not the basis for long-term growth.\nThe world has changed, but Ronald Reagan does not understand.\nFirst, and most fundamental the Reagan Administration continues to act as if the United States were an economic island unto itself. But we have changed from a relatively isolated economy to an economy of international interdependence. In fact, the importance of international trade to the U.S. economy has roughly doubled in a decade. Exports now account for almost 10 percent of GNP—and roughly 20 percent of U.S. manufactured goods. One in six manufacturing jobs now depends on exports, and one in three acres is now planted for the overseas market. Imports have also doubled in importance.\nFinancial markets are also closely linked. U.S. direct investments and commercial loans overseas now amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. A debt crisis in Mexico will affect balance sheets in San Francisco. A recession in Europe will limit the profits of U.S. subsidiaries operating in the European market. Lower overseas profits wilt limit the flow of earnings back to the United State—one important way the U.S. has found to help pay for the rising tide of imports. Hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign short-term capital invested here are sensitive to small shifts in interest rates or the appearance of added risk. It is only partly bad loans that brought Continental Illinois to the brink of bankruptcy. Heavily dependent on short-term foreign deposits, Continental Illinois was particularly vulnerable. Rumors that were false at the time were enough to set off a run on the bank.\nThe strength of American steel, the competitiveness of the U.S. machine tool industry, and the long-term potential of U.S. agriculture are no longer matters decided exclusively in Washington or by the American market. America must look to Tokyo, Paris, and the money markets in Singapore and Switzerland. Policy based on the myth that America is independent of the world around us is bound to fail.\nSecond, this Administration has ignored the enormous changes sweeping through the American work force.\nThe measuring of the baby boom generation, the sharp increase in the percentage of women seeking work, and the aging of the work force all have to be taken into account.\nDecade by decade, more and more women have moved into the work force. This large-scale movement is already changing the nature of professions, altering the patterns of child care and breaking down sex-based distinctions that have existed in many types of employment.\nIn Ronald Reagan's vision of America, there are no single parent families, women only stay at home and care for children. Reagan's families do not worry about the effects of unemployment on family stability: they do not worry about decent housing and health care: they do not need child care. But in the real world, most Americans do. Providing adequate child care for the millions of American children who need it, and for their parents, is surely not a responsibility which belongs solely to the federal government. But, like the responsibility for decent housing and health care, it is one where federal leadership and support are essential.\nThe work force is also aging. For the first time in this century, the average American is 31 years of age. Coupled with greater longevity and the gradual elimination of mandatory retirement rules, older workers can be expected to increase steadily their share of the total work force.\nMoreover, the kinds of jobs available in our economy are changing rapidly. The combined pressures of new products, new process technology, and foreign competition are changing the face of American industry.\nNew technologies, shifting economics and deregulation have opened up dozens of new careers both in traditional industrial concerns and in new businesses. Many of them did not exist at all only a few years ago.\nAnd the change is far from over. In setting national policy, a government that ignores that change is bound to fail. In setting national policy, a government that ignores the future is short-changing the American people.\nThird, the Reagan program has ignored the fundamental changes that are sweeping through the structure of American industry, the diversity of the economy and the challenges various sectors face. New products and new ways of manufacturing are part of the change. High technology is creating new competitive industries, and holding out the promise of making older industries competitive once again.\nForeign competition has also had a major impact. But the tide runs much deeper than that.\nIn the past decade, small business and new entrepreneurs have become more and more of a driving force in the American economy. Small businesses are a growing force in innovation, employment, and the long-term strength of the American economy.\nTechnology itself appears to be changing the optimal size of American businesses. And unlike the conglomerate mergers of the 1960's, renewed emphasis on quality and efficient production has shifted the focus back to industry-specific experience.\nAn Administration that sets tax policy, spending priorities, and an overall growth program without understanding the new dynamics and the diversity of American industry is weakening, rather than strengthening the American economy.\nReaganomics is based on the theory that blanket-tax cuts for business and the rich would turn directly into higher productivity that private investors and industry would use the money saved to restore our edge in innovation and competitiveness.\nIn practice, the theory failed because it did not take into account the diversity within our economy. The economy is composed of a set of complex public and private institutions which are intricately interrelated and increasingly influenced by the pressures of international competition. In the international economy, multinational companies and governments cooperate to win trade advantage, often at American expense.\nWe are coming to understand that in an expanding number of markets, industrial strategies, rather than just the energies of individual firms, influence competitive success. Indeed, success in marketing a product may depend more on the quality and productivity of the relationship between government and business than on the quality of the product. While several foreign industrial strategies have failed, foreign governments are becoming more sophisticated in the design and conduct of their industrial strategies. The Reagan Administration is not.\nFourth, the Reagan Administration has acted as if deficits do not count. The deficits are huge and are expected to get larger—and they are a major negative factor in everything from high interest rates to the third world debt crisis.\n—Because of the huge tax cuts to benefit the wealthy, and an enormous military buildup bought on credit, the federal deficit in 1983 was equivalent to 6% of our GNP. In dollars it amounted to almost 200 billion—more than three times larger than the deficit Ronald Reagan campaigned against in 1980.\n—Under the budget Reagan proposed to Congress earlier this year, the annual deficit would grow to $248 billion by 1989, and unless he makes major changes in current policy, it will exceed $300 billion. Reagan doubled the national debt during his first term. Given eight years, he will have tripled it. According to the proposed budget, at the end of his second term Reagan by himself will have put this country three times deeper into debt than all our other Presidents combined.\n—As the Reagan debt hangs over us, more and more of our tax dollars are going nowhere. By 1989, the percentage of federal revenues to be spent on deficit interest payments alone will have doubled. These unproductive payments will claim a staggering 42Вў on every personal income tax dollar we pay. This huge allocation will do nothing to reduce the principal of the debt: it will only finance the interest payments.\n—The interest payments on Reagan's debt are grossly out of line with historical spending patterns. Since 1981, more money has been squandered on interest payments on the Reagan-created debt alone than has been saved by all of Reagan's cuts in domestic spending. Non-defense discretionary spending, to be productively invested in programs to benefit the poor and middle class, and to build our social capital, is being overwhelmed by the enormous sum of money wasted on interest payments. By 1989, the annual payment will account for twice the percentage of federal revenue that we have ever set aside for such discretionary programs.\n—Interest payments on the debt are rising at an alarming rate. Today the annual payment has already reached $110 billion—twice what it was four years ago. During a second Reagan term, it will double again, reaching $207 billion by 1989.\n—The consequences for the individual taxpayer are enormous. Deficit increases under Reagan so far are equivalent to $2,387 levied from every woman, man and child alive in the United States today.\n—The consequences for the nation as a whole are also enormous. The massive government borrowing necessary to service the debt will amount to about three-quarters of the entire nation's net savings between 1983 and 1986.\nThe pressure of the deficits on interest rates has sucked in a wave of overseas investment. Some of those investments have been made in manufacturing plants or other commercial enterprises. Much of the foreign money, however, is in the term of portfolio holdings or even more liquid short-term bank deposits. It is an uncertain source for savings for a long-term investment program. To a limited degree, it puts the country in the same risky position as Continental Illinois Bank which relied heavily on short-term foreign deposits to make long-term domestic loans\nHigh interest rates will eventually take their toll on domestic investment, make their own contribution to inflationary pressure (while eventually slowing growth and inflation), and increase the tensions in the domestic banking system. They will also have a potentially devastating impact on the international economy. Each percentage point rise in U.S. interest rates adds $3-5 billion to the annual debt payments of the developing world. High American interest rates have also put added pressure on interest rates in the industrial democracies, dampening their own prospects for growth, and their ability to buy our goods.\nFifth, and finally, the Reagan Administration has virtually wished away the role of government. When it comes to the economy, its view is that the government that governs best is one that governs not at all.\nA Democratic Administration must answer this challenge reaffirming the principle that government must both \"provide for the common defense\" and \"promote the general welfare\" as coequal responsibilities under the Constitution. If the Democratic Party can succeed in correcting the present imbalance, it will reverse the cycle of pain and despair, and recapture the initiative in the area of social and economic progress.\nThe Reagan Administration succeeded in shifting massive resources from human needs functions of the Federal budget to military-related functions and created unprecedented deficits based on the assumption that government should have a diminished responsibility for social progress, and thus, for the welfare of the needy and disadvantaged in society. The resulting Reagan-induced recession caused tremendous suffering, threw millions of people out of work, terminated or reduced benefits, and raised the national misery index.\nMr. Reagan denies government's critical role in our economy. Government cannot, and should not, dominate our free enterprise economy. But American prosperity has been most pronounced when the government played a supportive or catalytic role in the nation's economic fortunes. There are a wide variety of examples stretching back through our entire history: government investments in roads and research, in education and training: government initiatives in opening up new economic possibilities, initiatives that started with the decision to protect domestic markets shortly after the Revolution to the ongoing commercial development of space.\nAgriculture is a clear example of government cooperation with a highly competitive private sector that has yielded a harvest of economic results that is the envy of the world. The government helps fund the research, helps spread it through the economy, educates the modern farmer, influences production levels, and helps develop new markets overseas. It is America's most conspicuous example of a successful industrial strategy—combining the cooperative efforts of business, government and our universities.\nReagan's Recession and A Recovery Built on Debt\n\nThe Economic Roller Coaster—Following the first oil shock in 1973, the United States embarked on a ten year economic roller coaster. The up and down performance of the economy was paralleled by erratic macroeconomic policy. There were wide swings from stimulative fiscal and monetary policies causing raging inflation, to government-engineered recessions.\nThe frequency of the cycles created a climate of uncertainty that was tailor-made to discourage and distort investment. Each cycle left the economy weaker than the one before. At the end of each recession the level of inflation was higher, and at the end of each recovery the level of unemployment had risen.\nEven more disturbing was the decline in the rate of growth or productivity. By the end of the 1970's, productivity growth first stopped and then fell. Productivity growth has finally resumed—but the rate of growth remains disappointing compared both to our own economic past and the performance of other industrial economies.\nReaganomics and an Election Year Recovery—Ronald Reagan swept into office on the promise of a smaller government and a bigger private sector, of higher GNP and lower inflation, and of the elimination of federal deficits.\nFirst, he proposed huge tax cuts. Mr. Reagan went so far as to suggest that the growth caused by his tax cuts would be so rapid that total tax revenues would actually rise even while tax rates were cut.\nSecond, he promised a huge defense build-up.\nThird, he promised stable prices. How was he going to contain prices while stimulating rapid growth? His answer was tight money.\nFourth, the supply-siders promised growth and stable prices without the intervening pain of a recession. In effect, Reagan promised tight money without tears.\nCut taxes but raise more revenues. Arm to the teeth. Growth with stable prices. Tight money and no hard times. It just did not work out that way. Worse, there was never any reason to expect that it would. Reagan's kind of tax cuts were based neither on rational economic theory nor on any empirical evidence. And wishing simply did not make it so. George Bush was right when he called Reaganomics \"voodoo economics\".\nInstead of growth, the country had plunging production and record unemployment. Instead of increased savings and investment, the country had bankruptcy and economic decline. The Reagan policies, which were supposed to break the cycle of inflation and recession, only made it worse.\nReagan cut domestic programs, but more than offset those cuts with vastly increased defense spending. The Government significantly reduced the growth of the money supply and kept real interest rates high. For a recession, real interest rates reached record highs. These interest rates brought an added problem. They attracted foreign funds and helped drive up the international value of the dollar. American business was faced with a double whammy—empty order books and high interest rates. For the increasingly large part of American business that either sells overseas or competes with imports at home, the over-valued dollar abroad meant their products cost far more compared to the foreign competition.\nReagan effectively created a tax on exports and a subsidy for imports. It was a climate that forced record bankruptcies, enormous unemployment, plant closings, and major corporate reorganizations. It was the largest and most severe economic collapse since the Great Depression.\nThe Reagan Administration then prepared for the election year by \"staying the course\" in fiscal policy (pumping up demand with huge deficits) and sharply reversing the course in monetary policy.\nThe Federal Reserve Board rapidly expanded the supply of money and the economy ceased to decline and began to recover.\nThe Millions Left Behind—But millions of Americans were left behind. Over the last two years, 1.8 million men and women have became discouraged workers and more than 5.4 million have fallen into poverty. Nearly half of all minority youth are unemployed, and Black males have effectively lost 13 percent of their labor force participation in the last two decades. Unemployment on Indian reservations continues to be among the highest in the nation. The U.S.-Mexico border has been devastated by the currency devaluations and economic crisis in Mexico. Small businesses have closed: American families are suffering hunger and poor health, as unemployment exceeds depression rates. Women continue to receive less than 60 percent of the wages that men receive, with minority women receiving far less. Millions of other Americans, including the growing number of women heading poor households or those who have been hard-hit by plant closings or obsolescent skills, avidly seek training or retraining in occupations that hold real promise for sustained employment opportunities in the future.\nMillions of Americans, including those in the industrial and agricultural heartland, have been severely affected by the recent recession and the transformation in American industry that accompanied it. Furthermore, the changes seem to have come very quickly, and they do not seem to be over. Many Americans worked in auto, steel, machine tool, textile, agriculture and small business and related industries. Today for many of them, the recovery is a fiction, or seems very fragile. Plant closings have hit hard and job security and loss of health and pension benefits evoke memories from the past.\nInvestment in jobs for all Americans constitutes the key investment for the future of the nation. For every one million workers who go back to work, our country produces an additional $60-70 billion in goods and adds $25 billion to the Federal treasury. The Democratic Party will work aggressively to stimulate employment, rebuild trade and encourage labor-intensive industrialization.\nSeven Threats to the Recovery\n\nThe current election year recovery is in serious jeopardy, threatened by a series of major economic problems:\n* Unless corrective action is taken soon, the current $180 billion deficit will balloon even larger by the end of the decade.\n* Interest rates are high and rising. The prime rate has jumped one and one haft percentage points. A credit crunch is rapidly approaching in which federal borrowing for the deficit will overwhelm private demand for funds to fuel the recovery. Mortgage rates have risen to a point where home sales and housing starts are beginning to fall. The variable rate mortgage that buffers the thrift industry against high interest rates may, in the near future, put the entire industry under pressure as steadily rising rates put mortgage payments beyond the reach of the average homeowner.\n* The Federal Reserve Board faced a deficit dilemma. By expanding the money supply to help finance the deceit, the Federal Reserve runs the risk of runaway inflation. But if it limits growth by restricting the money supply, high interest rates will distort growth or tip the economy back into recession.\n* The Reagan Administration has done nothing to solve America's repeated problem of reconciling steady growth with stable prices, except by causing a deep recession. Continuing high levels of unemployment still exist in various communities across the country. Many jobs have disappeared. The Reagan Administration is not interested in new forms of fighting inflation—its anti-inflation program amounts to little more than unemployment, tight money and union busting. It is a highly cynical economic selective service that drafts only the poor and the middle class to fight the war against inflation, Unrestrained by the demands of another election, a second Reagan Administration will be even less concerned about the impact of deep recession on the average working American.\n* Our trade deficit is a looming disaster for the national economy. An overvalued dollar, itself the product of high interest rates, helped create a nearly $70 billion trade deficit in 1983. It will be almost twice as large in 1984. Borrowing to support the deficits and buying abroad to maintain a recovery tilted toward consumption are eroding America's position as a creditor nation.\n* America is very much a part of the international economy. And the recovery overseas has been slow to catch hold. European economies are strained by the impact of high American interest rates on their own economies. For many developing countries, growth has been slowed or even reversed by the overhang of an enormous burden of commercial and official debt. If they cannot buy our products, our economy must slow.\n* The sheer size of the international debt burden is itself a threat to the recovery. It is not only a question of falling exports Latin America. The America and international financial system has been put in peril by the weakening of debtor nations' ability to repay their debt to U.S. banks as interest rates rise.\nHoward Baker called Mr. Reagan's policies a \"riverboat gamble\". We now know the outcome. The very wealthiest in out society have been big winners—but future generations of Americans will be the losers.\nThe Americans coming of age today face a future less secure and less prosperous than their parents did—unless we change course. We have an obligation to our children and to their children. We Democrats have a different vision of our future.\nThe Democratic Alternative: A Prosperous America In A Changing World\n\n\"There's a lot of people out there only making $3.35 an hour, and that's been since '81. That's a long time to be making $3.35 an hour...Costs of living have gone up considerably. The insurance has gone up, gas, lights, water. It's a whole lot different now, it's not the same as '81. I know times have changed, but why can't the $3.35 change with them? I would like to know that if anybody can answer. I urge the Democratic Party to develop policies and protect working people.\"\nDoris Smith, Steward, SEIU Local 706.(Democratic Platform Committee Hearing. Houston, Texas, May 29, 1984)\n\"We do not have a surplus as long as one member of my family is hungry. He may live next door or on the other side of the world. However, it should not be the producer's responsibility to provide cheap food at the expense of his own children.\"\nRoberta Archer, Farmer, Springfield, Illinois(Democratic Platform Committee Hearing. Springfield, Illinois, April 27, 1984)\n\"In the four years prior to Mr. Reagan taking over, I was fortunate to have four years of employment, and I was able to put money aside in savings accounts which since have been exhausted. My unemployment benefits are exhausted too...I may not qualify for any type of public assistance and the standard of living I was accustomed to for my wife and myself and my family has drastically changed...But we as Democrats can join together in harmony and unison and we decide what is the future or the fate of our people and what is good for all of us. So I am very proud to be a Democrat.\"\nJames Price, unemployed mine worker(Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, Birmingham. Alabama, April 24, 1984)\nDemocratic growth is not just a matter of good numbers, but of opportunities for people. Jobs and employment are at the center of Democratic thinking. It is not only a question of legislation or appropriations. Rather, it is a philosophy that views employment as the ongoing concern of the country. Work in America is not an idle concept—but a definition of self, a door to future opportunity, and the key step in securing the economic necessities of the present.\nAn America at work is a moral obligation as well as the most effective way to return our economy to a high growth path. Employed people stimulate the economy, their taxes pay for the expenses of government and their production adds to our national wealth. Moreover, the social and economic fabric of the nation will be strengthened as millions of Americans who presently are frozen out of productive and dignified employment become contributing citizens.\nThe potential for America is unlimited. It is within our means to put America back on a long-term path that will assure both growth and broad-based economic opportunity. That is what the next Democratic Administration will do. First, we will adopt overall economic policies that will bring interest rates down, free savings for private investment, prevent another explosion of inflation, and put the dollar on a competitive basis. Second, we will invest for our future—in our people, and in our infrastructure. Third, we will promote new partnerships and participation by all levels of government, by business and labor, to support growth and productivity. Finally, government will work with the private sector to assure that American businesses and American workers can compete fully and fairly in a changing world economy.\nOverall Economic Policies: A Firm Ground For Growth\n\nA Democratic Administration will pursue economic policies which provide the basis for long-term economic growth and will allow us to fulfill our commitment to jobs for all Americans who want to work. A key part of the effort will be reducing and eventually eliminating the deficits that currently form a dark cloud over the nation's future. In addition, monetary policy must be set with an eye to stability and to the strengths or weaknesses of the economy. Finally, we will pursue policies that will promote price stability and prevent inflation from breaking out again.\nReducing the Reagan Budget Deficits\n\nAfter plunging the nation into a deficit crisis, President Reagan refuses to take part in efforts to solve it. He postpones hard decisions until after the Presidential election, refusing to compromise, refusing to address revenues and defense spending seriously, refusing all but a \"down payment\" on the deficit. The President continues to stand apart from serious, comprehensive efforts to cut the deficit. There must be statesmanship and compromise here, not ideological rigidity or election year politics.\nThe Democratic Party is pledged to reducing these intolerable deficits. We will reassess defense expenditures: create a tax system that is both adequate and fair: control skyrocketing health costs without sacrificing quality of care: and eliminate other unnecessary expenditures. Through efficiency and toughness, we will restore sanity to our fiscal house.\nWe oppose the artificial and rigid Constitutional restraint of a balanced budget amendment. Further we oppose efforts to call a federal Constitutional convention for this purpose.\nRational Defense Spending—In the last three years, the Defense Department was told by this Administration that it could have anything it wanted, and at any price. As Democrats, we believe in devoting the needed resources to ensure our national security. But military might cannot be measured solely by dollars spent. American military strength must be secured at an affordable cost. We will reduce the rate of increase in defense spending. Through careful reevaluation of proposed and existing weapons, we will stop throwing away money on unworkable or unnecessary systems; through military reform we will focus defense expenditure on the most cost-effective military policies. We will insist that our allies contribute fairly to our collective security, and that the Department of Defense reduces its scandalous procurement waste.\nAnd above all else, we will seek sensible arms control agreements as a means of assuring that there will be a future for our children and that we as a nation will have the resources we need to invest for the future.\nTax Reform—America needs a tax system that encourages growth and produces adequate revenues in a fair, progressive fashion. The Democratic Party is committed to a tax policy that embodies these basic values.\nThe present system is unfair, complex, and encourages people to use a wide range of loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. The combination of loopholes for the few and high rates for the many is both unfair and anti-growth. It distorts investment, diverting creative energies into tax avoidance. And it makes the tax code even less comprehensible to the average American.\nOur tax code must produce sufficient revenue to finance our defense and allow for investment in our future, and we will ask every America to pay his or her fair share. But by broadening the tax base, simplifying the tax code, lowering rates, and eliminating unnecessary, unfair and unproductive deductions and tax expenditure, we can raise the revenues we need and promote growth without increasing the burden on average taxpayers.\nRonald Reagan's tax program gave huge breaks to wealthy individuals and to large corporations while shifting the burden to low and moderate income families. The Democratic Party is pledged to reverse these unsound policies. We will cap the effect of the Reagan tax cuts for wealthy Americans and enhance the progressivity of our personal income tax code, limiting the benefits of the third year of the Reagan tax cuts to the level of those with incomes of less than $60,000. We will partially defer indexation while protecting average Americans. We will close loopholes, eliminate the preferences and write-offs, exceptions, and deductions which skew the code toward the rich and toward unproductive tax shelters. Given the fact that there has been a veritable hemorrhage of capital out of the federal budget, reflected in part by the huge budget deficit, there must be a return to a fair tax on corporate income. Under the Reagan Administration, the rate of taxation on corporations has been so substantially reduced that they are not contributing their fair share to federal revenues. We believe there should be a 15% minimum corporate tax. In addition, our tax code has facilitated the transfer of capital from the United States to investments abroad, contributing to plant closing without notice in many communities and loss of millions of jobs. We will toughen compliance procures to reduce the $100 billion annual tax evasion.\nOur country must move to a simpler, more equitable, and more progressive tax system. Our tax code can let the market put our country's savings to the best use. There must be a fair balance between corporate and personal tax increases. Wealthier taxpayers will have to shoulder a greater share of the new tax burdens. Economic distortions must be eliminated.\nControlling Domestic Spending—A balanced program for reducing Republican mega-deficits must also deal with the growing costs of domestic programs. But this must be done in a way that is fair to average Americans.\nSocial Security is one of the most important and successful initiatives in the history of our country, and it is an essential element of the social compact that binds us together as a community. There is no excuse—as the Reagan Administration has repeatedly suggested—for slashing Social Security to pay for excesses in other areas of the budget. We will steadfastly oppose such efforts, now and in the future.\nIt is rather in the area of health care costs that reform is urgently needed. By 1988, Medicare costs will rise to $106 billion: by the turn of the century, the debt of the trust fund may be as great as $1 trillion. In the Republican view, the problem is the level of benefits which senior citizens and the needy receive. As Democrats, we will protect the interests of health care beneficiaries. The real problem is the growing cost of health care services.\nWe propose to control these costs, and to demand that the health care industry become more efficient in providing care to all Americans, both young and old. We will limit what health care providers can receive as reimbursement, and spur innovation and competition in health care delivery. The growth of alternative health care delivery systems such as HMO's, PPO's and alternatives to long-term care such as home care and social HMO's should be fostered so that high quality care will be available at a lower cost. We must learn the difference between health care and sick care. Unlike the Republicans, we recognize that investing in preventive health care saves dollars as well as lives, and we will make the needed investment. The states must be the cornerstone of our health care policies, but a Democratic Administration will provide the leadership at the federal level to assure that health care is available to all who need help at a cost we can afford. In addition, we pledge to scour the budget for other areas of wasteful unnecessary spending.\nMonetary Policy for Growth\n\nReducing the deficit is the fine step toward lowering interest rates and establishing the basis for fair tax and budget policies. But even with a Democratic fiscal policy reining in the deficit, the task of the Federal Reserve Board will be critical. Monetary policy must work to achieve stable real interest rates, the availability of capital for long-term investments, predictable long-term policy and stable prices. We reject the rigid adherence to monetary targets that has frequently characterized the Reagan monetary policy. Whatever targeting approach the Federal Reserve Board adopts, it must be leavened with a pragmatic appraisal of what is happening in the harsh world of the real economy, particularly the impact on unemployment, interest rates, and the international value of the dollar.\nAn Anti-Inflation Program\n\nWe have learned that sustained economic growth is impossible in a climate of high inflation or of inflationary expectations. The .Reagan Administration's only prescription for inflation is recession—deliberate high unemployment—coupled with a relentless assault on the collective bargaining power and rights of working men and women. The Democratic Party believes that these tactics are both unacceptable and ineffective.\nWe will develop the following five-step program to stabilize prices:\n—Growth investments in new plants and equipment and research and development. The productivity growth that comes in tandem with new investments will help offset—point for point—any increase in cost.\n—Increased flexibility in the marketplace—will also help keep inflationary pressures under control. There is no single policy that will make the U.S. economy more adaptable. Rather, there is a series of smaller steps which will help keep prices stable. In general, competitive markets are more likely to restrain sudden surges of prices than markets dominated by a few large firms. No Democratic Administration will forget the use of old fashioned antitrust policy to keep markets competitive—and prices down.\n—Trade policy—is also an important component of any effective anti-inflation program. Expanding world markets for American goods increase the gains from large scale production and stimulate research and development on new products and processes.\n—The price-wage spiral—as part of any effective anti-inflation program, serious policies to address the price-wage spirals and other inflationary pressures we have experienced in the past must be developed.\n—We believe that an attack on sectorial sources of inflation—in food, fuel, utilities, health care, and elsewhere—is essential if price stability is to be sustained without economic distortions. Our agriculture, energy, and health programs will all promote sectorial price stability while assuring fair treatment for average Americans, including working men and women and family farmers. For example, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is one clear response to reducing the chance of another oil shock. The very presence of reserves in the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere reduces the likelihood of panic buying to replace suddenly threatened oil supplies. In this context, a far-reaching energy policy that emphasizes conservation and the development of alternative energy supplies will also help stabilize energy prices. And lower interest rates from reduced budget deficits will reduce upward pressure on housing costs and bring housing back within the reach of millions of Americans now excluded from the market.\nInvesting in People\n\nAmerica's greatest resource is our people. As Democrats we affirm the need for both public and private investment —in our children; in out educational institutions and out students; in jobs, training, and transitional assistance for our workers—to build America's future. If we choose wisely, these investments will be returned to our country many times over. They are essential if we are to create an America with high-quality jobs and rising opportunities for all. And they are vital if we are to safeguard our competitive position in the world economy.\nInvesting in Children\n\nSimple decency demands that we make children one of our highest national priorities. But the argument for so acting goes well beyond that. Programs for children represent the most critical investment we can make in out ability to compete in future world markets and maintain a strong national defense in the decades ahead.\nAbove all else, the Democratic Party stands for making the proper investment in coming generations of Americans.\nPreventive efforts must be at the heart of the broad range of health, child care, and support programs for children. Helping these children makes good moral sense—and sound economic sense. Measles vaccine alone has saved $1.3 billion in medical costs in just ten years. Supplemental food programs for low-income pregnant women and infants save $3 for every dollar spent.\nBy improving access to medical care before and after birth, we can promote a generation of healthy mothers and healthy babies. Seeing that supplemental food programs for low-income pregnant women and infants reach all those eligible will do more than save the $40,000 now spent to treat one low birth weight infant in a neo-natal ward. It will also reduce the risk of birth defects for such infants.\nWe recognize that a hungry child is a child who cannot learn. Restoring school breakfast and school lunches for millions of children will improve their alertness and concentration in school.\nChild care must also be a top priority. Helping communities establish after-school care programs will remove millions of American children from the serious risks they now face of injury, abuse and alienation by staying at home alone. Encouraging employers, churches, public centers, and private groups to provide quality, affordable child care will give millions of children whose parents must work the kind of adult supervision necessary to thrive. And setting up centers for child care information and referral will assist parents wherever they reside to locate quality care for their children.\nPreventing child abuse must be at the forefront of Democratic Party concern. Local, community-based child abuse prevention programs must be strengthened and expanded. A Child who learns first about the risks of sexual abuse in school will be less likely to become the target of repeated victimization. Federal challenge grants could encourage states to make local prevention efforts a real priority.\nPrompt intervention efforts must also be provided for children in crisis. If we are to make any headway in breaking the cycle of child abuse, both victims and offenders must have access to treatment programs.\nJuvenile offenders must not be left in adult jails where the only skills they acquire are those of the career criminal. Safe shelter and assistance must be available for the hundreds of thousands of runaway children at risk of exploitation in our cities. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies must refine ways to locate children who have been abducted. And children in foster care must not be allowed to graduate to the streets at age 18 without ever having known a permanent home.\nWe must ensure that essential surveys on children's health and welfare status are reinstated. We know more about the number of matches sold than about the number of children across the country who die in fires while alone at home. Likewise, we know less about hunger and malnutrition among children than we do about the health of the nation's poultry stock.\nThe Democratic Party affirms its commitment to protecting the health and safety of children in the United States. Existing laws mandating the use of automobile child restraints must be enforced, and child safety seat loaner or rental programs and public education programs must be encouraged, in order to reduce significantly the leading cause of death and serious injury among children between the ages of six months and five years—motor vehicle crashes.\nThe crises devastating many of our nation's youth is nowhere more dramatically evidenced than in the alarming rate of increase in teenage suicide. Over 6,000 young people took their lives in 1983, and for each actual suicide 50 to 100 other youths attempted suicide. The underlying causes of teenage suicide, as well as its full scope, are not adequately researched or understood. We must commit ourselves to seek out the causes, formulate a national policy of prevention, and provide guidance to our state and local governments in developing means to stem this devastating tide of self-destruction. We support the creation of a national panel on teenage suicide to respond to this challenge.\nA Democratic Administration which establishes these priorities can reduce the risks for our young people and improve the odds. By so doing it will serve their future...and ours.\nInvesting in Education\n\nNo public investment is more important than the one we make in the minds, skills and discipline of our people. Whether we are talking about a strong economy, a strong defense or a strong system of justice, we cannot achieve it without a strong educational system. Our very future in international economic competition depends on skilled workers and on first-rate scientists, engineers, and managers.\nWe Democrats are committed to equity in education. We will insist on excellence, discipline, and high standards. Quality education depends on students, teachers and parents performing at the highest levels of achievement.\nToday, education in America needs help. But, the Reagan Administration offers misleading homilies about the importance of education while aggressively slashing education programs.\nThis is intolerable. We know that every dollar we invest in education is ultimately returned to us six-fold. We know that the education of our citizens is critical to our democracy.\nThere are four key goals that a Democratic program for educational excellence must address: strengthening local capacity to innovate and progress in public education and encourage parental involvement; renewing our efforts to ensure that all children, whatever their race, income, or sex have a fair and equal chance to learn; attracting the most talented young people into teaching and enabling them to remain and develop in their profession; and ensuring that all American families can send their children on to college or advanced training.\nPrimary and Secondary Education—While education is the responsibility of local government, local governments already strapped for funds by this Administration cannot be expected to bear alone the burden of undertaking the efforts we need for quality education—from teacher training to the salaries needed to attract and retain able teachers, to new labs, to new programs to motivate talented and gifted students, to new ties between businesses and schools—without leadership at the federal level.\nDemocrats will provide that leadership. We call for the immediate restoration of the cuts in funding of education programs by the Reagan Administration, and for a major new commitment to education. We will create a partnership for excellence among federal, state and local governments. We will provide incentives to local school districts to concentrate on science, math, communications and computer literacy; to provide access to advanced technology. In all of these fields, but particularly in computers, there is a growing danger of a two-tier education system. The more affluent districts have adequate hardware and teachers prepared to use it. Many districts are left completely behind or saddled with a modern machine but no provision for faculty training. Every American child should have the basic education that makes computer literacy possible and useful. Major attention must be given to recruiting the finest young people into teaching careers, and to providing adequate staff development programs that enable educators to increase their effectiveness in meeting the needs or all students.\nVocational education should be overhauled to bring instructional materials, equipment, and staff up to date with the technology and practices of the workplace and target assistance to areas with large numbers of disadvantaged youth. We will insist that every child be afforded an equal opportunity to fulfill his or her potential. We will pay special attention to the needs of the handicapped.\nEducation is an important key to the upward mobility of all citizens and especially the disadvantaged, despite the fact that racial discrimination and other prejudices have set limits to such achievement.\nThe Reagan Administration has singled out for extinction the proven most successful education program—compensatory education for disadvantaged children. The Democratic Party will reverse this malicious onslaught and dramatically strengthen support in order to provide educational equity for all children.\nBilingual education enables children to achieve full competence in the English language and the academic success necessary to their full participation in the life of our nation. We reject the Reagan double-talk on bilingual education and commit ourselves to expanding and increasing its effectiveness.\nWe will emphasize the importance of preventing one-third of our student body nationwide from dropping out of school in the first place. And, we will supplement community-based programs encouraging students who have left school due to teenage parenthood, alcohol and drug abuse, or economic difficulties at home, to complete their education.\nRecognizing that young people who are never given an opportunity for a job will be less likely to hold one in adulthood, we will also emphasize training and employment opportunities for youth. In so doing, we need to establish a genuine working partnership with the private sector.\nPrivate schools, particularly parochial schools, are also an important part of our diverse educational system. Consistent with our tradition, the Democratic Party accepts its commitment to constitutionally acceptable methods of supporting the education of all pupils in schools which do not racially discriminate and excluding so-called segregation academies. The Party will continue to support federal education legislation which provides for the equitable participation in federal programs of all low and moderate income pupils.\nHigher Education—We will make certain that higher education does not become a luxury affordable only by the children of the rich. That is Ronald Reagan's America. In our America, no qualified student should be deprived of the ability to go on to college because of financial circumstance.\nThe Democratic Party reaffirms the importance of historically Black colleges. Today the survival of many of these colleges is threatened. The programs that assist them, which have been severely weakened in recent years, must be greatly strengthened with funding targeted toward Black and Hispanic institutions.\nAn explosion in demand for certain types of engineers, scientists and other technical specialists is creating a shortage of faculty and PhD candidates. We must encourage colleges and universities to train more scientists and engineers. More than one hundred years ago the Morrill Land Grant Act provided for agricultural colleges and programs that today still help keep American agriculture the world leader. We need a similar program today to encourage the training of scientists and engineers. At the same time, we must not neglect the arts and humanities, which enrich our spirit. The private sector must also recognize its responsibility to join partnerships which strengthen our diverse public and private higher education system.\nFinally, all our educational institutions must adapt to growing numbers of adults returning to school to upgrade their skills, acquire new skills, prepare themselves for entirely new occupations, and enrich their lives.\nInvesting In the Arts\n\nAmerica is truly growing and prosperous when its spirit flourishes. The arts and humanities are at the core of our national experience. Creativity and the life of the mind have defined us at our best throughout our history. As scholars or artists, the museum-goers or students, craftsmen and craftswomen or the millions who use our libraries, countless Americans have a stake in a nation that honors and rejoices in intelligence and imagination.\nThe Democratic Party will set a new national tone of respect for learning and artistic achievement. Not only will the federal agencies that support them be strengthened and freed from political intimidation, but the White House itself will once again be a place where American cultural and intellectual life—in all its rich diversity—is honored. Excellence must start at the top.\nFinally, the Democratic Party is also committed to the survival of public television and radio stations which allow all Amerces, regardless of ability to pay, to appreciate high quality, alternative programming. We oppose the efforts of the Reagan Administration to enact draconian cuts which would totally undermine the viability of this nation's excellent public broadcasting system, a broadcasting system which has given the country Sesame Street, 3-2-1 Contact, and other superb children's as well as cultural and public affairs programming.\nJobs, Training, and Transitional Assistance\n\nWe must have a growing economy if we are to have jobs for all Americans who seek work. But even in a growing economy, the pressures of competition and the pace of change ensure that while jobs are being created, others are being destroyed. Prosperity will not be evenly distributed among regions and communities. We must make special efforts to help families in economic transition who are faced with loss or homes, health benefits, and pensions. And far too many of our young people, especially minorities, do not have the training and skills they need to get their first job. Democrats believe that it is a national responsibility to ensure that the burdens of change are fairly shared and that every young American can take the first step up the ladder of economic opportunity.\nOf the 8.5 million Americans still out of work, 40 percent are under 25. Unemployment among teenagers stands at almost 20 percent. Less than three percent of the jobs created in the last three and a half years have gone to young people. Black and Hispanic youth have a double burden. Unemployment for black teenagers stands at 44 percent—a 20 percent increase in the last three years. Hispanic teens face a 26 percent unemployment rate.\nAs disturbing as these figures are, they do not tell the whole story. The unemployment rate measures only those teenagers who were actively looking for work, not those who have given up, completely discouraged by the lack opportunity. Again the burden falls disproportionately on minority youth.\nThe Reagan Administration has dismantled virtually all of the successful programs to train and employ young people. Today we are spending less to put young people to work than we were even under the last Republican Administration—70 percent less, when inflation is taken into account. Youth unemployment has skyrocketed, while government efforts to combat it have dwindled to a trickle.\nUnless we address this problem now, half of an entire generation may never know what it means to work. America cannot successfully compete in the world economy if a significant portion of our future work force is illiterate, unskilled, and unemployable.\nThe Democratic Party must give our young people new skills and new hope; we must work hand in hand with the private sector if job training is to lead to jobs. Specifically, targeted efforts are needed to address the urgent problem of unemployment among minority teenagers. We must provide job training for those who have dropped out of school, and take every step to expand educational opportunity for those still in school. We must recognize the special needs of the over-age 50 worker and the displaced homemaker. Through education, training and retraining we must reduce these dangerously high levels of unemployment.\nWe must provide an opportunity for worker, including those dislocated by changing technologies to adapt to new opportunities: we must provide workers with choices as to which skills they wish to acquire. We know that Americans want to work. We are committed to ensuring that meaningful job training is available—for our students, for housewives returning to the workplace, and for those displaced by changing patterns of technology or trade.\n—The federal government will develop a major comprehensive national job skills development policy that is targeted on the chronically unemployed and underemployed. We must train and place these Americans in high-demand labor shortage occupations, working with the private sector so that maximum employment and job creation can be achieved.\n—We will overhaul the currently antiquated unemployment compensation system, and adequately fund job search listings of local employment services.\n—We will also launch meaningful training programs that lead to job placement for women who receive public assistance, in order to break the cycle of dependence and to raise their standard of living. Instead of punitive reductions in AFDC and other benefits for women who seek training and employment while receiving such assistance, beneficiaries should be given a transition period during which they are permitted to earn income in a formal training program while receiving full benefits.\n—We will seriously examine new approaches to training and retraining programs that could be financed directly by government, by labor and management, or by tax free contributions.\n—If cancellations of specific weapons systems result in significant economic dislocations and job loss, it is a national responsibility to address the human consequences of national policy.\nInvesting In Infrastructure\n\nEconomic growth requires that America invest in our infrastructure as well as in our people. Investing in infrastructure means rebuilding our bridges and roads and sewers, and we are committed to doing that. But it also means investing in our cities, in decent housing and public transportation, and in regulatory systems for finance and telecommunication that will provide a sound basis for future economic growth\nInvesting in our Cities\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes the value of prosperous local government, and within that context we recognize that a healthy city is essential to the well-being of the nation, state, county and surrounding local governments.\nOur nation's economic life depends on the economic growth of our cities. Our cities are not only the treasures from which the nation draws its wealth: they are the centers of industry, the centers of art and culture, the breeding ground for economic innovation, and home to the majority of the America people. Our cities are among this country's greatest achievements, and they can be our country's greatest engine of economic growth.\nCities can be active partners with the federal government and private enterprises for creating new growth. They can be a dynamic entrepreneurial force—by encouraging education and research, by incubating promising new industries, by steering resources toward those most in need, and by fostering new cooperative arrangements among public agencies and private business. Cities can be a leading force for rebuilding the nation's economy.\nBut to do this, cities need state and national leadership which values the role of city and county government. Cities need a President willing to work and consult with mayors and county executives. They need an Administration which puts the needs of urban America on the top of the national agenda—because no plan for economic strength will survive when our cities are left behind.\nToday, the Reagan Administration has turned its back on the cities. By sapping our cities strength, this Administration is sapping out country's strength. Only the intervention of the Congress has prevented further and more devastating cuts in city-oriented programs. The Democratic Party believes in making our cities' needs a federal priority once again: We want to see again cities where people have jobs and adequate housing, cities whose bridges and mass transit are being maintained, and whose neighborhoods are safe to live in. And that will take a commitment by our federal government to help our cities again.\nToward that end, the Democratic Party pledges:\n—a commitment to full employment. We believe the federal government must develop a major, comprehensive national job skills development policy targeted on the chronically unemployed and underemployed. We must launch special training programs for women who receive public assistance. We need to increase government procurement opportunities for small and minority firms and to encourage deposits of federal funds in minority-owned financial institutions. And to build for the future, the Democratic Patty calls Party calls for a new national commitment to education, which must include raising standards, insisting on excellence, and giving all children a chance to learn, regardless of race, income or sex.\n—a commitment to rebuilding the infrastructure of America. We need to inventory facility needs, set priorities and establish policies for the repair, maintenance, and replacement of public works by all levels of government. We need to create a federal capital budget to separate operating and capital outlays. We will consult local governments in decisions affecting the design and performance standards of facilities constructed under federal programs. And we need to create a national reconstruction fund to provide affordable loans to states and localities for infrastructure projects. This will not only rebuild the infrastructure of our cities but provide badly needed employment for people who live there.\n—a commitment to housing. We must restore government's positive role in helping all Americans find adequate and affordable housing. We reaffirm our commitment to public housing for the most disadvantaged members of our society. We must strengthen our commitment to the operation and rehabilitation of current government-assisted housing. We must maintain and expand the flow of mortgage capital, and bring interest rates down with sensible economic policies. We must pull together the patchwork of housing programs and cut through the red tape to make it easier for cities to receive the assistance to meet their own unique needs. We must upgrade and replenish housing in minority communities and create more units for poor and low-income people. And we must enforce fair housing standards to prohibit discrimination in the housing market.\nOur Party must be a vehicle for realizing the hopes, the aspirations, and the dreams of the people of this country. And that includes the people who live in cities.\nPhysical Infrastructure\n\nThis nation's physical infrastructure—our bridges and roads, our ports, our railroads, our sewers, our public transit and water supply systems—is deteriorating faster than we can repair it. The gap between the necessary improvements and available resources grows every year. State and local governments, strapped by Reaganomics, have been forced repeatedly to defer maintenance, and to abandon plans for construction.\nAs Democrats, we recognize that infrastructure is the basis for efficient commerce and industry. If our older industrial cities are to grow, if our expanding regions are to continue to expand, then we must work with state and local government to target our investment to out most important infrastructure. There is work to be done in rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure, and there are millions of American men and women in need of work. The federal government must take the lead in putting them back to work, and in doing so, providing the basis for private sector investment and economic growth. We need to inventory facility needs, set priorities, and establish policies for the repair, maintenance and replacement of the public works by all of government. We need a capital budget to separate paying for these long-term investments from regular expenditures. Furthermore, we need a national reconstruction fund to provide affordable loans to state and localities for infrastructure projects.\nFinance Infrastructure\n\nAt the heart of our economy is the financial infrastructure: a set of diverse interdependent institutions and markets which are the envy of the world. We must preserve that strengths. Until very recently, the United States operated with a domestic financial system that was built in response to the stock market crash Of 1929, the massive series of bank failures that accompanied the Great Depression, and the speculative excesses of the stock market. There was an emphasis on placing different types of financial activities in different institutions. Commercial banks were not to float stock market issues. Investment bankers could. Neither took equity positions in individual companies. savings and credit institutions were established to support housing and consumer durable. Soundness of the system, liquidity, investor and depositor protection, neutrality of credit and capital decisions, and a wide variety of financial institutions to serve the varying needs of business and consumers have been the fundamental goals.\nBit by bit, the American financial system began to change. The domestic financial market became closely tied to the international market, which in turn had become larger, more competitive, and more volatile. Inflation, technology, the growth of foreign competition, and institutional innovation all combined to create strong pressures for change. The 1980's brought a deregulation of interest rates and a wave of deregulatory decisions by financial regulators.\nThese changes raise serious threats to our traditional financial goals. Before leaping into a highly uncertain financial future, the country should take a careful look at the direction deregulation is taking, and what it means to our financial system and the economy.\nTelecommunications\n\nTelecommunications is the infrastructure of the information age. The last decade has seen an explosion in new technologies expanded competition, and growing dependence on high quality telecommunications.\nNationwide access to those networks is becoming crucial to full participation in a society and economy that are increasingly dependent upon the rapid exchange of information. Electronically-delivered messages, and not the written word, are becoming the dominant form of communication. A citizen without access to telecommunications is in danger of fading into isolation. Therefore, the proper regulation of telecommunications is critical. We must encourage competition while preventing regulatory decisions which substantially increase basic telephone rates and which threaten to throw large numbers of low-income, elderly, or rural people off the telecommunications networks. We must also insure that workers in the telecommunications industry do not find their retirement or other earned benefits jeopardized by the consequences of divestiture.\nThis electronic marketplace is so fundamental to our future as a democracy (as well as to our economy) that social and cultural principles must be as much a part of communications policy as a commitment to efficiency, innovation, and competition. Those principles are diversity, the availability of a wide choice of information services and sources; access, the ability of all Americans, not just a privileged few, to take advantage of this growing array of information services and sources; and opportunity, a commitment to education and diverse ownership, particularly by minorities and women, that will give every American the ability to take advantage of the computer and the telecommunications revolution. We support the Fairness Doctrine and Equal Time requirements, along with other laws and regulations on the electronic media which encourage or require responsiveness to community needs and a diversity or viewpoints.\nHousing\n\nDecent, affordable housing has been a goal of national public policy for almost half a century, since the United States Housing Act of 1937. The Democratic Party has remotely reaffirmed the belief that American citizens should be able to find adequate shelter at reasonable cost. And we have been unwavering in our support of the premise that government has a positive role to play in ensuring housing opportunities for less fortunate Americans, including the elderly and the handicapped, not served by the private market.\nIn the last four years this long-standing commitment to decent shelter has been crippled by the underfunding, insensitivity, high interest rates, and distorted priorities of the Reagan Administration.\nThe Democratic Party has always accorded housing the high priority it deserves. One essential quality will characterize this commitment in the future It must and will be comprehensive.\nBy advocating a comprehensive policy which addresses the totality of our housing needs, we do not mean to suggest that all concerns have an equal claim on resources or require the same level of governmental intervention. The bulk of our resources will be concentrated on those most in need, and government must take a leadership role where others cannot or will not participate.\nWithin a comprehensive framework for policy development and constituency building, we will establish priorities according to principles of compassion and equity. We would like to see a special effort in two areas in the first years of a new Democratic Administration.\nFirst, we must intensify our commitment to the adequate operation, management, and rehabilitation of the current inventory of government-assisted housing. This housing stock is not one, but the only option for the least fortunate among our lower income families and senior citizens. It is the right thing to do and it 'makes economic sense to preserve our own economic investment.\nSecond, we must maintain and expand the flow of mortgage capital. The America dream of home ownership will fall beyond the reach of this generation and future ones if government fails to help attract new sources of capital for housing.\nWe will draw on our historic commitment to housing, and the best insights and energies of today's Democratic Party, to address the future housing needs of all the American people. The Democratic Party will develop short-range emergency responses to the problem of homelessness as well as long-range solutions to its causes. The Democratic Party will support upgrading and replenishment of the housing stock in minority communities, with more affordable units available so that poor and low income people can buy units with low interest loans. Also, fair housing standards need to be vigorously enforced by the federal, state and local governments in order to deal with persistent discrimination in the housing market for buyers and renters. Finally, the expansion of public housing and other publicly-assisted housing programs is a necessity due to the growth in the homeless population and in the high cost of commercially available units.\nTransportation\n\nDemocrats vigorously support the concept of promoting competition in transportation and the elimination of unnecessary and inefficient regulation of the railroad industry. Democrats also insist on insuring a fair rate for captive shippers. It was the Democratic Party which was primarily responsible for the passage of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, which was designed to accomplish these objectives.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to a policy of administering the transportation laws in a manner which will encourage competition and provide protection for captive shippers.\nA comprehensive maritime policy that is tailored to the realities of today's international shipping world and to the economic, political, and military needs of the United States is a necessity. Such a policy should address all facets of out maritime industry—from shipping to shipbuilding and related activities—in an integrated manner.\nPostal Service\n\nThe private express statutes guarantee the protection and security of the mail for all Americans. They are essential to the maintenance of the national postal system along with retaining rural post offices to assure the delivery of mail to all Americans.\nA Framework for Growth\n\nThe American economy is a complex mix, incorporating any number of different actors and entities—private businesses, professional societies, charitable institutions, lair unions, regional development councils, and local school boards. The economy is driven by millions of individual decisions on spending and saving, on investing and wages. Government is only one force among many woven into the fabric of American economic life. Just as the wrong overall economic policy can disrupt the best private decisions, the best government economic policies will not put us on a path to long-term growth unless business, labor, and other private institutions meet their responsibilities and rise to the competitive challenge of a new era.\nPrivate Sector Responsibilities\n\nIn many cases, the private sector is already playing a major role in laying the basis for future growth and meeting broad community responsibilities. In other cases, however, short-term considerations have been allowed to predominate at the expense of the long-term needs of the national economy.\nA recent wave of mergers has been particularly troubling. Any number of large corporations have focuses their energies arranging the next merger or defending against the latest takeover bid.\nMany of our major competitors have targeted their efforts on investments in new methods of producing cheaper, high-quality products. To respond to the growing pressure of foreign competition. America's private sector must meet several challenges:\n—Investing strategically—the more U.S. companies focus on long-term strategies to improve their competitive positions, the better off the entire economy will be.\n—Managing cost and quality—U.S. companies will have to place similar emphasis on controlling costs and quality to effectively meet the best of the foreign competition.\n—Competing internationally—U.S. business like other institutions in the country need to pay greater attention to the international market place.\nPartnership, Cooperation and Participation\n\nPartnership, cooperation and participation are central to economic growth. We need new cooperative institutions, and a steady redefinition of how labor and management, universities, the private sector, and state and local governments can work together.\n—National cooperation—In developing a long-term growth strategy, there are several particularly important functions that today are poorly performed or poorly coordinated by the government: coordination and policy coherence;\ndeveloping and disseminating useful economic information; anticipating economic problems; and developing long-term consensus between public and private sectors. To better accomplish these tasks, it is time that a national Economic Cooperation Council was created, Its charter would be simple and basic: (1) to collect, analyze, and disseminate economic data; (2) to create a forum where the gap between business, labor, and government is bridged, where all three develop the trust, understanding, and cooperation necessary to improve productivity; and, (3) to identify national priorities, make recommendations on how best to reach those goals, and help build consensus for action.\n—State involvement—Under the guise of increasing the power of state government, the Reagan Administration has actually given the states only the power to decide what programs to cut or eliminate, because of the substantially decreased funding it has made available to the states. Should it be baby clinics, child immunization against disease, day care, maternal health, or youth services? The Democratic Party believes a strong partnership of federal, state and local governments is basic to effective and efficient decision-making, problem-solving, and provision of adequate services. We must also encourage cooperation between states and the private sector. State development agencies are already seeking closer ties to both business and universities. And universities are increasingly looking to the private sector in setting their research agendas.\n—Local and community involvement—Citizen involvement in governance should be as great as possible. The responsibility for general governance, the delivery of programs and services, and the resolution of problems should be with the level of government that is closest to the citizenry and that can still discharge those responsibilities effectively and efficiently. These levels of government must assure basic civil liberties and justice for all citizens. They must not be abrogated by any local jurisdiction. The federal government should focus on the importance of local initiatives. For example, vocational education is an area where local schools and local business will increasingly be brought together. Financial stability and adequate authority are essential prerequisites to developing successful public-private partnerships and maximizing citizen involvement in governance.\nGovernment financial and technical assistance programs should give preference to viable worker and/or community—owned or -run businesses, especially as a response to plant shutdowns.\nBroadening Labor-Management Cooperation\n\nWe support greater employee participation in the workplaces. Employees should have an opportunity to make a greater contribution to workplace productivity and qualify through actual ownership of the company, employee representation on corporate boards, quality work circles, and greater worker participation in management decisions. The government should encourage employee participation and ownership, particularly as an alternative to plant shutdowns. It is destructive of labor-management relations when concessions extracted from labor to preserve jobs are converted after the restoration of profitability, into management bonuses, rather than restoring the concessions that the workers made. Such practices offend our sense of fairness, as does the Reagan Administration-inspired union-busting. Essential to fairness in the workplace is the basic right of workers to organize collectively.\nConsumer Protection\n\nThe Democratic Party strongly reaffirms its commitment to federal programs which are designed to enhance and protect the health and safety of all Americans. Under the Reagan Administration, the critical missions of agencies such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have been ignored and subverted.\nThe Reagan Administration proposed abolishing the CPSC, which has recalled over 300 million dangerous and defective products in its 10 year history. When it failed to accomplish this, the Administration attempted to submerge CPSC in the Department of Commerce. Also failing in this attempt, the Reagan Administration inflicted massive budget and personnel cuts on the Commission. The impact has been far reaching: recalls declined 66%, inspections were cut in half and over half of CPSC's regional offices have been closed. The result has been a paralysis of mission and an America more susceptible to dangerous product.\nThe record at the NHTSA, the agency mandated to reduce the appalling annual highway deaths of more than 50,000 Americans, is just as shameful. The President has appointed administrators with no safety background and even less commitment to the public health mission of the agency. Critical lifesaving safety standards, such as one requiring automatic crash protection in cars, have been revoked. The enforcement of defect and recall programs, designed to remove dangerous vehicles from our roads, has been cut back. Recalls are at an all-time low and only one safety standard has been proposed in four years.\nAt OSHA and MSHA, we have witnessed a retreat from agency mandates to provide safe and healthful working conditions for this nation's working men and women. Existing standards have been weakened or revoked and not one single new standard has been implemented. Similarly, at the FDA there has been an important shift away from removing dangerous and ineffective drugs in favor of weakening standards for products. The FTC has run roughshod over the nation's antitrust laws, allowing 9 of the 10 largest mergers in history to occur.\nThe dangerous trends in all these areas must be immediately reversed to allow these vital health and safety agencies to pursue their missions aggressively, to protect and enhance the health and safety of all Americans.\nIndividual Empowerment\n\nThe Democratic Party's commitment to full equality is as much a part of prodding individual opportunity as it is part of a program of social justice. At the heart of our values as a nation is our belief in independence. Anyone who has brought home a paycheck, bought a car, or paid off a mortgage knows the pride that economic self-sufficiency brings. And anyone who has lost a job, watched one's children go hungry, or been denied a chance at success knows the terrible indignity that comes with dependence.\nAs Democrats, we share that belief in independence. Our goal is to allow the greatest number of people the greatest opportunity for self-sufficiency.\nAs a Party, we are committed to preparing people to stand on their own: that is why we insist on adequate nutrition for our children and good education for our young people. We are committed to permitting independence; that's why wee believe discrimination on any basis must come to an end. We believe that independence should be prolonged for as long as possible; to ensure it continues even after retirement, we support Social Security and Medicare. And we believe we must preserve the self-respect of those who are unable to be completely self-sufficient—the very young, the unskilled, the disabled, the very old—and to help them toward as much independence as possible. As much as it is a strategy for long run economic growth, individual empowerment must itself be an operating philosophy. in the welfare system, in education, and in the laws affecting everyone from shareholders to the average voter, the Democratic Party will ask if the individual is being made stronger and more independent.\nAmerica in a World Economy\n\nThe reality of international competition in the 1980's requires government policies which will assure the competitiveness of American industry and American workers. Democrats will support and encourage innovation and research and development in both the private and public sector. We will seek to strengthen America's small businesses. And we will pursue trade policies and industrial strategies to ensure that out workers and our businesses can compete fully and fairly in the international arena.\nInnovation\n\nInnovation—in process and product technology—is at the heart of our ability to compete in a world economy and produce sustained economic growth at home. And research and development, critical as it is for our growing high technology industries, is no less important for our basic industries. In the past generation, our world leadership in innovation has been increasingly jeopardized. We have not invested enough—or wisely enough—to match our major competitors.\nResearch and Development—Since the mid-1960's, all the other major industrial nations have increased their expenditures for research and development more rapidly than we have. Over the past decade, manufacturing productivity rose more than four times faster in Japan, more than three times faster in France, and more than twice as fast in both West Germany and the United Kingdom than in the United States. And the number of patents granted to Americans each year has plunged by 40 percent.\nThe United States should revise its downward trend and increase the percentage of GNP devoted to commercially-related R&D as a long-term spending goal. We must be at the cutting edge, and we will not get there without cooperation between the government and the private sector. As Democrats, our goal is to increase civilian research and development in this country, to expand its commercial application, and to provide more industries with the opportunity to take advantage of it.\nAt the national level, this means enhanced support for undergraduate and graduate training in science, mathematics, and engineering; increased support to refurbish a modernize university research laboratories; increased support for the National Science Foundation and similar efforts; and a commitment to civilian research and development.\nCenters of Excellence—In the past generation, scientists and engineers, together with educators and business leaders throughout the United States, have begun countless new, high technology businesses such as those in Boston, Massachusetts, California's Silicon Valley, North Carolina's Research Triangle, greater Denver, Colorado, and Austin, Texas to establish this country as a leader in the next generation of high technology industries—biotechnology, polymer sciences, robotics, photovoltaics, marine sciences, microelectronics. The Democratic Party will encourage and support centers that provide for cooperation of academic and entrepreneurial excellence, thereby strengthening our scientific and technological resources and creating tomorrow's jobs.\nSmall and Minority Business\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that small businesses create many, if not most of the new jobs in our country, and are responsible for much of the innovation. They are thus our greatest hope for the future. Our capacity as a nation to create an environment that encourages and nurtures innovative new businesses will determine our success in providing jobs for our people. In the private sector, spurring innovation means paying special attention to the needs of small, including minority and women-owned, and rapidly growing businesses on the cutting edge of our economy.\nThis will require incentives for research and development and for employee education and training, including relaxing certain restrictions on pension fund investment; targeted reform that stimulates the flow of capital into new and smaller businesses: a tax code that is no longer biased against small and rapidly growing firms: vigorous enforcement of our antitrust laws, coupled with antitrust policies that permit clearly legitimate joint research and development ventures; expanded small business access to the Export-Import Bank and other agencies involved in export promotion; and targeted reform that provides for the delivery of community-based, community-supported management assistance, and innovative means of making seed capital available for companies in our large cities, as well as our rural communities.\nRules and regulations should not weigh more heavily on new firms or small businesses than they do on the large well-established enterprise, Risk taking is a key to economic growth in a modern industrial society. If anything, rules and regulations should encourage it.\nThe Small Business Administration must once again be responsive to the needs of entrepreneurs, including minorities and women. In addition, the heads of the Small Business Administration, the Minority Business Development Administration and other government agencies must ensure that the needs of smaller minority businesses are met at the regional and local levels. To further meet the needs of smaller minority businesses, we favor increasing government procurement, opportunities for smaller minority firms, encouraging deposits of federal funds in minority-owned financial institutions, and vigorously implementing all set-aside provisions for minority businesses.\nThe Democratic Party pledges to bring about these reforms and create a new era of opportunity for the entrepreneurs who have always led the way in our economy.\nMeeting the Challenge of Economic Competition\n\nThirty years ago, half of all goods produced in the world were made in the United States. While we have greatly expanded our output of services, our share of manufactured products is now just one-fifth of the world's total. Once dominant U.S. industries are now hard-pressed. In April, our trade deficit reached a stunning $12.2 billion for one month. At that rate, we would lose two million or more jobs this year alone. We will not allow our workers and our industries to be displaced by either unfair import competition, or irrational fiscal and monetary policies.\nSome of these difficulties we have brought on ourselves, with shortsighted strategies, inadequate investment in plant, equipment, and innovation, and fiscal and monetary policies that have impaired our international competitiveness by distorting the value of the dollar against foreign currencies. But other difficulties have been thrust upon us by foreign nations.\nThe reality of the 1980's is that the international economy is the arena in which we must compete, The world economy is an integrated economy: the challenge for our political leadership is to assure that the new arena is in fact a fair playing field for American businesses and consumers. We are committed to pursuing industrial strategies that effectively and imaginatively blend the genius of the free market with vital government partnership and leadership. As Democrats, we will be guided by the following principles and policies.\n—We need a vigorous, open and fair trade policy 'that builds America's competitive strength, and that allows our nation to remain an advanced, diversified economy while promoting full employment and raising living standards in the United States and other countries of the world; opens overseas markets for American products; strengthens the international economic system; assists adjustment to foreign competition; and recognizes the legitimate interests of American workers, farmers and businesses.\n—We will pursue international negotiations to open markets and eliminate trade restrictions, recognizing that the growth and stability of the Third World depends on its ability to sell its products in international markets. High technology, agriculture and other industries should be brought under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Moreover, the developing world is a major market for U.S. exports, particularly capital goods. As a result, the U.S. has major stake in international economic institutions that support growth in the developing world.\n—We recognize that the growth and development of the Third World is vital both to global stability and to the continuing expansion of world trade. The U.S. presently sells more to the Third World than to the European Community and Japan combined. If we do not buy their goods, they cannot buy ours, not can they service their debt. Consequently, it is important to be responsive to the issues of the North/South dialogue such as volatile commodity prices, inequities in the functioning or the international financial and monetary markets, and removal of barriers to the expert or Third World goods.\n—If trade has become big business for the country, exports have become critical to the economic health of a growing list of American industries. In the future, national economic policy will have to be set with an eye to its impact on U.S. exports. The strength of the dollar, the nature of the U.S. tax system, and the adequacy of export finance all play a role in making U.S. exports internationally competitive.\n—The United States continues to struggle with trade barriers that affect its areas of international strength. Subsidized export financing on the part of Europe and Japan has also created problems for the United States, as has the use of industrial policies in Europe and Japan. In some cases, foreign governments target areas of America's competitive strength. In other cases, industrial targeting has been used to maintain industries that cannot meet international competition—often diverting exports to the American market and increasing the burden or adjustment for America's import-competing industries. We will ensure that timely and effective financing can be obtained by American businesses through the Export-Import Bank, so that they can compete effectively against subsidized competitors from abroad.\n—A healthy U.S. auto industry is essential to a strong trade balance and economy. That industry generates a large number of American jobs and both develops and consumes new technology needed for economic vitality. We believe it is a sound principle of international trade for foreign automakers which enjoy substantial sales in the United States to invest here and create jobs where their markets are. This can promote improved trade relations and a stronger American and world economy. We also believe U.S. auto makers need to maintain high volume small car production in the U.S. With the U.S. auto companies' return to profitability (despite continued unemployment in the auto sector), we urge expanded domestic investment to supply consumers with a full range of competitive vehicle. We support efforts by management and labor to improve auto quality and productivity, and to restrain prices.\n—Where foreign competition is fair, American industry should compete without government assistance. Where competition is unfair, we must respond powerfully. We will use trade law and international negotiations to aid U.S. workers, farmers, and businesses injured by unfair trade practices.\n—We need industrial strategies to create a cooperative partnership of labor, capital, and management to increase productivity and to make America competitive once more. Our keystone industries must be modernized and rebuilt, through industry-wide agreements. Where necessary, through Presidential leadership, we must negotiate industrial modernization and growth agreements that commit management to new domestic investment, higher levels of employment and worker training, as well as commit labor to ease the introduction of new technologies.\n—There must be a broad consensus and commitment among labor, business and financial institutions that industry should and can be assisted, and in a particular way. We believe that all parties to modernization agreements must contribute to their success and that the government must be prepared to use a range of tools—including tax, import, and regulatory relief, and appropriate financing mechanisms—to assist this revitalization. There should be a primary emphasis on private capital in any such agreements.\n—The problems of individual industries, rather than industry as a whole, is another area in which an Economic Cooperation Council will be effective. In the case of a particular industry, the Council would select sub-councils to solve specific problems. Key members of the interested businesses and unions, financial institutions, academic specialists and other concerned and knowledgeable parties would meet to hammer out proposed strategies and agreements. It is not a question of picking winners and losers. Nor is it even always a question of some industries being more important than others. Rather, it is an opportunity for government and the private sector to forge a consensus to capture new markets, to restore an industry to competitive health, or to smooth the transition of workers and firms to new opportunities.\n—We want industries to modernize so as to restore competitiveness where it is flagging. If temporary trade relief is granted, the quid pro quo for relief will be a realistic, hardheaded modernization plan which will restore competitiveness involving commitments by all affected parties. The public is entitled to receive a fair return on its investment. Where government initiatives are necessary to save an industry like steel, auto or textiles, we must see that those initiatives meet the needs of the whole community—workers as well as executives, taxpayers and consumers as well as stockholders.\n—To facilitate the efforts of workers and communities to keep plants open and operating and in cases which closings are unavoidable, to help workers and communities to adapt, we support a requirement that companies give advance notification of plant closings or large-scale layoffs to their employees, surrounding communities and local governments. Where plants are nonetheless closed, we will help workers and communities to adapt.\n—Finally, we need a vigorous effort to redress the currency distortions that are undermining our international competitiveness. In addition to reducing our budget deficit, we will press for improved economic coordination with the major industrialized nations; work with Japan and other countries to further liberalize currency and investment regulations; :and negotiate toward agreements that will blunt speculative currency swings and restore stability and predictability to the international monetary system.\nAgriculture\n\nAgriculture—America's largest, most fundamental industry—has been plunged into its worst depression since Herbert Hoover presided over the farm economy's collapse half a century ago. During President Reagan's stewardship of our nation's agriculture economy: real prices paid to farmers for their commodities have plummeted by twenty-one percent; real interest rates paid by farmers have increased be as much as 1,200 percent; real farm income has fallen to its lowest level since 1933; debt owed by U.S. farmers and ranchers has swelled to $215 billion; and farm foreclosures and forced sales have tripled.\nRonald Reagan has hung a \"for sale\" sign on America's independent, family-based system of agricultural production. While these farmers have raised their production efficiency to record highs, Reagan's policies have forced down their prices, income, and financial worth.\nThe Reagan Administration has been unwilling to take sensible, fiscally responsible action needed to halt this accelerating downward cycle in agriculture. Because of this failure of leadership, nearly 200,000 good farmers and ranchers, including minority farmers, have gone out of business since he took office in 1981. This is a rate of more than 1,000 families pushed off their land every week, the equivalent of all the farms and ranches in California and Iowa, our two largest agricultural states. Hundreds of thousands of the remaining enterprises teeter on the brink of bankruptcy and cannot survive another four years of this Administration's agricultural mismanagement.\nThis collapse is happening despite the fact that Ronald Reagan has squandered taxpayers' money on his farm policies, spending $31 billion on his programs last year alone. That is six times more than any other\nThe Democratic Party strongly opposes the Reagan Administration's policy or aggressively promoting and further subsidizing nuclear power. Today, millions of Americans arc concerned about the safety of nuclear power plants and their radioactive waste. We recognize the safety and economic factors which bring into question the viability of this energy source.\nWe will insist on the highest possible standards of safety and protection of public health with respect to nuclear power, including siting, design, operation, evacuation plans, and waste disposal procedures. We will require nuclear power to compete fairly in the marketplace. We will reexamine and review all federal subsidies to the nuclear industry, including the Price-Anderson Act's limits on the liability of the industry which will be considered for re-authorization in the next Congress. A Democratic Administration will give the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the integrity, competence, and credibility it needs to carry out its mandate to protect the public health and safety. We will expand the role of the public in NRC procedures.\nThe Democratic Party believes high-level radioactive waste and other hazardous materials should be transported only when absolutely necessary. We will guarantee states full participatory rights in all decisions affecting the movement of high-level radioactive waste within their borders. We will require radioactive waste and hazardous materials emergency response plans along transportation routes, similar to those required for nuclear power plants. The Democratic Party will act swiftly to ensure stales' authority to regulate routes and schedules for radioactive and other hazardous shipments.\nWe will ensure that no offshore oil and gas exploration will be taken up that is inconsistent with the protection of our fisheries and coastal resources. The leasing of public lands, both onshore and offshore, will be based on present demand and land use planning processes, and will be undertaken in ways that assure fair economic return to the public, protection of the environment and full participation by state and local governments. The Coastal Zone Management Act should be amended to require initial leasing decisions to be consistent with federally approved state and territorial coastal zone management plans. Interior states should be given consultation and concurrence rights with respect to onshore leases comparable to the rights afforded coastal states with respect to offshore leases.\nWe believe that synthetic fuels research and development support should emphasize environmental protection technologies and standards and hold out reasonable hope of long-term economic viability. The Democratic Party proposes to reevaluate the Synthetic Fuels Corporation.\nEnergy Conservation\n\nThe high cost of producing and using energy now constitutes a substantial share of U.S. capital spending. Energy conservation has become essential to our economy as well as our national security.\nStrict standards of energy efficiency for home appliances, for example, could save enough money in the next 15 years to avoid the need for 40 new power plants. Better insulated houses and apartments can sharply reduce power and heating bills for families throughout America, and help utilities avoid the high cost of building more expensive power plants.\nRonald Reagan sees no role for government in conserving energy, and he has gutted promising conservation efforts. The Democratic Party supports extension of the existing tax credits for business and residential energy conservation and renewable energy use, and expansion of the tax credits to include the incorporation of passive solar designs in new housing. The Democratic Party also supports faithful implementation of existing programs for energy efficiency standards for new appliances: upgrading of fuel efficiency standards for new automobile; establishment of comparable fuel efficiency standards for new light trucks and vans; and development of an energy efficiency rating system to be used to advise home-buyers at the time of sale of the likely future energy costs of houses.\nLifeline Utility Rates\n\nRecognizing that the elderly and the poor suffer most from high energy costs, the Democratic Party supports special, lower electricity and natural gas rates for senior citizens and low-income Americans.\nRecycling\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that recovering and recycling used materials can conserve energy and natural resources, create additional jobs, reduce the costs of material goods, eliminate solid waste and liter, and avoid pollution. We will increase efforts to recover and recycle useful materials from municipal waste.\nProtecting Our Environment\n\nAmericans know that industrial production and economic development do not have to mean ruined land or polluted air and water. Sound resource management, careful planning, and strict pollution control enforcement will allow us to have a prosperous economy and a healthy environment. For the last four years the Reagan Administration has assumed a radical position, working to eliminate the environmental protections forged through years of bipartisan cooperation.\nRonald Reagan's first appointees to key environmental positions have already been forced to resign. But the American people are entitled to more than the absence of scandal—they demand real action to protect the health and safety of our families and communities. The Democratic Party supports revitalizing the Environmental Protection Agency by providing it with a budget increase adequate to allow it to carry out its substantially increased responsibility to protect the people and enforce the law.\nHazardous Wastes\n\nThousands of dump sites across America contain highly dangerous poisons that can threaten the health and safety of families who live nearby or who depend on water supplies that could be contaminated by the poisons. Although Congress his established the Superfund for emergency cleanup of these dangerous sites, President Reagan refuses to use it vigorously. The Democratic Party is committed to enforcing existing laws, to dramatically increasing Superfund resources to clean up all sites that threaten public health, and to assuring that everyone whose health or property is damaged has a fair opportunity to force the polluters to pay for the damage. This increased support should be financed at least in part through new taxes on the generation of hazardous wastes, so companies have an economic incentive to reduce the volume and toxicity of their dangerous wastes.\nThe Resource Conservation and Recovery Act should be expanded to include major new requirements for safer management of newly generated toxic waste. High priority must be given to establishing and implementing a program to phase out the land disposal of untreated hazardous waste, requiring instead that it be treated by chemical, biological, or thermal processes that render it harmless and safe for disposal. The Environmental Protection Agency also should adopt standards to ensure that the safest possible methods of managing particular wastes are used, and that available methods are used to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste produced by industry.\nClean Air and Water\n\nThe Democratic Party supports a reauthorized and strengthened Clean Air Act. Statutory requirements for the control of toxic air pollutants should be strengthened, with the environmental agency required to identify and regulate within three years priority air pollutants known or anticipated to cause cancer and other serious diseases. The Democratic Party calls for an immediate program to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 50% from 1980 levels within the next decade; this program shall include interim reductions within five years of its enactment. In addition, significant progress will be made to further reductions of nitrogen oxide emissions. Our effort should be designed to reduce environmental and economic damage from acid ram while assuring such efforts do not cause regional economic dislocations. Every effort should be made to mitigate any job losses associated with any national acid rain program.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to strengthening the Clean Water Act to curb both direct and indirect discharge of toxic pollutants into our nation's waters, and supports a strengthened Environmental Protection Agency to assure help to American cities in providing adequate supplies of drinking water free of toxic chemicals and other contaminants.\nWorkplace Safety\n\nThe Democratic Party believes all Americans in their workplaces and communities, have the right to know what hazardous materials and chemicals they may have been exposed to and how they may protect their health from such exposure. The Democratic Party supports appropriate funding levels for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, reversing the Reagan budget cuts in that agency; vigorous enforcement of occupational safety and health standards; and worker right-to-know requirements.\nPesticides and Herbicides\n\nThe Democratic Party is committed to establishing standards and deadlines requiring all pesticides and herbicides to be thoroughly tested to ensure they do not cause cancer, birth defects, or other adverse health effects. We support rigorous research and information programs to develop and assist farmers with the use of integrated pest management and non-chemical pest control methods to reduce the health risk of controlling agricultural pests, and the establishment of strict deadlines to ensure that pesticides are fully tested and in compliance with health and safety standards. The Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that our nation's food supply is free of pesticides whose danger to health has been demonstrate, and believes it is irresponsible to allow the export to other nations of herbicides and pesticides banned for use in the U.S. and will act swiftly to halt such exports.\nEPA Budget\n\nThe Democratic Party opposes the Reagan Administration's budget cuts, which have severely hampered the effectiveness or our environmental programs. The Environmental Protection Agency should receive a budget that exceeds in real dollars the agency's purchasing power when President Reagan took office, since the agency's workload has almost doubled in recent years.\nInternational Leadership\n\nThe Democratic Party strongly opposes the Reagan Administration's abandonment of the United States' historic leadership role in international efforts to control pollution, contrary to our interests and those of our allies. We will restore immediately our nation's leadership on international environmental issues, making the United States once again the best example of an industrial nation committed to protecting its land, water and air resources, as well as those of its neighbors.\nFederal Compliance\n\nThe Democratic Party will require all federal activities, including those associated with the Departments of Defense and Energy, to comply fully with federal health, safety and environmental laws.\nManaging our Public Lands\n\nThe Democratic Party believes in retaining ownership and control of our public lands, and in managing those lands according to the principles of multiple use and sustained yield, with appropriate environmental standards and mitigation requirements to protect the public interest. The Democratic Party supports the substantial expansion of the National Wilderness Preservation System, with designations of all types of ecosystems, including coastal areas, deserts, and prairies as well as forest and alpine areas. Congressional decisions to designate wilderness should include evaluations of mineral resources and other potential land values. Further, the Democratic Party believes that publicly owned timber resources should be priced at levels that reflect their true market value, taking into consideration their true costs to the government. Grazing on our public lands should not impair our grassland resources.\nThe Democratic Party believes the process of designating rivers for inclusion in the national wild and scenic rivers system, halted by the Reagan Administration, should be preserved in their free-flowing condition for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.\nThe Democratic Party supports adequate funding of and restoration of federal programs to protect fully national parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas from external and internal threats. Development activities within national wildlife refuges which are not compatible with the purposes for which the refuges were designated should not be allowed. The letter and the spirit of the Alaska National Interest Lands Consolation Act of 1980 should be followed, with an end to unsound land exchanges and other efforts to circumvent the law.\nA new Democratic Party will provide adequate appropriations for the Land and Water Conservation Fund.\nWetlands—The Democratic Party supports coherent and coordinated federal policies to protect our nation's valuable and disappearing wetlands, which are critical nurseries for commercial fisheries and vital ecological, scenic, and recreational resources. These policies will include more active efforts to acquire threatened wetland areas, consideration of new tax incentives to encourage private efforts to preserve instead of develop wetland, and elimination of current incentives that encourage wetlands destruction.\nWildlife—Fishing, hunting, and enjoyment of America's wildlife can continue to be an important part of our natural heritage only through active programs to maintain the diversity and abundance of plants, animals, and natural habitats. The Democratic Party supports protection of endangered species, land management to maintain healthy populations of wildlife, and full United States participation to implement international wildlife treaties.\nWater Policy—The Democratic Party recognizes that finite and diminishing quantities of water, and often antiquated, inadequate, or inefficient water supply systems, threaten economic growth and the quality of life in all regions of the country. We recognize that federal leadership is necessary to meet these needs, and to do so in environmentally sound ways.\nThe Democratic Party supports the creation of a national water resources planning board and a comprehensive review of the nation's water needs. We support major new water policy efforts addressing several national needs:\n—We will help meet our nation's infrastructure needs, including the construction of new projects which are economically and environmentally sound. New water project starts, by the Corps of Engineers throughout the country and by the Bureau of Reclamation in the West, are critical. In all cases, we will consider innovative and nonstructural alternatives on an equal basis.\n—We will examine the water quantity and water quality issues associated with providing adequate water supply.\n—We will help meet navigation, flood control, and municipal water supply system needs, with new assistance to urban areas needing financial help to rebuild deteriorating water systems.\n—We will give new priority attention to improving efficiency in the use of water, recognizing that more efficient water use is often the least costly and most environmentally acceptable way to meet our water needs and achieve the fullest possible beneficial use of our water resources.\n—We will carefully coordinate federal water policy efforts with affected state governments, making possible not only cooperative financing of water investments but a commensurate sharing of decision-making authority and responsibility.\n—We will provide assistance to states addressing the growing problems of groundwater depletion and contamination.\nChapter II:Justice, Dignity and Opportunity\n\nIntroduction\n\nFulfilling America's highest promise, equal justice for all: that is the Democratic agenda for a just future.\nFor many of our citizens, it is only in the last two decades that the efforts of a broad, bipartisan coalition have begun to give real meaning to the dream of freedom and equality. During that time Democrats, spurred by the Civil Rights Movement, have enacted landmark legislation in areas including voting, education, housing and employment.\nA nation is only as strong as its commitment to justice and equality. Today, a corrosive unfairness eats at the underpinnings of our society. Civil rights laws and guarantees—only recently achieved after hard-fought battles, personal sacrifice and loss of life—are imperiled by an Administration that consciously seeks to turn the clock back to an era when second-class citizenship for women and minorities, disenfranchisement, and de jure and de facto segregation were very much the facts of life for well over half of America's population. Moreover, justice encompasses more than our nation's laws. The poor, the female, the minority—many of them just like boats stuck on the bottom—have come to experience an implacable and intractable foe in the Reagan Administration.\nA new Democratic Administration will understand that the age-old scourge of discrimination and prejudice against many groups in American society is still rampant and very much a part of the reason for the debilitating circumstances in which disadvantaged peoples are forced to live. Although strides have been made in combatting discrimination and defamation against Americans of various ethic groups, much remains to be done. Therefore, we pledge an end to the Reagan Administration's punitive policy toward women, minorities, and the poor and support the reaffirmation of the principle that the government is still responsible for protecting the civil rights of all citizens. Government has a special responsibility to those whom society has historically prevented from enjoying the benefits of full citizenship for reasons of race, religion, sex, age, national origin and ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, or disability.\nThe goal for the coming decades is not only full justice under the law, but economic justice as well. In the recent past, we have put our nation on the road toward achieving equal protection of all our citizens' human rights. The challenge now is to continue to press that cause, while joining a new battle—to assure justice and opportunity in the workplace, and in the economy.\nJustice for all in today's America and the America of tomorrow demands not one, but two broad guarantees. First, we must guarantee that our nation will reinforce and extend its commitment to human rights and equal opportunity. And second, we must guarantee progress on the new frontier for the future: economic and social justice.\nWe are determined to enforce the laws guaranteeing equal opportunity, and to complete the civil rights agenda cast aside by the Reagan Administration. No President has the right to do what this Administration has done: to read selectively from the United Sates Code and simply ignore the laws ensuring basic rights and opportunities because they conflict with this Administration's ideology. As Democrats, we pledge to reverse the trend towards lawlessness which has characterized this Administration, and to keep our commitments to all in our community who look to the government for defense of their rights.\nBut we recognize that while a first step toward a just society is to guarantee the right of all workers to compete equally for a job, the next step is assuring that enough new jobs are created to give meaningful employment to all our workers for the future.\nIf in past decades we won the right for minorities to ride at the front of the bus, in coming years we must assure that minorities have the opportunity to own the bus company.\nIt will not be enough to say that our nation must offer equal access to health care—we must put comprehensive health care within the reach of all of our citizens, at a price all can afford.\nIt will not do simply to guarantee women a place in the work force—women deserve an equal chance at a career leading to the board of directors.\nAs Democrats, we believe that human rights and an economy of opportunity are two sides of the same coin of justice. No economic program can be considered just unless it advances the opportunity of all to live a better, more dignified life. No American is afforded economic justice when he or she is denied an opportunity to reap the rewards of economic growth.\nEconomic justice is also economic common sense. Any who doubt that should consider the toll of welfare, crime, prisons, public housing and urban squalor on our national wealth. We will pay a high price for all the disadvantaged or disenfranchised if we fail to include them in the new economic revolution.\nAs Democrats, therefore, we pledge to pursue a new definition of justice that meets the new demands of our time. Under a Democratic Administration, equality and fairness under the law will be matched by justice in the economy and in the workplace.\nThe Future If Reagan is Reelected\n\n\"Twenty years after the Equal Pay Act should have eradicated the last vestige of economic discrimination against women, employers have made little progress in integrating their work force. It is the Republican governor of Washington State, and the Republican County Executive of Nassau County, New York, who are committing public resources to mount a legal defense for their jurisdictions blatant sex discrimination practices...The Reagan Administration from the outset has made it abundantly clear that civil rights and economic justice are to be sacrificed on the altar of corporate greed...\"\nDiana Rock, Director of Women's Rights, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, Cleveland, Ohio, May 21, 1984)\n\"The Reagan Administration, upon taking office in 1981, set upon a concerted effort to roll back civil rights protections. This attack is underway in agency enforcement, court litigation, legislative initiative, and nominations of federal appointees.\"\nVirna M. Canson. Regional Director, West Coast Region, NAACP (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing. Los Angeles, California. May 14, 1984)\nThe neglect of our historic human rights commitment will already be recorded as the first legacy of Ronald Reagan's years in the White House. But suppose Mr. Reagan is reelected.\nWhat would become of America's commitment to equal justice and opportunity if Mr. Reagan is reelected?\nThe hard truth is that if Mr. Reagan is reelected our most vigorous defender of the rule of law—the United States Supreme Court—could be lost to the cause of equal justice for another generation. Today, five of the nine members of that Court are over 75. Our next President will likely have the opportunity to shape that Court, not just for his own term—or even for his own lifetime—but for the rest of ours, and for our children's too.\nThere can be little doubt that a Supreme Court chosen by Ronald Reagan would radically restrict constitutional rights and drastically reinterpret existing laws. Today, the fundamental right of a woman to reproductive freedom rests on the votes of six members of the Supreme Court—five of whom are over 75. That right could easily disappear during a second Reagan term. Already, the protections against employment discrimination have been restricted by the Court: a Reagan Court surely would reduce them further. The same is true for the right of workers to have a healthy and safe workplace, and to organize collectively in unions. Although the statute protecting voting rights has been extended through a massive bipartisan effort, opposed by the Reagan Administration, a Reagan Supreme Court could still effectively nullify it simply by erecting impossible standards of proof. Not long ago, the Court decided it should hire independent counsel to argue that tax exemptions for racially discriminatory schools were unlawful because the Justice Department refused to do so. Can anyone imagine a Reagan Court doing that? How much easier it would be for a Reagan Court simply to agree with a Reagan Department of Justice.\n/f, Mr. Reagan is reelected, who would protect women and minorities against discrimination?\nIn the first year after the Reagan Administration assumed office, the number of cases involving charges of employment discrimination filed in court by the EEOC dropped by more than 70 percent. During this Administration, the EEOC has refused to process a single comparable worth case filed by a woman. Meanwhile, the Reagan Justice Department has sought to destroy effective affirmative action remedies, and even to undermine private plans to reduce discrimination in employment. The actions of the Reagan Administration serve only to delay the day when fairness is achieved and such remedial measures are, therefore, no longer needed.\nIt is now clear that if Mr. Reagan is reelected, women and minorities seeking protection of their rights would be forced to contend not only with their employers, but with a hostile government. Equal employment opportunity and equity would remain elusive dreams.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, who would assure access to justice?\nSince the day of its inauguration, the Reagan Administration has conducted a continuous, full-scale war against the federal Legal Services Corporation, whose only job is to ensure that the poor are fairly heard in court, and that they get equal access to our system of justice. Thirty percent of the Corporation's lawyers have been laid off, and the Administration exhausted every means it could find to stack its Board with people hostile to the very concept of equal justice for the poor.\nIn the America of Ronald Reagan, you will only get as much justice as you pay for.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, who would protect the rights of workers?\nThe Republican Administration has consistently viewed the dollar costs to businesses of providing a safe workplace as more important than the impact of injury and disease on working men and women. It has appointed officials to the National Labor Relations Board who openly oppose the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively. The Department of Labor has ignored its mandate to enforce fair labor standards and has sought to reverse hard won gains in protections for worker health and safety.\nWhat would happen if Mr. Reagan is reelected? Will the right to bargain collectively be eviscerated through Republican-approved abuses of the bankruptcy laws? Will the National Labor Relations Act be converted into a tool that limits working men and women and empowers only their employers? Who will ensure that our next generation does not suffer the effects of toxic substances in the workplace—substances whose existence is not even revealed to the worker?\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, who would protect the rights of senior citizens?\nSpeaking at Philadelphia in 1980 during his campaign, Ronald Reagan vowed to a large audience of senior citizens his strong support for Social Security. He assured thousands of senior citizens on that occasion that as President he would see to it that every commitment made by the federal government to the senior citizens was faithfully kept.\nRonald Reagan violated that promise shortly after he became President. In 1981, speaking to a joint session of Congress, President Reagan said, \"We will not cut Medicare.\" In a matter of weeks thereafter Present Reagan asked the Congress of the United States to cut $88 billion in 1981 and the following four years from Social Security programs. He proposed to reduce by a third the number of people protected by the disability insurance program. He proposed to reduce by a third the benefits a senior citizen would receive if he or she retired at 62. He proposed to cut out the burial program for recipients of Social Security.\nHe proposed to cut millions from programs that Democratic Administrations had provided for the education of the children of the elderly covered by Social Security, slashing the list of beneficiaries of these programs by hundreds of thousands of sons and daughters of men and women covered by Social Security. And he called for the abolition of the $122-a-month minimum benefit program, which would have dropped over three million people from Social Security altogether.\nThe American people then revolted, and so did the Congress. The Democratic Party put a stop to the decimation of the Social Security program, but not before President Reagan had cut $19 billion from Social Security benefits in 1981 and the ensuing four years. Democrats in Congress forced the restoration of the $122-a-month minimum benefit program to those who were covered before the Reagan cuts, but never succeeded in extending coverage to the additional 7,000 people a month who would have become eligible after the Reagan cuts.\nInstead of keeping his word that he would not cut Medicare, Reagan forced Congress every year beginning in 1981 to cut billions from the Medicare program. When Social Security developed financial problems due to massive unemployment in 1982, the Reagan Administration moved to \"solve\" them by cutting benefits further. Only the Democrats on the Social Security Commission prevented him from doing that.\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, how would we teach our children to respect the law?\nWe cannot teach our children to respect the law when they see the highest officials of government flaunting it at their will. Lawlessness has been a pattern in this Administration—and it is a pattern that is unlikely to be altered if Reagan and the Republicans stay in the White House.\nMore than forty top Republican officials have already been implicated in all kinds of wrongdoing. Murky transactions on the fringe of organized crime, accepting gifts from foreign journalists and governments, misusing government funds, lying under oath, stock manipulations, taking interest-free loans from wealthy businessmen who later receive federal jobs—all of these are part of business as usual with Ronald Reagan's appointees.\nThe Republicans profess to stand for \"law and order.\" But this is the same Administration that voted the bipartisan anti-crime bill in 1982. And when it comes to laws they do not like—whether they concern toxic wastes, pure food and drugs, or worker health and safety—this Administration simply makes believe they do not exist. The same is true overseas: this Administration is just as willing to ignore international law as domestic law. When we finally learned of illegal mining of Nicaragua's harbors, the Reagan Administration hastily attempted, the night before Nicaragua sued us, to withdraw jurisdiction over the question from the World Court. But even this maneuver was carried out in an illegal fashion that the World Court later set aside.\nThis Republican Administration has been unprecedentedly eager to limit public debate by instituting \"security agreements\" that censor ex-officials, \"revising\" the Freedom of Information Act, refusing visas to foreign visitors who might provide another perspective on American policies overseas, and denying our war correspondents their historic position alongside out troops. This comes as no surprise: in the first term, the Reagan Administration had a lot to hide. What would happen in a second?\nIf Mr. Reagan is reelected, what would happen to our unfinished civil rights agenda?\nThe answer is clear: an Administration which refuses to enforce the laws that are on the books can hardly be expected to respect—or even recognize—the rights of those who are not already specifically protected by existing law.\nNowhere is this Administration's hostility to equal rights and equal justice more apparent than in its attitude to the Equal Rights Amendment. As soon as the Reagan faction took control of the Republican Party at its convention in 1980, it ended that Party's forty-year commitment to passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. So long as this Administration remains in office, the proponents of unamended ERA have nothing less than an enemy in the White House. And if this is true for the women of America, it is equally true for disadvantaged minorities who must depend on this government's sense of justice to secure their rights and lead independent lives.\nSince assuming office, the Reagan Administration has shown more hostility—indeed, more outright and implacable aggression—toward the American ideal of equal justice for all than even its harshest critics would have predicted in 1980. Given its first-term record, even our most pessimistic forecasts for four more Republish years may well fall short of the mark. No one knows the full extent of the damage Reagan could wreak on this country in another term. But we do know one thing: we cannot afford to find out.\nThe Democratic Alternative:Equal Justice for All\n\n\"The Democratic Party is challenged as never before to redirect the present dangerous course of our nation and our world, and to provide meaningful work at adequate pay for all our citizens and justice for all Americans.\n\"The dream of a nation fully committed to peace, jobs, and justice has fast became a nightmare under this Administration...\n\"Our choice today is to become just a new party in power in November with new faces and new pledges—or a truly great party with the courage to develop a new vision and a new direction for the sake of our nation and our world.\"\nCoretta Scott King (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC. June 11. 1984)\n\"The Equal Rights Amendment is the only guarantee of full equality the women of this nation can trust and count on. We have seen in the past three and one-half years an administration that has gone out of its way to prove that laws, court decisions, executive orders, and regulations are not enough—they can be changed by a new majority, overturned, swept aside, underfunded, or rescinded. Only when the legislative protections against such discrimination are in the bedrock of the Constitution can we at the vagaries of changing political climate or a hostile administration will not wipe out those protections.\"\nJudy Goldsmith. President. National Organization for Women (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, Washington, DC, June 12, 1984)\nEqual justice for all, in a Democratic future, means that every individual must have a fair and equal opportunity to fulfill his or her potential, and to be an independent, working member of our society—and it is the commitment of our Party to secure that opportunity.\nWe are determined to build an America of self-sufficient, independent people. We will enforce the laws guaranteeing equal opportunity and human rights, and complete the unfinished civil rights agenda. We will keep our commitments to all of the members of our community who rely upon our word to stay, or to become, independent—our senior citizens, those who served in our Armed Forces, the handicapped and disabled, the members of our American family who are trapped in poverty, and all Americans who look to government to protect them from the pain, expense, and dislocation caused by crime. And in fulfilling these and all the duties of government, a Democratic Administration will stand as an example to all of integrity and justice.\n\nMany have suffered from historical patterns of discrimination and others, because of their recent immigration in sizeable numbers, are subject to new forms of discrimination. Over the years, the Democratic Party has voiced a commitment to eradicating the injustices. In 1948, the Democratic Platform for the first time contained a plank committing this Party to the cause of civil rights. For almost forty years, we have fought proudly for that cause. In 1964, a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress enacted the landmark legislation prohibiting discrimination in employment and public accommodations. And for nearly two decades, a bipartisan commitment has existed in Congress and in the White House to expand and enforce those laws. Until Ronald Reagan.\nThis Administration has sought to erode the force and meaning of constitutionally-mandated and court-sanctioned remedies for long-standing patterns of discriminatory conduct. It has attempted to create new standards under each of our nation's civil rights laws by requiring a showing of intent to discriminate, and case-by-case litigation of class-wide violations. Its interpretation of two recent Supreme Court decisions attempts to sound the death knell for equal opportunity and affirmative action.\nIn one case, the Administration interpreted the Court's decision as requiring that equal opportunity mandates associated with the receipt of all federal the special needs of the disabled. This Administration has closed its eyes to those needs, and in so doing, violated a fundamental trust by seeking to condemn millions of disabled Americans to dependency. We will honor our commitments. We will insist that those who receive federal funds accommodate disabled employees—a requirement this Administration sought to eliminate. We will insist that benefits be available for those who cannot work, and that training is available for those who need help to find work.\nThe Democratic Party will safeguard the rights of the elderly and disabled to remain free from institutionalization except where medically indicated. The rights of the disabled within institutions should be protected from violations of the integrity of their person. Also, we will promote accessible public transportation, buildings, make voting booths accessible, and strictly enforce laws such as the entire Rehabilitation Act of 1973\nOpportunities for Veterans—This country has a proud tradition of honoring and supporting those who have defended us. Millions of Americans in the years after World War II went to college and bought their homes thanks to GI benefits. But for the latest generation of American veterans, needed support and assistance have been missing.\nThe nation has begun to welcome home with pride its Vietnam veterans, as reflected in the extraordinary Vietnam Veterans Memorial which was built through public contributions. The Democratic Party shares the nation's commitment to Vietnam veterans.\nNo President since the beginning of the Vietnam War has been so persistently hostile to Vietnam veterans programs as Ronald Reagan. He has sought to dismantle the Readjustment Counseling Centers, opposed employment and Agent Orange benefits, as well as basic due process at the Veterans Administration, including judicial review.\nThe Vietnam War divided our nation. Many of the rifts remain, but all agree on the respect due Vietnam veterans for their distinguished service during a troubled time. The Democratic Party pledges to reverse Ronald Reagan's Vietnam veteran policies, helping our nation come together as one people. And we believe it is especially important that we end discrimination against women and minority veterans, particularly in health and education programs.\nWe believe that the government has a special obligation to all of this nation's veterans, and we are committed to fulfilling it—to providing the highest quality health care, improving education and training, providing the assistance they need to live independent and productive lives.\nOpportunities for the Poor—For the past four years, this Administration has callously pursued policies which have further impoverished those at the bottom of the economic ladder and pushed millions of Americans, particularly women and children, below the poverty line. Thanks to the Reagan budget cuts, many of the programs upon which the poor rely have been gutted—from education to housing to child nutrition. Far from encouraging independence, the Administration has penalized those seeking to escape poverty through work, by conditioning assistance on nonparticipation in the workplace. The figures tell part of the story:\n—Today, 15 percent of all Americans live below the poverty line;\n—Over three million more children are in poverty today than there were in 1979;\n—Over half of all black children under age three live in poverty;\n—More than one-third of all female-headed households are below the poverty line, and for non-white families headed by women with more than one child, the figure is 70 percent.\nBut the numbers tell only part of the story; numbers do not convey the frustration and suffering of women seeking a future for themselves and their children, with no support from anyone; numbers do not recount the pain of growing numbers of homeless men and women with no place to sleep, or of increasing infant mortality rates among children born to poor mothers. Numbers do not convey the human effects of unemployment on a once stable and strong family.\nAs Democrats, we call upon the American people to join with us in a renewed commitment to combat the feminization of poverty in our nation so that every American can be a productive, contributing member of our society. In that effort, our goal is to strengthen families and to reverse the existing incentives for their destruction. We therefore oppose laws requiring an unemployed parent to leave the family or drop out of the work force in order to quality for assistance and health care. We recognize the special need to increase the labor force participation of minority males, and we are committed to expanding their opportunities through education and training and to enforcing the laws which guarantee them equal opportunities. The plight of young mothers must be separately addresses as well; they too need education and training and quality child care must be available if they are to participate in such programs. Only through a nation that cares and a government that acts can those Americans trapped in poverty move toward meaningful independence.\nThe Hungry and the Homeless—In the late 1960's, the nation discovered widespread hunger and malnutrition in America, especially among poor children and the elderly. The country responded with a national effort, of which Americans should be justly proud. By the late 1970's, medical researchers found that hunger had nearly been eliminated.\nSince 1980, however, hunger has returned. High unemployment, coupled with deep cutbacks in food assistance and other basic support programs for poor families have led to conditions not seen in this country for years. Studies in hospitals and health departments document increases in numbers of malnourished children. Increasing numbers of homeless wander our cities streets in search of food and shelter. Religious organizations, charities and other agencies report record numbers of persons standing in line for food at soup kitchens and emergency food pantries.\nStrong action is needed to address this issue and to end the resurgence of hunger in America. The Democratic Party is committed to reversing regressive Reagan policies and to providing more adequate food aid for poor families, infants, children, elderly and handicapped persons. It is time to resume the national effort, jettisoned in 1980, to ensure that less fortunate Americans do not go without adequate food because they are too poor to secure a decent diet. As Democrats, we call upon the American people to join with us in a renewed commitment to fight hunger and homelessness so that every American can be a productive, contributing member of our society.\nHunger is an international problem as well. In many countries it shortens peace and stability. The United States should take the lead in working with our allies and other countries to help wipe hunger from the face of the earth.\nA Democratic President will ensure that the needs of the world's children are given priority in all U.S. foreign assistance programs and that international assistance programs are geared toward increasing self-reliance of local populations and self-sufficiency in food production.\nIntegrity In Government\n\nAs Democrats, we believe that the American people are entitled to a government that is honest, that is open, and that is fully representative of this nation and its people, and we are committed to providing it.\nAfter four years in which the roll of dishonor in the Administration has grown weekly and monthly—from Richard Allen to Rita Lavelle, from Thomas Reed to James Watt—it is time for an end to the embarrassment of Republican cronyism and malfeasance. Our appointments will be ones of which Americans can be proud. Our selection process in staffing the government will be severe. We will not tolerate impropriety in a Democratic Administration.\nWe must work to end political action committee funding of federal political campaigns. To achieve that, we must enact a system of public financing of federal campaigns. At the same time, our Party should assure that a system of public financing be responsive to the problem of under representation of women and minorities in elective offices.\nWe Democrats are not afraid to govern in public and to let the .American people know and understand the basis for our decisions. We will reverse current Administration policies that permit the widespread overclassification of documents lacking a relationship to our national security. We will rescind Reagan Administration directives imposing undue burdens on citizens seeking information about their government through the Freedom of Information Act.\nWe will insist that the government, in its relations with its own employees, set a standard of fairness which is a model for the private sector. We believe, moreover, that an Administration that cannot run its own house fairly cannot sere the American people fairly. We will ensure that government's number one priority is the performance of its mission under the law, and not the implementation of the narrow political agenda of a single Party. Sound management and fair government cannot be administered by a politicized work force. Neither can it be accomplished by a demoralized work force. A Democratic Administration will not devalue the pay, benefits, and retirement rights of federal workers guaranteed under the law. We will work to reverse personnel policies, including the contracting out of work traditionally performed by public employees, that have made it impossible for current federal employees to recommend a career in federal service to our nation's young people.\nOur judicial system must be one in which excellence and access are the foundations. It is essential to recruit people of high integrity, outstanding competence, and high quality of judgment to serve in our nation's judiciary. And we oppose efforts to strip the federal courts of their historic jurisdiction to adjudicate cases involving questions of federal law and constitutional right.\nCrime\n\nNo problem has worried Americas more persistently over the past 20 years than the problem of crime. Crime and the fear of crime affect us all, but the impact is greatest on poor Americans who live in our cities. Neither a permissive liberalism nor a static conservatism is the answer to reducing crime. While we must eliminate those elements—like unemployment and poverty—that foster the criminal atmosphere, we must never let them be used as an excuse.\nAlthough the primary responsibility for law enforcement rests at the local level. Democrats believe the federal government can play an important role by encouraging local innovation and the implementation of new crime control methods as their effectiveness is shown. And when crime spills acres state borders, the federal government must take the lead, and assume responsibility for enforcing the law. This Administration has done neither. It has talked \"law and order\" while cutting law enforcement budgets. It has decried the influence of drugs, while cutting back on customs enforcement.\nAs a result, drug trafficking and abuse have risen to crisis proportions in the United States. In 1983, an estimated 60 tons of cocaine, 15,000 tons of marijuana, and 10 tons of heroin entered the United States, clear evidence that we are losing the effort overseas to control the production and transshipment of these and other dangerous drugs. Domestically, the illicit trafficking in drugs is a $100 billion per year business; the economic and social costs to our society are far higher.\nToday, in our country, there are 25 million regular abusers of marijuana, close to 12 million abusers of cocaine, and half a million heroin addicts. Since 1979, hospital emergency room incidents—including deaths—related to cocaine have soared 300 percent; incidents related to heroin have climbed 80 percent. According to the 1983 National High School Survey on Drug Abuse, 63 percent of high school seniors have tried an illicit drug, and 40 percent have tried a drug other than marijuana. Alcohol abuse is also a serious problem which must be faced.\n—For this reason, the Democratic Party believes it is essential to make narcotics control a high priority on the national agenda, and a major consideration in our dealings with producer and transshipment countries, particularly if they are recipients of U.S. assistance.\n—At the national level, the effort must begin by introducing a comprehensive management plan to eliminate overlap and friction between the 113 different federal agencies with responsibilities for fighting crime, particularly with respect to the control of drug traffic. We must provide the necessary resources to federal agencies and departments with responsibility for the fight against drugs.\n—To spur local law enforcement efforts, establishment of an independent criminal justice corporation should be considered. This corporation could serve as a means of encouraging community-based efforts, such as neighborhood citizen watches, alternative deployment patterns for police, and community service sentencing programs, which have proven effectiveness.\n—Violent acts of bigotry, hatred and extremism aimed at women, racial, ethnic and religious minorities, and gay men and lesbians have become an alarmingly common phenomenon. A Democratic Administration will work vigorously to address, document, and end all such violence.\n—We believe that victims of crime deserve a workable program of compensation. We call for sentencing reforms that routinely include monetary or other forms of restitution to victims. The Federal government should ensure that victims of violent federal crime receive compensation. We need to establish a federal victim compensation fund, to be financed, in part, by fines and the proceeds from the sale of goods forfeited to the government.\n—We support tough restraints on the manufacture, transportation, and sale of snub-nosed handguns, which have no legitimate sporting use and are used in a high proportion of violent crimes.\n—We will establish a strong federal-state partnership to push for further progress in the nationwide expansion of comprehensive, community-based anti-drunk driving programs. With the support of citizens, private-sector business and government at all levels; we will institutionalize fatality and injury reduction on the nation's highways.\n—We support fundamental reform of the sentencing process so that offenders who commit similar crimes receive similar penalties. Reform should begin with the establishment of appropriately drafted sentencing guidelines, and judges deviating from such guidelines should be required to provide written reasons for doing so.\n—Finally, we believe that the credibility of our criminal courts must be restored. Our courts should not be attacked for failing to eliminate the major social problem of crime—courts of justice were not designed, and were never intended, to do that. A Democratic Administration will encourage experimentation with alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms, diversion programs for first and nonviolent offenders, and other devices to eliminate the congestion in our courts and restore to them an atmosphere in which they can perform their intended job: doing real individualized justice, in an orderly way.\nChapter III:Peace, Security, and Freedom\n\nIntroduction\n\nBuilding a safer future for our nations and the world: that is the Democratic agenda for our national security. Every responsibility before our nation, every task that we set, pales beside the most important challenge we face—providing new leadership that enhances our security, promotes our values, and works for peace.\nThe next American President will preside over a period of historic change in the international system. The relatively stable world order that has prevailed since World War II is bursting at the seams from the powerful forces of change —the proliferation of nuclear and conventional weapons, the relentless Soviet military buildup, the achievement of rough nuclear parity between the Soviet Union and the United States, the increasingly interdependent nature of the international economic order, the recovery and rise of European and Asian powers since the devastation of the Second World War, and the search for a new America political consensus in the wake of Vietnam and Lebanon and in the shadow of a regional crisis in Central America.\nThe greatest foreign policy imperative of the Democratic Party and of the next President is to learn from past mistakes and adapt to these changes, rather than to foist or ignore them. While not underestimating the Soviet threat, we can no longer afford simplistically to blame all of our troubles on a single \"focus of evil,\" for the sources of international change run even deeper than the sources of superpower competition. We must see change as an opportunity as well as a challenge. In the 1980's and beyond, America must not only make the world safe for diversity; we must learn to thrive on diversity.\nThe Domestic Party believes that it is time to harness the full range of America's capacity to meet the challenges of a changing world. We reject the notion that America is beset by forces beyond its control. Our commitment to freedom and democracy, our willingness to listen to contrasting viewpoints, and our ingenuity at devising new ideas and arrangements have given us advantages in an increasingly diverse world that no totalitarian system can match.\nThe Democratic Party has a constructive and confident vision of America's ability to use all of our economic, political, and military resources to pursue our wide-ranging security and economic interests in a diverse and changing world. We believe in a responsible defense policy that will increase our national security. We believe in a foreign policy that respects our allies, builds democracy, and advances the cause of human rights. We believe that our economic future lies in our ability to rise to the challenge of international economic competition by making our own industries more competitive. Above all, we believe that our security requires the direct, personal involvement of the President of the United States to limit the Soviet military threat and to reduce the danger of nuclear war.\nWe have no illusions about the forces arrayed against the democratic cause in our time. In the year made famous by George Orwell, we can see the realization of many of his grimmest prophecies in the totalitarian Soviet state, which has amassed an arsenal of weapons far beyond its defensive needs. In the communist and non-communist world, we find tyrannical regimes that trample on human rights and repress their people's cry for economic justice.\nThe Reagan Administration points to Soviet repression—but has no answer other than to escalate the arms race. It downgrades repression in the noncommunist world, by drawing useless distinctions between \"totalitarian\" and \"authoritarian\" regimes.\nThe Democratic Party understands the challenge posed by the enemies of democracy. Unlike the Reagan Administration, however, we are prepared to work constructively to reduce tensions and make genuine progress toward a safer world.\nThe Democratic Party is confident that American ideals and American interests reinforce each other in our foreign policy; the promotion of democracy and human rights not only distinguishes us from our adversaries, but it also builds the long-term stability that comes when governments respect their people. We look forward to the 21st Century as a century of democratic solidarity where security, freedom, and peace will flourish.\nPeace, freedom and security are the essence of America's dream. They are the future of our children and their children.\nThis is the test where failure could provide no opportunity to try once more. As President Kennedy once warned: \"We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world—or to make it the last.\"\nThe Future If Reagan Is Reelected\n\n\"Star Wars is not the path towards a less dangerous world. A direct and safe road exists: equitable and verifiable deep cuts in strategic offensive forces. We must abandon the illusion that ever more sophisticated technology can remove the perils that science and technology have created.\"\nStatement by Dr Jerome B. Wiesner, Dr. Carl Sagan, Dr. Henry Kendall, and Admiral Noel Gayler (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1984)\n\"The minister of the apartheid government recently boasted of the fruitful relationship between Pretoria and Washington since the advent of the Reagan regime. Now apartheid South Africa has acquired the military muscle to bomb, to maim, to kill men, women, and children, and to bully these states into negotiating with apartheid through the threat of increased military action. This may be hailed as a victory for apartheid and for the Reagan Administration, but in truth it can only create anger and contempt in the African people.\"\nProfessor Dennis Brutus, Northwestern University (former political prisoner in South Africa) (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing, New York, New York. April 9, 1984)\nSuppose Mr. Reagan is reelected. How would he deal with the serious threats that face us and our children?\nUnder Mr. Reagan, the nuclear arms race would continue to spiral out of control. A new generation of destabilizing missiles will imperil all humanity. We will live in a world where the nuclear arms race has spread from earth into space.\nUnder Mr. Reason, we would continue to over-emphasize destabilizing and redundant nuclear weapons programs at the expense of our conventional forces. We will spend billions for weapons that do not work. We will continue to ignore proposals to improve defense management, to get a dollar's worth for each dollar spent, and to make our military more combat-effective and our weapons more cost-effective.\nUnder Mr. Reagan, regional conflicts would continue to be dangerously mismanaged. Young Americans may be sent to fight and die needlessly. The spread of nuclear materials to new nations and the spread of sophisticated conventional weapons to virtually every nation on earth will continue unabated.\nCan America afford a President so out of touch with reality that he tells us, \"I think the world is safer and further removed from a possible war than it was several years ago\"?\nCan America afford the recklessness of a President who exposed American Marines to mortal danger and sacrificed over 260 of them in a bungled mission in Lebanon against the advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and brought upon us the worst U.S. military disaster since the Vietnam War?\nCan America afford the irresponsibility of a President who undermines confidence in our deterrent with misleading allegations of Soviet nuclear \"superiority\" and whose Administration beguiles the American public with false claims that nuclear war can be survived with enough shovels?\nCan America afford the unresponsiveness of a President who thwarts the will of the majority of Americans by waging a secret war against Nicaragua?\nIn a second Reagan term, will our heavens become a nuclear battleground?\nIn 1980, candidate Ronald Reagan promised the American people a more secure world. Yet, as President:\n—He has raced to deploy new weapons that will be destabilizing and difficult to verify. He has pressed for a multi-billion dollar chemical weapons program. He has launched his trillion dollar \"Slat Wars\" arms race in space.\n—He has relaxed controls on nuclear proliferation, thus enhancing the risk that nuclear weapons will be acquired and used by unstable governments and international terrorists.\n—He has become the first President since the Cold War to preside over the complete collapse of air nuclear arms negotiations with the Soviets.\n—He has rejected SALT II, threatened the ABM Treaty, and abandoned the goal of a complete ban on nuclear weapons tests that that has been pursued by every President since Eisenhower. He has refused to seek negotiations to limit anti-satellite weapons that could threaten our vital early-warning and military satellites. Over 250 strategic missiles and bombers that would have been eliminated under SALT II are still in Soviet hands.\nCon we afford four more years of a Pentagon spending binge?\nIn 1980, candidate Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party promised the American people a defense spending increase \"to be applied judiciously to critically needed programs.\" Yet as President:\n—He has initiated the largest peacetime defense build-up in our history with no coherent plan for integrating the increased programs into an effective military posture.\n—He has slighted training and readiness of our conventional forces in favor of big ticket nuclear items, \"preparing,\" in the words of General Maxwell Taylor, \"for the least possible threats to the neglect of the most probable.\"\n—He has brought us the worst-managed and most wasteful Defense Department in history. Under the Pentagon's wasteful purchasing system, the American taxpayer has paid $435 for a $17 claw hammer, $1100 for a 22-cent plastic steel cap, over $2000 for a 13-cent plain round nut, and $9600 for a 12-cent Allen wrench.\nCan we afford four more years of dangerous foreign policy failures?\nIn 1980, candidate Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party promised \"to put America on a sound, secure footing in the international arena.\" Yet, as President:\n—He has contributed to the decline of U.S.-Soviet relations to a perilous point. Instead of challenges, he has used easy and abusive anti-Soviet rhetoric as a substitute for strength, progress, and careful use of power.\n—He has strained vital U.S. alliances through his bungled efforts to stop the Soviet natural gas pipeline, his inflammatory nuclear rhetoric and policies, and his failure to support the efforts of our democratic allies to achieve a negotiated political solution in Central America.\n—He has had as many Middle East policies as he has had staff turnovers. First, he offered strategic cooperation to Israel as if it were a gift. Then he took it away to punish Israel as if it were not our ally. Then he pressured Israel to make one-sided concessions to Jordan. Then he demanded that Israel withdraw from Lebanon. Then he pleaded with them to stay. Then he did not accept their offer of medical help for our wounded Marines. He undercut American credibility throughout the Middle East by declaring Lebanon a vital interest of the United States and then withdrawing.\n—He has brought us a strategy in Central America and the Caribbean that has failed. Since he took office, the region has become much more unstable; the hemisphere is much more hostile to us; and the poverty is much deeper. Today in El Salvador, after more than a billion dollars in American aid, the guerillas are stronger than they were three years ago, and the people are much poorer. In Nicaragua, our support for the contras and for the covert war has strengthened the totalitarians at the expense of the moderates. In Honduras, an emerging democracy has been transformed into a staging ground for possible regional war. And in Cost Rica our backing for rebels based there is in danger of dragging that peaceful democracy into a military confrontation with Nicaragua. In Grenada, Mr. Reagan renounced diplomacy for over two years, encouraging extremism, instability, and crisis. By his failure to avoid military intervention, he divided us from our European allies and alienated our friends throughout the Western hemisphere. And by excluding the press, he set a chilling precedent, greatly hampering public scrutiny of his policies. After three and one-half years of Mr. Reagan's tunnel vision, extremism is stronger, our democratic friends are weaker, and we are further than ever from achieving peace and security in the region.\n—He is the first President to fail to support publicly the ratification of the Genocide Convention. His Vice President has praised the Philippine dictator for his \"love of democracy,\" his first Secretary of State announced that human rights would be replaced as a foreign policy priority, and his first nominee for Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights was rejected by the U.S. Senate as unfit for that post. He has closely identified the United States with the apartheid regime in South Africa, and he has time and again failed to confront dictators around the globe.\nThis is an unprecedented record of failure. But President Reagan is content to make excuses for failure.\nPresident Reagan blames Congress and the Democratic Party. He rebukes Americans deeply and genuinely concerned about the threat of nuclear war. He rails at the Soviet Union—as if words alone, without strategy or effective policy, will make that nation change its course.\nIt is time for Democrats and Americans to apply a tough standard to Ronald Reagan. Let us paraphrase the question he asked in 1980: Are we safer today than we were three and a half years ago? Are we further from nuclear war? After more than a thousand days of Mr. Reagan, is the world anywhere less tense, anywhere closer to peace?\nAmericans throughout this land are answering with a resounding no.\nPresident Reagan himself is responsible—responsible for four years of a failed foreign policy. America elects its President to lead. It does not elect its President to make excuses.\nThe Democratic Party believes that it is time to harass the full power of America's spirit and capacity to meet the challenges of a changing world.\nThe Democratic Party has a different and positive vision of America's future. What is at stake may be freedom and survival itself.\nThe Democratic Alternative:A Safer Future for Our Nation and the World\n\n\"I do not see why we think of our nation as so weak and so vulnerable. Let us for heaven's sake have some confidence in America and not tremble, fearing that our society will fall apart at the least rattle of the door. If I were constructing this platform, I would ask that its planks be carved out of self-confidence, and planted in belief in our own system.\"\nHistorian Barbara Tuchman (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing. New York, New York, April 9, 1984)\n\"The Democratic Party requires a foreign policy which approaches the problems that confront us primarily in their national and regional contexts, rather than viewing them, as the Reagan Administration does, almost exclusively as a manifestation of the \"evil empire's\" efforts to extend its sway over the entire globe. What we need is a foreign policy which promotes the cause of human rights by opposing tyranny on the part of left as well as right wing governments, rather than a foreign policy like the one we have now, which supports virtually every reactionary and repressive regime that professes to be anti-communist.\"\nHonorable Stephen J. Solarz, U.S. Representative. New York (Democratic Platform Committee Hearing. New York, New York, April 9, 1984)\nThere is no higher goal for the Democratic Party than assuring the national security of the United States. This means a strong national defense, vigorous pursuit of nuclear arms control, and a foreign policy dedicated to salvaging the interests of America and the forces of freedom and democracy in a period of global transformation. This will require new leadership, strong alliances, skillful diplomacy, effective economic cooperation, and a foreign policy sustained by American strength and ideals. And to hold the support of the American people, our leaders must also be careful and measured in the use of force.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to a strong national defense. Democrats know that a relentless Soviet military build-up—well beyond its defensive needs—directly challenges world security, our democratic values, and our free institutions. On the nature of the Soviet threat and on the essential issue of our nation's security, Americans do not divide. On the common interest in human survival, the American and Soviet peoples do not divide.\nMaintaining strong and effective military forces is essential to keeping the peace and safeguarding freedom. Our allies and adversaries must never doubt our military power or our will to defend our vital interests. To that end, we pledge a strong defense built in concert with our allies, based on a coherent strategy, and supported by a sound economy.\nIn an age of about 50,000 nuclear weapons, however, nuclear arms control and reductions are also essential to our security. The most solemn responsibility of a President is to do all that he or she can to prevent a single nuclear weapon from ever being used. Democrats believe that mutual and verifiable controls on nuclear arms can, and must be, a serious integral part of national defense. True national security requires urgent measures to freeze and reverse the arms race, not the pursuit of the phantom of nuclear superiority or futile Star Wars schemes.\nThe Democratic Party believes that the purpose of nuclear weapons is to deter war, not to fight it. Democrats believe that America has the strength and tenacity to negotiate nuclear arms agreements that will reduce the risk of nuclear war and preserve our military security.\nToday we stand at one of the most critical junctures in the arms race since the explosion of the first atomic bomb. Mr. Reagan wants to open the heavens for warfare.\nHis Star Wars proposal would create a vulnerable and provocative \"shield\" that would lull our nation into a false sense of security. It would lead our allies to believe that we are retreating from their defense. It would lead to the death of the ABM Treaty—the most successful arms control treaty in history—and this trillion-dollar program would provoke a dangerous offensive and defensive arms race.\nIf we and our allies could defend our populations effectively against a nuclear war, the Democratic Party would be the first to endorse such a scheme. Unfortunately, our best scientists agree that an effective population defense is probably impossible. Therefore, we must oppose an arms race where the sky is no longer the limit.\nArms Control and Disarmament\n\nRonald Reagan is the first American President in over twenty years who has not reached any significant arms control agreements with the Soviet Union, and he is the first in over fifty years who has not met face to face with Soviet leaders. The unjustified Soviet walkout from key nuclear talks does not excuse the arms control failures of the Administration.\nTo reopen the dialogue, a Democratic President will propose an early summit with regular annual summits to follow with the Soviet leaders, and meetings between senior civilian and military officials, in order to reduce tensions and explore possible formal agreements. In a Democratic Administration, the superpowers will not communicate through megaphones.\nA new Democratic Administration will implement a strategy for peace which makes arms control an integral part of our national security policy. We must move the world back from the brink of nuclear holocaust and set a new direction toward an enduring peace, in which lower levels of military spending will be possible. Our ultimate aim must be to abolish all nuclear weapons in a world safe for peace and freedom.\nThis strategy calls for immediate steps to stop the nuclear arms race, medium-term measures to reduce the dangers of war, and long-term goals to put the world on a new and peaceful course.\nThese steps should lead promptly to the negotiation of a comprehensive, mutual and verifiable freeze on the testing, production, and deployment of all nuclear weapons.\nBuilding on this initiative, the Democratic President will:\n—update and resubmit the SALT II Treaty to the Senate for its advice and consent.\n—pursue deep, stabilizing reductions in nuclear arsenals within the framework of SALT II, in the meantime observing the SALT II limits ourselves and insisting that the Soviets do likewise.\n—propose the merging of the intermediate-range and strategic arms limitations negotiations, if the President judges that this could advance a comprehensive arms limitation agreement with the Soviet Union.\n—immediately resubmit to the Senate for its advice and consent the 1974 Threshold Test Ban Treaty and the 1976 Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty.\n—conclude a verifiable and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.\n—reaffirm our commitment to the ABM Treaty, ensure U.S. compliance, and vigorously demand answers to questions about Soviet compliance through the Standing Consultative Commission and other appropriate channels.\n—actively pursue a verifiable, anti-satellite weapons treaty and ban on weapons in space.\n—seek a verifiable international ban on the production of nuclear weapons-grade fissile material, such as plutonium and highly enriched uranium.\n—undertake all-out efforts to halt nuclear proliferation.\n—terminate production of the MX missile and the B-1 bomber.\n—prohibit the production of nerve gas and work for a verifiable treaty banning chemical weapons.\n—establish U.S. nuclear risk reduction centers and other improved communications for a crisis.\n—invite the most eminent members of the scientific community to study and report on the worldwide human suffering and the long-term environmental damage which would follow in the days after a nuclear war, and take into account as fully as possible the results of such study in the formulation of our nuclear weapons and arms control policies.\n—strengthen broad-based, long-term public support for arms control by working closely with leaders of grass-roots, civic, women's, labor, business, religious and professional groups, including physicians, scientists, lawyers, and educators.\n—provide national leadership for economic adjustment for affected communities and industries, and retraining for any defense workers affected by the termination or cutbacks in weapons programs.\n—initiate, in close consultation with our NATO allies, a strategy for peace in Europe including:\n—achieving a balance of conventional forces in order to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons and to permit the Atlantic Alliance to move toward the adoption of a \"no first use\" policy;\n—mutually pulling back battlefield nuclear weapons from the front lines of Europe, in order to avoid the necessity of having to make a \"use them or lose them\" choice should hostilities erupt in Europe;\n—negotiating new approaches to intermediate nuclear force limits along the lines of the \"walk in the woods\" proposal, and then seeking to move closer to zero INF deployments by the U.S. and U.S.S.R.;\n—negotiating significant mutual and balanced reductions in conventional forces of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and confidence-building measures to reduce the dangers of a surprise attack.\nWe are under no illusion that these arms control proposals will be easy to achieve. Most will involve patience and dedication, and above all leadership in the pursuit of peace, freedom, and security. The Soviets are tough negotiators and too often seek to use arms control talks for propaganda purposes. On this issue—preventing nuclear war—America must lead, and the Democratic Party intends to lead. Without our leadership the nations of the world will be tempted to abandon themselves, perhaps slowly at first, but then relentlessly to the quest for nuclear weapons, and our children will look back with envy upon today's already dangerous nuclear world as a time of relative safety.\nDefense Policy\n\nThe Reagan Administration measures military might by dollars spent. The Democratic Party seeks prudent defense based on sound planning and a realistic assessment of threats. In the field of defense policy, the Democratic Administration will:\n—Work with our NATO and other allies to ensure our collective security, especially by strengthening our conventional defenses so as to reduce our need to rely on nuclear weapons, and to achieve this at increased spending levels, with funding to continue at levels appropriate to our collective security, with the firm hope that successful steps to reduce tensions and to obtain comprehensive and verifiable arms control agreements will guarantee our nation both military security and budgetary relief.\n—Cancel destabilizing or duplicative weapons systems, while proceeding in the absence of appropriate arms control agreements with necessary modernization of our strategic forces.\n—Scale back the construction of large, expensive and vulnerable nuclear carriers.\n—Modernize our conventional forces by balancing new equipment purchases with adequate resources spent on training, fuel, ammunition, maintenance, spare parts, and airlift and sea-lift to assure combat readiness and mobility, and by providing better equipment for our Reserves and National Guard.\n—Reorganize Pentagon management and strengthen the JCS system to reduce inter-service rivalries, promote military leadership over bureaucratic skills, assure effective execution of policies and decisions, undertake better multi-year planning based upon realistic projections of available resources, and reduce conflicts of interest.\n—Ensure open and fair competitive bidding for procurement of necessary equipment and parts, and establish a system of effective, independent testing of weapons for combat conditions.\n—Implement a program of military reform. Our forces must be combat ready; our doctrines should emphasize out-thinking and outmaneuvering our adversaries; and our policies should improve military organization and unit cohesion.\n—Press our European allies to increase their contributions to NATO defense to levels of effort comparable to our own—an approach that the Administration undercut by abandoning the NATO-wide agreement concluded by its Democratic predecessor—and pursue improved trans-Atlantic economic cooperation and coordination of arms procurement.\n—Recognize that the heart of our military strength is people, Americans in uniform who will have the skills and the will to maintain the peace. The men and women of our armed services deserve not only proper pay and benefits, but the nation's recognition, respect and gratitude as well.\n—Recognize the importance of the intelligence community and emphasize its mission as being dedicated to the timely collection and analysis of information and data. A Democratic Administration will also recognize the urgent need to de-politicize the intelligence community and to restore professional leadership to it.\n—Oppose a peacetime military draft or draft registration.\n—Oppose efforts to restrict the opportunities of women in the military based solely on gender. The Reagan Administration has used the combat designation as an arbitrary and inappropriate way to exclude women from work they can legitimately perform. Women nurses and technicians, for example, have long served with distinction on the front lines: women must not be excluded from jobs that they are trained and able to perform.\n—Seek ways to expand programs such as VISTA, the Young Adult Conservation Corps, and the Peace Corps.\nThese and other qualitative improvements will ensure effective American strength at affordable cost. With this strength we will restore the confidence of our fellow citizens and our allies; we will be able to mount an effective conventional defense; and we will present our adversaries with a credible capability to deter war.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to reversing the policies of the Reagan Administration in the area of military and defense procurement. Public accounts reveal a four-year record of waste, fraud, conflicts of interest, and indications of wrongdoing. Administration officials have engaged in practices that have cost the taxpayers billions of dollars. Further, the Reagan Administration has ignored legal remedies to stop the abuses, recover the funds, and punish those responsible.\nA Democratic President will demand full disclosure of all information, launch a thorough investigation, and seek recovery of any tax funds illegally spent. This will be a major step towards restoring integrity to defense procurements and reducing unnecessary expenditures in the defense budget.\nForeign Policy\n\nThe purpose of foreign policy is to attain a strong and secure United States and a world of peace, freedom and justice. On a planet threatened by dictatorships on the left and right, what is at stake may be freedom itself. On a planet shadowed by the threat of a nuclear holocaust, what is at stake may be nothing less than human survival.\nA Democratic Administration will comprehend that the gravest political and security dangers in the developing world flow from conditions that open opportunities for the Soviet Union and its surrogates: poverty, repression and despair. Against adversaries such as these, military force is of limited value. Such weapons as economic assistance, economic and political reform, and support for democratic values by, among other steps, funding scholarships to study at U.S. colleges and universities, must be the leading elements of our presence and the primary instruments of American influence in the developing countries.\nTo this end, a Democratic President will strengthen our Foreign Service, end the present practice of appointing unqualified persons as Ambassadors, strengthen our programs of educational and cultural exchange, and draw upon the best minds in our country in the quest for peace.\nA Democratic Administration will initiate and establish a Peace Academy. In the interests of balancing this nation's investment in the study of making war, the Peace Academy will study the disciplines and train experts in the arts of waging peace.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to ensuring strong representation of women and minorities in military and foreign policy decision-making positions in our government.\nIn addition, a Democratic President will understand that as Commander-in-Chief, he or she directs the forces of peace as well as those of war, and will restore an emphasis on skilled, sensitive, bilateral and multilateral diplomacy as a means to avert and resolve international conflict.\nA Democratic President will recognize that the United States, with broad economic, political and security interests in the world, had an unparalleled stake in the rule of international law. Under a Democratic Administration, there will be no call for clumsy attempts to escape the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, such as those put forth by the Reagan Administration in connection with its mining of the harbors of Nicaragua.\nA Democratic President will reverse the automatic militarization of foreign policy and look to the causes of conflict to find out whether they are internal or external, whether they are political or primarily social and economic.\nIn the face of the Reagan Administration's cavalier approach to the use of military force around the world, the Democratic Party affirms its commitment too the selective, judicious use of American military power in consonance with Constitutional principles and reinforced by the War Powers Act.\nA Democratic President will be prepared to apply military force when vital American interests are threatened, particularly in the event of an attack upon the United States or its immediate allies. But he or she will not hazard American lives or engage in unilateral military involvement:\n* Where our objectives are not clear;\n* Until all instruments of diplomacy and nonmilitary leverage, as appropriate, have been exhausted;\n* Where our objectives threaten unacceptable costs or unreasonable levels of military force;\n* Where the local forces supported are not working to resolve the causes of conflict;\n* Where multilateral or allied options for the resolution of conflict are available.\nFurther, a Democratic Administration will take all reasonable domestic action to minimize U.S. vulnerability to international instability, such as reducing Western reliance on Persian Gulf oil and other strategic resources. To this end, a Democratic Administration will implement, with our allies, a multilateral strategy for reduction of allied dependence on critical resources from volatile regions of the world.\nU.S. covert operations under a Democratic President will be strictly limited to cases where secrecy is essential to the success of an operation and where there is an unmistakable foreign policy rationale. Secrecy will not be used simply to hide from the American people policies they might be expected to oppose.\nFinally, a Democratic President will recognize our democratic process as a source of strength and stability, rather than an unwelcome restraint on the control of foreign policy. He or she will respect the War Powers Resolution as a reflection of wise judgment that the sustained commitment of America's fighting forces must be made with the understanding and support of Congress and the American people. A Democratic President will understand that United States leadership among nations requires a proper respect for law and treaty obligations, and the rights of men and women everywhere.\nEurope and the Atlantic Alliance—American leadership is not about standing up to our friends. It is about standing up with them, and for them, In order to have allies, we must act like one.\nMaintaining a strong alliance is critically important. We remain absolutely committed to the defense of Europe, and we will work to ensure that our allies carry their fair share of the burden of the common defense. A Democratic Administration in turn will commit itself to increased consultation on security affair. We must work to sustain and enhance Western unity.\nWe must persuade the next generation of Europeans that America will use its power responsibly in partnership with them. We Democrats affirm that Western security is indivisible. We have a vital interest in the security of our allies in Europe. And it must always remain clear that an attack upon them is the same as an attack upon us—by treaty and in reality.\nA strong Western alliance requires frank discussions among friends about the issues that from time to time divide us. For example, we must enter into meaningful negotiations with the European Community to reduce their agricultural export subsidies which unfairly impair the competitiveness of American agricultural products in third-country markets.\nA Democratic President will encourage our European friends to resolve their longs-standing differences over Ireland and Cyprus.\nThe Democratic Party supports an active role by the United States in safeguarding human rights in Northern Ireland and achieving an enduring peaceful settlement of that conflict. We oppose the use of plastic bullets in Northern Ireland, and we urge all sides to reject the use of violence. The Democratic Party supports a ban on all commercial transactions by the U.S. government with firms in England and Ireland that practice, on an on-going basis, discrimination in Northern Ireland on the basis of race, religion, or sex. We affirm our strong commitment to Irish unity—achieved by consent and based on reconciliation of all the people of Ireland. The Democratic Party is greatly encouraged by the historic and hopeful Report of the New Ireland Forum which holds the promise of a real breakthrough. A Democratic President will promptly appoint a special envoy and urge the British as well as the political leaders in Northern Ireland to review the findings and proposals of the Forum with open hearts and open minds, and will appeal to them to join a new initiative for peace. The Congress and a Democratic President will stand ready to assist this process, and will help promote jobs and investments on a non-discriminatory basis, that will represent a significant contribution to the cause of peace in Ireland.\nIn strong contrast to President Reagan's failure to apply effective diplomacy in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean, a Democratic President will act with urgency and determination to make a balanced policy in the area and a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus dispute a key foreign policy priority. A Democratic President will utilize all available U.S. foreign policy instruments and will play an active, instead of a passive, role in the efforts to secure implementation of U.N. Resolutions so as to achieve removal of Turkish troops, the return of refugees, reestablishment of the integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, and respect for all citizens' human rights on Cyprus.\nUnited States—Soviet Relations—U.S. relations with the Soviet Union are a critical element of our security policy. All Americans recognize the threat to world peace posed by the Soviet Union. The U.S.S.R. is the only adversary with the capability of destroying the United States. Moreover, Americans are more generally concerned about the Soviet leadership's dangerous behavior internationally and the totalitarian nature of their regime. The Brezhnev Doctrine proclaims Soviet willingness to maintain communist regimes against the opposition of their own people. Thus, Soviet troops have invaded and today continue to wage war on the proud people of Afghanistan. In Poland, a military government, acting under Soviet pressure, has sought to crush the indomitable spirit of the Polish people and to destroy Solidarity, a free trade Union movement of ten million members and the first such movement in a communist country. In recent years, the Soviet Union and its allies have played a more aggressive role in countries around the world. At the same time, the Soviet military arsenal, nuclear and conventional, far exceeds that needed for its defense.\nYet we also recognize that the Soviets share a mutual interest in survival. They, too, have no defense against a nuclear war. Our security and their security can only be strengthened by negotiation and cooperation.\nTo shape a policy that is both firm and wise, we must first stand confident and never fear the outcome of any competition between our systems. We must see the Soviet Union as it is—neither minimizing the threats that Soviet power and policies pose to U.S. interests, nor exaggerating the strength of a Soviet regime beset by economic stagnation and saddled with a bankrupt and sterile ideology. We must join with our allies and friends to maintain an effective deterrent to Soviet power. We must pursue a clear, consistent and firm policy of peaceful competition toward the Soviet Union, a steady and pragmatic approach that neither tolerates Soviet aggression and repression nor fuels Soviet paranoia.\nThe job of an American President is both to check Soviet challenges to our vital interests, and to meet them on the common ground of survival. The risk of nuclear war cannot be eliminated overnight. But every day it can be either increased or decreased. And one of the surest ways to increase it is to cut off communications.\nEastern Europe—We must respond to the aspirations and hopes of peoples of Eastern Europe and encourage, wherever possible, the forces of change and pluralism that will increase these people's freedom from Soviet tyranny and communist dictatorship. We should encourage Eastern European countries to pursue independent foreign policies and to permit greater liberalization in domestic affairs, and we should seek independent relationships to further these objectives with them.\nThe Democratic Party condemns the Soviet repression by proxy in Poland and the other countries of Eastern Europe. The emergence of the free trade union Solidarity is one of the most formidable developments in post-war Europe and inspires all who love freedom. The struggle of the Polish people for a democratic society and religious freedom is eloquent testimony to their national spirit and bravery that even a brutal martial law regime cannot stamp out.\nToday the Jaruzelski regime claims to have ended the harshest repressive measures. Yet it continues to hold political prisoners, it continues to mistreat them, and it continues to hunt down members of Solidarity.\nThe Democratic Party agrees with Lech Walesa that the underground Solidarity movement must not be deprived of union freedoms. We call for the release of all political prisoners in Poland and an end to their harassment. The recognition of the Free trade union Solidarity, and the resumption of progress toward liberty and human rights in that nation. A Democratic President will continue to press for effective international sanctions against the Polish regime until it makes satisfactory progress toward these objectives.\nThe Middle East—The Democratic Party believes that the security Israel and the pursuit of peace in the Middle East are fundamental priorities for American foreign policy. Israel remains more than a trusted friend, a steady ally, and a sister democracy. Israel is strategically important to the United States, and we must enter into meaningful strategic cooperation.\nJerusalem should remain forever undivided with free access to the holy places for people of all faiths. As stated in the 1976 and 1980 platforms, the Democratic Party recognizes and supports the established status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. As a symbol of this stand, the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.\nThe Democratic Party condemns this Administration's failure to maintain a high-level Special Negotiator for the Middle East, and believes that the Camp David peace process must be taken up again with urgency. No nation in the Middle East can afford to wait until a new war brings even worse destruction. Once again we applaud and support the example of both Israel and Egypt in taking bold steps for peace. We believe that the United States should press for negotiations among Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. We re-emphasize the fundamental principle that the prerequisite for a lasting peace in the Middle East remains an Israel with secure and defensible borders, strong beyond a shadow of a doubt; that the basis for peace is the unequivocal recognition of Israel's right to exist by all other states; and that there should be a resolution of the Palestinian issue.\nThe United States and our allies have vital interests in the Persian Gulf. We must be prepared to work with our allies in defense of those interests. We should stand by our historic support for the principle of freedom of the high seas. At the same time, we and our allies should employ active diplomacy to encourage the earliest possible end to Iran/Iraq conflict.\nThe Western Hemisphere—The Western Hemisphere is in trouble. Central America is region at war. Latin America is experiencing the most serious economic crisis in 50 years. The Inter-American system is on the verge of collapse. Concern about U.S. policies has risen sharply.\nIt is time to make this Hemisphere a top priority. We need to develop relations based on mutual respect and mutual benefit. Beyond essential security concerns, these relations must emphasize diplomacy, development and respect for human rights. Above all, support for democracy must be pursued. The Reagan Administration is committing the old error of supporting authoritarian military regimes against the wishes of the people they rule, but the United States was not founded, and defended for 200 years with American blood, in order to perpetuate tyranny among our neighbors.\nThe Hemisphere's nations must strive jointly to find acceptable solutions with judgments and actions based on equally-applied criteria. We must condemn violations of human rights, aggression and deprivation of basic freedoms wherever they occur. The United States must recognize that the economic and debt crisis of Latin America also directly affects us.\nThe Reagan Administration has badly misread and mishandled the conflict in Central America. The President has chosen to dwell on the strategic importance of Central America and to cast the struggle in almost exclusively East-West terms. The strategic importance of Central America is not in doubt, nor is the fact that the Soviet Union, Cuba and Nicaragua have all encouraged instability and supported revolution in the region. What the President ignores, however, are the indigenous causes of unrest. Historically, Central America had been burdened by widespread hunger and disease. And the historic pattern of concentrated wealth has done little to produce stable democratic societies.\nSadly, Mr. Reagan has opted for the all too frequent American response to the unrest that has characterized Central America-military assistance. Over the past 100 years, Panama. Nicaragua, and Honduras have all been occupied by U.S. forces in an effort to suppress indigenous revolutionary movements. In 1954, CIA-backed forces successfully toppled the Government of Guatemala.\nPresident Reagan's massive transfusions of military aid to El Salvador are no substitute for the social and economic reforms that are necessary to undermine the appeal the guerillas hold for many Salvadorans. The changes and upheavals in El Salvador and Nicaragua are home-grown, but they are exacerbated by forces from outside of Central America. The undoubted communist influence on these revolutions cannot be nullified by the dispatch of naval and air armadas to the waters off Nicaragua and thousands of troops to the jungles of Honduras. The solution lies with a new policy that fosters social, economic and political reforms that are compatible with our legitimate vital interests while accommodating the equally legitimate forces of change.\nAmerica must find a different approach. All too often, the United States thinks in terms of what it can do for the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean region. Rarely does it think in terms of what it can do with them. Even with the best of intentions, the difference is more than rhetorical, for paternalism can never be disguised and it is always resented—whether we choose to label it a \"special relationship\" or to call it a \"defensive shield.\" Acting for the nations of the Hemisphere rather than acting in concert with them is the surest way of repeating the mistakes of the past and casting dark shadow over the future.\nIt need not be. There is an alternative, a good alternative. The great Mexican patriot Benito Juarez pointed the way and said it best: \"Between men as between nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.\" Working with our hemispheric neighbors produces understanding and cooperation. Doing something for them produces resentment and conflict.\nDemocrats know there is a real difference between the two and a Democratic President will seek the advice and counsel of the authentic democratic voices within the region—voices that may be heard north and south, east and west; the voices of President Miguel de la Madrid of Mexico, President Balisario Betancur of Colombia, and President Raul Alfonsin of Argentina; the voices of President Jorge Blanco of the Dominican Republic, Prime Minister Tom Adams of Barbados, and President Alberto Monge of Costa Rica. By consulting with and listening carefully to these leaders and to their democratic colleagues elsewhere in the region, the next Democratic President of the United States will fashion a policy toward the region which recognizes that:\n—the security and well-being of the Hemisphere are more a function of economic growth and development than of military agreements and arms transfers;\n—the mounting debt crisis throughout the region poses a broader threat to democratic institutions and political stability than does any insurgency or armed revolutionary movement;\n—there is an urgent and genuine need for far-reaching economic, social and political reforms in much of the region and that such reforms are absolutely essential to the protection of basic human rights;\n—the future belongs as much to the people of the region—the politically forgotten and the economically deprived—as it does to the rich and powerful elite;\n—preservation and protection of U.S. interests in the Hemisphere requires mutual respect for national sovereignty and demilitarization of the region, prior consultation in accordance with the Rio Treaty and the OAS Charter regarding the application of the Monroe Doctrine, the use of military force, and a multilateral commitment to oppose the establishment of Soviet and Cuba military bases, strategic facilities, or combat presence in Central America or elsewhere in Latin America;\n—efforts to isolate Cuba only serve to make it more dependent on the Soviet Union: U.S. diplomatic skills must be employed to reduce that level of dependence and to explore the differences that divide us with a view to stabilizing our relations with Cuba. At the same time we must continue to oppose firmly Cuban intervention in the internal affairs of other nations. Progress in our relationship will depend on Cuba's willingness to end its support for violent revolution, to recognize the sovereignty and independence of other nations by respecting the principle of non-intervention, to demonstrate respect for human rights both inside and outside of Cuba, and to abide by international norms of behavior.\nMindful of these realities and determined to stop widening, militarizing, and Americanizing the conflict, a Democratic President's immediate objective will be to stop the violence and pursue a negotiated political solution in concert with our democratic allies in the Contadora group. He or she will approach Central American policy in the following terms:\n—First, there must be unequivocal support for the Contadora process and for the efforts by those countries to achieve political solutions to the conflicts that plague the Central American region.\n—Second, there must be a commitment on the part of the United States to reduce tensions in the region. We must terminate our support for the contras and other paramilitary groups fighting in Nicaragua. We must halt those U.S. military exercises in the region which are being conducted for no other real purpose than to intimidate or provoke the Nicaraguan government or which may be used as a pretext for deeper U.S. military involvement in the area. And, we must evidence our firm willingness to work for a demilitarized Central America, including the mutual withdrawal of all foreign forces and military advisors from the region. A Democratic President will seek a multilateral framework to protect the security and independence of the region which will include regional agreements to bar new military bases, to restrict the numbers and sophistication of weapons being introduced into Central America, and to permit international inspection of borders. This diplomatic effort can succeed, however, only if all countries in Central America, including Nicaragua, will agree to respect the sovereignty and integrity of their neighbors, to limit their military forces, to reject foreign military bases (other than those provided for in the Panama Canal Treaties), and to deny any external force or power the use of their territories for purposes of subversion in the region. The viability of any security agreement for Central America would be enhanced by the progressive development of pluralism in Nicaragua. To this end, the elections proposed for November are important; how they are conducted will be an indication of Nicaragua's willingness to move in the direction of genuine democracy.\n—Third, there must be a clear, concise signal to indicate that we are ready, willing and able to provide substantial economic resources, through the appropriate multilateral channels, to the nations of Central America, as soon as the Contadora process achieves a measure of success in restoring peace and stability in the region. In the meantime, of course, we will continue to provide humanitarian aid and refugee relief assistance. The Democratic Administration will work to help churches and universities which are providing sanctuary and assistance to Guatemalan, Haitian, and Salvadoran refugees, and will give all assistance to such refugees as is consistent with U.S. law.\n—Fourth, a Democratic President will support the newly elected President of El Salvador in his efforts to establish civilian democratic control, by channeling U.S. aid through him and by conditioning it on the elimination of government-supported death squads and on progress toward his objectives of land reform, human rights and serious negotiations with contending forces in El Salvador, in order to achieve a peaceful democratic political settlement of the Salvadoran conflict.\n—Fifth, a Democratic President will not use U.S. armed forces in or over El Salvador or Nicaragua for the purpose of engaging in combat unless: 1) Congress has declared war or otherwise authorized the use of U.S. combat forces, or 2) the use of U.S. combat forces is necessary to meet a clear and present danger of attack upon the U.S., its territories or possessions or upon U.S. embassies or citizens, consistent with the War Powers Act.\nThese are the key elements that evidence very real differences between the Democrats' approach to Central America and that of the Reagan Administration. And these are the key elements that will offer the American public a choice—a very significant choice—between war and peace in the Central American region.\nA Democratic President would seek to work with the countries of the Caribbean to strengthen democratic institutions. He or she would not overlook human rights, by refusing to condemn repression by the regimes of the right or the left in the region. A Democratic President would give high priority to democracy, freedom, and to multilateral development. A Democratic President would encourage regional cooperation and make of that important area a showplace rather than a footstool for economic development. Finally, support for democracy must be pursued in its own right, and not just as a tactic against communism.\nHuman rights principles were a cornerstone of President Carter's foreign policy and have always been a central concern in the Inter-American system. Regional multilateral action to protect and advance human rights is an international obligation.\nA Democratic President must not overlook human rights, refusing to condemn repression by the regimes of the right or the left in the region. Insistence that governments respect their obligations to their people, is a criterion that must apply equally to all. It is as important in Cuba as in El Salvador, Guatemala as in Nicaragua, in Haiti as in the Paraguay and Uruguay.\nA Democratic Administration would place protection of human rights in a core position in our relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. It would particularly seek multilateral support for such principles by strengthening and backing the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and by encouraging the various private organizations in the hemisphere dedicated to monitoring and protecting human rights.\nAfrica—The Democratic Party will advocate a set of bold new initiatives for Third World nations in general and Africa in particular. Hunger, drought, and famine have brought untold suffering to millions in Africa. This human misery—and the armies of nationless—requires a policy of substantial increases in humanitarian assistance, a major thrust in agricultural technology transfer, and cessation of the unfortunate tendency to hold such aid hostage to East-West confrontation or other geopolitical aims. The United States also must offer substantially greater economic assistance to these nations, while engaging in a North-South multilateral dialogue that addresses mutual economic development strategies, commodities pricing, and other treaties relevant to international trade. A Democratic President will join with our friends within and outside the continent in support of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all African states. Africa is the home of one-eighth of the world's population and a continent of vast resources. Our national interest demands that we give this rich and diverse continent a much higher priority.\nA Democratic President will reverse the Reagan Administration's failed policy of \"constructive engagement\" and strongly and unequivocally oppose the apartheid regime in South Africa. A Democratic Administration will.\n—exert maximum pressure on South Africa to hasten the establishment of a democratic, unitary political system within South Africa.\n—pursue scrupulous enforcement of the 1977 U.N. arms embargo against South Africa, including enforcement of restrictions on the sale of \"dual use\" equipment.\n—impose a ban on all new loans by U.S. business interests to the South African government and on all new investments and loans to the South African private sector, until there is substantial progress toward the full participation of all the people of South Africa in the social, political, and economic life in that country and toward an end to discrimination based on race or ethnic origin.\n—ban the sale or transfer of sophisticated computers and nuclear technology to South Africa and the importation of South African gold coins.\n—reimpose export controls in effect during the Carter Administration which were relaxed by the Reagan Administration.\n—withdraw landing rights to South African aircraft.\nThe Democratic Party condemns South Africa for unjustly holding political prisoners. Soviet harassment of the Sakharovs is identical to South African house arrests of political opponents of the South African regime. Specifically, the detention of Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress, and Winnie Mandela must be brought to the world's attention, and we demand their immediate release. In addition, we demand the immediate release of all other political prisoners in South Africa.\nA Democratic Administration will work as well toward legitimate rights of self-determination of the peoples of Namibia by:\n—demanding compliance with U.N. Security Council Resolution 435—the six-year-old blueprint for Namibian independence;\n—imposing severe fines on U.S. companies that violate the United Nations Decree prohibiting foreign exploitation of Namibian mineral wealth until Namibia attains independence;\n—progressively increasing effective sanctions against South Africa unless and until it grants independence to Namibia and abolishes its own abhorrent apartheid system.\nAsia—Our relationship with the countries of Asia and the Pacific Basin will continue to be of increasing importance. The political, cultural, economic, and strategic ties which link the United States to this reason cannot be ignored.\nWith our Asian friends and allies, we have a common cause in preserving the security and enhancing democracy in the area.\nWith our Asian trading partners, we share a common interest in expanding commerce and fair trade between us, as evidenced by the 33 percent of total American trade now conducted with those countries.\nAnd with the growing number of Asian/Pacific-Americans, we welcome the strength and vitality which increased cultural ties bring to this country.\nOur relationship with Japan is a key to the maintenance of peace, security, and development in Asia and the Pacific region. Mutual respect, enhanced cooperation, and steady diplomacy must guide our dealings with Japan. At the same time, as allies and friends, we must work to resolve areas of disagreement. A Democratic President, therefore, will press for increased access to Japanese as well as other Asian markets for American firms and their produces. Finally, a Democratic President will expect Japan to continue moving toward assuming its fair share of the burden of collective security—in self-defense as well as in foreign assistance and democratic development.\nOur security in the Pacific region is also closely tied to the well-being of our long-time allies. Australia and New Zealand. A Democratic President will honor and strengthen our security commitment to ANZUS as well as to other Southeast Asian friends.\nOur relationship with the People's Republic of China must also be nurtured and strengthened. The Democratic Party believes that our developing relations with the PRC offer a historic opportunity to bring one quarter of the world's population into the community of nations, to strengthen a counterweight to Soviet expansionism, and to enhance economic relations that offer great potential for mutual advantage. At the same time, we recognize our historic ties to the people on Taiwan and we will continue to honor our commitments to them, consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act.\nOur own principles and interests demand that we work with those in Asia, as well as elsewhere, who can encourage democratic institutions and support greater respect for human rights. A Democratic President will work closely with the world's largest democracy, India, and maintain mutually beneficial ties. A Democratic President will press for the restoration of full democracy in the Philippines, further democratization and the elimination of martial law in Taiwan, the return to freedom of speech and press in South Korea, and restoration of human rights for the people of East Timor. Recognizing the strategic importance of Pakistan and the close relationship which has existed between our two countries, a Democratic President would press to restore democracy and terminate its nuclear weapons program. Finally, a Democratic President would press for the fullest possible accounting of Americans still missing in Indochina.\nFor the past four years, the Soviet Union has been engaged in a brutal effort to crush the resistance of the people or Afghanistan. It denies their right to independence. It is trying to stamp out their culture and to deny them the right to practice their religion, Islam. But despite appalling costs, the people of Afghanistan continue to resist—demonstrating the same qualities of human aspiration and fortitude that made our own nation great. We must continue to oppose Soviet aggression in Afghanistan. We should support the efforts of the Afghanistan freedom fighters with material assistance.\nIf the Soviet Union is prepared to abide by the principles of international law and human dignity, it should find the U.S. prepared to help produce a peaceful settlement.\nGlobal Debt and Development\n\nThe Democratic Party will pursue policies for economic development, for aid and trade that meet the needs of the people of the developing world and that further our own national interest. The next Democratic President will support development policies that meet the basic needs of the poor for food, water, energy, medical care, and shelter rather than \"trickle down\" policies that never reach those on the bottom. The next Democratic Administration will give preference in its foreign assistance to countries with democratic institutions and respect for human rights.\nA Democratic President will seek to cut back record U.S. budget deficits and interest rates not only for our own economic well-being, but to reduce the economic crisis confronting so many industrialized and developing states alike.\nMr. Reagan has perceived national security in very limited and parochial terms, and thus has failed completely to grasp the significance of the international debt which now has sky-rocketed to some $800 billion. In 1983, some thirty nations accounting for half of this total were forced to seek restructuring of their debts with public and private creditors because they were unable to meet their debt payments.\nThe U.S. economy is directly linked to the costs of these loans through their variable interest rates (tied to the U.S. prime rate). A rise in the U.S. prime rate by one percent added more than $4 billion to the annual interest costs associated with these external debts. The struggle to meet their external debts has slashed the purchasing power of these developing countries and forced them to curtail imports from the U.S. This accounts for one-third to one-half of the adverse turn in the U.S. trade deficit, which is projected to reach $130 billion this year.\nThe social and political stability of these developing countries is seriously challenged by the debt crisis. In light of the interdependence of the international economy, the crisis also threatens the very foundation of the international financial system. To answer these dangers, the Democratic Administration will:\n—Call immediately for discussions on improving the functioning of the international monetary systems and on developing a comprehensive long-term approach to the international debt problem.\n—Instruct the Treasury Department to work with the Federal Reserve Board, U.S. bank regulators, key private banks, and the finance ministers and central bankers of Europe and Japan, to develop a short-term program for reducing the debt service obligations of less developed countries, while 1) preserving the safety and soundness of the international banking system and 2) ensuring that the costs of the program shared equitably among all parties to existing and rescheduled debts.\n—Recommend an increase in the lending capacity of the World Bank, as well as an increase in the lending capacity of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.. to ensure that debtor nations obtain adequate capital for investment in export industries.\n—Review international trade barriers which limit the ability of these countries to earn foreign exchange.\nSecurity assistance can in appropriate circumstances, help our friends meet legitimate defense needs. But shifting the balance from economic development toward military sales, as has occurred over the past three and one-half years, sets back the cause of peace and justice, fuels restful arms races, and places sophisticated weapons in the hands of those who could one day turn them back upon us and upon our friends and allies. The Democratic Party seeks now, as in the past, effective international agreements to limit and reduce the transfer of conventional arms.\nA Democratic President will seize new opportunities to make major advances at limited cost in the health and survival of the world's poorest people—thus enabling more people to contribute to and share in the world's resources, and promoting stability and popular participation in their societies. Recognizing that unrestrained population growth constitutes a danger for economic progress and political stability, a Democratic President will restore full U.S. support for national and international population programs that are now threatened by the policies of the Reagan Administration.\nA Democratic President will work to see the power and prestige of the U.S. fully committed to the reform and strengthening of the United Nations and other international agencies in the pursuit of their original purposes—peace, economic and social welfare, education, and human rights.\nBecause of the economic instability caused by global debts and by other problems, unprecedented migration into the United States and other parts of the world is occurring in the form of economic refugees. The Democratic Party will support economic development programs so as to aid nations in reducing migration from their countries, and thereby reduce the flow of economic refugees to the U.S. and other parts of the world.\nRather than scuttling the international Law of the Sea negotiations after over a decade of bipartisan U.S. involvement, a Democratic President will actively pursue efforts to achieve an acceptable Treaty and related agreements that protect U.S. interests in all uses of ocean space.\nHuman Rights and Solidarity\n\nThe Democratic Party believes that we need new approaches to replace the failed Republican policies. We need sustained, personal, presidential leadership in foreign policy and arms control. We need a President who will meet with the Soviets to challenge them to reduce the danger of nuclear war, who will become personally involved in reviving the Camp David peace process, who will give his or her full support to the Contadora negotiations, and who will press the South Africans to repeal their policies of apartheid and destabilization. We need a President who will understand that human rights and national security interests are mutually supportive. We need a President to restore our influence, enhance our security, pursue democracy and freedom, and work unremittingly for peace. With firm purpose, skill, sensitivity, and a recovery of our own pride in what we are—a Democratic President will build an international alliance of free people to promote these great causes.\nA Democratic President will pursue a foreign policy that advances basic civil and political rights—freedom of speech, association, thought and religion, the right to leave, freedom of the integrity of the person, and the prohibition of torture, arbitrary detention and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment—and that seeks as well to attain basic, economic, social, and cultural rights. A Democratic President's concern must extend from the terror of the Russian Gulag to the jails of Latin generals. The banning of South African blacks is no more acceptable than the silencing of Cuban poets. A Democratic President will end U.S. support for dictators throughout the world from Haiti to the Philippines. He or she will support and defend the observance of basic human rights called for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Helsinki Final Act. He or she will seek, through both quiet diplomacy and public measures, the release of political prisoners and the free immigration of prosecuted individuals and peoples around the world. He or she will seek U.S. ratification of the Genocide Convention, the International Covenants on Human Rights, and the American Convention on Human Rights, as well as the establishment of a U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. He or she will fulfill the spirit as well as the letter of our legislation calling for the denial of military and economic assistance to governments that systematically violate human rights.\nThe Democratic Party believes that whether it is in response to totalitarianism in the Soviet Union or repression in Latin America and East Asia, to apartheid in South Africa or martial law in Poland, to terrorism in Libya or the reign of terror in Iran, or to barbaric aggression in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan, the foreign policy of the United States must be unmistakably on the side of those who love freedom.\nAs Democrats and as Americans, we will make support for democracy, human rights and economic and social justice the cornerstone of our policy. These are the most revolutionary ideas on our planet. They are not to be feared. They are the hallmarks of the democratic century that lies before us.", "Words" -> 36365, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 2098, "and" -> 1519, "of" -> 1378, "to" -> 1204, "in" -> 667, "a" -> 638, "for" -> 433, "that" -> 406, "our" -> 384, "will" -> 369, "is" -> 339, "The" -> 266, "be" -> 234, "Democratic" -> 220, "on" -> 210, "are" -> 203, "as" -> 202, "We" -> 198, "with" -> 193, "we" -> 192, "by" -> 179, "has" -> 173, "Reagan" -> 169, "must" -> 167, "have" -> 162, "Administration" -> 140, "or" -> 139, "all" -> 134, "not" -> 130, "it" -> 129, "an" -> 129, "economic" -> 126, "their" -> 125, "Party" -> 122, "American" -> 113, "President" -> 109, "new" -> 107, "which" -> 90, "more" -> 90, "this" -> 84, "government" -> 84, "from" -> 84, "than" -> 82, "at" -> 82, "people" -> 79, "policy" -> 78, "America" -> 77, "its" -> 76, "who" -> 75, "In" -> 75, "U.S." -> 74, "other" -> 71, "economy" -> 70, "should" -> 69, "can" -> 68, "A" -> 68, "Americans" -> 67, "programs" -> 65, "national" -> 65, "been" -> 65, "world" -> 64, "rights" -> 64, "work" -> 63, "international" -> 63, "support" -> 62, "nuclear" -> 62, "growth" -> 62, "years" -> 59, "federal" -> 59, "would" -> 58, "future" -> 56, "military" -> 55, "those" -> 54, "policies" -> 54, "health" -> 54, "United" -> 53, "they" -> 53, "children" -> 53, "foreign" -> 52, "security" -> 51, "public" -> 50, "need" -> 50, "And" -> 50, "these" -> 48, "States" -> 47, "Soviet" -> 47, "interest" -> 46, "tax" -> 44, "It" -> 44, "commitment" -> 44, "women" -> 43, "system" -> 43, "opportunity" -> 43, "only" -> 43, "do" -> 43, "private" -> 42, "out" -> 42, "human" -> 42, "he" -> 42, "efforts" -> 42, "education" -> 42, "them" -> 41, "nation" -> 41, "justice" -> 41, "rates" -> 40, "reduce" -> 39, "one" -> 39, "into" -> 39, "care" -> 39, "also" -> 39, "use" -> 38, "high" -> 38, "Mr." -> 37, "Our" -> 36, "no" -> 36, "needs" -> 36, "make" -> 36, "defense" -> 36, "arms" -> 36, "well" -> 35, "us" -> 35, "Democrats" -> 35, "such" -> 34, "political" -> 34, "peace" -> 34, "housing" -> 34, "He" -> 34, "development" -> 34, "country" -> 34, "control" -> 34, "believe" -> 34, "if" -> 33, "assistance" -> 33, "weapons" -> 32, "so" -> 32, "program" -> 32, "most" -> 32, "But" -> 32, "was" -> 31, "provide" -> 31, "his" -> 31, "were" -> 30, "through" -> 30, "This" -> 30, "over" -> 30, "help" -> 30, "first" -> 30, "fair" -> 30, "between" -> 30, "trade" -> 29, "toward" -> 29, "local" -> 29, "every" -> 29, "allies" -> 29, "war" -> 28, "training" -> 28, "resources" -> 28, "nation's" -> 28, "law" -> 28, "If" -> 28, "ensure" -> 28, "against" -> 28, "workers" -> 27, "time" -> 27, "there" -> 27, "long-term" -> 27, "forces" -> 27, "committed" -> 27, "but" -> 27, "business" -> 27, "water" -> 26, "Ronald" -> 26, "power" -> 26, "jobs" -> 26, "investment" -> 26, "force" -> 26, "employment" -> 26, "businesses" -> 26, "strong" -> 25, "respect" -> 25, "leadership" -> 25, "industry" -> 25, "industries" -> 25, "increase" -> 25, "As" -> 25, "about" -> 25, "standards" -> 24, "percent" -> 24, "own" -> 24, "freedom" -> 24, "end" -> 24, "debt" -> 24, "competition" -> 24, "child" -> 24, "both" -> 24, "while" -> 23, "South" -> 23, "right" -> 23, "part" -> 23, "now" -> 23, "nations" -> 23, "meet" -> 23, "major" -> 23, "laws" -> 23, "institutions" -> 23, "important" -> 23, "growing" -> 23, "full" -> 23, "financial" -> 23, "encourage" -> 23, "citizens" -> 23, "budget" -> 23, "any" -> 23, "America's" -> 23, "up" -> 22, "To" -> 22, "region" -> 22, "means" -> 22, "many" -> 22, "less" -> 22, "including" -> 22, "four" -> 22, "even" -> 22, "equal" -> 22, "deficit" -> 22, "countries" -> 22, "continue" -> 22, "cities" -> 22, "capital" -> 22, "basic" -> 22, "adequate" -> 22, "under" -> 21, "strength" -> 21, "social" -> 21, "sector" -> 21, "quality" -> 21, "market" -> 21, "governments" -> 21, "For" -> 21, "essential" -> 21, "effective" -> 21, "democratic" -> 21, "democracy" -> 21, "cuts" -> 21, "Central" -> 21, "cannot" -> 21, "billion" -> 21, "back" -> 21, "upon" -> 20, "unemployment" -> 20, "safety" -> 20, "reelected" -> 20, "Reagan's" -> 20, "pursue" -> 20, "poor" -> 20, "much" -> 20, "markets" -> 20, "interests" -> 20, "costs" -> 20, "become" -> 20, "among" -> 20, "year" -> 19, "when" -> 19, "three" -> 19, "spending" -> 19, "society" -> 19, "seek" -> 19, "recognize" -> 19, "real" -> 19, "protect" -> 19, "past" -> 19, "job" -> 19, "industrial" -> 19, "discrimination" -> 19, "competitive" -> 19, "change" -> 19, "young" -> 18, "where" -> 18, "take" -> 18, "set" -> 18, "Security" -> 18, "research" -> 18, "put" -> 18, "millions" -> 18, "management" -> 18, "levels" -> 18, "energy" -> 18, "create" -> 18, "could" -> 18, "benefits" -> 18, "believes" -> 18, "what" -> 17, "very" -> 17, "Today" -> 17, "supports" -> 17, "stability" -> 17, "since" -> 17, "responsibility" -> 17, "possible" -> 17, "next" -> 17, "money" -> 17, "just" -> 17, "families" -> 17, "developing" -> 17, "cut" -> 17, "crisis" -> 17, "cooperation" -> 17, "Congress" -> 17, "agreements" -> 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"protection" -> 14, "progress" -> 14, "process" -> 14, "problem" -> 14, "Platform" -> 14, "participation" -> 14, "oppose" -> 14, "Nicaragua" -> 14, "New" -> 14, "necessary" -> 14, "investments" -> 14, "I" -> 14, "give" -> 14, "free" -> 14, "domestic" -> 14, "develop" -> 14, "Court" -> 14, "cost" -> 14, "cause" -> 14, "being" -> 14, "based" -> 14, "At" -> 14, "areas" -> 14, "already" -> 14, "waste" -> 13, "used" -> 13, "special" -> 13, "share" -> 13, "school" -> 13, "Rights" -> 13, "rather" -> 13, "proposed" -> 13, "products" -> 13, "productivity" -> 13, "problems" -> 13, "numbers" -> 13, "number" -> 13, "never" -> 13, "needed" -> 13, "minorities" -> 13, "million" -> 13, "maintain" -> 13, "live" -> 13, "level" -> 13, "last" -> 13, "large" -> 13, "inflation" -> 13, "independence" -> 13, "income" -> 13, "importance" -> 13, "Hearing" -> 13, "had" -> 13, "find" -> 13, "Europe" -> 13, "establish" -> 13, "critical" -> 13, "conflict" -> 13, "Committee" -> 13, "challenge" -> 13, "By" -> 13, "brought" -> 13, "action" -> 13, "access" -> 13, "ability" -> 13, "way" -> 12, "They" -> 12, "supply" -> 12, "strengthen" -> 12, "strategic" -> 12, "she" -> 12, "serious" -> 12, "secure" -> 12, "reverse" -> 12, "poverty" -> 12, "lead" -> 12, "innovation" -> 12, "individual" -> 12, "independent" -> 12, "historic" -> 12, "greater" -> 12, "fundamental" -> 12, "friends" -> 12, "Federal" -> 12, "environmental" -> 12, "enforcement" -> 12, "eliminate" -> 12, "compete" -> 12, "community" -> 12, "average" -> 12, "another" -> 12, "agencies" -> 12, "afford" -> 12, "Administration's" -> 12, "achieve" -> 12, "abuse" -> 12, "too" -> 11, "term" -> 11, "small" -> 11, "relations" -> 11, "record" -> 11, "promote" -> 11, "press" -> 11, "overseas" -> 11, "National" -> 11, "monetary" -> 11, "making" -> 11, "left" -> 11, "Japan" -> 11, "Israel" -> 11, "increasing" -> 11, "history" -> 11, "forced" -> 11, "Finally" -> 11, "far" -> 11, "Economic" -> 11, "down" -> 11, "diplomacy" -> 11, "demand" -> 11, "crime" -> 11, "created" -> 11, "conventional" -> 11, "clear" -> 11, "worker" -> 10, "War" -> 10, "Vietnam" -> 10, "Under" -> 10, "times" -> 10, "These" -> 10, "strengthened" -> 10, "strategies" -> 10, "still" -> 10, "stable" -> 10, "senior" -> 10, "see" -> 10, "risk" -> 10, "regional" -> 10, "regime" -> 10, "reducing" -> 10, "recovery" -> 10, "recession" -> 10, "principles" -> 10, "present" -> 10, "payments" -> 10, "once" -> 10, "negotiations" -> 10, "mutual" -> 10, "multilateral" -> 10, "loans" -> 10, "limit" -> 10, "life" -> 10, "land" -> 10, "itself" -> 10, "information" -> 10, "impact" -> 10, "goods" -> 10, "given" -> 10, "funds" -> 10, "farmers" -> 10, "face" -> 10, "example" -> 10, "dollars" -> 10, "does" -> 10, "danger" -> 10, "combat" -> 10, "civil" -> 10, "burden" -> 10, "bring" -> 10, "African" -> 10, "address" -> 10, "workplace" -> 9, "Where" -> 9, "today" -> 9, "throughout" -> 9, "threat" -> 9, "Third" -> 9, "then" -> 9, "systems" -> 9, "survival" -> 9, "strategy" -> 9, "stand" -> 9, "sound" -> 9, "services" -> 9, "second" -> 9, "safe" -> 9, "rise" -> 9, "relationship" -> 9, "reform" -> 9, "priorities" -> 9, "plants" -> 9, "plant" -> 9, "place" -> 9, "open" -> 9, "office" -> 9, "off" -> 9, "No" -> 9, "members" -> 9, "Latin" -> 9, "Ireland" -> 9, "integrity" -> 9, "Instead" -> 9, "insist" -> 9, "include" -> 9, "hunger" -> 9, "higher" -> 9, "guarantee" -> 9, "get" -> 9, "fully" -> 9, "firms" -> 9, "failure" -> 9, "failed" -> 9, "exports" -> 9, "European" -> 9, "Equal" -> 9, "efficiency" -> 9, "East" -> 9, "doing" -> 9, "different" -> 9, "Department" -> 9, "continues" -> 9, "companies" -> 9, "challenges" -> 9, "cases" -> 9, "build" -> 9, "beyond" -> 9, "area" -> 9, "appropriate" -> 9, "approach" -> 9, "apartheid" -> 9, "alone" -> 9, "almost" -> 9, "allow" -> 9, "aid" -> 9, "agricultural" -> 9, "ago" -> 9, "affordable" -> 9, "able" -> 9, "youth" -> 8, "York" -> 8, "world's" -> 8, "whose" -> 8, "While" -> 8, "What" -> 8, "verifiable" -> 8, "values" -> 8, "Treaty" -> 8, "toxic" -> 8, "took" -> 8, "threatened" -> 8, "threaten" -> 8, "sustained" -> 8, "success" -> 8, "students" -> 8, "spirit" -> 8, "spent" -> 8, "seeking" -> 8, "savings" -> 8, "return" -> 8, "Reserve" -> 8, "requires" -> 8, "require" -> 8, "remain" -> 8, "reductions" -> 8, "recent" -> 8, "reach" -> 8, "pressure" -> 8, "prepared" -> 8, "population" -> 8, "Over" -> 8, "offer" -> 8, "Middle" -> 8, "measures" -> 8, "makes" -> 8, "look" -> 8, "like" -> 8, "keep" -> 8, "join" -> 8, "Investing" -> 8, "increasingly" -> 8, "improve" -> 8, "II" -> 8, "Human" -> 8, "huge" -> 8, "hold" -> 8, "High" -> 8, "healthy" -> 8, "greatest" -> 8, "goal" -> 8, "funding" -> 8, "family" -> 8, "fairly" -> 8, "expanding" -> 8, "expand" -> 8, "existing" -> 8, "enormous" -> 8, "enforce" -> 8, "encouraging" -> 8, "elderly" -> 8, "effectively" -> 8, "educational" -> 8, "diversity" -> 8, "disadvantaged" -> 8, "disabled" -> 8, "decade" -> 8, "current" -> 8, "course" -> 8, "competitiveness" -> 8, "common" -> 8, "code" -> 8, "century" -> 8, "call" -> 8, "before" -> 8, "because" -> 8, "annual" -> 8, "alternative" -> 8, "agenda" -> 8, "addition" -> 8, "With" -> 7, "Western" -> 7, "ways" -> 7, "veterans" -> 7, "until" -> 7, "universities" -> 7, "unemployed" -> 7, "understand" -> 7, "turn" -> 7, "together" -> 7, "targeted" -> 7, "taking" -> 7, "successful" -> 7, "strengthening" -> 7, "stop" -> 7, "stock" -> 7, "steps" -> 7, "step" -> 7, "State" -> 7, "single" -> 7, "Since" -> 7, "simply" -> 7, "significant" -> 7, "service" -> 7, "serve" -> 7, "scientists" -> 7, "schools" -> 7, "Salvador" -> 7, "run" -> 7, "rising" -> 7, "revenues" -> 7, "repression" -> 7, "recognizes" -> 7, "question" -> 7, "pursuit" -> 7, "protecting" -> 7, "promised" -> 7, "promise" -> 7, "price" -> 7, "potential" -> 7, "peaceful" -> 7, "partnership" -> 7, "oil" -> 7, "Medicare" -> 7, "meaningful" -> 7, "materials" -> 7, "massive" -> 7, "Many" -> 7, "lower" -> 7, "long" -> 7, "legitimate" -> 7, "learn" -> 7, "leaders" -> 7, "Justice" -> 7, "involvement" -> 7, "initiatives" -> 7, "immediate" -> 7, "however" -> 7, "how" -> 7, "highest" -> 7, "hard" -> 7, "great" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "good" -> 7, "goals" -> 7, "fund" -> 7, "focus" -> 7, "First" -> 7, "export" -> 7, "expanded" -> 7, "exist" -> 7, "excellence" -> 7, "establishment" -> 7, "equipment" -> 7, "entire" -> 7, "ensuring" -> 7, "emphasize" -> 7, "El" -> 7, "each" -> 7, "during" -> 7, "done" -> 7, "diverse" -> 7, "depends" -> 7, "demands" -> 7, "decent" -> 7, "cycle" -> 7, "cultural" -> 7, "Commission" -> 7, "commercial" -> 7, "changes" -> 7, "causes" -> 7, "Can" -> 7, "broad" -> 7, "Board" -> 7, "better" -> 7, "auto" -> 7, "attack" -> 7, "April" -> 7, "answer" -> 7, "air" -> 7, "agriculture" -> 7, "age" -> 7, "1983" -> 7, "1981" -> 7, "Yet" -> 6, "welfare" -> 6, "Washington" -> 6, "vision" -> 6, "vigorously" -> 6, "vigorous" -> 6, "value" -> 6, "unnecessary" -> 6, "unfair" -> 6, "true" -> 6, "transportation" -> 6, "ties" -> 6, "threats" -> 6, "thousands" -> 6, "That" -> 6, "telecommunications" -> 6, "taken" -> 6, "Supreme" -> 6, "suicide" -> 6, "substantial" -> 6, "standard" -> 6, "stake" -> 6, "sources" -> 6, "sought" -> 6, "some" -> 6, "Solidarity" -> 6, "smaller" -> 6, "Small" -> 6, "similar" -> 6, "short-term" -> 6, "sense" -> 6, "Second" -> 6, "sale" -> 6, "Safety" -> 6, "rich" -> 6, "restoration" -> 6, "responsible" -> 6, "responsibilities" -> 6, "response" -> 6, "requiring" -> 6, "regulations" -> 6, "regimes" -> 6, "refusing" -> 6, "reforms" -> 6, "rapidly" -> 6, "purpose" -> 6, "proud" -> 6, "protections" -> 6, "Protection" -> 6, "prosperous" -> 6, "procurement" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "pressures" -> 6, "preserve" -> 6, "position" -> 6, "plans" -> 6, "personal" -> 6, "percentage" -> 6, "patterns" -> 6, "objectives" -> 6, "natural" -> 6, "movement" -> 6, "move" -> 6, "mortgage" -> 6, "methods" -> 6, "maintenance" -> 6, "low" -> 6, "lives" -> 6, "limits" -> 6, "likely" -> 6, "largest" -> 6, "invest" -> 6, "infants" -> 6, "ignored" -> 6, "hazardous" -> 6, "Growth" -> 6, "groups" -> 6, "flow" -> 6, "fiscal" -> 6, "financing" -> 6, "finance" -> 6, "fairness" -> 6, "fact" -> 6, "explosion" -> 6, "expense" -> 6, "especially" -> 6, "enhance" -> 6, "elimination" -> 6, "election" -> 6, "drugs" -> 6, "drug" -> 6, "direction" -> 6, "did" -> 6, "dependence" -> 6, "Defense" -> 6, "deep" -> 6, "decades" -> 6, "Cuba" -> 6, "corporate" -> 6, "commitments" -> 6, "commit" -> 6, "comes" -> 6, "colleges" -> 6, "collective" -> 6, "closely" -> 6, "choice" -> 6, "chance" -> 6, "centers" -> 6, "capacity" -> 6, "buy" -> 6, "built" -> 6, "bipartisan" -> 6, "benefit" -> 6, "ban" -> 6, "avoid" -> 6, "attention" -> 6, "assuring" -> 6, "always" -> 6, "agency" -> 6, "Afghanistan" -> 6, "advantage" -> 6, "active" -> 6, "account" -> 6, "worth" -> 5, "willingness" -> 5, "wildlife" -> 5, "wide" -> 5, "whole" -> 5, "White" -> 5, "whether" -> 5, "wealth" -> 5, "want" -> 5, "vulnerable" -> 5, "unless" -> 5, "treaty" -> 5, "total" -> 5, "top" -> 5, "Then" -> 5, "terms" -> 5, "tensions" -> 5, "technologies" -> 5, "taxpayers" -> 5, "suffering" -> 5, "substantially" -> 5, "study" -> 5, "struggle" -> 5, "steel" -> 5, "steady" -> 5, "stands" -> 5, "space" -> 5, "Soviets" -> 5, "sophisticated" -> 5, "shelter" -> 5, "sharply" -> 5, "sex" -> 5, "several" -> 5, "series" -> 5, "SALT" -> 5, "safer" -> 5, "roads" -> 5, "retraining" -> 5, "requirements" -> 5, "remains" -> 5, "relief" -> 5, "reject" -> 5, "refugees" -> 5, "range" -> 5, "radioactive" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "productive" -> 5, "product" -> 5, "produces" -> 5, "prisoners" -> 5, "prevent" -> 5, "practices" -> 5, "pledge" -> 5, "planning" -> 5, "plan" -> 5, "permit" -> 5, "peoples" -> 5, "Peace" -> 5, "parts" -> 5, "parents" -> 5, "ownership" -> 5, "others" -> 5, "On" -> 5, "often" -> 5, "officials" -> 5, "nor" -> 5, "neglect" -> 5, "nature" -> 5, "Moreover" -> 5, "mission" -> 5, "medical" -> 5, "low-income" -> 5, "loss" -> 5, "longer" -> 5, "Local" -> 5, "living" -> 5, "line" -> 5, "limited" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "least" -> 5, "lands" -> 5, "issues" -> 5, "intervention" -> 5, "instead" -> 5, "influence" -> 5, "incentives" -> 5, "Illinois" -> 5, "hungry" -> 5, "House" -> 5, "hostile" -> 5, "hope" -> 5, "highly" -> 5, "Hemisphere" -> 5, "heart" -> 5, "government's" -> 5, "gone" -> 5, "gas" -> 5, "fulfill" -> 5, "fuel" -> 5, "firm" -> 5, "fight" -> 5, "few" -> 5, "fearing" -> 5, "farm" -> 5, "external" -> 5, "expenditures" -> 5, "expected" -> 5, "expansion" -> 5, "ever" -> 5, "equity" -> 5, "equality" -> 5, "Environmental" -> 5, "environment" -> 5, "enough" -> 5, "engineers" -> 5, "emphasis" -> 5, "emergency" -> 5, "elsewhere" -> 5, "efficient" -> 5, "effectiveness" -> 5, "Eastern" -> 5, "due" -> 5, "dream" -> 5, "doubt" -> 5, "doubled" -> 5, "displaced" -> 5, "directly" -> 5, "designed" -> 5, "deposits" -> 5, "delivery" -> 5, "deeper" -> 5, "debts" -> 5, "deal" -> 5, "day" -> 5, "damage" -> 5, "Cyprus" -> 5, "cutting" -> 5, "credit" -> 5, "cooperative" -> 5, "contributing" -> 5, "consumers" -> 5, "consistent" -> 5, "consensus" -> 5, "concerned" -> 5, "concern" -> 5, "compliance" -> 5, "complete" -> 5, "competitors" -> 5, "community-based" -> 5, "communist" -> 5, "coming" -> 5, "come" -> 5, "collapse" -> 5, "closings" -> 5, "civilian" -> 5, "changed" -> 5, "careful" -> 5, "Black" -> 5, "billions" -> 5, "belief" -> 5, "bankruptcy" -> 5, "Bank" -> 5, "balance" -> 5, "associated" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "aside" -> 5, "Asian" -> 5, "Asia" -> 5, "around" -> 5, "approaches" -> 5, "An" -> 5, "Agency" -> 5, "affected" -> 5, "adversaries" -> 5, "adapt" -> 5, "act" -> 5, "acceptable" -> 5, "abroad" -> 5, "20" -> 5, "1980's" -> 5, "works" -> 4, "why" -> 4, "When" -> 4, "went" -> 4, "well-being" -> 4, "wealthy" -> 4, "Water" -> 4, "wastes" -> 4, "Wars" -> 4, "virtually" -> 4, "victims" -> 4, "viability" -> 4, "various" -> 4, "urgent" -> 4, "urge" -> 4, "units" -> 4, "union" -> 4, "understanding" -> 4, "U.N." -> 4, "types" -> 4, "twice" -> 4, "trust" -> 4, "troops" -> 4, "transfer" -> 4, "train" -> 4, "totalitarian" -> 4, "today's" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "third" -> 4, "therefore" -> 4, "teenagers" -> 4, "teenage" -> 4, "taxes" -> 4, "target" -> 4, "supported" -> 4, "supplies" -> 4, "strongly" -> 4, "stronger" -> 4, "stay" -> 4, "spread" -> 4, "sovereignty" -> 4, "source" -> 4, "solve" -> 4, "six" -> 4, "sites" -> 4, "shifting" -> 4, "setting" -> 4, "sentencing" -> 4, "seeks" -> 4, "save" -> 4, "sales" -> 4, "runaway" -> 4, "road" -> 4, "risen" -> 4, "revolution" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "reversing" -> 4, "retirement" -> 4, "result" -> 4, "respond" -> 4, "resolve" -> 4, "resolution" -> 4, "rely" -> 4, "religion" -> 4, "release" -> 4, "related" -> 4, "regions" -> 4, "refused" -> 4, "reduced" -> 4, "Recognizing" -> 4, "rebuilding" -> 4, "reason" -> 4, "reality" -> 4, "Reaganomics" -> 4, "reached" -> 4, "Rather" -> 4, "raise" -> 4, "pursued" -> 4, "provided" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "proper" -> 4, "progressive" -> 4, "produce" -> 4, "prime" -> 4, "practice" -> 4, "positions" -> 4, "Policy" -> 4, "Poland" -> 4, "play" -> 4, "pesticides" -> 4, "performance" -> 4, "path" -> 4, "party" -> 4, "parties" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "pain" -> 4, "paid" -> 4, "overall" -> 4, "ourselves" -> 4, "ours" -> 4, "operation" -> 4, "operating" -> 4, "Only" -> 4, "one-half" -> 4, "offenders" -> 4, "obligation" -> 4, "nothing" -> 4, "Northern" -> 4, "neighbors" -> 4, "necessity" -> 4, "nearly" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "my" -> 4, "modernization" -> 4, "minds" -> 4, "Millions" -> 4, "might" -> 4, "member" -> 4, "May" -> 4, "manufacturing" -> 4, "majority" -> 4, "lost" -> 4, "little" -> 4, "Lebanon" -> 4, "leading" -> 4, "larger" -> 4, "jurisdiction" -> 4, "issue" -> 4, "Interest" -> 4, "instability" -> 4, "injury" -> 4, "initiative" -> 4, "inflationary" -> 4, "increases" -> 4, "improving" -> 4, "improved" -> 4, "impossible" -> 4, "imports" -> 4, "implementation" -> 4, "immediately" -> 4, "ignore" -> 4, "How" -> 4, "homes" -> 4, "heritage" -> 4, "her" -> 4, "handicapped" -> 4, "halt" -> 4, "greatly" -> 4, "go" -> 4, "GNP" -> 4, "genuine" -> 4, "generations" -> 4, "general" -> 4, "Future" -> 4, "Further" -> 4, "framework" -> 4, "fortunate" -> 4, "following" -> 4, "five" -> 4, "fighting" -> 4, "fall" -> 4, "fail" -> 4, "faced" -> 4, "exhausted" -> 4, "evidence" -> 4, "eventually" -> 4, "equally" -> 4, "energies" -> 4, "employers" -> 4, "employees" -> 4, "employee" -> 4, "eliminated" -> 4, "effects" -> 4, "earth" -> 4, "During" -> 4, "dramatically" -> 4, "divide" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "differences" -> 4, "devastating" -> 4, "destabilizing" -> 4, "despite" -> 4, "depend" -> 4, "defensive" -> 4, "decline" -> 4, "decide" -> 4, "death" -> 4, "David" -> 4, "dangers" -> 4, "currency" -> 4, "criminal" -> 4, "creating" -> 4, "courts" -> 4, "court" -> 4, "country's" -> 4, "Council" -> 4, "Cooperation" -> 4, "Contadora" -> 4, "consultation" -> 4, "Conservation" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "consequences" -> 4, "conflicts" -> 4, "conducted" -> 4, "conditions" -> 4, "condemn" -> 4, "completely" -> 4, "compensation" -> 4, "comparable" -> 4, "communications" -> 4, "combined" -> 4, "collectively" -> 4, "coastal" -> 4, "closed" -> 4, "close" -> 4, "climate" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "Cities" -> 4, "central" -> 4, "caused" -> 4, "Caribbean" -> 4, "calls" -> 4, "called" -> 4, "Business" -> 4, "bridges" -> 4, "breaking" -> 4, "borders" -> 4, "birth" -> 4, "became" -> 4, "bank" -> 4, "balanced" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "attempted" -> 4, "ask" -> 4, "arena" -> 4, "apply" -> 4, "antitrust" -> 4, "Amendment" -> 4, "Although" -> 4, "along" -> 4, "agreement" -> 4, "agree" -> 4, "aggressively" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "After" -> 4, "affect" -> 4, "advice" -> 4, "advances" -> 4, "adequately" -> 4, "added" -> 4, "acquire" -> 4, "achieving" -> 4, "achievement" -> 4, "abandoned" -> 4, "abandon" -> 4, "9" -> 4, "40" -> 4, "1989" -> 4, "10" -> 4, "$3.35" -> 3, "word" -> 3, "Women" -> 3, "woman" -> 3, "withdraw" -> 3, "willing" -> 3, "wilderness" -> 3, "widespread" -> 3, "wherever" -> 3, "West" -> 3, "weakening" -> 3, "wave" -> 3, "wasteful" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "voting" -> 3, "volume" -> 3, "volatile" -> 3, "voices" -> 3, "violent" -> 3, "violence" -> 3, "violations" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "vehicle" -> 3, "useful" -> 3, "urban" -> 3, "Until" -> 3, "unproductive" -> 3, "unprecedented" -> 3, "unions" -> 3, "Unemployment" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "unable" -> 3, "tyranny" -> 3, "truly" -> 3, "treatment" -> 3, "treat" -> 3, "transition" -> 3, "transit" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "Trade" -> 3, "towards" -> 3, "tough" -> 3, "tool" -> 3, "tons" -> 3, "tight" -> 3, "tied" -> 3, "tide" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "think" -> 3, "Therefore" -> 3, "theory" -> 3, "themselves" -> 3, "Texas" -> 3, "terminate" -> 3, "ten" -> 3, "tell" -> 3, "teachers" -> 3, "Taiwan" -> 3, "supporting" -> 3, "Such" -> 3, "story" -> 3, "stimulate" -> 3, "Star" -> 3, "standing" -> 3, "staff" -> 3, "Springfield" -> 3, "soon" -> 3, "solutions" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "solely" -> 3, "societies" -> 3, "slashing" -> 3, "shock" -> 3, "shadow" -> 3, "severely" -> 3, "severe" -> 3, "settlement" -> 3, "served" -> 3, "seriously" -> 3, "sensible" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "self-sufficiency" -> 3, "seen" -> 3, "sectors" -> 3, "search" -> 3, "science" -> 3, "saved" -> 3, "said" -> 3, "rural" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "roll" -> 3, "risks" -> 3, "revolutionary" -> 3, "returned" -> 3, "restrictions" -> 3, "restrict" -> 3, "restraint" -> 3, "restoring" -> 3, "responsive" -> 3, "required" -> 3, "Republicans" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "representation" -> 3, "repair" -> 3, "renewed" -> 3, "remove" -> 3, "remedies" -> 3, "religious" -> 3, "relentless" -> 3, "Relations" -> 3, "regulatory" -> 3, "regular" -> 3, "refuses" -> 3, "refuges" -> 3, "Reelected" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "Recovery" -> 3, "recover" -> 3, "recognition" -> 3, "recently" -> 3, "receiving" -> 3, "rebuild" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "realistic" -> 3, "ready" -> 3, "rapid" -> 3, "questions" -> 3, "qualify" -> 3, "puts" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "purchasing" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "prosperity" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "proliferation" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "professional" -> 3, "processes" -> 3, "primary" -> 3, "primarily" -> 3, "pride" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "prevented" -> 3, "presence" -> 3, "Powers" -> 3, "positive" -> 3, "populations" -> 3, "pollution" -> 3, "pollutants" -> 3, "Polish" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "plunged" -> 3, "pledges" -> 3, "planet" -> 3, "persons" -> 3, "period" -> 3, "perform" -> 3, "payment" -> 3, "paying" -> 3, "pattern" -> 3, "partnerships" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "outside" -> 3, "organize" -> 3, "opposes" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "one-third" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "older" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "offshore" -> 3, "offices" -> 3, "occupations" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "nutrition" -> 3, "newly" -> 3, "Neither" -> 3, "neither" -> 3, "neighborhoods" -> 3, "negotiating" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "Namibia" -> 3, "mutually" -> 3, "moved" -> 3, "mount" -> 3, "mothers" -> 3, "More" -> 3, "moral" -> 3, "modern" -> 3, "minimum" -> 3, "middle" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "mergers" -> 3, "mean" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "martial" -> 3, "marijuana" -> 3, "machine" -> 3, "love" -> 3, "lot" -> 3, "lose" -> 3, "loopholes" -> 3, "linked" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "lies" -> 3, "let" -> 3, "legacy" -> 3, "leader" -> 3, "launch" -> 3, "Labor" -> 3, "knows" -> 3, "June" -> 3, "Jobs" -> 3, "Jerusalem" -> 3, "James" -> 3, "involving" -> 3, "investing" -> 3, "invested" -> 3, "inventory" -> 3, "Introduction" -> 3, "International" -> 3, "internal" -> 3, "Inter-American" -> 3, "intelligence" -> 3, "integrated" -> 3, "instruments" -> 3, "innovative" -> 3, "Infrastructure" -> 3, "infant" -> 3, "implement" -> 3, "imperative" -> 3, "ignores" -> 3, "ideology" -> 3, "ideals" -> 3, "hundreds" -> 3, "Houston" -> 3, "house" -> 3, "honor" -> 3, "Honduras" -> 3, "homeless" -> 3, "holocaust" -> 3, "Hispanic" -> 3, "His" -> 3, "high-level" -> 3, "heroin" -> 3, "here" -> 3, "hemisphere" -> 3, "helps" -> 3, "heavily" -> 3, "Health" -> 3, "harbors" -> 3, "happen" -> 3, "grow" -> 3, "ground" -> 3, "graduate" -> 3, "governance" -> 3, "global" -> 3, "Given" -> 3, "functions" -> 3, "fuels" -> 3, "front" -> 3, "Freedom" -> 3, "Fourth" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "forward" -> 3, "forms" -> 3, "form" -> 3, "Foreign" -> 3, "financed" -> 3, "finally" -> 3, "favor" -> 3, "faster" -> 3, "fashion" -> 3, "false" -> 3, "failures" -> 3, "failing" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "extremism" -> 3, "extend" -> 3, "Export-Import" -> 3, "explore" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "existed" -> 3, "excuse" -> 3, "exclusively" -> 3, "exchange" -> 3, "exceeds" -> 3, "Every" -> 3, "ethnic" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "era" -> 3, "equivalent" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "envy" -> 3, "environmentally" -> 3, "entrepreneurs" -> 3, "entitled" -> 3, "enterprises" -> 3, "enhanced" -> 3, "enforcing" -> 3, "Energy" -> 3, "encourages" -> 3, "encouraged" -> 3, "enact" -> 3, "employ" -> 3, "elements" -> 3, "either" -> 3, "effect" -> 3, "educators" -> 3, "Education" -> 3, "edge" -> 3, "economies" -> 3, "dropped" -> 3, "dreams" -> 3, "double" -> 3, "door" -> 3, "Doctrine" -> 3, "districts" -> 3, "distortions" -> 3, "distort" -> 3, "disposal" -> 3, "disease" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "difficulties" -> 3, "difference" -> 3, "die" -> 3, "dialogue" -> 3, "Development" -> 3, "developed" -> 3, "determined" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "destruction" -> 3, "design" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "deregulation" -> 3, "depression" -> 3, "dependent" -> 3, "defend" -> 3, "dedicated" -> 3, "decision-making" -> 3, "decency" -> 3, "de" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "cutbacks" -> 3, "credibility" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "CPSC" -> 3, "covert" -> 3, "covered" -> 3, "coupled" -> 3, "County" -> 3, "county" -> 3, "Corps" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "cornerstone" -> 3, "coordination" -> 3, "Convention" -> 3, "controls" -> 3, "contributions" -> 3, "contribution" -> 3, "contribute" -> 3, "Continental" -> 3, "continent" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "Constitutional" -> 3, "constitutes" -> 3, "considered" -> 3, "consideration" -> 3, "consent" -> 3, "confront" -> 3, "confident" -> 3, "confidence" -> 3, "condemns" -> 3, "concessions" -> 3, "concert" -> 3, "concerns" -> 3, "computer" -> 3, "complex" -> 3, "competence" -> 3, "committing" -> 3, "college" -> 3, "coherent" -> 3, "cocaine" -> 3, "closer" -> 3, "Clean" -> 3, "children's" -> 3, "chemical" -> 3, "cheaper" -> 3, "characterized" -> 3, "Chapter" -> 3, "certain" -> 3, "case" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "career" -> 3, "car" -> 3, "candidate" -> 3, "Camp" -> 3, "burdens" -> 3, "builds" -> 3, "Building" -> 3, "building" -> 3, "brink" -> 3, "bought" -> 3, "bomb" -> 3, "bold" -> 3, "big" -> 3, "beneficiaries" -> 3, "below" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "begun" -> 3, "beginning" -> 3, "becoming" -> 3, "Because" -> 3, "bases" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "banks" -> 3, "authority" -> 3, "arts" -> 3, "armed" -> 3, "appointees" -> 3, "appointed" -> 3, "anyone" -> 3, "anti-inflation" -> 3, "Alternative" -> 3, "Also" -> 3, "allowed" -> 3, "alliance" -> 3, "All" -> 3, "afforded" -> 3, "affirm" -> 3, "affecting" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "advanced" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "adjustment" -> 3, "adds" -> 3, "addresses" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "activities" -> 3, "actively" -> 3, "acting" -> 3, "across" -> 3, "achieved" -> 3, "accounts" -> 3, "accomplish" -> 3, "academic" -> 3, "absolutely" -> 3, "Above" -> 3, "above" -> 3, "ABM" -> 3, "50" -> 3, "2" -> 3, "1982" -> 3, "12" -> 3, "1" -> 3, "$100" -> 2, "Young" -> 2, "you" -> 2, "wrongdoing" -> 2, "wrong" -> 2, "written" -> 2, "worst" -> 2, "worse" -> 2, "worry" -> 2, "workplaces" -> 2, "Workers" -> 2, "Work" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "won" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "wipe" -> 2, "Will" -> 2, "wife" -> 2, "whom" -> 2, "wetlands" -> 2, "wetland" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "weaker" -> 2, "weakened" -> 2, "waters" -> 2, "wait" -> 2, "waging" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "violated" -> 2, "violate" -> 2, "viewpoints" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "variable" -> 2, "utilities" -> 2, "U.S.S.R." -> 2, "urgency" -> 2, "upward" -> 2, "upgrading" -> 2, "upgrade" -> 2, "unstable" -> 2, "unsound" -> 2, "unskilled" -> 2, "unrest" -> 2, "Unlike" -> 2, "Unless" -> 2, "unfinished" -> 2, "unequivocal" -> 2, "undertake" -> 2, "understood" -> 2, "understands" -> 2, "underemployed" -> 2, "undercut" -> 2, "uncertain" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "turned" -> 2, "truth" -> 2, "tripled" -> 2, "trillion" -> 2, "tried" -> 2, "trickle" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "trapped" -> 2, "transshipment" -> 2, "transformation" -> 2, "transactions" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "traditional" -> 2, "toxicity" -> 2, "toll" -> 2, "timely" -> 2, "thrust" -> 2, "thrive" -> 2, "Thirty" -> 2, "thinking" -> 2, "thing" -> 2, "There's" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "that's" -> 2, "testing" -> 2, "tested" -> 2, "Test" -> 2, "terror" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "tells" -> 2, "Telecommunications" -> 2, "technical" -> 2, "teaching" -> 2, "teach" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "targeting" -> 2, "talks" -> 2, "talented" -> 2, "swings" -> 2, "swiftly" -> 2, "swept" -> 2, "sweeping" -> 2, "survive" -> 2, "surrounding" -> 2, "surprise" -> 2, "surest" -> 2, "surely" -> 2, "supportive" -> 2, "supplemental" -> 2, "superiority" -> 2, "Superfund" -> 2, "suggest" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "succeeded" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "subsidies" -> 2, "student" -> 2, "Strong" -> 2, "strictly" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "strengths" -> 2, "streets" -> 2, "Strategic" -> 2, "strapped" -> 2, "strained" -> 2, "stopped" -> 2, "steadily" -> 2, "staying" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "starts" -> 2, "start" -> 2, "stamp" -> 2, "stabilizing" -> 2, "stabilize" -> 2, "squandered" -> 2, "spur" -> 2, "spend" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "speculative" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "specific" -> 2, "specialists" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "Sound" -> 2, "something" -> 2, "Some" -> 2, "So" -> 2, "slow" -> 2, "skilled" -> 2, "size" -> 2, "significantly" -> 2, "sides" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "sick" -> 2, "shutdowns" -> 2, "shown" -> 2, "shortly" -> 2, "shortage" -> 2, "shipping" -> 2, "shippers" -> 2, "shield" -> 2, "shelters" -> 2, "sharp" -> 2, "sharing" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "shape" -> 2, "sexual" -> 2, "sewers" -> 2, "sets" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "sensitive" -> 2, "sells" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "selective" -> 2, "segregation" -> 2, "seem" -> 2, "sectorial" -> 2, "Secretary" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "sciences" -> 2, "scenic" -> 2, "sapping" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "Salvadoran" -> 2, "sake" -> 2, "safeguarding" -> 2, "safeguard" -> 2, "saddled" -> 2, "sacrificed" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "runs" -> 2, "rules" -> 2, "routes" -> 2, "roughly" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "rigid" -> 2, "Rica" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "revoked" -> 2, "reversed" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "returning" -> 2, "retaining" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "resubmit" -> 2, "rests" -> 2, "restraints" -> 2, "restrain" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "resource" -> 2, "Resolution" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "requirement" -> 2, "repressive" -> 2, "represent" -> 2, "Report" -> 2, "report" -> 2, "replacement" -> 2, "replace" -> 2, "repeatedly" -> 2, "repeated" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "relaxed" -> 2, "relatively" -> 2, "rejected" -> 2, "reinforce" -> 2, "rehabilitation" -> 2, "regulators" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "Regional" -> 2, "regardless" -> 2, "reflected" -> 2, "Reducing" -> 2, "reduces" -> 2, "reconstruction" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "Recognize" -> 2, "recipients" -> 2, "reasons" -> 2, "realities" -> 2, "reaffirms" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "readiness" -> 2, "reaching" -> 2, "ratification" -> 2, "ranchers" -> 2, "raising" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "racially" -> 2, "racial" -> 2, "quest" -> 2, "putting" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "pupils" -> 2, "punitive" -> 2, "punish" -> 2, "publicly" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provoke" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "proven" -> 2, "Protecting" -> 2, "Prosperity" -> 2, "proposal" -> 2, "promptly" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "promotes" -> 2, "promising" -> 2, "prohibiting" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "programming" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "profitability" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "procedures" -> 2, "Private" -> 2, "prior" -> 2, "price-wage" -> 2, "preventing" -> 2, "President's" -> 2, "Presidential" -> 2, "preside" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "presently" -> 2, "preparing" -> 2, "pregnant" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "pragmatic" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "post" -> 2, "posed" -> 2, "ports" -> 2, "poorly" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "poisons" -> 2, "points" -> 2, "pluralism" -> 2, "plunging" -> 2, "pledged" -> 2, "playing" -> 2, "played" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "plastic" -> 2, "planted" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "physical" -> 2, "philosophy" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "Petroleum" -> 2, "pest" -> 2, "personnel" -> 2, "person" -> 2, "persistently" -> 2, "Persian" -> 2, "performed" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "Pentagon" -> 2, "pensions" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "peacetime" -> 2, "passive" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "Party's" -> 2, "Partnership" -> 2, "partners" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "parochial" -> 2, "parent" -> 2, "Panama" -> 2, "overlook" -> 2, "outcome" -> 2, "OSHA" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "organizations" -> 2, "Oppose" -> 2, "Opportunities" -> 2, "onshore" -> 2, "ongoing" -> 2, "ones" -> 2, "Once" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "Of" -> 2, "occur" -> 2, "Occupational" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "Nuclear" -> 2, "nowhere" -> 2, "November" -> 2, "Not" -> 2, "North" -> 2, "Nicaragua's" -> 2, "NHTSA" -> 2, "networks" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "negotiation" -> 2, "negotiated" -> 2, "needy" -> 2, "nationwide" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "Namibian" -> 2, "myths" -> 2, "municipal" -> 2, "MSHA" -> 2, "mortality" -> 2, "month" -> 2, "Monetary" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "moderate" -> 2, "mobility" -> 2, "mistakes" -> 2, "missions" -> 2, "missing" -> 2, "missiles" -> 2, "misleading" -> 2, "minority-owned" -> 2, "Minority" -> 2, "mining" -> 2, "mineral" -> 2, "migration" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "meeting" -> 2, "measured" -> 2, "meantime" -> 2, "meaning" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "match" -> 2, "mass" -> 2, "marketplace" -> 2, "maritime" -> 2, "Marines" -> 2, "manufactured" -> 2, "manner" -> 2, "Mandela" -> 2, "mandates" -> 2, "mandate" -> 2, "Managing" -> 2, "managing" -> 2, "malnutrition" -> 2, "males" -> 2, "Maintaining" -> 2, "mail" -> 2, "lowering" -> 2, "losers" -> 2, "looking" -> 2, "long-standing" -> 2, "locate" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "litigation" -> 2, "literacy" -> 2, "list" -> 2, "light" -> 2, "letter" -> 2, "Let" -> 2, "lending" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "led" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "leasing" -> 2, "leases" -> 2, "learned" -> 2, "layoffs" -> 2, "lawyers" -> 2, "launched" -> 2, "latest" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "large-scale" -> 2, "Lands" -> 2, "landmark" -> 2, "landing" -> 2, "Land" -> 2, "ladder" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "kinds" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "kept" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "judges" -> 2, "Jordan" -> 2, "joint" -> 2, "jeopardized" -> 2, "jails" -> 2, "Its" -> 2, "it's" -> 2, "Is" -> 2, "Iran" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "Investment" -> 2, "intolerable" -> 2, "internationally" -> 2, "interested" -> 2, "interdependent" -> 2, "interdependence" -> 2, "intended" -> 2, "integrating" -> 2, "integral" -> 2, "insurance" -> 2, "insisting" -> 2, "innovate" -> 2, "initiate" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "inefficient" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "industrialized" -> 2, "individuals" -> 2, "indigenous" -> 2, "inadequate" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "imposing" -> 2, "import" -> 2, "implementing" -> 2, "implacable" -> 2, "impair" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "illusion" -> 2, "illicit" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "identify" -> 2, "ideas" -> 2, "Hunger" -> 2, "Hundreds" -> 2, "humanities" -> 2, "humanitarian" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "houses" -> 2, "households" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "homelessness" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "HMO's" -> 2, "historically" -> 2, "historical" -> 2, "himself" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "highs" -> 2, "high-quality" -> 2, "hide" -> 2, "herbicides" -> 2, "Helping" -> 2, "helping" -> 2, "helped" -> 2, "heavens" -> 2, "heard" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "harshest" -> 2, "harassment" -> 2, "happening" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "hammer" -> 2, "Haiti" -> 2, "Gulf" -> 2, "guidelines" -> 2, "guerillas" -> 2, "Guatemala" -> 2, "guaranteeing" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "governs" -> 2, "government-assisted" -> 2, "going" -> 2, "globe" -> 2, "George" -> 2, "Genocide" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "gap" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "Furthermore" -> 2, "functioning" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "fulfilling" -> 2, "FTC" -> 2, "freeze" -> 2, "freedoms" -> 2, "fragile" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "fought" -> 2, "Forum" -> 2, "forty" -> 2, "formal" -> 2, "footing" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "fisheries" -> 2, "fines" -> 2, "Financial" -> 2, "filed" -> 2, "figures" -> 2, "Fifth" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "fear" -> 2, "FDA" -> 2, "fate" -> 2, "fast" -> 2, "far-reaching" -> 2, "Farmer" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "faculty" -> 2, "facility" -> 2, "fabric" -> 2, "eye" -> 2, "exposed" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "expensive" -> 2, "expenditure" -> 2, "expectations" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "Existing" -> 2, "executives" -> 2, "excuses" -> 2, "excluding" -> 2, "excluded" -> 2, "excesses" -> 2, "except" -> 2, "examine" -> 2, "evil" -> 2, "evidenced" -> 2, "everyone" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "escape" -> 2, "entrepreneurial" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enter" -> 2, "enrich" -> 2, "enjoyment" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "enhancing" -> 2, "engaging" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "enabling" -> 2, "Employees" -> 2, "emissions" -> 2, "emerging" -> 2, "embargo" -> 2, "else" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "eligible" -> 2, "element" -> 2, "electronic" -> 2, "EEOC" -> 2, "economics" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "East-West" -> 2, "easier" -> 2, "earn" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "Drug" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "draw" -> 2, "drastically" -> 2, "draft" -> 2, "Dr." -> 2, "dozens" -> 2, "downward" -> 2, "dominant" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "document" -> 2, "divided" -> 2, "diverting" -> 2, "diverted" -> 2, "disturbing" -> 2, "distinctions" -> 2, "dislocations" -> 2, "discussions" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "discretionary" -> 2, "discouraged" -> 2, "discipline" -> 2, "discharge" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "Director" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "dignified" -> 2, "dictators" -> 2, "deterrent" -> 2, "deteriorating" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "detention" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "destroying" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "despair" -> 2, "deprived" -> 2, "Depression" -> 2, "deployment" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "denies" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "demonstrate" -> 2, "definition" -> 2, "defer" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "defended" -> 2, "defects" -> 2, "deductions" -> 2, "decreased" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "decided" -> 2, "debtor" -> 2, "Debt" -> 2, "dealings" -> 2, "deadlines" -> 2, "DC" -> 2, "data" -> 2, "dark" -> 2, "dangerously" -> 2, "currently" -> 2, "culture" -> 2, "Cuban" -> 2, "crush" -> 2, "critically" -> 2, "crimes" -> 2, "Crime" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "crash" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "countless" -> 2, "count" -> 2, "counsel" -> 2, "cost-effective" -> 2, "Corporation" -> 2, "corporation" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "coordinated" -> 2, "convey" -> 2, "converted" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "controlling" -> 2, "contrast" -> 2, "contras" -> 2, "contracting" -> 2, "context" -> 2, "contain" -> 2, "Consumer" -> 2, "consult" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "consider" -> 2, "confrontation" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "conditioning" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "concentrated" -> 2, "computers" -> 2, "compromise" -> 2, "compatible" -> 2, "compared" -> 2, "company" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "Colorado" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "claim" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "circumstances" -> 2, "churches" -> 2, "chronically" -> 2, "chosen" -> 2, "choose" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "chemicals" -> 2, "channels" -> 2, "challenged" -> 2, "Centers" -> 2, "causing" -> 2, "cast" -> 2, "caring" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "careers" -> 2, "captive" -> 2, "capability" -> 2, "cap" -> 2, "can't" -> 2, "cancer" -> 2, "campaigns" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "California" -> 2, "buying" -> 2, "bus" -> 2, "bungled" -> 2, "buildup" -> 2, "build-up" -> 2, "Budget" -> 2, "brutal" -> 2, "broadcasting" -> 2, "broad-based" -> 2, "brings" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "bound" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "borrowing" -> 2, "books" -> 2, "boards" -> 2, "board" -> 2, "black" -> 2, "Between" -> 2, "beset" -> 2, "beneficial" -> 2, "belongs" -> 2, "behavior" -> 2, "begin" -> 2, "began" -> 2, "bargain" -> 2, "banning" -> 2, "banking" -> 2, "bankers" -> 2, "Ban" -> 2, "balancing" -> 2, "badly" -> 2, "backing" -> 2, "baby" -> 2, "availability" -> 2, "automobile" -> 2, "automatic" -> 2, "authoritarian" -> 2, "attract" -> 2, "attempts" -> 2, "attain" -> 2, "atmosphere" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "assuming" -> 2, "assumed" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "asked" -> 2, "arsenal" -> 2, "arrangements" -> 2, "Are" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "appoint" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "appliances" -> 2, "appeal" -> 2, "appalling" -> 2, "apart" -> 2, "anywhere" -> 2, "anything" -> 2, "Any" -> 2, "anti-satellite" -> 2, "antiquated" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "alternatives" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "allied" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "Allen" -> 2, "alcohol" -> 2, "alarming" -> 2, "Air" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "aging" -> 2, "agency's" -> 2, "affirms" -> 2, "affirmative" -> 2, "adverse" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adopt" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "addressing" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "acres" -> 2, "acquired" -> 2, "acid" -> 2, "accounting" -> 2, "According" -> 2, "according" -> 2, "accompanied" -> 2, "accessible" -> 2, "accepts" -> 2, "accept" -> 2, "accelerating" -> 2, "Academy" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "abusers" -> 2, "absence" -> 2, "abide" -> 2, "81" -> 2, "75" -> 2, "70" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "50,000" -> 2, "300" -> 2, "29" -> 2, "27" -> 2, "25" -> 2, "200" -> 2, "1979" -> 2, "1976" -> 2, "1973" -> 2, "1970's" -> 2, "1960's" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "122-a-month" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$9600" -> 1, "$88" -> 1, "$800" -> 1, "$70" -> 1, "$60,000" -> 1, "$435" -> 1, "$40,000" -> 1, "$4" -> 1, "$31" -> 1, "$300" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$25" -> 1, "$248" -> 1, "$2,387" -> 1, "$215" -> 1, "$207" -> 1, "$2000" -> 1, "$19" -> 1, "$180" -> 1, "$17" -> 1, "$130" -> 1, "$1.3" -> 1, "$12.2" -> 1, "$1100" -> 1, "$110" -> 1, "$106" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "Zone" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "zero" -> 1, "Zealand" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "younger" -> 1, "yielded" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "years—motor" -> 1, "Year" -> 1, "write-offs" -> 1, "wrench" -> 1, "wrecking" -> 1, "wreak" -> 1, "woven" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "worst-managed" -> 1, "Worse" -> 1, "worried" -> 1, "world—or" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "Works" -> 1, "workplace—substances" -> 1, "Workplace" -> 1, "workload" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "workers—to" -> 1, "worker(Democratic" -> 1, "worked" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "woods" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "women-owned" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withdrawing" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wished" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "Winnie" -> 1, "winners—but" -> 1, "winners" -> 1, "wing" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "wilt" -> 1, "Wildlife—Fishing" -> 1, "Wilderness" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "Wiesner" -> 1, "wide-ranging" -> 1, "widening" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "Whether" -> 1, "Whatever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "whammy—empty" -> 1, "Wetlands—The" -> 1, "west" -> 1, "well-established" -> 1, "weight" -> 1, "weigh" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "wee" -> 1, "weapons-grade" -> 1, "weaponry" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "wealthiest" -> 1, "Wealthier" -> 1, "weaknesses" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "Watt—it" -> 1, "Watt" -> 1, "watches" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "Wastes" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "war—America" -> 1, "Warsaw" -> 1, "warned" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "ward" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "wanted" -> 1, "wander" -> 1, "walkout" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "Walesa" -> 1, "wake" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wagered" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vulnerability" -> 1, "vowed" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voodoo" -> 1, "voiced" -> 1, "Vocational" -> 1, "VISTA" -> 1, "visitors" -> 1, "vision—the" -> 1, "visas" -> 1, "Virna" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewing" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "victimization" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "Vice" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "Veterans—This" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "vestige" -> 1, "veritable" -> 1, "verify" -> 1, "verge" -> 1, "ventures" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "varying" -> 1, "vans" -> 1, "values—the" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "vagaries" -> 1, "vaccine" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "Utility" -> 1, "us—by" -> 1, "usual" -> 1, "U.S.-Soviet" -> 1, "U.S.-Mexico" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "Uruguay" -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "uranium" -> 1, "upheavals" -> 1, "update" -> 1, "unworkable" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unwelcome" -> 1, "unwavering" -> 1, "untreated" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "unto" -> 1, "unsafe" -> 1, "Unrestrained" -> 1, "unrestrained" -> 1, "unresponsiveness" -> 1, "unremittingly" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "unprecedentedly" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unmistakably" -> 1, "unmistakable" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unlikely" -> 1, "unlike" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unjustly" -> 1, "unjustified" -> 1, "University" -> 1, "university" -> 1, "Universal" -> 1, "unity—achieved" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unitary" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "unison" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "Union—as" -> 1, "union-busting" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unfit" -> 1, "unfairness" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unemployment—coupled" -> 1, "unemployable" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undoubted" -> 1, "undone" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "underway" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "underpinnings" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "Underlying" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "undergraduate" -> 1, "underfunding" -> 1, "underfunded" -> 1, "underestimating" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "unavoidable" -> 1, "unamended" -> 1, "unabated" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "two-tier" -> 1, "Twice" -> 1, "twenty-one" -> 1, "Twenty" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "turnovers" -> 1, "Turkish" -> 1, "tunnel" -> 1, "Tuchman" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "trusting" -> 1, "trustees" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "trucks" -> 1, "troubling" -> 1, "troubles" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "trimming" -> 1, "trillion-dollar" -> 1, "Triangle" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "tremble" -> 1, "Treaty—the" -> 1, "treatment—and" -> 1, "Treaties" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "treasures" -> 1, "transported" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "Transitional" -> 1, "transitional" -> 1, "transfusions" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transfers" -> 1, "trans-Atlantic" -> 1, "trample" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "Traffic" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditionally" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "toughness" -> 1, "toughen" -> 1, "touch" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "totality" -> 1, "totalitarians" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "torture" -> 1, "toppled" -> 1, "tools—including" -> 1, "Took" -> 1, "tone" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "Tom" -> 1, "tolerates" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "told" -> 1, "Tokyo" -> 1, "tip" -> 1, "Timor" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "tilted" -> 1, "Tight" -> 1, "ticket" -> 1, "thwarts" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "throwing" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "threw" -> 1, "Threshold" -> 1, "three-quarters" -> 1, "Threats" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "third-country" -> 1, "thinks" -> 1, "thermal" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "That's" -> 1, "Thanks" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "textiles" -> 1, "textile" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "testimony" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "terrorists" -> 1, "terrorism" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "term—or" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "tense" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "tenacity" -> 1, "tempted" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "telecommunication" -> 1, "Tel" -> 1, "teeth" -> 1, "teeter" -> 1, "teens" -> 1, "Teenage" -> 1, "technology—is" -> 1, "technology—instead" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "technicians" -> 1, "tears" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "Taylor" -> 1, "tax-simplification" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "Tariffs" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "tandem" -> 1, "talking" -> 1, "talked" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "tailor-made" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tactic" -> 1, "systems—is" -> 1, "systematically" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "Synthetic" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "Switzerland" -> 1, "swelled" -> 1, "sway" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "susceptible" -> 1, "survived" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "Survey" -> 1, "surrogates" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "supposed" -> 1, "Suppose" -> 1, "suppose" -> 1, "supply-siders" -> 1, "Supplemental" -> 1, "supplement" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "superpowers" -> 1, "superpower" -> 1, "superb" -> 1, "summits" -> 1, "summit" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "sulfur" -> 1, "suggested—for" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "sued" -> 1, "suddenly" -> 1, "sudden" -> 1, "sucked" -> 1, "subverted" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "subtraction" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "subsidizing" -> 1, "Subsidized" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "subsidiaries" -> 1, "submerge" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "sub-councils" -> 1, "stunning" -> 1, "Studies" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "stuck" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strip" -> 1, "strides" -> 1, "Strict" -> 1, "stretching" -> 1, "strength—the" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "Street" -> 1, "strategy—combining" -> 1, "strategically—the" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "stockholders" -> 1, "stimulative" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "stimulates" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "Steward" -> 1, "sterile" -> 1, "Stephen" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "steering" -> 1, "Steel" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "Staying" -> 1, "Statutory" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "stations" -> 1, "static" -> 1, "State—one" -> 1, "States—Soviet" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "Statement" -> 1, "stated" -> 1, "started" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "Standing" -> 1, "stales" -> 1, "stagnation" -> 1, "staging" -> 1, "Staggers" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "stack" -> 1, "squalor" -> 1, "squads" -> 1, "spurring" -> 1, "spurred" -> 1, "Sprague" -> 1, "sporting" -> 1, "spiral—as" -> 1, "spirals" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "spills" -> 1, "Spending—In" -> 1, "Spending—A" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "Special" -> 1, "Speaking" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "south" -> 1, "soup" -> 1, "Soundness" -> 1, "soundness" -> 1, "sophistication" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "Solarz" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "society—and" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soared" -> 1, "soar" -> 1, "snub-nosed" -> 1, "smooth" -> 1, "Smith" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "slowing" -> 1, "slowed" -> 1, "slighted" -> 1, "sleep" -> 1, "Slat" -> 1, "slashed" -> 1, "skyrocketing" -> 1, "skyrocketed" -> 1, "sky-rocketed" -> 1, "sky" -> 1, "skillful" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "skew" -> 1, "sizeable" -> 1, "six-year-old" -> 1, "six-fold" -> 1, "sits" -> 1, "siting" -> 1, "sit" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "singled" -> 1, "Singapore" -> 1, "simplistically" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simpler" -> 1, "Simple" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "Silicon" -> 1, "silencing" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "sidelines" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "showplace" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "shovels" -> 1, "shoulder" -> 1, "Should" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "shortsighted" -> 1, "short-sighted" -> 1, "short-range" -> 1, "shortens" -> 1, "short-changing" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shipments" -> 1, "shipbuilding" -> 1, "shifts" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "sheets" -> 1, "sheer" -> 1, "sharpest" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shareholders" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "shadowed" -> 1, "sex-based" -> 1, "sewage" -> 1, "Seven" -> 1, "set-aside" -> 1, "session" -> 1, "Sesame" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "sere" -> 1, "separately" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "sense—and" -> 1, "Seniors" -> 1, "seniors" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "self-sufficient—the" -> 1, "self-sufficient" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "selfishness" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "self-destruction" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "self-confidence" -> 1, "self" -> 1, "selectively" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "SEIU" -> 1, "sees" -> 1, "seems" -> 1, "Seek" -> 1, "Seeing" -> 1, "seed" -> 1, "security—in" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "Sector" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "Secrecy" -> 1, "secrecy" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "Secondary" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "seams" -> 1, "sea-lift" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "scuttling" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scrupulous" -> 1, "scourge" -> 1, "scour" -> 1, "Scott" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "schools—without" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "scholars" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "scandal—they" -> 1, "scandalous" -> 1, "Scale" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "saves" -> 1, "Saudi" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "Sates" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "sanity" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "San" -> 1, "salvaging" -> 1, "Salvadorans" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "Sakharovs" -> 1, "Sagan" -> 1, "safety—this" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "Safer" -> 1, "Safe" -> 1, "Sadly" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "Russian" -> 1, "Rumors" -> 1, "Rules" -> 1, "ruined" -> 1, "rude" -> 1, "routinely" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "roughshod" -> 1, "rough" -> 1, "rose" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "Roller" -> 1, "roller" -> 1, "Rock" -> 1, "robotics" -> 1, "Roberta" -> 1, "riverboat" -> 1, "rivalries" -> 1, "rivaling" -> 1, "Rita" -> 1, "risky" -> 1, "Risk" -> 1, "Rio" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "rigidity" -> 1, "right-to-know" -> 1, "rights—freedom" -> 1, "rifts" -> 1, "ride" -> 1, "richness" -> 1, "Richard" -> 1, "rhetorical" -> 1, "rewards" -> 1, "revolutions" -> 1, "Revolution" -> 1, "revolted" -> 1, "reviving" -> 1, "revitalizing" -> 1, "revitalized—not" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "revitalization" -> 1, "revising" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "Review" -> 1, "revealed" -> 1, "reveal" -> 1, "retreating" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "retirement—instead" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resurgence" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "resumed—but" -> 1, "resume" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "Restoring" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "restful" -> 1, "responsiveness" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "responsible—responsible" -> 1, "Responsibilities" -> 1, "responses" -> 1, "responded" -> 1, "respect—or" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "Resource" -> 1, "resounding" -> 1, "Resolutions" -> 1, "resist—demonstrating" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resign" -> 1, "residential" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "Reserves" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "resentment" -> 1, "resented—whether" -> 1, "researchers" -> 1, "researched" -> 1, "rescuing" -> 1, "rescinded" -> 1, "rescind" -> 1, "rescheduled" -> 1, "Republish" -> 1, "Republican's" -> 1, "Republican-approved" -> 1, "reproductive" -> 1, "repression—but" -> 1, "repress" -> 1, "Representative" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "replenishment" -> 1, "replenish" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "repeating" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "repay" -> 1, "Reorganize" -> 1, "reorganizations" -> 1, "reopen" -> 1, "renters" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "renounced" -> 1, "renewing" -> 1, "renewable" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "remotely" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "remainder" -> 1, "Religious" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "relentlessly" -> 1, "relaxing" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "Relations—U.S" -> 1, "relationships" -> 1, "rejoices" -> 1, "reinterpret" -> 1, "reinstated" -> 1, "reining" -> 1, "reinforced" -> 1, "reimpose" -> 1, "reimbursement" -> 1, "reign" -> 1, "Rehabilitation" -> 1, "Regulatory" -> 1, "regressive" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "region—voices" -> 1, "region—the" -> 1, "Region" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "refurbish" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "Reform—America" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reflection" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "refine" -> 1, "referral" -> 1, "reexamine" -> 1, "reevaluation" -> 1, "reevaluate" -> 1, "reestablishment" -> 1, "re-emphasize" -> 1, "Reed" -> 1, "redundant" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "redirect" -> 1, "redefinition" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "Recycling" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recycle" -> 1, "recruiting" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "Recovery—Ronald" -> 1, "recovering" -> 1, "recount" -> 1, "recorded" -> 1, "reconciling" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "Recommend" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognize—the" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "recklessness" -> 1, "recession—deliberate" -> 1, "recessions" -> 1, "Recession" -> 1, "receipt" -> 1, "recapture" -> 1, "Recalls" -> 1, "recalls" -> 1, "recalled" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "rebukes" -> 1, "rebuilt" -> 1, "rebels" -> 1, "reauthorized" -> 1, "re-authorization" -> 1, "reassess" -> 1, "Reason" -> 1, "reap" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "Reality" -> 1, "Reagan-induced" -> 1, "Reagan-created" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "reaffirmed" -> 1, "reaffirmation" -> 1, "Readjustment" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "reactionary" -> 1, "R&D" -> 1, "Raul" -> 1, "rattle" -> 1, "rationale" -> 1, "Rational" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "rating" -> 1, "Rates" -> 1, "Rarely" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "ranches" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "ram" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "rain" -> 1, "rails" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "Rail" -> 1, "raging" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "radically" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "races" -> 1, "raced" -> 1, "quo" -> 1, "quiet" -> 1, "quid" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "quality—U.S" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualities" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "purposes—peace" -> 1, "pure" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "pumping" -> 1, "pulling" -> 1, "pull" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "publicly-assisted" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "proxy" -> 1, "provocative" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "providers" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "proudest" -> 1, "prostitution" -> 1, "Prosperous" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "proponents" -> 1, "prophecies" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "pronounced" -> 1, "Prompt" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "projections" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "progress—the" -> 1, "progressivity" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "program—compensatory" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "Program" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "Professor" -> 1, "professions" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "professes" -> 1, "profess" -> 1, "Productivity" -> 1, "productively" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "producer's" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "prodding" -> 1, "procures" -> 1, "procurements" -> 1, "proclaims" -> 1, "proceeds" -> 1, "proceeding" -> 1, "problem-solving" -> 1, "probably" -> 1, "probable" -> 1, "pro" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "private-sector" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prisoner" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "Prime" -> 1, "Primary" -> 1, "pricing" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "Price-Anderson" -> 1, "Price" -> 1, "Preventive" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "Pretoria" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "pretending" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "pressured" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "Press" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "presided" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "Preservation" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "Present" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "prerequisites" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "prenatal" -> 1, "premise" -> 1, "prejudices" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "prefers" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "predominate" -> 1, "predicted" -> 1, "predictable" -> 1, "predictability" -> 1, "predecessor—and" -> 1, "precedent" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "PRC" -> 1, "praised" -> 1, "prairies" -> 1, "PPO's" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "powerfully" -> 1, "poverty—that" -> 1, "poultry" -> 1, "potholes" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "post-war" -> 1, "posture" -> 1, "postpones" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "poses" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "portfolio" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "Poor—For" -> 1, "poorer" -> 1, "polymer" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politicized" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "Policy—The" -> 1, "policy—is" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "point—any" -> 1, "pointed" -> 1, "poets" -> 1, "plutonium" -> 1, "plummeted" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "pledges—or" -> 1, "pleaded" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "Plant" -> 1, "planks" -> 1, "plank" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "plague" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placement" -> 1, "pipeline" -> 1, "picking" -> 1, "physicians" -> 1, "Physical" -> 1, "photovoltaics" -> 1, "Philippine" -> 1, "Philadelphia" -> 1, "phenomenon" -> 1, "PhD" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "phantom" -> 1, "pests" -> 1, "Pesticides" -> 1, "pessimistic" -> 1, "persuade" -> 1, "perspective" -> 1, "personally" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "perpetuate" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permissive" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "perils" -> 1, "perilous" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "perhaps" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "perennial" -> 1, "percent—a" -> 1, "percentages" -> 1, "perceived" -> 1, "people—thus" -> 1, "People's" -> 1, "people-oriented" -> 1, "Pentagon's" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "Peaceful" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "Pay" -> 1, "paved" -> 1, "Patty" -> 1, "patriot" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "paternalism" -> 1, "patents" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "partly" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "participatory" -> 1, "Participation" -> 1, "partially" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "parenthood" -> 1, "parental" -> 1, "paraphrase" -> 1, "paranoia" -> 1, "paramilitary" -> 1, "paralysis" -> 1, "paralleled" -> 1, "Paraguay" -> 1, "pantries" -> 1, "panic" -> 1, "panel" -> 1, "Palestinian" -> 1, "pales" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "oxide" -> 1, "own—the" -> 1, "own—an" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "owed" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "overwhelm" -> 1, "overvalued" -> 1, "over-valued" -> 1, "overturned" -> 1, "oversee" -> 1, "overnight" -> 1, "overlap" -> 1, "overhauled" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overhang" -> 1, "over-emphasize" -> 1, "overclassification" -> 1, "Overall" -> 1, "over-age" -> 1, "out-thinking" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outset" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outmaneuvering" -> 1, "outlays" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "Orwell" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "Orange" -> 1, "options" -> 1, "option" -> 1, "optimal" -> 1, "opted" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "opponents" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "onslaught" -> 1, "on-going" -> 1, "one-sided" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "one-fifth" -> 1, "one-eighth" -> 1, "old—and" -> 1, "Ohio" -> 1, "offset—point" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "offend" -> 1, "odds" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "occurring" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "occasion" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obsolescent" -> 1, "observing" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "oath" -> 1, "OAS" -> 1, "nut" -> 1, "nurtures" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "nurseries" -> 1, "Numbers" -> 1, "nullify" -> 1, "nullified" -> 1, "NRC" -> 1, "Nowhere" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "notification" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "Northwestern" -> 1, "North-South" -> 1, "north" -> 1, "norms" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non-white" -> 1, "nonviolent" -> 1, "nonstructural" -> 1, "nonparticipation" -> 1, "nonmilitary" -> 1, "non-intervention" -> 1, "noninflationary" -> 1, "nonetheless" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "Non-defense" -> 1, "noncommunist" -> 1, "non-communist" -> 1, "non-chemical" -> 1, "nominee" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "Noel" -> 1, "nitrogen" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "Nicaraguan" -> 1, "neutrality" -> 1, "nerve" -> 1, "neo-natal" -> 1, "Nelson" -> 1, "neighborhood" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "Negotiator" -> 1, "negligence" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "need—instead" -> 1, "needs—directly" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "needing" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "nearby" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "NATO-wide" -> 1, "Nationwide" -> 1, "nationless—requires" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "Nassau" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narcotics" -> 1, "NAACP" -> 1, "Myths" -> 1, "myth" -> 1, "myself" -> 1, "My" -> 1, "MX" -> 1, "Mutual" -> 1, "museum-goers" -> 1, "muscle" -> 1, "Murky" -> 1, "Municipal" -> 1, "multi-year" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multinational" -> 1, "multi-billion" -> 1, "muddle" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "Movement" -> 1, "Move" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "motivate" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "Mortgage" -> 1, "mortal" -> 1, "Morrill" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "monthly—from" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "Monge" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "Modernize" -> 1, "moderates" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "mitigation" -> 1, "mitigate" -> 1, "misusing" -> 1, "mistreat" -> 1, "missile" -> 1, "misread" -> 1, "mismanagement" -> 1, "mismanaged" -> 1, "mishandled" -> 1, "misery—and" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "minority—many" -> 1, "Minorities" -> 1, "ministers" -> 1, "Minister" -> 1, "minister" -> 1, "minimizing" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "Mine" -> 1, "mine" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "military-related" -> 1, "militarizing" -> 1, "militarization" -> 1, "Miguel" -> 1, "mid-1960's" -> 1, "microelectronics" -> 1, "Mexican" -> 1, "messages" -> 1, "merging" -> 1, "merger" -> 1, "memories" -> 1, "Memorial" -> 1, "megaphones" -> 1, "mega-deficits" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "Meeting" -> 1, "medium-term" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "medically" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "mechanisms—to" -> 1, "mechanisms" -> 1, "measuring" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "Measles" -> 1, "Meanwhile" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "mayors" -> 1, "Maxwell" -> 1, "maximizing" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "mathematics" -> 1, "math" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "matches" -> 1, "matched" -> 1, "mastering" -> 1, "mastered" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "Massachusetts" -> 1, "marketplace—will" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "mark" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "map" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "manipulations" -> 1, "manifestation" -> 1, "maneuver" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "mandating" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "malnourished" -> 1, "malicious" -> 1, "malfeasance" -> 1, "makers" -> 1, "Major" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "maim" -> 1, "Madrid" -> 1, "macroeconomic" -> 1, "M" -> 1, "lying" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "lunches" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "lull" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "Los" -> 1, "looming" -> 1, "long-time" -> 1, "longs-standing" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "long-lasting" -> 1, "longevity" -> 1, "loaner" -> 1, "liter" -> 1, "listings" -> 1, "listening" -> 1, "listen" -> 1, "liquidity" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "link" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "like—whether" -> 1, "Likewise" -> 1, "likewise" -> 1, "likelihood" -> 1, "lights" -> 1, "life—instead" -> 1, "life—in" -> 1, "life—are" -> 1, "lifetime—but" -> 1, "lifesaving" -> 1, "Lifeline" -> 1, "Libya" -> 1, "libraries" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberalize" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "liberalism" -> 1, "liability" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "leverage" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "Less" -> 1, "lesbians" -> 1, "legitimately" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "Lech" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leavened" -> 1, "lease" -> 1, "learns" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "leaping" -> 1, "leadership's" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "law—the" -> 1, "Lawlessness" -> 1, "lawlessness" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "Lavelle" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "larger—and" -> 1, "language" -> 1, "lair" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labs" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "labor-intensive" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "label" -> 1, "la" -> 1, "Korea" -> 1, "knowledgeable" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "knell" -> 1, "kitchens" -> 1, "Kingdom" -> 1, "King" -> 1, "kill" -> 1, "keystone" -> 1, "Key" -> 1, "Kennedy" -> 1, "Kendall" -> 1, "Juvenile" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "jurisdictions" -> 1, "jure" -> 1, "jungles" -> 1, "junctures" -> 1, "jumped" -> 1, "Judy" -> 1, "judiciously" -> 1, "judicious" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judgments" -> 1, "Juarez" -> 1, "journalists" -> 1, "Jorge" -> 1, "jointly" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "jobs—instead" -> 1, "jobs—all" -> 1, "jettisoned" -> 1, "Jerome" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "JCS" -> 1, "Jaruzelski" -> 1, "Japanese" -> 1, "J" -> 1, "it—to" -> 1, "It's" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "is—neither" -> 1, "issue—preventing" -> 1, "Israel's" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "Islam" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "irresponsibility" -> 1, "irreplaceable" -> 1, "irrational" -> 1, "Irish" -> 1, "Iraq" -> 1, "Iowa" -> 1, "involvement—Under" -> 1, "involvement—Citizen" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "inviolability" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "investment—instead" -> 1, "Investments" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "invent" -> 1, "invaded" -> 1, "introduction" -> 1, "introducing" -> 1, "introduced" -> 1, "intricately" -> 1, "intractable" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "intervening" -> 1, "inter-service" -> 1, "interruption" -> 1, "interrelated" -> 1, "interpreted" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "internationally—U.S" -> 1, "intermediate-range" -> 1, "intermediate" -> 1, "Interior" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interest-free" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intends" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "Integrity" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "insurgency" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insulated" -> 1, "instructional" -> 1, "Instruct" -> 1, "institutionalize" -> 1, "institutionalization" -> 1, "institutional" -> 1, "instituting" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "inspections" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "Insistence" -> 1, "insights" -> 1, "inside" -> 1, "insensitivity" -> 1, "Innovation—in" -> 1, "Innovation" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inhuman" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infrastructure—our" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "influenced" -> 1, "inflicted" -> 1, "inflation—its" -> 1, "inflation—in" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "inflammatory" -> 1, "INF" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inequality" -> 1, "industry—has" -> 1, "industry—from" -> 1, "industry-wide" -> 1, "industry-specific" -> 1, "industries—biotechnology" -> 1, "Industries" -> 1, "industrialization" -> 1, "indomitable" -> 1, "Indochina" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "individualized" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indirect" -> 1, "indignity" -> 1, "indications" -> 1, "indication" -> 1, "indicated" -> 1, "indicate" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "indexation" -> 1, "index" -> 1, "independent—our" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "incubating" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "incorporation" -> 1, "incorporating" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incidents—including" -> 1, "incidents" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inauguration" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "impropriety" -> 1, "improperly" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "Imports" -> 1, "import-competing" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "implicated" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "Implement" -> 1, "imperiled" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "immunization" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imagine" -> 1, "imaginatively" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illiterate" -> 1, "Illinois(Democratic" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "identical" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hunt" -> 1, "Hungry" -> 1, "hung" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "Howard" -> 1, "housewives" -> 1, "hostility—indeed" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "hostage" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "horizons" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "Hoover" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honoring" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "Honorable" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homilies" -> 1, "homes—instead" -> 1, "homeowner" -> 1, "homemaker" -> 1, "Homeless—In" -> 1, "home-grown" -> 1, "home-buyers" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "history—indeed" -> 1, "history—and" -> 1, "Historically" -> 1, "Historian" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "high-demand" -> 1, "hiding" -> 1, "Herbicides" -> 1, "Herbert" -> 1, "Henry" -> 1, "hemorrhage" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "Hemisphere—The" -> 1, "Hemisphere's" -> 1, "Helsinki" -> 1, "Heavily" -> 1, "heaven's" -> 1, "heating" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "heartland" -> 1, "health—human" -> 1, "healthful" -> 1, "headway" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "heading" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "Hazardous" -> 1, "hazard" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "hastily" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "harvest" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "harness" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "harmless" -> 1, "hardware" -> 1, "hard-pressed" -> 1, "hardly" -> 1, "hard-hit" -> 1, "hardheaded" -> 1, "hard-fought" -> 1, "harass" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "hangs" -> 1, "handguns" -> 1, "hampering" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "hallmarks" -> 1, "Haitian" -> 1, "hailed" -> 1, "haft" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "gutted—from" -> 1, "gutted" -> 1, "Gulag" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "Guatemalan" -> 1, "Guard" -> 1, "guarantees—only" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growth—and" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "groundwater" -> 1, "Ground" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "grimmest" -> 1, "Grenada" -> 1, "greed" -> 1, "Grazing" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grass-roots" -> 1, "grassland" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "governor" -> 1, "government-supported" -> 1, "government-engineered" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "got" -> 1, "Goldsmith" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "GNP—and" -> 1, "Global" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gifts" -> 1, "gifted" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "gets" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "geopolitical" -> 1, "genuinely" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generates" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "generals" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "geared" -> 1, "Gayler" -> 1, "gay" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "gamble" -> 1, "future—in" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "futile" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "full-scale" -> 1, "Fulfilling" -> 1, "Fuels" -> 1, "frustration" -> 1, "fruitful" -> 1, "frozen" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "fringe" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "friction" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "frequent" -> 1, "frequency" -> 1, "free-flowing" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "frank" -> 1, "Francisco" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "Framework" -> 1, "four-year" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "forum" -> 1, "forty-year" -> 1, "fortunes" -> 1, "fortitude" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "formulate" -> 1, "formidable" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forfeited" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "foreclosures" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "forecasts" -> 1, "force—women" -> 1, "force—by" -> 1, "Forces" -> 1, "footstool" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "foist" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "focuses" -> 1, "flourishes" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "float" -> 1, "flexibility" -> 1, "flaunting" -> 1, "flagging" -> 1, "five-step" -> 1, "Five" -> 1, "fissile" -> 1, "fiscally" -> 1, "first-term" -> 1, "first-rate" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "Firm" -> 1, "fires" -> 1, "finite" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "Final" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "figure" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "fiction" -> 1, "feminization" -> 1, "female-headed" -> 1, "female" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "fell" -> 1, "feet" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "Federation" -> 1, "federal-state" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "feared" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fatality" -> 1, "fashioned" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "famous" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "family-based" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "fading" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "facto" -> 1, "faction" -> 1, "facilitated" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "face—providing" -> 1, "facets" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "/f," -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extracted" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "Explosions" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "experimentation" -> 1, "experiencing" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expansionism" -> 1, "expands" -> 1, "Expanding" -> 1, "ex-officials" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "exemptions" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "excuse—as" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exceptions" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "Excellence—In" -> 1, "Excellence" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "exaggerating" -> 1, "exacerbated" -> 1, "evoke" -> 1, "eviscerated" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyone—not" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evenly" -> 1, "evasion" -> 1, "evaluations" -> 1, "evacuation" -> 1, "Europe—We" -> 1, "Europeans" -> 1, "ethic" -> 1, "estimated" -> 1, "establishes" -> 1, "Essential" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "escalate" -> 1, "erupt" -> 1, "error" -> 1, "erratic" -> 1, "eroding" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "erecting" -> 1, "eradicating" -> 1, "eradicated" -> 1, "ERA" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equally-applied" -> 1, "EPA" -> 1, "envoy" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "entrepreneur" -> 1, "entities—private" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "enterprising" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "Ensuring" -> 1, "Ensure" -> 1, "ensuing" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enough—to" -> 1, "enough—they" -> 1, "enough—or" -> 1, "enjoying" -> 1, "enhances" -> 1, "English" -> 1, "England" -> 1, "Engineers" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "engagement" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "energy-related" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "endured" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "encompasses" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "empowers" -> 1, "Empowerment" -> 1, "empowerment" -> 1, "employees—a" -> 1, "Employed" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "empirical" -> 1, "empire's" -> 1, "emphasizes" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "embodies" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "embassies" -> 1, "embarrassment" -> 1, "embarked" -> 1, "elusive" -> 1, "elsewhere—is" -> 1, "eloquent" -> 1, "elite" -> 1, "elements—like" -> 1, "elects" -> 1, "Electronically-delivered" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "elective" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "Eisenhower" -> 1, "eighty" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "Education—While" -> 1, "Education—We" -> 1, "education—from" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "educates" -> 1, "ecosystems" -> 1, "economy's" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "ecological" -> 1, "eats" -> 1, "East—The" -> 1, "east" -> 1, "easily" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "early-warning" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "dynamics" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "dwindled" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "durable" -> 1, "duplicative" -> 1, "dumps" -> 1, "dump" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "dropping" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drinking" -> 1, "draws" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "dragging" -> 1, "drafts" -> 1, "drafted" -> 1, "draconian" -> 1, "Dr" -> 1, "downgrades" -> 1, "double-talk" -> 1, "Doris" -> 1, "don't" -> 1, "Dominican" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "Domestically" -> 1, "dollar's" -> 1, "Doing" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "docks" -> 1, "divestiture" -> 1, "diversity—is" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "distorts" -> 1, "distorting" -> 1, "distorted" -> 1, "distinguishes" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "disseminating" -> 1, "disseminate" -> 1, "disrupt" -> 1, "dispute-resolution" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "disposed" -> 1, "dispatch" -> 1, "dismantled" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "dislocated" -> 1, "dishonor" -> 1, "disguised" -> 1, "disenfranchisement" -> 1, "disenfranchised" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disciplines" -> 1, "Disarmament" -> 1, "disappointing" -> 1, "disappearing" -> 1, "disappeared" -> 1, "disappear" -> 1, "disagreement" -> 1, "directs" -> 1, "directors" -> 1, "directives" -> 1, "dioxide" -> 1, "diminishing" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "dilemma" -> 1, "Dignity" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "did—unless" -> 1, "dictatorships" -> 1, "dictatorship" -> 1, "dictator" -> 1, "Diana" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devising" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "deviating" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "Development—Since" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "devastation" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "devalue" -> 1, "devaluations" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "destabilization" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "designations" -> 1, "designation" -> 1, "designating" -> 1, "designated" -> 1, "designate" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deserts" -> 1, "deregulatory" -> 1, "deprived—as" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "depositor" -> 1, "de-politicize" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "departures" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "Denver" -> 1, "Dennis" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demoralized" -> 1, "democratization" -> 1, "Democrat" -> 1, "democracies" -> 1, "demilitarized" -> 1, "demilitarization" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "degrading" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "Deficits" -> 1, "Deficit" -> 1, "defensible" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "defender" -> 1, "defective" -> 1, "defect" -> 1, "defamation" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deepening" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "decried" -> 1, "Decree" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decimation" -> 1, "Decent" -> 1, "deceit" -> 1, "Decade" -> 1, "debilitating" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "deaths—related" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "D.C." -> 1, "daughters" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "dampening" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "cynical" -> 1, "cycles" -> 1, "Cuts" -> 1, "Cut" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "currencies" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "Cuba's" -> 1, "cry" -> 1, "crunch" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "crossroads" -> 1, "cronyism" -> 1, "critics" -> 1, "Critical" -> 1, "criterion" -> 1, "criteria" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "crime—courts" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "creditor" -> 1, "credible" -> 1, "Creativity" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "crashes" -> 1, "craftswomen" -> 1, "craftsmen" -> 1, "CPSC's" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "Covenants" -> 1, "Court—five" -> 1, "Court—could" -> 1, "court-sanctioned" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "Coupled" -> 1, "counterweight" -> 1, "Counseling" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "Costs" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "Costa" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "corrosive" -> 1, "corrosion" -> 1, "correspondents" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "Corporation's" -> 1, "Coretta" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperation—In" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "Controlling" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contrasting" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "Continuing" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "contexts" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "contending" -> 1, "contend" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "contamination" -> 1, "contaminated" -> 1, "contaminants" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "Contact" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumes" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "consulting" -> 1, "Consultative" -> 1, "constructively" -> 1, "constructing" -> 1, "constructed" -> 1, "constitutionally-mandated" -> 1, "constitutionally" -> 1, "constituency" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "conspicuous" -> 1, "consonance" -> 1, "Consolation" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "Consistent" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "considerably" -> 1, "conserving" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "conservatism" -> 1, "Consequently" -> 1, "consciously" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "conglomerate" -> 1, "congestion" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "confidence-building" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concurrence" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "conclude" -> 1, "concise" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "Concern" -> 1, "concept—but" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "concentrate" -> 1, "conceded" -> 1, "Con" -> 1, "Comprehensive" -> 1, "comprehensible" -> 1, "comprehend" -> 1, "composed" -> 1, "component" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "Compliance" -> 1, "competitive—and" -> 1, "competition—often" -> 1, "Competition" -> 1, "Competing" -> 1, "competes" -> 1, "compassion" -> 1, "compact" -> 1, "community—workers" -> 1, "community—owned" -> 1, "community-supported" -> 1, "communism" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "Commissioner" -> 1, "commercially-related" -> 1, "commercially" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "combatting" -> 1, "combat-effective" -> 1, "Colombia" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "colleagues" -> 1, "Cold" -> 1, "coins" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "cohesion" -> 1, "coherence" -> 1, "coequal" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "Coaster—Following" -> 1, "coaster" -> 1, "Coastal" -> 1, "Coast" -> 1, "coalition" -> 1, "clumsy" -> 1, "Clowers" -> 1, "cloud" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "clock" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "climbed" -> 1, "Cleveland" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "cleanup" -> 1, "cleaning" -> 1, "cleaned" -> 1, "claw" -> 1, "class-wide" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "city-oriented" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "circumvent" -> 1, "circumstance" -> 1, "circles" -> 1, "CIA-backed" -> 1, "choice—between" -> 1, "choice—a" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "chilling" -> 1, "Chiefs" -> 1, "Chemicals" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charities" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "characterize" -> 1, "channeling" -> 1, "Changing" -> 1, "Challenge" -> 1, "cessation" -> 1, "Century" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "censor" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "cavalier" -> 1, "catch" -> 1, "catalytic" -> 1, "catalysts" -> 1, "casting" -> 1, "case-by-case" -> 1, "carved" -> 1, "Carter's" -> 1, "Carter" -> 1, "cars" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "Carolina's" -> 1, "Carl" -> 1, "care—we" -> 1, "cares" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "Canson" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "cancellations" -> 1, "Cancel" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "campaigned" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "callously" -> 1, "Call" -> 1, "California's" -> 1, "buyers" -> 1, "busting" -> 1, "businessmen" -> 1, "Bush" -> 1, "bursting" -> 1, "burial" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "bully" -> 1, "bullets" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "Built" -> 1, "build-up—well" -> 1, "buildings" -> 1, "buffers" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "Brutus" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "Broadening" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "brings—means" -> 1, "bright" -> 1, "bridging" -> 1, "bridged" -> 1, "Brezhnev" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "breakthrough" -> 1, "breaks" -> 1, "breakfast" -> 1, "bravery" -> 1, "bottom—have" -> 1, "Boston" -> 1, "Borrowing" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "booths" -> 1, "boom" -> 1, "bonuses" -> 1, "bombers" -> 1, "bomber" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "boats" -> 1, "boasted" -> 1, "blunt" -> 1, "blueprint" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blindly" -> 1, "blend" -> 1, "bleak" -> 1, "blatant" -> 1, "blanket-tax" -> 1, "Blanco" -> 1, "blames" -> 1, "blameless" -> 1, "blame" -> 1, "blacks" -> 1, "Bit" -> 1, "bit" -> 1, "Birmingham" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "binge" -> 1, "binds" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "billion—twice" -> 1, "billion—more" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "Bilingual" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "bilateral" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "bigger" -> 1, "bidding" -> 1, "bid" -> 1, "biased" -> 1, "Beyond" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "Betancur" -> 1, "best-trained" -> 1, "best-educated" -> 1, "beside" -> 1, "Benito" -> 1, "Behind—But" -> 1, "beguiles" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "bedrock" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "battle—to" -> 1, "battles" -> 1, "battleground" -> 1, "battlefield" -> 1, "Basin" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "barbaric" -> 1, "Barbara" -> 1, "Barbados" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banned" -> 1, "bankruptcies" -> 1, "bankrupt" -> 1, "balloon" -> 1, "Balisario" -> 1, "Baker" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "babies" -> 1, "B-1" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "awaits" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "Aviv" -> 1, "avidly" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "avenues" -> 1, "available—for" -> 1, "automakers" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "authentic" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "Austin" -> 1, "audience" -> 1, "attracting" -> 1, "attracted" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attains" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "atomic" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assists" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "Assistant" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "aspiration" -> 1, "Asia—Our" -> 1, "Asian/Pacific-Americans" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "artistic" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "art" -> 1, "arsenals" -> 1, "arrests" -> 1, "arrayed" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "arranging" -> 1, "Arms" -> 1, "armies" -> 1, "Armed" -> 1, "armadas" -> 1, "Arm" -> 1, "argument" -> 1, "argue" -> 1, "Argentina" -> 1, "are—a" -> 1, "Archer" -> 1, "arc" -> 1, "Arabia" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "appropriately" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "appraisal" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "appears" -> 1, "appearance" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "ANZUS" -> 1, "Anyone" -> 1, "anybody" -> 1, "anxious" -> 1, "anti-Soviet" -> 1, "Anti-Inflation" -> 1, "anti-growth" -> 1, "anti-drunk" -> 1, "anti-crime" -> 1, "anti-communist" -> 1, "anticipating" -> 1, "anticipated" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "answering" -> 1, "Another" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "animal—truly" -> 1, "animals" -> 1, "anger" -> 1, "Angeles" -> 1, "analyze" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amounted" -> 1, "ammunition" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "Americanizing" -> 1, "America-military" -> 1, "Amerces" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "Ambassadors" -> 1, "amassed" -> 1, "am" -> 1, "altogether" -> 1, "altering" -> 1, "altered" -> 1, "altar" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "alpine" -> 1, "alongside" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "allowing" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "Alliance—American" -> 1, "Alliance" -> 1, "allegations" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alienation" -> 1, "alienated" -> 1, "alibis" -> 1, "Alfonsin" -> 1, "alertness" -> 1, "Alcohol" -> 1, "Alberto" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "alarmingly" -> 1, "Alabama" -> 1, "airlift" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "ahead—and" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "Agriculture—America's" -> 1, "agrees" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggression—toward" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "age-old" -> 1, "Agent" -> 1, "agenda—because" -> 1, "agendas" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "Again" -> 1, "after-school" -> 1, "Africa—The" -> 1, "Africans" -> 1, "afraid" -> 1, "affluent" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affair" -> 1, "AFDC" -> 1, "advocating" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advisors" -> 1, "advise" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "advent" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adulthood" -> 1, "Adult" -> 1, "adopts" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "Admiral" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "Administration—and" -> 1, "Administration—70" -> 1, "Administrations" -> 1, "Administration-inspired" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustable-rate" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adjudicate" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "adequacy" -> 1, "addicts" -> 1, "adaptable" -> 1, "Adams" -> 1, "Act's" -> 1, "actors" -> 1, "activities—in" -> 1, "activist" -> 1, "Acting" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "achieves" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accustomed" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accommodating" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "academies" -> 1, "abusive" -> 1, "Abuse" -> 1, "abundantly" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "abrogated" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "abolishing" -> 1, "abolishes" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "abhorrent" -> 1, "abducted" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "8.5" -> 1, "83" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "706" -> 1, "7,000" -> 1, "66%" -> 1, "63" -> 1, "62" -> 1, "60-70" -> 1, "6,000" -> 1, "6%" -> 1, "5.4" -> 1, "50%" -> 1, "44" -> 1, "435—the" -> 1, "42Вў" -> 1, "3-5" -> 1, "33" -> 1, "3-2-1" -> 1, "31" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2708" -> 1, "260" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "250" -> 1, "24" -> 1, "22-cent" -> 1, "21st" -> 1, "21" -> 1, "200,000" -> 1, "1988" -> 1, "1986" -> 1, "1977" -> 1, "1974" -> 1, "1964" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1948" -> 1, "1937" -> 1, "1933" -> 1, "1929" -> 1, "18" -> 1, "1.8" -> 1, "15,000" -> 1, "15%" -> 1, "1.5" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13-cent" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12-cent" -> 1, "1,200" -> 1, "113" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "1,000" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1980", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1980, "Date" -> DateObject[{1980, 8, 11}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nIn its third century, America faces great challenges and an uncertain future. The decade that America now enters presents us with decisions as monumental and fundamental as those we faced during the Civil War, during two World Wars, and during the Great Depression. Our current task is different from each of these historic challenges. But in many ways the challenge is the same: to marshall the talents and spirit of the American people, to harness our enormous resources, and to face the future with confidence and hope.\nThe task now before us is as global as the worldwide energy shortage, and as local as the plight of children in Appalachia. It reaches from the condition of older Eastern cities and the industries of the snowbelt, to the complex new demands of our sunbelt region and the special needs of our Western states. It is as basic as the entitlement of minorities and women to real equality in every aspect of the nation's life. It is as immediate as the refugee crisis in Miami and the natural disaster at Mount St. Helens. It is as futuristic as the exploration of space and the oceans. It is as idealistic as the spirit of liberty which imbues our Constitution. It requires nothing less than a continued dedication to Democratic principles by each element in our society—government, business, labor, and every citizen—to the promise and potential of our nation.\nWe live in a time when effective policy requires an understanding of the web of competing values and interests which exist in our country. We must combine compassion with self-discipline. We must forego simplistic answers for long-term solutions to our problems.\nWith the Republican leadership closing its eyes to the realities of our time and running for the Presidency on a program of the easy answer, of the pleasant-sounding political promise, it is time to take a page from Adlai Stevenson's 1952 presidential campaign—it is time \"to talk sense to the American people.\" It is time to talk bluntly and candidly about our problems and our proposed solutions; to face up to our problems and respond to them.\nIf we fail in this important task...if we fail to lay the issues squarely before the American people, we could well allow the federal government to revert to four years of Republicanism—neglect of the poor and disadvantaged, disdain for working men and women, compassion only for the rich and the privileged, failure to meet the challenges of energy, inflation and unemployment, and a breakdown of the partnership among local, state and federal governments. We as Democrats must not let this happen.\nAfter nearly four years in office, we Democrats have not solved all of America's problems.\nMost of these problems we inherited. Eight years of Republican politics left this nation weak, rudderless, unrespected and deeply divided.\nAs a result of this legacy, despite our progress, inflation still erodes the standard of living of every American.\nAs a result of this legacy, despite our progress, too many Americans are out of work.\nAs a result of this legacy, despite our progress, complete equality for all citizens has yet to be achieved.\nAs a result of this legacy, despite our progress, we still live in a very dangerous world, where competing ideologies and age-old animosities daily threaten the peace.\nAs a result of this legacy, our nation is still subject to the oil pricing and production decisions of foreign countries.\nWe will not run from these problems, nor will we fail. The record of the past four years is a testament to what the Democrats can do working together.\nTime and time again in these past four years, a Democratic Congress and a Democratic President proved that they were willing to make the tough decisions.\nToday, because of that Democratic partnership, we are a stronger nation.\nToday, because of that Democratic partnership, we are at peace.\nToday, because of that Democratic partnership, we are a more just nation.\nToday, because of that Democratic partnership, honor and truth and integrity have been restored to our government and to our political process.\nAnd so this party looks to the future with determination and confidence.\nWe have been and we shall remain the party of all Americans. We seek solutions that not only meet the needs of the many, but reaffirm our commitment to improve the conditions of the least fortunate in our society.\nIn this platform we offer programs and solutions that represent our dedication to Democratic principles. They define a spirit as well as a program...a set of beliefs as well as a set of ideas. Time and events may alter their priority or prospects. But nothing will alter the defining spirit and values of thee Democratic Party.\nThe platform of the Democratic Party is a contract with the people. We believe that accountability for Democratic principles goes hand in hand with dedication to those principles. The Democratic Party is proud of its historic heritage of commitment to the people of America. Fulfilling this platform will permit us to keep faith with that tradition.\nChapter I: The Economy\n\nA Commitment to Economic Fairness\n\nThe Democratic Party will take no action whose effect will be a significant increase in unemployment—no fiscal action, no monetary action, no budgetary action—if it is the assessment of either the Council of Economic Advisers or the Congressional Budget Office that such action will cause significantly greater unemployment.\nIn all of our economic programs, the one overriding principle must be fairness. All Americans must bear a fair share of our economic burdens and reap a fair share of our economic benefits. High interest rates impose an unfair burden—on farmers, small businesses, and younger families buying homes. Recession imposes an unfair burden on those least able to bear it. Democratic economic policy must assure fairness for workers, the elderly, women, the poor, minorities and the majority who are middle income Americans. In 1980, we pledge a truly Democratic economic policy to secure a prosperous economic future.\nEconomic Strength\n\nWhile the past three and a half years of Democratic leadership have been years of growth for our economy, we now find ourselves in a recession.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to taking the necessary steps to combat the current recession. However, we cannot abandon our fight against inflation. We must fight both of these problems at the same time; we are committed to do so. We will continue to pursue the fight against inflation in ways not designed or intended to increase unemployment.\nOur current economic situation is unique. In 1977, we inherited a severe recession from the Republicans. The Democratic Administration and the Democratic Congress acted quickly to reduce the unacceptably high levels of unemployment and to stimulate the economy. And we succeeded. We recovered from that deep recession and our economy was strengthened and revitalized. As that fight was won, the enormous increases in foreign oil prices—120 percent last year—and declining productivity fueled an inflationary spiral that also had to be fought. The Democrats did that, and inflation has begun to recede. In working to combat these dual problems, significant economic actions have been taken.\nTwo tax cuts have been enacted, in 1977 and 1978, reducing taxes on individuals and businesses by an amount equal, this year, to about $40 billion.\nWhile meeting our national security and pressing domestic needs, the Democratic Partnership has restrained the increase in government spending in ways which have steadily reduced the deficit we inherited.\nAirline and banking regulatory reforms have been enacted; further regulatory reforms are now under consideration.\nIn the effort to restrain inflation, a voluntary pay advisory committee has been established with labor, business, and public representatives pursuant to a National Accord.\nThe first national export policy was developed; export and trade responsibilities were reorganized and strengthened; the Multilateral Trade Negotiations were completed; and the MTN Agreement was approved by the Congress.\nTo ensure a greater impact for scarce federal dollars, grant and loan programs have been redirected to the areas of greatest need, and the formula programs have been redesigned to target the areas with the most serious problems.\nAs a result of these economic actions:\nEmployment—More than 8.5 million new jobs have been added to the work force; about 1 million of those jobs are held by Blacks, and nearly an additional 1 million are held by Hispanics. Gains have been made by all groups—more men, more women, more minorities, and more young people are working than ever before in our history. Despite these gains, current unemployment is too high and must be lowered.\nInflation—A strong anti-inflation program has been initiated and pursued aggressively, to deal both with the short-term inflation problem and with the long-term causes of inflation. The effects of the short-term effort are now evident: inflation is beginning to come down. Although some interest rates remain high, they are falling at record rates. This progress will continue as short-term actions continue to work and long-term initiatives begin to take hold.\nEconomic Growth—Despite the economic declines of the past few months, for the first three years of the Carter Administration our economy was strong. For the 1977—1979 period:\n—Gross National Product increased by 11.8 percent in real terms.\n—Real after-tax income per person increased by 10.3 percent.\n—Industrial production increased by 14.8 percent.\n—Dividends increased by 36 percent.\n—Real business fixed investment increased by 22.9 percent.\nEnergy—Our dependence on foreign off has decreased—in 1977 we imported 8.8 million barrels of oil per day, and our nation is now importing approximately 6.5 million per day, a decline of 26 percent.\nSolving Economic Problems\n\nThe Democratic Party commits itself to a strong economic program—one that builds on the progress we have made to date, one that corrects the very real problems we face now, one that is responsible, one that offers realistic hope, and one that can unify our Party. Such a Democratic program would contrast dramatically with the simplistic rhetoric and the traditional economic policies of the Republican Party.\nFull Employment—We specifically reaffirm our commitment to achieve all the goals of the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act within the currently prescribed dates in the Act, especially those relating to a joint reduction in unemployment and inflation. Full employment is important to the achievement of a rising standard of living, to the pursuit of sound justice, and to the strength and vitality of America.\nAnti-Recession Assistance—Immediately, we must undertake a short-term anti-recession program to reverse the tide of deepening recession and rising unemployment. Each percentage point increase in the unemployment rate adds $25 billion to the federal deficit.\nA Democratic anti-recession program must recognize that Blacks, Hispanics, other minorities, women and older workers bear the brunt of recession. We pledge a $12 billion anti-recession jobs program, providing at least 800,000 additional jobs, including full funding of the counter-cyclical assistance program for the cities, a major expansion of the youth employment and training program to give young people in our inner cities new hope, expanded training programs for women and displaced homemakers to give these workers a fair chance in the workplace, and new opportunities for the elderly to contribute their talents and skills.\nCoupling our need to rehabilitate our railroads with the need to create new job opportunities, we must commit ourselves to a $1 billion railroad renewal program which can employ 20,000 workers.\nWe must take steps to restore the housing industry, including effective implementation of the Brooke-Cranston program, and the addition of 200,000 new units a year for low and moderate income families.\nNational Accord—The National Accord with labor must be strengthened and continued. This enhances the unique opportunity afforded by a Democratic Administration for government, labor and business to work together to solve our inflationary and other economic problems.\nTax Reductions—We commit ourselves to targeted tax reductions designed to stimulate production and combat recession as soon as it appears so that tax reductions will not have a disproportionately inflationary effect. We must avoid untargeted tax cuts which would increase inflation. Any tax reduction must, if it is to help solve pressing economic problems, follow certain guiding principles:\n—The inflationary impact must be minimized;\n—Reductions provided to individuals must be weighted to help low and middle income individuals and families, to improve consumer purchasing power, and to enhance a growing economy while maintaining and strengthening the overall progressive nature of the tax code;\n—Productivity, investment, capital formation, as well as incentives, must be encouraged, particularly in distressed areas and industries;\n—The effect on our economy must be one which encourages job formation and business growth.\nFederal Spending—Spending restraint must be sensitive to those who look to the federal government for aid and assistance, especially to our nation's workers in times of high unemployment. At the same time, as long as inflationary pressures remain strong, fiscal prudence is essential to avoid destroying the progress made to date in reducing the inflation rate.\nFiscal policy must remain a flexible economic tool. We oppose a Constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.\nInterest Rates—The Democratic Party has historically been committed to policies that result in low interest rates in order to help our nation's workers, small businesses, farmers and homeowners. Therefore, we must continue to pursue a tough anti-inflationary policy which will lead to an across-the-board reduction in interest rates on loans.\nIn using monetary policy to fight inflation, the government should be sensitive to the special needs of areas of our economy most affected by high interest rates. The Federal Reserve shall use the tool of reserve requirements creatively in its effort to fight inflation. The Federal Reserve should also take particular care to make certain that it is aware of the concerns of labor, agriculture, housing, consumers and small business in its decision-making process. Finally, its Open Market Committee should continue to provide regular information to the public about its activities.\nRegulatory Reform—Consistent with our basic health, safety, and environmental goals, we must continue to deregulate over-regulated industries and to remove other unnecessary regulatory burdens on state and local governments and on the private sector, particularly those which inhibit competition.\nTargeting and Regional Balance—From the time of Franklin Roosevelt, the Democratic Party has dedicated itself to the principle that the federal government has a duty to ensure that all regions, states and localities share in the benefits of national economic prosperity and that none bears more than its share of economic adversity.\nOur 1976 platform stated: Even during periods of normal economic growth there are communities and regions of the country—particularly central cities and urban areas—that do not fully participate in national economic prosperity. The Democratic Party has supported national economic policies which have conscientiously sought to aid regions in the nation which have been afflicted with poverty, or newer regions which have needed resources for development. These policies were soundly conceived and have been successful. Today, we have different areas and regions in economic decline and once again face a problem of balanced economic growth. To restore balance, national economic policy should be designed to target federal resources in areas of greatest need.\nA Democratic Administration has welcomed and encouraged the sustained growth of the West and Southwest in recent years. Policies now in place ensure that this growth will continue and bring the greatest benefits to the nation as a whole.\nAt the same time, a Democratic Administration will be committed to the economic growth and prosperity of the other regions of the nation. The era of federal policies directed exclusively to the development of one region or another should be succeeded by government-wide policies designed to bring about balanced and shared growth in all regions.\nTo restore balance, we must continue to improve the targeting of federal programs in order to maximize their benefit to those most in need. To involve the private sector in solving our economic problems, and to reduce the burden on government, we must leverage federal dollars with funds from the private sector.\nRebuilding American Industry by Increasing Economic Productivity and Competitiveness—The Democratic Party has a long tradition of innovation, foresight, and flexibility in creating policies to solve the nation's most urgent economic needs. We now stand at another watershed in our economic history which demands our Party's full attention, creative powers, resources, and skills. To revive productivity and revitalize our economy, we need a national effort to strengthen the American economy. It must include new tax depreciation rules to stimulate selective capital investment; a simplified tax code to assist business planning; removal of governmental regulations which are unnecessary and stifle business initiative; effective incentives for saving that do not discriminate against low and middle income taxpayers; reform in patent rules and new incentives for research and development, especially by small business; cooperative efforts with labor and management to retool the steel, auto and shipbuilding industries; and strengthened worker training programs to improve job opportunities and working skills.\nEncouraging investment, innovation, efficiency and downward pressure on prices also requires new measures to increase competition in our economy. In regulated sectors of our economy, government serves too often to entrench high price levels and stifle competition. Regulations must balance protective benefits against potentially adverse effects on competitiveness. Necessary regulations should be achieved at minimum cost and at reduced burden to industry. In unregulated sectors of the economy, we must increase antitrust enforcement; greatly improve the speed and efficiency of antitrust litigation; and renew efforts to prevent the concentration of economic power—both in specific industries and across the economy as a whole—which operate to stifle growth and to fuel inflation.\nUnited States non-farm exports have risen 50 percent in real terms in the last three years. A Democratic President and a Democratic Congress have recognized and strengthened the export trade functions of the federal government. To create new markets for American products and strengthen the dollar, we must seek out new opportunities for American exports; help establish stable, long-term commercial relationships between nations; offer technical assistance to firms competing in world markets; promote reciprocal trading terms for nations doing business here; and help ensure that America's domestic retooling is consistent with new opportunities in foreign trade.\nOne of our main goals in this effort will be to enable American industry to compete more effectively with foreign products. We must intensify our efforts to promote American exports and to ensure that our domestic industries and workers are not affected adversely by unfair trade practices, such as dumping. We must make international trade a major focus of our domestic and international policy. We will continue to support the development of trading companies which will compete more effectively in world markets. We must ensure that our efforts to lower tariff barriers are reciprocated by our trading partners. We recognize the superior productivity of American agriculture and the importance of agricultural exports to the balance of trade. We support continuing efforts to promote agricultural exports.\nEnsuring Economic Equity\n\nBudget\n\nThe budget policy that has been put forth by the Democratic Party traditionally has been based on providing adequate federal resources to meet our nation's urgent needs. The current Democratic Partnership has continued that tradition while restraining the growth of the federal budget.\nWe have increased support for vital domestic programs. We have increased funding for education by 75 percent over the Ford budget. We have increased Head Start by 73 percent, basic skills programs by 233 percent, bilingual education by 113 percent, Native American education by 124 percent, summer jobs by 66 percent. Job Corps by 157 percent, employment and training programs by 115 percent, Medicare by 54 percent, National Health Service Corps by 179 percent, Child Nutrition by 43 percent, and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program by 300 percent.\nWe have been able to do this, while restraining the growth in federal spending, because the country has had a growing economy; tax cuts have been moderate; waste and fraud have been reduced; and aid has been targeted to those most in need.\nInternational events have required increased defense spending. The Soviet challenge cannot be ignored. We have had to reverse the steady decline in defense spending that occurred under the Republican Administration. A Democratic Administration and a Democratic Congress have done this; real defense spending has increased, in part through the elimination of waste and the emphasis on increased efficiency.\nIn the eight years preceding the first Carter budget, real federal spending had been growing at an average rate of 3 percent each year. By contrast, between FY 1978 and 1981, real federal spending will have declined at an average annual rate of 0.6 percent.\nThe federal budget has not been and must not be permitted to be an inflationary nor a recessionary force in our economy, but it also must not be permitted to ignore pressing human needs.\nWe support the discipline of attempting to live within the limits of our anticipated revenues. Government must set the example of fiscal responsibility for all our citizens who are helping in the fight against inflation. Spending discipline allows us to concentrate our resources to meet our most pressing human needs.\nWe as Democrats will continue our policy of opposing drastic cuts in social programs which impose unfair burdens on the poor and the aged, on women, on children and on minorities. We have always opposed and will continue to oppose imposition of ever greater burdens on the poor, who can least afford them.\nWe also recommit ourselves to operating our government more efficiently, and concentrating our efforts on eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs to make our tax dollars go further.\nWorker Protection\n\nThe Democratic Administration has worked with Congress to take actions which protect our nation's workers from declining incomes, unsafe working conditions, and threats to their basic rights. The Democratic Party will not pursue a policy of high interest rates and unemployment as the means to fight inflation. We will take no action whose effect will be a significant increase in unemployment, no fiscal action, no monetary action, no budgetary action. The Democratic Party remains committed to policies that will not produce high interest rates or high unemployment.\nBut much more needs to be done to protect our nation's workers. The Democratic Party has a long and proud tradition in this area and we must pledge to continue our efforts over the next four years.\nOver a generation ago this nation established a labor policy whose purpose is to encourage the practice and procedure of collective bargaining and the fight of workers to organize to obtain this goal. The Democratic Party is committed to extending the benefit of this policy to all workers and to removing the barriers to its administration.\nIn the future the Democratic Party will concentrate on the following areas.\nOur labor laws should be reformed to permit better administration and enforcement, and particularly to prevent the inordinate delays and outright defiance by some employers of our labor laws. We can no longer tolerate the fact that certain employers are willing to bear the cost of sanctions which are in our current laws in order to violate the rights of those attempting to organize.\nOSHA protections should be properly administered, with the concern of the worker being the highest priority; legislative or administrative efforts to weaken OSHA's basic worker protection responsibilities are unacceptable. OSHA has significantly reduced workplace accidents and fatalities. We will not limit its scope for any reason, including the size of business, since all workers face significant workplace dangers. The Democratic Party strongly opposes and urges all actions to defeat legislation which weakens OSHA's critical protections.\nHatch Act reforms should be enacted to give federal workers their basic First Amendment rights. We must protect federal workers from interruptions in their pay due to delays in the federal appropriations process and must seek ways to assure the comparability of pay scales between the federal and private sectors.\nWe support the fight of public employees and agricultural workers to organize and bargain collectively. We urge the adoption of appropriate federal legislation to ensure this goal.\nLegislation must be enacted to allow building trades workers the same peaceful picketing rights currently afforded industrial workers.\nAll fair labor standards acts, such as the minimum wage and Davis-Bacon protections, must continue to be effectively enforced against employers seeking to circumvent their worker protections.\nSection 14-b of the Taft-Hartley Act should be repealed.\nSpecial assistance should be made available for unemployed workers in a distressed industry, such as the automobile, steel, and shipbuilding industries.\nWe must improve and strengthen our trade adjustment assistance programs.\nWe support federal legislation designed to give protection and human rights to those workers affected by plant closings.\nJust as we must protect workers in their workplace, so must we protect them when they are disabled by accidents or sicknesses resulting from their work. The Democratic Party supports federal legislation to assure adequate minimum benefit levels to those who are unemployed, including expansion of coverage to all wage and salary workers and extended benefits for the long-term unemployed. It must not artificially disregard those who have already been unemployed for a long time.\nWe will continue to oppose a sub-minimum wage for youth and other workers and to support increases in the minimum wage so as to ensure an adequate income for all workers.\nSmall Business\n\nThe prosperity of small business is an important national priority. Over half of the major innovations in the past twenty years have come from firms with less than 1,000 employees, and technological innovation has accounted for nearly half of America's economic growth. Small firms have a cost-per-scientist or engineer half that of larger firms. Ninety-six percent of the six million jobs created in the private sector between 1968 and 1976 came from small businesses—primarily firms in business less than four years, employing less than 20 workers. In contrast, the biggest 500 manufacturing companies—accounting for 80 percent of national output—employed precisely the same number of workers in 1968 as they did in 1976.\nOf course, larger firms may offer other economic benefits to society, but the contribution of small business is vital and unique, and no overall program for economic recovery will succeed unless it relies heavily on small businesses. For this reason, the Democratic Party commits itself to the first comprehensive program for small business in American history. That program will include the following measures.\nA prompt review and response for the recommendations of the White House Conference on Small Business.\nLegislation to transfer from the SBA to the Farmers Home Administration responsibility for providing loans to farmers in financial need.\nAllocation of a fair percentage of federal research funds to small business.\nProtection of small and independent businesses against takeover by giant conglomerates.\nContinued efforts to end federal regulations which reinforce barriers to entry by new and small firms and which thereby entrench the dominance of market leaders.\nA review of regulations and requirements which impose unnecessary burdens upon smaller firms. Results should provide relief for smaller firms which now pay $12.7 billion a year to fill 850 million pages of government paperwork. We will adopt regulatory requirements to meet the needs of smaller firms, where such action will not interfere with the objectives of the regulation.\nMinority Business\n\nA Democratic Congress and a Democratic Administration have worked together to increase opportunities for minority businesses, which have suffered from inadequate capitalization. Enormous progress has been made in the last four years.\nFederal procurement from minority-owned firms has increased by nearly two and a half times.\nFederal deposits in minority-owned banks have already doubled.\nMinority ownership of radio and television stations has increased by 65 percent.\nAlmost 15 percent of the funds spent under the Local Public Works Act went to minority-owned firms.\nThe Section 8(a) program operated by the Small Business Administration has been reformed and strengthened.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to advance minority businesses, including Black, Hispanic, Asian/ Pacific Americans, Native Americans and other minorities to:\n—Increase the overall level of support and the overall level of federal procurement so that minority groups will receive additional benefits and opportunities.\n—Triple the 1980 level of federal procurement from minority-owned firms as we have tripled the 1977 levels in the past three years.\n—Increase substantially the targeting of Small Business Administration loans to minority-owned businesses.\n—Increase ownership of small businesses by minorities, especially in those areas which have traditionally been dosed to minorities, such as communications and newspapers.\n—Expand management, technical, and training assistance for minority firms, and strengthen minority capital development under the SBA's Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company (MESBIC) program.\n—Establish a Minority Business Development Agency in the Department of Commerce under statutory mandate.\n—Implement vigorously all set-aside provisions for minority businesses.\nWomen in Business\n\nThe Democrats have exercised effective leadership in the field of support to women-owned businesses. A national policy was developed to support women's business enterprises, and SBA created the first program to help women entrepreneurs, President Carter has issued an Executive Order creating a national women's business enterprise policy and prescribing arrangements for developing, coordinating, and implementing a national program for women's business enterprise.\nSupport of this program must be expanded through effective implementation of the Executive Order to ensure an equitable distribution of government prime and subcontracts to women business owners. Cabinet Secretaries and agency heads, working with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, must monitor realistic goals established for the award of government business and financial support to women-owned businesses.\nAs the key office within the federal government for these programs, the Office of Women's Business Enterprise in SBA must be strengthened through adequate staffing and funding, and should receive continued emphasis by key White House and Office of Management and Budget personnel.\nWomen and The Economy\n\nWe pledge to secure the rights of working women, homemakers, minority women and elderly women to a fair share of our economy. A sound economy in the next four years is of vital importance to women, who are often at the bottom of the economic ladder. But if our economy is to be truly fair, additional steps are required to address the inequities that women now face.\nSpecial attention must be paid to the employment needs of women. Today, women who can find work earn, on average, only fifty-nine cents for every dollar earned by men.\nThe Democratic Party, therefore, commits itself to strong steps to close the wage gap between men and women, to expand child care opportunities for families with working parents, to end the tax discrimination that penalizes married working couples, and to ensure that women can retire in dignity.\nWe will strictly enforce existing anti-discrimination laws with respect to hiring, pay and promotions. We will adopt a full employment policy, with increased possibilities for part-time work Vocational programs for young women in our high schools and colleges will be equalized and expanded. Fields traditionally reserved for men...from construction to engineering...must be opened to women, a goal which must be promoted through government incentives and federally sponsored training programs.\nPerhaps most important, the Democratic Party is committed to the principle of equal pay for work of comparable value. Through new job classification studies by the Department of Labor, job reclassification by the Office of Personnel Management and new legislation from Congress if necessary, we will ensure that women in both the public and private sectors are not only paid equally for work which is identical to that performed by men, but are also paid equally for work which is of comparable value to that performed by men.\nThe Democratic Party must lead the way in ensuring that women and minorities are afforded real equality in the work force, neither displacing the other. As the nation's single largest employer, the hiring and promotion practices of the federal government must set an example. Every branch of government will be mandated not only to hire qualified women and minorities, but also affirmatively to seek out able minorities and women within the government for training and promotion. Opportunities for part-time work will be expanded and pay equalized to reflect the value of the work which is done.\nEconomic Inequities Facing Minorities\n\nWe must expand jobs and job training including apprenticeship training programs for those who have special problems—groups such as the young, veterans, older workers, minorities, those with limited fluency in English, and the handicapped. The Democratic Party pledges that anyone who wants to learn the skills necessary to secure a job will be able to do so.\nWe also must improve the quality of the programs designed to help the structurally unemployed. We must give trainees a better sense of what work will be like, assure a higher level of training, and undertake greater efforts to place people in jobs and help them adjust to the world of work. We should explore several methods for making such improvements, including performance funding. More money should go to those training programs which prove most successful. Particular emphasis should be given to training programs run by community-based organizations which have a superior record of success.\nWhere public agencies have trouble reaching those who seem unemployable, and where the training they provide is not effective we should assist business to provide that training. We should ensure that business is not paid merely for hiring those that would be hired anyway, and that federal subsidies are truly training subsidies and not disguised wage subsidies.\nA major effort must be undertaken to address youth employment. Half the unemployed are under twenty-five. Teenage inner city unemployment is at disastrous levels of 50 percent or higher. The problem is one of both employment and employability—a lack of jobs and a lack of skills.\nWe need new combinations of work experience and training for young people, new links between schools and the workplace, new ways to reach out to those who are out of school and out of work, but who have special need for skill development and job experience.\nConsumer Protection\n\nSince the first administration of Franklin Roosevelt, the Democratic Party has stood as the Party which championed consumer rights. It is our tradition to support and enact policies which guarantee that the consumer is sovereign in the market place. It is our history to institute necessary government programs to protect the health, safety and economic well-being of the American consumer. And it is our way of governing to ensure that consumers have full opportunity to participate in the decision-making processes of government.\nWorking together, the Democratic Administration and Congress have maintained that tradition. Prominent consumer advocates have been appointed to key government positions. A new National Consumer Cooperative Bank has been created, and a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act has been enacted. Each federal agency has been directed to establish procedures so that consumer needs and interests are adequately considered and addressed on a continual basis. The basic consumer protection authorities of the Federal Trade Commission have been preserved.\nOver the next four years, we must continue to guarantee and enhance the basic consumer rights to safety, to information, to choice and to a fair hearing.\nGovernment must continue its efforts to create a strong independent voice to ensure that the consumer's interest is considered in government proceedings. We pledge continued support for an independent consumer protection agency to protect the rights and interests of consumers. Until one is created, we must ensure that each department and agency of the government has established and adequately funded a consumer program which complies with the requirements of Executive Order 12160. Each agency must provide ample opportunity for public involvement in its proceedings and should strive to adopt a program to provide funds for consumers and small businesses to participate in those proceedings.\nWe must continue our support of basic health, safety, environmental and consumer protection regulatory programs and must undertake the following new initiatives to provide additional basic protections to consumers:\n—Comprehensive review of food safety and drug statutes, with particular emphasis on food labeling which discloses product ingredients.\n—Requirements for full warranties for new automobiles.\n—Class action reform to remove unnecessarily burdensome and expensive procedures.\n—Reform of requirements for legal standing to seek judicial redress.\n—Protection for consumers against dangerous products, including standards for automobile safety, clothing flammability, new drugs and chemicals, and food and children's products.\n—Vigorous enforcement of truth-in-lending, anti-redlining, and fair credit reporting laws.\n—Curtailment of abuses in sale of credit life insurance.\nWhile consumer regulatory programs are necessary to achieve social goals, we recognize that an effective competition policy frees the market place from regulation. Therefore, we support vigorous enforcement and strengthening of the antitrust laws. Legislation should be enacted to overturn the Illinois Brick case and allow consumers who are injured as a result of a violation of the antitrust laws to seek redress, whether or not they have dealt directly with the violator.\nWe are committed to ensuring that America's poor do not suffer from lack of food. To this end, we support continued funding of the Food Stamp Program and expansion of the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program.\nWe support the efforts of the National Consumer Cooperative Bank to assist grass roots consumer organizations to undertake self-help programs.\nWe support a nationwide program of consumer education to enable citizens to fully understand their rights in the market place, to be informed of the opportunities for participation in government decision-making, and to be equipped to make intelligent, rational consumer decisions.\nAntitrust Enforcement\n\nAmerica must commit itself to a free, open and competitive economy. We pledge vigorous antitrust enforcement in those areas of the economy which are not regulated by government and in those which are, we pledge an agency-by-agency review to prevent regulation from frustrating competition.\nTo accomplish these goals, we must:\n—Enact the Illinois Brick legislation.\n—Permit consumers and other interested parties to seek enforcement of consent decrees issued in antitrust cases brought by government.\n— Prevent anti-competitive pricing by firms in concentrated industries, and combat price signalling and other forms of anti-competitive conduct which do not fall into the current legal categories of either monopoly or collusion.\n—Control conglomerate mergers, when such mergers undermine important economic, social and political values without offsetting economic benefits.\n—Reform antitrust procedures to speed up cases and deter dilatory conduct by any party.\n—Provide strong support for antitrust enforcement by the federal enforcement agencies.\n—Provide technical and financial support for the antitrust enforcement efforts of the state attorneys-general and other state antitrust agencies.\n—Develop a \"single stop\" clearance procedure to allow exporters to determine whether specific export agreements are permissible under the antitrust law.\nChapter II: Government and Human Needs\n\nThe Democratic Party has properly been known as the Party of the people. We Democrats believe in making government responsive to the needs of the people...making it work for the people. We do not claim that government has all the answers to our problems, but we do believe that government has a legitimate role to play in searching for those answers and in applying those answers.\nThe Democratic Party has a proud record of responding to the human needs of our citizens. After eight years of Republican government and systematic Republican efforts to dismantle all of the hard-won New Frontier and Great Society social programs, the Garter Administration and the Democratic Congress have resurrected, preserved and strengthened those programs which have proven effective.\nIn the areas of health care, housing, education, welfare and social services, civil rights, and care for the disabled, elderly and veterans, a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress have put the federal government back in the business of serving our people.\nOur progress has been significant, and in many areas unprecedented. In 1980, the people must decide whether our country will continue that progress, or whether we will allow the federal government to revert to four years of Republicanism—which means neglect of the poor and disadvantaged, disdain for working men and women, and compassion only for the rich and the privileged.\nWe will not allow this to happen. We pledge to build on the Democratic record of the past four years—to continue the process we have begun.\nWhile we recognize the need for fiscal restraint—and have proposed specific steps toward that goal—we pledge as Democrats that for the sole and primary purpose of fiscal restraint alone, we will not support reductions in the funding of any program whose purpose is to serve the basic human needs of the most needy in our society—programs such as unemployment, income maintenance, food stamps, and efforts to enhance the educational, nutritional or health needs of children.\nHealth\n\nThe Carter Administration and the Congress have worked closely together to improve the health care provided to all Americans. In many vital areas, there has been clear progress.\nThe United States spent over $200 billion for health care in 1979. Despite these high expenditures and although we possess some of the finest hospitals and health professionals in the world, millions of Americans have little or no access to health care services. Incredibly, costs are predicted to soar to $400 billion by 1984, without improvement in either access to care or coverage of costs. Health care costs already consume ten cents of every dollar spent for goods and services.\nThe answer to runaway medical costs is not, as Republicans propose, to pour money into a wasteful and inefficient system. The answer is not to cut back on benefits for the elderly and eligibility for the poor. The answer is to enact a comprehensive, universal national health insurance plan.\nTo meet the goals of a program that will control costs and provide health coverage to every American, the Democratic Party pledges to seek a national health insurance program with the following features:\n—Universal coverage, without regard to place of employment, sex, age, marital status, or any other factor;\n—Comprehensive medical benefits, including preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, health maintenance and rehabilitation services, and complete coverage of the costs of catastrophic illness or injury;\n—Aggressive cost containment provisions along with provisions to strengthen competitive forces in the market place;\n—Enhancement of the quality of care;\n—An end to the widespread use of exclusions that disadvantage women and that charge proportionately higher premiums to women;\n—Reform of the health care system, including encouragement of health maintenance organizations and other alternative delivery systems;\n—Building on the private health care delivery sector and preservation of the physician-patient relationship;\n—Provision for maximum individual choice of physician, other provider, and insurer;\n—Maintenance of the private insurance industry with appropriate public regulation;\n—Significant administrative and organizational roles for state and local government in setting policy and in resource planning;\n—Redistribution of services to ensure access to health care in underserved areas;\n—Improvement of non-institutional health services so that elderly, disabled, and other patients may remain in their homes and out of institutions; and\nChild Health Assurance Program—We must continue to emphasize preventive health care for all citizens. As part of this commitment, we call for the enactment of legislation during the 96th Congress to expand the current Medicaid program and make an additional 5 million low-income children eligible for Medicaid benefits and an additional 200,000 low-income pregnant women eligible for prenatal and postnatal care.\nMental Health Systems Act—We must enact legislation to help the mentally ill, based on the recommendations of the President's Commission on Mental Health. The legislation should focus on deinstitutionalization of the chronically mentally ill, increased program flexibility at the local level, prevention, and the development of community-based mental health services. It is imperative that there be ongoing federal funding for the community-based mental health centers established under the 1963 Mental Health Act and that sufficient federal funding be provided for adequate staffing. We also endorse increased federal funding for ongoing training of mental health personnel in public facilities.\nIn the 1980s we must move beyond these existing health care initiatives and tackle other problems as well.\nLong-Term Care—We must develop a new policy on long-term care for our elderly and disabled populations that controls the cost explosion and at the same time provides more humane care. We must establish alternatives to the present provisions for long-term care, including adequate support systems and physical and occupational therapy in the home arid the community, to make it unnecessary to institutionalize people who could lead productive lives at home.\nWe must support legislation to expand home health care services under Medicare and other health programs. Visits from doctors, nurses and other health personnel are a cost-effective and necessary program for the elderly who often cannot travel to medical facilities. Without home health services, many elderly citizens would be forced to give up their homes and shift their lives to institutions.\nMultilingual Needs—We must support the utilization of bilingual interpreters in English-Spanish and other appropriate languages at federal and state-supported health care facilities. In addition, we support broader, more comprehensive health care for migrants.\nHealth Care Personnel—This nation must maintain an adequate supply of health professionals and personnel. Particular emphasis should be given to programs which educate nurses and other health professionals and related personnel, especially for the traditionally underserved rural and inner city areas.\nThe rising cost of education in health fields bars many who wish to enter these fields from doing so. In order to expand representation in the health professions of traditionally underrepresented groups, we support programs of financial assistance such as capitation grants. These programs must increase the presence of men and minorities in nursing, and must be targeted toward women and minorities in other health professions.\nMinority and Women Health Care Professionals—We recognize the need for a significant increase in the number of minority and women health care professionals. We are committed to placing greater emphasis on enrollment and retention of minorities and women in medical schools and related health education professional programs.\nWe are also committed to placing a greater emphasis on medical research and services to meet the needs of minorities, women and children.\nReproductive Rights—We fully recognize the religious and ethical concerns which many Americans have about abortion. We also recognize the belief of many Americans that a woman has a right to choose whether and when to have a child.\nThe Democratic Party supports the 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion rights as the law of the land and opposes any constitutional amendment to restrict or overturn that decision.\nFurthermore, we pledge to support the right to be free of environmental and worksite hazards to reproductive health of women and men.\nWe further pledge to work for programs to improve the health and safety of pregnancy and childbirth, including adequate prenatal care, family planning, counseling, and services with special care to the needs of the poor, the isolated, the rural, and the young.\nFinancially Distressed Public Hospitals—Frequently, the only sources of medical care for much of the inner city population is the public general hospital. The ever-increasing costs of providing high quality hospital services and the lack of insurance coverage for many of the patients served have jeopardized the financial stability of these institutions. Immediate support is required for financially distressed public hospitals that provide a major community service in urban and rural areas.\nIn underserved areas where public hospitals have already been closed because of financial difficulty, we must explore methods for returning the needed hospitals to active service.\nWe must develop financial stability for these hospitals. Our approach should stress system reforms to assure that more primary medical care is provided in free-standing community centers, while the hospital is used for referral services and hospitalization.\nMedicaid Reimbursement—The Democratic Party supports programs to make the Medicaid reimbursement formulae more equitable.\nUnnecessary Prescriptions—We must reduce unnecessary prescribing of drugs and guarantee the quality and safety of products that reach the market through improved approval procedures.\nSubstance Abuse\n\nAlcoholism and drug abuse are unique illnesses which not only impair the health of those who abuse those products, but impose costs on society as a whole—in production losses, in crimes to supply habits, and in fatalities on the highway.\nThe Democratic Partnership has worked to reduce the serious national problem of substance abuse, and progress has been made.\nAs a result, in part, of a major adolescent drug abuse prevention campaign, levels of drug abuse among adolescents have begun to decline. However, as long as abuse still exists, we consider it a major problem requiring our attention.\nBecause of a coordinated, concerted attack on drug trafficking, heroin availability in the U.S. over the past four years has decreased by 44 percent; heroin-related injuries have declined by 50 percent.\nProgress made since 1977 must be continued.\nWe must continue to focus on preventing substance abuse in the early years of adolescence by working with grassroots organizations and parent groups throughout the country.\nSpecial efforts must be made to strengthen prevention and rehabilitation resources in the major urban areas that are so acutely affected by drug and alcohol abuse problems because of the cumulative effect of joblessness, poor housing conditions and other factors.\nWe must provide adequate funding for alcohol and drug abuse research and treatment centers designed to meet the special needs of women, and end the currently widespread discrimination, based on sex, age, race, and ethnicity, in alcohol and drug abuse programs.\nWe must treat addiction as a health problem and seek flexibility in administering Medicare and Medicaid for substance abuse treatment, especially alcohol and drug services.\nWe must reduce the availability of heroin and other illicit narcotics in this country and in the source countries.\nWe must conduct investigations leading to the prosecution and conviction of drug traffickers and to the forfeiture of financial and other assets acquired by their organizations.\nOlder Americans\n\nIn other sections of this platform (for example, health and the extensive section on Social Security), we have listed programs and commitments for improving the status of older Americans. As a Party, we are aware of the demographic and biomedical developments that call for a high priority approach to the issues of retirement, work, and income maintenance for the growing number of older citizens.\nThe Democratic Party stands for the achievement and maintenance of the quality of life for Americans in their later years. We speak for our future selves, as well as for the elderly of today.\nThere has been substantial progress, but much remains to be done. Too many senior citizens (especially among minority groups) live close to or below the poverty line, in isolated conditions, and without access to needed services.\nThe Democratic Party pledges to continue to improve the policies and programs which ensure a high quality of life for older Americans. This includes the following measures.\nAll Americans, regardless of age, must be afforded an opportunity to participate in the mainstream of society, and in activities at local and national levels, as useful citizens. The 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the milestone amendments to that Act in 1978, are concrete examples of this principle. So are programs such as senior centers, nutrition services, and home attendants, as well as those programs under ACTION, the Administration on Aging, and the Community Services Administration.\nSuch programs have helped to diminish the conditions of dependency, isolation, and unnecessary institutionalization. We propose to continue and expand these programs to reach underserved areas and all segments of the elderly.\nThe Democratic Party is proud of the passage of legislation to protect and improve private pensions through the Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), as well as current proposals to extend such protection to larger numbers of workers. No worker, after long years of employment, should lose his or her pension rights because of mobility, poor management, or economic reasons,\nOther priorities include working with the private sector to assure maintenance and expansion of employer-employee pension systems and continuing support of the federal-state partnership in SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for the least fortunate.\nA comprehensive program of long-term care services is a goal of the Democratic Party. The fastest growing segment of our population is the \"very old\" and the \"frail elderly.\" The Democratic Party will continue to be concerned with the provision of services for these groups, increasingly composed of women without access to family care. This will include home attendant care, day centers, and quality institutional care for those elderly with functional disabilities who cannot rely on non-institutional alternatives.\nFor many older citizens, continuing participation in the mainstream means continuing employment, or a return to the labor force as a result of widowhood or the \"empty nest.\" In addition to increasing employment opportunities by raising the allowable mandatory retirement age, we must continue existing, and create new, programs for the retention and re-entry of adult and older Americans in our labor force, including the private and community service sectors.\nThe Democratic Party will encourage the development of services by the public and private sectors to provide meals-on-wheels for those who need them; senior day centers; friendly visiting services; and similar supportive, educational-recreational, and outreach services.\nWe pledge to make the elderly secure in the necessities of life. The Democratic Party pledges that it will seek to increase the number of meals served under Title III of the Older Americans Act until it covers at least a quarter of all older people at or near the poverty level while at least maintaining current services for those who are not in poverty. The Democratic Party will seek expanded funding provided for the Section 202 housing program for the elderly.\nSocial Security\n\nNo group in our society deserves the commitment and respect of the Democratic Party more than the elderly. They have built the factories arid mills of the nation. They have fought to defend our country. They have paid taxes to finance the growth of our cities and towns. They have worked and sacrificed for a lifetime to give their children a better chance to achieve their dreams. They have a continuing reservoir of talent, skill and experience to contribute to our future.\nThe basic program and guarantee for older citizens is Social Security. It is the single most successful social program ever undertaken by the federal government. Ninety-five percent of those reaching 65 are eligible for this program: without it, 60 percent of the elderly would have incomes below the poverty level.\nThe Democratic Party will oppose any effort to tamper with the Social Security system by cutting or taxing benefits as a violation of the contract the American government has made with its people. We hereby make a covenant with the elderly of America that as we have kept the Social Security trust fund sound and solvent in the past, we shall keep it sound and solvent in the years ahead.\nIn 1977, the Social Security system faced bankruptcy. The Carter Administration and the Congress enacted legislation ensuring the Social Security system's financial stability and making certain that each of the 35 million recipients received his or her monthly check without interruption. They also worked together to strengthen the benefits provided to\nSocial Security recipients. As a result of our actions:\n—Workers have been protected against inflation;\n—Minimum benefit payments have been reformed to protect low-paid, long-time participants;\n—A 3 percent increase in primary benefit amounts has been added;\n—The retirement test has been liberalized. Despite our efforts, much remains to be done if the elderly are to receive the respect and dignity they have earned. Elderly households have only half the income of younger households. For women, the annual median income of those over 65 is only $2,800. One out of seven persons over 65 lives in poverty. Three-quarters of all elderly unmarried, widowed, or divorced women live in poverty. Millions of elderly persons live in special fear of crime. Health care costs for the elderly are now three and a half times the level for younger people. Actual out-of-pocket health expenditures for the elderly today are greater in real dollars than when Medicare was enacted.\nIn the 1980s we must continue to work for a financially strong Social Security system. The levels and types of benefits, as well as rates and systems of financing, must be continually reviewed in light of current circumstances. Decisions affecting Social Security benefits should be measured by the standards of Social Security's goals, not by the program's impact on the federal budget.\nThe Democratic Party is responsible for the adjustments of Social Security benefits to keep pace with increases in the cost of living. We remain committed to ensuring that these adjustments continue. We oppose any caps on Social Security benefits. No change in the index which determines cost of living adjustments should be made for the purpose of achieving smaller adjustments than those granted under the current index.\nWe oppose efforts to raise the age at which Social Security benefits will be provided. Our Party seeks to protect and assist those most in need. We continue to be sensitive to the economic and physical plight of the older worker and the elderly. We therefore stand unalterably opposed to the taxation of any portion of Social Security benefits. Taxing Social Security benefits would mean real hardship for millions of retired Americans. If government needs to expand the tax base, additional taxation should be borne by those most able to pay.\nWhile these steps are critically important, they will not, standing alone, secure adequate income for the elderly women of this nation. To reach this goal, we must also move immediately to eliminate all the gender-based classifications in the Social Security system. We must consider the special needs of elderly women in future benefit increases. We must end the unfairness in the current system that penalizes two-worker families. We must devise a practical way for the Social Security system to recognize the contributions of homemakers, and thus ensure the resources they need to live in dignity in old age.\nFinally, the Democratic Party vehemently opposes all forms of age discrimination and commits itself to eliminating mandatory retirement. With the surety of a guillotine, mandatory retirement severs productive persons from their livelihood, shears their sense of self-worth, and squanders their talents.\nPensions\n\nOur nation's complex and uneven pension system is a continuing source of concern. To help address this important problem, President Carter created a Presidential Commission on Pension Policy, charged with developing recommendations to improve public and private, federal, state and local pension systems. We applaud this initiative. We must achieve an equitable pension system with improved benefit safeguards and adequate benefit levels.\nWe urge the Commission to give special attention to recommendations which address the discrimination and hardships imposed on women in pension plans. Problem areas include, pension rights in divorce proceedings, lack of pension benefits for survivors when a worker dies before retirement age, the rules for establishing Individual Retirement Accounts, the vesting rules and participation in pension plans.\nWe support strong programs of portability in teacher and other public employee retirement programs and private pension plans in order to offer employees involved in geographic employment moves the opportunity to continue retirement security.\nWelfare Reform\n\nThe nation's welfare system continues to be inequitable and archaic. The existing organization of our delivery system is chaotic. The roles of the federal, state, and local governments, and of the courts are scrambled, with each vying for power and control over delivery. This confusion lends credence to public outrage.\nStates and cities which make an honest effort to meet the welfare crisis find themselves in deepening fiscal difficulty. In the past few years, the federal share of welfare costs in many of these states has actually declined.\nThe fiscal crisis of welfare recipients has also deepened, since states and localities are unable or unwilling to adjust benefits to prevent inflation from robbing them of their worth.\nThe fiscal crisis for taxpayers continues, as states have little ability or incentive to reduce welfare error rates.\nIncentives continue that cause families to break apart and fathers to leave home so that children may survive. Disincentives continue for welfare families to seek work on their own; no regular method links welfare recipients to the work force.\nWe are at a crossroad in the delivery of welfare. Serious reform is necessary if the inequities are to be remedied and administration improved.\nThe various components must be reorganized and simplified, with each level of government performing those services most suited to its organizational structure, taking advantage of economies allowed by large-scale delivery where appropriate, and of customized services where they are required, always treating each person with fairness and equity.\nThe components of an effective human service delivery system are these.\nEmployment—We must require work or necessary training leading to work of every capable person, except for the elderly and those responsible for the care of small children. However, we cannot make this requirement effective unless we can assure employment first through the private sector and, if that is insufficient, through public employment. We must provide an income floor both for the working poor and the poor not in the labor market. We must adopt a simple schedule of work incentives that guarantees equitable levels of assistance to the working poor.\nThe training and job program must emphasize supported work programs, in which welfare recipients receive intensive training, personnel counseling and help in the job search. Such services can lead to large increases in job placement, lower government expenditures and more productive workers.\nIncome Transfer—For those persons who cannot work and who have no independent means of support, we must provide assistance in an integrated, humane, dignified, and simple manner. These problems are national in scope and require a unified, national response.\nSocial Services—As society becomes more complex and faster paced, people such as senior citizens, handicapped, children, families, and those who need protection are under greater pressure and find it more difficult to find the help they need. As these issues vary among communities, communities should take the lead in design and provision of these services.\nSocial services must continue to be developed and operated at the local level, close to the users, with knowledge of and sensitivity to both the particular problems of each case and the community's unique infrastructure, resources, and support networks.\nWe must develop a community-level system for coordinating existing public and voluntary programs that support the family and individual initiative, and develop programs to fill existing gaps in order to provide the variety and extent of social services appropriate for each locality.\nFood Stamps—Hunger is one of the most debilitating and urgently felt human needs. A government pledged to a fairer distribution of wealth, income, and power, and to holding as a guiding concern the needs and aspirations of all, must also be a government which seeks to alleviate the hunger that results from economic conditions or personal circumstances. Over the years, the Food Stamp Program, expanded and made more responsive by a Democratic Congress and Administration, has become the bulwark of this nation's efforts to relieve hunger among its citizens.\nThe only form of assistance which is available to all those in financial need—food stamps—provides an important cushion for poor people, including those whose incomes are temporarily disrupted by layoffs or regional unemployment, or whose age or physical handicap leaves them unable to work.\nAs state and local governments modify other benefit programs on which low-income people depend, the Food Stamp Program becomes increasingly important. We will continue to work toward full employment in recognition of the importance of self-support. Until that goal can be attained, and for those who cannot be self-supporting, we remain committed to our current policy of full funding for the Food Stamp Program.\nMedical Care—Provision of medical care for the poor remains essential. This is a critical part of the national health debate, and should be handled as such.\nThese reforms may require an additional investment, but they offer the prospect of stabilization of welfare costs over the long run, and the assurance that the objective of this expenditure will be accomplished.\nToward these goals, President Carter proposed welfare reform to the Congress in the form of the Work and Training Opportunities Act and the Social Welfare Reform Amendments Act. These two Acts would lift over two million people out of poverty by providing assistance to individuals and families to enable them to meet minimum income standards and by providing employment to those able to work. We must continue to work to ensure the passage of these two very important acts.\nAs a means of providing immediate federal fiscal relief to state and local governments, the federal government will assume the local government's burden of welfare costs. Further, there should be a phased reduction in the states' share of welfare costs in the immediate future.\nThe Democratic Party pledges in the immediate future to introduce legislation to accomplish these purposes in the next year.\nWelfare policies significantly affect families. Most persons receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children, for example, are children or the mothers of young children. Many of these young mothers want to work. So, too, many others receiving welfare are well-suited to work and want to work. A companion to any effective welfare reform must be provision for adequate and available child care, so that parents can participate in training programs and in the work force.\nGovernment should not encourage the break-up of intact families. On the contrary, we must provide the help a family needs to survive a crisis together. In 1962, America took and action which has been one of the greatest contributors to family stability in the history of federal policy. For the first time, states were permitted to provide assistance to families with both parents, and still be eligible for general reimbursement. We reaffirm our support for the 1962 action and urge that states not providing assistance to unified families begin to do so. We must treat stable and broken families equally.\nThe thirty-day waiting period for placement on the welfare rolls poses serious problems for individuals and families in dire need of assistance. We support efforts to streamline processing of new welfare recipients which also attempt to address the problem of administrative errors. Simplified rules and better administration machinery would significantly improve the operation of the welfare system.\nWe strongly reject the Republican Platform proposal to transfer the responsibility for funding welfare costs entirely to the states. Such a proposal would not only worsen the fiscal situation of state and local governments, but would also lead to reduced benefits and services to those dependent on welfare programs. The Democratic policy is exactly the opposite—to provide greater assistance to state and local governments for their welfare costs and to improve benefits and services for those dependent on welfare.\nLow Income Energy Assistance\n\nOur citizens see their family budgets stretched to the breaking point by an explosion of energy costs, while the profits of oil companies multiply to record levels. Last year's 120 percent increase in energy prices by OPEC led to a drastic decrease in the ability of needy families to pay for other necessities of life. The recently enacted low income energy assistance legislation is helping, but it is providing only $1 of help for every $4 in increased costs that have been imposed upon the poor. Significant expansion in this program is urgently needed, and we support such action as a major priority of our Party.\nVeterans\n\nThis Administration has worked to strengthen the federal government's commitment to our nation's veterans. The Veterans Administration has been given Cabinet-level participation. There have been three consecutive annual increases in VA compensation. The Veterans' and Survivors' Pension Improvement Act has assured veterans of and adequate minimum income. A treatment and rehabilitation program has been established for veterans with alcohol and drug-dependency disabilities. G.I. educational benefits have been considerably expanded. Unemployment among Vietnam veterans has been reduced. Veterans' health care has been improved. A process has been initiated for veterans to upgrade less than honorable discharges from the Vietnam War era.\nDuring the 1980s, we must commit ourselves to:\n—Equal opportunity and full voluntary participation in the military regardless of sex. We oppose quotas and/or percentages, rules, policies and practices which restrict or bar women from equal access to educational training and employment training and employment benefits which accrue during and after military service.\n—Continue improving education and training benefits and opportunities for veterans, especially those who are economically or educationally disadvantaged and those who are disabled.\n—Initiate and complete comprehensive epidemiological studies on veterans exposed to certain defoliants used during the Vietnam War as well as on veterans or civilians exposed to above-ground nuclear explosion. We then must establish appropriate and sensitive VA health care programs for those determined to have suffered from such exposure or service.\n—Complete promptly the current Cabinet-level study on Agent Orange.\n—Strive to maintain and improve quality health care in an independent VA health care system.\n—Continue priority care to veterans with service-connected disabilities and seek ways of improving and developing special treatment for the ever-increasing aging veterans population, including burial benefit programs sensitive to the needs of veterans and their families in rural areas.\n—Provide authority for the construction of a memorial in the nation's capital to those who died in service to their country in Southeast Asia.\nEducation\n\nPerhaps the single most important factor in spurring productivity in our society is a skilled work force. We must begin to think of federal expenditures as capital investments, favoring those which are productive and which reduce future costs. In this context, education must be one of our highest priorities. Education is also the indispensable prerequisite for effective democracy. As Daniel Webster said, \"On the diffusion of education among people rests the preservation and perpetuation of free institutions.\"\nThe Democratic Party is strongly committed to education as the best hope for America's future. We applaud the leadership taken by a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress in strengthening federal programs for education.\nIn the past four years:\n—Federal aid to education has increased by 73 percent—the greatest income increase in such a short period in our history.\n—Strong financial and administrative support has been provided for programs that enhance educational opportunities for women, minorities, American Indians and other native Americans, the handicapped, and students with lingered English-speaking ability and other special needs;\n—The Middle Income Student Assistance Act was adopted, expanding eligibility for need-based student financial aid to approximately one-third of the students enrolled in post-secondary education;\n—A number of legislative, regulatory and other administrative actions were taken to enhance benefits received by private school children from federal education programs; and\n—A new Department of Education was created to give education a stronger, more direct voice at the federal level, while at the same time reserving control over educational policy-making and operations to states, localities, and public and private institutions.\nOver the next four years, we pledge to continue our strong commitment to education. We will continue to support the Department of Education and assist in its all-important educational enterprise that involves three out of ten Americans.\nIn this regard, we endorse the language of the legislation which emphasized the intent of Congress \"to protect the rights of state and local governments and public and private institutions in the areas of educational policies and administration of programs....\"\nIt is now a decade and a half since the passage—by a Democratic Congress at the behest of a Democratic Administration—of the landmark Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. At the time, there were sound and compelling reasons to undergird all federal aid to education with specific purposes. The specific purposes remain compelling and the specific programs addressed to them must be maintained.\nFederal aid to education plays a significant role in guaranteeing that jurisdictions of differing financial capacity can spend equal amounts on schooling. We favor a steady increase in federal support with an emphasis on reducing inter- and intra-state disparities in ability to support quality education. The federal government and the states should be encouraged to equalize or take over educational expenses, relieving the overburdened property taxpayer.\nThe Democratic Party renews its commitment to eliminating discrimination in education because of sex and demands full and expeditious enforcement of Title IX of the 1972 education amendments.\nThe Democratic Party strongly urges that the federal government be sensitive to mandating state and local programs without adequate provision for funding. Such mandates force the state and/or local governments to increase taxes to fund such required programs.\nEqual educational opportunity is at the heart of the Democratic program for education. Equality of opportunity must sometimes translate to compensatory efforts. For the disadvantaged, the handicapped, those with limited English language skills, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other minorities, compensatory programs require concentrated federal spending.\nThe Democratic Administration and Congress have supported a comprehensive program of compensatory education and have expanded it to include secondary education. We will continue to target categorical assistance to low income and low achieving students.\nWe reaffirm our strong support for Title I concentration grants for remedial instruction for low income students. The Democratic Party pledges to achieve full funding of concentration grants under Title I and to expand the Headstart and Follow-through programs.\nThe Democratic Party will continue to advocate quality education in the Bureau of Indian Affairs and in tribally contracted schools to meet American Indian educational needs. The Democratic Party opposes the closing of schools serving American Indians and Alaska Natives without consultation with the tribes involved.\nThe Democratic Party recognizes the need to maintain quality education for children in school districts affected by federal activities and installations. We therefore will continue to be sensitive to the financial problems of these school districts.\nSchool desegregation is an important tool in the effort to give all children equal educational opportunity. The Democratic Party continues to support programs aimed at achieving communities integrated both in terms of race and economic class through constitutional means. We encourage redrawing of attendance lines, pairing of schools, utilizing the \"magnet school concept\" as much as possible, and enforcing fair housing standards. Mandatory transportation of students beyond their neighborhoods for the purpose of desegregation remains a judicial tool of last resort.\nWe call for strict compliance with civil rights requirements in hiring and promotion in school systems.\nWe support an effective bilingual program to reach all limited-English-proficiency people who need such assistance.\nThe Democratic Party supports efforts to broaden students' knowledge and appreciation of other cultures, languages and countries.\nWe also support vocational and technical education through increased support for teacher training, personnel development, and upgrading and modernizing equipment and facilities to provide the skill and technical training to meet the workforce needs for business, industry, and government services. Increased emphasis on basic skills is essential to the success of vocational and technical training. Vocational and technical education is a viable tool for establishing people in their own business through entrepreneurship programs. Vocational and technical education contributes to the economic development and productivity of our nation by offering every person an opportunity to develop a marketable skill.\nThe Party reaffirms its support of public school education and would not support any program or legislation that would create or promote economic, sociological or racial segregation. Our primary purpose in assisting elemental, and secondary education must be to assure a quality public school system for all students.\nPrivate schools, particularly parochial schools, are also an important part of our diverse educational system. The Party accepts its commitment to the support of a constitutionally acceptable method of providing tax aid for the education of all pupils in schools which do not racially discriminate, and excluding so-called segregation academies. Specifically, the Party will continue to advocate constitutionally permissible federal education legislation which provides for the equitable participation in federal programs of all low and moderate income pupils.\nThe Democratic Party reaffirms its commitment to the concept and promise that every handicapped child should have a full and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. To assure the best placement and program for handicapped students, we support maximum involvement of the regular classroom teacher in placement planning for handicapped students with assurance of barrier-free access. We further support increasing the federal share of the costs of education for the handicapped.\nWe applaud the actions taken by the government in strengthening federal programs for higher education. The nation must continue to ensure that our colleges and universities can provide quality higher education in the coming period of declining enrollment and rising operating costs.\nWe are especially interested in extending post-secondary opportunities to students from low and middle income families, older students, and minorities. We believe that no able student should be denied a college education for reasons of cost.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to a federal scholarship program adequate to meet the needs of all the underprivileged who could benefit from a college education. When those who are qualified for post-secondary education cannot afford to enter college, the nation ignores talent we cannot afford to lose. Basic Education Opportunity Grants, which offer both actress to a college education and the choice of a college, must continue to be strengthened and should be funded at full payment schedule.\nLikewise, campus-based programs of aid must be supported. With a coordinated and reliable system of grants, loans and work study, we can relieve the crisis in costs that could close all but the affluent colleges and universities.\nSince entry to institutions of higher learning is dependent upon a student's score on a standardized test, we support testing legislation which will assure that students will receive sufficient information relative to their performance on the test to determine their strengths and weaknesses on the tests.\nOur institutions of higher education deserve both public and private backing. The Party supports the continuation of tax deductions for charitable gifts, recognizing that such gifts represent the margin of excellence in higher education and foster scholarly independence within our institutions of higher learning.\nThe Democratic Party commits itself to the strengthening of graduate education and the support of basic and applied research. Graduate education, scholarship and research are of immense importance to the nation's economic and cultural development. Universities conduct most of the nation's basic research. Their graduate and research programs are the training grounds for the research personnel and professionals who discover knowledge and translate that knowledge into action.\nThe federal role is critical to the quality of these endeavors. We reaffirm the federal responsibility for stable support of knowledge production and development of highly trained personnel in all areas of fundamental scientific and intellectual knowledge to meet social needs.\nHigh priority should be assigned to strengthening the national structure for graduate education, scholarship and research and ensuring that the most talented students, especially women and minorities, can gain access to these programs.\nHistorically Black colleges and universities have played a pivotal role in educating minority students. The Democratic Party affirms its commitment to ensuring the financial viability and independence of these worthy institutions and supports expanded funding for Black institutions. The Democratic Party pledges to work vigorously for significant increases in programs which have traditionally provided funding for historically Black colleges and universities. Particular attention should be given to substantially increasing the share of funding Black colleges receive. We will substantially increase the level of participation of Black colleges in all federal programs for which they are eligible. In addition, we urge the establishment of an office within the Office of the Secretary of Education to ensure full executive implementation of the President's Black college directive. Similarly, colleges serving Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Asian/Pacific Islander students should receive equal consideration in federal policies affecting their survival.\nFinally, educational quality should be strengthened through adequate support for libraries, federal leadership in educational research and development, and improved teacher training.\nThe Democratic Party further urges the federal government to take into account the geographical barriers to access to educational and library materials which particularly affect the non-contiguous territories of the United States. A study should be conducted to review the possibility of sending airmail, at surface mail rates, said materials to and from the mainland U.S. and the non-contiguous territories of the U.S.\nThe Party believes that improved teacher in-service training, building upon the successful \"Teacher Center Model\" implemented under this Administration, could contribute substantially to educational quality. We support the establishment of federally funded teacher centers in every state and will work toward a steady increase in the number of teachers served. Teacher centers should address such issues as bilingual, multi-cultural, non-racist, and non-sexist curricula.\nThe Party continues to support adult education and training to upgrade basic skills.\nWe propose federally financed family-centered developmental and educational child care programs available to all who need and desire them.\nWe support efforts to provide for the basic nutritional needs of students. We support the availability of nutritious school breakfast, milk and lunch programs. Students who are hungry or malnourished can experience serious learning difficulties. The Democratic Party affirms its commitment to restore fair eligibility requirements for this program and to set fees at a level which does not unfairly deny students the ability to participate.\nThe Democratic Party recognizes the importance of family and community involvement in public schools, and the impact their involvement can have on the quality of a child's educational environment. We support initiatives that will encourage parents and all members of the community to take an active interest in the educational future of our children.\nChild Care\n\nWhile the American family structure has changed radically in recent years, the family remains the key unit of our society. When the needs of families and children are ignored the nation as a whole ultimately suffers. It is not only morally right, but also far less expensive, for government to assist children in growing up whole, strong and able, than to pay the bill later for children and adults with health, social and educational problems. Government cannot and should not attempt to displace the responsibilities of the family; to the contrary, the challenge is to formulate policies which will strengthen the family.\nThe Democratic Party shall seek vigorously to enact an adequately funded, comprehensive quality child-care program based upon a national commitment to meet the health, safety, and educational needs of all children. Such a program shall provide for alternative low-cost child care arrangements so that parents may decide what is in the best interests of their children. To ensure the availability of choices, the Child Care Tax Credit shall be revised to benefit low and moderate income families. National policies shall ensure the availability of child care services for all parents. Our programs shall also address themselves vigorously to the issues of flex-time work programs, job sharing, and incentives for child care in private industry, in recognition of the social responsibilities of all citizens to children and their parents as the guardians of our future.\nJuvenile Justice\n\nJuvenile delinquency and other problems of young people, like truancy and running away, are often manifestations of serious problems in other areas—family, school, employment, or emotional disturbance. We are committed to maintaining and strengthening the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 and the Runaway Youth Act to help deal with these problems. In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to ending unnecessary institutionalization of young people who have not committed serious crimes and strengthening preventive efforts and other services at the community level to help young people and their families in the sometimes difficult transition to adulthood. Equally important, we are committed to continuing reform in the juvenile courts to assure right of due process and adequate counsel to young people who become enmeshed in the juvenile justice system.\nWe must continue and strengthen efforts at prison reform to upgrade the safety of our penal institutions. Our penal institutions enhance rehabilitation to offenders, and lower the recidivism level.\nFamilies\n\nThe Democratic Party supports efforts to make federal programs more sensitive to the needs of the family, in all its diverse forms.\nHousing\n\nSince 1976, the Administration's efforts in the area of housing have concentrated on achieving an adequate housing supply. From 1977-1979, housing starts increased substantially over the level of the prior Republican Administration. Additionally, increased emphasis has been placed on saving our existing housing stock through rehabilitation.\nBut the momentum to increase the housing supply for the 1980s has been threatened by the high rate of inflation. The downturn in economic activity during the first half of 1980 has created a period of severe difficulty for the housing industry and for those Americans in need of housing. These circumstances make it imperative that the Democratic Party redouble its efforts to meet the goal of a decent home in a suitable environment for every citizen. It is essential that we expand the construction and availability of affordable housing in order to match the growing needs of Americans during the 1980s and to help stabilize housing costs.\nHousing shortages and deterioration, and the need for economic development, are among the most critical problems facing local government today.\nThrough a patchwork of programs and tax incentives developed over the past fifty years, this nation is now spending between $25 and $30 billion each year on housing and economic development. These funds must be redirected in a cogent manner, to provide a comprehensive response to the housing problem. This effort should be pressed forward with the same national will that put a man on the moon, and will be a major step toward the revitalization of our local economies.\nDuring the 1980s, we must work to meet the nation's need for available, affordable housing by:\n—Achieving steady, high levels of production;\n—Continuing progress toward a non-inflationary environment with lower interest rates;\n—Pursuing monetary and credit policies which are especially sensitive to the needs of the housing and construction industries in order to help provide jobs;\n—Continuing progress toward eliminating sub-standard housing and meeting the housing needs of this nation's low and moderate income families, the elderly, and the handicapped, including a substantial increase in the authorization for public housing and Section 8 rental housing assistance;\n—Expanding the coverage of the Fair Housing laws to prohibit discrimination against single parents or single persons;\n—Ensuring that federal housing projects meet the needs of single-parent families;\n—Strengthening our efforts to provide higher levels of multi-family housing production to meet the rental housing needs of the postwar generation in the 1980s;\n—Continuing the development and expansion of new financial instruments designed to attract increased capital to the housing sector throughout the interest rate cycle;\n—Continuing to improve the efficiency and management of our housing programs;\n—Continuing support for efforts to improve our housing codes;\n—Expanding urban homestead and rehabilitation programs which will preserve neighborhoods in our cities for the people who live there;\n—Financing moderate income housing at below-market interest rates;\n—Adopting condominium conversion policies which protect tenants, particularly the elderly, against unfair and unreasonable conversion practices; and\n—Assisting cities, counties, and states which have effective programs to combat the growing and dangerous problem of housing abandonment.\nTransportation\n\nSince 1977, the Carter Administration has worked closely with the Congress to improve all the transportation modes so essential to our nation. These efforts have resulted in the elimination of unnecessary regulations, the expansion of the federal commitment to mass transit, and the savings of billions of dollars for consumers. In the 1980s we must continue our efforts in the same direction.\nThe Democratic Party commits itself to a balanced, competitive transportation system for the efficient movement of people and goods.\nThe trucking industry must be deregulated, and legislation to do that is now in place. This legislation would open entry to new truckers, lift restrictions on the goods truckers may haul and the routes they may use, promote vigorous price competition, reduce regulatory delays and improve road safety.\nTo improve their long-term viability, we must give railroads more flexibility in setting rates, without burdening excessively shippers dependent on rail service. Congress is now progressing on comprehensive legislation in this area. We expect regulatory reform of the railroad industry to speed the elimination of wasteful regulations and improve the facilities and equipment of railroads.\nCoal is a centerpiece of our nation's energy policy. We are concerned about the cost of transporting coal to its markets, particularly the cost of rail transportation. Within the context of regulatory reform, we must therefore be especially sensitive to the effects of railroad rates on coal. A healthy rail industry is of critical importance to our economy and our society.\nWe must ensure, through such efforts as completion of high-speed rail passenger service in the Northeast Corridor, that railroads are an efficient means for personal travel. The decline in the nation's railroad system must be reversed. Tracks must be rehabilitated, equipment modernized and maintenance improved if the nation is to have a rail system that adequately meets the needs of passengers and shippers. We must ensure that flexibility in setting rates does not become a license either for anti-competitive pricing at the expense of consumers, or for anti-competitive mergers that create or maintain inordinate market power at the expense of consumers.\nThe vital artery of urban America is mass transit. It saves energy by providing fuel-efficient alternatives to the automobile. For the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and many other city dwellers, there is no other transportation. If they are to travel at all, to go to work or to shop, they must rely on mass transit. Mass transit serves them, as well as the employers for whom they work and the businesses where they shop. It aids all of us, by unclogging our cities, cleansing our air, and increasing the economic health of our urban areas.\nThe Democratic Party pledges to strengthen the nation's mass transit systems. Federal funds must be provided for maintenance and repair of deteriorating systems, and for new equipment purchases for growing systems. Federal aid formulae should be amended to give greater weight to ridership in the allocation of dollars. Reasonable operating subsidies must be provided to help subsidize rider fares.\nMass transit is a high priority in our national transportation policy. We pledge support for significant increases in capital and operating subsidies for mass transit to enhance the reliability, safety, and affordability of existing and expanding systems.\nThe auto industry and its workers must be assisted during this difficult time. We are committed to an intensive review of the automobile industry's fundamental problems, and to prompt, effective action to help ameliorate those problems. We are also committed to a strong trade adjustment program to help currently unemployed auto workers.\nTo meet the needs of international commerce and national security, this nation must have a strong, competitive and efficient American-flag ocean transportation system. In recent years, there has been a significant reduction in the ability of our merchant marine to compete for the carriage of world commerce because of economic policies pursued by other nations. Action must be taken to revitalize our merchant marine.\nTo achieve this objective, we must develop a coherent, consistent, and responsive maritime policy which will encourage the development and maintenance of an American-flag ocean transportation system, staffed with trained and efficient American personnel, and capable of carrying a substantial portion of our international trade in a competitive and efficient manner. Our maritime policy must also lead to the development and maintenance of a domestic shipbuilding and ship repair mobilization base adequate to satisfy the commercial and national security, requirements of the United States. Furthermore, we pledge continued commitment to the Merchant Marine Act of 1970 and greater utilization of the private merchant marine by the Navy for its support functions.\nUrban Policy\n\nDuring the campaign of 1975—1976, our nation's great cities and urban counties were mired in a depression. Unemployment was well above 10 percent in many cities and counties; private sector investment and jobs were leaving the great urban centers; poverty and other serious social problems were left unattended; a severe budget squeeze was causing layoffs and cutbacks in essential city services; and the public works of our cities had been allowed to decay. The nation's mayors spent a portion of the year urging Congress to override the Republican Administration's veto of vitally important anti-recession programs. Most seriously, the leadership and citizens of our great urban centers had lost the hope that the future would be better.\nUpon taking office, the Democratic Administration responded to these conditions immediately with an $11 billion anti-recession package and, one year later, with the nation's first comprehensive urban policy. The urban policy was the product of a unique effort which actively involved the elected officials of state and local government, representatives of labor, neighborhood organizations, civil rights groups and the members of Congress.\nThese deliberations produced a blueprint to guide federal action toward cities. The Democratic Administration, in partnership with the Democratic Congress, has moved aggressively to implement parts of the urban policy. Some of these programs have already begun to contribute to the revitalization of the nation's older cities and to assure the continued health of the nation's growing cities. For example, the urban policy has:\n—Created the Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Program to encourage private investment and jobs to locate or remain in our nation's major cities. UDAG, which is funded at $675 million annually, has already leveraged more than $7 billion of private investment and created more than 200,000 permanent jobs;\n—Targeted federal government procurement, facilities and jobs to the high unemployment central cities;\n—Increased funding for the Community Development Block Grant program by more than 30 percent and proposed a formula change that provides substantial new aid to the older, more distressed cities and urban counties; and\n—Proposed a massive increase in the urban development programs of the Economic Development Administration.\nAlthough many gains have been made, we recognize that a great deal more remains to be done. This is especially true in those cities which have borne the brunt of the current recession. We recognize that no urban policy can completely succeed in a period of high inflation and deepening recession.\nIn this platform, the Democratic Party dedicates itself to the strength and survival of urban America. We are committed to developing imaginative, compassionate steps to deal with the causes and effects of rising unemployment, to make our cities fiscally strong, to provide jobs and economic growth, to preserve neighborhoods and communities and to meet the basic human needs of urban residents.\nOur policies must include the following features:\n—A strong jobs policy which supports productive employment of people in the public sector and encourages employment in the private sector by attracting and strengthening business in the cities.\nThis jobs policy—and the need to guarantee a job for every American who is able to work—is our single highest domestic priority, and will take precedence over all other domestic priorities.\n—Public works programs which help rebuild our cities' infrastructure and which provide the unemployed with the opportunity to rebuild their own neighborhoods;\n—Incentives for energy conservation by residents, business and industry in urban areas including incentives to convert oil facilities to coal and the construction of new coal-fired replacement plants;\n—Increased education and training programs with special attention to employment of youth, women, and minorities and to training people for private sector jobs;\n—National economic policies intended to maintain growth in our economy and reduce the inflation rate, thereby easing the fiscal burden on cities and their residents;\n—Prompt enactment of the Carter Administration's proposal to expand the economic development initiative programs of the Department of Commerce. When fully implemented, this initiative will provide more than $1 billion in new loan guarantees to our urban centers and will double the amount of economic development grants available;\n—Prompt enactment of the Administration's five-year extension of the local government revenue sharing program, including a $500 million transitional aid program for the areas most in need;\n—A serious examination of the urban impact of the federal tax code, to ensure that businesses have substantial incentives to invest in our nation's neediest locales; and\n—Renewed efforts to consolidate existing grants-in-aid programs in order to provide state and local governments with the flexibility to use these programs efficiently.\nIn the last analysis, we must recognize that America's cities are centers of people with needs...needs for jobs, decent housing and health care, affordable mass transit, quality education and streets where they can walk in safety. Each is a crucial part of any effective urban program. The Democratic Party is committed to placing the highest priority in our budgets and our programs on meeting these needs of city-dwellers.\nNeighborhoods\n\nFrom the beginning of the Carter Administration, the government has worked to revitalize neighborhoods and to make them a central component of urban life. As a result of these efforts, the federal government now has a strong neighborhoods policy.\nDuring the 1980s we must continue to strengthen neighborhoods by:\n—Making neighborhood organizations partners with government and private sectors in neighborhood revitalization projects;\n—Continuing to make neighborhood concerns a major element of our urban policy;\n—Developing urban revitalization programs that can be achieved without displacing neighborhood residents; and\n—Continuing to reduce discriminatory redlining practices in the mortgage and insurance industries.\nSmall Community and Rural Development\n\nThis Democratic Administration instituted the nation's first comprehensive small community and rural development policy. This policy establishes specific goals, directs numerous organizational and management changes, and initiates an extensive program of action to improve the quality of life for all rural Americans including American Indians/Alaska Natives, rural Hispanics, rural Blacks, and other minorities. Its principles emphasize the need for a strong partnership between the public and private sectors and among all levels of government. Recognizing rural America's great diversity and the limits of the federal role, the Administration's policy invites the nation's governors to establish rural affairs councils to define state rural development strategies and to advance federal-state coordination in addressing priority needs.\nSince assuming office in 1977, the Democratic Administration has acted to increase rural access to credit and capital, expand job opportunities, alleviate persistent rural poverty, rehabilitate substandard housing, address the shortage of health professionals in rural areas, improve the mobility of the rural transportation disadvantaged, and enhance educational and training opportunities for disadvantaged rural youth. For example, we have:\n—Addressed the problem of substandard housing through substantial increases in rural housing and community development assistance, and through revisions in minimum property standards to permit housing construction which is less expensive and better suited to rural conditions.\n—Improved rural access to credit and capital by tripling the economic development resources of the Farmers Home Administration.\n—Alleviated rural unemployment by doubling Department of Labor employment and training assistance to rural areas.\n—Addressed the shortage of doctors and other health professionals in rural areas through the Rural Health Clinic Services Act and a special initiative to construct 300 rural primary care health clinics by the end of 1981 in medically underserved areas.\nFor the future, we must move aggressively to address long-standing rural problems and to implement fully the Administration's small community and rural development policy, with emphasis on:\n—Synthesizing efforts to improve the quality of life for American Indians/Alaska Natives. We must provide incentives for the development of an economic base that will improve the quality of life on reservations;\n—Ensuring that federal programs are administered in ways which encourage local solutions to local problems; target assistance to communities and individuals most in need; make federal investments in ways that leverage private sector investments and complement local and tribal investments; and make federal programs more accessible to rural jurisdiction, better adapted to rural circumstances and needs, and better coordinated in their administration and delivery;\n—Promoting rural energy self-sufficiency through improved rural transit and the application of alternative energy technologies on farms and in our rural homes and communities;\n—Passing satisfactory welfare reform legislation, with special attention to the needs of the rural disadvantaged;\n—Protecting prime agricultural land as rural populations and the rural economy continue to grow;\n—Continuing to upgrade substandard rural housing to make it safe, decent, and sanitary;\n—Giving full attention to the health, education, and other basic needs of rural citizens, especially the young, the old, and the poor; and\n—Providing low cost electric and telephone services to rural areas through the Rural Electrification Administration and the hundreds of rural cooperatives that provide these services.\nScience and Technology\n\nThe Nixon-Ford Administration permitted serious decline in the state of science and technology in our country.\nThere had been a decade of erosion of federal support of research and development. The funding of basic research in particular was far below its peak level of the mid-1960s.\nScience and technology advice had been seriously downgraded and removed from the White House, until pressures from the science and engineering community had it restored through an act of Congress.\nThe previous decline in support had affected opportunities in science and engineering. It had resulted in the inadequate replacement of facilities and instrumentation and their growing obsolescence in the face of new scientific advances and needs.\nNot only the work of our academic research centers, but also our technological innovation and economic competitiveness were impaired by this erosion of federal support.\nTo counter these conditions and help revitalize the country's science and technology, the Carter Administration, working with Congress has taken a number of steps. The Office of Science and Technology Policy has been strengthened and upgraded. Growth has been restored in the budgets for federal research and development activities. Basic biomedical research has been strengthened to increase our fundamental knowledge of health and disease.\nThese are just a few of the innovations that have been made. Our scientific and technological agenda remains unfinished. The 1980s offer great promise. During the next four years, we will work to:\n—Continue to strengthen our science and technology and provide for continuity and stability of support to research and development;\n—Continue to monitor the flow of talent into science and engineering and provide the appropriate training and opportunities to ensure an adequate number of well-trained scientists and engineers in the coming years, with particular emphasis on women and minorities;\n—Pay continued attention to the support of research facilities to make certain they remain among the best in the world;\n—Successfully launch the Space Shuttle, take advantage of the many opportunities it offers to make space activities more economic and productive, and release new resources for the future scientific exploration of space; and\n—Expand our programs of cooperation in science and technology with all nations who seek development and a stable, peaceful world.\nIn sum, we must continue to expand our scientific and technological capabilities and apply them to the needs of people everywhere.\nThe Arts and the Humanities\n\nThe arts and humanities are a precious national resource.\nFederal commitment to the arts and humanities has been strengthened since 1977 by expanding government funding and services to arts institutions, individual artists, scholars, and teachers. The budgets for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities have increased substantially. The Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities has been reactivated. Policies of the Carter Administration have fostered high standards of creativity across our nation. The Administration has encouraged the arts and humanities through appropriate federal programs for the citizens of our smallest communities, as well as those of our largest cities. During the 1980s, the Party is committed to:\n—Continuing federal encouragement and support for institutions relating to the arts and to learning in the humanities;\n—Encouraging business participation in a comprehensive effort to achieve a truly mixed economy of support for the arts and humanities by individuals, foundations, corporations and governments at every level;\n—Exploring a variety of mechanisms to nurture the creative talent of our citizens and build audiences for their work;\n—Supporting strong, active National Endowments both for the Arts and the Humanities, and strengthening the Public Broadcasting System; and\n—Seeking greater recognition for the rich cultural tradition of the nation's minorities. We will work to meet the cultural needs of minorities, encourage their greater participation in the performing arts on a national level, and provide grants for the arts in low-income neighborhoods.\nEnsuring Basic Rights and Liberties\n\nEqual Rights Amendment\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that every issue of importance to this nation and its future concerns women as well as men. As workers and consumers, as parents and heads of households, women are vitally concerned with the economy, energy, foreign policy, and every other issue addressed in this platform. The concerns of women cannot be limited to a portion of the platform; they must be reflected in every section of our Party's policy.\nThem is, however, a particular concern of women which deserves special emphasis—their entitlement to full equality in our society.\nWomen are a majority of the population. Yet their equality is not recognized in the Constitution or enforced as the law of the land. The choices faced by women—such as whether to seek employment or work at home, what career or profession to enter, and how to combine employment and family responsibilities—continue to be circumscribe by stereotypes and prejudices. Minority women face the dual discrimination of racism and sexism.\nIn the 1980s, the Democratic Party commits itself to a Constitution, economy, and society open to women on an equal basis with men.\nThe primary route to that new horizon is fabrication of the Equal Rights Amendment. A Democratic Congress, working with women's leaders, labor, civil and religious organizations, first enacted ERA in Congress and later extended the deadline for ratification. Now, the Democratic Party must ensure that ERA at last becomes the 27th Amendment to the Constitution. We oppose efforts to rescind ERA in states which have already ratified the amendment, and we shall insist that at past recessions are invalid.\nIn view of the high priority which the Democratic Party places on ratification of the ERA, the Democratic National Committee renews its commitment not to hold national or multi-state meetings, conferences, or conventions in states which have not yet ratified the ERA. The Democratic Party shall withhold financial support and technical campaign assistance from candidates who do not support the ERA. The Democratic Party further urges all national organizations to support the boycott of the unratified states by not holding national meetings, conferences, or conventions in those states.\nFurthermore, the Democratic Party shall seek to eliminate sex-based discrimination and inequities from all aspects of our society.\nCivil Rights\n\nThe Democratic Party firmly commits itself to protect the civil fights of every citizen and to pursue justice and equal treatment under the law for all citizens.\nIn the 1960s, enormous progress was made in authorizing civil rights for all our citizens. In many areas, the promises of the civil rights efforts of the 1960s have been met, but much more remains to be done.\nAn effective affirmative action program is an essential component of our commitment to expanding civil rights protections. The federal government must be a model for private employers, making special efforts in recruitment, training, and promotion to aid minority Americans in overcoming both the historic patterns and the historic burdens of discrimination.\nWe call on the public and private sectors to live up to and enforce all civil rights laws and regulations, i.e., Equal Employment Opportunity Programs, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Housing Laws, and affirmative action requirements.\nWe advocate strengthening the Office of Civil Rights in the Department of Education and in the Department of Health and Human Resources.\nWe oppose efforts to undermine the Supreme Court's historic mandate of school desegregation, and we support affirmative action goals to overturn patterns of discrimination in education and employment.\nEthnic, racial and other minorities continue to be victims of police abuse, persistent harassment and excessive use of force. In 1979, the Community Relations Service of the Department of Justice noted that \"alleged use of deadly force by police and the reaction of minorities was a major force of racial unrest in the nation in 1978.\" In response to this finding:\n—We call for the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division to develop uniform federal guidelines and penalties for the use of undue force by local law enforcement agencies;\n—We call for the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division to establish civil rights units at appropriate U.S. Attorneys' offices; and\n—We call on the Department of Justice to move concurrently with federal prosecutors so that if a failure to obtain conviction takes place at the state or local level, federal prosecution can occur swiftly.\nThe Democratic Party strongly condemns the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. We pledge vigorous federal prosecution of actions by the Klan and American Nazi Party that violate federal law, including the creation of such laws in jurisdictions where they do not exist. We further condemn those acts, symbols, and rituals. including cross-burnings, associated with anti-civil rights activities. We urge every state and local government to pursue vigorous prosecution of actions by the Klan and Nazi party that violate state or local law.\nThe Democratic Party asserts that the Immigration and Naturalization Service, in enforcing the immigration laws, must recognize its obligation to respect fully the human and constitutional rights of all within our borders. Such respect must include an end to practices affecting Hispanic, Caribbean, and Asian/Pacific American communities such as \"neighborhood sweeps\" and stop and search procedures which are discriminatory or without probable cause.\nOur commitment to civil rights embraces not only a commitment to legal equality, but a commitment to economic justice as well. It embraces a recognition of the right of every citizen—Black and Hispanic, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Americans, and the majority who are women—to a fair share in our economy. When that opportunity is denied, and the promise of social justice is unfulfilled, the risks of tension and disorder in our cities are increased. The Democratic Party condemns violence and civil disorder wherever they occur. But, we also pledge to attack the underlying injustices that contribute to such violence so that no person need feel condemned to a life of poverty and despair.\nThe Democratic record provides a solid basis for future progress. There should be little doubt that virtually no progress would occur under a Republican Administration. Over the next four years, our Party must strengthen and improve what has already been accomplished.\nBoth the ERA and District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendments to the Constitution must be ratified and our full commitment must be given to those efforts.\nThe Fair Housing Act must be amended to give the Department of Housing and Urban Development greater enforcement ability, including cease and desist authority.\nThe Equal Pay and the Age Discrimination Acts must be strongly and effectively enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.\nTo end discrimination against language minorities, we must enforce vigorously the amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1975 to assist Hispanic citizens. We must recognize the value of cultural diversity in education, expand bilingual facilities, and guarantee full protection of the civil and human rights of all workers.\nWe must affirm the dignity. of all people and the right of each individual to have equal access to and participation in the institutions and services of our society.. All groups must be protected from discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, language, age, sex or sexual orientation. This includes specifically the right of foreign citizens to enter this country. Appropriate legislative and administrative actions to achieve these goals should be undertaken.\nWe are concerned about the opportunity for minorities to be adequately represented on trial juries if the trend toward smaller juries continues. Efforts must be initiated to correct this possible underrepresentation.\nCivil Liberties\n\nThe Democratic Party has been actively committed to protecting fundamental civil liberties. Toward that end, over the past four years, the Carter Administration and the Democratic Congress have enacted legislation to control the use of wiretaps by the government in the pursuit of foreign intelligence; developed the government's first comprehensive program to protect privacy; and worked to enact a criminal code which scrupulously protects civil liberties.\nAs we enter the 1980s, we must enact grand jury reform; revise the Uniform Code of Military Justice; enact charters for the FBI and the intelligence agencies which recognize vital civil liberty concerns while enabling those agencies to perform their important national security tasks; shape legislation to overturn the Supreme Court Stanford Daily decision; and enact a criminal code which meets the very real concerns about protecting civil liberties, and which does not interfere with existing workers' rights.\nWe call for passage of legislation to charter the purposes, prerogatives, and restraints on the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies of government with full protection for the civil rights and liberties of American citizens living at home or abroad. Under no circumstances should American citizens be investigated because of their beliefs.\nWe support the concept that no employee should be discharged without just cause.\nPrivacy\n\nSocial and technological changes are threatening our citizens' privacy. To meet this challenge, the Carter Administration has developed the first comprehensive: privacy policy. Under this policy, administrative action has been taken to cut the number of federal files on individuals and legislation has been passed to protect the privacy of telephone conversations and bank accounts.\nIn the 1980s we must complete this privacy agenda. Broad legislation must be enacted to protect financial, insurance, medical, and research records. We must have these safeguards to preserve a healthy balance between efficiency and privacy.\nThe Democratic Party recognizes reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right. We therefore oppose government interference in the reproductive decisions of Americans, especially those government programs or legislative restrictions that deny poor Americans their fight to privacy by funding or advocating one or a limited number of reproductive choices only.\nSpecifically, the Democratic Party opposes involuntary or uninformed sterilization for women and men, and opposes restrictions on funding for health services for the poor that deny poor women especially the right to exercise a constitutionally-guaranteed right to privacy.\nFederal legislation is also necessary to protect workers from the abuse of their fights and invasion of their privacy resulting from increased employer use of polygraphs and other so-called \"truth test\" devices. Workers should have the right to review all records retained by their employers relating to medical and employment information.\nAppointments\n\nOne of President Carter's highest priorities has been to increase significantly the number of women, Blacks, Hispanics and other minorities in the federal government. That has been done.\nMore women, Blacks and Hispanics have been appointed to senior government positions than during any other Administration in history.\nOf the six women who have served in Cabinet positions, three have been Carter appointees.\nMore women, Blacks and Hispanics have been appointed to federal judgeships during the Carter Administration than during all previous Administrations in history.\nOf the 39 women federal judges, 35 have been Carter appointees; of the 38 Black federal judges, 19 have been Carter appointees; of the 14 Hispanic judges, 5 have been Carter appointees.\nThis record must be continued. The Democratic Party is committed to continue and strengthen the policy of appointing more women and minorities to federal positions at all levels including the Supreme Court.\nHandicapped\n\nGreat strides have been made toward ending discrimination against the handicapped, through increased employment and education opportunities and greater access to public facilities and services.\nIn the 1980s, we must continue to work towards the goals of eliminating discrimination and opening opportunities.\nAll federal agencies must complete their Section 504 regulations and implement them effectively.\nWe must continue to expand opportunities for independent living.\nThe Fair Housing Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act must be amended to include the handicapped.\nWe must face the task of making federal facilities and modes of transportation fully accessible.\nJob opportunities and job training for the handicapped, including apprenticeship training programs, must be expanded.\nWe must make the most basic American civil right—the right to vote—fully available to the handicapped.\nDr. Martin Luther King Jr.\n\nDr. Martin Luther King Jr. led this nation's effort to provide all of its citizens with civil rights and equal opportunities. His commitment to human rights, peace and non-violence stands as a monument to humanity and courage. To honor this outstanding national leader, we must enact legislation that will commemorate his birthday as a national holiday.\nDomestic Violence\n\nEach year, 3 to 6 million Americans are injured in acts of domestic violence. To combat this violence the Carter Administration has initiated a government-wide effort to assist and educate victims and rehabilitate victimizers, including:\n—The formation of a new Office of Domestic Violence in the Department of Health and Human Services; and\n—Amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act which provides funds to state and community groups.\nThe President has signed the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act; HUD has developed demonstration projects for shelters for battered women: the Community Services Administration has established a pilot Family Crisis Center Program to assist low-income battered women and children; and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held a Consultation on Battered Women in 1978.\nExisting federal programs have been coordinated through the Interdepartmental Committee on Domestic Violence, chaired by the Secretary, of Health and Human Services. The Democratic Administration must continue to support the passage of the legislation before the Congress, HR 2977, which would provide direct, immediate assistance to victims effectively and sensitively.\nInsular Areas\n\nWe must be firmly committed to self-determination for the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands, and vigorously support the realization of whatever political status aspirations are democratically chosen by their peoples. The unique cultures, fragile economies, and locations of our Caribbean and Pacific Islands are distinct assets to the United States which require the sensitive application of policy. We are committed to pursuing initiatives we have begun to stimulate insular economic development, enhance treatment under federal programs, provide vitally needed special assistance and coordinate and rationalize policies. These measures will result in greater self-sufficiency and balanced growth.\nPuerto Rico\n\nWe are committed to Puerto Rico's right to enjoy full self-determination and a relationship that can evolve in ways that will most benefit U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico. The Democratic Party respects and supports the desire of the people of Puerto Rico to associate, by their own will freely expressed in a peaceful and democratic process, in permanent union with the United States either as a commonwealth or as a state, or to become an independent nation. We are also committed to respect the cultural heritage of the people of Puerto Rico and to the elimination of discriminatory or unfair treatment of Puerto Ricans, as American citizens under federal programs.\nAmerican Indians\n\nThe Carter Administration has upheld and defended the historic special relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes. In addition, it has strongly supported the policy of self-determination and the right to practice the ancestral religions that are important to many tribal members. More than $24 million over the next ten years has been committed to assist Indian tribes with energy resources in making decisions about the development and protection of these resources. The Administration has firmly reiterated its fundamental opposition to the policy of termination which was so detrimental to Indians and their relationship with the federal government.\nThese policies must continue as the federal government finds better means of dealing effectively and compassionately with Indian tribes and individuals. The federal government must honor its treaty commitments. The federal government must redouble its efforts to improve the housing, health care, education and general welfare of Indians. Finally, the federal government must work as an equal partner with tribes as they decide for themselves the best means of managing their substantial energy resources.\nEthnic America\n\nPresident Carter has stated that the composition of American society is analogous to a beautiful mosaic. Each separate part retains its own integrity and identity while adding to and being part of the whole.\nAmerica is a pluralistic society. Each of us must learn to live, communicate, and cooperate with persons of other cultures. Our public policies and programs must reflect this pluralism. Immigrants from every nation and their descendants have made numerous contributions to this country, economically, politically and socially. They have traditionally been the backbone of the labor movement and an integral part of the Democratic Party.\nEthnic Americans share the concerns of all Americans. They too are concerned about decent housing, health care, equal employment opportunities, care of the elderly, and education. In addition, ethnic Americans have some concerns of their own. They want to preserve the culture and language of their former homeland. They want to be integrated into the political, social and economic mainstream of American society, but at the same time they are concerned about the foreign policy issues that affect their native countries. We as a nation must be sensitive to their concerns.\nPresident Carter established the Office of Ethnic Affairs and charged it with a broad and diverse mission. The predominant functions of the office are to link the Administration and its ethnic constituents, to foster the concept of pluralism, and to enable all Americans to partake equally in the American way of life.\nAmericans Living Abroad\n\nAlmost 3 million American citizens live overseas, both as government employees and private citizens. We know only too well the dangers and sacrifices some of these government officials face in serving their country. With the threat of terrorism and political unrest always present, we are committed to improving the security of our embassies and missions abroad. Our government must work with other governments to ensure that Americans are protected while performing their vital duties in the interest of the United States.\nWe also recognize the contributions of private citizens living overseas in bringing American ideals and culture to other lands and in helping the U.S. economy by promoting exports and increased trade with other countries.\nThe President's Export Council has recommended that in order to encourage American exports and redress trade imbalances, the United States should conform with the practices of other major trading nations. Existing disincentives should be removed, so that Americans working abroad can compete more equitably and effectively with citizens from other nations.\nThe Administration must continue to support changes in the law which make it simpler for American parents to ensure that their children born overseas are not denied U.S. citizenship.\nWe also believe that Medicare should be made available to Americans abroad who are eligible for Social Security.\nChapter III: Government Operation and Reform\n\nMaking Government Effective and Efficient\n\nThe Democratic Party has long stood for an active, responsive, vigorous government. Democrats of our generation have a special obligation to ensure that government is also efficient and well managed.\nWe understand full well the importance of this obligation. We realize that even the most brilliantly conceived federal programs are doomed to failure if they are not intelligently and efficiently managed.\nThe kind of government we Democrats stand for is a government that cares and knows how to translate that caring into effective action; a government whose heart and head are working in concert.\nOver the last rotor years the Democratic Administration and the Democratic Congress have built a dramatic government reform record. In the years ahead we must carefully implement the changes we have made, and we must pursue additional measures to provide the efficient government the people have a right to expect.\nRegulatory Reform\n\nFederal regulations are needed to protect consumers and providers in the areas of health, safety, and the environment. Four years ago, however, the overall regulatory machine desperately needed an overhaul. Some rules served only to protect favored industries against competition, at the public's expense. Others imposed conflicting or needlessly costly requirements.\nFor decades, the economy has been hamstrung by anticompetitive regulations. A Democratic Administration and a Democratic Congress are completing the most sweeping deregulation in history. Actions already taken and bills currently pending are revamping the rules governing airlines, banking, trucking, railroads, and telecommunications. Airline deregulation in its first year of operation alone has saved passengers over 2.5 billion dollars.\nFor the regulatory programs our country does need, the Administration has established a new management system. Under Executive Order 12044, agencies are reviewing and eliminating outdated rules and analyzing the full impact of new rules before they are issued. They are developing alternative regulatory approaches which can reduce compliance costs without sacrificing goals. They are increasing public participation in the regulatory process. The Regulatory Council is publishing the first government-wide list of upcoming rules, the Regulatory Calendar, and is using it to eliminate conflict and duplication.\nThe challenges of the eighties will place great demands on our regulatory system. The reforms we have put in place are building machinery that can meet those challenges. However, much work lies ahead to implement the steps we have taken and go further.\nWe must continue to conduct an agency-by-agency review to make regulation less intrusive and more effective.\nWe must find and remove barriers that prevent steady progress toward competition in each industry.\nOn the management side, we must increase the use of cost-effective regulatory techniques, without adversely affecting worker health or safety.\nWe must strengthen our research programs to ensure that we set sensible priorities for regulatory action.\nWe must eliminate those delays, layers of review, and litigation that unduly tie up the process.\nWe must make the regulatory process accessible to all members of the public who are affected.\nWe must oppose special interest efforts to undermine the ability of federal agencies to protect consumers, the environment, or public health and safety; and efforts to enable federal agencies to override or exempt state or federal protections of the environment or public health and safety.\nTax Reform\n\nIn 1976, this Party pledged to seek fundamental tax reform, for we believed that our tax system had lost much of its needed fairness and equity. President Carter honored that pledge by proposing to Congress the most comprehensive and far-reaching set of tax reform proposals ever made by any Administration. That proposal would have dosed over $9 billion worth of tax loopholes, simplified our tax laws, and provided funds for substantial tax reduction for low and middle income taxpayers.\nOnce again, we call on Congress to legislate meaningful tax reform. We cannot any longer allow the special interests to preserve their particular benefits and loopholes at the expense of the average taxpayers. The fight for tax reform must go forward, and the Party pledges to be a part of that important effort. Therefore, we pledge to seek tax reforms which:\n—Encourage savings by low and middle income taxpayers;\n—Close tax loopholes which benefit only special interests at the expense of the average taxpayer and use the proceeds to bring relief to low and middle income Americans;\n—Simplify the tax code and ease the burden on taxpayers in the preparation of their tax returns;\n—Encourage capital formation, innovation and new production in the United States;\n—Curb tax deductions, like those for three-martini lunches, conventions, first class travel, and other expense account deductions, which encourage consumption, discourage saving, and thus impede productivity;\n—End tax discrimination that penalizes married working couples; and\n—End abuses in the tax treatment of foreign sources, such as special tax treatment and incentives for multi-national corporations that drain jobs and capital from the American economy.\nCapital formation is essential both to control inflation and to encourage growth. New tax reform efforts are needed to increase savings and investment, promote the principle of progressive taxation, close loopholes, and maintain adequate levels of federal revenue.\nManagement\n\nThe need to restrain federal spending means that every dollar of the budget must be spent in the most efficient way possible. To achieve this, the Democratic Partnership has been working to streamline the management of the federal government and eliminate waste and fraud from federal programs. Real progress has been made in these important areas.\nWhile these reforms have produced substantial savings for the taxpayers, they must be sustained in the coming years to realize their full potential.\nThe Civil Service Reform Act can be used to encourage improved productivity of the federal government.\nMore business-like control of our assets, placing the government's operations on a sound financial basis, must be used to produce real savings.\nSpecial investigations and improved accounting systems must be used to attack fraud, abuse and wasteful practices.\nEfforts must be continued to improve the delivery of services to citizens through greater accountability, consolidation and coordination in program administration, and elimination of unnecessary red tape and duplication.\nGovernment Openness and Integrity\n\nUnder the Nixon-Ford Administration the federal government was closed to all but a privileged few and the public had lost faith in the integrity of its public servants.\nThe Democratic Party takes pride in its long and outstanding record of leadership in opening up the processes of government to genuine participation by the people, and in making government truly responsive to the basic needs of all the American people.\nFor the last four years, the Carter Administration and the Democratic Congress have devoted a great deal of time and resources to opening government processes and ensuring the integrity of government officials.\nThe Ethics in Government Act now requires all senior government officials to make a full financial disclosure and severely limits the \"revolving door\" practice that has developed among former federal employees of representing private parties before the federal agencies in which they recently held significant positions.\nA statutory provision has now been made for the appointment of a special prosecutor in eases of alleged wrong-doing by senior government officials.\n\"Whistle-blowers\" in the federal government (those who report waste and illegalities) have now been given special statutory protection to prevent possible retribution.\nAn Executive Order has been issued significantly reducing the amount of classified information and increasing the amount of classified material to be released over the next decade by about 250 million pages.\nAs a result of actions such as these, trust and confidence in government officials have been restored. In the coming years, we must ensure full implementation of these initiatives. We must also work toward lobby law reform which is needed to ensure full disclosure of Congressional and executive lobbying activities.\nLaw Enforcement\n\nNumerous changes were necessary when the Democrats took office in 1976. The essential trust between police officers and the public they protect had deteriorated. Funds committed by Congress had been terribly misspent during the eight Republican years.\nThe Carter Administration has taken solid steps toward correcting this serious problem. It has formalized the relationship between federal and state law enforcement officials to ensure maximum cooperation between federal and state agencies. It has taken long strides toward creating and implementing uniform national guidelines for federal prisons and encouraging state penal institutions to use the same guidelines.\nThe Democratic Party supports the enactment of a revised federal criminal code which simplifies the currently complex federal criminal law in order to make our federal criminal justice efforts more effective, and repeals antiquated laws while fully protecting all civil liberties. As that effort proceeds, we must ensure that the rights of workers to engage in peaceful picketing during labor disputes are fully protected.\nThe Democratic Party affirms the right of sports-men to possess guns for purely hunting and target-shooting purposes. However, handguns simplify and intensify violent crime. Ways must be found to curtail the availability of these weapons. The Democratic Party supports enactment of federal legislation to strengthen the presently inadequate regulations over the manufacture, assembly, distribution, and possession of handguns and to ban \"Saturday night specials.\"\nMost important, the government has used its own resources to resolve satisfactorily concerns over the use of deadly force. The Administration has made progress toward the preparation of uniform guidelines for all police departments. They have also utilized the conciliation services available through the Community Relations Service to establish closer working ties among the police and community organizations.\nThe Democratic Party is pledged to continuing its strong record of providing needed assistance to local law enforcement. The new Law Enforcement Assistance Act, enacted by a Democratic Administration and a Democratic Congress, provides an important framework for this purpose. We are committed to using this framework effectively, in close cooperation with state and local law enforcement authorities.\nWe reaffirm our support for the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act and the Runaway Youth Act as responses to the serious challenge of youth crime.\nWe must continue and strengthen efforts at prison reform, to upgrade the safety of our penal institutions, to enhance rehabilitation of offenders, and to lower the recidivism level.\nWe support federal assistance to the victims of crime, including special programs to assist the elderly and to aid the victims of rape and domestic violence. Further efforts should be made to demonstrate the feasibility of restitution by the perpetrators of crime.\nAs we work toward improved law enforcement, we must not permit or sanction excessive or illegal police force.\nMinorities in some areas have been discriminated against by such police actions, and we must take every action at the federal, state, and local level to prevent that from happening in the future, including a renewed commitment to affirmative action in the hiring of law enforcement personnel, establishment of civil rights units at appropriate U.S. Attorneys' offices, and swift investigation and prosecution of suspected civil rights violations.\nPaperwork Reduction\n\nOver the years the federal government has imposed more and more paperwork on the private sector. The Carter Administration has stopped that trend and worked to cut the paperwork burden. We have eliminated unnecessary forms, simplified and consolidated needed forms, and discouraged creation of new paperwork requirements. As a result, the federal paperwork burden has been cut 15 percent, or 127 million man-hours.\nThe Administration is currently putting into place the tools we will need to continue and expand this program. In November 1979, President Carter signed an Executive Order that created the first \"paperwork budget.\" This program will limit the reporting time each agency can impose on the public. In addition, the President has ordered agencies to tailor their forms to reduce the burden on individuals and small business.\nWe need further legislation. We urge a continuation of the effort to reduce government documents to simple English, easily understandable by all. The Administration is working with Congress to pass a Paperwork Reduction Act, which will close wide loopholes in the current oversight process.\nElection Reform\n\nRecent reforms in the election process have aided immeasurably in opening the process to more people and have begun to reduce the influence of special interests. The limitations on campaign contributions and the public financing of Presidential elections are two reforms which have worked very well. Business political action committees continue to spend excessively, however. Further reform in this area is essential. In the 1980s we need to enact reforms which will:\n—Provide for public financing of Congressional campaigns;\n—Lower contribution limits for political action committees;\n—Close the loophole that allows private spending in Presidential elections contrary to the intent of the election law reforms;\n—Encourage voter participation in elections through use of simplified procedures for registration in states that lack mail or election day registration procedures, and by resisting efforts to reduce access to bilingual ballots; and\n—Increase opportunities for full participation in all areas of party and government affairs by the low and moderate income majority of Americans.\nPostal Service\n\nThe private expression statutes guarantee the protection and security of the mail for all Americans. They are essential to the maintenance of a national postal system, which will require an adequate public service subsidy to assure the delivery of mail to all Americans.\nChapter IV: Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Agriculture\n\nEnergy\n\nFor the past four years, the Democratic Party's highest legislative priority has been the development of our nation's first comprehensive energy policy. Our actions were necessitated by the Republican Administration's policy that fostered dependence on foreign oil. This Republican legacy led to America's petroleum paralysis, which weakened our security, undermined our strength abroad, threatened our environment and endangered our economic health.\nIn perhaps no other domestic area did we inherit such a dangerous situation:\n—Domestic production of oil and natural gas was steadily declining, with price controls discouraging exploration and production;\n—Natural gas shortages were regularly plaguing parts of our country;\n—Our dependence on foreign oil was increasing every year;\n—Wasteful energy practices existed in our industries, homes and transportation;\n—Solar and other renewable energy resources were being almost completely ignored;\n—Synthetic fuel production had been stalled;\n—The federal government was not promoting energy conservation;\n—Our allies were unwilling to make adequate efforts to reduce their energy consumption; and\n—Our energy policy was being made by nearly a dozen different agencies and bureaus throughout the federal government.\nThe struggle to develop an energy policy was difficult and time-consuming. Tough decisions, especially in the area of oil price decontrol, were necessary to reduce our dependence of foreign oil.\nNot all of our energy problems have been solved. Yet the achievements of the past four years leave little doubt that we are finally serious about the problems caused by our excessive reliance on foreign oil. As a result of our national energy policy, oil imports will be cut in half by the end of this decade, saving our nation hundreds of billions of dollars. A framework is now in place that will permit further progress in the 1980s. Our economic security demands that we drastically reduce the massive flow of dollars into the OPEC treasuries and oil company bank accounts at the expense of American consumers and business.\nOur progress on energy has been realized because we have achieved four principal goals:\n—Incentives have been provided for the production of new energy sources;\n—Incentives for new oil production have been added, together with a windfall profits tax, which will fund low income energy assistance and energy research and development;\n—Incentives have been provided to encourage conservation of our existing energy resources; and\n—Improved international energy cooperation has reduced our dependence on OPEC.\nThese actions have produced enormous energy benefits to our nation:\n—We are importing one million barrels of oil a day less than last year;\n—Domestic natural gas exploration and production are at record-high levels;\nDomestic oil exploration is at a 20-year high, and the decline in domestic production has been averted;\n—Per capita energy consumption is decreasing;\n—Use of solar energy has increased considerably, and gasohol production has increased by 600 percent;\n—Coal production has increased, and foreign markets for our coal have been developed;\n—Gasoline consumption is 8 percent less than last year.\nIn the 1980s, this program can be improved, as the framework laid in the last four years is used to ensure our energy security for all time.\nAmerica's energy future requires a continued strong national policy based on two fundamental principles: efficient use of energy that will conserve our resources, preserve our economy and create jobs for Americans; and development of secure, environmentally safe and reasonably priced energy sources.\nIt is—and must be—the goal of the Democratic Party to mobilize this nation to use energy efficiently without asking Americans to suffer the loss of our strong economy and hard-earned standard of living. Energy efficiency, especially in buildings, transportation, and industrial production, must be made this nation's top priority.\nThe following specific actions must be taken.\nWe must make energy conservation our highest priority, not only to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but also to guarantee that our children and grandchildren have an adequate supply of energy. If we can convince one of every four drivers exceeding the 55 mile per hour speed limit to reduce their speed, we can save 100,000 barrels a day. Conservation is the cheapest form of energy production.\nWe must establish a massive residential energy conservation grant program. We must provide subsidized loans, direct financial assistance, and other substantial incentives to make all residences in the United States energy efficient, through upgraded insulation, heating, cooling and waterheating. Special incentives should he afforded for the use of renewable energy resources such as passive and active solar energy systems. Our goal should be to ensure that all economically justified energy efficiency investments are made by 1990.\nWe should use our energy programs to aid in rebuilding the industrial heartland. Industry must be given financial incentives to improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes and to build substantial amounts of generating capacity through co-generation.\nWe must implement mandatory Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) to encourage the design and construction of energy efficient buildings. Energy efficiency standards should apply to all new construction. Implementation of energy efficiency standards should begin with federal government buildings. In addition, the federal government should lead the way in implementing solar and energy efficiency improvements programs through its loan and insurance agencies by requiring energy conservation standards for federally assisted properties.\nIn recognition of the potential for substantial energy savings if our most efficient methods of transportation are utilized, we must provide direct economic assistance where private capital is unavailable to improve those means of transport.\nMajor new efforts must be launched to develop synthetic and alternative renewable energy sources. In pursuing a strong program of synthetic fuel plants we must also be sensitive to environmental and water concerns. The federal government must help eliminate red tape involved in the construction of vital energy facilities. The Energy Mobilization Board, an essential mechanism to speed the construction of vital energy facilities, should be able to override state and local substantive law only with the consent of Congress and the President.\nThe Democratic Party regards coal as our nation's greatest energy resource. It must play a decisive role in America's energy future. We must increase our use of coal. To accomplish this, we must see that shippers are not overburdened with excessive rates for transportation. Severance taxes levied for depletion of natural resources should be equitable. We must make clean coal conversion a reality. To this end, we will assist utilities that are large enough to permit coal conversion while maintaining or improving air quality. We must also provide incentives for industrial boiler coal conversion. Goal conversion can and must be accomplished in a manner that protects public health, nationally, regionally and locally. It can and must increase the use of coal, reduce the demand for oil, and provide employment where jobs are needed the most.\nThe federal government should accept its responsibility as trustee for the American Indian and Alaska Native tribes to ensure that tribal resources develop at a pace that preserves the existing life-style and that the tribes participate in the contracting process for resource development with full knowledge of the environmental tradeoffs. The federal government must continue to cooperate with tribal governments in such matters as changes in the use of sacred and religious areas. The Democratic Party believes that American Indian and Alaska Native reservations should remain the permanent homeland for these peoples.\nWe recognize that Hawaii, U.S. territories and Trust territories in the Pacific Basin are particularly vulnerable because of their total dependence on imported oil for meeting their energy needs. These insular areas do not have access to the alternative sources of energy that are available elsewhere. Consequently, the Democratic Party recommends that these areas, where feasible, be chosen as sites for demonstration and/or pilot alternative energy projects, especially ocean thermal energy conversion, solar and wind.\nWe must lead the Western World in developing a program for increased use of coal in Europe, Japan, and the developing nations.\nOil exploration on federal lands must be accelerated, consistent with environmental protections.\nOffshore energy leasing and development should be conditioned on full protection of the environment and marine resources. Lease sales should proceed only after appropriate safeguards necessary to preserve and protect vital natural resources are put in place. The determination of what safeguards are needed must be based on a complete assessment of the effects of offshore activity on the marine and coastal environment, and must be made in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, the federal agencies charged with protecting our nation's fisheries and other environmental resources.\nSolar energy use must be increased, and strong efforts, including continued financial support, must be undertaken to make certain that we achieve the goal of having solar energy account for 20 percent of our total energy by the year 2000.\nTo ensure that we reach the 20 percent goal, the Democratic Party commits itself to a federal program for solar or other renewable resources that exceeds the federal commitment to synthetic fuels. A greater share of federal funds should be committed to basic research and must be devoted to the development of renewable energy resources and fusion research and development. Moreover, we support the commercialization of solar, wind, low-head hydro, biomass and other renewable resources as quickly as possible through direct assistance, investment and loan guarantees in addition to monies available from the solar bank. The Democratic Party vigorously supports substantial funding for the construction of an engineering test facility for fusion technology. Fusion energy is a safe, clean alternative source of energy which can be used to generate electricity efficiently.\nWe must encourage research and development of hydrogen or electric powered vehicles. We must fully commit ourselves to an alcohol fuel program. The federal government should expand its use of alcohol fuels in government and military vehicles. This will help reduce surplus feed grain and help to stabilize prices. The Democratic Party pledges that production of fuel-grade alcohol will be increased until at least a target of 500 million barrels of ethanol by 1981 is achieved.\nA stand-by gasoline rationing plan must be adopted for use in the event of a serious energy supply interruption. In times of supply interruption, rationing is essential for equitable and prompt distribution of gas to the public. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve should be filled as market conditions permit, consistent with the requirements of existing law.\nWe must impose a moratorium on the acquisition of competing coal companies and solar energy companies by major oil companies.\nLegislation must be enacted to prohibit purchases by oil companies of energy or non-energy companies unless the purchase would enhance competition.\nThe major oil companies must be responsible and accountable in their production, importation and distribution of fossil fuels. Oil is as basic to our economy, defense, and general welfare as electric power and money. Consequently, the oil companies must be invested with public purpose. To accomplish this objective, we support strengthened leasing regulations, reporting requirements and monitoring by the departments of Energy and Justice.\nThorough investigations of the compliance of the off companies with energy price laws and regulations must be continued, and tough penalties imposed in the event of non-compliance. The Department of Energy, consistent with the law, should share its energy data with the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission.\nWe must make conservation and renewable energy our nation's energy priorities for the future. Through the federal government's commitment to renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, and as alternative fuels become available in the future, we will retire nuclear power plants in an orderly manner.\nWe must give the highest priority to dealing with the nuclear waste disposal problem. Current efforts to develop a safe, environmentally sound nuclear waste disposal plan must be continued and intensified.\nThe NRC shall issue no licenses or permits for new nuclear plants until the Kemeny Commission recommendations are fully implemented.\nExisting plants must be required to meet the safer recommendations of the Kemeny Commission. The Democratic Party supports prompt implementation of their recommendations. No plant unable to meet these standards can be allowed to operate.\nSafe permanent disposal of all high-level radioactive waste and transuranic waste should be the primary responsibility of the federal government, in consultation and concurrence with state, local, tribal, and territorial governments throughout the entire decision-making process, including the actual siting and operation of repositories. Neither the federal government nor the state or tribal or territorial governments should be permitted to act in a manner that forces an unsafe resolution of this problem or prevents a safe resolution from being accomplished. It is, therefore, essential that state and tribal governments, acting according to\ntheir constitutional processes, have the power to reject unsafe sites within their borders. Clear standards should be developed so that the courts may determine whether the federal government or a state or tribe is acting in an arbitrary manner. Every state should be responsible for the management and disposal of all low-level waste generated by non-defense sources within its boundaries. Where appropriate, this responsibility should be exercised through state regional compacts. There should be more federal funding for research and development of safer, more efficient methods of radioactive waste disposal.\nFunds generated by the Windfall Profits Tax must be used to expand mass transit. Federal assistance should be provided for construction and operation costs.\nEnvironment\n\nWe are charged with the stewardship of an irreplaceable environment. The Democratic Party must continue to be as environmentally progressive in the future as it has been in the past. Progress in environmental quality—a major achievement of the 1970s—must continue in the 1980s. The environmental problems we face today are, if anything, more challenging and urgent than those of ten years ago.\nThe great strides we have taken during the past few years are the best evidence of our commitment to resource conservation and environmental restoration. We have compiled a proud record.\nDuring the next four years, we must carry forward vigorously with these important policies, and move to address a series of new challenges.\nWe must move decisively to protect our countryside and our coastline from overdevelopment and mismanagement. Major efforts are now underway to solve such problems as disappearing farmland and development on our barrier islands. These efforts should help forge a strong national consensus behind the realization that protection must be balanced with the need to properly manage and utilize our land resources during the 1980s.\nWe must develop new and improved working relationships among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and private interests, to manage effectively our programs for increased domestic energy production and their impact on people, water, air, and the environment in general. All of our energy development efforts should be carried out without sacrificing environmental quality.\nWe must continue on the path to a sustainable energy future—a future based increasingly on renewable resources and energy conservation. Our national goal of having 20 percent of our energy from renewable resources in the year 2000 must become a working target, not a forgotten slogan. Conservation must remain the cornerstone of our national energy supply.\nNew efforts at home and abroad will be required in the early 1980s to face squarely such global problems as the destruction of forests, the loss of countless irreplaceable species, growing world population, acid rain, and carbon dioxide buildup.\nPassage by Congress of the hazardous waste cleanup proposal will provide the basis for a major effort beginning in 1981 to clean up the thousands of hazardous waste dump sites across the country. Toxic chemicals are a serious threat to the health of our people. We must continue our programs to improve agency performance in many areas, such as protection of groundwater, in order to better protect the public.\nWe must strive to ensure that environmental regulations cost no more than necessary and are streamlined to eliminate waste, duplication and delay. We must not lose sight of the fact that the benefits of these regulations far outweigh their costs. We must work to reform legislation without deforming it.\nWe support the allocation of resources to the Environmental Protection Agency and other environmental agencies sufficient to carry out their mandates.\nWe support strict adherence to automobile pollution standards.\nWe will support policies to eliminate acid rain pollution from power plant emissions.\nWe will commit ourselves to efficient transportation alternatives, including mass transit, car pooling, van pooling, employer based commuter plans, and hydrogen and electric commuter vehicles.\nWe will continue to fight noise pollution in our urban centers and job sites.\nWe will encourage the recycling of municipal solid waste.\nWe will seek a strong \"super-fund\" law financed by government and industry.\nWe must continue to pursue offshore energy leasing to stimulate our domestic oil and gas production and reduce our dependence on foreign oil consistent with environmental and marine concerns.\nWe will fund adequately the Land and Water Conservation Fund to protect our national park system.\nWe will implement vigorously the Toxic Substances Control Act.\nOften, actions by one nation affect the economic growth and the quality of life in other nations. Such actions can be influenced by international agreement and incentives.\nTo defend against environmental risks that cross national frontiers, international cooperation must be extended to new areas, such as acid rain, deforestation and desertification, buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thinning of the ozone shield, air and water pollution, oil spills, chemicals in the environment, and disposal of radioactive waste.\nWater\n\nWater is a necessity to all, and represents life itself to much of the American Union. We recognize especially the singular dependence of the Western states on scarce water supplies. The development of navigation, irrigation, flood control, and hydroelectric projects is vital to the economic health of the West, and correspondingly to the entire nation.\nWorking with Congress, the Democratic Administration will implement a national water policy which recognizes the special needs of the West. Toward this end, we support the modern standards and valid cost-benefit analysis suggested by the Federal Water Resources Council. We support a federal study, in partnership with the affected states, to explore possibilities and recommend alternatives relative to importation of water into arid and semi-arid states. We also support state, local, and tribal participation in all phases of water programs within their respective jurisdictions.\nRecently, water programs across the nation have become enmeshed in controversy and conflicting values. It is not unusual for a federal water project to take a generation from the time it is authorized to the time construction actually begins.\nYet the national need for expanded and accelerated investment in water development grows ever more pressing, and is increasingly acknowledged. If, as but one example, we are to develop our unequaled coal resources as a substitute for imported oil, we will require expansion of water transportation and improvement of seaports beyond the imagination of even those early Americans who sensed the path to empire in our inland waterways. The development of synthetic fuels, which must of necessity be concentrated in states with sparse water supplies, is an enormous challenge to engineering and science.\nSimilarly, the task of reindustrialization requires that we recognize the water development needs of all sections of the nation.\nWater to supply steel mills and automobile factories, to provide for the needs of commercial cities and associated suburbs, makes a legitimate and pressing claim on national priorities.\nWe recognize the need to develop a truly national water program which responds to the needs of each region of our country in an active and effective manner and which recognizes the social effects of water projects.\nThe Democratic Party strongly supports the desalinization of sea water and the development of water resources in those areas of the country where water is scarce.\nAgriculture\n\nAmerica's farmers are among the most vital economic forces of the nation. Because of their extraordinary productivity, Americas farm workers provide more food and fiber per person at a lower cost than their counterparts in any other country. American consumers have a more certain food supply than consumers in any other nation, even though a third of our farm production is sold abroad each year.\nIn 1977, the Democratic Administration inherited a farm economy marked by serious over-production and badly outdated price support programs. Farm prices and incomes were plummeting, partly in response to misguided attempts at price controls. The livestock sector was in its third straight year of loss, and a herd liquidation of unprecedented scale was under way.\nBecause of actions taken by the Democratic Administration and Democratic Congress, this situation was turned around in 1978 and 1979. U.S. agriculture was put back on a track of steady, sustained growth and improvement. The sharp decline of farm prices and farm incomes was reversed. An aggressive program of export promotion resulted in record high agricultural exports in each of the past three years.\nRecently, however, the nation's farm economy has been hurt by reduced prices; high costs of production, including energy, inflation, equipment, and high interest rates. As a result, our nation's farmers are facing a time of hardship.\nAgricultural policy in the 1980s must strengthen the forces which made American farmers the most productive in the world and American agriculture the hope of hungry people everywhere. In this way, we can ensure a decade of prosperity for farmers and of agricultural abundance for America's consumers.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to the following goals.\nContinued attention to expanding farm exports—American agriculture's long-run interests remain firmly tied to the sale of U.S. farm products abroad. Despite the significant progress made to date, it is important that we continue to work at breaking down barriers to trade and capitalizing on our nation's enormous advantage in the production of food and fiber.\nIf food is to be used as an instrument of foreign policy, it is inoperative that farm income be protected. Farmers must have access to free markets.\nRecognizing the patriotic sacrifices made by the American farmer during the agricultural embargo protesting the invasion of Afghanistan, we commend the agricultural community's contribution in the field of foreign affairs. Except in time of war or grave threats to national security, the federal government should impose no future embargoes on agricultural products.\nProtecting farm prices and farm income— Rapidly rising costs of production, especially energy costs, make it imperative that we increase the level of support for farm prices and income by increasing target prices to cover the cost of production. For those farm products not covered by target prices, such as soy-beans, cattle, hogs, poultry, sugar cane, and sugar beets, we pledge support programs that will maintain viable domestic production. Low cost farm credit should be extended with the least possible delay in times of stress from decreased farm income or disasters.\nIt is in the nation's long-run interest that returns to farmers keep pace with rising costs to ensure a fair return on investment.\nMeasures to protect and further enhance agricultural productivity—Although agricultural productivity remains high in comparison with productivity in the non-farm sector, its rate of increase has slowed over the past two or three decades. This trend must be reversed through greater attention to the effects of regulatory actions, increased support for agricultural research, and intensified efforts to conserve our vital land and water resources.\nRebuilding our agricultural transportation system—The transportation system which moves our agricultural products to their final markets, including ports for export shipment, has been strained to the limit. While needed improvements have begun, through such measures as trucking and rail deregulation and the expansion of Lock and Dam 26 (on the Mississippi River at Alton, Illinois), more intensive efforts will be required in the future. In the ease of railroads, a rebuilding effort will be required.\nProtecting our soil resource—American agriculture is critically dependent on the productivity of its soil. Without careful and consistent stewardship of this important resource, it can become depleted. An assessment of our nation's conservation needs is now underway. We must be prepared to act on the findings of this assessment. Emergency procedures should be enacted to increase soil conservation incentives for construction of watersheds, tile intake terraces, and other soil saving practices.\nProtecting family farms—The real genius of American agriculture is the role and prominence of the farm family. It is this form of organization that provides agriculture with its vitality, independent spirit, and progressiveness. We must protect farmers from land speculators, giant farm combinations, and foreign buyers. We support laws requiring disclosure of all foreign ownership of farmland and we will continue to monitor such ownership to determine its impact on our farms.\nWhile we recognize the need to modernize the 1902 Reclamation Act, we reaffirm our support for its intent—to assure that the federal subsidy program assists only family farmers.\nWe support reforms in the estate tax to strengthen the stability of family farms.\nFarmer Involvement—There is a continuing need to devise better ways of involving people in the decisions of their government, particularly in those decisions that have direct and important effects on their lives. We realize the need for a strong cattle industry and for ranchers' involvement in the development of farm programs. Considerable progress has been made in this regard, but more is required.\nCapper-Volstead Act—We reaffirm our strong support for agricultural cooperatives and bargaining associations to engage in vigorous programs to pack, process and market their members' crops as provided for in the Capper-Volstead Act.\nFarm labor—We must vigorously enforce existing laws relating to farm labor organization and recognize the right of farm workers to bargain collectively, while ensuring the legal rights of farmers.\nFarm mechanization—We support restraining programs for farm workers displaced by mechanized farming.\nForestry\n\nAmerica's national forests contain a national treasure that provides recreation, wilderness, fish and wildlife, and timber products.\nWe reaffirm the Democratic Party's traditional support for multiple-use management to ensure the survival of these precious resources for this generation and generations to come.\nWe call for the speedy resolution by Congress of the Roadless Area Review and Evaluation, stimulated by this Administration, to determine which areas are best suited for wilderness and which should be released for timber harvest and multiple-use management.\nWe support continued assistance to private, non-industrial forest owners to increase their management potential.\nOn federal lands identified as part of our timber resource, we support:\n—Management policies which, consistent with sound, complete land management plans, will result in the highest timber yields, when trees are mature, and which can be sustained over the long term;\n—Concentration of timber sales on areas of greater potential;\n—Management of these irreplaceable and environmentally unique areas to maintain perpetually their value; and\n—Provision of adequate access facilities for all of these uses.\nWe shall insist that administration of public lands by the Department of Interior be fair and equitable. The interest of the state within which such public lands lie must be of paramount importance in the decision-making process. We encourage all federal agencies to consult with the states on such matters.\nFisheries\n\nUnder the Democratic Administration the U.S. fishing industry has made substantial progress, as evidenced by the following:\n—Commercial landings of fish in 1979 were up 45 percent in value and 21 percent in quantity compared with 1977;\n—The U.S. share of the catch in our 200-mile fisheries conservation zone increased from 27 percent in 1978 to 33 percent in 1979;\n—Over the same period, the foreign catch of fish in the U.S. 200-mile zone dropped 6 percent, and 29 percent from the average for the five preceding years;\n—The U.S. has moved from fifth in the world in 1977 to fourth in 1978 in total commercial fish landings; and\n—Exports of U.S. edible fishery products in 1979 were up 116 percent in value and 67 percent in quantity compared with 1977.\nWhile such trends are encouraging, there remains a tremendous potential for growth. By volume, 67 percent, and by value, 34 percent, of the harvest in the fishery conservation zone is still taken by foreign vessels. The value of the catch to foreign fishermen was $470 million in 1979.\nThe need for more rapid growth of the U.S. fishing industry is illustrated by the fact that imports of fisheries' products outweighed exports by $1.7 billion last year. With full development of our industry, this deficit could be erased. Moreover, 43,000 new jobs could be created.\nOne-fifth of the world's fish are found in waters off the United States. We pledge to continue the development of our fishing industry so that the U.S. achieves self-sufficiency in this sector and fully utilizes the valuable and abundant fisheries resources off our shores. To this end, continuing effort in the following areas is needed:\n—Develop a balanced U.S. harvesting processing and marketing capability on a geographical and fishery-by-fishery basis;\n—Continue to phase out foreign fishing within our 200-mile zone;\n—Target efforts to stimulate and expand those fisheries that are presently unutilized and underutilized;\n—Increase research and development through cooperative federal-private efforts with emphasis on industry initiatives;\n—Encourage the availability of capital in sectors where it is particularly needed;\n—Promote market development, and to that end, continue to allocate surplus fishery resources of the U.S. 200-mile zone to foreign nations in order to stimulate improved access to their markets for our fish products;\n—Enhance conservation and management of U.S. fishery resources and in that effort, increase observer coverage of foreign fishing operations in the 200-mile zone;\n—Work toward ensuring that a fair share of the costs of conservation, management, research and enforcement in the 200-mile zone is borne by foreign fishermen who enjoy access to our surplus fishery resources;\n—Assist the U.S. distant-water fleets through international agreements;\n—Support an international ocean regime for fisheries management through successful completion of Law-of-the-Sea negotiations;\n—Encourage development of a diversified U.S. aquaculture industry;\n—Protect, restore and enhance fish habitats;\n—Continue support for research, propagation and management of our anadromous fish resource; and\n—In recognition of its economic and recreational importance, accord a high priority to maintaining and improving marine sports fishing.\nChapter V: Foreign Policy\n\nIntroduction\n\nWhen the Democratic Party came into office almost four years ago, the most dangerous threat to America's position in the world was the profound disillusionment and mistrust which the American people felt for their own government. This had reached the point where the very term \"national security\" had become synonymous with the abuse of power, deceit and violation of public trust. It undermined our capacity to defend our interests and to play our proper role in the world at a time when Soviet power was continuing to grow.\nThe hallmark of the previous eight years of Republican Administration had been to emphasize the primacy of power politics irrespective of compatibility with American values and with the increasing power of the Soviet Union. The result was disrespect abroad and discontent at home.\nThe Democratic Party was determined to make our values a central factor in shaping American foreign policy. The one-sided emphasis of the previous Republican Administration had led many Americans to a suspicion of power, and in some respects, even to rejection of military strength. The American people longed to see their country once again identified with widespread human aspirations. The Democratic Party understood, if the Republicans did not, that this is essential to preserve our long-term interest in the world.\nThe Democratic Administration sought to reconcile these two requirements of American foreign policy—principle and strength. Both are required to maintain a constructive and secure relationship between America and the rest of the world. We have tried to make clear the continuing importance of American strength in a world of change. Without such strength, there is a genuine risk that global change will deteriorate into anarchy to be exploited by our adversaries' military power. Thus, the revival of American strength has been a central preoccupation of the Democratic Administration.\nThe use of American power is necessary as a means of shaping not only a more secure, but also a more decent world. To shape a decent world, we must pursue objectives that are moral, that make clear our support for the aspirations of mankind and that are rooted in the ideals of the American people.\nThat is why the Democrats have stressed human rights. That is why America once again has supported the aspirations of the vast majority of the world's population for greater human justice and freedom. As we continue to strive to solve our own internal problems, we are proud of the values for which the United States has always stood. We should continue to be a beacon of liberty around the world and to effectively and positively state America's case for freedom to the world through various governmental and nongovernmental channels.\nA foreign policy which seeks to blend our ideals and our strength does not easily reduce itself to simple statements.\nFirst, we must consistently strengthen our relations with like-minded industrial democracies. In meeting the dangers of the coming decade the United States will consult closely with our Allies to advance common security and political goals. As a result of annual summit meetings, coordinated economic policies and effective programs of international energy conservation have been fashioned. With the cooperation of rich and poor nations alike, a new international trade agreement has been reached which safeguards our free enterprise system from protectionism and gives us greater economic opportunity in the world, while it gives the developing world a stake in the stability of the world's economy.\nSecond, we must continue to improve our relations with the Third World by being sensitive to their legitimate aspirations. The United States should be a positive force for peaceful change in responding to ferment in the Third World. Today, thanks to a number of steps that have been taken—strengthening the international aid institutions, the Panama Canal treaties, the Zimbabwe settlement, the normalization of relations with China—the United States has a healthier and more productive relationship with these countries.\nOur third objective must be peace in the Middle East. The Carter Administration has pursued this objective with determination and together with the leaders of Israel and Egypt, has overcome great obstacles in the last three years. America made this commitment for two fundamental reasons—morality and national security.\nOur nation feels a profound moral obligation to sustain and assure the security of Israel. That is why our relationship with Israel is, in most respects, a unique one. Israel is the single democracy, the most stable government, the most strategic asset and our closest ally in the region.\nTo fulfill this imperative, we must move towards peace in the Middle East. Without peace, there is a growing prospect, indeed inevitability, that this region will become radicalized, susceptible to foreign intrusion, and possibly involved in another war. Thus, peace in the Middle East also is vital for our national security interests.\nThe strength of these two impulses—our moral commitment and national security—has sustained the Democratic Administration in many difficult trials. The result has been the first peace ever between Israel and an Arab country, as well as the eventual prospect of a wider comprehensive agreement which will assure peace and security to all parties concerned. Our goal is to make the Middle East an area of stability and progress in which the United States can play a full and constructive role.\nOur fourth major objective is to strengthen the military security of the United States and our Allies at a time when trends in the military balance have become increasingly adverse. America is now, and will continue to be, the strongest power on earth. It was the Democratic Party's greatest hope that we could, in fact, reduce our military effort. But realities of the world situation, including the unremitting buildup of Soviet military forces, required that we begin early to reverse the decade-long decline in American defense efforts.\nIn 1977,В the United States joined with NATO to develop, for the first time in the history of the Alliance, a long-term defense program calling for 3 percent annual real growth in our collective defense efforts. This is being fulfilled. In the first year, the Democratic Administration decided that the U.S. needed an enhanced strategic posture and policy to deal with the increased first strike capability of the Soviet Union. To this end basic commitments were made regarding U.S. strategic capabilities for the late 1980s, in particular, the MX land-based mobile ICBM deterrent. Finally, development is now underway of a rapid deployment force capable of defending our interests and protecting our friends in those parts of the world where American military forces are not regularly present.\nAt the same time, the Democratic Administration has determined to cut waste in defense spending. The B-1 bomber was cancelled because it was technologically obsolete. A defense bill containing unnecessary expenditures for a new nuclear carrier, while neglecting the readiness of our day-to-day forces, was vetoed and the veto was sustained. These decisions involved difficult choices, but the result is a leaner, stronger American military posture.\nAs a fifth objective the Democrats have been and remain committed to arms control, especially to strategic arms limitations, and to maintain a firm and balanced relationship with the Soviet Union. Our resolve to pursue this goal remains as strong as ever.\nTo avoid the danger to all mankind from an intensification of the strategic arms competition, and to curb a possible acceleration of the nuclear arms race while awaiting the ratification of the SALT II Treaty, we endorse the policy of continuing to take no action which would be inconsistent with its object and purpose, so long as the Soviet Union does likewise,\nArms control and strategic arms limitation are of crucial importance to us and to all other people. The Salt II Agreement is a major accomplishment of the Democratic Administration. It contributes directly to our national security, and we will seek its ratification at the earliest feasible time.\nDefense\n\nAmerica's military strength is and must be unsurpassed. The Democratic Administration has moved to reverse the threatened decline in America's world position. While claiming concern for our nation's defense preparedness, the Nixon-Ford Administration presided over a steady decline of 33 percent in real U.S. military pending between 1968 and 1976.\nAs a result of the joint efforts of the Democratic Administration and Congress, there has been a real increase in our defense spending every year since 1976.\nThis increase is necessary in order to compensate for the decline in U.S. military strength over the previous eight years and to assure a high quality of military personnel, an effective nuclear deterrent capability, a capable conventional fighting force and an improved intelligence capability. We will act to further improve intelligence gathering and analysis.\nWe must be careful that our defense dollars are spent wisely. We must make sure that we develop and deploy practical weapons and that we have the resources to ensure that the men and women who must operate these weapons have the skill to do so.\nThe serious question of manpower shortages must be addressed promptly. In order to prevent the necessity of a peacetime draft, the all-volunteer force must have wage standards which will retain experienced personnel or recruit new personnel upon whom an increasingly sophisticated military heavily depends.\nWe will upgrade the combat readiness of our armed forces. We will give the highest priority to combat training, to an effective Reserve and Guard force, and to sufficient supplies, spare parts, fuel and ammunition. Registration of 18-year-olds is intended to enable the United States to mobilize more rapidly in the event of an emergency, which is the only time it should be used. We do not favor a peacetime draft or the exclusion of women from registration. We will seek ways to expand voluntary service in both the armed forces and non-military programs such as VISTA, the Young Adult Conservation Corps, and the Peace Corps.\nWe need to go forward to protect our retaliatory capabilities in the face of continuing Soviet advances in their strategic forces.\nThe nation has moved to modernize its strategic deterrent through the MX, Trident, and cruise missile systems. The MX missile deployment will enhance the survivability of our land-based intercontinental ballistic missile force. Cruise missiles will modernize our strategic air deterrent, and the new Trident submarine, with a missile range of over 4,000 miles, will both improve and help guarantee the invulnerability of our nuclear deterrent.\nThe United States has acted to correct the dangerous military imbalance which had developed in Europe by initiating and obtaining Allied support for a long overdue NATO long-term defense program and proceeding toward the deployment in Europe of long-range theater nuclear deterrents to counter the Soviet buildup of such weaponry in Europe. Our commitment to increase defense speeding by at least 3 percent per year is crucial to the maintenance of Allied consensus and confidence in his regard. We need to modernize our conventional military capabilities so that we can better protect American lives and American an interests abroad.\nThe Democratic Administration has acted to improve our ability to make rapid responses to contingencies by organizing and supporting rapid deployment forces capable of responding to military problems in any part of the world where our vital interests are threatened. To that end, we favor the development and production of a new fleet of cargo aircraft with intercontinental range, the design and procurement of a force of Maritime Propositioning ships that will carry heavy equipment and supplies for three Marine Corps brigades, and an increase in regional military exercises, in cooperation with friendly states. We have given particular attention to developing the facilities and capabilities to further support the policy of the United States with regard to the Persian Gulf enunciated by President Carter in the State of the Union address on January 23, 1980: \"Let our position be absolutely dear: an attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.\"\nWe are confident that the negotiation of American overseas military facilities in support of this effort as well as in other areas of the world will be conducted with respect for the independence, integrity and cultural values of the host countries.\nThe Democratic Party recognizes the strategic value of Israel and that peace in the Middle East requires a military secure Israel. Because Middle East nations that have not joined the peace process have been able to purchase the latest sophisticated Soviet and other weaponry, the technological advantage which Israel holds over its adversaries has been jeopardized. The progress of the peace talks means that Israel has gained considerable security advantages from peace with Egypt. At the same time, Israel will lose some of the tactical advantages previously provided by territory occupied in 1967. Any further war Israel fights could take place close to its population centers. Therefore, we pledge a continued high level of U.S. military support for Israel.\nU.S.-Soviet\nRelations\nA strong, consistent, and principled policy toward the Soviet Union is a vital element of our foreign policy everywhere. The Democratic Administration will use all its resources—including both firm diplomacy and military power—to deter adventurism and to make restraint the only acceptable course available to our adversaries.\nWe stand ready to pursue good faith negotiations with the Soviet Union at every opportunity on a wide range of issues including strategic arms forces in the European theater, and other matters which would contribute to peace and a more genuine and reciprocal detente.\nAt the heart of our policy toward the Soviet Union must be a clear recognition of the reality of Soviet power. We must reject the easy mythology that the Soviets see the world as we do. A long-term strategy for the 1980s requires a dear view of the Soviet Union, a view without illusion that our adversary is either benign or omnipotent.\nThe Soviet attack on Afghanistan, the murder of its leaders, and the ruthless effort to exterminate those resisting the Soviet invasion have violated all norms of international law and practice and have been thoroughly condemned by the international community.\nThis attempt to subjugate an independent, non-aligned Islamic people is a callous violation of international law, the United Nations Charter, and the principle of restraint which underlies detente.\nThis invasion places the Soviet armed forces within fighter aircraft range of the Straits of Hormuz, the lifeline of the bulk of the world's exportable oil.\nIt creates fear and instability among our friends in the region who are already buffeted by the disintegration of Iran as a stabilizing force.\nMore broadly, the success or failure of Soviet military aggression will affect present and future Soviet leaders' readiness to use force to gain their ends.\nHence, it is a threat not only to our strategic interests in the region but to world peace.\nA strong American response to the illegal and brutal invasion of Afghanistan serves our nation's security interests. It must and will be sustained, as long as Soviet troops remain there.\nIn response to the Soviet invasion, the United States has cut grain exports, curbed high technology trade and interrupted scientific and cultural relations.\nThe United States has also committed itself to a boycott of Moscow as the site of the Olympic Games. To attend while the Soviet armed might brutally seeks to crush the national liberation movement in Afghanistan would be a travesty of the Olympic spirit.\nWe must continue to support U.S. actions such as the Olympic boycott and trade restrictions in order to show determined opposition to Soviet aggression. We insist on immediate Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan and the reestablishment of a non-aligned, independent government which is supported by the people of Afghanistan. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan makes it extremely important that the United States be ready to aid those in the Third World resisting Soviet, Cuban, and East German domination.\nWhile the invasion of Afghanistan has sidetracked our pursuit of a productive relationship with the Soviet Union, the Democratic Party supports efforts to strengthen ties to the nations of Eastern Europe. Treating each of those nations with sensitivity to its individual situation, the U.S. has steadily improved relations with the people of Hungary, Poland, and Romania. While Soviet conduct has profoundly damaged East-West relations, the U.S. should continue to draw distinctions, to the extent possible, between the sanctions it imposes on economic dealings with Moscow and similar relations with some other members of the Warsaw Pact, as long as they are not diverting that trade, in grain or items under export control, to the use of the Soviet Union and as long as they are willing to maintain a constructive dialogue on issues of concern and significance to the United States.\nThrough the measures now being taken, including both denial of economic benefits and the Olympic boycott, as well as our efforts to enhance the security of the region more directly affected, the objective should be to make the Soviets pay a price for their act of international aggression. We should continue to do so along with efforts to strengthen our national defense. We cannot permit this attack across an international border, with the threat it poses to the region and thus to the strategic balance, to go unanswered. Only firmness now can prevent new adventures later.\nThe Democratic Administration will also seek to reverse the recent sharp downturn in Soviet Jewish emigration and to obtain the release of dissidents now detained in the Soviet Union, including 41 members of the Helsinki Watch Groups who are in Soviet prisons, labor camps and banishment for their human rights activity. We will pursue our human rights concerns as a necessary part of overall progress on the range of political, military and economic issues between the United States and the Soviet Union—including the possibility of improved, mutually beneficial economic relations between our two countries.\nConsideration of human rights should be a permanent feature of U.S.-Soviet relations. We salute those Soviet citizens active in the Moscow, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Armenian, and Georgian Helsinki Monitoring Groups, assert our support of the courageous human rights advocate, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Andrei Sakharov, and call for Dr. Sakharov's release from forced exile as well as the release of all political prisoners in the U.S.S.R.\nWe pledge that a Democratic Administration will raise the question of the Soviet violation of human rights at all appropriate international forums.\nArms Control\n\nThe SALT II Treaty also serves our security interests. It is a vital step in an arms control process that can begin to lift from humanity the shadow of nuclear war. That process, also, must be sustained.\nSoviet aggression against Afghanistan has delayed the course of ratification of the SALT II Treaty, but we must continue to pursue both security priorities: deterrence of Soviet aggression and balanced arms control agreements. Both the response to Afghanistan and the SALT II Treaty serve this purpose.\nThe SALT Treaty is in the U.S. interest because it is an important way of restraining Soviet behavior.\nWithout SALT II, the Soviets could have hundreds more missiles and thousands more nuclear warheads than the Treaty permits. Under the Treaty, they would have to eliminate many nuclear weapons they already have.\nThe Treaty helps sustain a strong American position in the world. Our Allies and other nations around the world know the SALT II Treaty serves their security interests as well as ours. American support for arms control is important to our standing in the international community, the same community that has rebuked the Soviets for their attempted suppression of Afghanistan. It is also important to our efforts to organize an enduring response to the growing threat to Europe of the Soviet SS-20 nuclear missiles and to Soviet aggression in Afghanistan.\nAlong with support for SALT, we seek to maintain a stable conventional and theater nuclear balance in Europe. We will support modernization programs in which European countries bear their fair share of the cost and other burdens. At the same time, we will ensure that no possibility for effective limits on theater nuclear weapons is left unexplored. The Democratic Administration will join with our NATO allies in making far-reaching, equitable, and verifiable proposals for nuclear and conventional arms control in Europe.\nThe Democratic Party wants an arms control process to continue, just as it wants to sustain strong policies against Soviet aggression in Afghanistan. We understand that both build peace and make our nation more secure. Accordingly, we must persist in a strong policy regarding the Soviet aggression, and we must seek ratification of SALT as soon as it is feasible.\nA Democratic Administration will not accept an indefinite deferral of strategic arms control. On the basis of review and planning of U.S. security requirements in the coming decade, we are determined to pursue negotiations with the Soviet Union, aimed at the achievement of strategic stability and, for the first time, of major reductions and qualitative limits on strategic systems. The American SALT proposals in March 1977 were the first effort to seek such reductions, which remain the goal and justification of arms control. A Democratic Administration will treat the Soviet government's readiness to negotiate verifiable, substantial and significant reductions and qualitative limits as a test of its seriousness about arms control and the compatibility of its approach to arms control with that of the United States.\nWe will pursue other arms control opportunities that can enhance both our national security and the prospects of peace. In particular, the Democratic Administration will pursue a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Such a treaty is vital to our hopes to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Following the 1980 Review Conference on the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty, we will step up our efforts to expand adherence to the treaty, to strengthen international safeguards and controls over nuclear materials, equipment and technology, and to forestall the spread of nuclear explosive capabilities. In any peaceful nuclear supply, we will continue to seek the full application of international safeguards and undertakings not to explode nuclear devices.\nWe have placed significant limits on our conventional arms transfers and will vigorously press other arms suppliers and recipients to accept mutual restraints.\nThe Democratic Administration has increased our capacity to counter national terrorism, both on a national basis and in coordination with other governments, and to deal with acts of terrorism including hostage-taking committed either by individuals or by governments. We will strengthen multilateral arrangements for contingency planning, information sharing, military coordination, and the isolation of countries that harbor terrorists.\nHuman Rights\n\nIn the area of international affairs, the Democratic Administration has placed America's power in the service of a more decent world by once again living up to our own values and working in a formal, deliberate way to foster the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.\nThis has been accomplished through a strong commitment to human rights, which must be seen not only as a moral imperative but as the only secure and enduring basis upon which a truly stable world order can he fashioned. There have been successes in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere in the world. We must be undaunted by the increasing repression in the Soviet Union. We support measures designed to restrict trade with the Soviet Union until such time as Soviet emigration policy is made fair and non-restrictive.\nWe must be vigilant about human rights violations in any country in which they occur including South Africa. We note in particular that many of the Communist-dominated countries are persistent violators of the most basic human freedoms—the right to free speech, the right to religious freedom, the right to travel and emigrate, and the right to be free from arbitrary harassment.\nWe support Senate ratification of the Genocide Convention and the International Covenants on Human Rights as soon as possible.\nWe support continuation of the leadership role taken by the United States in the area of human rights and urge that the Democratic Administration continue to speak out openly and forcefully on human rights violations whenever and wherever they occur.\nWe will fulfill the letter and the spirit of current law by denying assistance to governments that violate fundamental human rights, except for that aid which is clearly humanitarian. We also recognize the exception for assistance that is required for overriding security purposes, but that exception should not he used as an excuse for ignoring abuses of human rights.\nWe will provide additional assistance and support, as needed, to governments that strive successfully for greater political liberty and protection of human rights.\nRefugees and Migration\n\nAmerica's roots are found in the immigrants and refugees who have come to our shores to build new lives in a new world. The Democratic Party pledges to honor our historic commitment to this heritage.\nThe first comprehensive reform of this nation's refugee policies in over 25 years was completed with the signing in March 1980 of the Refugee Act of 1980, based on legislation submitted to Congress by the Carter Administration in March 1979.\nThis act offers a comprehensive alternative to the chaotic movement and the inefficient and inequitable administration of past refugee programs in the United States. We favor the full use of refugee legislation now to cope with the flow of Cuban and Haitian refugees, and to help the states, local communities and voluntary agencies resettle them across our land. We urge that monies be distributed to voluntary agencies fairly so that aid is distributed to all refugees without discrimination.\nThe Administration also established the first refugee coordination office in the Department of State under the leadership of a special ambassador and coordinator for refugee affairs and programs.\nThe new legislation and the coordinator's office will bring common sense and consolidation to our nation's previously fragmented, inconsistent, and, in many ways, outdated refugee and immigration policies.\nA Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy is now at work to further reform the system. We pledge oar support to the goals and purposes of the Commission, and we urge the Administration to move aggressively in this area once the Commission submits its report.\nOnce that report has been completed, we must work to resolve the issue of undocumented residents in a fair and humane way. We will oppose any legislation designed to allow workers into the country to undercut U.S. wages and working conditions, and which would re-establish the bracero program of the past.\nWorld population projections, as well as international economic indicators—especially in the Third World—forewarn us that migration pressures will mount rapidly in many areas of the world in the decade ahead. Our own situation of undocumented workers underscores how difficult it is to deal with economic and employment forces that are beyond any nation's immediate control. Most of Europe, and many parts of Latin America and Asia, face similar dilemmas. For example, Mexico faces the pressure of migration from Central America.\nWe will work with other nations to develop international policies to regularize population movement and to protect the human rights of migrants even as we protect the jobs of American workers and the economic interest of the United States. In this hemisphere, such a policy will require close cooperation with our neighbors, especially Mexico and Canada.\nWe must also work to resolve the difficult problems presented by the immigration from Haiti and from the more recent immigration from Cuba. In doing so, we must ensure that there is no discrimination in the treatment afforded to the Cubans or Haitians. We must also work to ensure that future Cuban immigration is handled in an orderly way, consistent with our laws. To ameliorate the impact on state and local communities and school districts of the influx of new immigrants from Cuba and Haiti, we must provide the affected areas with special fiscal assistance.\nWe support continued financial backing of international relief programs such as those financed by the United States, the International Red Cross, UNICEF and the private, non-profit organizations to aid the starving people of Kampuehea. We also endorse such support for the Cambodian refugees and encourage participation in the campaign of the National Cambodian Crisis Committee.\nWe support, through U.S. contributions to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and other means, aid for the mounting Afghan refugee population in Pakistan and other desperate refugee situations.\nThe Middle East\n\nWhen the Democratic Administration began in 1977, the prospects for peace in the Middle East were bleak. Despite efforts over thirty years, Israel still faced an Arab world that was totally hostile to it; it was still denied any movement towards its dream of living at peace with its neighbors, behind secure and recognized frontiers.\nAlmost immediately after his inauguration, President Carter undertook to move the peace process forward. Following the historic visit of President Sadat to Jerusalem, the Administration's efforts led to Camp David, where the two presidents and Prime Minister Begin in thirteen days created the Camp David Accords—the most promising effort in three decades for creating a genuine and lasting peace in the Middle East.\nFollowing President Carter's trip to the Middle East in March 1979, Prime Minister Begin and President Sadat signed the Israel-Egypt peace treaty at the White House. A year later, that treaty has led to the transfer of two-thirds of the Sinai to Egypt—along with the Sinai oil fields; ambassadors have been exchanged; borders have been opened; and normalization of relations is well underway. Israel has finally gained peace with its largest Arab neighbor. In sum, this Democratic Administration has done more to achieve Israel's dream of peace than any other Administration in thirty years.\nNegotiations are continuing under the Camp David framework on full autonomy for the inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza, in order to preserve fully Israel's security while permitting the Palestinians living in the territories to participate in determining their own future. The United States is a full partner in negotiations between Israel and Egypt to provide for a five-year transitional regime in the West Bank and Gaza.\nIt is recognized that the Democratic Administration has to proceed with special care and sensitivity resulting from its deep engagement in the delicate process of promoting a wider peace for Israel.\nAt the same time, the United States' commitment to the independence, security, and future of Israel has been strengthened. Nearly half of all U.S. aid to Israel since its creation as a sovereign state—more than $10 billion—has been requested during the last three and a half years. We provide Israel with modern military equipment and we fully support Israel's efforts to create a just and lasting peace with all of its Arab neighbors.\nU.S. policy is—and should continue to be—guided also by the following principles.\nUN Security council Resolution 242, unchanged, and the Camp David Accords are the basis for peace in the Middle East.\nWe support Israel's security, and will continue to provide generous military and economic aid to that end.\nWe pledge not to provide Israel's potential enemies with sophisticated offensive equipment that could endanger the security of Israel.\nJerusalem should remain forever undivided, with free access to the holy places for people of all faiths.\nWe oppose creation of an independent Palestinian state.\nWe will not negotiate with or recognize the Palestinian Liberation Organization, unless and until it accepts Israel's right to exist and UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. It is also long past time for an end to all terrorism and other acts of violence against Israel.\nWe have not and will not use our aid to Israel as a bargaining tool; and we will never permit oil policies to influence our policy toward peace or our support for Israel.\nAs stated in the 1976 platform, the Democratic Party recognizes and supports \"the established status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, with free access to all its holy places provided to all faiths. As a symbol of this stand, the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.\"\nElsewhere in the Middle East, we support the improvement of relations with moderate Arab states. We support the independence, sovereignty, and integrity of Lebanon. We earl upon all states in the region to support the historic efforts of Israel and Egypt to build a comprehensive peace.\nWe believe a cooperative effort among the nations of the Middle East and the United States can help provide needed assistance to Israel and her Middle East neighbors engaging in the peace process with Israel in the vital areas of refugee resettlement, agricultural development, water development, health and medical facilities, and productivity and trade. A planning group should be created to pursue an effort to provide this type of assistance.\nThe Democratic Administration will also take needed measures to protect American interests in the Persian Gulf, including energy security, regional stability, and national independence. This will require sophisticated diplomacy as well as military capability. We will seek both to counter external threats and to encourage necessary political and economic development. In the end, our allies have an equal or greater interest than we in the security of oil supply and regional stability, and the Democratic Administration will continue to cooperate with them in a common strategy and to share common burdens.\nWe condemn the government of Iran for its outrageous conduct in the taking of our diplomatic personnel as hostages. We insist upon respect for the principle—as repeatedly enunciated by the UN Security Council and the International Court of Justice—of the inviolability for diplomatic personnel. We call upon all governments to abide by and uphold this basic tenet of civilized international conduct.\nIn the region as a whole, we must end our dangerous dependence on foreign oil. Only in this way can our foreign policy counter effectively the pressures of OPEC and of Soviet power poised above the Persian Gulf in Afghanistan. The Democratic Administration will fulfill its commitments to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to protect America against an oil embargo. As we reduce oil consumption and dependence on OPEC, we will be able to bargain on equal terms with the OPEC states for an assurance of more certain supplies of oil at more stable prices.\nEurope and Japan\n\nAmerica and her allies must continue the mutual confidence and commitment, the sense of common purpose, that marked our relations for decades. The problems we face are global in scope. We cannot begin to solve them if each of us goes a separate way. We must learn to work in partnership, on an increasing range of problems, in areas such as Africa and the Persian Gulf, and on worldwide economic and security issues.\nThe Democratic Administration will be committed to a strong NATO and a stable military balance in Europe. We will pursue both modernization of NATO conventional and nuclear forces and equitable limitations between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.\nThe Democratic Administration will seek collective solutions to the common economic problems of inflation, unemployment, energy, trade and monetary. relations which confront us and our allies. This will require increased cooperation and coordination among all OECD countries.\nThe Democratic Administration will continue to support the growth and cohesion of the European community, and will increase our support for Greece, Spain and Portugal, which have rejoined the ranks of democracy.\nWe have been particularly concerned about the need to maintain strategic stability in the eastern Mediterranean. To this end, we have worked with Congress toward the resolution of differences between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus and other divisive issues. We have worked toward a balanced treatment of both countries in our assistance programs.\nWe will give priority to the reintegration of Greece into NATO's military structure and to the strengthening of NATO's southern flank, including the economic progress of each of our allies in southern Europe.\nWe have worked towards a fair settlement of the Cyprus issue by giving our support to the United Nations efforts to encourage intercommunal talks. We agree with Secretary General Waldheim's opinion that such talks, if properly used, represent the best possible solution to a just and lasting political settlement of the Cyprus problem based on the legitimate rights of the two communities.\nWe must do all that is possible, consistent with our interest in a strong NATO in southern Europe and stability in the eastern Mediterranean, to encourage a fair settlement of the Cyprus issue, which has caused so much suffering in that area.\nWe will press strongly for the full implementation of UN Resolution 3212 in order to bring about an agreed resolution to the tragic conflict in Cyprus; including the withdrawal of all Turkish military forces from Cyprus, the safe return of all refugees to their homes, full cooperation of all parties with a negotiated solution and a full peace and respect for human rights in Cyprus.\nConsistent with our traditional concern for peace and human rights, the next Democratic Administration will play a positive role in seeking peace in Northern Ireland. We condemn the violence on all sides. We will encourage progress toward a long-term solution based upon consent of all parties to the conflict, based on the principle of Irish unity. We take note of the Saint Patrick's Day statement \"...that the solution offering the greatest promise of permanent peace is to end the division of the Irish people\" and its urging of \"...the British Government to express its interest in the unity of Ireland and to join with the government of Ireland in working to achieve peace and reconciliation.\" New political structures which are created should protect human rights, and should be acceptable to both Great Britain and Ireland and to both parts of the community of Northern Ireland.\nOur relations with Japan have moved to a new level of maturity and cooperation. The United States is able to deal with patience and understanding on a wide range of difficult and contentious economic issues. In the foreign policy and security area, Japan's record in support of U.S. foreign policy objectives is second to none. We will continue to nurture this relationship.\nThe International Economy\n\nA vigorous American foreign policy and a sustained defense effort depend on the strength of the U.S. economy and its ability to compete in the international marketplace.\nThrough annual economic summits in London, Bonn, Tokyo and Venice, we have established a sound basis for economic progress in the 1980s by improving the coordination of our economic policies. We have sought to strengthen international institutions to deal with our common problems; to reduce worldwide inflation, which undermines Western security and prosperity; to encourage investment and innovation to increase productivity; and simultaneously to find ways to reduce unemployment, especially among our youth. We have made substantial progress, but the battle continues.\nThe Democratic Administration, which has wrestled with these issues over the past three and a half years, pledges a renewed effort to revitalize the world economy and to maintain our position as the leader of the free world's economic forces.\nTrade\n\nIn 1976, we called for trade policies that would benefit economic growth. Trade promotes new jobs for American workers, new markets for farmers and businessmen, and lower prices for consumers. But trade can also cause dislocations within the economy, and we have sought—and will continue to seek—ways to ease the burden of adjustment to foreign competition without impeding the process of structural change so vital to our economic health. We favor a free international trading system, but that system must also be fair. We will not allow our workers and industries to be displaced by unfair import competition. We have entered orderly marketing agreements and other arrangements in areas such as color television, footwear and textiles, to help promote the competitive position of American industry. Others may be necessary.\nLast year, we successfully concluded the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, an ambitious set of negotiations designed to reduce barriers to international trade. Before the Democratic Administration took office, these negotiations had proceeded at a snail's pace, and there had been a growing risk of failure which could have sparked a trade war damaging to our interests. It was the imaginative leadership of this Administration which breathed new life into an otherwise somnolent negotiation.\nTo strengthen the U.S. economy and improve our competitive position in the world economy, U.S. export-import policy must be based on the principle of fair trade that will enhance our exports while safeguarding domestic industry from unfair trade practices. In assuring orderly foreign trade, the U.S. must require observance of our trade laws, as well as cooperation with our trade policies if economic disruption is to be avoided. This will require:\n—Encouragement of exert expansion through vigorous negotiations to open foreign markets and enforce U.S. rights;\n—The government to take swift, effective antidumping actions and enforce all U.S. trade laws to assure an end to unfair trade practices that lead to the export of American jobs;\n—Regulations of imports of textiles and apparel in accordance with current laws and agreements;\n—Enforcement of customs laws through the assessment of appropriate penalties. Imports, exports, technology transfers, money flows and investments must be reported in accordance with current laws, monitored and regulated to protect U.S. interests; and\n—Implementation of the government procurement code only as negotiated and on a truly reciprocal basis.\nWe bargained long and hard to obtain concessions which would benefit Americans and open new markets to U.S. producers of both agricultural and industrial goods. The agreements, which won the overwhelming support of the U.S. Congress, achieved that objective. They represent a sensible balance of benefits. At the same time, they will ensure a liberal, but fair, international trading environment for the 1980s.\nMonetary Affairs\n\nWe will continue to take whatever actions are necessary to maintain a sound and stable dollar. We will cooperate with other nations to minimize exchange rate disturbances. We fully support efforts underway to strengthen the ability of international financial institutions to adapt to changing needs and to facilitate the recycling of funds from the surplus off-producing nations to those countries facing large, oil-induced deficits. We will urge OPEC countries to participate constructively in this process.\nInternational Energy Cooperation\n\nWe have cooperated with other industrial countries, at summit meetings and in the International Energy Agency, in developing joint programs to conserve oil and increase production of alternative energy sources. Only through a truly global effort can the present imbalance between energy supply and demand be redressed. We will continue to support such efforts, showing our leadership by continuing the actions that have reduced oil consumption and imports by a greater proportion in the U.S. than in any other industrial country in the last year. We will work with our partners abroad to elicit increased effort by them, even as we seek increased U.S. effort at home, to the same ends.\nThe Developing World\n\nUnder the previous Republican Administration, the nations of the Third World viewed the United States as uninterested in or hostile to the need to treat the North-South economic issues which are of greatest importance to developing countries. Since then, the United States has adopted a range of economic policies on trade (MTN, Generalized System of Preferences expansion), commodities (Common Fund, sugar, coffee, tin), aid (International Financial Institutions replenishments) which have demonstrated that the Carter administration is responsive to the aspirations of peoples in developing countries.\nBut this task is only begun. We share the globe with more than 4 billion people, more than three-quarters of whom live in developing nations, most of them poor. By the end of this century, the population of developing countries will grow by about 1.7 billion people. Their prospects for jobs, food, and peace will increasingly affect our own prospects. These nations can be the fastest growing market for our exports, as they are today, or they can become sources for new immigration and hostility toward the industrial democracies.\nThus, America's defense, energy, and economic security depend on stability and growth not only among our allies, but among our friends in the Third World. It is unacceptable that the United States ranks 13th among 17 major industrial powers in percentage of GNP devoted to development assistance.\nThe Democratic Administration will work with the Congress to develop and sustain policies and programs of economic cooperation with the developing nations, guided by the test of mutual interest. We will approach the global negotiations next year on economic relations between the industrial North and developing South in this positive spirit. We will contribute the United States' fair share to the capital of the multilateral development banks and agencies, and we will continue substantial and innovative U.S. programs of direct development assistance to low-income countries.\nThese policies will be reflected in further concentration of U.S. development assistance in countries that make good use of aid and on programs that address the basic needs of poor people, especially food, health, and voluntary family planning services. We will increase U.S. and multilateral technical and financial assistance to oil-importing nations for the development of their energy resource. The participation of U.S. private enterprises in the economic growth of developing nations will be selectively encouraged, with due regard for our own employment objectives.\nWe are deeply concerned about the growing problem of world hunger as reported by the President's Commission on World Hunger. We are determined to increase our resources, and to seek a similar increase on the part of other nations, with a view toward solving this problem by the end of the century.\nTogether with our allies, the Democratic Administration will challenge OPEC and the Communist nations to reach a new collective worldwide commitment to economic development. All sides must increase their contributions for this development, so that the world may escape the spectre of international bankruptcy from rising energy costs and rising burdens of debt. Development in the Third World is vital to international political and economic stability and therefore to our own national security.\nIn all of our relations with developing nations, we will actively promote the cause of human rights and express America's abhorrence of the denial of freedom.\nOur security depends critically on events in the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Africa, events marked by either the pursuit of goals common to or conflicting with our interests. We will continue to cooperate with key friendly developing nations in security relations and in economic measures ensuring our mutual security. Great care will be exercised in our security assistance activities to avoid stimulating regional arms races or needlessly diverting resources from development to armament.\nThe Third World\n\nUnder the previous Republican Administration relations with the Third World were at their nadir. The United States appeared hostile and indifferent to the developing world's aspirations for greater justice, respect, and dignity. All this has changed.\nLatin America and the Caribbean\n\nIn stark contrast to the policies of previous Republican Administrations, this Democratic Administration has begun to forge a new, collaborative relationship with nations of Latin America and the Caribbean; one resting on a firm commitment to human rights, democratization, increased economic and industrial development, and non-intervention.\nWe must now move innovatively to strengthen our ties with our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere, first to obviate any vacuum for outside intervention and second to promote bilateral approaches for social progress and economic development including energy resources.\nThrough systematic and structural high level attention to the problems of the Western Hemisphere we will mobilize the resources of our government to achieve this end. One such possibility to be considered is to appoint an Under Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere. This would encourage both economic and political freedom throughout the Hemisphere.\nWe have given particular attention to developing a more balanced relationship with Mexico, a country with which we share so many important interests and also problems.\nThe successful negotiation of the Panama Canal Treaties—after fourteen fruitless years of effort—was seen as an indication of our willingness to treat Latin America on the basis of mutual respect. With those treaties ratified, the United States in 1980 is not only identified with the cause of human rights and democracy, but also we have opened a new chapter in our relations with the nations of this Hemisphere. Moreover, through regular multilateral consultations at all levels, more balanced relationships with the nations in the region have been forged.\nThe United States has worked hard to encourage the expansion of democracy in Latin America, respect for human rights, and the preservation of national independence and integrity from the threat of Soviet and Cuban intervention.\nFor the first time, an approach has been developed and tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of the Caribbean area. The Administration has supported change within a Democratic framework; more than doubled aid programs; and worked with twenty-nine other nations and fifteen international institutions to establish the Caribbean Group for Cooperation in Economic Development, which has quadrupled external aid to the region.\nThrough strengthened relations with the Caribbean Community and the Andean Pact, the Administration has worked to enhance subregional cooperation as well.\nPresident Carter has worked for peace in the region. By signing Protocol I of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, President Carter has demonstrated his support for nonproliferation objectives in the Hemisphere. We support its ratification. By supporting regional efforts at arms restraints, the United States has taken the lead in trying to reduce the possibilities for conflict in the region.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the protection of universally recognized and fundamental human rights throughout the Americas by urging that the Senate ratify the American Convention on Human Rights, which was signed by' President Carter in June 1977.\nWe will join with other like-minded states in pursuing human fights, democracy, and economic development throughout the region. We will uphold our own law and terminate all aid except for clearly humanitarian purposes to human rights violators. In our relationships with Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti and others throughout the Hemisphere we will press further for respect for human rights and political liberalization. In Central America especially, we will align ourselves with those who are trying to build a better future out of the aftermath of tyranny, corruption and civil war.\nWe will oppose a spiral of confrontation with Cuba, for its own sake, but we will not evade the real issues between that country and the United States. Under no condition will we accept a Soviet military offensive capability based in Cuba or anywhere else in the Hemisphere.\nIn order to permit the pursuit of normal relations between our countries, Cuba should stop its disorderly movement of those seeking to leave; it should cooperate with the international community to develop a fair and orderly emigration program; it must withdraw its armed forces from Africa; it must cease subversive activities throughout the Hemisphere; and it should follow the principles of the American Convention on Human Rights.\nAsia\n\nThe establishment of normal diplomatic and economic relations with China is an historic foreign policy achievement.\nProgress in U.S.-China relations was stalled in 1977, but with patience, political courage and historic vision, the deadlock was broken by this Democratic Administration.\nIn the fifteen months since normalization, the benefits of normalization have already become clear: trade, travel, cultural exchange, and, most important of all, the security and stability of the Pacific region is greater now than in any time in this century.\nThe Democratic Party commits itself to a broadening and deepening of our relationship with China in a way that will benefit both our peoples and the peace and security of the world. We will continue to seek new areas where the United States and China can cooperate in support of common interests. We have not and will not play \"China cards\" or other dangerous games; nor will we allow our relationship with any other country to impede our efforts to continue the process of normalization of relations with China.\nIn 1976, the so-called Koreagate affair had badly hurt our ties to Korea. A friendly and increasingly frank dialogue with the Korean government has been promoted. We will continue not only to fulfill our commitment to security, but equally to the promotion of a more democratic government. North and South Korea have renewed their dialogue and made a difficult but hopeful start down a long, uncertain road. In our relationships with the Philippines, Taiwan and others in the region, we will also press for political liberalization and human rights.\nWith ASEAN, the Democratic Administration has developed a coherent and supportive approach, encouraging the cohesion of those five nations just at the time when their unity was being tested by the Vietnamese aggression in Kampuchea. ASEAN now stands as one of the most viable regional organizations in the world. The Democratic Party recognize the important role the U.S. territories and other emerging island states in the Pacific Basin play in the solidification of defense and economic ties with the ASEAN nations. The Democratic Party commits itself to humanitarian aid to the people of East Timor.\nAfrica\n\nAfrica will be of central importance to American foreign policy in the 1980s. By the end of the previous Republican Administration in 1977, the United States had little credibility in Black Africa for they had made little or no attempt to see African problems from an African perspective. Our policy had no clearly defined goals. As a consequence, our attempts to bring an end to the war in Southern Africa were ineffective. We were becoming, in African eyes, irrelevant—even antagonistic—to African aspirations.\nThe Democratic Administration developed a long-term African policy—a policy that is viable on its own merits and does not treat Africa as an appendage to great power competition. It recognized the need for a new approach to the Continent, an approach based on mutual respect, fundamental concern for human rights and the necessity for economic justice.\nConsiderable success has been achieved, perhaps most notably in Southern Africa. Our diplomatic efforts there have been instrumental in helping to bring about a peaceful settlement in Rhodesia—now Zimbabwe—while lessening Soviet/Cuban influence in the area. We will continue to assist in the reconstruction and development of an independent Zimbabwe, as a means of promoting stability in the region.\nMuch remains to be done. Many of the fifty African nations are politically unstable and economically weak—partially as a result of their colonial heritage, but increasingly due to endemic drought and the economic dislocation resulting from ever-rising energy costs.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to continue efforts to improve U.S. relations with all African nations, on the basis of mutual respect and a mutual commitment to enhance economic justice and human dignity everywhere, with particular emphasis on the recurrent problem of drought and starvation. U.S. aid in the form of grain and foodstuffs must be continued but, in addition, we must seek with African governments ways of removing famine permanently from the African Continent.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to the process of economic reconstruction in Zimbabwe within the context of a coherent multi-donor development plan for all the cooperating nations of the Southern African region.\nThe Democratic Party pledges active support for self-determination in Namibia, and for full social and economic justice for all the peoples of Southern Africa.\nThe Democratic Administration will press for the withdrawal of Soviet and Cuban troops.\nIn Southern Africa, we will exert our influence to promote progress toward majority rule and to end the racist system of apartheid. We condemn the brutal suppression of Black Native African people in Soweto and Capetown by the South African regime and support increased political and economic pressure on this oppressive regime, through legal sanctions.\nWe support increased pressure through legal diplomatic sanctions on the oppressive South African regime. Initially we will divest, under legal procedures, South African holdings of all public institutions and deploy full legal economic sanctions until that government abandons its undemocratic apartheid system.\nFollowing the removal of Cuban troops from Angola, we will seek to normalize relations with Angola. We will strengthen relations with nations committed to the objectives of economic development, respect for human rights and political liberalization. In the western Sahara we will support a negotiated settlement to the conflict.\nThe United Nations and International Agencies\n\nIn each of the regions of the globe, international organizations and agencies will be tested in the coming decade and will play an increasingly crucial role. The United Nations remains the only forum where rich and poor, East and West, and neutral nations can come together to air their grievances, participate in respected forums of world opinion, and find mechanisms to resolve disputes without resort to force. In particular, in recent months the UN has been a forum for expressing the world's condemnation and rejection of both the hostage-taking in Iran and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.\nThe United Nations is also vital in other ways—through its international refugee efforts, coordination of development assistance, support for agricultural research, and worldwide eradication of disease.\nIn the next decade, international monetary and development institutions will also be under increasing pressure. Their efforts must be expanded to meet more fully the urgent needs of the two-thirds of the world's population which suffers the damaging and depressing effects of underdevelopment.\nThe United Nations and these agencies perform a vital role in the search for peace. They deserve America's continuing support—and they will receive it from the Democratic Administration. We support the U.S. position on freedom of the press to be voted again in Belgrade during the 1980 UNESCO meeting.\nWe support the call in Section 503 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1978, for the United States to make \"a major effort toward reforming and restructuring the United Nations system.\"\nWe also endorse that portion of the President's report to Congress in March, 1978 on UN reform and restructuring which calls for the Senate \"to reexamine the Connally reservation,\" \"the creation of a U.N. Peacekeeping Reserve composed of national contingents trained in peacekeeping functions,\" the establishment of \"a new UN senior post as High Commissioner of Human Rights,\" and the development of autonomous sources of income for the international community.\nWe will work toward new structures which will enhance the UN in the fields of economic development, including international trade organizations, higher education, volunteer service, mediation and conciliation, international disarmament, implementation of the Law of the Sea Agreement, and controlling international terrorism.\nInto the 1980s\n\nAs we look to the 1980s, we have a full and challenging agenda.\nWith our Allies, we face the challenge of building greater unity of action while preserving the diversity of our democracies. Europe is increasingly united and is finding its own identity and voice. We must forge new links of consultation and revive the political process within the North Atlantic Alliance so that Europe remains America's partner in meeting the challenges to our common security and economic interests. We must find ways to include Japan in this process, broadening the mechanisms for cooperation which exist in current international forums, such as the Seven-Nation Summit.\nWith the Third World countries, we must continue to do our part in the realization of their aspirations for justice, respect, and freedom. We must continue to work for full political participation by all in South Africa, including independence and majority rule in Namibia. We must work to strengthen democracy in the Caribbean and Central America in the face of efforts by the Cubans to export their failed revolution. Throughout Latin America, we must continue to cooperate for the realization of greater human rights and the fulfillment of basic human needs. In Asia, we must continue to strengthen our relationships with our friends and Allies as they confront the twin dangers flowing from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Soviet-backed invasion of Cambodia.\nWe must persevere with the Middle East peace process. There is no viable alternative. We can welcome initiatives from other countries so long as they contribute to the Camp David process that is leading toward a comprehensive peace in that region. But we will oppose efforts that undermine Camp David while offering no viable alternative. Our goal is to see the achievement of a comprehensive peace for all parties.\nWith our defenses, we will continue to meet the requirements of the Administration's five-year defense program, including the deployment of the MX missile, cruise missiles, the Trident submarine, and long-range theater nuclear forces in Europe. At the same time, we intend to increase readiness and strengthen the All-Volunteer Force with a standby system of draft registration. We will continue with our Allies to meet the commitments of the long-term NATO defense program and, as we strengthen our military capabilities and presence in Southwest Asia and the region of the Persian Gulf, we will look to our Allies to assume more of the burden for the defense and security of Europe. Finally, we must recognize that development assistance represents a crucial part of our national security. As such, we may have to make a greater contribution of resources to these programs.\nIn the field of arms control, in addition to ratification of SALT II, we must proceed to more comprehensive and drastic reductions and qualitative limitations on strategic nuclear forces. SALT III must also include effective limitations and reductions in long-range theater nuclear forces based on the principle of equality. We must pursue to a conclusion a comprehensive test ban, effective curbs in the international traffic of conventional arms and a more rigorously effective international regime to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology. We must bring to at least an initial conclusion the negotiations for mutual and balanced force reductions in Europe. The decade of the 1980s is not to become the decade of violence. We must make renewed efforts to stabilize the arms competition and widen the scrape of arms control arrangements.\nAs we look to the future, we hope the progress in arms control and the strength and determination we shall demonstrate in the face of Soviet aggression in Afghanistan will soon result in the fashioning of stronger, more productive relationship with the Soviet Union. We favor a genuine detente—one with equivalent benefits to ourselves and the Soviets, one that is based on genuine restraint, one that benefits all mankind by harnessing the enormous potential of our two societies for cooperation rather than competition and confrontation. This will take patience, but we shall persevere for the prize is peace.\nBy reaffirming America's values as the centerpiece of our foreign policy and by pursuing realistically the requirements of military strength, the Democratic Party is forging a new and broader consensus among the American people in support of our foreign policy. We are turning the tide against the paralysis of despair that came from a tragic war in Asia and political scandal at home. We are restoring America to its rightful place, not only as the strongest nation in the world but as the nation which is the champion of human justice and freedom.", "Words" -> 38077, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 2258, "and" -> 1679, "of" -> 1506, "to" -> 1442, "in" -> 766, "a" -> 527, "for" -> 464, "our" -> 387, "We" -> 356, "must" -> 321, "that" -> 309, "The" -> 291, "be" -> 253, "with" -> 252, "we" -> 233, "is" -> 232, "will" -> 231, "Democratic" -> 224, "as" -> 205, "have" -> 204, "by" -> 202, "on" -> 187, "are" -> 185, "has" -> 177, "which" -> 159, "federal" -> 157, "support" -> 143, "Party" -> 135, "been" -> 131, "this" -> 129, "programs" -> 127, "government" -> 123, "all" -> 121, "an" -> 120, "Administration" -> 119, "or" -> 112, "economic" -> 112, "their" -> 108, "continue" -> 102, "should" -> 99, "other" -> 96, "energy" -> 95, "In" -> 93, "not" -> 91, "its" -> 87, "from" -> 86, "those" -> 85, "efforts" -> 85, "at" -> 84, "American" -> 83, "policy" -> 81, "development" -> 79, "new" -> 75, "program" -> 72, "more" -> 72, "health" -> 71, "work" -> 68, "these" -> 65, "national" -> 65, "rights" -> 64, "needs" -> 64, "years" -> 63, "women" -> 63, "people" -> 62, "also" -> 61, "U.S." -> 59, "such" -> 59, "Soviet" -> 57, "education" -> 57, "United" -> 55, "percent" -> 54, "it" -> 54, "can" -> 53, "who" -> 52, "provide" -> 52, "areas" -> 52, "care" -> 51, "public" -> 50, "Congress" -> 50, "States" -> 49, "security" -> 49, "ensure" -> 49, "make" -> 48, "human" -> 47, "assistance" -> 47, "through" -> 46, "resources" -> 46, "need" -> 46, "nation's" -> 46, "international" -> 46, "increase" -> 46, "including" -> 46, "world" -> 45, "was" -> 45, "problems" -> 45, "foreign" -> 45, "Americans" -> 45, "increased" -> 44, "workers" -> 43, "they" -> 43, "state" -> 43, "services" -> 43, "peace" -> 43, "private" -> 42, "A" -> 42, "time" -> 41, "nation" -> 41, "It" -> 41, "full" -> 41, "economy" -> 41, "but" -> 41, "training" -> 40, "system" -> 40, "policies" -> 40, "Our" -> 40, "most" -> 40, "commitment" -> 40, "nations" -> 39, "housing" -> 39, "made" -> 38, "local" -> 38, "committed" -> 38, "Act" -> 38, "To" -> 37, "strong" -> 37, "rural" -> 37, "only" -> 37, "oil" -> 37, "military" -> 37, "legislation" -> 37, "improve" -> 37, "As" -> 37, "progress" -> 36, "Carter" -> 36, "benefits" -> 36, "than" -> 35, "tax" -> 35, "strengthen" -> 35, "protect" -> 35, "citizens" -> 35, "so" -> 34, "seek" -> 34, "income" -> 34, "future" -> 34, "effort" -> 34, "trade" -> 33, "now" -> 33, "use" -> 32, "process" -> 32, "over" -> 32, "important" -> 32, "employment" -> 32, "elderly" -> 32, "costs" -> 32, "This" -> 31, "special" -> 31, "production" -> 31, "no" -> 31, "minorities" -> 31, "high" -> 31, "help" -> 31, "business" -> 31, "both" -> 31, "aid" -> 31, "toward" -> 30, "research" -> 30, "reduce" -> 30, "greater" -> 30, "end" -> 30, "America" -> 30, "1980s" -> 30, "well" -> 29, "states" -> 29, "meet" -> 29, "many" -> 29, "first" -> 29, "effective" -> 29, "basic" -> 29, "any" -> 29, "action" -> 29, "working" -> 28, "force" -> 28, "relations" -> 27, "nuclear" -> 27, "jobs" -> 27, "Israel" -> 27, "had" -> 27, "every" -> 27, "cities" -> 27, "would" -> 26, "were" -> 26, "welfare" -> 26, "urban" -> 26, "quality" -> 26, "opportunities" -> 26, "level" -> 26, "interests" -> 26, "inflation" -> 26, "growth" -> 26, "financial" -> 26, "especially" -> 26, "encourage" -> 26, "control" -> 26, "between" -> 26, "year" -> 25, "under" -> 25, "result" -> 25, "recognize" -> 25, "poor" -> 25, "political" -> 25, "pledge" -> 25, "funding" -> 25, "four" -> 25, "fair" -> 25, "country" -> 25, "arms" -> 25, "adequate" -> 25, "vital" -> 24, "reform" -> 24, "past" -> 24, "law" -> 24, "interest" -> 24, "institutions" -> 24, "industry" -> 24, "countries" -> 24, "comprehensive" -> 24, "civil" -> 24, "children" -> 24, "America's" -> 24, "agencies" -> 24, "actions" -> 24, "Social" -> 23, "Security" -> 23, "region" -> 23, "President" -> 23, "one" -> 23, "major" -> 23, "governments" -> 23, "families" -> 23, "without" -> 22, "take" -> 22, "right" -> 22, "laws" -> 22, "educational" -> 22, "do" -> 22, "among" -> 22, "while" -> 21, "same" -> 21, "needed" -> 21, "itself" -> 21, "forces" -> 21, "farm" -> 21, "each" -> 21, "developing" -> 21, "defense" -> 21, "current" -> 21, "against" -> 21, "access" -> 21, "about" -> 21, "where" -> 20, "water" -> 20, "unemployment" -> 20, "share" -> 20, "power" -> 20, "order" -> 20, "necessary" -> 20, "million" -> 20, "long" -> 20, "goals" -> 20, "expand" -> 20, "enhance" -> 20, "during" -> 20, "continued" -> 20, "community" -> 20, "worked" -> 19, "them" -> 19, "Republican" -> 19, "regulatory" -> 19, "priority" -> 19, "own" -> 19, "labor" -> 19, "Federal" -> 19, "East" -> 19, "develop" -> 19, "consumers" -> 19, "transportation" -> 18, "These" -> 18, "taken" -> 18, "strategic" -> 18, "small" -> 18, "safety" -> 18, "Rights" -> 18, "rates" -> 18, "pursue" -> 18, "provided" -> 18, "problem" -> 18, "participation" -> 18, "low" -> 18, "levels" -> 18, "family" -> 18, "facilities" -> 18, "face" -> 18, "Europe" -> 18, "enforcement" -> 18, "Department" -> 18, "based" -> 18, "assure" -> 18, "agricultural" -> 18, "1977" -> 18, "within" -> 17, "waste" -> 17, "Union" -> 17, "They" -> 17, "substantial" -> 17, "students" -> 17, "stability" -> 17, "sector" -> 17, "respect" -> 17, "requirements" -> 17, "remain" -> 17, "real" -> 17, "protection" -> 17, "pledges" -> 17, "Middle" -> 17, "management" -> 17, "incentives" -> 17, "improved" -> 17, "if" -> 17, "growing" -> 17, "further" -> 17, "For" -> 17, "discrimination" -> 17, "continuing" -> 17, "benefit" -> 17, "Afghanistan" -> 17, "there" -> 16, "supports" -> 16, "strengthened" -> 16, "society" -> 16, "social" -> 16, "serious" -> 16, "relationship" -> 16, "place" -> 16, "personnel" -> 16, "part" -> 16, "out" -> 16, "means" -> 16, "long-term" -> 16, "job" -> 16, "goal" -> 16, "give" -> 16, "fully" -> 16, "domestic" -> 16, "cost" -> 16, "cooperation" -> 16, "conservation" -> 16, "billion" -> 16, "abuse" -> 16, "ways" -> 15, "way" -> 15, "two" -> 15, "three" -> 15, "strength" -> 15, "standards" -> 15, "shall" -> 15, "remains" -> 15, "regulations" -> 15, "particular" -> 15, "oppose" -> 15, "opportunity" -> 15, "National" -> 15, "maintain" -> 15, "life" -> 15, "last" -> 15, "issues" -> 15, "into" -> 15, "firms" -> 15, "essential" -> 15, "environmental" -> 15, "enacted" -> 15, "emphasis" -> 15, "consumer" -> 15, "competition" -> 15, "centers" -> 15, "capital" -> 15, "businesses" -> 15, "because" -> 15, "appropriate" -> 15, "World" -> 14, "systems" -> 14, "significant" -> 14, "sensitive" -> 14, "role" -> 14, "record" -> 14, "products" -> 14, "organizations" -> 14, "older" -> 14, "men" -> 14, "importance" -> 14, "home" -> 14, "Health" -> 14, "existing" -> 14, "equal" -> 14, "environment" -> 14, "efficient" -> 14, "developed" -> 14, "construction" -> 14, "concerns" -> 14, "cannot" -> 14, "become" -> 14, "basis" -> 14, "attention" -> 14, "area" -> 14, "African" -> 14, "young" -> 13, "While" -> 13, "veterans" -> 13, "used" -> 13, "supply" -> 13, "spending" -> 13, "service" -> 13, "required" -> 13, "reforms" -> 13, "productivity" -> 13, "next" -> 13, "justice" -> 13, "investment" -> 13, "industries" -> 13, "industrial" -> 13, "handicapped" -> 13, "half" -> 13, "fundamental" -> 13, "fiscal" -> 13, "fight" -> 13, "exports" -> 13, "Democrats" -> 13, "decline" -> 13, "decade" -> 13, "created" -> 13, "Commission" -> 13, "coal" -> 13, "call" -> 13, "better" -> 13, "balanced" -> 13, "available" -> 13, "assist" -> 13, "alternative" -> 13, "Africa" -> 13, "achieve" -> 13, "able" -> 13, "up" -> 12, "Treaty" -> 12, "strengthening" -> 12, "secure" -> 12, "school" -> 12, "SALT" -> 12, "require" -> 12, "providing" -> 12, "prices" -> 12, "practices" -> 12, "population" -> 12, "number" -> 12, "may" -> 12, "market" -> 12, "maintenance" -> 12, "live" -> 12, "least" -> 12, "independent" -> 12, "increasing" -> 12, "great" -> 12, "farmers" -> 12, "expansion" -> 12, "expanded" -> 12, "established" -> 12, "efficiency" -> 12, "effectively" -> 12, "could" -> 12, "communities" -> 12, "already" -> 12, "address" -> 12, "With" -> 11, "when" -> 11, "vigorously" -> 11, "us" -> 11, "upon" -> 11, "unnecessary" -> 11, "treatment" -> 11, "transit" -> 11, "steps" -> 11, "sources" -> 11, "rules" -> 11, "refugee" -> 11, "reaffirm" -> 11, "purpose" -> 11, "poverty" -> 11, "possible" -> 11, "pay" -> 11, "particularly" -> 11, "office" -> 11, "minority" -> 11, "medical" -> 11, "markets" -> 11, "living" -> 11, "leadership" -> 11, "lead" -> 11, "invasion" -> 11, "individuals" -> 11, "increasingly" -> 11, "include" -> 11, "historic" -> 11, "higher" -> 11, "free" -> 11, "food" -> 11, "following" -> 11, "Energy" -> 11, "designed" -> 11, "dependence" -> 11, "consistent" -> 11, "conditions" -> 11, "commits" -> 11, "burden" -> 11, "aspirations" -> 11, "antitrust" -> 11, "administration" -> 11, "additional" -> 11, "addition" -> 11, "abroad" -> 11, "ability" -> 11, "1976" -> 11, "values" -> 10, "value" -> 10, "urge" -> 10, "unique" -> 10, "Under" -> 10, "together" -> 10, "Third" -> 10, "technology" -> 10, "technical" -> 10, "stable" -> 10, "sound" -> 10, "sectors" -> 10, "schools" -> 10, "review" -> 10, "renewable" -> 10, "Reform" -> 10, "promote" -> 10, "productive" -> 10, "principles" -> 10, "prevent" -> 10, "permit" -> 10, "pension" -> 10, "partnership" -> 10, "participate" -> 10, "parents" -> 10, "Office" -> 10, "much" -> 10, "move" -> 10, "measures" -> 10, "less" -> 10, "Human" -> 10, "history" -> 10, "highest" -> 10, "Government" -> 10, "funds" -> 10, "equitable" -> 10, "ensuring" -> 10, "enact" -> 10, "Economic" -> 10, "drug" -> 10, "done" -> 10, "dollars" -> 10, "difficult" -> 10, "delivery" -> 10, "decisions" -> 10, "deal" -> 10, "companies" -> 10, "common" -> 10, "Civil" -> 10, "But" -> 10, "Business" -> 10, "budget" -> 10, "Black" -> 10, "balance" -> 10, "At" -> 10, "allow" -> 10, "aggression" -> 10, "age" -> 10, "affected" -> 10, "1980" -> 10, "1979" -> 10, "1978" -> 10, "vigorous" -> 9, "unfair" -> 9, "UN" -> 9, "truly" -> 9, "tribal" -> 9, "throughout" -> 9, "sustained" -> 9, "Such" -> 9, "strongly" -> 9, "some" -> 9, "solar" -> 9, "skills" -> 9, "set" -> 9, "rising" -> 9, "response" -> 9, "resource" -> 9, "reductions" -> 9, "reduced" -> 9, "recession" -> 9, "ratification" -> 9, "rate" -> 9, "procedures" -> 9, "privacy" -> 9, "principle" -> 9, "price" -> 9, "previous" -> 9, "preserve" -> 9, "platform" -> 9, "Over" -> 9, "ourselves" -> 9, "objective" -> 9, "negotiations" -> 9, "mutual" -> 9, "making" -> 9, "International" -> 9, "Indian" -> 9, "increases" -> 9, "impact" -> 9, "II" -> 9, "Hemisphere" -> 9, "guarantee" -> 9, "greatest" -> 9, "given" -> 9, "freedom" -> 9, "find" -> 9, "export" -> 9, "establish" -> 9, "equipment" -> 9, "eliminate" -> 9, "effects" -> 9, "Continuing" -> 9, "concerned" -> 9, "close" -> 9, "certain" -> 9, "burdens" -> 9, "being" -> 9, "begun" -> 9, "Administration's" -> 9, "activities" -> 9, "world's" -> 8, "worker" -> 8, "weapons" -> 8, "war" -> 8, "violence" -> 8, "unemployed" -> 8, "test" -> 8, "target" -> 8, "supported" -> 8, "still" -> 8, "spirit" -> 8, "specific" -> 8, "single" -> 8, "since" -> 8, "senior" -> 8, "science" -> 8, "retirement" -> 8, "requires" -> 8, "regions" -> 8, "regional" -> 8, "recognizes" -> 8, "receive" -> 8, "range" -> 8, "purposes" -> 8, "provides" -> 8, "protections" -> 8, "priorities" -> 8, "potential" -> 8, "position" -> 8, "play" -> 8, "planning" -> 8, "Pacific" -> 8, "OPEC" -> 8, "neighborhoods" -> 8, "NATO" -> 8, "Native" -> 8, "moderate" -> 8, "mass" -> 8, "manner" -> 8, "limits" -> 8, "legal" -> 8, "Latin" -> 8, "land" -> 8, "knowledge" -> 8, "Justice" -> 8, "insurance" -> 8, "initiatives" -> 8, "Indians" -> 8, "independence" -> 8, "implement" -> 8, "hope" -> 8, "groups" -> 8, "fish" -> 8, "example" -> 8, "either" -> 8, "Education" -> 8, "Development" -> 8, "dangerous" -> 8, "cultural" -> 8, "create" -> 8, "coverage" -> 8, "coordination" -> 8, "cooperate" -> 8, "contribute" -> 8, "conduct" -> 8, "concern" -> 8, "combat" -> 8, "colleges" -> 8, "code" -> 8, "child" -> 8, "challenge" -> 8, "Caribbean" -> 8, "bring" -> 8, "best" -> 8, "availability" -> 8, "Asia" -> 8, "arts" -> 8, "approach" -> 8, "allies" -> 8, "All" -> 8, "alcohol" -> 8, "Alaska" -> 8, "active" -> 8, "zone" -> 7, "youth" -> 7, "Women" -> 7, "whose" -> 7, "whether" -> 7, "Western" -> 7, "wage" -> 7, "voluntary" -> 7, "very" -> 7, "until" -> 7, "tribes" -> 7, "traditionally" -> 7, "tradition" -> 7, "Today" -> 7, "Title" -> 7, "Through" -> 7, "threat" -> 7, "therefore" -> 7, "There" -> 7, "That" -> 7, "taxpayers" -> 7, "stimulate" -> 7, "steady" -> 7, "South" -> 7, "Small" -> 7, "situation" -> 7, "safeguards" -> 7, "responsibility" -> 7, "rehabilitation" -> 7, "recommendations" -> 7, "recognition" -> 7, "recipients" -> 7, "reach" -> 7, "Protection" -> 7, "Program" -> 7, "professionals" -> 7, "primary" -> 7, "police" -> 7, "persons" -> 7, "period" -> 7, "peaceful" -> 7, "officials" -> 7, "offer" -> 7, "Nations" -> 7, "movement" -> 7, "minimum" -> 7, "middle" -> 7, "members" -> 7, "meeting" -> 7, "marine" -> 7, "majority" -> 7, "lower" -> 7, "just" -> 7, "integrity" -> 7, "improving" -> 7, "impose" -> 7, "implementation" -> 7, "immediate" -> 7, "Housing" -> 7, "go" -> 7, "expense" -> 7, "ever" -> 7, "ERA" -> 7, "equality" -> 7, "Equal" -> 7, "enormous" -> 7, "Each" -> 7, "During" -> 7, "does" -> 7, "disadvantaged" -> 7, "direct" -> 7, "democracy" -> 7, "decent" -> 7, "day" -> 7, "Cyprus" -> 7, "cut" -> 7, "currently" -> 7, "Cuban" -> 7, "Council" -> 7, "conversion" -> 7, "conventional" -> 7, "complete" -> 7, "competitive" -> 7, "Community" -> 7, "coming" -> 7, "change" -> 7, "challenges" -> 7, "cause" -> 7, "capabilities" -> 7, "By" -> 7, "build" -> 7, "begin" -> 7, "before" -> 7, "barriers" -> 7, "Allies" -> 7, "agriculture" -> 7, "agency" -> 7, "again" -> 7, "administrative" -> 7, "achieved" -> 7, "When" -> 6, "what" -> 6, "West" -> 6, "viable" -> 6, "upgrade" -> 6, "treat" -> 6, "travel" -> 6, "trading" -> 6, "Trade" -> 6, "tool" -> 6, "too" -> 6, "theater" -> 6, "territories" -> 6, "technological" -> 6, "teacher" -> 6, "task" -> 6, "successful" -> 6, "substantially" -> 6, "spent" -> 6, "speed" -> 6, "solve" -> 6, "solutions" -> 6, "Since" -> 6, "significantly" -> 6, "settlement" -> 6, "Service" -> 6, "see" -> 6, "Section" -> 6, "scientific" -> 6, "savings" -> 6, "safe" -> 6, "responsive" -> 6, "Reserve" -> 6, "relationships" -> 6, "regime" -> 6, "regard" -> 6, "reduction" -> 6, "recognized" -> 6, "recent" -> 6, "railroads" -> 6, "rail" -> 6, "put" -> 6, "Puerto" -> 6, "proud" -> 6, "prosperity" -> 6, "promotion" -> 6, "promise" -> 6, "projects" -> 6, "procurement" -> 6, "pressure" -> 6, "pressing" -> 6, "press" -> 6, "Policy" -> 6, "person" -> 6, "Persian" -> 6, "permanent" -> 6, "per" -> 6, "parts" -> 6, "parties" -> 6, "paperwork" -> 6, "overall" -> 6, "Order" -> 6, "opposes" -> 6, "objectives" -> 6, "neighborhood" -> 6, "moved" -> 6, "More" -> 6, "monetary" -> 6, "Minority" -> 6, "low-income" -> 6, "lives" -> 6, "little" -> 6, "legacy" -> 6, "led" -> 6, "later" -> 6, "lack" -> 6, "issue" -> 6, "Israel's" -> 6, "involved" -> 6, "investments" -> 6, "innovation" -> 6, "initiative" -> 6, "information" -> 6, "inflationary" -> 6, "immigration" -> 6, "If" -> 6, "homes" -> 6, "Hispanics" -> 6, "Hispanic" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "Gulf" -> 6, "grants" -> 6, "government's" -> 6, "global" -> 6, "genuine" -> 6, "framework" -> 6, "forms" -> 6, "flexibility" -> 6, "fishing" -> 6, "fisheries" -> 6, "Finally" -> 6, "favor" -> 6, "exploration" -> 6, "Executive" -> 6, "even" -> 6, "engineering" -> 6, "enforce" -> 6, "enable" -> 6, "employers" -> 6, "eliminating" -> 6, "eligible" -> 6, "Domestic" -> 6, "disposal" -> 6, "disabled" -> 6, "dignity" -> 6, "determined" -> 6, "David" -> 6, "crisis" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "contributions" -> 6, "continues" -> 6, "Continue" -> 6, "consumption" -> 6, "commit" -> 6, "college" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "central" -> 6, "capability" -> 6, "Camp" -> 6, "Blacks" -> 6, "bilingual" -> 6, "believe" -> 6, "average" -> 6, "automobile" -> 6, "annual" -> 6, "air" -> 6, "agreements" -> 6, "Agency" -> 6, "afforded" -> 6, "affect" -> 6, "adequately" -> 6, "acts" -> 6, "act" -> 6, "across" -> 6, "achievement" -> 6, "3" -> 6, "200-mile" -> 6, "worldwide" -> 5, "workplace" -> 5, "Without" -> 5, "whole" -> 5, "Water" -> 5, "violation" -> 5, "victims" -> 5, "underway" -> 5, "underserved" -> 5, "treaty" -> 5, "today" -> 5, "times" -> 5, "timber" -> 5, "ties" -> 5, "terrorism" -> 5, "terms" -> 5, "supplies" -> 5, "subsidies" -> 5, "stand" -> 5, "Special" -> 5, "Soviets" -> 5, "Southern" -> 5, "smaller" -> 5, "skill" -> 5, "simplified" -> 5, "sex" -> 5, "Services" -> 5, "serves" -> 5, "served" -> 5, "sense" -> 5, "saving" -> 5, "sanctions" -> 5, "rich" -> 5, "revitalize" -> 5, "reverse" -> 5, "restraint" -> 5, "restore" -> 5, "responsible" -> 5, "resolve" -> 5, "resolution" -> 5, "residents" -> 5, "regulation" -> 5, "refugees" -> 5, "readiness" -> 5, "pursuit" -> 5, "provision" -> 5, "protecting" -> 5, "protected" -> 5, "prospects" -> 5, "prosecution" -> 5, "proposal" -> 5, "processes" -> 5, "President's" -> 5, "present" -> 5, "positions" -> 5, "portion" -> 5, "plants" -> 5, "plans" -> 5, "permitted" -> 5, "peoples" -> 5, "Party's" -> 5, "party" -> 5, "paid" -> 5, "orderly" -> 5, "open" -> 5, "once" -> 5, "On" -> 5, "occur" -> 5, "normalization" -> 5, "neighbors" -> 5, "nearly" -> 5, "natural" -> 5, "Most" -> 5, "missile" -> 5, "minority-owned" -> 5, "Medicare" -> 5, "Medicaid" -> 5, "March" -> 5, "Management" -> 5, "maintaining" -> 5, "loopholes" -> 5, "loans" -> 5, "limitations" -> 5, "liberties" -> 5, "legislative" -> 5, "leaders" -> 5, "language" -> 5, "lands" -> 5, "key" -> 5, "Ireland" -> 5, "involvement" -> 5, "intelligence" -> 5, "individual" -> 5, "Increase" -> 5, "incomes" -> 5, "Income" -> 5, "Incentives" -> 5, "imposed" -> 5, "imperative" -> 5, "humanities" -> 5, "However" -> 5, "hospitals" -> 5, "hiring" -> 5, "Great" -> 5, "generation" -> 5, "general" -> 5, "gas" -> 5, "funded" -> 5, "fuels" -> 5, "fuel" -> 5, "forward" -> 5, "formation" -> 5, "form" -> 5, "Food" -> 5, "fishery" -> 5, "few" -> 5, "Fair" -> 5, "failure" -> 5, "expenditures" -> 5, "expanding" -> 5, "establishment" -> 5, "equally" -> 5, "enter" -> 5, "endorse" -> 5, "encouraged" -> 5, "Encourage" -> 5, "enactment" -> 5, "employees" -> 5, "elimination" -> 5, "eight" -> 5, "efficiently" -> 5, "effect" -> 5, "dollar" -> 5, "distribution" -> 5, "diplomatic" -> 5, "deterrent" -> 5, "determine" -> 5, "Despite" -> 5, "deployment" -> 5, "dependent" -> 5, "demands" -> 5, "decision-making" -> 5, "Cuba" -> 5, "crucial" -> 5, "critical" -> 5, "criminal" -> 5, "crime" -> 5, "creation" -> 5, "counter" -> 5, "Corps" -> 5, "coordinated" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "conflict" -> 5, "confidence" -> 5, "compete" -> 5, "commitments" -> 5, "come" -> 5, "clear" -> 5, "city" -> 5, "circumstances" -> 5, "China" -> 5, "Child" -> 5, "Chapter" -> 5, "capable" -> 5, "campaign" -> 5, "bear" -> 5, "attempt" -> 5, "attack" -> 5, "assessment" -> 5, "arrangements" -> 5, "armed" -> 5, "Arab" -> 5, "anti-recession" -> 5, "An" -> 5, "alternatives" -> 5, "affairs" -> 5, "accomplished" -> 5, "women's" -> 4, "White" -> 4, "want" -> 4, "violate" -> 4, "view" -> 4, "Veterans" -> 4, "urges" -> 4, "urgent" -> 4, "unless" -> 4, "universities" -> 4, "unity" -> 4, "undertaken" -> 4, "undertake" -> 4, "undermine" -> 4, "trust" -> 4, "towards" -> 4, "threatened" -> 4, "third" -> 4, "Therefore" -> 4, "ten" -> 4, "taxes" -> 4, "Tax" -> 4, "talent" -> 4, "taking" -> 4, "synthetic" -> 4, "sustain" -> 4, "surplus" -> 4, "Supreme" -> 4, "sufficient" -> 4, "success" -> 4, "study" -> 4, "structure" -> 4, "stronger" -> 4, "strive" -> 4, "status" -> 4, "Stamp" -> 4, "sophisticated" -> 4, "soon" -> 4, "solution" -> 4, "soil" -> 4, "sites" -> 4, "simple" -> 4, "similar" -> 4, "signed" -> 4, "short-term" -> 4, "serving" -> 4, "self-determination" -> 4, "seeks" -> 4, "Secretary" -> 4, "Rico" -> 4, "revitalization" -> 4, "resulting" -> 4, "restrictions" -> 4, "restraining" -> 4, "restored" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "requiring" -> 4, "reproductive" -> 4, "represent" -> 4, "report" -> 4, "renewed" -> 4, "religious" -> 4, "relief" -> 4, "release" -> 4, "Relations" -> 4, "relating" -> 4, "Regulatory" -> 4, "regular" -> 4, "registration" -> 4, "reducing" -> 4, "realization" -> 4, "ratified" -> 4, "rapid" -> 4, "railroad" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "pursuing" -> 4, "Public" -> 4, "provisions" -> 4, "Provide" -> 4, "Protecting" -> 4, "proposed" -> 4, "proposals" -> 4, "properly" -> 4, "prompt" -> 4, "promoting" -> 4, "proceedings" -> 4, "pressures" -> 4, "practice" -> 4, "possibility" -> 4, "pollution" -> 4, "plan" -> 4, "placing" -> 4, "places" -> 4, "placement" -> 4, "penal" -> 4, "passage" -> 4, "Partnership" -> 4, "pace" -> 4, "ownership" -> 4, "overturn" -> 4, "overseas" -> 4, "organize" -> 4, "operation" -> 4, "operating" -> 4, "opening" -> 4, "One" -> 4, "Olympic" -> 4, "often" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "ocean" -> 4, "obtain" -> 4, "obligation" -> 4, "nor" -> 4, "No" -> 4, "New" -> 4, "necessity" -> 4, "Natives" -> 4, "MX" -> 4, "multilateral" -> 4, "moral" -> 4, "money" -> 4, "modernize" -> 4, "missiles" -> 4, "methods" -> 4, "meetings" -> 4, "mandatory" -> 4, "mail" -> 4, "lose" -> 4, "look" -> 4, "loan" -> 4, "limited" -> 4, "limit" -> 4, "liberty" -> 4, "legitimate" -> 4, "Legislation" -> 4, "learning" -> 4, "keep" -> 4, "Juvenile" -> 4, "Jerusalem" -> 4, "Japan" -> 4, "issued" -> 4, "insist" -> 4, "inner" -> 4, "initiated" -> 4, "inherited" -> 4, "influence" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "imports" -> 4, "I" -> 4, "Humanities" -> 4, "however" -> 4, "House" -> 4, "honor" -> 4, "High" -> 4, "heritage" -> 4, "her" -> 4, "helping" -> 4, "held" -> 4, "guidelines" -> 4, "grain" -> 4, "goods" -> 4, "fund" -> 4, "functions" -> 4, "fulfill" -> 4, "friends" -> 4, "friendly" -> 4, "fraud" -> 4, "Following" -> 4, "firmly" -> 4, "fights" -> 4, "fields" -> 4, "federally" -> 4, "fairness" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "faced" -> 4, "extended" -> 4, "experience" -> 4, "exist" -> 4, "excessive" -> 4, "everywhere" -> 4, "events" -> 4, "Ethnic" -> 4, "environmentally" -> 4, "enterprise" -> 4, "Ensuring" -> 4, "Enforcement" -> 4, "Employment" -> 4, "emphasize" -> 4, "electric" -> 4, "Egypt" -> 4, "economically" -> 4, "early" -> 4, "due" -> 4, "Dr." -> 4, "distressed" -> 4, "did" -> 4, "determination" -> 4, "despite" -> 4, "denied" -> 4, "delays" -> 4, "deepening" -> 4, "declining" -> 4, "decades" -> 4, "dangers" -> 4, "cuts" -> 4, "creating" -> 4, "Court" -> 4, "counties" -> 4, "controls" -> 4, "contribution" -> 4, "contrast" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "Conservation" -> 4, "condemn" -> 4, "concept" -> 4, "concentration" -> 4, "concentrated" -> 4, "complex" -> 4, "competing" -> 4, "Committee" -> 4, "commercial" -> 4, "collective" -> 4, "choices" -> 4, "Children" -> 4, "charged" -> 4, "century" -> 4, "Central" -> 4, "Care" -> 4, "capacity" -> 4, "buildup" -> 4, "building" -> 4, "budgets" -> 4, "boycott" -> 4, "beyond" -> 4, "Because" -> 4, "barrels" -> 4, "Bank" -> 4, "avoid" -> 4, "Asian" -> 4, "Arts" -> 4, "appointees" -> 4, "anti-competitive" -> 4, "answers" -> 4, "answer" -> 4, "amount" -> 4, "Amendment" -> 4, "always" -> 4, "ahead" -> 4, "ago" -> 4, "aggressively" -> 4, "after" -> 4, "affirmative" -> 4, "affecting" -> 4, "advocate" -> 4, "advantage" -> 4, "adopt" -> 4, "adjustments" -> 4, "addressed" -> 4, "acted" -> 4, "achieving" -> 4, "accomplish" -> 4, "accept" -> 4, "65" -> 4, "20" -> 4, "1981" -> 4, "$1" -> 3, "Zimbabwe" -> 3, "younger" -> 3, "Yet" -> 3, "withdrawal" -> 3, "willing" -> 3, "widespread" -> 3, "wide" -> 3, "why" -> 3, "whom" -> 3, "Welfare" -> 3, "wasteful" -> 3, "War" -> 3, "wants" -> 3, "voice" -> 3, "Vocational" -> 3, "vitally" -> 3, "Violence" -> 3, "violations" -> 3, "Vietnam" -> 3, "vehicles" -> 3, "VA" -> 3, "using" -> 3, "urging" -> 3, "Urban" -> 3, "unsafe" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "uniform" -> 3, "understand" -> 3, "unable" -> 3, "trucking" -> 3, "troops" -> 3, "Trident" -> 3, "trend" -> 3, "translate" -> 3, "transfer" -> 3, "trained" -> 3, "traditional" -> 3, "Toward" -> 3, "tough" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "took" -> 3, "Thus" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "threats" -> 3, "themselves" -> 3, "Their" -> 3, "territorial" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "targeted" -> 3, "talks" -> 3, "talents" -> 3, "survival" -> 3, "suited" -> 3, "sugar" -> 3, "substandard" -> 3, "substance" -> 3, "strides" -> 3, "stop" -> 3, "stood" -> 3, "stifle" -> 3, "step" -> 3, "steel" -> 3, "steadily" -> 3, "statutory" -> 3, "stated" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "standing" -> 3, "standard" -> 3, "stabilize" -> 3, "space" -> 3, "southern" -> 3, "source" -> 3, "sought" -> 3, "solid" -> 3, "so-called" -> 3, "shortages" -> 3, "shortage" -> 3, "shippers" -> 3, "shipbuilding" -> 3, "sharing" -> 3, "severe" -> 3, "setting" -> 3, "sensitivity" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "self-sufficiency" -> 3, "seeking" -> 3, "search" -> 3, "scope" -> 3, "Science" -> 3, "scholarship" -> 3, "scarce" -> 3, "SBA" -> 3, "Rural" -> 3, "run" -> 3, "reversed" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "resulted" -> 3, "restrict" -> 3, "restraints" -> 3, "responding" -> 3, "respects" -> 3, "Resources" -> 3, "resisting" -> 3, "Republicans" -> 3, "reporting" -> 3, "remove" -> 3, "reject" -> 3, "rehabilitate" -> 3, "regulated" -> 3, "reformed" -> 3, "redress" -> 3, "reciprocal" -> 3, "reasons" -> 3, "realize" -> 3, "Real" -> 3, "rain" -> 3, "radioactive" -> 3, "racial" -> 3, "qualitative" -> 3, "pursued" -> 3, "prospect" -> 3, "propose" -> 3, "progressive" -> 3, "Progress" -> 3, "produced" -> 3, "proceed" -> 3, "privileged" -> 3, "pricing" -> 3, "preventive" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "Presidential" -> 3, "preservation" -> 3, "post-secondary" -> 3, "possibilities" -> 3, "positive" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "pledged" -> 3, "plant" -> 3, "placed" -> 3, "physical" -> 3, "persistent" -> 3, "performing" -> 3, "performance" -> 3, "percentage" -> 3, "penalties" -> 3, "penalizes" -> 3, "patience" -> 3, "partners" -> 3, "partner" -> 3, "Particular" -> 3, "Pact" -> 3, "override" -> 3, "outdated" -> 3, "others" -> 3, "organizational" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "Opportunity" -> 3, "operations" -> 3, "operate" -> 3, "opened" -> 3, "Only" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "offers" -> 3, "offering" -> 3, "Of" -> 3, "Northern" -> 3, "North" -> 3, "normal" -> 3, "Nixon-Ford" -> 3, "Negotiations" -> 3, "negotiation" -> 3, "negotiated" -> 3, "Nazi" -> 3, "Moscow" -> 3, "Moreover" -> 3, "months" -> 3, "monitor" -> 3, "mobilize" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "mergers" -> 3, "merchant" -> 3, "Mental" -> 3, "mental" -> 3, "mechanisms" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "matters" -> 3, "materials" -> 3, "massive" -> 3, "marked" -> 3, "mankind" -> 3, "mainstream" -> 3, "lost" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "localities" -> 3, "links" -> 3, "like" -> 3, "lift" -> 3, "liberalization" -> 3, "left" -> 3, "leave" -> 3, "leasing" -> 3, "learn" -> 3, "leading" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "lasting" -> 3, "largest" -> 3, "larger" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "Klan" -> 3, "jurisdictions" -> 3, "judges" -> 3, "joint" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "irreplaceable" -> 3, "Iran" -> 3, "investigations" -> 3, "interruption" -> 3, "intensive" -> 3, "intended" -> 3, "integrated" -> 3, "inequities" -> 3, "Increased" -> 3, "inadequate" -> 3, "improvements" -> 3, "imported" -> 3, "implementing" -> 3, "implemented" -> 3, "immediately" -> 3, "Illinois" -> 3, "III" -> 3, "ignored" -> 3, "identified" -> 3, "ideals" -> 3, "hunger" -> 3, "hundreds" -> 3, "humanitarian" -> 3, "humane" -> 3, "how" -> 3, "households" -> 3, "hostile" -> 3, "hospital" -> 3, "homemakers" -> 3, "heart" -> 3, "he" -> 3, "Haiti" -> 3, "guarantees" -> 3, "grow" -> 3, "Greece" -> 3, "graduate" -> 3, "government-wide" -> 3, "gain" -> 3, "Furthermore" -> 3, "Further" -> 3, "Full" -> 3, "found" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "forums" -> 3, "forge" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "flow" -> 3, "five-year" -> 3, "firm" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "financed" -> 3, "field" -> 3, "feasible" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "Farmers" -> 3, "Farm" -> 3, "far" -> 3, "faith" -> 3, "fail" -> 3, "factor" -> 3, "facing" -> 3, "explosion" -> 3, "explore" -> 3, "expensive" -> 3, "Existing" -> 3, "exercised" -> 3, "except" -> 3, "event" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "entry" -> 3, "English" -> 3, "enforced" -> 3, "encouraging" -> 3, "employer" -> 3, "emigration" -> 3, "eligibility" -> 3, "element" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "election" -> 3, "Economy" -> 3, "economies" -> 3, "ease" -> 3, "duplication" -> 3, "drastic" -> 3, "draft" -> 3, "down" -> 3, "doing" -> 3, "diversity" -> 3, "diverse" -> 3, "districts" -> 3, "displaced" -> 3, "discriminatory" -> 3, "disclosure" -> 3, "disabilities" -> 3, "directly" -> 3, "difficulty" -> 3, "different" -> 3, "dialogue" -> 3, "devoted" -> 3, "design" -> 3, "desegregation" -> 3, "deregulation" -> 3, "depend" -> 3, "deny" -> 3, "democracies" -> 3, "deficit" -> 3, "defend" -> 3, "deductions" -> 3, "dedication" -> 3, "declined" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "decide" -> 3, "date" -> 3, "cultures" -> 3, "critically" -> 3, "courts" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "cooperative" -> 3, "conventions" -> 3, "Convention" -> 3, "Control" -> 3, "contrary" -> 3, "continuation" -> 3, "context" -> 3, "Consumer" -> 3, "consultation" -> 3, "constructive" -> 3, "considered" -> 3, "conserve" -> 3, "consent" -> 3, "consensus" -> 3, "Congressional" -> 3, "conflicting" -> 3, "Comprehensive" -> 3, "compliance" -> 3, "completed" -> 3, "compensatory" -> 3, "compassion" -> 3, "community-based" -> 3, "coherent" -> 3, "closely" -> 3, "clearly" -> 3, "clean" -> 3, "choice" -> 3, "chemicals" -> 3, "catch" -> 3, "case" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "came" -> 3, "buildings" -> 3, "Budget" -> 3, "Both" -> 3, "borne" -> 3, "borders" -> 3, "below" -> 3, "beginning" -> 3, "becomes" -> 3, "Basic" -> 3, "base" -> 3, "bargaining" -> 3, "bargain" -> 3, "bank" -> 3, "back" -> 3, "auto" -> 3, "assurance" -> 3, "Assistance" -> 3, "assets" -> 3, "ASEAN" -> 3, "around" -> 3, "arid" -> 3, "appointed" -> 3, "application" -> 3, "applaud" -> 3, "another" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "analysis" -> 3, "amounts" -> 3, "Amendments" -> 3, "amendments" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "amended" -> 3, "alone" -> 3, "Almost" -> 3, "allowed" -> 3, "Agreement" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "agenda" -> 3, "affordable" -> 3, "afford" -> 3, "affirms" -> 3, "Affairs" -> 3, "adversaries" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "adopted" -> 3, "adjustment" -> 3, "added" -> 3, "activity" -> 3, "actively" -> 3, "acid" -> 3, "account" -> 3, "accessible" -> 3, "acceptable" -> 3, "abuses" -> 3, "8" -> 3, "50" -> 3, "200,000" -> 3, "1968" -> 3, "$25" -> 2, "Youth" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "works" -> 2, "Working" -> 2, "Workers" -> 2, "Work" -> 2, "won" -> 2, "women-owned" -> 2, "wind" -> 2, "wilderness" -> 2, "wider" -> 2, "WIC" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "Where" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "weaponry" -> 2, "Warsaw" -> 2, "Voting" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "violators" -> 2, "viability" -> 2, "VI" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "verifiable" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "utilized" -> 2, "utilization" -> 2, "U.S.-Soviet" -> 2, "urgently" -> 2, "uphold" -> 2, "upgraded" -> 2, "unwilling" -> 2, "Until" -> 2, "unrest" -> 2, "unprecedented" -> 2, "Universal" -> 2, "unified" -> 2, "Unemployment" -> 2, "undocumented" -> 2, "understanding" -> 2, "undermined" -> 2, "uncertain" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "UDAG" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "truth" -> 2, "truckers" -> 2, "trends" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "transitional" -> 2, "transfers" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "Toxic" -> 2, "Time" -> 2, "tide" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "thirty" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "textiles" -> 2, "tested" -> 2, "term" -> 2, "television" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "teachers" -> 2, "Teacher" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "targeting" -> 2, "tape" -> 2, "talk" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "systematic" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "swift" -> 2, "survive" -> 2, "suppression" -> 2, "supportive" -> 2, "supporting" -> 2, "Support" -> 2, "superior" -> 2, "summit" -> 2, "sum" -> 2, "suffers" -> 2, "suffered" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "succeeded" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "subsidy" -> 2, "submarine" -> 2, "studies" -> 2, "student" -> 2, "structures" -> 2, "structural" -> 2, "strongest" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "stress" -> 2, "streamline" -> 2, "strategy" -> 2, "Strategic" -> 2, "stewardship" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "stalled" -> 2, "staffing" -> 2, "squarely" -> 2, "spread" -> 2, "spiral" -> 2, "spend" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "specifically" -> 2, "speak" -> 2, "sovereign" -> 2, "Southwest" -> 2, "sometimes" -> 2, "Some" -> 2, "solving" -> 2, "solvent" -> 2, "solved" -> 2, "Solar" -> 2, "So" -> 2, "six" -> 2, "Sinai" -> 2, "simplistic" -> 2, "Similarly" -> 2, "signing" -> 2, "Significant" -> 2, "sides" -> 2, "shores" -> 2, "shop" -> 2, "sharp" -> 2, "shaping" -> 2, "shape" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "seriously" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "sensible" -> 2, "segregation" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "secondary" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "schedule" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "sale" -> 2, "said" -> 2, "safer" -> 2, "Sadat" -> 2, "sacrificing" -> 2, "sacrifices" -> 2, "running" -> 2, "Runaway" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "roots" -> 2, "Roosevelt" -> 2, "roles" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "risk" -> 2, "revive" -> 2, "revised" -> 2, "Review" -> 2, "revert" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "returns" -> 2, "Retirement" -> 2, "retire" -> 2, "retention" -> 2, "restructuring" -> 2, "restrain" -> 2, "responses" -> 2, "resort" -> 2, "Resolution" -> 2, "reservations" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "reported" -> 2, "replacement" -> 2, "repair" -> 2, "reorganized" -> 2, "rental" -> 2, "renews" -> 2, "removing" -> 2, "removed" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "rely" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "released" -> 2, "relative" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "rejection" -> 2, "reimbursement" -> 2, "Regulations" -> 2, "regularly" -> 2, "regardless" -> 2, "regarding" -> 2, "Refugees" -> 2, "Refugee" -> 2, "reflected" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "Reduction" -> 2, "redouble" -> 2, "redirected" -> 2, "red" -> 2, "recycling" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "reconstruction" -> 2, "Recognizing" -> 2, "recidivism" -> 2, "Recently" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "receiving" -> 2, "received" -> 2, "Rebuilding" -> 2, "rebuilding" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "reason" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "realities" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "reaffirms" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "reaching" -> 2, "reached" -> 2, "rationing" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "ranks" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "quantity" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "purchases" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "pupils" -> 2, "Provision" -> 2, "protects" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "promptly" -> 2, "Prompt" -> 2, "promoted" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "profound" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "professions" -> 2, "Productivity" -> 2, "product" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "processing" -> 2, "proceeds" -> 2, "procedure" -> 2, "prisons" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "Prime" -> 2, "prime" -> 2, "previously" -> 2, "Prevention" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "presently" -> 2, "presence" -> 2, "prescribing" -> 2, "preparation" -> 2, "prenatal" -> 2, "precious" -> 2, "preceding" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "posture" -> 2, "possess" -> 2, "poses" -> 2, "populations" -> 2, "pooling" -> 2, "politics" -> 2, "politically" -> 2, "Policies" -> 2, "pluralism" -> 2, "plight" -> 2, "pilot" -> 2, "picketing" -> 2, "Petroleum" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "persevere" -> 2, "permits" -> 2, "permissible" -> 2, "Perhaps" -> 2, "perhaps" -> 2, "performed" -> 2, "perform" -> 2, "Pension" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "peacetime" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "Pay" -> 2, "patterns" -> 2, "patients" -> 2, "path" -> 2, "passengers" -> 2, "part-time" -> 2, "paralysis" -> 2, "Paperwork" -> 2, "Panama" -> 2, "Palestinian" -> 2, "pages" -> 2, "owners" -> 2, "overriding" -> 2, "overburdened" -> 2, "outstanding" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "Others" -> 2, "OSHA's" -> 2, "OSHA" -> 2, "oppressive" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "Opportunities" -> 2, "opinion" -> 2, "operated" -> 2, "ongoing" -> 2, "Once" -> 2, "Older" -> 2, "Oil" -> 2, "offshore" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "offenders" -> 2, "nutritional" -> 2, "nurture" -> 2, "nurses" -> 2, "numerous" -> 2, "Nuclear" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "note" -> 2, "Not" -> 2, "non-institutional" -> 2, "non-farm" -> 2, "none" -> 2, "non-contiguous" -> 2, "non-aligned" -> 2, "negotiate" -> 2, "needy" -> 2, "needlessly" -> 2, "necessities" -> 2, "Natural" -> 2, "NATO's" -> 2, "native" -> 2, "Namibia" -> 2, "multiple-use" -> 2, "Multilateral" -> 2, "MTN" -> 2, "moves" -> 2, "mothers" -> 2, "monies" -> 2, "modes" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "mobility" -> 2, "Minorities" -> 2, "Minister" -> 2, "mills" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "migration" -> 2, "migrants" -> 2, "method" -> 2, "mentally" -> 2, "meets" -> 2, "Mediterranean" -> 2, "Mass" -> 2, "Martin" -> 2, "married" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "maritime" -> 2, "Marine" -> 2, "Many" -> 2, "mandates" -> 2, "mandate" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "manage" -> 2, "Making" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "Major" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "machinery" -> 2, "Luther" -> 2, "Low" -> 2, "long-run" -> 2, "longer" -> 2, "litigation" -> 2, "like-minded" -> 2, "Liberties" -> 2, "leverage" -> 2, "leader" -> 2, "layoffs" -> 2, "Last" -> 2, "languages" -> 2, "landings" -> 2, "land-based" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "Korea" -> 2, "know" -> 2, "King" -> 2, "Kemeny" -> 2, "juvenile" -> 2, "Justice's" -> 2, "juries" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "Jr." -> 2, "joined" -> 2, "Job" -> 2, "jeopardized" -> 2, "is—and" -> 2, "isolation" -> 2, "isolated" -> 2, "Irish" -> 2, "intervention" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "interested" -> 2, "intercontinental" -> 2, "intent" -> 2, "intensify" -> 2, "intensified" -> 2, "insular" -> 2, "institutionalization" -> 2, "inordinate" -> 2, "innovations" -> 2, "injured" -> 2, "infrastructure" -> 2, "inequitable" -> 2, "inefficient" -> 2, "Industry" -> 2, "index" -> 2, "inconsistent" -> 2, "includes" -> 2, "Improvement" -> 2, "Improved" -> 2, "imposes" -> 2, "importing" -> 2, "importation" -> 2, "Implementation" -> 2, "impede" -> 2, "Immigration" -> 2, "immigrants" -> 2, "imbalance" -> 2, "imaginative" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "identity" -> 2, "hydrogen" -> 2, "hurt" -> 2, "hungry" -> 2, "humanity" -> 2, "hostage-taking" -> 2, "homeland" -> 2, "Home" -> 2, "holy" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "historically" -> 2, "heroin" -> 2, "Helsinki" -> 2, "heavily" -> 2, "healthy" -> 2, "heads" -> 2, "hazardous" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "harvest" -> 2, "hardship" -> 2, "hard" -> 2, "harassment" -> 2, "happen" -> 2, "handled" -> 2, "handguns" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "guiding" -> 2, "Groups" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "Grant" -> 2, "grant" -> 2, "governmental" -> 2, "governing" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "goes" -> 2, "globe" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "gifts" -> 2, "giant" -> 2, "geographical" -> 2, "generated" -> 2, "Gaza" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "gained" -> 2, "fusion" -> 2, "Funds" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "frontiers" -> 2, "From" -> 2, "Franklin" -> 2, "fourth" -> 2, "fought" -> 2, "fostered" -> 2, "forum" -> 2, "fortunate" -> 2, "formulae" -> 2, "formula" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "fishermen" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "finding" -> 2, "financially" -> 2, "finally" -> 2, "fill" -> 2, "fifty" -> 2, "fifth" -> 2, "fifteen" -> 2, "fiber" -> 2, "felt" -> 2, "federal-state" -> 2, "features" -> 2, "fear" -> 2, "fatalities" -> 2, "fastest" -> 2, "fashioned" -> 2, "far-reaching" -> 2, "farmland" -> 2, "Families" -> 2, "faiths" -> 2, "factories" -> 2, "faces" -> 2, "eyes" -> 2, "external" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "exposed" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "Expanding" -> 2, "Expand" -> 2, "exert" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "exchange" -> 2, "excessively" -> 2, "exception" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "ever-increasing" -> 2, "ethnic" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "erosion" -> 2, "era" -> 2, "equity" -> 2, "equalized" -> 2, "Environmental" -> 2, "Environment" -> 2, "enunciated" -> 2, "entrench" -> 2, "entitlement" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "Enterprise" -> 2, "enrollment" -> 2, "enmeshed" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "engage" -> 2, "enforcing" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "ends" -> 2, "Endowment" -> 2, "ending" -> 2, "End" -> 2, "Encouraging" -> 2, "encourages" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "Employment—We" -> 2, "employee" -> 2, "embraces" -> 2, "embargo" -> 2, "elsewhere" -> 2, "Efforts" -> 2, "educate" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "eastern" -> 2, "easily" -> 2, "earned" -> 2, "dual" -> 2, "drugs" -> 2, "drought" -> 2, "dream" -> 2, "downturn" -> 2, "doubt" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "dosed" -> 2, "doctors" -> 2, "Division" -> 2, "diverting" -> 2, "distributed" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "displacing" -> 2, "disorder" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "disdain" -> 2, "Discrimination" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "discipline" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "diplomacy" -> 2, "dioxide" -> 2, "devise" -> 2, "devices" -> 2, "Developing" -> 2, "Develop" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "detente" -> 2, "despair" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "deserves" -> 2, "deserve" -> 2, "deploy" -> 2, "depends" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "demonstration" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "demonstrate" -> 2, "democratic" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "Delinquency" -> 2, "delay" -> 2, "define" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "decreased" -> 2, "dear" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "deadly" -> 2, "damaging" -> 2, "culture" -> 2, "Cubans" -> 2, "cruise" -> 2, "Crisis" -> 2, "crimes" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "couples" -> 2, "counseling" -> 2, "cost-effective" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "coordinating" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "Cooperative" -> 2, "Cooperation" -> 2, "conviction" -> 2, "contributes" -> 2, "contract" -> 2, "Continued" -> 2, "Continent" -> 2, "consult" -> 2, "constitutionally" -> 2, "consolidation" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "considerably" -> 2, "Considerable" -> 2, "consider" -> 2, "Consequently" -> 2, "confrontation" -> 2, "confront" -> 2, "conferences" -> 2, "Conference" -> 2, "conducted" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "condemns" -> 2, "condemned" -> 2, "conclusion" -> 2, "conciliation" -> 2, "concentrate" -> 2, "conceived" -> 2, "composed" -> 2, "components" -> 2, "component" -> 2, "completion" -> 2, "completely" -> 2, "competitiveness" -> 2, "compelling" -> 2, "compatibility" -> 2, "compared" -> 2, "comparable" -> 2, "commuter" -> 2, "community's" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "Commissioner" -> 2, "Commerce" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "combine" -> 2, "combinations" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "collectively" -> 2, "cohesion" -> 2, "Coal" -> 2, "closing" -> 2, "closed" -> 2, "Close" -> 2, "classified" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "claim" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "chosen" -> 2, "chaotic" -> 2, "changed" -> 2, "chance" -> 2, "challenging" -> 2, "cents" -> 2, "centerpiece" -> 2, "Center" -> 2, "cease" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "caused" -> 2, "cattle" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "Carter's" -> 2, "careful" -> 2, "carbon" -> 2, "Capper-Volstead" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "Cambodian" -> 2, "Cabinet-level" -> 2, "Cabinet" -> 2, "Bureau" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "Building" -> 2, "budgetary" -> 2, "brutal" -> 2, "brunt" -> 2, "broken" -> 2, "broader" -> 2, "broadening" -> 2, "Brick" -> 2, "breaking" -> 2, "biomedical" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "beliefs" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "Begin" -> 2, "battered" -> 2, "Basin" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "bankruptcy" -> 2, "banking" -> 2, "ban" -> 2, "badly" -> 2, "backing" -> 2, "aware" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "authorities" -> 2, "Attorneys" -> 2, "attempts" -> 2, "attempting" -> 2, "assume" -> 2, "associated" -> 2, "assisted" -> 2, "assault" -> 2, "Arms" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "approximately" -> 2, "approaches" -> 2, "apprenticeship" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "apartheid" -> 2, "Any" -> 2, "Angola" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "American-flag" -> 2, "ameliorate" -> 2, "Although" -> 2, "alter" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "allows" -> 2, "allocation" -> 2, "Allied" -> 2, "Alliance" -> 2, "alleviate" -> 2, "alleged" -> 2, "Airline" -> 2, "aircraft" -> 2, "aimed" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "agency-by-agency" -> 2, "Age" -> 2, "After" -> 2, "adversely" -> 2, "adverse" -> 2, "advantages" -> 2, "advances" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "Administrations" -> 2, "administered" -> 2, "adjust" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "Addressed" -> 2, "Act—We" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "Acts" -> 2, "Action" -> 2, "acting" -> 2, "accounts" -> 2, "accountability" -> 2, "accordance" -> 2, "Accord" -> 2, "accidents" -> 2, "accepts" -> 2, "accelerated" -> 2, "Abuse" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abortion" -> 2, "73" -> 2, "67" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "500" -> 2, "5" -> 2, "35" -> 2, "33" -> 2, "300" -> 2, "26" -> 2, "242" -> 2, "2000" -> 2, "1967" -> 2, "1962" -> 2, "1960s" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$9" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$675" -> 1, "$500" -> 1, "$470" -> 1, "$400" -> 1, "$40" -> 1, "$4" -> 1, "$30" -> 1, "$2,800" -> 1, "$24" -> 1, "$200" -> 1, "$1.7" -> 1, "$12.7" -> 1, "$12" -> 1, "$11" -> 1, "$10" -> 1, "Zimbabwe—while" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "year—and" -> 1, "years—to" -> 1, "year's" -> 1, "wrong-doing" -> 1, "wrestled" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worsen" -> 1, "World—forewarn" -> 1, "work—is" -> 1, "worksite" -> 1, "Works" -> 1, "workforce" -> 1, "Worker" -> 1, "women—to" -> 1, "women—such" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wiretaps" -> 1, "Winner" -> 1, "Windfall" -> 1, "windfall" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "widowhood" -> 1, "widowed" -> 1, "widen" -> 1, "whole—which" -> 1, "whole—in" -> 1, "Whistle-blowers" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "western" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-trained" -> 1, "well-suited" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weighted" -> 1, "weight" -> 1, "Webster" -> 1, "web" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weak—partially" -> 1, "weaknesses" -> 1, "weakens" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "ways—through" -> 1, "Ways" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "watersheds" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "waterheating" -> 1, "Watch" -> 1, "Wasteful" -> 1, "Wars" -> 1, "warranties" -> 1, "warheads" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "Waldheim's" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "vying" -> 1, "vulnerable" -> 1, "vote—fully" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "VISTA" -> 1, "Visits" -> 1, "visiting" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "violator" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "Vigorous" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "Vietnamese" -> 1, "victimizers" -> 1, "vetoed" -> 1, "vesting" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "Venice" -> 1, "vehemently" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "vary" -> 1, "van" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "vacuum" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilizes" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "utilities" -> 1, "U.S.S.R." -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "U.S.-China" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "upcoming" -> 1, "unutilized" -> 1, "unusual" -> 1, "untargeted" -> 1, "unsurpassed" -> 1, "unstable" -> 1, "unrespected" -> 1, "unremitting" -> 1, "unregulated" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unratified" -> 1, "Unnecessary" -> 1, "unnecessarily" -> 1, "unmarried" -> 1, "Universities" -> 1, "universally" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "Union—including" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "uninterested" -> 1, "uninformed" -> 1, "unify" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "UNICEF" -> 1, "unfulfilled" -> 1, "unfinished" -> 1, "unfairness" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unexplored" -> 1, "uneven" -> 1, "UNESCO" -> 1, "unequaled" -> 1, "unemployment—no" -> 1, "unemployable" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "underutilized" -> 1, "undertook" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "understandable" -> 1, "underscores" -> 1, "underrepresented" -> 1, "underrepresentation" -> 1, "underprivileged" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "underlies" -> 1, "undergird" -> 1, "underdevelopment" -> 1, "undercut" -> 1, "undemocratic" -> 1, "undaunted" -> 1, "unclogging" -> 1, "unchanged" -> 1, "unavailable" -> 1, "unattended" -> 1, "unanswered" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "unacceptably" -> 1, "U.N." -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "Ukrainian" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "two-worker" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "twenty-nine" -> 1, "twenty-five" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "Turkish" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "truth-in-lending" -> 1, "trustee" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "truancy" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "tripling" -> 1, "tripled" -> 1, "Triple" -> 1, "trip" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "tribe" -> 1, "tribally" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "trees" -> 1, "Treatment" -> 1, "Treating" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "Treaties—after" -> 1, "treasuries" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "travesty" -> 1, "transuranic" -> 1, "transporting" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "Transfer—For" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trainees" -> 1, "trafficking" -> 1, "traffickers" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "trades" -> 1, "tradeoffs" -> 1, "Tracks" -> 1, "track" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "Tough" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "Too" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "Tokyo" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "Tlatelolco" -> 1, "tin" -> 1, "Timor" -> 1, "time-consuming" -> 1, "tile" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "Three-quarters" -> 1, "three-quarters" -> 1, "three-martini" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "Thorough" -> 1, "thirty-day" -> 1, "thirteen" -> 1, "thinning" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "thermal" -> 1, "therapy" -> 1, "therapeutic" -> 1, "Them" -> 1, "thee" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "testament" -> 1, "Test" -> 1, "terrorists" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terraces" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "terminate" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "tenet" -> 1, "tenants" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "telecommunications" -> 1, "Tel" -> 1, "Teenage" -> 1, "technologies" -> 1, "technologically" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "Taxing" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "target-shooting" -> 1, "Targeting" -> 1, "Targeted" -> 1, "Target" -> 1, "tamper" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "taken—strengthening" -> 1, "Taiwan" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "tailor" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "tackle" -> 1, "system—The" -> 1, "Systems" -> 1, "system's" -> 1, "Synthetic" -> 1, "Synthesizing" -> 1, "synonymous" -> 1, "symbols" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "sweeps" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "susceptible" -> 1, "Survivors" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survivability" -> 1, "surface" -> 1, "surety" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "support—and" -> 1, "Supporting" -> 1, "suppliers" -> 1, "Supplemental" -> 1, "super-fund" -> 1, "sunbelt" -> 1, "summits" -> 1, "Summit" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suggested" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "Successfully" -> 1, "successes" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substantive" -> 1, "sub-standard" -> 1, "Substances" -> 1, "Substance" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "subsidize" -> 1, "subregional" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submits" -> 1, "sub-minimum" -> 1, "subjugate" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "subcontracts" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "student's" -> 1, "Student" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "structurally" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "Strive" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "stretched" -> 1, "stressed" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "Strengthening" -> 1, "Strength" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategies" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "straight" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "Stevenson's" -> 1, "sterilization" -> 1, "stereotypes" -> 1, "stations" -> 1, "state—more" -> 1, "state-supported" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "starving" -> 1, "starvation" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "Stanford" -> 1, "standby" -> 1, "stand-by" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "standardized" -> 1, "stamps—provides" -> 1, "Stamps—Hunger" -> 1, "stamps" -> 1, "stake" -> 1, "staffed" -> 1, "stabilizing" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "St." -> 1, "SSI" -> 1, "SS-20" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "squanders" -> 1, "spurring" -> 1, "sports-men" -> 1, "sports" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spills" -> 1, "Spending—Spending" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speeding" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculators" -> 1, "spectre" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "specials" -> 1, "sparse" -> 1, "sparked" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "Space" -> 1, "soy-beans" -> 1, "Soweto" -> 1, "Soviet-backed" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "soundly" -> 1, "sought—and" -> 1, "somnolent" -> 1, "Solving" -> 1, "solidification" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "sociological" -> 1, "society—programs" -> 1, "society—government" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "socially" -> 1, "soar" -> 1, "snowbelt" -> 1, "snail's" -> 1, "smallest" -> 1, "slowed" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "siting" -> 1, "site" -> 1, "singular" -> 1, "single-parent" -> 1, "simultaneously" -> 1, "Simplify" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "simplifies" -> 1, "Simplified" -> 1, "simpler" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "signalling" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sidetracked" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sicknesses" -> 1, "Shuttle" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "shipment" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "shears" -> 1, "shared" -> 1, "shadow" -> 1, "Sexual" -> 1, "sexual" -> 1, "sexism" -> 1, "sex-based" -> 1, "severs" -> 1, "severely" -> 1, "Severance" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "Seven-Nation" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "set-aside" -> 1, "Services—As" -> 1, "service-connected" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "Serious" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "sensitively" -> 1, "sensed" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "semi-arid" -> 1, "selves" -> 1, "self-worth" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-support" -> 1, "self-help" -> 1, "self-discipline" -> 1, "selectively" -> 1, "selective" -> 1, "Select" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seek—ways" -> 1, "Seeking" -> 1, "security—has" -> 1, "Security's" -> 1, "Secretaries" -> 1, "Secondary" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "searching" -> 1, "seaports" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scrupulously" -> 1, "scrape" -> 1, "scrambled" -> 1, "score" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "schooling" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "scholars" -> 1, "scholarly" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "SBA's" -> 1, "saves" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "save" -> 1, "Saturday" -> 1, "satisfy" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "satisfactorily" -> 1, "sanitary" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "Salvador" -> 1, "salute" -> 1, "Salt" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "Sakharov's" -> 1, "Sakharov" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "Saint" -> 1, "Sahara" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "Safe" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "ruthless" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "rudderless" -> 1, "routes" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "rotor" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "Romania" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "robbing" -> 1, "Roadless" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rituals" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "rigorously" -> 1, "right—the" -> 1, "Rights—We" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "ridership" -> 1, "rider" -> 1, "Rico's" -> 1, "Ricans" -> 1, "Rhodesia—now" -> 1, "rhetoric" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "reviewing" -> 1, "reviewed" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revamping" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "retribution" -> 1, "retooling" -> 1, "retool" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retaliatory" -> 1, "retains" -> 1, "retained" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resurrected" -> 1, "Results" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restraint—and" -> 1, "restrained" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "resting" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsibilities—continue" -> 1, "responds" -> 1, "responded" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resource—American" -> 1, "resources—including" -> 1, "Resolutions" -> 1, "residential" -> 1, "residences" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "resettle" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "reserving" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "reservation" -> 1, "rescind" -> 1, "Requirements" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "requested" -> 1, "Republicanism—which" -> 1, "Republicanism—neglect" -> 1, "Reproductive" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "repositories" -> 1, "replenishments" -> 1, "repelled" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeals" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "Renewed" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "remedied" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "religions" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relieving" -> 1, "relies" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "rejoined" -> 1, "reiterated" -> 1, "reintegration" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reindustrialization" -> 1, "Reimbursement—The" -> 1, "rehabilitated" -> 1, "regularize" -> 1, "Registration" -> 1, "regionally" -> 1, "Regional" -> 1, "regards" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "Reform—Consistent" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "referral" -> 1, "reexamine" -> 1, "reestablishment" -> 1, "re-establish" -> 1, "re-entry" -> 1, "Reductions—We" -> 1, "Reductions" -> 1, "redressed" -> 1, "redrawing" -> 1, "redlining" -> 1, "Redistribution" -> 1, "redesigned" -> 1, "Red" -> 1, "recurrent" -> 1, "recruitment" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "recovered" -> 1, "record-high" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "reconcile" -> 1, "recommit" -> 1, "recommends" -> 1, "recommended" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "reclassification" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocated" -> 1, "recessions" -> 1, "recessionary" -> 1, "Recession" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "recede" -> 1, "rebuked" -> 1, "reasons—morality" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "Reasonable" -> 1, "reap" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realistically" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "reactivated" -> 1, "reaction" -> 1, "reaches" -> 1, "rationalize" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "Rates—The" -> 1, "Rapidly" -> 1, "rape" -> 1, "ranchers" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "radically" -> 1, "radicalized" -> 1, "racist" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "racially" -> 1, "races" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quality—a" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "Pursuing" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "purely" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "publishing" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "prudence" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "providers" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "Protocol" -> 1, "protesting" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protectionism" -> 1, "Protect" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "prosecutor" -> 1, "Propositioning" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "Proposed" -> 1, "proportionately" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "properties" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "propagation" -> 1, "promotions" -> 1, "Promoting" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "Promote" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "Prominent" -> 1, "prominence" -> 1, "proliferation" -> 1, "projections" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "progressiveness" -> 1, "progressing" -> 1, "Program—We" -> 1, "program—one" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "program's" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "Profits" -> 1, "Professionals—We" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "productivity—Although" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "Procurement" -> 1, "proceeding" -> 1, "proceeded" -> 1, "problems—groups" -> 1, "Problems" -> 1, "Problem" -> 1, "probable" -> 1, "Prize" -> 1, "prize" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "Privacy" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principle—as" -> 1, "principled" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "prices—120" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "Prevent" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "presidents" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "presided" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "Prescriptions—We" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "prerogatives" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "preoccupation" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "prejudices" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "pregnancy" -> 1, "Preferences" -> 1, "predominant" -> 1, "predicted" -> 1, "precisely" -> 1, "precedence" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "Practices" -> 1, "power—to" -> 1, "power—both" -> 1, "powered" -> 1, "pour" -> 1, "poultry" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "postwar" -> 1, "postnatal" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibly" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "positively" -> 1, "Portugal" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "portability" -> 1, "polygraphs" -> 1, "policy—principle" -> 1, "policy—and" -> 1, "policy—a" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poised" -> 1, "pluralistic" -> 1, "plummeting" -> 1, "pleasant-sounding" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "plaguing" -> 1, "pivotal" -> 1, "physician-patient" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "phased" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "perspective" -> 1, "Personnel—This" -> 1, "Personnel" -> 1, "persist" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "perpetually" -> 1, "perpetrators" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "Permit" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "Performance" -> 1, "percent—the" -> 1, "percentages" -> 1, "Per" -> 1, "Pensions" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "Peacekeeping" -> 1, "peacekeeping" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "Patrick's" -> 1, "patent" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "passive" -> 1, "Passing" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "passage—by" -> 1, "Passage" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "partly" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "partake" -> 1, "parochial" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "pairing" -> 1, "page" -> 1, "package" -> 1, "pack" -> 1, "paced" -> 1, "ozone" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "oversight" -> 1, "over-regulated" -> 1, "over-production" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overdevelopment" -> 1, "overcoming" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "outweighed" -> 1, "outweigh" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "outreach" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outrage" -> 1, "output—employed" -> 1, "out-of-pocket" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "organizing" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "ordered" -> 1, "Orange" -> 1, "opposite—to" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "Operation" -> 1, "Openness" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "Open" -> 1, "one-third" -> 1, "one-sided" -> 1, "One-fifth" -> 1, "omnipotent" -> 1, "oil-induced" -> 1, "oil-importing" -> 1, "Often" -> 1, "Offshore" -> 1, "offsetting" -> 1, "off-producing" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "OECD" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "Oceanic" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "obviate" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obsolescence" -> 1, "observer" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "oar" -> 1, "nutritious" -> 1, "Nutrition" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "Numerous" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "NRC" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "noted" -> 1, "notably" -> 1, "North-South" -> 1, "Northeast" -> 1, "norms" -> 1, "normalize" -> 1, "non-violence" -> 1, "non-sexist" -> 1, "non-restrictive" -> 1, "non-racist" -> 1, "NonProliferation" -> 1, "nonproliferation" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "non-intervention" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "non-industrial" -> 1, "nongovernmental" -> 1, "non-energy" -> 1, "non-defense" -> 1, "non-compliance" -> 1, "noise" -> 1, "Nobel" -> 1, "Ninety-six" -> 1, "Ninety-five" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "newspapers" -> 1, "newer" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neutral" -> 1, "networks" -> 1, "nest" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "Neighborhoods" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "neglecting" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "need—food" -> 1, "Needs—We" -> 1, "Needs" -> 1, "neediest" -> 1, "need-based" -> 1, "necessitated" -> 1, "Necessary" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "Naturalization" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "nationally" -> 1, "narcotics" -> 1, "nadir" -> 1, "mythology" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multi-state" -> 1, "multiply" -> 1, "multi-national" -> 1, "Multilingual" -> 1, "multi-family" -> 1, "multi-donor" -> 1, "multi-cultural" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "Mount" -> 1, "mount" -> 1, "mosaic" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "moratorium" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "monumental" -> 1, "monument" -> 1, "monthly" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "Monitoring" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "monitored" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "Model" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "Mobilization" -> 1, "mobilization" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mixed" -> 1, "mistrust" -> 1, "misspent" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "mismanagement" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "mired" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimized" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "milestone" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "mile" -> 1, "Migration" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "mid-1960s" -> 1, "Miami" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "MESBIC" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "memorial" -> 1, "medically" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "median" -> 1, "mechanized" -> 1, "mechanization—We" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "Measures" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "mean" -> 1, "meals-on-wheels" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "mayors" -> 1, "maximize" -> 1, "maturity" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "marshall" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "marketable" -> 1, "Market" -> 1, "Maritime" -> 1, "marital" -> 1, "Mariana" -> 1, "margin" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manifestations" -> 1, "man-hours" -> 1, "Mandatory" -> 1, "mandating" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "malnourished" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "magnet" -> 1, "machine" -> 1, "lunches" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "low-paid" -> 1, "low-level" -> 1, "low-head" -> 1, "lowered" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "loophole" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "long-time" -> 1, "Long-Term" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "longed" -> 1, "London" -> 1, "Lock" -> 1, "locations" -> 1, "locate" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "locality" -> 1, "locales" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "lobbying" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "Living" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "Lithuanian" -> 1, "listed" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "liquidation" -> 1, "link" -> 1, "lingered" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limited-English-proficiency" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "Likewise" -> 1, "likewise" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifetime" -> 1, "life-style" -> 1, "lifeline" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "licenses" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "library" -> 1, "libraries" -> 1, "Liberation" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "liberalized" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "leveraged" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lessening" -> 1, "lends" -> 1, "legislate" -> 1, "Lebanon" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "Lease" -> 1, "leaner" -> 1, "layers" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "Law-of-the-Sea" -> 1, "launched" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "latest" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "large-scale" -> 1, "landmark" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "ladder" -> 1, "labor—We" -> 1, "labeling" -> 1, "Ku" -> 1, "Korean" -> 1, "Koreagate" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "Klux" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kampuehea" -> 1, "Kampuchea" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "Justice—of" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "June" -> 1, "judgeships" -> 1, "joblessness" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Japan's" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "Israel-Egypt" -> 1, "islands" -> 1, "Islander" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irrespective" -> 1, "irrelevant—even" -> 1, "invulnerability" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "Involvement—There" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "invites" -> 1, "inviolability" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "Investigation" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigated" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "invest" -> 1, "invalid" -> 1, "intrusive" -> 1, "intrusion" -> 1, "Introduction" -> 1, "introduce" -> 1, "intra-state" -> 1, "Into" -> 1, "interruptions" -> 1, "interrupted" -> 1, "interpreters" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "Interior" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "Interest" -> 1, "Interdepartmental" -> 1, "intercommunal" -> 1, "inter" -> 1, "intent—to" -> 1, "intensification" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "intelligently" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "Intelligence" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "Integrity" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "intake" -> 1, "intact" -> 1, "insurer" -> 1, "insulation" -> 1, "Insular" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instrumentation" -> 1, "instrumental" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "Institutions" -> 1, "institutionalize" -> 1, "institutional" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "installations" -> 1, "instability" -> 1, "in-service" -> 1, "inoperative" -> 1, "innovatively" -> 1, "innovative" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "initiates" -> 1, "Initiate" -> 1, "Initially" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inhibit" -> 1, "inherit" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "ingredients" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "influx" -> 1, "influenced" -> 1, "Inflation—A" -> 1, "Infants" -> 1, "Infant" -> 1, "inevitability" -> 1, "Inequities" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "industry's" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "indicators—especially" -> 1, "indication" -> 1, "indefinite" -> 1, "indeed" -> 1, "Incredibly" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inauguration" -> 1, "impulses—our" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "Imports" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "Implement" -> 1, "impeding" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "impair" -> 1, "Immigrants" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "Immediate" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imbues" -> 1, "imbalances" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illustrated" -> 1, "illusion" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illicit" -> 1, "illegalities" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignores" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "i.e." -> 1, "ideologies" -> 1, "identical" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "idealistic" -> 1, "ICBM" -> 1, "hydroelectric" -> 1, "hydro" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "Hunger" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "Humphrey-Hawkins" -> 1, "HUD" -> 1, "HR" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hostages" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "Hospitals—Frequently" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "Hormuz" -> 1, "horizon" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homestead" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "holiday" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "hogs" -> 1, "Historically" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "hired" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "high-level" -> 1, "heroin-related" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "herd" -> 1, "Hence" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helps" -> 1, "helped" -> 1, "Helens" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heating" -> 1, "heartland" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "Headstart" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "haul" -> 1, "Hatch" -> 1, "harvesting" -> 1, "harnessing" -> 1, "harness" -> 1, "hard-won" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "hard-earned" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "happening" -> 1, "Handicapped" -> 1, "handicap" -> 1, "hamstrung" -> 1, "hallmark" -> 1, "Half" -> 1, "Haitians" -> 1, "Haitian" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "guns" -> 1, "guillotine" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "Guatemala" -> 1, "guardians" -> 1, "Guard" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "Growth—Despite" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "groups—more" -> 1, "Group" -> 1, "groundwater" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "Gross" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grassroots" -> 1, "grass" -> 1, "grants-in-aid" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "Graduate" -> 1, "governors" -> 1, "goal—we" -> 1, "Goal" -> 1, "GNP" -> 1, "Giving" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "G.I." -> 1, "German" -> 1, "Georgian" -> 1, "geographic" -> 1, "Genocide" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "Generalized" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gender-based" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "Gasoline" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "gasohol" -> 1, "Garter" -> 1, "gaps" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "Games" -> 1, "games" -> 1, "Gains" -> 1, "FY" -> 1, "futuristic" -> 1, "future—a" -> 1, "Fusion" -> 1, "functional" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "Fulfilling" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fuel-grade" -> 1, "fuel-efficient" -> 1, "fueled" -> 1, "frustrating" -> 1, "fruitless" -> 1, "Frontier" -> 1, "free-standing" -> 1, "frees" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedoms—the" -> 1, "frank" -> 1, "frail" -> 1, "fragmented" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "fourteen" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "fossil" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formulate" -> 1, "formalized" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forging" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forfeiture" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "Forestry" -> 1, "forestall" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "forego" -> 1, "Ford" -> 1, "forcefully" -> 1, "Force" -> 1, "footwear" -> 1, "foodstuffs" -> 1, "Follow-through" -> 1, "fluency" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flowing" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flex-time" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "fleets" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "flank" -> 1, "flammability" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fishery-by-fishery" -> 1, "Fisheries" -> 1, "fiscally" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "finds" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "Financing" -> 1, "Financially" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "files" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fighter" -> 1, "fifty-nine" -> 1, "Fields" -> 1, "ferment" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "feels" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federal-private" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "feasibility" -> 1, "FBI" -> 1, "favoring" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fashioning" -> 1, "farms—The" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "Farmer" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "fares" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "family-centered" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "Facing" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "fabrication" -> 1, "extremely" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "exterminate" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "exports—American" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "export-import" -> 1, "exporters" -> 1, "exportable" -> 1, "Export" -> 1, "explosive" -> 1, "Exploring" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "Exploitation" -> 1, "explode" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exile" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "exclusions" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "excluding" -> 1, "exchanged" -> 1, "Except" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "exceeds" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "exactly" -> 1, "evolve" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "ever-rising" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "Evaluation" -> 1, "evade" -> 1, "ethnicity" -> 1, "Ethics" -> 1, "ethical" -> 1, "ethanol" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establishes" -> 1, "Establish" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "error" -> 1, "erodes" -> 1, "ERISA" -> 1, "erased" -> 1, "eradication" -> 1, "equivalent" -> 1, "Equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "Equally" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "Equality" -> 1, "epidemiological" -> 1, "entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entrepreneurs" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "enters" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "Enormous" -> 1, "enhances" -> 1, "Enhancement" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "Enhance" -> 1, "English-speaking" -> 1, "English-Spanish" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "engineer" -> 1, "engaging" -> 1, "engagement" -> 1, "Energy—Our" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "Endowments" -> 1, "endemic" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "Encouragement" -> 1, "Enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "empty" -> 1, "Employment—More" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employer-employee" -> 1, "Employees" -> 1, "employability—a" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "empire" -> 1, "emphasized" -> 1, "emphasis—their" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emissions" -> 1, "emigrate" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "embassies" -> 1, "embargoes" -> 1, "Elsewhere" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "elicit" -> 1, "Elementary" -> 1, "elemental" -> 1, "Electrification" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "Elderly" -> 1, "El" -> 1, "eighties" -> 1, "Eight" -> 1, "Egypt—along" -> 1, "effort—was" -> 1, "Efficient" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "educational-recreational" -> 1, "educationally" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "edible" -> 1, "East-West" -> 1, "easing" -> 1, "eases" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "earl" -> 1, "dwellers" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "dump" -> 1, "drug-dependency" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drivers" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "dozen" -> 1, "downward" -> 1, "downgraded" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "doomed" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominance" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "divorced" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "division" -> 1, "Dividends" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "divest" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "disturbances" -> 1, "disturbance" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "Distressed" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distinct" -> 1, "distant-water" -> 1, "dissidents" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "disrespect" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "displace" -> 1, "disparities" -> 1, "disorderly" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "dislocations" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "disintegration" -> 1, "Disincentives" -> 1, "disincentives" -> 1, "disillusionment" -> 1, "disguised" -> 1, "discriminated" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "discontent" -> 1, "discloses" -> 1, "discharges" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disappearing" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "directs" -> 1, "directive" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "dire" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "dilemmas" -> 1, "dilatory" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "diffusion" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "dies" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "diagnostic" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "developmental" -> 1, "detrimental" -> 1, "deterrents" -> 1, "deterrence" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determines" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deteriorating" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "deteriorate" -> 1, "detente—one" -> 1, "detained" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "desperately" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "desist" -> 1, "desertification" -> 1, "descendants" -> 1, "desalinization" -> 1, "deregulated" -> 1, "deregulate" -> 1, "Depression" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "depressing" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "Dependent" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "demographic" -> 1, "democratization" -> 1, "democratically" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "delicate" -> 1, "deliberations" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "deinstitutionalization" -> 1, "deforming" -> 1, "deforestation" -> 1, "defoliants" -> 1, "defining" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "defiance" -> 1, "deferral" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deepened" -> 1, "dedicates" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decrees" -> 1, "decreasing" -> 1, "decreased—in" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "decontrol" -> 1, "declines" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "Decisions" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "deceit" -> 1, "decay" -> 1, "decade-long" -> 1, "Debt" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "debilitating" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "dealt" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "deadlock" -> 1, "deadline" -> 1, "day-to-day" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "Day" -> 1, "Davis-Bacon" -> 1, "dates" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "Daniel" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "Dam" -> 1, "Daily" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "customized" -> 1, "cushion" -> 1, "Curtailment" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "curricula" -> 1, "Current" -> 1, "curbs" -> 1, "curbed" -> 1, "Curb" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "cumulative" -> 1, "crush" -> 1, "Cruise" -> 1, "crossroad" -> 1, "cross-burnings" -> 1, "Cross" -> 1, "cross" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credibility" -> 1, "credence" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creatively" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "Created" -> 1, "covers" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "Covenants" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "Coupling" -> 1, "country—particularly" -> 1, "countryside" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counter-cyclical" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "cost-per-scientist" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "Corridor" -> 1, "correspondingly" -> 1, "corrects" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "coordinator's" -> 1, "coordinator" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "cooperated" -> 1, "cooling" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "conversations" -> 1, "controversy" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contracting" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "continually" -> 1, "continual" -> 1, "contingents" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "contingencies" -> 1, "contentious" -> 1, "containment" -> 1, "containing" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "consumer's" -> 1, "consume" -> 1, "consultations" -> 1, "Consultation" -> 1, "constructively" -> 1, "construct" -> 1, "constitutionally-guaranteed" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constituents" -> 1, "consolidated" -> 1, "consolidate" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "Consistent" -> 1, "Consideration" -> 1, "considerable" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "consecutive" -> 1, "conscientiously" -> 1, "Connally" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "conglomerates" -> 1, "conglomerate" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "conform" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "condominium" -> 1, "conditioned" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "concurrently" -> 1, "concurrence" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "concert" -> 1, "Concentration" -> 1, "concentrating" -> 1, "composition" -> 1, "complies" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "Complete" -> 1, "complement" -> 1, "compiled" -> 1, "Competitiveness—The" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compensate" -> 1, "compassionately" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "comparison" -> 1, "comparability" -> 1, "Company" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "companion" -> 1, "companies—accounting" -> 1, "compacts" -> 1, "community-level" -> 1, "Communist-dominated" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "Common" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "Commitment" -> 1, "commercialization" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "commemorate" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "colonial" -> 1, "collusion" -> 1, "Collection" -> 1, "collaborative" -> 1, "cogent" -> 1, "co-generation" -> 1, "coffee" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "coastline" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "coal-fired" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "closings" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "Clinic" -> 1, "clearance" -> 1, "Clear" -> 1, "cleanup" -> 1, "cleansing" -> 1, "classroom" -> 1, "classifications" -> 1, "classification" -> 1, "Class" -> 1, "claiming" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "civilians" -> 1, "city-dwellers" -> 1, "citizen—to" -> 1, "citizen—Black" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "circumvent" -> 1, "circumscribe" -> 1, "chronically" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "China—the" -> 1, "Chile" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "children's" -> 1, "child-care" -> 1, "childbirth" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheapest" -> 1, "charters" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "chaired" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "categories" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carrier" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "carriage" -> 1, "caring" -> 1, "cargo" -> 1, "Care—We" -> 1, "Care—Provision" -> 1, "cares" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "cards" -> 1, "car" -> 1, "caps" -> 1, "capitation" -> 1, "capitalizing" -> 1, "capitalization" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capita" -> 1, "Capetown" -> 1, "cane" -> 1, "candidly" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "cancelled" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "campus-based" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "campaign—it" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "Cambodia" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "callous" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "Calendar" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buyers" -> 1, "businessmen" -> 1, "business-like" -> 1, "businesses—primarily" -> 1, "burial" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "burden—on" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "burdening" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "builds" -> 1, "buffeted" -> 1, "brutally" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "Brooke-Cranston" -> 1, "broadly" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "Broadcasting" -> 1, "Broad" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "brilliantly" -> 1, "brigades" -> 1, "breathed" -> 1, "break-up" -> 1, "breakfast" -> 1, "breakdown" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "bracero" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "Bonn" -> 1, "bomber" -> 1, "boiler" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "bluntly" -> 1, "blueprint" -> 1, "Block" -> 1, "blend" -> 1, "bleak" -> 1, "birthday" -> 1, "biomass" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "billion—has" -> 1, "bilateral" -> 1, "biggest" -> 1, "be—the" -> 1, "be—guided" -> 1, "BEPS" -> 1, "benign" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "below-market" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "Belgrade" -> 1, "behest" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "begins" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "beets" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "beautiful" -> 1, "bears" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "Battered" -> 1, "bars" -> 1, "barrier-free" -> 1, "barrier" -> 1, "bargained" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banishment" -> 1, "Ban" -> 1, "ballots" -> 1, "ballistic" -> 1, "Balance—From" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "B-1" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "award" -> 1, "awaiting" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "Aviv" -> 1, "averted" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "autonomous" -> 1, "automobiles" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Authorization" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "audiences" -> 1, "attracting" -> 1, "attract" -> 1, "attorneys-general" -> 1, "attendants" -> 1, "attendant" -> 1, "attendance" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "Atmospheric" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "Assurance" -> 1, "assuming" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "associate" -> 1, "assists" -> 1, "Assisting" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "Assistance—Immediately" -> 1, "Assist" -> 1, "assigned" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "asserts" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "aspect" -> 1, "asking" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "artificially" -> 1, "artery" -> 1, "Armenian" -> 1, "armament" -> 1, "Argentina" -> 1, "areas—that" -> 1, "areas—family" -> 1, "Areas" -> 1, "Area" -> 1, "archaic" -> 1, "aquaculture" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "Appropriate" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "Appointments" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appendage" -> 1, "appears" -> 1, "appeared" -> 1, "apparel" -> 1, "Appalachia" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "anyway" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "Antitrust" -> 1, "anti-redlining" -> 1, "Anti-Recession" -> 1, "antiquated" -> 1, "anti-inflationary" -> 1, "anti-inflation" -> 1, "antidumping" -> 1, "anti-discrimination" -> 1, "anticompetitive" -> 1, "anti-civil" -> 1, "anticipated" -> 1, "antagonistic—to" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "animosities" -> 1, "Andrei" -> 1, "Andean" -> 1, "ancestral" -> 1, "anarchy" -> 1, "analyzing" -> 1, "analogous" -> 1, "anadromous" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "ammunition" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "ambassadors" -> 1, "ambassador" -> 1, "Alton" -> 1, "although" -> 1, "Along" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "All-Volunteer" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "allowable" -> 1, "Allocation" -> 1, "allocate" -> 1, "all-important" -> 1, "Alleviated" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "align" -> 1, "Alcoholism" -> 1, "airmail" -> 1, "airlines" -> 1, "aids" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "agriculture's" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aging" -> 1, "Aggressive" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "age-old" -> 1, "Agent" -> 1, "Agencies" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "after-tax" -> 1, "aftermath" -> 1, "Afghan" -> 1, "affordability" -> 1, "affluent" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affirmatively" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affair" -> 1, "advocating" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "Advisers" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversity" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "adventurism" -> 1, "adventures" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adulthood" -> 1, "Adult" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "Adopting" -> 1, "adolescents" -> 1, "adolescent" -> 1, "adolescence" -> 1, "Administration—of" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "Adlai" -> 1, "adds" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "Additionally" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addiction" -> 1, "adapted" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "acutely" -> 1, "Actual" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "actress" -> 1, "action—if" -> 1, "Actions" -> 1, "ACTION" -> 1, "across-the-board" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acknowledged" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "achieves" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accrue" -> 1, "Accounts" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accounted" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "Accord—The" -> 1, "Accords—the" -> 1, "Accords" -> 1, "Accordingly" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "acceleration" -> 1, "academies" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "above-ground" -> 1, "abide" -> 1, "abhorrence" -> 1, "abandons" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "96th" -> 1, "8.8" -> 1, "850" -> 1, "8.5" -> 1, "800,000" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "66" -> 1, "6.5" -> 1, "600" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "54" -> 1, "504" -> 1, "503" -> 1, "45" -> 1, "44" -> 1, "43,000" -> 1, "43" -> 1, "41" -> 1, "4,000" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "39" -> 1, "38" -> 1, "36" -> 1, "34" -> 1, "338" -> 1, "3212" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "2977" -> 1, "29" -> 1, "27th" -> 1, "27" -> 1, "250" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "2.5" -> 1, "233" -> 1, "23" -> 1, "22.9" -> 1, "21" -> 1, "20-year" -> 1, "202" -> 1, "20,000" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1984" -> 1, "1977—1979" -> 1, "1977-1979" -> 1, "1977,В" -> 1, "1975—1976" -> 1, "1975" -> 1, "1974" -> 1, "1973" -> 1, "1972" -> 1, "1970s—must" -> 1, "1970" -> 1, "1965" -> 1, "1963" -> 1, "1952" -> 1, "1902" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "18-year-olds" -> 1, "179" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "1.7" -> 1, "157" -> 1, "14-b" -> 1, "14.8" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13th" -> 1, "127" -> 1, "124" -> 1, "12160" -> 1, "12044" -> 1, "120" -> 1, "11.8" -> 1, "116" -> 1, "115" -> 1, "113" -> 1, "10.3" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1, "1,000" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "0.6" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1976", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1976, "Date" -> DateObject[{1976, 7, 12}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nWe meet to adopt a Democratic platform, and to nominate Democratic candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, almost 200 years from the day that our revolutionary founders declared this country's independence from the British crown.\nThe founder of the Democratic Party—Thomas Jefferson of Virginia—set forth the reasons for this separation and expressed the basic tenets of democratic government: That all persons are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among People, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.\nThese truths may still be self-evident, but they have been tragically abused by our national government during the past eight years.\nTwo Republican Administrations have both misused and mismanaged the powers of national government, obstructing the pursuit of economic and social opportunity, causing needless hardship and despair among millions of our fellow citizens.\nTwo Republican Administrations have betrayed the people's trust and have created suspicion and distrust of government through illegal and unconstitutional actions.\nWe acknowledge that no political party, nor any President or Vice President, possesses answers to all of the problems that face us as a nation, but neither do we concede that every human problem is beyond our control. We recognize further that the present distrust of government cannot be transformed easily into confidence.\nIt is within our power to recapture, in the governing of this nation, the basic tenets of fairness, equality, opportunity and rule of law that motivated our revolutionary founders.\nWe do pledge a government that has as its guiding concern, the needs and aspirations of all the people, rather than the perquisites and special privilege of the few.\nWe do pledge a government that listens, that is truthful, and that is not afraid to admit its mistakes.\nWe do pledge a government that will be committed to a fairer distribution of wealth, income and power.\nWe do pledge a government in which the new Democratic President will work closely with the leaders of the Congress on a regular, systematic basis so that the people can see the results of unity.\nWe do pledge a government in which the Democratic members in both houses of Congress will seek a unity of purpose on the principles of the party.\nNow, as we enter our 200th year as a nation, we as a party, with a sense of our obligations, pledge a reaffirmation of this nation's founding principles.\nIn this platform of the Democratic Party, we present a clear alternative to the failures of preceding administrations and a projection of the common future to which we aspire: a world at peace; a just society of equals; a society without violence; a society in consonance with its natural environment, affording freedom to the individual and the opportunity to develop to the fullest human Potential.\nI. Full Employment, Price Stability and Balanced Growth\n\nThe Democratic Party's concern for human dignity and freedom has been directed at increasing the economic opportunities for all our citizens and reducing the economic deprivation and inequities that have stained the record of American democracy.\nToday, millions of people are unemployed. Unemployment represents mental anxiety, fear of harassment over unpaid bills, idle hours, loss of self-esteem, strained family relationships, deprivation of children and youth, alcoholism, drug abuse and crime. A job is a key measure of a person's place in society—whether as a full-fledged participant or on the outside. Jobs are the solution to poverty, hunger and other basic needs of workers and their families. Jobs enable a person to translate legal rights of equality into reality.\nOur industrial capacity is also wastefully under-utilized. There are houses to build, urban centers to rebuild, roads and railroads to construct and repair, rivers to clean, and new sources of energy to develop. Something is wrong when there is work to be done, and the people who are willing to do it are without jobs. What we have lacked is leadership.\nRepublican Mismanagement\n\nDuring the past 25 years, the American economy has suffered five major recessions, all under Republican administrations. During the past eight years, we have had two costly recessions with continuing unprecedented peacetime inflation. \"Stagflation\" has become a new word in our language just as it has become a product of Republican economic policy. Never before have we had soaring inflation in the midst of a major recession.\nStagnation, waste and human suffering are the legacy left to the American people by Republican economic policies. During the past five years, U.S. economic growth has averaged only 1-1/2 per cent per year compared with an historical average of about 4 per cent. Because of this shortfall, the nation has lost some $500—billion in the production of goods and services, and, if Republican rule continues, we can expect to lose another $600—$800—billion by 1980.\nTen million people are unemployed right now, and twenty to thirty million were jobless at some time in each of the last two years. For major groups in the labor force—minorities, women, youth, older workers, farm, factory and construction workers—unemployment has been, and remains, at depression levels.\nThe rising cost of food, clothing, housing, energy and health care has eroded the income of the average American family, and has pushed persons on fixed incomes to the brink of economic disaster. Since 1970, the annual rate of inflation has averaged more than 6 percent and is projected by the Ford administration to continue at an unprecedented peacetime rate of 6 to 7 per cent until 1978.\nThe depressed production and high unemployment rates of the Nixon-Ford administrations have produced federal deficits totaling $242 billion. Those who should be working and paying taxes are collecting unemployment compensation or other welfare payments in order to survive. For every one per cent increase in the unemployment rate—for every one million Americans out of work —we all pay $3 billion more in unemployment compensation and $2 billion in welfare and related costs, and lose $14 billion in taxes. In fiscal 1976, $76 billion was lost to the federal government through increased recession-related expenditures and lost revenues. In addition, state and local governments lost $27 billion in revenues. A return to full employment will eliminate such deficits. With prudent management of existing programs, full employment revenues will permit the financing of national Democratic initiatives.\nFor millions of Americans, the Republican Party has substituted welfare for work. Huge sums will be spent on food stamps and medical care for families of the unemployed. Social insurance costs are greatly increased. This year alone the federal government will spend nearly $20 billion on unemployment compensation. In contrast, spending on job development is only $2—1/2 billion. The goal of the new Democratic administration will be to turn unemployment cheeks into pay cheeks.\nWhat Democrats Can Achieve\n\nIn contrast to the record of Republican mismanagement, the most recent eight years of Democratic leadership, under John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, produced economic growth that was virtually uninterrupted. The unemployment rate dropped from 6.7 per cent in 1961 to 3.6 per cent in 1968, and most segments of the population benefited. Inflation increased at an average annual rate of only 2 per cent, and the purchasing power of the average family steadily increased. In 1960, about 40 million people were living in poverty. Over the next eight years, 14—1/2 million people moved out of poverty because of training opportunities, increased jobs and higher incomes. Since 1968, the number of persons living in poverty has remained virtually unchanged.\nWe have met the goals of full employment with stable prices in the past and can do it again. The Democratic Party is committed to the right of all adult Americans willing, able and seeking work to have opportunities for useful jobs at living wages. To make that commitment meaningful, we pledge ourselves to the support of legislation that will make every responsible effort to reduce adult unemployment to 3 per cent within 4 years.\nModernizing Economic Policy\n\nTo meet our goals we must set annual targets for employment, production and price stability; the Federal Reserve must be made a full partner in national economic decisions and become responsive to the economic goals of Congress and the President; credit must be generally available at reasonable interest rates; tax, spending and credit policies must be carefully coordinated with our economic goals, and coordinated within the framework of national economic planning.\nOf special importance is the need for national economic planning capability. This planning capability should provide roles for Congress and the Executive as equal partners in the process and provide for full participation by the private sector, and state and local government. Government must plan ahead just like any business, and this type of planning can be implemented without the creation of a new bureaucracy but rather through the well-defined use of existing bodies and techniques. If we do not plan, but continue to react to crisis after crisis, our economic performance will be further eroded.\nFull Employment Policies\n\nInstitutional reforms and the use of conventional tax, spending and credit policies must be accompanied by a broad range of carefully-targeted employment programs that will reduce unemployment in the private sector, and in regions, states and groups that have special employment problems.\nThe lack of formal coordination among federal, state and local governments is a major obstacle to full employment. The absence of economic policy coordination is particularly visible during times of high unemployment. Recessions reduce tax revenues, and increase unemployment-related expenditures for state and local governments. To maintain balanced budgets or reduce budget deficits these governments are forced to increase taxes and cut services—actions that directly undermine federal efforts to stimulate the economy.\nConsistent and coherent economic policy requires federal anti-recession grant programs to state and local government, accompanied by public employment, public works projects and direct stimulus to the private sector. In each case, the programs should be phased in automatically when unemployment rises and phased out as it declines.\nEven during periods of normal economic growth there are communities and regions of the country—particularly central cities and rural areas —that do not fully participate in national economic prosperity. The Democratic Party has supported national economic policies which have consciously sought to aid regions in the nation which have been afflicted with poverty, or newer regions which have needed resources for development. These policies were soundly conceived and have been successful. Today, we have different areas and regions in economic decline and once again face a problem of balanced economic growth. To restore balance, national economic policy should be designed to target federal resources in areas of greatest need. To make low interest loans to businesses and state and local governments for the purpose of encouraging private sector investment in chronically depressed areas, we endorse consideration of programs such as a domestic development bank or federally insured taxable state and local bonds with adequate funding, proper management and public disclosure.\nSpecial problems faced by young people, especially minorities, entering the labor force persist regardless of the state of the economy. To meet the needs of youth, we should consolidate existing youth employment programs; improve training, apprenticeship, internship and job-counseling programs at the high school and college levels; and permit youth participation in public employment projects.\nThere are people who will be especially difficult to employ. Special means for training and locating jobs for these people in the private sector, and, to the extent required, in public employment, should be established. Every effort should be made to create jobs in the private sector. Clearly, useful public jobs are far superior to welfare and unemployment payments. The federal government has the responsibility to ensure that all Americans able, willing and seeking work are provided opportunities for useful jobs.\nEqual Employment Opportunity\n\nWe must be absolutely certain that no person is excluded from the fullest opportunity for economic and social participation in our society on the basis of sex, age, color, religion or national origin. Minority unemployment has historically been at least double the aggregate unemployment rate, with incomes at two-thirds the national average. Special emphasis must be placed on closing this gap.\nAccordingly, we reaffirm this Party's commitment to full and vigorous enforcement of all equal opportunities laws and affirmative action. The principal agencies charged with anti-discrimination enforcement in jobs—the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Department of Labor, and the Justice Department—are locked into such overlapping and uncoordinated strategies that a greatly improved government-wide system for the delivery of equal job and promotion opportunities must be developed and adequate funding committed to that end. New remedies to provide equal opportunities need exploration.\nAnti-Inflation Policies\n\nThe economic and social costs of inflation have been enormous. Inflation is a tax that erodes the income of our workers, distorts business investment decisions, and redistributes income in favor of the rich, Americans on fixed incomes, such as the elderly, are often pushed into poverty by this cruel tax.\nThe Ford administration and its economic advisors have been consistently wrong about the sources and cures of the inflation that has plagued our nation and our people. Fighting inflation by curtailing production and increasing unemployment has done nothing to restrain it. With the current high level of unemployment and low level of capacity utilization, we can increase production and employment without rekindling inflation.\nA comprehensive anti-inflation policy must be established to assure relative price stability. Such a program should emphasize increased production and productivity and should take other measures to enhance the stability and flexibility of our economy.\nThe see-saw progress of our economy over the past eight years has disrupted economic growth. Much of the instability has been created by stop-and-go monetary policies. High interest rates and the recurring underutilization of our manufacturing plant and equipment have retarded new investment. The high cost of credit has stifled small businesses and virtually halted the housing industry. Unemployment in the construction industry has been raised to depression levels and home ownership has been priced beyond the reach of the majority of the people.\nStable economic growth with moderate interest rates will not only place downward pressure on prices through greater efficiency and productivity, but will reduce the prospects for future shortages of supply by increasing the production of essential goods and services and by providing a more predictable environment for business investment.\nThe government must also work to improve the ability of our economy to respond to change. Competition in the private sector, a re-examination, reform and consolidation of the existing regulatory structure, and promotion of a freer but fair system of international trade will aid in achieving that goal.\nAt times, direct government involvement in wage and price decisions may be required to insure price stability. But we do not believe that such involvement requires a comprehensive system of mandatory controls at this time. It will require that businesses and labor must meet fair standards of wage and price change. A strong domestic council on price and wage stability should be established with particular attention to restraining price increases in those sectors of our economy where prices are \"administered\" and where price competition does not exist.\nThe federal government should hold public hearings, investigate and publish facts on price, profit, wage and interest rate increases that seriously threaten national price stability. Such investigations and proper planning can focus public opinion and awareness on the direction of price, profit, wage and interest rate decisions.\nFinally, tax policy should be used if necessary to maintain the real income of workers as was done with the 1975 tax cut.\nEconomic Justice\n\nThe Democratic Party has a long history of opposition to the undue concentration of wealth and economic power. It is estimated that about three-quarters of the country's total wealth is owned by one-fifth of the people. The rest of our population struggles to make ends meet in the face of rising prices and taxes.\nAnti-trust enforcement. The next Democratic administration will commit itself to move vigorously against anti-competitive concentration of power within the business sector. This can be accomplished in part by strengthening the anti-trust laws and insuring adequate commitment and resources for the enforcement of these laws. But we must go beyond this negative remedy to a positive policy for encouraging the development of a small business, including the family farm.\nSmall businesses. A healthy and growing small business community is prerequisite for increasing competition and a thriving national economy. While most people would accept this view, the federal government has in the past impeded the growth of small businesses.\nTo alleviate the unfavorable conditions for small businesses, we must make every effort to assure the availability of loans to small business, including direct government loans at reasonable interest rates particularly to those in greatest need, such as minority-owned businesses. For example, efforts should be made to strengthen minority business programs, and increase minority opportunities for business ownership. We support similar programs and opportunities for women. Federal contract and procurement opportunities in such areas as housing, transportation and energy should support efforts to increase the volume of minority and small business involvement. Regulatory agencies and the regulated small business must work together to see that federal regulations are met, without applying a stranglehold on the small firm or farm and with less paper work and red tape.\nTax reform. Economic justice will also require a firm commitment to tax reform at all levels. In recent years there has been a shift in the tax burden from the rich to the working people of this country. The Internal Revenue Code offers massive tax welfare to the wealthiest income groups in the population and only higher taxes for the average citizen. In 1973, there were 622 people with adjusted income of $100,000 or more who still managed to pay no tax. Most families pay between 20 and 25 per cent of their income in taxes.\nWe have had endless talk about the need for tax reform and fairness in our federal tax system. It is now time for action.\nWe pledge the Democratic Party to a complete overhaul of the present tax system, which will review all special tax provisions to ensure that they are justified and distributed equitably among our citizens. A responsible Democratic tax reform program could save over $5—billion in the first year with larger savings in the future.\nWe will strengthen the internal revenue tax code so that high income citizens pay a reasonable tax on all economic income.\nWe will reduce the use of unjustified tax shelters in such areas as oil and gas, tax-loss farming, real estate, and movies.\nWe will eliminate unnecessary and ineffective tax provisions to business and substitute effective incentives to encourage small business and capital formation in all businesses. Our commitment to full employment and sustained purchasing power will also provide a strong incentive for capital formation.\nWe will end abuses in the tax treatment of income from foreign sources; such as special tax treatment and incentives for multinational corporations that drain jobs and capital from the American economy.\nWe will overhaul federal estate and gift taxes to provide an effective and equitable structure to promote tax justice and alleviate some of the legitimate problems faced by farmers, small business men and women and others who would otherwise be forced to liquidate assets in order to pay the tax.\nWe will seek and eliminate provisions that encourage uneconomic corporate mergers and acquisitions.\nWe will eliminate tax inequities that adversely affect individuals on the basis of sex or marital status.\nWe will curb expense account deductions.\nAnd we will protect the rights of all taxpayers against oppressive procedures, harassment and invasions of privacy by the Internal Revenue Service.\nAt present, many federal government tax and expenditure programs have a profound but unintended and undesirable impact on jobs and on where people and business locate. Tax policies and other indirect subsidies have promoted deterioration of cities and regions. These policies should be reversed.\nThere are other areas of taxation where change is also needed. The Ford administration's unwise and unfair proposal to raise the regressive social security tax gives new urgency to the Democratic Party's goal of redistributing the burden of the social security tax by raising the wage base for earnings subject to the tax with effective exemptions and deductions to ease the impact on low income workers and two-earner families. Further revision in the Social Security program will be required so that women are treated as individuals.\nThe Democratic Party should make a reappraisal of the appropriate sources of federal revenues. The historical distribution of the tax burden between corporations and individuals, and among the various types of federal taxes, has changed dramatically in recent years. For example, the corporate tax share of federal revenue has declined from 30 per cent in 1954 to 14 per cent in 1975.\nLabor Standards and Rights\n\nThe purpose of fair labor standards legislation has been the maintenance of the minimum standards necessary for the health, efficiency and general well-being of workers. Recent inflation has eroded the real value of the current minimum wage. This rapid devaluation of basic income for working people makes a periodic review of the level of the minimum wage essential. Such a review should insure that the minimum wage rate at least keep pace with the increase in the cost of living.\nRaising the pay standard for overtime work, additional hiring of part-time persons and flexible work schedules will increase the independence of workers and create additional job opportunities, especially for women. We also support the principle of equal pay for comparable work.\nWe are committed to full implementation and enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.\nOver a generation ago this nation established a labor policy whose purpose is to encourage the practice and procedure of collective bargaining and the right of workers to organize to obtain this goal. The Democratic Party is committed to extending the benefit of the policy to all workers and to removing the barriers to its administration. We support the right of public employees and agricultural workers to organize and bargain collectively. We urge the adoption of appropriate federal legislation to ensure this goal.\nWe will seek to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to speed up redress of grievances of workers asserting their legal rights.\nWe will seek to enforce and, where necessary, to amend the National Labor Relations Act to eliminate delays and inequities and to provide for more effective remedies and administration.\nWe will support the full right of construction workers to picket a job site peacefully.\nWe will seek repeal of Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act which allows states to legislate the anti-union open shop.\nWe will maintain strong support for the process of voluntary arbitration, and we will enact minimum federal standards for workers compensation laws and for eligibility, benefit amounts, benefit duration and other essential features of the unemployment insurance program. Unemployment insurance should cover all wage and salary workers.\nThe Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 should cover all employees and be enforced as intended when the law was enacted. Early and periodic review of its provisions should be made to insure that they are reasonable and workable.\nThe Democratic Party will also seek to enact a comprehensive mine safety law, utilizing the most effective and independent enforcement by the federal government and support special legislation providing adequate compensation to coal miners and their dependents who have suffered disablement or death as a result of the black lung disease.\nWe believe these policies will put America back to work, bring balanced growth to our economy\nand give all Americans an opportunity to share in the expanding prosperity that will come from a new Democratic administration.\nII. Government Reform and Business Accountability\n\nThe current Republican administration did not invent inept government, but it has saddled the country with ineffective government; captive government, subservient to the special pleading of private economic interests; insensitive government, trampling over the rights of average citizens; and remote government, secretive and unresponsive.\nDemocrats believe that the cure for these ills is not the abandonment of governmental responsibility for addressing national problems, but the restoration of legitimate popular control over the organs and activities of government.\nThere must be an ever-increasing accountability of government to the people. The Democratic Party is pledged to the fulfillment of four fundamental citizen rights of governance: the right to competent government; the right to responsive government; the right to integrity in government; the right to fair dealing by government.\nThe Right to Competent Government\n\nThe Democratic Party is committed to the adoption of reforms such as zero-based budgeting, mandatory reorganization timetables, and sunset laws which do not jeopardize the implementation of basic human and political rights. These reforms are designed to terminate or merge existing agencies and programs, or to renew them, only after assuring elimination of duplication, overlap, and conflicting programs and authorities, and the matching of funding levels to public needs. In addition, we seek flexibility to reflect changing public needs, the use of alternatives to regulation and the elimination of special interest favoritism and bias.\nTo assure that government remains responsive to the people's elected representatives, the Democratic Party supports stepped-up congressional agency oversight and program evaluation, including full implementation of the congressional budget process; an expanded, more forceful role for the General Accounting Office in performing legislative audits for Congress; and restraint by the President in exercising executive privilege designed to withhold necessary information from Congress.\nThe Right to Responsive Government\n\nTo begin to restore the shaken faith of Americans that the government in Washington is their government—responsive to their needs and desires, not the special interests of wealth, entrenched political influence, or bureaucratic self-interest—government decision-making must be opened up to citizen advocacy and participation.\nGovernmental decision-making behind closed doors is the natural enemy of the people. The Democratic Party is committed to openness throughout government: at regulatory commissions, advisory committee meetings and at hearings. Public calendars of scheduled meetings between regulators and the regulated, and freedom of information policies, should be designed to facilitate rather than frustrate citizen access to documents and information.\nAll persons and citizen groups must be given standing to challenge illegal or unconstitutional government action in court and to compel appropriate action. Where a court or an agency finds evidence of government malfeasance or neglect those who brought forward such evidence should be compensated for their reasonable expenses in doing so.\nDemocrats have long sought—against fierce Republican and big business opposition—the creation and maintenance of an independent consumer agency with the staff and power to intervene in regulatory matters on behalf of the consuming and using public. Many states have already demonstrated that such independent public or consumer advocates can win important victories for the public interest in proceedings before state regulatory agencies and courts.\nThis nation's Civil Service numbers countless strong and effective public servants. It was the resistance of earnest and steadfast federal workers that stemmed the Nixon-Ford efforts to undermine the integrity of the Civil Service. The reorganization of government which we envision will protect the job rights of civil servants and permit them to more effectively serve the public.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to the review and overhaul of Civil Service laws to assure:\ninsulation from political cronyism, accountability for nonfeasance as well as malfeasance, protection for the public servant who speaks out to identify corruption or failure, performance standards and incentives to reward efficiency and innovation and to assure nondiscrimination and affirmative action in the recruitment, hiring and promotion of civil service employees.\nWe support the revision of the Hatch Act so as to extend to federal workers the same political rights enjoyed by other Americans as a birthright, while still protecting the Civil Service from political abuse.\nThe Right to Integrity in Government\n\nThe Democratic Party is pledged to the concept of full public disclosure by major public officials and urges appropriate legislation to effectuate this policy.\nWe support divestiture of all financial holdings which directly conflict with official responsibilities and the development of uniform standards, review procedures and sanctions to identify and eliminate potential conflicts of interest.\nTough, competent regulatory commissioners with proven commitment to the public interest are urgently needed.\nWe will seek restrictions on \"revolving door\" careerism—the shuttling back and forth of officials between jobs in regulatory or procurement agencies and in regulated industries and government contractors.\nAll diplomats, federal judges and other major officials should be selected on a basis of qualifications. At all levels of government services, we will recruit, appoint and promote women and minorities.\nWe support legislation to ensure that the activities of lobbyists be more thoroughly revealed both within the Congress and the Executive agencies.\nThe Democratic Party has led the fight to take the presidency off the auction block by championing the public financing of presidential elections. The public has responded with enthusiastic use of the $1 income tax checkoff. Similar steps must now be taken for congressional candidates. We call for legislative action to provide for partial public financing on a matching basis of the congressional elections, and the exploration of further reforms to insure the integrity of the electoral process.\nThe Right to Fair Dealing by Government\n\nA citizen has the right to expect fair treatment from government. Democrats are determined to find a means to make that right a reality.\nAn Office of Citizen Advocacy should be established as part of the executive branch, independent of any agency, with full access to agency records and with both the power and the responsibility to investigate complaints.\nFreedom of information requirements must be interpreted in keeping with the right of the individual to be free from anonymous accusation or slander. Each citizen has the right to know and to review any information directly concerning him or her held by the government for any purpose whatsoever under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974, other than those exceptions set out in the Freedom of Information Act. Such information should be forthcoming promptly, without harassment and at a minimal cost to the citizen.\nAppropriate remedies must be found for citizens who suffer hardship as the result of abuse of investigative or prosecutorial powers.\nBusiness Accountability\n\nThe Democratic Party believes that competition is preferable to regulation and that government has a responsibility to seek the removal of unreasonable restraints and barriers to competition, to restore and, where necessary, to stimulate the operation of market forces. Unnecessary, regulation should be eliminated or revised, and the burden of excessive paperwork and red tape imposed on citizens and businesses should be removed.\nThe Democratic Party encourages innovation and efficiency in the private sector.\nThe Democratic Party also believes that strengthening consumer sovereignty—the ability of consumers to exercise free choice, to demand satisfaction, and to obtain direct redress of grievances—is similarly preferable to the present indirect government protection of consumers. However, government must not shirk its responsibility to impose and rigorously enforce regulation where necessary to ensure health, safety and fairness.\nWe reiterate our support for unflinching antitrust enforcement, and for the selection of an Attorney General free of political obligation and committed to rigorous antitrust prosecution.\nWe shall encourage consumer groups to establish and operate consumer cooperatives that will enable consumers to provide themselves marketplace alternatives and to provide a competitive spur to profit-oriented enterprises.\nWe support responsible cost savings in the delivery of professional services including the use of low-cost paraprofessionals, efficient group practice and federal standards for state no-fault insurance programs.\nWe reiterate our support for full funding of neighborhood legal services for the poor.\nThe Democratic Party is also committed to strengthening the knowledge and bargaining power of consumers through government-supported systems for developing objective product performance standards; advertising and labeling requirements for the disclosure of essential consumer information; and efficient and low-cost redress of consumer complaints including strengthened small claims courts, informal dispute settlement mechanisms, and consumer class actions.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to making the U.S. Postal Service function properly as an essential public service.\nWe reaffirm the historic Democratic commitment to assure the wholesomeness of consumer products such as food, chemicals, drugs and cosmetics, and the safety of automobiles, toys and appliances. Regulations demanding safe performance can be developed in a way that minimizes their own costs and actually stimulates product innovation beneficial to consumers.\nIII. Government and Human Needs\n\nThe American people are demanding that their national government act more efficiently and effectively in those areas of urgent human needs such as welfare reform, health care and education.\nHowever, beyond these strong national initiatives, state and local governments must be given an increased, permanent role in administering social programs. The federal government's role should be the constructive one of establishing standards and goals with increased state and local participation. There is a need for a new blueprint for the public sector, one which identifies and responds to national problems, and recognizes the proper point of administration for both new and existing programs. In shifting administrative responsibility, such programs must meet minimum federal standards.\nGovernment must concentrate, not scatter, its resources. It should not divide our people by inadequate and demanding programs. The initiatives we propose do not require larger bureaucracy. They do require committed government.\nThe Democratic Party realizes that accomplishing our goals in the areas of human needs will require time and resources. Additional resources will become available as we implement our full-employment policies. Federal revenues also grow over time. After full-employment has been achieved, $20 billion of increased revenue will be generated by a fully operating economy each year. The program detailed in the areas of human needs cannot be accomplished immediately, but an orderly beginning can be made and the effort expanded as additional resources become available.\nHealth Care\n\nIn 1975, national health expenditures averaged $547 per person—an almost 40 per cent increase in four years. Inflation and recession have combined to erode the effectiveness of the Medicare and Medicaid programs.\nAn increasingly high proportion of health costs have been shifted back to the elderly. An increasing Republican emphasis on restricting eligibility and services is emasculating basic medical care for older citizens who cannot meet the rising costs of good health.\nWe need a comprehensive national health insurance system with universal and mandatory coverage. Such a national health insurance system should be financed by a combination of employer-employee shared payroll taxes and general tax revenues. Consideration should be given to developing a means of support for national health insurance that taxes all forms of economic income. We must achieve all that is practical while we strive for what is ideal, taking intelligent steps to make adequate health services a right for all our people. As resources permit, this system should not discriminate against the mentally ill.\nMaximum personal interrelationships between patients and their physicians should be preserved. We should experiment with new forms of medical care delivery to mold a national health policy that will meet our needs in a fiscally responsible manner.\nWe must shift our emphasis in both private and public health care away from hospitalization and acute-care services to preventive medicine and the early detection of the major cripplers and killers of the American people. We further support increased federal aid to the government laboratories as well as private institutions to seek the cure to heart disease, cancer, sickle cell anemia, paralysis from spinal cord injury, drug addiction and other such afflictions.\nNational health insurance must also bring about a more responsive consumer-oriented system of health care delivery. Incentives must be used to increase the number of primary health care providers, and shift emphasis away from limited-application, technology-intensive programs. By reducing the barriers to primary preventive care, we can lower the need for costly hospitalization. Communities must be encouraged to avoid duplication of expensive technologies and meet the genuine needs of their populations. The development of community health centers must be resumed. We must develop new health careers, and promote a better distribution of health care professionals, including the more efficient use of paramedics. All levels of government should concern themselves with increasing the number of doctors and para-medical personnel in the field of primary health care.\nA further need is the comprehensive treatment of mental illness, including the development of Community Mental Health Centers that provide comprehensive social services not only to alleviate, but to prevent mental stresses resulting from social isolation and economic dislocation. Of particular importance is improved access to the health care system by underserved population groups.\nWe must have national health insurance with strong built-in cost and quality controls. Rates for institutional care and physicians' services should be set in advance, prospectively. Alternative approaches to health care delivery, based on prepayment financing, should be encouraged and developed.\nAmericans are currently spending $133 billion for health care—8.3% of our Gross National Product. A return to full employment and the maintenance thereafter of stable economic growth will permit the orderly and progressive development of a comprehensive national health insurance program which is federally financed. Savings will result from the removal of inefficiency and waste in the current multiple public and private insurance programs and the structural integration of the delivery system to eliminate duplication and waste. The cost of such a program need not exceed the share of the GNP this nation currently expends on health care; but the resulting improvement of health service would represent a major improvement in the quality of life enjoyed by Americans at all economic levels.\nWelfare Reform\n\nFundamental welfare reform is necessary. The problems with our current chaotic and inequitable system of public assistance are notorious. Existing welfare programs encourage family instability. They have few meaningful work incentives. They do little or nothing for the working poor on substandard incomes. The patchwork of federal, state and local programs encourages unfair variations in benefit levels among the states, and benefits in many states are well below the standards for even lowest-income budgets.\nOf the current programs, only Food Stamps give universal coverage to all Americans in financial need. Cash assistance, housing aid and health care subsidies divide recipients into arbitrary categories. People with real needs who do not fit existing categories are ignored altogether.\nThe current complexity of the welfare structure requires armies of bureaucrats at all levels of government. Food Stamps, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and Medicaid are burdened by unbelievably complex regulations, statutes and court orders. Both the recipients of these benefits, and the citizen who pays for them, suffer as a result. The fact that our current system is administered and funded at different levels of government makes it difficult to take initiatives to improve the status of the poor.\nWe should move toward replacement of our existing inadequate and wasteful system with a simplified system of income maintenance, substantially financed by the federal government, which includes a requirement that those able to work be provided with appropriate available jobs or job training opportunities. Those persons who are physically able to work (other than mothers with dependent children) should be required to accept appropriate available jobs or job training. This maintenance system should embody certain basic principles. First and most important, it should provide an income floor both for the working poor and the poor not in the labor market. It must treat stable and broken families equally. It must incorporate a simple schedule of work incentives that guarantees equitable levels of assistance to the working poor. This reform may require an initial additional investment, but it offers the prospect of stabilization of welfare costs over the long run, and the assurance that the objectives of this expenditure will be accomplished.\nAs an interim step, and as a means of providing immediate federal fiscal relief to state and local governments, local governments should no longer be required to bear the burden of welfare costs. Further, there should be a phased reduction in the states' share of welfare costs.\nCivil and Political Rights\n\nTo achieve a just and healthy society and enhance respect and trust in our institutions, we must insure that all citizens are treated equally before the law and given the opportunity, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, language or national origin, to participate fully in the economic, social and political processes and to vindicate their legal and constitutional rights.\nIn reaffirmation of this principle, an historic commitment of the Democratic Party, we pledge vigorous federal programs and policies of compensatory opportunity to remedy for many Americans the generations of injustice and deprivation; and full funding of programs to secure the implementation and enforcement of civil rights.\nWe seek ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, to insure that sex discrimination in all its forms will be ended, implementation of Title IX, and elimination of discrimination against women in all federal programs.\nWe support the right of all Americans to vote for President no matter where they live; vigorous enforcement of voting rights legislation to assure the constitutional rights of minority and language-minority citizens; the passage of legislation providing for registration by mail in federal elections to erase existing barriers to voter participation; and full home rule for the District of Columbia, including authority over its budget and local revenues, elimination of federal restrictions in matters which are purely local and voting representation in the Congress, and the declaration of the birthday of the great civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., as a national holiday.\nWe pledge effective and vigorous action to protect citizens' privacy from bureaucratic technological intrusions, such as wiretapping and bugging without judicial scrutiny and supervision; and a full and complete pardon for those who are in legal or financial jeopardy because of their peace fill opposition to the Vietnam War, with deserters to be considered on a case-by-case basis.\nWe fully recognize the religious and ethical nature of the concerns which many Americans have on the subject of abortion. We feel, however, that it is undesirable to attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court decision in this area.\nThe Democratic Party reaffirms and strengthens its legal and moral trust responsibilities to the American Indian. We believe it is honorable to obey and implement our treaty obligations to the first Americans. In discharging our duty, we shall exert all and necessary assistance to afford the American Indians the protection of their land, their water and their civil rights.\nFederal laws relating to American Indians and the functions and purposes of the Bureau of Indian Affairs should be reexamined.\nWe support a provision in the immigration laws to facilitate acquisition of citizenship by Resident Aliens.\nWe are committed to Puerto Rico's right to enjoy full self-determination and a relationship that can evolve in ways that will most benefit U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico. The Democratic Party respects and supports the present desire of the people of Puerto Rico to freely associate in permanent union with the United States, as an autonomous commonwealth or as a State.\nEducation\n\nThe goal of our educational policy is to provide our citizens with the knowledge and skills they need to live successfully. In pursuing this goal, we will seek adequate funding, implementation and enforcement of requirements in the education programs already approved by Congress.\nWe should strengthen federal support of existing programs that stress improvement of reading and math skills. Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act must reach those it is intended to benefit to effectively increase these primary skills. \"Break-throughs\" in compensatory education require a concentration of resources on each individual child and a mix of home and school activities that is not possible with the underfunded Republican programs. Compensatory education is realistic only when there is a stable sequence of funding that allows proper planning and continuity of programs, an impossibility under Republican veto and impoundment politics.\nWe should also work to expand federal support in areas of educational need that have not yet been addressed sufficiently by the public schools—education of the handicapped, bilingual education and vocational education, and early childhood education. We propose federally financed, family centered developmental and educational child care programs—operated by the public schools or other local organizations, including both private and community—and that they be available to all who need and desire them. We support efforts to provide for the basic nutritional needs of students.\nWe recognize the right of all citizens to education, pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, and the need in affected communities for bilingual and bicultural educational programs. We call for compliance with civil rights requirements in hiring and promotion in school systems.\nFor the disadvantaged child, equal opportunity requires concentrated spending. And for all children, we must guarantee that jurisdictions of differing financial capacity can spend equal amounts on education. These goals do not conflict but complement each other.\nThe principle that a child's education should depend on the property wealth of his or her school jurisdiction has been discredited in the last few years. With increased federal funds, it is possible to enhance educational opportunity by eliminating spending disparities within state borders. State-based equalizations, even state takeover of education costs, to relieve the overburdened property taxpayer and to avoid the inequities in the existing finance system, should be encouraged.\nThe essential purpose of school desegregation is to give all children the same educational opportunities. We will continue to support that goal. The Supreme Court decision of 1954 and the aftermath were based on the recognition that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. It is clearly our responsibility as a party and as citizens to support the principles of our Constitution.\nThe Democratic Party pledges its concerted help through special consultation, matching funds, incentive grants and other mechanisms to communities which seek education, integrated both in terms of race and economic class, through equitable, reasonable and constitutional arrangements. Mandatory transportation of students beyond their neighborhoods for the purpose of desegregation remains a judicial tool of the last resort for the purpose of achieving school desegregation. The Democratic Party will be an active ally of those communities which seek to enhance the quality as well as the integration of educational opportunities. We encourage a variety of other measures, including the redrawing of attendance lines, pairing of schools, use of the \"magnet school\" concept, strong fair housing enforcement, and other techniques for the achievement of racial and economic integration.\nThe Party reaffirms its support of public school education. The Party also renews its commitment to the support of a constitutionally acceptable method of providing tax aid for the education of all pupils in non-segregated schools in order to insure parental freedom in choosing the best education for their children. Specifically, the Party will continue to advocate constitutionally permissible federal education legislation which provides for the equitable participation in federal programs of all low- and moderate-income pupils attending all the nation's schools.\nThe Party commits itself to support of adult education and training which will provide skills upgrading.\nIn higher education, our Party is strongly committed to extending postsecondary opportunities for students from low- and middle-income families, including older students and students who eau attend only part-time. The Basic Educational Opportunity Grants should be funded at the full payment schedule, and campus-based programs of aid must be supported to provide a reasonable choice of institutions as well as access. With a coordinated and reliable system of grants, loans and work study, we can relieve the crisis in costs that could shut all but the affluent out of our colleges and universities.\nThe federal government and the states must develop strategies to support institutions of higher education from both public and private sources. The federal government should directly provide cost of education payments to all higher education institutions, including predominantly black colleges, to help cover per-student costs, which far exceed those covered by tuition and fees.\nFinally, government must systematically support basic and applied research in the liberal arts, the sciences, education and the professions—without political interference or bureaucratic restraint. The federal investment in graduate education should be sustained and selectively increased to meet the need for highly trained individuals. Trainee-ships and fellowships should be provided to attract the most talented students, especially among minority groups and women.\nLibraries should receive continuous guaranteed support and the presently impounded funds for nationwide library planning and development should be released immediately.\nSocial Services\n\nThe Nixon-Ford administration would limit eligibility for federally-subsidized social services to the very poor. Social services can make significant changes in the lives of the non-poor, as well. The problems of alcoholism, drug abuse, mental retardation, child abuse or neglect, and mental illness arise at every income level, and quality day-care has become increasingly urgent for low- and middle-income families. Federal grants to the states should support a broad community-based program of social services to low- and middle-income families, to assure that these programs reach their intended populations.\nThe states are now being required to take over an increasing share of existing social service programs. In 1972, the ceiling for federal social service grants was frozen at $2.5 billion, and subsequent inflation of 28 per cent has reduced the effective federal aid to existing programs. While there must certainly be a ceiling on such grants, it should be raised to compensate for inflation and to encourage states and localities to expand social services to low- and moderate-income families.\nDisabled Citizens\n\nWe support greater recognition of the problems of the disabled and legislation assuring that all people with disabilities have reasonable access to all public accommodations and facilities. The Democratic Party supports affirmative action goals for employment of the disabled.\nOlder Citizens\n\nThe Democratic Party has always emphasized that adequate income and health care for senior citizens are basic federal government responsibilities. The recent failure of government to reduce unemployment and alleviate the impact of the rising costs of food, housing and energy have placed a heavy burden on those who live on fixed and limited incomes, especially the elderly. Our other platform proposals in these areas are designed to help achieve an adequate income level for the elderly.\nWe will not permit an erosion of social security benefits, and while our ultimate goal is a health security system ensuring comprehensive and quality care for all Americans, health costs paid by senior citizens under the present system must be reduced.\nWe believe that Medicare should be made available to Americans abroad who are eligible for Social Security.\nDemocrats strongly support employment programs and the liberalization of the allowable earnings limitation under Social Security for older Americans who wish to continue working and living as productive citizens. We will put an end to delay in implementation of nutrition programs for the elderly and give high priority to a transportation policy for senior citizens under the Older Americans Act. We pledge to enforce vigorously health and safety standards for nursing homes, and seek alternatives which allow senior citizens where possible to remain in their own homes.\nVeterans\n\nAmerica's veterans have been rhetorically praised by the Nixon-Ford administration at the same time that they have been denied adequate medical, educational, pension and employment benefits.\nVietnam veterans have borne the brunt of unemployment and economic mismanagement at home. As late as December 1975, the unemployment rate for Vietnam veterans was over 10 per cent. Younger Vietnam veterans (ages 20—24) have had unemployment rates almost twice the rate of similarly-aged non-veterans. Job training, placement, and information and counseling programs for veterans are inadequate.\nThe Veterans Administration health care program requires adequate funding and improved management and health care delivery in order to provide high quality service and effectively meet the changing needs of the patient population.\nThe next Democratic administration must act to rescue pensioner veterans below the poverty line. Thirty per cent of the veterans and 50 per cent of the widows receiving pensions have total incomes below the poverty line. Cost of living increases should be automatic in the veterans' pension and disability system.\nEducational assistance should be expanded two years for those veterans already enrolled and drawing benefits in VA-approved educational and training programs.\nThe Arts and Humanities\n\nWe recognize the essential role played by arts and humanities in the development of America. Our nation cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor. We endorse a strong role for the federal government in reinforcing the vitality and improving the economic strength of the nation's artists and arts institutions, while recognizing that artists must be absolutely free of any government control. We would support the growth and development of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities through adequate funding, the development of special anti-recession employment programs for artists, copyright reforms to protect the rights of authors, artists and performers, and revision of the tax laws that unfairly penalize artists. We further pledge our support for the concept and adequate financing of public broadcasting.\nIV. States, Counties and Cities\n\nMore than eight years ago, the Kerner Commission on Civil Disorders concluded that the disorders of the 1960s were caused by the deteriorating conditions of life in our urban centers—abject poverty, widespread unemployment, uninhabitable housing, declining services, rampant crime and disintegrating families. Many of these same problems plagued rural America as well. Little has been done by the Republican administrations to deal with the fundamental challenges to our society. This policy of neglect gives the lie to the current administration's rhetorical commitment to state and local governments.\nBy tolerating intolerable unemployment, by vetoing programs for the poor, the old, and the ill, by abandoning the veterans and the young, and by withholding necessary funds for the decaying cities, the Nixon-Ford years have been years of retrogression in the nation's efforts to meet the needs of our cities. By abdicating responsibility for meeting these needs at the national level, the current administration has placed impossible burdens on fiscally hard-pressed state and local governments. In turn, local governments have been forced to rely excessively on the steadily diminishing and regressive property tax—which was originally designed to cover property related services and was never intended to support the services now required in many of our cities and towns.\nFederal policies and programs have inadvertently exacerbated the urban crisis. Within the framework of a new partnership of federal, state and local governments, and the private sector, the Democratic Party is pledged to the development of America's first national urban policy. Central to the success of that policy are the Democratic Party's commitments to full employment, incentives for urban and rural economic development, welfare reform, adequate health care, equalization of education expenditures, energy conservation and environmental quality. If progress were made in these areas, much of the inappropriately placed fiscal burden would be removed, and local governments could better fulfill their appropriate responsibilities.\nTo assist further in relieving both the fiscal and service delivery problems of states and local governments, the Democratic Party reaffirms its support for general revenue sharing as a base for the fiscal health of all levels of government, acknowledging that the civil rights and citizens' participation provisions must be strengthened. We further believe that there must be an increase in the annual funding to compensate for the erosion of inflation. We believe the distribution formula should be adjusted to reflect better community and state needs, poverty levels, and tax effort.\nFinally, to alleviate the financial burden placed on our cities by the combination of inflation and recession, the Democratic Party restates its support for an emergency anti-recession aid to states and cities particularly hard hit by recession.\nHousing and Community Development\n\nIn the past eight Republican years, housing has become a necessity priced as a luxury. Housing prices have nearly doubled in the past six years and housing starts have dropped by almost one-quarter. The effect is that over three-fourths of American families cannot afford to buy an average-priced home. The basic national goal of providing decent housing and available shelter has been sacrificed to misguided tax, spending and credit policies which were supposed to achieve price stability but have failed to meet that goal. As a result, we do not have decent housing or price stability. The vision of the Housing Act of 1968, the result of three decades of enlightened Democratic housing policy, has been lost. The Democratic Party reasserts these goals, and pledges to achieve them.\nThe Democratic Party believes it is time for a housing and urban development policy which recognizes the needs and difficulties of both the buying and renting public and the housing industry. We support a revitalized housing program which will be able to meet the public's need for housing at reasonable cost and the industry's need for relief from years of stagnation and now-chronic unemployment.\nWe support direct federal subsidies and low interest loans to encourage the construction of low and moderate income housing. Such subsidies shall not result in unreasonable profit for builders, developers or credit institutions.\nWe support the expansion of the highly successful programs of direct federal subsidies to provide housing for the elderly.\nWe call for greatly increased emphasis on the rehabilitation of existing housing to rebuild our neighborhoods—a priority which is undercut by the current pattern of federal housing money which includes actual prohibitions to the use of funds for rehabilitation.\nWe encourage public and private commitments to the preservation and renovation of our country's historic landmarks so that they can continue as a vital part of our commercial and residential architectural heritage.\nWe will work to assure that credit institutions make greater effort to direct mortgage money into the financing of private housing.\nWe will take all necessary steps to prohibit the practice of red-lining by private financial institutions, the FHA, and the secondary mortgage market which have had the effect of depriving certain areas of the necessary mortgage funds which they need to upgrade themselves. We will further encourage an increase in loans and subsidies for housing and rehabilitation, especially in poverty stricken areas.\nWe support greater flexibility in the use of community development block grants at the local level.\nThe current Housing and Community Development Act should be reformed and restructured so that its allocation, monitoring, and citizen participation features better address the needs of local communities, major cities and underdeveloped rural areas.\nThe revitalization of our cities must proceed with an understanding that housing, jobs and related community facilities are all critical to a successful program. The Democratic Party will create the necessary incentives to insure that private and public jobs are available to meet the employment needs of these communities and pledges a more careful planning process for the location of the federal government's own employment-creating facilities.\nThe Democratic Party proposes a revitalization of the Federal Housing Administration as a potent institution to stabilize new construction and existing housing markets. To this end, the Agency's policies must be simplified, its operating practices and insurance rate structures modernized and the sense of public service which was the hallmark of the FHA for so many years must be restored. In addition, we propose automatic triggering of direct production subsidies and a steady flow of mortgage funds during periods when housing starts fall below acceptable levels.\nWomen, the elderly, single persons and minorities are still excluded from exercising their right to select shelter in the areas of their choice, and many \"high-risk\" communities are systematically denied access to the capital they require. The Democratic Party pledges itself to the aggressive enforcement of the Fair Housing Act; to the promotion and enforcement of equal opportunity in housing; and to the pursuit of new regulatory and incentive policies aimed at providing minority groups and women with equal access to mortgage credit.\nIn addition to direct attacks upon such known violations of the law, a comprehensive approach to these problems must include policies aimed at the underlying causes of unequal credit allocations. The Democratic Party pledges itself to aggressive policies designed to assure lender that their commitments will be backed by government resources, so that investment risks will be shared by the public and private sectors.\nThe Special Needs of Older Cities\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that a number of major, older cities—including the nation's largest city—have been forced to undertake even greater social responsibilities, which have resulted in unprecedented fiscal crises. There is a national interest in helping such cities in their present travail, and a new Democratic President and the Congress shall undertake a massive effort to do so.\nLaw Enforcement and Law Observance\n\nThe total crime bill in the United States has been estimated at $90 billion a year, almost as much as the cost of our national defense. But over and above the economic impact, the raging and unchecked growth of crime seriously impairs the confidence of many of our citizens in their ability to walk on safe streets, to live securely in peaceful and happy homes, and to work safely in their places of business. Fear mounts along with the crime rate. Homes are made into fortresses. In large sections of every major city, people are afraid to go out at night. Outside big cities, the crime rate is growing even faster, so that suburbs, small towns and rural areas are no longer secure havens.\nDefaulting on their \"law and order\" promises, the Republicans in the last eight years have let the rising tide of crime soil the highest levels government, allowed the crime rate to skyrocket and failed to reform the criminal justice system. Recognizing that law enforcement is essentially a local responsibility, we declare that control of crime is an urgent national priority and pledge the efforts of the Democratic Party to insure that the federal government act effectively to reverse these trends and to be an effective partner to reverse cities and states in a well-coordinated war on crime.\nWe must restore confidence in the criminal justice system by insuring that detection, conviction and punishment of lawbreakers is swift and sure; that the criminal justice system is just and efficient; that jobs, decent housing and educational opportunities provide a real alternative to crime to those who suffer enforced poverty and injustice We pledge equally vigorous prosecution and punishment for corporate crime, consumer fraud and deception; programs to combat child abuse and crimes against the elderly; criminal laws that reflect national needs; application of the law with a balanced and fair hand; a judiciary that renders equal justice for all; criminal sentences that provide punishment that actually punishes and rehabilitation that actually rehabilitates; and a correctional system emphasizing effective job training, educational and post-release programs. Only such measures will restore the faith of the citizens in our criminal justice system.\nToward these ends, we support a major reform of the criminal justice system, but we oppose any legislative effort to introduce repressive and anti-civil libertarian measures in the guise of reform of the criminal code.\nThe Law Enforcement Assistance Administration has not done its job adequately. Federal funding for crime-fighting must be wholly revamped to more efficiently assist local and state governments in strengthening their law enforcement and criminal justice systems, rather than spend money on the purchase of expensive equipment, much of it useless.\nCitizen confidence in law enforcement can be enhanced through increased citizen participation, by informing citizens of police and prosecutor policies, assuring that police departments reflect a cross-section of the communities they serve, establishing neighborhood forums to settle simple disputes, restoring the grand jury to fair and vigorous independence, establishing adequate victim compensation programs, and reaffirming our respect for the individual's right to privacy.\nCoordinated action is necessary to end the vicious cycle of drug addiction and crime. We must break up organized crime syndicates dealing in drugs, take necessary action to get drug pushers off the streets, provide drug users with effective rehabilitation programs, including medical assistance, ensure that all young people are aware of the costs of a life of drug dependency, and use worldwide efforts to stop international production and trafficking in illicit drugs.\nA Democratic Congress in 1974 passed the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act to come to grips with the fact that juveniles account for almost half of the serious crimes in the United States, and to remedy the fact that federal programs thus far have not met the crisis of juvenile delinquency. We pledge funding and implementation of this Act, which has been ignored by the Republican Administration.\nHandguns simplify and intensify violent crime. Ways must be found to curtail the availability of these weapons. The Democratic Party must provide the leadership for a coordinated federal and state effort to strengthen the presently inadequate controls over the manufacture, assembly, distribution and possession of handguns and to ban Saturday night specials.\nFurthermore, since people and not guns commit crimes, we support mandatory sentencing for individuals convicted of committing a felony with a gun.\nThe Democratic Party, however, affirms the right of sportsmen to possess guns for purely hunting and target-shooting purposes.\nThe full implementation of these policies will not in themselves stop lawlessness. To insure professionally trained and equitably rewarded police forces, law enforcement officers must be properly recruited and trained, and provided with decent wages, working conditions, support staff, and federal death benefits for those killed in line of duty.\nEffective police forces cannot operate without just and speedy court systems. We must reform bail and pre-trial detention procedures. We must assure speedy trials and ease court congestion by increasing the number of judges, prosecutors and public defenders. We must improve and streamline courthouse management procedures, require criminal justice records to be accurate and responsible, and establish fair and more uniform sentencing for crimes.\nCourts should give priority to crimes which are serious enough to deserve imprisonment. Law enforcement should emphasize the prosecution of crimes against persons and property as a higher priority than victimless crimes. Current rape laws need to be amended to abolish archaic evidence rules that discriminate against rape victims.\nWe pledge that the Democratic Party will not tolerate abuses of governmental processes and unconstitutional action by the government itself. Recognizing the value of legitimate intelligence efforts to combat espionage and major crime, we call for new legislation to ensure that these efforts will no longer be used as an excuse for abuses such as bugging, wiretaps, mail opening and disruption aimed at lawful political and private activities.\nThe Attorney General in the next Democratic administration will be an independent, non-political official of the highest integrity. If lawlessness is found at any level, in any branch, immediate and decisive action will be taken to root it out. To that end, we will establish the machinery for appointing an independent Special Prosecutor whenever needed.\nAs a party, as a nation, we must commit ourselves to the elimination of injustice wherever it plagues our government, our people and our future.\nTransportation\n\nAn effective national transportation policy must be grounded in an understanding of all transportation systems and their consequences for costs, reliability, safety, environmental quality and energy savings. Without public transportation, the rights of all citizens to jobs and social services cannot be met.\nTo that end, we will work to expand substantially the discretion available to states and cities in the use of federal transportation money, for either operating expenses or capital programs on the modes of transportation which they choose. A greater share of Highway Trust Fund money should also be available on a flexible basis.\nWe will change further the current restrictive limits on the use of mass transit funds by urban and rural localities so that greater amounts can be used as operating subsidies; we emphatically oppose the Republican administration's efforts to reduce federal operating subsidies.\nWe are committed to dealing with the transportation needs of rural America by upgrading secondary roads and bridges and by completion of the original plan of 1956 for the interstate highway system where it benefits rural Americans. Among other benefits, these measures would help overcome the problems of getting products to market, and services to isolated persons in need.\nWe will take whatever action is necessary to reorganize and revitalize our nation's railroads.\nWe are also committed to the support of healthy trucking and bus, inland waterway and air transport systems.\nA program of national rail and road rehabilitation and improved mass transit would not only mean better transportation for our people, but it would also put thousands of unemployed construction workers back to work and make them productive tax-paying citizens once again.\nFurther, it would move toward the Democratic Party's goal of assuring balanced transportation services for all areas of the nation—urban and rural. Such a policy is intended to reorganize both pressing urban needs and the sorry state of rural public transportation.\nRural Development\n\nThe problems of rural America are closely linked to those of our cities. Rural poor and the rural elderly suffer under the same economic pressures and have at least as many social needs as their counterparts in the cities. The absence of rural jobs and rural vitality and the continuing demise of the family farm have promoted a migration to our cities which is beyond the capacity of the cities to absorb. Over 20 million Americans moved to urban areas between 1940 and 1960 alone. We pledge to develop programs to make the family farm economically healthy again so as to be attractive to young people.\nTo that end, the Democratic Party pledges to strengthen the economy and thereby create jobs in our great agricultural and rural areas by the full implementation and funding of the Rural Development Act of 1972 and by the adoption of an agricultural policy which recognizes that our capacity to produce food and fiber is one of our greatest assets.\nWhile it is bad enough to be poor, or old, or alone in the city, it is worse in the country. We are therefore committed to overcome the problems of rural as well as urban isolation and poverty by insuring the existence of adequate health facilities, critically-needed community facilities such as water supply and sewage disposal systems, decent housing, adequate educational opportunity and needed transportation throughout rural America.\nAs discussed in the transportation section, we believe that transportation dollars should be available in a manner to permit their flexible use. In rural areas this means they could be used for such needs as secondary road improvement, taxi systems, buses, or other systems to overcome the problems of widely dispersed populations, to facilitate provisions of social services and to assure access of citizens to meet human needs.\nTwo thousand family farms are lost per week. To help assure that family farms stay in the family where they belong, we will push increases in relevant estate tax exemptions. This increased exemption, when coupled with programs to increase generally the vitality of rural America, should mean that the demise of the family farm can be reversed.\nWe will seek adequate levels of insured and guaranteed loans for electrification and telephone facilities.\nOnly such a coordinated program can make rural America again attractive and vigorous, as it needs to be if we are to deal with the challenges facing the nation as a whole.\nAdministration of Federal Aid\n\nFederal aid programs impose jurisdictional and administrative complications which substantially diminish the good accomplished by the federal expenditure of about $50 billion annually on state and local governments. An uncoordinated policy regarding eligibility requirements, audit guidelines, accounting procedures and the like comprise the over 800 categorical aid programs and threaten to bog down the more broadly conceived flexible block grant programs. The Democratic Party is committed to cutting through this chaos and simplifying the grant process for both recipient governments and program administrators.\nThe Democratic Party also reaffirms the role of state and general purpose local governments as the principal governments in the orderly administration of federal aid and revenue sharing programs.\nV. Natural Resources and Environmental Quality\n\nEnergy\n\nAlmost three years have passed since the off embargo. Yet, by any measure, the nation's energy lifeline is in far greater peril today. America is running out of energy—natural gas, gasoline and oil.\nThe economy is already being stifled. The resulting threat of unemployment and diminished production is already present.\nIf America, as we know it, is to survive, we must move quickly to develop renewable sources of energy.\nThe Democratic Party will strive to replace the rapidly diminishing supply of petroleum and natural gas with solar, geothermal, wind, tide and other forms of energy, and we recommend that the federal government promptly expand whatever funds are required to develop new systems of energy.\nWe have grown increasingly dependent on imported oil. Domestic production, despite massive price increases, continues to decline. Energy stockpiles, while authorized, are yet to be created. We have no agreements with any producing nations for security of supply. Efforts to develop alternative energy sources have moved forward slowly. Production of our most available and plentiful alternative—coal—is not increasing. Energy conservation is still a slogan, instead of a program.\nRepublican energy policy has rafted because it is based on illusions; the illusion of a free market in energy that does not exist, the illusion that ever-increasing energy prices will not harm the economy, and the illusion of an energy program based on unobtainable independence.\nThe time has come to deal with the realities of the energy crisis, not its illusions. The realities are that rising energy prices, falling domestic supply, increasing demand, and the threat to national security of growing imports, have not been contained by the private sector.\nThe Democratic energy platform begins with a recognition that the federal government has an important role to play in insuring the nation's energy future, and that it must he given the tools it needs to protect the economy and the nation's consumers from arbitrary and excessive energy price increases and help the nation embark on a massive domestic energy program focusing on conservation, coal conversion, exploration and development of new technologies to insure an adequate short-term and long-term supply of energy for the nation's needs. A nation advanced enough and wealthy enough to send a man to the moon must dedicate itself to developing alternate sources of energy.\nEnergy pricing. Enactment of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 established oil ceiling prices at levels sufficient to maximize domestic production but still below OPEC equivalents. The act was a direct result of the Democratic Congress' commitment to the principle that beyond certain levels, increasing energy prices simply produce high-cost energy—without producing any additional energy supplies.\nThis oil-pricing lesson should also be applied to natural gas. Those not pressing to turn natural gas price regulation over to OPEC, while arguing the rhetoric of so-called deregulation, must not prevail. The pricing of new natural gas is in need of reform. We should narrow the gap between oil and natural gas prices with new natural gas ceiling prices that maximize production and investment while protecting the economy and the consumer. Any reforms in the pricing of new natural gas should not be at the cost of severe economic dislocations that would accelerate inflation and increase unemployment.\nAn examination must be made of advertising cost policies of utilities and the imposition of these costs on the consumer. Advertising costs used to influence public policy ought to be borne by stockholders of utility companies and not by the consumers.\nDomestic supply and demand. The most promising neglected domestic option for helping balance our energy budget is energy conservation. But major investments in conservation are still not being made.\nThe Democratic Party will support legislation to establish national building performance standards on a regional basis designed to improve energy efficiency. We will provide new incentives for aiding individual homeowners, particularly average income families and the poor in undertaking conservation investments. We will support the reform of utility rate structures and regulatory rules to encourage conservation and ease the utility rate burden on residential users, farmers and other consumers who can least afford it; make more efficient use of electrical generating capacity; and we will aggressively pursue implementation of automobile efficiency standards and appliance labeling programs already established by Democratic initiative in the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.\nCoal currently comprises 80 percent of the nation's energy resources, but produces only 16 per cent of the nation's energy. The Democratic Party believes that the United States' coal production can and must be increased without endangering the health and safety of miners, diminishing the land and water resources necessary for increased food production, and sacrificing the personal and property rights of farmers, ranchers and Indian tribes.\nWe must encourage the production of the highest quality coal, closest to consumer markets, in order to insure that investments in energy production reinforce the economics of energy producing and consuming regions. Improved rail transportation systems will make coal available where it is actually needed, and will insure a rail transport network required for a healthy industrial and agricultural economy.\nWe support an active federal role in the research and development of clean burning and commercially competitive coal burning systems and technologies, and we encourage the conversion to coal of industrial users of natural gas and imported oil. Air quality standards that make possible the burning of coal without danger to the public health or degradation of the nation's clear air must be developed and implemented.\nThe Democratic Party wants to put an end to the economic depression, loss of life and environmental destruction that has long accompanied irresponsible coal development in Appalachia. Strip mining legislation designed to protect and restore the environment, while ending the uncertainty over the rules governing future coal mining, must be enacted.\nThe huge reserves of oil, gas and coal on federal territory, including the outer continental shelf, belong to all the people. The Republicans have pursued leasing policies which give the public treasury the least benefit and the energy industry the most benefit from these public resources. Consistent with environmentally sound practices, new leasing procedures must be adopted to correct these policies, as well as insure the timely development of existing leases.\nMajor federal initiatives, including major governmental participation in early high-risk development projects, are required if we are to harness renewable resources like solar, wind, geothermal, the oceans, and other new technologies such as fusion, fuel cells and the conversion of solid waste and starches into energy. The Ford Administration has failed to provide those initiatives, and, in the process, has denied American workers important new opportunities for employment in the building and servicing of emerging new energy industries.\nU.S. dependence on nuclear power should be kept to the minimum necessary to meet our needs. We should apply stronger safety standards as we regulate its use. And we must be honest with our people concerning its problems and dangers as well as its benefits.\nAn increasing share of the nuclear research dollar must be invested in finding better solutions to the problems of nuclear waste disposal, reactor safety and nuclear safeguards—both domestically and internationally.\nCompetition in the domestic petroleum industry. Legislation must be enacted to insure energy administrators and legislators access to information they need for making the kind of informed decisions that future energy policy will require. We believe full disclosure of data on reserves, supplies and costs of production should be mandated by law.\nIt is increasingly clear that there is no free, competitive market for crude oil in the United States. Instead, through their control of the nation's oil pipelines, refineries and marketing, the major oil producers have the capability of controlling the field and often the downstream price of almost all off.\nWhen competition inadequate to insure free markets and maximum benefit to American consumers exists, we support effective restrictions on the right of major companies to own all phases of the oil industry.\nWe also support the legal prohibition against corporate ownership of competing types of energy, such as oil and coal. We believe such \"horizontal\" concentration of economic power to be dangerous both to the national interest and to the functioning of the competitive system.\nImproved energy planning. Establishment of a more orderly system for setting energy goals and developing programs for reaching those goals should be undertaken. The current proliferation of energy jurisdictions among many executive agencies underscores the need for a more coordinated system. Such a system should be undertaken, and provide for centralization of overall energy planning in a specific executive agency and an assessment of the capital needs for all priority programs to increase production and conservation of energy.\nMineral Resources. As with energy resources, many essential mineral resources may soon be inadequate to meet our growing needs unless we plan more wisely than we have with respect to energy. The Democratic Party pledges to undertake a long-range assessment of supply of our mineral reserves as well as the demand for them.\nAgriculture\n\nAs a nation, we are blessed with rich resources of land, water and climate. When the supporting technology has been used to preserve and promote the family ownership and operation of farms and ranches, the people have been well served.\nAmerica's farm families have demonstrated their ability and eagerness to produce food in sufficient quantity to feed their fellow citizens and share with hungry people around the world as well. Yet this national asset has been neither prudently developed nor intelligently used.\nThe eight-year record of the Nixon-Ford administration is a record of lost opportunities, failure to meet the challenges of agricultural statesmanship, and favoritism to the special pleading of giant corporate agricultural interests.\nRepublican misrule in agriculture has caused wide fluctuations in prices to producers, inflated food prices to consumers, unconscionable profiteering on food by business, unscrupulous shipping practices by grain traders, and the mishandling of our abundance in export markets. Republican agricultural policy has spelled high food prices, unstable farm income, windfalls for commodity speculators and multinational corporations, and confrontations between farmer and consumer.\nForemost attention must be directed to the establishment of a national food and fiber policy which will be fair to both producer and consumer, and be based on the family farm agricultural system which has served the nation and the world so well for so long.\nMaximum agricultural production will be the most effective means of achieving an adequate food and fiber supply and reasonable price stability to American consumers. Without parity income assurance to farmers, full production cannot be achieved in an uncertain economy. We must assure parity return to farmers based on costs of production plus a reasonable profit.\nWe must continue and intensify efforts to expand agriculture's long-term markets abroad, and at the same time we must prevent irresponsible and inflationary sales from the American granary to foreign purchasers. Aggressive but stable and consistent export policy must be our goal. The production of food and fiber in America must be used as part of a constructive foreign policy based on long-term benefits at home and abroad, but not at the expense of the farmers.\nProducers shall be encouraged to produce at full capacity within the limits of good conservation practices, including the use of recycled materials, if possible and desirable, to restore natural soil fertility. Any surplus production needed to protect the people of the world from famine shall be stored on the farm in such a manner as to isolate it from the market place.\nExcess production beyond the needs of the people for food shall be converted to industrial purposes.\nFarmers as individual producers must deal constantly with organized suppliers and marketers, and compete with non-farm conglomerates. To assist them in bargaining for the tools of production, and to strengthen the institution of the family farm, the Democratic Party will: support the Capper-Volstead Act in its present form; curb the influence of non-farm conglomerates which, through the elimination of competition in the marketplace, pose a threat to farmers; support the farmer cooperatives and bargaining associations; scrutinize and remedy any illegal concentrations and price manipulations of farm equipment and supply industries; revitalize basic credit programs for farmers; provide adequate credit tailored to the needs of young farmers; assure access for farmers and rural residents to energy, transportation, electricity and telephone services; reinstate sound, locally administered soil conservation programs; eliminate tax shelter farming; and overhaul federal estate and gift taxes to alleviate some of the legal problems faced by farm families who would otherwise be forced to liquidate their assets to pay the tax.\nLong overdue are programs of assistance to farm workers in housing, employment, health, social services and education.\nTo protect the health of our citizens the government shall insure that all agricultural imports must meet the same quality standards as those imposed on agricultural products produced in the United States and that only quality American agricultural products be exported.\nFisheries. America's fisheries must be protected and enhanced as a renewable resource through ecologically sound conservation practices and meaningful international agreements and compacts between individual states.\nEnvironmental Quality\n\nThe Democratic Party's strong commitment to environmental quality is based on its conviction that environmental protection is not simply an aesthetic goal, but is necessary to achieve a more just society. Cleaning up air and water supplies and controlling the proliferation of dangerous chemicals is a necessary part of a successful national health program. Protecting the worker from workplace hazards is a key element of our full employment program. Occupational disease and death must not be the price of a weekly wage.\nThe Democratic Party, through the Congress, has recognized the need for basic environmental scrutiny, and has authored a comprehensive program to achieve this objective. In eight years, the efforts to implement that program have been thwarted by an administration committed only to unfounded allegations that economic growth and environmental protection are incompatible.\nQuite to the contrary, the Democratic Party believes that a concern for the environment need not and must not stand in the way of a much-needed policy of high economic growth.\nMoreover, environmental protection creates jobs. Environmental legislation enacted since 1970 already has produced more than one million jobs, and we pledge to continue to work for additional laws to protect, restore and preserve the environment while providing still more jobs.\nToday, permanently harmful chemicals are dispersed, and irrecoverable land is rendered worthless. If we are to avoid repeated environmental crises, we must now renew our efforts to restore both environmental quality and economic growth.\nThose who would use the environment must assume the burden of demonstrating that it will not be abused. For too long this burden has been on government agencies, representing the public, to assess and hopefully correct the damage that has already been done.\nOur irreplaceable natural and aesthetic resources must be managed to ensure abundance for future generations. Strong land and ocean use planning is an essential element of such management. The artifacts of the desert, the national forests, the wilderness areas, the endangered species, the coastal beaches and barrier dunes and other precious resources are in danger. They cannot be restored. They must be protected.\nEconomic inequities created by subsidies for virgin materials to the disadvantage of recycled materials must be eliminated. Depletion allowances and unequal freight rates serve to discourage the growing numbers of businesses engaged in recycling efforts.\nEnvironmental research and development within the public sector should be increased substantially. For the immediate future, we must learn how to correct the damage we have already done, but more importantly, we need research on how to build a society in which renewable and nonrenewable resources are used wisely and efficiently.\nFederal environmental anti-pollution requirement programs should be as uniform as possible to eliminate economic discrimination. A vigorous program with national minimum environmental standards fully implemented, recognizing basic regional differences, will ensure that states and workers are not penalized by pursuing environmental programs.\nThe technological community should be encouraged to produce better pollution-control equipment, and more importantly, to produce technology which produces less pollution.\nVI. International Relations\n\nThe next Democratic administration must and will initiate a new American foreign policy.\nEight years of Nixon-Ford diplomacy have left our nation isolated abroad and divided at home. Policies have been developed and applied secretly and arbitrarily by the executive department from the time of secret bombing in Cambodia to recent covert assistance in Angola. They have been policies that relied on ad hoc, unilateral maneuvering, and a balance-of-power diplomacy suited better to the last century than to this one. They have disdained traditional American principles which once earned the respect of other peoples while inspiring our own. Instead of efforts to foster freedom and justice in the world, the Republican administration has built a sorry record of disregard for human rights, manipulative interference in the internal affairs of other nations,\nand, frequently, a greater concern for our relations with totalitarian adversaries than with our democratic allies. And its efforts to preserve, rather than reform, the international status quo betray a self-fulfilling pessimism that contradicts a traditional American belief in the possibility of human progress.\nDefense Policy and spending for military forces must be consistent with meeting the real security needs of the American people. We recognize that the security of our nation depends first and foremost on the internal strength of American society —economic, social and political. We also recognize that serious international threats to our security, such as shortages of food and raw materials, are not solely military in nature and cannot be met by military force or the threat of force. The Republican Administration has, through mismanagement and misguided Policies, undermined the security of our nation by neglecting human needs at home while, for the first time in our nation's history, increasing military spending after a war. Billions of dollars have been diverted into wasteful, extravagant and, in some instances, destabilizing military programs. Our country can—and under a Democratic administration it will—work vigorously for the adoption of policies of full employment and economic growth which will enable us to meet both the justified domestic needs of our citizens and our needs for an adequate national defense.\nA Democratic administration will work to create a foreign policy that does justice to the strength and decency of the American people through adherence to these fundamental principles and priorities:\nWe will act on the premise that candor in policy-making, with all its liabilities, is preferable to deceit. The Congress will be involved in the major international decisions of our government, and our foreign policies will be openly and consistently presented to the American people. For even if diplomatic tactics and national security information must sometimes remain secret, there can be no excuse for formulating and executing basic policy without public understanding and support.\nOur policy must be based on our nation's commitment to the ideal of individual freedom and justice. Experience has taught us not to rely solely on military strength or economic power, as necessary as they are, in pursuit of our international objectives. We must rely too on the moral strength of our democratic values—the greatest inspiration to our friends and the attribute most feared by our enemies. We will ensure that human needs are not sacrificed to military spending, while maintaining the military forces we require for our security.\nWe will strengthen our ties to the other great democracies, working together to resolve common economic and social problems as well as to keep our defenses strong.\nWe will restore the Democratic tradition of friendship and support to Third World nations.\nWe must also seek areas of cooperation with our traditional adversaries. There is no other option, for human survival itself is at stake. But pursuit of detente will require maintenance of a strong American military deterrent, hard bargaining for our own interest, recognition of continuing competition, and a refusal to oversell the immediate benefits of such a policy to the American public.\nWe will reaffirm the fundamental American commitment to human rights across the globe. America must work for a release of all political prisoners—men and women who are in jail simply because they have opposed peacefully the policies of their governments or have aided others who have—in all countries. America must take a firm stand to support and implement existing U.S. law to bring about liberalization of emigration policy in countries which limit or prohibit free emigration. America must be resolute in its support of the right of workers to organize and of trade unions to act freely and independently, and in its support of freedom of the press. America must continue to stand as a bulwark in support of human liberty in all countries. A return to the politics of principle requires a reaffirmation of human freedom throughout the world.\nThe Challenge of Interdependence\n\nThe international economy. Eight years of mismanagement of the American economy have contributed to global recession and inflation. The most important contribution a Democratic administration will make to the returning health of the world economy will be to restore the health of our own economy, with all that means to international economic stability and progress.\nWe are committed to trade policies that can benefit a full employment economy—through creation of new jobs for American workers, new markets for American farmers and businesses, and lower prices and a wider choice of goods for American consumers. Orderly reductions in trade barriers should be negotiated on a reciprocal basis that does not allow other nations to deny us access to their markets while enjoying access to ours. These measures must be accompanied by improved programs to ease dislocations and to relieve the hardship of American workers affected by foreign competition.\nThe Democratic Party will also seek to promote higher labor standards in those nations where productivity far outstrips wage rates, harming American workers through unfair exploitation of foreign labor, and encouraging American capital to pursue low wage opportunities that damage our own economy and weaken the dollar.\nWe will exert leadership in international efforts to strengthen the world economic system. The Ford administration philosophy of reliance on the international \"market economy\" is insufficient in a world where some governments and multinational corporations are active in managing and influencing market forces.\nWe pledge constant efforts to keep world monetary systems functioning properly in order to provide a reasonably stable economic environment for business and to prevent the importation of inflation. We will support reform of the international monetary system to strengthen institutional means of coordinating national economic policies, especially with our European and Japanese allies, thus facilitating efforts by our government and others to achieve full employment.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to a strong and competitive merchant fleet, built in the United States and manned by American seamen, as an instrument of international relations and national security. In order to revitalize our merchant fleet, the party pledges itself to a higher level of coordination of maritime policy, reaffirmation of the objectives of the Merchant Marine Acts of 1936 and 1970, and the development of a national cargo policy which assures the U.S. fleet a fair participation in all U.S. trade.\ncode of conduct for multinational corporations and host countries.\nWe will encourage multinational corporations—before they relocate production across international boundaries—to make sufficient advance arrangements for the workers whose jobs will be affected.\nWe will eliminate bribery and other corrupt practices.\nWe will prevent these corporations from interfering in the political systems of the countries in which they operate.\nIf such a code cannot be negotiated or proves to be unenforceable, our country should reserve the right to take unilateral action directed toward each of these problems, specifically including the outlawing of bribes and other improper payments to government officials of other nations.\nIn pursuit of open and fair international economic relationships, we will seek mechanisms, including legislation, to ensure that foreign governments cannot introduce third party boycotts or racial and religious discrimination into the conduct of American foreign commerce.\nEnergy. The United States must be a leader in promoting cooperation among the industrialized countries in developing alternative energy sources and reducing energy consumption, thus reducing our dependence on imports from the Middle East and restraining high energy prices. Under a Democratic Administration, the United States also will support international efforts to develop the vast energy potential of the developing countries.\nWe will also actively seek to limit the dangers inherent in the international development of atomic energy and in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Steps to be given high priority will include: revitalization of the Nonproliferation Treaty, expansion of the International Atomic Energy Agency and other international safeguards and monitoring of national facilities, cooperation against potential terrorism involving nuclear weapons, agreement by suppliers not to transfer enrichment or reprocessing facilities, international assurance of supply of nuclear fuel only to countries cooperating with strict nonproliferation measures, subsidization of multinational nuclear facilities, and gradual conversion to international control of non-weapon fissionable material.\nThe developing world. We have a historic opportunity in the next decade to improve the extent and quality of cooperation between the rich and poor countries. The potential benefits to our nation of a policy of constructive cooperation with the developing world would be considerable: uninterrupted access at reasonable cost to raw materials and to basic commodities; lower rates of global inflation; improved world markets for our goods; and a more benign atmosphere for international negotiation in general. Above all, the prospects for the maintenance of peace will be vastly higher in a world in which fewer and fewer people suffer the pangs of hunger and the yoke of economic oppression.\nWe support efforts to stabilize and increase export earnings of developing countries through our participation in reasonable commodity arrangements. We support strengthening of global financing mechanisms and trade liberalization efforts. We will assist in promoting greater developing country, capital markets.\nBecause our country provides food and fiber to all the world, the American farmer is heavily dependent on world markets. These markets must be developed in a way that prevents the wild gyrations of food prices and the periodic shortages that have been common under recent Republican Administrations. We pledge significant financial support to the International Fund for Agricultural Development; more effective food aid through further revision of the U.S. Food for Peace program; significant contributions to a multination world food reserve system, with appropriate safeguards for American farmers; and continuing efforts to promote American food exports.\nThe proliferation in arms, both conventional and nuclear, is a principal potential source of conflict in the developing as well as the industrialized world. The United States should limit significantly conventional arms sales and reduce military aid to developing countries, should include conventional arms transfers on the arms control agenda, and should regulate country-by-country justification for U.S. arms transfers, whether by sales or aid. Such sales or aid must be justified in terms of foreign policy benefits to the United States and not simply because of their economic value to American weapons producers.\nA primary, object of American aid, both military and economic, is first of all to enhance the condition of freedom in the world. The United States should not provide aid to any government—anywhere in the world—which uses secret police, detention without charges, and torture to enforce its powers. Exceptions to this policy should be rare, and the aid provided should be limited to that which is absolutely necessary. The United States should be open and unashamed in its exercise of diplomatic efforts to encourage the observance of human rights in countries which receive American aid.\nCurrent world population growth is a threat to the long-range well-being of mankind. We pledge to support effective voluntary family planning around the world, as well as at home, and to recognize officially the link between social and economic development and the willingness of the individual to limit family size.\nTo be true to the traditional concern of Americans for the disadvantaged and the oppressed, our aid programs should focus on alleviating poverty and on support of the quest for human liberty and dignity. We will work to see that the United States does its fair share in international development assistance efforts, including participation in the fifth replenishment of the World Bank's International Development Association. We will implement a foreign assistance policy which emphasizes utilization of multilateral and regional development institutions, and one that includes a review of aid programs, country by country, to reinforce those projects whose financial benefits go to the people most in need and which are consistent with overall United States foreign policy goals.\nThe world environment. Decay of the environment knows no national boundary. A government committed to protect our environment knows no national boundary. A government committed to protect our environment at home must also seek international cooperation in defending the global environment.\nWorking through and supporting such organizations as the United Nations Environmental Program, we will join other governments in more effective efforts to preserve the quality and resources of the oceans; to preserve endangered species of fish and wildlife; to reverse the encroachment of the deserts, the erosion of the world's agricultural lands, and the accelerating destruction of its forests; to limit pollution of the atmosphere; and to control alterations of the global climate.\nCriminal justice rights of Americans abroad. We will protect the rights and interests of Americans charged with crimes or jailed in foreign countries by vigorously exerting all appropriate efforts to guarantee humane treatment and due process and to secure extradition to the United States where appropriate.\nInternational drug tragic. We call for the use of diplomatic efforts to stop international production and trafficking in illicit drugs including the possible cut-off of foreign aid to noncooperating countries.\nDefense Policy\n\nThe size and structure of our military forces must be carefully related to the demands of our foreign policies in this new era. These should be based on a careful assessment of what will be needed in the long-run to deter our potential adversaries; to fight successfully, if necessary, conventional wars in areas in which our national security is threatened; and to reassure our allies and friends—notably in Western Europe, Japan and the Near East. To this end, our strategic nuclear forces must provide a strong and credible deterrent to nuclear attack and nuclear blackmail. Our conventional forces must be strong enough to deter aggression in areas whose security is vital to our own. In a manner consistent with these objectives, we should seek those disarmament and arms control agreements which will contribute to mutual reductions in both nuclear and conventional arms.\nThe hallmarks of the Nixon-Ford administration's defense policy, however, have been stagnation and vulnerability.\nBy its reluctance to make changes in those features of our armed forces which were designed to deal with the problems of the past, the Administration has not only squandered defense dollars, but also neglected making improvements which are needed to increase our forces' fighting effectiveness and their capability to deter future aggression.\nBy its undue emphasis on the overall size of the defense budget as the primary measure of both our national resolve and the proficiency of our armed forces, the administration has forgotten that we are seeking not to outspend, but to be able to deter and, if necessary, outright our potential adversaries. While we must spend whatever is legitimately needed for defense, cutbacks on duplication and waste are both feasible and essential. Barring any major change in the international situation, with the proper management, with the proper kind of investment of defense dollars, and with the proper choice of military programs, we believe we can reduce present defense spending by about $5 billion to $7 billion. We must be tough-minded about the development of new weapons systems which add only marginal military value. The size of our defense budget should not be dictated by bureaucratic imperatives or the needs of defense contractors but by our assessment of international realities. In order to provide for a comprehensive review of the B-1 test and evaluation program, no decision regarding B-1 production should be made prior to February 1977.\nThe Pentagon has one of the federal government's most overgrown bureaucracies. The Department of Defense can be operated more effectively and efficiently and its budget reduced, without in any way compromising our defense posture. Our armed forces have many more admirals and generals today than during World War II, when our fighting force was much larger than now. We can reduce the ratio of officers to men and of support forces to combat troops.\nMisdirected efforts such as the construction of pork-barrel projects under the jurisdiction of the Defense Department can be terminated. Exotic arms systems which serve no defense or foreign policy purpose should not be initiated.\nBy ignoring opportunities to use our advanced technology innovatively to obtain maximum effectiveness in weapons and minimize complexity and cost, the Republican administration has failed to reverse the trend toward increasingly intricate and expensive weapons systems. Thus, it has helped to put our forces—particularly the Navy—on the dangerous path of becoming both smaller in numbers and more vulnerable.\nA new approach is needed. Our strategic nuclear forces should be structured to ensure their ability to survive nuclear attack, thereby assuring deterrence of nuclear war. Successful nuclear deterrence is the single most important task of our armed forces. We should, however, avoid becoming diverted into making expenditures which have only symbolic or prestige value or which themselves contribute to nuclear instability.\nThe United States Navy must remain the foremost fleet in the world. Our naval forces should be improved to stress survivability and our modem technology should be used in new ways to keep the essential sea lanes open. Concretely, we should put more stress on new sensors and armaments, and give priority to a navy consisting of a greater number of smaller and less vulnerable vessels.\nOur land forces should be structured to fight effectively in support of our political and military commitments. To this end, modern, well-equipped and highly mobile land forces are more important than large numbers of sparsely-equipped infantry divisions.\nOur tactical air-forces should be designed to establish air superiority quickly in the event of hostilities, and to support our land and naval forces.\nWe can and will make significant economies in the overhead and support structure of our military forces.\nThe defense procurement system should be reformed to require, wherever possible and consistent with efforts to encourage full participation by small and minority businesses, advertised competitive bids and other improvements in procurement procedure so as to encourage full and fair competition among potential contractors and to cut the current waste in defense procurement. A more equitable formula should be considered for distribution of defense contracts and other federal procurement on a state or regional basis.\nThe United States and other nations share a common interest in reducing military expenditures and transferring the savings into activities which raise living standards. In order to smooth the path for such changes, the Executive Branch and the Congress should encourage long-range planning by defense-dependent communities and managements of defense firms and unions. This process should take place within the context of the Democratic Party's commitment to planned full employment.\nOur civilian and military intelligence agencies should be structured to provide timely and accurate information and analysis of foreign affairs and military matters. Covert action must be used only in the most compelling cases where the national security of the U.S. is vitally involved; assassination must be prohibited. There should be full and thorough congressional oversight of our intelligence agencies. The constitutional rights of American citizens can and must be fully protected, and intelligence abuses corrected, without endangering the confidentiality of properly classified intelligence or compromising the fundamental intelligence mission.\nU.S.-U.S.S.R. relations. The United States and the Soviet Union are the only powers who, by rivalry or miscalculation, could bring general nuclear war upon our civilization. A principal goal must be the continued reduction of tension with the U.S.S.R. This can, however, only be accomplished by fidelity to our principles and interests and through business-like negotiations about specific issues, not by the bad bargains, dramatic posturing, and the stress on general declarations that have characterized the Nixon-Ford administration's detente policy.\nSoviet actions continue to pose severe threats to peace and stability in many parts of the world and to undermine support in the West for fruitful negotiations toward mutually beneficial agreements. The U.S.S.R. has undertaken a major military buildup over the last several years in its navy, in its strategic forces, and in its land forces stationed in Eastern Europe and Asia. It has sought one-sided advantages in negotiations, and has exerted political and military pressure in such areas as the Near East and Africa, not hesitating to dispatch to Angola its own advisors as well as the expeditionary forces of its clients.\nThe continued U.S.S.R. military dominance of many Eastern European countries remains a source of oppression for the peoples of those nations, an oppression we do not accept and to which we are morally opposed. Any attempt by the Soviet Union similarly to dominate other parts of Europe—such as Yugoslavia—would be an action posing a grave threat to peace. Eastern Europe will not truly be an area of stability until these countries regain their independence and become part of a large European framework.\nOur task is to establish U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations on a stable basis, avoiding excesses of both hope and fear. Patience, a clear sense of our own priorities, and a willingness to negotiate specific firm agreements in areas of mutual interest can return balance to relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.\nIn the field of nuclear disarmament and arms control we should work toward: limitations on the international spread of fissionable materials and nuclear weapons; specific strategic arms limitation agreements which will increase the stability of the strategic balance and reduce the risk of nuclear war, emphasizing mutual reductions and limitations on future weapons deployment which most threaten the strategic balance because their characteristics indicate a potential first-strike use; a comprehensive ban on nuclear tests; mutual reduction with the Soviet Union and others, under assured safeguards, of our nuclear arsenals, leading ultimately to the elimination of such arsenals; mutual restrictions with the Soviet Union and others on sales or other transfers of arms to developing countries; and conventional arms agreements and mutual and balanced force reductions in Europe.\nHowever, in the area of strategic arms limitation, the U.S. should accept only such agreements that would not overall limit the U.S. to levels of intercontinental strategic forces inferior to the limits provided for the Soviet Union.\nIn the long-run, further development of more extensive economic relations between the United States and the Soviet Union may bring significant benefit to both societies. The U.S.S.R. has sought, however, through unfair trade practices to dominate such strategic fields as merchant shipping. Rather than effectively resisting such efforts, the Nixon-Ford administration has looked favorably on such steps as subsidizing U.S.-U.S.S.R. trade by giving the Soviet Union concessionary credits, promoting trade increases because of a short-run hope of using trade to modify political behavior, and even placing major United States energy investment in pawn to Soviet Union policy. Where bilateral trade agreements with the U.S.S.R. are to our economic advantage, we should pursue them, but our watch-words would be tough bargaining and concrete economic, political or other benefits for the United States. We should also press the Soviet Union to take a greater share of responsibility in multilateral solutions to such problems as creating adequate world grain reserves.\nOur stance on the issue of human rights and political liberties in the Soviet Union is important to American self-respect and our moral standing in the world. We should continually remind the Soviet Union, by word and conduct, of its commitments in Helsinki to the free flow of people and ideas and of how offensive we and other free people find its violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As part of our programs of official, technical, trade, cultural and other exchanges with the U.S.S.R., we should press its leaders to open their society to a genuine interchange of people and ideas.\nWe must avoid assuming that the whole of American-Soviet relations is greater than the sum of its parts, that any agreement is superior to none, or that we can negotiate effectively as supplicants. We must realize that our firmness can help build respect for us and improve the long-run opportunities for mutually-beneficial concrete agreements. We must beware of the notion that Soviet-American relations are a seamless web in which concessions in one area will bring us benefits in others. By the same token, we must husband our resources to concentrate on what is most important to us. Detente must be military as well as political.\nMore fundamentally, we must recognize that the general character of our foreign policies will not be set by our direct relationship with the Soviet Union. Our allies and friends must come first. Nor can the pursuit of our interests elsewhere in the world be dominated by concern for Soviet views. For example, American policy toward China should continue to be based on a desire for a steady improvement and broadening of relations, whatever the tenor and direction of Chinese-Soviet relations.\nAbove all, we must be open, honest, mature and patient with ourselves and with our allies. We must recognize that, in the long-run, an effective policy toward the Soviet Union can only be grounded on honest discussion, and on a national and, to some extent, an international consensus. Our own institutions, especially the Congress, must be consulted and must help formulate our policy. The governments of our allies and friends must be made partners in our undertakings. Haste and secret bilateral executive arrangements in our dealings with the U.S.S.R. can only promote a mood of uncertainty and suspicion which undermines the public support essential to effective and stable international relations.\nAmerica in the World Community\n\nMany of the critical foreign policy issues we face require global approaches, but an effective international role for the United States also demands effective working with the special interests of specific foreign nations and regions. The touchstone of our policy must be our own interests, which in turn means that we should not seek or expect to control events everywhere. Indeed, intelligent pursuit of our objectives demands a realization that even where our interests are great and our involvement essential, we do not act alone, but in a world setting where others have interests and objectives as well.\nWe cannot give expression to our national values without continuing to play a strong role in the affairs of the United Nations and its agencies. Firm and positive advocacy of our positions is essential.\nWe should make a major effort at reforming and restructuring the U.N. systems. The intensity of interrelated problems is rapidly increasing, and it is likely that in the future, the issues of war and peace will be more a function of economic and social problems than of the military security problems that have dominated international relations since 1945.\nThe heat of debate at the General Assembly should not obscure the value of our supporting United Nations involvement in keeping the peace and in the increasingly complex technical and social problems—such as pollution, health, economic development and population growth—that challenge the world community. But we must let the world know that anti-American polemics are no substitute for sound policy and that the United Nations is weakened by harsh rhetoric from other countries or by blasphemous resolutions such as the one equating Zionism and racism.\nA Democratic Administration should seek a fair and comprehensive Law-of-the-Sea Treaty that will balance the interests of the developed and less developed countries.\nEurope. The nations of Western Europe, together with Japan, are among our closest allies. Except for our closest neighbors in this hemisphere, it is in these regions where our interests are most strongly linked with those of other nations. At the same time, the growing economic and political strength of Europe and Japan creates areas of conflict and tension in a relationship both sides must keep close and healthy.\nOn the great economic issues—trade, energy, employment, international finance, resources—we must work with the Europeans, the Japanese and other nations to serve our long-run mutual interests in stability and growth, and in the development of poorer nations.\nThe military security of Europe is fundamental to our own. To that end, NATO remains a vital commitment. We should retain in Europe a U.S. contribution to NATO forces so that they are sufficient to deter or defeat attack without premature resort to nuclear weapons. This does not exclude moderate reductions in manpower levels made possible by more efficiency, and it affirmatively requires a thorough reform and overhaul of NATO forces, plans and deployments. We encourage our European allies to increase their share of the contributions to NATO defense, both in terms of troops and hardware. By mutual agreement or through modernization, the thousands of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe should be reduced, saving money and manpower and increasing our own and international security.\nEurope, like the rest of the world, faces substantial political change. We cannot control that process. However, we can publicly make known our preference for developments consistent with our interests and principles. In particular, we should encourage the most rapid possible growth of stable democratic institutions in Spain, and a continuation on the path of democracy of Portugal and Greece, opposing authoritarian takeover from either left or right. We can make clear our sense of the risks and dangers of Communist participation in Western European governments, while being equally clear that we will work on a broad range of non-military matters with any legally-constituted government that is prepared to do the same with us. We similarly must reaffirm our support for the continued growth and cohesion of the institutions of the European community.\nThe voice of the United States should be heard in Northern Ireland against violence and terror, against the discrimination, repression and deprivation which brought about that civil strife, and for the efforts of the parties toward a peaceful resolution of the future of Northern Ireland. Pertinent alliances such as NATO and international organizations such as the United Nations should be fully apprised of the interests of the United States with respect to the status of Ireland in the international community of nations.\nWe must do all that is possible, consistent with our interest in a strong NATO in Southern Europe and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, to encourage a fair settlement of the Cyprus issue, which continues to extract human costs.\nMiddle East. We shall continue to seek a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The cornerstone of our policy is a firm commitment to the independence and security of the State of Israel. This special relationship does not prejudice improved relations with other nations in the region. Real peace in the Middle East will permit Israel and her Arab neighbors to turn their energies to internal development, and will eliminate the threat of world conflict spreading from tensions there.\nThe Middle East conflict is complex, and a realistic, pragmatic approach is essential. Our policy must be based on firm adherence to these fundamental principles of Middle East policy:\nWe will continue our consistent support of Israel, including sufficient military and economic assistance to maintain Israel's deterrent strength in the region, and the maintenance of U.S. military forces in the Mediterranean adequate to deter military intervention by the Soviet Union.\nWe steadfastly oppose any move to isolate Israel in the international arena or suspend it from the United Nations or its constituent organizations.\nWe will avoid efforts to impose on the region an externally devised formula for settlement, and will provide support for initiatives toward settlement, based on direct face-to-face negotiation between the parties and normalization of relations and a full peace within secure and defensible boundaries.\nWe vigorously support the free passage of shipping in the Middle East—especially in the Suez Canal.\nWe recognize that the solution to the problems of Arab and Jewish refugees must be among the factors taken into account in the course of continued progress toward peace. Such problems cannot be solved, however, by recognition of terrorist groups which refuse to acknowledge their adversary's right to exist, or groups which have no legitimate claim to represent the people for whom they purport to be speaking.\nWe support initiation of government enforcement action to insure that stated U.S. policy—in opposition to boycotts against friendly countries—is fully and vigorously implemented.\nWe recognize and support the established status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, with free access to all its holy places provided to all faiths. As a symbol of this stand, the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.\nAsia. We remain a Pacific power with important stakes and objectives in the region, but the Vietnam War has taught us the folly of becoming militarily involved where our vital interests were not at stake.\nFriendship and cooperation with Japan are the cornerstone of our Asian interests and policy. Our commitment to the security of Japan is central to our own, and it is an essential condition to a constructive, peaceful role for that nation in the future of Asia. In our economic dealings with Japan, we must make clear our insistence on mutuality of benefits and opportunities, while focusing on ways to expand our trade, avoiding economic shocks and resultant retaliation on either side. We must avoid the \"shocks\" to Japan which have resulted from Republican foreign policy.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the security of the Republic of Korea, both in itself and as a key to the security of Japan. However, on a prudent and carefully planned basis, we can redeploy, and gradually phase out, the U.S. ground forces, and can withdraw the nuclear weapons now stationed in Korea without endangering that support, as long as our tactical air and naval forces in the region remain strong. Our continued resolve in the area should not be misunderstood. However, we deplore the denial of human rights in the Republic of Korea, just as we deplore the brutal and aggressive acts of the regime in North Korea.\nWe have learned, at a tragically high price, certain lessons regarding Southeast Asia. We should not seek to control the political future of that region. Rather, we should encourage and welcome peaceful relations with the nations of that area. In conjunction with the fullest possible accounting of our citizens still listed as missing in action, we should move toward normalized relations with Vietnam.\nNo foreign policy that reflects traditional American humanitarian concerns can be indifferent to the plight of the peoples of the Asian subcontinent.\nThe recent improvement in relations with China, which has received bipartisan support, is a welcome recognition that there are few areas in which our vital interests clash with those of China. Our relations with China should continue to develop on peaceful lines, including early movement toward normalizing diplomatic relations in the context of a peaceful resolution of the future of Taiwan.\nThe Americas. We recognize the fundamental importance of close relations and the easing of economic tension with our Canadian and Mexican neighbors.\nIn the last eight years, our relations with Latin America have deteriorated amid high-level indifference, increased military, domination of Latin American governments, and revelations of extensive American interference in the internal politics of Chile and other nations. The principles of the Good Neighbor Policy and the Alliance for Progress, under which we are committed to working with the nations of the Americas as equals, remain valid today but seem to have been forgotten by the present administration.\nThe U.S. should adopt policies on trade, aid and investment that include commodity agreements and an appropriate system of trade preferences.\nWe must make clear our revulsion at the systematic violations of basic human rights that have occurred under some Latin American military regimes.\nWe pledge support for a new Panama Canal treaty, which insures the interests of the United States in that waterway, recognizes the principles already agreed upon, takes into account the interests of the Canal work force, and which will have wide hemispheric support.\nRelations with Cuba can only be normalized if Cuba refrains from interference in the internal affairs of the United States, and releases all U.S. citizens currently detained in Cuban prisons and labor camps for political reasons. We can move towards such relations if Cuba abandons its provocative international actions and policies.\nAfrica. Eight years of indifference, accompanied by increasing cooperation with racist regimes, have left our influence and prestige in Africa at an historical low. We must adopt policies that recognize the intrinsic importance of Africa and its development to the United States, and the inevitability of majority rule on that continent.\nThe first task is to formulate a rational African policy in terms of enlightened U.S.-African priorities, not as a corollary of U.S.-Soviet policy. Angola demonstrated that we must have sound relations with Black Africa and disassociate our policies from those of South Africa to achieve the desired African response to Soviet expansionism in Africa. Our policy must foster high-level U.S.-Africa communications and establish a sound basis for dealing when crises arise.\nThe next Democratic administration will work aggressively to involve black Americans in foreign policy positions, at home and abroad, and in decisions affecting African interests.\nTo promote African economic development, the U.S. should undertake increased bilateral and multilateral assistance, continue congressional initiatives in food assistance and food production, with special aid to the Sahel and implementation of the Sahel Development Plan; and carry forward our commitment to negotiate with developing countries on key trade and economic issues such as commodity arrangements and trade preferences.\nOur policy must be reformulated towards unequivocal and concrete support of majority rule in Southern Africa, recognizing that our true interests lie in peaceful progress toward a free South Africa for all South Africans, black and white. As part of our commitment to the development of a free and democratic South Africa, we should support the position of African nations in denying recognition to \"homelands\" given pseudo-independence by the South African government under its current policy of \"separate development.\"\nThe Republican administration's relaxation of the arms embargo against South Africa must be ended, and the embargo tightened to prevent transfers of military significance, particularly of nuclear material. The U.S. government should not engage in any activity regarding Namibia that would recognize or support the illegal South African administration, including granting tax credits to U.S. companies doing business in Namibia and paying taxes to South Africa. Moreover, the U.S. government should deny tax advantages to all corporations doing business in South Africa and Rhodesia who support or participate in apartheid practices and policies.\nThe U.S. government should fully enforce the U.N.-ordered Rhodesia sanctions, seek universal compliance with such measures, and repeal the Byrd Amendment.\nEfforts should be made to normalize relations with Angola.", "Words" -> 21139, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1178, "and" -> 1037, "of" -> 932, "to" -> 741, "in" -> 375, "a" -> 283, "for" -> 233, "be" -> 230, "that" -> 209, "our" -> 201, "We" -> 176, "The" -> 176, "must" -> 145, "will" -> 140, "should" -> 134, "is" -> 131, "with" -> 128, "as" -> 127, "on" -> 115, "by" -> 113, "we" -> 104, "are" -> 99, "have" -> 89, "Democratic" -> 89, "support" -> 85, "government" -> 81, "has" -> 80, "which" -> 78, "not" -> 75, "economic" -> 75, "all" -> 73, "or" -> 71, "programs" -> 70, "federal" -> 67, "policy" -> 65, "Party" -> 61, "an" -> 59, "national" -> 56, "at" 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"fundamental" -> 8, "first" -> 8, "financial" -> 8, "established" -> 8, "especially" -> 8, "Energy" -> 8, "East" -> 8, "drug" -> 8, "domestic" -> 8, "delivery" -> 8, "crimes" -> 8, "cooperation" -> 8, "conventional" -> 8, "consistent" -> 8, "clear" -> 8, "civil" -> 8, "By" -> 8, "beyond" -> 8, "better" -> 8, "become" -> 8, "average" -> 8, "allies" -> 8, "waste" -> 7, "U.S.S.R." -> 7, "threat" -> 7, "They" -> 7, "strength" -> 7, "requires" -> 7, "recognition" -> 7, "recent" -> 7, "pursuit" -> 7, "provided" -> 7, "proper" -> 7, "population" -> 7, "peaceful" -> 7, "Party's" -> 7, "party" -> 7, "others" -> 7, "objectives" -> 7, "next" -> 7, "move" -> 7, "minority" -> 7, "million" -> 7, "Middle" -> 7, "lost" -> 7, "long" -> 7, "loans" -> 7, "living" -> 7, "limit" -> 7, "last" -> 7, "increases" -> 7, "incomes" -> 7, "improve" -> 7, "however" -> 7, "given" -> 7, "financing" -> 7, "every" -> 7, "even" -> 7, "establish" -> 7, "elimination" -> 7, "efficiency" -> 7, "done" -> 7, "does" -> 7, "Development" -> 7, "decisions" -> 7, "corporations" -> 7, "construction" -> 7, "concern" -> 7, "Civil" -> 7, "capacity" -> 7, "budget" -> 7, "because" -> 7, "avoid" -> 7, "An" -> 7, "almost" -> 7, "African" -> 7, "act" -> 7, "year" -> 6, "war" -> 6, "vigorously" -> 6, "Vietnam" -> 6, "value" -> 6, "students" -> 6, "sound" -> 6, "Social" -> 6, "Service" -> 6, "rising" -> 6, "respect" -> 6, "remain" -> 6, "rehabilitation" -> 6, "region" -> 6, "reforms" -> 6, "real" -> 6, "put" -> 6, "provisions" -> 6, "protection" -> 6, "property" -> 6, "progress" -> 6, "produce" -> 6, "procurement" -> 6, "procedures" -> 6, "primary" -> 6, "Policy" -> 6, "open" -> 6, "number" -> 6, "NATO" -> 6, "Nations" -> 6, "multinational" -> 6, "money" -> 6, "materials" -> 6, "management" -> 6, "internal" -> 6, "intelligence" -> 6, "industry" -> 6, "independent" -> 6, "independence" -> 6, "increasingly" -> 6, "inadequate" -> 6, "improvement" -> 6, "If" -> 6, "However" -> 6, "Housing" -> 6, "healthy" -> 6, "growing" -> 6, "grants" -> 6, "global" -> 6, "force" -> 6, "fiscal" -> 6, "firm" -> 6, "expenditures" -> 6, "expand" -> 6, "executive" -> 6, "European" -> 6, "emphasis" -> 6, "each" -> 6, "distribution" -> 6, "deter" -> 6, "crisis" -> 6, "coordinated" -> 6, "congressional" -> 6, "conflict" -> 6, "competitive" -> 6, "compensation" -> 6, "change" -> 6, "But" -> 6, "bring" -> 6, "bargaining" -> 6, "balanced" -> 6, "balance" -> 6, "area" -> 6, "alleviate" -> 6, "agency" -> 6, "administration's" -> 6, "additional" -> 6, "abuse" -> 6, "abroad" -> 6, "able" -> 6, "youth" -> 5, "young" -> 5, "wealth" -> 5, "water" -> 5, "vital" -> 5, "turn" -> 5, "treatment" -> 5, "traditional" -> 5, "themselves" -> 5, "sufficient" -> 5, "suffer" -> 5, "structure" -> 5, "strengthening" -> 5, "status" -> 5, "specific" -> 5, "Special" -> 5, "significant" -> 5, "serve" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "sales" -> 5, "rule" -> 5, "Rights" -> 5, "rich" -> 5, "revenue" -> 5, "return" -> 5, "responsible" -> 5, "responsibilities" -> 5, "research" -> 5, "requirements" -> 5, "remains" -> 5, "regulation" -> 5, "reductions" -> 5, "reducing" -> 5, "record" -> 5, "recognizes" -> 5, "recession" -> 5, "reaffirm" -> 5, "rather" -> 5, "promotion" -> 5, "projects" -> 5, "principle" -> 5, "prevent" -> 5, "preserve" -> 5, "powers" -> 5, "police" -> 5, "placed" -> 5, "performance" -> 5, "particularly" -> 5, "overhaul" -> 5, "operating" -> 5, "older" -> 5, "mortgage" -> 5, "met" -> 5, "mental" -> 5, "medical" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "long-run" -> 5, "least" -> 5, "keep" -> 5, "Israel" -> 5, "involvement" -> 5, "International" -> 5, "intended" -> 5, "inequities" -> 5, "individuals" -> 5, "implement" -> 5, "had" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "Ford" -> 5, "forced" -> 5, "fiber" -> 5, "far" -> 5, "equitable" -> 5, "Environmental" -> 5, "enough" -> 5, "enhance" -> 5, "enforce" -> 5, "encouraged" -> 5, "efficient" -> 5, "during" -> 5, "discrimination" -> 5, "Democrats" -> 5, "democratic" -> 5, "decent" -> 5, "deal" -> 5, "created" -> 5, "create" -> 5, "court" -> 5, "could" -> 5, "corporate" -> 5, "continuing" -> 5, "continued" -> 5, "commitments" -> 5, "choice" -> 5, "children" -> 5, "child" -> 5, "certain" -> 5, "call" -> 5, "below" -> 5, "believes" -> 5, "barriers" -> 5, "assuring" -> 5, "artists" -> 5, "arrangements" -> 5, "air" -> 5, "again" -> 5, "activities" -> 5, "accomplished" -> 5, "accompanied" -> 5, "ability" -> 5, "1975" -> 5, "World" -> 4, "With" -> 4, "whose" -> 4, "While" -> 4, "whatever" -> 4, "way" -> 4, "up" -> 4, "unfair" -> 4, "unemployed" -> 4, "undertake" -> 4, "transfers" -> 4, "Those" -> 4, "terms" -> 4, "technology" -> 4, "technologies" -> 4, "successful" -> 4, "substantially" -> 4, "stress" -> 4, "steps" -> 4, "stand" -> 4, "spend" -> 4, "skills" -> 4, "size" -> 4, "since" -> 4, "simply" -> 4, "sex" -> 4, "settlement" -> 4, "set" -> 4, "sense" -> 4, "senior" -> 4, "secret" -> 4, "schools" -> 4, "savings" -> 4, "Right" -> 4, "revision" -> 4, "reverse" -> 4, "restrictions" -> 4, "responsive" -> 4, "reserves" -> 4, "renewable" -> 4, "remedy" -> 4, "relationship" -> 4, "related" -> 4, "regional" -> 4, "regarding" -> 4, "reflect" -> 4, "reduced" -> 4, "reaffirms" -> 4, "reaffirmation" -> 4, "properly" -> 4, "proliferation" -> 4, "profit" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "producers" -> 4, "produced" -> 4, "principal" -> 4, "Policies" -> 4, "platform" -> 4, "plan" -> 4, "place" -> 4, "payments" -> 4, "ownership" -> 4, "overall" -> 4, "organizations" -> 4, "orderly" -> 4, "Opportunity" -> 4, "officials" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "numbers" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "much" -> 4, "moved" -> 4, "mismanagement" -> 4, "mechanisms" -> 4, "matters" -> 4, "massive" -> 4, "manner" -> 4, "mandatory" -> 4, "making" -> 4, "maintain" -> 4, "live" -> 4, "like" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "less" -> 4, "legitimate" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "leadership" -> 4, "Law" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "key" -> 4, "issues" -> 4, "interference" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "insuring" -> 4, "influence" -> 4, "industrial" -> 4, "include" -> 4, "importance" -> 4, "implemented" -> 4, "impact" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "illegal" -> 4, "historic" -> 4, "greatest" -> 4, "goods" -> 4, "General" -> 4, "forms" -> 4, "flexible" -> 4, "fleet" -> 4, "financed" -> 4, "few" -> 4, "failed" -> 4, "face" -> 4, "estate" -> 4, "equipment" -> 4, "equally" -> 4, "Equal" -> 4, "enacted" -> 4, "Employment" -> 4, "eligibility" -> 4, "efficiently" -> 4, "Economic" -> 4, "Eastern" -> 4, "ease" -> 4, "early" -> 4, "duplication" -> 4, "drugs" -> 4, "dollars" -> 4, "disclosure" -> 4, "directly" -> 4, "diplomatic" -> 4, "deprivation" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "Defense" -> 4, "dealing" -> 4, "currently" -> 4, "cover" -> 4, "conversion" -> 4, "constructive" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "confidence" -> 4, "concentration" -> 4, "Community" -> 4, "common" -> 4, "commodity" -> 4, "come" -> 4, "code" -> 4, "China" -> 4, "ceiling" -> 4, "capability" -> 4, "bureaucratic" -> 4, "black" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "back" -> 4, "At" -> 4, "assist" -> 4, "assessment" -> 4, "Asia" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "annual" -> 4, "Angola" -> 4, "And" -> 4, "America's" -> 4, "alternative" -> 4, "alone" -> 4, "afford" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "adversaries" -> 4, "adoption" -> 4, "administrations" -> 4, "addition" -> 4, "actually" -> 4, "actions" -> 4, "account" -> 4, "accept" -> 4, "abuses" -> 4, "1970" -> 4, "1968" -> 4, "willing" -> 3, "what" -> 3, "Western" -> 3, "ways" -> 3, "War" -> 3, "vitality" -> 3, "virtually" -> 3, "violations" -> 3, "utility" -> 3, "U.S.-U.S.S.R" -> 3, "users" -> 3, "useful" -> 3, "urgent" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "unprecedented" -> 3, "universal" -> 3, "uniform" -> 3, "unequal" -> 3, "Unemployment" -> 3, "undertaken" -> 3, "understanding" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "unconstitutional" -> 3, "Two" -> 3, "two" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "trained" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "together" -> 3, "Today" -> 3, "today" -> 3, "Title" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "threaten" -> 3, "tension" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "tactical" -> 3, "survive" -> 3, "supports" -> 3, "supporting" -> 3, "supplies" -> 3, "structured" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "stop" -> 3, "sought" -> 3, "soil" -> 3, "similarly" -> 3, "shortages" -> 3, "shipping" -> 3, "shift" -> 3, "shelter" -> 3, "serious" -> 3, "seeking" -> 3, "see" -> 3, "Security" -> 3, "secondary" -> 3, "safeguards" -> 3, "Rural" -> 3, "rules" -> 3, "revitalize" -> 3, "revitalization" -> 3, "resulting" -> 3, "resolve" -> 3, "remedies" -> 3, "rely" -> 3, "relieve" -> 3, "Relations" -> 3, "regulated" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "redress" -> 3, "recognizing" -> 3, "realities" -> 3, "reach" -> 3, "rail" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "punishment" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "prosecution" -> 3, "propose" -> 3, "promoting" -> 3, "productivity" -> 3, "product" -> 3, "producing" -> 3, "privacy" -> 3, "priorities" -> 3, "pricing" -> 3, "press" -> 3, "preferable" -> 3, "practice" -> 3, "populations" -> 3, "pollution" -> 3, "politics" -> 3, "pledged" -> 3, "phased" -> 3, "periodic" -> 3, "peoples" -> 3, "path" -> 3, "parts" -> 3, "particular" -> 3, "participate" -> 3, "overcome" -> 3, "Over" -> 3, "ourselves" -> 3, "organize" -> 3, "oppression" -> 3, "opposition" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "operate" -> 3, "once" -> 3, "Older" -> 3, "official" -> 3, "Of" -> 3, "obtain" -> 3, "neighbors" -> 3, "negotiations" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "neglect" -> 3, "naval" -> 3, "multilateral" -> 3, "moral" -> 3, "monetary" -> 3, "moderate" -> 3, "minorities" -> 3, "millions" -> 3, "middle-income" -> 3, "merchant" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "meaningful" -> 3, "matching" -> 3, "Many" -> 3, "majority" -> 3, "lower" -> 3, "long-term" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "longer" -> 3, "line" -> 3, "limits" -> 3, "limitation" -> 3, "liberalization" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "larger" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "know" -> 3, "justified" -> 3, "Justice" -> 3, "Ireland" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "investments" -> 3, "integration" -> 3, "instability" -> 3, "innovation" -> 3, "injustice" -> 3, "Inflation" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "Indian" -> 3, "includes" -> 3, "incentive" -> 3, "impose" -> 3, "imports" -> 3, "illusion" -> 3, "how" -> 3, "honest" -> 3, "homes" -> 3, "historical" -> 3, "hiring" -> 3, "highly" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "Health" -> 3, "hardship" -> 3, "harassment" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "grant" -> 3, "government's" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "good" -> 3, "go" -> 3, "Further" -> 3, "fullest" -> 3, "friends" -> 3, "Freedom" -> 3, "framework" -> 3, "found" -> 3, "forward" -> 3, "formula" -> 3, "Food" -> 3, "flexibility" -> 3, "fixed" -> 3, "Finally" -> 3, "fight" -> 3, "field" -> 3, "federally" -> 3, "features" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "farmer" -> 3, "fairness" -> 3, "Fair" -> 3, "failure" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "facilitate" -> 3, "faced" -> 3, "extent" -> 3, "export" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "expensive" -> 3, "expenditure" -> 3, "expect" -> 3, "expanded" -> 3, "exist" -> 3, "Executive" -> 3, "example" -> 3, "evidence" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "erosion" -> 3, "eroded" -> 3, "endangering" -> 3, "encouraging" -> 3, "enable" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "embargo" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "either" -> 3, "Eight" -> 3, "effectiveness" -> 3, "earnings" -> 3, "During" -> 3, "doing" -> 3, "disease" -> 3, "directed" -> 3, "diminishing" -> 3, "deterrent" -> 3, "desire" -> 3, "desegregation" -> 3, "depression" -> 3, "dependent" -> 3, "Department" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "demonstrated" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "demanding" -> 3, "deficits" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "death" -> 3, "dangers" -> 3, "dangerous" -> 3, "damage" -> 3, "cut" -> 3, "Cuba" -> 3, "crises" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "country's" -> 3, "correct" -> 3, "coordination" -> 3, "controls" -> 3, "contractors" -> 3, "continues" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "conditions" -> 3, "concrete" -> 3, "concept" -> 3, "complex" -> 3, "companies" -> 3, "commit" -> 3, "combat" -> 3, "closest" -> 3, "chemicals" -> 3, "changes" -> 3, "challenges" -> 3, "carefully" -> 3, "Canal" -> 3, "burning" -> 3, "build" -> 3, "broad" -> 3, "block" -> 3, "bilateral" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "becoming" -> 3, "averaged" -> 3, "attack" -> 3, "assurance" -> 3, "assets" -> 3, "arts" -> 3, "approach" -> 3, "applied" -> 3, "Any" -> 3, "anti-recession" -> 3, "amounts" -> 3, "amend" -> 3, "alternatives" -> 3, "All" -> 3, "aimed" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "aggressive" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "affirmative" -> 3, "affected" -> 3, "adult" -> 3, "adopt" -> 3, "Administrations" -> 3, "administered" -> 3, "active" -> 3, "achieving" -> 3, "absolutely" -> 3, "$20" -> 2, "Yet" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "wrong" -> 2, "word" -> 2, "Without" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "wind" -> 2, "willingness" -> 2, "wide" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "Where" -> 2, "When" -> 2, "What" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "waterway" -> 2, "wasteful" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "vulnerable" -> 2, "voting" -> 2, "voluntary" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "Vice" -> 2, "VI" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "utilization" -> 2, "using" -> 2, "upgrading" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unreasonable" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "uninterrupted" -> 2, "unilateral" -> 2, "undue" -> 2, "undesirable" -> 2, "uncoordinated" -> 2, "uncertainty" -> 2, "types" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "troops" -> 2, "Treaty" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "transit" -> 2, "tragically" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "towns" -> 2, "towards" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "too" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "timely" -> 2, "tide" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "tenets" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "technological" -> 2, "techniques" -> 2, "technical" -> 2, "Tax" -> 2, "taught" -> 2, "tape" -> 2, "takeover" -> 2, "systematically" -> 2, "systematic" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "suspicion" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "supported" -> 2, "suppliers" -> 2, "superior" -> 2, "suffered" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "structures" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "streets" -> 2, "strategies" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "stifled" -> 2, "steady" -> 2, "steadily" -> 2, "stationed" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "starts" -> 2, "standing" -> 2, "Standards" -> 2, "Stamps" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "stagnation" -> 2, "staff" -> 2, "stabilize" -> 2, "speedy" -> 2, "species" -> 2, "Southern" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "sorry" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "solely" -> 2, "solar" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "simplified" -> 2, "simple" -> 2, "shocks" -> 2, "sharing" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "severe" -> 2, "setting" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "servants" -> 2, "seriously" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "sentencing" -> 2, "sectors" -> 2, "scrutiny" -> 2, "schedule" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "Sahel" -> 2, "safe" -> 2, "sacrificed" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "Rhodesia" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "revolutionary" -> 2, "reversed" -> 2, "Revenue" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "restraint" -> 2, "restraining" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "resort" -> 2, "resolution" -> 2, "residential" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "requirement" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "Republic" -> 2, "represent" -> 2, "repeal" -> 2, "reorganize" -> 2, "reorganization" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "removed" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "reiterate" -> 2, "reinforce" -> 2, "regulations" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "regressive" -> 2, "regimes" -> 2, "regardless" -> 2, "reformed" -> 2, "Reform" -> 2, "red" -> 2, "recycled" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "Recognizing" -> 2, "recipients" -> 2, "recessions" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "reasons" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "raw" -> 2, "Rather" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "rape" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "railroads" -> 2, "racial" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "Quality" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "pursuing" -> 2, "purely" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "pupils" -> 2, "prudent" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "protecting" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "prospects" -> 2, "promptly" -> 2, "promoted" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "produces" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "procedure" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "privilege" -> 2, "priced" -> 2, "preventive" -> 2, "prestige" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "pressing" -> 2, "presently" -> 2, "preferences" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "pose" -> 2, "pleading" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "planned" -> 2, "plagued" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "physicians" -> 2, "petroleum" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "person" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "periods" -> 2, "percent" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "peacetime" -> 2, "peacefully" -> 2, "paying" -> 2, "patient" -> 2, "passed" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "part-time" -> 2, "partners" -> 2, "partner" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "option" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "OPEC" -> 2, "Only" -> 2, "old" -> 2, "often" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "Office" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "oceans" -> 2, "Occupational" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "Northern" -> 2, "normalized" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "non-farm" -> 2, "night" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neighborhood" -> 2, "negotiation" -> 2, "negotiated" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "Needs" -> 2, "nearly" -> 2, "Near" -> 2, "navy" -> 2, "nature" -> 2, "Namibia" -> 2, "Moreover" -> 2, "More" -> 2, "monitoring" -> 2, "moderate-income" -> 2, "misguided" -> 2, "mining" -> 2, "miners" -> 2, "mineral" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "meetings" -> 2, "meeting" -> 2, "Mediterranean" -> 2, "Medicare" -> 2, "Medicaid" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "Maximum" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "mass" -> 2, "marketplace" -> 2, "manpower" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "malfeasance" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "mail" -> 2, "low-cost" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "liquidate" -> 2, "linked" -> 2, "lines" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "lie" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "let" -> 2, "leasing" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "leader" -> 2, "lawlessness" -> 2, "language" -> 2, "labeling" -> 2, "knows" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "jurisdictions" -> 2, "jurisdiction" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "judges" -> 2, "Jobs" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "Japanese" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "isolation" -> 2, "isolated" -> 2, "isolate" -> 2, "irresponsible" -> 2, "investigate" -> 2, "introduce" -> 2, "Internal" -> 2, "intensify" -> 2, "intelligent" -> 2, "insured" -> 2, "institutional" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "Instead" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "industrialized" -> 2, "indirect" -> 2, "indifference" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "Improved" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "imported" -> 2, "importantly" -> 2, "immediately" -> 2, "illusions" -> 2, "illness" -> 2, "illicit" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "II" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "identify" -> 2, "ideas" -> 2, "ideal" -> 2, "I" -> 2, "hunger" -> 2, "Humanities" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "houses" -> 2, "hospitalization" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "high-risk" -> 2, "high-level" -> 2, "helping" -> 2, "hearings" -> 2, "hard" -> 2, "guns" -> 2, "guaranteed" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "grounded" -> 2, "grain" -> 2, "governing" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "gift" -> 2, "geothermal" -> 2, "genuine" -> 2, "generations" -> 2, "generally" -> 2, "gap" -> 2, "funded" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "functioning" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "full-employment" -> 2, "Full" -> 2, "fuel" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "four" -> 2, "founders" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "formulate" -> 2, "formation" -> 2, "forgotten" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "foremost" -> 2, "focusing" -> 2, "focus" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "fissionable" -> 2, "fiscally" -> 2, "find" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "FHA" -> 2, "fewer" -> 2, "fellow" -> 2, "fear" -> 2, "favoritism" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "exert" -> 2, "exercising" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "exemptions" -> 2, "excuse" -> 2, "excluded" -> 2, "excessive" -> 2, "exceed" -> 2, "ever-increasing" -> 2, "evaluation" -> 2, "estimated" -> 2, "equitably" -> 2, "equals" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "enlightened" -> 2, "enjoyed" -> 2, "enhanced" -> 2, "Enforcement" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "ends" -> 2, "endorse" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "endangered" -> 2, "encourages" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "emphasizing" -> 2, "emphasize" -> 2, "emigration" -> 2, "eliminated" -> 2, "element" -> 2, "Efforts" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "Educational" -> 2, "Education" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "dropped" -> 2, "dominated" -> 2, "dominate" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "divide" -> 2, "diverted" -> 2, "distrust" -> 2, "disposal" -> 2, "dispersed" -> 2, "dislocations" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "disarmament" -> 2, "disadvantaged" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "diplomacy" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "different" -> 2, "deterrence" -> 2, "detention" -> 2, "detente" -> 2, "detection" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "depressed" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "dependence" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "democracy" -> 2, "demise" -> 2, "deductions" -> 2, "decline" -> 2, "decision-making" -> 2, "dealings" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "Current" -> 2, "cure" -> 2, "curb" -> 2, "critical" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "coverage" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "costly" -> 2, "cornerstone" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "conviction" -> 2, "controlling" -> 2, "contributions" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "contrast" -> 2, "context" -> 2, "consuming" -> 2, "constitutionally" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "consistently" -> 2, "Consistent" -> 2, "considered" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "conglomerates" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "concerning" -> 2, "concentrate" -> 2, "conceived" -> 2, "compromising" -> 2, "compliance" -> 2, "complexity" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "complaints" -> 2, "Competition" -> 2, "competent" -> 2, "compensatory" -> 2, "compensate" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "combination" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "colleges" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "climate" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "Citizens" -> 2, "Citizen" -> 2, "Cities" -> 2, "cheeks" -> 2, "charged" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "challenge" -> 2, "central" -> 2, "centers" -> 2, "caused" -> 2, "categories" -> 2, "careful" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "bugging" -> 2, "budgets" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "boycotts" -> 2, "boundary" -> 2, "borne" -> 2, "bilingual" -> 2, "big" -> 2, "beneficial" -> 2, "belong" -> 2, "Because" -> 2, "base" -> 2, "ban" -> 2, "bad" -> 2, "B-1" -> 2, "away" -> 2, "avoiding" -> 2, "availability" -> 2, "automatic" -> 2, "attractive" -> 2, "Attorney" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "atmosphere" -> 2, "Asian" -> 2, "Arts" -> 2, "arsenals" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "arise" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "approaches" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "allows" -> 2, "allow" -> 2, "alcoholism" -> 2, "Aid" -> 2, "ago" -> 2, "aggressively" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "afraid" -> 2, "aesthetic" -> 2, "advocacy" -> 2, "advisors" -> 2, "advertising" -> 2, "advantages" -> 2, "advanced" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "administrators" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "adjusted" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "addiction" -> 2, "across" -> 2, "acknowledge" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accurate" -> 2, "accounting" -> 2, "Accountability" -> 2, "accountability" -> 2, "acceptable" -> 2, "abused" -> 2, "abundance" -> 2, "absence" -> 2, "Above" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "40" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "25" -> 2, "20" -> 2, "1974" -> 2, "1972" -> 2, "1960" -> 2, "1954" -> 2, "14" -> 2, "$90" -> 1, "$76" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$547" -> 1, "$50" -> 1, "$5" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$27" -> 1, "$2.5" -> 1, "$242" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$14" -> 1, "$133" -> 1, "$100,000" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "Zionism" -> 1, "zero-based" -> 1, "Yugoslavia—would" -> 1, "Younger" -> 1, "yoke" -> 1, "worthless" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "world—which" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "workplace" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "workers—unemployment" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wiretaps" -> 1, "wiretapping" -> 1, "windfalls" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "will—work" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "widely" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "wholesomeness" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatsoever" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "well-equipped" -> 1, "well-defined" -> 1, "well-coordinated" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "web" -> 1, "wealthy" -> 1, "wealthiest" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "Ways" -> 1, "watch-words" -> 1, "wastefully" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "vulnerability" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "visible" -> 1, "Virginia—set" -> 1, "virgin" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "vindicate" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victories" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "victimless" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "vetoing" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "variations" -> 1, "values—the" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "VA-approved" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilities" -> 1, "U.S.-Soviet" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "U.S.-African" -> 1, "U.S.-Africa" -> 1, "urges" -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "urgency" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "upgrade" -> 1, "unwise" -> 1, "unstable" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unresponsive" -> 1, "unpaid" -> 1, "U.N.-ordered" -> 1, "unobtainable" -> 1, "Unnecessary" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unjustified" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "Universal" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "uninhabitable" -> 1, "unfounded" -> 1, "unflinching" -> 1, "unfavorable" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unequivocal" -> 1, "unenforceable" -> 1, "unemployment-related" -> 1, "uneconomic" -> 1, "under-utilized" -> 1, "underutilization" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "underserved" -> 1, "underscores" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "underfunded" -> 1, "underdeveloped" -> 1, "undercut" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unconscionable" -> 1, "unchecked" -> 1, "unchanged" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unbelievably" -> 1, "unashamed" -> 1, "unalienable" -> 1, "U.N." -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two-earner" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "truthful" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "trucking" -> 1, "triggering" -> 1, "tribes" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "travail" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transferring" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "trampling" -> 1, "Trainee-ships" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "traders" -> 1, "toys" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "tough-minded" -> 1, "Tough" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "touchstone" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "totaling" -> 1, "torture" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "tolerating" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "token" -> 1, "timetables" -> 1, "tightened" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "thwarted" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "three-quarters" -> 1, "three-fourths" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "Thirty" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "terrorist" -> 1, "terrorism" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "terminate" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tenor" -> 1, "Ten" -> 1, "Tel" -> 1, "technology-intensive" -> 1, "tax—which" -> 1, "tax-paying" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "tax-loss" -> 1, "taxi" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "taxable" -> 1, "target-shooting" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "talk" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "Taiwan" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "syndicates" -> 1, "symbolic" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "survivability" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supposed" -> 1, "supplicants" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "sunset" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "sufficiently" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "Suez" -> 1, "Successful" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "substituted" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "substandard" -> 1, "subsidizing" -> 1, "subsidization" -> 1, "subservient" -> 1, "subsequent" -> 1, "subcontinent" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "struggles" -> 1, "structural" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "Strip" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stricken" -> 1, "stresses" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "stranglehold" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "stored" -> 1, "stop-and-go" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stockholders" -> 1, "stimulus" -> 1, "stimulates" -> 1, "Steps" -> 1, "stepped-up" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "stemmed" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "stated" -> 1, "State-based" -> 1, "starches" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stance" -> 1, "stamps" -> 1, "stakes" -> 1, "stained" -> 1, "Stagnation" -> 1, "Stagflation" -> 1, "Stable" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "Stability" -> 1, "squandered" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spreading" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sportsmen" -> 1, "spiritually" -> 1, "spinal" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "spelled" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "speculators" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "specials" -> 1, "speaks" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "sparsely-equipped" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "Soviet-American" -> 1, "sovereignty—the" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "soundly" -> 1, "sought—against" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "Something" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "society—whether" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "smooth" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "slander" -> 1, "skyrocket" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "site" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "similarly-aged" -> 1, "Similar" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sickle" -> 1, "shuttling" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "short-run" -> 1, "shortfall" -> 1, "shop" -> 1, "shirk" -> 1, "shifting" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "shelf" -> 1, "shaken" -> 1, "sewage" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "servicing" -> 1, "services—actions" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "sequence" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "sentences" -> 1, "sensors" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-interest—government" -> 1, "self-fulfilling" -> 1, "self-evident" -> 1, "self-esteem" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "selectively" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "see-saw" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "Section" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secretly" -> 1, "secretive" -> 1, "Secondary" -> 1, "seamless" -> 1, "seamen" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scrutinize" -> 1, "sciences" -> 1, "schools—education" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "scatter" -> 1, "Savings" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "save" -> 1, "Saturday" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safeguards—both" -> 1, "saddled" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "rivalry" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "rises" -> 1, "rigorously" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "Rico's" -> 1, "rhetorically" -> 1, "rhetorical" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revulsion" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revised" -> 1, "revelations" -> 1, "revealed" -> 1, "revamped" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "retrogression" -> 1, "retarded" -> 1, "retardation" -> 1, "retaliation" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resumed" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "resultant" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "restates" -> 1, "Responsive" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "responds" -> 1, "responded" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "resources—we" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resisting" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "Resident" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "reprocessing" -> 1, "repressive" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "represents" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "replenishment" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "renting" -> 1, "renovation" -> 1, "renews" -> 1, "renders" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remained" -> 1, "reluctance" -> 1, "relocate" -> 1, "relieving" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "releases" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "release" -> 1, "relaxation" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "rekindling" -> 1, "reinstate" -> 1, "reinforcing" -> 1, "rehabilitates" -> 1, "Regulatory" -> 1, "regulators" -> 1, "Regulations" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "refrains" -> 1, "reformulated" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "refineries" -> 1, "reexamined" -> 1, "re-examination" -> 1, "redrawing" -> 1, "red-lining" -> 1, "redistributing" -> 1, "redistributes" -> 1, "redeploy" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recurring" -> 1, "recruitment" -> 1, "recruited" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recipient" -> 1, "Recessions" -> 1, "recession-related" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "recapture" -> 1, "reassure" -> 1, "reasserts" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "reappraisal" -> 1, "realizes" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "Real" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "reading" -> 1, "reactor" -> 1, "react" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "rate—for" -> 1, "Rates" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "ranches" -> 1, "ranchers" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "Raising" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raging" -> 1, "rafted" -> 1, "racist" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "quo" -> 1, "Quite" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualifications" -> 1, "pushers" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "Pursuit" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "purport" -> 1, "purchasers" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "punishes" -> 1, "publish" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "pseudo-independence" -> 1, "prudently" -> 1, "provocative" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "providers" -> 1, "proves" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "Protecting" -> 1, "prospectively" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "prosecutorial" -> 1, "Prosecutor" -> 1, "prosecutor" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "projection" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "prohibitions" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "programs—operated" -> 1, "Program" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profit-oriented" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "proficiency" -> 1, "professions—without" -> 1, "professionals" -> 1, "professionally" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "Production" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "Producers" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "problems—such" -> 1, "Privacy" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prisoners—men" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "Price" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "pre-trial" -> 1, "pressures" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "prepayment" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "premise" -> 1, "premature" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "predominantly" -> 1, "predictable" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "praised" -> 1, "pragmatic" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "Potential" -> 1, "potent" -> 1, "posturing" -> 1, "posture" -> 1, "postsecondary" -> 1, "post-release" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "posing" -> 1, "Portugal" -> 1, "pork-barrel" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "poorer" -> 1, "pollution-control" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "policy—in" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "polemics" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "plus" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "plentiful" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plagues" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placement" -> 1, "pipelines" -> 1, "picket" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "pessimism" -> 1, "Pertinent" -> 1, "per-student" -> 1, "person—an" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "personnel" -> 1, "persist" -> 1, "perquisites" -> 1, "permissible" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "performers" -> 1, "Pentagon" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pensioner" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "pays" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "pawn" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "patients" -> 1, "Patience" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "Party—Thomas" -> 1, "partnership" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "partial" -> 1, "parental" -> 1, "pardon" -> 1, "paraprofessionals" -> 1, "paramedics" -> 1, "para-medical" -> 1, "paralysis" -> 1, "paperwork" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "pangs" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "pairing" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "overturn" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "oversell" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overlap" -> 1, "overhead" -> 1, "overgrown" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overburdened" -> 1, "outstrips" -> 1, "outspend" -> 1, "Outside" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "outlawing" -> 1, "outer" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "originally" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organs" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "Orderly" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opposition—the" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "openness" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "one-sided" -> 1, "one-quarter" -> 1, "one-fifth" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "oil-pricing" -> 1, "officially" -> 1, "offensive" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "obstructing" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "Observance" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "obscure" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "nutritional" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "now-chronic" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "notorious" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "normalizing" -> 1, "normalize" -> 1, "normalization" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non-weapon" -> 1, "non-veterans" -> 1, "non-segregated" -> 1, "nonrenewable" -> 1, "Nonproliferation" -> 1, "nonproliferation" -> 1, "non-poor" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "nonfeasance" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "nondiscrimination" -> 1, "noncooperating" -> 1, "nominate" -> 1, "no-fault" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "newer" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "network" -> 1, "neighborhoods—a" -> 1, "neighborhoods" -> 1, "Neighbor" -> 1, "neglecting" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "Navy—on" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "nation—urban" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "mutually-beneficial" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "mutuality" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multination" -> 1, "much-needed" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "movies" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "mounts" -> 1, "motivated" -> 1, "mothers" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "mood" -> 1, "mold" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "Modernizing" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "modem" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "misused" -> 1, "misunderstood" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "missing" -> 1, "misrule" -> 1, "Mismanagement" -> 1, "mismanaged" -> 1, "mishandling" -> 1, "Misdirected" -> 1, "miscalculation" -> 1, "minority-owned" -> 1, "Minority" -> 1, "minimizes" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minimal" -> 1, "Mineral" -> 1, "mine" -> 1, "militarily" -> 1, "migration" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "Mexican" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "mergers" -> 1, "merge" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "Mental" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "math" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "Martin" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "marketers" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "marital" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marginal" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "manipulative" -> 1, "manipulations" -> 1, "maneuvering" -> 1, "Mandatory" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "managements" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "Major" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "magnet" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "Lyndon" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "Luther" -> 1, "lung" -> 1, "lowest-income" -> 1, "looked" -> 1, "Long" -> 1, "locked" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "locating" -> 1, "locate" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "lobbyists" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "Little" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "listens" -> 1, "listed" -> 1, "link" -> 1, "limited-application" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "lifeline" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "library" -> 1, "Libraries" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "libertarian" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "liabilities" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "lender" -> 1, "legitimately" -> 1, "legislators" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "legislate" -> 1, "legally-constituted" -> 1, "legacy" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "leases" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "learn" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Law-of-the-Sea" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "lawbreakers" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "language-minority" -> 1, "lanes" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "landmarks" -> 1, "lacked" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "King" -> 1, "killers" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "Kerner" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kennedy" -> 1, "juveniles" -> 1, "Juvenile" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "jurisdictional" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "Jr." -> 1, "join" -> 1, "Johnson" -> 1, "John" -> 1, "jobs—the" -> 1, "jobless" -> 1, "job-counseling" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "jailed" -> 1, "jail" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "issues—trade" -> 1, "Israel's" -> 1, "irreplaceable" -> 1, "irrecoverable" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "investigative" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "invent" -> 1, "invasions" -> 1, "intrusions" -> 1, "intrinsic" -> 1, "intricate" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "intervene" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interrelationships" -> 1, "interrelated" -> 1, "interpreted" -> 1, "internship" -> 1, "internationally" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interfering" -> 1, "Interdependence" -> 1, "intercontinental" -> 1, "interchange" -> 1, "intensity" -> 1, "intelligently" -> 1, "Integrity" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "insures" -> 1, "insulation" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "Institutional" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "insensitive" -> 1, "innovatively" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inherently" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "informing" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "informal" -> 1, "influencing" -> 1, "inflationary" -> 1, "inflated" -> 1, "inferior" -> 1, "infantry" -> 1, "inevitability" -> 1, "inequitable" -> 1, "inept" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "industry's" -> 1, "individual's" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "indicate" -> 1, "independently" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "incorporate" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "Incentives" -> 1, "inappropriately" -> 1, "inadvertently" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "impoundment" -> 1, "impounded" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "impossibility" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "imperatives" -> 1, "impeded" -> 1, "impairs" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "identifies" -> 1, "husband" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "humanities" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Huge" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "horizontal" -> 1, "hopefully" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "Homes" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "homelands" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "holiday" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "hoc" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-cost" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hesitating" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "Helsinki" -> 1, "helped" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "have—in" -> 1, "havens" -> 1, "Hatch" -> 1, "Haste" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "harness" -> 1, "harming" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hardware" -> 1, "hard-pressed" -> 1, "happy" -> 1, "Happiness—That" -> 1, "handicapped" -> 1, "Handguns" -> 1, "handguns" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "hallmarks" -> 1, "hallmark" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "gyrations" -> 1, "gun" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guiding" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "growth—that" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "Gross" -> 1, "grips" -> 1, "grievances—is" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "granary" -> 1, "graduate" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "government—responsive" -> 1, "government—anywhere" -> 1, "government-wide" -> 1, "government-supported" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "governance" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "GNP" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "giant" -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "generals" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "fusion" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "Fundamental" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "full-fledged" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "frustrate" -> 1, "fruitful" -> 1, "frozen" -> 1, "friends—notably" -> 1, "Friendship" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "freight" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "founder" -> 1, "forums" -> 1, "fortresses" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "formulating" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "Foremost" -> 1, "force—minorities" -> 1, "forces—particularly" -> 1, "forceful" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "Fisheries" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fish" -> 1, "first-strike" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "firms" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "Firm" -> 1, "finds" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "Fighting" -> 1, "fifth" -> 1, "fierce" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fertility" -> 1, "felony" -> 1, "fellowships" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federally-subsidized" -> 1, "February" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "feared" -> 1, "Fear" -> 1, "favorably" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "Families" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "facilitating" -> 1, "face-to-face" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "F" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extradition" -> 1, "extract" -> 1, "externally" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "exported" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expends" -> 1, "expeditionary" -> 1, "expansionism" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "Exotic" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "Existing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exerting" -> 1, "exerted" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "executing" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "excessively" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "Excess" -> 1, "Exceptions" -> 1, "exceptions" -> 1, "Except" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "exacerbated" -> 1, "evolve" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "Europe—such" -> 1, "Europeans" -> 1, "ethical" -> 1, "Establishment" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "espionage" -> 1, "erodes" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "erase" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equivalents" -> 1, "equating" -> 1, "equalizations" -> 1, "equalization" -> 1, "envision" -> 1, "environmentally" -> 1, "entrenched" -> 1, "enthusiastic" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "ensuring" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enrichment" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enjoying" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "energy—without" -> 1, "energy—natural" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "Endowments" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "Enactment" -> 1, "employment-creating" -> 1, "employer-employee" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emphatically" -> 1, "emphasizes" -> 1, "emphasized" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "embody" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "embark" -> 1, "emasculating" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "Elementary" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electrical" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "eight-year" -> 1, "effectuate" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "economy—through" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "ecologically" -> 1, "eau" -> 1, "East—especially" -> 1, "easing" -> 1, "easily" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "eagerness" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "duration" -> 1, "dunes" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "downward" -> 1, "downstream" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominance" -> 1, "domestically" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "divestiture" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "distorts" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "dispatch" -> 1, "disparities" -> 1, "Disorders" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "disintegrating" -> 1, "disdained" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "discussed" -> 1, "discretion" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "discharging" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disassociate" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "disablement" -> 1, "Disabled" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "diplomats" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "dictated" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "developmental" -> 1, "developers" -> 1, "devaluation" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deteriorating" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "Detente" -> 1, "detained" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destabilizing" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "deserts" -> 1, "deserters" -> 1, "desert" -> 1, "deriving" -> 1, "deregulation" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deployment" -> 1, "Depletion" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "Dependent" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "Department—are" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "democracies" -> 1, "Delinquency" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "defensible" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defense-dependent" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "defenders" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "Defaulting" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "declines" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "deception" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "December" -> 1, "deceit" -> 1, "decaying" -> 1, "Decay" -> 1, "decades" -> 1, "decade" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "Dealing" -> 1, "day-care" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "cut-off" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "curtailing" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crude" -> 1, "crown" -> 1, "cross-section" -> 1, "cronyism" -> 1, "critically-needed" -> 1, "cripplers" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "crime-fighting" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credible" -> 1, "creator" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "Covert" -> 1, "covert" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "courthouse" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "coupled" -> 1, "country—particularly" -> 1, "country-by-country" -> 1, "countries—is" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "Counties" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "cosmetics" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "correctional" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "corporations—before" -> 1, "corollary" -> 1, "cord" -> 1, "copyright" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "Coordinated" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contradicts" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "continually" -> 1, "continental" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumer-oriented" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "construct" -> 1, "constituent" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consonance" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consolidate" -> 1, "consisting" -> 1, "Consideration" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "considerable" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "consensus" -> 1, "consciously" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "congestion" -> 1, "confrontations" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "conflicting" -> 1, "confidentiality" -> 1, "Concretely" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concessionary" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "concentrations" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "concede" -> 1, "comprises" -> 1, "comprise" -> 1, "complications" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "complement" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "Competent" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "Compensatory" -> 1, "compensated" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compel" -> 1, "compared" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "compacts" -> 1, "community—and" -> 1, "community-based" -> 1, "Communities" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committing" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "commits" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "commissioners" -> 1, "commercially" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "college" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "cohesion" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "Coal" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "clients" -> 1, "Clearly" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "Cleaning" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "clash" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "city—have" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "cities—including" -> 1, "chronically" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "Chinese-Soviet" -> 1, "Chile" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "checkoff" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "characteristics" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "chaotic" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "championing" -> 1, "Challenge" -> 1, "certainly" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "centers—abject" -> 1, "Centers" -> 1, "centered" -> 1, "cells" -> 1, "cell" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "Cash" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "case-by-case" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "cargo" -> 1, "care—8.3" -> 1, "carefully-targeted" -> 1, "careers" -> 1, "careerism—the" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "captive" -> 1, "Capper-Volstead" -> 1, "can—and" -> 1, "candor" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "Canadian" -> 1, "Can" -> 1, "campus-based" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "Cambodia" -> 1, "calendars" -> 1, "Byrd" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "business-like" -> 1, "buses" -> 1, "bus" -> 1, "bureaucrats" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "built-in" -> 1, "buildup" -> 1, "builders" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "brunt" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broadly" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "broadcasting" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "brink" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "bribes" -> 1, "bribery" -> 1, "Break-throughs" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "boundaries—to" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bombing" -> 1, "bog" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "blueprint" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "blasphemous" -> 1, "blackmail" -> 1, "Black" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "birthday" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "Billions" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "bids" -> 1, "bicultural" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "beware" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "betray" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benign" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begins" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, 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"armaments" -> 1, "arguing" -> 1, "arena" -> 1, "architectural" -> 1, "archaic" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "Appropriate" -> 1, "apprised" -> 1, "apprenticeship" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appliances" -> 1, "appliance" -> 1, "Appalachia" -> 1, "apartheid" -> 1, "anxiety" -> 1, "anti-union" -> 1, "Anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-pollution" -> 1, "Anti-Inflation" -> 1, "anti-inflation" -> 1, "anti-discrimination" -> 1, "anti-competitive" -> 1, "anti-civil" -> 1, "anti-American" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "anonymous" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "anemia" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "amid" -> 1, "American-Soviet" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "altogether" -> 1, "alternative—coal—is" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "alternate" -> 1, "alterations" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allowable" -> 1, "allocations" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "Alliance" -> 1, "alleviating" -> 1, "allegations" -> 1, "Aliens" -> 1, "air-forces" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "agriculture's" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "Aggressive" -> 1, "aggregate" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "agenda" -> 1, "Agency's" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "aftermath" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "Africans" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "affluent" -> 1, "afflictions" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "affirmatively" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "Advocacy" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "Advertising" -> 1, "advertised" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "adversary's" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "admirals" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "address" -> 1, "Additional" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "ad" -> 1, "acute-care" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acquisitions" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acknowledging" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "Achieve" -> 1, "accusation" -> 1, "Accounting" -> 1, "Accordingly" -> 1, "accomplishing" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accelerating" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "absorb" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abortion" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "abdicating" -> 1, "abandons" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "800" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6.7" -> 1, "622" -> 1, "600—$800—billion" -> 1, "5—billion" -> 1, "500—billion" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "3.6" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2—1/2" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "20—24" -> 1, "200th" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1980" -> 1, "1978" -> 1, "1977" -> 1, "1976" -> 1, "1973" -> 1, "1961" -> 1, "1960s" -> 1, "1956" -> 1, "1945" -> 1, "1940" -> 1, "1936" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "14—1/2" -> 1, "1-1/2" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1972", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1972, "Date" -> DateObject[{1972, 7, 10}], "Text" -> "New Directions: 1972-76\n\nSkepticism and cynicism are widespread in America. The people are skeptical of platforms filled with political platitudes—of promises made by opportunistic politicians.\nThe people are cynical about the idea that a rosy future is just around the corner.\nAnd is it any wonder that the people are skeptical and cynical of the whole political process?\nOur traditions, our history, our Constitution, our lives, all say that America belongs to its people.\nBut the people no longer believe it.\nThey feel that the government is run for the privileged few rather than for the many-and they are right.\nNo political party, no President, no government can by itself restore a lost sense of faith. No Administration can provide solutions to all our problems. What we can do is to recognize the doubts of Americans, to speak to those doubts, and to act to begin turning those doubts into hopes.\nAs Democrats, we know that we share responsibility for that loss of confidence. But we also know, as Democrats that at decisive moments of choice in our past, our party has offered leadership that has tapped the best within our country.\nOur party-standing by its ideals of domestic progress and enlightened internationalism--has served America well. We have nominated or elected men of the high calibre of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Adlai E. Stevenson, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson—and in the last election Hubert Humphrey and Edmund S. Muskie. In that proud tradition we are now prepared to move forward.\nWe know that our nation cannot tolerate any longer a government that shows no regard for the people's basic needs and no respect for our right to the truth from those who lead us. What do the people want? They want three things:\nThey want a personal life that makes us all feel that life is worth living;\nThey want a social environment whose institutions promote the good of all; and\nThey want a physical environment whose resources are used for the good of all.\nThey want an opportunity to achieve their aspirations and their dreams for themselves and their children.\nWe believe in the rights of citizens to achieve to the limit of their talents and energies. We are determined to remove barriers that limit citizens because they are black, brown, young or women; because they never had the chance to gain an education; because there was no possibility of being anything but what they were.\nWe believe in hard work as a fair measure of our own willingness to achieve. We are determined that millions should not stand idle while work demands to be done. We are determined that the dole should not become a permanent way of life for any. And we are determined that government no longer tax the product of hard work more rigorously than it taxes inherited wealth, or money that is gained simply by having money in the first place.\nWe believe that the law must apply equally to all, and that it must be an instrument of justice. We are determined that the citizen must be protected in his home and on his streets. We are determined also that the ordinary citizen should not be imprisoned for a crime before we know whether he is guilty or not while those with the right friends and the right connections can break the law without ever facing the consequences of their actions.\nWe believe that war is a waste of human life. We are determined to end forthwith a war which has cost 50,000 American lives, $150 billion of our resources, that has divided us from each other, drained our national will and inflicted incalculable damage to countless people. We will end that war by a simple plan that need not be kept secret: The immediate total withdrawal of all Americans from Southeast Asia.\nWe believe in the right of an individual to speak, think, read, write, worship, and live free of official intrusion. We are determined that our government must no longer tap the phones of law-abiding citizens nor spy on those who have broken no law. We are determined that never again shall government seek to censor the newspapers and television. We are determined that the government shall no longer mock the supreme law of the land, while it stands helpless in the face of crime which makes our neighborhoods and communities less and less safe.\nPerhaps most fundamentally, we believe that government is the servant, not the master, of the people. We are determined that government should not mean a force so huge, so impersonal, that the complaint of an ordinary citizen goes unheard.\nThat is not the kind of government America was created to build. Our ancestors did not fight a revolution and sacrifice their lives against tyrants from abroad to leave us a government that does not know how to listen to its own people.\nThe Democratic Party is proud of its past; but we are honest enough to admit that we are part of the past and share in its mistakes. We want in 1972 to begin the long and difficult task of reviewing existing programs, revising them to make them work and finding new techniques to serve the public need. We want to speak for, and with, the citizens of our country. Our pledge is to be truthful to the people and to ourselves, to tell you when we succeed, but also when we fail or when we are not sure. In 1976, when this nation celebrates its 200th anniversary, we want to tell you simply that we have done our best to give the government to those who formed it—the people of America.\nEvery election is a choice: In 1972, Americans must decide whether they want their country back again.\nII. Jobs, Prices and Taxes\n\n\"I went to school here and I had some training for truck driver school and I go to different places and put in applications for truck driving but they say, 'We can't hire you without the experience.' Now, I don't have the experience. I don't get the experience without the job first. I have four kids, you know, and I'm on unemployment. And when my unemployment runs out, I'll probably be on relief, like a lot of other people. But, being that I have so many kids, relief is just not going to be enough money. I'm looking for maybe the next year or two, if I don't get a job, they'll probably find me down at the county jail, because I have to do something.\"-Robert Coleman, Pittsburgh Hearing, June 2, 1972.\nThe Nixon Administration has deliberately driven people out of work in a heartless and ineffective effort to deal with inflation. Ending the Nixon policy of creating unemployment is the first task of the Democratic Party.\nThe Nixon \"game plan\" called for more unemployment. Tens of millions of families have suffered joblessness or work cutbacks in the last four years in the name of fighting inflation . . . and for nothing.\nPrices rose faster in early 1972 than at any time from 1960 to 1968.\nToday there are 5.5 million unemployed. The nation will have suffered $175 billion in lost production during the Nixon Administration by election day. Twenty per cent of our people have suffered a period without a job each year in the last three.\nBusiness has lost more in profits than it has gained from this Administration's business-oriented tax cuts.\nIn pockets of cities, up to 40 per cent of our young people are jobless.\nFarmers have seen the lowest parity ratios since the Great Depression.\nFor the first time in 30 years, there is substantial unemployment among aerospace technicians, teachers and other white-collar workers.\nThe economic projections have been manipulated for public relations purposes.\nThe current Nixon game plan includes a control structure which keeps workers' wages down while executive salaries soar, discourages productivity and distributes income away from those who need it and has produced no significant dent in inflation, as prices for food, clothes, rent and basic necessities soar.\nThese losses were unnecessary. They are the price of a Republican Administration which has no consistent economic philosophy, no adequate regard for the human costs of its economic decisions and no vision of what a full employment economy could mean for all Americans.\nJobs, Income and Dignity\n\nFull employment—a guaranteed job for all—is the primary economic objective of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is committed to a job for every American who seeks work. Only through full employment can we reduce the burden on working people. We are determined to make economic security a matter of right. This means a job with decent pay and good working conditions for everyone willing and able to work and an adequate income for those unable to work. It means abolition of the present welfare system.\nTo assure jobs and economic security for all, the next Democratic Administration should support:\nA full employment economy, making full use of fiscal and monetary policy to stimulate employment;\nTax reform directed toward equitable distribution of income and wealth and fair sharing of the cost of government;\nFull enforcement of all equal employment opportunity laws, including federal contract compliance and federally-regulated industries and giving the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission adequate staff and resources and power to issue cease and desist orders promptly;\nVastly increased efforts to open education at all levels and in all fields to minorities, women and other under-represented groups;\nAn effective nation-wide job placement system to entrance worker mobility;\nOpposition to arbitrarily high standards for entry to jobs;\nOverhaul of current manpower programs to assure training-without sex, race or language discrimination for jobs that really exist with continuous skill improvement and the chance for advancement;\nEconomic development programs to ensure the growth of communities and industry in lagging parts of the nation and the economy;\nUse of federal depository funds to reward banks and other financial institutions which invest in socially productive endeavors;\nImproved adjustment assistance and job creation for workers and employers hurt by foreign competition, reconversion of defense-oriented companies, rapid technological change and environmental protection activities;\nClosing tax loopholes that encourage the export of American jobs by American-controlled multi-national corporations;\nAssurance that the needs of society are considered when a decision to close or move an industrial plant is to be made and that income loss to workers and revenue loss to communities does not occur when plants are closed;\nAssurance that, whatever else is done in the income security area, the social security system provides a decent income for the elderly, the blind and the disabled and their dependents, with escalators so that benefits keep pace with rising prices and living standards;\nReform of social security and government employment security programs to remove all forms of discrimination by sex; and adequate federal income assistance for those who do not benefit sufficiently from the above measures.\nThe last is not least, but it is last for good reason. The present welfare system has failed because it has been required to make up for too many other failures. Millions of Americans are forced into public assistance because public policy too often creates no other choice.\nThe heart of a program of economic security based on earned income must be creating jobs and training people to fill them. Millions of jobs—real jobs, not make-work-need to be provided. Public service employment must be greatly expanded in order to make the government the employer of last resort and guarantee a job for all. Large sections of our cities resemble bombed-out Europe after World War II. Children in Appalachia cannot go to school when the dirt road is a sea of mud. Homes, schools and clinics, roads and mass transit systems need to be built.\nCleaning up our air and water will take skills and people in large numbers. In the school, the police department, the welfare agency or the recreation program, there are new careers to be developed to help ensure that social services reach the people for whom they are intended.\nIt may cost more, at least initially, to create decent jobs than to perpetuate the hand-out system of present welfare. But the return—in new public facilities and services, in the dignity of bringing a paycheck home and in the taxes that will come back in—far outweigh the cost of the investment.\nThe next Democratic Administration must end the present welfare system and replace it with an income security program which places cash assistance in an appropriate context with all of the measures outlined above, adding up to an earned income approach to ensure each family an income substantially more than the poverty level ensuring standards of decency and health, as officially defined in the area. Federal income assistance will supplement the income of working poor people and assure an adequate income for those unable to work. With full employment and simpler, fair administration, total costs will go down, and with federal financing the burden on local and state budgets will be eased. The program will protect current benefit goals during the transitional period.\nThe system of income protection which replaces welfare must he a part of the full employment policy which assures every American a job at a fair wage under conditions which make use of his ability and provide an opportunity for advancement. H.R. 1, and its various amendments, is not humane and does not meet the social and economic objectives that we believe in, and it should be defeated. It perpetuates the coercion of forced work requirements.\nEconomic Management\n\nEvery American family knows how its grocery bill has gone up under Nixon. Every American family has felt the bite of higher and higher prices for food and housing and clothing. The Administration attempts to stop price rises have been dismal failures—for which the working people have paid in lost jobs, missed raises and higher prices.\nThis nation achieved its economic greatness under a system of free enterprise, coupled with human effort and ingenuity, and thus it must remain. This will be the attitude and objective of the Party.\nThere must be an end to inflation and the ever-increasing cost of living. This is of vital concern to the laborer, the housewife, the farmer and the small businessman, as well as the millions of Americans dependent upon their weekly or monthly income for sustenance. It wrecks the retirement plans and lives of our elderly who must survive on pensions or savings gauged by the standards of another day.\nThrough greater efficiency in the operation of the machinery of government, so badly plagued with duplication, overlapping and excesses in programs, we will ensure that bureaucracy will cease to exist solely for bureaucracy's own sake. The institutions and functions of government will be judged by their efficiency of operation and their contribution to the lives and welfare of our citizens.\nA first priority of a Democratic Administration must be eliminating the unfair, bureaucratic Nixon wage and price controls.\nWhen price rises threaten to or do get out of control—as they are now—strong, fair action must be taken to protect family income and savings. The theme of that action should be swift, tough measures to break the wage-price spiral and restore the economy. In that kind of economic emergency, America's working people will support a truly fair stabilization program which affects profits, investment earnings, executive salaries and prices, as well as wages. The Nixon controls do not meet that standard. They have forced the American worker, who suffers most from inflation, to pay the price of trying to end it.\nIn addition to stabilizing the economy, we propose:\nTo develop automatic instruments protecting the livelihood of Americans who depend on fixed incomes, such as savings bonds with purchasing power guarantees and cost-of-living escalators in government social security and income support payments;\nTo create a system of \"recession insurance\" for states and localities to replace lost local revenues with federal funds in economic downturns, thereby avoiding reduction in public employment or public services;\nTo establish longer-term budget and fiscal planning; and\nTo create new mechanisms to stop unwarranted price increases in concentrated industries.\nToward Economic Justice\n\nThe Democratic Party deplores the increasing concentration of economic power in fewer and fewer hands. Five per cent of the American people control 90 per cent of our productive national wealth. Less than one per cent of all manufacturers have 88 per cent of the profits. Less than two per cent of the population now owns approximately 80 per cent of the nation's personally-held corporate stock, 90 per cent of the personally-held corporate bonds and nearly 100 per cent of the personally-held municipal bonds. The rest of the population—including all working men and women—pay too much for essential products and services because of national policy and market distortions.\nThe Democratic Administration should pledge itself to combat factors which tend to concentrate wealth and stimulate higher prices.\nTo this end, the federal government should:\nDevelop programs to spread economic growth among the workers, farmers and businessmen;\nHelp make parts of the economy more efficient such as medical care—where wasteful and inefficient practices now increase prices;\nStep up anti-trust action to help competition, with particular regard to laws and enforcement curbing conglomerate mergers which swallow up efficient small business and feed the power of corporate giants;\nStrengthen the anti-trust laws so that the divestiture remedy will be used vigorously to break up large conglomerates found to violate the antitrust laws;\nAbolish the oil import quota that raises prices for consumers;\nDeconcentrate shared monopolies such as auto, steel and tire industries which administer prices, create unemployment through restricted output and stifle technological innovation;\nAssure the right of the citizen to recover costs and attorneys fees in all successful suits including class actions involving Constitutionally-guaranteed rights, or rights secured by federal statutes;\nAdjust rate-making and regulatory activities, with particular attention to regulations which increase prices for food, transportation and other necessities;\nRemove artificial constraints in the job market by better job manpower training and strictly enforcing equal employment opportunity;\nStiffen the civil and criminal statutes to make corporate officers responsible for their actions; and\nEstablish a temporary national economic commission to study federal chartering of large multi-national and international corporations, concentrated ownership and control in the nation's economy.\nTax Reform\n\nThe last ten years have seen a massive shift in the tax burden from the rich to the working people of America. This is due to cuts in federal income taxes simultaneous with big increases in taxes which bear heavily on lower incomes—state and local sales and property taxes and the payroll tax. The federal tax system is still grossly unfair and over-complicated. The wealthy and corporations get special tax favors; major reform of the nation's tax structure is required to achieve a more equitable distribution of income and to raise the funds needed by government. The American people neither should nor will accept anything less from the next Administration.\nThe Nixon Administration, which fought serious reform in 1969, has no program, only promises, for tax reform. Its clumsy administrative favoring of the well-off has meant quick action on corporate tax giveaways like accelerated depreciation, while over-withholding from workers' paychecks goes on and on while the Administration tries to decide what to do.\nIn recent years, the federal tax system has moved precipitously in the wrong direction. Corporate taxes have dropped from 30 per cent of federal revenues in 1954 to 16 per cent in 1973, but payroll taxes for Social Security—regressive because the burden falls more heavily on the worker than on the wealthy—have gone from ten per cent to 29 per cent over the same period. If legislation now pending in Congress passes, pay-roll taxes will have increased over 500 per cent between 1960 and 1970—from $144 to $755—for the average wage earner. Most people earning under $10,000 now pay more in regressive payroll tax than in income tax.\nNow the Nixon Administration—which gave corporations the largest tax cut in American history—is considering a hidden national sales tax (Value Added Tax) which would further shift the burden to the average wage earner and raise prices of virtually everything ordinary people buy. It is cruel and unnecessary to pretend to relieve one bad tax, the property tax, by a new tax which is just as bad. We oppose this price-raising unfair tax in any form.\nFederal income tax. The Democratic Party believes that all unfair corporate and individual tax preferences should be removed. The tax law is clogged with complicated provisions and special interests, such as percentage oil depletion and other favors for the oil industry, special rates and rules for capital gains, fast depreciation unrelated to useful life, easy-to-abuse \"expense-account\" deductions and the ineffective minimum tax. These hidden expenditures in the federal budget are nothing more than billions of \"tax welfare\" aid for the wealthy, the privileged and the corporations.\nWe, therefore, endorse as a minimum step the Mills-Mansfield Tax Policy Review Act of 1972, which would repeal virtually all tax preferences in the existing law over the period 1974-1976, as a means of compelling a systematic review of their value to the nation. We acknowledge that the original reasons for some of these tax preferences may remain valid, but believe that none should escape close scrutiny and full public exposure. The most unjustified of the tax loopholes should, however, be closed immediately, without waiting for a review of the whole system.\nAfter the implementation of the minimum provisions of the Mills-Mansfield Act, the Democratic Party, to combat the economically-depressing effect of a regressive income tax scheme, proposes further revision of the tax law to ensure economic equality of opportunity to ordinary Americans.\nWe hold that the federal tax structure should reflect the following principles:\nThe cost of government must be distributed more fairly among income classes. We reaffirm the long-established principle of progressive taxation —allocating the burden according to ability to pay —which is all but a dead letter in the present tax code.\nThe cost of government must be distributed fairly among citizens in similar economic circumstances:\nDirect expenditures by the federal government which can be budgeted are better than tax preferences as the means for achieving public objectives. The lost income of those tax preferences which are deemed desirable should be stated in the annual budget.\nWhen relief for hardship is provided through federal tax policy, as for blindness, old age or poverty, benefits should be provided equally by credit rather than deductions which favor recipients with more income, with special provisions for those whose credits would exceed the tax they owe.\nProvisions which discriminate against working women and single people should be corrected in addition to greater fairness and efficiency, these principles would mean a major redistribution of personal tax burdens and permit considerable simplification of the tax code and tax forms.\nSocial security tax. The Democratic Party commits itself to make the Social Security tax progressive by raising substantially the ceiling on earned income. To permit needed increases in Social Security benefits, we will use general revenues as necessary to supplement payroll tax receipts. In this way, we will support continued movement toward general revenue financing for social security.\nProperty tax. Greater fairness in taxation at the federal level will have little meaning for the vast majority of American households if the burden of inequitable local taxation is not reduced. To reduce the local property tax for all American families, we support equalization of school spending and substantial increases in the federal share of education costs and general revenue sharing.\nNew forms of federal financial assistance to states and localities should be made contingent upon property tax reforms, including equal treatment and full publication of assessment ratios.\nTax policy should not provide incentives that encourage overinvestment in developed countries by American business, and mechanisms should be instituted to limit undesirable capital exports that exploit labor abroad and damage the American worker at home.\nLabor-Management Relations\n\nFree private collective bargaining between management and independent labor unions has been, and must remain, the cornerstone of our free enterprise system. America achieved its greatness through the combined energy and efforts of the working men and women of this country. Retention of its greatness rests in their hands. Through their great trade union organizations, these men and women, have exerted tremendous influence on the economic and social life of the nation and have attained a standard of living known to no other nation. The concern of the Party is that the gains which labor struggled so long to obtain not be lost to them, whether through inaction or subservience to illogical Republican domestic policies. We pledge continued support for our system of free collective bargaining and denounce any attempt to substitute compulsory arbitration for it. We, therefore, oppose the Nixon Administration's effort to impose arbitration in transportation disputes through its last-offer-selection bill.\nThe National Labor Relations Act should be updated to ensure:\nExtension of protection to employees of non-profit institutions;\nRemedies which adequately reflect the losses caused by violations of the Act;\nRepeal of section 14(b), which allows states to legislate the open shop and remove the ban on common-sites picketing; and\nEffective opportunities for unions, as well as employers, to communicate with employees, without coercion by either side or by anyone acting on their behalf.\nThe Railway Labor Act should be updated to ensure:\nThat strikes on a single carrier or group of carriers cannot be transformed into nation-wide strikes or lockouts;\nIncentives for bargaining which would enable both management and labor to resolve their differences without referring to government intervention; and\nPartial operation of struck railroads to ensure continued movement of essential commodities.\nNew legislation is needed to ensure:\nCollective bargaining rights for government employees;\nUniversal coverage and longer duration of the Unemployment Insurance and Workmen's Compensation programs and to establish minimum federal standards, including the establishment of equitable wage-loss ratios in those programs, including a built-in escalator clause that fairly reflects increases in average wage rates; and\nThat workers covered under private pension plans actually receive the personal and other fringe benefits to which their services for their employer entitle them. This requires that the fixed right to benefits starts early in employment, that reserves move with the worker from job to job and that re-insurance protection be given pension plans.\nLabor Standards\n\nAmerican workers are entitled to job safety at a living wage. Most of the basic protections needed have been recognized in legislation already enacted by Congress.\nThe Fair Labor Standards Act should be updated, however, to:\nMove to a minimum wage of $2.50 per hour, which allows a wage earner to earn more than a poverty level income for 40 hours a week, with no subminimums for special groups or age differentials;\nExpand coverage to include the 16 million workers not presently covered, including domestic workers, service workers, agricultural employees and employees of governmental and nonprofit agencies; and\nSet overtime premiums which give an incentive to hire new employees rather than to use regular employees for extended periods of overtime.\nThe Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act should be updated to provide adequate protection for injured workers and federal standards for workmen's compensation should be set by Congress.\nThe Equal Pay Act of 1963 should be extended to be fully effective, and to cover professional, executive and administrative workers.\nMaternity benefits should be made available to all working women. Temporary disability benefits should cover pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage and recovery.\nOccupational Health and Safety\n\nEach year over 14,000 American workers are killed on their jobs, and nine million injured. Unknown millions more are exposed to long-term danger and disease from exposure to dangerous substances. Federal and state laws are supposed to protect workers; but these laws are not being enforced. This Administration has hired only a handful of inspectors and proposes to turn enforcement over to the same state bureaucracies that have proven inadequate in the past. Where violations are detected, only token penalties have been assessed.\nWe pledge to fully and rigorously enforce the laws which protect the safely and health of workers on their jobs and to extend those laws to all jobs, regardless of number of employees. This must include standards that truly protect against all health hazards, adequate federal enforcement machinery backed up by rigorous penalties and an opportunity for workers themselves to participate in the laws' enforcement by sharing responsibility for plant inspection.\nWe endorse federal research and development of effective approaches to combat the dehumanizing debilitating effects of monotonous work.\nFarm Labor\n\nThe Sixties and Seventies have seen the struggle for unionization by the poorest of the poor in our country—America's migrant farm workers.\nUnder the leadership of Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers have accomplished in the non-violent tradition what was thought impossible only a short time ago. Through hard work and much sacrifice, they are the one group that is successfully organizing farm workers.\nTheir movement has caught the imagination of millions of Americans who have not eaten grapes so that agribusiness employers will recognize their workers as equals and sit down with them in meaningful collective bargaining.\nWe now call upon all friends and supporters of this movement to refrain from buying or eating non-union lettuce.\nFurthermore, we support the farm workers' movement and the use of boycotts as a non-violent and potent weapon for gaining collective bargaining recognition and contracts for agricultural workers. We oppose the Nixon Administration's effort to enjoin the use of the boycott.\nWe also affirm the right of farm workers to organize free of repressive anti-labor legislation, both state and federal.\nIII. Rights, Power and Social Justice\n\n\"We're just asking, and we don't ask for much. Just to give us opportunity to live as human beings as other people have lived.\"-Dorothy Bolden, Atlanta Hearing, June 9, 1972.\n\"All your platform has to say is that the rights, opportunities and political power of citizenship will be extended to the lowest level, to neighborhoods and individuals. If your party can live up to that simple pledge, my faith will lie restored.\"—Bobby Westbrooks, St. Louis Hearing, June 17, 1972.\n\"We therefore urge the Democratic Party to adopt the principle that America has a responsibility to offer every American family the best in health care, whenever they need it, regardless of income or any other factor. We must devise a system which will assure that . . . every American receives comprehensive health services from the day he is born to the day he dies, with an emphasis on preventive care to keep him healthy.\"-Joint Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Representative Wilbur Mills, St. Louis Hearing, June 17, 1972.\nThe Democratic Party commits itself to be responsive to the millions of hard working, lower-and middle-income Americans who are traditionally courted by politicians at election time, get bilked at tax-paying time, and are too often forgotten the balance of the time.\nThis is an era of great change. The world is fast moving into a future for which the past has not prepared us well; a future where to survive, to find answers to the problems which threaten us as a people, we must create qualitatively new solutions. We can no longer rely on old systems of thought, the results of which were partially successful programs that were heralded as important social reforms in the past. It is time now to rethink and reorder the institutions of this country so that everyone—women, blacks, Spanish-speaking, Puerto Ricans, Indians, the young and the old—can participate in the decision-making process inherent in the democratic heritage to which we aspire. We must restructure the social, political and economic relationships throughout the entire society in order to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth and power.\nThe Democratic Party in 1972 is committed to resuming the march toward equality; to enforcing the laws supporting court decisions and enacting new legal rights as necessary, to assuring every American true opportunity, to bringing about a more equal distribution of power, income and wealth and equal and uniform enforcement in all states and territories of civil rights statutes and acts.\nIn the 1970's, this commitment requires the fulfillment—through laws and policies, through appropriations and directives; through leadership and exhortation of a wide variety of rights:\nThe right to full participation in government and the political process;\nThe rights of free speech and free political expression, of freedom from official intimidation, harassment and invasion of privacy, as guaranteed by the letter and the spirit of the Constitution;\nThe right to a decent job and an adequate income, with dignity;\nThe right to quality, accessibility and sufficient quantity in tax-supported services and amenities —including educational opportunity, health care, housing and transportation;\nThe right to quality, safety and the lowest possible cost on goods and services purchased in the market place;\nThe right to be different, to maintain a cultural or ethnic heritage or lifestyle, without being forced into a compelled homogeneity;\nThe rights of people who lack rights: Children, the mentally retarded, mentally ill and prisoners, to name some; and\nThe right to legal services, both civil and criminal, necessary to enforce secured rights.\nFree Expression and Privacy\n\nThe new Democratic Administration should bring an end to the pattern of political persecution and investigation, the use of high office as a pulpit for unfair attack and intimidation and the blatant efforts to control the poor and to keep them from acquiring additional economic security or political power.\nThe epidemic of wiretapping and electronic surveillance engaged in by the Nixon Administration and the use of grand juries for purposes of political intimidation must be ended. The rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution, as these concepts have traditionally been understood, must be restored.\nWe strongly object to secret computer data banks on individuals. Citizens should have access to their own files that are maintained by private commercial firms and the right to insert corrective material. Except in limited cases, the same should apply to government files. Collection and maintenance by federal agencies of dossiers on law-abiding citizens, because of their political views and statements, must be stopped, and files which never should have been opened should be destroyed. We firmly reject the idea of a National Computer Data Bank.\nThe Nixon policy of intimidation of the media and Administration efforts to use government power to block access to media by dissenters must end, if free speech is to he preserved. A Democratic Administration must be an open one, with the fullest possible disclosure of information, with an end to abuses of security classifications and executive privilege, and with regular top-level press conferences.\nThe Right to Be Different\n\nThe new Democratic Administration can help lead America to celebrate the magnificence of the diversity within its population, the racial, national, linguistic and religious groups which have contributed so much to the vitality and richness of our national life. As things are, official policy too often forces people into a mold of artificial homogeneity.\nRecognition and support of the cultural identity and pride of black people are generations overdue. The American Indians, the Spanish-speaking, the Asian Americans—the cultural and linguistic heritage of these groups is too often ignored in schools and communities. So, too, are the backgrounds, traditions and contributions of white national, ethnic, religious and regional communities ignored. All official discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, language, political belief, religion, region or national origin must end. No American should be subject to discrimination in employment or restriction in business because of ethnic background or religious practice. Americans should be free to make their own choice of life-styles and private habits without being subject to discrimination or prosecution. We believe official policy can encourage diversity while continuing to place full emphasis on equal opportunity and integration.\nWe urge full funding of the Ethnic Studies bill to provide funds for development of curriculum to preserve America's ethnic mosaic.\nRights of Children\n\nOne measure of a nation's greatness is the care it manifests for all of its children. The Nixon Administration has demonstrated a callous attitude toward children repeatedly through veto and administrative decisions. We, therefore, call for a reordering of priorities at all levels of American society so that children, our most precious resource, and families come first. To that end, we call for:\nThe federal government to fund comprehensive development child care programs that will be family centered, locally controlled and universally available. These programs should provide for active participation of all family members in the development and implementation of the program. Health, social service and early childhood education should be part of these programs, as well as a variety of options most appropriate to their needs. Child care is a supplement, not a substitute, for the family;\nThe establishment of a strong child advocacy program, financed by the federal government and other sources, with full ethnic, cultural, racial and sexual representation;\nFirst priority for the needs of children, as we move toward a National Health Insurance Program;\nThe first step should be immediate implementation of the federal law passed in the 1967 Social Security Amendments providing for \"early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment\" of children's health problems;\nLegislation and administrative decisions to drastically reduce childhood injuries—prenatal, traffic, poisoning, burns, malnutrition, rat bites and to provide health and safety education.\nFull funding of legislation designed to meet the needs of children with special needs: The retarded, the physically and mentally handicapped, and those whose environment produces abuse and neglect and directs the child to anti-social conduct;\nReaffirmation of the rights of bilingual, handicapped or slow-learning children to education in the public schools, instead of being wrongly classified as retarded or uneducable and dismissed;\nRevision of the juvenile court system; dependency and neglect cases must be removed from the corrections system, and clear distinctions must be drawn between petty childhood offenses and the more serious crimes;\nAllocation of funds to the states to provide counsel to children in juvenile proceedings, legal or administrative; and\nCreation by Congress of permanent standing committees on Children and Youth.\nRights of Women\n\nWomen historically have been denied a full voice in the evolution of the political and social institutions of this country and are therefore allied with all under-represented groups in a common desire to form a more humane and compassionate society. The Democratic Party pledges the following:\nA priority effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment;\nElimination of discrimination against women in public accommodations and public facilities, public education and in all federally-assisted programs and federally-contracted employment:\nExtension of the jurisdiction of the Civil Rights Commission to include denial of civil rights on the basis of sex;\nFull enforcement of all federal statutes and executive laws barring job discrimination on the basis of sex, giving the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission adequate staff and resources and power to issue cease-and-desist orders promptly;\nElimination of discriminatory features of criminal laws and administration;\nIncreased efforts to open educational opportunities at all levels, eliminating discrimination against women in access to education, tenure, promotion and salary;\nGuarantee that all training programs are made more equitable, both in terms of the numbers of women involved and the job opportunities provided; jobs must be available on the basis of skill, not sex;\nAvailability of maternity benefits to all working women; temporary disability benefits should cover pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage and recovery;\nElimination of all tax inequities that affect women and children, such as higher taxes for single women;\nAmendment of the Social Security Act to provide equitable retirement benefits for families with working wives, widows, women heads of households and their children;\nAmendment of the Internal Revenue Code to permit working families to deduct from gross income as a business expense, housekeeping and child care costs;\nEquality for women on credit, mortgage, insurance, property, rental and financial contracts;\nExtension of the Equal Pay Act to all workers, with amendment to read \"equal pay for comparable work;\"\nAppointment of women to positions of top responsibility in all branches of the federal government to achieve all equitable ratio of women and men. Such positions include Cabinet members, agency and division heads and Supreme Court Justices; inclusion of women advisors in equitable ratios on all government studies, commissions and hearings; and\nLaws authorizing federal grants on a matching basis for financing State Commissions of the Status of Women.\nRights of Youth\n\nIn order to ensure, maintain and secure the proper role and functions of youth in American government, politics and society, the Democratic Party will endeavor to:\nLower the age of legal majority and consent to 18;\nActively encourage and assist in the election of youth to federal, state and local offices;\nDevelop special programs for employment of youth, utilizing governmental resources to guarantee development, training and job placement; and\nSecure the electoral reforms called for under \"People and the Government.\"\nRights of Poor People\n\nPoor people, like all Americans, should be represented at all levels of the Democratic Party in reasonable proportion of their numbers in the general population. Affirmative action must be taken to ensure their representation at every level. The Democratic Party guidelines guaranteeing proportional representation to \"previously discriminated against groups\" (enumerated as \"women, young people and minorities\") must be extended to specifically include poor people.\nPolitical parties, candidates and government institutions at all levels must be committed to working with and supporting poor people's organizations and ending the tokenism and co-optation that has characterized past dealings.\nWelfare rights organizations must be recognized as representative of welfare recipients and be given access to regulations, policies and decision-making processes, as well as being allowed to represent clients at all governmental levels.\nThe federal government must protect the right of tenants to organize tenant organizations and negotiate collective bargaining agreements with private landlords and encourage the participation of the tenants in the management and control of all subsidized housing.\nRights of American Indians\n\nWe support rights of American Indians to full rights of citizenship. The federal government should commit all necessary funds to improve the lives of Indians, with no division between reservation and non-reservation Indians. We strongly oppose the policy of termination, and we urge the government to provide unequivocal advocacy for the protection of the remaining Indian land and water resources. All land rights due American Indians, and Americans of Spanish and Mexican descent, on the basis of treaties with the federal government will be protected by the federal government. In addition we support allocation of Federal surplus lands to American Indians on a first priority basis.\nAmerican Indians should be given the right to receive bilingual medical services from hospitals and physicians of their choice.\nRights of the Physically Disabled\n\nThe physically disabled have the right to pursue meaningful employment and education, outside a hospital environment, free from unnecessary discrimination, living in adequate housing, with access to public mass transportation and regular medical care. Equal opportunity employment practices should be used by the government in considering their application for federal jobs and equal access to education from pre-school to the college level guaranteed. The physically disabled like all disadvantaged peoples, should be represented in any group making decisions affecting their lives.\nRights of the Mentally Retarded\n\nThe mentally retarded must be given employment and educational opportunities that promote their dignity as individuals and ensure their civil rights. Educational treatment facilities must guarantee that these rights always will be recognized and protected. In addition, to assure these citizens a more meaningful life, emphasis must be placed on programs of treatment that respect their right to life in a non-institutional environment.\nRights of the Elderly\n\nGrowing old in America for too many means neglect, sickness, despair and, all too often, poverty. We have failed to discharge the basic obligation of a civilized people—to respect and assure the security of our senior citizens. The Democratic Party pledges, as a final step to economic security for all, to end poverty—as measured by official standards-among the retired, the blind and the disabled. Our general program of economic and social justice will benefit the elderly directly. In addition, a Democratic Administration should:\nIncrease social security to bring benefits in line with changes on the national standard of living;\nProvide automatic adjustments to assure that benefits keep pace with inflation;\nSupport legislation which allows beneficiaries to earn more income, without reduction of social security payments;\nProtect individual's pension rights by pension re-insurance and early vesting;\nLower retirement eligibility age to 60 in all government pension programs;\nExpand housing assistance for the elderly; Encourage development of local programs by which senior citizens can serve their community in providing education, recreation, counseling and other services to the rest of the population;\nEstablish federal standards and inspection of nursing homes and full federal support for qualified nursing homes;\nTake the needs of the elderly and the handicapped into account in all federal programs, including construction of federal buildings, housing and transportation planning;\nPending a full national health security system, expand Medicare by supplementing trust funds with general revenues in order to provide a complete range of care and services; eliminate the Nixon Administration cutbacks in Medicare and Medicaid; eliminate the part B premium under Medicare and include under Medicare and Medicaid the costs of eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aids, and all prescription drugs and establish uniform national standards for Medicaid to bring to an end the present situation which makes it worse to be poor in one state than in another.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to adopt rules to give those over 60 years old representation on all Party committees and agencies as nearly as possible in proportion to their percentage in the total population.\nRights of Veterans\n\nIt is time that the nation did far more to recognize the service of our 28 million living veterans and to serve them in return. The veterans of Vietnam must get special attention, for no end of the war is truly honorable which does not provide these men the opportunities to meet their needs.\nThe Democratic Party is committed to extending and improving the benefits available to American veterans and society, to ending the neglect shown by the Nixon Administration to these problems and to the human needs of our ex-servicemen.\nMedical care—The federal government must guarantee quality medical care to ex-servicemen, and to all disabled veterans, expanding and improving Veterans Administration facilities and manpower and preserving the independence and integrity of the VA hospital program. Staff-patient ratios in these hospitals should be made comparable to ratios in community hospitals. Meanwhile, there should be an increase in the VA's ability to deliver out-patient care and home health services, wherever possible treating veterans as part of a family unit.\nWe support future coordination of health care for veterans with the national health care insurance program, with no reduction in scale or quality of existing veterans care and with recognition of the special health needs of veterans.\nThe VA separate personnel system should be expanded to take in all types of health personnel, and especially physician's assistants; and VA hospitals should be used to develop medical schools and area health education centers.\nThe VA should also assume responsibility for the care of wives and children of veterans who are either permanently disabled or who have died from service-connected causes. Distinction should no longer be made between veterans who have seen \"wartime,\" as opposed to \"peacetime,\" service.\nEducation.—Educational benefits should be provided for Vietnam-era veterans under the GI Bill at levels comparable to those of the original Bill after World War II, supplemented by special veteran's education loans. The VA should greatly expand and improve programs for poor or educationally disadvantaged veterans. In addition, there should be a program under which service-men and women can receive high school, college or job training while on active duty. GI Bill trainees should be used more extensively to reach out to other veterans who would otherwise miss these educational opportunities.\nDrug addiction.—The Veterans Administration should provide either directly or through community facilities, a comprehensive, individually tailored treatment and rehabilitation program for all drug- and alcohol-addicted veterans, on a voluntary and confidential basis, and regardless of the nature of their discharge or the way in which they acquired their condition.\nUnemployment.—There should be an increase in unemployment compensation provided to veterans, and much greater emphasis on the Veterans Employment Service of the Department of Labor, expanding its activities in every state. There should be a greatly enlarged effort by the federal government to employ Vietnam-era veterans and other veterans with service-connected disabilities. In addition, veterans' preferences in hiring should he written into every federal contract or sub-contract and for public service employment.\nRights of Servicemen and Servicewomen\n\nMilitary discipline must be maintained, but unjustifiable restriction on the Constitutional rights of members of the armed services must cease. We support means to ensure the protection of G.I. rights to express political opinion and engage in off-base political activity.\nWe should explore new procedures for providing review of discharges other than honorable, in cases involving political activity.\nWe oppose deferential advancement, punishment assignment or any other treatment on the basis of race, and support affirmative action to end discrimination.\nWe support rights of women in the armed forces to be free from unfair discrimination.\nWe support an amendment of the Uniform Code of Military Justice to provide for fair and uniform sentencing procedures.\nRights of Consumers\n\nConsumers need to be assured of a renewed commitment to basic rights and freedoms. They must have the mechanisms available to allow self-protection against the abuses that the Kennedy and Johnson programs were designed to eliminate. We propose a new consumer program:\nIn the Executive Branch.—The executive branch must use its power to expand consumer information and protection:\nEnsure that every policy-making level of government concerned with economic or procurement decisions should have a consumer input either through a consumer advisory committee or through consumer members on policy advisory committees;\nSupport the development of an independent consumer agency providing a focal point on consumer matters with the right to intervene on behalf of the consumer before all agencies and regulatory bodies; and\nExpand all economic policy-making mechanisms to include an assessment of social as well as economic indicators of human well-being.\nIn the Legislative Branch,—We support legislation which will expand the ability of consumers to defend themselves:\nEnsure an extensive campaign to get food, drugs and all other consumer products to carry complete informative labeling about safety, quality and cost. Such labeling is the first step in ensuring the economic and physical health of the consumer. In the food area, it should include nutritional unit pricing, full ingredients by percentage, grade, quality and drained weight in formation. For drugs, it should include safety, quality, price and operation data, either on the label or in an enclosed manual;\nSupport a national program to encourage the development of consumer cooperatives, patterned after the rural electric cooperatives in areas where they might help eliminate inflation and restore consumer rights; and\nSupport federal initiatives and federal standards to reform automobile insurance and assure coverage on a first-party, no-fault basis.\nIn the Judicial Branch.—The Courts should become an effective forum to hear well-rounded consumer grievances.\nConsumer class action: Consumers should be given access to the federal courts in a way that allows them to initiate group action against fraudulent, deceitful, or misleading or dangerous business practices.\nSmall Claims Court: A national program should be undertaken to improve the workings of small claims courts and spread their use so that consumers injured in economically small, though individually significant amounts (e.g. $500), can bring their complaints to the attention of a court and collect their damages without self-defeating legal fees,\nThe Quality and Quantity of Social Service\n\nThe new Democratic Administration can begin a fundamental re-examination of all federal domestic social programs and the patterns of service delivery they support. Simply advocating the expenditure of more funds is not enough, although funds are needed, for billions already have been poured into federal government programs—programs like urban renewal, current welfare and aid to education, with meager results. The control, structure and effectiveness of every institution and government grant system must be fully examined and these institutions must be made accountable to those they are supposed to serve.\nWe will, therefore, pursue the development of new rights of two kinds: Rights to the service itself and rights to participate in the delivery process.\nHealth Care\n\nGood health is the least this society should promise its citizens. The state of health services in this country indicates the failure of government to respond to this fundamental need. Costs skyrocket while the availability of services for all but the rich steadily declines.\nWe endorse the principle that good health is a right of all Americans.\nAmerica has a responsibility to offer to every American family the best in health care whenever they need it, regardless of income or where they live or any other factor.\nTo achieve this goal the next Democratic Administration should:\nEstablish a system of universal National Health Insurance which covers all Americans with a comprehensive set of benefits including preventive medicine, mental and emotional disorders, and complete protection against catastrophic costs, and in which the rule of free choice for both provider and consumer is protected. The program should be federally-financed and federally-administered. Every American must know he can afford the cost of health care whether given in a hospital or a doctor's office;\nIncorporate in the National Health Insurance System incentives and controls to curb inflation in health care costs and to assure efficient delivery of all services;\nContinue and evaluate Health Maintenance Organizations;\nSet up incentives to bring health service personnel back to inner-cities and rural areas;\nContinue to expand community health centers and availability of early screening diagnosis and treatment;\nProvide federal funds to train added health manpower including doctors, nurses, technicians and para-medical workers;\nSecure greater consumer participation and control over health care institutions;\nExpand federal support for medical research including research in heart disease, hypertension, stroke, cancer, sickle cell anemia, occupational and childhood diseases which threaten millions and in preventive health care;\nEventual replacement of all federal programs of health care by a comprehensive National Health Insurance System;\nTake legal and other action to curb soaring prices for vital drugs using anti trust laws as applicable and amending patent laws to end price-raising abuses, and require generic-name labeling of equal-effective drugs; and\nExpand federal research and support for drug abuse treatment and education, especially development of non-addictive treatment methods.\nFamily Planning\n\nFamily planning services, including the education, comprehensive medical and social services necessary to permit individuals freely to determine and achieve the number and spacing of their children, should be available to all, regardless of sex, age, marital status, economic group or ethnic origin, and should be administered in a non-coercive and non-discriminatory manner.\nPuerto Rico\n\nThe Democratic Party respects and supports the frequently-expressed desire of the people of Puerto Rico to freely associate in permanent union with the United States, as an autonomous commonwealth. We are committed to Puerto Rico's right to enjoy full self-determination and a relationship that can evolve in ways that will most benefit both parties.\nTo this end, we support equal treatment for Puerto Rico in the distribution of all federal grants-in-aid, amendment of federal laws that restrict aid to Puerto Rico; and we pledge no further restrictions in future laws. Only in this way can the people of Puerto Rico come to participate more fully in the many areas of social progress made possible by Democratic efforts, on behalf of all the people.\nFinally, the Democratic Party pledges to end all Naval shelling and bombardment of the tiny, inhabited island of Culebra and its neighboring keys, not later than June 1, 1975. With this action, and others, we will demonstrate the concern of the Democratic Party to develop and maintain a productive relationship between the Commonwealth and the United States.\nVirgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Trust Territories of the Pacific\n\nWe pledge to include all of these areas in federal grant-in-aid programs on a full and equitable basis.\nWe praise the Democratic Congress for providing a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives from Guam and the Virgin Islands and urge that these elected delegates be accorded the full vote in the committees to which they are assigned.\nWe support the right of American Samoans to elect their Governor, and will consider methods by which American citizens residing in American territories can participate in Presidential elections.\nIV. Cities, Communities, Counties and the Environment\n\n\"When the Democratic Platform is written and acted on in Miami, let it be a blueprint for the life and survival of our cities and our people.\"\nMayor Kenneth A. Gibson U.S. Conference of Mayors New Orleans June 19, 1972\nIntroduction\n\nAlways the vital center of our civilization, the American city since World War II has been suffering growing pains, caused partly by the change of the core city into a metropolitan city and partly by the movement of people from towns and rural areas into the cities.\nThe burgeoning of the suburbs—thrust outward with too little concern for social, economic and environmental consequences—has both broadened the city's limits and deepened human and neighborhood needs.\nThe Nixon Administration has failed to meet most of these needs. It has met the problem of urban decay with tired, decaying \"solutions\" that are unworthy of the name. It could act to revitalize our urban areas; instead, we see only rising crime, fear and flight, racial and economic polarization, loss of confidence and depletion of community resources.\nThis Administration has ignored the cities and suburbs, permitting taxes to rise and services to decline; housing to deteriorate faster than it can be replaced, and morale to suffer. It actually has impounded funds appropriated by a Democratic Congress to help cities in crisis.\nThe Administration has ignored the needs of city and suburban residents for public services, for property tax relief and for the planning and coordination that alone can assure that housing, jobs, schools and transportation are built and maintained in suitable locations and in needed numbers and quality.\nMeanwhile, the Nixon Administration has forgotten small-town America, too, refusing to provide facilities that would make it an attractive alternative to city living.\nThis has become the American crisis of the 1970's. Today, our highest national priority is clear and precise: To deal effectively—and now with the massive, complex and urgent needs of our cities, suburbs and towns.\nThe federal government cannot solve all the problems of these communities. Too often, federal bureaucracy has failed to deliver the services and keep the promises that are made. But only the federal government can be the catalyst to focus attention and resources on the needs of every neighborhood in America.\nUnder the Nixon Administration, piecemeal measures, poorly funded and haphazardly applied, have proved almost totally inadequate. Words have not halted the decline of neighborhoods. Words have not relieved the plight of tenants in poorly managed, shoddy housing. Our scarce urban dollars have been wasted, and even the Republican Secretary of Housing and Urban Development has admitted it.\nThe Democratic Party pledges to stop the rot in our cities, suburbs and towns, and stop it now. We pledge commitment, coordination, planning and funds:\nCommitment to make our communities places where we are proud to raise our children;\nCoordination and planning to help all levels of government achieve the same goals, to ensure that physical facilities meet human needs and to ensure that land—a scarce resource—is used in ways that meet the needs of the entire nation; and\nFunds to reduce the burden of the inequitable property tax and to help local government meet legitimate and growing demands for public facilities and services.\nThe nation's urban areas must and can be habitable. They are not only centers of commerce and trade, but also repositories of history and culture, expressing the richness and variety of their region and of the larger society. They are worthy of the best America can offer. They are America.\nPartnership among Governments\n\nThe federal government must assist local communities to plan for their orderly growth and development, to improve conditions and opportunities for all their citizens and to build the public facilities they need.\nEffective planning must be done on a regional basis. New means of planning are needed that are practical and realistic, but that go beyond the limits of jurisdictional lines. If local government is to be responsive to citizen needs, public services and programs must efficiently be coordinated and evolved through comprehensive regional planning and decision-making. Government activities should take account of the future as well as the present.\nIn aiding the reform of state and local government, federal authority must insist that local decisions take into account the views and needs of all citizens, white and black, haves and have-nots, young and old, Spanish and other non-English-speaking, urban, suburban and rural.\nAmericans ask more and more of their local governments, but the regressive property tax structure makes it impossible for cities and counties to deliver. The Democratic Party is committed to ensure that state and local governments have the funds and the capacity to achieve community service and development goals—goals that are nationally recognized. To this end:\nWe fully support general revenue sharing and the principle that the federal income tax should be used to raise more revenues for local use;\nWe pledge adequate federal funds to halt property tax increases and to begin to roll them back. Turning over federal funds to local governments will permit salaries of underpaid state and local government employees to climb to acceptable levels; and it will reduce tax pressures on the aged, the poor, Spanish and other non-English-speaking Americans and young couples starting out in life;\nWe further commit ourselves to reorganize categorical grant programs. They should be consolidated, expanded and simplified. Funding should be adequate, dependable, sustained, long-term and related to state and local fiscal timetables and priorities. There should be full funding of all programs, without the impounding of funds by the Executive Branch to thwart the will of Congress. And there should be performance standards governing the distribution of all federal funds to state and local governments; and\nWe support efforts to eliminate gaps and costly overlaps in services delivered by different levels of government.\nUrban Growth Policy\n\nThe Nixon Administration has neither developed an effective urban growth policy designed to meet critical problems, nor concerned itself with the needed recreation of the quality of life in our cities, large and small. Instead, it has severely over-administered and underfunded existing federal aid programs. Through word and deed, the Administration has widened the gulf between city and suburb, between core and fringe, between haves and have-nots.\nThe nation's urban growth policies are seen most clearly in the legitimate complaints of suburban householders over rising taxes and center-city families over houses that are falling apart and services that are often non-existent. And it is here, in the center city, that the failure of Nixon Administration policies is most clear to all who live there.\nThe Democratic Party pledges:\nA national urban growth policy to promote a balance of population among cities, suburbs, small towns and rural areas, while providing social and economic opportunities for everyone. America needs a logical urban growth policy, instead of today's inadvertent, chaotic and haphazard one that doesn't work. An urban growth policy that truly deals with our tax and mortgage insurance and highway policies will require the use of federal policies as leverage on private investment;\nA policy on housing—including low- and middle-income housing—that will concentrate effort in areas where there are jobs, transportation, schools, health care and commercial facilities. Problems of over growth are not caused so much by land scarcity, as by the wrong distribution of people and the inadequate servicing of their needs; and\nA policy to experiment with alternative strategies to reserve land for future development—land banks—and a policy to recoup publicly created land values for public benefit.\nThe Cities\n\nMany of the worst problems in America are centered in our cities. Countless problems contribute to their plight: decay in housing, the drain of welfare, crime and violence, racism, failing schools, joblessness and poor mass transit, lack of planning for land use and services.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to change the disastrous policies of the Nixon Administration toward the cities and to reverse the steady process of decay and dissolution. We will renew the battle begun under the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations to improve the quality of life in our cities. In addition to pledging the resources critically needed, we commit ourselves to these actions.\nHelp localities to develop their own solutions to their most pressing problems—the federal government should not stifle or usurp local initiative;\nCarry out programs developed elsewhere in this Platform to assure every American decent shelter, freedom from hunger, good health care, the opportunity to work, adequate income and a decent education;\nProvide sufficient management and planning funds for cities, to let them increase staff capacity and improve means of allocating resources;\nDistribute funds according to standards that will provide center cities with enough resources to revitalize old neighborhoods and build new ones, to expand and improve community services and to help local governments better to plan and deliver these services; and\nCreate and fund a housing strategy that will recognize that housing is neighborhood and community as well as shelter—a strategy that will serve all the nation's urban areas and all the American people.\nHousing and Community Development\n\nThe 1949 Housing Act pledged \"a decent home and suitable living environment for every American family.\" Twenty-three years later, this goal is still far away. Under this Administration, there simply has been no progress in meeting our housing needs, despite the Democratic Housing Act of 1968. We must build 2.6 million homes a year, including two-thirds of a million units of federally-subsidized low- and middle-income housing. These targets are not being met. And the lack of housing is particularly critical for people with low and middle incomes.\nIn the cities, widespread deterioration and abandonment are destroying once sound homes and apartments, and often entire neighborhoods, faster than new homes are built.\nFederal housing policy creates walled compounds of poor, elderly and ethnic minorities, isolating them in the center city.\nThese harmful policies include the Administration's approach to urban renewal, discrimination against the center city by the Federal Housing Administration, highway policies that destroy neighborhoods and create ghettoes and other practices that work against housing for low- and middle-income families.\nMillions of lower—and middle-class Americans-each year the income level is higher—are priced out of housing because of sharply rising costs.\nUnder Republican leadership, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has become the biggest slumlord in the country. Some unsophisticated home buyers have purchased homes with FHA mortgage insurance or subsidies. These consumers, relying on FHA appraisals to protect them, often have been exploited by dishonest real estate speculators. Unable to repair or maintain these houses, the buyers often have no choice but to abandon them. As a result, the FHA will acquire a quarter million of these abandoned houses at a cost to the taxpayers of billions of dollars.\nUnder the Republican Administration, the emphasis has been on housing subsidies for the people who build and sell houses rather than for those people who need and live in them. In many cases, the only decent shelter provided is a tax shelter.\nTo correct this inequity the Democratic Party pledges:\nTo overhaul completely the FHA to make it a consumer oriented agency;\nTo use the full faith and credit of the Treasury to provide direct, low-interest loans to finance the construction and purchase of decent housing for the American people; and\nTo insist on building practices, inspection standards and management that will assure quality housing.\nThe next Administration must build and conserve housing that not only meets the basic need for shelter, but also provides a wider choice of quality housing and living environments. To meet this challenge, the Democratic Party commits itself to a housing approach that:\nPrevents the decay and abandonment of homes and neighborhoods. Major rehabilitation programs to conserve and rehabilitate housing are needed. Consumers should be aided in purchasing homes, and low-income housing foreclosed by the FHA should be provided to poor families at minimal cost as an urban land grant. These houses should be rehabilitated and lived in, not left to rot;\nProvides federal funds for preservation of existing neighborhoods. Local communities should decide whether they want renewal or preservation. Choosing preservation should not mean steady deterioration and inadequate facilities;\nProvides for improved housing quality for all families through strict enforcement of housing quality standards and full compliance with state and local health and safety laws;\nProvides effective incentives to reduce housing costs—to the benefit of poor and middle-income families alike through effective use of unused, undeveloped land, reform of building practices and the use of new building techniques, including factory-made and modular construction;\nAssures that residents have a strong voice in determining the destiny of their own neighborhoods;\nPromotes free choice in housing—the right of all families, regardless of race, color, religion or income, to choose among a wide range of homes and neighborhoods in urban, suburban and rural areas—through the greater use of grants to individuals for housing, the development of new communities offering diversified housing and neighborhood options and the enforcement of fair housing laws; and\nAssures fair and equitable relationships between landlords and tenants.\nNew Towns\n\nNew towns meet the direct housing and community needs of only a small part of our populations. To do more, new towns must be developed in concert with massive efforts to revitalize central cities and enhance the quality of life in still growing suburban areas.\nThe Democratic Party pledges:\nTo strengthen the administration of the New Towns program; to reduce onerous review requirements that delay the start of New Towns and thus thwart Congressional mandates; to release already appropriated monies and provide new planning and development funds needed to assure the quality of life in New Towns; and\nTo assure coordination between development of New Towns and renewed efforts to improve the quality of life in established urban and suburban areas. We also promise to use effectively the development of New Towns to increase housing choices for people now living in central and suburban areas.\nTransportation\n\nUrban problems cannot be separated from transportation problems. Whether tying communities together, connecting one community to another or linking our cities and towns to rural areas, good transportation is essential to the social and economic life of any community. It joins workers to jobs; makes commercial activity both possible and profitable and provides the means for expanding personal horizons and promoting community cultural life.\nToday, however, the automobile is the principal form of transportation in urban areas. The private automobile has made a major contribution to economic growth and prosperity in this century. But now we must have better balanced transportation—more of it public. Today, 15 times as much federal aid goes to highways as to mass transit; tomorrow this must change. At the same time, it is important to preserve and improve transportation in America's rural areas, to end the crisis in rural mobility.\nThe Democratic Party pledges:\nTo create a single Transportation Trust Fund, to replace the Highway Trust Fund, with such additional funds as necessary to meet our transportation crisis substantially from federal resources. This fund will allocate monies for capital projects on a regional basis, permitting each region to determine its own needs under guidelines that will ensure a balanced transportation system and adequate funding of mass transit facilities.\nMoreover, we will:\nAssist local transit systems to meet their capital operating needs;\nEnd the deterioration of rail and rural transportation and promote a flexible rural transportation system based on local, state and regional needs;\nTake steps to meet the particular transportation problems of the elderly, the handicapped and others with special needs; and\nAssist development of airport terminals, facilities and access to them, with due regard to impact on environment and community.\nEnvironment, Technology and Resources\n\nEvery American has the right to live, work and play in a clean, safe and healthy environment. We have the obligation to ourselves and to our children. It is not enough simply to prevent further environmental deterioration and the despoilation of our natural endowment. Rather, we must improve the quality of the world in which we and they will live.\nThe Nixon Administration's record on the environment is one of big promises and small actions.\nInadequate enforcement, uncertain requirements, reduced funding and a lack of manpower have undercut the effort commenced by a Democratic Administration to clean up the environment.\nWe must recognize the costs all Americans pay for the environmental destruction with which we all live: Poorer health, lessened recreational opportunities, higher maintenance costs, lower land productivity and diminished beauty in our surroundings. Only then can we proceed wisely, yet vigorously, with a program of environmental protection which recognizes that, although environmental protection will not be cheap, it is worth a far greater price, in effort and money, than we have spent thus far.\nSuch a program must include adequate federal funding for waste management, recycling and disposal and for purification and conservation of air and water resources.\nThe next Administration must reconcile any conflicts among the goals of cleaner air and water, inexpensive power and industrial development and jobs in specific places. These difficulties do exist—to deny them would be deceptive and irresponsible. At the same time, we know they can be resolved by an Administration with energy, intelligence and commitment-qualities notably absent from the current Administration's handling of the problem.\nWe urge additional financial support to the United States Forest Service for planning and management consistent with the environmental ideal stated in this Platform.\nChoosing the Right Methods of Environmental Protection\n\nThe problem we face is to choose the most efficient, effective and equitable techniques for solving each new environmental problem. We cannot afford to waste resources while doing the job, any more than we can afford to leave the job undone.\nWe must enforce the strict emission requirements on all pollution sources set under the 1970 Clean Air Act.\nWe must support the establishment of a policy of no harmful discharge into our waters by 1985.\nWe must have adequate staffing and funding of all regulatory and enforcement agencies and departments to implement laws, programs and regulations protecting the environment, vigorous prosecution of violators and a Justice Department committed to enforcement of environmental law.\nWe must fully support laws to assure citizens' standing in federal environmental court suits.\nStrict interstate environmental standards must be formulated and enforced to prevent pollution from high-density population areas being dumped into low-density population areas for the purpose of evasion of strict pollution enforcement.\nThe National Environmental Policy Act should be broadened to include major private as well as public projects, and a genuine commitment must be made to making the Act work.\nOur environment is most threatened when the natural balance of an area's ecology is drastically altered for the sole purpose of profits. Such practices as \"clear cut\" logging, strip mining, the indiscriminate destruction of whole species, creation of select ocean crops at the expense of other species and the unregulated use of persistent pesticides cannot be justified when they threaten our ability to maintain a stable environment.\nWhere appropriate, taxes need to be levied on pollution, to provide industry with an incentive to clean up.\nWe also need to develop new public agencies that can act to abate pollution-act on a scale commensurate with the size of the problem and the technology of pollution control.\nExpanded federal funding is required to assist local governments with both the capital and operating expenses of water pollution control and solid waste management.\nJobs and the Environment\n\nThe United States should not be condemned to the choice between the development of resources and economic security or preservation of those resources.\nA decent job for every American is a goal that need not, and must not, be sacrificed to our commitment to a clean environment. Far from slowing economic growth, spending for environmental protection can create new job opportunities for many Americans. Nevertheless, some older and less efficient plants might find themselves in a worse competitive position due to environmental protection requirements. Closely monitored adjustment assistance should be made available to those plants willing to modernize and institute environmental protection measures.\nScience and Technology\n\nFor years, the United States was the world's undisputed leader in science and technology. Now that leadership is being challenged, in part because of the success of efforts in other countries, and in part because of the Nixon Administration's neglect of our basic human and material resources in this field.\nAs Democrats, we understand the enormous investment made by the nation in educating and training hundreds of thousands of highly skilled Americans in science and technology. Many of these people are now unemployed, as aerospace and defense programs are slowly cut back and as the Administration's economic policies deprive these Americans, as well as others, of their livelihood.\nSo far, however, the Nixon Administration has paid scant attention to these problems. By contrast, the Democratic Party seeks both to increase efforts by the federal government and to stimulate research in private industry.\nIn addition, the Democratic Party is committed to increasing the overall level of scientific research in the United States, which has been allowed to fall under the Nixon Administration. And we are eager to take management methods and techniques devised for the space and defense programs, as well as our technical resources, and apply them to the city, the environment, education, energy, transportation, health care and other urgent domestic needs. We propose also to work out a more effective relationship between government and industry in this area, to stimulate the latter to a greater research and development effort, thus helping buoy up the economy and create more jobs.\nFinally, we will promote the search for new approaches in science and technology, so that the benefits of progress may be had without further endangering the environment—indeed, so that the environment may be better preserved. We must create a systematic way to decide which new technologies will contribute to the nation's development, and which will cause more problems than they solve. We are committed to a role for government in helping to bring the growth of technology into a harmonious relationship with our lives.\nEnergy Resources\n\nThe earth's natural resources, once in abundant and seemingly unlimited supply, can no longer be taken for granted. In particular, the United States is facing major changes in the pattern of energy supply that will force us to reassess traditional policies. By 1980, we may well have to depend on imports from the Eastern Hemisphere for as much as 30 to 50 percent of our oil supplies. At the same time, new forms of energy supply—such as nuclear, solar or geothermal power—lag far behind in research and development.\nIn view of these concerns, it is shocking that the Nixon Administration still steadfastly refuses to develop a national energy policy.\nThe Democratic Party would remedy that glaring oversight. To begin with, we should:\nPromote greater research and development, both by government and by private industry, of unconventional energy sources, such as solar power, geothermal power, energy from water and a variety of nuclear power possibilities to design clean breeder fission and fusion techniques. Public funding in this area needs to be expanded, while retaining the principle of public administration of public funds;\nRe-examine our traditional view of national security requirements in energy to reconcile them with our need for long-term abundant supplies of clean energy at reasonable cost;\nExpand research on coal technology to minimize pollution, while making it possible to expand the efficiency of coal in meeting our energy needs;\nEstablish a national power plant siting procedure to examine and protect environmental values;\nReconcile the demand for energy with the demand to protect the environment;\nRedistribute the cost of power among consumers, so that all, especially the poor, may be guaranteed adequate power at reasonable costs;\nDevelop a national power grid to improve the reliability and efficiency of our electricity system;\nEnd the practice of allowing promotional utility advertising as an expense when rates are set; and\nFind new techniques to encourage the conservation of energy. We must also require full disclosure of the energy needs of consumer products and home heating to enable consumers to make informed decisions on their use of energy.\nThe Oceans\n\nAs with the supply of energy, no longer can we take for granted the precious resources we derive from the oceans. Here, too, we need comprehensive national and international policies to use and protect the vast potential contained in the sea. In particular we must:\nAgree with other nations on stopping pollution of the seas, if they are not one day to become one large sewer, or be filled with dangerous poisons that will deprive us of vital food resources;\nAgree with other nations on the conservation of food resources in the seas and promote the use of management techniques that will end the decline of the world's fish catch on the continental shelf through international cooperation for fishing gear regulations and species quota and preserve endangered species;\nAgree on an international accord for the seas, so resources can be shared equitably among the world's nations. We must be prepared to act constructively at next year's Conference on the Law of the Seas;\nBegin to reconcile competing interests in the future of the seas, including our national security objectives, to protect ocean resources in cooperation with other nations; and Support strongly the protection of ocean mammals (seal, whale, walrus) from indiscriminate destruction by both foreign and tuna fishing industries, but specifically exempting those native Americans whose subsistence depends completely on their total use of the ocean's resources.\nNinety percent of all salt water fish species live on our continental shelves, where plant life is plentiful. For this reason, we support monitoring and strict enforcement of all safety regulations on all offshore drilling equipment and on environmentally-safe construction of all tankers transporting oil.\nPublic Lands\n\nFor generations, Americans have been concerned with preserving the natural treasures of our country: Our lakes and rivers, our forests and mountains. Enlightened Americans of the past decided that the federal government should take a major role in protecting these treasures, on behalf of everyone. Today, however, neglect on the part of the Nixon Administration is threatening this most valued heritage—and that of our children. Never before in modern history have our public lands been so neglected and the responsible agencies so starved of funds.\nThe Democratic Party is concerned about preserving our public lands, and promoting policies of land management in keeping with the broad public interest. In particular, it is imperative to restore lost funds for land, park and forest management. It is imperative that decisions about the future use of our public lands be opened up to all the people for widespread public debate and discussion. Only through such an open process can we set ground rules that appropriately limit the influence of special interests and allow for cohesive guidelines for national land-use planning.\nWe are particularly aware of the potential conflicts among the use of land, rivers, lakes and the seashore for economic development, large-scale recreation and for preservation as unspoiled wilderness. We recognize that there are competing goals, and shall develop means for resolving these conflicts in a way that reflects the federal government's particular responsibilities as custodian for the public. We need more National Seashores and expansion of the National Park system. Major steps must be taken to follow up on Congressional commitment to scenic riverways.\nRecreation areas must be made available to people where they live. This includes the extension of our national wilderness preserves to include de facto wilderness areas and their preservation free of commercialization. In this way, we will help to preserve and improve the quality of life for millions of our people.\nWith regard to the development of the vast natural resources on our public lands, we pledge a renewed commitment to proceed in the interests of all our citizens.\nV. Education\n\n\"The American people want overwhelmingly to give to our children and adults equitable educational opportunities of the highest possible quality, not predicated on race, not predicated on past social accomplishment or wealth, except in a compensatory way to those who have been deprived in the past.\" Governor Jimmy Carter, Atlanta Hearing, June 9, 1972.\nOur schools are failing our children. Never, more than now, have we needed the schools to play their traditional role—to create a sense of national unity and to reconcile ethnic, religious and racial conflicts. Yet the Nixon Administration—by ignoring the plight of the nation's schools, by twice vetoing funds for education—has contributed to this failure.\nAmerica in the 1970's requires something the world has never seen: Masses of educated people —educated to feel and to act, as well as to think. The children who enter school next fall still will be in the labor force in the year 2030; we cannot even imagine what American society will be like then, let alone what specific jobs they may hold. For them, education must be done by teaching them how to learn, how to apply man's wisdom to new problems as they arise and how to recognize new problems as they arise. Education must prepare students not just to earn a living but to live a life—a creative, humane and sensitive life.\nSchool Finance\n\nAchieving educational excellence requires adequate financial support. But today local property taxes—which do not keep pace with inflation—can no longer support educational needs. Continued reliance on this revenue source imposes needless hardship on the American family without supplying the means for good schools. At the same time, the Nixon recession has sapped the resources of state government, and the Administration's insensitivity to school children has meant inadequate federal expenditures in education.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Support equalization in spending among school districts. We support Court decisions holding unconstitutional the disparities in school expenditures produced by dependence on local property taxes. We pledge equality of spending as a way to improve schools and to assure equality of access to good education for all children;\nIncrease federal financial aid for elementary and secondary education to enhance achievement of quality education anywhere, and by fully funding the programs passed by the Congress and by fully funding ESEA Title I;\nStep up efforts to meet the special needs and costs of educationally disadvantaged children handicapped by poverty, disability or non-English-speaking family background;\nChannel financial aid by a Constitutional formula to children in non-public schools;\nSupport suburban-urban cooperation in education to share resources and expenses;\nDevelop and implement the retraining of displaced black and other minority teachers affected by desegregation; and\nContinue with full federal funding the breakfast and lunch programs for all children and the development of other programs to combat hunger.\nEarly Childhood Education\n\nOur youngest children are most ignored by national policy and most harshly treated by the Nixon Administration. President Nixon's cruel, irresponsible veto of the Comprehensive Child Development Act of 1971 indicates dramatically the real values of the present Administration.\nThat legislation struck down by President Nixon remains the best program to bring support to family units threatened by economic and social pressures; to eliminate educational handicaps which leave disadvantaged children unable to compete in school; to prevent early childhood disease before it results in adult disability; to interrupt the painful, destructive cycle of welfare dependence, and, most important, to allow all children happy lives as children and the opportunity to develop their full potential.\nWe support legislation for positive and preventive approaches to early childhood education.\nThese approaches should be designed to help eliminate educational handicaps before they require remedial treatment. A Democratic President will support and sign a program for universal comprehensive child development.\nWe should give reality to the right of mentally retarded children to adequate health care and educational opportunities through such measures as including necessary care under national health insurance and federal aid to assure an opportunity for education for all retarded persons.\nEqual Access to Quality Education\n\nThe Supreme Court of the United States in Brown v Board of Education established the Constitutional principle that states may not discriminate between school children on the basis of their race and that separate but equal has no place in our public education system. Eighteen years later the provision of integration is not a reality.\nWe support the goal of desegregation as a means to achieve equal access to quality education for all our children. There are many ways to desegregate schools: School attendance lines may he redrawn; schools may be paired; larger physical facilities may be built to serve larger, more diverse enrollments; magnet schools or educational parks may be used. Transportation of students is another tool to accomplish desegregation. It must continue to be available according to Supreme Court decisions to eliminate legally imposed segregation and improve the quality of education for all children.\nBilingual Education\n\nTen per cent of school children in the United States speak a language other than English in their homes and communities. The largest of the linguistic and cultural groups—Spanish-speaking and American Indians—are also among the poorest people in the United States. Increasing evidence indicates an almost total failure of public education to educate these children.\nThe drop out rates of Spanish speaking and Indian children are the worst of any children in the country. The injury is compounded when such children are placed in special \"compensatory\" programs or programs for the \"dumb\" or the \"retarded\" on the basis of tests and evaluations conducted in English.\nThe passage of the Bilingual Education Act of 1967 began a commitment by the nation to do something about the injustices committed against the bilingual child. But for 1972-73, Congress appropriated $35 million—enough to serve only two per cent of the children who need help.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Increase federal support for bilingual, bicultural educational programs, pre-school through secondary school, including funding of bilingual Adult Basic Education;\nEnsure sufficient teacher training and curriculum development for such schools;\nImplement an affirmative action program to train and to hire bilingual-bicultural Spanish-speaking persons at all levels in the educational system;\nProvide inventories for state and local districts to initiate bilingual bicultural education programs;\nRequire testing of bilingual-bicultural children in their own languages; and\nProhibit discrimination against bilingual-bicultural children in school.\nCareer Education\n\nAcademic accomplishment is not the only way to financial success, job satisfaction or rewarding life in America. Many young Americans think that college is the only viable route when for some a vocational-technical career offers as much promise of a full life. Moreover, the country desperately needs skilled workers, technicians, men and women who understand and can handle the tools and equipment that mean growth and jobs. By 1975 the need for skilled craftsmen will increase 18 per cent while the need for college-trained persons will remain stable.\nYoung people should be permitted to make a career choice consistent with their interests, aptitudes and aspirations. We must create an atmosphere where the dignity of work is respected, where diversity of talent and taste is encouraged and where continuing opportunity exists to keep pace with change and gives a saleable skill.\nTo aid this, the next Democratic Administration can:\nGive vocational-technical education the same priority in funds and emphasis previously given academic education;\nSupport full appropriations for the recently-passed Occupational Education Act;\nStrengthen the career counseling programs in elementary, secondary and post-secondary education so that young people are made aware of all of the opportunities open to them and provide special kinds of vocational-technical education and experience to meet specific area needs;\nDevelop and promote a climate conducive to free, rational choice by young people, dispelling the current prejudices that influence career decisions for most young people almost from birth;\nEstablish a lifetime system of continuing education to enhance career mobility, both vertically and laterally, so that the career choice made at 18 or 20 years of age does not have to be the only or the final choice; and\nGrant equal representation to minorities and women in vocational technical education.\nHigher Education\n\nWe support universal access to opportunities to post-secondary education. The American education system has always been an important path toward social and economic advancement. Federal education policy should ensure that our colleges and universities continue as an open system. It must also stimulate the creative development and expansion of higher education to meet the new social, economic and environmental problems confronting society. To achieve the goals of equal opportunity in education, to meet the growing financial crisis in higher education and to stimulate reform of educational techniques, the next Democratic Administration should:\nSupport guaranteed access for all students to loan funds with long-term repayment based on future earnings. Not only the poor, but families with moderate incomes must be provided relief from the cost of a college and professional education;\nGrant supplements and contingent loans to institutions, based on enrollment of federally-aided students;\nProvide research funds to stimulate a partnership between post-secondary, secondary and primary education, in an effort to find new patterns for learning and to provide training and retraining of teachers, especially in urban areas;\nDevelop broad opportunities for lifelong learning including encouragement for post-secondary education throughout adult years and permit \"stopping-off\" during higher education;\nDevelop affirmative programs in universities and colleges for recruitment of minorities and women for administrative and teaching positions and as students; and\nCreate incentives for non-traditional education which recognize the contribution of experience to an individual's educational status.\nArts and Humanities\n\nSupport for the arts and humanities is one of the benchmarks of a civilized society. Yet, the continued existence of many of America's great symphonies, theatres and museums, our film institutes, dance companies and other art forms, is now threatened by rising costs, and the public contribution, far less than in most advanced industrial societies, is a fraction of the need.\nWe should expand support of the arts and humanities by direct grants through the National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities, whose policy should be to stimulate the widest variety of artistic and scholarly expression.\nWe should support long-range financing for public broadcasting, insulated from political pressures. We deplore the Nixon Administration's crude efforts to starve and muzzle public broadcasting, which has become a vital supplement to commercial television.\nVI. Crime, Law and Justice\n\n\"I think we can reduce crime. Society has no more important challenge because crime is human conduct and more than any other activity of people it reflects the moral character of a nation.\" -Ramsey Clark, Washington Hearing, June 23, 1972.\nWe advocate and seek a society and a government in which there is an attitude of respect for the law and for those who seek its enforcement and an insistence on the part of our citizens that the judiciary be ever mindful of their primary duty and function of punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent. We will insist on prompt, fair and equal treatment for all persons before the bar of justice.\nThe problem of crime in America is real, immediate and fundamental; its costs to the nation are staggering; nearly three-quarters of a million victims of violent crime in one year alone; more than 15,000 murders, billions of dollars of property loss.\nThe indirect, intangible costs are even more ominous. A frightened nation is not a free nation. Its citizens are prisoners, suspicious of the people they meet, restricted in when they go out and when they return, threatened even in their own homes. Unless government at all levels can restore a sense of confidence and security to its people, there is the ever-present danger that alarm will turn to panic, triggering short-cut remedies that jeopardize hard-won liberties.\nWhen law enforcement breaks down, not only the victims of street violence suffer; the worker's health and safety is imperiled by unsafe, illegal conditions on the job; the society is defenseless against fraud and pollution; most tragically of all, parents and communities are ravaged by traffic in dangerous drugs.\nThe Nixon Administration campaigned on a pledge to reduce crime—to strengthen the \"peace forces\" against the \"criminal forces.\" Despite claims to the contrary, that pledge has been broken:\nViolent crime has increased by one-third, to the highest levels in our history;\nFueled by the immense profits of narcotics traffic, organized crime has thrust its corruption farther and farther, into law enforcement agencies and the halls of justice;\nThe Department of Justice has become the handmaiden of the White House political apparatus, offering favors to those special interests which buy their \"law\" in Washington.\nThe Justice Department has failed to enforce laws protecting key legal rights, such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965;\nNixon and Mitchell use federal crime control funds for political purposes, squandering $1.5 billion.\nTo reverse this course, through equal enforcement of the law, and to rebuild justice the Democratic Party believes:\nThe impact of crime in America cuts across racial, geographic and economic lines;\nHard-line rhetoric, pandering to emotion, is both futile and destructive;\nWe can protect all people without undermining fundamental liberties by ceasing to use \"law and order\" as justification for repression and political persecution, and by ceasing to use stop-gap measures as preventive detention, \"no-knock\" entry, surveillance, promiscuous and unauthorized use of wire taps, harassment, and secret dossiers; and The problems of crime and drug abuse cannot be isolated from the social and economic conditions that give rise to them.\nPreventing Crime\n\nEffective law enforcement requires tough planning and action. This Administration has given us nothing but tough words. Together with unequal law enforcement by police, prosecutors and judges, the result is a \"turnstile\" system of injustice, where most of those who commit crime are not arrested, most of those arrested are not prosecuted, and many of those prosecuted are not convicted. Under this Administration, the conviction rate for federal prosecutions has declined to one-half its former level. Tens of thousands of offenders simply never appear in court and are heard from again only when they commit another crime. This system does not deter crime. It invites it. It will be changed only when all levels of government act to return firmness and fairness to every part of the criminal justice system.\nFear of crime, and firm action against it, is not racism. Indeed the greatest victims of crime today—whether of business fraud or of the narcotics plague—are the people of the ghetto, black and brown. Fear now stalks their streets far more than it does the suburbs.\nSo that Americans can again live without fear of each other the Democratic Party believes:\nThere must be equally stringent law enforcement for rich and poor, corporate and individual offenders;\nCitizens must he actively involved with the police in a joint effort;\nPolice forces must be upgraded, and recruiting of highly qualified and motivated policemen must be made easier through federally-assisted pay commensurate with the difficulty and importance of their job, and improved training with comprehensive scholarship and financial support for anyone who is serving or will contract to serve for an appropriate period of police service;\nThe complex job of policing requires a sensitivity to the changing social demands of the communities in which police operate;\nWe must provide the police with increased technological facilities and support more efficient use of police resources, both human and material;\nWhen a person is arrested, both justice and effective deterrence of crime require that he be speedily tried, convicted or acquitted, and if convicted, promptly sentenced. To this end we support financial assistance to local courts, prosecutors, and independent defense counsel for expansion, streamlining, and upgrading, with trial in 60 days as the goal;\nTo train local and state police officers, a Police Academy on a par with the other service academies should be established as well as an Academy of Judicial Administration;\nWe will provide every assistance to our law enforcement agencies at federal and local levels in the training of personnel and the improvement of techniques and will encourage mutual cooperation between each in its own sphere of responsibility;\nWe will support needed legislation and action to seek out and bring to justice the criminal organization of national scope operating in our country;\nWe will provide leadership and action in a national effort against the usage of drugs and drug addiction, attacking this problem at every level and every source in a full scale campaign to drive this evil from our society. We recognize drug addiction as a health problem and pledge that emphasis will be put on rehabilitation of addicts;\nWe will provide increased emphasis in the area of juvenile delinquency and juvenile offenses in order to deter and rehabilitate young offenders;\nThere must be laws to control the improper use of hand guns. Four years ago a candidate for the presidency was slain by a handgun. Two months ago, another candidate for that office was gravely wounded. Three out of four police officers killed in the line of duty are slain with hand guns. Effective legislation must include a ban on sale of hand guns known as Saturday night specials which are unsuitable for sporting purposes;\nA comprehensive fully-funded program is needed to improve juvenile justice, to ensure minimum standards, to expand research into rehabilitation techniques, including alternatives to reform schools and coordinate existing programs for treating juvenile delinquency; and\nThe block-grant system of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration which has produced ineffectiveness, waste and corruption should be eliminated. Funds should go directly to operating agencies that are committed to change and improvement in local law enforcement, including agencies concerned with research, rehabilitation, training and treatment.\nNarcotic Drugs\n\nDrug addiction and alcoholism are health problems. Drugs prey on children, destroy lives and communities, force crimes to satisfy addicts, corrupt police and government and finance the expansion of organized crime. A massive national effort, equal to the scale and complexity of the problem, is essential.\nThe next Democratic Administration should support:\nA massive law enforcement effort, supported by increased funds and personnel, against the suppliers and distributors of heroin and other dangerous drugs, with increased penalties for major narcotics traffickers;\nFull use of all existing resources to halt the illegal entry of narcotics into the United States, including suspension of economic and military assistance to any country that fails to take appropriate steps to prevent narcotic drugs produced or processed in that country from entering the United States illegally, and increases in customs personnel fighting smuggling of hard drugs;\nAn all-out investigative and prosecutory effort against corruption in government and law enforcement. Where corruption exists it is a major factor in permitting criminal activity, especially large-scale narcotic distribution, to flourish. It also destroys respect for the law in all who are conscious of its operation. We are determined that our children—whether in the ghetto or in a suburban high school shall no longer be able to see a pusher protected from prosecution, openly plying his trade;\nStrict regulation and vigorous enforcement of existing quotas regulating production and distribution of dangerous drugs, including amphetamines and barbiturates, to prevent diversion into illegal markets, with legislation for strong criminal penalties against drug manufacturers engaging in illegal overproduction, distribution and importation;\nExpanded research into dangerous drugs and their abuse, focusing especially on heroin addiction among the young and development of effective, non-addictive heroin treatment methods;\nConcentration of law enforcement efforts on major suppliers and distributors, with most individual users diverted into treatment before prosecution;\nImmediate placement in medical or psychiatric treatment, available to any individual drug abuser without fear of disclosure or harassment. Work opportunities should be provided for addicts in treatment by supported work and other programs; and\nDrug education in schools based on fact, not scare tactics to teach young people the dangers of different drugs, and full treatment opportunities for youthful drug abusers. Hard drug trafficking in schools must be met with the strongest possible law enforcement.\nOrganized and Professional Crime\n\nWe are determined to exert the maximum power and authority of the federal government to protect the many victims who cannot help themselves against great criminal combinations.\nAgainst the organized criminal syndicates, we pledge an expanded federal enforcement effort; one not restricted to criminals of any particular ethnic group, but which recognizes that organized crime in the United States cuts across all boundaries of race, national origin and class.\nAgainst white-collar crime, we pledge to enforce the maximum penalties provided by law. Justice cannot survive when, as too often is the case, a boy who steals a television set is sentenced to a long jail term, while a stock manipulator who steals millions is only commanded to sin no more.\nAt least where life or personal injury are at stake, we pledge to seek expanded criminal penalties for the violation of federal laws. Employers who violate the worker safety and health laws, or manufacturers who knowingly sell unsafe products or drugs profit from death and injury as knowingly as the common mugger. They deserve equally severe punishment.\nRehabilitation of Offenders\n\nFew institutions in America are as uniformly condemned and as consistently ignored as our existing prison system. Many prisons that are supposed to rehabilitate and separate, in fact train their inmates for nothing but brutality and a life of further crime. Only when public understanding recognizes that our existing \"corrections\" system contributes to escalating crime, will we get the massive effort necessary for fundamental restructuring.\nTherefore, the Democratic Party commits itself to:\nRestoration, after release, of rights to obtain drivers licenses and to public and private employment, and, after completion of sentence and conditions of parole, restoration of civil rights to vote and hold public office;\nRevision of sentencing procedures and greater use of community-based rehabilitation facilities, especially for juveniles;\nRecognition of the constitutional and human rights of prisoners; realistic therapeutic, vocational, wage-earning, education, alcoholism and drug treatment programs;\nMaking correctional personnel an integral part of the rehabilitative process;\nEmergency, educational and work-release furlough programs as an available technique, support for \"self-help\" programs; and\nRestoration of civil rights to ex-convicts after completion of their sentences, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to obtain drivers' licenses and to public and private employment.\nThe Quality of Justice\n\nJustice is not merely effective law enforcement —though that is an essential part of it. Justice, rather, expresses the moral character of a nation and its commitment to the rule of law, to equality of all people before the law.\nThe Democratic Party believes that nothing must abridge the faith of the American citizens in their system of law and justice.\nWe believe that the quality of justice will be enhanced by:\nEqual treatment for all citizens in the court without fear or favor—corporations as well as individual offenders;\nSwift trials for accused persons;\nEquitable pre-trial release systems and the elimination of plea bargaining abuses;\nEnding subversion of the legal system for political gain in court appointments, in antitrust cases and in administration of law enforcement programs;\nAdministering the laws and funding enacted by the Congress;\nRespecting and abiding by Constitutional protections of due process; and\nAbolishing capital punishment, recognized as an ineffective deterrent to crime, unequally applied and cruel and excessive punishment.\nVII. Farming and Rural Life\n\n\"A blight hangs over the land caused by misguided farm policies.\"—Tony Dechant, Sioux City hearing, June 16, 1972.\nFor many decades, American agriculture has been the envy of the world; and American farmers and American ranchers have made possible a level of nutrition and abundance for our people that is unrivaled in history, while feeding millions of people abroad.\nThe basis for this success—and its promise for the future—lies with the family-type farm. It can and must be preserved, in the best interests of all Americans and the nation's welfare.\nToday, as dwindling income forces thousands of family farmers into bankruptcy each year, the family-type farm is threatened with extinction. American farming is passing to corporate control.\nThese trends will benefit few of our people, while hurting many. The dominance of American food production by the large corporation would destroy individual enterprise and links that millions of our people have with the land; and it would lead to higher prices and higher food costs for everyone.\nMajor efforts must be made to prevent this disaster for the fabric of rural life, for the American farmer, rancher, farm worker and for the consumer and other rural people throughout our nation;\nFarm income must be improved to enable farmers, ranchers and farm workers to produce a steady and dependable supply of food and fiber products in return for full parity; and\nWe must recognize and fulfill the social contract that exists between the family-farm producers of food and the non-farm consumer.\nThe Democratic Party understands these urgent needs; the Nixon Administration does not and has failed the American farmer. Its record today is consistent with the Republican record of the past: Low prices, farm surpluses that depress the market and callous disregard for the people in rural America.\nThis Administration has sold out agriculture to interests bent on eliminating family-type farmers and bent on delivering agriculture to conglomerates, agribusiness giants and rich investors seeking to avoid taxes.\nIts policies have driven farm income as low as 67 per cent of parity, unequalled since the Depression. Between 50,000 and 75,000 farm families are driven off the land each year. Hundreds of thousands of demoralized people are being forced into overcrowded cities, emptying the countryside and bankrupting small business in rural towns and cities.\nThe Nixon Administration tries to hide its failures by misleading the people, juggling the parity formula to make prices look higher, distorting reports to make corporate farming look insignificant and trying to break up the U.S. Department of Agriculture and still the farmer's voice.\nThe Democratic Party will reverse these disastrous policies, and begin to recreate a rural society of widespread family farming, individual opportunity and private and cooperative enterprises, where honest work will bring a decent income.\nWe repudiate the Administration's set aside program, which pushes up the cost of farm programs while building huge surpluses that depress prices.\nWe repudiate the Report of the USDA Young Executives Committee which would eliminate the family-type farm by ending price support, loan and purchasing programs on all farm commodities and which would put farm people on the welfare rolls.\nWe repudiate a Presidential commission report recommending that future federal investment in many small towns and cities should make their decline merely more bearable rather than reverse it.\nIn place of these negative and harmful policies, the Democratic Party pledges itself to take positive and decisive action:\nWe will replace the 1970 Farm Act, when it expires next year, with a permanent law to provide fair prices to family type farm and ranch operators. This law will include loans and payments to farmers and effective supply management to raise family farm income to 100 percent of parity, based on the 1910-14 ratios:\nWe will resist a price ceiling on agriculture products until farm prices reach 110 per cent of parity, based on the 1910-14 ratios, and we will conduct a consumer education program to inform all Americans of the relationship between the prices of raw commodities and retail prices;\nWe will end farm program benefits to farm units larger than family-size; and\nWe will work for production adjustment that will assure adequate food and fiber for all our people, including low-income families and individuals whose purchasing power is supplemented with food stamps and that can provide enough commodities for export and for the Food for Peace Program.\nExporting Our Abundance\n\nFor many years, farm exports have made a major contribution to our balances of trade and payments. But this benefit for the entire nation must not be purchased with depressed prices for the producer.\nThe Democratic Party will ensure that:\nPrices for commodities sent abroad as exports or aid return the cost of production plus a profit for the American farmer;\nWe will negotiate international commodity agreements to include prices that guarantee prices to producers based on cost of production plus a reasonable profit;\nWe will require U.S. corporations producing commodities outside the country for consumption here to pay duties high enough to prevent unfair competition for domestic producers;\nWe will assure that the same rigid standards for inspection of domestic dairy products and meat will be applied to imports; and\nWe will create a strategic reserve of storable commodities, insulated from the market, rotated regularly to maintain quality and stored to the extent possible on farms.\nStrengthening the Family Farm\n\nThese policies and actions will not be enough on their own to strengthen the family farm. The Democratic Party also recognizes that farmers and ranchers must be able to gain economic strength in the marketplace by organizing and bargaining collectively for the sale of their products. And they need to be free of unfair competition from monopoly and other restrictive corporate practices. We therefore pledge:\nTo remove all obstacles to farm bargaining for the sale of products;\nTo extend authority for marketing orders to all farm commodities including those used for processing;\nTo prohibit farming, or the gaining of monopolistic control of production, on the part of corporations whose resources and income derive primarily from non-farm sources;\nTo investigate violations and enforce anti-trust laws in corporation-agriculture-agribusiness interlocks;\nTo prohibit corporations and individuals from setting up tax shelters or otherwise engaging in agriculture primarily for the purpose of tax avoidance or tax loss;\nTo encourage and support the use of cooperatives and membership associations in all areas of the country, which we pledge to protect from interference, punitive taxation or other hindrances; and\nTo assist small rural cooperatives to promote projects in housing, health, social services, marketing, farming, employment and transportation for rural areas with such things as technical assistance and credit.\nGuaranteeing Farm People a Voice\n\nNone of these policies can begin to work unless farmers, ranchers, farm workers and other rural people have full rights of participation in our democratic institutions of government. The Democratic Party is committed to seeing that family-type farmers and ranchers will be heard and that they will have ample opportunity to help shape policies affecting agriculture and rural America. To this end:\nWe support the appointment of a farmer or rancher as Secretary of Agriculture;\nWe oppose all efforts to abolish or dismantle the U.S. Department of Agriculture;\nWe will require that decisions relating to dams and other public land-use projects in rural areas involving federal funds be considered at well-publicized public hearings. Government is not now giving adequate protection to individual rights in condemnation procedures. It must set new and better procedures and requirements to, assure individual rights;\nWe supported the United Farm Workers in their non-violent efforts to gain collective bargaining recognition and contracts. We also support unemployment insurance compensation benefits, workman's compensation benefits and delivery of health services for farm workers; and\nWe support the removal of sugar workers from the custody of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.\nRevitalizing Rural America\n\nSound rural development must start with improved farm income, which also promotes the prosperity of the small businesses that serve all rural people. But there must be other efforts, as well, to ensure equity for farm and rural people in the American economy. The Democratic Party pledges:\nTo support the rural cooperative electrification and telephone programs and to implement rural transportation programs as explained in the section Cities, Communities, Counties and the Environment of this Platform. We will extend the agricultural exemption in the Motor Carriers Act to products and supplies and ensure rural areas an equitable share of Highway Trust Funds;\nTo apply general revenue sharing in ways that will permit state and local taxation of family farm lands on the basis of value for farm use rather than value for land speculation;\nTo guarantee equal treatment of rural and urban areas in the provision of federal funds for schools, poverty programs, health facilities, housing, highways, air services, pollution control, senior citizen programs and employment opportunities and manpower and training programs;\nTo provide loans to aid young farm families and small businesses to get established in rural areas; and\nTo ensure agricultural research toward an examination of the social and economic consequences of technology.\nThe prime goal of land grant colleges and research should be to help family farms and rural people.\nVIII. Foreign Policy\n\n\"The Administration is continuing a war—continuing the killing of Americans and Vietnamese —when our national security is not at stake.\n\"It is our duty as the opposition party to point out the Administration's errors and to offer a responsible alternative.\"—W. Averell Harriman, New York Hearing, June 22, 1972.\nStrength in defense and wisdom in foreign affairs are essential to prosperity and tranquility. In the modern world, there can be no isolationism in reality or policy. But the measure of our nation's rank in the world must be our success in achieving a just and peaceful society at home.\nFor the Nixon Administration, foreign policy results have fallen short of the attention and the slogans:\nAfter four years of \"Vietnamization,\" the war in Southeast Asia continues and Nixon's plan is still a secret;\nVital foreign policy decisions are made without consultation with Congress or our allies; and\nExecutive secrecy runs wild with unparalleled efforts to intimidate the media and suppress those who seek to put a different view before the American people.\nThe next Democratic Administration should:\nEnd American participation in the war in Southeast Asia;\nRe-establish control over military activities and reduce military spending, where consistent with national security;\nDefend America's real interests and maintain our alliances, neither playing world policeman nor abandoning old and good friends;\nNot neglect America's relations with small third-world nations in placing reliance to great power relationships;\nReturn to Congress, and to the people, a meaningful role in decisions on peace and war; and\nMake information public, except where real national defense interests are involved.\nVietnam\n\nNothing better describes the need for a new American foreign policy than the fact that now, as for the past seven years, it begins with the war in Vietnam.\nThe task now is still to end the war, not to decide who is to blame for it. The Democratic Party must share the responsibility for this tragic war. But, elected with a secret plan to end this war, Nixon's plan is still secret, and we—and the Vietnamese—have had four more years of fighting and death.\nIt is true that our involvement on the ground has been reduced. Troops are coming home. But the war has been extended in Laos and Cambodia; the bombing of North Vietnam has been expanded to levels of destruction undreamed of four years ago; North Vietnam has been blockaded; the number of refugees increases each day, and the Secretary of Defense warns us of still further escalation.\nAll this has accomplished nothing except to prolong the war. The hollowness of \"Vietnamization\"—a delusive slogan seeming to offer cheap victory—has been exposed by the recent offensive. The Saigon Government, despite massive U.S. support, is still not viable. It is militarily ineffective, politically corrupt and economically near collapse. Yet it is for this regime that Americans still die, and American prisoners still rot in Indo-China camps.\nThe plight of these American prisoners justly arouses the concern of all Americans. We must insist that any resolution of the war include the return of all prisoners held by North Vietnam and other adversary forces and the fullest possible accounting for the missing. With increasing lack of credibility, the Nixon Administration has sought to use the prisoners of war as an excuse for its policies. It has refused to make the simple offer of a definite and final end to U.S. participation in the war, in conjunction with return of all U.S. prisoners.\nThe majority of the Democratic Senators have called for full U.S. withdrawal by October 1, 1972. We support that position. If the war is not ended before the next Democratic Administration takes office, we pledge, as the first order of business, an immediate and complete withdrawal of all U.S. forces in Indo-China. All U.S. military action in Southeast Asia will cease. After the end of U.S. direct combat participation, military aid to the Saigon Government, and elsewhere in Indo-China, will be terminated.\nThe U.S. will no longer seek to determine the political future of the nations of Indo-China. The issue is not whether we will depose the present South Vietnamese Government, rather when we will cease insisting that it must be the core of any political settlement. We will do what we can to foster an agreement on an acceptable political solution but we recognize that there are sharp limits to our ability to influence this process, and to the importance of the outcome to our interest.\nDisengagement from this terrible war will not be a \"defeat\" for America. It will not imply any weakness in America's will or ability to protect its vital interests from attack. On the contrary, disengagement will enable us to heal domestic diversions and to end the distortion of our international priorities which the war has caused.\nA Democratic Administration will act to ease the hard transitions which will come with the end of this war. We pledge to offer to the people of Vietnam humanitarian assistance to help them repair the ravages of 30 years of war to the economy and to the people of that devastated land.\nTo our own people, we pledge a true effort to extend the hand of reconciliation and assistance to those most affected by the war.\nTo those who have served in this war, we pledge a full G.I. Bill of Rights, with benefits sufficient to pay for an education of the veteran's choice, job training programs and the guarantee of employment and the best medical care this country can provide, including a full program of rehabilitation for those who have returned addicted to dangerous drugs. To those who for reasons of conscience refused to serve in this war and were prosecuted or sought refuge abroad, we state our firm intention to declare an amnesty, on an appropriate basis, when the fighting has ceased and our troops and prisoners of war have returned.\nMilitary Policy\n\nWe propose a program of national defense which is both prudent and responsible, which will retain the confidence of our allies and which will be a deterrent to potential aggressors.\nMilitary strength remains an essential element of a responsible international policy. America must have the strength required for effective deterrence.\nBut military defense cannot be treated in isolation from other vital national concerns. Spending for military purposes is greater by far than federal spending for education, housing, environmental protection, unemployment insurance or welfare. Unneeded dollars for the military at once add to the tax burden and pre-empt funds from programs of direct and immediate benefit to our people. Moreover, too much that is now spent on defense not only adds nothing to our strength but makes us less secure by stimulating other countries to respond.\nUnder the Nixon stewardship of our defense policy, lack of sound management controls over defense projects threatens to price us out of an adequate defense. The reaction of the Defense Department to exposure of cost overruns has been to strike back at the critics instead of acting to stop the waste.\nNeedless projects continue and grow, despite evidence of waste, military ineffectiveness and even affirmative danger to real security. The \"development\" budget starts pressures for larger procurement budgets in a few years. Morale and military effectiveness deteriorate as drugs, desertion and racial hatreds plague the armed forces, especially in Vietnam.\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to maintain adequate military forces for deterrence and effective support of our international position. But we will also insist on the firm control of specific costs and projects that are essential to ensure that each defense dollar makes a real contribution to national security. Specifically, a Democratic Administration should:\nPlan military budgets on the basis of our present needs and commitments, not past practices or force levels;\nStress simplicity and effectiveness in new weapons and stop goldplating and duplication which threatens to spawn a new succession of costly military white elephants; avoid commitment to new weapons unless and until it becomes clear that they are needed;\nReject calls to use the SALT agreement as an excuse for wasteful and dangerous acceleration of our military spending;\nReduce overseas bases and forces; and\nRebuild the morale and military tradition of our armed forces through creative programs to combat drug abuse, racial tensions and eroded pride in service. We will support reforms of the conditions of military life to restore military service as an attractive career for men and women from all segments of our society.\nBy these reforms and this new approach to budgeting, coupled with a prompt end to U.S. involvement in the war in Indo-China, the military budget can be reduced substantially with no weakening of our national security. Indeed a leaner, better-run system will mean added strength, efficiency and morale for our military forces.\nWorkers and industries now dependent on defense spending should not be made to pay the price of altering our priorities. Therefore, we pledge reconversion policies and government resources to assure jobs and new industrial opportunities for all those adversely affected by curtailed defense spending.\nDraft\n\nWe urge abolition of the draft.\nDisarmament and Arms Control\n\nThe Democratic Party stands for keeping America strong; we reject the concept of unilateral reductions below levels needed for adequate military defense. But effective international arms control and disarmament do not threaten American security; they enhance it.\nThe last Democratic Administration took the lead in pressing for U.S.-Soviet agreement on strategic arms limitation. The recent SALT agreement is an important and useful first step.\nThe SALT agreement should be quickly ratified and taken as a starting point for new agreements. It must not be used as an excuse for new \"bargaining chip\" military programs or the new round of the arms race.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Carry on negotiations to expand the initial SALT agreement to other areas, especially to seek limits to the qualitative arms race and to begin reducing force levels on each side;\nSeek a comprehensive ban on all nuclear testing, verified, as SALT will be, by national means;\nPress for wide adherence to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed in 1968, and for extension of the concept of nuclear free regions;\nSeek ratification of the Protocol on Chemical Warfare without reservations;\nIn concert with our allies, pursue with the U.S.S.R. mutual force reductions in Europe; and\nWiden the range of arms control discussions to include new subjects, such as mutual budget cuts, control of arms transfer to developing countries, restrictions on naval force deployments and other measures to limit conventional forces.\nU.S. and the World Community\n\nA new foreign policy must be adequate for a rapidly changing world. We welcome the opportunity this brings for improved relations with the U.S.S.R. and China. But we value even more America's relations with our friends and allies in the Hemisphere, in Western Europe, Japan and other industrialized countries, Israel and the Middle East, and in the developing nations of Asia and Africa. With them, our relations must be conducted on a basis of mutual trust and consultation, seeking to strengthen our ties and to resolve differences on a basis of mutual advantage. Throughout the world, the focus of our policy should be a commitment to peace, self-determination, development, liberty and international cooperation, without distortion in favor of military points of view.\nEurope.—Europe's increasing economic and political strength and the growing cooperation and self-confidence of its people have made the Atlantic Alliance a partnership of equals. If we face the challenge of this new relationship, our historic partnership can endure.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Reduce U.S. troop levels in Europe in close consultation with our allies, as part of a program to adjust NATO to changed conditions. What is essential in our relations with the other NATO nations is not a particular troop level, but our continued commitment to collective defense;\nPledge to work in greater cooperation with the European economic communities to ensure that integration in Europe does not serve as a formula for discrimination against American goods and enterprises;\nCease American support for the repressive Greek military government; and\nMake the voice of the United States heard in Northern Ireland against violence and terror and against the discrimination, repression and deprivation which brought about that awful civil strife.\nWe welcome every improvement in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union and every step taken toward reaching vital agreements on trade and other subjects. However, in our pursuit of improved relations, America cannot afford to be blind to the continued existence of serious differences between us. In particular, the United States should, by diplomatic contacts, seek to mobilize world opinion to express concern at the denial to the oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe and the minorities of the Soviet Union, including the Soviet Jews, of the right to practice their religion and culture and to leave their respective countries.\nMiddle East.—The United States must be unequivocally committed to support of Israel's right to exist within secure and defensible boundaries. Progress toward a negotiated political settlement in the Middle East will permit Israel and her Arab neighbors to live at peace with each other, and to turn their energies to internal development. It will also free the world from the threat of the explosion of Mid-East tensions into world war. In working toward a settlement, our continuing pledge to the security and freedom of Israel must be both clear and consistent.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Make and carry out a firm, long-term public commitment to provide Israel with aircraft and other military equipment in the quantity and sophistication she needs to preserve her deterrent strength in the face of Soviet arsenaling of Arab threats of renewed war;\nSeek to bring the parties into direct negotiations toward a permanent political solution based on the necessity of agreement on secure and defensible national boundaries;\nMaintain a political commitment and a military force in Europe and at sea in the Mediterranean ample to deter the Soviet Union from putting unbearable pressure on Israel.\nRecognize and support the established status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, with free access to all its holy places provided to all faiths. As a symbol of this stand, the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; and\nRecognize the responsibility of the world community for a just solution to the problems of the Arab and Jewish refugees.\nAfrica.—The central feature of African politics today is the struggle against racism and colonialism in Southern Africa. There should be no mistake about which side we are on. We stand for full political, civil and economic rights for black and other nonwhite peoples in Southern Africa. We are against white-minority rule. We should not underwrite a return to the interventionism of the past. But we can end United States complicity with such governments.\nThe focus of America's concern with Africa must be on economic and social development. Economic aid to Africa, without political conditions, should be expanded, and African states assured an adequate share of the aid dollar. Military aid and aid given for military purposes should be sharply reduced.\nAll military aid to Portugal should be stopped and the Nixon $435 million deal for unneeded Azores bases should be canceled.\nU.N. sanctions against the illegal racist regime in Southern Rhodesia should be supported vigorously, especially as they apply to chrome imports.\nThe U.S. should give full support to U.N. assertion of its control over Namibia (South West Africa), in accordance with the World Court's ruling.\nThe U.S. should make clear its opposition to the radical totalitarianism of South Africa. The U.S. government should act firmly to press U.S. businesses in South Africa to take measures for the fullest possible justice for their black employees. Blacks should be assigned at all levels to U.S. offices in South Africa, and throughout Africa. The South African sugar quota should be withdrawn.\nNo U.S. company or its subsidiary should be given U.S. tax credit for taxes paid to white-minority-ruled countries of Africa.\nJapan.—Our relations with Japan have been severely strained by a series of \"Nixon shocks.\" We must restore our friendship with Japan, the leading industrial nation of Asia and a growing world power. There are genuine issues between us and Japan in the economic area, but accommodation of trade problems will be greatly eased by an end to the Nixon Administration's calculated insensitivity to Japan and her interests, marked by repeated failures to afford advance warnings, much consultation over sudden shifts in U.S. diplomatic and economic policy that affect Japan.\nIndia, Pakistan and Bangla Desh.—A Democratic Administration should work to restore the damage done to America's friendship with India as a result of the Administration's folly in \"tilting\" in favor of Pakistan and against Bangla Desh. The alienation by the Nixon Administration of India, the world's largest democracy, and the continued suspension of economic aid to India have seriously damaged the status of the United States in Asia. We pledge generous support for the essential work of reconstruction and reconciliation in Bangla Desh. At the same time, we will maintain friendship and developmental assistance to the \"new\" Pakistan which has emerged from these sad events.\nChina.—The beginnings of a new U.S.-China relationship are welcome and important. However, so far, little of substance has changed, and the exaggerated secrecy and rhetoric of the Nixon Administration have produced unnecessary complications in our relationship with our allies and friends in Asia and with the U.S.S.R.\nWhat is needed now is serious negotiation on trade, travel exchanges and progress on more basic issues. The U.S. should take the steps necessary to establish regular diplomatic relations with China.\nOther Asian Countries.—The future of Asia will be determined by its people, not by the United States. We should support accommodation and cooperation among all Asian countries and continue to assist in economic development.\nCanada.—A Democratic Administration should restore close U.S.-Canadian cooperation and communication, respecting Canada's nationhood and pride. In settling economic issues, we should not compromise our interests; but seek mutually advantageous and equitable solutions. In areas such as environmental protection and social policies, the Americans and Canadians share common problems and we must act together.\nLatin America.—The Good Neighbor policy of Franklin Roosevelt and the Alliance for Progress of John Kennedy set still-living goals-insulation from external political conflicts, mutual non-interference in internal affairs, and support for political liberty, social justice and economic progress. The Nixon Administration has lost sight of these goals, and the result is hostility and suspicion of the U.S. unmatched in generations.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Re-establish an inter-American alliance of equal sovereign nations working cooperatively for development;\nSharply reduce military assistance throughout the area;\nStrive to deepen the exchange of people and ideas within the Hemisphere;\nTake account of the special claims of democratically-elected governments on our resources and sympathy;\nPursue a policy of non-intervention by military means in domestic affairs of Latin American nations;\nRecognize that, while Cuba must not be permitted to become a foreign military base, after 13 years of boycott, crisis and hostility, the time has come to re-examine our relations with Cuba and to seek a way to resolve this cold war confrontation on mutually acceptable terms; and\nRe-establish a U.S.-Mexico border commission, with Mexican-American representatives, to develop a comprehensive program to desalinate and eradicate pollution of the Colorado River and other waterways flowing into Mexico, and conduct substantial programs to raise the economic level on both sides of the border. This should remove the economic reasons which contribute to illegal immigration and discourage run-away industries, in addition, language requirements for citizenship should be removed.\nThe United Nations.—The U.N. cannot solve all the great political problems of our time, but in an increasingly interdependent world, a world body is essential and its potential must be increasingly relied upon.\nThe next Democratic Administration should: Re-establish the U.N. as a key forum for international activity, and assign representatives with the highest qualification for diplomacy;\nGive strong executive branch leadership for U.S. acceptance of its obligations for U.N. financing, while renegotiating arrangement for sharing U.N. costs;\nAbide by the binding U.N. Security Council decision on Rhodesia sanctions, and support U.N. peace-keeping efforts;\nWork for development of enforceable world law as a basis for peace, and endorse repeal of the Connally Reservation on U.S. acceptance of World Court jurisdiction; and\nWork to involve the U.N. increasingly on the complex technical and social problems such as pollution, health, communication, technology and population policy, which are worldwide in scope and demand a worldwide approach, and help provide the means for these U.N. efforts and for U.N. economic development functions.\nInternational Economic Policy\n\nIn a prosperous economy, foreign trade has benefits for virtually everyone. For the consumer, it means lower prices and a wider choice of goods. For the worker and the businessman, it means new jobs and new markets. For nations, it means greater efficiency and growth.\nBut in a weak economy—with over five million men and women out of work—foreign imports bring hardships to many Americans. The automobile or electrical worker, the electronics technician, the small businessman—for them, and millions of others, foreign competition coinciding with a slack economy has spelled financial distress. Our national commitment to liberal trade policies takes its toll when times are bad, but yields its benefits when the economy is fully employed.\nThe Democratic Party proposes no retreat from this commitment. Our international economic policy should have these goals: To expand jobs and business opportunities in this country and to establish two-way trade relations with other nations. To do this, we support the following policies:\nEnd the high-unemployment policy of the Nixon Administration. When a job is available for everyone who wants to work, imports will no longer be a threat. Full employment is a realistic goal, it is a goal which has been attained under Democratic Administrations, and it is a goal we intend to achieve again;\nAdopt broad programs to ease dislocations and relieve the hardship of workers injured by foreign competition;\nSeek higher labor standards in the advanced nations where productivity far outstrips wage rates, thus providing unfair competition to American workers and seek to limit harmful flows of American capital which exploit both foreign and American workers;\nAdhere to liberal trade policies, but we should oppose actions and policies which harm American workers through unfair exploitation of labor abroad and the encouragement of American capital to run after very low wage opportunities for quick profits that will damage the economy of the United States and further weaken the dollar;\nNegotiate orderly and reciprocal reductions of trade barriers to American products. Foreign nations with access to our markets should no longer be permitted to fence us out of theirs;\nSupport reform of the international monetary system. Increased international reserves, provision for large margins in foreign exchange fluctuations and strengthened institutions for the coordination of national economic policies can free our government and others to achieve full employment;\nSupport efforts to promote exports of American farm products; and\nDevelop ground rules for pollution controls with our industrialized trading partners so that no country gains competitive advantage at the expense of the environment.\nDeveloping Nations\n\nPoverty at home or abroad is part of a common problem. Great and growing income gaps among nations are no more tenable than such gaps among groups in our own country. We should remain committed to U.S. support for economic and social development of countries in need. Old ways of providing aid must be revised—to reduce U.S. involvement in administration; to encourage other nations to contribute jointly with us. But funding must be adequate to help poor countries achieve accelerated rates of growth.\nSpecifically, the next Democratic Administration should support: Provision of more assistance through international organizations, along with measures to strengthen the development agencies of the U.N.; A curtailment of military aid;\nImproved access to the markets of industrial nations for the products of the developing countries;\nA greater role in international monetary affairs for poor countries; in particular distributing the new Special Drawing Rights in support of the poor countries; and\nA fair share for poor countries in the resources of the seabeds.\nThe Methods and Structures of U.S. Foreign and Military Policy\n\nThe needed fundamental reordering of U.S. foreign and military policy calls for changes in the structure of decision-making, as well as in particular policies. This means:\nGreater sharing with Congress of real decisions on issues of war and peace, and providing Congress with the information and resources needed for a more responsible role;\nMore honest information policies, beginning with a fundamental reform of the document classification system and including regular press conferences by the President, his cabinet and senior advisors;\nEnding the present drastic overbalance in favor of military opinion by redefining the range of agencies and points of view with a proper claim to be heard on foreign and military policies;\nSubjecting the military budget to effective civilian control and supervision;\nEstablishing effective executive control and legislative oversight of the intelligence agencies;\nEnding political domination of USIA's reporting and Peace Corps dedication and, in general, making it clear that the White House understands the crucial distinction between dissent and disloyalty; and\nUrging the appointment of minority Americans to top positions of ambassadors and diplomats, to let the world know that America is a multi-racial nation and proud of it.\nIX. The People and the Government\n\n\"Our people are dispirited because there seems to be no way by which they can call to office a government which will cut the ties to the past, meeting the challenge of leadership and begin a new era of bold action.\n\"Bold action by innovative government—responsive to the people's needs and desires—is essential to the achievement of our national hopes.\"—Leonard Woodcock, President, United Auto Workers, New York Hearing, June 22, 1972.\nRepresentative democracy fails when citizens cannot know:\nWhen public officials ignore or work against the principles of due process;\nHow their public officials conduct the public's business;\nWhether public officials have personal financial stakes in the very matters they are legislating, administering or enforcing; and\nWhat special interest pressures are being exerted on public officials by lobbyists.\nToday, it is imperative that the Democratic Party again take the lead in reforming those practices that limit the responsiveness of government and remove it from the control of the people.\nSeniority\n\nThe seniority system is one of the principal reasons that party platforms—and parties themselves—have lost meaning and importance in our political life. Seniority has weakened Congress as an effective and responsive institution in a changing society. It has crippled effective Congressional leadership and made it impossible to present and enact a coherent legislative program. It has permitted the power of the Democratic majority to be misused and abused. It has stifled initiative and wasted the talents of many members by making length of service the only criterion for selection to the vital positions of Congressional power and leadership.\nWe, therefore, call on the Democratic Members of the Congress to use the powers inherent in their House and Senate caucuses to implement the policies and programs of the National Democratic Party. It is specifically not intended that Democratic members be directed how to vote on issues on the floor. But, in order that they be responsive to broad party policies and programs, we nonetheless call upon Members of Congress to:\nChoose committee chairmen as provided in existing caucus rules and procedures, but by separate open ballot; chair-people should be chosen who will carry out party policies and programs which come within the jurisdiction of their committees;\nAssure that Democratic programs and policies receive full and fair consideration and are brought to a vote in each house;\nDiscipline committee members, including chair-people, who refuse to comply with caucus instructions regarding the reporting of legislation from their committees; and\nWithhold any seniority benefits from a Member of Congress who fails to overtly identify with the Democratic organization in his state which is recognized by the National Democratic Party.\nSecrecy\n\nPublic business should be transacted publicly, except when national security might be jeopardized.\nTo combat secrecy in government, we call on the Democratic Members of Congress and state legislatures to:\nEnact \"open meetings\" legislation, barring the practice of conducting the public business behind closed doors. This should include so-called mark-up sessions by legislative committees, but should allow for exceptions involving national security and invasions of privacy. To the extent possible, the same principle should apply to the Executive Branch;\nAssure that all committee and floor votes are taken in open session, recorded individually for each legislator; record caucus votes, and make all of these available to the public;\nUrge reservation of executive privilege for the President alone;\nUrge that the judgment in the U.S. Senate in a contested election case be rendered in open Senate session;\nImmediately strengthen the Federal Freedom of Information Act. Congress should improve its oversight of Executive secrecy by requiring federal agencies to report annually on every refusal to grant information requested under the Act. Citizens should have full recourse to the courts to deal with violation or circumvention of the Act. It should be amended to allow courts to review the reasonableness of a claim of executive privilege; and\nAdminister the security system so as to limit the number of officials who can make a document secret, and provide for frequent declassification of documents. Congress should be given the means to obtain documents necessary to fulfill its responsibilities.\nWe also call on the Democratic Members of the House of Representatives to take action through their caucus to end the \"closed rule,\" which is used to prevent amendments and votes on vital tax matters and other important issues, and we call on the Democratic Members of the Senate to liberalize the cloture rule, which is used to prevent votes in that body, so that after full and extensive debate majority rule can prevail.\nAdministrative Agencies\n\nThere is, among more and more citizens, a growing revolt against large, remote and impersonal government agencies that are not responsive to human needs. We pledge to build a representative process into the Executive Branch, so that individuals affected by agency programs can be involved in formulating, implementing and revising them. This requires a basic restructuring of procedures—public hearings before guidelines and regulations are handed down, the processing of citizen complaints, the granting of citizen standing and the recovery of litigation fees for those who win suits against the government.\nWe recommend these specific changes in the rule making and adjudication process of the federal government:\nThere should be no non-written communication between an agency and outside parties about pending decisions. All written communications should promptly be made a part of the public record;\nAll communications between government employees and outside parties about possible future action should be made a part of the public record;\nAll government employees involved in rule-making and adjudication should be subject to conflict of interest laws;\nThe Justice Department should make available to the public any consent decree 90 days prior to its submission to court, to allow any interested party to comment on it to the Court; and The Justice Department should report to Congress each year, to explain its action on major suits.\nIn addition, we must more effectively protect consumer rights before the government. The consumer must be made an integral part of any relationship between government and institutions (public or private) at every level of proceedings whether formal or informal.\nA Democratic Administration would instruct all federal agencies to identify American Indians, Asian Americans and Spanish-speaking Americans in separate categories in all statistical data that note racial or ethnic heritage. Only in this way can these Americans be assured their rights under federal programs.\nFinally, in appropriate geographical areas, agencies of the federal government should be equipped to conduct business in such a fashion that Spanish-speaking citizens should not be hampered by language difficulties.\nConflict of Interest\n\nThe public interest must not be sacrificed to personal gain. Therefore, we call for legislation requiring full disclosure of the financial interests of Members of Congress and their staffs and high officials of the Executive Branch and independent agencies. Disclosure should include business directorships held and associations with individuals or firms lobbying or doing business with the government.\nFurther, Congress should forbid its members to engage in the practice of law or to retain association with a law firm while in office. Legislators serving on a committee whose jurisdiction includes matters in which they have financial interest should divest themselves of the interest or resign from the committee.\nCampaign Finance\n\nA total overhaul of the present system of financing elections is a national necessity. Candidates should not be dependent on large contributors who seek preferential treatment. We call for Congressional action to provide for public financing of more election costs by 1974. We recommend a statutory ceiling on political gifts at a reasonable limit. Publicly owned communications facilities such as television, radio and the postal service should be made available, but on a limited basis, to candidates for federal Office.\nRegulation of Lobbyists\n\nWe also call upon Congress to enact rigorous lobbying disclosure legislation, to replace the present shockingly ineffective law. There should be full disclosure of all organized lobbying—including names of lobbyists, identity of the source of funds, total receipts and expenditures, the nature of the lobbying operation and specific target issues or bills. Reports should be filed at least quarterly, with criminal penalties for late filing. Lobbying regulations should cover attempts to influence both legislative and Executive Branch decisions. The legislation should specifically cover lobbying appeals in subscription publications.\nAs a safeguard, we urge the availability of subpoena and cease-and-desist powers to enforce these conflict of interest, campaign financing and lobby disclosure laws. We also affirm the citizens' right to seek enforcement through the courts, should public officials fail in enforcement.\nTaking Part in the Political Process\n\nThe Presidential primary system today is an unacceptable patchwork. The Democratic Party supports federal laws that will embody the following principles:\nProtect the opportunity for less-known candidates to build support;\nEstablish uniform ground rules; Reduce the cost of primary campaigns; Promote maximum voter turnout; Ensure that issues are clarified;\nFoster the selection of nominees with broad popular support to assure the continued viability of the two party system;\nEnsure every citizen the ability to take part in the Presidential nomination process; and\nEqualize the ability of people from all income levels to participate in the political decision-making processes of the Democratic Party, by providing financial assistance through party funds for delegates, alternates and standing committee members to state and national conventions.\nWe also call for full and uniform enforcement of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But further steps are needed to end all barriers to participation in the political process:\nUniversal voter registration by post card; Bilingual means of registration and voting; Bilingual voter education programs; Liberalized absentee voting;\nLower minimum age requirements for service in the Senate and House of Representatives;\nMinimum residency requirements of 30 days for all elections, including primaries;\nStudent voting where they attend schools; Study and review of the Hatch Act, to see what can be done to encourage good citizenship and reasonable participation by government employees;\nFull home rule for the District of Columbia, including an elected mayor-city council government, broad legislative power, control over appointments, automatic federal payment and voting representation in both Houses of Congress; No discriminatory districting;\nWe favor a Constitutional change to abolish the Electoral College and to give every voter a direct and equal voice in Presidential elections. The amendment should provide for a run-off election, if no candidate received more than 40 percent of the popular vote;\nEarly ratification of the equal rights amendment to the Constitution;\nAppointment of women to positions of top responsibilities in all branches of the federal government, to achieve an equitable ratio of women and men;\nInclusion of women advisors in equitable ratios on all government studies, commissions and hearings; and\nLaws authorizing federal grants on a matching basis for financing state commissions of the status of women.\nThese changes in themselves will not solve the problems of government for all time. As our society changes, so must the ways we use to make government more responsive to the people. Our challenge, today, as always, is to ensure that politics and institutions belong in spirit and in practice to all the people of our nation. In 1972, Americans are deciding that they want their country back again.", "Words" -> 25528, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1310, "and" -> 1248, "of" -> 1061, "to" -> 940, "in" -> 455, "for" -> 352, "a" -> 337, "be" -> 237, "that" -> 224, "The" -> 198, "should" -> 170, "on" -> 166, "with" -> 163, "is" -> 163, "We" -> 153, "our" -> 146, "all" -> 145, "as" -> 140, "by" -> 136, "are" -> 133, "will" -> 125, "must" -> 119, "or" -> 106, "federal" -> 102, "Democratic" -> 99, "we" -> 97, "people" -> 94, "which" -> 93, "not" -> 92, "government" -> 92, "their" -> 90, "has" -> 85, "an" -> 83, "Administration" -> 83, "have" -> 81, "American" -> 75, "from" -> 70, "support" -> 69, "programs" -> 68, "this" -> 64, "it" -> 63, "other" -> 61, "tax" -> 59, "public" -> 59, "economic" -> 59, "Party" -> 56, "more" -> 55, "education" -> 54, "can" -> 54, "new" -> 50, "To" -> 48, "Nixon" -> 48, "national" -> 48, "its" -> 47, "income" -> 47, "system" -> 46, "no" -> 46, "they" -> 45, "who" -> 44, "full" -> 44, "at" -> 44, "these" -> 43, "health" -> 43, "development" -> 42, "use" -> 40, "rights" -> 40, "policy" -> 40, "needs" -> 40, "In" -> 40, "children" -> 40, "political" -> 38, "law" -> 38, "Americans" -> 38, "those" -> 37, "than" -> 37, "housing" -> 37, "social" -> 36, "policies" -> 36, "funds" -> 36, "workers" -> 35, "resources" -> 35, "military" -> 35, "end" -> 35, "U.S." -> 34, "provide" -> 34, "enforcement" -> 34, "but" -> 34, "local" -> 33, "farm" -> 33, "services" -> 32, "security" -> 32, "program" -> 32, "It" -> 32, "right" -> 31, "including" -> 31, "America" -> 31, "against" -> 31, "work" -> 30, "war" -> 30, "rural" -> 30, "laws" -> 30, "job" -> 30, "been" -> 30, "areas" -> 30, "women" -> 29, "made" -> 29, "through" -> 28, "life" -> 28, "when" -> 27, "them" -> 27, "so" -> 27, "pledge" -> 27, "into" -> 27, "ensure" -> 27, "care" -> 27, "adequate" -> 27, "power" -> 26, "employment" -> 26, "Congress" -> 26, "Act" -> 26, "United" -> 25, "quality" -> 25, "every" -> 25, "crime" -> 25, "between" -> 25, "any" -> 25, "A" -> 25, "state" -> 24, "problems" -> 24, "prices" -> 24, "need" -> 24, "control" -> 24, "citizens" -> 24, "basis" -> 24, "next" -> 23, "most" -> 23, "make" -> 23, "jobs" -> 23, "consumer" -> 23, "benefits" -> 23, "also" -> 23, "action" -> 23, "without" -> 22, "treatment" -> 22, "schools" -> 22, "opportunities" -> 22, "nation" -> 22, "levels" -> 22, "efforts" -> 22, "cities" -> 22, "But" -> 22, "both" -> 22, "assure" -> 22, "while" -> 21, "This" -> 21, "States" -> 21, "per" -> 21, "only" -> 21, "now" -> 21, "means" -> 21, "include" -> 21, "free" -> 21, "family" -> 21, "country" -> 21, "up" -> 20, "such" -> 20, "part" -> 20, "opportunity" -> 20, "needed" -> 20, "equal" -> 20, "effective" -> 20, "costs" -> 20, "cost" -> 20, "cent" -> 20, "aid" -> 20, "years" -> 19, "well" -> 19, "urban" -> 19, "transportation" -> 19, "society" -> 19, "Rights" -> 19, "poor" -> 19, "out" -> 19, "meet" -> 19, "land" -> 19, "effort" -> 19, "agencies" -> 19, "world" -> 18, "veterans" -> 18, "us" -> 18, "under" -> 18, "standards" -> 18, "special" -> 18, "protection" -> 18, "over" -> 18, "facilities" -> 18, "environmental" -> 18, "environment" -> 18, "decisions" -> 18, "assistance" -> 18, "among" -> 18, "working" -> 17, "where" -> 17, "there" -> 17, "service" -> 17, "nations" -> 17, "legislation" -> 17, "help" -> 17, "1972" -> 17, "time" -> 16, "school" -> 16, "research" -> 16, "protect" -> 16, "Our" -> 16, "many" -> 16, "international" -> 16, "improve" -> 16, "financial" -> 16, "equitable" -> 16, "energy" -> 16, "educational" -> 16, "each" -> 16, "drugs" -> 16, "defense" -> 16, "communities" -> 16, "commitment" -> 16, "choice" -> 16, "welfare" -> 15, "taxes" -> 15, "small" -> 15, "possible" -> 15, "planning" -> 15, "past" -> 15, "longer" -> 15, "level" -> 15, "institutions" -> 15, "growth" -> 15, "funding" -> 15, "foreign" -> 15, "families" -> 15, "discrimination" -> 15, "determined" -> 15, "cannot" -> 15, "business" -> 15, "because" -> 15, "available" -> 15, "achieve" -> 15, "access" -> 15, "young" -> 14, "would" -> 14, "way" -> 14, "training" -> 14, "too" -> 14, "They" -> 14, "take" -> 14, "seek" -> 14, "process" -> 14, "private" -> 14, "present" -> 14, "own" -> 14, "one" -> 14, "New" -> 14, "management" -> 14, "live" -> 14, "interests" -> 14, "future" -> 14, "forces" -> 14, "economy" -> 14, "do" -> 14, "countries" -> 14, "community" -> 14, "committed" -> 14, "Administration's" -> 14, "want" -> 13, "still" -> 13, "provided" -> 13, "products" -> 13, "pollution" -> 13, "pledges" -> 13, "living" -> 13, "Justice" -> 13, "justice" -> 13, "human" -> 13, "higher" -> 13, "greater" -> 13, "food" -> 13, "fair" -> 13, "employees" -> 13, "create" -> 13, "comprehensive" -> 13, "call" -> 13, "used" -> 12, "U.N." -> 12, "trade" -> 12, "toward" -> 12, "These" -> 12, "There" -> 12, "Support" -> 12, "same" -> 12, "relations" -> 12, "reduce" -> 12, "property" -> 12, "price" -> 12, "particular" -> 12, "National" -> 12, "millions" -> 12, "may" -> 12, "itself" -> 12, "For" -> 12, "essential" -> 12, "Education" -> 12, "criminal" -> 12, "being" -> 12, "before" -> 12, "bargaining" -> 12, "Africa" -> 12, "year" -> 11, "serve" -> 11, "reform" -> 11, "recognize" -> 11, "open" -> 11, "often" -> 11, "nation's" -> 11, "much" -> 11, "major" -> 11, "June" -> 11, "I" -> 11, "homes" -> 11, "home" -> 11, "good" -> 11, "given" -> 11, "first" -> 11, "far" -> 11, "expand" -> 11, "existing" -> 11, "encourage" -> 11, "drug" -> 11, "decent" -> 11, "bring" -> 11, "believe" -> 11, "addition" -> 11, "wage" -> 10, "vital" -> 10, "unfair" -> 10, "techniques" -> 10, "requirements" -> 10, "providing" -> 10, "problem" -> 10, "practices" -> 10, "police" -> 10, "pay" -> 10, "party" -> 10, "participation" -> 10, "neighborhoods" -> 10, "necessary" -> 10, "million" -> 10, "men" -> 10, "measures" -> 10, "lost" -> 10, "lives" -> 10, "leadership" -> 10, "know" -> 10, "individual" -> 10, "Indians" -> 10, "he" -> 10, "further" -> 10, "executive" -> 10, "ethnic" -> 10, "especially" -> 10, "distribution" -> 10, "Department" -> 10, "corporate" -> 10, "city" -> 10, "area" -> 10, "America's" -> 10, "about" -> 10, "worker" -> 9, "whose" -> 9, "unemployment" -> 9, "towns" -> 9, "spending" -> 9, "share" -> 9, "set" -> 9, "safety" -> 9, "rule" -> 9, "restore" -> 9, "responsibility" -> 9, "relationship" -> 9, "ratios" -> 9, "race" -> 9, "promote" -> 9, "prisoners" -> 9, "prevent" -> 9, "population" -> 9, "members" -> 9, "medical" -> 9, "maintain" -> 9, "limit" -> 9, "large" -> 9, "insurance" -> 9, "individuals" -> 9, "goal" -> 9, "give" -> 9, "get" -> 9, "general" -> 9, "fully" -> 9, "force" -> 9, "financing" -> 9, "Federal" -> 9, "farmers" -> 9, "eliminate" -> 9, "domestic" -> 9, "does" -> 9, "develop" -> 9, "dangerous" -> 9, "cooperation" -> 9, "conditions" -> 9, "civil" -> 9, "citizen" -> 9, "capital" -> 9, "burden" -> 9, "benefit" -> 9, "begin" -> 9, "basic" -> 9, "based" -> 9, "Asia" -> 9, "All" -> 9, "after" -> 9, "act" -> 9, "ability" -> 9, "what" -> 8, "Vietnam" -> 8, "therefore" -> 8, "technology" -> 8, "suburban" -> 8, "stimulate" -> 8, "Social" -> 8, "return" -> 8, "real" -> 8, "rather" -> 8, "racial" -> 8, "plan" -> 8, "permit" -> 8, "order" -> 8, "office" -> 8, "legal" -> 8, "last" -> 8, "issues" -> 8, "interest" -> 8, "inflation" -> 8, "increases" -> 8, "increase" -> 8, "important" -> 8, "Hearing" -> 8, "Health" -> 8, "growing" -> 8, "governments" -> 8, "expanded" -> 8, "Executive" -> 8, "Equal" -> 8, "enough" -> 8, "emphasis" -> 8, "election" -> 8, "early" -> 8, "Develop" -> 8, "court" -> 8, "corporations" -> 8, "continued" -> 8, "commodities" -> 8, "clear" -> 8, "change" -> 8, "build" -> 8, "Branch" -> 8, "best" -> 8, "become" -> 8, "As" -> 8, "And" -> 8, "age" -> 8, "whether" -> 7, "When" -> 7, "wealth" -> 7, "water" -> 7, "waste" -> 7, "urge" -> 7, "Under" -> 7, "total" -> 7, "Today" -> 7, "themselves" -> 7, "taken" -> 7, "strength" -> 7, "states" -> 7, "sharing" -> 7, "sex" -> 7, "secret" -> 7, "retarded" -> 7, "requires" -> 7, "require" -> 7, "rehabilitation" -> 7, "regulations" -> 7, "Puerto" -> 7, "projects" -> 7, "production" -> 7, "principle" -> 7, "President" -> 7, "Policy" -> 7, "personnel" -> 7, "personal" -> 7, "penalties" -> 7, "oppose" -> 7, "old" -> 7, "officials" -> 7, "offer" -> 7, "nothing" -> 7, "neglect" -> 7, "minimum" -> 7, "massive" -> 7, "making" -> 7, "makes" -> 7, "labor" -> 7, "keep" -> 7, "just" -> 7, "Japan" -> 7, "increased" -> 7, "high" -> 7, "guarantee" -> 7, "groups" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "goals" -> 7, "fundamental" -> 7, "Full" -> 7, "Farm" -> 7, "Europe" -> 7, "enforce" -> 7, "elderly" -> 7, "efficiency" -> 7, "down" -> 7, "done" -> 7, "disclosure" -> 7, "direct" -> 7, "Court" -> 7, "concern" -> 7, "competition" -> 7, "committees" -> 7, "committee" -> 7, "combat" -> 7, "collective" -> 7, "career" -> 7, "budget" -> 7, "black" -> 7, "better" -> 7, "back" -> 7, "appropriate" -> 7, "apply" -> 7, "agreement" -> 7, "again" -> 7, "actions" -> 7, "abroad" -> 7, "World" -> 6, "were" -> 6, "ways" -> 6, "was" -> 6, "vote" -> 6, "upon" -> 6, "Towns" -> 6, "structure" -> 6, "strengthen" -> 6, "stop" -> 6, "step" -> 6, "specific" -> 6, "South" -> 6, "seen" -> 6, "rules" -> 6, "role" -> 6, "review" -> 6, "revenue" -> 6, "responsive" -> 6, "responsible" -> 6, "Republican" -> 6, "representation" -> 6, "remove" -> 6, "regardless" -> 6, "record" -> 6, "recognized" -> 6, "reasonable" -> 6, "rates" -> 6, "raise" -> 6, "purposes" -> 6, "progress" -> 6, "profits" -> 6, "procedures" -> 6, "priority" -> 6, "preservation" -> 6, "preferences" -> 6, "practice" -> 6, "poverty" -> 6, "positions" -> 6, "peace" -> 6, "parties" -> 6, "participate" -> 6, "parity" -> 6, "operation" -> 6, "Only" -> 6, "official" -> 6, "mutual" -> 6, "movement" -> 6, "minorities" -> 6, "Military" -> 6, "Members" -> 6, "mean" -> 6, "manpower" -> 6, "low" -> 6, "loss" -> 6, "like" -> 6, "less" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "lack" -> 6, "Labor" -> 6, "juvenile" -> 6, "Israel" -> 6, "information" -> 6, "industry" -> 6, "industries" -> 6, "industrial" -> 6, "improved" -> 6, "illegal" -> 6, "ignored" -> 6, "if" -> 6, "how" -> 6, "Housing" -> 6, "House" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "hard" -> 6, "group" -> 6, "great" -> 6, "go" -> 6, "four" -> 6, "FHA" -> 6, "failed" -> 6, "Expand" -> 6, "everyone" -> 6, "even" -> 6, "Establish" -> 6, "efficient" -> 6, "due" -> 6, "disabled" -> 6, "day" -> 6, "current" -> 6, "cultural" -> 6, "crisis" -> 6, "courts" -> 6, "contribution" -> 6, "consumers" -> 6, "consistent" -> 6, "conduct" -> 6, "come" -> 6, "clean" -> 6, "childhood" -> 6, "child" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "broad" -> 6, "bilingual" -> 6, "attention" -> 6, "At" -> 6, "arms" -> 6, "another" -> 6, "allow" -> 6, "allies" -> 6, "agriculture" -> 6, "agency" -> 6, "administrative" -> 6, "administration" -> 6, "activity" -> 6, "Workers" -> 5, "within" -> 5, "With" -> 5, "What" -> 5, "voice" -> 5, "view" -> 5, "variety" -> 5, "VA" -> 5, "uniform" -> 5, "two" -> 5, "transit" -> 5, "today" -> 5, "thus" -> 5, "throughout" -> 5, "threatened" -> 5, "threaten" -> 5, "taxation" -> 5, "Tax" -> 5, "supply" -> 5, "suburbs" -> 5, "students" -> 5, "strong" -> 5, "steps" -> 5, "status" -> 5, "species" -> 5, "Spanish-speaking" -> 5, "Soviet" -> 5, "some" -> 5, "solutions" -> 5, "simply" -> 5, "separate" -> 5, "Senate" -> 5, "Security" -> 5, "SALT" -> 5, "rising" -> 5, "Rico" -> 5, "revenues" -> 5, "respect" -> 5, "replace" -> 5, "remain" -> 5, "relief" -> 5, "regular" -> 5, "regional" -> 5, "regard" -> 5, "reforms" -> 5, "reduced" -> 5, "ranchers" -> 5, "Provide" -> 5, "protecting" -> 5, "protected" -> 5, "produced" -> 5, "primary" -> 5, "preventive" -> 5, "pressures" -> 5, "Presidential" -> 5, "preserve" -> 5, "potential" -> 5, "places" -> 5, "place" -> 5, "persons" -> 5, "permanent" -> 5, "period" -> 5, "pension" -> 5, "others" -> 5, "organized" -> 5, "organizations" -> 5, "oil" -> 5, "No" -> 5, "never" -> 5, "natural" -> 5, "middle-income" -> 5, "mentally" -> 5, "mass" -> 5, "market" -> 5, "majority" -> 5, "long-term" -> 5, "loans" -> 5, "legislative" -> 5, "least" -> 5, "lead" -> 5, "larger" -> 5, "language" -> 5, "Kennedy" -> 5, "involved" -> 5, "investment" -> 5, "Insurance" -> 5, "insist" -> 5, "influence" -> 5, "ineffective" -> 5, "Indo-China" -> 5, "incentives" -> 5, "inadequate" -> 5, "imports" -> 5, "immediate" -> 5, "If" -> 5, "however" -> 5, "houses" -> 5, "history" -> 5, "handicapped" -> 5, "guaranteed" -> 5, "grant" -> 5, "gain" -> 5, "friends" -> 5, "forms" -> 5, "forced" -> 5, "firm" -> 5, "favor" -> 5, "farming" -> 5, "farmer" -> 5, "family-type" -> 5, "extended" -> 5, "experience" -> 5, "expenditures" -> 5, "Every" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "establish" -> 5, "equality" -> 5, "Ensure" -> 5, "either" -> 5, "Economic" -> 5, "different" -> 5, "developed" -> 5, "decision-making" -> 5, "decide" -> 5, "cuts" -> 5, "credit" -> 5, "cover" -> 5, "coordination" -> 5, "controls" -> 5, "continuing" -> 5, "Constitutional" -> 5, "Congressional" -> 5, "conflicts" -> 5, "concerned" -> 5, "commit" -> 5, "challenge" -> 5, "center" -> 5, "cease" -> 5, "caused" -> 5, "cases" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "approach" -> 5, "amendment" -> 5, "afford" -> 5, "addiction" -> 5, "activities" -> 5, "abuse" -> 5, "30" -> 5, "you" -> 4, "world's" -> 4, "widespread" -> 4, "voting" -> 4, "votes" -> 4, "voter" -> 4, "victims" -> 4, "Veterans" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "updated" -> 4, "unnecessary" -> 4, "Trust" -> 4, "truly" -> 4, "train" -> 4, "Through" -> 4, "thousands" -> 4, "think" -> 4, "That" -> 4, "tenants" -> 4, "television" -> 4, "technical" -> 4, "Take" -> 4, "systems" -> 4, "supported" -> 4, "supplement" -> 4, "suits" -> 4, "sufficient" -> 4, "Such" -> 4, "substantially" -> 4, "strict" -> 4, "statutes" -> 4, "standing" -> 4, "specifically" -> 4, "speak" -> 4, "Spanish" -> 4, "Southeast" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "solve" -> 4, "single" -> 4, "shelter" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "serious" -> 4, "senior" -> 4, "Seek" -> 4, "secure" -> 4, "secrecy" -> 4, "secondary" -> 4, "seas" -> 4, "scale" -> 4, "rich" -> 4, "reverse" -> 4, "results" -> 4, "result" -> 4, "required" -> 4, "renewed" -> 4, "religious" -> 4, "Re-establish" -> 4, "recreation" -> 4, "reconcile" -> 4, "recognizes" -> 4, "receive" -> 4, "reasons" -> 4, "range" -> 4, "put" -> 4, "purchasing" -> 4, "punishment" -> 4, "Public" -> 4, "proud" -> 4, "prosecution" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "promptly" -> 4, "promises" -> 4, "promise" -> 4, "priorities" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "post-secondary" -> 4, "plight" -> 4, "Platform" -> 4, "plant" -> 4, "physical" -> 4, "permitted" -> 4, "percent" -> 4, "People" -> 4, "payroll" -> 4, "payments" -> 4, "pace" -> 4, "outside" -> 4, "ourselves" -> 4, "ordinary" -> 4, "operating" -> 4, "offenders" -> 4, "obtain" -> 4, "numbers" -> 4, "number" -> 4, "nuclear" -> 4, "nor" -> 4, "neighborhood" -> 4, "narcotics" -> 4, "move" -> 4, "money" -> 4, "methods" -> 4, "Medicare" -> 4, "mechanisms" -> 4, "meaningful" -> 4, "matters" -> 4, "markets" -> 4, "Many" -> 4, "lobbying" -> 4, "limits" -> 4, "let" -> 4, "leave" -> 4, "jurisdiction" -> 4, "Its" -> 4, "involving" -> 4, "intimidation" -> 4, "instead" -> 4, "inspection" -> 4, "injured" -> 4, "India" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "increasing" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "implement" -> 4, "II" -> 4, "hospitals" -> 4, "hold" -> 4, "highest" -> 4, "heritage" -> 4, "hearings" -> 4, "heard" -> 4, "harmful" -> 4, "hand" -> 4, "had" -> 4, "guidelines" -> 4, "ground" -> 4, "greatness" -> 4, "greatly" -> 4, "grants" -> 4, "following" -> 4, "find" -> 4, "fighting" -> 4, "fear" -> 4, "faith" -> 4, "failure" -> 4, "face" -> 4, "extend" -> 4, "exports" -> 4, "expense" -> 4, "expansion" -> 4, "except" -> 4, "equally" -> 4, "Environment" -> 4, "entire" -> 4, "enhance" -> 4, "endorse" -> 4, "Ending" -> 4, "End" -> 4, "enable" -> 4, "elections" -> 4, "elected" -> 4, "Effective" -> 4, "duty" -> 4, "don't" -> 4, "dollars" -> 4, "disadvantaged" -> 4, "disability" -> 4, "dignity" -> 4, "deterioration" -> 4, "destruction" -> 4, "designed" -> 4, "delivery" -> 4, "deliver" -> 4, "decline" -> 4, "decay" -> 4, "deal" -> 4, "damage" -> 4, "cut" -> 4, "corruption" -> 4, "cooperatives" -> 4, "contribute" -> 4, "contract" -> 4, "continue" -> 4, "Consumers" -> 4, "consultation" -> 4, "construction" -> 4, "Constitution" -> 4, "confidence" -> 4, "complete" -> 4, "compensation" -> 4, "common" -> 4, "commits" -> 4, "commercial" -> 4, "college" -> 4, "closed" -> 4, "close" -> 4, "citizenship" -> 4, "Children" -> 4, "caucus" -> 4, "By" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "building" -> 4, "break" -> 4, "billions" -> 4, "Bill" -> 4, "Bilingual" -> 4, "believes" -> 4, "behalf" -> 4, "automobile" -> 4, "Asian" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "approaches" -> 4, "alone" -> 4, "allows" -> 4, "air" -> 4, "Agriculture" -> 4, "agricultural" -> 4, "agreements" -> 4, "ago" -> 4, "affirmative" -> 4, "affected" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "advancement" -> 4, "account" -> 4, "abuses" -> 4, "youth" -> 3, "Yet" -> 3, "written" -> 3, "Work" -> 3, "Women" -> 3, "withdrawal" -> 3, "wilderness" -> 3, "wide" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "white" -> 3, "Where" -> 3, "welcome" -> 3, "War" -> 3, "vocational-technical" -> 3, "virtually" -> 3, "violence" -> 3, "violations" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "vast" -> 3, "values" -> 3, "U.S.S.R." -> 3, "urgent" -> 3, "Urban" -> 3, "universal" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "unable" -> 3, "turn" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "true" -> 3, "Transportation" -> 3, "traffic" -> 3, "traditional" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "tough" -> 3, "top" -> 3, "things" -> 3, "Therefore" -> 3, "technological" -> 3, "technicians" -> 3, "teachers" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "survive" -> 3, "Supreme" -> 3, "supposed" -> 3, "supplies" -> 3, "suffered" -> 3, "success" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "steady" -> 3, "standard" -> 3, "stand" -> 3, "staff" -> 3, "Southern" -> 3, "source" -> 3, "something" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "So" -> 3, "skilled" -> 3, "skill" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "simple" -> 3, "side" -> 3, "settlement" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "sense" -> 3, "see" -> 3, "Secretary" -> 3, "sea" -> 3, "science" -> 3, "say" -> 3, "savings" -> 3, "sale" -> 3, "salaries" -> 3, "rot" -> 3, "revitalize" -> 3, "retirement" -> 3, "restricted" -> 3, "responsibilities" -> 3, "resolve" -> 3, "repudiate" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "report" -> 3, "renewal" -> 3, "removed" -> 3, "religion" -> 3, "release" -> 3, "relationships" -> 3, "rehabilitate" -> 3, "regulatory" -> 3, "regressive" -> 3, "region" -> 3, "reflects" -> 3, "reductions" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "Reduce" -> 3, "recovery" -> 3, "Recognize" -> 3, "recognition" -> 3, "recent" -> 3, "reality" -> 3, "realistic" -> 3, "reach" -> 3, "racism" -> 3, "quota" -> 3, "Quality" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "purchased" -> 3, "provisions" -> 3, "provision" -> 3, "Provides" -> 3, "provides" -> 3, "prosperity" -> 3, "prosecuted" -> 3, "proposes" -> 3, "profit" -> 3, "productivity" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "producers" -> 3, "privilege" -> 3, "pride" -> 3, "Prices" -> 3, "press" -> 3, "preserving" -> 3, "preserved" -> 3, "prepared" -> 3, "position" -> 3, "politics" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "plants" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "placement" -> 3, "physically" -> 3, "personally-held" -> 3, "permitting" -> 3, "percentage" -> 3, "peoples" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "partnership" -> 3, "Pakistan" -> 3, "paid" -> 3, "oversight" -> 3, "origin" -> 3, "orders" -> 3, "opinion" -> 3, "once" -> 3, "officers" -> 3, "ocean" -> 3, "objectives" -> 3, "Now" -> 3, "North" -> 3, "non-violent" -> 3, "non-English-speaking" -> 3, "Nixon's" -> 3, "neither" -> 3, "nearly" -> 3, "name" -> 3, "mortgage" -> 3, "Moreover" -> 3, "morale" -> 3, "monetary" -> 3, "mobility" -> 3, "Millions" -> 3, "might" -> 3, "Middle" -> 3, "met" -> 3, "meeting" -> 3, "Medicaid" -> 3, "media" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "manufacturers" -> 3, "Make" -> 3, "Major" -> 3, "maintained" -> 3, "lowest" -> 3, "Lower" -> 3, "lower" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "localities" -> 3, "little" -> 3, "linguistic" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "later" -> 3, "largest" -> 3, "labeling" -> 3, "Jobs" -> 3, "issue" -> 3, "involvement" -> 3, "integration" -> 3, "injury" -> 3, "individually" -> 3, "indicates" -> 3, "increasingly" -> 3, "Increase" -> 3, "incomes" -> 3, "includes" -> 3, "impossible" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "implementation" -> 3, "imperative" -> 3, "humane" -> 3, "hospital" -> 3, "honest" -> 3, "hire" -> 3, "heroin" -> 3, "here" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "Hemisphere" -> 3, "hardship" -> 3, "harassment" -> 3, "guns" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "goods" -> 3, "goes" -> 3, "giving" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "gaps" -> 3, "gains" -> 3, "Funds" -> 3, "fund" -> 3, "functions" -> 3, "fullest" -> 3, "friendship" -> 3, "freedom" -> 3, "formula" -> 3, "form" -> 3, "Foreign" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "fiscal" -> 3, "Finally" -> 3, "final" -> 3, "files" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "fees" -> 3, "feel" -> 3, "favors" -> 3, "faster" -> 3, "Family" -> 3, "fairness" -> 3, "fairly" -> 3, "failures" -> 3, "fails" -> 3, "factor" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "Extension" -> 3, "exposure" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "exists" -> 3, "exist" -> 3, "excuse" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "equipment" -> 3, "entry" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "enforcing" -> 3, "ending" -> 3, "Employment" -> 3, "employers" -> 3, "Elimination" -> 3, "eliminating" -> 3, "effectiveness" -> 3, "East" -> 3, "earner" -> 3, "earned" -> 3, "earn" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "Drug" -> 3, "driven" -> 3, "doubts" -> 3, "dollar" -> 3, "diversity" -> 3, "disease" -> 3, "discharge" -> 3, "directly" -> 3, "diplomatic" -> 3, "differences" -> 3, "Development" -> 3, "developing" -> 3, "deterrent" -> 3, "deterrence" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "deter" -> 3, "destroy" -> 3, "despite" -> 3, "Desh" -> 3, "desegregation" -> 3, "dependent" -> 3, "Democrats" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "data" -> 3, "danger" -> 3, "cruel" -> 3, "Crime" -> 3, "creative" -> 3, "coverage" -> 3, "core" -> 3, "convicted" -> 3, "contracts" -> 3, "Continue" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "complex" -> 3, "complaints" -> 3, "comparable" -> 3, "communications" -> 3, "communication" -> 3, "commissions" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "commission" -> 3, "colleges" -> 3, "class" -> 3, "claims" -> 3, "Citizens" -> 3, "Cities" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "changing" -> 3, "changed" -> 3, "central" -> 3, "centers" -> 3, "ceiling" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "candidates" -> 3, "candidate" -> 3, "campaign" -> 3, "called" -> 3, "businesses" -> 3, "budgets" -> 3, "boundaries" -> 3, "bonds" -> 3, "blind" -> 3, "billion" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "bilingual-bicultural" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "Bangla" -> 3, "ban" -> 3, "balance" -> 3, "bad" -> 3, "average" -> 3, "availability" -> 3, "automatic" -> 3, "authority" -> 3, "attitude" -> 3, "assured" -> 3, "Assure" -> 3, "arrested" -> 3, "Arab" -> 3, "appropriated" -> 3, "applied" -> 3, "anti-trust" -> 3, "An" -> 3, "Amendment" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "alternative" -> 3, "already" -> 3, "almost" -> 3, "Agree" -> 3, "After" -> 3, "African" -> 3, "advisors" -> 3, "adjustment" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "addicts" -> 3, "according" -> 3, "acceptable" -> 3, "able" -> 3, "90" -> 3, "60" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "1970's" -> 3, "1968" -> 3, "18" -> 3, "16" -> 3, "1" -> 3, "Youth" -> 2, "your" -> 2, "Young" -> 2, "York" -> 2, "wrong" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "worst" -> 2, "worse" -> 2, "worldwide" -> 2, "Words" -> 2, "wives" -> 2, "wisdom" -> 2, "willing" -> 2, "wider" -> 2, "white-collar" -> 2, "White" -> 2, "Whether" -> 2, "whenever" -> 2, "weapons" -> 2, "wealthy" -> 2, "wasteful" -> 2, "wasted" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "Voting" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "violate" -> 2, "vigorous" -> 2, "views" -> 2, "Vietnamization" -> 2, "Vietnamese" -> 2, "Vietnam-era" -> 2, "viable" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "veteran's" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "useful" -> 2, "Urge" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unsafe" -> 2, "unless" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "Universal" -> 2, "unit" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "union" -> 2, "Unemployment" -> 2, "unemployed" -> 2, "understands" -> 2, "understand" -> 2, "under-represented" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "truck" -> 2, "troop" -> 2, "tries" -> 2, "treating" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "treasures" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "traditionally" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "ties" -> 2, "thwart" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "threatens" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "thought" -> 2, "though" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "testing" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "tensions" -> 2, "Tens" -> 2, "ten" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "tell" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "teaching" -> 2, "talents" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "systematic" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "suspension" -> 2, "surveillance" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "supports" -> 2, "supporting" -> 2, "suppliers" -> 2, "supplemented" -> 2, "suitable" -> 2, "sugar" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "subsidies" -> 2, "subjects" -> 2, "studies" -> 2, "struggle" -> 2, "struck" -> 2, "strikes" -> 2, "Strict" -> 2, "Strengthen" -> 2, "streets" -> 2, "strategy" -> 2, "strategic" -> 2, "stopped" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "stifle" -> 2, "Step" -> 2, "steals" -> 2, "stated" -> 2, "starts" -> 2, "starting" -> 2, "start" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "Standards" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "St." -> 2, "spread" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "spent" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "sound" -> 2, "sought" -> 2, "solar" -> 2, "soar" -> 2, "slain" -> 2, "skeptical" -> 2, "significant" -> 2, "short" -> 2, "shift" -> 2, "sharply" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "severely" -> 2, "Set" -> 2, "session" -> 2, "serving" -> 2, "service-connected" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "sentencing" -> 2, "sentenced" -> 2, "Seniority" -> 2, "seniority" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "self-determination" -> 2, "selection" -> 2, "seeks" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "Secure" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "screening" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "School" -> 2, "scarce" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "Saigon" -> 2, "safe" -> 2, "sacrificed" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "S." -> 2, "Rural" -> 2, "runs" -> 2, "run" -> 2, "Roosevelt" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "rises" -> 2, "rise" -> 2, "rigorously" -> 2, "rigorous" -> 2, "Right" -> 2, "richness" -> 2, "Rhodesia" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "Revision" -> 2, "revising" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "retraining" -> 2, "retain" -> 2, "restructuring" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "restriction" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "Restoration" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "respond" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "residents" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "reservation" -> 2, "requiring" -> 2, "repressive" -> 2, "repression" -> 2, "represented" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "Representative" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "reporting" -> 2, "repeal" -> 2, "repair" -> 2, "reordering" -> 2, "remedy" -> 2, "remains" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "reject" -> 2, "re-insurance" -> 2, "registration" -> 2, "regime" -> 2, "refused" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "Reform" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "reconversion" -> 2, "reconciliation" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "Recognition" -> 2, "recipients" -> 2, "recession" -> 2, "receipts" -> 2, "reason" -> 2, "read" -> 2, "ratio" -> 2, "ratification" -> 2, "rancher" -> 2, "raises" -> 2, "quick" -> 2, "quantity" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "publicly" -> 2, "protections" -> 2, "Protect" -> 2, "prosecutors" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "promoting" -> 2, "Promote" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "progressive" -> 2, "Progress" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "processing" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "proceedings" -> 2, "proceed" -> 2, "probably" -> 2, "privileged" -> 2, "privacy" -> 2, "principal" -> 2, "primarily" -> 2, "price-raising" -> 2, "previously" -> 2, "pressing" -> 2, "pre-school" -> 2, "pregnancy" -> 2, "predicated" -> 2, "precious" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "poorly" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "Poor" -> 2, "politicians" -> 2, "Political" -> 2, "policy-making" -> 2, "Police" -> 2, "points" -> 2, "plus" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "persecution" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "Pay" -> 2, "patterns" -> 2, "pattern" -> 2, "passed" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "partly" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "overtime" -> 2, "overhaul" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "original" -> 2, "organizing" -> 2, "organize" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "orderly" -> 2, "options" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opened" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "offering" -> 2, "offenses" -> 2, "Occupational" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "nursing" -> 2, "Not" -> 2, "non-farm" -> 2, "non-addictive" -> 2, "Never" -> 2, "negotiations" -> 2, "negotiate" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "necessities" -> 2, "nature" -> 2, "NATO" -> 2, "nation-wide" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "narcotic" -> 2, "my" -> 2, "mutually" -> 2, "multi-national" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "Most" -> 2, "moral" -> 2, "monies" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "misleading" -> 2, "miscarriage" -> 2, "minority" -> 2, "Mills-Mansfield" -> 2, "Methods" -> 2, "merely" -> 2, "Meanwhile" -> 2, "meant" -> 2, "meaning" -> 2, "matching" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "machinery" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "Louis" -> 2, "losses" -> 2, "loopholes" -> 2, "look" -> 2, "lobbyists" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "livelihood" -> 2, "lived" -> 2, "line" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "licenses" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "liberal" -> 2, "letter" -> 2, "Less" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "learning" -> 2, "Laws" -> 2, "law-abiding" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "large-scale" -> 2, "land-use" -> 2, "landlords" -> 2, "lakes" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "knowingly" -> 2, "kinds" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "killed" -> 2, "kids" -> 2, "key" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "Judicial" -> 2, "Johnson" -> 2, "John" -> 2, "joblessness" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "jail" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "irresponsible" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "intended" -> 2, "intelligence" -> 2, "integral" -> 2, "insulated" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "insensitivity" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "initiate" -> 2, "inherent" -> 2, "inequitable" -> 2, "ineffectiveness" -> 2, "industrialized" -> 2, "individual's" -> 2, "indiscriminate" -> 2, "Indian" -> 2, "Indeed" -> 2, "Increased" -> 2, "incentive" -> 2, "improving" -> 2, "Improved" -> 2, "impersonal" -> 2, "impact" -> 2, "I'm" -> 2, "identity" -> 2, "identify" -> 2, "idea" -> 2, "hunger" -> 2, "Humanities" -> 2, "humanities" -> 2, "huge" -> 2, "However" -> 2, "households" -> 2, "hostility" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "honorable" -> 2, "homogeneity" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "Highway" -> 2, "highway" -> 2, "highly" -> 2, "hidden" -> 2, "helping" -> 2, "Help" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heavily" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "hearing" -> 2, "healthy" -> 2, "heads" -> 2, "haves" -> 2, "have-nots" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "handicaps" -> 2, "halt" -> 2, "guilty" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "Greater" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "Grant" -> 2, "Governor" -> 2, "Good" -> 2, "gone" -> 2, "Give" -> 2, "giants" -> 2, "GI" -> 2, "G.I." -> 2, "ghetto" -> 2, "geothermal" -> 2, "genuine" -> 2, "game" -> 2, "gaining" -> 2, "gained" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "fringe" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "Franklin" -> 2, "forum" -> 2, "forgotten" -> 2, "floor" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "fishing" -> 2, "fish" -> 2, "firms" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "Finance" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "filled" -> 2, "fiber" -> 2, "fewer" -> 2, "federally-assisted" -> 2, "Fear" -> 2, "fast" -> 2, "farther" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "failing" -> 2, "fail" -> 2, "facing" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "ex-servicemen" -> 2, "expression" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "exposed" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "exploit" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "Expanded" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "exerted" -> 2, "exchange" -> 2, "evidence" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "escalators" -> 2, "era" -> 2, "equals" -> 2, "equalization" -> 2, "Environmental" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "ensuring" -> 2, "English" -> 2, "engaging" -> 2, "engage" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "energies" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "employer" -> 2, "elsewhere" -> 2, "elementary" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "educationally" -> 2, "Educational" -> 2, "educated" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "eased" -> 2, "ease" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "Early" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "Drugs" -> 2, "drivers" -> 2, "drastically" -> 2, "drained" -> 2, "dossiers" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "documents" -> 2, "document" -> 2, "division" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "distributors" -> 2, "distributed" -> 2, "distortion" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "disastrous" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "difficulties" -> 2, "did" -> 2, "diagnosis" -> 2, "deteriorate" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "derive" -> 2, "deprive" -> 2, "Depression" -> 2, "depress" -> 2, "depreciation" -> 2, "depletion" -> 2, "dependence" -> 2, "dependable" -> 2, "depend" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "democratic" -> 2, "democracy" -> 2, "delinquency" -> 2, "delegates" -> 2, "defensible" -> 2, "Defense" -> 2, "deductions" -> 2, "decisive" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "debate" -> 2, "death" -> 2, "cynical" -> 2, "cutbacks" -> 2, "curriculum" -> 2, "curb" -> 2, "culture" -> 2, "Cuba" -> 2, "critical" -> 2, "crimes" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "creating" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "Create" -> 2, "covered" -> 2, "coupled" -> 2, "Counties" -> 2, "counseling" -> 2, "counsel" -> 2, "could" -> 2, "costly" -> 2, "corrupt" -> 2, "corrections" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "contrary" -> 2, "contingent" -> 2, "continental" -> 2, "considering" -> 2, "considered" -> 2, "conserve" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "consent" -> 2, "conglomerates" -> 2, "conflict" -> 2, "conferences" -> 2, "Conference" -> 2, "conducted" -> 2, "condemned" -> 2, "concert" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "concentrated" -> 2, "concentrate" -> 2, "compliance" -> 2, "completion" -> 2, "completely" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "compensatory" -> 2, "Compensation" -> 2, "companies" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "Communities" -> 2, "commensurate" -> 2, "coercion" -> 2, "Code" -> 2, "code" -> 2, "coal" -> 2, "claim" -> 2, "civilized" -> 2, "Choosing" -> 2, "choose" -> 2, "childbirth" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "cheap" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "chance" -> 2, "chair-people" -> 2, "centered" -> 2, "ceasing" -> 2, "cease-and-desist" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "Carry" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "calls" -> 2, "callous" -> 2, "buyers" -> 2, "buy" -> 2, "businessman" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "brown" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "broken" -> 2, "broadened" -> 2, "broadcasting" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "branches" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "boycott" -> 2, "border" -> 2, "body" -> 2, "big" -> 2, "bicultural" -> 2, "bent" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "bases" -> 2, "barring" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "balanced" -> 2, "background" -> 2, "away" -> 2, "aware" -> 2, "avoid" -> 2, "authorizing" -> 2, "attractive" -> 2, "attempts" -> 2, "attained" -> 2, "attack" -> 2, "Atlanta" -> 2, "Assures" -> 2, "Assurance" -> 2, "associations" -> 2, "Assist" -> 2, "assigned" -> 2, "assessment" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "ask" -> 2, "Arts" -> 2, "arts" -> 2, "artificial" -> 2, "arise" -> 2, "arbitration" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "Appointment" -> 2, "appointment" -> 2, "anything" -> 2, "anyone" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "ample" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "although" -> 2, "allowed" -> 2, "allocating" -> 2, "Alliance" -> 2, "alcoholism" -> 2, "agribusiness" -> 2, "Against" -> 2, "affirm" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "affect" -> 2, "aerospace" -> 2, "advocacy" -> 2, "advisory" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "advanced" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adopt" -> 2, "Administrations" -> 2, "adjudication" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "acting" -> 2, "across" -> 2, "achieving" -> 2, "achievement" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accomplishment" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "accommodation" -> 2, "acceptance" -> 2, "accelerated" -> 2, "Academy" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abolition" -> 2, "abolish" -> 2, "abandonment" -> 2, "9" -> 2, "50,000" -> 2, "500" -> 2, "22" -> 2, "1975" -> 2, "1970" -> 2, "1967" -> 2, "1965" -> 2, "1960" -> 2, "1910-14" -> 2, "17" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$435" -> 1, "$35" -> 1, "$2.50" -> 1, "$175" -> 1, "$150" -> 1, "$1.5" -> 1, "$144" -> 1, "$10,000" -> 1, "youthful" -> 1, "youngest" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "year's" -> 1, "wrongly" -> 1, "write" -> 1, "wrecks" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "work—foreign" -> 1, "work-release" -> 1, "Workmen's" -> 1, "workmen's" -> 1, "workman's" -> 1, "workings" -> 1, "worker's" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "Woodcock" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "women—pay" -> 1, "Withhold" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wiretapping" -> 1, "wire" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "Wilbur" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "widened" -> 1, "Widen" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "white-minority-ruled" -> 1, "white-minority" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "whale" -> 1, "we—and" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "Westbrooks" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "We're" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-rounded" -> 1, "well-publicized" -> 1, "well-off" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "weight" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "wealthy—have" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "war—continuing" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "warns" -> 1, "warnings" -> 1, "Warfare" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "walrus" -> 1, "walled" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wage-price" -> 1, "wage-loss" -> 1, "wage-earning" -> 1, "W" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "Vital" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "violators" -> 1, "VIII" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "Vietnamese—have" -> 1, "victory—has" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "VI" -> 1, "vetoing" -> 1, "vesting" -> 1, "vertically" -> 1, "verified" -> 1, "Vastly" -> 1, "VA's" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "Value" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "v" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "usurp" -> 1, "U.S.-Soviet" -> 1, "U.S.-Mexico" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "USIA's" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "USDA" -> 1, "U.S.-China" -> 1, "U.S.-Canadian" -> 1, "usage" -> 1, "Urging" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "upgraded" -> 1, "unworthy" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unused" -> 1, "unsuitable" -> 1, "unspoiled" -> 1, "unsophisticated" -> 1, "unrivaled" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unregulated" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "Unneeded" -> 1, "unneeded" -> 1, "unmatched" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "Unless" -> 1, "Unknown" -> 1, "unjustified" -> 1, "unjustifiable" -> 1, "universally" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unionization" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniformly" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "unheard" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unequivocal" -> 1, "unequally" -> 1, "unequalled" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "uneducable" -> 1, "undreamed" -> 1, "undone" -> 1, "undisputed" -> 1, "undeveloped" -> 1, "undesirable" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "underpaid" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "underfunded" -> 1, "undercut" -> 1, "unconventional" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unbearable" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unacceptable" -> 1, "Unable" -> 1, "tyrants" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "tying" -> 1, "two-way" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "Twenty-three" -> 1, "Twenty" -> 1, "turnstile" -> 1, "turnout" -> 1, "Turning" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "tuna" -> 1, "truthful" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "Troops" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "triggering" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transporting" -> 1, "transportation—more" -> 1, "transitions" -> 1, "transitional" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "transacted" -> 1, "tranquility" -> 1, "training-without" -> 1, "trainees" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "trafficking" -> 1, "traffickers" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "top-level" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "Too" -> 1, "Tony" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "tokenism" -> 1, "token" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "today—whether" -> 1, "today's" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "tired" -> 1, "tire" -> 1, "tiny" -> 1, "timetables" -> 1, "tilting" -> 1, "thrust" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "three-quarters" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threats" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "third-world" -> 1, "they'll" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "therapeutic" -> 1, "themselves—have" -> 1, "theme" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "theatres" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "terminals" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "tenant" -> 1, "tenable" -> 1, "Ten" -> 1, "Temporary" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "Tel" -> 1, "technologies" -> 1, "technique" -> 1, "technician" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "teach" -> 1, "tax-supported" -> 1, "tax-paying" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxes—which" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taste" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "taps" -> 1, "tapped" -> 1, "tap" -> 1, "tankers" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "Taking" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "syndicates" -> 1, "symphonies" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "Swift" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "swallow" -> 1, "sustenance" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "suspicious" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "surroundings" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "supporters" -> 1, "supply—such" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplements" -> 1, "supplementing" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "sufficiently" -> 1, "suffers" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "sudden" -> 1, "success—and" -> 1, "succession" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "suburbs—thrust" -> 1, "suburban-urban" -> 1, "suburb" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "subsistence" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "subsidiary" -> 1, "subservience" -> 1, "subscription" -> 1, "subpoena" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subminimums" -> 1, "Subjecting" -> 1, "sub-contract" -> 1, "Study" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "Studies" -> 1, "Student" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "Structures" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "stroke" -> 1, "Strive" -> 1, "strip" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "Stress" -> 1, "Strengthening" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "Strength" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "streamlining" -> 1, "strategies" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "stored" -> 1, "storable" -> 1, "stopping-off" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stop-gap" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "still-living" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "Stiffen" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "Stevenson" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "statutory" -> 1, "Status" -> 1, "statistical" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "Statement" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "starved" -> 1, "starve" -> 1, "standards-among" -> 1, "stamps" -> 1, "stalks" -> 1, "stakes" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "staffs" -> 1, "Staff-patient" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "stabilizing" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "squandering" -> 1, "spy" -> 1, "sporting" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "sphere" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "spelled" -> 1, "speedily" -> 1, "speculators" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "specials" -> 1, "Special" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "spawn" -> 1, "spacing" -> 1, "space" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "sophistication" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "socially" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "smuggling" -> 1, "small-town" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "slumlord" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "slow-learning" -> 1, "slowing" -> 1, "slogans" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "slack" -> 1, "skyrocket" -> 1, "skills" -> 1, "Skepticism" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "Sixties" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "siting" -> 1, "sit" -> 1, "Sioux" -> 1, "sin" -> 1, "simultaneous" -> 1, "Simply" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simplicity" -> 1, "simpler" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "signed" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "sickness" -> 1, "sickle" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "short-cut" -> 1, "shop" -> 1, "shoddy" -> 1, "shocks" -> 1, "shockingly" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shifts" -> 1, "shelves" -> 1, "shelter—a" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "shelling" -> 1, "shelf" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "Sharply" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "sexual" -> 1, "sewer" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "Seventies" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settling" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "sessions" -> 1, "servicing" -> 1, "Servicewomen" -> 1, "Servicemen" -> 1, "service-men" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "separated" -> 1, "sentences" -> 1, "sentence" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "Senator" -> 1, "self-protection" -> 1, "self-help" -> 1, "self-defeating" -> 1, "self-confidence" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "seems" -> 1, "seemingly" -> 1, "seeming" -> 1, "seeing" -> 1, "Security—regressive" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "Secrecy" -> 1, "Seashores" -> 1, "seashore" -> 1, "Seas" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "seal" -> 1, "seabeds" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "scholarship" -> 1, "scholarly" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scenic" -> 1, "scare" -> 1, "scarcity" -> 1, "scant" -> 1, "Saturday" -> 1, "satisfy" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "sapped" -> 1, "Samoans" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "salt" -> 1, "saleable" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sad" -> 1, "run-off" -> 1, "run-away" -> 1, "ruling" -> 1, "rule-making" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "rotated" -> 1, "rosy" -> 1, "rose" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "role—to" -> 1, "Robert" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "riverways" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Rico's" -> 1, "Ricans" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revolt" -> 1, "Revitalizing" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revised—to" -> 1, "reviewing" -> 1, "Review" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "return—in" -> 1, "Return" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "rethink" -> 1, "Retention" -> 1, "Retarded" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "retail" -> 1, "resuming" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restructure" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsiveness" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "Respecting" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resource—is" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "resign" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "residency" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "Reservation" -> 1, "resemble" -> 1, "Require" -> 1, "requested" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "repositories" -> 1, "Reports" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "Report" -> 1, "replaces" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "Repeal" -> 1, "repayment" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "reorder" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "renegotiating" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "Remove" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "Remedies" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "relieved" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "related" -> 1, "Reject" -> 1, "rehabilitative" -> 1, "Rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitated" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refuses" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "referring" -> 1, "Re-examine" -> 1, "re-examine" -> 1, "re-examination" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "redrawn" -> 1, "redistribution" -> 1, "Redistribute" -> 1, "redefining" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recruitment" -> 1, "recruiting" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "recreate" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "recourse" -> 1, "recoup" -> 1, "recorded" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "Reconcile" -> 1, "recommending" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recently-passed" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "Rebuild" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "reassess" -> 1, "reasonableness" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "Reaffirmation" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "reaction" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "ravaged" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "rate-making" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rat" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "rapid" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "ranch" -> 1, "Ramsey" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "Railway" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "racist" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quarterly" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "Quantity" -> 1, "qualitatively" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualification" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pushes" -> 1, "pusher" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "Pursue" -> 1, "purification" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "punishing" -> 1, "pulpit" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "Publicly" -> 1, "publications" -> 1, "publication" -> 1, "psychiatric" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "Provisions" -> 1, "Provision" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "Protocol" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosecutory" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "proportional" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "promotional" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "Promotes" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promiscuous" -> 1, "prolong" -> 1, "projections" -> 1, "Prohibit" -> 1, "programs—programs" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "Professional" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "processed" -> 1, "Process" -> 1, "procedures—public" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "problems—the" -> 1, "Problems" -> 1, "Privacy" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prison" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "primaries" -> 1, "pricing" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "prey" -> 1, "Prevents" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "pre-trial" -> 1, "pretend" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "Press" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "presently" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "prejudices" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "pre-empt" -> 1, "precise" -> 1, "precipitously" -> 1, "praise" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "power—lag" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "poverty—as" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "poured" -> 1, "potent" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "Portugal" -> 1, "population—including" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "Poorer" -> 1, "pollution-act" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "policing" -> 1, "policemen" -> 1, "policeman" -> 1, "polarization" -> 1, "poisons" -> 1, "poisoning" -> 1, "pockets" -> 1, "plying" -> 1, "plentiful" -> 1, "pledging" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "playing" -> 1, "platitudes—of" -> 1, "platforms—and" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "Planning" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plague—are" -> 1, "plagued" -> 1, "plague" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "Pittsburgh" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "picketing" -> 1, "physicians" -> 1, "physician's" -> 1, "Physically" -> 1, "phones" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "petty" -> 1, "pesticides" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "perpetuates" -> 1, "perpetuate" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "Perhaps" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "people—to" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Pending" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "peace-keeping" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "pay-roll" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paychecks" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "patterned" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "patent" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passes" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "party-standing" -> 1, "Partnership" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "partially" -> 1, "Partial" -> 1, "Part" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "parents" -> 1, "para-medical" -> 1, "par" -> 1, "panic" -> 1, "pandering" -> 1, "paired" -> 1, "pains" -> 1, "painful" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "owns" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "owe" -> 1, "over-withholding" -> 1, "overwhelmingly" -> 1, "overtly" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "overruns" -> 1, "overproduction" -> 1, "overlaps" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overinvestment" -> 1, "Overhaul" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overcrowded" -> 1, "over-complicated" -> 1, "overbalance" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "over-administered" -> 1, "outweigh" -> 1, "outward" -> 1, "outstrips" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "out-patient" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "Orleans" -> 1, "oriented" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "Organizations" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "Opposition" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "Opportunities" -> 1, "opportunistic" -> 1, "operators" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "one-third" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "onerous" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "ominous" -> 1, "old—can" -> 1, "older" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "offshore" -> 1, "officially" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "offensive" -> 1, "Offenders" -> 1, "off-base" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "October" -> 1, "Oceans" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "ocean's" -> 1, "occur" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "nutritional" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "now—strong" -> 1, "Nothing" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "notably" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "non-written" -> 1, "nonwhite" -> 1, "non-voting" -> 1, "non-union" -> 1, "non-traditional" -> 1, "non-reservation" -> 1, "non-public" -> 1, "Non-Proliferation" -> 1, "nonprofit" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-intervention" -> 1, "non-interference" -> 1, "non-institutional" -> 1, "non-existent" -> 1, "nonetheless" -> 1, "None" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "non-coercive" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "nominated" -> 1, "no-knock" -> 1, "no-fault" -> 1, "Ninety" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "newspapers" -> 1, "Nevertheless" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "neighboring" -> 1, "Neighbor" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "Negotiate" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "Needless" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Naval" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nationhood" -> 1, "nationally" -> 1, "Narcotic" -> 1, "Namibia" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "muzzle" -> 1, "Muskie" -> 1, "museums" -> 1, "murders" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multi-racial" -> 1, "mugger" -> 1, "mud" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "Move" -> 1, "mountains" -> 1, "Motor" -> 1, "motivated" -> 1, "mosaic" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "Morale" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "monthly" -> 1, "monotonous" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "monitored" -> 1, "moments" -> 1, "mold" -> 1, "modular" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "mock" -> 1, "mobilize" -> 1, "Mitchell" -> 1, "misused" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "missing" -> 1, "missed" -> 1, "miss" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minimal" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "Mills" -> 1, "million—enough" -> 1, "militarily" -> 1, "migrant" -> 1, "Mid-East" -> 1, "middle-class" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "Miami" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "Mexican-American" -> 1, "Mexican" -> 1, "metropolitan" -> 1, "mergers" -> 1, "Mentally" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "Member" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "meat" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "meager" -> 1, "me" -> 1, "Mayors" -> 1, "mayor-city" -> 1, "Mayor" -> 1, "maybe" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "Maternity" -> 1, "maternity" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "Masses" -> 1, "mark-up" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "marital" -> 1, "margins" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "many-and" -> 1, "manual" -> 1, "man's" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulator" -> 1, "manipulated" -> 1, "manifests" -> 1, "mandates" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "mammals" -> 1, "malnutrition" -> 1, "Making" -> 1, "make-work-need" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "Maintain" -> 1, "magnificence" -> 1, "magnet" -> 1, "M" -> 1, "Lyndon" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "low-interest" -> 1, "lower—and" -> 1, "lower-and" -> 1, "low-density" -> 1, "Low" -> 1, "lot" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "Longshoremen" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "long-established" -> 1, "longer-term" -> 1, "logical" -> 1, "logging" -> 1, "lockouts" -> 1, "locations" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "Lobbyists" -> 1, "lobbying—including" -> 1, "Lobbying" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "litigation" -> 1, "listen" -> 1, "links" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "life—a" -> 1, "lifetime" -> 1, "life-styles" -> 1, "lifestyle" -> 1, "lifelong" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "Liberalized" -> 1, "liberalize" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "leverage" -> 1, "lettuce" -> 1, "less-known" -> 1, "lessened" -> 1, "Leonard" -> 1, "length" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "Legislators" -> 1, "legislator" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "legislating" -> 1, "legislate" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "learn" -> 1, "leaner" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "laterally" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "last-offer-selection" -> 1, "Large" -> 1, "Laos" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "land—a" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "lagging" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "laborer" -> 1, "label" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "killing" -> 1, "keys" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kenneth" -> 1, "keeps" -> 1, "juveniles" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "Justices" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "jurisdictional" -> 1, "juries" -> 1, "juggling" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "judged" -> 1, "jointly" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joins" -> 1, "Johnson—and" -> 1, "jobs—real" -> 1, "jobless" -> 1, "Jimmy" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jeopardized" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "it—the" -> 1, "Israel's" -> 1, "isolationism" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "isolating" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "in—far" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invites" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investigative" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invest" -> 1, "inventories" -> 1, "invasions" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "intrusion" -> 1, "Introduction" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "interventionism" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "intervene" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interrupt" -> 1, "internationalism" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "interlocks" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "Interest" -> 1, "interdependent" -> 1, "inter-American" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "intangible" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instructions" -> 1, "instruct" -> 1, "institutes" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "inspectors" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "insignificant" -> 1, "insert" -> 1, "input" -> 1, "innovative" -> 1, "innovation" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "inner-cities" -> 1, "inmates" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injuries—prenatal" -> 1, "initiatives" -> 1, "initially" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "inhabited" -> 1, "ingredients" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "informative" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "informal" -> 1, "inform" -> 1, "inflicted" -> 1, "inflation—can" -> 1, "inexpensive" -> 1, "inequity" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "indirect" -> 1, "indicators" -> 1, "Indians—are" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "Incorporate" -> 1, "incomes—state" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "Inclusion" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "Incentives" -> 1, "incalculable" -> 1, "inadvertent" -> 1, "Inadequate" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imprisoned" -> 1, "impounding" -> 1, "impounded" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "imply" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "Implement" -> 1, "imperiled" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "Immediately" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "Immediate" -> 1, "imagine" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illogical" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "I'll" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "hypertension" -> 1, "hurting" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "Hundreds" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "Humphrey" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "Hubert" -> 1, "H.R." -> 1, "How" -> 1, "housing—the" -> 1, "housing—that" -> 1, "housing—including" -> 1, "housewife" -> 1, "Houses" -> 1, "housekeeping" -> 1, "householders" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "horizons" -> 1, "Homes" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "hollowness" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "history—is" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "hired" -> 1, "hindrances" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "high-unemployment" -> 1, "higher—are" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "high-density" -> 1, "hide" -> 1, "heritage—and" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "heralded" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "heating" -> 1, "heartless" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "heal" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hatreds" -> 1, "Hatch" -> 1, "harshly" -> 1, "Harry" -> 1, "Harriman" -> 1, "harmonious" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hard-won" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "Hard-line" -> 1, "Hard" -> 1, "Harbor" -> 1, "happy" -> 1, "haphazardly" -> 1, "haphazard" -> 1, "hangs" -> 1, "hand-out" -> 1, "handmaiden" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "handgun" -> 1, "handful" -> 1, "handed" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "halls" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "habitable" -> 1, "gulf" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "Guaranteeing" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "Guarantee" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "Growing" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "groups—Spanish-speaking" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "grocery" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "grid" -> 1, "Greek" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "gravely" -> 1, "grapes" -> 1, "grants-in-aid" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "grant-in-aid" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "grade" -> 1, "government—responsive" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "goldplating" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "goals—goals" -> 1, "goals-insulation" -> 1, "glaring" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "giveaways" -> 1, "gifts" -> 1, "Gibson" -> 1, "ghettoes" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "geographic" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generic-name" -> 1, "gear" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "gauged" -> 1, "future—lies" -> 1, "futile" -> 1, "fusion" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "furlough" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fully-funded" -> 1, "fulfillment—through" -> 1, "Fueled" -> 1, "frightened" -> 1, "frequently-expressed" -> 1, "frequent" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "fraudulent" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "Foster" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forthwith" -> 1, "formulating" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "Forest" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foreclosed" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "focusing" -> 1, "focal" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flowing" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "flight" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "Five" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "Fitzgerald" -> 1, "fission" -> 1, "first-party" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "Find" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "film" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "filing" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "Few" -> 1, "fence" -> 1, "felt" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federally-subsidized" -> 1, "federally-regulated" -> 1, "federally-financed" -> 1, "federally-contracted" -> 1, "federally-aided" -> 1, "federally-administered" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "favor—corporations" -> 1, "favoring" -> 1, "fashion" -> 1, "Farming" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "farmer's" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "family-size" -> 1, "family-farm" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failures—for" -> 1, "factory-made" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "facto" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "eyeglasses" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "extensively" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "Expression" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "expresses" -> 1, "Exporting" -> 1, "explosion" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "explained" -> 1, "explain" -> 1, "expires" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "expense-account" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "exist—to" -> 1, "exhortation" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "exempting" -> 1, "Executives" -> 1, "ex-convicts" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "exceptions" -> 1, "Except" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "examined" -> 1, "examine" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "exaggerated" -> 1, "evolved" -> 1, "evolve" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyone—women" -> 1, "ever-present" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "Eventual" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "evasion" -> 1, "evaluations" -> 1, "evaluate" -> 1, "Europe.—Europe's" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "Ethnic" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "Establishing" -> 1, "ESEA" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "escalator" -> 1, "escalation" -> 1, "escalating" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "Equitable" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "Equalize" -> 1, "Equality" -> 1, "equal-effective" -> 1, "epidemic" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "environment—indeed" -> 1, "environments" -> 1, "environmentally-safe" -> 1, "enumerated" -> 1, "entrance" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entitle" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enrollments" -> 1, "enrollment" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "Enlightened" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enjoin" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "Energy" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "endowment" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "Encourage" -> 1, "enclosed" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "Enact" -> 1, "emptying" -> 1, "employment—a" -> 1, "Employers" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emotion" -> 1, "emission" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "emerged" -> 1, "embody" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "elephants" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electronics" -> 1, "electronic" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electrical" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "Electoral" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "Elderly" -> 1, "Eighteen" -> 1, "e.g." -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectively—and" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "Edward" -> 1, "education—has" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "Edmund" -> 1, "economy—with" -> 1, "economically-depressing" -> 1, "ecology" -> 1, "eating" -> 1, "eaten" -> 1, "easy-to-abuse" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "earth's" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "E." -> 1, "dwindling" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "duration" -> 1, "dumped" -> 1, "dumb" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "driver" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drilling" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "Drawing" -> 1, "drastic" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "Draft" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "downturns" -> 1, "Dorothy" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominance" -> 1, "dole" -> 1, "doesn't" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "doctor's" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "divestiture" -> 1, "divest" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "diversions" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "districting" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distributing" -> 1, "distributes" -> 1, "Distribute" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distortions" -> 1, "distorting" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "Distinction" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "dissolution" -> 1, "dissenters" -> 1, "dissent" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dispirited" -> 1, "dispelling" -> 1, "disparities" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "dismissed" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "dismal" -> 1, "disloyalty" -> 1, "dislocations" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "Disengagement" -> 1, "disengagement" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "discriminated" -> 1, "discourages" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "Disclosure" -> 1, "Discipline" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "discharges" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "Disarmament" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "Disabled" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "dirt" -> 1, "directs" -> 1, "directorships" -> 1, "directives" -> 1, "Directions" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "Direct" -> 1, "diplomats" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "Dignity" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differentials" -> 1, "Different" -> 1, "dies" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "development—land" -> 1, "developmental" -> 1, "Developing" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "detention" -> 1, "detected" -> 1, "destroys" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despoilation" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "desperately" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desist" -> 1, "desires—is" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "design" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "desertion" -> 1, "desegregate" -> 1, "describes" -> 1, "descent" -> 1, "desalinate" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "depository" -> 1, "depose" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deplores" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "dentures" -> 1, "dent" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demoralized" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "democratically-elected" -> 1, "delusive" -> 1, "delivering" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "Delano" -> 1, "dehumanizing" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "deferential" -> 1, "defense-oriented" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "Defend" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deepened" -> 1, "deepen" -> 1, "deemed" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "decree" -> 1, "Deconcentrate" -> 1, "declines" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "declassification" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "deciding" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "Dechant" -> 1, "deceptive" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "deceitful" -> 1, "decaying" -> 1, "decades" -> 1, "debilitating" -> 1, "deals" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "de" -> 1, "Data" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dance" -> 1, "dams" -> 1, "damages" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "cynicism" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "custody" -> 1, "custodian" -> 1, "curtailment" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "curbing" -> 1, "Culebra" -> 1, "crude" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "critics" -> 1, "critically" -> 1, "criterion" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "crime—to" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "credibility" -> 1, "Creation" -> 1, "craftsmen" -> 1, "covers" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "courted" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "couples" -> 1, "county" -> 1, "country—America's" -> 1, "countryside" -> 1, "Countries" -> 1, "Countless" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "costs—to" -> 1, "Costs" -> 1, "cost-of-living" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "correctional" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "corporation-agriculture-agribusiness" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "Coordination" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "co-optation" -> 1, "cooperatively" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "control—as" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "Continued" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "contested" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "contacts" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "constructively" -> 1, "constraints" -> 1, "Constitutionally-guaranteed" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "consolidated" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "considerable" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "consequences—has" -> 1, "conscious" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "connections" -> 1, "connecting" -> 1, "Connally" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "conglomerate" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "Conflict" -> 1, "confidential" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "Concentration" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "Computer" -> 1, "computer" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "Comprehensive" -> 1, "compounds" -> 1, "compounded" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "complicity" -> 1, "complications" -> 1, "complicated" -> 1, "complexity" -> 1, "complaint" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "community-based" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "Commonwealth" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "common-sites" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commitment-qualities" -> 1, "Commitment" -> 1, "Commissions" -> 1, "commercialization" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "comment" -> 1, "commenced" -> 1, "commanded" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "Colorado" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "colonialism" -> 1, "college-trained" -> 1, "College" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "Collection" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "Coleman" -> 1, "cold" -> 1, "coinciding" -> 1, "cohesive" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "clumsy" -> 1, "cloture" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "clothes" -> 1, "Closing" -> 1, "Closely" -> 1, "clogged" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "climb" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clients" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "Cleaning" -> 1, "cleaner" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "classifications" -> 1, "classification" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "Clark" -> 1, "clarified" -> 1, "Claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "city's" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "circumvention" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "chrome" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "Choose" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "chip" -> 1, "children—whether" -> 1, "children's" -> 1, "Childhood" -> 1, "Chemical" -> 1, "Chavez" -> 1, "chartering" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "chaotic" -> 1, "Channel" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "chairmen" -> 1, "Cesar" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "center-city" -> 1, "censor" -> 1, "cell" -> 1, "celebrates" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "Cease" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "caught" -> 1, "caucuses" -> 1, "categories" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "catch" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "catalyst" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "Carter" -> 1, "Carriers" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "carrier" -> 1, "care—where" -> 1, "care—The" -> 1, "careers" -> 1, "Career" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "can't" -> 1, "Candidates" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "canceled" -> 1, "Canadians" -> 1, "Canada's" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "campaigned" -> 1, "Campaign" -> 1, "Cambodia" -> 1, "calibre" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "business-oriented" -> 1, "businessmen" -> 1, "businessman—for" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "burns" -> 1, "burgeoning" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "bureaucracy's" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "buoy" -> 1, "built-in" -> 1, "buildings" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "budgeted" -> 1, "brutality" -> 1, "Brown" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "breeder" -> 1, "breaks" -> 1, "breakfast" -> 1, "boycotts" -> 1, "boy" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "bombing" -> 1, "bombed-out" -> 1, "bombardment" -> 1, "Bolden" -> 1, "Bold" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "Bobby" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blueprint" -> 1, "block-grant" -> 1, "blockaded" -> 1, "block" -> 1, "blindness" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "blatant" -> 1, "blame" -> 1, "Blacks" -> 1, "blacks" -> 1, "bites" -> 1, "bite" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "bilked" -> 1, "biggest" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "Between" -> 1, "better-run" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "benchmarks" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "begins" -> 1, "beginnings" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "Begin" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "bearable" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "Be" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "Basic" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "barbiturates" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banks—and" -> 1, "bankrupting" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "Baines" -> 1, "badly" -> 1, "backgrounds" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "b" -> 1, "Azores" -> 1, "awful" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "Aviv" -> 1, "Averell" -> 1, "Availability" -> 1, "autonomous" -> 1, "Auto" -> 1, "auto" -> 1, "attorneys" -> 1, "attendance" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attacking" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assures" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associate" -> 1, "assistants" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "assignment" -> 1, "assign" -> 1, "assessed" -> 1, "assertion" -> 1, "aspire" -> 1, "asking" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "artistic" -> 1, "art" -> 1, "arsenaling" -> 1, "arrangement" -> 1, "arouses" -> 1, "around" -> 1, "Arms" -> 1, "areas—through" -> 1, "area's" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "aptitudes" -> 1, "approximately" -> 1, "appropriately" -> 1, "appraisals" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "apparatus" -> 1, "Appalachia" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "anti-social" -> 1, "anti-labor" -> 1, "anti" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "anniversary" -> 1, "anemia" -> 1, "ancestors" -> 1, "amphetamines" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amnesty" -> 1, "Americans—the" -> 1, "Americans-each" -> 1, "American-controlled" -> 1, "amenities" -> 1, "Amendments" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "ambassadors" -> 1, "Always" -> 1, "alternatives" -> 1, "alternates" -> 1, "altering" -> 1, "altered" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "all—is" -> 1, "allowing" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "Allocation" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "allocate" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alienation" -> 1, "alcohol-addicted" -> 1, "alarm" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aids" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "Agencies" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "Affirmative" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "advocating" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advertising" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "advantageous" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "Adult" -> 1, "Adopt" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "Administrative" -> 1, "Administration—which" -> 1, "Administration—by" -> 1, "Administering" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "Administer" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "Adlai" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "Adjust" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "Adhere" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "adds" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addicted" -> 1, "Added" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "Actively" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "acquitted" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accessibility" -> 1, "Access" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "acceleration" -> 1, "academies" -> 1, "Academic" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "abuser" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "Abundance" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absentee" -> 1, "absent" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "Abolishing" -> 1, "Abolish" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "Abide" -> 1, "abate" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "88" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "755—for" -> 1, "75,000" -> 1, "67" -> 1, "5.5" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "29" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "2.6" -> 1, "23" -> 1, "2030" -> 1, "200th" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1985" -> 1, "1980" -> 1, "1976" -> 1, "1974-1976" -> 1, "1974" -> 1, "1973" -> 1, "1972-76" -> 1, "1972-73" -> 1, "1971" -> 1, "1970—from" -> 1, "1969" -> 1, "1963" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1949" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "15,000" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "14,000" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "110" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1968", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1968, "Date" -> DateObject[{1968, 8, 26}], "Text" -> "The Terms of Our Duty\n\nAmerica belongs to the people who inhabit it, The source of the nation's strength is the people's freedom to be the source of the laws governing them. To uphold this truth, when Thomas Jefferson and James Madison brought the Democratic Party to birth 175 years ago, they bound it to serve the people and their government as a united whole.\nToday, in our 175th anniversary year, the Democratic Party in national convention assembled, again renews the covenant of our birth. We affirm the binding force of our inherited duty to serve the people and their government. We here, therefore, account for what we have done in the Democratic years since 1961. We here state what we will do when our party is again called to lead the nation.\nIn America and in the world over, strong forces for change are on the move. Systems of thought have been jarred, ways of life have been uprooted, institutions are under siege. The governed challenge those who govern.\nWe are summoned, therefore, to a fateful task—to ensure that the turmoil of change will prove to be the turmoil of birth instead of decay. We cannot stand still until we are overtaken by events. We dare not entrust our lives to the blind play of accident and force. By reflection and choice, we must make the impulse for change the agent of orderly progress.\nThere is no alternative.\nIn the world around us, people have patiently lived with hopes long deferred, with grievances long endured. They are now impatient with patience. Their demands for change must not only be heard, they must be answered.\nThis is the reality the world as a whole faces. In America itself, now, and not later, is the right time to strengthen the fabric of our society by making justice and equity the cornerstones of order. Now, and not later, is the right time to uphold the rule of law by securing to all the people the natural rights that belong to them by virtue of their being human. Now, and not later, is the right time to unfurl again the flag of human patriotism and rededicate ourselves under it, to the cause of peace among nations. Now, and not later, is the right time to reclaim the strength spent in quarrels over the past and to apply that strength to America's future. Now is the right time to proceed with the work of orderly progress that will make the future become what we want it to be.\nIt has always been the object of the Democratic Party to march at the head of events instead of waiting for them to happen. It is our resolve to do that in the years ahead—just as we did in the Democratic years since 1961 when the nation was led by two Democratic Presidents and four Democratic Congresses.\nThis We Have Done\n\nOur pride in the achievements of these Democratic years in no way blinds us to the large and unfinished tasks which still lie ahead. Just as we know where we have succeeded, we know where our efforts still fall short of our own and the nation's hopes. And we candidly recognize that the cost of trying the untried, of ploughing new ground, is bound to be occasional error. In the future, as in the past, we will confront and correct such errors as we carry our program forward.\nIn this, we are persuaded that the Almighty judges in a different scale those who err in warmly striving to promote the common good, and those who are free from error because they risked nothing at all and were icily indifferent to good and evil alike. We are also persuaded of something else. What we have achieved with the means at hand—the social inventions we have made since 1961 in all areas of our internal life, and the initiatives we have pressed along a broad front in the world arena—gives us a clear title of right to claim that we know how to move the nation forward toward the attainment of its highest goals in a world of change.\nThe Economy\n\nIn presenting first the record of what we have achieved in the economic life of the American people, we do not view the economy as being just dollar signs divorced from the flesh and blood concerns of the people. Economics, like politics, involves people and it means people. It means for them the difference between what they don't want and what they do want. It means the difference between justice or injustice, health or sickness, better education or ignorance, a good place to live or a rat infested hovel, a good job or corrosive worry.\nIn the Democratic years since 1961, under the leadership of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, we managed the national economy in ways that kept the best aspirations of people in clear view, and brought them closer to fulfillment.\nThe case was different in the 1950's, when the Republicans held the trust of national leadership. In those years, the American economy creaked and groaned from recurrent recessions. One wasteful recession came in 1954, another in 1958, and a third in 1960. The loss in national production from all three recessions and from a sluggish rate of growth—a loss that can fairly be called the GOP-gap—was a staggering $175 billion, computed in today's prices.\nThe Democratic Party, seeing the Republican inertia and the dangers it led to, promised to get America moving again. President Kennedy first made that promise for us, and we kept it. We brought an end to recurring recessions, each one of which had followed closer on the heels of the last. Full cooperation between our government officials and all sectors of American life led to new public policies which unlocked the creative power of America's free enterprise system. The magnificent response of all the people comprising that system made the world stand in awe of the results.\nSince 1961, we have seen:\nA 90-month period of recession-free prosperity, the longest and strongest period of sustained economic growth in American history;\nA slash in the unemployment rate from 7 to under 4 percent;\nAn increase of nearly 40 percent in real wages and salaries and nearly one-third in the average person's real income;\nAnd, on the eight year average, a reduction in the rate levels of the individual income tax.\nAmerica's private enterprise system flourished as never before in these years of Democratic leadership. Compared with the preceding eight Republican years, private enterprise in the Democratic 1960's grew twice as fast, profits increased twice as rapidly, four times as many jobs were created, and thirteen million Americans—or one-third of those in poverty in 1960—have today established its bondage.\nDemocrats, however, were not satisfied. We saw—and were the first to see—that even sustained prosperity does not eliminate hard-core unemployment. We were the first to see that millions of Americans would never share in America's abundance unless the people as a whole, through their government, acted to supplement what the free enterprise could do.\nSo, under the leadership of President Johnson, this nation declared war on poverty—a war in which the government is again working in close cooperation with leaders of the free enterprise system.\nIt would compromise the integrity of words to claim that the war on poverty and for equal opportunity has been won. Democrats are the first to insist that it has only begun—while 82 percent of the House Republicans and 69 percent of the Senate Republicans voted against even beginning it at all. Democrats know that much more remains to be done. What we have done thus far is to test a series of pilot projects before making them bigger, and we have found that they DO work. Thus:\nThe new pre-school program known as Head Start has proven its effectiveness in widening the horizons of over two million poor children and their parents.\nThe new programs known as the Job Corps and the Neighborhood Youth Corps, enrolling close cooperation between the government and private enterprise, have helped nearly two million unskilled boys and girls—most of them drop-outs from school—get work in the community and in industry.\nThe new program known as Upward Bound has helped thousands of poor but talented young men and women prepare themselves for college.\nThe new structure of neighborhood centers brings modern community services directly to the people who need them most.\nThe People\n\nWe emphasize that the coldly stated statistics of gains made in the war on poverty must be translated to mean people, in all their yearnings for personal fulfillment. That is true as well of all other things in the great outpouring of constructive legislation that surpassed even the landmark years of the early New Deal.\nEducation is one example. From the beginning of our Party history, Democrats argued that liberty and learning must find in each other the surest ground for mutual support. The inherited conviction provided the motive force behind the educational legislation of the 1960's that we enacted:\nBecause of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, local education has been enriched to the benefit of over 13 million young Americans;\nBecause of the Higher Education Act of 1965, new college classrooms, laboratories and libraries have been built to assure that higher education will not be the monopoly of the few but the right of the many;\nBecause of federal assistance to students, the doors to college have been opened for over a million young men and women coming from families with modest means—so that about one out of every five college students is now pursuing his higher education with some kind of federal help;\nBecause Democrats are convinced that the best of all investments is in the human resources represented by the youth of America, we brought about a four-fold increase in the federal investment in education since 1960. The level now approaches $12 billion annually.\nAs it promoted better education, so did Democratic leadership promote better health for all.\nThe program of mercy and justice known as health care for the aged, which President Truman originally proposed and Presidents Kennedy and Johnson fought for, finally became law in the summer of 1965. Because of it, more than seven million older citizens each year are now receiving modern medical care in dignity—no longer forced to depend on charity, no longer a burden on relatives, no longer in physical pain because they cannot afford to pay for the healing power of modern medicine. Virtually all older Americans, the well and the sick alike, are now protected, their lives more secure, their afflictions eased.\nTo deal with other aspects of the nation's health needs, measures were enacted in the Democratic years representing an almost fourfold increase in the government's investment in health. Programs were enacted to cope with the killing diseases of heart, cancer and stroke; to combat mental retardation and mental illness; to increase the manpower supply of trained medical technicians; to speed the construction of new hospitals.\nDemocrats in the Presidency and in the Congress have led the fight to erase the stain of racial discrimination that tarnished America's proudly announced proposition that all men are created equal.\nWe knew that racial discrimination was present in every section of the country. We knew that the enforcement of civil rights and general laws is indivisible. In this conviction, Democrats took the initiative to guarantee the right to safety and security of the person, the right to all the privileges of citizenship, the right to equality of opportunity in employment, and the right to public services and accommodations and housing. For example:\nBecause of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all men born equal in the eyes of their Creator are by law declared to be equal when they apply for a job, or seek a night's lodging or a good meal;\nBecause of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the right to the ballot box—the right on which all other rights depend—has been reinforced by law;\nBecause of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, all families will have an equal right to live where they wish.\nThe Nation\n\nThe frontier on which most Americans live is the vertical frontier of the city. It is a frontier whose urgent needs hold a place of very high priority on the national agenda—and on the agenda of the Democratic Party.\nDemocrats recognize that the race to save our cities is a race against the absolute of time itself. The blight that threatens their future takes many forms. It is the physical decay of homes and neighborhoods. It is poverty and unemployment. It is broken homes and social disintegration. It is crime. It is congestion and pollution. The Democratic program attacked all of these forms of blight—and all at once.\nSince we know that the cities can be saved only by the people who live there, Democrats have invigorated local effort through federal leadership and assistance. In almost every city, a community action agency has mounted a many-sided assault on poverty. Through varied neighborhood organizations, the poor themselves are tackling their own problems and devising their own programs of self-help. Under Model Cities legislation, enacted in 1966, seventy-five cities are now launching the most comprehensive programs of economic, physical, and social development ever undertaken—and the number of participating cities will be doubled soon. In this effort, the residents of the areas selected to become the model neighborhoods are participating fully in planning their future and deciding what it will be.\nIn a series of housing acts beginning in 1961, Democrats have found ways to encourage private enterprise to provide modern, decent housing for low-income and moderate-income families. The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 is the most far-reaching housing legislation in America's history. Under its terms, the genius of American business will combine with the productivity of American labor to meet a 10-year goal of 26 million new housing units—6 million of them for the poor. The objective is to enable the poor to own their own homes, to rebuild entire neighborhoods, to spur the pace of urban renewal, and to deal more humanely with the problems of displaced people.\nTo give our cities a spokesman of Cabinet rank, Democrats in 1965 took the lead in creating a Department of Housing and Urban Development.\nDemocratic Presidents and Congresses have moved with equal vigor to help the people of America's vast hinterland outside the metropolitan centers to join the march of economic progress. Of the 101 major areas classified as \"depressed areas\" when the Democrats assumed office in 1961, 90 have now solved their problems of excessive unemployment and the others are on their way. The Area Redevelopment Act, the expansion of resource development programs, and the massive effort to restore Appalachia and other lagging regions to economic health assisted the people of these areas in their remarkable progress.\nIn these legislative undertakings of primary concern to people—American people—it is to the credit of some Republicans that they joined the Democratic majority in a common effort. Unfortunately, however, most Republicans sat passively by while Democrats wrote the legislation the nation's needs demanded. Worse, and more often, Republicans did what they could to obstruct and defeat the measures that were approved by Democrats in defiance of hostile Republican votes. Thus:\nIn the case of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 73 percent of the Republicans in the House voted to kill it.\nIn the case of medical care for the aged, 93 percent of the Republicans in the House and 64 percent in the Senate voted to kill it.\nIn the case of the Model Cities program, 88 percent of the Republicans in the House voted to kill it.\nIn the case of the program to help Appalachia, 81 percent of House Republicans and 58 percent of Senate Republicans voted to kill it, and 75 percent of House Republicans voted to kill corresponding programs of aid for other depressed regions of the country.\nThe same negative attitude was present among Republicans in the 1950's, and one of the results was a crisis in the farm sector of the economy which the Democrats inherited in the 1960's. In the late Republican 1950's, the glut of farm surpluses amounted to over $8 billion, and the taxpayers were forced to pay $1 billion every year in interest and storage charges alone. Democrats, however, set out resolutely to reverse the picture. Democratic farm programs supported farm income, expanded farm exports and domestic consumption, helped farmers adjust their production to the size of the expanded markets, and reduced farm surpluses and storage costs to the lowest level since 1952.\nDemocrats have also acted vigorously to assure that American science and technology shall continue to lead the world.\nIn atomic energy, in space exploration, in communications, in medicine, in oceanology, in fundamental and applied research in many fields, we have provided leadership and financial aid to the nation's scientists and engineers. Their genius has, in turn, powered our national economic growth.\nOther measures affected all Americans everywhere.\nUnder our constitutional system of federalism, the primary responsibility for law enforcement rests with selected local officials and with governors, but the federal government can and should play a constructive role in support of state and local authorities.\nIn this conviction, Democratic leadership scented the enactment of a law which extended financial assistance to modernize local police departments, to train law enforcement personnel, and to develop modern police technology. The effect of these provisions is already visible in an improved quality of law enforcement throughout the land.\nUnder Democratic leadership, furthermore, the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act was passed to aid states and communities to plan and carry out comprehensive programs to prevent and combat youth crime. We have added more personnel to strengthen the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the enforcement of narcotics laws, and have intensified the campaign against organized crime. The federal government has come swiftly to the aid of cities needing help to bring major disturbances under control, and Democratic leadership secured the enactment of a new gun control law as a step toward putting the weapons of wanton violence beyond the reach of criminal and irresponsible hands.\nTo purify the air we breathe and the water we drink, Democrats led the way to the enactment of landmark anti-pollution legislation.\nTo bring order into the administration of transportation programs and to coordinate transportation policy, Democrats in 1966 established a new Cabinet-level Department of Transportation.\nFor the consumer, new standards of protection were enacted—truth-in-lending and truth-in-packaging, the Child Safety Act, the Pipeline Safety Act, the Wholesome Meat and Wholesome Poultry Acts.\nFor America's 100 million automobile drivers, auto and highway safety legislation provided protection not previously known.\nFor every American family, unparalleled achievements in conservation meant the development of balanced outdoor recreation programs—involving magnificent new national parks, seashores, and lakeshores—all within an afternoon's drive of 110 million Americans. For the first time, we are beating the bulldozer to the nation's remaining open spaces.\nFor the sake of all living Americans and for their posterity, the Wilderness Preservation Act of 1964 placed in perpetual trust millions of acres of primitive and wilderness areas.\nFor America's sons who manned the nation's defenses, a new G.I. bill with greatly enlarged equitable benefits was enacted gratefully and proudly.\nAmerica's senior citizens enjoyed the largest increase in social security since the system was inaugurated during the Democratic Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.\nFor the hungry, our food distribution programs were expanded to provide more than $1 billion worth of food a year for domestic use, giving millions of children, for the first time, enough to eat.\nA new minimum wage law raised paychecks and standards of living for millions, while a new network of training programs enabled more than a million Americans to learn new skills and become productive workers in the labor force.\nA new Immigration Act removed the harsh injustice of the national origins quota system and opened our shores without discrimination to those who can contribute to the growth and strength of America.\nMany more measures enacted under Democratic leadership could be added to this recital of achievements in our internal life since 1961. But what we could list shares the character of what we have listed. All the measures alike are a witness to our desire to serve the people as a united whole, to chart the way for their orderly progress, to possess their confidence—by striving through our conduct to deserve to possess it.\nThe World\n\nThe conscience of the entire world has been shocked by the brutal and unprovoked Soviet aggression against Czechoslovakia. By this act, Moscow has confessed that it is still the prisoner of its fear of freedom. And the Czechoslovakian people have shown that the love of freedom, in their land and throughout Eastern Europe, can never be crushed.\nThis severe blow to freedom and self-determination reinforces our commitment to the unending quest for peace and security in the world. These dark days should not obscure the solid achievements of the past eight years. Nuclear war has been avoided. West Berlin and Western Europe are still free.\nThe blend of American power and restraint, so dramatically demonstrated in the Cuban missile crisis, earned the respect of the world and prepared the way for a series of arms control agreements with the Soviet Union. Long and patient negotiation by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson resulted in the Nuclear Test Ban, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, and Space treaties and the \"hot line.\" These hard-won agreements provide the base for pursuing other measures to reduce the risk of nuclear war.\nThe unprecedented expansion of the American economy has invigorated the whole free world. Many once skeptical nations, including some communist states, now regard American economic techniques and institutions as a model.\nIn Asia the tragic Vietnam war has often blinded us to the quiet and constructive developments which affect directly the lives of over a billion people and the prospects for peace everywhere.\nAn economically strong and democratic Japan has assumed a more active role in the development of the region. Indonesia has a nationalist, non-communist government seeking to live at peace with its neighbors. Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Republic of Korea have more stable governments and steadily growing economies. They have been aided by American economic assistance and by the American military presence in the Pacific. They have also been encouraged by a confidence reflecting successive Presidential decisions to assist nations to live in peace and freedom.\nElsewhere in the developing world, there has been hopeful political and economic progress. Though Castro's Cuba is still a source of subversion, the other Latin American states are moving ahead under the Alliance for Progress. In Africa, many of the new states have chosen moderate leaders committed to peaceful nation-building. They are beginning to cooperate with their neighbors in regional agencies of their own design. And like developing countries on other continents, they are for the first time giving serious attention to agricultural development. This new emphasis on food will buy time to launch effective programs of population control.\nIn all these constructive changes America, under Democratic leadership, has played a significant role. But we Democrats do not believe in resting on past achievements. We view any success as a down payment on the hard tasks that lie ahead. There is still much to be done at home and abroad and we accept with confidence the challenge of the future.\nThis We Will Do: Toward a Peaceful World\n\nIn the pursuit of our national objectives and in the exercise of American power in the world, we assert that the United States should:\nContinue to accept its world responsibilities—not turn inward and isolate ourselves from the cares and aspirations of mankind;\nSeek a world of diversity and peaceful change, where men can choose their own governments and where each nation can determine its own destiny without external interference;\nResist the temptation to try to mold the world, or any part of it, in our own image, or to become the self-appointed policeman of the world;\nCall on other nations, great and small, to contribute a fair share of effort and resources to world peace and development;\nHonor our treaty obligations to our allies; Seek always to strengthen and improve the United Nations and other international peace-keeping arrangements and meet breaches or threatened breaches of the peace according to our carefully assessed interests and resources;\nIn pursuing these objectives, we will insure that our policies will be subject to constant re view so they reflect our true national interests in a changing world.\nNational Defense\n\nThe tragic events in Czechoslovakia are a shocking reminder that we live in a dangerous and unpredictable world. The Soviet attack on and invasion of a small country that only yesterday was Moscow's peaceful ally, is an ominous reversal of the slow trend toward greater freedom and independence in Eastern Europe. The reimposition of Soviet tyranny raises the spectre of the darkest days of the Stalin era and increases the risk of war in Central Europe, a war that could become a nuclear holocaust.\nAgainst this somber backdrop, whose full portent cannot now be seen, other recent Soviet military moves take on even greater significance. Though we have a significant lead in military strength and in all vital areas of military technology, Moscow has steadily increased its strategic nuclear arsenal, its missile-firing nuclear submarine fleet, and its anti-missile defenses. Communist China is providing political and military support for so-called wars of national liberation. A growing nuclear power, Peking has disdained all arms control efforts.\nWe must and will maintain a strong and balanced defense establishment adequate to the task of security and peace. There must be no doubt about our strategic nuclear capability, our capacity to meet limited challenges, and our willingness to act when our vital interests are threatened.\nTo this end, we pledge a vigorous research and development effort. We will also continue to pursue the highly successful efforts initiated by Democratic administrations to save tax dollars by eliminating waste and duplication.\nWe face difficult and trying times in Asia and in Europe. We have responsibilities and commitments we cannot escape with honor. But we are not alone. We have friends and allies around the world. We will consult with them and ask them to accept a fair share of the burdens of peace and security.\nNorth Atlantic Community\n\nThe North Atlantic Community is strong and free. We must further strengthen our ties and be constantly alert to new challenges and opportunities. We support a substantially larger European contribution to NATO.\nSoviet troops have never stepped across the border of a NATO country. By harassment and threat the Kremlin has repeatedly attempted to push the West out of Berlin. But West Berlin is still free. Western Europe is still free. This is a living tribute to the strength and validity of the NATO alliance.\nThe political differences we have had with some of our allies from time to time should not divert us from our common task of building a secure and prosperous Atlantic community based on the principles of mutual respect and mutual dependence. The NATO alliance has demonstrated that free nations can build a common shield without sacrificing their identity and independence.\nArms Control\n\nWe must recognize that vigilance calls for the twin disciplines of defense and arms control. Defense measures and arms control measures must go hand in hand, each serving national security and the larger interests of peace.\nWe must also recognize that the Soviet Union and the United States still have a common interest in avoiding nuclear war and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. We also share a common interest in reducing the cost of national defense. We must continue to work together. We will press for further arms control agreements, insisting on effective safeguards against violations.\nFor almost a quarter of a century America's pre-eminent military strength, combined with our political restraint, has deterred nuclear war. This great accomplishment has confounded the prophets of doom.\nEight years ago the Democratic Party pledged new efforts to control nuclear weapons. We have fulfilled that pledge. The new Arms Control and Disarmament Agency has undertaken and coordinated important research. The sustained initiatives of President Kennedy and President Johnson have resulted in the \"hot line\" between the White House and the Kremlin, the limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the treaty barring the orbiting of weapons of mass destruction.\nEven in the present tense atmosphere, we strongly support President Johnson's effort to secure an agreement with the Soviet Union under which both states would refrain from deploying anti-missile systems. Such a treaty would result in the saving of billions of dollars and would create a climate for further arms control measures. We support concurrent efforts to freeze the present level of strategic weapons and delivery systems, and to achieve a balanced and verified reduction of all nuclear and conventional arms.\nThe Middle East\n\nThe Middle East remains a powder keg. We must do all in our power to prevent a recurrence of war in this area. A large Soviet fleet has been deployed to the Mediterranean. Preferring short-term political advantage to long-range stability and peace, the Soviet Union has rushed arms to certain Arab states to replace those lost in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967. As long as Israel is threatened by hostile and well-armed neighbors, we will assist her with essential military equipment needed for her defense, including the most advanced types of combat aircraft.\nLasting peace in the Middle East depends upon agreed and secured frontiers, respect for the territorial integrity of all states, the guaranteed right of innocent passage through all international waterways, a humane resettlement of the Arab refugees, and the establishment of a non-provocative military balance. To achieve these objectives, we support negotiations among the concerned parties. We strongly support efforts to achieve an agreement among states in the area and those states supplying arms to limit the flow of military equipment to the Middle East.\nWe support efforts to raise the living standards throughout the area, including desalinization and regional irrigation projects which cut across state frontiers.\nVietnam and Asia\n\nOur most urgent task in Southeast Asia is to end the war in Vietnam by an honorable and lasting settlement which respects the rights of all the people of Vietnam. In our pursuit of peace and stability in the vital area of Southeast Asia we have borne a heavy burden in helping South Vietnam to counter aggression and subversion from the North.\nWe reject as unacceptable a unilateral withdrawal of our forces which would allow that aggression and subversion to succeed. We have never demanded, and do not now demand, unconditional surrender by the communists.\nWe strongly support the Paris talks and applaud the initiative of President Johnson which brought North Vietnam to the peace table. We hope that Hanoi will respond positively to this act of statesmanship.\nIn the quest for peace no solutions are free of risk. But calculated risks are consistent with the responsibility of a great nation to seek a peace of reconciliation.\nRecognizing that events in Vietnam and the negotiations in Paris may affect the timing and the actions we recommend, we would support our Government in the following steps:\nBombing: Stop all bombing of North Vietnam when this action would not endanger the lives of our troops in the field; this action should take into account the response form Hanoi.\nTroop Withdrawal: Negotiate with Hanoi an immediate end or limitation of hostilities and the withdrawal from South Vietnam of all foreign forces—both United States and allied forces, and forces infiltrated from North Vietnam.\nElection of Postwar Government: Encourage all parties and interests to agree that the choice of the postwar government of South Vietnam should be determined by fair and safeguarded elections, open to all major political factions and parties prepared to accept peaceful political processes. We would favor an effective international presence to facilitate the transition from war to peace and to assure the protection of minorities against reprisal.\nInterim Defense and Development Measures: Until the fighting stops, accelerate our efforts to train and equip the South Vietnamese army so that it can defend its own country and carry out cutbacks of U.S. military involvement as the South Vietnamese forces are able to take over their larger responsibilities. We should simultaneously do all in our power to support and encourage further economic, political and social development and reform in South Vietnam, including an extensive land reform program. We support President Johnson's repeated offer to provide a substantial U.S. contribution to the postwar reconstruction of South Vietnam as well as to the economic development of the entire region, including North Vietnam. Japan and the European industrial states should be urged to join in this postwar effort.\nFor the future, we will make it clear that U.S. military and economic assistance in Asia will be selective. In addition to considerations of our vital interests and our resources, we will take into account the determination of the nations that request our help to help themselves and their willingness to help each other through regional and multilateral cooperation.\nWe want no bases in South Vietnam; no continued military presence and no political role in Vietnamese affairs. If and when the communists understand our basic commitment and limited goals and are willing to take their chances, as we are, on letting the choice of the post-war government of South Vietnam be determined freely and peacefully by all of the South Vietnamese people, then the bloodshed and the tragedy can stop.\nJapan, India, Indonesia, and most of the smaller Asian nations are understandably apprehensive about Red China because of its nuclear weapons, its support of subversive efforts abroad, and its militant rhetoric. They have been appalled by the barbaric behavior of the Red Guards toward the Chinese people, their callous disregard for human life and their mistreatment of foreign diplomats.\nThe immediate prospect that China will emerge from its self-imposed isolation is dim. But both Asians and Americans will have to coexist with the 750 million Chinese on the mainland. We shall continue to make it clear that we are prepared to cooperate with China whenever it is ready to become a responsible member of the international community. We would actively encourage economic, social and cultural exchange with mainland China as a means of freeing that nation and her people from their narrow isolation.\nWe support continued assistance to help maintain the independence and peaceful development of India and Pakistan.\nRecognizing the growing importance of Asia and the Pacific, we will encourage increased cultural and educational efforts, such as those undertaken in multi-racial Hawaii, to facilitate a better understanding of the problems and opportunities of this vast area.\nThe Developing World\n\nThe American people share the aspirations for a better life in the developing world. But we are committed to peaceful change. We believe basic political rights in most states can be more effectively achieved and maintained by peaceful action than by violence.\nIn their struggle for political and economic development, most Asian, African, and Latin American states are confronted by grinding poverty, illiteracy and a stubborn resistance to constructive change. The aspirations and frustrations of the people are frequently exploited by self-serving revolutionaries who employ illegal and violent means.\nSince World War II, America's unprecedented program of foreign economic assistance for reconstruction and development has made a profound contribution to peace, security, and a better life for millions of people everywhere. Many nations formerly dependent upon American aid are now viable and stable as a result of this aid.\nWe support strengthened U.S. and U.N. development aid programs that are responsive to changing circumstances and based on the recognition, as President Johnson put it, that \"self-help is the lifeblood of economic development.\" Grant aid and government loans for long-term projects are part of a larger transfer of resources between the developed and underdeveloped states, which includes international trade and private capital investment as important components.\nLike the burden of keeping the peace, the responsibility for assisting the developing world must be shared by Japan and the Western European states, once recipients of U.S. aid and now donor states.\nDevelopment aid should be coordinated among both donors and recipients. The World Bank and other international and regional agencies for investment and development should be fully utilized. We should encourage regional cooperation by the recipients for the most efficient use of resources and markets.\nWe should press for additional international agreements that will stimulate mutually beneficial trade and encourage a growing volume of private investment in the developing states. World-wide commodity agreements that stabilize prices for particular products and other devices to stabilize export earnings will also spur development.\nWe believe priority attention should be given to agricultural production and population control. Technical assistance which emphasizes manpower training is also of paramount importance. We support the Peace Corps which has sent thousands of ambassadors of good will to three continents.\nCultural and historic ties and a common quest for peace with freedom and justice have made Latin America an area of special concern and interest to the United States. We support a vigorous Alliance for Progress program based upon the Charter of Punta del Este which affirms that \"free men working through the institutions for representative democracy can best satisfy man's aspirations.\"\nWe support the objective of Latin American economic integration endorsed by the presidents of the American Republics in April 1967 and urge further efforts in the areas of tax reform, land reform, educational reform, and economic development to fulfill the promise of Punta del Este.\nUnited Nations\n\nSince the birth of the United Nations, the United States has pursued the quest for peace, security and human dignity through United Nations channels more vigorously than any other member state. Our dedication to its purpose and its work remains undiminished.\nThe United Nations contributed to dampening the fires of conflict in Kashmir, the Middle East, Cyprus and the Congo. The agencies of the United Nations have made a significant contribution to health, education and economic well-being in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These efforts deserve continued and expanded support. We pledge that support.\nSince we recognize that the United Nations can be only as effective as the support of its members, we call upon other states to join with us in a renewed commitment to use its facilities in the great tasks of economic development, the non-military use of atomic energy, arms control and peace-keeping. It is only with member nations working together that the organization can make its full contribution to the growth of a world community of peace under law, rather than by threat or use of military force.\nWe are profoundly concerned about the continued repression of Jews and other minorities in the Soviet Union and elsewhere, and look forward to the day when the full light of liberty and freedom shall be extended to all countries and all peoples.\nForeign Trade and Financial Policy\n\nWorld trade is essential to economic stability. The growing interdependence of nations, particularly in economic affairs, is an established fact of contemporary life. It also spells an opportunity for constructive international cooperation that will bring greater well-being for all and improve the prospects for international peace and security.\nWe shall build upon the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and the Kennedy round of trade negotiations, in order to achieve greater trade cooperation and progress toward freer international trade. In future negotiations, which will require careful preparation, we shall: 1) seek continued reciprocal reduction and elimination of tariff barriers, based on the most favored nation principle; 2) negotiate the reciprocal removal of non-tariff barriers to international trade on all products, including agriculture; 3) give special attention to the needs of the developing countries for increased export earnings; and 4) develop and improve the rules governing fair international competition affecting both foreign commerce and investment.\nTo lessen the hardships suffered by industries and workers as the result of trade liberalization, we support improvements in the adjustment assistance provisions of present law. Provision of law to remedy unfair and destructive import competition should be reviewed and strengthened, and negotiated international agreements to achieve this purpose should be employed where appropriate.\nThe United States has experienced balance-of payments deficits for over a decade, mainly because of our security obligations in the free world. Faced with these deficits, we have behaved responsibly by avoiding both economic deflation at home and severe unilateral restrictive measures on international transactions, which would have weakened the international economy and international cooperation.\nWe shall continue to take the path of constructive measures by relying on steps to increase our exports and by the development of further cooperative arrangements with the other countries. We intend, as soon as possible, to dismantle the restrictions placed on foreign investment and finance, so that American free enterprise can play its full part as the agent of economic development. We will continue to encourage persons from other lands to visit America.\nSteps of historical importance have already been taken to improve the functioning of the international monetary system, most notably the new special drawing rights under the international monetary fund. We shall continue to work for the further improvement of the international monetary system so as to reduce its vulnerability to monetary crises.\nEconomic Growth and Stability\n\nThe Democratic policies that more than doubled the nation's rate of economic expansion in the past eight years can double and redouble our national income by the end of this century. Such a rate of economic growth will enable us to win total victory in our wars on ignorance, poverty, and the misery of the ghettos.\nBut victory will not come automatically. To realize our full economic potential will require effective, businesslike planning and cooperation between government and all elements of private economy. The Democratic Party pledges itself to achieve that purpose in many ways.\nFiscal and Monetary Policy\n\nTaxes were lowered in 1962, 1964, and 1965 to encourage more private spending and reach full employment; they were raised in 1966 and 1968 to help prevent inflation, but with a net reduction in the eight Democratic years. We will continue to use tax policy to maintain steady economic growth by helping through tax reduction to stimulate the economy when it is sluggish and through temporary tax increases to restrain inflation. To promote this objective, methods must be devised to permit prompt, temporary changes in tax rates within prescribed limits with full participation of the Congress in the decisions.\nThe goals of our national tax policy must be to distribute the burden of government equitably among our citizens and to promote economic efficiency and stability. We have placed major reliance on progressive taxes, which are based on the democratic principle of ability to pay. We pledge ourselves to continue to rely on such taxes, and to continue to improve the way they are levied and collected so that every American contributes to government in proportion to his ability to pay.\nA thorough revamping of our federal taxes has been long overdue to make them more equitable as between rich and poor and as among people with the same income and family responsibilities. All corporation and individual preferences that do not serve the national interest should be removed. Tax preferences, like expenditures, must be rigorously evaluated to assure that the benefit to the nation is worth the cost.\nWe support a proposal for a minimum income tax for persons of high income based on an individual's total income regardless of source in order that wealthy persons will be required to make some kind of income tax contribution, no matter how many tax shelters they use to protect their incomes. We also support a reduction of the tax burden on the poor by lowering the income tax rates at the bottom of the tax scale and increasing the minimum standard deduction. No person or family below the poverty level should be required to pay federal income taxes.\nOur goal is a balanced budget in a balanced economy. We favor distinguishing current operating expenditures from long term capital outlays and repayable loans, which should be amortized consistent with sound accounting principles. All government expenditures should be subject to firm tests of efficiency and essentiality.\nAn effective policy for growth and stability requires careful coordination of fiscal and monetary policies. Changes in taxes, budgets, interest rates, and money supply must be carefully blended and flexibly adjusted to assure:\nAdaptation to changing economic conditions; Adequate supplies of money and credit for the expansion of industry, commerce, and housing; Maintenance of the lowest possible interest rates;\nAvoidance of needless hardships on groups that depend heavily on credit.\nCooperation between fiscal and monetary authorities was greatly strengthened in the past eight years, and we pledge ourselves to continue to perfect this cooperation.\nPrice Stability with Growth\n\nPrice stability continues to be an essential goal of expansive economic policy. Price inflation hurts most of the weak among us and could interfere with the continued social gains we are determined to achieve in the immediate years ahead.\nThe answer to rising prices will never be sought, under Democratic administrations, in unemployment and idle plant facilities. We are firmly committed to the twin objectives of full employment and price stability,\nTo promote price stability in a dynamic and growing economy, we will:\nPursue flexible fiscal and monetary policies designed to keep total private and public demand in line with the economy's rising productive capacity.\nWork effectively with business, labor, and the public in formulating principles for price and wage policies that are equitable and sound for consumers as well as for workers and investors.\nStrictly enforce antitrust and trade practice laws to combat administered pricing, supply limitations and other restrictive practices.\nStrengthen competition by keeping the doors of world trade open and resisting the protectionism of captive markets.\nStimulate plant modernization, upgrade labor skills, and speed technological advance to step up productivity.\nAgriculture\n\nTwice in this century the Republican Party has brought disaster to the American farmer—in the thirties and in the fifties. Each time, the American farmer was rescued by the Democratic Party, but his prosperity has not yet been fully restored.\nFarmers must continue to be heard in the councils of government where decisions affecting agriculture are taken. The productivity of our farmers—already the world's most productive—must continue to rise, making American agriculture more competitive abroad and more prosperous at home.\nA strong agriculture requires fair income to farmers for an expanding output. Family farmers must be protected from the squeeze between rising production costs and low prices for their products. Farm income should grow with productivity just as industrial wages rise with productivity. At the same time, market prices should continue to reflect supply and demand conditions and American farm products must continue to compete effectively in world markets. In this way, markets at home and abroad will continue to expand beyond the record high levels of recent years.\nTo these ends, we shall:\nTake positive action to raise farm income to full parity level in order to preserve the efficient, full-time family farm. This can be done through present farm programs when these programs are properly funded, but these programs will be constantly scrutinized with a view to improvement.\nActively seek out and develop foreign commercial markets, since international trade in agricultural products is a major favorable factor in the nation's balance of payments. In expanding our trade, we shall strive to ensure that farmers get adequate compensation for their production going into export.\nExpand our food assistance programs to America's poor and our Food for Peace program to help feed the world's hungry.\nEstablish a Strategic Food and Feed Reserve Plan whereby essential commodities such as wheat, corn and other feed grains, soybeans, storable meat and other products will be stock-piled as a safeguard against crop failures, to assist our nation and other nations in time of famine or disaster, and to ensure adequate supplies for export markets, as well as to protect our own farm industry. This reserve should be insulated from the market.\nSupport the right of farmers to bargain collectively in the market place on a commodity by commodity basis. Labor and industry have long enjoyed this right to bargain collectively under existing legislation. Protective legislation for bargaining should be extended to agriculture.\nContinue to support and encourage agricultural co-operatives by expanded and liberal credit, and to protect them from punitive taxation.\nSupport private or public credit on reasonable terms to young farmers to enable them to purchase farms on long term, low interest loans.\nSupport the federal crop insurance program. Reaffirm our support of the rural electrification program, recognizing that rural America cannot be revitalized without adequate low-cost electric power. We pledge continued support of programs to assure supplemental financing to meet the growing generating and distributing power needs of rural areas. We support the rural telephone program.\nSupport a thorough study of the effect of unlimited payments to farmers. If necessary, we suggest graduated open-end limitations of payments to extremely large corporate farms that participate in government programs.\nTake a positive approach to the public interest in the issue of health and tobacco at all levels of the tobacco economy. We recommend a cooperative effort in health and tobacco research by government, industry and qualified scientific bodies, to ascertain relationships between human health and tobacco growth, curing, storage and manufacturing techniques, as well as specific medical aspects of tobacco smoke constituents.\nSmall Business\n\nSmall business plays a vital role in a dynamic, competitive economy; it helps maintain a strong social fabric in communities across the land; it builds concerned community leadership deriving from ownership of small enterprises; and it maintains the challenge and competition essential to a free enterprise system.\nTo assure a continuing healthy environment for small business, the Democratic Party pledges to:\nAssure adequate credit at reasonable costs; Assure small business a fair share of government contracts and procurement;\nEncourage investment in research and development of special benefit to small enterprise;\nAssist small business in taking advantage of technological innovations;\nProvide centers of information on government procurement needs and foreign sales opportunities.\nThe Democratic Party is pledged to develop programs that will enable members of minority groups to obtain the financing and technical management assistance needed to succeed in launching and operating new enterprises.\nLabor-Management Relations\n\nPrivate collective bargaining and a strong and independent labor movement are essential to our system of free enterprise and economic democracy. Their development has been fostered under each Democratic administration in this century.\nWe will thoroughly review and update the National Labor Relations Act to assure an effective opportunity to all workers to exercise the right to organize and to bargain collectively, including such amendments as:\nRepeal of the provision permitting states to enact compulsory open shop laws;\nExtension of the Act's protection to farm workers, employees of private non-profit organizations, and other employees not now covered;\nRemoval of unreasonable restrictions upon the right of peaceful picketing, including situs picketing;\nSpeedier decisions in unfair labor practice cases and representation proceedings;\nGreater equality between the remedies available under the Act to labor and those available to management;\nEffective opportunities for unions as well as employers to communicate with employees, without coercion by either side or by anyone acting in their behalf.\nThe Federal Government will continue to set an example as an employer to private business and to state and local governments. The Government will not do business with firms that repeatedly violate Federal statutes prohibiting discrimination against employees who are union members or refuse to bargain with duly authorized union representatives.\nBy all these means, we will sustain the right of workers to organize in unions of their own choosing and will foster truly effective collective bargaining to provide the maximum opportunity for just and fair agreements between management and labor.\nConsumer Protection\n\nRising incomes have brought new vigor to the market place. But the march of technology which has brought unparalleled abundance and opportunity to the consumer has also exposed him to new hazards and new complexities. In providing economic justice for consumers, we shall strengthen business and industry and improve the quality of life for all 200 million Americans.\nWe commend the Democratic Congress for passing the landmark legislation of the past several years which has ushered in a new era of consumer protection—truth-in-lending, truth-in-packaging, wholesome meat and poultry, auto and highway safety, child safety, and protection against interstate land swindles.\nWe shall take steps, including necessary legislation, to minimize the likelihood of massive electric power failures, to improve the safety of medical devices and drugs, to penalize deceptive sales practices, and to provide consumer access to product information now being compiled in the Federal Government.\nWe will help the states to establish consumer fraud and information bureaus, and to update consumer credit laws.\nA major objective of all consumer programs, at all levels, must be the education of the buying public, particularly the poor who are the special targets of unscrupulous and high-pressure salesmanship.\nWe will make the consumer's voice increasingly heard in the councils of government. We will strengthen consumer education and enforcement programs by consolidation of functions now dispersed among various agencies, through the establishment of an Office of Consumer Affairs to represent consumer interests within the government and before courts and regulatory agencies.\nHousing\n\nFor the first time in history, a nation is able to rebuild or replace all of its substandard housing, even while providing housing for millions of new families.\nThis means rebuilding or replacing 4.5 million dwelling units in our urban areas and 3.9 million in rural areas, most in conditions of such dilapidation that they are too often dens of despair for millions of Americans.\nYet this performance is possible in the next decade because of goals and programs fashioned by Democratic Presidents and Democratic Congresses in close partnership with private business.\nThe goal is clear and pressing—\"a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family,\" as set forth in the 1949 Housing Act by a Democratic Congress and Administration.\nTo achieve this goal in the next ten years: We will assist private enterprise to double its volume of home-building, to an annual rate of 2.6 million units a year—a ten year total of 26 million units. This is the specific target of the history-making Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.\nWe will give the highest priority to Federally-assisted home-building for low income families, with special attention given to ghetto dwellers, the elderly, the physically handicapped, and families in neglected areas of rural America, Indian reservations, territories of the United States, and migratory worker camps. All federal subsidy programs—whether in the form of public housing, interest rates at 1%, rent supplements, or direct loans—will be administered to favor these disadvantaged families, with full participation by the neighborhood residents themselves.\nWe will cooperate with private home builders to experiment boldly with new production technology, with financial institutions to marshal capital for housing where it is most needed, and with unions to expand the labor force needed for a doubling of production.\nAbove all, we will work toward the greatest possible freedom of choice—the opportunity for every family, regardless of race, color, religion, or income, to choose home ownership or rental, high-rise or low-rise, cooperatives or condominiums, detached or town house, and city, suburban or country living.\nWe urge local governments to shape their own zoning laws and building codes to favor consumers and hold down costs.\nRigid enforcement of State and local health and building codes is imperative to alleviate conditions of squalor and despair in deteriorating neighborhoods.\nDemocrats are proud of their housing record. But we are also painfully aware of how much more needs to be done to reach the final goal of decent shelter for all Americans and we pledge a steadfast pursuit of that goal.\nTransportation\n\nAmerica is a nation on the move. To meet the challenge of transportation, we propose a dynamic partnership between industry and government at all levels.\nOf utmost urgency is the need to solve congestion in air traffic, especially in airports and between major metropolitan centers. We pledge intensified efforts to devise equitable methods of financing new and improved airport and airway facilities.\nUrban and inter-urban transportation facilities are heavily overburdened. We support expanded programs of assistance to mass transit in order to avoid unnecessary congestion in air traffic, especially at air-link residential and work areas.\nDespite the tremendous progress of our interstate highway program, still more super-highways are needed for safe and rapid motor transport. We need to establish local road networks to meet regional requirements.\nThe efficiency of our railroads has improved greatly but there is need for further strengthening of the nation's railroads so that they can contribute more fully to the nation's transport requirements. In particular, we will press forward with the effort to develop high-speed passenger trains to serve major urban areas.\nTo assume our proper place as a leading maritime nation, we must launch an aggressive and balanced program to replace and augment our obsolete merchant ships with modern vessels built in American shipyards. We will assist U.S. flag operators to overcome the competitive disparity between American and foreign costs.\nWe will continue to foster development of harbors, ports, and inland waterways, particularly regional waterways systems, and the St. Lawrence Seaway, to accommodate our expanded water-borne commerce. We support modernization of the Panama Canal.\nWe pledge a greater investment in transportation research and development to enhance safety and increase speed and economy; to implement the acts that have been passed to control noxious vehicle exhausts; and to reduce aircraft noise.\nThe expansion of our transportation must not be carried out at the expense of the environment through which it moves. We applaud the leadership provided by the First Lady to enhance the highway environment and initiate a national beautification program.\nCommunications\n\nAmerica has the most efficient and comprehensive communications system in the world. But a healthy society depends more on the quality of what is communicated than on either the volume or form of communication.\nPublic broadcasting has already proven that it can be a valuable supplement to formal education and a direct medium for non-formal education. We pledge our continuing support for the prompt enactment of a long-range financing plan that will help ensure the vigor and independence of this potentially vital but still underdeveloped new force in American life.\nWe deplore the all too frequent exploitation of violence as entertainment in all media.\nIn 1962 the Democratic Party sensed the great potential of space communication and quickly translated this awareness into the Communications Satellite Act. In a creative partnership between government and business, this revolutionary idea soon became a reality. Six years later we helped establish a consortium of 61 nations devoted to the development of a global satellite network.\nWe will continue to develop new technology and utilize communications to promote world-wide understanding as an essential pre-condition of world peace. But, in view of rapidly changing technology, the entire federal regulatory system dealing with telecommunication should be thoroughly reappraised.\nScience and Technology\n\nWe lead the world in science and technology. This has produced a dramatic effect on the daily lives of all of us. To maintain our undisputed national leadership in science and further its manifold applications for the betterment of mankind, the Federal Government has a dear obligation to foster and support creative men and women in the research community, both public and private.\nOur pioneering Space program has helped mankind on earth in countless ways. The benefits from improved weather forecasting which can soon be available thanks to satellite observations and communications will by themselves make the space efforts worthwhile.\nObservation by satellite of crops and other major earth resources will for the first time enable man to see all that is available to him on earth, and therefore to take maximum advantage of it. High endurance metals developed for space-craft help make commercial planes safer; similarly, micro-electronics are now found in consumer appliances. Novel space food-preservation techniques are employed in the tropical climates of underdeveloped countries. We will move ahead in aerospace research and development for their unimagined promise for man on earth as well as their vital importance to national defense.\nWe shall continue to work for our goal of leadership in space. To this end we will maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of our space programs through utilization of the best program, planning and budgeting systems.\nTo maintain our leadership in the application of energy, we will push forward with research and development to assure a balanced program for the supply of energy for electric power, both public and private. This effort should go hand in hand with development of \"breeder\" reactors and large-scale nuclear desalting plants that can provide pure water economically from the sea for domestic use and agricultural and industrial development in arid regions, and with broadened medical and biological applications of atomic energy.\nIn addition to the physical sciences, the social sciences will be encouraged and assisted to identify and deal with the problem areas of society.\nOpportunity for All\n\nWe of the Democratic Party believe that a nation wealthy beyond the dreams of most of mankind—a nation with a twentieth of the world's population, possessing half the world's manufactured goods—has the capacity and the duty to assure to all its citizens the opportunity to enjoy the full measure of the blessings of American life.\nFor the first time in the history of the world, it is within the power of a nation to eradicate from within its borders the age-old curse of poverty.\nOur generation of Americans has now made those commitments. It remains to implement and adequately fund the host of practical measures that demonstrate their, effectiveness and to continue to devise new approaches.\nWe are guided by the recommendations of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders concerning jobs, housing, urban renewal, and education on a scale commensurate with the needs of the urban ghettos. We are guided by the report of the Commission on Rural Poverty in tackling the equally compelling problems of the rural slums.\nEconomic growth is our first antipoverty program. The best avenue to an independent, confident citizenry is a dynamic, full-employment economy. Beyond that lie the measures necessary to assure that every American, of every race, in every region, truly shares in the benefits of economic progress.\nThose measures include rehabilitation of the victims of poverty, elimination of the urban and rural slums where poverty is bred, and changes throughout the system of institutions that affect the lives of the poor.\nIn this endeavor, the resources of private enterprise not only its economic power but its leadership and ingenuity—must be mobilized. We must marshal the power that comes from people working together in communities—the neighborhood communities of the poor and the larger communities of the city, the town, the village, the region.\nWe support community action agencies and their programs, such as Head Start, that will prevent the children of the poor from becoming the poor of the next generation. We support the extension of neighborhood centers. We are committed to the principle of meaningful participation of the poor in policy-making and administration of community action and related programs.\nSince organizations of many kinds are joined in the war on poverty, problems of coordination inevitably arise. We pledge ourselves to review current antipoverty efforts to assess how responsibility should be distributed among levels of government, among private and public agencies, and between the permanent agencies of the federal government and an independent antipoverty agency.\nToward a Single Society\n\nWe acknowledge with concern the findings of the report of the bi-partisan National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and we commit ourselves to implement its recommendations and to wipe out, once and for all, the stain of racial and other discrimination from our national life.\n\"The major goal,\" the Commission wrote, \"is the creation of a true union—a single society and a single American identity.\" A single society, however, does not mean social or cultural uniformity. We are a nation of many social, ethnic and national groups. Each has brought richness and strength to America.\nThe Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, all adopted under the vigorous leadership of President Johnson, are basic to America's long march toward full equality under the law.\nWe will not permit these great gains to be chipped away by opponents or eroded by administrative neglect. We pledge effective and impartial enforcement of these laws. If they prove inadequate, or if their compliance provisions fail to serve their purposes, we will propose new laws. In particular, the enforcement provisions of the legislation prohibiting discrimination in employment should be strengthened. This will be done as a matter of first priority.\nWe have also come to recognize that freedom and equality require more than the ending of repression and prejudice. The victims of past discrimination must be encouraged and assisted to take full advantage of opportunities that are now opening to them.\nWe must recognize that for too long we have neglected the abilities and aspirations of Spanish speaking Americans to participate fully in American life. We promise to fund and implement the Bilingual Education Act and expand recruitment and training of bilingual federal and state employees.\nThe American Indian has the oldest claim on our national conscience. We must continue and increase federal help in the Indian's battle against poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, ill health and poor housing. To this end, we pledge a new and equal federal-Indian partnership that will enable Indian communities to provide for themselves many services now furnished by the federal government and federal sponsorship of industrial development programs owned, managed, and run by Indians. We support a quick and fair settlement of land claims of Indians, Eskimo and Aleut citizens of Alaska.\nThe Inner City\n\nIn the decaying slums of our larger cities, where so many of our poor are concentrated, the attack on poverty must embrace many interrelated aspects of development—economic development, the rehabilitation or replacement of dilapidated and unsafe housing, job training and placement, and the improvement of education, health, recreation, crime control, welfare, and other public services.\nAs the framework of such an effort, we will continue to support the Model Cities program under which communities themselves are planning and carrying out the most comprehensive plans ever put together for converting their worst slum areas into model neighborhoods—with full participation and leadership by the neighborhood residents themselves. The Model Cities program will be steadily extended to more cities and more neighborhoods and adequately financed.\nThe resources and leadership of private enterprise must be marshaled in the attack on slums and poverty, and such incentives as may be essential for that purpose we will develop and enact.\nSome of the most urgent jobs in the revival of the inner city remain undone because the hazards are too great and the rewards too limited to attract sufficient private capital. To meet this problem, we will charter a new federal banking structure to provide capital and investment guaranties for urban projects planned and implemented through local initiative—neighborhood development corporations, minority programs for self-employment, housing development corporations, and other urban construction and planning operations. We will also enact legislation providing tax incentives for new business and industrial enterprises in the inner city. Our experience with aid to small business demonstrates the importance of increased local ownership of business enterprises in the inner city.\nWe shall aid the universities to concentrate their resources more fully upon the problems of the cities and facilitate their cooperation with municipal agencies and local organizations in finding solutions to urban problems.\nRural Development\n\nBalanced growth is essential for America. To achieve that balanced growth, we must greatly increase the growth of the rural non-farm economy. One-third of our people live in rural areas, but only one rural family in ten derives its principal income from farming. Almost thirty percent of the nation's poor are non-farm people in rural areas.\nThe problem of rural poverty and the problem of migration of poor people from rural areas to urban ghettos are mainly non-farm problems. The creation of productive jobs in small cities and towns can be the best and least costly solution of these problems.\nTo revitalize rural and small-town America and assure equal opportunity for all Americans where-ever they live, we pledge to:\nCreate jobs by offering inducements to new enterprises—using tax and other incentives—to locate in small towns and rural areas;\nAdminister existing federal programs and design new programs where necessary to overcome the disparity between rural and urban areas in opportunities for education, for health services, for low income housing, for employment and job training, and for public services of all kinds;\nEncourage the development of new towns and new growth centers;\nEncourage the creation of comprehensive planning and development agencies to provide additional leadership in non-metropolitan areas, and assist them financially.\nThe experience of the Appalachian and other regional commissions indicates that municipalities, counties, and state and federal agencies can work together in a common development effort.\nJobs and Training\n\nEvery American in need of work should have opportunity not only for meaningful employment, but also for the education, training, counselling, and other services that enable him to take advantage of available jobs.\nTo the maximum possible extent, our national goal of full employment should be realized through creation of jobs in the private economy, where six of every seven Americans now work. We will continue the Job Opportunities in the Business Sector (JOBS) program, which for the first time has mobilized the energies of business and industry on a nationwide scale to provide training and employment to the hard-core unemployed. We will develop whatever additional incentives may be necessary to maximize the opportunities in the private sector for hard-core unemployed.\nWe will continue also to finance the operation by local communities of a wide range of training programs for youth and retraining for older workers whose skills have become obsolete, coupled with related services necessary to enable people to undertake training and accept jobs—including improved recruitment and placement services, day-care centers, and transportation between work and home.\nFor those who can work but cannot find jobs, we pledge to expand public job and job-training programs, including the Neighborhood Youth Corps, to provide meaningful employment by state and local government and nonprofit institutions.\nFor those who cannot obtain other employment, the federal government will be the employer of last resort, either through federal assistance to state and local projects or through federally sponsored projects.\nEmployment Standards\n\nAmerican workers are entitled to more than the right to a job. They have the right to fair and safe working conditions and to adequate protection in periods of unemployment or disability.\nIn the last thirty years Democratic administrations and Congresses have enacted, extended and improved a series of measures to provide safeguards against exploitation and distress. We pledge to continue these efforts.\nThe minimum standards covering terms and conditions of employment must be improved:\nBy increasing the minimum wage guarantee to assure those at the bottom of the economic scale a fairer share in rising living standards;\nBy extending the minimum wage and overtime provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act to all workers;\nBy enacting occupational health and safety legislation to assure the material reduction of the present occupational death rate of 14,500 men and women each year, and the disabling accident rate of over 2 million per year;\nBy assuring that the \"green card\" worker does not depress wages and conditions of employment for American workers;\nBy updating of the benefit provisions of the Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Act.\nThe unemployment compensation program should be modernized by national minimum standards for level and duration of benefits, eligibility, and universal coverage.\nOlder Citizens\n\nA lifetime of work and effort deserves a secure and satisfying retirement.\nBenefits, especially minimum benefits, under Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance should be raised to overcome present inadequacies and thereafter should be adjusted automatically to reflect increases in living costs.\nMedical care for the aged should be expanded to include the costs of prescription drugs.\nThe minimum age for public assistance should be lowered to correspond to the requirements for social security.\nAmerica's self-employed citizens should be encouraged by tax incentive legislation to supplement social security benefits for themselves and their employees to the same extent that employees of corporations are encouraged.\nIn addition to improving social security, we must develop in each community a wide variety of activities to enrich the lives of our older citizens, to enable them to continue to contribute to our society, and to permit them to live in dignity. The aged must have access to better housing, opportunities for regular or part-time employment and community volunteer services, and cultural and recreational activities.\nPeople in Need\n\nEvery American family whose income is not sufficient to enable its members to live in decency should receive assistance free of the indignities and uncertainties that still too often mar our present programs, To support family incomes of the working poor a number of new program proposals have recently been developed. A thorough evaluation of the relative advantages of such proposals deserves the highest priority attention by the next Administration. This we pledge to do.\nIncome payments and eligibility standards for the aged, the blind, the disabled and dependent children should be determined and financed on a federal basis—in place of the present inequitable, underfinanced hodge podge state plans. This would, among other things, assure the eligibility in all states of needy children of unemployed parents who are now denied assistance in more than half the states as long as the father remains in the home.\nAssistance payments should not only be brought to adequate levels but they should be kept adequate by providing for automatic adjustment to reflect increases in living costs.\nCongress has temporarily suspended the restrictive amendment of 1967 that placed an arbitrary limit on the number of dependent children who can be aided in each state. We favor permanent repeal of that restriction and of the provision requiring mothers of young children to work.\nThe new federal-state program we propose should provide for financial incentives and needed services to enable and encourage adults on welfare to seek employment to the extent they are able to do so.\nThe time has come when we should make a national commitment that no American should have to go hungry or undernourished. The Democratic Party here and now does make that commitment. We will move rapidly to implement it through continued improvement and expansion of our food programs.\nThe Democratic Congress this year has already enacted legislation to expand and improve the school lunch and commodity distribution programs, and shortly will complete action on legislation now pending to expand the food stamp program. We will enact further legislation and appropriations to assure on a permanent basis that the school lunch program provides free and reduced price meals to all needy school children.\nHealth\n\nThe best of modern medical care should be made available to every American. We support efforts to overcome the remaining barriers of distance, poverty, ignorance, and discrimination that separate persons from adequate medical services.\nDuring the last eight years of Democratic administrations, this nation has taken giant steps forward in assuring life and health for its citizens. In the years ahead, we Democrats are determined to take those final steps that are necessary to make certain that every American, regardless of economic status, shall live out his years without fear of the high costs of sickness.\nThrough a partnership of government and private enterprise we must develop new coordinated approaches to stem the rise in medical and drug costs without lowering the quality or availability of medical care. Out-of-hospital care, comprehensive group practice arrangements, increased availability of neighborhood health centers, and the greater use of sub-professional aides can all contribute to the lowering of medical costs.\nWe will raise the level of research in all fields of health, with special programs for development of the artificial heart and the heart transplant technique, development of drugs to treat and prevent the recurrence of heart diseases, expansion of current task forces in cancer research and the creation of new ones including cancer of the lung, determination of the factors in mental retardation and reduction of infant mortality, development of drugs to reduce the incidence of suicide, and construction of health research facilities and hospitals.\nWe must build new medical, dental and medical service schools, and increase the capacity of existing ones, to train more doctors, dentists, nurses, and medical technicians.\nMedical care should be extended to disabled beneficiaries under the Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act to the same extent and under the same system that such care is available to the aged.\nThousands of children die, or are handicapped for life, because their mothers did not receive proper pre-natal medical attention or because the infants were unattended in the critical first days of life. Maternal and child health centers, located and designed to serve the needs of the poor, and voluntary family planning information centers should be established throughout the country. Medicaid programs administered by the states should have uniform standards so that no mother or child is denied necessary health services. Finally, we urge consideration of a program comparable to Medicare to finance pre-natal care for mother's and post-natal care for children during the first year of life.\nVeterans\n\nAmerican veterans deserve our enduring gratitude for their distinguished service to the nation. In 1968 some 750,000 returning servicemen will continue their education with increased benefits under the new G.I. Bill passed by an education-minded Democratic Congress. Two million disabled veterans and survivors of those killed in action are receiving larger pensions and higher disability payments.\nGuided by the report of the Veterans Advisory Commission, established by the Democratic administration, we will:\nContinue a strong one-stop agency vested with sole responsibility for all veterans programs;\nSustain and upgrade veteran medical services arid expand medical training in VA hospitals;\nMaintain compensation for disabled veterans and for widows and dependents of veterans who die of service-connected causes, in line with the rise in earnings and living standards;\nAssure every veteran the right of burial in a national cemetery;\nProvide incentives for veterans to aid their communities by serving in police, fire departments, educational systems and other public endeavors;\nMake veterans and their widows eligible for pension benefits at the same age at which Social Security beneficiaries may receive old age benefits.\nWe recommend the establishment of a standing Committee on Veterans Affairs in the Senate.\nEducation\n\nEducation is the chief instrument for making good the American promise. It is indispensable to every man's chance to achieve his full potential. We will seek to open education to all Americans.\nWe will assure equal opportunity to education and equal access to high-quality education. Our aim is to maintain state-local control over the nation's educational system, with federal financial assistance and help in stimulating changes through demonstration and technical assistance. New concepts of education and training employing new communications technology must be developed to educate children and adults.\nEvery citizen has a basic right to as much education and training as he desires and can master—from preschool through graduate studies—even if his family cannot pay for this education.\nWe will marshal our national resources to help develop and finance new and effective methods of dealing with the educationally disadvantaged—including expanded preschool programs to prepare all young children for full participation in formal education, improved teacher recruitment and training programs for inner city and rural schools, the Teacher Corps, assistance to community controlled schools to encourage pursuit of innovative practices, university participation in research and operation of school programs, a vocational education system that will provide imaginative new ties between school and the world of work, and improved and more widespread adult education programs.\nWe will fully fund Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, which provides federal funds for improving education in schools serving large numbers of students from low income families.\nThe financial burden of education continues to grow as enrollments spiral and costs increase. The home owner's property tax burden must be eased by increased levels of financial aid by both the states and the Federal government.\nOur rapidly expanding educational frontiers require a redoubling of efforts to insure the vitality of a diverse higher education system—public and private, large and small, community and junior colleges, vocational and technical schools, and great universities. We also pledge support for high quality graduate and medical education.\nWe will enlarge the federal scholarship program to remove the remaining financial barriers to post-secondary education for low income youths, and increase assistance to students in the form of repayable loans out of future income.\nWe will encourage support for the arts and the humanities, through the national foundations established by a Democratic Congress, to provide incentives for those endowed with extraordinary talent, enhance the quality of our life, and make productive leisure available to all our people.\nWe recommend greater stress on the arts and humanities in elementary and secondary curricula to ensure a proper educational balance.\nYouth\n\nFor generations, the Democratic Party has renewed its vitality with young people and new ideas. Today, young people are bringing new vigor and a deep concern for social justice into the political process, yet many feel excluded from full participation.\nWe of the Democratic Party welcome the bold thinking and exciting ideas of youth. We recognize, with deep satisfaction, that their healthy desire for participation in the democratic system must lead to a series of reforms in the direction of a greater democracy and a more open America.\nThe Democratic Party takes pride in the fact that so many of today's youth have channeled their interests and energies into our Party. To them, and to all young Americans we pledge the fullest opportunity to participate in the affairs of our Party at the local, state, and national levels. We call for special efforts to recruit young people as candidates for public office.\nWe will support a Constitutional amendment lowering the voting age to 18.\nWe favor an increase in youth representation on state delegations in future Democratic conventions.\nSteps should be taken to include youth advisers on all government studies, commissions, and hearings which are relevant to their lives.\nWe will establish a youth commission involving young people between the ages of 18 and 26.\nEvery young person should have an opportunity to contribute to the social health of his community or to humanitarian service abroad. The extraordinary experience of the Teacher Corps, VISTA, and the Peace Corps points the way for broadening the opportunities for such voluntary service. Hundreds of thousands of America's youth have sought to enlist in these programs, but only tens of thousands have been able to serve. We will expand these Opportunities.\nThe lives of millions of young men are deeply affected by the requirement for military service. The present system leaves them in uncertainty through much of their early manhood. Until our manpower needs can be fully met by voluntary enlistment, the Democratic Party will insist upon the most equitable and just selection system that can be devised. We support a random system of selection which will reduce the period of eligibility to one year, guarantee fair selection, and remove uncertainty.\nWe urge review of draft board memberships to make them more representative of the communities they serve.\nEnvironment, Conservation and Natural Resources\n\nThese United States have undergone 200 years of continuous change and dramatic development resulting in the most technologically advanced nation in the world. But with rapid industrialization, the nation's air and water resources have been degraded, the public health and welfare endangered, the landscape scarred and littered, and the very quality of our national life jeopardized.\nWe must assure the availability of a decent environment for living, working and relaxation. To this end, we pledge our efforts:\nTo accelerate programs for the enhancement of the quality of the nation's waters for the protection of all legitimate water uses, with special emphasis on public water supplies, recreation, fish and wildlife;\nTo extend the national emission control program to all moving sources of air pollution;\nTo work for programs for the effective disposal of wastes of our modern industrial society;\nTo support the efforts on national, state, and local levels to preserve the historic monuments and sites of our heritage;\nTo assist in planning energy production and transportation to fit into the landscape, to assure safety, and to avoid interference with more desirable uses of land for recreation and other public purposes;\nTo continue to work toward abating the visual pollution that plagues our land;\nTo focus on the outdoor recreation needs of those who live in congested metropolitan areas;\nTo continue to work toward strong measures for the reclamation of mined and depleted lands and the conservation of soil.\nPublic Domain\n\nWe pledge continued support of the Public Land Law Review Commission, which is reviewing public land laws and policies to assure maximum opportunity for all beneficial uses of the public lands, including lands under the sea, and to develop a comprehensive land use policy.\nWe support sustained yield management of our forests, and expanded research for control of forest insects, disease, and fires.\nWe plan to examine the productivity of the public lands in goods, services, and local community prosperity, with a view to increasing such productivity.\nWe shall enforce existing federal statutes governing federal timber.\nWe support the orderly use and development of mineral resources on federal lands.\nRecreation\n\nWe will continue the vigorous expansion of the public recreational domain to meet tomorrow's increasing needs, We will add national parks, recreation areas and seashores, and create national systems of scenic and wild rivers and of trails and scenic roads. We will support a growing wilderness preservation system, preservation of our redwood forests, and conservation of marshland and estuarine areas.\nRecognizing that the bulk of the task of acquisition and development must be accomplished at the state and local levels we shall foster federal assistance to encourage such action, as well as recreational expansion by the private sector. To this end, we shall build upon the landmark Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, which has assured a foundation of a recreational heritage for future generations. We will assist communities to rehabilitate and expand inadequate and deteriorating urban park systems, and develop open space, waterways, and waterfront renovation facilities.\nResources of the Oceans\n\nIn and beneath the seas are resources of untold dimension for the benefit of mankind. Recognizing and protecting the paramount public interest in the seas, Congress under Democratic leadership enacted the Sea Grant College Act of 1965 and the Marine Resources and Engineering Development Act of 1966, which established for the first time a comprehensive long-range policy and program for the marine sciences. We pledge to pursue vigorously the goals of that Act. Specifically, we will:\nFoster marine application of new technology—spacecraft, buoys, data networks, and advanced navigation systems—and develop an engineering capability to work on and under the sea at any depth;\nEncourage development of underseas resources by intensified research and better weather forecasting, with recognition to the coastal, insular and other littoral states of their unique interest and responsibility;\nFoster an extensive program of oceanologic research and development, financed by a portion of the mineral-royalty receipts from the outer continental shelf;\nAccelerate public and private programs for the development of food and other marine resources to meet world-wide malnutrition, to create new industries, and to utilize underemployed manpower living near the waterfront;\nPromote our fisheries by providing incentives for private investment, enforcing our 12-mile fishing zone, and discouraging other nations from excessive territorial and fishery claims;\nConclude an appropriate Ocean Space treaty to secure rules and agreements that will facilitate public and private investment, guarantee security of investment and encourage efficient and orderly development of the sea's resources.\nThe Government\n\nIn the coming four years, the Democratic President and Democratic Congress will give priority to simplifying and streamlining the processes of government, particularly in the management of the great innovative programs enacted in the 1960's.\nThe Executive branch of the federal government is the largest and most complicated enterprise in the world, with programs distributed among 150 separate departments, agencies, bureaus, and boards. This massive operation contributes to and often results in duplication, administrative confusion, and delay.\nWe will seek to streamline this machinery by improving coordination and management of federal programs.\nWe realize that government must develop the capacity to anticipate problems. We support a thorough study of agency operations to determine priorities for governmental action and spending, for examination of the structure of these agencies, and for establishing more systematic means of attacking our nation's problems.\nWe recognize that citizen participation in government is most meaningful at the levels of government closest to the people. For that reason, we recognize the necessity of developing a true partnership between state, local, and Federal governments, with each carrying its share of the financial and administrative load. We acknowledge the tremendous strides made by President Johnson in strengthening federal-state relations through open communication with the governors and local officials, and we pledge to continue and expand, on this significant effort.\nThe complexities of federal-state local relationships must be simplified, so that states and local communities receiving federal aid will have maximum freedom to initiate and carry out programs suited to their own particular needs. To give states and communities greater flexibility in their programs, we will combine individual grant programs into broader categories.\nAs the economy grows, it is the federal revenue system that responds most quickly, yet it may be the states and local governments whose responsibilities mount most rapidly. To help states and cities meet their fiscal challenges, we must seek new methods for states and local governments to share in federal revenues while retaining responsibility for establishing their own priorities and for operating their own programs. To this end, we will seek out new and innovative approaches to government to assure that our Federal system does, in fact, deliver to the people the services for which they are paying.\nPublic Employees\n\nThe Democratic administration has moved vigorously in the past eight years—particularly with regard to pay scales—to improve the conditions of public service. We support:\nA federal service that rewards new ideas and leadership;\nContinued emphasis on education and training programs for public employees, before and during their service;\nParity of government salaries with private industry;\nA proper respect for the privacy and independence of federal employees;\nEqual opportunities for career advancement;\nContinued application of the principles of collective bargaining to federal employment;\nEncouragement to state and local governments to continue to upgrade their personnel systems in terms of pay scales and training;\nInterchange of employees between federal and state government.\nElections\n\nWe are alarmed at the growing costs of political participation in our country and the consequent reliance of political parties and candidates on large contributors, and we want to assure full public information on campaign expenditures. To encourage citizen participation we urge that limited campaign contributions be made deductible as a credit from the federal income tax.\nWe fully recognize the principle of one man, one vote in all elections. We urge that due consideration be given to the question of presidential primaries throughout the nation. We urge reform of the electoral college and election procedures to assure that the votes of the people are fully reflected.\nWe urge all levels of our Party to assume leadership in removing all remaining barriers to voter registration.\nWe will also seek to eliminate disenfranchisement of voters who change residence during an election year.\nThe District of Columbia\n\nWith the reorganization of the government of the District of Columbia, the nation's capital has for the first time in nearly a century the strong leadership provided by a mayor-council form of government. This, however, is no substitute for an independent and fiscally autonomous District government. We support a federally funded charter commission—controlled by District residents—to determine the most appropriate form of government for the District, and the prompt implementation of the Commission's recommendations.\nThe Democratic Party supports full citizenship for residents of the District of Columbia and a Constitutional amendment to grant such citizenship through voting representation in Congress. Until this can be done, we propose non-voting representation.\nPuerto Rico\n\nIn accordance with the democratic principle of self-determination the people of Puerto Rico have expressed their will to continue in permanent union with the United States through commonwealth status. We pledge our continued support to the growth of the commonwealth status which the people of Puerto Rico overwhelmingly approved last year.\nVirgin Islands and Guam\n\nWe favor an elected governor and a non-voting delegate in the House of Representatives for the Virgin Islands and Guam, and will consider methods by which American citizens residing in American territories can participate in presidential elections.\nJustice and Law\n\nWe are firm in our commitment that equal justice under law shall be denied to no one. The duty of government at every level is the safety and security of its people. Yet the fact and fear of crime are uppermost in the minds of Americans today. The entire nation is united in its concern over crime, in all forms and wherever it occurs. America must move aggressively to reduce crime and its causes.\nDemocratic Presidents, governors and local officials are dedicated to the principle that equal justice under law shall remain the American creed. Those who take the law into their own hands undermine that creed. Anyone who breaks the law must be held accountable. Organized crime cannot be accepted as a way of life, nor can individual crime or acts of violence be permitted.\nAs stated in the report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, the two fundamental questions confronting the American people are:\n\"How can we as a people end the resort to violence while we build a better society?\"\n\"How can the nation realize the promise of a single society—one nation indivisible—which yet remains unfulfilled?\"\nThis platform commits the Democratic Party to seek resolution of these questions.\nWe pledge a vigorous and sustained campaign against lawlessness in all its forms—organized crime, white collar crime, rioting, and other violations of the rights and liberties of others. We will further this campaign by attack on the root causes of crime and disorder.\nUnder the recent enactments of a Democratic Congress we will continue and increase federal financial support and technical assistance to the states and their local governments to:\nIncrease the numbers, raise the pay, and improve the training of local police officers;\nReduce delays and congestion in our criminal courts;\nRehabilitate and supervise convicted offenders, to return offenders to useful, decent lives, and to protect the public against habitual criminals;\nDevelop and deploy the most advanced and effective techniques and equipment for the public safety;\nAssure the availability in every metropolitan area of quick, balanced, coordinated control forces, with ample manpower, thoroughly trained and properly equipped, to suppress rioting;\nEncourage responsible and competent civic associations and business and labor groups to cooperate with the law enforcement agencies in new efforts to combat organized crime, build community support for police work, and assist in rehabilitating convicted offenders—and for the attainment of these ends, encourage our police to cooperate with any such groups and to establish links of communication with every element of the public they serve, building confidence and respect;\nEstablish and maintain open and responsive channels of communication between the public and the police through creative police-community relations programs;\nDevelop innovative programs to reduce the incidence of juvenile delinquency;\nPromote the passage and enforcement of effective federal, state and local gun control legislation.\nIn all these efforts, our aim is to strengthen state and local law enforcement agencies so that they can do their jobs. In addition, the federal government has a clear responsibility for national action. We have accepted that responsibility and will continue to accept it with these specific objectives:\nPrompt and effective federal support, upon request of appropriate authorities, to suppress rioting: improvement of the capabilities of all agencies of law enforcement and justice—the police, the military, the courts—to handle more effectively problems attending riots;\nA concentrated campaign by the Federal government to wipe out organized crime: by employment of additional Federal investigators and prosecutors; by computerizing the present system of collecting information; by enlarging the program of technical assistance teams to work with the states and local governments that request assistance in this fight; by launching a nationwide program for the country's business and labor leaders to alert them to the problems of organized crime;\nIntensified enforcement, research, and education to protect the public from narcotics and other damaging drugs: by review of federal narcotics laws for loopholes and difficulties of enforcement; by increased surveillance of the entire drug traffic; through negotiations with those foreign nations which grow and manufacture the bulk of drug derivatives;\nVigorous federal leadership to assist and coordinate state and local enforcement efforts, and to ensure that all communities benefit from the resources and knowledge essential to the fight on crime;\nFurther implementation of the recommendations of the President's crime commission;\nCreation in the District of Columbia of a model system of criminal justice;\nFederal research and development to bring to the problems of law enforcement and the administration of justice the full potential of the scientific revolution.\nIn fighting crime we must not foster injustice. Lawlessness cannot be ended by curtailing the hard-won liberties of all Americans. The right of privacy must be safeguarded. Court procedures must be expedited. Justice delayed is justice denied.\nA respect for civil peace requires also a proper respect for the legitimate means of expressing dissent. A democratic society welcomes criticism within the limits of the law. Freedom of speech, press, assembly and association, together with free exercise of the franchise, are among the legitimate means to achieve change in a democratic society. But when the dissenter resorts to violence he erodes the institutions and values which are the underpinnings of our democratic society. We must not and will not tolerate violence.\nAs President Johnson has stated, \"Our test is to rise above the debate between the rights of the individual and the rights of society by securing the rights of both.\"\nWe freely admit that the years we live in are years of turbulence. But the wisdom of history has something hopeful to say about times like these. It tells us that the giant American nation, on the move with giant strides, has never moved—and can never move—in silence.\nWe are an acting, doing, feeling people. We are a people whose deepest emotions are the source of the creative noise we make-precisely because of our ardent desire for unity, our wish for peace, our longing for concord, our demand for justice, our hope for material well being, our impulse to move always toward a more perfect union.\nIn that never-ending quest, we are all partners together—the industrialist and the banker, the workman and the storekeeper, the farmer and the scientist, the clerk and the engineer, the teacher and the student, the clergyman and the writer, the men of all colors and of all the different generations.\nThe American dream is not the exclusive property of any political party. But we submit that the Democratic Party has been the chief instrument of orderly progress in our time. As heirs to the longest tradition of any political party on earth, we Democrats have been trained over the generations to be a party of builders. And that experience has taught us that America builds best when it is called upon to build greatly.\nWe sound that call anew. With the active consent of the American people, we will prove anew that freedom is best secured by a government that is responsive and compassionate and committed to justice and the rule of law.", "Words" -> 16722, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1060, "and" -> 818, "of" -> 784, "to" -> 601, "in" -> 334, "a" -> 224, "for" -> 203, "We" -> 177, "that" -> 149, "our" -> 121, "we" -> 118, "will" -> 115, "be" -> 107, "with" -> 101, "The" -> 97, "by" -> 97, "are" -> 96, "is" -> 90, "all" -> 85, "on" -> 82, "as" -> 75, "have" -> 72, "their" -> 71, "has" -> 63, "Democratic" -> 62, "new" -> 60, "programs" -> 56, "support" -> 55, "In" -> 51, "American" -> 51, "people" -> 50, "must" -> 50, "government" -> 49, "should" -> 48, "development" -> 47, "this" -> 45, "federal" -> 45, "which" -> 41, "other" -> 41, "or" -> 41, "To" -> 40, "its" -> 40, "from" -> 40, "it" -> 39, "an" -> 39, "economic" -> 37, "program" -> 36, "more" -> 36, "continue" -> 36, "can" -> 36, "public" -> 35, "not" -> 35, "national" -> 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"enforcement" -> 17, "economy" -> 17, "community" -> 17, "business" -> 17, "A" -> 17, "Vietnam" -> 16, "United" -> 16, "training" -> 16, "such" -> 16, "social" -> 16, "services" -> 16, "provide" -> 16, "political" -> 16, "measures" -> 16, "It" -> 16, "For" -> 16, "enterprise" -> 16, "encourage" -> 16, "employment" -> 16, "But" -> 16, "America's" -> 16, "agencies" -> 16, "when" -> 15, "war" -> 15, "security" -> 15, "problems" -> 15, "military" -> 15, "make" -> 15, "effort" -> 15, "develop" -> 15, "aid" -> 15, "were" -> 14, "so" -> 14, "power" -> 14, "out" -> 14, "opportunity" -> 14, "no" -> 14, "nations" -> 14, "many" -> 14, "live" -> 14, "increase" -> 14, "growth" -> 14, "effective" -> 14, "do" -> 14, "but" -> 14, "among" -> 14, "young" -> 13, "year" -> 13, "still" -> 13, "Republicans" -> 13, "President" -> 13, "over" -> 13, "nuclear" -> 13, "needs" -> 13, "levels" -> 13, "justice" -> 13, "investment" -> 13, "costs" -> 13, "communities" -> 13, "against" -> 13, "would" -> 12, "where" -> 12, "what" -> 12, "us" -> 12, "urban" -> 12, "trade" -> 12, "take" -> 12, "society" -> 12, "present" -> 12, "percent" -> 12, "living" -> 12, "interest" -> 12, "including" -> 12, "freedom" -> 12, "farm" -> 12, "equal" -> 12, "Congress" -> 12, "children" -> 12, "action" -> 12, "was" -> 11, "use" -> 11, "upon" -> 11, "than" -> 11, "Soviet" -> 11, "small" -> 11, "seek" -> 11, "recognize" -> 11, "participation" -> 11, "Our" -> 11, "only" -> 11, "means" -> 11, "made" -> 11, "laws" -> 11, "land" -> 11, "labor" -> 11, "into" -> 11, "future" -> 11, "further" -> 11, "Federal" -> 11, "family" -> 11, "end" -> 11, "enable" -> 11, "each" -> 11, "cooperation" -> 11, "cities" -> 11, "change" -> 11, "care" -> 11, "achieve" -> 11, "workers" -> 10, "well" -> 10, "toward" -> 10, "strong" -> 10, "South" -> 10, "serve" -> 10, "safety" -> 10, "rights" -> 10, "progress" -> 10, "opportunities" -> 10, "men" -> 10, "meet" -> 10, "major" -> 10, "long" -> 10, "lives" -> 10, "Johnson" -> 10, "improve" -> 10, "home" -> 10, "great" -> 10, "governments" -> 10, "goal" -> 10, "fully" -> 10, "financial" -> 10, "fair" -> 10, "expanded" -> 10, "expand" -> 10, "essential" -> 10, "enacted" -> 10, "employees" -> 10, "continued" -> 10, "consumer" -> 10, "centers" -> 10, "cannot" -> 10, "brought" -> 10, "assist" -> 10, "arms" -> 10, "youth" -> 9, "way" -> 9, "themselves" -> 9, "technology" -> 9, "States" -> 9, "standards" -> 9, "special" -> 9, "since" -> 9, "share" -> 9, "responsibility" -> 9, "pay" -> 9, "past" -> 9, "open" -> 9, "one" -> 9, "minimum" -> 9, "jobs" -> 9, "industry" -> 9, "increased" -> 9, "improved" -> 9, "growing" -> 9, "greater" -> 9, "foreign" -> 9, "expansion" -> 9, "citizens" -> 9, "By" -> 9, "both" -> 9, "better" -> 9, "best" -> 9, "benefits" -> 9, "because" -> 9, "balanced" -> 9, "adequate" -> 9, "1965" -> 9, "urge" -> 8, "unemployment" -> 8, "transportation" -> 8, "systems" -> 8, "strength" -> 8, "stability" -> 8, "service" -> 8, "regional" -> 8, "reduction" -> 8, "rate" -> 8, "quality" -> 8, "production" -> 8, "police" -> 8, "planning" -> 8, "peaceful" -> 8, "never" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "move" -> 8, "modern" -> 8, "millions" -> 8, "maintain" -> 8, "level" -> 8, "interests" -> 8, "House" -> 8, "families" -> 8, "eight" -> 8, "Education" -> 8, "done" -> 8, "discrimination" -> 8, "credit" -> 8, "country" -> 8, "conditions" -> 8, "comprehensive" -> 8, "common" -> 8, "city" -> 8, "Because" -> 8, "available" -> 8, "Asia" -> 8, "agreements" -> 8, "1961" -> 8, "working" -> 7, "without" -> 7, "vital" -> 7, "violence" -> 7, "view" -> 7, "veterans" -> 7, "strengthen" -> 7, "space" -> 7, "same" -> 7, "respect" -> 7, "reduce" -> 7, "protection" -> 7, "productivity" -> 7, "Presidents" -> 7, "policy" -> 7, "policies" -> 7, "payments" -> 7, "North" -> 7, "neighborhood" -> 7, "Nations" -> 7, "monetary" -> 7, "markets" -> 7, "larger" -> 7, "institutions" -> 7, "incentives" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "good" -> 7, "forces" -> 7, "force" -> 7, "food" -> 7, "favor" -> 7, "farmers" -> 7, "established" -> 7, "educational" -> 7, "District" -> 7, "Development" -> 7, "developing" -> 7, "democratic" -> 7, "Corps" -> 7, "constructive" -> 7, "Commission" -> 7, "burden" -> 7, "build" -> 7, "become" -> 7, "As" -> 7, "area" -> 7, "any" -> 7, "World" -> 6, "within" -> 6, "whose" -> 6, "weapons" -> 6, "voted" -> 6, "U.S." -> 6, "too" -> 6, "together" -> 6, "throughout" -> 6, "They" -> 6, "some" -> 6, "Since" -> 6, "remains" -> 6, "reform" -> 6, "recreation" -> 6, "providing" -> 6, "promote" -> 6, "promise" -> 6, "projects" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "priority" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "place" -> 6, "partnership" -> 6, "ourselves" -> 6, "orderly" -> 6, "order" -> 6, "needed" -> 6, "management" -> 6, "low" -> 6, "lead" -> 6, "large" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "Kennedy" -> 6, "job" -> 6, "information" -> 6, "industrial" -> 6, "human" -> 6, "history" -> 6, "forward" -> 6, "form" -> 6, "facilities" -> 6, "extended" -> 6, "Europe" -> 6, "entire" -> 6, "ensure" -> 6, "energy" -> 6, "Encourage" -> 6, "could" -> 6, "contribution" -> 6, "contribute" -> 6, "commitment" -> 6, "clear" -> 6, "Civil" -> 6, "capital" -> 6, "campaign" -> 6, "billion" -> 6, "benefit" -> 6, "based" -> 6, "attention" -> 6, "aspirations" -> 6, "ahead" -> 6, "aged" -> 6, "administration" -> 6, "accept" -> 6, "about" -> 6, "1968" -> 6, "whole" -> 5, "while" -> 5, "ways" -> 5, "water" -> 5, "want" -> 5, "vigorous" -> 5, "Union" -> 5, "Under" -> 5, "tobacco" -> 5, "technical" -> 5, "taxes" -> 5, "task" -> 5, "sustained" -> 5, "supply" -> 5, "steps" -> 5, "source" -> 5, "series" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "schools" -> 5, "school" -> 5, "scale" -> 5, "role" -> 5, "rise" -> 5, "Rights" -> 5, "Republican" -> 5, "rates" -> 5, "rapidly" -> 5, "quest" -> 5, "provisions" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "protect" -> 5, "proper" -> 5, "prices" -> 5, "prevent" -> 5, "possible" -> 5, "often" -> 5, "objectives" -> 5, "neighborhoods" -> 5, "negotiations" -> 5, "need" -> 5, "National" -> 5, "much" -> 5, "Middle" -> 5, "methods" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "maximum" -> 5, "manpower" -> 5, "limited" -> 5, "led" -> 5, "Latin" -> 5, "later" -> 5, "last" -> 5, "known" -> 5, "know" -> 5, "kill" -> 5, "individual" -> 5, "independence" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "importance" -> 5, "implement" -> 5, "however" -> 5, "Housing" -> 5, "high" -> 5, "helped" -> 5, "groups" -> 5, "greatly" -> 5, "goals" -> 5, "give" -> 5, "foster" -> 5, "even" -> 5, "establish" -> 5, "equitable" -> 5, "environment" -> 5, "encouraged" -> 5, "East" -> 5, "earth" -> 5, "drugs" -> 5, "does" -> 5, "determined" -> 5, "defense" -> 5, "decent" -> 5, "creative" -> 5, "creation" -> 5, "countries" -> 5, "cooperate" -> 5, "concern" -> 5, "communications" -> 5, "communication" -> 5, "committed" -> 5, "combat" -> 5, "college" -> 5, "China" -> 5, "century" -> 5, "case" -> 5, "capacity" -> 5, "barriers" -> 5, "And" -> 5, "All" -> 5, "air" -> 5, "agriculture" -> 5, "agricultural" -> 5, "again" -> 5, "advantage" -> 5, "achievements" -> 5, "abroad" -> 5, "yet" -> 4, "world's" -> 4, "women" -> 4, "waterways" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "vigorously" -> 4, "vigor" -> 4, "Vietnamese" -> 4, "Urban" -> 4, "union" -> 4, "two" -> 4, "true" -> 4, "treaty" -> 4, "total" -> 4, "thousands" -> 4, "thorough" -> 4, "These" -> 4, "terms" -> 4, "techniques" -> 4, "taken" -> 4, "Support" -> 4, "students" -> 4, "strengthened" -> 4, "soon" -> 4, "slums" -> 4, "single" -> 4, "significant" -> 4, "Senate" -> 4, "rising" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "residents" -> 4, "require" -> 4, "representation" -> 4, "report" -> 4, "remaining" -> 4, "region" -> 4, "reflect" -> 4, "recreational" -> 4, "recommendations" -> 4, "recommend" -> 4, "Recognizing" -> 4, "raise" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "pursuit" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "Public" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "productive" -> 4, "problem" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "press" -> 4, "potential" -> 4, "placed" -> 4, "physical" -> 4, "persons" -> 4, "permanent" -> 4, "party" -> 4, "parties" -> 4, "particularly" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "participate" -> 4, "overcome" -> 4, "organized" -> 4, "organizations" -> 4, "once" -> 4, "older" -> 4, "officials" -> 4, "objective" -> 4, "Nuclear" -> 4, "Now" -> 4, "next" -> 4, "nearly" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "Model" -> 4, "model" -> 4, "metropolitan" -> 4, "members" -> 4, "meaningful" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "march" -> 4, "mankind" -> 4, "making" -> 4, "lowering" -> 4, "loans" -> 4, "line" -> 4, "like" -> 4, "landmark" -> 4, "just" -> 4, "Japan" -> 4, "innovative" -> 4, "inner" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "increasing" -> 4, "increases" -> 4, "how" -> 4, "highway" -> 4, "higher" -> 4, "heart" -> 4, "hand" -> 4, "guarantee" -> 4, "generations" -> 4, "fund" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "financing" -> 4, "finance" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "facilitate" -> 4, "extent" -> 4, "export" -> 4, "experience" -> 4, "expenditures" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "Every" -> 4, "events" -> 4, "establishment" -> 4, "equality" -> 4, "enterprises" -> 4, "enactment" -> 4, "enact" -> 4, "eligibility" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "efficiency" -> 4, "effectively" -> 4, "dynamic" -> 4, "during" -> 4, "disabled" -> 4, "did" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "denied" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "decisions" -> 4, "cultural" -> 4, "coordinated" -> 4, "Congresses" -> 4, "congestion" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "commodity" -> 4, "come" -> 4, "Columbia" -> 4, "Cities" -> 4, "changing" -> 4, "changes" -> 4, "challenge" -> 4, "carry" -> 4, "building" -> 4, "bring" -> 4, "birth" -> 4, "believe" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "beginning" -> 4, "before" -> 4, "basic" -> 4, "bargaining" -> 4, "bargain" -> 4, "availability" -> 4, "attack" -> 4, "Assure" -> 4, "appropriate" -> 4, "approaches" -> 4, "already" -> 4, "agency" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "Advisory" -> 4, "advanced" -> 4, "administrations" -> 4, "additional" -> 4, "addition" -> 4, "able" -> 4, "1966" -> 4, "1964" -> 4, "1960's" -> 4, "Youth" -> 3, "Western" -> 3, "West" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "voluntary" -> 3, "volume" -> 3, "Veterans" -> 3, "uses" -> 3, "urgent" -> 3, "upgrade" -> 3, "Until" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "united" -> 3, "unions" -> 3, "unemployed" -> 3, "underdeveloped" -> 3, "trained" -> 3, "train" -> 3, "traffic" -> 3, "towns" -> 3, "times" -> 3, "ties" -> 3, "threatened" -> 3, "thoroughly" -> 3, "therefore" -> 3, "There" -> 3, "there" -> 3, "Their" -> 3, "ten" -> 3, "tasks" -> 3, "supplies" -> 3, "supplement" -> 3, "subversion" -> 3, "structure" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "strategic" -> 3, "storage" -> 3, "steadily" -> 3, "status" -> 3, "stated" -> 3, "speed" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "Space" -> 3, "sound" -> 3, "skills" -> 3, "set" -> 3, "serving" -> 3, "selection" -> 3, "secured" -> 3, "sector" -> 3, "Secondary" -> 3, "sea" -> 3, "sciences" -> 3, "science" -> 3, "satellite" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "rioting" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "results" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "restrictive" -> 3, "responsive" -> 3, "Resources" -> 3, "requires" -> 3, "requirements" -> 3, "request" -> 3, "replace" -> 3, "regions" -> 3, "regardless" -> 3, "recruitment" -> 3, "record" -> 3, "recipients" -> 3, "recessions" -> 3, "recent" -> 3, "receiving" -> 3, "receive" -> 3, "realize" -> 3, "reach" -> 3, "raised" -> 3, "racial" -> 3, "pursuing" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "provision" -> 3, "prove" -> 3, "prompt" -> 3, "Price" -> 3, "presence" -> 3, "prepared" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "practice" -> 3, "postwar" -> 3, "population" -> 3, "pollution" -> 3, "play" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "personnel" -> 3, "person" -> 3, "permit" -> 3, "period" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "passed" -> 3, "part" -> 3, "ownership" -> 3, "operation" -> 3, "operating" -> 3, "number" -> 3, "non-farm" -> 3, "neighbors" -> 3, "narcotics" -> 3, "mutual" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "mental" -> 3, "member" -> 3, "massive" -> 3, "marshal" -> 3, "marine" -> 3, "Many" -> 3, "man" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "longer" -> 3, "lie" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "leaders" -> 3, "launching" -> 3, "Labor" -> 3, "kept" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "itself" -> 3, "intensified" -> 3, "injustice" -> 3, "inherited" -> 3, "inflation" -> 3, "Indian" -> 3, "incomes" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "improving" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "ignorance" -> 3, "If" -> 3, "ideas" -> 3, "hungry" -> 3, "hospitals" -> 3, "homes" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "here" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "heard" -> 3, "healthy" -> 3, "hard-core" -> 3, "Hanoi" -> 3, "grow" -> 3, "governors" -> 3, "governing" -> 3, "go" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "giant" -> 3, "ghettos" -> 3, "gains" -> 3, "frontiers" -> 3, "frontier" -> 3, "four" -> 3, "found" -> 3, "forms" -> 3, "financed" -> 3, "fight" -> 3, "federal-state" -> 3, "fear" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "exercise" -> 3, "example" -> 3, "everywhere" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "especially" -> 3, "equipment" -> 3, "enhance" -> 3, "emphasis" -> 3, "Elementary" -> 3, "electric" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "either" -> 3, "effectiveness" -> 3, "effect" -> 3, "earnings" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "drug" -> 3, "domestic" -> 3, "Disorders" -> 3, "different" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "desire" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "dependent" -> 3, "departments" -> 3, "democracy" -> 3, "Defense" -> 3, "deal" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "current" -> 3, "criminal" -> 3, "create" -> 3, "cost" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "coordination" -> 3, "conviction" -> 3, "Control" -> 3, "Continue" -> 3, "consumers" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "confidence" -> 3, "concerned" -> 3, "competitive" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "collectively" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "close" -> 3, "claim" -> 3, "citizenship" -> 3, "citizen" -> 3, "choice" -> 3, "child" -> 3, "challenges" -> 3, "causes" -> 3, "cancer" -> 3, "called" -> 3, "call" -> 3, "beyond" -> 3, "Berlin" -> 3, "balance" -> 3, "authorities" -> 3, "atomic" -> 3, "Atlantic" -> 3, "assisted" -> 3, "aspects" -> 3, "arrangements" -> 3, "application" -> 3, "antipoverty" -> 3, "An" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "almost" -> 3, "allies" -> 3, "alike" -> 3, "aggression" -> 3, "affect" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "administrative" -> 3, "administered" -> 3, "acts" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "across" -> 3, "achieved" -> 3, "account" -> 3, "access" -> 3, "26" -> 3, "1967" -> 3, "1962" -> 3, "1950's" -> 3, "$1" -> 2, "Yet" -> 2, "wrote" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "world-wide" -> 2, "worker" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "wish" -> 2, "wipe" -> 2, "willingness" -> 2, "wilderness" -> 2, "widows" -> 2, "wide" -> 2, "Wholesome" -> 2, "What" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weather" -> 2, "wealthy" -> 2, "waterfront" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "Voting" -> 2, "voting" -> 2, "votes" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "violations" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "victims" -> 2, "veteran" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "utilize" -> 2, "uphold" -> 2, "update" -> 2, "unprecedented" -> 2, "unparalleled" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "unilateral" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "understanding" -> 2, "uncertainty" -> 2, "twin" -> 2, "twice" -> 2, "turn" -> 2, "turmoil" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "truth-in-packaging" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "troops" -> 2, "tremendous" -> 2, "Treaty" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "translated" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "town" -> 2, "Toward" -> 2, "took" -> 2, "today's" -> 2, "Today" -> 2, "today" -> 2, "Thus" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "Though" -> 2, "Those" -> 2, "thirty" -> 2, "things" -> 2, "Test" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "term" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "technological" -> 2, "technicians" -> 2, "Teacher" -> 2, "teacher" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "Take" -> 2, "tackling" -> 2, "Survivors" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "suppress" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "striving" -> 2, "strides" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "Steps" -> 2, "step" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "Start" -> 2, "Standards" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "stain" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "stabilize" -> 2, "Stability" -> 2, "spur" -> 2, "spending" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "sought" -> 2, "something" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "sluggish" -> 2, "sickness" -> 2, "shares" -> 2, "severe" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "self-help" -> 2, "self-determination" -> 2, "selected" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "Seek" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "securing" -> 2, "seashores" -> 2, "seas" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "scenic" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "salaries" -> 2, "Safety" -> 2, "safeguards" -> 2, "safeguarded" -> 2, "safe" -> 2, "Rural" -> 2, "rules" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "retardation" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "restraint" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "response" -> 2, "resort" -> 2, "required" -> 2, "repression" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "repeatedly" -> 2, "repayable" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "renewal" -> 2, "removed" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "rehabilitation" -> 2, "regulatory" -> 2, "regard" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "Red" -> 2, "recurrence" -> 2, "reconstruction" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "reciprocal" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "railroads" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "quick" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "put" -> 2, "push" -> 2, "pursue" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "Punta" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "Provide" -> 2, "proven" -> 2, "proudly" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "prosperous" -> 2, "prospects" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "Promote" -> 2, "prohibiting" -> 2, "Progress" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "procedures" -> 2, "privacy" -> 2, "priorities" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "presidential" -> 2, "Presidency" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "preschool" -> 2, "prepare" -> 2, "pre-natal" -> 2, "preferences" -> 2, "possess" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "pledged" -> 2, "plant" -> 2, "plans" -> 2, "placement" -> 2, "picketing" -> 2, "persuaded" -> 2, "perfect" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "peace-keeping" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "participating" -> 2, "parks" -> 2, "Paris" -> 2, "parents" -> 2, "paramount" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "outdoor" -> 2, "others" -> 2, "organize" -> 2, "Opportunities" -> 2, "operations" -> 2, "opened" -> 2, "one-third" -> 2, "ones" -> 2, "Old" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "offenders" -> 2, "Of" -> 2, "occupational" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obsolete" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "numbers" -> 2, "non-voting" -> 2, "Non-Proliferation" -> 2, "noise" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "networks" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "Neighborhood" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "needy" -> 2, "nationwide" -> 2, "moves" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "mothers" -> 2, "Moscow" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "mobilized" -> 2, "minority" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "medicine" -> 2, "Medical" -> 2, "meat" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "mass" -> 2, "man's" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "mainly" -> 2, "mainland" -> 2, "magnificent" -> 2, "lunch" -> 2, "lowest" -> 2, "lowered" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "longest" -> 2, "limits" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "launch" -> 2, "largest" -> 2, "landscape" -> 2, "Land" -> 2, "Kremlin" -> 2, "knew" -> 2, "kinds" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "joined" -> 2, "Johnson's" -> 2, "Job" -> 2, "isolation" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "invigorated" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "Insurance" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "insist" -> 2, "initiatives" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "initiate" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "Indonesia" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "India" -> 2, "incidence" -> 2, "inadequate" -> 2, "impulse" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "implementation" -> 2, "illiteracy" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "identity" -> 2, "humanities" -> 2, "How" -> 2, "hot" -> 2, "hostile" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "hopeful" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "home-building" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "historic" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "helping" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heavily" -> 2, "Head" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "hazards" -> 2, "hard-won" -> 2, "hardships" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "handicapped" -> 2, "half" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "gun" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "Growth" -> 2, "ground" -> 2, "Grant" -> 2, "grant" -> 2, "graduate" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "G.I." -> 2, "get" -> 2, "genius" -> 2, "generation" -> 2, "funded" -> 2, "fundamental" -> 2, "fulfillment" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "Foster" -> 2, "formal" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forecasting" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "Food" -> 2, "fleet" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "firm" -> 2, "fires" -> 2, "find" -> 2, "final" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "feed" -> 2, "federally" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "failures" -> 2, "fabric" -> 2, "extraordinary" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "exports" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "excessive" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "Este" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "Establish" -> 2, "error" -> 2, "era" -> 2, "enjoyed" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "energies" -> 2, "ends" -> 2, "employer" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "eliminate" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "eased" -> 2, "early" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "dramatic" -> 2, "down" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "double" -> 2, "doors" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "distributed" -> 2, "disparity" -> 2, "diseases" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "Disability" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "directly" -> 2, "direct" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "difference" -> 2, "die" -> 2, "devised" -> 2, "devise" -> 2, "devices" -> 2, "Develop" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "deteriorating" -> 2, "despair" -> 2, "designed" -> 2, "design" -> 2, "deserves" -> 2, "depressed" -> 2, "depends" -> 2, "depend" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "demanded" -> 2, "del" -> 2, "deficits" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "declared" -> 2, "decay" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "Czechoslovakia" -> 2, "crop" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "councils" -> 2, "coordinate" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "convicted" -> 2, "contributes" -> 2, "continuing" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "Continued" -> 2, "continents" -> 2, "Consumer" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "constantly" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "conscience" -> 2, "concentrated" -> 2, "complexities" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "communists" -> 2, "Communications" -> 2, "commonwealth" -> 2, "commitments" -> 2, "commissions" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "combine" -> 2, "codes" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "choose" -> 2, "Chinese" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "charter" -> 2, "channels" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "carrying" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "careful" -> 2, "capability" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "bureaus" -> 2, "bulk" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "builds" -> 2, "builders" -> 2, "breaches" -> 2, "bound" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "blind" -> 2, "beneficiaries" -> 2, "beneficial" -> 2, "became" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "Ban" -> 2, "avoiding" -> 2, "avoid" -> 2, "average" -> 2, "automatically" -> 2, "auto" -> 2, "attainment" -> 2, "assuring" -> 2, "assumed" -> 2, "assume" -> 2, "Asian" -> 2, "arts" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "Arms" -> 2, "arid" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "approved" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "applications" -> 2, "applaud" -> 2, "Appalachia" -> 2, "anti-missile" -> 2, "anew" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "Alliance" -> 2, "alliance" -> 2, "alert" -> 2, "aircraft" -> 2, "aim" -> 2, "aided" -> 2, "agreement" -> 2, "ago" -> 2, "agent" -> 2, "Age" -> 2, "Africa" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "affected" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "adjustment" -> 2, "adjusted" -> 2, "adequately" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "acting" -> 2, "acted" -> 2, "acknowledge" -> 2, "accident" -> 2, "accepted" -> 2, "accelerate" -> 2, "abundance" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "200" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "1960" -> 2, "18" -> 2, "$8" -> 1, "$175" -> 1, "$12" -> 1, "zoning" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "yesterday" -> 1, "year—a" -> 1, "years—particularly" -> 1, "yearnings" -> 1, "writer" -> 1, "worthwhile" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "Worse" -> 1, "worry" -> 1, "World-wide" -> 1, "workman" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "witness" -> 1, "Withdrawal" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "Will" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "Wilderness" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "widening" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "where-ever" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "well-armed" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "water-borne" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "warmly" -> 1, "wanton" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "vulnerability" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "visual" -> 1, "VISTA" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "visible" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "Virtually" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "village" -> 1, "Vigorous" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "vertical" -> 1, "verified" -> 1, "vehicle" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "validity" -> 1, "VA" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "ushered" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "urgency" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "Upward" -> 1, "uprooted" -> 1, "uppermost" -> 1, "updating" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "untried" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unskilled" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unsafe" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unprovoked" -> 1, "unpredictable" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unlocked" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "university" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "units—6" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "union—a" -> 1, "unimagined" -> 1, "uniformity" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfurl" -> 1, "unfulfilled" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "unfinished" -> 1, "unending" -> 1, "undone" -> 1, "undisputed" -> 1, "undiminished" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "undertaken—and" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understandably" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "underseas" -> 1, "underpinnings" -> 1, "undernourished" -> 1, "undermine" -> 1, "undergone" -> 1, "underfinanced" -> 1, "underemployed" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "unattended" -> 1, "unacceptable" -> 1, "U.N." -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "Twice" -> 1, "twentieth" -> 1, "turbulence" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "tropical" -> 1, "Troop" -> 1, "tribute" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "transplant" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "trains" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trails" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "together—the" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "timing" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "thirties" -> 1, "thirteen" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "Thailand" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "Terms" -> 1, "tense" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "tells" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "telecommunication" -> 1, "technology—spacecraft" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "technologically" -> 1, "technique" -> 1, "Technical" -> 1, "teams" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "taught" -> 1, "task—to" -> 1, "tarnished" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "Taiwan" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "system—public" -> 1, "systems—and" -> 1, "Systems" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "swindles" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "Sustain" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "suspended" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "surveillance" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surpassed" -> 1, "surest" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supported" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplements" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "supervise" -> 1, "super-highways" -> 1, "summoned" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suicide" -> 1, "suggest" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "suburban" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "substandard" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "sub-professional" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "studies—even" -> 1, "studies" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "stubborn" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "stroke" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "Strictly" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "streamlining" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "Strategic" -> 1, "storekeeper" -> 1, "storable" -> 1, "stops" -> 1, "Stop" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "stock-piled" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "Stimulate" -> 1, "stepped" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "statistics" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "state-local" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "Stalin" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "St." -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "squalor" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sponsorship" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spokesman" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "spells" -> 1, "Speedier" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "spectre" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "Spanish" -> 1, "spaces" -> 1, "space-craft" -> 1, "soybeans" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "somber" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "society—one" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "Social" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "smoke" -> 1, "small-town" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "slow" -> 1, "slash" -> 1, "skeptical" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "Six" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situs" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "Single" -> 1, "Singapore" -> 1, "simultaneously" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "silence" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "siege" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "shortly" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shop" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shocked" -> 1, "shipyards" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "shelters" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "shelf" -> 1, "shared" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "seventy-five" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "service-connected" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensed" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "self-serving" -> 1, "self-imposed" -> 1, "self-employment" -> 1, "self-employed" -> 1, "self-appointed" -> 1, "selective" -> 1, "see—that" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "seeing" -> 1, "Security" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "Sector" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "Seaway" -> 1, "sea's" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "scrutinized" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "scientist" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "school—get" -> 1, "scholarship" -> 1, "scented" -> 1, "scarred" -> 1, "scales—to" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saw—and" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satisfying" -> 1, "satisfy" -> 1, "satisfied" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "Satellite" -> 1, "sat" -> 1, "salesmanship" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "safer" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "rushed" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "risked" -> 1, "Rising" -> 1, "riots" -> 1, "rigorously" -> 1, "Rigid" -> 1, "richness" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "rhetoric" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "revolutionaries" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "reviewing" -> 1, "reviewed" -> 1, "Review" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "revamping" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "resting" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "responsibilities—not" -> 1, "responds" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resorts" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resisting" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "Resist" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "residents—to" -> 1, "residential" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "rescued" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "Republics" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "reprisal" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "Repeal" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renovation" -> 1, "renews" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "Removal" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "reminder" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "relaxation" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "reinforces" -> 1, "reinforced" -> 1, "reimposition" -> 1, "rehabilitating" -> 1, "Rehabilitate" -> 1, "rehabilitate" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "reflection" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "redwood" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "Reduce" -> 1, "redoubling" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "Redevelopment" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "recurring" -> 1, "recurrent" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "recital" -> 1, "recession-free" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "receipts" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reappraised" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "Reaffirm" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "reactors" -> 1, "re" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rat" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "random" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quiet" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quarrels" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "Pursue" -> 1, "purify" -> 1, "pure" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "Provision" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "Protective" -> 1, "protection—truth-in-lending" -> 1, "protectionism" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "prophets" -> 1, "Prompt" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "programs—whether" -> 1, "programs—involving" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "productive—must" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "prisoner" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primitive" -> 1, "primaries" -> 1, "pricing" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "presidents" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "Preservation" -> 1, "presenting" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "Preferring" -> 1, "pre-eminent" -> 1, "pre-condition" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "powered" -> 1, "powder" -> 1, "poverty—a" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "Poultry" -> 1, "poultry" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "Postwar" -> 1, "post-war" -> 1, "post-secondary" -> 1, "post-natal" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "possessing" -> 1, "positively" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "portent" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "policeman" -> 1, "police-community" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "podge" -> 1, "ploughing" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "planes" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plagues" -> 1, "Pipeline" -> 1, "pioneering" -> 1, "pilot" -> 1, "picture" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "perpetual" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "people—it" -> 1, "people—American" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "Peking" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "Peaceful" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "paychecks" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "passively" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "part-time" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "Parity" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "painfully" -> 1, "pain" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "owner's" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "overwhelmingly" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "overtaken" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overburdened" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outpouring" -> 1, "Out-of-hospital" -> 1, "outlays" -> 1, "outer" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "originally" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orbiting" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "opponents" -> 1, "operators" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open-end" -> 1, "One-third" -> 1, "one-stop" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "ominous" -> 1, "oldest" -> 1, "Older" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offering" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "offenders—and" -> 1, "Oceans" -> 1, "oceanology" -> 1, "oceanologic" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "occurs" -> 1, "occasional" -> 1, "obstruct" -> 1, "observations" -> 1, "Observation" -> 1, "obscure" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "noxious" -> 1, "Novel" -> 1, "nothing" -> 1, "notably" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-tariff" -> 1, "non-provocative" -> 1, "nonprofit" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "non-metropolitan" -> 1, "non-formal" -> 1, "non-communist" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "night's" -> 1, "never-ending" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neighborhoods—with" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "Negotiate" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "needing" -> 1, "Need" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "nation-building" -> 1, "nationalist" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multi-racial" -> 1, "multilateral" -> 1, "move—in" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "moved—and" -> 1, "mounted" -> 1, "mount" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "motive" -> 1, "mother's" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "Moscow's" -> 1, "mortality" -> 1, "monuments" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "mold" -> 1, "modest" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "moderate-income" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "mistreatment" -> 1, "missile-firing" -> 1, "missile" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "mineral-royalty" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mined" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "militant" -> 1, "migratory" -> 1, "migration" -> 1, "micro-electronics" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "memberships" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "Medicare" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "Meat" -> 1, "Measures" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "means—so" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "meal" -> 1, "mayor-council" -> 1, "Maternal" -> 1, "master—from" -> 1, "marshland" -> 1, "marshaled" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "mar" -> 1, "many-sided" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "mankind—a" -> 1, "manifold" -> 1, "manhood" -> 1, "malnutrition" -> 1, "Malaysia" -> 1, "make-precisely" -> 1, "Make" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "maintains" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "Maintain" -> 1, "Madison" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lung" -> 1, "low-rise" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "loopholes" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "long-term" -> 1, "Longshoremen" -> 1, "longing" -> 1, "Long" -> 1, "lodging" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "locate" -> 1, "loans—will" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "lived" -> 1, "littoral" -> 1, "littered" -> 1, "listed" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "links" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "likelihood" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifetime" -> 1, "lifeblood" -> 1, "libraries" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "lessen" -> 1, "leisure" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "learn" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Lawrence" -> 1, "Lawlessness" -> 1, "lawlessness" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "Lasting" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "large-scale" -> 1, "lakeshores—all" -> 1, "lagging" -> 1, "Lady" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Korea" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "killing" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "keg" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "Kashmir" -> 1, "Juvenile" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "justice—the" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "junior" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "job-training" -> 1, "jobs—including" -> 1, "JOBS" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "jeopardized" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "jarred" -> 1, "James" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Israel" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "inward" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "investigators" -> 1, "Investigation" -> 1, "inventions" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "inter-urban" -> 1, "interrelated" -> 1, "Interim" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interdependence" -> 1, "Interchange" -> 1, "Intensified" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "integration" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "insulated" -> 1, "insular" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insects" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "Inner" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "initiative—neighborhood" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "inhabit" -> 1, "ingenuity—must" -> 1, "infiltrated" -> 1, "infested" -> 1, "infants" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inertia" -> 1, "inequitable" -> 1, "industrialization" -> 1, "industrialist" -> 1, "inducements" -> 1, "indivisible—which" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "individual's" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indignities" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "indicates" -> 1, "Indian's" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "Increase" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incentives—to" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "inadequacies" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impatient" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "image" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "icily" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hurts" -> 1, "Hundreds" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humanely" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "hovel" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "horizons" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "Honor" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "holocaust" -> 1, "hodge" -> 1, "history-making" -> 1, "historical" -> 1, "hinterland" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "high-rise" -> 1, "high-quality" -> 1, "high-pressure" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "helps" -> 1, "heirs" -> 1, "heels" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "hearings" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "Have" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "Harbor" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "hand—the" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "habitual" -> 1, "Guided" -> 1, "Guards" -> 1, "guaranties" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growth—a" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "groaned" -> 1, "grinding" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "green" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "Greater" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "gratefully" -> 1, "grains" -> 1, "graduated" -> 1, "governor" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "GOP-gap—was" -> 1, "goods—has" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "glut" -> 1, "global" -> 1, "girls—most" -> 1, "ghetto" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "furthermore" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "furnished" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "functioning" -> 1, "full-time" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "full-employment" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "frustrations" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "frequent" -> 1, "freeze" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "freeing" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "franchise" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "fourfold" -> 1, "four-fold" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formulating" -> 1, "forms—organized" -> 1, "formerly" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forces—both" -> 1, "food-preservation" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flourished" -> 1, "flexibly" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "flexibility" -> 1, "flesh" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fishery" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fish" -> 1, "fiscally" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "firms" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fifties" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "Feed" -> 1, "Federally-assisted" -> 1, "federalism" -> 1, "federal-Indian" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "fateful" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "fashioned" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "farmer—in" -> 1, "farmers—already" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "factions" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "Faced" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "extremely" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedited" -> 1, "expansive" -> 1, "Expansion" -> 1, "Expand" -> 1, "exhausts" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "excluded" -> 1, "exciting" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "examine" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "evaluated" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "estuarine" -> 1, "essentiality" -> 1, "Eskimo" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "err" -> 1, "erodes" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "erase" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "entrust" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "enterprises—using" -> 1, "enrollments" -> 1, "enrolling" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enlistment" -> 1, "enlist" -> 1, "enlarging" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "Engineering" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "engineer" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endured" -> 1, "endurance" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endorsed" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "Encouragement" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enacted—truth-in-lending" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "Employees" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emphasizes" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "emotions" -> 1, "emission" -> 1, "emerge" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "Elsewhere" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "elementary" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "Elections" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "elderly" -> 1, "Eight" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "education-minded" -> 1, "educationally" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "economy's" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "Economics" -> 1, "eat" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "dwelling" -> 1, "dwellers" -> 1, "Duty" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duration" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "drop-outs" -> 1, "drivers" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drink" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "doom" -> 1, "don't" -> 1, "donors" -> 1, "donor" -> 1, "Done" -> 1, "Domain" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "DO" -> 1, "Do" -> 1, "divorced" -> 1, "divert" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "disturbances" -> 1, "distributing" -> 1, "distribute" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distinguishing" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distance" -> 1, "dissenter" -> 1, "dissent" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dispersed" -> 1, "disorder" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "disintegration" -> 1, "disenfranchisement" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "disdained" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "disciplines" -> 1, "Disarmament" -> 1, "disadvantaged—including" -> 1, "disadvantaged" -> 1, "disabling" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "diplomats" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "dim" -> 1, "dilapidation" -> 1, "dilapidated" -> 1, "dignity—no" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devising" -> 1, "development—economic" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "Developing" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "detached" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "desalting" -> 1, "desalinization" -> 1, "deriving" -> 1, "derives" -> 1, "derivatives" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "depress" -> 1, "deploying" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "depend—has" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "dentists" -> 1, "dental" -> 1, "dens" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "Delinquency" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "delegations" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degraded" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "defiance" -> 1, "deferred" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "deduction" -> 1, "deductible" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "deciding" -> 1, "deceptive" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "decaying" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "dear" -> 1, "Deal" -> 1, "day-care" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "darkest" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "dare" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "dampening" -> 1, "damaging" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "Czechoslovakian" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "curtailing" -> 1, "curse" -> 1, "curricula" -> 1, "curing" -> 1, "Cultural" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "crushed" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "criticism" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "Creator" -> 1, "Creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "creaked" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "courts—to" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "coupled" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "counselling" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "corrosive" -> 1, "corresponding" -> 1, "correspond" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "cornerstones" -> 1, "corn" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "cooperatives" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "Cooperation" -> 1, "convinced" -> 1, "converting" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continental" -> 1, "contemporary" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumer's" -> 1, "consult" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constituents" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consortium" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "consequent" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "Congo" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "confronted" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "confounded" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "confidence—by" -> 1, "confessed" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condominiums" -> 1, "concurrent" -> 1, "concord" -> 1, "Conclude" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "concentrate" -> 1, "computerizing" -> 1, "computed" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "comprising" -> 1, "components" -> 1, "complicated" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "compiled" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "Compared" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "communities—the" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "communist" -> 1, "communicated" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "commits" -> 1, "commit" -> 1, "commission—controlled" -> 1, "Commission's" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "colors" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "College" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "collar" -> 1, "coldly" -> 1, "coexist" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "climates" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clerk" -> 1, "clergyman" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "choice—the" -> 1, "chipped" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "charity" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "channeled" -> 1, "Changes" -> 1, "chances" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "cemetery" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "categories" -> 1, "Castro's" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "cares" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "captive" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "candidly" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "callous" -> 1, "Call" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "Cabinet-level" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "businesslike" -> 1, "burial" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "buoys" -> 1, "bulldozer" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "broadened" -> 1, "broadcasting" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "breeder" -> 1, "bred" -> 1, "breathe" -> 1, "breaks" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "boys" -> 1, "box—the" -> 1, "Bound" -> 1, "borne" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "bondage" -> 1, "Bombing" -> 1, "bombing" -> 1, "boldly" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "board" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "bloodshed" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blinds" -> 1, "blinded" -> 1, "blight—and" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "blended" -> 1, "blend" -> 1, "bi-partisan" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "Bilingual" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "bigger" -> 1, "Beyond" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "Benefits" -> 1, "beneath" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "behaved" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begun—while" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "beautification" -> 1, "beating" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "basis—in" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "barbaric" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "banker" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "balance-of" -> 1, "Balanced" -> 1, "backdrop" -> 1, "awe" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "awareness" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "Avoidance" -> 1, "avenue" -> 1, "autonomous" -> 1, "automobile" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "attract" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attacking" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "Assist" -> 1, "assessed" -> 1, "assess" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Asians" -> 1, "ascertain" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "arsenal" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "argued" -> 1, "arena—gives" -> 1, "Area" -> 1, "ardent" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "Arab-Israeli" -> 1, "April" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "approach" -> 1, "apprehensive" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appliances" -> 1, "appalled" -> 1, "Appalachian" -> 1, "Anyone" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "antitrust" -> 1, "anti-pollution" -> 1, "anticipate" -> 1, "answered" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "anniversary" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounted" -> 1, "amortized" -> 1, "Americans—or" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "ambassadors" -> 1, "alternative" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "Almighty" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alleviate" -> 1, "Aleut" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "alarmed" -> 1, "airway" -> 1, "airports" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "air-link" -> 1, "aides" -> 1, "ahead—just" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "age-old" -> 1, "agenda—and" -> 1, "agenda" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "afternoon's" -> 1, "African" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "afflictions" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "aerospace" -> 1, "advisers" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "Administer" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "Adaptation" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "Act's" -> 1, "Actively" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "Accelerate" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abilities" -> 1, "abating" -> 1, "93" -> 1, "90-month" -> 1, "90" -> 1, "88" -> 1, "82" -> 1, "81" -> 1, "750,000" -> 1, "750" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "73" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "69" -> 1, "64" -> 1, "61" -> 1, "58" -> 1, "4.5" -> 1, "40" -> 1, "3.9" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2.6" -> 1, "1960—have" -> 1, "1958" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1952" -> 1, "1949" -> 1, "175th" -> 1, "175" -> 1, "150" -> 1, "14,500" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12-mile" -> 1, "110" -> 1, "10-year" -> 1, "101" -> 1, "100" -> 1, "1%" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1964", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1964, "Date" -> DateObject[{1964, 8, 24}], "Text" -> "One Nation, One People\n\nAmerica is One Nation, One People. The welfare, progress, security and survival of each of us reside in the common good—the sharing of responsibilities as well as benefits by all our people.\nDemocracy in America rests on the confidence that people can be trusted with freedom. It comes from the connection that we will find in freedom a unity of purpose stronger than all our differences.\nWe have drawn upon that unity when the forces of ignorance, hate, and fear fired an assassin's bullet at the nation's heart, incited violence in our land, and attacked the outposts of freedom around the world.\nBecause of this unity, those who traffic in fear, hate, falsehood, and violence have failed to undermine our people's deep love of truth and quiet faith in freedom.\nOur program for the future is to make the national purpose—the human purpose of us all—fulfill our individual needs.\nAccordingly, we offer this platform as a covenant of unity.\nWe invite all to join us who believe that narrow partisanship takes too small account of the size of our task, the penalties for failure and the boundless rewards to all our people for success.\nWe offer as the goal of this covenant peace for all nations and freedom for all peoples.\nPeace\n\nPeace should be the first concern of all governments as it is the prayer of all men.\nAt the start of the third decade of the nuclear age, the preservation of peace requires the strength to wage war and the wisdom to avoid it. The search for peace requires the utmost intelligence, the clearest vision, and a strong sense of reality.\nBecause for four years our nation has patiently demonstrated these qualities and persistently used them, the world is closer to peace today than it was in 1960.\nIn 1960, freedom was on the defensive. The Communists—doubting both our strength and our will to use it—pressed forward in Southeast Asia, Latin America, Central Africa and Berlin.\nPresident Kennedy and Vice President Johnson set out to remove any question of our power or our will. In the Cuban crisis of 1962 the Communist offensive shattered on the rock of President Kennedy's determination—and our ability—to defend the peace.\nTwo years later, President Johnson responded to another Communist challenge, this time in the Gulf of Tonkin. Once again power exercised with restraint repulsed Communist aggression and strengthened the cause of freedom.\nResponsible leadership, unafraid but refusing to take needless risk, has turned the tide in freedom's favor. No nation, old or new, has joined the Communist bloc since Cuba during the preceding Republican Administration. Battered by economic failures, challenged by recent American achievements in space, torn by the Chinese-Russian rift, and faced with American strength and courage—international Communism has lost its unity and momentum.\nNational Defense\n\nBy the end of 1960, military strategy was being shaped by the dictates of arbitrary budget ceilings instead of the real needs of national security. There were, for example, too few ground and air forces to fight limited war, although such wars were a means to continued Communist expansion.\nSince then, and at the lowest possible cost, we have created a balanced, versatile, powerful defense establishment, capable of countering aggression across the entire spectrum of conflict, from nuclear confrontation to guerrilla subversion.\nWe have increased our intercontinental ballistic missiles and Polaris missiles from fewer than 100 to more than 1,000, more than four times the force of the Soviet Union. We have increased the number of combat ready divisions from 11 to 16.\nUntil such time as there can be an enforceable treaty providing for inspected and verified disarmament, we must, and we will, maintain our military strength, as the sword and shield of freedom and the guarantor of peace.\nSpecifically, we must and we will:\nContinue the overwhelming supremacy of our Strategic Nuclear Forces.\nStrengthen further our forces for discouraging limited wars and fighting subversion.\nMaintain the world's largest research and development effort, which has initiated more than 200 new programs since 1961, to ensure continued American leadership in weapons systems and equipment.\nContinue the nationwide Civil Defense program as an important part of our national security.\nPursue our examination of the Selective Service program to make certain that it is continued only as long as it is necessary and that we meet our military manpower needs without social or economic injustice.\nAttract to the military services the highest caliber of career men and women and make certain they are adequately paid and adequately housed.\nMaintain our Cost Reduction Program, to ensure a dollar's worth of defense for every dollar spent, and minimize the disruptive effects of changes in defense spending.\nBuilding the Peace\n\nAs citizens of the United States, we are determined that it be the most powerful nation on earth.\nAs citizens of the world, we insist that this power be exercised with the utmost responsibility.\nControl of the use of nuclear weapons must remain solely with the highest elected official in the country—the President of the United States.\nThrough our policy of never negotiating from fear but never fearing to negotiate, we are slowly but surely approaching the point where effective international agreements providing for inspection and control can begin to lift the crushing burden of armaments off the backs of the people of the world.\nIn the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, signed now by over 100 nations, we have written our commitment to limitations on the arms race, consistent with our security. Reduced production of nuclear materials for weapons purposes has been announced and nuclear weapons have been barred from outer space.\nAlready the air we and our children breathe is freer of nuclear contamination.\nWe are determined to continue all-out efforts through fully-enforceable measures to halt and reverse the arms race and bring to an end the era of nuclear terror.\nWe will maintain our solemn commitment to the United Nations, with its constituent agencies, working to strengthen it as a more effective instrument for peace, for preventing or resolving international disputes, and for building free nations through economic, technical, and cultural development. We continue to oppose the admission of Red China to the United Nations.\nWe believe in increased partnership with our friends and associates in the community which spans the North Atlantic. In every possible way we will work to strengthen our ties and increase our cooperation, building always more firmly on the sure foundation of the NATO treaty.\nWe pledge unflagging devotion to our commitments to freedom from Berlin to South Vietnam. We will:\nHelp the people of developing nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America raise their standards of living and create conditions in which freedom and independence can flourish.\nPlace increased priority on private enterprise and development loans as we continue to improve our mutual assistance programs.\nWork for the attainment of peace in the Near East as an urgent goal, using our best efforts to prevent a military unbalance, to encourage arms reductions and the use of national resources for internal development and to encourage the re-settlement of Arab refugees in lands where there is room and opportunity. The problems of political adjustment between Israel and the Arab countries can and must be peacefully resolved and the territorial integrity of every nation respected.\nSupport the partnership of free American Republics in the Alliance for Progress.\nMove actively to carry out the Resolution of the Organization of American States to further isolate Castroism and speed the restoration of freedom and responsibility in Cuba.\nSupport our friends in and around the rim of the Pacific, and encourage a growing understanding among peoples, expansion of cultural exchanges, and strengthening of ties.\nOppose aggression and the use of force or the threat of force against any nation.\nEncourage by all peaceful means the growing independence of the captive peoples living under Communism and hasten the day that Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania and the other captive nations will achieve full freedom and self-determination. We deplore Communist oppression of Jews and other minorities.\nEncourage expansion of our economic ties with other nations of the world and eliminate unjustifiable tariff and non-tariff barriers, under authority of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. Expand the Peace Corps.\nUse even more of our Food for Peace.\nThe Conquest of Space\n\nIn four vigorous years we have moved to the forefront of space exploration. The United States must never again settle for second place in the race for tomorrow's frontiers.\nWe will continue the rapid development of space technology for peaceful uses.\nWe will encourage private industry to increase its efforts in space research.\nWe will continue to ensure that any race in space is won for freedom and for peace.\nThe Leadership We Offer\n\nThe complications and dangers in our restless, constantly changing world require of us consummate understanding and experience. One rash act, one thoughtless decision, one unchecked reaction—and cities could become smoldering ruins and farms parched wasteland.\nThe leadership we offer has already been tested in the crucible of crisis and challenge. To this Nation and to all the world we reaffirm President Johnson's resolve to \"... use every resource at the command of the Government. . . and the people . . . to find the road to peace.\"\nWe offer this platform as a guide for that journey.\nFreedom and Well Being\n\nThere can be full freedom only when all of our people have opportunity for education to the full extent of their ability to learn, followed by the opportunity to employ their learning in the creation of something of value to themselves and to the nation.\nThe Individual\n\nOur task is to make the national purpose serve the human purpose: that every person shall have the opportunity to become all that he or she is capable of becoming.\nWe believe that knowledge is essential to individual freedom and to the conduct of a free society. We believe that education is the surest and most profitable investment a nation can make.\nRegardless of family financial status, therefore, education should be open to every boy or girl in America up to the highest level which he or she is able to master.\nIn an economy which will offer fewer and fewer places for the unskilled, there must be a wide variety of educational opportunities so that every young American, on leaving school, will have acquired the training to take a useful and rewarding place in our society.\nIt is increasingly clear that more of our educational resources must be directed to pre-school training as well as to junior college, college and post-graduate study.\nThe demands on the already inadequate sources of state and local revenues place a serious limitation on education. New methods of financial aid must be explored, including the channeling of federally collected revenues to all levels of education, and, to the extent permitted by the Constitution, to all schools. Only in this way can our educational programs achieve excellence throughout the nation, a goal that must be achieved without interfering with local control and direction of education.\nIn order to insure that all students who can meet the requirements for college entrance can continue their education, we propose an expanded program of public scholarships, guaranteed loans, and work-study grants.\nWe shall develop the potential of the Armed Forces for training young men who might otherwise be rejected for military service because their work skills are underdeveloped.\nThe health of the people is important to the strength and purpose of our country and is a proper part of our common concern.\nIn a nation that lacks neither compassion nor resources, the needless suffering of people who cannot afford adequate medical care is intolerable:\nWe will continue to fight until we have succeeded in including hospital care for older Americans in the Social Security program, and have insured adequate assistance to those elderly people suffering from mental illness and mental retardation.\nWe will go forward with research into the causes and cures of disease, accidents, mental illness and mental retardation.\nWe will further expand our health facilities, especially medical schools, hospitals, and research laboratories.\nAmerica's veterans who served their Nation so well must, in turn, be served fairly by a grateful Nation. First-rate hospitals and medical care must be provided veterans with service-connected injuries and disabilities, and their compensation rates must insure an adequate standard of living. The National Service Life Insurance program should be reopened for those who have lost their insurance coverage, and an equitable and just pension system must help meet the need of those disabled veterans and their survivors who require financial assistance.\nDemocracy of Opportunity\n\nThe variety of our people is the source of our strength and ought not to be a cause of disunity or discord. The rights of all our citizens must be protected and all the laws of our land obeyed if America is to he safe for democracy.\nThe Civil Rights Act of 1964 deserves and requires full observance by every American and fair, effective enforcement if there is any default.\nResting upon a national consensus expressed by the overwhelming support of both parties, this new law impairs the rights of no American; it affirms the rights of all Americans. Its purpose is not to divide, but to end division; not to curtail the opportunities of any, but to increase opportunities for all; not to punish, but to promote further our commitment to freedom, the pursuit of justice, and a deeper respect for human dignity.\nWe reaffirm our belief that lawless disregard for the rights of others is wrong—whether used to deny equal rights or to obtain equal rights.\nWe cannot and will not tolerate lawlessness. We can and will seek to eliminate its economic and social causes.\nTrue democracy of opportunity will not be served by establishing quotas based on the same false distinctions we seek to erase, nor can the effects of prejudice be neutralized by the expedient of preferential practices.\nThe immigration laws must be revised to permit families to be reunited, to welcome the persecuted and oppressed, and to eliminate the discriminatory provisions which base admission upon national origins.\nWe will support legislation to carry forward the progress already made toward full equality of opportunity for women as well as men.\nWe will strive to eliminate discrimination against older Americans, especially in their employment.\nEnding discrimination based on race, age, sex, or national origin demands not only equal opportunity but the opportunity to be equal. We are concerned not only with people's right to be free, but also with their ability to use their freedom. We will:\nCarry the War on Poverty forward as a total war against the causes of human want.\nMove forward with programs to restore those areas, such as Appalachia, which the Nation's progress has by-passed.\nHelp the physically handicapped and mentally disadvantaged develop to the full limit of their capabilities.\nEnhance the security of older Americans by encouraging private retirement and welfare programs, offering opportunities like those provided for the young under the Economic Opportunities Act of 1964, and expanding decent housing which older citizens can afford.\nAssist our Indian people to improve their standard of living and attain self-sufficiency, the privileges of equal citizenship, and full participation in American life.\nThe Social Security program, initiated and developed under the National leadership of the Democratic Party and in the face of ceaseless partisan opposition, contributes greatly to the strength of the Nation. We must insure that those who have contributed to the system shall share in the steady increase in our standard of living by adjusting benefit levels.\nWe hold firmly to the conviction, long embraced by Democratic Administrations, that the advancing years of life should bring not fear and loneliness, but security, meaning, and satisfaction.\nWe will encourage further support for the arts, giving people a better chance to use increased leisure and recognizing that the achievements of art are an index of the greatness of a civilization.\nWe will encourage the advance of science and technology—for its material rewards, and for its contribution to an understanding of the universe and ourselves.\nThe Economy\n\nThe American free enterprise system is one of the great achievements of the human mind and spirit. It has developed by a combination of the energetic efforts of working men and women, bold private initiative, the profit motive and wise public policy, until it is now the productive marvel of mankind.\nIn spite of this, at the outset of 1961, America was in the depths of the fourth postwar recession.\nSince then, in 42 months of uninterrupted expansion under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, we have achieved the longest and strongest peace-time prosperity in modern history:\nAlmost four million jobs have been added to the economy—almost 1 1/2 million since last December.\nWorkers' earnings and corporate profits are at the highest level in history.\nPrices have been more stable than in any other industrial nation in the free world.\nThis did not just happen. It has come about because we have wisely and prudently used our increasing understanding of how the economy works.\nIt is the national purpose, and our commitment, to continue this expansion of the American economy toward its potential, without a recession, with continued stability, and with an extension of the benefits of this growth and prosperity to those who have not fully shared in them.\nThis will require continuation of flexible and innovative fiscal, monetary, and debt management policies, recognizing the importance of low interest rates.\nWe will seek further tax reduction—and in the process we need to remove inequities in our present tax laws. In particular we should carefully review all our excise taxes and eliminate those that are obsolete. Consideration should be given to the development of fiscal policies which would provide revenue sources to hard-pressed state and local governments to assist them with their responsibilities.\nEvery penny of Federal spending must be accounted for in terms of the strictest economy, efficiency and integrity. We pledge to continue a frugal government, getting a dollar's value for a dollar spent, and a government worthy of the citizen's confidence.\nOur goal is a balanced budget in a balanced economy.\nOur enviable record of price stability must be maintained—through sound fiscal and monetary policies and the encouragement of responsible private wage and price policies. Stability is essential to protect our citizens—particularly the retired and handicapped—from the ravages of inflation. It is also essential to maintain confidence in the American dollar; this confidence has been restored in the past four years through sound policies.\nRadical changes in technology and automation contribute to increased productivity and a higher standard of living. They must not penalize the few while benefiting the many. We maintain that any man or woman displaced by a machine or by technological change should have the opportunity, without penalty, to another job. Our common responsibility is to see that this right is fulfilled.\nFull employment is an end in itself and must be insisted upon as a priority objective.\nIt is the national purpose, and our commitment, that every man or woman who is willing and able to work is entitled to a job and to a fair wage for doing it.\nThe coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act must be extended to all workers employed in industries affecting interstate commerce, and the minimum wage level and coverage increased to assure those at the bottom of the economic scale a fairer share in the benefits of an ever-rising standard of American living.\nOvertime payment requirements must be increased to assure maximum employment consistent with business efficiency. The matter of the length of work periods should be given continuing consideration.\nThe unemployment insurance program must be basically revised to meet the needs of the unemployed and of the economy, and to assure that this program meets the standards the nation's experience dictates.\nAgricultural and migratory workers must be given legal protection and economic encouragement.\nWe must develop fully our most precious resource—our manpower. Training and retraining programs must be expanded. A broad-gauge manpower program must be developed which will not only satisfy the needs of the economy but will also give work its maximum meaning in the pattern of human life.\nWe will stimulate as well as protect small business, the seedbed of free enterprise and a major source of employment in our economy.\nThe antitrust laws must be vigorously enforced. Our population, which is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly mobile, and our expanding economy are placing greater demands upon our transportation system than ever before. We must have fast, safe, and economic modes of transportation. Each mode should be encouraged to develop in accordance with its maximum utility, available at the lowest cost under the principles of fair competition. A strong and efficient American Flag merchant marine is essential to peace-time commerce and defense emergencies.\nThe industrial democracy of free, private collective bargaining and the security of American trade unions must be strengthened by repealing Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act. The present inequitable restrictions on the right to organize and to strike and picket peaceably must also be eliminated.\nIn order to protect the hard earned dollars of American consumers, as well as promote their basic consumer rights, we will make full use of existing authority, and continue to promote efforts on behalf of consumers by industry, voluntary organizations, and state and local governments. Where protection is essential, we will enact legislation to protect the safety of consumers and to provide them with essential information. We will continue to insist that our drugs and medicines are safe and effective, that our food and cosmetics are free from harm, that merchandise is labeled and packaged honestly and that the true cost of credit is disclosed.\nIt is the national purpose, and our commitment to increase the freedom and effectiveness of the essential private forces and processes in the economy.\nRural America\n\nThe roots of our economy and our life as a people lie deep in the soil of America's farm land. Our policies and programs must continue to recognize the significant role of agricultural and rural life.\nTo achieve the goals of higher incomes to the farm and ranch, particularly the family-sized farm, lower prices for the consumer, and lower costs to the government, we will continue to carry forward this three-dimensional program.\n1. Commodity Programs to strengthen the farm income structure and reach the goal of parity of income in every aspect of American agriculture. We will continue to explore and develop new domestic and foreign markets for the products of our farms and ranches.\n2. Consumer Programs including expansion of the Food Stamp Program and the school lunch and other surplus food programs, and acceleration of research into new industrial uses of farm products, in order to assure maximum use of and abundance of wholesome foods at fair prices here and abroad. We will also study new low-cost methods and techniques of food distribution for the benefit of our housewives to better feed their families.\n3. Community Programs and agricultural cooperatives to assure rural America decent housing, economic security and full partnership in the building of the great society. We pledge our continued support of the rural telephone program and the Rural Electrification Administration, which are among the great contributions of the Democratic Party to the well-being and comfort of rural America.\nThe Nation's Natural Resources\n\nAmerica's bountiful supply of natural resources has been one of the major factors in achieving our position of world leadership, in developing the greatest industrial machine in the world's history, and in providing a richer and more complete life for every American. But these resources are not inexhaustible. With our vastly expanding population—an estimated 325 million people by the end of the century—there is an ever-increasing responsibility to use and conserve our resources wisely and prudently if we are to fulfill our obligation to the trust we hold for future generations. Building on the unsurpassed conservation record of the past four years, we shall:\nContinue the quickened pace of comprehensive development of river basins in every section of the country, employing multi-purpose projects such as flood control, irrigation and reclamation, power generation, navigation, municipal water supply, fish and wildlife enhancement and recreation, where appropriate to realize the fullest possible benefits.\nProvide the people of this nation a balanced outdoor recreation program to add to their health and well-being, including the addition or improved management of national parks, forests, lake shores, seashores and recreation areas.\nPreserve for us and our posterity through the means provided by the Wilderness Act of 1964 millions of acres of primitive and wilderness areas, including countless beautiful lakes and streams. Increase our stock of wildlife and fish. Continue and strengthen the dynamic program inaugurated to assure fair treatment for American fishermen and the preservation of fishing rights.\nContinue to support balanced land and forest development through intensive forest management on a multiple-use and sustained yield basis, reforestation of burned land, providing public access roads, range improvement, watershed management, concern for small business operations and recreational uses.\nUnlock the resources of the sea through a strong oceanography program.\nContinue the attack we have launched on the polluted air that envelops our cities and on eliminating the pollution of our rivers and streams.\nIntensify our efforts to solve the critical water problems of many sections of this country by desalinization.\nSustain and promote strong, vigorous domestic minerals, metals, petroleum and fuels industries.\nIncrease the efficient use of electrical power through regional inter-ties and more extensive use of high voltage transmission.\nContinue to promote the development of new and improved methods of generating electric power, such as the recent important gains in the field of atomic energy and the Passamaquoddy tidal power project.\nPreserve the T.V.A., which has played such an instrumental role in the revitalization of the area it serves and which has been the inspiration for regional development programs throughout the world.\nThe City\n\nThe vitality of our cities is essential to the healthy growth of American civilization. In the next 40 years urban populations will double, the area of city land will double and we will have to construct houses, highways and facilities equal to all those built since this country was first settled.\nNow is the time to redouble our efforts, with full cooperation among local, state and federal governments, for these objectives:\nThe goal of our housing program must be a decent home for every American family.\nSpecial effort must be made in our cities to provide wholesome living for our young people. We must press the fight against narcotics and, through the war against poverty, increase educational and employment opportunities, turning juvenile delinquents into good citizens and tax-users into tax payers.\nWe will continue to assist broad community and regional development, urban renewal, mass transit, open space and other programs for our metropolitan areas. We will offer such aid without impairing local Administration through unnecessary Federal interference.\nBecause our cities and suburbs are so important to the welfare of all our people, we believe a department devoted to urban affairs should be added to the President's cabinet.\nThe Government\n\nWe, the people, are the government.\nThe Democratic Party believes, as Thomas Jefferson first stated that \"the care of human life and happiness is the first and only legitimate object of good government:\"\nThe government's business is the people's business. Information about public affairs must continue to be freely available to the Congress and to the public.\nEvery person who participates in the government must be held to a standard of ethics which permits no compromise with the principles of absolute honesty and the maintenance of undivided loyalty to the public interest.\nThe Congress of the United States should revise its rules and procedures to assure majority rule after reasonable debate and to guarantee that major legislative proposals of the President can be brought to a vote after reasonable consideration in committee.\nWe support home rule for the District of Columbia. The seat of our government shall be a workshop for democracy, a pilot-plant for freedom, and a place of incomparable beauty.\nWe also support a constitutional amendment giving the District voting representation in Congress and, pending such action, the enactment of legislation providing for a non-voting delegate from District of Columbia to the House of Representatives.\nWe support the right of the people of the Virgin Islands to the fullest measure of self-government, including the right to elect their Governor.\nThe people of Puerto Rico and the people of the United States enjoy a unique relationship that has contributed greatly to the remarkable economic and political development of Puerto Rico. We look forward to the report on that relationship by a commission composed of members from Puerto Rico and the United States, and we are confident that it will contribute to the further enhancement of Puerto Rico and the benefit that flows from the principles of self-determination.\nThe Democratic Party holds to the belief that government in the United States—local, state and federal—was created in order to serve the people. Each level of government has appropriate powers and each has specific responsibilities. The first responsibility of government at every level is to protect the basic freedoms of the people. No government at any level can properly complain of violation of its power, if it fails to meet its responsibilities.\nThe federal government exists not to grow larger, but to enlarge the individual potential and achievement of the people.\nThe federal government exists not to subordinate the states, but to support them.\nAll of us are Americans. All of us are free men. Ultimately there can be no effective restraint on the powers of government at any level save as Americans exercising their duties as citizens insist upon and maintain free, democratic processes of our constitutional system.\nOne Nation, One People\n\nOn November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot down in our land.\nWe honor his memory best—and as he would wish—by devoting ourselves anew to the larger purposes for which he lived.\nOf first priority is our renewed commitments to the values and ideals of democracy.\nWe are firmly pledged to continue the Nation's march towards the goals of equal opportunity and equal treatment for all Americans regardless of race, creed, color or national origin.\nWe cannot tolerate violence anywhere in our land—north, south, east or west. Resort to lawlessness is anarchy and must be opposed by the Government and all thoughtful citizens.\nWe must expose, wherever it exists, the advocacy of hatred which creates the clear and present danger of violence.\nWe condemn extremism, whether from the Right or Left, including the extreme tactics of such organizations as the Communist Party, the Ku Klux Klan and the John Birch Society.\nWe know what violence and hate can do. We have seen the tragic consequences of misguided zeal and twisted logic.\nThe time has come now for all of us to understand and respect one another, and to seek the unity of spirit and purpose from which our future greatness will grow—for only as we work together with the object of liberty and justice for all will the peace and freedom of each of us be secured.\nThese are the principles which command our cause and strengthen our effort as we cross the new frontier and enter upon the great society.\nAn Accounting of Stewardship, 1961—1964\n\nOne hundred and twenty-four years ago, in 1840, the Democratic National Convention meeting in Baltimore adopted the first platform in the history of a national political party. The principles stated in that platform are as valid as ever:\n\"Resolved, That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty, and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the democratic faith.\"\nOne hundred and twenty years later, in 1960, our nation had grown from 26 to 50 states, our people from 17 million to 179 million.\nThat year, in Los Angeles, the Democratic National Convention adopted a platform which reflected, in its attention to 38 specific subjects, the volume of unfinished business of the American people which had piled up to the point of national crisis.\nThe platform declared that as a Party we would put the people's business first, and stated in plain terms how we proposed to get on with it.\nFour year have passed, and the time has come for the people to measure our performance against our pledges.\nWe welcome the comparison; we seek it.\nFor the record is one of four years of unrelenting effort, and unprecedented achievement—not by a political party, but by a people.\nThe Record\n\nNational Defense\n\nIn 1960, we proposed to—\n\"Recast our military capacity in order to provide forces and weapons of a diversity, balance, and mobility sufficient in quantity and quality to deter both limited and general aggression.\" Since January 1961, we have achieved:\nA 150% increase in the number of nuclear war-heads and a 200% increase in total megatonnage available in the Strategic Alert Forces.\nA 60% increase in the tactical nuclear strength in Western Europe.\nA 45% increase in the number of combat-ready Army divisions.\nA 15,000 man increase in the strength of the Marine Corps.\nA 75% increase in airlift capability.\nA 100% increase in ship construction to modernize our fleet.\nA 44% increase in the number of tactical fighter squadrons.\nAn 800% increase in the special forces trained to deal with counter-insurgency threats. In 1960, we proposed to create—\n\"Deterrent military power such that the Soviet and Chinese leaders will have no doubt that an attack on the United States would surely be followed by their own destruction.\"\nSince 1961, we have increased the intercontinental ballistic missiles and Polaris missiles in our arsenal from fewer than 100 to more than 1,000.\nOur Strategic Alert Forces now have about 1,100 bombers, including 550 on 15-minute alert, many of which are equipped with decoy missiles and other penetration aids to assure that they will reach their targets.\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"Continuous modernization of our forces through intensified research and development, including essential programs slowed down, terminated, suspended, or neglected for lack of budgetary support.\"\nSince 1961, we have—\nIncreased funds for research and development by 50% over the 1957-60 level.\nAdded 208 major new research and development projects including 77 weapons programs with costs exceeding $10 million each, among which are the SR-71 long-range, manned, supersonic strategic military reconnaissance aircraft, the NIKE-X anti-ballistic missile system, the A7A navy attack aircraft, and the F-111 fighter-bomber and a new main battle tank.\nIncreased, by more than 1,000%, the funds for the development of counter-insurgency weapons and equipment, from less than $10 million to over $103 million per year.\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"Balanced conventional military forces which will permit a response graded to the intensity of any threats of aggressive force.\" Since 1961, we have—\nIncreased the regular strength of the Army by 100,000 men, and the numbers of combat-ready Army divisions from 11 to 16.\nIncreased the number of tactical fighter squadrons from 55 to 79 and have substantially increased the procurement of tactical fighters.\nTrained over 100,000 officers in counter-insurgency skills necessary to fight guerilla and anti-guerilla warfare, and increased our special forces trained to deal with counter-insurgency by 800%.\nAcquired balanced stocks of combat consumables for all our forces so that they can engage in combat for sustained periods of time.\nIn reconstructing the nation's defense establishment, the Administration has insisted that the services be guided by these three precepts: Buy only what we need.\nBuy only at the lowest sound price.\nReduce operating costs through standardization, consolidation, and termination of unnecessary operations.\nAs a result, our expanded and reconstituted defense force has cost billions of dollars less than it would have cost under previous inefficient and un-businesslike methods of procurement and operation. These savings amounted to more than $1 billion in the fiscal year 1963, and to $2.5 billion in the fiscal year just completed. Furthermore, under the cost reduction program we have established, we will be saving $4.6 billion each year, every year, by Fiscal Year 1968.\nWe have successfully met the challenges of Berlin and Cuba, and attacks upon our Naval forces on the high seas, thus decreasing the prospect of further such challenges and brightening the outlook for peace.\nArms Control\n\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"A national peace agency for disarmament planning and research to muster the scientific ingenuity, coordination, continuity, and seriousness of purpose which are now lacking in our arms control efforts.\"\nIn 1961, the United States became the first nation in the world to establish an \"agency for peace\"—the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.\nThis agency is charged by law with the development of a realistic arms control and disarmament policy to promote national security and provide an impetus towards a world free from the threat of war. Working closely with the senior military leaders of the Department of Defense, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency has enabled the United States to lead the world in a new, continuous, hard-headed and purposeful discussion, negotiation and planning of disarmament. In 1960, we proposed—\n\"To develop responsible proposals that will help break the deadlock on arms control.\"\nIn the aftermath of the Cuban crisis the United States pressed its advantage to seek a new breakthrough for peace, On June 10, 1963, at American University, President Kennedy called on the Soviet leadership to join in concrete steps to abate the nuclear arms race. After careful negotiations experienced American negotiators reached agreement with the Russians on a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty—an event that will be marked forever in the history of mankind as a first step on the difficult road of arms control.\nOne hundred and six nations signed or acceded to the treaty.\nIn the United States it was supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ratified in the Senate by an 80-20 vote.\nTo insure the effectiveness of our nuclear development program in accord with the momentous Test Ban Treaty, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended, and the Administration has undertaken:\nA comprehensive program of underground testing of nuclear explosives.\nMaintenance of modern nuclear laboratory facilities.\nPreparations to test in the atmosphere if essential to national security, or if the treaty is violated by the Soviet Union.\nContinuous improvement of our means for detecting violations and other nuclear activities elsewhere in the world.\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"To the extent we can secure the adoption of effective arms control agreements, vast resources will be freed for peaceful use.\"\nIn January and April 1964, President Johnson announced cutbacks in the production of nuclear materials: twenty percent in plutonium production and forty percent in enriched uranium. When the USSR followed this United States initiative with a similar announcement, the President welcomed the response as giving hope \"that the world may yet, one day, live without the fear of war.\"\nInstruments of Foreign Policy\n\nIn 1960, we proposed that—\n\"American foreign policy in all its aspects must be attuned to our world of change.\n\"We will recruit officials whose experience, humanity and dedication fit them for the task of effectively representing America abroad.\n\"We will provide a more sensitive and creative direction to our overseas information program.\"\nSince 1961, the Department of State has had its self-respect restored, and has been vitalized by more vigorous recruitment and more intensive training of foreign service officers representing all elements of the American people.\nForty days after taking office President Kennedy established the Peace Corps. The world did not change overnight. Neither will it ever be quite the same again. The foreign minister of one large Asian nation has called the Peace Corps \"the most powerful idea in recent times.\"\nOne hundred thousand Americans have volunteered for the Peace Corps. Nine thousand have served in a total of 45 countries.\nNearly every country to which volunteers have been sent has asked for more. Two dozen new countries are on the waiting list.\nVolunteer organizations on the Peace Corps model are already operating in 12 countries and there has been a great expansion of volunteer service in many others.\nAn International Secretariat for Volunteer Service is working in 32 economically advanced and developing nations.\nThe United States Information Agency has been transformed into a powerful, effective and respected weapon of the free world. The new nations of the world have come to know an America that is not afraid to tell the truth about itself—and so can be believed when it tells the truth about Communist imperialism.\nWorld Trade\n\nIn 1960, we said—\n\"... We shall expand world trade in every responsible way.\n\"Since all Americans share the benefits of this policy, its costs should not be the burden of a few. We shall support practical measures to case the necessary adjustments of industries and communities which may be unavoidably hurt by increases in imports.\n\"Our government should press for reduction of foreign barriers on the sale of the products of American industry and agriculture.\"\nThis pledge was fulfilled in the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.\nThe Trade Expansion Act of 1962, gives the President power to negotiate a 50 percent across-the-board cut in tariff barriers to take place over a five-year period.\nExports have expanded over 10 percent—by over $2 billion—since 1961.\nForeign trade now provides jobs for more than 4 million workers.\nNegotiations now underway will permit American businessmen and farmers to take advantage of the greatest trading opportunity in history—the rapidly expanding European market.\nThe Trade Expansion Act provides for worker training and moving allowances, and for loans, tax rebates and technical assistance for businesses if increased imports resulting from concessions granted in trade agreements result in unemployment or loss of business.\nWhere American agriculture or industrial products have been unfairly treated in order to favor domestic products, prompt and forceful action has been taken to break down such barriers. These efforts have opened new United States export opportunities for fruits and vegetables, and numerous other agricultural and manufactured products to Europe and Japan.\nThe Long Term Cotton Textile Agreement of 1962 protects the textile and garment industry against disruptive competition from imports of cotton textiles. The Cotton Act of 1964 enables American manufacturers to buy cotton at the world market price, so they can compete in selling their products at home and abroad.\nImmigration\n\nIn 1960, we proposed to—\n\"Adjust our immigration, nationality and refugee policies to eliminate discrimination and to enable members of scattered families abroad to be united with relatives already in our midst.\n\"The national-origins quota system of limiting immigration contradicts the founding principles of this nation. It is inconsistent with our belief in the rights of men.\"\nThe immigration law amendments proposed by the Administration, and now before Congress, by abolishing the national-origin quota system, will eliminate discrimination based upon race and place of birth and will facilitate the reunion of families.\nThe Cuban Refugee Program begun in 1961 has resettled over 81,000 refugees, who are now self-supporting members of 1,800 American communities. The Chinese Refugee Program, begun in 1962, provides for the admission to the United States of 12,000 Hong Kong refugees from Red China.\nThe Underdeveloped World\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"To the non-Communist nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America: We shall create with you working partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding\" and \"will revamp and refocus the objectives, emphasis and allocation of our foreign assistance programs.\"\nIn 1961, the administration created the Agency for International Development, combining the three separate agencies that had handled foreign assistance activities into an orderly and efficient instrument of national policy.\nSince 1961, foreign aid has been conducted on a spartan, cost conscious basis, with emphasis on self-help, reform and performance as conditions of American help.\nThese new policies are showing significant returns.\nSince the beginning of the Marshall Plan in 1948, U. S. economic assistance has been begun and ended in 17 countries. In 14 other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the transition to economic self-support is well under way, and U. S. assistance is now phasing out. In the 1965 AID program, 90 percent of economic assistance will go to just 25 countries.\nIn 1960, only 41 percent of aid-financed commodities were purchased in America. In 1964, under AID, 85 percent of all aid-financed commodities were U. S. supplied.\nThe foreign aid appropriation of $8.5 billion for fiscal year 1965 represents the smallest burden on U. S. resources that has been proposed since foreign aid began after World War II.\nSince 1961, the United States has insisted that our allies in Europe and Japan must share responsibility in the field of foreign assistance, particularly to their former colonies. They have responded with major programs. Several nations now contribute a larger share of their gross national production to foreign assistance than does the United States.\nThe Alliance for Progress, launched at the Conference of Punta del Este in Uruguay in 1961, has emerged as the greatest undertaking of social reform and international cooperation in the history of the Western Hemisphere.\nThe American republics agreed to work together \"To make the benefits of economic progress available to all citizens of all economic and social groups through a more equitable distribution of national income, raising more rapidly the income and standard of living of the needier sectors of the population, at the same time that a higher proportion of the national product is devoted to investment.\"\nThe results so far:\nFifteen countries have self-help housing programs, and savings and loan legislation has been adopted by nine countries.\nPrivate or public development banks have been established or are being established in eight countries, providing new sources of capital for the small businessman.\nEducation budgets have risen by almost 13 percent a year, and five million more children are going to school. U. S. aid has helped build 23,000 schoolrooms.\nA Latin American school lunch program is feeding 10 million children at least one good meal every day, and the program will reach 12 million by the end of the year.\nThe Alliance for Progress has immeasurably strengthened the collective will of the nations of the Western Hemisphere to resist the massive efforts of Communist subversion that conquered Cuba in 1959 and then headed for the mainland. In 1960, we urged—\n\"... Continued economic assistance to Israel and the Arab peoples to help them raise their living standards.\n\"We pledge our best efforts for peace in the Middle East by seeking to prevent an arms race while guarding against the dangers of a military imbalance resulting from Soviet arms shipments.\"\nIn the period since that pledge was made the New East has come closer to peace and stability than at any time since World War II.\nEconomic and technical assistance to Israel and Arab nations continues at a high level, although with more and more emphasis on loans as against grants. The United States is determined to help bring the revolution in the technology of desalinization to the aid of the desert regions of this area.\nThe Atlantic Community\n\nIn 1960, we said—\n\"To our friends and associates in the Atlantic Community: We propose a broader partnership that goes beyond our common fears to recognize the depth and sweep of our common political, economic, and cultural interests.\"\nIn 1961, the United States ratified the conventions creating the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a body made up of ourselves, Canada and 18 European States which carries forward on a permanent basis the detailed cooperation and mutual assistance that began with the Marshall Plan.\nSince 1961, we have progressed in the building of mutual confidence, unity, and strength. NATO has frequently been used for consultation on foreign policy issues. Strong Atlantic unity emerged in response to Soviet threats in Berlin and in Cuba. Current trade negotiations reflect the value of the Trade Expansion Act and the utility of arrangements for economic cooperation. NATO military forces are stronger in both nuclear and conventional weapons.\nThe United States has actively supported the proposal to create a multilateral, mix-manned, seaborne nuclear missile force which could give all NATO countries a direct share in NATO's nuclear deterrent without proliferating the number of independent, national nuclear forces.\nThe Communist World\n\nIn 1960, we said—\n\"To the rulers of the Communist World: We confidently accept your challenge to competition in every field of human effort.\n\"We believe your Communist ideology to be sterile, unsound, and doomed to failure . . .\n\"... We are prepared to negotiate with you whenever and wherever there is a realistic possibility of progress without sacrifice of principle.\n\"But we will use all the will, power, resources, and energy at our command to resist the further encroachment of Communism on freedom—whether at Berlin, Formosa or new points of pressure as yet undisclosed.\"\nFollowing the launching of Sputnik in 1957, the Soviet Union began a world-wide offensive. Russian achievements in space were hailed as the forerunners of triumph on earth.\nNow, seven years later, the Communist influence has failed in its efforts to win Africa. Of the 31 African nations formed since World War II, not one has chosen Communism.\nKhrushchev had to back down on his threat to sign a peace treaty with East Germany. Access to West Berlin remains free.\nIn Latin America, the Alliance for Progress has begun to reduce the poverty and distress on which Communism breeds.\nIn Japan, where anti-American riots in 1960 prevented a visit from the President, relations with the United States have been markedly improved.\nIn the United Nations the integrity of the office of Secretary General was preserved despite the Soviet attack on it through the Troika proposal.\nWhen Red China attacked India, the U. S. promptly came to India's aid with modern infantry supplies and equipment.\nOn the battlefield of the Cold War one engagement after another has been fought and won.\nFrustrated in its plans to nibble away at country after country, the Soviet Union conceived a bold stroke designed to reverse the trend against it. With extreme stealth Soviet intermediate range and medium range offensive missiles were brought into Cuba in 1962.\nShortly after the missiles arrived in Cuba, and before any of them became operational, they were discovered and photographed by U. S. reconnaissance flights.\nThe U. S. response was carefully planned and prepared, and calmly, deliberately, but effectively executed. On October 22, President Kennedy called on the Soviet Union to dismantle and remove the weapons from Cuba. He ordered a strict quarantine on Cuba enforced by the U. S. Navy.\nThe Organization of American States acted swiftly and decisively by a unanimous vote of 20 to 0 to authorize strong measures, including the use of force, to ensure that the missiles were withdrawn from Cuba and not re-introduced.\nAt the end of a tense week Khrushchev caved in before this demonstration of Western power and determination. Soviet ships, closely observed by U. S. pilots, loaded all the missiles and headed back to Russia. U. S. firmness also compelled withdrawal of the IL-28 bombers.\nA turning point of the Cold War had been reached.\nThe record of world events in the past year reflects the vigor and successes of U. S. policy:\nBerlin, October-November 1963. Communist efforts to interfere with free Western access to Berlin were successfully rebuffed.\nVenezuela, March 1964. Despite the threats and terror tactics of Castro-inspired agitators, over 90 percent of the people voted in the election that chose President Leoni to succeed Romulo Betancourt—the first democratic succession in that office in Venezuela in Venezuela's history.\nPanama, 1964. Patient negotiation achieved a resumption of diplomatic relations, which had been severed after the riots in January; President Johnson achieved a dignified and an honorable solution of the crisis.\nVietnam, August 1964. Faced with sudden unprovoked attacks by Communist PT boats on American destroyers on the high sea, President Johnson ordered a sharp immediate retaliation on the hostile vessels and their supporting facilities.\nSpeaking on that occasion, the President said: \"Aggression—deliberate, willful and systematic aggression has unmasked its face to the world. The world remembers—the world must never forget—that aggression unchallenged is aggression unleashed.\n\"We of the United States have not forgotten.\n\"That is why we have answered this aggression with action.\"\nCuba, 1961-1964. Cuba and Castro have been virtually isolated in the Hemisphere.\nOnly 2 out of 20 OAS countries maintain diplomatic relations with Cuba.\nCuban trade with the Free World has dropped sharply from the 1958 level.\nFree world shipping to Cuba has fallen sharply. Isolation of Cuba by air has tightened greatly.\nHundreds of thousands of Cubans have left the island or have indicated their desire to come to the United States.\nThe Castro regime has been suspended from participation in the OAS.\nThe Cuban economy is deteriorating: the standard of living is 20 percent below pre-Castro levels, with many items rationed; industrial output is stagnant; sugar production is at the lowest level since the 1940's.\nThe United Nations\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"To our fellow members of the United Nations: we shall strengthen our commitments in this, our great continuing institution for conciliation and the growth of a world community.\"\nOver the past four years the Administration has fulfilled this pledge as one of the central purposes of foreign policy.\nDuring that time the United States has supported—and frequently led—efforts within the United Nations.\n—to strengthen its capacity as peacekeeper and peacemaker—with the result that the UN remained on guard on armistice lines in Korea, Kashmir and the Middle East; preserved peace in the Congo, West New Guinea and Cyprus; provided a forum for the U. S. during crises in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Tonkin; began to develop a flexible call-up system for emergency peace-keeping forces; and moved toward a revival of the Security Council as the primary organ for peace and security without loss of the residual powers of the General Assembly.\n—to discover and exploit areas of common interest for the reduction of world dangers and world tensions—with the result that the orbiting of weapons of mass destruction has been banned and legal principles adopted for the use of outer space; projects of scientific cooperation in meteorology, oceanography, Antarctic exploration and peaceful uses of atomic energy, have been promoted; and the search for further moves toward arms control have been pursued to supplement the limited test ban treaty.\n—to further the work of the United Nations in improving the lot of mankind—with the result that the Decade of Development has been launched; the World Food Program undertaken; aid to children extended; projects to promote economic and social progress in the developing world have been expanded; and the impact of technology and world trade upon development has been explored.\n—to maintain the integrity of the organization—its Charter and its Secretariat—with the result that the Troika proposal was defeated; the functions of the Secretary-General have been kept intact; the authority of the General Assembly to levy assessments for peacekeeping has been sustained despite attempted financial vetoes by Communist and other members.\nIn fulfilling its pledge to the United Nations, the Administration has helped to strengthen peace, to promote progress, and to find areas of international agreement and cooperation.\nEconomic Growth\n\nIn 1960, we said—\n\"The new Democratic Administration will confidently proceed to unshackle American enterprise and to free American labor, industrial leadership, and capital, to create an abundance that will outstrip any other system.\n\"We Democrats believe that our economy can and must grow at an average rate of 5 percent annually, almost twice as fast as our average annual rate since 1953. We pledge ourselves to policies that will achieve this goal without inflation.\"\nIn January 1961, the nation was at the bottom of the fourth recession of the postwar period—the third in the eight-year period, 1953-60. More men and women were out of work than at any time since the Great Depression of the 1930's. In February 1961, the unemployment rate was 6.8 percent, with a total of 5,705,000 unemployed.\nToday we are in the midst of the longest peace-time expansion in our history, during the past 42 months of unbroken economic expansion:\nOur economic growth rate has risen now to over 5 percent—twice the average rate for the 1953-60 period.\n3,900,000 jobs have been added to the economy, and the unemployment rate was down in July 1964 to 4.9 percent.\nThe Gross National Product has risen by $120 billion in less than four years! No nation in peace-time history has ever added so much to its wealth in so short a time.\nThe average manufacturing worker's weekly earnings rose from $89 in January 1961, to $103 in July 1964—an increase of over 15 percent.\nIndustrial production has increased 28 percent; average operating rates in manufacturing have risen from 78 percent of capacity to 87 percent.\nProfits after taxes have increased 62 percent—from an annual rate of $19.2 billion in early 1961 to an estimated $31.2 billion in early 1964.\nTotal private investment has increased by 43 percent—from an annual rate of $61 billion in early 1961 to $87 billion in the spring of 1964.\nThere are a million and a half more Americans at work today than there were a year ago.\nOur present prosperity was brought about by the enterprise of American business, the skills of the American work force, and by wise public policies.\nThe provision in the Revenue Act of 1962 for a credit for new investment in machinery and equipment, and the liberalization of depreciation allowance by administrative ruling, resulted in a reduction of $2.5 billion in business taxes.\nThe Revenue Act of 1964 cut individual income taxes by more than $9 billion, increasing consumer purchasing power by that amount; and corporate taxes were cut another $2.5 billion, with the effect of increasing investment incentives. Overall individual Federal income taxes were cut an average of 19 percent; taxpayers earning $3,000 or less received an average 40 percent cut.\nThe Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1961 provided $800 million to 2.8 million jobless workers who had exhausted their benefits.\nThe Area Redevelopment Act of 1961 has meant a $227 million Federal investment in economically hard-hit areas, creating 110,000 new jobs in private enterprise.\nThe Accelerated Public Works Act of 1962 added $900 million for urgently needed State and local government construction projects.\nAn End to Tight Money\n\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"As the first step in speeding economic growth, a Democratic president will put an end to the present high interest, tight money policy.\n\"This policy has failed in its stated purpose—to keep prices down. It has given us two recessions within five years, bankrupted many of our farmers, produced a record number of business failures, and added billions of dollars in unnecessary higher interest charges to government budgets and the cost of living.\"\nSince 1961, we have maintained the free flow of credit so vital to industry, home buyers, and State and local governments.\nImmediately, in February 1961, the Federal Housing Agency interest rate was cut from 5 3/4% percent to 5 1/2 percent. It is now down to 5 1/4 percent.\nToday's home buyer will pay about $1,700 less for FHA-insured financing of a 3O-year $15,000 home mortgage than he would have had he taken the mortgage in 1960.\nToday after 42 months of expansion, conventional home mortgage rates are lower than they were in January 1961, in the midst of a recession. So are borrowing costs for our States and municipalities, and for long-term corporate issues.\nShort-term interest rates have been brought into reasonable balance with interest rates abroad, reducing or eliminating incentives to place short-term funds abroad and thus reducing gold outflow.\nWe have prudently lengthened the average maturity of the Federal debt, in contrast to the steady shortening that characterized the 1950's.\nControl of Inflation\n\nIn 1960, we asserted—\n\"The American consumer has a right to fair prices. We are determined to secure that right.\n\"A fair share of the gains from increasing productivity in many industries should be passed on to the consumer through price reductions.\"\nToday, after 42 months of economic expansion, wholesale prices are lower than they were in January 1961, in the midst of a recession! The Wholesale Price Index was 101.0 in January 1961; in July 1964, it is 100.4.\nThe Consumer Price Index, which measures the price of goods and services families purchase, has been brought back to stability, averaging now less than 1.3% increase per year—as compared, for example, with an increase rate about three times this large in the European common market countries.\nSince January 1961, the increase in average after-tax family income has been twice the increase in prices.\nThe Administration has established guideposts for price and wage movements alike, based primarily on productivity developments, and designed to protect the economy against inflation.\nIn the single year, 1960, the overall balance of payments deficit reached $3.9 billion, and we lost $1.7 billion in gold. Now for 1964, the prospective balance of payments deficit has been cut to $2 billion, and the gold outflow has ceased.\nFull Employment\n\nIn 1960, we reaffirmed our—\n\"support of full employment as a paramount objective of national policy.\"\nIn July 1964, total employment in the United States rose to the historic peak of 72,400,000 jobs. This represents an increase of 3,900,000 jobs in 42 months.\nIn the past twelve months, total civilian employment has increased by 1,600,000 jobs, and nonfarm employment by 1,700,000. Most of this job expansion has occurred in the past eight months.\nIn July 1964, the jobless total was one-half million below a year ago, and was at its lowest July level since 1959.\nIn July, 1964, the overall unemployment rate was 4.9%—compared with 6.5% in January 1961; and the jobless rate for men who are heads of families was down to 2.7%.\nThere have been more than a million full-time jobs added to the private profit sector of the economy in the past 12 months. This is the largest increase in any one-year period in the past decade.\nWe have brought ourselves now within reach of the full employment objective.\nAid to Depressed Areas\n\nIn 1960, we recognized that—\n\"General economic measures will not alone solve the problems of localities which suffer some special disadvantage. To bring prosperity to these depressed areas and to enable them to make their full contribution to the national welfare, specially directed action is needed.\"\nThe Area Redevelopment Administration was created in 1961 to help depressed areas organize their human and material resources for economic growth. Since its establishment, the ARA has:\nApproved 512 financial assistance projects involving a Federal investment of $243.5 million.\nCreated, in partnership with local government, private workers and other investors, 118,000 new jobs in private enterprise,\nProvided retraining programs, with tuition and subsistence, for 37,327 jobless workers, equipping them with new skills to fill available jobs in their areas.\nIn 1961, Congress authorized $900 million for the Accelerated Public Works Program to speed construction of urgently needed public facilities and increase employment in areas which had failed to recover from previous recessions.\nBetween October 1962, when the first appropriations were made available, and April 1, 1964, 7,762 projects, involving an estimated 2,500,000 man-months of employment, were approved.\nIn early 1961, there were 101 major areas in the United States in which unemployment was 6 percent or more, discounting seasonal or temporary factors. By July 1964, this number had been cut two-thirds, to a total of 35.\nThe concept of \"depressed areas\" has been broadened in these 3 1/2 years to include clear recognition of the inequity and waste of poverty wherever it exists, and in the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 the nation has declared, in historic terms, a War on Poverty.\nTitle I of the Economic Opportunity Act creates the Job Corps, Work-Training programs, and Work-Study programs to provide useful work for about 400,000 young men and women. Job Corps volunteers will receive work and vocational training, part of which will involve conservation work in rural areas. The Work-Training, or Neighborhood Youth Corps program, is open to young persons living at home, including those who need jobs in order to remain in school. The Work-Study programs will enable youth from poor families to earn enough income to enable them to attend college.\nTitle II of the Act authorized $340 million for the Community Action programs to stimulate urban and rural communities to mobilize their resources to combat poverty through programs designed especially to meet local needs.\nTitle III provides for special programs to combat poverty in rural areas, including loans up to $1,500 for low income farmers, and loans up to $2,500 for families, to finance non-agricultural enterprises which will enable such families to supplement their incomes. This section of the law provides funds for housing, sanitation education, and day care of children of migrant farm workers.\nTitle IV of the Act provides for loans up to $25,000 for small businesses to create jobs for the long-term unemployed.\nTitle V of the Act provides constructive work experience and other needed training to persons who are unable to support or care for themselves or their families.\nThe Report of the President's Appalachian Regional Commission, submitted to President Johnson in April 1964, proposed a wide-ranging development program. The Appalachian Redevelopment Act, now before Congress, provides for more than $1.1 billion investment in needed basic facilities in the area, together with a regional organization to help generate the full development potential of the human and material resources of this mountain area.\nRegistration and regulation of migrant labor crew chiefs has been provided to require that crew chiefs or labor brokers, who act on behalf of domestic migrant labor and operate across state lines, shall be registered, show financial responsibility, and meet certain requirements as to moral character and honest dealing with their clients.\nDiscrimination in Employment\n\nIn 1960, we insisted that—\n\"The right to a job requires action to break down artificial and arbitrary barriers to employment based on age, race, sex, religion, or national origin.\"\nThe great Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the strongest and most important law against discrimination in employment in the history of the United States.\nIt states unequivocally that \"It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer . . . an employment agency . . . or a labor organization\" to discriminate against any person because of his or her \"race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.\"\nOn March 6, 1961, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order establishing the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity to combat racial discrimination in the employment policies of Government agencies and private firms holding Government contracts. Then-Vice President Johnson, in his capacity as Chairman of the new Committee, assumed personal direction of this program.\nAs a consequence of the enforcement of the Executive Order, not only has discrimination been eliminated in the Federal Government, but strong affirmative measures have been taken to extend meaningful equality of opportunity to compete for Federal employment to all citizens.\nThe private employers of 8,076,422 men and women, and trade unions with 12,500,000 members, have signed public agreements establishing non-discriminatory practices.\nThe Equal Pay Act of 1963 guarantees equal pay to women doing the same work as men, by requiring employers who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act to pay equal wages for equal work, regardless of the sex of their workers.\nExecutive Order 11141, issued by President Johnson on February 12, 1964, establishes for the first time in history a public policy that \"contractors and subcontractors engaged in the performance of Federal contracts shall not, in connection with the employment, advancement, or discharge of their employees, or in connection with the terms, conditions, or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age...\"\nCollective Bargaining\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"an affirmative labor policy which will encourage free collective bargaining through the growth and development of free and responsible unions.\"\nThese have been good years for labor-management relations. Time lost from strikes is at the lowest point in history.\nThe President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy, made up of distinguished leaders of business and trade unions, has spoken out consistently in favor of creative and constructive solutions to common problems.\nExecutive Order 10988, issued by President Kennedy on January 17, 1962, extended the rights of union recognition to Federal employees—a goal which some employee organizations had been trying to reach for three quarters of a century.\nIn the spring of 1964, under President Johnson's personal leadership, the five-year-old railroad dispute that would have resulted in a critical nation-wide strike, was at last ended—by free collective bargaining. A cause many thought lost was won; industrial self-government was saved from a disastrous setback.\nPlanning for Automation\n\nIn 1960, we proposed to—\n\"provide the government leadership necessary to insure that the blessings of automation do not become burdens of widespread unemployment. For the young and the technologically displaced workers, we will provide the opportunity for training and retraining that equips them for jobs to be filled.\"\nThe Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 provides for the training or retraining of unemployed or underemployed people, particularly those threatened or displaced by technological advances. The 1963 amendments to the Act emphasize the problem of youth employment.\nIn the two years of the administration of this program, training projects for 240,471 persons have been approved, and more than 54,000 persons have completed their training.\nUnder the Manpower Development and Training Act an active manpower policy is being developed to keep the nation ahead of the problems of automation.\nCongress has now enacted, in August 1964, legislation creating a National Commission on Technology, Automation and Economic Progress to undertake a searching inquiry into the problems created by automation, and means by which they can be prevented or solved.\nIn its own activities, the Federal Government has taken full account of human considerations in instituting technological developments.\nMinimum Wages\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"To raise the minimum wage to $1.25 an hour and to extend coverage to several million workers not now covered.\"\nThe Fair Labor Standards Act Amendments of 1961 raised the minimum wage to $1.25 over a three-year period, and extended the coverage of the Act to 3.6 million additional workers.\nThe Administration has proposed further amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act, which are now before the Congress, and which would extend minimum wage coverage to near three quarters of a million workers in laundry, and dry cleaning establishments. Overtime coverage would be extended to an additional 2.6 million workers.\nIt has proposed a Fringe Benefit amendment to the Bacon-Davis law to provide that the cost of fringe benefits should be included in the definition of \"prevailing wage\" under the Bacon-Davis law, so that wage rates required in government construction contracts will be in accord with prevailing practice.\nAgriculture\n\nIn 1960, we said—\n\"In every way we will seek to help the men, women, and children whose livelihood comes from the soil to achieve better housing, education, and decent earnings and working conditions.\"\nThis is the record:\nTotal net farm income in 1961-63 averaged nearly a billion dollars a year higher than in 1960.\nTotal net income per farm was 18 percent higher in 1963 than in 1960.\nFarm purchasing power, or gross farm income, rose from $37.9 billion in 1960 to nearly $42 billion in 1963.\nPercent of family income spent for food today has declined. In 1960, 20 percent of disposable family income was spent for food. This has now been reduced to less than 19 percent.\nGrain surpluses have been brought down to manageable levels; wheat surpluses this year will be the lowest since 1958, and feed grains have been reduced from 80 to 70 million tons.\nReduction of wheat and feed grain surpluses from their 1960 levels to present levels has resulted in an accumulated savings of about a quarter of a billion dollars in storage, transportation, interest and other costs.\nTotal farm exports have increased 35 percent in 4 years, and have reached a record high in fiscal 1964 of $6.1 billion.\nCredit resources administered by the Farmers Home Administration are up 141 percent over 1960, and are averaging now $687 million a year.\nCommodity programs to strengthen the farm income structure and reach the goal of parity of income in every aspect of American agriculture. We also cite the parity program providing American cotton to American factories and processes at the same price at which they are exported.\nThe Rural Areas Development program has helped create an estimated 125,000 new jobs, and more than 12,000 projects in the process of approval will provide new employment for as many as 200,000 persons.\nParticipation in the Agricultural Conservation Program has increased 20 percent since 1960.\nMore than 20,000 farmers have received technical help to develop recreation as an income-making \"crop\" on land which had been producing surpluses.\nOver 600 rural Communities have been aided in providing modern water services.\nDuring the winter of 1964, a special lunch program was instituted for 315 schools and 12,000 children in rural areas where families have extremely low incomes.\nSince January 1, 1961, $1.1 billion in electric loans has been made by the Rural Electrification Administration, to rural electric cooperatives, or some $350 million more than in the previous 3 1/2 years. Improved service, as a result, has meant customer savings of $7.5 million a year.\nAmerican farmers, in 1964, have protected crop investments totaling $500.5 million with Federal All-Risk Crop Insurance—more than double the amount of insurance in force three years ago, and an all-time record.\nSoil and water conservation activities in the past 3 1/2 years have shown a constant upward trend in their contributions to the physical, social and economic welfare of rural areas.\n289 new small upstream watershed projects were authorized.\n8,000 local soil and water conservation districts have updated their long-range programs to reflect the broadened concepts of economic development.\nThe Great Plains Conservation Program has been extended for 10 years and 36 counties have been added to the program.\nIn June 1964, Congress authorized the creation of a National Commission on Food Marketing to investigate the operation of the food industry from producer to consumer.\nOn January 24, 1961, President Kennedy established by executive order, the Food for Peace program to utilize America's agricultural abundance \"to promote the interests of peace . . . and to play an important role in helping to provide a more adequate diet for peoples all around the world.\"\nIn the last 3 1/2 years, over $5 billion worth of surplus farm commodities went overseas under Public Law 480 programs. This is one and one-half billion dollars more than during the previous 3 1/2 years.\nSmall Business\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"Action to aid small business in obtaining credit and equity capital at reasonable rates.\n\"Protection of the public against the growth of monopoly.\n\"A more equitable share of government contracts to small and independent business.\"\nThrough liberalizing amendments to the Small Business Investment Act in 1961 and 1964, and special tax considerations, the investment of equity capital and long term loan funds in small businesses has been greatly accelerated by privately owned and operated small business investment companies licensed under that Act. Moreover, since January 1961, over 21,000 small businesses have obtained SBA business loans, totalling over $1.14 billion, as a result of liberalized and simplified procedures.\nThe Federal Trade Commission has stepped up its activities to promote free and fair competition in business, and to safeguard the consuming public against both monopolistic and deceptive practices.\nThe reorganized Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice has directed special emphasis to price fixing, particularly on consumer products, by large companies who distribute through small companies. These include eye glasses, salad oil, flour, cosmetics, swimsuits, bread, milk, and even sneakers.\nSince January 1961, some 166,000 government contracts, worth $6.2 billion have been set aside for small business. In the preceding 3 1/2 years there were 77,838 contracts set aside, with a worth of $2.9 billion.\nHOUSING\nIn 1960 we proposed—\n\"To make possible the building of 2,000,000 homes a year in wholesome neighborhoods, the home building industry should be aided by special mortgage assistance, with low interest rates, long-term mortgage periods and reduced down payments.\n\"There will still be need for a substantial low- rent public housing program authorizing as many units as local communities require and are prepared to build.\"\nThe Housing Act of 1961 provides many of the necessary new and improved tools for providing housing for low and moderate income families, and for housing for the elderly.\nFor the 3 1/2 year period ending June 30, 1964, some 5.3 million new units of public and private housing have been built at a cost of approximately $65 billion. The construction rate has risen above 1.5 million units a year, with an annual output of over $20 billion, and we are moving close now to the goal of 2 million a year.\nSince January 1961, nearly 400 local housing authorities have been formed to provide housing for low income families. More than 100,000 new units have been approved for construction, at an annual rate about three times that of 1960.\nThe annual rate of grant assistance for Urban Renewal has risen from $262 million per year (1956 through 1961 ) to a rate of better than $630 million during the past 12 months.\nin the past 3 1/2 years, more than 750 new urban renewal transactions have been approved, equal to nearly 90 percent of the number approved for the entire period from 1949 to 1960.\nCities with community urban renewal programs jumped from a cumulative total of seven in December 1960 to 118 by mid-1964.\nTo house families whose income is not quite low enough to qualify for public housing, a new rental housing program providing a \"below market\" interest rate (currently 3 7/8%) insured by FHA, has been made available. Mortgage purchase funds have been allocated for about 78,000 such rental units.\nReflecting the fuller recognition of the special equities and needs of older people:\nFHA mortgage insurance written on housing projects for the elderly since 1961 has provided more than 3 times as many units as were being provided prior to that time.\nLow rent public housing under Federal assistance is being provided senior citizens at an annual rate more than twice that for 1960.\nDirect loan authorizations for housing for the elderly increased from $50 million in 1961 to $275 million in 1963.\nMaximum loan amounts have been increased to 100% of development cost.\nThe Housing Act of 1961 expanded and strengthened the Federal program in this area.\nThe Senior Citizens Housing Act of 1962 moved us another long step forward.\nApplications for the provision of nursing homes increased from 80 in January 1961 to more than 580 by the middle of 1964, involving more than 50,000 beds for community nursing homes.\nAssistance has been given for more than 1,000 college housing projects including housing for more than 290,000 students and faculty, plus dining halls and other school facilities.\nThe 1963 Executive Order on Equal Opportunity in Housing assures that the benefits of Federal housing programs and assistance are available without discrimination as to race, color, creed or national origin.\nHealth\n\nIn 1960, we proposed to—\n\"Provide medical care benefits for the aged as part of the time-tested social security system.\n\"Step up medical research on the major killers and crippling diseases.\n\"Expand and improve the Hill-Burton hospital construction program.\n\"Federal aid for construction, expanding and modernizing schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing and public health.\n\"Greatly increased federal support for psychiatric research and training and community mental health programs.\"\nMore health legislation has been enacted during the past 8 1/2 years than during any other period in American history.\nThe Community Health Services and Facilities Act of 1961 has made possible 149 projects for testing and demonstrating new or improved services in nursing homes, home care services, central information and referral centers; and providing additional personnel to serve the chronically ill and aged. It has also provided additional federal funds for the construction of nursing homes.\nThe Hill-Burton Amendments of 1964, extend the program of Federal grants for construction of hospitals, public health centers, long-term facilities, rehabilitation facilities and diagnostic or treatment centers for five additional years. For the first time provision is made for the modernization and renovation of hospitals and health facilities. Funds for the construction of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are substantially increased.\nThe Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Construction Act of 1963, authorized grants of $150,000,000 to States for constructing community Mental Health Centers, which emphasize the new approach to the care of the mentally ill, centered on care and treatment in the patients' home communities. Thirty-six States have already budgeted more than 75% of their share of Federal funds for planning these new systems.\nThe Maternal and Child Health and Mental Retardation Planning Amendments of 1963, along with the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Construction Act of 1963, authorized a broad program to prevent, treat, and ameliorate mental retardation. The program provides States and communities needed research, manpower developments, and facilities for health, education rehabilitation, and vocational services to the retarded.\nAs part of the Federal Government's program to employ the mentally retarded in suitable Federal jobs, the State rehabilitation agencies are certifying persons as qualified for specific suitable Federal jobs. A rising number of placements already made in Federal installations over the country constitutes an encouraging start.\nThe current need for another 200,000 qualified teachers for the estimated 6 million handicapped children of school age, has been recognized in legislation authorizing grants in aid for the training of professional personnel.\nOther legislation provides funds for training teachers of the deaf.\nA 1962 amendment to the Public Health Act authorizes a new program of project grants to help meet critical health needs of domestic migratory workers and their families through establishment of family health service clinics.\nForty-nine projects in 24 States have received grants to assist an estimated 300,000 migrant workers.\nOne out of every ten migrant laborers is estimated to have received some health services through these projects.\nThe National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, authorized in 1962, is now supporting research and training in eight major areas.\nThe National Institute of General Medical Sciences, also authorized in 1962, gives recognition to the significance of research training in the sciences basic to medicine. Two thousand research projects are currently being supported.\nA $2 million Radiological Health Grant Program was established in 1962 to provide matching grants to assist States in assuming responsibility for adequate radiation control and protection. During Fiscal Year 1964, forty-nine States and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands participated.\nAfter two years of scientific evaluation of research and findings, the Report of the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health was released in January 1964, calling attention to the health hazards of smoking. An information clearinghouse and a public education program directed toward preventing young people from acquiring the smoking habit are being developed.\nA Program for the Aging\n\nIn 1960, we proposed to—\n\"End the neglect of our older citizens. They deserve lives of usefulness, dignity, independence, and participation. We shall assure them not only health care, but employment for those who want to work, decent housing, and recreation.\"\nThe Social Security Act Amendments of 1961 broadened benefits to 5.3 million persons, increased minimum benefits for retired workers from $33 to $40 per month, permitted men as well as women to begin collecting reduced benefits at age 62.\nThe Social Security program now provides $1.3 billion in benefits each month to 19.5 million persons. One out of every ten Americans receives a Social Security check every month.\nThe Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act Amendments of 1962 put \"enforcement teeth\" into this measure, protecting workers' assets in pension programs.\nThe Housing Act of 1961 increased the scope of Federal housing aids for the elderly by raising from $50 million to $125 million the authorization for low-interest-rate direct loans. In 1962, this was raised further to $225 million and in 1963 to $275 million.\nInsurance written by the Federal Housing Administration for mortgage insurance for the elderly since 1961 provides three times as many units as during the preceding Administration.\nLow rent public housing under Federal assistance has been provided senior citizens at an annual rate more than twice that for 1960.\nThe Community Health Services and Facilities Act of 1961 raised the ceiling on appropriations for the construction of nursing homes under the Hill-Burton legislation from $10 million to $20 million; and authorized $10 million per year for a 5-year program of special project grants for the development of new or improved methods of providing health services outside the hospital for the chronically ill or aged.\nExecutive Order 11114, issued by President Johnson on February 12, 1964, establishes for the first time the policy of non-discrimination in employment based on age by Federal contractors.\nWelfare\n\nIn 1960, we proposed to—\n\"Permit workers who are totally and permanently disabled to retire at any age, removing the arbitrary requirement that the worker be 50 years of age.\n\"Amend the law so that after six months of total disability, a worker will be eligible for disability benefits, with restorative services to enable the worker to return to work.\n\"Continued support of legislation for the rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons and improvement of employment opportunities for them.\n\"Persons in need who are inadequately protected by social insurance are cared for by the states and local communities under public assistance programs. The Federal Government, which now shares the cost of aid to some of these, should share in all, and benefits should be made available without regard to residence.\n\"Uniform minimum standards throughout the nation for coverage, duration, and amount of unemployment insurance benefits.\n\"Legislation which will guarantee to women equality of rights under the law, including equal pay for equal work.\n\"The Child Welfare Program and other services already established under the Social Security Act should be expanded. Federal leadership is required in the nationwide campaign to prevent and control juvenile delinquency.\n\"A federal bureau of inter-group relations to help solve problems of discrimination in housing, education, employment and community opportunities in general. The bureau would assist in the solution of problems arising from the resettlement of immigrants and migrants within our own country, and in resolving religious, social and other tensions where they arise.\"\nThe 1961 Public Assistance Amendments, extended aid for the first time to families with dependent children in which the parent is unemployed. Currently, 18 States have adopted this program. Aid is being provided to about 75,000 families with nearly 280,000 children.\nThe food stamp program is providing improved purchasing powers and a better diet for families and persons receiving general assistance.\nThe 1962 Public Welfare amendments provide the authority and financial resources for a new approach to the problems of prolonged dependency and some of the special needs of children.\nUnder these enactments and related provisions: 49 States have now qualified for increased Federal financial aid to provide help to families with economic and social problems, and to assist families dependent on public assistance back to economic independence.\n9 pilot projects have been initiated to help children stay in school.\n41 demonstration projects have been designed to improve public assistance operations and to find ways of helping low-income families and individuals to become independent.\n18,000 unemployed fathers in needy families are currently on community work and training projects.\nThree million children are now covered by the program of aid to families with dependent children; and under the 1962 amendments these children receive, in addition to financial assistance, other needed help toward normal growth and development.\n46 States now have approved plans for day care services.\nGrants for research and demonstrations in child welfare were first awarded in 1962, and 62 projects have since been approved.\nStarting for the first time in 1963, grants for training child welfare workers have been made to 58 institutions of higher learning.\nApproximately 453,000 older persons received medical assistance under the Kerr-Mills program in fiscal year 1964.\nThe Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1961 provided 13 additional weeks of benefits to the long-term unemployed. 2.8 million jobless workers received $800 million in assistance.\nThe Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act of 1961 made possible the establishment of training centers at 12 universities. By the end of fiscal year 1964, the program will have reached 12,500 trainees for work in delinquency prevention and control.\nThe Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the work of the President's Commission on the Status of Women, which reported to the President that same year, were events of historic importance in the struggle for equal opportunity and full partnership for women. The inclusion of women in the employment provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes equality in employment at long last the law of the land.\nTitle X of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 establishes a Community Relations Service \"to provide assistance to communities and persons therein in resolving disputes, disagreements, or difficulties relating to discriminatory practices based on race, color, or national origin...\"\nEducation\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"We believe that America can meet its educational obligations only with generous federal financial support, within the traditional framework of local control. The assistance will take the form of federal grants to States for educational purposes they deem most pressing, including classroom construction and teachers' salaries. It will include aid for the construction of academic facilities as well as dormitories at colleges and universities.\n\"We pledge further federal support for all phases of vocational education for youth and adults; for libraries and adult education; for realizing the potential of educational television; and for exchange of students and teachers with other nations.\n\"As part of a broader concern for young people we recommend establishment of a Youth Conservation Corps, to give underprivileged young people a rewarding experience in a healthful environment.\"\nThe Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 provides $1.2 billion for college construction over a three-year period. Over 2,000 institutions are eligible to benefit from its provisions in helping them meet current enrollment increases of 350,000 students each year.\nThe Health Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963 will increase the number of professional health personnel through construction grants for health teaching facilities, and through low-interest student loans to assist up to 10,000 students of medicine, dentistry, or osteopathy to pay for their high-cost education.\nThe Vocational Education Act of 1963 authorizes a $956 million increase in Federal support for vocational education over the next five fiscal years —1964 through 1968. It is estimated that 7,000,000 students will be enrolled in vocational education in 1968, an increase of about 3,000,000 over present annual enrollment.\nLegislation approved in 1963, which increased authorization for loans to needy students for college education, will mean that in the coming school year approximately 280,000 students will be borrowing about $142 million from the loan funds to help pay for their higher education, as compared with 115,450 students borrowing $50,152,000 in 1960.\nIn the last three fiscal years, there have been grants of $153.1 million in Federal funds to the States for purchases of equipment and materials, and remodeling classrooms to strengthen instruction in science, mathematics, and modern foreign languages.\nA $32 million program of grants to help establish non-commercial educational television stations was approved in 1962. Thirty-seven grants have been approved, totaling $6.1 million—18 for new stations and 19 for expansion.\nThe Library Services and Construction Act of 1964 broadened Federal aid to cover urban as well as rural areas, and to provide construction grants in addition to other library services. The new legislation increased the authorization for Federal aid to develop libraries from $7.5 million to the present level of $25 million and included a new program of assistance for public library construction, with an appropriation for Fiscal Year 1965 of $30 million.\nThe Youth Conservation Corps envisioned by the 1960 proposal is provided for under Title I of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.\nNatural Resources\n\nIn 1960, we said—\n\"A thin layer of earth, a few inches of rain, and a blanket of air makes human life possible on our planet.\"\n\"Sound public policy must assure that these essential resources will be available to provide the good life for our children and future generations.\"\nAfter the 1960 election President Kennedy and President Johnson implemented this platform by a whole series of new conservation policies and programs, some of which emanated from the first White House Conference on Conservation called by any President since the 1908 conference called by President Theodore Roosevelt.\nDuring this Administration two historic conservation measures were enacted. These were:\nThe Wilderness Bill and the Land and Water Conservation Fund Bill which will together do more to help conserve outdoor America than any legislation passed in a generation.\nIn addition to this landmark legislation new emphasis has been placed on science as the modern midwife of conservation, and new impetus has been given across the board in the conservation of natural resources.\n\nIn the field of water conservation\nTwenty-one new major water resources projects have been authorized or started in the West;\nA high-water mark has been achieved in the annual level of national investment in water resource projects;\nThe saline water conversion effort has been quadrupled, and should achieve a dramatic cost-breakthrough during the next Administration.\n\nIn electric power\nEnding 16 years of argument, a bold plan was developed under President Johnson's personal leadership to interconnect the electric power systems of the Pacific Northwest and the Southwest, thus providing benefits for power users in 11 Western States; under this plan, construction will soon begin on the first direct current long-distance lines in the United States, stretching all the way from the Columbia River to Los Angeles—and a new era of public and private power cooperation will commence.\nFederal hydroelectric generating capacity has been increased by 2,600,000 kilowatts, and 5,150,000 kilowatts of non-Federal capacity has been licensed by the Federal Power Commission.\n3,350 miles of vital transmission lines have been added to Federal systems and about 25,000 miles of new transmission lines have also been built by non-Federal power systems.\nThe FPC has conducted a National Power Survey to encourage both public and private power companies to join in power pools which are bringing lower cost electricity to consumers throughout the nation.\nThe world's largest atomic electric power plant (at Hanford, Washington) was funded and will soon be generating as much power as two Bonneville dams.\nFederal REA loans have made it possible to open up the lignite coal fields of the Dakotas, and to exploit the coal fields of Western Colorado.\nIn addition, the Congress authorized the Delaware Basin Compact to permit the multi-purpose development of that river, and the Senate ratified the Columbia River Treaty which enables the joint U.S.-Canadian development of the full potential of that great river to begin later this year.\n\nIn outdoor recreation\nThe Congress created three superb new national seashores at Cape Cod (Massachusetts), Padre Island (Texas) and Point Reyes (California).\nPioneering a new park concept, Ozark Rivers National Riverways (Missouri) was established as the first river preservation national park in the Nation, and 12 other major new additions to the Park System were recommended for action by future Congresses.\nA Bureau of Outdoor Recreation was created. As a vital part of the war on poverty, during the next year, 20 thousand young Americans will set to work in conservation camps across the land tackling the big backlog of work in the land and water areas owned by all of the people.\n\nIn the conservation and development of mineral resources\nResearch helped coal production surge upward, and there were initiated a series of action steps (including activation of the huge Rifle, Colorado, research center) which will lead to the orderly development of the vast oil shale resources of the Colorado plateau.\n\nFor wildlife\nEnactment of the Wetlands Bill of 1961 made it possible to create more new Waterfowl Refuges (27) than during any previous four-year period in our history.\nThe Clean Air Act of 1963 is already providing the first full-scale attack on the air pollution problems that blight living conditions in so many of our cities.\nEnactment of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1961 launched the first massive attack on this conservation problem which has already resulted in 1,300 municipal waste treatment plans and the approval of projects that have improved the water quality in 18,000 miles of streams that provide water for 22 million people.\nCities and Their Suburbs\n\nIn 1960, we declared—\n\"A new Democratic administration will expand Federal programs to aid urban communities to clear their slums, dispose of their sewage, educate their children, transport suburban commuters to and from their jobs, and combat juvenile delinquency.\"\nThe Housing Act of 1961 marked the beginning of a new era of Federal commitment to the problems of a nation in which three-fourths of the population has come to live in urban areas.\nUnder that Act, funds available for urban planning grants were increased by $55 million and a new $50 million Federal grant program to assist localities in the acquisition of permanent open space land to be used as parks and playgrounds was established.\nThe Housing Act of 1961 and the Area Redevelopment Act of 1961 authorized public facilities loans of $600 million.\nThe Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act of 1961 launched a broad attack on youth problems by financing demonstration projects, training personnel in delinquency work, and providing technical assistance for community youth programs.\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"Federal aid for comprehensive metropolitan\ntransportation programs, including bus and rail mass transit, commuter railroads as well as highway programs and construction of civil airports.\"\nThe Housing Act of 1961 launched the first efforts to help metropolitan and other urban areas solve their mass transportation problems; 75 million in loans and demonstration grants were provided to States and localities to construct and improve mass transportation systems.\nThe Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 establishes a new long-range program for this purpose and authorizes $375 million in Federal grants, over 3 years, for capital construction and improvement which local transit systems cannot otherwise finance.\nTransportation\n\nIn 1960, we observed—\n\"Over the past seven years we have watched the steady weakening of the Nation's transportation system, and we noted the need for a national transportation policy.'\"\nThe National Transportation policy was enunciated in the first Presidential message ever to be sent to the Congress dealing solely with transportation.\nThe Highway Act of 1961 resolved the lagging problem of financing the 41,000 mile interstate highway program, and the finished construction rate has almost doubled.\nThe Federal Maritime Commission has been established as an independent agency to guard against prejudice or discrimination harmful to the growth of U. S. World Trade.\nThe Maritime Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce, was set up to give its full attention to promoting a vigorous policy of strengthening and modernizing our merchant fleet. Seventy big modern cargo and cargo-passenger ships have been added to the U.S. merchant fleet. The Savannah, the world's first nuclear-powered merchant ship, is now on her first foreign voyage.\nThe far-reaching decision has been made that the United States will design and build a supersonic air transport plane—and thereby maintain our leadership position in international aviation. Congress has provided $60 million for the development of detailed designs. Twenty airlines already have placed orders.\nOn August 13, President Johnson signed a new highway bill to provide better primary and secondary highways on a 50/50 basis with the states. In addition, it will support needed efforts to improve forest highways, public land roads and national park roads.\nScience\n\nIn 1960, we declared—\n\"We will recognize the special role of our Federal Government in support of basic and applied research,\" mentioning in particular Space, Atomic Energy, and Oceanography.\n\nSpace\nSince 1961, the United States has pressed vigorously forward with a 10-year, $35-billion national space program for clear leadership in space exploration, space use, and all important aspects of space science and technology.\nAlready this program has enabled the United States to challenge the early Soviet challenge in space booster power and to effectively counter the Soviet bid for recognition as the world's leading nation in science and technology.\nIn the years 1961-1964, the United States has Successfully flown the Saturn I rocket, putting into orbit the heaviest payloads of the space age to date.\nMoved rapidly forward with much more powerful launch vehicles, the Saturn IB and the Saturn V. The Saturn IB, scheduled to fly in 1966, will be able to orbit a payload of 16 tons; and Saturn V, scheduled to fly in 1967 or 1968, will be able to orbit 120 tons or send 45 tons to the moon or 35 tons to Mars or Venus.\nMastered the difficult technology of using liquid hydrogen as a space rocket fuel in the Centaur upper stage rocket and the Saturn I second stage—assuring American leadership in space science and manned space flight in this decade.\nSuccessfully completed six manned space flights in Project Mercury, acquiring 54 hours of space flight experience.\nSuccessfully flight-tested the two-man Gemini spacecraft and Titan II space rocket so that manned Gemini flights can begin late in 1964 or early in 1965.\nDeveloped the three-man Apollo spacecraft which will be able to spend up to two months in earth orbit, operate out to a quarter of a million miles from earth, and land our first astronaut-explorers on the moon.\nTaken all actions to conduct a series of manned space flights in the Gemini and Apollo programs which will give the United States some 5,000 man-hours of flight experience in earth orbit, develop U. S. capabilities for rendezvous and joining of spacecraft in orbit, and prove out man's ability to perform valuable missions during long stays in space.\nMade man's first close-up observations of another planet during the highly successful Mariner II fly-by of Venus.\nObtained the first close-up pictures of the moon, taken and relayed to earth by Ranger VII.\nInitiated an ambitious long-range program for scientific investigations in space utilizing large, versatile spacecraft called Orbiting Observatories for geophysical, solar and stellar studies.\nOperated the world's first weather satellites (Tiros).\nSet up, under the Communications Satellite Act of 1962, the Communications Satellite Corporation, which is well on the way to establishing a global satellite communications system to provide reliable, low-cost telephone, telegraph, and television services to all parts of the world.\nIn short, the United States has matched rapid progress in manned space flight with a balanced program for scientific investigations in space, practical uses of space, and advanced research and technological pioneering to assure that the new challenges of space in the next decade can also be met, and U. S. leadership maintained.\n\nAtomic Energy\nThe number of civilian nuclear power plants has increased from 3 to 14 since January 1961; and now the advent of economic nuclear power provides utilities a wider choice of competitive power sources in many sections of the country.\nThe world's largest nuclear power reactor, the Atomic Energy Commission's Production Reactor near Richland, Washington, achieved a controlled, self-sustained nuclear reaction on December 31, 1963.\nThe first deep-sea anchored, automatic weather station powered by nuclear energy has gone into unattended operation in the Gulf of Mexico, and the first lighthouse powered by nuclear energy flashes now in Chesapeake Bay.\nNuclear energy was extended to space for the first time in 1961. Compact nuclear generators supplied part of the power for instruments in two satellites, and in 1963 provided all of the power needs of two other satellites.\nVigorous support has been given to basic research in atomic energy. The world's highest energy accelerator, the AGS, has come into productive operation.\n\nOceanography\nFor the first time in history the United States is building a fleet expressly designed for oceanographic research. Since 1961, 29 ships have been completed or are currently under construction. Shoreside facilities and training programs have been established as part of a major government-wide effort, begun in 1961, to capture the enormous potential rewards of research in this area which until now have been almost as remote and inaccessible as space itself.\nGovernment Operations\n\n\"We shall reform the processes of government in all branches—executive, legislative, and judicial. We will clean out corruption and conflicts of interest, and improve government services.\"\nThis Administration has brought the personnel, morale, ethics, and performance of the Federal service to a point of high excellence. To accomplish this transformation it made improvements in a broad range of activities affecting the operation of the government.\nThe conflict of interest laws were strengthened by the first major revision in a century. The comprehensive new law eliminates ambiguities and inconsistencies in existing laws, and increases the range of government matters in which conflict of interest is prohibited. In addition, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order which established more rigid standards of conduct for Federal officials and employees.\nThe regulatory agencies were made more effective by reorganization programs and by the appointment of highly-qualified officials, dedicated to protecting the public interest.\nThe Department of Justice has cracked down effectively on organized crime under new anti-racketeering statutes, has uncovered and prosecuted important foreign spies, and has made progress toward more effective procedures for protecting the rights of poor defendants to bail and counsel.\nFederal Employee Organizations, many of which have existed for over half a century, were at last extended formal recognition under Executive Order 10988, issued by President Kennedy.\nThe Federal Pay Raise Act of 1964 updated the pay structure for Federal employees on a basis of equal salary rates for comparable levels of work in private industry. Completing the reforms initiated in the Act of 1962, it provided for long-needed increases in salary for top level Government administrators upon whom major responsibility for program results must rest. In President Johnson's words, this law established a basis for a standard of \"brilliance\" and \"excellence\" in the Federal Government.\nCongressional Procedures\n\nIn 1960, we urged action—\n\"To improve Congressional procedures so that majority rule prevails.\"\nIn 1961, the House Rules Committee was enlarged from 12 to 15 members, making it more representative of the views of the majority, and thereby enabling much important legislation to be reported to the floor for a vote by the entire House membership.\nIn 1964, for the first time in history, the Senate voted to limit debate on a civil rights measure, thus permitting the Civil Rights Act to come to a vote, and thereby to be enacted.\nConsumers\n\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"Effective Government representation and protection\" for consumers.\nIn 1962, President Kennedy became the first Chief Executive to send a message to Congress on consumer matters.\nThis Executive action was closely followed by the creation of a Consumer Advisory Council.\nIn 1964, President Johnson appointed the first Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs, and created a new President's Committee on Consumer Interests.\nThe Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments of 1962 were the most far-reaching improvements in the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act since 1938. Under these amendments:\nEffective legal tools were provided to insure greater safety in connection with the manufacture, distribution and use of drugs.\nVital safeguards were added for drug research and manufacture.\nInterstate distribution of new drugs for testing was barred until an adequate plan of investigation was made available to the Food and Drug Administration.\nDomestic drug manufacturing establishments will now be required to register annually and be inspected by the FDA at least once a year.\nThe Administration has vigorously supported Truth-in-Lending, Truth-in-Packaging, and Truth-in-Securities bills.\nThe titles of these bills explain their objectives. Together, they form a triple armor of protection: for buyers of packaged goods, from prevailing deceptive practices; for borrowers of money, from hidden and unscrupulous interest and carrying charges; and for investors in securities from unfair practices threatening to vital savings. The first two bills are still awaiting Congressional action; the third is now a law.\nThe upward spiral in the price of natural gas which took place in the decade of the 1950's has been halted by vigorous regulatory action of the Federal Power Commission and the nation's 36 million consumers of natural gas have benefited from rate reductions and refunds in excess of $600 million. Natural gas moving largely in interstate pipelines now supplies almost a third of the nation's energy requirements. Regulation to insure its availability in ample supply and at reasonable prices is an important consumer protection function which is now being effectively discharged.\nVeterans Affairs\n\nIn 1960, we proposed—\n\"Adequate compensation for those with service-connected disabilities,\" and \"pensions adequate for a full and dignified life for disabled and distressed veterans and for needy survivors of deceased veterans.\"\nSince 1961, we have achieved:\nIncreased disability payments for veterans with service-connected disabilities. In the first year alone, this increase provided veterans with additional payments of about $98 million.\nAn increase of about 10 percent a month in the compensation for widows, children, and parents of veterans who died of service-connected disabilities.\nAn increase from $112 to $150 a month in the dependency and indemnity compensation payable to widows of veterans who died of service-connected disabilities.\nIncreased compensation benefits to veterans disabled by blindness, deafness, and kidney disorders, and increased benefits to widows and orphans of veterans whose deaths were service-connected.\nIn 1960, we endorsed—\n\"Expanded programs of vocational rehabilitation for disabled veterans, and education for orphans of servicemen.\"\nSince 1961, vocational rehabilitation and training has enabled thousands of GI's to choose occupations and acquire valuable training. For the first time, veterans with peacetime service-connected disabilities have been afforded vocational rehabilitation training. In addition, vocational rehabilitation was extended to blinded World War II and Korean conflict veterans, and war orphans' educational assistance was extended in behalf of certain reservists called to active duty.\nIn 1960, we stated—\n\"The quality of medical care furnished to the disabled veterans has deteriorated .... We shall work for all increased availability of facilities for all veterans in need and we shall move with particular urgency to fulfill the need for expanded domiciliary and nursing-home facilities.\"\nSince 1961, we have—\nApproved the construction of new, modern hospitals, a number of which are being built near medical schools to improve veterans' care and research.\nAdded more full-time doctors to the VA staff, bringing it to an all-time high of nearly 5,000.\nProvided hospital and medical care, including out-patient treatment, to peacetime ex-servicemen for service-connected disabilities on the same basis furnished war veterans.\nStepped up medical research programs, which have made outstanding contributions to American medicine.\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"We shall continue the veterans home loan guarantee and direct loan programs and education benefits patterned after the GI Bill of Rights.\"\nSince 1961, legislation has extended veterans home loans for both World War II and Korean conflict veterans. The GI Bill of Rights for Korean veterans was also extended for the benefit of certain reservists called to active duty.\nDespite this considerably increased activity, the Veterans Administration has reduced its operating costs.\nAmerican Indians\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"Prompt adoption of a program to assist Indian tribes in the full development of their human and natural resources and to advance the health, education and economic well-being of Indian citizens while preserving their cultural heritage.\"\nIn these 3 1/2 years:\nNew classrooms have been provided for more than 7,000 Indian children; summer educational programs have been expanded tenfold so they now serve more than 20,000 students; and a special institute to train artistically gifted Indian youth has been established.\nIndian enrollment in vocational training programs has been doubled.\nFor the first time in history, Federal low-rent housing programs have been launched on Indian reservations, and more than 3,100 new housing units have now been authorized.\nIndustrial plants offering employment opportunities for thousands of Indians are being opened on Indian reservations.\nAccelerated Public Works projects on 89 reservations in 21 States have provided nearly 30,000 man-months of employment.\nThe Vocational Education Act and the Adult Indian Vocational Training Act have been amended to provide improved training for Indians.\nThe Arts\n\nIn 1960, we observed—\n\"The arts flourish where there is freedom and where individual initiative and imagination are encouraged.\"\nNo single quality of the new Administration was more immediately evident to the Nation and the world than the recognition it gave to American artists.\nPresident Kennedy early created an advisory commission to assist in the growth and development of the arts, and the Administration secured amendments to the Educational and Cultural Exchange Act to improve the quality and effectiveness of the international educational and cultural exchange programs. This past year, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts was established to stimulate widespread interest in the arts.\nOn Washington's Birthday 1963, President Kennedy, by Executive Order, created a new Presidential Medal of Freedom as the highest civil honor conferred by the President in peace time upon persons who have made distinctive contributions to the security and national interest of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural activities. Henceforth, those men and women selected by the President for the Medal will be announced annually on the Fourth of July and will be presented with medals at an appropriate White House ceremony.\nIn his address to the University of Michigan in May 1964, President Johnson proposed that we begin to build the Great Society first of all in the cities of America, restoring the beauty and dignity which urban centers have lost.\nThat same month the President's Council on Pennsylvania Avenue presented to him a sweeping proposal for the reconstruction of the center of the City of Washington. The proposal has been hailed as \"a blueprint for glory . . . a realistic and far-seeing redevelopment scheme that may be Washington's last chance to save its 'Avenue of Presidents.'\"\nCivil Liberties\n\nIn 1960, we reaffirmed—\n\"Our dedication to the Bill of Rights. Freedom and civil liberties, far from being incompatible with security, are vital to our national strength.\"\nThe era of fear and suspicion brought on by accusations, true and false, of subversive activities and security risks has passed. The good sense of the American people, and the overwhelming loyalty of our citizenry have combined to restore balance and calm to security activities, without in any way diminishing the scope or effectiveness of those activities.\nThe Administration has jealously guarded the right of each American to protect his good name. Except in those instances where the national security is overriding, confrontation of the accuser is now required in all loyalty hearings. Individuals whose loyalty is being questioned must also be notified of the charges in sufficient time for them to prepare their defense.\nFiscal Responsibility\n\nIn 1960, we promised—\n\"We shall end the gross waste in Federal expenditures which needlessly raises the budgets of many Government agencies.\"\nSince 1961, we have moved boldly and directly to eliminate waste and duplication wherever it occurs.\nFor example, the Department of Defense has embarked on a far-reaching program to realize savings through improvements in its efficiency and management. This program has already produced savings of more than $1 billion in Fiscal Year 1963 and $2.5 billion in the Fiscal Year just completed. By 1964, it is expected that the program will produce yearly savings of over $4 billion.\nAt the close of the past Fiscal Year Federal employment had been reduced by 22,000 over the total one year earlier. The 1965 budget calls for lower expenditures than in the preceding year—only the second time such a feat has been accomplished in the past 10 years. In 1960, we pledged—\n\"We shall collect the billions in taxes which are owed to the Federal Government but are not now collected.\"\nTo handle additional work in income tax collection, 3,971 new employees were added to the Internal Revenue Service by the Congress in fiscal 1961; 2,817 new positions were added in fiscal 1963; and about 1,000 more in fiscal 1964. The additional revenue which these employees will produce will far exceed the cost of their employment.\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"We shall close the loopholes in the tax laws by which certain privileged groups legally escape their fair share of taxation.\"\nThe Revenue Acts of 1962 and 1964 eliminated more loopholes than all the revenue legislation from 1941 to 1962 combined. They raised $1.7 billion annually in new revenue, nine times the sum raised in this manner during the 1953-60 period. These bills sharply limited expense account abuses, special preferences to U. S. firms and individuals operating abroad, escapes from taxation through personal holding companies and many other unjustified advantages.\nCivil Rights\n\nIn 1960, we pledged—\n\"We shall... seek to create an affirmative new atmosphere in which to deal with racial divisions and inequalities which threaten both the integrity of our democratic faith and the proposition on which our Nation was founded—that all men are created equal.\"\nThat pledge was made from the deepest moral conviction.\nIt was carried out on the same basis.\nFrom the establishment of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, under the chairmanship of the then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, on March 6, 1961 to this moment, the efforts of the Administration to provide full and equal civil rights for all Americans have never relaxed.\nThe high point of achievement in this effort was reached with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the greatest civil rights measure in the history of the American people.\nThis landmark of our Democracy bars discrimination in the use of public accommodations, in employment, and in the administering of Federally-assisted programs. It makes available effective procedures for assuring the right to vote in Federal elections, directs Federal technical and financial assistance to local public school systems in desegregation, and strengthens the Civil Rights Commission. This comprehensive legislation resolves many of the festering conflicts which had been a source of irritating uncertainty, and smoothes the way for favorable resolution of these problems.\nWe have also insisted upon non-discrimination in apprenticeship, and have made free, unsegregated access a condition for Federal financial assistance to public libraries, programs for training of teachers of the handicapped, counseling, guidance and foreign language institutes, adult civil defense classes, and manpower development and training programs.\nIn supporting construction of Hill-Burton hospitals, mental retardation and community health facilities, we have required non-discrimination in admission and provision of services and granting of staff privileges.\nWe have been equally firm in opposing any policy of quotas or \"discrimination in reverse,\" and all other arbitrary or irrelevant distinctions in American life.\nThis, then, is the accounting of our stewardship. The 1960 platform was not directed to any one sector or group of Americans with particular interests.\nIt proclaimed, rather, the Rights of Man.\nThe platform asserted the essential fact of that moment in our history—that the next administration to take office would face as never before the \"responsibility and opportunity to call forth the greatness of the American people.\"\nThat responsibility was met; that opportunity was seized, The years since have been times of towering achievement.\nWe are proud to have been a part of this history. The task of leadership is to lead, and that has been our purpose. But the achievements of the nation over this period outreach the contribution of any party; they are the work of the American people.\nIn the 1,000 days of John F. Kennedy, in the eventful and culminating months of Lyndon B. Johnson, there has been born a new American greatness.\nLet us continue.", "Words" -> 19967, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1167, "of" -> 922, "and" -> 768, "to" -> 630, "in" -> 469, "for" -> 307, "a" -> 246, "The" -> 190, "our" -> 148, "has" -> 146, "have" -> 140, "by" -> 118, "In" -> 117, "we" -> 116, "that" -> 115, "will" -> 111, "been" -> 110, "on" -> 107, "is" -> 103, "with" -> 96, "be" -> 94, "We" -> 93, "as" -> 91, "which" -> 79, "1961" -> 76, "Act" -> 74, "1960" -> 73, "are" -> 72, "from" -> 71, "new" -> 70, "million" -> 70, "or" -> 69, "an" -> 65, "program" -> 63, "Federal" -> 61, "their" -> 59, "was" -> 58, "this" -> 58, "more" -> 58, "than" -> 57, "American" -> 57, "all" -> 56, "States" -> 54, "1964" -> 54, "at" -> 50, "programs" -> 48, "must" -> 46, "United" -> 45, "President" -> 45, "first" -> 45, "people" -> 42, "now" -> 40, "years" -> 39, "were" -> 38, "national" -> 38, "its" -> 36, "year" -> 35, "world" -> 35, "development" -> 35, "billion" -> 35, "public" -> 34, "it" -> 34, "increased" -> 34, "assistance" -> 34, "employment" -> 33, "space" -> 31, "not" -> 31, "economic" -> 31, "work" -> 30, "under" -> 30, "power" -> 30, "percent" -> 30, "increase" -> 29, "1962" -> 29, "training" -> 28, "other" -> 28, "Administration" -> 27, "who" -> 26, "research" -> 26, "over" -> 26, "nuclear" -> 26, "housing" -> 26, "government" -> 26, "can" -> 26, "A" -> 26, "1963" -> 26, "time" -> 25, "through" -> 25, "Since" -> 25, "projects" -> 25, "nation" -> 25, "made" -> 25, "every" -> 25, "construction" -> 25, "any" -> 25, "provide" -> 24, "proposed" -> 24, "peace" -> 24, "families" -> 23, "veterans" -> 22, "since" -> 22, "provided" -> 22, "free" -> 22, "education" -> 22, "benefits" -> 22, "areas" -> 22, "support" -> 21, "shall" -> 21, "resources" -> 21, "rate" -> 21, "policy" -> 21, "full" -> 21, "freedom" -> 21, "aid" -> 21, "workers" -> 20, "should" -> 20, "It" -> 20, "income" -> 20, "use" -> 19, "many" -> 19, "January" -> 19, "including" -> 19, "history" -> 19, "health" -> 19, "grants" -> 19, "facilities" -> 19, "continue" -> 19, "children" -> 19, "America" -> 19, "about" -> 19, "U" -> 18, "those" -> 18, "This" -> 18, "S." -> 18, "private" -> 18, "interest" -> 18, "help" -> 18, "foreign" -> 18, "equal" -> 18, "business" -> 18, "To" -> 17, "these" -> 17, "security" -> 17, "past" -> 17, "men" -> 17, "local" -> 17, "legislation" -> 17, "Kennedy" -> 17, "jobs" -> 17, "but" -> 17, "against" -> 17, "up" -> 16, "them" -> 16, "so" -> 16, "services" -> 16, "providing" -> 16, "provides" -> 16, "opportunity" -> 16, "loans" -> 16, "leadership" -> 16, "Johnson" -> 16, "established" -> 16, "efforts" -> 16, "economy" -> 16, "Communist" -> 16, "care" -> 16, "such" -> 15, "rights" -> 15, "problems" -> 15, "one" -> 15, "nations" -> 15, "level" -> 15, "land" -> 15, "had" -> 15, "Government" -> 15, "Cuba" -> 15, "Congress" -> 15, "also" -> 15, "they" -> 14, "there" -> 14, "special" -> 14, "Soviet" -> 14, "persons" -> 14, "National" -> 14, "living" -> 14, "further" -> 14, "forces" -> 14, "fiscal" -> 14, "during" -> 14, "cost" -> 14, "Americans" -> 14, "3" -> 14, "women" -> 13, "without" -> 13, "upon" -> 13, "system" -> 13, "small" -> 13, "race" -> 13, "purpose" -> 13, "pledged" -> 13, "period" -> 13, "only" -> 13, "One" -> 13, "number" -> 13, "military" -> 13, "major" -> 13, "law" -> 13, "into" -> 13, "human" -> 13, "home" -> 13, "extended" -> 13, "expansion" -> 13, "countries" -> 13, "control" -> 13, "citizens" -> 13, "being" -> 13, "available" -> 13, "authorized" -> 13, "after" -> 13, "added" -> 13, "World" -> 12, "well" -> 12, "water" -> 12, "us" -> 12, "urban" -> 12, "strength" -> 12, "rural" -> 12, "Rights" -> 12, "policies" -> 12, "out" -> 12, "Our" -> 12, "months" -> 12, "Health" -> 12, "funds" -> 12, "financial" -> 12, "farm" -> 12, "essential" -> 12, "down" -> 12, "discrimination" -> 12, "conservation" -> 12, "arms" -> 12, "already" -> 12, "1/2" -> 12, "young" -> 11, "would" -> 11, "total" -> 11, "share" -> 11, "responsibility" -> 11, "Program" -> 11, "pledge" -> 11, "life" -> 11, "investment" -> 11, "growth" -> 11, "forward" -> 11, "Executive" -> 11, "educational" -> 11, "created" -> 11, "Corps" -> 11, "community" -> 11, "assure" -> 11, "action" -> 11, "weapons" -> 10, "wage" -> 10, "vocational" -> 10, "three" -> 10, "students" -> 10, "strengthen" -> 10, "some" -> 10, "social" -> 10, "school" -> 10, "right" -> 10, "rates" -> 10, "promote" -> 10, "price" -> 10, "Peace" -> 10, "part" -> 10, "needs" -> 10, "need" -> 10, "Nation" -> 10, "meet" -> 10, "medical" -> 10, "improve" -> 10, "important" -> 10, "Housing" -> 10, "goal" -> 10, "end" -> 10, "effective" -> 10, "develop" -> 10, "Democratic" -> 10, "country" -> 10, "Civil" -> 10, "assist" -> 10, "approved" -> 10, "annual" -> 10, "age" -> 10, "activities" -> 10, "where" -> 9, "way" -> 9, "War" -> 9, "war" -> 9, "two" -> 9, "transportation" -> 9, "trade" -> 9, "standard" -> 9, "same" -> 9, "progress" -> 9, "principles" -> 9, "possible" -> 9, "platform" -> 9, "Order" -> 9, "opportunities" -> 9, "missiles" -> 9, "make" -> 9, "July" -> 9, "Indian" -> 9, "improved" -> 9, "high" -> 9, "four" -> 9, "force" -> 9, "For" -> 9, "federal" -> 9, "fair" -> 9, "expanded" -> 9, "energy" -> 9, "create" -> 9, "consumer" -> 9, "Community" -> 9, "communities" -> 9, "Commission" -> 9, "come" -> 9, "brought" -> 9, "average" -> 9, "additional" -> 9, "12" -> 9, "world's" -> 8, "unity" -> 8, "units" -> 8, "unemployment" -> 8, "Trade" -> 8, "times" -> 8, "These" -> 8, "systems" -> 8, "service-connected" -> 8, "seek" -> 8, "savings" -> 8, "result" -> 8, "rehabilitation" -> 8, "record" -> 8, "products" -> 8, "President's" -> 8, "present" -> 8, "place" -> 8, "order" -> 8, "On" -> 8, "needed" -> 8, "Nations" -> 8, "modern" -> 8, "maintain" -> 8, "low" -> 8, "industry" -> 8, "industrial" -> 8, "II" -> 8, "higher" -> 8, "great" -> 8, "estimated" -> 8, "encourage" -> 8, "eliminate" -> 8, "effort" -> 8, "Economic" -> 8, "each" -> 8, "defense" -> 8, "cut" -> 8, "coverage" -> 8, "cooperation" -> 8, "Control" -> 8, "common" -> 8, "called" -> 8, "both" -> 8, "Berlin" -> 8, "believe" -> 8, "basis" -> 8, "based" -> 8, "As" -> 8, "another" -> 8, "amendments" -> 8, "aggression" -> 8, "addition" -> 8, "achieved" -> 8, "Western" -> 7, "welfare" -> 7, "unemployed" -> 7, "toward" -> 7, "Title" -> 7, "technology" -> 7, "taxes" -> 7, "tax" -> 7, "Security" -> 7, "said" -> 7, "recognition" -> 7, "Public" -> 7, "protect" -> 7, "production" -> 7, "prices" -> 7, "potential" -> 7, "pay" -> 7, "Opportunity" -> 7, "older" -> 7, "nursing" -> 7, "nearly" -> 7, "most" -> 7, "mortgage" -> 7, "mental" -> 7, "members" -> 7, "measures" -> 7, "lowest" -> 7, "loan" -> 7, "levels" -> 7, "less" -> 7, "laws" -> 7, "launched" -> 7, "last" -> 7, "insure" -> 7, "insurance" -> 7, "if" -> 7, "homes" -> 7, "he" -> 7, "good" -> 7, "given" -> 7, "Food" -> 7, "food" -> 7, "Fiscal" -> 7, "experience" -> 7, "establishment" -> 7, "enterprise" -> 7, "earth" -> 7, "early" -> 7, "disabilities" -> 7, "Development" -> 7, "costs" -> 7, "Continue" -> 7, "Committee" -> 7, "commitment" -> 7, "combat" -> 7, "college" -> 7, "civil" -> 7, "cities" -> 7, "building" -> 7, "before" -> 7, "balanced" -> 7, "attack" -> 7, "area" -> 7, "An" -> 7, "Amendments" -> 7, "air" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "abroad" -> 7, "youth" -> 6, "Year" -> 6, "vote" -> 6, "treaty" -> 6, "treatment" -> 6, "That" -> 6, "technical" -> 6, "take" -> 6, "strong" -> 6, "state" -> 6, "Social" -> 6, "service" -> 6, "science" -> 6, "Saturn" -> 6, "risen" -> 6, "reduced" -> 6, "recreation" -> 6, "received" -> 6, "reached" -> 6, "reach" -> 6, "protection" -> 6, "proposal" -> 6, "practices" -> 6, "poverty" -> 6, "point" -> 6, "per" -> 6, "Party" -> 6, "partnership" -> 6, "origin" -> 6, "orbit" -> 6, "offer" -> 6, "next" -> 6, "never" -> 6, "month" -> 6, "minimum" -> 6, "Mental" -> 6, "manpower" -> 6, "manned" -> 6, "lower" -> 6, "lost" -> 6, "long-term" -> 6, "long" -> 6, "Latin" -> 6, "labor" -> 6, "issued" -> 6, "international" -> 6, "individual" -> 6, "Increased" -> 6, "hospitals" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "highest" -> 6, "fear" -> 6, "family" -> 6, "ever" -> 6, "enable" -> 6, "electric" -> 6, "elderly" -> 6, "East" -> 6, "dollars" -> 6, "disabled" -> 6, "developed" -> 6, "Department" -> 6, "cultural" -> 6, "contracts" -> 6, "consumers" -> 6, "Conservation" -> 6, "certain" -> 6, "capacity" -> 6, "Bill" -> 6, "better" -> 6, "begin" -> 6, "basic" -> 6, "agencies" -> 6, "achieve" -> 6, "20" -> 6, "1,000" -> 6, "10" -> 6, "Youth" -> 5, "working" -> 5, "within" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "vital" -> 5, "violence" -> 5, "vigorous" -> 5, "uses" -> 5, "used" -> 5, "Union" -> 5, "understanding" -> 5, "tons" -> 5, "There" -> 5, "then" -> 5, "teachers" -> 5, "taken" -> 5, "strengthened" -> 5, "states" -> 5, "stated" -> 5, "standards" -> 5, "set" -> 5, "Service" -> 5, "scientific" -> 5, "schools" -> 5, "Rico" -> 5, "required" -> 5, "require" -> 5, "relations" -> 5, "recession" -> 5, "reasonable" -> 5, "range" -> 5, "raised" -> 5, "quality" -> 5, "Puerto" -> 5, "Progress" -> 5, "procedures" -> 5, "previous" -> 5, "powerful" -> 5, "political" -> 5, "personnel" -> 5, "peoples" -> 5, "payments" -> 5, "ourselves" -> 5, "operation" -> 5, "operating" -> 5, "open" -> 5, "necessary" -> 5, "natural" -> 5, "nation's" -> 5, "migrant" -> 5, "methods" -> 5, "measure" -> 5, "means" -> 5, "mass" -> 5, "management" -> 5, "lines" -> 5, "limited" -> 5, "just" -> 5, "jobless" -> 5, "integrity" -> 5, "insisted" -> 5, "initiated" -> 5, "House" -> 5, "governments" -> 5, "give" -> 5, "General" -> 5, "future" -> 5, "farmers" -> 5, "Facilities" -> 5, "Expansion" -> 5, "expanding" -> 5, "equipment" -> 5, "Equal" -> 5, "employees" -> 5, "emphasis" -> 5, "effectively" -> 5, "Education" -> 5, "domestic" -> 5, "directed" -> 5, "designed" -> 5, "democracy" -> 5, "Defense" -> 5, "decent" -> 5, "decade" -> 5, "day" -> 5, "Cuban" -> 5, "crisis" -> 5, "continued" -> 5, "Consumer" -> 5, "conflict" -> 5, "confidence" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "comprehensive" -> 5, "completed" -> 5, "compensation" -> 5, "companies" -> 5, "Communism" -> 5, "clear" -> 5, "challenge" -> 5, "centers" -> 5, "capital" -> 5, "benefit" -> 5, "begun" -> 5, "barriers" -> 5, "balance" -> 5, "almost" -> 5, "Agency" -> 5, "agency" -> 5, "Africa" -> 5, "adopted" -> 5, "achievements" -> 5, "able" -> 5, "5" -> 5, "42" -> 5, "1965" -> 5, "$2.5" -> 4, "$10" -> 4, "worth" -> 4, "worker" -> 4, "wherever" -> 4, "when" -> 4, "Welfare" -> 4, "waste" -> 4, "until" -> 4, "unions" -> 4, "Under" -> 4, "twice" -> 4, "Training" -> 4, "Total" -> 4, "together" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "throughout" -> 4, "threats" -> 4, "thousand" -> 4, "third" -> 4, "They" -> 4, "terms" -> 4, "technological" -> 4, "task" -> 4, "tactical" -> 4, "surpluses" -> 4, "supported" -> 4, "State" -> 4, "Standards" -> 4, "stability" -> 4, "spent" -> 4, "spacecraft" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "solve" -> 4, "society" -> 4, "skills" -> 4, "signed" -> 4, "sex" -> 4, "served" -> 4, "serve" -> 4, "Rural" -> 4, "role" -> 4, "rocket" -> 4, "river" -> 4, "Revenue" -> 4, "revenue" -> 4, "retraining" -> 4, "retardation" -> 4, "resulted" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "response" -> 4, "requires" -> 4, "requirements" -> 4, "regional" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "Redevelopment" -> 4, "rapidly" -> 4, "purposes" -> 4, "provisions" -> 4, "provision" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "processes" -> 4, "prevent" -> 4, "preceding" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "planning" -> 4, "personal" -> 4, "permit" -> 4, "performance" -> 4, "people's" -> 4, "peace-time" -> 4, "peaceful" -> 4, "passed" -> 4, "particularly" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "Over" -> 4, "organizations" -> 4, "office" -> 4, "Nuclear" -> 4, "No" -> 4, "no" -> 4, "New" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "Nation's" -> 4, "mutual" -> 4, "much" -> 4, "moved" -> 4, "More" -> 4, "miles" -> 4, "midst" -> 4, "merchant" -> 4, "medicine" -> 4, "maximum" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "makes" -> 4, "loyalty" -> 4, "long-range" -> 4, "later" -> 4, "largest" -> 4, "large" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "Johnson's" -> 4, "John" -> 4, "job" -> 4, "information" -> 4, "industries" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "independence" -> 4, "increasing" -> 4, "increases" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "I" -> 4, "hundred" -> 4, "hospital" -> 4, "historic" -> 4, "Hill-Burton" -> 4, "helped" -> 4, "handicapped" -> 4, "greatness" -> 4, "greatly" -> 4, "greatest" -> 4, "Forces" -> 4, "followed" -> 4, "flights" -> 4, "flight" -> 4, "fleet" -> 4, "five" -> 4, "find" -> 4, "fight" -> 4, "field" -> 4, "fewer" -> 4, "few" -> 4, "February" -> 4, "Fair" -> 4, "failed" -> 4, "extend" -> 4, "exists" -> 4, "establishing" -> 4, "establishes" -> 4, "era" -> 4, "equality" -> 4, "ensure" -> 4, "enacted" -> 4, "Employment" -> 4, "effectiveness" -> 4, "During" -> 4, "divisions" -> 4, "distribution" -> 4, "disarmament" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "developing" -> 4, "determined" -> 4, "demonstration" -> 4, "democratic" -> 4, "delinquency" -> 4, "declared" -> 4, "currently" -> 4, "credit" -> 4, "counter-insurgency" -> 4, "contributions" -> 4, "connection" -> 4, "concern" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "Columbia" -> 4, "color" -> 4, "collective" -> 4, "cause" -> 4, "cannot" -> 4, "By" -> 4, "businesses" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "build" -> 4, "broadened" -> 4, "broad" -> 4, "bring" -> 4, "bills" -> 4, "began" -> 4, "become" -> 4, "because" -> 4, "back" -> 4, "automation" -> 4, "authority" -> 4, "atomic" -> 4, "Atlantic" -> 4, "Asia" -> 4, "arts" -> 4, "arbitrary" -> 4, "Arab" -> 4, "annually" -> 4, "among" -> 4, "America's" -> 4, "Alliance" -> 4, "agriculture" -> 4, "agricultural" -> 4, "agreements" -> 4, "ago" -> 4, "admission" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "across" -> 4, "6" -> 4, "1968" -> 4, "16" -> 4, "1" -> 4, "$50" -> 3, "$2" -> 3, "written" -> 3, "Works" -> 3, "won" -> 3, "wildlife" -> 3, "widows" -> 3, "wholesome" -> 3, "while" -> 3, "West" -> 3, "well-being" -> 3, "Washington" -> 3, "Vocational" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "value" -> 3, "V" -> 3, "upward" -> 3, "unnecessary" -> 3, "Two" -> 3, "truth" -> 3, "Treaty" -> 3, "Transportation" -> 3, "transmission" -> 3, "transit" -> 3, "Today" -> 3, "today" -> 3, "ties" -> 3, "threat" -> 3, "thousands" -> 3, "thereby" -> 3, "testing" -> 3, "Test" -> 3, "television" -> 3, "sustained" -> 3, "supporting" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "Successfully" -> 3, "subversion" -> 3, "structure" -> 3, "streams" -> 3, "Strategic" -> 3, "stimulate" -> 3, "step" -> 3, "steady" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "Space" -> 3, "source" -> 3, "sound" -> 3, "soil" -> 3, "six" -> 3, "ships" -> 3, "sharply" -> 3, "seven" -> 3, "Services" -> 3, "series" -> 3, "senior" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "second" -> 3, "satellites" -> 3, "safe" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "rose" -> 3, "roads" -> 3, "rewards" -> 3, "reverse" -> 3, "Retardation" -> 3, "respect" -> 3, "resolving" -> 3, "reservations" -> 3, "rent" -> 3, "renewal" -> 3, "remove" -> 3, "refugees" -> 3, "reform" -> 3, "reductions" -> 3, "Red" -> 3, "recognize" -> 3, "recent" -> 3, "realistic" -> 3, "ratified" -> 3, "raise" -> 3, "qualified" -> 3, "put" -> 3, "purchasing" -> 3, "prudently" -> 3, "protecting" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "project" -> 3, "Programs" -> 3, "productivity" -> 3, "problem" -> 3, "privileges" -> 3, "priority" -> 3, "prevailing" -> 3, "preservation" -> 3, "prepared" -> 3, "Power" -> 3, "population" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "person" -> 3, "periods" -> 3, "People" -> 3, "Pay" -> 3, "party" -> 3, "participation" -> 3, "park" -> 3, "parity" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "overwhelming" -> 3, "outdoor" -> 3, "orphans" -> 3, "Organization" -> 3, "operations" -> 3, "officials" -> 3, "offensive" -> 3, "observed" -> 3, "objectives" -> 3, "objective" -> 3, "Now" -> 3, "non-discrimination" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "needy" -> 3, "near" -> 3, "Natural" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "moon" -> 3, "metropolitan" -> 3, "met" -> 3, "mentally" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "materials" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "March" -> 3, "manufacturing" -> 3, "man" -> 3, "majority" -> 3, "lunch" -> 3, "localities" -> 3, "libraries" -> 3, "legal" -> 3, "leaders" -> 3, "lead" -> 3, "larger" -> 3, "Korean" -> 3, "juvenile" -> 3, "June" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "Japan" -> 3, "Israel" -> 3, "involving" -> 3, "interstate" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "initiative" -> 3, "inflation" -> 3, "Indians" -> 3, "incomes" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "improvements" -> 3, "imports" -> 3, "ill" -> 3, "highways" -> 3, "highway" -> 3, "Hemisphere" -> 3, "helping" -> 3, "hate" -> 3, "Gulf" -> 3, "guarantee" -> 3, "growing" -> 3, "gross" -> 3, "Great" -> 3, "gold" -> 3, "giving" -> 3, "generating" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "Gemini" -> 3, "gas" -> 3, "fulfilled" -> 3, "friends" -> 3, "Freedom" -> 3, "forest" -> 3, "firmly" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "feed" -> 3, "favor" -> 3, "far-reaching" -> 3, "far" -> 3, "faith" -> 3, "face" -> 3, "extent" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "expand" -> 3, "excellence" -> 3, "example" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "Europe" -> 3, "especially" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "entire" -> 3, "enrollment" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "Energy" -> 3, "enabled" -> 3, "eliminated" -> 3, "eight" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "earnings" -> 3, "drugs" -> 3, "Drug" -> 3, "double" -> 3, "dollar" -> 3, "do" -> 3, "District" -> 3, "displaced" -> 3, "disability" -> 3, "direction" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "developments" -> 3, "depressed" -> 3, "dependent" -> 3, "Democracy" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "December" -> 3, "deal" -> 3, "dangers" -> 3, "current" -> 3, "critical" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "creating" -> 3, "covered" -> 3, "Council" -> 3, "cotton" -> 3, "corporate" -> 3, "conventional" -> 3, "contribution" -> 3, "contribute" -> 3, "Construction" -> 3, "Congressional" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "commodities" -> 3, "commitments" -> 3, "command" -> 3, "Colorado" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "closely" -> 3, "close" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "Child" -> 3, "charges" -> 3, "change" -> 3, "challenges" -> 3, "century" -> 3, "causes" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "But" -> 3, "burden" -> 3, "budgets" -> 3, "budget" -> 3, "break" -> 3, "borrowing" -> 3, "bold" -> 3, "billions" -> 3, "below" -> 3, "belief" -> 3, "behalf" -> 3, "Because" -> 3, "became" -> 3, "bargaining" -> 3, "Ban" -> 3, "authorizes" -> 3, "authorization" -> 3, "August" -> 3, "attention" -> 3, "Atomic" -> 3, "At" -> 3, "Assistance" -> 3, "around" -> 3, "Army" -> 3, "Arms" -> 3, "Area" -> 3, "April" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "announced" -> 3, "amount" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "aged" -> 3, "again" -> 3, "After" -> 3, "affirmative" -> 3, "Advisory" -> 3, "active" -> 3, "achievement" -> 3, "account" -> 3, "access" -> 3, "Accelerated" -> 3, "abundance" -> 3, "ability" -> 3, "90" -> 3, "62" -> 3, "50" -> 3, "35" -> 3, "22" -> 3, "2" -> 3, "1953-60" -> 3, "19" -> 3, "18" -> 3, "17" -> 3, "14" -> 3, "13" -> 3, "12,000" -> 3, "11" -> 3, "100,000" -> 3, "100" -> 3, "$900" -> 2, "$800" -> 2, "$7.5" -> 2, "$6.1" -> 2, "$600" -> 2, "$275" -> 2, "$20" -> 2, "$1.7" -> 2, "$1.25" -> 2, "$1.1" -> 2, "$103" -> 2, "$1" -> 2, "your" -> 2, "you" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "Work-Training" -> 2, "Work-Study" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "Wilderness" -> 2, "widespread" -> 2, "White" -> 2, "Where" -> 2, "When" -> 2, "wheat" -> 2, "what" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "weather" -> 2, "watershed" -> 2, "Water" -> 2, "Washington's" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "want" -> 2, "voted" -> 2, "volunteers" -> 2, "Volunteer" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "Vietnam" -> 2, "Vice" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "versatile" -> 2, "Venus" -> 2, "Venezuela" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "valuable" -> 2, "utmost" -> 2, "utility" -> 2, "using" -> 2, "useful" -> 2, "urgently" -> 2, "urged" -> 2, "Urban" -> 2, "updated" -> 2, "University" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "Unemployment" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "twenty" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "Troika" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "trained" -> 2, "towards" -> 2, "totaling" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "too" -> 2, "Tonkin" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "three-year" -> 2, "themselves" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "terror" -> 2, "ten" -> 2, "Temporary" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "tariff" -> 2, "tactics" -> 2, "suspended" -> 2, "survivors" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "surely" -> 2, "Support" -> 2, "supplies" -> 2, "supplied" -> 2, "supplement" -> 2, "supersonic" -> 2, "suitable" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "substantially" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "strongest" -> 2, "stronger" -> 2, "strike" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "still" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "stations" -> 2, "start" -> 2, "Staff" -> 2, "staff" -> 2, "squadrons" -> 2, "spring" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "spending" -> 2, "speed" -> 2, "Special" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "solely" -> 2, "Society" -> 2, "smoking" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "significant" -> 2, "short" -> 2, "ship" -> 2, "she" -> 2, "sent" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "send" -> 2, "self-help" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "self-determination" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "sector" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "seashores" -> 2, "search" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "scheduled" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "Satellite" -> 2, "salary" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "River" -> 2, "riots" -> 2, "rewarding" -> 2, "revised" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "retired" -> 2, "retarded" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "resulting" -> 2, "restraint" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "responded" -> 2, "respected" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "resource" -> 2, "resolved" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "reservists" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "representing" -> 2, "representation" -> 2, "reported" -> 2, "Report" -> 2, "rental" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "relationship" -> 2, "regulatory" -> 2, "regardless" -> 2, "Refugee" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "Reduction" -> 2, "reducing" -> 2, "reconnaissance" -> 2, "recommended" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "recognized" -> 2, "recessions" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "reaffirmed" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "raising" -> 2, "racial" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "quota" -> 2, "quite" -> 2, "quarters" -> 2, "quarter" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "Provided" -> 2, "Provide" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "profit" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "Price" -> 2, "preventing" -> 2, "prevented" -> 2, "pressed" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "Presidents" -> 2, "Presidential" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "Preserve" -> 2, "presented" -> 2, "prejudice" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "powered" -> 2, "Poverty" -> 2, "postwar" -> 2, "position" -> 2, "poor" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "Polaris" -> 2, "plants" -> 2, "Planning" -> 2, "planet" -> 2, "Plan" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "physically" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "percent—from" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "peacetime" -> 2, "parks" -> 2, "packaged" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "Overtime" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "overall" -> 2, "output" -> 2, "outflow" -> 2, "outer" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "others" -> 2, "organize" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "orderly" -> 2, "ordered" -> 2, "oppressed" -> 2, "operate" -> 2, "opened" -> 2, "Only" -> 2, "one-half" -> 2, "oil" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "offering" -> 2, "Offenses" -> 2, "Of" -> 2, "October" -> 2, "Oceanography" -> 2, "oceanography" -> 2, "object" -> 2, "OAS" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "non-Federal" -> 2, "nine" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "negotiations" -> 2, "negotiation" -> 2, "needless" -> 2, "nationwide" -> 2, "municipal" -> 2, "multi-purpose" -> 2, "Move" -> 2, "moral" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "moment" -> 2, "modernizing" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "missile" -> 2, "migratory" -> 2, "Middle" -> 2, "message" -> 2, "Medal" -> 2, "meant" -> 2, "meaning" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "Marshall" -> 2, "marked" -> 2, "Maritime" -> 2, "manufacture" -> 2, "man's" -> 2, "Manpower" -> 2, "man-months" -> 2, "mankind" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "Maintain" -> 2, "machine" -> 2, "Lyndon" -> 2, "low-cost" -> 2, "Low" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "Los" -> 2, "loopholes" -> 2, "longest" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "licensed" -> 2, "library" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "Legislation" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "learning" -> 2, "lawlessness" -> 2, "landmark" -> 2, "know" -> 2, "kilowatts" -> 2, "Khrushchev" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "Juvenile" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "Joint" -> 2, "Job" -> 2, "Jefferson" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "issues" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "investigations" -> 2, "International" -> 2, "intercontinental" -> 2, "intensive" -> 2, "insured" -> 2, "Insurance" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "Institute" -> 2, "inspected" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "Industrial" -> 2, "individuals" -> 2, "Index" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "Increase" -> 2, "included" -> 2, "incentives" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "impetus" -> 2, "illness" -> 2, "IB" -> 2, "how" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "Help" -> 2, "headed" -> 2, "half" -> 2, "hailed" -> 2, "guard" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "groups" -> 2, "greater" -> 2, "grant" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "goals" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "GI" -> 2, "Germany" -> 2, "generations" -> 2, "generation" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "furnished" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "full-time" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "Full" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "frequently" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "fourth" -> 2, "formed" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "fly" -> 2, "flourish" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "fish" -> 2, "firms" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "fighter" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "FHA" -> 2, "fast" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "failures" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "factors" -> 2, "F" -> 2, "extreme" -> 2, "Extended" -> 2, "explored" -> 2, "exploit" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "Expand" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "exercised" -> 2, "exchange" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "events" -> 2, "even" -> 2, "ethics" -> 2, "establishments" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "equity" -> 2, "enough" -> 2, "enhancement" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "Ending" -> 2, "End" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "encouraged" -> 2, "Encourage" -> 2, "Enactment" -> 2, "enables" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "employ" -> 2, "emphasize" -> 2, "emerged" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "eligible" -> 2, "Electrification" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "effects" -> 2, "Effective" -> 2, "Educational" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "drug" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "dollar's" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "distinctions" -> 2, "disruptive" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "Disarmament" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "dignified" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "diet" -> 2, "died" -> 2, "did" -> 2, "dictates" -> 2, "devoted" -> 2, "detailed" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "Despite" -> 2, "despite" -> 2, "desalinization" -> 2, "dependency" -> 2, "dentistry" -> 2, "Delinquency" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "dedication" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "deceptive" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "debate" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "days" -> 2, "crop" -> 2, "crew" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "covenant" -> 2, "could" -> 2, "Cotton" -> 2, "cosmetics" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "conviction" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "contractors" -> 2, "Continuous" -> 2, "continuing" -> 2, "Continued" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "construct" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "considerations" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "conserve" -> 2, "confrontation" -> 2, "conflicts" -> 2, "confidently" -> 2, "Conference" -> 2, "conducted" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "compete" -> 2, "Compensation" -> 2, "compared" -> 2, "Compact" -> 2, "Communications" -> 2, "Commodity" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "comes" -> 2, "combined" -> 2, "combat-ready" -> 2, "collected" -> 2, "Cold" -> 2, "close-up" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "classrooms" -> 2, "civilization" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "City" -> 2, "Cities" -> 2, "chronically" -> 2, "Chinese" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "Chiefs" -> 2, "chiefs" -> 2, "changes" -> 2, "chance" -> 2, "central" -> 2, "center" -> 2, "Castro" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "captive" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "buyers" -> 2, "Buy" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "bureau" -> 2, "Building" -> 2, "broader" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "bombers" -> 2, "big" -> 2, "best" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "beauty" -> 2, "barred" -> 2, "ballistic" -> 2, "Bacon-Davis" -> 2, "B" -> 2, "averaging" -> 2, "Avenue" -> 2, "availability" -> 2, "Automation" -> 2, "authorizing" -> 2, "attacks" -> 2, "attacked" -> 2, "atmosphere" -> 2, "associates" -> 2, "asserted" -> 2, "Assembly" -> 2, "aspects" -> 2, "aspect" -> 2, "aside" -> 2, "Arts" -> 2, "Areas" -> 2, "approximately" -> 2, "Approved" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "appropriation" -> 2, "approach" -> 2, "Appalachian" -> 2, "Apollo" -> 2, "although" -> 2, "Already" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "all-time" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "Alert" -> 2, "aircraft" -> 2, "aids" -> 2, "aid-financed" -> 2, "aided" -> 2, "AID" -> 2, "Aid" -> 2, "Agricultural" -> 2, "agreement" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "advanced" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "adequately" -> 2, "Added" -> 2, "actively" -> 2, "Action" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "acquiring" -> 2, "accord" -> 2, "800%" -> 2, "80" -> 2, "75%" -> 2, "5.3" -> 2, "5,000" -> 2, "45" -> 2, "41" -> 2, "40" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "3,900,000" -> 2, "36" -> 2, "31" -> 2, "280,000" -> 2, "2.8" -> 2, "24" -> 2, "200,000" -> 2, "20,000" -> 2, "1961-1964" -> 2, "1959" -> 2, "1958" -> 2, "1950's" -> 2, "18,000" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "10988" -> 2, "100%" -> 2, "$98" -> 1, "$956" -> 1, "$9" -> 1, "$89" -> 1, "$87" -> 1, "$8.5" -> 1, "$687" -> 1, "$65" -> 1, "$630" -> 1, "$6.2" -> 1, "$61" -> 1, "$60" -> 1, "$55" -> 1, "$50,152,000" -> 1, "$500.5" -> 1, "$5" -> 1, "$4.6" -> 1, "$42" -> 1, "$40" -> 1, "$4" -> 1, "$3.9" -> 1, "$37.9" -> 1, "$375" -> 1, "$350" -> 1, "$340" -> 1, "$33" -> 1, "$32" -> 1, "$31.2" -> 1, "$3,000" -> 1, "$30" -> 1, "$2.9" -> 1, "$262" -> 1, "$25,000" -> 1, "$2,500" -> 1, "$25" -> 1, "$243.5" -> 1, "$227" -> 1, "$225" -> 1, "$19.2" -> 1, "$1,700" -> 1, "$153.1" -> 1, "$150,000,000" -> 1, "$15,000" -> 1, "$1,500" -> 1, "$150" -> 1, "$142" -> 1, "$1.3" -> 1, "$125" -> 1, "$120" -> 1, "$1.2" -> 1, "$1.14" -> 1, "$112" -> 1, "zeal" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "year—only" -> 1, "year—as" -> 1, "yearly" -> 1, "X" -> 1, "wrong—whether" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "work-study" -> 1, "workshop" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "worker's" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "wish—by" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "winter" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "willful" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wide-ranging" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "why" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "Wholesale" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "Wetlands" -> 1, "west" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "Well" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "Waterfowl" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "wasteland" -> 1, "war-heads" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "Wages" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "voyage" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "volunteered" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "voltage" -> 1, "vitalized" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "Vital" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "Vigorous" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "verified" -> 1, "Venezuela's" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "vegetables" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "VA" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "utilities" -> 1, "USSR" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "U.S.-Canadian" -> 1, "U.S." -> 1, "Uruguay" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "urgency" -> 1, "uranium" -> 1, "upstream" -> 1, "upper" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "unsurpassed" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unskilled" -> 1, "unshackle" -> 1, "unsegregated" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unrelenting" -> 1, "unprovoked" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unmasked" -> 1, "Unlock" -> 1, "unleashed" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unjustified" -> 1, "unjustifiable" -> 1, "universe" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "uninterrupted" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "unflagging" -> 1, "unfinished" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "undisclosed" -> 1, "underway" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "underprivileged" -> 1, "undermine" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "underemployed" -> 1, "Underdeveloped" -> 1, "underdeveloped" -> 1, "uncovered" -> 1, "unchecked" -> 1, "unchallenged" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "un-businesslike" -> 1, "unbroken" -> 1, "unbalance" -> 1, "unavoidably" -> 1, "unattended" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "unafraid" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "UN" -> 1, "Ultimately" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two-man" -> 1, "twisted" -> 1, "Twenty-one" -> 1, "twenty-four" -> 1, "Twenty" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "T.V.A." -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "Truth-in-Securities" -> 1, "Truth-in-Packaging" -> 1, "Truth-in-Lending" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "triple" -> 1, "tribes" -> 1, "Treaty—an" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transformation" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "trainees" -> 1, "Trained" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "towering" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "totalling" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "Today's" -> 1, "titles" -> 1, "Titan" -> 1, "Tiros" -> 1, "time-tested" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "tightened" -> 1, "Tight" -> 1, "tight" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "tidal" -> 1, "three-man" -> 1, "three-fourths" -> 1, "three-dimensional" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thoughtless" -> 1, "thoughtful" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "Thirty-six" -> 1, "Thirty-seven" -> 1, "thin" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "Then-Vice" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "textiles" -> 1, "Textile" -> 1, "textile" -> 1, "Texas" -> 1, "tested" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "Term" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tensions—with" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tense" -> 1, "tenfold" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "tells" -> 1, "tell" -> 1, "telegraph" -> 1, "teeth" -> 1, "technology—for" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "technologically" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "tax-users" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "tank" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "Taken" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "tackling" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "sword" -> 1, "swimsuits" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "sweep" -> 1, "Sustain" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "Survey" -> 1, "Surgeon" -> 1, "surge" -> 1, "surest" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "supported—and" -> 1, "superb" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "sugar" -> 1, "suffer" -> 1, "sudden" -> 1, "succession" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "successes" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "Suburbs" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "suburban" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsistence" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "subcontractors" -> 1, "studies" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "stroke" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strictest" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stretching" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "strategy" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "Stewardship" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "sterile" -> 1, "Stepped" -> 1, "stepped" -> 1, "Step" -> 1, "stellar" -> 1, "stealth" -> 1, "stays" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "Status" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "States—local" -> 1, "Starting" -> 1, "started" -> 1, "standardization" -> 1, "Stamp" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stagnant" -> 1, "stage—assuring" -> 1, "stage" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "Stability" -> 1, "SR-71" -> 1, "Sputnik" -> 1, "spoken" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "spies" -> 1, "spend" -> 1, "speeding" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "specially" -> 1, "Speaking" -> 1, "spartan" -> 1, "spans" -> 1, "Southwest" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "south" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solutions" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "Soil" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "sneakers" -> 1, "smoothes" -> 1, "smoldering" -> 1, "Smoking" -> 1, "smallest" -> 1, "slums" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "slowed" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "Short-term" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "Shortly" -> 1, "shortening" -> 1, "Shoreside" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shipments" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shared" -> 1, "shaped" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "sewage" -> 1, "severed" -> 1, "Several" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "Seventy" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "setback" -> 1, "Set" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "Senior" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "self-sustained" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-support" -> 1, "self-sufficiency" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "Selective" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "seized" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "seedbed" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "securities" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "Section" -> 1, "Secretary-General" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "Secretariat—with" -> 1, "Secretariat" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "seasonal" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "searching" -> 1, "seaborne" -> 1, "Sciences" -> 1, "sciences" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "schoolrooms" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scattered" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "SBA" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "Savannah" -> 1, "satisfy" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "satellite" -> 1, "sanitation" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "saline" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "salad" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "Russians" -> 1, "Russian" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "ruling" -> 1, "Rules" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruins" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "Romulo" -> 1, "rock" -> 1, "Riverways" -> 1, "Rivers" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "rim" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Right" -> 1, "rift" -> 1, "Rifle" -> 1, "Richland" -> 1, "richer" -> 1, "Reyes" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revitalization" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "revamp" -> 1, "reunited" -> 1, "reunion" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retire" -> 1, "retaliation" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restorative" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "restless" -> 1, "Resting" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "resource—our" -> 1, "Resort" -> 1, "resolves" -> 1, "Resolved" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "residual" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "re-settlement" -> 1, "resettled" -> 1, "Research" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "repulsed" -> 1, "Republics" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "Republican" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repealing" -> 1, "reorganized" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "reopened" -> 1, "renovation" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "Renewal" -> 1, "rendezvous" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "remodeling" -> 1, "remembers—the" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "remained" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "relayed" -> 1, "relaxed" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "related" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "re-introduced" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "Registration" -> 1, "registered" -> 1, "register" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "Regional" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "Regardless" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refunds" -> 1, "Refuges" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "refocus" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "Reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "referral" -> 1, "reduction—and" -> 1, "Reduced" -> 1, "Reduce" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "redevelopment" -> 1, "recruitment" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "Record" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "reconstructing" -> 1, "reconstituted" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "Recast" -> 1, "rebuffed" -> 1, "rebates" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "reality" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "Reactor" -> 1, "reactor" -> 1, "reaction—and" -> 1, "reaction" -> 1, "REA" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "rationed" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rash" -> 1, "Ranger" -> 1, "ranches" -> 1, "ranch" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "Raise" -> 1, "rain" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "Radiological" -> 1, "Radical" -> 1, "radiation" -> 1, "quiet" -> 1, "quickened" -> 1, "questioned" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarantine" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualities" -> 1, "qualify" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "Pursue" -> 1, "purpose—to" -> 1, "purpose—the" -> 1, "purposeful" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "purchased" -> 1, "Punta" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "PT" -> 1, "psychiatric" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protects" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "prospective" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "Prompt" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "proliferating" -> 1, "Project" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "progressed" -> 1, "Profits" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "Professions" -> 1, "Production" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "Procedures" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "primitive" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "Prices" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "prevails" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "president" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "Preparations" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "precepts" -> 1, "pre-Castro" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "post-graduate" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "population—an" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "pools" -> 1, "Pollution" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "Point" -> 1, "plutonium" -> 1, "plus" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "playgrounds" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "plateau" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "Plans" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "plane—and" -> 1, "Plains" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "placements" -> 1, "Place" -> 1, "pipelines" -> 1, "Pioneering" -> 1, "pioneering" -> 1, "pilots" -> 1, "pilot-plant" -> 1, "pilot" -> 1, "piled" -> 1, "pictures" -> 1, "picket" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "photographed" -> 1, "phasing" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "Persons" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "persecuted" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "Permit" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "period—the" -> 1, "Performing" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "percent—twice" -> 1, "percent—by" -> 1, "Percent" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Pension" -> 1, "penny" -> 1, "Pennsylvania" -> 1, "penetration" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalty" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peacemaker—with" -> 1, "peacekeeping" -> 1, "peace-keeping" -> 1, "peacekeeper" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "peaceably" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "payloads" -> 1, "payload" -> 1, "payers" -> 1, "payable" -> 1, "patterned" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "patients" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "Patient" -> 1, "Passamaquoddy" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "partisanship" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "Participation" -> 1, "participates" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "parents" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "parched" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "Padre" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "Ozark" -> 1, "owed" -> 1, "overriding" -> 1, "overnight" -> 1, "Overall" -> 1, "outstrip" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outset" -> 1, "outreach" -> 1, "outposts" -> 1, "out-patient" -> 1, "outlook" -> 1, "Outdoor" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "osteopathy" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organization—its" -> 1, "Organizations" -> 1, "organ" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "Orbiting" -> 1, "orbiting" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "Oppose" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "Opportunities" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operational" -> 1, "Operated" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "one-year" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "Offer" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "October-November" -> 1, "oceanographic" -> 1, "occurs" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "occupations" -> 1, "occasion" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "Obtained" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "Observatories" -> 1, "observations" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "obeyed" -> 1, "nursing-home" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "nuclear-powered" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notified" -> 1, "noted" -> 1, "Northwest" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "non-voting" -> 1, "non-tariff" -> 1, "nonfarm" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "non-Communist" -> 1, "non-commercial" -> 1, "non-agricultural" -> 1, "Nine" -> 1, "NIKE-X" -> 1, "nibble" -> 1, "neutralized" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neighborhoods" -> 1, "Neighborhood" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "Negotiations" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "needier" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "Near" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "Naval" -> 1, "NATO's" -> 1, "nation-wide" -> 1, "national-origins" -> 1, "national-origin" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narcotics" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "muster" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "multiple-use" -> 1, "multilateral" -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "Moved" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "mountain" -> 1, "motive" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "Mortgage" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "Money" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "momentous" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mode" -> 1, "mobilize" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mix-manned" -> 1, "Missouri" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "minister" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "million—18" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "mile" -> 1, "migrants" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "midwife" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "mid-1964" -> 1, "Michigan" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "meteorology" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "Mercury" -> 1, "merchandise" -> 1, "mentioning" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "megatonnage" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "medicines" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "medals" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "mean" -> 1, "meal" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "Maximum" -> 1, "maturity" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "mathematics" -> 1, "Maternal" -> 1, "matching" -> 1, "matched" -> 1, "Mastered" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "Massachusetts" -> 1, "Mass" -> 1, "marvel" -> 1, "Mars" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "Marketing" -> 1, "markedly" -> 1, "mark" -> 1, "Mariner" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "mankind—with" -> 1, "man-hours" -> 1, "manageable" -> 1, "Man" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintained—through" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "Made" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "low-interest-rate" -> 1, "low-interest" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "lot" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "long-needed" -> 1, "long-distance" -> 1, "Long" -> 1, "loneliness" -> 1, "logic" -> 1, "loaded" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "lived" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "lignite" -> 1, "lighthouse" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "Library" -> 1, "Liberties" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberalizing" -> 1, "liberalized" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "levy" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "Leoni" -> 1, "lengthened" -> 1, "length" -> 1, "leisure" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "led—efforts" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "learn" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "layer" -> 1, "lawless" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "laundry" -> 1, "launching" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "language" -> 1, "land—north" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "lakes" -> 1, "lake" -> 1, "lagging" -> 1, "lacks" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "laborers" -> 1, "laboratory" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "labeled" -> 1, "Ku" -> 1, "Korea" -> 1, "Kong" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "Klux" -> 1, "Klan" -> 1, "killers" -> 1, "kidney" -> 1, "Kerr-Mills" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kennedy's" -> 1, "Kefauver-Harris" -> 1, "Kashmir" -> 1, "junior" -> 1, "jumped" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "journey" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "jealously" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "it—pressed" -> 1, "itself—and" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "Isolation" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "irritating" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irrelevant" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "inter-ties" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "intermediate" -> 1, "inter-group" -> 1, "interfering" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "Interests" -> 1, "interconnect" -> 1, "intensity" -> 1, "Intensify" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "intact" -> 1, "Insurance—more" -> 1, "Instruments" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instrumental" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instituting" -> 1, "institutes" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "installations" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "innovative" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "Initiated" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "infantry" -> 1, "inexhaustible" -> 1, "inequity" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inequitable" -> 1, "inequalities" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "Individuals" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indicated" -> 1, "India's" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "index" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "indemnity" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "inconsistencies" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "incomparable" -> 1, "income-making" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "incited" -> 1, "inches" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "inadequately" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "inaccessible" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "Improved" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "impairs" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "Immediately" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "IL-28" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignorance" -> 1, "ideology" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "hydrogen" -> 1, "hydroelectric" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "Hundreds" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "HOUSING" -> 1, "housewives" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "housed" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "Hong" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "history—the" -> 1, "history—that" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "high-water" -> 1, "highly-qualified" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "high-cost" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Henceforth" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heaviest" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "hearings" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "healthful" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hard-pressed" -> 1, "hard-hit" -> 1, "hard-headed" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "Hanford" -> 1, "handled" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "handicapped—from" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "halls" -> 1, "habit" -> 1, "Guinea" -> 1, "guideposts" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guerrilla" -> 1, "guerilla" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "grow—for" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "Gross" -> 1, "Greatly" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "grains" -> 1, "Grain" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "graded" -> 1, "Governor" -> 1, "government-wide" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "good—the" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "glory" -> 1, "global" -> 1, "glasses" -> 1, "GI's" -> 1, "girl" -> 1, "gifted" -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "geophysical" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generators" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "General's" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "garment" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "Funds" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fully-enforceable" -> 1, "full-scale" -> 1, "fuller" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "Frustrated" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "frugal" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "Fringe" -> 1, "fringe" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedom—whether" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freedom's" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "FPC" -> 1, "four-year" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "founded—that" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "forum" -> 1, "Forty-nine" -> 1, "forty-nine" -> 1, "Forty" -> 1, "forty" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "Formosa" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forget—that" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "forerunners" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "forceful" -> 1, "foods" -> 1, "Following" -> 1, "fly-by" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flown" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flour" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flight-tested" -> 1, "flashes" -> 1, "Flag" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "five-year-old" -> 1, "five-year" -> 1, "Fitzgerald" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fishermen" -> 1, "First-rate" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "fired" -> 1, "finished" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fighter-bomber" -> 1, "Fifteen" -> 1, "FHA-insured" -> 1, "festering" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "federal—was" -> 1, "Federally-assisted" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "feat" -> 1, "fears" -> 1, "fearing" -> 1, "FDA" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "far-seeing" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "family-sized" -> 1, "falsehood" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "faculty" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "Faced" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "F-111" -> 1, "eye" -> 1, "extremism" -> 1, "extremely" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "ex-servicemen" -> 1, "expressly" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "expose" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "exported" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "explosives" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "explain" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedient" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "Expanded" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exhausted" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "executed" -> 1, "excise" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "Exchange" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "Except" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "ever-rising" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "eventful" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "Este" -> 1, "escapes" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "erase" -> 1, "equities" -> 1, "equips" -> 1, "equipping" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "envisioned" -> 1, "environment" -> 1, "enviable" -> 1, "envelops" -> 1, "enunciated" -> 1, "entrance" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "Enhance" -> 1, "engagement" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "endorsed" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended—by" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employees—a" -> 1, "Employee" -> 1, "employee" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "embraced" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "embarked" -> 1, "emanated" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "eliminates" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electrical" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "eight-year" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "economy—almost" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "east" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "duration" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "dry" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "dozen" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "dormitories" -> 1, "doomed" -> 1, "domiciliary" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "Division" -> 1, "division" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "disunity" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distribute" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinctive" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "dispose" -> 1, "disposable" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "discounting" -> 1, "discord" -> 1, "Disclosure" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disagreements" -> 1, "disadvantaged" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "directs" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "Direct" -> 1, "dining" -> 1, "diminishing" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "diagnostic" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "Developed" -> 1, "Deterrent" -> 1, "deterrent" -> 1, "determination—and" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "deteriorating" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "detecting" -> 1, "destroyers" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "design" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "desert" -> 1, "desegregation" -> 1, "depths" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "Depression" -> 1, "Depressed" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demonstrations" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "delinquents" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "Delaware" -> 1, "del" -> 1, "definition" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defendants" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "default" -> 1, "deep-sea" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "deeper" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decreasing" -> 1, "decoy" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "deceased" -> 1, "Decade" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "deafness" -> 1, "deaf" -> 1, "deadlock" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "dams" -> 1, "Dakotas" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "Currently" -> 1, "Current" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "cumulative" -> 1, "Cultural" -> 1, "culminating" -> 1, "Cubans" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "crucible" -> 1, "cross" -> 1, "Crop" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "crippling" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "Created" -> 1, "cracked" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courage—international" -> 1, "country—the" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "countering" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "cost-breakthrough" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "Cosmetics" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "Corporation" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "Cooperation" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contradicts" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contamination" -> 1, "consummate" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "consumables" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "constructing" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constituent" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "Consideration" -> 1, "considerably" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "consensus" -> 1, "conscious" -> 1, "Conquest" -> 1, "conquered" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "Congo" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conferred" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "composed" -> 1, "complications" -> 1, "Completing" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "complain" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "compassion" -> 1, "comparison" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "commuters" -> 1, "commuter" -> 1, "Communities" -> 1, "Communists—doubting" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "Commission's" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "commence" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "combining" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "colonies" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "Cod" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "clients" -> 1, "clearinghouse" -> 1, "clearest" -> 1, "cleaning" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "clean" -> 1, "classroom" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizens—particularly" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "citizen's" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "cite" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "chose" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "Chinese-Russian" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "Chesapeake" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "channeling" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "chairmanship" -> 1, "Chairman" -> 1, "certifying" -> 1, "ceremony" -> 1, "century—there" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "Centers" -> 1, "centered" -> 1, "Center" -> 1, "Centaur" -> 1, "ceilings" -> 1, "ceiling" -> 1, "ceaseless" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "caved" -> 1, "Castroism" -> 1, "Castro-inspired" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "Carry" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "cargo-passenger" -> 1, "cargo" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "Cape" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "calmly" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "call-up" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "caliber" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "by-passed" -> 1, "buyer" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "businessmen" -> 1, "businessman" -> 1, "bus" -> 1, "burned" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "bullet" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "budgeted" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "brokers" -> 1, "broad-gauge" -> 1, "brilliance" -> 1, "brightening" -> 1, "breeds" -> 1, "breathe" -> 1, "breakthrough" -> 1, "bread" -> 1, "branches—executive" -> 1, "boy" -> 1, "bountiful" -> 1, "boundless" -> 1, "borrowers" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "booster" -> 1, "Bonneville" -> 1, "boldly" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "boats" -> 1, "board" -> 1, "blueprint" -> 1, "bloc" -> 1, "blindness" -> 1, "blinded" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "blanket" -> 1, "Birthday" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "Birch" -> 1, "billion—since" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "bid" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "Between" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "Betancourt—the" -> 1, "best—and" -> 1, "benefiting" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "Benefit" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "Being" -> 1, "beds" -> 1, "beautiful" -> 1, "Bay" -> 1, "battlefield" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "Battered" -> 1, "basins" -> 1, "Basin" -> 1, "basically" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "bars" -> 1, "Bargaining" -> 1, "banned" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankrupted" -> 1, "ban" -> 1, "Baltimore" -> 1, "Balanced" -> 1, "bail" -> 1, "backs" -> 1, "backlog" -> 1, "b" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "awarded" -> 1, "awaiting" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "averaged" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "authorize" -> 1, "authorizations" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "attuned" -> 1, "Attract" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "astronaut-explorers" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assures" -> 1, "assuming" -> 1, "assumed" -> 1, "Assistant" -> 1, "Assist" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "assassin's" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "artistically" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "art" -> 1, "arsenal" -> 1, "arrived" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "armor" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "Armed" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "argument" -> 1, "ARA" -> 1, "Approximately" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "apprenticeship" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "Applications" -> 1, "Appalachia" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "Antitrust" -> 1, "antitrust" -> 1, "anti-racketeering" -> 1, "anti-guerilla" -> 1, "anti-ballistic" -> 1, "anti-American" -> 1, "Antarctic" -> 1, "answered" -> 1, "announcement" -> 1, "Angeles—and" -> 1, "Angeles" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "anchored" -> 1, "anarchy" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amounted" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "Amend" -> 1, "ameliorate" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "ambiguities" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "all—fulfill" -> 1, "All-Risk" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "allocated" -> 1, "allies" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "airports" -> 1, "airlines" -> 1, "airlift" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "AGS" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agitators" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "Aggression—deliberate" -> 1, "after-tax" -> 1, "aftermath" -> 1, "African" -> 1, "afraid" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "advocacy" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "advent" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "Adult" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administrations" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjusting" -> 1, "Adjust" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "address" -> 1, "additions" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "activation" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "across-the-board" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "Acquired" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievement—not" -> 1, "accuser" -> 1, "accusations" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "Accounting" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accounted" -> 1, "Accordingly" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "Access" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "accelerator" -> 1, "acceleration" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "acceded" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abolishing" -> 1, "ability—to" -> 1, "abate" -> 1, "A7A" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "89" -> 1, "87" -> 1, "85" -> 1, "81,000" -> 1, "8,076,422" -> 1, "80-20" -> 1, "8,000" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "79" -> 1, "78,000" -> 1, "78" -> 1, "7/8" -> 1, "77,838" -> 1, "7,762" -> 1, "77" -> 1, "75,000" -> 1, "750" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "72,400,000" -> 1, "7,000,000" -> 1, "7,000" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "6.8" -> 1, "6.5%" -> 1, "600" -> 1, "60%" -> 1, "5-year" -> 1, "580" -> 1, "58" -> 1, "5,705,000" -> 1, "550" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "54,000" -> 1, "54" -> 1, "5,150,000" -> 1, "512" -> 1, "50/50" -> 1, "50,000" -> 1, "50%" -> 1, "4.9%—compared" -> 1, "49" -> 1, "4.9" -> 1, "480" -> 1, "46" -> 1, "453,000" -> 1, "45%" -> 1, "44%" -> 1, "43" -> 1, "41,000" -> 1, "400,000" -> 1, "400" -> 1, "3O-year" -> 1, "3,971" -> 1, "38" -> 1, "37,327" -> 1, "3.6" -> 1, "35-billion" -> 1, "350,000" -> 1, "3/4" -> 1, "3,350" -> 1, "325" -> 1, "32" -> 1, "315" -> 1, "3,100" -> 1, "3,000,000" -> 1, "300,000" -> 1, "30,000" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "290,000" -> 1, "29" -> 1, "289" -> 1, "2,817" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "27" -> 1, "2.7%" -> 1, "2,600,000" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "2.6" -> 1, "2,500,000" -> 1, "25,000" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "240,471" -> 1, "23,000" -> 1, "22,000" -> 1, "21,000" -> 1, "21" -> 1, "208" -> 1, "2,000,000" -> 1, "2,000" -> 1, "200%" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "1967" -> 1, "1966" -> 1, "1964—an" -> 1, "1961—1964" -> 1, "1961-63" -> 1, "1957-60" -> 1, "1957" -> 1, "1956" -> 1, "1953" -> 1, "19.5" -> 1, "1949" -> 1, "1948" -> 1, "1941" -> 1, "1940's" -> 1, "1938" -> 1, "1930's" -> 1, "1908" -> 1, "1840" -> 1, "1,800" -> 1, "179" -> 1, "1,700,000" -> 1, "166,000" -> 1, "1,600,000" -> 1, "15-minute" -> 1, "15,000" -> 1, "150%" -> 1, "1.5" -> 1, "149" -> 1, "141" -> 1, "1/4" -> 1, "1,300" -> 1, "1.3%" -> 1, "12,500,000" -> 1, "125,000" -> 1, "12,500" -> 1, "120" -> 1, "118,000" -> 1, "118" -> 1, "115,450" -> 1, "11141" -> 1, "11114" -> 1, "110,000" -> 1, "1,100" -> 1, "10-year" -> 1, "101.0" -> 1, "101" -> 1, "100.4" -> 1, "10,000" -> 1, "0" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1960", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1960, "Date" -> DateObject[{1960, 7, 11}], "Text" -> "In 1796, in America's first contested national election, our Party, under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson, campaigned on the principles of \"The Rights of Man.\"\nEver since, these four words have underscored our identity with the plain people of America and the world.\nIn periods of national crisis, we Democrats have returned to these words for renewed strength. We return to them today.\nIn 1960, \"The Rights of Man\" are still the issue. It is our continuing responsibility to provide an effective instrument of political action for every American who seeks to strengthen these rights-everywhere here in America, and everywhere in our 20th Century world.\nThe common danger of mankind is war and the threat of war. Today, three billion human beings live in fear that some rash act or blunder may plunge us all into a nuclear holocaust which will leave only ruined cities, blasted homes, and a poisoned earth and sky.\nOur objective, however, is not the right to coexist in armed camps on the same planet with totalitarian ideologies; it is the creation of an enduring peace in which the universal values of human dignity, truth, and justice under law are finally secured for all men everywhere on earth.\nIf America is to work effectively for such a peace, we must first restore our national strength-military, political, economic, and moral.\nNational Defense\n\nThe new Democratic Administration will recast our military capacity in order to provide forces and weapons of a diversity, balance, and mobility sufficient in quantity and quality to deter both limited and general aggressions.\nWhen the Democratic Administration left office in 1953, the United States was the pre-eminent power in the world. Most free nations had confidence in our will and our ability to carry out our commitments to the common defense.\nEven those who wished us ill respected our power and influence.\nThe Republican Administration has lost that position of pre-eminence. Over the past 7 1/2 years, our military power has steadily declined relative to that of the Russians and the Chinese and their satellites.\nThis is not a partisan election-year charge. It has been persistently made by high officials of the Republican Administration itself. Before Congressional committees they have testified that the Communists will have a dangerous lead in intercontinental missiles through 1963—and that the Republican Administration has no plans to catch up.\nThey have admitted that the Soviet Union leads in the space race—and that they have no plans to catch up.\nThey have also admitted that our conventional military forces, on which we depend for defense in any non-nuclear war, have been dangerously slashed for reasons of \"economy\"—and that they have no plans to reverse this trend.\nAs a result, our military position today is measured in terms of gaps—missile gap, space gap, limited-war gap.\nTo recover from the errors of the past 7 1/2 years will not be easy.\nThis is the strength that must be erected:\n1. Deterrent military power such that the Soviet and Chinese leaders will have no doubt that an attack on the United States would surely be followed by their own destruction.\n2. Balanced conventional military forces which will permit a response graded to the intensity of any threats of aggressive force.\n3. Continuous modernization of these forces through intensified research and development, including essential programs now slowed down, terminated, suspended, or neglected for lack of budgetary support.\nA first order of business of a Democratic Administration will be a complete re-examination of the organization of our armed forces.\nA military organization structure, conceived before the revolution in weapons technology, cannot be suitable for the strategic deterrent, continental defense, limited war, and military alliance requirements of the 1960s.\nWe believe that our armed forces should be organized more nearly on the basis of function, not only to produce greater military strength, but also to eliminate duplication and save substantial sums.\nWe pledge our will, energies, and resources to oppose Communist aggression.\nSince World War II, it has been clear that our own security must be pursued in concert with that of many other nations.\nThe Democratic Administrations which, in World War II, led in forging a mighty and victorious alliance, took the initiative after the war in creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the greatest peacetime alliance in history.\nThis alliance has made it possible to keep Western Europe and the Atlantic Community secure against Communist pressures.\nOur present system of alliances was begun in a time of an earlier weapons technology when our ability to retaliate against Communist attack required bases all around the periphery of the Soviet Union. Today, because of our continuing weakness in mobile weapons systems and intercontinental missiles, our defenses still depend in part on bases beyond our borders for planes and shorter-range missiles.\nIf an alliance is to be maintained in vigor, its unity must be reflected in shared purposes. Some of our allies have contributed neither devotion to the cause of freedom nor any real military strength.\nThe new Democratic Administration will review our system of pacts and alliances. We shall continue to adhere to our treaty obligations, including the commitment of the UN Charter to resist aggression. But we shall also seek to shift the emphasis of our cooperation from military aid to economic development, wherever this is possible.\nCivil Defense\n\nWe commend the work of the civil defense groups throughout the nation. A strong and effective civil defense is an essential element in our nation's defense.\nThe new Democratic Administration will undertake a full review and analysis of the programs that should be adopted if the protection possible is to be provided to the civilian population of our nation.\nArms Control\n\nA fragile power balance sustained by mutual nuclear terror does not, however, constitute peace. We must regain the initiative on the entire international front with effective new policies to create the conditions for peace.\nThere are no simple solutions to the infinitely complex challenges which face us. Mankind's eternal dream, a world of peace, can only be built slowly and patiently.\nA primary task is to develop responsible proposals that will help break the deadlock on arms control.\nSuch proposals should include means for ending nuclear tests under workable safeguards, cutting back nuclear weapons, reducing conventional forces, preserving outer space for peaceful purposes, preventing surprise attack, and limiting the risk of accidental war.\nThis requires a national peace agency for disarmament planning and research to muster the scientific ingenuity, coordination, continuity, and seriousness of purpose which are now lacking in our arms control efforts.\nThe national peace agency would develop the technical and scientific data necessary for serious disarmament negotiations, would conduct research in cooperation with the Defense Department and Atomic Energy Commission on methods of inspection and monitoring arms control agreements, particularly agreements to control nuclear testing, and would provide continuous technical advice to our disarmament negotiators.\nAs with armaments, so with disarmament, the Republican Administration has provided us with much talk but little constructive action. Representatives of the United States have gone to conferences without plans or preparation. The Administration has played opportunistic politics, both at home and abroad.\nEven during the recent important negotiations at Geneva and Paris, only a handful of people were devoting full time to work on the highly complex problem of disarmament.\nMore than $100 billion of the world's production now goes each year into armaments. To the extent that we can secure the adoption of effective arms control agreements, vast resources will be freed for peaceful use.\nThe new Democratic Administration will plan for an orderly shift of our expenditures. Long-delayed reductions in excise, corporation, and individual income taxes will then be possible. We can also step up the pace in meeting our backlog of public needs and in pursuing the promise of atomic and space science in a peaceful age.\nAs world-wide disarmament proceeds, it will free vast resources for a new international attack on the problem of world poverty.\nThe Instruments of Foreign Policy\n\nAmerican foreign policy in all its aspects must be attuned to our world of change.\nWe will recruit officials whose experience, humanity, and dedication fit them for the task of effectively representing America abroad.\nWe will provide a more sensitive and creative direction to our overseas information program. And we will overhaul our administrative machinery so that America may avoid diplomatic embarrassments and at long last speak with a single confident voice in world affairs.\nThe \"Image\" of America\n\nFirst, those men and women selected to represent us abroad must be chosen for their sensitive understanding of the peoples with whom they will live. We can no longer afford representatives who are ignorant of the language and culture and politics of the nations in which they represent us.\nOur information programs must be more than news broadcasts and boastful recitals of our accomplishments and our material riches. We must find ways to show the people of the world that we share the same goals—dignity, health, freedom, schools for children, a place in the sun—and that we will work together to achieve them.\nOur program of visits between Americans and people of other nations will be expanded, with special emphasis upon students and younger leaders. We will encourage study of foreign languages. We favor continued support and extension of such programs as the East-West cultural center established at the University of Hawaii. We shall study a similar center for Latin America, with due consideration of the existing facilities now available in the Canal Zone.\nNational Policy Machinery\n\nIn the present Administration, the National Security Council has been used not to focus issues for decision by the responsible leaders of Government, but to paper over problems of policy with \"agreed solutions\" which avoid decisions.\nThe mishandling of the U-2 espionage flights—the sorry spectacle of official denial, retraction, and contradiction—and the admitted misjudging of Japanese public opinion are only two recent examples of the breakdown of the Administration's machinery for assembling facts, making decisions, and coordinating action.\nThe Democratic Party welcomes the study now being made by the Senate Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery. The new Democratic Administration will revamp and simplify this cumbersome machinery.\nWorld Trade\n\nWorld trade is more than ever essential to world peace. In the tradition of Cordell Hull, we shall expand world trade in every responsible way.\nSince all Americans share the benefits of this policy, its costs should not be the burden of a few. We shall support practical measures to case the necessary adjustments of industries and communities which may be unavoidably hurt by increases in imports.\nWorld trade raises living standards, widens markets, reduces costs, increases profits, and builds political stability and international economic cooperation.\nHowever, the increase in foreign imports involves costly adjustment and damage to some domestic industries and communities. The burden has been heavier recently because of the Republican failure to maintain an adequate rate of economic growth, and the refusal to use public programs to ease necessary adjustments.\nThe Democratic Administration will help industries affected by foreign trade with measures favorable to economic growth, orderly transition, fair competition, and the long-run economic strength of all parts of our nation.\nIndustries and communities affected by foreign trade need and deserve appropriate help through trade adjustment measures such as direct loans, tax incentives, defense contracts priority, and re-training assistance.\nOur Government should press for reduction of foreign barriers to the sale of the products of American industry and agriculture. These are particularly severe in the case of fruit products. The present balance-of-payments situation provides a favorable opportunity for such action.\nThe new Democratic Administration will seek international agreements to assure fair competition and fair labor standards to protect our own workers and to improve the lot of workers elsewhere.\nOur domestic economic policies and our essential foreign policies must be harmonious.\nTo sell, we must buy. We therefore must resist the temptation to accept remedies that deny American producers and consumers access to world markets and destroy the prosperity of our friends in the non-Communist world.\nImmigration\n\nWe shall adjust our immigration, nationality and refugee policies to eliminate discrimination and to enable members of scattered families abroad to be united with relatives already in our midst.\nThe national-origins quota system of limiting immigration contradicts the rounding principles of this nation. It is inconsistent with our belief in the rights of man. This system was instituted after World War I as a policy of deliberate discrimination by a Republican Administration and Congress.\nThe revision of immigration and nationality laws we seek will implement our belief that enlightened immigration, naturalization and refugee policies and humane administration of them are important aspects of our foreign policy.\nThese laws will bring greater skills to our land, reunite families, permit the United States to meet its fair share of world programs of rescue and rehabilitation, and take advantage of immigration as an important factor in the growth of the American economy.\nIn this World Refugee Year it is our hope to achieve admission of our fair share of refugees. We will institute policies to alleviate suffering among the homeless wherever we are able to extend our aid.\nWe must remove the distinctions between native-born and naturalized citizens to assure full protection of our laws to all. There is no place in the United States for \"second-class citizenship.\"\nThe protections provided by due process, right of appeal, and statutes of limitation, can be extended to non-citizens without hampering the security of our nation.\nWe commend the Democratic Congress for the initial steps that have recently been taken toward liberalizing changes in immigration law. However, this should not be a piecemeal project and we are confident that a Democratic President in cooperation with Democratic Congresses will again implant a humanitarian and liberal spirit in our nation's immigration and citizenship policies.\nTo the peoples and governments beyond our shores we offer the following pledges:\nThe Underdeveloped World\n\nTo the non-Communist nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America: We shall create with you working partnerships, based on mutual respect and understanding.\nIn the Jeffersonian tradition, we recognize and welcome the irresistible momentum of the world revolution of rising expectations for a better life. We shall identify American policy with the values and objectives of this revolution.\nTo this end the new Democratic Administration will revamp and refocus the objectives, emphasis and allocation of our foreign assistance programs.\nThe proper purpose of these programs is not to buy gratitude or to recruit mercenaries, but to enable the peoples of these awakening, developing nations to make their own free choices.\nAs they achieve a sense of belonging, of dignity, and of justice, freedom will become meaningful for them, and therefore worth defending.\nWhere military assistance remains essential for the common defense, we shall see that the requirements are fully met. But as rapidly as security considerations permit, we will replace tanks with tractors, bombers with bulldozers, and tacticians with technicians.\nWe shall place our programs of international cooperation on a long-term basis to permit more effective planning. We shall seek to associate other capital-exporting countries with us in promoting the orderly economic growth of the underdeveloped world.\nWe recognize India and Pakistan as major tests of the capacity of free men in a difficult environment to master the age-old problems of illiteracy, poverty, and disease. We will support their efforts in every practical way.\nWe welcome the emerging new nations of Africa to the world community. Here again we shall strive to write a new chapter of fruitful cooperation.\nIn Latin America we shall restore the Good Neighbor Policy based on far closer economic cooperation and increased respect and understanding.\nIn the Middle East we will work for guarantees to insure independence for all states. We will encourage direct Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, the resettlement of Arab refugees in lands where there is room and opportunity for them, an end to boycotts and blockades, and unrestricted use of the Suez Canal by all nations.\nA billion and a half people in Asia, Africa and Latin America are engaged in an unprecedented attempt to propel themselves into the 20th Century. They are striving to create or reaffirm their national identity.\nBut they want much more than independence. They want an end to grinding poverty. They want more food, health for themselves and their children, and other benefits that a modern industrial civilization can provide.\nCommunist strategy has sought to divert these aspirations into narrowly nationalistic channels, or external troublemaking, or authoritarianism. The Republican Administration has played into the hands of this strategy by concerning itself almost exclusively with the military problem of Communist invasion.\nThe Democratic programs of economic cooperation will be aimed at making it as easy as possible for the political leadership in these countries to turn the energy, talent and resources of their peoples to orderly economic growth.\nHistory and current experience show that an annual per capita growth rate of at least 2% is feasible in these countries. The Democratic Administration's assistance program, in concert with the aid forthcoming from our partners in Western Europe, Japan, and the British Commonwealth, will be geared to facilitating this objective.\nThe Democratic Administration will recognize that assistance to these countries is not an emergency or short-term matter. Through the Development Loan Fund and otherwise, we shall seek to assure continuity in our aid programs for periods of at least five years, in order to permit more effective allocation on our part and better planning by the governments of the countries receiving aid.\nMore effective use of aid and a greater confidence in us and our motives will be the result.\nWe shall establish priorities for foreign aid which will channel it to those countries abroad which, by their own willingness to help themselves, show themselves most capable of using it effectively.\nWe shall use our own agricultural productivity as an effective tool of foreign aid, and also as a vital form of working capital for economic development. We shall seek new approaches which will provide assistance without disrupting normal world markets for food and fiber.\nWe shall give attention to the problem of stabilizing world prices of agricultural commodities and basic raw materials on which many underdeveloped countries depend for needed foreign exchange.\nWe shall explore the feasibility of shipping and storing a substantial part of our food abundance in a system of \"food banks\" located at distribution centers in the underdeveloped world.\nSuch a system would be an effective means of alleviating famine and suffering in times of natural disaster, and of cushioning the effect of bad harvests. It would also have a helpful anti-inflationary influence as economic development gets under way.\nAlthough basic development requirements like transport, housing, schools, and river development may be financed by Government, these projects are usually built and sometimes managed by private enterprise. Moreover, outside this public sector a large and increasing role remains for private investment.\nThe Republican Administration has done little to summon American business to play its part in this, one of the most creative tasks of our generation. The Democratic Administration will take\nsteps to recruit and organize effectively the best business talent in America for foreign economic development.\nWe urge continued economic assistance to Israel and the Arab peoples to help them raise their living standards. We pledge our best efforts for peace in the Middle East by seeking to prevent an arms race while guarding against the dangers of a military imbalance resulting from Soviet arms shipments.\nThe Atlantic Community\n\nTo our friends and associates in the Atlantic Community: We propose a broader partnership that goes beyond our common fears to recognize the depth and sweep of our common political, economic, and cultural interests.\nWe welcome the recent heartening advances toward European unity. In every appropriate way, we shall encourage their further growth within the broader framework of the Atlantic Community.\nAfter World War II, Democratic statesmen saw that an orderly, peaceful world was impossible with Europe shattered and exhausted.\nThey fashioned the great programs which bear their names—the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan—by which the economies of Europe were revived. Then in NATO they renewed for the common defense the ties of alliance forged in war.\nIn these endeavors, the Democratic Administrations invited leading Republicans to full participation as equal partners. But the Republican Administration has rejected this principle of bi-partisanship.\nWe have already seen how the mutual trust and confidence created abroad under Democratic leadership have been eroded by arrogance, clumsiness, and lack of understanding in the Republican Administration.\nThe new Democratic Administration will restore the former high levels of cooperation within the Atlantic Community envisaged from the beginning by the NATO treaty in political and economic spheres as well as military affairs.\nWe welcome the progress towards European unity expressed in the Coal and Steel Community, Euratom, the European Economic Community, the European Free Trade Association, and the European Assembly.\nWe shall conduct our relations with the nations of the Common Market so as to encourage the opportunities for freer and more expanded trade, and to avert the possibilities of discrimination that are inherent in it.\nWe shall encourage adjustment with the so-called \"Outer Seven\" nations so as to enlarge further the area of freer trade.\nThe Communist World\n\nTo the rulers of the Communist World: We confidently accept your challenge to competition in every field of human effort.\nWe recognize this contest as one between two radically different approaches to the meaning of life—our open society which places its highest value upon individual dignity, and your closed society in which the rights of men are sacrificed to the state.\nWe believe your Communist ideology to be sterile, unsound, and doomed to failure. We believe that your children will reject the intellectual prison in which you seek to confine them, and that ultimately they will choose the eternal principles of freedom.\nIn the meantime, we are prepared to negotiate with you whenever and wherever there is a realistic possibility of progress without sacrifice of principle.\nIf negotiations through diplomatic channels provide opportunities, we will negotiate.\nIf debate before the United Nations holds promise, we will debate.\nIf meetings at high level offer prospects of success, we will be there.\nBut we will use all the power, resources, and energy at our command to resist the further encroachment of Communism on freedom — whether at Berlin, Formosa, or new points of pressure as yet undisclosed.\nWe will keep open the lines of communication with our opponents. Despite difficulties in the way of peaceful agreement, every useful avenue will be energetically explored and pursued.\nHowever, we will never surrender positions which are essential to the defense of freedom, nor will we abandon peoples who are now behind the Iron Curtain through any formal approval of the status quo.\nEveryone proclaims \"firmness\" in support of Berlin. The issue is not the desire to be firm, but the capability to be firm. This the Democratic Party will provide as it has done before.\nThe ultimate solution of the situation in Berlin must be approached in the broader context of settlement of the tensions and divisions of Europe.\nThe good faith of the United States is pledged likewise to defending Formosa. We will carry out that pledge.\nThe new Democratic Administration will also reaffirm our historic policy of opposition to the establishment anywhere in the Americas of governments dominated by foreign powers, a policy now being undermined by Soviet threats to the freedom and independence of Cuba. The Government of the United States under a Democratic Administration will not be deterred from fulfilling its obligations and solemn responsibilities under its treaties and agreements with the nations of the Western Hemisphere. Nor will the United States, in conformity with its treaty obligations, permit the establishment of a regime dominated by international, atheistic Communism in the Western Hemisphere.\nTo the people who live in the Communist World and its captive nations: We proclaim an enduring friendship which goes beyond governments and ideologies to our common human interest in a better world.\nThrough exchanges of persons, cultural contacts, trade in non-strategic areas, and other non-governmental activities, we will endeavor to preserve and improve opportunities for human relationships which no Iron Curtain can permanently sever.\nNo political platform promise in history was more cruelly cynical than the Republican effort to buy votes in 1952 with false promises of painless liberation for the captive nations.\nThe blood of heroic freedom fighters in Hungary tragically proved this promise a fraud. We Democrats will never be party to such cruel cultivation of false hopes.\nWe look forward to the day when the men and women of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania, and the other captive nations will stand again in freedom and justice. We will hasten, by every honorable and responsible means, the arrival of the day.\nWe shall never accept any deal or arrangement which acquiesces in the present subjugation of these peoples.\nWe deeply regret that the policies and actions of the Government of Communist China have interrupted the generations of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples.\nWe reaffirm our pledge of determined opposition to the present admission of Communist China to the United Nations.\nAlthough normal diplomatic relations between our Governments are impossible under present conditions, we shall welcome any evidence that the Chinese Communist Government is genuinely prepared to create a new relationship based on respect for international obligations, including the release of American prisoners.\nWe will continue to make every effort to effect the release of American citizens and servicemen now unjustly imprisoned in Communist China and elsewhere in the Communist empire.\nThe United Nations\n\nTo all our fellow members of the United Nations: We shall strengthen our commitments in this, our great continuing institution for conciliation and the growth of a world community.\nThrough the machinery of the United Nations, we shall work for disarmament, the establishment of an international police force, the strengthening of the World Court, and the establishment of world law.\nWe shall propose the bolder and more effective use of the specialized agencies to promote the world's economic and social development.\nGreat Democratic Presidents have taken the lead in the effort to unite the nations of the world in an international organization to assure world peace with justice under law.\nThe League of Nations, conceived by Woodrow Wilson, was doomed by Republican defeat of United States participation.\nThe United Nations, sponsored by Franklin Roosevelt, has become the one place where representatives of the rival systems and interests which divide the world can and do maintain continuous contact.\nThe United States' adherence to the World Court contains a so-called \"self-judging reservation\" which, in effect, permits us to prevent a Court decision in any particular case in which we are involved. The Democratic Party proposes its repeal.\nTo all these endeavors so essential to world peace, we, the members of the Democratic Party, will bring a new urgency, persistence, and determination, born of the conviction that in our thermonuclear century all of the other Rights of Man hinge on our ability to assure man's right to peace.\nThe pursuit of peace, our contribution to the stability of the new nations of the world, our hopes for progress and well-being at home, all these depend in large measure on our ability to release the full potential of our American economy for employment, production, and growth.\nOur generation of Americans has achieved a historic technological breakthrough. Today we are capable of creating an abundance in goods and services beyond the dreams of our parents. Yet on the threshold of plenty the Republican Administration hesitates, confused and afraid.\nAs a result, massive human needs now exist side by side with idle workers, idle capital, and idle machines.\nThe Republican failure in the economic field has been virtually complete.\nTheir years of power have consisted of two recessions, in 1953-54 and 1957-60, separated by the most severe peacetime inflation in history.\nThey have shown themselves incapable of checking inflation. In their efforts to do so, they have brought on recessions that have thrown millions of Americans out of work. Yet even in these slumps, the cost of living has continued to climb, and it is now at an all-time high.\nThey have slowed down the rate of growth of the economy to about one-third the rate of the Soviet Union.\nOver the past 7 1/2-year period, the Republicans have failed to balance the budget or reduce the national debt. Responsible fiscal policy requires surpluses in good times to more than offset the deficits which may occur in recessions, in order to reduce the national debt over the long run. The Republican Administration has produced the deficits— in fact, the greatest deficit in any peace-time year in history, in 1958-59—but only occasional and meager surpluses. Their first seven years produced a total deficit of nearly $19 billion.\nWhile reducing outlays for essential public services which directly benefit our people, they have raised the annual interest charge on the national debt to a level $3 billion higher than when they took office. In the eight fiscal years of the Republican Administration, these useless higher interest payments will have cost the taxpayers $9 billion.\nThey have mismanaged the public debt not only by increasing interest rates, but also by failing to lengthen the average maturity of Government obligations when they had a clear opportunity to do so.\nEconomic Growth\n\nThe new Democratic Administration will confidently proceed to unshackle American enterprise and to free American labor, industrial leadership, and capital, to create an abundance that will outstrip any other system.\nFree competitive enterprise is the most creative and productive form of economic order that the world has seen. The recent slow pace of American growth is due not to the failure of our free economy but to the failure of our national leadership.\nWe Democrats believe that our economy can and must grow at an average rate of 5% annually, almost twice as fast as our average annual rate since 1953. We pledge ourselves to policies that will achieve this goal without inflation.\nEconomic growth is the means whereby we improve the American standard of living and produce added tax resources for national security and essential public services.\nOur economy must grow more swiftly in order to absorb two groups of workers: the much larger number of young people who will be reaching working age in the 1960s, and the workers displaced by the rapid pace of technological advances, including automation. Republican policies which have stifled growth could only mean increasingly severe unemployment, particularly of youth and older workers.\nAn End to Tight Money\n\nAs the first step in speeding economic growth, a Democratic president will put an end to the present high-interest, tight-money policy.\nThis policy has failed in its stated purpose—to keep prices down. It has given us two recessions within five years, bankrupted many of our farmers, produced a record number of business failures, and added billions of dollars in unnecessary higher interest charges to Government budgets and the cost of living.\nA new Democratic Administration will reject this philosophy of economic slowdown. We are committed to maximum employment, at decent wages and with fair profits, in a far more productive, expanding economy.\nThe Republican high-interest policy has extracted a costly toll from every American who has financed a home, an automobile, a refrigerator, or a television set.\nIt has foisted added burdens on taxpayers of state and local governments which must borrow for schools and other public services.\nIt has added to the cost of many goods and services, and hence has been itself a factor in inflation.\nIt has created windfalls for many financial institutions.\nThe $9 billion of added interest charges on the national debt would have been even higher but for the prudent insistence of the Democratic Congress that the ceiling on interest rates for long-term Government bonds be maintained.\nControl of Inflation\n\nThe American consumer has a right to fair prices. We are determined to secure that right.\nInflation has its roots in a variety of causes; its cure lies in a variety of remedies. Among those remedies are monetary and credit policies properly applied, budget surpluses in times of full employment, and action to restrain \"administered price\" increases in industries where economic power rests in the hands of a few.\nA fair share of the gains from increasing productivity in many industries should he passed on to the consumer through price reductions.\nThe agenda which a new Democratic Administration will face next January is crowded with urgent needs on which action has been delayed, deferred, or denied by the present Administration.\nA new Democratic Administration will undertake to meet those needs.\nIt will reaffirm the Economic Bill of Rights which Franklin Roosevelt wrote into our national conscience sixteen years ago. It will reaffirm these rights for all Americans of whatever race, place of residence, or station in life:\n1. \"The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation.\"\nFull Employment\n\nThe Democratic Party reaffirms its support of full employment as a paramount objective of national policy.\nFor nearly 30 months the rate of unemployment has been between 5 and 7.5% of the labor force. A pool of three to four million citizens, able and willing to work but unable to find jobs, has been written off by the Republican Administration as a \"normal\" readjustment of the economic system.\nThe policies of a Democratic Administration to restore economic growth will reduce current unemployment to a minimum.\nThereafter, if recessionary trends appear, we will act promptly with counter-measures, such as public works or temporary tax cuts. We will not stand idly by and permit recessions to run their course as the Republican Administration has done.\nAid to Depressed Areas\n\nThe right to a job requires action to create new industry in America's depressed areas of chronic unemployment.\nGeneral economic measures will not alone solve the problems of localities which suffer some special disadvantage. To bring prosperity to these depressed areas and to enable them to make their full contribution to the national welfare, specially directed action is needed.\nAreas of heavy and persistent unemployment result from depletion of natural resources, technological change, shifting defense requirements, or trade imbalances which have caused the decline of major industries. Whole communities, urban and rural, have been left stranded in distress and despair, through no fault of their own.\nThese communities have undertaken valiant efforts of self-help. But mutual aid, as well as self-help, is part of the American tradition. Stricken communities deserve the help of the whole nation.\nThe Democratic Congress twice passed bills to provide this help. The Republican President twice vetoed them.\nThese bills proposed low-interest loans to private enterprise to create new industry and new jobs in depressed communities, assistance to the communities to provide public facilities necessary to encourage the new industry, and retraining of workers for the new jobs.\nThe Democratic Congress will again pass, and the Democratic President will sign, such a bill.\nDiscrimination in Employment\n\nThe right to a job requires action to break down artificial and arbitrary barriers to employment based on age, race, sex, religion, or national origin.\nUnemployment strikes hardest at workers over 40, minority groups, young people, and women. We will not achieve full employment until prejudice against these workers is wiped out.\nCollective Bargaining\n\nThe right to a job requires the restoration of full support for collective bargaining and the repeal of the anti-labor excesses which have been written into our labor laws.\nUnder Democratic leadership a sound national policy was developed, expressed particularly by the Wagner National Labor Relations Act, which guaranteed the rights of workers to organize and to bargain collectively. But the Republican Administration has replaced this sound policy with a national anti-labor policy.\nThe Republican Taft-Hartley Act seriously weakened unions in their efforts to bring economic justice to the millions of American workers who remain unorganized.\nBy administrative action, anti-labor personnel appointed by the Republicans to the National Labor Relations Board have made the Taft-Hartley Act even more restrictive in its application than in its language.\nThus the traditional goal of the Democratic Party—to give all workers the right to organize and bargain collectively—has still not been achieved.\nWe pledge the enactment of an affirmative labor policy which will encourage free collective bargaining through the growth and development of free and responsible unions.\nMillions of workers just now seeking to organize are blocked by Federally authorized \"right-to-work\" laws, unreasonable limitations on the right to picket, and other hampering legislative and administrative provisions.\nAgain, in the new Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, the Republican Administration perverted the constructive effort of the Democratic Congress to deal with improper activities of a few in labor and management by turning that Act into a means of restricting the legitimate rights of the vast majority of working men and women in honest labor unions. This law likewise strikes hardest at the weak or poorly organized, and it fails to deal with abuses of management as vigorously as with those of labor.\nWe will repeal the authorization for \"right-to-work\" laws, limitations on the rights to strike, to picket peacefully and to tell the public the facts of a labor dispute, and other anti-labor features of the Taft-Hartley Act and the 1959 Act. This unequivocal pledge for the repeal of the anti-labor and restrictive provisions of those laws will encourage collective bargaining and strengthen and support the free and honest labor movement.\nThe Railroad Retirement Act and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act are in need of improvement. We strongly oppose Republican attempts to weaken the Railway Labor Act.\nWe shall strengthen and modernize the Walsh-Healey and Davis-Bacon Acts, which protect the wage standards of workers employed by Government contractors.\nBasic to the achievement of stable labor-management relations is leadership from the White House. The Republican Administration has failed to provide such leadership.\nIt failed to foresee the deterioration of labor-management relations in the steel industry last year. When a national emergency was obviously developing, it failed to forestall it. When the emergency came, the Administration's only solution was government-by-injunction.\nA Democratic President, through his leadership and concern, will produce a better climate for continuing constructive relationships between labor and management. He will have periodic White House conferences between labor and management to consider their mutual problems before they reach the critical stage.\nA Democratic President will use the vast fact-finding facilities that are available to inform himself, and the public, in exercising his leadership in labor disputes for the benefit of the nation as a whole.\nIf he needs more such facilities, or authority, we will provide them.\nWe further pledge that in the administration of all labor legislation we will restore the level of integrity, competence and sympathetic understanding required to carry out the intent of such legislation.\nPlanning for Automation\n\nThe right to a job requires planning for automation, so that men and women will be trained and available to meet shifting employment needs.\nWe will conduct a continuing analysis of the nation's manpower resources and of measures which may be required to assure their fullest development and use.\nWe will provide the Government leadership necessary to insure that the blessings of automation do not become burdens of widespread unemployment. For the young and the technologically displaced workers, we will provide the opportunity for training and retraining that equips them for jobs to be filled.\nMinimum Wages\n\n2. \"The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation.\"\nAt the bottom of the income scale are some eight million families whose earnings are too low to provide even basic necessities of food, shelter, and clothing.\nWe pledge to raise the minimum wage to $1.25 an hour and to extend coverage to several million workers not now protected.\nWe pledge further improvements in the wage, hour and coverage standards of the Fair Labor Standards Act so as to extend its benefits to all workers employed in industries engaged in or affecting interstate commerce and to raise its standards to keep up with our general economic progress and needs.\nWe shall seek to bring the two million men, women and children who work for wages on the farms of the United States under the protection of existing labor and social legislation; and to assure migrant labor, perhaps the most underprivileged of all, of a comprehensive program to bring them not only decent wages but also adequate standards of health, housing, Social Security protection, education and welfare services.\nAgriculture\n\n3. \"The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living.\"\nWe shall take positive action to raise farm income to full parity levels and to preserve family farming as a way of life.\nWe shall put behind us once and for all the timidity with which our Government has viewed our abundance of food and fiber.\nWe will set new high levels of food consumption both at home and abroad.\nAs long as many Americans and hundreds of millions of people in other countries remain underfed, we shall regard these agricultural riches, and the family farmers who produce them, not as a liability but as a national asset.\nUsing Our Abundance\n\nThe Democratic Administration will inaugurate a national food and fiber policy for expanded use of our agricultural abundance. We will no longer view food stockpiles with alarm but will use them as powerful instruments for peace and plenty.\nWe will increase consumption at home. A vigorous, expanding economy will enable many American families to eat more and better food.\nWe will use the food stamp programs authorized to feed needy children, the aged and the unemployed. We will expand and improve the school lunch and milk programs.\nWe will establish and maintain food reserves for national defense purposes near important population centers in order to preserve lives in event of national disaster, and will operate them so as not to depress farm prices. We will expand research into new industrial uses of agricultural products.\nWe will increase consumption abroad. The Democratic Party believes our nation's capacity to produce food and fiber is one of the great weapons for waging war against hunger and want throughout the world. With wise management of our food abundance we will expand trade between nations, support economic and human development programs, and combat famine.\nUnimaginative, outmoded Republican policies which fail to use these productive capacities of our farms have been immensely costly to our nation. They can and will be changed.\nAchieving Income Parity\n\nWhile farmers have raised their productive efficiency to record levels, Republican farm policies have forced their income to drop by 30%.\nTens of thousands of farm families have been bankrupted and forced off the land. This has happened despite the fact that the Secretary of Agriculture has spent more on farm programs than all previous Secretaries in history combined.\nFarmers acting individually or in small groups are helpless to protect their incomes from sharp declines. Their only recourse is to produce more, throwing production still further out of balance with demand and driving prices down further.\nThis disastrous downward cycle can be stopped only by effective farm programs sympathetically administered with the assistance of democratically elected farmer committees.\nThe Democratic Administration will work to bring about full parity income for farmers in all segments of agriculture by helping them to balance farm production with the expanding needs of the nation and the world.\nMeasures to this end include production and marketing quotas measured in terms of barrels, bushels and bales, loans on basic commodities at not less than 90% of parity, production payments, commodity purchases, and marketing orders and agreements.\nWe repudiate the Republican administration of the Soil Bank Program, which has emphasized the retirement of whole farm units, and we pledge an orderly land retirement and conservation program.\nWe are convinced that a successful combination of these approaches will cost considerably less than present Republican programs which have failed.\nWe will encourage agricultural cooperatives by expanding and liberalizing existing credit facilities and developing new facilities if necessary to assist them in extending their marketing and purchasing activities, and we will protect cooperatives from punitive taxation.\nThe Democratic Administration will improve the marketing practices of the family-type dairy farm to reduce risk of loss.\nTo protect farmers' incomes in times of natural disaster, the Federal Crop Insurance Program, created and developed experimentally under Democratic Administrations, should be invigorated and expanded nationwide.\nImproving Working and Living on Farms\n\nFarm families have been among those victimized most severely by Republican tight-money policies.\nYoung people have been barred from entering agriculture. Giant corporations and other non-farmers, with readier access to credit and through vertical integration methods, have supplanted hundreds of farm families and caused the bankruptcy of many others.\nThe Democratic Party is committed by tradition and conviction to preservation of family agriculture.\nTo this end, we will expand and liberalize farm credit facilities, especially to meet the needs of family-farm agriculture and to assist beginning farmers.\nMany families in America's rural counties are still living in poverty because of inadequate resources and opportunity. This blight and personal desperation should have received national priority attention long ago.\nThe new Democratic Administration will begin at once to eradicate long-neglected rural blight. We will help people help themselves with extended and supervised credit for farm improvement, local industrial development, improved vocational training and other assistance to those wishing to change to non-farm employment, and with the fullest development of commercial and recreational possibilities. This is one of the major objectives of the area redevelopment program, twice vetoed by the Republican President.\nThe rural electric cooperatives celebrate this year the twenty-fifth anniversary of the creation of the Rural Electrification Administration under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.\nThe Democratic Congress has successfully fought the efforts of the Republican Administration to cut off REA loans and force high-interest-rate policies on this great rural enterprise.\nWe will maintain interest rates for REA co-ops and public power districts at the levels provided in present law.\nWe deplore the Administration's failure to provide the dynamic leadership necessary for encouraging loans to rural users for generation of power where necessary.\nWe promise the co-ops active support in meeting the ever-growing demand for electric power and telephone service, to be filled on a complete area-coverage basis without requiring benefits for special-interest power groups.\nIn every way we will seek to help the men, women, and children whose livelihood comes from the soil to achieve better housing, education, health, and decent earnings and working conditions.\nAll these goals demand the leadership of a Secretary of Agriculture who is conversant with the technological and economic aspects of farm problems, and who is sympathetic with the objectives of effective farm legislation not only for farmers but for the best interest of the nation as a whole.\nSmall Business\n\n4. \"The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home and abroad.\"\nThe new Democratic Administration will act to make our free economy really free—free from the oppression of monopolistic power, and free from the suffocating impact of high interest rates. We will help create an economy in which small businesses can take root, grow, and flourish. We Democrats pledge:\n1. Action to aid small business in obtaining credit and equity capital at reasonable rates. Small business which must borrow to stay alive has been a particular victim of the high-interest policies of the Republican administration.\nThe loan program of the Small Business Administration should be accelerated, and the independence of that agency preserved. The Small Business Investment Act of 1958 must be administered with a greater sense of its importance and possibilities.\n2. Protection of the public against the growth of monopoly.\nThe last 7 1/2 years of Republican government has been the greatest period of merger and amalgamation in industry and banking in American history. Democratic Congresses have enacted numerous important measures to strengthen our anti-trust laws. Since 1950 the four Democratic Congresses have enacted laws like the Celler-Kefauver Anti-Merger Act, and improved the laws against price discriminations and tie-in sales.\nWhen the Republicans were in control of the 80th and 83rd Congresses they failed to enact a single measure to strengthen or improve the antitrust laws.\nThe Democratic Party opposes this trend to monopoly.\nWe pledge vigorous enforcement of the antitrust laws.\nWe favor requiring corporations to file advance notice of mergers with the anti-trust enforcement agencies.\nWe favor permitting all firms to have access at reasonable rates to patented inventions resulting from Government-financed research and development contracts.\nWe favor strengthening the Robinson-Patman Act to protect small business against price discrimination.\nWe favor authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to obtain temporary injunctions during the pendency of administrative proceedings.\n3. A more equitable share of Government contracts to small and independent business.\nWe will move from almost complete reliance on negotiation in the award of Government contracts toward open, competitive bidding.\nHousing\n\n5. \"The right of every family to a decent home.\" Today our rate of home building is less than that of ten years ago. A healthy, expanding economy will enable us to build two million homes a year, in wholesome neighborhoods, for people of all incomes.\nAt this rate, within a single decade we can clear away our slums and assure every American family a decent place to live.\nRepublican policies have led to a decline of the home building industry and the production of fewer homes. Republican high-interest policies have forced the cost of decent housing beyond the range of many families. Republican indifference has perpetuated slums.\nWe record the unpleasant fact that in 1960 at least 40 million Americans live in substandard housing.\nOne million new families are formed each year and need housing, and 300,000 existing homes are lost through demolition or other causes and need to be replaced. At present, construction does not even meet these requirements, much less permit reduction of the backlog of slum units.\nWe support a housing construction goal of more than two million homes a year. Most of the increased construction will be priced to meet the housing needs of middle—and low-income families who now live in substandard housing and are priced out of the market for decent homes.\nOur housing programs will provide for rental as well as sales housing. They will permit expanded cooperative housing programs and sharply stepped-up rehabilitation of existing homes.\nTo make possible the building of two million homes a year in wholesome neighborhoods, the home building industry should be aided by special mortgage assistance, with low interest rates, long-term mortgage periods and reduced down payments. Where necessary, direct Government loans should be provided.\nEven with this new and flexible approach, there will still be need for a substantial low-rent public housing program authorizing as many units as local communities require and are prepared to build.\nHealth\n\n6. \"The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.\"\nIllness is expensive. Many Americans have neither incomes nor insurance protection to enable them to pay for modern health care. The problem is particularly acute with our older citizens, among whom serious illness strikes most often.\nWe shall provide medical care benefits for the aged as part of the time-tested Social Security insurance system. We reject any proposal which would require such citizens to submit to the indignity of a means test—a \"pauper's oath.\"\nFor young and old alike, we need more medical schools, more hospitals, more research laboratories to speed the final conquest of major killers.\nMedical Care for Older Persons\n\nFifty million Americans—more than a fourth of our people—have no insurance protection against the high cost of illness. For the rest, private health insurance pays, on the average, only about one-third of the cost of medical care.\nThe problem is particularly acute among the 16 million Americans over 65 years old, and among disabled workers, widows and orphans.\nMost of these have low incomes and the elderly among them suffer two to three times as much illness as the rest of the population.\nThe Republican Administration refused to acknowledge any national responsibility for health care for elder citizens until forced to do so by an increasingly outraged demand. Then, its belated proposal was a cynical sham built around a degrading test based on means or income—a \"pauper's oath.\"\nThe most practicable way to provide health protection for older people is to use the contributory machinery of the Social Security system for insurance covering hospital bills and other high-cost medical services. For those relatively few of our older people who have never been eligible for Social Security coverage, we shall provide corresponding benefits by appropriations from the general revenue.\nResearch\n\nWe will step up medical research on the major killers and crippling diseases—cancer, heart disease, arthritis, mental illness. Expenditures for these purposes should be limited only by the availability of personnel and promising lines of research. Today such illness costs us $35 billion annually, much of which could be avoided. Federal appropriations for medical research are barely 1% of this amount.\nHeart disease and cancer together account for two out of every three deaths in this country. The Democratic President will summon to a White House conference the nation's most distinguished scientists in these fields to map a coordinated long-run program for the prevention and control of these diseases.\nWe will also support a cooperative program with other nations on international health research.\nHospitals\n\nWe will expand and improve the Hill-Burton hospital construction program.\nHealth Manpower\n\nTo ease the growing shortage of doctors and other medical personnel we propose Federal aid for constructing, expanding and modernizing schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing and public health.\nWe are deeply concerned that the high cost of medical education is putting this profession beyond the means of most American families. We will provide scholarships and other assistance to break through the financial barriers to medical education.\nMental Health\n\nMental patients fill more than half the hospital beds in the country today. We will provide greatly increased Federal support for psychiatric research and training, and community mental health programs, to help bring back thousands of our hospitalized mentally ill to full and useful lives in the community.\n7. \"The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accidents, and unemployment.\"\nA Program for the Aging\n\nThe Democratic Administration will end the neglect of our older citizens. They deserve lives of usefulness, dignity, independence, and participation. We shall assure them not only health care but employment for those who want work, decent housing, and recreation.\nAlready 16 million Americans—about one in ten—are over 65, with the prospect of 26 million by 1980.\nHealth\n\nAs stated, we will provide an effective system for paid-up medical insurance upon retirement, financed during working years through the Social Security mechanism and available to all retired persons without a means test. This has first priority.\nIncome\n\nHalf of the people over 65 have incomes inadequate for basic nutrition, decent housing, minimum recreation and medical care. Older people who do not want to retire need employment opportunity and those of retirement age who no longer wish to or cannot work need better retirement benefits.\nWe pledge a campaign to eliminate discrimination in employment due to age. As a first step we will prohibit such discrimination by Government contractors and subcontractors.\nWe will amend the Social Security Act to increase the retirement benefit for each additional year of work after 65, thus encouraging workers to continue on the job full time.\nTo encourage part-time work by others, we favor raising the $1200-a-year ceiling on what a worker may earn while still drawing Social Security benefits.\nRetirement benefits must be increased generally, and minimum benefits raised from $33 a month to $50.\nHousing\n\nSpecial Services\n\nWe shall take Federal action in support of state efforts to bring standards of care in nursing homes and other institutions for the aged up to desirable minimums.\nWe shall support demonstration and training programs to translate proven research into action in such fields as health, nutritional guidance, home care, counseling, recreational activity.\nTaken together, these measures will affirm a new charter of rights for the older citizens among us—the right to a life of usefulness, health, dignity, independence and participation.\nWelfare\n\nDisability Insurance\n\nWe shall permit workers who are totally and permanently disabled to retire at any age, removing the arbitrary requirement that the worker be 50 years of age.\nWe shall also amend the law so that after six months of total disability, a worker will be eligible for disability benefits, with restorative services to enable him to return to work.\nPhysically Handicapped\n\nWe pledge continued support of legislation for the rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons and improvement of employment opportunities for them.\nPublic Assistance\n\nPersons in need who are inadequately protected by social insurance are cared for by the states and local communities under public assistance programs.\nThe Federal Government, which now shares the cost of aid to some of these, should share in all, and benefits should be made available without regard to residence.\nUnemployment Benefits\n\nWe will establish uniform minimum standards throughout the nation for coverage, duration, and amount of unemployment insurance benefits.\nEquality for Women\n\nWe support legislation which will guarantee to women equality of rights under the law, including equal pay for equal work.\nChild Welfare\n\nThe Child Welfare Program and other services already established under the Social Security Act should be expanded. Federal leadership is required in the nationwide campaign to prevent and control juvenile delinquency.\nIntergroup Relations\n\nWe propose a Federal bureau of intergroup relations to help solve problems of discrimination in housing, education, employment, and community opportunities in general. The bureau would assist in the solution of problems arising from the re settlement of immigrants and migrants within our own country, and in resolving religious, social and other tensions where they arise.\nEducation\n\n8. \"The right to a good education.\"\nAmerica's young people are our greatest resource for the future. Each of them deserves the education which will best develop his potentialities.\nWe shall act at once to help in building the classrooms and employing the teachers that are essential if the right to a good education is to have genuine meaning for all the youth of America in the decade ahead.\nAs a national investment in our future we propose a program of loans and scholarship grants to assure that qualified young Americans will have full opportunity for higher education, at the institutions of their choice, regardless of the income of their parents.\nThe new Democratic Administration will end eight years of official neglect of our educational system.\nAmerica's education faces a financial crisis. The tremendous increase in the number of children of school and college age has far outrun the available supply of educational facilities and qualified teachers. The classroom shortage alone is interfering with the education of 10 million students.\nAmerica's teachers, parents and school administrators have striven courageously to keep up with the increased challenge of education.\nSo have states and local communities. Education absorbs two-fifths of all their revenue. With limited resources, private educational institutions have shouldered their share of the burden.\nOnly the Federal Government is not doing its part. For eight years, measures for the relief of the educational crisis have been held up by the cynical maneuvers of the Republican Party in Congress and the White House.\nWe believe that America can meet its educational obligations only with generous Federal financial support, within the traditional framework of local control. The assistance will take the form of Federal grants to states for educational purposes they deem most pressing, including classroom construction and teachers' salaries. It will include aid for the construction of academic facilities as well as dormitories at colleges and universities.\nWe pledge further Federal support for all phases of vocational education for youth and adults; for libraries and adult education; for realizing the potential of educational television; and for exchange of students and teachers with other nations.\nAs part of a broader concern for young people we recommend establishment of a Youth Conservation Corps, to give underprivileged young people a rewarding experience in a healthful environment.\nThe pledges contained in this Economic Bill of Rights point the way to a better life for every family in America.\nThey are the means to a goal that is now within our reach—the final eradication in America of the age-old evil of poverty.\nYet there are other pressing needs on our national agenda.\nNatural Resources\n\nA thin layer of earth, a few inches of rain, and a blanket of air make human life possible on our planet.\nSound public policy must assure that these essential resources will be available to provide the good life for our children and future generations.\nWater, timber and grazing lands, recreational areas in our parks, shores, forests and wildernesses, energy, minerals, even pure air—all are feeling the press of enormously increased demands of a rapidly growing population.\nNatural resources are the birthright of all the people.\nThe new Democratic Administration, with the vision that built a TVA and a Grand Coulee, will develop and conserve that heritage for the use of this and future generations. We will reverse Republican policies under which America's resources have been wasted, depleted, underdeveloped, and recklessly given away.\nWe favor the best use of our natural resources, which generally means adoption of the multiple-purpose principle to achieve full development for all the many functions they can serve.\nWater and Soil\n\nAn abundant supply of pure water is essential to our economy. This is a national problem.\nWater must serve domestic, industrial and irrigation needs and inland navigation. It must provide habitat for fish and wildlife, supply the base for much outdoor recreation, and generate electricity. Water must also be controlled to prevent floods, pollution, salinity and silt.\nThe new Democratic Administration will develop a comprehensive national water resource policy. In cooperation with state and local governments, and interested private groups, the Democratic Administration will develop a balanced, multiple-purpose plan for each major river basin, to be revised periodically to meet changing needs. We will erase the Republican slogan of \"no new starts\" and will begin again to build multiple-purpose dams, hydroelectric facilities, flood-control works, navigation facilities, and reclamation projects to meet mounting and urgent needs.\nWe will renew the drive to protect every acre of farm land under a soil and water conservation plan, and we will speed up the small-watershed program.\nWe will support and intensify the research effort to find an economical way to convert salt and brackish water. The Republicans discouraged this research, which holds untold possibilities for the whole world.\nWater and Air Pollution\n\nAmerica can no longer take pure water and air for granted. Polluted rivers carry their dangers to everyone living along their courses; impure air does not respect boundaries.\nFederal action is needed in planning, coordinating and helping to finance pollution control. The states and local communities cannot go it alone. Yet President Eisenhower vetoed a Democratic bill to give them more financial help in building sewage treatment plants.\nA Democratic President will sign such a bill.\nDemocrats will step up research on pollution control, giving special attention to:\n1. the rapidly growing problem of air pollution from industrial plants, automobile exhausts, and other sources, and\n2. disposal of chemical and radioactive wastes, some of which are now being dumped off our coasts without adequate knowledge of the potential consequences.\nOutdoor Recreation\n\nAs population grows and the work week shortens and transportation becomes easier and speedier, the need for outdoor recreation facilities mounts.\nWe must act quickly to retain public access to the oceans, gulfs, rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs, and their shorelines, and to reserve adequate camping and recreational areas while there is yet time. Areas near major population centers are particularly needed.\nThe new Democratic Administration will work to improve and extend recreation opportunities in national parks and monuments, forests, and river development projects, and near metropolitan areas. Emphasis will be on attractive, low-cost facilities for all the people and on preventing undue commercialization.\nThe National Park System is still incomplete; in particular, the few remaining suitable shorelines must be included in it. A national wilderness system should be created for areas already set aside as wildernesses. The system should be extended but only after careful consideration by the Congress of the value of areas for competing uses.\nRecreational needs of the surrounding area should be given important consideration in disposing of Federally owned lands.\nWe will protect fish and game habitats from commercial exploitation and require military installations to conform to sound conservation practices.\nEnergy\n\nThe Republican Administration would turn the clock back to the days before the New Deal, in an effort to divert the benefits of the great natural energy resources from all the people to a favored few. It has followed for many years a \"no new starts\" policy.\nIt has stalled atomic energy development; it has sought to cripple rural electrification.\nIt has closed the pilot plant on getting oil from shale.\nIt has harassed and hampered the TVA.\nWe reject this philosophy and these policies. The people are entitled to use profitably what they already own.\nThe Democratic Administration instead will foster the development of efficient regional giant power systems from all sources, including water, tidal, and nuclear power, to supply low-cost electricity to all retail electric systems, public, private, and cooperative.\nThe Democratic Administration will continue to develop \"yardsticks\" for measuring the rates of private utility systems. This means meeting the needs of rural electric cooperatives for low-interest loans for distribution, transmission and generation facilities; Federal transmission facilities, where appropriate, to provide efficient low-cost power supply; and strict enforcement of the public-preference clause in power marketing.\nThe Democratic Administration will support continued study and research on energy fuel resources, including new sources in wind and sun. It will push forward with the Passamaquoddy tidal power project with its great promise of cheaper power and expanded prosperity for the people of New England.\nWe support the establishment of a national fuels policy.\nThe $15 billion national investment in atomic energy should be protected as a part of the public domain.\nFederal Lands and Forests\n\nThe record of the Republican Administration in handling the public domain is one of complete lethargy. It has failed to secure existing assets. In some cases, it has given away priceless resources for plunder by private corporations, as in the A1 Sarena mining incident and the secret leasing of game refuges to favored oil interests.\nThe new Democratic Administration will develop balanced land and forest policies suited to the needs of a growing America.\nThis means intensive forest management on a multiple-use and sustained-yield basis, reforestation of burnt-over lands, building public access roads, range reseeding and improvement, intensive work in watershed management, concern for small business operations, and insuring free public access to public lands for recreational uses.\nMinerals\n\nAmerica uses half the minerals produced in the entire Free World. Yet our mining industry is in what may be the initial phase of a serious long-term depression. Sound policy requires that we strengthen the domestic mining industry without interfering with adequate supplies of needed materials at reasonable costs.\nWe pledge immediate efforts toward the establishment of a realistic long-range minerals policy.\nThe new Democratic Administration will begin intensive research on scientific prospecting for mineral deposits.\nWe will speed up the geologic mapping of the country, with emphasis on Alaska.\nWe will resume research and development work on use of low-grade mineral reserves, especially oil shale, lignites, iron ore taconite, and radioactive minerals. These efforts have been halted or cut back by the Republican Administration.\nThe Democratic Party favors a study of the problem of non-uniform seaward boundaries of the coastal states.\nGovernment Machinery for Managing Resources\n\nLong-range programming of the nation's resource development is essential. We favor creation of a council of advisers on resources and conservation, which will evaluate and report annually upon our resource needs and progress.\nWe shall put budgeting for resources on a businesslike basis, distinguishing between operating expense and capital investment, so that the country can have an accurate picture of the costs and returns. We propose the incremental method in determining the economic justification of our river basin programs. Charges for commercial use of public lands will be brought into line with benefits received.\nCities and Their Suburbs\n\nA new Democratic Administration will expand Federal programs to help urban communities clear their slums, dispose of their sewage, educate their children, transport suburban commuters to and from their jobs, and combat juvenile delinquency.\nWe will give the city dweller a voice at the Cabinet table by bringing together within a single department programs concerned with urban and metropolitan problems.\nThe United States is now predominantly an urban nation.\nThe efficiency, comfort, and beauty of our cities and suburbs influence the lives of all Americans.\nLocal governments have found increasing difficulty in coping with such fundamental public problems as urban renewal, slum clearance, water supply, mass transportation, recreation, health, welfare, education and metropolitan planning. These problems are, in many cases, interstate and regional in scope.\nYet the Republican Administration has turned its back on urban and suburban America. The list of Republican vetoes includes housing, urban renewal and slum clearance, area redevelopment, public works, airports and stream pollution control. It has proposed severe cutbacks in aid for hospital construction, public assistance, vocational education, community facilities and sewage disposal.\nThe result has been to force communities to thrust an ever-greater tax load upon the already overburdened property taxpayer and to forgo needed public services.\nThe Democratic Party believes that state and local governments are strengthened—not weakened—by financial assistance from the Federal Government. We will extend such aid without impairing local administration through unnecessary Federal interference or red tape.\nWe propose a ten-year action program to restore our cities and provide for balanced suburban development, including the following:\n1. The elimination of slums and blight and the restoration of cities and depressed areas within the next ten years.\n2. Federal aid for metropolitan area planning and community facility programs.\n3. Federal aid for comprehensive metropolitan transportation programs, including bus and rail mass transit, commuter railroads as well as highway programs, and construction of civil airports.\n4. Federal aid in combating air and water pollution.\n5. Expansion of park systems to meet the recreation needs of our growing population.\nThe Federal Government must recognize the financial burdens placed on local governments, urban and rural alike, by Federal installations and land holdings.\nTransportation\n\nOver the past seven years, we have watched the steady weakening of the nation's transportation system. Railroads are in distress. Highways are congested. Airports and airways lag far behind the needs of the jet age.\nTo meet this challenge we will establish a national transportation policy, designed to coordinate and modernize our facilities for transportation by road, rail, water, and air.\nAir\n\nThe jet age has made rapid improvement in air safety imperative. Rather than \"an orderly withdrawal\" from the airport grant programs as proposed by the Republican Administration, we pledge to expand the program to accommodate growing air traffic.\nWater\n\nDevelopment of our inland waterways, our harbors, and Great Lakes commerce has been held back by the Republican President.\nWe pledge the improvement of our rivers and harbors by new starts and adequate maintenance.\nA strong and efficient American-flag merchant marine is essential to peacetime commerce and defense emergencies. Continued aid for ship construction and operation to offset cost differentials favoring foreign shipping is essential to these goals.\nRoads\n\nThe Republican Administration has slowed down, stretched out and greatly increased the costs of the interstate highway program.\nThe Democratic Party supports the highway program embodied in the Acts of 1956 and 1958 and the principle of Federal-state partnership in highway construction.\nWe commend the Democratic Congress for establishing a special committee which has launched an extensive investigation of this highway program. Continued scrutiny of this multi-billion-dollar highway program can prevent waste, inefficiency and graft and maintain the public's confidence.\nRail\n\nThe nation's railroads are in particular need of freedom from burdensome regulation to enable them to compete effectively with other forms of transportation. We also support Federal assistance in meeting certain capital needs, particularly for urban mass transportation.\nScience\n\nWe will recognize the special role of our Federal Government in support of basic and applied research.\nSpace\n\nThe Republican Administration has remained incredibly blind to the prospects of space exploration. It has failed to pursue space programs with a sense of urgency at all close to their importance to the future of the world.\nIt has allowed the Communists to hit the moon first, and to launch substantially greater payloads. The Republican program is a catchall of assorted projects with no clearly defined, long-range plan of research.\nThe new Democratic Administration will press forward with our national space program in full realization of the importance of space accomplishments to our national security and our international prestige. We shall reorganize the program to achieve both efficiency and speedy execution. We shall bring top scientists into positions of responsibility. We shall undertake long-term basic research in space science and propulsion.\nWe shall initiate negotiations leading toward the international regulation of space.\nAtomic Energy\n\nThe United States became pre-eminent in the development of atomic energy under Democratic Administrations.\nThe Republican Administration, despite its glowing promises of \"Atoms for Peace,\" has permitted the gradual deterioration of United States leadership in atomic development both at home and abroad.\nIn order to restore United States leadership in atomic development, the new Democratic Administration will:\n1. Restore truly nonpartisan and vigorous administration of the vital atomic energy program.\n2. Continue the development of the various promising experimental and prototype atomic power plants which show promise, and provide increasing support for longer-range projects at the frontiers of atomic energy application.\n3. Continue to preserve and support national laboratories and other Federal atomic installations as the foundation of technical progress and a bulwark of national defense.\n4. Accelerate the Rover nuclear rocket project and auxiliary power facilities so as to achieve world leadership in peaceful outer space exploration.\n5. Give reality to the United States international atoms-for-peace programs, and continue and expand technological assistance to underdeveloped countries.\n6. Consider measures for improved organization and procedure for radiation protection and reactor safety, including a strengthening of the role of the Federal Radiation Council, and the separation of quasi-judicial functions in reactor safety regulations.\n7. Provide a balanced and flexible nuclear defense capability, including the augmentation of the nuclear submarine fleet.\nOceanography\n\nOceanographic research is needed to advance such important programs as food and minerals from our Great Lakes and the sea. The present Administration has neglected this new scientific frontier.\nGovernment Operations\n\nWe shall reform the processes of Government in all branches—Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. We will clean out corruption and conflicts of interest, and improve Government services.\nThe Federal Service\n\nTwo weeks before this Platform was adopted, the difference between the Democratic and Republican attitudes toward Government employees was dramatically illustrated. The Democratic Congress passed a fully justified pay increase to bring Government pay scales more nearly into line with those of private industry.\nThe Republican President vetoed the pay raise.\nThe Democratic Congress decisively overrode the veto.\nThe heavy responsibilities of modern government require a Federal service characterized by devotion to duty, honesty of purpose and highest competence. We pledge the modernization and strengthening of our Civil Service system.\nWe shall extend and improve the employees' appeals system and improve programs for recognizing the outstanding merits of individual employees.\nEthics in Government\n\nWe reject totally the concept of dual or triple loyalty on the part of Federal officials in high places.\nThe conflict-of-interest statutes should be revised and strengthened to assure the Federal service of maximum security against unethical practices on the part of public officials.\nThe Democratic Administration will establish and enforce a Code of Ethics to maintain the full dignity and integrity of the Federal service and to make it more attractive to the ablest men and women.\nRegulatory Agencies\n\nThe Democratic Party promises to clean up the Federal regulatory agencies. The acceptance by Republican appointees to these agencies of gifts, hospitality, and bribes from interests under their jurisdiction has been a particularly flagrant abuse of public trust.\nWe shall bring all contacts with commissioners into the open, and will protect them from any form of improper pressure.\nWe shall appoint to these agencies men of ability and independent judgment who understand that their function is to regulate these industries in the public interest.\nWe promise a thorough review of existing agency practices, with an eye toward speedier decisions, and a clearer definition of what constitutes the public interest.\nThe Democratic Party condemns the usurpation by the Executive of the powers and functions of any of the independent agencies and pledges the restoration of the independence of such agencies and the protection of their integrity of action,\nThe Postal Service\n\nThe Republican policy has been to treat the United States postal service as a liability instead of a great investment in national enlightenment, social efficiency and economic betterment.\nConstant curtailment of service has inconvenienced every citizen.\nA program must be undertaken to establish the Post Office Department as a model of efficiency and service. We pledge ourselves to:\n1. Restore the principle that the postal service is a public service.\n2. Separate the public service costs from those to be borne by the users of the mails.\n3. Continue steady improvement in working conditions and wage scales, reflecting increasing productivity.\n4. Establish a long-range program for research and capital improvements compatible with the highest standards of business efficiency.\nLaw Enforcement\n\nIn recent years, we have been faced with a shocking increase in crimes of all kinds. Organized criminals have even infiltrated into legitimate business enterprises and labor unions.\nThe Republican Administration, particularly the Attorney General's office, has failed lamentably to deal with this problem despite the growing power of the underworld. The new Democratic Administration will take vigorous corrective action.\nFreedom of Information\n\nWe reject the Republican contention that the workings of Government are the special private preserve of the Executive.\nThe massive wall of secrecy erected between the Executive branch and the Congress as well as the citizen must be torn down. Information must flow freely, save in those areas in which the national security is involved.\nClean Elections\n\nThe Democratic Party favors realistic and effective limitations on contributions and expenditures, and full disclosure of campaign financing in Federal elections.\nWe further propose a tax credit to encourage small contributions to political parties. The Democratic Party affirms that every candidate for public office has a moral obligation to observe and uphold traditional American principles of decency, honesty and fair play in his campaign for election.\nWe deplore efforts to divide the United States into regional, religious and ethnic groups.\nWe denounce and repudiate campaign tactics that substitute smear and slander, bigotry and false accusations of bigotry, for truth and reasoned argument.\nDistrict of Columbia\n\nThe capital city of our nation should be a symbol of democracy to people throughout the world. The Democratic Party reaffirms its long-standing support of home rule for the District of Columbia, and pledges to enact legislation permitting voters of the District to elect their own local government.\nWe urge the legislatures of the 50 states to ratify the 23rd Amendment, passed by the Democratic Congress, to give District citizens the right to participate in Presidential elections.\nWe also support a Constitutional amendment giving the District voting representation in Congress.\nVirgin Islands\n\nWe believe that the voters of the Virgin Islands should have the right to elect their own Governor, to have a delegate in the Congress of the United States and to have the right to vote in national elections for a President and Vice President of the United States.\nPuerto Rico\n\nThe social, economic, and political progress of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a testimonial to the sound enabling legislation, and to the sincerity and understanding with which the people of the 50 states and Puerto Rico are meeting their joint problems.\nThe Democratic Party, under whose administration the Commonwealth status was established, is entitled to great credit for providing the opportunity which the people of Puerto Rico have used so successfully.\nPuerto Rico has become a show place of world-wide interest, a tribute to the benefits of the principles of self-determination. Further benefits for Puerto Rico under these principles are certain to follow.\nCongressional Procedures\n\nIn order that the will of the American people may be expressed upon all legislative proposals, we urge that action be taken at the beginning of the 87th Congress to improve Congressional procedures so that majority rule prevails and decisions can be made after reasonable debate without being blocked by a minority in either House.\nThe rules of the House of Representatives should be so amended as to make sure that bills reported by legislative committees reach the floor for consideration without undue delay.\nConsumers\n\nIn an age of mass production, distribution, and advertising, consumers require effective Government representation and protection.\nThe Republican Administration has allowed the Food and Drug Administration to be weakened. Recent Senate hearings on the drug industry have revealed how flagrant profiteering can be when essential facts on costs, prices, and profits are hidden from scrutiny. The new Democratic Administration will provide the money and the authority to strengthen this agency for its task.\nWe propose a consumer counsel, backed by a suitable staff, to speak for consumers in the formulation of Government policies and represent consumers in administrative proceedings.\nThe consumer also has a right to know the cost of credit when he borrows money. We shall enact Federal legislation requiring the vendors of credit to provide a statement of specific credit charges and what these charges cost in terms of true annual interest.\nVeterans Affairs\n\nWe adhere to the American tradition dating from the Plymouth Colony in New England in 1636:\n\"... any soldier injured in defense of the colony shall be maintained completely by the colony for the remainder of his life.\"\nWe pledge adequate compensation for those with service-connected disabilities and for the survivors of those who died in service or from service-connected disabilities. We pledge pensions adequate for a full and dignified life for disabled and distressed veterans and for needy survivors of deceased veterans.\nVeterans of World War I, whose Federal benefits have not matched those of veterans of subsequent service, will receive the special attention of the Democratic Party looking toward equitable adjustments.\nWe endorse expanded programs of vocational rehabilitation for disabled veterans, and education for orphans of servicemen.\nThe quality of medical care furnished to the disabled veterans has deteriorated under the Republican Administration. We shall work for an increased availability of facilities for all veterans in need and we shall move with particular urgency to fulfill the need for expanded domiciliary and nursing-home facilities.\nWe shall continue the veterans home loan guarantee and direct loan programs and educational benefits patterned after the G.I. Bill of Rights.\nAmerican Indians\n\nWe recognize the unique legal and moral responsibility of the Federal Government for Indians in restitution for the injustice that has sometimes been done them. We therefore pledge prompt adoption of a program to assist Indian tribes in the full development of their human and natural resources and to advance the health, education, and economic well-being of Indian citizens while preserving their cultural heritage.\nFree consent of the Indian tribes concerned shall be required before the Federal Government makes any change in any Federal-Indian treaty or other contractual relationship.\nThe new Democratic Administration will bring competent, sympathetic, and dedicated leadership to the administration of Indian affairs which will end practices that have eroded Indian rights and resources, reduced the Indians' land base and repudiated Federal responsibility. Indian claims against the United States can and will he settled promptly, whether by negotiation or other means, in the best interests of both parties.\nThe Arts\n\nThe arts flourish where there is freedom and where individual initiative and imagination are encouraged. We enjoy the blessings of such an atmosphere.\nThe nation should begin to evaluate the possibilities for encouraging and expanding participation in and appreciation of our cultural life.\nWe propose a Federal advisory agency to assist in the evaluation, development, and expansion of cultural resources of the United States. We shall support legislation needed to provide incentives for those endowed with extraordinary talent, as a worthy supplement to existing scholarship programs.\nCivil Liberties\n\nWith democratic values threatened today by Communist tyranny, we reaffirm our dedication to the Bill of Rights. Freedom and civil liberties, far from being incompatible with security, are vital to our national strength. Unfortunately, those high in the Republican Administration have all too often sullied the name and honor of loyal and faithful American citizens in and out of Government.\nThe Democratic Party will strive to improve Congressional investigating and hearing procedures. We shall abolish useless disclaimer affidavits such as those for student educational loans. We shall provide a full and fair hearing, including confrontation of the accuser, to any person whose public or private employment or reputation is jeopardized by a loyalty or security proceeding.\nProtection of rights of American citizens to travel, to pursue lawful trade and to engage in other lawful activities abroad without distinction as to race or religion is a cardinal function of the national sovereignty.\nWe will oppose any international agreement or treaty which by its terms or practices differentiates among American citizens on grounds of race or religion.\nThe list of unfinished business for America is long. The accumulated neglect of nearly a decade cannot be wiped out overnight. Many of the objectives which we seek will require our best efforts over a period of years.\nAlthough the task is far-reaching, we will tackle it with vigor and confidence. We will substitute planning for confusion, purpose for indifference, direction for drift and apathy.\nWe will organize the policy-making machinery of the Executive branch to provide vigor and leadership in establishing our national goals and achieving them.\nThe new Democratic President will sign, not veto, the efforts of a Democratic Congress to create more jobs, to build more homes, to save family farms, to clean up polluted streams and rivers, to help depressed areas, and to provide full employment for our people.\nFiscal Responsibility\n\nWe vigorously reject the notion that America, with a half-trillion-dollar gross national product, and nearly half of the world's industrial resources, cannot afford to meet our needs at home and in our world relationships.\nWe believe, moreover, that except in periods of recession or national emergency, these needs can be met with a balanced budget, with no increase in present tax rates, and with some surplus for the gradual reduction of our national debt.\nTo assure such a balance we shall pursue a four-point program of fiscal responsibility.\nFirst, we shall end the gross waste in Federal expenditures which needlessly raises the budgets of many Government agencies.\nThe most conspicuous unnecessary item is, of course, the excessive cost of interest on the national debt. Courageous action to end duplication and competition among the armed services will achieve large savings. The cost of the agricultural program can be reduced while at the same time prosperity is being restored to the nation's farmers.\nSecond, we shall collect the billions in taxes which are owed to the Federal Government but not now collected.\nThe Internal Revenue Service is still suffering from the cuts inflicted upon its enforcement staff by the Republican Administration and the Republican Congress in 1953.\nThe Administration's own Commissioner of Internal Revenue has testified that billions of dollars in revenue are lost each year because the Service does not have sufficient agents to follow up on tax evasion.\nWe will add enforcement personnel, and develop new techniques of enforcement, to collect tax revenue which is now being lost through evasion.\nThird, we shall close the loopholes in the tax laws by which certain privileged groups legally escape their fair share of taxation.\nAmong the more conspicuous loopholes are depletion allowances which are inequitable, special consideration for recipients of dividend income, and deductions for extravagant \"business expenses\" which have reached scandalous proportions.\nTax reform can raise additional revenue and at the same time increase legitimate incentives for growth, and make it possible to ease the burden on the general taxpayer who now pays an unfair share of taxes because of special favors to the few.\nFourth, we shall bring in added Federal tax revenues by expanding the economy itself. Each dollar of additional production puts an additional 18 cents in tax revenue in the national treasury. A 5% growth rate, therefore, will mean that at the end of four years the Federal Government will have had a total of nearly $50 billion in additional tax revenues above those presently received.\nBy these four methods we can sharply increase the Government funds available for needed services, for correction of tax inequities, and for debt or tax reduction.\nMuch of the challenge of the 1960s, however, remains unforeseen and unforeseeable. If, therefore, the unfolding demands of the new decade at home or abroad should impose clear national responsibilities that cannot be fulfilled without higher taxes, we will not allow political disadvantage to deter us from doing what is required.\nAs we proceed with the urgent task of restoring America's productivity, confidence, and power, we will never forget that our national interest is more than the sum total of all the group interests in America.\nWhen group interests conflict with the national interest, it will be the national interest which we serve.\nOn its values and goals the quality of American life depends. Here above all our national interest and our devotion to the Rights of Man coincide.\nDemocratic Administrations under Wilson, Roosevelt, and Truman led the way in pressing for economic justice for all Americans.\nBut man does not live by bread alone. A new Democratic Administration, like its predecessors, will once again look beyond material goals to the spiritual meaning of American society.\nWe have drifted into a national mood that accepts payola and quiz scandals, tax evasion and false expense accounts, soaring crime rates, influence peddling in high Government circles, and the exploitation of sadistic violence as popular entertainment.\nFor eight long critical years our present national leadership has made no effective effort to reverse this mood.\nThe new Democratic Administration will help create a sense of national purpose and higher standards of public behavior.\nCivil Rights\n\nWe shall also seek to create an affirmative new atmosphere in which to deal with racial divisions and inequalities which threaten both the integrity of our democratic faith and the proposition on which our nation was founded—that all men are created equal. It is our faith in human dignity that distinguishes our open free society from the closed totalitarian society of the Communists.\nThe Constitution of the United States rejects the notion that the Rights of Man means the rights of some men only. We reject it too.\nThe right to vote is the first principle of self-government. The Constitution also guarantees to all Americans the equal protection of the laws.\nIt is the duty of the Congress to enact the laws necessary and proper to protect and promote these constitutional rights. The Supreme Court has the power to interpret these rights and the laws thus enacted.\nIt is the duty of the President to see that these rights are respected and that the Constitution and laws as interpreted by the Supreme Court are faithfully executed.\nWhat is now required is effective moral and political leadership by the whole Executive branch of our Government to make equal opportunity a living reality for all Americans.\nAs the party of Jefferson, we shall provide that leadership.\nIn every city and state in greater or lesser degree there is discrimination based on color, race, religion, or national origin.\nIf discrimination in voting, education, the administration of justice or segregated lunch counters are the issues in one area, discrimination in housing and employment may be pressing questions elsewhere.\nThe peaceful demonstrations for first-class citizenship which have recently taken place in many parts of this country are a signal to all of us to make good at long last the guarantees of our Constitution.\nThe time has come to assure equal access for all Americans to all areas of community life, including voting booths, schoolrooms, jobs, housing, and public facilities.\nThe Democratic Administration which takes office next January will therefore use the full powers provided in the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 to secure for all Americans the right to vote.\nIf these powers, vigorously invoked by a new Attorney General and backed by a strong and imaginative Democratic President, prove inadequate, further powers will be sought.\nWe will support whatever action is necessary to eliminate literacy tests and the payment of poll taxes as requirements for voting.\nA new Democratic Administration will also use its full powers—legal and moral—to ensure the beginning of good-faith compliance with the Constitutional requirement that racial discrimination be ended in public education.\nWe believe that every school district affected by the Supreme Court's school desegregation decision should submit a plan providing for at least first-step compliance by 1963, the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.\nTo facilitate compliance, technical and financial assistance should be given to school districts facing special problems of transition.\nFor this and for the protection of all other Constitutional rights of Americans, the Attorney General should be empowered and directed to file civil injunction suits in Federal courts to prevent the denial of any civil right on grounds of race, creed, or color.\nThe new Democratic Administration will support Federal legislation establishing a Fair Employment Practices Commission to secure effectively for everyone the right to equal opportunity for employment.\nIn 1949 the President's Committee on Civil Rights recommended a permanent Commission on Civil Rights. The new Democratic Administration will broaden the scope and strengthen the powers of the present commission and make it permanent.\nIts functions will be to provide, assistance to communities, industries, or individuals in the implementation of Constitutional rights in education, housing, employment, transportation, and the administration of justice.\nIn addition, the Democratic Administration will use its full executive powers to assure equal employment opportunities and to terminate racial segregation throughout Federal services and institutions, and on all Government contracts, The successful desegregation of the armed services took place through such decisive executive action under President Truman.\nSimilarly the new Democratic Administration will take action to end discrimination in Federal housing programs, including Federally assisted housing.\nTo accomplish these goals will require executive orders, legal actions brought by the Attorney General, legislation, and improved Congressional procedures to safeguard majority rule.\nAbove all, it will require the strong, active, persuasive, and inventive leadership of the President of the United States.\nThe Democratic President who takes office next January will face unprecedented challenges. His Administration will present a new face to the world.\nIt will be a bold, confident, affirmative face. We will draw new strength from the universal truths which the founder of our Party asserted in the Declaration of Independence to be \"self-evident.\"\nEmerson once spoke of an unending contest in human affairs, a contest between the Party of Hope and the Party of Memory.\nFor 7 1/2 years America, governed by the Party of Memory, has taken a holiday from history.\nAs the Party of Hope it is our responsibility and opportunity to call forth the greatness of the American people.\nIn this spirit, we hereby rededicate ourselves to the continuing service of the Rights of Man-everywhere in America and everywhere else on God's earth.", "Words" -> 16019, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 898, "of" -> 741, "and" -> 641, "to" -> 504, "in" -> 300, "a" -> 229, "will" -> 220, "for" -> 216, "We" -> 191, "The" -> 185, "our" -> 158, "Democratic" -> 108, "with" -> 98, "be" -> 97, "that" -> 95, "by" -> 91, "Administration" -> 91, "is" -> 89, "has" -> 81, "have" -> 79, "which" -> 78, "we" -> 78, "on" -> 77, "are" -> 71, "as" -> 70, "new" -> 66, "shall" -> 65, "Republican" -> 64, "national" -> 58, "all" -> 56, "or" -> 49, "Federal" -> 49, "an" -> 49, "this" -> 46, "these" -> 46, "from" -> 45, "their" -> 44, "at" -> 44, "public" -> 41, "Government" -> 41, "programs" -> 38, "world" -> 37, "provide" -> 37, "not" -> 36, "economic" -> 36, "its" -> 34, "American" -> 33, "more" -> 32, "been" -> 32, "support" -> 31, "people" -> 31, "other" -> 31, "United" -> 30, "must" -> 30, "should" -> 29, "right" -> 29, "them" -> 28, "program" -> 28, "development" -> 27, "policy" -> 26, "Party" -> 26, "It" -> 26, "it" -> 26, "full" -> 26, "In" -> 25, "can" -> 25, "A" -> 25, "under" -> 24, "such" -> 24, "States" -> 24, "power" -> 24, "pledge" -> 24, "America" -> 24, "years" -> 23, "who" -> 23, "resources" -> 23, "research" -> 23, "policies" -> 23, "needs" -> 23, "leadership" -> 23, "use" -> 22, "those" -> 22, "housing" -> 22, "action" -> 22, "work" -> 21, "To" -> 21, "now" -> 21, "interest" -> 21, "facilities" 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10, "increase" -> 10, "homes" -> 10, "further" -> 10, "failed" -> 10, "energy" -> 10, "decent" -> 10, "cooperation" -> 10, "construction" -> 10, "care" -> 10, "billion" -> 10, "atomic" -> 10, "administration" -> 10, "women" -> 9, "within" -> 9, "water" -> 9, "urban" -> 9, "transportation" -> 9, "take" -> 9, "strengthen" -> 9, "still" -> 9, "some" -> 9, "Security" -> 9, "security" -> 9, "rural" -> 9, "production" -> 9, "place" -> 9, "order" -> 9, "nuclear" -> 9, "needed" -> 9, "nation's" -> 9, "measures" -> 9, "loans" -> 9, "living" -> 9, "If" -> 9, "governments" -> 9, "For" -> 9, "first" -> 9, "expanded" -> 9, "expand" -> 9, "equal" -> 9, "educational" -> 9, "develop" -> 9, "countries" -> 9, "children" -> 9, "among" -> 9, "young" -> 8, "where" -> 8, "war" -> 8, "unemployment" -> 8, "toward" -> 8, "there" -> 8, "states" -> 8, "Social" -> 8, "small" -> 8, "require" -> 8, "reject" -> 8, "recreation" -> 8, "recognize" -> 8, "promise" -> 8, "possible" -> 8, "planning" -> 8, "peoples" -> 8, "one" -> 8, "made" -> 8, "law" -> 8, "justice" -> 8, "insurance" -> 8, "increased" -> 8, "groups" -> 8, "great" -> 8, "financial" -> 8, "few" -> 8, "favor" -> 8, "farmers" -> 8, "family" -> 8, "expanding" -> 8, "existing" -> 8, "enable" -> 8, "effort" -> 8, "down" -> 8, "debt" -> 8, "costs" -> 8, "community" -> 8, "capital" -> 8, "But" -> 8, "beyond" -> 8, "better" -> 8, "believe" -> 8, "available" -> 8, "America's" -> 8, "air" -> 8, "agencies" -> 8, "working" -> 7, "veterans" -> 7, "upon" -> 7, "time" -> 7, "strength" -> 7, "restore" -> 7, "responsibility" -> 7, "requires" -> 7, "required" -> 7, "raise" -> 7, "race" -> 7, "progress" -> 7, "powers" -> 7, "population" -> 7, "peaceful" -> 7, "over" -> 7, "orderly" -> 7, "opportunities" -> 7, "nearly" -> 7, "Nations" -> 7, "National" -> 7, "much" -> 7, "management" -> 7, "major" -> 7, "long" -> 7, "live" -> 7, "land" -> 7, "jobs" -> 7, "interests" -> 7, "industrial" -> 7, "independence" -> 7, "income" -> 7, "improvement" -> 7, "important" -> 7, "immigration" -> 7, "history" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "higher" -> 7, "growing" -> 7, "good" -> 7, "give" -> 7, "forces" -> 7, "even" -> 7, "establishment" -> 7, "disarmament" -> 7, "dignity" -> 7, "Community" -> 7, "common" -> 7, "Civil" -> 7, "building" -> 7, "both" -> 7, "best" -> 7, "being" -> 7, "before" -> 7, "basic" -> 7, "agricultural" -> 7, "after" -> 7, "access" -> 7, "7" -> 7, "2" -> 7, "1" -> 7, "Yet" -> 6, "whose" -> 6, "whole" -> 6, "when" -> 6, "what" -> 6, "well" -> 6, "weapons" -> 6, "Water" -> 6, "want" -> 6, "understanding" -> 6, "These" -> 6, "therefore" -> 6, "themselves" -> 6, "systems" -> 6, "supply" -> 6, "state" -> 6, "Soviet" -> 6, "social" -> 6, "secure" -> 6, "school" -> 6, "Rico" -> 6, "revenue" -> 6, "retirement" -> 6, "requirements" -> 6, "reaffirm" -> 6, "Puerto" -> 6, "provided" -> 6, "produce" -> 6, "principles" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "prices" -> 6, "prevent" -> 6, "practices" -> 6, "pollution" -> 6, "older" -> 6, "office" -> 6, "obligations" -> 6, "natural" -> 6, "maintain" -> 6, "machinery" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "job" -> 6, "Indian" -> 6, "increasing" -> 6, "incomes" -> 6, "House" -> 6, "highway" -> 6, "greater" -> 6, "goals" -> 6, "failure" -> 6, "extend" -> 6, "establish" -> 6, "enforcement" -> 6, "efficiency" -> 6, "effectively" -> 6, "do" -> 6, "cultural" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "continuing" -> 6, "continue" -> 6, "confidence" -> 6, "civil" -> 6, "cannot" -> 6, "based" -> 6, "balance" -> 6, "back" -> 6, "Atlantic" -> 6, "arms" -> 6, "area" -> 6, "already" -> 6, "alliance" -> 6, "agreements" -> 6, "agency" -> 6, "again" -> 6, "added" -> 6, "abundance" -> 6, "3" -> 6, "while" -> 5, "When" -> 5, "welcome" -> 5, "War" -> 5, "underdeveloped" -> 5, "treaty" -> 5, "tradition" -> 5, "Today" -> 5, "times" -> 5, "throughout" -> 5, "technological" -> 5, "teachers" -> 5, "taxes" -> 5, "task" -> 5, "taken" -> 5, "study" -> 5, "step" -> 5, "society" -> 5, "show" -> 5, "Service" -> 5, "schools" -> 5, "result" -> 5, "responsible" -> 5, "Republicans" -> 5, "relations" -> 5, "recreational" -> 5, "recessions" -> 5, "recent" -> 5, "purposes" -> 5, "purpose" -> 5, "projects" -> 5, "preserve" -> 5, "poverty" -> 5, "possibilities" -> 5, "plan" -> 5, "pay" -> 5, "particular" -> 5, "participation" -> 5, "organize" -> 5, "open" -> 5, "once" -> 5, "objectives" -> 5, "never" -> 5, "negotiations" -> 5, "mutual" -> 5, "minimum" -> 5, "minerals" -> 5, "metropolitan" -> 5, "meeting" -> 5, "marketing" -> 5, "Man" -> 5, "long-term" -> 5, "levels" -> 5, "keep" -> 5, "investment" -> 5, "institutions" -> 5, "illness" -> 5, "given" -> 5, "general" -> 5, "future" -> 5, "four" -> 5, "force" -> 5, "far" -> 5, "face" -> 5, "Executive" -> 5, "European" -> 5, "Europe" -> 5, "enterprise" -> 5, "eight" -> 5, "Economic" -> 5, "each" -> 5, "does" -> 5, "District" -> 5, "disabled" -> 5, "depressed" -> 5, "Democrats" -> 5, "deal" -> 5, "created" -> 5, "Court" -> 5, "contracts" -> 5, "continued" -> 5, "consideration" -> 5, "Congressional" -> 5, "complete" -> 5, "competition" -> 5, "clear" -> 5, "campaign" -> 5, "because" -> 5, "basis" -> 5, "balanced" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "armed" -> 5, "anti-labor" -> 5, "agriculture" -> 5, "administrative" -> 5, "Administrations" -> 5, "Administration's" -> 5, "additional" -> 5, "act" -> 5, "ability" -> 5, "your" -> 4, "White" -> 4, "Western" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "voting" -> 4, "vocational" -> 4, "vigorous" -> 4, "vetoed" -> 4, "vast" -> 4, "values" -> 4, "uses" -> 4, "unions" -> 4, "twice" -> 4, "training" -> 4, "total" -> 4, "together" -> 4, "today" -> 4, "three" -> 4, "Their" -> 4, "terms" -> 4, "technical" -> 4, "strong" -> 4, "strengthening" -> 4, "sound" -> 4, "Small" -> 4, "slums" -> 4, "single" -> 4, "severe" -> 4, "sense" -> 4, "scientific" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "Roosevelt" -> 4, "rivers" -> 4, "river" -> 4, "respect" -> 4, "resource" -> 4, "repeal" -> 4, "religion" -> 4, "rehabilitation" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "reduce" -> 4, "record" -> 4, "reasonable" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "Program" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "productivity" -> 4, "productive" -> 4, "produced" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "pressing" -> 4, "Policy" -> 4, "pledges" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "personnel" -> 4, "periods" -> 4, "past" -> 4, "passed" -> 4, "organization" -> 4, "officials" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "next" -> 4, "moral" -> 4, "mass" -> 4, "lost" -> 4, "longer" -> 4, "lives" -> 4, "limited" -> 4, "less" -> 4, "least" -> 4, "Latin" -> 4, "last" -> 4, "large" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "itself" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "influence" -> 4, "inflation" -> 4, "individual" -> 4, "improved" -> 4, "if" -> 4, "hospital" -> 4, "high-interest" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "he" -> 4, "half" -> 4, "greatest" -> 4, "goal" -> 4, "generation" -> 4, "General" -> 4, "functions" -> 4, "Free" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "forced" -> 4, "fiber" -> 4, "farms" -> 4, "false" -> 4, "enact" -> 4, "emphasis" -> 4, "emergency" -> 4, "eliminate" -> 4, "electric" -> 4, "earth" -> 4, "due" -> 4, "done" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "depend" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "decisions" -> 4, "decade" -> 4, "coverage" -> 4, "cooperatives" -> 4, "consumers" -> 4, "consumer" -> 4, "Constitutional" -> 4, "Constitution" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "Congresses" -> 4, "conditions" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "cities" -> 4, "Chinese" -> 4, "charges" -> 4, "change" -> 4, "challenge" -> 4, "carry" -> 4, "burden" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "build" -> 4, "broader" -> 4, "bills" -> 4, "Bill" -> 4, "beginning" -> 4, "begin" -> 4, "become" -> 4, "average" -> 4, "Attorney" -> 4, "attention" -> 4, "attack" -> 4, "annual" -> 4, "alone" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "activities" -> 4, "65" -> 4, "5" -> 4, "4" -> 4, "1/2" -> 4, "youth" -> 3, "you" -> 3, "world's" -> 3, "works" -> 3, "worker" -> 3, "With" -> 3, "wherever" -> 3, "were" -> 3, "Welfare" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "vote" -> 3, "vital" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "vigor" -> 3, "useful" -> 3, "urgent" -> 3, "urgency" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "unnecessary" -> 3, "unity" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "Unemployment" -> 3, "undertake" -> 3, "Truman" -> 3, "traditional" -> 3, "Trade" -> 3, "took" -> 3, "too" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "tests" -> 3, "talent" -> 3, "Taft-Hartley" -> 3, "sympathetic" -> 3, "surpluses" -> 3, "Supreme" -> 3, "suitable" -> 3, "suffering" -> 3, "suburban" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "students" -> 3, "strikes" -> 3, "starts" -> 3, "speed" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "sought" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "slum" -> 3, "slowed" -> 3, "Since" -> 3, "sign" -> 3, "sewage" -> 3, "set" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "serious" -> 3, "save" -> 3, "safety" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "role" -> 3, "revolution" -> 3, "review" -> 3, "reverse" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "restoration" -> 3, "responsibilities" -> 3, "resist" -> 3, "requiring" -> 3, "represent" -> 3, "remedies" -> 3, "remains" -> 3, "release" -> 3, "relationships" -> 3, "Relations" -> 3, "regional" -> 3, "reduced" -> 3, "recruit" -> 3, "recently" -> 3, "received" -> 3, "realistic" -> 3, "rapidly" -> 3, "raised" -> 3, "racial" -> 3, "quality" -> 3, "put" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "pure" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "proposed" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "project" -> 3, "profits" -> 3, "procedures" -> 3, "priority" -> 3, "press" -> 3, "prepared" -> 3, "potential" -> 3, "plants" -> 3, "persons" -> 3, "period" -> 3, "peacetime" -> 3, "payments" -> 3, "parity" -> 3, "parents" -> 3, "pace" -> 3, "Over" -> 3, "ourselves" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "oil" -> 3, "objective" -> 3, "number" -> 3, "normal" -> 3, "nor" -> 3, "New" -> 3, "neglect" -> 3, "near" -> 3, "multiple-purpose" -> 3, "Most" -> 3, "modern" -> 3, "missiles" -> 3, "mining" -> 3, "millions" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "members" -> 3, "meaning" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "Many" -> 3, "majority" -> 3, "maintained" -> 3, "Machinery" -> 3, "low-cost" -> 3, "low" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "loan" -> 3, "limitations" -> 3, "like" -> 3, "level" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "led" -> 3, "leaders" -> 3, "January" -> 3, "interstate" -> 3, "intensive" -> 3, "Insurance" -> 3, "installations" -> 3, "initiative" -> 3, "Indians" -> 3, "independent" -> 3, "increases" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "incentives" -> 3, "inadequate" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "II" -> 3, "idle" -> 3, "However" -> 3, "however" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "had" -> 3, "guarantees" -> 3, "grow" -> 3, "Great" -> 3, "government" -> 3, "goes" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "gap" -> 3, "function" -> 3, "Franklin" -> 3, "forward" -> 3, "fiscal" -> 3, "find" -> 3, "financed" -> 3, "Federally" -> 3, "favors" -> 3, "faith" -> 3, "facts" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "extended" -> 3, "expressed" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "executive" -> 3, "everywhere" -> 3, "Even" -> 3, "evasion" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "Energy" -> 3, "encouraging" -> 3, "enacted" -> 3, "Employment" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "elsewhere" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "effect" -> 3, "East" -> 3, "ease" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "distribution" -> 3, "disease" -> 3, "disaster" -> 3, "diplomatic" -> 3, "devotion" -> 3, "developing" -> 3, "despite" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "Defense" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "debate" -> 3, "cynical" -> 3, "crisis" -> 3, "creative" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "costly" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "cooperative" -> 3, "conventional" -> 3, "Continue" -> 3, "contest" -> 3, "consumption" -> 3, "constructive" -> 3, "confident" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "concerned" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "comprehensive" -> 3, "compliance" -> 3, "Communists" -> 3, "Commonwealth" -> 3, "committees" -> 3, "commercial" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "closed" -> 3, "clean" -> 3, "city" -> 3, "citizenship" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "certain" -> 3, "centers" -> 3, "case" -> 3, "captive" -> 3, "capacity" -> 3, "buy" -> 3, "Business" -> 3, "burdens" -> 3, "budget" -> 3, "brought" -> 3, "break" -> 3, "branch" -> 3, "blight" -> 3, "billions" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "Berlin" -> 3, "benefit" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "bargaining" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "automation" -> 3, "atmosphere" -> 3, "At" -> 3, "aspects" -> 3, "Areas" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "approaches" -> 3, "annually" -> 3, "Although" -> 3, "almost" -> 3, "Agriculture" -> 3, "ago" -> 3, "aged" -> 3, "Africa" -> 3, "affirmative" -> 3, "affected" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "adoption" -> 3, "admitted" -> 3, "administered" -> 3, "adjustments" -> 3, "adjustment" -> 3, "Acts" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "about" -> 3, "50" -> 3, "1960s" -> 3, "1960" -> 3, "1953" -> 3, "$9" -> 2, "$50" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "written" -> 2, "world-wide" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "wiped" -> 2, "Wilson" -> 2, "wildernesses" -> 2, "whom" -> 2, "wholesome" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "Where" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weakened" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "voters" -> 2, "voice" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "users" -> 2, "useless" -> 2, "usefulness" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unprecedented" -> 2, "universal" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "undue" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "underprivileged" -> 2, "TVA" -> 2, "turn" -> 2, "truth" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "tribes" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "transmission" -> 2, "transition" -> 2, "totally" -> 2, "totalitarian" -> 2, "tight-money" -> 2, "tidal" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "There" -> 2, "Then" -> 2, "testified" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "tensions" -> 2, "ten" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "television" -> 2, "technology" -> 2, "taxpayers" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "survivors" -> 2, "summon" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "substandard" -> 2, "submit" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "streams" -> 2, "strategy" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "steady" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "stated" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "staff" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "speedier" -> 2, "speak" -> 2, "Sound" -> 2, "sometimes" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "Soil" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "so-called" -> 2, "situation" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "shortage" -> 2, "shores" -> 2, "shorelines" -> 2, "shipping" -> 2, "shifting" -> 2, "shift" -> 2, "sharply" -> 2, "shale" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "servicemen" -> 2, "service-connected" -> 2, "sensitive" -> 2, "Senate" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "self-help" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "Secretary" -> 2, "scrutiny" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "scientists" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "scholarship" -> 2, "scales" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "run" -> 2, "risk" -> 2, "right-to-work" -> 2, "riches" -> 2, "revised" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "Revenue" -> 2, "revamp" -> 2, "retraining" -> 2, "Retirement" -> 2, "retire" -> 2, "resulting" -> 2, "restrictive" -> 2, "Restore" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "respected" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "residence" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "requirement" -> 2, "repudiate" -> 2, "Representatives" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "representation" -> 2, "replaced" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "renewal" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "relationship" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "regard" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "refugee" -> 2, "reform" -> 2, "reductions" -> 2, "reducing" -> 2, "redevelopment" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "reaffirms" -> 2, "reactor" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "REA" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "raises" -> 2, "railroads" -> 2, "Railroad" -> 2, "rail" -> 2, "radioactive" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "pursued" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "prospects" -> 2, "proposal" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "promptly" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "promising" -> 2, "proceedings" -> 2, "proceed" -> 2, "priced" -> 2, "preventing" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "pre-eminent" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "position" -> 2, "politics" -> 2, "plenty" -> 2, "played" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "planet" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "picket" -> 2, "philosophy" -> 2, "Persons" -> 2, "permitting" -> 2, "permanently" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "pays" -> 2, "pauper's" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "partnership" -> 2, "partners" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "parks" -> 2, "outer" -> 2, "outdoor" -> 2, "others" -> 2, "orphans" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "orders" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "one-third" -> 2, "Older" -> 2, "often" -> 2, "offset" -> 2, "official" -> 2, "offer" -> 2, "oath" -> 2, "nursing" -> 2, "notion" -> 2, "non-Communist" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neighborhoods" -> 2, "negotiation" -> 2, "negotiate" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "needy" -> 2, "navigation" -> 2, "Natural" -> 2, "NATO" -> 2, "nationwide" -> 2, "nationality" -> 2, "move" -> 2, "mortgage" -> 2, "More" -> 2, "mood" -> 2, "months" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "minority" -> 2, "mineral" -> 2, "Middle" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "Mental" -> 2, "mental" -> 2, "Memory" -> 2, "measured" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "lunch" -> 2, "loyalty" -> 2, "low-interest" -> 2, "loopholes" -> 2, "look" -> 2, "long-run" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "list" -> 2, "lines" -> 2, "line" -> 2, "limiting" -> 2, "likewise" -> 2, "liberalizing" -> 2, "liability" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "leading" -> 2, "lead" -> 2, "lawful" -> 2, "language" -> 2, "Lakes" -> 2, "lack" -> 2, "labor-management" -> 2, "laboratories" -> 2, "killers" -> 2, "juvenile" -> 2, "jet" -> 2, "Jefferson" -> 2, "issues" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "Iron" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "Internal" -> 2, "interfering" -> 2, "intercontinental" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "inland" -> 2, "initial" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "Inflation" -> 2, "indifference" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "Income" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "improper" -> 2, "impossible" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "ideologies" -> 2, "identity" -> 2, "I" -> 2, "Hungary" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "how" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "Hope" -> 2, "honesty" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "holds" -> 2, "historic" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "Here" -> 2, "Hemisphere" -> 2, "helping" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "hearing" -> 2, "hardest" -> 2, "harbors" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "hampering" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "grounds" -> 2, "gross" -> 2, "greatly" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "gradual" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "generally" -> 2, "game" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "friends" -> 2, "freer" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "Formosa" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forest" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "flourish" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "flagrant" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "fish" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "firm" -> 2, "final" -> 2, "filled" -> 2, "file" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "fears" -> 2, "favored" -> 2, "favorable" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "famine" -> 2, "Fair" -> 2, "factor" -> 2, "exploration" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "exchange" -> 2, "everyone" -> 2, "evaluate" -> 2, "Ethics" -> 2, "eternal" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "eroded" -> 2, "erected" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "environment" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "England" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "endeavors" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "eligible" -> 2, "electricity" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "elect" -> 2, "Education" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "earn" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "doomed" -> 2, "dominated" -> 2, "domain" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "divisions" -> 2, "divide" -> 2, "divert" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "distress" -> 2, "disposal" -> 2, "displaced" -> 2, "disadvantage" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "disabilities" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "Development" -> 2, "developed" -> 2, "determined" -> 2, "deterioration" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "desegregation" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "depletion" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "democratic" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "delinquency" -> 2, "deficits" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "defending" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "dedication" -> 2, "decline" -> 2, "day" -> 2, "dangers" -> 2, "cuts" -> 2, "cut" -> 2, "Curtain" -> 2, "current" -> 2, "critical" -> 2, "creating" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "Council" -> 2, "could" -> 2, "coordinating" -> 2, "co-ops" -> 2, "conviction" -> 2, "Control" -> 2, "contributions" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contractors" -> 2, "continuous" -> 2, "continuity" -> 2, "Continued" -> 2, "contacts" -> 2, "conspicuous" -> 2, "confidently" -> 2, "conferences" -> 2, "concert" -> 2, "conceived" -> 2, "complex" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "competence" -> 2, "Communism" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "commitments" -> 2, "combat" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "colony" -> 2, "collect" -> 2, "clothing" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "clearance" -> 2, "classroom" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "channels" -> 2, "challenges" -> 2, "Century" -> 2, "center" -> 2, "ceiling" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "caused" -> 2, "catch" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "capability" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "bureau" -> 2, "budgets" -> 2, "boundaries" -> 2, "borrow" -> 2, "blocked" -> 2, "blessings" -> 2, "bigotry" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "basin" -> 2, "bases" -> 2, "base" -> 2, "bargain" -> 2, "bankrupted" -> 2, "backlog" -> 2, "backed" -> 2, "avoid" -> 2, "availability" -> 2, "automobile" -> 2, "authorizing" -> 2, "authorized" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "attractive" -> 2, "Atomic" -> 2, "Asia" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "armaments" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "anti-trust" -> 2, "anniversary" -> 2, "analysis" -> 2, "An" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "Among" -> 2, "amend" -> 2, "allowed" -> 2, "allocation" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "airports" -> 2, "Air" -> 2, "agreement" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "age-old" -> 2, "agenda" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "advances" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "admission" -> 2, "adhere" -> 2, "acute" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "able" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "5%" -> 2, "40" -> 2, "20th" -> 2, "1958" -> 2, "16" -> 2, "$35" -> 1, "$33" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$19" -> 1, "$15" -> 1, "$1.25" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "Zone" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "younger" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "Year" -> 1, "yardsticks" -> 1, "wrote" -> 1, "write" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "workings" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wished" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "windfalls" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "widens" -> 1, "Whole" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "What" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "weakened—by" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Walsh-Healey" -> 1, "wall" -> 1, "Wagner" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "Wages" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "visits" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victorious" -> 1, "victimized" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "Vice" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "vertical" -> 1, "vendors" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "valiant" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "us—the" -> 1, "usurpation" -> 1, "usually" -> 1, "Using" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unshackle" -> 1, "unrestricted" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unpleasant" -> 1, "unorganized" -> 1, "unjustly" -> 1, "University" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "Unimaginative" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "unforeseen" -> 1, "unforeseeable" -> 1, "unfolding" -> 1, "unfinished" -> 1, "unethical" -> 1, "unequivocal" -> 1, "unending" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undisclosed" -> 1, "underworld" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "underscored" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "underfed" -> 1, "Underdeveloped" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unavoidably" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "UN" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "U-2" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "two-fifths" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "twenty-fifth" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "troublemaking" -> 1, "triple" -> 1, "tribute" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "tractors" -> 1, "towards" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "timidity" -> 1, "time-tested" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "Tight" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "tie-in" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thrust" -> 1, "thrown" -> 1, "throwing" -> 1, "threshold" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "thin" -> 1, "thermonuclear" -> 1, "Thereafter" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "test—a" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "testimonial" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "terminate" -> 1, "ten—are" -> 1, "ten-year" -> 1, "Tens" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "tell" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "technologically" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "technicians" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "tanks" -> 1, "talk" -> 1, "Taken" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tacticians" -> 1, "taconite" -> 1, "tackle" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "sympathetically" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "sweep" -> 1, "sustained-yield" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "suspended" -> 1, "surrounding" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surprise" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "supplement" -> 1, "supplanted" -> 1, "supervised" -> 1, "sun—and" -> 1, "sun" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "sullied" -> 1, "suits" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suffocating" -> 1, "Suez" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "Suburbs" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "subsequent" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "subcontractors" -> 1, "Subcommittee" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "striven" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "Stricken" -> 1, "stretched" -> 1, "strength-military" -> 1, "strengthened—not" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "stream" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "stranded" -> 1, "storing" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "sterile" -> 1, "stepped-up" -> 1, "Steel" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "statesmen" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "stage" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "stabilizing" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spoke" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "spheres" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speeding" -> 1, "spectacle" -> 1, "specific" -> 1, "specially" -> 1, "specialized" -> 1, "special-interest" -> 1, "Special" -> 1, "Space" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sorry" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "soldier" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "smear" -> 1, "small-watershed" -> 1, "slumps" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "slowdown" -> 1, "slow" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "slashed" -> 1, "slander" -> 1, "sky" -> 1, "skills" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "sincerity" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "silt" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "sickness" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shouldered" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "shorter-range" -> 1, "shortens" -> 1, "shops" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shipments" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shared" -> 1, "sham" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "severely" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "sever" -> 1, "Seven" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separated" -> 1, "Separate" -> 1, "self-judging" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-evident" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "segregated" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "sector" -> 1, "Secretaries" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "secrecy" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "seaward" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "schoolrooms" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "scattered" -> 1, "scandals" -> 1, "scandalous" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "saw" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "Sarena" -> 1, "salt" -> 1, "salinity" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sadistic" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "Russians" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruined" -> 1, "Rover" -> 1, "rounding" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "rocket" -> 1, "Robinson-Patman" -> 1, "Roads" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rival" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "rights-everywhere" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revealed" -> 1, "reunite" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "re-training" -> 1, "retraction" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retaliate" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "retail" -> 1, "resume" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restorative" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "reservoirs" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "reservation" -> 1, "reseeding" -> 1, "Research" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "reputation" -> 1, "repudiated" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "Reporting" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "remunerative" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "remained" -> 1, "remainder" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "relatively" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "Regulatory" -> 1, "regulatory" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "regret" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "refuges" -> 1, "Refugee" -> 1, "refrigerator" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "refocus" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "re-examination" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "Recreational" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "recourse" -> 1, "recommended" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "recklessly" -> 1, "recitals" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "recessionary" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "recast" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reasoned" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "readier" -> 1, "reach—the" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "re" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "rash" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "rain" -> 1, "Railway" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "Rail" -> 1, "radically" -> 1, "Radiation" -> 1, "radiation" -> 1, "race—and" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quo" -> 1, "quiz" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "quasi-judicial" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "puts" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "purpose—to" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "public-preference" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "psychiatric" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provides" -> 1, "Provide" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "prototype" -> 1, "protections" -> 1, "prospecting" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "propulsion" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "propel" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "programming" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "profitably" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "Proclamation" -> 1, "proclaims" -> 1, "proclaim" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "proceeds" -> 1, "proceeding" -> 1, "Procedures" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prison" -> 1, "priorities" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "prevails" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "pressures" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "president" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presently" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pre-eminence" -> 1, "predominantly" -> 1, "predecessors" -> 1, "Practices" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powers—legal" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "potentialities" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "pool" -> 1, "Pollution" -> 1, "Polluted" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "poll" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poisoned" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "Plymouth" -> 1, "plunge" -> 1, "plunder" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "Plan—by" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "Planning" -> 1, "planes" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "pilot" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "picture" -> 1, "Physically" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "perverted" -> 1, "persuasive" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "persistence" -> 1, "perpetuated" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "periphery" -> 1, "periodically" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "perhaps" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "people—have" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pendency" -> 1, "peddling" -> 1, "peace-time" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "payola" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "payloads" -> 1, "patterned" -> 1, "patients" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "patented" -> 1, "Passamaquoddy" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "Party—to" -> 1, "part-time" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "Parity" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "painless" -> 1, "paid-up" -> 1, "pacts" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "owed" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "overrode" -> 1, "overnight" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overburdened" -> 1, "outstrip" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outrun" -> 1, "outraged" -> 1, "outmoded" -> 1, "outlays" -> 1, "Outer" -> 1, "Outdoor" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "ore" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opposes" -> 1, "opportunistic" -> 1, "opponents" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "Oceanography" -> 1, "Oceanographic" -> 1, "occur" -> 1, "occasional" -> 1, "obviously" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "observe" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "nutritional" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nursing-home" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non-uniform" -> 1, "non-strategic" -> 1, "nonpartisan" -> 1, "non-nuclear" -> 1, "non-governmental" -> 1, "non-farmers" -> 1, "non-farm" -> 1, "non-citizens" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "Neighbor" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "national-origins" -> 1, "nationalistic" -> 1, "narrowly" -> 1, "names—the" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "muster" -> 1, "multiple-use" -> 1, "multi-billion-dollar" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "mounts" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "motives" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "moral—to" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "monuments" -> 1, "month" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "Money" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mismanaged" -> 1, "misjudging" -> 1, "mishandling" -> 1, "minimums" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "mines" -> 1, "Minerals" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "migrants" -> 1, "migrant" -> 1, "mighty" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "middle—and" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "mergers" -> 1, "merger" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "mercenaries" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "measuring" -> 1, "Measures" -> 1, "meantime" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "meager" -> 1, "maturity" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "matched" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "Marshall" -> 1, "Market" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "mapping" -> 1, "map" -> 1, "man's" -> 1, "Manpower" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "Mankind's" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "Man-everywhere" -> 1, "maneuvers" -> 1, "Managing" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "machines" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "low-grade" -> 1, "lot" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "Long-range" -> 1, "long-neglected" -> 1, "longer-range" -> 1, "Long-delayed" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "localities" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "Living" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "limited-war" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "lignites" -> 1, "life—our" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "libraries" -> 1, "Liberties" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "liberalize" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "lethargy" -> 1, "lesser" -> 1, "lengthen" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "League" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "layer" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "launched" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "lamentably" -> 1, "lakes" -> 1, "lag" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "Judicial" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "jeopardized" -> 1, "Jeffersonian" -> 1, "Japanese" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "item" -> 1, "Israel" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irresistible" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "invoked" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "invigorated" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigating" -> 1, "inventive" -> 1, "inventions" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "interrupted" -> 1, "interpreted" -> 1, "interpret" -> 1, "Intergroup" -> 1, "intergroup" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intensity" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "integration" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "Instruments" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "injunctions" -> 1, "injunction" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "inform" -> 1, "inflicted" -> 1, "infinitely" -> 1, "infiltrated" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inequitable" -> 1, "inequalities" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "Industries" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "indignity" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "incremental" -> 1, "incredibly" -> 1, "inconvenienced" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "incomplete" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "income—a" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "inches" -> 1, "incapable" -> 1, "inaugurate" -> 1, "inadequately" -> 1, "impure" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "imprisoned" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "implant" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "immensely" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "imbalances" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "Image" -> 1, "illustrated" -> 1, "Illness" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "ignorant" -> 1, "idly" -> 1, "ideology" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "hydroelectric" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "hunger" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Hull" -> 1, "Hospitals" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospitalized" -> 1, "hospitality" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "holocaust" -> 1, "holiday" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "History" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "hinge" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "Hill-Burton" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "high-interest-rate" -> 1, "high-cost" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "hesitates" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "hence" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "helpful" -> 1, "heavier" -> 1, "heartening" -> 1, "Heart" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "hearings" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "healthful" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "harvests" -> 1, "harmonious" -> 1, "harassed" -> 1, "happened" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "Handicapped" -> 1, "handicapped" -> 1, "handful" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "half-trillion-dollar" -> 1, "Half" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "habitat" -> 1, "gulfs" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "grinding" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "Grand" -> 1, "graft" -> 1, "graded" -> 1, "Governor" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "Government-financed" -> 1, "government-by-injunction" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "good-faith" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "God's" -> 1, "goals—dignity" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "glowing" -> 1, "Give" -> 1, "gifts" -> 1, "Giant" -> 1, "giant" -> 1, "G.I." -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "gets" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "geologic" -> 1, "genuinely" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "General's" -> 1, "geared" -> 1, "gaps—missile" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "furnished" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "fruitful" -> 1, "fruit" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "free—free" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "fourth" -> 1, "four-point" -> 1, "founder" -> 1, "founded—that" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "forgo" -> 1, "forging" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "Forests" -> 1, "forestall" -> 1, "foresee" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "foisted" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "flood-control" -> 1, "flights—the" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "first-step" -> 1, "first-class" -> 1, "firms" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "Fifty" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "Federal-state" -> 1, "Federal-Indian" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "feasibility" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favoring" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "fashioned" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "Farms" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "family-type" -> 1, "family-farm" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "fact-finding" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "facilitating" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "eye" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extracted" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "explored" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "experimentally" -> 1, "experimental" -> 1, "expensive" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "Expenditures" -> 1, "expectations" -> 1, "Expansion" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exhausts" -> 1, "exhausted" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "executed" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "excise" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "Everyone" -> 1, "ever-growing" -> 1, "ever-greater" -> 1, "Ever" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "Euratom" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "Establish" -> 1, "espionage" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "erase" -> 1, "eradication" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equips" -> 1, "Equality" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "envisaged" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "ensure" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enormously" -> 1, "enlightenment" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "End" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "empire" -> 1, "emphasized" -> 1, "Emphasis" -> 1, "Emerson" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "embarrassments" -> 1, "Emancipation" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "Electrification" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "election-year" -> 1, "Elections" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "elderly" -> 1, "elder" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Eisenhower" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "eat" -> 1, "East-West" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "dweller" -> 1, "duration" -> 1, "dumped" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "Drug" -> 1, "drug" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drifted" -> 1, "drift" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "downward" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "dormitories" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "domiciliary" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "dividend" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "district" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distinguishing" -> 1, "distinguishes" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "disrupting" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disposing" -> 1, "dispose" -> 1, "diseases—cancer" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discriminations" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "Disclosure" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disclaimer" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "Disability" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differentiates" -> 1, "differentials" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "Deterrent" -> 1, "deterrent" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "desperation" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "Depressed" -> 1, "depress" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "dentistry" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demonstrations" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "demolition" -> 1, "democratically" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "degrading" -> 1, "definition" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "deferred" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "deductions" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "declines" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "deceased" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "Deal" -> 1, "deadlock" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "Davis-Bacon" -> 1, "dating" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "dams" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "cushioning" -> 1, "curtailment" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "cumbersome" -> 1, "culture" -> 1, "cultivation" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "cruelly" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crowded" -> 1, "Crop" -> 1, "crippling" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "courses" -> 1, "courageously" -> 1, "Courageous" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "counters" -> 1, "counter-measures" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "Coulee" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "corresponding" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "Cordell" -> 1, "coping" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "convinced" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "conversant" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contributory" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contradicts" -> 1, "contradiction—and" -> 1, "contractual" -> 1, "Continuous" -> 1, "continental" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "contested" -> 1, "contention" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "contact" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "constructing" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "Constant" -> 1, "consisted" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "considerably" -> 1, "Consider" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confused" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "conform" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "conflict-of-interest" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confine" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "condemns" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compatible" -> 1, "commuters" -> 1, "commuter" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "Common" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "commitment" -> 1, "commissioners" -> 1, "Commissioner" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercialization" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "combating" -> 1, "Colony" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "college" -> 1, "collectively—has" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "coincide" -> 1, "coexist" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "Coal" -> 1, "clumsiness" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clock" -> 1, "climb" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clearer" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "Cities" -> 1, "circles" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "chemical" -> 1, "checking" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "Charges" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "channel" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "cents" -> 1, "Celler-Kefauver" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "catchall" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "capital-exporting" -> 1, "capita" -> 1, "capacities" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "camping" -> 1, "campaigned" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "businessman" -> 1, "businesslike" -> 1, "businesses" -> 1, "bushels" -> 1, "bus" -> 1, "burnt-over" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "bulldozers" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "builds" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "broadcasts" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "bribes" -> 1, "breakthrough" -> 1, "breakdown" -> 1, "bread" -> 1, "branches—Executive" -> 1, "brackish" -> 1, "boycotts" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "borrows" -> 1, "borne" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "booths" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bombers" -> 1, "bolder" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "boastful" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blunder" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blockades" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blasted" -> 1, "blanket" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "bi-partisanship" -> 1, "bidding" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "Benefits" -> 1, "belonging" -> 1, "belated" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "beds" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "Basic" -> 1, "barrels" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "Bargaining" -> 1, "barely" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bales" -> 1, "balance-of-payments" -> 1, "Balanced" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "award" -> 1, "awakening" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "avenue" -> 1, "auxiliary" -> 1, "Automation" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "authoritarianism" -> 1, "augmentation" -> 1, "attuned" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "atoms-for-peace" -> 1, "Atoms" -> 1, "atheistic" -> 1, "assorted" -> 1, "Association" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "associate" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "Assembly" -> 1, "assembling" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "arthritis" -> 1, "arrogance" -> 1, "arrival" -> 1, "arrangement" -> 1, "Arms" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "argument" -> 1, "area-coverage" -> 1, "Arab-Israeli" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "approached" -> 1, "approach" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apathy" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "Anti-Merger" -> 1, "anti-inflationary" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "Americans—more" -> 1, "Americans—about" -> 1, "American-flag" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "amalgamation" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "allies" -> 1, "alleviating" -> 1, "alleviate" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "alarm" -> 1, "air—all" -> 1, "airways" -> 1, "Airports" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggressions" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "Agencies" -> 1, "Again" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "afraid" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affidavits" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "advisers" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "advertising" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "Action" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "acre" -> 1, "acquiesces" -> 1, 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Platform of 1956", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1956, "Date" -> DateObject[{1956, 8, 13}], "Text" -> "Preamble\nIn the brief space of three and one-haft years, the people of the United States have come to realize, with tragic consequences, that our National Government cannot be trusted to the hands of political amateurs, dominated by representatives of special privilege.\nFour years ago they were beguiled, by empty promises and pledges, to elect as President a recent convert to Republicanism. Our people have now learned that the party of Lincoln has been made captive to big businessmen with small minds. They have found that they are now ruled by a Government which they did not elect, and to which they have not given their consent. Their awareness of this fact was demonstrated in 1954 when they returned control of the legislative machinery of the Federal Government to the 84th Democratic Congress.\nFrom the wreckage of American world leadership under a Republican Administration, this great Democratic Congress has salvaged a portion of the world prestige our Nation enjoyed under the brilliant Administrations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.\nOur Democratic 84th Congress made one of the greatest legislative records in the history of our country. It enacted an active program of progressive, humane legislation, which has repudiated the efforts of reactionary Republicanism to stall America's progress. When we return to the halls of Congress next January, and with a Democratic President in the White House, it will be the plan and purpose of our Party to complete restoration and rehabilitation of American leadership in world affairs. We pledge return of our National Government to its rightful owners, the people of the United States.\nOn the threshold of an atomic age, in mid-Twentieth Century, our beloved Nation needs the vision, vigor and vitality which can be infused into it only by a government under the Democratic Party.\nWe approach the forthcoming election with a firm purpose of effecting such infusion; and with the help and assistance of Divine Providence we shall endeavor to accomplish it. To the end that the people it has served so well may know our program for the return of America to the highway of progress, the Democratic Party herewith submits its platform for 1956.\nI. Foreign Policy and National Defense\n\nThe Democratic Party affirms that world peace is a primary objective of human society. Peace is more than a suspension of shooting while frenzied and fearful nations stockpile armaments of annihilation.\nAchievement of world peace requires political statesmanship and economic wisdom, international understanding and dynamic leadership. True peace is the tranquillity of ordered justice on a global scale. It may be destroyed without a shot being fired. It can be fostered and preserved only by the solid unity and common brotherhood of the peoples of the world in the cause of freedom.\nThe hopes and aspirations of the peoples of all nations for justice and peace depend largely upon the courageous and enlightened administration of the foreign and defense policies of the United States. We deplore the fact that the administration of both policies since 1953 has confused timidity with courage, and blindness with enlightenment.\nThe Republican Record of Confusion and Complacency Is the President's Responsibility.\n\nThe world's hopes for lasting peace depend upon the conduct of our foreign policy, a function which the Constitution vests in the President of the United States and one which has not been effectively exercised by President Eisenhower. Since 1953, responsibility for foreign affairs has been President Eisenhower's, his alone, and his in full.\nIn the past three years, his conduct of our policies has moved us into realms where we risk grave danger. He has failed to seek peace with determination, for his disarmament policy has failed to strike hard at the institution of war. His handling of the day-by-day problems of international affairs has unnecessarily and dangerously subjected the American people to the risk of atomic world war.\nOur Government Lacks Leadership.\n\nWe need bold leadership, yet in the three years since Stalin's death, in the full year since President\nEisenhower's meeting at the \"summit,\" the Republican Administration has not offered a single concrete new idea to meet the new-style political and economic offensive of the Soviets, which represents, potentially, an even graver challenge than Stalin's use of force. President Eisenhower and his Secretary of State talk at cross-purposes, praising neutralism one day, condemning it the next. The Republicans seem unable either to make up their minds or to give us leadership, while the unity of the free world rapidly disintegrates.\nWe in America need to make our peaceful purpose clear beyond dispute in every corner of the world—yet Secretary Dulles brags of \"brinks of war.\" We need a foreign policy which rises above jockeying for partisan position or advantage—yet, not in memory has there been so little bipartisanship in the administration of our policies, so little candor in their Presentation to our people, so much pretending that things are better than they are.\nThe Republican Bluster and Bluff.\n\nFour years ago the Republican Party boasted of being able to produce a foreign policy which was to free the Communist satellites, unleash Chiang Kai-shek, repudiate the wartime agreements, and reverse the policy of containing Communist expansion.\nSince 1953 they have done just the opposite, standing silent when the peoples rise in East Germany and Poland, and thereby weakening the positive Democratic policy of halting Communist expansion.\nOur Friends Lose Faith In Us.\n\nOur friends abroad now doubt our sincerity. They have seen the solid assurance of collective security under a Democratic Administration give place to the uncertainties of personal diplomacy. They have seen the ties of our international alliances and friendship weakened by inept Republican maneuvering.\nThey have seen traditional action and boldness in foreign affairs evaporate into Republican complacency, retrenchment and empty posturing.\nThe Failure Abroad.\n\nBlustering without dynamic action will not alter the fact that the unity and strength of the free world have been drastically impaired. Witness the decline of NATO, the bitter tragedy of Cyprus, the withdrawal of French forces to North Africa, the uncertainty and dangers in the Middle East, an uncertain and insecure Germany, and resentment rising against United States leadership everywhere.\nIn Asia—in Burma, Ceylon, Indonesia, India—anti-Americanism grows apace, aggravated by the clumsy actions of our Government, and fanned by the inept utterances of our \"statesmen.\"\nIn the Middle East, the Eisenhower Administration has dawdled and drifted. The results have been disastrous, and worse threatens. Only the good offices of the United Nations in maintaining peace between Israel and her neighbors conceal the diplomatic incapacities of the Republican Administration. The current crisis over Suez is a consequence of inept and vacillating Republican policy. Our Government's mistakes have placed us in a position in the Middle East which threatens the free world with a loss of power and prestige, potentially more dangerous than any we have suffered in the past decade.\nThe Failure at Home.\n\nPolitical considerations of budget balancing and tax reduction now come before the wants of our national security and the needs of our Allies. The Republicans have slashed our own armed strength, weakened our capacity to deal with military threats, stifled our air force, starved our army and weakened our capacity to deal with aggression of any sort save by retreat or by the alternatives, \"massive retaliation\" and global atomic war. Yet, while our troubles mount, they tell us our prestige was never higher, they tell us we were never more secure.\nThe Challenge Is For Democracy to Meet.\n\nThe Democratic Party believes that \"waging peace\" is a monumental task to be performed honestly, forthrightly, with dedication and consistent effort.\nThe way to lasting peace is to forego bluster and bluff, to regain steadiness of purpose, to join again in faithful concert with the community of free nations, to look realistically at the challenging circumstances which confront us, to face them candidly and imaginatively, and to return to the Democratic policy of peace through strength.\nThis is a task for Democrats. This facing of new problems, this rising to new challenges, has been our Party's mission and its glory for three generations past. President Truman met and mastered Stalin's challenge a decade ago, with boldness, courage and imagination, and so will we turn to the challenge before us now, pressing the search for real and lasting peace. TO THIS WE PLEDGE:\nSupport for the United Nations.\n\nThe United Nations is indispensable for the maintenance of world peace and for the settlement of controversies between nations small and large. We pledge our every effort to strengthen its usefulness and expand its role as guide and guardian of international security and peace. We deplore the Republicans' tendency to use the United Nations only when it suits them, ignoring or by passing it whenever they please.\nWe pledge determined opposition to the admission of the Communist Chinese into the United Nations. They have proven their complete hostility to the purposes of this organization. We pledge continued support to Nationalist China.\nRelease of American Prisoners.\n\nWe urge a continuing effort to effect the release of all Americans detained by Communist China.\nSupport for Effective Disarmament.\n\nIn this atomic age, war threatens the very survival of civilization. To eliminate the danger of atomic war, a universal, effective and enforced disarmament system must be the goal of responsible men and women everywhere. So long as we lack enforceable international control of weapons, we must maintain armed strength to avoid war. But technological advances in the field of nuclear weapons make disarmament an ever more urgent problem. Time and distance can never again protect any nation of the world. The Eisenhower Administration, despite its highly publicized proposals for aerial inspection, has made no progress toward this great objective. We pledge the Democratic Party to pursue vigorously this great goal of enforced disarmament in full awareness that irreparable injury, even total destruction, now threatens the human race.\nAdequate Defense Forces.\n\nWe reject the false Republican notion that this country can afford only a second-best defense. We stand for strong defense forces so clearly superior in modern weapons to those of any possible enemy that our armed strength will make an attack upon the free world unthinkable, and thus be a major force for world peace. The Republican Administration stands indicted for failing to recognize the necessity of proper living standards for the men and women of our armed forces and their families. We pledge ourselves to the betterment of the living conditions of the members of our armed services, and to a needed increase in the so-called \"fringe benefits.\"\nTraining for Defense.\n\nThe Democratic Party pledges itself to a bold and imaginative program devised to utilize fully the brain power of America's youth, including its talent in the scientific and technical fields.\nScholarships and loan assistance and such other steps as may be determined desirable must be employed to secure this objective. This is solely in the interest of necessary and adequate national defense.\nStrengthening Civil Defense.\n\nWe believe that a strong, effective civil defense is a necessary part of national defense. Advances in nuclear weapons have made existing civil defense legislation and practices obsolete.\nWe pledge ourselves to establish a real program for protecting the civilian population and industry of our Nation in place of the present weak and ineffective program. We believe that this is essentially a Federal responsibility.\nCollective Security Arrangements.\n\nThe Democratic Party inaugurated and we strongly favor collective defense arrangements, such as NATO and the Organization of American States, within the framework of the United Nations. We realize, as the Republicans have not, that mutually recognized common interests can be flexibly adapted to the varied needs and aspirations of all countries concerned.\nWinning the Productivity Race.\n\nThe Republican Party has not grasped one of the dominant facts of mid-century—that the growth of productive power of the Communist states presents a challenge which cannot be evaded. The Democratic Party is confident that, through the freedom we enjoy, a vast increase in productive power of our Nation and our Allies will be achieved, and by their combined capacity they will surmount any challenge.\nEconomic Development Abroad.\n\nWe believe that, in the cause of peace, America must support the efforts of underdeveloped countries on a cooperative basis to organize their own resources and to increase their own economic productivity, so that they may enjoy the higher living standards which science and modern industry make possible. We will give renewed strength to programs of economic and technical assistance. We support a multilateral approach to these programs, where-ever possible, so that burdens are shared and resources pooled among all the economically developed countries with the capital and skills to help in this great task.\nFurther, while recognizing the relation of our national security to the role of the United States in international affairs, the Democratic Party believes the time has come for a realistic reappraisal of the American foreign aid program, particularly as to its extent and the conditions under which it should be continued. This reappraisal will determine the standards by which further aid shall be granted, keeping in mind America's prime objective of securing world peace.\nBringing the Truth to the World.\n\nThe tools of truth and candor are even more important than economic tools. The Democratic Party believes that once our Government is purged of the confusion and complacency fostered by the Republican Administration a new image of America will emerge in the world: the image of a confident America dedicated to its traditional principles, eager to work with other peoples, honest in its pronouncements, and consistent in its policies.\nFreedom for Captive Nations.\n\nWe condemn the Republican Administration for its heartless record of broken promises to the unfortunate victims of Communism. Candidate Eisenhower's 1952 pledges to \"liberate\" the captive peoples have been disavowed and dishonored.\nWe declare our deepest concern for the plight of the freedom-loving peoples of Central and Eastern Europe and of Asia, now under the yoke of Soviet dictatorship. The United States, under Democratic leaders, has never recognized the forcible annexation of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, or condoned the extension of the Kremlin's tyranny over Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Albania and other countries.\nWe look forward to the day when the liberties of all captive nations will be restored to them and they can again take their rightful place in the community of free nations.\nWe shall press before the United Nations the principle that Soviet Russia withdraw its troops from the captive countries, so as to permit free, fair and unfettered elections in the subjugated areas, in compliance with the Atlantic Charter and other binding commitments.\nUpholding the Principle of Self-Determination.\n\nWe rededicate ourselves to the high principle of national self-determination, as enunciated by Woodrow Wilson, whose leadership brought freedom and independence to uncounted millions.\nIt is the policy of the Democratic Party, therefore, to encourage and assist small nations and all peoples, behind the Iron Curtain and outside, in the peaceful and orderly achievement of their legitimate aspirations toward political, geographical, and ethnic integrity, so that they may dwell in the family of sovereign nations with freedom and dignity. We are opposed to colonialism and Communist imperialism.\nWe shall endeavor to apply this principle to the desires of all peoples for self-determination.\nReciprocal Trade Among the Nations.\n\nThe Democratic Party has always worked for expanding trade among free nations. Expanding world trade is necessary not only for our friends, but for ourselves; it is the way to meet America's growing need for industrial raw materials. We shall continue to support vigorously the Hull Reciprocal Trade Program.\nUnder Democratic Administrations, the operation of this Act was conducted in a manner that recognized equities for agriculture, industry and labor. Under the present Republican Administration, there has been a most flagrant disregard of these important segments of our economy resulting in serious economic injury to hundreds of thousands of Americans engaged in these pursuits. We pledge correction of these conditions.\nEncouraging European Unity.\n\nThrough the Marshall Plan, the European Economic Organization and NATO, the Democratic Party encouraged and supported efforts to achieve greater economic and political unity among the free nations of Europe, and to increase the solidarity of the nations of the North Atlantic community. We will continue those efforts, taking into account the viewpoints and aspirations of different sectors of the European community, particularly in regard to practical proposals for the unification of Germany.\nPeace and Justice in the Middle East.\n\nThe Democratic Party stands for the maintenance of peace in the Middle East, which is essential to the well-being and progress of all its peoples.\nWe will urge Israel and the Arab States to settle their differences by peaceful means, and to maintain the sanctity of the Holy Places in the Holy Land and permit free access to them.\nWe will assist Israel to build a sound and viable economy for her people, so that she may fulfill her humanitarian mission of providing shelter and sanctuary for her homeless Jewish refugees while strengthening her national development.\nWe will assist the Arab States to develop their economic resources and raise the living standards of their people. The plight of the Arab refugees commands our continuing sympathy and concern. We will assist in carrying out large-scale projects for their resettlement in countries where there is room and opportunity for them.\nWe support the principle of free access to the Suez Canal under suitable international auspices. The present policies of the Eisenhower Administration in the Middle East are unnecessarily increasing the risk that war will break out in this area. To prevent war, to assure peace, we will faithfully carry out our country's pledge under the Tripartite Declaration of 1950 to oppose the use or threat of force and to take such action as may be necessary in the interest of peace, both within and outside the United Nations, to prevent any violation of the frontiers of any armistice lines.\nThe Democratic Party will act to redress the dangerous imbalance of arms in the area resulting from the shipment of Communist arms to Egypt, by selling or supplying defensive weapons to Israel, and will take such steps, including security guarantees, as may be required to deter aggression and war in the area.\nWe oppose, as contrary to American principles, the practice of any government which discriminates against American citizens on grounds of race or religion. We will not countenance any arrangement or treaty with any government which by its terms or in its practical application would sanction such practices.\nSupport for Free Asia.\n\nThe people of Asia seek a new and freer life and they are in a commendable hurry to get it. They struggle against poverty, ill health and illiteracy. In the aftermath of war, China became a victim of Communist tyranny. But many new free nations have arisen in South and Southeast Asia. South Korea remains free, and the new Japan has abandoned her former imperial and aggressive ways. America's task and interest in Asia is to help the governments of free peoples demonstrate that they have improved living standards without yielding to Communist tyranny or domination by anyone. That task will be carried out under Democratic leadership.\nSupport of Our Good Neighbors to the South.\n\nIn the Western Hemisphere the Democratic Party will restore the policy of the \"good neighbor\" which has been alternately neglected and abused by the Republican Administration. We pledge ourselves to fortify the defenses of the Americas. In this respect, we will intensify our cooperation with our neighboring republics to help them strengthen their economies, improve educational opportunities, and combat disease. We will strive to make the Western Hemisphere an inspiring example of what free peoples working together can accomplish.\nProgressive Immigration Policies.\n\nAmerica's long tradition of hospitality and asylum for those seeking freedom, opportunity, and escape from oppression, has been besmirched by the delays, failures and broken promises of the Republican Administration. The Democratic Party favors prompt revision of the immigration and nationality laws to eliminate unfair provisions under which admissions to this country depend upon quotas based upon the accident of national origin. Proper safeguards against subversive elements should be provided. Our immigration procedures must reflect the principles of our Bill of Rights.\nWe favor eliminating the provisions of law which charge displaced persons admitted to our shores against quotas for future years. Through such \"mortgages\" of future quotas, thousands of qualified persons are being forced to wait long years before they can hope for admission.\nWe also favor more liberal admission of relatives to eliminate the unnecessary tragedies of broken families.\nWe favor elimination of unnecessary distinctions between native-born and naturalized citizens. There should be no \"second class\" citizenship in the United States.\nThe administration of the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 has been a disgrace to our country. Rescue has been denied to innocent, defenseless and suffering people, the victims of war and the aftermath of wars. The purpose of the Act has been defeated by Republican mismanagement.\nVictims of Communist Oppression.\n\nWe will continue to support programs providing succor for escapees from behind the Iron Curtain, and bringing help to the victims of war and Communist oppression.\nThe Challenge of the Next Four Years.\n\nToday new challenges call for new ideas and new methods.\nIn the coming years, our great necessity will be to pull together as a people, with true non-partisanship in foreign affairs under leaders informed, courageous and responsible.\nWe shall need to work closely with each other as Americans. If we here indict the Republican record, we acknowledge gratefully the efforts of individual Republicans to achieve true bipartisan-ship. In this spirit an affirmative, cooperative policy can be developed. We shall need to work closely, also, with others all around the world. For there is much to do—to create once more the will and the power to transform the principles of the United Nations into a living reality; to awaken ourselves and others to the effort and sacrifice which alone can win justice and peace.\nII. the Domestic Policy—the Republican Reaction to 20 Years of Progress\n\nThe Democratic Bequest.\n\nTwenty years of vivid Democratic accomplishments revived and reinforced our economic system, and wrote humanity upon the statute books. All this, the current Republican Administration inherited.\nThe Republican Brand of Prosperity.\n\nSubstituting deceptive slogans and dismal deeds for the Democratic program, the Republicans have been telling the American people that \"we are now more prosperous than ever before in peacetime.\" For the American farmer, the small businessman and the low-income worker, the old people living on a pittance, the young people seeking an American standard of education, and the minority groups seeking full employment opportunity at adequate wages, this tall tale of Republican prosperity has been an illusion.\nThe evil is slowly but surely infiltrating the entire economic system. Its fever signs are evidenced by soaring monopoly profits, while wages lag, farm income collapses, and small-business failures multiply at an alarming rate.\nThe first time-bomb of the Republican crusade against full prosperity for all was the hard-money policy. This has increased the debt burden on depressed farms, saddled heavier costs on small business, foisted higher interest charges on millions of homeowners (including veterans), pushed up unnecessarily the cost of consumer credit, and swelled the inordinate profits of a few lenders of money. It has wrought havoc with the bond market, with resulting financial loss to the ordinary owners of Government bonds.\nThe Republican tax policy has joined hands in an unholy alliance with the hard-money policy. Fantastic misrepresentation of the Government's budgetary position has been used to deny tax relief to low- and middle-income families, while tax concessions and handouts have been generously sprinkled among potential campaign contributors to Republican coffers. The disastrously reactionary farm program, the hardhearted resistance to adequate expansion of Social Security and other programs for human well-being, and favoritism in the award of Government contracts, all have watered the economic tree at the top and neglected its roots.\nThe Stunting of Our Economic Progress.\n\nThe Republicans say that employment and production are \"higher\" than ever before. The fact is that our over-all rate of growth has been crippled and stunted in contrast to its faster increase during the Democratic years from 1947 to 1953, after World War II.\nWith production lagging behind full capacity, unemployment has grown.\nThe Republican claim that this stunted prosperity is the price of peace is a distortion. National-security outlays have averaged a higher part of our total production during these Republican years than during 1947-53, and yet the annual growth in total production during these Republican years has been only about 60 percent as fast as in the preceding Democratic years. The progress of low-income families toward an American standard of living, rapid during the Democratic years, has ground to a stop under the Republicans.\nFederal budgetary outlays for education and health, old-age assistance and child care, slum clearance and resource development, and all the other great needs of our people have been mercilessly slashed from an annual rate of more than $57 per capita under the Democrats to $33 per capita under the Republicans, a cut of 42 percent.\nThe Failure of the Republican Budget-Balancers.\n\nDuring the Republican fiscal years 1954-1957 as a whole, the deficits have averaged larger, and the surpluses smaller, than during the Democratic fiscal years 1947-1953, financial manipulation to the contrary notwithstanding.\nDemocratic Principles for Full Prosperity for All:\n\n(1) We repudiate the Republican stunting of our economic growth, and we reassert the principles of the Full Employment Act of 1946;\n(2) We pledge ourselves to achieve an honest and realistic balance of the Federal Budget in a just and fully prosperous American economy;\n(3) We pledge ourselves to equitable tax revisions and monetary policies designed to combine economic progress with economic justice. We condemn the Republican use of our revenue and money systems to benefit the few at the expense of the vast majority of our people;\n(4) We pledge ourselves to work toward the reduction and elimination of poverty in America;\n(5) We pledge ourselves to full parity of income and living standards for agriculture; to strike off the shackles which the Taft-Hartley law has unjustly imposed on labor; and to foster the more rapid growth of legitimate business enterprise by rounding this growth upon the expanding consuming power of the people; and\n(6) We pledge ourselves to expand world trade and to enlarge international economic cooperation, all toward the end of a more prosperous and more peaceful world.\nDemocratic Goals To Be Achieved During Four Years of Progress.\n\nBy adhering to these principles, we shall strive to attain by 1960 the following full prosperity objectives for all American families:\n(1) A 500 billion dollar national economy in real terms;\n(2) An increase of 20 percent or better in the average standard of living;\n(3) An increase in the annual income of American families, with special emphasis on those whose incomes are below $2000;\n(4) A determined drive toward parity of incomes and living standards for those engaged in the vital pursuit of agriculture;\n(5) The addition of all necessary classrooms for our primary and secondary schools; the construction of needed new homes, with a proper proportion devoted to the rehousing of low- and middle-income families in urban and rural areas; the increase of benefits under the Old Age Assistance and Old Age Survivors Insurance Programs; a substantial expansion in hospital facilities and medical research; and a doubling of our programs for resource development and conservation; and\n(6) National defense outlays based upon our national needs, not permitting false economy to jeopardize our very survival.\nThis country of ours, in the factory, in business and on the farm, is blessed with ever-increasing productive power. The Republicans have not permitted this potential abundance to be released for the mutual benefit of all. We reject this stunted Republican concept of America. We pledge ourselves to release the springs of abundance, to bring this abundance to all, and thus to fulfill the full promise of America.\nThese are our Democratic goals for the next four years. We set them forth in vivid contrast to Republican lip-service protestations that they, too, are for these goals. Their little deeds belie their large and hollow slogans. Our performance in the past gives validity to our goals for the future.\nOur victory in 1956 will make way for the commencement of these four years of progress.\nIII. Free Enterprise\n\n\"Equal rights for all and special privileges for none,\" the tested Jeffersonian principle, remains today the only philosophy by which human rights can be preserved by government.\nIt is a sad fact in the history of the Republican Party that, under its control, our Government has always become an instrument of special privilege; not a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We have had, instead, under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, and now under Eisenhower, government of the many, by the few, and for the few.\nWe recognize monopolies and monopolistic practices as the real barriers between the people and their economic and political freedom. Monopolies act to stifle equality of opportunity and prevent the infusion of fresh blood into the life-stream of our economy. The Republican Administration has allowed giant corporate entities to dominate our economy. For example, forty thousand automobile dealers now know they were incapable of coping with these giants. They were, as the Democratic 84th Congress found, subjected to abuse and threatened with extinction. The result was passage of the O'Mahoney-Celler bill giving the automobile dealers of America economic freedom. We enacted this law, and we pledge that it shall be retained upon the statute books as a monument to the Democratic Party's concern for small business.\nWe pledge ourselves to the restoration of truly competitive conditions in American industry. Affirmative action within the framework of\nAmerican tradition will be taken to curb corporate mergers that would contribute to the growth of economic concentration.\nSmall and Independent Business.\n\nIn contrast to the maladministration by the Republican Party of the Federal program to assist small and independent business, we pledge ourselves—\n(1) To the strict and impartial enforcement of the laws originally fostered and strengthened by the Democratic Party and designed to prevent monopolies and other concentrations of economic and financial power; and to enact legislation to close loopholes in the laws prohibiting price discrimination;\n(2) To tax relief for all small and independent businesses by fair and equitable adjustments in Federal taxation which will encourage business expansion, and to the realistic application of the principle of graduated taxation to such corporate income. An option should be provided to spread Federal estate taxes over a period of years when an estate consists principally of the equity capital of a closely held small business;\n(3) To adoption of all practical means of making long- and short-term credit available to small and independent businessmen at reasonable rates;\n(4) To the award of a substantially higher proportion of Government contracts to independent small businesses, and to the award of a far larger percentage of military procurement, by value, after competitive bids rather than by negotiation behind closed doors. We severely condemn Republican discrimination against small and independent business;\n(5) To replacement of the weak and ineffective Republican conduct of the Small Business Administration, and its reconstitution as a vigorous, independent agency which will advocate the cause of small and independent businessmen, and render genuine assistance in fulfilling their needs and solving their problems. We condemn the Republican Administration for its failure to serve this important segment of our economy.\nLaw Enforcement.\n\nWe pledge ourselves to the fair and impartial administration of justice. The Republican Administration has degraded the great powers of law enforcement. It has not used them in the service of equal justice under law, but for concealment, coercion, persecution, political advantage and special interests.\nMerchant Marine.\n\nIn the interest of our national security, and of the maintenance of American standards of wages and living, and in order that our waterborne overseas commerce shall not be unfairly discriminated against by low-cost foreign competition, we pledge our continued encouragement and support of a strong and adequate American Merchant Marine.\nTransportation.\n\nThe public and national defense interests require the development and maintenance, under the competitive free enterprise system, of a strong, efficient and financially sound system of common-carrier transportation by water, highway, rail, and air, with each mode enabled, through sound and intelligent exercise of regulatory powers, to realize its inherent economic advantages and to reflect its full competitive capabilities. Public interest also requires, under reasonable standards, the admission of new licensees, where public convenience may be served, into the transport fields. We deplore the lack of enforcement of safety regulations for protection of life and property under the present Republican Administration, and pledge strict enforcement of such regulations.\nHighways.\n\nWe commend the foresight of the Democratic 84th Congress for its enactment of the greatest program in history for expansion of our highway network, and we congratulate it upon its rejection of the unsound, unworkable, inadequate and unfair roads bill proposed by the present Republican Administration. In cooperation with state and local governments, we will continue the programs developed and fostered under prior Democratic Administrations for planning, coordinating, financing and encouraging the expansion of our national road and highway network so vital to defense and transportation in the motor age. We support expansion of farm-to-market roads.\nRivers and Harbors.\n\nWe pledge continued development of harbors and waterways as a vital segment of our transportation system. We denounce as capricious and arbitrary the Eisenhower pocket veto of the 1956 Rivers and Harbors bill, which heartlessly deprived the people in many sections of our country of vitally needed public works projects.\nIV. A Magna Charta for Labor\n\nLabor-Management Relations.\n\nHarmonious labor-management relations are productive of good incomes for wage earners and conducive to rising output from our factories. We believe that, to the widest possible extent consistent with the public interest, management and labor should determine wage rates and conditions of employment through free collective bargaining.\nThe Taft-Hartley Act passed by the Republican-dominated 80th Congress seriously impaired this relationship as established in the Wagner National Labor Relations Act, enacted under the Roosevelt Administration. The Wagner Act protected, encouraged and guaranteed the rights of workers to organize, to join unions of their own choice, and to bargain collectively through these unions without coercion.\nThe vicious anti-union character of the Taft-Hartley Act was expressly recognized by Candidate Eisenhower during the 1952 election campaign.\nAt that time, he made a solemn promise to eliminate its unjust provisions and to enact a fair law. President Eisenhower and his Administration have failed utterly, however, to display any executive initiative or forcefulness toward keeping this pledge to the workers. He was further responsible for administratively amending Taft-Hartley into a more intensely anti-labor weapon by stacking the National Labor Relations Board with biased pro-management personnel who, by administrative decision, transformed the Act into a management weapon. One such decision removed millions of workers from the jurisdiction of the NLRB, which in many cases left them without protection of either State or Federal legislation.\nWe unequivocally advocate repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act. The Act must be repealed because State \"right-to-work\" laws have their genesis in its discriminatory anti-labor provisions.\nIt must be repealed because its restrictive provisions deny the principle that national legislation based on the commerce clause of the Constitution normally overrides conflicting State laws.\nThe Taft-Hartley Act has been proven to be inadequate, unworkable and unfair. It interferes in an arbitrary manner with collective bargaining, causing imbalance in the relationship between management and labor.\nUpon return of our National Government to the Democratic Party, a new legislative approach toward the entire labor-management problem will be adopted, based on past experience and the principles of the Wagner National Labor Relations Act and the Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction Law.\nFair Labor Standards.\n\nWe commend the action of the Democratic 84th Congress which raised the minimum wage from 75 cents to $1.00 an hour despite the strenuous objection of President Eisenhower and the Republicans in Congress. However, the inadequacies of the minimum wage become apparent as the cost of living increases, and we feel it imperative to raise the minimum wage to at least $1.25 an hour, in order to approximate present-day needs more closely.\nWe further pledge as a matter of priority to extend full protection of the Fair Labor Standards Act to all workers in industry engaged in, or affecting, interstate commerce.\nWalsh-Healey Contracts Act.\n\nWe pledge revision and honest administration of the Walsh-Healey Act, to restore its effectiveness and usefulness as an instrument for maintaining fair standards of wages and hours for American workers.\nEqual Pay for Equal Work.\n\nWe advocate legislation to provide equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex.\nThe Physically Handicapped.\n\nThe Democratic Party has always supported legislation to benefit the disabled worker. The physically handicapped have proved their value to Government and industry. We pledge our continued support of legislation to improve employment opportunities of physically handicapped persons.\nMigratory Workers.\n\nWe shall support legislation providing for the protection and improvement of the general welfare of migratory workers.\nJobs for Depressed Areas.\n\nWe pledge our Party to support legislation providing for an effective program to promote industry and create jobs in depressed industrial and rural areas so that such areas may be restored to economic stability.\nV. Agriculture\n\nSustained national prosperity is dependent upon a vigorous agricultural economy.\nWe condemn the defeatist attitude of the Eisenhower Administration in refusing to take effective action to assure the well-being of farm families. We condemn its fear of abundance, its lack of initiative in developing domestic markets, and its dismal failure to obtain for the American farmer his traditional and deserved share of the world market. Its extravagant expenditure of money intended for agricultural benefit, without either direction or results, is a national calamity.\nThe Eisenhower Administration has failed utterly to develop any programs to meet the desperate needs of farmers in the face of fantastic promises, and it has sabotaged the progressive programs inherited from prior Democratic Administrations by failing to administer them properly in the interest either of farmers or of the Nation as a whole.\nSpecifically, we denounce President Eisenhower's veto of the constructive legislation proposed and passed by the Democratic 84th Congress to reverse the alarming fall of farm prices and restore farmers to a position of first-class economic citizenship in the sharing of benefits from American productive ability.\nWe also condemn the Republican Administration for its abandonment of the true principles of soil conservation and for its destruction of the Soil Conservation Service. We pledge to support continued improvements in the soil bank program passed by the Democratic 84th Congress and originally opposed by President Eisenhower and Secretary Ezra Taft Benson. We deplore the diversion of this conservation program into a direct vote-buying scheme.\nFarmers have had to struggle for three and one-half years while their net farm income has fallen more than one billion dollars a year. Their parity ratio, which under Democratic Administrations had been 100 percent or more during the eleven years prior to 1953, dropped to as low as 80 percent during the Eisenhower Administration, and the farmers' share of the consumers' food dollar shrank from 47 cents in 1952 to as low as only 38 cents. One stark fact stands out clearly for all to see—disastrously low farm prices and record high consumer prices vie with each other for the attention of responsible government. In a reduction of this incongruous spread lies the answer to some of the most vexing problems of agricultural economics.\nIn their courageous fight to save their homes and land, American farmers have gone deeper and deeper into debt. Last year farmers' mortgage indebtedness increased more than in any year in history with the exception of the year 1923.\nThe Democratic Party met similar situations forthrightly in the past with concrete remedial action. It takes legitimate pride in its consistent record of initiating and developing every constructive program designed to protect and conserve the human and natural resources so vital to our rural economy. These programs enabled consumers to obtain more abundant supplies of high-quality food and fiber at reasonable prices while maintaining adequate income for farmers and improving the level of family living in rural areas.\nIn order to regain the ground lost during the Eisenhower Administration, and in order better to serve both consumers and producers, the Democratic Party pledges continuous and vigorous support to the following policies:\nSponsor a positive and comprehensive program to conserve our soil, water and forest resources for future generations;\nPromote programs which will protect and preserve the family-type farm as a bulwark of American life, and encourage farm-home ownership, including additional assistance to family farmers and young farmers in the form of specially designed credit and price-support programs, technical aid, and enlarged soil conservation allowances.\nMaintain adequate reserves of agricultural commodities strategically situated, for national security purposes. Such stockpiles should be handled as necessary strategic reserves, so that farmers will not be penalized by depressed prices for their efficiency and diligence in producing abundance;\nPromote international exchange of commodities by creating an International Food Reserve, fostering commodity agreements, and vigorously administering the Foreign Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act;\nUndertake immediately by appropriate action to endeavor to regain the full 100 percent of parity the farmers received under the Democratic Administrations. We will achieve this by means of supports on basic commodities at 90 percent of parity and by means of commodity loans, direct purchases, direct payments to producers, marketing agreements and orders, production adjustments, or a combination of these, including legislation, to bring order and stability into the relationship between the producer, the processor and the consumer;\nDevelop practical measures for extending price supports to feed grains and other nonbasic storables and to the producers of perishable commodities such as meat, poultry, dairy products and the like;\nInaugurate a food-stamp or other supplemental food program administered by appropriate State or local agencies to insure that no needy family shall be denied an adequate and wholesome diet because of low income;\nContinue and expand school lunch and special milk programs to meet the dietary needs of all school children;\nIncrease the distribution of food to public institutions and organizations and qualified private charitable agencies, and increase the distribution of food and fiber to needy people in other nations through recognized charitable and religious channels;\nDevise and employ effective means to reduce the spread between producers' prices and consumers' costs, and improve market facilities and marketing practices;\nExpand the program of agricultural research and education for better distribution, preservation and marketing of farm products to serve both producers and consumers, and promote increased industrial use of farm surpluses;\nProvide for an increased reservoir of farm credit at lower rates, designed particularly to accommodate operators of small family-type farms, and extend crop insurance to maximum coverage and protection;\nReturn the administration of farm programs to farmer-elected committeemen, eliminate the deplorable political abuses in Federal employment in many agricultural counties as practiced by the Eisenhower Administration, and restore leadership to the administration of soil conservation districts;\nInsure reliable and low-cost rural electric and telephone service;\nExercise authority in existing law relating to imports of price-supported agricultural commodities in raw, manufactured or processed form as part of our national policy to minimize damage to our domestic economy;\nEncourage bona fide farm cooperatives which help farmers reduce the cost-price squeeze, and protect such cooperatives against punitive taxation;\nExpand farm forestry marketing research and price reporting on timber products, and provide adequate credit designed to meet the needs of timber farmers; and\nEnact a comprehensive farm program which, under intelligent and sympathetic Democratic administration, will make the rural homes of America better and healthier places in which to live.\nVI. General Welfare\n\nThe Democratic Party believes that America can and must adopt measures to assure every citizen an opportunity for a full, healthy and happy life. To this end, we pledge ourselves to the expansion and improvement of the great social welfare programs inaugurated under Democratic Administrations.\nSocial Security.\n\nBy lowering the retirement age for women and for disabled persons, the Democratic 84th Congress pioneered two great advances in Social Security, over the bitter opposition of the Eisenhower Administration. We shall continue our efforts to broaden and strengthen this program by increasing benefits to keep pace with improving standards of living; by raising the wage base upon which benefits depend; and by increasing benefits for each year of covered employment.\nUnemployment Insurance.\n\nWe shall continue to work for a stronger unemployment insurance system, with broader coverage and increased benefits consistent with rising earnings. We shall also work for the establishment of a floor to assure minimum level and duration of benefits, and fair eligibility rules.\nWage Losses Due to Illness.\n\nIn 1946, a Democratic Congress enacted an insurance program to protect railroad workers against temporary wage losses due to short-term illnesses. Because this program has worked so effectively, we favor extending similar protection to other workers.\nPublic Assistance.\n\nWe pledge improvements in the public assistance program even beyond those enacted by the Democratic 84th Congress, through increased aid for the aged, the blind, dependent children, the disabled and other needy persons who are not adequately protected by our contributory insurance programs.\nAdditional Needs of Our Senior Citizens.\n\nTo meet the needs of the 14 million Americans aged 65 or over, we pledge ourselves to seek means of assuring these citizens greater income through expanded opportunities for employment, vocational retraining and adult education; better housing and health services for the aged; rehabilitation of the physically and mentally disabled to restore them to independent, productive lives; and intensified medical and other research aimed both at lengthening life and making the longer life more truly livable.\nHealth and Medical Care.\n\nThe strength of our Nation depends on the health of our people. The shortage of trained medical and health personnel and facilities has impaired American health standards and has increased the cost of hospital care beyond the financial capacities of most American families.\nWe pledge ourselves to initiate programs of Federal financial aid, without Federal controls, for medical education.\nWe pledge continuing and increased support for hospital construction programs, as well as increased Federal aid to public health services, particularly in rural areas.\nMedical research.\n\nMindful of the dramatic progress made by medical research in recent years, we shall continue to support vigorously all efforts, both public and private, to wage relentless war on diseases which afflict the bodies and minds of men. We commend the Democratic Party for its leadership in obtaining greater Congressional authorizations in this field.\nHousing.\n\nWe pledge our Party to immediate revival of the basic housing program enacted by the Democratic Congress in 1949, to expansion of this program as our population and resources grow, and to additional legislation to provide housing for middle-income families and aged persons. Aware of the financial burdens which press upon most American communities and prevent them from taking full advantage of Federal urban redevelopment and renewal programs, we favor increasing the Federal share of the cost of these programs.\nWe reaffirm the goal expressed by a Democratic Congress in 1949 that every American family is entitled to a \"decent home and a suitable living environment.\" The Republican Administration has sabotaged that goal by reducing the public housing program to a fraction of the Nation's need.\nWe pledge that the housing insurance and mortgage guarantee programs will be redirected in the interest of the home owner, and that the availability of low-interest housing credit will be kept consistent with the expanding housing needs of the Nation.\nWe favor providing aid to urban and suburban communities in better planning for their future development and redevelopment.\nEducation.\n\nEvery American child, irrespective of race or national origin, economic status or place of residence, has full right under the law and the Constitution, without discrimination, to every educational opportunity for developing his potentialities.\nWe are now faced with shortages of educational facilities that threaten national security, economic prosperity and human well-being. The resources of our States and localities are already strained to the limit. Federal aid and action should be provided, within the traditional framework of State and local control.\nWe pledge the Democratic Party to the following:\n(1) Legislation providing Federal financing to assist States and local communities to build schools, and to provide essential health and safety services for all school children;\n(2) Better educational, health and welfare opportunities for children of migratory workers;\n(3) Assistance to programs for training teachers of exceptional children;\n(4) Programs providing for the training of teachers to meet the critical shortage in technical and scientific fields; and\n(5) Expansion of the program of student, teacher and cultural exchange with other nations.\nVocational Education.\n\nWe commend the 84th Congress for voting the maximum authorized funds for vocational education under the Smith-Hughes Act for the first time in the history of the Act. We pledge continuing and increased support of vocational training for youth and adults, including aid to the States and localities for area technical-vocational schools.\nChild Welfare.\n\nTo keep pace with the growing need for child care and welfare, we pledge an expanded program of grants to the States. We pledge continued support of adequate day care centers to care for the children of the millions of American mothers who work to help support their families.\nAid to the Physically Handicapped.\n\nThere are today several million physically handicapped citizens, many of whom could become self-supporting if given the opportunity and training for rehabilitation. We pledge support to a vastly expanded rehabilitation program for these physically handicapped, including increased aid to the States, in contrast to the grossly inadequate action of the Republican Administration.\nVII. Financial Policy\n\nTax Adjustment.\n\nA fully expanding economy can yield enough tax revenues to meet the inescapable obligations of government, balance the Federal Budget, and lighten the tax burden. The immediate need is to correct the inequities in the tax structure which reflect the Republican determination to favor the few at the expense of the many. We favor realistic tax adjustments, giving first consideration to small independent business and the small individual taxpayer. Lower-income families need tax relief; only a Democratic victory will assure this. We favor an increase in the present personal tax exemption of $600 to a minimum of at least $800.\nDebt Management.\n\nThe Republican debt management policy of higher interest rates serves only to benefit a few to the detriment of the general taxpayer, the small borrower, and the small and middle-class investor in Government bonds. We pledge ourselves to a vigilant review of our debt management policy in order to reduce interest rates in the service of our common welfare.\nProtection of Investors.\n\nEffective administration of the Federal securities laws has been undermined by Republican appointees with conflicting interests. Millions of investors who have bought securities with their savings are today without adequate protection. We favor vigorous administration and revision of the laws to provide investor safeguards for securities extensively traded in the over-the-counter market, for foreign securities distributed in the United States, and against proxy contest abuses.\nVIII. Government Operations\n\nThe Democratic Party pledges that it will return the administration of our National Government to a sound, efficient, and honest basis.\nCivil Service and Federal Employee Relations.\n\nThe Eisenhower Administration has failed either to understand or trust the Federal employee. Its record in personnel management constitutes a grave indictment of policies reflecting prejudices and excessive partisanship to the detriment of employee morale.\nIntelligent and sympathetic programs must be immediately undertaken to insure the re-establishment of the high morale and efficiency which were characteristic of the Federal worker during 20 years of Democratic Administrations.\nTo accomplish these objectives, we propose:\n(1) Protection and extension of the merit system through the enactment of laws to specify the rights and responsibilities of workers;\n(2) A more independent Civil Service Commission in order that it may provide the intelligent leadership essential in perfecting a proper Civil Service System;\n(3) Promotion within the Federal Service under laws assuring advancement on merit and proven ability;\n(4) Salary increases of a nature that will insure a truly competitive scale at all levels of employment;\n(5) Recognition by law of the right of employee organizations to represent their members and to participate in the formulation and improvement of personnel policies and practices; and\n(6) A fair and non-political loyalty program, by law, which will protect the Nation against subversion and the employee against unjust and un-American treatment.\nRestoring the Efficiency of the Postal Service.\n\nThe bungling policies of the Republican Administration have crippled and impaired the morale, efficiency and reputation of the U. S. Postal Service. Mail carriers and clerks and other Postal employees are compelled to work under intolerable conditions. Communication by mail and service by parcel post have been delayed and retarded with resulting hardships, business losses and inconveniences. A false concept of economy has impaired seriously the efficiency of the best communication system in the world.\nWe pledge ourselves to programs which will:\n(1) Restore the principle that the Postal Service is a public service to be operated in the interest of improved business economy and better communication, as well as an aid to the dissemination of information and intelligence;\n(2) Restore Postal employee morale through the strengthening of the merit system, with promotions by law rather than caprice or partisan politics, and payment of realistic salaries reflecting the benefits of an expanded economy;\n(3) Establish a program of research and development on a scale adequate to insure the most modern and efficient handling of the mails; and\n(4) Undertake modernization and construction of desperately needed Postal facilities designed to insure the finest Postal system in the world.\nConflict of Interests.\n\nMaladministration and selfish manipulation have characterized Federal Administration during the Eisenhower years, Taxpayers, paying billions of dollars each year to their Government, demand and must have the highest standards of honesty, integrity and efficiency as a minimum requirement of Federal Executive conduct. We pledge a strong merit system as a substitute for cynical policies of spoils and special favor which are now the rule of the day. We seek the constant improvement of the Federal Government apparatus to accomplish these ends.\nUnder certain conditions, we recognize the need for the employment of personnel without compensation in the Executive Branch of the Government. But the privileges extended these dollar-a-year men have resulted in grave abuses of power. Some of these representatives of large corporations have assumed a dual loyalty to the Government and to the corporations that pay them. These abuses under the Republican Administration have been scandalous. The Democratic Party proposes that any necessary use of non-compensated employees shall be made only after the most careful scrutiny and under the most rigidly prescribed safeguards to prevent any conflict of interests.\nFreedom of Information.\n\nDuring recent years there has developed a practice on the part of Federal agencies to delay and withhold information which is needed by Congress and the general public to make important decisions affecting their lives and destinies. We believe that this trend toward secrecy in Government should be reversed and that the Federal Government should return to its basic tradition of exchanging and promoting the freest flow of information possible in those unclassified areas where secrets involving weapons development and bona fide national security are not involved. We condemn the Eisenhower Administration for the excesses practiced in this vital area, and pledge the Democratic Party to reverse this tendency, substituting a rule of law for that of broad claims of executive privilege.\nWe reaffirm our position of 1952 \"to press strongly for world-wide freedom in the gathering and dissemination of news.\" We shall press for free access to information throughout the world for our journalists and scholars.\nClean Elections.\n\nThe shocking disclosures in the last Congress of attempts by selfish interests to exert improper influence on members of Congress have resulted in a Congressional investigation now under way. The Democratic Party pledges itself to provide effective regulation and full disclosure of campaign expenditures and contributions in elections to Federal offices.\nEqual Rights Amendment.\n\nWe of the Democratic Party recommend and indorse for submission to the Congress a Constitutional amendment providing equal rights for women.\nVeterans Administration.\n\nWe are spending approximately 4 3/4 billion dollars per year on veterans' benefits. There are more than 22 million veterans in civil life today and approximately 4 million veterans or dependents of deceased veterans drawing direct cash benefits from the Veterans Administration. It is clear that a matter of such magnitude demands more prominence in the affairs of Government. We pledge that we will elevate the Veterans Administration to a place of dignity commensurate with its importance in national affairs.\nWe charge the present Administration with open hostility toward the veterans' hospital program as disclosed by its efforts to restrict severely that program in fiscal year 1954. We further charge the Administration with incompetence and gross neglect in the handling of veterans' benefits in the following particulars:\n(1) The refusal to allow service connection for disabilities incurred in or aggravated by military service, and the unwarranted reduction of disability evaluations in cases where service connection has been allowed; and\n(2) The failure to give proper protection to veterans purchasing homes under the VA home loan program both by inadequate supervision of the program and, in some instances, by active cooperation with unscrupulous builders, lenders and real estate brokers.\nIn recognition of the valiant efforts of those who served their Nation in its gravest hours, we pledge:\n(1) Continuance of the Veterans Administration as an independent Federal agency handling veterans programs;\n(2) Continued recognition of war veterans, with adequate compensation for the service-connected disabled and for the survivors of those who have passed away in service or from service-incurred disabilities; and with pensions for disabled and distressed veterans, and for the dependents of those who have passed on, where they are in need or unable to provide for themselves;\n(3) Maintenance of the Veterans Administration hospital system, with no impairment in the high quality of medical and hospital service;\n(4) Priority of hospitalization for the service-connected disabled, and the privilege of hospital care when beds are available for the non-service-connected illness of veterans who are sick and without funds or unable to procure private hospitalization;\n(5) Fair administration of veterans preference laws, and employment opportunities for handicapped and disabled veterans;\n(6) Full hearings for war veterans filing valid applications with the review, corrective and settlement boards of the Federal Government; and\n(7) Support for legislation to obtain an extension of the current law to enable veterans to obtain homes and farms through the continuance of the GI Loan Program.\nStatehood for Alaska and Hawaii.\n\nWe condemn the Republican Administration for its utter disregard of the rights to statehood of both Alaska and Hawaii. These territories have contributed greatly to our national economic and cultural life and are vital to our defense. They are part of America and should be recognized as such. We of the Democratic Party, therefore, pledge immediate Statehood for these two territories. We commend these territories for the action their people have taken in the adoption of constitutions which will become effective forthwith when they are admitted into the Union.\nPuerto Rico.\n\nThe Democratic Party views with satisfaction the progress and growth achieved by Puerto Rico since its political organization as a Commonwealth under Democratic Party leadership. We pledge, once again, our continued support of the Commonwealth and its development and growth along lines of increasing responsibility and authority, keeping as functions of the Federal Government only such as are essential to the existence of the compact of association adopted by the Congress of the United States and the people of Puerto Rico.\nThe progress of Puerto Rico under Commonwealth status has been notable proof of the great benefits which flow from self-government and the good neighbor policy which under Democratic leadership this country has always followed.\nVirgin Islands.\n\nWe favor increased self-government for the Virgin Islands to provide for an elected Governor and a Resident Commissioner in the Congress of the United States. We denounce the scandalous administration of the first Eisenhower-appointed Governor of the Virgin Islands.\nOther Territories and Possessions.\n\nWe favor increased self-government for Guam, other outlying territories and the Trust Territory of the Pacific.\nDistrict of Columbia.\n\nWe favor immediate home rule and ultimate national representation for the District of Columbia.\nAmerican Indians.\n\nRecognizing that all American Indians are citizens of the United States and of the States in which they reside, and acknowledging that the Federal Government has a unique legal and moral responsibility for Indians which is imposed by the Constitution and spelled out in treaties, statutes and court decisions, we pledge:\nPrompt adoption of a Federal program to assist Indian tribes in the full development of their human and natural resources, and to advance the health, education and economic well-being of Indian citizens, preserving their traditions without impairing their cultural heritage;\nNo alteration of any treaty or other Federal-Indian contractual relationships without the free consent of the Indian tribes concerned; reversal of the present policies which are tending toward erosion of Indian rights, reduction of their economic base through alienation of their lands, and repudiation of Federal responsibility;\nPrompt and expeditious settlement of Indian claims against the United States, with full recognition of the rights of both parties; and\nElimination of all impediments to full citizenship for American Indians.\nGovernmental Balance.\n\nThe Democratic Party has upheld its belief in the Constitution as a charter of individual rights, an effective instrument for human progress. Democratic Administrations placed upon the statute books during their last 20 years a multitude of measures which testify to our belief in the Jeffersonian principle of local control even in general legislation involving Nation-wide programs. Selective Service, Social Security, agricultural adjustment, low-rent housing, hospital, and many other legislative programs have placed major responsibilities in States and counties, and provide fine examples of how benefits can be extended through Federal-State cooperation.\nWhile we recognize the existence of honest differences of opinion as to the true location of the Constitutional line of demarcation between the Federal Government and the States, the Democratic Party expressly recognizes the vital importance of the respective States in our Federal Union. The Party of Jefferson and Jackson pledges itself to continued support of those sound principles of local government which will best serve the welfare of our people and the safety of our democratic rights.\nImproving Congressional Procedures.\n\nIn order that the will of the American people may be expressed upon all legislative proposals, we urge that action he taken at the beginning of the 85th Congress to improve Congressional procedures so that majority rule prevails and decisions can be made after reasonable debate without being blocked by a minority in either House.\nIX. Natural Resources\n\nOur national economic strength and welfare depend primarily upon the development of our land, water, mineral and energy resources, with which this Nation has been abundantly blessed.\nWe pledge unstinting support to a full and integrated program of development, protection, management and conservation of all of our natural resources for all of the people.\nThe framework of time-tested conservation and mining policy is fixed in laws under which America has developed its natural resources for the general welfare.\nThe Democratic 84th Congress has remained steadfast to this traditional policy. It has built upon the tremendous conservation and development achievements of the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations by undertaking the greatest program of natural resources development ever assumed by any Congress in our Nation's history.\nThis constructive Democratic record, embracing all resources of land, water, energy and minerals, is in sharp contrast to the faithless performance of the Eisenhower Administration which has despoiled future generations of their heritage by utter failure to safeguard natural resources. Our people will long remember this betrayal of their heritage as symbolized by the infamous Dixon-Yates contract; the A1 Sarena timber scheme; the low-level Hells Canyon Dams; and for its unreasonable resistance to authorizing the Niagara Project which would benefit so many millions in the State of New York and adjacent areas.\nWe condemn, and will continue to decry, this pillaging of our dwindling natural resource wealth through political manipulation and administrative subversion by the Eisenhower Administration. We pledge ourselves to halt this betrayal of the people's trust.\nWe shall devise for the American people a dynamic, far-reaching and progressive conservation program.\nThe Democratic Party proposes, and will strive to secure, this comprehensive resources program for America's future.\nLand.\n\nOur land will be preserved and improved for the present and future needs of our people, and not wastefully exploited to benefit special-interest groups.\nSoil Conservation.\n\nIn contrast to the wasteful neglect of the present Administration, soil conservation practices will be stimulated and intensified to reduce land deterioration under the vital Soil Conservation Service assistance program conceived and fostered by the Democratic Party.\nNational Parks, Recreation and Wildlife.\n\nWe pledge adoption of an immediate and broad policy to mobilize the efforts of private and public agencies for protection of existing recreational areas, provision of new ones, and improvement of inadequate facilities. Slum conditions fostered by Republican neglect are intolerable to the tens of millions of Americans using our national parks and forests. Democratic Administration will end this shocking situation.\nFish and game habitats will be guarded against encroachment for commercial purposes. All river basin development plans will take into full consideration their effect upon fish, wildlife, national park and wilderness areas. The Fish and Wildlife Service must and will be returned to the career status from which it was removed by the political patronage policy of the present Administration.\nRecreational facilities for the millions of field and stream sportsmen of America will be conserved and expanded.\nForest and Grazing Lands.\n\nTimber on Federal commercial forest lands will be harvested and managed on a sustained-yield basis.\nWe propose to increase forest access roads in order to improve cutting practices on both public and private lands.\nPrivate owners of farm, forest and range lands need and must have financial and technical assistance so that all lands will be utilized to contribute more fully to the national welfare by production of food and fiber and protection of our watersheds. Any effort to transform grazing permits from a revocable license to a vested right will be rejected.\nWe will vigorously advocate Federally-financed forestation, upstream erosion control and flood control programs on our public range, timber lands and small drainage basins to protect our watersheds and double the rate of forage and commercial timber growth. We will promote cooperative programs with Government assistance to reduce timber losses from fire, insects, and disease.\nProspecting and mining on unreserved Federal lands will be encouraged, but surface areas not needed in mining will be safeguarded by appropriate legislation.\nWater.\n\nWe pledge the resumption of rapid and orderly multiple-purpose river basin development throughout the country. This program will bring into reality the full potential benefits of flood control, irrigation and our domestic and municipal water supply from surface and underground waters. It will also materially aid low-cost power, navigation, recreation, fish and wild-life propagation and mineral development. We pledge our aid to the growing requirements of the semiarid Western States for an adequate water supply to meet the vital domestic, irrigation and industrial needs of the rapidly growing urban centers. Enhanced regional economies will strengthen the economy of the Nation as a whole.\nWe will take appropriate and vigorous steps to prevent comprehensive drainage basin development plans from being fragmented by single-purpose projects. The conservation of water is essential to the life of the Nation. The Democratic Party pledges itself to conservation of water in the public interest.\nThe Democratic 84th Congress has taken a long step toward reducing the pollution of our rivers and streams. We pledge continuation and expansion of this program, vital to every citizen.\nThe program of obtaining a large new source of fresh water supply from salt water was begun by the Democratic Party, but has been allowed to lapse by the Eisenhower Republican Administration. It will be resumed and accelerated.\nEnergy.\n\nWe pledge ourselves to carry forward, under national policy, aggressive programs to provide abundant supplies of low-cost energy, including continued research for the development of synthetic liquid fuel from coal, shale and agricultural products. These we must have to feed our insatiable industrial economy, to enable our workers to develop their skills and increase their productivity, to provide more jobs at higher wages, to meet the ever-mounting demands for domestic and farm uses, including the production of lower-cost farm fertilizers and lower-cost power to consumers.\nWe will carry forward increased and full production of hydroelectric power on our rivers and of steam generation for the Tennessee Valley Authority to meet its peacetime and defense requirements. Such self-liquidating projects must go forward in a rapid and orderly manner, with appropriate financing plans. Integrated regional transmission systems will enhance exchange of power and encourage diversified industrial development.\nWe shall once more rigorously enforce the anti-monopoly and public body preference clauses, including the Holding Company Act, administratively circumvented by the Eisenhower Republican Administration. We shall preserve and strengthen the public power competitive yardstick in power developments under TVA, REA, Bureau of Reclamation, Bonneville, Southeast and Southwest Power Administrations and other future projects, including atomic power plants, under a policy of the widest possible use of electric energy at the lowest possible cost.\nMinerals.\n\nThe Republican Administration has seriously neglected and ignored one of the Nation's basic industries, metal mining. We recognize that a healthy mining industry is essential to the economy of the Nation, and therefore pledge immediate efforts toward the establishment of a realistic, long-range minerals policy. The Nation's minerals and fuels are essential to the safety, security and development of our country. We pledge the adoption of policies which will further encourage the exploration and development of additional reserves of our mineral resources.\nDomestic Fisheries.\n\nWe will undertake comprehensive scientific and economic research programs for the conservation and better utilization of, and new markets for, fishery products. We favor and will encourage reciprocal world trade in fish products.\nWe pledge ourselves to a public works and water policy providing adequate protection for domestic fishery resources.\nWe favor treaties with other nations for conservation and better utilization of international fisheries.\nScenic Resources.\n\nTo the end that the scenic beauty of our land may be preserved and maintained for this and future generations to enjoy, we pledge accelerated support of educational programs to stimulate individual responsibility and pride in clean, attractive surroundings—from big cities to rural areas.\nX. Atomic Energy\n\nThe atomic era came into being and was developed under Democratic Administrations.\nThe genius of American scientists, engineers and workmen, supported by the vision and courage of Franklin D. Roosevelt, made possible the splitting of the atom and the development of the first atomic bomb in time to end World War II.\nWith the ending of the war, the supremacy of America in atomic weapons was maintained under the leadership of President Truman, and the United States pushed ahead vigorously toward utilizing this new form of energy in peaceful pursuits, particularly in the fields of medicine, agriculture and industry. By the end of the Truman Administration, the pre-eminence of the United States in the nuclear field was clearly established, and we were on the threshold of large-scale development of industrial nuclear energy at home and as an instrument of world peace.\nThe Eisenhower Administration promptly reversed the field and plunged the previously independent and nonpartisan Atomic Energy Commission into partisan politics. For example, President Eisenhower ordered the Commission to sign the scandalous Dixon-Yates contract. He was later forced to repudiate the same contract, after the exposure of the illegal activities of one of his own consultants with a secret office in the Bureau of the Budget.\nThe Republican Administration has followed the same pattern in the field of atomic energy that it has pursued in its treatment of other natural resources—lofty words, little action, but steady service to selfish interests. While the AEC and the special private interests consult and confer, the United States is lagging instead of leading in the world race for nuclear power, international prestige and world markets.\nThe Democrats in Congress believed that the national interest thus became imperiled, and they moved to meet the challenge both at home and abroad. They established a nonpartisan panel of eminent Americans to study the impact of the peaceful atom.\nFollowing the comprehensive report of this panel, the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy held extensive hearings on bills to accelerate the atomic reactor demonstration program. Though the bills were reported unanimously from committee, the Republican members of Congress, under heavy pressure from the White House, insured the final defeat of this legislation in the Congress.\nBut the fight to bring nuclear power to the people has only begun. As the United States was first in the development of the atom as a weapon, so the United States must lead in bringing the blessings of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy to mankind.\nHence, the Democratic Party pledges itself:\n(1) To restore nonpartisan administration of the vital atomic energy program and to expand and accelerate nuclear development by vigorous action:\n(2) To accelerate the domestic civilian atomic power program by the construction of a variety of demonstration prototype reactors;\n(3) To give reality—life and meaning—to the \"Atoms for Peace\" program. We will substitute deeds for words;\n(4) To increase the production of fissionable material for use in a stockpile for peacetime commitments at home and abroad, and for an ever-present reserve for weapons to guarantee freedom in the world;\n(5) To conduct a comprehensive survey of radiation hazards from bomb tests and reactor operations, in order to determine what additional measures are required to protect existing and future generations from these invisible dangers; and\n(6) To make the maximum contribution to the defense of our Nation and the free world through the development of a balanced and flexible stockpile of nuclear weapons, containing a sufficient number and variety to support our armed services in any contingency.\nXI. Civil Rights\n\nThe Democratic Party is committed to support and advance the individual rights and liberties of all Americans. Our country is founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. This means that all citizens are equal before the law and should enjoy all political rights. They should have equal opportunities for education, for economic advancement, and for decent living conditions.\nWe will continue our efforts to eradicate discrimination based on race, religion or national origin. We know this task requires action, not just in one section of the Nation, but in all sections. It requires the cooperative efforts of individual citizens, and action by State and local governments. It also requires Federal action. The Federal Government must live up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and must exercise the powers vested in it by the Constitution.\nWe are proud of the record of the Democratic Party in securing equality of treatment and opportunity in the nation's armed forces, the Civil Service, and in all areas under Federal jurisdiction. The Democratic Party pledges itself to continue its efforts to eliminate illegal discriminations of all kinds, in relation to (1) full rights to vote, (2) full rights to engage in gainful occupations, (3) full rights to enjoy security of the person, and (4) full fights to education in all publicly supported institutions.\nRecent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States relating to segregation in publicly supported schools and elsewhere have brought consequences of vast importance to our Nation as a whole and especially to communities directly affected. We reject all proposals for the use of force to interfere with the orderly determination of these matters by the courts.\nThe Democratic Party emphatically reaffirms its support of the historic principle that ours is a government of laws and not of men; it recognizes the Supreme Court of the United States as one of the three Constitutional and coordinate branches of the Federal Government, superior to and separate from any political party, the decisions of which are part of the law of the land. We condemn the efforts of the Republican Party to make it appear that this tribunal is a part of the Republican Party.\nWe condemn the Republican Administration's violation of the rights of Government employees by a heartless and unjustified confusing of \"security\" and \"loyalty\" for the sole purpose of political gain and regardless of consequences to individual victims and to the good name of the United States. We condemn the Republican Administration's misrepresentation of facts and violation of individual rights in a wicked and unprincipled attempt to degrade and destroy the Democratic Party, and to make political capital for the Republican Party.", "Words" -> 12827, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 878, "of" -> 706, "and" -> 621, "to" -> 428, "in" -> 223, "for" -> 187, "We" -> 155, "a" -> 153, "our" -> 119, "The" -> 100, "by" -> 100, "Democratic" -> 91, "will" -> 77, "that" -> 73, "has" -> 71, "with" -> 67, "Republican" -> 64, "pledge" -> 61, "be" -> 61, "which" -> 58, "as" -> 58, "Party" -> 56, "this" -> 55, "Administration" -> 55, "its" -> 50, "have" -> 50, "under" -> 49, "program" -> 47, "their" -> 45, "is" -> 43, "Federal" -> 42, "are" -> 42, "all" -> 42, "we" -> 40, "an" -> 39, "American" -> 36, "States" -> 34, "or" -> 34, "people" -> 33, "on" -> 33, "programs" -> 31, "Government" -> 31, "world" -> 30, "United" -> 30, "national" -> 30, "economic" -> 30, "Congress" -> 30, "been" -> 30, "from" -> 28, "full" -> 27, "development" -> 27, "years" -> 26, "support" -> 26, "policy" -> 26, "Eisenhower" -> 26, "more" -> 25, "at" -> 24, "they" -> 23, "these" -> 23, "ourselves" -> 23, "other" -> 23, "peace" -> 22, "not" -> 22, "shall" -> 21, "it" -> 21, "In" -> 21, "free" -> 21, "To" -> 20, "so" -> 20, "Act" -> 20, "small" -> 19, "power" -> 19, "any" -> 19, "upon" -> 18, "public" -> 18, "into" -> 18, "farm" -> 18, "economy" -> 18, "war" -> 17, "rights" -> 17, "resources" -> 17, "new" -> 17, "must" -> 17, "living" -> 17, "legislation" -> 17, "favor" -> 17, "action" -> 17, "veterans" -> 16, "such" -> 16, "Our" -> 16, "Nation" -> 16, "It" -> 16, "was" -> 15, "through" -> 15, "than" -> 15, "political" -> 15, "nations" -> 15, "law" -> 15, "efforts" -> 15, "can" -> 15, "benefits" -> 15, "America" -> 15, "against" -> 15, "administration" -> 15, "without" -> 14, "toward" -> 14, "President" -> 14, "policies" -> 14, "needs" -> 14, "leadership" -> 14, "interest" -> 14, "increased" -> 14, "defense" -> 14, "conservation" -> 14, "adequate" -> 14, "them" -> 13, "system" -> 13, "standards" -> 13, "only" -> 13, "now" -> 13, "need" -> 13, "may" -> 13, "increase" -> 13, "farmers" -> 13, "during" -> 13, "condemn" -> 13, "atomic" -> 13, "areas" -> 13, "aid" -> 13, "tax" -> 12, "should" -> 12, "Service" -> 12, "security" -> 12, "provide" -> 12, "protection" -> 12, "meet" -> 12, "make" -> 12, "laws" -> 12, "independent" -> 12, "families" -> 12, "Communist" -> 12, "Administrations" -> 12, "84th" -> 12, "workers" -> 11, "water" -> 11, "vital" -> 11, "those" -> 11, "service" -> 11, "Republicans" -> 11, "progress" -> 11, "present" -> 11, "peoples" -> 11, "Nations" -> 11, "international" -> 11, "including" -> 11, "future" -> 11, "expansion" -> 11, "business" -> 11, "both" -> 11, "4" -> 11, "They" -> 10, "principle" -> 10, "pledges" -> 10, "order" -> 10, "National" -> 10, "health" -> 10, "growth" -> 10, "great" -> 10, "government" -> 10, "foreign" -> 10, "employment" -> 10, "country" -> 10, "continued" -> 10, "continue" -> 10, "better" -> 10, "assistance" -> 10, "2" -> 10, "1" -> 10, "year" -> 9, "work" -> 9, "while" -> 9, "welfare" -> 9, "weapons" -> 9, "use" -> 9, "This" -> 9, "research" -> 9, "providing" -> 9, "production" -> 9, "principles" -> 9, "one" -> 9, "nuclear" -> 9, "many" -> 9, "made" -> 9, "life" -> 9, "industry" -> 9, "his" -> 9, "freedom" -> 9, "energy" -> 9, "education" -> 9, "conditions" -> 9, "agricultural" -> 9, "3" -> 9, "who" -> 8, "wage" -> 8, "strength" -> 8, "State" -> 8, "special" -> 8, "rural" -> 8, "protect" -> 8, "possible" -> 8, "opportunity" -> 8, "natural" -> 8, "interests" -> 8, "individual" -> 8, "income" -> 8, "human" -> 8, "housing" -> 8, "hospital" -> 8, "higher" -> 8, "effective" -> 8, "disabled" -> 8, "control" -> 8, "citizens" -> 8, "between" -> 8, "affairs" -> 8, "when" -> 7, "were" -> 7, "us" -> 7, "return" -> 7, "record" -> 7, "prevent" -> 7, "practices" -> 7, "Postal" -> 7, "percent" -> 7, "peaceful" -> 7, "part" -> 7, "necessary" -> 7, "most" -> 7, "millions" -> 7, "means" -> 7, "management" -> 7, "local" -> 7, "lands" -> 7, "land" -> 7, "industrial" -> 7, "home" -> 7, "help" -> 7, "financial" -> 7, "fair" -> 7, "facilities" -> 7, "every" -> 7, "essential" -> 7, "equal" -> 7, "end" -> 7, "East" -> 7, "domestic" -> 7, "designed" -> 7, "comprehensive" -> 7, "but" -> 7, "benefit" -> 7, "before" -> 7, "assist" -> 7, "armed" -> 7, "America's" -> 7, "Americans" -> 7, "also" -> 7, "A" -> 7, "5" -> 7, "where" -> 6, "vigorously" -> 6, "vigorous" -> 6, "timber" -> 6, "three" -> 6, "task" -> 6, "take" -> 6, "Taft-Hartley" -> 6, "soil" -> 6, "restore" -> 6, "responsibility" -> 6, "recognized" -> 6, "realistic" -> 6, "purpose" -> 6, "prosperity" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "productive" -> 6, "private" -> 6, "prices" -> 6, "persons" -> 6, "past" -> 6, "out" -> 6, "opportunities" -> 6, "needed" -> 6, "minimum" -> 6, "Middle" -> 6, "men" -> 6, "medical" -> 6, "low" -> 6, "long" -> 6, "Labor" -> 6, "justice" -> 6, "itself" -> 6, "immediate" -> 6, "history" -> 6, "her" -> 6, "fostered" -> 6, "food" -> 6, "first" -> 6, "field" -> 6, "few" -> 6, "fact" -> 6, "encourage" -> 6, "enacted" -> 6, "eliminate" -> 6, "either" -> 6, "developed" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "countries" -> 6, "contrast" -> 6, "consumers" -> 6, "Constitution" -> 6, "consistent" -> 6, "competitive" -> 6, "Civil" -> 6, "children" -> 6, "challenge" -> 6, "care" -> 6, "being" -> 6, "1953" -> 6, "within" -> 5, "well-being" -> 5, "wages" -> 5, "Veterans" -> 5, "Truman" -> 5, "traditional" -> 5, "These" -> 5, "there" -> 5, "technical" -> 5, "supported" -> 5, "Support" -> 5, "strong" -> 5, "strengthen" -> 5, "sound" -> 5, "services" -> 5, "Security" -> 5, "requires" -> 5, "Relations" -> 5, "reduction" -> 5, "reduce" -> 5, "recognize" -> 5, "real" -> 5, "rates" -> 5, "race" -> 5, "provisions" -> 5, "projects" -> 5, "producers" -> 5, "position" -> 5, "place" -> 5, "physically" -> 5, "personnel" -> 5, "passed" -> 5, "particularly" -> 5, "parity" -> 5, "own" -> 5, "over" -> 5, "mining" -> 5, "legislative" -> 5, "insure" -> 5, "insurance" -> 5, "Indian" -> 5, "increasing" -> 5, "inadequate" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "improve" -> 5, "impaired" -> 5, "honest" -> 5, "homes" -> 5, "handicapped" -> 5, "good" -> 5, "give" -> 5, "generations" -> 5, "general" -> 5, "further" -> 5, "force" -> 5, "For" -> 5, "family" -> 5, "failed" -> 5, "expanded" -> 5, "even" -> 5, "enjoy" -> 5, "employee" -> 5, "effort" -> 5, "efficiency" -> 5, "educational" -> 5, "each" -> 5, "depend" -> 5, "decisions" -> 5, "cost" -> 5, "cooperation" -> 5, "Congressional" -> 5, "conduct" -> 5, "commodities" -> 5, "commend" -> 5, "believe" -> 5, "based" -> 5, "assure" -> 5, "Asia" -> 5, "area" -> 5, "appropriate" -> 5, "after" -> 5, "adoption" -> 5, "abundance" -> 5, "6" -> 5, "women" -> 4, "whole" -> 4, "way" -> 4, "victims" -> 4, "urban" -> 4, "unity" -> 4, "true" -> 4, "training" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "today" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "threatens" -> 4, "territories" -> 4, "taken" -> 4, "Social" -> 4, "since" -> 4, "serve" -> 4, "seek" -> 4, "securities" -> 4, "schools" -> 4, "safety" -> 4, "rule" -> 4, "Roosevelt" -> 4, "rising" -> 4, "Rico" -> 4, "resulting" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "rehabilitation" -> 4, "reasonable" -> 4, "rate" -> 4, "rapid" -> 4, "Puerto" -> 4, "proposals" -> 4, "proper" -> 4, "promises" -> 4, "problems" -> 4, "privilege" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "prestige" -> 4, "press" -> 4, "preserved" -> 4, "practical" -> 4, "orderly" -> 4, "once" -> 4, "obtain" -> 4, "objective" -> 4, "no" -> 4, "never" -> 4, "Nation's" -> 4, "morale" -> 4, "million" -> 4, "merit" -> 4, "members" -> 4, "measures" -> 4, "marketing" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "low-cost" -> 4, "little" -> 4, "large" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "Israel" -> 4, "instrument" -> 4, "information" -> 4, "Indians" -> 4, "important" -> 4, "highway" -> 4, "high" -> 4, "handling" -> 4, "growing" -> 4, "goal" -> 4, "fully" -> 4, "framework" -> 4, "Four" -> 4, "forward" -> 4, "forest" -> 4, "forces" -> 4, "following" -> 4, "fields" -> 4, "failure" -> 4, "expanding" -> 4, "expand" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "ever" -> 4, "Equal" -> 4, "enforcement" -> 4, "Energy" -> 4, "Eisenhower's" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "disarmament" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "deplore" -> 4, "Defense" -> 4, "debt" -> 4, "day" -> 4, "cooperative" -> 4, "continuing" -> 4, "construction" -> 4, "community" -> 4, "communities" -> 4, "collective" -> 4, "closely" -> 4, "captive" -> 4, "capacity" -> 4, "But" -> 4, "bring" -> 4, "believes" -> 4, "behind" -> 4, "become" -> 4, "basic" -> 4, "Assistance" -> 4, "aspirations" -> 4, "among" -> 4, "always" -> 4, "agriculture" -> 4, "agencies" -> 4, "aged" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "again" -> 4, "advocate" -> 4, "admission" -> 4, "additional" -> 4, "achieve" -> 4, "accomplish" -> 4, "access" -> 4, "abuses" -> 4, "20" -> 4, "1952" -> 4, "Years" -> 3, "would" -> 3, "World" -> 3, "worker" -> 3, "Western" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "weapon" -> 3, "weakened" -> 3, "Wagner" -> 3, "vocational" -> 3, "Virgin" -> 3, "violation" -> 3, "vast" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "up" -> 3, "unnecessarily" -> 3, "unfair" -> 3, "Under" -> 3, "unable" -> 3, "tyranny" -> 3, "truly" -> 3, "treatment" -> 3, "transportation" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "Trade" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "therefore" -> 3, "There" -> 3, "Their" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "stunted" -> 3, "strive" -> 3, "stockpile" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "statute" -> 3, "status" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "standard" -> 3, "Stalin's" -> 3, "spread" -> 3, "South" -> 3, "Soil" -> 3, "share" -> 3, "settlement" -> 3, "served" -> 3, "seriously" -> 3, "selfish" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "seen" -> 3, "seeking" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "Secretary" -> 3, "scientific" -> 3, "school" -> 3, "scandalous" -> 3, "scale" -> 3, "safeguards" -> 3, "roads" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "Rights" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "revision" -> 3, "reverse" -> 3, "resource" -> 3, "reserves" -> 3, "repudiate" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "relationship" -> 3, "reject" -> 3, "regain" -> 3, "reflect" -> 3, "recognition" -> 3, "recent" -> 3, "realize" -> 3, "quotas" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "proven" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "promote" -> 3, "progressive" -> 3, "Progress" -> 3, "prior" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "potential" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "placed" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "peacetime" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "partisan" -> 3, "owners" -> 3, "outlays" -> 3, "origin" -> 3, "nonpartisan" -> 3, "next" -> 3, "neglected" -> 3, "neglect" -> 3, "needy" -> 3, "NATO" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "modern" -> 3, "minerals" -> 3, "mineral" -> 3, "minds" -> 3, "military" -> 3, "middle-income" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "manner" -> 3, "manipulation" -> 3, "maintaining" -> 3, "loyalty" -> 3, "losses" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "lasting" -> 3, "lack" -> 3, "know" -> 3, "keeping" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "Its" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "intelligent" -> 3, "inept" -> 3, "incomes" -> 3, "improved" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "II" -> 3, "House" -> 3, "heritage" -> 3, "He" -> 3, "had" -> 3, "greatest" -> 3, "greater" -> 3, "grave" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "goals" -> 3, "Germany" -> 3, "Full" -> 3, "form" -> 3, "fish" -> 3, "fiscal" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "fiber" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "false" -> 3, "Fair" -> 3, "Failure" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "exchange" -> 3, "example" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "estate" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "engaged" -> 3, "endeavor" -> 3, "encouraged" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "Economic" -> 3, "dynamic" -> 3, "During" -> 3, "dollars" -> 3, "distribution" -> 3, "developing" -> 3, "develop" -> 3, "determined" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "determination" -> 3, "depressed" -> 3, "denounce" -> 3, "Democrats" -> 3, "deeds" -> 3, "current" -> 3, "cultural" -> 3, "courageous" -> 3, "courage" -> 3, "corporate" -> 3, "contract" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "constructive" -> 3, "Constitutional" -> 3, "Conservation" -> 3, "consequences" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "Commonwealth" -> 3, "common" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "commercial" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "come" -> 3, "clearly" -> 3, "civil" -> 3, "citizenship" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "child" -> 3, "charge" -> 3, "cents" -> 3, "cause" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "capital" -> 3, "campaign" -> 3, "By" -> 3, "businessmen" -> 3, "Budget" -> 3, "broken" -> 3, "books" -> 3, "billion" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "beyond" -> 3, "because" -> 3, "basis" -> 3, "basin" -> 3, "award" -> 3, "Atomic" -> 3, "atom" -> 3, "Arab" -> 3, "approach" -> 3, "annual" -> 3, "An" -> 3, "allowed" -> 3, "All" -> 3, "agreements" -> 3, "ago" -> 3, "adjustments" -> 3, "accelerate" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "1956" -> 3, "youth" -> 2, "young" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "works" -> 2, "worked" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "Wildlife" -> 2, "widest" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "White" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "what" -> 2, "Welfare" -> 2, "weak" -> 2, "watersheds" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "Walsh-Healey" -> 2, "vivid" -> 2, "vision" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "vested" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "utterly" -> 2, "utter" -> 2, "utilization" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "usefulness" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "unworkable" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "unjust" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "Undertake" -> 2, "two" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "tribes" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "transform" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "throughout" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "threshold" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "tendency" -> 2, "tell" -> 2, "teachers" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "taking" -> 2, "systems" -> 2, "sympathetic" -> 2, "survival" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "surface" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "supports" -> 2, "supplies" -> 2, "superior" -> 2, "suitable" -> 2, "Suez" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "subversion" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "subjected" -> 2, "struggle" -> 2, "strongly" -> 2, "strike" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "Statehood" -> 2, "Standards" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "Soviet" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "some" -> 2, "solid" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "slogans" -> 2, "slashed" -> 2, "skills" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "short-term" -> 2, "shortage" -> 2, "shocking" -> 2, "severely" -> 2, "service-connected" -> 2, "self-determination" -> 2, "segment" -> 2, "securing" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "scheme" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "sabotaged" -> 2, "S." -> 2, "role" -> 2, "Rivers" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "river" -> 2, "rightful" -> 2, "review" -> 2, "reversed" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "Restore" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "responsibilities" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "resistance" -> 2, "requirements" -> 2, "required" -> 2, "Republicanism" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "repealed" -> 2, "removed" -> 2, "remains" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "release" -> 2, "relation" -> 2, "relating" -> 2, "regulations" -> 2, "regional" -> 2, "regardless" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "reflecting" -> 2, "reducing" -> 2, "redevelopment" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "Reciprocal" -> 2, "reappraisal" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "reactor" -> 2, "reactionary" -> 2, "raw" -> 2, "rather" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "pursuits" -> 2, "publicly" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "Prosperity" -> 2, "proposes" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "Prompt" -> 2, "Promote" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "Programs" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "productivity" -> 2, "procedures" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "privileges" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "practiced" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "poverty" -> 2, "potentially" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "politics" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "Poland" -> 2, "plight" -> 2, "planning" -> 2, "Physically" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "performance" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "Party's" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "panel" -> 2, "pace" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "ours" -> 2, "others" -> 2, "originally" -> 2, "organize" -> 2, "organizations" -> 2, "Organization" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "ordered" -> 2, "oppression" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "oppose" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "Old" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "obtaining" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "North" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "neighbor" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "much" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "mortgage" -> 2, "monopolies" -> 2, "mission" -> 2, "misrepresentation" -> 2, "minority" -> 2, "migratory" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "Merchant" -> 2, "Medical" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "Marine" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "major" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "lower-cost" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "look" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "lines" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "level" -> 2, "lenders" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "last" -> 2, "large-scale" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "Land" -> 2, "lagging" -> 2, "labor-management" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "jurisdiction" -> 2, "join" -> 2, "jobs" -> 2, "Jeffersonian" -> 2, "Is" -> 2, "irrigation" -> 2, "Iron" -> 2, "involving" -> 2, "investor" -> 2, "intolerable" -> 2, "intensified" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "Insurance" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "injury" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "inherited" -> 2, "infusion" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "increases" -> 2, "inaugurated" -> 2, "improving" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "impartial" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "immediately" -> 2, "imbalance" -> 2, "image" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "hostility" -> 2, "hospitalization" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "Holy" -> 2, "Hemisphere" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heartless" -> 2, "hearings" -> 2, "healthy" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "hard-money" -> 2, "Harbors" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "Handicapped" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "groups" -> 2, "ground" -> 2, "Governor" -> 2, "Government's" -> 2, "global" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "friends" -> 2, "fresh" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "Franklin" -> 2, "four" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "forthrightly" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "fishery" -> 2, "Fish" -> 2, "fight" -> 2, "fide" -> 2, "feed" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "family-type" -> 2, "failures" -> 2, "failing" -> 2, "facts" -> 2, "face" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "expressly" -> 2, "expressed" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "Expand" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "everywhere" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "erosion" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "enabled" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "empty" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "electric" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "elect" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "Effective" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "Education" -> 2, "economies" -> 2, "drainage" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "Dixon-Yates" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "dissemination" -> 2, "disregard" -> 2, "dismal" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "disabilities" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "differences" -> 2, "Development" -> 2, "detriment" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "despite" -> 2, "dependents" -> 2, "dependent" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "demonstration" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "deeper" -> 2, "Declaration" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "dealers" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "dangers" -> 2, "dangerous" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "Curtain" -> 2, "crippled" -> 2, "create" -> 2, "coverage" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "counties" -> 2, "costs" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "contrary" -> 2, "contracts" -> 2, "containing" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "conserve" -> 2, "consent" -> 2, "connection" -> 2, "conflicting" -> 2, "confident" -> 2, "concrete" -> 2, "concerned" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "complacency" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "commodity" -> 2, "commitments" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "coercion" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "charitable" -> 2, "challenges" -> 2, "Challenge" -> 2, "centers" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "capita" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "candor" -> 2, "Candidate" -> 2, "businesses" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "Bureau" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "burden" -> 2, "build" -> 2, "budgetary" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "bona" -> 2, "bomb" -> 2, "boldness" -> 2, "bold" -> 2, "blessed" -> 2, "bitter" -> 2, "bills" -> 2, "big" -> 2, "betrayal" -> 2, "best" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "begun" -> 2, "became" -> 2, "base" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "awareness" -> 2, "averaged" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "automobile" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "assuring" -> 2, "assumed" -> 2, "arms" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "approximately" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "anti-labor" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "Allies" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "alarming" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aggressive" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "aggravated" -> 2, "agency" -> 2, "Age" -> 2, "aftermath" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "advances" -> 2, "advancement" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "admitted" -> 2, "administratively" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "Administration's" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accelerated" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "Abroad" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "1954" -> 2, "1949" -> 2, "1946" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$800" -> 1, "$600" -> 1, "$57" -> 1, "$33" -> 1, "$2000" -> 1, "$1.25" -> 1, "$1.00" -> 1, "York" -> 1, "yoke" -> 1, "yielding" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "Yet" -> 1, "yardstick" -> 1, "XI" -> 1, "X" -> 1, "wrought" -> 1, "wrote" -> 1, "wreckage" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "world—yet" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "workmen" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "Witness" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "Winning" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wild-life" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wicked" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "where-ever" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "WE" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "watered" -> 1, "waterborne" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wastefully" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "wait" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "Wage" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "vote-buying" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "Vocational" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "VIII" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewpoints" -> 1, "vie" -> 1, "Victims" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "VI" -> 1, "vexing" -> 1, "vests" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "validity" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "valiant" -> 1, "vacillating" -> 1, "VA" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "utterances" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "Us" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "upstream" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "Upholding" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unthinkable" -> 1, "unstinting" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unreserved" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unprincipled" -> 1, "unleash" -> 1, "unjustly" -> 1, "unjustified" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "Unity" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "unification" -> 1, "unholy" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unfettered" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "underdeveloped" -> 1, "uncounted" -> 1, "unclassified" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unanimously" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "U" -> 1, "Twenty" -> 1, "TVA" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "Truth" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "troubles" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "Tripartite" -> 1, "tribunal" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "tree" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "tranquillity" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "traded" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "Today" -> 1, "TO" -> 1, "timidity" -> 1, "time-tested" -> 1, "time-bomb" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "Timber" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "threats" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "Though" -> 1, "THIS" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "testify" -> 1, "tested" -> 1, "Territory" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "tending" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "telling" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "technical-vocational" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "Taxpayers" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tall" -> 1, "talk" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "tale" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "Taft" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "symbolized" -> 1, "swelled" -> 1, "sustained-yield" -> 1, "Sustained" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "Survivors" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survey" -> 1, "surroundings—from" -> 1, "surmount" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "summit" -> 1, "suits" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "succor" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "suburban" -> 1, "Substituting" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "submits" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjugated" -> 1, "Stunting" -> 1, "stunting" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "strenuous" -> 1, "Strengthening" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "stream" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "storables" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "stimulate" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steam" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadiness" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "statesmen" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "starved" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "stall" -> 1, "stacking" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "sprinkled" -> 1, "springs" -> 1, "sportsmen" -> 1, "Sponsor" -> 1, "spoils" -> 1, "splitting" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "spending" -> 1, "spelled" -> 1, "specify" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "specially" -> 1, "special-interest" -> 1, "space" -> 1, "Soviets" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southwest" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "sort" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "society" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "Smith-Hughes" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "small-business" -> 1, "Slum" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "situated" -> 1, "single-purpose" -> 1, "single" -> 1, "sincerity" -> 1, "silent" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shrank" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shooting" -> 1, "shipment" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shared" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "shackles" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "service-incurred" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "Senior" -> 1, "semiarid" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-liquidating" -> 1, "Self-Determination" -> 1, "Selective" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "see—disastrously" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secrets" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "secrecy" -> 1, "second-best" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "science" -> 1, "Scholarships" -> 1, "scholars" -> 1, "Scenic" -> 1, "scenic" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "Sarena" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "sanctity" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "salvaged" -> 1, "salt" -> 1, "Salary" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "saddled" -> 1, "sad" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "ruled" -> 1, "rounding" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rises" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "rigorously" -> 1, "rigidly" -> 1, "right-to-work" -> 1, "revocable" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "Return" -> 1, "retrenchment" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retarded" -> 1, "retaliation" -> 1, "retained" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "resumed" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "Restoring" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resources—lofty" -> 1, "Resident" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "resentment" -> 1, "Rescue" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "reputation" -> 1, "repudiation" -> 1, "repudiated" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "Republican-dominated" -> 1, "represents" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remember" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "remained" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "Relief" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "Release" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "relationships" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "rejection" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reinforced" -> 1, "rehousing" -> 1, "regulatory" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "Refugee" -> 1, "re-establishment" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "redirected" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "Recreational" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "records" -> 1, "Record" -> 1, "reconstitution" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "Recognition" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "realms" -> 1, "reality—life" -> 1, "realistically" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "reactors" -> 1, "Reaction" -> 1, "REA" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "radiation" -> 1, "Race" -> 1, "quality" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "pursue" -> 1, "purged" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "pull" -> 1, "publicized" -> 1, "proxy" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "Provide" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "prototype" -> 1, "protestations" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "Prospecting" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "Proper" -> 1, "propagation" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "pronouncements" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotions" -> 1, "Promotion" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "prominence" -> 1, "pro-management" -> 1, "Project" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "Progressive" -> 1, "Productivity" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "procure" -> 1, "processor" -> 1, "processed" -> 1, "Procedures" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "Prisoners" -> 1, "Priority" -> 1, "priority" -> 1, "Principles" -> 1, "Principle" -> 1, "principally" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "price-supported" -> 1, "price-support" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "prevails" -> 1, "pretending" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "present-day" -> 1, "Presentation" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "prejudices" -> 1, "pre-eminence" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "praising" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "poultry" -> 1, "potentialities" -> 1, "posturing" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "Possessions" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "pooled" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "Policy—the" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "pocket" -> 1, "plunged" -> 1, "PLEDGE" -> 1, "please" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "Places" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "pittance" -> 1, "pioneered" -> 1, "pillaging" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "perishable" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "perfecting" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "Pay" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "partisanship" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "particulars" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "Parks" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "parcel" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owner" -> 1, "over-the-counter" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "overrides" -> 1, "over-all" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outlying" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "option" -> 1, "Oppression" -> 1, "opposite" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operators" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "one-haft" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "O'Mahoney-Celler" -> 1, "old-age" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "offensive" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "occupations" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "objection" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "notwithstanding" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "notable" -> 1, "Norris-La" -> 1, "normally" -> 1, "non-service-connected" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "non-partisanship" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "non-compensated" -> 1, "nonbasic" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "NLRB" -> 1, "Niagara" -> 1, "Next" -> 1, "new-style" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "neutralism" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "Neighbors" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "neighboring" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "Needs" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "Nation-wide" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "National-security" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "Nationalist" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "multiply" -> 1, "multiple-purpose" -> 1, "multilateral" -> 1, "mount" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "mothers" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "monumental" -> 1, "monument" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "Monopolies" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "mode" -> 1, "mobilize" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mismanagement" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "Minerals" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "Migratory" -> 1, "mid-Twentieth" -> 1, "middle-class" -> 1, "mid-century—that" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "metal" -> 1, "mergers" -> 1, "mercilessly" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "Meet" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "meat" -> 1, "meaning—to" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "mastered" -> 1, "massive" -> 1, "Marshall" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "maneuvering" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "Maladministration" -> 1, "maladministration" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "Maintain" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "Mail" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "magnitude" -> 1, "Magna" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "low-level" -> 1, "low-interest" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "Lower-income" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "Losses" -> 1, "Lose" -> 1, "loopholes" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "livable" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "lip-service" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "lighten" -> 1, "life-stream" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "licensees" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "liberate" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "lengthening" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "Last" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "lapse" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "lag" -> 1, "Lacks" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "Kremlin's" -> 1, "Korea" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kai-shek" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "journalists" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "jockeying" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "Jackson" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "irrespective" -> 1, "irreparable" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invisible" -> 1, "Investors" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "interferes" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "Interests" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intensely" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "Intelligent" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "Integrated" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "insured" -> 1, "Insure" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insecure" -> 1, "insects" -> 1, "insatiable" -> 1, "inordinate" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "infused" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "infiltrating" -> 1, "infamous" -> 1, "inescapable" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "Indonesia" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indictment" -> 1, "indicted" -> 1, "indict" -> 1, "India—anti-Americanism" -> 1, "Independent" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "Increase" -> 1, "inconveniences" -> 1, "incongruous" -> 1, "incompetence" -> 1, "incapacities" -> 1, "incapable" -> 1, "Inaugurate" -> 1, "inadequacies" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "imperiled" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "imperial" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impediments" -> 1, "impairment" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "imaginatively" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illusion" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "Illness" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hydroelectric" -> 1, "hurry" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Hull" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "hospitality" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "Hoover" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "hollow" -> 1, "Holding" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "high-quality" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "herewith" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Hence" -> 1, "Hells" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heavier" -> 1, "heartlessly" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "havoc" -> 1, "harvested" -> 1, "Harry" -> 1, "Harmonious" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "Harding" -> 1, "hardhearted" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "happy" -> 1, "handouts" -> 1, "handled" -> 1, "halting" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "halls" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guardian" -> 1, "Guardia" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "Grazing" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "graver" -> 1, "gratefully" -> 1, "grasped" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grains" -> 1, "graduated" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "Goals" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "glory" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "giants" -> 1, "giant" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "genesis" -> 1, "generously" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gainful" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "fringe" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "Friends" -> 1, "frenzied" -> 1, "French" -> 1, "freest" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "freedom-loving" -> 1, "fragmented" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forty" -> 1, "fortify" -> 1, "forthwith" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "forestation" -> 1, "Forest" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "forego" -> 1, "forcible" -> 1, "Forces" -> 1, "forcefulness" -> 1, "forage" -> 1, "food-stamp" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "Following" -> 1, "foisted" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "flexibly" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "flagrant" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fissionable" -> 1, "Fisheries" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "first-class" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "fired" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filing" -> 1, "fights" -> 1, "fever" -> 1, "fertilizers" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "Federal-State" -> 1, "Federally-financed" -> 1, "Federal-Indian" -> 1, "fearful" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farm-to-market" -> 1, "farm-home" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "farmer-elected" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "Fantastic" -> 1, "fantastic" -> 1, "fanned" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "faithless" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "Ezra" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "extensively" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "Expansion" -> 1, "Expanding" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "Exercise" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "exchanging" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "exceptional" -> 1, "exception" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "ever-present" -> 1, "ever-mounting" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "evaporate" -> 1, "evaluations" -> 1, "evaded" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "Establish" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "escapees" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equities" -> 1, "environment" -> 1, "enunciated" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enlightenment" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "Enhanced" -> 1, "enhance" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "Encourage" -> 1, "Enact" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "Employee" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emphatically" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "emerge" -> 1, "embracing" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "eleven" -> 1, "elevate" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "Elections" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "Eisenhower-appointed" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "effecting" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "dwindling" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "duration" -> 1, "Dulles" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drifted" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "do—to" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "dollar-a-year" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distortion" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distance" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "display" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "disintegrates" -> 1, "dishonored" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discriminations" -> 1, "discriminates" -> 1, "discriminated" -> 1, "disclosures" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "disavowed" -> 1, "disastrously" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "Disarmament" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "diligence" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "dietary" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "dictatorship" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "Devise" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "Develop" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "detained" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destinies" -> 1, "despoiled" -> 1, "desperately" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "deserved" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "Depressed" -> 1, "deplorable" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demarcation" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "Delano" -> 1, "degraded" -> 1, "degrade" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "defeatist" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decry" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "deceptive" -> 1, "deceased" -> 1, "Debt" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "day-by-day" -> 1, "dawdled" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "Dams" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cynical" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "cross-purposes" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "crisis" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countenance" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "cost-price" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "coping" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "Coolidge" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "controls" -> 1, "contributory" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contractual" -> 1, "Contracts" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "Continued" -> 1, "Continue" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "Continuance" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consultants" -> 1, "consult" -> 1, "constitutions" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consists" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "conserved" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "Confusion" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confusing" -> 1, "confused" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "Conflict" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confer" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "condoned" -> 1, "condemning" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concert" -> 1, "concentrations" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "concealment" -> 1, "conceal" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "Complacency" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "Company" -> 1, "compact" -> 1, "Communism" -> 1, "Communication" -> 1, "common-carrier" -> 1, "committeemen" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "Commissioner" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commendable" -> 1, "commencement" -> 1, "commands" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combine" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "colonialism" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collapses" -> 1, "coffers" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "clumsy" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "clerks" -> 1, "clearance" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "clean" -> 1, "clauses" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "circumvented" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "Chiang" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "Charta" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "characteristic" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "Ceylon" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "Century" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "Captive" -> 1, "capricious" -> 1, "caprice" -> 1, "capacities" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "Canyon" -> 1, "candidly" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "calamity" -> 1, "businessman" -> 1, "Burma" -> 1, "bungling" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "builders" -> 1, "Budget-Balancers" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "brotherhood" -> 1, "brokers" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "brinks" -> 1, "Bringing" -> 1, "brilliant" -> 1, "brief" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "Brand" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "brain" -> 1, "brags" -> 1, "bought" -> 1, "borrower" -> 1, "Bonneville" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "boasted" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "Blustering" -> 1, "Bluster" -> 1, "bluster" -> 1, "Bluff" -> 1, "bluff" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "blindness" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "bipartisanship" -> 1, "bipartisan-ship" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bids" -> 1, "biased" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "besmirched" -> 1, "Bequest" -> 1, "Benson" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "beloved" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "belie" -> 1, "beguiled" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "beds" -> 1, "Because" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "Be" -> 1, "basins" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "Balance" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "Aware" -> 1, "awaken" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "average" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "authorizations" -> 1, "Authority" -> 1, "auspices" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atoms" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "Asia—in" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "Arrangements" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "arrangement" -> 1, "around" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "arisen" -> 1, "Areas" -> 1, "approximate" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "apparatus" -> 1, "apace" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anti-union" -> 1, "anti-monopoly" -> 1, "Anti-Injunction" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "annihilation" -> 1, "annexation" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "amateurs" -> 1, "alternatives" -> 1, "alternately" -> 1, "alteration" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "alienation" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "Africa" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "afflict" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "Affirmative" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "aerial" -> 1, "AEC" -> 1, "advantage—yet" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "Advances" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admissions" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "Adjustment" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjacent" -> 1, "adhering" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "Additional" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adapted" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "acknowledging" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "Achievement" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "Achieved" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "abundantly" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "A1" -> 1, "90" -> 1, "85th" -> 1, "80th" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "500" -> 1, "47" -> 1, "42" -> 1, "38" -> 1, "3/4" -> 1, "22" -> 1, "1960" -> 1, "1954-1957" -> 1, "1950" -> 1, "1947-53" -> 1, "1947-1953" -> 1, "1947" -> 1, "1923" -> 1, "14" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1952", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1952, "Date" -> DateObject[{1952, 7, 21}], "Text" -> "Preamble\nOur nation has entered into an age in which Divine Providence has permitted the genius of man to unlock the secret of the atom.\nNo system of government can survive the challenge of an atomic era unless its administration is committed to the stewardship of a trustee imbued with a democratic faith, a buoyant hope for the future, the charity of brotherhood, and the vision to translate these ideals into the realities of human government. The Government of the United States, administered by the Democratic Party, is today so entrusted.\nThe free choice of the Democratic Party by the people of America as the instrument to achieve that purpose will mean world peace with honor, national security based on collective pacts with other free nations, and a high level of human dignity. National survival demands that these goals be attained, and the endowments of the Democratic Party alone can assure their attainment.\nFor twenty years, under the dedicated guidance of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, our country has moved steadily along the road which has led the United States of America to world leadership in the cause of freedom.\nWe will not retreat one inch along that road. Rather, it is our prayerful hope that the people, whom we have so faithfully served, will renew the mandate to continue our service and that Almighty God may grant us the wisdom to succeed.\nTwenty Years of Progress\n\nAchieving Prosperity\n\nAn objective appraisal of the past record clearly demonstrates that the Democratic Party has been the chosen American instrument to achieve prosperity, build a stronger democracy, erect the structure of world peace, and continue on the path of progress.\nDemocratic Party policies and programs rescued American business from total collapse from the fatal economic consequences of watered stock, unsound banks, useless and greedy holding companies, high tariff barriers, and predatory business practices, all of which prevailed under the last Republican administrations. Democratic policies have enabled the Federal Government to help all business, small and large, to achieve the highest rate of productivity, the widest domestic and world markets, and the largest profits in the history of the Nation.\nThe simple fact is that today there are more than four million operating business enterprises in this country, over one million more than existed in 1932. Corporate losses in that fateful year were over three billion dollars; in 1951, corporate profits, after taxes, reached the staggering total of eighteen billion.\nDemocratic policies and programs rescued American agriculture from the economic consequences of blight, drought, flood and storm, from oppressive and indiscriminate foreclosures, and from the ruinous conditions brought about by the bungling incompetence and neglect of the preceding twelve years of Republican maladministration. Economic stability, soil conservation, rural electrification, farm dwelling improvement, increased production and efficiency and more than sevenfold increase in cash income have been the return to farmers for their faith in the Democratic Party.\nDemocratic labor policies have rescued the wage earners in this country from mass unemployment and from sweatshop slavery at starvation wages. Under our Democratic administrations, decent hours, decent wages, and decent working conditions have become the rule rather than the exception.\nSelf organizations of labor unions and collective bargaining, both of which are the keystone to labor management, peace and prosperity, must be encouraged, for the good of all.\nUnemployment is now less than 3 per cent of the labor force, compared with almost 25 per cent in 1932. Trade union membership has reached a total of 16 million, which is more than five times the total of 1932.\nThe welfare of all economic and social groups in our society has been promoted by the sound, progressive and humane policies of the Democratic Party.\nStrengthening Democracy\n\nWe are convinced that lasting prosperity must be founded upon a healthy democratic society respectful of the rights of all people.\nUnder Democratic Party leadership more has been done in the past twenty years to enhance the sanctity of individual rights than ever before in our history. Racial and religious minorities have progressed further toward real equality than during the preceding 150 years.\nGovernmental services, Democratically administered, have been improved and extended. The efficiency, economy, and integration of Federal operations have been advocated and effectuated through sound programs and policies. Through cooperative programs of Federal aid, State and local governments have been encouraged and enabled to provide many more services.\nThe Democratic Party has been alert to the corroding and demoralizing effects of dishonesty and disloyalty in the public service. It has exposed and punished those who would corrupt the integrity of the public service, and it has always championed honesty and morality in government. The loyalty program of President Truman has served effectively to prevent infiltration by subversive elements and to protect honest and loyal public servants against unfounded and malicious attacks.\nWe commend the relentless and fearless actions of Congressional Committees which, under vigorous Democratic leadership, have exposed dereliction in public service, and we pledge our support to a continuance of such actions as conditions require them.\nThe administration of our government by the Democratic Party has been based upon principles of justice and equity, and upon the American tradition of fair play. Men who are elected to high political office are entrusted with high responsibilities. Slander, defamation of character, deception and dishonesty are as truly transgressions of God's commandments, when resorted to by men in public life, as they are for all other men.\nBuilding Peace with Honor\n\nThe Democratic Party has worked constantly for peace—lasting peace, peace with honor, freedom, justice and security for all nations.\nThe return of the Democratic Party to power in 1933 marked the end of a tragic era of isolationism fostered by Republican Administrations which had deliberately and callously rejected the golden opportunity created by Woodrow Wilson for collective action to secure the peace.\nThis folly contributed to the second World War. Victory in that war has presented the nations of the world a new opportunity which the Democratic Party is determined shall not be lost.\nWe have helped establish the instrumentalities through which the hope of mankind for universal world peace can be realized. Under Democratic leadership, our Nation has moved promptly and effectively to meet and repel the menace to world peace by Soviet imperialism.\nProgress in the New Era\n\nThe Democratic Party believes that past progress is but a prelude to the bureau aspirations which may be realized in the future.\nUnder Democratic Party leadership, America has accepted each new challenge of history and has found practical solutions to meet and overcome them. This we have done without departing from the principles of our basic philosophy, that is, the destiny of man to achieve his earthly ends in the spirit of brotherhood.\nA great Democrat—Franklin Delano Roosevelt—devised the programs of the New Deal to meet the pressing problems of the 1930s. Another great Democrat—Harry S. Truman—devised the programs of the Fair Deal to meet the complex problems of America in the 1940s. The Democratic Party is ready to face and solve the challenging problems of the 1950s. We dedicate ourselves to the magnificent work of these great Presidents and to mould and adapt their democratic principles to the new problems of the years ahead.\nIn this spirit we adopt and pledge ourselves to this, the Democratic platform for 1952:\nOur Goal is Peace With Honor\n\nPeace with honor is the greatest of all our goals. We pledge our unremitting efforts to avert another world war. We are determined that the people shall be spared that frightful agony.\nWe are convinced that peace and security can be safeguarded if America does not deviate from the practical and successful policies developed under Democratic leadership since the close of World War II. We will resolutely move ahead with the constructive task of promoting peace.\nThe Democratic Program for Peace and National Security\n\nSupporting the United Nations\n\nUnder Democratic leadership, this country sponsored and helped create the United Nations and became a charter member and staunchly supports its aims.\nWe will continue our efforts to strengthen the United Nations, improve its institutions as experience requires, and foster its growth and development.\nThe Communist aggressor has been hurled back from South Korea. Thus, Korea has proved, once and for all, that the United Nations will resist aggression. We urge continued effort, by every honorable means, to bring about a fair and effective peace settlement in Korea in accordance with the principles of the United Nations' charter.\nStrong National Defense\n\nOur Nation has strengthened its national defenses against the menace of Soviet aggression.\nThe Democratic Party will continue to stand unequivocally for the strong, balanced defense forces for this country—land, sea and air. We will continue to support the expansion and maintenance of the military and civil defense forces required for our national security. We reject the defeatist view of those who say we cannot afford the expense and effort necessary to defend ourselves. We express our full confidence in the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We voice complete faith in the ability and valor of our armed forces, and pride in their accomplishments.\nCollective Strength for the Free World\n\nWe reject the ridiculous notions of those who would have the United States face the aggressors alone. That would be the most expensive—and the most dangerous—method of seeking security. This nation needs strong allies, around the world, making their maximum contribution to the common defense. They add their strength to ours in the defense of freedom.\nThe Truman Doctrine in 1947, the organization of hemisphere defense at Rio de Janeiro that same year, the Marshall Plan in 1948, the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949, the Point IV program, the resistance to Communist aggression in Korea, the Pacific Security pacts in 1951, and the Mutual Security programs now under way—all stand as landmarks of America's progress in mobilizing the strength of the free world to keep the peace.\nEncouraging European Unity\n\nWe encourage the economic and political unity of free Europe and the increasing solidarity of the nations of the North Atlantic Community.\nWe hail the Schuman Plan to pool the basic resources of industrial Western Europe, and the European Defense Community. We are proud of America's part in carrying these great projects forward, and we pledge our continuing support until they are established.\nSupport for Free Germany\n\nWe welcome the German Federal Republic into the company of free nations. We are determined that Germany shall remain free and continue as a good neighbor in the European community. We sympathize with the German people's wish for unity and will continue to do everything we can by peaceful means to overcome the Kremlin's obstruction of that rightful aim.\nSupport for the Victims of Soviet Imperialism\n\nWe will not abandon the once-free peoples of Central and Eastern Europe who suffer now under the Kremlin's tyranny in violation of the Soviet Union's most solemn pledges at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam. The United States should join other nations in formally declaring genocide to be an international crime in time of peace as well as war. This crime was exposed once more by the shocking revelations of Soviet guilt as disclosed in the report filed in Congress by the special committee investigating the Katyn Forest massacre. We look forward to the clay when the liberties of Poland and the other oppressed Soviet satellites, including Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia and other nations in Asia under Soviet domination, will be restored to them and they can again take their rightful place in the community of free nations. We will carry forward and expand the vital and effective program of the \"Voice of America\" for penetration of the \"Iron Curtain,\" bringing truth and hope to all the people subjugated by the Soviet Empire.\nSupport for the Nations of the Middle East\n\nWe seek to enlist the people of the Middle East to work with us and with each other in the development of the region, the lifting of health and living standards, and the attainment of peace. We favor the development of integrated security arrangements for the Middle East and other assistance to help safeguard the independence of the countries in the area.\nWe pledge continued assistance to Israel so that she may fulfill her humanitarian mission of providing shelter and sanctuary for her homeless Jewish refugees while strengthening her economic development.\nWe will continue to support the tripartite declaration of May 1950, to encourage Israel and the Arab States to settle their differences by direct negotiation, to maintain and protect the sanctity of the Holy Places and to permit free access to them.\nWe pledge aid to the Arab States to enable them to develop their economic resources and raise the living standards of their people. We support measures for the relief and reintegration of the Palestine refugees, and we pledge continued assistance to the reintegration program voted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in January 1952.\nSouth Asia: A Testing Ground for Democracy\n\nIn the subcontinent of South Asia, we pledge continuing support for the great new countries of India and Pakistan in their efforts to create a better life for their people and build strong democratic governments to stand as bastions of liberty in Asia, secure against the threat of Communist subversion.\nCollective Security in the Pacific\n\nWe welcome free Japan as a friendly neighbor and an ally in seeking security and progress for the whole Pacific area. America's security pacts with Japan and with the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand are indispensable steps toward comprehensive mutual security arrangements in that area. Our military and economic assistance to the Nationalist Government of China on Formosa has strengthened that vital outpost of the free world, and will be continued.\nStrengthening the Americas\n\nIn the Western Hemisphere, we pledge ourselves to continue the policy of the good neighbor. We will strive constantly to strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation with our Latin American allies who are joined with us in the defense of the Americas.\nDisarmament Remains the Goal\n\nThe free world is rearming to secure the peace. Under Democratic leadership, America always stands prepared to join in a workable system for foolproof inspection and limitation of all armaments, including atomic weapons. This Nation has taken the leadership in proposing concrete, practical plans for such a system. We are determined to carry on the effort for real, effective disarmament.\nWe look forward to the day when a great share of the resources now devoted to the armaments program can be diverted into the channels of peaceful production to speed the progress of America and of the underdeveloped regions of the world.\nHelping Other People to Help Themselves\n\nEven though we cannot now disarm, we will go forward as rapidly as possible in developing the imaginative and farsighted concept of President Truman embodied in the Point IV program.\nWe will continue to encourage use of American skills and capital in helping the people of underdeveloped lands to combat disease, raise living standards, improve land tenure and develop industry and trade. The continuance of ever stronger and more vigorous Point IV programs—sponsored both by this country and by the United Nations—is an indispensable element in creating a peaceful world.\nUpholding the Principle of Self-Determination\n\nIn an era when the \"satellite state\" symbolizes both the tyranny of the aggressor nations and the extinction of liberty in small nations, the Democratic Party reasserts and reaffirms the Wilsonian principle of the right of national self-determination. It is part of the policy of the Democratic Party, therefore, to encourage and assist small nations and all peoples in the peaceful and orderly achievement of their legitimate aspirations toward political, geographical and ethnic integrity so that they may dwell in the family of sovereign nations with freedom and dignity.\nExpanding World Trade\n\nThe Democratic Party has always stood for expanding trade among free nations. We reassert that stand today. We vigorously oppose any restrictive policies which would weaken the highly successful reciprocal trade program fathered by Cordell Hull.\nSince 1934, the United States has taken the lead in fostering the expansion and liberalization of world trade.\nOur own economy requires expanded export markets for our manufactured and agricultural products and a greater supply of essential imported raw materials. At the same time, our friends throughout the world will have opportunity to earn their own way to higher living standards with lessened dependence on our aid.\nProgressive Immigration Policies\n\nSolution of the problem of refugees from communism and overpopulation has become a permanent part of the foreign policy program of the Democratic Party. We pledge continued cooperation with other free nations to solve it.\nWe pledge continued aid to refugees from communism and the enactment of President Truman's proposals for legislation in this field. In this way we can give hope and courage to the victims of Soviet brutality and can carry on the humanitarian tradition of the Displaced Persons Act.\nSubversive elements must be screened out and prevented from entering our land, but the gates must be left open for practical numbers of desirable persons from abroad whose immigration to this country provides an invigorating infusion into the stream of American life, as well as a significant contribution to the solution of the world refugee and overpopulation problems.\nWe pledge continuing revision of our immigration and naturalization laws to do away with any unjust and unfair practices against national groups which have contributed some of our best citizens. We will eliminate distinctions between native-born and naturalized citizens. We want no \"second-class\" citizens in free America.\nOur Domestic Policy\n\nEconomic Opportunity and Growth\n\nThe United States is today a land of boundless opportunity. Never before has it offered such a large measure of prosperity, security and hope for all its people.\nHorizons of even greater abundance and opportunity lie before us under a Democratic Administration responsive to the will of the people.\nThe Democratic Administration has had a guiding principle since taking office 20 years ago: that the prosperity and growth of this Nation are indivisible. Every step we have taken to help the farmers has also helped the workers and business. Every improvement in the status of the worker has helped both farmers and business. Every expansion of business has provided more jobs for workers and greater demand for farm products.\nA Stabilized Economy\n\nCombatting Inflation\n\nThe Democratic Administration early recognized that defense production would limit the amount of goods in civilian markets, and subject our economy to heavy inflationary pressure. To prevent this from resulting in ruinous inflation, the Administration proposed pay-as-we-go taxation to keep the national debt as low as possible and ' to prevent excess money pressure on scarce goods and services.\nDirect controls were also proposed to channel scarce materials into highly essential defense production, and to keep prices down.\nIn 1951 and 1952 Republican Congressmen demonstrated their attitude toward these necessary measures when they sponsored amendments which would have destroyed all controls.\nPrices\n\nWe shall strive to redress the injury done to the American people—especially to white collar workers and fixed-income families—by the weakening amendments which the Republicans in Congress have forced into our anti-inflation laws.\nWe pledge continuance of workable controls so long as the emergency requires them. We pledge fair and impartial enforcement of controls and their removal as quickly as economic conditions allow.\nRents\n\nWe strongly urge continued federal rent control in critical defense areas and in the many other localities still suffering from a substantial shortage of adequate housing at reasonable prices.\nFull Employment\n\nThe Democratic Administration prudently passed the Employment Act of 1946 declaring it to be national policy never again to permit large-scale unemployment to stalk the land. We will assure the transition from defense production to peace-time production without the ravages of unemployment. We pledge ourselves at all times to the maintenance of maximum employment, production, and purchasing power in the American economy.\nIntegrity in Government Finances\n\nWe solemnly pledge the preservation of the financial strength of the Government. We have demonstrated our ability to maintain and enhance the nation's financial strength. In the six full fiscal years since V-J Day, our fiscal policy has produced a $4 billion budget surplus. We have reduced the public debt $17 billion from the postwar peak.\nWe have demonstrated our ability to make fiscal policy contribute in a positive way to economic growth and the maintenance of high-level employment. The policies which have been followed have given us the greatest prosperity in our history. Sustained economic expansion has provided the funds necessary to finance our defense and has still left our people with record high consumer incomes and business with a record volume of investment. Employment and personal incomes are at record levels. Never have Americans enjoyed a higher standard of living and saved more for contingencies and old age.\nFederal Taxes\n\nWe believe in fair and equitable taxation. We oppose a Federal general sales tax. We adhere to the principle of ability to pay. We have enacted an emergency excess profits tax to prevent profiteering from the defense program and have vigorously attacked special tax privileges.\nTax Reductions\n\nIn the future, as in the past, we will hold firm to policies consistent with sound financing and continuing economic progress. As rapidly as defense requirements permit, we favor reducing taxes, especially for people with lower incomes. But we will not imperil our Nation's security by making reckless promises to reduce taxes. We deplore irresponsible assertions that national security can be achieved without paying for it.\nClosing Tax Loopholes\n\nJustice requires the elimination of tax loopholes which favor special groups. We pledge continued efforts to the elimination of remaining loopholes.\nGovernment Expenditures\n\nWe believe in keeping government expenditures to the lowest practicable level. The great bulk of our national budget consists of obligations incurred for defense purposes. We pledge ourselves to a vigilant review of our expenditures in order to reduce them as much as possible.\nThe American Farmer and Agriculture\n\nWe know that national prosperity depends upon a vigorous, productive and expanding agriculture.\nWe take great pride in our Party's record of performance and in the impressive gains made by American agriculture in the last two decades. Under programs of Democratic Administrations the net agricultural income has increased from less than two billion dollars to almost fifteen billion dollars. These programs must be continued and improved.\nResource Conservation\n\nThe soil resources of our country have been conserved and strengthened through the Soil Conservation Service, the Agricultural Conservation Program, the Forestry and the Research programs, with their incentives to increased production through sound conservation farming. These programs have revolutionized American agriculture and must be continued and expanded. We will accelerate programs of upstream flood prevention, watershed protection, and soil, forest and water conservation in all parts of the country. These conservation measures are a national necessity; they are invaluable to our farmers, and add greatly to the welfare of all Americans and of generations yet unborn.\nGrass Roots Administration\n\nWe will continue the widest possible farmer participation through referenda, farmer-elected committees, local soil conservation districts, and self-governing agencies in the conduct and administration of these truly democratic programs, initiated and developed under Democratic administrations.\nPrice Supports\n\nUnder the present farm program, our farmers have performed magnificently and have achieved unprecedented production. We applaud the recent Congressional action in setting aside the \"sliding scale\" for price support through 1954, and we will continue to protect the producers of basic agricultural commodities under the terms of a mandatory price support program at not less than ninety percent of parity. We continue to advocate practical methods for extending price supports to other storables and to the producers of perishable commodities, which account for three-fourths of all farm income.\nAbundant Production\n\nWe will continue to assist farmers in providing abundant and stable supplies of agricultural commodities for the consumers at reasonable prices, and in assuring the farmer the opportunity to earn a fair return commensurate with that enjoyed by other segments of the American economy.\nThe agricultural adjustment programs encourage the production of abundant supplies while enabling producers to keep supply in line with consumer demand, preventing wide fluctuations and bringing stability to the agricultural income of the Nation. We pledge retention of such programs.\nWe pledge continued efforts to provide adequate storage facilities for grain and other farm products with sufficient capacity for needed reserves for defense, and other emergency requirements, in order to protect the integrity of the farm price support programs.\nResearch\n\nWe are justly proud of the outstanding achievements of our agricultural research. We favor a greatly expanded research and education program for American agriculture in order that both production and distribution may more effectively serve consumers and producers alike, and thus meet the needs of the modern world. We favor especial emphasis on the development of new crops and varieties, on crop and livestock disease and pest control, and on agricultural statistics and marketing services.\nMarketing\n\nWe must find profitable markets for the products of our farms, and we should produce all that these markets will absorb. To this end we will continue our efforts to reduce trade barriers, both at home and abroad, to provide better marketing and inspection facilities, and to find new uses and outlets for our foods and fibers both in domestic and foreign markets.\nFarm Credit\n\nWe have provided credit facilities for all agriculture, including means by which young men, veterans of military service, and farm tenants have been encouraged to become farmers and farm home-owners, and through which low-income farmers have been assisted in establishing self-sustaining and fully productive farm units. We will not waver in our efforts to provide such incentives.\nCrop Insurance\n\nCrop insurance to protect farmers against loss from destruction of their crops by natural causes has been created and developed under Democratic Administrations into a sound business operation. This program should be expanded as rapidly as experience justifies, in order that its benefits may be made available to every farmer.\nRural Electrification\n\nDemocratic Administrations have established the great Rural Electrification Program, which has brought light and power to the rural homes of our Nation. In 1935, only 10% of the farm homes of America had the benefits of electricity. Today 85% of our rural homes enjoy the benefits of electric light and power. We will continue to fight to make electricity available to all rural homes, with adequate facilities for the generation and transmission of power. Through the Rural Telephone Program, inaugurated by the Democratic 81st Congress, we will provide the opportunity for every farm home to have this modern essential service. We pledge support of these self-liquidating farm programs.\nCooperatives\n\nWe will continue to support the sound development and growth of bona fide farm cooperatives and to protect them from punitive taxation.\nDefense Needs\n\nWe will continue to recognize agriculture as an essential defense industry, and to assist in providing all the necessary tools, machinery, fertilizer, and manpower needed by farmers in meeting production goals.\nFamily Farming\n\nThe family farm is the keystone of American agriculture. We will strive unceasingly to make the farm homes of our country healthier and happier places in which to live. We must see that our youth continues to find attractive opportunity in the field of agriculture.\nThe Republican Party platform is loud in its criticism of our great farm programs. We challenge Republicans and other enemies of farm progress to justify their opposition to the program now in operation, to oppose the improvements here proposed, or to advocate repeal of a single vital part of our program.\nA Fair Deal for Workers\n\nGood Incomes\n\nThere can be no national prosperity unless our working men and women continue to prosper and enjoy rising living standards. The rising productivity of American workers is a key to our unparalleled industrial progress. Good incomes for our workers are the secret of our great and growing consumer markets.\nLabor-Management Relations\n\nGood labor-management relations are essential to good incomes for wage earners and rising output from our factories. We believe that to the widest possible extent consistent with the public interest, management and labor should determine wage rates and conditions of employment through free collective bargaining.\nTaft-Hartley Act\n\nWe strongly advocate the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act.\nThe Taft-Hartley Act has been proved to be inadequate, unworkable, and unfair. It interferes in an arbitrary manner with collective bargaining, tipping the scales in favor of management against labor.\nThe Taft-Hartley Act has revived the injunction as a weapon against labor in industrial relations. The Act has arbitrarily forbidden traditional hiring practices which are desired by both management and labor in many industries. The Act has forced workers to act as strikebreakers against their fellow unionists. The Act has served to interfere with one of the most fundamental rights of American workers—the right to organize in unions of their own choosing.\nWe deplore the fact that the Taft-Hartley Act provides an inadequate and unfair means of meeting with national emergency situations. We advocate legislation that will enable the President to deal fairly and effectively with cases where a breakdown in collective bargaining seriously threatens the national safety or welfare.\nIn keeping with the progress of the times, and based on past experiences, a new legislative approach toward the entire labor management problem should be explored.\nFair Labor Standards\n\nWe pledge to continue our efforts so that government programs designed to establish improved fair labor standards shall prove a means of assuring minimum wages, hours and protection to workers, consistent with present-day progress.\nEqual Pay for Equal Work\n\nWe believe in equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex, and we urge legislation to make that principle effective.\nThe Physically-Handicapped\n\nWe promise to further the program to afford employment opportunities both in government and in private industry for physically handicapped persons.\nMigratory Workers\n\nWe advocate prompt improvement of employment conditions of migratory workers and increased protection of their safety and health.\nStrengthening Free Enterprise\n\nThe free enterprise system has flourished and prospered in America during these last twenty years as never before. This has been made possible by the purchasing power of all our people and we are determined that the broad base of our prosperity shall be maintained.\nSmall and Independent Business\n\nSmall and independent business is the backbone of American free enterprise. Upon its health depends the growth of the economic system whose competitive spirit has built this Nation's industrial strength and provided its workers and consumers with an incomparably high standard of living.\nIndependent business is the best offset to monopoly practice The Government's role is to insure that independent business receives equally fair treatment with its competitors.\nCongress has established the permanent Small Business Committee of the Senate and the Special Small Business Committee of the House, which have continued to render great service to this important segment of our economy. We favor continuance of both these committees with all the powers to investigate and report conditions, correct discriminations, and propose needed legislation.\nWe pledge ourselves to increased efforts to assure that small business be given equal opportunity to participate in Government contracts, and that a suitable proportion of the dollar volume of defense contracts be channeled into independent small business. The Small Defense Plants Administration, which our Party caused to be established, should retain its independent status and be made a continuing agency, equipped with sufficient lending powers to assist qualified small business in securing defense contracts.\nWe urge the enactment of such laws as will provide favorable incentives to the establishment and survival of independent businesses, especially in the provision of tax incentives and access to equity or risk capital.\nEnforcement of Anti-Trust Laws\n\nFree competitive enterprise must remain free and competitive if the productive forces of this Nation are to remain strong. We are alarmed over the increasing concentration of economic power in the hands of a few.\nWe reaffirm our belief in the necessity of vigorous enforcement of the laws against trusts, combinations, and restraints of trade, which laws are vital to the safeguarding of the public interest and of small competitive business men against predatory monopolies. We will seek adequate appropriations for the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission for vigorous investigation and for enforcement of the anti-trust laws. We support the right of all persons to work together in cooperatives and other democratic associations for the purpose of carrying out any proper business operations free from any arbitrary and discriminatory restrictions.\nProtection of Investors and Consumers\n\nWe must avoid unnecessary business controls. But we cannot close our eyes to the special problems which require Government surveillance. The Government must continue its efforts to stop unfair selling practices which deceive investors, and unfair trade practices which deceive consumers.\nTransportation\n\nIn the furtherance of national defense and commerce, we pledge continued Government support, on a sound financial basis, for further development of the Nation's transportation systems, land, sea and air. We endorse a policy of fostering the safest and most reliable air transportation system of the world. We favor fair, nondiscriminatory freight rates to encourage economic growth in all parts of the country.\nHighways\n\nIn cooperation with State and local governmental units, we will continue to plan, coordinate, finance, and encourage the expansion of our road and highway network, including access roads, for the dual purposes of national defense and efficient motor transportation. We support expansion of farm-to-market roads.\nRivers and Harbors\n\nWe pledge continued development of our harbors and waterways.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe will continue to encourage and support an adequate Merchant Marine.\nOur Natural Resources\n\nThe United States has been blessed with the richest natural resources of any nation on earth.\nYet, unless we redouble our conservation efforts we will become a \"have-not\" nation in some of the most important raw materials upon which depend our industries, agriculture, employment and high standard of living. This can be prevented by a well rounded and nation-wide conservation effort.\nLand and Water Resources\n\nWe favor sound, progressive development of the Nation's land and water resources for flood control, navigation, irrigation, power, drainage, soil conservation and creation of new, small family-sized farms, with immediate action in critical areas.\nWe favor the acceleration of all such projects, including construction of transmission facilities to load centers for wider and more equitable distribution of electric energy at the lowest cost to the consumer with continuing preference to public agencies and REA Cooperatives.\nThe Democratic Party denounces all obstructionist devices designed to prevent or retard utilization of the Nation's power and water resources for the benefit of the people, their enterprises and interests.\nThe wise policy of the Democratic Party in encouraging multipurpose projects throughout the country is responsible for America's productive superiority over any nation in the world and is one of the greatest single factors leading toward the accomplishment of world peace. Without these projects our atomic weapons program could never have been achieved, and without additional such projects it cannot be expanded.\nThe Democratic Party is dedicated to a continuation of the natural resources development policy inaugurated and carried out under the administrations of Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, and to the extension of that policy to all parts of the Nation—North, South, East, Midwest, West and the territories to the end that the Nation and its people receive maximum benefits from these resources to which they have an inherent right.\nThe Democratic Party further pledges itself to protect these resources from destructive monopoly and exploitation.\nRiver Basin Development\n\nWe pledge the continued full and unified regional development of the water, mineral and other natural resources of the nation, recognizing that the progress already achieved under the initiative of the Democratic Party in the arid and semi-arid States of the West, as well as in the Tennessee Valley, is only an indication of still greater results which can be accomplished.\nFertilizer Development\n\nGreat farming areas, particularly of the Midwest and West, are in acute need of low-cost commercial fertilizers. To meet this demand, we favor the opening of the Nation's phosphate rock deposits in the West, through prompt provision of sufficient low-cost hydro-electric power to develop this great resource.\nForests and Public Lands\n\nWe seek to establish and demonstrate such successful policies of forest and land management on Federal property as will materially assist State and private owners in their conservation efforts. Conservation of forest and range lands is vital to the strength and welfare of the Nation. Our forest and range lands must be protected and used wisely in order to produce a continuing supply of basic raw materials for industry; to reduce damaging floods; and to preserve the sources of priceless water. With adequate appropriations to carry out feasible projects, we pledge a program of forest protection, reforestation projects and sound practices of production and harvesting which will promote sustained yields of forest crops.\nWe propose to increase forest access roads in order to improve cutting practices on both public and private lands.\nOn the public land ranges we pledge continuance of effective conservation and use programs, including the extension of water pond construction and restoration of forage cover.\nArid Areas\n\nIn many areas of the Nation assistance is needed to provide water for irrigation, domestic and industrial purposes. We pledge that in working out programs for rational distribution of water from Federal sources we will aid in delivering this essential of life cheaply and abundantly.\nMinerals and Fuels\n\nThe Nation's minerals and fuels are essential to the national defense and development of our country. We pledge the adoption of policies which will further encourage the exploration and development of additional reserves of our mineral resources. We subscribe to the principles of the Stockpiling Act and will lend our efforts to strengthening and expanding its provisions and those of the Defense Production Act to meet our military and civilian needs. Additional access roads should be constructed with Government aid. Our synthetic fuels, including monetary metals, research program should go forward. Laws to aid and assist these objectives will be advocated.\nDomestic Fisheries\n\nWe favor increased research and exploration for conserving and better utilizing fishery resources; expanded research and education to promote new fishery products and uses and new markets; promotion of world trade in fish products; a public works and water policy providing adequate protection for domestic fishery resources; and treaties with other nations for conservation and better utilization of international fisheries.\nWildlife Recreations\n\nIn our highly complex civilization, outdoor recreation has become essential to the health and happiness of our people.\nThe Democratic Party has devoted its efforts to the preservation, restoration and increase of the bird, animal and fish life which abound in this Nation. State, local and private agencies have cooperated in this worthy endeavor. We have extended and vastly improved the parks, forests, beaches, streams, preserves and wilderness areas across the land.\nTo the 28,000,000 of our citizens who annually purchase fishing and hunting licenses, we pledge continued efforts to improve all recreational areas.\nAtomic Energy\n\nIn the field of atomic energy, we pledge ourselves:\n(1) to maintain vigorous and non-partisan civilian administrations, with adequate security safeguards;\n(2) to promote the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in the interests of America and mankind;\n(3) to build all the atomic and hydrogen firepower needed to defend our country, deter aggression, and promote world peace;\n(4) To exert every effort to bring about bona fide international control and inspection of all atomic weapons.\nSocial Security\n\nOur national system of social security, conceived and developed by the Democratic Party, needs to be extended and improved.\nOld Age and Survivors Insurance\n\nWe favor further strengthening of old age and survivors insurance, through such improvements as increasing benefits, extending them to more people and lowering the retirement age for women.\nWe favor the complete elimination of the work clause for the reason that those contributing to the Social Security program should be permitted to draw benefits, upon reaching the age of eligibility, and still continue to work.\nUnemployment Insurance\n\nWe favor a stronger system of unemployment insurance, with broader coverage and substantially increased benefits, including an allowance for dependents.\nPublic Assistance\n\nWe favor further improvements in public assistance programs for the blind, the disabled, the aged and children in order to help our less fortunate citizens meet the needs of daily living.\nPrivate Plans\n\nWe favor and encourage the private endeavors of social agencies, mutual associations, insurance companies, industry-labor groups, and cooperative societies to provide against the basic hazards of life through mutually agreed upon benefit plans designed to complement our present social security program.\nNeeds of Our Aging Citizens\n\nOur older citizens constitute an immense reservoir of skilled, mature judgment and ripened experience. We pledge ourselves to give full recognition to the right of our older citizens to lead a proud, productive and independent life throughout their years.\nIn addition to the fundamental improvements in Old Age and Survivors Insurance, which are outlined above, we pledge ourselves, in cooperation with the States and private industry, to encourage the employment of older workers. We commend the 82nd Congress for eliminating the age restriction on employment in the Federal Government.\nHealth\n\nWe will continue to work for better health for every American, especially our children. We pledge continued and wholehearted support for the campaign that modern medicine is waging against mental illness, cancer, heart disease and other diseases.\nResearch\n\nWe favor continued and vigorous support, from private and public sources, of research into the causes, prevention and cure of disease.\nMedical Education\n\nWe advocate Federal aid for medical education to help overcome the growing shortage of doctors, nurses, and other trained health personnel.\nHospitals and Health Centers\n\nWe pledge continued support for Federal aid to hospital construction. We pledge increased Federal aid to promote public health through preventive programs and health services, especially in rural areas.\nCost of Medical Care\n\nWe also advocate a resolute attack on the heavy financial hazard of serious illness. We recognize that the costs of modern medical care have grown to be prohibitive for many millions of people. We commend President Truman for establishing the non-partisan Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation to seek an acceptable solution of this urgent problem.\nHousing\n\nWe pledge ourselves to the fulfillment of the programs of private housing, public low-rent housing, slum clearance, urban redevelopment, farm housing and housing research as authorized by the Housing Act of 1949.\nWe deplore the efforts of special interests groups, which themselves have prospered through Government guarantees of housing mortgages, to destroy those programs adopted to assist families of low-income.\nAdditional Legislation\n\nWe pledge ourselves to enact additional legislation to promote housing required for defense workers, middle income families, aged persons and migratory farm laborers.\nVeterans' Housing\n\nWe pledge ourselves to provide special housing aids to veterans and their families.\nEducation\n\nEvery American child, irrespective of color, national origin, economic status or place of residence should have every educational opportunity to develop his potentialities.\nLocal, State and Federal governments have shared responsibility to contribute appropriately to the pressing needs of our educational system. We urge that Federal contributions be made available to State and local units which adhere to basic minimum standards.\nThe Federal Government should not dictate nor control educational policy.\nWe pledge immediate consideration for those school systems which need further legislation to provide Federal aid for new school construction, teachers' salaries and school maintenance and repair.\nWe urge the adoption by appropriate legislative action of the proposals advocated by the President's Commission on Higher Education, including Federal scholarships.\nWe will continue to encourage the further development of vocational training which helps people acquire skills and technical knowledge so essential to production techniques.\nChild Welfare\n\nThe future of America depends on adequate provision by Government for the needs of those of our children who cannot be cared for by their parents or private social agencies.\nMaternity, Child Health and Welfare Services\n\nThe established national policy of aiding States and localities, through the Children's Bureau and other agencies, to insure needed maternity, child health and welfare services should be maintained and extended. Especially important are the detection and treatment of physical defects and diseases which, if untreated, are reflected in adult life in draft rejections and as handicapped workers. The Nation, as a whole, should provide maternity and health care for the wives, babies and pre-school children of those who serve in our armed forces.\nSchool Lunches\n\nWe will enlarge the school lunch program which has done so much for millions of American school children and charitable institutions while at the same time benefiting producers.\nDay Care Facilities\n\nSince several million mothers must now be away from their children during the day, because they are engaged in defense work, facilities for adequate day care of these children should be provided and adequately financed.\nChildren of Migratory Workers\n\nThe Nation, as a whole, has a responsibility to support health, educational, and welfare services for the children of agricultural migratory workers who are now almost entirely without such services while their parents are engaged in producing essential crops.\nVeterans\n\nThe Democratic Party is determined to advance the welfare of all the men and women who have seen service in the armed forces. We pledge ourselves to continue and improve our national program of benefits for veterans and their families, to provide the best possible medical care and hospitalization for the disabled veteran, and to help provide every veteran an opportunity to be a productive and responsible citizen with an assured place in the civilian community.\nStrengthening Democratic Government\n\nStreamlining the Federal Government\n\nThe public welfare demands that our government be efficiently and economically operated and that it be reorganized to meet changing needs. During the present Democratic Administration, more reorganization has been accomplished than by all its predecessors. We pledge our support to continuing reorganization wherever improvements can be made. Only constant effort by the Executive, the Congress, and the public will enable our Government to render the splendid service to which our citizens are entitled.\nImproving the Postal Service\n\nWe pledge a continuing increase in the services of the United States Postal Service. Through efficient handling of mail, improved working conditions for postal employees, and more frequent services, the Democratic Party promises its efforts to provide the greatest communication system in the world for the American people.\nStrengthening the Civil Service\n\nGood government requires a Civil Service high in quality and prestige. We deplore and condemn smear attacks upon the character and reputations of our Federal workers. We will continue our fight against partisan political efforts to discredit the Federal service and undermine American principles of justice and fair play.\nUnder President Truman's leadership, the Federal Civil Service has been extended to include a greater proportion of positions than ever before. He has promoted a record number of career appointees to top level policy positions. We will continue to be guided by these enlightened policies, and we will continue our efforts to provide Federal service with adequate pay, sound retirement provisions, good working conditions, and an opportunity for advancement.\nWe will use every proper means to eliminate pressure by private interests seeking undeserved favors from the Government. We advocate the strongest penalties against those who try to exert improper influence, and against any who may yield to it.\nDemocracy in Federal Elections\n\nWe advocate new legislation to provide effective regulation and full disclosure of campaign expenditures in elections to Federal office, including political advertising from any source.\nWe recommend that Congress provide for a non-partisan study of possible improvements in the methods of nominating and electing Presidents and in the laws relating to Presidential succession. Special attention should be given to the problem of assuring the widest possible public participation in Presidential nominations.\nStrengthening Basic Freedoms\n\nWe will continue to press strongly for world-wide freedom in the gathering and dissemination of news and for support to the work of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in furthering this and other freedoms.\nEqual Rights Amendment\n\nWe recommend and endorse for submission to the Congress a constitutional amendment providing equal rights for women.\nPuerto Rico\n\nUnder Democratic Party leadership, a new status has been developed for Puerto Rico. This new status is based on mutual consent and common devotion to the United States, formalized in a new Puerto Rican Constitution. We welcome the dignity of the new Puerto Rican Commonwealth and pledge our support of the Commonwealth, its continued development and growth.\nAlaska and Hawaii\n\nBy virtue of their strategic geographical locations, Alaska and Hawaii are vital bastions in the Pacific. These two territories have contributed greatly to the welfare and economic development of our country and have become integrated into our economic and social life. We, therefore, urge immediate statehood for these two territories.\nOther Territories and Possessions\n\nWe favor increased self-government for the Virgin Islands and other outlying territories and the trust territory of the Pacific.\nDistrict of Columbia\n\nWe favor immediate home rule and ultimate national representation for the District of Columbia.\nAmerican Indians\n\nWe shall continue to use the powers of the Federal Government to advance the health, education and economic well-being of our American Indian citizens, without impairing their cultural traditions. We pledge our support to the cause of fair and equitable treatment in all matters essential to and desirable for their individual and tribal welfare.\nThe American Indian should be completely integrated into the social, economic and political life of the nation. To that end we shall move to secure the prompt final settlement of Indian claims and to remove restrictions on the rights of Indians individually and through their tribal councils to handle their own fiscal affairs.\nWe favor the repeal of all acts or regulations that deny to Indians rights or privileges held by citizens generally.\nConstitutional Government\n\nThe Democratic Party has demonstrated its belief in the Constitution as a charter of individual freedom and an effective instrument for human progress. Democratic Administrations have placed upon the statute books during the last twenty years a multitude of measures which testify to our belief in the Jeffersonian principle of local control, even in general legislation involving nation-wide programs. Selective service, Social Security, Agricultural Adjustment, Low Rent Housing, Hospital, and many other legislative programs have placed major responsibilities in States and counties and provide fine examples of how benefits can be extended through Federal-State cooperation.\nIn the present world crisis with new requirements of Federal action for national security, and accompanying provision for public services and individual rights related to defense, constitutional principles must and will be closely followed. Our record and our clear commitments, in this platform, measure our strong faith in the ability of constitutional government to meet the needs of our times.\nImproving Congressional Procedures\n\nIn order that the will of the American people may be expressed upon all legislative proposals, we urge that action be taken at the beginning of the 83rd Congress to improve Congressional procedures so that majority rule prevails and decisions can be made after reasonable debate without being blocked by a minority in either House.\nCivil Rights\n\nThe Democratic Party is committed to support and advance the individual rights and liberties of all Americans.\nOur country is founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. This means that all citizens are equal before the law and should enjoy equal political rights. They should have equal opportunities for education, for economic advancement, and for decent living conditions.\nWe will continue our efforts to eradicate discrimination based on race, religion or national origin.\nWe know this task requires action, not just in one section of the Nation, but in all sections. It requires the cooperative efforts of individual citizens and action by State and local governments. It also requires Federal action. The Federal Government must live up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and must exercise the powers vested in it by the Constitution.\nWe are proud of the progress that has been made in securing equality of treatment and opportunity in the Nation's armed forces and the civil service and all areas under Federal jurisdiction. The Department of Justice has taken an important part in successfully arguing in the courts for the elimination of many illegal discriminations, including those involving rights to own and use real property, to engage in gainful occupations and to enroll in publicly supported higher educational institutions. We are determined that the Federal Government shall continue such policies.\nAt the same time, we favor Federal legislation effectively to secure these rights to everyone: (1) the right to equal opportunity for employment; (2) the right to security of persons; (3) the right to full and equal participation in the Nation's political life, free from arbitrary restraints. We also favor legislation to perfect existing Federal civil rights statutes and to strengthen the administrative machinery for the protection of civil rights.\nConclusion\n\nUnder the guidance, protection, and help of Almighty God we shall succeed in bringing to the people of this Nation a better and more rewarding life and to the peoples of the entire world, new hope and a lasting, honorable peace.", "Words" -> 8862, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 571, "and" -> 442, "of" -> 420, "to" -> 313, "in" -> 179, "We" -> 163, "for" -> 122, "our" -> 100, "a" -> 77, "that" -> 62, "The" -> 61, "will" -> 59, "has" -> 58, "Democratic" -> 56, "be" -> 55, "with" -> 53, "have" -> 50, "pledge" -> 46, "by" -> 44, "which" -> 43, "all" -> 42, "as" -> 41, "are" -> 41, "we" -> 40, "their" -> 35, "Party" -> 35, "continue" -> 34, "Federal" -> 33, "is" -> 32, "from" -> 32, "this" -> 27, "programs" -> 27, "American" -> 27, "world" -> 26, "on" -> 25, "support" -> 24, "national" -> 24, "defense" -> 24, "program" -> 23, "people" -> 23, "other" -> 23, "Government" -> 23, "favor" -> 23, "been" -> 23, "an" -> 23, "efforts" -> 21, "public" -> 20, "its" -> 20, "free" -> 20, "economic" -> 20, "continued" -> 20, "farm" -> 19, "these" -> 18, "should" -> 18, "provide" -> 18, "peace" -> 18, "new" -> 18, "In" -> 18, "business" -> 18, "United" -> 17, "security" -> 17, "Nation" -> 17, "development" -> 17, "through" -> 16, "must" -> 16, "more" -> 16, "can" -> 16, "States" -> 15, "nations" -> 15, "country" -> 15, "against" -> 15, "workers" -> 14, "under" -> 14, "resources" -> 14, "production" -> 14, "policy" -> 14, "policies" -> 14, "ourselves" -> 14, "Our" -> 14, "opportunity" -> 14, "who" -> 13, "service" -> 13, "rights" -> 13, "progress" -> 13, "great" -> 13, "America" -> 13, "Act" -> 13, "than" -> 12, "such" -> 12, "life" -> 12, "into" -> 12, "health" -> 12, "encourage" -> 12, "citizens" -> 12, "at" -> 12, "Under" -> 11, "those" -> 11, "services" -> 11, "leadership" -> 11, "including" -> 11, "essential" -> 11, "conservation" -> 11, "both" -> 11, "aid" -> 11, "adequate" -> 11, "years" -> 10, "welfare" -> 10, "upon" -> 10, "This" -> 10, "system" -> 10, "sound" -> 10, "shall" -> 10, "private" -> 10, "power" -> 10, "meet" -> 10, "living" -> 10, "legislation" -> 10, "labor" -> 10, "it" -> 10, "government" -> 10, "farmers" -> 10, "fair" -> 10, "equal" -> 10, "conditions" -> 10, "agriculture" -> 10, "work" -> 9, "water" -> 9, "them" -> 9, "Soviet" -> 9, "so" -> 9, "prosperity" -> 9, "possible" -> 9, "or" -> 9, "not" -> 9, "needs" -> 9, "Nation's" -> 9, "land" -> 9, "increased" -> 9, "further" -> 9, "employment" -> 9, "continuing" -> 9, "Congress" -> 9, "benefits" -> 9, "agricultural" -> 9, "advocate" -> 9, "action" -> 9, "urge" -> 8, "trade" -> 8, "they" -> 8, "small" -> 8, "right" -> 8, "requires" -> 8, "political" -> 8, "order" -> 8, "now" -> 8, "Nations" -> 8, "may" -> 8, "markets" -> 8, "made" -> 8, "housing" -> 8, "high" -> 8, "every" -> 8, "children" -> 8, "areas" -> 8, "any" -> 8, "Administration" -> 8, "without" -> 7, "vigorous" -> 7, "State" -> 7, "standards" -> 7, "social" -> 7, "Security" -> 7, "research" -> 7, "record" -> 7, "protection" -> 7, "protect" -> 7, "projects" -> 7, "principles" -> 7, "practices" -> 7, "nation" -> 7, "men" -> 7, "means" -> 7, "many" -> 7, "local" -> 7, "laws" -> 7, "hope" -> 7, "help" -> 7, "growth" -> 7, "forest" -> 7, "forces" -> 7, "effective" -> 7, "determined" -> 7, "assist" -> 7, "would" -> 6, "vital" -> 6, "Truman" -> 6, "toward" -> 6, "To" -> 6, "Strengthening" -> 6, "strength" -> 6, "special" -> 6, "Service" -> 6, "promote" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "productive" -> 6, "problems" -> 6, "President" -> 6, "needed" -> 6, "most" -> 6, "management" -> 6, "individual" -> 6, "independent" -> 6, "improvements" -> 6, "improved" -> 6, "improve" -> 6, "full" -> 6, "freedom" -> 6, "forward" -> 6, "facilities" -> 6, "extended" -> 6, "expansion" -> 6, "expanded" -> 6, "effort" -> 6, "economy" -> 6, "democratic" -> 6, "control" -> 6, "collective" -> 6, "billion" -> 6, "better" -> 6, "before" -> 6, "become" -> 6, "basic" -> 6, "atomic" -> 6, "assistance" -> 6, "agencies" -> 6, "age" -> 6, "working" -> 5, "when" -> 5, "use" -> 5, "us" -> 5, "unfair" -> 5, "tax" -> 5, "taken" -> 5, "Taft-Hartley" -> 5, "strong" -> 5, "status" -> 5, "soil" -> 5, "Small" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "school" -> 5, "rural" -> 5, "Republican" -> 5, "providing" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "producers" -> 5, "principle" -> 5, "prevent" -> 5, "practical" -> 5, "persons" -> 5, "peaceful" -> 5, "past" -> 5, "part" -> 5, "Pacific" -> 5, "own" -> 5, "out" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "It" -> 5, "industry" -> 5, "industrial" -> 5, "incomes" -> 5, "income" -> 5, "homes" -> 5, "groups" -> 5, "greater" -> 5, "good" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "effectively" -> 5, "educational" -> 5, "education" -> 5, "developed" -> 5, "Defense" -> 5, "cooperation" -> 5, "controls" -> 5, "continuance" -> 5, "cannot" -> 5, "based" -> 5, "also" -> 5, "Administrations" -> 5, "administrations" -> 5, "access" -> 5, "ability" -> 5, "World" -> 4, "women" -> 4, "widest" -> 4, "while" -> 4, "West" -> 4, "well" -> 4, "unemployment" -> 4, "two" -> 4, "twenty" -> 4, "treatment" -> 4, "total" -> 4, "today" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "These" -> 4, "territories" -> 4, "still" -> 4, "stand" -> 4, "South" -> 4, "seek" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "roads" -> 4, "refugees" -> 4, "reduce" -> 4, "purposes" -> 4, "Puerto" -> 4, "provision" -> 4, "proud" -> 4, "Program" -> 4, "problem" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "Peace" -> 4, "over" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "natural" -> 4, "modern" -> 4, "million" -> 4, "military" -> 4, "measures" -> 4, "materials" -> 4, "make" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "less" -> 4, "legislative" -> 4, "last" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "keep" -> 4, "interests" -> 4, "Insurance" -> 4, "insurance" -> 4, "increase" -> 4, "incentives" -> 4, "important" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "Housing" -> 4, "history" -> 4, "helped" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "greatest" -> 4, "governments" -> 4, "Good" -> 4, "future" -> 4, "Free" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "financial" -> 4, "families" -> 4, "faith" -> 4, "Every" -> 4, "especially" -> 4, "end" -> 4, "emergency" -> 4, "elimination" -> 4, "East" -> 4, "during" -> 4, "done" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "disease" -> 4, "develop" -> 4, "deplore" -> 4, "demonstrated" -> 4, "decent" -> 4, "crops" -> 4, "consumers" -> 4, "consumer" -> 4, "construction" -> 4, "Conservation" -> 4, "Congressional" -> 4, "competitive" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "civilian" -> 4, "Civil" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "carry" -> 4, "care" -> 4, "believe" -> 4, "bargaining" -> 4, "Asia" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "America's" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "achieved" -> 4, "achieve" -> 4, "A" -> 4, "Workers" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "welcome" -> 3, "weapons" -> 3, "way" -> 3, "war" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "veterans" -> 3, "unless" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "transportation" -> 3, "Trade" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "taxes" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "Support" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "sufficient" -> 3, "successful" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "stronger" -> 3, "strive" -> 3, "strengthening" -> 3, "strengthened" -> 3, "strengthen" -> 3, "standard" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "Social" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "served" -> 3, "seeking" -> 3, "Rural" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "road" -> 3, "rising" -> 3, "Rights" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "Research" -> 3, "rescued" -> 3, "requirements" -> 3, "repeal" -> 3, "remain" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "real" -> 3, "raw" -> 3, "rapidly" -> 3, "proposed" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "prompt" -> 3, "profits" -> 3, "prices" -> 3, "pressure" -> 3, "Presidents" -> 3, "Point" -> 3, "platform" -> 3, "place" -> 3, "permit" -> 3, "peoples" -> 3, "pay" -> 3, "parts" -> 3, "participation" -> 3, "pacts" -> 3, "overcome" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "older" -> 3, "office" -> 3, "non-partisan" -> 3, "New" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "neighbor" -> 3, "Needs" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "mutual" -> 3, "migratory" -> 3, "Middle" -> 3, "medical" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "level" -> 3, "Justice" -> 3, "justice" -> 3, "IV" -> 3, "international" -> 3, "integrity" -> 3, "integrated" -> 3, "instrument" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "inspection" -> 3, "Indians" -> 3, "Indian" -> 3, "increasing" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "if" -> 3, "human" -> 3, "honor" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "highly" -> 3, "higher" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "had" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "goals" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "flood" -> 3, "fishery" -> 3, "find" -> 3, "field" -> 3, "farmer" -> 3, "Fair" -> 3, "exposed" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "ever" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "Europe" -> 3, "establish" -> 3, "era" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "Equal" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "enjoy" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "energy" -> 3, "encouraged" -> 3, "enable" -> 3, "Employment" -> 3, "Education" -> 3, "dollars" -> 3, "distribution" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "designed" -> 3, "depends" -> 3, "Democracy" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "Deal" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "cooperative" -> 3, "contributed" -> 3, "contracts" -> 3, "constitutional" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "community" -> 3, "Communist" -> 3, "commodities" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "charter" -> 3, "challenge" -> 3, "but" -> 3, "Business" -> 3, "build" -> 3, "bringing" -> 3, "best" -> 3, "belief" -> 3, "available" -> 3, "assuring" -> 3, "assure" -> 3, "area" -> 3, "arbitrary" -> 3, "Americans" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "almost" -> 3, "air" -> 3, "advocated" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "about" -> 3, "3" -> 3, "1952" -> 3, "1951" -> 3, "1932" -> 3, "year" -> 2, "workable" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "Western" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "Welfare" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "volume" -> 2, "vigorously" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "veteran" -> 2, "utilization" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "Unemployment" -> 2, "underdeveloped" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "Truman's" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "tribal" -> 2, "transmission" -> 2, "tradition" -> 2, "They" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "Tax" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "take" -> 2, "systems" -> 2, "Survivors" -> 2, "survival" -> 2, "supports" -> 2, "supplies" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "sponsored" -> 2, "Special" -> 2, "some" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "society" -> 2, "skills" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "shortage" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "securing" -> 2, "secret" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "scarce" -> 2, "sanctity" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "S." -> 2, "ruinous" -> 2, "Roosevelt" -> 2, "rightful" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "Rican" -> 2, "retirement" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "restraints" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "responsibilities" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "required" -> 2, "require" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "report" -> 2, "reorganization" -> 2, "render" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "reject" -> 2, "reintegration" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "realized" -> 2, "reached" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "proved" -> 2, "prospered" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "promoted" -> 2, "promises" -> 2, "progressive" -> 2, "Progress" -> 2, "productivity" -> 2, "Production" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "privileges" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "prevented" -> 2, "pressing" -> 2, "Presidential" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "predatory" -> 2, "preceding" -> 2, "Postal" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "plans" -> 2, "Plan" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "parents" -> 2, "overpopulation" -> 2, "Other" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "opportunities" -> 2, "operations" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "Old" -> 2, "old" -> 2, "North" -> 2, "no" -> 2, "Never" -> 2, "need" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "nation-wide" -> 2, "much" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "move" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "mineral" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "Migratory" -> 2, "Midwest" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "Merchant" -> 2, "menace" -> 2, "meeting" -> 2, "Medical" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "maternity" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "Marine" -> 2, "mankind" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "machinery" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "lowest" -> 2, "low-cost" -> 2, "loopholes" -> 2, "look" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "light" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "lead" -> 2, "Laws" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "Kremlin's" -> 2, "know" -> 2, "keystone" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "join" -> 2, "Japan" -> 2, "Israel" -> 2, "irrigation" -> 2, "involving" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "indispensable" -> 2, "Independent" -> 2, "inaugurated" -> 2, "inadequate" -> 2, "Improving" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "illness" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "humanitarian" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "honorable" -> 2, "Honor" -> 2, "his" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "handicapped" -> 2, "guidance" -> 2, "growing" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "Goal" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "Germany" -> 2, "German" -> 2, "geographical" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "fundamental" -> 2, "fuels" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "fostering" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "fish" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "fight" -> 2, "fide" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "family" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "face" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "exploration" -> 2, "exert" -> 2, "excess" -> 2, "even" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "equity" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "entrusted" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "enjoyed" -> 2, "enhance" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "endorse" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "enabled" -> 2, "eliminate" -> 2, "elements" -> 2, "Electrification" -> 2, "electricity" -> 2, "electric" -> 2, "efficient" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "earners" -> 2, "earn" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "do" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "dishonesty" -> 2, "diseases" -> 2, "discriminations" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "devoted" -> 2, "Development" -> 2, "desirable" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "Delano" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "dedicated" -> 2, "declaring" -> 2, "deceive" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "Day" -> 2, "Crop" -> 2, "critical" -> 2, "crime" -> 2, "create" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "Cooperatives" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "convinced" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "constantly" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "complex" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "companies" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "communism" -> 2, "Commonwealth" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "Committee" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "Collective" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "cent" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "carrying" -> 2, "Care" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "campaign" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "budget" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "brotherhood" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "bona" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "bastions" -> 2, "barriers" -> 2, "away" -> 2, "attainment" -> 2, "attacks" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "At" -> 2, "associations" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "arrangements" -> 2, "armaments" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "Almighty" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "ahead" -> 2, "Agricultural" -> 2, "aggressor" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "Age" -> 2, "again" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "advancement" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "administered" -> 2, "adhere" -> 2, "Additional" -> 2, "add" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "1949" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$4" -> 1, "$17" -> 1, "Zealand" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "young" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "Yet" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "Years" -> 1, "Yalta" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "workers—the" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "worked" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "wives" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "Wilsonian" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholehearted" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "way—all" -> 1, "waver" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "watered" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "want" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "V-J" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "Victory" -> 1, "Victims" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "varieties" -> 1, "valor" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "urban" -> 1, "upstream" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "Upholding" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unworkable" -> 1, "untreated" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unremitting" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unlock" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "Unity" -> 1, "Union's" -> 1, "unionists" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unfounded" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "undeserved" -> 1, "undermine" -> 1, "unceasingly" -> 1, "unborn" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "Twenty" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "trustee" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "Truman—devised" -> 1, "tripartite" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transgressions" -> 1, "training" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "Today" -> 1, "tipping" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "three-fourths" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "Themselves" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "Testing" -> 1, "testify" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "tenants" -> 1, "Telephone" -> 1, "Tehran" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "technical" -> 1, "teachers" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "sympathize" -> 1, "symbolizes" -> 1, "sweatshop" -> 1, "Sustained" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surveillance" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "Supports" -> 1, "Supporting" -> 1, "supported" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "suffer" -> 1, "succession" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "Subversive" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subscribe" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjugated" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "subcontinent" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "strikebreakers" -> 1, "Strength" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "Streamlining" -> 1, "stream" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "storm" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "storables" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "Stockpiling" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "staunchly" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "statistics" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "starvation" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "stalk" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "Stabilized" -> 1, "splendid" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "spared" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "solutions" -> 1, "Solution" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "solemnly" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "Soil" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "smear" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "sliding" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "Slander" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "significant" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "shared" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "sevenfold" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "semi-arid" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "self-sustaining" -> 1, "self-liquidating" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-governing" -> 1, "Self-Determination" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "Self" -> 1, "Selective" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "screened" -> 1, "Schuman" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "satellite" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "rounded" -> 1, "Roots" -> 1, "Roosevelt—devised" -> 1, "role" -> 1, "rock" -> 1, "Rivers" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "ripened" -> 1, "Rio" -> 1, "ridiculous" -> 1, "richest" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "revolutionized" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "revelations" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retard" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "Resource" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resorted" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "reputations" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "repel" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "reorganized" -> 1, "Rents" -> 1, "Rent" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "Remains" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "related" -> 1, "rejections" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "referenda" -> 1, "Reductions" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "redevelopment" -> 1, "Recreations" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "reasserts" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "rearming" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "REA" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "ranges" -> 1, "Racial" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quality" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "prudently" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prohibitive" -> 1, "Progressive" -> 1, "progressed" -> 1, "programs—sponsored" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "Procedures" -> 1, "procedures" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "Principle" -> 1, "Prices" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "Price" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevails" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "present-day" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prelude" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "predecessors" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayerful" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "Potsdam" -> 1, "potentialities" -> 1, "postwar" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "Possessions" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "pool" -> 1, "pond" -> 1, "Policy" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "Plants" -> 1, "Plans" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "Places" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "Physically-Handicapped" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "phosphate" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "pest" -> 1, "Persons" -> 1, "personnel" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "perishable" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "percent" -> 1, "people—especially" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "penetration" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peace—lasting" -> 1, "peace-time" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "pay-as-we-go" -> 1, "Pay" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "Palestine" -> 1, "Pakistan" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outpost" -> 1, "outlying" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "outdoor" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "once-free" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "occupations" -> 1, "obstructionist" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "objectives" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "nuclear" -> 1, "notions" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "nondiscriminatory" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "nominating" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "ninety" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "network" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "Nation—North" -> 1, "Nations—is" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "Nationalist" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "Mutual" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "multipurpose" -> 1, "mould" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "mothers" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "mobilizing" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "Minerals" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "mean" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "Maternity" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "massacre" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "Marshall" -> 1, "Marketing" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "malicious" -> 1, "maladministration" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "major" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "magnificently" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "Lunches" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "Low" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "loud" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "Loopholes" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "locations" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "licenses" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "lessened" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "lend" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "Latin" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "large-scale" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "landmarks" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "Labor-Management" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "laborers" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "key" -> 1, "Katyn" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justifies" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "jobs" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Jeffersonian" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "Janeiro" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "isolationism" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "irrespective" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "invigorating" -> 1, "Investors" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investment" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigating" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invaluable" -> 1, "interferes" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "Integrity" -> 1, "integration" -> 1, "instrumentalities" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injunction" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "infusion" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflationary" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "infiltration" -> 1, "industry-labor" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "indiscriminate" -> 1, "indication" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "incompetence" -> 1, "incomparably" -> 1, "Incomes" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "inch" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "impressive" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "Imperialism" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "imbued" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "hydrogen" -> 1, "hydro-electric" -> 1, "hurled" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "Hull" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "Hospitals" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "Hospital" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "Horizons" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "home-owners" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "Holy" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-level" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helps" -> 1, "Helping" -> 1, "helping" -> 1, "Help" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "hazard" -> 1, "have-not" -> 1, "harvesting" -> 1, "Harry" -> 1, "Harbors" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "happier" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "guilt" -> 1, "guiding" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "Ground" -> 1, "greedy" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "Grass" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "golden" -> 1, "God's" -> 1, "genocide" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "gates" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "gainful" -> 1, "furthering" -> 1, "furtherance" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "Fuels" -> 1, "frightful" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "frequent" -> 1, "freight" -> 1, "Freedoms" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "Formosa" -> 1, "formally" -> 1, "formalized" -> 1, "Forests" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "Forestry" -> 1, "Forest" -> 1, "foreclosures" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "forbidden" -> 1, "forage" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "foolproof" -> 1, "foods" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "flourished" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "fixed-income" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "Fisheries" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "firepower" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "Finances" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "fibers" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fertilizers" -> 1, "Fertilizer" -> 1, "fertilizer" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "Federal-State" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fearless" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fathered" -> 1, "fateful" -> 1, "fatal" -> 1, "farsighted" -> 1, "farm-to-market" -> 1, "Farming" -> 1, "farmer-elected" -> 1, "Farmer" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "family-sized" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "families—by" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "Facilities" -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "explored" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experiences" -> 1, "expensive—and" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "Expenditures" -> 1, "Expanding" -> 1, "expand" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "exception" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyone" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "Especially" -> 1, "especial" -> 1, "erect" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "Era" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enroll" -> 1, "enlist" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "Energy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endowments" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "Empire" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "Elections" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "electing" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "effectuated" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "earthly" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "dwelling" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drainage" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "dissemination" -> 1, "Displaced" -> 1, "disloyalty" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discredit" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "Disarmament" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disarm" -> 1, "Direct" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "deviate" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "detection" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "dereliction" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "departing" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denounces" -> 1, "demoralizing" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "Democrat—Harry" -> 1, "Democrat—Franklin" -> 1, "Democratically" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "delivering" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "defeatist" -> 1, "defamation" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "deception" -> 1, "decades" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "de" -> 1, "dangerous—method" -> 1, "damaging" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "criticism" -> 1, "crisis" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "country—land" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "corroding" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "Cordell" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperated" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contingencies" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "constructed" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consists" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "conserving" -> 1, "conserved" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "Congressmen" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "complement" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "compared" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commandments" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "Combatting" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "collar" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "Closing" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clearance" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "clay" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "Children's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "Chiefs" -> 1, "cheaply" -> 1, "charity" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "channeled" -> 1, "channel" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "Centers" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "callously" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "businesses" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "buoyant" -> 1, "bungling" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "Building" -> 1, "brutality" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "breakdown" -> 1, "boundless" -> 1, "books" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "bird" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "benefiting" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "beaches" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "Basin" -> 1, "Basic" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "babies" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atomic" -> 1, "atom" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "assertions" -> 1, "Assembly" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "around" -> 1, "Arid" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "arguing" -> 1, "Areas" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "appropriately" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "approach" -> 1, "appraisal" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "Anti-Trust" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-inflation" -> 1, "Another" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "animal" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "alarmed" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "aids" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agony" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advertising" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Adjustment" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "acute" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accompanying" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "acceleration" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "abundantly" -> 1, "Abundant" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absorb" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abound" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "85%" -> 1, "83rd" -> 1, "82nd" -> 1, "81st" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "28,000,000" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1950s" -> 1, "1950" -> 1, "1948" -> 1, "1947" -> 1, "1946" -> 1, "1940s" -> 1, "1935" -> 1, "1934" -> 1, "1933" -> 1, "1930s" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "150" -> 1, "10%" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1948", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1948, "Date" -> DateObject[{1948, 7, 12}], "Text" -> "The Democratic Party adopts this platform in the conviction that the destiny of the United States is to provide leadership in the world toward a realization of the Four Freedoms.\nWe chart our future course as we charted our course under the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman in the abiding belief that democracy—when dedicated to the service of all and not to a privileged few—proves its superiority over all other forms of government.\nOur party record of the past is assurance of its policies and performance in the future.\nOurs is the party which was entrusted with responsibility when twelve years of Republican neglect had blighted the hopes of mankind, had squandered the fruits of prosperity and had plunged us into the depths of depression and despair.\nOurs is the party which rebuilt a shattered economy, rescued our banking system, revived our agriculture, reinvigorated our industry, gave labor strength and security, and led the American people to the broadest prosperity in our history.\nOurs is the party which introduced the spirit of humanity into our law, as we outlawed child labor and the sweatshop, insured bank deposits, protected millions of home-owners and farmers from foreclosure, and established national social security.\nOurs is the party under which this nation before Pearl Harbor gave aid and strength to those countries which were holding back the Nazi and Fascist tide.\nOurs is the party which stood at the helm and led the nation to victory in the war.\nOurs is the party which, during the war, prepared for peace so well that when peace came reconversion promptly led to the greatest production and employment in this nation's life.\nOurs is the party under whose leadership farm owners' income in this nation increased from less than $2.5 billions in 1933 to more than $18 billions in 1947; independent business and professional income increased from less than $3 billions in 1933 to more than $22 billions in 1947; employees' earnings increased from $29 billions in 1933 to more than 128 billions in 1947; and employment grew from 39 million jobs in 1933 to a record of 60 million jobs in 1947.\nOurs is the party under which the framework of the world organization for peace and justice was formulated and created.\nOurs is the party under which were conceived the instruments for resisting Communist aggression and for rebuilding the economic strength of the democratic countries of Europe and Asia—the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. They are the materials with which we must build the peace.\nOurs is the party which first proclaimed that the actions and policies of this nation in the foreign field are matters of national and not just party concern. We shall go forward on the course charted by President Roosevelt and President Truman and the other leaders of Democracy.\nWe reject the principle—which we have always rejected, but which the Republican 80th Congress enthusiastically accepted—that government exists for the benefit of the privileged few.\nTo serve the interests of all and not the few; to assure a world in which peace and justice can prevail; to achieve security, full production, and full employment—this is our platform.\nOur Foreign Policy\n\nWe declared in 1944 that the imperative duty of the United States was to wage the war to final triumph and to join with the other United Nations in the establishment of an international organization for the prevention of aggression and the maintenance of international peace and security.\nUnder Democratic leadership, those pledges were gloriously redeemed.\nWhen the United States was treacherously and savagely attacked, our great Democratic President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and a Democratic Congress preserved the nation's honor, and with high courage and with the invincible might of the American people, the challenge was accepted. Under his inspiring leadership, the nation created the greatest army that ever assembled under the flag, the mightiest air force, the most powerful navy on the globe, and the largest merchant marine in the world.\nThe nation's gallant sons on land, on sea, and in the air, ended the war in complete and overwhelming triumph. Armed aggression against peaceful peoples was resisted and crushed. Arrogant and powerful war lords were vanquished and forced to unconditional surrender.\nBefore the end of the war the Democratic administration turned to the task of establishing measures for peace and the prevention of aggression and the threat of another war. Under the leadership of a Democratic President and his Secretary of State, the United Nations was organized at San Francisco. The charter was ratified by an overwhelming vote of the Senate. We support the United Nations fully and we pledge our whole-hearted aid toward its growth and development. We will constitute to lead the way toward curtailment of the use of the veto. We shall favor such amendments and modifications of the charter as experience may justify. We will continue our efforts toward the establishment of an international armed force to aid its authority. We advocate the grant of a loan to the United Nations recommended by the President, but denied by the Republican Congress, for the construction of the United Nations headquarters in this country.\nWe pledge our best endeavors to conclude treaties of peace with our former enemies. Already treaties have been made with Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria and Rumania. We shall strive to conclude treaties with the remaining enemy states, based on justice and with guarantees against the revival of aggression, and for the preservation of peace.\nWe advocate the maintenance of an adequate Army, Navy and Air Force to protect the nation's vital interests and to assure our security against aggression.\nWe advocate the effective international control of weapons of mass destruction, including the atomic bomb, and we approve continued and vigorous efforts within the United Nations to bring about the successful consummation of the proposals which our Government has advanced.\nThe adoption of these proposals would be a vital and most important step toward safe and effective world disarmament and world peace under a strengthened United Nations which would then truly constitute a more effective parliament of the world's peoples.\nUnder the leadership of a Democratic President, the United States has demonstrated its friendship for other peace-loving nations and its support of their freedom and independence. Under the Truman doctrine vital aid has been extended to China, to Greece, and to Turkey. Under the Marshall Plan generous sums have been provided for the relief and rehabilitation of European nations striving to rebuild their economy and to secure and strengthen their safety and freedom. The Republican leadership in the House of Representatives, by its votes in the 80th Congress, has shown its reluctance to provide funds to support this program, the greatest move for peace and recovery made since the end of World War II.\nWe pledge a sound, humanitarian administration of the Marshall Plan.\nWe pledge support not only for these principles—we pledge further that we will not withhold necessary funds by which these principles can be achieved. Therefore, we pledge that we will implement with appropriations the commitments which are made in this nation's foreign program.\nWe pledge ourselves to restore the Reciprocal Trade Agreements program formulated in 1934 by Secretary of State Cordell Hull and operated successfully for 14 years—until crippled by the Republican 80th Congress. Further, we strongly endorse our country's adherence to the International Trade Organization.\nA great Democratic President established the Good Neighbor Policy toward the nations of the Western Hemisphere. The Act of Chapultepec was negotiated at Mexico City under Democratic leadership. It was carried forward in the Western Hemisphere defense pact concluded at Rio de Janeiro, which implemented the Monroe Doctrine and united the Western Hemisphere in behalf of peace.\nWe pledge continued economic cooperation with the countries of the Western Hemisphere. We pledge continued support of regional arrangements within the United Nations Charter, such as the Inter-American Regional Pact and the developing Western European Union.\nPresident Truman, by granting immediate recognition to Israel, led the world in extending friendship and welcome to a people who have long sought and justly deserve freedom and independence.\nWe pledge full recognition to the State of Israel. We affirm our pride that the United States under the leadership of President Truman played a leading role in the adoption of the resolution of November 29, 1947, by the United Nations General Assembly for the creation of a Jewish State.\nWe approve the claims of the State of Israel to the boundaries set forth in the United Nations resolution of November 29th and consider that modifications thereof should be made only if fully acceptable to the State of Israel.\nWe look forward to the admission of the State of Israel to the United Nations and its full participation in the international community of nations. We pledge appropriate aid to the State of Israel in developing its economy and resources.\nWe favor the revision of the arms embargo to accord to the State of Israel the right of self-defense. We pledge ourselves to work for the modification of any resolution of the United Nations to the extent that it may prevent any such revision.\nWe continue to support, within the framework of the United Nations, the internationalization of Jerusalem and the protection of the Holy Places in Palestine.\nThe United States has traditionally been in sympathy with the efforts of subjugated countries to attain their independence, and to establish a democratic form of government. Poland is an outstanding example. After a century and a half of subjugation, it was resurrected after the first World War by our great Democratic President, Woodrow Wilson. We look forward to development of these countries as prosperous, free, and democratic fellow members of the United Nations.\nOur Domestic Policies\n\nThe Republican 80th Congress is directly responsible for the existing and ever increasing high cost of living. It cannot dodge that responsibility. Unless the Republican candidates are defeated in the approaching elections, their mistaken policies will impose greater hardships and suffering on large numbers of the American people. Adequate food, clothing and shelter—the bare necessities of life—are becoming too expensive for the average wage earner and the prospects are more frightening each day. The Republican 80th Congress has lacked the courage to face this vital problem.\nWe shall curb the Republican inflation. We shall put a halt to the disastrous price rises which have come as a result of the failure of the Republican 80th Congress to take effective action on President Truman's recommendations, setting forth a comprehensive program to control the high cost of living.\nWe shall enact comprehensive housing legislation, including provisions for slum clearance and low-rent housing projects initiated by local agencies. This nation is shamed by the failure of the Republican 80th Congress to pass the vitally needed general housing legislation as recommended by the President. Adequate housing will end the need for rent control. Until then, it must be continued.\nWe pledge the continued maintenance of those sound fiscal policies which under Democratic leadership have brought about a balanced budget and reduction of the public debt by $28 billion since the close of the war.\nWe favor the reduction of taxes, whenever it is possible to do so without unbalancing the nation's economy, by giving a full measure of relief to those millions of low-income families on whom the wartime burden of taxation fell most heavily. The form of tax reduction adopted by the Republican 80th Congress gave relief to those who need it least and ignored those who need it most.\nWe shall endeavor to remove tax inequities and to continue to reduce the public debt.\nWe are opposed to the imposition of a general federal sales tax.\nWe advocate the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act. It was enacted by the Republican 80th Congress over the President's veto. That act was proposed with the promise that it would secure \"the legitimate rights of both employees and employers in their relations affecting commerce.\" It has failed. The number of labor-management disputes has increased. The number of cases before the National Labor Relations Board has more than doubled since the Act was passed, and efficient and prompt administration is becoming more and more difficult. It has encouraged litigation in labor disputes and undermined the established American policy of collective bargaining. Recent decisions by the courts prove that the Act was so poorly drawn that its application is uncertain, and that it is probably, in some provisions, unconstitutional.\nWe advocate such legislation as is desirable to establish a just body of rules to assure free and effective collective bargaining, to determine, in the public interest, the rights of employees and employers, to reduce to a minimum their conflict of interests, and to enable unions to keep their membership free from communistic influences.\nWe urge that the Department of Labor be rebuilt and strengthened, restoring to it the units, including the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and the United States Employment Service, which properly belong to it, and which the Republican 80th Congress stripped from it over the veto of President Truman. We urge that the Department's facilities for collecting and disseminating economic information be expanded, and that a Labor Education Extension Service be established in the Department of Labor.\nWe favor the extension of the coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act as recommended by President Truman, and the adoption of a minimum wage of at least 75 cents an hour in place of the present obsolete and inadequate minimum of 40 cents an hour.\nWe favor legislation assuring that the workers of our nation receive equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex.\nWe favor the extension of the Social Security program established under Democratic leadership, to provide additional protection against the hazards of old age, disability, disease or death. We believe that this program should include:\nIncreases in old-age and survivors' insurance benefits by at least 50 percent, and reduction of the eligibility age for women from 65 to 60 years; extension of old-age and survivors' and unemployment insurance to all workers not now covered; insurance against loss of earnings on account of illness or disability; improved public assistance for the needy.\nWe favor the enactment of a national health program far expanded medical research, medical education, and hospitals and clinics.\nWe will continue our efforts to aid the blind and other handicapped persons to become self-supporting.\nWe will continue our efforts to expand maternal care, improve the health of the nation's children, and reduce juvenile delinquency.\nWe approve the purposes of the Mental Health Act and we favor such appropriations as may be necessary to make it effective.\nWe advocate federal aid for education administered by and under the control of the states. We vigorously support the authorization, which was so shockingly ignored by the Republican 80th Congress, for the appropriation of $300 million as a beginning of Federal aid to the states to assist them in meeting the present educational needs. We insist upon the right of every American child to obtain a good education.\nThe nation can never discharge its debt to its millions of war veterans. We pledge ourselves to the continuance and improvement of our national program of benefits for veterans and their families.\nWe are proud of the sound and comprehensive program conceived, developed and administered under Democratic leadership, including the GI Bill of Rights, which has proved beneficial to many millions.\nThe level of veterans' benefits must be constantly re-examined in the light of the decline in the purchasing power of the dollar brought about by inflation.\nEmployment and economic security must be afforded all veterans. We pledge a program of housing for veterans at prices they can afford to pay.\nThe disabled veteran must be provided with medical care and hospitalization of the highest possible standard.\nWe pledge our efforts to maintain continued farm prosperity, improvement of the standard of living and the working conditions of the farmer, and to preserve the family-size farm.\nSpecifically, we favor a permanent system of flexible price supports for agricultural products, to maintain farm income on a parity with farm operating costs; an intensified soil conservation program; an extended crop insurance program; improvement of methods of distributing agricultural products; development and maintenance of stable export markets; adequate financing for the school lunch program; the use of agricultural surpluses to improve the diet of low-income families in case of need; continued expansion of the rural electrification program; strengthening of all agricultural credit programs; intensified research to improve agricultural practices, and to find new uses for farm products.\nWe strongly urge the continuance of maximum farmer participation in all these programs.\nWe favor the repeal of the discriminatory taxes on the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine.\nWe will encourage farm co-operatives and oppose any revision of federal law designed to curtail their most effective functioning as a means of achieving economy, stability and security for American agriculture.\nWe favor provisions under which our fishery resources and industry will be afforded the benefits that will result from more scientific research and exploration.\nWe recognize the importance of small business in a sound American economy. It must be protected against unfair discrimination and monopoly, and be given equal opportunities with competing enterprises to expand its capital structure.\nWe favor non-discriminatory transportation charges and declare for the early correction of inequalities in such charges.\nWe pledge the continued full and unified regional development of the water, mineral, and other natural resources of the nation, recognizing that the progress already achieved under the initiative of the Democratic Party in the arid and semi-arid states of the West, as well as in the Tennessee Valley, is only an indication of still greater results which can be accomplished. Our natural resources are the heritage of all our people and must not be permitted to become the private preserves of monopoly.\nThe irrigation of arid land, the establishment of new, independent, competitive business and the stimulation of new industrial opportunities for all of our people depends upon the development and transmission of electric energy in accordance with the program and the projects so successfully launched under Democratic auspices during the past sixteen years.\nWe favor acceleration of the Federal Reclamation Program, the maximum beneficial use of water in the several states for irrigation and domestic supply. In this connection, we propose the establishment and maintenance of new family-size farms for veterans and others seeking settlement opportunities, the development of hydroelectric power and its widespread distribution over publicly owned transmission lines to assure benefits to the water users in financing irrigation projects, and to the power users for domestic and industrial purposes, with preference to public agencies and R.E.A. co-operatives.\nThese are the aims of the Democratic Party which in the future, as in the past, will place the interest of the people as individual citizens first.\nWe will continue to improve the navigable waterways and harbors of the nation.\nWe pledge to continue the policy initiated by the Democratic Party of adequate appropriations for flood control for the protection of life and property.\nIn addition to practicing false economy on flood control, the Republican-controlled 80th Congress was so cruel as even to deny emergency federal funds for the relief of individuals and municipalities victimized by recent great floods, tornadoes and other disasters.\nWe shall expand our programs for forestation, for the improvement of grazing lands, public and private, for the stockpiling of strategic minerals and the encouragement of a sound domestic mining industry. We shall carry forward experiments for the broader utilization of mineral resources in the highly beneficial manner already demonstrated in the program for the manufacture of synthetic liquid fuel from our vast deposits of coal and oil shale and from our agricultural resources.\nWe pledge an intensive enforcement of the antitrust laws, with adequate appropriations.\nWe advocate the strengthening of existing antitrust laws by closing the gaps which experience has shown have been used to promote concentration of economic power.\nWe pledge a positive program to promote competitive business and to foster the development of independent trade and commerce.\nWe support the right of free enterprise and the right of all persons to work together in co-operatives and other democratic associations for the purpose of carrying out any proper business operations free from any arbitrary and discriminatory restrictions.\nThe Democratic Party is responsible for the great civil rights gains made in recent years in eliminating unfair and illegal discrimination based on race, creed or color,\nThe Democratic Party commits itself to continuing its efforts to eradicate all racial, religious and economic discrimination.\nWe again state our belief that racial and religious minorities must have the right to live, the right to work, the right to vote, the full and equal protection of the laws, on a basis of equality with all citizens as guaranteed by the Constitution.\nWe highly commend President Harry S. Truman for his courageous stand on the issue of civil rights.\nWe call upon the Congress to support our President in guaranteeing these basic and fundamental American Principles: (1) the right of full and equal political participation; (2) the right to equal opportunity of employment; (3) the right of security of person; (4) and the right of equal treatment in the service and defense of our nation.[1]\nWe pledge ourselves to legislation to admit a minimum of 400,000 displaced persons found eligible for United States citizenship without discrimination as to race or religion. We condemn the undemocratic action of the Republican 80th\nCongress in passing an inadequate and bigoted bill for this purpose, which law imposes no-American restrictions based on race and religion upon such admissions.\nWe urge immediate statehood for Hawaii and Alaska; immediate determination by the people of Puerto Rico as to their form of government and their ultimate status with respect to the United States; and the maximum degree of local self-government for the Virgin Islands, Guam and Samoa.\nWe recommend to Congress the submission of a constitutional amendment on equal rights for women.\nWe favor the extension of the right of suffrage to the people of the District of Columbia.\nWe pledge adherence to the principle of nonpartisan civilian administration of atomic energy, and the development of atomic energy for peaceful purposes through free scientific inquiry for the benefit of all the people.\nWe urge the vigorous promotion of world-wide freedom in the gathering and dissemination of news by press, radio, motion pictures, newsreels and television, with complete confidence that an informed people will determine wisely the course of domestic and foreign policy.\nWe believe the primary step toward the achievement of world-wide freedom is access by all peoples to the facts and the truth. To that end, we will encourage the greatest possible vigor on the part of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations Economic and Social Council to establish the foundations on which freedom can exist in every nation.\nWe deplore the repeated attempts of Republicans in the 80th Congress to impose thought control upon the American people and to encroach on the freedom of speech and press.\nWe pledge the early establishment of a national science foundation under principles which will guarantee the most effective utilization of public and private research facilities.\nWe will continue our efforts to improve and strengthen our federal civil service, and provide adequate compensation.\nWe will continue to maintain an adequate American merchant marine.\nWe condemn Communism and other forms of totalitarianism and their destructive activity overseas and at home. We shall continue to build firm defenses against Communism by strengthening the economic and social structure of our own democracy. We reiterate our pledge to expose and prosecute treasonable activities of anti-democratic and un-American organizations which would sap our strength, paralyze our will to defend ourselves, and destroy our unity, inciting race against race, class against class, and the people against free institutions.\nWe shall continue vigorously to enforce the laws against subversive activities, observing at all times the constitutional guarantees which protect free speech, the free press and honest political activity. We shall strengthen our laws against subversion to the full extent necessary, protecting at all times our traditional individual freedoms.\nWe recognize that the United States has become the principal protector of the free world. The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their freedoms. If we falter in our leadership, we may endanger the peace of the world—and we shall surely endanger the welfare of our own nation. For these reasons it is imperative that we maintain our military strength until world peace with justice is secure. Under the leadership of President Truman, our military departments have been united and our Government organization for the national defense greatly strengthened. We pledge to maintain adequate military strength, based on these improvements, sufficient to fulfill our responsibilities in occupation zones, defend our national interests, and to bolster those free nations resisting Communist aggression.\nThis is our platform. These are our principles. They form a political and economic policy which has guided our party and our nation.\nThe American people know these principles well. Under them, we have enjoyed greater security, greater prosperity, and more effective world leadership than ever before.\nUnder them and with the guidance of Divine Providence we can proceed to higher levels of prosperity and security; we can advance to a better life at home; we can continue our leadership in the world with ever-growing prospects for lasting peace.", "Words" -> 4246, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 374, "of" -> 241, "and" -> 200, "to" -> 139, "We" -> 91, "in" -> 74, "for" -> 58, "our" -> 53, "a" -> 45, "which" -> 34, "by" -> 32, "that" -> 28, "is" -> 27, "United" -> 26, "with" -> 25, "pledge" -> 25, "we" -> 22, "on" -> 22, "The" -> 20, "as" -> 20, "will" -> 19, "Democratic" -> 19, "Congress" -> 18, "was" -> 17, "under" -> 17, "program" -> 17, "President" -> 17, "leadership" -> 17, "Republican" -> 16, "Nations" -> 16, "its" -> 16, "be" -> 16, "all" -> 16, "peace" -> 15, "their" -> 14, "people" -> 14, "nation" -> 14, "has" -> 14, "favor" -> 14, "an" -> 14, "80th" -> 14, "shall" -> 13, "party" -> 13, "it" -> 13, "world" -> 12, "this" -> 12, "right" -> 12, "from" -> 12, "free" -> 12, "continue" -> 12, "against" -> 12, "at" -> 11, "American" -> 11, "Truman" -> 10, "support" -> 10, "States" -> 10, "security" -> 10, "Ours" -> 10, "more" -> 10, "have" -> 10, "are" -> 10, "war" -> 9, "Under" -> 9, "these" -> 9, "State" -> 9, "other" -> 9, "full" -> 9, "effective" -> 9, "can" -> 9, "must" -> 8, "equal" -> 8, "efforts" -> 8, "economic" -> 8, "development" -> 8, "continued" -> 8, "aid" -> 8, "toward" -> 7, "those" -> 7, "than" -> 7, "such" -> 7, "public" -> 7, "not" -> 7, "nation's" -> 7, "national" -> 7, "Israel" -> 7, "freedom" -> 7, "farm" -> 7, "economy" -> 7, "control" -> 7, "aggression" -> 7, "advocate" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "veterans" -> 6, "strength" -> 6, "so" -> 6, "resources" -> 6, "Party" -> 6, "most" -> 6, "It" -> 6, "billions" -> 6, "been" -> 6, "agricultural" -> 6, "Act" -> 6, "Western" -> 5, "urge" -> 5, "upon" -> 5, "states" -> 5, "sound" -> 5, "rights" -> 5, "race" -> 5, "prosperity" -> 5, "ourselves" -> 5, "nations" -> 5, "maintenance" -> 5, "maintain" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "Labor" -> 5, "international" -> 5, "improve" -> 5, "housing" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "forward" -> 5, "federal" -> 5, "establishment" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "countries" -> 5, "business" -> 5, "benefits" -> 5, "any" -> 5, "1947" -> 5, "years" -> 4, "would" -> 4, "work" -> 4, "were" -> 4, "vital" -> 4, "research" -> 4, "relief" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "provide" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "policy" -> 4, "policies" -> 4, "peoples" -> 4, "over" -> 4, "Our" -> 4, "or" -> 4, "new" -> 4, "need" -> 4, "minimum" -> 4, "millions" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "led" -> 4, "justice" -> 4, "interests" -> 4, "insurance" -> 4, "increased" -> 4, "including" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "Hemisphere" -> 4, "greatest" -> 4, "greater" -> 4, "government" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "extension" -> 4, "end" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "democratic" -> 4, "course" -> 4, "based" -> 4, "assure" -> 4, "appropriations" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "1933" -> 4, "within" -> 3, "who" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "water" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "veto" -> 3, "use" -> 3, "treaties" -> 3, "them" -> 3, "tax" -> 3, "strengthening" -> 3, "strengthened" -> 3, "strengthen" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "Roosevelt" -> 3, "revision" -> 3, "resolution" -> 3, "reduce" -> 3, "recommended" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "provisions" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "programs" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "private" -> 3, "press" -> 3, "possible" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "platform" -> 3, "Plan" -> 3, "persons" -> 3, "past" -> 3, "participation" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "opportunities" -> 3, "only" -> 3, "necessary" -> 3, "million" -> 3, "military" -> 3, "medical" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "Marshall" -> 3, "look" -> 3, "living" -> 3, "life" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "labor" -> 3, "irrigation" -> 3, "industry" -> 3, "independent" -> 3, "independence" -> 3, "income" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "high" -> 3, "had" -> 3, "gave" -> 3, "future" -> 3, "funds" -> 3, "foreign" -> 3, "first" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "families" -> 3, "expand" -> 3, "ever" -> 3, "establish" -> 3, "energy" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "education" -> 3, "defense" -> 3, "debt" -> 3, "co-operatives" -> 3, "comprehensive" -> 3, "civil" -> 3, "beneficial" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "become" -> 3, "atomic" -> 3, "approve" -> 3, "adoption" -> 3, "about" -> 3, "world-wide" -> 2, "World" -> 2, "workers" -> 2, "women" -> 2, "without" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "vote" -> 2, "vigorously" -> 2, "vigorous" -> 2, "utilization" -> 2, "users" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "triumph" -> 2, "transmission" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "They" -> 2, "These" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "taxes" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "survivors" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "structure" -> 2, "strongly" -> 2, "step" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "Social" -> 2, "social" -> 2, "shown" -> 2, "should" -> 2, "Secretary" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "S." -> 2, "Rights" -> 2, "result" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "resisting" -> 2, "repeal" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "regional" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "rebuilt" -> 2, "racial" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "prospects" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "privileged" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "overwhelming" -> 2, "old-age" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "November" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "modifications" -> 2, "mineral" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "manufacture" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "local" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "jobs" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "intensified" -> 2, "initiated" -> 2, "inflation" -> 2, "industrial" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "inadequate" -> 2, "In" -> 2, "impose" -> 2, "imperative" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "home" -> 2, "highly" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "Harry" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "freedoms" -> 2, "Franklin" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "formulated" -> 2, "forms" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "financing" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "family-size" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "experience" -> 2, "expanded" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "European" -> 2, "endanger" -> 2, "encourage" -> 2, "Employment" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "early" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "Doctrine" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "developing" -> 2, "determine" -> 2, "deposits" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "D" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "continuance" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "constitute" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "conclude" -> 2, "conceived" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "Communist" -> 2, "Communism" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "citizens" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "charter" -> 2, "charted" -> 2, "charges" -> 2, "cents" -> 2, "care" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "build" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "arid" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "agencies" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "afforded" -> 2, "administered" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "Adequate" -> 2, "activity" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$300" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$29" -> 1, "$28" -> 1, "$2.5" -> 1, "$22" -> 1, "$18" -> 1, "zones" -> 1, "years—until" -> 1, "world—and" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "whole-hearted" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weapons" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "victimized" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "vanquished" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "Unless" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "unions" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unemployment" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "undemocratic" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unbalancing" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "Truman's" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treasonable" -> 1, "treacherously" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "traditionally" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "tornadoes" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "sweatshop" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surpluses" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "subjugated" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "stripped" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stockpiling" -> 1, "stimulation" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "squandered" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "shockingly" -> 1, "shelter—the" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "shamed" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "serve" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "semi-arid" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "Security" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "science" -> 1, "school" -> 1, "savagely" -> 1, "sap" -> 1, "San" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "role" -> 1, "rises" -> 1, "Rio" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "resurrected" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "rescued" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "Republican-controlled" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "reluctance" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "reinvigorated" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "Regional" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "re-examined" -> 1, "redeemed" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "reconversion" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "Reciprocal" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "R.E.A." -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protector" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "propose" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "Program" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "probably" -> 1, "principle—which" -> 1, "principles—we" -> 1, "Principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "plunged" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "Places" -> 1, "pictures" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "percent" -> 1, "Pearl" -> 1, "peace-loving" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "parliament" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "paralyze" -> 1, "Palestine" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "pact" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outlawed" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "oleomargarine" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "oil" -> 1, "occupation" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "observing" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "nonpartisan" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "no-American" -> 1, "newsreels" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "Neighbor" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needy" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "Nazi" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "navigable" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "mistaken" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mightiest" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "Mental" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "Mediation" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "lords" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "litigation" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "life—are" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "launched" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "lacked" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "Janeiro" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "Italy" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "invincible" -> 1, "introduced" -> 1, "internationalization" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "Inter-American" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "insured" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inequalities" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "indication" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "Increases" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "inciting" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "improved" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "hydroelectric" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "Hull" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "home-owners" -> 1, "Holy" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "helm" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "headquarters" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "Harbor" -> 1, "handicapped" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "growth" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "gloriously" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "gaps" -> 1, "gallant" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "functioning" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "frightening" -> 1, "Freedoms" -> 1, "Francisco" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forestation" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "Force" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fishery" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "few—proves" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "fell" -> 1, "Fascist" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "falter" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "expose" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "experiments" -> 1, "expensive" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "ever-growing" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "enthusiastically" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "encroach" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employment—this" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "embargo" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "earner" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "dodge" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distributing" -> 1, "dissemination" -> 1, "disseminating" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "depths" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Department's" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "democracy—when" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "de" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "curtailment" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "crushed" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "country" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "Cordell" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "consummation" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "Conciliation" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "communistic" -> 1, "commits" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "clearance" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "Chapultepec" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "broadest" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bomb" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blighted" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "bigoted" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "bare" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "average" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "auspices" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "assistance" -> 1, "assist" -> 1, "Assembly" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "Asia—the" -> 1, "Arrogant" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "Armed" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "anti-democratic" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "Agreements" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adopts" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "admissions" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "access" -> 1, "accepted—that" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "acceleration" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "400,000" -> 1, "40" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "39" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "29th" -> 1, "29" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1944" -> 1, "1934" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "128" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1944", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1944, "Date" -> DateObject[{1944, 7, 19}], "Text" -> "The Democratic Party stands on its record in peace and in war.\nTo speed victory, establish and maintain peace, guarantee full employment and provide prosperity —this is its platform.\nWe do not here detail scores of planks. We cite action.\nBeginning March, 1933, the Democratic Administration took a series of actions which saved our system of free enterprise.\nIt brought that system out of collapse and thereafter eliminated abuses which had imperiled it.\nIt used the powers of government to provide employment in industry and to save agriculture.\nIt wrote a new Magna Carta for labor.\nIt provided social security, including old age pensions, unemployment insurance, security for crippled and dependent children and the blind. It established employment offices. It provided federal bank deposit insurance, flood prevention, soil conservation, and prevented abuses in the security markets. It saved farms and homes from foreclosure, and secured profitable prices for farm products.\nIt adopted an effective program of reclamation, hydro-electric power, and mineral development.\nIt found the road to prosperity through production and employment.\nWe pledge the continuance and improvement of these programs.\nBefore war came, the Democratic Administration awakened the Nation, in time, to the dangers that threatened its very existence.\nIt succeeded in building, in time, the best-trained and equipped army in the world, the most powerful navy in the world, the greatest air force in the world, and the largest merchant marine in the world.\nIt gained for our country, and it saved for our country, powerful allies.\nWhen war came, it succeeded in working out with those allies an effective grand strategy against the enemy.\nIt set that strategy in motion, and the tide of battle was turned.\nIt held the line against wartime inflation.\nIt ensured a fair share-and-share-alike distribution of food and other essentials.\nIt is leading our country to certain victory.\nThe primary and imperative duty of the United States is to wage the war with every resource available to final triumph over our enemies, and we pledge that we will continue to fight side by side with the United Nations until this supreme objective shall have been attained and thereafter to secure a just and lasting peace.\nThat the world may not again be drenched in blood by international outlaws and criminals, we pledge:\nTo join with the other United Nations in the establishment of an international organization based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all peace-loving states, open to membership by all such states, large and small, for the prevention of aggression and the maintenance of international peace and security.\nTo make all necessary and effective agreements and arrangements through which the nations would maintain adequate forces to meet the needs of preventing war and of making impossible the preparation for war and which would have such forces available for joint action when necessary.\nSuch organization must be endowed with power to employ armed forces when necessary to prevent aggression and preserve peace.\nWe favor the maintenance of an international court of justice of which the United States shall be a member and the employment of diplomacy, conciliation, arbitration and other like methods where appropriate in the settlement of international disputes.\nWorld peace is of transcendent importance. Our gallant sons are dying on land, on sea, and in the air. They do not die as Republicans. They do not die as Democrats. They die as Americans. We pledge that their blood shall not have been shed in vain. America has the opportunity to lead the world in this great service to mankind. The United States must meet the challenge. Under Divine Providence, she must move forward to her high destiny.\nWe pledge our support to the Atlantic Charter and the Four Freedoms and the application of the principles enunciated therein to the United Nations and other peace-loving nations, large and small.\nWe shall uphold the good-neighbor policy, and extend the trade policies initiated by the present administration.\nWe favor the opening of Palestine to unrestricted Jewish immigration and colonization, and such a policy as to result in the establishment there of a free and democratic Jewish commonwealth.\nWe favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex.\nWe recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional amendment on equal rights for women.\nWe favor Federal aid to education administered by the states without interference by the Federal Government.\nWe favor Federal legislation to assure stability of products, employment, distribution and prices in the bituminous coal industry, to create a proper balance between consumer, producer and mine worker.\nWe endorse the President's statement recognizing the importance of the use of water in arid land states for domestic and irrigation purposes.\nWe favor non-discriminatory transportation charges and declare for the early correction of inequalities in such charges.\nWe favor enactment of legislation granting the fullest measure of self-government for Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and eventual statehood for Alaska and Hawaii.\nWe favor the extension of the right of suffrage to the people of the District of Columbia. We offer these postwar programs:\nA continuation of our policy of full benefits for ex-servicemen and women with special consideration for the disabled. We make it our first duty to assure employment and economic security to all who have served in the defense of our country.\nPrice guarantees and crop insurance to farmers with all practical steps:\nTo keep agriculture on a parity with industry and labor.\nTo foster the success of the small independent farmer.\nTo aid the home ownership of family-sized farms.\nTo extend rural electrification and develop broader domestic and foreign markets for agricultural products.\nAdequate compensation for workers during demobilization.\nThe enactment of such additional humanitarian, labor, social and farm legislation as time and experience may require, including the amendment or repeal of any law enacted in recent years which has failed to accomplish its purpose.\nPromotion of the success of small business. Earliest possible release of wartime controls.\nAdaptation of tax laws to an expanding peacetime economy, with simplified structure and war- time taxes reduced or repealed as soon as possible.\nEncouragement of risk capital, new enterprise, development of natural resources in the West and other parts of the country, and the immediate reopening of the gold and silver mines of the West as soon as manpower is available.\nWe reassert our faith in competitive private enterprise, free from control by monopolies, cartels, or any arbitrary private or public authority.\nWe assert that mankind believes in the Four Freedoms.\nWe believe that the country which has the greatest measure of social justice is capable of the greatest achievements.\nWe believe that racial and religious minorities have the right to live, develop and vote equally with all citizens and share the rights that are guaranteed by our Constitution. Congress should exert its full constitutional powers to protect those rights.\nWe believe that without loss of sovereignty, world development and lasting peace are within humanity's grasp. They will come with the greater enjoyment of those freedoms by the peoples of the world, and with the freer flow among them of ideas and goods.\nWe believe in the world right of all men to write, send and publish news at uniform communication rates and without interference by governmental or private monopoly and that right should be protected by treaty.\nTo these beliefs the Democratic Party subscribes.\nThese principles the Democratic Party pledges itself in solemn sincerity to maintain.\nFinally, this Convention sends its affectionate greetings to our beloved and matchless leader and President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.\nHe stands before the nation and the world, the champion of human liberty and dignity. He has rescued our people from the ravages of economic disaster. His rare foresight and magnificent courage have saved our nation from the assault of international brigands and dictators. Fulfilling the ardent hope of his life, he has already laid the foundation of enduring peace for a troubled world and the well being of our nation. All mankind is his debtor. His life and services have been a great blessing to humanity.\nThat God may keep him strong in body and in spirit to carry on his yet unfinished work is our hope and our prayer.", "Words" -> 1366, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 97, "and" -> 80, "of" -> 67, "to" -> 37, "in" -> 32, "We" -> 24, "for" -> 19, "our" -> 17, "It" -> 15, "with" -> 12, "a" -> 12, "world" -> 11, "that" -> 11, "by" -> 11, "as" -> 9, "To" -> 8, "peace" -> 8, "is" -> 8, "favor" -> 8, "which" -> 7, "war" -> 7, "on" -> 7, "have" -> 7, "employment" -> 7, "all" -> 7, "United" -> 6, "its" -> 6, "international" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "such" -> 5, "security" -> 5, "pledge" -> 5, "other" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "not" -> 5, "has" -> 5, "Democratic" -> 5, "an" -> 5, "time" -> 4, "this" -> 4, "They" -> 4, "The" -> 4, "states" -> 4, "small" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "saved" -> 4, "right" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "it" -> 4, "from" -> 4, "believe" -> 4, "be" -> 4, "without" -> 3, "we" -> 3, "those" -> 3, "these" -> 3, "States" -> 3, "social" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "private" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "Party" -> 3, "necessary" -> 3, "Nations" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "must" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "mankind" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "labor" -> 3, "insurance" -> 3, "industry" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "greatest" -> 3, "full" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "forces" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "effective" -> 3, "do" -> 3, "die" -> 3, "development" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "available" -> 3, "are" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "women" -> 2, "will" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "wartime" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "through" -> 2, "thereafter" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "success" -> 2, "succeeded" -> 2, "strategy" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "should" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "provide" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "programs" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "possible" -> 2, "people" -> 2, "peace-loving" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "new" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "meet" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "markets" -> 2, "make" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "life" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "Jewish" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "He" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "great" -> 2, "Freedoms" -> 2, "Four" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farm" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "economic" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "develop" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "charges" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "blood" -> 2, "assure" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aid" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "against" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "yet" -> 1, "years" -> 1, "wrote" -> 1, "write" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "water" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "wage" 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"preparation" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "postwar" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "planks" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "Palestine" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "outlaws" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "mines" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mine" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "matchless" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "Magna" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "inequalities" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imperiled" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "hydro-electric" -> 1, "humanity's" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "greetings" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "good-neighbor" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "gallant" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "Fulfilling" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "family-sized" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "ex-servicemen" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essentials" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "enunciated" -> 1, "ensured" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "Encouragement" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "Earliest" -> 1, "dying" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "drenched" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "dictators" -> 1, "detail" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "deposit" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "demobilization" -> 1, "Delano" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "debtor" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controls" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "colonization" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "cite" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "cartels" -> 1, "Carta" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "brigands" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blessing" -> 1, "bituminous" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "best-trained" -> 1, "benefits" -> 1, "beloved" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "beliefs" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "Beginning" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "awakened" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "at" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "ardent" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "affectionate" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "Adaptation" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "1933" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1940", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1940, "Date" -> DateObject[{1940, 7, 15}], "Text" -> "Preamble\nThe world is undergoing violent change. Humanity, uneasy in this machine age, is demanding a sense of security and dignity based on human values.\nNo democratic government which fails to recognize this trend—and take appropriate action—can survive.\nThat is why the Government of this nation has moved to keep ahead of this trend; has moved with speed incomprehensible to those who do not see this trend.\nOutside the Americas, established institutions are being overthrown and democratic philosophies are being repudiated by those whose creed recognizes no power higher than military force, no values other than a false efficiency.\nWhat the founding fathers realized upon this continent was a daring dream, that men could have not only physical security, not only efficiency, but something else in addition that men had never had before—the security of the heart that comes with freedom, the peace of mind that comes from a sense of justice.\nTo this generation of Americans it is given to defend this democratic faith as it is challenged by social maladjustment within and totalitarian greed without. The world revolution against which we prepare our defense is so threatening that not until it has burned itself out in the last corner of the earth will our democracy be able to relax its guard.\nIn this world crisis, the purpose of the Democratic Party is to defend against external attack and justify by internal progress the system of government and way of life from which the Democratic Party takes its name.\nFulfilling American Ideal\n\nToward the modern fulfillment of the American ideal, the Democratic Party, during the last seven years, has labored successfully:\n1. To strengthen democracy by defensive preparedness against aggression, whether by open attack or secret infiltration;\n2. To strengthen democracy by increasing our economic efficiency; and\n3. To strengthen democracy by improving the welfare of the people.\nThese three objectives are one and inseparable. No nation can be strong by armaments alone. It must possess and use all the necessary resources for producing goods plentifully and distributing them effectively. It must add to these factors of material strength the unconquerable spirit and energy of a contented people, convinced that there are no boundaries to human progress and happiness in a land of liberty.\nOur faith that these objectives can be attained is made unshakable by what has already been done by the present Administration—in stopping the waste and exploitation of our human and natural resources, in restoring to the average man and woman a stake in the preservation of our democracy, in enlarging our national armaments, and in achieving national unity.\nWe shall hold fast to these gains. We are proud of our record. Therefore the Party in convention assembled endorses wholeheartedly the brilliant and courageous leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his statesmanship and that of the Congress for the past seven trying years. And to our President and great leader we send our cordial greetings.\nWe Must Strengthen Democracy Against Aggression\n\nThe American people are determined that war, raging in Europe, Asia and Africa, shall not come to America.\nWe will not participate in foreign wars, and we will not send our army, naval or air forces to fight in foreign lands outside of the Americas, except in case of attack. We favor and shall rigorously enforce and defend the Monroe Doctrine.\nThe direction and aim of our foreign policy has been, and will continue to be, the security and defense of our own land and the maintenance of its peace.\nFor years our President has warned the nation that organized assaults against religion, democracy and international good faith threatened our own peace and security. Men blinded by partisanship brushed aside these warnings as war-mongering and officious intermeddling. The fall of twelve nations was necessary to bring their belated approval of legislative and executive action that the President had urged and undertaken with the full support of the people. It is a tribute to the President's foresight and action that our defense forces are today at the peak of their peacetime effectiveness.\nWeakness and unpreparedness invite aggression. We must be so strong that no possible combination of powers would dare to attack us. We propose to provide America with an invincible air force, a navy strong enough to protect all our seacoasts and our national interests, and a fully-equipped and mechanized army. We shall continue to coordinate these implements of defense with the necessary expansion of industrial productive capacity and with the training of appropriate personnel. Outstanding leaders of industry and labor have already been enlisted by the Government to harness our mighty economic forces for national defense.\nExperience of other nations gives warning that total defense is necessary to repel attack, and that partial defense is no defense.\nWe have seen the downfall of nations accomplished through internal dissension provoked from without. We denounce and will do all in our power to destroy the treasonable activities of disguised anti-democratic and un-American agencies which would sap our strength, paralyze our will to defend ourselves, and destroy our unity by inciting race against race, class against class, religion against religion and the people against their free institutions.\nTo make America strong, and to keep America free, every American must give of his talents and treasure in accordance with his ability and his country's needs. We must have democracy of sacrifice as well as democracy of opportunity.\nTo insure that our armaments shall be implements of peace rather than war, we shall continue our traditional policies of the good neighbor; observe and advocate international respect for the fights of others and for treaty obligations; cultivate foreign trade through desirable trade agreements; and foster economic collaboration with the Republics of the Western Hemisphere.\nIn self-defense and in good conscience, the world's greatest democracy cannot afford heartlessly or in a spirit of appeasement to ignore the peace-loving and liberty-loving peoples wantonly attacked by ruthless aggressors. We pledge to extend to these peoples all the material aid at our command, consistent with law and not inconsistent with the interests of our own national self-defense—all to the end that peace and international good faith may yet emerge triumphant.\nWe do not regard the need for preparedness a warrant for infringement upon our civil liberties, but on the contrary we shall continue to protect them, in the keen realization that the vivid contrast between the freedom we enjoy and the dark repression which prevails in the lands where liberty is dead, affords warning and example to our people to confirm their faith in democracy.\nWe Must Strengthen Democracy By Increasing Our Economic Efficiency\n\nThe well being of the land and those who work upon it is basic to the real defense and security of America.\nThe Republican Party gives its promises to the farmer and its allegiance to those who exploit him.\nSince 1932 farm income has been doubled; six million farmers, representing more than 80 per cent of all farm families, have participated in an effective soil conservation program; the farm debt and the interest rate on farm debt have been reduced, and farm foreclosures have been drastically curtailed; rural highways and farm-to-market roads have been vastly improved and extended; the surpluses on the farms have been used to feed the needy; low cost electricity has been brought to five million farm people as a result of the rural electrification program; thousands of impoverished farm families have been rehabilitated; and steps have been taken to stop the alarming growth of farm tenancy, to increase land ownership, and to mitigate the hardships of migratory farm labor.\nThe Land and the Farmer\n\nTo make parity as well as soil conservation payments until such time as the goal of parity income for agriculture is realized.\nTo extend and enlarge the tenant-purchase program until every deserving tenant farmer has a real opportunity to have a firm of his own.\nTo refinance existing farm debts at lower interest rates and on longer and more flexible terms.\nTo continue to provide for adjustment of production through democratic processes to the extent that excess surpluses are capable of control.\nTo continue the program of rehabilitation of farmers who need and merit aid.\nTo preserve and strengthen the ever-normal granary on behalf of the national defense, the consumer at home and abroad, and the American farmer.\nTo continue to make commodity loans to maintain the ever-normal granary and to prevent destructively low prices.\nTo expand the domestic consumption of our surpluses by the food and cotton stamp plan, the free school lunch, low-cost milk and other plans for bringing surplus farm commodities to needy consumers.\nTo continue our substantially increased appropriations for research and extension work through the land-grant colleges, and for research laboratories established to develop new outlets for farm products.\nTo conserve the soil and water resources for the benefit of farmers and the nation. In such conservation programs we shall, so far as practicable, bring about that development in forests and other permanent crops as will not unduly expand livestock and dairy production.\nTo safeguard the farmer's foreign markets and expand his domestic market for all domestic crops. To enlarge the rural electrification [sic].\nTo encourage farmer-owned and controlled co-operatives.\nTo continue the broad program launched by this Administration for the coordinated development of our river basins through reclamation and irrigation, flood control, reforestation and soil conservation, stream purification, recreation, fish and game protection, low-cost power, and rural industry.\nTo encourage marketing agreements in aid of producers of dairy products, vegetables, fruits and specialty crops for the purpose of orderly marketing and the avoidance of unfair and wasteful practices.\nTo extend crop insurance from wheat to other crops as rapidly as experience justifies such extension.\nTo safeguard the family-sized farm in all our programs.\nTo finance these programs adequately in order that they may be effective.\nIn settling new lands reclaimed from desert by projects like Grand Coulee, we shall give priority to homeless families who have lost their farms. As these new lands are brought into use, we shall continue by Federal purchase to retire from the plow submarginal lands so that an increased percentage of our farmers may he able to live and work on good land.\nThese programs will continue to be in the hands of locally-elected farmer committees to the largest extent possible. In this truly democratic way, we will continue to bring economic security to the farmer and his family, while recognizing the dignity and freedom of American farm life.\nIndustry and the Worker\n\nUnder Democratic auspices, more has been done in the last seven years to foster the essential freedom, dignity and opportunity of the American worker than in any other administration in the nation's history. In consequence, labor is today taking its rightful place as a partner of management in the common cause of higher earnings, industrial efficiency, national unity and national defense.\nA far-flung system of employment exchanges has brought together millions of idle workers and available jobs. The workers' right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing is being enforced. We have enlarged the Federal machinery for the mediation of labor disputes. We have enacted an effective wage and hour law. Child labor in factories has been outlawed. Prevailing wages to workers employed on Government contracts have been assured.\nWe pledge to continue to enforce fair labor standards; to maintain the principles of the National Labor Relations Act; to expand employment training and opportunity for our youth, older workers, and workers displaced by technological changes; to strengthen the orderly processes of collective bargaining and peaceful settlement of labor disputes; and to work always for a just distribution of our national income among those who labor.\nWe will continue our efforts to achieve equality of opportunity for men and women without impairing the social legislation which promotes true equality by safeguarding the health, safety and economic welfare of women workers. The right to work for compensation in both public and private employment is an inalienable privilege of women as well as men, without distinction as to marital status.\nThe production of coal is one of our most important basic industries. Stability of production, employment, distribution and price are indispensable to the public welfare. We pledge continuation of the Federal Bituminous Coal Stabilization Act, and sympathetic consideration of the application of similar legislation to the anthracite coal industry, in order to provide additional protection for the owners, miners and consumers of hard coal.\nWe shall continue to emphasize the human element in industry and strive toward increasingly wholehearted cooperation between labor and industrial management.\nCapital and the Business Man\n\nTo make democracy strong, our system of business enterprise and individual initiative must be free to gear its tremendous productive capacity to serve the greatest good of the greatest number.\nWe have defended and will continue to defend all legitimate business.\nWe have attacked and will continue to attack unbridled concentration of economic power and the exploitation of the consumer and the investor.\nWe have attacked the kind of banking which treated America as a colonial empire to exploit; the kind of securities business which regarded the Stock Exchange as a private gambling club for wagering other people's money; the kind of public utility holding companies which used consumers' and investors' money to suborn a free press, bludgeon legislatures and political conventions, and control elections against the interest of their customers and their security holders.\nWe have attacked the kind of business which levied tribute on all the rest of American business by the extortionate methods of monopoly.\nWe did not stop with attack—we followed through with the remedy. The American people found in themselves, through the democratic process, ability to meet the economic problems of the average American business where concentrated power had failed.\nWe found a broken and prostrate banking and financial system. We restored it to health by strengthening banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions. We have insured 62 million bank accounts, and protected millions of small investors in the security and commodity markets. We have thus revived confidence, safeguarded thrift, and opened the road to all honorable business.\nWe have made credit at low interest rates available to small-business men, thus unfastening the oppressive yoke of a money monopoly, and giving the ordinary citizen a chance to go into business and stay in business.\nWe recognize the importance of small business concerns and new enterprises in our national economy, and favor the enactment of constructive legislation to safeguard the welfare of small business. Independent small-scale enterprise, no less than big business, should be adequately represented on appropriate governmental boards and commissions, and its interests should be examined and fostered by a continuous research program.\nWe have provided an important outlet for private capital by stimulating home building and low-rent housing projects. More new homes were built throughout the nation last year than in any year since 1929.\nWe have fostered a well-balanced American merchant marine and the world's finest system of civil aeronautics, to promote our commerce and our national defense.\nWe have steered a steady course between a bankruptcy-producing deflation and a thrift-destroying inflation, so that today the dollar is the most stable and sought-after currency in the world—a factor of immeasurable benefit in our foreign and domestic commerce.\nWe shall continue to oppose barriers which impede trade among the several states. We pledge our best efforts in strengthening our home markets, and to this end we favor the adjustment of freight rates so that no section or state will have undue advantage over any other.\nTo encourage investment in productive enterprise, the tax-exempt privileges of future Federal, state and local bonds should be removed.\nWe have enforced the anti-trust laws more vigorously than at any time in our history, thus affording the maximum protection to the competitive system.\nWe favor strict supervision of all forms of the insurance business by the several states for the protection of policyholders and the public.\nThe full force of our policies, by raising the national income by thirty billion dollars from the low of 1932, by encouraging vast reemployment, and by elevating the level of consumer demand, has quickened the flow of buying and selling through every artery of industry and trade.\nWith mass purchasing power restored and many abuses eliminated, American business stands at the threshold of a great new era, richer in promise than any we have witnessed—an era of pioneering and progress beyond the present frontiers of economic activity—in transportation, in housing, in industrial expansion, and in the new utilization of the products of the farm and the factory.\nWe shall aid business in redeeming America's promise.\nElectric Power\n\nDuring the past seven years the Democratic Party has won the first major victories for the people of the nation in their generation-old contest with the power monopoly.\nThese victories have resulted in the recognition of certain self evident principles and the realization of vast benefits by the people. These principles, long opposed by the Republican Party, are:\nThat the power of falling water is a gift from God, and consequently belongs not to a privileged few, but to all the people, who are entitled to enjoy its benefits;\nThat the people have the right through their government to develop their own power sites and bring low-cost electricity to their homes, farms and factories;\nThat public utility holding companies must not be permitted to serve as the means by which a few men can pyramid stocks upon stocks for the sole purpose of controlling vast power empires.\nWe condemn the Republican policies which permitted the victimizing of investors in the securities of private power corporations, and the exploitation of the people by unnecessarily high utility costs.\nWe condemn the opposition of utility power interests which delayed for years the development of national defense projects in the Tennessee Valley, and which obstructed river basin improvements and other public projects bringing low-cost electric power to the people. The successful power developments in the Tennessee and Columbia River basins show the wisdom of the Democratic Party in establishing government-owned and operated hydro-electric plants in the interests of power and light consumers.\nThrough these Democratic victories, whole regions have been revived and restored to prosperous habitation. Production costs have been reduced. Industries have been established which employ men and capital. Cheaper electricity has brought vast economic benefits to thousands of homes and communities.\nThese victories of the people must be safeguarded. They will be turned to defeat if the Republican Party should be returned to power. We pledge our Party militantly to oppose every effort to encroach upon the inherent right of our people to be provided with this primary essential of life at the lowest possible cost.\nThe nomination of a utility executive by the Republican Party as its presidential candidate raises squarely the issue, whether the nation's water power shall be used for all the people or for the selfish interests of a few. We accept that issue.\nDevelopments of Western Resources\n\nWe take satisfaction in pointing out the incomparable development of the public land states under the wise and constructive legislation of this Administration. Mining has been revived, agriculture fostered, reclamation extended and natural resources developed as never before in a similar period. We pledge the continuance of such policies, based primarily on the expansion of opportunity for the people, as will encourage the full development, free from financial exploitation, of the great resources—mineral, agricultural, livestock, fishing and lumber—which the West affords.\nRadio\n\nRadio has become an integral part of the democratically accepted doctrine of freedom of speech, press, assembly and religion. We urge such legislative steps as may be required to afford the same protection from censorship that is now afforded the press under the Constitution of the United States.\nWe Must Strengthen Democracy By Improving the Welfare of the People\n\nWe place human resources first among the assets of a democratic society.\nUnemployment\n\nThe Democratic Party wages war on unemployment, one of the gravest problems of our times, inherited at its worst from the last Republican administration. Since we assumed office, nine million additional persons have gained regular employment in normal private enterprise. All our policies—financial, industrial and agricultural—will continue to accelerate the rate of this progress.\nBy public action, where necessary to supplement private reemployment, we have rescued millions from idleness that breeds weakness, and given them a real stake in their country's well being. We shall continue to recognize the obligation of Government to provide work for deserving workers who cannot be absorbed by private industry.\nWe are opposed to vesting in the states and local authorities the control of Federally-financed work relief. We believe that this Republican proposal is a thinly disguised plan to put the unemployed back on the dole.\nWe will continue energetically to direct our efforts toward the employment in private industry of all those willing to work, as well as the fullest employment of money and machines. This we pledge as our primary objective. To further implement this objective, we favor calling, under the direction of the President, a national unemployment conference of leaders of government, industry, labor and farm groups.\nThere is work in our factories, mines, fields, forests and river basins, on our coasts, highways, railroads and inland waterways. There are houses to be built to shelter our people. Building a better America means work and a higher standard of living for every family, and a richer and more secure heritage for every American.\nSocial Security\n\nThe Democratic Party, which established social security for the nation, is dedicated to its extension. We pledge to make the Social Security Act increasingly effective, by covering millions of persons not now protected under its terms; by strengthening our unemployment insurance system and establishing more adequate and uniform benefits, through the Federal equalization fund principle; by progressively extending and increasing the benefits of the old-age and survivors insurance system, including protection of the permanently disabled; and by the early realization of a minimum pension for all who have reached the age of retirement and are not gainfully employed.\nHealth\n\nGood health for all the people is a prime requisite of national preparedness in its broadest sense. We have advanced public health, industrial hygiene, and maternal and child care. We are coordinating the health functions of the Federal Government. We pledge to expand these efforts, and to provide more hospitals and health centers and better health protection wherever the need exists, in rural and urban areas, all through the co-operative efforts of the Federal, state and local governments, the medical, dental, nursing and other scientific professions, and the voluntary agencies.\nYouth and Education\n\nToday, when the youth of other lands is being sacrificed in war, this nation recognizes the full value of the sound youth program established by the Administration. The National Youth Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps have enabled our youth to complete their education, have maintained their health, trained them for useful citizenship, and aided them to secure employment.\nOur public works have modernized and greatly expanded the nation's schools. We have increased Federal aid for vocational education and rehabilitation, and undertaken a comprehensive program of defense-industry training. We shall continue to bring to millions of children, youths and adults, the educational and economic opportunities otherwise beyond their reach.\nSlum-Clearance and Low-Rent Housing\n\nWe have launched a soundly conceived plan of loans and contributions to rid America of overcrowded slum dwellings that breed disease and crime, and to replace them by low-cost housing projects within the means of low-income families. We will extend and accelerate this plan not only in the congested city districts, but also in the small towns and farm areas, and we will make it a powerful arm of national defense by supplying housing for the families of enlisted personnel and for workers in areas where industry is expanding to meet defense needs.\nConsumers\n\nWe are taking effective steps to insure that, in this period of stress, the cost of living shall not be increased by speculation and unjustified price rises.\nNegroes\n\nOur Negro citizens have participated actively in the economic and social advances launched by this Administration, including fair labor standards, social security benefits, health protection, work relief projects, decent housing, aid to education, and the rehabilitation of low-income farm families. We have aided more than half a million Negro youths in vocational training, education and employment. We shall continue to strive for complete legislative safeguards against discrimination in government service and benefits, and in the national defense forces. We pledge to uphold due process and the equal protection of the laws for every citizen, regardless of race, creed or color.\nVeterans\n\nWe pledge to continue our policy of fair treatment of America's war veterans and their dependents, in just tribute to their sacrifices and their devotion to the cause of liberty.\nIndians\n\nWe favor and pledge the enactment of legislation creating an Indian Claims Commission for the special purpose of entertaining and investigating claims presented by Indian groups, bands and tribes, in order that our Indian citizens may have their claims against the Government considered, adjusted, and finally settled at the earliest possible date.\nCivil Service\n\nWe pledge the immediate extension of a genuine system of merit to all positions in the executive branch of the Federal Government except actual bona fide policy-making positions. The competitive method of selecting employes shall be improved until experience and qualification shall be the sole test in determining fitness for employment in the Federal service. Promotion and tenure in Federal service shall likewise depend upon fitness, experience and qualification. Arbitrary and unreasonable rules as to academic training shall be abolished, all to the end that a genuine system of efficiency and merit shall prevail throughout the entire Federal service.\nTerritories and District of Columbia\n\nWe favor a larger measure of self-government leading to statehood, for Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. We favor the appointment of residents to office, and equal treatment of the citizens of each of these three territories. We favor the prompt determination and payment of any just claims by Indian and Eskimo citizens of Alaska against the United States.\nWe also favor the extension of the right of suffrage to the people of the District of Columbia.\nTrue First Line of Defense\n\nWe pledge to continue to stand guard on our true first line of defense—the security and welfare of the men, women and children of America.\nOur Democratic Faith\n\nDemocracy is more than a political system for the government of a people. It is the expression of a people's faith in themselves as human beings. If this faith is permitted to die, human progress will die with it. We believe that a mechanized existence, lacking the spiritual quality of democracy, is intolerable to the free people of this country.\nWe therefore pledge ourselves to fight, as our fathers fought, for the right of every American to enjoy freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition, and security in his home.\nIt is America's destiny, in these days of rampant despotism, to be the guardian of the world heritage of liberty and to hold aloft and aflame the torch of Western civilization.\nThe Democratic Party rededicates itself to this faith in democracy, to the defense of the American system of government, the only system under which men are masters of their own souls, the only system under which the American people, composed of many races and creeds, can live and work, play and worship in peace, security and freedom.\nFirmly relying upon a continuation of the blessings of Divine Providence upon all our righteous endeavors to preserve forever the priceless heritage of American liberty and peace, we appeal to all the liberal-minded men and women of the nation to approve this platform and to go forward with us by wholeheartedly supporting the candidates who subscribe to the principles which it proclaims.", "Words" -> 4650, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 307, "and" -> 244, "of" -> 233, "to" -> 152, "in" -> 85, "We" -> 74, "our" -> 62, "a" -> 56, "for" -> 49, "by" -> 47, "have" -> 46, "that" -> 33, "is" -> 32, "as" -> 29, "To" -> 27, "be" -> 26, "this" -> 25, "continue" -> 25, "people" -> 24, "shall" -> 23, "their" -> 21, "all" -> 21, "which" -> 20, "The" -> 20, "will" -> 19, "we" -> 18, "has" -> 18, "farm" -> 18, "been" -> 18, "are" -> 18, "power" -> 17, "not" -> 17, "national" -> 17, "defense" -> 17, "American" -> 17, "with" -> 16, "pledge" -> 15, "on" -> 15, "business" -> 15, "system" -> 14, "security" -> 14, "Party" -> 14, "its" -> 14, "democracy" -> 13, "work" -> 12, "through" -> 12, "these" -> 12, "other" -> 12, "from" -> 12, "Federal" -> 12, "against" -> 12, "than" -> 11, "labor" -> 11, "economic" -> 11, "Democratic" -> 11, "who" -> 10, "public" -> 10, "men" -> 10, "favor" -> 10, "employment" -> 10, "at" -> 10, "protection" -> 9, "nation" -> 9, "more" -> 9, "industry" -> 9, "health" -> 9, "America" -> 9, "workers" -> 8, "upon" -> 8, "program" -> 8, "private" -> 8, "must" -> 8, "it" -> 8, "his" -> 8, "faith" -> 8, "every" -> 8, "an" -> 8, "Republican" -> 7, "peace" -> 7, "own" -> 7, "no" -> 7, "new" -> 7, "human" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "government" -> 7, "freedom" -> 7, "free" -> 7, "democratic" -> 7, "benefits" -> 7, "years" -> 6, "well" -> 6, "under" -> 6, "those" -> 6, "them" -> 6, "so" -> 6, "right" -> 6, "projects" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "opportunity" -> 6, "make" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "land" -> 6, "interests" -> 6, "industrial" -> 6, "In" -> 6, "good" -> 6, "foreign" -> 6, "families" -> 6, "being" -> 6, "attack" -> 6, "any" -> 6, "aid" -> 6, "women" -> 5, "welfare" -> 5, "war" -> 5, "utility" -> 5, "training" -> 5, "These" -> 5, "such" -> 5, "strong" -> 5, "strengthen" -> 5, "social" -> 5, "rural" -> 5, "resources" -> 5, "religion" -> 5, "provide" -> 5, "progress" -> 5, "President" -> 5, "Our" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "necessary" -> 5, "millions" -> 5, "million" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "low-cost" -> 5, "liberty" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "last" -> 5, "It" -> 5, "insurance" -> 5, "housing" -> 5, "farmer" -> 5, "extension" -> 5, "expand" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "efforts" -> 5, "efficiency" -> 5, "effective" -> 5, "development" -> 5, "defend" -> 5, "bring" -> 5, "Administration" -> 5, "youth" -> 4, "world" -> 4, "without" -> 4, "where" -> 4, "victories" -> 4, "vast" -> 4, "until" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "That" -> 4, "states" -> 4, "soil" -> 4, "small" -> 4, "should" -> 4, "seven" -> 4, "service" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "programs" -> 4, "production" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "press" -> 4, "possible" -> 4, "policies" -> 4, "plan" -> 4, "money" -> 4, "low" -> 4, "kind" -> 4, "interest" -> 4, "Indian" -> 4, "increased" -> 4, "income" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "had" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "forces" -> 4, "farmers" -> 4, "extend" -> 4, "exploitation" -> 4, "enterprise" -> 4, "encourage" -> 4, "education" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "Democracy" -> 4, "crops" -> 4, "control" -> 4, "consumers" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "citizens" -> 4, "can" -> 4, "but" -> 4, "brought" -> 4, "attacked" -> 4, "Western" -> 3, "water" -> 3, "used" -> 3, "unity" -> 3, "unemployment" -> 3, "tribute" -> 3, "today" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "surpluses" -> 3, "strengthening" -> 3, "Strengthen" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "state" -> 3, "sense" -> 3, "safeguard" -> 3, "river" -> 3, "revived" -> 3, "restored" -> 3, "research" -> 3, "rehabilitation" -> 3, "recognize" -> 3, "realization" -> 3, "real" -> 3, "rates" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "preparedness" -> 3, "permitted" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "one" -> 3, "need" -> 3, "nations" -> 3, "nation's" -> 3, "Must" -> 3, "monopoly" -> 3, "merit" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "local" -> 3, "life" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "launched" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "investors" -> 3, "international" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "homes" -> 3, "higher" -> 3, "heritage" -> 3, "greatest" -> 3, "great" -> 3, "fostered" -> 3, "force" -> 3, "first" -> 3, "financial" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "fair" -> 3, "factories" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "expansion" -> 3, "executive" -> 3, "enjoy" -> 3, "end" -> 3, "electricity" -> 3, "do" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "cost" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "companies" -> 3, "Columbia" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "claims" -> 3, "By" -> 3, "between" -> 3, "basins" -> 3, "armaments" -> 3, "areas" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "America's" -> 3, "action" -> 3, "Act" -> 3, "youths" -> 2, "Youth" -> 2, "year" -> 2, "would" -> 2, "world's" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "wholeheartedly" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "way" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "warning" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "values" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "United" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "treatment" -> 2, "toward" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "throughout" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "There" -> 2, "themselves" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "Tennessee" -> 2, "taking" -> 2, "take" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "stop" -> 2, "stocks" -> 2, "States" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "sole" -> 2, "Social" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "send" -> 2, "Security" -> 2, "securities" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "safeguarded" -> 2, "richer" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "reemployment" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "reclamation" -> 2, "realized" -> 2, "rate" -> 2, "Radio" -> 2, "qualification" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "policy" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "persons" -> 2, "personnel" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "peoples" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "past" -> 2, "participated" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "orderly" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "oppose" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "never" -> 2, "Negro" -> 2, "needy" -> 2, "needs" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "National" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "meet" -> 2, "mechanized" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "many" -> 2, "management" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "made" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "loans" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "livestock" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "laws" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "improved" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "implements" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "guard" -> 2, "groups" -> 2, "granary" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "genuine" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "fitness" -> 2, "fight" -> 2, "fathers" -> 2, "family" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "exploit" -> 2, "except" -> 2, "ever-normal" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "essential" -> 2, "era" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "enlisted" -> 2, "enlarge" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "electrification" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "disguised" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "die" -> 2, "develop" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "deserving" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "dairy" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "country's" -> 2, "costs" -> 2, "continuation" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "commodity" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "comes" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "children" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "beyond" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "basic" -> 2, "based" -> 2, "banking" -> 2, "average" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "assembly" -> 2, "army" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aided" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "agreements" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "agencies" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "affords" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "adjustment" -> 2, "adequately" -> 2, "additional" -> 2, "accelerate" -> 2, "able" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "1932" -> 2, "yoke" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "world—a" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "Worker" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "witnessed—an" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "why" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "wholehearted" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "What" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "well-balanced" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "Weakness" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warrant" -> 1, "warnings" -> 1, "warned" -> 1, "war-mongering" -> 1, "wantonly" -> 1, "wagering" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "vivid" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "victimizing" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "vesting" -> 1, "vegetables" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "urban" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "unshakable" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unpreparedness" -> 1, "unnecessarily" -> 1, "unjustified" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfastening" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "uneasy" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undergoing" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unconquerable" -> 1, "unbridled" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "triumphant" -> 1, "tribes" -> 1, "trend—and" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "treasonable" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "torch" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "Today" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "thrift-destroying" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "threshold" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thinly" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tenant-purchase" -> 1, "tenant" -> 1, "tenancy" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "tax-exempt" -> 1, "talents" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "sympathetic" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplement" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "subscribe" -> 1, "suborn" -> 1, "submarginal" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "stream" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "Stock" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "steered" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "Stabilization" -> 1, "Stability" -> 1, "squarely" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "specialty" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "soundly" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "souls" -> 1, "sought-after" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "society" -> 1, "small-scale" -> 1, "small-business" -> 1, "Slum-Clearance" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "sic" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "settling" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-defense—all" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "self" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "seacoasts" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "school" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "sap" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "sacrifices" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "ruthless" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rises" -> 1, "rigorously" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "righteous" -> 1, "rid" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retire" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resources—mineral" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "rescued" -> 1, "requisite" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "repudiated" -> 1, "Republics" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repel" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "relax" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "rehabilitated" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "refinance" -> 1, "redeeming" -> 1, "rededicates" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclaimed" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "reach" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "raging" -> 1, "races" -> 1, "quickened" -> 1, "quality" -> 1, "pyramid" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purification" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "provoked" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "prostrate" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "propose" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "Promotion" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "professions" -> 1, "Production" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "proclaims" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "priority" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "prevails" -> 1, "Prevailing" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "policyholders" -> 1, "policies—financial" -> 1, "pointing" -> 1, "plow" -> 1, "plentifully" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "pioneering" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "philosophies" -> 1, "petition" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "peace-loving" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "partisanship" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "partial" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "paralyze" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overthrown" -> 1, "overcrowded" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "Outstanding" -> 1, "Outside" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "outlet" -> 1, "outlawed" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "older" -> 1, "old-age" -> 1, "officious" -> 1, "obstructed" -> 1, "observe" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "Negroes" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "mitigate" -> 1, "Mining" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mines" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "militantly" -> 1, "migratory" -> 1, "mighty" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "medical" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "masters" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "marital" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "Man" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "maladjustment" -> 1, "major" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "machines" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "machine" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "lumber—which" -> 1, "Low-Rent" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "locally-elected" -> 1, "Line" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "likewise" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "liberty-loving" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal-minded" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "land-grant" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "labored" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "keen" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justifies" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "jobs" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "invincible" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "investment" -> 1, "investigating" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intermeddling" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "insured" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "infringement" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "infiltration" -> 1, "Industry" -> 1, "Industries" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "Indians" -> 1, "Independent" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "incomprehensible" -> 1, "incomparable" -> 1, "inciting" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "immeasurable" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "idleness" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "Ideal" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "hygiene" -> 1, "hydro-electric" -> 1, "Humanity" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "heartlessly" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "harness" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "habitation" -> 1, "guardian" -> 1, "growth" -> 1, "greetings" -> 1, "greed" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "Grand" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "government-owned" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "goal" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "generation-old" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "gear" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gambling" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "gainfully" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "fully-equipped" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "Fulfilling" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "freight" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "foreclosures" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fish" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "Firmly" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fights" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "fide" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "Federally-financed" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farm-to-market" -> 1, "farmer's" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "Farmer" -> 1, "far-flung" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "family-sized" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "extortionate" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "Exchange" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "examined" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "Eskimo" -> 1, "equalization" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entertaining" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enlarging" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "encroach" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "employes" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "empires" -> 1, "empire" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "emerge" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "elevating" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "Electric" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dwellings" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "downfall" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "dole" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distributing" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "dissension" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "Developments" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "destructively" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "desert" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "dental" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "democratically" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defense—the" -> 1, "defense-industry" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "daring" -> 1, "dare" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "customers" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "cultivate" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crisis" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creeds" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "country" -> 1, "Coulee" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "cotton" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "cordial" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "convinced" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "contented" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequently" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confirm" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "composed" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "communities" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "colonial" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "Coal" -> 1, "club" -> 1, "Claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civilian" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "Cheaper" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "censorship" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "burned" -> 1, "Building" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "brushed" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broadest" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "brilliant" -> 1, "breeds" -> 1, "breed" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bona" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "bludgeon" -> 1, "blinded" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "Bituminous" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belated" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "before—the" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "basin" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankruptcy-producing" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "bands" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "auspices" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attack—we" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assumed" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "Asia" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "artery" -> 1, "arm" -> 1, "Arbitrary" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appeasement" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-democratic" -> 1, "anthracite" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "aloft" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "agricultural—will" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "Aggression" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "Africa" -> 1, "aflame" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "aeronautics" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "Administration—in" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "activity—in" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "action—can" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absorbed" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "62" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1929" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1936", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1936, "Date" -> DateObject[{1936, 6, 23}], "Text" -> "We hold this truth to be self-evident—that the test of a representative government is its ability to promote the safety and happiness of the people.\nWe hold this truth to be self-evident—that 12 years of Republican leadership left our Nation sorely stricken in body, mind, and spirit; and that three years of Democratic leadership have put it back on the road to restored health and prosperity.\nWe hold this truth to be self-evident—that 12 years of Republican surrender to the dictatorship of a privileged few have been supplanted by a Democratic leadership which has returned the people themselves to the places of authority, and has revived in them new faith and restored the hope which they had almost lost.\nWe hold this truth to be self-evident—that this three-year recovery in all the basic values of life and the reestablishment of the American way of living has been brought about by humanizing the policies of the Federal Government as they affect the personal, financial, industrial, and agricultural well-being of the American people.\nWe hold this truth to be self-evident—that government in a modern civilization has certain inescapable obligations to its citizens, among which are:\n(1) Protection of the family and the home.\n(2) Establishment of a democracy of opportunity for all the people.\n(3) Aid to those overtaken by disaster. These obligations, neglected through 12 years of the old leadership, have once more been recognized by American Government. Under the new leadership they will never be neglected.\nFor the Protection of the Family and the Home\n\n(1) We have begun and shall continue the successful drive to rid our land of kidnappers and bandits. We shall continue to use the powers of government to end the activities of the malefactors of great wealth who defraud and exploit the people.\nSavings and Investment\n\n(2) We have safeguarded the thrift of our citizens by restraining those who would gamble with other peoples savings, by requiring truth in the sale of securities; by putting the brakes upon the use of credit for speculation; by outlawing the manipulation of prices in stock and commodity markets; by curbing the overweening power and unholy practices of utility holding companies; by insuring fifty million bank accounts.\nOld Age and Social Security\n\n(3) We have built foundations for the security of those who are faced with the hazards of unemployment and old age; for the orphaned, the crippled, and the blind. On the foundation of the Social Security Act we are determined to erect a structure of economic security for all our people, making sure that this benefit shall keep step with the ever-increasing capacity of America to provide a high standard of living for all its citizens.\nConsumer\n\n(4) We will act to secure to the consumer fair value, honest sales and a decreased spread between the price he pays and the price the producer receives.\nRural Electrification\n\n(5) This administration has fostered power rate yardsticks in the Tennessee Valley and in several other parts of the Nation. As a result, electricity has been made available to the people at a lower rate. We will continue to promote plans for rural electrification and for cheap power by means of the yardstick method.\nHousing\n\n(6) We maintain that our people are entitled to decent, adequate housing at a price which they can afford. In the last three years, the Federal Government, having saved more than two million homes from foreclosure, has taken the first steps in our history to provide decent housing for people of meagre incomes. We believe every encouragement should be given to the building of new homes by private enterprise; and that the Government should steadily extend its housing program toward the goal of adequate housing for those forced through economic necessities to live in unhealthy and slum conditions.\nVeterans\n\n(7) We shall continue just treatment of our war veterans and their dependents.\nFor the Establishment of a Democracy of Opportunity\n\nAgriculture\n\nWe have taken the farmers off the road to ruin. We have kept our pledge to agriculture to use all available means to raise farm income toward its pre-war purchasing power. The farmer is no longer suffering from 15-cent corn, 3-cent hogs, 2 1/2-cent beef at the farm, 5-cent wool, 30-cent wheat, 5-cent cotton, and 8-cent sugar.\nBy Federal legislation, we have reduced the farmer's indebtedness and doubled his net income. In cooperation with the States and through the varmers' own committees, we are restoring the fertility of his land and checking the erosion of his soil. We are bringing electricity and good roads to his home.\nWe will continue to improve the soil conservation and domestic allotment program with payments to farmers.\nWe will continue a fair-minded administration of agricultural laws, quick to recognize and meet new problems and conditions. We recognize the gravity of the evils of farm tenancy, and we pledge the full cooperation of the Government in the refinancing of farm indebtedness at the lowest possible rates of interest and over a long term of years.\nWe favor the production of all the market will absorb, both at home and abroad, plus a reserve supply sufficient to insure fair prices to consumers; we favor judicious commodity loans on seasonal surpluses; and we favor assistance within Federal authority to enable farmers to adjust and balance production with demand, at a fair profit to the farmers.\nWe favor encouragement of sound, practical farm co-operatives.\nBy the purchase and retirement of ten million acres of sub-marginal land, and assistance to those attempting to eke out an existence upon it, we have made a good beginning toward proper land use and rural rehabilitation.\nThe farmer has been returned to the road to freedom and prosperity. We will keep him on that road.\nLabor\n\nWe have given the army of America's industrial workers something more substantial than the Republicans' dinner pail full of promises. We have increased the worker's pay and shortened his hours; we have undertaken to put an end to the sweated labor of his wife and children; we have written into the law of the land his right to collective bargaining and self-organization free from the interference of employers; we have provided Federal machinery for the peaceful settlement of labor disputes.\nWe will continue to protect the worker and we will guard his rights, both as wage-earner and consumer, in the production and consumption of all commodities, including coal and water power and other natural resource products.\nThe worker has been returned to the road to freedom and prosperity. We will keep him on that road.\nBusiness\n\nWe have taken the American business man out of the red. We have saved his bank and given it a sounder foundation; we have extended credit; we have lowered interest rates; we have undertaken to free him from the ravages of cutthroat competition.\nThe American business man has been returned to the road to freedom and prosperity. We will keep him on that road.\nYouth\n\nWe have aided youth to stay in school; given them constructive occupation; opened the door to opportunity which 12 years of Republican neglect had closed.\nOur youth have been returned to the road to freedom and prosperity. We will keep them on that road.\nMonopoly and Concentration of Economic Power\n\nMonopolies and the concentration of economic power, the creation of Republican rule and privilege, continue to be the master of the producer, the exploiter of the consumer, and the enemy of the independent operator. This is a problem challenging the unceasing effort of untrammeled public officials in every branch of the Government. We pledge vigorously and fearlessly to enforce the criminal and civil provisions of the existing anti-trust laws, and to the extent that their effectiveness has been weakened by new corporate devices or judicial construction, we propose by law to restore their efficacy in stamping out monopolistic practices and the concentration of economic power.\nAid to Those Overtaken By Disaster\n\nWe have aided and will continue to aid those who have been visited by widespread drought and floods, and have adopted a Nation-wide flood-control policy.\nUnemployment\n\nWe believe that unemployment is a national problem, and that it is an inescapable obligation of our Government to meet it in a national way.\nDue to our stimulation of private business, more than five million people have been reemployed; and we shall continue to maintain that the first objective of a program of economic security is maximum employment in private industry at adequate wages. Where business fails to supply such employment, we believe that work at prevailing wages should be provided in cooperation with State and local governments on useful public projects, to the end that the national wealth may be increased, the skill and energy of the worker may be utilized, his morale maintained, and the unemployed assured the opportunity to earn the necessities of life.\nThe Constitution\n\nThe Republican platform proposes to meet many pressing national problems solely by action of the separate States. We know that drought, dust storms, floods, minimum wages, maximum hours, child labor, and working conditions in industry, monopolistic and unfair business practices cannot be adequately handled exclusively by 48 separate State legislatures, 48 separate State administrations, and 48 separate State courts. Transactions and activities which inevitably overflow State boundaries call for both State and Federal treatment.\nWe have sought and will continue to seek to meet these problems through legislation within the Constitution.\nIf these problems cannot be effectively solved by legislation within the Constitution, we shall seek such clarifying amendment as will assure to the legislatures of the several States and to the Congress of the United States, each within its proper jurisdiction, the power to enact those laws which the State and Federal legislatures, within their respective spheres, shall find necessary, in order adequately to regulate commerce, protect public health and safety and safeguard economic security. Thus we propose to maintain the letter and spirit of the Constitution.\nThe Merit System in Government\n\nFor the protection of government itself and promotion of its efficiency, we pledge the immediate extension of the merit system through the classified civil service—which was first established and fostered under Democratic auspices—to all non-policy-making positions in the Federal service.\nWe shall subject to the civil service law all continuing positions which, because of the emergency, have been exempt from its operation.\nCivil Liberties\n\nWe shall continue to guard the freedom of speech, press, radio, religion and assembly which our Constitution guarantees; with equal rights to all and special privileges to none.\nGovernment Finance\n\nThe Administration has stopped deflation, restored values and enabled business to go ahead with confidence.\nWhen national income shrinks, government income is imperilled. In reviving national income, we have fortified government finance. We have raised the public credit to a position of unsurpassed security. The interest rate on Government bonds has been reduced to the lowest point in twenty eight years. The same Government bonds which in 1932 sold under 83 are now selling over 104.\nWe approve the objective of a permanently sound currency so stabilized as to prevent the former wide fluctuations in value which injured in turn producers, debtors, and property owners on the one hand, and wage-earners and creditors on the other, a currency which will permit full utilization of the country's resources. We assert that today we have the soundest currency in the world.\nWe are determined to reduce the expenses of government. We are being aided therein by the recession in unemployment. As the requirements of relief decline and national income advances, an increasing percentage of Federal expenditures can and will be met from current revenues, secured from taxes levied in accordance with ability to pay. Our retrenchment, tax and recovery programs thus reflect our firm determination to achieve a balanced budget and the reduction of the national debt at the earliest possible moment.\nForeign Policy\n\nIn our relationship with other nations, this Government will continue to extend the policy of the Good Neighbor. We reaffirm our opposition to war as an instrument of national policy, and declare that disputes between nations should be settled by peaceful means. We shall continue to observe a true neutrality in the disputes of others; to be prepared, resolutely to resist aggression against ourselves; to work for peace and to take the profits out of war; to guard against being drawn, by political commitments, international banking or private trading, into any war which may develop anywhere.\nWe shall continue to foster the increase in our foreign trade which has been achieved by this administration; to seek by mutual agreement the lowering of those tariff barriers, quotas and embargoes which have been raised against our exports of agricultural and industrial products; but continue as in the past to give adequate protection to our farmers and manufacturers against unfair competition or the dumping on our shores of commodities and goods produced abroad by cheap labor or subsidized by foreign governments.\nThe Issue\n\nThe issue in this election is plain. The American people are called upon to choose between a Republican administration that has and would again regiment them in the service of privileged groups and a Democratic administration dedicated to the establishment of equal economic opportunity for all our people.\nWe have faith in the destiny of our nation. We are sufficiently endowed with natural resources and with productive capacity to provide for all a quality of life that meets the standards of real Americanism.\nDedicated to a government of liberal American principles, we are determined to oppose equally, the despotism of Communism and the menace of concealed Fascism.\nWe hold this final truth to be self-evident—that the interests, the security and the happiness of the people of the United States of America can be perpetuated only under democratic government as conceived by the founders of our nation.", "Words" -> 2302, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 170, "of" -> 114, "and" -> 105, "to" -> 103, "We" -> 50, "in" -> 35, "have" -> 33, "a" -> 32, "by" -> 26, "we" -> 23, "our" -> 21, "that" -> 19, "will" -> 18, "be" -> 18, "continue" -> 16, "which" -> 15, "has" -> 15, "for" -> 15, "been" -> 15, "with" -> 13, "The" -> 13, "people" -> 13, "Government" -> 12, "are" -> 12, "all" -> 12, "this" -> 11, "shall" -> 11, "on" -> 11, "road" -> 10, "his" -> 10, "national" -> 9, "government" -> 9, "Federal" -> 9, "at" -> 9, "years" -> 8, "those" -> 8, "power" -> 8, "its" -> 8, "is" -> 8, "truth" -> 7, "State" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "economic" -> 7, "as" -> 7, "American" -> 7, "self-evident—that" -> 6, "security" -> 6, "Republican" -> 6, "income" -> 6, "hold" -> 6, "business" -> 6, "within" -> 5, "through" -> 5, "States" -> 5, "returned" -> 5, "prosperity" -> 5, "other" -> 5, "new" -> 5, "leadership" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "keep" -> 5, "it" -> 5, "freedom" -> 5, "farmers" -> 5, "farm" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "an" -> 5, "administration" -> 5, "who" -> 4, "war" -> 4, "use" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "their" -> 4, "should" -> 4, "separate" -> 4, "public" -> 4, "problems" -> 4, "private" -> 4, "pledge" -> 4, "out" -> 4, "or" -> 4, "opportunity" -> 4, "more" -> 4, "million" -> 4, "meet" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "In" -> 4, "housing" -> 4, "him" -> 4, "given" -> 4, "favor" -> 4, "Democratic" -> 4, "against" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "12" -> 4, "worker" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "unemployment" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "toward" -> 3, "than" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "seek" -> 3, "restored" -> 3, "rate" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "program" -> 3, "production" -> 3, "price" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "life" -> 3, "legislatures" -> 3, "legislation" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "interest" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "guard" -> 3, "full" -> 3, "For" -> 3, "first" -> 3, "fair" -> 3, "end" -> 3, "disputes" -> 3, "determined" -> 3, "currency" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "cooperation" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "conditions" -> 3, "civil" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "can" -> 3, "By" -> 3, "both" -> 3, "between" -> 3, "believe" -> 3, "aided" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "48" -> 3, "2" -> 3, "youth" -> 2, "would" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "wealth" -> 2, "way" -> 2, "values" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "United" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "treatment" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "such" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "sound" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "Social" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "Security" -> 2, "saved" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "rights" -> 2, "resources" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "recovery" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "put" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "producer" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "privileged" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "possible" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "Our" -> 2, "old" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "necessities" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "Nation" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "monopolistic" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "made" -> 2, "lowest" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "inescapable" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "indebtedness" -> 2, "increased" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "homes" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "happiness" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "governments" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "free" -> 2, "foundation" -> 2, "fostered" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "floods" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "Establishment" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "electricity" -> 2, "drought" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "concentration" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "commodity" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "cheap" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "bank" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "assistance" -> 2, "As" -> 2, "America" -> 2, "Aid" -> 2, "adequately" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "5-cent" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "Youth" -> 1, "yardsticks" -> 1, "yardstick" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "worker's" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "wife" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "water" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "wage-earners" -> 1, "wage-earner" -> 1, "visited" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "varmers" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "untrammeled" -> 1, "unsurpassed" -> 1, "unholy" -> 1, "unhealthy" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unceasing" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "Transactions" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "today" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "three-year" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "tenancy" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "sweated" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surpluses" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supplanted" -> 1, "sugar" -> 1, "sufficiently" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "sub-marginal" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "stricken" -> 1, "storms" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stimulation" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "standards" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stamping" -> 1, "stabilized" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "spheres" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "soundest" -> 1, "sounder" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sorely" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "shrinks" -> 1, "shortened" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "service—which" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "self-organization" -> 1, "securities" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "seasonal" -> 1, "school" -> 1, "Savings" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "ruin" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "rid" -> 1, "reviving" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "retrenchment" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restraining" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relationship" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "regiment" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "refinancing" -> 1, "reestablishment" -> 1, "reemployed" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quick" -> 1, "quality" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "projects" -> 1, "programs" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "pre-war" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "Policy" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "plus" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "perpetuated" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "pays" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "pail" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "overweening" -> 1, "Overtaken" -> 1, "overtaken" -> 1, "overflow" -> 1, "outlawing" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "orphaned" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "operator" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "occupation" -> 1, "observe" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "non-policy-making" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neutrality" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "Neighbor" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "Nation-wide" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "Monopoly" -> 1, "Monopolies" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "Merit" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "meagre" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "malefactors" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lowered" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "Liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "kidnappers" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judicious" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "Issue" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "imperilled" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "humanizing" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hogs" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "handled" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "groups" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "gravity" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "goal" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "gamble" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "fortified" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "flood-control" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fertility" -> 1, "fearlessly" -> 1, "Fascism" -> 1, "farmer's" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "family" -> 1, "fair-minded" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "exploiter" -> 1, "exploit" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "erect" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "embargoes" -> 1, "Electrification" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "eke" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "efficacy" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dust" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "Disaster" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "dinner" -> 1, "dictatorship" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "defraud" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "Dedicated" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "decreased" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "debtors" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "cutthroat" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "curbing" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "cotton" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "corn" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "Concentration" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "concealed" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "Communism" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "clarifying" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "checking" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "brakes" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "beef" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "bandits" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "auspices—to" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "any" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "Americanism" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allotment" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "Age" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "absorb" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "8-cent" -> 1, "83" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3-cent" -> 1, "30-cent" -> 1, "1932" -> 1, "15-cent" -> 1, "1/2-cent" -> 1, "104" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1932", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1932, "Date" -> DateObject[{1932, 6, 27}], "Text" -> "In this time of unprecedented economic and social distress the Democratic Party declares its conviction that the chief causes of this condition were the disastrous policies pursued by our government since the World War, of economic isolation, fostering the merger of competitive businesses into monopolies and encouraging the indefensible expansion and contraction of credit for private profit at the expense of the public.\nThose who were responsible for these policies have abandoned the ideals on which the war was won and thrown away the fruits of victory, thus rejecting the greatest opportunity in history to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to our people and to the world.\nThey have ruined our foreign trade; destroyed the values of our commodities and products, crippled our banking system, robbed millions of our people of their life savings, and thrown millions more out of work, produced wide-spread poverty and brought the government to a state of financial distress unprecedented in time of peace.\nThe only hope for improving present conditions, restoring employment, affording permanent relief to the people, and bringing the nation back to the proud position of domestic happiness and of financial, industrial, agricultural and commercial leadership in the world lies in a drastic change in economic governmental policies.\nWe believe that a party platform is a covenant with the people to have [sic] faithfully kept by the party when entrusted with power, and that the people are entitled to know in plain words the terms of the contract to which they are asked to subscribe. We hereby declare this to be the platform of the Democratic Party:\nThe Democratic Party solemnly promises by appropriate action to put into effect the principles, policies, and reforms herein advocated, and to eradicate the policies, methods, and practices herein condemned. We advocate an immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating departments and bureaus, and eliminating extravagance to accomplish a saving of not less than twenty-five per cent in the cost of the Federal Government. And we call upon the Democratic Party in the states to make a zealous effort to achieve a proportionate result.\nWe favor maintenance of the national credit by a federal budget annually balanced on the basis of accurate executive estimates within revenues, raised by a system of taxation levied on the principle of ability to pay.\nWe advocate a sound currency to be preserved at all hazards and an international monetary conference called on the invitation of our government to consider the rehabilitation of silver and related questions.\nWe advocate a competitive tariff for revenue with a fact-finding tariff commission free from executive interference, reciprocal tariff agreements with other nations, and an international economic conference designed to restore international trade and facilitate exchange.\nWe advocate the extension of federal credit to the states to provide unemployment relief wherever the diminishing resources of the states makes it impossible for them to provide for the needy; expansion of the federal program of necessary and useful construction effected [sic] with a public interest, such as adequate flood control and waterways.\nWe advocate the spread of employment by a substantial reduction in the hours of labor, the encouragement of the shorter week by applying that principle in government service; we advocate advance planning of public works.\nWe advocate unemployment and old-age insurance under state laws.\nWe favor the restoration of agriculture, the nation's basic industry; better financing of farm mortgages through recognized farm bank agencies at low rates of interest on an amortization plan, giving preference to credits for the redemption of farms and homes sold under foreclosure.\nExtension and development of the Farm co-operative movement and effective control of crop surpluses so that our farmers may have the full benefit of the domestic market.\nThe enactment of every constitutional measure that will aid the farmers to receive for their basic farm commodities prices in excess of cost.\nWe advocate a Navy and an Army adequate for national defense, based on a survey of all facts affecting the existing establishments, that the people in time of peace may not be burdened by an expenditure fast approaching a billion dollars annually.\nWe advocate strengthening and impartial enforcement of the anti-trust laws, to prevent monopoly and unfair trade practices, and revision thereof for the better protection of labor and the small producer and distributor.\nThe conservation, development, and use of the nation's water power in the public interest.\nThe removal of government from all fields of private enterprise except where necessary to develop public works and natural resources in the common interest.\nWe advocate protection of the investing public by requiring to be filed with the government and carried in advertisements of all offerings of foreign and domestic stocks and bonds true information as to bonuses, commissions, principal invested, and interests of the sellers.\nRegulation to the full extent of federal power, of:\n(a) Holding companies which sell securities in interstate commerce;\n(b) Rates of utilities companies operating across State lines;\n(c) Exchanges in securities and commodities. We advocate quicker methods of realizing on assets for the relief of depositors of suspended banks, and a more rigid supervision of national banks for the protection of depositors and the prevention of the use of their moneys in speculation to the detriment of local credits.\nThe severance of affiliated security companies from, and the divorce of the investment banking business from, commercial banks, and further restriction of federal reserve banks in permitting the use of federal reserve facilities for speculative purposes.\nWe advocate the full measure of justice and generosity for all war veterans who have suffered disability or disease caused by or resulting from actual service in time of war and for their dependents.\nWe advocate a firm foreign policy, including peace with all the world and the settlement of international disputes by arbitration; no interference in the internal affairs of other nations; and sanctity of treaties and the maintenance of good faith and of good will in financial obligations; adherence to the World Court with appending reservations; the Pact of Paris abolishing war as an instrument of national policy, to be made effective by provisions for consultation and conference in case of threatened violations of treaties.\nInternational agreements for reduction of armaments and cooperation with nations of the Western Hemisphere to maintain the spirit of the Monroe Doctrine.\nWe oppose cancelation of the debts owing to the United States by foreign nations.\nIndependence for the Philippines; ultimate statehood for Puerto Rico.\nThe employment of American citizens in the operation of the Panama Canal.\nSimplification of legal procedure and reorganization of the judicial system to make the attainment of justice speedy, certain, and at less cost.\nContinuous publicity of political contributions and expenditures; strengthening of the Corrupt Practices Act and severe penalties for misappropriation of campaign funds.\nWe advocate the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. To effect such repeal we demand that the Congress immediately propose a Constitutional Amendment to truly represent [sic] the conventions in the states called to act solely on that proposal; we urge the enactment of such measures by the several states as will actually promote temperance, effectively prevent the return of the saloon, and bring the liquor traffic into the open under complete supervision and control by the states.\nWe demand that the Federal Government effectively exercise its power to enable the states to protect themselves against importation of intoxicating liquors in violation of their laws.\nPending repeal, we favor immediate modification of the Volstead Act; to legalize the manufacture and sale of beer and other beverages of such alcoholic content as is permissible under the Constitution and to provide therefrom a proper and needed revenue.\nWe condemn the improper and excessive use of money in political activities.\nWe condemn paid lobbies of special interests to influence members of Congress and other public servants by personal contact.\nWe condemn action and utterances of high public officials designed to influence stock exchange prices.\nWe condemn the open and cover resistance of administrative officials to every effort made by Congressional Committees to curtail the extravagant expenditures of the Government and to revoke improvident subsidies granted to favorite interests.\nWe condemn the extravagance of the Farm Board, its disastrous action which made the Government a speculator in farm products, and the unsound policy of restricting agricultural products to the demands of domestic markets.\nWe condemn the usurpation of power by the State Department in assuming to pass upon foreign securities offered by international bankers as a result of which billions of dollars in questionable bonds have been sold to the public upon the implied approval of the Federal Government.\nAnd in conclusion, to accomplish these purposes and to recover economic liberty, we pledge the nominees of this convention the best efforts of a great Party whose founder announced the doctrine which guides us now in the hour of our country's need: equal rights to all; special privilege to none.", "Words" -> 1489, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 127, "of" -> 116, "and" -> 72, "to" -> 55, "in" -> 32, "We" -> 25, "a" -> 24, "for" -> 20, "by" -> 20, "advocate" -> 14, "that" -> 10, "with" -> 9, "public" -> 9, "our" -> 9, "on" -> 8, "The" -> 7, "states" -> 7, "an" -> 7, "all" -> 7, "which" -> 6, "we" -> 6, "people" -> 6, "have" -> 6, "government" -> 6, "federal" -> 6, "condemn" -> 6, "as" -> 6, "their" -> 5, "power" -> 5, "policies" -> 5, "Party" -> 5, "international" -> 5, "Government" -> 5, "from" -> 5, "foreign" -> 5, "economic" -> 5, "be" -> 5, "war" -> 4, "use" -> 4, "under" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "this" -> 4, "such" -> 4, "peace" -> 4, "other" -> 4, "nations" -> 4, "national" -> 4, "interest" -> 4, "farm" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "Democratic" -> 4, "banks" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "world" -> 3, "will" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "tariff" -> 3, "system" -> 3, "sic" -> 3, "securities" -> 3, "repeal" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "protection" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "its" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "full" -> 3, "financial" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "favor" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "cost" -> 3, "control" -> 3, "conference" -> 3, "companies" -> 3, "commodities" -> 3, "action" -> 3, "World" -> 2, "works" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "unprecedented" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "thrown" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "supervision" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "state" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "sold" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "result" -> 2, "resources" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "private" -> 2, "principle" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "practices" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "party" -> 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"redemption" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "Rates" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "quicker" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "questionable" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "propose" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportionate" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "program" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "Practices" -> 1, "poverty" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "planning" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permissible" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "Pending" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "owing" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "old-age" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "offerings" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "needy" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "moneys" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "misappropriation" -> 1, "merger" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "lobbies" -> 1, "liquors" -> 1, "liquor" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "life" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "legalize" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "investment" -> 1, "investing" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "intoxicating" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "In" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improvident" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "implied" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "Holding" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "guides" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "generosity" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "founder" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "favorite" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "fact-finding" -> 1, "facilities" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "Exchanges" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "estimates" -> 1, "establishments" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "Eighteenth" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "distributor" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "diminishing" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "Corrupt" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contraction" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "Continuous" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "contact" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "consolidating" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "conclusion" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "cancelation" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "(c)" -> 1, "businesses" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "bonuses" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "beverages" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "beer" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "bankers" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "(b)" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "assuming" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "appending" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "amortization" -> 1, "American" -> 1, "alcoholic" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "affiliated" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "advertisements" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "(a)" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1928", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1928, "Date" -> DateObject[{1928, 6, 26}], "Text" -> "We, the Democratic Party in convention assembled, pause to pay our tribute of love and respect to the memory of him who in his life and in his official actions voiced the hopes and aspirations of all good men and women of every race and clime, the former President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson. His spirit moves on and his example and deeds will exalt those who come after us as they have inspired us.\nWe are grateful that we were privileged to work with him and again pay tribute to his high ideals and accomplishments.\nWe reaffirm our devotion to the principles of Democratic government formulated by Jefferson and enforced by a long and illustrious line of Democratic Presidents.\nWe hold that government must function not to centralize our wealth but to preserve equal opportunity so that all may share in our priceless resources; and not confine prosperity to a favored few. We, therefore, pledge the Democratic Party to encourage business, small and great alike; to conserve human happiness and liberty; to break the shackles of monopoly and free business of the nation; to respond to the popular will.\nThe function of a national platform is to declare general principles and party policies. We do not, therefore, assume to bind our party respecting local issues or details of legislation.\nWe, therefore, declare the policy of the Democratic Party with regard to the following dominant national issues:\nThe Rights of the States\n\nWe demand that the constitutional rights and powers of the states shall be preserved in their full vigor and virtue. These constitute a bulwark against centralization and the destructive tendencies of the Republican Party.\nWe oppose bureaucracy and the multiplication of offices and officeholders.\nWe demand a revival of the spirit of local self-government, without which free institutions cannot be preserved.\nRepublican Corruption\n\nUnblushingly the Republican Party offers as its record agriculture prostrate, industry depressed, American shipping destroyed, workmen without employment; everywhere disgust and suspicion, and corruption unpunished and unafraid.\nNever in the entire history of the country has there occurred in any given period of time or, indeed, in all time put together, such a spectacle of sordid corruption and unabashed rascality as that which has characterized the administration of federal affairs under eight blighting years of Republican rule. Not the revels of reconstruction,В nor all the compounded frauds succeeding that evil era, have approached in sheer audacity the shocking thieveries and startling depravities of officials high and low in the public service at Washington. From cabinet ministers, with their treasonable crimes, to the cheap vendors of official patronage, from the purchasers of seats in the United States Senate to the vulgar grafters upon alien trust funds, and upon the hospital resources of the disabled veterans of the World War; from the givers and receivers of stolen funds for Republican campaign purposes to the public men who sat by silently consenting and never revealing a fact or uttering a word in condemnation, the whole official organization under Republican rule has become saturated with dishonesty defiant of public opinion and actuated only by a partisan desire to perpetuate its control of the government.\nAs in the time of Samuel J. Tilden, from whom the presidency was stolen, the watchword of the day should be: \"Turn the rascals out.\" This is the appeal of the Democratic Party to the people of the country. To this fixed purpose should be devoted every effort and applied every resource of the party; to this end every minor difference on non-essential issues should be put aside and a determined and a united fight be made to rescue the government from those who have betrayed their trust by disgracing it.\nEconomy And Reorganization\n\nThe Democratic Party stands for efficiency and economy in the administration of public affairs and we pledge:\n(a) Business-like reorganization of all the departments of the government.\n(b) Elimination of duplication, waste and overlapping.\n(c) Substitution of modern business-like methods for existing obsolete and antiquated conditions.\nNo economy resulted from the Republican Party rule. The savings they claim take no account of the elimination of expenditures following the end of the World War, the large sums realized from the sale of war materials, nor its failure to supply sufficient funds for the efficient conduct of many important governmental activities.\nFinancing and Taxation\n\n(a) The Federal Reserve system, created and inaugurated under Democratic auspices, is the greatest legislative contribution to constructive business ever adopted. The administration of the system for the advantage of stock market speculators should cease. It must be administered for the benefit of farmers, wage earners, merchants, manufacturers and others engaged in constructive business.\n(b) The taxing function of governments, free or despotic, has for centuries been regarded as the power above all others which requires vigilant scrutiny to the end that it be not exercised for purposes of favor or oppression.\nThree times since the World War the Democrats in Congress have favored a reduction of the tax burdens of the people in face of stubborn opposition from a Republican administration; and each time these reductions have largely been made for the relief of those least able to endure the exactions of a Republican fiscal policy. The tax bill of the session recently ended was delayed by Republican tactics and juggled by partisan considerations so as to make impossible a full measure of relief to the greater body of taxpayers. The moderate reductions afforded were grudgingly conceded and the whole proceeding in Congress, dictated as far as possible from the White House and the treasury, denoted the proverbial desire of the Republican Party always to discriminate against the masses in favor of privileged classes.\nThe Democratic Party avows its belief in the fiscal policy inaugurated by the last Democratic Administration, which provided a sinking fund sufficient to extinguish the nation's indebtedness within a reasonable period of time, without harassing the present and next succeeding generations with tax burdens which, if not unendurable, do in fact check initiative in enterprise and progress in business. Taxes levied beyond the actual requirements of the legally established sinking fund are but an added burden upon the American people, and the surplus thus accumulated in the federal treasury is an incentive to the increasingly extravagant expenditures which have characterized Republican administrations. We, therefore, favor a further reduction of the internal taxes of the people.\nTariff\n\nThe Democratic tariff legislation will be based on the following policies:\n(a) The maintenance of legitimate business and a high standard of wages for American labor.\n(b) Increasing the purchasing power of wages and income by the reduction of those monopolistic and extortionate tariff rates bestowed in payment of political debts.\n(c) Abolition of log-rolling and restoration of the Wilson conception of a fact-finding tariff commission, quasi-judicial and free from the executive domination which has destroyed the usefulness of the present commission.\n(d) Duties that will permit effective competition, insure against monopoly and at the same time produce a fair revenue for the support of government. Actual difference between the cost of production at home and abroad, with adequate safeguard for the wage of the American laborer must be the extreme measure of every tariff rate.\n(e) Safeguarding the public against monopoly created by special tariff favors.\n(f) Equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens of the tariff among all.\nWage-earner, farmer, stockman, producer and legitimate business in general have everything to gain from a Democratic tariff based on justice to all.\nCivil Service\n\nGrover Cleveland made the extension of the merit system a tenet of our political faith. We shall preserve and maintain the civil service.\nAgriculture\n\nDeception upon the farmer and stock raiser has been practiced by the Republican Party through false and delusive promises for more than fifty years. Specially favored industries have been artificially aided by Republican legislation. Comparatively little has been done for agriculture and stock raising, upon which national prosperity rests. Unsympathetic inaction with regard to this problem must cease. Virulent hostility of the Republican administration to the advocates of farm relief and denial of the right of farm organizations to lead in the development of farm policy must yield to Democratic sympathy and friendliness.\nFour years ago the Republican Party, forced to acknowledge the critical situation, pledged itself to take all steps necessary to bring back a balanced condition between agriculture and other industries and labor. Today it faces the country not only with that pledge unredeemed but broken by the acts of a Republican President, who is primarily responsible for the failure to offer a constructive program to restore equality to agriculture.\nWhile he has had no constructive and adequate program to offer in its stead, he has twice vetoed farm relief legislation and has sought to justify his disapproval of agricultural legislation partly on grounds wholly inconsistent with his acts, making industrial monopolies the beneficiaries of government favor; and in endorsing the agricultural policy of the present administration the Republican Party, in its recent convention, served notice upon the farmer that the so-called protective system is not meant for him; that while it offers protection to the privileged few, it promises continued world prices to the producers of the chief cash crops of agriculture.\nWe condemn the policy of the Republican Party which promises relief to agriculture only through a reduction of American farm production to the needs of the domestic market. Such a program means the continued deflation of agriculture, the forcing of additional millions from the farms, and the perpetuation of agricultural distress for years to come, with continued bad effects on business and labor throughout the United States.\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that the problems of production differ as between agriculture and industry. Industrial production is largely under human control, while agricultural production, because of lack of coordination among the 6,500,000 individual farm units, and because of the influence of weather, pests and other causes, is largely beyond human control. The result is that a large crop frequently is produced on a small acreage and a small crop on a large acreage; and, measured in money value, it frequently happens that a large crop brings less than a small crop.\nProducers of crops whose total volume exceeds the needs of the domestic market must continue at a disadvantage until the government shall intervene as seriously and as effectively in behalf of the farmer as it has intervened in behalf of labor and industry. There is a need of supplemental legislation for the control and orderly handling of agricultural surpluses, in order that the price of the surplus may not determine the price of the whole crop. Labor has benefited by collective bargaining and some industries by tariff. Agriculture must be as effectively aided.\nThe Democratic Party in its 1924 platform pledged its support to such legislation. It now reaffirms that stand and pledges the united efforts of the legislative and executive branches of government, as far as may be controlled by the party, to the immediate enactment of such legislation, and to such other steps as are necessary to establish and maintain the purchasing power of farm products and the complete economic equality of agriculture.\nThe Democratic Party has always stood against special privilege and for common equality under the law. It is a fundamental principle of the party that such tariffs as are levied must not discriminate against any industry, class or section. Therefore, we pledge that in its tariff policy the Democratic Party will insist upon equality of treatment between agriculture and other industries.\nFarm relief must rest on the basis of an economic equality of agriculture with other industries. To give this equality a remedy must be found which will include among other things:\n(a) Credit aid by loans to co-operatives on at least as favorable a basis as the government aid to the merchant marine.\n(b) Creation of a federal farm board to assist the farmer and stock raiser in the marketing of their products, as the Federal Reserve Board has done for the banker and business man. When our archaic banking and currency system was revised after its record of disaster and panic under Republican administrations, it was a Democratic Congress in the administration of a Democratic President that accomplished its stabilization through the Federal Reserve Act creating the Federal Reserve Board, with powers adequate to its purpose. Now, in the hour of agriculture's need, the Democratic Party pledges the establishment of a new agricultural policy fitted to present conditions, under the direction of a farm board vested with all the powers necessary to accomplish for agriculture what the Federal Reserve Board has been able to accomplish for finance, in full recognition of the fact that the banks of the country, through voluntary cooperation, were never able to stabilize the financial system of the country until the government powers were invoked to help them.\n(c) Reduction through proper government agencies of the spread between what the farmer and stock raiser gets and the ultimate consumer pays, with consequent benefits to both.\n(d) Consideration of the condition of agriculture in the formulation of government financial and tax measures.\nWe pledge the party to foster and develop co-operative marketing associations through appropriate governmental aid. We recognize that experience has demonstrated that members of such associations alone can not successfully assume the full responsibility for a program that benefits all producers alike. We pledge the party to an earnest endeavor to solve this problem of the distribution of the cost of dealing with crop surpluses over the marketed units of the crop whose producers are benefited by such assistance. The solution of this problem would avoid government subsidy, to which the Democratic Party has always been opposed. The solution of this problem will be a prime and immediate concern of a Democratic administration.\nWe direct attention to the fact that it was a Democratic Congress, in the administration of a Democratic President, which established the federal loan system and laid the foundation for the entire rural credits structure, which has aided agriculture to sustain in part the shock of the policies of two Republican administrations; and we promise thorough-going administration of our rural credits laws, so that the farmers in all sections may secure the maximum benefits intended under these acts.\nMining\n\nMining is one of the basic industries of this country. We produce more coal, iron and copper than any other country. The value of our mineral production is second only to agriculture. Mining has suffered like agriculture, and from similar causes. It is the duty of our government to foster this industry and to remove the restrictions that destroy its prosperity.\nForeign Policy\n\nThe Republican administration has no foreign policy; it has drifted without plan. This great nation can not afford to play a minor role in world politics. It must have a sound and positive foreign policy, not a negative one. We declare for a constructive foreign policy based on these principles:\n(a) Outlawry of war and an abhorrence of militarism, conquest and imperialism.\n(b) Freedom from entangling political alliances with foreign nations.\n(c) Protection of American lives and rights. (d) Non-interference with the elections or other internal political affairs of any foreign nation. This principle of non-interference extends to Mexico, Nicaragua and all other Latin-American nations. Interference in the purely internal affairs of Latin-American countries must cease.\n(e) Rescue of our country from its present impaired world standing and restoration to its former position as a leader in the movement for international arbitration, conciliation, conference and limitation of armament by international agreement.\n(f) International agreements for reduction of all armaments and the end of competitive war preparations, and, in the meantime, the maintenance of an army and navy adequate for national defense.\n(g) Full, free and open co-operation with all other nations for the promotion of peace and justice throughout the world.\n(h) In our foreign relations this country should stand as a unit, and, to be successful, foreign policies must have the approval and the support of the American people.\n(i) Abolition of the practice of the President of entering into and carrying out agreements with a foreign government, either de facto or de jure, for the protection of such government against revolution or foreign attack, or for the supervision of its internal affairs, when such agreements have not been advised and consented to by the Senate, as provided in the Constitution of the United States, and we condemn the administration for carrying out such an unratified agreement that requires us to use our armed forces in Nicaragua.\n(j) Recognition that the Monroe Doctrine is a cardinal principle of this government promulgated for the protection of ourselves and our Latin-American neighbors. We shall seek their friendly co-operation in the maintenance of this doctrine.\n(k) We condemn the Republican administration for lack of statesmanship and efficiency in negotiating the 1921 treaty for the limitation of armaments, which limited only the construction of battleships and ships of over ten thousand tons. Merely a gesture towards peace, it accomplished no limitation of armament, because it simply substituted one weapon of destruction for another. While it resulted in the destruction of our battleships and the blueprints of battleships of other nations, it placed no limitation upon construction of aircraft, submarines, cruisers, warships under ten thousand tons, poisonous gases or other weapons of destruction. No agreement was ratified with regard to submarines and poisonous gases. The attempt of the President to remedy the failure of 1921 by the Geneva Conference of 1928 was characterized by the same lack of statesmanship and efficiency and resulted in entire failure.\nIn consequence, the race between nations in the building of unlimited weapons of destruction still goes on and the peoples of the world are still threatened with war and burdened with taxation for additional armament.\nWaterpower, Waterways and Flood Control\n\nThe federal government and state governments, respectively, now have absolute and exclusive sovereignty and control over enormous water-powers, which constitute one of the greatest assets of the nation. This sovereign title and control must be preserved respectively in the state and federal governments, to the end that the people may be protected against exploitation of this great resource and that water powers may be expeditiously developed under such regulations as will insure to the people reasonable rates and equitable distribution.\nWe favor and will promote deep waterways from the Great Lakes to the Gulf and to the Atlantic Ocean.\nWe favor the fostering and building up of water transportation through improvement of inland waterways and removal of discrimination against water transportation. Flood control and the lowering of flood levels are essential to the safety of life and property, and the productivity of our lands, the navigability of our streams, the reclaiming of our wet and overflowed lands. We favor expeditious construction of flood relief works on the Mississippi and Colorado rivers and such reclamation and irrigation projects upon the Colorado River as may be found feasible.\nWe favor appropriations for prompt co-ordinated surveys by the United States to determine the possibilities of general navigation improvements and waterpower development on navigable streams and their tributaries and to secure reliable information as to the most economical navigation improvement, in combination with the most efficient and complete development of waterpower.\nWe favor the strict enforcement of the Federal Waterpower Act, a Democratic act, and insist that the public interest in waterpower sites, ignored by two Republican administrations, be protected.\nBeing deeply impressed by the terrible disasters from floods in the Mississippi Valley during 1927, we heartily endorse the Flood Control Act of last May, which recognizes that the flood waters of the Mississippi River and its tributaries constitute a national problem of the gravest character and makes provision for their speedy and effective control. This measure is a continuation and expansion of the policy established by a Democratic Congress in 1917 in the act of that year for controlling floods on the Mississippi and Sacramento rivers. It is a great piece of constructive legislation, and we pledge our party to its vigorous and early enforcement.\nConservation And Reclamation\n\nWe shall conserve the natural resources of our country for the benefit of the people and to protect them against waste and monopolization. Our disappearing resources of timber call for a national policy of reforestation. The federal government should improve and develop its public lands so that they may go into private ownership and become subjected to taxation for the support of the states wherein they exist. The Democratic administration will actively, efficiently and economically carry on reclamation projects and make equitable adjustments with the homestead entry-men for the mistakes the government has made, and extend all practical aid to refinance reclamation and drainage projects.\nTransportation\n\nEfficient and economical transportation is essential to the prosperity of every industry. Cost of transportation controls the income of every human being and materially affects the cost of living. We must, therefore, promote every form of transportation to a state of highest efficiency. Recognizing the prime importance of air transportation, we shall encourage its development by every possible means. Improved roads are of vital importance not only to commerce and industry, but also to agriculture and rural life. The federal government should construct and maintain at its own expense roads upon its public lands. We reaffirm our approval of the Federal Roads Law, enacted by a Democratic administration. Common carriers, whether by land, water or rail, must be protected in all equal opportunity to compete, so that governmental regulations against exorbitant rates and inefficiency will be aided by competition.\nLabor\n\n(a) We favor the principle of collective bargaining, and the Democratic principle that organized labor should choose its own representatives without coercion or interference.\n(b) Labor is not a commodity. Human rights must be safeguarded. Labor should be exempt from the operation of anti-trust laws.\n(c) We recognize that legislative and other investigations have shown the existence of grave abuse in the issuance of injunctions in labor disputes. No injunctions should be granted in labor disputes except upon proof of threatened irreparable injury and after notice and hearing and the injunction should be confined to those acts which do directly threaten irreparable injury. The expressed purpose of representatives of capital, labor and the bar to devise a plan for the elimination of the present evils with respect to injunctions must be supported and legislation designed to accomplish these ends formulated and passed.\n(d) We favor legislation providing that products of convict labor shipped from one state to another shall be subject to laws of the latter state, as though they had been produced therein.\nUnemployment\n\nUnemployment is present, widespread and increasing. Unemployment is almost as destructive to the happiness, comfort, and well-being of human beings as war. We expend vast sums of money to protect our people against the evils of war, but no governmental program is anticipated to prevent the awful suffering and economic losses of unemployment. It threatens the well-being of millions of our people and endangers the prosperity of the nation. We favor the adoption by the government, after a study of this subject, of a scientific plan whereby during periods of unemployment appropriations shall be made available for the construction of necessary public works and the lessening, as far as consistent with public interests, of government construction work when labor is generally and satisfactorily employed in private enterprise.\nStudy should also be made of modern methods of industry and a constructive solution found to absorb and utilize the surplus human labor released by the increasing use of machinery.\nAccident Compensation to Government Employees\n\nWe favor legislation making fair and liberal compensation to government employees who are injured in accident or by occupational disease and to the dependents of such workers as may die as a result thereof.\nFederal Employees\n\nFederal employees should receive a living wage based upon American standards of decent living. Present wages are, in many instances, far below that standard. We favor a fair and liberal retirement law for government employees in the classified service.\nVeterans\n\nThrough Democratic votes, and in spite of two Republican Presidents' opposition, the Congress has maintained America's traditional policy to generously care for the veterans of the World War. In extending them free hospitalization, a statutory award for tuberculosis, a program of progressive hospital construction, and provisions for compensation for the disabled, the widows and orphans, America has surpassed the record of any nation in the history of the world. We pledge the veterans that none of the benefits heretofore accorded by the Wilson administration and the votes of Democrat members of Congress shall be withdrawn; that these will be added to more in accordance with the veterans' and their dependents' actual needs. Generous appropriations, honest management, the removal of vexatious administration delays, and sympathetic assistance for the veterans of all wars, is what the Democratic Party demands and promises.\nWomen and Children\n\nWe declare for equality of women with men in all political and governmental matters.\nChildren are the chief asset of the nation. Therefore their protection through infancy and childhood against exploitation is an important national duty.\nThe Democratic Party has always opposed the exploitation of women in industry and has stood for such conditions of work as will preserve their health and safety.\nWe favor an equal wage for equal service; and likewise favor adequate appropriations for the women's and children's bureau.\nImmigration\n\nLaws which limit immigration must be preserved in full force and effect, but the provisions contained in these laws that separate husbands from wives and parents from infant children are inhuman and not essential to the purpose or the efficacy of such laws.\nRadio\n\nGovernment supervision must secure to all the people the advantage of radio communication and likewise guarantee the right of free speech. Official control in contravention of this guarantee should not be tolerated. Governmental control must prevent monopolistic use of radio communication and guarantee equitable distribution and enjoyment thereof.\nCoal\n\nBituminous coal is not only the common base of manufacture, but it is a vital agency in our interstate transportation. The demoralization of this industry, its labor conflicts and distress, its waste of a national resource and disordered public service, demand constructive legislation that will allow capital and labor a fair share of prosperity, with adequate protection to the consuming public.\nCongressional Election Reform\n\nWe favor legislation to prevent defeated members of both houses of Congress from participating in the sessions of Congress by fixing the date for convening the Congress immediately after the biennial national election.\nLaw Enforcement\n\nCampaign Expenditures\n\nWe condemn the improper and excessive use of money in elections as a danger threatening the very existence of democratic institutions. Republican expenditures in senatorial primaries and elections have been so exorbitant as to constitute a national scandal. We favor publicity in all matters affecting campaign contributions and expenditures. We shall, beginning not later than August 1, 1928, and every thirty days thereafter, the last publication and filing being not later than five days before the election, publish in the press and file with the appropriate committees of the House and Senate a complete account of all contributions, the names of the contributors, the amounts expended and the purposes for which the expenditures are made, and will, at all times, hold open for public inspection the books and records relating to such matters. In the event that any financial obligations are contracted and not paid, our National Committee will similarly report and publish, at least five days before the election, all details respecting such obligations.\nWe agree to keep and maintain a permanent record of all campaign contributions and expenditures and to insist that contributions by the citizens of one state to the campaign committees of other states shall have immediate publicity.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe reaffirm our support of an efficient, dependable American merchant marine for the carriage of the greater portion of our commerce and for the national defense.\nThe Democratic Party has consistently and vigorously supported the shipping services maintained by the regional United States Shipping Board in the interest of all ports and all sections of our country, and has successfully opposed the discontinuance of any of these lines. We favor the transfer of these lines gradually to the local private American companies, when such companies can show their ability to take over and permanently maintain the lines. Lines that can not now be transferred to private enterprise should continue to be operated as at present and should be kept in an efficient state by remodeling of some vessels and replacement of others.\nWe are unalterably opposed to a monopoly in American shipping and are opposed to the operation of any of our services in a manner that would retard the development of any ports or section of our country.\nWe oppose such sacrifices and favoritism as exhibited in the past in the matter of alleged sales, and insist that the primary purpose of legislation upon this subject be the establishment and maintenance of an adequate American merchant marine.\nArmenia\n\nWe favor the most earnest efforts on the part of the United States to secure the fulfillment of the promises and engagements made during and following the World War by the United States and the allied powers to Armenia and her people.\nEducation\n\nWe believe with Jefferson and other founders of the Republic that ignorance is the enemy of freedom and that each state, being responsible for the intellectual and moral qualifications of its citizens and for the expenditure of the moneys collected by taxation for the support of its schools, shall use its sovereign right in all matters pertaining to education.\nThe federal government should offer to the states such counsel, advice, results of research and aid as may be made available through the federal agencies for the general improvement of our schools in view of our national needs.\nMonopolies and Anti-Trust Laws\n\nDuring the last seven years, under Republican rule, the anti-trust laws have been thwarted, ignored and violated so that the country is rapidly becoming controlled by trusts and sinister monopolies formed for the purpose of wringing from the necessaries of life an unrighteous profit. These combinations are formed and conducted in violation of law, encouraged, aided and abetted in their activities by the Republican administration and are driving all small tradespeople and small industrialists out of business. Competition is one of the most sacred, cherished and economic rights of the American people. We demand the strict enforcement of the anti-trust laws and the enactment of other laws, if necessary, to control this great menace to trade and commerce, and thus to preserve the right of the small merchant and manufacturer to earn a legitimate profit from his business.\nDishonest business should be treated without influence at the national capitol. Honest business, no matter its size, need have no fears of a Democratic administration. The Democratic Party will ever oppose illegitimate and dishonest. business. It will foster, promote, and encourage all legitimate enterprises.\nCanal Zone\n\nWe favor the employment of American citizens in the operation and maintenance of the Panama Canal in all positions above the grade of messenger and favor as liberal wages and conditions of employment as prevailed under previous Democratic administrations.\nAlaska—Hawaii\n\nWe favor the development of Alaska and Hawaii in the traditional American way, through self-government. We favor the appointment of only bona fide residents to office in the territories. We favor the extension and improvement of the mail, air mail, telegraph and radio, agricultural experimenting, highway construction, and other necessary federal activities in the territories.\nPuerto Rico\n\nWe favor granting to Puerto Rico such territorial form of government as would meet the present economic conditions of the island, and provide for the aspirations of her people, with the view to ultimate statehood accorded to all territories of the United States since the beginning of our government, and we believe any officials appointed to administer the government of such territories should be qualified by previous bona fide residence therein.\nPhilippines\n\nThe Filipino people have succeeded in maintaining a stable government and have thus fulfilled the only condition laid down by the Congress as a prerequisite to the granting of independence. We declare that it is now our duty to keep our promise to these people by granting them immediately the independence which they so honorably covet.\nPublic Health\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes that not only the productive wealth of the nation but its contentment and happiness depends upon the health of its citizens. It, therefore, pledges itself to enlarge the existing Bureau of Public Health and to do all things possible to stamp out communicable and contagious diseases, and to ascertain preventive means and remedies for these diseases, such as cancer, infantile paralysis and others which heretofore have largely defied the skill of physicians.\nWe pledge our party to spare no means to lift the apprehension of diseases from the minds of our people, and to appropriate all moneys necessary to carry out this pledge.\nConclusion\n\nAffirming our faith in these principles, we submit our cause to the people.", "Words" -> 5517, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 440, "of" -> 345, "and" -> 279, "to" -> 154, "in" -> 100, "a" -> 89, "for" -> 68, "We" -> 58, "that" -> 53, "by" -> 45, "as" -> 43, "be" -> 41, "our" -> 39, "Democratic" -> 37, "all" -> 34, "The" -> 33, "with" -> 32, "is" -> 32, "its" -> 31, "government" -> 31, "Republican" -> 28, "has" -> 28, "favor" -> 26, "Party" -> 25, "from" -> 24, "such" -> 23, "not" -> 23, "which" -> 21, "must" -> 21, "have" -> 20, "this" -> 19, "should" -> 19, "administration" -> 19, "will" -> 18, "people" -> 18, "are" -> 18, "other" -> 17, "on" -> 17, "agriculture" -> 17, "or" -> 16, "it" -> 16, "legislation" -> 15, "American" -> 15, "upon" -> 14, "policy" -> 14, "business" -> 14, "public" -> 13, "national" -> 13, "labor" -> 13, "country" -> 13, "an" -> 13, "against" -> 13, "under" -> 12, "their" -> 12, "shall" -> 12, "these" -> 11, "federal" -> 11, "control" -> 11, "Congress" -> 11, "been" -> 11, "we" -> 10, "through" -> 10, "States" -> 10, "pledge" -> 10, "only" -> 10, "may" -> 10, "industry" -> 10, "every" -> 10, "at" -> 10, "any" -> 10, "United" -> 9, "tariff" -> 9, "present" -> 9, "party" -> 9, "no" -> 9, "made" -> 9, "It" -> 9, "foreign" -> 9, "Federal" -> 9, "farm" -> 9, "state" -> 8, "so" -> 8, "nation" -> 8, "laws" -> 8, "constructive" -> 8, "but" -> 8, "was" -> 7, "transportation" -> 7, "system" -> 7, "small" -> 7, "relief" -> 7, "one" -> 7, "necessary" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "free" -> 7, "equality" -> 7, "crop" -> 7, "construction" -> 7, "agricultural" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "world" -> 6, "without" -> 6, "who" -> 6, "war" -> 6, "time" -> 6, "they" -> 6, "therefore" -> 6, "support" -> 6, "purpose" -> 6, "prosperity" -> 6, "program" -> 6, "production" -> 6, "President" -> 6, "powers" -> 6, "out" -> 6, "industries" -> 6, "human" -> 6, "farmer" -> 6, "expenditures" -> 6, "development" -> 6, "between" -> 6, "(b)" -> 6, "(a)" -> 6, "years" -> 5, "World" -> 5, "War" -> 5, "veterans" -> 5, "use" -> 5, "those" -> 5, "This" -> 5, "than" -> 5, "stock" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "Reserve" -> 5, "reduction" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "promises" -> 5, "problem" -> 5, "principle" -> 5, "political" -> 5, "opposed" -> 5, "nations" -> 5, "maintenance" -> 5, "maintain" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "governmental" -> 5, "full" -> 5, "end" -> 5, "economic" -> 5, "declare" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "(c)" -> 5, "benefits" -> 5, "aided" -> 5, "aid" -> 5, "after" -> 5, "affairs" -> 5, "administrations" -> 5, "were" -> 4, "water" -> 4, "wages" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "territories" -> 4, "tax" -> 4, "states" -> 4, "secure" -> 4, "rule" -> 4, "rights" -> 4, "right" -> 4, "resources" -> 4, "record" -> 4, "private" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "preserved" -> 4, "preserve" -> 4, "policies" -> 4, "over" -> 4, "others" -> 4, "now" -> 4, "needs" -> 4, "most" -> 4, "monopoly" -> 4, "Mississippi" -> 4, "merchant" -> 4, "means" -> 4, "matters" -> 4, "limitation" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "legitimate" -> 4, "last" -> 4, "largely" -> 4, "large" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "internal" -> 4, "insist" -> 4, "In" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "general" -> 4, "following" -> 4, "far" -> 4, "fair" -> 4, "failure" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "equal" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "efficiency" -> 4, "do" -> 4, "distribution" -> 4, "destruction" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "(d)" -> 4, "contributions" -> 4, "constitute" -> 4, "condemn" -> 4, "citizens" -> 4, "can" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "Board" -> 4, "based" -> 4, "appropriations" -> 4, "always" -> 4, "acts" -> 4, "would" -> 3, "work" -> 3, "women" -> 3, "Wilson" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "what" -> 3, "waterpower" -> 3, "waste" -> 3, "us" -> 3, "Unemployment" -> 3, "two" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "take" -> 3, "surplus" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "shipping" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "rural" -> 3, "resulted" -> 3, "resource" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "recognizes" -> 3, "reclamation" -> 3, "reaffirm" -> 3, "rates" -> 3, "raiser" -> 3, "radio" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "promote" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "producers" -> 3, "privileged" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "possible" -> 3, "pledges" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "operation" -> 3, "official" -> 3, "offer" -> 3, "No" -> 3, "need" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "Mining" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "members" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "market" -> 3, "marine" -> 3, "local" -> 3, "living" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "liberal" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "Latin-American" -> 3, "lack" -> 3, "issues" -> 3, "injunctions" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "high" -> 3, "happiness" -> 3, "guarantee" -> 3, "granting" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "funds" -> 3, "function" -> 3, "found" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "Flood" -> 3, "flood" -> 3, "financial" -> 3, "favored" -> 3, "exploitation" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "essential" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "entire" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "encourage" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "election" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "diseases" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "cost" -> 3, "continued" -> 3, "condition" -> 3, "complete" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "characterized" -> 3, "cease" -> 3, "burdens" -> 3, "being" -> 3, "because" -> 3, "battleships" -> 3, "armament" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "anti-trust" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "agreements" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "activities" -> 3, "Act" -> 3, "accomplish" -> 3, "able" -> 3, "works" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weapons" -> 2, "wealth" -> 2, "waterways" -> 2, "Waterpower" -> 2, "votes" -> 2, "vital" -> 2, "view" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "units" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "ultimate" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "tribute" -> 2, "tributaries" -> 2, "treasury" -> 2, "traditional" -> 2, "tons" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "throughout" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "thousand" -> 2, "things" -> 2, "These" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "therein" -> 2, "Therefore" -> 2, "ten" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "supported" -> 2, "supervision" -> 2, "sums" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "succeeding" -> 2, "submarines" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "streams" -> 2, "stood" -> 2, "stolen" -> 2, "still" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "statesmanship" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "sovereign" -> 2, "some" -> 2, "sinking" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "share" -> 2, "services" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "schools" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "River" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "result" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "respectively" -> 2, "respecting" -> 2, "respect" -> 2, "requires" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "remedy" -> 2, "regulations" -> 2, "reductions" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "put" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "Puerto" -> 2, "publish" -> 2, "publicity" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "profit" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "prime" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "previous" -> 2, "Presidents" -> 2, "ports" -> 2, "poisonous" -> 2, "pledged" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "part" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opportunity" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "notice" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "Nicaragua" -> 2, "never" -> 2, "navigation" -> 2, "monopolistic" -> 2, "monopolies" -> 2, "moneys" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "minor" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "many" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "make" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "mail" -> 2, "likewise" -> 2, "levied" -> 2, "Laws" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "Jefferson" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "irreparable" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "international" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "injury" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "independence" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "income" -> 2, "inaugurated" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "immediately" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "hospital" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "heretofore" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "Health" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "greater" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "gases" -> 2, "fund" -> 2, "frequently" -> 2, "formulated" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "formed" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "floods" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "fide" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "farmers" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "(f)" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "exorbitant" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "evils" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "Employees" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "effective" -> 2, "economy" -> 2, "economical" -> 2, "earnest" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "(e)" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "distress" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "difference" -> 2, "develop" -> 2, "determine" -> 2, "details" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "dependents" -> 2, "defense" -> 2, "de" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "co-operation" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "controlled" -> 2, "Control" -> 2, "continue" -> 2, "conserve" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "companies" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "come" -> 2, "Colorado" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "coal" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "carrying" -> 2, "carry" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "both" -> 2, "bona" -> 2, "board" -> 2, "beyond" -> 2, "benefited" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "behalf" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "assume" -> 2, "associations" -> 2, "assistance" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "Armenia" -> 2, "armaments" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "another" -> 2, "And" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "agencies" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "additional" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "acreage" -> 2, "account" -> 2, "accorded" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "Abolition" -> 2, "1928" -> 2, "1921" -> 2, "Zone" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "wringing" -> 1, "workmen" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "wives" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wet" -> 1, "weather" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "water-powers" -> 1, "watchword" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "warships" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "Wage-earner" -> 1, "vulgar" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "voiced" -> 1, "Virulent" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "vexatious" -> 1, "vetoed" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "vendors" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "uttering" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "Unsympathetic" -> 1, "unrighteous" -> 1, "unredeemed" -> 1, "unratified" -> 1, "unpunished" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "unendurable" -> 1, "Unblushingly" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "unafraid" -> 1, "unabashed" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "Turn" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treasonable" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "tradespeople" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "towards" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "tolerated" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "Today" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "Tilden" -> 1, "thwarted" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "thorough-going" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thieveries" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "tenet" -> 1, "tendencies" -> 1, "telegraph" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "sympathetic" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "surpassed" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "Substitution" -> 1, "substituted" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "Study" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "stubborn" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "stockman" -> 1, "stead" -> 1, "statutory" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "startling" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standards" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculators" -> 1, "spectacle" -> 1, "Specially" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sordid" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "sinister" -> 1, "simply" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "silently" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shock" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "Shipping" -> 1, "shipped" -> 1, "sheer" -> 1, "shackles" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "sessions" -> 1, "session" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "senatorial" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seats" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "saturated" -> 1, "satisfactorily" -> 1, "sat" -> 1, "Samuel" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "Safeguarding" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sacrifices" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "Sacramento" -> 1, "role" -> 1, "Roads" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revised" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "revels" -> 1, "revealing" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retard" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "research" -> 1, "Rescue" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remodeling" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "refinance" -> 1, "Reduction" -> 1, "records" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "Recognition" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reclaiming" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receivers" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rascals" -> 1, "rascality" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "Radio" -> 1, "quasi-judicial" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "qualifications" -> 1, "purely" -> 1, "purchasers" -> 1, "publication" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "proverbial" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "prostrate" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "promulgated" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "Producers" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proceeding" -> 1, "problems" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "primaries" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "Present" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "preparations" -> 1, "practiced" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "Policy" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "physicians" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "pests" -> 1, "pertaining" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "perpetuate" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pays" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "pause" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "partly" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "parents" -> 1, "paralysis" -> 1, "panic" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overflowed" -> 1, "Outlawry" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "Official" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officeholders" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "Non-interference" -> 1, "non-interference" -> 1, "non-essential" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "necessaries" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "navigable" -> 1, "navigability" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "multiplication" -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopolization" -> 1, "Monopolies" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "ministers" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "militarism" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "messenger" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "Merely" -> 1, "merchants" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "meantime" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "masses" -> 1, "marketed" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacturer" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "log-rolling" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "Lines" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "lessening" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "laborer" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "(k)" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "jure" -> 1, "juggled" -> 1, "J" -> 1, "(j)" -> 1, "issuance" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "invoked" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "intervened" -> 1, "intervene" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "Interference" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "injunction" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "inhuman" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "infantile" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "infancy" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "industrialists" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indeed" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "Improved" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "impressed" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "illustrious" -> 1, "illegitimate" -> 1, "ignorance" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "(i)" -> 1, "husbands" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "honorably" -> 1, "Honest" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homestead" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "help" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "harassing" -> 1, "happens" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "(h)" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "grudgingly" -> 1, "Grover" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grafters" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "grade" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "givers" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "gets" -> 1, "gesture" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "generously" -> 1, "Generous" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "(g)" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "friendliness" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fitted" -> 1, "Financing" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "Filipino" -> 1, "filing" -> 1, "file" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fears" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "facto" -> 1, "fact-finding" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extortionate" -> 1, "extinguish" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "experimenting" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "Expenditures" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expended" -> 1, "expend" -> 1, "expeditiously" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exhibited" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceeds" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "exalt" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "Equitable" -> 1, "entry-men" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "engagements" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endorsing" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "endangers" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "Efficient" -> 1, "efficacy" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "Duties" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "drifted" -> 1, "drainage" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "disordered" -> 1, "dishonesty" -> 1, "Dishonest" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "disgust" -> 1, "disgracing" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discontinuance" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disapproval" -> 1, "disappearing" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "differ" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "dictated" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despotic" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "depravities" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependable" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "denoted" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demoralization" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "Democrat" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delusive" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "defied" -> 1, "defiant" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "Deception" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "cruisers" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "Creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "covet" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "Corruption" -> 1, "copper" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "co-ordinated" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "convening" -> 1, "controls" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contravention" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contentment" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "contagious" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "construct" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "Consideration" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequent" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "consenting" -> 1, "consented" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "confine" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "conceded" -> 1, "compounded" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "Competition" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "Compensation" -> 1, "Comparatively" -> 1, "communicable" -> 1, "Common" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "Coal" -> 1, "clime" -> 1, "Cleveland" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "children's" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "centuries" -> 1, "centralize" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "carriage" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "capitol" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "Campaign" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "Business-like" -> 1, "business-like" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "books" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "blueprints" -> 1, "blighting" -> 1, "Bituminous" -> 1, "bind" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "biennial" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "bestowed" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "Being" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "banker" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "awful" -> 1, "award" -> 1, "avows" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "auspices" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "audacity" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assist" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "ascertain" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "artificially" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "archaic" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "approached" -> 1, "apprehension" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "Anti-Trust" -> 1, "antiquated" -> 1, "anticipated" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Alaska—Hawaii" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "agriculture's" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "Affirming" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advised" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "actuated" -> 1, "Actual" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "Accident" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "absorb" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abhorrence" -> 1, "abetted" -> 1, "6,500,000" -> 1, "1927" -> 1, "1924" -> 1, "1917" -> 1, "1" -> 1, "В" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1924", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1924, "Date" -> DateObject[{1924, 6, 24}], "Text" -> "We, the representatives of the democratic party, in national convention assembled, pay our profound homage to the memory of Woodrow Wilson. Our hearts are filled with gratitude that American democracy should have produced this man, whose spirit and influence will live on through the ages; and that it was our privilege to have co-operated with him in the advancement of ideals of government which will serve as an example and inspiration for this and future generations. We affirm our abiding faith in those ideals and pledge ourselves to take up the standard which he bore and to strive for the full triumph of the principles of democracy to which he dedicated his life.\nDemocratic Principles\n\nThe democratic party believes in equal rights to all and special privilege to none. The republican party holds that special privileges are essential to national prosperity. It believes that national prosperity must originate with the special interests and seep down through the channels of trade to the less favored industries to the wage earners and small salaried employes. It has accordingly enthroned privilege and nurtured selfishness.\nThe republican party is concerned chiefly with material things; the democratic party is concerned chiefly with human rights. The masses, burdened by discriminating laws and unjust administration, are demanding relief. The favored special interests, represented by the republican party, contented with their unjust privileges, are demanding that no change be made. The democratic party stands for remedial legislation and progress. The republican party stands still.\nComparison of Parties\n\nWe urge the American people to compare the record of eight unsullied years of democratic administration with that of the republican administration. In the former there was no corruption. The party pledges were faithfully fulfilled and a democratic congress enacted an extraordinary number of constructive and remedial laws. The economic life of the nation was quickened.\nTariff taxes were reduced. A federal trade commission was created. A federal farm loan system was established. Child labor legislation was enacted. A good roads bill was passed. Eight hour laws were adopted. A secretary of labor was given a seat in the cabinet of the president. The Clayton amendment to the Sherman anti-trust act was passed, freeing American labor and taking it from the category of commodities. By the Smith-Lever bill improvement of agricultural conditions was effected. A corrupt practice act was adopted. A well-considered warehouse act was passed. Federal employment bureaus were created, farm loan banks were organized and the federal reserve system was established. Privilege was uprooted. A corrupt lobby was driven from the national capital. A higher sense of individual and national duty was aroused. America enjoyed an unprecedented period of social and material progress.\nDuring the time which intervened between the inauguration of a democratic administration on March 4, 1913, and our entrance into the world war, we placed upon the statute-books of our country more effective constructive and remedial legislation than the republican party had placed there in a generation.\nDuring the great struggle which followed we had a leadership that carried America to greater heights of honor and power and glory than she had ever known before in her entire history.\nTransition from this period of exalted democratic leadership to the sordid record of the last three and a half years makes the nation ashamed. It marks the contrast between a high conception of public service and an avid purpose to distribute spoils.\nG. O. P. Corruption\n\nNever before in our history has the government been so tainted by corruption and never has an administration so utterly failed. The nation has been appalled by the revelations of political de-pravity which have characterized the conduct of public affairs. We arraign the republican party for attempting to limit inquiry into official delinquencies and to impede if not to frustrate the investigations to which in the beginning the republican party leaders assented, but which later they regarded with dismay.\nThese investigations sent the former secretary of the interior to Three Rivers in disgrace and dishonor. These investigations revealed the incapacity and indifference to public obligation of the secretary of the navy, compelling him by force of public opinion to quit the cabinet. These investigations confirmed the general impression as to the unfitness of the attorney general by exposing an official situation and personal contacts which shocked the conscience of the nation and compelled his dismissal from the cabinet.\nThese investigations disclosed the appalling conditions of the veterans bureau with its fraud upon the government and its cruel neglect of the sick and disabled soldiers of the world war. These investigations revealed the criminal and fraudulent nature of the oil leases which caused the congress, despite the indifference of the executive, to direct recovery of the public domain and the prosecution of the criminal.\nSuch are the exigencies of partisan politics that republican leaders are teaching the strange doctrine that public censure should be directed against those who expose crime rather than against criminals who have committed the offenses. If only three cabinet officers out of ten are disgraced, the country is asked to marvel at how many are free from taint. Long boastful that it was the only party \"fit to govern,\" the republican party has proven its inability to govern even itself. It is at war with itself. As an agency of government it has ceased to function.\nThis nation cannot afford to entrust its welfare to a political organization that cannot master itself, or to an executive whose policies have been rejected by his own party. To retain in power an administration of this character would inevitably result in four years more of continued disorder, internal dissension and governmental inefficiency. A vote for Coolidge is a vote for chaos.\nIssues\n\nThe dominant issues of the campaign are created by existing conditions. Dishonesty, discrimination, extravagances and inefficiency exist in government. The burdens of taxation have become unbearable. Distress and bankruptcy in agriculture, the basic industry of our country, is affecting the happiness and prosperity of the whole people. The cost of living is causing hardship and unrest.\nThe slowing down of industry is adding to the general distress. The tariff, the destruction of our foreign markets and the high cost of transportation are taking the profit out of agriculture, mining and other raw material industries. Large standing armies and the cost of preparing for war still cast their burdens upon humanity. These conditions the existing republican administration has proven itself unwilling or unable to redress.\nThe democratic party pledges itself to the following program:\nHonest government.\nWe pledge the democratic party to drive from public places all which make barter of our national power, its resources or the administration of its laws; to punish those guilty of these offenses.\nTo put none but the honest in public office; to practice economy in the expenditure of public money; to reverence and respect the rights of all under the constitution.\nTo condemn and destroy government by the spy and blackmailer which was by this republican administration both encouraged and practiced.\nTariff and Taxation\n\nThe Fordney-McCumber tariff act is the most unjust, unscientific and dishonest tariff tax measure ever enacted in our history. It is class legislation which defrauds the people for the benefit of a few, it heavily increases the cost of living, penalizes agriculture, corrupts the government, fosters paternalism and, in the long run, does not benefit the very interests for which it was intended.\nWe denounce the republican tariff laws which are written, in great part, in aid of monopolies and thus prevent that reasonable exchange of commodities which would enable foreign countries to buy our surplus agricultural and manufactured products with resultant profit to the toilers and producers of America.\nTrade interchange, on the basis of reciprocal advantages to the countries participating is a time-honored doctrine of democratic faith. We declare our party's position to be in favor of a tax on commodities entering the customs house that will promote effective competition, protect against monopoly and at the same time produce a fair revenue to support the government.\nThe greatest contributing factor in the increase and unbalancing of prices is unscientific taxation. After having increased taxation and the cost of living by $2,000,000,000 under the Fordney-Mc-Cumber tariff, all that the republican party could suggest in the way of relief was a cut of $300,000,000 in direct taxes; and that was to be given principally to those with the largest incomes.\nAlthough there was no evidence of a lack of capital for investment to meet the present requirements of all legitimate industrial enterprises and although the farmers and general consumers were bearing the brunt of tariff favors already granted to special interests, the administration was unable to devise any plan except one to grant further aid to the few. Fortunately this plan of the administration failed and under democratic leadership, aided by progressive republicans, a more equitable one was adopted, which reduces direct taxes by about $450,000,000.\nThe issue between the president and the democratic party is not one of tax reduction or of the conservation of capital. It is an issue of relative burden of taxation and of the distribution of capital as affected by the taxation of income. The president still stands on the so-called Mellon plan, which his party has just refused to indorse or mention in its platform.\nThe income tax was intended as a tax upon wealth. It was not intended to take from the poor any part of the necessities of life. We hold that the fairest tax with which to raise revenue for the federal government is the income tax. We favor a graduated tax upon incomes, so adjusted as to lay the burdens of government upon the taxpayers in proportion to the benefits they enjoy and their ability to pay.\nWe oppose the so-called nuisance taxes, sales taxes and all other forms of taxation that unfairly shift to the consumer the burdens of taxation. We refer to the democratic revenue measure passed by the last congress as distinguished from the Mellon tax plan as an illustration of the policy of the democratic party. We first made a flat reduction of 25 per cent upon the tax of all incomes payable this year and then we so changed the proposed Mellon plan as to eliminate taxes upon the poor, reducing them upon moderate incomes and, in a lesser degree, upon the incomes of multi-millionaires. We hold that all taxes are unnecessarily high and pledge ourselves to further reductions.\nWe denounce the Mellon plan as a device to relieve multi-millionaires at the expense of other taxpayers, and we accept the issue of taxation tendered by President Coolidge.\nAgriculture\n\nDuring the four years of republican government the economic condition of the American farmer has changed from comfort to bankruptcy, with all its attendant miseries. The chief causes for this are:\n(a) The republican party policy of isolation in international affairs has prevented Europe from getting back to its normal balance, and, by leaving unsolved the economic problems abroad, has driven the European city population from industrial activities to the soil in large numbers in order to earn the mere necessaries of life. This has deprived the American farmer of his normal export trade.\n(b) The republican policy of a prohibitive tariff, exemplified in the Fordney-McCumber law, which has forced the American farmer, with his export market debilitated, to buy manufactured goods at sustained high domestic levels, thereby making him the victim of the profiteer.\n(c) The republican policy of high transportation rates, both rail and water, which has made it impossible for the farmer to ship his produce to market at even a living profit.\nTo offset these policies and their disastrous results, and to restore the farmer again to economic equality with other industrialists, we pledge\nourselves:\n(a) To adopt an international policy of such co-operation by direct official, instead of indirect and evasive unofficial means, as will re-establish the farmers' export market by restoring the industrial balance in Europe and the normal flow of international trade with the settlement of Europe's economic problems.\n(b) To adjust the tariff so that the farmer and all other classes can buy again in a competitive manufacturers' market.\n(c) To readjust and lower rail and water rates which will make our markets, both for the buyer and the seller, national and international instead of regional and local.\n(d) To bring about the early completion of international waterway systems for transportation and to develop our water powers for cheaper fertilizer and use on our farms.\n(e) To stimulate by every proper governmental activity the progress of the co-operative marketing movement and the establishment of an export marketing corporation or commission in order that the exportable surplus may not establish the price of the whole crop.\n(f) To secure for the farmer credits suitable for his needs.\n(g) By the establishment of these policies and others naturally supplementary thereto, to reduce the margin between what the producer receives for his products and the consumer has to pay for his supplies, to the end that we secure an equality for agriculture.\nRailroads\n\nThe sponsors for the Esch-Cummins transportation act of 1920, at the time of its presentation to congress, stated that it had for its purposes the reduction of the cost of transportation, the improvement of service, the bettering of labor conditions, the promotion of peaceful co-operation between employer and employe, and at the same time the assurance of a fair and just return to the railroads upon their investment.\nWe are in accord with these announced purposes, but contend that the act has failed to accomplish them. It has failed to reduce the cost of transportation. The promised improvement in service has not been realized. The labor provisions of the act have proven unsatisfactory in settling differences between employer and employes. The so-called recapture clause has worked out to the advantage of the strong and has been of no benefit to the weak. The pronouncement in the act for the development of both rail and water transportation has proved futile. Water transportation upon our inland waterways has not been encouraged, the limitation of our coastwise trade is threatened by the administration of the act. It has unnecessarily interfered with the power of the states to regulate purely intrastate transportation. It must therefore be so rewritten that the high purpose which the public welfare demands may be accomplished.\nRailroad freight rates should be so readjusted as to give the bulky basic, low-priced raw commodities, such as agricultural products, coal and ores the lowest rates, placing the higher rates upon more valuable and less bulky manufactured products.\nMuscle Shoals\n\nWe reaffirm and pledge the fulfillment of the policy, with reference to Muscle Shoals, as declared and passed by the democratic majority of the sixty-fourth congress in the national defense act of 1916, \"for the production of nitrates or other products needed for munitions of war and useful in the manufacture of fertilizers.\"\nWe hold that the production of cheaper and high grade fertilizers is essential to agricultural prosperity. We demand prompt action by congress for the operation of the Muscle Shoals plants to maximum capacity in the production, distribution and sale of commercial fertilizers to the farmers of the country and we oppose any legislation that limits the production of fertilizers at Muscle Shoals by limiting the amount of power to be used in their manufacture.\nCredit and Currency\n\nWe denounce the recent cruel and unjust contraction of legitimate and necessary credit and currency, which was directly due to the so-called deflation policy of the republican party, as declared in its national platform of June, 1920, and in the speech of acceptance of its candidate for the presidency. Within eighteen months after the election of 1920 this policy resulted in withdrawing bank loans by over $5,000,000,000 and in contracting our currency by over $1,500,000,000.\nThe contraction bankrupted hundreds of thousands of farmers and stock growers in America and resulted in widespread industrial depression and unemployment. We demand that the federal reserve system be so administered as to give stability to industry, commerce and finance, as was intended by the democratic party, which gave the federal reserve system to the nation.\nReclamation\n\nThe democratic party was foremost in urging reclamation for the immediate arid and semiarid lands of the west. The lands are located in the public land states, and, therefore, it is due to the government to utilize their resources by reclamation. Homestead entrymen under reclamation projects have suffered from the extravagant inefficiencies and mistakes of the federal government.\nThe reclamation act of 1924, recommended by the fact finding commission and added as an amendment to the second deficiency appropriation bill at the last session of congress, was eliminated from that bill by the republican conferees in the report they presented to congress one hour before adjournment. The democratic party pledges itself actively, efficiently and economically to carry on the reclamation projects, and to make equitable adjustment for the mistakes the government has made.\nConservation\n\nWe pledge recovery of the navy's oil reserves, and all other parts of the public domain which have been fraudulently or illegally leased or otherwise wrongfully transferred to the control of private interests; vigorous prosecution of all public officials, private citizens and corporations that participated in these transactions; revision of the water power act, the general leasing act and all other legislation relating to public domain, that may be essential to its conservation and honest and efficient use on behalf of the people of the country.\nWe believe that the nation should retain title to its water power and we favor the expeditious creation and development of our water power. We favor strict public control and conservation of all the nation's natural resources, such as coal, iron, oil and timber, and their use in such manner as may be to the best interest of our citizens.\nThe conservation of migratory birds, the establishment of game preserves, and the protection and conservation of wild life is of importance to agriculturists as well as sportsmen. Our disappearing national natural resources of timber calls for a national policy of reforestation.\nImproved Highways\n\nImproved roads are of vital importance, not only to commerce and industry, but also to agriculture and natural life. We call attention to the record of the democratic party in this matter and favor continuance of federal aid under existing federal and state agencies.\nMining\n\nMining is one of the basic industries of this country. We produce more coal, iron, copper and silver than any other country. The value of our mineral production is second only to agriculture.\nMining has suffered like agriculture and from the same causes. It is the duty of our government to foster this industry and to remove the restrictions that destroy its prosperity.\nMerchant Marine\n\nThe democratic party condemns the vacillating policy of the republican administration in the failure to develop an American flag shipping policy. There has been a marked decrease in the volume of American commerce carried in American vessels as compared to the record under a democratic administration.\nWe oppose as illogical and unsound all efforts to overcome by subsidy the handicap to American shipping and commerce imposed by republican policies.\nWe condemn the practice of certain American railroads in favoring foreign ships, and pledge ourselves to correct such discriminations. We declare for an American owned merchant marine, American built and manned by American crews, which is essential for naval security in war and is a protection to the American farmer and manufacturer against excessive ocean freight charges on products of farm and factory.\nWe declare that the government should own and operate such merchant ships as will insure the accomplishment of these purposes and to continue such operation so long as it may be necessary without obstructing the development and growth of a privately owned American flag shipping.\nNecessities of Life\n\nWe pledge the democratic party to regulate by governmental agencies the anthracite coal industry and all other corporations controlling the necessaries of life where public welfare has been subordinated to private interests.\nEducation\n\nWe believe with Thomas Jefferson and founders of the republic that ignorance is the enemy of freedom and that each state, being responsible for the intellectual and moral qualifications of its citizens and for the expenditure of the moneys collected by taxation for the support of its schools, shall use its sovereign fight in all matters pertaining to education. The federal government should offer to the states such counsel, advice and aid as may be made available through the federal agencies for the general improvement of our schools in view of our national needs.\nCivil Service\n\nWe denounce the action of the republican administration in its violations of the principles of civil service by its partisan removals and manipulation of the eligible lists in the postoffice department and other governmental departments; by its packing the civil service commission so that commission became the servile instrument of the administration in its wish to deny to the former service men their preferential rights under the law and the evasion of the requirements of the law with reference to appointments in the department.\nWe pledge the democratic party faithfully to comply with the spirit as well as the regulation of civil service; to extend its provisions to internal revenue officers and to other employes of the government not in executive positions, and to secure to former service men preference in such appointments.\nPostal Employes\n\nWe declare in favor of adequate salaries to provide decent living conditions for postal employes.\nPopular Elections\n\nWe pledge the democratic party to a policy which will prevent members of either house who fail of re-election from participating in the subsequent sessions of congress. This can be accomplished by fixing the days for convening the congress immediately after the biennial national election; and to this end we favor granting the right to the people of the several states to vote on proposed constitutional amendments on this subject.\nProbation\n\nWe favor the extension of the probation principle to the courts of the United States.\nActivities of Women\n\nWe welcome the women of the nation to their rightful place by the side of men in the control of the government whose burdens they have always shared.\nThe democratic party congratulates them upon the essential part which they have taken in the progress of our country, and the zeal with which they are using their political power to aid the enactment of beneficial laws and the exaction of fidelity in the public service.\nVeterans of Wars\n\nWe favor generous appropriations, honest management and sympathetic care and assistance in the hospitalization, rehabilitation and compensation of the veterans of all wars and their dependents. The humanizing of the veterans' bureau is imperatively required.\nContributions\n\nThe nation now knows that the predatory interests have, by supplying republican campaign funds, systematically purchased legislative favors and administrative immunity. The practice must stop; our nation must return to honesty and decency in politics.\nElections are public affairs conducted for the sole purpose of ascertaining the will of the sovereign voters. Therefore, we demand that national elections shall hereafter be kept free from the poison of excessive private contributions. To this end, we favor reasonable means of publicity, at public expense, so that candidates, properly before the people for federal offices, may present their claims at a minimum of cost. Such publicity should precede the primary and the election.\nWe favor the prohibition of individual contributions, direct and indirect, to the campaign funds of congressmen, senators or presidential candidates, beyond a reasonable sum to be fixed in the law, for both individual contributions and total expenditures, with requirements for full publicity. We advocate a complete revision of the corrupt practice act to prevent Newberryism and the election evils disclosed by recent investigations.\nNarcotics\n\nRecognizing in narcotic addiction, especially the spreading of heroin addiction among the youth, a grave peril to America and to the human race, we pledge ourselves vigorously to take against it all legitimate and proper measures for education, for control and for suppression at home and abroad.\nProhibition Law\n\nThe republican administration has failed to enforce the prohibition law; is guilty of trafficking in liquor permits, and has become the protector of violators of this law.\nThe democratic party pledges itself to respect and enforce the constitution and all laws.\nRights of States\n\nWe demand that the states of the union shall be preserved in all their vigor and power. They constitute a bulwark against the centralizing and destructive tendencies of the republican party.\nWe condemn the efforts of the republican party to nationalize the functions and duties of the states.\nWe oppose the extension of bureaucracy, the creation of unnecessary bureaus and federal agencies and the multiplication of offices and office-holders.\nWe demand a revival of the spirit of local self-government essential to the preservation of the free institutions of our republic.\nAsiatic Immigration\n\nWe pledge ourselves to maintain our established position in favor of the exclusion of Asiatic immigration.\nPhilippines\n\nThe Filipino peoples have succeeded in maintaining a stable government and have thus fulfilled the only condition laid down by congress as a prerequisite to the granting of independence. We declare that it is now our liberty and our duty to keep our promise to these people by granting them immediately the independence which they so honorably covet.\nAlaska\n\nThe maladministration of affairs in Alaska is a matter of concern to all our people. Under the republican administration, development has ceased and the fishing industry has been seriously impaired. We pledge ourselves to correct the evils which have grown up in the administration of that rich domain.\nAn adequate form of local self-government for Alaska must be provided and to that end we favor the establishment of a full territorial form of government for that territory similar to that enjoyed by all the territories except Alaska during the last century of American history.\nHawaii\n\nWe believe in a policy for continuing the improvements of the national parks, the harbors and breakwaters, and the federal roads of the territory of Hawaii.\nVirgin Islands\n\nWe recommend legislation for the welfare of the inhabitants of the Virgin islands.\nLausanne Treaty\n\nWe condemn the Lausanne treaty. It barters legitimate American rights and betrays Armenia, for the Chester oil concessions.\nWe favor the protection of American rights in Turkey and the fulfillment of President Wilson's arbitral award respecting Armenia.\nDisarmament\n\nWe demand a strict and sweeping reduction of armaments by land and sea, so that there shall be no competitive military program or naval building. Until international agreements to this end have been made we advocate an army and navy adequate for our national safety.\nOur government should secure a joint agreement with all nations for world disarmament and also for a referendum of war, except in case of actual or threatened attack.\nThose who must furnish the blood and bear the burdens imposed by war should, whenever possible, be consulted before this supreme sacrifice is required of them.\nGreece\n\nWe welcome to the sisterhood of republics the ancient land of Greece which gave to our party its priceless name. We extend to her government and people our cordial good wishes.\nWar is a relic of barbarism and it is justifiable only as a measure of defense.\nIn the event of war in which the man power of the nation is drafted, all other resources should likewise be drafted. This will tend to discourage war by depriving it of its profits.\nPersonal Freedom\n\nThe democratic party reaffirms its adherence and devotion to those cardinal principles contained in the constitution and the precepts upon which our government is founded, that congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercises thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, that the church and the state shall be and remain separate, and that no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office of public trust under the United States. These principles, we pledge ourselves ever to defend and maintain. We insist at all times upon obedience to the orderly processes of the law and deplore and condemn any effort to arouse religious or racial dissension.\nLeague of Nations\n\nThe democratic party pledges all its energies to the outlawing of the whole war system. We refuse to believe that the wholesale slaughter of human beings on the battlefield is any more necessary to man's highest development than is killing by individuals.\nThe only hope for world peace and for economic recovery lies in the organized efforts of sovereign nations co-operating to remove the causes of war and to substitute law and order for violence.\nUnder democratic leadership a practical plan was devised under which fifty-four nations are now operating, and which has for its fundamental purpose the free co-operation of all nations in the work of peace.\nThe government of the United States for the last four years has had no foreign policy, and consequently it has delayed the restoration of the political and economic agencies of the world. It has impaired our self-respect at home and injured our prestige abroad. It has curtailed our foreign markets and ruined our agricultural prices.\nIt is of supreme importance to civilization and to mankind that America be placed and kept on the right side of the greatest moral question of all time, and therefore the democratic party renews its declarations of confidence in the idea of world peace, the league of nations and the world court of justice as together constituting the supreme effort of the statesmanship and religious conviction of our time to organize the world for peace.\nFurther, the democratic party declared that it will be the purpose of the next administration to do all in its power to secure for our country that moral leadership in the family of nations which, in the providence of God, has been so clearly marked out for it. There is no substitute for the league of nations as an agency working for peace, therefore, we believe, that, in the interest of permanent peace, and in the lifting of the great burdens of war from the backs of the people, and in order to establish a permanent foreign policy on these supreme questions, not subject to change with change of party administration, it is desirable, wise and necessary to lift this question out of party politics and to that end to take the sense of the American people at a referendum election, advisory to the government, to be held officially, under act of congress, free from all other questions and candidacies, after ample time for full consideration and discussion throughout the country, upon the question, in substance, as follows:\n\"Shall the United States become a member of the league of nations upon such reservations or amendments to the covenant of the league as the president and the senate of the United States may agree upon.\"\nImmediately upon an affirmative vote we will carry out such mandate.\nWaterways\n\nWe favor and will promote deep waterways from the great lakes to the gulf and to the Atlantic ocean.\nFlood Control\n\nWe favor a policy for the fostering and building of inland waterways and the removal of discrimination against water transportation. Flood control and the lowering of flood levels is essential to the safety of life and property, the productivity of our lands, the navigability of our streams and the reclaiming of our wet and overflowed lands and the creation of hydro-electric power. We favor the expeditious construction of flood relief works on the Mississippi and Colorado rivers and also such reclamation and irrigation projects upon the Colorado river as may be found to be feasible and practical.\nWe favor liberal appropriations for prompt coordinated surveys by the United States to determine the possibilities of general navigation improvements and water power development on navigable streams and their tributaries, to secure reliable information as to the most economical navigation improvement, in combination with the most efficient and complete development of water power.\nWe favor suspension of the granting of federal water power licenses by the federal water power committee until congress has received reports from the water power commission with regard to applications for such licenses.\nPrivate Monopolies\n\nThe federal trade commission has submitted to the republican administration numerous reports showing the existence of monopolies and combinations in restraint of trade, and has recommended proceedings against these violators of the law. The few prosecutions which have resulted from this abundant evidence furnished by this agency created by the democratic party, while proving the indifference of the administration to the violations of law by trusts and monopolies and its friendship for them, nevertheless demonstrate the value of the federal trade commission.\nWe declare that a private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable, and pledge the democratic party to vigorous enforcement of existing laws against monopoly and illegal combinations, and to the enactment of such further measures as may be necessary.\nFraudulent Stock Sale\n\nWe favor the immediate passage of such legislation as may be necessary to enable the states efficiently to enforce their laws relating to the gradual financial strangling of innocent investors, workers and consumers, caused by the indiscriminate promotion, refinancing and reorganizing of corporations on an inflated and over-capitalized basis, resulting already in the undermining and collapse of many railroads, public service and industrial corporations, manifesting itself in unemployment, irreparable loss and waste and which constitute a serious menace to the stability of our economic system.\nAviation\n\nWe favor a sustained development of aviation by both the government and commercially.\nLabor, Child Welfare\n\nLabor is not a commodity. It is human. We favor collective bargaining and laws regulating hours of labor and conditions under which labor is performed. We favor the enactment of legislation providing that the product of convict labor shipped from one state to another shall be subject to the laws of the latter state exactly as though they had been produced therein. In order to mitigate unemployment attending business depression, we urge the enactment of legislation authorizing the construction and repair of public works be initiated in periods of acute unemployment.\nWe pledge the party to co-operate with the state governments for the welfare, education and protection of child life and all necessary safeguards against exhaustive debilitating employment conditions for women.\nWithout the votes of democratic members of congress the child labor amendment would not have been submitted for ratification.\nLatin-America\n\nFrom the day of their birth, friendly relations have existed between the Latin-American republics and the United States. That friendship grows stronger as our relations become more intimate. The democratic party sends to these republics its cordial greeting; God has made us neighbors—justice shall keep us friends.", "Words" -> 5818, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 510, "of" -> 353, "and" -> 262, "to" -> 207, "in" -> 102, "for" -> 73, "We" -> 67, "a" -> 58, "that" -> 57, "The" -> 55, "by" -> 55, "our" -> 47, "party" -> 46, "is" -> 44, "which" -> 41, "has" -> 41, "as" -> 41, "democratic" -> 36, "its" -> 33, "be" -> 32, "all" -> 32, "was" -> 31, "with" -> 30, "republican" -> 29, "government" -> 29, "favor" -> 23, "administration" -> 23, "public" -> 22, "from" -> 22, "upon" -> 21, "this" -> 21, "an" -> 21, "American" -> 20, "have" -> 19, "are" -> 19, "we" -> 18, "power" -> 18, "or" -> 18, "it" -> 18, "federal" -> 18, "their" -> 17, "on" -> 17, "policy" -> 16, "pledge" -> 16, "national" -> 16, "It" -> 16, "at" -> 16, "such" -> 15, "congress" -> 15, "act" -> 15, "so" -> 14, "other" -> 14, "been" -> 14, "water" -> 13, "war" -> 13, "will" -> 12, "people" -> 12, "not" -> 12, "laws" -> 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"must" -> 6, "international" -> 6, "had" -> 6, "free" -> 6, "foreign" -> 6, "end" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "declare" -> 6, "both" -> 6, "America" -> 6, "years" -> 5, "welfare" -> 5, "those" -> 5, "than" -> 5, "special" -> 5, "resources" -> 5, "rates" -> 5, "purpose" -> 5, "prosperity" -> 5, "production" -> 5, "private" -> 5, "practice" -> 5, "pledges" -> 5, "passed" -> 5, "order" -> 5, "living" -> 5, "leadership" -> 5, "last" -> 5, "industrial" -> 5, "incomes" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "failed" -> 5, "establishment" -> 5, "election" -> 5, "direct" -> 5, "control" -> 5, "conservation" -> 5, "condemn" -> 5, "believe" -> 5, "before" -> 5, "aid" -> 5, "agricultural" -> 5, "agencies" -> 5, "who" -> 4, "vote" -> 4, "use" -> 4, "unjust" -> 4, "unemployment" -> 4, "This" -> 4, "therefore" -> 4, "there" -> 4, "take" -> 4, "supreme" -> 4, "so-called" -> 4, "Shoals" -> 4, "revenue" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "record" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "progress" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "president" -> 4, "political" -> 4, "policies" -> 4, "oppose" -> 4, "oil" -> 4, "Muscle" -> 4, "Mellon" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "make" -> 4, "legitimate" -> 4, "league" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "intended" -> 4, "human" -> 4, "history" -> 4, "great" -> 4, "granting" -> 4, "governmental" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "former" -> 4, "fertilizers" -> 4, "farmers" -> 4, "export" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "ever" -> 4, "enactment" -> 4, "employes" -> 4, "domain" -> 4, "denounce" -> 4, "created" -> 4, "corporations" -> 4, "commodities" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "coal" -> 4, "capital" -> 4, "cabinet" -> 4, "but" -> 4, "bill" -> 4, "become" -> 4, "Alaska" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "would" -> 3, "whose" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "waterways" -> 3, "veterans" -> 3, "through" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "still" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "sovereign" -> 3, "shipping" -> 3, "secretary" -> 3, "same" -> 3, "roads" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "resulted" -> 3, "reserve" -> 3, "requirements" -> 3, "required" -> 3, "republics" -> 3, "remedial" -> 3, "religious" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "recovery" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "railroads" -> 3, "rail" -> 3, "question" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "publicity" -> 3, "proven" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "profit" -> 3, "produce" -> 3, "privilege" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "politics" -> 3, "placed" -> 3, "pay" -> 3, "part" -> 3, "Our" -> 3, "official" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "normal" -> 3, "natural" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "moral" -> 3, "monopoly" -> 3, "monopolies" -> 3, "Mining" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "manufactured" -> 3, "local" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "issue" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "individual" -> 3, "indifference" -> 3, "income" -> 3, "In" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "honest" -> 3, "hold" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "further" -> 3, "four" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "farm" -> 3, "executive" -> 3, "except" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "enforce" -> 3, "enacted" -> 3, "efforts" -> 3, "education" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "During" -> 3, "down" -> 3, "declared" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "corrupt" -> 3, "co-operation" -> 3, 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"return" -> 2, "retain" -> 2, "respecting" -> 2, "respect" -> 2, "republic" -> 2, "reports" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "relating" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "referendum" -> 2, "reference" -> 2, "reduce" -> 2, "redress" -> 2, "recommended" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "raw" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "prohibition" -> 2, "program" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "privileges" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "President" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "position" -> 2, "poor" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "participating" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "offenses" -> 2, "ocean" -> 2, "none" -> 2, "needs" -> 2, "necessaries" -> 2, "navy" -> 2, "navigation" -> 2, "naval" -> 2, "multi-millionaires" -> 2, "mistakes" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "members" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "marked" -> 2, "many" -> 2, "manufacture" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "long" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "licenses" -> 2, "levels" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "Lausanne" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "kept" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "iron" -> 2, "investment" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "inland" -> 2, "inefficiency" -> 2, "indirect" -> 2, "independence" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "Improved" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "impaired" -> 2, "immediately" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "house" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "home" -> 2, "higher" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "guilty" -> 2, "Greece" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "govern" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "gave" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "fulfillment" -> 2, "fulfilled" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "freight" -> 2, "freedom" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "Fordney-McCumber" -> 2, "Flood" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "favors" -> 2, "favored" -> 2, "faithfully" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "fair" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expenditure" -> 2, "expeditious" -> 2, "excessive" -> 2, "evils" -> 2, "evidence" -> 2, "even" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "enjoyed" -> 2, "encouraged" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "employer" -> 2, "Elections" -> 2, "effort" -> 2, "efficiently" -> 2, "efficient" -> 2, "effective" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "driven" -> 2, "drafted" -> 2, "doctrine" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "dissension" -> 2, "discrimination" -> 2, "disclosed" -> 2, "develop" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "depression" -> 2, "department" -> 2, "democracy" -> 2, "demanding" -> 2, "defense" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "cruel" -> 2, "criminal" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "cordial" -> 2, "Coolidge" -> 2, "contraction" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "consumer" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "constitute" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "concerned" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "combinations" -> 2, "Colorado" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "chiefly" -> 2, "cheaper" -> 2, "changed" -> 2, "ceased" -> 2, "caused" -> 2, "carry" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "can" -> 2, "(c)" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "bureaus" -> 2, "bureau" -> 2, "bulky" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "bankruptcy" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "(b)" -> 2, "Asiatic" -> 2, "Armenia" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "again" -> 2, "advocate" -> 2, "addiction" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "about" -> 2, "(a)" -> 2, "$5,000,000,000" -> 1, "$450,000,000" -> 1, "$300,000,000" -> 1, "$2,000,000,000" -> 1, "$1,500,000,000" -> 1, "zeal" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "wrongfully" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "worked" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "Woodrow" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withdrawing" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "Wilson's" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "wet" -> 1, "west" -> 1, "well-considered" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waterway" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "Wars" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warehouse" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "vacillating" -> 1, "utterly" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "urging" -> 1, "uprooted" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unsullied" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unsolved" -> 1, "unsatisfactory" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unofficial" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unfitness" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "unbearable" -> 1, "unbalancing" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "tributaries" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "Transition" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "trafficking" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "toilers" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "thousands" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "tendered" -> 1, "tendencies" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "tainted" -> 1, "taint" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "systematically" -> 1, "sympathetic" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "supplementary" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, 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"poison" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "petition" -> 1, "pertaining" -> 1, "Personal" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "peaceably" -> 1, "payable" -> 1, "paternalism" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "Parties" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "packing" -> 1, "P" -> 1, "overflowed" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "over-capitalized" -> 1, "outlawing" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "originate" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "ores" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "officially" -> 1, "office-holders" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "obstructing" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "obedience" -> 1, "O" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "nuisance" -> 1, "nitrates" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "Newberryism" -> 1, "nevertheless" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neighbors—justice" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "Necessities" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "navy's" -> 1, "navigable" -> 1, "navigability" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "naturally" -> 1, "Nations" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "nationalize" -> 1, "Narcotics" -> 1, "narcotic" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "multiplication" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "Monopolies" -> 1, "moneys" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "mitigate" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "miseries" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "migratory" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "mention" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "masses" -> 1, "marvel" -> 1, "marks" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "margin" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacturer" -> 1, "man's" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "manifesting" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "maladministration" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "low-priced" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "Long" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "lists" -> 1, "liquor" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "likewise" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "lesser" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "leases" -> 1, "leased" -> 1, "League" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "Latin-American" -> 1, "Latin-America" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "Large" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "lakes" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "killing" -> 1, "justifiable" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "June" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "Issues" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "islands" 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"days" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "(d)" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "Currency" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "crews" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "covet" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "corrupts" -> 1, "Corruption" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "copper" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "co-operating" -> 1, "co-operated" -> 1, "co-operate" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convening" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "Contributions" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contracting" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "contented" -> 1, "contend" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "contacts" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constituting" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequently" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "congressmen" -> 1, "congratulates" -> 1, "confirmed" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conferees" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condemns" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "Comparison" -> 1, "compared" -> 1, "compare" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commercially" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "coastwise" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "Clayton" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "church" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "Chester" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "centralizing" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "censure" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "category" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "candidacies" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "buyer" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "brunt" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "breakwaters" -> 1, "bore" -> 1, "boastful" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blackmailer" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "birds" -> 1, "biennial" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "bettering" -> 1, "betrays" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefits" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "bearing" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "battlefield" -> 1, "barters" -> 1, "barter" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "barbarism" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankrupted" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "backs" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "award" -> 1, "avid" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "available" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "attorney" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attendant" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assistance" -> 1, "assented" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assemble" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "ashamed" -> 1, "ascertaining" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "arraign" -> 1, "aroused" -> 1, "arouse" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armies" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "arbitral" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "appalling" -> 1, "appalled" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anthracite" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "although" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "agriculturists" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adjournment" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "acute" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "Activities" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "accordingly" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "abridging" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "1924" -> 1, "1916" -> 1, "1913" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1920", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1920, "Date" -> DateObject[{1920, 6, 28}], "Text" -> "The Democratic Party, in its National Convention now assembled, sends greetings to the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, and hails with patriotic pride the great achievements for country and the world wrought by a Democratic administration under his leadership.\nIt salutes the mighty people of this great republic, emerging with imperishable honor from the severe tests and grievous strains of the most tragic war in history, having earned the plaudits and the gratitude of all free nations.\nIt declares its adherence to the fundamental progressive principles of social, economic and industrial justice and advance, and purposes to resume the great work of translating these principles into effective laws, begun and carried far by the Democratic administration and interrupted only when the war claimed all the national energies for the single task of victory.\nLeague of Nations\n\nThe Democratic Party favors the League of Nations as the surest, if not the only, practicable means of maintaining the permanent peace of the world and terminating the insufferable burden of great military and naval establishments. It was for this that America broke away from traditional isolation and spent her blood and treasure to crush a colossal scheme of conquest. It was upon this basis that the President of the United States, in prearrangement with our allies, consented to a suspension of hostilities against the Imperial German Government; the Armistice was granted and a Treaty of Peace negotiated upon the definite assurance to Germany, as well as to the powers pitted against Germany, that \"a general association of nations must be formed, under specific covenants, for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.\" Hence, we not only congratulate the President on the vision manifested and the vigor exhibited in the prosecution of the war; but we felicitate him and his associates on the exceptional achievement at Paris involved in the adoption of a league and treaty so near akin to previously expressed American ideals and so intimately related to the aspirations of civilized peoples everywhere.\nWe commend the President for his courage and his high conception of good faith in steadfastly standing for the covenant agreed to by all the associated and allied nations at war with Germany, and we condemn the Republican Senate for its refusal to ratify the treaty merely because it was the product of Democratic statesmanship, thus interposing partisan envy and personal hatred in the way of the peace and renewed prosperity of the world.\nBy every accepted standard of international morality the President is justified in asserting that the honor of the country is involved in this business; and we point to the accusing fact that, before it was determined to initiate political antagonism to the treaty, the now Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee himself publicly proclaimed that any proposition for a separate peace with Germany, such as he and his party associates thereafter reported to the Senate, would make us \"guilty of the blackest crime.\"\nOn May 15 last the Knox substitute for the Versailles Treaty was passed by the Republican Senate; and this Convention can contrive no more fitting characterization of its obloquy than that made in the Forum magazine of December, 1918, by Henry Cabot Lodge, when he said:\n\"If we send our armies and young men abroad to be killed and wounded in northern France and Flanders with no result but this, our entrance into war with such an intention was a crime which nothing can justify. The intent of Congress and the intent of the President was that there could be no peace until we could create a situation where no such war as this could recur.\n\"We cannot make peace except in company with our allies.\n\"It would brand us with everlasting dishonor and bring ruin to us also if we undertook to make a separate peace.\"\nThus, to that which Mr. Lodge, in saner moments, considered \"the blackest crime\" he and his party in madness sought to give the sanctity of law; that which eighteen months ago was of \"everlasting dishonor,\" the Republican Party and its candidates to-day accept as the essence of faith.\nWe endorse the President's view of our international obligations and his firm stand against reservations designed to cut to pieces the vital provisions of the Versailles Treaty and we commend the Democrats in Congress for voting against resolutions for separate peace which would disgrace the nation.\nWe advocate the immediate ratification of the treaty without reservations which would impair its essential integrity; but do not oppose the acceptance of any reservations making clearer or more specific the obligations of the United States to the league associates. Only by doing this may we retrieve the reputation of this nation among the powers of the earth and recover the moral leadership which President Wilson won and which Republican politicians at Washington sacrificed. Only by doing this may we hope to aid effectively in the restoration of order throughout the world and to take the place which we should assume in the front rank of spiritual, commercial and industrial advancement.\nWe reject as utterly vain, if not vicious, the Republican assumption that ratification of the treaty and membership in the League of Nations would in any wise impair the integrity or independence of our country. The fact that the covenant has been entered into by twenty-nine nations, all as jealous of their independence as we of ours, is a sufficient refutation of such a charge. The President repeatedly has declared, and this Convention reaffirms, that all our duties and obligations as a member of the league must be fulfilled in strict conformity with the Constitution of the United States, embodied in which is the fundamental requirement of declaratory action by the Congress before this nation may become a participant in any war.\nSenate Rules\n\nWe favor such alteration of the rules of procedure of the Senate of the United States as will permit the prompt transaction of the nation's legislative business.\nConduct of the War\n\nDuring the war President Wilson exhibited the very broadest conception of liberal Americanism. In his conduct of the war, as in the general administration of his high office, there was no semblance of partisan bias. He invited to Washington as his councilors and coadjutors hundreds of the most prominent and pronounced Republicans in the country. To these he committed responsibilities of the gravest import and most confidential nature. Many of them had charge of vital activities of the government\nAnd yet, with the war successfully prosecuted and gloriously ended, the Republican Party in Congress, far from applauding the masterly leadership of the President and felicitating the country on the amazing achievements of the American government, has meanly requited the considerate course of the chief magistrate by savagely defaming the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy and by assailing nearly every public officer of every branch of the service intimately concerned in winning the war abroad and preserving the security of the government at home.\nWe express something that the Republican Convention omitted to express—we express to the soldiers and sailors of America the admiration of their fellow countrymen. Guided by the genius of such commanders as General John J. Pershing, the armed forces of America constituted a decisive factor in the victory and brought new lustre to the flag.\nWe commend the patriotic men and women, who sustained the efforts of their government in the crucial hours of the war, and contributed to the brilliant administrative success, achieved under the broad-visioned leadership of the President.\nFinancial Achievements\n\nA review of the record of the Democratic Party during the administration of Woodrow Wilson presents a chapter of substantial achievements unsurpassed in the history of the republic. For fifty years before the advent of this administration periodical convulsions had impeded the industrial progress of the American people and caused unestimatable loss and distress. By the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act the old system, which bred panics, was replaced by a new system, which insured confidence. It was an indispensable factor in winning the war, and to-day it is the hope and inspiration of business. Indeed, one vital danger against which the American people should keep constantly on guard, is the commitment of this system to partisan enemies who struggled against its adoption and vainly attempted to retain in the hands of speculative bankers a monopoly of the currency and credits of the nation. Already there are well defined indications of an assault upon the vital principles of the system in the event of Republican success at the elections in November.\nUnder Democratic leadership the American people successfully financed their stupendous part in the greatest war of all time. The Treasury wisely insisted during the war upon meeting an adequate portion of the war expenditure from current taxes and the bulk of the balance from popular loans, and, during the first full fiscal year after fighting stopped, upon meeting current expenditures from current receipts notwithstanding the new and unnecessary burdens thrown upon the Treasury by the delay, obstruction and extravagance of a Republican Congress.\nThe non-partisan Federal Reserve authorities have been wholly free of political interference or motive; and, in their own time and their own way, have used courageously, though cautiously, the instruments at their disposal to prevent undue expansion of credit in the country. As a result of these sound Treasury and Federal Reserve policies, the inevitable war inflation has been held down to a minimum, and the cost of living has been prevented from increasing in this country in proportion to the increase in other belligerent countries and in neutral countries which are in close contact with the world's commerce and exchanges.\nAfter a year and a half of fighting in Europe, and despite another year and a half of Republican obstruction at home, the credit of the Government of the United States stands unimpaired, the Federal Reserve note is the unit of value throughout all the world; and the United States is the one great country in the world which maintains a free gold market.\nWe condemn the attempt of the Republican party to deprive the American people of their legitimate pride in the financing of the war—an achievement without parallel in the financial history of this or any other country, in this or any other war. And in particular we condemn the pernicious attempt of the Republican Party to create discontent among the holders of the bonds of the Government of the United States and to drag our public finance and our banking and currency system back into the arena of party politics .\nTax Revision\n\nWe condemn the failure of the present Congress to respond to the oft-repeated demand of the President and the Secretaries of the Treasury to revise the existing tax laws. The continuance in force in peace times of taxes devised under pressure of imperative necessity to produce a revenue for war purposes is indefensible and can only result in lasting injury to the people. The Republican Congress persistently failed, through sheer political cowardice, to make a single move toward a readjustment of tax laws which it denounced before the last election and was afraid to revise before the next election.\nWe advocate reform and a searching revision of the War Revenue Acts to fit peace conditions so that the wealth of the nation may not be withdrawn from productive enterprise and diverted to wasteful or non-productive expenditure.\nWe demand prompt action by the next Congress for a complete survey of existing taxes and their modification and simplification with a view to secure greater equity and justice in the tax burden and improvement in administration.\nPublic Economy\n\nClaiming to have effected great economies in Government expenditures, the Republican Party cannot show the reduction of one dollar in taxation as a corollary of this false pretense. In contrast, the last Democratic Congress enacted legislation reducing taxes from eight billions, designed to be raised, to six billions for the first year after the Armistice, and to four billions thereafter; and there the total is left undiminished by our political adversaries. Two years after Armistice Day a Republican Congress provides for expending the stupendous sum of $5,403,390,.327.30, and wouldn't even lop off the thirty cents.\nAffecting great paper economies by reducing departmental estimates of sums which would not have been spent in any event, and by reducing formal appropriations, the Republican statement of expenditures omits the pregnant fact that the Congress authorized the use of one and a half billion dollars in the hands of various departments and bureaus, which otherwise would have been covered back into the Treasury, and which should be added to the Republican total of expenditures.\nHigh Cost of Living\n\nThe high cost of living and the depreciation of bond values in this country are primarily due to the war itself, to the necessary governmental expenditures for the destructive purposes of war, to private extravagance, to the world shortage of capital, to the inflation of foreign currencies and credits, and, in large degree, to conscienceless profiteering.\nThe Republican Party is responsible for the failure to restore peace and peace conditions in Europe, which is a principal cause of post-armistice inflation the world over. It has denied the demand of the President for necessary legislation to deal with secondary and local causes. The sound policies pursued by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve system have limited in this country, though they could not prevent, the inflation which was worldwide. Elected upon specific promises to curtail public expenditures and to bring the country back to a status of effective economy, the Republican Party in Congress wasted time and energy for more than a year in vain and extravagant investigations, costing the tax-payers great sums of money, while revealing nothing beyond the incapacity of Republican politicians to cope with the problems. Demanding that the President, from his place at the Peace Table, call the Congress into extraordinary session for imperative purposes of readjustment, the Congress when convened spent thirteen months in partisan pursuits, failing to repeal a single war statute which harassed business or to initiate a single constructive measure to help business. It busied itself making a pre-election record of pretended thrift, having not one particle of substantial existence in fact. It raged against profiteers and the high cost of living without enacting a single statute to make the former afraid or doing a single act to bring the latter within limitations.\nThe simple truth is that the high cost of living can only be remedied by increased production, strict governmental economy and a relentless pursuit of those who take advantage of post-war conditions and are demanding and receiving outrageous profits.\nWe pledge the Democratic Party to a policy of strict economy in government expenditures, and to the enactment and enforcement of such legislation as may be required to bring profiteers before the bar of criminal justice.\nThe Tariff\n\nWe reaffirm the traditional policy of the Democratic Party in favor of a tariff for revenue only and confirm the policy of basing tariff revisions upon the intelligent research of a non-partisan commission, rather than upon the demands of selfish interests, temporarily held in abeyance.\nBudget\n\nIn the interest of economy and good administration, we favor the creation of an effective budget system, that will function in accord with the principles of the Constitution. The reform should reach both the executive and legislative aspects of the question. The supervision and preparation of the budget should be vested in the Secretary of the Treasury as the representative of the President. The budget, as such, should not be increased by the Congress except by a two-thirds vote, each House, however, being free to exercise its constitutional privilege of making appropriations through independent bills. The appropriation bills should be considered by single Committees of the House and Senate. The audit system should be consolidated and its powers expanded so as to pass upon the wisdom of, as well as the authority for, expenditures.\nA budget bill was passed in the closing days of the second session of the Sixty-sixth Congress which, invalidated by plain constitutional defects and defaced by considerations of patronage, the President was obliged to veto. The House amended the bill to meet the Executive objection. We condemn the Republican Senate for adjourning without passing the amended measure, when by devoting an hour or two more to this urgent public business a budget system could have been provided.\nAgricultural Interests\n\nTo the great agricultural interests of the country, the Democratic Party does not find it necessary to make promises. It already is rich in its record of things actually accomplished. For nearly half a century of Republican rule not a sentence was written into the Federal Statutes affording one dollar of bank credits to the farming interests of America. In the first term of this Democratic administration the National Bank Act was so altered as to authorize loans of five years' maturity on improved farm lands. Later was established a system of farm loan banks, from which the borrowings already exceed three hundred millions of dollars; and under which the interest rate to farmers has been so materially reduced as to drive out of business the farm loan sharks who formerly subsisted by extortion upon the great agricultural interests of the country.\nThus it was a Democratic Congress in the administration of a Democratic President which enabled the farmers of America for the first time to obtain credit upon reasonable terms and insured their opportunity for the future development of the nation's agricultural resources. Tied up in Supreme Court proceedings, in a suit by hostile interests, the Federal Farm Loan System, originally opposed by the Republican candidate for the Presidency, appealed in vain to a Republican Congress for adequate financial assistance to tide over the interim between the beginning and the\nending of the current year, awaiting a final decision of the highest court on the validity of the contested act. We pledge prompt consistent support of sound and effective measures to sustain, to amplify and to perfect the rural Credits Statutes and thus to check and reduce the growth and course of farm tenancy.\nNot only did the Democratic Party put into effect a great Farm Loan system of land mortgage banks, but it passed the Smith-Lever agricultural extension act, carrying to every farmer in every section of the country, through the medium of trained experts and by demonstration farms, the practical knowledge acquired by the Federal Agricultural Department in all things relating to agriculture, horticulture and animal life; it established the Bureau of Markets, the Bureau of Farm Management, and passed the Cotton Futures Act, the Grain Grades Bill, the Co-operative Farm Administration Act, and the Federal Warehouse Act.\nThe Democratic Party has vastly improved the rural mail system and has built up the parcel post system to such an extent as to render its activities and its practical service indispensable to the farming community. It was this wise encouragement and this effective concern of the Democratic Party for the farmers of the United States that enabled this great interest to render such essential service in feeding the armies of America and the allied nations of the war and succoring starving populations since Armistice Day.\nMeanwhile the Republican leaders at Washington have failed utterly to propose one single measure to make rural life more tolerable. They have signalized their fifteen months of Congressional power by urging schemes which would strip the farms of labor; by assailing the principles of the Farm Loan system and seeking to impair its efficiency; by covertly attempting to destroy the great nitrogen plant at Mussel Shoals upon which the government has expended $70,000,000 to supply American farmers with fertilizers at reasonable cost; by ruthlessly crippling nearly every branch of agricultural endeavor, literally starving the productive mediums through which the people must be fed.\nWe favor such legislation as will confirm to the primary producers of the nation the right of collective bargaining, and the right of co-operative handling and marketing of the products of the workshop and the farm and such legislation as will facilitate the exportation of our farm products.\nWe favor comprehensive studies of farm production costs and the uncensored publication of facts found in such studies.\nLabor and Industry\n\nThe Democratic Party is now, as ever, the firm friend of honest labor and the promoter of progressive industry. It established the Department of Labor at Washington and a Democratic President called to his official council board the first practical workingman who ever held a cabinet portfolio. Under this administration have been established employment bureaus to bring the man and the job together; have been peaceably determined many bitter disputes between capital and labor; were passed the Child-Labor Act, the Workingman's Compensation Act (the extension of which we advocate so as to include laborers engaged in loading and unloading ships and in interstate commerce), the Eight-Hour Law, the act for Vocational Training, and a code of other wholesome laws affecting the liberties and bettering the conditions of the laboring classes. In the Department of Labor the Democratic administration established a Woman's Bureau, which a Republican Congress destroyed by withholding appropriations.\nLabor is not a commodity; it is human. Those who labor have rights, and the national security and safety depend upon a just recognition of those rights and the conservation of the strength of the workers and their families in the interest of sound-hearted and sound-headed men, women and children. Laws regulating hours of labor and conditions under which labor is performed, when passed in recognition of the conditions under which life must be lived to attain the highest development and happiness, are just assertions of the national interest in the welfare of the people.\nAt the same time, the nation depends upon the products of labor; a cessation of production means loss and, if long continued, means disaster. The whole people, therefore, have a right to insist that justice shall be done to those who work, and in turn that those whose labor creates the necessities upon which the life of the nation depends must recognize the reciprocal obligation between the worker and the state.\nThey should participate in the formulation of sound laws and regulations governing the conditions under which labor is performed, recognize and obey the laws so formulated, and seek their amendment when necessary by the processes ordinarily addressed to the laws and regulations affecting the other relations of life.\nLabor, as well as capital, is entitled to adequate compensation. Each has the indefeasible right of organization, of collective bargaining and of speaking through representatives of their own selection. Neither class, however, should at any time nor in any circumstances take action that will put in jeopardy the public welfare. Resort to strikes and lockouts which endanger the health or lives of the people is an unsatisfactory device for determining disputes, and the Democratic Party pledges itself to contrive, if possible, and put into effective operation a fair and comprehensive method of composing differences of this nature.\nIn private industrial disputes, we are opposed to compulsory arbitration as a method plausible in theory, but a failure in fact. With respect to government service, we hold distinctly that the rights of the people are paramount to the right to strike. However, we profess scrupulous regard for the conditions of public employment and pledge the Democratic Party to instant inquiry into the pay of government employees and equally speedy regulations designed to bring salaries to a just and proper level.\nWoman's Suffrage\n\nWe endorse the proposed 19th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States granting equal suffrage to women. We congratulate the legislatures of thirty-five states which have already ratified said amendment and we urge the Democratic Governors and Legislatures of Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida and such states as have not yet ratified the Federal Suffrage Amendment to unite in an effort to complete the process of ratification and secure the thirty-sixth state in time for all the women of the United States to participate in the fall election.\nWe commend the effective advocacy of the measure by President Wilson.\nWelfare of Women and Children\n\nWe urge co-operation with the states for the protection of child life through infancy and maternity care; in the prohibition of child labor and by adequate appropriations for the Children's Bureau and the Woman's Bureau in the Department of Labor.\nEducation\n\nCo-operative Federal assistance to the states is immediately required for the removal of illiteracy, for the increase of teachers' salaries and instruction in citizenship for both native and foreign-born; increased appropriation for vocational training in home economics; re-establishment of joint Federal and state employment service with women's departments under the direction of technically qualified women.\nWomen in Industry\n\nWe advocate full representation of women on all commissions dealing with women's work or women's interests and a reclassification of the Federal Civil Service free from discrimination on the ground of sex; a continuance of appropriations for education in sex hygiene; Federal legislation which shall insure that American women resident in the United States, but married to aliens, shall retain their American citizenship, and that the same process of naturalization shall be required for women as for men.\nDisabled Soldiers\n\nThe Federal government should treat with the utmost consideration every disabled soldier, sailor, and marine of the world war, whether his disability be due to wounds received in line of action or to health impaired in service; and for the dependents of the brave men who died in line of duty the government's tenderest concern and richest bounty should be their requital. The fine patriotism exhibited, the heroic conduct displayed, by American soldiers, sailors and marines at home and abroad, constitute a sacred heritage of posterity, the worth of which can never be recompensed from the Treasury and the glory of which must not be diminished by any such expedients.\nThe Democratic administration wisely established a War Risk Insurance Bureau, giving four and a half millions of enlisted men insurance at unprecedentedly low rates and through the medium of which compensation of men and women injured in service is readily adjusted, and hospital facilities for those whose health is impaired are abundantly afforded.\nThe Federal Board for Vocational Education should be made a part of the War Risk Insurance Bureau, in order that the task may be treated as a whole, and this machinery of protection and assistance must receive every aid of law and appropriation necessary to full and effective operation.\nWe believe that no higher or more valued privilege can be afforded to an American citizen than to become a freeholder in the soil of the United States, and to that end we pledge our party to the enactment of soldier settlements and home aid legislation which will afford to the men who fought for America the opportunity to become land and home owners under conditions affording genuine government assistance unencumbered by needless difficulties of red tape or advance financial investment.\nThe Railroads\n\nThe railroads were subjected to Federal control as a war measure, without other idea than the swift transport of troops, munitions and supplies. When human life and national hopes were at stake profits could not be considered and were not. Federal operation, however, was marked by an intelligence and efficiency that minimized loss and resulted in many and marked reforms. The equipment taken over was not only grossly inadequate but shamefully outworn. Unification practices overcame these initial handicaps and provided additions, betterments and improvements. Economics enabled operation without the rate raises that private control would have found necessary, and labor was treated with an exact justice that secured the enthusiastic co-operation that victory demanded. The fundamental purpose of Federal control was achieved fully and splendidly, and at far less cost to the taxpayer than would have been the case under private operation. Investments in railroad properties were not only saved by government operation, but government management returned these properties vastly improved in every physical and executive detail. A great task was greatly discharged.\nThe President's recommendation of return to private ownership gave the Republican majority a full year in which to enact the necessary legislation. The House took six months to formulate its ideas, and another six months was consumed by the Republican Senate in equally vague debate. As a consequence, the Esch-Cummins Bill went to the President in the closing hours of Congress, and he was forced to a choice between the chaos of a veto and acquiescence in the measure submitted, however grave may have been his objections to it.\nThere should be a fair and complete test of the law until careful and mature action by Congress may cure its defects and insure a thoroughly effective transportation system under private ownership without government subsidy at the expense of the taxpayers of the country.\nImproved Highways\n\nImproved roads are of vital importance not only to commerce and industry but also to agriculture and rural life. The Federal Road Act of 1916, enacted by a Democratic Congress, represented the first systematic effort of the government to insure the building of an adequate system of roads in this country. The act, as amended, has resulted in placing the movement for improved highways on a progressive and substantial basis in every State in the Union and in bringing under actual construction more than 13,000 miles of roads suited to the traffic needs of the communities in which they are located.\nWe favor a continuance of the present Federal aid plan under existing Federal and State agencies, amended so as to include as one of the elements in determining the ratio in which the several states shall be entitled to share in the fund, the area of any public lands therein.\nInasmuch as the postal service has been extended by the Democratic Party to the door of practically every producer and every consumer in the country (rural free delivery alone having been provided for 6,000,000 additional patrons within the past eight years without materially added cost), we declare that this instrumentality can and will be used to the maximum of its capacity to improve the efficiency of distribution and reduce the cost of living to consumers while increasing the profitable operations of producers.\nWe strongly favor the increased use of the motor vehicle in the transportation of the mails and urge the removal of the restrictions imposed by the Republican Congress on the use of motor devices in mail transportation in rural territories.\nThe Postal Service\n\nThe efficiency of the Post Office Department has been vindicated against a malicious and designing assault, by the efficiency of its operation. Its record refutes its assailants. Their voices are silenced and their charges have collapsed.\nWe recommend the work of the Joint Commission on the reclassification of salaries of postal employes, recently concluded, which commission was created by a Democratic administration. The Democratic Party has always favored and will continue to favor the fair and just treatment of all government employes.\nFree Speech and Press\n\nWe resent the unfounded reproaches directed against the Democratic administration for alleged interference with the freedom of the press and freedom of speech.\nNo utterance from any quarter has been assailed, and no publication has been repressed, which has not been animated by treasonable purposes, and directed against the nation's peace, order and security in time of war.\nWe reaffirm our respect for the great principles of free speech and a free press, but assert as an indisputable proposition that they afford no toleration of enemy propaganda or the advocacy of the overthrow of the government of the state or nation by force or violence.\nInland Waterways\n\nWe call attention to the failure of the Republican National Convention to recognize in any way the rapid development of barge transportation on our inland waterways, which development is the result of the constructive policies of the Democratic administration. And we pledge ourselves to the further development of adequate transportation facilities on our rivers and to the further improvement of our inland waterways, and we recognize the importance of connecting the Great Lakes with the sea by way of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, as well as by the St. Lawrence River. We favor an enterprising Foreign Trade policy with all nations, and in this connection we favor the full utilization of all Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf ports, and an equitable distribution of shipping facilities between the various ports.\nTransportation remains an increasingly vital problem in the continued development and prosperity of the nation.\nOur present facilities for distribution by rail are inadequate and the promotion of transportation by water is imperative.\nWe therefore favor a liberal and comprehensive policy for the development and utilization of our harbors and interior waterways.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe desire to congratulate the American people upon the rebirth of our Merchant Marine which once more maintains its former place in the world. It was under a Democratic administration that this was accomplished after seventy years of indifference and neglect, thirteen million tons having been constructed since the act was passed in 1916. We pledge the policy of our party to the continued growth of our Merchant Marine under proper legislation so that American products will be carried to all ports of the world by vessels built in American yards, flying the American flag.\nReclamation of Arid Lands\n\nBy wise legislation and progressive administration, we have transformed the government reclamation projects, representing an investment of $100,000,000, from a condition of impending failure and loss of confidence in the ability of the government to carry through such large enterprises, to a condition of demonstrated success, whereby formerly arid and wholly unproductive lands now sustain 40,000 prosperous families and have an annual crop production of over $70,000,000, not including the crops grown on a million acres outside the projects supplied with storage water from government works.\nWe favor ample appropriations for the continuation and extension of this great work of home-building and internal improvement along the same general lines, to the end that all practical projects shall be built, and waters now running to waste shall be made to provide homes and add to the food supply, power resources, and taxable property, with the government ultimately reimbursed for the entire outlay.\nFlood Control\n\nWe commend the Democratic Congress for the redemption of the pledge contained in our last platform by the passage of the Flood Control Act of March 1st, 1917, and point to the successful control of the floods of the Mississippi River and the Sacramento River, California, under the policy of that law, for its complete justification. We favor the extension of this policy to other flood control problems wherever the Federal interest involved justified the expenditure required.\nThe Trade Commission\n\nThe Democratic Party heartily endorses the creation and work of the Federal Trade Commission in establishing a fair field for competitive business, free from restraints of trade and monopoly and recommends amplification of the statutes governing its activities so as to grant it authority to prevent the unfair use of patents in restraint of trade.\nLive Stock Markets\n\nFor the purpose of insuring just and fair treatment in the great interstate live stock market, and thus instilling confidence in growers through which production will be stimulated and the price of meats to consumers be ultimately reduced, we favor the enactment of legislation for the supervision of such markets by the national government.\nPort Facilities\n\nThe urgent demands of the war for adequate transportation of war material as well as for domestic need, revealed the fact that our port facilities and rate adjustments were such as to seriously affect the whole country in times of peace as well as war.\nWe pledge our party to stand for equality of rates, both import and export, for the ports of the country, to the end that there may be adequate and fair facilities and rates for the mobilization of the products of the country offered for shipment.\nPetroleum\n\nThe Democratic Party recognizes the importance of the acquisition by Americans of additional sources of supply of petroleum and other minerals and declares that such acquisition both at home and abroad should be fostered and encouraged. We urge such action, legislative and executive, as may secure to American citizens the same rights in the acquirement of mining rights in foreign countries as are enjoyed by the citizens or subjects of any other nation.\nMexico\n\nThe United States is the neighbor and friend of the nations of the three Americas. In a very special sense, our international relations in this hemisphere should be characterized by good will and free from any possible suspicion as to our national purpose.\nThe administration, remembering always that Mexico is an independent nation and that permanent stability in her government and her institutions could come only from the consent of her own people to a government of their own making, has been unwilling either to profit by the misfortunes of the people of Mexico or to enfeeble their future by imposing from the outside a rule upon their temporarily distracted councils. (a) As a consequence, order is gradually reappearing in Mexico; at no time in many years have American lives and interests been so safe as they are now; peace reigns along the border and industry is resuming.\nWhen the new government of Mexico shall have given ample proof of its ability permanently to maintain law and order, signified its willingness to meet its international obligations and written upon its statute books just laws under which foreign investors shall have rights as well as duties, that government should receive our recognition and sympathetic assistance. Until these proper expectations have been met, Mexico must realize the propriety of a policy that asserts the right of the United States to demand full protection for its citizens.\nIreland\n\nThe great principle of national self-determination has received constant reiteration as one of the chief objectives for which this country entered the war and victory established this principle.\nWithin the limitations of international comity and usage, this Convention repeats the several previous expressions of the sympathy of the Democratic Party of the United States for the aspirations of Ireland for self-government.\nArmenia\n\nWe express our deep and earnest sympathy for the unfortunate people of Armenia, and we believe that our government, consistent with its Constitution and principles, should render every possible and proper aid to them in their efforts to establish and maintain a government of their own.\nPorto Rico\n\nWe favor granting to the people of Porto Rico the traditional territorial form of government, with a view to ultimate statehood, accorded to all territories of the United States since the beginning of our government, and we believe that the officials appointed to administer the government of such territories should be qualified by previous bona-fide residence therein.\nAlaska\n\nWe commend the Democratic administration for inaugurating a new policy as to Alaska, as evidenced by the construction of the Alaska railroad and opening of the coal and oil fields.\nWe declare for the modification of the existing coal land law, to promote development without disturbing the features intended to prevent monopoly.\nFor such changes in the policy of forestry control as will permit the immediate initiation of the paper pulp industry.\nFor relieving the territory from the evils of long-distance government by arbitrary and interlocking bureaucratic regulation, and to that end we urge the speedy passage of a law containing the essential features of the Land-Curry Bill now pending, co-ordinating and consolidating all Federal control of natural resources under one department to be administered by a non-partisan board permanently resident in the territory.\nFor the fullest measure of territorial self-government with the view of ultimate statehood, with jurisdiction over all matters not of purely Federal concern, including fisheries and game, and for an intelligent administration of Federal control we believe that all officials appointed should be qualified by previous bona-fide residence in the territory.\nFor a comprehensive system of road construction with increased appropriations and the full extension of the Federal Road Aid Act to Alaska.\nFor the extension to Alaska of the Federal Farm Loan Act.\nThe Philippines\n\nWe favor the granting of independence without unnecessary delay to the 10,500,000 inhabitants of the Philippine Islands.\nHawaii\n\nWe favor a liberal policy of homesteading public lands in Hawaii to promote a larger middle-class citizen population, with equal rights to all citizens.\nThe importance of Hawaii as an outpost on the western frontier of the United States, demands adequate appropriations by Congress for the development of our harbors and highways there.\nNew Nations\n\nThe Democratic Party expresses its active sympathy with the people of China, Czecho-Slovakia, Finland, Poland, Persia, Jugo-Slavia and others who have recently established representative governments and who are striving to develop the institutions of true Democracy.\nAsiatic Immigrants\n\nThe policy of the United States with reference to the non-admission of Asiatic immigrants is a true expression of the judgment of our people, and to the several states, whose geographical situation or internal conditions make this policy, and the enforcement of the laws enacted pursuant thereto, of particular concern, we pledge our support.\nRepublican Corruption\n\nThe shocking disclosure of the lavish use of money by aspirants for the Republican nomination for the highest office in the gift of the people, has created a painful impression throughout the country. Viewed in connection with the recent conviction of a Republican Senator from the State of Michigan for the criminal transgression of the law limiting expenditures on behalf of a candidate for the United States Senate, it indicates the reentry, under Republican auspices, of money as an influential factor in elections, thus nullifying the letter and flaunting the spirit of numerous laws, enacted by the people, to protect the ballot from the contamination of corrupt practices. We deplore these delinquencies and invoke their stern popular rebuke, pledging our earnest efforts to a strengthening of the present statutes against corrupt practices, and their rigorous enforcement.\nWe remind the people that it was only by the return of a Republican Senator in Michigan, who is now under conviction and sentence for the criminal misuse of money in his election, that the present organization of the Senate with a Republican majority was made possible.\nConclusion\n\nBelieving that we have kept the Democratic faith, and resting our claims to the confidence of the people not upon grandiose promises, but upon the solid performances of our party, we submit our record to the nation's consideration and ask that the pledges of this platform be appraised in the light of that record.", "Words" -> 7115, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 678, "of" -> 453, "and" -> 314, "to" -> 206, "in" -> 157, "a" -> 117, "for" -> 77, "by" -> 74, "as" -> 60, "that" -> 55, "which" -> 51, "The" -> 50, "We" -> 47, "this" -> 40, "be" -> 40, "Democratic" -> 38, "with" -> 37, "Republican" -> 37, "our" -> 36, "was" -> 34, "we" -> 33, "is" -> 32, "government" -> 31, "war" -> 30, "its" -> 29, "Federal" -> 29, "have" -> 27, "Congress" -> 25, "their" -> 24, "Party" -> 24, "not" -> 23, "from" -> 23, "country" -> 23, "an" -> 23, "such" -> 22, "people" -> 22, "been" -> 22, "upon" -> 21, "under" -> 21, "has" -> 21, "United" -> 20, "States" -> 20, "should" -> 20, "President" -> 20, "or" -> 20, "at" -> 20, "all" -> 20, "administration" -> 20, "great" -> 19, "system" -> 17, "favor" -> 17, "American" -> 17, "on" -> 16, "his" -> 15, "are" -> 15, "any" -> 15, "policy" -> 14, "peace" -> 14, "It" -> 13, "it" -> 13, "every" -> 13, "will" -> 12, "who" -> 12, "so" -> 12, "only" -> 12, "nation" -> 12, "world" -> 11, "Senate" -> 11, "legislation" -> 11, "labor" -> 11, "but" -> 11, "against" -> 11, "Act" -> 11, "would" -> 10, "without" -> 10, "one" -> 10, "may" -> 10, "laws" -> 10, "into" -> 10, "free" -> 10, 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6, "interest" -> 6, "first" -> 6, "Farm" -> 6, "fair" -> 6, "fact" -> 6, "facilities" -> 6, "extension" -> 6, "Convention" -> 6, "commend" -> 6, "bring" -> 6, "before" -> 6, "action" -> 6, "act" -> 6, "Wilson" -> 5, "use" -> 5, "urge" -> 5, "treaty" -> 5, "those" -> 5, "Reserve" -> 5, "purposes" -> 5, "products" -> 5, "production" -> 5, "present" -> 5, "political" -> 5, "over" -> 5, "order" -> 5, "new" -> 5, "months" -> 5, "living" -> 5, "leadership" -> 5, "justice" -> 5, "international" -> 5, "increased" -> 5, "if" -> 5, "high" -> 5, "he" -> 5, "half" -> 5, "failure" -> 5, "efficiency" -> 5, "Department" -> 5, "condemn" -> 5, "budget" -> 5, "between" -> 5, "assistance" -> 5, "Alaska" -> 5, "aid" -> 5, "agricultural" -> 5, "way" -> 4, "Washington" -> 4, "War" -> 4, "view" -> 4, "victory" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "taxes" -> 4, "state" -> 4, "sound" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "River" -> 4, "result" -> 4, "required" -> 4, "recognize" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "proper" -> 4, "progressive" -> 4, 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"territories" -> 3, "territorial" -> 3, "tax" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "take" -> 3, "sympathy" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "success" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "strict" -> 3, "statute" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "spent" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "six" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "several" -> 3, "separate" -> 3, "security" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "salaries" -> 3, "roads" -> 3, "resources" -> 3, "reservations" -> 3, "render" -> 3, "regulations" -> 3, "reducing" -> 3, "recognition" -> 3, "ratification" -> 3, "rates" -> 3, "rate" -> 3, "qualified" -> 3, "put" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "protection" -> 3, "prompt" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "previous" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "policies" -> 3, "place" -> 3, "non-partisan" -> 3, "nearly" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "monopoly" -> 3, "Merchant" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "Marine" -> 3, "many" -> 3, "liberal" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "League" -> 3, "league" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "itself" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "integrity" -> 3, "insure" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "imperative" -> 3, "impair" -> 3, "hours" -> 3, "history" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "held" -> 3, "health" -> 3, "Hawaii" -> 3, "granting" -> 3, "good" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "fundamental" -> 3, "foreign" -> 3, "financial" -> 3, "far" -> 3, "faith" -> 3, "factor" -> 3, "express" -> 3, "expenditure" -> 3, "exhibited" -> 3, "executive" -> 3, "essential" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "enabled" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "efforts" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "doing" -> 3, "distribution" -> 3, "disputes" -> 3, "designed" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "criminal" -> 3, "crime" -> 3, "credits" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "continued" -> 3, "continuance" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "considered" -> 3, "congratulate" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "capital" -> 3, "By" -> 3, "built" -> 3, "billions" -> 3, "Bill" -> 3, "become" -> 3, "back" -> 3, "associates" -> 3, "As" -> 3, "appropriation" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "already" -> 3, "affording" -> 3, "activities" -> 3, "achievements" -> 3, "A" -> 3, "$70,000,000" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "written" -> 2, "Woodrow" -> 2, "Women" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "winning" -> 2, "wholly" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "When" -> 2, "welfare" -> 2, "water" -> 2, "Vocational" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "Versailles" -> 2, "vastly" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "utterly" -> 2, "utilization" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "urgent" -> 2, "up" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "Under" -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "ultimate" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "treatment" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "trade" -> 2, "total" -> 2, "to-day" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "Thus" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "though" -> 2, "thirteen" -> 2, "things" -> 2, "They" -> 2, "therein" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "thereafter" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "temporarily" -> 2, "tariff" -> 2, "sustain" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "supervision" -> 2, "sums" -> 2, "Suffrage" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "stupendous" -> 2, "studies" -> 2, "Statutes" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "starving" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "speedy" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "soldier" -> 2, "situation" -> 2, "sex" -> 2, "session" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "sentence" -> 2, "Senator" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "said" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "Road" -> 2, "Risk" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "revise" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "retain" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "respect" -> 2, "resident" -> 2, "residence" -> 2, "republic" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "reform" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "reduce" -> 2, "reclassification" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "received" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "readjustment" -> 2, "ratified" -> 2, "railroad" -> 2, "publication" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "proposition" -> 2, "properties" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "profiteers" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "privilege" -> 2, "principle" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "President's" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "Porto" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "politicians" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "permanently" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "performed" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "patriotic" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "particular" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "part" -> 2, "paper" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "opportunity" -> 2, "Only" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "obstruction" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "next" -> 2, "nature" -> 2, "motor" -> 2, "modification" -> 2, "Mississippi" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "million" -> 2, "Michigan" -> 2, "method" -> 2, "meeting" -> 2, "meet" -> 2, "medium" -> 2, "materially" -> 2, "Markets" -> 2, "market" -> 2, "marked" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "maintains" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "mail" -> 2, "Lodge" -> 2, "loans" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "line" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "justified" -> 2, "Ireland" -> 2, "investment" -> 2, "intimately" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "intent" -> 2, "intelligent" -> 2, "insured" -> 2, "Insurance" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "inland" -> 2, "initiate" -> 2, "Industry" -> 2, "indispensable" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "increase" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "include" -> 2, "inadequate" -> 2, "Improved" -> 2, "import" -> 2, "impaired" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "human" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "harbors" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "growth" -> 2, "governmental" -> 2, "governing" -> 2, "future" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "friend" -> 2, "freedom" -> 2, "four" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "formerly" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "Flood" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "firm" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "features" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "families" -> 2, "failed" -> 2, "extravagance" -> 2, "except" -> 2, "everlasting" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "event" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "entered" -> 2, "endorse" -> 2, "employes" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "eight" -> 2, "effort" -> 2, "Education" -> 2, "economies" -> 2, "earnest" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "dishonor" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "determining" -> 2, "determined" -> 2, "depends" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "delay" -> 2, "defects" -> 2, "declares" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "Day" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "create" -> 2, "covenant" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "corrupt" -> 2, "Co-operative" -> 2, "co-operation" -> 2, "conviction" -> 2, "Control" -> 2, "contrive" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "consequence" -> 2, "connection" -> 2, "confirm" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "conception" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "coal" -> 2, "closing" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "candidate" -> 2, "call" -> 2, "bureaus" -> 2, "burden" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "bona-fide" -> 2, "board" -> 2, "blackest" -> 2, "bills" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "assault" -> 2, "assailing" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "Asiatic" -> 2, "armies" -> 2, "Armenia" -> 2, "appointed" -> 2, "another" -> 2, "ample" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "always" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "allied" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "Agricultural" -> 2, "afraid" -> 2, "afforded" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "advocacy" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "additional" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "acquisition" -> 2, "achievement" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "1916" -> 2, "$100,000,000" -> 1, "young" -> 1, "yards" -> 1, "wrought" -> 1, "wounds" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "wouldn't" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "workshop" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "Workingman's" -> 1, "workingman" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "western" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "war—an" -> 1, "Warehouse" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "Viewed" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "vehicle" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "validity" -> 1, "vainly" -> 1, "vague" -> 1, "utterance" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "usage" -> 1, "urging" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "unsurpassed" -> 1, "unsatisfactory" -> 1, "unproductive" -> 1, "unprecedentedly" -> 1, "unloading" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "unimpaired" -> 1, "Unification" -> 1, "unfounded" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unestimatable" -> 1, "unencumbered" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undiminished" -> 1, "undertook" -> 1, "uncensored" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "twenty-nine" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "tributaries" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "treasonable" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "translating" -> 1, "transgression" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transaction" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "training" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "tons" -> 1, "toleration" -> 1, "tolerable" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "Tied" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "thrown" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "thirty-sixth" -> 1, "thirty-five" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "theory" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "terminating" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "tenderest" -> 1, "tenancy" -> 1, "technically" -> 1, "teachers" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "tax-payers" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "taxable" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "Table" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "sympathetic" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "survey" -> 1, "surest" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "supplied" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suit" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "succoring" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "subsisted" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "strip" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "strains" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "Stock" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "stern" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stake" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "St." -> 1, "splendidly" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "Speech" -> 1, "speculative" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "sound-hearted" -> 1, "sound-headed" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "Soldiers" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "Smith-Lever" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "Sixty-sixth" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "silenced" -> 1, "signified" -> 1, "signalized" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "Shoals" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shipment" -> 1, "sheer" -> 1, "sharks" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "shamefully" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "seventy" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "sends" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "semblance" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "Secretaries" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "searching" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scrupulous" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "savagely" -> 1, "saner" -> 1, "sanctity" -> 1, "salutes" -> 1, "sailor" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "Sacramento" -> 1, "ruthlessly" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "Rules" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "ruin" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "richest" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "Revision" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "revealing" -> 1, "revealed" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "retrieve" -> 1, "resuming" -> 1, "resume" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "resting" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "Resort" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resent" -> 1, "research" -> 1, "requited" -> 1, "requital" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "reputation" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "reproaches" -> 1, "repressed" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "repeats" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remembering" -> 1, "remedied" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "relieving" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "related" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "reiteration" -> 1, "reimbursed" -> 1, "reigns" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refutes" -> 1, "refutation" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "reference" -> 1, "re-establishment" -> 1, "reentry" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "redemption" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recur" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "recompensed" -> 1, "recommends" -> 1, "recommendation" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "receipts" -> 1, "rebuke" -> 1, "rebirth" -> 1, "reappearing" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "readily" -> 1, "reach" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rapid" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "raged" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "pursuits" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "purely" -> 1, "pulp" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "provides" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "propriety" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "propose" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "pronounced" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoter" -> 1, "prominent" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "profess" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "pretended" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "Press" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "pre-election" -> 1, "prearrangement" -> 1, "practically" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "post-war" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "post-armistice" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "portfolio" -> 1, "Port" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "pledging" -> 1, "plausible" -> 1, "plaudits" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "pitted" -> 1, "pieces" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "Philippine" -> 1, "Petroleum" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "Persia" -> 1, "Pershing" -> 1, "pernicious" -> 1, "periodical" -> 1, "performances" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "peaceably" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "patrons" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patents" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "particle" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "parcel" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "parallel" -> 1, "panics" -> 1, "painful" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "overcame" -> 1, "outworn" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outpost" -> 1, "outlay" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "originally" -> 1, "ordinarily" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "omitted" -> 1, "omits" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "oil" -> 1, "oft-repeated" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obloquy" -> 1, "obliged" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "objectives" -> 1, "objections" -> 1, "objection" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "nullifying" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notwithstanding" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "northern" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-productive" -> 1, "non-admission" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "nitrogen" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neutral" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "Mussel" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "motive" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "moments" -> 1, "mobilization" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "misfortunes" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "minimized" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "mighty" -> 1, "middle-class" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "mediums" -> 1, "meats" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "Meanwhile" -> 1, "meanly" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "maturity" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "maternity" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "masterly" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "marines" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "Many" -> 1, "manifested" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "malicious" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "magistrate" -> 1, "magazine" -> 1, "madness" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lustre" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "lop" -> 1, "long-distance" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "lockouts" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "loading" -> 1, "Living" -> 1, "lived" -> 1, "Live" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "Lawrence" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "lavish" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "Later" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "Land-Curry" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "laboring" -> 1, "laborers" -> 1, "Knox" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "Jugo-Slavia" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "John" -> 1, "job" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "jealous" -> 1, "J" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "invoke" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "Investments" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "invalidated" -> 1, "interrupted" -> 1, "interposing" -> 1, "interlocking" -> 1, "interior" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "Interests" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "insufferable" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instrumentality" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "instilling" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "insisted" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "Inland" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "influential" -> 1, "infancy" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "indisputable" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "indications" -> 1, "indicates" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "indefeasible" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "inaugurating" -> 1, "Inasmuch" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "impression" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "imperishable" -> 1, "Imperial" -> 1, "impending" -> 1, "impeded" -> 1, "Immigrants" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "hygiene" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "horticulture" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homesteading" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "home-building" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "Henry" -> 1, "Hence" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "help" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "harassed" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handicaps" -> 1, "hails" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "Guided" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "growers" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "grievous" -> 1, "greetings" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "grandiose" -> 1, "Grain" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "Grades" -> 1, "Governors" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "glory" -> 1, "gloriously" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "German" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "Futures" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "freeholder" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "Forum" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "formulate" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "foreign-born" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "Florida" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flaunting" -> 1, "Flanders" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fitting" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "Finland" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fertilizers" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "felicitating" -> 1, "felicitate" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "fed" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "Facilities" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extortion" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "express—we" -> 1, "expressions" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "expresses" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exportation" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expending" -> 1, "expended" -> 1, "expedients" -> 1, "expectations" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exceptional" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "exact" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "estimates" -> 1, "establishments" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "Esch-Cummins" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipment" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "entrance" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enthusiastic" -> 1, "enterprising" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enlisted" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enfeeble" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "Elected" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Eight-Hour" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "Economics" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "economic" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drag" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "disturbing" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distracted" -> 1, "distinctly" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displayed" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discontent" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "Disabled" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "device" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "detail" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designing" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "departmental" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "denounced" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "Demanding" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "delinquencies" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "defaming" -> 1, "defaced" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declaratory" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "December" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "Czecho-Slovakia" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "currencies" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "crush" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crippling" -> 1, "Credits" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "cowardice" -> 1, "covertly" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "covenants" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "courageously" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "countrymen" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "councilors" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "Cotton" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "costing" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "Corruption" -> 1, "corollary" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "co-ordinating" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "convulsions" -> 1, "convened" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contested" -> 1, "contamination" -> 1, "containing" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "contact" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "constructed" -> 1, "constituted" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consolidating" -> 1, "consolidated" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "considerate" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "consented" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscienceless" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "connecting" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "confidential" -> 1, "Conduct" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "composing" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "Compensation" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "communities" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commitment" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commanders" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "comity" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "colossal" -> 1, "collapsed" -> 1, "code" -> 1, "coadjutors" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "clearer" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "Claiming" -> 1, "claimed" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "Children's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "Child-Labor" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "characterization" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "chairman" -> 1, "cessation" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "cents" -> 1, "cautiously" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "Carolina" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "Cabot" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "busied" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "Budget" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broke" -> 1, "broad-visioned" -> 1, "broadest" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "brilliant" -> 1, "bred" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "brand" -> 1, "bounty" -> 1, "borrowings" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "books" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "bitter" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "betterments" -> 1, "bettering" -> 1, "belligerent" -> 1, "Believing" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "basing" -> 1, "barge" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "bankers" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "awaiting" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "authorize" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "auspices" -> 1, "audit" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "asserts" -> 1, "assertions" -> 1, "asserting" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assailed" -> 1, "assailants" -> 1, "aspirants" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "Arid" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "arena" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "appraised" -> 1, "applauding" -> 1, "appealed" -> 1, "antagonism" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "animated" -> 1, "animal" -> 1, "amplify" -> 1, "amplification" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "Americanism" -> 1, "amazing" -> 1, "altered" -> 1, "alteration" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "akin" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "Affecting" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "advent" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adjourning" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "additions" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquirement" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acquiescence" -> 1, "Achievements" -> 1, "accusing" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "abundantly" -> 1, "abeyance" -> 1, "(a)" -> 1, "6,000,000" -> 1, "5,403,390,.327.30" -> 1, "40,000" -> 1, "1st" -> 1, "19th" -> 1, "1918" -> 1, "1917" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "13,000" -> 1, "10,500,000" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1916", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1916, "Date" -> DateObject[{1916, 6, 14}], "Text" -> "The Democratic Party, in National Convention assembled, adopts the following declaration to the end that the people of the United States may both realize the achievements wrought by four years of Democratic administration and be apprised of the policies to which the party is committed for the further conduct of National affairs.\nI. Record of Achievement\n\nWe endorse the administration of Woodrow Wilson. It speaks for itself. It is the best exposition of sound Democratic policy at home and abroad.\nWe challenge comparison of our record, our keeping of pledges and our constructive legislation, with those of any party of any time.\nWe found our country hampered by special privilege, a vicious tariff, obsolete banking laws and an inelastic currency. Our foreign affairs were dominated by commercial interests for their selfish ends. The Republican Party, despite repeated pledges, was impotent to correct abuses which it had fostered. Under our Administration, under a leadership which has never faltered, these abuses have been corrected, and our people have been freed therefrom.\nOur archaic banking and currency system, prolific of panic and disaster under Republican administrations,—long the refuge of the money trust,—has been supplanted by the Federal Reserve Act, a true democracy of credit under government control, already proved a financial bulwark in a world crisis, mobilizing our resources, placing abundant credit at the disposal of legitimate industry and making a currency panic impossible.\nWe have created a Federal Trade Commission to accommodate perplexing questions arising under the anti-trust laws, so that monopoly may be strangled at its birth and legitimate industry encouraged. Fair competition in business is now assured.\nWe have effected an adjustment of the tariff, adequate for revenue under peace conditions, and fair to the consumer and to the producer. We have adjusted the burdens of taxation so that swollen incomes bear their equitable share. Our revenues have been sufficient in times of world stress, and will largely exceed the expenditures for the current fiscal year.\nWe have lifted human labor from the category of commodities and have secured to the workingman the right of voluntary association for his protection and welfare. We have protected the rights of the laborer against the unwarranted issuance of writs of injunction, and have guaranteed to him the right of trial by jury in cases of alleged contempt committed outside the presence of the court.\nWe have advanced the parcel post to genuine efficiency, enlarged the postal savings system, added ten thousand rural delivery routes and extensions, thus reaching two and one-half millions additional people, improved the postal service in every branch, and for the first time in our history, placed the post-office system on a self-supporting basis, with actual surplus in 1913, 1914 and 1916.\nII. Economic Freedom\n\nThe reforms which were most obviously needed to clear away special privilege, prevent unfair discrimination and release the energies of men of all ranks and advantages, have been effected by recent legislation. We must now remove, as far as possible, every remaining element of unrest and uncertainty from the path of the business men of America, and secure for them a continued period of quiet, assured and confident prosperity.\nIII. Tariff\n\nWe reaffirm our belief in the doctrine of a tariff for the purpose of providing sufficient revenue for the operation of the government economically administered, and unreservedly endorse the Underwood tariff law as truly exemplifying that doctrine. We recognize that tariff rates are necessarily subject to change to meet changing conditions in the world's productions and trade. The events of the last two years have brought about many momentous changes. In some respects their effects are yet conjectural and wait to be disclosed, particularly in regard to our foreign trade. Two years of a war which has directly involved most of the chief industrial nations in the world, and which has indirectly affected the life and industry of all nations are bringing about economic changes more varied and far-reaching than the world has ever before experienced. In order to ascertain just what those changes may be, the Democratic Congress is providing for a non-partisan tariff commission to make impartial and thorough study of every economic fact that may throw light either upon our past or upon our future fiscal policy with regard to the imposition of taxes on imports or with regard to the changed and changing conditions under which our trade is carried on. We\ncordially endorse this timely proposal and declare ourselves in sympathy with the principle and purpose of shaping legislation within that field in accordance with clearly established facts rather than in accordance with the demands of selfish interests or upon information provided largely, if not exclusively, by them.\nIV. Americanism\n\nThe part that the United States will play in the new day of international relationships that is now upon us will depend upon our preparation and our character. The Democratic party, therefore, recognizes the assertion and triumphant demonstration of the indivisibility and coherent strength of the nation as the supreme issue of this day in which the whole world faces the crisis of manifold change. It summons all men of whatever origin or creed who would count themselves Americans, to join in making clear to all the world the unity and consequent power of America. This is an issue of patriotism. To taint it with partisanship would be to defile it. In this day of test, America must show itself not a nation of partisans but a nation of patriots. There is gathered here in America the best of the blood, the industry and the genius of the whole world, the elements of a great race and a magnificent society to be welded into a mighty and splendid Nation. Whoever, actuated by the purpose to promote the interest of a foreign power, in disregard of our own country's welfare or to injure this government in its foreign relations or cripple or destroy its industries at home, and whoever by arousing prejudices of a racial, religious or other nature creates discord and strife among our people so as to obstruct the wholesome process of unification, is faithless to the trust which the privileges of citizenship repose in him and is disloyal to his country. We therefore condemn as subversive to this Nation's unity and integrity, and as destructive of its welfare, the activities and designs of every group or organization, political or otherwise, that has for its object the advancement of the interest of a foreign power, whether such object is promoted by intimidating the government, a political party, or representatives of the people, or which is calculated and tends to divide our people into antagonistic groups and thus to destroy that complete agreement and solidarity of the people and that unity of sentiment and purpose so essential to the perpetuity of the Nation and its free institutions. We condemn all alliances and combinations of individuals in this country, of whatever nationality or descent, who agree and conspire together for the purpose of embarrassing or weakening our government or of improperly influencing or coercing our public representatives in dealing or negotiating with any foreign power. We charge that such conspiracies among a limited number exist and have been instigated for the purpose of advancing the interests of foreign countries to the prejudice and detriment of our own country. We condemn any political party which, in view of the activity of such conspirators, surrenders its integrity or modifies its policy.\nV. Preparedness\n\nAlong with the proof of our character as a Nation must go the proof of our power to play the part that legitimately belongs to us. The people of the United States love peace. They respect the rights and covet the friendship of all other nations. They desire neither any additional territory nor any advantage which cannot be peacefully gained by their skill, their industry, or their enterprise; but they insist upon having absolute freedom of National life and policy, and feel that they owe it to themselves and to the role of spirited independence which it is their sole ambition to play that they should render themselves secure against the hazard of interference from any quarter, and should be able to protect their rights upon the seas or in any part of the world. We therefore favor the maintenance of an army fully adequate to the requirements of order, of safety, and of the protection of the nation's rights, the fullest development of modern methods of seacoast defence and the maintenance of an adequate reserve of citizens trained to arms and prepared to safeguard the people and territory of the United States against any danger of hostile action which may unexpectedly arise; and a fixed policy for the continuous development of a navy, worthy to support the great naval traditions of the United States and fully equal to the international tasks which this Nation hopes and expects to take a part in performing. The plans and enactments of the present Congress afford substantial proof of our purpose in this exigent matter.\nVI. International Relation\n\nThe Democratic administration has throughout the present war scrupulously and successfully held to the old paths of neutrality and to the peaceful pursuit of the legitimate objects of our National life which statesmen of all parties and creeds have prescribed for themselves in America since the beginning of our history. But the circumstances of the last two years have revealed necessities of international action which no former generation can have foreseen. We hold that it is the duty of the United States to use its power, not only to make itself safe at home, but also to make secure its just interests throughout the world, and, both for this end and in the interest of humanity, to assist the world in securing settled peace and justice. We believe that every people has the right to choose the sovereignty under which it shall live; that the small states of the world have a right to enjoy from other nations the same respect for their sovereignty and for their territorial integrity that great and powerful nations expect and insist upon; and that the world has a right to be free from every disturbance of its peace that has its origin in aggression or disregard of the rights of people and nations; and we believe that the time has come when it is the duty of the United States to join the other nations of the world in any feasible association that will effectively serve those principles, to maintain inviolate the complete security of the highway of the seas for the common and unhindered use of all nations.\nThe present Administration has consistently sought to act upon and realize in its conduct of the foreign affairs of the Nation the principle that should be the object of any association of the nations formed to secure the peace of the world and the maintenance of national and individual rights. It has followed the highest American traditions. It has preferred respect for the fundamental rights of smaller states even to property interests, and has secured the friendship of the people of these States for the United States by refusing to make a more material interest an excuse for the assertion of our superior power against the dignity of their sovereign independence. It has regarded the lives of its citizens and the claims of humanity as of greater moment than material rights, and peace as the best basis for the just settlement of commercial claims. It has made the honor and ideals of the United States its standard alike in negotiation and action.\nVII. Pan-American Concord\n\nWe recognize now, as we have always recognized, a definite and common interest between the United States and the other peoples and republics of the Western Hemisphere in all matters of National independence and free political development. We favor the establishment and maintenance of the closest relations of amity and mutual helpfulness between the United States and the other republics of the American continents for the support of peace and the promotion of a common prosperity. To that end we favor all measures which may be necessary to facilitate intimate intercourse and promote commerce between the United States and her neighbors to the south of us, and such international understandings as may be practicable and suitable to accomplish these ends.\nWe commend the action of the Democratic administration in holding the Pan-American Financial Conference at Washington in May, 1915, and organizing the International High Commission, which represented the United States in the recent meeting of representatives of the Latin-American Republics at Buenos Aires, April, 1916, which have so greatly promoted the friendly relations between the people of the Western Hemisphere.\nVIII. Mexico\n\nThe Monroe Doctrine is reasserted as a principle of Democratic faith. That doctrine guarantees the independent republics of the two Americas against aggression from another continent. It implies, as well, the most scrupulous regard upon our part for the sovereignty of each of them. We court their good will. We seek not to despoil them. The want of a stable, responsible government in Mexico, capable of repressing and punishing marauders and bandit bands, who have not only taken the lives and seized and destroyed the property of American citizens in that country, but have insolently invaded our soil, made war upon and murdered our people thereon, has rendered it necessary temporarily to occupy, by our armed forces, a portion of the territory of that friendly state. Until, by the restoration of law and order therein, a repetition of such incursions is improbable, the necessity for their remaining will continue. Intervention, implying as it does, military subjugation, is revolting to the people of the United States, notwithstanding the provocation to that course has been great and should be resorted to, if at all, only as a last recourse. The stubborn resistance of the President and his advisers to every demand and suggestion to enter upon it, is creditable alike to them and to the people in whose name he speaks.\nIX. Merchant Marine\n\nImmediate provision should be made for the development of the carrying trade of the United States. Our foreign commerce has in the past been subject to many unnecessary and vexatious obstacles in the way of legislation of Republican Congresses. Until the recent Democratic tariff legislation, it was hampered by unreasonable burdens of taxation. Until the recent banking legislation, it had at its disposal few of the necessary instrumentalities of international credit and exchange. Until the formulation of the pending act to promote the construction of a merchant marine, it lacked even the prospect of adequate carriage by sea. We heartily endorse the purposes and policy of the pending shipping bill and favor all such additional measures of constructive or remedial legislation as may be necessary to restore our flag to the seas and to provide further facilities for our foreign commerce, particularly such laws as may be requisite to remove unfair conditions of competition in the dealings of American merchants and producers with competitors in foreign markets.\nX. Conservation\n\nFor the safeguarding and quickening of the life of our own people, we favor the conservation and development of the natural resources of the country through a policy which shall be positive rather than negative, a policy which shall not withhold such resources from development but which, while permitting and encouraging their use, shall prevent both waste and monopoly in their exploitation, and we earnestly favor the passage of acts which will accomplish these objects, reaffirming the declaration of the platform of 1912 on this subject.\nThe policy of reclaiming our arid lands should be steadily adhered to.\nXI. the Administration and the Farmer\n\nWe favor the vigorous prosecution of investigations and plans to render agriculture more profitable and country life more healthful, comfortable and attractive, and we believe that this should be a dominant aim of the nation as well as of the States. With all its recent improvement, farming still lags behind other occupations in development as a business, and the advantages of an advancing civilization have not accrued to rural communities in a fair proportion. Much has been accomplished in this field under the present administration, far more than under any previous administration. In the Federal Reserve Act of the last Congress, and the Rural Credits Act of the present Congress, the machinery has been created which will make credit available to the farmer constantly and readily, placing him at last upon a footing of equality with the merchant and the manufacturer in securing the capital necessary to carry on his enterprises. Grades and standards necessary to the intelligent and successful conduct of the business of agriculture have also been established or are in the course of establishment by law. The long-needed Cotton Futures Act, passed by the Sixty-Third Congress, has now been in successful operation for nearly two years. A Grain Grades Bill, long needed, and a permissive Warehouse Bill, intended to provide better storage facilities and to enable the farmer to obtain certificates upon which he may secure advances of money have been passed by the House of Representatives, have been favorably reported to the Senate, and will probably become law during the present session of the Congress. Both Houses have passed a good-roads measure, which will be of far reaching benefit to all agricultural communities. Above all, the most extraordinary and significant progress has been made, under the direction of the Department of Agriculture, in extending and perfecting practical farm demonstration work which is so rapidly substituting scientific for empirical farming. But it is also necessary that rural activities should be better directed through co-operation and organization, that unfair methods of competition should be eliminated and the conditions requisite for the just, orderly and economical marketing of farm products created. We approve the Democratic administration for having emphatically directed attention for the first time to the essential interests of agriculture involved in farm marketing and finance, for creating the Office of Markets and Rural Organization in connection with the Department of Agriculture, and for extending the co-operative machinery necessary for conveying information to farmers by means of demonstration. We favor continued liberal provision, not only for the benefit of production, but also for the study and solution of problems of farm marketing and finance and for the extension of existing agencies for improving country life.\nXII. Good Roads\n\nThe happiness, comfort and prosperity of rural life, and the development of the city, are alike conserved by the construction of public highways. We, therefore, favor national aid in the construction of post roads and roads for like purposes.\nXIII. Government Employment\n\nWe hold that the life, health and strength of the men, women and children of the Nation are its greatest asset and that in the conservation of these the Federal Government, wherever it acts as the employer of labor, should both on its own account and as an example, put into effect the following principles of just employment:\n1. A living wage for all employees.\n2. A working day not to exceed eight hours, with one day of rest in seven.\n3. The adoption of safety appliances and the establishment of thoroughly sanitary conditions of labor.\n4. Adequate compensation for industrial accidents.\n5. The standards of the \"Uniform Child Labor Law,\" wherever minors are employed.\n6. Such provisions for decency, comfort and health in the employment of women as should be accorded the mothers of the race.\n7. An equitable retirement law providing for the retirement of superannuated and disabled employees of the civil service, to the end that a higher standard of efficiency may be maintained.\nWe believe also that the adoption of similar principles should be urged and applied in the legislation of the States with regard to labor within their borders and that through every possible agency the life and health of the people of the nation should be conserved.\nXIV. Labor\n\nWe declare our faith in the Seamen's Act, passed by the Democratic Congress, and we promise our earnest continuance of its enforcement.\nWe favor the speedy enactment of an effective Federal Child Labor Law and the regulation of the shipment of prison-made goods in interstate commerce.\nWe favor the creation of a Federal Bureau of Safety in the Department of Labor, to gather facts concerning industrial hazards, and to recommend legislation to prevent the maiming and killing of human beings.\nWe favor the extension of the powers and functions of the Federal Bureau of Mines.\nWe favor the development upon a systematic scale of the means already begun under the present administration, to assist laborers throughout the Nation to seek and obtain employment, and the extension of the Federal Government of the same assistance and encouragement as is now given to agricultural training.\nWe heartily commend our newly established Department of Labor for its fine record in settling strikes by personal advice and through conciliating agents.\nXV. Public Health\n\nWe favor a thorough reconsideration of the means and methods by which the Federal Government handles questions of public health to the end that human life may be conserved by the elimination of loathsome disease, the improvement of sanitation and the diffusion of a knowledge of disease prevention\nWe favor the establishment by the Federal Government of tuberculosis sanitariums for needy tubercular patients.\nXVI. Senate Rules\n\nWe favor such alteration of the rules of procedure of the Senate of the United States as will permit the prompt transaction of the Nation's legislative business.\nXVII. Economy and the Budget\n\nWe demand careful economy in all expenditures for the support of the government, and to that end favor a return by the House of Representatives to its former practice of initiating and preparing all appropriation bills through a single committee chosen from its membership, in order that responsibility may be central, expenditures standardized and made uniform, and waste and duplication in the public service as much as possible avoided. We favor this as a practicable first step towards a budget system.\nXVIII. Civil Service\n\nWe reaffirm our declarations for the rigid enforcement of the civil service laws.\nXIX. Philippine Islands\n\nWe heartily endorse the provisions of the bill, recently passed by the House of Representatives, further promoting self-government in the Philippine Islands as being in fulfillment of the policy declared by the Democratic Party in its last national platform, and we reiterate our endorsement of the purpose of ultimate independence for the Philippine Islands, expressed in the preamble of that measure.\nXX. Woman Suffrage\n\nWe recommend the extension of the franchise to the women of the country by the States upon the same terms as to men.\nXXI. Protection of Citizens\n\nWe again declare the policy that the sacred rights of American citizenship must be preserved at home and abroad, and that no treaty shall receive the sanction of our Government which does not expressly recognize the absolute equality of all our citizens irrespective of race, creed or previous nationality, and which does not recognize the right of expatriation. The American Government should protect American citizens in their rights, not only at home but abroad, and any country having a government should be held to strict accountability for any wrongs done them, either to person or property. At the earliest practical opportunity our country should strive earnestly for peace among the warring nations of Europe and seek to bring about the adoption of the fundamental principle of justice and humanity, that all men shall enjoy equality of right and freedom from discrimination in the lands wherein they dwell.\nXXII. Prison Reform\n\nWe demand that the modern principles of prison reform be applied in our Federal Penal System. We favor such work for prisoners as shall give them training in remunerative occupations so that they may make an honest living when released from prison; the setting apart of the net wages of the prisoner to be paid to his dependent family or to be reserved for his own use upon his release; the liberal extension of the principles of the Federal Parole Law, with due regard both to the welfare of the prisoner and the interests of society; the adoption of the Probation System especially in the case of first offenders not convicted of serious crimes.\nXXIII. Pensions\n\nWe renew the declarations of recent Democratic platforms relating to generous pensions for soldiers and their widows, and call attention to our record of performance in this particular.\nXXIV. Waterways and Flood Control\n\nWe renew the declaration in our last two platforms relating to the development of our waterways. The recent devastation of the lower Mississippi Valley and several other sections by floods accentuates the movement for the regulation of river flow by additional bank and levee protection below, and diversion, storage and control of the flood waters above, and their utilization for beneficial purposes in the reclamation of arid and swamp lands and development of water-power, instead of permitting the floods to continue as heretofore agents of destruction. We hold that the control of the Mississippi River is a National problem. The preservation of the depth of its waters for purposes of navigation, the building of levees and works of bank protection to maintain the integrity of its channel and prevent the overflow of its valley resulting in the interruption of interstate commerce, the disorganization of the mail service, and the enormous loss of life and property, impose an obligation which alone can be discharged by the National Government.\nWe favor the adoption of a liberal and comprehensive plan for the development and improvement of our harbors and inland waterways with economy and efficiency so as to permit their navigation by vessels of standard draft.\nXXV. Alaska\n\nIt has been and will be the policy of the Democratic party to enact all laws necessary for the speedy development of Alaska and its great natural resources.\nXXVI. Territories\n\nWe favor granting to the people of Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico the traditional territorial government accorded to the territories of the United States since the beginning of our government, and we believe that the officials appointed to administer the government of those several territories should be qualified by previous bona-fide residence.\nXXVII. Candidates\n\nWe unreservedly endorse our President and Vice-President, Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, and Thomas Riley Marshall of Indiana, who have performed the functions of their great offices faithfully and impartially and with distinguished ability.\nIn particular, we commend to the American people the splendid diplomatic victories of our great President, who has preserved the vital interests of our Government and its citizens, and kept us out of war.\nWoodrow Wilson stands to-day the greatest American of his generation.\nXXVIII. Conclusion\n\nThis is a critical hour in the history of America, a critical hour in the history of the world. Upon the record above set forth, which shows great constructive achievement in following out a consistent policy for our domestic and internal development; upon the record of the Democratic administration, which has maintained the honor, the dignity and the interests of the United States, and, at the same time, retained the respect and friendship of all the nations of the world; and upon the great policies for the future strengthening of the life of our country, the enlargement of our National vision and the ennobling of our international relations, as set forth above, we appeal with confidence to the voters of the country.", "Words" -> 4570, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 418, "of" -> 339, "and" -> 223, "to" -> 123, "in" -> 84, "for" -> 63, "a" -> 60, "our" -> 56, "We" -> 55, "that" -> 48, "be" -> 36, "which" -> 35, "by" -> 35, "as" -> 35, "its" -> 29, "have" -> 28, "has" -> 27, "or" -> 26, "is" -> 24, "States" -> 22, "all" -> 22, "their" -> 21, "The" -> 21, "favor" -> 21, "people" -> 20, "with" -> 19, "upon" -> 19, "United" -> 18, "should" -> 17, "world" -> 16, "it" -> 16, "been" -> 16, "Democratic" -> 15, "this" -> 14, "may" -> 14, "development" -> 14, "any" -> 14, "policy" -> 13, "not" -> 13, "country" -> 13, "at" -> 13, "will" -> 12, "life" -> 12, "Federal" -> 12, "we" -> 11, "under" -> 11, "nations" -> 11, "government" -> 11, "foreign" -> 11, "an" -> 11, "such" -> 10, "rights" -> 10, "from" -> 10, "necessary" -> 9, "legislation" -> 9, "It" -> 9, "interests" -> 9, "great" -> 9, "Government" -> 9, "American" -> 9, "administration" -> 9, "so" -> 8, "purpose" -> 8, "peace" -> 8, "other" -> 8, "National" -> 8, "his" -> 8, "every" -> 8, "them" -> 7, "tariff" -> 7, "shall" -> 7, "right" -> 7, "recent" -> 7, "present" -> 7, "power" -> 7, "Nation" -> 7, "last" -> 7, "Congress" -> 7, "but" -> 7, "are" -> 7, "two" -> 6, "regard" -> 6, "party" -> 6, "on" -> 6, "now" -> 6, "men" -> 6, "make" -> 6, "international" -> 6, "endorse" -> 6, "end" -> 6, "conditions" -> 6, "citizens" -> 6, "America" -> 6, "years" -> 5, "who" -> 5, "time" -> 5, "through" -> 5, "they" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "than" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "record" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "passed" -> 5, "part" -> 5, "own" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "nation" -> 5, "more" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "law" -> 5, "Labor" -> 5, "just" -> 5, "interest" -> 5, "industry" -> 5, "In" -> 5, "home" -> 5, "extension" -> 5, "day" -> 5, "commerce" -> 5, "business" -> 5, "both" -> 5, "believe" -> 5, "also" -> 5, "against" -> 5, "adoption" -> 5, "Act" -> 5, "welfare" -> 4, "war" -> 4, "use" -> 4, "us" -> 4, "Until" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "those" -> 4, "therefore" -> 4, "themselves" -> 4, "system" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "rural" -> 4, "respect" -> 4, "resources" -> 4, "relations" -> 4, "recognize" -> 4, "purposes" -> 4, "public" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "property" -> 4, "principle" -> 4, "prevent" -> 4, "political" -> 4, "Our" -> 4, "order" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "most" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "independence" -> 4, "history" -> 4, "health" -> 4, "first" -> 4, "farm" -> 4, "establishment" -> 4, "Department" -> 4, "credit" -> 4, "between" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "additional" -> 4, "action" -> 4, "Woodrow" -> 3, "women" -> 3, "Wilson" -> 3, "unity" -> 3, "unfair" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "territory" -> 3, "support" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "standard" -> 3, "sovereignty" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "seek" -> 3, "seas" -> 3, "republics" -> 3, "Republican" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "representatives" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "providing" -> 3, "prosperity" -> 3, "proof" -> 3, "promote" -> 3, "previous" -> 3, "President" -> 3, "possible" -> 3, "play" -> 3, "Philippine" -> 3, "Party" -> 3, "object" -> 3, "national" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "marketing" -> 3, "liberal" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "itself" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "humanity" -> 3, "human" -> 3, "House" -> 3, "hold" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "heartily" -> 3, "having" -> 3, "further" -> 3, "friendship" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "following" -> 3, "far" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "equality" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "does" -> 3, "doctrine" -> 3, "demonstration" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "declare" -> 3, "declaration" -> 3, "currency" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "control" -> 3, "constructive" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "conserved" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "competition" -> 3, "common" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "changes" -> 3, "best" -> 3, "banking" -> 3, "association" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "alike" -> 3, "Alaska" -> 3, "agriculture" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "Administration" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "above" -> 3, "about" -> 3, "A" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "Western" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "waterways" -> 2, "waters" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "unreservedly" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "training" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "They" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "storage" -> 2, "states" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "splendid" -> 2, "speedy" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "speaks" -> 2, "society" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "selfish" -> 2, "securing" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "Rural" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "retirement" -> 2, "Reserve" -> 2, "requisite" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "render" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "remaining" -> 2, "release" -> 2, "relating" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "reaching" -> 2, "rather" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "provide" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "promoted" -> 2, "privilege" -> 2, "prisoner" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "practicable" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "post" -> 2, "policies" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "platforms" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "plans" -> 2, "placing" -> 2, "permitting" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "past" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "particular" -> 2, "panic" -> 2, "Pan-American" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "occupations" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "objects" -> 2, "no" -> 2, "needed" -> 2, "navigation" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "Nation's" -> 2, "nationality" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "Mississippi" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "many" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "machinery" -> 2, "long" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "largely" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "join" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "International" -> 2, "insist" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "Hemisphere" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "hampered" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "Grades" -> 2, "generation" -> 2, "future" -> 2, "fundamental" -> 2, "functions" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "friendly" -> 2, "freedom" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "floods" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "fair" -> 2, "facts" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "exceed" -> 2, "even" -> 2, "essential" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "ends" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "either" -> 2, "effected" -> 2, "economy" -> 2, "economic" -> 2, "earnestly" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "disregard" -> 2, "disposal" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "discrimination" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "declarations" -> 2, "critical" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "court" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "continued" -> 2, "continue" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "communities" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "comfort" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "change" -> 2, "can" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "Bureau" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "Bill" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "bank" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "assured" -> 2, "assist" -> 2, "assertion" -> 2, "arid" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "agricultural" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "agents" -> 2, "advantages" -> 2, "advancing" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "accorded" -> 2, "accordance" -> 2, "accomplish" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "absolute" -> 2, "1916" -> 2, "yet" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "XXVIII" -> 1, "XXVII" -> 1, "XXVI" -> 1, "XXV" -> 1, "XXIV" -> 1, "XXIII" -> 1, "XXII" -> 1, "XXI" -> 1, "XX" -> 1, "XVIII" -> 1, "XVII" -> 1, "XVI" -> 1, "XV" -> 1, "XIX" -> 1, "XIV" -> 1, "XIII" -> 1, "XII" -> 1, "XI" -> 1, "X" -> 1, "wrought" -> 1, "wrongs" -> 1, "writs" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "workingman" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "Woman" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "Whoever" -> 1, "whoever" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "welded" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "water-power" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "warring" -> 1, "Warehouse" -> 1, "want" -> 1, "wait" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "VIII" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victories" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "Vice-President" -> 1, "VI" -> 1, "vexatious" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "valley" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unification" -> 1, "unhindered" -> 1, "unexpectedly" -> 1, "Underwood" -> 1, "understandings" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "tubercular" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "triumphant" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "transaction" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "towards" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "to-day" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "therefrom" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "taint" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "swollen" -> 1, "swamp" -> 1, "surrenders" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supplanted" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "superannuated" -> 1, "summons" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suggestion" -> 1, "Suffrage" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "stubborn" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "strangled" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "step" -> 1, 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"events" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "ennobling" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "endorsement" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "empirical" -> 1, "emphatically" -> 1, "embarrassing" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "disturbance" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "disorganization" -> 1, "disloyal" -> 1, "discord" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "diffusion" -> 1, "devastation" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "despoil" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "descent" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defile" -> 1, "defence" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "creeds" -> 1, "Credits" -> 1, "creditable" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "covet" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "Cotton" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "conveying" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "continents" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "conspire" -> 1, "conspirators" -> 1, "conspiracies" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequent" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "conjectural" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "Concord" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "conciliating" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "comparison" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "comfortable" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "coercing" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "channel" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "certificates" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "category" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "carriage" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "Candidates" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "Buenos" -> 1, "Budget" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "bands" -> 1, "bandit" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "available" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assistance" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ascertain" -> 1, "arousing" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "archaic" -> 1, "April" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "apprised" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "appliances" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "antagonistic" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "amity" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "Americanism" -> 1, "ambition" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "alteration" -> 1, "Along" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "Aires" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "advisers" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "adopts" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adhered" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "actuated" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "Achievement" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "accrued" -> 1, "accountability" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "accentuates" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1915" -> 1, "1914" -> 1, "1913" -> 1, "1912" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1912", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1912, "Date" -> DateObject[{1912, 6, 25}], "Text" -> "We, the representatives of the Democratic party of the United States, in national convention assembled, reaffirm our devotion to the principles of Democratic government formulated by Thomas Jefferson and enforced by a long and illustrious line of Democratic Presidents.\nTariff Reform\n\nWe declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic party that the Federal government, under the Constitution, as no right or power to impose or collect tariff duties, except for the purpose of revenue, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of government honestly and economically administered.\nThe high Republican tariff is the principal cause of the unequal distribution of wealth; it is a system of taxation which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer; under its operations the American farmer and laboring man are the chief sufferers; it raises the cost of the necessaries of life to them, but does not protect their product or wages. The farmer sells largely in free markets and buys almost entirely in the protected markets. In the most highly protected industries, such as cotton and wool, steel and iron, the wages of the laborers are the lowest paid in any of our industries. We denounce the Republican pretence on that subject and assert that American wages are established by competitive conditions, and not by the tariff.\nWe favor the immediate downward revision of the existing high and in many cases prohibitive tariff duties, insisting that material reductions be speedily made upon the necessaries of life. Articles entering into competition with trust-controlled products and articles of American manufacture which are sold abroad more cheaply than at home should be put upon the free list.\nWe recognize that our system of tariff taxation is intimately connected with the business of the country, and we favor the ultimate attainment of the principles we advocate by legislation that will not injure or destroy legitimate industry.\nWe denounce the action of President Taft in vetoing the bills to reduce the tariff in the cotton, woolen, metals, and chemical schedules and the Farmers' free bill, all of which were designed to give immediate relief to the masses from the exactions of the trusts.\nThe Republican party, while promising tariff revision, has shown by its tariff legislation that such revision is not to be in the people's interest, and having been faithless to its pledges of 1908, it should not longer enjoy the confidence of the nation. We appeal to the American people to support us in our demand for a tariff for revenue only.\nHigh Cost of Living\n\nThe high cost of living is a serious problem in every American home. The Republican party, in its platform, attempts to escape from responsibility for present conditions by denying that they are due to a protective tariff. We take issue with them on this subject, and charge that excessive prices result in a large measure from the high tariff laws enacted and maintained by the Republican party and from trusts and commercial conspiracies fostered and encouraged by such laws, and we assert that no substantial relief can be secured for the people until import duties on the necessaries of life are materially reduced and these criminal conspiracies broken up.\nAnti-Trust Law\n\nA private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable. We therefore favor the vigorous enforcement of the criminal as well as the civil law against trusts and trust officials, and demand the enactment of such additional legislation as may be necessary to make it impossible for a private monopoly to exist in the United States.\nWe favor the declaration by law of the conditions upon which corporations shall be permitted to engage in interstate trade, including, among others, the prevention of holding companies, of interlocking directors, of stock watering, of discrimination in price, and the control by any one corporation of so large a proportion of any industry as to make it a menace to competitive conditions.\nWe condemn the action of the Republican administration in compromising with the Standard Oil Company and the tobacco trust and its failure to invoke the criminal provisions of the anti-trust law against the officers of those corporations after the court had declared that from the undisputed facts in the record they had violated the criminal provisions of the law.\nWe regret that the Sherman anti-trust law has received a judicial construction depriving it of much of its efficiency and we favor the enactment of legislation which will restore to the statute the strength of which it has been deprived by such interpretation.\nRights of the States\n\nWe believe in the preservation and maintenance in their full strength and integrity of the three co-ordinate branches of the Federal government—the executive, the legislative, and the judicial—each keeping within its own bounds and not encroaching upon the just powers of either of the others.\nBelieving that the most efficient results under our system of government are to be attained by the full exercise by the States of their reserved sovereign powers, we denounce as usurpation the efforts of our opponents to deprive the States of any of the rights reserved to them, and to enlarge and magnify by indirection the powers of the Federal government.\nWe insist upon the full exercise of all the powers of the Government, both State and national, to protect the people from injustice at the hands of those who seek to make the government a private asset in business. There is no twilight zone between the nation and the State in which exploiting interests can take refuge from both. It is as necessary that the Federal government shall exercise the powers delegated to it as it is that the States shall exercise the powers reserved to them, but we insist that Federal remedies for the regulation of interstate commerce and for the prevention of private monopoly, shall be added to, and not substituted for State remedies.\nIncome Tax and Popular Election of\n\nSenators\n\nWe congratulate the country upon the triumph of two important reforms demanded in the last national platform, namely, the amendment of the Federal Constitution authorizing an income tax, and the amendment providing for the popular election of senators, and we call upon the people of all the States to rally to the support of the pending propositions and secure their ratification.\nWe note with gratification the unanimous sentiment in favor of publicity, before the election, of campaign contributions—a measure demanded in our national platform of 1908, and at that time opposed by the Republican party—and we commend the Democratic House of Representatives for extending the doctrine of publicity to recommendations, verbal and written, upon which presidential appointments are made, to the ownership and control of newspapers, and to the expenditures made by and in behalf of those who aspire to presidential nominations, and we point for additional justification for this legislation to the enormous expenditures of money in behalf of the President and his predecessor in the recent contest for the Republican nomination for President.\nPresidential Primary\n\nThe movement toward more popular government should be promoted through legislation in each State which will permit the expression of the preference of the electors for national candidates at presidential primaries.\nWe direct that the National Committee incorporate in the call for the next nominating convention a requirement that all expressions of preference for Presidential candidates shall be given and the selection of delegates and alternates made through a primary election conducted by the party organization in each State where such expression and election are not provided for by State law. Committeemen who are hereafter to constitute the membership of the Democratic National Committee, and whose election is not provided for by law, shall be chosen in each State at such primary elections, and the service and authority of committeemen, however chosen, shall begin immediately upon the receipt of their credentials, respectively.\nCampaign Contributions\n\nWe pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law prohibiting any corporation from contributing to a campaign fund and any individual from contributing any amount above a reasonable maximum.\nTerm of President\n\nWe favor a single Presidential term, and to that end urge the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution making the President of the United States ineligible to reelection, and we pledge the candidates of this Convention to this principle.\nDemocratic Congress\n\nAt this time, when the Republican party, after a generation of unlimited power in its control of the Federal Government, is rent into factions, it is opportune to point to the record of accomplishment of the Democratic House of Representatives in the Sixty-second Congress. We indorse its action and we challenge comparison of its record with that of any Congress which has been controlled by our opponents.\nWe call the attention of the patriotic citizens of our country to its record of efficiency, economy and constructive legislation.\nIt has, among other achievements, revised the rules of the House of Representatives so as to give to the Representatives of the American people freedom of speech and of action in advocating, proposing and perfecting remedial legislation.\nIt has passed bills for the relief of the people and the development of our country; it has endeavored to revise the tariff taxes downward in the interest of the consuming masses and thus to reduce the high cost of living.\nIt has proposed an amendment to the Federal Constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people.\nIt has secured the admission of Arizona and New Mexico as two sovereign States.\nIt has required the publicity of campaign expenses both before and after election and fixed a limit upon the election expenses of United States Senators and Representatives.\nIt has passed a bill to prevent the abuse of the writ of injunction.\nIt has passed a law establishing an eight hour day for workmen on all national public work.\nIt has passed a resolution which forced the President to take immediate steps to abrogate the Russian treaty.\nAnd it has passed the great supply bills which lessen waste and extravagance, and which reduce the annual expenses of the government by many millions of dollars.\nWe approve the measure reported by the Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives for the creation of a council of national defence, which will determine a definite naval program with a view to increased efficiency and economy.\nThe party that proclaimed and has always enforced the Monroe Doctrine, and was sponsor for the new navy, will continue faithfully to observe the constitutional requirements to provide and maintain an adequate and well-proportioned navy sufficient to defend American policies, protect our citizens and uphold the honor and dignity of the nation.\nRepublican Extravagance\n\nWe denounce the profligate waste of the money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation through the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses, which have kept taxes high and reduced the purchasing power of the people's toil. We demand a return to that simplicity and economy which befits a Democratic government and a reduction in the number of useless offices, the salaries of which drain the substance of the people.\nRailroads, Express Companies, Telegraph and Telephone Lines\n\nWe favor the efficient supervision and rate regulation of railroads, express companies, telegraph and telephone lines engaged in interstate commerce. To this end we recommend the valuation of railroads, express companies, telegraph and telephone lines by the Interstate Commerce Commission, such valuation to take into consideration the physical value of the property, the original cost, the cost of reproduction, and any element of value that will render the valuation fair and just.\nWe favor such legislation as will effectually prohibit the railroads, express, telegraph and telephone companies from engaging in business which brings them into competition with their shippers or patrons; also legislation preventing the overissue of stocks and bonds by interstate railroads, express companies, telegraph and telephone lines, and legislation which will assure such reduction in transportation rates as conditions will permit, care being taken to avoid reduction that would compel a reduction of wages, prevent adequate service, or do injustice to legitimate investments.\nBanking Legislation\n\nWe oppose the so-called Aldrich bill or the establishment of a central bank; and we believe our country will be largely freed from panics and consequent unemployment and business depression by such a systematic revision of our banking laws as will render temporary relief in localities where such relief is needed, with protection from control of dominion by what is known as the money trust.\nBanks exist for the accommodation of the public, and not for the control of business. All legislation on the subject of banking and currency should have for its purpose the securing of these accommodations on terms of absolute security to the public and of complete protection from the misuse of the power that wealth gives to those who possess it.\nWe condemn the present methods of depositing government funds in a few favored banks, largely situated in or controlled by Wall Street, in return for political favors, and we pledge our party to provide by law for their deposit by competitive bidding in the banking institutions of the country, national and State, without discrimination as to locality, upon approved securities and subject to call by the Government.\nRural Credits\n\nOf equal importance with the question of currency reform is the question of rural credits or agricultural finance. Therefore, we recommend that an investigation of agricultural credit societies in foreign countries be made, so that it may be ascertained whether a system of rural credits may be devised suitable to conditions in the United States; and we also favor legislation permitting national banks to loan a reasonable proportion of their funds on real estate security.\nWe recognize the value of vocational education, and urge Federal appropriations for such training and extension teaching in agriculture in co-operation with the several States.\nWaterways\n\nWe renew the declaration in our last platform relating to the conservation of our natural resources and the development of our waterways. The present devastation of the Lower Mississippi Valley accentuates the movement for the regulation of river flow by additional bank and levee protection below, and the diversion, storage and control of the flood waters above, their utilization for beneficial purposes in the reclamation of arid and swamp lands and the development of water power, instead of permitting the floods to continue, as heretofore, agents of destruction.\nWe hold that the control of the Mississippi River is a national problem. The preservation of the depth of its waters for the purpose of navigation, the building of levees to maintain the integrity of its channel and the prevention of the overflow of the land and its consequent devastation, resulting in the interruption of interstate commerce, the disorganization of the mail service, and the enormous loss of life and property impose an obligation which alone can be discharged by the general government.\nTo maintain an adequate depth of water the entire year, and thereby encourage water transportation, is a consummation worthy of legislative attention, and presents an issue national in its character. It calls for prompt action on the part of Congress, and the Democratic party pledges itself to the enactment of legislation leading to that end.\nWe favor the co-operation of the United States and the respective States in plans for the comprehensive treatment of all waterways with a view of co-ordinating plans for channel improvement, with plans for drainage of swamp and overflowed lands, and to this end we favor the appropriation by the Federal Government of sufficient funds to make surveys of such lands, to develop plans for draining of the same, and to supervise the work of construction.\nWe favor the adoption of a liberal and comprehensive plan for the development and improvement of our inland waterways, with economy and efficiency, so as to permit their navigation by vessels of standard draft.\nPost Roads\n\nWe favor national aid to State and local authorities in the construction and maintenance of post roads.\nRights of Labor\n\nWe repeat our declarations of the platform of 1908, as follows:\n\"The courts of justice are the bulwarks of our liberties, and we yield to none in our purpose to maintain their dignity. Our party has given to the bench a long line of distinguished justices who have added to the respect and confidence in which this department must be jealously maintained. We resent the attempt of the Republican party to raise a false issue respecting the judiciary. It is an unjust reflection upon a great body of our citizens to assume that they lack respect for the courts.\n\"It is the function of the courts to interpret the laws which the people enact, and if the laws appear to work economic, social or political injustice, it is our duty to change them. The only basis upon which the integrity of our courts can stand is that of unswerving justice and protection of life, personal liberty, and property. As judicial processes may be abused, we should guard them against abuse.\n\"Experience has proved the necessity of a modification of the present law relating to injunction, and we reiterate the pledges of our platforms of 1896 and 1904 in favor of a measure which passed the United States Senate in 1898, relating to contempt in Federal Courts, and providing for trial by jury in cases of indirect contempt.\n\"Questions of judicial practice have arisen especially in connection with industrial disputes. We believe that the parties to all judicial proceedings should be treated with rigid impartiality, and that injunctions should not be issued in any case in which an injunction would not issue if no industrial dispute were involved.\n\"The expanding organization of industry makes it essential that there should be no abridgement of the right of the wage earners and producers to organize for the protection of wages and the improvement of labor conditions, to the end that such labor organizations and their members should not be regarded as illegal combinations in restraint of trade.\n\"We pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law creating a department of labor, represented separately in the President's cabinet in which department shall be included the subject of mines and mining.\"\nWe pledge the Democratic party, so far as the Federal jurisdiction extends, to an employГ©s' compensation law providing adequate indemnity for injury to body or loss of life.\nConservation\n\nWe believe in the conservation and the development, for the use of all the people, of the natural resources of the country. Our forests, our sources of water supply, our arable and our mineral lands, our navigable streams, and all the other material resources with which our country has been so lavishly endowed, constitute the foundation of our national wealth. Such additional legislation as may be necessary to prevent their being wasted or absorbed by special or privileged interests, should be enacted and the policy of their conservation should be rigidly adhered to.\nThe public domain should be administered and disposed of with due regard to the general welfare. Reservations should be limited to the purposes which they purport to serve and not extended to include land wholly unsuited therefor. The unnecessary withdrawal from sale and settlement of enormous tracts of public land, upon which tree growth never existed and cannot be promoted, tends only to retard development, create discontent, and bring reproach upon the policy of conservation.\nThe public land laws should be administered in a spirit of the broadest liberality toward the settler exhibiting a bona-fide purpose to comply therewith, to the end that the invitation of this government to the landless should be as attractive as possible, and the plain provisions of the forest reserve act permitting homestead entries to be made within the national forests should not be nullified by administrative regulations which amount to a withdrawal of great areas of the same from settlement.\nImmediate action should be taken by Congress to make available the vast and valuable coal deposits of Alaska under conditions that will be a perfect guarantee against their falling into the hands of monopolizing corporations, associations or interests.\nWe rejoice in the inheritance of mineral resources unequalled in extent, variety, or value, and in the development of a mining industry unequalled in its magnitude and importance. We honor the men who, in their hazardous toil underground, daily risk their lives in extracting and preparing for our use the products of the mine, so essential to the industries, the commerce, and the comfort of the people of this country. And we pledge ourselves to the extension of the work of the bureau of mines in every way appropriate for national legislation with a view to safeguarding the lives of the miners, lessening the waste of essential resources, and promoting the economic development of mining, which, along with agriculture, must in the future, even more than in the past, serve as the very foundation of our national prosperity and welfare, and our international commerce.\nAgriculture\n\nWe believe in encouraging the development of a modern system of agriculture and a systematic effort to improve the conditions of trade in farm products so as to benefit both consumer and producer. And as an efficient means to this end we favor the enactment by Congress of legislation that will suppress the pernicious practice of gambling in agricultural products by organized exchanges or others.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe believe in fostering, by constitutional regulation of commerce, the growth of a merchant marine, which shall develop and strengthen the commercial ties which bind us to our sister republics of the south, but without imposing additional burdens upon the people and without bounties or subsidies from the public treasury.\nWe urge upon Congress the speedy enactment of laws for the greater security of life and property at sea; and we favor the repeal of all laws, and the abrogation of so much of our treaties with other nations, as provide for the arrest and imprisonment of seamen charged with desertion, or with violation of their contract of service.\nSuch laws and treaties are un-American, and violate the spirit, if not the letter, of the Constitution of the United States.\nWe favor the exemption from tolls of American ships engaged in coastwise trade passing through the Panama canal.\nWe also favor legislation forbidding the use of the Panama Canal by ships owned or controlled by railroad carriers engaged in transportation competitive with the canal.\nPure Food and Public Health\n\nWe reaffirm our previous declarations advocating the union and strengthening of the various governmental agencies relating to pure foods, quarantine, vital statistics and human health. Thus united, and administered without partiality to or discrimination against any school of medicine or system of healing, they would constitute a single health service, not subordinated to any commercial or financial interests, but devoted exclusively to the conservation of human life and efficiency. Moreover, this health service should co-operate with the health agencies of our various States and cities, without interference with their prerogatives, or with the freedom of individuals to employ such medical or hygienic aid as they may see fit.\nCivil Service Law\n\nThe law pertaining to the civil service should be honestly and rigidly enforced, to the end that merit and ability shall be the standard of appointment and promotion, rather than service rendered to a political party; and we favor a reorganization of the evil service, with adequate compensation commensurate with the class of work performed for all officers and employГ©s; and also favor the extension to all classes of civil service employГ©s of the benefits of the provisions of the employers' liability law. We also recognize the right of direct petition to Congress by employes for the redress of grievances.\nLaw Reform\n\nWe recognize the urgent need of reform in the administration of civil and criminal law in the United States, and we recommend the enactment of such legislation and the promotion of such measures as will rid the present legal system of the delays, expense, and uncertainties incident to the system as now administered.\nThe Philippines\n\nWe reaffirm the position thrice announced by the Democracy in national convention assembled against a policy of imperialism and colonial exploitation in the Philippines or elsewhere. We condemn the experiment in imperialism as an inexcusable blunder, which has involved us in enormous expense, brought us weakness instead of strength, and laid our nation open to the charge of abandonment of the fundamental doctrine of self-government. We favor an immediate declaration of the nation's purpose to recognize the independence of the Philippine Islands as soon as a stable government can be established, such independence to be guaranteed by us until the neutralization of the islands can be secured by treaty with other Powers.\nIn recognizing the independence of the Philippines, our government should retain such land as may be necessary for coaling stations and naval bases.\nArizona and New Mexico\n\nWe welcome Arizona and New Mexico to the sisterhood of States, and heartily congratulate them upon their auspicious beginnings of great and glorious careers.\nAlaska\n\nWe demand for the people of Alaska the full enjoyment of the rights and privileges of a Territorial form of government, and we believe that the officials appointed to administer the government of all our Territories and the District of Columbia should be qualified by previous bona-fide residence.\nThe Russian Treaty\n\nWe commend the patriotism of the Democratic members of the Senate and House of Representatives which compelled the termination of the Russian treaty of 1832, and we pledge ourselves anew to preserve the sacred rights of American citizenship at home and abroad. No treaty should receive the sanction of our government which does not recognize the equality of all of our citizens, irrespective of race or creed, and which does not expressly guarantee the fundamental right of expatriation.\nThe constitutional rights of American citizens should protect them on our borders and go with them throughout the world, and every American citizen residing or having property in any foreign country is entitled to and must be given the full protection of the United States government, both for himself and his property.\nParcels Post and Rural Delivery\n\nWe favor the establishment of a parcels post or postal express, and also the extension of the rural delivery system as rapidly as practicable.\nPanama Canal Exposition\n\nWe hereby express our deep interest in the great Panama Canal Exposition to be held in San Francisco in 1915, and favor such encouragement as can be properly given.\nProtection of National Uniform\n\nWe commend to the several States the adoption of a law making it an offence for the proprietors of places of public amusement and entertainment to discriminate against the uniform of the United States, similar to the law passed by Congress applicable to the District of Columbia and the Territories in 1911.\nPensions\n\nWe renew the declaration of our last platform relating to a generous pension policy.\nRule of the People\n\nWe direct attention to the fact that the Democratic party's demand for a return to the rule of the people expressed in the national platform four years ago, has now become the accepted doctrine of a large majority of the electors. We again remind the country that only by a larger exercise of the reserved power of the people can they protect themselves from the misuse of delegated power and the usurpation of government instrumentalities by special interests. For this reason the National Convention insisted on the overthrow of Cannonism and the inauguration of a system by which United States Senators could be elected by direct vote. The Democratic party offers itself to the country as an agency through which the complete overthrow and extirpation of corruption, fraud, and machine rule in American politics can be effected.\nConclusion\n\nOur platform is one of principles which we believe to be essential to our national welfare. Our pledges are made to be kept when in office, as well as relied upon during the campaign, and we invite the co-operation of all citizens, regardless of party, who believe in maintaining unimpaired the institutions and traditions of our country.", "Words" -> 4692, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 451, "of" -> 340, "and" -> 213, "to" -> 148, "in" -> 99, "a" -> 68, "We" -> 62, "for" -> 56, "by" -> 56, "be" -> 51, "our" -> 48, "that" -> 44, "as" -> 41, "which" -> 40, "with" -> 31, "we" -> 30, "or" -> 28, "States" -> 24, "favor" -> 24, "should" -> 23, "is" -> 23, "such" -> 22, "their" -> 20, "The" -> 20, "has" -> 20, "government" -> 20, "upon" -> 19, "not" -> 19, "national" -> 19, "legislation" -> 19, "from" -> 19, "party" -> 18, "law" -> 18, "it" -> 18, "its" -> 17, "Democratic" -> 17, "an" -> 17, "people" -> 16, "all" -> 15, "will" -> 14, "United" -> 13, "this" -> 13, "country" -> 13, "are" -> 13, "any" -> 13, "tariff" -> 12, "Republican" -> 12, "It" -> 12, "Federal" -> 12, "American" -> 12, 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-> 5, "criminal" -> 5, "cost" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "conservation" -> 5, "companies" -> 5, "business" -> 5, "both" -> 5, "administered" -> 5, "adequate" -> 5, "additional" -> 5, "water" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "under" -> 4, "treaty" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "those" -> 4, "telephone" -> 4, "telegraph" -> 4, "take" -> 4, "Senators" -> 4, "rights" -> 4, "right" -> 4, "revision" -> 4, "reserved" -> 4, "regulation" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "record" -> 4, "railroads" -> 4, "provisions" -> 4, "providing" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "private" -> 4, "policy" -> 4, "pledges" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "Panama" -> 4, "Our" -> 4, "other" -> 4, "only" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "nation" -> 4, "measure" -> 4, "maintain" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "judicial" -> 4, "issue" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "health" -> 4, "have" -> 4, "Government" -> 4, "given" -> 4, "extension" -> 4, "essential" -> 4, "enormous" -> 4, "economy" -> 4, "denounce" -> 4, "declaration" -> 4, "courts" -> 4, "competitive" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "call" -> 4, "but" -> 4, "been" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "would" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "waterways" -> 3, "waste" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "valuation" -> 3, "use" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "trusts" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "transportation" -> 3, "than" -> 3, "taxes" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "strength" -> 3, "security" -> 3, "secured" -> 3, "Russian" -> 3, "rural" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "reduce" -> 3, "recommend" -> 3, "reaffirm" -> 3, "publicity" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "Presidential" -> 3, "presidential" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "Philippines" -> 3, "permitting" -> 3, "permit" -> 3, "others" -> 3, "New" -> 3, "necessaries" -> 3, "must" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "monopoly" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "mining" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "last" -> 3, "largely" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "labor" -> 3, "interest" -> 3, "integrity" -> 3, "injustice" -> 3, "injunction" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "independence" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "if" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "funds" -> 3, "fundamental" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "expenses" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "engaged" -> 3, "enforced" -> 3, "employГ©s" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "each" -> 3, "duties" -> 3, "does" -> 3, "doctrine" -> 3, "discrimination" -> 3, "department" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "co-operation" -> 3, "convention" -> 3, "controlled" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "constitutional" -> 3, "constitute" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "commercial" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "candidates" -> 3, "Canal" -> 3, "bills" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "banking" -> 3, "attention" -> 3, "Arizona" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "Alaska" -> 3, "agriculture" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "adoption" -> 3, "1908" -> 3, "within" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "waters" -> 2, "vote" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "usurpation" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unequalled" -> 2, "two" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "toward" -> 2, "toil" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "Territories" 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"wrung" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "writ" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "workmen" -> 1, "woolen" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "well-proportioned" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "watering" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "Wall" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vetoing" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "verbal" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "unsuited" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unimpaired" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "unemployment" -> 1, "undisputed" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "twilight" -> 1, "trust-controlled" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "tree" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "training" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "tracts" -> 1, "tolls" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "thrice" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "therewith" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "therefor" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "Territorial" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "Term" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "Telephone" -> 1, "Telegraph" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "Taft" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "supervise" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "sufferers" -> 1, "substituted" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "subordinated" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "strengthen" -> 1, "Street" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "steps" -> 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"revise" -> 1, "retard" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "Reservations" -> 1, "resent" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "reproduction" -> 1, "reproach" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "rejoice" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regret" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "reflection" -> 1, "reelection" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "receipt" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "rally" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "Questions" -> 1, "quarantine" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purport" -> 1, "Pure" -> 1, "pure" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proprietors" -> 1, "propositions" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "prohibitive" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "program" -> 1, "profligate" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "Primary" -> 1, "primaries" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "pretence" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "prerogatives" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "predecessor" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "Powers" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "Popular" -> 1, "poorer" -> 1, "poor" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "Philippine" -> 1, "petition" -> 1, "pertaining" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "pernicious" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "perfecting" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "Pensions" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "patrons" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "party—and" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "partiality" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "Parcels" -> 1, "parcels" -> 1, "panics" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "overissue" -> 1, "overflowed" -> 1, "overflow" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opportune" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "Oil" -> 1, "offices" 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1, "interference" -> 1, "instrumentalities" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insisted" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injure" -> 1, "injunctions" -> 1, "inheritance" -> 1, "inexcusable" -> 1, "ineligible" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indirection" -> 1, "indirect" -> 1, "indemnity" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "incorporate" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "inauguration" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "impartiality" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "Immediate" -> 1, "illustrious" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "hygienic" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "homestead" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "hereafter" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "hazardous" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "gratification" -> 1, "government—the" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "glorious" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "gambling" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "Francisco" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "forbidding" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "foods" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "floods" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "farm" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "faithless" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factions" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "Extravagance" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extracting" -> 1, "extirpation" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expressly" -> 1, "expressions" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "Express" -> 1, "exploiting" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expatriation" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exhibiting" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entries" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engaging" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endeavored" -> 1, "encroaching" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employes" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "effectually" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "draining" -> 1, "drainage" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "dominion" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disposed" -> 1, "disorganization" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "discontent" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "directors" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "desertion" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "depositing" -> 1, "deposit" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "Delivery" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defence" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "Credits" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "credentials" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "co-ordinating" -> 1, "co-ordinate" -> 1, "co-operate" -> 1, "contributions—a" -> 1, "Contributions" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "consummation" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "connected" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "compromising" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "compel" -> 1, "comparison" -> 1, "Company" -> 1, "Companies" -> 1, "Committeemen" -> 1, "committeemen" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "colonial" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coastwise" -> 1, "coaling" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "chemical" -> 1, "cheaply" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "careers" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "Cannonism" -> 1, "Campaign" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "buys" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "bulwarks" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broadest" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "bounties" -> 1, "bounds" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "blunder" -> 1, "bind" -> 1, "bidding" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "benefits" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "Believing" -> 1, "beginnings" -> 1, "begin" -> 1, "befits" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "Banking" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "available" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "auspicious" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "aspire" -> 1, "ascertained" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "Articles" -> 1, "articles" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "arisen" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "areas" -> 1, "arable" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "Anti-Trust" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "amusement" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "alternates" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "Aldrich" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adhered" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "accentuates" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "absorbed" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abrogation" -> 1, "abrogate" -> 1, "abridgement" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "1915" -> 1, "1911" -> 1, "1904" -> 1, "1898" -> 1, "1896" -> 1, "1832" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1908", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1908, "Date" -> DateObject[{1908, 7, 7}], "Text" -> "We, the representatives of the Democracy of the United States, in National Convention assembled, reaffirm our belief in, and pledge our loyalty to, the principles of the party.\nWe rejoice at the increasing signs of an awakening throughout the country. The various investigations have traced graft and political corruption to the representatives of the predatory wealth, and laid bare the unscrupulous methods by which they have debauched elections and preyed upon a defenseless public through the subservient officials whom they have raised to place and power.\nThe conscience of the nation is now aroused to free the Government from the grip of those who have made it a business asset of the favor-seeking corporations. It must become again a people's government, and be administered in all its departments according to the Jeffersonian maxim, \"equal rights to all; special privileges to none.\"\n\"Shall the people rule?\" is the overshadowing issue which manifests itself in all the questions now under discussion.\nIncrease of Office Holders\n\nCoincident with the enormous increase in expenditures is a like addition to the number of office-holders. During the past year 23,784 were added, costing $16,156,000, and in the past six years of Republican administration the total number of new offices created, aside from many commissions, has been 99,319, entailing an additional expenditure of nearly $70,000,000 as against only 10,279 new offices created under the Cleveland and McKinley administrations, which involved an expenditure of only $6,000,000. We denounce this great and growing increase in the number of office-holders as not only unnecessary and wasteful, but also as clearly indicating a deliberate purpose on the part of the Administration to keep the Republican party in power at public expense by thus increasing the number of its retainers and dependents. Such procedure we declare to be no less dangerous and corrupt than the open purchase of votes at the polls.\nEconomy in Administration\n\nThe Republican Congress in the session just ended made appropriations amounting to $1,008,000,000, exceeding the total expenditures of the past fiscal year by $90,000,000 and leaving a deficit of more than $60,000,000 for the fiscal year just ended. We denounce the heedless waste of the people's money which has resulted in this appalling increase as a shameful violation of all prudent considerations of government and as no less than a crime against the millions of working men and women, from whose earnings the great proportion of these colossal sums must be extorted through excessive tariff exactions and other indirect methods. It is not surprising that in the face of this shocking record the Republican platform contains no reference to economical administration or promise thereof in the future. We demand that a stop be put to this frightful extravagance, and insist upon the strictest economy in every department compatible with frugal and efficient administration\nArbitrary Power—the Speaker\n\nThe House of Representatives was designed by the fathers of the Constitution to be the popular branch of our Government, responsive to the public will.\nThe House of Representatives, as controlled in recent years by the Republican party, has ceased to be a deliberative and legislative body, responsive to the will of a majority of its members, but has come under the absolute domination of the Speaker, who has entire control of its deliberations and powers of legislation.\nWe have observed with amazement the popular branch of our Federal Government helpless to obtain either the consideration or enactment of measures desired by a majority of its members.\nLegislative control becomes a failure when one member in the person of the Speaker is more powerful than the entire body.\nWe demand that the House of Representatives shall again become a deliberative body, controlled by a majority of the people's representatives, and not by the Speaker; and we pledge ourselves to adopt such rules and regulations to govern the House of Representatives as will enable a majority of its members to direct its deliberations and control legislation.\nMisuse of Patronage\n\nWe condemn as a violation of the spirit of our institutions the action of the present Chief Executive in using the patronage of his high office to secure the nomination for the Presidency of one of his Cabinet of officers. A forced succession to the Presidency is scarcely less repugnant to public sentiment than is life tenure in that office. No good intention on the part of the Executive, and no virtue in the one selected, can justify the establishment of a dynasty. The right of the people freely to select their officials is inalienable and cannot be delegated.\nPublicity of Campaign Contributions\n\nWe demand Federal legislation forever terminating the partnership which has existed between corporations of the country and the Republican party under the expressed or implied agreement that in return for the contribution of great sums of money wherewith to purchase elections, they should be allowed to continue substantially unmolested in their efforts to encroach upon the rights of the people.\nAny reasonable doubt as to the existence of this relation has been forever dispelled by the sworn testimony of witnesses examined in the insurance investigation in New York, and the open admission of a single individual—unchallenged by the Republican National Committee—that he himself at the personal request of the Republican candidate for the Presidency raised over a quarter of a million dollars to be used in a single State during the closing hours of the last campaign. In order that this practice shall be stopped for all time, we demand the passage of a statute punishing by imprisonment any officer of a corporation who shall either contribute on behalf of, or consent to the contribution by, a corporation, of any money or thing of value to be used in furthering the election of a President or Vice-President of the United States or of any member of the Congress thereof.\nWe denounce the Republican party, having complete control of the Federal Government for their failure to pass the bill, introduced in the last Congress, to compel the publication of the names of contributors and the amounts contributed toward campaign funds, and point to the evidence of their insincerity when they sought by an absolutely irrelevant and impossible amendment to defeat the passage of the bill. As a further evidence of their intention to conduct their campaign in the coming contest with vast sums of money wrested from favor-seeking corporations, we call attention to the fact that the recent Republican National Convention at Chicago refused, when the issue was presented to it, to declare against such practices.\nWe pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law prohibiting any corporation from contributing to a campaign fund and any individual from contributing an amount above a reasonable maximum, and providing for the publication before election of all such contributions.\nThe Rights of the States\n\nBelieving, with Jefferson, in \"the support of the State governments in all their rights as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns, and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies,\" and in \"the preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad,\" we are opposed to the centralization implied in the suggestion, now frequently made, that the powers of the General Government should be extended by judicial construction. There is no twilight zone between the Nation and the State in which exploiting interests can take refuge from both; and it is as necessary that the Federal Government shall exercise the powers delegated to it as it is that the State governments shall use the authority reserved to them; but we insist that Federal remedies for the regulation of interstate commerce and for the prevention of private monopoly shall be added to, not substituted for, State remedies.\nTariff\n\nWe welcome the belated promise of tariff reform now offered by the Republican party in tardy recognition of the righteousness of the Democratic position on this question; but the people cannot safely entrust the execution of this important work to a party which is so deeply obligated to the highly protected interests as is the Republican party. We call attention to the significant fact that the promised relief is postponed until after the coming election—an election to succeed in which the Republican party must have that same support from the beneficiaries of the high protective tariff as it has always heretofore received from them; and to the further fact that during years of uninterrupted power no action whatever has been taken by the Republican Congress to correct the admittedly existing tariff iniquities.\nWe favor immediate revision of the tariff by the reduction of import duties. Articles entering into competition with trust-controlled products should be placed upon the free list, and material reductions should be made in the tariff upon the necessaries of life, especially upon articles competing with such American manufactures as are sold abroad more cheaply than at home; and gradual reductions should be made in such other schedules as may be necessary to restore the tariff to a revenue basis.\nExisting duties have given to the manufacturers of paper a shelter behind which they have organized combinations to raise the price of pulp and of paper, thus imposing a tax upon the spread of knowledge. We demand the immediate repeal of the tariff on wood pulp, print paper, lumber, timber and logs, and that these articles be placed upon the free list.\nTrusts\n\nA private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable. We therefore favor the vigorous enforcement of the criminal law against guilty trust magnates and officials, and demand the enactment of such additional legislation as may be necessary to make it impossible for a private monopoly to exist in the United States. Among the additional remedies we specify three: First, a law preventing a duplication of directors among competing corporations; second, a license system which will, without abridging the right of each State to create corporations, or its right to regulate as it will foreign corporations doing business within its limits, make it necessary for a manufacturing or trading corporation engaged in interstate commerce to take out a Federal license before it shall be permitted to control as much as twenty-five per cent of the product in which it deals, the license to protect the public from watered stock and to prohibit the control by such corporation of more than fifty per cent of the total amount of any product consumed in the United States; and, third, a law compelling such licensed corporations to sell to all purchasers in all parts of the country on the same terms, after making due allowance for cost of transportation.\nRailroad Regulation\n\nWe assert the right of Congress to exercise complete control over interstate commerce and the right of each State to exercise like control over commerce within its borders.\nWe demand such enlargement of the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission as may be necessary to enable it to compel railroads to perform their duties as common carriers and prevent discrimination and extortion.\nWe favor the efficient supervision and rate regulation of railroads engaged in interstate com- merce. To this end we recommend the valuation of railroads by the Interstate Commerce Commission, such valuation to take into consideration the physical value of the property, the original cost of production and all elements of value that will render the valuation fair and just.\nWe favor such legislation as will prohibit the railroads from engaging in business which brings them into competition with their shippers; also legislation which will assure such reduction in transportation rates as conditions will permit, care being taken to avoid reduction that would compel a reduction of wages, prevent adequate service, or do injustice to legitimate investments.\nWe heartily approve the laws prohibiting the pass and the rebate, and we favor any further necessary legislation to restrain, correct and prevent such abuses.\nWe favor such legislation as will increase the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission, giving to it the initiative with reference to rates and transportation charges put into effect by the railroad companies, and permitting the Interstate Commerce Commission, on its own initiative, to declare a rate illegal and as being more than should be charged for such service. The present law relating thereto is inadequate, by reason of the fact that the Interstate Commerce Commission is without power to fix or investigate a rate until complaint has been made to it by the shipper.\nWe further declare in favor of a law providing that all agreements of traffic or other associations of railway agents affecting interstate rates, service or classification, shall be unlawful, unless filed with and approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission .\nWe favor the enactment of a law giving to the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to inspect proposed railroad tariff rates or schedules before they shall take effect, and, if they be found to be unreasonable, to initiate an adjustment thereof.\nBanking\n\nThe panic of 1907, coming without any legitimate excuse, when the Republican party had for a decade been in complete control of the Federal government, furnishes additional proof that it is either unwilling or incompetent to protect the interests of the general public. It has so linked the country to Wall street that the sins of the speculators are visited upon the whole people. While refusing to rescue the wealth producers from spoliation at the hands of the stock gamblers and speculators in farm products, it has deposited Treasury funds, without interest and without competition, in favorite banks. It has used an emergency for which it is largely responsible to force through Congress a bill changing the basis of bank currency and inviting market manipulation, and has failed to give to the 15,000,000 depositors of the country protection in their savings.\nWe believe that in so far as the needs of commerce require an emergency currency, such currency should be issued and controlled by the Federal Government, and loaned on adequate security to National and State banks. We pledge ourselves to legislation under which the national banks shall be required to establish a guarantee fund for the prompt payment of the depositors of any insolvent national bank, under an equitable system which shall be available to all State banking institutions wishing to use it.\nWe favor a postal savings bank if the guaranteed bank can not be secured, and that it be constituted so as to keep the deposited money in the communities where it is established. But we condemn the policy of the Republican party in providing postal savings banks under a plan of conduct by which they will aggregate the deposits of the rural communities and redeposit the same while under Government charge in the banks of Wall street, thus depleting the circulating medium of the producing regions and unjustly favoring the speculative markets.\nIncome Tax\n\nWe favor an income tax as part of our revenue system, and we urge the submission of a constitutional amendment specifically authorizing Congress to levy and collect a tax upon individual and corporate incomes, to the end that wealth may bear its proportionate share of the burdens of the Federal Government.\nLabor and Injunctions\n\nThe courts of justice are the bulwark of our liberties, and we yield to none in our purpose to maintain their dignity. Our party has given to the bench a long line of distinguished judges, who have added to the respect and confidence in which this department must be jealously maintained. We resent the attempt of the Republican party to raise a false issue respecting the judiciary. It is an unjust reflection upon a great body of our citizens to assume that they lack respect for the courts.\nIt is the function of the courts to interpret the laws which the people create, and if the laws appear to work economic, social or political injustice, it is our duty to change them. The only basis upon which the integrity of our courts can stand is that of unswerving justice and protection of life, personal liberty and property. If judicial processes may be abused, we should guard them against abuse.\nExperience has proved the necessity of a modification of the present law relating to injunctions, and we reiterate the pledge of our national platforms of 1896 and 1904 in favor of the measure which passed the United States Senate in 1896, but which a Republican Congress has ever since refused to enact, relating to contempts in Federal courts and providing for trial by jury in cases of indirect contempt.\nQuestions of judicial practice have arisen especially in connection with industrial disputes. We deem that the parties to all judicial proceedings should be treated with rigid impartiality, and that injunctions should not be issued in any cases in which injunctions would not issue if no industrial dispute were involved.\nThe expanding organization of industry makes it essential that there should be no abridgement of the right of wage earners and producers to organize for the protection of wages and the improvement of labor conditions, to the end that such labor organizations and their members should not be regarded as illegal combinations in restraint of trade.\nWe favor the eight hour day on all Government work.\nWe pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law by Congress, as far as the Federal jurisdiction extends, for a general employer's liability act covering injury to body or loss of life of employes.\nWe pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law creating a Department of Labor, represented separately in the President's Cabinet, in which Department shall be included the subject of mines and mining.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe believe in the upbuilding of the American merchant marine without new or additional burdens upon the people and without bounties from the public treasury.\nThe Navy\n\nThe constitutional provision that a navy shall be provided and maintained means an adequate navy, and we believe that the interests of this country would be best served by having a navy sufficient to defend the coasts of this country and protect American citizens wherever their rights may be in jeopardy.\nProtection of American Citizens\n\nWe pledge ourselves to insist upon the just and lawful protection of our citizens at home and abroad, and to use all proper methods to secure for them, whether native born or naturalized, and without distinction of race or creed, the equal protection of the law and the enjoyment of all rights and privileges open to them under our treaties; and if, under existing treaties, the right of travel and sojourn is denied to American citizens, or recognition is withheld from American passports by any countries on the ground of race or creed, we favor prompt negotiations with the governments of such countries to secure the removal of these unjust discriminations.\nWe demand that all over the world a duly authenticated passport issued by the Government of the United States to an American citizen, shall be proof of the fact that he is an American citizen and shall entitle him to the treatment due him as such.\nCivil Service\n\nThe laws pertaining to the civil service should be honestly and rigidly enforced, to the end that merit and ability shall be the standard of appointment and promotion rather than services rendered to a political party.\nPensions\n\nWe favor a generous pension policy, both as a matter of justice to the surviving veterans and their dependents, and because it tends to relieve the country of the necessity of maintaining a large standing army.\nHealth Bureau\n\nWe advocate the organization of all existing national public health agencies into a national bureau of public health with such power over sanitary conditions connected with factories, mines, tenements, child labor and other such subjects as are properly within the jurisdiction of the Federal government and do not interfere with the power of the States controlling public health agencies.\nAgricultural and Mechanical Education\n\nThe Democratic party favors the extension of agricultural, mechanical and industrial education. We therefore favor the establishment of district agricultural experiment stations and secondary agricultural and mechanical colleges in the several States.\nPopular Election of Senators\n\nWe favor the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, and regard this reform as the gateway to other national reforms.\nOklahoma\n\nWe welcome Oklahoma to the sisterhood of States and heartily congratulate her upon the auspicious beginning of a great career.\nPanama Canal\n\nWe believe that the Panama Canal will prove of great value to our country, and favor its speedy completion.\nArizona and New Mexico\n\nThe National Democratic party has for the last sixteen years labored for the admission of Arizona and New Mexico as separate States of the Federal Union, and recognizing that each possesses every qualification successfully to maintain separate State governments, we favor the immediate admission of these Territories as separate States.\nGrazing Lands\n\nThe establishment of rules and regulations, if any such are necessary, in relation to free grazing upon the public lands outside of forest or other reservations, until the same shall eventually be disposed of, should be left to the people of the States respectively in which such lands may be situated.\nWaterways\n\nWater furnishes the cheaper means of transportation, and the National Government, having the control of navigable waters, should improve them to their fullest capacity. We earnestly favor the immediate adoption of a liberal and comprehensive plan for improving every water course in the Union which is justified by the needs of commerce; and, to secure that end, we favor, when practicable, the connection of the Great Lakes with the navigable rivers and with the Gulf through the Mississippi River, and the navigable rivers with each other, and the rivers, bays and sounds of our coasts with each other, by artificial canals, with a view of perfecting a system of inland waterways to be navigated by vessels of standard draught.\nWe favor the co-ordination of the various services of the Government connected with waterways in one service, for the purpose of aiding in the completion of such a system of inland waterways; and we favor the creation of a fund ample for continuous work, which shall be conducted under the direction of a commission of experts to be authorized by law.\nPost Roads\n\nWe favor Federal aid to State and local authorities in the construction and maintenance of post roads.\nTelegraph and Telephone\n\nWe pledge the Democratic party to the enactment of a law to regulate, under the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the rates and services of telegraph and telephone companies engaged in the transmission of messages between the States.\nNatural Resources\n\nWe repeat the demand for internal development and for the conservation of our natural resources contained in previous platforms, the enforcement of which Mr. Roosevelt has vainly sought from a reluctant party; and to that end we insist upon the preservation, protection and replacement of needed forests, the preservation of the public domain for home seekers, the protection of the national resources in timber, coal, iron and oil against monopolistic control, the development of our waterways for navigation and every other useful purpose, including the irrigation of arid lands, the reclamation of swamp lands, the clarification of streams, the development of water power, and the preservation of electric power, generated by this natural force, from the control of monopoly; and to such end we urge the exercise of all powers, national, State and municipal, both separately and in co-operation.\nWe insist upon a policy of administration of our forest reserves which shall relieve it of the abuses which have arisen thereunder, and which shall, as far as practicable, conform to the police regulations of the several States wherein the reserves are located, which shall enable homesteaders as of right to occupy and acquire title to all portions thereof which are especially adapted to agriculture, and which shall furnish a system of timber sales available as well to the private citizen as to the larger manufacturer and consumer.\nHawaii\n\nWe favor the application of the principles of the land laws of the United States to our newly acquired territory, Hawaii, to the end that the public lands of that territory may be held and utilized for the benefit of bona-fide homesteaders.\nThe Philippines\n\nWe condemn the experiment in imperialism as an inexcusable blunder which has involved us in enormous expense, brought us weakness instead of strength, and laid our nation open to the charge of abandoning a fundamental doctrine of self-government. We favor an immediate declaration of the nation's purpose to recognize the independence of the Philippine Islands as soon as a stable government can be established, such independence to be guaranteed by us as we guarantee the independence of Cuba, until the neutralization of the islands can be secured by treaty with other powers. In recognizing the independence of the Philippines our Government should retain such land as may be necessary for coaling stations and naval bases.\nAlaska and Porto Rico\n\nWe demand for the people of Alaska and Porto Rico the full enjoyment of the rights and privileges of a territorial form of government, and that the officials appointed to administer the government of all our territories and the District of Columbia should be thoroughly qualified by previous bona-fide residence.\nPan-American Relations\n\nThe Democratic party recognizes the importance and advantage of developing closer ties of Pan-American friendship and commerce between the United States and her sister nations of Latin America, and favors the taking of such steps, consistent with Democratic policies, for better acquaintance, greater mutual confidence, and larger exchange of trade as will bring lasting benefit not only to the United States, but to this group of American Republics, having constitutions, forms of government, ambitions and interests akin to our own.\nAsiatic Immigration\n\nWe favor full protection, by both National and State governments within their respective spheres, of all foreigners residing in the United States under treaty, but we are opposed to the admission of Asiatic immigrants who can not be amalgamated with our population, or whose presence among us would raise a race issue and involve us in diplomatic controversies with Oriental powers.\nForeign Patents\n\nWe believe that where an American citizen holding a patent in a foreign country is compelled to manufacture under his patent within a certain time, similar restrictions should be applied in this country to the citizens or subjects of such a country.\nConclusion\n\nThe Democratic party stands for Democracy; the Republican party has drawn to itself all that is aristocratic and plutocratic.\nThe Democratic party is the champion of equal rights and opportunities to all; the Republican party is the party of privilege and private monopoly. The Democratic party listens to the voice of the whole people and gauges progress by the prosperity and advancement of the average man; the Republican party is subservient to the comparatively few who are the beneficiaries of governmental favoritism. We invite the co-operation of all, regardless of previous political affiliation or past differences, who desire to preserve a government of the people, by the people and for the people and who favor such an administration of the government as will insure, as far as human wisdom can, that each citizen shall draw from society a reward commensurate with his contribution to the welfare of society.", "Words" -> 4550, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 412, "of" -> 294, "and" -> 171, "to" -> 169, "a" -> 91, "in" -> 85, "be" -> 57, "We" -> 55, "as" -> 53, "that" -> 45, "by" -> 42, "for" -> 38, "which" -> 35, "is" -> 33, "such" -> 30, "party" -> 29, "with" -> 27, "our" -> 27, "favor" -> 27, "or" -> 26, "all" -> 25, "it" -> 24, "we" -> 23, "The" -> 23, "shall" -> 23, "Republican" -> 21, "has" -> 21, "States" -> 20, "upon" -> 18, "should" -> 18, "an" -> 18, "from" -> 17, "this" -> 16, "their" -> 16, "Government" -> 15, "will" -> 14, "under" -> 14, "people" -> 14, "its" -> 14, "Federal" -> 14, "State" -> 13, "public" -> 13, "law" -> 13, "Democratic" -> 12, "country" -> 12, "control" -> 12, "any" -> 12, "United" -> 11, "not" -> 11, "have" -> 11, "power" -> 10, "other" -> 10, "on" -> 10, "government" -> 10, "demand" -> 10, "are" -> 10, "American" -> 10, "they" -> 9, "than" -> 9, "tariff" -> 9, "pledge" -> 9, "may" -> 9, "legislation" -> 9, "Congress" -> 9, "at" -> 9, "without" -> 8, "who" -> 8, "them" -> 8, "right" -> 8, "protection" -> 8, "no" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "national" -> 8, "Interstate" -> 8, "end" -> 8, "Commission" -> 8, "Commerce" -> 8, "can" -> 8, "rights" -> 7, "powers" -> 7, "National" -> 7, "enactment" -> 7, "corporations" -> 7, "commerce" -> 7, "but" -> 7, "against" -> 7, "system" -> 6, "made" -> 6, "It" -> 6, "if" -> 6, "great" -> 6, "each" -> 6, "within" -> 5, "when" -> 5, "us" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "rates" -> 5, "purpose" -> 5, "private" -> 5, "over" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "more" -> 5, "monopoly" -> 5, "money" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "lands" -> 5, "issue" -> 5, "into" -> 5, "interstate" -> 5, "interests" -> 5, "insist" -> 5, "immediate" -> 5, "governments" -> 5, "fact" -> 5, "courts" -> 5, "corporation" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "citizen" -> 5, "body" -> 5, "believe" -> 5, "been" -> 5, "banks" -> 5, "administration" -> 5, "additional" -> 5, "years" -> 4, "would" -> 4, "work" -> 4, "waterways" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "until" -> 4, "transportation" -> 4, "through" -> 4, "these" -> 4, "thereof" -> 4, "take" -> 4, "Speaker" -> 4, "so" -> 4, "secure" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "Representatives" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "railroads" -> 4, "providing" -> 4, "preservation" -> 4, "political" -> 4, "past" -> 4, "open" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "officials" -> 4, "number" -> 4, "now" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "members" -> 4, "majority" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "just" -> 4, "judicial" -> 4, "independence" -> 4, "increase" -> 4, "House" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "his" -> 4, "having" -> 4, "further" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "far" -> 4, "exercise" -> 4, "every" -> 4, "election" -> 4, "declare" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "both" -> 4, "between" -> 4, "bank" -> 4, "admission" -> 4, "year" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "valuation" -> 3, "used" -> 3, "use" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "timber" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "tax" -> 3, "sums" -> 3, "services" -> 3, "separate" -> 3, "savings" -> 3, "rivers" -> 3, "representatives" -> 3, "remedies" -> 3, "relating" -> 3, "regulations" -> 3, "rate" -> 3, "raise" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "protect" -> 3, "privileges" -> 3, "previous" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "Presidency" -> 3, "present" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "part" -> 3, "paper" -> 3, "ourselves" -> 3, "New" -> 3, "new" -> 3, "navy" -> 3, "navigable" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "license" -> 3, "less" -> 3, "last" -> 3, "labor" -> 3, "justice" -> 3, "jurisdiction" -> 3, "issued" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "injunctions" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "health" -> 3, "fund" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "especially" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "engaged" -> 3, "enable" -> 3, "either" -> 3, "duties" -> 3, "development" -> 3, "denounce" -> 3, "currency" -> 3, "controlled" -> 3, "contribution" -> 3, "constitutional" -> 3, "conditions" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "complete" -> 3, "competition" -> 3, "compel" -> 3, "coming" -> 3, "business" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "basis" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "adequate" -> 3, "added" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "whose" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "water" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "Wall" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "urge" -> 2, "unjust" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "trade" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "taken" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "subservient" -> 2, "subjects" -> 2, "street" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "stations" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "speculators" -> 2, "sought" -> 2, "society" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "separately" -> 2, "Senators" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "schedules" -> 2, "rules" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "responsive" -> 2, "respect" -> 2, "resources" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "relation" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "refused" -> 2, "reform" -> 2, "reference" -> 2, "reductions" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "railroad" -> 2, "put" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "pulp" -> 2, "publication" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "proof" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "prohibiting" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "product" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "practicable" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "Porto" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "platforms" -> 2, "plan" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "patent" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "pass" -> 2, "Pan-American" -> 2, "Panama" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "Oklahoma" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "office-holders" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "none" -> 2, "needs" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "mines" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "mechanical" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "make" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "list" -> 2, "like" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "intention" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "inland" -> 2, "injustice" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "indirect" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "In" -> 2, "impossible" -> 2, "implied" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "homesteaders" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "heartily" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "guaranteed" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "furnishes" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "full" -> 2, "forever" -> 2, "forest" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "favor-seeking" -> 2, "favors" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "experiment" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "expenditure" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "evidence" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enormous" -> 2, "enjoyment" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "efficient" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "do" -> 2, "direct" -> 2, "depositors" -> 2, "deposited" -> 2, "dependents" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "department" -> 2, "Democracy" -> 2, "deliberative" -> 2, "deliberations" -> 2, "delegated" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "create" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "co-operation" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "contributing" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "connection" -> 2, "connected" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "completion" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "companies" -> 2, "communities" -> 2, "combinations" -> 2, "coasts" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "cent" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "call" -> 2, "Cabinet" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "bona-fide" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "beneficiaries" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "Asiatic" -> 2, "articles" -> 2, "Arizona" -> 2, "arisen" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "agencies" -> 2, "again" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "administrations" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "A" -> 2, "1896" -> 2, "$90,000,000" -> 1, "$70,000,000" -> 1, "$60,000,000" -> 1, "$6,000,000" -> 1, "$16,156,000" -> 1, "$1,008,000,000" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "York" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "wrested" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "wood" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "witnesses" -> 1, "withheld" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherewith" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "watered" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "visited" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "Vice-President" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "vainly" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "upbuilding" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unmolested" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unjustly" -> 1, "uninterrupted" -> 1, "twilight" -> 1, "twenty-five" -> 1, "Trusts" -> 1, "trust-controlled" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "traced" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "To" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "those" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "thereunder" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "testimony" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "terminating" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tenements" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "tendencies" -> 1, "Telephone" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "Telegraph" -> 1, "telegraph" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "tardy" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "sworn" -> 1, "swamp" -> 1, "surviving" -> 1, "surprising" -> 1, "surest" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "suggestion" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "succession" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "substituted" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "strictest" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "spoliation" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "spheres" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speculative" -> 1, "specify" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "sounds" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "sojourn" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situated" -> 1, "sisterhood" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "sins" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "significant" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shippers" -> 1, "shipper" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "sheet" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "Shall" -> 1, "session" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "sentiment" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "seekers" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "scarcely" -> 1, "sanitary" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "Roads" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rigidly" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "righteousness" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retainers" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "resent" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "Republics" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "rejoice" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "reflection" -> 1, "redeposit" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "rebate" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "railway" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "Questions" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "qualification" -> 1, "purchasers" -> 1, "punishing" -> 1, "Publicity" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proportionate" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "print" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "preyed" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "Power—the" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "postponed" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "Popular" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "plutocratic" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "Philippine" -> 1, "pertaining" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "perfecting" -> 1, "Pensions" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "Patronage" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "Patents" -> 1, "passports" -> 1, "passport" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partnership" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "panic" -> 1, "overshadowing" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "Oriental" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "oil" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "occupy" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "observed" -> 1, "obligated" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "newly" -> 1, "neutralization" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "necessaries" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "navigated" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "most" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "Misuse" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "million" -> 1, "messages" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "merce" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "Mechanical" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "McKinley" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "maxim" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufactures" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacturer" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "manifests" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "magnates" -> 1, "lumber" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "logs" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "loaned" -> 1, "listens" -> 1, "linked" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "licensed" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "liability" -> 1, "levy" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "Latin" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labored" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "Jeffersonian" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "jealously" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "islands" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irrelevant" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "inviting" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "introduced" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "interpret" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "inspect" -> 1, "insolvent" -> 1, "insincerity" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "Injunctions" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "iniquities" -> 1, "inexcusable" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "individual—unchallenged" -> 1, "indicating" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "Increase" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "impartiality" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "Holders" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heedless" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "grip" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "Grazing" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "graft" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "gauges" -> 1, "gateway" -> 1, "gamblers" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "furthering" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "frugal" -> 1, "frightful" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foreigners" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "favorite" -> 1, "favoring" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "farm" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extortion" -> 1, "extorted" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exploiting" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "Existing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "examined" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "entrust" -> 1, "entitle" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entailing" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "engaging" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "encroach" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employes" -> 1, "employer's" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "election—an" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "economic" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "dynasty" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "draught" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "district" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disposed" -> 1, "dispelled" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "discriminations" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "directors" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "depleting" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decade" -> 1, "debauched" -> 1, "deals" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "costing" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "co-ordination" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "Contributions" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "contempts" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "constitutions" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constituted" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "conform" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "complaint" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "compatible" -> 1, "comparatively" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Committee—that" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "com" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "colossal" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "Coincident" -> 1, "coaling" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "Cleveland" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "classification" -> 1, "clarification" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "circulating" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "Chicago" -> 1, "cheaply" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "canals" -> 1, "Campaign" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "bulwarks" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "bounties" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "blunder" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "Believing" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "belated" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "bays" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "bare" -> 1, "Banking" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "awakening" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "average" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "authenticated" -> 1, "auspicious" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "Articles" -> 1, "aroused" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "aristocratic" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "Arbitrary" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "appalling" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anti-republican" -> 1, "anchor" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amounting" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "ambitions" -> 1, "amazement" -> 1, "amalgamated" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "akin" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "aggregate" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "affiliation" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admittedly" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adapted" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "acquaintance" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abridging" -> 1, "abridgement" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "99,319" -> 1, "23,784" -> 1, "1907" -> 1, "1904" -> 1, "15,000,000" -> 1, "10,279" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1904", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1904, "Date" -> DateObject[{1904, 7, 6}], "Text" -> "The Democratic party of the United States, in National Convention assembled, declares its devotion to the essential principles of the Democratic faith which bring us together in party communion.\nUnder these principles local self-government and National unity and prosperity were alike established. They underlaid our independence, the structure of our free Republic, and every Democratic expansion from Louisiana to California, and Texas to Oregon, which preserved faithfully in all the States the tie between taxation and representation. They yet inspirit the masses of our people, guarding jealously their rights and liberties, and cherishing their fraternity, peace and orderly development. They remind us of our duties and responsibilities as citizens and impress upon us, particularly at this time, the necessity of reform and the rescue of the administration of Government from the headstrong, arbitrary and spasmodic methods which distract business by uncertainty, and pervade the public mind with dread, distrust and perturbation.\nFundamental Principles\n\nThe application of these fundamental principles to the living issues of the day constitutes the first step toward the assured peace, safety and progress of our nation. Freedom of the press, of conscience, and of speech; equality before the law of all citizens; right of trial by jury; freedom of the person defended by the Writ of Habeas Corpus; liberty of personal contract untrammeled by sumptuary laws; supremacy of the civil over military authority; a well-disciplined militia; separation of Church and State; economy in expenditures; low taxes, that labor may be lightly burdened; prompt and sacred fulfillment of public and private obligations; fidelity to treaties; peace and friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none; absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority, the vital principle of Republics—these are doctrines which Democracy has established as proverbs of the Nation, and they should be constantly invoked, and enforced.\nEconomy of Administration\n\nLarge reductions can easily be made in the annual expenditures of the Government without impairing the efficiency of any branch of the public service, and we shall insist upon the strictest economy and frugality compatible with vigorous and efficient civil, military and naval administration as a right of the people, too clear to be denied or withheld.\nHonesty in the Public Service\n\nWe favor the enforcement of honesty in the public service, and to that end a thorough legislative investigation of those executive departments of the Government already known to teem with corruption, as well as other departments suspected of harboring corruption, and the punishment of ascertained corruptionists without fear or favor or regard to persons. The persistent and deliberate refusal of both the Senate and House of Representatives to permit such investigation to be made demonstrates that only by a change in the executive and in the legislative departments can complete exposure, punishment and correction be obtained.\nFederal Government Contracts With Trusts\n\nWe condemn the action of the Republican party in Congress in refusing to prohibit an executive department from entering into contracts with convicted trusts or unlawful combinations in restraint of inter-State trade. We believe that one of the best methods of procuring economy and honesty in the public service is to have public officials, from the occupant of the White House down to the lowest of them, return, as nearly as may be, to Jeffersonian simplicity of living.\nExecutive Usurpation\n\nWe favor the nomination and election of a President imbued with the principles of the Constitution, who will set his face sternly against executive usurpation of legislative and judicial functions, whether that usurpation be veiled under the guise of executive construction of existing laws, or whether it take refuge in the tyrant's plea of necessity or superior wisdom.\nImperialism\n\nWe favor the preservation, so far as we can, of an open door for the world's commerce in the Orient without unnecessary entanglement in Oriental and European affairs, and without arbitrary, unlimited, irresponsible and absolute government anywhere within our jurisdiction. We oppose, as fervently as did George Washington, an indefinite, irresponsible, discretionary and vague absolutism and a policy of colonial exploitation, no matter where or by whom invoked or exercised. We believe with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, that no Government has a right to make one set of laws for those \"at home\" and another and a different set of laws, absolute in their character, for those \"in the colonies.\" All men under the American flag are entitled to the protection of the institutions whose emblem the flag is; if they are inherently unfit for those institutions, then they are inherently unfit to be members of the American body politic. Wherever there may exist a people incapable of being governed under American laws, in consonance with the American Constitution, the territory of that people ought not to be part of the American domain.\nWe insist that we ought to do for the Filipinos what we have done already for the Cubans, and it is our duty to make that promise now, and upon suitable guarantees of protection to citizens of our own and other countries resident there at the time of our withdrawal to set the Filipino people upon their feet, free and independent, to work out their own destiny.\nThe endeavor of the Secretary of War, by pledging the Government's endorsement for \"promoters\" in the Philippine Islands to make the United States a partner in speculative exploitation of the archipelago, which was only temporarily held up by the opposition of Democratic Senators in the last session, will, if successful, lead to entanglements from which it will be difficult to escape.\nTariff\n\nThe Democratic party has been, and will continue to be, the consistent opponent of that class of tariff legislation by which certain interests have been permitted, through Congressional favor, to draw a heavy tribute from the American people. This monstrous perversion of those equal opportunities which our political institutions were established to secure, has caused what may once have been infant industries to become the greatest combinations of capital that the world has ever known. These special favorites of the Government have, through trust methods, been converted into monopolies, thus bringing to an end domestic competition, which was the only alleged check upon the extravagant profits made possible by the protective system. These industrial combinations, by the financial assistance they can give, now control the policy of the Republican party.\nWe denounce protectionism as a robbery of the many to enrich the few, and we favor a tariff limited to the needs of the Government economically, effectively and constitutionally administered and so levied as not to discriminate against any industry, class or section, to the end that the burdens of taxation shall be distributed as equally as possible.\nWe favor a revision and a gradual reduction of the tariff by the friends of the masses and for the common weal, and not by the friend of its abuses, its extortions and its discriminations, keeping in view the ultimate end of \"equality of burdens and equality of opportunities,\" and the constitutional purpose of raising a revenue by taxation, to wit: the support of the Federal Government in all its integrity and virility, but in simplicity.\nTrusts and Unlawful Combinations\n\nWe recognize that the gigantic trusts and combinations designed to enable capital to secure more than its just share of the joint product of capital and labor, and which have been fostered and promoted under Republican rule, are a menace to beneficial competition and an obstacle to permanent business prosperity.\nA private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable.\nIndividual equality of opportunity and free competition are essential to a healthy and permanent commercial prosperity; and any trust, combination or monopoly tending to destroy these by controlling production, restricting competition or fixing prices and wages, should be prohibited and punished by law. We especially denounce rebates and discriminations by transportation companies as the most potent agency in promoting and strengthening these unlawful conspiracies against trade.\nWe demand an enlargement of the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, to the end that the traveling public and shippers of this country may have prompt and adequate relief from the abuses to which they are subjected in the matter of transportation. We demand a strict enforcement of existing civil and criminal statutes against all such trusts, combinations and monopolies; and we demand the enactment of such further legislation as may be necessary effectually to suppress them.\nAny trust or unlawful combination engaged in inter-State commerce which is monopolizing any branch of business or production, should not be permitted to transact business outside of the State of its origin, whenever it shall be established in any court of competent jurisdiction that such monopolization exists. Such prohibition should be enforced through comprehensive laws to be enacted on the subject.\nCapital and Labor\n\nWe favor the enactment and administration of laws giving labor and capital impartially their just rights. Capital and labor ought not to be enemies. Each is necessary to the other. Each has its rights, but the rights of labor are certainly no less \"vested,\" no less \"sacred\" and no less \"inalienable\" than the rights of capital.\nWe favor arbitration of differences between corporate employers and their employees and a strict enforcement of the eight hour law on all Government work.\nWe approve the measure which passed the United States Senate in 1896, but which a Republican Congress has ever since refused to enact, relating to contempts in Federal courts and providing for trial by jury in cases of indirect contempt.\nConstitutional Guaranties\n\nConstitutional guaranties are violated whenever any citizen is denied the right to labor, acquire and enjoy property or reside where interest or inclination may determine. Any denial thereof by individuals, organizations or governments should be summarily rebuked and punished.\nWe deny the right of any executive to disregard or suspend any constitutional privilege or limitation. Obedience to the laws and respect for their requirements are alike the supreme duty of the citizen and the official.\nThe military should be used only to support and maintain the law. We unqualifiedly condemn its employment for the summary banishment of citizens without trial, or for the control of elections.\nWaterways\n\nWe favor liberal appropriations for the care and improvement of the waterways of the country. When any waterway like the Mississippi River is of sufficient importance to demand the special aid of the Government, such aid should be extended with a definite plan of continuous work until permanent improvement is secured.\nWe oppose the Republican policy of starving home development in order to feed the greed for conquest and the appetite for national \"prestige\" and display of strength.\nReclamation of Arid Lands and Domestic Development\n\nWe congratulate our Western citizens upon the passage of the measure known as the Newlands Irrigation Act for the irrigation and reclamation of the arid lands of the West—a measure framed by a Democrat, passed in the Senate by a nonpartisan vote, and passed in the House against the opposition of almost all the Republican leaders by a vote the majority of which was Democratic. We call attention to this great Democratic measure, broad and comprehensive as it is, working automatically throughout all time without further action of Congress, until the reclamation of all the lands in the arid West capable of reclamation, is accomplished, reserving the lands reclaimed for homeseekers in small tracts and rigidly guarding against land monopoly, as an evidence of the policy of domestic development contemplated by the Democratic party, should it be placed in power.\nThe Isthmian Canal\n\nThe Democracy when entrusted with power will construct the Panama Canal speedily, honestly and economically, thereby giving to our people what Democrats have always contended for—a great inter-oceanic canal, furnishing shorter and cheaper lines of transportation, and broader and less trammeled trade relations with the other peoples of the world.\nAmerican Citizenship\n\nWe pledge ourselves to insist upon the just and lawful protection of our citizens at home and abroad, and to use all proper measures to secure for them, whether native born or naturalized, and without distinction of race or creed, the equal protection of laws and the enjoyment of all rights and privileges open to them under the covenants of our treaties of friendship and commerce; and if under existing treaties the right of travel and sojourn is denied to American citizens or recognition is withheld from American passports by any countries on the ground of race or creed, we favor the beginning of negotiations with the governments of such countries to secure by new treaties the removal of these unjust discriminations.\nWe demand that all over the world a duly authenticated passport issued by the Government of the United States to an American citizen shall be proof of the fact that he is an American citizen and shall entitle him to the treatment due him as such.\nElection of Senators By the People\n\nWe favor the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people.\nStatehood for Territories\n\nWe favor the admission of the Territory of Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. We also favor the immediate admission of Arizona and New Mexico, as separate States, and territorial governments for Alaska and Porto Rico.\nWe hold that the officials appointed to administer the government of any Territory, as well as the District of Alaska, should be bona-fide residents at the time of their appointment of the Territory or district in which their duties are to be performed.\nCondemnation of Polygamy\n\nWe demand the extermination of polygamy within the jurisdiction of the United States, and the complete separation of Church and State in political affairs.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe denounce the ship subsidy bill recently passed by the United States Senate as an iniquitous appropriation of public funds for private purposes and a wasteful, illogical and useless attempt to overcome by subsidy the obstructions raised by Republican legislation to the growth and development of American commerce on the sea.\nWe favor the upbuilding of a merchant marine without new or additional burdens upon the people and without bounties from the public treasury.\nReciprocity\n\nWe favor liberal trade arrangements with Canada, and with peoples of other countries where they can be entered into with benefit to American agriculture, manufactures, mining or commerce.\nMonroe Doctrine\n\nWe favor the maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine in its full integrity.\nArmy\n\nWe favor the reduction of the Army and of Army expenditures to the point historically demonstrated to be safe and sufficient.\nPensions: Our Soldiers and Sailors\n\nThe Democracy would secure to the surviving soldiers and sailors and their dependents generous pensions, not by an arbitrary executive order, but by legislation which a grateful people stand ready to enact.\nOur soldiers and sailors who defend with their lives the Constitution and the laws have a sacred interest in their just administration. They must, therefore, share with us the humiliation with which we have witnessed the exaltation of court favorites, without distinguished service, over the scarred heroes of many battles, or aggrandizement by executive appropriations out of the treasuries of prostrate peoples in violation of the act of Congress which fixes the compensation of allowance of the military officers.\nCivil Service\n\nThe Democratic party stands committed to the principles of civil service reform, and we demand their honest, just and impartial enforcement.\nWe denounce the Republican party for its continuous and sinister encroachments upon the spirit and operation of civil service rules, whereby it has arbitrarily dispensed with examinations for office in the interest of favorites, and employed all manner of devices to overreach and set aside the principles upon which the Civil Service is based.\nSectional and Race Agitation\n\nThe race question has brought countless woes to this country. The calm wisdom of the American people should see to it that it brings no more.\nTo revive the dead and hateful race and sectional animosities in any part of our common country means confusion, distraction of business, and the reopening of wounds now happily healed. North, South, East and West have but recently stood together in line of battle from the walls of Pekin to the hills of Santiago, and as sharers of a common glory and a common destiny, we should share fraternally the common burdens.\nWe therefore deprecate and condemn the Bourbon-like selfish, and narrow spirit of the recent Republican Convention at Chicago which sought to kindle anew the embers of racial and sectional strife, and we appeal from it to the sober common sense and patriotic spirit of the American people.\nThe Republican Administration\n\nThe existing Republican administration has been spasmodic, erratic, sensational, spectacular and arbitrary. It has made itself a satire upon the Congress, courts, and upon the settled practices and usages of national and international law.\nIt summoned the Congress in hasty and futile extra session and virtually adjourned it, leaving behind in its flight from Washington uncalled calendars and unaccomplished tasks.\nIt made war, which is the sole power of Congress, without its authority, thereby usurping one of its fundamental prerogatives. It violated a plain statute of the United States as well as plain treaty obligations, international usages and constitutional law; and has done so under pretense of executing a great public policy which could have been more easily effected lawfully, constitutionally and with honor.\nIt forced strained and unnatural constructions upon statutes, usurping judicial interpretation, and substituting for congressional enactment executive decree.\nIt withdrew from the Congress its customary duties of investigation which have heretofore made the representatives of the people and the States the terror of evildoers.\nIt conducted a secretive investigation of its own, and boasting of a few sample convicts, it threw a broad coverlet over the bureaus which had been their chosen field of operative abuses, and kept in power the superior officers under whose administration the crimes had been committed.\nIt ordered assault upon some monopolies, but paralyzed by a first victory, it flung out the flag of truce and cried out that it would not \"run amuck\"; leaving its future purposes beclouded by its vacillations.\nAppeal to the People\n\nConducting the campaign upon this declaration of our principles and purposes, we invoke for our candidates the support not only of our great and time-honored organization, but also the active assistance of all of our fellow citizens who, disregarding past differences, desire the perpetuation of our constitutional Government as framed and established by the fathers of the Republic.", "Words" -> 3055, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 248, "of" -> 201, "and" -> 167, "to" -> 85, "in" -> 50, "a" -> 39, "We" -> 37, "by" -> 36, "be" -> 29, "as" -> 28, "or" -> 27, "which" -> 25, "for" -> 25, "with" -> 21, "that" -> 20, "our" -> 20, "its" -> 18, "favor" -> 18, "is" -> 16, "upon" -> 15, "their" -> 15, "American" -> 15, "The" -> 14, "it" -> 14, "all" -> 14, "people" -> 13, "have" -> 13, "from" -> 13, "we" -> 12, "has" -> 12, "Government" -> 12, "any" -> 12, "without" -> 11, "States" -> 11, "should" -> 11, "Republican" -> 11, "are" -> 11, "an" -> 11, "public" -> 10, "laws" -> 10, "executive" -> 9, "Democratic" -> 9, "been" -> 9, "United" -> 8, "under" -> 8, "party" -> 8, "not" -> 8, "It" -> 8, "Congress" -> 8, "citizens" -> 8, "such" -> 7, "principles" -> 7, "may" -> 7, "demand" -> 7, "but" -> 7, "will" -> 6, "they" -> 6, "service" -> 6, "rights" -> 6, "right" -> 6, "no" -> 6, "made" -> 6, "law" -> 6, "labor" -> 6, "common" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "against" -> 6, "administration" -> 6, "those" -> 5, "this" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "shall" -> 5, "set" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "policy" -> 5, "other" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "just" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "end" -> 5, "commerce" -> 5, "combinations" -> 5, "civil" -> 5, "capital" -> 5, "can" -> 5, "business" -> 5, "us" -> 4, "treaties" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "They" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "Territory" -> 4, "Senate" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "passed" -> 4, "over" -> 4, "out" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "military" -> 4, "measure" -> 4, "less" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "investigation" -> 4, "great" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "equality" -> 4, "enforcement" -> 4, "development" -> 4, "denounce" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "countries" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "burdens" -> 4, "arbitrary" -> 4, "world" -> 3, "work" -> 3, "who" -> 3, "whether" -> 3, "where" -> 3, "what" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "was" -> 3, "vote" -> 3, "unlawful" -> 3, "trusts" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "trial" -> 3, "transportation" -> 3, "through" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "tariff" -> 3, "support" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "so" -> 3, "share" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "Senators" -> 3, "sacred" -> 3, "reclamation" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "prosperity" -> 3, "private" -> 3, "permanent" -> 3, "peoples" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "ought" -> 3, "one" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "monopoly" -> 3, "monopolies" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "make" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "jurisdiction" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "interest" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "if" -> 3, "House" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "flag" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "favorites" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "enactment" -> 3, "economy" -> 3, "duties" -> 3, "discriminations" -> 3, "departments" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "Democracy" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "Army" -> 3, "abuses" -> 3, "absolute" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "withheld" -> 2, "wisdom" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "whenever" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "violated" -> 2, "usurping" -> 2, "usurpation" -> 2, "usages" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unfit" -> 2, "Trusts" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "These" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "there" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "superior" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "subsidy" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "spasmodic" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "simplicity" -> 2, "session" -> 2, "separation" -> 2, "sectional" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "Republic" -> 2, "reform" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "punishment" -> 2, "punished" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "possible" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "plain" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "part" -> 2, "Our" -> 2, "order" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "oppose" -> 2, "opportunities" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "new" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "necessary" -> 2, "National" -> 2, "national" -> 2, "Monroe" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "masses" -> 2, "many" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "liberal" -> 2, "leaving" -> 2, "jury" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "irresponsible" -> 2, "invoked" -> 2, "inter-State" -> 2, "international" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "inherently" -> 2, "improvement" -> 2, "honesty" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "guarding" -> 2, "government" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "fundamental" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "framed" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "essential" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "easily" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "Doctrine" -> 2, "differences" -> 2, "destiny" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "court" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "continuous" -> 2, "constitutionally" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "comprehensive" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "combination" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "Church" -> 2, "Capital" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "assistance" -> 2, "arid" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "Any" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "aid" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "admission" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "yet" -> 1, "Writ" -> 1, "wounds" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "woes" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "withdrew" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wit" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "Wherever" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "West—a" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "well-disciplined" -> 1, "weal" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "waterway" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "walls" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "virility" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "veiled" -> 1, "vague" -> 1, "vacillations" -> 1, "Usurpation" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "upbuilding" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "untrammeled" -> 1, "unqualifiedly" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unnatural" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "Unlawful" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "underlaid" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "uncalled" -> 1, "unaccomplished" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "tyrant's" -> 1, "truce" -> 1, "tribute" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "treasuries" -> 1, "traveling" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transact" -> 1, "trammeled" -> 1, "tracts" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "To" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "threw" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "Texas" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "tending" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "teem" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "surviving" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "sumptuary" -> 1, "summoned" -> 1, "summary" -> 1, "summarily" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strictest" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "sternly" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "starving" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "speedily" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculative" -> 1, "spectacular" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "Soldiers" -> 1, "sojourn" -> 1, "sober" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "sinister" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "shorter" -> 1, "shippers" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "sharers" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "sensational" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "Sectional" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secretive" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scarred" -> 1, "satire" -> 1, "Santiago" -> 1, "sample" -> 1, "Sailors" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rigidly" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "reserving" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "Republics—these" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reopening" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reclaimed" -> 1, "Reciprocity" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "rebuked" -> 1, "rebates" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "Race" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "proverbs" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protectionism" -> 1, "prostrate" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promoters" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "procuring" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "Principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "prerogatives" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "potent" -> 1, "Porto" -> 1, "Polygamy" -> 1, "polygamy" -> 1, "politic" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pledging" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "Philippine" -> 1, "perversion" -> 1, "pervade" -> 1, "perturbation" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "Pensions" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Pekin" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passports" -> 1, "passport" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "paralyzed" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "overreach" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "Oriental" -> 1, "Orient" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "Oregon" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "ordered" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "opponent" -> 1, "operative" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "Oklahoma" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "occupant" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obstructions" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "Obedience" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "nonpartisan" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "Newlands" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "monopolizing" -> 1, "monopolization" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "militia" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "manufactures" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "Louisiana" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "lightly" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "lawfully" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "Large" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "kindle" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "John" -> 1, "Jeffersonian" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "jealously" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "Isthmian" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "Irrigation" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "invoke" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "inter-oceanic" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "inspirit" -> 1, "iniquitous" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indirect" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "indefinite" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "inclination" -> 1, "incapable" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "impress" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "Imperialism" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "imbued" -> 1, "illogical" -> 1, "humiliation" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "Honesty" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homeseekers" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "hills" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heavy" -> 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-> 1, "covenants" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "corruptionists" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "Corpus" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "convicts" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "Contracts" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "contended" -> 1, "contempts" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "contemplated" -> 1, "constructions" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "construct" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "conspiracies" -> 1, "consonance" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "congressional" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "Conducting" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "Condemnation" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compatible" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "communion" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "Combinations" -> 1, "colonies" -> 1, "colonial" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "Citizenship" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "Chicago" -> 1, "cherishing" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "certainly" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "canal" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "calendars" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "Bourbon-like" -> 1, "bounties" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "boasting" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "beclouded" -> 1, "battles" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "banishment" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "authenticated" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "ascertained" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "Arid" -> 1, "archipelago" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appetite" -> 1, "Appeal" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "animosities" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "amuck" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agitation" -> 1, "aggrandizement" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjourned" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "Adams" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "acquiescence" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "absolutism" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "1896" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1900", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1900, "Date" -> DateObject[{1900, 7, 4}], "Text" -> "We, the representatives of the Democratic party of the United States assembled in National Convention, on the Anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, do reaffirm our faith in that immortal proclamation of the inalienable rights of man, and our allegiance to the Constitution framed in harmony therewith by the fathers of the Republic. We hold with the United States Supreme Court that the Declaration of Independence is the spirit of our government, of which the Constitution is the form and letter.\nWe declare again that all governments instituted among men derive their just powers from the consent of the governed; that any government not based upon the consent of the governed is a tyranny; and that to impose upon any people a government of force is to substitute the methods of imperialism for those of a republic.\nWe hold that the Constitution follows the flag, and denounce the doctrine that an Executive or Congress deriving their existence and their powers from the Constitution can exercise lawful authority beyond it or in violation of it. We assert that no nation can long endure half republic and half empire, and we warn the American people that imperialism abroad will lead quickly and inevitably to despotism at home.\nBelieving in these fundamental principles, we denounce the Porto Rican law, enacted by a Republican Congress against the protest and opposition of the Democratic minority, as a bold and open violation of the nation's organic law and a flagrant breach of the national good faith. It imposes upon the people of Porto Rico a government without their consent and taxation without representation. It dishonors the American people by repudiating a solemn pledge made in their behalf by the Commanding General of our Army, which the Porto Ricans welcomed to a peaceful and unresisted occupation of their land. It dooms to poverty and distress a people whose helplessness appeals with peculiar force to our justice and magnanimity. In this, the first act of its imperialistic programme, the Republican party seeks to commit the United States to a colonial policy, inconsistent with republican institutions and condemned by the Supreme Court in numerous decisions.\nWe demand the prompt and honest fulfillment of our pledge to the Cuban people and the world that the United States has no disposition nor intention to exercise sovereignty jurisdiction, or control over the Island of Cuba, except for its pacification. The war ended nearly two years ago, profound peace reigns over all the island, and still the administration keeps the government of the island from its people, while Republican carpet-bag officials plunder its revenues and exploit the colonial theory, to the disgrace of the American people.\nWe condemn and denounce the Philippine policy of the present administration. It has involved the Republic in an unnecessary war, sacrificed the lives of many of our noblest sons, and placed the United States, previously known and applauded throughout the world as the champion of freedom, in the false and un-American position of crushing with military force the efforts of our former allies to achieve liberty and self-government. The Filipinos cannot be citizens without endangering our civilization; they cannot be subjects without imperiling our form of government; and as we are not willing to surrender our civilization nor to convert the Republic into an empire, we favor an immediate declaration of the nation's purpose to give the Filipinos, first, a stable form of government; second, independence; and third, protection from outside interference, such as has been given for nearly a century to the republics of Central and South America.\nThe greedy commercialism which dictated the Philippine policy of the Republican administration attempts to justify it with the plea that it will pay; but even this sordid and unworthy plea fails when brought to the test of facts. The war of \"criminal aggression\" against the Filipinos, entailing an annual expense of many millions, has already cost more than any possible profit that could accrue from the entire Philippine trade for years to come. Furthermore, when trade is extended at the expense of liberty, the price is always too high.\nWe are not opposed to territorial expansion when it takes in desirable territory which can be erected into States in the Union, and whose people are willing and fit to become American citizens. We favor trade expansion by every peaceful and legitimate means. But we are unalterably opposed to seizing or purchasing distant islands to be governed outside the Constitution, and whose people can never become citizens.\nWe are in favor of extending the Republic's influence among the nations, but we believe that that influence should be extended not by force and violence, but through the persuasive power of a high and honorable example.\nThe importance of other questions, now pending before the American people is no wise diminished and the Democratic party takes no backward step from its position on them, but the burning issue of imperialism growing out of the Spanish war involves the very existence of the Republic and the destruction of our free institutions. We regard it as the paramount issue of the campaign.\nThe declaration in the Republican platform adopted at the Philadelphia Convention, held in June, 1900, that the Republican party \"steadfastly adheres to the policy announced in the Monroe Doctrine\" is manifestly insincere and deceptive. This profession is contradicted by the avowed policy of that party in opposition to the spirit of the Monroe Doctrine to acquire and hold sovereignty over large areas of territory and large numbers of people in the Eastern Hemisphere. We insist on the strict maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine in all its integrity, both in letter and in spirit, as necessary to prevent the extension of European authority on this Continent and as essential to our supremacy in American affairs. At the same time we declare that no American people shall ever be held by force in unwilling subjection to European authority.\nWe oppose militarism. It means conquest abroad and intimidation and oppression at home. It means the strong arm which has ever been fatal to free institutions. It is what millions of our citizens have fled from in Europe. It will impose upon our peace loving people a large standing army and unnecessary burden of taxation, and will be a constant menace to their liberties. A small standing army and a well-disciplined state militia are amply sufficient in time of peace. This republic has no place for a vast military establishment, a sure forerunner of compulsory military service and conscription. When the nation is in danger the volunteer soldier is his country's best defender. The National Guard of the United States should ever be cherished in the patriotic hearts of a free people. Such organizations are ever an element of strength and safety. For the first time in our history, and coeval with the Philippine conquest, has there been a wholesale departure from our time honored and approved system of volunteer organization. We denounce it as un-American, un-Democratic, and un-Republican, and as a subversion of the ancient and fixed principles of a free people.\nPrivate monopolies are indefensible and intolerable. They destroy competition, control the price of all material, and of the finished product, thus robbing both producer and consumer. They lessen the employment of labor, and arbitrarily fix the terms and conditions thereof; and deprive individual energy and small capital of their opportunity of betterment.\nThey are the most efficient means yet devised for appropriating the fruits of industry to the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and unless their insatiate greed is checked, all wealth will be aggregated in a few hands and the Republic destroyed. The dishonest paltering with the trust evil by the Republican party in State and national platforms is conclusive proof of the truth of the charge that trusts are the legitimate product of Republican policies, that they are fostered by Republican laws, and that they are protected by the Republican administration, in return for campaign subscriptions and political support.\nWe pledge the Democratic party to an unceasing warfare in nation, State and city against private monopoly in every form. Existing laws against trusts must be enforced and more stringent ones must be enacted providing for publicity as to the affairs of corporations engaged in inter-State commerce requiring all corporations to show, before doing business outside the State of their origin, that they have no water in their stock, and that they have not attempted, and are not attempting, to monopolize any branch of business or the production of any articles of merchandise; and the whole constitutional power of Congress over inter-State commerce, the mails and all modes of inter-State communication, shall be exercised by the enactment of comprehensive laws upon the subject of trusts. Tariff laws should be amended by putting the products of trusts upon the free list, to prevent monopoly under the plea of protection. The failure of the present Republican administration, with an absolute control over all the branches of the national government, to enact any legislation designed to prevent or even curtail the absorbing power of trusts and illegal combinations, or to enforce the anti-trust laws already on the statute-books proves that insincerity of the high-sounding phrases of the Republican platform.\nCorporations should be protected in all their rights and their legitimate interests should be respected, but any attempt by corporations to interfere with the public affairs of the people or to control the sovereignty which creates them, should be forbidden under such penalties as will make such attempts impossible.\nWe condemn the Dingley tariff law as a trust breeding measure, skillfully devised to give the few favors which they do not deserve, and to place upon the many burdens which they should not bear.\nWe favor such an enlargement of the scope of the inter-State commerce law as will enable the commission to protect individuals and communities from discrimination, and the public from unjust and unfair transportation rates.\nWe reaffirm and indorse the principles of the National Democratic Platform adopted at Chicago in 1896, and we reiterate the demand of that platform for an American financial system made by the American people for themselves, and which shall restore and maintain a bi-metallic price-level, and as part of such system the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation.\nWe denounce the currency bill enacted at the last session of Congress as a step forward in the Republican policy which aims to discredit the sovereign right of the National Government to issue all money, whether coin or paper, and to bestow upon national banks the power to issue and control the volume of paper money for their own benefit. A permanent national bank currency, secured by government bonds, must have a permanent debt to rest upon, and, if the bank currency is to increase with population and business, the debt must also increase. The Republican currency scheme is, therefore, a scheme for fastening upon the taxpayers a perpetual and growing debt for the benefit of the banks. We are opposed to this private corporation paper circulated as money, but without legal tender qualities, and demand the retirement of national bank notes as fast as government paper or silver certificates can be substituted for them.\nWe favor an amendment to the Federal Constitution, providing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, and we favor direct legislation wherever practicable.\nWe are opposed to government by injunction; we denounce the blacklist, and favor arbitration as a means of settling disputes between corporations and their employees.\nIn the interest of American labor and the uplifting of the workingman, as the cornerstone of the prosperity of our country, we recommend that Congress create a Department of Labor, in charge of a secretary, with a seat in the Cabinet, believing that the elevation of the American laborer will bring with it increased production and increased prosperity to our country at home and to our commerce abroad.\nWe are proud of the courage and fidelity of the American soldiers and sailors in all our wars; we favor liberal pensions to them and their dependents, and we reiterate the position taken in the Chicago platform of 1896, that the fact of enlistment and service shall be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment.\nWe favor the immediate construction, ownership and control of the Nicaraguan Canal by the United States, and we denounce the insincerity of the plank in the Republican National Platform for an Isthmian Canal in face of the failure of the Republican majority to pass the bill pending in Congress.\nWe condemn the Hay-Pauncefote treaty as a surrender of American rights and interests not to be tolerated by the American people.\nWe denounce the failure of the Republican party to carry out its pledges to grant statehood to the territories of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma, and we promise the people of those territories immediate statehood and home rule during their condition as territories, and we favor home rule and a territorial form of government for Alaska and Porto Rico.\nWe favor an intelligent system of improving the arid lands of the West, storing the waters for the purpose of irrigation, and the holding of such lands for actual settlers.\nWe favor the continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion law, and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races.\nJefferson said: \"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations- entangling alliance with none.\" We approve this wholesome doctrine, and earnestly protest against the Republican departure which has involved us in so-called world politics, including the diplomacy of Europe and the intrigue and land-grabbing of Asia, and we especially condemn the ill-concealed Republican alliance with England, which must mean discrimination against other friendly nations, and which has already stifled the nation's voice while liberty is being strangled in Africa.\nBelieving in the principles of self-government and rejecting, as did our forefathers, the claim of monarchy, we view with indignation the purpose of England to overwhelm with force the South African Republics. Speaking, as we believe, for the entire American nation, except its Republican office-holders and for all freemen everywhere, we extend our sympathies to the heroic burghers in their unequal struggle to maintain their liberty and independence.\nWe denounce the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses, which have kept taxes high and which threaten the perpetuation of the oppressive war levies. We oppose the accumulation of a surplus to be squandered in such barefaced frauds upon the taxpayers as the shipping subsidy bill, which, under the false pretense of prospering American shipbuilding, would put unearned millions into the pockets of favorite contributors to the Republican campaign fund. We favor the reduction and speedy repeal of the war taxes, and a return to the time-honored Democratic policy of strict economy in governmental expenditures.\nBelieving that our most cherished institutions are in great peril, that the very existence of\nour constitutional republic is at stake, and that the decision now to be rendered will determine whether or not our children are to enjoy these blessed privileges of free government, which have made the United States great, prosperous and honored, we earnestly ask for the foregoing declaration of principles, the hearty support of the liberty-loving American people, regardless of previous party affiliations.", "Words" -> 2580, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 242, "of" -> 155, "and" -> 129, "to" -> 73, "in" -> 51, "a" -> 38, "We" -> 32, "that" -> 30, "our" -> 26, "as" -> 25, "for" -> 23, "Republican" -> 22, "people" -> 22, "we" -> 21, "by" -> 21, "be" -> 21, "their" -> 19, "is" -> 18, "are" -> 18, "with" -> 17, "which" -> 17, "American" -> 17, "all" -> 14, "government" -> 13, "favor" -> 13, "an" -> 13, "or" -> 12, "upon" -> 11, "The" -> 10, "States" -> 10, "not" -> 10, "from" -> 10, "at" -> 10, "will" -> 9, "United" -> 9, "party" -> 9, "its" -> 9, "has" -> 9, "denounce" -> 9, "It" -> 8, "it" -> 8, "any" -> 8, "they" -> 7, "such" -> 7, "should" -> 7, "policy" -> 7, "no" -> 7, "free" -> 7, "against" -> 7, "without" -> 6, "war" -> 6, "national" -> 6, "have" -> 6, "force" -> 6, "Democratic" -> 6, "control" -> 6, "Constitution" -> 6, "Congress" -> 6, "but" -> 6, "trusts" -> 5, "this" -> 5, "Republic" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "over" -> 5, "on" -> 5, "National" -> 5, "nation" -> 5, "must" -> 5, "means" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "law" -> 5, "home" -> 5, "form" -> 5, "commerce" -> 5, "can" -> 5, "administration" -> 5, "time" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "system" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "republic" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "Porto" -> 4, "platform" -> 4, "Philippine" -> 4, "paper" -> 4, "opposed" -> 4, "many" -> 4, "liberty" -> 4, "issue" -> 4, "inter-State" -> 4, "institutions" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "ever" -> 4, "currency" -> 4, "corporations" -> 4, "consent" -> 4, "condemn" -> 4, "citizens" -> 4, "world" -> 3, "whose" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "They" -> 3, "territories" -> 3, "strict" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "sovereignty" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "present" -> 3, "position" -> 3, "pledge" -> 3, "plea" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "outside" -> 3, "other" -> 3, "nations" -> 3, "nation's" -> 3, "Monroe" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "millions" -> 3, "military" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "imperialism" -> 3, "hold" -> 3, "high" -> 3, "governed" -> 3, "first" -> 3, "Filipinos" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "failure" -> 3, "expense" -> 3, "existence" -> 3, "enacted" -> 3, "Doctrine" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "declaration" -> 3, "debt" -> 3, "campaign" -> 3, "business" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "benefit" -> 3, "Believing" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "bank" -> 3, "authority" -> 3, "already" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "years" -> 2, "willing" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "volunteer" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "un-American" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "taxpayers" -> 2, "taxes" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "surrender" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "step" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "standing" -> 2, "South" -> 2, "small" -> 2, "silver" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "scheme" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "reiterate" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "public" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "protest" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "product" -> 2, "private" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "Platform" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "oppose" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "nearly" -> 2, "most" -> 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"profound" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proclamation" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "price-level" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "poverty" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "pockets" -> 1, "plunder" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "plank" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "phrases" -> 1, "Philadelphia" -> 1, "persuasive" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "perpetual" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "peculiar" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "paltering" -> 1, "pacification" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "overwhelm" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "organic" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "Oklahoma" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "office-holders" -> 1, "occupation" -> 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1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "insincere" -> 1, "insatiate" -> 1, "injunction" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indignation" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "imperiling" -> 1, "imperialistic" -> 1, "immortal" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "ill-concealed" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "high-sounding" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "helplessness" -> 1, "hearty" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "Hay-Pauncefote" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "Guard" -> 1, "greedy" -> 1, "greed" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freemen" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "framed" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forerunner" -> 1, "foregoing" -> 1, "forefathers" -> 1, "forbidden" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "fled" -> 1, "flagrant" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "finished" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favorite" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "fatal" -> 1, "fastening" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "exploit" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "Existing" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "erected" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "entailing" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "elevation" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "dooms" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distant" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disposition" -> 1, "dishonors" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discredit" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "Dingley" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "dictated" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "deriving" -> 1, "derive" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "defender" -> 1, "deemed" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "deceptive" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "Corporations" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contradicted" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "Continent" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "conscription" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "communities" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commit" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercialism" -> 1, "Commanding" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "coinage" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "coeval" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "circulated" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "checked" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "certificates" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carpet-bag" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "burning" -> 1, "burghers" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "blacklist" -> 1, "bi-metallic" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "bestow" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "barefaced" -> 1, "backward" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Asiatic" -> 1, "Asia" -> 1, "articles" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "arm" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "areas" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appropriating" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applauded" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "Anniversary" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "allies" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "aggregated" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "African" -> 1, "Africa" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adheres" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accumulation" -> 1, "accrue" -> 1, "absorbing" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "1900" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1896", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1896, "Date" -> DateObject[{1896, 7, 7}], "Text" -> "We, the Democrats of the United States in National Convention assembled, do reaffirm our allegiance to those great essential principles of justice and liberty, upon which our institutions are founded, and which the Democratic Party has advocated from Jefferson's time to our own—freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of conscience, the preservation of personal rights, the equality of all citizens before the law, and the faithful observance of constitutional limitations.\nDuring all these years the Democratic Party has resisted the tendency of selfish interests to the centralization of governmental power, and steadfastly maintained the integrity of the dual scheme of government established by the founders of this Republic of republics. Under its guidance and teachings the great principle of local self-government has found its best expression in the maintenance of the rights of the States and in its assertion of the necessity of confining the general government to the exercise of the powers granted by the Constitution of the United States.\nThe Constitution of the United States guarantees to every citizen the rights of civil and religious liberty. The Democratic Party has always been the exponent of political liberty and religious freedom, and it renews its obligations and reaffirms its devotion to these fundamental principles of the Constitution.\nThe Money Plank\n\nRecognizing that the money question is paramount to all others at this time, we invite attention to the fact that the Federal Constitution named silver and gold together as the money metals of the United States, and that the first coinage law passed by Congress under the Constitution made the silver dollar the monetary unit and admitted gold to free coinage at a ratio based upon the silver-dollar unit.\nWe declare that the act of 1873 demonetizing silver without the knowledge or approval of the American people has resulted in the appreciation of gold and a corresponding fall in the prices of commodities produced by the people; a heavy increase in the burdens of taxation and of all debts, public and private; the enrichment of the money-lending class at home and abroad; the prostration of industry and impoverishment of the people.\nWe are unalterably opposed to monometallism which has locked fast the prosperity of an industrial people in the paralysis of hard times. Gold monometallism is a British policy, and its adoption has brought other nations into financial servitude to London. It is not only un-American but anti-American, and it can be fastened on the United States only by the stifling of that spirit and love of liberty which proclaimed our political independence in 1776 and won it in the War of the Revolution.\nWe demand the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation. We demand that the standard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all debts, public and private, and we favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demonetization of any kind of legal-tender money by private contract.\nWe are opposed to the policy and practice of surrendering to the holders of the obligations of the United States the option reserved by law to the Government of redeeming such obligations in either silver coin or gold coin.\nInterest-Bearing Bonds\n\nWe are opposed to the issuing of interest-bearing bonds of the United States in time of peace and condemn the trafficking with banking syndicates, which, in exchange for bonds and at an enormous profit to themselves, supply the Federal Treasury with gold to maintain the policy of gold monometallism.\nAgainst National Banks\n\nCongress alone has the power to coin and issue money, and President Jackson declared that this power could not be delegated to corporations or individuals. We therefore denounce the issuance of notes intended to circulate as money by National banks as in derogation of the Constitution, and we demand that all paper which is made a legal tender for public and private debts, or which is receivable for dues to the United States, shall be issued by the Government of the United States and shall be redeemable in coin.\nTariff Resolution\n\nWe hold that tariff duties should be levied for purposes of revenue, such duties to be so adjusted as to operate equally throughout the country, and not discriminate between class or section, and that taxation should be limited by the needs of the Government, honestly and economically administered. We denounce as disturbing to business the Republican threat to restore the McKinley law, which has twice been condemned by the people in National elections and which, enacted under the false plea of protection to home industry, proved a prolific breeder of trusts and monopolies, enriched the few at the expense of the many, restricted trade and deprived the producers of the great American staples of access to their natural markets.\nUntil the money question is settled we are opposed to any agitation for further changes in our tariff laws, except such as are necessary to meet the deficit in revenue caused by the adverse decision of the Supreme Court on the income tax. But for this decision by the Supreme Court, there would be no deficit in the revenue under the law passed by the Democratic Congress in strict pursuance of the uniform decisions of that court for nearly 100 years, that court having in that decision sustained Constitutional objections to its enactment which had previously been over-ruled by the ablest Judges who have ever sat on that bench. We declare that it is the duty of Congress to use all the Constitutional power which remains after that decision, or which may come from its reversal by the court as it may hereafter be constituted, so that the burdens of taxation may be equally and impartially laid, to the end that wealth may bear its due proportion of the expense of the Government.\nImmigration and Arbitration\n\nWe hold that the most efficient way of protecting American labor is to prevent the importation of foreign pauper labor to compete with it in the home market, and that the value of the home market to our American farmers and artisans is greatly reduced by a vicious monetary system which depresses the prices of their products below the cost of production, and thus deprives them of the means of purchasing the products of our home manufactories; and as labor creates the wealth of the country, we demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary to protect it in all its rights.\nWe are in favor of the arbitration of differences between employers engaged in interstate commerce and their employees, and recommend such legislation as is necessary to carry out this principle.\nTrusts and Pools\n\nThe absorption of wealth by the few, the consolidation of our leading railroad systems, and the formation of trusts and pools require a stricter control by the Federal Government of those arteries of commerce. We demand the enlargement of the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission and such restriction and guarantees in the control of railroads as will protect the people from robbery and oppression.\nDeclare for Economy\n\nWe denounce the profligate waste of the money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation and the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses, which have kept taxes high, while the labor that pays them is unemployed and the products of the people's toil are depressed in price till they no longer repay the cost of production. We demand a return to that simplicity and economy which befits a Democratic Government, and a reduction in the number of useless offices, the salaries of which drain the substance of the people.\nFederal Interference in Local Affairs\n\nWe denounce arbitrary interference by Federal authorities in local affairs as a violation of the Constitution of the United States, and a crime against free institutions, and we especially object to government by injunction as a new and highly dangerous form of oppression by which Federal Judges, in contempt of the laws of the States and rights of citizens, become at once legislators, judges and executioners; and we approve the bill passed at the last session of the United States Senate, and now pending in the House of Representatives, relative to contempts in Federal courts and providing for trials by jury in certain cases of contempt.\nPacific Railroad\n\nNo discrimination should be indulged in by the Government of the United States in favor of any of its debtors. We approve of the refusal of the Fifty-third Congress to pass the Pacific Railroad Funding bill and denounce the effort of the present Republican Congress to enact a similar measure.\nPensions\n\nRecognizing the just claims of deserving Union soldiers, we heartily indorse the rule of the present Commissioner of Pensions, that no names shall be arbitrarily dropped from the pension roll; and the fact of enlistment and service should be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment.\nAdmission of Territories\n\nWe favor the admission of the Territories of New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma into the Union as States, and we favor the early admission of all the Territories, having the necessary population and resources to entitle them to Statehood, and, while they remain Territories, we hold that the officials appointed to administer the government of any Territory, together with the District of Columbia and Alaska, should be bona-fide residents of the Territory or District in which their duties are to be performed. The Democratic party believes in home rule and that all public lands of the United States should be appropriated to the establishment of free homes for American citizens.\nWe recommend that the Territory of Alaska be granted a delegate in Congress and that the general land and timber laws of the United States be extended to said Territory.\nSympathy for Cuba\n\nThe Monroe doctrine, as originally declared, and as interpreted by succeeding Presidents, is a permanent part of the foreign policy of the United States, and must at all times be maintained.\nWe extend our sympathy to the people of Cuba in their heroic struggle for liberty and independence.\nCivil-Service Laws\n\nWe are opposed to life tenure in the public service, except as provided in the Constitution. We favor appointments based on merit, fixed terms of office, and such an administration of the civil-service laws as will afford equal opportunities to all citizens of ascertained fitness.\nThird-Term Resolution\n\nWe declare it to be the unwritten law of this Republic, established by custom and usage of 100 years, and sanctioned by the examples of the greatest and wisest of those who founded and have maintained our Government that no man should be eligible for a third term of the Presidential office.\nImprovement of Waterways\n\nThe Federal Government should care for and improve the Mississippi River and other great waterways of the Republic, so as to secure for the interior States easy and cheap transportation to tidewater. When any waterway of the Republic is of sufficient importance to demand aid of the Government such aid should be extended upon a definite plan of continuous work until permanent improvement is secured.\nConclusion\n\nConfiding in the justice of our cause and the necessity of its success at the polls, we submit the foregoing declaration of principles and purposes to the considerate judgment of the American people. We invite the support of all citizens who approve them and who desire to have them made effective through legislation, for the relief of the people and the restoration of the country's prosperity.", "Words" -> 1928, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 203, "of" -> 151, "and" -> 93, "to" -> 58, "in" -> 42, "that" -> 28, "by" -> 28, "We" -> 25, "be" -> 24, "as" -> 20, "a" -> 20, "States" -> 19, "for" -> 19, "which" -> 18, "United" -> 15, "is" -> 14, "all" -> 13, "its" -> 12, "we" -> 11, "people" -> 11, "our" -> 11, "Government" -> 10, "at" -> 10, "are" -> 10, "such" -> 9, "should" -> 9, "has" -> 9, "or" -> 8, "it" -> 8, "gold" -> 8, "Federal" -> 8, "Constitution" -> 8, "The" -> 7, "money" -> 7, "demand" -> 7, "Congress" -> 7, "this" -> 6, "silver" -> 6, "law" -> 6, "home" -> 6, "favor" -> 6, "Democratic" -> 6, "any" -> 6, "American" -> 6, "with" -> 5, "them" -> 5, "their" -> 5, "rights" -> 5, "public" -> 5, "opposed" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "liberty" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "from" -> 5, "denounce" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "who" -> 4, "Territory" -> 4, "Territories" -> 4, "taxation" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "Republic" -> 4, "private" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "policy" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "no" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "have" -> 4, "great" -> 4, "government" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "decision" -> 4, "coin" -> 4, "years" -> 3, "will" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "time" -> 3, "those" -> 3, "so" -> 3, "revenue" -> 3, "Republican" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "present" -> 3, "passed" -> 3, "Party" -> 3, "other" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "not" -> 3, "monometallism" -> 3, "maintained" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "legislation" -> 3, "legal" -> 3, "hold" -> 3, "freedom" -> 3, "equally" -> 3, "duties" -> 3, "declare" -> 3, "debts" -> 3, "court" -> 3, "coinage" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "approve" -> 3, "an" -> 3, "aid" -> 3, "without" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "unit" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "trusts" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "tender" -> 2, "tariff" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "Resolution" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "Recognizing" -> 2, "ratio" -> 2, "Railroad" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "principle" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "Pensions" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "oppression" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "market" -> 2, "local" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "Judges" -> 2, "invite" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "independence" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "except" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "enlistment" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "declared" -> 2, "Cuba" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "country" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "contempt" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 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"residents" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "repay" -> 1, "renews" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "remain" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "redeeming" -> 1, "redeemable" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receivable" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "pursuance" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prostration" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "prolific" -> 1, "profligate" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "Pools" -> 1, "pools" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "Plank" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "pays" -> 1, 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1, "life" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "legislators" -> 1, "legal-tender" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "lavish" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "Jefferson's" -> 1, "Jackson" -> 1, "It" -> 1, "issuing" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "issuance" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interpreted" -> 1, "interior" -> 1, "Interference" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "Interest-Bearing" -> 1, "interest-bearing" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "injunction" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "indulged" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "Improvement" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "impoverishment" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "hereafter" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "Gold" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "foregoing" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Fifty-third" -> 1, "fastened" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "exponent" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "executioners" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entitle" -> 1, "enrichment" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "disturbing" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "derogation" -> 1, "deprives" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "depresses" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "demonetizing" -> 1, "demonetization" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "deemed" -> 1, "Declare" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "debtors" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "custom" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "corresponding" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "contempts" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constituted" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "considerate" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "confining" -> 1, "Confiding" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "conclusive" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "Commissioner" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "Civil-Service" -> 1, "civil-service" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "circulate" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "breeder" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "Bonds" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "befits" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "assertion" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ascertained" -> 1, "artisans" -> 1, "arteries" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "Arbitration" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "anti-American" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "agitation" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "Admission" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "access" -> 1, "absorption" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "ablest" -> 1, "1873" -> 1, "1776" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1892", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1892, "Date" -> DateObject[{1892, 6, 21}], "Text" -> "The representatives of the Democratic party of the United States, in National Convention assembled, do reaffirm their allegiance to the principles of the party, as formulated by Jefferson and exemplified by the long and illustrious line of his successors in Democratic leadership, from Madison to Cleveland; we believe the public welfare demands that these principles be applied to the conduct of the Federal Government, through the accession to power of the party that advocates them; and we solemnly declare that the need of a return to these fundamental principles of free popular government, based on home rule and individual liberty, was never more urgent than now, when the tendency to centralize all power at the Federal capital has become a menace to the reserved rights of the States that strikes at the very roots of our Government under the Constitution as framed by the fathers of the Republic.\nWe warn the people of our common country, jealous for the preservation of their free institutions, that the policy of Federal control of elections, to which the Republican party has committed itself, is fraught with the gravest dangers, scarcely less momentous than would result from a revolution practically establishing monarchy on the ruins of the Republic. It strikes at the North as well as at the South, and injures the colored citizen even more than the white; it means a horde of deputy marshals at every polling place, armed with Federal power; returning boards appointed and controlled by Federal authority, the outrage of the electoral rights of the people in the several States, the subjugation of the colored people to the control of the party in power, and the reviving of race antagonisms, now happily abated, of the utmost peril to the safety and happiness of all; a measure deliberately and justly described by a leading Republican Senator as \"the most infamous bill that ever crossed the threshold of the Senate.\" Such a policy, if sanctioned by law, would mean the dominance of a self-perpetuating oligarchy of office-holders, and the party first intrusted with its machinery could be dislodged from power only by an appeal to the reserved right of the people to resist oppression, which is inherent in all self-governing communities. Two years ago this revolutionary policy was emphatically condemned by the people at the polls, but in contempt of that verdict the Republican can party has defiantly declared in its latest authoritative utterance that its success in the coming elections will mean the enactment of the Force Bill and the usurpation of despotic control over elections in all the States.\nBelieving that the preservation of Republican government in the United States is dependent upon the defeat of this policy of legalized force and fraud, we invite the support of all citizens who desire to see the Constitution maintained in its integrity with the laws pursuant thereto, which have given our country a hundred years of unexampled prosperity; and we pledge the Democratic party, if it be intrusted with power, not only to the defeat of the Force Bill, but also to relentless opposition to the Republican policy of profligate expenditure, which, in the short space of two years, has squandered an enormous surplus and emptied an overflowing Treasury, after piling new burdens of taxation upon the already overtaxed labor of the country.\nWe denounce Republican protection as a fraud, a robbery of the great majority of the American people for the benefit of the few. We declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic party that the Federal Government has no constitutional power to impose and collect tariff duties, except for the purpose of revenue only, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of the Government when honestly and economically administered.\nWe denounce the McKinley tariff law enacted by the Fifty-first Congress as the culminating atrocity of class legislation; we indorse the efforts made by the Democrats of the present Congress to modify its most oppressive features in the direction of free raw materials and cheaper manufactured goods that enter into general consumption; and we promise its repeal as one of the beneficent results that will follow the action of the people in intrusting power to the Democratic party. Since the McKinley tariff went into operation there have been ten reductions of the wages of the laboring man to one increase. We deny that there has been any increase of prosperity to the country since that tariff went into operation, and we point to the fullness and distress, the wage reductions and strikes in the iron trade, as the best possible evidence that no such prosperity has resulted from the McKinley Act.\nWe call the attention of thoughtful Americans to the fact that after thirty years of restrictive taxes against the importation of foreign wealth, in exchange for our agricultural surplus, the homes and farms of the country have become burdened with a real estate mortgage debt of over $2,500,000,000, exclusive of all other forms of indebtedness; that in one of the chief agricultural States of the West there appears a real estate mortgage debt averaging $165 per capita of the total population, and that similar conditions and tendencies are shown to exist in other agricultural-exporting States. We denounce a policy which fosters no industry so much as it does that of the Sheriff.\nTrade interchange, on the basis of reciprocal advantages to the countries participating, is a time-honored doctrine of the Democratic faith, but we denounce the sham reciprocity which juggles with the people's desire for enlarged foreign markets and freer exchanges by pretending to establish closer trade relations for a country whose articles of export are almost exclusively agricultural products with other countries that are also agricultural, while erecting a custom-house barrier of prohibitive tariff taxes against the richest countries of the world, that stand ready to take our entire surplus of products, and to exchange therefor commodities which are necessaries and comforts of life among our own people.\nWe recognize in the Trusts and Combinations, which are designed to enable capital to secure more than its just share of the joint product of Capital and Labor, a natural consequence of the prohibitive taxes, which prevent the free competition, which is the life of honest trade, but believe their worst evils can be abated by law, and we demand the rigid enforcement of the laws made to prevent and control them, together with such further legislation in restraint of their abuses as experience may show to be necessary.\nThe Republican party, while professing a policy of reserving the public land for small holdings by actual settlers, has given away the people's heritage, till now a few railroads and non-resident aliens, individual and corporate, possess a larger area than that of all our farms between the two seas. The last Democratic administration reversed the improvident and unwise policy of the Republican party touching the public domain, and reclaimed from corporations and syndicates, alien and domestic, and restored to the people nearly one hundred million (100,000,000) acres of valuable land, to be sacredly held as homesteads for our citizens, and we pledge ourselves to continue this policy until every acre of land so unlawfully held shall be reclaimed and restored to the people.\nWe denounce the Republican legislation known as the Sherman Act of 1890 as a cowardly makeshift, fraught with possibilities of danger in the future, which should make all of its supporters, as well as its author, anxious for its speedy repeal. We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country, and to the coinage of both gold and silver without discriminating against either metal or charge for mintage, but the dollar unit of coinage of both metals must be of equal intrinsic and exchangeable value, or be adjusted through international agreement or by such safeguards of legislation as shall insure the maintenance of the parity of the two metals and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the markets and in the payment of debts; and we demand that all paper currency shall be kept at par with and redeemable in such coin. We insist upon this policy as especially necessary for the protection of the farmers and laboring classes, the first and most defenseless victims of unstable money and a fluctuating currency.\nWe recommend that the prohibitory 10 per cent tax on State bank issues be repealed.\nPublic office is a public trust. We reaffirm the declaration of the Democratic National Convention of 1876 for the reform of the civil service, and we call for the honest enforcement of all laws regulating the same. The nomination of a President, as in the recent Republican Convention, by delegations composed largely of his appointees, holding office at his pleasure, is a scandalous satire upon free popular institutions and a startling illustration of the methods by which a President may gratify his ambition. We denounce a policy under which the Federal office-holders usurp control of party conventions in the States, and we pledge the Democratic party to reform these and all other abuses which threaten individual liberty and local self-government.\nThe Democratic party is the only party that has ever given the country a foreign policy consistent and vigorous, compelling respect abroad and inspiring confidence at home. While avoiding entangling alliances, it has aimed to cultivate friendly relations with other nations, and especially with our neighbors on the American Continent, whose destiny is closely linked with our own, and we view with alarm the tendency to a policy of irritation and bluster which is liable at any time to confront us with the alternative of humiliation or war. We favor the maintenance of a navy strong enough for all purposes of national defense, and to properly maintain the honor and dignity of the country abroad.\nThis country has always been the refuge of the oppressed from every land—exiles for conscience sake—and in the spirit of the founders of our Government we condemn the oppression practised by the Russian Government upon its Lutheran and Jewish subjects, and we call upon our National Government, in the interest of justice and humanity, by all just and proper means, to use its prompt and best efforts to bring about a cessation of these cruel persecutions in the dominions of the Czar and to secure to the oppressed equal rights.\nWe tender our profound and earnest sympathy to those lovers of freedom who are struggling for home rule and the great cause of local self-government in Ireland.\nWe heartily approve all legitimate efforts to prevent the United States from being used as the dumping ground for the known criminals and professional paupers of Europe; and we demand the rigid enforcement of the laws against Chinese immigration and the importation of foreign workmen under contract, to degrade American labor and lessen its wages; but we condemn and denounce any and all attempts to restrict the immigration of the industrious and worthy of foreign lands.\nThis Convention hereby renews the expression of appreciation of the patriotism of the soldiers and sailors of the Union in the war for its preservation, and we favor just and liberal pensions for all disabled Union soldiers, their widows and dependents, but we demand that the work of the Pension Office shall be done industriously, impartially and honestly. We denounce the present administration of that office as incompetent, corrupt, disgraceful and dishonest.\nThe Federal Government should care for and improve the Mississippi River and other great waterways of the Republic, so as to secure for the interior States easy and cheap transportation to tide water. When any waterway of the Republic is of sufficient importance to demand the aid of the Government, such aid should be extended upon a definite plan of continuous work, until permanent improvement is secured.\nFor purposes of national defense and the promotion of commerce between the States, we recognize the early construction of the Nicaragua Canal and its protection against foreign control as of great importance to the United States.\nRecognizing the World's Columbian Exposition as a national undertaking of vast importance, in which the General Government has invited the cooperation of all the powers of the world, and appreciating the acceptance by many of such powers of the invitation so extended, and the broad and liberal efforts being made by them to contribute to the grandeur of the undertaking, we are of opinion that Congress should make such necessary financial provision as shall be requisite to the maintenance of the national honor and public faith.\nPopular education being the only safe basis of popular suffrage, we recommend to the several States most liberal appropriations for the public schools. Free common schools are the nursery of good government, and they have always received the fostering care of the Democratic party, which favors every means of increasing intelligence. Freedom of education, being an essential of civil and religious liberty, as well as a necessity for the development of intelligence, must not be interfered with under any pretext whatever. We are opposed to State interference with parental rights and rights of conscience in the education of children as an infringement of the fundamental Democratic doctrine that the largest individual liberty consistent with the rights of others insures the highest type of American citizenship and the best government.\nWe approve the action of the present House of Representatives in passing bills for admitting into the Union as States of the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona, and we favor the early admission of all the Territories having the necessary population and resources to entitle them to Statehood, and while they remain Territories we hold that the officials appointed to administer the government of any Territory, together with the Districts of Columbia and Alaska, should be bona-fide residents of the Territory or district in which their duties are to be performed. The Democratic party believes in home rule and the control of their own affairs by the people of the vicinage.\nWe favor legislation by Congress and State Legislatures to protect the lives and limbs of railway employees and those of other hazardous transportation companies, and denounce the inactivity of the Republican party, and particularly the Republican Senate, for causing the defeat of measures beneficial and protective to this class of wage workers.\nWe are in favor of the enactment by the States of laws for abolishing the notorious sweating system, for abolishing contract convict labor, and for prohibiting the employment in factories of children under 15 years of age.\nWe are opposed to all sumptuary laws, as an interference with the individual rights of the citizen.\nUpon this statement of principles and policies, the Democratic party asks the intelligent judgment of the American people. It asks a change of administration and a change of party, in order that there may be a change of system and a change of methods, thus assuring the maintenance unimpaired of institutions under which the Republic has grown great and powerful.", "Words" -> 2508, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 260, "of" -> 189, "and" -> 115, "to" -> 69, "a" -> 41, "in" -> 39, "that" -> 32, "as" -> 31, "for" -> 28, "we" -> 26, "We" -> 23, "by" -> 23, "with" -> 21, "party" -> 21, "be" -> 20, "all" -> 20, "which" -> 19, "States" -> 15, "its" -> 15, "Democratic" -> 14, "policy" -> 13, "our" -> 13, "has" -> 13, "Republican" -> 12, "people" -> 12, "is" -> 12, "are" -> 12, "at" -> 11, "Government" -> 10, "country" -> 10, "power" -> 9, "denounce" -> 9, "such" -> 8, "Federal" -> 8, "upon" -> 7, "their" -> 7, "The" -> 7, "rights" -> 7, "other" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "control" -> 7, "but" -> 7, "under" -> 6, "this" -> 6, "shall" -> 6, "public" -> 6, "laws" -> 6, "foreign" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "any" -> 6, "an" -> 6, "years" -> 5, "than" -> 5, "tariff" -> 5, "should" -> 5, "Republic" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "on" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "it" -> 5, "individual" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "government" -> 5, "free" -> 5, "favor" -> 5, "every" -> 5, "American" -> 5, "against" -> 5, "United" -> 4, "these" -> 4, "there" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "taxes" -> 4, "so" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "national" -> 4, "most" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "liberty" -> 4, "into" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "his" -> 4, "have" -> 4, "efforts" -> 4, "Convention" -> 4, "Congress" -> 4, "change" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "agricultural" -> 4, "while" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "two" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "Territories" -> 3, "surplus" -> 3, "strikes" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "protection" -> 3, "prosperity" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "preservation" -> 3, "present" -> 3, "popular" -> 3, "pledge" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "office" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "means" -> 3, "McKinley" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "liberal" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "labor" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "fundamental" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "education" -> 3, "defeat" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "call" -> 3, "both" -> 3, "best" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "world" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "will" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "went" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "wage" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "undertaking" -> 2, "transportation" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "through" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "Territory" -> 2, "tendency" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "silver" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "Senate" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "schools" -> 2, "rigid" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "reserved" -> 2, "repeal" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "reform" -> 2, "reductions" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "reclaimed" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, 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1, "usurpation" -> 1, "usurp" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "unwise" -> 1, "unstable" -> 1, "unlawfully" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "unimpaired" -> 1, "unexampled" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "Trusts" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "touching" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "till" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "threshold" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thoughtful" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "therefor" -> 1, "tender" -> 1, "tendencies" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "syndicates" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "sweating" -> 1, "supporters" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "sumptuary" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successors" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "startling" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "squandered" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "space" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "solemnly" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "Sherman" -> 1, "Sheriff" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "sham" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "service" -> 1, "Senator" -> 1, "self-perpetuating" -> 1, "self-governing" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "scarcely" -> 1, "scandalous" -> 1, "satire" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sake—and" -> 1, "sailors" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "Russian" -> 1, "ruins" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "richest" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "reviving" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resources" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reserving" -> 1, "requisite" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "renews" -> 1, "remain" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "redeemable" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "railway" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prohibitory" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profligate" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "professing" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "pretending" -> 1, "practised" -> 1, "practically" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "Popular" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "polling" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pleasure" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "piling" -> 1, "persecutions" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Pension" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paupers" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "parental" -> 1, "par" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "overtaxed" -> 1, "overflowing" -> 1, "outrage" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "oligarchy" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "nursery" -> 1, "notorious" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "non-resident" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "Nicaragua" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "necessaries" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "monarchy" -> 1, "momentous" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "mintage" -> 1, "million" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "metal" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "marshals" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "makeshift" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "Madison" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "Lutheran" -> 1, "lovers" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "linked" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limbs" -> 1, "liable" -> 1, "lessen" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "legalized" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "latest" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "land—exiles" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "juggles" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "jealous" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "irritation" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "intrusting" -> 1, "intrinsic" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "interior" -> 1, "interfered" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "interchange" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insures" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "injures" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "infringement" -> 1, "infamous" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "industriously" -> 1, "industrious" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "inactivity" -> 1, "improvident" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "illustrious" -> 1, "illustration" -> 1, "humiliation" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "horde" -> 1, "homesteads" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "hazardous" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "happily" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "gratify" -> 1, "grandeur" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fullness" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "framed" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "fluctuating" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Fifty-first" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "Exposition" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exemplified" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exchangeable" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "erecting" -> 1, "entitle" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "emptied" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "emphatically" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "dominions" -> 1, "dominance" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "Districts" -> 1, "district" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "dislodged" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "disgraceful" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "development" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despotic" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "described" -> 1, "deputy" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "delegations" -> 1, "degrade" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defiantly" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "Czar" -> 1, "custom-house" -> 1, "cultivate" -> 1, "culminating" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crossed" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "cowardly" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "Continent" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "composed" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "communities" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "comforts" -> 1, "Combinations" -> 1, "Columbian" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "Cleveland" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "cessation" -> 1, "centralize" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capita" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "bluster" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "beneficent" -> 1, "Believing" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "barrier" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "averaging" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "authoritative" -> 1, "author" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "atrocity" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "articles" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appreciating" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appears" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anxious" -> 1, "antagonisms" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "ambition" -> 1, "alternative" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "alarm" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "agricultural-exporting" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "admitting" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acre" -> 1, "accession" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "1890" -> 1, "1876" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "100,000,000" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1888", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1888, "Date" -> DateObject[{1888, 6, 5}], "Text" -> "The Democratic party of the United States, in National Convention assembled, renews the pledge of its fidelity to Democratic faith and reaffirms the platform adopted by its representatives in the Convention of 1884, and indorses the views expressed by President Cleveland in his last annual message to Congress as the correct interpretation of that platform upon the question of Tariff reduction; and also indorses the efforts of our Democratic Representatives in Congress to secure a reduction of excessive taxation.\nChief among its principles of party faith are the maintenance of an indissoluble Union of free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second century of unexampled progress and renown; devotion to a plan of government regulated by a written Constitution, strictly specifying every granted power and expressly reserving to the States or people the entire ungranted residue of power; the encouragement of a jealous popular vigilance directed to all who have been chosen for brief terms to enact and execute the laws, and are charged with the duty of preserving peace, insuring equality and establishing justice.\nThe Democratic party welcomes an exacting scrutiny of the administration of the Executive power which four years ago was committed to its trust in the selection of Grover Cleveland as President of the United States; and it challenges the most searching inquiry concerning its fidelity and devotion to the pledges which then invited the suffrages of the people.\nDuring a most critical period of our financial affairs, resulting from over taxation, the anomalous condition of our currency, and a public debt unmatured, it has by the adoption of a wise and conservative course, not only averted disaster, but greatly promoted the prosperity of the people.\nIt has reversed the improvident and unwise policy of the Republican party touching the public domain, and has reclaimed from corporations and syndicates, alien and domestic, and restored to the people, nearly one hundred millions of acres of valuable land to be sacredly held as homesteads for our citizens.\nWhile carefully guarding the interests of the taxpayers and conforming strictly to the principles of justice and equity, it has paid out more for pensions and bounties to the soldiers and sailors of the Republic than was ever paid before during an equal period.\nBy intelligent management and a judicious and economical expenditure of the public money it has set on foot the reconstruction of the American Navy upon a system which forbids the recurrence of scandal and insures successful results.\nIt has adopted and consistently pursued a firm and prudent foreign policy, preserving peace with all nations while scrupulously maintaining all the rights and interests of our Government and people at home and abroad.\nThe exclusion from our shores of Chinese laborers has been effectually secured under the provisions of a treaty, the operation of which has been postponed by the action of a Republican majority in the Senate.\nHonest reform in the Civil Service has been inaugurated and maintained by President Cleveland, and he has brought the public service to the highest standard of efficiency, not only by rule and precept, but by the example of his own untiring and unselfish administration of public affairs.\nIn every branch and department of the Government under Democratic control, the rights and welfare of all the people have been guarded and defended; every public interest has been protected, and the equality of all our citizens before the law, without regard to race or section, has been steadfastly maintained.\nUpon its record, thus exhibited, and upon the pledge of a continuance to the people of these benefits of good government, the National Democracy invokes a renewal of popular trust by the reelection of a Chief Magistrate who has been faithful, able and prudent.\nThey invoke in addition to that trust, the transfer also to the Democracy of the entire legislative power.\nThe Republican party, controlling the Senate and resisting in both Houses of Congress a reformation of unjust and unequal tax laws, which have outlasted the necessities of war and are now undermining the abundance of a long peace, deny to the people equality before the law and the fairness and the justice which are their right.\nThus the cry of American labor for a better share in the rewards of industry is stifled with false pretenses, enterprise is fettered and bound down to home markets; capital is discouraged with doubt, and unequal, unjust laws can neither be properly amended nor repealed.\nThe Democratic party will continue, with all the power confided to it, the struggle to reform these laws in accordance with the pledges of its last platform indorsed at the ballot-box by the suffrages of the people.\nOf all the industrious freemen of our land, an immense majority, including every tiller of the soil, gain no advantage from excessive tax laws; but the price of nearly everything they buy is increased by the favoritism of an unequal system of tax legislation.\nAll unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation.\nIt is repugnant to the creed of Democracy, that by such taxation the costs of the necessaries of life should be unjustifiably increased to all our people.\nJudged by Democratic principles, the interests of the people are betrayed, when, by unnecessary taxation, trusts and combinations are permitted and fostered, which, while unduly enriching the few that combine, rob the body of our citizens by depriving them of the benefits of natural competition. Every Democratic rule of governmental action is violated when through unnecessary taxation a vast sum of money, far beyond the needs of an economical administration, is drawn from the people and the channels of trade, and accumulated as a demoralizing surplus in the National Treasury.\nThe money now lying idle in the Federal Treasury, resulting from superfluous taxation amounts to more than $125,000,000, and the surplus collected is reaching the sum of more than $60,000,000 annually.\nDebauched by this immense temptation the remedy of the Republican party is to meet and exhaust by extravagant appropriations and expenses, whether constitutional or not, the accumulation of extravagant taxation.\nThe Democratic remedy is to enforce frugality in public expense and abolish needless taxation.\nOur established domestic industries and enterprises should not, and need not, be endangered by a reduction and correction of the burdens of taxation. On the contrary, a fair and careful revision of our tax laws, with due allowance for the difference between the wages of American and foreign labor, must promote and encourage every branch of such industries and enterprises by giving them assurance of an extended market and steady and continuous operations.\nIn the interest of American labor, which should in no event be neglected, the revision of our tax laws contemplated by the Democratic party would promote the advantage of such labor by cheapening the cost of necessaries of life in the home of every workingman and at the same time securing to him steady and remunerative employment.\nUpon this great issue of tariff reform, so closely concerning every phase of our national life, and upon every question involved in the problem of good government, the Democratic party submits its principles and professions to the intelligent suffrages of the American people.\nResolution Presented by Mr. Scott, of Pennsylvania:\nResolved, That this convention hereby indorses and recommends the early passage of the bill for the reduction of the revenue now pending in the House of Representatives.\nResolution Presented by Mr. Lehmann, of Iowa:\nResolved, That a just and liberal policy should be pursued in reference to the Territories; that the right of self-government is inherent in the people and guaranteed under the Constitution; that the Territories of Washington, Dakota, Montana and New Mexico are, by virtue of population and development, entitled to admission into the Union as States, and we unqualifiedly condemn the course of the Republican party in refusing Statehood and self-government to their people.\nResolution Presented by ex-Governor Leon Abbett, of New Jersey:\nResolved, That we express our cordial sympathy with the struggling people of all nations in their effort to secure for themselves the inestimable blessings of self-government and civil and religious liberty. And we especially declare our sympathy with the efforts of those noble patriots who, led by Gladstone and Parnell, have conducted their grand and peaceful contest for home rule in Ireland.", "Words" -> 1379, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 128, "of" -> 106, "and" -> 79, "to" -> 34, "by" -> 26, "in" -> 23, "a" -> 23, "people" -> 16, "our" -> 15, "has" -> 13, "is" -> 12, "taxation" -> 11, "Democratic" -> 11, "party" -> 10, "with" -> 9, "its" -> 9, "all" -> 9, "which" -> 8, "for" -> 8, "every" -> 8, "been" -> 8, "The" -> 7, "public" -> 7, "laws" -> 7, "are" -> 7, "an" -> 7, "that" -> 6, "from" -> 6, "be" -> 6, "upon" -> 5, "tax" -> 5, "States" -> 5, "Republican" -> 5, "power" -> 5, "not" -> 5, "it" -> 5, "as" -> 5, "American" -> 5, "their" -> 4, "should" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "now" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "have" -> 4, "who" -> 3, "we" -> 3, "unnecessary" -> 3, "unjust" -> 3, "unequal" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "That" -> 3, "than" -> 3, 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"peaceful" -> 1, "patriots" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "Parnell" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "outlasted" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "on" -> 1, "Of" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "Montana" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "Magistrate" -> 1, "lying" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "Leon" -> 1, "Lehmann" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "legislation" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "laborers" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judicious" -> 1, "Judged" -> 1, "Jersey" -> 1, "jealous" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "Iowa" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invokes" -> 1, "invoke" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "insures" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "inestimable" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "industrious" -> 1, "indorsed" -> 1, "indissoluble" -> 1, "indestructible" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "improvident" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "Houses" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "Honest" -> 1, "homesteads" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "Grover" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "Gladstone" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "frugality" -> 1, "freemen" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "forbids" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fettered" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expressly" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "exhibited" -> 1, "exhaust" -> 1, "ex-Governor" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "execute" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "exacting" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enriching" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effectually" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "development" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demoralizing" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "Debauched" -> 1, "Dakota" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "cry" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "cordial" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "contemplated" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "conforming" -> 1, "confided" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "combine" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "cheapening" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "challenges" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "brief" -> 1, "bounties" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "ballot-box" -> 1, "averted" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "anomalous" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "accumulation" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "Abbett" -> 1, "1884" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1884", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1884, "Date" -> DateObject[{1884, 7, 8}], "Text" -> "The Democratic party of the Union, through its representatives in National Convention assembled, recognizes that, as the nation grows older, new issues are born of time and progress, and old issues perish. But the fundamental principles of the Democracy, approved by the united voice of the people, remain, and will ever remain, as the best and only security for the continuance of free government The preservation of personal rights; the equality of all citizens before the law; the reserved rights of the States; and the supremacy of the Federal Government within the limits of the Constitution, will ever form the true basis of our liberties, and can never be surrendered without destroying that balance of rights and powers which enables a continent to be developed in peace, and social order to be maintained by means of local self-government.\nBut it is indispensable for the practical application and enforcement of these fundamental principles, that the Government should not always be controlled by one political party. Frequent change of administration is as necessary as constant recurrence to the popular will. Otherwise abuses grow, and the Government, instead of being carried on for the general welfare, becomes an instrumentality for imposing heavy burdens on the many who are governed, for the benefit of the few who govern. Public servants thus become arbitrary rulers.\nThis is now the condition of the country. Hence a change is demanded. The Republican party, so far as principle is concerned, is a reminiscence; in practice, it is an organization for enriching those who control its machinery. The frauds and jobbery which have been brought to light in every department of the Government, are sufficient to have called for reform within the Republican party; yet those in authority, made reckless by the long possession of power, have succumbed to its corrupting influence, and have placed in nomination a ticket against which the independent portion of the party are in open revolt.\nTherefore a change is demanded. Such a change was alike necessary in 1876, but the will of the people was then defeated by a fraud which can never be forgotten, nor condoned. Again, in 1880, the change demanded by the people was defeated by the lavish use of money contributed by unscrupulous contractors and shameless jobbers who had bargained for unlawful profits, or for high office.\nThe Republican party during its legal, its stolen, and its bought tenure of power, has steadily decayed in moral character and political capacity.\nIts platform promises are now a list of its past failures.\nIt demands the restoration of our Navy. It has squandered hundreds of millions to create a navy that does not exist.\nIt calls upon Congress to remove the burdens under which American shipping has been depressed. It imposed and has continued those burdens.\nIt professes a policy of reserving the public lands for small holdings by actual settlers. It has given away the people's heritage till now a few railroads, and non-resident aliens, individual and corporate, possess a larger area than that of all our farms between the two seas.\nIt professes a preference for free institutions. It organized and tried to legalize a control of State elections by Federal troops.\nIt professes a desire to elevate labor. It has subjected American workingmen to the competition of convict and imported contract labor.\nIt professes gratitude to all who were disabled, or died in the war, leaving widows and orphans. It left to a Democratic House of Representatives the first effort to equalize both bounties and pensions.\nIt proffers a pledge to correct the irregularities of our tariff. It created and has continued them. Its own Tariff Commission confessed the need of more than twenty per cent reduction. Its Congress gave a reduction of less than four per cent.\nIt professes the protection of American manufactures. It has subjected them to an increasing flood of manufactured goods, and a hopeless competition with manufacturing nations, not one of which taxes raw materials.\nIt professes to protect all American industries. It has impoverished many to subsidize a few.\nIt professes the protection of American labor. It has depleted the returns of American agricultureian industry followed by half of our people. It professes the equality of all men before the law. Attempting to fix the status of colored citizens, the acts of its Congress were overset by the decision of its Courts.\nIt \"accepts anew the duty of leading in the work of progress and reform.\" Its caught criminals are permitted to escape through contrived delays or actual connivance in the prosecution. Honeycombed with corruption, outbreaking exposures no longer shock its moral sense. Its honest members, its independent journals, no longer maintain a successful contest for authority in its councils or a veto upon bad nominations.\nThat change is necessary is proved by an existing surplus of more than $10(),00(),000, which has yearly been collected from a suffering people. Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation. We denounce the Republican party for having failed to relieve the people from crushing war taxes which have paralyzed business, crippled industry, and deprived labor of employment and of just reward.\nThe Democracy pledges itself to purify the Administration from corruption to restore economy, to revive respeet for law, and to reduce taxation to the lowest limit consistent with due regard to the preservation of the faith of the Nation to its creditors and pensioners.\nKnowing full well, however, that legislation affecting the operations of the people should be cautious and conservative in method, not in advance of public opinion, but responsive to its demands, the Democratic party is pledged to revise the tariff in a spirit of fairness to all interests.\nBut in making reduction in taxes, it is not proposed to injure any domestic industries, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the foundation of this Government, taxes collected at the Custom House have been the chief source of Federal Revenue. Such they must continue to be. Moreover, many industries have come to rely upon legislation for successful continuance, so that any change of law must be at every step regardful of the labor and capital thus involved. The process of reform must be subject in the execution to this plain dictate of justice.\nAll taxation shall be limited to the requirements of economical government. The necessary reduction and taxation can and must be effected without depriving American labor of the ability to compete successfully with foreign labor, and without imposing lower rates of duty than will be ample to cover any increased cost of production which may exist in consequence of the higher rate of wages prevailing in this country.\nSufficient revenue to pay all the expenses of the Federal Government, economically administered, including pensions, interest, and principal on the public debt, can be got, under our present system of taxation, from the custom house taxes on fewer imported articles, bearing heaviest on articles of luxury, and bearing lightest on articles of necessity.\nWe, therefore, denounce the abuses of the existing tariff; and, subject to the preceding limitations, we demand that Federal taxation shall be exclusively for public purposes and shall not exceed the needs of the Government economically administered.\nThe system of direct taxation known as the \"Internal Revenue,\" is a war tax, and so long as the law continues, the money derived therefrom should be sacredly devoted to the relief of the people from the remaining burdens of the war, and be made a fund to defray the expenses of the care and comfort of worthy soldiers disabled in line of duty in the wars of the Republic and for the payment of such pensions as Congress may from time to time grant to such soldiers, a like fund for the sailors having been already provided; and any surplus should be paid into the Treasury.\nWe favor an American continental policy based upon more intimate commercial and political relations with the fifteen sister Republics of North, Central, and South America, but entangling alliances with none.\nWe believe in honest money, the gold and silver coinage of the Constitution, and a circulating medium convertible into such money without loss.\nAssrlting the equality of all men before the law, we hold that it is the duty of the Government, in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all citizens of whatever nativity, race, color, or persuasion—religious or political.\nWe believe in a free ballot and a fair count; and we recall to the memory of the people the noble struggle of the Democrats in the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses, by which a reluctant Republican opposition was compelled to assent to legislation making everywhere illegal the presence of troops at the polls, as the conclusive proof that a Democratic administration will preserve liberty with order.\nThe selection of Federal officers for the Territories should be restricted to citizens previously resident therein.\nWe oppose sumptuary laws which vex the citizen and interfere with individual liberty; we favor honest Civil Service Reform, and the compensation of all United States officers by fixed salaries; the separation of Church and State; and the diffusion of free education by common schools, so that every child in the land may be taught the rights and duties of citizenship.\nWhile we favor all legislation which will tend to the equitable distribution of property, to the prevention of monopoly, and to the strict enforcement of individual rights against corporate abuses, we hold that the welfare of society depends upon a scrupulous regard for the rights of property as defined by law.\nWe believe that labor is best rewarded where it is freest and most enlightened. It should therefore be fostered and cherished. We favor the repeal of all laws restricting the free action of labor, and the enactment of laws by which labor organizations may be incorporated, and of all such legislation as will tend to enlighten the people as to the true relations of capital and labor.\nWe believe that the public lands ought, as far as possible, to be kept as homesteads for actual settlers; that all unearned lands heretofore improvidently granted to railroad corporations by the action of the Republican party should be restored to the public domain; and that no more grants of land shall be made to corporations, or be allowed to fall into the ownership of alien absentees.\nWe are opposed to all propositions which upon any pretext would convert the General Government into a machine for collecting taxes to be distributed among the States, or the citizens thereof.\nIn reaffirming the declaration of the Democratic platform of 1856, that, \"the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which make ours the land of liberty and the asylum of the oppressed of every Nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith,\" we nevertheless do not sanction the importation of foreign labor, or the admission of servile races, unfitted by habits, training, religion, or kindred, for absorption into the great body of our people, or for the citizenship which our laws confer. American civilization demands that against the immigration or importation of Mongolians to these shores our gates be closed.\nThe Democratic party insists that it is the duty of the Government to protect, with equal fidelity and vigilance, the rights of its citizens, native and naturalized, at home and abroad, and to the end that this protection may be assured, United States papers of naturalization, issued by courts of competent jurisdiction, must be respected by the Executive and Legislative departments of our own Government, and by all foreign powers.\nIt is an imperative duty of this Government to efficiently protect all the rights of persons and property of every American citizen in foreign lands, and demand and enforce full reparation for any invasion thereof.\nAn American citizen is only responsible to his own Government for any act done in his own country, or under her flag, and can only be tried therefor on her own soil and according to her laws; and no power exists in this Government to expatriate an American citizen to be tried in any foreign land for any such act.\nThis country has never had a well-defined and executed foreign policy save under Democratic administration; that policy has ever been, in regard to foreign nations, so long as they do not act detrimental to the interests of the country or hurtful to our citizens, to let them alone; that as a result of this policy we call the acquisition of Louisiana, Florida, California, and of the adjacent Mexican territory by purchase alone, and contrast these grand acquisitions of Democratic statesmanship with the purchase of Alaska, the sole fruit of a Republican administration of nearly a quarter of a century.\nThe Federal Government should care for and improve the Mississippi River and other great waterways of the Republic, so as to secure for the interior States easy and cheap transportation to tide water.\nUnder a long period of Democratic rule and policy, our merchant marine was fast overtaking and on the point of outstripping that of Great Britain. Under twenty years of Republican rule and policy, our commerce has been left to British bottoms, and almost has the American flag been swept off the high seas.\nInstead of the Republican party's British policy, we demand for the people of the United States an American policy.\nUnder Democratic rule and policy our merchants and sailors, flying the stars and stripes in every port, successfully searched out a market for the varied products of American industry.\nUnder a quarter of a century of Republican rule and policy, despite our manifest advantage of all other nations in high-paid labor, favorable climate and teeming soils; despite freedom of trade among all these United States; despite their population by the foremost races of men and an annual immigration of the young, thrifty and adventurous of all nations; despite our freedom here from the inherited burdens of life and industry in the old-world monarchies, their costly war navies, their vast tax-consuming, non-producing standing armies; despite twenty years of peace, that Republican rule and policy have managed to surrender to Great Britain, along with our commerce, the control of the markets of the world.\nInstead of the Republican party's British policy, we demand on behalf of the American Democracy, an American policy.\nInstead of the Republican party's discredited scheme and false pretense of friendship for American labor, expressed by imposing taxes, we demand in behalf of the Democracy, freedom for American labor by reducing taxes, to the end that these United States may compete with unhindered powers for the primacy among nations in all the arts of peace and fruits of liberty.\nWith profound regret we have been apprised by the venerable statesman through whose person was struck that blow at the vital principle of republics (acquiescence in the will of the majority), that he cannot permit us again to place in his hands the leadership of the Democratic hosts, for the reason that the achievement of reform in the administration of the Federal Government is an undertaking now too heavy for his age and failing strength.\nRejoicing that his life has been prolonged until the general judgment of our fellow-countrymen is united in the wish that that wrong were righted in his person, for the Democracy of the United States we offer to him in his withdrawal from public cares not only our respectful sympathy and esteem, but also that best homage of freemen, the pledge of our devotion to the principles and the cause now inseparable in the history of this Republic from the labors and the name of Samuel J. Tilden.\nWith this statement of the hopes, principles and purposes of the Democratic party, the great issue of Reform and change in Administration is submitted to the people in calm confidence that the popular voice will pronounce in favor of new men, and new and more favorable conditions for the growth of industry, the extension of trade, the employment and the due reward of labor and of capital, and the general welfare of the whole country.", "Words" -> 2694, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 223, "of" -> 180, "and" -> 109, "to" -> 85, "in" -> 52, "a" -> 43, "for" -> 38, "that" -> 33, "be" -> 31, "by" -> 29, "It" -> 24, "is" -> 23, "all" -> 21, "our" -> 20, "American" -> 19, "as" -> 18, "which" -> 16, "labor" -> 16, "its" -> 16, "has" -> 16, "Government" -> 16, "policy" -> 14, "people" -> 14, "or" -> 14, "with" -> 13, "we" -> 13, "Republican" -> 13, "Democratic" -> 13, "The" -> 12, "party" -> 11, "been" -> 11, "an" -> 11, "will" -> 10, "We" -> 10, "have" -> 10, "this" -> 9, "States" -> 9, "on" -> 9, "not" -> 9, "from" -> 9, "any" -> 9, "taxes" -> 8, "taxation" -> 8, "should" -> 8, "rights" -> 8, "professes" -> 8, "Federal" -> 8, "change" -> 8, "public" -> 7, "law" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "foreign" -> 7, "citizens" -> 7, "are" -> 7, "was" -> 6, "upon" -> 6, "United" -> 6, "so" -> 6, "principles" -> 6, "may" -> 6, "it" -> 6, "every" -> 6, "duty" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "who" -> 5, "war" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "than" -> 5, "such" -> 5, "rule" -> 5, "own" -> 5, "now" -> 5, "nations" -> 5, "must" -> 5, "more" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "Its" -> 5, "into" -> 5, "industry" -> 5, "free" -> 5, "favor" -> 5, "despite" -> 5, "Democracy" -> 5, "demand" -> 5, "can" -> 5, "but" -> 5, "burdens" -> 5, "at" -> 5, "administration" -> 5, "without" -> 4, "Under" -> 4, "under" -> 4, "their" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "reform" -> 4, "reduction" -> 4, "political" -> 4, "only" -> 4, "no" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "money" -> 4, "men" -> 4, "long" -> 4, "liberty" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "land" -> 4, "ever" -> 4, "Congress" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "believe" -> 4, "were" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "twenty" -> 3, "tried" -> 3, "time" -> 3, "through" -> 3, "those" -> 3, "them" -> 3, "tariff" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "protection" -> 3, "protect" -> 3, "property" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "pensions" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "party's" -> 3, "new" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "many" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "Instead" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "individual" -> 3, "imposing" -> 3, "honest" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "great" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "freedom" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "equality" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "demanded" -> 3, "control" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "capital" -> 3, "But" -> 3, "British" -> 3, "best" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "articles" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "against" -> 3, "actual" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "abuses" -> 3, "years" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "voice" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "troops" -> 2, "trade" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "tend" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "subjected" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "settlers" -> 2, "seas" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "reward" -> 2, "Revenue" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "Reform" -> 2, "races" -> 2, "quarter" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "progress" -> 2, "principle" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "pledge" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "person" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "other" -> 2, "order" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "Nation" -> 2, "moral" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "longer" -> 2, "life" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "issues" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "imported" -> 2, "importation" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "growth" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "government" -> 2, "fundamental" -> 2, "fund" -> 2, "full" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "favorable" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "do" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "defeated" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "corporate" -> 2, "continued" -> 2, "continuance" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "compete" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "collected" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "century" -> 2, "cent" -> 2, "care" -> 2, "Britain" -> 2, "behalf" -> 2, "bearing" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "administered" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "young" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "yearly" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "would" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "workingmen" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "well-defined" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "water" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "vex" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "venerable" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "Unnecessary" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "unhindered" -> 1, "unfitted" -> 1, "unearned" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "training" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "till" -> 1, "Tilden" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "ticket" -> 1, "thrifty" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "therefrom" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therefor" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "teeming" -> 1, "tax-consuming" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "taught" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "surrendered" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "sumptuary" -> 1, "Sufficient" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "succumbed" -> 1, "subsidize" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "stripes" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "stolen" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "statesman" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "stars" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "squandered" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "soils" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "society" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "silver" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shock" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shameless" -> 1, "servile" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "searched" -> 1, "scrupulous" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "save" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "Samuel" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "righted" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "revolt" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "respeet" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "reserving" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "Republics" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "reparation" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "reminiscence" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "Rejoicing" -> 1, "regret" -> 1, "regardful" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "recurrence" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "purify" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "propositions" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "pronounce" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "proffers" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "persuasion—religious" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "perish" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "pensioners" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "paralyzed" -> 1, "papers" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "overtaking" -> 1, "overset" -> 1, "outstripping" -> 1, "outbreaking" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "Otherwise" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "old-world" -> 1, "older" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-resident" -> 1, "non-producing" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "nevertheless" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "navies" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "nativity" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "Mongolians" -> 1, "monarchies" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "Mexican" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "mete" -> 1, "merchants" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufactures" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "machine" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "Louisiana" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "lightest" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "legalize" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "lavish" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "labors" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "Knowing" -> 1, "kindred" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "journals" -> 1, "jobbery" -> 1, "jobbers" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "J" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "irregularities" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "intimate" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "interior" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "instrumentality" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "insists" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "injure" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "incorporated" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "In" -> 1, "improvidently" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "hurtful" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hosts" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "hopeless" -> 1, "Honeycombed" -> 1, "homesteads" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "homage" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "high-paid" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Hence" -> 1, "heaviest" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "got" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "gates" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "fruit" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "Frequent" -> 1, "freest" -> 1, "freemen" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "Forty-sixth" -> 1, "Forty-fifth" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "Florida" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "fellow-countrymen" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exposures" -> 1, "expatriate" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "executed" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "exact" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "esteem" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enriching" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlighten" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "elevate" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "diffusion" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "detrimental" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "decayed" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "Custom" -> 1, "custom" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "corrupting" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "convertible" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contrived" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continental" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "connivance" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "confessed" -> 1, "confer" -> 1, "condoned" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "conclusive" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "colored" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "coinage" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "circulating" -> 1, "Church" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "cautious" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "caught" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "cares" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "bounties" -> 1, "bought" -> 1, "bottoms" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "bargained" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "Attempting" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "Assrlting" -> 1, "assent" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "armies" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "apprised" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "agricultureian" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "Again" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "adventurous" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "adjacent" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "acquisitions" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquiescence" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "absorption" -> 1, "absentees" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "1880" -> 1, "1876" -> 1, "1856" -> 1, "10(),00(),000" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1880", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1880, "Date" -> DateObject[{1880, 6, 22}], "Text" -> "The Democrats of the United States, in Convention assembled, declare:\n1. We pledge ourselves anew to the constitutional doctrines and traditions of the Democratic party as illustrated by the teachings and example of a long line of Democratic statesmen and patriots, and embodied in the platform of the last National Convention of the party.\n2. Opposition to centralization and to that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever be the form of government, a real despotism. No sumptuary laws; separation of Church and State, for the good of each; common schools fostered and protected.\n3. Home rule; honest money, consisting of gold and silver, and paper convertible into coin on demand; the strict maintenance of the public faith, State and National, and a tariff for revenue only.\n4. The subordination of the military to the civil power, and a general and thorough reform of the civil service.\n5. The right to a free ballot is the right preservative of all rights, and must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States.\n6. The existing administration is the representative of conspiracy only, and its claim of right to surround the ballot-boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstruct the election, and the unprecedented use of the veto to maintain its corrupt and despotic powers, insult the people and imperil their institutions.\n7. We execrate the course of this administration in making places in the civil service a reward for political crime, and demand a reform by statute which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candidate to bribe his way to the seat of the usurper by billeting villains upon the people.\n8. The great fraud of 1876-77, by which, upon a false count of the electoral votes of two States, the candidate defeated at the polls was declared to be President, and for the first time in American history, the will of the people was set aside under a threat of military violence, struck a deadly blow at our system of representative government. The Democratic party, to preserve the country from the horrors of a civil war, submitted for the time in firm and patriotic faith that the people would punish this crime in 1880. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred duty upon the people of the Union than ever addressed the conscience of a nation of free men.\n9. The resolution of Samuel J. Tilden not again to be a candidate for the exalted place to which he was elected by a majority of his countrymen, and from which he was excluded by the leaders of the Republican party, is received by the Democrats of the United States with deep sensibility, and they declare their confidence in his wisdom, patriotism, and integrity, unshaken by the assaults of a common enemy, and they further assure him that he is followed into the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fellow-citizens, who regard him as one who, by elevating the standards of public morality, merits the lasting gratitude of his country and his party.\n10. Free ships and a living chance for American commerce on the seas, and on the land no discrimination in favor of transportation lines, corporations, or monopolies.\n11. Amendment of the Burlingame Treaty. No more Chinese immigration, except for travel, education, and foreign commerce, and that even carefully guarded.\n12. Public money and public credit for public purposes solely, and public land for actual settlers.\n13. The Democratic party is the friend of labor and the laboring man, and pledges itself to protect him alike against the cormorant and the commune.\n14. We congratulate the country upon the honesty and thrift of a Democratic Congress which has reduced the public expenditure $40,000,000 a year; upon the continuation of prosperity at home, and the national honor abroad, and, above all, upon the promise of such a change in the administration of the government as shall insure us genuine and lasting reform in every department of the public service.", "Words" -> 692, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 68, "of" -> 48, "and" -> 45, "a" -> 21, "to" -> 17, "in" -> 13, "for" -> 12, "by" -> 10, "The" -> 8, "public" -> 7, "which" -> 6, "upon" -> 6, "party" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "people" -> 5, "is" -> 5, "Democratic" -> 5, "was" -> 4, "that" -> 4, "States" -> 4, "he" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "be" -> 4, "We" -> 3, "United" -> 3, "shall" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "reform" -> 3, "on" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "government" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "country" -> 3, "candidate" -> 3, "at" -> 3, "as" -> 3, "all" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "with" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "their" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "National" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "military" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "its" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "has" -> 2, "from" -> 2, "free" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "Democrats" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "defeated" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "crime" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "American" -> 2, "$40,000,000" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "would" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "will" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "villains" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "usurper" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "unshaken" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "Tilden" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "teachings" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "surround" -> 1, "sumptuary" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "subordination" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "statesmen" -> 1, "standards" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "silver" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "sensibility" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "Samuel" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "Republican" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "preservative" -> 1, "precedes" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "patriots" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "our" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "or" -> 1, "Opposition" -> 1, "obstruct" -> 1, "not" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "marshals" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "laboring" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "J" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "It" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insult" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "illustrated" -> 1, "horrors" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "execrate" -> 1, "excluded" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "exalted" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "elevating" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dwarfs" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "despotic" -> 1, "deputy" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "countrymen" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "cormorant" -> 1, "convertible" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "conspiracy" -> 1, "consolidate" -> 1, "consisting" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "commune" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "Church" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "Burlingame" -> 1, "bribe" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "billeting" -> 1, "ballot-boxes" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1880" -> 1, "1876-77" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1876", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1876, "Date" -> DateObject[{1876, 6, 22}], "Text" -> "We, the delegates of the Democratic party of the United States, in National Convention assembled, do hereby declare the administration of the Federal Government to be in great need of immediate reform; do hereby enjoin upon the nominees of this Convention, and of the Democratic party in each State, a zealous effort and co-operation to this end, and do here appeal to our fellow-citizens of every former political connection to undertake with us this first and most pressing patriotic duty for the Democracy of the whole country. We do here reaffirm our faith in the permanence of the Federal Union, our devotion to the Constitution of the United States, with its amendments universally accepted as a final settlement of the controversies that engendered civil war, and do here record our steadfast confidence in the perpetuity of republican self-government; in absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority, the vital principle of republics; in the supremacy of the civil over the military; in the two-fold separation of church and state, for the sake alike of civil and religious freedom; in the equality of all citizens before just laws of their own enactment; in the liberty of individual conduct unvexed by sumptuary laws; in the faithful education of the rising generation, that they may preserve, enjoy and transmit these best conditions of human happiness and hope. We behold the noblest products of a hundred years of changeful history. But while upholding the bond of our Union and great charter of these our rights, it behooves a free people to practice also that eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty.\nReform is necessary to rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole people the Union eleven years ago happily rescued from the danger of the secession of States, but now to be saved from a corrupt centralism which, after inflicting upon ten States the rapacity of carpet-bag tyrannies, has honeycombed the offices of the Federal Government itself with incapacity, waste and fraud; infected States and municipalities with the contagion of misrule, and locked fast the prosperity of an industrious people in the paralysis of hard times. Reform is necessary to establish a sound currency, restore the public credit and maintain the national honor.\nWe denounce the failure for all these eleven years to make good the promise of the legal tender notes, which are a changing standard of value in the hands of the people, and the non-payment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the nation.\nWe denounce the improvidence which, in eleven years of peace, has taken from the people in Federal taxes thirteen times the whole amount of the legal-tender notes and squandered four times their sum in useless expense, without accumulating any reserve for their redemption. We denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of that party, which, during eleven years of peace, has made no advance toward resumption, no preparation for resumption, but instead has obstructed resumption by wasting our resources and exhausting all our surplus income, and while annually professing to intend a speedy return to specie payments, has annually enacted fresh hindrances thereto. As such hindrance we denounce the resumption clause of the act of 1875 and we here demand its repeal. We demand a judicious system of preparation by public economies, by official retrenchments, and by wise finance, which shall enable the nation soon to assure the whole world of its perfect ability and its perfect readiness to meet any of its promises at the call of the creditor entitled to payment.\nWe believe such a system, well-advised, and, above all, intrusted to competent hands for execution, creating at no time an artificial scarcity of currency, and at no time alarming the public mind into a withdrawal of that vast machinery of credit by which ninety-five per cent of our business transactions are performed—a system open and public and inspiring general confidence—would from the day of its adoption bring healing on its wings to all our harassed industries, set in motion the wheels of commerce, manufactures and the mechanic arts, restore employment to labor, and renew in all its natural sources the prosperity of the people.\nReform is necessary in the sum and mould of Federal taxation, to the end that capital may be set free from distrust, and labor lightly burdened. We denounce the present tariff levied upon nearly four thousand articles as a masterpiece of injustice, inequality and false pretense, which yields a dwindling and not a yearly rising revenue, has impoverished many industries to subsidize a few. It prohibits imports that might purchase the products of American labor; it has degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior rank upon the high seas; it has cut down the values of American manufactures at home and abroad; it has depleted the returns of American agriculture, an industry followed by half our people; it costs the people five times more than it produces to the treasury, obstructs the process of production and wastes the fruits of labor; it promotes fraud, fosters smuggling, enriches dishonest officials, and bankrupts honest merchants. We demand that all custom-house taxation shall be only for revenue. Reform is necessary in the scale of public expense, Federal, State and municipal. Our Federal taxation has swollen from sixty millions gold in 1860 to four hundred and fifty millions currency in 1870; our aggregate taxation from one hundred and fifty-four millions gold in 1860 to seven hundred and thirty millions currency, in 1870, all in one decade; from less than five dollars per head to more than eighteen dollars per head. Since the peace the people have paid to their tax-gatherers more than thrice the sum of the national debt, and more than twice the sum for the Federal Government alone. We demand a rigorous frugality in every department and from every officer of the Government.\nReform is necessary to put a stop to the profligate waste of public lands and their diversion from actual settlers by the party in power, which has squandered two hundred millions of acres upon railroads alone, and out of more than thrice that aggregate has disposed of less than a sixth directly to the tillers of the soil.\nReform is necessary to correct the omissions of a Republican Congress and the errors of our treaties and our diplomacy, which has stripped our fellow-citizens of foreign birth and kindred race, re-erasing [re-crossing] the Atlantic from the shield of American citizenship, and has exposed our brethren of the Pacific coast to the incursions of a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, and in fact now by law denied citizenship through naturalization as being unaccustomed to the traditions of a progressive civilization, one exercised in liberty under equal laws; and we denounce the policy which thus discards the liberty-loving German and tolerates the revival of the coolie-trade in Mongolian women for immoral purposes, and Mongolian men held to perform servile labor contracts, and demand such modification of the treaty with the Chinese Empire, or such legislation within constitutional limitations, as shall prevent further importation or immigration of the Mongolian race.\nReform is necessary and can never be effected but by making it the controlling issue of the election and lifting it above the two issues with which the office-holding classes and the party in power seek to smother it:—\nFirst—The false issue with which they would enkindle sectarian strife in respect to the public schools, of which the establishment and support belong exclusively to the several States, and which the Democratic party has cherished from their foundation, and is resolved to maintain without partiality or preference for any class, sect or creed, and without contributions from the treasury to any.\nSecond—The false issue by which they seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional hate between kindred peoples once unnaturally estranged but now reunited in one indivisible republic, and a common destiny.\nReform is necessary in the civil service. Experience proves that efficient economical conduct of the government is not possible if its civil service be subject to change at every election, be a prize fought for at the ballot-box, be an approved reward of party zeal instead of posts of honor assigned for proved competency and held for fidelity in the public employ; that the dispensing of patronage should neither be a tax upon the time of our public men nor an instrument of their ambition. Here again, profession falsified in the performance attest that the party in power can work out no practical or salutary reform. Reform is necessary even more in the higher grades of the public service. President, Vice-President, judges, senators, representatives, cabinet officers—these and all others in authority are the people's servants. Their offices are not a private perquisite; they are a public trust. When the annals of this Republic show disgrace and censure of a Vice-President; a late Speaker of the House of Representatives marketing his rulings as a presiding officer; three Senators profiting secretly by their votes as law-makers; five chairmen of the leading committees of the late House of Representatives exposed in jobbery; a late Secretary of the Treasury forcing balances in the public accounts; a late Attorney-General misappropriating public funds; a Secretary of the Navy enriched and enriching friends by a percentage levied off the profits of contractors with his department; an Ambassador to England censured in a dishonorable speculation; the President's Private Secretary barely escaping conviction upon trial for guilty complicity in frauds upon the revenue; a Secretary of War impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors—the demonstration is complete, that the first step in reform must be the people's choice of honest men from another party, lest the disease of one political organization infect the body politic, and lest by making no change of men or parties, we get no change of measures and no real reform.\nAll these abuses, wrongs, and crimes, the product of sixteen years' ascendency of the Republican party, create a necessity for reform, confessed by Republicans themselves; but their reformers are voted down in Convention and displaced from the cabinet. The party's mass of honest voters is powerless to resist the eighty thousand office-holders, its leaders and guides. Reform can only be had by a peaceful civic revolution. We demand a change of system, a change of administration, a change of parties, that we may have a change of measures and of men.\nResolved, That this Convention, representing the Democratic party of the States, do cordially indorse the action of the present House of Representatives in reducing and curtailing the expenses of the Federal Government, in cutting down enormous salaries, extravagant appropriations, and in abolishing useless offices and places not required by the public necessities, and we shall trust to the firmness of the Democratic members of the House that no committee of conference and no misinterpretation of rules will be allowed to defeat these wholesome measures of economy demanded by the country.\nResolved, That the soldiers and sailors of the Republic, and the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in battle, have a just claim upon the care, protection and gratitude of their fellow-citizens.", "Words" -> 1861, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 162, "of" -> 129, "and" -> 81, "in" -> 51, "to" -> 44, "a" -> 43, "by" -> 18, "which" -> 17, "our" -> 17, "from" -> 17, "for" -> 16, "that" -> 15, "is" -> 15, "has" -> 15, "public" -> 14, "We" -> 12, "be" -> 12, "party" -> 11, "their" -> 10, "Reform" -> 10, "no" -> 10, "its" -> 10, "it" -> 10, "upon" -> 9, "people" -> 9, "necessary" -> 9, "Federal" -> 9, "all" -> 9, "with" -> 8, "than" -> 7, "States" -> 7, "change" -> 7, "an" -> 7, "years" -> 6, "we" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "more" -> 6, "do" -> 6, "denounce" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "as" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "this" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "reform" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "not" -> 5, "millions" -> 5, "men" -> 5, "labor" -> 5, "hundred" -> 5, "Government" -> 5, "Democratic" -> 5, "civil" -> 5, "but" -> 5, "American" -> 5, "whole" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "taxation" -> 4, "system" -> 4, "sum" -> 4, "such" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "Secretary" -> 4, "resumption" -> 4, "late" -> 4, "House" -> 4, "here" -> 4, "have" -> 4, "every" -> 4, "eleven" -> 4, "currency" -> 4, "Convention" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "without" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "time" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "revenue" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "offices" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "Mongolian" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "liberty" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "issue" -> 3, "honest" -> 3, "great" -> 3, "four" -> 3, "five" -> 3, "first" -> 3, "fellow-citizens" -> 3, "false" -> 3, "down" -> 3, "can" -> 3, "will" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "Vice-President" -> 2, "useless" -> 2, "United" -> 2, "two" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "treasury" -> 2, "thrice" -> 2, "thousand" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "squandered" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "seek" -> 2, "rising" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "Resolved" -> 2, "Republican" -> 2, "Republic" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "preparation" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "perfect" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "officer" -> 2, "notes" -> 2, "national" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "manufactures" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "levied" -> 2, "lest" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "kindred" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "his" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "hereby" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "head" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "gold" -> 2, "free" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "exposed" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "department" -> 2, "crimes" -> 2, "credit" -> 2, "country" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "cabinet" -> 2, "annually" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "aggregate" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "1870" -> 2, "1860" -> 2, "zealous" -> 1, "zeal" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "yearly" -> 1, "wrongs" -> 1, "would" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wings" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wheels" -> 1, "well-advised" -> 1, "wasting" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "upholding" -> 1, "unvexed" -> 1, "unnaturally" -> 1, "universally" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "unaccustomed" -> 1, "tyrannies" -> 1, "two-fold" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "transmit" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "tolerates" -> 1, "tillers" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "those" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thirteen" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "The" -> 1, "tender" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "tax-gatherers" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "swollen" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "sumptuary" -> 1, "subsidize" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "stripped" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "sprung" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "specie" -> 1, "Speaker" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "smuggling" -> 1, "smother" -> 1, "sixty" -> 1, "sixth" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "should" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "servile" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "senators" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "sectional" -> 1, "sectarian" -> 1, "sect" -> 1, "secretly" -> 1, "Second—The" -> 1, "secession" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "scarcity" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "salutary" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "sailors" -> 1, "rulings" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "reunited" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retrenchments" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resources" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "rescued" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "republican" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "reformers" -> 1, "re-erasing" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "redemption" -> 1, "re-crossing" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "rapacity" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "proves" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "profligate" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profiting" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "professing" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "prize" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "presiding" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "powerless" -> 1, "posts" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "politic" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "plighted" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "perquisite" -> 1, "perpetuity" -> 1, "permanence" -> 1, "performed—a" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "partiality" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "paralysis" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "on" -> 1, "omissions" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "officers—these" -> 1, "office-holding" -> 1, "office-holders" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "obstructs" -> 1, "obstructed" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-payment" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "noblest" -> 1, "ninety-five" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "mould" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "misrule" -> 1, "misinterpretation" -> 1, "misdemeanors—the" -> 1, "misappropriating" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "merchants" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "mechanic" -> 1, "masterpiece" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "locked" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "lightly" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "liberty-loving" -> 1, "legislation" -> 1, "legal-tender" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "law-makers" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "judicious" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "jobbery" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "It" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "intrusted" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "inflicting" -> 1, "inferior" -> 1, "infected" -> 1, "infect" -> 1, "inequality" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "industrious" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "incursions" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "improvidence" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "impeached" -> 1, "immorality" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "imbecility" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honeycombed" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "hindrances" -> 1, "hindrance" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "hate" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "harassed" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "happily" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guides" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "German" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "frugality" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "First—The" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fifty-four" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "falsified" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "exhausting" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "eternal" -> 1, "estranged" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "escaping" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enriching" -> 1, "enriches" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enkindle" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enjoin" -> 1, "England" -> 1, "engendered" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "Empire" -> 1, "embers" -> 1, "eighty" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dying" -> 1, "dwindling" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disposed" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dispensing" -> 1, "dishonorable" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discards" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "degraded" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "decade" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "custom-house" -> 1, "curtailing" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creditor" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "coolie-trade" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "contagion" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "confidence—would" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "confessed" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "complicity" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "competency" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "coast" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "church" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "changeful" -> 1, "chairmen" -> 1, "centralism" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "censured" -> 1, "censure" -> 1, "carpet-bag" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "brethren" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behooves" -> 1, "behold" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "barely" -> 1, "bankrupts" -> 1, "ballot-box" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "Attorney-General" -> 1, "attest" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assigned" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ascendency" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "articles" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "annals" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "ambition" -> 1, "Ambassador" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquiescence" -> 1, "accumulating" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abolishing" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "1875" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1872", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1872, "Date" -> DateObject[{1872, 7, 9}], "Text" -> "We, the Democratic Electors of the United States in Convention assembled, do present the following principles, already adopted at Cincinnati, as essential to just government.\n1. We recognize the equality of all men before the law, and hold that it is the duty of the Government in its dealings with the people to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of whatever nativity, race, color or persuasion, religion or politics.\n2. We pledge ourselves to maintain the union of these States, emancipation and enfranchisement; and to oppose any reopening of the questions settled by the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments of the Constitution.\n3. We demand the immediate and absolute removal of all disabilities imposed on account of the rebellion which was finally subdued seven years ago, believing that universal amnesty will result in complete pacification in all sections of the country.\n4. Local self-government, with impartial suffrage, will guard the rights of all citizens more securely than any centralized power. The public welfare requires the supremacy of the civil over the military authority, and the freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus. We demand for the individual the largest liberty consistent with public order; for the State, self-government, and for the Nation a return to the methods of peace and the constitutional limitations of power.\n5. The Civil Service of the Government has become a mere instrument of partisan tyranny and personal ambition, and an object of selfish greed. It is a scandal and reproach upon free institutions, and it breeds a demoralization dangerous to the perpetuity of Republican Government.\n6. We therefore regard a thorough reform of the Civil Service as one of the most pressing necessities of the hour; that honesty, capacity, and fidelity constitute the only valid claim to public employment; that the offices of the Government cease to be a matter of arbitrary favoritism and patronage, and that public station shall become again a place of honor. To this end it is imperatively required that no President shall be a candidate for re-election.\n7. We demand a system of Federal taxation which shall not unnecessarily interfere with the industry of the people and which shall provide the means necessary to pay the expenses of the Government, economically administered, the pensions, the interest on the public debt, and a moderate annual reduction of the principal thereof; and recognizing that there are in our midst honest but irreconcilable differences of opinion with regard to the respective systems of protection and free trade, we remit the discussion of the subject to the people in their Congressional Districts, and the decision of the Congress thereon, wholly free from Executive interference or dictation.\n8. The public credit must be sacredly maintained, and we denounce repudiation in every form and guise.\n9. A speedy return to specie payment is demanded alike by the highest considerations of commercial morality and honest government.\n11. We are opposed to all further grants of lands to railroads or other corporations. The public domain should be held sacred to actual settlers.\n12. We hold that it is the duty of the Government, in its intercourse with foreign nations, to cultivate the friendships of peace by treating with all on fair and equal terms, regarding it alike dishonorable either to demand what is not right or to submit to what is wrong.\n13. For the promotion and success of these vital principles, and the support of the candidates nominated by this Convention, we invite and cordially welcome the co-operation of all patriotic citizens without regard to previous political affiliations.", "Words" -> 596, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 59, "of" -> 41, "and" -> 28, "to" -> 21, "a" -> 10, "We" -> 9, "that" -> 8, "in" -> 8, "all" -> 8, "with" -> 7, "public" -> 7, "is" -> 7, "Government" -> 6, "or" -> 5, "it" -> 5, "The" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "for" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "by" -> 4, "be" -> 4, "which" -> 3, "we" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "people" -> 3, "on" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "will" -> 2, "what" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "States" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "not" -> 2, "its" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "government" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "citizens" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "as" -> 2, "are" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "years" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "upon" -> 1, "unnecessarily" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "United" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "To" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "thirteenth" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "their" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "subdued" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "specie" -> 1, "should" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "repudiation" -> 1, "Republican" -> 1, "reproach" -> 1, "reopening" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remit" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "re-election" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "rebellion" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "persuasion" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "perpetuity" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "pacification" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "our" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "nominated" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "nativity" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "mete" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "It" -> 1, "irreconcilable" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "intercourse" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "imperatively" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "has" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "greed" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "from" -> 1, "friendships" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "fourteenth" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fifteenth" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "exact" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "enfranchisement" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "emancipation" -> 1, "Electors" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "Districts" -> 1, "dishonorable" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "dictation" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "demoralization" -> 1, "Democratic" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "cultivate" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "country" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "Cincinnati" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "breeds" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "at" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "an" -> 1, "amnesty" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "ambition" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1868", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1868, "Date" -> DateObject[{1868, 7, 4}], "Text" -> "The Democratic party in National Convention assembled, reposing its trust in the intelligence, patriotism, and discriminating justice of the people; standing upon the Constitution as the foundation and limitation of the powers of the government, and the guarantee of the liberties of the citizen; and recognizing the questions of slavery and secession as having been settled for all time to come by the war, or the voluntary action of the Southern States in Constitutional Conventions assembled, and never to be renewed or reagitated; does, with the return of peace, demand,\nFirst. Immediate restoration of all the States to their rights in the Union, under the Constitution, and of civil government to the American people.\nSecond. Amnesty for all past political offenses, and the regulation of the elective franchise in the States, by their citizens.\nThird. Payment of the public debt of the United States as rapidly as practicable. All moneys drawn from the people by taxation, except so much as is requisite for the necessities of the government, economically administered, being honestly applied to such payment, and where the obligations of the government do not expressly state upon their face, or the law under which they were issued does not provide, that they shall be paid in coin, they ought, in right and in justice, to be paid in the lawful money of the United States.\nFourth. Equal taxation of every species of property, according to its real value, including government bonds and other public securities.\nFifth. One currency for the government and the people, the laborer and the office-holder, the pensioner and the soldier, the producer and the bond-holder.\nSixth. Economy in the administration of the government, the reduction of the standing army and navy; the abolition of the Freedmen's Bureau; and all political instrumentalities designed to secure negro supremacy; simplification of the system and discontinuance of inquisitorial modes of assessing and collecting internal revenue, so that the burden of taxation may be equalized and lessened, the credit of the government and the currency made good; the repeal of all enactments for enrolling the State militia into national forces in time of peace; and a tariff for revenue upon foreign imports, such as will afford incidental protection to domestic manufactures, and as will, without impairing the revenue, impose the least burden upon, and best promote and encourage the great industrial interests of the country.\nSeventh. Reform of abuses in the administration; the expulsion of corrupt men from office; the abrogation of useless offices; the restoration of rightful authority to, and the independence of the executive and judicial departments of the government; the subordination of the military to the civil power, to the end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of the sword may cease.\nEighth. Equal rights and protection for naturalized and native-born citizens at home and abroad; the assertion of American nationality, which shall command the respect of foreign powers, and furnish an example and encouragement to people struggling for national integrity, constitutional liberty, and individual rights, and the maintenance of the rights of naturalized citizens against the absolute doctrine of immutable allegiance and the claims of foreign powers to punish them for alleged crimes committed beyond their jurisdiction.\nIn demanding these measures and reforms we arraign the Radical party for its disregard of right, and the unparalleled oppression and tyranny which have marked its career.\nAfter the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses of Congress to prosecute the war exclusively for the maintenance of the government and the preservation of the Union under the Constitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledge, under which alone was rallied that noble volunteer army which carried our flag to victory.\nInstead of restoring the Union, it has, so far as in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten States, in time of profound peace, to military despotism and negro supremacy.\nIt has nullified there the right of trial by jury; it has abolished the habeas corpus, that most sacred writ of liberty; it has overthrown the freedom of speech and of the press; it has substituted arbitrary seizures and arrests, and military trials and secret star-chamber inquisitions, for the constitutional tribunals; it has disregarded in time of peace the right of the people to be free from searches and seizures; it has entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the private rooms of individuals, and seized their private papers and letters without any specific charge or notice of affidavit, as required by the organic law; it has converted the American capitol into a Bastile; it has established a system of spies and official espionage to which no constitutional monarchy of Europe would now dare to resort; it has abolished the right of appeal, on important constitutional questions, to the Supreme Judicial tribunal, and threatens to curtail, or destroy, its original jurisdiction, which is irrevocably vested by the Constitution; while the learned Chief Justice has been subjected to the most atrocious calumnies, merely because he would not prostitute his high office to the support of the false and partisan charges preferred against the President. Its corruption and extravagance have exceeded anything known in history, and by its frauds and monopolies it has nearly doubled the burden of the debt created by the war; it has stripped the President of his constitutional power of appointment, even of his own Cabinet. Under its repeated assaults the pillars of the government are rocking on their base, and should it succeed in November next and inaugurate its President, we will meet, as a subjected and conquered people, amid the ruins of liberty and the scattered fragments of the Constitution.\nAnd we do declare and resolve, That ever since the people of the United States threw off all subjection to the British crown, the privilege and trust of suffrage have belonged to the several States, and have been granted, regulated, and controlled exclusively by the political power of each State respectively, and that any attempt by congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or interfere with its exercise, is a flagrant usurpation of power, which can find no warrant in the Constitution; and if sanctioned by the people will subvert our form of government, and can only end in a single centralized and consolidated government, in which the separate existence of the States will be entirely absorbed, and an unqualified despotism be established in place of a federal union of co-equal States; and that we regard the reconstruction acts so-called, of Congress, as such an usurpation, and unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void.\nThat our soldiers and sailors, who carried the flag of our country to victory against a most gallant and determined foe, must ever be gratefully remembered, and all the guarantees given in their favor must be faithfully carried into execution.\nThat the public lands should be distributed as widely as possible among the people, and should be disposed of either under the pre-emption or homestead laws, or sold in reasonable quantities, and to none but actual occupants, at the minimum price established by the government. When grants of the public lands may be deemed necessary for the encouragement of important public improvements, the proceeds of the sale of such lands, and not the lands themselves, should be so applied.\nThat the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, in exercising the power of his high office in resisting the aggressions of Congress upon the Constitutional rights of the States and the people, is entitled to the gratitude of the whole American people; and in behalf of the Democratic party, we tender him our thanks for his patriotic efforts in that regard.\nUpon this platform the Democratic party appeals to every patriot, including all the Conservative element, and all who desire to support the Constitution and restore the Union, forgetting all past differences of opinion, to unite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people; and that to all such, to whatever party they may have heretofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellowship, and hail all such co-operating with us as friends and brethren.\nResolved, That this convention sympathize cordially with the workingmen of the United States in their efforts to protect the rights and interests of the laboring classes of the country.\nResolved, That the thanks of the convention are tendered to Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase for the justice, dignity, and impartiality with which he presided over the court of impeachment on the trial of President Andrew Johnson.", "Words" -> 1422, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 165, "of" -> 101, "and" -> 89, "to" -> 37, "in" -> 29, "for" -> 16, "it" -> 14, "has" -> 14, "government" -> 14, "as" -> 14, "States" -> 13, "people" -> 13, "be" -> 13, "by" -> 12, "all" -> 12, "which" -> 10, "that" -> 10, "its" -> 10, "their" -> 8, "or" -> 8, "a" -> 8, "right" -> 7, "Constitution" -> 7, "with" -> 6, "we" -> 6, "That" -> 6, "such" -> 6, "rights" -> 6, "power" -> 6, "will" -> 5, "upon" -> 5, "United" -> 5, "under" -> 5, "public" -> 5, "President" -> 5, "party" -> 5, "our" -> 5, "most" -> 5, "his" -> 5, "have" -> 5, "constitutional" -> 5, "Union" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "so" -> 4, "should" -> 4, "peace" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "is" -> 4, "Congress" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "American" -> 4, "war" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "subjected" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "revenue" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "office" -> 3, "military" -> 3, "liberty" -> 3, "justice" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "from" -> 3, "foreign" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "despotism" -> 3, "Democratic" -> 3, "country" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "carried" -> 3, "burden" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "an" -> 3, "against" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "without" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "usurpation" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "trial" -> 2, "thanks" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "supremacy" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "standing" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "seizures" -> 2, "sacred" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "Resolved" -> 2, "regard" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "private" -> 2, "pledge" -> 2, "past" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "no" -> 2, "negro" -> 2, "naturalized" -> 2, "national" -> 2, "must" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "jurisdiction" -> 2, "Johnson" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "high" -> 2, 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"respectively" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "resisting" -> 1, "requisite" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "reposing" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "remembered" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regulated" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "reagitated" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "rallied" -> 1, "Radical" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prostitute" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proceeds" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "presided" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "preferred" -> 1, "pre-emption" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "pillars" -> 1, "pensioner" -> 1, "Payment" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patriot" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "papers" -> 1, "P" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "overthrown" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organic" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "office-holder" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "occupants" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "nullified" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "moneys" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "monarchy" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "militia" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "manufactures" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "letters" -> 1, "lessened" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "laboring" -> 1, "laborer" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "Judicial" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "It" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "irrevocably" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "instrumentalities" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "inquisitorial" -> 1, "inquisitions" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "incidental" -> 1, "inaugurate" -> 1, "In" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "impeachment" -> 1, "impartiality" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immutable" -> 1, "Immediate" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "Houses" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "homestead" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "gratefully" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "gallant" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "Freedmen's" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "franchise" -> 1, "fragments" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forgetting" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "flagrant" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "fellowship" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expulsion" -> 1, "expressly" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "espionage" -> 1, "equalized" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enrolling" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "elective" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Eighth" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "dissolved" -> 1, "disregarded" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disposed" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "discontinuance" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "deemed" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "dare" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "crown" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "co-operating" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "Conventions" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "consolidated" -> 1, "Conservative" -> 1, "conquered" -> 1, "congress" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "co-equal" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Chase" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "capitol" -> 1, "calumnies" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "brethren" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bond-holder" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "Bastile" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "atrocious" -> 1, "assessing" -> 1, "assertion" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "arrests" -> 1, "arraign" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Amnesty" -> 1, "amid" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "aggressions" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affidavit" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absorbed" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abrogation" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1864", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1864, "Date" -> DateObject[{1864, 8, 29}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That in the future, as in the past, we will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the Union under the Constitution as the only solid foundation of our strength, security, and happiness as a people, and as a framework of government equally conducive to the welfare and prosperity of all the States, both Northern and Southern.\nResolved, That this convention does explicitly declare, as the sense of the American people, that after four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war, during which, under the pretense of a military necessity of war-power higher than the Constitution, the Constitution itself has been disregarded in every part, and public liberty and private right alike trodden down, and the material prosperity of the country essentially impaired, justice, humanity, liberty, and the public welfare demand that immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities, with a view of an ultimate convention of the States, or other peaceable means, to the end that, at the earliest practicable moment, peace may be restored on the basis of the Federal Union of the States.\nResolved, That the direct interference of the military authorities of the United States in the recent elections held in Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and Delaware was a shameful violation of the Constitution, and a repetition of such acts in the approaching election will be held as revolutionary, and resisted with all the means and power under our control.\nResolved, That the aim and object of the Democratic party is to preserve the Federal Union and the rights of the States unimpaired, and they hereby declare that they consider that the administrative usurpation of extraordinary and dangerous powers not granted by the Constitution; the subversion of the civil by military law in States not in insurrection; the arbitrary military arrest, imprisonment, trial, and sentence of American citizens in States where civil law exists in full force; the suppression of freedom of speech and of the press; the denial of the right of asylum; the open and avowed disregard of State rights; the employment of unusual test-oaths; and the interference with and denial of the right of the people to bear arms in their defense is calculated to prevent a restoration of the Union and the perpetuation of a Government deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed.\nResolved, That the shameful disregard of the Administration to its duty in respect to our fellow-citizens who now are and long have been prisoners of war and in a suffering condition, deserves the severest reprobation on the score alike of public policy and common humanity.\nResolved, That the sympathy of the Democratic party is heartily and earnestly extended to the soldiery of our army and sailors of our navy, who are and have been in the field and on the sea under the flag of our country, and, in the events of its attaining power, they will receive all the care, protection, and regard that the brave soldiers and sailors of the republic have so nobly earned.", "Words" -> 506, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 67, "of" -> 44, "and" -> 32, "in" -> 15, "to" -> 10, "a" -> 10, "States" -> 7, "That" -> 6, "that" -> 6, "Resolved" -> 6, "our" -> 6, "as" -> 6, "Union" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "with" -> 4, "under" -> 4, "military" -> 4, "will" -> 3, "they" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "public" -> 3, "people" -> 3, "on" -> 3, "its" -> 3, "is" -> 3, "have" -> 3, "by" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "be" -> 3, "all" -> 3, "who" -> 2, "welfare" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "shameful" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "rights" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "not" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "humanity" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "Federal" -> 2, "disregard" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "country" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "are" -> 2, "American" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "years" -> 1, "which" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "we" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "war-power" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "usurpation" -> 1, "unusual" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "United" -> 1, "unimpaired" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "trodden" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "this" -> 1, "their" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "test-oaths" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "soldiery" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "severest" -> 1, "sentence" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "score" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "reprobation" -> 1, "repetition" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "peaceable" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "or" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "nobly" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "Missouri" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "Maryland" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "Kentucky" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "insurrection" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "has" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "from" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "for" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "explicitly" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "disregarded" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deriving" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "Delaware" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "cessation" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "attaining" -> 1, "at" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "an" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "acts" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1860", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1860, "Date" -> DateObject[{1860, 6, 18}], "Text" -> "1. Resolved, That we, the Democracy of the Union in Convention assembled, hereby declare our affirmance of the resolutions unanimously adopted and declared as a platform of principles by the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, in the year 1856, believing that Democratic principles are unchangeable in their nature, when applied to the same subject matters; and we recommend, as the only further resolutions, the following:\n2. Inasmuch as difference of opinion exists in the Democratic party as to the nature and extent of the powers of a Territorial Legislature, and as to the powers and duties of Congress, under the Constitution of the United States, over the institution of slavery within the Territories,\nResolved, That the Democratic party will abide by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States upon these questions of Constitutional law.\n3. Resolved, That it is the duty of the United States to afford ample and complete protection to all its citizens, whether at home or abroad, and whether native or foreign born.\n4. Resolved, That one of the necessities of the age, in a military, commercial, and postal point of view, is speedy communication between the Atlantic and Pacific States; and the Democratic party pledge such Constitutional Government aid as will insure the construction of a Railroad to the Pacific coast, at the earliest practicable period.\n5. Resolved, That the Democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of the Island of Cuba on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain.\n6. Resolved, That the enactments of the State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law, are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.\n7. Resolved, That it is in accordance with the interpretation of the Cincinnati platform, that during the existence of the Territorial Governments the measure of restriction, whatever it may be, imposed by the Federal Constitution on the power of the Territorial Legislature over the subject of the domestic relations, as the same has been, or shall hereafter be finally determined by the Supreme Court of the United States, should be respected by all good citizens, and enforced with promptness and fidelity by every branch of the general government.", "Words" -> 372, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 51, "of" -> 30, "and" -> 14, "to" -> 9, "in" -> 9, "as" -> 8, "That" -> 7, "Resolved" -> 7, "Democratic" -> 6, "by" -> 6, "States" -> 5, "United" -> 4, "party" -> 4, "be" -> 4, "a" -> 4, "Territorial" -> 3, "or" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "is" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "at" -> 3, "are" -> 3, "with" -> 2, "will" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "we" -> 2, "their" -> 2, "that" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "such" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "resolutions" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "nature" -> 2, "Legislature" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "citizens" -> 2, "Cincinnati" -> 2, "all" -> 2, "year" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "upon" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "unchangeable" -> 1, "unanimously" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "Slave" -> 1, "should" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "promptness" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "our" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "its" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "Inasmuch" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "hereafter" -> 1, "has" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "Fugitive" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "coast" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affirmance" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abide" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1856" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1856", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1856, "Date" -> DateObject[{1856, 6, 2}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American people.\nВ Resolved, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of government springing from and upheld by the popular will; and we contrast it with the creed and practice of Federalism, under whatever name or form, which seeks to palsy the will of the constituent, and which conceives no imposture too monstrous for the popular credulity.\nВ Resolved, therefore, That, entertaining these views, the Democratic party of this Union, through their Delegates assembled in a general Convention, coming together in a spirit of concord, of devotion to the doctrines and faith of a free representative government, and appealing to their fellow-citizens for the rectitude of their intentions, renew and re-assert before the American people, the declarations of principles avowed by them when, on former occasions in general Convention, they have presented their candidates for the popular suffrage.\n1. That the Federal Government is one of limited power, derived solely from the Constitution; and the grants of power made therein ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government; and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers.\n2. That the Constitution does not confer upon the General Government the power to commence and carry on a general system of internal improvements.\n3. That the Constitution does not confer authority upon the Federal Government, directly or indirectly, to assume the debts of the several States, contracted for local and internal improvements, or other State purposes; nor would such assumption be just or expedient.\n4. That justice and sound policy forbid the Federal Government to foster one branch of industry to the detriment of any other, or to cherish the interests of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country; that every citizen and every section of the country has a right to demand and insist upon an equality of rights and privileges, and to complete and ample protection of persons and property from domestic violence or foreign aggression.\n5. That it is the duty of every branch of the Government to enforce and practice the most rigid economy in conducting our public affairs, and that no more revenue ought to be raised than is required to defray the necessary expenses of the Government, and for the gradual but certain extinction of the public debt.\n6. That the proceeds of the public lands ought to be sacredly applied to the national objects specified in the Constitution; and that we are opposed to any law for the distribution of such proceeds among the States, as alike inexpedient in policy and repugnant to the Constitution.\n7. That Congress has no power to charter a national bank; that we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calculated to place the business of the country within the control of a concentrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people; and that the results of Democratic legislation in this and all other financial measures upon which issues have been made between the two political parties of the country, have demonstrated to candid and practical men of all parties, their soundness, safety, and utility, in all business pursuits.\n8. That the separation of the moneys of the Government from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the Government and the rights of the people.\n9. That we are decidedly opposed to taking from the President the qualified veto power, by which he is enabled, under restrictions and responsibilities amply sufficient to guard the public interests, to suspend the passage of a bill whose merits cannot secure the approval of two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, until the judgment of the people can be obtained thereon, and which has saved the American people from the corrupt and tyrannical domination of the Bank of the United States, and from a corrupting system of general internal improvements.\n10. That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned by the Constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith, and every attempt to abridge the privilege of becoming citizens and the owners of soil among us, ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the alien and sedition laws from our statute-books.\nAnd Whereas, Since the foregoing declaration was uniformly adopted by our predecessors in National Conventions, an adverse political and religious test has been secretly organized by a party claiming to be exclusively American, it is proper that the American Democracy should clearly define its relation thereto, and declare its determined opposition to all secret political societies, by whatever name they may be called\nВ Resolved, That the foundation of this union of States having been laid in, and its prosperity, expansion, and pre-eminent example in free government, built upon entire freedom in matters of religious concernment, and no respect of person in regard to rank or place of birth; no party can justly be deemed national, constitutional, or in accordance with American principles, which bases its exclusive organization upon religious opinions and accidental birth-place. And hence a political crusade in the nineteenth century, and in the United States of America, against Catholic and foreign-born is neither justified by the past history or the future prospects of the country, nor in unison with the spirit of toleration and enlarged freedom which peculiarly distinguishes the American system of popular government.\nResolved, That we reiterate with renewed energy of purpose the well considered declarations of former Conventions upon the sectional issue of Domestic slavery, and concerning the reserved rights of the States.\n1. That Congress has no power under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution; that all efforts of the abolitionists, or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions.\n2. That the foregoing proposition covers, and was intended to embrace the whole subject of slavery agitation in Congress; and therefore, the Democratic party of the Union, standing on this national platform, will abide by and adhere to a faithful execution of the acts known as the compromise measures, settled by the Congress of 1850; \"the act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor,\" included; which act being designed to carry out an express provision of the Constitution, cannot, with fidelity thereto, be repealed, or so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency.\n3. That the Democratic party will resist all attempts at renewing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made.\n4. That the Democratic party will faithfully abide by and uphold, the principles laid down in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia Legislature in 1799; that it adopts those principles as constituting one of the main foundations of its political creed, and is resolved to carry them out in their obvious meaning and import.\nAnd that we may more distinctly meet the issue on which a sectional party, subsisting exclusively on slavery agitation, now relies to test the fidelity of the people, North and South, to the Constitution and the Union—\n1. Resolved, That claiming fellowship with, and desiring the co-operation of all who regard the preservation of the Union under the Constitution as the paramount issue—and repudiating all sectional parties and platforms concerning domestic slavery, which seek to embroil the States and incite to treason and armed resistance to law in the Territories; and whose avowed purposes, if consummated, must end in civil war and disunion, the American Democracy recognize and adopt the principles contained in the organic laws establishing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska as embodying the only sound and safe solution of the \"slavery question\" upon which the great national idea of the people of this whole country can repose in its determined conservatism of the Union—NON-INTERFERENCE BY CONGRESS WITH SLAVERY IN STATE AND TERRITORY, OR IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.\n2. That this was the basis of the compromises of 1850 confirmed by both the Democratic and Whig parties in national Conventions—ratified by the people in the election of 1852, and rightly applied to the organization of Territories in 1854.\n3. That by the uniform application of this Democratic principle to the organization of territories, and to the admission of new States, with or without domestic slavery, as they may elect—the equal rights, of all the States will be preserved intact; the original compacts of the Constitution maintained inviolate; and the perpetuity and expansion of this Union insured to its utmost capacity of embracing, in peace and harmony, every future American State that may be constituted or annexed, with a republican form of government.\nResolved, That we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, including Kansas and Nebraska, acting through the legally and fairly expressed will of a majority of actual residents, and whenever the number of their inhabitants justifies it, to form a Constitution, with or without domestic slavery, and be admitted into the Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other States.\nResolved, Finally, That in view of the condition of popular institutions in the Old World (and the dangerous tendencies of sectional agitation, combined with the attempt to enforce civil and religious disabilities against the rights of acquiring and enjoying citizenship, in our own land) a high and sacred duty is devolved with increased responsibility upon the Democratic party of this country, as the party of the Union, to uphold and maintain the rights of every State, and thereby the Union of the States; and to sustain and advance among us constitutional liberty, by continuing to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few, at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those principles and compromises of the Constitution, which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was, the Union as it is, and the Union as it shall be, in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people.\n1. Resolved, That there are questions connected with the foreign policy of this country, which are inferior to no domestic question whatever. The time has come for the people of the United States to declare themselves in favor of free seas and progressive free trade throughout the world, and, by solemn manifestations, to place their moral influence at the side of their successful example.\n2. Resolved, That our geographical and political position with reference to the other States of this continent, no less than the interest of our commerce and the development of our growing power, requires that we should hold as sacred the principles involved in the Monroe Doctrine: their bearing and import admit of no misconstruction; they should be applied with unbending rigidity.\n3. Resolved, That the great highway which nature, as well as the assent of the States most immediately interested in its maintenance, has marked out for a free communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, constitutes one of the most important achievements realized by the spirit of modern times and the unconquerable energy of our people. That result should be secured by a timely and efficient exertion of the control which we have the right to claim over it, and no power on earth should be suffered to impede or clog its progress by any interference with the relations it may suit our policy to establish between our government and the Governments of the States within whose dominions it lies. We can, under no circumstances, surrender our preponderance in the adjustment of all questions arising out of it.\n4. Resolved, That, in view of so commanding an interest, the people of the United States cannot but sympathize with the efforts which are being made by the people of Central America to regenerate that portion of the continent which covers the passage across the Interoceanic Isthmus.\n5. Resolved, That the Democratic party will expect of the next Administration that every proper effort be made to insure our ascendency in the Gulf of Mexico, and to maintain a permanent protection to the great outlets through which are emptied into its waters the products raised out of the soil and the commodities created by the industry of the people of our Western valleys and the Union at large.\nResolved, That the Democratic party recognizes the great importance, in a political and commercial point of view, of a safe and speedy communication, by military and postal roads, through our own territory, between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of this Union, and that it is the duty of the Federal Government to exercise promptly all its constitutional power to the attainment of that object, thereby binding the Union of these States in indissoluble bonds, and opening to the rich commerce of Asia an overland transit from the Pacific to the Mississippi River, and the great lakes of the North.\nResolved, That the administration of Franklin Pierce has been true to the great interests of the country. In the face of the most determined opposition it has maintained the laws, enforced economy, fostered progress, and infused integrity and vigor into every department of the government at home. It has signally improved our treaty relations, extended the field of commercial enterprise, and vindicated the rights of American citizens abroad. It has asserted with eminent impartiality the just claims of every section, and has at all times been faithful to the Constitution. We therefore proclaim our unqualified approbation of its measures and its policy.", "Words" -> 2429, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 263, "of" -> 169, "and" -> 133, "to" -> 82, "in" -> 48, "That" -> 32, "by" -> 27, "a" -> 25, "with" -> 21, "which" -> 21, "or" -> 21, "our" -> 20, "be" -> 20, "States" -> 19, "that" -> 18, "people" -> 18, "it" -> 16, "as" -> 16, "all" -> 16, "Union" -> 15, "Resolved" -> 15, "Constitution" -> 15, "this" -> 14, "its" -> 14, "their" -> 12, "is" -> 12, "has" -> 12, "we" -> 11, "party" -> 11, "no" -> 11, "for" -> 11, "Democratic" -> 11, "American" -> 11, "upon" -> 10, "power" -> 10, "from" -> 10, "every" -> 10, "country" -> 10, "are" -> 10, "will" -> 9, "slavery" -> 9, "principles" -> 9, "political" -> 9, "Government" -> 9, "great" -> 8, "government" -> 8, "rights" -> 7, "an" -> 7, "under" -> 6, "out" -> 6, "one" -> 6, "on" -> 6, "national" -> 6, "may" -> 6, "made" -> 6, "have" -> 6, "domestic" -> 6, "Congress" -> 6, "been" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "such" -> 5, "should" -> 5, "popular" -> 5, "policy" -> 5, "ought" -> 5, "other" -> 5, "most" -> 5, "institutions" -> 5, "free" -> 5, "whatever" -> 4, "was" -> 4, "United" -> 4, "through" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "Territories" -> 4, "spirit" -> 4, "sectional" -> 4, "religious" -> 4, "public" -> 4, "place" -> 4, "parties" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "laws" -> 4, "interests" -> 4, "general" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "Federal" -> 4, "dangerous" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "can" -> 4, "between" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "agitation" -> 4, "3" -> 4, "2" -> 4, "1" -> 4, "whose" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "uphold" -> 3, "thereto" -> 3, "therefore" -> 3, "system" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "questions" -> 3, "question" -> 3, "proper" -> 3, "portion" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "internal" -> 3, "improvements" -> 3, "expansion" -> 3, "efforts" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "determined" -> 3, "Democracy" -> 3, "creed" -> 3, "control" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "cannot" -> 3, "attempt" -> 3, "applied" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "4" -> 3, "В" -> 3, "world" -> 2, "without" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "We" -> 2, "Virginia" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "times" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "sound" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "so" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "safe" -> 2, "sacred" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "republican" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "relation" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "protection" -> 2, "progressive" -> 2, "progress" -> 2, "proceeds" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "North" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "Nebraska" -> 2, "name" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "moral" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "legislation" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "Kansas" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "It" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "inexpedient" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "IN" -> 2, "import" -> 2, "future" -> 2, "freedom" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "foregoing" -> 2, "fidelity" -> 2, "faithful" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "exclusively" -> 2, "exclusive" -> 2, "example" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "enough" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "energy" -> 2, "embrace" -> 2, "economy" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "declarations" -> 2, "covers" -> 2, "Conventions" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "confer" -> 2, "concerning" -> 2, "compromises" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "claiming" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "citizens" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "calculated" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "business" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "avowed" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "America" -> 2, "against" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "abide" -> 2, "5" -> 2, "1850" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "WITH" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "Whig" -> 1, "Whereas" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "valleys" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "unison" -> 1, "Union—NON-INTERFERENCE" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "uniformly" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unconquerable" -> 1, "unbending" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treason" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "toleration" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "THE" -> 1, "The" -> 1, "TERRITORY" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "tendencies" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "sympathize" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "suit" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "subsisting" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "statute-books" -> 1, "STATE" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "springing" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "specified" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "soundness" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "SLAVERY" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "signally" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "service" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "sedition" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "secretly" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rigidity" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "repudiating" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "repose" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "renewing" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "relies" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "regenerate" -> 1, "reference" -> 1, "rectitude" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "reclaiming" -> 1, "re-assert" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "pursuits" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "proclaim" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "preponderance" -> 1, "pre-eminent" -> 1, "predecessors" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "Pierce" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "perpetuity" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "permanency" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "peculiarly" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "palsy" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overland" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organic" -> 1, "OR" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opinions" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "OF" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "occasions" -> 1, "obvious" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "objects" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "nineteenth" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "moneys" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "misconstruction" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manifestations" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "Madison" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, 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"immediately" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "hence" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "fugitives" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "Franklin" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "foreign-born" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fellowship" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "Federalism" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedient" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "exertion" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entertaining" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enjoying" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "emptied" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "embroil" -> 1, "embracing" -> 1, "embodying" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "elect—the" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "dominions" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "disunion" -> 1, "DISTRICT" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distinguishes" -> 1, "distinctly" -> 1, "distinctive" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devolved" -> 1, "development" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "desiring" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "Delegates" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "deemed" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decidedly" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "credulity" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "countenanced" -> 1, "corrupting" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "Conventions—ratified" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "consummated" -> 1, "construed" -> 1, "constituting" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constituted" -> 1, "constituent" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "conservatism" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "connected" -> 1, "CONGRESS" -> 1, "confirmed" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concord" -> 1, "concernment" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "conceives" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "compacts" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "commence" -> 1, "commanding" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "COLUMBIA" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "clog" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "Catholic" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "BY" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "birth-place" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "bearing" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "assent" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "Asia" -> 1, "ascendency" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "approbation" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appertaining" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "annexed" -> 1, "AND" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adopts" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accidental" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abolitionists" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "1854" -> 1, "1852" -> 1, "1799" -> 1, "1798" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1852", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1852, "Date" -> DateObject[{1852, 6, 1}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That the American democracy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American people.\nResolved, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world as the great moral element in a form of government springing from and upheld by the popular will; and we contrast it with the creed and practice of federalism, under whatever name or form, which seeks to palsy the will of the constituent, and which conceives no imposture too monstrous for the popular credulity.\nResolved, therefore, That, entertaining these views, the democratic party of this Union, through their delegates assembled in a general convention, coming together in a spirit of concord, of devotion to the doctrines and faith of a free representative government, and appealing to their fellow-citizens for the rectitude of their intentions, renew and reassert before the American people the declaration of principles avowed by them when on former occasions, in general convention, they have presented their candidates for the popular suffrages.\n1. That the federal government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the constitution, and the grants of power made therein ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government; and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers.\n2. That the constitution does not confer upon the general government the power to commence and carry on a general system of internal improvements.\n3. That the constitution does not confer authority upon the federal government, directly or indirectly, to assume the debts of the several States, contracted for local and internal improvements or other State purposes; nor would such assumption be just or expedient.\n4. That justice and sound policy forbid the federal government to foster one branch of industry to the detriment of any other, or to cherish the interests of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country; that every citizen, and every section of the country, has a right to demand and insist upon an equality of rights and privileges, and to complete an ample protection of person and property from domestic violence or foreign aggression.\n5. That it is the duty of every branch of the government to enforce and practice the most rigid economy in conducting our public affairs, and that no more revenue ought to be raised than is required to defray the necessary expenses of the government, and for the gradual but certain extinction of the public debt.\n6. That Congress has no power to charter a national bank; that we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calculated to place the business of the country within the control of a concentrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people; and that the results of democratic legislation in this and all other financial measures upon which issues have been made between the two political parties of the country, have demonstrated, to candid and practical men of all parties, their soundness safety, and utility in all business pursuits.\n7. That the separation of the moneys of the government from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the government and the rights of the people.\n8. That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the constitution, which make ours the land of liberty and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the democratic faith; and every attempt to abridge the privilege of becoming citizens and the owners of the soil among us ought to be resisted with the same spirit that swept the alien and sedition laws from our statute-books.\n9. That Congress has no power under the constitution to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs not prohibited by the constitution; that all efforts of the abolitionists or others made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions.\nResolved, That the foregoing proposition covers, and was intended to embrace, the whole subject of slavery agitation in Congress; and therefore the democratic party of the Union, standing on this national platform, will abide by and adhere to a faithful execution of the acts known as the compromise measures settled by the last Congress—\"the act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor\" included; which act, being designed to carry out an express provision of the constitution, cannot, with fidelity thereto be repealed nor so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency.\nResolved, That the democratic party will resist all attempts at renewing, in congress or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made.\nResolved, That the proceeds of the public lands ought to be sacredly applied to the national object specified in the Constitution; and that we are opposed to any law for the distribution of such proceeds among the states as, alike inexpedient in policy and repugnant to the constitution.\nResolved, That we are decidedly opposed to taking from the President the qualified veto power, by which he is enabled, under restrictions and responsibilities amply sufficient to guard the public interests, to suspend the passage of a bill whose merits cannot secure the approval of two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, until the judgment of the people can be obtained thereon, and which has saved the American people from the corrupt and tyrannical domination of the Bank of the United States, and from a corrupting system of general internal improvements.\nResolved, That the democratic party will faithfully abide by and uphold the principles laid down in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia legislature in 1799; that it adopts those principles as constituting one of the main foundations of its political creed, and is resolved to carry them out in their obvious meaning and import.\nResolved, That the war with Mexico, upon all the principles of patriotism and the laws of nations was a just and necessary war on our part, in which every American citizen should have shown himself on the side of his country, and neither morally nor physically, by word or deed, have given \"aid and comfort to the enemy.\"\nResolved, That we rejoice at the restoration of friendly relations with our sister republic of Mexico, and earnestly desire for her all the blessings and prosperity which we enjoy under republican institutions; and we congratulate the American people on the results of that war, which have so manifestly justified the policy and conduct of the democratic party, and insured to the United States, \"indemnity for the past and security for the future.\"\nResolved, That, in view of the condition of popular institutions in the Old World, a high and sacred duty is devolved, with increased responsibility upon the democratic party of this country, as the party of the people, to uphold and maintain the rights of every State, and thereby the Union of the States, and to sustain and advance among us constitutional liberty, by continuing to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those principles and compromises of the constitution, which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was, the Union as it is, and the Union as it shall be, in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people.", "Words" -> 1367, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 156, "of" -> 93, "and" -> 83, "to" -> 53, "in" -> 24, "That" -> 20, "a" -> 15, "or" -> 14, "by" -> 13, "which" -> 12, "that" -> 12, "for" -> 12, "Resolved" -> 11, "people" -> 11, "government" -> 11, "be" -> 10, "as" -> 10, "all" -> 10, "we" -> 9, "is" -> 9, "from" -> 9, "constitution" -> 9, "with" -> 8, "their" -> 8, "our" -> 8, "it" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "democratic" -> 8, "Union" -> 7, "principles" -> 7, "party" -> 7, "every" -> 7, "country" -> 7, "will" -> 6, "upon" -> 6, "this" -> 6, "States" -> 6, "power" -> 6, "on" -> 6, "institutions" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "American" -> 6, "under" -> 5, "such" -> 5, "ought" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "general" -> 5, "Congress" -> 5, "an" -> 5, "public" -> 4, "popular" -> 4, "political" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "no" -> 4, "made" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "was" -> 3, "war" -> 3, "uphold" -> 3, "slavery" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "out" -> 3, "other" -> 3, "nor" -> 3, "national" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "internal" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "improvements" -> 3, "federal" -> 3, "dangerous" -> 3, "creed" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "at" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "whatever" -> 2, "Virginia" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "United" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "thereto" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "so" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "republican" -> 2, "proceeds" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "patriotism" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "necessary" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "legislation" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "its" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "inexpedient" -> 2, "great" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "enough" -> 2, "embrace" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "confer" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "calculated" -> 2, "business" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "been" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "agitation" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "abide" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "suffrages" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "statute-books" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "springing" -> 1, "specified" -> 1, "soundness" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "should" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "service" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "sedition" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "renewing" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "rejoice" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "rectitude" -> 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"limited" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "legislature" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "Kentucky" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "insured" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "indemnity" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "incipient" -> 1, "imposture" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "impair" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "fugitives" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "foregoing" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "federalism" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedient" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "entertaining" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distinctive" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devolved" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decidedly" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "credulity" -> 1, "covers" -> 1, "countenanced" -> 1, "corrupting" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "construed" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constituting" -> 1, "constituent" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "congress" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concord" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "conceives" -> 1, "compromises" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commence" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appertaining" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adopts" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abolitionists" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1799" -> 1, "1798" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1848", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1848, "Date" -> DateObject[{1848, 5, 22}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American people.\nResolved, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world as the great moral element in a form of government springing from and upheld by the popular will; and we contrast it with the creed and practice of Federalism, under whatever name or form, which seeks to palsy the will of the constituent, and which conceives no imposture too monstrous for the popular credulity.\nResolved, therefore, That, entertaining these views, the Democratic party of this Union, through their Delegates assembled in general convention of the States, coming together in a spirit of concord, of devotion to the doctrines and faith of a free representative government, and appealing to their fellow-citizens for the rectitude of their intentions, renew and reassert before the American people the declaration of principles avowed by them when, on a former occasion, in general convention, they presented their candidates for the popular suffrage.\n1. That the Federal Government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the Constitution; and the grants of power shown therein ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the Government; and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers.\n2. That the Constitution does not confer upon the General Government the power to commence and carry on a general system of internal improvements.\n3. That the Constitution does not confer authority upon the Federal Government, directly or indirectly, to assume the debts of the several States, contracted for local internal improvements, or other State purposes; nor would such assumption be just and expedient.\n4. That justice and sound policy forbid the Federal Government to foster one branch of industry to the detriment of another, or to cherish the interests of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country; that every citizen, and every section of the country, has a right to demand and insist upon an equality of rights and privileges, and to complete and ample protection of persons and property from domestic violence or foreign aggression.\n5. That it is the duty of every branch of the Government to enforce and practice the most rigid economy in conducting our public affairs, and that no more revenue ought to be raised than is required to defray the necessary expenses of the Government, and for the gradual but certain extinction of the debt created by the prosecution of a just and necessary war, after peaceful relations shall have been restored.\n6. That Congress has no power to charter a national bank; that we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calculated to place the business of the country within the control of a concentrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people; and that the results of Democratic legislation, in this and all other financial measures upon which issues have been made between the two political parties of the country, have demonstrated to candid and practical men of all parties, their soundness, safety, and utility in all business pursuits.\n7. That Congress has no power under the Constitution to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution; that all efforts of the Abolitionists or others made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanence of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our political institutions.\n8. That the separation of the moneys of the Government from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the Government and the rights of the people.\n9. That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty, and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith, and every attempt to abridge the present privilege of becoming citizens and the owners of soil among us, ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the alien and sedition laws from our statute book.\nResolved, That the proceeds of the public lands ought to be sacredly applied to the national object specified in the Constitution; and that we are opposed to any law for the distribution of such proceeds among the States, as alike inexpedient in policy and repugnant to the Constitution.\nResolved, That we are decidedly opposed to taking from the President the qualified veto power, by which he is enabled, under restrictions and responsibilities amply sufficient to guard the public interests, to suspend the passage of a bill whose merits cannot secure the approval of two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, until the judgment of the people can be obtained thereon, and which has saved the American people from the corrupt and tyrannical domination of the Bank of the United States, and from a corrupting system of general internal improvements.\nResolved, That the war with Mexico, provoked on her part by years of insult and injury, was commenced by her army crossing the Rio Grande, attacking the American troops, and invading our sister State of Texas; and that, upon all the principles of patriotism and laws of nations, it is a just and necessary war on our part, in which every American citizen should have shown himself on the side of his country, and neither morally nor physically, by word or by deed, have given \"aid and comfort to the enemy.\"\nResolved, That we would be rejoiced at the assurance of peace with Mexico founded on the just principles of indemnity for the past and security for the future; but that, while the ratification of the liberal treaty offered to Mexico remains in doubt, it is the duty of the country to sustain the administration in every measure necessary to provide for the vigorous prosecution of the war, should that treaty be rejected.\nResolved, That the officers and soldiers who have carried the arms of their country into Mexico, have crowned it with imperishable glory. Their unconquerable courage, their daring enterprise, their unfaltering perseverance and fortitude when assailed on all sides by innumerable foes, and that more formidable enemy, the diseases of the climate, exalt their devoted patriotism into the highest heroism, and give them a right to the profound gratitude of their country, and the admiration of the world.\nResolved, That the Democratic National Convention of the thirty States composing the American Republic, tender their fraternal congratulations to the National Convention of the Republic of France, now assembled as the free-suffrage representatives of the sovereignty of thirty-five millions of republicans, to establish government on those eternal principles of equal rights for which their Lafayette and our Washington fought side by side in the struggle for our own national independence; and we would especially convey to them, and to the whole people of France, our earnest wishes for the consolidation of their liberties, through the wisdom that shall guide their counsels, on the basis of a democratic constitution, not derived from grants or concessions of kings or parliaments, but originating from the only true source of political power recognized in the States of this Union, the inherent and inalienable right of the people, in their sovereign capacity, to make and to amend their forms of government in such manner as the welfare of the community may require.\nResolved, That in view of the recent development of the grand political truth, of the sovereignty of the people, and their capacity and power for self-government, which is prostrating thrones and erecting republics on the ruins of despotism in the Old World, we feel that a high and sacred duty is devolved, with increased responsibility, upon the Democratic party of this country, as the party of the people, to sustain and advance among us constitutional \"liberty, equality, and fraternity,\" by continuing to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those principles and compromises of the Constitution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was, the Union as it is, and the Union as it shall be, in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people.\nVoted, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded, through the American Minister at Paris, to the National Convention of the Republic of France.\nResolved, That the fruits of the great political triumph of 1844, which elected James K. Polk and George M. Dallas President and Vice-President of the United States, have fulfilled the hopes of the Democracy of the Union—in defeating the declared purposes of their opponents to create a national bank; in preventing the corrupt and unconstitutional distribution of the land proceeds, from the common treasury of the Union, for local purposes; in protecting the currency and the labor of the country from ruinous fluctuations, and guarding the money of the people for the use of the people, by the establishment of the constitutional treasury; in the noble impulse given to the cause of free trade, by the repeal of the tariff in 1842 and the creation of the more equal, honest, and productive tariff of 1846; and that, in our opinion, it would be a fatal error to weaken the bands of political organization by which these great reforms have been achieved, and risk them in the hands of their known adversaries, with whatever delusive appeals they may solicit our surrender of that vigilance, which is the only safeguard of liberty.\nResolved, That the confidence of the Democracy of the Union in the principles, capacity, firmness, and integrity of James K. Polk, manifested by his nomination and election in 1844, has been signally justified by the strictness of his adherence to sound Democratic doctrines, by the purity of purpose, the energy and ability which have characterized his administration in all our affairs at home and abroad; that we tender to him our cordial congratulations upon the brilliant success which has hitherto crowned his patriotic efforts, and assure him, that at the expiration of his Presidential term, he will carry with him to his retirement the esteem, respect, and admiration of a grateful country.\nResolved, That this Convention hereby present to the people of the United States, Lewis Cass, of Michigan, as the candidate of the Democratic party for the office of President, and William O. Butler, of Kentucky, as the candidate of the Democratic party for the office of Vice-President of the United States.", "Words" -> 1864, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 219, "of" -> 146, "and" -> 102, "to" -> 64, "in" -> 33, "That" -> 23, "by" -> 22, "their" -> 21, "a" -> 21, "that" -> 19, "for" -> 19, "which" -> 17, "people" -> 16, "our" -> 15, "Resolved" -> 13, "is" -> 12, "have" -> 12, "from" -> 12, "country" -> 12, "be" -> 12, "States" -> 11, "or" -> 11, "as" -> 11, "with" -> 10, "we" -> 10, "on" -> 10, "it" -> 10, "all" -> 10, "Government" -> 9, "Constitution" -> 9, "Union" -> 8, "principles" -> 8, "power" -> 8, "Democratic" -> 8, "American" -> 8, "upon" -> 7, "this" -> 7, "political" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "every" -> 7, "such" -> 6, "has" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "party" -> 5, "ought" -> 5, "not" -> 5, "been" -> 5, "at" -> 5, "would" -> 4, "will" -> 4, "war" -> 4, "United" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "no" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "national" -> 4, "Mexico" -> 4, "just" -> 4, "institutions" -> 4, 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-> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "Butler" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "brilliant" -> 1, "book" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bands" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attacking" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "assailed" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appertaining" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "Abolitionists" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1846" -> 1, "1842" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1844", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1844, "Date" -> DateObject[{1844, 5, 27}], "Text" -> "1. Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust, not in factitious symbols, not in displays and appeals insulting to the judgment and subversive of the intellect of the people, but in a clear reliance upon the intelligence, patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American masses.\nResolved, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of government springing from and upheld by the popular will; and we contrast it with the creed and practice of Federalism, under whatever name or form, which seeks to palsy the will of the constituent, and which conceives no imposture too monstrous for the popular credulity.\nResolved, therefore, That, entertaining these views, the Democratic party of this Union, through their delegates assembled in general convention of the States, coming together in a spirit of concord, of devotion to the doctrines and faith of a free representative government, and appealing to their fellow-citizens for the rectitude of their intentions, renew and reassert before the American people the declaration of principles avowed by them on a former occasion, when in general convention, they presented their candidates for the popular suffrages.\n1. That the Federal Government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the Constitution, and the grants of power shown therein ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government, and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers.\n2. That the Constitution does not confer upon the General Government the power to commence or carry on a general system of internal improvements.\n3. That the Constitution does not confer authority upon the Federal Government, directly or indirectly, to assume the debts of the several States, contracted for local internal improvements or other State purposes; nor would such assumption be just or expedient.\n4. That justice and sound policy forbid the Federal Government to foster one branch of industry to the detriment of another, or to cherish the interests of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country—that every citizen and every section of the country has a right to demand and insist upon an equality of rights and privileges, and to complete and ample protection of person and property from domestic violence or foreign aggression.\n5. That it is the duty of every branch of the government to enforce and practice the most rigid economy in conducting our public affairs, and that no more revenue ought to be raised than is required to defray the necessary expenses of the government.\n6. That Congress has no power to charter a United States Bank, that we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calculated to place the business of the country within the control of a concentrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people.\n7. That Congress has no power, under the Constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States; and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything pertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the Constitution; that all efforts, by abolitionists or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our Political Institutions.\n8. That the separation of the money of the government from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the government and the rights of the people.\n9. That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith; and every attempt to abridge the present privilege of becoming citizens, and the owners of soil among us, ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the alien and sedition laws from our statute book.\nResolved, That the proceeds of the Public Lands ought to be sacredly applied to the national objects specified in the Constitution, and that we are opposed to the laws lately adopted, and to any law for the Distribution of such proceeds among the States, as alike inexpedient in policy and repugnant to the Constitution.\nResolved, That we are decidedly opposed to taking from the President the qualified veto power by which he is enabled, under restrictions and responsibilities amply sufficient to guard the public interest, to suspend the passage of a bill, whose merits cannot secure the approval of two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, until the judgment of the people can be obtained thereon, and which has thrice saved the American People from the corrupt and tyrannical domination of the Bank of the United States.\nResolved, That our title to the whole of the Territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable; that no portion of the same ought to be ceded to England or any other power, and that the reoccupation of Oregon and the re-annexation of Texas at the earliest practicable period are great American measures, which this Convention recommends to the cordial support of the Democracy of the Union.", "Words" -> 937, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 111, "of" -> 68, "and" -> 50, "to" -> 46, "That" -> 15, "in" -> 14, "or" -> 11, "a" -> 11, "that" -> 9, "which" -> 8, "Constitution" -> 8, "by" -> 8, "be" -> 8, "States" -> 7, "power" -> 7, "people" -> 7, "our" -> 7, "is" -> 7, "government" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "we" -> 6, "their" -> 6, "Resolved" -> 6, "ought" -> 6, "not" -> 6, "for" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "such" -> 5, "no" -> 5, "every" -> 5, "American" -> 5, "with" -> 4, "upon" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "Government" -> 4, "will" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "portion" -> 3, "popular" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "dangerous" -> 3, "country" -> 3, "Congress" -> 3, "as" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "an" -> 3, "all" -> 3, "United" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "rights" -> 2, "public" -> 2, "proceeds" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "policy" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "other" -> 2, "Oregon" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "inexpedient" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "have" -> 2, "great" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "Democracy" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "confer" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "calculated" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "another" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unquestionable" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "thrice" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "them" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "Texas" -> 1, "Territory" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "symbols" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "suffrages" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "springing" -> 1, "specified" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "sedition" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "republican" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "reoccupation" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "rectitude" -> 1, "recommends" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "re-annexation" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "pertaining" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permanency" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "palsy" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "occasion" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "objects" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "masses" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "lately" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "intellect" -> 1, "insulting" -> 1, "Institutions" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "incipient" -> 1, "imposture" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "Federalism" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "factitious" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expedient" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "entertaining" -> 1, "England" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "Distribution" -> 1, "distinctive" -> 1, "displays" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decidedly" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "credulity" -> 1, "country—that" -> 1, "countenanced" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "cordial" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "construed" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constituent" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "concord" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "conceives" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commence" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "ceded" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "book" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "at" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abolitionists" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform of 1840", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1840, "Date" -> DateObject[{1840, 5, 6}], "Text" -> "1. Resolved, That the federal government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the constitution, and the grants of power shown therein, ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government, and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers.\n2. Resolved, That the constitution does not confer upon the general government the power to commence and carry on, a general system of internal improvements.\n3. Resolved, That the constitution does not confer authority upon the federal government, directly or indirectly, to assume the debts of the several states, contracted for local internal improvements, or other state purposes; nor would such assumption be just or expedient.\n4. Resolved, That justice and sound policy forbid the federal government to foster one branch of industry to the detriment of another, or to cherish the interests of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country—that every citizen and every section of the country, has a right to demand and insist upon an equality of rights and privileges, and to complete and ample protection of person and property from domestic violence, or foreign aggression.\n5. Resolved, That it is the duty of every branch of the government, to enforce and practice the most rigid economy, in conducting our public affairs, and that no more revenue ought to be raised, than is required to defray the necessary expenses of the government.\n6. Resolved, That congress has no power to charter a national bank; that we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calculated to place the business of the country within the control of a concentrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people.\n7. Resolved, That congress has no power, under the constitution, to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several states, and that such states are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs, not prohibited by the constitution; that all efforts by abolitionists or others, made to induce congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our political institutions.\n8. Resolved, That the separation of the moneys of the government from banking institutions, is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the government, and the rights of the people.\n9. Resolved, That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty, and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the democratic faith; and every attempt to abridge the present privilege of becoming citizens, and the owners of soil among us, ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the alien and sedition laws from our statute-book.", "Words" -> 535, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 61, "of" -> 38, "and" -> 31, "to" -> 29, "That" -> 9, "Resolved" -> 9, "government" -> 9, "or" -> 8, "that" -> 6, "constitution" -> 6, "power" -> 5, "our" -> 5, "is" -> 5, "in" -> 5, "every" -> 5, "by" -> 5, "be" -> 5, "such" -> 4, "people" -> 4, "ought" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "institutions" -> 4, "from" -> 4, "a" -> 4, "with" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "states" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "has" -> 3, "federal" -> 3, "dangerous" -> 3, "country" -> 3, "congress" -> 3, "an" -> 3, "all" -> 3, "which" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "rights" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "laws" -> 2, "it" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "have" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "for" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "confer" -> 2, "calculated" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "are" -> 2, "another" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "will" -> 1, "we" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "their" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "statute-book" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "sedition" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "republican" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permanency" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "on" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "moneys" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "inexpedient" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "incipient" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expedient" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "country—that" -> 1, "countenanced" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "construed" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commence" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "appertaining" -> 1, "any" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abolitionists" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "2012 Republican Party Platform", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 2012, "Date" -> DateObject[{2012, 8, 27}], "Text" -> "We Believe in America: 2012 REPUBLICAN PLATFORM\nThis platform is dedicated with appreciation and reverence for:\nPreamble\n\nThe 2012 Republican Platform is a statement of who we are and what we believe as a Party and our vision for a stronger and freer America.\nThe pursuit of opportunity has defined America from our very beginning. This is a land of opportunity. The American Dream is a dream of equal opportunity for all. And the Republican Party is the party of opportunity.\nToday, that American Dream is at risk.\nOur nation faces unprecedented uncertainty with great fiscal and economic challenges, and under the current Administration has suffered through the longest and most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression.\nMany Americans have experienced the burden of lost jobs, lost homes, and lost hopes. Our middle class has felt that burden most acutely. Meanwhile, the federal government has expanded its size and scope, its borrowing and spending, its debt and deficit. Federalism is threatened and liberty retreats.\nFor the world, this has been four years of lost American leadership, leadership that depends upon economic vitality and peace through strength.\nPut simply: The times call for trustworthy leadership and honest talk about the challenges we face. Our nation and our people cannot afford the status quo. We must begin anew, with profound changes in the way government operates; the way it budgets, taxes, and regulates. Jefferson's vision of a \"wise and frugal government\" must be restored.\nProvidence has put us at the fork in the road, and we must answer the question: If not us, who? If not now, when?\nThat is the choice facing the American people this November. Every voter will be asked to choose between the chronic high unemployment and the unsustainable debt produced by a big government entitlement society, or a positive, optimistic view of an opportunity society, where any American who works hard, dreams big and follows the rules can achieve anything he or she wants.\nThe American people possess vast reserves of courage and determination and the capacity to hear the truth and chart a strong course. They are eager for the opportunity to take on life's challenges and, through faith and hard work, transform the future for the better. They are the most generous people on earth, giving sacrificially of their time, talent, and treasure.\nThis platform affirms that America has always been a place of grand dreams and even grander realities; and so it will be again, if we return government to its proper role, making it smaller and smarter. If we restructure government's most important domestic programs to avoid their fiscal collapse. If we keep taxation, litigation, and regulation to a minimum. If we celebrate success, entrepreneurship, and innovation. If we lift up the middle class. If we hand over to the next generation a legacy of growth and prosperity, rather than entitlements and indebtedness.\nThat same commitment must be present both here at home and abroad. We are a party that knows the difference between international acclaim and world leadership. We will lift the torch of freedom and democracy to inspire all those who would be free. As President Reagan issued the clarion call to \"tear down this Wall,\" so must we always stand against tyranny and oppression. We will always support and cherish our men and women in uniform who defend our liberties with their lives.\nAs we embark upon this critical mission, we are not without guidance. We possess an owner's manual: the Constitution of the United States, the greatest political document ever written. That sacred document shows us the path forward. Trust the people. Limit government. Respect federalism. Guarantee opportunity, not outcomes. Adhere to the rule of law. Reaffirm that our rights come from God, are protected by government, and that the only just government is one that truly governs with the consent of the governed.\nThe principles written in the Constitution are secured by the character of the American people. President George Washington said in his first inaugural address: \"The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.\" Values matter. Character counts.\nMitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand these great truths. They share a positive vision for America — a vision of America renewed and strong. They know America's best days lay ahead. It will take honest results-oriented, conservative leadership to enact good policies for our people. They will provide it.\nWe respectfully submit this platform to the American people. It is both a vision of where we are headed and an invitation to join us in that journey. It is about the great dreams and opportunities that have always been America and must remain the essence of America for generations to come.\nMay God continue to shed his grace on the United States of America.\nGovernor Bob McDonnell, Chairman\nSenator John Hoeven, Co-Chair\nCongressman Marsha Blackburn, Co-Chair\n\nTable of Contents\n\n1\n9\n15\n21\n31\n39\n\nWe are the party of maximum economic freedom and the prosperity freedom makes possible. Prosperity is the product of self-discipline, work, savings, and investment by individual Americans, but it is not an end in itself. Prosperity provides the means by which individuals and families can maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values, practice their faith, and build communities of self-reliant neighbors. It is also the means by which the United States is able to assert global leadership. The vigor of our economy makes possible our military strength and is critical to our national security.\nThis year's election is a chance to restore the proven values of the American free enterprise system. We offer our Republican vision of a free people using their God-given talents, combined with hard work, self-reliance, ethical conduct, and the pursuit of opportunity, to achieve great things for themselves and the greater community. Our vision of an opportunity society stands in stark contrast to the current Administration's policies that expand entitlements and guarantees, create new public programs, and provide expensive government bailouts. That road has created a culture of dependency, bloated government, and massive debt.\nRepublicans believe in the Great American Dream, with its economics of inclusion, enabling everyone to have a chance to own, invest, build, and prosper. It is the opposite of the policies which, for the last three and a half years, have stifled growth, destroyed jobs, halted investment, created unprecedented uncertainty, and prolonged the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Those policies have placed the federal government in the driver's seat, rather than relying on energetic and entrepreneurial Americans to rebuild the economy from the ground up. Excessive taxation and regulation impede economic development. Lowering taxes promotes substantial economic growth and reducing regulation encourages business formation and job creation. Knowing that, a Republican President and Congress will jumpstart an economic renewal that creates opportunity, rewards work and saving, and unleashes the productive genius of the American people. Because the GOP is the Great Opportunity Party, this is our pledge to workers without jobs, families without savings, and neighborhoods without hope: together we can get our country back on track, expanding its bounty, renewing its faith, and fulfilling its promise of a better life.\nJob Creation: Getting Americans Back to Work\n\nThe best jobs program is economic growth. We do not offer yet another made-in-Washington package of subsidies and spending to create temporary or artificial jobs. We want much more than that. We want a roaring job market to match a roaring economy. Instead, what this Administration has given us is 42 consecutive months of unemployment above 8 percent, the longest period of high unemployment since the Great Depression. Republicans will pursue free market policies that are the surest way to boost employment and create job growth and economic prosperity for all.\nIn all the sections that follow, as well as elsewhere in this platform, we explain what must be done to achieve that goal. The tax system must be simplified. Government spending and regulation must be reined in. American companies must be more competitive in the world market, and we must be aggressive in promoting U.S. products abroad and securing open markets for them. A federal-State-private partnership must invest in the nation's infrastructure: roads, bridges, airports, ports, and water systems, among others. Federal training programs have to be overhauled and made relevant for the workplace of the twenty-first century. Potential employers need certainty and predictability for their hiring decisions, and the team of a Republican President and Congress will create the confidence that will get Americans back to work.\nSmall Business and Entrepreneurship\n\nAmerica's small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy, employing tens of millions of workers. Small businesses create the vast majority of jobs, patents, and U.S. exporters. Under the current Administration, we have the lowest rate of business startups in thirty years. Small businesses are the leaders in the world's advances in technology and innovation, and we pledge to strengthen that role and foster small business entrepreneurship.\nWhile small businesses have significantly contributed to the nation's economic growth, our government has failed to meet its small business goals year after year and failed to overcome burdensome regulatory, contracting, and capital barriers. This impedes their growth.\nWe will reform the tax code to allow businesses to generate enough capital to grow and create jobs for our families, friends and neighbors all across America. We will encourage investments in small businesses. We will create an environment where adequate financing and credit are available to spur manufacturing and expansion. We will serve as aggressive advocates for small businesses.\nTax Relief to Grow the Economy and Create Jobs\n\nTaxes, by their very nature, reduce a citizen's freedom. Their proper role in a free society should be to fund services that are essential and authorized by the Constitution, such as national security, and the care of those who cannot care for themselves. We reject the use of taxation to redistribute income, fund unnecessary or ineffective programs, or foster the crony capitalism that corrupts both politicians and corporations.\nOur goal is a tax system that is simple, transparent, flatter, and fair. In contrast, the current IRS code is like a patchwork quilt, stitched together over time from mismatched pieces, and is beyond the comprehension of the average citizen. A reformed code should promote simplicity and coherence, savings and innovation, increase American competitiveness, and recognize the burdens on families with children. To that end, we propose to:\n\nExtend the 2001 and 2003 tax relief packages—commonly known as the Bush tax cuts—pending reform of the tax code, to keep tax rates from rising on income, interest, dividends, and capital gains;\nReform the tax code by reducing marginal tax rates by 20 percent across-the-board in a revenue-neutral manner;\nEliminate the taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains altogether for lower and middle-income taxpayers;\nEnd the Death Tax; and\nRepeal the Alternative Minimum Tax.\n\nAmerican Competitiveness in a Global Economy\nAmerican businesses now face the world's highest corporate tax rate. It reduces their worldwide competitiveness, encourages corporations to move overseas, lessens investment, cripples job creation, lowers U.S. wages, and fosters the avoidance of tax liability—without actually increasing tax revenues. To level the international playing field, and to spur job creation here at home, we call for a reduction of the corporate rate to keep U.S. corporations competitive internationally, with a permanent research and development tax credit, and a repeal of the corporate alternative minimum tax. We also support the recommendation of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, as well as the current President's Export Council, to switch to a territorial system of corporate taxation, so that profits earned and taxed abroad may be repatriated for job-creating investment here at home without additional penalty.\nFundamental Tax Principles\n\nWe oppose retroactive taxation; and we condemn attempts by activist judges, at any level of government, to seize the power of the purse by ordering higher taxes. We oppose tax policies that divide Americans or promote class warfare.\nBecause of the vital role of religious organizations, charities, and fraternal benevolent societies in fostering benevolence and patriotism, they should not be subject to taxation, and donations to them should continue to be tax deductible.\nIn any restructuring of federal taxation, to guard against hypertaxation of the American people, any value added tax or national sales tax must be tied to the simultaneous repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, which established the federal income tax.\nReining in Out-of-Control Spending, Balancing the Budget, and Ensuring Sound Monetary Policy\n\nThe massive federal government is structurally and financially broken. For decades it has been pushed beyond its core functions, increasing spending to unsustainable levels. Elected officials have overpromised and overspent, and now the bills are due. Unless we take dramatic action now, young Americans and their children will inherit an unprecedented legacy of enormous and unsustainable debt, with the interest alone consuming an ever-increasing portion of the country's wealth. The specter of national bankruptcy that now hangs over much of Europe is a warning to us as well. Over the last three and a half years, while cutting the defense budget, the current Administration has added an additional $5.3 trillion to the national debt—now approximately $16 trillion, the largest amount in U.S. history. In fiscal year 2011, spending reached $3.6 trillion, nearly a quarter of our gross domestic product. Adjusted for inflation, that's more than three times its peak level in World War II, and almost half of every dollar spent was borrowed money. Three programs—Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security—account for over 40 percent of total spending. While these levels of spending and debt are already harming job creation and growth, projections of future spending growth are nothing short of catastrophic, both economically and socially. And those dire projections do not include the fiscal nightmare of Obamacare, with over $1 trillion in new taxes, multiple mandates, and a crushing price tag.\nWe can preempt the debt explosion. Backed by a Republican Senate and House, our next President will propose immediate reductions in federal spending, as a down payment on the much larger task of long-range fiscal control. We suggest a tripartite test for every federal activity. First, is it within the constitutional scope of the federal government? Second, is it effective and absolutely necessary? And third, is it sufficiently important to justify borrowing, especially foreign borrowing, to fund it? Against those standards we will measure programs from international population control to California's federally subsidized high-speed train to nowhere, and terminate programs that don't measure up.\nBalancing the Budget\nCutting spending is not enough; it must be accompanied by major structural reforms, increased productivity, use of technology, and long-term government downsizing that both reduce debt and deficits and ignite economic growth. We must restructure the twentieth century entitlement state so the missions of important programs can succeed in the twenty-first century. Medicare, in particular, is the largest driver of future debt. Our reform of healthcare will empower millions of seniors to control their personal healthcare decisions, unlike Obamacare that empowered a handful of bureaucrats to cut Medicare in ways that will deny care for the elderly.\nWe must also change the budget process itself. From its beginning, its design has enabled, rather than restrained, reckless spending by giving procedural cover to Members of Congress. The budget process gave us the insidious term \"tax expenditure,\" which means that any earnings the government allows a taxpayer to keep through a deduction, exemption, or credit are equivalent to spending the same amount on some program. It also lumped a broad range of diverse programs under the heading of \"entitlement,\" as if veterans' benefits and welfare checks belong in the same category. Far worse, the process assumes every spending program will be permanent and every tax cut will be temporary. It refuses to recognize the beneficial budgetary impact of lower tax rates, and it calls a spending increase a cut if it is less than the rate of inflation.\nRepublican Members of Congress have repeatedly tried to reform the budget process to make it more transparent and accountable, in particular by voting for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, following the lead of 33 States which have put that restraint into their own constitutions. We call for a Constitutional amendment requiring a super-majority for any tax increase, with exceptions for only war and national emergencies, and imposing a cap limiting spending to the historical average percentage of GDP so that future Congresses cannot balance the budget by raising taxes.\nInflation and the Federal Reserve\n\nA sound monetary policy is critical for maintaining a strong economy. Inflation diminishes the purchasing power of the dollar at home and abroad and is a hidden tax on the American people. Moreover, the inflation tax is regressive, punishes those who save, transfers wealth from Main Street to Wall Street, and has grave implications for seniors living on fixed incomes.\nBecause the Federal Reserve's monetary policy actions affect both inflation and economic activity, those actions should be transparent. Moreover, the Fed's important role as a lender of last resort should also be carried out in a more transparent manner. A free society demands that the sun shine on all elements of government. Therefore, the Republican Party will work to advance substantive legislation that brings transparency and accountability to the Federal Reserve, the Federal Open Market Committee, and the Fed's dealings with foreign central banks. The first step to increasing transparency and accountability is through an annual audit of the Federal Reserve's activities. Such an audit would need to be carefully implemented so that the Federal Reserve remains insulated from political pressures and so its decisions are based on sound economic principles and sound money rather than on political pressures for easy money and loose credit.\nDetermined to crush the double-digit inflation that was part of the Carter Administration's economic legacy, President Reagan, shortly after his inauguration, established a commission to consider the feasibility of a metallic basis for U.S. currency. The commission advised against such a move. Now, three decades later, as we face the task of cleaning up the wreckage of the current Administration's policies, we propose a similar commission to investigate possible ways to set a fixed value for the dollar.\nEnding the Housing Crisis and Expanding Opportunities for Homeownership\n\nHomeownership expands personal liberty, builds communities, and helps Americans create wealth. \"The American Dream\" is not a stale slogan. It is the lived reality that expresses the aspirations of all our people. It means a decent place to live, a safe place to raise kids, a welcoming place to retire. It bespeaks the quiet pride of those who work hard to shelter their family and, in the process, create caring neighborhoods. Homeownership is best fostered by a growing economy with low interest rates, as well as prudent regulation, financial education, and targeted assistance to responsible borrowers.\nThe collapse of the housing market over the last four years has been not only a severe blow to the entire economy, but also a personal tragedy to millions of Americans whose homes have lost value and to so many others who have lost their homes. Combined with high unemployment, that decline has left countless homeowners saddled with mortgages exceeding the value of their homes. The response of the current Administration has done little to improve, and much to worsen, the situation. By discouraging private sector investment, it has stalled the housing recovery. Its massive intervention in the housing market, with the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac backing nearly all new mortgages, has hit the taxpayers with a bill for almost $200 billion to bail out the latter two institutions. It has spent billions more on poorly designed and ineffective housing assistance programs. Making matters worse, the Congress, under Democrat control, enacted the Dodd-Frank Act, a massive labyrinth of costly new regulations that deter lenders from lending to creditworthy homebuyers and that disproportionately harms small and community banks. As a result, home sales remain weak, investment in housing remains depressed, construction industry jobs remain down, and mortgage lending has yet to recover to pre-crisis levels.\nRebuilding Homeownership\n\nWe must establish a mortgage finance system based on competition and free enterprise that is transparent, encourages the private sector to return to housing, and promotes personal responsibility on the part of borrowers. Policies that promote reliance on private capital, like private mortgage insurance, will be critical to scaling back the federal role in the housing market and avoiding future taxpayer bailouts. Reforms should provide clear and prudent underwriting standards and guidelines on acceptable lending practices. Compliance with regulatory standards should provide a legal safe harbor to guard against opportunistic litigation. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were a primary cause of the housing crisis because their implicit government guarantee allowed them to avoid market discipline and make risky investments. Their favored political status enriched their politicallyconnected executives and their shareholders at the expense of the nation. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be wound down in size and scope, and their officials should be held to account.\nThe FHA, tripled in size to more than $1 trillion under the current Administration, has crowded out the private sector and is at risk of requiring a taxpayer bailout. It must be downsized and limited to helping first-time homebuyers and lowand moderateincome borrowers. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to bail out borrowers and lenders by funding principal write-downs. While the federal government must prosecute mortgage fraud and other financial crimes, any settlements received thereby should be directed to individuals harmed by the misconduct, not diverted to pay for unrelated programs.\nFDIC insurance for bank depositors must be preserved. However, to correct for the moral hazard created by deposit insurance, banks should be well capitalized, which is the best insurance against future taxpayer bailouts.\nThe federal government has a role in housing by enforcing non-discrimination laws and assisting lowincome families and the elderly with safe and adequate shelter, especially through the use of housing vouchers. Homeownership is an important goal, but public policy must be balanced to reflect the needs of Americans who choose to rent. A comprehensive housing policy should address the demand for apartments and multi-family housing. Any assistance should be subject to stringent oversight to ensure that funds are spent wisely.\nInfrastructure: Building the Future\n\nAmerica's infrastructure networks are critical for economic growth, international competitiveness, and national security. Infrastructure programs have traditionally been non-partisan; everyone recognized that we all need clean water and safe roads, rail, bridges, ports, and airports. The current Administration has changed that, replacing civil engineering with social engineering as it pursues an exclusively urban vision of dense housing and government transit. In the vaunted stimulus package, less than six percent of the funds went to transportation, with most of that to cosmetic \"shovel-ready\" projects rather than fundamental structural improvements. All the while, the Democrats' Davis-Bacon law continues to drive up infrastructure construction and maintenance costs for the benefit of that party's union stalwarts.\nWhat most Americans take for granted—the safety and availability of our water supply—is in perilous condition. Engineering surveys report crumbling drinking water systems, aging dams, and overwhelmed wastewater infrastructure. Investment in these areas, as well as with levees and inland waterways, can renew communities, attract businesses, and create jobs. Most importantly, it can assure the health and safety of the American people.\nThe nation's ports have become a bottleneck in international trade. America's exporters sometimes use Canadian ports in order to reach the world market in a timely manner. With the widening of the Panama Canal, our East Coast and Gulf ports have an extraordinary opportunity to boost container traffic but require major improvement to remain competitive receivers of large vessels.\nInterstate infrastructure has long been a federal responsibility shared with the States, and a renewed federal-State partnership and new public-private partnerships are urgently needed to maintain and modernize our country's travel lifelines to facilitate economic growth and job creation. In the last two years, Congressional Republicans have taken the lead with initiatives like the FAA Modernization and Reform Act; the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act; and the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act. The recent highway bill reforming the federal highway program included some key reforms. It will shorten the project approval process, eliminate unnecessary programs, and give States more flexibility to address their particular needs. It is a return to the principles of federalism, and it contains not a single earmark. It should be followed by reform of the 42-year old National Environmental Policy Act to create regulatory certainty for infrastructure projects, expedite their timetables, and limit litigation against them.\nSecuring sufficient funding for the Highway Trust Fund remains a challenge given the debt and deficits and the need to reduce spending. Republicans will make hard choices and set priorities, and infrastructure will be among them. In some States with elected officials dominated by the Democratic Party, a proportion of highway funds is diverted to other purposes. This must stop. We oppose any funding mechanism that would involve governmental monitoring of every car and truck in the nation.\nAmtrak continues to be, for the taxpayers, an extremely expensive railroad. The public has to subsidize every ticket nearly $50. It is long past time for the federal government to get out of way and allow private ventures to provide passenger service to the northeast corridor. The same holds true with regard to high-speed and intercity rail across the country.\nInternational Trade: More American Jobs, Higher Wages, and A Better Standard of Living\n\nInternational trade is crucial for our economy. It means more American jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living. Every $1 billion in additional U.S. exports means another 5,000 jobs here at home. The Free Trade Agreements negotiated with friendly democracies since President Reagan's trailblazing pact with Israel in 1985 facilitated the creation of nearly ten million jobs supported by our exports. That record makes all the more deplorable the current Administration's slowness in completing agreements begun by its predecessor and its failure to pursue any new trade agreements with friendly nations.\nThis worldwide explosion of trade has had a downside, however, as some governments have used a variety of unfair means to limit American access to their markets while stealing our designs, patents, brands, know-how, and technology—the \"intellectual property\" that drives innovation. The chief offender is China, which has built up its economy in part by piggybacking onto Western technological advances, manipulates its currency to the disadvantage of American exporters, excludes American products from government purchases, subsidizes Chinese companies to give them a commercial advantage, and invents regulations and standards designed to keep out foreign competition. The current Administration's way of dealing with all these violations of world trade standards has been a virtual surrender.\nRepublicans understand that you can succeed in a negotiation only if you are willing to walk away from it. Thus, a Republican President will insist on full parity in trade with China and stand ready to impose countervailing duties if China fails to amend its currency policies. Commercial discrimination will be met in kind. Counterfeit goods will be aggressively kept out of the country. Victimized private firms will be encouraged to raise claims in both U.S. courts and at the World Trade Organization. Punitive measures will be imposed on foreign firms that misappropriate American technology and intellectual property. Until China abides by the WTO's Government Procurement Agreement, the United States government will end procurement of Chinese goods and services.\nBecause American workers have shown that, on a truly level playing field, they can surpass the competition in international trade, we call for the restoration of presidential Trade Promotion Authority. It will ensure up or down votes in Congress on any new trade agreements, without meddling by special interests. A Republican President will complete negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership to open rapidly developing Asian markets to U.S. products. Beyond that, we envision a worldwide multilateral agreement among nations committed to the principles of open markets, what has been called a \"Reagan Economic Zone,\" in which free trade will truly be fair trade for all concerned.\nA Twenty-First Century Workforce\nThe greatest asset of the American economy is the hard-working American. The high rates of unemployment over the last three and a half years—disastrously high among youth, minorities, and veterans—have thus been a tragic waste of energy and ideas, compounded by the waste of billions in \"stimulus\" funds with no payoff in jobs. The chief cause has been an unprecedented uncertainty in the American free enterprise system due to the overreaching policies of the current Administration. Nothing matters more than getting the American people back to work. In addition to cutting spending, keeping taxes low, and curtailing bureaucratic red tape, we must replace outdated policies and ineffectual training programs with a plan to develop a twenty-first century workforce to make the most of our country's human capital.\nIt is critical that the United States has a highly trained and skilled workforce. Nine federal agencies currently run 47 retraining programs at a total cost of $18 billion annually with dismal results. Both the trainees in those programs and the taxpayers who fund them deserve better. We propose consolidation of those programs into State block grants so that training can be coordinated with local schools and employers. That will be critically important if States establish Personal Reemployment Accounts, letting trainees direct resources in ways that will steer them toward long-term employment, especially through on-thejob training with participating employers.\nWe can accelerate the process of restoring our domestic economy—and reclaiming this country's traditional position of dominance in international trade—by a policy of strategic immigration, granting more work visas to holders of advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math from other nations. Highly educated immigrants can assist in creating new services and products. In the same way, foreign students who graduate from an American university with an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering or math should be encouraged to remain here and contribute to economic prosperity and job creation. Highly skilled, Englishspeaking, and integrated into their communities, they are too valuable a resource to lose. As in past generations, we should encourage the world's innovators and inventors to create our common future and their permanent homes here in the United States.\nRepublicans believe that the employer-employee relationship of the future will be built upon employee empowerment and workplace flexibility, which is why Republicans support employee ownership. We believe employee stock ownership plans create capitalists and expand the ownership of private property and are therefore the essence of a high-performing free enterprise economy, which creates opportunity for those who work and honors those values that have made our nation so strong. Today's workforce is independent, wants flexibility in working conditions, needs family-friendly options, and is most productive when allowed to innovate and rethink the status quo. The federal government should set an example in making those adaptations, especially in promoting portability in pension plans and health insurance.\nFreedom in the Workplace\n\nThe current Administration has chosen a different path with regard to labor, clinging to antiquated notions of confrontation and concentrating power in the Washington offices of union elites. It has strongly supported the anti-business card check legislation to deny workers a secret ballot in union organizing campaigns and, through the use of Project Labor Agreements, barred 80 percent of the construction workforce from competing for jobs in many stimulus projects. The current Administration has turned the National Labor Relations Board into a partisan advocate for Big Labor, using threats and coercion outside the law to attack businesses and, through \"snap elections\" and \"micro unions,\" limit the rights of workers and employers alike.\nWe will restore the rule of law to labor law by blocking \"card check,\" enacting the Secret Ballot Protection Act, enforcing the Hobbs Act against labor violence, and passing the Raise Act to allow all workers to receive well-earned raises without the approval of their union representative. We demand an end to the Project Labor Agreements; and we call for repeal of the Davis-Bacon Act, which costs the taxpayers billions of dollars annually in artificially high wages on government projects. We support the right of States to enact Right-to-Work laws and encourage them to do so to promote greater economic liberty. Ultimately, we support the enactment of a National Right-to-Work law to promote worker freedom and to promote greater economic liberty. We will aggressively enforce the recent decision by the Supreme Court barring the use of union dues for political purposes without the consent of the worker.\nWe salute the Republican Governors and State legislators who have saved their States from fiscal disaster by reforming their laws governing public employee unions. We urge elected officials across the country to follow their lead in order to avoid State and local defaults on their obligations and the collapse of services to the public. To safeguard the free choice of public employees, no government at any level should act as the dues collector for unions. A Republican President will protect the rights of conscience of public employees by proposing legislation to bar mandatory dues for political purposes.\n\nWe are the party of the Constitution, the solemn compact which confirms our God-given individual rights and assures that all Americans stand equal before the law. Perhaps the greatest political document ever written, it defines the purposes and limits of government and is the blueprint for ordered liberty that makes the U.S. the world's freest, most stable, and most prosperous nation. Its Constitutional ideals have been emulated around the world, and with them has come unprecedented prosperity for billions of people.\nIn the spirit of the Constitution, we consider discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin unacceptable and immoral. We will strongly enforce antidiscrimination statutes and ask all to join us in rejecting the forces of hatred and bigotry and in denouncing all who practice or promote racism, anti- Semitism, ethnic prejudice, or religious intolerance. We support efforts to help low-income individuals get a fair chance based on their potential and individual merit; but we reject preferences, quotas, and set-asides as the best or sole methods through which fairness can be achieved, whether in government, education, or corporate boardrooms. In a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given, inalienable, inherent rights of its citizens, including the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Merit, ability, aptitude, and results should be the factors that determine advancement in our society.\nThe Republican Party includes Americans from every faith and tradition, and our policies and positions respect the right of every American to follow his or her beliefs and underscore our reverence for the religious freedom envisioned by the Founding Fathers of our nation and of our party. As a matter of principle, we oppose the creation of any new race-based governments within the United States.\nA Restoration of Constitutional Order: Congress and the Executive\nWe salute Republican Members of the House of Representatives for enshrining in the Rules of the House the requirement that every bill must cite the provision of the Constitution which permits its introduction. Their adherence to the Constitution stands in stark contrast to the antipathy toward the Constitution demonstrated by the current Administration and its Senate allies by appointing \"czars\" to evade the confirmation process, making unlawful \"recess\" appointments when the Senate is not in recess, using executive orders to bypass the separation of powers and its checks and balances, encouraging illegal actions by regulatory agencies from the NLRB to the EPA, openly and notoriously displaying contempt for Congress, the Judiciary, and the Constitutional prerogatives of the individual States, refusing to defend the nation's laws in federal courts or enforce them on the streets, ignoring the legal requirement for legislative enactment of an annual budget, gutting welfare reform by unilaterally removing its statutory work requirement, buying senatorial votes with special favors, and evading the legal requirement for congressional consultation regarding troop commitments overseas. A Republican President and Republican Senate will join House Republicans in living by the rule of law, the foundation of the American Republic.\nProtecting America is the first and most important duty of our federal government. The Constitution wisely distributes important roles in the area of national security to both the President and Congress. It empowers the President to serve as Commander in Chief, making him the lead instrument of the American people in matters of national security and foreign affairs. It also bestows authority on Congress, including the powers to declare war, regulate commerce, and authorize the funds needed to keep and protect our Nation. The United States of America is strongest when the President and Congress work closely together—in war and in peace—to advance our common interests and ideals. By uniting our government and our citizens, our foreign policy will secure freedom, keep America safe, and ensure that we remain the \"last best hope on Earth.\"\nDefending Marriage Against An Activist Judiciary\nA serious threat to our country's constitutional order, perhaps even more dangerous than presidential malfeasance, is an activist judiciary, in which some judges usurp the powers reserved to other branches of government. A blatant example has been the court-ordered redefinition of marriage in several States. This is more than a matter of warring legal concepts and ideals. It is an assault on the foundations of our society, challenging the institution which, for thousands of years in virtually every civilization, has been entrusted with the rearing of children and the transmission of cultural values.\nA Sacred Contract: Defense of Marriage\nThat is why Congressional Republicans took the lead in enacting the Defense of Marriage Act, affirming the right of States and the federal government not to recognize same-sex relationships licensed in other jurisdictions. The current Administration's open defiance of this constitutional principle—in its handling of immigration cases, in federal personnel benefits, in allowing a same-sex marriage at a military base, and in refusing to defend DOMA in the courts—makes a mockery of the President's inaugural oath. We commend the United States House of Representatives and State Attorneys General who have defended these laws when they have been attacked in the courts. We reaffirm our support for a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. We applaud the citizens of the majority of States which have enshrined in their constitutions the traditional concept of marriage, and we support the campaigns underway in several other States to do so.\nLiving Within Our Means: A Constitutional Budget\nRepublican Members of Congress have repeatedly tried to reform the budget process to make it more transparent and accountable, in particular by voting for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, following the lead of 33 States which have put that restraint into their own constitutions. We call for a Constitutional amendment requiring a super-majority for any tax increase with exceptions for only war and national emergencies, and imposing a cap limiting spending to the historical average percentage of GDP so that future Congresses cannot balance the budget by raising taxes.\nFederalism and The Tenth Amendment\n\nWe support the review and examination of all federal agencies to eliminate wasteful spending, operational inefficiencies, or abuse of power to determine whether they are performing functions that are better performed by the States. These functions, as appropriate, should be returned to the States in accordance with the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. We affirm that all legislation, rules, and regulations must conform and public servants must adhere to the U.S. Constitution, as originally intended by the Framers. Whether such legislation is a State or federal matter must be determined in accordance with the Tenth Amendment, in conjunction with Article I, Section 8.\nWhen the Constitution is evaded, transgressed, or ignored, so are the freedoms it guarantees. In that context, the elections of 2012 will be much more than a contest between parties. They are a referendum on the future of liberty in America.\nThe Republican Party, born in opposition to the denial of liberty, stands for the rights of individuals, families, faith communities, institutions — and of the States which are their instruments of selfgovernment. In establishing a federal system of government, the Framers viewed the States as laboratories of democracy and centers of innovation, as do we. To maintain the integrity of their system, they bequeathed to successive generations an instrument by which we might correct any misalignment of power between our States and the federal government, the Tenth Amendment:\nIn fidelity to that principle, we condemn the current Administration's continued assaults on State governments in matters ranging from voter ID laws to immigration, from healthcare programs to land use decisions. Our States are the laboratories of democracy from which the people propel our nation forward, solving local and State problems through local and State innovations. We pledge to restore the proper balance between the federal government and the governments closest to, and most reflective of, the American people. Scores of entrenched federal programs violate the constitutional mandates of federalism by taking money from the States, laundering it through various federal agencies, only to return to the States shrunken grants with mandates attached. We propose wherever feasible to leave resources where they originate: in the homes and neighborhoods of the taxpayers. We call on the federal government to do a systematic analysis of laws and regulations to eliminate costly bureaucratic mandates on the States and the people.\nWith every right comes a responsibility. A few States and their political subdivisions are currently in dire fiscal situations, largely because of their spending, debt, and failure to rein in public employee unions. In the event those conditions worsen, the federal government must not assume the State governments' or their political subdivisions' financial responsibility or require the nation's taxpayers to pay for the misrule of a few State governments. Nor shall the States assume the federal government's financial responsibility.\nThe Continuing Importance of Protecting the Electoral College\nWe oppose the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact or any other scheme to abolish or distort the procedures of the Electoral College. We recognize that an unconstitutional effort to impose \"national popular vote\" would be a mortal threat to our federal system and a guarantee of corruption as every ballot box in every state would become a chance to steal the presidency.\nVoter Integrity to Ensure Honest Elections\n\nHonest elections are the foundation of representative government. We support State efforts to ensure ballot access for the elderly, the handicapped, military personnel, and all authorized voters. For the same reason, we applaud legislation to require photo identification for voting and to prevent election fraud, particularly with regard to registration and absentee ballots. We support State laws that require proof of citizenship at the time of voter registration to protect our electoral system against a significant and growing form of voter fraud. Every time that a fraudulent vote is cast, it effectively cancels out a vote of a legitimate voter.\nVoter fraud is political poison. It strikes at the heart of representative government. We call on every citizen, elected official, and member of the judiciary to preserve the integrity of the vote. We call for vigorous prosecution of voter fraud at the State and federal level. To do less disenfranchises present and future generations. We recognize that having a physical verification of the vote is the best way to ensure a fair election. \"Let ambition counter ambition,\" as James Madison said. When all parties have representatives observing the counting of ballots in a transparent process, integrity is assured. We strongly support the policy that all electronic voting systems have a voter verified paper audit trail.\nStates or political subdivisions that use all-mail elections cannot ensure the integrity of the ballot. When ballots are mailed to every registered voter, ballots can be stolen or fraudulently voted by unauthorized individuals because the system does not have a way to verify the identity of the voter. We call for States and political subdivisions to adopt voting systems that can verify the identity of the voter.\nMilitary men and women must not be disenfranchised from the very freedom they defend. We affirm that our troops, wherever stationed, be allowed to vote and those votes be counted in the November election and in all elections. To that end, the entire chain of command, from President and the Secretary of Defense, to base and unit commanders—must ensure the timely receipt and return of all ballots and the utilization of electronic delivery of ballots where allowed by State law.\nWe support changing the way that the decennial census is conducted, so that citizens are distinguished from lawfully present aliens and illegal aliens. In order to preserve the principle of one-person, onevote, the apportionment of representatives among the States should be according to the number of citizens.\nThe First Amendment: The Foresight of Our Founders to Protect Religious Freedom\nThe first provision of the First Amendment concerns freedom of religion. That guarantee reflected Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which declared that no one should \"suffer on account of his religious opinion or belief, but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion….\" That assurance has never been more needed than it is today, as liberal elites try to drive religious beliefs—and religious believers—out of the public square. The Founders of the American Republic universally agree that democracy presupposes a moral people and that, in the words of George Washington's Farewell Address, \"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.\"\nWe pledge to respect the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and to safeguard the independence of their institutions from government. We support the public display of the Ten Commandments as a reflection of our history and of our country's Judeo-Christian heritage, and we affirm the right of students to engage in prayer at public school events in public schools and to have equal access to public schools and other public facilities to accommodate religious freedom in the public square. We assert every citizen's right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious symbols, or submitting to government-imposed hiring practices. We oppose government discrimination against businesses due to religious views. We support the First Amendment right of freedom of association of the Boy Scouts of America and other service organizations whose values are under assault and condemn the State blacklisting of religious groups which decline to arrange adoptions by same-sex couples. We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.\nThe First Amendment: Speech that is Protected\nThe Second Amendment: Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms\nThe Fourth Amendment: Liberty and Privacy\nAffirming \"the right of the people to be secure in their houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,\" we support pending legislation to prevent unwarranted or unreasonable governmental intrusion through the use of aerial surveillance or flyovers on U.S. soil, with the exception of patrolling our national borders. All security measures and police actions should be viewed through the lens of the Fourth Amendment; for if we trade liberty for security, we shall have neither.\nThe Fifth Amendment: Protecting Private Property\nThe Ninth Amendment: Affirming the People's Rights\nThis speaks most eloquently for itself: \"The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.\" This provision codifies the concept that our government derives its power from the people and all powers not delegated to the government are retained by the people. This is an essential feature of our governmental system, and we therefore celebrate the grassroots rediscovery of this and other constitutional guarantees over the last four years and welcome to our ranks all our fellow citizens who are determined to reclaim the rights of the people that have been ignored or violated by government.\nThe Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life\n\nFaithful to the \"self-evident\" truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or fund organizations which perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. We oppose the nonconsensual withholding or withdrawal of care or treatment, including food and water, from people with disabilities, including newborns, as well as the elderly and infirm, just as we oppose active and passive euthanasia and assisted suicide.\nRepublican leadership has led the effort to prohibit the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion and permitted States to extend health care coverage to children before birth. We urge Congress to strengthen the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by enacting appropriate civil and criminal penalties on healthcare providers who fail to provide treatment and care to an infant who survives an abortion, including early induction delivery where the death of the infant is intended. We call for legislation to ban sex-selective abortions—gender discrimination in its most lethal form—and to protect from abortion unborn children who are capable of feeling pain; and we applaud U.S. House Republicans for leading the effort to protect the lives of pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia. We call for a ban on the use of body parts from aborted fetuses for research. We support and applaud adult stem cell research to develop lifesaving therapies, and we oppose the killing of embryos for their stem cells. We oppose federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.\nWe also salute the many States that have passed laws for informed consent, mandatory waiting periods prior to an abortion, and health-protective clinic regulation. We seek to protect young girls from exploitation through a parental consent requirement; and we affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women challenged by an unplanned pregnancy. We salute those who provide them with counseling and adoption alternatives and empower them to choose life, and we take comfort in the tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed Republican legislative initiatives.\nRespect for Our Flag: Symbol of the Constitution\nThe symbol of our constitutional unity, to which we all pledge allegiance, is the flag of the United States of America. By whatever legislative method is most feasible, Old Glory should be given legal protection against desecration. We condemn decisions by activist judges to deny children the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety, including \"Under God,\" in public schools and encourage States to promote the pledge. We condemn the actions of those who deny our children the means by which to show respect for our great country and the constitutional principles represented by our flag.\nAmerican Sovereignty in U.S. Courts\n\nSubjecting American citizens to foreign laws is inimical to the spirit of the Constitution. It is one reason we oppose U.S. participation in the International Criminal Court. There must be no use of foreign law by U.S. courts in interpreting our Constitution and laws. Nor should foreign sources of law be used in State courts' adjudication of criminal or civil matters.\nThe Lacey Act of 1900, designed to protect endangered wildlife in interstate commerce, is now applied worldwide, making it a crime to use, in our domestic industries, any product illegally obtained in the country of origin, whether or not the user had anything to do with its harvesting. This unreasonable extension of the Act not only hurts American businesses and American jobs, but also subordinates our own rule of law to the legal codes of 195 other governments. It must be changed.\nJust as George Washington wisely warned America to avoid foreign entanglements and enter into only temporary alliances, we oppose the adoption or ratification of international treaties that weaken or encroach upon American sovereignty.\nWe are the party of sustainable jobs and economic growth — through American energy, agriculture, and environmental policy. We are also the party of America's growers and producers, farmers, ranchers, foresters, miners, and all those who bring from the earth the minerals and energy that are the lifeblood of our nation's historically strong economy. We are as well the party of traditional conservation: the wise development of resources that keeps in mind both the sacrifices of past generations to secure that bounty and our responsibility to preserve it for future generations.\nDomestic Energy Independence: An \"All of the Above\" Energy Policy\n\nThe Republican Party is committed to domestic energy independence. The United States and its neighbors to the North and South have been blessed with abundant energy resources, tapped and untapped, traditional and alternative, that are among the largest and most valuable on earth. Advancing technology has given us a more accurate understanding of the nation's enormous reserves that are ours for the development. The role of public officials must be to encourage responsible development across the board. Unlike the current Administration, we will not pick winners and losers in the energy marketplace. Instead, we will let the free market and the public's preferences determine the industry outcomes. In assessing the various sources of potential energy, Republicans advocate an all-of-the-above diversified approach, taking advantage of all our American God-given resources. That is the best way to advance North American energy independence.\nOur policies aim at energy security to ensure an affordable, stable, and reliable energy supply for all parts of the country and all sectors of the economy. Energy security is intimately linked to national security both in terms of our current dependence upon foreign supplies and because some of the hundreds of billions of dollars we pay for foreign oil ends up in the hands of terrorist groups that wish to harm us. A growing, prosperous economy and our standard of living and quality of life, moreover, depend on affordable and abundant domestic energy supplies.\nA strong and stable energy sector is a job generator and a catalyst of economic growth, not only in the labor-intensive energy industry but also in its secondary markets. The Republican Party will encourage and ensure diversified domestic sources of energy, from research and development, exploration, production, transportation, transmission, and consumption in a way that is economically viable and job-producing, as well as environmentally sound. When our energy industry is revitalized, millions more Americans will find work in manufacturing, food production, metals, minerals, packaging, transportation and other fields — because of the jobs that will be created in, and as a result of, the energy sector. We are determined to create jobs, spur economic growth, lower energy prices, and strengthen our energy industry.\nOur Nation's Energy Abundance\nThe current Administration—with a President who publicly threatened to bankrupt anyone who builds a coal-powered plant—seems determined to shut down coal production in the United States, even though there is no cost-effective substitute for it or for the hundreds of thousands of jobs that go with it as the nation's largest source of electricity generation. We will end the EPA's war on coal and encourage the increased safe development in all regions of the nation's coal resources, the jobs it produces, and the affordable, reliable energy that it provides for America. Further, we oppose any and all cap and trade legislation.\nThe current President personally blocked one of the most important energy and jobs projects in years. The Keystone XL Pipeline—which would have brought much needed Canadian and American oil to U.S. refineries—would create thousands of jobs. The current President's job-killing combination of extremism and ineptitude threatens to create a permanent energy shortage. We are committed to approving the Keystone XL Pipeline and to streamlining permitting for the development of other oil and natural gas pipelines.\nThe federal government's failure to address the storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel has left huge bills for States and taxpayers. Our country needs a more proactive approach to managing spent nuclear fuel, including through developing advanced reprocessing technologies.\nPulling the Plug on American Energy Independence: The Failure of the Current Administration\nThe current Administration has used taxpayer dollars to pick winners and losers in the energy sector while publicly threatening to bankrupt anyone who builds a new coal-fired plant and has stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline. The current President has done nothing to disavow the scare campaign against hydraulic fracturing. Furthermore, he has wasted billions of taxpayers' dollars by subsidizing favored companies like Solyndra, which generated bankruptcies rather than kilowatts.\nSince the current President took office in 2009, consumers pay approximately twice as much for gas at the pump. Our common theme is to promote development of all forms of energy, enable consumer choice to keep energy costs low, and ensure that America remains competitive in the global marketplace. We will respect the States' proven ability to regulate the use of hydraulic fracturing, continue development of oil and gas resources in places like the Bakken formation and Marcellus Shale, and review the environmental laws that often thwart new energy exploration and production. We salute the Republican Members of the House of Representatives for passing the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act, a vital piece of pro-growth legislation now introduced by Republicans in the Senate.\nAgriculture\n\nAgricultural production and agricultural exports are a fundamental part of the U.S. economy, and the vigor of U.S. agriculture is central to our agenda for jobs, growth, and prosperity. Our farmers and ranchers are responsible for millions of jobs and for generating a trade surplus of more than $137 billion annually. Our producers provide America with abundant food, export food to hungry people around the world, and create a positive trade balance. Because of their care for the land, the United States does not depend on foreign imports for sustenance the way we depend on others for much of our energy. However, Americans are concerned about the increasing cost of their food under the current Administration policies that restrict energy production and raise costs for producers due to increased regulation. Our dependence on foreign imports of fertilizer could threaten our food supply, and we support the development of domestic production of fertilizer. The success of our system of risk management policies will enable farmers and ranchers to continue to feed and fuel the nation and much of the world.\nUncertainty is threatening the survival of our nation's farmers. America's growers and farmers are aging and much of America's farmland will be passed to the next generation of farmers with families. Uncertainties in estate and capital gains tax laws threaten the survival of multigenerational family farms. The proposals for tax reforms contained elsewhere in this document will make certain that family farms will not be lost.\nAgricultural producers and the jobs they generate throughout the entire food chain must confront volatility in both the weather and the markets. We support farm programs that enable them to manage the extraordinary risk they meet in the fields every year. These programs should be as cost-effective as they are functional, offering risk management tools that improve producers' ability to operate when times are tough.\nJust as all other federal programs must contribute to the deficit reduction necessary to put our country back on a sound fiscal footing, so must farm programs contribute to balancing the budget.\nPrograms like the Direct Payment program should end in favor of those, like crop insurance, that help manage risk and are counter-cyclical in nature.\nWe support the historic role of the USDA in agricultural research that has transformed farming here and around the world. Because food safety is a major concern of the American people, we urge Congress to ensure adequate resources for the Department's responsibilities in that regard.\nThe U. S. Forest Service controls about 193 million acres of land and employs 30,000 workers. The Forest Service should be charged to use these resources to the best economic potential for the nation. We must limit injunctions by activist judges regarding environmental management. In order to secure one of the country's most important natural resources, we will review the way the Forest Service handles wildfires. This summer's lack of rainfall over much of agricultural America highlights the importance of access to water for farmers and ranchers alike. We stand with growers and producers in defense of their water rights against attempts by the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to expand jurisdiction over water, including water that is clearly not navigable.\nThe productivity of America's farmers makes possible the generosity of U.S. food aid efforts around the world. These programs are fragmented between the Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Agency for International Development. They should be streamlined into one agency with a concentration on reducing overhead to maximize delivery of the actual goods.\nThe food stamp program now accounts for nearly 80 percent of the entire USDA budget. In finding ways to fight fraud and abuse, the Congress should consider block-granting that program to the States, along with the other domestic nutrition programs.\nProtecting Our Environment\nThe environment is getting cleaner and healthier. The nation's air and waterways, as a whole, are much healthier than they were just a few decades ago. Efforts to reduce pollution, encourage recycling, educate the public, and avoid ecological degradation have been a success. To ensure their continued support by the American people, however, we need a dramatic change in the attitude of officials in Washington, a shift from a job-killing punitive mentality to a spirit of cooperation with producers, landowners, and the public. An important factor is full transparency in development of the data and modeling that drive regulations. Legislation to restore the authority of States in environmental protection is essential. We encourage the use of agricultural best management practices among the States to reduce pollution.\nOur Republican Party's Commitment to Conservation\nConservation is a conservative value. As the pioneer of conservation over a century ago, the Republican Party believes in the moral obligation of the people to be good stewards of the God-given natural beauty and resources of our country and bases environmental policy on several common-sense principles. For example, we believe people are the most valuable resource, and human health and safety are the most important measurements of success. A policy protecting these objectives, however, must balance economic development and private property rights in the short run with conservation goals over the long run. Also, public access to public lands for recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting should be permitted on all appropriate federal lands.\nMoreover, the advance of science and technology advances environmentalism as well. Science allows us to weigh the costs and benefits of a policy so that we can prudently deal with our resources. This is especially important when the causes and long-range effects of a phenomenon are uncertain. We must restore scientific integrity to our public research institutions and remove political incentives from publicly funded research.\nExperience has shown that, in caring for the land and water, private ownership has been our best guarantee of conscientious stewardship, while the worst instances of environmental degradation have occurred under government control. By the same token, the most economically advanced countries—those that respect and protect private property rights—also have the strongest environmental protections, because their economic progress makes possible the conservation of natural resources. In this context, Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government's enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining, or forestry through private ownership. Timber is a renewable natural resource, which provides jobs to thousands of Americans. All efforts should be made to make federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service available for harvesting. The enduring truth is that people best protect what they own.\nIt makes sense that those closest to a situation are best able to determine its remedy. That is why a site- and situation-specific approach to an environmental problem is more likely to solve it, instead of a national rule based on the ideological concerns of politicized central planning. We therefore endorse legislation to require congressional approval before any rule projected to cost in excess of $100 million to American consumers can go into effect.\nThe Republican Party supports appointing public officials to federal agencies who will properly and correctly apply environmental laws and regulations, always in support of economic development, job creation, and American prosperity and leadership. Federal agencies charged with enforcing environmental laws must stop regulating beyond their authority. There is no place in regulatory agencies for activist regulators.\nReining in the EPA\n\nSince 2009, the EPA has moved forward with expansive regulations that will impose tens of billions of dollars in new costs on American businesses and consumers. Many of these new rules are creating regulatory uncertainty, preventing new projects from going forward, discouraging new investment, and stifling job creation.\nWe demand an end to the EPA's participation in \"sue and settle\" lawsuits, sweetheart litigation brought by environmental groups to expand the Agency's regulatory activities against the wishes of Congress and the public. We will require full transparency in litigation under the nation's environmental laws, including advance notice to all State and local governments, tribes, businesses, landowners, and the public who could be adversely affected. We likewise support pending legislation to ensure cumulative analysis of EPA regulations, and to require full transparency in all EPA decisions, so that the public will know in advance their full impact on jobs and the economy. We oppose the EPA's unwarranted revocation of existing permits. We also call on Congress to take quick action to prohibit the EPA from moving forward with new greenhouse gas regulations that will harm the nation's economy and threaten millions of jobs over the next quarter century. The most powerful environmental policy is liberty, the central organizing principle of the American Republic and its people. Liberty alone fosters scientific inquiry, technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and information exchange. Liberty must remain the core energy behind America's environmental improvement.\n\nWe are the party of government reform. At a time when the federal government has become bloated, antiquated and unresponsive to taxpayers, it is our intention not only to improve management and provide better services, but also to rethink and restructure government to bring it into the twenty-first century. Government reform requires constant vigilance and effort because government by its nature tends to expand in both size and scope. Our goal is not just less spending in Washington but something far more important for the future of our nation: protecting the constitutional rights of citizens, sustainable prosperity, and strengthening the American family.\nIt isn't enough to merely downsize government, having a smaller version of the same failed systems. We must do things in a dramatically different way by reversing the undermining of federalism and the centralizing of power in Washington. We look to the example set by Republican Governors and legislators all across the nation. Their leadership in reforming and reengineering government closest to the people vindicates the role of the States as the laboratories of democracy.\nOur approach, like theirs, is two-fold. We look to government—local, State, and federal—for the things government must do, but we believe those duties can be carried out more efficiently and at less cost. For all other activities, we look to the private sector; for the American people's resourcefulness, productivity, innovation, fiscal responsibility, and citizenleadership have always been the true foundation of our national greatness.\nFor much of the last century, an opposing view has dominated public policy where we have witnessed the expansion, centralization, and bureaucracy in an entitlement society. Government has lumbered on, stifling innovation, with no incentive for fundamental change, through antiquated programs begun generations ago and now ill-suited to present needs and future requirements. As a result, today's taxpayers—and future generations—face massive indebtedness, while Congressional Democrats and the current Administration block every attempt to turn things around. This man-made log-jam—the so-called stalemate in Washington—particularly affects the government's three largest programs, which have become central to the lives of untold millions of Americans: Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.\nSaving Medicare for Future Generations\nThe Republican Party is committed to saving Medicare and Medicaid. Unless the programs' fiscal ship is righted, the individuals hurt the first and the worst will be those who depend on them the most. We will save Medicare by modernizing it, by empowering its participants, and by putting it on a secure financial footing. This will be an enormous undertaking, and it should be a non-partisan one. We welcome to the effort all who sincerely want to ensure the future for our seniors and the poor. Republicans are determined to achieve that goal with a candid and honest presentation of the problem and its solutions to the American people.\nDespite the enormous differences between Medicare and Medicaid, the two programs share the same fiscal outlook: their current courses cannot be sustained. Medicare has grown from more than 20 million enrolled in 1970 to more than 47 million enrolled today, with a projected total of 80 million in 2030. Medicaid counted almost 30 million enrollees in 1990, has about 54 million now, and under Obamacare would include an additional 11 million. Medicare spent more than $520 billion in 2010 and has close to $37 trillion in unfunded obligations, while total Medicaid spending will more than double by 2019. In many States, Medicaid's mandates and inflexible bureaucracy have become a budgetary black hole, growing faster than most other budget lines and devouring funding for many other essential governmental functions.\nThe problem goes beyond finances. Poor quality healthcare is the most expensive type of care because it prolongs affliction and leads to ever more complications. Even expensive prevention is preferable to more costly treatment later on. When approximately 80 percent of healthcare costs are related to lifestyle—smoking, obesity, substance abuse—far greater emphasis has to be put upon personal responsibility for health maintenance. Our goal for both Medicare and Medicaid must be to assure that every participant receives the amount of care they need at the time they need it, whether for an expectant mother and her baby or for someone in the last moments of life. Absent reforms, these two programs are headed for bankruptcy that will endanger care for seniors and the poor.\nThe first step is to move the two programs away from their current unsustainable defined-benefit entitlement model to a fiscally sound definedcontribution model. This is the only way to limit costs and restore consumer choice for patients and introduce competition; for in healthcare, as in any other sector of the economy, genuine competition is the best guarantee of better care at lower cost. It is also the best guard against the fraud and abuse that have plagued Medicare in its isolation from free market forces, which in turn costs the taxpayers billions of dollars every year. We can do this without making any changes for those 55 and older. While retaining the option of traditional Medicare in competition with private plans, we call for a transition to a premium-support model for Medicare, with an incomeadjusted contribution toward a health plan of the enrollee's choice. This model will include private health insurance plans that provide catastrophic protection, to ensure the continuation of doctor-patient relationships. Without disadvantaging retirees or those nearing retirement, the age eligibility for Medicare must be made more realistic in terms of today's longer life span.\nStrengthening Medicaid in the States\n\nMedicaid, as the dominant payer in the health market in regards to long-term care, births, and individuals with mental illness, is the next frontier of welfare reform. It is simply too big and too flawed to be managed in its current condition from Washington. Republican Governors have taken the lead in proposing a host of regulatory changes that could make the program more flexible, innovative, and accountable. There should be alternatives to hospitalization for chronic health problems. Patients could be rewarded for participating in disease prevention activities. Excessive mandates on coverage should be eliminated. Patients with long-term care needs might fare better in a separately designed program.\nAs those and other specific proposals show, Republican Governors and State legislatures are ready to do the hard work of modernizing Medicaid for the twenty-first century. We propose to let them do all that and more by block-granting the program to the States, providing the States with the flexibility to design programs that meet the needs of their low income citizens. Such reforms could be achieved through premium supports or a refundable tax credit, allowing non-disabled adults and children to be moved into private health insurance of their choice, where their needs can be met on the same basis as those of more affluent Americans. For the aged and disabled under Medicaid, for whom monthly costs can be extremely high, States would have flexibility to improve the quality of care and to avoid the inappropriate institutional placing of patients who prefer to be cared for at home.\nSecurity For Those Who Need It: Ensuring Retirement Security\n\nWhile no changes should adversely affect any current or near-retiree, comprehensive reform should address our society's remarkable medical advances in longevity and allow younger workers the option of creating their own personal investment accounts as supplements to the system. Younger Americans have lost all faith in the Social Security system, which is understandable when they read the nonpartisan actuary's reports about its future funding status. Born in an old industrial era beyond the memory of most Americans, it is long overdue for major change, not just another legislative stopgap that postpones a day of reckoning. To restore public trust in the system, Republicans are committed to setting it on a sound fiscal basis that will give workers control over, and a sound return on, their investments. The sooner we act, the sooner those close to retirement can be reassured of their benefits and younger workers can take responsibility for planning their own retirement decades from now.\nUnlike Social Security, the problems facing private pension plans are both demographic and ethical. While pension law may be complicated, the current bottom line is that many plans are increasingly underfunded by overestimating their rates of return on investments. This in turn endangers the integrity of the Pension Guaranty Benefit Corporation, which is itself seriously underfunded. In both cases, the taxpayers will be expected to pay for a bailout. As the first step toward possible corrective action, we call for a presidential panel to review the private pension system in this country of only those private pensions that are backed by the Pension Guaranty Benefit Corporation and to make public its findings.\nThe situation of public pension systems demands immediate remedial action. The irresponsible promises of politicians at every level of government have come back to haunt today's taxpayers with enormous unfunded pension liabilities. Many cities face bankruptcy because of excessive outlays for early retirement, extravagant health plans, and overly generous pension benefits. We salute the Republican Governors and State legislators who have, in the face of abuse and threats of violence, reformed their State pension systems for the benefit of both taxpayers and retirees alike.\nRegulatory Reform: The Key to Economic Growth\n\nThe proper purpose of regulation is to set forth clear rules of the road for the citizens, so that business owners and workers can understand in advance what they need to do, or not do, to augment the possibilities for success within the confines of the law. Regulations must be drafted and implemented to balance legitimate public safety or consumer protection goals and job creation. Constructive regulation should be a helpful guide, not a punitive threat. Worst of all, overregulation is a stealth tax on everyone as the costs of compliance with the whims of federal agencies are passed along to the consumers at the cost of $1.75 trillion a year. Many regulations are necessary, like those which ensure the safety of food and medicine, especially from overseas. But no peril justifies the regulatory impact of Obamacare on the practice of medicine, the Dodd-Frank Act on financial services, or the EPA's and OSHA's overreaching regulation agenda. A Republican Congress and President will repeal the first and second, and rein in the third. We support a sunset requirement to force reconsideration of out-ofdate regulations, and we endorse pending legislation to require congressional approval for all new major and costly regulations.\nThe bottom line on regulations is jobs. In listening to America, one constant we have heard is the jobcrippling effect of even well-intentioned regulation. That makes it all the more important for federal agencies to be judicious about the impositions they create on businesses, especially small businesses. We call for a moratorium on the development of any new major and costly regulations until a Republican Administration reviews existing rules to ensure that they have a sound basis in science and will be cost-effective.\nProtecting Internet Freedom\n\nThe Internet has unleashed innovation, enabled growth, and inspired freedom more rapidly and extensively than any other technological advance in human history. Its independence is its power. The Internet offers a communications system uniquely free from government intervention. We will remove regulatory barriers that protect outdated technologies and business plans from innovation and competition, while preventing legacy regulation from interfering with new and disruptive technologies such as mobile delivery of voice video data as they become crucial components of the Internet ecosystem. We will resist any effort to shift control away from the successful multi-stakeholder approach of Internet governance and toward governance by international or other intergovernmental organizations. We will ensure that personal data receives full constitutional protection from government overreach and that individuals retain the right to control the use of their data by third parties; the only way to safeguard or improve these systems is through the private sector.\nA Vision for the Twenty-First Century: Technology, Telecommunications and the Internet\nThe most vibrant sector of the American economy, indeed, one-sixth of it, is regulated by the federal government on precedents from the nineteenth century. Today's technology and telecommunications industries are overseen by the Federal Communications Commission, established in 1934 and given the jurisdiction over telecommunications formerly assigned to the Interstate Commerce Commission, which had been created in 1887 to regulate the railroads. This is not a good fit. Indeed, the development of telecommunications advances so rapidly that even the Telecom Act of 1996 is woefully out of date. An industry that invested $66 billion in 2011 alone needs, and deserves, a more modern relationship with the federal government for the benefit of consumers here and worldwide.\nThe current Administration has been frozen in the past. It has conducted no auction of spectrum, has offered no incentives for investment, and, through the FCC's net neutrality rule, is trying to micromanage telecom as if it were a railroad network. It inherited from the previous Republican Administration 95 percent coverage of the nation with broadband. It will leave office with no progress toward the goal of universal coverage — after spending $7.2 billion more. That hurts rural America, where farmers, ranchers, and small business manufacturers need connectivity to expand their customer base and operate in real time with the world's producers. We encourage public-private partnerships to provide predictable support for connecting rural areas so that every American can fully participate in the global economy.\nWe call for an inventory of federal agency spectrum to determine the surplus that could be auc auctioned for the taxpayers' benefit. With special recognition of the role university technology centers are playing in attracting private investment to the field, we will replace the administration's Luddite approach to technological progress with a regulatory partnership that will keep this country the world leader in technology and telecommunications.\nProtecting the Taxpayers: No More \"Too Big to Fail\"\nFor more than a century, the U.S. was the world leader in financial services. The visionary management of capital was the lifeblood of the entire economy. By giving responsible access to credit, it helped small businesses grow, created jobs, and made Americans the best-housed people in history. By funding innovation, financial services underwrote our future. Then came the financial collapse of 2008 and a critical reassessment of the role and condition of financial institutions—most of which, it must be said, were responsible and healthy, especially those closest to their investors and borrowers.\nIn cases of malfeasance or other criminal behavior, the full force of the law should be used. But in all cases, this rule must apply: No financial institution is too big to fail. The taxpayers must never again be on the hook for the losses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The public must never again be left holding the bag for Wall Street giants, which is why we decry the current Administration's record of over-regulation and selective intervention, which has already frozen investment and job creation and threatens to make financial institutions the coddled wards of government.\nA far better approach—protecting consumers and taxpayers alike—is institutional transparency. Banks need to know that they could be at risk, and investors need clear rules that are not subject to political meddling. The same holds true for the equity market regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. We propose reasonable federal oversight of financial institutions, practical safeguards for consumers, and — what is crucial for this country's economic rebound — sound spending, tax, and regulatory policies that will allow those institutions to once again become the builders of the next American century. We strongly support tax reform; in the event we do not achieve this, we must preserve the mortgage interest deduction.\nJudicial Activism: A Threat to the U.S. Constitution\n\nDespite improvements as a result of Republican nominations to the judiciary, some judges in the federal courts remain far afield from their constitutional limitations. The U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. Judicial activism which includes reliance on foreign law or unratified treaties undermines American law. The sole solution, apart from impeachment, is the appointment of constitutionalist jurists, who will interpret the law as it was originally intended rather than make it. That is both a presidential responsibility, in selecting judicial candidates, and a senatorial responsibility, in confirming them. We urge Republican Senators to do all in their power to prevent the elevation of additional leftist ideologues to the courts, particularly in the waning days of the current Administration.\nIn addition to appointing activist judges, the current Administration has included an activist and highly partisan Department of Justice. With a Republican Administration, the Department will stop suing States for exercising those powers reserved to the States, will stop abusing its preclearance authority to block photo-ID voting laws, and will fulfill its responsibility to defend all federal laws in court, including the Defense of Marriage Act.\nRestructuring the U.S. Postal Service for the Twenty-First Century\nThe dire financial circumstances of the Postal Service require dramatic restructuring. In a world of rapidly advancing telecommunications, mail delivery from the era of the Pony Express cannot long survive. We call on Congress to restructure the Service to ensure the continuance of its essential function of delivering mail while preparing for the downsizing made inevitable by the advance of internet communication. In light of the Postal Service's seriously underfunded pension system, Congress should explore a greater role for private enterprise in appropriate aspects of the mail-processing system.\nProtecting Travelers and their Rights: Reforming the TSA for Security and Privacy\nWhile the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks brought about a greater need for homeland security, the American people have already delivered their verdict on the Transportation Security Administration: its procedures — and much of its personnel — need to be changed. It is now a massive bureaucracy of 65,000 employees who seem to be accountable to no one for the way they treat travelers. We call for the private sector to take over airport screening wherever feasible and look toward the development of security systems that can replace the personal violation of frisking.\nThe Rule of Law: Legal Immigration\n\nThe greatest asset of the American economy is the American worker. Just as immigrant labor helped build our country in the past, today's legal immigrants are making vital contributions in every aspect of our national life. Their industry and commitment to American values strengthens our economy, enriches our culture, and enables us to better understand and more effectively compete with the rest of the world. Illegal immigration undermines those benefits and affects U.S. workers. In an age of terrorism, drug cartels, human trafficking, and criminal gangs, the presence of millions of unidentified persons in this country poses grave risks to the safety and the sovereignty of the United States. Our highest priority, therefore, is to secure the rule of law both at our borders and at ports of entry.\nWe recognize that for most of those seeking entry into this country, the lack of respect for the rule of law in their homelands has meant economic exploitation and political oppression by corrupt elites. In this country, the rule of law guarantees equal treatment to every individual, including more than one million immigrants to whom we grant permanent residence every year. That is why we oppose any form of amnesty for those who, by intentionally violating the law, disadvantage those who have obeyed it. Granting amnesty only rewards and encourages more law breaking. We support the mandatory use of the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (S.A.V.E.) program—an internet-based system that verifies the lawful presence of applicants—prior to the granting of any State or federal government entitlements or IRS refunds. We insist upon enforcement at the workplace through verification systems so that jobs can be available to all legal workers. Use of the E-verify program—an internet-based system that verifies the employment authorization and identity of employees—must be made mandatory nationwide. State enforcement efforts in the workplace must be welcomed, not attacked. When Americans need jobs, it is absolutely essential that we protect them from illegal labor in the workplace. In addition, it is why we demand tough penalties for those who practice identity theft, deal in fraudulent documents, and traffic in human beings. It is why we support Republican legislation to give the Department of Homeland Security long-term detention authority to keep dangerous but undeportable aliens off our streets, expedite expulsion of criminal aliens, and make gang membership a deportable offense.\nThe current Administration's approach to immigration has undermined the rule of law at every turn. It has lessened work-site enforcement—and even allows the illegal aliens it does uncover to walk down the street to the next employer—and challenged legitimate State efforts to keep communities safe, suing them for trying to enforce the law when the federal government refuses to do so. It has created a backdoor amnesty program unrecognized in law, granting worker authorization to illegal aliens, and shown little regard for the life-and-death situations facing the men and women of the border patrol.\nPerhaps worst of all, the current Administration has failed to enforce the legal means for workers or employers who want to operate within the law.\nIn contrast, a Republican Administration and Congress will partner with local governments through cooperative enforcement agreements in Section 287g of the Immigration and Nationality Act to make communities safer for all and will consider, in light of both current needs and historic practice, the utility of a legal and reliable source of foreign labor where needed through a new guest worker program. We will create humane procedures to encourage illegal aliens to return home voluntarily, while enforcing the law against those who overstay their visas.\nState efforts to reduce illegal immigration must be encouraged, not attacked. The pending Department of Justice lawsuits against Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina, and Utah must be dismissed immediately. The double-layered fencing on the border that was enacted by Congress in 2006, but never completed, must finally be built. In order to restore the rule of law, federal funding should be denied to sanctuary cities that violate federal law and endanger their own citizens, and federal funding should be denied to universities that provide instate tuition rates to illegal aliens, in open defiance of federal law.\nWe are grateful to the thousands of new immigrants, many of them not yet citizens, who are serving in the Armed Forces. Their patriotism should encourage us all to embrace the newcomers legally among us, assist their journey to full citizenship, and help their communities avoid isolation from the mainstream of society. To that end, while we encourage the retention and transmission of heritage tongues, we support English as the nation's official language, a unifying force essential for the educational and economic advancement of—not only immigrant communities—but also our nation as a whole.\nHonoring Our Relationship with American Indians\n\nBased on both treaty and other law, the federal government has a unique government-to-government relationship with and trust responsibility for Indian Tribal Governments and American Indians and Alaska Natives. These obligations have not been sufficiently honored. The social and economic problems that plague Indian country have grown worse over the last several decades; we must reverse that trend. Ineffective federal programs deprive American Indians of the services they need, and long-term failures threaten to undermine tribal sovereignty itself.\nAmerican Indians have established elected tribal governments to carry out the public policies of the tribe, administer services to its tribal member constituents, and manage relations with federal, State, and local governments. We respect the tribal governments as the voice of their communities and encourage federal, State, and local governments to heed those voices in developing programs and partnerships to improve the quality of life for American Indians and their neighbors in their communities.\nRepublicans believe that economic selfsufficiency is the ultimate answer to the challenges confronting Indian country. We believe that tribal governments and their communities, not Washington bureaucracies, are best situated to craft solutions that will end systemic problems that create poverty and disenfranchisement. Just as the federal government should not burden States with regulations, it should not stifle the development of resources within the reservations, which need federal assistance to advance their commerce nationally through roads and technology. Federal and State regulations that thwart job creation must be withdrawn or redrawn so that tribal governments acting on behalf of American Indians are not disadvantaged. It is especially egregious that the Democratic Party has persistently undermined tribal sovereignty in order to provide advantage to union bosses in the tribal workplace.\nRepublicans recognize that each tribe has the right of consultation before any new regulatory policy is implemented on tribal land. To the extent possible, such consultation should take place in Indian country with the tribal government and its members. Before promulgating and imposing any new laws or regulations affecting trust land or members, the federal government should encourage Indian tribes to develop their own policies to achieve program objectives, and should defer to tribes to develop their own standards, or standards in conjunction with State governments.\nRepublicans reject a one-size-fits-all approach to federal-tribal-State partnerships and will work to expand local autonomy where tribal governments seek it. Better partnerships will help us to expand economic opportunity, deliver top-flight education to future generations, modernize and improve the Indian Health Service to make it more responsive to local needs, and build essential infrastructure in Indian country in cooperation with tribal neighbors. Our approach is to empower American Indians, through tribal self-determination and self-governance policies, to develop their greatest assets, human resources and the rich natural resources on their lands, without undue federal interference.\nLike all Americans, American Indians want safe communities for their families; but inadequate resources and neglect have, over time, allowed criminal activities to plague Indian country. To protect everyone—and especially the most vulnerable: children, women, and elders—the legal system in tribal communities must provide stability and protect property rights. Everyone's due process and civil rights must be safeguarded.\nWe support efforts to ensure equitable participation in federal programs by American Indians, including Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians and to preserve their culture and languages that we consider to be national treasures. Lastly, we recognize that American Indians have responded to the call for military service in percentage numbers far greater than have other groups of Americans. We honor that commitment, loyalty, and sacrifice of all American Indians serving in the military today and in years past and will ensure that all veterans and their families receive the care and respect they have earned through their loyal service to America.\nPreserving the District of Columbia\nThe nation's capital city, a special responsibility of the federal government, belongs both to its residents and to all Americans, millions of whom visit it every year. Congressional Republicans have taken the lead in efforts to foster homeownership and open access to higher education for Washington residents. Against the opposition of the current President and leaders of the Democratic Party, they have fought to establish, and now to expand, the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, through which thousands of low-income children have been able to attend a school of their choice and receive a quality education.\nD.C.'s Republicans have been in the forefront of exposing and combating the chronic corruption among the city's top Democratic officials. We join their call for a non-partisan elected Attorney General to clean up the city's political culture and for congressional action to enforce the spirit of the Home Rule Act assuring minority representation on the City Council. After decades of inept one-party rule, the city's structural deficit demands congressional attention.\nWe oppose statehood for the District of Columbia.\nModernizing the Federal Civil Service\n\nThe federal workforce bears great responsibilities and sometimes wields tremendous power, especially when Congress delegates to it the execution of complicated and far-reaching legislation. We recognize the dedication of federal workers and the difficulty of their thankless task of implementing poorly drafted or open-ended legislation.\nUnder the current Administration, the civil service has grown by at least 140,000 workers, while the number making at least $150,000 has doubled. At a time when the national debt has increased to over $15.9 trillion under the current Administration, this is grossly irresponsible. The American people work too hard and too long to support a bloated government. We call for a reduction, through attrition, in the federal payroll of at least 10 percent and the adjustment of pay scales and benefits to reflect those of the private sector. We must bring the 130-year old Civil Service System into the twenty-first century. The federal pay system should be sufficiently flexible to acknowledge and reward those who dare to innovate, reduce overhead, optimize processes, and expedite paperwork.\nDelinquency in paying taxes and repaying student loans has been too common in some segments of the civil service. A Republican Administration will make enforcement among its own employees a priority and, unlike the current Administration, will name to public office no one who has failed to meet their financial obligations to the government and fellow taxpayers.\nAmerica's Future in Space: Continuing this Quest\n\nThe exploration of space has been a key part of U.S. global leadership and has supported innovation and ownership of technology. Over the last halfcentury, in partnership with our aerospace industry, the work of NASA has helped define and strengthen our nation's technological prowess. From building the world's most powerful rockets to landing men on the Moon, sending robotic spacecraft throughout our solar system and beyond, building the International Space Station, and launching space-based telescopes that allow scientists to better understand our universe, NASA science and engineering have produced spectacular results. The technologies that emerged from those programs propelled our aerospace industrial base and directly benefit our national security, safety, economy, and quality of life. Through its achievements, NASA has inspired generations of Americans to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, leading to careers that drive our country's technological and economic engines.\nToday, America's leadership in space is challenged by countries eager to emulate—and surpass—NASA's accomplishments. To preserve our national security interests and foster innovation and competitiveness, we must sustain our preeminence in space, launching more science missions, guaranteeing unfettered access, and maintaining a source of high-value American jobs.\nHonoring and Supporting Americans in the Territories\n\nWe honor the extraordinary sacrifices of the men and women of the territories who protect our freedom through their service in the U.S. Armed Forces. We welcome their greater participation in all aspects of the political process and affirm their right to seek the full extension of the Constitution, with all the rights and responsibilities it entails.\nU.S. territories face serious economic challenges as they struggle to retain existing industries and develop new ones. Development of local energy options is crucial to reduce their dependence on imported fuel and promote economic stability. The Pacific territories should have flexibility to determine the minimum wage, which has seriously restricted progress in the private sector. A stronger private sector can raise wages, reduce dependence on public sector employment, and lead toward local self-sufficiency. All unreasonable economic impediments must be removed, including unreasonable U.S. customs practices.\nWe support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state if they freely so determine. We recognize that Congress has the final authority to define the constitutionally valid options for Puerto Rico to achieve a permanent non-territorial status with government by consent and full enfranchisement. As long as Puerto Rico is not a State, however, the will of its people regarding their political status should be ascertained by means of a general right of referendum or specific referenda sponsored by the U.S. government.\nWe are the party of independent individuals and the institutions they create—families, schools, congregations, neighborhoods—to advance their ideals and make real their dreams. Foremost among those institutions is the American family. It is the foundation of our society and the first level of selfgovernment. Its daily lessons—cooperation, patience, mutual respect, responsibility, self-reliance — are fundamental to the order and progress of our Republic. Government can never replace the family. That is why we insist that public policy, from taxation to education, from healthcare to welfare, be formulated with attention to the needs and strengths of the family.\nPreserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage\nThe institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society. Its success as an institution will determine our success as a nation. It has been proven by both experience and endless social science studies that traditional marriage is best for children. Children raised in intact married families are more likely to attend college, are physically and emotionally healthier, are less likely to use drugs or alcohol, engage in crime, or get pregnant outside of marriage. The success of marriage directly impacts the economic well-being of individuals. Furthermore, the future of marriage affects freedom. The lack of family formation not only leads to more government costs, but also to more government control over the lives of its citizens in all aspects. We recognize and honor the courageous efforts of those who bear the many burdens of parenting alone, even as we believe that marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote through laws governing marriage. We embrace the principle that all Americans should be treated with respect and dignity.\nCreating a Culture of Hope: Raising Families Beyond Poverty\n\nThe Republican-led welfare reforms enacted in 1996 marked a revolution in government's approach to poverty. They changed the standard for policy success from the amount of income transferred to the poor to the number of poor who moved from welfare to economic independence. We took the belief of most Americans—that welfare should be a hand up, not a hand out—and made it law. Work requirements, though modest, were at the heart of this success. That is why so many are now outraged by the current Administration's recent decision to permit waivers for work requirements for welfare benefits, in other words, to administratively repeal the most successful anti-poverty policy in memory. Instead of undermining the expectation that low-income parents and individuals should strive to support themselves, benefit programs like food stamps must ensure that those benefits are better targeted to those who need help the most.\nFor the sake of low-income families as well as the taxpayers, the federal government's entire system of public assistance should be reformed to ensure that it promotes work. Each year, this system dispenses nearly $1 trillion in taxpayer funds across a maze of approximately 80 programs that are neither coordinated nor effective in solving poverty and lifting up families. For many individuals collecting benefits from multiple categorical programs, efforts to work or earn more actually result in less money in their pocket through the resulting loss of benefits. This poverty trap would ensnare even more Americans if Obamacare were implemented. Taking a part time job, working an extra shift, or even just marrying someone who works, would result in a loss of benefits, thereby discouraging the very acts necessary to achieve the American Dream.\nAdoption and Foster Care\n\nFamilies formed or enlarged by adoption strengthen our communities and ennoble our nation. We applaud the Republican legislative initiatives that led to a significant increase in adoptions in recent years, and we call upon the private sector to consider the needs of adoptive families on a par with others. Any restructuring of the federal tax code should recognize the financial impact of the adoption process and the commitment made by adoptive families.\nThe nation's foster care system remains a necessary fallback for youngsters from troubled families. Because of reforms initiated by many States, the number of foster children has declined to just over 400,000. A major problem of the system is its lack of support, financial and otherwise, for teens who age out of foster care and into a world in which many are not prepared to go it alone. We urge States to work with the faith-based and other community groups which reach out to these young people in need.\nMaking the Internet Family-Friendly\n\nMillions of Americans suffer from problem or pathological gambling that can destroy families. We support the prohibition of gambling over the Internet and call for reversal of the Justice Department's decision distorting the formerly accepted meaning of the Wire Act that could open the door to Internet betting.\nThe Internet must be made safe for children. We call on service providers to exercise due care to ensure that the Internet cannot become a safe haven for predators while respecting First Amendment rights. We congratulate the social networking sites that bar known sex offenders from participation. We urge active prosecution against child pornography, which is closely linked to the horrors of human trafficking. Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced.\nAdvancing Americans with Disabilities\n\nWe renew our commitment to the inclusion of Americans with disabilities in all aspects of our national life. In keeping with that commitment, we oppose the non-consensual withholding of care or treatment from people with disabilities, including newborns, as well as the elderly and infirm, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide, which endanger especially those on the margins of society. Because government should set a positive standard in hiring and contracting for the services of persons with disabilities, we need to update the statutory authority for the Ability One program, a major avenue by which those productive members of our society can offer high quality services.\nThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has opened up unprecedented opportunities for many students, and we reaffirm our support for its goal of minimizing the separation of children with disabilities from their peers. We urge preventive efforts in early childhood, especially assistance in gaining pre-reading skills, to help many students move beyond the need for IDEA's protections. We endorse the program of Employment First, developed by major disability rights groups, to replace dependency with jobs in the mainstream of the American workforce.\nRepealing Obamacare\n\nThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—Obamacare—was never really about healthcare, though its impact upon the nation's health is disastrous. From its start, it was about power, the expansion of government control over one sixth of our economy, and resulted in an attack on our Constitution, by requiring that U.S. citizens purchase health insurance. We agree with the four dissenting justices of the Supreme Court: \"In our view the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety.\" It was the high-water mark of an outdated liberalism, the latest attempt to impose upon Americans a euro-style bureaucracy to manage all aspects of their lives. Obamacare has been struck down in the court of public opinion and is falling by the weight of its own confusing, unworkable, budget-busting, and conflicting provisions. It would tremendously expand Medicaid without significant reform, leaving the States to assume unsustainable financial burdens. If fully implemented, it could not function; and Republican victories in the November elections will guarantee that it is never implemented. Congressional Republicans are committed to its repeal; and a Republican President, on the first day in office, will use his legitimate waiver authority under that law to halt its progress and then will sign its repeal. Then the American people, through the free market, can advance affordable and responsible healthcare reform that meets the needs and concerns of patients and providers. Through Obamacare, the current Administration has promoted the notion of abortion as healthcare. We, however, affirm the dignity of women by protecting the sanctity of human life. Numerous studies have shown that abortion endangers the health and wellbeing of women, and we stand firmly against it.\nOur Prescription for American Healthcare: Improve Quality and Lower Costs\nWe believe that taking care of one's health is an individual responsibility. Chronic diseases, many of them related to lifestyle, drive healthcare costs, accounting for more than 75 percent of the nation's medical spending. To reduce demand, and thereby lower costs, we must foster personal responsibility while increasing preventive services to promote healthy lifestyles. We believe that all Americans should have improved access to affordable, coordinated, quality healthcare, including individuals struggling with mental illness.\nOur goal is to encourage the development of a healthcare system that provides higher quality care at a lower cost to all Americans while protecting the patientphysician relationship based on mutual trust, informed consent, and privileged patient confidentiality. We seek to increase healthcare choice and options, contain costs and reduce mandates, simplify the system for patients and providers, restore cuts made to Medicare, and equalize the tax treatment of group and individual health insurance plans. For most Americans, those who are insured now or who seek insurance in the future, our practical, non-intrusive reforms will promote flexibility in State leadership in healthcare reform, promote a free-market based system, and empower consumer choice. All of which will return direction of the nation's healthcare to the people and away from the federal government.\nTo return the States to their proper role of regulating local insurance markets and caring for the needy, we propose to block grant Medicaid and other payments to the States; limit federal requirements on both private insurance and Medicaid; assist all patients, including those with pre-existing conditions, through reinsurance and risk adjustment; and promote non-litigation alternatives for dispute resolution. We call on State officials to carefully consider the increased costs of medical mandates, imposed under their laws, which may price many low-income families out of the insurance market. We call on the government to permanently ban all federal funding and subsidies for abortion and healthcare plans that include abortion coverage.\nTo achieve a free market in healthcare and ensure competition, we will promote price transparency so that consumers will know the actual cost of treatments before they undergo them. When patients are aware of costs, they are less likely to over-utilize services. We support legislation to cap non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits, thereby relieving conscientious providers of burdens that are not rightly theirs and addressing a serious cause of escalating medical bills. We will empower individuals and small businesses to form purchasing pools in order to expand coverage to the uninsured. Individuals with preexisting conditions who maintain continuous insurance coverage should be protected from discrimination. We support technology enhancements for medical health records and data systems while affirming patient privacy and ownership of health information.\nEnsuring Consumer Choice in Healthcare\n\nConsumer choice is the most powerful factor in healthcare reform. Today's highly mobile work force requires portability of insurance coverage that can go with them from job to job. The need to maintain coverage should not dictate where families have to live and work. Putting the patient at the center of policy decisions will increase choice and reduce costs while ensuring that services provide what Americans actually want. We must end tax discrimination against the individual purchase of insurance and allow consumers to purchase insurance across State lines. While promoting \"co-insurance\" products and alternatives to \"fee for service,\" government must promote Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Accounts to be used for insurance premiums and should encourage the private sector to rate competing insurance plans. We will ensure that America's aging population has access to safe and affordable care. Because seniors overwhelmingly desire to age at home, we will make home care a priority in public policy. We will champion the right of individual choice in senior care. We will aggressively implement programs to protect against elder abuse, and we will work to ensure that quality care is provided across the care continuum from home to nursing home to hospice.\nSupporting Federal Healthcare Research and Development\nWe support federal investment in healthcare delivery systems and solutions creating innovative means to provide greater, more cost-effective access to high quality healthcare. We also support federal investment in basic and applied biomedical research, especially the neuroscience research that may hold great potential for dealing with diseases and disorders such as Autism, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. If we are to make significant headway against breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, and other killers, research must consider the special needs of formerly neglected groups. We call for expanded support for the stem-cell research that now offers the greatest hope for many afflictions—with adult stem cells, umbilical cord blood, and cells reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells—without the destruction of embryonic human life. We urge a ban on human cloning and on the creation of or experimentation on human embryos. We support restoring the Drug Enforcement Administration ban on the use of controlled substances for physicianassisted suicide. We oppose the FDA approval of Mifeprex, formerly known as RU-486, and similar drugs that terminate innocent human life after conception.\nProtecting Individual Conscience in Healthcare\nNo healthcare professional or organization should ever be required to perform, provide for, withhold, or refer for a medical service against their conscience. This is especially true of the religious organizations which deliver a major portion of America's healthcare, a service rooted in the charity of faith communities. We do not believe, however, that healthcare providers should be allowed to withhold services because the healthcare provider believes the patient's life is not worth living. We support the ability of all organizations to provide, purchase, or enroll in healthcare coverage consistent with their religious, moral or ethical convictions without discrimination or penalty. We likewise support the right of parents to consent to medical treatment for their children, including mental health treatment, drug treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy, contraceptives and abortion. We urge enactment of pending legislation that would require parental consent to transport girls across state lines for abortions.\nReforming the FDA\n\nAmerica's leadership in life sciences R&D and medical innovation is being threatened. As a country, we must work together now or lose our leadership position in medical innovation, U.S. job creation, and access to life-saving treatments for U.S. patients. The United States has led the global medical device and pharmaceutical industries for decades. This leadership has made the U.S. the medical innovation capital of the world, bringing millions of high-paying jobs to our country and life-saving devices and drugs to our nation's patients. But that leadership position is at risk; patients, innovators, and job creators point to the lack of predictability, consistency, transparency and efficiency at the Food and Drug Administration that is driving innovation overseas, benefiting foreign, not U.S., patients.\nWe pledge to reform the FDA so we can ensure that the U.S. remains the world leader in medical innovation, that device and drug jobs stay in the U.S., that U.S. patients benefit first from new devices and drugs, and that the FDA no longer wastes U.S. taxpayer and innovators' resources because of bureaucratic red tape and legal uncertainty.\nReducing Costs through Tort Reform\nFrivolous medical malpractice lawsuits have ballooned the cost of healthcare for the average American. Physicians are increasingly practicing defensive medicine because of the looming threat of malpractice liability. Moreover, some medical practitioners are avoiding patients with complex and high-risk medical problems because of the high costs of medical malpractice lawsuits. Rural America is hurt especially hard as obstetricians, surgeons, and other healthcare providers are moving to urban settings or retiring, causing a significant healthcare workforce shortage and subsequently decreasing access to care for all patients. We are committed to aggressively pursuing tort reform legislation to help avoid the practice of defensive medicine, to keep healthcare costs low, and improve healthcare quality.\nEducation: A Chance for Every Child\n\nParents are responsible for the education of their children. We do not believe in a one size fits all approach to education and support providing broad education choices to parents and children at the State and local level. Maintaining American preeminence requires a world-class system of education, with high standards, in which all students can reach their potential. Today's education reform movement calls for accountability at every stage of schooling. It affirms higher expectations for all students and rejects the crippling bigotry of low expectations. It recognizes the wisdom of State and local control of our schools, and it wisely sees consumer rights in education—choice—as the most important driving force for renewing our schools.\nEducation is much more than schooling. It is the whole range of activities by which families and communities transmit to a younger generation, not just knowledge and skills, but ethical and behavioral norms and traditions. It is the handing over of a personal and cultural identity. That is why education choice has expanded so vigorously. It is also why American education has, for the last several decades, been the focus of constant controversy, as centralizing forces outside the family and community have sought to remake education in order to remake America. They have not succeeded, but they have done immense damage.\nAttaining Academic Excellence for All\n\nSince 1965 the federal government has spent $2 trillion on elementary and secondary education with no substantial improvement in academic achievement or high school graduation rates (which currently are 59 percent for African-American students and 63 percent for Hispanics). The U.S. spends an average of more than $10,000 per pupil per year in public schools, for a total of more than $550 billion. That represents more than 4 percent of GDP devoted to K-12 education in 2010. Of that amount, federal spending was more than $47 billion. Clearly, if money were the solution, our schools would be problem-free.\nMore money alone does not necessarily equal better performance. After years of trial and error, we know what does work, what has actually made a difference in student advancement, and what is powering education reform at the local level all across America: accountability on the part of administrators, parents and teachers; higher academic standards; programs that support the development of character and financial literacy; periodic rigorous assessments on the fundamentals, especially math, science, reading, history, and geography; renewed focus on the Constitution and the writings of the Founding Fathers, and an accurate account of American history that celebrates the birth of this great nation; transparency, so parents and the public can discover which schools best serve their pupils; flexibility and freedom to innovate, so schools can adapt to the special needs of their students and hold teachers and administrators responsible for student performance. We support the innovations in education reform occurring at the State level based upon proven results. Republican Governors have led in the effort to reform our country's underperforming education system, and we applaud these advancements.\nWe advocate the policies and methods that have proven effective: building on the basics, especially STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math) and phonics; ending social promotions; merit pay for good teachers; classroom discipline; parental involvement; and strong leadership by principals, superintendents, and locally elected school boards. Because technology has become an essential tool of learning, proper implementation of technology is a key factor in providing every child equal access and opportunity.\nConsumer Choice in Education\n\nThe Republican Party is the party of fresh and innovative ideas in education. We support options for learning, including home schooling and local innovations like single-sex classes, full-day school hours, and year-round schools. School choice—whether through charter schools, open enrollment requests, college lab schools, virtual schools, career and technical education programs, vouchers, or tax credits—is important for all children, especially for families with children trapped in failing schools. Getting those youngsters into decent learning environments and helping them to realize their full potential is the greatest civil rights challenge of our time. We support the promotion of local career and technical educational programs and entrepreneurial programs that have been supported by leaders in industry and will retrain and retool the American workforce, which is the best in the world. A young person's ability to achieve in school must be based on his or her God-given talent and motivation, not an address, zip code, or economic status.\nIn sum, on the one hand enormous amounts of money are being spent for K-12 public education with overall results that do not justify that spending. On the other hand, the common experience of families, teachers, and administrators forms the basis of what does work in education. We believe the gap between those two realities can be successfully bridged, and Congressional Republicans are pointing a new way forward with major reform legislation. We support its concept of block grants and the repeal of numerous federal regulations which interfere with State and local control of public schools.\nThe bulk of the federal money through Title I for low-income children and through IDEA for disabled youngsters should follow the students to whatever school they choose so that eligible pupils, through open enrollment, can bring their share of the funding with them. The Republican-founded D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program should be expanded as a model for the rest of the country. We deplore the efforts by Congressional Democrats and the current President to kill this successful program for disadvantaged students in order to placate the leaders of the teachers' unions. We support putting the needs of students before the special interests of unions when approaching elementary and secondary education reform.\nBecause parents are a child's first teachers, we support family literacy programs, which improve the reading, language, and life skills of both parents and children from low-income families. To ensure that all students have access to the mainstream of American life, we support the English First approach and oppose divisive programs that limit students' ability to advance in American society. We renew our call for replacing \"family planning\" programs for teens with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior. Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually-transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS when transmitted sexually. It is effective, science-based, and empowers teens to achieve optimal health outcomes and avoid risks of sexual activity. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referrals, counseling, and related services for abortion and contraception. We support keeping federal funds from being used in mandatory or universal mental health, psychiatric, or socioemotional screening programs.\nWe applaud America's great teachers, who should be protected against frivolous litigation and should be able to take reasonable actions to maintain discipline and order in the classroom. We support legislation that will correct the current law provision which defines a \"Highly Qualified Teacher\" merely by his or her credentials, not results in the classroom. We urge school districts to make use of teaching talent in business, STEM fields, and in the military, especially among our returning veterans. Rigid tenure systems based on the \"last in, first out\" policy should be replaced with a merit-based approach that can attract fresh talent and dedication to the classroom. All personnel who interact with school children should pass background checks and be held to the highest standards of personal conduct.\nImproving Our Nation's Classrooms\n\nHigher education faces its own challenges, many of which stem from the poor preparation of students before they reach college. One consequence has been the multiplying number of remedial courses for freshmen. Even so, our universities, large and small, public or private, form the world's greatest assemblage of learning. They drive much of the research that keeps America competitive and, by admitting large numbers of foreign students, convey our values and culture to the world.\nIdeological bias is deeply entrenched within the current university system. Whatever the solution in private institutions may be, in State institutions the trustees have a responsibility to the public to ensure that their enormous investment is not abused for political indoctrination. We call on State officials to ensure that our public colleges and universities be places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left.\nAddressing Rising College Costs\n\nCollege costs, however, are on an unsustainable trajectory, rising year by year far ahead of overall inflation. Nationwide, student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt, roughly $23,300 for each of the 35,000,000 debtors, taking years to pay off. Over 50 percent of recent college grads are unemployed or underemployed, working at jobs for which their expensive educations gave them no training. It is time to get back to basics and to higher education programs directly related to job opportunities.\nThe first step is to acknowledge the need for change when the status quo is not working. New systems of learning are needed to compete with traditional four-year colleges: expanded community colleges and technical institutions, private training schools, online universities, life-long learning, and work-based learning in the private sector. New models for acquiring advanced skills will be ever more important in the rapidly changing economy of the twenty-first century, especially in science, technology, engineering, and math. Public policy should advance the affordability, innovation, and transparency needed to address all these challenges and to make accessible to everyone the emerging alternatives, with their lower cost degrees, to traditional college attendance.\nFederal student aid is on an unsustainable path, and efforts should be taken to provide families with greater transparency and the information they need to make prudent choices about a student's future: completion rates, repayment rates, future earnings, and other factors that may affect their decisions. The federal government should not be in the business of originating student loans; however, it should serve as an insurance guarantor for the private sector as they offer loans to students. Private sector participation in student financing should be welcomed. Any regulation that drives tuition costs higher must be reevaluated to balance its worth against its negative impact on students and their parents.\nJustice for All: Safe Neighborhoods and Prison Reform\n\nThe most effective forces in reducing crime and other social ills are strong families and caring communities supported by excellent law enforcement. Both reinforce constructive conduct and ethical standards by setting examples and providing safe havens from dangerous and destructive behaviors. But even under the best social circumstances, strong, welltrained law enforcement is necessary to protect us all, and especially the weak and vulnerable, from predators. Our national experience over the last several decades has shown that citizen vigilance, tough but fair prosecutors, meaningful sentences, protection of victims' rights, and limits on judicial discretion can preserve public safety by keeping criminals off the streets.\nLiberals do not understand this simple axiom: criminals behind bars cannot harm the general public. To that end, we support mandatory prison sentencing for gang crimes, violent or sexual offenses against children, repeat drug dealers, rape, robbery and murder. We support a national registry for convicted child murderers. We oppose parole for dangerous or repeat felons. Courts should have the option of imposing the death penalty in capital murder cases.\nIn solidarity with those who protect us, we call for mandatory prison time for all assaults involving serious injury to law enforcement officers. Criminals injured in the course of their crimes should not be able to seek monetary damages from their intended victims or from the public.\nWhile getting criminals off the street is essential, more attention must be paid to the process of restoring those individuals to the community. Prisons should do more than punish; they should attempt to rehabilitate and institute proven prisoner reentry systems to reduce recidivism and future victimization. We endorse State and local initiatives that are trying new approaches, often called accountability courts.\nGovernment at all levels should work with faithbased institutions that have proven track records in diverting young and first time, non-violent offenders from criminal careers, for which we salute them. Their emphasis on restorative justice, to make the victim whole and put the offender on the right path, can give law enforcement the flexibility it needs in dealing with different levels of criminal behavior. We endorse State and local initiatives that are trying new approaches to curbing drug abuse and diverting firsttime offenders to rehabilitation.\nPublic authorities must regain control of their correctional institutions, for we cannot allow prisons to become ethnic or racial battlegrounds. Persons jailed for whatever cause should be protected against cruel or degrading treatment by other inmates. In some cases, the institution of family-friendly policies may curtail prison violence and reduce the rate of recidivism, thus reducing the enormous fiscal and social costs of incarceration. Breaking the cycle of crime begins with the children of those who are prisoners. Deprived of a parent through no fault of their own, these youngsters should be a special concern of our schools, social services, and religious institutions.\nThirty years ago, President Reagan's Task Force on Victims of Crime, calling the neglect of crime victims a \"national disgrace,\" proposed a Constitutional amendment to secure their formal rights. While some progress has been made to rectify that situation, the need for national action still persists in the unacceptable treatment of innocent victims. We call on the States to make it a bipartisan priority to protect the rights of crime victims, who should also be assured of access to social and legal services; and we call on the Congress to make the federal courts a model in this regard for the rest of the country.\nThe resources of the federal government's law enforcement and judicial systems have been strained by two unfortunate expansions: the overcriminalization of behavior and the over-federalization of offenses. The number of criminal offenses in the U.S. Code increased from 3,000 in the early 1980s to over 4,450 by 2008. Federal criminal law should focus on acts by federal employees or acts committed on federal property — and leave the rest to the States. Then Congress should withdraw from federal departments and agencies the power to criminalize behavior, a practice which, according to the Congressional Research Service, has created \"tens of thousands\" of criminal offenses. No one other than an elected representative should have the authority to define a criminal act and set criminal penalties. In the same way, Congress should reconsider the extent to which it has federalized offenses traditionally handled on the State or local level.\n\nWe are the party of peace through strength. Professing American exceptionalism—the conviction that our country holds a unique place and role in human history—we proudly associate ourselves with those Americans of all political stripes who, more than three decades ago in a world as dangerous as today's, came together to advance the cause of freedom. Repudiating the folly of an amateur foreign policy and defying a worldwide Marxist advance, they announced their strategy in the timeless slogan we repeat today: peace through strength—an enduring peace based on freedom and the will to defend it, and American democratic values and the will to promote them. While the twentieth century was undeniably an American century—with strong leadership, adherence to the principles of freedom and democracy our Founders' enshrined in our nation's Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and a continued reliance on Divine Providence—the twenty-first century will be one of American greatness as well.\nToday's adversaries are different, as are their weapons and their ideology, but this remains the same: the unity of Americans, beyond party, in gratitude to those who have defended our country, pursued its attackers to the ends of the earth, and today stand vigilant guard in our cities, on our coasts, and in alien lands. We pledge to our servicemen and women the authority and resources they need to protect the nation and defend America's freedom. Continued vigilance, especially in travel and commerce, is necessary to prevent bioterrorism, cyber terrorism, and other asymmetric or non-traditional warfare attacks and to ensure that the horror of September 11, 2001 is never repeated on our soil.\nOur country and its way of life have enemies both abroad and within our shores. We affirm the need for our military to protect the nation by finding and capturing our enemies and the necessity for the President to have the tools to deal with these threats. As history has sadly shown, even our fellow citizens may rarely become enemies of their country. Nevertheless, our government must continue to ensure the protections under our Constitution to all citizens, particularly the rights of habeas corpus and due process of law.\nHistory proves that the best way to promote peace and prevent costly wars is to ensure that we constantly renew America's economic strength. A healthy American economy is what underwrites and sustains American power. The current Administration is weakening America at home through anemic growth, high unemployment, and record-setting debt. We must therefore rebuild our economy and solve our fiscal crisis. In an American century, America will have the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world.\nThe Current Administration's Failure: Leading From Behind\n\nThe Republican Party is the advocate for a strong national defense as the pathway to peace, economic prosperity, and the protection of those yearning to be free. Since the end of World War II, American military superiority has been the cornerstone of a strategy that seeks to deter aggression or defeat those who threaten our national security interests. In 1981, President Reagan came to office with an agenda of strong American leadership, beginning with a restoration of our country's military strength. The rest is history, written in the rubble of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain.\nWe face a similar challenge today. The current Administration has responded with weakness to some of the gravest threats to our national security this country has faced, including the proliferation of transnational terrorism, continued belligerence by a nuclear-armed North Korea, an Iran in pursuit of nuclear weapons, rising Chinese hegemony in the Asia Pacific region, Russian activism, and threats from cyber espionage and terrorism. In response to these growing threats, President Obama has reduced the defense budget by over $487 billion over the next decade and fought Republican efforts to avoid another $500 billion in automatic budget cuts through a sequestration in early 2013 that will take a meat ax to all major defense programs.\nThe Dangers of A Hollow Force: The Looming Sequestration\nSequestration—which is severe, automatic, across-the-board cuts in defense spending over the next decade—of the nation's military budget would be a disaster for national security, imperiling the safety of our servicemen and women, accelerating the decline of our nation's defense industrial base, and resulting in the layoff of more than 1 million skilled workers. Opposition to sequester is bipartisan; even the current Secretary of Defense has said the cuts will be \"devastating\" to America's military. Yet the current President supported sequestration, signed it into law, and has threatened to veto Republican efforts to prevent it. If he allows an additional half trillion dollars to be cut from the defense budget, America will be left with the smallest ground force since 1940, the smallest number of ships since 1915, and the smallest Air Force in its history—at a time when our Nation faces a growing range of threats to our national security and a struggling economy that can ill afford to lose 1.5 million defense-related jobs.\nLeaks for Political Purposes\nThe current Administration's leaks of classified information have imperiled intelligence assets which are vital to American security. This conduct is contemptible. It betrays our national interest. It compromises our men and women in the field. And it demands a full and prompt investigation by a special counsel. Equally threatening to the long-term strength and safety of our Armed Forces are the current Administration's efforts to sacrifice our national security for political gain and a partisan agenda. We give the current President credit for maintaining his predecessor's quiet determination and planning to bring to justice the man behind the 9/11 attack on America, but he has tolerated publicizing the details of the operation to kill the leader of Al Qaeda; those leaks exposed the tactics and techniques of our Special Operations forces and denied our nation an unprecedented intelligence opportunity. Subsequent leaks by senior Administration officials regarding cyber warfare, the use of drones against Al Qaeda and its operatives, and the targeting of our enemies—unprecedented leaks that compromised key sources and methods and damaged our national security—served the single purpose of propping up the image of a weak President.\nA Failed National Security Strategy\nThe current Administration's most recent National Security Strategy reflects the extreme elements in its liberal domestic coalition. It is a budget-constrained blueprint that, if fully implemented, will diminish the capabilities of our Armed Forces. The strategy significantly increases the risk of future conflict by declaring to our adversaries that we will no longer maintain the forces necessary to fight and win more than one conflict at a time. It relies on the good intentions and capabilities of international organizations to justify constraining American military readiness. Finally, the strategy subordinates our national security interests to environmental, energy, and international health issues, and elevates \"climate change\" to the level of a \"severe threat\" equivalent to foreign aggression. The word \"climate,\" in fact, appears in the current President's strategy more often than Al Qaeda, nuclear proliferation, radical Islam, or weapons of mass destruction. The phrase \"global war on terror\" does not appear at all, and has been purposely avoided and changed by his Administration to \"overseas contingency operations.\"\nConventional Forces in Decline\n\nMore than a century ago, Republican President Theodore Roosevelt predicted that America's future was in the Pacific. That future is here today, but it can develop peacefully only under the shield of American Naval and Air power. Yet the current Administration plans to significantly curtail production of our most advanced combat aircraft, decommission 6 of 60 Air Force tactical squadrons, and eliminate critical air mobility assets, including 27 giant C-5As and 65 C-130s, while divesting the nation of the brand new C-27.\nThe President plans to reduce our naval forces by retiring seven cruisers and slowing work on amphibious ships and attack submarines, further reducing the Navy that already has the smallest fleet since the early years of the twentieth century. And he will reduce ground forces by separating 100,000 soldiers and Marines—many of whom will be discharged after recently returning from combat—and another 100,000 under the sequester.\nThese plans limit our strategic flexibility in an increasingly dangerous world. The current President is repeating the disastrous cuts of the post-Vietnam war era, putting our nation in danger of returning to the \"hollow force\" of the Carter Administration, when the U.S. military was not respected in the world.\nNuclear Forces and Missile Defense Imperiled\n\nWe recognize that the gravest terror threat we face—a nuclear attack made possible by nuclear proliferation—requires a comprehensive strategy for reducing the world's nuclear stockpiles and preventing the spread of those armaments. But the U.S. can lead that effort only if it maintains an effective strategic arsenal at a level sufficient to fulfill its deterrent purposes, a notable failure of the current Administration.\nThe United States is the only nuclear power not modernizing its nuclear stockpile. It took the current Administration just one year to renege on the President's commitment to modernize the neglected infrastructure of the nuclear weapons complex—a commitment made in exchange for approval of the New START treaty. In tandem with this, the current Administration has systematically undermined America's missile defense, abandoning the missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic, reducing the number of planned interceptors in Alaska, and cutting the budget for missile defense. In an embarrassing open microphone discussion with former Russian President Medvedev, the current President made clear that, if he wins a second term, he intends to exercise \"more flexibility\" to appease Russia, which means further undermining our missile defense capabilities. A Republican President will be honest and forthright with the American people about his policies and plans and not whisper promises to authoritarian leaders.\nA strong and effective strategic arsenal is still necessary as a deterrent against competitors like Russia or China. But the danger in this age of asymmetric or non-traditional warfare comes from other quarters as well. With unstable regimes in Iran and North Korea determined to develop nuclear-tipped missiles capable of reaching the United States, with the possibility that a terrorist group could gain control of a nuclear weapon, it is folly to abandon a missile shield for the country.\nA Twenty-First Century Threat: The Cybersecurity Danger\n\nThe frequency, sophistication, and intensity of cyber-related incidents within the United States have increased steadily over the past decade and will continue to do so until it is made clear that a cyber attack against the United States will not be tolerated. The current Administration's cyber security policies have failed to curb malicious actions by our adversaries, and no wonder, for there is no active deterrence protocol. The current deterrence framework is overly reliant on the development of defensive capabilities and has been unsuccessful in dissuading cyber-related aggression. The U.S. cannot afford to risk the cyberequivalent of Pearl Harbor.\nThe government and private sector must work together to address the cyberthreats posed to the United States, help the free flow of information between network managers, and encourage innovation and investment in cybersecurity. The government must do a better job of protecting its own systems, which contain some of the most sensitive data and control some of our most important facilities. As such, we encourage an immediate update of the law that was drafted a decade ago to improve the security of government information systems. Additionally, we must invest in continuing research to develop cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies to protect the U.S. However, we acknowledge that the most effective way of combating potential cybersecurity threats is sharing cyberthreat information between the government and industry, as well as protecting the free flow of information within the private sector.\nThe current Administration's laws and policies undermine what should be a collaborative relationship and put both the government and private entities at a severe disadvantage in proactively identifying potential cyberthreats. The costly and heavy-handed regulatory approach by the current Administration will increase the size and cost of the federal bureaucracy and harm innovation in cybersecurity. The government collects valuable information about potential threats that can and should be shared with private entities without compromising national security. We believe that companies should be free from legal and regulatory barriers that prevent or deter them from voluntarily sharing cyberthreat information with their government partners.\nAn America That Leads: The Republican National Security Strategy for the Future\n\nWe will honor President Reagan's legacy of peace through strength by advancing the most costeffective programs and policies crucial to our national security, including our economic security and fiscal solvency. To do that, we must honestly assess the threats facing this country, and we must be able to articulate candidly to the American people our priorities for the use of taxpayer dollars to address those threats.\nWe must deter any adversary who would attack us or use terror as a tool of government. Every potential enemy must have no doubt that our capabilities, our commitment, and our will to defeat them are clear, unwavering, and unequivocal. We must immediately employ a new blueprint for a National Military Strategy that is based on an informed and validated assessment of the potential threats we face, one that restores as a principal objective the deterrence using the full spectrum of our military capabilities. As Ronald Reagan proved by the victorious conclusion of the Cold War, only our capability to wield overwhelming military power can truly deter the enemies of the United States from threatening our people and our national interests.\nIn order to deter aggression from nation-states, we must maintain military and technical superiority through innovation while upgrading legacy systems including aircraft and armored vehicles. We must deter the threat posed by rogue aggressors with the assurance that justice will be served through state-ofthe-art surveillance, enhanced special operations capabilities, and unmanned aerial systems.\nWe will employ the full range of military and intelligence options to defeat Al Qaeda and its affiliates who threaten not just the West but the community of nations. We will have a comprehensive and just detainee policy that treats those who would attack our nation as enemy combatants. We will accept no arms control agreement that limits our right to self-defense; and we will fully deploy a missile defense shield for the people of the United States and for our allies.\nWe will pursue an effective cybersecurity strategy, supported by the necessary resources, that recognizes the importance of offensive capabilities. Whether it is a nation-state actively probing our national security networks, a terror organization seeking to obtain destructive cyber capabilities, or a criminal network's theft of intellectual property, more must be done to deter, defeat, and respond to cyberthreats.\nWe will restore the morale and advance the capabilities of our intelligence community to ensure that the President and our military leaders are fully informed in an uncertain and increasingly dangerous world. We will restore accountability to ensure that our nation's most sensitive information and activities are protected appropriately.\nThe Department of Defense, like all government agencies, needs to be careful to spend taxpayers' dollars wisely. We will implement sound management policies to ensure the timely, cost-effective delivery of the tools our troops need to fight. We reject Congressional earmarks that put personal and parochial interests ahead of military effectiveness and the best interests of the nation. We recognize the need for, and value of, competition within a robust industrial base to most effectively maximize quality and drive down costs in everything the Department buys.\nSupporting our Troops, Standing By Our Heroes\n\nThe foundation of our military lies in the men and women who wear our country's uniform, whether on active duty or in the Reserves and National Guard, and the families who support them. Under no circumstances will we reveal any secret or detail of a military operation that could put our people into additional harm's way. The members of our military should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity. We reject the use of the military as a platform for social experimentation and will not accept attempts to undermine military priorities and mission readiness.\nConsistent with this commitment, we believe compensation and conditions for our Armed Forces in place at the time military service is initiated should be sufficient to attract and retain quality men and women as we honor our promises and commitments to veterans, retirees, and their families. These shall continue and not be reduced or otherwise diminished while in service, or upon separation, or retirement. The combat readiness of our Armed Forces is the foundation of strength and deterrence. Readiness requires a consistent and sustained investment in the training and re-equipping of our military personnel. We will never assume the risk of reduced readiness, and we can never return to the \"hollow\" forces of the 1970s. Combat readiness also requires that we reserve troops for truly necessary operations by not overextending them around the world.\nWe recognize that drastic cuts to our military's end strength pose severe national security challenges. To avoid the overextension of our forces, we support a larger active force and oppose cuts to the National Guard and Reserves.\nThe all-volunteer force, begun on the watch of Republican Presidents, has carried America to victory from the Caribbean and Central America to the Balkans and Southwest Asia. We oppose the reinstatement of the draft whether directly or through compulsory national service. We support the advancement of women in the military, which has not only opened doors of opportunity for individuals but has also made possible the devoted, and often heroic, services of additional members of every branch of the Armed Forces. We support military women's exemption from direct ground combat units and infantry battalions. We affirm the cultural values that encourage selfless service and superiority in battle, and we oppose anything which might divide or weaken team cohesion, including intra-military special interest demonstrations. We will support an objective and open-minded review of the current Administration's management of military personnel policies and will correct problems with appropriate administrative, legal, or legislative action.\nThe National Guard and Reserves are a fully operational and battle-tested component of our Armed Forces. Many of them have heroically served for multiple deployments resulting in inadequate time between deployments, also known as dwell time. We pledge to maintain their manpower and equipment strength and to ensure their members receive the pay, benefits, and adequate training to continue their service and maintain mission readiness through Presidential leadership and Congressional budget support. Their historic and continuing role as citizensoldiers is a proud tradition linking every community across America to the cause of freedom. We affirm service members' legal right to return to their civilian jobs, whether in government or the private sector, and we urge greater transition assistance to and from employers as they return to the civilian world. Especially in light of the high unemployment rates faced by younger Reserve and Guard members, we salute those employers who have wisely decided that it is a smart and patriotic business decision to hire those who have served above and beyond the call of duty.\nThe spiritual welfare of our troops and retired service members should be a priority of our national leadership. With military suicides running at the rate of one a day, with post-service medical conditions, including addiction and mental illness, and with the financial stress and homelessness that is often related to these factors, there is an urgent need for the kind of counseling that faith-based institutions can best provide. We support rights of conscience and religious freedom for military chaplains and people of faith. A Republican Commander in Chief will protect religious independence of military chaplains and will not tolerate attempts to ban Bibles or religious symbols from military facilities. We will enforce and defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the Armed Forces as well as in the civilian world.\nWe call upon the entire chain of command—from the President and the Secretary of Defense, to base and unit commanders—to ensure that our troops and retired service members, wherever stationed, have the opportunity to vote in the November elections, and that their ballots will be returned in time to be properly counted. Those who fight for and defend freedom around the world must not be disenfranchised.\nRecognizing and Supporting Military Families\nThe families of our military personnel currently serving, retired service members, and veterans must also be assured of the pay, health care, housing, education, and overall support they have earned. We will ensure that the federal government keeps its commitments to those who signed on the dotted line of enlistment with the assurance that those promises would be kept. We must also do more to retain the services of those service members who have borne the fight since 2001.\nWe must acknowledge that as our troops have experienced repeated deployments, so have their families. We are committed to providing programs that offer readjustment information and counseling to our military families, and urge States to offer support for job programs, license reciprocity, one-stop service centers, and education programs to support these families. The nation must also recognize the ultimate sacrifice of survivors and protect their benefits. We will work to protect service members and their families by not overextending their deployments.\nHonoring and Supporting Our Veterans: A Sacred Obligation\nAmerica has a sacred trust with our veterans, and we are committed to providing them and their families with care and dignity. This is particularly true because our nation's warriors are volunteers, who served from a sense of duty. The work of the Department of Veterans Affairs—with a staff of 300,000—is essential to meet our obligations to them: providing health, education, disability, survivor, and home loan benefit services and arranging memorial services upon death. All its branches in those various fields must be made more responsive, moving from an adversarial to an advocacy relationship with veterans. To that end we will consider a fundamental change in structure to make the regional directors of the Department presidential appointees rather than careerists.\nOur wounded warriors, whether still in service or discharged, deserve the best medical care our country can provide. The nature of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan has resulted in an unprecedented incidence of traumatic brain injury, loss of limbs, and post-traumatic stress disorder which calls for a new commitment of resources and personnel for its treatment and care to promote recovery. We must make military and veterans' medicine the gold standard for mental health care, advances in prosthetics, and treatment of trauma and eye injuries. We must heed Abraham Lincoln's command \"to care for him who bore the battle.\" To care, as well, for the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, who must be assured of meaningful financial assistance, remains our solemn duty.\nBecause the conditions of warfare have changed dramatically since the war on terror began, today's veterans face new challenges. Asymmetrical or non-traditional warfare results in a high incidence of severe conditions that must receive high priority and call for continued research into prevention and treatment.\nWe are committed to ending homelessness for our veterans. One key is to assist their reentry into the job market as soon as possible after military service ends. A job for a veteran is more than a source of income. It is a new mission, with a new status, and the transition can be difficult. It is a national scandal that veterans are one of the groups with the highest unemployment rates. We urge the private sector to make hiring vets a company policy and commend the many organizations that have specific programs to accomplish this. But the federal government must take the lead by simplifying the paper work required for a tax break for hiring a veteran and by giving vets their assured place at the head of the training and employment line.\nEvery State has an office dealing with veterans. The federal Department needs to consider these as partners in assisting vets, recognizing that those closest to the individual can best diagnose a problem and apply a remedy. This is especially important with regard to the determination of veterans' disability claims. If private insurance companies can deal with car wrecks and hurricanes within weeks or months, it is inexplicable that the federal government takes, on average, a year to process a veteran's claim. We urge immediate action to review the automatic denial of gun ownership to returning members of our Armed Forces who have had representatives appointed to manage their financial affairs.\nSovereign American Leadership in International Organizations\n\nSince the end of World War II, the United States, through the founding of the United Nations and NATO, has participated in a wide range of international organizations which can, but sometimes do not, serve the cause of peace and prosperity. While acting through them, our country must always reserve the right to go its own way. There can be no substitute for principled American leadership.\nThe United Nations remains in dire need of reform, starting with full transparency in the financial operations of its overpaid bureaucrats. As long as its scandal-ridden management continues, as long as some of the world's worst tyrants hold seats on its Human Rights Council, and as long as Israel is treated as a pariah state, the U.N. cannot expect the full support of the American people.\nThe United Nations Population Fund has a shameful record of collaboration with China's program of compulsory abortion. We affirm the Republican Party's long-held position known as the Mexico City Policy, first announced by President Reagan in 1984, which prohibits the granting of federal monies to non-governmental organization that provide or promote abortion.\nUnder our Constitution, treaties become the law of the land. So it is all the more important that the Congress—the Senate through its ratifying power and the House through its appropriating power—shall reject agreements whose long-range impact on the American family is ominous or unclear. These include the U.N. Convention on Women's Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty as well as the various declarations from the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development. Because of our concern for American sovereignty, domestic management of our fisheries, and our country's long-term energy needs, we have deep reservations about the regulatory, legal, and tax regimes inherent in the Law of the Sea Treaty and congratulate Senate Republicans for blocking its ratification. We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty, and we oppose any form of U.N. Global Tax. We oppose any diplomatic efforts that could result in giving the United Nations unprecedented control over the Internet. International regulatory control over the open and free Internet would have disastrous consequences for the United States and the world.\nTo shield members of our Armed Forces and others in service to America from ideological prosecutions overseas, the Republican Party does not accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. We support statutory protection for U.S. personnel and officials as they act abroad to meet our global security requirements.\nProtecting Human Rights\nTo those who stand in the darkness of tyranny, America has always been a beacon of hope, and so it must remain. That is why we strongly support the work of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, established by Congressional Republicans to advance the rights of persecuted peoples everywhere. It has been shunted aside by the current Administration at a time when its voice more than ever needs to be heard. Religious minorities across the Middle East are being driven from their ancient homelands, fanaticism leaves its bloody mark on both West and East Africa, and even among America's Western friends and allies, pastors and families are penalized for their religious convictions. A Republican Administration will return the advocacy of religious liberty to a central place in our diplomacy.\nAmerica's Generosity: International Assistance that Makes a Difference\n\nAmericans are the most generous people in the world. Apart from the taxpayer dollars our government donates abroad, our foundations, educational institutions, faith-based groups, and committed men and women of charity devote billions of dollars and volunteer hours every year to help the poor and needy around the world. This effort, along with commercial investment from the private sector, dwarfs the results from official development assistance, most of which is based on an outdated, statist, government-togovernment model, the proven breeding ground for corruption and mismanagement by foreign kleptocrats. Limiting foreign aid spending helps keep taxes lower, which frees more resources in the private and charitable sectors, whose giving tends to be more effective and efficient.\nForeign aid should serve our national interest, an essential part of which is the peaceful development of less advanced and vulnerable societies in critical parts of the world. Assistance should be seen as an alternative means of keeping the peace, far less costly in both dollars and human lives than military engagement. The economic success and political progress of former aid recipients, from Latin America to East Asia, has justified our investment in their future. U.S. aid should be based on the model of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, for which foreign governments must, in effect, compete for the dollars by showing respect for the rule of law, free enterprise, and measurable results. In short, aid money should follow positive outcomes, not pleas for more cash in the same corrupt official pockets.\nThe effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda. At the same time, faith-based groups—the sector that has had the best track record in promoting lasting development—have been excluded from grants because they will not conform to the administration's social agenda. We will reverse this tragic course, encourage more involvement by the most effective aid organizations, and trust developing peoples to build their future from the ground up.\nCombating Human Trafficking\nAs we approach the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, issued by the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln, we are reminded to be vigilant against human bondage in whatever form it appears. We will use the full force of the law against those who engage in modern-day forms of slavery, including the commercial sexual exploitation of children and the forced labor of men, women, and children. Building on the accomplishments of the last Republican Administration in implementing the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, we call for increased diplomatic efforts with foreign governments to root out complicit public officials who facilitate or perpetrate this evil. We highlight the need for greater scrutiny of overseas labor contractors to prevent the imposition of usurious terms on temporary foreign workers brought to the United States. Our government must address the increasing role of vicious drug cartels and other gangs in controlling human smuggling across our southern border. The principle underlying our Megan's Law—publicizing the identities of known offenders—should be extended to international travel in order to protect innocent children everywhere.\nWe affirm our country's historic tradition of welcoming refugees from troubled lands. In some cases, they are people who stood with us during dangerous times, and they have first call on our hospitality.\nPromoting a Free Marketplace of Ideas: Public Diplomacy\n\nInternational broadcasting of free and impartial information during the Cold War kept truth and hope alive in the Captive Nations. Today, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio/TV Marti do the same in other lands where freedom is unknown or endangered. We support these essential extensions of American values and culture and urge their expansion in the Middle East. Recognizing the vital role of social media in recent efforts to promote democracy, we support unrestricted access to the Internet throughout the world to advance the free marketplace of ideas.\nStrengthening Ties in the Americas\n\nWe will resist foreign influence in our hemisphere. We thereby seek not only to provide for our own security, but also to create a climate for democracy and self-determination throughout the Americas.\nThe current Administration has turned its back on Latin America, with predictable results. Rather than supporting our democratic allies in the region, the President has prioritized engagement with our enemies in the region. Venezuela represents an increasing threat to U.S. security, a threat which has grown much worse on the current President's watch. In the last three years, Venezuela has become a narcoterrorist state, turning it into an Iranian outpost in the Western hemisphere. The current regime issues Venezuelan passports or visas to thousands of Middle Eastern terrorists offering safe haven to Hezbollah trainers, operatives, recruiters and fundraisers.\nAlternatively, we will stand with the true democracies of the region against both Marxist subversion and the drug lords, helping them to become prosperous alternatives to the collapsing model of Venezuela and Cuba.\nWe affirm our friendship with the People of Cuba and look toward their reunion with the rest of our hemispheric family. The anachronistic regime in Havana which rules them is a mummified relic of the age of totalitarianism, a state-sponsor of terrorism. We reject any dynastic succession of power within the Castro family and affirm the principles codified in U.S. law as conditions for the lifting of trade, travel, and financial sanctions: the legalization of political parties, an independent media, and free and fair internationally-supervised elections. We renew our commitment to Cuba's courageous pro-democracy movement as the protagonists of Cuba's inevitable liberation and democratic future. We call for a dedicated platform for the transmission of Radio and TV Marti and for the promotion of Internet access and circumvention technology as tools to strengthen the pro-democracy movement. We support the work of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba and affirm the principles of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, recognizing the rights of Cubans fleeing Communism.\nThe war on drugs and the war on terror have become a single enterprise. We salute our allies in this fight, especially the people of Mexico and Colombia. We propose a unified effort on crime and terrorism to coordinate intelligence and enforcement among our regional allies, as well as military-to-military training and intelligence sharing with Mexico, whose people are bearing the brunt of the drug cartels' savage assault.\nOur Canadian neighbors can count on our close cooperation and respect. As soon as possible, we will reverse the current Administration's blocking of the Keystone XL Pipeline so that both our countries can profit from this vital venture and there will no need for hemispheric oil to be shipped to China.\nAdvancing Hope and Prosperity in Africa\n\nPEPFAR, President George W. Bush's Plan for AIDS Relief, is one of the most successful global health programs in history. It has saved literally millions of lives. Along with the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, another initiative of President Bush, it represents America's humanitarian commitment to the peoples of Africa, though these are only one aspect of our assistance to the nations of that continent. From Peace Corps volunteers teaching in one-room schools to U.S. Seabees building village projects, we will continue to strengthen the personal and commercial ties between our country and African nations.\nWe stand in solidarity with those African countries now under assault by the forces of radical Islam and urge other governments throughout the continent to recognize this threat to them as well. We support closer cooperation in both military and economic matters with those who are under attack by forces which seek our destruction.\nU.S. Leadership in the Asian-Pacific Community\n\nWe are a Pacific nation with economic, military, and cultural ties to all the countries of the oceanic rim, from Australia, the Philippines, and our Freely Associated States in the Pacific Islands to Japan and the Republic of Korea. With them, we look toward the restoration of human rights to the suffering people of North Korea and the fulfillment of their wish to be one in peace and freedom. The U.S. will continue to demand the complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantlement of North Korea's nuclear weapons programs with a full accounting of its proliferation activities.\nWe celebrate the political and economic development of most of the nations of Southeast Asia. Their example of material progress through hard work and free enterprise, in tandem with greater democracy should encourage their less fortunate neighbors to set aside crippling ideologies and embrace a more humane future. While our relations with Vietnam have improved, and U.S. investment is welcomed, we need unceasing efforts to obtain an accounting for, and repatriation of the remains of, Americans who gave their lives in the cause of Vietnamese freedom. We cannot overlook the continued repression of human rights and religious freedom, as well as retribution against ethnic minorities and others who assisted U.S. forces during the conflict there.\nSouth Asia\n\nWe welcome a stronger relationship with the world's largest democracy, India, both economic and cultural, as well as in terms of national security. We hereby affirm and declare that India is our geopolitical ally and a strategic trading partner. We encourage India to permit greater foreign investment and trade. We urge protection for adherents of all India's religions. Both as Republicans and as Americans, we note with pride the contributions to this country that are being made by our fellow citizens of Indian ancestry.\nThe aftermath of the last decade's conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan has put enormous pressure on the political and military infrastructure of Pakistan, which faces both internal terrorism and external dangers. The working relationship between our two countries is a necessary, though sometimes difficult, benefit to both, and we look toward the renewal of historic ties that have frayed under the weight of international conflict.\nThe imminent withdrawal from Afghanistan of the 30,000 \"surge\" troops sent there two years ago comes weeks before this year's presidential election and against the advice of the current President's top military commanders. Future decisions by a Republican President will never subordinate military necessity to domestic politics or an artificial timetable. Afghans, Pakistanis, and Americans have a common interest in ridding the region of the Taliban and other insurgent groups, but we cannot expect others to remain resolute unless we show the same determination ourselves. We will expect the Afghan government to crackdown on corruption, respect free elections, and assist our fight against the narcotic trade that fuels the insurgency. We must likewise expect the Pakistan government to sever any connection between its security and intelligence forces and the insurgents. No Pakistani citizen should be punished for helping the United States against the terrorists.\nTaiwan\nWe salute the people of Taiwan, a sound democracy and economic model for mainland China. Our relations must continue to be based upon the provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act. America and Taiwan are united in our shared belief in fair elections, personal liberty, and free enterprise. We oppose any unilateral steps by either side to alter the status quo in the Taiwan Straits on the principle that all issues regarding the island's future must be resolved peacefully, through dialogue, and be agreeable to the people of Taiwan. If China were to violate those principles, the U.S., in accord with the Taiwan Relations Act, will help Taiwan defend itself. We praise steps taken by both sides of the Taiwan Strait to reduce tension and strengthen economic ties. As a loyal friend of America, Taiwan has merited our strong support, including free trade agreements status, as well as the timely sale of defensive arms and full participation in the World Health Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, and other multilateral institutions.\nChina\n\nWe will welcome the emergence of a peaceful and prosperous China, and we will welcome even more the development of a democratic China. Its rulers have discovered that economic freedom leads to national wealth. The next lesson is that political and religious freedom leads to national greatness. The exposure of the Chinese people to our way of life can be the greatest force for change in their country. We should make it easier for the people of China to experience our vibrant democracy and to see for themselves how freedom works. We welcome the increase in trade and education alliances with the U.S. and the opening of Chinese markets to American companies.\nThe Chinese government has engaged in a number of activities that we condemn: China's pursuit of advanced military capabilities without any apparent need; suppression of human rights in Tibet, Xinjiang, and other areas; religious persecution; a barbaric one-child policy involving forced abortion; the erosion of democracy in Hong Kong; and its destabilizing claims in the South China Sea. Our serious trade disputes, especially China's failure to enforce international standards for the protection of intellectual property and copyrights, as well as its manipulation of its currency, call for a firm response from a new Republican Administration.\nEurope\nThe West has been the bulwark of democracy and freedom, providing hope and faith to the oppressed around the globe. Our historic ties to the peoples of Europe have been based on shared culture and values, common interests and goals. Their endurance cannot be taken for granted, especially in light of the continent's economic upheaval and demographic changes. Ensuring the continued vitality of our political alliance with Europe through NATO will require effort and understanding on both sides of the Atlantic. We honor our special relationship with the United Kingdom and appreciate its staunch support for our fight against terrorism worldwide. We thank the several other nations of Europe which have contributed to a united effort in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. Their sacrifice will not soon be forgotten. We are heartened by the ongoing reconciliation in Northern Ireland and hopeful that its success might be replicated in Cyprus.\nRussia\n\nThe heroism—and the suffering—of the people of Russia over the last century demand the world's respect. As our allies in their Great Patriotic War, they lost 28 million fighting Nazism. As our allies in spirit, they ended the Soviet terror that had consumed so many millions more. They deserve our admiration and support as they now seek to reestablish their rich national identity. We do have common imperatives: ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting trade, and more. To advance those causes, we urge the leaders of their government to reconsider the path they have been following: suppression of opposition parties, the press, and institutions of civil society; unprovoked invasion of the Republic of Georgia, alignment with tyrants in the Middle East; and bullying their neighbors while protecting the last Stalinist regime in Belarus. The Russian people deserve better, as we look to their full participation in the ranks of modern democracies.\nRussia should be granted Permanent Normal Trade Relations, but not without sanctions on Russian officials who have used the government to violate human rights. We support enactment of the Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act as a condition of expanded trade relations with Russia.\nOur Unequivocal Support of Israel\nIsrael and the United States are part of the great fellowship of democracies who speak the same language of freedom and justice, and the right of every person to live in peace. The security of Israel is in the vital national security interest of the United States; our alliance is based not only on shared interests, but also shared values. We affirm our unequivocal commitment to Israel's security and will ensure that it maintains a qualitative edge in military technology over any potential adversaries. We support Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state with secure, defensible borders; and we envision two democratic states—Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and Palestine—living in peace and security. For that to happen, the Palestinian people must support leaders who reject terror, embrace the institutions and ethos of democracy, and respect the rule of law. We call on Arab governments throughout the region to help advance that goal. Israel should not be expected to negotiate with entities pledged to her destruction. We call on the new government in Egypt to fully uphold its peace treaty with Israel.\nThe U.S. seeks a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East, negotiated between the parties themselves with the assistance of the U.S., without the imposition of an artificial timetable. Essential to that process will be a just, fair, and realistic framework for dealing with the issues that can be settled on the basis of mutually agreed changes reflecting today's realities as well as tomorrow's hopes.\nThe Challenges of a Changing Middle East\n\nWe recognize the historic nature of the events of the past two years—the Arab Spring—that have unleashed democratic movements leading to the overthrow of dictators who have been menaces to global security for decades. In a season of upheaval, it is necessary to be prepared for anything. That is true on the ground in the Middle East, and it will be equally true in the next Administration, particularly with a new President unbound by the failures of the past. We welcome the aspirations of the Arab peoples and others for greater freedom, and we hope that greater liberty—and with it, a greater chance for peace—will result from the recent turmoil. Many governments in the region have given substantial assistance to the U.S. over the last decade because they understood that our struggle against terror is not an ethnic or religious fight, and that violent extremists are abusers of their faith, not its champions.\nOn the other hand, radical elements like Hamas and Hezbollah must be isolated because they do not meet the standards of peace and diplomacy of the international community. We call for the restoration of Lebanon's independence, which those groups have virtually destroyed. We support the transition to a post-Assad Syrian government that is representative of its people, protects the rights of all minorities and religions, respects the territorial integrity of its neighbors, and contributes to peace and stability in the region. We offer a continuing partnership with the people of Iraq, who have endured extremist terror to now have a chance to build their own security and democracy. We urge special efforts to preserve and protect the ethnic and religious diversity of their nation.\nIran's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability threatens America, Israel, and the world. That threat has only become worse during the current Administration. A continuation of its failed engagement policy with Iran will lead to nuclear cascade. In solidarity with the international community, America must lead the effort to prevent Iran from building and possessing nuclear weapons capability. We express our respect for the people of Iran, who seek peace and aspire to freedom. Their current regime is unworthy of them. It exports terror and provided weapons that killed our troops in Iraq. We affirm the unanimous resolution of the U.S. Senate calling for \"elections that are free, fair, and meet international standards\" and \"a representative and responsive democratic government that respects human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law.\" We urge the next Republican President to unequivocally assert his support for the Iranian people as they protest their despotic regime. We must retain all options in dealing with a situation that gravely threatens our security, our interests, and the safety of our friends.\nThe Platform Committee\nRepublican National Committee Chairman\nReince Priebus\nChairman\nGovernor Bob McDonnell\nCo-Chairmen\n\nSenator John Hoeven\nCongressman Marsha Blackburn\nSubcommittee Chairs\n\nRestoring the American Dream: Rebuilding the Economy and Creating Jobs\n\nCo-Chairman Jonathan Barnett\nCo-Chairman Lynn Fitch\nCo-Chairman Andy Puzder\nWe The People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government\nCo-Chairman Jim Bopp\nCo-Chairman Jane Timken\nAmerica's Natural Resources: Energy, Agriculture and the Environment\n\nCo-Chairman Mary Dye\nCo-Chairman Ed Whitfield\nReforming Government to Serve the People\nCo-Chairman Jim Cawley\nCo-Chairman Rachel Kemp\nRenewing American Values to Build Healthy Families, Great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods\nCo-Chairman Tom Luna\nCo-Chairman Carolyn McLarty\nCo-Chairman Sam Olens\nAmerican Exceptionalism\n\nCo-Chairman Donna Cain\nCo-Chairman Jim Talent\nCommittee Members\n\nPlatform Staff\nAdministrative Team:\nGregg Edgar, Brian O'Malley, Mallory Loring\nCourt Reporter:\nRaymond Heer III, Alderson Court Reporting\nPolicy Staff\nEconomy Subcommittee\nRestoring Constitutional Government\nSpecial thanks to the following for their valuable insights:\nSpecial thanks to:\nBetsy Ankney, Sara Armstrong, Julia Biebighauser, Tyler Brown, Britt Carter, Brittany Cohan, Cesar deGuzman, Sharon Day, Dirk Eyman, Mike Gilding, Wells Griffith, Bill Harris, Anne Hathaway, Rebecca Heilig, Aly Higgins, Colleen House, Mark Isaacson, Bettina Inclain, Jeff Larson, Jeremy Kenney, Tom Kise, Tory Maguire, James Min, Johanna Persing, Joe Pounder, Ryan Price, Matt Sauvage, Tim Schigel, Sean Spicer, Elizabeth Steil, Bill Steiner, Christine Samuelian, Matt Terrill, Jennifer Voldness, Rick Wiley, Larissa Ziemann and all our volunteers", "Words" -> 29435, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1801, "and" -> 1247, "of" -> 1136, "to" -> 927, "in" -> 509, "a" -> 422, "for" -> 350, "that" -> 324, "We" -> 298, "our" -> 270, "is" -> 249, "be" -> 207, "with" -> 196, "The" -> 191, "will" -> 171, "on" -> 169, "their" -> 163, "we" -> 160, "by" -> 154, "as" -> 145, "are" -> 142, "has" -> 138, "or" -> 124, "have" -> 122, "American" -> 113, "from" -> 112, "must" -> 108, "government" -> 106, "should" -> 104, "its" -> 101, "all" -> 94, "not" -> 93, "federal" -> 93, "it" -> 92, "who" -> 88, "an" -> 88, "which" -> 86, "support" -> 84, "States" -> 83, "more" -> 78, "current" -> 78, "those" -> 77, "people" -> 67, "U.S." -> 64, "Republican" -> 62, "It" -> 61, "can" -> 60, "through" -> 57, "programs" -> 57, "at" -> 55, "public" -> 54, "economic" -> 52, "they" -> 51, "law" -> 51, "Administration" -> 51, "national" -> 50, "most" -> 50, "In" -> 49, "than" -> 47, "President" -> 47, "military" -> 46, "been" -> 46, "other" -> 45, "call" -> 45, "America" -> 45, "this" -> 44, "Americans" -> 44, "State" -> 43, 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"taxpayer" -> 9, "since" -> 9, "school" -> 9, "responsible" -> 9, "relationship" -> 9, "reject" -> 9, "rather" -> 9, "propose" -> 9, "property" -> 9, "progress" -> 9, "prevent" -> 9, "pledge" -> 9, "personnel" -> 9, "pension" -> 9, "past" -> 9, "part" -> 9, "others" -> 9, "number" -> 9, "neighbors" -> 9, "lost" -> 9, "land" -> 9, "Indian" -> 9, "House" -> 9, "history" -> 9, "here" -> 9, "hard" -> 9, "greatest" -> 9, "Government" -> 9, "global" -> 9, "generations" -> 9, "fully" -> 9, "farmers" -> 9, "fair" -> 9, "face" -> 9, "enterprise" -> 9, "East" -> 9, "down" -> 9, "develop" -> 9, "Defense" -> 9, "decisions" -> 9, "critical" -> 9, "courts" -> 9, "consumers" -> 9, "conditions" -> 9, "competition" -> 9, "challenges" -> 9, "billions" -> 9, "beyond" -> 9, "benefit" -> 9, "before" -> 9, "attack" -> 9, "around" -> 9, "aid" -> 9, "workforce" -> 8, "were" -> 8, "welcome" -> 8, "weapons" -> 8, "vision" -> 8, "union" -> 8, "unemployment" -> 8, "twenty-first" -> 8, "true" -> 8, "troops" -> 8, "three" -> 8, "thousands" -> 8, "taxation" -> 8, "such" -> 8, "strengthen" -> 8, "spent" -> 8, "set" -> 8, "Senate" -> 8, "secure" -> 8, "rules" -> 8, "result" -> 8, "repeal" -> 8, "region" -> 8, "reforms" -> 8, "reducing" -> 8, "recent" -> 8, "providing" -> 8, "proven" -> 8, "production" -> 8, "producers" -> 8, "preserve" -> 8, "practice" -> 8, "participation" -> 8, "parents" -> 8, "ownership" -> 8, "Obamacare" -> 8, "nations" -> 8, "meet" -> 8, "may" -> 8, "markets" -> 8, "mandates" -> 8, "making" -> 8, "makes" -> 8, "lower" -> 8, "look" -> 8, "long-term" -> 8, "lives" -> 8, "limit" -> 8, "learning" -> 8, "leaders" -> 8, "labor" -> 8, "Israel" -> 8, "independence" -> 8, "increased" -> 8, "illegal" -> 8, "however" -> 8, "higher" -> 8, "government's" -> 8, "foster" -> 8, "First" -> 8, "entire" -> 8, "engineering" -> 8, "enforce" -> 8, "drug" -> 8, "does" -> 8, "determine" -> 8, "deter" -> 8, "dangerous" -> 8, "credit" -> 8, "created" -> 8, "costly" -> 8, "consent" -> 8, "common" -> 8, "change" -> 8, "cause" -> 8, "back" -> 8, "always" -> 8, "allow" -> 8, "allies" -> 8, "aliens" -> 8, "ago" -> 8, "advanced" -> 8, "additional" -> 8, "action" -> 8, "worldwide" -> 7, "With" -> 7, "When" -> 7, "vote" -> 7, "vital" -> 7, "unsustainable" -> 7, "transparent" -> 7, "too" -> 7, "today's" -> 7, "today" -> 7, "These" -> 7, "teachers" -> 7, "supported" -> 7, "student" -> 7, "strategy" -> 7, "state" -> 7, "standard" -> 7, "severe" -> 7, "several" -> 7, "Rights" -> 7, "Republic" -> 7, "regard" -> 7, "rate" -> 7, "providers" -> 7, "protecting" -> 7, "projects" -> 7, "problems" -> 7, "principle" -> 7, "President's" -> 7, "overseas" -> 7, "options" -> 7, "offer" -> 7, "needed" -> 7, "Middle" -> 7, "matters" -> 7, "mandatory" -> 7, "low-income" -> 7, "lands" -> 7, "judges" -> 7, "itself" -> 7, "intelligence" -> 7, "integrity" -> 7, "increasing" -> 7, "implemented" -> 7, "impact" -> 7, "hope" -> 7, "historic" -> 7, "he" -> 7, "ground" -> 7, "Great" -> 7, "funds" -> 7, "fraud" -> 7, "foundation" -> 7, "failed" -> 7, "EPA" -> 7, "Energy" -> 7, "employers" -> 7, "elected" -> 7, "due" -> 7, "drive" -> 7, "discrimination" -> 7, "democratic" -> 7, "demand" -> 7, "delivery" -> 7, "cuts" -> 7, "culture" -> 7, "crime" -> 7, "continued" -> 7, "condemn" -> 7, "code" -> 7, "clear" -> 7, "cases" -> 7, "By" -> 7, "But" -> 7, "base" -> 7, "ballots" -> 7, "balance" -> 7, "applaud" -> 7, "agenda" -> 7, "age" -> 7, "activist" -> 7, "actions" -> 7, "abroad" -> 7, "workplace" -> 6, "wisely" -> 6, "warfare" -> 6, "War" -> 6, "want" -> 6, "voting" -> 6, "value" -> 6, "unions" -> 6, "understand" -> 6, "U.N." -> 6, "trust" -> 6, "Trade" -> 6, "throughout" -> 6, "threaten" -> 6, "there" -> 6, "technological" -> 6, "taken" -> 6, "strongly" -> 6, "stem" -> 6, "sovereignty" -> 6, "size" -> 6, "shown" -> 6, "shared" -> 6, "serve" -> 6, "Russia" -> 6, "review" -> 6, "rest" -> 6, "requirement" -> 6, "representative" -> 6, "Reform" -> 6, "Reagan" -> 6, "readiness" -> 6, "pursuit" -> 6, "proper" -> 6, "problem" -> 6, "priority" -> 6, "presidential" -> 6, "ports" -> 6, "poor" -> 6, "platform" -> 6, "permanent" -> 6, "peoples" -> 6, "parties" -> 6, "office" -> 6, "North" -> 6, "nearly" -> 6, "natural" -> 6, "missile" -> 6, "mental" -> 6, "Members" -> 6, "massive" -> 6, "Marriage" -> 6, "Many" -> 6, "low" -> 6, "litigation" -> 6, "legislative" -> 6, "legacy" -> 6, "largest" -> 6, "known" -> 6, "Its" -> 6, "inflation" -> 6, "income" -> 6, "immigration" -> 6, "identity" -> 6, "honor" -> 6, "homes" -> 6, "hand" -> 6, "had" -> 6, "guarantee" -> 6, "growing" -> 6, "Governors" -> 6, "God-given" -> 6, "giving" -> 6, "given" -> 6, "give" -> 6, "get" -> 6, "fundamental" -> 6, "fund" -> 6, "forward" -> 6, "form" -> 6, "far" -> 6, "expanded" -> 6, "Every" -> 6, "ever" -> 6, "Europe" -> 6, "equal" -> 6, "endorse" -> 6, "early" -> 6, "Dream" -> 6, "determined" -> 6, "deny" -> 6, "dealing" -> 6, "data" -> 6, "cyber" -> 6, "cultural" -> 6, "Court" -> 6, "countries" -> 6, "companies" -> 6, "Commission" -> 6, "Chinese" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "changed" -> 6, "chance" -> 6, "central" -> 6, "build" -> 6, "basis" -> 6, "ban" -> 6, "average" -> 6, "assist" -> 6, "approval" -> 6, "another" -> 6, "alternatives" -> 6, "alone" -> 6, "allowed" -> 6, "agreements" -> 6, "after" -> 6, "affordable" -> 6, "advances" -> 6, "accountability" -> 6, "abuse" -> 6, "able" -> 6, "ability" -> 6, "young" -> 5, "worst" -> 5, "worse" -> 5, "World" -> 5, "working" -> 5, "worker" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "victims" -> 5, "valuable" -> 5, "using" -> 5, "unreasonable" -> 5, "Under" -> 5, "uncertainty" -> 5, "truly" -> 5, "total" -> 5, "together" -> 5, "Today's" -> 5, "ties" -> 5, "though" -> 5, "therefore" -> 5, "thereby" -> 5, "themselves" -> 5, "telecommunications" -> 5, "technologies" -> 5, "Tax" -> 5, "Supporting" -> 5, "strategic" -> 5, "spirit" -> 5, "situation" -> 5, "Since" -> 5, "significant" -> 5, "shall" -> 5, "serious" -> 5, "seniors" -> 5, "sacrifice" -> 5, "retirement" -> 5, "retain" -> 5, "requires" -> 5, "requirements" -> 5, "replace" -> 5, "renew" -> 5, "related" -> 5, "regime" -> 5, "regarding" -> 5, "receive" -> 5, "rapidly" -> 5, "range" -> 5, "ranchers" -> 5, "raise" -> 5, "purposes" -> 5, "protected" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "products" -> 5, "powers" -> 5, "positive" -> 5, "Policy" -> 5, "pending" -> 5, "path" -> 5, "partnerships" -> 5, "partnership" -> 5, "particularly" -> 5, "Pacific" -> 5, "oil" -> 5, "often" -> 5, "offenses" -> 5, "obligations" -> 5, "No" -> 5, "nature" -> 5, "Nations" -> 5, "mortgage" -> 5, "moral" -> 5, "medicine" -> 5, "math" -> 5, "manage" -> 5, "living" -> 5, "levels" -> 5, "lawsuits" -> 5, "lack" -> 5, "know" -> 5, "key" -> 5, "keeping" -> 5, "Iraq" -> 5, "Iran" -> 5, "intellectual" -> 5, "institution" -> 5, "initiatives" -> 5, "include" -> 5, "impose" -> 5, "Homeownership" -> 5, "hiring" -> 5, "her" -> 5, "half" -> 5, "Guard" -> 5, "good" -> 5, "go" -> 5, "Future" -> 5, "From" -> 5, "Freedom" -> 5, "follow" -> 5, "faith-based" -> 5, "failure" -> 5, "expensive" -> 5, "example" -> 5, "ethnic" -> 5, "ethical" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "entitlement" -> 5, "enemies" -> 5, "empower" -> 5, "employment" -> 5, "employees" -> 5, "employee" -> 5, "election" -> 5, "elderly" -> 5, "duty" -> 5, "drugs" -> 5, "done" -> 5, "disabilities" -> 5, "cybersecurity" -> 5, "crucial" -> 5, "cost-effective" -> 5, "corporate" -> 5, "consumer" -> 5, "congressional" -> 5, "comprehensive" -> 5, "competitive" -> 5, "college" -> 5, "closest" -> 5, "bureaucracy" -> 5, "building" -> 5, "Budget" -> 5, "bring" -> 5, "borrowers" -> 5, "block" -> 5, "being" -> 5, "behavior" -> 5, "attempts" -> 5, "assured" -> 5, "aspects" -> 5, "Asia" -> 5, "appropriate" -> 5, "apply" -> 5, "And" -> 5, "An" -> 5, "amount" -> 5, "amendment" -> 5, "advocate" -> 5, "active" -> 5, "80" -> 5, "$1" -> 4, "youngsters" -> 4, "younger" -> 4, "XL" -> 4, "written" -> 4, "whom" -> 4, "whole" -> 4, "wherever" -> 4, "whatever" -> 4, "West" -> 4, "wealth" -> 4, "ways" -> 4, "Wall" -> 4, "wages" -> 4, "violence" -> 4, "violate" -> 4, "very" -> 4, "various" -> 4, "universities" -> 4, "unborn" -> 4, "Twenty-First" -> 4, "turn" -> 4, "trying" -> 4, "travel" -> 4, "transmission" -> 4, "transition" -> 4, "tools" -> 4, "took" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "timely" -> 4, "threatens" -> 4, "threatening" -> 4, "threatened" -> 4, "things" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "terms" -> 4, "Tenth" -> 4, "temporary" -> 4, "technical" -> 4, "talent" -> 4, "taking" -> 4, "successful" -> 4, "subdivisions" -> 4, "strongest" -> 4, "Strategy" -> 4, "stop" -> 4, "step" -> 4, "South" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "source" -> 4, "sometimes" -> 4, "Social" -> 4, "smallest" -> 4, "skills" -> 4, "shield" -> 4, "sexual" -> 4, "served" -> 4, "scope" -> 4, "same-sex" -> 4, "said" -> 4, "Russian" -> 4, "returning" -> 4, "restructure" -> 4, "restoration" -> 4, "Reserve" -> 4, "requiring" -> 4, "Religious" -> 4, "religion" -> 4, "Relations" -> 4, "relations" -> 4, "record" -> 4, "reach" -> 4, "Radio" -> 4, "quo" -> 4, "Qaeda" -> 4, "purchase" -> 4, "provision" -> 4, "provides" -> 4, "protections" -> 4, "Protection" -> 4, "prosperous" -> 4, "promises" -> 4, "proliferation" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "practices" -> 4, "poverty" -> 4, "position" -> 4, "planning" -> 4, "Pipeline" -> 4, "parts" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "outdated" -> 4, "outcomes" -> 4, "operations" -> 4, "official" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "November" -> 4, "move" -> 4, "Moreover" -> 4, "More" -> 4, "mission" -> 4, "minorities" -> 4, "might" -> 4, "matter" -> 4, "malpractice" -> 4, "Mae" -> 4, "Mac" -> 4, "line" -> 4, "likely" -> 4, "light" -> 4, "Liberty" -> 4, "legitimate" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "led" -> 4, "leaks" -> 4, "leads" -> 4, "leader" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "Keystone" -> 4, "Justice" -> 4, "justice" -> 4, "Just" -> 4, "join" -> 4, "Jobs" -> 4, "issues" -> 4, "investments" -> 4, "intended" -> 4, "innocent" -> 4, "informed" -> 4, "industries" -> 4, "industrial" -> 4, "Independence" -> 4, "increasingly" -> 4, "imposing" -> 4, "immigrants" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "ideas" -> 4, "ideals" -> 4, "Human" -> 4, "honest" -> 4, "highest" -> 4, "helping" -> 4, "Healthcare" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "harm" -> 4, "guard" -> 4, "guarantees" -> 4, "grown" -> 4, "grants" -> 4, "granting" -> 4, "governmental" -> 4, "goals" -> 4, "George" -> 4, "generation" -> 4, "gas" -> 4, "functions" -> 4, "fuel" -> 4, "Free" -> 4, "Freddie" -> 4, "four" -> 4, "forms" -> 4, "formerly" -> 4, "Forest" -> 4, "Force" -> 4, "following" -> 4, "fields" -> 4, "field" -> 4, "fellow" -> 4, "federalism" -> 4, "FDA" -> 4, "Fannie" -> 4, "Families" -> 4, "facing" -> 4, "faces" -> 4, "exports" -> 4, "experience" -> 4, "expect" -> 4, "expansion" -> 4, "everyone" -> 4, "EPA's" -> 4, "Ensuring" -> 4, "enforcing" -> 4, "encourages" -> 4, "enactment" -> 4, "embrace" -> 4, "eliminate" -> 4, "Education" -> 4, "Economy" -> 4, "earth" -> 4, "during" -> 4, "dreams" -> 4, "document" -> 4, "disability" -> 4, "directly" -> 4, "dire" -> 4, "dignity" -> 4, "different" -> 4, "Development" -> 4, "developing" -> 4, "deterrence" -> 4, "determination" -> 4, "destruction" -> 4, "designed" -> 4, "deserve" -> 4, "deployments" -> 4, "dependence" -> 4, "depend" -> 4, "Democratic" -> 4, "democracies" -> 4, "demands" -> 4, "defensive" -> 4, "defeat" -> 4, "decision" -> 4, "decade" -> 4, "deal" -> 4, "cut" -> 4, "currently" -> 4, "currency" -> 4, "creating" -> 4, "counseling" -> 4, "corruption" -> 4, "correct" -> 4, "cooperation" -> 4, "contrast" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "conscience" -> 4, "conflict" -> 4, "conduct" -> 4, "condition" -> 4, "competitiveness" -> 4, "Committee" -> 4, "commercial" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "come" -> 4, "College" -> 4, "collapse" -> 4, "classroom" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "choose" -> 4, "child" -> 4, "Century" -> 4, "caring" -> 4, "cap" -> 4, "burdens" -> 4, "brought" -> 4, "Both" -> 4, "big" -> 4, "ballot" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "assume" -> 4, "assert" -> 4, "assault" -> 4, "approximately" -> 4, "anything" -> 4, "already" -> 4, "allows" -> 4, "Al" -> 4, "agricultural" -> 4, "aggressively" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "again" -> 4, "Africa" -> 4, "Afghanistan" -> 4, "adversaries" -> 4, "advancement" -> 4, "adoption" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "actually" -> 4, "activity" -> 4, "act" -> 4, "acknowledge" -> 4, "accountable" -> 4, "2001" -> 4, "yet" -> 3, "works" -> 3, "Western" -> 3, "welcomed" -> 3, "weak" -> 3, "vulnerable" -> 3, "votes" -> 3, "volunteers" -> 3, "voice" -> 3, "visas" -> 3, "vigilance" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "vets" -> 3, "Venezuela" -> 3, "until" -> 3, "university" -> 3, "undermining" -> 3, "undermined" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "underfunded" -> 3, "ultimate" -> 3, "twentieth" -> 3, "truth" -> 3, "tribes" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "treaties" -> 3, "treated" -> 3, "transportation" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "track" -> 3, "tough" -> 3, "Today" -> 3, "Those" -> 3, "third" -> 3, "Then" -> 3, "terrorist" -> 3, "territories" -> 3, "tens" -> 3, "teens" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "supports" -> 3, "superiority" -> 3, "suicide" -> 3, "sufficiently" -> 3, "sufficient" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "structural" -> 3, "stronger" -> 3, "streets" -> 3, "Street" -> 3, "stimulus" -> 3, "still" -> 3, "statutory" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "stable" -> 3, "stability" -> 3, "spur" -> 3, "spectrum" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "Special" -> 3, "space" -> 3, "soon" -> 3, "solutions" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "solidarity" -> 3, "Small" -> 3, "skilled" -> 3, "single" -> 3, "similar" -> 3, "significantly" -> 3, "show" -> 3, "short" -> 3, "shift" -> 3, "sharing" -> 3, "share" -> 3, "serving" -> 3, "seriously" -> 3, "separation" -> 3, "Secretary" -> 3, "secondary" -> 3, "schooling" -> 3, "savings" -> 3, "sanctity" -> 3, "safeguard" -> 3, "run" -> 3, "Rule" -> 3, "roads" -> 3, "road" -> 3, "rising" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "reverse" -> 3, "retirees" -> 3, "retired" -> 3, "resulting" -> 3, "restructuring" -> 3, "restoring" -> 3, "responsive" -> 3, "responsibilities" -> 3, "response" -> 3, "resource" -> 3, "Reserves" -> 3, "represents" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "representatives" -> 3, "repeat" -> 3, "renewed" -> 3, "reliance" -> 3, "reliable" -> 3, "regulate" -> 3, "Reforming" -> 3, "reforming" -> 3, "reformed" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "reduced" -> 3, "reconsider" -> 3, "realities" -> 3, "Reagan's" -> 3, "radical" -> 3, "putting" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "publicly" -> 3, "Public" -> 3, "prudent" -> 3, "Prosperity" -> 3, "promotes" -> 3, "productivity" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "product" -> 3, "procedures" -> 3, "prison" -> 3, "priorities" -> 3, "price" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "preventing" -> 3, "powerful" -> 3, "Postal" -> 3, "playing" -> 3, "Platform" -> 3, "perform" -> 3, "percentage" -> 3, "People" -> 3, "penalty" -> 3, "penalties" -> 3, "patient" -> 3, "passed" -> 3, "partisan" -> 3, "parental" -> 3, "overall" -> 3, "Over" -> 3, "outside" -> 3, "Organization" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "option" -> 3, "opposition" -> 3, "Opportunity" -> 3, "opportunities" -> 3, "opinion" -> 3, "operate" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "offenders" -> 3, "non-traditional" -> 3, "non-partisan" -> 3, "New" -> 3, "neighborhoods" -> 3, "NASA" -> 3, "multiple" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "movement" -> 3, "moved" -> 3, "monetary" -> 3, "modernizing" -> 3, "modernize" -> 3, "minimum" -> 3, "Military" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "marketplace" -> 3, "manner" -> 3, "man" -> 3, "maintaining" -> 3, "mainstream" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "lose" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "longer" -> 3, "loans" -> 3, "live" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "limits" -> 3, "likewise" -> 3, "lending" -> 3, "legislators" -> 3, "leave" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "leading" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "language" -> 3, "laboratories" -> 3, "kept" -> 3, "keeps" -> 3, "justify" -> 3, "jurisdiction" -> 3, "judiciary" -> 3, "judicial" -> 3, "Jim" -> 3, "involving" -> 3, "invest" -> 3, "intervention" -> 3, "Interstate" -> 3, "Instead" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "innovators" -> 3, "innovative" -> 3, "innovations" -> 3, "innovate" -> 3, "India" -> 3, "independent" -> 3, "includes" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "illness" -> 3, "II" -> 3, "However" -> 3, "Honoring" -> 3, "holds" -> 3, "hold" -> 3, "highway" -> 3, "Highly" -> 3, "highly" -> 3, "helped" -> 3, "healthy" -> 3, "healthier" -> 3, "growers" -> 3, "greatness" -> 3, "goods" -> 3, "God" -> 3, "Global" -> 3, "getting" -> 3, "generous" -> 3, "GDP" -> 3, "gave" -> 3, "gains" -> 3, "Fund" -> 3, "friends" -> 3, "Founders" -> 3, "formation" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "feasible" -> 3, "factors" -> 3, "factor" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "extraordinary" -> 3, "exporters" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "exploitation" -> 3, "expedite" -> 3, "expected" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "exchange" -> 3, "establish" -> 3, "era" -> 3, "Environment" -> 3, "entrepreneurship" -> 3, "entitlements" -> 3, "entities" -> 3, "enshrined" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "engagement" -> 3, "engage" -> 3, "ends" -> 3, "ending" -> 3, "endanger" -> 3, "encouraged" -> 3, "enacting" -> 3, "enacted" -> 3, "enable" -> 3, "elites" -> 3, "elements" -> 3, "effectively" -> 3, "effect" -> 3, "educational" -> 3, "economically" -> 3, "earned" -> 3, "dues" -> 3, "dramatic" -> 3, "drafted" -> 3, "dollar" -> 3, "District" -> 3, "diseases" -> 3, "discouraging" -> 3, "discipline" -> 3, "disastrous" -> 3, "disadvantage" -> 3, "Disabilities" -> 3, "Depression" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "Democrats" -> 3, "define" -> 3, "deficit" -> 3, "decline" -> 3, "death" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "cyberthreats" -> 3, "cutting" -> 3, "Current" -> 3, "Cuba" -> 3, "criminals" -> 3, "crimes" -> 3, "court" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "counted" -> 3, "Council" -> 3, "Costs" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "Corporation" -> 3, "coordinated" -> 3, "Convention" -> 3, "contribute" -> 3, "continuing" -> 3, "continues" -> 3, "Consumer" -> 3, "consultation" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "constitutions" -> 3, "constant" -> 3, "concerns" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "concept" -> 3, "compete" -> 3, "commitments" -> 3, "commission" -> 3, "comes" -> 3, "combating" -> 3, "combat" -> 3, "Columbia" -> 3, "colleges" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "close" -> 3, "climate" -> 3, "class" -> 3, "claims" -> 3, "civilian" -> 3, "Civil" -> 3, "city's" -> 3, "cities" -> 3, "circumstances" -> 3, "chronic" -> 3, "choices" -> 3, "China's" -> 3, "checks" -> 3, "challenged" -> 3, "challenge" -> 3, "Chairman" -> 3, "chain" -> 3, "centers" -> 3, "cells" -> 3, "celebrate" -> 3, "Carter" -> 3, "cartels" -> 3, "carried" -> 3, "card" -> 3, "capability" -> 3, "Canadian" -> 3, "campaigns" -> 3, "came" -> 3, "calls" -> 3, "bureaucratic" -> 3, "burden" -> 3, "built" -> 3, "builds" -> 3, "borrowing" -> 3, "borders" -> 3, "border" -> 3, "blueprint" -> 3, "blocking" -> 3, "bloated" -> 3, "bills" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "beliefs" -> 3, "belief" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "begun" -> 3, "beginning" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "banks" -> 3, "bankruptcy" -> 3, "bailouts" -> 3, "available" -> 3, "automatic" -> 3, "audit" -> 3, "attract" -> 3, "attention" -> 3, "attempt" -> 3, "attacked" -> 3, "At" -> 3, "assurance" -> 3, "assisted" -> 3, "Assistance" -> 3, "assets" -> 3, "artificial" -> 3, "areas" -> 3, "Arab" -> 3, "appointing" -> 3, "Any" -> 3, "antiquated" -> 3, "annually" -> 3, "amnesty" -> 3, "alternative" -> 3, "along" -> 3, "almost" -> 3, "alike" -> 3, "Alaska" -> 3, "Air" -> 3, "AIDS" -> 3, "ahead" -> 3, "Agriculture" -> 3, "Agreements" -> 3, "aging" -> 3, "Against" -> 3, "afford" -> 3, "affects" -> 3, "affect" -> 3, "advantage" -> 3, "Advancing" -> 3, "adoptions" -> 3, "administrators" -> 3, "addition" -> 3, "acts" -> 3, "Accounts" -> 3, "accounting" -> 3, "account" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "abundant" -> 3, "2012" -> 3, "you" -> 2, "Yet" -> 2, "year's" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "worsen" -> 2, "Work" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "withholding" -> 2, "withhold" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "wish" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "winners" -> 2, "Whether" -> 2, "welcoming" -> 2, "weight" -> 2, "weeks" -> 2, "weaken" -> 2, "waterways" -> 2, "watch" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "warriors" -> 2, "wants" -> 2, "walk" -> 2, "vouchers" -> 2, "Voter" -> 2, "voluntarily" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "virtually" -> 2, "virtual" -> 2, "violent" -> 2, "vigorously" -> 2, "vigor" -> 2, "vigilant" -> 2, "viewed" -> 2, "Victims" -> 2, "vibrant" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "veteran" -> 2, "verify" -> 2, "verifies" -> 2, "verification" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "Values" -> 2, "USDA" -> 2, "urban" -> 2, "upheaval" -> 2, "update" -> 2, "unwarranted" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "Unlike" -> 2, "unlike" -> 2, "Unless" -> 2, "unleashed" -> 2, "universal" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unit" -> 2, "unique" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "unfunded" -> 2, "unequivocal" -> 2, "understanding" -> 2, "undermines" -> 2, "uncertain" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "tyrants" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "TV" -> 2, "turned" -> 2, "tuition" -> 2, "truths" -> 2, "Trust" -> 2, "troubled" -> 2, "tried" -> 2, "tribe" -> 2, "tremendous" -> 2, "Treaty" -> 2, "treatments" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "trainees" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "Trafficking" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "traffic" -> 2, "traditionally" -> 2, "top" -> 2, "tool" -> 2, "Tom" -> 2, "tolerated" -> 2, "timetable" -> 2, "thwart" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "Threat" -> 2, "theirs" -> 2, "theft" -> 2, "thanks" -> 2, "terrorists" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "terminate" -> 2, "term" -> 2, "tends" -> 2, "team" -> 2, "teaching" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "tape" -> 2, "tandem" -> 2, "symbols" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "sustainable" -> 2, "survival" -> 2, "surveillance" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "suppression" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "supplies" -> 2, "super-majority" -> 2, "suing" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "subsidize" -> 2, "subsidies" -> 2, "subordinates" -> 2, "Subcommittee" -> 2, "studies" -> 2, "struggling" -> 2, "struggle" -> 2, "stress" -> 2, "Strengthening" -> 2, "street" -> 2, "stifling" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "STEM" -> 2, "stationed" -> 2, "stark" -> 2, "Staff" -> 2, "square" -> 2, "Space" -> 2, "sooner" -> 2, "someone" -> 2, "solving" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solemn" -> 2, "sole" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "societies" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "slogan" -> 2, "situations" -> 2, "simply" -> 2, "simple" -> 2, "signed" -> 2, "sides" -> 2, "shortage" -> 2, "ships" -> 2, "shelter" -> 2, "sex" -> 2, "setting" -> 2, "servicemen" -> 2, "sequestration" -> 2, "sequester" -> 2, "sensitive" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "senior" -> 2, "senatorial" -> 2, "Senator" -> 2, "self-reliance" -> 2, "selfgovernment" -> 2, "self-determination" -> 2, "seeks" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "sectors" -> 2, "Section" -> 2, "secret" -> 2, "Second" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "Sea" -> 2, "screening" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "Scholarship" -> 2, "saving" -> 2, "saved" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "Safe" -> 2, "sacrifices" -> 2, "Sacred" -> 2, "sacred" -> 2, "Ryan" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "roaring" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "Right-to-Work" -> 2, "rich" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "reverence" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "retiring" -> 2, "rethink" -> 2, "retained" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "restraint" -> 2, "Restoring" -> 2, "Restoration" -> 2, "responded" -> 2, "respects" -> 2, "respected" -> 2, "Respect" -> 2, "resolution" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "residents" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "Reserve's" -> 2, "reserved" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "reservations" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "required" -> 2, "replacing" -> 2, "repeatedly" -> 2, "repeated" -> 2, "renewing" -> 2, "renewal" -> 2, "removing" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "remedy" -> 2, "remedial" -> 2, "remake" -> 2, "religions" -> 2, "Relief" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "Reining" -> 2, "rein" -> 2, "Regulatory" -> 2, "regulating" -> 2, "regulated" -> 2, "registration" -> 2, "regional" -> 2, "regimes" -> 2, "refusing" -> 2, "refuses" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "referendum" -> 2, "reentry" -> 2, "red" -> 2, "recreational" -> 2, "recovery" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "Recognizing" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "recidivism" -> 2, "recess" -> 2, "receives" -> 2, "Rebuilding" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "reason" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "reading" -> 2, "ratification" -> 2, "ranks" -> 2, "raising" -> 2, "railroad" -> 2, "rail" -> 2, "quiet" -> 2, "quarter" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "pupils" -> 2, "punitive" -> 2, "public-private" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "proposing" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "projections" -> 2, "projected" -> 2, "Project" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "program—an" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "pro-democracy" -> 2, "Private" -> 2, "Privacy" -> 2, "principal" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "preventive" -> 2, "pressures" -> 2, "Preserving" -> 2, "presence" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "pregnancy" -> 2, "preferences" -> 2, "preeminence" -> 2, "predictable" -> 2, "predictability" -> 2, "predators" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "possess" -> 2, "posed" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "portability" -> 2, "pornography" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "poorly" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "politicians" -> 2, "plan" -> 2, "plague" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "pick" -> 2, "Persons" -> 2, "persons" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "permits" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "Perhaps" -> 2, "performance" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "Pension" -> 2, "peacefully" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "patriotism" -> 2, "Patients" -> 2, "patents" -> 2, "passing" -> 2, "Party's" -> 2, "partners" -> 2, "partner" -> 2, "participating" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "paper" -> 2, "Pakistan" -> 2, "package" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "overreaching" -> 2, "overly" -> 2, "overhead" -> 2, "overextending" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "originally" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "organizing" -> 2, "oppression" -> 2, "operatives" -> 2, "operational" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "opened" -> 2, "On" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "offering" -> 2, "offender" -> 2, "Of" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "numbers" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "Nor" -> 2, "newborns" -> 2, "networks" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "Neighborhoods" -> 2, "negotiated" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "neglect" -> 2, "needy" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "NATO" -> 2, "Natives" -> 2, "Nation's" -> 2, "Nation" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "murder" -> 2, "multilateral" -> 2, "mortgages" -> 2, "months" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "mobile" -> 2, "missions" -> 2, "minerals" -> 2, "middle" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "merit" -> 2, "merely" -> 2, "memory" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "media" -> 2, "meddling" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "meaningful" -> 2, "McDonnell" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "Matt" -> 2, "Marxist" -> 2, "Marti" -> 2, "Marsha" -> 2, "mark" -> 2, "manufacturing" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "malfeasance" -> 2, "Making" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "maintains" -> 2, "mail" -> 2, "loyal" -> 2, "losers" -> 2, "longest" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "Living" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "literacy" -> 2, "linked" -> 2, "limiting" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "lifting" -> 2, "lift" -> 2, "life-saving" -> 2, "lifeblood" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "liberal" -> 2, "let" -> 2, "lenders" -> 2, "Leadership" -> 2, "launching" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "landowners" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "kill" -> 2, "K-12" -> 2, "Judiciary" -> 2, "Judicial" -> 2, "journey" -> 2, "John" -> 2, "job-killing" -> 2, "Job" -> 2, "Jefferson's" -> 2, "James" -> 2, "issued" -> 2, "Israel's" -> 2, "isolation" -> 2, "Islam" -> 2, "IRS" -> 2, "irresponsible" -> 2, "Iranian" -> 2, "involvement" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "investigation" -> 2, "intolerance" -> 2, "internet-based" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "institutional" -> 2, "inspired" -> 2, "injury" -> 2, "initiated" -> 2, "inherent" -> 2, "Infrastructure" -> 2, "Inflation" -> 2, "infirm" -> 2, "infant" -> 2, "inevitable" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "Individuals" -> 2, "indebtedness" -> 2, "inclusion" -> 2, "included" -> 2, "incidence" -> 2, "incentives" -> 2, "inaugural" -> 2, "inadequate" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "improved" -> 2, "imposition" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "implementing" -> 2, "implement" -> 2, "Immigration" -> 2, "immigrant" -> 2, "immediately" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "ideological" -> 2, "IDEA" -> 2, "I" -> 2, "hydraulic" -> 2, "hurts" -> 2, "hurt" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "humane" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "Hope" -> 2, "Honest" -> 2, "homelessness" -> 2, "homelands" -> 2, "homebuyers" -> 2, "hollow" -> 2, "Hoeven" -> 2, "historical" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "high-speed" -> 2, "Higher" -> 2, "Hezbollah" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "hemispheric" -> 2, "hemisphere" -> 2, "helps" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heed" -> 2, "Heaven" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "heard" -> 2, "headed" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "haven" -> 2, "harvesting" -> 2, "Guaranty" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "gravest" -> 2, "grave" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "grant" -> 2, "Governor" -> 2, "governing" -> 2, "governance" -> 2, "girls" -> 2, "Getting" -> 2, "generate" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "gangs" -> 2, "gang" -> 2, "gambling" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "Furthermore" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "frozen" -> 2, "friendly" -> 2, "fresh" -> 2, "fraudulent" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "Framers" -> 2, "fracturing" -> 2, "Fourth" -> 2, "Founding" -> 2, "foundations" -> 2, "fought" -> 2, "fosters" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "footing" -> 2, "folly" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "firms" -> 2, "finding" -> 2, "financing" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "FHA" -> 2, "fertilizer" -> 2, "Fed's" -> 2, "Federalism" -> 2, "favored" -> 2, "Fathers" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farm" -> 2, "family-friendly" -> 2, "failures" -> 2, "Failure" -> 2, "fail" -> 2, "facilitate" -> 2, "faced" -> 2, "extremely" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "explosion" -> 2, "experimentation" -> 2, "experienced" -> 2, "expectations" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "exemption" -> 2, "Excessive" -> 2, "exceptions" -> 2, "everywhere" -> 2, "events" -> 2, "event" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "euthanasia" -> 2, "essence" -> 2, "equivalent" -> 2, "envision" -> 2, "environment" -> 2, "entry" -> 2, "entrepreneurial" -> 2, "entrenched" -> 2, "entirety" -> 2, "enrollment" -> 2, "enrolled" -> 2, "English" -> 2, "enemy" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "endangers" -> 2, "endangered" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "enabled" -> 2, "empowers" -> 2, "employ" -> 2, "emphasis" -> 2, "emergencies" -> 2, "embryos" -> 2, "embryonic" -> 2, "elsewhere" -> 2, "elementary" -> 2, "electronic" -> 2, "Electoral" -> 2, "effects" -> 2, "effectiveness" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "eager" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "Drug" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "drives" -> 2, "dramatically" -> 2, "downturn" -> 2, "downsizing" -> 2, "dominated" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "DOMA" -> 2, "Dodd-Frank" -> 2, "dividends" -> 2, "divide" -> 2, "diverting" -> 2, "diverted" -> 2, "diversified" -> 2, "disenfranchised" -> 2, "discharged" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "disadvantaged" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "direct" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "diplomacy" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "difference" -> 2, "devoted" -> 2, "devices" -> 2, "device" -> 2, "deterrent" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "Despite" -> 2, "design" -> 2, "dependency" -> 2, "Department's" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "demographic" -> 2, "deliver" -> 2, "degrees" -> 2, "degradation" -> 2, "defines" -> 2, "deficits" -> 2, "defiance" -> 2, "defended" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "dedication" -> 2, "dedicated" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "Declaration" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "D.C." -> 2, "days" -> 2, "Davis-Bacon" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "damages" -> 2, "cyberthreat" -> 2, "cyber-related" -> 2, "curtail" -> 2, "Cuba's" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "crippling" -> 2, "Criminal" -> 2, "Creation" -> 2, "Creating" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "Courts" -> 2, "courses" -> 2, "courageous" -> 2, "corrupt" -> 2, "Corps" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "convictions" -> 2, "contributions" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "contracting" -> 2, "Continuing" -> 2, "continuation" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "context" -> 2, "contain" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "conservative" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "conscientious" -> 2, "conjunction" -> 2, "Congressman" -> 2, "Congresses" -> 2, "congratulate" -> 2, "conform" -> 2, "conducted" -> 2, "concerned" -> 2, "compulsory" -> 2, "complicated" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "commend" -> 2, "Commander" -> 2, "command" -> 2, "Cold" -> 2, "Co-Chair" -> 2, "Coast" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "City" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "citizen's" -> 2, "Choice" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "Chief" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "check" -> 2, "charity" -> 2, "charged" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "chaplains" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "certainty" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "centralizing" -> 2, "cell" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "catastrophic" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "careers" -> 2, "career" -> 2, "Care" -> 2, "car" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "Bush" -> 2, "bureaucrats" -> 2, "Building" -> 2, "budgetary" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "bridges" -> 2, "branches" -> 2, "bounty" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "Born" -> 2, "boost" -> 2, "Bob" -> 2, "block-granting" -> 2, "Blackburn" -> 2, "birth" -> 2, "bipartisan" -> 2, "Bill" -> 2, "bigotry" -> 2, "Big" -> 2, "Beyond" -> 2, "Better" -> 2, "Benefit" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "battle" -> 2, "basics" -> 2, "bases" -> 2, "barbaric" -> 2, "bar" -> 2, "bankrupt" -> 2, "Balancing" -> 2, "Balanced" -> 2, "bailout" -> 2, "bail" -> 2, "avoiding" -> 2, "authorized" -> 2, "authorization" -> 2, "attend" -> 2, "attacks" -> 2, "asymmetric" -> 2, "assure" -> 2, "assisting" -> 2, "asset" -> 2, "assaults" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "aspect" -> 2, "aside" -> 2, "arsenal" -> 2, "Arms" -> 2, "arms" -> 2, "approaches" -> 2, "appointment" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "appears" -> 2, "anyone" -> 2, "answer" -> 2, "annual" -> 2, "announced" -> 2, "analysis" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "ambition" -> 2, "allowing" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "alliance" -> 2, "airports" -> 2, "aircraft" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "Agricultural" -> 2, "agreement" -> 2, "agree" -> 2, "aggressive" -> 2, "agency" -> 2, "aftermath" -> 2, "After" -> 2, "African" -> 2, "affirms" -> 2, "Affirming" -> 2, "affirming" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "aerospace" -> 2, "aerial" -> 2, "advocates" -> 2, "advocacy" -> 2, "adversely" -> 2, "advancing" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adoptive" -> 2, "administration's" -> 2, "adjustment" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "activism" -> 2, "acting" -> 2, "across-the-board" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accurate" -> 2, "accounts" -> 2, "according" -> 2, "accordance" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "academic" -> 2, "abstinence" -> 2, "absolutely" -> 2, "Abraham" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "8" -> 2, "47" -> 2, "33" -> 2, "30,000" -> 2, "21" -> 2, "2011" -> 2, "2010" -> 2, "2009" -> 2, "2008" -> 2, "20" -> 2, "1996" -> 2, "11" -> 2, "100,000" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$7.2" -> 1, "$66" -> 1, "$550" -> 1, "$5.3" -> 1, "$520" -> 1, "$500" -> 1, "$50" -> 1, "$487" -> 1, "$47" -> 1, "$37" -> 1, "$3.6" -> 1, "$23,300" -> 1, "$200" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$18" -> 1, "$1.75" -> 1, "$16" -> 1, "$15.9" -> 1, "$150,000" -> 1, "$137" -> 1, "$10,000" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "zones" -> 1, "Zone" -> 1, "zip" -> 1, "Ziemann" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "Younger" -> 1, "years—the" -> 1, "years—disastrously" -> 1, "year-round" -> 1, "yearning" -> 1, "Xinjiang" -> 1, "WTO's" -> 1, "writings" -> 1, "write-downs" -> 1, "wrecks" -> 1, "wreckage" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "wound" -> 1, "Worst" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "work-site" -> 1, "Workplace" -> 1, "Workforce" -> 1, "work-based" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "woefully" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "Wire" -> 1, "wins" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "Wiley" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wildfires" -> 1, "wields" -> 1, "wield" -> 1, "widening" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "Whitfield" -> 1, "whisper" -> 1, "whims" -> 1, "Whatever" -> 1, "What" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "welltrained" -> 1, "Wells" -> 1, "well-intentioned" -> 1, "well-earned" -> 1, "wellbeing" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "weigh" -> 1, "weather" -> 1, "wear" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "wastewater" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Washington—particularly" -> 1, "Washington's" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warring" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "warned" -> 1, "wards" -> 1, "waning" -> 1, "waivers" -> 1, "waiver" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "Wages" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "W." -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "Vote" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "Voldness" -> 1, "volatility" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "visionary" -> 1, "Vision" -> 1, "Virginia" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violating" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vindicates" -> 1, "village" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "Vietnamese" -> 1, "Vietnam" -> 1, "video" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "victorious" -> 1, "victories" -> 1, "Victimized" -> 1, "victimization" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "veterans—have" -> 1, "veteran's" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "version" -> 1, "verified" -> 1, "Verification" -> 1, "verifiable" -> 1, "verdict" -> 1, "ventures" -> 1, "venture" -> 1, "Venezuelan" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "vaunted" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "vandalism" -> 1, "validated" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "Utah" -> 1, "usurp" -> 1, "usurious" -> 1, "user" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "unworthy" -> 1, "unworkable" -> 1, "unwavering" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "untapped" -> 1, "unsuccessful" -> 1, "unstable" -> 1, "unrestricted" -> 1, "unresponsive" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unrecognized" -> 1, "unratified" -> 1, "unprovoked" -> 1, "unplanned" -> 1, "unmanned" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unleashes" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unknown" -> 1, "universe" -> 1, "universally" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "uniting" -> 1, "uniquely" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "uninsured" -> 1, "unilaterally" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "unifying" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unidentified" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unfettered" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "Unequivocal" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "underwrote" -> 1, "underwriting" -> 1, "underwrites" -> 1, "underway" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "understandable" -> 1, "underscore" -> 1, "underperforming" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "undergo" -> 1, "underemployed" -> 1, "undeportable" -> 1, "undeniably" -> 1, "uncover" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "unclear" -> 1, "Uncertainty" -> 1, "Uncertainties" -> 1, "unceasing" -> 1, "unbound" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "umbilical" -> 1, "Ultimately" -> 1, "U" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "Tyler" -> 1, "two-fold" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "turmoil" -> 1, "Tuberculosis" -> 1, "TSA" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "trustworthy" -> 1, "trustees" -> 1, "truck" -> 1, "Troops" -> 1, "troop" -> 1, "tripled" -> 1, "tripartite" -> 1, "Tribal" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendously" -> 1, "treats" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "treasures" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "Travelers" -> 1, "travelers" -> 1, "traumatic" -> 1, "trauma" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "trap" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "Trans-Pacific" -> 1, "transnational" -> 1, "transmitted" -> 1, "transmit" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transgressed" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "transfers" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "trajectory" -> 1, "trainers" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "trailblazing" -> 1, "trail" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "Traditional" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "trade—by" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "Tory" -> 1, "Tort" -> 1, "tort" -> 1, "torch" -> 1, "top-flight" -> 1, "Too" -> 1, "tongues" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "token" -> 1, "together—in" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "Timken" -> 1, "timetables" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "Timber" -> 1, "Tim" -> 1, "Ties" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "ticket" -> 1, "Tibet" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "Thirty" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therapies" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "theme" -> 1, "that's" -> 1, "thankless" -> 1, "thank" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "Terrill" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "Ten" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "telescopes" -> 1, "Telecommunications" -> 1, "Telecom" -> 1, "telecom" -> 1, "technology—the" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "tear" -> 1, "Team" -> 1, "teaches" -> 1, "Teacher" -> 1, "taxpayers—and" -> 1, "Taxpayers" -> 1, "Taxpayer" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "Task" -> 1, "targeting" -> 1, "tapped" -> 1, "talk" -> 1, "Taliban" -> 1, "talents" -> 1, "Talent" -> 1, "Taking" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "tag" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "Table" -> 1, "systemic" -> 1, "systematically" -> 1, "Systematic" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "Syrian" -> 1, "Symbol" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "switch" -> 1, "sweetheart" -> 1, "sustenance" -> 1, "sustains" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survivor" -> 1, "survives" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surpass—NASA's" -> 1, "surpass" -> 1, "surgeons" -> 1, "surge" -> 1, "surest" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "Support" -> 1, "supply—is" -> 1, "supplements" -> 1, "superintendents" -> 1, "sunset" -> 1, "sun" -> 1, "summer's" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "suicides" -> 1, "suggest" -> 1, "suffering—of" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "sue" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "succession" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substantive" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "subsidizing" -> 1, "subsidizes" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "subsequently" -> 1, "Subsequent" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "submitting" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "submarines" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "Subjecting" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "student's" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "structurally" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "stripes" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strength—an" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "streamlining" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "Strait" -> 1, "strained" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stopgap" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stolen" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stockpile" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stitched" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "stewards" -> 1, "stem-cell" -> 1, "Steiner" -> 1, "Steil" -> 1, "steer" -> 1, "stealth" -> 1, "stealing" -> 1, "steal" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "staunch" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "Statute" -> 1, "statist" -> 1, "Station" -> 1, "states—Israel" -> 1, "state-sponsor" -> 1, "state-ofthe-art" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "startups" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "START" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "Standing" -> 1, "Standard" -> 1, "stamps" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stalwarts" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "Stalinist" -> 1, "stalemate" -> 1, "stale" -> 1, "stage" -> 1, "staff" -> 1, "squadrons" -> 1, "Spring—that" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "Spicer" -> 1, "spends" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "spend" -> 1, "Speech" -> 1, "specter" -> 1, "spectacular" -> 1, "speaks" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "span" -> 1, "spacecraft" -> 1, "space-based" -> 1, "Soviet" -> 1, "Sovereignty" -> 1, "Sovereign" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southwest" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sophistication" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "Solyndra" -> 1, "solvency" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "socioemotional" -> 1, "society's" -> 1, "socially" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "snap" -> 1, "smuggling" -> 1, "smiles" -> 1, "smarter" -> 1, "smart" -> 1, "slowness" -> 1, "slowing" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "sixth" -> 1, "Sixteenth" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situation-specific" -> 1, "situated" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "site" -> 1, "single-sex" -> 1, "sincerely" -> 1, "simultaneous" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "simplicity" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "shunted" -> 1, "shrunken" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "shovel-ready" -> 1, "shortly" -> 1, "shorten" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shooting" -> 1, "shipped" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shine" -> 1, "shed" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "Sharon" -> 1, "shareholders" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "Shale" -> 1, "sexually-transmitted" -> 1, "sexually" -> 1, "sex-selective" -> 1, "sever" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "settings" -> 1, "set-asides" -> 1, "Service's" -> 1, "Serve" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "Sequestration—which" -> 1, "Sequestration" -> 1, "September" -> 1, "separating" -> 1, "separately" -> 1, "sentencing" -> 1, "sentences" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "Semitism" -> 1, "selfsufficiency" -> 1, "self-sufficiency" -> 1, "self-reliant" -> 1, "selfless" -> 1, "self-governance" -> 1, "self-evident" -> 1, "self-discipline" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "selective" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "seizures" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "sees" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "security—served" -> 1, "Security—account" -> 1, "Securities" -> 1, "Securing" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "Secret" -> 1, "seats" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "season" -> 1, "searches" -> 1, "Sean" -> 1, "Seabees" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "Scouts" -> 1, "Scores" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "sciences" -> 1, "science-based" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "school-based" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "Schigel" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scare" -> 1, "scandal-ridden" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "scaling" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "Savings" -> 1, "Saving" -> 1, "S.A.V.E." -> 1, "savage" -> 1, "Sauvage" -> 1, "Sara" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "Sanctity" -> 1, "Samuelian" -> 1, "Sam" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safer" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "sadly" -> 1, "saddled" -> 1, "sacrificially" -> 1, "S." -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "Rules" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "rubble" -> 1, "RU-486" -> 1, "roughly" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "Ronald" -> 1, "Romney" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "rockets" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "robotic" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "risky" -> 1, "Rising" -> 1, "rim" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "Rigid" -> 1, "rights—also" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "righted" -> 1, "Right" -> 1, "ridding" -> 1, "Rick" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revocation" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "reviews" -> 1, "reversing" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "revenue-neutral" -> 1, "reveal" -> 1, "reunion" -> 1, "retroactive" -> 1, "retribution" -> 1, "retreats" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retrain" -> 1, "retool" -> 1, "Retirement" -> 1, "retire" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "results-oriented" -> 1, "Restructuring" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restrained" -> 1, "restores" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restorative" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "respectfully" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resourcefulness" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "requests" -> 1, "Repudiating" -> 1, "Republican-led" -> 1, "Republican-founded" -> 1, "REPUBLICAN" -> 1, "reprogrammed" -> 1, "reprocessing" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "Reporting" -> 1, "Reporter" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replicated" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "repeating" -> 1, "Repealing" -> 1, "Repeal" -> 1, "repayment" -> 1, "repaying" -> 1, "repatriation" -> 1, "repatriated" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renouncing" -> 1, "Renewing" -> 1, "renewable" -> 1, "renege" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "reminded" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "relieving" -> 1, "relies" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relic" -> 1, "reliant" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "Relationship" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "rejecting" -> 1, "reinsurance" -> 1, "reinstatement" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reined" -> 1, "Reince" -> 1, "Reimbursement" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitate" -> 1, "regulators" -> 1, "Regulations" -> 1, "regulates" -> 1, "regressive" -> 1, "registry" -> 1, "registered" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regards" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refunds" -> 1, "refundable" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "Reforms" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "reflective" -> 1, "reflection" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "refineries—would" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "referenda" -> 1, "refer" -> 1, "reevaluated" -> 1, "reestablish" -> 1, "re-equipping" -> 1, "reengineering" -> 1, "Reemployment" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "Reducing" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "redrawn" -> 1, "redistribute" -> 1, "rediscovery" -> 1, "redefinition" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "rectify" -> 1, "recruiters" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "record-setting" -> 1, "reconsideration" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "recommendation" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclaiming" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "reckoning" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "receivers" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "receipt" -> 1, "rebound" -> 1, "Rebecca" -> 1, "reassured" -> 1, "reassessment" -> 1, "rearing" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "reality" -> 1, "Reaffirm" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "Readiness" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "R&D" -> 1, "Raymond" -> 1, "ratifying" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "rarely" -> 1, "rape" -> 1, "ranging" -> 1, "ranching" -> 1, "Raising" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "Raise" -> 1, "rainfall" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "Rachel" -> 1, "race-based" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quilt" -> 1, "quick" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "Quest" -> 1, "quarters" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "Qualified" -> 1, "Puzder" -> 1, "Putting" -> 1, "Put" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "pursues" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "purse" -> 1, "Purposes" -> 1, "purposely" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "pupil" -> 1, "Punitive" -> 1, "punishes" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "pump" -> 1, "Pulling" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "publicizing" -> 1, "psychiatric" -> 1, "prudently" -> 1, "prowess" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "Providence—the" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "proves" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protocol" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protects" -> 1, "Protected" -> 1, "Protect" -> 1, "protagonists" -> 1, "prosthetics" -> 1, "prostate" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "propping" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "proponents" -> 1, "propitious" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "propelled" -> 1, "propel" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "promulgating" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotions" -> 1, "Promotion" -> 1, "Promoting" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prolongs" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "proliferation—requires" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "pro-growth" -> 1, "programs—Medicare" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "Professing" -> 1, "profess" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "Procurement" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "Proclamation" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "procedural" -> 1, "problem-free" -> 1, "probing" -> 1, "proactively" -> 1, "proactive" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "privacy" -> 1, "Prisons" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prisoner" -> 1, "Prison" -> 1, "prioritized" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principle—in" -> 1, "Principles" -> 1, "principled" -> 1, "principals" -> 1, "Priebus" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "Price" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "presupposes" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "presentation" -> 1, "Prescription" -> 1, "prerogatives" -> 1, "pre-reading" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "premium-support" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "preferable" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "preexisting" -> 1, "pre-existing" -> 1, "preempt" -> 1, "predicted" -> 1, "predecessor's" -> 1, "predecessor" -> 1, "pre-crisis" -> 1, "preclearance" -> 1, "precedents" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "praise" -> 1, "practitioners" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "power—shall" -> 1, "powering" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "Pounder" -> 1, "Potential" -> 1, "post-Vietnam" -> 1, "post-traumatic" -> 1, "post-service" -> 1, "postpones" -> 1, "post-Assad" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "possessing" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "poses" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "Population" -> 1, "Popular" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "Poor" -> 1, "pools" -> 1, "Pony" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politicized" -> 1, "politicallyconnected" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poison" -> 1, "pointing" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pockets" -> 1, "pocket" -> 1, "pluripotent" -> 1, "Plug" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "pleas" -> 1, "PLATFORM" -> 1, "plant—seems" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plagued" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "placate" -> 1, "Pipeline—which" -> 1, "pipelines" -> 1, "pioneer" -> 1, "piggybacking" -> 1, "pieces" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "Physicians" -> 1, "physicianassisted" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "phrase" -> 1, "photo-ID" -> 1, "photo" -> 1, "phonics" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "phenomenon" -> 1, "pharmaceutical" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "personally" -> 1, "Personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persists" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "Persing" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "persecuted" -> 1, "perpetrate" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "Permanent" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "perilous" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "perhaps" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "PEPFAR" -> 1, "People's" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "peers" -> 1, "Pearl" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peace—will" -> 1, "peace—to" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "payoff" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "Payment" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "payer" -> 1, "Paul" -> 1, "patrolling" -> 1, "patrol" -> 1, "Patriotic" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patient's" -> 1, "patientphysician" -> 1, "Patient" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "pathway" -> 1, "pathological" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "pastors" -> 1, "passports" -> 1, "passive" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "Partnership" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "partial-birth" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "parochial" -> 1, "Parkinson's" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "pariah" -> 1, "Parents" -> 1, "parenting" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "par" -> 1, "paperwork" -> 1, "papers" -> 1, "panel" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "Palestinian" -> 1, "Palestine—living" -> 1, "Pakistanis" -> 1, "Pakistani" -> 1, "pain-capable" -> 1, "pain" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "pact" -> 1, "packaging" -> 1, "packages—commonly" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "owner's" -> 1, "overwhelmingly" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "over-utilize" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "overstay" -> 1, "overspent" -> 1, "overseen" -> 1, "overregulation" -> 1, "over-regulation" -> 1, "overreach" -> 1, "overpromised" -> 1, "overpaid" -> 1, "overlook" -> 1, "overhauled" -> 1, "over-federalization" -> 1, "overextension" -> 1, "overestimating" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overcriminalization" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "out—and" -> 1, "outraged" -> 1, "outpost" -> 1, "out-of-wedlock" -> 1, "out-ofdate" -> 1, "Out-of-Control" -> 1, "outlook" -> 1, "outlays" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "OSHA's" -> 1, "originating" -> 1, "originate" -> 1, "Organizations" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "ordering" -> 1, "ordered" -> 1, "Order" -> 1, "ordained" -> 1, "optimize" -> 1, "optimistic" -> 1, "optimal" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "Opposition" -> 1, "opposite" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "Opportunities" -> 1, "opportunistic" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operates" -> 1, "open-minded" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open-ended" -> 1, "Open" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "on-thejob" -> 1, "online" -> 1, "ongoing" -> 1, "onevote" -> 1, "one-stop" -> 1, "one-size-fits-all" -> 1, "one-sixth" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "one-room" -> 1, "one-person" -> 1, "one-party" -> 1, "one-child" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "ominous" -> 1, "O'Malley" -> 1, "Olens" -> 1, "older" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "of—not" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "offensive" -> 1, "offense" -> 1, "offenders—should" -> 1, "oceanic" -> 1, "occurring" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obstetricians" -> 1, "observing" -> 1, "obscenity" -> 1, "Obligation" -> 1, "obeyed" -> 1, "obesity" -> 1, "Obama" -> 1, "oath" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "Numerous" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "nuclear-tipped" -> 1, "nuclear-armed" -> 1, "Nuclear" -> 1, "nowhere" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "notoriously" -> 1, "notions" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "Nothing" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "notable" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "northeast" -> 1, "norms" -> 1, "Normal" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-violent" -> 1, "non-territorial" -> 1, "nonpartisan" -> 1, "non-litigation" -> 1, "non-intrusive" -> 1, "non-governmental" -> 1, "non-economic" -> 1, "non-discrimination" -> 1, "non-disabled" -> 1, "nonconsensual" -> 1, "non-consensual" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "NLRB" -> 1, "Ninth" -> 1, "nineteenth" -> 1, "Nine" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "newcomers" -> 1, "Nevertheless" -> 1, "neutrality" -> 1, "neuroscience" -> 1, "network's" -> 1, "networking" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neighborhoods—to" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "Need" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "near-retiree" -> 1, "nearing" -> 1, "Nazism" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navigable" -> 1, "Naval" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "Native" -> 1, "Nationwide" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "nation-states" -> 1, "nation-state" -> 1, "nationally" -> 1, "Nationality" -> 1, "narcotic" -> 1, "narcoterrorist" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "murderers" -> 1, "mummified" -> 1, "multi-stakeholder" -> 1, "multiplying" -> 1, "multigenerational" -> 1, "multi-family" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "motivation" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "mortal" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "moratorium" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "Moon" -> 1, "monthly" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "monies" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "moments" -> 1, "modest" -> 1, "Modernizing" -> 1, "Modernization" -> 1, "modern-day" -> 1, "moderateincome" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "modeling" -> 1, "mockery" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "Mitt" -> 1, "missiles" -> 1, "Missile" -> 1, "misrule" -> 1, "mismatched" -> 1, "mismanagement" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "misappropriate" -> 1, "misalignment" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimizing" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "Min" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "Millennium" -> 1, "military-to-military" -> 1, "military's" -> 1, "Mike" -> 1, "Mifeprex" -> 1, "middle-income" -> 1, "microphone" -> 1, "micromanage" -> 1, "micro" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "metallic" -> 1, "merited" -> 1, "merit-based" -> 1, "Merit" -> 1, "mentality" -> 1, "menaces" -> 1, "memorial" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "Megan's" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "Medvedev" -> 1, "Medicaid's" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "meat" -> 1, "measurements" -> 1, "measurable" -> 1, "Meanwhile" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "Means" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "McLarty" -> 1, "maze" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "mathematics" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "Mary" -> 1, "marrying" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "Marketplace" -> 1, "Market" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "Mark" -> 1, "Maritime" -> 1, "Marines—many" -> 1, "margins" -> 1, "marginal" -> 1, "Marcellus" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manual" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "man-made" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "manipulates" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "Mallory" -> 1, "malicious" -> 1, "Malaria" -> 1, "Makes" -> 1, "Maintaining" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "Main" -> 1, "mail-processing" -> 1, "mailed" -> 1, "Maguire" -> 1, "Magnitsky" -> 1, "Madison" -> 1, "made-in-Washington" -> 1, "Lynn" -> 1, "Luna" -> 1, "lumped" -> 1, "lumbered" -> 1, "Luddite" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "lowincome" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lowers" -> 1, "Lowering" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "lowand" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "Loring" -> 1, "lords" -> 1, "loose" -> 1, "Looming" -> 1, "looming" -> 1, "long-held" -> 1, "longevity" -> 1, "log-jam—the" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "lived" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "listening" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "Lincoln's" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "Limiting" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "Limit" -> 1, "limbs" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "lifestyle—smoking" -> 1, "lifestyles" -> 1, "lifestyle" -> 1, "lifesaving" -> 1, "life's" -> 1, "life-long" -> 1, "lifelines" -> 1, "life-and-death" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "licensed" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "Libya" -> 1, "liberty—and" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "Liberals" -> 1, "liberalism" -> 1, "liability—without" -> 1, "liability" -> 1, "liabilities" -> 1, "levees" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "lethal" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "lessons—cooperation" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "lessens" -> 1, "lessened" -> 1, "lens" -> 1, "lender" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "legalized" -> 1, "legalization" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "leftist" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "Lebanon's" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "Leaks" -> 1, "Leads" -> 1, "Leading" -> 1, "layoff" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "Law—publicizing" -> 1, "lawfully" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "laundering" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "latest" -> 1, "Lastly" -> 1, "Larson" -> 1, "Larissa" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "landing" -> 1, "landholdings" -> 1, "Lacey" -> 1, "labyrinth" -> 1, "labor-intensive" -> 1, "lab" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "Kong" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "Knowing" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "kleptocrats" -> 1, "Kise" -> 1, "Kingdom" -> 1, "kilowatts" -> 1, "killing" -> 1, "killers" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "kids" -> 1, "Key" -> 1, "Kenney" -> 1, "Kemp" -> 1, "Keep" -> 1, "justifies" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "justices" -> 1, "jurists" -> 1, "jurisdictions" -> 1, "jumpstart" -> 1, "Julia" -> 1, "judicious" -> 1, "Judeo-Christian" -> 1, "Jonathan" -> 1, "Johanna" -> 1, "Joe" -> 1, "job-producing" -> 1, "jobcrippling" -> 1, "job-creating" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "Jeremy" -> 1, "Jennifer" -> 1, "Jeff" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "Jane" -> 1, "jailed" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "isn't" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "island's" -> 1, "Isaacson" -> 1, "irreversible" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "Iran's" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "invents" -> 1, "inventory" -> 1, "inventors" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "invalid" -> 1, "intrusion" -> 1, "introduction" -> 1, "introduced" -> 1, "introduce" -> 1, "intra-military" -> 1, "intimately" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interpreting" -> 1, "interpret" -> 1, "internet" -> 1, "internationally-supervised" -> 1, "internationally" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "intergovernmental" -> 1, "interfering" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "intercity" -> 1, "interceptors" -> 1, "interact" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intentionally" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intensity" -> 1, "intends" -> 1, "Integrity" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "intact" -> 1, "insurgents" -> 1, "insurgent" -> 1, "insurgency" -> 1, "insured" -> 1, "insulated" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "institutions—most" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "instate" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "inspire" -> 1, "insights" -> 1, "insidious" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "inmates" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "injunctions" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "inimical" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "inherit" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflexible" -> 1, "infantry" -> 1, "Infant" -> 1, "inexplicable" -> 1, "ineptitude" -> 1, "inept" -> 1, "inefficiencies" -> 1, "ineffectual" -> 1, "Ineffective" -> 1, "induction" -> 1, "indoctrination" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "India's" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "indeed" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "incomeadjusted" -> 1, "Inclain" -> 1, "incidents" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "incarceration" -> 1, "inauguration" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "Improve" -> 1, "impositions" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "importantly" -> 1, "Importance" -> 1, "implicit" -> 1, "implications" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "imperiling" -> 1, "Imperiled" -> 1, "imperiled" -> 1, "imperatives" -> 1, "impediments" -> 1, "impedes" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impeachment" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impacts" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "imminent" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "image" -> 1, "ill-suited" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "Illegal" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignite" -> 1, "ideology" -> 1, "ideologues" -> 1, "ideologies" -> 1, "Ideological" -> 1, "identities" -> 1, "identifying" -> 1, "identification" -> 1, "Ideas" -> 1, "IDEA's" -> 1, "ID" -> 1, "hypertaxation" -> 1, "hurricanes" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "hospitality" -> 1, "hospice" -> 1, "horrors" -> 1, "horror" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "hook" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "Hong" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "homosexual" -> 1, "homeownership" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "Homeland" -> 1, "homeland" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "Hollow" -> 1, "hole" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "Hobbs" -> 1, "HIV" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "history—we" -> 1, "history—at" -> 1, "History" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "Hispanics" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "high-water" -> 1, "high-value" -> 1, "high-risk" -> 1, "high-performing" -> 1, "high-paying" -> 1, "highlights" -> 1, "highlight" -> 1, "Higgins" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "heroism—and" -> 1, "heroically" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "Heroes" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "helpful" -> 1, "Heilig" -> 1, "hegemony" -> 1, "Heer" -> 1, "heavy-handed" -> 1, "heartened" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "Healthy" -> 1, "health-protective" -> 1, "headway" -> 1, "heading" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "hazard" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "havens" -> 1, "Havana" -> 1, "haunt" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "Hathaway" -> 1, "hate" -> 1, "Harris" -> 1, "harms" -> 1, "harm's" -> 1, "harming" -> 1, "harmed" -> 1, "hard-working" -> 1, "Harbor" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "hangs" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handles" -> 1, "handled" -> 1, "handing" -> 1, "handicapped" -> 1, "handful" -> 1, "Hamas" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "halfcentury" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "gutting" -> 1, "gun" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guest" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "Guarantee" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "Grow" -> 1, "groups—the" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "Griffith" -> 1, "Gregg" -> 1, "greenhouse" -> 1, "gravely" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "grassroots" -> 1, "Granting" -> 1, "granted—the" -> 1, "grander" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "graduation" -> 1, "graduate" -> 1, "grads" -> 1, "grace" -> 1, "governs" -> 1, "government—local" -> 1, "government-togovernment" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "government-imposed" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "GOP" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "Glory" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "Gilding" -> 1, "giants" -> 1, "giant" -> 1, "Georgia" -> 1, "geopolitical" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "Generosity" -> 1, "generosity" -> 1, "generator" -> 1, "generations—face" -> 1, "Generations" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "fundraisers" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fundamentals" -> 1, "Fundamental" -> 1, "functional" -> 1, "full-day" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "frugal" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "Frivolous" -> 1, "frivolous" -> 1, "frisking" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "freshmen" -> 1, "frequency" -> 1, "freest" -> 1, "frees" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "free-market" -> 1, "Freely" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "frayed" -> 1, "fraudulently" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "fragmented" -> 1, "four-year" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "Foster" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "forthright" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "form—and" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "fork" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "foresters" -> 1, "Foresight" -> 1, "Foremost" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "flyovers" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "fleeing" -> 1, "flawed" -> 1, "flatter" -> 1, "Flag" -> 1, "fits" -> 1, "Fitch" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fiscally" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "firsttime" -> 1, "first-time" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fetuses" -> 1, "fencing" -> 1, "felt" -> 1, "felons" -> 1, "fellowship" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "fee" -> 1, "federal—for" -> 1, "federal-tribal-State" -> 1, "federal-State-private" -> 1, "federal-State" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "federalized" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "feasibility" -> 1, "FDIC" -> 1, "FCC's" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favoring" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farmland" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "Farewell" -> 1, "fare" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "fanaticism" -> 1, "Family-Friendly" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fallback" -> 1, "Faithful" -> 1, "faithbased" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "Failed" -> 1, "Fail" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilitated" -> 1, "face—a" -> 1, "FAA" -> 1, "Eyman" -> 1, "eye" -> 1, "extremists" -> 1, "extremist" -> 1, "extremism" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extra" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "extensively" -> 1, "extensions" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "Extend" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expulsion" -> 1, "expresses" -> 1, "Express" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "exposing" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "Export" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "explain" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expectation" -> 1, "expectant" -> 1, "expansive" -> 1, "expansions" -> 1, "expands" -> 1, "Expanding" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "executives" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "excludes" -> 1, "excluded" -> 1, "Exchange" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "exceptionalism—the" -> 1, "Exceptionalism" -> 1, "exception" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "Excellence" -> 1, "exceeds" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyone—and" -> 1, "Everyone's" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "E-verify" -> 1, "evading" -> 1, "evaded" -> 1, "evade" -> 1, "euro-style" -> 1, "ethos" -> 1, "eternal" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "Essential" -> 1, "espionage" -> 1, "Especially" -> 1, "escalating" -> 1, "error" -> 1, "erosive" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipment" -> 1, "Equally" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "envisioned" -> 1, "environments" -> 1, "environmentally" -> 1, "environmentalism" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "enumeration" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "Entrepreneurship" -> 1, "Entitlements" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entanglements" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "ensuring" -> 1, "Ensure" -> 1, "ensnare" -> 1, "enshrining" -> 1, "enrollees" -> 1, "enrollee's" -> 1, "enroll" -> 1, "enriches" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "ennoble" -> 1, "enlistment" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enhancements" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "Englishspeaking" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "Engineers" -> 1, "Engineering" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enfranchisement" -> 1, "enforcement—and" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "enemies—unprecedented" -> 1, "endured" -> 1, "endurance" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "Ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "End" -> 1, "encroach" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "emulate—and" -> 1, "emulated" -> 1, "empowerment" -> 1, "empowering" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "employs" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employer—and" -> 1, "employer-employee" -> 1, "employees—must" -> 1, "emotionally" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "emerged" -> 1, "embarrassing" -> 1, "embark" -> 1, "Emancipation" -> 1, "eloquently" -> 1, "Elizabeth" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "Eliminate" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "elevation" -> 1, "elevates" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "Elections" -> 1, "Elected" -> 1, "elders—the" -> 1, "elder" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "egregious" -> 1, "Efforts" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "education—choice—as" -> 1, "educations" -> 1, "educated" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "edge" -> 1, "Edgar" -> 1, "Ed" -> 1, "ecosystem" -> 1, "economy—and" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "ecological" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "Earth" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "earmarks" -> 1, "earmark" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "dynastic" -> 1, "Dye" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "dwarfs" -> 1, "drones" -> 1, "driver's" -> 1, "driver" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "drinking" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "drastic" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "downsized" -> 1, "downsize" -> 1, "downside" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "double-layered" -> 1, "double-digit" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "dotted" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "don't" -> 1, "Donna" -> 1, "donations" -> 1, "donates" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "dominance" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "doctor-patient" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "divesting" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distributes" -> 1, "distorting" -> 1, "distort" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "dissuading" -> 1, "dissenting" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disregards" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "dispositions" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displaying" -> 1, "display" -> 1, "dispenses" -> 1, "disparage" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "disorder" -> 1, "dismissed" -> 1, "dismantlement" -> 1, "dismal" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disenfranchises" -> 1, "disenfranchisement" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "discretion" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "disavow" -> 1, "disadvantaging" -> 1, "Dirk" -> 1, "directors" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "Direct" -> 1, "Diplomacy" -> 1, "diminishes" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "Dignity" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "Difference" -> 1, "dictators" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "dialogue" -> 1, "diagnose" -> 1, "diabetes" -> 1, "devouring" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "development—have" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "Determined" -> 1, "detention" -> 1, "detainee" -> 1, "details" -> 1, "detail" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destabilizing" -> 1, "despotic" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "desecration" -> 1, "derives" -> 1, "Deprived" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "depositors" -> 1, "deposit" -> 1, "deportable" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "deplorable" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "dense" -> 1, "denouncing" -> 1, "demonstrations" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "Democrat" -> 1, "delivering" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "Delinquency" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "deGuzman" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "degrading" -> 1, "defying" -> 1, "defining" -> 1, "definedcontribution" -> 1, "defined-benefit" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "defer" -> 1, "defensible" -> 1, "defense-related" -> 1, "Defending" -> 1, "defaults" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deductible" -> 1, "decry" -> 1, "decreasing" -> 1, "decommission" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "Decline" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "decennial" -> 1, "decade—of" -> 1, "decade's" -> 1, "debt—now" -> 1, "debtors" -> 1, "Death" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "dealers" -> 1, "D.C.'s" -> 1, "Day" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "darkness" -> 1, "dare" -> 1, "Dangers" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "Danger" -> 1, "dams" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Czech" -> 1, "czars" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "Cybersecurity" -> 1, "cyberequivalent" -> 1, "cutting-edge" -> 1, "Cutting" -> 1, "cuts—pending" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "curtailing" -> 1, "curbing" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "cumulative" -> 1, "Culture" -> 1, "Cubans" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "crush" -> 1, "crumbling" -> 1, "cruisers" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crowded" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "crony" -> 1, "critically" -> 1, "Crisis" -> 1, "cripples" -> 1, "Criminals" -> 1, "criminalize" -> 1, "Crime" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creditworthy" -> 1, "credits—is" -> 1, "credentials" -> 1, "creators" -> 1, "create—families" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "craft" -> 1, "crackdown" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courts—makes" -> 1, "court-ordered" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "couples" -> 1, "counts" -> 1, "countries—those" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counting" -> 1, "countervailing" -> 1, "Counterfeit" -> 1, "counter-cyclical" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "costeffective" -> 1, "cosmetic" -> 1, "corrupts" -> 1, "corridor" -> 1, "correctly" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "correctional" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "cord" -> 1, "copyrights" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "convey" -> 1, "Conventional" -> 1, "controversy" -> 1, "controls" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "Contract" -> 1, "contraceptives" -> 1, "contraception" -> 1, "continuum" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "Continued" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "continent's" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "Contents" -> 1, "contemptible" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "container" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "construed" -> 1, "Constructive" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "constraining" -> 1, "constitutionally" -> 1, "constitutionalist" -> 1, "constituents" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "Consistent" -> 1, "consistency" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "consecutive" -> 1, "Conscience" -> 1, "connectivity" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "connecting" -> 1, "Congress—the" -> 1, "congregations" -> 1, "confusing" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "conflicting" -> 1, "confirms" -> 1, "confirming" -> 1, "confirmation" -> 1, "confines" -> 1, "confidentiality" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "conclusion" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "concentrating" -> 1, "compromising" -> 1, "compromises" -> 1, "compromised" -> 1, "comprehension" -> 1, "compounded" -> 1, "components" -> 1, "component" -> 1, "complicit" -> 1, "complications" -> 1, "Compliance" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "complex—a" -> 1, "complex" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "Competitiveness" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "Compact" -> 1, "compact" -> 1, "Community" -> 1, "communities—but" -> 1, "Communism" -> 1, "Communications" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "common-sense" -> 1, "Commitment" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "command—from" -> 1, "Commandments" -> 1, "commanders—to" -> 1, "commanders—must" -> 1, "commanders" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "Combined" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "combat—and" -> 1, "Combating" -> 1, "combatants" -> 1, "Combat" -> 1, "Colombia" -> 1, "Colleen" -> 1, "collects" -> 1, "collector" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "collapsing" -> 1, "collaborative" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "co-insurance" -> 1, "cohesion" -> 1, "coherence" -> 1, "Cohan" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "codifies" -> 1, "codified" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "coddled" -> 1, "Co-Chairmen" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "coal-powered" -> 1, "coalition" -> 1, "coal-fired" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "cloning" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "clinic" -> 1, "clinging" -> 1, "Clearly" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "cleaning" -> 1, "cleaner" -> 1, "Classrooms" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "clarion" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizensoldiers" -> 1, "citizenleadership" -> 1, "cite" -> 1, "circumvention" -> 1, "Chronic" -> 1, "Christine" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "choice—whether" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "charities" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "Character" -> 1, "Changing" -> 1, "Chance" -> 1, "champions" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "Challenges" -> 1, "Challenge" -> 1, "Chairs" -> 1, "Cesar" -> 1, "Certainty" -> 1, "century—with" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "census" -> 1, "cells—without" -> 1, "celebrates" -> 1, "Cawley" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "category" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "catalyst" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "cascade" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "Carolyn" -> 1, "Carolina" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "careerists" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "capturing" -> 1, "Captive" -> 1, "capitalized" -> 1, "capitalists" -> 1, "capitalism" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidly" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "cancels" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "California's" -> 1, "Cain" -> 1, "C-5As" -> 1, "C-27" -> 1, "C-130s" -> 1, "bypass" -> 1, "buys" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "Bush's" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "bullying" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "builders" -> 1, "Build" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budget-constrained" -> 1, "budget-busting" -> 1, "brunt" -> 1, "Brown" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broadcasting" -> 1, "broadband" -> 1, "Brittany" -> 1, "Britt" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "bridged" -> 1, "Brian" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "breast" -> 1, "Breaking" -> 1, "breaking" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "brands" -> 1, "brand" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "brain" -> 1, "Boy" -> 1, "box" -> 1, "bottleneck" -> 1, "bosses" -> 1, "borrowed" -> 1, "borne" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "bore" -> 1, "Bopp" -> 1, "bondage" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "boardrooms" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "board" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "bloody" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "blatant" -> 1, "blacklisting" -> 1, "black" -> 1, "births" -> 1, "bioterrorism" -> 1, "biomedical" -> 1, "Biebighauser" -> 1, "Bibles" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "betting" -> 1, "Bettina" -> 1, "Betsy" -> 1, "betrays" -> 1, "bestows" -> 1, "best-housed" -> 1, "bespeaks" -> 1, "Berlin" -> 1, "bequeathed" -> 1, "benevolent" -> 1, "benevolence" -> 1, "benefiting" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "belligerence" -> 1, "believers—out" -> 1, "believers" -> 1, "Believe" -> 1, "beliefs—and" -> 1, "Belarus" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "Behind" -> 1, "behaviors" -> 1, "behavioral" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begins" -> 1, "begin" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "bears" -> 1, "bearing" -> 1, "Bear" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "battle-tested" -> 1, "battlegrounds" -> 1, "battalions" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "Based" -> 1, "bars" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "Barnett" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "bankruptcies" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "Ballot" -> 1, "ballooned" -> 1, "Balkans" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "Bakken" -> 1, "bag" -> 1, "backing" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "Backed" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "backdoor" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "Back" -> 1, "baby" -> 1, "axiom" -> 1, "ax" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "avenue" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "Autism" -> 1, "authorize" -> 1, "Authority" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "authoritarian" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "auctioned" -> 1, "auction" -> 1, "auc" -> 1, "attrition" -> 1, "attracting" -> 1, "Attorneys" -> 1, "Attorney" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attendance" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "Attaining" -> 1, "attackers" -> 1, "attached" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "Asymmetrical" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assures" -> 1, "assumes" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "Associated" -> 1, "associate" -> 1, "assigned" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "assessing" -> 1, "assess" -> 1, "assemblage" -> 1, "aspire" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Asian-Pacific" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "ascertained" -> 1, "artificially" -> 1, "articulate" -> 1, "Article" -> 1, "arranging" -> 1, "arrange" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "Armstrong" -> 1, "armored" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "argument" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "aptitude" -> 1, "approving" -> 1, "appropriating" -> 1, "appropriately" -> 1, "approach—protecting" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "apportionment" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applicants—prior" -> 1, "appease" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "Apart" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anti-poverty" -> 1, "antipathy" -> 1, "antidiscrimination" -> 1, "anti-business" -> 1, "anti" -> 1, "anniversary" -> 1, "Anne" -> 1, "Ankney" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "anemic" -> 1, "Andy" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "ancestry" -> 1, "anachronistic" -> 1, "Amtrak" -> 1, "amphibious" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "Americans—that" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "amateur" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "Aly" -> 1, "altogether" -> 1, "Alternatively" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "Also" -> 1, "Along" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "all-of-the-above" -> 1, "all-mail" -> 1, "Allegiance" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "Alive" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alike—is" -> 1, "alignment" -> 1, "Alien" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Alderson" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "Alabama" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agreeable" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "Agenda" -> 1, "Agency's" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "African-American" -> 1, "afield" -> 1, "Afghans" -> 1, "Afghan" -> 1, "Affordable" -> 1, "affordability" -> 1, "affluent" -> 1, "afflictions—with" -> 1, "affliction" -> 1, "affiliates" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "Affairs—with" -> 1, "advised" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "adversarial" -> 1, "advancements" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "Adoption" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admitting" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "administratively" -> 1, "Administrative" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administration—with" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "Adjustment" -> 1, "Adjusted" -> 1, "adjudication" -> 1, "adherents" -> 1, "Adhere" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "Addressing" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "Address" -> 1, "Additionally" -> 1, "addiction" -> 1, "adaptations" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "acutely" -> 1, "Act—Obamacare—was" -> 1, "actuary's" -> 1, "Activist" -> 1, "Activism" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "Accountability" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "acclaim" -> 1, "accessible" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "accelerating" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "Academic" -> 1, "abusing" -> 1, "abuse—far" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "Abundance" -> 1, "Abstinence" -> 1, "absentee" -> 1, "Absent" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "abortions—gender" -> 1, "abortions" -> 1, "aborted" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "Ability" -> 1, "abides" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "95" -> 1, "9/11" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "65,000" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "63" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "59" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "54" -> 1, "5,000" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "4,450" -> 1, "42-year" -> 1, "42" -> 1, "400,000" -> 1, "40" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "39" -> 1, "35,000,000" -> 1, "31" -> 1, "300,000—is" -> 1, "3,000" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "287g" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "27" -> 1, "2030" -> 1, "2019" -> 1, "2013" -> 1, "2006" -> 1, "2003" -> 1, "2000" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1985" -> 1, "1984" -> 1, "1981" -> 1, "1980s" -> 1, "1970s" -> 1, "1970" -> 1, "1966" -> 1, "1965" -> 1, "195" -> 1, "1940" -> 1, "1934" -> 1, "193" -> 1, "1915" -> 1, "1900" -> 1, "1887" -> 1, "150th" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "1.5" -> 1, "140,000" -> 1, "130-year" -> 1, "100" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "2008 Republican Party Platform", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 2008, "Date" -> DateObject[{2008, 9, 1}], "Text" -> "This platform is respectfully dedicated to our\n\"…heroes proved\nIn liberating strife,\nWho more than self their country loved\nAnd mercy more than life.\"\n_______\nAmerica the Beautiful\nKatharine Lee Bates\n\nChairmen's Preamble\n\nThis is a platform of enduring principle, not passing convenience — the product of the most open and transparent process in American political history. We offer it to our fellow Americans in the assurance that our Republican ideals are those that unify our country: Courage in the face of foreign foes. An optimistic patriotism, driven by a passion for freedom. Devotion to the inherent dignity and rights of every person. Faith in the virtues of self-reliance, civic commitment, and concern for one another. Distrust of government's interference in people's lives. Dedication to a rule of law that both protects and preserves liberty.\nWe present this platform at an uncertain point in time. Our country remains at war and committed to victory, but reckless political forces would imperil that goal and endanger our nation. In the economy and in society at large, it is a time of transformation. But the American people will meet these challenges. Even with its uncertainties, they embrace the future, but they are also too wise to rush headlong into it. We are an adventurous, risk-taking people, but we are not gamblers. A sound democracy trusts new leadership but insists that it demonstrate the old virtues: the character and the command that, in times of conflict and crisis, have led the Republic through its trials.\nThis platform likewise rests on proven truths and tested wisdom as it looks ahead, both to deal with present challenges and to explore possibilities that may sometimes seem beyond our grasp. It shows what the American people can accomplish when government respects their rights, conserves their resources, and calls upon their love of country. It is not a tribute to bigger government.\nOur platform is presented with enthusiasm and confidence in a vision for the future, but also with genuine humility — humility before God and before a nation of free and independent thinkers. As the party of ideas, rather than a mere coalition of interests, we consider vigorous debate a strength, not a weakness. Indeed, we are a party — as we are a nation —of mavericks.\nYet we stand united today because we are the one party that speaks to all Americans — conservatives, moderates, libertarians, independents, and even liberals. We welcome all to our deliberations in the firm belief that the principles embodied in this platform will prove to be as compelling and persuasive as they are vital and enduring. We do not fear disagreement, and we do not demand conformity, but we do fight for our principles with confidence that the best ideas will prevail in the end.\nOur party embodies a uniquely American spirit. It is the spirit of independent minds, the conviction that open and honest debate is essential to the freedom we enjoy as Americans. This platform is a testament to that freedom and stands as our promise to future generations that we will do whatever it takes to preserve it. It is grounded on our heartfelt belief that our principles, our policies, and our vision will lead our American family, not just through present dangers, but to a horizon of prosperity and liberty mankind has only begun to explore.\nWith gratitude for eight years of honorable service from President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the Republican Party now stands united behind new leadership, an American patriot, John McCain. In support of his candidacy and those of our fellow Republicans across the nation — and ever grateful to Almighty God for the political, religious, and civil liberties we enjoy — we, the representatives of the Republican Party in the states and territories of the United States, offer this platform to the American people.\n\nDefending Our Nation, Supporting Our Heroes, Securing the Peace\n\nThree decades ago, in a world as dangerous as today's, Americans of all stripes came together to advance the cause of freedom. They had witnessed the wreckage of inexperienced good intentions at the highest levels of government, the folly of an amateur foreign policy. And so, in defiance of a world-wide Marxist advance, they announced a goal as enduring as the vision of Isaiah, to \"proclaim liberty to the captives,\" and summed up America's strategy for achieving that end in a timeless slogan: Peace through strength — an enduring peace, based on freedom and the will to defend it.\nThat goal still requires the unity of Americans beyond differences of party and conflicts of personality. The rancor of past years must now give way to a common goal of security for our country and safety for our people. For seven years, the horror of September 11, 2001 has not been repeated on our soil. For that, we are prayerfully grateful and salute all who have played a role in defending our homeland. We pledge to continue their vigilance and to assure they have the authority and resources they need to protect the nation.\nAll Americans should affirm that our first obligation is the security of our country. To all those who defend it, we owe our full support and gratitude.\nThe waging of war — and the achieving of peace — should never be micromanaged in a party platform, or on the floor of the Senate and House of Representatives for that matter. In dealing with present conflicts and future crises, our next president must preserve all options. It would be presumptuous to specify them in advance and foolhardy to rule out any action deemed necessary for our security.\nWe acknowledge and appreciate the significant contributions of all of America's First Responders, who keep us safe and secure and who are ever ready to come to our aid. The security of our country is now everyone's responsibility, from the Department of Homeland Security to state and local first responders, private businesses, and individual families. The fact that eighty percent of our critical infrastructure is in private hands highlights the need for public-private partnerships to safeguard it, especially in the energy industry.\nAlong with unrelenting vigilance to prevent bioterrorism and other WMD-related attacks, we must regularly exercise our ability to quickly respond if one were to occur. We must continue to remove barriers to cooperation and information sharing. Modernized 9-1-1 services must be made universally available and be adequately funded. We must be able to thwart cyber attacks that could cripple our economy, monitor terrorist activities while respecting Americans' civil liberties, and protect against military and industrial espionage and sabotage. All this requires experienced leadership.\nThe attacks of September 11, 2001 were a pivot point in our national experience. They highlighted the failure of national policy to recognize and respond to the growth of a global terror network. They should have put an end to the Democrats' naive thinking that international terrorists could be dealt with within the normal criminal justice system, but that misconception persists.\nThe gravest threat we face — nuclear terrorism — demands a comprehensive strategy for reducing the world's nuclear stockpiles and preventing proliferation. The U.S. should lead that effort by reducing the size of our nuclear arsenal to the lowest number consistent with our security requirements and working with other nuclear powers to do the same. In cooperation with other nations, we should end the production of weapons-grade fissile material, improve our collective ability to interdict the spread of weapons of mass destruction and related materials, and ensure the highest possible security standards for existing nuclear materials wherever they may be located.\nBut that is not enough. We must develop and deploy both national and theater missile defenses to protect the American homeland, our people, our Armed Forces abroad, and our allies. Effective, layered missile defenses are critical to guard against the unpredictable actions of rogue regimes and outlaw states, reduce the possibility of strategic blackmail, and avoid the disastrous consequences of an accidental or unauthorized launch by a foreign power.\nIntelligence is America's first line of defense. We must increase the ranks and resources of our human intelligence capabilities, integrate technical and human sources, and get that information more quickly to the warfighter and the policy maker. The multi-jurisdictional arrangements that now prevail on Capitol Hill should be replaced by a single Joint Committee on Intelligence.\nBioterrorism and cyberterrorism, once the stuff of science fiction films, are immediate threats to our nation's health and safety. Our food and water distribution systems require special vigilance. By the same token, a well-placed cyber-attack could cripple our economy, shut down our energy and transportation systems, wreck our health care delivery systems, and put millions of lives at risk. Although our country has thwarted new terrorist attacks since 2001, those threats do persist. That is why our reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was so vital, and why the Democrats' opposition to it was so wrong.\nImmigration policy is a national security issue, for which we have one test: Does it serve the national interest? By that standard, Republicans know America can have a strong immigration system without sacrificing the rule of law.\nBorder security is essential to national security. In an age of terrorism, drug cartels, and criminal gangs, allowing millions of unidentified persons to enter and remain in this country poses grave risks to the sovereignty of the United States and the security of its people. We simply must be able to track who is entering and leaving our country.\nOur determination to uphold the rule of law begins with more effective enforcement, giving our agents the tools and resources they need to protect our sovereignty, completing the border fence quickly and securing the borders, and employing complementary strategies to secure our ports of entry. Experience shows that enforcement of existing laws is effective in reducing and reversing illegal immigration.\nOur commitment to the rule of law means smarter enforcement at the workplace, against illegal workers and lawbreaking employers alike, along with those who practice identity theft and traffic in fraudulent documents. As long as jobs are available in the United States, economic incentives to enter illegally will persist. But we must empower employers so they can know with confidence that those they hire are permitted to work. That means that the EVerify system—which is an internet-based system that verifies the employment authorization and identity of employees—must be reauthorized. A phased in requirement that employers use the E-Verify system must be enacted.\nThe rule of law means guaranteeing to law enforcement the tools and coordination to deport criminal aliens without delay — and correcting court decisions that have made deportation so difficult. It means enforcing the law against those who overstay their visas, rather than letting millions flout the generosity that gave them temporary entry. It means imposing maximum penalties on those who smuggle illegal aliens into the U.S., both for their lawbreaking and for their cruel exploitation. It means requiring cooperation among federal, state and local law enforcement and real consequences, including the denial of federal funds, for self-described sanctuary cities, which stand in open defiance of the federal and state statutes that expressly prohibit such sanctuary policies, and which endanger the lives of U.S. citizens. It does not mean driver's licenses for illegal aliens, nor does it mean that states should be allowed to flout the federal law barring them from giving in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens, nor does it mean that illegal aliens should receive social security benefits, or other public benefits, except as provided by federal law.\nWe oppose amnesty. The rule of law suffers if government policies encourage or reward illegal activity. The American people's rejection of en masse legalizations is especially appropriate given the federal government's past failures to enforce the law.\nToday's immigrants are walking in the steps of most other Americans' ancestors, seeking the American dream and contributing culturally and economically to our nation. We celebrate the industry and love of liberty of these fellow Americans.\nBoth government and the private sector must do more to foster legally present immigrants' integration into American life to advance respect for the rule of law and a common American identity. It is a national disgrace that the first experience most new Americans have is with a dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy defined by delay and confusion; we will no longer tolerate those failures.\nIn our multi-ethnic nation, everyone — immigrants and native-born alike — must embrace our core values of liberty, equality, meritocracy, and respect for human dignity and the rights of women.\nWe are grateful to the thousands of new immigrants, many of them not yet citizens, who are serving in the Armed Forces. Their patriotism is inspiring; it should remind the institutions of civil society of the need to embrace newcomers, assist their journey to full citizenship, and help their communities avoid patterns of isolation.\nOur country continues to accept refugees from troubled lands all over the world. In some cases, these are people who stood with America in dangerous times, and they have first call on our hospitality. We oppose, however, the granting of refugee status on the basis of lifestyle or other non-political factors\nRepublican leadership, from the presidency to the Congress, has given America the best-manned, best-trained, best-equipped, and best-led military in the world. That is a radical change from the late 1990's, when national defense was neglected and under-funded by the Clinton Administration. Our Armed Forces today are modern, agile, and adaptable to the unpredictable range of challenges in the years ahead. We pledge to keep them that way.\nThe men and women who wear our country's uniform — whether on active duty or in the Reserves or National Guard — are the most important assets in our military arsenal. They and their families must have the pay, health care, housing, education, and overall support they need. We must significantly increase the size of our Armed Forces; crucial to that goal will be retention of combat veterans.\nInjured military personnel deserve the best medical care our country has to offer. The special circumstances of the conflict in Iraq have resulted in an unprecedented incidence of traumatic brain injury, which calls for a new commitment of resources and personnel for its care and treatment. We must make military medicine the gold standard for advances in prosthetics and the treatment of trauma and eye injuries.\nWe must always remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice; their families must be assured meaningful financial assistance. It is the solemn duty we owe and honor we give to those who bravely don the uniform of freedom.\nWe pledge to maintain the strength of the National Guard and Reserves and to ensure they receive pay, benefits, and resources befitting their service. Their historic role as citizen-soldiers is a proud tradition linking every community with the cause of national security. We affirm service members' legal right to return to their civilian jobs, whether in government or in the private sector, when their active duty is completed, and we call for greater transition assistance from employers across the nation to smooth their return to the work force.\nThe all-volunteer force has been a success. We oppose reinstituting the draft, whether directly or through compulsory national service. We support the advancement of women in the military and their exemption from ground combat units. Military priorities and mission must determine personnel policies. Esprit and cohesion are necessary for military effectiveness and success on the battlefield. To protect our servicemen and women and ensure that America's Armed Forces remain the best in the world, we affirm the timelessness of those values, the benefits of traditional military culture, and the incompatibility of homosexuality with military service.\nTo military personnel who have served honorably and then retire or leave active duty, we owe a smooth transition to civilian life. Funding for the programs that assist them should be sufficient, timely, and predictable and never be subject to political gamesmanship.\nReturning veterans must have access to education benefits, job training, and a wide variety of employment options. We want to build on the bipartisan expansion of the GI Bill by encouraging private colleges to bridge the gap between GI Bill education benefits and tuition costs. We will strongly enforce the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act so that returning veterans can promptly return to their former jobs. Our existing \"veteran preference\" regulations must lead to real action, not hollow promises. We encourage private businesses to expand their outreach to the veterans community, especially disabled veterans.\nWe will hold the VA accountable for tangible results and steady improvement of its services. The VA must become more responsive and more efficient by eliminating its disability backlog and reducing waiting times for treatment. To ensure that the VA provides veterans with world class medical care, both at its own facilities and through partnerships with community providers, we must recruit the next generation of highly qualified medical professionals. Where distance or crowding is an obstacle to traditional VA facility-based care, our veterans should be provided access to qualified out-of-network providers. We call for greater attention by the VA to the special health care needs of women veterans, who will comprise an even larger percentage of VA patients in the future.\nThe VA's current disability compensation formulas need to be restructured and modernized. Those who have borne the burden of war must have access to training, rehabilitation, and education. Their families and caregivers deserve our concern and support.\nWe pledge special attention to combat stress injuries. There must be adequate counseling when veterans return home — for them and their families. They should have ongoing professional care, whether in a VA facility or closer to home, so that the natural and usually temporary responses to the horrors of war do not become permanent conditions. We recognize the need for more mental health professionals who can give the highest quality treatment to our veterans.\nWe applaud the non-profit organizations which assist veterans and their families materially and in other ways. They represent the best of the American spirit and merit our support.\nThe military's partners are the men and women who work in the defense industry and civilian sector, supplying the Armed Forces with weapons and equipment vital to the success of their mission. To ensure that our troops receive the best material at the best value, we must reform the defense budgeting and acquisition process to control costs and ensure vigorous and fair competition. We will not allow congressional pork to take the place of sound, sustained investment in the nation's security.\nThe Republican vision of peace through strength requires a sustained international effort, which complements our military activities, to develop and maintain alliances and relationships that will lead to greater peace and stability.\nThe international promotion of human rights reflects our heritage, our values, and our national interest. Societies that enjoy political and economic freedom and the rule of law are not given to aggression or fanaticism. They become our natural allies.\nRepublican leadership has made religious liberty a central element of U.S. foreign policy. Asserting religious freedom should be a priority in all America's international dealings. We salute the work of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and urge special training in religious liberty issues for all U.S. diplomatic personnel.\nTo be successful international leaders, we must uphold international law, including the laws of war, and update them when necessary. Our moral standing requires that we respect what are essentially American principles of justice. In any war of ideas, our values will triumph.\nAdvancing America's values should be the core mission of every part of the federal government, including the Department of State. America's diplomatic establishment must energetically represent our country's agenda to the world. We propose a thorough reform of its structure to ensure that promotions and appointments are based on performance in supporting the nation's agenda. Our diplomats must be the best our country has to offer, and America's diplomatic abilities must be an integral part of America's national security system.\nThroughout the Cold War, our international broadcasting of free and impartial information promoted American values to combat tyranny. It still does, through Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio/TV Marti, and it remains an important instrument in promoting a modernizing alternative to the culture of radical terror. Getting America's message out to the world is a critical element in the struggle against extremism, and our government must wage a much more effective battle in the war of ideas.\nGenerations after the end of slavery in America, new forms of bondage have emerged to exploit men, women and children. We salute those across the political spectrum who have come together to end the commerce in our fellow human beings. We advocate the establishment of an Inter- Agency Task Force on Human Trafficking, reporting directly to the President, and call for increased diplomatic efforts with foreign governments that have been negligent toward this evil. The principle underlying our Megan's Law — publicizing the identities of known offenders — should be extended to international travel in order to protect innocent children everywhere.\nThe United States participates in various international organizations which can, at times, serve the cause of peace and prosperity, but those organizations must never serve as a substitute for principled American leadership. Nor should our participation in them prevent our joining with other democracies to protect our vital national interests.\nAt the United Nations, our country will pay a fair, but not disproportionate, share of dues, but we will never support a UN-imposed tax. The UN must reform its scandal-ridden and corrupt management and become more accountable and transparent in its operations and expenses. As a matter of U.S. sovereignty, American forces must remain under American command.\nDiscrimination against Israel at the UN is unacceptable. We welcome Israel's membership in the Western European and Others Group at the UN headquarters and demand its full acceptance and participation at all UN venues. We likewise oppose the ideological campaign against Vatican participation in UN conferences and other activities.\nBecause the UN has no mandate to promote radical social engineering, any effort to address global social problems must respect the fundamental institutions of marriage and family. We assert the rights of families in all international programs and will not fund organizations involved in abortion. We strongly support the long-held policy of the Republican Party known as the \"Mexico City policy,\" which prohibits federal monies from being given to non-governmental organizations that provide abortions or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other countries. We reject any treaty or agreement that would violate those values. That includes the UN convention on women's rights, signed in the last months of the Carter Administration, and the UN convention on the rights of the child. For several reasons, particularly our concern for US sovereignty and America's long-term energy needs, we have deep reservations about the regulatory, legal, and tax regimes inherent in the Law of the Sea Treaty.\nTo shield the members of our Armed Forces and others in service to America from ideological prosecutions, the Republican Party does not accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Americans. We support the American Service members Protection Act, to shield U.S. personnel and officials as they act abroad to meet global security requirements.\nAmericans are the most generous people in the world. No nation spends more in combined public and private efforts to combat disease and poverty around the world, and no nation works harder to ensure the continued vitality of the global economy. Our reasons for doing so are both moral and practical, for a world where half of the human race lives on a few dollars a day is neither just nor stable.\nIncluding the world's poor in an expanding circle of development is part and parcel of the Republican approach to world trade through open markets and fair competition. It must also be a top priority of our foreign policy. Decades of massive aid have failed to spur economic growth in the poorest countries, where it has often propped up failed policies and corrupt rulers. We will target foreign assistance to high-impact goals: fostering the rule of law through democratic government; emphasizing literacy and learning; and, concentrating on the foundations for economic development — clean water, agricultural improvement, and microcredit funding for small enterprises. Maternal and child health, especially safer child-birthing and nutrition, must be priorities, especially in countries affected by epidemics of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis.\nFurther, we call for the development of a strategy for foreign assistance that serves our national interest. Specifically we call for a review and improvement of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 oriented toward: alignment of foreign assistance policies, operations, budgets and statutory authorities; development of a consensus on what needs to be done to strengthen the non-military tools to further our national security goals; greater attention to core development programs — education, child survival, and agricultural development; and greater accountability by recipient countries so as to ensure against malfeasance, self-dealing, and corruption, and to ensure continued assistance is conditioned on performance.\nFaith and family, culture and commerce, are enduring bonds among all the peoples of the Americas. Republicans envision a western hemisphere of sovereign nations with secure borders, working together to advance liberty and mutually beneficial trade based on sound and proven free enterprise principles. Our relations with our immediate neighbors, Canada and Mexico, are grounded on our shared values and common purpose, as well as our steadily increasing trade. We pledge to continue this close association and to advance mutually beneficial trade agreements throughout Latin America, promoting economic development and social stability there while opening markets to our goods and services. Our strong ties with Canada and Mexico should not lead to a North American union or a unified currency.\nTwo factors distort this hemispheric progress. One is narco-terrorism, with its ability to destabilize societies and corrupt the political process. In an era of porous borders, the war on drugs and the war on terror have become a single enterprise. We salute our allies in the fight against this evil, especially the people of Mexico and Colombia, who have set an example for their neighbors. We support approval of the free trade agreement with Colombia, currently blocked by Capitol Hill Democrats and their union boss supporters, as an overdue gesture of solidarity for this courageous ally of the United States.\nThe other malignant element in hemispheric affairs is the anachronistic regime in Havana, a mummified relic from the age of totalitarianism, and its buffoonish imitators. We call on the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean to join us in laying the groundwork for a democratic Cuba. Looking to the inevitable day of liberation, we support restrictions on trade with, and travel to, Cuba as a measure of solidarity with the political prisoners and all the oppressed Cuban people. We call for a dedicated platform for transmission of Radio and Television Marti into Cuba and, to prepare for the day when Cuba is free, we support the work of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba. We affirm the principles of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, recognizing the rights of Cubans fleeing Communist tyranny, and support efforts to admit more of them through a safe, legal, orderly process.\nThe great promise of Africa has been dimmed by disease, hunger, and violence. Republicans have faced up to each of those challenges because, in addition to humanitarian concerns, the U.S. has important security interests in the stability and progress of African nations. The devastating toll of HIV/AIDS threatens to destabilize entire societies through large numbers of orphaned youths. In response, the U.S. has become the unrivaled leader in fighting the diseases that are the scourge of much of the continent. Republican-sponsored legislation has brought jobs and investment to sub-Saharan Africa. To continue that progress, we advocate continued expansion of trade with African nations.\nGenocide must end. The horrendous suffering of the people in the Darfur region of Sudan, as well as less publicized human tragedies elsewhere, calls for a far more energetic and determined response from Africa's elected leaders. The United States stands ready to assist them with materiel, transportation, and humanitarian supplies. We will continue America's diplomatic efforts to secure a comprehensive and humane settlement for the people of the southern and western Sudan.\nThe promise of democracy and freedom in Africa is diminished by the government of Zimbabwe, which has seized lands without compensation, debased the currency, murdered and tortured its people, and so intimidated voters that free and fair elections are impossible. We support sanctions against this government, free elections, and the restoration of civil government in Zimbabwe.\nThe U.S. is a Pacific nation, and our historic ties to Asia will grow stronger in the years ahead. Australia has stood shoulder to shoulder with us in every major conflict. The ties between our peoples, our economies, and our governments are extraordinary. We cherish our bonds with our Freely Associated States in the Pacific Islands. Our longstanding alliance with Japan has been the foundation for peace and prosperity in Asia, and we look for Japan to forge a leadership role in regional and global affairs. Another valued ally, the Republic of Korea remains vigilant with us against the tyranny and international ambitions of the maniacal state on its border. The U.S. will not waver in its demand for the complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantlement of North Korea's nuclear weapons programs, with a full accounting of its proliferation activities. We look toward the restoration of human rights to the suffering people of North Korea and the fulfillment of the wish of the Korean people to be one in peace and freedom.\nWe welcome America's new relationship with India, including the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Accord. Our common security concerns and shared commitment to political freedom and representative government can be the foundation for an enduring partnership.\nWe must expand our ties with the government and the people of Pakistan. We support their efforts to improve democratic governance and strengthen civil society, and we appreciate the difficult but essential role Pakistan plays in the fight against terror.\nOur policy toward Taiwan, a sound democracy and economic model for mainland China, must continue to be based upon the provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act. We oppose any unilateral steps by either side to alter the status quo in the Taiwan straits on the principle that all issues regarding the island's future must be resolved peacefully, through dialogue, and be agreeable to the people of Taiwan. If China were to violate these principles, the U.S., in accord with the Taiwan Relations Act, will help Taiwan defend itself. As a loyal friend of America, the democracy of Taiwan has merited our strong support, including the timely sale of defensive arms and full participation in the World Health Organization and other multilateral institutions.\nWe will welcome the emergence of a peaceful and prosperous China, and we will welcome even more the development of a democratic China. Its rulers have already discovered that economic freedom leads to national wealth; the next lesson is that political and religious freedom leads to national greatness. That is not likely to be learned while the government in Beijing pursues advanced military capabilities without any apparent need, imposes a \"one-child\" policy on its people, suppresses basic human rights in Tibet and elsewhere, and erodes democracy in Hong Kong. China must honor its obligations regarding free speech and a free press as announced prior to the Olympics.\nOur bilateral trade with China has created export opportunities for American farmers and workers, while both the requirements of the World Trade Organization and the realities of the marketplace have increased openness and the rule of law in China. We must yet ensure that China fulfills its WTO obligations, especially those related to protecting intellectual property rights, elimination of subsidies, and repeal of import restrictions. China's full integration into the global economy requires that it adopt a flexible monetary exchange rate and allow free movement of capital. China's economic growth brings with it the responsibility for environmental improvement, both for its own people and for the world community.\nOur relations with Vietnam have improved, but two grave matters remain. The first is the need for unceasing efforts to obtain an accounting for, and repatriation of the remains of, Americans who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. The second is continued repression of human rights and religious freedom, and the retribution by the government of Vietnam against its ethnic minorities and others who assisted U.S. forces there. We owe them a debt of honor and will do all we can to relieve their suffering.\nWe urge all the nations of East Asia to join the worldwide effort to restore the suffering people of Burma to the democratic family of nations. The military dictatorship in Burma is among the worst on the planet. Its savagery demands a strong response from the world community, including economic and financial sanctions and isolation of the illegitimate regime.\nOur country's ties to the peoples of Europe are based on shared culture and values, common interests and goals. We particularly appreciate our close friendship with the United Kingdom, a relationship that has led the forces of freedom for generations. The enduring truth — that America's security is inseparable from Europe's — was reaffirmed by our European allies after September 11, 2001. NATO, the most successful military alliance in history, has been greatly strengthened by the addition of new members in Central and Eastern Europe. We believe the door to NATO membership should remain open to all democratic nations who share our values and meet the requirements for NATO membership. We strongly support NATO-endorsed efforts to deploy missile defenses to protect our European allies from the threat of Iranian missiles, and we appreciate the willingness of the governments of Poland and the Czech Republic to host these needed defensive systems. We condemn the Russian Federation's attempts to intimidate states, formerly under Soviet domination, in order to prevent their deploying missile defenses. The decision on this question is for each sovereign nation to decide.\nWe support the ongoing reconciliation efforts in Cyprus and Northern Ireland, including the appointment of a U.S. Special Envoy for Northern Ireland. We condemn the escalation of anti-Semitic violence, arson, and desecration in Europe and other areas of the world.\nAmericans and the Russian people have common imperatives: ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation, promoting bilateral trade, and more. But matters of serious concern remain, particularly the Russian government's treatment of the press, opposition parties, and institutions of civil society. It continues its aggressive confrontations with its neighbors, from economic intimidation to outright warfare, and has aligned with dangerous anti-democratic forces in the Middle East. As a condition for its continued acceptance in world organizations, Russia must respect the independence and territorial integrity of all the nations of the former Soviet Union, beginning with the republic of Georgia, and move toward a free and democratic society.\nThe momentum of change in the Middle East has been in the right direction. From Morocco to the Gulf States, the overall trend has been toward cooperation and social and economic development, especially with regard to the rights of women. We acknowledge the substantial assistance the U.S. has received from most governments in the region in the war on terror. Those countries that have made peace with Israel, whether officially or in fact, deserve our appreciation and assistance.\nWe urge the continued isolation of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah because they do not meet the standards of the international community. We call for the restoration of Lebanon's independence and sovereignty and the full implementation of all UN resolutions concerning that country.\nThe struggle in which we are engaged is ideological, not ethnic or religious. The extremists we face are abusers of faith, not its champions. We appreciate the loyalty of all Americans whose family roots lie in the Middle East, and we gratefully acknowledge the contributions of American Arabs and Muslims, especially those in the Armed Forces and the intelligence community.\nIsrael is a vigorous democracy, unique in the Middle East. We reaffirm America's commitment to Israel's security and will ensure that Israel maintains a qualitative edge in military technology over any potential adversaries. Israel must have secure, defensible borders and we support its right to exist as a Jewish state able to defend itself against homicide bombings, rocket and mortar fire, and other attacks against its people. We support the vision of two democratic states living in peace and security: Israel, with Jerusalem as its capital, and Palestine. For that to become a reality, the Palestinian people must support leaders who reject terror, embrace the institutions and ethos of democracy, and respect the rule of law. We call on Arab governments throughout the region to help advance that goal. We support Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and moving the American embassy to that undivided capital of Israel.\nThe U.S. seeks a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East, negotiated between the parties themselves, without the imposition of an artificial timetable, and without the demand that Israel deal with entities which continue to pledge her destruction. At the heart of any peace process must be a mutual commitment to resolve all issues through negotiation. Part of that process must be a just, fair, and realistic framework for dealing with the Palestinian refugee issue. Like all other elements in a meaningful agreement, this matter can be settled only on the basis of mutually agreed changes that reflect today's realities as well as tomorrow's hopes.\nA stable, unified, and democratic Iraqi nation is within reach. Our success in Iraq will deny al Qaeda a safe haven, limit Iranian influence in the Middle East, strengthen moderate forces there, and give us a strategic ally in the struggle against extremism. To those who have sacrificed so much, we owe the commitment that American forces will leave that country in victory and with honor. That outcome is too critical to our own national security to be jeopardized by artificial or politically inspired timetables that neither reflect conditions on the ground nor respect the essential advice of our military commanders. As the people of Iraq assume their rightful place in the ranks of free and open societies, we offer them a continuing partnership.\nIn the seven years since U.S. troops helped topple the Taliban, there has been great progress — but much remains to be done. We must prevail in Afghanistan to prevent the reemergence of the Taliban or an al Qaeda sanctuary in that country. A nationwide counterinsurgency strategy led by a unified commander is an essential prerequisite to success. Additional forces are also necessary, both from NATO countries and through a doubling in size of the Afghan army. The international community must work with the Afghan government to better address the problems of illegal drugs, governance, and corruption. We flatly reject the Democratic Party's idea that America can succeed in Afghanistan only by failure in Iraq.\nWe express our respect for the people of Iran who seek peace and aspire to freedom. Their current regime, aggressive and repressive, is unworthy of them. The Iranian people, many of whom risk persecution to speak out for democracy, have a right to choose their own government.\nAs a rogue state, Iran's leadership supports terror, threatens its neighbors, and provides weapons that are killing our troops in Iraq. We affirm, in the plainest words we can use, that the U.S. government, in solidarity with the international community, will not allow the current regime in Tehran to develop nuclear weapons.\nWe call for a significant increase in political, economic, and diplomatic pressure to persuade Iran's rulers to halt their drive for a nuclear weapons capability, and we support tighter sanctions against Iran and the companies with business operations in or with Iran. We oppose entering into a presidential- level, unconditional dialogue with the regime in Iran until it takes steps to improve its behavior, particularly with respect to support of terrorism and suspension of its efforts to enrich uranium. At the same time, the U.S. must retain all options in dealing with a situation that gravely threatens our security, our interests, and the safety of our friends.\n\nReforming Government to Serve the People\n\nThe American people believe Washington is broken … and for good reason. Short-term politics overshadow the long-term interests of the nation. Our national legislature uses a budget process devised long before the Internet and seems unable to deal in realistic ways with the most pressing problems of families, businesses, and communities. Members of Congress have been indicted for violating the public trust. Public disgust with Washington is entirely warranted.\nRepublicans will uphold and defend our party's core principles: Constrain the federal government to its legitimate constitutional functions. Let it empower people, while limiting its reach into their lives. Spend only what is necessary, and tax only to raise revenue for essential government functions. Unleash the power of enterprise, innovation, civic energy, and the American spirit — and never pretend that government is a substitute for family or community.\nThe other party wants more government control over people's lives and earnings; Republicans do not. The other party wants to continue pork barrel politics; we are disgusted by it, no matter who practices it. The other party wants to ignore fiscal problems while squandering billions on ineffective programs; we are determined to end that waste. The entrenched culture of official Washington — an intrusive tax-and-spend liberalism — remains a formidable foe, but we will confront and ultimately defeat it.\nThe federal government collects $2.7 trillion a year from American families and businesses. That's $7.4 billion a day. Even worse, it spends over $3 trillion a year: $8.2 billion a day. Why? Largely because those who created this bloated government will not admit a single mistake or abolish a single program. Here are some staggering examples of the overall problem:\n• Recent audits show that 22% of all federal programs are ineffective or incapable of demonstrating results.\n• 69 separate programs, administered by 10 different agencies, provide education or care to children under the age of 5.\n• Nine separate agencies administer 44 different programs for job training.\n• 23 separate programs, each with its own overhead, provide housing assistance to the elderly.\nWith so many redundant, inefficient, and ineffective federal programs, it is no wonder that the American people have so little confidence in Washington to act effectively when federal action is really needed.\nFor more than three decades — since enactment of the Budget Act of 1974 by a Democrat-controlled Congress — the federal government has operated within a rigged system notable for its lack of transparency. The earlier approach — annual passage of the appropriation bills, amended and voted up or down, with the numbers there for all to see — had its flaws and generated much red ink. But its replacement, the current budget process, only worsened the money flow and came to rely on monstrous omnibus spending bills. The results are adverse to all seeking to limit government's growth. For example:\n• The budget process assumes every spending project will be on the books forever, even if the law says the spending will expire — but it assumes tax relief will be temporary.\n• It treats well-deserved tax cuts as a kind of spending, so that letting Americans keep more of their earnings is considered the same as more spending on pork projects.\n• It fails to recognize the positive impact that lowering tax rates has on economic growth.\n• In its deceptive and irresponsible accounting, an increase in a program's funding is actually a decrease if it is less than the rate of inflation.\n• Once a budget is produced under that system, the budget law itself limits the time Congress can consider it before voting.\nMoreover, the budget's review process is a sham. Of the $3 trillion spent annually, only one third is reviewed each year during the budget and appropriations process. The remaining $2 trillion automatically goes to interest on the national debt or entitlements. And because the budget process assumes an automatic increase in spending, the debate on the remaining one-third is only over how much more spending to approve.\nFinally, while government requires corporations to budget for future pension and health care costs, our government ignores those requirements. No family or private sector business could keep its books the way Washington keeps ours.\nRepublicans will attack wasteful Washington spending immediately. Current procedures should be replaced with simplicity and transparency. For example:\n• We favor adoption of the Balanced Budget Amendment to require a balanced federal budget except in time of war.\n• Earmarking must stop. To eliminate wasteful projects and pay-offs to special interests, we will impose an immediate moratorium on the earmarking system and reform the appropriations process through full transparency. Tax dollars must be distributed on the basis of clear national priorities, not a politician's seniority or party position.\n• Government waste must be taken off autopilot. We call for a one-year pause in nondefense, non-veterans discretionary spending to force a critical, cost-benefit review of all current programs.\n• We call for a constitutionally sound presidential line-item veto.\n• If billions are worth spending, they should be spent in the light of day. We will insist that, before either the House or Senate considers a spending bill, every item in it should be presented in advance to the taxpayers on the Internet.\n• Because the problem is too much spending, not too few taxes, we support a supermajority requirement in both the House and Senate to guard against tax hikes.\n• New authorizations should be offset by reducing another program, and no appropriation should be permitted without a current authorization.\n• Congressional ethics rules governing special interests should apply across the board, without the special exemptions now granted to favored institutions.\n• We support the Government Shutdown Protection Act to ensure the continuance of essential federal functions when advocates of pork threaten to shut down the government unless their wasteful spending is accepted.\n• We will insist that the budget reasonably plan for the long-term costs of pension and health care programs and urge the conversion of such programs to defined contribution programs.\nThe long term solution for many of Washington's problems is structural. Congress must respect the limits imposed upon it by the Tenth Amendment: \"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.\"\nWe look to the model of Republican welfare reform, which, since its enactment in 1996, has accomplished a major transfer of resources and responsibility from the federal government back to the states — with an accompanying improvement in the program itself. Applying that approach to other programs will steer Congress back into line with the Constitution, reversing both its intrusion into state matters and its neglect of its central duties.\nTo aid in the fulfillment of those duties, we propose a National Sunset Commission to review all federal programs and recommend which of them should be terminated due to redundancy, waste, or intrusion into the American family. The Congress would then be required by law to schedule one yea or nay vote on the entire sunset list with no amendments.\nAdditionally, as important as returning power to the states is returning power to the people. As the Declaration of Independence states, our rights are endowed to us by our Creator and are inalienable: rights to life, liberty, and property. Government does not confer these rights but is instituted by men to protect the rights that man already possesses. The Republican Party strongly affirms these rights and demands that government respect them.\nCongress has a fundamental duty to conduct meaningful oversight on the effectiveness of government programs, not use every hearing as an opportunity for political grandstanding. To that end:\n• We urge every congressional committee to reserve at least one week every month to conduct oversight of the nearly 1,700 separate grant and loan programs of the federal government.\n• To prevent conflicts of interest, a Truth in Testimony mandate should require all committee witnesses to detail the amount of federal funding they and their employer currently receive and, in the case of associations, how much federal money their members would receive from the proposed legislation.\n• Because official Washington does not even know how much land it owns, we call for a national audit of all federally-owned properties as a first step toward returning unnecessary properties to the American people or to state and local government for public use.\nModern management of the federal government is long overdue. The expected retirement over the next ten years of more than 40 percent of the federal workforce, and 60 percent of its managers, presents a rare opportunity: a chance to gradually shrink the size of government while using technology to increase its effectiveness and reshape the way agencies do business.\nEach agency must be able to pass a financial audit and set annual targets for improving efficiency with fewer resources. Civil service managers should be given incentives for more effective leadership, including protection against the current guilty-until-proven-innocent grievance procedures which disgruntled employees use against them to thwart reform. Due process cannot excuse bad behavior.\nWe will provide Internet transparency in all federal contracting as a necessary step in combating cost overruns. We will draw on the expertise of today's successful managers and entrepreneurs in the private sector, like the \"dollar-a-year\" businesspeople who answered their country's call during the Second World War, to build real-world competence and accountability into government procurement and operations.\nAmericans hit by disaster must never again feel abandoned by their government. The Katrina disaster taught a painful lesson: The federal government's system for responding to a natural calamity needs a radical overhaul. We recognize the need for a natural disaster insurance policy.\nState and local cooperation is crucial, as are private relief efforts, but Washington must take the lead in forging a partnership with America's best run businesses to ensure that FEMA's Emergency Operations Centers run as well as any Fortune 500 Company. We must make it easier for both businesses and non-profits to act as force-multipliers in relief situations. We believe it is critical to support those impacted by natural disasters and to complete the rebuilding of devastated areas, including the Gulf Coast.\nThe American people can have safer roads and bridges, better airports and more efficient harbors, as long as we straighten out the government's spending priorities. The politics of pork distorts the allocation of resources for modernizing the nation's infrastructure. That can leave entire communities vulnerable to natural disasters and deprive others of the improvements necessary for economic growth and job creation. We pledge a business-like, cost-effective approach for infrastructure spending, always mindful of the special needs of both rural and urban communities.\nWe support a level of investment in the nation's transportation system that will promote a healthy economy, sustain jobs, and keep America globally competitive. We need to improve the system's performance and capacity to deal with congestion, move a massive amount of freight, reduce traffic fatalities, and ensure mobility across both rural and urban areas. We urgently need to preserve the highway, transit, and air facilities built over the last century so they can serve generations to come. At the same time, we are committed to minimizing transportation's impact on climate change, our local environments, and the nation's energy use. Careful reforms of environmental reviews and the permitting process should speed projects to completion.\nSafeguarding our transportation infrastructure is critical to our homeland security. An integrated, flexible system — developed and sustained in partnership between state and local governments and the federal government — must also share responsibilities with the private sector. We call for more prudent stewardship of the nation's Highway Trust Fund to restore the program's purchasing power and ensure that it will meet the changing needs of a mobile nation.\nThe job of modernizing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid calls for bipartisanship, not political posturing. Through the last four presidential terms, we have sought that cooperation, but it has not been forthcoming. The public demands constructive action, and we will provide it.\nWe are committed to putting Social Security on a sound fiscal basis. Our society faces a profound demographic shift over the next twenty-five years, from today's ratio of 3.3 workers for every retiree to only 2.1 workers by 2034. Under the current system, younger workers will not be able to depend on Social Security as part of their retirement plan. We believe the solution should give workers control over, and a fair return on, their contributions. No changes in the system should adversely affect any current or near-retiree. Comprehensive reform should include the opportunity to freely choose to create your own personal investment accounts which are distinct from and supplemental to the overall Social Security system.\nAs discussed in the health care section of this document, we commit to revive Medicare by rewarding quality care, promoting competition, eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse, and giving patients and providers control over treatment options. We envision a new Medicaid partnership with the states, improving public health through flexibility and innovation.\nJudicial activism is a grave threat to the rule of law because unaccountable federal judges are usurping democracy, ignoring the Constitution and its separation of powers, and imposing their personal opinions upon the public. This must stop.\nWe condemn the Supreme Court's disregard of homeowners' property rights in its Kelo decision and deplore the Court's arbitrary extension of Americans' habeas corpus rights to enemy combatants held abroad. We object to the Court's unwarranted interference in the administration of the death penalty in this country for the benefit of savage criminals whose guilt is not at issue. We lament that judges have denied the people their right to set abortion policies in the states and are undermining traditional marriage laws from coast to coast. We are astounded that four justices of the Supreme Court believe that individual Americans have no individual right to bear arms to protect themselves and their families.\nRepublicans will insist on the appointment of constitutionalist judges, men and women who will not distort our founding documents to deny the people's right to self-government, sanction federal powers that violate our liberties, or inject foreign law into American jurisprudence.\nWe oppose stealth nominations to the federal bench, and especially to the Supreme Court, whose lack of a clear and distinguished record leaves doubt about their respect for the Constitution or their intellectual fortitude. Nominees must have a record of fidelity to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.\nWe reject the Democrats' view that judicial nominees should guarantee particular results even before the case is filed. Judges should not be politicians. Jurists nominated by a Republican president will be thoughtful and open-minded, always prepared to view past error in light of stare decisis, including judicial fiats that disenfranchised the American people.\nNo qualified person should be denied the opportunity to serve on the federal bench due to race, ethnicity, religion or sex. In affirming Article VI of the Constitution — that no religious test shall ever be required for any office — we insist that the Senate should never inquire into a nominee's religious convictions and we condemn the opposition, by some members of the Democratic Party, to recent judicial nominees because of their ethnicity or religion.\nMany members of the Armed Services will find it difficult to participate in this year's elections because of the government's reliance on outdated and inadequate voting, notification, and ballot delivery systems. The mishandling and delaying of registration forms and absentee ballots disenfranchises thousands of our servicemen and servicewomen. The Commander-in-Chief, the Department of Defense, and state and local election officials must do more to protect the voting rights of those on the front lines of freedom. That means using expedited mail delivery to bring ballots to and from our troops abroad, including those serving in areas of conflict, while completing work on an electronic ballot delivery system that will enable our military personnel to receive and cast their ballots in a secure and convenient manner.\nWe oppose attempts to distort the electoral process by wholesale restoration of the franchise to convicted felons, by makeshift or hurried naturalization procedures, or by discretionary ballot-reading by election boards.\nPreventing voting fraud is a civil rights issue. We support the right of states to require an official government-issued photo identification for voting and call upon the Department of Justice to deploy its resources to prevent ballot tampering in the November elections. We support efforts by state and local election officials to ensure integrity in the voting process and to prevent voter fraud and abuse, particularly as it relates to voter registration and absentee ballots.\nThe rights of citizenship do not stop at the ballot box. They include the free-speech right to devote one's resources to whatever cause or candidate one supports. We oppose any restrictions or conditions upon those activities that would discourage Americans from exercising their constitutional right to enter the political fray or limit their commitment to their ideals.\nThe integrity of the 2010 census, proportioning congressional representation among the states, must be preserved. The census should count every person legally abiding in the United States in an actual enumeration. We urge all who are legally eligible to participate in the census count to do so; at the same time, we urge Congress to specify — and to constitutionally justify — which census questions require a response.\nWe appreciate the extraordinary sacrifices the men and women of the territories are making to protect our freedom through their service in the U.S. Armed Forces. We welcome greater participation in all aspects of the political process by Americans residing in Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas, and Puerto Rico. We affirm their right to seek the full extension of the Constitution, with all the political rights and responsibilities it entails.\nWe recognize the valuable contributions made by the people of the United States Virgin Islands to the common welfare of the nation, including national defense, and their contributions to the federal treasury in the form of federal excise taxes paid on products produced in the territory.\nWe support the Native American Samoans' efforts to protect their right to self-government and to preserve their culture and land-tenure system, which fosters self-reliance and strong extended-family values. We support increased local self-government for the United States citizens of the Virgin Islands, and closer cooperation between the local and federal governments to promote private sector-led development and self-sufficiency. We recognize that Guam is a strategically vital U.S. territory, an American fortress in the western Pacific. We affirm our support for the patriotic U.S. citizens of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to achieve greater self-government, an improved federal territorial relationship, new economic development strategies, a strong health care system that meets their needs, and continued political self-determination. We support a review to determine the appropriate eligibility of territories as well as states for Supplemental Security Income and other federal programs.\nWe support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state after they freely so determine. We recognize that Congress has the final authority to define the constitutionally valid options for Puerto Rico to achieve a permanent non-territorial status with government by consent and full enfranchisement. As long as Puerto Rico is not a state, however, the will of its people regarding their political status should be ascertained by means of a general right of referendum or specific referenda sponsored by the U.S. government.\nThe nation's capital is a special responsibility of the federal government. Yet some of the worst performing schools in the country are mere blocks from the Department of Education, and some of the most crime-ridden neighborhoods in the country are blocks from the Department of Justice. Washington should be made a model city. Two major Republican initiatives — a first-time D.C. homebuyers credit and a landmark school choice initiative — have pointed the way toward a civic resurgence, and a third piece of GOP legislation now guarantees young D.C. residents significant assistance in affording higher education. Because Washington's buildings and monuments may be top targets of terrorist groups, the federal government must work closely with local officials to improve security without burdening local residents. We call on the District of Columbia city council to pass laws consistent with the Supreme Court's decision in the Heller case. We honor the contributions of the residents of the District of Columbia, especially those who are serving honorably, or have served, in our Armed Forces.\n\nExpanding Opportunity to Promote Prosperity\n\nAmerica's free economy has given our country the world's highest standard of living and allows us to share our prosperity with the rest of humanity. It is an engine of charity, empowering everything from Sabbath collection plate to great endowments. It creates opportunity, rewards self-reliance and hard work, and unleashes productive energies that other societies can only imagine.\nToday, our economy faces challenges due to high energy costs. Our task is to strengthen our economy and build a greater degree of security — in availability of jobs, in accessibility of health care, in portability of pensions, and in affordability of energy. That is an urgent task because economic freedom — and the prosperity it makes possible — are not ends in themselves. They are means by which families and individuals can maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values, and build communities of self-reliant neighbors.\nEconomic freedom expands the prosperity pie; government can only divide it up. That is why Republicans advocate lower taxes, reasonable regulation, and smaller, smarter government. That agenda translates to more opportunity for more people. It represents the economics of inclusion, the path by which hopes become achievements. It is the way we will reach our goal of enabling everyone to have a chance to own, invest, and build.\nThe most important distinction between Republicans and the leadership of today's Democratic Party concerning taxes is not just that we believe you should keep more of what you earn. That's true, but there is a more fundamental distinction. It concerns the purpose of taxation. We believe government should tax only to raise money for its essential functions.\nToday's Democratic Party views the tax code as a tool for social engineering. They use it to control our behavior, steer our choices, and change the way we live our lives. The Republican Party will put a stop to both social engineering and corporate handouts by simplifying tax policy, eliminating special deals, and putting those saved dollars back into the taxpayers' pockets.\nSound tax policy alone may not ensure economic success, but terrible tax policy does guarantee economic failure. Along with making the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent so American families will not face a large tax hike, Republicans will advance tax policies to support American families, promote savings and innovation, and put us on a path to fundamental tax reform.\n• American families with children are the hardest hit during any economic downturn. Republicans will lower their tax burden by doubling the exemption for dependents.\n• New technology should not occasion more taxation. We will permanently ban internet access taxes and stop all new cell phone taxes.\n• For the sake of family farms and small businesses, we will continue our fight against the federal death tax.\n• The Alternative Minimum Tax, a stealth levy on the middle-class that unduly targets large families, must be repealed.\n• Republicans support tax credits for health care and medical expenses.\nAmerica's producers can compete successfully in the international arena — as long as they have a level playing field. Today's tax code is tilted against them, with one of the highest corporate tax rates of all developed countries. That not only hurts American investors, managers, and the U.S. balance of trade; it also sends American jobs overseas. We support a major reduction in the corporate tax rate so that American companies stay competitive with their foreign counterparts and American jobs can remain in this country.\nWe support a tax code that encourages personal savings. High tax rates discourage thrift by penalizing the return on savings and should be replaced with incentives to save. We support a plan to encourage employers to offer automatic enrollment in tax-deferred savings programs. The current limits on tax-free savings accounts should be removed.\nOver the long run, the mammoth IRS tax code must be replaced with a system that is simple, transparent, and fair while maximizing economic growth and job creation. As a transition, we support giving all taxpayers the option of filing under current rules or under a two-rate flat tax with generous deductions for families. This gradual approach is the taxpayers' best hope of overcoming the lobbyist legions that have thwarted past simplification efforts.\nAs a matter of principle, we oppose retroactive taxation, and we condemn attempts by judges, at any level of government, to seize the power of the purse by ordering higher taxes.\nBecause of the vital role of religious organizations, charities and fraternal benevolent societies in fostering charity and patriotism, they should not be subject to taxation.\nIn any fundamental restructuring of federal taxation, to guard against the possibility of hyper-taxation of the American people, any value added tax or national sales tax must be tied to simultaneous repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, which established the federal income tax.\nThe last thing Americans need right now is tax hikes. On the federal level, Republicans lowered taxes in 2001 and 2003 in order to encourage economic growth, put more money in the pockets of every taxpayer, and make the system fairer. It worked. If Congress had then controlled its spending, we could have done even more.\nEver since those tax cuts were enacted, the Democratic Party has been clear about its goals: It wants to raise taxes by eliminating those Republican tax reductions. The impact on American families would be disastrous:\n• Marginal tax rates would rise. This is in addition to their proposal to target millions of taxpayers with even higher rates.\n• The \"marriage penalty\" would return for two-earner couples.\n• The child tax credit would fall to half its current value.\n• Small businesses would lose their tax relief.\n• The federal death tax would be enormously increased.\n• Investment income — the seed money for new jobs — would be eaten away by higher rates for dividend and capital gain income.\nAll that and more would amount to an annual tax hike upwards of $250 billion — almost $700 per taxpayer every year, for a total of $1.1 trillion in additional taxes over the next decade. That is what today's Democratic Party calls \"tax fairness.\" We call it an unconscionable assault on the paychecks and pocketbooks of every hard-working American household. Their promises to aim their tax hikes at families with high incomes is a smokescreen; history shows that when Democrats want more money, they raise taxes on everyone.\nWe proudly call ourselves the party of small business because small businesses are where national prosperity begins. Small businesses such as Main Street retailers, entrepreneurs, independent contractors, and direct sellers create most of the country's new jobs and have been the primary means of economic advancement by women and minorities.\nEight years ago, when Democrats controlled the Executive Branch, small business faced a hostile regulatory agenda, from OSHA's ergonomics standards and attempts to intrude into the homes of telecommuting employees to IRS discrimination against independent contractors. Republicans turned back those threats, along with much of the onerous taxation that limited the growth of small businesses. We reduced their marginal tax rates, quadrupled the limit on their expensing of investments, and phased out the death tax on family owned small businesses and family farms. We enacted Health Savings Accounts to help small business owners secure health insurance for themselves and their employees. All those gains are jeopardized if Democrats gain unfettered power once again.\nRepublicans will advance a multi-pronged plan to support small business and grow good-paying jobs:\n• Through the energy agenda laid out elsewhere in this platform, we will attack the rise in energy costs that is making it so difficult for entrepreneurs to compete.\n• Our tax reduction and tax simplification agenda will allow businesses to focus on producing and selling their products and services — not on paying taxes.\n• Our plan to return control of health care to patients and providers will benefit small business employers and employees alike.\n• Our determination to vigorously open foreign markets to American products is an opportunity for many small businesses to grow larger in the global economy.\n• Our approach to regulation — basing it on sound science to achieve goals that are technically feasible — will protect against job killing intrusions into small businesses.\n• Our commitment to legal reform means protecting small businesses from the effects of frivolous lawsuits.\nUsing history as our guide, we look to innovative entrepreneurs for the ingenuity and daring that can give us the next generation of technological progress. The advances our country needs, in everything from health care to energy to environmental protection, are most likely to come from the men and women of small business.\nAmerican innovation has twin engines: technology and small business, employing over half the private-sector work force. The synergy of our technology and small business drove a world-wide economic transformation of the last quarter-century. To maintain our global leadership, we need to encourage innovators by reforming and making permanent the Research and Development Tax Credit as part of the overall agenda outlined in this platform.\nInnovation is our future — in our approach to energy, to education, to health care, and especially to government. As a symbol of that commitment, we share the vision of returning Americans to the moon as a step toward a mission to Mars. In advancing our country's space and aeronautics program, NASA will remain one of the world's most important pioneers in technology, and from its explorations can come tremendous benefits for mankind.\nTo master the global economy, our work force must be creative, independent, and able to adapt to rapid change. That challenge calls for better education and training and new approaches to employer/employee relations. It means investing in people, not institutions.\nThe Democrats' approach to employment policy is a retreat to failed models of the past: new regulatory burdens on employers that make it more difficult for businesses, big and small, to hire and keep employees. That failed model empowers union bosses at the expense of their members, trial lawyers at the expense of small businesses, and government bureaucrats at the expense of employer-employee partnerships. Its goal is not to create jobs but to control the workplace and the work force.\nRepublicans believe that the employer-employee relationship of the future will be built upon employee empowerment and workplace flexibility.\n• The Industrial Revolution treated people like machines; today's economy must treat them as individuals. We recognize that work schedules should be more flexible when employers and employees are not negatively affected such as removing outdated distinctions between full time and part time, clock-punching and overtime. The federal government should set an example in that regard.\n• The workplace must catch up with the way Americans live now. For increasing numbers of workers, especially those with children, the choice of working from home will be good for families, profitable for business, and energy efficient.\n• All workers should have portability in their pension plans and their health insurance, giving them greater job mobility, financial independence, and security.\n• Global competitiveness will increasingly require an entrepreneurial culture of cooperation and team work. Making the best talent part of our team is the rationale for the H-1B visa program, which needs updating to reflect our need for more leaders in science and technology while we take the necessary steps to create more of them in our own school systems. By complementing the U.S. work force with needed specialists from abroad, we can make sure American companies and their jobs remain here at home.\nBusinesses and employees, working together, are best suited to addressing the challenges ahead. Empowering official Washington and the trial bar, as Democrats prefer, will only lead to more antagonistic relations.\nGovernment can play an important role in addressing economic dislocations by modernizing its re-training and unemployment assistance programs. We must make these programs actually anticipate dislocations so that affected workers can get new skills quickly and return to the workforce. We advocate a seamless approach to helping employees stay on the job and advance through education. Workers should be able to direct a portion of their unemployment insurance into a tax-free Lost Earnings Buffer Account that could be used for retraining or relocation. With financial incentives to return to work as soon as possible, this approach will also require strengthening community colleges and making them more accessible through Flexible Training Accounts.\nWe affirm both the right of individuals to voluntarily participate in labor organizations and bargain collectively and the right of states to enact Right-to- Work laws. But the nation's labor laws, to a large extent formed out of conflicts several generations ago, should be modernized to make it easier for employers and employees to plan, execute, and profit together. To protect workers from misuse of their funds, we will conscientiously enforce federal law requiring financial reporting and transparency by labor unions. We advocate paycheck protection laws to guard the integrity of the political process and the security of workers' earnings.\nThe recent attempt by congressional Democrats to deny workers a secret ballot in union referenda is an assault, not only against a fundamental principle of labor law, but even more against the dignity and honor of the American work force. We oppose \"card check\" legislation, which deprives workers of their privacy and their right to vote, because it exposes workers to intimidation by union organizers.\nHomeownership remains key to creating an opportunity society. We support timely and carefully targeted aid to those hurt by the housing crisis so that affected individuals can have a chance to trade a burdensome mortgage for a manageable loan that reflects their home's market value. At the same time, government action must not implicitly encourage anyone to borrow more than they can afford to repay. We support energetic federal investigation and, where appropriate, prosecution of criminal wrongdoing in the mortgage industry and investment sector. We do not support government bailouts of private institutions. Government interference in the markets exacerbates problems in the marketplace and causes the free market to take longer to correct itself. We believe in the free market as the best tool to sustained prosperity and opportunity for all. We encourage potential buyers to work in concert with the lending community to educate themselves about the responsibilities of purchasing a home, condo, or land.\nRepublican policy aims to make owning a home more accessible through enforcement of open housing laws, voucher programs, urban homesteading and — what is most important — a strong economy with low interest rates. Because affordable housing is in the national interest, any simplified tax system should continue to encourage homeownership, recognizing the tremendous social value that the home mortgage interest deduction has had for decades. In addition, sound housing policy should recognize the needs of renters so that apartments and multi-family homes remain important components of the housing stock.\nThe rule of law demands that injured parties have access to the forums to vindicate their rights, but the rule of law does not mean the rule of lawyers — especially trial lawyers who manipulate the system to enrich themselves rather than protecting consumers, workers, or taxpayers. While no one should be denied access to the courts, the rule of lawyers threatens our global competitiveness, denies Americans access to the quality of justice they deserve, and puts every small business one lawsuit away from bankruptcy.\nThe Republican approach to eliminate frivolous lawsuits has advanced in Congress through efforts like the Class Action Fairness Act and in many states through the adoption of medical liability reforms, which we will continue to pursue on the federal and state level. But because their Democratic donees currently control Congress, the trial lawyers are on the offensive. They are trying to undermine federal health and safety regulations by allowing trial lawyers at the state level to preempt the reasoned judgments of independent experts. They seek to weaken lower-cost dispute resolution alternatives such as mediation and arbitration in order to put more cases into court. In bill after bill, their congressional allies insert new private causes of action — trial lawyer ear-marks — designed to drag more Americans into court.\nOur repeated warnings about the corruption at the heart of the trial bar have been vindicated by high-profile criminal convictions and prison terms for some of the nation's leading class action and personal injury trial lawyers. All plaintiffs, especially those who must hire personal injury lawyers on a contingency basis, should be protected against abuse by their attorneys, and the attorney-client privilege should be defended as a bulwark in the defense of liberty.\nGreater international trade, aggressively advanced on a truly level playing field, will mean more American jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living. It is also a matter of national security and an instrument to promote democracy and civil society in developing nations.\nWith 95 percent of the world's customers outside our borders, we need to be at the table when trade rules are written to make sure that free trade is indeed a two-way street. We encourage multilateral, regional, and bilateral agreements to reduce trade barriers that limit market access for U.S. products, commodities and services. To achieve that goal, Congress should reinstate the trade promotion authority every president should have in dealing with foreign governments. Trade agreements that have already been signed and are pending before Congress should be debated and voted on immediately.\nAn aggressive trade strategy is especially important with regard to agriculture. Our farm economy produces for the world; its prosperity depends, more than ever before, on open markets. U.S. agricultural exports will top $100 billion this year. We will contest any restrictions upon our farm products within the World Trade Organization and will work to make the WTO's decision-making process more receptive to the arguments of American producers.\nWe pledge stronger action to protect intellectual property rights against pirating and will aggressively oppose the direct and indirect subsidies by which some governments tilt the world playing field against American producers. To protect American consumers, we call for greater vigilance and more resources to guard against the importation of tainted food, poisonous products, and dangerous toys.\nAdditionally, we recognize the need to support our growth in trade through appropriate development and support of our ports in order to ensure safe, efficient and timely handling of all goods.\nFarming communities have been hard hit this year by flood and violent weather, as well as the escalation of fuel costs. Especially under those circumstances, federal agricultural aid should go to those who need it most as part of a sensible economic safety- net for farmers. We advocate the creation of Farm Savings Accounts to help growers manage risks brought on by turbulence in global markets and nature itself. Mindful that 98 percent of the 2 million farms in this country are owned by individuals or family farming partnerships, we affirm our fight against the death tax.\nThose who live on and work the land are our finest environmental stewards. They understand, better than most, the need for safe water, clean air, and conservation of open space. We oppose attempts to hamper agricultural production with heavy-handed mandates, including any expansion of the Clean Water Act to regulate ditches, culverts, converted cropland, and farm and stock ponds. We reaffirm traditional state supremacy over water allocations and will continue to make available renewable rangeland under sound environmental conditions. We support greater investment in conservation incentive programs to help rural communities improve and sustain environmental quality. Agricultural policy should be formulated by giving careful consideration to the expert opinions of those most knowledgeable on the topic — the farmers and ranchers.\nTo meet surging global demand for food and biofuel, farmers must have the technology to grow higher yields using fewer inputs. The USDA must remain the international leader in agricultural research to ensure that America and the world will never have to choose between food and fuel. The U.S. government should end mandates for ethanol and let the free market work.\n\nEnergy Independence and Security\n\nAll Americans are acutely aware of the energy crisis our nation faces. Energy costs are spiraling upward, food prices continue to rise, and as a result, our entire economy suffers. This winter, families will spend for heat what they could have saved for college, and small businesses will spend for fuel what could have covered employee health insurance.\nOur current dependence on foreign fossil fuels threatens both our national security and our economy and could also force drastic changes in the way we live. The ongoing transfer of Americans' wealth to OPEC — roughly $700 billion a year — helps underwrite terrorists' operations and creates little incentive for repressive regimes to accept democracy, whether in the Middle East or Latin America.\nIt didn't have to be this way, and it must not stay this way. Our nation must have a robust energy supply because energy drives prosperity and increases opportunity for every American. We reject the idea that America cannot overcome its energy challenges — or that high gasoline prices are okay, as long as they are phased in gradually. We reject half-measures and believe \"No, we can't\" is not a viable energy policy.\nTogether we can build a future around domestic energy sources that are diverse, reliable, and cleaner. We can strengthen our national security, create a pathway to growing prosperity, and preserve our environment. The American people will rise to this challenge.\nWe must aggressively increase our nation's energy supply, in an environmentally responsible way, and do so through a comprehensive strategy that meets both short and long term needs. No amount of wishing or hoping can suspend the laws of supply and demand. Leading economists agree that any actions that will increase future energy supplies will lead to lower energy prices today. Increasing our production of American made energy and reducing our excessive reliance on foreign oil will:\n• Bring down the high cost of gasoline and diesel fuel.\n• Create more jobs for American workers.\n• Enhance our national security.\nIn the long run, American production should move to zero-emission sources, and our nation's fossil fuel resources are the bridge to that emissions-free future.\nIf we are to have the resources we need to achieve energy independence, we simply must draw more American oil from American soil. We support accelerated exploration, drilling and development in America, from new oilfields off the nation's coasts to onshore fields such as those in Montana, North Dakota, and Alaska. The Green River Basin in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming offers recoverable shale oil that is ready for development, and most of it is on federal lands.\nTo deliver that energy to American consumers, we will expand our refining capacity. Because of environmental extremism and regulatory blockades in Washington, not a single new refinery has been built in this country in 30 years. We will encourage refinery construction and modernization and, with sensitivity to environmental concerns, an expedited permitting process.\nAny legislation to increase domestic exploration, drilling and production must minimize any protracted legal challenges that could unreasonably delay or even preclude actual production. We oppose any efforts that would permanently block access to the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.\nNuclear energy is the most reliable zero-carbon emissions source of energy that we have. Unwarranted fear mongering with no relationship to current technologies and safeguards has prevented us from starting construction of a single nuclear power plant in 31 years. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy has for decades relied upon nuclear-powered vessels, and other nations have harnessed nuclear power to provide a major portion of their energy consumption. There is no reason why the United States cannot catch up and do the same. Confident in the promise offered by science and technology, Republicans will pursue dramatic increases in the use of all forms of safe, affordable, reliable — and clean — nuclear power.\nAs new plants are constructed using the highest safety and operation standards, the nation's industrial and manufacturing base will be rejuvenated. The labor force will expand, with nearly 15,000 high quality jobs created for every new nuclear plant built — and those workers will lead the nation away from its dependence on foreign oil.\nAlternate power sources must enter the mainstream. The technology behind solar energy has improved significantly in recent years, and the commercial development of wind power promises major benefits both in costs and in environmental protection. Republicans support these and other alternative energy sources, including geothermal and hydropower, and anticipate technological developments that will increase their economic viability. We therefore advocate a long-term energy tax credit equally applicable to all renewable power sources.\nRepublicans support measures to modernize the nation's electricity grid to provide American consumers and businesses with more affordable, reliable power. We will work to unleash innovation so entrepreneurs can develop technologies for a more advanced and robust United States transmission system that meets our growing energy demands.\nAlthough alternate fuels will shape our energy future, coal — America's most affordable and abundant energy resource and the source of most of our electricity — remains a strategic national resource that must play a major role in energy independence. We look to innovative technology to transform America's coal supplies into clean fuels capable of powering motor vehicles and aircraft. We support coal-to-liquid and gasification initiatives, just as we support investment in the development and deployment of carbon capture and storage technologies, which can reduce emissions. We firmly oppose efforts by Democrats to block the construction of new coal-fired power plants. No strategy for reducing energy costs will be viable without a commitment to continued coal production and utilization.\nNatural gas is plentiful in North America, but we can extract more and do a better job of distributing it nationwide to cook our food, heat our homes, and serve as a growing option as a transportation fuel. Both independently and in cooperation with alternative fuels, natural gas will be an essential part of any long-term energy solution. We must ensure it gets to consumers safely and quickly.\nWe embrace the open energy cooperation and trading relationship with our neighbors Canada and Mexico, including proven oil reserves and vast, untapped Canadian hydroelectric generation.\nWhile we grow our supplies, we must also reduce our demand — not by changing our lifestyles but by putting the free market to work and taking advantage of technological breakthroughs.\nConservation does not mean deprivation; it means efficiency and achieving more with less. Most Americans today endeavor to conserve fossil fuels, whether in their cars or in their home heating, but we can do better. We can construct better and smarter buildings, use smarter thermostats and transmission grids, increase recycling, and make energy-efficient consumer purchases. Wireless communications, for example, can increase telecommuting options and cut back on business travel. The Republican goal is to ensure that Americans have more conservation options that will enable them to make the best choices for their families.\nWe must continue to develop alternative fuels, such as biofuels, especially cellulosic ethanol, and hasten their technological advances to next-generation production. As America develops energy technology for the 21st century, policy makers must consider the burden that rising food prices and energy costs create for the poor and developing nations around the world. Because alternative fuels are useless if vehicles cannot use them, we must move quickly to flexible fuel vehicles; we cannot expect necessary investments in alternative fuels if this flexibility does not become standard. We must also produce more vehicles that operate on electricity and natural gas, both to reduce demand for oil and to cut CO2 emissions.\nGiven that fully 97 percent of our current transportation vehicles rely on oil, we will aggressively support technological advances to reduce our petroleum dependence. For example, lightweight composites could halve the weight and double the gas mileage of cars and trucks, and together with flex-fuel and electric vehicles, could usher in a renaissance in the American auto industry.\n\nEnvironmental Protection\n\nBy increasing our American energy supply and decreasing the long term demand for oil, we will be well positioned to address the challenge of climate change and continue our longstanding responsibility for stewardship over the environment.\nThe same human economic activity that has brought freedom and opportunity to billions has also increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. While the scope and long-term consequences of this are the subject of ongoing scientific research, common sense dictates that the United States should take measured and reasonable steps today to reduce any impact on the environment. Those steps, if consistent with our global competitiveness will also be good for our national security, our energy independence, and our economy. Any policies should be global in nature, based on sound science and technology, and should not harm the economy.\nAs part of a global climate change strategy, Republicans support technology-driven, market-based solutions that will decrease emissions, reduce excess greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, increase energy efficiency, mitigate the impact of climate change where it occurs, and maximize any ancillary benefits climate change might offer for the economy.\nTo reduce emissions in the short run, we will rely upon the power of new technologies, as discussed above, especially zero-emission energy sources such as nuclear and other alternate power sources. But innovation must not be hamstrung by Washington bickering, regulatory briar patches, or obstructionist lawsuits. Empowering Washington will only lead to unintended consequences and unimagined economic and environmental pain; instead, we must unleash the power of scientific know-how and competitive markets.\nBecause the issue of climate change is global, it must become a truly global concern as well. All developed and developing economies, particularly India and China, can make significant contributions in dealing with the matter. It would be unrealistic and counterproductive to expect the U.S. to carry burdens which are more appropriately shared by all.\nBecause Republicans believe that solutions to the risk of global climate change will be found in the ingenuity of the American people, we propose a Climate Prize for scientists who solve the challenges of climate change. Honoraria of many millions of dollars would be a small price for technological developments that eliminate our need for gas-powered cars or abate atmospheric carbon.\nRepublicans caution against the doomsday climate change scenarios peddled by the aficionados of centralized command-and-control government. We can — and should — address the risk of climate change based on sound science without succumbing to the no-growth radicalism that treats climate questions as dogma rather than as situations to be managed responsibly.\nA robust economy will be essential to dealing with the risk of climate change, and we will insist on reasonable policies that do not force Americans to sacrifice their way of life or trim their hopes and dreams for their children. This perspective serves not only the people of the United States but also the world's poorest peoples, who would suffer terribly if climate change is severe — just as they would if the world economy itself were to be crippled. We must not allow either outcome.\nThe Republican perspective on the environment is in keeping with our longstanding appreciation for nature and gratitude for the bounty the Almighty has bestowed upon the American people. It was Republican President Theodore Roosevelt who said, \"The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we solve that problem, it will avail us little to solve all others.\" We agree. Whether through family vacations, hunting or fishing trips, backpacking excursions, or weekend hikes, Americans of all backgrounds share a commitment to protecting the environment and the opportunities it offers. In addition, the public should have access to public lands for recreational activities such as hunting, hiking, and fishing.\nIn caring for the land and water, private ownership has been the best guarantee of conscientious stewardship, while the world's worst instances of environmental degradation have occurred under governmental control. By the same token, it is no accident that the most economically advanced countries also have the strongest environmental protections.\nOur national progress toward cleaner air and water has been a major accomplishment of the American people. By balancing environmental goals with economic growth and job creation, our diverse economy has made possible the investment needed to safeguard natural resources, protect endangered species, and create healthier living conditions. State and local initiatives to clean up contaminated sites — brownfields — have exceeded efforts directed by Washington. That progress can continue if grounded in sound science, long-term planning, and a multiuse approach to resources.\nGovernment at all levels should protect private property rights by cooperating with landowners' efforts and providing incentives to protect fragile environments, endangered species, and maintain the natural beauty of America. Republican leadership has led to the rejuvenation and renewal of our National Park system. Future expansion of that system, as well as designation of National Wilderness areas or Historic Districts, should be undertaken only with the active participation and consent of relevant state and local governments and private property owners.\n\nHealth Care Reform: Putting Patients First\n\nAmericans have the best doctors, the best hospitals, the most innovative medical technology, and the best scientists in the world. Our challenge and opportunity is to build around them the best health care system. Republicans believe the key to real reform is to give control of the health care system to patients and their health care providers, not bureaucrats in government or business.\nThere are reasons why American families and businesses are dissatisfied with the current state of health care:\n• Most Americans work longer and harder to pay for health care.\n• Dedicated health care providers are changing careers to avoid litigation.\n• The need to hold onto health insurance is driving family decisions about where to live and work.\n• Many new parents worry about the loss of coverage if they choose to stay at home with their children.\n• The need — and the bills — for long-term care are challenging families and government alike.\n• American businesses are becoming less competitive in the global marketplace because of insurance costs.\n• Some federal programs with no benefit to patients have grown exponentially, adding layers of bureaucracy between patients and their care.\nIt is not enough to offer only increased access to a system that costs too much and does not work for millions of Americans. The Republican goal is more ambitious: Better health care for lower cost.\nHow do we ensure that all Americans have the peace of mind that comes from owning high-quality, comprehensive health coverage? The first rule of public policy is the same as with medicine: Do no harm.\nThe American people rejected Democrats' attempted government takeover of health care in 1993, and they remain skeptical of politicians who would send us down that road. Republicans support the private practice of medicine and oppose socialized medicine in the form of a government- run universal health care system. Republicans pledge that as we reform our health care system:\nRadical restructuring of health care would be unwise. We want all Americans to be able to choose the best health care provider, hospital, and health coverage for their needs. We believe that real reform is about improving your access to a health care provider, your control over care, and your ability to afford that care.\nWe will continue to advocate for simplification of the system and the empowerment of patients. This is in stark contrast to the other party's insistence on putting Washington in charge of patient care, which has blocked any progress on meeting these goals. We offer a detailed program that will improve the quality, cost, and coverage of health care throughout the nation, and we will turn that plan into reality.\nRepublicans believe all Americans should be able to obtain an affordable health care plan, including a health savings account, which meets their needs and the needs of their families.\nFamilies and health care providers are the key to real reform, not lawyers and bureaucrats. To empower families, we must make insurance more affordable and more secure, and give employees the option of owning coverage that is not tied to their job. Patients should not have to worry about losing their insurance. Insurance companies should have to worry about losing patients' business.\nThe current tax system discriminates against individuals who do not receive health care from their employers, gives more generous health tax benefits to upper income employees, and fails to provide every American with the ability to purchase an affordable health care plan. Republicans propose to correct inequities in the current tax code that drive up the number of uninsured and to level the playing field so that individuals who choose a health insurance plan in the individual market face no tax penalty. All Americans should receive the same tax benefit as those who are insured through work, whether through a tax credit or other means.\nIndividuals with pre-existing conditions must be protected; we will help these individuals by building on the experiences of innovative states rather than by creating a new unmanageable federal entitlement. We strongly urge that managed care organizations use the practice patterns and medical treatment guidelines from the state in which the patient lives when making medical coverage decisions.\nBecause the family is our basic unit of society, we fully support parental rights to consent to medical treatment for their children including mental health treatment, drug treatment, alcohol treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy, contraceptives and abortion.\nWhile delivering control of health coverage to families and individuals, Republicans will also advance a variety of targeted reforms to improve the quality of care, lower costs, and help Americans — men, women, and children — live longer and healthier lives.\nChronic diseases — in many cases, preventable conditions — are driving health care costs, consuming three of every four health care dollars. We can reduce demand for medical care by fostering personal responsibility within a culture of wellness, while increasing access to preventive services, including improved nutrition and breakthrough medications that keep people healthy and out of the hospital. To reduce the incidence of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and stroke, we call for a national grassroots campaign against obesity, especially among children. We call for continuation of efforts to decrease use of tobacco, especially among the young.\nA culture of wellness needs to include the treatment of mental health conditions. We believe all Americans should have access to affordable, quality health care, including individuals struggling with mental illness. For this reason, we believe it is important that mental health care be treated equally with physical health care.\nClear information about health care empowers patients. It lets consumers make better decisions about where to spend their health care dollars, thereby fostering competition and lowering costs. Patients must have information to make sound decisions about their health care providers, hospitals, and insurance companies.\nAdvances in medical technology are revolutionizing medicine. Information technology is key to early detection and treatment of chronic disease as well as fetal care and health care in rural areas — especially where our growing wireless communications network is available. The simple step of modernizing record-keeping will mean faster, more accurate treatment, fewer medical errors, and lower costs. Closing the health care information gap can reduce both under-utilization (the diabetic who forgets to refill an insulin prescription) and over-utilization (the patient who endures repetitive tests because providers have not shared test results).\nEvery patient must have access to legal remedies for malpractice, but meritless lawsuits drive up insurance rates to outrageous levels and ultimately drive up the number of uninsured. Frivolous lawsuits also drive up the cost of health care as health care providers are forced to practice defensive medicine, such as ordering unnecessary tests. Many leave their practices rather than deal with the current system. This emergency demands medical liability reform.\nPatients deserve access to health care providers they trust who will personalize and coordinate their care to ensure they receive the right treatment with the right health care provider at the right time. Providers should be paid for keeping people well, not for the number of tests they run or procedures they perform. The current cookie-cutter system of reimbursement needs restructuring from the view of the patient, not the accountant or Washington bureaucrat.\nA state-regulated national market for health insurance means more competition, more choice, and lower costs. Families — as well as fraternal societies, churches and community groups, and small employers — should be able to purchase policies across state lines. The best practices and lowest prices should be available in every state. We call upon state legislators to carefully consider the cost of medical mandates, and we salute those Republican governors who are leading the way in demonstrating ways to provide affordable health care options.\nThe financial burdens and emotional challenges of ensuring adequate care for elderly family members affect every American, especially with today's aging population. We must develop new ways to support individuals, not just institutions, so that older Americans can have a real choice whether to stay in their homes. This is true not only with regard to Medicaid, where we spend $100 billion annually on long-term care, but also for those who do not qualify for that assistance.\nWe believe in the importance of primary care specialties and supporting the physician's role in the evaluation and management of disease. We also encourage practice in rural and under-served areas of America.\nWe support federal investment in basic and applied biomedical research. This commitment will maintain America's global competitiveness, advance innovative science that can lead to medical breakthroughs, and turn the tide against diseases affecting millions of Americans — diseases that account for the majority of our health care costs. The United States leads in this research, as evidenced by our growing biotechnology industry, but foreign competition is increasing. One way government can help preserve the promise of American innovation is to ensure that our intellectual property laws remain robust.\nFederal research dollars should be spent as though lives are at stake — because, in fact, they are. Research protocols must consider the special needs of formerly neglected groups if we are to make significant progress against breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, and other killers.\nTaxpayer-funded medical research must be based on sound science, with a focus on both prevention and treatment, and in accordance with the humane ethics of the Hippocratic Oath. In that regard, we call for a major expansion of support for the stem-cell research that now shows amazing promise and offers the greatest hope for scores of diseases — with adult stem cells, umbilical cord blood, and cells reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells — without the destruction of embryonic human life. We call for a ban on human cloning and a ban on the creation of or experimentation on human embryos for research purposes.\nWe believe medicines and treatments should be designed to prolong and enhance life, not destroy it. Therefore, federal funds should not be used for drugs that cause the destruction of human life. Furthermore, the Drug Enforcement Administration ban on use of controlled substances for physician-assisted suicide should be restored.\nThe health care profession can be both a profession and a calling. No health care professional — doctor, nurse, or pharmacist — or organization should ever be required to perform, provide for, or refer for a health care service against their conscience for any reason. This is especially true of the religious organizations which deliver a major portion of America's health care, a service rooted in the charity of faith communities.\nWe support the provision of quality and accessible health care options for our nation's seniors and disabled individuals and recognize that in order to meet this goal we must confront the special challenges posed by the growth of Medicare costs. Its projected growth is out of control and threatens to squeeze out other programs, while funding constraints lead to restricted access to treatment for many seniors. There are solutions. Medicare can be a leader for the rest of our health care system by encouraging treatment of the whole patient. Specifically, we should compensate doctors who coordinate care, especially for those with multiple chronic conditions, and eliminate waste and inefficiency. Medicare patients must have more control of their care and choice regarding their doctors, and the benefits of competition must be delivered to the patients themselves if Medicare is to provide quality health care. And Medicare patients must be free to add their own funds, if they choose, to any government benefits, to be assured of unrationed care.\nFinally, because it is isolated from the free market forces that encourage innovation, competition, affordability, and expansion of options, Medicare is especially susceptible to fraud and abuse. The program loses tens of billions of dollars annually in erroneous and fraudulent payments. We are determined to root out the fraud and eliminate this assault on the taxpayer.\nOur Medicaid obligations will consume $5 trillion over the next ten years. Medicaid now accounts for 20-25 percent of state budgets and threatens to overwhelm state governments for the indefinite future. We can do better while spending less. A first step is to give Medicaid recipients more health care options. Several states have allowed beneficiaries to buy regular health insurance with their Medicaid dollars. This removes the Medicaid \"stamp\" from people's foreheads, provides beneficiaries with better access to doctors, and saves taxpayers' money. We must ensure that taxpayer money is focused on caring for U.S. citizens and other individuals in our country legally.\nTo protect the American people from the threats we face in the century ahead, we must develop and stockpile medicines and vaccines so we can deliver them where urgently needed. Our health care infrastructure must have the surge capacity to handle large numbers of patients in times of crisis, whether it is a repeat of Hurricane Katrina, a flu pandemic, or a bioterror attack on multiple cities. Republicans will ensure that this infrastructure, including the needed communications capacity, is closely integrated into our homeland security needs.\n\nEducation Means a More Competitive America\n\nEducation is a parental right, a state and local responsibility, and a national strategic interest.\nMaintaining America's preeminence requires a world-class system of education, with high standards, in which all students can reach their potential. That requires considerable improvement over our current 70 percent high school graduation rate and six-year graduation rate of only 57 percent for colleges.\nEducation is essential to competitiveness, but it is more than just training for the work force of the future. It is through education that we ensure the transmission of a culture, a set of values we hold in common. It has prepared generations for responsible citizenship in a free society, and it must continue to do so. Our party is committed to restoring the civic mission of schools envisioned by the founders of the American public school system. Civic education, both in the classroom and through service learning, should be a cornerstone of American public education and should be central to future school reform efforts.\nAll children should have access to an excellent education that empowers them to secure their own freedom and contribute to the betterment of our society. We reaffirm the principles that have been the foundation of the nation's educational progress toward that goal: accountability for student academic achievement; periodic testing on the fundamentals of learning, especially math and reading, history and geography; transparency, so parents and the general public know which schools best serve their students; and flexibility and freedom to innovate so schools and districts can best meet the needs of their students.\nWe advocate policies and methods that are proven and effective: building on the basics, especially phonics; ending social promotion; merit pay for good teachers; classroom discipline; parental involvement; and strong leadership by principals. We reject a one-size-fits-all approach and support parental options, including home schooling, and local innovations such as schools or classes for boys only or for girls only and alternative and innovative school schedules. We recognize and appreciate the importance of innovative education environments, particularly homeschooling, for stimulating academic achievement. We oppose over-reaching judicial decisions which deny children access to such environments. We support state efforts to build coordination between elementary and secondary education and higher education such as K-16 councils and dual credit programs.\nTo ensure that all students will have access to the mainstream of American life, we support the English First approach and oppose divisive programs that limit students' future potential. All students must be literate in English, our common language, to participate in the promise of America.\nThe family is the most powerful influence on a child's ability to succeed. As such, parents are our children's first and foremost teachers. We support family literacy, which improves the literacy, language, and life skills of both parents and children along with the continued improvement of early childhood programs, such as Head Start, from low-income families. We reaffirm our support for the child care tax credit that helps parents choose the care best for their family.\nFor students to meet world class standards, they must have access to world class teachers, whether in person or through virtual public schools that can bring high-quality instruction into the classroom. School districts must have the authority to recruit, reward, and retain the best and brightest teachers, and principals must have the authority to select and assign teachers without regard to collective bargaining agreements. Because qualified teachers are often not available through traditional routes, we support local efforts to create an adjunct teacher corps of experts from higher education, business, and the military to fill in when needed.\nTeachers must be protected against frivolous litigation and should be able to take reasonable actions to maintain discipline and order in the classroom. We encourage the private-public partnerships and mentoring that can make classroom time more meaningful to students by integrating it with learning beyond school walls. These efforts are crucial to lowering the drop-out rate and helping at-risk students realize their potential.\nWe encourage state efforts to ensure that personnel who interact with children pass thorough background checks and are held to the highest standards of conduct.\nPartnerships between schools and businesses can be especially important in STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and math. The need to improve secondary education in those fields can be measured by the number of remedial courses now offered at the college level. Our country's reliance upon foreign talent in those areas begins with insufficient emphasis upon them in the high school years. We applaud those who are changing that situation by giving young people real-world experience in the private sector and by providing students with rigorous technical and academic courses that give students the skills and knowledge necessary to be productive members in a competitive American workforce.\nParents should be able to decide the learning environment that is best for their child. We support choice in education for all families, especially those with children trapped in dangerous and failing schools, whether through charter schools, vouchers or tax credits for attending faith-based or other nonpublic schools, or the option of home schooling. We call for the vigilant enforcement of laws designed to protect family rights and privacy in education. We will energetically assert the right of students to engage in voluntary prayer in schools and to have equal access to school facilities for religious purposes. We renew our call for replacing \"family planning\" programs for teens with increased funding for abstinence education, which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and expected standard of behavior. Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS when transmitted sexually. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referrals, counseling, and related services for abortion and contraception. Schools should not ask children to answer offensive or intrusive personal nonacademic questionnaires without parental consent. It is not the role of the teacher or school administration to recommend or require the use of psychotropic medications that must be prescribed by a physician.\nAlthough the Constitution assigns the federal government no role in local education, Washington's authority over the nation's schools has increased dramatically. In less than a decade, annual federal funding has shot up 41 percent to almost $25 billion, while the regulatory burden on state and local governments has risen by about 6.7 million hours — and added $141 million in costs — during that time. We call for a review of Department of Education programs and administration to identify and eliminate ineffective programs, to respect the role of states, and to better meet state needs.\nTo get our schools back to the basics of learning, we support initiatives to block-grant more Department of Education funding to the states, with requirements for state-level standards, assessments, and public reporting to ensure transparency. Local educators must be free to end ineffective programs and reallocate resources where they are most needed.\nBecause a federal mandate on the states must include the promised federal funding, we will fulfill the promise of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to cover 40 percent of the costs incurred because of that legislation. We urge preventive efforts in early childhood, especially assistance in gaining pre-reading skills, to help many youngsters move beyond the need for IDEA's protections.\nOur country's system of higher education — public and private, secular and religious, large and small institutions — is unique for its excellence, its diversity, and its accessibility. Learning is a safeguard of liberty. Post-secondary education not only increases the earnings of individuals but advances economic development. Our colleges and universities drive much of the research that keeps America competitive. We must ensure that our higher education system meet the needs of the 21st century student and economy and remain innovative and accessible.\nStudents and their parents face formidable challenges in planning for college as costs continue to outpace inflation. Higher education seems immune from market controls and the law of supply and demand. We commend those institutions which are directing a greater proportion of their endowment revenues toward tuition relief.\nThe Republican vision for expanding access to higher education has led to two major advances, Education Savings Accounts and Section 529 accounts, by which millions of families now save for college. While federal student loans and grants have opened doors to learning for untold numbers of low- and middle-income students, the overall financial aid system, with its daunting forms and confused rationales, is nothing less than Byzantine. It must be simplified. We call for a presidential commission to undertake that task and to review the role of government regulations and policies in the tuition spiral. We affirm our support for the public-private partnership that now offers students and their families a vibrant marketplace in selecting their student loan provider.\nThe challenge to American higher education is to make sure students can access education in whatever forms they want. As mobility increases in all aspects of American life, student mobility, from school to school and from campus to campus, will require new approaches to admissions, evaluations, and credentialing. Distance learning propelled by an expanding telecommunications sector and especially broadband, is certain to grow in importance — whether through public or private institutions — and federal law should not discriminate against the latter. Lifelong learning will continue to transform the demographics of higher education, bringing older students and real-world experience to campus.\nCommunity colleges are central to the future of higher education, especially as they build bridges between the world of work and the classroom. Many of our returning veterans find community colleges to be welcoming environments where they can develop specific skills for use in the civilian workforce. As the first responders to economic development and retraining of workers, these schools fulfill our national commitment of an affordable and readily accessible education for all.\nFree speech on college campuses is to be celebrated, but there should be no place in academia for anti-Semitism or racism of any kind. We oppose the hiring, firing, tenure, and promotion practices at universities that discriminate on the basis of political or ideological belief. When federal taxes are used to support such practices, it is inexcusable. We affirm the right of students and faculty to express their views in the face of the leftist dogmatism that dominates many institutions. To preserve the integrity and independence of the nation's colleges, we will continue to ensure alternatives to ideological accrediting systems.\nBecause some of the nation's leading universities create or tolerate a hostile atmosphere toward the ROTC, we will rigorously enforce the provision of law, unanimously upheld by the Supreme Court, which denies those institutions federal research grants unless their military students have the full rights and privileges of other students. That must include the right to engage in ROTC activities on their own campus, rather than being segregated elsewhere.\n\nProtecting Our Families\n\nRepublicans remain the party of vigorous action against crime and the party that empowers the law-abiding by protecting their right to keep and bear arms for self-protection. Our national experience over the past twenty years has shown that vigilance, tough yet fair prosecutors, meaningful sentences, protection of victims' rights, and limits on judicial discretion protect the innocent by keeping criminals off the streets.\nThe Internet must be made safe for children. That's why Republicans have led efforts to increase the funding necessary to track down and jail online predators through the Adam Walsh Act. We commit to do whatever it takes, using all the tools of innovative technology, to thwart those who would prey upon our children. We call on service providers to exercise due care to ensure that the Internet cannot become a safe haven for criminals.\nChild pornography is a hideous form of child abuse. Those who produce it — and those who traffic in it — must be punished to the maximum extent of the law. Because it is an international problem, the Executive branch must carry the fight overseas to where the molesters perpetrate their evil. Congress should expand the range of companies required to report the existence of child pornography, and we congratulate the social networking sites that agree to bar known sex offenders from participation.\nMillions of Americans suffer from problem or pathological gambling that can destroy families. We support the law prohibiting gambling over the Internet.\nGang violence is a growing problem, not only in urban areas but in many suburbs and rural communities. It has escalated with the rise of gangs composed largely of illegal aliens, most of whose victims are law-abiding members of immigrant communities. We call for stronger enforcement and determined prosecution of gang conspiracies. Illegal alien gang members must be removed from the United States immediately upon arrest or after the completion of any sentence imposed. Aliens convicted of crimes that render them removable from the United States must be removed as soon as possible after the completion of their sentences through the immediate transfer of their custody to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.\nCriminals behind bars cannot harm the general public. To that end:\n• We support mandatory sentencing provisions for gang conspiracy crimes, violent or sexual offenses against children, rape, and assaults resulting in serious bodily injury.\n• Gang rape, child rape, and rape committed in the course of another felony deserve, at the least, mandatory life imprisonment.\n• We oppose the granting of parole to dangerous or repeat felons.\n• Courts must have the option of imposing the death penalty in capital murder cases and other instances of heinous crime, while federal review of those sentences should be streamlined to focus on claims of innocence and to prevent delaying tactics by defense attorneys.\n• We encourage the use of advanced technology to monitor nonviolent criminals.\nPublic authorities at all levels must cooperate to regain control of the nation's correctional institutions. It is unacceptable that prison officers should live in fear of the inmates they guard. Similarly, persons jailed for whatever cause should be protected against cruel or degrading treatment by other inmates. We cannot allow correctional facilities to become ethnic or racial battlegrounds.\nBreaking the cycle of crime begins with the children of those who are incarcerated. Deprived of a parent through no fault of their own, these youngsters should be a special concern of our schools, social services, and religious institutions. Government at all levels should work with faith-based institutions that have proven track records in diverting young and first offenders from criminal careers through Second Chance and similar programs. Individuals, including juveniles, who are repeat offenders or who commit serious crimes need to be prosecuted and punished.\nIn solidarity with those who protect us, we call for mandatory prison time for all assaults involving bodily injury to law enforcement officers. Reviews of death sentences imposed for murdering a police officer should be expedited, and a retrial of the penalty phase of the killer's trial should be allowed in the absence of a unanimous verdict. We support the right of off-duty and retired officers to carry firearms. Criminals should be barred from seeking monetary damages for injuries they incur while committing a crime.\nIn recent years, many federal resources for law enforcement have been shifted to the fight against terror. To compensate for that loss of manpower — and with the significant increase in cybercrime, identity theft, and human trafficking — several thousand new FBI agents, U.S. marshals, immigration officers, and Border Patrol agents are needed.\nThe human toll of drug addiction and abuse hits all segments of American society. It is an international problem as well, with most of the narcotics in this country coming from beyond our borders. We will continue the fight against producers, traffickers, and distributors of illegal substances through the collaboration of state, federal, and local law enforcement. We support the work of those who help individuals struggling with addiction, and we support strengthening drug education and prevention programs to avoid addiction. We endorse state and local initiatives, such as Drug Courts, that are trying new approaches to curbing drug abuse and diverting first-time offenders to rehabilitation.\nTwenty-six years ago, President Reagan's Task Force on Victims of Crime, calling the neglect of crime victims a \"national disgrace,\" proposed a constitutional amendment to secure their formal rights. Today, that disgrace persists in courtrooms across the nation. Innocent victims — battered women, abused children, the loved ones of the murdered — still may not be told when their case is being heard. They can be excluded from the courtroom even when the defendant and his friends may be present. They have no right to a speedy trial, and a judge or parole board has no obligation to consider their personal safety in making release decisions. In short, the innocent have far fewer rights than the accused. We call on Congress to correct this imbalance by sending to the states for ratification a constitutional amendment to protect the rights of crime victims. In addition, crime victims should be assured of access to legal and social services, and the Crime Victims Fund established under President Reagan should be used solely for that purpose.\nBecause our Constitution is based on the principles of individual liberty and limited government, we must always ensure that law enforcement respects the civil and constitutional rights of the people. While we wage war on terrorism in foreign lands, it is sometimes necessary for intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials to pursue terrorist threats at home. However, no expansion of governmental powers should occur at the expense of our constitutional liberties.\nThe two most effective forces in reducing crime and other social ills are strong families and caring communities. Both reinforce constructive conduct and ethical standards by setting examples and providing safe havens from dangerous and destructive behaviors. Given the weight of social science evidence concerning the crucial role played by the traditional family in setting a child's future course, we urge a thoughtful review of governmental policies and programs to ensure that they do not undermine that institution.\nDecentralized decision-making in the place of official controls empowers individuals and groups to tackle social problems in partnership with government. Bureaucracy is no longer a credible approach to helping those in need. This is especially true in light of alternatives such as faith-based organizations, which tend to have a greater degree of success than others in dealing with problems such as substance abuse and domestic violence. To accomplish their missions, those groups must be able to rely upon people who share their faith; their hiring must not be subjected to government regulation and mandates.\n\nPreserving Our Values\n\nFrom its founding, America has been an idea as much as a political or geographic entity. It has meant, for untold millions around the world, a set of ideals that speak to the highest aspirations of humanity. From its own beginning, the Republican Party has boldly asserted those ideals, as we now do again, to affirm the rights of the people under the rule of law.\nWe uphold the right of individual Americans to own firearms, a right which antedated the Constitution and was solemnly confirmed by the Second Amendment. We applaud the Supreme Court's decision in Heller affirming that right, and we assert the individual responsibility to safely use and store firearms. We call on the next president to appoint judges who will similarly respect the Constitution. Gun ownership is responsible citizenship, enabling Americans to defend themselves, their property, and communities.\nWe call for education in constitutional rights in schools, and we support the option of firearms training in federal programs serving senior citizens and women. We urge immediate action to review the automatic denial of gun ownership to returning members of the Armed Forces who have suffered trauma during service to their country. We condemn frivolous lawsuits against firearms manufacturers, which are transparent attempts to deprive citizens of their rights. We oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners and national gun registration as violations of the Second Amendment. We recognize that gun control only affects and penalizes law-abiding citizens, and that such proposals are ineffective at reducing violent crime.\nIndividual rights — and the responsibilities that go with them — are the foundation of a free society. From the time of Lincoln, equality of individuals has been a cornerstone of the Republican Party. Our commitment to equal opportunity extends from landmark school-choice legislation for the students of Washington D.C. to historic appointments at the highest levels of government. We consider discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin to be immoral, and we will strongly enforce anti-discrimination statutes. We ask all to join us in rejecting the forces of hatred and bigotry and in denouncing all who practice or promote racism, anti-Semitism, ethnic prejudice, or religious intolerance. As a matter of principle, Republicans oppose any attempts to create race-based governments within the United States, as well as any domestic governments not bound by the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.\nPrecisely because we oppose discrimination, we reject preferences, quotas, and set-asides, whether in education or in corporate boardrooms. The government should not make contracts on this basis, and neither should corporations. We support efforts to help low-income individuals get a fair shot based on their potential and merit, and we affirm the commonsense approach of the Chief Justice of the United States: that the way to stop discriminating on the basis of race is to stop discriminating.\nThe symbol of our unity, to which we all pledge allegiance, is the flag. By whatever legislative method is most feasible, Old Glory should be given legal protection against desecration. We condemn decisions by activist judges to deny children the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance in public school.\nWe support freedom of speech and freedom of the press and oppose attempts to violate or weaken those rights, such as reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine.\nFaithful to the first guarantee of the Declaration of Independence, we assert the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life.\nWe have made progress. The Supreme Court has upheld prohibitions against the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion. States are now permitted to extend health-care coverage to children before birth. And the Born Alive Infants Protection Act has become law; this law ensures that infants who are born alive during an abortion receive all treatment and care that is provided to all newborn infants and are not neglected and left to die. We must protect girls from exploitation and statutory rape through a parental notification requirement. We all have a moral obligation to assist, not to penalize, women struggling with the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy. At its core, abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life. Women deserve better than abortion. Every effort should be made to work with women considering abortion to enable and empower them to choose life. We salute those who provide them alternatives, including pregnancy care centers, and we take pride in the tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed Republican legislative initiatives.\nRespect for life requires efforts to include persons with disabilities in education, employment, the justice system, and civic participation. In keeping with that commitment, we oppose the nonconsensual withholding of care or treatment from people with disabilities, as well as the elderly and infirm, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide, which endanger especially those on the margins of society. Because government should set a positive standard in hiring and contracting for the services of persons with disabilities, we need to update the statutory authority for the AbilityOne program, the main avenue by which those productive members of our society can offer high quality services at the best possible value.\nBecause our children's future is best preserved within the traditional understanding of marriage, we call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. In the absence of a national amendment, we support the right of the people of the various states to affirm traditional marriage through state initiatives.\nRepublicans recognize the importance of having in the home a father and a mother who are married. The two-parent family still provides the best environment of stability, discipline, responsibility, and character. Children in homes without fathers are more likely to commit a crime, drop out of school, become violent, become teen parents, use illegal drugs, become mired in poverty, or have emotional or behavioral problems. We support the courageous efforts of single-parent families to provide a stable home for their children. Children are our nation's most precious resource. We also salute and support the efforts of foster and adoptive families.\nRepublicans have been at the forefront of protecting traditional marriage laws, both in the states and in Congress. A Republican Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act, affirming the right of states not to recognize same-sex \"marriages\" licensed in other states. Unbelievably, the Democratic Party has now pledged to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which would subject every state to the redefinition of marriage by a judge without ever allowing the people to vote on the matter. We also urge Congress to use its Article III, Section 2 power to prevent activist federal judges from imposing upon the rest of the nation the judicial activism in Massachusetts and California. We also encourage states to review their marriage and divorce laws in order to strengthen marriage.\nAs the family is our basic unit of society, we oppose initiatives to erode parental rights.\nOur Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids any religious test for public office, and it likewise prohibits the establishment of a state-sponsored creed. The balance between those two ideals has been distorted by judicial rulings which attempt to drive faith out of the public arena. The public display of the Ten Commandments does not violate the U.S. Constitution and accurately reflects the Judeo-Christian heritage of our country. We support the right of students to engage in student-initiated, student-led prayer in public schools, athletic events, and graduation ceremonies, when done in conformity with constitutional standards.\nWe affirm every citizen's right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious objects or symbols, or becoming subject to government-imposed hiring practices. Forcing religious groups to abandon their beliefs as applied to their hiring practices is religious discrimination. We support the First Amendment right of freedom of association of the Boy Scouts of America and other service organizations whose values are under assault, and we call upon the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to reverse its policy of blacklisting religious groups which decline to arrange adoptions by same-sex couples. Respectful of our nation's diversity in faith, we urge reasonable accommodation of religious beliefs in the private workplace. We deplore the increasing incidence of attacks against religious symbols, as well as incidents of anti-Semitism on college campuses.\nThe federal government has a special responsibility to the people in Indian country and a unique trust relationship with them, which has been insufficiently honored. The social and economic problems that plague Indian country have grown worse over the last several decades, and we must reverse that trend. Ineffective government programs deprive Indians of the services they need, and long-term failures threaten to undermine tribal sovereignty itself.\nRepublicans believe that economic self-sufficiency is the ultimate answer to the challenges in Indian country and that tribal communities, not Washington bureaucracies, are better situated to craft local solutions. Federal — and state — regulations that thwart job creation must be reconsidered so that tribal governments acting on Native Americans' behalf are not disadvantaged. The Democratic Party's repeated undermining of tribal sovereignty to advantage union bosses is especially egregious.\nRepublicans reject a one-size-fits-all approach to federal-state-tribal partnerships and will work to expand local autonomy where tribal governments seek it. Better partnerships will help us to expand opportunity, deliver top-flight education to future generations, modernize and improve the Indian Health Service to make it more responsive to local needs, and build essential infrastructure. Native Americans must be empowered to develop the rich natural resources on their lands without undue federal interference.\nCrime in Indian country, especially against women, is a special problem demanding immediate attention. Inadequate resources and neglect have made Native Americans less safe and allowed safe havens to develop in Indian country for criminal narcotics enterprises. The government must increase funding for tribal officers and investigators, FBI agents, prosecutors, and tribal jails. The legal system must provide stability and protect property rights. Everyone's civil rights must be safeguarded, including the right to due process and freedom of the press, with accountability for all government officials.\nWe support efforts to ensure equitable participation in federal programs by Native Americans, including Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians, and to preserve their culture and languages. We honor the sacrifices of all Native Americans serving in the military today and in years past and will ensure that all veterans receive the care and respect they have earned through their service to America.", "Words" -> 22593, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1223, "and" -> 945, "of" -> 804, "to" -> 779, "in" -> 384, "a" -> 337, "for" -> 264, "that" -> 261, "We" -> 260, "our" -> 215, "is" -> 183, "with" -> 159, "be" -> 159, "we" -> 157, "their" -> 148, "on" -> 136, "must" -> 136, "will" -> 132, "The" -> 129, "are" -> 128, "as" -> 121, "by" -> 115, "should" -> 107, "or" -> 106, "have" -> 105, "not" -> 100, "support" -> 87, "care" -> 85, "American" -> 82, "it" -> 80, "health" -> 74, "government" -> 73, "more" -> 72, "federal" -> 70, "all" -> 70, "has" -> 69, "from" -> 69, "its" -> 68, "who" -> 67, "those" -> 64, "an" -> 61, "people" -> 59, "can" -> 59, "tax" -> 54, "Americans" -> 51, "against" -> 51, "which" -> 50, "Our" -> 48, "they" -> 45, "rights" -> 43, "energy" -> 43, "national" -> 42, 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"demands" -> 7, "defense" -> 7, "death" -> 7, "dealing" -> 7, "dangerous" -> 7, "critical" -> 7, "criminal" -> 7, "contributions" -> 7, "consider" -> 7, "condemn" -> 7, "colleges" -> 7, "cause" -> 7, "capital" -> 7, "By" -> 7, "billion" -> 7, "authority" -> 7, "appreciate" -> 7, "alternative" -> 7, "agenda" -> 7, "activities" -> 7, "across" -> 7, "why" -> 6, "While" -> 6, "whatever" -> 6, "welcome" -> 6, "weapons" -> 6, "water" -> 6, "was" -> 6, "voting" -> 6, "vital" -> 6, "victims" -> 6, "vehicles" -> 6, "value" -> 6, "using" -> 6, "trillion" -> 6, "transportation" -> 6, "together" -> 6, "today" -> 6, "technological" -> 6, "teachers" -> 6, "taxation" -> 6, "strongly" -> 6, "strengthen" -> 6, "steps" -> 6, "societies" -> 6, "single" -> 6, "significant" -> 6, "savings" -> 6, "rural" -> 6, "requirements" -> 6, "regulatory" -> 6, "regard" -> 6, "real" -> 6, "rate" -> 6, "quickly" -> 6, "put" -> 6, "protecting" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "present" -> 6, "potential" -> 6, "possible" -> 6, "patient" -> 6, "overall" -> 6, "option" -> 6, "officials" -> 6, "neighbors" -> 6, "National" -> 6, "medicine" -> 6, "may" -> 6, "limit" -> 6, "levels" -> 6, "led" -> 6, "lawsuits" -> 6, "last" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "Internet" -> 6, "information" -> 6, "ineffective" -> 6, "industry" -> 6, "Indian" -> 6, "independent" -> 6, "increasing" -> 6, "include" -> 6, "immediate" -> 6, "guard" -> 6, "growing" -> 6, "grow" -> 6, "generations" -> 6, "example" -> 6, "ever" -> 6, "eliminate" -> 6, "during" -> 6, "down" -> 6, "diseases" -> 6, "diplomatic" -> 6, "defend" -> 6, "day" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "creation" -> 6, "cost" -> 6, "consumers" -> 6, "concern" -> 6, "competitive" -> 6, "companies" -> 6, "college" -> 6, "classroom" -> 6, "choice" -> 6, "calls" -> 6, "borders" -> 6, "back" -> 6, "available" -> 6, "attacks" -> 6, "At" -> 6, "among" -> 6, "Amendment" -> 6, "allow" -> 6, "allies" -> 6, "aliens" -> 6, "aid" -> 6, "agricultural" -> 6, "after" -> 6, "advances" -> 6, "advanced" -> 6, "addition" -> 6, "ability" -> 6, "2001" -> 6, "workplace" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "were" -> 5, "waste" -> 5, "violate" -> 5, "vigilance" -> 5, "two" -> 5, "too" -> 5, "times" -> 5, "ties" -> 5, "threats" -> 5, "Those" -> 5, "Their" -> 5, "terrorism" -> 5, "supply" -> 5, "subject" -> 5, "student" -> 5, "step" -> 5, "stay" -> 5, "stability" -> 5, "skills" -> 5, "since" -> 5, "shared" -> 5, "serving" -> 5, "risk" -> 5, "rise" -> 5, "results" -> 5, "relief" -> 5, "regime" -> 5, "reasonable" -> 5, "rape" -> 5, "raise" -> 5, "proven" -> 5, "prices" -> 5, "President" -> 5, "powers" -> 5, "pork" -> 5, "people's" -> 5, "penalty" -> 5, "pay" -> 5, "participate" -> 5, "owe" -> 5, "others" -> 5, "operations" -> 5, "official" -> 5, "officers" -> 5, "offenders" -> 5, "numbers" -> 5, "number" -> 5, "North" -> 5, "nor" -> 5, "move" -> 5, "modernizing" -> 5, "mission" -> 5, "Mexico" -> 5, "mental" -> 5, "meaningful" -> 5, "look" -> 5, "longer" -> 5, "labor" -> 5, "issue" -> 5, "Islands" -> 5, "Iraq" -> 5, "integrity" -> 5, "insist" -> 5, "innocent" -> 5, "injury" -> 5, "incentives" -> 5, "impact" -> 5, "ideological" -> 5, "ideals" -> 5, "homes" -> 5, "history" -> 5, "hiring" -> 5, "good" -> 5, "fully" -> 5, "fraud" -> 5, "forms" -> 5, "firearms" -> 5, "faith" -> 5, "experience" -> 5, "environments" -> 5, "entrepreneurs" -> 5, "enforce" -> 5, "empowers" -> 5, "emissions" -> 5, "embrace" -> 5, "effort" -> 5, "duty" -> 5, "due" -> 5, "drug" -> 5, "disease" -> 5, "dignity" -> 5, "difficult" -> 5, "deny" -> 5, "decades" -> 5, "deal" -> 5, "Cuba" -> 5, "Court's" -> 5, "Court" -> 5, "core" -> 5, "congressional" -> 5, "comprehensive" -> 5, "competitiveness" -> 5, "committed" -> 5, "come" -> 5, "combat" -> 5, "code" -> 5, "clean" -> 5, "civic" -> 5, "challenge" -> 5, "beyond" -> 5, "ballot" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "assault" -> 5, "around" -> 5, "And" -> 5, "amount" -> 5, "amendment" -> 5, "ahead" -> 5, "achieve" -> 5, "accessible" -> 5, "abroad" -> 5, "your" -> 4, "young" -> 4, "World" -> 4, "working" -> 4, "workforce" -> 4, "With" -> 4, "ways" -> 4, "wants" -> 4, "want" -> 4, "violent" -> 4, "violence" -> 4, "vigorous" -> 4, "used" -> 4, "urban" -> 4, "uphold" -> 4, "tuition" -> 4, "true" -> 4, "troops" -> 4, "transparent" -> 4, "transmission" -> 4, "tools" -> 4, "timely" -> 4, "thwart" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "test" -> 4, "terrorist" -> 4, "technologies" -> 4, "taxpayer" -> 4, "sustained" -> 4, "supplies" -> 4, "suffering" -> 4, "strength" -> 4, "strategic" -> 4, "still" -> 4, "status" -> 4, "spirit" -> 4, "spend" -> 4, "solutions" -> 4, "solidarity" -> 4, "Social" -> 4, "smarter" -> 4, "size" -> 4, "shows" -> 4, "several" -> 4, "separate" -> 4, "sentences" -> 4, "Senate" -> 4, "self-government" -> 4, "seek" -> 4, "Second" -> 4, "robust" -> 4, "Rico" -> 4, "restrictions" -> 4, "restoration" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "response" -> 4, "required" -> 4, "replaced" -> 4, "rely" -> 4, "religion" -> 4, "reliable" -> 4, "relations" -> 4, "regulations" -> 4, "regarding" -> 4, "recent" -> 4, "reason" -> 4, "reaffirm" -> 4, "reach" -> 4, "Radio" -> 4, "radical" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "qualified" -> 4, "putting" -> 4, "Puerto" -> 4, "provides" -> 4, "provider" -> 4, "Protection" -> 4, "protected" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "promotion" -> 4, "promoting" -> 4, "producers" -> 4, "procedures" -> 4, "priorities" -> 4, "press" -> 4, "presidential" -> 4, "president" -> 4, "playing" -> 4, "planning" -> 4, "place" -> 4, "persons" -> 4, "person" -> 4, "permanent" -> 4, "peoples" -> 4, "Patients" -> 4, "ongoing" -> 4, "offers" -> 4, "Northern" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "model" -> 4, "mobility" -> 4, "missile" -> 4, "meets" -> 4, "marketplace" -> 4, "Many" -> 4, "mandates" -> 4, "managers" -> 4, "living" -> 4, "limits" -> 4, "like" -> 4, "liberties" -> 4, "legally" -> 4, "leave" -> 4, "leaders" -> 4, "law-abiding" -> 4, "land" -> 4, "know" -> 4, "key" -> 4, "keeping" -> 4, "justice" -> 4, "Its" -> 4, "Iran" -> 4, "interference" -> 4, "intellectual" -> 4, "increases" -> 4, "income" -> 4, "improved" -> 4, "imposing" -> 4, "importance" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "immigrants" -> 4, "If" -> 4, "identity" -> 4, "ideas" -> 4, "homeland" -> 4, "hikes" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "had" -> 4, "gun" -> 4, "guarantee" -> 4, "get" -> 4, "gas" -> 4, "funds" -> 4, "functions" -> 4, "From" -> 4, "frivolous" -> 4, "foundation" -> 4, "fostering" -> 4, "flexible" -> 4, "flexibility" -> 4, "First" -> 4, "field" -> 4, "fewer" -> 4, "fellow" -> 4, "farmers" -> 4, "faith-based" -> 4, "failed" -> 4, "facilities" -> 4, "expense" -> 4, "Europe" -> 4, "ethnic" -> 4, "entire" -> 4, "enter" -> 4, "engineering" -> 4, "enacted" -> 4, "empower" -> 4, "employment" -> 4, "elsewhere" -> 4, "eliminating" -> 4, "elections" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "earnings" -> 4, "each" -> 4, "drugs" -> 4, "done" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "doctors" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "determined" -> 4, "destruction" -> 4, "delivery" -> 4, "deliver" -> 4, "defenses" -> 4, "decision" -> 4, "crucial" -> 4, "crisis" -> 4, "criminals" -> 4, "corporate" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "consequences" -> 4, "consent" -> 4, "conflicts" -> 4, "conflict" -> 4, "confidence" -> 4, "conduct" -> 4, "concerns" -> 4, "commit" -> 4, "clear" -> 4, "class" -> 4, "civilian" -> 4, "citizenship" -> 4, "changing" -> 4, "century" -> 4, "central" -> 4, "census" -> 4, "cases" -> 4, "case" -> 4, "capacity" -> 4, "campus" -> 4, "burden" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "billions" -> 4, "benefit" -> 4, "behavior" -> 4, "begins" -> 4, "basic" -> 4, "ban" -> 4, "ballots" -> 4, "avoid" -> 4, "attention" -> 4, "assert" -> 4, "appropriate" -> 4, "annual" -> 4, "always" -> 4, "alternatives" -> 4, "allowed" -> 4, "alike" -> 4, "agreements" -> 4, "ago" -> 4, "aggressively" -> 4, "agents" -> 4, "agencies" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "affected" -> 4, "address" -> 4, "active" -> 4, "Accounts" -> 4, "accounts" -> 4, "accountability" -> 4, "yet" -> 3, "worst" -> 3, "worry" -> 3, "western" -> 3, "wasteful" -> 3, "Washington's" -> 3, "vote" -> 3, "Virgin" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "universities" -> 3, "unique" -> 3, "unified" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "tyranny" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "tremendous" -> 3, "travel" -> 3, "transition" -> 3, "transfer" -> 3, "traffic" -> 3, "Trade" -> 3, "track" -> 3, "top" -> 3, "Today's" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "threat" -> 3, "then" -> 3, "That's" -> 3, "tests" -> 3, "territories" -> 3, "term" -> 3, "temporary" -> 3, "Tax" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "targets" -> 3, "takes" -> 3, "sure" -> 3, "successful" -> 3, "struggling" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "stronger" -> 3, "stewardship" -> 3, "statutory" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "stable" -> 3, "spent" -> 3, "speech" -> 3, "sovereign" -> 3, "solve" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "simplification" -> 3, "short" -> 3, "sex" -> 3, "serious" -> 3, "September" -> 3, "self-reliance" -> 3, "seeking" -> 3, "Savings" -> 3, "sanctuary" -> 3, "sanctity" -> 3, "sanctions" -> 3, "safeguard" -> 3, "Russian" -> 3, "rules" -> 3, "rulers" -> 3, "restructuring" -> 3, "rest" -> 3, "resource" -> 3, "residents" -> 3, "requirement" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "reporting" -> 3, "repeated" -> 3, "repeat" -> 3, "repeal" -> 3, "removed" -> 3, "reliance" -> 3, "related" -> 3, "regulation" -> 3, "registration" -> 3, "region" -> 3, "regimes" -> 3, "reforms" -> 3, "reflects" -> 3, "reflect" -> 3, "reasons" -> 3, "real-world" -> 3, "ready" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "providing" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "protections" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "proliferation" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "prison" -> 3, "prevail" -> 3, "pregnancy" -> 3, "portion" -> 3, "politics" -> 3, "phased" -> 3, "permitted" -> 3, "performance" -> 3, "perform" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "patriotism" -> 3, "pass" -> 3, "parties" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "owning" -> 3, "ownership" -> 3, "owners" -> 3, "Organization" -> 3, "opposition" -> 3, "off" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "obligation" -> 3, "neither" -> 3, "neglected" -> 3, "neglect" -> 3, "nature" -> 3, "mutually" -> 3, "mortgage" -> 3, "moral" -> 3, "million" -> 3, "merit" -> 3, "membership" -> 3, "matters" -> 3, "mandatory" -> 3, "mandate" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "lowering" -> 3, "longstanding" -> 3, "loan" -> 3, "little" -> 3, "literacy" -> 3, "likewise" -> 3, "likely" -> 3, "light" -> 3, "leads" -> 3, "leading" -> 3, "leader" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "Justice" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "issues" -> 3, "isolation" -> 3, "Iranian" -> 3, "Intelligence" -> 3, "intelligence" -> 3, "injuries" -> 3, "inherent" -> 3, "Individuals" -> 3, "Independence" -> 3, "incidence" -> 3, "improving" -> 3, "imposed" -> 3, "immediately" -> 3, "idea" -> 3, "how" -> 3, "House" -> 3, "hopes" -> 3, "hold" -> 3, "HIV" -> 3, "hit" -> 3, "historic" -> 3, "hire" -> 3, "helping" -> 3, "heart" -> 3, "harm" -> 3, "half" -> 3, "Guam" -> 3, "grounded" -> 3, "great" -> 3, "grave" -> 3, "gratitude" -> 3, "grateful" -> 3, "graduation" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "generous" -> 3, "generation" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "gang" -> 3, "Free" -> 3, "four" -> 3, "fossil" -> 3, "form" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "fear" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "farm" -> 3, "Families" -> 3, "failures" -> 3, "failure" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "faces" -> 3, "extremism" -> 3, "expedited" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "exercise" -> 3, "evil" -> 3, "everyone" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "enjoy" -> 3, "engage" -> 3, "endanger" -> 3, "enable" -> 3, "employee" -> 3, "element" -> 3, "electricity" -> 3, "election" -> 3, "elderly" -> 3, "either" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "effectiveness" -> 3, "early" -> 3, "distort" -> 3, "disgrace" -> 3, "discipline" -> 3, "disaster" -> 3, "disability" -> 3, "disabilities" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "developing" -> 3, "developed" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "designed" -> 3, "deprive" -> 3, "deploy" -> 3, "dependence" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "delay" -> 3, "defensive" -> 3, "Defense" -> 3, "decrease" -> 3, "debate" -> 3, "D.C." -> 3, "cuts" -> 3, "currently" -> 3, "crimes" -> 3, "Crime" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "court" -> 3, "corruption" -> 3, "corrupt" -> 3, "correct" -> 3, "controlled" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "constitutionally" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "concerning" -> 3, "completion" -> 3, "communications" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "charity" -> 3, "changes" -> 3, "chance" -> 3, "cells" -> 3, "cars" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "caring" -> 3, "carbon" -> 3, "Canada" -> 3, "bureaucrats" -> 3, "burdens" -> 3, "brought" -> 3, "Both" -> 3, "bills" -> 3, "Bill" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "bilateral" -> 3, "beliefs" -> 3, "belief" -> 3, "being" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "bar" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "automatic" -> 3, "attack" -> 3, "atmosphere" -> 3, "assured" -> 3, "assumes" -> 3, "Asia" -> 3, "arms" -> 3, "approaches" -> 3, "appointment" -> 3, "apply" -> 3, "applaud" -> 3, "anti-Semitism" -> 3, "another" -> 3, "annually" -> 3, "An" -> 3, "Although" -> 3, "already" -> 3, "along" -> 3, "ally" -> 3, "allowing" -> 3, "air" -> 3, "AIDS" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "agree" -> 3, "aggressive" -> 3, "again" -> 3, "Africa" -> 3, "affirming" -> 3, "Administration" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "addiction" -> 3, "activity" -> 3, "actions" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "acknowledge" -> 3, "achieving" -> 3, "accounting" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "academic" -> 3, "11" -> 3, "$700" -> 2, "$3" -> 2, "$100" -> 2, "Zimbabwe" -> 2, "zero-emission" -> 2, "youngsters" -> 2, "you" -> 2, "Yet" -> 2, "worse" -> 2, "world-wide" -> 2, "wellness" -> 2, "welfare" -> 2, "weight" -> 2, "wealth" -> 2, "weaken" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "wage" -> 2, "voter" -> 2, "voted" -> 2, "virtues" -> 2, "vigilant" -> 2, "views" -> 2, "Vietnam" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "Victims" -> 2, "viable" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "urgently" -> 2, "upheld" -> 2, "update" -> 2, "untold" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unpredictable" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "unless" -> 2, "unleash" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unit" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "uninsured" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "undivided" -> 2, "undermining" -> 2, "unborn" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "ultimate" -> 2, "Two" -> 2, "turn" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "treats" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "trauma" -> 2, "transmitted" -> 2, "transformation" -> 2, "transform" -> 2, "tool" -> 2, "toll" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "token" -> 2, "Today" -> 2, "tied" -> 2, "thwarted" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "threaten" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "thoughtful" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "third" -> 2, "theft" -> 2, "terrorists" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "ten" -> 2, "telecommuting" -> 2, "technical" -> 2, "team" -> 2, "teacher" -> 2, "tax-free" -> 2, "Task" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "target" -> 2, "Taliban" -> 2, "talent" -> 2, "symbols" -> 2, "symbol" -> 2, "sustain" -> 2, "supports" -> 2, "supporting" -> 2, "suicide" -> 2, "suffers" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "Sudan" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "substances" -> 2, "subsidies" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "strategies" -> 2, "stood" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "stem" -> 2, "steer" -> 2, "stealth" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "spends" -> 2, "specify" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "specific" -> 2, "species" -> 2, "speak" -> 2, "space" -> 2, "Soviet" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "sometimes" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "smooth" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "situations" -> 2, "situation" -> 2, "sites" -> 2, "simply" -> 2, "simplified" -> 2, "simple" -> 2, "significantly" -> 2, "signed" -> 2, "shut" -> 2, "shoulder" -> 2, "shot" -> 2, "shield" -> 2, "sexually" -> 2, "sexual" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "setting" -> 2, "Services" -> 2, "servicemen" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "serves" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "seniors" -> 2, "self-sufficiency" -> 2, "seems" -> 2, "Section" -> 2, "secondary" -> 2, "scientists" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "schooling" -> 2, "schedules" -> 2, "saved" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "same-sex" -> 2, "safer" -> 2, "safely" -> 2, "sacrifices" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "ROTC" -> 2, "rogue" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "Rights" -> 2, "reward" -> 2, "reversing" -> 2, "reverse" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "retraining" -> 2, "retirement" -> 2, "retain" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "responsive" -> 2, "responders" -> 2, "respond" -> 2, "respects" -> 2, "Reserves" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "requiring" -> 2, "repressive" -> 2, "represent" -> 2, "renewable" -> 2, "removing" -> 2, "remaining" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "rehabilitation" -> 2, "regional" -> 2, "refugee" -> 2, "refinery" -> 2, "referenda" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "recruit" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "realities" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "ranks" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "racism" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "Qaeda" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "punished" -> 2, "public-private" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "protects" -> 2, "prosecutors" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "properties" -> 2, "prohibits" -> 2, "program's" -> 2, "professionals" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "profession" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "privacy" -> 2, "priority" -> 2, "principals" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "preventive" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "presented" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "prayer" -> 2, "poverty" -> 2, "possibility" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "ports" -> 2, "portability" -> 2, "pornography" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "poor" -> 2, "politicians" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "pockets" -> 2, "played" -> 2, "play" -> 2, "plants" -> 2, "plant" -> 2, "perspective" -> 2, "persists" -> 2, "persist" -> 2, "permitting" -> 2, "permanently" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "patterns" -> 2, "path" -> 2, "Party's" -> 2, "party's" -> 2, "parole" -> 2, "Palestinian" -> 2, "Pakistan" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "overdue" -> 2, "outdated" -> 2, "outcome" -> 2, "ordering" -> 2, "opportunities" -> 2, "opinions" -> 2, "one-size-fits-all" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "older" -> 2, "often" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "offered" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "occur" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "nutrition" -> 2, "Nuclear" -> 2, "notification" -> 2, "nominees" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "nearly" -> 2, "nationwide" -> 2, "narcotics" -> 2, "murdered" -> 2, "multiple" -> 2, "multilateral" -> 2, "Most" -> 2, "monitor" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "modernized" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "method" -> 2, "mere" -> 2, "medicines" -> 2, "medications" -> 2, "measured" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "math" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "Massachusetts" -> 2, "Marti" -> 2, "Marriage" -> 2, "mankind" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "mainstream" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "lowest" -> 2, "low" -> 2, "loved" -> 2, "love" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "losing" -> 2, "litigation" -> 2, "lines" -> 2, "line" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "liability" -> 2, "letting" -> 2, "lesson" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "lawbreaking" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "language" -> 2, "landmark" -> 2, "lack" -> 2, "Korea" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "killing" -> 2, "keeps" -> 2, "Katrina" -> 2, "judge" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "jeopardized" -> 2, "Japan" -> 2, "Israel's" -> 2, "IRS" -> 2, "Ireland" -> 2, "Iran's" -> 2, "involving" -> 2, "investments" -> 2, "intrusive" -> 2, "intrusion" -> 2, "intimidation" -> 2, "International" -> 2, "integration" -> 2, "integrated" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "instances" -> 2, "inmates" -> 2, "ingenuity" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "inflation" -> 2, "infants" -> 2, "industrial" -> 2, "India" -> 2, "incentive" -> 2, "Immigration" -> 2, "hunting" -> 2, "humility" -> 2, "humanity" -> 2, "humanitarian" -> 2, "humane" -> 2, "however" -> 2, "hostile" -> 2, "hospitals" -> 2, "hospital" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "honorably" -> 2, "his" -> 2, "Hill" -> 2, "hike" -> 2, "high-quality" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "hemispheric" -> 2, "helps" -> 2, "Heller" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heat" -> 2, "healthy" -> 2, "healthier" -> 2, "havens" -> 2, "haven" -> 2, "harder" -> 2, "hard" -> 2, "Gulf" -> 2, "Guard" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "grown" -> 2, "ground" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "granting" -> 2, "gradually" -> 2, "governance" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "Given" -> 2, "girls" -> 2, "GI" -> 2, "gave" -> 2, "gasoline" -> 2, "gap" -> 2, "gangs" -> 2, "Gang" -> 2, "gambling" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "fund" -> 2, "fulfillment" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "friends" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "fraudulent" -> 2, "fraternal" -> 2, "founding" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "formidable" -> 2, "formerly" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "Force" -> 2, "flout" -> 2, "fishing" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "first-time" -> 2, "find" -> 2, "Finally" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "felons" -> 2, "Federal" -> 2, "feasible" -> 2, "FBI" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "Faith" -> 2, "Fairness" -> 2, "fails" -> 2, "factors" -> 2, "faced" -> 2, "extraordinary" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "explore" -> 2, "exploration" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "experts" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "exemption" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "except" -> 2, "examples" -> 2, "everything" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "ethnicity" -> 2, "ethics" -> 2, "ethanol" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "escalation" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "envision" -> 2, "entry" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "entering" -> 2, "enrich" -> 2, "enough" -> 2, "English" -> 2, "Enforcement" -> 2, "Energy" -> 2, "energetically" -> 2, "energetic" -> 2, "endorse" -> 2, "ending" -> 2, "endangered" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "enabling" -> 2, "empowerment" -> 2, "Empowering" -> 2, "employing" -> 2, "employer-employee" -> 2, "employer" -> 2, "emotional" -> 2, "economies" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "easier" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "Drug" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "drilling" -> 2, "draw" -> 2, "doubling" -> 2, "documents" -> 2, "diverting" -> 2, "diversity" -> 2, "diverse" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "distinction" -> 2, "dislocations" -> 2, "discussed" -> 2, "discriminating" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "discretionary" -> 2, "discourage" -> 2, "disastrous" -> 2, "disasters" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "directly" -> 2, "different" -> 2, "dialogue" -> 2, "diabetes" -> 2, "developments" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "destabilize" -> 2, "desecration" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "denies" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "demonstrating" -> 2, "delaying" -> 2, "degree" -> 2, "defined" -> 2, "defiance" -> 2, "dedicated" -> 2, "Declaration" -> 2, "decision-making" -> 2, "decide" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "cut" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "Cuban" -> 2, "cruel" -> 2, "cripple" -> 2, "Criminals" -> 2, "creed" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "creating" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "Courts" -> 2, "courses" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "courageous" -> 2, "couples" -> 2, "count" -> 2, "counseling" -> 2, "correctional" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "cornerstone" -> 2, "coordination" -> 2, "coordinate" -> 2, "convictions" -> 2, "convicted" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "controls" -> 2, "contractors" -> 2, "contracting" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "confront" -> 2, "conformity" -> 2, "completing" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "compete" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compensate" -> 2, "Commonwealth" -> 2, "committee" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "command" -> 2, "combating" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "Colombia" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "coast" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "cleaner" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "cities" -> 2, "circumstances" -> 2, "chronic" -> 2, "choices" -> 2, "China's" -> 2, "child's" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "childhood" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "catch" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "careers" -> 2, "Capitol" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "cancer" -> 2, "campuses" -> 2, "campaign" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "Burma" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "budgets" -> 2, "Budget" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "bridges" -> 2, "bridge" -> 2, "breakthroughs" -> 2, "bosses" -> 2, "Border" -> 2, "border" -> 2, "books" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "bodily" -> 2, "board" -> 2, "blocks" -> 2, "blocked" -> 2, "block" -> 2, "Better" -> 2, "beneficiaries" -> 2, "beneficial" -> 2, "bench" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "bear" -> 2, "basics" -> 2, "barriers" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "authorization" -> 2, "authorities" -> 2, "audit" -> 2, "attorneys" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "association" -> 2, "assisted" -> 2, "Assistance" -> 2, "assaults" -> 2, "aspects" -> 2, "ask" -> 2, "artificial" -> 2, "Article" -> 2, "arsenal" -> 2, "arrangements" -> 2, "arena" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "appropriation" -> 2, "appreciation" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "Any" -> 2, "anticipate" -> 2, "answer" -> 2, "announced" -> 2, "alternate" -> 2, "Along" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "Almighty" -> 2, "alliance" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "al" -> 2, "African" -> 2, "Afghanistan" -> 2, "Afghan" -> 2, "affordability" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "affect" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "advancement" -> 2, "adoptions" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "admit" -> 2, "adequate" -> 2, "addressing" -> 2, "Additionally" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "activist" -> 2, "activism" -> 2, "achievement" -> 2, "accountable" -> 2, "account" -> 2, "accomplish" -> 2, "accessibility" -> 2, "acceptance" -> 2, "abstinence" -> 2, "absentee" -> 2, "absence" -> 2, "40" -> 2, "21st" -> 2, "2003" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "$8.2" -> 1, "$7.4" -> 1, "$5" -> 1, "$2.7" -> 1, "$250" -> 1, "$25" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$141" -> 1, "$1.1" -> 1, "zero-carbon" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "younger" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "year's" -> 1, "yea" -> 1, "Wyoming" -> 1, "WTO's" -> 1, "WTO" -> 1, "wrongdoing" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "wreckage" -> 1, "wreck" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worsened" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "worked" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "WMD-related" -> 1, "witnesses" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "Wireless" -> 1, "wireless" -> 1, "winter" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "Wilderness" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "Why" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "Whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "well-placed" -> 1, "well-deserved" -> 1, "welcoming" -> 1, "weekend" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weather" -> 1, "wear" -> 1, "weapons-grade" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "waver" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "warranted" -> 1, "warnings" -> 1, "warfighter" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "Walsh" -> 1, "walls" -> 1, "walking" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "W." -> 1, "vulnerable" -> 1, "vouchers" -> 1, "voucher" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "visas" -> 1, "visa" -> 1, "virtual" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violating" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "vindicate" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "vibrant" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "VI" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "verifies" -> 1, "verifiable" -> 1, "verdict" -> 1, "venues" -> 1, "Vatican" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "VA's" -> 1, "Values" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "vaccines" -> 1, "vacations" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "Utah" -> 1, "usurping" -> 1, "usually" -> 1, "Using" -> 1, "U.S.-India" -> 1, "usher" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "USDA" -> 1, "US" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "uranium" -> 1, "upwards" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upper" -> 1, "updating" -> 1, "unworthy" -> 1, "unwise" -> 1, "Unwarranted" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "untapped" -> 1, "unrivaled" -> 1, "unrelenting" -> 1, "unreasonably" -> 1, "unrealistic" -> 1, "unrationed" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unplanned" -> 1, "unmanageable" -> 1, "Unless" -> 1, "unleashes" -> 1, "Unleash" -> 1, "universally" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "uniquely" -> 1, "unions" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "UN-imposed" -> 1, "unimagined" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "unify" -> 1, "Uniformed" -> 1, "unidentified" -> 1, "unfettered" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "under-utilization" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "under-served" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "under-funded" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unconscionable" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unceasing" -> 1, "Unbelievably" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unanimously" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "unaccountable" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "umbilical" -> 1, "two-way" -> 1, "two-rate" -> 1, "two-parent" -> 1, "two-earner" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "Twenty-six" -> 1, "twenty-five" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "TV" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "turbulence" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "Truth" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "trucks" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "trips" -> 1, "trim" -> 1, "tribute" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatments" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "traumatic" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "transportation's" -> 1, "translates" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "Trafficking" -> 1, "trafficking" -> 1, "traffickers" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "toys" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "tortured" -> 1, "topple" -> 1, "topic" -> 1, "top-flight" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "told" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "timetables" -> 1, "timetable" -> 1, "timelessness" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "tilted" -> 1, "tilt" -> 1, "tighter" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "Tibet" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "thinkers" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "thermostats" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "theater" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "Testimony" -> 1, "tested" -> 1, "testament" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "Tenth" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "Ten" -> 1, "Television" -> 1, "telecommunications" -> 1, "Tehran" -> 1, "teens" -> 1, "teen" -> 1, "technology-driven" -> 1, "technically" -> 1, "teaches" -> 1, "Teachers" -> 1, "Taxpayer-funded" -> 1, "tax-deferred" -> 1, "tax-and-spend" -> 1, "taught" -> 1, "tangible" -> 1, "tampering" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "tainted" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tackle" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "system—which" -> 1, "system's" -> 1, "synergy" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "susceptible" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "Surveillance" -> 1, "surging" -> 1, "surge" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppresses" -> 1, "Supporting" -> 1, "supporters" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "Supplemental" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "supermajority" -> 1, "Sunset" -> 1, "sunset" -> 1, "summed" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "succumbing" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "suburbs" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "sub-Saharan" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "stuff" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "student-led" -> 1, "student-initiated" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "structural" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "stroke" -> 1, "stripes" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "Street" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "straits" -> 1, "straighten" -> 1, "store" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stockpile" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "stewards" -> 1, "stem-cell" -> 1, "STEM" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "state-sponsored" -> 1, "state-regulated" -> 1, "state-level" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "stare" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stake" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "squandering" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spiraling" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "Spend" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "specialties" -> 1, "specialists" -> 1, "Special" -> 1, "speaks" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solemnly" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "Societies" -> 1, "socialized" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "smuggle" -> 1, "smokescreen" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "skeptical" -> 1, "six-year" -> 1, "Sixteenth" -> 1, "situated" -> 1, "single-parent" -> 1, "simultaneous" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplicity" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "Shutdown" -> 1, "shrink" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "Short-term" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "sham" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "Several" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "set-asides" -> 1, "servicewomen" -> 1, "Serve" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "sentencing" -> 1, "sentence" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "seniority" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "sends" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "sellers" -> 1, "self-reliant" -> 1, "self-protection" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "self-described" -> 1, "self-dealing" -> 1, "self" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "seized" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "segregated" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "seed" -> 1, "see" -> 1, "Securing" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secular" -> 1, "sector-led" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seamless" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "Scouts" -> 1, "scourge" -> 1, "scores" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "school-choice" -> 1, "school-based" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "schedule" -> 1, "scenarios" -> 1, "scandal-ridden" -> 1, "says" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saves" -> 1, "savagery" -> 1, "savage" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "Samoans" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "Safeguarding" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "sabotage" -> 1, "Sabbath" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "rush" -> 1, "rulings" -> 1, "routes" -> 1, "roughly" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "rocket" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "risk-taking" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "rigorously" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "Right-to" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "rigged" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "rewards" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "revolutionizing" -> 1, "Revolution" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "Reviews" -> 1, "reviews" -> 1, "reviewed" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "Returning" -> 1, "retroactive" -> 1, "retribution" -> 1, "retrial" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "re-training" -> 1, "retiree" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retire" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retailers" -> 1, "resurgence" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "responses" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "Responders" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "respectfully" -> 1, "Respectful" -> 1, "Respect" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "reshape" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "Republican-sponsored" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "reprogrammed" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "represents" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "repetitive" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "repay" -> 1, "repatriation" -> 1, "renters" -> 1, "renouncing" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "renaissance" -> 1, "removes" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "removable" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remember" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "relocation" -> 1, "Religious" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "relic" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "release" -> 1, "relationships" -> 1, "relates" -> 1, "rejuvenation" -> 1, "rejuvenated" -> 1, "rejection" -> 1, "rejecting" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reinstituting" -> 1, "reinstatement" -> 1, "reinstate" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reimbursement" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "Refuge" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "refining" -> 1, "refill" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "refer" -> 1, "Reemployment" -> 1, "reemergence" -> 1, "redundant" -> 1, "redundancy" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "redefinition" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "recoverable" -> 1, "records" -> 1, "record-keeping" -> 1, "reconsidered" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "recipient" -> 1, "receptive" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reauthorized" -> 1, "reasoned" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "reallocate" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "Reagan's" -> 1, "Reagan" -> 1, "reaffirmed" -> 1, "reading" -> 1, "readily" -> 1, "rationales" -> 1, "rationale" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "rapid" -> 1, "rangeland" -> 1, "rancor" -> 1, "ranchers" -> 1, "radicalism" -> 1, "Radical" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "race-based" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quo" -> 1, "questionnaires" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarter-century" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualify" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "Putting" -> 1, "puts" -> 1, "pursues" -> 1, "purse" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "publicizing" -> 1, "publicized" -> 1, "psychotropic" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "Providers" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protracted" -> 1, "protocols" -> 1, "Protecting" -> 1, "prosthetics" -> 1, "prostate" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "propped" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportioning" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "propelled" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promotions" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "Promote" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "prolong" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibitions" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "proclaim" -> 1, "Prize" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "private-sector" -> 1, "private-public" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principled" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "prey" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "preventable" -> 1, "pretend" -> 1, "presumptuous" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "Preserving" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "pre-reading" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "pre-existing" -> 1, "preempt" -> 1, "preeminence" -> 1, "predictable" -> 1, "predators" -> 1, "preclude" -> 1, "Precisely" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayerfully" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "powering" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "posturing" -> 1, "Post-secondary" -> 1, "possibilities" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "positioned" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "poses" -> 1, "posed" -> 1, "porous" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "ponds" -> 1, "politician's" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poisonous" -> 1, "pointed" -> 1, "pocketbooks" -> 1, "pluripotent" -> 1, "plentiful" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "plate" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "planet" -> 1, "plaintiffs" -> 1, "plainest" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "plague" -> 1, "pivot" -> 1, "pirating" -> 1, "pioneers" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "pie" -> 1, "physician's" -> 1, "physician-assisted" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "photo" -> 1, "phonics" -> 1, "phone" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "pharmacist" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "persuasive" -> 1, "persuade" -> 1, "personalize" -> 1, "personality" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "perpetrate" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalties" -> 1, "penalizing" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "peddled" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "pay-offs" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "paychecks" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "pause" -> 1, "Patrol" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patriot" -> 1, "pathway" -> 1, "pathological" -> 1, "patches" -> 1, "passion" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "Partnerships" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participates" -> 1, "partial-birth" -> 1, "Part" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "Parents" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "parcel" -> 1, "pandemic" -> 1, "Palestine" -> 1, "painful" -> 1, "pain" -> 1, "owns" -> 1, "overwhelm" -> 1, "over-utilization" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "overstay" -> 1, "overshadow" -> 1, "overruns" -> 1, "over-reaching" -> 1, "overhead" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overcoming" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "outreach" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outpace" -> 1, "out-of-wedlock" -> 1, "out-of-network" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "outlaw" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "Others" -> 1, "OSHA's" -> 1, "orphaned" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "oriented" -> 1, "organizers" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "optimistic" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "openness" -> 1, "open-minded" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "OPEC" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "onshore" -> 1, "online" -> 1, "one-year" -> 1, "one-third" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "onerous" -> 1, "one-child" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "omnibus" -> 1, "Olympics" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "okay" -> 1, "oilfields" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "officially" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "off-duty" -> 1, "Of" -> 1, "occurs" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "occasion" -> 1, "obstructionist" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "objects" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "obesity" -> 1, "Oath" -> 1, "nurse" -> 1, "nuclear-powered" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "nothing" -> 1, "notable" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "nonviolent" -> 1, "non-veterans" -> 1, "non-territorial" -> 1, "nonpublic" -> 1, "non-profits" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "non-governmental" -> 1, "nondefense" -> 1, "nonconsensual" -> 1, "nonacademic" -> 1, "Nominees" -> 1, "nominee's" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "nominated" -> 1, "no-growth" -> 1, "Nine" -> 1, "next-generation" -> 1, "newcomers" -> 1, "newborn" -> 1, "networking" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neighborhoods" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "negligent" -> 1, "negatively" -> 1, "near-retiree" -> 1, "nay" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "NATO-endorsed" -> 1, "Natives" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "Nations" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "NASA" -> 1, "narco-terrorism" -> 1, "naive" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "Muslims" -> 1, "murdering" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "mummified" -> 1, "multiuse" -> 1, "multi-pronged" -> 1, "multi-jurisdictional" -> 1, "multi-family" -> 1, "multi-ethnic" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "mortar" -> 1, "Morocco" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "moratorium" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "monuments" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "month" -> 1, "Montana" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "monies" -> 1, "mongering" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "molesters" -> 1, "Modernized" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "Modern" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "moderates" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mitigate" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "missiles" -> 1, "mishandling" -> 1, "misconception" -> 1, "mired" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimizing" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "military's" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "mileage" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "middle-income" -> 1, "middle-class" -> 1, "micromanaged" -> 1, "microcredit" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "meritocracy" -> 1, "meritless" -> 1, "merited" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "mentoring" -> 1, "Members" -> 1, "Megan's" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "Meanwhile" -> 1, "meant" -> 1, "Means" -> 1, "McCain" -> 1, "maximizing" -> 1, "maximize" -> 1, "mavericks" -> 1, "Maternal" -> 1, "materiel" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "masse" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "Marxist" -> 1, "marshals" -> 1, "Mars" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "marriages" -> 1, "market-based" -> 1, "Marianas" -> 1, "Mariana" -> 1, "margins" -> 1, "Marginal" -> 1, "marginal" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulate" -> 1, "maniacal" -> 1, "manageable" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "mammoth" -> 1, "malpractice" -> 1, "malignant" -> 1, "malfeasance" -> 1, "malaria" -> 1, "Making" -> 1, "makeshift" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "makers" -> 1, "maker" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintains" -> 1, "Maintaining" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "Main" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "machines" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "lowered" -> 1, "lower-cost" -> 1, "Lost" -> 1, "loses" -> 1, "lose" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "Looking" -> 1, "long-held" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "lobbyist" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "literate" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "line-item" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "lightweight" -> 1, "lifestyles" -> 1, "lifestyle" -> 1, "Lifelong" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "licenses" -> 1, "licensed" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "libertarians" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "liberating" -> 1, "liberals" -> 1, "liberalism" -> 1, "levy" -> 1, "lets" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legislature" -> 1, "legislators" -> 1, "legions" -> 1, "legalizations" -> 1, "leftist" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "Lee" -> 1, "Lebanon's" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "Learning" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "Leading" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "layers" -> 1, "layered" -> 1, "lawyer" -> 1, "lawsuit" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "Largely" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "land-tenure" -> 1, "landowners" -> 1, "lament" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "Korean" -> 1, "Kong" -> 1, "knowledgeable" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "Kingdom" -> 1, "killers" -> 1, "killer's" -> 1, "Kelo" -> 1, "Katharine" -> 1, "K-16" -> 1, "juveniles" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justices" -> 1, "Jurists" -> 1, "jurisprudence" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "Judicial" -> 1, "judgments" -> 1, "Judges" -> 1, "Judeo-Christian" -> 1, "journey" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "John" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jails" -> 1, "jailed" -> 1, "jail" -> 1, "item" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "island's" -> 1, "Isaiah" -> 1, "irreversible" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "Iraqi" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investing" -> 1, "investigators" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "invest" -> 1, "intrusions" -> 1, "intrude" -> 1, "intolerance" -> 1, "intimidated" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "internet-based" -> 1, "internet" -> 1, "interdict" -> 1, "interact" -> 1, "Inter" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "integrating" -> 1, "integrate" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "insured" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "insulin" -> 1, "insufficiently" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "in-state" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "insists" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "insert" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "inquire" -> 1, "inputs" -> 1, "innovators" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "Innovation" -> 1, "innovate" -> 1, "Innocent" -> 1, "innocence" -> 1, "ink" -> 1, "Injured" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "inject" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "infirm" -> 1, "Infants" -> 1, "inexperienced" -> 1, "inexcusable" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "Ineffective" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indirect" -> 1, "indicted" -> 1, "Indians" -> 1, "independents" -> 1, "independently" -> 1, "indefinite" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "indeed" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "incur" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "Increasing" -> 1, "incompatibility" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "Including" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incidents" -> 1, "incarcerated" -> 1, "incapable" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "Inadequate" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improves" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implicitly" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "imperatives" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impacted" -> 1, "immune" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "immigrant" -> 1, "imitators" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imagine" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illegitimate" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "Illegal" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignores" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "identities" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "identification" -> 1, "IDEA's" -> 1, "hyper-taxation" -> 1, "hydropower" -> 1, "hydroelectric" -> 1, "hurts" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "hurried" -> 1, "Hurricane" -> 1, "hunger" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "How" -> 1, "household" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "hospitality" -> 1, "horrors" -> 1, "horror" -> 1, "horrendous" -> 1, "horizon" -> 1, "hoping" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "Honoraria" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "Hong" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homosexuality" -> 1, "homicide" -> 1, "homesteading" -> 1, "homeschooling" -> 1, "home's" -> 1, "Homeownership" -> 1, "homeownership" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "Homeland" -> 1, "homebuyers" -> 1, "hollow" -> 1, "hits" -> 1, "Historic" -> 1, "Hippocratic" -> 1, "hiking" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-profile" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "highlights" -> 1, "highlighted" -> 1, "high-impact" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hideous" -> 1, "Hezbollah" -> 1, "Heroes" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helped" -> 1, "heinous" -> 1, "heavy-handed" -> 1, "heating" -> 1, "heartfelt" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "health-care" -> 1, "headquarters" -> 1, "headlong" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "Havana" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "harnessed" -> 1, "hard-working" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handouts" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "hamstrung" -> 1, "hamper" -> 1, "Hamas" -> 1, "halve" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "half-measures" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "H-1B" -> 1, "Gun" -> 1, "guilty-until-proven-innocent" -> 1, "guilt" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "growers" -> 1, "Group" -> 1, "groundwork" -> 1, "grievance" -> 1, "grids" -> 1, "grid" -> 1, "greenhouse" -> 1, "Green" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "Greater" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "gravely" -> 1, "gratefully" -> 1, "grassroots" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "grandstanding" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "governors" -> 1, "government-issued" -> 1, "government-imposed" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "GOP" -> 1, "good-paying" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "Glory" -> 1, "globally" -> 1, "Global" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "Getting" -> 1, "gets" -> 1, "gesture" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "Georgia" -> 1, "George" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "geographic" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "Genocide" -> 1, "generosity" -> 1, "Generations" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "gasses" -> 1, "gas-powered" -> 1, "gasification" -> 1, "gamesmanship" -> 1, "gamblers" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "Future" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fundamentals" -> 1, "fulfills" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "Frivolous" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "freight" -> 1, "free-speech" -> 1, "Freely" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "fray" -> 1, "franchise" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "forums" -> 1, "Fortune" -> 1, "fortress" -> 1, "fortitude" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "formulas" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "forging" -> 1, "forgets" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "foreheads" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "Forcing" -> 1, "force-multipliers" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "forbids" -> 1, "foolhardy" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "focused" -> 1, "flu" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "Flexible" -> 1, "flex-fuel" -> 1, "fleeing" -> 1, "flaws" -> 1, "flatly" -> 1, "flat" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fissile" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "firing" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "films" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "filing" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fiction" -> 1, "fiats" -> 1, "fetal" -> 1, "fence" -> 1, "FEMA's" -> 1, "felony" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "Federation's" -> 1, "federal-state-tribal" -> 1, "federally-owned" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "fatalities" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "Farming" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "fanaticism" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "Faithful" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "faculty" -> 1, "facility-based" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "eye" -> 1, "extremists" -> 1, "extract" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extended-family" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expressly" -> 1, "exposes" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "exponentially" -> 1, "explorations" -> 1, "exploit" -> 1, "expire" -> 1, "expertise" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "experimentation" -> 1, "experiences" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expensing" -> 1, "expands" -> 1, 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"entitlement" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "enthusiasm" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "ensuring" -> 1, "ensures" -> 1, "enrollment" -> 1, "enormously" -> 1, "Enhance" -> 1, "enhance" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enfranchisement" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "energy-efficient" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "endures" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endowments" -> 1, "endowment" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "en" -> 1, "empowering" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employees—must" -> 1, "emphasizing" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "emissions-free" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "emerged" -> 1, "embryos" -> 1, "embryonic" -> 1, "embodies" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "embassy" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "elementary" -> 1, "electronic" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "eighty" -> 1, "Eight" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "egregious" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "educators" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "edge" -> 1, "economists" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "eaten" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "Earnings" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "ear-marks" -> 1, "Earmarking" -> 1, "earmarking" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "dysfunctional" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drove" -> 1, "drop-out" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "drives" -> 1, "driver's" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "drastic" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "drag" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "downturn" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "doomsday" -> 1, "donees" -> 1, "don" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominates" -> 1, "dollar-a-year" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "dogmatism" -> 1, "dogma" -> 1, "Does" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctor" -> 1, "Do" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "dividend" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "ditches" -> 1, "Distrust" -> 1, "Districts" -> 1, "distributors" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distributing" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "distorts" -> 1, "distorted" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distinct" -> 1, "Distance" -> 1, "distance" -> 1, "dissatisfied" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disproportionate" -> 1, "display" -> 1, "dismantlement" -> 1, "disgusted" -> 1, "disgust" -> 1, "disgruntled" -> 1, "disenfranchises" -> 1, "disenfranchised" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discriminates" -> 1, "discretion" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "disagreement" -> 1, "disadvantaged" -> 1, "Disabilities" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "diplomats" -> 1, "dimmed" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "diesel" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "didn't" -> 1, "dictatorship" -> 1, "dictates" -> 1, "Dick" -> 1, "diabetic" -> 1, "Devotion" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "detection" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "detail" -> 1, 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-> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "cyberterrorism" -> 1, "cybercrime" -> 1, "cyber-attack" -> 1, "cyber" -> 1, "Customs" -> 1, "customers" -> 1, "custody" -> 1, "Current" -> 1, "curbing" -> 1, "culverts" -> 1, "culturally" -> 1, "Cubans" -> 1, "crowding" -> 1, "cropland" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "crime-ridden" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credible" -> 1, "credentialing" -> 1, "Creator" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "craft" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "courtrooms" -> 1, "courtroom" -> 1, "Courage" -> 1, "counterproductive" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counterinsurgency" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "cost-effective" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "corps" -> 1, "cord" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "cookie-cutter" -> 1, "cook" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "convenient" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contrast" 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"Comprehensive" -> 1, "composites" -> 1, "composed" -> 1, "components" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complements" -> 1, "complementing" -> 1, "complementary" -> 1, "Competitive" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "Company" -> 1, "Community" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "commonsense" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committing" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "Commandments" -> 1, "commanders" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "commander" -> 1, "command-and-control" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combatants" -> 1, "Colorado" -> 1, "collects" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "Cold" -> 1, "cohesion" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "Coast" -> 1, "coal-to-liquid" -> 1, "coalition" -> 1, "coal-fired" -> 1, "CO2" -> 1, "Closing" -> 1, "cloning" -> 1, "clock-punching" -> 1, "Clinton" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "Climate" -> 1, "Clear" -> 1, "Clean" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "Class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "Civic" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "citizen-soldiers" -> 1, "citizen's" -> 1, "circle" -> 1, "churches" -> 1, "Chronic" -> 1, "child-birthing" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "Cheney" -> 1, "checks" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charities" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "Chance" -> 1, "champions" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "Chairmen's" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "ceremonies" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "Centers" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "cellulosic" -> 1, "cell" -> 1, "celebrated" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "caution" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "Carter" -> 1, "cartels" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "caregivers" -> 1, "Careful" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "captives" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "can't" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "candidacy" -> 1, "Canadian" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "calamity" -> 1, "Byzantine" -> 1, "buyers" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "businesspeople" -> 1, "business-like" -> 1, "Businesses" -> 1, "Bush" -> 1, "bureaucrat" -> 1, 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1, "betterment" -> 1, "best-trained" -> 1, "bestowed" -> 1, "best-manned" -> 1, "best-led" -> 1, "best-equipped" -> 1, "benevolent" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "Beijing" -> 1, "behaviors" -> 1, "behavioral" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "befitting" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "Beautiful" -> 1, "battlegrounds" -> 1, "battlefield" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "battered" -> 1, "Bates" -> 1, "basing" -> 1, "Basin" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "bars" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "barrel" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "barbaric" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "ballot-reading" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "Balanced" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "bailouts" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "backpacking" -> 1, "backlog" -> 1, "backgrounds" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "avenue" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "avail" -> 1, "autopilot" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "auto" -> 1, "authorizations" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "audits" -> 1, "attorney-client" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "at-risk" -> 1, "atmospheric" -> 1, "athletic" -> 1, "astounded" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "Associated" -> 1, "assigns" -> 1, "assign" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "Asserting" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "aspire" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "ascertained" -> 1, "arson" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "arrange" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arguments" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "Arabs" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriately" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "Applying" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "anti-Semitic" -> 1, "anti-discrimination" -> 1, "anti-democratic" -> 1, "antedated" -> 1, "antagonistic" -> 1, "answered" -> 1, "Another" -> 1, "ancillary" -> 1, "ancestors" -> 1, "anachronistic" -> 1, "amnesty" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "ambitions" -> 1, "amazing" -> 1, "amateur" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "Alternate" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "allocations" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "Allegiance" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "Alive" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alignment" -> 1, "aligned" -> 1, "Aliens" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "airports" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agreeable" -> 1, "aging" -> 1, "agile" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "Africa's" -> 1, "aficionados" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "aeronautics" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "adventurous" -> 1, "Advancing" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "Advances" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adoptive" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admissions" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "Adjustment" -> 1, "adjunct" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "Additional" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "adaptable" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "Adam" -> 1, "acutely" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "Action" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accurately" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accrediting" -> 1, "accountant" -> 1, "Account" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "Accord" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accompanying" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "accidental" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "academia" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "Abstinence" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abortions" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "AbilityOne" -> 1, "abilities" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "abate" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "98" -> 1, "97" -> 1, "95" -> 1, "9-1-1" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "69" -> 1, "6.7" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "57" -> 1, "529" -> 1, "500" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "44" -> 1, "41" -> 1, "3.3" -> 1, "31" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "23" -> 1, "22%" -> 1, "2.1" -> 1, "2034" -> 1, "20-25" -> 1, "2010" -> 1, "1996" -> 1, "1993" -> 1, "1990's" -> 1, "1974" -> 1, "1966" -> 1, "1961" -> 1, "1,700" -> 1, "15,000" -> 1, "100" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 2004", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 2004, "Date" -> DateObject[{2004, 8, 30}], "Text" -> "2004 Republican Party Platform: A Safer World and a More Hopeful America\nRONALD REAGAN believed that people were basically good, and had the right to be free. He believed that bigotry and prejudice were the worst things a person could be guilty of. He believed in the Golden Rule and in the power of prayer. He believed that America was not just a place in the world, but the hope of the world. As Ronald Wilson Reagan goes his way, we are left with a joyful hope he shared.\nMay God bless Ronald Reagan and the country he loved.\nPresident George W. Bush Funeral Service for Former President Ronald Wilson Reagan Washington National Cathedral Washington, D.C. June 11, 2004\nINTRODUCTION AND PREAMBLE\nOne hundred and fifty years ago, Americans who had gathered to protest the expansion of slavery gave birth to a political Party that would save the Union – the Republican Party.\nIn 1860, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois carried the Republican banner in the Presidential election and was elected the Party's first President. He became our nation's greatest leader … and one of our Party's greatest heroes.\nEvery day, we strive to fulfill Lincoln's vision: a country united and free, in which all people are guaranteed equal rights and the opportunity to pursue their dreams. His legacy goes beyond the borders of America. It can be seen in free governments all over the world.\nLincoln's successors have been united by a common purpose – defending freedom at home and promoting it abroad. Today, the Republican Party gathers to renominate a man who carries on the best traditions of our Party by carrying the banner of freedom.\n***\nWhen America was struck by terrorists on September 11, 2001, President Bush immediately realized that it was an act of war, not just a crime. Working with Congress, the President drew up plans to take the fight to the enemy, vowing to bring the terrorists to justice, or bring justice to the terrorists. And together, the President and Congress took steps to help the wounded, honor the dead, and secure our homeland.\nThanks to President Bush's leadership, the skill of the American military, and the commitment of our allies, today there are more than 50 million newly free people in the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq – and America is safer.\nThe President's leadership has also been bold and visionary at home. When the President came to office, our economy was faltering, seniors were having trouble paying for their prescription drugs, and schools were stuck in a pattern of low expectations and poor results.\nPresident Bush worked with Congress to lower taxes, so Americans can keep more of their own hard-earned money to spend, save, or invest, thereby growing our economy and putting people back to work.\nHe worked with Congress to strengthen Medicare by adding a prescription drug benefit and giving seniors more choices to meet their individual health care needs.\nAnd the President worked with Congress to pass historic education reforms to ensure that every child can read. Today, higher standards and stronger accountability are getting results in classrooms across America.\n***\nWe are proud of the record we offer to the American people. We have helped America overcome extraordinary challenges. We are re-shaping our government to meet the demands of the modern world and better serve our citizens.\nWe are also proud of our agenda for America's future. President George W. Bush will lead this nation with courage, hope, and resolve over the next four years. Republicans have always been the Party of fresh ideas and new thinking. We encourage debate on the major issues of our day, and we will consistently act in accord with the greatest values of our country – freedom and opportunity for all.\nOur plans focus on ensuring that America remains safe, terrorists are defeated, and democracy flourishes in the world … on expanding opportunities for ownership and investment … on making tax relief permanent and ensuring greater energy independence … on increasing the affordability and accessibility of health care … on promoting works of compassion and strengthening our greatest values … on preparing students for success in life by bringing the benefits of education reform to high schools … and on helping workers adjust to a changing economy by offering flexible training options that meet their individual needs.\nOur Party's 2004 platform addresses the major issues facing America in the first decade of the 21st century:\nWinning the War on Terror … because our government's most solemn duty is to keep its citizens safe.\nUshering in an Ownership Era … because a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit will keep our economy strong and provide more opportunities for workers and families.\nBuilding an Innovative Economy to Compete in the World … because America can compete with anyone, anywhere, thanks to our entrepreneurs and risk-takers who keep us on the cutting edge of technology and commerce.\nStrengthening Our Communities … because our children deserve to grow up in an America in which all their hopes and dreams can come true.\nProtecting Our Families … because we respect the family's role as a touchstone of stability and strength in an ever- changing world.\nThis platform makes clear that the American people will have a choice on November 2nd.\nA choice between strength and uncertainty.\nA choice between results and rhetoric.\nA choice between optimism and pessimism.\nA choice between opportunity and dependence.\nA choice between freedom and fear.\nAnd a choice between moving forward and turning back.\nThe 2004 Republican Party Platform makes clear:\nWe choose strength.\nWe choose results.\nWe choose optimism.\nWe choose opportunity.\nWe choose freedom.\nAnd we choose moving forward with President Bush. A man of courage and compassion, of integrity and action.\nOne hundred and fifty years after our founding, we Republicans proudly carry forward our time-honored banner of freedom. And we endorse the bold and visionary leadership of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.\nTABLE OF CONTENTS\n\"Our nation's cause has always been larger than our nation's defense. We fight, as we always fight, for a just peace – a peace that favors liberty. We will defend the peace against the threats from terrorists and tyrants. We will preserve the peace by building good relations among the great powers. And we will extend the peace by encouraging free and open societies on every continent.\"\n— President George W. Bush\nPresident Bush has confronted unprecedented challenges, including a world scarred by terrorism. The President and the American people have risen to the occasion by acting on a bold new statement of America's place and purpose in the world. Today, we are filled with hope for the most dramatic advance of liberty in 60 years. President Bush's leadership is rooted in the timeless values that have made America a unique and exalted nation: respect for individual rights; a deep commitment to freedom; a desire to serve as a living example of the power of democracy. The President's leadership has achieved successes once deemed impossible to realize in so short a period of time. His forward-looking strategy for freedom and peace is making progress in every part of the world. The President and Republicans in Congress recognize that new threats demand new tools and new methods for defending America and promoting our goals in the world. They have responded swiftly to the challenges of a new era, rather than remaining wedded to outdated theories and fighting battles that ended long ago. Their accomplishments are the foundation upon which future progress will be built.\nThe world changed on September 11, 2001, and since that day, under the strong, steady, and visionary leadership of President George W. Bush, Americans have helped make the world not only safer, but better. The President continues to lead a steady, confident, systematic campaign to defend America against the dangers of our time. We are going after terrorists wherever they plot and plan and hide, changing the old course of pinprick strikes that did little to get at the root of terrorism. We eliminated many of al Qaeda's key leaders and put the world on notice that nations that train, harbor, or finance terrorists are just as guilty as the terrorists themselves.\nWe will not allow the world's most dangerous regimes to possess the world's most dangerous weapons. Our message is getting through, as indicated by Libya's leader, who decided to turn over his weapons of mass destruction and cooperate with the international community. Today, because America has acted, and because America has led, the forces of terror and tyranny have suffered defeat after defeat, and America and the world are safer.\nOn September 11, 2001, we saw the cruelty of the terrorists, and we glimpsed the future they intend for us. They intend to strike the United States to the limits of their power. They seek weapons of mass destruction to kill Americans on an even greater scale. This danger is increased when outlaw regimes build or acquire weapons of mass destruction and maintain ties to terrorist groups.\nOn September 11, 2001, we saw the spirit of courage and optimism of the American people – that greatest assurance of the ultimate triumph of our cause. Courage and optimism led colleagues to help each other in escaping from collapsing buildings. Courage and optimism led policemen, firefighters, emergency medical professionals, public works employees, our men and women in uniform, and selfless volunteers to run into burning buildings to save others and undertake a mammoth rescue and recovery effort. Courage and optimism led the passengers on Flight 93 to rush their murderers to save lives on the ground. Courage and optimism led America's parents and teachers to battle their own fears to keep children calm and safe. In those and countless other acts of heroism on that day, and many times since, terrorists have learned that Americans will not be intimidated. We will fight them with everything we have – and we will prevail.\nPresident Bush answered the challenge of September 11, 2001, not only with steadfast resolve, but also with vision, optimism, and unshakable confidence in the will and faith of the American people. That is what we all saw on September 14, 2001, when our President stood with the brave workers at Ground Zero and resolutely assured our nation amidst our shock, anger, and grief that while the terrorists had struck first, America would have the last word.\nThe President's most solemn duty is to protect our country. George W. Bush has kept that charge.\nTo protect our people, President Bush is leading America, staying on the offensive against threats within our own country. He worked with Congress to establish the Department of Homeland Security in the most significant reorganization of the federal government since 1947. The PATRIOT Act is being used to track terrorist activity and to break up terror cells. Now, the FBI can use tools that have been long available to fight organized crime and drug trafficking, but could not be used in the past to fight terrorism. Intelligence and law enforcement officials are sharing information as never before. The President transformed the mission of the FBI to focus first and foremost on preventing terrorism. Every element of America's homeland security plan is critical, because the terrorists are ruthless and resourceful – and we know they are preparing to attack us again. It is not possible to guarantee perfect security in our vast, free nation. But the President and Vice President, along with many fine professionals in intelligence, homeland security, law enforcement, and the military are working tirelessly to protect the country. We are grateful to them all.\nPresident Bush recognized that to overcome the dangers of our time, America would have to take a new approach in the world. That approach is marked by a determination to challenge new threats, not ignore them, or simply wait for future tragedy\n– and by a renewed commitment to building a hopeful future in hopeless places, instead of allowing troubled regions to remain in despair and explode in violence.\nBefore entering office, President Bush recognized that our age is a time of opportunity for America – opportunity to translate this moment of influence into decades of peace, prosperity, and liberty. That conviction is in the finest traditions of the Republican Party. As our platform said in 1984, during the height of Cold War confrontation: \"The supreme purpose of our foreign policy must be to maintain our freedom in a peaceful international environment in which the United States and our allies and friends are secure against military threats, and democratic governments are flourishing in a world of increasing prosperity.\"\nThe reality of 9/11 does not diminish our generation's opportunity to advance the cause of freedom but in fact makes it all the more important that we take up that challenge.\nPresident Bush has rallied America to its calling – to make the world safer and better. This calling is answered by a distinctly American internationalism that reflects the union of our values and our national interests. Americans everywhere are remaining faithful to that duty. By keeping our word and holding firm to our values, this generation is showing the world the power of liberty once again.\nRepublicans support President Bush's steadfast commitment to the goal of a lasting, democratic peace, in which all nations are free from the threat of sudden terror. We affirm the three commitments of the President's strategy for peace:\nTerrorists long ago declared war on America, and now America has declared war against terrorists. We are defending the peace by taking the fight to the enemy. We are confronting terrorists overseas so we do not have to confront them here at home. We are destroying the leadership of terrorist networks in sudden raids, disrupting their planning and financing, and keeping them on the run. Month by month, we are shrinking the space in which they can freely operate, by denying them territory and the support of governments.\nNations that support terrorism are just as dangerous, and just as guilty, as the perpetrators of terrorism. Every nation must make a choice to support terror or to support America and our coalition to defeat terror. We are preserving the peace by working with more than 80 allied nations, as well as international institutions, to isolate and confront terrorists and outlaw regimes. America is leading a broad coalition of nations to disrupt proliferation. We are working with the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and other international organizations to take action in our common security. The global threat of terrorism requires a global response. To be effective, that global response requires leadership – and America is leading.\nThere is no negotiation with terrorists. No form of therapy or coercion will turn them from their murderous ways. Only total and complete destruction of terrorism will allow freedom to flourish. We will extend the peace by supporting the rise of democracy, and the hope and progress that democracy brings, as the alternative to hatred and terror in the broader Middle East. In democratic societies, men and women do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives. Democratic governments do not shelter terrorist camps or attack their neighbors. When justice and democracy advance, so does the hope of lasting peace.\nWe are proud of the President's steady leadership in executing this strategy. We are dealing with terrorist threats as they gather, rather than waiting for them to become imminent dangers. The results are clear to see.\nThree years ago, our nation was not on a war footing against al Qaeda – even though Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States in 1996 and again in 1998. The al Qaeda leadership believed itself to be impervious to any American response, continued to raise funds practically without restriction, and operated in a world in which there was no cohesive global approach to fighting terror.\nToday, al Qaeda has been wounded, having lost many of its known leaders and most of its important sanctuaries. America and its allies and friends have broken al Qaeda cells here in the United States and overseas. A global coalition, led by the United States, has dried up sources of terrorist financing. Thousands of very skilled and determined military personnel remain on the manhunt, going after the remaining killers who hide in cities and caves. Today, because of the solidarity of the international coalition in the War on Terror, we are bringing these terrorists to justice, and the American people are safer.\nThree years ago, al Qaeda's secure home base was in Afghanistan, a country ruled by the Taliban, one of the most backward and brutal regimes of modern history. Schooling was denied to girls. Women were whipped and executed in public. Millions\nlived in fear. With protection from the Taliban, al Qaeda and its associates trained, indoctrinated, and sent forth thousands of killers to set up terror cells in dozens of countries, including our own.\nToday, Afghanistan is a world away from the nightmare of the Taliban. Twenty-eight million people are free. That country has a good and just president. Boys and girls are being educated. Women are respected. Many refugees have returned home to rebuild their country, and a presidential election is scheduled for this fall. The terror camps are closed and the Afghan government is helping us to hunt the Taliban and terrorists in remote regions. Today, because we acted to liberate Afghanistan, a threat has been removed, and the American people are safer.\nThree years ago, Pakistan was one of the few countries in the world that recognized the Taliban regime. Al Qaeda was active and recruiting in Pakistan. Pakistan served as a transit point for al Qaeda terrorists leaving Afghanistan on missions of murder. The United States could not count on the support of Pakistan's military and civilian leaders – the very people we would need to help shut down al Qaeda operations in that part of the world.\nToday, the governments of the United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror. Pakistan has helped capture Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the operational planner behind the September 11 attacks, and other terrorists. Pakistani forces are rounding up terrorists along their nation's western border. Today, because we are working with Pakistani leaders, Pakistan is an ally in the War on Terror, and the American people are safer.\nThree years ago, terrorists were well-established in Saudi Arabia. Inside that country, fundraisers and other facilitators gave al Qaeda financial and logistical help with little scrutiny or opposition.\nToday, after the attacks in Riyadh and elsewhere, the Saudi government knows that al Qaeda is its enemy. Saudi Arabia is working hard to shut down the facilitators and financial supporters of terrorism. The government has captured or killed many first-tier leaders of the al Qaeda organization in Saudi Arabia. Today, because Saudi Arabia has seen the danger and has joined the War on Terror, the American people are safer.\nThree years ago, the ruler of Iraq was a sworn enemy of America who provided safe haven for terrorists, used weapons of mass destruction, and turned his nation into a prison. Saddam Hussein was not just a dictator; he was a proven mass murderer who refused to account for weapons of mass murder. He defied the international community and seventeen United Nations resolutions over the course of twelve years, giving no indication that Iraq would ever disarm and comply with the just demands of the world. In 2002 – in Resolution 1441 – the United Nations Security Council unanimously voted that Saddam Hussein had one final chance to comply with his obligations to the international community, or there would be serious consequences. As he had for over a decade, he refused to comply. Every responsible nation recognized this threat, and knew it could not go on forever.\nToday, the dictator who caused decades of death and turmoil, who twice invaded his neighbors, who harbored terrorist leaders, who used chemical weapons on innocent men, women, and children, finally stands before the bar of justice. Iraq, which once had the worst government in the Middle East, is now becoming an example of reform to the region. Iraqi security forces are fighting beside coalition troops to defeat the terrorists and foreign fighters who threaten their nation and the world. Today, because America and our coalition helped to end the violent regime of Saddam Hussein, and because we are helping to raise a peaceful democracy in its place, 25 million Iraqis are free and the American people are safer.\nThree years ago, the nation of Libya, a longtime supporter of terror, was spending millions to acquire chemical and nuclear weapons.\nToday, thousands of Libya's chemical munitions have been destroyed. Libya's nuclear equipment that could ultimately have threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands is stored away in the United States. Today, because the Libyan government saw the seriousness of the civilized world, and correctly judged its own interests, the American people are safer.\nThree years ago, a private weapons proliferation network was doing business around the world. This network, operated by the Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan, was selling nuclear plans and equipment to the highest bidder, and found willing buyers in places like Libya, Iran, and North Korea.\nToday, the A.Q. Khan network is out of business. We have ended one of the most dangerous sources of proliferation in the world, and the American people are safer.\nRepublicans applaud President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and those who have supported them in the Congress for the steady leadership that led to these successes. America must stay the course.\nConsolidating Gains in the War on Terror\nIn Afghanistan and Iraq, our enemies have seen the results of what civilized nations can, and will, do against regimes that harbor, support, and use terrorism to achieve their political goals. Republicans believe that America and the world must keep our commitments to the people of those countries, who are building the world's newest democracies and counting on the world to help. Delivering these nations from tyranny has required sacrifice and loss. We must honor that sacrifice by finishing the great work we have begun.\nRepublicans appreciate the military, financial, and technical assistance provided by the dozens of nations contributing to the reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq. The success of free and stable governments in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere will further shrink the space in which terrorists can operate. As the entire region sees the promise of freedom in its midst, the terrorist ideology will become more and more irrelevant, until that day when it is viewed with contempt or ignored altogether.\nThe forces of many nations are working with Afghans to find and defeat Taliban remnants and eliminate al Qaeda terrorists. We applaud the work of American forces and coalition partners in helping to build the new Afghan national army and to train new Afghan police and border patrol. Together, Afghan and international forces will maintain the peace, secure Afghanistan's borders, and deny terrorists any foothold in that country.\nWe applaud President Bush's announcement of U.S. support for five new initiatives that will help the Afghan people achieve the peace, stability, and prosperity they deserve – through support for the development of democracy, educational assistance, cultural exchanges, enhanced bilateral economic ties, and increased economic opportunity for women.\nThe road ahead for Afghanistan is still long and difficult. Yet the Afghan people can know that their country will never be abandoned to terrorists and killers. The world and the United States look forward to elections this year in Afghanistan and stand with the Afghan people as partners in their quest for peace and prosperity, stability, and democracy.\nAs Republicans, we do not equivocate, as others have done, about whether America should have gone to war in Iraq. The best intelligence available at the time indicated that Saddam Hussein was a threat. On that point, President Bush, members of both parties in Congress, and the United Nations agreed. While the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction we expected to find in Iraq have not yet materialized, we have confirmed that Saddam Hussein had the capability to reconstitute his weapons programs and the desire to do so. Our nation did the right thing, and the American people are now safer because we and our allies ended the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, halting his decades-long pursuit of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. President Bush had a choice to make: Trust a madman or defend America. He chose defending America.\nSupported by brave coalition allies such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, Poland, and Denmark, and displaying courage, skill, and resourcefulness on the battlefield, the men and women of our Armed Forces removed the dictator of Iraq, a declared enemy of America who had the capability and intent to produce weapons of mass murder, and could have passed that capability to terrorists bent on killing Americans. That was a risk we could not take.\nAmerica's men and women in uniform have been unrelenting in the performance of their duty. Our nation has asked much of our military, and there is still much hard work ahead. We are proud of the sacrifice made by all who have served and are serving, and we are immensely grateful for the sacrifices made by their families and loved ones. Further, we honor the memories of those who have died in combat serving the cause of freedom. Defending our homeland with their ultimate sacrifice on behalf of all Americans merits our prayers and our thanksgiving. We also commit to continued honor and care for our wounded veterans, and support for all who return home from service. Together, we look forward to that day when the War on Terror is won and our military can return home, no longer at risk, our world and our country safer.\nWe also salute our coalition allies. Their efforts with us to shape a world where freedom is honored and liberty is cherished deserves respect and admiration; their sacrifice, too, does not go without notice and appreciation.\nWe are ever mindful that American troops remain on the ground in Iraq, working steadfastly to help the Iraqi people achieve stability and democracy. We therefore welcome declarations from responsible political leaders of both parties that our nation will persevere in our mission there, not cut and run. The American people need to hear this message. People in Baghdad and beyond need to hear it. The enemy needs to hear it. Most importantly, American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines risking their lives in Iraq need to hear it.\nWe condemn inconsistent, ambiguous, and politically expedient statements on that point. To the extent such wavering encourages our adversaries to fight harder, our men and women in uniform suffer the consequences. Their mission is difficult enough. Uncertainty about America's commitment to that mission makes it immeasurably more difficult.\nIn Iraq, America is serving the cause of liberty, peace, and our own security. America accepted a difficult task in Iraq. We know that for all these reasons, we will finish that task.\nWe also know that Iraqi sovereignty is a tribute to the will of the Iraqi people and the courage of Iraqi leaders. It is a proud moral achievement for members of our coalition. We have full confidence in the plan for Iraqi self-government that is currently being implemented by Iraq's interim government. That government has gained broad international support, and has been endorsed by the United Nations Security Council. The United States and our coalition partners are helping prepare Iraqis for the defense of their own country, including through the work of the NATO mission to train Iraqi security forces. We are helping Iraqis rebuild their country's infrastructure, and Iraq is continuing to move toward free elections, with important assistance from the United Nations.\nWe applaud President Bush for establishing a visionary and resolute policy – a Forward Strategy of Freedom in the Middle East – to stand with the people of that region as they seek their future in freedom. Republicans support President Bush's policy of working with every government in the Middle East dedicated to destroying the terrorist networks, while in the longer term expecting a higher standard of reform and democracy from our friends in the region. We believe that democracy and reform will make those nations stronger and more stable, and make the world more secure by undermining terrorism at its source.\nAs a result of President Bush's leadership, G-8 members adopted the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative at this year's Sea Island Summit. We applaud the commitment of the world's leading industrial nations to this historic initiative to support political, economic, and social reform throughout the region.\nRepublicans agree with the Bush Administration that there is no greater danger to our people than the nexus of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). That judgment is shared by leading allies and friends. As President Bush and his fellow G-8 leaders declared in 2003, the spread of weapons of mass destruction and international terrorism constitute \"the pre-eminent threat to international security.\"\nThe risks posed by this dangerous relationship cannot be contained or deterred by traditional means. We applaud President Bush for pursuing from the beginning of his Administration a comprehensive strategy through which the United States works with its allies to:\nensure that international agreements against the proliferation of WMD are observed and enforced;\ndetect, disrupt, and block the spread of dangerous weapons and technology;\nconfront emerging threats from any person or state before those threats have fully materialized; and\nimprove our capabilities to respond to the use of WMD and minimize the consequences of an attack.\nOver the last two years, under President Bush's leadership and working with like-minded nations, America has:\nended Saddam Hussein's decades-long pursuit of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons;\nachieved the elimination of Libya's WMD and ballistic missile programs;\nshut down the A.Q. Khan nuclear proliferation network;\nled the Proliferation Security Initiative to interdict dangerous WMD and their means of delivery;\nstrengthened efforts to secure weapons-usable materials and sensitive technologies in the former Soviet Union and elsewhere;\ninsisted on confronting the threat from North Korea through Six-Party Talks involving the Republic of Korea, Japan, China, and Russia;\nsupported the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency to hold the Iranian regime to its treaty obligations;\nstrengthened international non-proliferation export control and treaty regimes;\nsecured unanimous passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, which requires states to enact legislation that criminalizes proliferation activities; and\nachieved agreement among the G-8 nations to refrain for one year from initiating new transfers of uranium enrichment and reprocessing technology to additional states.\nRepublicans applaud these achievements, as well as the successes of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, backed by the Republican Congress, here at home to make America safer from the threat of weapons of mass destruction – including:\ncreating Biodefense for the 21st Century, a national strategy for meeting the full range of biological threats;\nsigning into law Project BioShield, which provides new tools to improve medical countermeasures protecting Americans against a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attack;\nputting in place major new biodefense capabilities;\ncreating the Container Security Initiative to screen cargo destined for the United States; and\ndeploying missile defenses to defend the United States and its friends and allies.\nLibya's decision to disclose and dismantle its WMD programs is a product of the President's strategy that gives regimes a choice. They can choose to pursue WMD at great peril and cost, including international isolation. Or they can choose to renounce these weapons, take steps to rejoin the international community, and have its help in creating a better future for their citizens.\nThe Libya case also demonstrates the President's success in forging increased international cooperation to prevent the spread of WMD technology through his groundbreaking Proliferation Security Initiative, a broad international partnership to coordinate actions to interdict proliferation shipments of WMD and related materials and shut down proliferation networks and entities. Republicans applaud the support of more than 60 nations in this crucial multilateral effort to stop the trade in weapons of mass destruction and their related components.\nWe commend the President's leadership in expanding greatly the resources to prevent proliferation, including record-level U.S. and multilateral resources devoted to the Nunn-Lugar programs and other nonproliferation assistance, including that made available through the creation of the G-8 Global Partnership, which will provide $20 billion to this effort over 10 years. We hail the commitment of the other G-8 nations (the United Kingdom, Japan, Italy, Canada, Germany, France, and Russia) to this vital initiative, as well as commitments by other countries, including Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Australia.\nRepublicans share President Bush's understanding that in an age in which the enemies of civilization openly and actively seek the world's most destructive technologies, the United States cannot remain idle while dangers gather. We therefore believe that to forestall or prevent hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States must, if necessary, act preemptively.\nRepublicans recognize that our progress in the War on Terror has been achieved with the help of other responsible nations. We hail the strong and broad-based cooperation of America's allies in the War on Terror. We are grateful to the more than 30 nations with forces serving in Iraq, and the nearly 40 nations with forces serving in Afghanistan. In the fight against terror, America has asked our allies to do hard things. They have taken up these responsibilities in a spirit of solidarity that America should never forget.\nWe applaud President Bush for his success in mobilizing such international cooperation in the War on Terror, which the 9/11 Commission judges to be \"on a vastly enlarged scale\" and to have expanded dramatically since September 11, 2001.\nWe also question the credibility of our opponents, who claim to support global alliances while nominating a candidate who has insulted our allies by calling the nations fighting in Iraq \"window-dressing\" and referring to them as a \"coalition of the coerced and the bribed.\" Directing ugly rhetoric at America's allies in a time of war is irresponsible. It does not represent the gratitude and respect the vast majority of Americans have for the men and women from other nations who are risking their lives to make the world safer.\nRepublicans welcome the enlargement of NATO, which has strengthened history's most successful Alliance. The Atlantic Alliance has widened the circle of its friends, while also creating a new chapter in our relationship with Russia.\nUnder President Bush's leadership, the United States is working with responsible governments and international institutions to convince the leaders of North Korea and Iran that their nuclear weapons ambitions are deeply contrary to their own interests. With allies, America has launched the Broader Middle East Initiative, to encourage reform and democracy throughout the region, a project that will shape the history of our times for the better. Our nation is helping governments fight poverty and disease, so they do not become failed states and future havens for terror.\nStrengthening America's National Security Institutions\nThe major institutions of American national security were designed in a different era to meet different requirements. All of them are being transformed to meet the challenge of defending America in a new era. In this endeavor, America will rely – as always – on the character and skill of our citizens, especially the bravery, pride, and hard work of America's men and women in the military, our first responders, our diplomats, and our law enforcement and intelligence agents.\nThe freedom we enjoy also makes us vulnerable to attack. Since September 11, 2001, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, the Congress, and governors across the nation have taken significant steps to:\nstreamline the federal government to make it more effective at combating terrorism;\ntighten security at entry points like ports, airports, and borders;\nstrengthen protections at critical infrastructure landmarks such as power and water plants; and\nreduce the threats of bioterrorism and cyberterrorism.\nThrough all their actions, President Bush and Congress have been careful to protect the rights and liberties that make America a beacon of freedom and justice. The President and Congress have also provided unprecedented resources to support local first responders.\nThe men and women of the Department of Homeland Security, and the first responders at the state and local level with whom they have partnered, vigilantly safeguard the security of America each and every day. They have moved swiftly but thoughtfully to direct enhanced resources to counter the dangers of the new and shifting threats we face, and they have proved themselves equal to the task. The Republican Party salutes the work of the:\nCoast Guard in protecting our shores;\nCustoms and Border Patrol who police our borders;\nAir marshals and baggage screeners of the Transportation Security Administration in safeguarding our airports and our skies;\nImmigrations and Customs Enforcement in ensuring that the identity of foreign citizens who enter our borders is known;\nDirectorate of Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection and the Secret Service for partnering with private industry to protect millions of Americans by enhancing security at chemical plants and other critical infrastructure;\nFederal Bureau of Investigation in applying enhanced law enforcement tools provided by the PATRIOT Act to track down terrorists and thwart their plots before they can be executed to murderous effect;\nCenters for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health for their work in safeguarding the nation from biological attacks; and\nLaw enforcement officers, firefighters, EMS personnel, and other first responders in state and local jurisdictions throughout the country who have diligently employed increased federal resources to train and prepare for the prevention and mitigation of future terrorist attacks.\nThese dedicated men and women, the nation's last line of defense and first hope in response, give their utmost every day to keep us safe.\nDepartment of Homeland Security\nJust as the Cold War prompted a massive reorganization of the federal government's foreign policy apparatus, the War on Terror demanded a thorough reorganization of America's domestic preparedness agencies. President Bush led this effort with a plan to merge 22 separate government entities into the new Department of Homeland Security, a cohesive department with the primary mission of keeping America safe. After the American people returned control of the Senate to Republicans in the 2002 mid-term elections, Congress passed legislation enacting the President's plan. Further, to ensure that America's law enforcement, intelligence, and first responders have the resources they need to protect America, President Bush and Congress have nearly tripled homeland security funding since 2001.\nWe endorse the efforts of President Bush and Republicans in Congress to keep our homeland safe by taking action on multiple fronts, all aimed at stopping terrorists before they strike.\nThe FBI has been refocused to track down terrorists before they attack.\nThe Treasury Department is now leading the effort to find and eliminate sources of terrorist financing around the world. Since September 11, 2001, the United States and our allies have designated 345 terrorist-related entities and frozen more than $139 million in terrorist assets in more than 1,400 accounts worldwide.\nThe President signed into law the PATRIOT Act, which gives law enforcement and intelligence agents the same tools to fight terror that have long been available to fight organized crime and drug trafficking. The PATRIOT Act also made it possible for law enforcement and intelligence agents to share information and coordinate efforts to prevent terrorism. The 9/11 Commission rightly praised the PATRIOT Act's role in improving information sharing.\nSince the PATRIOT Act was passed, four terrorist cells have been broken up inside the United States and more than 189 individuals have been convicted or pled guilty to terrorism-related offenses.\nPresident Bush knows that America's firefighters, local law enforcement, and other first responders play a critical role in protecting the homeland. Hundreds of firefighters and police officers gave their lives to help their fellow citizens on September 11, 2001, and should another attack ever come, they will be first at the scene again. They must have the tools they need to perform their jobs as safely and effectively as possible. To this end, the President and Congress have massively increased spending for our nation's first responders. They have worked with governors, mayors, and tribal and local leaders to implement an integrated and federally supported approach to protecting communities.\nStates and localities have received more than $13 billion since 2001.\nAssistance to Firefighter Grants are up 400 percent since 2001.\nState Domestic Preparedness funding is up more than 2,600 percent since 2001. President Bush has taken steps to send money to the areas that are most at risk of terrorist attack, and instituted measures to speed the money to the first responders on the ground.\nAirports\nPresident Bush has overhauled and greatly enhanced security at the nation's airports. Our infrastructure to protect airplanes, passengers, crews, and cargo from terrorist acts has never been stronger than it is today. Cockpit doors have been hardened, more than 5,000 air marshals and 45,000 federal screeners have been hired, new screening technology has been developed, and 100 percent of commercial air passengers and checked bags are now screened. As tagging and tracking citizens is inconsistent with American freedom, we oppose the creation of a national identification card or system.\nPorts\nProposed funding for port security in 2005 represents a 600 percent increase since President Bush came to office. In addition, the Container Security Initiative ensures that:\nall cargo is now screened by customs agents;\nscreening takes place in foreign ports, well before potentially dangerous cargo ever reaches our shores; and\nall high-risk cargo is physically inspected.\nBorder Security\nOur nation has been enriched by immigrants seeking a better life. In many cases, immigrants of the past fled violence and oppression searching for peace and freedom. All suffered and sacrificed but hoped for a better future for their children in America. Our nation has been enriched by their determination, energy, and diversity.\nEnsuring the integrity of our borders is vital to ensuring the safety of our citizens. We must know the identity of all visitors who enter the United States, and we must know when they leave. The US-VISIT system, which uses biometric data to better track the entry and exit of foreign travelers, has been implemented at more than 115 airports and is presently being implemented at land border crossings. Reconnaissance cameras, border patrol agents, and unmanned aerial flights have all been increased at our borders.\nWe must strengthen our Border Patrol to stop illegal crossings, and we will equip the Border Patrol with the tools, technologies, structures, and sufficient force necessary to secure the border. We will seek stiff penalties for those who smuggle illegal aliens into the country and for those who sell fraudulent documents. We urge continued support for state, local, and federal law enforcement to work in a cohesive manner in securing our borders to prevent illegal entry.\nCritical Infrastructure\n\nBioterrorism\n\nincrease the federal bioterrorism budget by more than 1,600 percent, from $294 million in 2001 to $5.2 billion in 2004;\nexpand bioterror research by an even greater margin, from $53 million in 2001 to $1.7 billion in 2005, an increase of more than 3,100 percent;\nincrease the size of the Strategic National Stockpile of vaccines and countermeasures by 50 percent since 2001; and\nfurther secure more than $5.5 billion to enhance the stockpile and to encourage the development of new vaccines and countermeasures.\nAlthough there is no such thing as perfect safety from biological attacks, President Bush's historic commitment to building up the biological defenses of the United States has made us far less vulnerable to the threat of bioterrorism than we were just three years ago. The President's continuing commitment to implement further biodefense projects holds the promise of an even more secure future.\nCoast Guard\n\n– a performance that demonstrated the Coast Guard's vital contribution to homeland security. We applaud the men and women of the Coast Guard for rising to meet new challenges, even as they continue to accomplish traditional missions such as search and rescue, navigation assistance, drug interdiction, fisheries enforcement, and environmental protection. We also applaud the Coast Guard men and women who serve and have served in the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean in Operation Iraqi Freedom.\nUnder the leadership of President Bush and the Republican Congress, our nation has significantly increased budget support for the Coast Guard to achieve its expanded mission. We affirm the importance of continued strong support, including for efforts to recapitalize and enlarge the Coast Guard's fleet, a critical component of our overall national fleet. This should not be done at the expense of or by in any way reducing the\nU.S. Navy's shipbuilding program. Our nation asks much of the men and women of the Coast Guard – uniformed warfighters who serve on the front line of the War on Terror. We applaud the President and the Republican Congress for ensuring that the service has the resources needed to accomplish its expanded mission.\nDiplomacy\n\nhelp establish stable and democratic governments in nations such as Afghanistan and Iraq that once supported terrorism;\nsupport front-line states and coalition partners;\ndeepen counterterrorism, intelligence, and law enforcement cooperation with allies and friends; and\nenergetically promote democracy, especially in the Broader Middle East.\nIn all of these areas and more, the professionals of America's foreign affairs agencies serve at the front line of advancing U.S. national interests and values. We salute their strong record of achievement during this consequential era of American foreign policy and support the efforts of President Bush and the Republican Congress to provide the Department of State funding sufficient to ensure the continued success of American diplomacy.\nIntelligence\n\nThe dedicated, hardworking men and women of our intelligence community are laboring every day to keep our country safe. Republicans are proud of their work and grateful for their service. America's intelligence professionals have been pivotal to the major successes in the War on Terror – disrupting multiple planned terrorist attacks around the world, continuing to expand our insight into terrorist organizations and plans, and greatly enhancing working relationships with foreign partners.\nWorking together, the President and the Republican Congress have steadfastly advanced toward the goal of an integrated, unified national intelligence effort. They have taken important steps to expand and strengthen America's intelligence system and capabilities, including reversing devastating cuts in the intelligence community budget and closing dangerous gaps between counterterrorism intelligence collected abroad and at home by creating the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and consolidating all U.S. government watchlist information on suspected terrorists in the new Terrorist Screening Center. They have also broken down the unnecessary \"wall\" between intelligence and law enforcement with the PATRIOT Act. Because it has proved to be instrumental in helping to break up terror cells and plots and seizing terrorist assets, Republicans believe that Congress needs to reauthorize this important law.\nWe applaud President Bush's continued strong leadership in intelligence reform. We share the guiding principles for reform that President Bush has laid out, including:\nincreasing both the quality and quantity of human intelligence collection to disrupt terrorist attacks;\ninvesting more in our technical intelligence capabilities so that we stay ahead of our enemies' changing communications technology and tactics; and\nensuring the most effective and coordinated use of these resources and personnel.\nIt is essential that the people in government responsible for defending America and countering terrorism have the best possible information to make the best decisions about the safety of our country. We therefore support President Bush's request to Congress to create the position of a National Intelligence Director to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. The National Intelligence Director will serve as the President's principal intelligence advisor and will oversee the foreign and domestic activities of the intelligence community.\nWe also support President Bush's plan to establish a National Counterterrorism Center that will build on the analytical work of the Terrorist Threat Integration Center and become our government's knowledge bank for information about known and suspected terrorists. The new center will coordinate and monitor counterterrorism plans and activities of all government agencies and departments to ensure effective joint action, and to ensure that our efforts are unified in priority and purpose. The center will also be responsible for preparing the daily terrorism threat report for the President and senior officials.\nWe also support President Bush's judgment that legislative oversight of intelligence and homeland security must be restructured and made more effective. Currently there are too many committees with overlapping jurisdiction, which wastes time and makes it difficult for meaningful oversight and reform.\nHonoring and Supporting Our Armed Forces\nAmerica's men and women in uniform are currently on the front lines of the War on Terror. In the midst of a global struggle, the armed services continue to meet their goals for new recruits and retentions, and every American is grateful for the patriotism and honor of these soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Republicans hail their historic achievements since September 11, 2001 – especially the removal of the repressive regimes of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. Their victories on the battlefield have not only made America safer but are making way for new governments in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are paving the way for societies that are free.\nWith the support of the Republican Congress, President Bush has consistently built defense strength. Defense spending has only been higher twice since World War II – during the Korean War and at the peak of the Cold War buildup. These long-overdue budget increases help fulfill the President's commitments and ensure a fighting force that is second to none.\nIn 2000, the President promised to provide members of the Armed Forces \"better pay, better treatment, and better training.\" He has fulfilled that promise to our troops.\nSupported by the Republican Congress, President Bush has increased basic pay by nearly 21 percent. Many servicemembers have seen much more than that. The increase in basic salary and payments for food and housing has reached nearly 30 percent. We hail those much-deserved increases, as well as the action of the President and the Republican Congress in this year's Defense Appropriations Act to fund permanent increases for the Family Separation Allowance and Imminent Danger Pay.\nUntil the mid-1990s, servicemembers who lived off-base were expected to pay for 15 percent of their housing costs. In reality, this cost grew to almost 20 percent. Republicans applaud the leadership of the President and the Republican Congress for making sure that by the end of 2005, out-of-pocket expenses will be eliminated, meaning that the average servicemember who lives off-base will have all basic housing costs covered.\nPresident Bush and the Republican Congress have also increased funds for defense health programs, including improving medical services for Ready Reserve members and their families.\nThe men and women of the National Guard and Reserve are an important part of the nation's military readiness, and we will maintain their strength in the states. Their role as citizen soldiers must continue to be a proud tradition that links every community in the country with the cause of national security. We affirm traditional military culture, and we affirm that homosexuality is incompatible with military service. The Republican Party created the all-volunteer force and opposes reinstitution of the draft, whether directly or through compulsory national service. We support the advancement of women in the military, support their exemption from ground combat units, and support the implementation of the recommendations of the Kassebaum Commission, which unanimously recommended that co-ed basic training be ended. We support sound priorities in the making of personnel policies, and candid analysis of the consequences of unprecedented social changes in the military.\nAs the traditional advocate of America's veterans, the Republican Party has continued to fulfill America's obligations to them. When President Bush took office, many of the programs designed to assist veterans cried out for modernization and reform. President Bush and Congress have increased funding for VA health care by more than 40 percent since 2001. This additional funding has made it possible for the VA to improve health care access for veterans who need it most, including low-income veterans, those with service-related disabilities, and those who need VA's specialized services. President Bush signed into law authorization for the concurrent receipt of both military retired pay and VA disability compensation for combat-injured and highly-disabled veterans. We support these actions to keep faith with America's veterans and applaud President Bush and the Republican Congress for attending to the solemn duty of maintaining and expanding our national cemeteries.\nIn promising \"better training,\" the President committed to strengthen the military readiness of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Since taking office, the President has added billions to operations and maintenance accounts to make good on this promise. This investment is paying off as critical readiness indicators are improving. However, the real proof of military readiness is combat performance. Our combined military forces have demonstrated overwhelming combat effectiveness in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in other operations around the world. The readiness of U.S. Armed Forces to carry out combat operations anywhere in the world is now unparalleled.\nThe vast majority of Americans agree that when our troops are engaged in battle, we have a responsibility to provide everything they need to complete their mission. It is irresponsible for public officials to support sending Americans into battle and then reject the funding they need for such things as ammunition, body armor, and better health care for their dependents. We call to account the Democratic nominees for President and Vice President, both of whom voted to authorize war in Iraq then later rejected legislation to provide $87 billion in critical supplies and benefits for servicemembers and their families. Earlier this year, Senator Kerry claimed to have \"voted for the $87 billion before [he voted against it.\" Recently he said he was \"proud\" of his vote against supporting our troops. And in yet another attempt to explain his irresponsible vote, Senator Kerry claimed his decision was \"complicated.\" Republicans affirm that there is nothing complicated about supporting soldiers in battle. America's Commander in Chief must always support the men and women on the frontlines, and we applaud President Bush for his steadfast support of our military.\nPresident Bush also fulfilled his promise to begin transforming how our nation organizes and equips itself to fight 21st Century adversaries. Leveraging rapidly changing technology with flexible organizations and adaptable doctrine, the President and the Republican Congress have led the transformation of the U.S. military to become lighter, faster, and more lethal. To support the President's transformational goals, the Administration has worked with the Republican Congress to:\ndouble investment in missile defense systems to put America on track to field an operational system in 2004;\ndramatically increase R&D investments;\ncommit a significant amount of the procurement budget to transformation; and\npursue transformational programs across the services such as the Army's Future Combat System, the Navy's conversion of ballistic missile submarines to guided missile submarines, and the Air Force's unmanned combat aerial vehicles.\nIn December 2002, President Bush directed the deployment of a missile defense system to protect the United States from the threat of long-range missiles with the ability to deliver weapons of mass destruction. The 2005 Defense Appropriations Act provides $10 billion for systems to defend against the threat from ballistic missiles. Later this year, the first components of America's missile defense system will become operational. This will fulfill a pledge that President Bush made to the American people more than four years ago. America and our allies face a deadly threat from ballistic missiles armed with the world's most dangerous weapons. Republicans affirm that America must deploy the technologies necessary to protect our people.\nRepublicans applaud President Bush's announcement of the most comprehensive restructuring of U.S. military forces overseas since the end of the Korean War. By closing bases overseas that are no longer needed to meet Cold War threats that have ended, his new initiative will bring home many Cold War-era forces while deploying more flexible and rapidly deployable capabilities in strategic locations around the world. The plan will make America safer by better preparing our military to address the new dangers associated with rogue nations, global terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction. It will also give our servicemembers more time on the home front and fewer moves over a career. It will give military spouses fewer job changes and offer greater stability for their families. It will save the taxpayers money by closing hundreds of unneeded facilities around the world.\nRepublicans know that workers in the defense industry and broader civilian sector\n– including manufacturing workers, engineers, scientists, and farmers – who supply our Armed Forces with cutting-edge weapons, combat materiel, and sustenance are also vital to the success of our troops on the battlefield. We hail their indispensable contributions to victory in the War on Terror.\nBuilding a Better World Based on Democratic Governments, Free Markets, and International Compassion\n\nThe events of September 11, 2001, taught us that weak states, like Afghanistan, can pose as great a danger to our national interests as strong states. Poverty does not make poor people into terrorists and murderers. Yet poverty, weak institutions, and corruption can make weak states vulnerable to terrorist networks and drug cartels within their borders.\nRepublicans believe that a world where some live in comfort and plenty, while half of the human race lives on less than $2 a day, is neither just nor stable. We applaud President Bush and the Republican Congress for their leadership and moral clarity in making the inclusion of all of the world's poor in an expanding circle of development – and opportunity – one of the top priorities of U.S. international policy.\nDecades of massive development assistance have failed to spur economic growth in the poorest countries. Worse, development aid has often served to prop up failed policies, relieving the pressure for reform and perpetuating misery. Results of aid are typically measured in dollars spent by donors, not in the rates of growth and poverty reduction achieved by recipients. These are the indicators of a failed strategy.\nWorking with other nations, and under the leadership of President Bush and the Republican Congress, the United States has confronted this failure. President Bush helped to forge a new consensus at the United Nations Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey that the objectives of assistance – and the strategies to achieve those objectives – must change.\nRepublicans support the President's goal to help unleash the productive potential of individuals in all nations. Sustained growth and poverty reduction are impossible without the right national policies. Where governments have implemented real policy changes, we will provide significant new levels of assistance. The United States and other developed countries should set an ambitious and specific target: to double the size of the world's poorest economies within a decade.\nWe endorse the strategies that the United States is pursuing to achieve this goal, including:\nproviding resources through the Millennium Challenge Account to aid countries that have met the challenge of reform;\nimproving the effectiveness of the World Bank and other development banks in raising living standards;\ninsisting upon measurable results to ensure that development assistance is actually making a difference in the lives of the world's poor;\nincreasing the amount of development assistance that is provided in the form of grants instead of loans; • opening societies to commerce and investment;\nenhancing public health in countries afflicted by epidemics and pandemics like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis;\nemphasizing education, literacy, and learning as the foundation of democracy and development; and\ncontinuing to aid agricultural development.\nRepublicans know that a strong world economy enhances our national security by advancing prosperity and freedom in the rest of the world. Economic growth supported by free trade and free markets creates new jobs and higher incomes. It allows people to lift their lives out of poverty, spurs economic and legal reform, enhances the fight against corruption, and reinforces the habits of liberty.\nUnder Republican leadership, the United States has fostered an environment of economic openness to capitalize on our country's greatest asset in the information age: a vital, innovative society that welcomes creative ideas and adapts to them. American companies continue to show the world innovative ways to improve productivity and redraw traditional business models. Upon this extraordinary foundation, President Bush and the Republican Congress have rebuilt an effective American trade policy. Rooted in America's political and economic ideals, the Republican blueprint they have implemented promotes open markets and open societies, free trade and the free flow of information, and the development of new ideas and private sectors. This self-sustaining economic and commercial progress has nurtured the human spirit, the middle class, law, and liberty.\nRepublicans applaud the renewal of the executive-Congressional partnership on trade matters under Republican leadership. After a gap of eight years, the Administration reestablished majority support in the Congress for free and fair trade by passing Trade Promotion Authority and the other market-opening measures for developing countries in the Trade Act of 2002.\nWe commend the strong record of President Bush and the Republican Congress in using their authority to promote economic growth and economic freedom beyond America's shores, especially through free trade initiatives. We support the Administration's comprehensive strategy to promote free trade, exemplified by the launch of the Doha negotiation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), regional and sub-regional initiatives such as the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, and the Middle East Free Trade Area, extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and the conclusion of bilateral free trade agreements with nations such as Australia, Morocco, Chile, and Singapore.\nWe hail the strong record of President Bush and the Republican Congress in:\ncompleting agreements with 12 countries, and currently negotiating with 10 other nations, to reduce trade barriers – together, these 22 nations represent America's third largest export market, with economies totaling $2.5 trillion in purchasing power;\nenforcing trade agreements and laws against unfair practices, including staunch opposition to regulations that impede farm exports and improved agriculture; • opposing unfair manipulation of currency rates by U.S. trading partners; and\ntaking timely action to help domestic industries and workers adjust to foreign competition, including through safeguard actions in support of America's manufacturing sector and trade adjustment assistance for workers;\nincorporating appropriate labor and environmental concerns into U.S. trade negotiations, promoting mutually supportive trade and environmental policies and agreements; and\nusing the International Labor Organization, trade preference programs, and trade talks to improve working conditions in conjunction with freer trade.\nWe recognize that there is a fundamental connection between trade and development. Trade policies can help developing countries strengthen property rights, competition, the rule of law, investment, the spread of knowledge, open societies, the efficient allocation of resources, and regional integration – all leading to growth, opportunity, and confidence in developing countries. We therefore welcome the Republican-led reauthorization in the Trade Act of 2002 of preference programs with the nations of the Caribbean and Andean regions.\nSteady American Leadership in the World\n\nInternational Institutions\n\nThe United Nations can provide a valuable forum for nations to peacefully resolve their differences, and it can help monitor international agreements and organize international humanitarian assistance. Under Republican leadership, the United States will pay a fair, not disproportionate, share of dues to the United Nations, which must continue to reform its management and take steps to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse. All funds that the U.S. contributes for operations, conferences, and peacekeeping should count against these dues.\nWe hail the actions of President Bush and the Republican Congress to ensure that our nation's efforts to meet our global security commitments and protect Americans are not impaired by the potential for investigations, inquiry, or prosecution by the International Criminal Court, whose jurisdiction we do not accept as extending to Americans. We support full implementation of the American Servicemembers Protection Act, whose provisions are intended to ensure and enhance the protection of U.S. personnel and officials.\nWe applaud President Bush and the Republican Congress for working to end the unacceptable discrimination against Israel at the United Nations, by that institution's denying committee assignments to Israel. We welcome Israel's membership in the Western European and Others Group at the United Nations headquarters and urge its full acceptance at other United Nations venues. We support adoption of bipartisan legislation to withhold the annual headquarters contribution made by the U.S. Department of State to the International Committee of the Red Cross if Magen David Adom is not given the opportunity to participate fully in the activities of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.\nRepublicans continue to oppose the ideological campaign against participation by the Vatican in United Nations conferences and other activities. The United Nations was created to benefit all peoples and nations, not to promote a radical agenda of social engineering. Any effort to address global social problems must be firmly placed within a context of respect for the fundamental social institutions of marriage and family. We reject any treaty or convention that would contradict these values. For that reason, we support protecting the rights of families in international programs and oppose funding organizations involved in abortion.\nRepublicans support the leadership of President Bush and Vice President Cheney in speaking out honestly about violations of the nonnegotiable demands of human dignity using our voice and vote in international institutions to advance freedom. Worldwide, at least 600,000 to 800,000 human beings are trafficked across international borders each year. Of those, it is believed that more than 80 percent are women and girls, and that 70 percent of them were forced into sexual servitude. We applaud the President for his efforts to rally the international community, including at the United Nations, in combating human trafficking, for his call to the nations of the world to pass laws criminalizing these abhorrent practices, and for working with Republicans in Congress to provide the funds necessary to combat trafficking on the international level. We also praise President Bush for his efforts at home, where he has tripled the number of traffickers criminally charged and doubled the number of convictions, while supporting the good work of organizations that are rescuing women and children from exploitation.\nNeighborhood of the Americas\n\nWe praise President Bush's strong record of serious and sustained attention to the American neighborhood and coalition-building with countries such as Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia that share our democratic priorities.\nUnder President Bush's leadership, the United States and Mexico have developed a historic level of trust and mutual respect. Strengthened by common values and purposes, this relationship has provided an unprecedented degree of bilateral cooperation. Republicans believe that it is a high national priority for America to continue building on that cooperation with Mexico over the coming years to ensure safe, orderly, and legal migration flows; further reduce the cost of remittances; expand access to credit for small business entrepreneurs; and further strengthen bilateral ties in education, civil society, housing, agriculture, infrastructure, communications, and information technologies. Republicans also recognize that as a respected voice in the region, Mexico will continue to be a vital partner in supporting democracy throughout the hemisphere, as demonstrated by Mexico's contributions to regional and multilateral approaches in Bolivia and Venezuela.\nSince the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the United States has received excellent cooperation from our hemispheric partners to combat terror in North America. In particular, our longstanding allies Canada and Mexico have been steadfast partners in joint efforts to enhance border security, while ensuring that the swift pace of legal movement of people and goods along our land borders is maintained.\nRepublicans applaud Canada's contributions to the War on Terror, not only as a partner in the Americas but as a steadfast transatlantic ally, including in deployments during Operation Enduring Freedom and in the current NATO-led operation in Afghanistan. We also appreciate the continuing participation of El Salvador in the multinational force in Iraq, as well as the past contributions of the Dominican Republic and Honduras in support of the goal of stability and democracy for the Iraqi people.\nRepublicans support the leadership of the President and the Republican Congress to advance prosperity throughout the Americas through free trade. We applaud the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement implemented by the Bush Administration – the first such agreement with a South American nation in U.S. history. We also applaud President Bush's conclusion of a free trade agreement with six countries in our neighborhood – Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. We support the President's goal of negotiating free trade agreements with Panama and the Andean nations. These initiatives complement the goal of achieving a genuine, comprehensive free trade area in the hemisphere. As Republicans, we believe that the Free Trade Area of the Americas is the best route to achieving that goal.\nOur Party believes that the United States must continue to support the democracies of South America with strong economic and security assistance. We therefore endorse the increased support that the President and the Republican Congress have provided to Colombia in the fight against narco-terrorists, in the eradication of coca and poppy crops, and in the interdiction of illicit drugs and the extradition of criminals. We also support the Bush Administration's active strategy to help the Andean nations adjust their economies, enforce their laws, defeat terrorist organizations, and cut off the supply of illegal drugs.\nWe share President Bush's commitment to strengthening the region's democratic institutions by working with leaders in the region to promote good governance and combat corruption. We applaud the Administration's work with regional institutions, such as the Summit of the Americas process, the Organization of American States, and the Defense Ministerial of the Americas. Republicans support the Bush Administration's efforts to achieve a peaceful, democratic, constitutional, and electoral solution to Venezuela's political crisis.\nThe Castro regime is an anachronism in a region where democracy and open markets prevail. The current political and economic crisis in Cuba reflects four decades of Castro's failed policies. The Cuban government rightfully remains on the State Department's Terrorist List due to its continued support for terrorism, including the harboring of fugitives from justice wanted in the United States for terrorism-related offenses. The Castro regime continues to pursue policies of Marxist-Leninist dictatorship, police state tactics, and total economic control. Because of these policies, the Castro regime remains hostile to America's interests and values.\nAs Republicans, we support President Bush's principled position that the current embargo on trade with, and restrictions on travel to, Cuba must remain in place as along as the Cuban government refuses to hold free and fair elections, ease its stranglehold on private enterprise, and allow the Cuban people to organize, assemble, and speak freely.\nRepublicans understand that the Castro regime will not change by its own choice. But Cuba must change. That is why we support President Bush's decision to provide additional resources for:\ndemocracy-building activities in Cuba, support for the family members of the political opposition, and support for efforts to help youth, women, and Afro-Cubans take their rightful place in the pro-democracy movement;\nregular airborne broadcasts to Cuba and the purchase of a dedicated airborne platform for the transmission of Radio and Television Martí into Cuba; and\npublic diplomacy efforts to disseminate information abroad about Castro's record of abusing human rights, harboring terrorists, committing espionage against other countries, and fomenting subversion of democratically elected governments in Latin America.\nRepublicans applaud the work of the President's Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, which identified measures to help the Cuban people bring to an end the Castro dictatorship and provided a plan for agile, effective, and decisive assistance to the people of Cuba when they have finally achieved freedom and democracy. We support the Commission's recommendations, which include:\ndenying resources and legitimacy to the Castro regime by eliminating abuses of educational travel programs;\ncountering the regime's manipulation of our humanitarian policies by limiting recipients of remittances and gift parcels to immediate family members; and\nlimiting family visits to Cuba to immediate family.\nRepublicans also support efforts to increase the number of new migrants admitted from Cuba through a safe, legal, and orderly process and believe that the United States should adhere to the principles established by the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act, which recognizes the rights of Cuban refugees fleeing communist tyranny.\nRepublicans applaud the strong support President Bush has demonstrated for the people of Haiti and agree that it is essential that Haiti have a hopeful future. We support the President's leadership of multilateral efforts to bring order and stability to Haiti and assist the Haitian people in achieving a democratic and constitutional government. American troops and their partners in the initial stabilization force from France, Canada, and Chile responded swiftly and humanely to the needs of the Haitian people. We applaud the contributions of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Canada, Spain, and other nations to the current peacekeeping force, as well as financial pledges from the international community to provide economic and humanitarian assistance to the Haitian people.\nAfrica\n\nWe applaud the President's leadership in establishing an unprecedented level of engagement with Africa, exemplified by the high priority placed on dialogue between the President and his African counterparts and supported by historic initiatives such as the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA), the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, and the African Education Initiative. We further commend President Bush for visiting South Africa, Nigeria, Senegal, Botswana, and Uganda last year – the first Republican President to do so.\nRepublicans believe that South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia are leaders for regional engagement and require focused attention. We applaud the President and the Republican Congress for deepening American engagement with those nations. Republicans also applaud increased support for African nations that have chosen the path of economic, political, and social reform and are therefore eligible for funding from the MCA: Senegal, Ghana, Benin, Cape Verde, Mali, Mozambique, Madagascar, and Lesotho. We believe that to be effective, development aid requires pro-growth policies and strong reforms in the nations that receive aid. We endorse the MCA's direction of resources to countries with governments that rule justly, root out corruption, encourage entrepreneurship, and invest in the health and education of their people.\nRepublicans also applaud the strong record of President Bush and the Republican Congress in promoting development and economic growth in Africa as a means to eradicating poverty and encouraging the habits of freedom and enterprise. The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is bringing hundreds of thousands of jobs and investment opportunity to sub-Saharan Africa. Under President Bush's leadership, Congress has extended AGOA beyond 2008 – an achievement that will help give businesses the confidence to make long-term investments in Africa. Republicans believe that the United States must continue to work to complete a free trade agreement with the nations of the Southern African Customs Union to create new opportunities for farmers and workers and entrepreneurs all across Africa. We also applaud the efforts of the Bush Administration to strengthen and broaden capital markets on the continent. With the ability to borrow money to buy homes and to start businesses, more Africans will have the tools to achieve their dreams.\nRepublicans also commend President Bush and the Republican Congress for helping to provide Africa's children with the advantages of literacy and basic education through the Africa Education Initiative. This important initiative will provide teacher training, textbooks, and scholarships for girls to improve primary education on the continent.\nMany of Africa's leaders are committed to the spread of democratic institutions and democratic values throughout their continent. Yet those institutions and values are threatened in some parts of Africa by terrorism, chaos, and civil war. To extend liberty in Africa, we must help African leaders who seek to achieve security and peace on the continent.\nRepublicans believe that together with our allies and friends, America must help strengthen Africa's fragile states, help build indigenous capability to secure porous borders, and help build up the law enforcement and intelligence infrastructures to deny havens for terrorists. An ever more lethal environment exists in Africa as local civil wars spread beyond borders to create regional war zones. Forming coalitions and cooperative security arrangements is key to confronting these emerging transnational threats.\nWe welcome President Bush's leadership in the establishment of a consensus among the G-8 nations to support peacekeeping capabilities among the nations of Africa, so that they may more effectively prevent and resolve violent conflict on the continent.\nRepublicans applaud President Bush's strong record of promoting regional peace and stability and helping to end conflict and war on the continent. Working in concert with allies, friends, and international institutions, the Bush Administration has helped achieve progress toward resolving conflicts in Liberia, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, and Sudan.\nWe applaud the efforts of the Bush Administration in working closely with the Government of Sudan and the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement to bring peace to Sudan. Sudan's civil war is one of the worst humanitarian tragedies of our time, responsible for the deaths of two million people over two decades. Achieving peace, and concluding a just and comprehensive agreement, must be an urgent priority for both sides in Sudan. President Bush has made peace in Sudan a top priority of his foreign policy, including the appointment of a Special Envoy to facilitate discussions and the signing of the Sudan Peace Act. The President's commitment has paved the way for significant progress and we welcome continued movement this year toward a comprehensive peace agreement that will put an end to 20 years of conflict in southern Sudan.\nWe commend the efforts of the President and the Republican Congress to help the people of Darfur, in western Sudan. Brutal militias there are causing human suffering on an immense scale. American assistance has been provided for famine relief, assistance for refugees, and other humanitarian aid. Yet no amount of aid can substitute for true and lasting peace. The Government of Sudan must stop the violence of Janjaweed militias, and all parties must respect the cease-fire and allow the free movement of humanitarian workers and supplies. We continue to hope for peace for the people of Sudan and for normalization of relations between Sudan and the United States. However, the Government of Sudan must not remain complicit in the brutalization of Darfur.\nRepublicans deplore the Government of Zimbabwe's refusal to adhere to the rule of law. The Bush Administration has rightly condemned the Government of Zimbabwe's assaults against human rights. We support the President's decision to suspend non-humanitarian aid and impose targeted sanctions on the Zimbabwean regime and its supporters.\nRepublicans recognize that several African governments face particular dangers from terrorists, including in East Africa. The Bush Administration is working closely with those nations to fight terror, and the Republican Congress has expanded efforts to help governments in East Africa protect their people and to fight terrorist networks. We will not allow terrorists to threaten African peoples, or to use Africa as a base to threaten the world. We hail the continuing cooperation of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Uganda, Tanzania, and other African nations in the War on Terror.\nRepublicans are proud of President Bush's historic leadership that has placed America at the forefront of helping the people of Africa, their governments, and private groups combat the catastrophic HIV/AIDS pandemic. We hail the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, a five-year, $15 billion initiative, strongly backed by the Congress, to turn the tide against HIV/AIDS in the most afflicted nations of Africa and the Caribbean. By undertaking a comprehensive approach to the pandemic that involves education, abstinence, prevention, testing, treatment, and care – including advanced antiretroviral drugs – the President's groundbreaking initiative follows in the finest American tradition of harnessing the power of human technology in the service of human compassion. We also applaud other major steps by President Bush and the Republican Congress to make fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic a priority of U.S. foreign policy, including America's contribution to the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and other initiatives.\nThe United States is leading the world by example and the global community can\n– and must – do more to halt the advance of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. We applaud the numerous African, American, and other international private organizations – including faith-based groups, hospitals, medical schools, corporations, and philanthropies – that are helping the people of Africa as they fight HIV/AIDS with courage. The progress we are already seeing in parts of Africa is proof that HIV/AIDS can be defeated.\nAcross the Pacific\n\nPresident Bush has demonstrated a clear commitment to the region, and Republicans recognize that under his leadership, alliance relations in Asia have never been better. In every major security issue of our time – including counterterrorism, nonproliferation, Iraq, and North Korea – our allies in Asia are providing unprecedented cooperation. The Republican Party hails the brave and energetic response of America's allies in the Asia-Pacific region in the wake of the September 11th attacks.\nAustralia invoked the ANZUS Treaty to declare that the September 11th attacks were attacks on Australia itself, following that historic decision with the dispatch of some of the world's finest combat forces for Operation Enduring Freedom.\nJapan and the Republic of Korea provided unprecedented levels of military logistical support within weeks of the terrorist attacks.\nAmerica has deepened cooperation on counterterrorism with our alliance partners in Thailand and the Philippines and received invaluable assistance from close friends like Singapore and New Zealand.\nRepublicans also applaud Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and other nations in the Asia-Pacific region for their contributions to the multinational effort to achieve security and democracy for the Iraqi people.\nJapan is a key partner of the United States and the U.S.-Japan alliance is an important foundation of peace, stability, security, and prosperity in Asia. America supports an economically vibrant and open Japan that serves as an engine of expanding prosperity and trade in the Asia-Pacific region. Republicans support an American policy in the Asia-Pacific region that looks to Japan to continue forging a leading role in regional and global affairs based on our common interests, our common values, and our close defense and diplomatic cooperation.\nThe Republic of Korea is a valued democratic ally of the United States. Our two nations are maintaining vigilance toward North Korea while preparing our alliance to make contributions to the broader stability of the region over the longer term. In concert with America's allies South Korea and Japan, and supported by China and Russia, our nation is leading the international community to speak with one voice to demand the complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantlement of North Korea's nuclear programs. Republicans support the Bush Administration's efforts to protect the peace on the Korean peninsula. North Korea lies outside of the international system. Americans have shed their blood to stop North Korean aggression before and remain prepared to resist aggression today.\nAfter fighting together in both world wars, the United States forged a formal alliance with Australia. Australians have stood shoulder to shoulder with Americans in every major conflict since – Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf War, and now Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Republicans hail the signing into law of the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement and look forward to building on more than 50 years of alliance cooperation to resolve regional and global problems.\nAmerican ties to the Philippines have been close for more than a hundred years. We Republicans have supported the victory of Filipino democracy and cherish our continuing friendship with this great nation and its people who have been by our side in war and in peace.\nUnder President Bush's leadership, the United States has undertaken an historic transformation in its bilateral relationship with India, based upon his conviction that U.S. interests require a strong relationship between the world's largest democracies. Since 2001, the United States has started with a view of India as a growing world power with which we have common security interests and a shared, fundamental commitment to political freedom and representative government. Through a strong partnership with India, we can best address any differences and shape a dynamic future. The prospects for that partnership were further enhanced by the announcement this January of the \"Next Steps in Strategic Partnership\" between the United States and India, a new effort to further deepen and accelerate cooperation between our two nations.\nRepublicans applaud India's move toward greater economic freedom. We hold a common interest in the free flow of commerce, including through the vital sea lanes of the Indian Ocean. Bilateral trade between the U.S. and India increased from $15.9 billion in 2002 to nearly $18 billion in 2003, with U.S. exports to India increasing by 22 percent, the largest increase ever. Finally, we share the commitment to fighting terrorism and creating a strategically stable Asia.\nRepublicans support President Bush's view that America must maintain forces in the Asia-Pacific region that reflect our commitments to our allies, our security requirements, our technological advances, and the strategic environment. America will also build on stability provided by our Asian alliances, as well as with institutions such as ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, to develop a mix of regional and bilateral strategies to advance progress and deepen our ties to the peoples of this region.\nRepublicans applaud President Bush for his leadership in dramatically refashioning America's relationship with Pakistan. The United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror. We endorse continued American support for Pakistan's security, economic, and social programs.\nRepublicans believe that America's relationship with China is an important part of our strategy to promote a stable, peaceful, and prosperous Asia-Pacific region. We welcome the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China. The democratic development of China is crucial to that future. Yet, a quarter-century after beginning the process of shedding the worst features of the Communist legacy, China's leaders have not yet made the next series of fundamental choices about the character of their state. In pursuing advanced military capabilities that can threaten its neighbors in the Asia-Pacific region, China is following an outdated path that, in the end, will hamper its own pursuit of national greatness. In time, China will find that social and political freedoms are the only source of that greatness.\nUnder President Bush's leadership, the United States has sought a constructive relationship with a changing China. Our two nations have cooperated well where our interests overlap, including the current War on Terror and in promoting stability on the Korean peninsula. Likewise, we have coordinated on the future of Afghanistan and have initiated a comprehensive dialogue on counterterrorism. Shared health and environmental threats, such as the threat of HIV/AIDS, SARS, and other infectious diseases, challenge us to promote jointly the welfare of our citizens.\nAddressing these transnational threats will challenge China to become more open with information, promote the development of civil society, enhance individual human rights, and end suppression of the media. To make that nation accountable to its citizens' needs and aspirations, much work remains to be done. Only by allowing the Chinese people to think, speak, assemble, and worship freely can China reach its full potential. China has discovered that economic freedom leads to national wealth. China's leaders will also discover that freedom is indivisible – that social and religious freedoms are also essential to national greatness and national dignity. Eventually, men and women who are allowed to control their own wealth will insist on controlling their own lives and their own country.\nOur important bilateral trade relationship has benefited from China's entry into the World Trade Organization, creating export opportunities and jobs for American farmers, workers, and companies. The power of market principles and the WTO's requirements for transparency and accountability have bolstered openness and the rule of law in China. Republicans support the commitment of President Bush and Republicans in Congress to ensure that China fulfills its WTO obligations.\nThere are, however, other areas in which we have profound disagreements, including human rights, China's observance of its nonproliferation commitments, and America's commitment to the self-defense of Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act.\nWe support President Bush's efforts to narrow differences where they exist but not to allow them to preclude cooperation where there is agreement.\nThe United States government's policy is that there is one China, as reflected in the three communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act. America opposes any unilateral decision by either China or Taiwan to change the status quo. Republicans recognize that America's policy is based on the principle that there must be no use of force by China against Taiwan. We deny the right of Beijing to impose its rule on the free Taiwanese people. All issues regarding Taiwan's future must be resolved peacefully and must be agreeable to the people of Taiwan. If China violates these principles and attacks Taiwan, then the United States will respond appropriately in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act. America will help Taiwan defend itself.\nRepublicans applaud President Bush and the Republican Congress for honoring our nation's promises to the people of Taiwan, a longstanding friend of the United States and a genuine democracy. Taiwan deserves America's strong support, including the timely sale of defensive arms to enhance Taiwan's security. In recognition of its growing importance in the global economy, Republicans applaud Taiwan's membership in the World Trade Organization and support its participation in the World Health Organization and other multilateral institutions.\nAmerica's relations with Vietnam are still overshadowed by two grave concerns. The first is uncertainty concerning the Americans who became prisoners of war or were missing in action. Republicans commend President Bush for enhancing efforts to obtain the fullest possible accounting for those still missing and for the repatriation of the remains of those who died in the cause of freedom. The second is continued retribution by the government of Vietnam against its ethnic minorities and others who fought alongside our forces there. The United States owes those individuals a debt of honor and will not be blind to their suffering.\nThe Republican Party is committed to democracy in Burma, and to Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratic leaders whose election in 1990 was brutally suppressed and who have been arrested and imprisoned for their belief in freedom and democracy. Republicans share with her the view that the basic principles of human freedom and dignity are universal. We are committed to working with our allies in Europe and Asia to maintain a firm and resolute opposition to the military junta in Rangoon.\nBecause of the strategic location and historical ties of the Pacific island nations to the United States, Republicans will continue to work closely with the countries of this region on a wide variety of issues of common concern.\nEurope\n\nWe hail the President's success in achieving unprecedented cooperation with Europe – at NATO, through the European Union, and with individual nations – in combating terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, building peace and democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq, and advancing the cause of freedom, democracy, and opportunity throughout the broader Middle East and North Africa. In particular, we are grateful for the close friendship and strong partnership with the United Kingdom, upholding the tradition of a special relationship between our two nations. Together and with strong U.S. leadership, America and Europe are decisively confronting the greatest challenges and boldly seizing the historic opportunities of our time.\nWe believe that the security of the United States is inseparable from the security of Europe. This enduring truth was reaffirmed by our European allies after the attacks of September 11, 2001, when NATO invoked its Article V self-defense clause for the first time in the history of the Alliance, recognizing that the attack on America was also an attack on the Alliance as a whole.\nRepublicans know that a strong NATO is the foundation of peace in Europe and beyond. We commend NATO's leadership of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan – a mission that has been led in the past by the United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany, and the Netherlands and is being supported by European partners such as Ireland, Albania, and Croatia. We applaud the establishment of a NATO operation to train Iraqi security forces. We hail those NATO nations and NATO partners that are contributing forces to Iraq, including the Polish-led division for which the Alliance has provided technical support.\nRepublicans remain steadfast supporters of NATO enlargement. We recall that the leadership of a Republican Senate helped Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary return to the Euro-Atlantic Community through membership in the Alliance. We hail the President's leadership in NATO's decision to welcome seven new democracies into the Alliance this year – Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Republicans support the continued enlargement of NATO to include other democratic nations willing and able to share the burden of defending and advancing our common interests.\nRepublicans recognize and applaud the fact that especially since September 11, 2001, some of America's strongest allies and friends have been the democracies of Central and Eastern Europe – many of whom inspired the world during the Cold War by assaulting the Iron Curtain again and again until it finally crashed down forever. Republicans hail the participation in the multinational coalition in Iraq of NATO members that joined the Alliance in 1999 and 2004 – Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovakia – as well as the contributions of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Albania, and Macedonia. Through their dedication to the cause of security and freedom in Iraq, these nations – together with the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, and Norway – are demonstrating their commitment to the values shared by members of the transatlantic community. We also applaud the contribution of forces in Iraq by Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and support strengthening NATO's partnerships with these nations and their neighbors in the Caucasus and Central Asia.\nPresident Bush is forging a new relationship with Russia based on the central reality that the United States and Russia are no longer strategic adversaries. We hail the President's visionary leadership in reassessing the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which was a relic of the Cold War and treated Russia as an enemy. The President has strengthened this new relationship by concluding the historic Moscow Treaty on Strategic Reductions, which will reduce the nuclear arsenals of our two nations to their lowest levels in decades. President Bush is rightly refocusing the relationship on emerging and potential common interests and challenges, especially broadening our already extensive cooperation in the War on Terror and promoting beneficial bilateral trade and investment relations. At the same time, Republicans believe that Russia's uneven commitment to the basic values of democracy remains a matter of great concern. We continue to support the independence and stability of the states of the former Soviet Union in the belief that a prosperous and stable neighborhood will reinforce Russia's integration into the Euro-Atlantic community.\nRepublicans recognize and hail President Bush's use of the prestige and influence of the United States to support the efforts of leaders in Ireland and the United Kingdom and the many other people of goodwill who are working to achieve a lasting and peaceful settlement in Northern Ireland. We endorse President Bush's personal reaffirmation of America's commitment to the Good Friday Agreement and to its full and complete implementation, as expressed during his visit to Northern Ireland in April 2003. We applaud the President's appointment of a Special Envoy for Northern Ireland, who is participating in the peace process and supporting efforts of Ireland and the United Kingdom to restore the democratic process in Northern Ireland. We share the President's commitment that America's support for this vital work will continue.\nRepublicans support America's commitment to Northern Ireland's economic development, including our nation's contributions to the International Fund for Ireland and private U.S. investment in the North, with care to ensure fair employment and better opportunities for all. Though the burdens of history weigh heavily upon that land, we cheer its people for taking the lead in building for themselves and for their children a future of peace and understanding.\nOur Party continues to support a peaceful settlement for Cyprus and respect by all parties for the wishes of the Cypriot people. A fair and lasting Cyprus settlement will benefit the people of Cyprus, as well as serve the interests of America and our allies, Greece and Turkey.\nThe Broader Middle East and North Africa\n\nIt is important to reaffirm that the war we wage against terrorists is not a battle of faiths. As the home to millions of Muslim believers, America welcomes the valuable role of Muslim leaders in promoting peace. We recognize that acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. We know that in this struggle against terrorism free nations have strong allies, of every faith, including millions of people in the Middle East who want to live in freedom. As Republicans, we share the President's conviction that if that region grows in democracy, prosperity, and hope, the terrorist movement will lose its sponsors, lose its recruits, and lose the festering grievances that keep terrorists in business.\nWe affirm our support for President Bush's Forward Strategy of Freedom in the Middle East, as well as the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative adopted at the G-8 Summit this year.\nRepublicans support efforts by the President, Vice President, and Republican Congress to ensure that America takes the side of reformers who are committed to democratic change. We support doubling the budget for the National Endowment for Democracy and focusing its new work on bringing free elections, free markets, free speech, and free labor unions to the Middle East. We support the President's expansion of America's public diplomacy efforts, including the use of radio and television to broadcast uncensored information and a message of tolerance in Arabic and Persian to tens of millions of people.\nWe applaud the commitment represented by the President's Middle East Partnership Initiative, which funds economic, political, and educational reform efforts in the Middle East and champions opportunity for all people of the region, especially women and youth.\nWe are pleased that the momentum of freedom in the Middle East is beginning to benefit women. In Afghanistan, women are preparing to vote in free elections, having participated in the drafting of a new constitution and taken on key responsibilities in a liberated nation. Under the ruthless grip of the Taliban regime, Afghan girls were barred from getting an education, and women were banned from holding jobs and were publicly whipped when they did not follow the Taliban's rules. Afghanistan's new constitution affords equal rights to all Afghan citizens, and Afghan women are now being integrated into the economic, social, and political life of their liberated country. In Iraq, the systematic use of rape by Saddam Hussein's regime to dishonor families has ended, and the country's interim constitution guarantees all Iraqis the right to vote and makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, or religion.\nAs a fundamental element of the President's strategy, Republicans support the expansion of economic opportunities for the peoples of the Middle East, including through free trade. We applaud the enactment of free trade agreements with Jordan and Morocco, and the completion of negotiations toward such an agreement with Bahrain. We support the President's goal of a Middle East Free Trade Area by 2013 and highlight the conclusion of Trade and Investment Framework Agreements with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Tunisia, among others. Republicans endorse continued assistance and support for countries that have made peace with Israel – led by Egypt and Jordan. We applaud the actions of President Bush and the Republican Congress to provide both nations with new grants and loan guarantees to promote economic reform measures.\nThe Republican Party shares President Bush's commitment to the security of America's democratic ally Israel and the safety of the Israeli people. We remain committed to ensuring that Israel maintains a qualitative edge in defensive technology over any potential adversaries.\nWe believe that terror attacks against Israelis are part of the same evil as the September 11, 2001, attacks against America. We recognize Israel's right to defend itself in the face of homicide bombings and other attacks against the people of Israel.\nWe are very concerned about the escalation of anti-Semitic violence worldwide, including in Europe. This violence has included physical assaults, use of weapons, arson of synagogues, and desecration of Jewish cemeteries and statues. We are proud of President Bush's outspoken condemnation of anti-Semitism. We share his conviction that anti-Semitism poisons public debates within democratic nations and that mankind must come together to fight such dark impulses.\nWe support President Bush's vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. However, as he observed in his remarks of June 24, 2002, for such a vision to become a reality, Palestinians need a new leadership, not compromised by terror. Like all other people, Palestinians deserve a government that serves their interests and listens to their voices. If Palestinians embrace democracy and the rule of law, confront corruption, and firmly reject terror, they can count on American support for the creation of a Palestinian state. The Bush Administration has been clear about the obligations of Arab nations in achieving peace in the Middle East.\nRepublicans agree with President Bush that Israel's plan to remove all settlements from Gaza and several settlements from the West Bank is a courageous step toward peace in the face of continuing terrorist violence. This initiative can stimulate progress toward peace as laid out in the Road Map launched by President Bush.\nRepublicans commend the government of Israel for its desire to pursue peace, even in the face of continuing terrorist attacks. This is demonstrated by steps Israel has taken, such as removing unauthorized outposts and improving the humanitarian situation by easing restrictions on the movement of Palestinians not engaged in terrorist activities.\nRepublicans agree with President Bush's assessment that an agreed, just, fair, and realistic framework for a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue, as part of any final status agreement, will need to be found through the establishment of a Palestinian state and the settling of Palestinian refugees there, rather than in Israel. We also share the President's view that as part of a final peace settlement, it is unrealistic to expect that the outcome of final status negotiations will be a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949. All previous efforts to negotiate a two-state solution have reached the same conclusion. It is realistic to expect that any final status agreement will only be achieved on the basis of mutually agreed changes that reflect these realities. Republicans continue to support moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's capital, Jerusalem.\nIn Iran, we continue to see a government that represses its people, pursues weapons of mass destruction, and supports terror. We also see Iranian citizens risking intimidation and death as they speak out for liberty, human rights, and democracy. The Iranian people have a right to choose their own government and determine their own destiny. We applaud President Bush's leadership in ensuring them that the United States supports their aspirations to live in freedom, including by broadcasting uncensored information to the Iranian people nearly 24 hours a day. We also support the President's practice of forming policy toward Iran based on Iranian actions, not words, and applaud his Administration's progress in convincing America's friends and allies, most importantly in Europe, to join us in a firm, common approach to ending Iran's nuclear weapons programs. Under President Bush's leadership, the United States and our European allies are speaking as plainly as possible to the Iranians, making it absolutely clear that the development of a nuclear weapon in Iran is intolerable to the international community.\n\"The role of government is not to control or dominate the lives of our citizens. The role of government is to help our citizens gain the time and the tools to make their own choices and improve their own lives. That's why I will continue to work to usher in a new era of ownership and opportunity in America.\"\n— President George W. Bush\nOwnership gives citizens a vital stake in their communities and their country. By expanding ownership, we will help turn economic growth into lasting prosperity. As Republicans, we trust people to make decisions about how to spend, save, and invest their own money. We want individuals to own and control their income. We want people to have a tangible asset that they can build and rely on, making their own choices and directing their own future. Ownership should not be the preserve of the wealthy or the privileged. As Republicans who believe in the power of ownership to create better lives, we want more people to own a home. We want more people to own and build small businesses. We want more people to own and control their health care. We want more people to own personal retirement accounts. With President Bush's leadership we have taken great strides in making the dream of ownership available to millions of Americans, and in the next four years the President and Republicans in Congress will unlock the door to ownership for many more.\nTax Relief: Making it Happen, Making it Permanent\n\nCreated a new, low 10 percent income tax bracket;\nLowered individual income tax rates for all Americans who pay income taxes;\nDoubled the child tax credit to $1,000;\nReduced the marriage penalty for 33 million married couples;\nExpanded education IRAs, made pre-paid tuition plans tax-free, and created a deduction for higher education expenses;\nPhased-out the death tax that penalizes family-owned small businesses and farms;\nSimplified and expanded IRAs and 401(k)s so workers can save more for their retirement; and\nIncreased the adoption tax credit and the child care tax credit.\nPresident Bush and the Republican Congress built on the reforms of 2001 by passing the Jobs and Growth Act of 2003. This legislation assisted our economic recovery by accelerating the 2001 tax relief and encouraging investment. The tax rates on capital gains and dividend income were reduced to the same, lower rate of 15 percent to encourage saving and investment. Seven million senior citizens who rely on dividend income are benefiting from this tax relief. The law also quadrupled small business expensing so entrepreneurs can deduct from their taxes the first $100,000 of investment. Because of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, 111 million families are receiving an average tax cut of over $1,500 and the overall tax burden on working Americans is the lowest it has been in 37 years.\nWe believe that good government is based on a system of limited taxes and spending. Furthermore, we believe that the federal government should be limited and restricted to the functions mandated by the United States Constitution. The taxation system should not be used to redistribute wealth or fund ever-increasing entitlements and social programs.\nMany Democrats, however, believe the government has a right to claim the money earned by working Americans. They fight any attempt to return the balance of power from Washington to individual families and businesses. Furthermore, the slim majority held by Republicans in the Senate and the rules of the Senate make it difficult to pass permanent tax relief. All of the tax relief provided over the last four years will be eliminated in the next six years if Congress does not take action to make the relief permanent. Our Party endorses the President's proposals to make tax relief permanent, so that families and businesses can plan for the future with confidence. Anything less will result in a significant tax increase on Americans. Making the tax cuts permanent is a crucial first step toward expanding ownership and ensuring that America turns economic growth into lasting prosperity. The only way to accomplish this goal is to elect a solid Republican majority to both houses of Congress. We look forward to a new Congress with larger Republican majorities working with President Bush to ensure that taxes do not go back up on American families.\nIncreasing Saving\nIncreased the amount you can save each year tax-free.\nMade it easier to take your retirement plan from one job to the next.\nAllowed women who take time off from work to start a family to catch up on their missed retirement plan contributions.\nRequired more disclosure for employer sponsored retirement plans and required that rules apply to both executives and rank-and-file employees.\nRepublicans will not rest on this success. We will build upon it by promoting policies that encourage workers to save. We support the President's proposal to create a new Lifetime Savings Account (LSA) so workers can save for a variety of needs, to consolidate the three types of current law IRAs into a single Retirement Savings Account (RSA), and to consolidate numerous employer-based retirement plans into a single Employer Retirement Savings Account (ERSA). These account options will promote personal saving, which opens up more opportunities for the saver and increases private capital that is available to entrepreneurs for investing, growing the economy, and creating jobs.\nStrengthening Social Security with Ownership\n\nAnyone now receiving Social Security, or close to being eligible for it, is guaranteed that their benefits will not be cut and their taxes will not be raised. Social Security is a promise made by this country to its citizens and Republicans will keep that promise.\nKey changes to Social Security should merit bipartisan agreement so all improvements are a win for the American people rather than a political victory for any one party.\nPersonal retirement accounts must be the cornerstone of strengthening and enhancing Social Security. Each of today's workers should be free to direct a portion of their payroll taxes to personal investments for their retirement. It is crucial that individuals be offered a variety of investment alternatives and that detailed information be provided to each participant to help them judge the risks and benefits of each plan. Today's financial markets offer a variety of investment options, including some that guarantee a rate of return higher than the current Social Security system with no risk to the investor.\nYoung people deserve to know their Social Security will in fact be there when they retire, just as we have guaranteed it to their grandparents and parents today. This new generation of American workers deserves to have ownership of their future. They must have choices.\nAssets in personal accounts should belong to each individual. Every American should have the opportunity to build a nest egg for the future and pass along that money to their children or grandchildren, who could use the funds to pay for college, buy a home, start a small business, or begin saving for their own retirement.\nChoice is the key. Any new options for retirement security should be voluntary, so workers can choose to remain in the current system or opt for something different.\nThis is a challenge that demands leadership. President Bush has shown this leadership by proposing a bold alternative to the collapse of Social Security. Along with Americans everywhere, we pledge to join him in this endeavor of a lifetime.\nIndividual ownership of voluntary personal retirement accounts for today's workers will make Social Security more equitable, but, just as importantly, will put the system on sure financial footing. Fifty years ago there were 16 workers to support every one beneficiary of Social Security. Today there are just 3.3 workers for each beneficiary. By the time young men and women who are entering the workforce today turn 65, there will be only two workers for each beneficiary. Doing nothing is not an option. We must keep faith with both the past and the future by strengthening and enhancing Social Security. We believe that everyone who participates in the Social Security program should use legal and accurate identification.\nPresident Bush formed a bipartisan commission that recommended three models for reform and many Republicans in Congress have exhibited leadership in sponsoring six different bills. Non-partisan analysis of these proposals shows that each strengthens Social Security and that each shares a common characteristic: giving workers the option of supplementing Social Security with personal retirement accounts that they own. Our Party supports the efforts of President Bush and Congressional Republicans to enact legislation during the next term.\nHomeownership\n\nWe support the President's goal of increasing the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million families by the end of the decade. Since President Bush announced his initiative in 2002, an additional 1.6 million minorities have become homeowners. The Self-Help Homeownership Opportunities Program helps low-income families purchase a home. The most significant barrier to homeownership is the down payment. We support efforts to reduce that barrier, like the American Dream Downpayment Act and Zero Downpayment Mortgages. The President and Congress have taken action to provide counseling and education to help first-time homebuyers navigate the process of buying a home. The Administration has also taken steps to alert people to the dangers of predatory lending, in an effort to help Americans maintain a positive credit history.\nAffordable housing is in the national interest. That is why the mortgage interest deduction for primary residences was put into the federal tax code and why tax reform of any kind should continue to encourage homeownership. We support efforts to enact the Single-Family Affordable Housing Tax Credit. At the same time, a balanced national housing policy must recognize that decent housing includes apartments, and addresses the needs of all citizens, including renters.\nIn many areas, housing prices are higher than they need to be because of regulations that drive up building costs. Some regulation is of course necessary, and so is sensible zoning. We urge states and localities to work with local builders and lenders to eliminate unnecessary burdens that price many families out of the market. We see no role for any federal regulation of homebuilding. We do foresee a larger role for state and local governments in controlling the federally assisted housing that has been so poorly managed from Washington. We also encourage the modification of restrictions that inhibit the rehabilitation of existing distressed properties.\nSmall Business\n\nRepublicans pledged in 2000 to lower tax rates for small business owners and entrepreneurs, end the death tax, cut red tape, reform our liability system, and aggressively expand overseas markets for our goods and services. Though more work remains to be done, including reauthorizing the Small Business Administration, President Bush and Congressional Republicans have made good on each of those commitments. They have:\nReduced taxes on 25 million small business owners and entrepreneurs. Much of the tax relief came from reductions in individual income tax rates. Ninety percent of businesses pay income taxes at individual rates, not corporate rates. This includes hundreds of thousands of successful small business owners and entrepreneurs who pay taxes in the top tax rates and whose taxes would increase considerably under John Kerry's economic plan.\nLowered the tax burden on investment in new equipment by quadrupling the limit on small business expensing from $25,000 to $100,000 and allowing additional first-year depreciation of that equipment.\nPhased-out the death tax that punishes family-owned small businesses and family farms.\nIncreased federal contracts to small businesses. In 2003, small businesses received the largest percentage ever of all federal contracts. In addition, President Bush developed a strategy to reverse the trend toward bundling of contracts, a practice that has denied small businesses the ability to compete for billions of procurement dollars.\nReduced paperwork. For example, 22.4 million small business taxpayers now have fewer lines to fill out on tax forms, freeing up an estimated 9.5 million hours previously used for paperwork every year.\nEnacted Health Savings Accounts, which allow individuals to save and pay for their health care tax-free. Combined with a catastrophic health plan, they are an easier and less costly way for small businesses to provide health insurance for their employees.\nEnacted common sense liability protections in the Terrorism Risk Insurance and SAFETY Acts.\nNegotiated agreements to reduce trade barriers and expand access to foreign markets.\nAn area in special need of more work is liability reform. Frivolous lawsuits put more money in the pockets of trial lawyers and leave businesses with less money to create jobs. They raise health care costs on small businesses, often preventing them from offering health insurance to their employees. We support efforts by President Bush, Congressional Republicans, and Republican governors to curb the burden of frivolous lawsuits. We recognize that the Democrats' nominees, one of whom made his fortune as a trial lawyer, are beholden to the interests of the trial lawyer lobby and offer no hope for reform of this badly broken system.\nHealth Savings Accounts (HSAs)\n\nPrivate Property Rights\n\n\"By leading the world when it comes to innovation and change, we'll make America a hopeful place for those who want to work, and those who want to dream, and those who want to start their own business.\"\n— President George W. Bush\nAmerica's economy is the strongest in the world, and it is getting stronger thanks to lower taxes, fewer burdensome regulations, and a focus on encouraging investment. Our goal is to make sure America remains the strongest economy in a dynamic world and to make it possible for every American who wants a job to find one. We must ensure that workers are equipped with the education and training to succeed in the best jobs of the 21st century, and we must encourage the strong spirit of innovation that has put America at the forefront of new technology industries. Future prosperity demands that we have affordable, cleaner, more independent energy supplies and affordable, high-quality health care. We must maintain our commitment to free and fair trade, lower taxes, limited regulation, and a limited, efficient government that keeps up with the new realities of a changing world. By keeping the costs of running a business low and ensuring that our workers have the skills to compete in a dynamic global economy, President Bush and the Republican Congress will continue to ensure that America is the best nation in the world in which to create jobs.\nLower Taxes and Economic Growth\n\nThe proof is in the numbers, and the numbers prove our economy is strong and growing stronger.\nOver the past year, gross domestic product (GDP) grew at one of the fastest rates in two decades.\nWithout the President's tax relief, real GDP would have been more than 3 percent lower and 2 million fewer Americans would have been working at the end of last year.\nSince last August, 1.5 million new jobs have been created.\nThe unemployment rate has fallen from 6.3 to 5.5 percent, which is below the average of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.\nEmployment over the last year is up in 46 of the 50 states, and the unemployment rate is down in 49 of the 50 states. In addition to the official figures, household surveys show that hundreds of thousands of new jobs have been created, unreported, through self-employment and by small businesses.\nReal after-tax incomes are up by 9.6 percent since December 2000.\nHomeownership rates are at record levels – seven out of ten American families own their own home today.\nConsumer confidence is up from the levels seen at this time last year.\nInflation remains low by historical standards, as do mortgage rates.\nWe know what brought us this success – the hard work of the American people and the Republican commitment to low taxes. Now we must keep our economy on the right path by preventing taxes on families from going up next year, making the tax relief of the last four years permanent, and reforming the tax code to make it simpler, fairer, and more growth-oriented.\nTax Reform\n\nIn particular, we must:\nMake the tax relief of 2001 and 2003 permanent. The various expiring tax relief provisions, ranging from 2005 to 2011, make the tax code confusing for everybody and limits the ability of workers, families, and businesses to plan for the future with confidence. Nowhere is this more apparent than with the death tax, which is reduced now, disappears in 2010, and then comes fully back to life in 2011.\nBuild on efforts to develop a tax code that does not punish taxpayers for saving.\nReplace the tax code with a system that is simpler, provides more freedom to our citizens, is pro-growth, boosts the economy, and encourages savings and investment. A code that provides several definitions of a child is a code that needs to be reformed.\nWe support legislation requiring a super-majority vote in both houses of Congress to raise taxes. We will prohibit retroactive taxation and will not tolerate attempts by federal judges to impose taxes. We oppose all attempts by the United Nations to impose a global tax and reject any claims of authority by United Nations to do so. Because of the vital role of religious and fraternal benevolent societies in fostering charity and patriotism, they should not be subject to taxation.\nAlternative Minimum Tax\n\nFiscal Discipline and Government Reform\n\nIt is important to view the size of the deficit in relation to the size of the nation's economy. By that measure, today's deficit, although unwelcome, is well within historical ranges. A deficit that is 3.8 percent of GDP, as is now projected for this year, would be smaller than the deficits in nine of the last 25 years, and far below the peak deficit figure of 6 percent of GDP reached in 1983. This deficit is also in line with what other industrialized nations are facing today. The U.S. deficit matches the average deficit within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and is below the levels of France, Germany, and Japan.\nMuch more importantly, because the President and Congress enacted pro-growth economic policies, the deficit is headed strongly in the right direction. Next year's projected deficit, at 2.7 percent of GDP, would be smaller than those in 14 of the last 25 years. As Republicans in Congress work with the President to restrain spending and strengthen economic growth, the federal deficit will fall to 1.5 percent of the nation's economic output in 2009 – well below the 2.2 percent average of the last 40 years.\nThe events that brought us into deficit are not completely behind us. The War on Terror goes on. The recession has passed, but some industries and workers are still feeling its effects. Republicans are committed to winning the War on Terror and will continue to implement policies that promote jobs, investment, and growth in every region of the country and every sector of our economy.\nLet us be clear: If government is to meet the most pressing needs of our time and still maintain fiscal discipline, government leaders must set priorities and stick with them. President Bush has shown genuine leadership in doing just that. Time and again, he has made difficult decisions and followed through with clear determination. He has made it plain that his top budgetary priority is to protect America and win the War on Terror. He also remains committed to the education reforms he spearheaded in 2001. All discretionary spending must be kept in check and taxes must remain low to stimulate economic growth.\nWe endorse the President's pro-growth economic policies and his disciplined approach to spending taxpayers' dollars. And we applaud the efforts of President Bush and Republicans in Congress to meet our nation's priorities and cut the deficit by more than half within five years.\nPAYGO\n\nLimiting Spending Growth\n\nLine-Item Veto\n\nSunset Commission\n\nManagement Agenda\n\nCorporate Accountability\n\nAfter fraudulent corporate practices rooted in the irrational exuberance of the late 1990s began to surface in the closing months of 2001, President Bush worked with the Congress to take decisive action to restore honesty and integrity to America's corporate boardrooms. In July 2002, President Bush signed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the most far-reaching reform of American business practices since the 1940s. Under this new law, CEOs and Chief Financial Officers are required to personally vouch for the truth and fairness of their companies' disclosures; for the first time, an independent board has been established to oversee the accounting profession; investigators have been given new tools to root out corporate fraud; and enhanced penalties are ensuring that dishonest corporate officials do hard time.\nWe applaud President Bush for vigorously enforcing the law to deter and punish further corporate abuses. He established an interagency Corporate Fraud Task Force to investigate and prosecute financial crimes; to recover the proceeds of those crimes; and to hold corporate criminals to account. Since the Task Force was established two years ago, over 700 violators have been charged and over 300 convictions or guilty pleas secured, including more than 25 former CEOs. More than $1 billion in forfeited funds has also been recovered from corporate wrongdoers for return to defrauded creditors and investors. Separately, the enforcement budget of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has more than doubled, and the SEC has issued new rules to ban late-trading and other fraudulent practices engaged in by certain mutual funds.\nThanks to swift and decisive action by President Bush and the Congress, Americans can trust that corporate executives who operate outside the law will be prosecuted.\nEnforcing Trade Agreements and Opening New Markets\n\nFree trade must be fair trade that advances America's economic goals and protects American jobs. To achieve this goal, we must act globally, regionally, and bilaterally to negotiate new trade agreements and enforce existing trade commitments. We must be at the table when trade agreements are negotiated, make the interests of American workers and farmers paramount, and ensure that the drive to open new markets is successful. We reject moves toward economic isolationism. America is the best place in the world to do business, and our workers and products are the best in the world. On a level playing field we can outmatch any other nation. We applaud the President's actions to open foreign markets to American manufacturing products, agricultural goods, services, and intellectual property, while ensuring enforcement of trade agreements so that other nations live up to their promises.\nIn 2000 we resolved to renew Trade Promotion Authority so the President could more easily negotiate trade agreements. In 2002 President Bush and Republicans in Congress did exactly that. After lapsing for eight years, the law now allows President Bush to work with other countries to reduce barriers to our products and services. And he is using the new authority:\nThe Bush Administration has negotiated trade agreements with 12 countries.\nThey have made progress on agreements with another 10 countries.\nThese free trade partners represent $2.5 trillion in purchasing power – the equivalent of America's third-largest export market.\nThe agreements include high levels of protection and strong enforcement measures for intellectual property.\nThe Administration has also made significant progress in negotiating multi-lateral trade agreements, having just last month revived World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations for the final phase of the Doha round.\nThe revival of these negotiations opens the door to lower tariffs on consumer and industrial goods, reductions in tariffs and trade-distorting export subsidies on agricultural products, and market access and lower regulatory barriers for services.\nThe vitality of the U.S. trade agenda depends upon the vigorous enforcement of\nU.S.\ntrade laws against unfair competition. We will not tolerate foreign practices, rules, and subsidization that put our exports and manufacturers on an unequal footing. It is not enough to secure signatures on a piece of paper; our trading partners must follow through on the promises they make.\nAs part of its trade enforcement efforts, the Bush Administration has imposed more anti-dumping orders on average each year than the previous Administration. The United States was the first country in the world to impose a safeguard action against Chinese textile and apparel imports and to file a case against China in the WTO. China settled that case, agreeing to repeal its subsidy of semiconductors that was penalizing\nU.S.\nmanufacturers. Also this year, through bilateral consultations with China, the United States resolved seven other potential trade disputes over high technology products, agriculture, and intellectual property protection.\nWe strongly endorse the Bush Administration's unprecedented effort to persuade and encourage China to desist in its policy of manipulating its currency to give Chinese manufacturers an artificial advantage in global markets.\nReforming the Litigation System\n\nWe praise President Bush and Republicans in Congress for their efforts to reform the legal system by passing meaningful class action reform, asbestos reform, and medical liability reform. And we call to account Senate Democrats and the powerful trial lawyer lobby, who have shown no shame in utilizing obstructionist tactics to thwart the efforts of majorities in Congress to provide meaningful relief to all Americans. The Republican Party reaffirms its support for meaningful reform of the legal system, and will continue its fight to guarantee the rights of all plaintiffs to swift and speedy justice.\nTransportation\n\nOur national railroad network is a crucial component of our public transportation system. Railroads helped build our country, and our national passenger railroad network plays a key role in transportation and economic growth. Republicans support, where economically viable, the development of a high-speed passenger railroad system as an instrument of economic development and enhanced mobility.\nRepublicans support a healthy intercity passenger rail system. Amtrak provides a valuable service to passengers, especially in the Northeast corridor. But we recognize that the goal of establishing a national passenger rail system with modest federal support has failed to materialize. Clearly the financial problems plaguing Amtrak cannot be solved simply by continued infusions of taxpayer dollars. Fundamental reforms should be enacted to transition Amtrak into operational self-sufficiency.\nEnsuring an Affordable, Reliable, More Independent Energy Supply\n\nAs one of his first acts in office, President Bush released the National Energy Policy (NEP) report, a comprehensive plan to reduce America's dependence on foreign sources of energy by increasing domestic energy production and supporting conservation and alternative and renewable energy. The President's proposal would make America more energy independent while creating jobs and promoting economic growth. It includes over 100 recommendations, nearly half of which addressed renewable energy, energy efficiency, and conservation. President Bush has implemented nearly every non-legislative recommendation outlined in the NEP report. Republicans in the House and Senate have stood solidly with the President. We endorse the President's policy, appreciate the hard work of Congressional Republicans in the face of intractable partisan opposition, and urge final passage of a bill to secure America's energy future.\nRepublicans support developing new technologies for more efficient generation and use of power. New technologies will allow us to create new job-producing industries and save jobs in industries that have long been staples of America's economy. For instance, working with Congressional Republicans, the President has already committed $2 billion over 10 years for clean coal research and development – which helps keep America's coal industry strong and reduces the emissions associated with coal use. As part of that commitment, we support FutureGen, an international, public-private initiative to build the world's first integrated sequestration and hydrogen research power plant that would burn coal more cleanly. President Bush's Clear Skies Initiative would create a $50 billion private market to deploy these clean coal technologies.\nThe Republican Party supports research and investment designed to realize the enormous benefits of a hydrogen economy and put the United States on the cutting edge of energy technology. The FreedomCar Partnership and Hydrogen Fuel Initiative include $1.7 billion over five years to begin building hydrogen cars and the infrastructure to support them.\nUsing the most sophisticated technologies, we can explore and develop oil resources here at home with minimal environmental impact. Our Party continues to support energy development in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, holds as much as 16 billion barrels of oil – enough to replace oil imports from Saudi Arabia for nearly 20 years. The drilling footprint can be confined to just 2,000 acres (the entire refuge contains 19 million acres), about the size of Washington's Dulles Airport, on ice roads that melt away in the summer, leaving little trace of human intervention. We have already wasted precious time. If the previous Administration had not vetoed the ANWR proposal passed by the Republican Congress in 1995, at this moment ANWR would be producing up to one million barrels of oil a day.\nRepublicans strongly support removing unnecessary barriers to domestic natural gas production and expanding environmentally sound production in new areas, such as Alaska and the Rocky Mountains. Increasing supply, including the construction of a new natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the lower 48, will bring needed relief to consumers and make America's businesses more competitive in the global marketplace.\nLast summer, the largest blackout in North American history affected 8 states, leaving more than 50 million Americans without power. Republicans support measures to modernize the nation's electricity grid to prevent future blackouts and provide American consumers and businesses with more affordable, reliable power. We will work to unleash innovation so entrepreneurs can develop technologies for a more advanced and robust transmission system that meets our growing energy demands. We also support the establishment of mandatory, enforceable reliability rules for electric utilities to reduce the likelihood of future blackouts.\nRepublicans will continue to support renewable energy through extension of the production tax credit for wind and biomass, as well as efforts to expand the use of biodiesel and ethanol, which can reduce America's dependence on foreign oil while increasing revenues to farmers.\nNuclear power provides America with affordable, emissions-free energy. We believe nuclear power can help reduce our dependence on foreign energy and play an invaluable role in addressing global climate change. President Bush supports construction of new nuclear power plants through the Nuclear Power 2010 initiative, and continues to move forward on creating an environmentally sound nuclear waste repository.\nEducation: No Child Left Behind\n\nWe believe there is an inseparable link between a vibrant economy and a high-quality education system. It takes a vibrant economy to provide the tax base necessary to fund a high-quality education system. Equally, it takes a quality education system to provide the highly skilled labor force necessary to meet the demands of a growing, vibrant economy.\nStrong schools will also produce a workforce with the skills to compete in the 21st century economy. We must have citizens capable of conceiving the next generation of new technologies and innovations, mastering the art of analyzing problems and crafting their solutions. Education is the key to prosperity and fulfillment – the foundation on which all other success is built.\nOn just his fourth day in office, President Bush presented the No Child Left Behind initiative to Congress. Less than a year later, he secured an overwhelming bipartisan majority to pass the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It was the most significant overhaul of federal education policy since 1965. And it became a promise kept to parents, students, teachers, and every American.\nThe law is based on four fundamental pillars:\nEnsuring stronger accountability for student achievement, for all children\nEncouraging education methods that work\nProviding flexibility and control to states and local communities\nGiving parents more information about the quality of their children's schools and offering them choices and resources for their children's education\nResults are now measured on the basis of student achievement rather than simply dollars spent. Students are benefiting from education reforms that set high academic standards, encourage strong parental involvement, recognize the role of excellent teachers, foster safe and orderly classrooms, and establish a commitment to teaching the basics of reading and math.\nWith this success, Republicans have transformed the debate on education. We are the Party parents can trust to improve schools and provide opportunity for all children, in every neighborhood, regardless of background or income. We are the party willing to embrace new ideas and put them to the test. Americans agree that the status quo in education is no longer acceptable. We have challenged low expectations and poor achievement, and we are seeing results.\nNow is the time to extend the progress we've made. The No Child Left Behind Act is already showing gains in elementary school, as student achievement scores for fourth- and eighth-graders have increased in classrooms across America. Our next mission is to take the reforms that we know are working in elementary schools and apply them up and down the education ladder – starting in early childhood education, so that children enter school ready to learn, and finishing in high school, so that every young adult who graduates has the skills he or she needs to succeed in the 21st century economy. For too long, the value of a high school diploma has declined as students leave school without even basic skills like reading and math, let alone the advanced math and science skills the modern workforce demands. We pledge to bring real reform to high schools. Thanks to President Bush's vision and the success of the No Child Left Behind Act, we have a track record worthy of Americans' trust.\nLocal Control\n\nHistoric Levels of Funding\n\nHigh Standards and Accountability\n\nReading\n\nOptions for Parents\n\nUnder NCLB, states and school districts publish report cards showing how well students are achieving so communities and parents can know how well their schools are doing. Parents of children in schools identified as needing improvement can choose another public school or get tutoring or other help for their child. President Bush and the Republican Congress enacted the D.C. School Choice initiative – the first federally funded school choice demonstration program. We commend the President and Congress for making DC's schoolchildren the most important special interest in education improvement. And we support state efforts to expand school choice, as well as the President's call to provide funding for new and existing charter schools, including assistance for school facilities. We believe that competition between schools is an effective option to improve the educational benefits for our children. The Republican Party supports the efforts of parents who choose faith-based and other nonpublic school options for their children.\nHigh School Education\n\nSupporting Teachers\nWe must also work to reduce the barriers that are keeping qualified professionals from entering the classroom by expanding alternative pathways to teacher certification – programs like Troops to Teachers, which helps former military personnel become classroom teachers; and Transition to Teaching, which provides training for people who want to become teachers and encourages states to develop and expand alternative routes to teacher licensure and certification.\nEvery teacher and every student deserves a safe classroom in which to work and learn. The No Child Left Behind Act ensures that teachers and other school professionals can undertake reasonable actions to maintain order and discipline in the classroom without the fear of litigation. The law provides civil immunity in any state court and limits the financial liability of teachers, instructors, principals, administrators, and other education professionals for actions taken to maintain discipline, order, or control in the school or classroom.\nHead Start and Early Childhood Education\n\nCommunity colleges play a vital role in not only cultivating citizens for the 21st century, but also equipping them with the essential skills and training needed for jobs in the new economy. Because they are so adaptable and accessible, community colleges are increasingly critical providers of job training, both for degree-seekers and for workers seeking to retool, refine, and broaden their skills. We support the President's High-Growth Job Training Initiative, which has provided seed money to fund job training partnerships between community colleges and local high-growth industries.\nHigher Education Affordability\n\nThe President has requested record levels of Pell Grant funding. These grants will help an estimated 5.3 million low-income students pay for higher education – one million more students than when President Bush and Vice President Cheney came to office. Under a new Enhanced Pell Grant proposal, low-income students who take a rigorous high school curriculum – the kind of curriculum that will best prepare them for success in college – will be eligible to receive an additional $1,000 per year.\nTo ensure that America remains the world leader in the innovation economy – and to ensure that America's graduates have the training they need to compete for the best jobs of the 21st century – President Bush proposes to expand opportunities for math and science education in colleges and universities. Needy students studying math and science will be eligible to receive additional college aid.\nRepublicans have made Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) a priority. For more than a century, HBCUs and HSIs have played a vital role in providing opportunities for excellence in higher education to millions of African American and Hispanic students. Today, their mission continues, and it deserves our support. We applaud President Bush for fulfilling his pledge to increase funding for HBCUs and HSIs by 30 percent since 2001.\nMillions of Americans suffer from problem or pathological gambling that can destroy families. We support legislation prohibiting gambling over the Internet or in student athletics by student athletes who are participating in competitive sports. Training Our 21st Century Workforce\nAs the dynamic global economy forces many workers to consider changing fields or adding new skills, the President and Republican Congress want to make training for new jobs easier to come by and more flexible in providing individualized assistance. Ensuring that workers have the tools they need to succeed in the 21st Century Economy is a critical step in helping Americans be self-sufficient and successful. It is also critical to maintaining our position as the most productive and strongest economy in the world.\nWe support effective and enhanced job training programs that offer states additional flexibility and individuals more choice to design their own workforce training programs. The President's Personal Reemployment Accounts would provide unemployed workers flexible support and incentives in finding a job. And President Bush and Congressional Republicans are also providing unprecedented assistance for workers adversely affected by foreign trade – including additional training, income support, and health care assistance.\nWith English as our nation's common language, people from every corner of the world have come together to build this great nation. English empowers. For newcomers, it is the fastest route to mainstream American life, better paying jobs, and owning a piece of the American Dream. Furthermore, fluency in English should be the goal of bilingual education. At the same time, mastery of other languages is important for America's competitiveness in the world market. We advocate foreign language training in our schools and fostering respect for other languages and cultures throughout society.\nProtecting the Rights of Workers\n\nRepublicans respect the enormous sacrifices and commitment of the workers, including building tradesmen, who responded to the attacks of September 11th. Thanks to their skill, courage, and patriotism, the very dangerous work at the World Trade Center and Pentagon was done remarkably quickly and without a single fatality. We will always remember and honor the efforts of the rescue and recovery workers who dedicated countless hours to helping America recover.\nAll American workers deserve workplaces that are safe, healthy, and fair. The President and Republican Congress have supported efforts to improve workplace safety without burdening businesses with costly and unnecessary regulations. And these efforts are showing results – overall workplace fatalities and injuries are at record low levels.\nAmerican workers deserve fair wages for hours spent working overtime. We are proud of the fact that 1.3 million additional workers now have guaranteed overtime protections as a result of Republican efforts to modernize labor laws left untouched since 1949. For the first time ever, the regulations explicitly guarantee overtime protection to blue collar workers, police, firefighters, EMTs, factory workers, construction workers, and licensed practical nurses, among others. With clearly defined overtime rules that recognize the realities of the modern workforce, employees and employers will have a greater understanding of their rights and responsibilities.\nWorkers who pay dues through their workplace deserve to know how their dues are being used – especially when the money is being used to support political activity. Republicans have enhanced financial disclosure requirements for political campaigns, corporations, and pension funds in order to bring about more transparency and accountability in the political system. And the Bush Administration improved union financial disclosure forms to offer union members more information about how their dues money is spent. We encourage management and unions to find common ground thereby ensuring economic viability for both.\nMen and women who retire after decades spent in the workforce are entitled to the pensions they and their employers have contributed to throughout their careers. As part of the 2001 economic growth and tax relief bill, workers' pension payments are now calculated on the basis of their best three years of earnings rather than their last three. This protects workers whose earnings decline with their age. In addition, criminal prosecutions against employers and plan trustees who abuse pension and health plans have increased by more than 50 percent since 2001. More than $3 billion has been secured through court judgments, settlements, and fines covering 150 million workers and their dependents by holding those who manage benefit plans accountable for their legal obligations to protect plan participants. Thanks to Republican efforts to enforce the law, the word is getting out that benefits managers should invest and manage employees' retirement funds as carefully as they would handle their own.\nRepublicans recognize the historical federal health care promise made to coal industry retirees. The Party will seek to ensure that health care needs of \"orphan retirees\" in the coal industry will be covered and will seek to ensure the continuation of those benefits.\nTrue Solutions for Affordable, High-Quality Health Care\n\nAssociation Health Plans (AHPs)\n\nMedical Liability Reform\n\nThe President has proposed, and the Republican House of Representatives has passed, reforms that would speed compensation to injured patients, reduce health care costs, and improve Americans' access to quality health care. Shamefully driven by the powerful trial lawyer lobby, Democrat Senators have repeatedly thwarted the efforts of the Republican majority to deliver meaningful medical liability reform. They have employed their obstructionist tactics three times in the current Congress alone. The Republican Party reaffirms its commitment to putting patients and doctors ahead of trial lawyers. We will continue to battle for litigation reforms that help keep doctors in practice, adopt reasonable caps on non-economic awards in medical malpractice suits, and ensure that Americans have access to quality affordable health care. Health Information Technology\nEstimates indicate that between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die each year from medical errors, while as much as $300 billion is spent each year on health care that does not help patients – unnecessary, inappropriate, inefficient, or ineffective treatments. This is absolutely unacceptable. High costs, medical errors, administrative inefficiencies, and poor coordination are all closely connected to our failure to use health information technology as an integral part of medical care.\nRepublicans support President Bush's goal of ensuring that most Americans have electronic health records within the next 10 years. He has requested funding for demonstration projects for broader adoption of health IT systems in communities and states. Already, the use of health IT in the Veterans Administration has shown improvements in the quality of care and reductions in the cost. The Administration is working with private sector innovators to develop reliable, secure methods of storing personal medical information that will broaden the benefits of health IT. Privacy is paramount, and participation by patients will be voluntary. These electronic health records will be designed to share information among and between health care providers only when authorized by a patient.\nAdvances at the nexus of science and technology raise serious moral and legal questions. For example, although medical conditions have been linked to certain genetic markers, there is no certainty that many of these diseases will actually develop. There is growing concern that employers and insurance companies will use genetic information to discriminate by denying jobs or insurance coverage to individuals who have predictive genetic markers for certain diseases. We support efforts to enact genetic discrimination legislation that is fair, reasonable, and consistent with existing laws to prevent discrimination.\nIn addition, we must take action to allow doctors and hospitals to review best practices without fear of litigation. By sharing information, health professionals can determine ways to avoid errors and complications. These efforts are blocked, however, because good-faith efforts to improve quality and safety are targets for lawsuits based on new information that is made public in the review process. We support the work of the President and Republicans in Congress on legislation to make it possible for health professionals to work together more effectively to provide the best possible care for all patients.\nInvesting in Science, Technology, and Telecommunications\n\nManufacturing\n\nU.S. manufacturing. The continued primacy of U.S. manufacturing is due in large part to the Administration's manufacturing initiative, which represents the first time in modern history that an Administration has made U.S. manufacturing a top priority. We support the Administration's efforts in this regard as a recognition of the critical role of manufacturing to job creation, national security, and the economy.\nResearch and Development\n\nIn order to maintain America's global leadership, Republicans have provided unprecedented support for federal research and development to help spur innovation. Federal R&D funding is up 44 percent from 2001 to $132 billion in 2005, which includes a 26 percent increase in support for basic research. The President has doubled the budget for the National Institutes of Health and increased the National Science Foundation budget by 30 percent. President Bush and the Republican Party also support making the R&D tax credit permanent.\nThe rapid pace of technological development demands that we remain on the leading edge of innovation and science. Republicans are committed to providing the investment and incentives needed to foster next generation technologies. The 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President Bush, increased funding for nanotechnology research. In addition, the President has dedicated $1.7 billion over five years to develop hydrogen fuel cells and related next-generation energy technologies. The President's support for NASA and vision for space exploration will also enhance scientific development and technological breakthroughs.\nTelecommunications\n\nPresident Bush established the goal of providing every American with access to affordable broadband by 2007. We recognize that taxing broadband access would increase its cost to consumers and stifle the extension of broadband service. The President has signed into law a two-year extension of the Internet Access Tax moratorium and is working with Congressional Republicans to pass legislation that would explicitly extend the moratorium to broadband and make it permanent.\nRepublicans are working to reduce burdensome regulations that discourage broadband investment. High-speed Internet access should not be governed by regulations established decades ago for the telephone. Consumers should have more options for affordable broadband access. The promise of broadband over power lines and wireless Internet access provide new opportunities to connect households, schools, and businesses to the Internet. Under the President's leadership, the Administration has nearly doubled the amount of spectrum available for innovative wireless broadband applications such as Wi-Fi and Wi-Max.\nRepublican policies are working:\nBroadband adoption has grown 300 percent from December 2000 to December 2003 – from 7 million to 28 million lines.\nOver 93 percent of zip codes have broadband access.\nNinety-four percent of public schools have broadband access to the Internet.\nBy applying 21st century policy to 21st century technology, we will encourage new investment that will bring broadband to even more homes in more areas of America.\n\"The measure of compassion is more than good intentions, it is good results. By being involved and by taking responsibility upon ourselves, we gain something…. We contribute to the life of our country. We become more than taxpayers and occasional voters, we become citizens. Citizens, not spectators. Citizens who hear the call of duty, who stand up for their beliefs, who care for their families, who control their lives, and who treat their neighbors with respect and compassion.\"\n— President George W. Bush\nCommunity is more than just a set of streets and sidewalks and homes. The strength of communities is the people who inhabit them, the American citizens who spend their days working, striving, and caring for their families, and advancing toward the realization of their dreams. To ensure that all Americans have an opportunity to build better lives, we must provide the framework in which communities can flourish. That requires access to affordable and accessible health care, protection of America's environment and natural resources, the maintenance of public safety and prosecution of people who violate the peace of communities, guaranteed rights and equal opportunities for all members of society, and compassionate help for our fellow citizens who are trapped in unhealthy or harmful situations. Republicans know that the heart and soul of America are found in communities across the nation. We honor the individual character and diversity of communities throughout America, and we seek to help citizens strengthen the places they call home.\nPromoting Affordable, Accessible Health Care\n\nStrengthening Medicare\n\nUnder the new drug benefit, seniors who like the coverage they have today can keep it. The new law will encourage employers to continue their retiree health benefits by offering them subsidies for their current plans and giving them the option to supplement the new Medicare drug benefit in the same way they supplement current Medicare doctor and hospital benefits.\nThe Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act improves many facets of the Medicare program. It increases funding for doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers, especially in rural areas where reimbursement levels are far below what is paid in other regions of the country. The new law will also transform Medicare into a program that not only enables the treatment of disease, but helps people stay healthy. In addition to a new \"Welcome to Medicare\" physical, the program will contain new services and screenings to help detect and prevent heart disease, diabetes, and other major illnesses.\nWe also applaud the addition of income relation for the Medicare Part B premium to further protect the Medicare program for the future and to protect low income seniors from increased costs.\nWe applaud the President and Republicans in Congress for their determination to follow through on this promise to America's seniors. While others spent many years talking about adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare, this President and this Congress got it done.\nCommunity Health Centers\n\nThe President and Congress have already made it possible for community health centers to serve an additional 3 million Americans – a total of 13 million – as part of the President's five-year plan to fund 1,200 new or expanded sites to serve an additional 6.1 million people. Today, there are more than 600 new or expanded health centers delivering preventive and primary care to patients in medically underserved communities across America. We endorse plans to continue increasing access to community health centers, so that uninsured and low-income Americans have reliable options for receiving high-quality medical care.\nMedicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)\n\nHealth Insurance Tax Relief\n\nThe Trade Promotion Authority bill, supported by the Republican Congress and signed by President Bush, provides a tax credit to help workers obtain health insurance coverage if they have lost their jobs due to international trade. The tax credit has helped thousands of displaced workers get insurance coverage.\nWomen's Health\n\nThe enormous increases in the budget of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) brought about by the Republican Congress and President Bush are making possible groundbreaking clinical trials and new research into diseases and health issues that disproportionately affect women. This new research also has yielded important discoveries pertaining to conditions that affect the elderly, the majority of whom are women, and should promote future benefit.\nThe increasing focus upon health care for the elderly holds promise for advances in the treatment of osteoporosis, heart disease, and other ailments that should no longer be considered the inevitable price of old age. We also are leading efforts to reach out to underserved and minority female populations, where disparities persist in life expectancy, infant mortality, and death rates from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses. Moreover, we favor increased efforts – both through expanded research and expanded care – to improve maternal and child health care, as well as health care services for women before, during, and after pregnancy.\nRepublicans are dedicated to pursuing women's health care initiatives that include access to state-of-the-art medical advances and technology; equality for women in the delivery of health care services; medical research that focuses specifically on women; appropriate representation of women in clinical trials; expanded access to prevention, screening, health promotion, chronic care, and disease management services; and direct access to women's health providers.\nEliminating Health Care Disparities\n\nProgress has been made in recent years in a number of areas, including enhancement of federal research on health disparities, identification of barriers to care for our increasingly diverse population, expansion of the number of health professionals who are committed to serving minority and underserved patients and their communities, and improvement in the quality of care for uninsured and underserved populations. Republicans believe we must build on this success and increase these efforts.\nWe strongly support initiatives to improve the quality of care delivered to all Americans. We applaud President Bush for supporting treatment of mental illness. Mental and physical illness should be treated equitably and fairly. In addition, we support improved training for health providers, including efforts to improve communication, collaboration, and understanding between patients and doctors. We are funding research to find cures and treatments for illnesses that disproportionately affect minority populations, as well as targeted, well-coordinated programs to prevent, manage, and treat these diseases. We support efforts to encourage qualified minorities to enter the fields of science and medicine.\nInvesting in Cutting Edge Medical Research\n\nStem Cell Research\n\nRepublicans have supported, and will continue to support, important scientific research without undermining the fundamental ethical principles that have guided medical research in this country for decades. We especially welcome and encourage a stronger emphasis on adult stem cell and cord blood stem cell research, which has already provided benefits to hundreds of patients and provides real promise for treatments to help millions of Americans.\nWe recognize that President Bush made a carefully considered decision to allow federal funding for stem cell research for the first time, and did not affect stem cell research in the private sector. We strongly support the President's policy that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to encourage the future destruction of human embryos. In addition, we applaud the President's call for a comprehensive ban on human cloning and on the creation of human embryos solely for experimentation.\nIn August 2001, President Bush stated: \"[The hope [it offers is amazing…. Yet the ethics of medicine are not infinitely adaptable. There is at least one bright line: We do not end some lives for the medical benefit of others.\" We wholeheartedly agree.\nLong-Term Care Insurance\n\nHonoring America's Veterans\n\nOur veterans have fought and defended this country in many wars and proudly raised the American flag on such far-away places as San Juan Hill, Iwo Jima, and Pork Chop Hill, and it has become a symbol of our American spirit and unity. We, as well as they, deplore the deliberate desecration of our flag and state that its deliberate desecration is not \"free speech,\" but rather an assault against both our proud history and our greatest hopes. We therefore support a Constitutional amendment that will restore to the people, through their elected representatives, their right to safeguard Old Glory.\nRespecting and Protecting the Environment\n\nOur Party's environmental policies are geared towards results. Thanks to President Bush's strong leadership and the commitment of Congressional Republicans to reform and innovation, air pollution has been reduced, water quality has improved, wetlands have been restored, and more than a thousand brownfields sites are being revitalized. Republicans also acknowledge the progress made by states and local communities in environmental stewardship efforts. As the laboratories of innovation, they should be given flexibility and authority to address many environmental concerns.\nFinally, we link the security of private property to our environmental agenda because environmental stewardship has been best advanced where property is privately held. After all, people who live on the land, work the land, and own the land also love the land and protect it. President Bush and the Republican Congress will safeguard private property rights by enforcing the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment and by providing just compensation whenever private property is needed to achieve a compelling public purpose.\nClear Skies\n\nRevitalizing Urban Communities\n\nNational Parks\n\nLand Conservation and Stewardship\n\nProtecting America's Water Resources\n\nChronic water shortages in the West are one of the greatest environmental challenges facing the nation in the coming decades. We support efforts by the Administration to work with states and local communities in the West to expand the use of proven tools like market-based voluntary transfers through water banks and other water-marketing tools. We also endorse the President's efforts to work with the state of Florida to implement the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. Our Party reaffirms the traditional primacy of states over water allocation. We steadfastly oppose diverting water away from the Great Lakes region.\nProtecting Oceans\n\nGlobal Climate Change\n\nModernizing the Endangered Species Act\n\nRepublicans believe we can achieve greater progress in protecting species for future generations through results-based cooperative conservation programs and voluntary agreements that encourage private stewardship. The ESA must be updated to reflect new approaches that focus resources on species in need of recovery, not lawsuits. As with other major federal environmental laws, ESA should require peer-reviewed science, so resources can be focused on the most pressing recovery efforts. Just as importantly, the Act should encourage expansion of voluntary agreements with private property owners while ensuring that ESA enforcement respects and upholds private property rights.\nAgriculture and Rural America\n\nRepublican policies are working, such as the recently revitalized WTO Doha round negotiations that will create new opportunities for U.S. farmers and ranchers by cutting foreign tariffs, expanding quotas for American products, and eliminating agricultural export subsidies. Since 2001, the U.S. farm economy has enjoyed tremendous improvement and is today in a position of historic strength. Farmers' net cash income for 2003 was $63 billion, an 11.5 percent increase from 2000. And farmers' equity reached a record $1.16 trillion last year, putting American agriculture in its best financial health ever.\nThere is much more to rural America than agriculture, ranching, and forestry. The kind of economic development that generates family-sustaining jobs is critical to small towns and rural communities. President Bush and the Republican Congress are promoting good schools, accessible health care, decent housing, safe drinking water and waste disposal, and efficient transportation. They also are expanding the availability of the Internet and broadband service to allow people in rural America to access world-class technology.\nRevitalizing America's Cities\n\nLower taxes, passed by the Republican Congress, are stimulating development and investment in cities around the country. New homeownership opportunities are giving residents a stake in urban neighborhoods. Violent crime rates, including robberies and rapes, were down in 2003. The President's commitment to cleaning up brownfields and making them ready for productive purposes is transforming once-crumbling communities. His Faith-Based Initiative is extending the work of religious and charitable groups that operate in cities – serving meals, helping the homeless, and providing mentors for children. And the No Child Left Behind law is bringing new hope to parents and students in inner city schools.\nPresident Bush is building on the successes of Republican mayors who bring opportunity to inner cities. At the same time, the President is working with mayors and local leaders across America to ensure that the unprecedented homeland security funding provided by the Republican Congress is spent on shoring up the security of major cities and preparing first responders for any potential future attack. By making America's cities places of opportunity and safety, attractive to citizens of all backgrounds, we ensure that urban centers remain vital and vibrant communities.\nThe District of Columbia\n\nLocal government reform is an issue of importance to both Congress and residents of the District. Recent city administrations have made great strides in improving the operations of city government and, as these efforts continue, we support yielding more budgetary and legal autonomy to local elected officials.\nAs the seat of our federal government and a likely target of the September 11th attacks, Washington, D.C. also plays a critical role in homeland security. The federal government should continue to work closely with city officials to ensure maximum public safety for both residents of and visitors to the District, and respect the unique budgetary constraints under which the city operates.\nWe respect the design of the Framers of the Constitution that our nation's capital has a unique status and should remain independent of any individual state.\nCombating Chronic Homelessness\n\nProtecting Our Rights, Fighting Criminals, and Supporting Victims\n\nWe believe the Second Amendment and all of the rights guaranteed by it should enable law-abiding citizens throughout the country to own firearms in their homes for self-defense. To protect the rights and safety of law-abiding citizens, the Congress passed and President Bush signed the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, which allows active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed guns in public while off-duty. We support efforts by the Administration and Congress to enhance the instant background check system for gun purchases and to ensure that records of lawful transactions are destroyed in a timely manner. We applaud Congressional Republicans for seeking to stop frivolous lawsuits against firearms manufacturers, which is a transparent attempt to deprive citizens of their Second Amendment rights. We oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners and national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens.\nWe agree that the best way to deter crime is to enforce existing laws and hand down tough penalties against anyone who commits a crime with a gun. This approach is working. Since Project Safe Neighborhoods was instituted in 2001, hundreds of new federal, state, and local prosecutors have been hired to target criminals who use guns. Prosecutions are up 68 percent, and the violent crime victimization rate is down 21 percent. The Republican Party and President Bush support a federal Constitutional amendment for victims of violent crime that would provide specific rights for victims protected under the U.S. Constitution. We support courts having the option to impose the death penalty in capital murder cases. We praise President Bush and Republicans in Congress for the measures they have taken to protect pregnant women from violent crime by passing Laci and Conner's law, which recognizes the common-sense proposition that when a crime of violence against a pregnant woman kills or injures her unborn child, there are two victims and two offenses that should be punished.\nHelping Ex-Offenders Contribute to Society\nPromoting Drug-Free Communities\n\nTo continue this progress, we must ensure that jail time is used as an effective deterrent to drug use and support the continued funding of grants to assist schools in drug testing. At the same time, we should make drug treatment available to people willing to take the courageous step of admitting they have a problem and working hard to overcome it. The President's Access to Recovery (ATR) program is giving individuals seeking drug treatment expanded access to effective providers through a new voucher program.\nFaith-Based and Community Initiatives\n\nWe applaud President Bush's efforts to promote the generous and compassionate work of America's faith-based and neighborhood charities. The President established the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in the White House to coordinate federal, state, and local efforts to tear down barriers that have prevented religiously affiliated groups from applying for government grants on an equal footing with secular organizations. While the federal government must not promote religious activity, advocate on behalf of any religion, or fund any organization that discriminates on the basis of religion when providing taxpayer-funded services, no organization should be disqualified from receiving federal funds simply because it displays religious symbols, has a statement of faith in its mission statement, or has a religious leader on its board.\nAs a result of the President's leadership, the federal government is ending discrimination against faith-based organizations and now welcomes these groups as partners and allies in the effort to deliver social services to people in need. Faith-based groups must show that their programs are effective at providing help – whether it be serving the needs of the homeless, mentoring children, or helping Americans who battle addiction. Faith can often be a crucial element in the struggle to overcome personal challenges – and now Americans have the option of receiving treatment that meets their physical as well as spiritual needs. We commend the President for his steadfast support of people and institutions of faith, and we urge the Congress to act on legislative proposals to enhance private-sector works of charity and compassion. We also affirm that the hiring rights of religious organizations must be maintained so that religious charities do not have to abandon their religious character in order to provide publicly funded services.\nCalling Americans to Service\n\nEnsuring Equal Opportunities\n\nVoting Rights\n\nRemoving Barriers for Americans with Disabilities\n\nWe applaud the President and Congress for increasing funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires that eligible students with disabilities be provided a free, appropriate public education. We also endorse efforts to protect children and their parents from being coerced into administering a controlled substance in order to attend school.\nNative Americans\n\nTribal governments are best situated to gauge the needs of their communities and members.\nPolitical self-determination and economic self-sufficiency are twin pillars of an effective Indian policy.\nPrivate sector initiatives, rather than public assistance, can best improve material conditions in Indian communities.\nHigh taxes and unreasonable regulations stifle new and expanded businesses and thwart the creation of job opportunities and prosperity.\nWe will continue to work with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to make the tribal recognition process more transparent. We will strengthen Native American self-determination by respecting tribal sovereignty, encouraging economic development on Native lands, and working with them to reorganize the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service. We applaud President Bush for keeping his promise to eliminate within five years the maintenance and repairs backlog afflicting Indian schools. This promise will be achieved in only four years with funding in the 2005 budget. We support efforts to provide higher quality health care through the Indian Health Service. We uphold the unique government-to-government relationship between the tribes and the United States and honor our nation's trust obligations to them. We support efforts to ensure equitable participation in federal programs by Native Americans, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians and to preserve their cultures and languages.\nIn an age of new threats, we recognize the critical role tribes play in securing our homeland and contributing to our national defense. We honor the sacrifices made by Native Americans serving in the military today. They are upholding the high ideal of service on behalf of liberty. We will ensure that Indian veterans receive the care and respect they have earned through their service to America.\nSupporting Judges Who Uphold the Law\n\nThe sound principle of judicial review has turned into an intolerable presumption of judicial supremacy. A Republican Congress, working with a Republican president, will restore the separation of powers and re-establish a government of law. There are different ways to achieve that goal, such as using Article III of the Constitution to limit federal court jurisdiction; for example, in instances where judges are abusing their power by banning the use of \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance or prohibiting depictions of the Ten Commandments, and potential actions invalidating the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Additionally, we condemn judicial activists and their unwarranted and unconstitutional restrictions on the free exercise of religion in the public square.\nLeading the Fight against HIV/AIDS – At Home and Abroad\n\nWe fully support the President's leadership in dramatically expanding resources to find an HIV/AIDS vaccine and in devoting at least $15 billion over five years towards global prevention, care, and treatment programs. Since taking office, President Bush has virtually tripled the United States' annual financial commitment to the global war on HIV/AIDS.\nWe support the emphasis on prevention in the President's Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS relief and endorse its embrace of the successful Ugandan model promoting the \"ABC\" approach to prevention that encourages abstinence and being faithful to one lifetime partner, along with other behavioral changes intended to eliminate or reduce exposure risk. We support the President's Advancing HIV Prevention Initiative that emphasizes routine testing, early diagnosis, ongoing monitoring, and elimination of HIV/AIDS in newborn babies and infants. We also support the President's efforts to double the amount spent on abstinence-only education and to promote healthy relationships.\nWe recognize the unique and special vulnerability of women and girls to HIV infection from abusive and coercive behavior beyond their control and encourage expanded efforts to address this problem through legal and cultural reform. We also support more efforts to eradicate sex trafficking and prostitution and their underlying causes.\nWe support the expansion of programs providing support for those orphaned by HIV/AIDS. We fully support the use of faith-based organizations as partners on the ground in HIV/AIDS relief efforts because they often have the most capability, credibility, and conviction for performing this important work in different communities, regions, and countries. We also believe treatment and prevention of drug abuse are essential components of HIV protection.\nWe commend the President for his support of the Ryan White CARE Act and call for its reauthorization. We believe that ensuring access to treatment must be the priority of HIV/AIDS care programs. The President's policy is to provide safe, effective, high quality HIV/AIDS drugs at the lowest possible cost. He has accelerated the FDA review process for HIV/AIDS drugs and therapies for use under the Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS Relief.\nPresident Bush led the G-8 in endorsing the establishment of a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, a virtual consortium to accelerate HIV vaccine development. The President also announced plans to establish a second HIV Vaccine Research and Development Center in the U.S., in addition to the one at the National Institutes of Health. The new center will become a key component of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise.\nAmericans In The Territories\n\nWe support the Native American Samoans' efforts to preserve their culture and land-tenure system, which fosters self-reliance and strong extended-family values.\nWe support increased local self-government for the United States citizens of the Virgin Islands, and closer cooperation between the local and federal governments to promote private sector-led development and self-sufficiency. We recognize that Guam is a strategically vital U.S. territory in the far western Pacific, an American fortress in the Asian region. We affirm our support for the patriotic U.S. citizens of Guam to achieve greater local self-government, an improved federal-territorial relationship, new economic development strategies, and continued self-determination as desired with respect to political status.\nWe support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state after they freely so determine. We recognize that Congress has the final authority to define the Constitutionally valid options for Puerto Rico to achieve a permanent non-territorial status with government by consent and full enfranchisement. As long as Puerto Rico is not a state, however, the will of its people regarding their political status should be ascertained by means of a general right of referendum or specific referenda sponsored by the United States government.\nSupporting Humane and Legal Immigration\n\nTo better ensure that immigrants enter the United States only through legal means that allow for verification of their identity, reconnaissance cameras, border patrol agents, and unmanned aerial flights have all been increased at the border. In addition, Border Patrol agents now have sweeping new powers to deport illegal aliens without having first to go through the cumbersome process of allowing the illegal alien to have a hearing before an immigration judge. We support these efforts to enforce the law while welcoming immigrants who enter America through legal avenues.\n\"We are living in a time of great change – in our world, in our economy, in science and medicine. Yet some things endure – courage and compassion, reverence and integrity, respect for differences of faith and race. The values we try to live by never change. And they are instilled in us by fundamental institutions, such as families and schools and religious congregations. These institutions, these unseen pillars of civilization, must remain strong in America, and we will defend them. We must stand with our families to help them raise healthy, responsible children.\"\n— President George W. Bush\nFamilies are the cornerstone of our culture — the building blocks of a strong society. In families, children learn values and ideals, as well as the basic lessons that get them started on a lifelong path of education. We believe that every child deserves the chance to be born and grow up in a loving family. We also believe that while families exist in many different forms, there are ideals to strive for. Evidence shows us that children have the best chance at success when raised by a mother and a father who love and respect each other as well as their children. We also know that family breakdown makes America less stable. To create a sturdy foundation for the strength and success of our citizens and our nation, Republicans support policies that promote strong families. We also support a government that makes it easier for parents to raise their children in a world that offers unprecedented opportunities and new challenges. We offer an approach based on our common values and our common hopes. It will lead to a better America, one family at a time.\nThe Next Steps in Welfare Reform\nBut there is more work to do. We need to build on the results of the 1996 reforms and continue to move welfare recipients into jobs and off the welfare rolls. This is especially important for single women and mothers, who continue to rely on welfare and fear that they cannot find a job or enter a training program because they need to care for their children.\nWe endorse President Bush's plan to extend the benefits of welfare reform by strengthening work requirements and promoting healthy marriages, and offering training, transportation, and child care services to help people become self-sufficient. Every American deserves a chance to know the pride of earning a paycheck and providing for his or her family.\nPromoting Healthy Marriages and Responsible Fatherhood\n\nSupporting Adoption and Foster Children\n\nPromoting Healthy Choices, Including Abstinence\n\nExtensive research, much of it conducted or funded by the federal government, has shown that improving overall health, and thus preventing disease and premature death, is as easy as making small adjustments and improvements in the activities of daily life. We applaud the President's effort to increase public awareness about the benefits of physical fitness through programs like \"HealthierUS,\" which focuses on physical activity; a nutritious diet; medical screenings; and healthy choices – and \"VERB,\" which encourages young people to be physically active every day.\nEach year more than three million American teenagers contract sexually transmitted diseases, causing emotional harm and serious health consequences, even death. We support efforts to educate teens and parents about the health risks associated with early sexual activity and provide the tools needed to help teens make healthy choices. Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS. Therefore, we support doubling abstinence education funding. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referrals, counseling, and related services for contraception and abortion. We oppose school-based mental health programs that include recommendations for the use of psychotropic drugs.\nImproving Work Schedule Flexibility\n\nProtecting Family Privacy\n\nUnauthorized and unwelcome email, commonly known as spam, interferes with efficient and effective business and family communications. We support efforts to address this growing problem.\nIdentity theft is one of the fastest growing financial crimes in our nation. Last year alone, nearly 10 million Americans had their identities stolen by criminals who robbed them and the nation's businesses of nearly $50 billion through fraudulent transactions. The crime of identity theft undermines the basic trust on which our economy depends. And like other forms of stealing, identity theft leaves the victim poorer and feeling terribly violated.\nWe praise President Bush and Republicans in Congress for passing the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, which established a national system of fraud detection so that identity thieves can be stopped before they run up tens of thousands of dollars in illegal purchases. Thanks to this law, victims can make one phone call to report the crime to alert all three major credit rating agencies and to protect their credit ratings. We further praise President Bush and Republicans in Congress for passing the Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act, which provides a real deterrent by toughening the prison sentences for those who use identity theft to commit other crimes, including terrorism. It reflects our government's resolve to answer serious offenses with serious penalties. And we praise President Bush for the broader effort he has waged to prevent identity theft. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the FBI, and Secret Service are working with local and state officials to crack down on the criminal networks that are responsible for much of the identity theft that occurs in America. The Federal Trade Commission is training local law enforcement in the detection of identity theft and has set up the ID Theft Data Clearinghouse, which keeps track of complaints across the country and provides those records to prosecutors seeking to take down organized identity theft rings.\nProtecting the Educational Rights of Parents and Students\n\nProtecting Children from Obscenity and Exploitation\n\nWe applaud the Congress for passing, and the President for signing, the Protect Act. As the President said, this law \"will greatly assist law enforcement in tracking criminals who would harm our children, and will greatly help in rescuing the youngest victims of crime.\" The law formally established a national Amber Alert coordinator in the Department of Justice to help facilitate efforts to find missing children. It also added important tools to fight child exploitation by making obscene images of children, even those created with computer technology, illegal. We agree that strengthening the laws against child abuse will protect our children, help preserve the family structure, and promote a healthy environment in which our children can grow.\nWith ever more children accessing material over the Internet, we support efforts to bolster online protections that prevent children from being exposed to pornographic images and solicitations. And we applaud public and private efforts to create online safe areas for children. We praise President Bush and Congressional Republicans for their leadership in passing the Dot Kids Implementation and Efficiency Act, which created a secure domain on the Internet where parents know that it is safe for their children to learn and play and explore.\nProtecting Marriage\n\nAfter more than two centuries of American jurisprudence, and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization, the union of a man and a woman in marriage. Attempts to redefine marriage in a single state or city could have serious consequences throughout the country, and anything less than a Constitutional amendment, passed by the Congress and ratified by the states, is vulnerable to being overturned by activist judges. On a matter of such importance, the voice of the people must be heard. The Constitutional amendment process guarantees that the final decision will rest with the American people and their elected representatives. President Bush will also vigorously defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which was supported by both parties and passed by 85 votes in the Senate. This common sense law reaffirms the right of states not to recognize same-sex marriages licensed in other states.\nPresident Bush said, \"We will not stand for judges who undermine democracy by legislating from the bench and try to remake America by court order.\" The Republican House of Representatives has responded to this challenge by passing H.R. 3313, a bill to withdraw jurisdiction from the federal courts over the Defense of Marriage Act. We urge Congress to use its Article III power to enact this into law, so that activist federal judges cannot force 49 other states to approve and recognize Massachusetts' attempt to redefine marriage.\nPromoting a Culture of Life\n\nOur goal is to ensure that women with problem pregnancies have the kind of support, material and otherwise, they need for themselves and for their babies, not to be punitive towards those for whose difficult situation we have only compassion. We oppose abortion, but our pro-life agenda does not include punitive action against women who have an abortion. We salute those who provide alternatives to abortion and offer adoption services, and we commend Congressional Republicans for expanding assistance to adopting families and for removing racial barriers to adoption. We join the President in supporting crisis pregnancy programs and parental notification laws. And we applaud President Bush for allowing states to extend health care coverage to unborn children.\nWe praise the President for his bold leadership in defense of life. We praise him for signing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. This important legislation ensures that every infant born alive – including an infant who survives an abortion procedure – is considered a person under federal law.\nWe praise Republicans in Congress for passing, with strong bipartisan support, a ban on the inhumane procedure known as partial birth abortion. And we applaud President Bush for signing legislation outlawing partial birth abortion and for vigorously defending it in the courts.\nIn signing the partial birth abortion ban, President Bush reminded us that \"the most basic duty of government is to defend the life of the innocent. Every person, however frail or vulnerable, has a place and a purpose in this world.\" We affirm the inherent dignity and worth of all people. We oppose the non-consensual withholding of care or treatment because of disability, age, or infirmity, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide, which especially endanger the poor and those on the margins of society. We support President Bush's decision to restore the Drug Enforcement Administration's policy that controlled substances shall not be used for assisted suicide. We applaud Congressional Republicans for their leadership against those abuses and their pioneering legislation to focus research and treatment resources on the alleviation of pain and the care of terminally ill patients.\nFor 150 years, our Party has found its purpose in its principles. We confront big challenges instead of passing them on to future generations. We move forward with needed reforms to make the government work better for citizens. We fight important battles and champion freedom because by expanding liberty, we make our nation more secure.\nThis is the choice the American people face – moving forward or looking back, reforming government or settling for the status quo, producing results or playing politics. As Republicans, we know who we are and what we believe. As the Party of the open door, while steadfast in our commitment to our ideals, we respect and accept that members of our Party can have deeply held and sometimes differing views. This diversity is a source of strength, not a sign of weakness, and so we welcome into our ranks all who may hold differing positions. We commit to resolve our differences with civility, trust, and mutual respect, and to affirm the common goals and beliefs that unite us.\nAs the Party of Lincoln, we stand for freedom.\nWe stand for the freedom of families and individuals to have good schools, good health care, and affordable housing and services.\nWe stand for the freedom that comes with a good paying job in a growing economy.\nWe stand for the freedom and dignity of every human life, in every stage of life.\nWe know that freedom is not America's gift to the world; freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man, woman, and child in the world. And we stand for a hopeful tomorrow that will come from total and complete victory in the War on Terror.\nThese are values worthy of a great nation. And they are values worth fighting for. That is exactly what President George W. Bush continues to do. He is protecting us from danger by being prepared, strong, and steadfast. Vigilance is never easy. But it is always essential, now more than ever.\nGeorge W. Bush has done the hard work and made the hard choices required of an American President in challenging times. Because of his leadership, we are strong. Because of his vision, we will be even stronger. That is the pledge of this platform … and the promise of this convention.\nREPORTED BY FULL COMMITTEE August 26, 2004 Jacob K. Javits Convention Center New York, New York\nTHE PLATFORM COMMITTEE\nRepublican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie\nChairman Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, M.D.\nCo-Chairs Governor Bill Owens Representative Melissa Hart\nSUBCOMMITTEE CHAIRS\nWinning the War on Terror\nBill Owens Joe Acinapura\nUshering in an Ownership Era\nJanet Creighton Paul Harris\nBuilding an Innovative, Globally Competitive Economy\nPhil English\nBeth Harwell\nStrengthening our Communities\nMelissa Hart Eric Tanenblatt\nProtecting our Families\nHaley Barbour Ann Wagner\nCOMMITTEE MEMBERS\nALABAMA Linda Maynor\nJ.T. Jabo Waggoner\nALASKA Jonathon Lack Gloria Shriver\nAMERICAN SAMOA Tautai Fa'alevao Sa'eu Scanlan\nARIZONA Michael Andrews Shiree Verdone\nARKANSAS Jonathan Barnett Anne Britton\nCALIFORNIA Araceli Gonzalez Timothy LeFever\nCOLORADO Lilly Nunez Bill Owens\nCONNECTICUT John Frey Patricia Longo\nDELAWARE Elizabeth Field Patrick Murray\nDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA William Evans Betsy Werronen\nFLORIDA Sharon Day\nJ. Allison DeFoor GEORGIA Linda Herren Eric Tanenblatt\nGUAM Joanne Brown Fred Castro\nHAWAII Willes Lee Janice Pechauer IDAHO Thomas Luna Karen McGee\nILLINOIS Maureen Murphy Harold Smith\nINDIANA James Bopp Judith Singleton\nIOWA Paula Dierenfeld Morris Hurd\nKANSAS Stephen Cloud June Cooper\nKENTUCKY Karen Engle\nG. Hunter Bates\nLOUISIANA Russell Pavich Peggy Wilson\nMAINE Mark Ellis Janet Staples\nMARYLAND Katja Bullock Louis Pope\nMASSACHUSETTS William McKinney Amy Speer\nMICHIGAN Glenn Clark Cynthia Pine\nMINNESOTA Christopher Georgacas Annette Meeks\nMISSISSIPPI Haley Barbour Virginia Carlton\nMISSOURI Mark \"Thor\" Hearne Ann Wagner\nMONTANA Erik Iverson Shirley Warehime\nNEBRASKA Patricia Dorwart Adrian Smith\nNEVADA Rew Goodenow Bonnie Weber\nNEW HAMPSHIRE Richard Ashooh Ruth Griffin\nNEW JERSEY Alex DeCroce Barbara Sobel\nNEW MEXICO Joseph Carraro Cecilia Levatino\nNEW YORK Mary Donohue Raymond Meier\nNORTH CAROLINA Linda Daves Woody White\nNORTH DAKOTA Curly Haugland Karen Karls\nOHIO Michael Allen Janet Creighton\nOKLAHOMA Baren Healey Joy Pittman\nOREGON Jeff Grossman June Hartley\nPENNSYLVANIA Philip English Melissa Hart\nPUERTO RICO Carlos Chardon Miriam Ramirez\nRHODE ISLAND Bernard Jackvony Patricia Morgan\nSOUTH CAROLINA Mike Fair Kristin Maguire\nSOUTH DAKOTA Mary Jean Jensen Ron Schmidt TENNESSEE Bill Frist Beth Harwell\nTEXAS Cathie Adams Kelly Shackelford\nUTAH Dannie McConkie Gayle Ruzicka\nVERMONT Joseph Acinapura Darcie Johnston\nVIRGIN ISLANDS Samuel Baptiste April Newland\nVIRGINIA Kate Griffin Paul Harris\nWASHINGTON Betty Hanes Michael Young\nWEST VIRGINIA Cindy Frich\nWISCONSIN Crystal Berg Don Taylor\nWYOMING William Cubin Diana Vaughan\nRebekah Krimmel, Platform Assistant Anne Marie Falk, Platform Assistant Kate Kobiashvili, Platform Assistant\nSubcommittee Staff\nWinning the War on Terror Steve Biegun, Clerk\nUshering in an Ownership Era Rohit Kumar, Clerk\nBuilding an Innovative, Globally Competitive Economy Libby Jarvis, Clerk\nStrengthening Our Communities Dean Rosen, Clerk\nProtecting Our Families\nBill Wichterman, Clerk\nGraphic Designer Karen Portik\nA special thanks to all our volunteers\nPaid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2004 Republican National Convention. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.", "Words" -> 31982, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1860, "and" -> 1506, "to" -> 1074, "of" -> 1068, "in" -> 617, "a" -> 407, "that" -> 391, "for" -> 391, "We" -> 318, "President" -> 250, "is" -> 240, "our" -> 232, "on" -> 205, "are" -> 205, "with" -> 198, "by" -> 197, "have" -> 183, "their" -> 182, "The" -> 162, "support" -> 162, "Bush" -> 147, "as" -> 146, "will" -> 144, "Republicans" -> 142, "has" -> 140, "we" -> 130, "Congress" -> 104, "America" -> 102, "who" -> 99, "people" -> 99, "more" -> 99, "new" -> 95, "be" -> 94, "United" -> 88, "an" -> 88, "Republican" -> 84, "from" -> 84, "not" -> 82, "American" -> 80, "efforts" -> 78, "also" -> 76, "this" -> 73, "applaud" -> 69, "world" -> 67, "or" -> 67, "its" -> 65, "which" -> 64, "States" -> 64, "America's" -> 64, "other" -> 63, "must" -> 63, "President's" -> 61, "nations" -> 61, "it" -> 60, "health" -> 60, "at" -> 60, "they" -> 59, "than" -> 59, "all" -> 58, "leadership" -> 57, "can" 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"democracies" -> 5, "declared" -> 5, "danger" -> 5, "criminals" -> 5, "coverage" -> 5, "corruption" -> 5, "conviction" -> 5, "confront" -> 5, "compete" -> 5, "Communities" -> 5, "close" -> 5, "Clerk" -> 5, "classroom" -> 5, "Century" -> 5, "cargo" -> 5, "capability" -> 5, "cannot" -> 5, "Canada" -> 5, "But" -> 5, "Broader" -> 5, "bringing" -> 5, "Border" -> 5, "bold" -> 5, "bipartisan" -> 5, "below" -> 5, "basis" -> 5, "back" -> 5, "authority" -> 5, "Armed" -> 5, "alternative" -> 5, "allowing" -> 5, "agriculture" -> 5, "agenda" -> 5, "Affordable" -> 5, "adversaries" -> 5, "advancing" -> 5, "acts" -> 5, "act" -> 5, "Account" -> 5, "account" -> 5, "25" -> 5, "worst" -> 4, "works" -> 4, "Working" -> 4, "willing" -> 4, "why" -> 4, "When" -> 4, "ways" -> 4, "voted" -> 4, "voice" -> 4, "victory" -> 4, "very" -> 4, "variety" -> 4, "union" -> 4, "uniform" -> 4, "understanding" -> 4, "underserved" -> 4, "transportation" -> 4, "total" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "threaten" -> 4, "things" -> 4, "then" -> 4, "themselves" -> 4, "Terrorist" -> 4, "teacher" -> 4, "takes" -> 4, "tactics" -> 4, "strongest" -> 4, "strengthened" -> 4, "strategies" -> 4, "strategic" -> 4, "step" -> 4, "stem" -> 4, "steady" -> 4, "start" -> 4, "standards" -> 4, "speak" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "sound" -> 4, "skill" -> 4, "simply" -> 4, "side" -> 4, "shut" -> 4, "showing" -> 4, "shared" -> 4, "settlement" -> 4, "servicemembers" -> 4, "served" -> 4, "see" -> 4, "secured" -> 4, "saw" -> 4, "saving" -> 4, "said" -> 4, "rural" -> 4, "run" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "result" -> 4, "restrictions" -> 4, "responded" -> 4, "required" -> 4, "rely" -> 4, "religion" -> 4, "related" -> 4, "refugees" -> 4, "Reform" -> 4, "records" -> 4, "recommendations" -> 4, "recognized" -> 4, "received" -> 4, "receive" -> 4, "reality" -> 4, "reaffirms" -> 4, "reached" -> 4, "putting" -> 4, "pursuing" -> 4, "protections" -> 4, "proposal" -> 4, "pro-growth" -> 4, "production" -> 4, "problems" -> 4, "primary" -> 4, "preventing" -> 4, "position" -> 4, "Poland" -> 4, "person" -> 4, "peoples" -> 4, "penalties" -> 4, "paying" -> 4, "Patrol" -> 4, "path" -> 4, "passengers" -> 4, "passenger" -> 4, "Party's" -> 4, "Partnership" -> 4, "partner" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "pandemic" -> 4, "Palestinians" -> 4, "Palestinian" -> 4, "overtime" -> 4, "overcome" -> 4, "overall" -> 4, "operational" -> 4, "operate" -> 4, "once" -> 4, "often" -> 4, "offenses" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "NEW" -> 4, "murder" -> 4, "moving" -> 4, "More" -> 4, "minority" -> 4, "Marriage" -> 4, "Many" -> 4, "manufacturers" -> 4, "man" -> 4, "look" -> 4, "living" -> 4, "limited" -> 4, "least" -> 4, "learn" -> 4, "leader" -> 4, "lead" -> 4, "lawyer" -> 4, "kind" -> 4, "Karen" -> 4, "jurisdiction" -> 4, "June" -> 4, "Israel's" -> 4, "Iraqis" -> 4, "invest" -> 4, "interest" -> 4, "Intelligence" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "integrated" -> 4, "Insurance" -> 4, "Institutes" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "includes" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "importance" -> 4, "implement" -> 4, "immigrants" -> 4, "If" -> 4, "ideas" -> 4, "ideals" -> 4, "hydrogen" -> 4, "House" -> 4, "hours" -> 4, "hopeful" -> 4, "homes" -> 4, "Homeland" -> 4, "historical" -> 4, "high-quality" -> 4, "High" -> 4, "here" -> 4, "helps" -> 4, "heart" -> 4, "gun" -> 4, "guarantee" -> 4, "goods" -> 4, "go" -> 4, "get" -> 4, "genetic" -> 4, "fulfill" -> 4, "front" -> 4, "freely" -> 4, "fraudulent" -> 4, "found" -> 4, "forms" -> 4, "former" -> 4, "footing" -> 4, "FBI" -> 4, "far" -> 4, "Families" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "extension" -> 4, "equipment" -> 4, "entry" -> 4, "Energy" -> 4, "Emergency" -> 4, "educational" -> 4, "edge" -> 4, "Economy" -> 4, "Economic" -> 4, "easier" -> 4, "dynamic" -> 4, "dreams" -> 4, "dramatically" -> 4, "doubled" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "developing" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "determination" -> 4, "designed" -> 4, "dependence" -> 4, "denying" -> 4, "Democratic" -> 4, "December" -> 4, "decade" -> 4, "crimes" -> 4, "court" -> 4, "course" -> 4, "Courage" -> 4, "coordinate" -> 4, "contribution" -> 4, "Constitutional" -> 4, "Constitution" -> 4, "confronting" -> 4, "conflict" -> 4, "conditions" -> 4, "conclusion" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "companies" -> 4, "commit" -> 4, "colleges" -> 4, "closing" -> 4, "China's" -> 4, "Chile" -> 4, "character" -> 4, "chance" -> 4, "centers" -> 4, "cell" -> 4, "Care" -> 4, "came" -> 4, "burden" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "Building" -> 4, "broken" -> 4, "birth" -> 4, "bill" -> 4, "ban" -> 4, "ballistic" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "attempt" -> 4, "assisted" -> 4, "assist" -> 4, "Area" -> 4, "another" -> 4, "Amendment" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "ally" -> 4, "airports" -> 4, "ahead" -> 4, "agricultural" -> 4, "Agreement" -> 4, "agencies" -> 4, "affect" -> 4, "advances" -> 4, "active" -> 4, "accountability" -> 4, "abuse" -> 4, "ability" -> 4, "30" -> 4, "11th" -> 4, "$1.7" -> 3, "young" -> 3, "yet" -> 3, "year's" -> 3, "wounded" -> 3, "workplace" -> 3, "word" -> 3, "woman" -> 3, "Winning" -> 3, "Wilson" -> 3, "William" -> 3, "White" -> 3, "While" -> 3, "whether" -> 3, "western" -> 3, "West" -> 3, "welcomes" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "weak" -> 3, "waste" -> 3, "wars" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "Vietnam" -> 3, "vast" -> 3, "valuable" -> 3, "Vaccine" -> 3, "VA" -> 3, "Ushering" -> 3, "unmanned" -> 3, "unfair" -> 3, "tyranny" -> 3, "tripled" -> 3, "trillion" -> 3, "tribal" -> 3, "Treaty" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "treatments" -> 3, "transmitted" -> 3, "transformed" -> 3, "transformation" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "towards" -> 3, "too" -> 3, "Together" -> 3, "today's" -> 3, "timely" -> 3, "thwart" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "thanks" -> 3, "testing" -> 3, "term" -> 3, "technological" -> 3, "technical" -> 3, "tax-free" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "tariffs" -> 3, "target" -> 3, "Taiwan's" -> 3, "systems" -> 3, "swiftly" -> 3, "swift" -> 3, "sure" -> 3, "supporters" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "supplies" -> 3, "Summit" -> 3, "succeed" -> 3, "subsidies" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "Strategic" -> 3, "stood" -> 3, "stewardship" -> 3, "steadfastly" -> 3, "stay" -> 3, "statement" -> 3, "spend" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "space" -> 3, "source" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "solemn" -> 3, "six" -> 3, "show" -> 3, "shores" -> 3, "sharing" -> 3, "shape" -> 3, "sexually" -> 3, "sexual" -> 3, "several" -> 3, "seven" -> 3, "settlements" -> 3, "self-sufficiency" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "self-determination" -> 3, "self-defense" -> 3, "Second" -> 3, "second" -> 3, "screening" -> 3, "scale" -> 3, "salute" -> 3, "sailors" -> 3, "sacrifices" -> 3, "root" -> 3, "Ronald" -> 3, "risks" -> 3, "risking" -> 3, "rightly" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "rest" -> 3, "responsibilities" -> 3, "resolved" -> 3, "residents" -> 3, "rescue" -> 3, "require" -> 3, "represent" -> 3, "reorganization" -> 3, "renewable" -> 3, "removing" -> 3, "remaining" -> 3, "reliable" -> 3, "Relations" -> 3, "regulation" -> 3, "reflects" -> 3, "reflect" -> 3, "reductions" -> 3, "Reduced" -> 3, "reduced" -> 3, "Red" -> 3, "recognition" -> 3, "recipients" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "realities" -> 3, "Reagan" -> 3, "R&D" -> 3, "raised" -> 3, "railroad" -> 3, "quo" -> 3, "pursuit" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "Protection" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "proof" -> 3, "Promotion" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "previous" -> 3, "prescription" -> 3, "prepare" -> 3, "practice" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "populations" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "plants" -> 3, "placed" -> 3, "pillars" -> 3, "Persian" -> 3, "performance" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "peacekeeping" -> 3, "patrol" -> 3, "patriotism" -> 3, "Patricia" -> 3, "partial" -> 3, "Parents" -> 3, "Pakistani" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "Owens" -> 3, "Over" -> 3, "organized" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "orderly" -> 3, "Operation" -> 3, "officers" -> 3, "Now" -> 3, "nonproliferation" -> 3, "Next" -> 3, "negotiating" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "natural" -> 3, "NATO's" -> 3, "mutual" -> 3, "murderers" -> 3, "multinational" -> 3, "moral" -> 3, "missing" -> 3, "missiles" -> 3, "minorities" -> 3, "Michael" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "message" -> 3, "membership" -> 3, "Melissa" -> 3, "medicine" -> 3, "mayors" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "Marines" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "manage" -> 3, "Making" -> 3, "maintenance" -> 3, "maintaining" -> 3, "lowest" -> 3, "lose" -> 3, "lobby" -> 3, "little" -> 3, "litigation" -> 3, "Linda" -> 3, "limits" -> 3, "Libya" -> 3, "leaving" -> 3, "leave" -> 3, "law-abiding" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "larger" -> 3, "languages" -> 3, "killers" -> 3, "Khan" -> 3, "kept" -> 3, "judicial" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "Janet" -> 3, "Italy" -> 3, "IT" -> 3, "issue" -> 3, "irresponsible" -> 3, "IRAs" -> 3, "investments" -> 3, "intellectual" -> 3, "Institutions" -> 3, "instead" -> 3, "Innovative" -> 3, "innovative" -> 3, "infant" -> 3, "Increased" -> 3, "improvements" -> 3, "implementation" -> 3, "illnesses" -> 3, "identification" -> 3, "hundred" -> 3, "HSIs" -> 3, "However" -> 3, "hospitals" -> 3, "hopes" -> 3, "Homeownership" -> 3, "homeownership" -> 3, "holds" -> 3, "holding" -> 3, "His" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "held" -> 3, "HBCUs" -> 3, "Hart" -> 3, "half" -> 3, "Haitian" -> 3, "Haiti" -> 3, "guarantees" -> 3, "grow" -> 3, "groundbreaking" -> 3, "greatness" -> 3, "governors" -> 3, "going" -> 3, "goes" -> 3, "gives" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "gift" -> 3, "Germany" -> 3, "genuine" -> 3, "gave" -> 3, "Furthermore" -> 3, "funded" -> 3, "fraud" -> 3, "France" -> 3, "forging" -> 3, "Force" -> 3, "follow" -> 3, "flexibility" -> 3, "firm" -> 3, "finest" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "finally" -> 3, "fellow" -> 3, "federally" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "fastest" -> 3, "Faith-Based" -> 3, "facing" -> 3, "exports" -> 3, "events" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "ESA" -> 3, "errors" -> 3, "Era" -> 3, "entities" -> 3, "entering" -> 3, "ensures" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "enormous" -> 3, "enlargement" -> 3, "engagement" -> 3, "engaged" -> 3, "enforcing" -> 3, "Enforcement" -> 3, "enemies" -> 3, "Enduring" -> 3, "enacted" -> 3, "emerging" -> 3, "embrace" -> 3, "elsewhere" -> 3, "eliminated" -> 3, "element" -> 3, "election" -> 3, "effectively" -> 3, "economies" -> 3, "early" -> 3, "due" -> 3, "double" -> 3, "door" -> 3, "doing" -> 3, "Doha" -> 3, "diversity" -> 3, "District" -> 3, "disrupt" -> 3, "disclosure" -> 3, "discipline" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "diplomacy" -> 3, "dictatorship" -> 3, "dictator" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "desire" -> 3, "desecration" -> 3, "deny" -> 3, "Democrats" -> 3, "deliver" -> 3, "deepen" -> 3, "decisive" -> 3, "decisions" -> 3, "D.C." -> 3, "Cyprus" -> 3, "cutting" -> 3, "cuts" -> 3, "Customs" -> 3, "currently" -> 3, "culture" -> 3, "crisis" -> 3, "courts" -> 3, "country's" -> 3, "countermeasures" -> 3, "count" -> 3, "Council" -> 3, "contributing" -> 3, "contracts" -> 3, "consumers" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "constitution" -> 3, "considered" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "concerns" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "components" -> 3, "component" -> 3, "comply" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "communications" -> 3, "COMMITTEE" -> 3, "Committee" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "comes" -> 3, "combating" -> 3, "college" -> 3, "cohesive" -> 3, "classrooms" -> 3, "civilization" -> 3, "Chinese" -> 3, "certain" -> 3, "Central" -> 3, "center" -> 3, "case" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "candidate" -> 3, "calling" -> 3, "Bureau" -> 3, "budgetary" -> 3, "brought" -> 3, "broaden" -> 3, "broad" -> 3, "brave" -> 3, "bioterrorism" -> 3, "beneficiary" -> 3, "behalf" -> 3, "beginning" -> 3, "begin" -> 3, "became" -> 3, "battlefield" -> 3, "base" -> 3, "banner" -> 3, "Authority" -> 3, "August" -> 3, "associated" -> 3, "Assistant" -> 3, "Assistance" -> 3, "Article" -> 3, "A.Q." -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "appreciate" -> 3, "applying" -> 3, "ANWR" -> 3, "announcement" -> 3, "Andean" -> 3, "Amtrak" -> 3, "alone" -> 3, "allows" -> 3, "airmen" -> 3, "air" -> 3, "agreed" -> 3, "Africa's" -> 3, "aerial" -> 3, "advocate" -> 3, "adjust" -> 3, "adding" -> 3, "adaptable" -> 3, "Accounts" -> 3, "accomplish" -> 3, "accessible" -> 3, "abuses" -> 3, "abstinence" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "9/11" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "22" -> 3, "20" -> 3, "100" -> 3, "$87" -> 2, "$50" -> 2, "$2.5" -> 2, "$2" -> 2, "$15" -> 2, "$100,000" -> 2, "$1,000" -> 2, "Zimbabwe's" -> 2, "Zero" -> 2, "youth" -> 2, "Young" -> 2, "York" -> 2, "worthy" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "worldwide" -> 2, "Workers" -> 2, "women's" -> 2, "Women" -> 2, "wireless" -> 2, "win" -> 2, "whipped" -> 2, "Wagner" -> 2, "volunteers" -> 2, "visitors" -> 2, "VIRGINIA" -> 2, "violate" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "vaccines" -> 2, "vaccine" -> 2, "urban" -> 2, "upholding" -> 2, "unwelcome" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unleash" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "uninsured" -> 2, "unified" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "undertake" -> 2, "undermining" -> 2, "uncertainty" -> 2, "uncensored" -> 2, "unborn" -> 2, "unanimously" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "ultimate" -> 2, "Uganda" -> 2, "twice" -> 2, "turned" -> 2, "Turkey" -> 2, "try" -> 2, "truth" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "tribes" -> 2, "trials" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "treat" -> 2, "travel" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "transparent" -> 2, "transparency" -> 2, "transnational" -> 2, "transmission" -> 2, "transforming" -> 2, "transformational" -> 2, "transfers" -> 2, "transatlantic" -> 2, "transactions" -> 2, "Training" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "trading" -> 2, "tracking" -> 2, "took" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "Threat" -> 2, "Though" -> 2, "thing" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "Theft" -> 2, "terrorism-related" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "tens" -> 2, "Telecommunications" -> 2, "teens" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "Teachers" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "Task" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "Tanenblatt" -> 2, "systematic" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "suspected" -> 2, "Supported" -> 2, "supplement" -> 2, "summer" -> 2, "suicide" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "suffered" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "sudden" -> 2, "submarines" -> 2, "Students" -> 2, "struck" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strike" -> 2, "strides" -> 2, "Strategy" -> 2, "strategically" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "stifle" -> 2, "Steps" -> 2, "started" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "spur" -> 2, "sponsored" -> 2, "speed" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "species" -> 2, "Special" -> 2, "speaking" -> 2, "Soviet" -> 2, "sovereignty" -> 2, "SOUTH" -> 2, "something" -> 2, "solidarity" -> 2, "Smith" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "Slovakia" -> 2, "skilled" -> 2, "Skies" -> 2, "situation" -> 2, "sites" -> 2, "Singapore" -> 2, "simpler" -> 2, "shows" -> 2, "shoulder" -> 2, "shares" -> 2, "settling" -> 2, "serves" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "senior" -> 2, "Senegal" -> 2, "Senator" -> 2, "self-sufficient" -> 2, "seizing" -> 2, "seeing" -> 2, "securing" -> 2, "Secret" -> 2, "SEC" -> 2, "screenings" -> 2, "screeners" -> 2, "screened" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "Science" -> 2, "school-based" -> 2, "School" -> 2, "San" -> 2, "Salvador" -> 2, "safeguarding" -> 2, "ruthless" -> 2, "Russia's" -> 2, "route" -> 2, "round" -> 2, "rooted" -> 2, "Romania" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "Revitalizing" -> 2, "revitalized" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "Retirement" -> 2, "retirees" -> 2, "retired" -> 2, "retire" -> 2, "Results" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "respond" -> 2, "respected" -> 2, "Resolution" -> 2, "resolute" -> 2, "Reserve" -> 2, "rescuing" -> 2, "requested" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "Representatives" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "removed" -> 2, "remittances" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "relation" -> 2, "regarding" -> 2, "refused" -> 2, "reforming" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "redefine" -> 2, "recruits" -> 2, "recover" -> 2, "recommended" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "reauthorization" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "reading" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "rail" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "Qaeda's" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "purchases" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "punitive" -> 2, "punish" -> 2, "publicly" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "proven" -> 2, "proved" -> 2, "proudly" -> 2, "protects" -> 2, "prosecutors" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "Proliferation" -> 2, "projects" -> 2, "projected" -> 2, "Project" -> 2, "prohibiting" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "product" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "procedure" -> 2, "Private" -> 2, "Privacy" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "principle" -> 2, "primacy" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "prevail" -> 2, "pressing" -> 2, "president" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "pregnant" -> 2, "pregnancy" -> 2, "pregnancies" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "ports" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "plots" -> 2, "plays" -> 2, "playing" -> 2, "plain" -> 2, "piece" -> 2, "physically" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "Phased-out" -> 2, "Personal" -> 2, "perfect" -> 2, "peninsula" -> 2, "penalty" -> 2, "Pell" -> 2, "peak" -> 2, "peacefully" -> 2, "payments" -> 2, "Paul" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "partnerships" -> 2, "participating" -> 2, "parental" -> 2, "paramount" -> 2, "paperwork" -> 2, "Pakistan's" -> 2, "pace" -> 2, "overwhelming" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "oversee" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "outlaw" -> 2, "outdated" -> 2, "organize" -> 2, "opposes" -> 2, "Opportunity" -> 2, "Opportunities" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "operated" -> 2, "opens" -> 2, "openness" -> 2, "Only" -> 2, "online" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "old" -> 2, "Officers" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "off-base" -> 2, "OF" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obstructionist" -> 2, "observed" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "numerous" -> 2, "numbers" -> 2, "Nuclear" -> 2, "notice" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "Norway" -> 2, "NORTH" -> 2, "nominees" -> 2, "Nigeria" -> 2, "nexus" -> 2, "Netherlands" -> 2, "NEP" -> 2, "negotiation" -> 2, "negotiated" -> 2, "Navy's" -> 2, "mutually" -> 2, "Muslim" -> 2, "murderous" -> 2, "multiple" -> 2, "Much" -> 2, "moves" -> 2, "Movement" -> 2, "mortgage" -> 2, "Morocco" -> 2, "moratorium" -> 2, "month" -> 2, "monitor" -> 2, "moment" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "models" -> 2, "missions" -> 2, "Millions" -> 2, "Millennium" -> 2, "militias" -> 2, "midst" -> 2, "mental" -> 2, "meets" -> 2, "Medical" -> 2, "measured" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "MCA" -> 2, "may" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "materialized" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "Mary" -> 2, "marshals" -> 2, "marriages" -> 2, "Markets" -> 2, "markers" -> 2, "Mark" -> 2, "manner" -> 2, "manipulation" -> 2, "majorities" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "Lowered" -> 2, "Lower" -> 2, "loved" -> 2, "love" -> 2, "lost" -> 2, "longstanding" -> 2, "logistical" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "Local" -> 2, "lived" -> 2, "Lithuania" -> 2, "literacy" -> 2, "link" -> 2, "Lincoln's" -> 2, "Lincoln" -> 2, "limiting" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "lifetime" -> 2, "licensed" -> 2, "liberated" -> 2, "lethal" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "legacy" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "lawyers" -> 2, "launched" -> 2, "Latvia" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "Last" -> 2, "language" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "knows" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "Kerry" -> 2, "Kenya" -> 2, "keeps" -> 2, "Kate" -> 2, "Just" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "judge" -> 2, "Joseph" -> 2, "Jordan" -> 2, "joint" -> 2, "joined" -> 2, "John" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "invoked" -> 2, "Investing" -> 2, "investing" -> 2, "invaluable" -> 2, "intolerable" -> 2, "interim" -> 2, "interdiction" -> 2, "interdict" -> 2, "intended" -> 2, "intend" -> 2, "Integration" -> 2, "integration" -> 2, "instituted" -> 2, "inseparable" -> 2, "innocent" -> 2, "inner" -> 2, "Initiatives" -> 2, "Infrastructure" -> 2, "Information" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "industrial" -> 2, "indicators" -> 2, "indicated" -> 2, "independence" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "Increasing" -> 2, "inconsistent" -> 2, "incomes" -> 2, "incentives" -> 2, "impossible" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "images" -> 2, "illness" -> 2, "III" -> 2, "Identity" -> 2, "identified" -> 2, "Hussein's" -> 2, "Hungary" -> 2, "houses" -> 2, "hostile" -> 2, "Honoring" -> 2, "Honduras" -> 2, "homeowners" -> 2, "homeless" -> 2, "Hispanic" -> 2, "hired" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "Hill" -> 2, "hide" -> 2, "hemisphere" -> 2, "Healthy" -> 2, "headquarters" -> 2, "havens" -> 2, "Harwell" -> 2, "Harris" -> 2, "harm" -> 2, "harboring" -> 2, "harbor" -> 2, "Haley" -> 2, "habits" -> 2, "guns" -> 2, "Gulf" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "Guard's" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "Griffin" -> 2, "grew" -> 2, "Grant" -> 2, "graduates" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "Globally" -> 2, "generations" -> 2, "gather" -> 2, "gas" -> 2, "gambling" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "Future" -> 2, "Further" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "fulfilled" -> 2, "frivolous" -> 2, "Frist" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "freedoms" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "fourth" -> 2, "fought" -> 2, "fostering" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "Forward" -> 2, "forum" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "forever" -> 2, "forefront" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "focuses" -> 2, "focused" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flourish" -> 2, "flights" -> 2, "fleet" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "five-year" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "firearms" -> 2, "finishing" -> 2, "Finally" -> 2, "Fight" -> 2, "fifty" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "feeling" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farm" -> 2, "family-owned" -> 2, "Family" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "faithful" -> 2, "Fair" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "facilitators" -> 2, "facilitate" -> 2, "extraordinary" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "explore" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "explicitly" -> 2, "expensing" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "expectations" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "exemplified" -> 2, "executives" -> 2, "executed" -> 2, "excellent" -> 2, "exactly" -> 2, "everywhere" -> 2, "everything" -> 2, "Euro-Atlantic" -> 2, "Ethiopia" -> 2, "Estonia" -> 2, "estimated" -> 2, "Eric" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "Envoy" -> 2, "environmentally" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "Enterprise" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enriched" -> 2, "enhances" -> 2, "ending" -> 2, "endeavor" -> 2, "Enacted" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "emphasis" -> 2, "embryos" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "elementary" -> 2, "electronic" -> 2, "elderly" -> 2, "El" -> 2, "eight" -> 2, "effectiveness" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "earned" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "Drug" -> 2, "drive" -> 2, "Dream" -> 2, "dream" -> 2, "dozens" -> 2, "Downpayment" -> 2, "doubling" -> 2, "Dominican" -> 2, "dividend" -> 2, "disrupting" -> 2, "disproportionately" -> 2, "disparities" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "Disabilities" -> 2, "disabilities" -> 2, "Director" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "differing" -> 2, "died" -> 2, "dialogue" -> 2, "diabetes" -> 2, "deterrent" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "detection" -> 2, "detect" -> 2, "destroying" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "design" -> 2, "deploying" -> 2, "deploy" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "depends" -> 2, "dependents" -> 2, "Denmark" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "demonstration" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "delivery" -> 2, "deliberate" -> 2, "defensive" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "defeated" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "decades-long" -> 2, "debate" -> 2, "Darfur" -> 2, "DAKOTA" -> 2, "daily" -> 2, "Czech" -> 2, "curriculum" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "cultures" -> 2, "cultural" -> 2, "crossings" -> 2, "Cross" -> 2, "criminal" -> 2, "Creighton" -> 2, "Credit" -> 2, "credibility" -> 2, "covered" -> 2, "courageous" -> 2, "countless" -> 2, "countering" -> 2, "counseling" -> 2, "costly" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "Corporate" -> 2, "cornerstone" -> 2, "coordinated" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "Cooperation" -> 2, "convictions" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "controlling" -> 2, "controlled" -> 2, "Control" -> 2, "Container" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "consolidate" -> 2, "consistently" -> 2, "consent" -> 2, "consensus" -> 2, "confronted" -> 2, "conferences" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "concluding" -> 2, "concert" -> 2, "complicated" -> 2, "Competitive" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "compassionate" -> 2, "committee" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "Colombia" -> 2, "coerced" -> 2, "clinical" -> 2, "Clear" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "claimed" -> 2, "claim" -> 2, "civilized" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "Citizens" -> 2, "circle" -> 2, "Chronic" -> 2, "Choice" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "Chief" -> 2, "check" -> 2, "charity" -> 2, "charities" -> 2, "charged" -> 2, "Challenge" -> 2, "Chairman" -> 2, "certification" -> 2, "CEOs" -> 2, "Centers" -> 2, "cemeteries" -> 2, "causing" -> 2, "catastrophic" -> 2, "Castro's" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "CAROLINA" -> 2, "Caribbean" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "camps" -> 2, "campaign" -> 2, "cameras" -> 2, "buy" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "burdensome" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "Bulgaria" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "brutal" -> 2, "brownfields" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "Brazil" -> 2, "born" -> 2, "board" -> 2, "blood" -> 2, "blackouts" -> 2, "biodefense" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "Beth" -> 2, "benefiting" -> 2, "beliefs" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "battles" -> 2, "barrier" -> 2, "barrels" -> 2, "Barbour" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "background" -> 2, "backed" -> 2, "babies" -> 2, "authorized" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "attempts" -> 2, "Atomic" -> 2, "assets" -> 2, "asset" -> 2, "assemble" -> 2, "assaults" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "asked" -> 2, "Asian" -> 2, "armed" -> 2, "area" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "April" -> 2, "Appropriations" -> 2, "approaches" -> 2, "appointment" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "anywhere" -> 2, "anyone" -> 2, "Any" -> 2, "anti-Semitism" -> 2, "answered" -> 2, "annual" -> 2, "announced" -> 2, "Anne" -> 2, "Ann" -> 2, "analysis" -> 2, "An" -> 2, "although" -> 2, "alternatives" -> 2, "allocation" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "aliens" -> 2, "alert" -> 2, "Albania" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "airborne" -> 2, "Air" -> 2, "Agreements" -> 2, "AGOA" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "Agency" -> 2, "Afghanistan's" -> 2, "afflicted" -> 2, "affected" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "admitted" -> 2, "adhere" -> 2, "addresses" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "activist" -> 2, "acted" -> 2, "acres" -> 2, "acquire" -> 2, "Acinapura" -> 2, "achievements" -> 2, "accounting" -> 2, "accountable" -> 2, "Accountability" -> 2, "Access" -> 2, "accept" -> 2, "accelerate" -> 2, "abusing" -> 2, "Abstinence" -> 2, "absolutely" -> 2, "93" -> 2, "80" -> 2, "600" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "5.5" -> 2, "49" -> 2, "300" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "26" -> 2, "24" -> 2, "21" -> 2, "2011" -> 2, "2010" -> 2, "1996" -> 2, "1990s" -> 2, "1949" -> 2, "16" -> 2, "150" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "1.5" -> 2, "14" -> 2, "12" -> 2, "$63" -> 1, "$5.5" -> 1, "$53" -> 1, "$5.2" -> 1, "$300" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$294" -> 1, "$25,000" -> 1, "$20" -> 1, "$18" -> 1, "$15.9" -> 1, "$1,500" -> 1, "$139" -> 1, "$132" -> 1, "$13" -> 1, "$1.16" -> 1, "$10" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "zoning" -> 1, "zones" -> 1, "zip" -> 1, "Zimbabwean" -> 1, "Zealand" -> 1, "your" -> 1, "youngest" -> 1, "you" -> 1, "YORK" -> 1, "yielding" -> 1, "yielded" -> 1, "WYOMING" -> 1, "" -> 1, "WTO's" -> 1, "wrongdoers" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "Worse" -> 1, "Worldwide" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "workplaces" -> 1, "Workforce" -> 1, "Work" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "Woody" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "WISCONSIN" -> 1, "winning" -> 1, "window-dressing" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "Wi-Max" -> 1, "Willes" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "Wi-Fi" -> 1, "widened" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "Wichterman" -> 1, "wholeheartedly" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "we've" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "WEST" -> 1, "Werronen" -> 1, "well-established" -> 1, "well-coordinated" -> 1, "we'll" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "welcoming" -> 1, "Welcome" -> 1, "weigh" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "wedded" -> 1, "Weber" -> 1, "weapons-usable" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "wealthy" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "wavering" -> 1, "water-marketing" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "watchlist" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Washington's" -> 1, "WASHINGTON" -> 1, "warfighters" -> 1, "War-era" -> 1, "Warehime" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "wanted" -> 1, "wall" -> 1, "wake" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wait" -> 1, "Waggoner" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "waged" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vulnerability" -> 1, "vowing" -> 1, "voucher" -> 1, "vouch" -> 1, "Voting" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "visits" -> 1, "visiting" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "virtual" -> 1, "Virginia" -> 1, "VIRGIN" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "violators" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violates" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vigilantly" -> 1, "Vigilance" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "victories" -> 1, "Victims" -> 1, "victimization" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "vetoed" -> 1, "Veto" -> 1, "VERMONT" -> 1, "verification" -> 1, "verifiable" -> 1, "Verdone" -> 1, "Verde" -> 1, "VERB" -> 1, "venues" -> 1, "Venezuela's" -> 1, "Venezuela" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "Vaughan" -> 1, "Vatican" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "VA's" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilities" -> 1, "UTAH" -> 1, "US-VISIT" -> 1, "U.S.-Japan" -> 1, "Using" -> 1, "usher" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "U.S.-Chile" -> 1, "U.S.-Australia" -> 1, "Uruguay" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "Urban" -> 1, "uranium" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "upholds" -> 1, "Uphold" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "updated" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "untouched" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "unshakable" -> 1, "unseen" -> 1, "unreported" -> 1, "unrelenting" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unrealistic" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unneeded" -> 1, "unlock" -> 1, "Universities" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniformed" -> 1, "unhealthy" -> 1, "uneven" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "undermine" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "Uncertainty" -> 1, "Unauthorized" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "Ukraine" -> 1, "ugly" -> 1, "Ugandan" -> 1, "tyrants" -> 1, "typically" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "two-year" -> 1, "two-state" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "Twenty-eight" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "tutoring" -> 1, "turns" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "turmoil" -> 1, "Tunisia" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "Tuberculosis" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "trustees" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "Troops" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "tribute" -> 1, "Tribal" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "travelers" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "Transition" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "Transactions" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "traffickers" -> 1, "trafficked" -> 1, "tradesmen" -> 1, "trade-distorting" -> 1, "trace" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "toughening" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "touchstone" -> 1, "totaling" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "Today's" -> 1, "tirelessly" -> 1, "Timothy" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "tighten" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "thwarted" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thoughtfully" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "Thor" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "third-largest" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "thieves" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therapy" -> 1, "therapies" -> 1, "theories" -> 1, "THE" -> 1, "That's" -> 1, "thanksgiving" -> 1, "Thailand" -> 1, "textile" -> 1, "textbooks" -> 1, "TEXAS" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "Terrorists" -> 1, "terrorist-related" -> 1, "Terrorism" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terminally" -> 1, "TENNESSEE" -> 1, "tenets" -> 1, "Ten" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "Television" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "Tel" -> 1, "teenagers" -> 1, "tear" -> 1, "Teaching" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "Taylor" -> 1, "taxpayer-funded" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "Tautai" -> 1, "taught" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "Tanzania" -> 1, "tangible" -> 1, "Talks" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talking" -> 1, "Taliban's" -> 1, "Takings" -> 1, "Taiwanese" -> 1, "tagging" -> 1, "TABLE" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "synagogues" -> 1, "symbols" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "sworn" -> 1, "Switzerland" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "Sweden" -> 1, "swear" -> 1, "Suu" -> 1, "sustenance" -> 1, "Sustained" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "survives" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "Survey" -> 1, "surface" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "suppressed" -> 1, "supportive" -> 1, "supporter" -> 1, "Supply" -> 1, "supplementing" -> 1, "super-majority" -> 1, "Sunset" -> 1, "suits" -> 1, "Sudan's" -> 1, "Sudanese" -> 1, "successors" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "subsidization" -> 1, "sub-Saharan" -> 1, "sub-regional" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "SUBCOMMITTEE" -> 1, "Subcommittee" -> 1, "sturdy" -> 1, "studying" -> 1, "stuck" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "Strengthened" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "stranglehold" -> 1, "storing" -> 1, "stored" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stolen" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "Stockpile" -> 1, "stockpile" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "stiff" -> 1, "stick" -> 1, "Stewardship" -> 1, "Steve" -> 1, "Stephen" -> 1, "Stem" -> 1, "stealing" -> 1, "Steady" -> 1, "staying" -> 1, "staunch" -> 1, "statues" -> 1, "state-of-the-art" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "stated" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "Staples" -> 1, "staples" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stage" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "square" -> 1, "spurs" -> 1, "spouses" -> 1, "sports" -> 1, "sponsors" -> 1, "sponsoring" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "Speer" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "spectators" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "Species" -> 1, "specialized" -> 1, "spearheaded" -> 1, "spam" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "soul" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sophisticated" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "Solutions" -> 1, "solutions" -> 1, "solidly" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "solicitations" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "Sobel" -> 1, "smuggle" -> 1, "Slovenia" -> 1, "slim" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "skies" -> 1, "Six-Party" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "situated" -> 1, "Singleton" -> 1, "Single-Family" -> 1, "Simplified" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "signatures" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "Sierra" -> 1, "sidewalks" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "Shriver" -> 1, "shrinking" -> 1, "shrink" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shoring" -> 1, "shock" -> 1, "Shirley" -> 1, "Shiree" -> 1, "shipments" -> 1, "shipbuilding" -> 1, "shifting" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "Sheik" -> 1, "shedding" -> 1, "shed" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "Sharon" -> 1, "Shared" -> 1, "Shamefully" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "Shackelford" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "seventeen" -> 1, "Seven" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "servitude" -> 1, "Serving" -> 1, "service-related" -> 1, "Servicemembers" -> 1, "servicemember" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "sequestration" -> 1, "Separation" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "Separately" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sentences" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "semiconductors" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-sustaining" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "selfless" -> 1, "Self-Help" -> 1, "self-employment" -> 1, "sees" -> 1, "seed" -> 1, "Securities" -> 1, "secular" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "sector-led" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "searching" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "Screening" -> 1, "screen" -> 1, "scores" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "scientist" -> 1, "Schooling" -> 1, "schoolchildren" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "Schmidt" -> 1, "SCHIP" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "Schedule" -> 1, "scene" -> 1, "scarred" -> 1, "Scanlan" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "Saving" -> 1, "saver" -> 1, "SARS" -> 1, "Sarbanes-Oxley" -> 1, "sanctuaries" -> 1, "sanctions" -> 1, "Samuel" -> 1, "Samoans" -> 1, "SAMOA" -> 1, "same-sex" -> 1, "salutes" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "SAFETY" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "Safer" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "Safe" -> 1, "Sa'eu" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "Ryan" -> 1, "Ruzicka" -> 1, "Ruth" -> 1, "Russell" -> 1, "rush" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "ruler" -> 1, "ruled" -> 1, "Rule" -> 1, "RSA" -> 1, "routine" -> 1, "routes" -> 1, "rounding" -> 1, "Rosen" -> 1, "Rooted" -> 1, "RONALD" -> 1, "Ron" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "Rohit" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "Rocky" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "robberies" -> 1, "robbed" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "Road" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "Riyadh" -> 1, "risk-takers" -> 1, "Risk" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "rings" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "rightfully" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "RICO" -> 1, "Richard" -> 1, "Rica" -> 1, "RHODE" -> 1, "Rew" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "reversing" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "reverence" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "retroactive" -> 1, "retribution" -> 1, "retool" -> 1, "retiree" -> 1, "retentions" -> 1, "results-based" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "Restoration" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "Respecting" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resourcefulness" -> 1, "resourceful" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residences" -> 1, "re-shaping" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "Required" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "Republican-led" -> 1, "reprocessing" -> 1, "repressive" -> 1, "represses" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "Representative" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "repository" -> 1, "REPORTED" -> 1, "Replace" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "repatriation" -> 1, "repairs" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "renters" -> 1, "renounce" -> 1, "renominate" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "Removing" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "remnants" -> 1, "reminded" -> 1, "remember" -> 1, "remarks" -> 1, "remarkably" -> 1, "remake" -> 1, "religiously" -> 1, "relieving" -> 1, "relic" -> 1, "Reliable" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "rejoin" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reinstitution" -> 1, "reinforces" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reimbursement" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regulatory" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "region's" -> 1, "regionally" -> 1, "regime's" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refuses" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "Refuge" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reformers" -> 1, "reformed" -> 1, "refocusing" -> 1, "refocused" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "refine" -> 1, "referring" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "referenda" -> 1, "refashioning" -> 1, "reestablished" -> 1, "re-establish" -> 1, "Reemployment" -> 1, "Reductions" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "redraw" -> 1, "redistribute" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recruiting" -> 1, "Recovery" -> 1, "recovered" -> 1, "record-level" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "reconstitute" -> 1, "Reconnaissance" -> 1, "reconnaissance" -> 1, "recommendation" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "Recently" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receipt" -> 1, "recapitalize" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "rebuilt" -> 1, "Rebekah" -> 1, "reauthorizing" -> 1, "reauthorize" -> 1, "reassessing" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "Real" -> 1, "REAGAN" -> 1, "reaffirmed" -> 1, "reaffirmation" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "Ready" -> 1, "Reading" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "reaches" -> 1, "Raymond" -> 1, "ratings" -> 1, "rating" -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "rapid" -> 1, "rapes" -> 1, "rape" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "rank-and-file" -> 1, "Rangoon" -> 1, "ranging" -> 1, "ranges" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "ranching" -> 1, "ranchers" -> 1, "Ramirez" -> 1, "rally" -> 1, "rallied" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "raids" -> 1, "radiological" -> 1, "Radio" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quarter-century" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "quadrupling" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "Qatar" -> 1, "pursues" -> 1, "punishes" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "PUERTO" -> 1, "publish" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "psychotropic" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "Protect" -> 1, "prostitution" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "Prosecutions" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "Proposed" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "properties" -> 1, "prop" -> 1, "prompted" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "pro-life" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "pro-democracy" -> 1, "proceeds" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "private-sector" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "privacy" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "principled" -> 1, "principals" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "presumption" -> 1, "presuming" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "presently" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "Prescription" -> 1, "Preparedness" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "pre-paid" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "premature" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "preemptively" -> 1, "pre-eminent" -> 1, "predictive" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "preclude" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "PREAMBLE" -> 1, "prayers" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "praised" -> 1, "practically" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "posed" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "Portugal" -> 1, "Ports" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "Portik" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "porous" -> 1, "pornographic" -> 1, "Pork" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "poppy" -> 1, "Pope" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "poorer" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "Polish-led" -> 1, "Policy" -> 1, "policemen" -> 1, "poisons" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "pockets" -> 1, "plot" -> 1, "plenty" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "pled" -> 1, "pleased" -> 1, "pleas" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "PLATFORM" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "Plans" -> 1, "planning" -> 1, "planner" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "plaintiffs" -> 1, "plainly" -> 1, "plaguing" -> 1, "pivotal" -> 1, "Pittman" -> 1, "pipeline" -> 1, "pioneering" -> 1, "pinprick" -> 1, "Pine" -> 1, "phone" -> 1, "Philip" -> 1, "philanthropies" -> 1, "Phil" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "pessimism" -> 1, "pertaining" -> 1, "persuade" -> 1, "personally" -> 1, "persist" -> 1, "persevere" -> 1, "perpetuating" -> 1, "perpetrators" -> 1, "Permanent" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "People's" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "Pentagon" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "PENNSYLVANIA" -> 1, "Penalty" -> 1, "penalizing" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "Peggy" -> 1, "peer-reviewed" -> 1, "Pechauer" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "PAYGO" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "Pay" -> 1, "paving" -> 1, "Pavich" -> 1, "paved" -> 1, "Paula" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "Patrick" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "pathways" -> 1, "pathological" -> 1, "partnering" -> 1, "partnered" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "participates" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "Part" -> 1, "Parks" -> 1, "parcels" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "pandemics" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "Palestine" -> 1, "pain" -> 1, "Paid" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "owning" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "overturned" -> 1, "overshadowed" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overlap" -> 1, "overhauled" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "outspoken" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outposts" -> 1, "out-of-wedlock" -> 1, "out-of-pocket" -> 1, "outmatch" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "outlawing" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "Others" -> 1, "osteoporosis" -> 1, "Osama" -> 1, "orphaned" -> 1, "orphan" -> 1, "organizes" -> 1, "OREGON" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "Or" -> 1, "Options" -> 1, "opt" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opponents" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operates" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "Opening" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "ongoing" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "once-crumbling" -> 1, "Oman" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "OKLAHOMA" -> 1, "OHIO" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "offensive" -> 1, "off-duty" -> 1, "Of" -> 1, "Oceans" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "occurs" -> 1, "occasional" -> 1, "occasion" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "Obscenity" -> 1, "obscene" -> 1, "nutritious" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "Nunn-Lugar" -> 1, "Nunez" -> 1, "Nowhere" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notification" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "Northeast" -> 1, "normalization" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-territorial" -> 1, "nonpublic" -> 1, "non-proliferation" -> 1, "Non-partisan" -> 1, "nonnegotiable" -> 1, "non-legislative" -> 1, "non-humanitarian" -> 1, "non-economic" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "non-consensual" -> 1, "nominating" -> 1, "Nobel" -> 1, "Ninety-four" -> 1, "Ninety" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "NIH" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "Nicaragua" -> 1, "next-generation" -> 1, "newly" -> 1, "Newland" -> 1, "newest" -> 1, "newcomers" -> 1, "newborn" -> 1, "NEVADA" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "nest" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "Neighborhoods" -> 1, "neighborhoods" -> 1, "Neighborhood" -> 1, "Negotiated" -> 1, "Needy" -> 1, "needing" -> 1, "NEBRASKA" -> 1, "NCLB" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "navigate" -> 1, "NATO-led" -> 1, "NASA" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narco-terrorists" -> 1, "Nanotechnology" -> 1, "nanotechnology" -> 1, "Murray" -> 1, "Murphy" -> 1, "murderer" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "multi-lateral" -> 1, "much-deserved" -> 1, "Mozambique" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "Mountains" -> 1, "mothers" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "Mortgages" -> 1, "mortality" -> 1, "Morris" -> 1, "Morgan" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "Month" -> 1, "Monterrey" -> 1, "MONTANA" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "Moldova" -> 1, "Mohammed" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "modest" -> 1, "Modernizing" -> 1, "Modernization" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mobilizing" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "mitigation" -> 1, "MISSOURI" -> 1, "MISSISSIPPI" -> 1, "Missile" -> 1, "missed" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "Miriam" -> 1, "MINNESOTA" -> 1, "Ministerial" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minimal" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "millennia" -> 1, "Mike" -> 1, "migration" -> 1, "migrants" -> 1, "mid-term" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "mid-1990s" -> 1, "MICHIGAN" -> 1, "Mexico's" -> 1, "MEXICO" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "merge" -> 1, "mentors" -> 1, "mentoring" -> 1, "Mental" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "memories" -> 1, "MEMBERS" -> 1, "melt" -> 1, "Meier" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "Meeks" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "medically" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "measurable" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "M.D." -> 1, "McKinney" -> 1, "McGee" -> 1, "McConkie" -> 1, "MCA's" -> 1, "Maynor" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "Maureen" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "materiel" -> 1, "materialize" -> 1, "matches" -> 1, "mastery" -> 1, "mastering" -> 1, "massively" -> 1, "MASSACHUSETTS" -> 1, "Massachusetts" -> 1, "MARYLAND" -> 1, "Marxist-Leninist" -> 1, "Martí" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "Marriages" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "market-opening" -> 1, "market-based" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "Marie" -> 1, "margins" -> 1, "margin" -> 1, "Map" -> 1, "Manufacturing" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "manipulating" -> 1, "manhunt" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "mammoth" -> 1, "malpractice" -> 1, "Mali" -> 1, "malcontents" -> 1, "Malaria" -> 1, "malaria" -> 1, "Make" -> 1, "Majority" -> 1, "maintains" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "MAINE" -> 1, "Maguire" -> 1, "Magen" -> 1, "madman" -> 1, "Made" -> 1, "Madagascar" -> 1, "Macedonia" -> 1, "Luna" -> 1, "LSA" -> 1, "loving" -> 1, "LOUISIANA" -> 1, "Louis" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "longtime" -> 1, "Long-Term" -> 1, "long-term" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "long-overdue" -> 1, "Longo" -> 1, "locations" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "Litigation" -> 1, "listens" -> 1, "List" -> 1, "links" -> 1, "linked" -> 1, "Line-Item" -> 1, "Limiting" -> 1, "Lilly" -> 1, "Likewise" -> 1, "like-minded" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "likelihood" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "lighter" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "Lifetime" -> 1, "lifelong" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "licensure" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "Libyan" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "Liberia" -> 1, "Liberation" -> 1, "liberate" -> 1, "Libby" -> 1, "Liability" -> 1, "Leveraging" -> 1, "Levels" -> 1, "Levatino" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "Less" -> 1, "Lesotho" -> 1, "Leone" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "lenders" -> 1, "legitimacy" -> 1, "legislating" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "LeFever" -> 1, "Lee" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "Leading" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "Leader" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "Laureate" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "Latin" -> 1, "late-trading" -> 1, "Later" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "lapsing" -> 1, "lanes" -> 1, "land-tenure" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "landmarks" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "Laden" -> 1, "ladder" -> 1, "Lack" -> 1, "Laci" -> 1, "laboring" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "Kyi" -> 1, "Kuwait" -> 1, "Kumar" -> 1, "Kristin" -> 1, "Krimmel" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "Kobiashvili" -> 1, "knew" -> 1, "kills" -> 1, "killing" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "kill" -> 1, "Kids" -> 1, "Khalid" -> 1, "Key" -> 1, "Kerry's" -> 1, "KENTUCKY" -> 1, "Kelly" -> 1, "Kazakhstan" -> 1, "Katja" -> 1, "Kassebaum" -> 1, "Karls" -> 1, "KANSAS" -> 1, "K" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "jurisprudence" -> 1, "jurisdictions" -> 1, "junta" -> 1, "July" -> 1, "Judith" -> 1, "judgments" -> 1, "Judges" -> 1, "judged" -> 1, "Juan" -> 1, "J.T." -> 1, "joyful" -> 1, "Joy" -> 1, "Jonathon" -> 1, "Jonathan" -> 1, "jointly" -> 1, "Johnston" -> 1, "Joe" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "job-producing" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "Joanne" -> 1, "Jima" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "JERSEY" -> 1, "Jensen" -> 1, "Jeff" -> 1, "Jean" -> 1, "Javits" -> 1, "Jarvis" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "Janjaweed" -> 1, "Janice" -> 1, "James" -> 1, "jail" -> 1, "Jacob" -> 1, "Jackvony" -> 1, "Jabo" -> 1, "J" -> 1, "Iwo" -> 1, "Iverson" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "Israelis" -> 1, "Israeli" -> 1, "isolationism" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "ISLANDS" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "ISLAND" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irreversible" -> 1, "irrelevant" -> 1, "irrational" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "Ireland's" -> 1, "Iraq's" -> 1, "Iran's" -> 1, "Iranians" -> 1, "IOWA" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investigators" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "Investigation" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "invalidating" -> 1, "invaded" -> 1, "INTRODUCTION" -> 1, "intractable" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "intimidated" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "internationalism" -> 1, "interferes" -> 1, "intercity" -> 1, "interagency" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "insulted" -> 1, "instrumental" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instructors" -> 1, "institution's" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instilled" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "instance" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "Inspection" -> 1, "inspected" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insisted" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "insight" -> 1, "Inside" -> 1, "inside" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "innovators" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "innocents" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "injures" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inhumane" -> 1, "inhibit" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "inhabit" -> 1, "infusions" -> 1, "infrastructures" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "infirmity" -> 1, "infinitely" -> 1, "infectious" -> 1, "infection" -> 1, "Infants" -> 1, "infants" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "inefficiencies" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "industrialized" -> 1, "indoctrinated" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "Individuals" -> 1, "individualized" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indigenous" -> 1, "indication" -> 1, "indicate" -> 1, "India's" -> 1, "INDIANA" -> 1, "Independent" -> 1, "incorporating" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "Including" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "impulses" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "improves" -> 1, "imprisoned" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "Implementation" -> 1, "impervious" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "immunity" -> 1, "Imminent" -> 1, "imminent" -> 1, "Immigrations" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immensely" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "ILLINOIS" -> 1, "Illinois" -> 1, "illicit" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "ideology" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "identities" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "IDEA" -> 1, "IDAHO" -> 1, "ID" -> 1, "ice" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "Hydrogen" -> 1, "Hurd" -> 1, "Hunter" -> 1, "hunt" -> 1, "Hundreds" -> 1, "humanely" -> 1, "Humane" -> 1, "HSAs" -> 1, "H.R." -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "households" -> 1, "household" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "hopeless" -> 1, "Hopeful" -> 1, "hoped" -> 1, "honoring" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homosexuality" -> 1, "homicide" -> 1, "Homelessness" -> 1, "homebuyers" -> 1, "homebuilding" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "history's" -> 1, "Historically" -> 1, "Historic" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "High-speed" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "high-risk" -> 1, "High-Quality" -> 1, "highly-disabled" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "highlight" -> 1, "High-Growth" -> 1, "high-growth" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "Herren" -> 1, "heroism" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "Helping" -> 1, "height" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "Hearne" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "HealthierUS" -> 1, "Healey" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "HAWAII" -> 1, "haven" -> 1, "Haugland" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "Hartley" -> 1, "Harold" -> 1, "harnessing" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "hardworking" -> 1, "harder" -> 1, "hardened" -> 1, "hard-earned" -> 1, "harbored" -> 1, "Happen" -> 1, "Hanes" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "HAMPSHIRE" -> 1, "hamper" -> 1, "halting" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "hails" -> 1, "guiding" -> 1, "Guatemala" -> 1, "GUAM" -> 1, "growth-oriented" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "Group" -> 1, "Ground" -> 1, "Grossman" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "grip" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "grief" -> 1, "grid" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "Graphic" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "grandparents" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "Governor" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "governance" -> 1, "got" -> 1, "goodwill" -> 1, "good-faith" -> 1, "Goodenow" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "Gonzalez" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "Golden" -> 1, "Glory" -> 1, "Gloria" -> 1, "globally" -> 1, "glimpsed" -> 1, "Glenn" -> 1, "Giving" -> 1, "Gillespie" -> 1, "Ghana" -> 1, "GEORGIA" -> 1, "Georgia" -> 1, "Georgacas" -> 1, "Geological" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generation's" -> 1, "generates" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "geared" -> 1, "Gaza" -> 1, "Gayle" -> 1, "gauge" -> 1, "gathers" -> 1, "gathered" -> 1, "gaps" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "Gains" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "G" -> 1, "FutureGen" -> 1, "Funeral" -> 1, "fundraisers" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "Fundamental" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "FULL" -> 1, "fulfills" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fugitives" -> 1, "Fuel" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "frozen" -> 1, "fronts" -> 1, "frontlines" -> 1, "front-line" -> 1, "Frivolous" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "Friday" -> 1, "Frich" -> 1, "Frey" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "freeing" -> 1, "FreedomCar" -> 1, "Fred" -> 1, "Fraud" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "Framework" -> 1, "Framers" -> 1, "frail" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "Foster" -> 1, "forward-looking" -> 1, "fortune" -> 1, "fortress" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "Forming" -> 1, "forming" -> 1, "Former" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formally" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forfeited" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "forestall" -> 1, "foresee" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "Force's" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "footprint" -> 1, "foothold" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "fomenting" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "focusing" -> 1, "fluency" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flourishing" -> 1, "flourishes" -> 1, "FLORIDA" -> 1, "Florida" -> 1, "Flight" -> 1, "Flexibility" -> 1, "fleeing" -> 1, "fled" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "first-year" -> 1, "first-time" -> 1, "first-tier" -> 1, "Firefighter" -> 1, "Finland" -> 1, "finish" -> 1, "fines" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "Financing" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "Filipino" -> 1, "file" -> 1, "figures" -> 1, "figure" -> 1, "Fighting" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "Fifty" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "Field" -> 1, "festering" -> 1, "female" -> 1, "federal-territorial" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "fears" -> 1, "FDA" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "Fatherhood" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "fatality" -> 1, "fatalities" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "far-away" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "family-sustaining" -> 1, "family's" -> 1, "faltering" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "Falk" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "Faith-based" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "facets" -> 1, "Fa'alevao" -> 1, "exuberance" -> 1, "extradition" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "Extensive" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extended-family" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "Exploitation" -> 1, "explode" -> 1, "explain" -> 1, "expiring" -> 1, "experimentation" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedient" -> 1, "expecting" -> 1, "expectancy" -> 1, "Expanded" -> 1, "Ex-Offenders" -> 1, "exit" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exhibited" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "executive-Congressional" -> 1, "executing" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "Exchange" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "exalted" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "Evidence" -> 1, "everyone" -> 1, "everybody" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "Everglades" -> 1, "Eventually" -> 1, "Evans" -> 1, "euthanasia" -> 1, "ethnicity" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "ethics" -> 1, "ethical" -> 1, "ethanol" -> 1, "Estimates" -> 1, "espionage" -> 1, "escaping" -> 1, "escalation" -> 1, "ERSA" -> 1, "Erik" -> 1, "eradication" -> 1, "eradicating" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equivocate" -> 1, "equivalent" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equips" -> 1, "equipping" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "Equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "epidemics" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entrepreneurial" -> 1, "entitlements" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enrichment" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "Enhancement" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "Enhanced" -> 1, "Engle" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "enfranchisement" -> 1, "Enforcing" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "Endowment" -> 1, "endorsing" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "endorsed" -> 1, "Endangered" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "EMTs" -> 1, "EMS" -> 1, "empowers" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employer-based" -> 1, "Employer" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "emphasizing" -> 1, "emphasizes" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emissions-free" -> 1, "emissions" -> 1, "Emirates" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "embargo" -> 1, "email" -> 1, "Ellis" -> 1, "Elizabeth" -> 1, "Eliminating" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eighth-graders" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "egg" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "Educational" -> 1, "educated" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "Edge" -> 1, "Ed" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "easing" -> 1, "easily" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "Earlier" -> 1, "Dulles" -> 1, "Drug-Free" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "drinking" -> 1, "drilling" -> 1, "dried" -> 1, "drew" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "drafting" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "Doubled" -> 1, "Dot" -> 1, "Dorwart" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "donors" -> 1, "Donohue" -> 1, "Don" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "DOMA" -> 1, "Doing" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "doctor" -> 1, "Djibouti" -> 1, "division" -> 1, "diverting" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "DISTRICT" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distinctly" -> 1, "disseminate" -> 1, "disqualified" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disproportionate" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displays" -> 1, "displaying" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dispatch" -> 1, "Disparities" -> 1, "dismantlement" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "dishonor" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "Disease" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "discriminates" -> 1, "discretionary" -> 1, "discoveries" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "disclosures" -> 1, "disclose" -> 1, "disciplined" -> 1, "Discipline" -> 1, "disarm" -> 1, "disappears" -> 1, "disagreements" -> 1, "Directorate" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "Directing" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "diplomats" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "Diplomacy" -> 1, "diploma" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "diligently" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "Dierenfeld" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "Dick" -> 1, "Diana" -> 1, "diagnosis" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "destined" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desist" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "Designer" -> 1, "designated" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deport" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deployment" -> 1, "deployable" -> 1, "depictions" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Department's" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "democratically" -> 1, "Democrat" -> 1, "democracy-building" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "Delivering" -> 1, "delivering" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "DELAWARE" -> 1, "degree-seekers" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "defrauded" -> 1, "DeFoor" -> 1, "definitions" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "defied" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "Defending" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "deepening" -> 1, "deepened" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deemed" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "DeCroce" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "Decades" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "debates" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "Dean" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "DC's" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "Day" -> 1, "David" -> 1, "Daves" -> 1, "Data" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "Darcie" -> 1, "Dannie" -> 1, "Danger" -> 1, "Cypriot" -> 1, "Cynthia" -> 1, "cyberterrorism" -> 1, "cutting-edge" -> 1, "Cutting" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "Currently" -> 1, "Curly" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "cumbersome" -> 1, "Culture" -> 1, "cultivating" -> 1, "Cubin" -> 1, "Crystal" -> 1, "cruelty" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "Croatia" -> 1, "Critical" -> 1, "Criminals" -> 1, "criminally" -> 1, "criminalizing" -> 1, "criminalizes" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "cried" -> 1, "crews" -> 1, "Crescent" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "Created" -> 1, "crashed" -> 1, "crafting" -> 1, "crack" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "couples" -> 1, "counting" -> 1, "Counterterrorism" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "Costa" -> 1, "corridor" -> 1, "correctly" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "cord" -> 1, "coordinator" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "cooperated" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "Cooper" -> 1, "convincing" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "Contribute" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contradict" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "contraception" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "CONTENTS" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "consultations" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "constraints" -> 1, "Constitutionally" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "consortium" -> 1, "Consolidating" -> 1, "consolidating" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerably" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequential" -> 1, "Conner's" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "CONNECTICUT" -> 1, "connected" -> 1, "connect" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "congregations" -> 1, "Congo" -> 1, "confusing" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "confirmed" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "concurrent" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "conceiving" -> 1, "concealed" -> 1, "computer" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "compromised" -> 1, "Comprehensive" -> 1, "complicit" -> 1, "complications" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "complement" -> 1, "complaints" -> 1, "competitiveness" -> 1, "Compete" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "Compassion" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "communist" -> 1, "communiqués" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "common-sense" -> 1, "commonly" -> 1, "committing" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "commits" -> 1, "Commission's" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "Commandments" -> 1, "Commander" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "Combined" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combat-injured" -> 1, "Combating" -> 1, "Combat" -> 1, "COLUMBIA" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "COLORADO" -> 1, "Colleges" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "colleagues" -> 1, "collar" -> 1, "collapsing" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "coercive" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "co-ed" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "Cockpit" -> 1, "Co-Chairs" -> 1, "coca" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "coalitions" -> 1, "coalition-building" -> 1, "Cloud" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "cloning" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "Climate" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "Clearly" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "Clearinghouse" -> 1, "cleanly" -> 1, "cleaning" -> 1, "cleaner" -> 1, "Clause" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "Clark" -> 1, "clarity" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civility" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Cities" -> 1, "Cindy" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "Christopher" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "chose" -> 1, "Chop" -> 1, "Choices" -> 1, "Children's" -> 1, "Childhood" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "cheer" -> 1, "checked" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "Chardon" -> 1, "characteristic" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "Change" -> 1, "champions" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "CHAIRS" -> 1, "certainty" -> 1, "centuries" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "Cell" -> 1, "Cecilia" -> 1, "cease-fire" -> 1, "caves" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "Caucasus" -> 1, "Cathie" -> 1, "Cathedral" -> 1, "catch" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "cartels" -> 1, "cars" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "Carraro" -> 1, "Carlton" -> 1, "Carlos" -> 1, "caring" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "careers" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "CARE" -> 1, "cards" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "captured" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "caps" -> 1, "capitalize" -> 1, "Cape" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "Canada's" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "Calling" -> 1, "CALIFORNIA" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "BY" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buyers" -> 1, "burning" -> 1, "burn" -> 1, "Burma" -> 1, "burdening" -> 1, "bundling" -> 1, "Bullock" -> 1, "buildup" -> 1, "builders" -> 1, "Build" -> 1, "brutally" -> 1, "brutalization" -> 1, "Brutal" -> 1, "Brown" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "broadcasts" -> 1, "broadcasting" -> 1, "broadcast" -> 1, "broad-based" -> 1, "Broadband" -> 1, "Britton" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bright" -> 1, "bribed" -> 1, "breakthroughs" -> 1, "breakdown" -> 1, "bravery" -> 1, "bracket" -> 1, "Boys" -> 1, "Botswana" -> 1, "borrow" -> 1, "Born" -> 1, "Bopp" -> 1, "boosts" -> 1, "Bonnie" -> 1, "bombings" -> 1, "bolstered" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "Bolivia" -> 1, "boldly" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "boardrooms" -> 1, "blueprint" -> 1, "blue" -> 1, "blocks" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "block" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "bless" -> 1, "blackout" -> 1, "Black" -> 1, "Bioterrorism" -> 1, "bioterror" -> 1, "BioShield" -> 1, "biometric" -> 1, "biomass" -> 1, "biodiesel" -> 1, "Biodefense" -> 1, "bin" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "bilaterally" -> 1, "Bilateral" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "Biegun" -> 1, "bidder" -> 1, "Betty" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "Betsy" -> 1, "beside" -> 1, "Bernard" -> 1, "Berg" -> 1, "bent" -> 1, "Benin" -> 1, "benevolent" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "believers" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "Beijing" -> 1, "beholden" -> 1, "behavioral" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "Bates" -> 1, "basics" -> 1, "basically" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "Based" -> 1, "Barriers" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "Barnett" -> 1, "Baren" -> 1, "Barbara" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "Baptiste" -> 1, "banning" -> 1, "banned" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "Bahrain" -> 1, "bags" -> 1, "Baghdad" -> 1, "baggage" -> 1, "badly" -> 1, "backward" -> 1, "backlog" -> 1, "backgrounds" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "Azerbaijan" -> 1, "awareness" -> 1, "awards" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "Aviv" -> 1, "avenues" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "authorize" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "Australians" -> 1, "Aung" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "Attempts" -> 1, "ATR" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "athletics" -> 1, "athletes" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "Association" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assignments" -> 1, "Assets" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "assaulting" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "asks" -> 1, "Ashooh" -> 1, "ASEAN" -> 1, "ascertained" -> 1, "asbestos" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "art" -> 1, "arson" -> 1, "arsenals" -> 1, "arrested" -> 1, "Arrangements" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Army's" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "armor" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "ARKANSAS" -> 1, "ARIZONA" -> 1, "Argentina" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "Araceli" -> 1, "Arabic" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriately" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "apparel" -> 1, "apparatus" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "ANZUS" -> 1, "Anything" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "Anyone" -> 1, "anti-Semitic" -> 1, "antiretroviral" -> 1, "anti-dumping" -> 1, "Anti-Ballistic" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "Annette" -> 1, "Angola" -> 1, "anger" -> 1, "Andrews" -> 1, "AND" -> 1, "analyzing" -> 1, "analytical" -> 1, "Analysis" -> 1, "anachronism" -> 1, "Amy" -> 1, "ammunition" -> 1, "amidst" -> 1, "AMERICAN" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "ambitions" -> 1, "ambiguous" -> 1, "Amber" -> 1, "amazing" -> 1, "altogether" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "Also" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "alongside" -> 1, "Along" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "Almighty's" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "Allowed" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "Allowance" -> 1, "Allison" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alleviation" -> 1, "Allen" -> 1, "Allegiance" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "Alive" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Alex" -> 1, "Alert" -> 1, "Alaskans" -> 1, "ALASKA" -> 1, "ALABAMA" -> 1, "Al" -> 1, "Airports" -> 1, "Airport" -> 1, "airplanes" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "ailments" -> 1, "AHPs" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreeing" -> 1, "agreeable" -> 1, "agile" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "Agenda" -> 1, "after-tax" -> 1, "Afro-Cubans" -> 1, "Africans" -> 1, "Afghans" -> 1, "affords" -> 1, "Affordability" -> 1, "affordability" -> 1, "afflicting" -> 1, "affiliated" -> 1, "advisor" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "Advancing" -> 1, "Advances" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "Adrian" -> 1, "Adoption" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "Adom" -> 1, "admitting" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "Adjustment" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "Addressing" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "Additionally" -> 1, "addiction" -> 1, "adapts" -> 1, "Adams" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "Act's" -> 1, "activists" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "Across" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "Accurate" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accessing" -> 1, "Accessible" -> 1, "accessibility" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "accelerating" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abusive" -> 1, "abstinence-only" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "abhorrent" -> 1, "ABC" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "98,000" -> 1, "9.6" -> 1, "9.5" -> 1, "85" -> 1, "800,000" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "700" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "68" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "6.3" -> 1, "6.1" -> 1, "600,000" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5.3" -> 1, "5,000" -> 1, "48" -> 1, "46" -> 1, "45,000" -> 1, "44,000" -> 1, "44" -> 1, "401(k)s" -> 1, "400" -> 1, "3.8" -> 1, "37" -> 1, "345" -> 1, "3313" -> 1, "33" -> 1, "3.3" -> 1, "3,100" -> 1, "2nd" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "2.7" -> 1, "2,600" -> 1, "22.4" -> 1, "2.2" -> 1, "2013" -> 1, "2009" -> 1, "2008" -> 1, "2007" -> 1, "2,000" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1999" -> 1, "1998" -> 1, "1995" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1984" -> 1, "1983" -> 1, "1980s" -> 1, "1970s" -> 1, "1966" -> 1, "1965" -> 1, "1947" -> 1, "1940s" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "189" -> 1, "1860" -> 1, "1,600" -> 1, "1.6" -> 1, "1540" -> 1, "1441" -> 1, "1,400" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "1.3" -> 1, "1,200" -> 1, "115" -> 1, "11.5" -> 1, "111" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 2000", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 2000, "Date" -> DateObject[{2000, 7, 31}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nWe meet at a remarkable time in the life of our country. Our powerful economy gives America a unique chance to confront persistent challenges. Our country, after an era of drift, must now set itself to important tasks and higher goals. The Republican Party has the vision and leadership to address these issues.\nOur platform is uplifting and visionary. It reflects the views of countless Americans all across this country who believe in prosperity with a purpose — who believe in Renewing America's Purpose. Together.\nThis platform makes clear that we are the party of ideas. We are the party that follows its bold words with bold deeds.\nSince the election of 1860, the Republican Party has had a special calling — to advance the founding principles of freedom and limited government and the dignity and worth of every individual.\nThese principles form the foundation of both an agenda for America in the year 2000 and this platform for our party. They point us toward reforms in government, a restoration of timeless values, and a renewal of our national purpose.\nThe twenty-fifth man to receive our party's nomination is equal to the challenges facing our country. After a period of bitter division in national politics, our nominee is a leader who brings people together. In a time of fierce partisanship, he calls all citizens to common goals. To longstanding problems, he brings a fresh outlook and innovative ideas and a record of results.\nUnder his leadership, the Republican Party commits itself to bold reforms in education — to make every school a place of learning and achievement for every child. We will preserve local control of public schools, while demanding high standards and accountability for results.\nWe commit ourselves to saving and strengthening Social Security. After years of neglect and delay, we will keep this fundamental commitment to the senior citizens of today and tomorrow.\nWe commit ourselves to rebuilding the American military and returning to a foreign policy of strength and purpose and a renewed commitment to our allies. We will deploy defenses against ballistic missiles and develop the weapons and strategies needed to win battles in this new technological era.\nWe commit ourselves to tax reforms that will sustain our nation's prosperity and reflect its decency. We will reduce the burden on all Americans, especially those who struggle most.\nWe commit ourselves to aiding and encouraging the work of charitable and faith-based organizations, which today are making great strides in overcoming poverty and other social problems, bringing new hope into millions of lives. For every American there must be a ladder of opportunity, and for those most in need, a safety net of care.\nWe recommit ourselves to the values that strengthen our culture and sustain our nation: family, faith, personal responsibility, and a belief in the dignity of every human life.\nWe offer not only a new agenda, but also a new approach — a vision of a welcoming society in which all have a place. To all Americans, particularly immigrants and minorities, we send a clear message: this is the party of freedom and progress, and it is your home.\nThe diversity of our nation is reflected in this platform. We ask for the support and participation of all who substantially share our agenda. In one way or another, every Republican is a dissenter. At the same time, we are not morally indifferent. In this, as in many things, Lincoln is our model. He spoke words of healing and words of conviction. We do likewise, for we are bound together in a great enterprise for our children's future.\nWe seek to be faithful to the best traditions of our party. We are the party that ended slavery, granted homesteads, built land grant colleges, and moved control of government out of Washington, back into the hands of the people. We believe in service to the common good — and that good is not common until it is shared.\nWe believe that from freedom comes opportunity; from opportunity comes growth; and from growth comes progress and prosperity.\nOur vision is one of clear direction, new ideas, civility in public life, and leadership with honor and distinction.\nThis is an election with clear alternatives. The Republican Party offers America a chance to begin anew: To give purpose to our plenty. To apply enduring principles to new challenges. To extend to all citizens the full promise of American life.\nWith confidence in our fellow Americans and great hopes for the future of our country, we respectfully submit this platform to the people of the United States.\n\nThe American Dream: Prosperity with a Purpose\n\nOld Truths For The New Economy\n\nThe highest hopes of the American people — a world at peace, scientific progress, a just and caring society — cannot be achieved by prosperity alone, but neither can they be fulfilled without it. Yet prosperity is not an end in itself. Rather, it is the means by which great things can be achieved for the common good. Our commitment to the nation's economic growth is an affirmation of the real riches of our country: the works of compassion that link home to home, community to community, and hand to helping hand. This is the foundation of America, and that foundation is sound. Even though our economy, and that of the world to which we are now so closely tied, has been utterly transformed over the last two decades, Americans remain true to the faith of our founding fathers.\nYesterday's wildest dreams are today's realities, and there is no limit on the promise of tomorrow. The headiness of technological progress has made our society more future-oriented than ever before. But the fascination with the future means that, more than ever, we need to preserve the foundation that has served us so well. We must not overlook the practical experience of the past. To successfully chart where we should go in the years ahead, we must first look back to see how we got where we are today.\nTwenty years ago, the economy was in shambles. Unemployment was at 7.1 percent, inflation at 13.5 percent, and interest rates at 15.3 percent. The Democratic Party accepted that malaise as the price the nation had to pay for Big Government, and in so doing lost the confidence of the American people. Inspired by Presidents Reagan and Bush, Republicans hammered into place the framework for today's prosperity and surpluses. We cut tax rates, simplified the tax code, deregulated industries, and opened world markets to American enterprise. The result was the tremendous growth in the 1980s that created the venture capital to launch the technology revolution of the 1990s.\nThat's the origin of what is now called the New Economy: the longest economic boom in the Twentieth Century, 40 million new jobs, the lowest inflation and unemployment in memory. The stock market, once a preserve of the well to do, now drives forward with the modest investments of tens of millions of households as ownership in America's economy becomes the norm rather than the exception.\nThe Republican Congress\n\nWe could have lost it all after the Democratic Congress passed the largest tax hike in history in 1993 that threatened to bring back the tax-and-spend follies of the bad old days. But the voters wouldn't have it and, in the next election, for the first time in forty years, they put Republican majorities in charge of both Houses of Congress. The difference that made can be put into numbers. In the four decades from 1954 to 1994, government spending increased at an average annual rate of 7.9 percent, and the public's debt increased from $224 billion to $3.4 trillion. Since 1994, with Republicans leading the House and Senate, spending has been held to an annual 3.1 percent rate of growth, and the nation's debt will be nearly $400 billion lower by the end of this year. The federal government has operated in the black for the last two years and is now projected to run a surplus of nearly $5 trillion over ten years.\nThat wasn't magic. It took honesty and guts from a Congress that manages the nation's purse strings. Over a five year period, as surpluses continue to grow, we will return half a trillion dollars to the taxpayers who really own it, without touching the Social Security surplus. That's what we mean by our Lock-Box: The Social Security surplus is off-limits, off budget, and will not be touched. We will not stop there, for we are also determined to protect Medicare and to pay down the national debt. Reducing that debt is both a sound policy goal and a moral imperative. Our families and most states are required to balance their budgets; it is reasonable to assume the federal government should do the same. Therefore, we reaffirm our support for a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget.\nTaxes And Budget: Render to Caesar, But Let The People Keep Their Own\n\nIt takes both candor and courage to say, as George W. Bush has said, that, even in times of large surpluses, the economy is far from perfect and we should not be satisfied with the status quo. Budget surpluses are the result of over-taxation of the American people. The weak link in the chain of prosperity is the tax system. It not only burdens the American people; it threatens to slow, and perhaps to reverse, the economic expansion:\nThe federal tax code is dysfunctional. It penalizes hard work, marriage, thrift, and success - the very factors that are the foundations for lasting prosperity.\nFederal taxes are the highest they have ever been in peacetime.\nTaxes at all levels of government absorb 36 percent of the net national product.\n\nWhen the average American family has to work more than four months out of every year to fund all levels of government, it's time to change the tax system, to make it simpler, flatter, and fairer for everyone. It's time for an economics of inclusion that will let people keep more of what they earn and accelerate movement up the opportunity ladder.\nWe therefore enthusiastically endorse the principles of Governor Bush's Tax Cut with a Purpose:\nReplace the five current tax brackets with four lower ones, ensuring all taxpayers significant tax relief while targeting it especially toward low-income workers.\nHelp families by doubling the child tax credit to $1,000, making it available to more families, and eliminating the marriage penalty.\nEncourage entrepreneurship and growth by capping the top marginal rate, ending the death tax, and making permanent the Research and Development credit.\nPromote charitable giving and education.\nFoster capital investment and savings to boost today's dangerously low personal savings rate.\n\nThis is more than just an economic program to promote growth and job creation. It is our blueprint for the kind of society we want for our children and grandchildren. It is a call to conscience, a reminder that, even in times of great prosperity, there are those who bear great burdens. That is why, with the tax cuts we propose, while every taxpayer benefits, six million families — one in five taxpaying families with children — will no longer pay any federal income tax.\nIt took a Republican Congress to stand up to the Internal Revenue Service by publicly exposing its abuses and enacting a Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Within the simpler and fairer tax system proposed by Governor Bush, the IRS will be downsized and made less intrusive. IRS rules should be understandable by all, enforced by few, with low-cost compliance. We applaud the efforts of the Republican Congress to expand the use and availability of Individual Retirement Accounts.\nIn 1997 the Republican Congress cut the capital gains tax from 28 percent to 20 percent. As a result capital gains for Americans doubled and federal government tax receipts from capital gains jumped from $50 billion in 1996 to $75 billion in 1997. These tax cuts produce more economic growth and often more tax revenues. We cheer their lowering of the capital gains tax rate and look forward to further reductions that will stimulate property sales and development to bring jobs and renewal to our urban neighborhoods.\nTo guard against future tax hikes, we support legislation requiring a super-majority vote in both houses of Congress to raise taxes. We will prohibit retroactive taxation and will not tolerate attempts by federal judges to impose taxes. Because of the vital role of religious and fraternal benevolent societies in fostering charity and patriotism, they should not be subject to taxation.\nIncome taxes and payroll taxes are the most obvious parts of the public's tax burden but consumers foot the bills in higher prices for most of the user fees that are nothing but under-radar taxes. Excise taxes of all kinds have snowballed, because they shift public resentment from government to the businesses that are forced to collect them. One example is the gas tax of 1993. Another is the phone tax imposed to finance the Spanish-American War — and still in place a century later. We call for the immediate repeal of the phone tax.\nHomeownership\n\nHomeownership is central to the American dream, and Republicans want to make it more accessible for everyone. That starts with access to capital for entrepreneurs and access to credit for consumers. Our proposals for helping millions of low-income families move from renting to owning are detailed elsewhere in this platform as major elements in Governor Bush's program for a New Prosperity. For those families, and for all other potential homebuyers, low interest rates make mortgages affordable and open up more housing opportunities than any government program.\nAffordable housing is in the national interest. That is why the mortgage interest deduction for primary residences was put into the federal tax code, and why tax reform of any kind should continue to encourage homeownership. At the same time, a balanced national housing policy must recognize that decent housing includes apartments, and addresses the needs of all citizens, including renters.\nWe will turn over to local communities foreclosed and abandoned HUD properties for urban homesteading, a citizen renovation effort that has been remarkably successful in revitalizing neighborhoods. We affirm our commitment to open housing, without quotas or controls, and we applaud the proactive efforts by the realty and housing industries to assure access for everyone.\nIn many areas, housing prices are higher than they need to be because of regulations that drive up building costs. Some regulation is of course necessary, and so is sensible zoning. But we urge states and localities to work with local builders and lenders to eliminate unnecessary burdens that price many families out of the market. We see no role for any federal regulation of homebuilding, but we do foresee a larger role for State and local governments in controlling the federally assisted housing that has been so poorly managed from Washington. We also encourage the modification of restrictions that inhibit the rehabilitation of existing distressed properties.\nSmall Business: Where Prosperity Starts\n\nSmall businesses are the underlying essence of our economy. Small businesses create most of the new jobs and keep this country a land of opportunity. They have been the primary engines of economic advance by American women, whose dynamic entry into small business in recent years has accounted for much of the nation's growth. Small businesses generate more than half the gross domestic product. Their willingness to give people a chance, and their ability to train individuals new to the work force, made welfare reform the success that it is. They deserve far better treatment from government than they have received. We will provide it through many of the initiatives explained elsewhere in this platform: lower tax rates, ending the death tax, cutting through red tape, legal and product liability reform, and the aggressive expansion of overseas markets for their goods and services.\nWe will end the harassment of small businesses by federal agencies. In the case of OSHA, we will withdraw its proposed ergonomics standard, ban its bureaucracy from the homes of telecommuting workers, and change the agency from an adversary to a partner for safer productivity. We will halt the IRS discrimination against independent contractors and, in order to guard against unwise regulation, will include the agency in the current procedures of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act.\nProviding health insurance is a major challenge for small business owners. Almost 60 percent of uninsured workers are either employed by small business or are self-employed. That is compelling reason to immediately allow 100 percent deductibility of health insurance premiums and let small businesses to band together, across State lines, to purchase insurance through association health plans.\nWork Place of the Future\n\nIndividual Americans, on their own initiative, are already creating the work place of the future. Employees and employers alike need to act as a team, not as adversaries, to be competitive in the world market. Republicans want to empower them to do all of that, because we believe they know what is best for their families, their earnings, and their advancement in an opportunity economy. To help them reach their goals, government must replace antiquated laws that restrict opportunity, increase costs, and inhibit innovation.\n\nTrade: The Force Of Economic Freedom\n\nInternational trade has become the world's most powerful economic force. International trade is not the creation of the world's rulers, but of the world's peoples, who strive for a better future and break down any barriers governments may erect to it. The result is today's global economy of open markets in democratic nations. That system is poised to sweep away both the counterproductive vestiges of protectionism and the backwater remnants of Marxism. We launched this revolution during the Reagan and Bush Administrations. Now we will bring it to completion: U.S. leadership of a global economy without limits to growth.\nFor our country, that outcome will be critical. Exports account for almost one-third of U.S. economic growth, while average wages in export-related industries are significantly higher. As for agriculture, expanding exports is key to saving the family farm. We must secure America's competitive advantage in the New Economy by preventing other countries from erecting barriers to innovation. For American producers and consumers alike, the benefits of free trade are already enormous. In the near future, they will be incalculable.\nBut free trade must be fair trade, within an open, rules-based international trading system. That will depend on American leadership, which has been lacking for the last eight years. The administration's failure to renew fast track (expedited legislative procedures to approve free trade legislation) has undermined its ability to open new markets abroad for American goods and services. As a result, America's trade deficit with the rest of the world has surged to record highs. We must be at the table when trade agreements are negotiated, make the interests of American workers and farmers paramount, and ensure that the drive to open new markets is successful.\nThe vitality of that agenda depends upon the vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws against unfair competition. We will not tolerate the foreign practices, rules, and subsidization that put our exports on an unequal footing. It is not enough to secure signatures on a piece of paper; our trading partners must follow through on the promises they make. First and foremost, we must restore the credibility of U.S. trade leadership. We therefore propose to:\nLaunch a new and ambitious round of multilateral negotiations focused solely on opening markets.\nRevitalize the World Trade Organization negotiations on agriculture and services.\nGive the next president fast-track negotiating authority.\nNegotiate reductions in tariffs on U.S. industrial goods and the elimination of other trade barriers so that our autos, heavy machinery, textiles, and other products will no longer be shut out of foreign markets.\nTake action against any trading partner that uses pseudo-science to block importation of U.S.\nbioengineered crops.\nAdvance a Free Trade Area of the Americas to take advantage of burgeoning new markets at our doorstep.\n\nTechnology And The New Economy: The Force For Change\n\nThe innovation at the heart of our New Economy has become the greatest force for change all over the world. With information technology, people in bondage can taste freedom, and people in freedom can bond more securely with each other. People who used to work for others are now independent entrepreneurs. And citizens are drilling through layers of entrenched bureaucracy to directly access information and transact business.\nRepublicans have embraced this change, for it advances the central values of our party and our country: a reduced role for government, greater personal liberty, economic freedom, reliance on the market and decentralized decision-making. This revolution also suits our national character — rewarding creativity, hard work, tenacity, and a willingness to take risks. It empowers. This is America's moment.\nRepublicans recognize that the role of government in the New Economy is to foster an environment where innovation can flourish. The Information Revolution is the product of the creative efforts and hard work of men and women in the private sector, and not of government bureaucrats. At the same time, we recognize the magnitude and pace of change require vigilance to make the most of its opportunities and to mitigate its possible difficulties. For what we have experienced thus far is surely only the beginning of almost unimaginable growth, change, and more change. Let others be timid in the face of it, but let this country seize the opportunity.\nThe Republican Congress deserves great credit for what it has already done to fulfill its historic E-Contract with the American people:\nThe Internet Tax Freedom Act put a three-year moratorium on new Internet taxes to ensure that electronic commerce would not be smothered in its infancy.\nAn expanded visa program (H1-B) provided much of the highly skilled labor that makes rapid technological progress possible.\nThe Securities Litigation Reform Act, enacted by overriding a veto, is preventing trial lawyers from preying on new cutting-edge companies. The threat of abusive lawsuits must not be allowed to cripple the capital formation that will drive the Information Revolution.\nA codified World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) agreement ensured that content providers are protected from foreign criminals.\nOur extended research and development tax credit allows companies to innovate, when innovation is the name of the high tech game.\nDeregulation of telecommunications, still in its early stages, shattered monopolies and opened the door to worldwide communication.\n\nThese initiatives are grounded in a steadfast commitment to open markets, to minimal regulations, and to reducing taxes that snuff out innovation — principles at the heart of the new economy and our party.\nOur latest breakthrough, enacted only weeks ago, is a landmark commercial law granting electronic signatures used in the formation of contracts online the same legal validity as pen and ink signatures on paper. With this single stroke, business-to-business e-commerce will explode, paperwork costs will decline, convenience will increase, and consumers rack up another major victory.\nThe impact of the Internet on the daily workings of government to make it more responsive and citizen-centered is considered elsewhere in this platform. But Republicans welcome the Information Revolution to the political arena too. Democracy thrives on well-informed citizens, and now the public will have unprecedented access to the workings of government, including the voting records of their Members of Congress and the written opinions of judges, whose decisions will now be reviewable in the court of public opinion.\nWhere do we go from here?\nFirst, commit to global markets and free trade. Internet curtains must not take the place of the Iron Curtain through tariffs, duties, or taxes on Internet access. We call for a permanent ban on access taxes and an extension of the current moratorium on new and discriminatory taxes, which shall not prohibit a state from collecting taxes that are currently authorized by law.\nSecond, maintain a highly educated work force so that continued progress need not depend on imported personnel. Like Governor Bush, we have made this a vital part of our education program that is detailed elsewhere in this platform. Instead of burdening schools with red tape and narrow government programs, we will give them maximum flexibility in using federal education technology dollars to meet their specific needs — whether it be for computers, teacher training, software development, or systems integration.\nThird, speed up the research and innovation that drive technological progress, along the lines of our proposed tax reforms, National Institute of Health (NIH) funding, and a $20 billion increase in the research and development budget of the Defense Department.\nFourth, protect the technology industry from modern day pirates at home and abroad: both those who violate copyrights and those who loot by litigation.\nRestrain the hand of government so that it cannot smother or slow the growth of worldwide commerce and communication through the Internet.\n\nIn addition, we must encourage government at all levels to work with the private sector to ensure that the Internet must be a medium for everyone. The old liberal approach — using the threat of stifling regulations to redistribute wealth and opportunity — will work no better than it ever has, and perhaps much worse, in the new economy. The Republican Party embraces a creative, incentive-based, public/private approach and a Republican president will use the influence of his office to urge high-tech philanthropy, with such initiatives as Governor Bush's plan to create and strengthen more than 2,000 community technology centers every year — centers which provide such services as free Internet access and technology skills training. The prosperity of our New Economy provides unprecedented opportunities for philanthropic giving.\nWhat holds true for the Internet applies as well to other areas of scientific advance, from biotechnology to chemistry. These fields require enormous infusions of capital, as well as regulatory flexibility by government. The federal government must refocus and reinvigorate its role in promoting cutting-edge, basic research, and the tax code must foster research and development. These policies will increase the pace of technological developments by de-emphasizing the direct role of government while strengthening private-public partnerships and the role of the private sector. In addition, the Republican Party will remain committed to America's leadership in space research and exploration. We will ensure that this Nation can expand our knowledge of the universe, and with the support of the American people, continue the exploration of Mars and the rest of the solar system. We consider space travel and space science a national priority with virtually unlimited benefits, in areas ranging from medicine to micro-machinery, for those on earth. Development of space will give us a growing economic resource and a source of new scientific discoveries. The potential benefits of new science and technology to the American people, indeed to all humanity, are incalculable and can only be hastened by the international free market in ideas that the Information Revolution has created.\nPrivacy and Secure Technologies\n\nGovernment also has a responsibility to protect personal privacy, which is the single greatest concern Americans now have about the Information Revolution. Citizens must have the confidence that their personal privacy will be respected in the use of technology by both business and government. That privacy is an essential part of our personal freedom and our family life, and it must not be sacrificed in the name of progress. At the same time, consumers should have the benefit of new products, services, and treatments that result from the legitimate use of data with appropriate safeguards. We applaud the leadership already demonstrated in this regard by many outstanding businesses, which are ensuring individuals' privacy in various ways and promoting public education about the consumer's right to privacy.\n\nEducation and Opportunity: Leave No American Behind\n\nA Responsibility Era\n\nSometimes it's important to state the obvious. This is one of those times. America is a great country. There are many reasons for this, foremost among them our long tradition of personal responsibility, the demand for high standards and clear values, and the central importance of family in social and economic progress.\nIn recent years, America seemed to move away from some of the qualities that make her great, but we are now relearning some important lessons. The key is to acknowledge the mistakes, fix them, learn from them, and move on.\nWe're coming to understand that a good and civil society cannot be packaged into government programs but must originate in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and in the private institutions that bring us together, in all our diversity, for the works of mercy and labors of love.\nThis section of our platform deals with some of America's most enduring, and seemingly intractable, challenges. We approach these challenges with compassionate conservatism, a concept that is as old as the pioneers heading West in wagon trains, in which everyone had responsibility to follow the rules, but no one would be left behind.\nReal Education Reform: Strengthening Accountability and Empowering Parents\n\nThe question is \"Are our schools better off now than they were eight years ago?\" At a time of remarkable economic growth, when a world of opportunity awaits students who are prepared for it, American colleges and universities are offering remedial courses and American businesses are unable to find enough qualified or trainable workers to meet the demand. Worst of all, so many of our children, America's most precious asset, are headed toward failure in school, and that will hold them back throughout their lives. Republicans desire a better result. We believe that every child in this land should have access to a high quality, indeed, a world-class education, and we're determined to meet that goal.\nIt's long past time to debate what works in education. The verdict is in, and our Republican governors provided the key testimony: strong parental involvement, excellent teachers, safe and orderly classrooms, high academic standards, and a commitment to teaching the basics — from an early start in phonics to mastery of computer technology. Federal programs that fail to support these fundamental principles are sadly out of date and, under the next president, out of time. For dramatic and swift improvement, we endorse the principles of Governor Bush's education reforms, which will:\nRaise academic standards through increased local control and accountability to parents, shrinking a multitude of federal programs into five flexible grants in exchange for real, measured progress in student achievement\nAssist states in closing the achievement gap and empower needy families to escape persistently failing schools by allowing federal dollars to follow their children to the school of their choice.\nExpand parental choice and encourage competition by providing parents with information on their child's school, increasing the number of charter schools, and expanding education savings accounts for use from kindergarten through college.\nHelp states ensure school safety by letting children in dangerous schools transfer to schools that are safe for learning and by forcefully prosecuting youths who carry or use guns and the adults who provide them.\nEnsure that all children learn to read by reforming Head Start and by facilitating state reading initiatives that focus on scientifically based reading research, including phonics.\n\nNothing is more important than literacy, and yet many children have trouble reading. This problem must be addressed at all grade levels. And as is so often the case in education, the solution is parent and child working together with teachers to help break a cycle of illiteracy that may have extended from generation to generation. We want to replace that pattern with the rich legacy of reading.\nWe recognize that under the American constitutional system, education is a state, local, and family responsibility, not a federal obligation. Since over 90 percent of public school funding is state and local, not federal, it is obvious that state and local governments must assume most of the responsibility to improve the schools, and the role of the federal government must be progressively limited as we return control to parents, teachers, and local school boards. Programs beginning the process by congressional Republicans to return power to the people, such as \"Straight As\" legislation and \"Dollars to the Classroom\" are a good step to reach this goal. The Republican Congress rightly opposed attempts by the Department of Education to establish federal testing that would set the stage for a national curriculum. We believe it's time to test the Department, and each of its programs, instead.\nOver thirty years ago, the federal government assumed a special financial responsibility to advance the education of disadvantaged children through the Title I program. Today, $120 billion later, the achievement gap between those youngsters and their peers has only widened. The fiscal loss is not a good thing, but the human loss is tragic. We cannot allow another generation of kids to be written off. For dramatic and swift improvement, we endorse Governor Bush's principles of local control, with accountability, parental choice, and meaningful student achievement as essential to education reform.\nQualified teachers are the vanguard of education reform. With mastery of their subjects, a contagious enthusiasm for learning, and a heartfelt commitment to their students, they can make any school great. That is why we advocate merit pay for them and expanded opportunities for professional development. Today, however, many teachers face danger and disrespect in the classroom, and their efforts to maintain order are hampered by the threat of litigation. We propose special legal protection for teachers to shield them from meritless lawsuits. We advocate a zero-tolerance policy toward all students who disrupt the classroom and we reaffirm that school officials must have the right and responsibility to appropriately discipline all students, including students with disabilities, who are disruptive or violent. Toward the same end, we will encourage faith-based and community organizations to take leading roles in after-school programs that build character and improve behavior. We propose to improve teacher training and recruiting by expanding the Troops-to-Teachers program, which places retired military personnel in the classroom, and by rewarding states that enact a system for teacher accountability. We will expand teacher loan-forgiveness to encourage qualified candidates to serve in high-need schools. As a matter of fairness, we will establish a teacher tax deduction to help defray the out-of-pocket teaching expenses so many good home, private, and public school teachers make to benefit their students.\nLocal responsibility for neighborhood schools has been the key to successful education since the days of the little red schoolhouse. We salute congressional Republicans for their continuing efforts, through Ed-Flex and other initiatives, to shift decision-making away from the federal bureaucracy and back to localities. We strongly endorse Governor Bush's proposal to consolidate cumbersome categorical programs into flexible performance grants, targeting resources to the classroom and tying them directly to student achievement. That is real reform.\nIn the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Congress required that every community in the country provide a free and appropriate education for all students with special needs and fund their schooling at higher levels. In return, the federal government promised to pay 40 percent of the average per pupil expenditure to cover the excess costs. During all the years the Democrats controlled Congress that was not done. It was congressional Republicans who took the first real strides toward fulfillment of the IDEA promise. We applaud them for recognizing that federal mandates must include federal funding. We will strive to promote the early diagnosis of learning deficiencies. Preventive efforts in early childhood should reduce the demand for special education and help many youngsters move beyond the need for IDEA's protections.\nIn the final analysis, education remains a parental right and responsibility. We advocate choice in education, not as an abstract theory, but as the surest way for families, especially low-income families, to free their youngsters from failing or dangerous schools and put them onto the road to opportunity and success. By the same token, we defend the option for home schooling and call for vigilant enforcement of laws designed to protect family rights and privacy in education. Children should not be compelled to answer offensive or intrusive questionnaires. We will continue to work for the return of voluntary school prayer to our schools and will strongly enforce the Republican legislation that guarantees equal access to school facilities by student religious groups. We strongly support voluntary student-initiated prayer in school without governmental interference. We strongly disagree with the Supreme Court's recent ruling, backed by the current administration, against student-initiated prayer.\nHigher Education: Increased Access For All\n\nOne of the most profound changes in American society in the last half-century was the opening of post-secondary education to virtually everyone. Competition among institutions has been the key to that success. What began with the GI Bill in the 1940s has now, through student loans and grants, become the best higher education system in the world. Ours is a system in which achievement can count for more than money or social status. Americans are rightly proud of that. Now the challenges we face in the technological revolution and in the global economy require us to continue to expand the extent and excellence of higher education.\nThat is why both Governor Bush and congressional Republicans have given priority to programs that increase access to higher education for qualified students. The centerpiece of this effort has been education savings accounts — the ideal combination of minimal red tape and maximum consumer choice. Along with that innovation, congressional Republicans passed legislation to allow tax-free distributions from state pre-paid tuition plans, enhance the tax deduction for student loans, and make it more practicable for employers to provide educational assistance to train workers. Unfortunately, that legislation was vetoed. Next year, a Republican president will sign it into law.\nMeanwhile, under Republican fiscal discipline, interest rates on federally guaranteed student loans are lower than ever before so student aspirations can reach higher than ever before. Pell Grants, the doorway to learning for millions of low-income families, are greater than ever — and will become a dynamic force in math, science, and technology when a Republican Congress enacts Governor Bush's proposal to:\nTarget increased benefits to students taking challenging course in those fields.\nForm partnerships with colleges and universities to improve science and math education.\nAttract science, math, and engineering grads to low-income schools and areas with shortages of those teachers.\n\nOverall college costs, however, continue to climb, usually far ahead of inflation. Whatever the reasons, these costs squeeze the budgets of the middle class. Many families feel they're on a treadmill, working harder to pay tuition bills that never stop rising. We call upon campus administrators to search for ways to hold down that price spiral; and, in fairness to them, we propose a presidentially directed study on the effect of government regulation and paperwork demands.\nAt many institutions of higher learning, the ideal of academic freedom is threatened by intolerance. Students should not be compelled to support, through mandatory student fees, anyone's political agenda. The Republican party stands in solidarity with the dedicated faculty who are penalized for their conservatism and also with the courageous students who run independent campus newspapers to confront the powerful with the power of truth. To protect the nation's colleges and universities against intolerance, we will work with independent educators to maintain alternatives to ideological accrediting bodies. We also support a reasonable approach to Title IX that seeks to expand opportunities for women without adversely affecting men's teams.\nA New Prosperity: Seats for All at the Welcome Table\n\nWe want to expand opportunity instead of government. Governor Bush calls this \"the Duty of Hope.\" We see it as our duty to act. But whatever we name it, the goal is the same — to give hope and real upward mobility to those who have never known either. It's clear that the old left-liberal order of social policy has collapsed in failure; and its failure was the most egregious among whom it most professed to serve: the poor and those on the margins of society.\nThe time is here to act, to bring hope, to expand opportunity. Republican governors throughout the country sparked a revolution that brought about the greatest social policy change in nearly 60 years — welfare reform. Inspired by the innovative reforms of Republican governors that successfully moved families from welfare dependence to the independence of work, congressional Republicans passed landmark welfare reform legislation in 1996 that has helped millions of Americans break the cycle of welfare and gain independence for their families. Because of that legislation — turning welfare resources and decision-making back to the states, with the understanding that recipients must meet a work requirement and such assistance would be only temporary — about six million Americans are now gainfully employed, many for the first time. We salute them.\nAnd now it's time to take more steps in the right direction by helping these families climb the opportunity ladder. It won't be easy, but welfare reform wasn't easy either, though the results were surely worth the fight. Here are our next steps:\nReward work with tax reform that takes 6 million families off the tax rolls, cuts the rate for those who remain on the rolls, and doubles the child tax credit to $1,000.\nImplement the \"American Dream Down Payment\" program, which will allow a half million families who currently draw federal rental assistance to become homeowners, and allow families receiving federal rental payments to apply one year's worth of their existing assistance money toward the purchase of their own first home, thus becoming independent of any further government housing assistance. This approach builds upon our long standing commitment to resident management of public housing and other initiatives.\nIncrease the supply of affordable housing for low-income working families and rehabilitate abandoned housing that blights neighborhoods by establishing the Renewing the Dream tax credit. This investor-based tax credit will create or renovate more than 100,000 single-family housing units in distressed communities.\nBuild savings and personal wealth through Individual Development Accounts, in partnership with banks, to accelerate the savings of low-income earners.\n\nFor many individuals, poverty signals more than the lack of money. It often represents obstacles that cannot be overcome with just a paycheck. These are the challenging cases, where government aid is least effective. These, too, are the situations where neighborhood and faith-based intervention has its greatest power. For this reason, the Republican Congress mandated charitable choice in the welfare reform law of 1996, allowing states to contract with faith-based providers for welfare services on the same basis as any other providers. The current administration has done its utmost to block the implementation of that provision, insisting that all symbols of religion must be removed or covered over — precisely what the 1996 provisions set out to prevent. The result is that many of the most successful service programs are essentially blacklisted because they will neither conceal nor compromise the faith that makes them so effective in changing lives. While this is unfair to faith-based organizations, it is unjust to those whom they could help conquer abuse, addiction, and hopelessness.\nTexas was the first state to implement charitable choice in welfare, and its governor intends to expand it to all federally-funded human services programs. We support his plans to unbar the gates of the government ghetto, inviting into the American dream those who are now in its shadows and using the dedication and expertise of faith communities to make it happen.\nThis is what we propose:\nApply charitable Choice to all federal social service programs.\nEncourage an outpouring of giving by extending the current federal charity tax deduction to the 70 percent of all tax filers who do not itemize their deductions and by allowing people to make donations tax-free from their IRAs.\nPromote corporate giving by raising the cap on their charitable deductions and assuring them liability protection for their in-kind donations.\n\nThe renewal of entire communities is an awesome task and involves one human face, one human heart at a time. But the American people have a long and seasoned history of working wonders. Government does have a role to play, but as a partner, not a rival, to the armies of compassion. These forces have roots in the areas they serve, and their leaders are people to whom the disadvantaged are not statistics, but neighbors, friends, and moral individuals created in the image of God. With these approaches government becomes a partner with community and faith-based providers in supporting families and children and helping them improve their opportunities for a better life.\nChildren At Risk\n\nRepublicans recognize the importance of having a father and a mother in the home. The two-parent family still provides the best environment of stability, discipline, responsibility, and character. Documentation shows that where the father has deserted his family, children are more likely to commit a crime, drop out of school, become violent, become teen parents, take illegal drugs, become mired in poverty, or have emotional or behavioral problems. We support the courageous efforts of single-parent families to have a stable home.\nThe participation of faith-based and community groups will be especially important in dealing with the twin problems of non-marital pregnancy and substance abuse. Reducing those behaviors is the surest way to end the cycle of child poverty. After-school programs should be fully open to the community and faith-based groups that know best how to reach out to our children and help them reach their true potential.\nWe renew our call for replacing \"family planning\" programs for teens with increased funding for abstinence education, which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and expected standard of behavior. Abstinence from sexual activity is the only protection that is 100 percent effective against out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, when transmitted sexually. We oppose school-based clinics that provide referrals, counseling, and related services for contraception and abortion. We urge the states to enforce laws against statutory rape, which accounts for an enormous portion of teen pregnancy. We support the establishment of Second Chance Maternity Homes, like the ones Governor Bush has proposed, to give young unwed mothers the opportunity to develop parenting skills, finish school, and enter the workforce. Because many youngsters fall into poverty as a result of divorce, we also encourage states to review their divorce laws and to support projects that strengthen marriage, promote successful parenting, bolster the stability of the home, and protect the economic rights of the innocent spouse and children. Finally, because so many social ills plaguing America are fueled by the absence of fathers, we support initiatives that strengthen marriage rates and promote committed fatherhood.\nThe entire nation has suffered from the administration's virtual surrender in the war against drugs, but children in poor communities have paid the highest price in the threat of addiction and the daily reality of violence. Drug kingpins have turned entire neighborhoods into wastelands and ruined uncounted lives with their poison. The statistics are shocking. Since 1992, among 10th graders, overall drug use has increased 55 percent, marijuana and hashish use has risen 91 percent, heroin use has gone up 92 percent, and cocaine use has soared 133 percent. Not surprisingly, teen attitudes toward drug abuse have veered sharply away from disapproval. With abundant supplies in their deadly arsenal, drug traffickers are targeting younger children, as well as rural kids.\nStill, there is no substitute for presidential leadership, whether internationally or here at home, where America's families cry out for safe, drug-free schools. A Republican president will hear those cries and work with parents to protect children. We will bring accountability to anti-drug programs, promote those that work, and cease funding for those that waste resources. Equally important, in a Republican administration the Department of Justice will require all federal prosecutors to aggressively pursue drug dealers, from the kingpins to the lackeys. We renew our support for capital punishment for drug traffickers who take innocent life.\nIllegal drugs and alcohol abuse are closely related to the incidence of child abuse. Government at all levels spends about $20 billion annually on a confusing array of programs to help either the children or adults in abusive or neglectful families. While the largest federal effort is the open-ended entitlements aimed at foster care and adoption, very little is allotted to preventive and family support services. We must decrease abuse caseloads and increase accountability throughout the child protection system. We propose to restructure that system along the lines of our welfare reform success, by combining the separate and competing funding sources into a Child Protection Block Grant with guaranteed levels of funding. This will empower the states to respond more quickly, more flexibly, and with greater compassion to children in peril. We call for the stringent and effective enforcement of laws against the abuse of children.\nFor many of those children, adoption may be the only route to a stable and loving home. Government at all levels should work with the charitable and faith-based groups that provide adoption services to remove the obstacles they sometimes encounter in their efforts to unite children in need with families who need them.\nRenewing Family and Community\n\nIndividual rights — and the responsibilities that go with them — are the foundation of a free society. In protecting those rights, and in asserting those responsibilities, we affirm the common good, and common goals, that should unite all Americans.\nWe are the party of the open door, determined to strengthen the social, cultural, and political ties that bind us together and make our country the greatest force for good in the world. Steadfast in our commitment to our ideals, we recognize that members of our party can have deeply held and sometimes differing views. This diversity is a source of strength, not a sign of weakness, and so we welcome into our ranks all who may hold differing positions. We commit to resolve our differences with civility, trust, and mutual respect.\nFamily Matters\n\nThe family is society's central core of energy. That is why efforts to strengthen family life are the surest way to improve life for everyone. For this reason, congressional Republicans made adoption easier and enacted the child tax credit — and that is why Governor Bush wants to double that credit to $1,000 per child and increase the adoption credit. It's why we advocate a family-friendly tax code; why we promote comp-time and flex-time to accommodate family needs; and why we advocate choice in childcare. We support the traditional definition of \"marriage\" as the legal union of one man and one woman, and we believe that federal judges and bureaucrats should not force states to recognize other living arrangements as marriages. We rely on the home, as did the founders of the American Republic, to instill the virtues that sustain democracy itself. That belief led Congress to enact the Defense of Marriage Act, which a Republican Department of Justice will energetically defend in the courts. For the same reason, we do not believe sexual preference should be given special legal protection or standing in law.\nJust as environmental pollution affects our physical health, so too does the pollution of our culture affect the health of our communities. There is much to celebrate in contemporary culture, but also much to deplore: The glorification of violence, the glamorizing of drugs, the abuse of women and children, whether in music or videos, advertising, or tabloid journalism. Still, there are individuals and organizations using their power as citizens and consumers to advance a cultural renewal in all aspects of American life. We support and applaud them.\nTheir efforts will be critically important in the Information Age, which, with all its tremendous benefits, brings a major challenge to families. When the FBI reports that porn sites are the most frequently accessed on the Internet, it's time for parents at home — and communities through their public institutions — to take action. We endorse Republican legislation pending in the Congress to require schools and libraries to secure their computers against on-line porn and predators if they accept federal subsides to connect to the Internet. This is not a question of free speech. Kids in a public library should not be victims of filth, and porn addicts should not use library facilities for their addiction. Therefore, public libraries and schools should secure their computers against on-line pornography.\nUpholding the Rights of All\n\nEquality of individuals before the law has always been a cornerstone of our party. We therefore oppose discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin and will vigorously enforce anti-discrimination statutes. As we strive to forge a national consensus on the crucial issues of our time, we call on all Americans to reject the forces of hatred and bigotry. Accordingly, we denounce all who practice or promote racism, anti-Semitism, ethnic prejudice, and religious intolerance. Our country was founded in faith and upon the truth that self-government is rooted in religious conviction. While the Constitution guards against the establishment of state-sponsored religion, it also honors the free exercise of religion. We believe the federal courts must respect this freedom and the original intent of the Framers. We assert the right of religious leaders to speak out on public issues and will not allow the EEOC or any other arm of government to regulate or ban religious symbols from the workplace. We condemn the desecration of places of worship and objects of religious devotion, and call upon the media to reconsider their role in fostering bias through negative stereotyping of religious citizens. We support the First Amendment right of freedom of association and stand united with private organizations, such as the Boy Scouts of America, and support their positions.\nBecause we treasure freedom of conscience, we oppose attempts to compel individuals or institutions to violate their moral standards in providing health-related services. We believe religious institutions and schools should not be taxed. When government funds privately-operated social, welfare, or educational programs, it must not discriminate against faith-based organizations, whose record in providing services to those in need far exceeds that of the public sector. Their participation should be actively encouraged, and never conditioned upon the covering or removing of religious objects or symbols.\nWe believe rights inhere in individuals, not in groups. We will attain our nation's goal of equal opportunity without quotas or other forms of preferential treatment. It is as simple as this: No one should be denied a job, promotion, contract, or chance at higher education because of their race or gender. Equal access, energetically offered, should guarantee every person a fair shot based on their potential and merit.\nThe Supreme Court's recent decision, prohibiting states from banning partial-birth abortions — a procedure denounced by a committee of the American Medical Association and rightly branded as four-fifths infanticide — shocks the conscience of the nation. As a country, we must keep our pledge to the first guarantee of the Declaration of Independence. That is why we say the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. Our purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.\nOur goal is to ensure that women with problem pregnancies have the kind of support, material and otherwise, they need for themselves and for their babies, not to be punitive towards those for whose difficult situation we have only compassion. We oppose abortion, but our pro-life agenda does not include punitive action against women who have an abortion. We salute those who provide alternatives to abortion and offer adoption services, and we commend congressional Republicans for expanding assistance to adopting families and for removing racial barriers to adoption. The impact of those measures and of our Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 has been spectacular. Adoptions out of foster care have jumped forty percent and the incidence of child abuse and neglect has actually declined. We second Governor Bush's call to make permanent the adoption tax credit and expand it to $7,500.\nAn essential part of a culture that respects life is integration and inclusion of persons with disabilities. That is the goal of Governor Bush's New Freedom Initiative, a comprehensive agenda for the breakthrough research and practical assistance that can help individuals with disabilities live independently, hold jobs, and take part in the daily life of their communities. We applaud his proposal, and we salute congressional Republicans for the way they have protected access to health care for individuals with disabilities against the administration's attempts to ration it. We pledge continued vigilance in that regard, especially in Medicare and Medicaid.\nWe oppose the non-consensual withholding of care or treatment because of disability, age, or infirmity, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide, which endanger especially the poor and those on the margins of society. We applaud congressional Republicans for their leadership against those abuses and their pioneering legislation to focus research and treatment resources on the alleviation of pain and the care of terminally ill patients.\nSeeking the counsel of those who would be most affected by it, the Republican Congress enacted the new Ticket-to-Work law, empowering persons with disabilities to choose their own support services by voucher. Equally important, and with the inspiration of initiatives by some Republican governors, we have made it possible for millions of individuals with disabilities to rejoin the work force without losing their health benefits. We pledge full enforcement of these and prior enactments that have helped bring individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of a society that needs their skills and their industry.\nWe support their full access to the polls and to the entire political process. The promise of assistive technology, so costly but offering hope to so many, makes it all the more crucial that we maintain the expanding economy that sustains the investment necessary to make miracles happen.\nWe defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and we affirm the individual responsibility to safely use and store firearms. Because self-defense is a basic human right, we will promote training in their safe usage, especially in federal programs for women and the elderly. A Republican administration will vigorously enforce current gun laws, neglected by the Democrats, especially by prosecuting dangerous offenders identified as felons in instant background checks. Although we support background checks to ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of criminals, we oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners and national gun registration as a violation of the Second Amendment and an invasion of privacy of honest citizens. Through programs like Project Exile, we will hold criminals individually accountable for their actions by strong enforcement of federal and state firearm laws, especially when guns are used in violent or drug-related crimes. With a special emphasis upon school safety, we propose the crackdown on youth violence explained elsewhere in this platform.\nWe affirm the right of individuals to voluntarily participate in labor organizations and to bargain collectively. We therefore support the right of states to enact Right-to-Work laws. No one should be forced to contribute to a campaign or a candidate, so we will vigorously implement the Supreme Court's Beck decision to stop the involuntary use of union dues for political purposes. We will revoke the illegal executive order excluding millions of workers from federal contracts, and safeguard the unemployment compensation system against the diversion of its funds for political purposes.\nFrom Many, One\n\nOur country's ethnic diversity within a shared national culture is unique in all the world. We benefit from our differences, but we must also strengthen the ties that bind us to one another. Foremost among those is the flag. Its deliberate desecration is not \"free speech\" but an assault against both our proud history and our greatest hopes. We therefore support a constitutional amendment that will restore to the people, through their elected representatives, their right to safeguard Old Glory.\nAnother sign of our unity is the role of English as our common language. It has enabled people from every corner of the world to come together to build this nation. For newcomers, it has always been the fastest route to the mainstream of American life. English empowers. That is why fluency in English must be the goal of bilingual education programs. We support the recognition of English as the nation's common language. At the same time, mastery of other languages is important for America's competitiveness in the world market. We advocate foreign language training in our schools and the fostering of respect for other languages and cultures throughout our society.\nWe have reaped enormous human capital in the genius and talent and industry of those who have escaped nations captive to totalitarianism. Our country still attracts the best and brightest to invent here, create wealth here, improve the quality of life here. As a nation of immigrants, we welcome all new Americans who have entered lawfully and are prepared to follow our laws and provide for themselves and their families. In their search for a better life, they strengthen our economy, enrich our culture, and defend the nation in war and in peace. To ensure fairness for those wishing to reside in this country, and to meet the manpower needs of our expanding economy, a total overhaul of the immigration system is sorely needed.\nThe administration's lax enforcement of our borders has led to tragic exploitation of smuggled immigrants, and untold suffering, at the hands of law-breakers. We call for harsh penalties against smugglers and those who provide fake documents. We oppose the creation of any national ID card.\nBecause free trade is the most powerful force for the kind of development that creates a middle class and offers opportunity at home, the long-term solution for illegal immigration is economic growth in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. In the short run, however, decisive action is needed. We therefore endorse the recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform:\nRestore credibility to enforcement by devoting more resources both to border control and to internal operations.\nReorganize family unification preferences to give priority to spouses and children, rather than extended family members.\nEmphasize needed skills in determining eligibility for admission.\nOverhaul the failed Labor Certification Program to end the huge delays in matching qualified workers with urgent work.\nReform the Immigration and Naturalization Service by splitting its functions into two agencies, one focusing on enforcement and one exclusively devoted to service.\n\nThe education reforms we propose elsewhere in this platform will, over time, greatly increase the number of highly qualified workers in all sectors of the American economy. To meet immediate needs, however, we support increasing the number of H-1B visas to ensure high-tech workers in specialized positions, provided such workers do not pose a national security risk; and we will expand the H-2A program for the temporary agricultural workers so important to the nation's farms.\nJustice And Safety\n\nMost Americans over the age of fifty remember a time when streets and schoolyards were safe, doors unlocked, windows unbarred. The elderly did not live in fear and the young did not die in gunfire. That world is gone, swept away in the social upheaval provoked by the welfare, drug, and crime policies of the 1960s and later.\nWe cannot go back to that time of innocence, but we can go forward, step by difficult step, to recreate respect for law — and law that is worthy of respect. Most of that effort must come on the state and local levels, which have the primary responsibility for law enforcement. While we support community policing and other proven initiatives against crime, we strongly oppose any erosion of that responsibility by the federal government. Our Republican governors, legislators, and local leaders have taken a zero tolerance approach to crime that has led to the lowest crime and murder rates in a generation.\nAt the same time, we recognize the crucial leadership role the president and the Congress should play in restoring public safety. The congressional half of that team, in cooperation with governors and local officials who are the front line against crime, has been hard at work. Within proper federal jurisdiction, the Republican Congress has enacted legislation for an effective deterrent death penalty, restitution to victims, removal of criminal aliens, and vigilance against terrorism. They stopped federal judges from releasing criminals because of prison overcrowding, made it harder to file lawsuits about prison conditions, and, with a truth-in-sentencing law, pushed states to make sure violent felons actually do time. They have also provided billions of dollars, in the form of block grants, for law enforcement agencies to hire police and acquire new equipment and technology.\nThe other part of the team — a president engaged in the fight against crime — has been ineffective for the last eight years. To the contrary, sixteen hard-core terrorists were granted clemency, sending the wrong signal to others who would use terror against the American people. The administration started out by slashing the nation's funding for drug interdiction and overseas operations against the narcotics cartel. It finishes by presiding over the near collapse of drug policy. The only bright spot has been the determination of the Republican Congress. Its Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination Act of 1998 has just begun to restore the nation's ability to strike at the source of illegal drugs. Now the Congress is taking the lead to assist Colombia against the narco-insurgents who control large parts of that country, a stone's throw from the Panama Canal.\nA Republican president will advance an agenda to restore the public's safety:\nNo-frills prisons, with productive work requirements, that make the threat of jail a powerful deterrent to crime.\nIncreased penalties and resources to combat the dramatic rise in production and use of methamphetamine and new drugs such as ecstasy.\nAn effective program of rehabilitation, where appropriate.\nSupport of community-based diversion programs for first time, non-violent offenders.\nReforming the Supreme Court's invented Exclusionary Rule, which has allowed countless criminals to get off on technicalities.\nA constitutional amendment to protect victims' rights at every stage of the criminal justice system.\nReservation of two seats on the U.S. Sentencing Commission for victims of violent crimes.\n\nWe will reopen Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House as a symbolic expression of our confidence in the restoration of the rule of law.\nCrimes against women and children demand an emphatic response. That is why the Republican Congress enacted Megan's Law, requiring local notification when sex offenders are released, and why we advocate special penalties against thugs who, in assaults against pregnant women, harm them or their unborn children. Federal obscenity and child pornography laws, especially crimes involving the Internet, must be vigorously enforced — in contrast to the current administration's failure in this area. We urge States to follow the lead of congressional Republicans by making admissible in court the prior similar criminal acts of defendants in sexual assault cases.\nMillions of Americans suffer from problem or pathological gambling that can destroy families. We support legislation prohibiting gambling over the Internet or in student athletics by student athletes who are participating in competitive sports.\nOn both the federal and state levels, juvenile crime demands special attention, as the age of young offenders has fallen and their brutality has increased. We renew our call for a complete overhaul of the juvenile justice system that will punish juvenile offenders, open criminal proceedings to victims and the public, make conviction records more available, and enforce accountability for offenders, parents, and judges.\nWith regard to school safety, we encourage local school systems to develop a single system of discipline for all students who commit offenses involving drugs or violence in school, not the federally imposed dual system which leaves today's teachers and students at risk from the behavior of others.\nAny juvenile who commits any crime while carrying a gun should automatically be detained, not released to someone's custody. We urge localities to consider zero-tolerance for juvenile drinking and driving and early intervention to keep delinquency from escalating to crime. While recognizing the important role of both parents to the well-being of their children, we must acknowledge the critical need for positive role models to put a generation of fatherless boys on the right road to manhood. We affirm the right of public schools, courthouses, and other public buildings to post copies of the Ten Commandments.\nFinally, continued assistance to state and local law enforcement is critical. Through research, grants, and joint task forces, the federal government should encourage smarter, more effective anti-crime efforts. In particular, we advocate assistance to police for their personal protection, continuing education and training, and family care.\nWhat Is At Stake\n\nThe rule of law, the very foundation for a free society, has been under assault, not only by criminals from the ground up, but also from the top down. An administration that lives by evasion, coverup, stonewalling, and duplicity has given us a totally discredited Department of Justice. The credibility of those who now manage the nation's top law enforcement agency is tragically eroded. We are fortunate to have its dedicated career workforce, especially its criminal prosecutors, who have faced the unprecedented politicization of decisions regarding both personnel and investigations.\nRetirement Security and Quality Health Care: Our Pledge to America\n\nThere are those who say Americans must choose between security and freedom. They are wrong. Security and liberty are not enemies. When properly balanced, they are kindred means for advancing individual achievement. In the century past, that balance was not always maintained. There were times when the exercise of independence left too many Americans insecure, especially in their old age. And there were more times when the governmental imposition of security smothered the freedoms that should be at the center of American life.\nThe Republican vision for a good society restores the balance most Americans seek, by maintaining the structures that guard against unforeseen misfortune and, at the same time, encouraging individual decision-making and personal control.\nSaving Social Security: Helping Individuals Build Wealth\n\n\"A defining American promise\" — a strong phrase from a strong leader, with which we strongly agree. The Social Security program is the touchstone by which the American people now gauge the reliability, competence, and integrity of government. Unfortunately, the gauge is registering real problems. This is not breaking news to most Americans. They have known for years of the deterioration of Social Security's fiscal health but fully expected their leaders to address it. But with each passing year leading to an ever grimmer prognosis, the gauge has dropped, notch by notch, into the red zone.\nSince 1992, Social Security's unfunded liability has increased from $7.4 trillion to $8.8 trillion. Its trustees project that, by the year 2015, there will not be enough cash coming in from payroll taxes to pay currently promised Social Security benefits.\nThe current administration has treated Social Security as a slogan rather than a priority, demanding billions for new government programs instead of attending to the stability of our most important domestic program. Even worse, their proposal to let the government buy stocks on behalf of the Social Security trust fund was an unprecedented power grab over the entire American economy. Doing nothing is no longer an option, for it leads to three bitter choices in the near future: crippling levels of payroll taxation, significantly reduced benefits for Social Security recipients, or a crushing burden of public debt for generations to come.\nWe reject each of those outcomes and accept the mandate which others have abandoned: To keep faith with both the past and the future by saving Social Security. For starters, congressional Republicans stopped the annual raids on the Social Security trust funds by balancing the federal budget without that program's surplus. In addition, government agencies have and should continue efforts to improve the accuracy of economic indicators. Now a Republican president will forge a national consensus on these principles to protect this national priority:\nAnyone currently receiving Social Security, or close to being eligible for it, will not be impacted by any changes.\nKey changes should merit bipartisan agreement so any reforms will be a win for the American people rather than a political victory for any one party.\nReal reform does not require, and will not include, tax increases.\nPersonal savings accounts must be the cornerstone of restructuring. Each of today's workers should be free to direct a portion of their payroll taxes to personal investments for their retirement future. It is crucial that individuals be offered a variety of investment alternatives and that detailed information be provided to each participant to help them judge the risks and benefits of each plan. Today's financial markets offer a variety of investment options, including some that guarantee a rate of return higher than the current Social Security system with no risk to the investor.\nChoice is the key. Any new options for retirement security should be voluntary, so workers can choose to remain in the current system or opt for something different.\nThis is a challenge that demands the kind of presidential leadership the country has not seen in almost a decade. Governor Bush has shown his commitment by proposing a bold alternative to the collapse of Social Security. Along with Americans everywhere, we pledge to join him in this endeavor of a lifetime.\n\nSecurity for Older Americans\n\nFor most of us, retirement holds both promise and problems. Today's elderly have far more economic security than earlier generations; and opportunities for learning, teaching, and leading are greater than ever. Public policy must encourage, not inhibit, this. To that end, for half a century, the Republican Party fought to repeal the Democrats' earnings limitation on Social Security recipients, which took away a dollar for every three they earned. That fight has finally been won, and we salute congressional Republicans for leading it. We likewise note with pride the Republican legislation that has simplified pension law and made it easier for more businesses, especially small ones, to offer pension plans.\nWe call for full repeal of the death tax, as proposed in Governor Bush's program, Prosperity with a Purpose, and as recently passed by congressional Republicans. Hard-working Americans should not live with the fear that the fruits of their lifetime of labor will fall into the hands of government instead of their children.\nThe growing need for long-term care calls for long-term planning both by individuals and by government. We encourage, at all levels of government, regulatory flexibility and sensitivity to human needs in nursing homes and related facilities. In this area, as in so many other unheralded corners of American lives, heroic sacrifices are being made by millions of families to care for their mothers and fathers as their parents cared for them. We support Governor Bush's call for a 100 percent above-the-line tax deduction for premiums for long-term care insurance, recognizing and rewarding individual responsibility, and we welcome his proposal to allow an additional exemption for each elderly spouse, parent, or relative a family tends to in their own residence.\nPreserving and Improving Medicare\n\nMedicare, at age 35, needs a new lease on life. It's time to bring this program, so critical for 39 million seniors and individuals with disabilities, into the Twenty-First Century. It's time to modernize the benefit package to match current medical science, improve the program's financial stability, and cut back the bureaucratic jungle that is smothering it. It's time to give older Americans access to the same health insurance plan the Congress has created for itself, so that seniors will have the same choices and security as Members of Congress, including elimination of all current limitations and restrictions that prevent the establishment of medical savings accounts. To do that, we need to build on the strengths of the free market system, offer seniors real choices in coverage, give participants flexibility, and make sure there are incentives for the private sector to develop new and inexpensive drugs.\nNo one in their right mind would choose a physician who limited her practice to the treatments and procedures of the 1960s. By the same token, no one should be content with a Medicare program based on benefit packages and delivery models of that same era. For example, it denies coverage for necessary preventive services, like cholesterol screenings, and limits access to new life-saving technologies. This must change. Every Medicare beneficiary should have a choice of health care options. We want them to have access to the health plan that best fits their medical needs. In short: no more governmental one-size-fits-all.\nMedicare also needs new measures of solvency that look at total program expenses and provide an honest reading of how we can guarantee benefits for decades to come. At the same time, we must dramatically reduce the program's administrative complexities symbolized both by its 130,000 pages of regulations and by its $13.5 billion in improper payments in 1999 alone. Some of that is due to fraud, waste, and abuse, but most of it comes from the sad fact that Medicare is a creaking, bureaucratic, and oppressive dinosaur in the age of MRIs. This frustrates health care providers, hospitals, and patients alike. Let us be clear: We support vigorous enforcement of anti-fraud laws in cases where there is intent to commit fraud, but it is unfair to blame honest health care providers who must seek reimbursement within a minefield of confusing Medicare regulations.\nFor Medicare to survive — and more important, to succeed — it must become a common enterprise of government, health professionals, and hospitals alike. Rather than continue the practice of recurrent and unpredictable cuts in provider payments, a reformed Medicare program will allow health care providers, particularly those helping rural and underserved populations, to adapt to changing conditions in health care by providing reimbursement at levels that will permit health care providers to continue to care for these patients. Republican leadership will reopen and broaden the door to health care by fulfilling the promise of medical research and innovation, by offering choice and protecting consumer rights, and by modernizing antiquated systems to deliver affordable care for all its beneficiaries.\nQuality Health Care: A Commitment to All Americans\n\nAmericans enjoy the best health care in the world. Their system, the envy of all mankind, is the center of debate and controversy. This contradiction arises from the dynamism that is changing every aspect of American medicine. Change is seldom easy, and when it relates to the health of those we love, it can be downright scary. Still, the outcome of all this change is a world of unimagined promise in health. We must embrace that change, and master it as well.\nThe mapping of the human genome, identifying every gene in the human body, may, over time, translate into new treatments and cures for scourges like cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS, as well as diseases that affect the very young, such as muscular dystrophy and juvenile diabetes. A century ago, the average American life span was 55. Today, it is 78, and children born in this decade have the realistic prospect of living into the Twenty-Second Century. A simple blood test can now screen for prostate cancer at its earliest appearance. Biochemistry is revolutionizing the field of mental health. Millions of operations have been replaced with CAT scans. We want that progress to continue. But translating the promise of medical research into readily available treatments requires more than just money; it needs a whole new prescription for health care. That prescription is what the Republican party offers in the elections of 2000.\nLet's start with the diagnosis. After eight years of pressure from the current administration, the foundations of our health care system are cracking. We can spot the fissures everywhere:\nThere are currently 44 million uninsured Americans, an increase of one million for each of the past eight years.\nThe institutions and the people who provide health care are at risk. Hospitals in our poorest urban and rural areas are being callously closed, by the same administration that budgets far less than was originally projected, while calling for greater coverage.\nThe quality of health care is in jeopardy. Recent reports estimate that almost 100,000 patients die each year from medical errors. This is more than from auto accidents, murders, or AIDS.\nMedicare, the bedrock of care for our elderly, is suffocating under more than 130,000 pages of federal rules, three times the size of the entire IRS code. It pays for only 53 percent of seniors' care, provides no outpatient prescription drugs, and does not cover real long-term care, and it is still headed for bankruptcy in the near future.\nThe doctor-patient relationship has been eroded, and in some instances replaced, by external decision-making and managed care bureaucracy.\n\nWe intend to save this beleaguered system with a vision of health care adapted to the changing demands of a new century. It is as simple, and yet as profound, as this: All Americans should have access to high-quality and affordable health care. They should have a range of options and be able to select what is the best care for their individual and family needs. The integration of access, affordability, quality, and choice into the nation's health care system is the goal that brings together all of the following proposals. In achieving that goal, we will promote a health care system that supports, not supplants, the private sector; that promotes personal responsibility in health care decision-making; and that ensures the least intrusive role for the federal government.\nAffordable, Quality Health Insurance\n\nLet's give credit where due: More than 100 million American workers and their families have sound health insurance through their places of employment. The job-creating dynamism of our free economy has thus done more to advance health care than any government program possibly could. The tie between good jobs and good insurance coverage is the single most important factor in advancing health care for those who need it.\nThat's why the Republican party remains determined to change federal law to give small employers the liberty to band together to purchase group insurance for their employees at reduced rates, thus providing them that important security. The tragedy is that this urgent expansion of coverage has this far been blocked by veto threats. With a Republican president, that will change.\nUninsured Americans do not have a single face. Their situations vary tremendously, with changes in family status, age, and income. It makes sense to let them decide what kind of coverage best suits their needs. To give them that power of choice, we propose an unprecedented tax credit that will enable 27 million individuals and families to purchase the private health insurance that's right for them. We also support full deductibility of health insurance premiums for the self-employed.\nTruly positive market forces occur when individuals have the ability to make individual marketplace decisions. We therefore strongly encourage support of the emerging concepts of defined contribution plans and medical savings accounts. Individuals should be free to manage their own health care needs through Flexible Savings Accounts (FSAs) and Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs). These initiatives make a government takeover of health care as anachronistic as surgery without anesthesia. We will make these accounts the vanguard of a new consumer rights movement in health care. Individuals should be able to roll over excess FSA dollars from one year to the next, instead of losing their unspent money at the end of each year. MSAs should be a permanent part of tax law, offered to all workers without restriction, with both employers and employees allowed to contribute.\nStill, more needs to be done. A major reason why health insurance is so expensive is that many state legislatures now require all insurance policies to provide benefits and treatments which many families do not want and do not need. It is as if automakers were required by law to sell only fully equipped cars, even to buyers who didn't want or need all the extras. These mandates, extending far beyond minimum standards, increase costs for everyone, price low-income families out of the insurance market, and advance the interests of specific providers. They have no place in a health care system based on consumer rights and patient choice.\nOne area of health care that is sadly ignored is the role of primary and preventive care. This is particularly important in our inner cities and rural communities, where the emergency room may be the only avenue for assistance. People in rural and underserved areas need access to critical primary care. We will boost funding for community health centers and establish stronger public-private partnerships for safety net providers and hospitals in rural and underserved communities.\nWhen Congressional Republicans established the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) program in 1997, they enabled us to secure health insurance coverage for approximately 8 million youngsters. Republicans want to ensure that children have access to quality health care, and that states have the flexibility to innovate, expand family coverage without interference from the Health Care Financing Administration, and reach out to eligible households that are currently not enrolled in a health insurance program or in Medicaid. In a Republican administration, the first order of business at the Department of Health and Human Services will be to eliminate regulations that are stymieing the effectiveness of S-CHIP program and to stop imposing unwarranted mandates, so states can make sure children who need health care can get it. A streamlined enrollment process and energetic outreach efforts will finally fulfill the promise of S-CHIP. All it takes is caring.\nImproving the Quality of Health Care\n\nProtecting Patients' Rights. The tremendous growth of managed health care was driven by a market response to the fractured system of health care delivery that preceded it. One result of that growth has been a welcomed slowing of the rapid increases in health costs that were a regular occurrence of the 1970s and 1980s. However, this has come at the cost of patient dissatisfaction with the at times impersonal or insufficient health care delivery mechanism. Simply put, patients deserve more protections if we are to achieve a patient-centered system that offers high-quality, affordable care. The parents of a sick child should have access to the nearest emergency care. A patient in need of a heart specialist's expertise should be allowed to seek that opinion. A woman with breast cancer should be able to participate in a potentially life-saving clinical trial, and patients should have prompt access to independent physicians, or when appropriate, other health care professionals, to override any wrongful denial of treatment.\nThe traditional patient-doctor relationship must be preserved. Medical decision-making should be in the hands of physicians and their patients. In cases when a health plan denies treatment, a rapid appeals process geared toward ensuring that patients receive the right treatment without delays that might threaten a patient's health — as opposed to a lengthy trial — must be readily accessible to everyone in all health plans. We believe a quick and fair resolution to treatment disputes without going to court is the best result. However, as a last resort, we also support a patient's right to adjudicate claims in court to receive necessary medical care. In the interest of fairness to the thousands of businesses that purchase health benefits for their employees and for physicians who care for patients, employers and physicians should not be liable for the actions of the health plan and should be shielded from frivolous and unnecessary lawsuits.\nOur overall philosophy is to trust state and local government to know what best suits the needs of their people. We believe the federal government should respect the states' traditional authority to regulate health insurance, health care professionals, and health practice guidelines through their medical boards.\nMedical Errors and Malpractice Reform. Our goal is to reduce the rate of medical errors, especially those that result in a patient's death. We will support scientific research to provide the public and health care providers with information about why these errors occur and what can be done to prevent them. We should not displace the current, very effective hospital peer review system.\nAnother key step will be reform of malpractice law. In its current form, it encourages health care providers to conceal even innocent mistakes, lest they be subject to vilifying publicity through the trial lawyers' system of jackpot justice. That is why a cloak of secrecy envelops operating rooms. We must open up the free flow of information concerning medical errors, both to protect patients and to reduce the cost of modern medicine. Patients who are genuinely injured should be rightly compensated, but the punitive and random aspects of today's litigation lottery cry out for reform. Just as we hold all health care personnel to the highest standards, so too must public policy respect their ethical conscience. No individual or institution should be compelled to assist in providing any medical service that violates their moral or religious convictions.\nWomen's Health. As Republicans, we hold dear the health and vitality of our families. Our efforts to build healthier families must begin with women — our mothers, daughters, grandmothers and grand-daughters. This nation needs far greater focus on the needs of women who have historically been underrepresented in medical research and access to the proper level of medical attention. We are reversing this historic trend.\nAcross this country, and at all levels of government, Republicans are at the forefront in aggressively developing health care initiatives targeted specifically at the needs of women. The enormous increases in the NIH budget brought about by the Republican Congress will make possible aggressive new research and clinical trials into diseases and health issues that disproportionately affect women as well as into conditions that affect the elderly, the majority of whom are women. And we are leading efforts to reach out to underserved and minority female populations, where disparities persist in life expectancy, infant mortality and death rates from cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.\nRepublicans are dedicated to pursuing comprehensive women's health care initiatives that include access to state-of-the-art medical advances and technology; equality for women in the delivery of health care services; medical research that focuses specifically on women; appropriate representation of women in clinical trials; and direct access to women's health providers.\nThe increasing focus upon health problems of the very elderly, the great majority of whom are women, holds the promise of advances concerning osteoporosis and other ailments which should no longer be considered the inevitable price of old age. Because nutrition is intimately related to health, we advocate state flexibility in managing the various federal nutrition programs for low-income families, especially those receiving TANF assistance, most of whom are female-headed households. Their transition to jobs and independence should include nutritional improvement both for mothers and for their children.\nThe united efforts of Republican leaders at all levels of government and within our communities will make sure that women gain greater access to relevant care, research, and education on health care issues important to them.\nChildren's Health. The huge strides we have already made in improving children's health must be balanced against sobering statistics. Asthma affects nearly five million children, and the incidence is dramatically increasing. Childhood obesity has jumped 100 percent in the last 15 years and can be a forerunner of the most serious illnesses later in life. Diabetes is now the second most common chronic disease in children. Youth drug abuse has more than doubled in the past eight years. Smoking rates for youth have risen alarmingly. Every year, 2,500 babies are born with fetal alcohol syndrome. So much of the suffering caused by childhood diseases can be prevented — by increasing immunization rates; by increasing resources for biomedical research, not by crippling pharmaceutical progress; by sensible strategies against teen smoking rather than the folly of prohibition; by a real war on drugs in place of the white flag policies of recent years. Our commitment is to address the emotional, behavioral, and mental illnesses affecting children. With parental involvement as the critical component, we can help our youth make the healthy and the right choice in avoiding risk behaviors involving alcohol, drugs, premarital sex, tobacco, and violence.\nBiomedical Research. Recognizing the critical importance of research, the Republican Congress, rejecting the administration's lower figures, has already begun to fulfill its pledge to double funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This is one of the few areas in which government investment yields tangible results; and those benefits can be greatest for currently underserved and minority populations, in which disparities persist in life expectancy, infant mortality, as well as death rates from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. With one out of four Americans contracting cancer, we need to increase not only research but also early detection and prevention efforts. Since Republicans took control of Congress in January 1995, our party has led in setting sound HIV/AIDS policy, including increased research funding and access to health services. We remain committed to, and place a high priority on, finding a cure for HIV/AIDS. With the enormous increase in resources for biomedical research comes accountability for its use, as well as responsibility to maintain the highest ethical standards. We applaud congressional Republicans for the steps they have taken for protection of human embryos and against human cloning, the trafficking in fetal tissue organs, and related abuses.\nAcademic Medical Centers. Adequate government reimbursement for medical services is critical to our nation's comprehensive academic medical centers, which serve as the primary health care resource for our poorest citizens, provide cutting-edge medical discovery, and teach and train our next generation of physicians.\nMedical Privacy. The revolution in information and medical technology has created concerns about who has access to personal data — and how it might be used. Patients and their families should feel free to share all medical information with their doctor, but they will feel safe in doing so only if that information is protected. A related concern is genetic discrimination, now that genetic testing will become a routine part of medical health care. Well-conceived, thoughtful action is clearly needed, action that will protect and not harm patients. In both Congress and the Executive Branch, Republicans will work with patients, health care providers, researchers, and insurers to establish new rules for dealing with these new challenges.\nSafe Clinical Trials. Ensuring the safety of patients who participate in investigational clinical trials is fundamental to the future of medical innovation. The lack of oversight by the current administration in gene therapy trials put patients at risk and undermined critical research. A Republican administration will require the Food and Drug Administration and NIH to make patient protection a priority in clinical trial research.\nEmerging Threats and Bioterrorism. The current administration has left our public health system inadequate to respond to the threats of emerging infectious diseases and the possibility of bioterrorism. We pledge to ensure the ability of the public health service to detect, track, and prevent infectious outbreaks, whether natural or provoked by those who hate America.\nWellness. We repeat our statement that America has the finest health care delivery system that is still the envy of the world. We also recognize that an individual's health is often a reflection of the everyday choices made.\nAmerican Partners in Conservation and Preservation: Stewardship of Our Natural Resources\n\nToday's Republican party stands in the proud tradition of Teddy Roosevelt, the first president to stress the importance of environmental conservation. We approach both the national and individual stewardship of natural resources in the spirit of his maxim: \"The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.\" Over the past three decades, we have made progress. Air and water are cleaner. Some endangered species have made comebacks. Wetlands are being preserved. Recycling is commonplace in our homes. That progress itself has brought us to the threshold of a new era in environmental policy. The lessons we have learned over the last three decades, along with the steady advance of environmental technology, gives us the opportunity to explore better ways to achieve even higher goals.\nOur way is to trust the innate good sense and decency of the American people. We will make them partners with government, rather than adversaries of it. The way current laws have been implemented has often fostered costly litigation and discouraged personal innovation in environmental conservation. We need to get back on a common track, so that both the people and their government can jointly focus on the real problems at hand. As a basis for that cooperation, we propose these principles:\nEconomic prosperity and environmental protection must advance together. Prosperity gives our society the wherewithal to advance environmental protection, and a thriving natural environment enhances the quality of life that makes prosperity worthwhile.\nScare tactics and scapegoating of legitimate economic interests undermine support for environmental causes and, what is worse, can discredit actual threats to health and safety.\nEnvironmental regulations should be based upon the best science, peer-reviewed, and available for public consideration.\nWe support the federal, local, state, and tribal responsibilities for environmental protection. We believe the government's main role should be to provide market-based incentives to innovate and develop the new technologies for Americans to meet — and exceed — environmental standards.\nWe condemn the current administration's policy of resorting to confrontation first. Instead we should work cooperatively to ensure that our environmental policy meets the particular needs of geographic regions and localities.\nEnvironmental policy should focus on achieving results — cleaner air, water, and lands — not crafting bureaucratic processes. Where environmental standards are violated, the government should take consistent enforcement.\n\nWhile the very nature of environmental concerns at times requires federal intervention, the heartening progress made by many of the states and localities demonstrates their unique ability to solve problems at the local level. As the laboratories of innovation, they should be given flexibility, authority, and finality by the federal government. Many states have enacted environmental education and voluntary self-audit laws to encourage people to find and correct pollution; the Congress should remove disincentives for states to achieve these goals. Strong leadership by governors, legislators, and local officials is the key to solving the emerging environmental issues of this new century. For example, the reauthorization of the Safe Drinking Water Act by the Republican Congress enabled states and communities to take stronger action to ensure reliable and safe water supplies. Another example is the way states are handling the problem of brownfields. In 35 states, voluntary programs are cleaning up thousands of brownfield sites faster and more effectively, and with less litigation, than under the federal Superfund program. A case in point is Texas, where, under Governor Bush, the number of brownfield sites restored to productive use climbed from zero to 451, not only improving the environment but restoring more than $200 million in property value to local tax rolls, most of it in poor communities.\nWe will replicate Governor Bush's success on the national level. We will use Superfund resources to actually clean up places where people live and labor, rather than waste it on costly litigation. The old approach of mandate, regulate, and litigate has sent potential developers away from brownfield neighborhoods. The result: no new businesses, no new jobs — only dirty and dangerous sites. Governor Bush has pledged to transform this failure into an environmental win for those communities, just as he did in Texas, and we heartily endorse his agenda for doing so.\nWherever it is environmentally responsible to do so, we will promote market-based programs that are voluntary, flexible, comprehensive, and cost-effective. The Endangered Species Act (ESA), for example, is sometimes counter-productive toward its truly important goal of protecting rare species, 75 percent of which are located on private land. Its punitive approach actually encourages landowners to remove habitat to avoid federal intervention. This serves as a disincentive for private landowners to do more to restore habitat and become private stewards of wildlife. The legislation needs incentive-based cooperation among federal, state, local, and tribal governments, and private citizens. The result will be a more effective ESA that better protects wildlife diversity.\nAs environmental issues become increasingly international, progress will increasingly depend on strong and credible presidential leadership. Complex and contentious issues like global warming call for a far more realistic approach than that of the Kyoto Conference. Its deliberations were not based on the best science; its proposed agreements would be ineffective and unfair inasmuch as they do not apply to the developing world; and the current administration is still trying to implement it, without authority of law. More research is needed to understand both the cause and the impact of global warming. That is why the Kyoto treaty was repudiated in a lopsided, bipartisan Senate vote. A Republican president will work with businesses and with other nations to reduce harmful emissions through new technologies without compromising America's sovereignty or competitiveness — and without forcing Americans to walk to work.\nProtecting Property Rights\n\nWe link the security of private property to our environmental agenda for the best of reasons: Environmental stewardship has best advanced where property is privately held. After all, people who live on the land, work the land, and own the land also love the land and protect it. As Governor Bush has said, \"For the American farmer, every day is Earth Day.\" Conversely, the world's worst cases of environmental degradation have occurred in places where most property is under government control. For reasons both constitutional and environmental, therefore, we will safeguard private property rights by enforcing the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment and by providing just compensation whenever private property is needed to achieve a compelling public purpose.\nPublic Lands for the Public Good\n\nCollaborative conservation represents the future for the 657 million acres of America we call the \"Public Lands.\" Working from the grass roots up, local groups are finding solutions for the problems of the public lands in their areas. Republicans want to encourage that approach, for it holds the greatest promise of sound environmental stewardship and productive use of the nation's natural resources. We will change the operating culture of the federal agencies that manage public lands, giving a greater role to states and to their political subdivisions in order to foster a creative partnership with the American people. As a sign of that partnership, we applaud Governor Bush's intention to make all federal facilities comply with the environmental laws by which the American people live.\nIf there had been any doubt that major reform is needed in the management of public lands, it was burnt away in the catastrophic wildfires of recent months. This avoidable devastation was the price innocent people and helpless communities paid for the extreme policies — and environmental arrogance — of the current administration. Greater tragedies await the people of our Western States if those policies are not changed. Republicans will employ the best techniques of forestry science to implement a national management strategy for public lands that minimizes the risk to local communities while preserving our natural heritage.\nOur national parks are the crown jewels of the country's environmental heritage. They belong to all Americans and should be accessible to all. Congressional Republicans have taken the lead in reversing years of neglect and abuse of these treasures, and we will continue that proactive agenda to keep the park system healthy and accessible to all. We should make it a priority to alleviate the maintenance and operations backlog at our national parks. Rather than adding to this magnificent legacy by unilateral executive branch action, such as the administration's recent National Monument designations, we will seek to actively involve Congress, as well as affected states and local communities, in land acquisition decisions.\nWe support multiple use of public lands conducted in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. We are committed to preserving high priority wilderness and wetlands. The Everglades are a crucial example of a special federal responsibility. We call for a review of lands owned by the national government — half the total territory of our Western States — to develop a comprehensive plan to better manage existing holdings. In some cases, that may mean transferring or sharing responsibility for managing those lands with state or local governments, while all levels of government should recognize existing rights to water, minerals, and grazing. We reaffirm the traditional state primacy over water allocations and will continue the availability of renewable rangeland under conditions that ensure both expanded production of livestock and protection of the range environment. We also reaffirm our commitment to preserve access to public lands for multiple use.\nWe recognize the vital role the timber industry plays in our economy, particularly in homebuilding, and we support its efforts to improve the health of the country's forests. Because so many people in rural America rely on public forests for their livelihood, a Republican administration will promote sustainable forest management, using the best science in place of the no-growth policies that have devastated communities in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.\nAmerican Agriculture and Rural America in the Global Economy\n\nAgriculture is at the heart of the U.S. economy. The food and fiber sector accounts for 13 percent of the nation's economic output and employs, directly or indirectly, more than 22 million people. When agriculture is hurting, the entire country aches. In all our policies and programs, the Republican party is guided by two principles. First, to farmers and ranchers, nothing beats production and sales at a good price. As long as they have truly fair and open domestic and foreign markets, they can do for themselves far better than anything government can do for them. Second, they want to produce what makes sense on their own private property, not what official Washington thinks should be grown there. Under Republican leadership, government will never again run our family farms.\nWhile these are not the best of times for farmers and ranchers, the hopeful promise of our Freedom to Farm Act, which finally replaced decades of controls by a federal bureaucracy, has been limited by events at home and abroad. Farmers were promised that, along with the end of governmental protection for commodities markets, there would be reforms in tax, trade, and regulatory policy. Opposition from the current administration minimized progress in all three areas. As a result, American farmers were hard pressed to deal with the challenge of increased global production and slack demand in Asia. The ineptitude of current U.S. trade policy only made it worse.\nFor American agriculture, prosperity depends in large measure on expansion of global markets. Our farmers already export some $54 billion in products and commodities every year. For them, for the aspirations of their families and the dreams of their children, the opening of foreign markets is essential. Governor Bush understands that. That's why he has asked for restoration of presidential fast-track negotiating authority, the key to forceful trade negotiations abroad. And it's why he's determined to open the China market for America's farmers and ranchers. It's why he's called for the U.S. to demand, in the next round of global trade talks, the complete elimination of agricultural export subsidies and tariffs. It's why he will fight the European Community's outrageous restrictions against imports of U.S. crops and livestock. And it's why he has pledged to exempt food exports from any new trade sanctions.\nResults will take time, and so, looking toward the Farm Bill of the year 2002, we call for immediate action on a safety net that will give farmers the means to manage cyclical downturns. This year's reform of the Federal Crop Insurance Act by the Republican Congress was a good start. In its wake, we propose: Emergency assistance to facilitate the transition to a market-driven regime.\n\nA farm income savings plan: tax-deferred accounts to soften fluctuations in farm earnings.\nTotal repeal of the death tax.\nImmediate 100 percent deductibility for health insurance costs.\nA one-time exemption from capital gains tax on the sale of farms.\nRegulatory relief.\n\nWe reaffirm our strong support for agricultural research, including biotech and biomass research, and for a permanent research and development tax credit. We likewise support the ethanol tax credit, which is good for both the environment and for farmers. Our program of regulatory reform has special relevance to farming, which bears an annual regulatory burden of $20 billion. Every farm family has better uses for that money. Apart from costs, there are grave questions about the impact of the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act. Its implementation must not disrupt farmers' access to safe crop protection products. We reaffirm our support for cooperative partnerships between federal, state, and local governments and private landowners for the conservation of our soil, water and biological resources on private land. The federal government should work with the states to adopt water quality standards that rely on the best science and implementation of best management practices, including addressing hypoxia and runoff issues.\nWe call for the elimination of outdated laws that hamper the adaptation of agriculture to the demands and opportunities of a new century. Futures trading should be deregulated. Regional restrictions on dairy products that drive up consumer prices and penalize productive farmers should be ended. We commend the livestock industry for its efforts to ensure accurate and open price reporting to ensure a competitive market.\nThere is much more to rural America than agriculture, ranching, and forestry. The kind of economic development that generates family-sustaining jobs is critical to small towns and rural communities. We recognize the special challenges they face in working for good schools, accessible health care, decent housing, safe drinking water and waste disposal, and serviceable transportation. The federal government should be an active partner with state and local entities in that process, especially in advancing the availability of the Internet and modern telecommunications technology in rural America.\nEnergy\n\nWhat happened? Eight years ago, the nation was energy confident. Our standing in the Middle East was at its zenith. The oil cartel was in retreat; gasoline was affordable, even as automotive progress reduced emissions from cars. Today, gas prices have skyrocketed, and oil imports are at all-time highs. Foreign oil now accounts for one-third of our total trade deficit. Meanwhile, domestic oil production has fallen 17 percent over the last eight years, as vast areas of the continental U.S. have been put off limits to energy leasing — though we depend on oil and natural gas for 65 percent of our energy supply. Additional oil reserves and deposits of low-sulfur coal may be out of reach because of unilateral designation of new national monuments.\nBy any reasonable standard, the Department of Energy has utterly failed in its mission to safeguard America's energy security. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has been no better, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been shutting off America's energy pipeline with a regulatory blitz that has only just begun. In fact, 36 oil refineries have closed in just the last eight years, while not a single new refinery has been built in this country in the last quarter-century. EPA's patchwork of regulations has driven fuel prices higher in some areas than in others and has made energy supplies no longer fungible. What meets EPA's standards in one city may not be legally sold in another. The result has been localized shortages and sharp price spikes, as suppliers scramble to get acceptable fuels to the markets where they are needed.\nEnvironmental concerns are not at the heart of the matter. In fact, the current administration has turned its back on the two sources that produce virtually all of the nation's emission-free power: nuclear and hydro, the sources for 30 percent of the country's electricity. Because of cumbersome federal relicensing of hydro and nuclear operations, we face the prospect of increasing emissions and dirtier air. Meanwhile, nuclear plants are choking on waste because the current administration breached its contract to remove it — and then vetoed bipartisan legislation to store it at a safe, permanent repository for which the taxpayers have already paid $7 billion. At the same time, power-producing dams are being torn down, by federal edict, in energy-short areas, and the Pacific Northwest is their next target. Breaching dams would not only raise electric rates but would deny western farmers irreplaceable water for irrigation and a cost-effective means of moving their crops to West Coast ports. We should develop and use technologies that will help entrance salmon runs while keeping the dams in place.\nIt's a man-made nightmare, but at last the public is waking up and demanding change. What is at stake, after all, is not just the price we pay to heat and cool our homes. What is at stake is the nation's New Economy, which relies heavily on electricity for its infrastructure and on petroleum for its trade. Affordable energy, the result of Republican policies in the 1980s, helped create the New Economy. If we do not carefully plan for our energy needs, the entire economy could be significantly weakened. The Republican Congress has moved to deregulate the electricity industry and empower consumers through a competitive market — but congressional Democrats are holding up the process, and the administration has provided no leadership. America needs a national energy strategy — and a Republican president will work with congressional Republicans to enact their National Energy Security Act. That strategy will:\nIncrease domestic supplies of coal, oil, and natural gas. Our country does have ample energy resources waiting to be developed, and there is simply no substitute for an increase in their domestic production.\nImprove federal oil and gas lease permit processing and management, including coalbed methane.\nProvide tax incentives for production.\nPromote environmentally responsible exploration and development of oil and gas reserves on federally-owned land, including the Coastal Plain of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.\nOffer a degree of price certainty to keep small domestic stripper producers in operation.\nAdvance clean coal technology.\nExpand the tax credit for renewable energy sources to include wind and open-loop biomass facilities, and electricity produced from steel cogeneration.\nMaintain the ethanol tax credit.\nProvide a tax incentive for residential use of solar power.\n\nThis agenda will reduce America's dependence on foreign oil, help consumers by lowering energy prices, and result in lower carbon emissions than would result from the current administration's policies. To protect consumers against seasonal price spikes, that legislation also authorizes a home heating oil reserve for the Northeastern States and allows expensing of costs for its storage. It will also make low-income housing more energy-efficient. All in all, it is a dramatic reversal of the nation's present course, and that's just what America needs: a balanced portfolio of energy options that is stable, secure, and affordable, with minimal impact on the environment.\nA Nation On The Move\n\nCommerce is the lifeblood of our economy, and the transportation infrastructure is its circulatory system. Without safe and efficient transport, the economy withers away. Maintaining that vital infrastructure has always been, in part, a federal responsibility, and Republicans have historically been the party of builders. From the era of the transcontinental railroad and the Panama Canal to President Eisenhower's establishment of the Interstate Highway System, we have championed investment in transportation assets as a cornerstone of the economy and, indeed, our national way of life.\nMore recently, the Republican-led Congress has enacted two historic pieces of legislation: the 1998 Transportation Equity Act for the Twenty-First Century and this year's Aviation Investment and Reform Act. These landmark laws represent an unprecedented federal investment in roads, bridges, transit systems, airports and air traffic control systems — without additional taxes. They simply unlock the transportation trust funds to invest the dollars motorists and the traveling public have already paid. Those funds had been subject to years of abuse under Democrat-controlled Congresses but are now statutorily dedicated to building and maintaining the transportation system for which our citizens pay. The same budgetary protections should be extended to other transportation trust funds.\nOur national railroad network is a crucial component of our public transportation system. Railroads helped build our country, and our national passenger railroad network remains a precious resource that can play a key role in transportation and economic growth. Republicans support a healthy intercity passenger rail system, and where economically viable, the development of a national high-speed passenger railroad system as an instrument of economic development, and enhanced mobility. We also support a multi-modal approach to our transportation needs.\nBy reducing mandates, cutting red tape, and promoting regulatory common sense, congressional Republicans have given state and local officials unprecedented flexibility to set their own transportation priorities, from highways to bike trails. That will improve communities throughout the nation, and will also strengthen travel and tourism, a vital force for job creation with a positive annual trade balance to boot. But transportation policy remains inseparable from energy policy. The trucking industry, for example, is hard hit by current gas prices and would be crippled by the administration's new \"hours of service\" regulation. Consumers everywhere are literally paying the price both for what the administration has done and for what it has failed to do.\nGovernment for the People\n\nTrust, pride, and respect: we pledge to restore these qualities to the way Americans view their government. It is the most important of tasks and reflects the overwhelming desire of our citizens for fundamental change in official Washington.\nThe templates to make this happen are readily available in the 30 states led by Republican governors. These visionary leaders have opened a new era of creative federalism, making government citizen-centered, results-oriented, and, where possible, market-based. Their sound management of public dollars has led to unprecedented surpluses. Services have improved. Waste has been reduced. Taxes have been cut.\nState and local governments are also far ahead of official Washington in the creation of e-government: providing information and services to the public via the Internet. Citizens can conduct business with government by going on-line instead of wasting hours in-line. We will e-power citizens at all levels of government. And we will require federal agencies to use savvy, on-line practices to buy smart — and save enormous amounts of money in procurement.\nThe leadership our governors have shown in these matters only strengthens our commitment to restore the force of the Tenth Amendment, the best protection the American people have against federal intrusion and bullying. We have limited the ability of Congress to impose unfunded mandates on states and on local and tribal governments. The next logical step is to address the unfunded mandates of the past in areas like education and social services. The dramatic success of welfare reform — once the States were allowed to manage their programs — is a stellar example of what happens when we give power back to the people.\nTherefore, in our effort to shift power from Washington back to the states, we must acknowledge as a general matter of course that the federal government's role should be to set high standards and expectations in policies, then get out of the way and let the states implement and operate those policies as they best know how. Washington must respect that one size does not fit all states and must not overburden states with unnecessary strings and red tape attached to its policies.\nIn the Congress, a Republican majority has modernized our national legislature. They have set term limits for committee chairs and leadership positions, and they have, by law, required Congress to live by the same rules it imposes on others. And, at a time when the nation felt betrayed by misconduct in high office, the Republican Congress responded with gravity and high purpose. We applaud those Members who did their duty to conscience and the Constitution.\nThere is much to be done, but it can be done only when a Republican president works in tandem with a Republican Congress. We will work to pass legislation to make it clear that public officials who commit crimes will subsequently forfeit their pension rights. We will ensure that IRS audits are never used as a political weapon, so innocent Americans will never again fear the snooping, harassment, and intimidation of recent years. And because an accurate census is essential for representative government, we will respect the Supreme Court's judgment that an actual headcount of persons is the proper way to determine the apportionment of congressional districts.\nA Republican president will take the lead in proposing, and fighting for, the structural changes that are long overdue in the federal government. For starters, the twenty-five year old congressional budget process, though it has helped to make possible today's budget surpluses, has become almost unintelligible to legislators, let alone the average citizen. It has been inadequate to enforce legislated spending caps and cannot stop the phony \"emergency\" bills that cause the spending caps to be exceeded. It cannot control runaway spending on entitlements and \"mandatory\" spending; it does not even prevent our government spending $120 billion on programs whose statutory authority has expired.\nOur goal is to replace the status quo with clarity, simplicity, and accountability to the budget process. We will have a biennial budget that has the force of law. To end pork barrel abuses on Capitol Hill, we will:\nEliminate the \"baseline budgeting\" that artificially boosts spending.\nCreate a constitutionally sound line item veto for the president, and direct the savings from items vetoed to paying down the national debt.\nPrevent government shutdowns by enacting a \"Permanent Continuing Resolution\" so the spending lobbies can never again extort billions from the taxpayers by blocking the regular order of appropriation bills.\nDefine legislatively the conditions for \"emergency\" spending.\n\nLike Congress, the Executive Branch must adapt to the challenges of the new century. There are too many departments and agencies with competing programs that waste resources and fail to deliver the goods: 342 economic development programs, 788 education programs in 40 different agencies at a cost of over $100 billion a year, 163 job training programs in 15 different agencies. Twelve agencies administer over 35 food safety laws. One agency regulates pizzas with meat; another regulates vegetarian pizzas. (Still another regulates the people who deliver them. Enough said.)\nWe intend to downsize this mess and make government actually do what it is supposed to, simply by ensuring that all agencies adhere to the Government Performance and Results Act, which has been neglected or ignored by the current administration. By applying its procedures to all federal programs, we can stop the loss of millions of Medicare dollars for services rendered after patients have died. We can put the brakes on an Education Department that pays out $3.3 billion on defaulted student loans, and an Energy Department that spends $10 billion on projects that are never completed. Because of its history of needless partisan litigation, we call for the Legal Services Corporation to return to its original purpose of providing legal aid to the indigent, rather than pursuing political causes and agendas. We will, as an urgent priority, restore the integrity of the nation's space program by imposing sound management and strong oversight on NASA.\nA Republican president will run the federal government much as the Republican governors run state agencies. Bureaucracy will be reduced and trimmed in size at its upper echelons. If public services can be delivered more efficiently and less expensively through the private sector, they will be privatized. A Republican president will establish accountability, reward performance, put civility back into the civil service, and restore dignity and ethics to the White House.\nPolitical Reform\n\nThe First Amendment enshrines in our Constitution and guarantees indispensable democratic freedoms of speech, press, and association, and, the right to petition our government. The Republican party affirms that any regulation of the political process must not infringe upon the rights of the people to full participation in the political process. The principal cure for the ills of democracy is greater participation in the political process by more citizens. To that end, we have one guiding principle in the development of laws to regulate campaigns: Will any particular proposal encourage or restrict the energetic engagement of Americans in elections? Governor Bush's agenda for more honest and more open politics meets that standard. It will:\nStop the abuses of corporate and labor \"soft\" money contributions to political parties.\nEnact \"Paycheck Protection,\" ensuring that no union member is forced to contribute to anybody's campaign — and stopping an annual rip-off of $300 million from union families by Washington-based politicos.\nPreserve the right of every individual and all groups — whether for us or against us — to express their opinions and advocate their issues. We will not allow any arm of government to restrict this constitutionally guaranteed right.\nLevel the playing field by forbidding incumbents to roll over their leftover campaign funds into a campaign for a different office.\nRequire full and timely disclosure on the Internet of all campaign contributions — so the media and the public can immediately know who is giving how much to whom.\nEncourage all citizens to donate their time and resources to the campaigns of their choice by updating for inflation the quarter-century-old limits on individual contributions.\nPreserve access to the Internet for political speech and debate.\n\nGerrymandered congressional districts are an affront to democracy and an insult to the voters. We oppose that and any other attempt to rig the electoral process.\nCommon Sense In Regulation\n\nEffective government requires regulation for health, safety, and other concerns. By the same token, regulation requires regular review — for efficiency, economy, and plain common sense. That Republican model of regulatory reform is a good fit for an Information Age economy. It will replace a bureaucratic mentality clicking along at a Morse Code pace. We will use the advance of science and information technology to:\nTarget the most serious risks to health, safety, and the environment, then put regulatory resources where they best serve the public, not politics.\nMake sound science, not ideological whim, the basis for regulation, with peer-reviewed risk assessments and full disclosure.\nRequire periodic review of existing regulations, to strengthen where necessary and change where obsolete.\nRequire agencies to disclose the cost to consumers and small businesses of any proposed regulations.\nLet the American people know the full price they pay for government regulations, through a new regulatory budget that explains the likely cost for meeting regulatory requirements.\nUse cost-benefit analyses of regulations to develop alternatives to the outdated command-and-control attitude of recent years.\nRetrain civil servants to work with those affected by regulation rather than dictating to them.\n\nThe current administration has repeatedly evaded the normal regulatory process through executive orders, some of dubious legality. Withdrawing these orders should be a priority of a new administration dedicated to the rule of law.\nWe oppose and will work to end taxpayer supported grants for projects and programs that promote religious bigotry in America.\nJudicial Reform: Courts That Work, Laws That Make Sense\n\nAmericans have the right to a judicial system they can trust. There is no question that the need for reform extends to the judicial branch of government. Many judges disregard the safety, values, and freedom of law-abiding citizens. At the expense of our children and families, they make up laws, invent new rights, free vicious criminals, and pamper felons in prison. They have arbitrarily overturned state laws enacted by citizen referenda, utterly disregarding the right of the people and the democratic process.\nThe sound principle of judicial review has turned into an intolerable presumption of judicial supremacy. A Republican Congress, working with a Republican president, will restore the separation of powers and reestablish a government of law. There are different ways to achieve that goal — setting terms for federal judges, for example, or using Article III of the Constitution to limit their appellate jurisdiction — but the most important factor is the appointing power of the presidency. We applaud Governor Bush's pledge to name only judges who have demonstrated that they share his conservative beliefs and respect the Constitution.\nReform of the legal profession is an essential part of court reform. Today's litigation practices make a mockery of justice, hinder our country's competitiveness in the world market and, far worse, erode the public's trust in the entire judicial process.\nAvarice among many plaintiffs' lawyers has clogged our civil courts, drastically changed the practice of medicine, and costs American companies and consumers more than $150 billion a year. Who profits? On average, more than fifty cents of every dollar paid out in tort cases goes to lawyers' fees, not to an injured party. This amounts to a tax on consumers to fatten the wallets of trial lawyers.\nLet's be blunt about the effects of all that cash: Our civil justice reforms have been blocked in the Capitol and vetoed in the Oval Office. It's why federal agencies have colluded with the trial lawyer lobby in sweetheart litigation, to advance through the courts what they could not accomplish through the political process. We fully support the role of the courts in vindicating the rights of individuals and organizations, but we want to require higher standards for trial lawyers within federal jurisdiction, much as Governor Bush has already done in Texas — and as we encourage other States to do within their own legal codes. To achieve that goal, we will strengthen the federal rules of civil procedure to increase penalties for frivolous suits and impose a \"Three Strikes, You're Out\" rule on attorneys who repeatedly file such suits. We will limit \"fishing expeditions\" by amending federal discovery rules, curb the use of junk science in testimony, and end the abusive use of the RICO statute. We encourage all states to consider placing caps on non-economic and punitive damages in civil cases. We also support such caps in federal causes of action. We also encourage states to examine the effects on the democratic process of advancing policies through litigation that could not be accomplished through the political process.\nWe will enact a Teacher Protection Act to protect educators from meritless federal lawsuits against their efforts to maintain discipline in the classroom. We will extend similar protections to non-profit organizations — churches, civic and community groups, and the volunteers who sustain them.\nTo reduce health care costs and keep doctors practicing in critical areas like obstetrics, we will reform medical malpractice law on the federal level and urge decisive action on the state level as well.\nTo encourage settlements and to discourage prolonged litigation, a Fair Settlements Rule should be enacted requiring either party in federal court who rejects a timely, reasonable, and good faith pre-trial settlement offer, and who ultimately loses their case, to pay the other party's costs, including legal fees. We also encourage states to consider enacting such rules. To improve access to justice, we will make it easier for cases of national import to be heard in federal courts.\nTo protect clients against unscrupulous lawyers, we will enact a Clients' Bill of Rights for all federal courts, requiring attorneys to disclose both the range of their fees and their ethical obligation to charge reasonable fees and allowing those fees to be challenged in federal courts. Because private lawyers should not unreasonably profit at public expense, we will prohibit federal agencies from paying contingency fees and encourage states to do so as well. Even more important, we will require attorneys to return to the people any excessive fees they gain under contract to States or municipalities.\nAn integral part of legal reform is a federal product liability law. Without it, consumers face higher costs, needed products don't make it to the market, and American jobs are lost to foreign competitors. That, too, will change when the American people break the grip of the trial lawyers on our legal system.\nNative Americans\n\nThe federal government has a special responsibility, ethical and legal, to make the American dream accessible to Native Americans. Unfortunately, the resources that the United States holds in trust for them, financial and otherwise, have been misused and abused. While many tribes have become energetic participants in the mainstream of American life, the serious social ills afflicting some reservations have been worsened by decades of mismanagement from Washington. In its place, we offer these guiding principles:\nTribal governments are best situated to gauge the needs of their communities and members.\nPolitical self-determination and economic self-sufficiency are twin pillars of an effective Indian policy.\nPrivate sector initiatives, rather than public assistance, can best improve material conditions in Indian communities.\nHigh taxes and unreasonable regulations stifle new and expanded businesses and thwart the creation of job opportunities and prosperity.\n\nWe will strengthen Native American self-determination by respecting tribal sovereignty, encouraging economic development on reservations, and working with them to reorganize the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service. We uphold the unique government-to-government relationship between the tribes and the United States and honor our nation's trust obligations to them.\nWe support efforts to ensure equitable participation in federal programs by Native Americans, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians and to preserve their cultures and languages.\nThe Nation's Capital\n\nThe District of Columbia is a special responsibility of the federal government and should be a model for urban areas throughout the country. Its downhill slide has at least been arrested, both through its internal efforts and the active intervention of congressional Republicans, who have taken unprecedented steps to help the city recover. Their D.C. homebuyers' tax credit is helping to revitalize marginal neighborhoods; their landmark tuition assistance act has opened the doors of the nation's colleges to D.C. students.\nNow, to enhance the city's economic security, reverse the movement out of the city, and ensure a safe and healthy environment for families, we advocate deep reductions in the District's taxes, currently among the highest in the nation, and encourage user-friendly development policies.\nWe call once again for structural reform of the city's schools so that none of its children will be left behind. We strongly support both charter schools and the opportunity scholarships for poor kids that have been repeatedly blocked by the administration.\nWe respect the design of the Framers of the Constitution that our nation's capital has a unique status and should remain independent of any individual state.\nAmericans In The Territories\n\nWe welcome greater participation in all aspects of the political process by Americans residing in Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas, and Puerto Rico. Since no single approach can meet the needs of those diverse communities, we emphasize respect for their wishes regarding their relationship to the rest of the Union. We affirm their right to seek the full extension of the Constitution, with all the rights and responsibilities it entails.\nWe support the Native American Samoans' efforts to preserve their culture and land-tenure system, which fosters self-reliance and strong extended-family values.\nWe support increased local self-government for the United States citizens of the Virgin Islands, and closer cooperation between the local and federal governments to promote private sector-led development and self-sufficiency.\nWe recognize that Guam is a strategically vital U.S. territory in the far western Pacific, an American fortress in the Asian region. We affirm our support for the patriotic U.S. citizens of Guam to achieve greater local self-government, an improved federal-territorial relationship, new economic development strategies, and continued self-determination as desired with respect to political status.\nPrincipled American Leadership\n\nAmericans have good reason to be optimistic about our role in world. Few nations in history have been afforded the range of possibilities to shape the future that has been presented to this generation of Americans. After the wavering and ambivalence of the current administration, Americans have a fresh chance to build on the enormous opportunities of this new era and new century. Earlier generations defended America through great trials. This generation can adapt America to thrive amid great change — change in economies, societies, technologies, and weapons.\nThe Emerging Fellowship of Freedom\n\nThe Twenty-First Century opens with unique promise for the United States. Democratic values are celebrated on every continent. The productivity and ingenuity of American business are the envy of the world. American innovation is leading the way in the information age. New technology speeds an exchange of ideas that often bear the mark of American inspiration. No other great power challenges American international preeminence. There is every reason for Americans to be extraordinarily optimistic about their future.\nFew nations in history have been granted such a singular opportunity to shape the future. Even after World War II the United States had to reckon with a divided world and terrible dangers. Now America can help mold international ideals and institutions for decades to come. Handed the torch by generations that won great battles, our generation of Americans with its allies and friends can build a different and better world, promoting U.S. interests and principles, avoiding the economic convulsions and perilous conflicts that so scarred the century just past. Through a distinctly American internationalism, a new Republican president will build public support for a new strategy that can lead the United States of America toward a more peaceful and prosperous world for us, our children, and future generations.\nAlmost all Americans know they cannot prosper alone in the world. They know that America is safest when more and more countries share a profound belief in political and economic liberty, human dignity, and the rule of law, when more and more nations join the United States in an emerging fellowship of freedom.\nThat is what happened during the twelve years of Republican presidential leadership from 1981 to 1992. The Cold War ended with the triumph of freedom. The Soviet Empire collapsed, and the USSR followed it into history. The proud Atlantic community welcomed a united Germany and new friends in Central and Eastern Europe. Iraq tried the law of the jungle and was routed, its aggressive power broken. The Arab-Israeli peace process was revived. Alliances and friendships in Asia were robust and successful. Mexico joined with the United States in an unprecedented new economic partnership as peace and democracy spread through Latin America. Around the globe, the word, the ideals and the power of the United States commanded respect. The American presidency showed bright and purposeful.\nIn the last eight years the administration has squandered the opportunity granted to the United States by the courage and sacrifice of previous generations:\nThe administration has run America's defenses down over the decade through inadequate resources, promiscuous commitments, and the absence of a forward-looking military strategy.\nThe ballistic missile threat to the United States has been persistently dismissed, delaying for years the day when America will have the capability to defend itself against this growing danger.\nThe arrogance, inconsistency, and unreliability of the administration's diplomacy have undermined American alliances, alienated friends, and emboldened our adversaries.\nWorld trade talks in Seattle that the current administration had sponsored collapsed in spectacular failure. Authority to negotiate new fast-track trade agreements was slapped down by the administration's own party in the Congress. An initiative to establish free trade throughout the Americas has stalled because of this lack of Presidential leadership.\nThe problems of Mexico have been ignored, as our indispensable neighbor to the south struggled with too little American help to deal with its formidable challenges.\nThe tide of democracy in Latin America has begun to ebb with a sharp rise in corruption and narco-trafficking.\nA misguided policy toward China was exemplified by President Clinton's trip to Beijing that produced an embarrassing presidential kowtow and a public insult to our longstanding ally, Japan.\nWith weak and wavering policies toward Russia, the administration has diverted its gaze from corruption at the top of the Russian government, the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians in Chechnya, and the export of dangerous Russian technologies to Iran and elsewhere.\nA chorus of empty threats destroyed America's credibility in the Balkans, so that promised safe havens became killing fields.\nThe administration prolonged the war in Kosovo by publicly limiting America's military options — something no Commander-in-Chief should ever do.\nA generation of American efforts to slow proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has unraveled as first India and Pakistan set off their nuclear bombs, then Iraq defied the international community. Token air strikes against Iraq could not long mask the collapse of an inspection regime that had — until then — at least kept an ambitious, murderous tyrant from acquiring additional nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.\nA humanitarian intervention in Somalia was escalated thoughtlessly into nation-building at the cost of the lives of courageous Americans.\nA military intervention in Haiti displayed administration indecision and incoherence and, after billions of dollars had been spent, accomplished nothing of lasting value\n\nReacting belatedly to inevitable crises, the administration constantly enlarges the reach of its rhetoric — most recently in Vice President Gore's \"new security agenda\" that adds disease, climate, and all the world's ethnic or religious conflicts to an undiminished set of existing American responsibilities. If there is some limit to candidate Gore's new agenda for America as global social worker, he has yet to define it.\nIt is time for America to regain its focus. Winston Churchill, after he had lived through other years that the \"locust hath eaten,\" declared: \"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and\nbaffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.\" As idle indulgence gives way to a new Republican president in the coming new \"period of consequences,\" the United States can again regain the hope it lost eight years ago. We can restore our country's sense of international purpose and national honor.\nA Republican president will identify and pursue vital American national interests. He will set priorities and he will stick to them. Under his leadership, the United States will build and secure the peace. Republicans know what it takes to accomplish this: robust military forces, strong alliances, expanding trade, and resolute diplomacy.\nYet this new realism must be inspired by what we stand for as a nation. Republicans know that the American commitment to freedom is the true source of our nation's strength. That is why, for one example, Congressional Republicans have made political and religious liberty a cornerstone of their approach to international affairs. That commitment is the glue that binds our great alliances. It is strong precisely because it is not just an American ideal. We propose our principles; we must not impose our culture. Yet the basic values of human freedom and dignity are universal.\nA Military for the Twenty-First Century\n\nRepublicans are the party of peace through strength. A strong and well-trained American military is the world's best guarantee of peace. It is the shield of this republic's liberty, security, and prosperity. Only a President, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, can ensure that our military stands ready to defend America and triumph against new challenges.\nA Republican president and a Republican Congress will transform America's defense capabilities for the information age, ensuring that U.S. armed forces remain paramount against emerging dangers.\nThey will restore the health of a defense industry weakened by a combination of neglect and misguided policies. To do all this, the United States must align its military power with the strengths of American society: our skilled people, our advanced technology, and our proficiency at integrating fast-paced systems into potent networks. While we are on the crest of a new age in military technology, we will not forget that the strength of our military lies with the combat soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine.\nAmericans are justly proud of their armed forces. But today, only nine years after the tremendous victory in the Persian Gulf War, the U.S. military faces growing problems in readiness, morale, and its ability to prepare for the threats of the future. The administration has cut defense spending to its lowest percentage of gross domestic product since before Pearl Harbor. At the same time, the current administration has casually sent American armed forces on dozens of missions without clear goals, realizable objectives, favorable rules of engagement, or defined exit strategies.\nOver the past seven years, a shrunken American military has been run ragged by a deployment tempo that has eroded its military readiness. Many units have seen their operational requirements increased four-fold, wearing out both people and equipment. Only last fall the Army certified two of its premier combat divisions as unready for war because of underfunding, mismanagement, and over-commitment to peacekeeping missions around the globe. More Army units and the other armed services report similar problems. It is a national scandal that almost one quarter of our Army's active combat strength is unfit for wartime duty.\nWhen presidents fail to make hard choices, those who serve must make them instead. Soldiers must choose whether to stay with their families or to stay in the armed forces at all. Sending our military on vague, aimless, and endless missions rapidly saps morale. Even the highest morale is eventually undermined by back-to-back deployments, poor pay, shortages of spare parts and equipment, inadequate training, and rapidly declining readiness. When it comes to military health, the administration is not providing an adequate military health care system for active-duty service members and their families and for retired service members and their dependents. The nation is failing to fulfill its ethical, and legal health care obligations to those that are serving or have honorably served in the Armed Forces of the United States.\nIt is no surprise that the all-volunteer force — the pride of America — is struggling to recruit and retain soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. As recruiting lags, well-trained personnel are leaving in record numbers. Those dedicated military personnel that stay in the force face a pay gap of some, 13 percent relative to their civilian counterparts. Thousands of military families are forced to rely on food stamps. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has said that two-thirds of the nation's military housing is substandard. The calculated indifference of the administration to national defense has forced thousands of our most experienced and patriotic warriors to leave the military. We will once again make wearing the uniform the object of national pride.\nThe new Republican government will renew the bond of trust between the Commander-in-Chief, the American military, and the American people. The military is not a civilian police force or a political referee. We believe the military must no longer be the object of social experiments. We affirm traditional military culture. We affirm that homosexuality is incompatible with military service.\nThe U.S. military under the leadership of a Republican President and a Republican Congress will focus on its most demanding task — fighting and winning in combat. Readiness prevents wars. Also, by being prepared for this most exacting mission with an uncommon sense of urgency, our military will know, unlike today, that its loyalty and self-sacrifice have meaning and purpose.\nIn a time of fluid change and uncertainty, intelligence is truly America's first line of defense. The current administration has weakened that defense by allowing a series of shocking security breaches, from blatant espionage and its virtual abandonment of national security-related export controls, to sheer sloppiness at the highest levels of government. This must stop, immediately. Nor should the intelligence community be made the scapegoat for political misjudgments. A Republican administration working with the Congress will respect the needs and quiet sacrifices of these public servants as it strengthens America's intelligence and counter-intelligence capabilities and reorients them toward the dangers of the future.\nA Republican president will challenge America's military leaders to envision a new architecture of American defense for decades to come. Our next president will balance the need to prepare for information age battles while keeping our conventional fighting skills second to none. To pay for profligate deployments, the administration's defense budgets have been eating their seed corn — slashing spending on modernization to levels not seen since before the Korean War, undermining the health of our defense industry and producing what one administration official admitted was a \"death spiral\" for the U.S. defense capability of the future. Even our elite combat units are scraping the bottom of the barrel to find funds for basic training.\nA Republican president, working in partnership with a Republican Congress, will push beyond marginal improvements and incorporate new technologies and new strategies — spending more and investing wisely to transform our military into a true twenty-first century force. A Republican government will use this time of relative American strength in the world to prepare for a different kind of future. In the twenty-first century U.S. forces must be agile, lethal, readily deployable, and require a minimum of logistical support. They must also be fully prepared for possible enemy use of weapons of mass destruction.\nTo build such U.S. military forces will require foresight and steadfast commitment. We must be willing to act now to give the next generation of Americans what they will need to protect our country. This will also require a new spirit of innovation. Republicans believe that our military leaders will welcome and meet these challenges. Moments of national opportunity are either seized or lost. America's opportunity beckons: to demonstrate that a new approach to U.S. defense can shape the future with new concepts, new strategies, and new resolve.\nThe men and women of the National Guard and Reserve are an important part of the nation's military readiness, and we will maintain their strength in the States. Their role as citizen soldiers must continue to be a proud tradition that links every community in the country with the cause of national security. The Republican party created the all-volunteer force and opposes reinstitution of the draft, whether directly or through compulsory national service. We support the advancement of women in the military, support their exemption from ground combat units, and call for implementation of the recommendations of the Kassebaum Commission, which unanimously recommended that co-ed basic training be ended. We support restoration of sound priorities in the making of personnel policies, and candid analysis of the consequences of unprecedented social changes in the military. We will put renewed emphasis on encouraging the best and brightest of our young people to join our armed forces.\nAs the traditional advocate of America's veterans, the Republican Party remains committed to fulfilling America's obligations to them. That is why we defeated the administration's attempt to replace veterans' health care with a national system for everybody. It is why Congressional Republicans enacted the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998, to thwart attempts to water down veterans' preference in federal civil service hiring and retention, and why they created the National Veterans Business Development Corporation to assist vets in becoming entrepreneurs. The same holds true for their Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act, a first step toward correcting the deficiencies in medical care for vets and ensuring a medical infrastructure that will better honor the nation's commitment to those who served. In a Republican administration, a true advocate for veterans will become Secretary of Veteran Affairs.\nThe maintenance and expansion of our national cemeteries is a solemn duty; a Republican administration will attend to it. Many of the programs designed to assist veterans cry out for modernization and reform. The American people cannot be content with the current unemployment rate of recently separated veterans, or with the significant number of veterans among the homeless. With a backlog of almost a half million cases, the Veterans Benefit Administration needs to be brought into the Information Age. The work of the Veterans Employment and Training Service needs a stronger focus on vocational education, and the nation as a whole must reconsider the ways restrictive licensing and certification rules prevent fully qualified vets from moving up the opportunity ladder.\nProtecting the Fellowship of Freedom from Weapons of Mass Destruction\n\nThe new century will bring new threats, but America — properly led — can master them. Just as the generations of World War II and the Cold War were quick to seize the high frontier of science and craft the national defense America needed, so our country can build on its strengths and defend against unprecedented perils once again.\nBallistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction threaten the world's future. America is currently without defense against these threats. The administration's failure to guard America's nuclear secrets is allowing China to modernize its ballistic missile force, thereby increasing the threat to our country and to our allies. The theft of vital nuclear secrets by China represents one of the greatest security defeats in the history of the United States. The next Republican president will protect our nuclear secrets and aggressively implement a sweeping reorganization of our nuclear weapons program.\nOver two dozen countries have ballistic missiles today. A number of them, including North Korea, will be capable of striking the United States within a few years, and with little warning. America is now unable to counter the rampant proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and their missile delivery systems around the world.\nThe response of the current administration has been anachronistic and politicized. Stuck in the mindset and agreements of the Cold War and immune to fresh ideas, the administration has not developed a sensible strategy that responds to the emerging missile threat. They have no adequate plan for how they will defend America and its allies. Visionary leadership, not the present delay and prevarication, is urgently needed for America to be ready for the future. The new Republican president will deploy a national missile defense for reasons of national security; but he will also do so because there is a moral imperative involved: The American people deserve to be protected. It is the president's constitutional obligation.\nAmerica must deploy effective missile defenses, based on an evaluation of the best available options, including sea-based, at the earliest possible date. These defenses must be designed to protect all 50 states, America's deployed forces overseas, and our friends and allies in the fellowship of freedom against missile attacks by outlaw states or accidental launches.\nThe current administration at first denied the need for a national missile defense system. Then it endlessly delayed, despite constant concern expressed by the Republican Congress. Now the administration has become hopelessly entangled in its commitment to an obsolete treaty signed in 1972 with a Soviet Union that no longer exists while it is constrained by its failure to explore vigorously the technological possibilities. In order to avoid the need for any significant revisions to the ABM Treaty, the administration supports an inadequate national missile defense design based on a single site, instead of a system based on the most effective means available. Their approach does not defend America's allies, who must be consulted as U.S. plans are developed. Their concept is a symbolic political solution designed on a cynical political timetable. It will not protect America.\nWe will seek a negotiated change in the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty that will allow the United States to use all technologies and experiments required to deploy robust missile defenses. Republicans believe that the administration should not negotiate inadequate modifications to the ABM Treaty that would leave us with a flawed agreement that ties the hands of the next president and prevents America from defending itself. The United States must be able to select the systems that will work best, not those that answer political expediency, and we must aggressively reinvigorate the ballistic missile defense technology base necessary to ensure that these systems succeed. There are today more positive, practical ways to reassure Russia that missile defenses are a search for common security, not for unilateral advantage. If Russia refuses to make the necessary changes, a Republican president will give prompt notice that the United States will exercise the right guaranteed to us in the treaty to withdraw after six months. The president has a solemn obligation to protect the American people and our allies, not to protect arms control agreements signed almost 30 years ago.\nClear thinking about defensive systems must be accompanied by a fresh strategy for offensive ones too. The Cold War logic that led to the creation of massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons on both sides is now outdated and actually enhances the danger of weapons or nuclear material falling into the hands of America's adversaries. Russia is not the great enemy. The age of vast hostile armies in the heart of Europe deterred by the threat of U.S. nuclear response is also past. American security need no longer depend on the old nuclear balance of terror. It is time to defend against the threats of today and tomorrow, not yesterday.\nIt is past time that the United States should reexamine the requirements of nuclear deterrence. Working with U.S. military leaders and with the Congress, a Republican president will reevaluate America's nuclear force posture and pursue the lowest possible number consistent with our national security. We can safely eliminate thousands more of these horrific weapons. We should do so. In the Cold War the United States rightfully worried about the danger of a conventional war in Europe and needed the nuclear counterweight. That made sense then. It does not make sense now. The premises\nof Cold War targeting should no longer dictate the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The current administration seems not to realize that this notion, too, is old-think of the worst order. In addition, the United States should work with other nuclear nations to remove as many weapons as possible from high-alert, hair-trigger status — another unnecessary vestige of Cold War confrontation — to reduce the risks of accidental or unauthorized launch.\nIn 1991, the United States invited the Soviet Union to join it in removing tactical nuclear weapons from their arsenals. Huge reductions were achieved in a matter of months, quickly making the world much safer. Under a Republican president, Russia will again be invited to do the same with respect to strategic nuclear weapons. America should be prepared to lead by example, because it is in our best interest and the best interest of the world. These measures can begin a new global era of nuclear security and safety.\nRepublicans recognize new threats but also new opportunities. With Republican leadership, the United States has an opportunity to create a safer world, both to defend against nuclear threats and to reduce nuclear arsenals and tensions. America can build a robust missile defense, make dramatic reductions in its nuclear weapons, and defuse confrontation with Russia. A Republican President will do all these things.\nA comprehensive strategy for combating the new dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction must include a variety of other measures to contain and prevent the spread of such weapons. We need the cooperation of friends and allies — and should seek the cooperation of Russia and China — in developing realistic strategies using political, economic, and military instruments to deter and defeat the proliferation efforts of others. We need to address threats from both rogue states and terrorist group — whether delivered by missile, aircraft, shipping container, or suitcase.\nIn this context, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty is another anachronism of obsolete strategic thinking. This treaty is not verifiable, not enforceable, and would not enable the United States to ensure the reliability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent. It also does not deal with the real dangers of nuclear proliferation, which are rogue regimes — such as Iran, Iraq, and North Korea — that seek to hide their dangerous weapons programs behind weak international treaties. We can fight the spread of nuclear weapons, but we cannot wish them away with unwise agreements. Republicans in the Senate reacted accordingly and responsibly in rejecting the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.\nA new Republican president will renew America's faltering fight against the contagious spread of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, as well as their means of delivery. The weak leadership and neglect of the administration have allowed America's intelligence capabilities, including space based systems, to atrophy, resulting in repeated proliferation surprises such as Iraq's renewed chemical and biological weapons programs, India's nuclear weapon test, and North Korea's test of a three-stage ballistic missile. Again in a partnership with the Congress, a new Republican administration will give the intelligence community the leadership, resources, and operational latitude it requires.\nSeeking Enduring Prosperity\n\nUnder Republican leadership, the United States will foster an environment of economic openness to capitalize on our country's greatest asset in the information age: a vital, innovative society that welcomes creative ideas and adapts to them. American companies are once more showing the world breathtaking ways to improve productivity and redraw traditional business models. This is an extraordinary foundation on which to rebuild an effective American trade policy.\nUnder the policies of the present administration, many markets remain closed and U.S. trade deficits keep rising. New economic structures are needed to combine regional agreements with the development of global rules for opening the world economy. Collaborating with the Congress, a Republican administration will engage the Latin American and the Asia-Pacific nations, including a new dialogue with India, about political economy and free trade. As impoverished countries in Eurasia, the Middle East, and Africa accept freer economies, they will need the incentives of more open world markets. In addition, the United States can encourage the European Union and our Asian friends and allies to open more sectors to cross-investment and competition with the aim of freer trans-oceanic trade.\nRepublicans are confident that the worldwide trade agenda is full of promise. From the traditional goods of agriculture to the virtual links of e-commerce, gates can swing open. Tariffs should be cut further. The United States can back private sector efforts to streamline common standards and deregulate services, from finance to filmmaking. As the one economy with truly global reach, America can set the standards and be at the center of a worldwide web of trade, finance, and openness. If some nations choose to opt out, they will see how other countries accepting economic freedom will advance on their own, working together.\nThis is the Republican approach, and a critical dimension of a distinctly American internationalism. It goes beyond the old choice of private sector laissez-faire versus government regulation. Instead it is a vision of private initiative encouraged, not stifled, by governments. Private parties are already fashioning new ways to exchange goods and settle disputes but national governments still struggle to define many of the underlying rules. Republicans will also go beyond the old arguments that pitted bilateral deals against global trade rules. Instead they envision a comprehensive approach to the more interdependent global economy, one that uses bilateral, regional, and global arrangements to spur reluctant states to become more open or to be left behind. At the same time, innovative and flexible global rules and structures can facilitate regional progress.\nRooted in America's political and economic ideals, this Republican blueprint promotes open markets and open societies, free trade and the free flow of information, and the development of new ideas and private sectors. These nurture the human spirit, the middle class, law, and liberty.\nAs the Cold War ended, Republican presidents fought off protectionist pressure, eased the debt crisis then facing developing countries, signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and started to enlarge free trade arrangements throughout the Western Hemisphere. They promoted the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) group that could bind economic interests across the Pacific. They then used these regional initiatives to bring the global trade talks of the Uruguay Round to the edge of conclusion. Thus America began to build on victory in the Cold War to build new structures for economic liberty as well.\nFor nearly eight years this promising construction project has languished half-built, the old blueprint shelved and no new ones drawn.\nThe administration returned to the old rhetoric of managed trade — demanding government intervention from a Japanese government that needed less regulation in its sputtering economy, not more. On the verge of a foolish trade war, the administration backed down and dropped its quota demands.\nAfter failing for years to make the case for free trade, the administration finally got around to seeking fast-track trade negotiating authority, but could persuade only one-fifth of Democratic members of Congress to follow its lead.\nWith China, the administration sought to link normal trade relations to human rights performance. Then it flip-flopped and dropped the linkage. They tried to bring China into the World Trade Organization as the Prime Minister of China visited the United States in 1999, but the political waters got choppy. So the administration reversed course again. Finally the administration turned to Republican leadership in the Congress to enact permanent normal trade relations with China.\nThe administration refused to fight for passage of the Caribbean Basin Initiative that was designed to extend the benefits of free trade to some of America's poorest neighbors. Congressional Republicans did the job on their own. They also enacted the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act as a companion to CBI.\nThe failed leadership of the administration in international economics is exemplified by the humiliating debacle of the WTO meeting in Seattle — a conference the current administration first sponsored and then wrecked through its own indecision and inconsistency.\n\nRepublicans know that prosperous democracies depend upon the promise of shared economic opportunity across national borders. If the new globalized information economy provokes a fearful drift into national or regional isolation, hopes for a better world will vanish. Institutions founded in the Second World War and its aftermath built the basis for America's position today, but those institutions, like the Bretton Woods monetary system and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, were partly sustained by the Cold War. In this new century, the United States should devise new mechanisms to enable the private sector to unleash productivity, innovation, and a free flow of ideas.\nCommunities of private groups can achieve results far beyond the reach of governments and international bureaucracies. Given America's strong and diverse private sector, the United States, with close cooperation between a Republican president and a Republican Congress, can gain from the widening global influence of American citizens, businesses, associations, and norms. A Republican administration will have the opportunity to fashion, with like-minded nations, the international structures of sustainable prosperity for the next several decades.\nThe older international financial institutions should be overhauled but not scrapped. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank should no longer stand for unelected elites imposing their often flawed solutions to tough problems by offering bailouts of corrupt officials and risk-taking investors. The IMF should concentrate on its original mission of promoting sound fiscal and monetary policies, advancing sound central banking practices, and easing global exchange rate adjustments. It should improve transparency and accountability, tackling corruption rather than contributing to it. The World Bank should continue to move away from counterproductive development schemes of the past to an agenda that promotes the provision of basic needs. This agenda will include support for structural reforms that will encourage self-help through efficient markets.\nThe United States should aggressively pursue its national interest. Unlike the current administration, Republicans do not believe multilateral agreements and international institutions are ends in themselves. The Kyoto treaty to address momentous energy and environmental issues was a case in point. Whatever the theories on global warming, a treaty that does not include China and exempts \"developing\" countries from necessary standards while penalizing American industry is not in the national interest. We reject the extremist call for the United Nations to create a \"Stewardship Council,\" modeled on the Security Council, to oversee the global environment. Republicans understand that workable agreements will build on the free democratic processes of national governments, not try to bypass them with international bureaucrats.\nUnlike the Democratic minority in Congress, Republicans do not believe that economic growth is always the enemy of protecting the world's common environmental heritage. Rather, the Republican vision seeks more creative international solutions. These solutions should use market mechanisms to allocate the costs of adjustment, help governments competently manage the resources they do control, and encourage application of the new technologies that offer the greatest promise to protect the global environment.\nNeighborhood of the Americas\n\nLatin America and Canada have helped shape the United States and its people. The countries of the Western Hemisphere are our neighbors. For tens of millions of Americans these neighbors are also our relatives. Latin America buys more than one-fifth of U.S. exports while Canada is America's largest trading partner. These purchases by our Latin American neighbors are rising at a rate almost twice as fast as the rate for the rest of the world. In the next decade, U.S. trade and investment in the Western Hemisphere are projected to exceed our trade and investment with either Europe or Japan. Future prospects for America's neighborhood are extraordinarily bright.\nSecure in its strength and its principles, the United States wants strong, healthy neighbors. The next American century should include all of the Americas. Democracy and free markets are again under siege from narcotics traffickers, guerrillas, economic uncertainty, and demographic upheaval. Poverty, inadequate education, rampant crime and corruption all tear at the fabric of several of these societies. In Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries, democracy is faltering or under serious attack.\nThe next Republican president will pay serious and sustained attention to the American neighborhood. In concert with the Congress, he will work with key democracies like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and — above all — Mexico. His administration will be guided by the principles of respect for sovereignty, private initiative, multilateral action, free politics and markets, the rule of law, and regard for the variety of peoples and cultures that make up the Western Hemisphere.\nWith Mexico, whose historic recent election we salute, the United States should continue to reduce barriers to trade and investment, including the implementation of existing commitments where the current administration has backtracked. Yet a true North American community should have a wider agenda that also includes the development of civil society. Our two countries can share ideas for improving education and public services on both sides of the border and using the federal system in both countries to promote governmental cooperation between honest officials who are close to their people.\nA new Republican government committed to NAFTA can enlarge it into a vision for hemispheric free trade, drawing nations closer in business, common commercial standards, dispute resolution, and education. Republicans do not want to create new trading blocs to battle rivals. They mean to encourage general political and economic reform, starting with the American neighborhood.\nIn Cuba, Fidel Castro continues to impose communist economic controls and absolute political repression of 11 million Cubans. His regime harasses and jails dissidents, restricts economic activity, and forces Cubans into the sea in a desperate bid for freedom. He gives refuge to fugitives from American justice, hosts a sophisticated Russian espionage facility that intercepts U.S. government and private communications, and has ordered his air force to shoot down two unarmed U.S. civilian airplanes thereby killing American citizens.\nU.S. policy toward Cuba should be based upon sound, clear principles. Our economic and political relations will change when the Cuban regime frees all prisoners of conscience, legalizes peaceful protest, allows opposition political activity, permits free expression, and commits to democratic elections. This policy will be strengthened by active American support for Cuban dissidents. Under no circumstances should Republicans support any subsidy of Castro's Cuba or any other terrorist state.\nRepublicans also support a continued effort to promote freedom and democracy by communicating objective and uncensored news and information to the Cuban people via U.S. broadcasts to the captive island. Finally, Republicans believe that the United States should adhere to the principles established by the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act, which recognizes the rights of Cuban refugees fleeing communist tyranny.\nAcross the Pacific\n\nAs in every region of the world, America's foreign policy in Asia starts with its allies: Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Our allies are critical in building and expanding peace, security, democracy, and prosperity in East Asia joined by long-standing American friends like Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, and New Zealand.\nRepublican priorities in the next administration will be clear. We will strengthen our alliance with Japan. We will help to deter aggression on the Korean peninsula. We will counter the regional proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems and deploy, in cooperation with our allies, effective theater missile defenses. We will promote peace in the Taiwan Strait. We will reconstitute our relations with the nations of Southeast Asia. We will obtain the fullest possible accounting for our POW/MIAs from the Pacific wars. And we will promote democracy, open markets, and human rights for the betterment of the people of Asia and the United States.\nJapan is a key partner of the United States' and the U.S.-Japan alliance is an important foundation of peace, stability, security, and prosperity in Asia. America supports an economically vibrant and open Japan that can serve as engine of expanding prosperity and trade in the Asia-Pacific region.\nThe Republic of Korea is a valued democratic ally of the United States. North Korea, on the other hand, lies outside of the international system. Americans have shed their blood to stop North Korean aggression before. Fifty years after the outbreak of the Korean War, Republicans remember this \"forgotten war.\" Americans should honor the sacrifices of the past and remain prepared to resist aggression today. Policies to protect the peace on the Korean peninsula will be developed in concert with America's allies, starting with South Korea and Japan. What must be clear is an American policy of decisive resolve. The United States will stand by its commitments and will take all necessary measures to thwart, deter, and defend itself and its allies against attack, including enemy use of weapons of mass destruction.\nAfter fighting together in both world wars, the United States forged a formal alliance with Australia that has stood the test of fire in the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf conflicts. American partnership with Australia is just as relevant to the challenges of Asia's future, as exemplified by Australia's leadership in the East Timor crisis.\nAmerican ties to the Philippines have been close for more than a hundred years. We Republicans have supported the victory of Filipino democracy and cherish our continuing friendship with this great nation and its people who have been by our side in war as in peace.\nAmerica's key challenge in Asia is the People's Republic of China. China is not a free society. The Chinese government represses political expression at home and unsettles neighbors abroad. It stifles freedom of religion and proliferates weapons of mass destruction.\nYet China is a country in transition, all the more reason for the policies of the United States to be firm and steady. America will welcome the advent of a free and prosperous China. Conflict is not inevitable, and the United States offers no threat to China. Republicans support China's accession into the World Trade Organization, but this will not be a substitute for, or lessen the resolve of, our pursuit of improved human rights and an end to proliferation of dangerous technologies by China.\nChina is a strategic competitor of the United States, not a strategic partner. We will deal with China without ill will — but also without illusions. A new Republican government will understand the importance of China but not place China at the center of its Asia policy.\nA Republican president will honor our promises to the people of Taiwan, a longstanding friend of the United States and a genuine democracy. Only months ago the people of Taiwan chose a new president in free and fair elections. Taiwan deserves America's strong support, including the timely sale of defensive arms to enhance Taiwan's security.\nIn recognition of its growing importance in the global economy, we support Taiwan's accession to the World Trade Organization, as well as its participation in the World Health Organization and other multilateral institutions.\nAmerica has acknowledged the view that there is one China. Our policy is based on the principle that there must be no use of force by China against Taiwan. We deny the right of Beijing to impose its rule on the free Taiwanese people. All issues regarding Taiwan's future must be resolved peacefully and must be agreeable to the people of Taiwan. If China violates these principles and attacks Taiwan, then the United States will respond appropriately in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act. America will help Taiwan defend itself.\nThis country's relations with Vietnam are still overshadowed by two grave concerns. The first is uncertainty concerning the Americans who became prisoners of war or were missing in action. A Republican president will accelerate efforts in every honorable way to obtain the fullest possible accounting for those still missing and for the repatriation of the remains of those who died in the cause of freedom. The second is continued retribution by the government of Vietnam against its ethnic minorities and others who fought alongside our forces there. The United States owes those individuals a debt of honor and will not be blind to their suffering.\nAttention to the fate of East Asia should not obscure American attention to the future of South Asia. India is emerging as one of the great democracies of the twenty-first century. Soon it will be the world's most populous state. India is now redefining its identity and future strategy. The United States should engage India, respecting its great multicultural achievements and encouraging Indian choices for a more open world. Mindful of its longstanding relationship with Pakistan, the United States will place a priority on the secure, stable development of this volatile region where adversaries now face each other with nuclear arsenals.\nThe Republican party is committed to democracy in Burma, and to Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratic leaders whose election in 1990 was brutally suppressed and who have been arrested and imprisoned for their belief in freedom and democracy. We share with her the view that the basic principles of human freedom and dignity are universal. We are committed to working with our allies in Europe and Asia to maintain a firm and resolute opposition to the military junta in Rangoon.\nBecause of the strategic location and historical ties of the Pacific island nations to the United States, the next Republican administration will work closely with the countries of this region on a wide variety of issues of common concern.\nEurope\n\nAs a result of the courageous and resolute leadership of Presidents Reagan and Bush, the Cold War has been won, Germany unified and, with the leadership of a Republican Senate, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary returned to the Euro-Atlantic Community. The security of the United States is inseparable from the security of Europe. Now in its second half-century, a strong NATO is the foundation of peace. Sustained American commitment to the security of Europe has paid off. Our allies across the Atlantic face no conventional external threats. American military deployments are a fraction of their Cold War size. But alliances are not just for crises. They are sustained by the kind of joint planning, political and economic as well as military, that defines and reinforces common interests and mutual trust.\nStanding alongside our allies, we seek a NATO that is strong, cohesive, and active. The next Republican president will give consistent direction on the alliance's purpose, on Europe's need to invest more in defense capabilities, and, when necessary, on acting jointly with the United States in military conflict. The United States needs its European allies to help with key regional security problems as they arise, since America also has global responsibilities. Our goal for NATO is a strong political and security fellowship of independent nations in which consultations are mutually respected and defense burdens mutually shared.\nFor our allies, sharing the enormous opportunities of Eurasia also means sharing the burdens and risks of sustaining the peace. We seek greater cooperation within NATO to deal with the geopolitical problems of the Middle East and Eurasia. We will work with our European partners as we develop our plans to build effective missile defenses that can protect all of America's allies.\nRepublicans believe that the political objectives of Europe and America are mutually reinforcing and complementary. The next Republican president will ensure that the relationship between NATO and the European Union, particularly in the division of military responsibilities, is clear and constructive. The leaders of the European Union must resist the temptation of protectionism as we work together to build a Europe whole and free.\nWe are proud that America's longstanding commitment to the forward defense of democracy is being rewarded as Europe becomes whole and free. In the new era that resulted, some of America's strongest allies and friends have been the democracies of Central and Eastern Europe. In their recent histories, these nations have shown their commitment to the values shared by members of the Trans-Atlantic community. Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians inspired the world, assaulting the Iron Curtain again and again until finally it crashed down forever.\nAs the new democracies of Central Europe chose freedom, America was ready to respond. Republicans made the enlargement of NATO part of our Contract with America. Their firm stand before the American people and in the Congress finally succeeded in bringing Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary into the North Atlantic Alliance. Republicans recognize and applaud the tremendous achievements of the people of Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia in reclaiming their freedom and rejoining the Trans-Atlantic community of democracies.\nIt is in America's interest that the new European democracies become fully integrated into the economic, political, and security institutions of the Trans-Atlantic community. These countries are today making great progress toward developing the market economies and democratic political systems that are the best way to ensure both their long-term stability and their security. The enlargement of NATO to include other nations with democratic values, pluralist political systems, and free market economies should continue. Neither geographical nor historical circumstances shall dictate the future of a Europe whole and free. Russia must never be given a veto over enlargement.\nThe Republican party has long been the advocate of independence for the people of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, even when others despaired of their emergence from foreign rule. We reaffirm our traditional ties with and strong support for the courageous Ukrainian and Armenian people, who like the people of the Baltic States, have endured both persecution and tyranny to reassert their ancient nationhood. The United States should promote reconciliation and friendship not only between the United States and Russia, but also between Russia and its neighbors.\nThe current administration has damaged the NATO alliance with years of insensitivity and episodic attention. In the Yugoslav war the administration bungled the diplomacy, misjudged the adversary, and ignored the advice of our military commanders. Even after NATO's operations in Bosnia and Kosovo laid bare Europe's lagging military capabilities, the administration failed to persuade the allies to enhance these capabilities. The next Republican administration will work to repair this damage.\nAfter the many trials and errors of the current administration, the United States is contributing to NATO's peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. Those troops cannot stay indefinitely without jeopardizing the American ability to defend other important U.S. and allied interests. Over time European troops should take the place of American forces under the NATO umbrella as the United States and its allies work together to bring peace and democracy to the Balkans. The next Republican president will not negotiate with indicted war criminals such as Slobodan Milosevic but will seek their arrest, trial, and imprisonment.\nRussia stands as another reminder that a world increasingly at peace is also a world in transition. If Russia can realize the enormous potential of its people and abundant resources, it can achieve the greatness that is currently defined solely by the reach of its weapons. Russia has the potential to be a great power and should be treated as such. With Russia, the United States needs patience, consistency, and a principled reliance on democratic forces.\nAmerica's own national security is the first order of business with Russia. The United States and Russia share critical common interests. Both Russia and the United States confront the legacy of a dead ideological rivalry — thousands of nuclear weapons, which, in the case of Russia, may not be entirely secure. And together we also face an emerging threat - from rogue nations, nuclear theft, and accidental launch. For its own sake and ours, Russia must stop encouraging the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.\nThe development of a democratic and stable Russia is in the interest of the United States and all of Europe. But the battle for democracy is a fight that must be won by Russians. We must avoid misguided attempts to remake Russia from the outside. The current administration's quixotic efforts have only propped up corrupt elites, identified America with discredited factions and failed policies, and encouraged anti-Americanism.\nThe United States should show its concern about Russia's future by focusing on the structures, spirit, and reality of democracy in Russia, embodied by the rule of law. We will do this by directing our aid and attention to help the Russian people, not enriching the bank accounts of corrupt officials.\nThe rule of law is not consistent with state-sponsored brutality. When the Russian government attacks civilians in Chechnya — killing innocents without discrimination or accountability, neglecting orphans and refugees — it can no longer expect aid from international lending institutions. Moscow needs to operate with civilized self-restraint.\nRussia should also display such self-restraint in its shipments of sensitive nuclear and military technology to Iran. As long as Iran remains an international outlaw, preventing such transfers must be a priority for U.S. policy. Americans stand ready to cooperate with Russia in sharing technology for missile defense that can promote a more stable world, but Russia must also choose lasting stability over transitory profit and support the effort against proliferation.\nRepublicans welcome the historic reconciliation in Northern Ireland that is slowly bringing peace and a representative local assembly to this beautiful land that means so much to Americans. We congratulate the people of Northern Ireland for their approval of the Good Friday Agreement, and we call for the full and fastest possible implementation of its terms. In the spirit of that healing document, we call for a review of issues of deportation and extradition arising prior to the accord. We applaud the work of the Patten Commission to reform the police authorities in Northern Ireland and urge complete implementation of the Commission's recommendations. The sufferings of the people on the island of Ireland have been our sorrow too, and the new hope for peace and reconciliation is the answer to America's prayers. We continue to support this progress toward peace with justice and, accordingly, we encourage private U.S. investment in the North, with care to ensure fair employment and better opportunities for all. Though the burdens of history weigh heavily upon this land, we cheer its people for taking the lead in building for themselves and for their children a future of peace and understanding. The next president will use the prestige and influence of the United States to help the parties achieve a lasting peace. If necessary, he will appoint a special envoy to help facilitate the search for lasting peace, justice, and reconciliation.\nWe likewise encourage a peaceful settlement for Cyprus and respect by all parties for the wishes of the Cypriot people. A fair and lasting Cyprus settlement will benefit the people of Cyprus, as well as serve the interests of America and our allies, Greece and Turkey.\nThe Middle East and Persian Gulf\n\nIn the Middle East, the advancement of U.S. national interests requires clear and consistent priorities as well as close cooperation with America's friends and allies. We have four priorities for the Middle East. First, we seek to promote and maintain peace throughout the region. Second, we must ensure that Israel remains safe and secure. Third, we must protect our economic interests and ensure the reliable flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. And fourth, we must reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the region. Because America cannot achieve these objectives by acting alone, U.S. policy must rest on leadership that can build strong coalitions of like-minded states and hold them together to achieve common aims.\nAs American influence declined during the current administration, the OPEC cartel drove up the price of oil. Anti-Americanism among the Arab people redoubled. Iran continued to sponsor international terrorism, oppose the Arab-Israeli peace process, and pursue nuclear, biological, chemical, and missile capabilities with extensive foreign assistance. America's closest allies expanded their political and economic relations with Iran. A Republican president will work to reverse these damaging trends.\nIt is important for the United States to support and honor Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East. We will ensure that Israel maintains a qualitative edge in defensive technology over any potential adversaries. We will not pick sides in Israeli elections. The United States has a moral and legal obligation to maintain its Embassy and Ambassador in Jerusalem. Immediately upon taking office, the next Republican president will begin the process of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel's capital, Jerusalem.\nThe United States seeks a comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East. America can use its prestige to encourage discussions and negotiations. But peace must be negotiated between the parties themselves. We will not impose our view or an artificial timetable. At the heart of the peace process is the commitment to resolve all issues through negotiation. A unilateral declaration of independence by the Palestinians would be a violation of that commitment. A new Republican administration would oppose any such declaration. It will also do everything possible to promote the conclusion of a genuine peace in the Middle East. While we have hopes for the peace process, our commitment to the security of Israel is an overriding moral and strategic concern.\nPerhaps nowhere has the inheritance of Republican governance been squandered so fatefully as with respect to Iraq. The anti-Iraq coalition assembled to oppose Saddam Hussein has disintegrated. The administration has pretended to support the removal of Saddam Hussein from power, but did nothing when Saddam Hussein's army smashed the democratic opposition in northern Iraq in August 1996. The administration also surrendered the diplomatic initiative to Iraq and Iraq's friends, and failed to champion the international inspectors charged with erasing Iraq's nuclear, biological, chemical, and ballistic missile programs. When, in late 1998, the administration decided to take military action, it did too little, too late. Because of the administration's failures there is no coalition, no peace, and no effective inspection regime to prevent Saddam's development of weapons of mass destruction.\nA new Republican administration will patiently rebuild an international coalition opposed to Saddam Hussein and committed to joint action. We will insist that Iraq comply fully with its disarmament commitments. We will maintain the sanctions on the Iraqi regime while seeking to alleviate the suffering of innocent Iraqi people. We will react forcefully and unequivocally to any evidence of reconstituted Iraqi capabilities for producing weapons of mass destruction. In 1998, Congress passed and the president signed the Iraq Liberation Act, the clear purpose of which is to assist the opposition to Saddam Hussein. The administration has used an arsenal of dilatory tactics to block any serious support to the Iraqi National Congress, an umbrella organization reflecting a broad and representative group of Iraqis who wish to free their country from the scourge of Saddam Hussein's regime. We support the full implementation of the Iraq Liberation Act, which should be regarded as a starting point in a comprehensive plan for the removal of Saddam Hussein and the restoration of international inspections in collaboration with his successor. Republicans recognize that peace and stability in the Persian Gulf is impossible as long as Saddam Hussein rules Iraq.\nAll Americans hope that a new generation of Iranian leaders will rise to power seeking friendlier relations with the United States and a less threatening posture in the region. But Iran's record of supporting terrorism, opposing the Middle East peace process, developing weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles, and its denial of human rights, most recently demonstrated in the trial and conviction of Iranian Jews on unfounded espionage charges, demonstrates that Tehran remains a dangerous threat to the United States and our interests in the region. The next Republican administration will form its policy toward Iran based on Iranian actions, not words. It will stop making unilateral gestures toward the Iranian government which, to date, have failed to result in a change in Iranian behavior. We will work to convince our friends and allies, most importantly the Europeans, to join us in a firm, common approach toward Iran.\nRepublicans endorse continued assistance and support for countries that have made peace with Israel — led by Egypt and Jordan. We appreciate the significant contributions by Jordan to our common struggle against terrorism, and will take steps to bolster relations with Amman including negotiating a U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement.\nThe United States and its allies depend on oil from the Middle East. Republicans prefer an America that is far less dependent on foreign crude oil. A Republican president will not be so tolerant if OPEC colludes to drive up the world price of oil, as it has done this past year. Yet influence also comes from friendship. The United States should restore its underlying good and cooperative relations with the oil-exporting nations, most importantly Saudi Arabia, as well as with other moderate Arab governments.\nAfrica\n\nThe nations of Africa have endured tremendous burdens of war, poverty, disease, and bad government. But freedom is gaining ground in South Africa, Nigeria, Niger, Mozambique, and Mauritius. Democracy can help ensure that the interests of the people are elevated above the preoccupations and self-enrichment of corrupt elites.\nSome of Africa's developing countries are turning to private markets, building middle classes, and evolving toward more representative forms of government that respect individual liberties. But such transformation is not simple. A Republican president and Congress will work to encourage these efforts through closer economic integration, security assistance, and support for freedom. Republicans will replace process with outcome and rhetoric with substance.\nAmericans are troubled by the humanitarian catastrophes that have plagued the people of Africa including conflicts in Sierra Leone, the Great Lakes region, the Horn of Africa, and elsewhere. The risk of famine is never far away. Millions live in poverty and suffer from disease, especially AIDS and the vaccine-preventable diseases that prey on innocent children. The situation in the Sudan demands special attention, due to its employment of the slave trade and its persecution of Sudanese Christians, and we deplore the government of Zimbabwe's refusal to adhere to the rule of law. The conflict in Angola should be resolved through dialogue leading to the release of political prisoners and democratic government.\nThe people of Africa need economic opportunity, foreign investment, and access to markets, food, and medicine. The United States will support international organizations and non-governmental organizations that can improve the daily lives of Africans. The United States must also work to promote democracy and sound governance in Africa, and the prevention and resolution of conflict. We will help the continent achieve its economic potential by implementing measures to reduce trade barriers. Republicans will not ignore the challenges of Africa.\nInternational Assistance\n\nThe promotion of freedom and democracy is a critical national interest. President Reagan was a champion of this idea, establishing the National Endowment for Democracy in 1983 as an instrument of U.S. public diplomacy. The National Endowment for Democracy, and other American public diplomacy institutions, continues today to advance and protect American ideals and interests abroad.\nThe United States must commit itself to doing more to assist refugees and displaced persons. A Republican administration will improve America's longstanding practice of aiding the innocent victims of political repression, conflict, famine, and natural disasters, and we will lead other countries in responding similarly.\nRepublicans fully recognize that the spread of AIDS is a terrible humanitarian disaster and will continue to emphasize action over rhetoric. In particular, we commend the Republican Congress for recently approving legislation to assist the victims of this disease in Africa.\nThe United Nations\n\nInternational organizations can serve the cause of peace, but they can never serve as a substitute for, or exercise a veto over, principled American leadership. The United Nations was not designed to summon or lead armies in the field and, as a matter of U.S. sovereignty, American troops must never serve under United Nations command. Nor will they be subject to the jurisdiction of an International Criminal Court. The United Nations can provide a valuable forum for nations to peacefully resolve their differences, and it can help monitor international agreements and organize international humanitarian assistance. The United States will pay a fair, not disproportionate, share of dues to the United Nations once it has reformed its management and taken steps to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse. All funds that the U.S. contributes for operations, conferences, and peacekeeping should count against these dues.\nThe next Republican administration will use its diplomatic influence to put an end to a pattern of discrimination that persists at the United Nations in denying committee assignments to Israel. It will do the likewise at the International Red Cross which refuses to accredit the symbol of Magen David Adom, Israel's equivalent of the Red Cross. Moreover, Republicans oppose the ideological campaign against participation by the Vatican in U.N. conferences and other activities. The United Nations was created to benefit all peoples and nations, not to promote a radical agenda of social engineering. Any effort to address global social problems must be firmly placed into a context of respect for the fundamental social institutions of marriage and family. We reject any treaty or convention that would contradict these values. For that reason, we will protect the rights of families in international programs and will not fund organizations involved in abortion. This approach to foreign assistance will unify people, respect their diverse beliefs, and uphold basic human rights. It will enable us, in cooperation with other free societies around the world, to more effectively oppose religious persecution and the sex trafficking that ruins the lives of women and children.\nTerrorism, International Crime, and Cyber Threats\n\nAmerica faces a new and rapidly evolving threat from terrorism and international crime. Meeting this threat requires not just new measures, but also consistent policies and determination from America's leaders.\nMany established terrorist groups faded away in the 1990s after the Cold War ended. But the decade also witnessed a series of enormously destructive attacks against America. Increasingly, terrorists seem to be motivated by amorphous religious causes or simple hatred of America rather than by specific political aims. Terrorism crosses borders easily and frequently, including U.S. borders, and cannot easily be categorized as either domestic or international.\nRepublicans support a response to terrorism that is resolute but not impulsive. The most likely highly destructive terrorist attack remains a large bomb hidden in a car or truck. Yet, as with the rest of our defense posture, we must prepare for the most dangerous threats as well as the most likely ones. Therefore the United States must be extremely vigilant about the possibility that future terrorists might use weapons of mass destruction, which are increasingly available and present an unprecedented threat to America. In many instances the military will have to rethink it traditional doctrine and begin to focus on counterterrorism, human intelligence gathering, and unconventional warfare.\nRepublicans endorse the four principles of U.S. counterterrorism policy that were laid down originally by Vice President George Bush's Commission on Combating Terrorism in 1985. First, we will make no concessions to terrorists. Giving in simply encourages future terrorist actions and debases America's power and moral authority. Second, we will isolate, pressure, and punish the state sponsors of terrorism. Third, we will bring individual terrorists to justice. Past and potential terrorists will know that America will never stop hunting them. Fourth, we will provide assistance to other governments combating terrorism. Fighting international terrorism requires international collaboration. Once again, allies matter.\nRepublicans in Congress have led the way in building the domestic preparedness programs to train and equip local, state, and federal response personnel to deal with terrorist dangers in America. The administration has not offered clear leadership over these programs. They remain scattered across many agencies, uncoordinated and poorly managed. We will streamline and improve the federal coordination of the domestic emergency preparedness programs.\nWe will ensure that federal law enforcement agencies have every lawful resource and authority they require to combat international organized crime. A Republican administration will work to improve international cooperation against all forms of cross-border criminality, especially the burgeoning threat of cyber-crime that threatens the vitality of American industries as diverse as aerospace and entertainment.\nNowhere has the administration been more timid in protecting America's national interests than in cyberspace. Americans have recently glimpsed the full vulnerability of their information systems to penetration and massive disruption by amateurs. A sophisticated terrorist or adversary government could potentially cripple a critical U.S. infrastructure, such as the electrical grid or a military logistics system, in time of crisis. A new Republican government will work closely with our international partners and the private sector to conceive and implement a viable strategy for reducing America's vulnerability to the spectrum of cyber threats, from the adolescent hacker launching a contagious computer virus to the most advanced threat of strategic information warfare.\n\nPrincipled American Leadership\n\nRepublicans have a strategy. It is a strategy that recalls traditional truths about power and ideals and applies them to networked marketplaces, modern diplomacy and the high-tech battlefield. A Republican administration will use power wisely, set priorities, craft needed institutions of openness and freedom, and invest in the future. A Republican president and a Republican Congress can achieve the unity of national governance that has so long been absent. We see a confident America united in the fellowship of freedom with friends and allies throughout the world. We envision the restoration of a respected American leadership firmly grounded in a distinctly American internationalism.", "Words" -> 33713, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1972, "and" -> 1312, "of" -> 1268, "to" -> 1080, "in" -> 559, "a" -> 526, "for" -> 429, "that" -> 389, "is" -> 328, "will" -> 299, "We" -> 261, "The" -> 232, "with" -> 224, "our" -> 220, "by" -> 192, "we" -> 183, "be" -> 178, "are" -> 175, "their" -> 172, "has" -> 162, "not" -> 158, "as" -> 158, "on" -> 156, "have" -> 146, "Republican" -> 140, "American" -> 121, "it" -> 119, "its" -> 118, "from" -> 118, "should" -> 114, "new" -> 111, "government" -> 105, "all" -> 102, "must" -> 99, "health" -> 94, "federal" -> 93, "an" -> 92, "or" -> 91, "this" -> 87, "administration" -> 87, "States" -> 86, "United" -> 85, "at" -> 84, "who" -> 80, "more" -> 80, "can" -> 80, "people" -> 78, "Republicans" -> 77, "support" -> 76, "care" -> 73, "America" -> 67, "In" -> 63, "Congress" -> 63, "against" -> 63, "been" -> 62, "those" -> 61, "A" 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"country" -> 32, "policy" -> 31, "For" -> 31, "state" -> 30, "only" -> 30, "ensure" -> 30, "encourage" -> 30, "efforts" -> 30, "allies" -> 30, "why" -> 29, "percent" -> 29, "now" -> 29, "what" -> 28, "same" -> 28, "right" -> 28, "research" -> 28, "reform" -> 28, "opportunity" -> 28, "next" -> 28, "To" -> 27, "protect" -> 27, "party" -> 27, "over" -> 27, "out" -> 27, "nation's" -> 27, "life" -> 27, "Governor" -> 27, "every" -> 27, "As" -> 27, "process" -> 26, "medical" -> 26, "global" -> 26, "environmental" -> 26, "when" -> 25, "technology" -> 25, "services" -> 25, "Russia" -> 25, "role" -> 25, "program" -> 25, "markets" -> 25, "important" -> 25, "help" -> 25, "family" -> 25, "development" -> 25, "call" -> 25, "without" -> 24, "where" -> 24, "They" -> 24, "such" -> 24, "respect" -> 24, "open" -> 24, "human" -> 24, "commitment" -> 24, "change" -> 24, "Act" -> 24, "rights" -> 23, "promote" -> 23, "policies" -> 23, "including" -> 23, "defense" -> 23, "congressional" -> 23, "communities" -> 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"especially" -> 18, "continue" -> 18, "build" -> 18, "become" -> 18, "way" -> 17, "take" -> 17, "Social" -> 17, "recognize" -> 17, "promise" -> 17, "problems" -> 17, "price" -> 17, "oppose" -> 17, "oil" -> 17, "just" -> 17, "Internet" -> 17, "insurance" -> 17, "institutions" -> 17, "governments" -> 17, "forces" -> 17, "clear" -> 17, "better" -> 17, "agencies" -> 17, "administration's" -> 17, "workers" -> 16, "while" -> 16, "under" -> 16, "together" -> 16, "special" -> 16, "some" -> 16, "rules" -> 16, "require" -> 16, "religious" -> 16, "protection" -> 16, "place" -> 16, "pay" -> 16, "own" -> 16, "needed" -> 16, "interests" -> 16, "housing" -> 16, "higher" -> 16, "goal" -> 16, "energy" -> 16, "effective" -> 16, "critical" -> 16, "countries" -> 16, "costs" -> 16, "choice" -> 16, "century" -> 16, "Bush's" -> 16, "Bush" -> 16, "billion" -> 16, "because" -> 16, "At" -> 16, "areas" -> 16, "And" -> 16, "action" -> 16, "systems" -> 15, "sound" -> 15, "science" -> 15, "safety" -> 15, "put" -> 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13, "propose" -> 13, "priority" -> 13, "opportunities" -> 13, "old" -> 13, "never" -> 13, "much" -> 13, "Medicare" -> 13, "mass" -> 13, "leaders" -> 13, "land" -> 13, "know" -> 13, "interest" -> 13, "increased" -> 13, "his" -> 13, "generation" -> 13, "friends" -> 13, "down" -> 13, "destruction" -> 13, "cooperation" -> 13, "consumers" -> 13, "Cold" -> 13, "bring" -> 13, "between" -> 13, "away" -> 13, "applaud" -> 13, "again" -> 13, "World" -> 12, "values" -> 12, "two" -> 12, "traditional" -> 12, "today" -> 12, "There" -> 12, "student" -> 12, "strategy" -> 12, "regulatory" -> 12, "regulation" -> 12, "reach" -> 12, "rather" -> 12, "rate" -> 12, "purpose" -> 12, "platform" -> 12, "part" -> 12, "investment" -> 12, "include" -> 12, "he" -> 12, "greater" -> 12, "face" -> 12, "environment" -> 12, "enacted" -> 12, "does" -> 12, "Asia" -> 12, "after" -> 12, "accountability" -> 12, "working" -> 11, "trial" -> 11, "transportation" -> 11, "stop" -> 11, "set" -> 11, "serve" -> 11, "savings" -> 11, "rule" -> 11, "reforms" -> 11, "recent" -> 11, "real" -> 11, "plan" -> 11, "necessary" -> 11, "Middle" -> 11, "maintain" -> 11, "longer" -> 11, "long" -> 11, "litigation" -> 11, "like" -> 11, "keep" -> 11, "itself" -> 11, "It's" -> 11, "Iraq" -> 11, "high" -> 11, "heart" -> 11, "greatest" -> 11, "funding" -> 11, "farmers" -> 11, "expand" -> 11, "example" -> 11, "eight" -> 11, "each" -> 11, "drugs" -> 11, "done" -> 11, "domestic" -> 11, "commit" -> 11, "business" -> 11, "already" -> 11, "Africa" -> 11, "accounts" -> 11, "While" -> 10, "When" -> 10, "water" -> 10, "training" -> 10, "throughout" -> 10, "then" -> 10, "technologies" -> 10, "Taiwan" -> 10, "still" -> 10, "small" -> 10, "secure" -> 10, "rural" -> 10, "remains" -> 10, "remain" -> 10, "region" -> 10, "providing" -> 10, "potential" -> 10, "parents" -> 10, "others" -> 10, "order" -> 10, "off" -> 10, "National" -> 10, "millions" -> 10, "meet" -> 10, "may" -> 10, "low-income" -> 10, "led" -> 10, "lead" -> 10, "justice" -> 10, "innocent" -> 10, "industry" -> 10, "If" -> 10, "ideas" -> 10, "had" -> 10, "groups" -> 10, "governors" -> 10, "focus" -> 10, "faith-based" -> 10, "ever" -> 10, "era" -> 10, "enormous" -> 10, "endorse" -> 10, "Economy" -> 10, "Department" -> 10, "decades" -> 10, "currently" -> 10, "culture" -> 10, "could" -> 10, "cases" -> 10, "budget" -> 10, "another" -> 10, "among" -> 10, "allow" -> 10, "All" -> 10, "agreements" -> 10, "world's" -> 9, "vital" -> 9, "using" -> 9, "true" -> 9, "Trade" -> 9, "times" -> 9, "terrorism" -> 9, "teachers" -> 9, "strength" -> 9, "sense" -> 9, "risk" -> 9, "relations" -> 9, "Reform" -> 9, "reason" -> 9, "proliferation" -> 9, "Party" -> 9, "participation" -> 9, "North" -> 9, "natural" -> 9, "NATO" -> 9, "means" -> 9, "management" -> 9, "making" -> 9, "lives" -> 9, "lawyers" -> 9, "lands" -> 9, "kind" -> 9, "judges" -> 9, "jobs" -> 9, "history" -> 9, "funds" -> 9, "fully" -> 9, "foundation" -> 9, "fees" -> 9, "failure" -> 9, "expanding" -> 9, "everyone" -> 9, "entire" -> 9, "drug" -> 9, "dollars" -> 9, "develop" -> 9, "death" -> 9, "dangerous" -> 9, "comprehensive" -> 9, "committed" -> 9, "civil" -> 9, "authority" -> 9, "almost" -> 9, "ago" -> 9, "affirm" -> 9, "ability" -> 9, "within" -> 8, "whether" -> 8, "What" -> 8, "welcome" -> 8, "ways" -> 8, "Washington" -> 8, "vision" -> 8, "treatment" -> 8, "today's" -> 8, "therefore" -> 8, "strongly" -> 8, "stability" -> 8, "single" -> 8, "share" -> 8, "Saddam" -> 8, "run" -> 8, "return" -> 8, "requires" -> 8, "property" -> 8, "prevent" -> 8, "President" -> 8, "pledge" -> 8, "plans" -> 8, "personnel" -> 8, "partner" -> 8, "officials" -> 8, "offer" -> 8, "Now" -> 8, "neighbors" -> 8, "Nations" -> 8, "moral" -> 8, "money" -> 8, "live" -> 8, "liberty" -> 8, "leading" -> 8, "Iran" -> 8, "intervention" -> 8, "International" -> 8, "instead" -> 8, "Information" -> 8, "independent" -> 8, "increasing" -> 8, "implementation" -> 8, "how" -> 8, "honor" -> 8, "hold" -> 8, "highest" -> 8, "flexibility" -> 8, "fight" -> 8, "fair" -> 8, "failed" -> 8, "even" -> 8, "European" -> 8, "emerging" -> 8, "elsewhere" -> 8, "either" -> 8, "effort" -> 8, "disease" -> 8, "disabilities" -> 8, "did" -> 8, "developing" -> 8, "delivery" -> 8, "defenses" -> 8, "debt" -> 8, "criminals" -> 8, "created" -> 8, "create" -> 8, "coverage" -> 8, "courts" -> 8, "country's" -> 8, "continued" -> 8, "Constitution" -> 8, "combat" -> 8, "capabilities" -> 8, "before" -> 8, "basic" -> 8, "available" -> 8, "After" -> 8, "adoption" -> 8, "achievement" -> 8, "Yet" -> 7, "whose" -> 7, "whom" -> 7, "Western" -> 7, "waste" -> 7, "victims" -> 7, "veterans" -> 7, "very" -> 7, "used" -> 7, "urge" -> 7, "Under" -> 7, "treaty" -> 7, "terrorist" -> 7, "technological" -> 7, "success" -> 7, "strategies" -> 7, "strategic" -> 7, "status" -> 7, "stand" -> 7, "Since" -> 7, "Second" -> 7, "review" -> 7, "responsibilities" -> 7, "relationship" -> 7, "regional" -> 7, "regime" -> 7, "red" -> 7, "recently" -> 7, "reaffirm" -> 7, "quality" -> 7, "proud" -> 7, "Prosperity" -> 7, "proposed" -> 7, "production" -> 7, "privacy" -> 7, "priorities" -> 7, "prices" -> 7, "poverty" -> 7, "permanent" -> 7, "partnership" -> 7, "Pacific" -> 7, "options" -> 7, "operations" -> 7, "once" -> 7, "often" -> 7, "number" -> 7, "neighborhoods" -> 7, "Native" -> 7, "members" -> 7, "measures" -> 7, "marriage" -> 7, "Many" -> 7, "manage" -> 7, "makes" -> 7, "let" -> 7, "less" -> 7, "learning" -> 7, "lasting" -> 7, "Japan" -> 7, "Its" -> 7, "it's" -> 7, "inadequate" -> 7, "impose" -> 7, "implement" -> 7, "if" -> 7, "hope" -> 7, "hard" -> 7, "hands" -> 7, "half" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "goals" -> 7, "generations" -> 7, "gas" -> 7, "First" -> 7, "faith" -> 7, "existing" -> 7, "Even" -> 7, "ensuring" -> 7, "enact" -> 7, "elderly" -> 7, "different" -> 7, "depend" -> 7, "democracies" -> 7, "demands" -> 7, "decision-making" -> 7, "creation" -> 7, "constitutional" -> 7, "comes" -> 7, "come" -> 7, "choose" -> 7, "charitable" -> 7, "changes" -> 7, "case" -> 7, "burdens" -> 7, "biological" -> 7, "benefit" -> 7, "being" -> 7, "ballistic" -> 7, "average" -> 7, "attention" -> 7, "assist" -> 7, "AIDS" -> 7, "agriculture" -> 7, "affordable" -> 7, "address" -> 7, "voluntary" -> 6, "unique" -> 6, "Union" -> 6, "trials" -> 6, "tremendous" -> 6, "trading" -> 6, "ties" -> 6, "three" -> 6, "thousands" -> 6, "themselves" -> 6, "terrorists" -> 6, "surpluses" -> 6, "successful" -> 6, "structures" -> 6, "steps" -> 6, "step" -> 6, "stable" -> 6, "space" -> 6, "serious" -> 6, "salute" -> 6, "revolution" -> 6, "results" -> 6, "restoration" -> 6, "rest" -> 6, "response" -> 6, "resolve" -> 6, "Republic" -> 6, "replace" -> 6, "renew" -> 6, "related" -> 6, "reduced" -> 6, "qualified" -> 6, "provided" -> 6, "proposal" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "product" -> 6, "primary" -> 6, "presidential" -> 6, "preserve" -> 6, "prepared" -> 6, "practice" -> 6, "poor" -> 6, "paid" -> 6, "Over" -> 6, "Organization" -> 6, "ones" -> 6, "One" -> 6, "offenders" -> 6, "No" -> 6, "Medical" -> 6, "matter" -> 6, "mandates" -> 6, "major" -> 6, "lower" -> 6, "long-term" -> 6, "longstanding" -> 6, "Latin" -> 6, "Korean" -> 6, "Korea" -> 6, "juvenile" -> 6, "judicial" -> 6, "job" -> 6, "Israel" -> 6, "intelligence" -> 6, "influence" -> 6, "independence" -> 6, "importance" -> 6, "ideals" -> 6, "Hussein" -> 6, "holds" -> 6, "here" -> 6, "helping" -> 6, "helped" -> 6, "grants" -> 6, "goods" -> 6, "go" -> 6, "giving" -> 6, "given" -> 6, "fundamental" -> 6, "Freedom" -> 6, "four" -> 6, "foster" -> 6, "follow" -> 6, "finally" -> 6, "establish" -> 6, "essential" -> 6, "enforce" -> 6, "ended" -> 6, "encouraging" -> 6, "Education" -> 6, "early" -> 6, "drive" -> 6, "dramatic" -> 6, "diseases" -> 6, "diplomacy" -> 6, "dignity" -> 6, "designed" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "dedicated" -> 6, "deal" -> 6, "dangers" -> 6, "cut" -> 6, "crucial" -> 6, "creative" -> 6, "court" -> 6, "cost" -> 6, "consistent" -> 6, "conscience" -> 6, "conditions" -> 6, "concern" -> 6, "Commission" -> 6, "code" -> 6, "close" -> 6, "choices" -> 6, "chemical" -> 6, "challenge" -> 6, "Century" -> 6, "cancer" -> 6, "campaign" -> 6, "By" -> 6, "building" -> 6, "beyond" -> 6, "barriers" -> 6, "balance" -> 6, "attempts" -> 6, "armed" -> 6, "annual" -> 6, "An" -> 6, "allowing" -> 6, "allowed" -> 6, "adversaries" -> 6, "actually" -> 6, "across" -> 6, "accessible" -> 6, "abroad" -> 6, "abortion" -> 6, "1996" -> 6, "100" -> 6, "youngsters" -> 5, "young" -> 5, "worse" -> 5, "whole" -> 5, "violent" -> 5, "violence" -> 5, "vigorously" -> 5, "victory" -> 5, "veto" -> 5, "Veterans" -> 5, "variety" -> 5, "units" -> 5, "unilateral" -> 5, "underserved" -> 5, "trillion" -> 5, "Treaty" -> 5, "treatments" -> 5, "took" -> 5, "test" -> 5, "teacher" -> 5, "tape" -> 5, "taken" -> 5, "Supreme" -> 5, "suits" -> 5, "Still" -> 5, "spread" -> 5, "spirit" -> 5, "societies" -> 5, "Small" -> 5, "skills" -> 5, "size" -> 5, "simple" -> 5, "shared" -> 5, "see" -> 5, "second" -> 5, "Russian" -> 5, "risks" -> 5, "Rights" -> 5, "Revolution" -> 5, "required" -> 5, "remove" -> 5, "religion" -> 5, "reductions" -> 5, "record" -> 5, "reasons" -> 5, "reasonable" -> 5, "reading" -> 5, "Quality" -> 5, "pursue" -> 5, "purchase" -> 5, "punitive" -> 5, "protections" -> 5, "Protection" -> 5, "protecting" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "practices" -> 5, "powerful" -> 5, "places" -> 5, "physicians" -> 5, "Persian" -> 5, "passed" -> 5, "parties" -> 5, "particularly" -> 5, "parental" -> 5, "ourselves" -> 5, "offers" -> 5, "obligation" -> 5, "nothing" -> 5, "neighborhood" -> 5, "neglect" -> 5, "nearly" -> 5, "move" -> 5, "months" -> 5, "Mexico" -> 5, "medicine" -> 5, "managed" -> 5, "lost" -> 5, "localities" -> 5, "little" -> 5, "limits" -> 5, "limited" -> 5, "likewise" -> 5, "level" -> 5, "left" -> 5, "lawsuits" -> 5, "labor" -> 5, "join" -> 5, "IRS" -> 5, "Iranian" -> 5, "initiative" -> 5, "infrastructure" -> 5, "Indian" -> 5, "India" -> 5, "impact" -> 5, "hopes" -> 5, "honest" -> 5, "homes" -> 5, "historic" -> 5, "Hemisphere" -> 5, "healthy" -> 5, "hand" -> 5, "Gulf" -> 5, "guarantee" -> 5, "growing" -> 5, "governmental" -> 5, "gives" -> 5, "get" -> 5, "gains" -> 5, "fund" -> 5, "forced" -> 5, "food" -> 5, "five" -> 5, "financial" -> 5, "Federal" -> 5, "facilities" -> 5, "expansion" -> 5, "expanded" -> 5, "ethical" -> 5, "errors" -> 5, "Environmental" -> 5, "Energy" -> 5, "employers" -> 5, "emergency" -> 5, "elections" -> 5, "election" -> 5, "diversity" -> 5, "discrimination" -> 5, "discipline" -> 5, "determined" -> 5, "deploy" -> 5, "Democratic" -> 5, "Democracy" -> 5, "demanding" -> 5, "deduction" -> 5, "decade" -> 5, "Cuban" -> 5, "criminal" -> 5, "Court's" -> 5, "course" -> 5, "courageous" -> 5, "consumer" -> 5, "Congressional" -> 5, "concerns" -> 5, "competitive" -> 5, "colleges" -> 5, "clinical" -> 5, "classroom" -> 5, "chance" -> 5, "central" -> 5, "cause" -> 5, "Care" -> 5, "bureaucracy" -> 5, "begin" -> 5, "balanced" -> 5, "appropriate" -> 5, "Amendment" -> 5, "always" -> 5, "alternatives" -> 5, "along" -> 5, "alone" -> 5, "air" -> 5, "aggressively" -> 5, "advancing" -> 5, "addition" -> 5, "active" -> 5, "act" -> 5, "abuses" -> 5, "1998" -> 5, "worldwide" -> 4, "works" -> 4, "words" -> 4, "won" -> 4, "weak" -> 4, "view" -> 4, "vetoed" -> 4, "urban" -> 4, "until" -> 4, "unnecessary" -> 4, "united" -> 4, "union" -> 4, "unfair" -> 4, "understand" -> 4, "undermined" -> 4, "Twenty-First" -> 4, "turned" -> 4, "truly" -> 4, "tribal" -> 4, "transition" -> 4, "train" -> 4, "total" -> 4, "top" -> 4, "Today's" -> 4, "Today" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "though" -> 4, "Therefore" -> 4, "That's" -> 4, "Texas" -> 4, "teen" -> 4, "taxpayers" -> 4, "targeting" -> 4, "taking" -> 4, "takes" -> 4, "sustain" -> 4, "surplus" -> 4, "sure" -> 4, "supplies" -> 4, "suffering" -> 4, "substitute" -> 4, "subject" -> 4, "stay" -> 4, "State" -> 4, "stands" -> 4, "standard" -> 4, "speech" -> 4, "sovereignty" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "source" -> 4, "Some" -> 4, "solutions" -> 4, "sites" -> 4, "since" -> 4, "simply" -> 4, "significant" -> 4, "signed" -> 4, "sign" -> 4, "sharing" -> 4, "shape" -> 4, "sex" -> 4, "Service" -> 4, "seniors" -> 4, "Senate" -> 4, "search" -> 4, "scientific" -> 4, "said" -> 4, "safeguard" -> 4, "robust" -> 4, "rightly" -> 4, "rhetoric" -> 4, "restrictions" -> 4, "respond" -> 4, "resource" -> 4, "resolute" -> 4, "requiring" -> 4, "requirements" -> 4, "representative" -> 4, "repeal" -> 4, "renewal" -> 4, "rely" -> 4, "reject" -> 4, "regulate" -> 4, "regard" -> 4, "reconciliation" -> 4, "Reagan" -> 4, "ready" -> 4, "readiness" -> 4, "readily" -> 4, "Rather" -> 4, "range" -> 4, "railroad" -> 4, "Purpose" -> 4, "public's" -> 4, "Public" -> 4, "protected" -> 4, "promised" -> 4, "productivity" -> 4, "productive" -> 4, "procedures" -> 4, "problem" -> 4, "pride" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "prepare" -> 4, "positive" -> 4, "positions" -> 4, "politics" -> 4, "police" -> 4, "point" -> 4, "persons" -> 4, "period" -> 4, "People" -> 4, "penalties" -> 4, "payroll" -> 4, "patient" -> 4, "partnerships" -> 4, "partners" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "opposition" -> 4, "opening" -> 4, "opened" -> 4, "on-line" -> 4, "On" -> 4, "official" -> 4, "office" -> 4, "offering" -> 4, "offered" -> 4, "Northern" -> 4, "NIH" -> 4, "net" -> 4, "negotiations" -> 4, "negotiating" -> 4, "near" -> 4, "name" -> 4, "multilateral" -> 4, "mothers" -> 4, "More" -> 4, "modern" -> 4, "missiles" -> 4, "middle" -> 4, "lowest" -> 4, "loans" -> 4, "link" -> 4, "limit" -> 4, "likely" -> 4, "liability" -> 4, "Let" -> 4, "least" -> 4, "later" -> 4, "large" -> 4, "landmark" -> 4, "ladder" -> 4, "Justice" -> 4, "jurisdiction" -> 4, "Ireland" -> 4, "Iraqi" -> 4, "integration" -> 4, "Instead" -> 4, "innovative" -> 4, "inflation" -> 4, "industries" -> 4, "Individuals" -> 4, "Individual" -> 4, "increasingly" -> 4, "incentives" -> 4, "illegal" -> 4, "ignored" -> 4, "ideological" -> 4, "humanitarian" -> 4, "however" -> 4, "HIV" -> 4, "highly" -> 4, "gun" -> 4, "guard" -> 4, "guaranteed" -> 4, "group" -> 4, "granted" -> 4, "gauge" -> 4, "gain" -> 4, "fulfill" -> 4, "fresh" -> 4, "forward" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "flow" -> 4, "flexible" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "firm" -> 4, "Finally" -> 4, "fighting" -> 4, "fellowship" -> 4, "fast-track" -> 4, "farm" -> 4, "fall" -> 4, "fairness" -> 4, "failing" -> 4, "extended" -> 4, "exports" -> 4, "export" -> 4, "exercise" -> 4, "exchange" -> 4, "ethnic" -> 4, "establishment" -> 4, "enhance" -> 4, "English" -> 4, "enemy" -> 4, "enable" -> 4, "empower" -> 4, "emissions" -> 4, "elimination" -> 4, "eliminate" -> 4, "electricity" -> 4, "economies" -> 4, "duty" -> 4, "doing" -> 4, "diverse" -> 4, "directly" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "Development" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "Democrats" -> 4, "decisions" -> 4, "danger" -> 4, "daily" -> 4, "cuts" -> 4, "crimes" -> 4, "credibility" -> 4, "corruption" -> 4, "corrupt" -> 4, "cornerstone" -> 4, "conviction" -> 4, "controls" -> 4, "contributions" -> 4, "contract" -> 4, "consider" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "conflicts" -> 4, "conflict" -> 4, "confidence" -> 4, "compassion" -> 4, "companies" -> 4, "commitments" -> 4, "coming" -> 4, "closely" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "changing" -> 4, "Central" -> 4, "centers" -> 4, "center" -> 4, "causes" -> 4, "caps" -> 4, "bureaucratic" -> 4, "burden" -> 4, "budgets" -> 4, "brought" -> 4, "brings" -> 4, "break" -> 4, "borders" -> 4, "bold" -> 4, "block" -> 4, "bills" -> 4, "billions" -> 4, "Bill" -> 4, "belief" -> 4, "behind" -> 4, "behavior" -> 4, "begun" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "attacks" -> 4, "around" -> 4, "apply" -> 4, "Another" -> 4, "Americas" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "alliances" -> 4, "alliance" -> 4, "alike" -> 4, "aid" -> 4, "Agreement" -> 4, "agency" -> 4, "affect" -> 4, "actions" -> 4, "Accounts" -> 4, "academic" -> 4, "able" -> 4, "1997" -> 4, "$20" -> 3, "$1,000" -> 3, "youth" -> 3, "yet" -> 3, "year's" -> 3, "worth" -> 3, "win" -> 3, "Where" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "weakened" -> 3, "wars" -> 3, "warming" -> 3, "vitality" -> 3, "virtually" -> 3, "virtual" -> 3, "vigilance" -> 3, "Vietnam" -> 3, "vets" -> 3, "value" -> 3, "utterly" -> 3, "uses" -> 3, "urgent" -> 3, "universities" -> 3, "unfunded" -> 3, "Unfortunately" -> 3, "unemployment" -> 3, "underlying" -> 3, "uncertainty" -> 3, "unborn" -> 3, "twenty-first" -> 3, "tuition" -> 3, "troops" -> 3, "transform" -> 3, "Trans-Atlantic" -> 3, "traffickers" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "track" -> 3, "tomorrow" -> 3, "token" -> 3, "timely" -> 3, "thwart" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "Those" -> 3, "Third" -> 3, "things" -> 3, "Terrorism" -> 3, "team" -> 3, "teaching" -> 3, "Taxes" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "tariffs" -> 3, "talks" -> 3, "Taiwan's" -> 3, "symbols" -> 3, "sustained" -> 3, "sustainable" -> 3, "surest" -> 3, "supports" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "structural" -> 3, "stronger" -> 3, "strive" -> 3, "strides" -> 3, "strengths" -> 3, "stewardship" -> 3, "statistics" -> 3, "starting" -> 3, "start" -> 3, "standing" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "Soviet" -> 3, "South" -> 3, "sometimes" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "slow" -> 3, "six" -> 3, "similar" -> 3, "significantly" -> 3, "signatures" -> 3, "sides" -> 3, "shown" -> 3, "shortages" -> 3, "shift" -> 3, "sexual" -> 3, "settlement" -> 3, "Services" -> 3, "served" -> 3, "sensible" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "self-determination" -> 3, "seen" -> 3, "seeks" -> 3, "seeking" -> 3, "sectors" -> 3, "secrets" -> 3, "S-CHIP" -> 3, "say" -> 3, "saving" -> 3, "safer" -> 3, "Safe" -> 3, "sacrifices" -> 3, "rolls" -> 3, "rogue" -> 3, "rising" -> 3, "rise" -> 3, "rewarding" -> 3, "reverse" -> 3, "retirement" -> 3, "restrict" -> 3, "responsible" -> 3, "respected" -> 3, "resolution" -> 3, "Require" -> 3, "represents" -> 3, "replaced" -> 3, "repeatedly" -> 3, "Renewing" -> 3, "renewed" -> 3, "removing" -> 3, "removal" -> 3, "relative" -> 3, "reimbursement" -> 3, "Regulatory" -> 3, "regulates" -> 3, "regular" -> 3, "regarding" -> 3, "refugees" -> 3, "reducing" -> 3, "recommendations" -> 3, "recognizing" -> 3, "recipients" -> 3, "receiving" -> 3, "receive" -> 3, "realistic" -> 3, "rapidly" -> 3, "rapid" -> 3, "ranchers" -> 3, "question" -> 3, "provides" -> 3, "Protecting" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "proper" -> 3, "promotes" -> 3, "Promote" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "projected" -> 3, "prohibit" -> 3, "program's" -> 3, "profound" -> 3, "professionals" -> 3, "produce" -> 3, "prisoners" -> 3, "prison" -> 3, "prior" -> 3, "principle" -> 3, "preventive" -> 3, "preventing" -> 3, "pressure" -> 3, "prescription" -> 3, "premiums" -> 3, "prayer" -> 3, "practical" -> 3, "posture" -> 3, "porn" -> 3, "populations" -> 3, "poorest" -> 3, "pollution" -> 3, "play" -> 3, "planning" -> 3, "persecution" -> 3, "performance" -> 3, "peoples" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "peacekeeping" -> 3, "peaceful" -> 3, "payments" -> 3, "paying" -> 3, "Patients" -> 3, "patient's" -> 3, "passenger" -> 3, "parts" -> 3, "participate" -> 3, "pace" -> 3, "overseas" -> 3, "outdated" -> 3, "outcome" -> 3, "original" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "openness" -> 3, "Only" -> 3, "obvious" -> 3, "obsolete" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "objectives" -> 3, "normal" -> 3, "negotiated" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "mutually" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "movement" -> 3, "moved" -> 3, "morale" -> 3, "models" -> 3, "model" -> 3, "missions" -> 3, "mission" -> 3, "misguided" -> 3, "minority" -> 3, "minimal" -> 3, "Millions" -> 3, "might" -> 3, "merit" -> 3, "Members" -> 3, "meets" -> 3, "Meanwhile" -> 3, "mean" -> 3, "math" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "mastery" -> 3, "market-based" -> 3, "marginal" -> 3, "majority" -> 3, "mainstream" -> 3, "love" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "look" -> 3, "livestock" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "line" -> 3, "Let's" -> 3, "legislators" -> 3, "legacy" -> 3, "launch" -> 3, "largest" -> 3, "languages" -> 3, "language" -> 3, "landowners" -> 3, "lack" -> 3, "Kyoto" -> 3, "Kosovo" -> 3, "killing" -> 3, "kids" -> 3, "Just" -> 3, "jumped" -> 3, "joint" -> 3, "island" -> 3, "Iraq's" -> 3, "involving" -> 3, "invest" -> 3, "intrusive" -> 3, "intolerance" -> 3, "internationalism" -> 3, "Insurance" -> 3, "innovate" -> 3, "inhibit" -> 3, "inevitable" -> 3, "indeed" -> 3, "increases" -> 3, "income" -> 3, "incidence" -> 3, "improving" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "improved" -> 3, "imposing" -> 3, "immigrants" -> 3, "immediately" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "ills" -> 3, "ideal" -> 3, "households" -> 3, "House" -> 3, "hospitals" -> 3, "high-tech" -> 3, "heritage" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "held" -> 3, "He" -> 3, "happen" -> 3, "guns" -> 3, "Guam" -> 3, "ground" -> 3, "governance" -> 3, "got" -> 3, "gap" -> 3, "further" -> 3, "From" -> 3, "friendship" -> 3, "Free" -> 3, "fraud" -> 3, "fought" -> 3, "fostering" -> 3, "forms" -> 3, "find" -> 3, "finance" -> 3, "fields" -> 3, "field" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "felons" -> 3, "feel" -> 3, "federally" -> 3, "fear" -> 3, "fathers" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "fail" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "facilitate" -> 3, "extend" -> 3, "expression" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "exemption" -> 3, "exemplified" -> 3, "executive" -> 3, "everywhere" -> 3, "Every" -> 3, "Eurasia" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "espionage" -> 3, "eroded" -> 3, "equipment" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "envy" -> 3, "envision" -> 3, "environmentally" -> 3, "entrepreneurs" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "enlargement" -> 3, "energetic" -> 3, "encourages" -> 3, "encouraged" -> 3, "Encourage" -> 3, "enacting" -> 3, "enabled" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "elites" -> 3, "economically" -> 3, "Economic" -> 3, "easy" -> 3, "easier" -> 3, "earnings" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "dues" -> 3, "due" -> 3, "Drug" -> 3, "dropped" -> 3, "Dream" -> 3, "dream" -> 3, "door" -> 3, "distinctly" -> 3, "direction" -> 3, "differences" -> 3, "diabetes" -> 3, "deterrent" -> 3, "deter" -> 3, "detailed" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "deployments" -> 3, "demonstrated" -> 3, "deliver" -> 3, "delays" -> 3, "defined" -> 3, "defensive" -> 3, "deductibility" -> 3, "decisive" -> 3, "debate" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "date" -> 3, "dams" -> 3, "Cyprus" -> 3, "cycle" -> 3, "cutting-edge" -> 3, "cultures" -> 3, "Cuba" -> 3, "cry" -> 3, "crops" -> 3, "crisis" -> 3, "costly" -> 3, "conventional" -> 3, "contribute" -> 3, "continuing" -> 3, "content" -> 3, "contagious" -> 3, "consequences" -> 3, "confrontation" -> 3, "confront" -> 3, "confident" -> 3, "concerning" -> 3, "computers" -> 3, "complete" -> 3, "competitiveness" -> 3, "competition" -> 3, "compelled" -> 3, "committee" -> 3, "commits" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 3, "collapsed" -> 3, "collapse" -> 3, "coalition" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "closer" -> 3, "closed" -> 3, "class" -> 3, "civility" -> 3, "civilian" -> 3, "city" -> 3, "character" -> 3, "cartel" -> 3, "calls" -> 3, "Business" -> 3, "bureaucrats" -> 3, "built" -> 3, "brownfield" -> 3, "bringing" -> 3, "bright" -> 3, "blueprint" -> 3, "blocked" -> 3, "bipartisan" -> 3, "bind" -> 3, "becomes" -> 3, "bear" -> 3, "battles" -> 3, "ban" -> 3, "avoid" -> 3, "availability" -> 3, "Australia" -> 3, "attorneys" -> 3, "attack" -> 3, "Atlantic" -> 3, "association" -> 3, "assault" -> 3, "aspects" -> 3, "Asia-Pacific" -> 3, "arsenals" -> 3, "arsenal" -> 3, "arrangements" -> 3, "arms" -> 3, "armies" -> 3, "area" -> 3, "Any" -> 3, "answer" -> 3, "allows" -> 3, "alcohol" -> 3, "ahead" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "aggressive" -> 3, "aggression" -> 3, "Age" -> 3, "Affordable" -> 3, "affected" -> 3, "adversary" -> 3, "advantage" -> 3, "advances" -> 3, "advancement" -> 3, "advanced" -> 3, "Administration" -> 3, "adhere" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "addiction" -> 3, "adapt" -> 3, "activity" -> 3, "acknowledge" -> 3, "achieved" -> 3, "accidental" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "accelerate" -> 3, "abusive" -> 3, "ABM" -> 3, "abandoned" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "35" -> 3, "30" -> 3, "1992" -> 3, "1980s" -> 3, "$120" -> 2, "zero-tolerance" -> 2, "zero" -> 2, "wrong" -> 2, "written" -> 2, "worst" -> 2, "workings" -> 2, "Working" -> 2, "workforce" -> 2, "Work" -> 2, "women's" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "Without" -> 2, "Within" -> 2, "withdraw" -> 2, "wishes" -> 2, "wish" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "willingness" -> 2, "wildlife" -> 2, "White" -> 2, "Whatever" -> 2, "western" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "well-trained" -> 2, "welcomed" -> 2, "wearing" -> 2, "weapon" -> 2, "wavering" -> 2, "wasn't" -> 2, "warfare" -> 2, "wants" -> 2, "vulnerability" -> 2, "voters" -> 2, "vote" -> 2, "visionary" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "violates" -> 2, "violate" -> 2, "vigorous" -> 2, "vigilant" -> 2, "views" -> 2, "Vice" -> 2, "viable" -> 2, "via" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "vanguard" -> 2, "uphold" -> 2, "upheaval" -> 2, "unwise" -> 2, "Unlike" -> 2, "universal" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "unite" -> 2, "uninsured" -> 2, "understanding" -> 2, "unable" -> 2, "umbrella" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "twin" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "turn" -> 2, "truth" -> 2, "triumph" -> 2, "tried" -> 2, "tribes" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "travel" -> 2, "transmitted" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "Title" -> 2, "timid" -> 2, "timetable" -> 2, "Threats" -> 2, "threatens" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "threaten" -> 2, "thinking" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "Then" -> 2, "theft" -> 2, "that's" -> 2, "testing" -> 2, "testimony" -> 2, "Test" -> 2, "terror" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "terrible" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "tens" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "telecommunications" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "tax-free" -> 2, "Tax" -> 2, "tasks" -> 2, "Tariffs" -> 2, "Target" -> 2, "tactics" -> 2, "symbolic" -> 2, "swift" -> 2, "surely" -> 2, "supporting" -> 2, "supported" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "Superfund" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "substance" -> 2, "student-initiated" -> 2, "strings" -> 2, "strengthens" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "streamline" -> 2, "store" -> 2, "stopped" -> 2, "Stewardship" -> 2, "steady" -> 2, "steadfast" -> 2, "statutory" -> 2, "state-sponsored" -> 2, "starts" -> 2, "starters" -> 2, "started" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "stage" -> 2, "squandered" -> 2, "spouse" -> 2, "spot" -> 2, "sponsored" -> 2, "spiral" -> 2, "spikes" -> 2, "spends" -> 2, "spectacular" -> 2, "specifically" -> 2, "species" -> 2, "sophisticated" -> 2, "something" -> 2, "solemn" -> 2, "solely" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "solar" -> 2, "So" -> 2, "smothered" -> 2, "slashing" -> 2, "skilled" -> 2, "situations" -> 2, "situation" -> 2, "simplified" -> 2, "simpler" -> 2, "short" -> 2, "shocking" -> 2, "shield" -> 2, "sharp" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "sexually" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "setting" -> 2, "servants" -> 2, "series" -> 2, "sent" -> 2, "Sense" -> 2, "self-sufficiency" -> 2, "self-restraint" -> 2, "self-employed" -> 2, "select" -> 2, "seize" -> 2, "Seeking" -> 2, "Security's" -> 2, "Secure" -> 2, "Seattle" -> 2, "schooling" -> 2, "Savings" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "sale" -> 2, "safely" -> 2, "sadly" -> 2, "Rule" -> 2, "route" -> 2, "round" -> 2, "roots" -> 2, "roll" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "risen" -> 2, "reversing" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "Retirement" -> 2, "retired" -> 2, "Results" -> 2, "restoring" -> 2, "respecting" -> 2, "resolved" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "reserves" -> 2, "reservations" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "repression" -> 2, "reports" -> 2, "reopen" -> 2, "rental" -> 2, "renewable" -> 2, "reminder" -> 2, "remember" -> 2, "remarkable" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "reliable" -> 2, "reliability" -> 2, "relevant" -> 2, "released" -> 2, "rejecting" -> 2, "reinvigorate" -> 2, "rehabilitation" -> 2, "regain" -> 2, "refuses" -> 2, "reformed" -> 2, "reflects" -> 2, "Reducing" -> 2, "Red" -> 2, "recruiting" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "reconsider" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "rebuild" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "Real" -> 2, "rampant" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "quo" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "quick" -> 2, "qualities" -> 2, "pursuing" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "punish" -> 2, "publicly" -> 2, "provoked" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "Provide" -> 2, "protectionism" -> 2, "prospect" -> 2, "prosecutors" -> 2, "prosecuting" -> 2, "proposing" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "Property" -> 2, "properties" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "promises" -> 2, "prolonged" -> 2, "project" -> 2, "prohibiting" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "profit" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "procedure" -> 2, "proactive" -> 2, "Private" -> 2, "Privacy" -> 2, "Principled" -> 2, "principled" -> 2, "prevents" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "prestige" -> 2, "Presidents" -> 2, "presidents" -> 2, "presidency" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "Preserve" -> 2, "preparedness" -> 2, "pregnancy" -> 2, "pregnancies" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "precisely" -> 2, "precious" -> 2, "potentially" -> 2, "possibility" -> 2, "possibilities" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "pornography" -> 2, "poorly" -> 2, "Political" -> 2, "Poland" -> 2, "pledged" -> 2, "pizzas" -> 2, "phonics" -> 2, "phone" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "persuade" -> 2, "persistently" -> 2, "persist" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "perhaps" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "peninsula" -> 2, "penalty" -> 2, "peer-reviewed" -> 2, "peacefully" -> 2, "pays" -> 2, "pattern" -> 2, "patriotic" -> 2, "party's" -> 2, "participants" -> 2, "parks" -> 2, "parenting" -> 2, "parent" -> 2, "paramount" -> 2, "paperwork" -> 2, "paper" -> 2, "Panama" -> 2, "Pakistan" -> 2, "pages" -> 2, "owners" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "overriding" -> 2, "overhaul" -> 2, "overall" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "outlaw" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "originally" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "orders" -> 2, "option" -> 2, "optimistic" -> 2, "opt" -> 2, "Opportunity" -> 2, "opinions" -> 2, "opinion" -> 2, "operational" -> 2, "operating" -> 2, "operate" -> 2, "OPEC" -> 2, "one-third" -> 2, "one-fifth" -> 2, "older" -> 2, "Old" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "occur" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obstacles" -> 2, "objects" -> 2, "object" -> 2, "nutrition" -> 2, "numbers" -> 2, "notch" -> 2, "Northwest" -> 2, "Nor" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "none" -> 2, "news" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "NATO's" -> 2, "Nation" -> 2, "narcotics" -> 2, "NAFTA" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "multiple" -> 2, "MSAs" -> 2, "Most" -> 2, "mortality" -> 2, "moratorium" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "mobility" -> 2, "mistakes" -> 2, "missing" -> 2, "mismanagement" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "meritless" -> 2, "mental" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "meeting" -> 2, "Medicaid" -> 2, "media" -> 2, "mechanisms" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "master" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "margins" -> 2, "mandatory" -> 2, "mandate" -> 2, "managing" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "malpractice" -> 2, "Make" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "lowering" -> 2, "low" -> 2, "losing" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "Lithuania" -> 2, "links" -> 2, "like-minded" -> 2, "Like" -> 2, "lifetime" -> 2, "life-saving" -> 2, "lies" -> 2, "licensing" -> 2, "library" -> 2, "libraries" -> 2, "Liberation" -> 2, "lessons" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "lease" -> 2, "learn" -> 2, "Leadership" -> 2, "leader" -> 2, "law-abiding" -> 2, "Latvia" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "Lands" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "kingpins" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "jungle" -> 2, "Jordan" -> 2, "jointly" -> 2, "joined" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "Israel's" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "Iron" -> 2, "involvement" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "invited" -> 2, "investments" -> 2, "invent" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "intent" -> 2, "intend" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "insult" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "instances" -> 2, "Inspired" -> 2, "inspired" -> 2, "inspiration" -> 2, "inspection" -> 2, "inseparable" -> 2, "injured" -> 2, "Initiative" -> 2, "infectious" -> 2, "infant" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "indispensable" -> 2, "indecision" -> 2, "Increased" -> 2, "Increase" -> 2, "inconsistency" -> 2, "inclusion" -> 2, "includes" -> 2, "incentive-based" -> 2, "incalculable" -> 2, "Improving" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "importantly" -> 2, "imperative" -> 2, "Immigration" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "illnesses" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "II" -> 2, "identified" -> 2, "IDEA" -> 2, "hydro" -> 2, "Hussein's" -> 2, "Hungary" -> 2, "huge" -> 2, "However" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "Homeownership" -> 2, "homebuyers" -> 2, "homebuilding" -> 2, "historically" -> 2, "historical" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "highs" -> 2, "high-quality" -> 2, "he's" -> 2, "Help" -> 2, "heavily" -> 2, "healing" -> 2, "headed" -> 2, "hatred" -> 2, "harm" -> 2, "harder" -> 2, "harassment" -> 2, "happened" -> 2, "half-century" -> 2, "habitat" -> 2, "guiding" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "grounded" -> 2, "gross" -> 2, "grave" -> 2, "government's" -> 2, "Gore's" -> 2, "Good" -> 2, "gone" -> 2, "going" -> 2, "goes" -> 2, "globe" -> 2, "Germany" -> 2, "George" -> 2, "genuine" -> 2, "genetic" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "gene" -> 2, "gates" -> 2, "gambling" -> 2, "Future" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "fulfilling" -> 2, "front" -> 2, "frivolous" -> 2, "frequently" -> 2, "freer" -> 2, "freedoms" -> 2, "Framers" -> 2, "Fourth" -> 2, "founding" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "foundations" -> 2, "forty" -> 2, "formation" -> 2, "forge" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forestry" -> 2, "foremost" -> 2, "Forces" -> 2, "forcefully" -> 2, "Force" -> 2, "Food" -> 2, "focusing" -> 2, "flawed" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "fit" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "finding" -> 2, "file" -> 2, "fifty" -> 2, "Few" -> 2, "fetal" -> 2, "Fellowship" -> 2, "father" -> 2, "fastest" -> 2, "fast" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "famine" -> 2, "Family" -> 2, "faltering" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "fairer" -> 2, "factor" -> 2, "facing" -> 2, "faces" -> 2, "extraordinarily" -> 2, "external" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "explore" -> 2, "explained" -> 2, "expertise" -> 2, "experiments" -> 2, "experienced" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "expectancy" -> 2, "Expand" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "excess" -> 2, "exceed" -> 2, "evolving" -> 2, "Europe's" -> 2, "ethanol" -> 2, "Estonia" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "ESA" -> 2, "Equally" -> 2, "EPA's" -> 2, "entitlements" -> 2, "enlarge" -> 2, "enhances" -> 2, "engineering" -> 2, "engagement" -> 2, "engage" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "energetically" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "endured" -> 2, "Endowment" -> 2, "ending" -> 2, "empowers" -> 2, "Employment" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "emphasize" -> 2, "emphasis" -> 2, "emotional" -> 2, "Emerging" -> 2, "Embassy" -> 2, "eligible" -> 2, "electronic" -> 2, "efficient" -> 2, "effects" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "educators" -> 2, "educational" -> 2, "edge" -> 2, "economics" -> 2, "e-commerce" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "easily" -> 2, "earliest" -> 2, "dynamism" -> 2, "dynamic" -> 2, "driven" -> 2, "drinking" -> 2, "drift" -> 2, "dreams" -> 2, "dramatically" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "double" -> 2, "doors" -> 2, "donations" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "divorce" -> 2, "division" -> 2, "diversion" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "distressed" -> 2, "dissidents" -> 2, "disrupt" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "disparities" -> 2, "discredited" -> 2, "discovery" -> 2, "disclosure" -> 2, "disclose" -> 2, "disadvantaged" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "differing" -> 2, "died" -> 2, "die" -> 2, "dictate" -> 2, "dialogue" -> 2, "diagnosis" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "design" -> 2, "deserves" -> 2, "desecration" -> 2, "deregulated" -> 2, "deregulate" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "depends" -> 2, "dependence" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "denies" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "demonstrates" -> 2, "delivered" -> 2, "delay" -> 2, "define" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "deficiencies" -> 2, "Defense" -> 2, "deductions" -> 2, "declined" -> 2, "declaration" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "decency" -> 2, "deals" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "D.C." -> 2, "days" -> 2, "data" -> 2, "Czech" -> 2, "cutting" -> 2, "Curtain" -> 2, "cure" -> 2, "cumbersome" -> 2, "cultural" -> 2, "Cubans" -> 2, "Cross" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "crippling" -> 2, "cripple" -> 2, "craft" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "countless" -> 2, "counterterrorism" -> 2, "counterproductive" -> 2, "counter" -> 2, "count" -> 2, "Council" -> 2, "cost-effective" -> 2, "Corporation" -> 2, "corporate" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "contributing" -> 2, "contracts" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "context" -> 2, "constitutionally" -> 2, "considered" -> 2, "conservatism" -> 2, "consensus" -> 2, "confusing" -> 2, "conferences" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "conclusion" -> 2, "concert" -> 2, "concepts" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "conceal" -> 2, "computer" -> 2, "Comprehensive" -> 2, "component" -> 2, "comply" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compelling" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "communist" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "combination" -> 2, "combating" -> 2, "Colombia" -> 2, "college" -> 2, "collaboration" -> 2, "climb" -> 2, "cleaner" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "civilians" -> 2, "city's" -> 2, "Citizens" -> 2, "citizen-centered" -> 2, "circumstances" -> 2, "chose" -> 2, "Choice" -> 2, "Children's" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "childhood" -> 2, "cheer" -> 2, "checks" -> 2, "Chechnya" -> 2, "charter" -> 2, "charity" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "changed" -> 2, "Change" -> 2, "champion" -> 2, "challenging" -> 2, "cash" -> 2, "cars" -> 2, "caring" -> 2, "Caribbean" -> 2, "captive" -> 2, "Capitol" -> 2, "capability" -> 2, "candidate" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "campus" -> 2, "campaigns" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "buy" -> 2, "burgeoning" -> 2, "builders" -> 2, "Build" -> 2, "Budget" -> 2, "brutality" -> 2, "brightest" -> 2, "breakthrough" -> 2, "Branch" -> 2, "branch" -> 2, "born" -> 2, "border" -> 2, "boost" -> 2, "bond" -> 2, "bolster" -> 2, "boards" -> 2, "blood" -> 2, "bitter" -> 2, "biomedical" -> 2, "biomass" -> 2, "bilateral" -> 2, "bigotry" -> 2, "beliefs" -> 2, "Beijing" -> 2, "behaviors" -> 2, "behavioral" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "began" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "became" -> 2, "battle" -> 2, "barrel" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "band" -> 2, "Ban" -> 2, "Balkans" -> 2, "bad" -> 2, "backlog" -> 2, "background" -> 2, "backed" -> 2, "babies" -> 2, "avoiding" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "assume" -> 2, "assisted" -> 2, "assets" -> 2, "asset" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "Asian" -> 2, "arrogance" -> 2, "arrested" -> 2, "Army" -> 2, "Armed" -> 2, "arm" -> 2, "Arab-Israeli" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "appropriately" -> 2, "applies" -> 2, "antiquated" -> 2, "analysis" -> 2, "anachronistic" -> 2, "amounts" -> 2, "ambitious" -> 2, "alongside" -> 2, "Along" -> 2, "Almost" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "all-volunteer" -> 2, "alleviate" -> 2, "aims" -> 2, "aiding" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "affects" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "Advance" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "adequate" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "actively" -> 2, "acting" -> 2, "Across" -> 2, "achieving" -> 2, "achievements" -> 2, "accurate" -> 2, "accounting" -> 2, "accordingly" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "accomplish" -> 2, "accession" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "abstinence" -> 2, "absence" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abortions" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "55" -> 2, "36" -> 2, "2000" -> 2, "1999" -> 2, "1994" -> 2, "1993" -> 2, "1990s" -> 2, "1960s" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "130,000" -> 2, "13" -> 2, "100,000" -> 2, "$8.8" -> 1, "$7,500" -> 1, "$75" -> 1, "$7.4" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$54" -> 1, "$50" -> 1, "$5" -> 1, "$400" -> 1, "$3.4" -> 1, "$3.3" -> 1, "$300" -> 1, "$224" -> 1, "$200" -> 1, "$150" -> 1, "$13.5" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "$10" -> 1, "zoning" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "Zimbabwe's" -> 1, "zenith" -> 1, "Zealand" -> 1, "Yugoslav" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "You're" -> 1, "your" -> 1, "younger" -> 1, "yields" -> 1, "Yesterday's" -> 1, "yesterday" -> 1, "WTO" -> 1, "wrongful" -> 1, "wrecked" -> 1, "wouldn't" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worthwhile" -> 1, "Worst" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "worsened" -> 1, "worried" -> 1, "world-class" -> 1, "workplace" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "Woods" -> 1, "won't" -> 1, "wonders" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withers" -> 1, "Withdrawing" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "WIPO" -> 1, "Winston" -> 1, "winning" -> 1, "windows" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "Will" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "wildfires" -> 1, "wildest" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "widening" -> 1, "widened" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "whim" -> 1, "wherewithal" -> 1, "Wherever" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "Wetlands" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "We're" -> 1, "we're" -> 1, "Wellness" -> 1, "well-informed" -> 1, "Well-conceived" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "welcoming" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "Welcome" -> 1, "weigh" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "web" -> 1, "Weapons" -> 1, "Wealth" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wasting" -> 1, "wastelands" -> 1, "Waste" -> 1, "Washington-based" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "warriors" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "wallets" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "waking" -> 1, "wake" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wagon" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "W." -> 1, "voucher" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "volunteers" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "volatile" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "visited" -> 1, "Visionary" -> 1, "visas" -> 1, "visa" -> 1, "virus" -> 1, "virtues" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vindicating" -> 1, "vilifying" -> 1, "videos" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "vibrant" -> 1, "Veteran" -> 1, "vestiges" -> 1, "vestige" -> 1, "versus" -> 1, "verifiable" -> 1, "verge" -> 1, "verdict" -> 1, "venture" -> 1, "Venezuela" -> 1, "vegetarian" -> 1, "veered" -> 1, "Vatican" -> 1, "vary" -> 1, "vanish" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "validity" -> 1, "vague" -> 1, "vaccine-preventable" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "usually" -> 1, "USSR" -> 1, "U.S.-Jordan" -> 1, "U.S.-Japan" -> 1, "user-friendly" -> 1, "user" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "usage" -> 1, "Uruguay" -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "urgency" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upper" -> 1, "uplifting" -> 1, "Upholding" -> 1, "updating" -> 1, "unwed" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "unspent" -> 1, "unsettles" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unreliability" -> 1, "unreasonably" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unready" -> 1, "unraveled" -> 1, "unpredictable" -> 1, "unlocked" -> 1, "unlock" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unlike" -> 1, "unleash" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "universe" -> 1, "unintelligible" -> 1, "Uninsured" -> 1, "unimagined" -> 1, "unimaginable" -> 1, "unify" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unification" -> 1, "unheralded" -> 1, "unfounded" -> 1, "unforeseen" -> 1, "unfit" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "unelected" -> 1, "undiminished" -> 1, "understands" -> 1, "understandable" -> 1, "underrepresented" -> 1, "under-radar" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "undermine" -> 1, "underfunding" -> 1, "uncounted" -> 1, "uncoordinated" -> 1, "unconventional" -> 1, "uncommon" -> 1, "uncensored" -> 1, "unbarred" -> 1, "unbar" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unarmed" -> 1, "unanimously" -> 1, "U.N." -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "Ukrainian" -> 1, "tyrant" -> 1, "tying" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two-parent" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "Twenty-Second" -> 1, "twenty-five" -> 1, "twenty-fifth" -> 1, "Twenty" -> 1, "Twentieth" -> 1, "Twelve" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "Truths" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "truth-in-sentencing" -> 1, "trustees" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "Truly" -> 1, "trucking" -> 1, "truck" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "Troops-to-Teachers" -> 1, "trip" -> 1, "trimmed" -> 1, "Tribal" -> 1, "Trials" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendously" -> 1, "treats" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treasures" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "treadmill" -> 1, "traveling" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "transparency" -> 1, "trans-oceanic" -> 1, "translating" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transitory" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transformation" -> 1, "transfers" -> 1, "transferring" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "transcontinental" -> 1, "transact" -> 1, "trains" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trainable" -> 1, "trails" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "towards" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "touchstone" -> 1, "touching" -> 1, "touched" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "Total" -> 1, "tort" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "torch" -> 1, "tolerant" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "Token" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "tissue" -> 1, "Timor" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "Ticket-to-Work" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thugs" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "thrives" -> 1, "thrive" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "threshold" -> 1, "three-year" -> 1, "three-stage" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thoughtlessly" -> 1, "thoughtful" -> 1, "Though" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thinks" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "they're" -> 1, "therapy" -> 1, "theory" -> 1, "theories" -> 1, "theater" -> 1, "Thailand" -> 1, "textiles" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "terminally" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "Tenth" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "tenacity" -> 1, "Ten" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "tempo" -> 1, "templates" -> 1, "telecommuting" -> 1, "Tel" -> 1, "Tehran" -> 1, "teens" -> 1, "Teddy" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "Technologies" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "technicalities" -> 1, "tech" -> 1, "tear" -> 1, "teams" -> 1, "teaches" -> 1, "Teacher" -> 1, "teach" -> 1, "taxpaying" -> 1, "Taxpayer's" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "tax-deferred" -> 1, "tax-and-spend" -> 1, "taste" -> 1, "targeted" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tangible" -> 1, "TANF" -> 1, "tandem" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "Takings" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "Take" -> 1, "Taiwanese" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "tackling" -> 1, "tabloid" -> 1, "Table" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "syndrome" -> 1, "symbolized" -> 1, "symbol" -> 1, "swing" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sweetheart" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "sweep" -> 1, "Suu" -> 1, "sustains" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "Sustained" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surrendered" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surprisingly" -> 1, "surprises" -> 1, "surprise" -> 1, "surgery" -> 1, "surged" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppressed" -> 1, "supposed" -> 1, "Support" -> 1, "suppliers" -> 1, "supplants" -> 1, "super-majority" -> 1, "summon" -> 1, "suitcase" -> 1, "suicide" -> 1, "suffocating" -> 1, "sufferings" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "Sudanese" -> 1, "Sudan" -> 1, "successor" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "substandard" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "subsidization" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "subsides" -> 1, "subsequently" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "subdivisions" -> 1, "stymieing" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "Stuck" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "stroke" -> 1, "stripper" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "striking" -> 1, "Strikes" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "Strengthening" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "Strait" -> 1, "Straight" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "Stop" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stonewalling" -> 1, "stone's" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stockpiles" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stimulate" -> 1, "stifling" -> 1, "stifles" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "stick" -> 1, "stewards" -> 1, "stereotyping" -> 1, "stellar" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "Steadfast" -> 1, "statutorily" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "state-of-the-art" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Starts" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "Standing" -> 1, "stamps" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "Stake" -> 1, "stages" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "sputtering" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spouses" -> 1, "sports" -> 1, "sponsors" -> 1, "sponsor" -> 1, "spoke" -> 1, "splitting" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "speeds" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "Species" -> 1, "specialized" -> 1, "specialist's" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "sparked" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "Spanish-American" -> 1, "span" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "south" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sorrow" -> 1, "sorely" -> 1, "soothing" -> 1, "Soon" -> 1, "Sometimes" -> 1, "someone's" -> 1, "Somalia" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solvency" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "Soldiers" -> 1, "soldier" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "software" -> 1, "soften" -> 1, "soft" -> 1, "society's" -> 1, "sobering" -> 1, "soared" -> 1, "snuff" -> 1, "snowballed" -> 1, "snooping" -> 1, "smugglers" -> 1, "smuggled" -> 1, "smothering" -> 1, "smother" -> 1, "Smoking" -> 1, "smoking" -> 1, "smashed" -> 1, "smarter" -> 1, "smart" -> 1, "slowly" -> 1, "slowing" -> 1, "Slovenia" -> 1, "Slovakia" -> 1, "sloppiness" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "Slobodan" -> 1, "slide" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "slave" -> 1, "slaughter" -> 1, "slapped" -> 1, "slack" -> 1, "skyrocketed" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "situated" -> 1, "site" -> 1, "singular" -> 1, "single-parent" -> 1, "single-family" -> 1, "Singapore" -> 1, "Simply" -> 1, "simplicity" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "signals" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "Sierra" -> 1, "siege" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shutting" -> 1, "shutdowns" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "shrunken" -> 1, "shrinking" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "showed" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "shoot" -> 1, "shocks" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shipments" -> 1, "shielded" -> 1, "shelved" -> 1, "sheer" -> 1, "shed" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "sharply" -> 1, "shambles" -> 1, "shadows" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "Settlements" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "serving" -> 1, "serviceable" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separated" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "Sentencing" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "Sending" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-sacrifice" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "self-help" -> 1, "self-enrichment" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "self-audit" -> 1, "seldom" -> 1, "seized" -> 1, "seems" -> 1, "seemingly" -> 1, "seemed" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seed" -> 1, "security-related" -> 1, "Securities" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "sector-led" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "secrecy" -> 1, "Seats" -> 1, "seats" -> 1, "seasoned" -> 1, "seasonal" -> 1, "sea-based" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "screenings" -> 1, "screen" -> 1, "scrapped" -> 1, "scraping" -> 1, "scramble" -> 1, "Scouts" -> 1, "scourges" -> 1, "scourge" -> 1, "scientifically" -> 1, "schoolyards" -> 1, "schoolhouse" -> 1, "school-based" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scattered" -> 1, "scary" -> 1, "scarred" -> 1, "Scare" -> 1, "scapegoating" -> 1, "scapegoat" -> 1, "scans" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "savvy" -> 1, "Saving" -> 1, "Saudi" -> 1, "satisfied" -> 1, "saps" -> 1, "sanctity" -> 1, "San" -> 1, "Samoans" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "salmon" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "sailors" -> 1, "sailor" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "Saddam's" -> 1, "sad" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "Russia's" -> 1, "Russians" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "runs" -> 1, "runoff" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "ruling" -> 1, "rules-based" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruins" -> 1, "ruined" -> 1, "routine" -> 1, "routed" -> 1, "Round" -> 1, "Rooted" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "rooms" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "Romania" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "rivals" -> 1, "rivalry" -> 1, "rival" -> 1, "risk-taking" -> 1, "Risk" -> 1, "rip-off" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "rightfully" -> 1, "rig" -> 1, "RICO" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "riches" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "Reward" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revolutionizing" -> 1, "revoke" -> 1, "revived" -> 1, "revitalizing" -> 1, "Revitalize" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "reviewable" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "retroactive" -> 1, "retribution" -> 1, "retreat" -> 1, "Retrain" -> 1, "rethink" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "results-oriented" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restructure" -> 1, "restricts" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "Restrain" -> 1, "restores" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "Restore" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "responds" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "responded" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respectfully" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resorting" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "residential" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "residences" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reside" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "Reservation" -> 1, "resentment" -> 1, "researchers" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "repudiated" -> 1, "republic's" -> 1, "Republican-led" -> 1, "represses" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "repository" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replicate" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "Replace" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repatriation" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "reorients" -> 1, "Reorganize" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "renting" -> 1, "renters" -> 1, "renovation" -> 1, "renovate" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "Render" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "remnants" -> 1, "remedial" -> 1, "remarkably" -> 1, "remake" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "relies" -> 1, "relicensing" -> 1, "relevance" -> 1, "releasing" -> 1, "release" -> 1, "relearning" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relates" -> 1, "rejoining" -> 1, "rejoin" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "reinstitution" -> 1, "reinforcing" -> 1, "reinforces" -> 1, "rehabilitate" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "registering" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "Regional" -> 1, "regimes" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "Refuge" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "refocus" -> 1, "reflection" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "refinery" -> 1, "refineries" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "referenda" -> 1, "referee" -> 1, "reexamine" -> 1, "reevaluate" -> 1, "reestablish" -> 1, "redraw" -> 1, "redoubled" -> 1, "redistribute" -> 1, "redefining" -> 1, "Recycling" -> 1, "recurrent" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recreate" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "reconstituted" -> 1, "reconstitute" -> 1, "recommit" -> 1, "recommended" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "reclaiming" -> 1, "reckon" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "receipts" -> 1, "recalls" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reauthorization" -> 1, "reassure" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "reaped" -> 1, "realty" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realizable" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "realism" -> 1, "Readiness" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "Reacting" -> 1, "reacted" -> 1, "react" -> 1, "ration" -> 1, "rare" -> 1, "rape" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "Rangoon" -> 1, "ranging" -> 1, "rangeland" -> 1, "random" -> 1, "ranching" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "Raise" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "raids" -> 1, "ragged" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "rack" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quixotic" -> 1, "quiet" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "questionnaires" -> 1, "quarter-century-old" -> 1, "quarter-century" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "Qualified" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "purse" -> 1, "purposeful" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "pupil" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "pseudo-science" -> 1, "provokes" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protects" -> 1, "protectionist" -> 1, "prostate" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "propped" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promiscuous" -> 1, "proliferates" -> 1, "pro-life" -> 1, "Project" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "prognosis" -> 1, "profligate" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "proficiency" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "professed" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "procrastination" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "privatized" -> 1, "private-public" -> 1, "privately-operated" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "Prime" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "preying" -> 1, "prey" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "Preventive" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "Prevent" -> 1, "prevarication" -> 1, "pre-trial" -> 1, "pretended" -> 1, "presumption" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "presiding" -> 1, "president's" -> 1, "presidentially" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "Preserving" -> 1, "Preservation" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "pre-paid" -> 1, "preoccupations" -> 1, "premises" -> 1, "premier" -> 1, "premarital" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "preeminence" -> 1, "predators" -> 1, "preceded" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayers" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "power-producing" -> 1, "POW" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "potent" -> 1, "post-secondary" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibly" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "posed" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "portfolio" -> 1, "pork" -> 1, "populous" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "politicos" -> 1, "politicized" -> 1, "politicization" -> 1, "policing" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "Poles" -> 1, "poison" -> 1, "poised" -> 1, "pluralist" -> 1, "plenty" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "playing" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "plaintiffs" -> 1, "Plain" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "plaguing" -> 1, "plagued" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "Place" -> 1, "pitted" -> 1, "pirates" -> 1, "pipeline" -> 1, "pioneers" -> 1, "pioneering" -> 1, "pillars" -> 1, "pieces" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "pick" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "phrase" -> 1, "phony" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "philanthropy" -> 1, "philanthropic" -> 1, "pharmaceutical" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "petition" -> 1, "Peru" -> 1, "Personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persists" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "Permanent" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "perils" -> 1, "perilous" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "Perhaps" -> 1, "Performance" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "People's" -> 1, "Pennsylvania" -> 1, "penetration" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalizing" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "pen" -> 1, "Pell" -> 1, "peers" -> 1, "peer" -> 1, "Pearl" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "Payment" -> 1, "Paycheck" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "Patten" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "patient-doctor" -> 1, "patient-centered" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "pathological" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "Past" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "Partners" -> 1, "partly" -> 1, "partisanship" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "partial-birth" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "Parents" -> 1, "pamper" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "pain" -> 1, "packages" -> 1, "packaged" -> 1, "package" -> 1, "owning" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "Own" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overturned" -> 1, "over-taxation" -> 1, "overshadowed" -> 1, "oversee" -> 1, "override" -> 1, "overlook" -> 1, "overhauled" -> 1, "Overhaul" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overcrowding" -> 1, "over-commitment" -> 1, "overcoming" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "overburden" -> 1, "Overall" -> 1, "Oval" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outreach" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "outpouring" -> 1, "outpatient" -> 1, "out-of-wedlock" -> 1, "out-of-pocket" -> 1, "outlook" -> 1, "outcomes" -> 1, "outbreaks" -> 1, "outbreak" -> 1, "Out" -> 1, "Ours" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "osteoporosis" -> 1, "OSHA" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "originate" -> 1, "organs" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "ordered" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "Opposition" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opposes" -> 1, "Opportunities" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "open-loop" -> 1, "open-ended" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "online" -> 1, "one-time" -> 1, "one-size-fits-all" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "old-think" -> 1, "Older" -> 1, "oil-exporting" -> 1, "off-limits" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "Offer" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "Of" -> 1, "occurrence" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "obstetrics" -> 1, "obscure" -> 1, "obscenity" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "obesity" -> 1, "nutritional" -> 1, "nurture" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "Nowhere" -> 1, "nowhere" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "notification" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "Nothing" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "northern" -> 1, "Northeastern" -> 1, "norms" -> 1, "norm" -> 1, "non-violent" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-marital" -> 1, "non-governmental" -> 1, "non-economic" -> 1, "non-consensual" -> 1, "nominee" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "no-growth" -> 1, "No-frills" -> 1, "Nobel" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "Nigeria" -> 1, "Niger" -> 1, "Next" -> 1, "newspapers" -> 1, "newcomers" -> 1, "networks" -> 1, "networked" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "Neighborhood" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "Negotiate" -> 1, "neglecting" -> 1, "neglectful" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "needy" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "nearest" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "Naturalization" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "Nation's" -> 1, "nationhood" -> 1, "nation-building" -> 1, "NASA" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narco-trafficking" -> 1, "narco-insurgents" -> 1, "music" -> 1, "muscular" -> 1, "murders" -> 1, "murderous" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "multi-modal" -> 1, "multicultural" -> 1, "MRIs" -> 1, "Mozambique" -> 1, "Move" -> 1, "motorists" -> 1, "motivated" -> 1, "mother" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "Morse" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "monuments" -> 1, "Monument" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "monitor" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "Moments" -> 1, "momentous" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "mold" -> 1, "modifications" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "modest" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "modeled" -> 1, "mockery" -> 1, "mitigate" -> 1, "misused" -> 1, "Missile" -> 1, "misjudgments" -> 1, "misjudged" -> 1, "misfortune" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "mired" -> 1, "miracles" -> 1, "Minister" -> 1, "minimizes" -> 1, "minimized" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "minefield" -> 1, "mindset" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "Milosevic" -> 1, "Millennium" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "micro-machinery" -> 1, "MIAs" -> 1, "methane" -> 1, "methamphetamine" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "mess" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "mentality" -> 1, "men's" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "Megan's" -> 1, "Meeting" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "meat" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "maxim" -> 1, "Mauritius" -> 1, "Matters" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "Maternity" -> 1, "matching" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "Mass" -> 1, "mask" -> 1, "Marxism" -> 1, "Mars" -> 1, "marriages" -> 1, "Marriage" -> 1, "marketplaces" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "market-driven" -> 1, "mark" -> 1, "Marines" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marijuana" -> 1, "Marianas" -> 1, "mapping" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "man-made" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "manhood" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "manages" -> 1, "Malpractice" -> 1, "malaise" -> 1, "majorities" -> 1, "maintains" -> 1, "Maintaining" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "Maintain" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "magnitude" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "magic" -> 1, "Magen" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "Macedonia" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "low-sulfur" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "loving" -> 1, "lottery" -> 1, "loses" -> 1, "lopsided" -> 1, "loot" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "longest" -> 1, "logistics" -> 1, "logistical" -> 1, "logical" -> 1, "logic" -> 1, "locust" -> 1, "Lock-Box" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "localized" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "lobbies" -> 1, "loan-forgiveness" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "lived" -> 1, "Litigation" -> 1, "litigate" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "linkage" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "lifeblood" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "liable" -> 1, "Level" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "lethal" -> 1, "lest" -> 1, "lessen" -> 1, "Leone" -> 1, "lengthy" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "lenders" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "legislature" -> 1, "legislatively" -> 1, "legislated" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "legalizes" -> 1, "legality" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "leftover" -> 1, "left-liberal" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "Leave" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "layers" -> 1, "lax" -> 1, "lawyer" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "lawfully" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "law-breakers" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "Laureate" -> 1, "launching" -> 1, "launches" -> 1, "launched" -> 1, "Launch" -> 1, "latitude" -> 1, "latest" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "languished" -> 1, "land-tenure" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "laissez-faire" -> 1, "lags" -> 1, "lagging" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "lackeys" -> 1, "labors" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "Kyi" -> 1, "kowtow" -> 1, "Korea's" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "kindred" -> 1, "kindergarten" -> 1, "Kids" -> 1, "Key" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Keep" -> 1, "Kassebaum" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "junta" -> 1, "junk" -> 1, "Judicial" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judge" -> 1, "journalism" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "job-creating" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "jewels" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "jeopardizing" -> 1, "Japanese" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "jails" -> 1, "jail" -> 1, "jackpot" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "itemize" -> 1, "item" -> 1, "Israeli" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "Is" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irreplaceable" -> 1, "IRAs" -> 1, "Iraqis" -> 1, "Iran's" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "inviting" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investor-based" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investing" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "investigational" -> 1, "invented" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "intrusion" -> 1, "intractable" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "intimately" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "internationally" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "interdiction" -> 1, "interdependent" -> 1, "intercity" -> 1, "intercepts" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intends" -> 1, "Intellectual" -> 1, "integrating" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "insurers" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "Institutions" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "Institutes" -> 1, "Institute" -> 1, "instill" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "inspectors" -> 1, "inspections" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "insensitivity" -> 1, "insecure" -> 1, "innocents" -> 1, "innocence" -> 1, "inner" -> 1, "innate" -> 1, "in-line" -> 1, "in-kind" -> 1, "ink" -> 1, "inheritance" -> 1, "inhere" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infusions" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "infringe" -> 1, "infirmity" -> 1, "infanticide" -> 1, "infancy" -> 1, "inexpensive" -> 1, "ineptitude" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "indulgence" -> 1, "Indonesia" -> 1, "individual's" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "indigent" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "indicted" -> 1, "indicators" -> 1, "India's" -> 1, "independently" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "indefinitely" -> 1, "incumbents" -> 1, "Increasingly" -> 1, "incorporate" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "incoherence" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inasmuch" -> 1, "impulsive" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "Improve" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "imprisoned" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "Implement" -> 1, "impersonal" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "impacted" -> 1, "immunization" -> 1, "immune" -> 1, "Immediately" -> 1, "Immediate" -> 1, "IMF" -> 1, "image" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "Illegal" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "identity" -> 1, "identifying" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "IDEA's" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "ID" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hypoxia" -> 1, "hurting" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "Hungarians" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humiliating" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "Huge" -> 1, "HUD" -> 1, "Houses" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "hosts" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "Hospitals" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "horrific" -> 1, "Horn" -> 1, "hopelessness" -> 1, "hopelessly" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "Hope" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honorably" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "homosexuality" -> 1, "homesteads" -> 1, "homesteading" -> 1, "Homes" -> 1, "homeownership" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "histories" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "hinder" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Hill" -> 1, "hikes" -> 1, "hike" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "high-need" -> 1, "Higher" -> 1, "high-alert" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hide" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "heroin" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "Helping" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heating" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "heartfelt" -> 1, "heartening" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "health-related" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "heading" -> 1, "headiness" -> 1, "headcount" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "havens" -> 1, "hath" -> 1, "hate" -> 1, "hastened" -> 1, "hashish" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "Hard-working" -> 1, "hard-core" -> 1, "Harbor" -> 1, "harasses" -> 1, "happens" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "Handed" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "hamper" -> 1, "hammered" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "half-measures" -> 1, "half-built" -> 1, "Haiti" -> 1, "hair-trigger" -> 1, "hacker" -> 1, "H-2A" -> 1, "H1-B" -> 1, "H-1B" -> 1, "guts" -> 1, "gunfire" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guerrillas" -> 1, "guards" -> 1, "Guard" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "grip" -> 1, "grimmer" -> 1, "grid" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "Greater" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "gravity" -> 1, "grass" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "grandmothers" -> 1, "grand-daughters" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "grads" -> 1, "graders" -> 1, "grade" -> 1, "grab" -> 1, "governor" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "glue" -> 1, "Glory" -> 1, "glorification" -> 1, "globalized" -> 1, "Global" -> 1, "glimpsed" -> 1, "glamorizing" -> 1, "Giving" -> 1, "Given" -> 1, "Give" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "ghetto" -> 1, "gestures" -> 1, "Gerrymandered" -> 1, "geopolitical" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "geographic" -> 1, "genuinely" -> 1, "genome" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generates" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "geared" -> 1, "gaze" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "gainfully" -> 1, "Futures" -> 1, "future-oriented" -> 1, "fungible" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fugitives" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fueled" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "FSAs" -> 1, "FSA" -> 1, "frustrates" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "friendships" -> 1, "friendlier" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "Friday" -> 1, "frees" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "fractured" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "fourth" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "four-fold" -> 1, "four-fifths" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "Foster" -> 1, "forward-looking" -> 1, "forum" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "fortress" -> 1, "formidable" -> 1, "formal" -> 1, "Form" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forfeit" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "foresee" -> 1, "forerunner" -> 1, "Foremost" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "foreclosed" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "forceful" -> 1, "forbidding" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "foolish" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "follies" -> 1, "focuses" -> 1, "focused" -> 1, "fluid" -> 1, "fluency" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "flip-flopped" -> 1, "flex-time" -> 1, "flexibly" -> 1, "Flexible" -> 1, "fleeing" -> 1, "flatter" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "fits" -> 1, "fissures" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "firearms" -> 1, "firearm" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finishes" -> 1, "finish" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "Financing" -> 1, "finality" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filth" -> 1, "filmmaking" -> 1, "Filipino" -> 1, "filers" -> 1, "figures" -> 1, "Fighting" -> 1, "Fifty" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "fierce" -> 1, "Fidel" -> 1, "fiber" -> 1, "female-headed" -> 1, "female" -> 1, "felt" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "federal-territorial" -> 1, "federally-owned" -> 1, "federally-funded" -> 1, "federalism" -> 1, "fearful" -> 1, "FBI" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fatten" -> 1, "fatherless" -> 1, "fatherhood" -> 1, "fatefully" -> 1, "fate" -> 1, "fast-paced" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fashioning" -> 1, "fashion" -> 1, "fascination" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "family-sustaining" -> 1, "family-friendly" -> 1, "Families" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fake" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "faded" -> 1, "faculty" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factions" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "facilitating" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "extremist" -> 1, "extremely" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extras" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extradition" -> 1, "extort" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extended-family" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "exposing" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "export-related" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "explode" -> 1, "explains" -> 1, "expired" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expensively" -> 1, "expensive" -> 1, "expensing" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expeditions" -> 1, "expedited" -> 1, "expedients" -> 1, "expediency" -> 1, "expectations" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "exit" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "Exile" -> 1, "exempts" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "Exclusionary" -> 1, "excluding" -> 1, "Excise" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "exception" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "exceeds" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "examine" -> 1, "exacting" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyday" -> 1, "everybody" -> 1, "Everglades" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "evasion" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "evaded" -> 1, "euthanasia" -> 1, "Europeans" -> 1, "Euro-Atlantic" -> 1, "ethics" -> 1, "estimate" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "escaped" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "escalating" -> 1, "escalated" -> 1, "Errors" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "ergonomics" -> 1, "erecting" -> 1, "erect" -> 1, "erasing" -> 1, "Era" -> 1, "equivalent" -> 1, "Equity" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "Equality" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "e-power" -> 1, "episodic" -> 1, "EPA" -> 1, "envoy" -> 1, "envelops" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entrenched" -> 1, "entrance" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "enthusiastically" -> 1, "enthusiasm" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entangled" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "Ensuring" -> 1, "ensures" -> 1, "ensured" -> 1, "Ensure" -> 1, "enshrines" -> 1, "enrollment" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enriching" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "Enough" -> 1, "enormously" -> 1, "enlarges" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "energy-short" -> 1, "energy-efficient" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "Enduring" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endlessly" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "Endangered" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encounter" -> 1, "enacts" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "Enact" -> 1, "empty" -> 1, "Empowering" -> 1, "empowering" -> 1, "employs" -> 1, "Employees" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "Empire" -> 1, "emphatic" -> 1, "Emphasize" -> 1, "emission-free" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "embryos" -> 1, "embraces" -> 1, "embraced" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "emboldened" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "embarrassing" -> 1, "elite" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "Eliminate" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "elevated" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "electrical" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "Eisenhower's" -> 1, "Eight" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "egregious" -> 1, "e-government" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "EEOC" -> 1, "educated" -> 1, "edict" -> 1, "Ed-Flex" -> 1, "Ecuador" -> 1, "ecstasy" -> 1, "E-Contract" -> 1, "echelons" -> 1, "ebb" -> 1, "eating" -> 1, "eaten" -> 1, "easing" -> 1, "eased" -> 1, "Earth" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "Earlier" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "dystrophy" -> 1, "dysfunctional" -> 1, "Duty" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duplicity" -> 1, "dubious" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drug-related" -> 1, "drug-free" -> 1, "drove" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "drives" -> 1, "Drinking" -> 1, "drilling" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "dozens" -> 1, "dozen" -> 1, "downturns" -> 1, "downsized" -> 1, "downsize" -> 1, "downright" -> 1, "downhill" -> 1, "Down" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "doubles" -> 1, "doorway" -> 1, "doorstep" -> 1, "don't" -> 1, "donate" -> 1, "Dollars" -> 1, "Doing" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "Documentation" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "doctor-patient" -> 1, "doctor" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "District's" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distributions" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "dissenter" -> 1, "dissatisfaction" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disrespect" -> 1, "disregarding" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "disproportionate" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displayed" -> 1, "display" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "displace" -> 1, "dismissed" -> 1, "disintegrated" -> 1, "disincentives" -> 1, "disincentive" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "discredit" -> 1, "discoveries" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disapproval" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "Disabilities" -> 1, "dirty" -> 1, "dirtier" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "dinosaur" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "dilatory" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "didn't" -> 1, "dictating" -> 1, "Diabetes" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "developers" -> 1, "devastation" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "deterrence" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "detection" -> 1, "detect" -> 1, "detained" -> 1, "Destruction" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "despaired" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "designations" -> 1, "designation" -> 1, "deserted" -> 1, "Deregulation" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "deportation" -> 1, "deployment" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "deployable" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "denounced" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "demographic" -> 1, "Democrat-controlled" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "deliberations" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delaying" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "defuse" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "definition" -> 1, "defining" -> 1, "defines" -> 1, "Define" -> 1, "defied" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defendants" -> 1, "defeats" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "defaulted" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "de-emphasizing" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "debases" -> 1, "debacle" -> 1, "dear" -> 1, "dealers" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "Day" -> 1, "David" -> 1, "daughters" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "damaging" -> 1, "damages" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "Czechs" -> 1, "Cypriot" -> 1, "cynical" -> 1, "cyclical" -> 1, "cyberspace" -> 1, "cyber-crime" -> 1, "Cyber" -> 1, "cyber" -> 1, "Cut" -> 1, "custody" -> 1, "curtains" -> 1, "curriculum" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "crude" -> 1, "crown" -> 1, "cross-investment" -> 1, "crosses" -> 1, "cross-border" -> 1, "Crop" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "critically" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "criminality" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "Crimes" -> 1, "Crime" -> 1, "cries" -> 1, "crest" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "credible" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "creaking" -> 1, "crashed" -> 1, "crafting" -> 1, "cracking" -> 1, "crackdown" -> 1, "coverup" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "courthouses" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "courses" -> 1, "counterweight" -> 1, "counter-productive" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counter-intelligence" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "corners" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "corn" -> 1, "core" -> 1, "copyrights" -> 1, "copies" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "cooperatively" -> 1, "Cooperation" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "cool" -> 1, "convulsions" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "convictions" -> 1, "Conversely" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "controversy" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contradiction" -> 1, "contradict" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "contracting" -> 1, "Contract" -> 1, "contraception" -> 1, "Continuing" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "continental" -> 1, "contentious" -> 1, "contemporary" -> 1, "container" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "consumer's" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "consultations" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "constrained" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consolidate" -> 1, "consistency" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "conquer" -> 1, "connect" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "Conflict" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "conditioned" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concentrate" -> 1, "conceive" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "comp-time" -> 1, "compromising" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "complexities" -> 1, "Complex" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complementary" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "competitor" -> 1, "Competition" -> 1, "competently" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "compensated" -> 1, "compel" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "companion" -> 1, "Community's" -> 1, "community-based" -> 1, "Communities" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communicating" -> 1, "commonplace" -> 1, "Common" -> 1, "Commitment" -> 1, "Commission's" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "Commandments" -> 1, "commanders" -> 1, "commanded" -> 1, "command-and-control" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "comebacks" -> 1, "combining" -> 1, "combine" -> 1, "Combating" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "colludes" -> 1, "colluded" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "Collaborative" -> 1, "Collaborating" -> 1, "cohesive" -> 1, "cogeneration" -> 1, "co-ed" -> 1, "codified" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "cocaine" -> 1, "Coastal" -> 1, "Coast" -> 1, "coalitions" -> 1, "coalbed" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "cloning" -> 1, "clogged" -> 1, "cloak" -> 1, "Clinton's" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "Clinical" -> 1, "climbed" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "Clients" -> 1, "clients" -> 1, "clicking" -> 1, "clemency" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "Clear" -> 1, "cleaning" -> 1, "Clause" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "Classroom" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "clarity" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "circulatory" -> 1, "Churchill" -> 1, "churches" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "Christians" -> 1, "chorus" -> 1, "choppy" -> 1, "cholesterol" -> 1, "choking" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "China's" -> 1, "Chile" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "Childhood" -> 1, "childcare" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "Chiefs" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "chemistry" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "Chance" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "chairs" -> 1, "Chairman" -> 1, "chain" -> 1, "certified" -> 1, "Certification" -> 1, "certification" -> 1, "certainty" -> 1, "cents" -> 1, "Centers" -> 1, "centerpiece" -> 1, "census" -> 1, "cemeteries" -> 1, "celebrated" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "CBI" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "categorized" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "catastrophes" -> 1, "CAT" -> 1, "casually" -> 1, "Castro's" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "caseloads" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "carbon" -> 1, "car" -> 1, "capping" -> 1, "capitalize" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "cap" -> 1, "candor" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "callously" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "Caesar" -> 1, "bypass" -> 1, "buys" -> 1, "buyers" -> 1, "business-to-business" -> 1, "burnt" -> 1, "Burma" -> 1, "Bureaucracy" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burdening" -> 1, "bungled" -> 1, "bullying" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "builds" -> 1, "buildings" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "brutally" -> 1, "brownfields" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "broadcasts" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "Bretton" -> 1, "breathtaking" -> 1, "breast" -> 1, "breaking" -> 1, "Breaching" -> 1, "breaches" -> 1, "breached" -> 1, "Brazil" -> 1, "branded" -> 1, "brakes" -> 1, "brackets" -> 1, "boys" -> 1, "Boy" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "Bosnia-Herzegovina" -> 1, "Bosnia" -> 1, "boot" -> 1, "boosts" -> 1, "boom" -> 1, "bondage" -> 1, "bombs" -> 1, "bomb" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "blunt" -> 1, "blocs" -> 1, "blocking" -> 1, "Block" -> 1, "blitz" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blights" -> 1, "blatant" -> 1, "blame" -> 1, "blacklisted" -> 1, "black" -> 1, "Bioterrorism" -> 1, "bioterrorism" -> 1, "biotechnology" -> 1, "biotech" -> 1, "Biomedical" -> 1, "bioengineered" -> 1, "Biochemistry" -> 1, "binds" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "bike" -> 1, "Big" -> 1, "biennial" -> 1, "bid" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "benevolent" -> 1, "Benefits" -> 1, "Benefit" -> 1, "beneficiary" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "beleaguered" -> 1, "belatedly" -> 1, "Behind" -> 1, "behaves" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "bedrock" -> 1, "beckons" -> 1, "Beck" -> 1, "beautiful" -> 1, "beats" -> 1, "bears" -> 1, "battlefield" -> 1, "Basin" -> 1, "basics" -> 1, "baseline" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "bare" -> 1, "banning" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "Baltic" -> 1, "Ballistic" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "bailouts" -> 1, "baffling" -> 1, "backwater" -> 1, "backtracked" -> 1, "back-to-back" -> 1, "awesome" -> 1, "awaits" -> 1, "await" -> 1, "avoidable" -> 1, "Aviv" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "Avenue" -> 1, "avenue" -> 1, "Avarice" -> 1, "autos" -> 1, "automotive" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "automakers" -> 1, "auto" -> 1, "authorizes" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Authority" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "Australia's" -> 1, "Aung" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "audits" -> 1, "attracts" -> 1, "Attract" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "Attention" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attached" -> 1, "atrophy" -> 1, "athletics" -> 1, "athletes" -> 1, "Asthma" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assumed" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "Association" -> 1, "assistive" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "Assist" -> 1, "assignments" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "asserting" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "assaulting" -> 1, "aspect" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Asia's" -> 1, "artificially" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "Article" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "Around" -> 1, "Army's" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "Armenian" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "arises" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "arguments" -> 1, "Argentina" -> 1, "arena" -> 1, "Area" -> 1, "Are" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "architecture" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "Arabia" -> 1, "approximately" -> 1, "approving" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "apportionment" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "Apply" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appellate" -> 1, "appearance" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "APEC" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "Apart" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "anyone's" -> 1, "Anyone" -> 1, "anybody's" -> 1, "anti-Semitism" -> 1, "anti-Iraq" -> 1, "anti-fraud" -> 1, "anti-drug" -> 1, "anti-discrimination" -> 1, "anti-crime" -> 1, "Anti-Ballistic" -> 1, "Anti-Americanism" -> 1, "anti-Americanism" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "Angola" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "anesthesia" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "analyses" -> 1, "anachronism" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amorphous" -> 1, "Amman" -> 1, "amid" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "ambivalence" -> 1, "Ambassador" -> 1, "amateurs" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "alternative" -> 1, "Also" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allotted" -> 1, "allocations" -> 1, "allocate" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "Alliances" -> 1, "alliance's" -> 1, "Alliance" -> 1, "alleviation" -> 1, "align" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alienated" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "Alaska's" -> 1, "Alaskans" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "alarmingly" -> 1, "airports" -> 1, "airplanes" -> 1, "airmen" -> 1, "airman" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aimless" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "ailments" -> 1, 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1, "acquire" -> 1, "acknowledged" -> 1, "aches" -> 1, "accuracy" -> 1, "accrediting" -> 1, "accredit" -> 1, "accounted" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "Accountability" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "Accordingly" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "accessed" -> 1, "Access" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "Academic" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abstract" -> 1, "Abstinence" -> 1, "absorb" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "absent" -> 1, "above-the-line" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "92" -> 1, "91" -> 1, "90" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7.9" -> 1, "788" -> 1, "78" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "7.1" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "657" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "53" -> 1, "50" -> 1, "451" -> 1, "44" -> 1, "39" -> 1, "342" -> 1, "3.1" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "27" -> 1, "2,500" -> 1, "22" -> 1, "2015" -> 1, "2002" -> 1, "2,000" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "1995" -> 1, "1991" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1985" -> 1, "1983" -> 1, "1981" -> 1, "1972" -> 1, "1970s" -> 1, "1966" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1940s" -> 1, "1860" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "163" -> 1, "15.3" -> 1, "13.5" -> 1, "133" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10th" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1996", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1996, "Date" -> DateObject[{1996, 8, 12}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nWe meet to nominate a candidate and pass a platform at a moment of measureless national opportunity. A new century beckons, and Americans are more than equal to its challenges. But there is a problem. The Clinton administration has proven unequal to the heritage of our past, the promise of our times, and the character of the American people. They require more and demand better. With them, we raise our voices and raise our sights.\nWe are the heirs of world leadership that was earned by bravery and sacrifice on half a thousand battlefields. We will soon nominate for the presidency a man who knew battle and so loves peace, a man who lives bravely and so walks humbly with his God and his fellow citizens. We walk with him now as he joins one more battle, every bit as crucial for our country's future as was the crusade in which he served.\nJust when America should be leading the world, we have an administration squandering the international respect it did not earn and does not value. Just when America should be demonstrating anew the dynamic power of economic freedom, we have an administration working against both history and public opinion to expand the reach and burden of government. Just when Americans are reasserting their deepest values, we have an administration locked into the counterculture battles of its youth.\nAmericans are right to say we are on the wrong track. Our prestige in the world is declining. Economic growth here at home is anemic. Our society grows more violent and less decent. The only way the Clinton administration can magnify its questionable accomplishments is to lower our expectations. Those who lead the Democrat party call America to smaller tasks and downsized dreams.\nThat is not the calling of an American president.\nToday's Democrat leaders do not understand leadership. They reduce principles to tactics. They talk endlessly and confront nothing. They offer, not convictions, but alibis. They are paralyzed by indecision, weakened by scandal and guided only by the perpetuation of their own power.\nWe asked for change. We worked for reform. We offered cooperation and consensus. Now, the asking is over. The Clinton administration cannot be reinvented, it must be replaced.\nRepublicans do not duplicate or fabricate or counterfeit a vision for the land we love. With our fellow citizens, we assert the present power of timeless truths.\nThis is what we want for America: real prosperity that reaches beyond the stock market to every family, small business and worker. An economy expanding as fast as American enterprise and creativity will carry it, free from unnecessary taxes, regulation and litigation.\nThis is what we want for America: the restoration of self-government by breaking Washington's monopoly on power. The American people want their country back. We will help them to regain it.\nThis too we want for America: moral clarity in our culture and ethical leadership in the White House. We offer America, not a harsh moralism, but our sincere conviction that the values we hold in our hearts determine the success of our lives and the shape of our society. It matters greatly that our leaders reflect and communicate those values, not undermine or mock them.\nThe diversity of our nation is reflected in this platform. We ask for the support and participation of all who substantially share our agenda. In one way or another, every Republican is a dissenter. At the same time, we are not morally indifferent. In this, as in many things, Lincoln is our model. At a time of great crisis, he spoke both words of healing and words of conviction. We do likewise, not for the peace of a political party, but because we citizens are bound together in a great enterprise for our children's future.\nThe platform that follows marshals these principles and sends them into action. We aim at nothing less than an economy of dynamic growth; a renewal of community, self-government and citizenship; and a national reaffirmation of the enduring principles on which America's greatness depends. We will count our victories, not in elections won or in economic numbers on a chart, but in the everyday achievements of the American dream: when a man or woman discovers the dignity and confidence of a job; when a child rejects drugs and embraces life; when an entrepreneur turns an idea into an industry; when a family once again feels the security of its savings and has control over the education of its children.\nNone of the extraordinary things about our country are gifts of government. They are the accomplishments of free people in a free society. They are achievements, not entitlements - and are sweeter for that fact. They result when men and women live in obedience to their conscience, not to the state. All our efforts as Republicans are guided by the fixed star of this single principle: that freedom always exceeds our highest expectations.\nThis is the greatest task before the Republican Party: to raise the bar of American expectations. Of the potential of our economy. Of the order and civility of our culture. Of what a president can be, and what the presidency must be again.\nThere is a continuing revolution in the yellowed parchment and faded ink of the American creed...a revolution that will long outlive us. It can carry the weight of all our hopes. It can reward every dreamer. It is the reason that America's finest hour is never a memory and always a goal.\nWith trust in God and in fidelity to generations past and generations to come, we respectfully submit this platform to the American people.\nPrinciples of the 1996 Republican Platform\n\nBecause Americans are a diverse and tolerant people, they have differences of opinion on many issues. But as a people, we share a common dream and common goals:\nA strong America that protects its citizens and champions their democratic ideals throughout the world,\nAn America with a vibrant and growing economy that improves the standard of living for all,\nAn America with a smaller, more effective and less intrusive government that trusts its people to decide what is best for them,\nAn America whose people feel safe and secure in their homes, on their streets, and in their communities,\nAn America where our children receive the best education in the world and learn the values like decency and responsibility that made this country great,\nAnd an America with the compassion to care for those who cannot care for themselves.\nPrinciples\n\nBecause the American Dream fulfills the promise of liberty, we believe it should be attainable by all through more and secure jobs, home ownership, personal security, and education that meets the challenges of the century ahead.\nBecause a dynamic and growing economy is the best way to create more and better paying jobs, with greater security in the work place, we believe in lower taxes within a simpler tax system, in tandem with fair and open trade and a balanced federal budget.\nBecause wasteful government spending and over-regulation, fueled by higher taxes, are the greatest obstacles to job creation and economic growth, we believe in a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution and a common-sense approach to government rules and red tape.\nBecause we recognize our obligation to foster hope and opportunity for those unable to care for themselves, we believe in welfare reform that eliminates waste, fraud and abuse; requires work from those who are capable; limits time on public assistance; discourages illegitimacy; and reduces the burden on the taxpayers.\nBecause all Americans have the right to be safe in their homes, on their streets, and in their communities, we believe in tough law enforcement, especially against juvenile crime and the drug traffic, with stiff penalties, no loopholes, and judges who respect the rights of law-abiding Americans.\nBecause institutions like the family are the backbone of a healthy society, we believe government must support the rights of the family; and recognizing within our own ranks different approaches toward our common goal, we reaffirm respect for the sanctity of human life.\nBecause our children need and are entitled to the best education in the world, we believe in parental involvement and family choice in schooling, teacher authority and accountability, more control to local school boards, and emphasis upon the basics of learning in safe classrooms.\nBecause older Americans have built our past and direct us, in wisdom and experience, toward the future, we believe we must meet our nation's commitments to them by preserving and protecting Medicare and Social Security.\nBecause a good society rests on an ethical foundation, we believe families, communities, and religious institutions can best teach the American values of honesty, responsibility, hard work, compassion, and mutual respect.\nBecause our country's greatest strength is its people, not its government, we believe today's government is too large and intrusive and does too many things the people could do better for themselves.\nBecause we trust our fellow Americans, rather than centralized government, we believe the people, acting through their State and local elected officials, should have control over programs like education and welfare - thereby pushing power away from official Washington and returning it to the people in their communities and states.\nBecause we view the careful development of our country's natural resources as stewardship of creation, we believe property rights must be honored in our efforts to restore, protect, and enhance the environment for the generations to come.\nBecause we are all one America, we oppose discrimination. We believe in the equality of all people before the law and that individuals should be judged by their ability rather than their race, creed, or disability.\nBecause this is a difficult and dangerous world, we believe that peace can be assured only through strength, that a strong national defense is necessary to protect America at home and secure its interests abroad, and that we must restore leadership and character to the presidency as the best way to restore America's leadership and credibility throughout the world.\nBuilding a Better America\n\nImproving the Standard of Living\nTax Relief for Economic Growth\nBalancing the Budget and Reducing Spending\nCreating Jobs for Americans\nHomeownership\nPromoting Trade and International Prosperity\n\"This is no time for diminished expectations. This is no time to sell America's potential short. This is a time to let go of the 20th Century and embrace the 21st - to seize the promise of the new era by liberating the genius of the American people.\" Bob Dole, September 5, 1995 in Chicago, Illinois\nImproving the Standard of Living\n\nWe are the party of America's earners, savers, and taxpayers - the people who work hard, take risks and build a better future for our families and our communities. Our party believes that we can best improve the standard of living in America by empowering the American people to act in their own behalf by: cutting the near-record tax burden on Americans; reducing government spending and its size, while balancing the budget. creating jobs; using the benefits of science, technology and innovations to improve both our lives and our competitiveness in the global economy; dramatically increasing the number of families who can own their own home; and unleashing the competitiveness and will to win of individual Americans on the world trade scene with free but fair trade.\nThat's not wishful thinking; it's what we, the American people, used to take for granted before the growth of big government began to shadow our days and smother our hopes. In the 1980s - when we cut taxes, restrained regulation, and reduced government spending as a share of the nation's economy - prosperity made a comeback. Jobs were created, incomes rose and poverty fell for seven straight years. Then the Democrat-controlled Congress forced the tax hikes of 1990 and jammed through Bill Clinton's tax bill of 1993.\nSince then, Clintonomics has produced an economy that is squeezing the middle class between high taxes and low growth. The astounding fact is that we were growing 50% faster in 1992, when Bill Clinton described the economy as the worst in five decades. We've managed to avoid a recession only because the Republican Congress put the brakes on Bill Clinton's rush to ruin by substantially reducing government spending over the last two years. But we cannot go on like this. For millions of families, the American Dream is fading. Our goal is to revive it, renew it, and extend it to all who reach for it.\nOur formula for growth, opportunity, and a better family life is simple: Trust the people, cut their taxes, scale back the size and scope of government, foster job creation, and get out of the way. We've done it before, we can do it again.\nTax Relief for Economic Growth\n\nAmerican families are suffering from the twin burdens of stagnant incomes and near-record taxes. This is the key cause of middle-class anxiety. It is why people feel they are working harder, but falling further behind; why they fear the current generation will not be as successful as the last generation; why they believe their children will be worse off; and why they feel so anxious about their own economic future.\nAfter averaging 1.7 percent growth annually during the expansion following the 1981 tax cut, family incomes have failed to grow at all under Bill Clinton. Since 1990, families have actually lost much of the ground they gained during the low-tax, high-growth 1980s.\nAnemic economic growth under Bill Clinton is largely responsible for this lost ground. The current economic expansion has not only failed to compare to the growth seen in the decade preceding his administration, it is the slowest recovery in the last 100 years. Since 1992, the economy has grown by only 2.4 percent per year, compared to 3.2 percent in the previous 10 years and 3.9 percent between 1983 and 1989.\nBill Clinton has demonstrated that he fails to understand the role excessive tax burdens play on the economy and family incomes. In the first year of his administration, he pushed through the largest tax increase in history, raising taxes on families, senior citizens, and small businesses. Confronted with Republican attempts to cut family and business taxes, he vetoed the 1995 Balanced Budget Act which included the $500 per child tax credit as well as incentives to increase savings, economic growth and job creation.\nThe Clinton tax increase has produced the second-highest tax burden in American history. Federal tax collections now consume more than one-fifth of our total economic output. Federal, state, and local taxes take more than 38 cents out of every dollar the American family earns. The federal tax burden alone is now approaching a record 25 percent of family income.\nAmerican families deserve better. They should be allowed to keep more of their hard-earned money so they can spend on their priorities, as opposed to sending ever-increasing amounts to Washington to be spent on the priorities of federal bureaucrats.\nIn response to this unprecedented burden confronting America, we support an across-the-board, 15-percent tax cut to marginal tax rates. Fifteen percent represents the total increase in the federal tax burden since Bill Clinton took office, and we believe such a cut should be the first step towards reducing overall tax burdens while promoting the economic growth that will raise family incomes and our overall standard of living.\nAnother drag on family finances has been government's failure to maintain the personal and dependent exemption at historic levels. If the personal and dependent exemption that was $600 in 1950 had kept pace with inflation, it would be $3,800 rather than the current $2,500. That is why Republicans have made the $500-per-child family tax credit one of the primary features of our tax cut package.\nJob creation and increasing family incomes depend on economic growth, and a precondition for economic growth is a healthy rate of saving and investment. Nevertheless, Bill Clinton vetoed Republican bills to provide these incentives, including expanded and more generous IRAs - and new spousal IRAs - which could be used for health care, education, and home-buying. As a result, today's personal savings rate is less than half what it was two decades ago. Republicans support expansion of IRAs and the establishment of spousal IRAs to encourage savings and investment.\nBill Clinton also vetoed provisions to reduce the capital gains tax rate. Excessive taxes on investment cripple the American economy and kill American jobs by increasing the cost of capital, locking in resources, and stifling small business growth and entrepreneurial activity. Largely because of these excessive taxes, American businesses face a competitive disadvantage with respect to our major trading partners, hurting their ability to export products abroad and create jobs. To remove impediments to job creation and economic growth, we support reducing the top tax rate on capital gains by 50 percent.\nIn 1993, Bill Clinton raised taxes on millions of middle-class retirees by dramatically increasing the income tax on Social Security benefits. This targeted attack on the economic security of our elderly was unfair and misguided. Republicans believe that this Clinton initiative must be repealed.\nThese proposals making the current tax code fairer and less burdensome should be viewed as an interim step towards comprehensive tax reform. The current tax code is ridiculously complex and unfair. It is also an unnecessary drag on the economy. At a time when business investment plans are greatly diminished and savings rates are unacceptably low, we must reform our tax system to remove existing artificial, government-induced bias against saving and investment.\nTo that end, we firmly commit to a tax code for the 21st century that will raise revenue sufficient for a smaller, more effective and less wasteful government without increasing the national debt. That new tax system must be flatter, fairer, and simpler, with a minimum of exclusions from its coverage, and one set of rules applying to all. It must be simple enough to be understood by all and enforced by few, with a low-cost of compliance which replaces the current stack of endless forms with a calculation which can be performed on the back of a postcard.\nIt must expand the economy and increase opportunity by rewarding initiative and hard work. It must foster job creation and end bias against saving. It must promote personal freedom and innovation. It must do all this in order to boost wages and raise living standards for all of America's working families.\nA simple, fair tax system that is pro-growth and pro-family will not need today's burdensome IRS. That agency has become a nightmare for law-abiding taxpayers. It must be dramatically downsized - with resources going to more important efforts like drug enforcement - and made less intrusive.\nTo protect the American people from those who would undo their forthcoming victory over big government, we support legislation requiring a super-majority vote in both houses of Congress to raise taxes.\nWe also support a government that keeps its word. Retroactive taxation, like Bill Clinton's infamous 1993 tax hike, breaks that word. We pledge a legislative or constitutional remedy to prohibit its repetition. Because of their vital role in fostering charity and patriotism, we oppose taxing religious and fraternal benefit societies. We will not tolerate attempts to impose taxes by federal judges.\nBalancing the Budget and Reducing Spending\n\n\"We didn't dig ourselves into a $5 trillion debt because the American people are undertaxed. We got that $5 trillion debt because government overspends.\"\n\"The budget deficit is a 'stealth tax' that pushes up interest rates and costs the typical family $36,000 on an average home mortgage, $1,400 on an ordinary student loan, and $700 on a car loan.\" Bob Dole\nRaising tax rates is the wrong way to balance the budget. It enables the Clinton tax addicts to wastefully spend the public's money. Republicans support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, phased in over a short period and with appropriate safeguards for national emergencies. We passed it in the House of Representatives, but Bill Clinton and his allies - especially the Senate's somersault six, who switched their long-standing position on the issue - blocked it by a single vote. As president, Bob Dole will lead the fight for that amendment, and in the States, Republicans will finish the fight for its speedy ratification.\nOnce and for all, we declare:\nthe budget deficit and high taxes are two halves of the vise that is producing the Clinton middle class squeeze;\na balanced budget and lower taxes go hand in hand, not in separate directions;\nreducing the budget deficit by shrinking government produces a fiscal dividend in stronger growth and lower interest rates;\nending that deficit will make possible a dramatic return of resources to the American people;\ntax relief is the only way to return the economy to the growth rates our country enjoyed from World War II to the coming of Bill Clinton; and\nwe will not mortgage our children's future by incurring deficits\nA president should be Commander-in-Chief in the nation's budget battle as well as in military conflicts. Bill Clinton has been AWOL - Absent Without Leadership. Congressional Republicans had to fight his Senate allies for over a year just to give him a line-item veto for appropriation bills. Instead of helping us strengthen the presidency in this way, he set an historic precedent: vetoing whole appropriation bills because they spent too little money! His vetoes essentially shut down much of the government.\nWe make this promise: A Republican president will veto money bills that spend too much, not too little, and will use the line-item veto to lead the charge against wasteful spending. A Republican president will build on the achievements of our Republican Congress which has cut spending in excess of $53 billion over the last two years.\nThe Clinton Administration's tactic of using irresponsible monetary policy to hide the effects of their bad fiscal policies leads to:\nhigher inflation;\nlower growth;\nfewer jobs; and\nscarcity of capital to fund small businesses.\nThis is not only bad economics; it is a hidden tax against both income and savings. We pledge a non-political monetary policy to keep prices stable and maintain public confidence in the value of the dollar.\nCreating Jobs for Americans\n\nOur goal is to empower the American people by expanding employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Fundamentally, jobs are created in the private sector.\nSmall businesses are the engines of growth and job creation. They generate 75 percent of new jobs and 55 percent of our gross domestic product. The Republican Party is committed to the survival, the revival, and the resurgence of small business. In addition to our overall program of lower taxes, regulatory reform, and less spending, we will:\nallow small businesses to deduct the costs of their health insurance;\nrestore the fair home-office deduction so important to start-up businesses;\nassure that no one who inherits a small business or farm has to sell it to pay inheritance taxes;\nmake the IRS stop its discrimination against independent contractors;\nenact both legal reform and product liability legislation to shield small businesses and protect jobs from the threat of unfair litigation; and\ntransfer from the public sector services that can be provided by the private sector more efficiently and cost effectively.\nSmall business is a force for enormous progress, socially, politically, and economically. This is both an economic and a civil rights agenda. Small businesses owned by women now employ more people than all the Fortune 500 companies combined. Republican-created enterprise zones will offer dramatic opportunities to workers employed by small businesses, particularly minorities and the \"Forgotten Workers.\" Republicans support the creation of jobs in all areas of the country, from the inner city to rural America.\nWe must create the workplace of the future so that it becomes a vehicle for personal liberation for those who seek a foothold on the opportunity ladder. We advocate increased access to capital for businesses to expand, export, and bring new products and technologies to market. We propose to consolidate federal training programs and to transfer their administration to the States and local governments.\nRestraining the size and spending of government is only part of the job. We must transform official policies and attitudes toward productive Americans. Many of our labor laws and job training programs are out of date and out of touch with the needs of today's workers. Both the Davis-Bacon Act and the Service Contract Act, for example, have come to restrict opportunity, increase costs, and inhibit innovation.\nCongressional Republicans have already launched a fight against the union bosses' ban on flex-time and comp-time in private industry. Those innovations are especially important to families with children. Government has no business forbidding America's workers to arrange their schedules to suit the needs of their own families.\nIn the same spirit, we will enact the TEAM Act to empower employers and employees to act as a team, rather than as adversaries, to advance their common interests. (It is opposed only by those who profit from labor conflict, for whom Bill Clinton has vetoed the bill.) Another way to replace conflict with concerted action is to transform OSHA from an adversarial agency into a pioneering advocate of safer productivity. We will mesh its activities with the work of councils formed under the TEAM Act to advance worker protection from the ground up.\nIn contrast, the Clinton Administration has produced no regulatory reform, no tax relief, no product liability reform, and no legal reform.\nOur vision is that everyone who seeks a job will have a job. We will break the \"job lock\" and bring employment opportunities to all Americans. Science, Technology, and Innovation in the 21st Century\nOur goal is to empower the American people by using the benefits of advanced science to improve their quality of life without undue restraint from government. Our bottom line is more jobs, better jobs, and a higher standard of living for the families of America.\nAs we prepare for the dawn of a new century, it is essential that our public policies keep pace with an evolving economy. Increased productivity is essential to expand the economy and improve the standard of living of all Americans. A recent report by the Office of Technology Assessment attributes at least half of all economic growth in the United States to advances in technology.\nAmerica is expanding its leadership role as a country that fosters innovation and technological advances, the essential ingredients of increased productivity. Leading these efforts are the men and women - and high technology businesses - that foster creative solutions to world problems. We must create policies that enable these thoughtful leaders to continue to invest in research and development. U.S. research and development (R&D;) investment has increased significantly over the past two decades and currently accounts for about 2.6 percent of the nation's gross domestic product. The private sector has been the main engine behind this growth, contributing over 60 percent of the national R&D investment. Such investment has led to increased employment and high-quality jobs. Businesses that invest heavily in R&D tend to create more jobs, and to employ high-skilled workers in those new jobs at above average wage levels.\nResearch and development is our commitment to the future. It is our investment in the future. We must design tax and regulatory policies that encourage private sector research and experimentation, while lowering the cost of such investments.\nWe believe the marketplace, not bureaucrats, can determine which technologies and entrepreneurs best meet the needs of the public. American companies must use the most advanced production technologies, telecommunications, and information management systems. Technological advance means economic growth, higher productivity, and more security. We therefore support private-sector funding of applied research, especially in emerging technologies, and improved education in science and engineering. American workers must have the knowledge and training to effectively utilize the capabilities of those new systems.\nFederal science programs must emphasize basic research. The tax code must foster research and development. These policies will increase the pace of technological developments by de-emphasizing the role of government and strengthening the role of the private sector. We will advance the innovative ideas and pioneering spirit that make possible the impossible.\nNew discoveries to bolster America's international competitiveness are essential. The fruits of federally funded research led to the creation of the biotechnology industry through the Bayh-Dole Act. This is an example of innovation and risk-taking, creating 2,000 biotechnology companies employing thousands of employees and selling billions of dollars of products to keep us first and foremost in the global marketplace.\nThe communications revolution empowers individuals, enhances health care, opens up opportunity for rural areas, and strengthens families and institutions. A Dole-led Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to promote the full and open competition and freedom of choice in the telecommunications marketplace. In contrast, the Clinton-Gore Administration repeatedly defended big-government regulation. This micromanagement of the Information Age is an impediment to the development of America's information superhighway.\nWe support the broadest access to telecommunications networks and services, based upon marketplace capabilities. The Internet today is the most staggering example of how the Information Age can and will enhance the lives of Americans everywhere. To further this explosion of new-found freedoms and opportunities, privacy, through secured communications, has never been more important. Bob Dole and the Republican Party will promote policies that ensure that the U.S. remains the world leader in science, technology, and innovation.\nHomeownership\n\nHomeownership is central to the American Dream. It is a commitment to a safe and stable community. It is not something government gives to the people, but rather something they can attain for themselves in a non-inflationary, growing economy. For most Americans, our home is our primary asset. Mortgage interest should remain deductible from the income tax.\nWe applaud Republican congressional efforts to pursue federal budget policies that will result in lower interest rates. Lower interest rates will open up more housing opportunities for more Americans than any program Washington could devise.\nRepublicans support regulatory reform efforts that make buying a house easy, understandable, and affordable.\nWe affirm our commitment to open housing, without quotas or controls, and we condemn the Clinton Administration's abuse of fair housing laws to harass citizens exercising their First Amendment rights.\nIn addition, we support transforming public housing into private housing, converting low-income families into proud homeowners. Resident management of public housing is a first step toward that goal, which includes eliminating the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD's core functions will be turned over to the States. Its civil rights component will be administered by the appropriate federal agency while enforcement will remain with the Department of Justice.\nWith the housing sector representing such a significant segment of the Nation's economy, housing policy is and should continue to be a priority. We believe in a federal role which supplements, not directs or competes with, States and localities. We believe in federal programs which augment, not displace, private sector capital and resources.\nThe Federal Government should not impose prescriptive solutions on State and local governments. Republicans believe that States and localities should have maximum flexibility to design programs which meet the individual needs of their communities. Washington must abandon the \"one size fits all\" approach and concentrate on adding value to the efforts of States, localities, private and faith-based organizations and individuals. Republicans believe we can and will accomplish this without disrupting services to the elderly, disabled and families with children.\nPromoting Trade and International Prosperity\n\nRepublicans believe that the United States, as the sole superpower in the world today, has a responsibility to lead - economically, militarily, diplomatically, and morally - so that we have a peaceful and prosperous world.\nRepublicans support free and fair trade. In the American Century ahead, our country will lead in international trade. American workers will be the winners in any fair competition, and American technology will drive a prosperity revolution around the world. Exports already fuel our economy; their continuing expansion is essential for full employment and long-term prosperity. That is possible only within the context of expanding trade, and we can do it better without a Department of Commerce.\nOur country's merchandise trade deficit exploded to $175 billion in 1995 and will likely set an all-time record in 1996, siphoning American wealth into the hands of foreigners. Trade deficits with all our major trading partners were worse in 1995 than in 1992. With China alone, the deficit more than doubled to $35 billion in the last three and a half years. With Japan, Bill Clinton announced a series of hollow agreements that have done little to improve market access. With Russia, he approved a $1 billion Export-Import Bank loan to foster competition with the American aircraft industry. With Canada, he tolerates discrimination against the United States beverage industry and focused on our lumber crisis too late to help closed logging mills. With Mexico, he ignored injury to American agriculture from massive surges in imports.\nWe should vigorously implement the North American Free Trade Agreement, while carefully monitoring its progress, to guarantee that its promised benefits and protections are realized by all American workers and consumers.\nRepublicans are for vigorous enforcement of the trade agreements we already have on the books, unlike the Clinton Administration that uses United States trade policy as a bargaining chip and as a vehicle for pursuing a host of other social agenda items. Republicans will enforce United States trade laws, including our antidumping laws, and will use the Super 301 investigations that give the President authority to challenge foreign barriers to our exports. And we will use the Export Enhancement Program to boost American farm exports. To advance economic freedom, we insist that United States foreign aid, whether bilateral or through the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, promote market reforms, limit regulation, and encourage free trade. Republicans will stop subsidizing socialism in the less developed nations. Republicans will not allow the World Trade Organization to undermine United States sovereignty and will support a World Trade Organization oversight commission.\nFree market capitalism is the right model for economic development throughout the world. The Soviet model of a state-controlled economy has been discredited, and neither stage of development nor geographic location can justify economic authoritarianism. Human nature and aspirations are the same everywhere, and everywhere the family is the building block of economic and social progress. We therefore will protect the rights of families in international programs and will not fund organizations involved in abortion. The cost of turning our back on the global marketplace is the loss of opportunity and millions of jobs for United States citizens.\nChanging Washington From the Ground Up\n\nA Citizens' Congress\nCleaning Up Government\nStreamlining Government\nHonest Budgets and Real Numbers\nRegulatory Reform\nRestoring Justice to the Courts\nThe Nation's Capital\nAmericans in the Territories\n\"On November 8, 1994, the American people sent a message to Washington.... Their message is my mandate: To rein in government and reconnect it to the values of the American people. That means making government a whole lot smaller, a lot less arrogant, and getting it out of matters best left to the states, cities, and families across America.\" Bob Dole, March 10, 1995 in Washington, D. C.\nWe are the party of small, responsible and efficient government, joining our neighbors in cities and counties, rather than distant bureaucrats, to build a just society and caring communities. We therefore assert the power of the American people over government, rather than the other way around. Our agenda for change, profound and permanent change in the way government behaves, is based on the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution:\nThe powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.\nFor more than half a century, that solemn compact has been scorned by liberal Democrats and the judicial activism of the judges they have appointed. We will restore the force of the Tenth Amendment and, in the process, renew the trust and respect which hold together a free society. As its first initiative enacted into law, the new Republican majority on Capitol Hill launched that effort early in 1995 by forbidding the imposition of new unfunded mandates upon State and local taxpayers. From now on, if official Washington promises benefits, official Washington must pay for them. We will apply that same principle to the ill-conceived Motor-Voter Act, the Democrats' costly invitation to ballot fraud.\nTo permanently restore balance in the federal system, States must have the proper tools to act as a counterforce to the Federal Government. Our country's founders attempted to carefully balance power between the two levels. The Tenth Amendment, as well as the ability of State legislatures to initiate constitutional amendments, and other constitutional tools given to States to protect their role in the system have now been either eroded away, given away, or rendered impossible to use. Thus, States lack the tools necessary to do their job as a counterbalance to the national government.\nWe call upon Congress, governors, State legislators and local leaders to adopt structural reforms that will permanently restore balance in our federal system. In this Information Era of uncertainty and rapid change, it is government close to home, controlled by neighborhood and community leaders, that can best respond to the needs and values of all citizens.\nAs a first step in reforming government, we support elimination of the Departments of Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, Education, and Energy, and the elimination, defunding or privatization of agencies which are obsolete, redundant, of limited value, or too regional in focus. Examples of agencies we seek to defund or to privatize are the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the Legal Services Corporation.\nIn addition, we support Republican-sponsored legislation that would require the original sponsor of proposed federal legislation to cite specific constitutional authority for the measure.\nA Citizens' Congress\n\nEven with these structural changes, a system of government is only as good as the women and men who serve within it. When the voters of 1994 elected Republican majorities in both the House and Senate for the first time in forty years, Capitol Hill had been an institution steeped in corruption and contemptuous of reform. Congressional Republicans changed things, from the ground up. They:\napplied all laws to Congress, so that those who make the rules will have to live by them;\nslashed congressional spending and cut back the staff on Capitol Hill;\nordered an unprecedented audit of the House of Representatives, with devastating exposure of the Democrats' four decades of mismanagement;\nstreamlined legislative procedures by reducing the number of committees and subcommittees;\nimposed term limits for House committee chairs and Leadership positions - something the Democrats still refuse to do;\nabolished proxy voting in House committees, ending the scandal of absentee Members casting phony votes;\nrequired any Representative charged indicted of a felony offense to relinquish positions of authority within Congress until cleared of wrongdoing;\nended the Democrats' secret sessions by opening to the press and the public all committee meetings;\nbrought to a vote, in both the House and Senate, a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Members of Congress. It failed to secure the necessary two-thirds vote in the House, where 80 percent of Republicans voted for it and 80 percent of Democrats voted against it. Every Senate Republican voted to allow a vote on term limits, but the Democrats killed it by a filibuster. It will take expanded Republican majorities in the 105th Congress to send to the States a term limits constitutional amendment; and\npassed historic legislation banning gifts to Members of Congress and their staff.\nWe will continue our fight against gerrymandered congressional districts designed to thwart majority rule. We will eliminate made-in-Washington schemes to rig the election process under the guise of campaign reform. True reform is indeed needed: ending taxpayer subsidies for campaigns, strengthening party structures to guard against rogue operations, requiring full and immediate disclosure of all contributions, and cracking down on the indirect support, or \"soft money,\" by which special interest groups underwrite their favored candidates.\nCleaning Up Government\n\nIn 1992, Bill Clinton promised \"the most ethical Administration in the history of the Republic.\" Instead, the Clinton Administration has been rife with scandal. An unprecedented four Independent Counsels have been appointed since the Clinton Inauguration to investigate various allegations of wrongdoing by members of this Administration. The Clinton White House has abused executive power in both the White House Travel Office firings situation and in the FBI files matter. The FBI Director said there have been \"egregious violations of privacy\" in the gathering of FBI files of officials who worked in the White House under Republican administrations. We believe that misuse of law enforcement authorities for partisan political ends is no trivial matter. Such abuses strike at the heart of the relationship between citizen and government and undermine the rule of law and confidence in our leaders.\nScandals in government are not limited to possible criminal violations. The public trust is violated when taxpayers money is treated as a slush fund for special interest groups who oppose urgently needed reforms. For example, the Democrats have denied school vouchers for poor children in the nation's capital at the demand of special interest unions. They have blocked urgently needed legal reforms at the command of the trial lawyers, now the biggest source of revenue for the Democrat party. They have rejected reforms to improve the workplace to please union bosses who committed $35 million to aid the Clinton reelection effort.\nIt is time to restore honor and integrity to government. We propose to:\nrevoke pension rights of public officials who have been convicted of crimes;\nstrengthen citizen privacy laws and reform the FBI to guard against the politicization of law enforcement that we have seen by the Clinton White House;\nrefuse to allow special interest groups to block innovative solutions for the poor or to block workplace or legal reforms that would help all working Americans; and\nrecruit for public service, at all levels, men and women of integrity and high ethical standards.\nWe will end welfare for lobbyists. Every year, the federal government gives away billions of dollars in grants. Much of that money goes to interest groups which engage in political activity and issue advocacy at the taxpayers' expense. This is an intolerable abuse of the public's money. A Republican Congress will enact legislation, currently blocked by Bill Clinton's congressional allies, to make groups choose between grants and lobbying.\nWe will establish Truth in Testimony, requiring organizations which receive government funds and testify before Congress to disclose those funds. Our \"Let America Know\" legislation will force public disclosure of all taxpayer subsidies and lobbying by groups seeking grants. We will permit \"private attorney general\" lawsuits against federal grantees to ensure better enforcement of anti-lobbying restrictions. A Republican administration will impose accountability on grantees, to reveal what the public is getting for its money, and will end the process of automatic grant renewal. We will halt the funding of frivolous and politicized research grants.\nStreamlining Government\n\nRepublicans believe we can streamline government and make it more effective through competition and privatization. We applaud the Republican Congress and Republican officials across the country for initiatives to expand the use of competition and privatization in government. It is greater competition - not unchallenged government bureaucracies - that will cut the cost of government, improve the delivery of services, and ensure wise investment in infrastructure. A Dole administration will make competition a centerpiece of government, eliminating duplication and increasing efficiency.\nHonest Budgets and Real Numbers\n\nWe have a moral responsibility not to leave our children a legacy of monstrous debt. Spending $1.6 trillion a year should be more than an accounting exercise. Restraining government spending, discussed elsewhere in this platform, is part of the solution. Reforming the entire budget process is the rest of it.\nOur goal is clarity, simplicity, and accountability in the nation's budget. The keystone of that agenda is the enactment of a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget which a majority of congressional Democrats have vigorously opposed. We do not take that step lightly; but then, a $5 trillion debt is no laughing matter for tomorrow's taxpayers. We vow to offer that amendment again and again, until Congress sends it to the States for ratification.\nIn addition, we must eliminate all built-in biases toward spending. For example, the \"current service baseline\" builds in automatic budget increases for inflation and other factors and works like this: If the Democrats want a $1 billion program to grow to $2 billion, they then count an increase to $1.5 billion as a half-billion dollar cut - and the media dutifully reports it as such. This is a deceptive and reprehensible shell game that must be stopped.\nA Republican president will fight wasteful spending with the line-item veto which was finally enacted by congressional Republicans this year over bitter Democrat opposition, 120 years after President Grant first proposed it.\nEven more important, we will stop the runaway growth of entitlement spending - the programs which automatically grow without any action required by Congress or the President. This spending has jumped 11-fold since 1970 and consumes more than half the federal budget. We will take entitlements off automatic pilot and make Congress accountable for their funding. To end outdated and wasteful programs, we will make the Government Performance and Results Act an integral part of our budget process.\nRegulatory Reform\n\nRegulatory reform is needed more than ever. Bill Clinton promised to \"reinvent government,\" but he returned to the old mindset of controls and red tape. To make matters worse, he vetoed a comprehensive regulatory reform bill crafted by Republicans in the House and Senate. That measure will become law when Bob Dole is President.\nWe commend House Speaker Newt Gingrich and congressional Republicans in their innovative efforts to rescind, overturn and zero-out absurd bureaucratic red tape and rules through the process known as \"Corrections Day.\"\nA Republican administration will require periodic review of existing regulations to ensure they are effective and do away with obsolete and conflicting rules. We will encourage civil servants to find ways to reduce regulatory burdens on the public and will require federal agencies to disclose the costs of new regulations on individuals and small businesses. A new regulatory budget will reveal the total cost of regulations on the American people.\nWe will target resources on the most serious risks to health, safety, and the environment, rather than on politically inspired causes, and will require peer-reviewed risk assessments based on sound science. We will require agencies to conduct cost-benefit analyses of their regulations and pursue alternatives to the outdated Clinton command-and-control approach. These common-sense reforms will restore fairness and predictability to government rules and, even more important, will enable us to achieve equal or superior levels of protection for the public at lower cost.\nJust as important, we recognize that all too often, in its ever-present zeal to expand into every aspect of our daily lives, the federal government intrudes into the private economy by establishing new services in direct competition with already existing private firms. We oppose the use of taxpayer funds to provide a competitive advantage for government agencies seeking to compete with private firms in the free market.\nRestoring Justice to the Courts\n\n\"When I am president, only conservative judges need apply.\" Bob Dole, May 28, 1996, in Aurora, Colorado\nThe American people have lost faith in their courts, and for good reason. Some members of the federal judiciary threaten the safety, the values, and the freedom of law-abiding citizens. They make up laws and invent new rights as they go along, arrogating to themselves powers King George III never dared to exercise. They free vicious criminals, pamper felons in prison, frivolously overturn State laws enacted by citizen referenda, and abdicate the responsibility of providing meaningful review of administrative decisions.\nThe delicate balance of power between the respective branches of our national government and the governments of the 50 states has been eroded. The notion of judicial review has in some cases come to resemble judicial supremacy, affecting all segments of public and private endeavor. Make no mistake, the separation of powers doctrine, complete and unabridged, is the linchpin of a government of laws. A Republican Congress and president will restore true separation of powers and guarantee the American people a government of law.\nThe federal judiciary, including the U.S. Supreme Court, has overstepped its authority under the Constitution. It has usurped the right of citizen legislators and popularly elected executives to make law by declaring duly enacted laws to be \"unconstitutional\" through the misapplication of the principle of judicial review. Any other role for the judiciary, especially when personal preferences masquerade as interpreting the law, is fundamentally at odds with our system of government in which the people and their representatives decide issues great and small.\nNo systemic reform of the judiciary can substitute for the wise exercise of power of appointment vested in the president of the United States. A Republican president will ensure that a process is established to select for the federal judiciary nominees who understand that their task is first and foremost to be faithful to the Constitution and to the intent of those who framed it. In that process, the American Bar Association will no longer have the right to meddle in a way that distorts a nominee's credentials and advances the liberal agenda of litigious lawyers and their allies.\nJustice is mocked by some of today's litigation practices, which hinder our country's competitiveness, and drain billions of dollars away from productive Americans. While we fully support the role of the judiciary in vindicating the constitutional and statutory rights of individuals and organizations, we believe the proliferation of litigation hits the consumer with higher prices and cripples the practice of medicine. Despite bipartisan congressional efforts to enact legal reforms, Bill Clinton vetoed such legislation at the behest of his financial friends: the trial lawyers. A Republican president will sign that bill, and more. We encourage State governments to adopt reforms similar to those we propose to restore fairness to the federal system:\nstrengthen judicial sanctions for lawsuits that are substantially without merit, thereby hitting unethical lawyers in their pocketbooks;\napply the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law (RICO) as originally intended, to criminal proceedings, not civil litigation;\naward punitive damages on a fair and reasonable basis after clear proof of wrongdoing, with limits that discourage opportunistic litigation. Since punitive damages are intended to punish egregious wrongdoing, a substantial portion of the amount awarded should go to a crime-victim compensation fund or similar program;\nrestore limited liability to non-profit organizations - churches, civic and community groups, and the volunteers who sustain them - to provide protection against profit-seeking lawsuits and to encourage volunteerism;\nincrease sanctions for abuses of the discovery process used to intimidate opponents and drive up the costs of litigation;\nreform medical malpractice to reduce health care costs and keep doctors practicing in critical areas like obstetrics;\neliminate the use of \"junk science\" by opportunistic attorneys by requiring courts to verify that the science of those called as expert witnesses is reasonably acceptable within the scientific community, and forbid the practice of making their fees conditional upon a favorable verdict. This action will reduce the practice of so-called hired-gun \"experts\" who make up theories to fit the facts of the case in which they are testifying;\neliminate joint and several liability in order to ensure that responsible parties pay their \"fair share\" in proportion to their degree of fault; and\nguard against non-meritorious lawsuits that are designed to have a chilling effect on First Amendment rights.\nA federal products liability law goes hand in hand with legal reform. Its absence not only penalizes consumers with higher costs and keeps needed products off the market, but also gives foreign nations a competitive edge over American workers. Bill Clinton doesn't mind that. He vetoed Republican reforms that would have saved the public tens of billions of dollars.\nBill Clinton even vetoed the Securities Litigation Reform Act, a Republican initiative to protect shareholders against avaricious litigation. That obstructionism was too much for even the Democrats in Congress, many of whom joined in overriding his veto. A Republican president will work with Congress to restore justice to the nation's courts and fair play to the practice of law.\nThe Nation's Capital\n\nThe District of Columbia should be an example for the rest of the country. Instead, decades of domination by the Democrat party has left the city bankrupt and dangerous. Its residents - and all Americans - deserve better than that.\nWe reaffirm the constitutional status of the District of Columbia as the seat of government of the United States and reject calls for statehood for the District.\nWe call for structural reform of the city's government and its education system. For both efficiency and public safety, we will transfer water and sewer management in the District to the Army Corps of Engineers or to a regional entity.\nWe endorse proposals by the congressional Republican Leadership for dramatic reductions in federal taxes - and the city's own outrageous marginal tax rate - within the District. Bill Clinton opposes that idea. A Republican president will make it part of a comprehensive agenda to transform the nation's capital into a renewal community, an enterprise zone leading the way for the rest of urban America to follow.\nAmericans in the Territories\n\nWe welcome greater participation in all aspects of the political process by Americans residing in Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas, and Puerto Rico. No single approach can meet the needs of those diverse communities. We therefore emphasize respect for their wishes regarding their relationship to the rest of the Union. We affirm their right to seek the full extension of the Constitution, with all the rights and responsibilities it entails.\nWe support the Native American Samoans' efforts to preserve their culture and land-tenure system, which fosters self-reliance and strong extended family values.\nWe recognize that the people of Guam have voted for a closer relationship with the United States of America, and we affirm our support of their right to mutually improve their political relationship through commonwealth.\nWe support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state after they freely so determine.\nWe endorse initiatives of the congressional Republican leadership to provide for Puerto Rico's smooth transition to statehood if its citizens choose to alter their current status, or to set them on their own path to become an independent nation.\nIndividual Rights and Personal Safety\n\nUpholding the Rights of All\nA Sensible Immigration Policy\nFor Many, One\nGetting Tough on Crime\nSolving the Drug Crisis\nThe Bottom Line: From the Top Down\n\"We are discovering as a nation that many of our deepest social problems are problems of character and belief. We will never solve those problems until the hearts of parents are turned toward their children; until respect is restored for life and property; until a commitment is renewed to love and serve our neighbor. The common good requires that goodness be common.\" Bob Dole, May 23, 1996 in Philadelphia\nUpholding the Rights of All\n\nThis section of our platform deals with rights and responsibilities. But it deals also with something larger: the common good, our shared sense of what makes a society decent and noble. That takes us beyond government policies and programs to what we are as a people, and what we want to be.\nWe are the party of the open door. As we approach the start of a new century, the Republican Party is more dedicated than ever to strengthening the social, cultural, and political ties that bind us together as a free people, the greatest force for good the world has ever seen. While our party remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing its historic principles and ideals, we also recognize that members of our party have deeply held and sometimes differing views. We view this diversity of views as a source of strength, not as a sign of weakness, and we welcome into our ranks all Americans who may hold differing positions. We are committed to resolving our differences in a spirit of civility, hope, and mutual respect.\nAmericans do not want to be afraid of those they pass on the street, suspicious of strangers, fearful for their children. They do not want to have to fight a constant battle against brutality and degradation in what passes for entertainment. We oppose sexual harassment in the workplace, and must ensure that no one in America is forced to choose between a job and submitting to unwelcome advances. We also oppose indoctrination in the classroom. Americans should not have to tolerate the decline of ethical standards and the collapse of behavioral norms. Most important, they should not have to doubt the truthfulness of their elected leaders.\nReversing those trends won't be easy, but our homes and our children are worth the effort. Government has a small, but vital, role. But most of the burden must be ours: as parents, as consumers, as citizens whose right of free speech empowers us to stand up for the weak and vulnerable - and speak out against the profiteers of violence and moral decay.\nThat needs to be done, both in our house and in the White House. Bill Clinton can't - or won't - do it. So we will do it without him, and with new national leadership of character and conscience.\nWe are the party of individual Americans, whose rights we protect and defend as the foundation for opportunity and security for all. Today, as at our founding in the day of Lincoln, we insist no one's rights are negotiable.\nAs we strive to forge a national consensus on the divisive issues of our time, we call on all Republicans and all Americans to reject the forces of hatred and bigotry. Accordingly, we denounce all who practice or promote racism, anti-Semitism, ethnic prejudice, and religious intolerance. We condemn attempts by the EEOC or any other arm of government to regulate or ban religious symbols from the work place, and we assert the right of religious leaders to speak out on public issues. We condemn the desecration of places of worship and are proud that congressional Republicans led the fight against church arsons. We believe religious institutions and schools should not be taxed. When government funds privately operated social, welfare, or educational programs, it must not discriminate against religious institutions, whose record in providing services to those in need far exceeds that of the public sector.\nThe sole source of equal opportunity for all is equality before the law. Therefore, we oppose discrimination based on sex, race, age, creed, or national origin and will vigorously enforce anti-discrimination statutes. We reject the distortion of those laws to cover sexual preference, and we endorse the Defense of Marriage Act to prevent states from being forced to recognize same-sex unions. Because we believe rights inhere in individuals, not in groups, we will attain our nation's goal of equal rights without quotas or other forms of preferential treatment. We scorn Bill Clinton's notion that any person should be denied a job, promotion, contract or a chance at higher education because of their race or gender. Instead, we endorse the Dole-Canady Equal Opportunity Act to end discrimination by the federal government. We likewise endorse this year's Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights Initiative, to restore to law the original meaning of civil rights.\nWe renew our historic Republican commitment to equal opportunity for women. In the early days of the suffragist movement, we pioneered the women's right to vote. We take pride in this year's remarkable array of Republican women serving in and running for office and their role in leadership positions in our party, in Congress, and in the states. Two women serve in our House Leadership - a record untouched by the Democrats during their 40 years in power. The full exercise of legal rights depends upon opportunity, and economic growth is the key to continuing progress for women in all fields of endeavor. Public policy must respect and accommodate women whether they are full-time homemakers or pursue a career.\nUnder Senator Dole's sponsorship, the Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted to ensure full participation by disabled citizens in our country's life. Republicans emphasize community integration and inclusion of persons with disabilities, both by personal example and by practical enforcement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Air Carriers Access Act, and other laws. We will safeguard the interests of disabled persons in Medicare and Medicaid, as well as in federal work force programs. Under a Republican renewal, the abilities of all will be needed in an expanding economy, which alone can carry forward the assistive technology that offers personal progress for everyone. We support full access to the polls, and the entire political process, by disabled citizens. We oppose the non-consensual withholding of health care or treatment because of handicap, age, or infirmity, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide, which, especially for the poor and those on the margins of society, threaten the sanctity of human life.\nThe unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. Our purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.\nOur goal is to ensure that women with problem pregnancies have the kind of support, material and otherwise, they need for themselves and for their babies, not to be punitive towards those for whose difficult situation we have only compassion. We oppose abortion, but our pro-life agenda does not include punitive action against women who have an abortion. We salute those who provide alternatives to abortion and offer adoption services. Republicans in Congress took the lead in expanding assistance both for the costs of adoption and for the continuing care of adoptive children with special needs. Bill Clinton vetoed our adoption tax credit the first time around - and opposed our efforts to remove racial barriers to adoption - before joining in this long overdue measure of support for adoptive families.\nWorse than that, he vetoed the ban on partial-birth abortions, a procedure denounced by a committee of the American Medical Association and rightly branded as four-fifths infanticide. We applaud Bob Dole's commitment to revoke the Clinton executive orders concerning abortion and to sign into law an end to partial-birth abortions.\nWe reaffirm the promise of the Fifth Amendment: \"nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.\" This Takings Clause protects the homes and livelihood of Americans against the governmental greed and abuse of power that characterizes the Clinton Administration; we will strictly enforce it.\nWe defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We will promote training in the safe usage of firearms, especially in programs for women and the elderly. We strongly support Bob Dole's National Instant Check Initiative, which will help keep all guns out of the hands of convicted felons. The point-of-purchase instant check has worked well in many states and now it is time to extend this system all across America. We applaud Bob Dole's commitment to have the national instant check system operational by the end of 1997. In one of the strangest actions of his tenure, Bill Clinton abolished Operation Triggerlock, the Republican initiative to jail any felon caught with a gun. We will restore that effort and will set by law minimum mandatory penalties for the use of guns in committing a crime: 5 years for possession, 10 years for brandishing, and 20 for discharge.\nWe affirm the right of individuals to participate in labor organizations and to bargain collectively, consistent with State laws. Because that participation should always be voluntary. we support the right of States to enact Right-to-Work laws. We will restore the original scope of the Hobbs Act, barring union officials from extortion and violence. We will vigorously implement the Supreme Court's Beck decision to ensure that workers are not compelled to subsidize political activity, like the $35 million slush fund extorted this year from rank and file members by Washington-based labor leaders. We will reverse Bill Clinton's unconscionable Executive Order that deprived workers of their right to know how their union dues are spent.\nA Sensible Immigration Policy\n\nAs a nation of immigrants, we welcome those who follow our laws and come to our land to seek a better life. New Americans strengthen our economy, enrich our culture, and defend the nation in war and in peace. At the same time, we are determined to reform the system by which we welcome them to the American family. We must set immigration at manageable levels, balance the competing goals of uniting families of our citizens and admitting specially talented persons, and end asylum abuses through expedited exclusion of false claimants.\nBill Clinton's immigration record does not match his rhetoric. While talking tough on illegal immigration, he has proposed a reduction in the number of border patrol agents authorized by the Republicans in Congress, has opposed the most successful border control program in decades (Operation Hold the Line in Texas), has opposed Proposition 187 in California which 60 percent of Californians supported, and has opposed Republican efforts to ensure that non-citizens do not take advantage of expensive welfare programs. Unlike Bill Clinton, we stand with the American people on immigration policy and will continue to reform and enforce our immigration laws to ensure that they reflect America's national interest.\nWe also support efforts to secure our borders from the threat of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration has reached crisis proportions, with more than four million illegal aliens now present in the United States. That number, growing by 300,000 each year, burdens taxpayers, strains public services, takes jobs, and increases crime. Republicans in both the House and Senate have passed bills that tighten border enforcement, speed up deportation of criminal aliens, toughen penalties for overstaying visas, and streamline the Immigration and Naturalization Service.\nIllegal aliens should not receive public benefits other than emergency aid, and those who become parents while illegally in the United States should not be qualified to claim benefits for their offspring. Legal immigrants should depend for assistance on their sponsors, who are legally responsible for their financial well-being, not the American taxpayers. Just as we require \"deadbeat dads\" to provide for the children they bring into the world, we should require \"deadbeat sponsors\" to provide for the immigrants they bring into the country. We support a constitutional amendment or constitutionally-valid legislation declaring that children born in the United States of parents who are not legally present in the United States or who are not long-term residents are not automatically citizens.\nWe endorse the Dole/Coverdell proposal to make crimes of domestic violence, stalking, child abuse, child neglect and child abandonment committed by aliens residing in this country deportable offenses under our immigration laws.\nWe call for harsh penalties against exploiters who smuggle illegal aliens and for those who profit from the production of false documents. Republicans believe that by eliminating the magnet for illegal immigration, increasing border security, enforcing our immigration laws, and producing counterfeit-proof documents, we will finally put an end to the illegal immigration crisis. We oppose the creation of any national ID card.\nFrom Many, One\n\nAmerica's ethnic diversity within a shared national culture is one of our country's greatest strengths. While we benefit from our differences, we must also strengthen the ties that bind us to one another. Foremost among those is the flag. Its deliberate desecration is not \"free speech,\" but an assault against our history and our hopes. We support a constitutional amendment that will restore to the people, through their elected representatives, their right to safeguard Old Glory. We condemn Bill Clinton's refusal, once again, to protect and preserve the most precious symbol of our Republic.\nEnglish, our common language, provides a shared foundation which has allowed people from every corner of the world to come together to build the American nation. The use of English is indispensable to all who wish to participate fully in our society and realize the American dream. As Bob Dole has said: \"For more than two centuries now, English has been a force for unity, indispensable to the process of transforming untold millions of immigrants from all parts of the globe into citizens of the most open and free society the world has ever seen.\" For newcomers, learning the English language has always been the fastest route to the mainstream of American life. That should be the goal of bilingual education programs. We support the official recognition of English as the nation's common language. We advocate foreign language training in our schools and retention of heritage languages in homes and cultural institutions. Foreign language fluency is also an essential component of America's competitiveness in the world market.\nWe will strengthen Native Americans' self-determination by respecting tribal sovereignty, encouraging a pro-business and pro-development climate on reservations. We uphold the unique government-to-government relationship between the tribes and the United States, and we honor our nation's trust obligations to them. In fulfillment thereof, we will ensure that the resources, financial and otherwise, which the United States holds in trust are well-managed, audited, and protected. We second Bob Dole's call for legislation authorizing tribal governments to reorganize the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service. We endorse efforts to ensure equitable participation in federal programs by Native Americans, Native Alaskans and Native Hawaiians and to preserve their culture and languages.\nGetting Tough on Crime\n\n\"Women in America know better than anyone about the randomness and ruthlessness of crime. It is a shameful, national disgrace that nightfall has become synonymous with fear for so many of America's women.\" Bob Dole, May 28, 1996 in Aurora, Colorado\nDuring Bill Clinton's tenure, America has become a more fearful place, especially for the elderly and for women and children. Violent crime has turned our homes into prisons, our streets and schoolyards into battlegrounds. It devours half a trillion dollars every year. Unfortunately, far worse could be coming in the near future. While we acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of single parents, we recognize that a generation of fatherless boys raises the prospect of soaring juvenile crime.\nThis is, in part the legacy of liberalism - in the old Democrat Congress, in the Clinton Department of Justice, and in the courts, where judges appointed by Democrat presidents continue their assault against the rights of law-abiding Americans. For too long government policy has been controlled by criminals and their defense lawyers. Democrat Congresses cared more about rights of criminals than safety for Americans. Bill Clinton arbitrarily closed off Pennsylvania Avenue, the nation's Main Street, for his protection, while his policies left the public unprotected against vicious criminals. As a symbol of our determination to restore the rule of law - in the White House as well as in our streets - we will reopen Pennsylvania Avenue.\nAfter the elections of 1994, the new Republican majorities in the House and Senate fought back with legislation that ends frivolous, costly, and unnecessarily lengthy death-row appeals, requires criminals to pay restitution to their victims, speeds the removal of criminal aliens, and steps up the fight against terrorism. Congressional Republicans put into law a truth-in-sentencing prison grant program to provide incentives to states which enact laws requiring violent felons to serve at least 85% of their sentences and replaced a myriad of Democrat \"Washington knows best\" prevention programs with bloc grants to cities and counties to use to fight crime as they see fit. They put an end to federal court early-release orders for prison overcrowding and made it much harder for prisoners to file frivolous lawsuits about prison conditions.\nThere's more to do, once Bill Clinton's veto threats no longer block the way. We will establish no-frills prisons where prisoners are required to work productively and make the threat of jail a real deterrent to crime. Prisons should not be places of rest and relaxation. We will reform the Supreme Court's fanciful exclusionary rule, which has allowed a generation of criminals to get off on technicalities.\nJuvenile crime is one of the most difficult challenges facing our nation. The juvenile justice system is broken. It fails to punish the minor crimes that lead to larger offenses, and lacks early intervention to keep delinquency from turning into violent crime. Truancy laws are not enforced, positive role models are lacking, and parental responsibility is overlooked. We will stress accountability at every step in the system and require adult trials for juveniles who commit adult crimes.\nIn addition, not only is juvenile crime on the rise, but unsupervised juveniles (especially at night) are most often the victims of abuse in our society. Recognizing that local jurisdictions have a clear and concise understanding of their problems, we encourage them to develop and enact innovative programs to address juvenile crime. We also encourage them to consider juvenile nocturnal curfews as an effective law enforcement tool in helping reduce juvenile crime and juvenile victimization.\nJuvenile criminal proceedings should be open to victims and the public. Juvenile conviction records should not be sealed but made available to law enforcement agencies, the courts, and those who hire for sensitive work in schools and day-care centers.\nBecause liberal jurists keep expanding the rights of the accused, Republicans propose a Constitutional amendment to protect victims' rights: audio and visual testimony of victims kept on file for future hearings, full restitution, protection from intimidation or violence by the offender, notification of court proceedings, a chance to be heard in plea bargains, the right to remain in court during trials and hearings concerning the crimes committed against them, a voice in the sentencing proceedings, notice of the release or escape of offenders. Bill Clinton hypocritically endorsed our Victim's Rights Amendment while naming judges who opposed capital punishment, turned felons loose, and even excused murder as a form of social protest. Bob Dole, the next Republican president will end that nonsense and make our courts once again an instrument of justice.\nWhile the federal government's role is essential, most law enforcement must remain in the hands of local communities, directed by State and local officials who are closely answerable to the people whose lives are affected by crime. In that regard, we support community policing; nothing inhibits local crime like an officer in the neighborhood. Bill Clinton promised 100,000 more police officers on the beat but, according to his own Attorney General, delivered no more than 17,000. He ignored local law enforcers by tying the program in knots of red tape and high costs. Now he is diverting millions of its dollars, appropriated by congressional Republicans to fight street crime, to state parks and environmental projects. It's time to return those anti-crime resources to communities and let them decide what works best to keep their homes, schools, and workplaces safe. This would result in far more new police officers than Bill Clinton's program and give communities additional crime fighting resources they need.\nWe will work with local authorities to prevent prison inmates from receiving disability or other government entitlements while incarcerated. We support efforts to allow peace officers, including qualified retirees, to assist their colleagues and protect their communities even when they are out of their home jurisdictions to the extent this is consistent with applicable state and local law. We will amend the Fair Labor Standards Act so that corrections officers can volunteer to assist local law enforcement.\nCrimes against women and children demand an emphatic response. Under Bob Dole and Dick Zimmer's leadership, Republicans in Congress pushed through Megan's Law - the requirement that local communities be notified when sex offenders and kidnappers are released - in response to the growing number of violent sexual assaults and murders like the brutal murder of a little girl in New Jersey. We call for special penalties against thugs who assault or batter pregnant women and harm them or their unborn children. We endorse Bob Dole's call to bring federal penalties for child pornography in line with far tougher State penalties: ten years for a first offense, fifteen for the second, and life for a third. We believe it is time to revisit the Supreme Court's arbitrary decision of 1977 that protects even the most vicious rapists from the death penalty. Bob Dole authored a tough federal statute which provides for the admissibility of prior similar criminal acts of defendants in sexual assault cases. This important law enforcement tool should serve as a model for the states. We continue our strong support of capital punishment for those who commit heinous federal crimes; including the kingpins of the narcotics trade.\nWe wish to express our support and sympathy for all victims of terrorism and their families. Acts of terrorism against Americans and American interests must be stopped and those who commit them must be brought to justice. We recommend a Presidentially appointed \"blue ribbon\" commission to study more effective methods of prosecuting terrorists.\nOnly Republican resolve can prepare our nation to deal with the four deadly threats facing us in the early years of the 21st Century: violent crime, drugs, terrorism, and international organized crime. Those perils are interlocked - and all are escalating. This is no time for excuses. It's time for a change.\nSolving the Drug Crisis\n\nThe verdict is in on Bill Clinton's moral leadership: after 11 years of steady decline, the use of marijuana among teens doubled in the two years after 1992. At the same time, the use of cocaine and methamphetamines dramatically increased.\nThat shocks but should not surprise. For in the war on drugs - an essential component of the fight against crime - today's Democratic Party has been a conscientious objector. Nowhere is the discrepancy between Bill Clinton's rhetoric and his actions more apparent. Mr. Clinton's personal record has been a betrayal of the nation's trust, sending the worst possible signal to the nation's youth. At the urging of the Secret Service, the White House had to institute a drug-testing program for Clinton staffers who were known to be recent users of illegal narcotics. At the same time, he drastically cut funding for drug interdiction. The Office of National Drug Control Policy was cut by 80 percent, and federal drug prosecutions dropped 25 percent. His Attorney General proposed to reduce mandatory minimum sentences for drug trafficking and related crimes, and his Surgeon General advocated legalization of narcotics. Hundreds of suspected drug smugglers have been allowed to go free at the border. Simultaneously, the use of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin has increased, especially among young people. Now narcotics are again fueling the acceleration of crime rates, putting the nation on a collision course with the future.\nBill Clinton's weakness in international affairs has worsened the situation here at home. One case in point: He certified that Mexico has cooperated with our drug interdiction effort when 70 percent of drugs smuggled into the U. S. come across our southern border - and when the Mexican government ignored 165 extradition orders for drug criminals. Discredited at home and abroad, he lacks both the stature and the credibility to lead us toward a drug-free America.\nA war against drugs requires moral leadership now lacking in the White House. Throughout the 1980s, the Republican approach - no legalization, no tolerance, no excuses - turned the tide against drug abuse. We can do it again by emphasizing prevention, interdiction, a tough international approach, and a crack-down on users. That requires reversing one of Bill Clinton's most offensive actions: his shocking purge of every U. S. Attorney in the country shortly after he took office. This unprecedented firing destroyed our first line of defense against drug traffickers and other career criminals. Our country's most experienced and dedicated prosecutors were replaced with Clintonite liberals, some of whom have refused to prosecute major drug dealers, foreign narcotics smugglers, and child pornographers.\nIn a Dole Administration, U. S. Attorneys will prosecute and jail those who prey upon the innocent. We support upgrading our interdiction effort by establishing a Deputy Commissioner for Drug Enforcement within the Customs Service. We will intensify our intelligence efforts against international drug traffickers and use whatever means necessary to destroy their operations and seize their personal accounts.\nWe support strong penalties, including mandatory minimum sentences, for drug trafficking, distribution and drug-related crimes. Drug use is closely related to crime and recidivism. Drug testing should be made a routine feature of the criminal justice process at every stage, including the juvenile justice system. Test results should be used in deciding pretrial release, sentencing, and probation revocation.\nA safer America must include highways without drunk or drug-impaired drivers. We support the toughest possible State laws to deal with drivers impaired by substance abuse and advocate federal cooperation, not compulsion, toward that end.\nThe Bottom Line: From The Top Down\n\nMaking America safe again will be a tremendous undertaking, in its own way as heroic as was the liberation of Europe from a different kind of criminal half a century ago. At the grassroots, that crusade already has enlisted the men and women of local law enforcement. Now they need a leader worthy of their cause - someone whose life reflects respect for the law, not evasion of it. Bill Clinton need not apply.\nBob Dole will be a president committed to the protection and safety of all Americans. However, his strength is diminished without a court system supportive of the national fight against violent crime. That is the bottom line of this year's presidential election: Who should chart the course of law enforcement for the next generation by naming as many as an additional 30 percent of our federal judges and the next several justices to the U. S. Supreme Court? Bill Clinton, the master of excuse and evasion? Or Bob Dole, whose life has been an exercise in honor and duty?\nFamilies and Society\n\nStronger Families\nImproving Education\nImproving America's Health Care\nRenewing Hope and Opportunity\nOlder Americans\n\"The alternative to cold bureaucracy is not indifference. It is the warmth of families and neighborhoods, charities, churches, synagogues and communities. These value-shaping institutions have the tools to reclaim lives - individual responsibility, tough love, and spiritual renewal. They do more than care for the body; they restore the spirit.\" Bob Dole, May 23, 1996, in Philadelphia\nStronger Families\n\nWe are the party of the American family, educating children, caring for the sick, learning from the elderly, and helping the less fortunate. We believe that strengthening family life is the best way to improve the quality of life for everyone.\nFamilies foster the virtues that make a free society strong. We rely on the home and its supportive institutions to instill honesty, self-discipline, mutual respect and the other virtues that sustain democracy. Our goal is to promote those values by respecting the rights of families and by assisting, where appropriate, the institutions which mediate between government and the home. While recognizing a role for government in dealing with social ills, we look to mediating institutions - religious and community groups, private associations of all kinds - to take the lead in tackling the social ills that some government programs have only worsened.\nThis is the clearest distinction between Republicans and Clinton Democrats: We believe the family is the core institution of our society. Bill Clinton thinks government should hold that place. It's little wonder, then, that today's families feel under siege. They seem to work harder with less reward for their labor. They can no longer expect that life will be better for their children than it was for them.\nTheir problem starts in the White House. Bill Clinton has hit families with higher taxes, vetoed their tax relief, and given their money to special interest groups. He has meddled in their schools, fought family choice in education, and promoted lifestyles inimical to their values. He repeatedly vetoed pro-family welfare reforms before surrendering to the demands of the American people. He tried to impose a ruinous government takeover of health care; led a scare campaign against Republican efforts to preserve, protect, and strengthen Medicare; and appointed to major positions in his administration social theorists whose bizarre views are alien to those of most Americans.\nRepublicans want to get our society back on track - toward good schools with great teachers, welfare that really helps, and health care responsive to the needs of people, not government. We want to make sure our most important programs - like Social Security and Medicare - are there when people need them. In all those cases, we start with the family as the building block of a safe and caring society.\nOur agenda for more secure families runs throughout this platform. Here we take special notice of the way congressional Republicans have advanced adoption assistance, promoted foster care reform, and fought the marriage penalty in the tax code. They have worked to let parents have flex-time and comp-time in private industry, and have safeguarded family choice in child care against the Democrats' attempts to control it. They passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines \"marriage\" for purposes of federal law as the legal union of one man and one woman and prevents federal judges and bureaucrats from forcing states to recognize other living arrangements as \"marriages.\" Further, they have advanced the Family Rights and Privacy Act - a bill of rights against the intrusions of big government and its grantees.\nIn the House and Senate, Republicans have championed the economic rights of the family and made a $500 per child tax credit the centerpiece of their reform agenda. But that overdue measure of relief for households with children was vetoed.\nWe salute parents working at the State level to ensure constitutional protection for the rights of the family. We urge State legislators to review divorce laws to foster the stability of the home and protect the economic rights of the innocent spouse and children.\nImproving Education\n\n\"At the center of all that afflicts our schools is a denial of free choice. Our public schools are in trouble because they are no longer run by the public. Instead, they're controlled by narrow special interest groups who regard public education not as a public trust, but as political territory to be guarded at all costs.\" Bob Dole, July 17, 1996, in Minneapolis\nThe American people know that something is terribly wrong with our education system. The evidence is everywhere: children who cannot read, graduates who cannot reason, danger in schoolyards, indoctrination in classrooms.\nTo this crisis in our schools, Bill Clinton responds with the same liberal dogmas that created the mess: more federal control and more spending on all the wrong things. He opposes family rights in education and opportunity scholarships for poor children. When it comes to saving our schools, he flunks.\nAmericans should have the best education in the world. We spend more per pupil than any other nation, and the great majority of our teachers are dedicated and skilled educators, whose interests are ignored by political union bosses. Our goal is nothing less than a renaissance in American education, begun by returning its control to parents, teachers, local school boards and, through them, to communities and local taxpayers.\nOur formula is as simple as it is sweeping: the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the work place. That is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning. We therefore call for prompt repeal of the Goals 2000 program and the School-To-Work Act of 1994, which put new federal controls, as well as unfunded mandates, on the States. We further urge that federal attempts to impose outcome- or performance-based education on local schools be ended.\nWe know what works in education, and it isn't the liberal fads of the last thirty years. It's discipline, parental involvement, emphasis on basics including computer technology, phonics instead of look-say reading, and dedicated teaching.\nAbstinence education in the home will lead to less need for birth control services and fewer abortions. We support educational initiatives to promote chastity until marriage as the expected standard of behavior. This education initiative is the best preventive measure to avoid the emotional trauma of sexually-transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies that are serious problems among our young people. While recognizing that something must be done to help children when parental consent or supervision is not possible, we oppose school-based clinics, which provide referrals, counseling, and related services for contraception and abortion.\nWe encourage a reform agenda on the local level and urge State legislators to ensure quality education for all through programs of parental choice among public, private, and religious schools. That includes the option of home schooling, and Republicans will defend the right of families to make that choice. We support and vigorously work for mechanisms, such as opportunity scholarships, block grants, school rebates, charter schools, and vouchers, to make parental choice in education a reality for all parents.\nOn the federal level, we endorse legislation - like the Watts-Talent Low-Income Educational Opportunity Act, which is part of the Community Renewal Act of 1996, and the Coats-Kasich Educational Choice and Equity Act - to set up model programs for empowering the families who need good schooling the most.\nWe will continue to work for the return of voluntary prayer to our schools and will strongly enforce the Republican legislation that guarantees equal access to school facilities by student religious groups. We encourage State legislatures to pass statutes which prohibit local school boards from adopting policies of denial regarding voluntary school prayer.\nWe endorse Bob Dole's pledge that all federal education policies will be guided by his Education Consumer's Warranty. The Education Consumer's Warranty says that all American children should expect to:\nattend a safe school;\nbe free from educational malpractice at the hands of bad schools, incompetent teachers, timid principals, and intrusive bureaucrats;\nfind out exactly how well they and their school are doing (in terms of achievement) in relation to how well they ought to be doing;\nlearn the three R's through proven methods;\nlearn the nation's history and democratic values and study the classics of western civilization;\nattend a school that is free to innovate and isn't tied down by federal red tape;\nbe confident that their high school diploma signifies a solid education, suitable for college or a good job;\nchoose the school that's right for them;\nknow that their tax dollars are reaching the classroom, not being siphoned off into overhead and bureaucracy; and,\ncount on being able to arrive at college prepared to do freshman-level work.\nTo reinforce our American heritage, we believe our nation's Governors, State legislators, and local school boards should support requiring our public schools to dedicate one full day each year solely to studying the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.\nAmerica's families find themselves on a college treadmill: the more they work to pay tuition, the faster it seems to increase. Tuition has escalated far in excess of inflation, in defiance of market factors, and shows no sign of slowing down. Billions of dollars are wasted on regulations, paperwork, and \"political correctness,\" which impedes the ability of the faculty to teach. We call for a national reassessment of the economics of higher education, to stop the treadmill and restore fiscal accountability to higher education. Congressional Republicans budgeted a 50 percent increase in student loans while fighting Bill Clinton's intrusion of Big Government into their financing. Heeding the outcry from the nation's campuses, we will end the Clinton Administration's perverse direct lending program. We support proposals to assist families to prepare for the financial strains of higher education, like the American Dream Savings Account, passed by congressional Republicans but vetoed.\nTo protect the nation's colleges and universities against intolerance, we will work with independent educators to create alternatives to ideological accrediting bodies. We believe meeting the higher education needs of America will require new, public and private institutions that are flexible, able to apply new technologies, willing to provide access to all those who need it, cost-effective and that place no burden on the American taxpayer.\nImproving America's Health Care\n\nOur goal is to maintain the quality of America's health care - the best in the world, bar none - while making health care and health insurance more accessible and more affordable. That means allowing health care providers to respond to consumer demand through consumer choice.\nThat approach stands in stark contrast to Bill Clinton's health plan of 1993. \"Clintoncare\" would have been a poison pill for the nation's health care system. Congressional Republicans countered with the right prescription:\nmake insurance portable from job to job;\nensure that persons are not denied coverage because of preexisting health conditions when changing employment;\ncrack down on Medicare and Medicaid fraud, while preserving the confidentiality of medical records from inappropriate scrutiny and without imposing criminal penalties for clerical errors and billing mistakes;\nreform malpractice laws, to reduce the costly practice of \"defensive medicine\" and to make it easier for doctors to specialize in fields like obstetrics. We also recognize the vital importance of maintaining the confidentiality of the national practitioners data base;\nlet individuals set up tax-free Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), so they can plan for their own medical needs instead of relying on government or insurance companies. Republicans believe that Medicare and Medicaid recipients should also have the option to utilize Medical Savings Accounts, which would result in huge savings for the American taxpayers;\noverhaul the Food and Drug Administration to get better products on the market faster and at less cost to consumers;\nchange IRS rules that restrict coverage: let employer groups offer tax-exempt policies and make premiums 100% deductible for farmers, small businesses, and all the self-employed;\npromote a private market for long-term care insurance;\nreduce paperwork through electronic billing;\nchange anti-trust laws to let health care providers cooperate in holding down charges;\navoid mandatory coverages that make consumers pay for more insurance than they need;\nallow multi-employer purchasing groups and form \"risk pools\" in the States to make employee health insurance more affordable;\nremove regulatory barriers to the use of managed care for those who choose it. Traditionally, all Americans have had the freedom to choose their health care plans, as well as the providers who treat them. To ensure quality of care, it is imperative that patients continue to enjoy the freedoms to which they have become accustomed. Communications between providers and patients should be free and open, and allow for full discussion of the patient's medical care. Financial arrangements should not be a barrier to a patient's receiving quality medical care;\npermit families with incomes up to twice the poverty level to buy into Medicaid;\npromote rural health care through telecommuni-cations and emergency air transport; and\nincrease funding for Community and Migrant Health Centers.\nBill Clinton and most congressional Democrats opposed many of these reforms, especially Medical Savings Accounts and changes in malpractice laws. Congressional Republicans rallied the nation to win a long overdue victory for consumers and for commonsense. Three months away from the November elections, Bill Clinton caved in and promised to sign into law the Republican solution to America's health care problems.\nBut the Clinton Democrats are still blocking Republican efforts to preserve, protect, and strengthen Medicare. Until Medicare is financially secure again, our job is not finished. More than 38 million people depend on Medicare, which is rushing toward bankruptcy even more quickly than predicted. Bill Clinton doesn't seem to mind. Despite repeated Republican efforts to work with his administration to save Medicare, his response has been a barrage of propaganda. We proposed Medisave; he indulged in Mediscare. We say this with solemn deliberation: Bill Clinton lied about the condition of Medicare and lied about our attempts to save it.\nWe reaffirm our determination to protect Medicare. We will ensure a significant annual expansion in Medicare. That isn't \"cutting Medicare.\" It's a projected average annual rate of growth of 7.1 percent a year - more than twice the rate of inflation - to ensure coverage for those who need it now and those who will need it in the future. We propose to allow unprecedented patient choice in Medicare, so that older Americans can select health care arrangements that work best for them, including provider-sponsored organizations offering quality care with strong consumer protections.\nOur commitment is to protect the most vulnerable of our people: children, the elderly, the disabled. That is why we are determined to restructure Medicaid, the federal-State program of health care for the poor. Rife with fraud, poorly administered, with no incentives for patient or provider savings, Medicaid has mushroomed into the nation's biggest welfare program. Its staggering rate of growth threatens to overwhelm State budgets, while thwarting congressional progress towards a federal balanced budget. Bill Clinton's response has been to ignore the problem - and attack Republicans for trying to solve it.\nWe must find better ways to ensure quality health care for the poor. Medicaid should be turned over to State management with leeway for restructuring and reform. Low-income persons should have access to managed care programs and Medical Savings Accounts, just as other persons do, and State officials should have authority to weed out substandard providers and to eliminate excess costs. We endorse Republican legislation extending federal tort claim coverage to health care professionals who provide free medical services to persons who cannot afford them.\nPreventive care is key to both wellness and lower medical bills, and strong families are the most powerful form of preventive care. Responsible families mean less child abuse, lower infant mortality, fewer unvaccinated youngsters, fewer teen pregnancies, and less involvement with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. To help low-income families toward those goals, we will unify scattered federal resources into block grants.\nWe reaffirm our traditional support for generous funding of medical research, especially through the National Institutes of Health, and for continuing federal support for teaching hospitals and medical schools. We remain committed to, and place a high priority on, finding a cure for HIV disease. We support increased funding for research targeted at conditions that touch the families of most Americans, like Alzheimer's, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes. We call for an increased emphasis on prevention of diseases that threaten the lives of women. This requires dramatic expansion of outreach and education to expand public awareness. We call for fetal protection in biomedical research and will enforce the rights of human subjects in all federally funded studies.\nThe value of medical research and preventive care to wellness and lower health care spending can be highlighted by the example of diabetes. Approximately 16 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and 50 percent of people above age 65 are at risk for developing some form of the disease. Diabetes is a leading cause of adult blindness, kidney disease, heart disease, stroke and amputations, and reduces life expectancy by up to 30 percent. As much as 25 percent of Medicare expenditures are incurred in the treatment of diabetes-related complications. Scientific discoveries, made possible by federal funding of medical research, have led to new efforts to prevent diabetes, as well as new treatment strategies to forestall the development of its debilitating and life-threatening complications. Today, people stricken with diabetes can, in concert with their health care providers, delay or prevent the serious and deadly complications of the disease. In other words, we now have the opportunity to reduce the burden of diabetes.\nRenewing Hope and Opportunity\n\n\"Thirty years ago, the `Great Society' was liberalism's greatest hope, its greatest boast. Today, it stands as its greatest shame, a grand failure that has crushed the spirit, destroyed the families, and decimated the culture of those who have become enmeshed in its web.\" Bob Dole, May 21, 1996, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin\nWithin a few weeks, Bill Clinton will sign into law a Republican reform of welfare. With a straight face, after twice vetoing similar legislation, he will attempt to take credit for what we have accomplished.\nSo be it. Our cause is justice for both the taxpayers and for the poor. Our purpose in welfare reform is not to save money but to bring into the mainstream of American life those who now are on the margins of our society and our economy. We will, in the words of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, replace the welfare state with an opportunity society for all. The Clinton administration's \"Reinventing Government\" program to reform the welfare state bureaucracy has failed. In fact, management reforms of the Reagan years were repealed and new labor-management councils that diluted efficient management were added as additional bureaucracy and red tape. We will revoke these Clinton administration policies and oppose the liberal philosophy that bureaucracy can reform welfare.\nThe current welfare system has spent $5 trillion in the last thirty years and has been a catastrophic failure. Despite this massive effort, conditions in our nation's poor communities have grown measurably worse. Poverty used to be an economic problem; now it is a social pathology.\nThe key to welfare reform is restoring personal responsibility and encouraging two-parent households. The path to that goal lies outside of official Washington. In the hands of State and local officials, and under the eye of local taxpayers, welfare can again become a hand up instead of a handout. All able-bodied adults must be required to work, either in private sector jobs or in community work projects. Illegal aliens must be ineligible for all but emergency benefits. And a firm time limit for receipt of welfare must be enforced.\nBecause illegitimacy is the most serious cause of child poverty, we will encourage States to stop cash payments to unmarried teens and set a family cap on payments for additional children. When benefits of any kind are extended to teen mothers, they must be conditioned upon their attendance at school and their living at home with a parent, adult relative, or guardian. About half the children of today's teen welfare mothers were fathered in statutory rape. We echo Bob Dole's call to our nation's governors to toughen and enforce State laws in this regard, as well as those concerning enforcement of child support.\nRestoring common sense to welfare programs is only one side of the Republican equation for hope and opportunity. The other side is giving low-income households the tools with which they can build their own future. We propose to do this along the lines of the American Community Renewal Act, a Republican congressional initiative that would establish throughout the nation up to 100 renewal communities where residents, businesses, and investors would have unprecedented economic freedom and incentives to create prosperity. School choice for low-income families is an integral part of that initiative.\nWe call for the removal of structural impediments which liberals throw in the path of poor people: over-regulation of start-up enterprises, excessive licensing requirements, needless restrictions on formation of schools and child-care centers catering to poor families, restrictions on providing public services in fields like transport and sanitation, and rigged franchises that close the opportunity door to all but a favored few.\nNot everyone can make it on their own. Government at various levels has a role - and some aid programs do work well - and so do private individuals and charitable and faith-based organizations, whose record of success far outshines that of any public welfare program. To promote personal involvement with anti-poverty efforts, we call for a Charity Tax Credit that will be consistent with the fundamental changes we propose in the nation's system of taxation. To ensure that religiously affiliated institutions can fulfill their helping mission, we endorse Republican legislation to stop discrimination against them in government programs.\nOlder Americans\n\nOur commitment to older Americans runs throughout this platform. It strengthens our call for tax fairness, shows in our action agenda against violent crime, and motivates our crusade to preserve, protect, and strengthen Medicare.\nThe Republican Party has always opposed the earnings limitation for Social Security benefits, a confiscatory tax that discourages older Americans from active engagement in all walks of life. While Bill Clinton imposed his new tax on Social Security benefits, he also initially vetoed our legislation to reform the earnings limitation, just as he vetoed our estate tax reform.\nThe Social Security system remains the cornerstone of personal security for millions of the elderly. In 1983, a Republican president, working with the Republican Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee - Bob Dole - saved the Social Security system from fiscal disaster. We have a legal and moral responsibility to America's seniors and will continue to do everything in our power to ensure that government honors our commitment to Social Security beneficiaries, now and in the future. We will keep it financially sound and keep politics out of its administration. We will work to ensure the integrity and solvency of the Social Security trust funds.\nThose who are not older Americans now will one day be so. Our common goal is a secure economic future. To that end, public policy should encourage cooperative efforts by businesses and employees alike to expand the availability of savings vehicles for all. We want to expand retirement options so that individual choice, not government fiat, steers the decision-making process. We must increase both the amount and the portability of personal savings, especially in today's rapidly changing and unpredictable economy. We salute congressional Republicans for their landmark legislation simplifying pension law, cutting away the red tape that prevented many businesses from offering pension plans, and establishing a new pension system designed to meet the needs of workers in small businesses.\nWe also salute Congressional Republicans for making long-term care more affordable and more available to those who need it. Too many seniors live in fear that they one day will incur long-term care costs that will wipe out their life savings and burden their children. The Republican Congress has passed legislation giving long-term care insurance policies the same tax-preferred treatment that health insurance policies now receive. Over the years, this legislation will give millions of Americans peace of mind and the financial wherewithal to obtain nursing home care of the highest quality.\nA Cleaner, Safer, Healthier America\n\nSecuring Property Rights\nImproving Public Lands\nPower for Progress\nAgriculture in the 21st Century\n\"Those of us who grew up in rural America grew up with a common set of values, a code of living that stays with us all our lives. Love of God and country and family. Commitment to honesty, decency and personal responsibility. Self-reliance tempered by a sense of community.... Those values made us the greatest country on earth. And the secret to getting our country back on track is simply to return to them as a matter of national policy.\" Bob Dole, August 19, 1995, in Ames, Iowa\nWe are the party of America's farmers, ranchers, foresters, and all who hold the earth in stewardship with the Creator. Republican leadership established the Land Grant College System under Abraham Lincoln, the National Park System under Ulysses Grant, the National Wildlife Refuge System under Teddy Roosevelt, and today's legal protections for clean air and water in more recent decades. We reaffirm our commitment to agricultural progress, environmental improvement, and the prudent development of our natural resources.\nOur goal is to continue the progress we have made to achieve a cleaner, safer, healthier environment for all Americans - and to pass on to our children and grandchildren a better environment than we have today. We must recognize the unique role our States, localities, and private sector have in improving our environment. The States and communities are the laboratories of environmental innovation. Inflexible requirements hurt the environment, add unnecessary costs, and reduce technology development. While we have made substantial environmental progress, we must reject failed approaches created by fearmongering and centralized control which will not serve our environment well in the century ahead.\nThe Superfund program to clean up abandoned toxic waste sites is a classic case in point. More than half of the $30 billion already spent on Superfund has gone for litigation and administration. In other words, trial lawyers have profited from the current flawed and unfair liability scheme, while toxic waste sites wait to be cleaned up. Without the opposition of Bill Clinton, we will fix the broken Superfund law. We will direct resources to clean-up sites where there are real risks, and cooperate with citizens, States, and localities who want to help, rather than harassing them with unwarranted lawsuits.\nThe States have been leaders in returning contaminated sites to productive use under \"brownfields\" programs. These programs tailor clean-up standards appropriate for expected future use, thus enabling environmental cleanup and economic development. Accordingly, as an essential component of our comprehensive Superfund reform, we will remove disincentives in current Federal law in order to allow States to expand their innovative \"brownfields\" programs.\nInconsistent Federal policies have created a nightmare for our Nation's ports at a critical time of growth and change in international trade. We must protect the environment while recognizing the unique situation of each port. There must be a coordination of State, local, and Federal roles in encouraging our ports to expand to meet current and future needs.\nRepublicans trust Americans to honor their shared desire to live and raise their children in a clean and healthy environment. For all environmental problems, we propose a common sense approach based on flexibility and consensus, that builds a better future on free enterprise, local control, sound science, and technology development. This is our positive and proactive agenda:\nassure that the air and water are clean and safe for our children and future generations;\nassure that everyone has access to public outdoor recreation areas; and that historic and environmentally significant wilderness and wetlands areas will be protected without compromising our commitment to the rights of property owners;\nset reasonable standards for environmental improvement that incorporate flexibility, acknowledge geographic differences, and create incentives for development of new technologies;\nbase all government environmental decisions on the best peer-reviewed scientific evidence, while encouraging advancements in research;\nachieve progress, as much as possible, through incentives rather than compulsion, and improve compliance by letting States and localities play a greater role in setting and maintaining standards. Many States have enacted environmental education and \"voluntary self-audit\" laws to encourage people to find and correct pollution; the Congress should remove disincentives for States to achieve these goals; and\nassure private property owners of due process to protect their rights, and make environmental decisions in concert with those whose homes, businesses, and communities are directly affected.\nOur commitment to an improved environment is best embodied in the recently enacted amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. This Republican initiative will guarantee all Americans a safe and clean source of drinking water and will grant local communities the flexibility to avoid unnecessary requirements.\nhe Clinton Democrats disagree with our principles. They have increased spending by creating new bureaucratic programs, creating new paperwork requirements, and funding pet projects of their special interest friends. However, the Clinton Administration has failed to reduce regulatory burdens on States, localities, and individuals. It has failed to create incentives for environmental improvements or use sound science and cooperation to achieve environmental goals. Today, they are planning to impose scientifically unsupported, massive new regulations on ozone and particulates. These rules will impose new requirements on cities, add unnecessary costs, and destroy jobs without adequate justification.\nRepublicans support the ongoing efforts of the States and communities to ensure reliable and safe water supplies. As the Federal government moves away from its past role as a grant giver and direct lender in the development of water-related infrastructure, we will encourage the establishment of public-private partnerships to build and finance our nation's water infrastructure.\nWe recognize the Great Lakes encompass one-fifth of the fresh water supply of the entire world and we oppose any diversion of Great Lakes water.\nRepublicans have always advocated conserving our animal and plant resources, but we recognize the current Endangered Species Act is seriously flawed and, indeed, is often counterproductive because of its reliance on Federal command-and-control measures. The adherence of Clinton Democrats to these discredited ESA provisions has devastated the environment they pretend to protect by virtually encouraging landowners to remove habitat for marginal species to avoid government seizure of their property. We will improve the ESA by implementing an incentive-based program in cooperation with State, local, and tribal governments and private individuals to recognize the critical relationship between a healthy environment and a healthy economy founded on private property rights and responsibilities.\nSecuring Property Rights\n\nRepublicans consider private property rights the cornerstone of environmental progress. That lesson has been confirmed in the tragic environmental record of Communist rule and of socialist regimes in the less developed world. By safeguarding those rights - by enforcing the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment and by providing compensation - we not only stand true to the Constitution but advance sound environmentalism as well. Republicans, led by Senator Dole, have spearheaded efforts in Congress to protect private property rights.\nImproving Public Lands\n\nThe nation's public lands - half the territory in the West - must be administered both for today's multiple uses and for tomorrow's generations. We support multiple use conducted in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. We will preserve priority wilderness and wetlands - real wetlands of environmental significance, not the damp grounds of a bureaucrat's imagination.\nWe support a thorough review of the lands owned by the federal government with a goal of transferring lands that can best be managed by State, county, or municipal governments. This review should ensure that the federal government retains ownership to unique property worthy of national oversight. Properties transferred from federal control must recognize existing property and mineral rights, including water, mining claims, grazing permits, rights of access, hunting, fishing, and contracts.\nWe recognize the historic use of public lands for livestock production in compliance with legal requirements. Our renewable rangeland should continue to be available under conditions that ensure both expanded production of livestock and protection of the rangeland environment. We condemn the Clinton Administration's range war against this pillar of the western economy.\nWe recognize the need to keep our National Park System healthy and accessible to all. Our National Parks have a backlog of more than four billion dollars in maintenance and infrastructure repair projects. The nation's natural crown jewels are losing some of their luster, tarnished by neglect and indifference. Our park system needs to be rebuilt, restructured, and reinvigorated to ensure that all Americans can enjoy and be proud of their parks.\nWe stand for sustainable forestry to stabilize and provide continuity for our timber industry and to improve the health of the country's public forests. This requires active management practices, such as the responsible salvage harvesting of dead and diseased trees. The Democrats' hands-off approach has made our great forests vulnerable to ravaging fires, insects, and disease.\nThe Democrats' policies have devastated the economy of timber-dependent communities across the Pacific Northwest and in the Tongass National Forest, the Nation's largest and most productive, to please elite special interests. We join families and communities in rural America who rely on public forests for their livelihood in calling for the federal government to carefully evaluate the socioeconomic impacts of its actions and to live up to its commitments to provide an adequate timber supply to dependent communities through sustainable forest management.\nWe reaffirm the traditional deference by the federal government to the States in the allocation and appropriation of water. We deplore the Clinton Administration's disregard for State primacy through attempts to preempt State law with respect to water usage and watershed protection. We also recognize the need to protect adequate supplies of water for agriculture without unreasonable government mandates.\nWe support the original intent of the Mining Law of 1872: to provide the certainty and land tenure necessary for miners to risk tremendous capital investment on federal lands, thus preserving jobs - indeed, whole industries - and bolstering our domestic economy. We support appropriate changes to the law to ensure the taxpayer will receive a reasonable return for the value of extracted minerals. We oppose extremist attempts to shut down American mining in favor of our international competitors.\nPower for Progress\n\nOur goal is an energy supply available to all - competitively priced, secure, and clean - produced by healthy industries operating in an environmentally responsible manner using domestically available resources to the greatest extent practicable.\nNo one should take that for granted. Today's energy boom was hard won by Republican reforms in the 1980s, ending more than three decades of ruinous Federal meddling that drove up prices and drove down supplies. Now that progress is under attack from the same quarters that brought us energy crises, gas rationing, and dangerous dependence on unreliable supplies of foreign oil. That dependency is 50 percent today, and will be two-thirds in only a few short years.\nIt does not have to be this way. The Clinton Administration has learned nothing from the collapse of liberalism. It clings to outdated regulation that stifles production and drives up consumer prices. Clinton proposed a punishing BTU energy tax that would have penalized consumers and cost thousands of jobs. After Republicans derailed that bad idea, Bill Clinton championed - and congressional Democrats approved - a 4.7-cent per gallon gas tax hike, not to improve roads and bridges, but for general spending.\nNow the Clinton Administration demands lighter cars and family trucks to meet its Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) goals, at the cost of thousands of lives lost every year in auto accidents - not to mention the cost in jobs lost to foreign auto makers.\nNowhere has the failure of presidential leadership been more apparent than in Clinton's position on finding a reasonable long-term solution to our Nation's nuclear waste disposal problem. We support the federal government's obligation under contract to take possession of nuclear waste and remove it from temporary storage in over 30 states across the country. At the same time, we believe that the siting and licensing of both permanent and interim storage facilities should be based on sound science and not solely upon political expediency.\nThe Clinton approach hobbles the nation's progress. Our program of energy renewal, on the other hand, is an essential component of broader opportunity for all. We must finish the job of preparing America's energy capacity to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.\nToday, Republican Governors and the States are leading the way to true and meaningful electric utility industry deregulation and competition and lower rates for all consumers. Restructuring the electric utility industry presents both great opportunities and challenges for our Nation. We support greater competition as we move toward a market-based approach, with true and meaningful deregulation, after an appropriate and fair transition period that allows for competitive retail markets while ensuring reliability of service in a cost-effective manner for all consumers.\nWe support elimination of the Department of Energy to emphasize the need for greater privatization and to reduce the size of the federal government. The Department of Energy's defense concerns should be transferred to an independent agency under the Defense Department. Other necessary programs should be farmed out to other departments and offices.\nWe support environmentally responsible energy extraction from public and private lands. We will not tolerate poor reclamation or pollution from mining or drilling. We advocate environmentally sound oil production in the largest known onshore or offshore petroleum reserve in the Nation - the small coastal plain portion of the 19-million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Oil produced there, traveling through an existing pipeline, will bring billions of dollars in revenues to reduce the federal budget deficit. On the other hand, without ANWR coastal plain development, we will lose hundreds of thousands of potential jobs and untold billions of American dollars will be paid to foreign governments for the oil not produced from our home reserves.\nWe continue to support and encourage the development of our domestic natural gas industry. Natural gas is a clean, abundant, and domestically available resource, which can be provided, transported, and consumed in an environmentally responsible manner.\nWe will delegate management and collection of federal oil and gas royalties to the States, thereby increasing receipts both to the States and to the federal Treasury. This action will reduce bureaucratic involvement and administrative costs to the federal government. We urge the federal government to expedite and streamline the exploration, leasing, and permitting process for the domestic oil and gas industry.\nThe coal industry now supplies more than half of all electric generation and is vital for our entire economy. We encourage research for cleaner coal combustion technologies and will require that objective, peer-reviewed science be the basis for environmental decisions that increase costs for electric rate payers.\nBecause no single source of energy can reliably supply the needs of the American people, we believe in fostering alternative and renewable energy sources to assist in reducing dependence on unreliable foreign oil supplies. We anticipate the continuing development of energy from coal, oil, natural gas, agricultural products such as ethanol and biodiesel, nuclear, and hydro sources and where economically competitive, from wind, solar, and geothermal power.\nThe United States should continue its commitment to addressing global climate change in a prudent and effective manner that does not punish the U.S. economy. Despite scientific uncertainty about the role of human activity in climate change, the Clinton Administration has leapfrogged over reasoned scientific inquiry and now favors misdirected measures, such as binding targets and timetables, imposed only on the United States and certain other developed countries, to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Republicans deplore the arbitrary and premature abandonment of the previous policy of voluntary reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. We further deplore ceding U.S. sovereignty on environmental issues to international bureaucrats and our foreign economic competitors.\nEnergy policy and transportation policy go hand in hand. To prepare the National Highway System and the National Aviation System for the 21st Century, we will maintain the integrity of the Federal transportation trust funds and respect the call by Republican governors to ensure those funds are returned to the States with a minimum of federal red tape. Trusting the people, congressional Republicans passed the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995, returning to the States decisions about highway safety. We support reasonable speed limits, reflecting local needs and geography, and prudent personal safety measures, but we oppose Washington's one-size-fits-all approach to the mobility of the American people.\nAgriculture in the 21st Century\n\nThe moral strength abundant on America's farms and rural communities has been the foundation and source of strength for our Nation since its earliest days. America's settlers built their farming communities on values like faith, hard work, dedication, and self-sacrifice.\nRepublicans see a very bright future for agriculture and rural America. Our program to strengthen rural America will benefit every sector of the economy and every part of the Nation. First and foremost, we will reduce the tax burden - both the estate tax and the capital gains levy - on those who produce America's food and fiber. This is essential to preserve production agriculture. Just like urban small businesses, rural producers need full deductibility of health insurance premiums and an overall tax structure that is simpler and fairer.\nDeficit spending by government is death by strangulation for agriculture. Our farms are major users of capital, with over $150 billion in current borrowing. Interest payments are one of their heaviest burdens. The Republican balanced budget of last year, vetoed by Bill Clinton, would have saved farmers more than $15 billion in interest costs by the year 2002. We stand with the American farmer in demanding an end to the spending excesses in official Washington.\nThe elections of 1994 were a resounding victory for American agriculture. The first Republican majorities in both the House and Senate in 40 years won an historic breakthrough with the \"Freedom to Farm\" act. For the first time in six decades, Federal policy will allow individual farmers to grow what makes sense on their own land, not what a bureaucrat wants grown there. \"Freedom to Farm\" will permit them to respond to world trade opportunities for value-added exports that bring new jobs and broader prosperity to rural America.\nMoreover, the Republican \"Freedom to Farm\" act is the most pro-environment farm bill ever. By liberating high-tech, high-yield U.S. agriculture to pursue ever greater levels of efficiency, it will enable growers to produce more from less land, saving wildlife habitat and fragile soils from the plow. The new law allows farmers to rotate crops, thereby reducing use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer. It continues the Conservation and Wetland Reserve Programs and creates a new Environmental Quality Incentive Program to help farmers do what they do best - conserve the land and pass it on, enriched and enhanced, to future generations.\nWhile promising to modernize farm programs, the Clinton Administration instead advanced failed \"New Deal\" policies. Throughout the ensuing debate, they fought every effort by Congress to get the hand of government out of agriculture. Finally, having agreed to \"Freedom to Farm,\" Bill Clinton is threatening to repeal this historic legislation, undercutting long-term planning by farmers across the country.\nIn contrast, \"Freedom to Farm\" ends the command-and-control policies that have choked the entrepreneurial spirit of rural America. \"Freedom to Farm\" permits experimentation with new crops and new markets, just in time to meet an explosion in worldwide demand for food, fiber, fuels and industrial products. We reaffirm our historical and continuing support for the expanded use of biodiesel and ethanol to improve the rural economy and reduce our dependence on imported oil.\nExperts predict the need for U.S. producers to triple their output over the next 40 years. \"Freedom to Farm\" positions them to meet the challenge of feeding a hungry and troubled world.\nWhile \"Freedom to Farm\" greatly reduced USDA paperwork imposed on farmers, much remains to be done to reduce the regulations that add about $6,000 per farm per year to the cost of farming. Our extensive program of regulatory reform is explained elsewhere in this platform.\nRepublicans worked hard for and applaud the repeal of the Delaney Clause and the reform of food safety laws. These changes allow a responsible approach toward crop production and ensure the quality of the Nation's food supply, with special protections for our children.\nWe reaffirm the Republican Party's historic commitment to agricultural progress through research and education, starting with the system of land grant colleges established in 1862. For the new century, as in the days of Lincoln, farming must look ahead to innovation and constant improvement, especially biotechnology and precision farming techniques.\nRestoring American World Leadership\n\nDefending America Against Missle Attack\nRebuilding America's Strength\nProtecting American Interest\nInternational Terrorism\nAfrica\nAsia\nThe Middle East\nWestern Hemisphere\nSecurity and Foreign Assistance\nProtecting America's Technological Edge\nThe Men and Women of Defense\nIntelligence\nSpace\nThe Goal is Freedom\n\"It's time to restore American leadership throughout the world. Our future security depends on American leadership that is respected, American leadership that is trusted, and when necessary, American leadership that is feared.\" Bob Dole\nWe are the party of peace through strength. Republicans put the interests of our country over those of other nations - and of the United Nations. We believe the safety and prosperity of the American home and workplace depend upon ensuring our national security in a dangerous world. This principle was proven in our long struggle against Communism, and - as recent events have tragically shown - it is still true today. The gains we made for democracy around the world under two Republican presidents are now imperiled by a rudderless foreign policy. We vigorously support restoring the promotion of democracy worldwide as a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. Democracy is the best guarantor of peace and will ensure greater respect for fundamental human rights and the rule of law.\nThe international situation - and our country's security against the purveyors of evil - has worsened over the last three and a half years. Today, Russia's democratic future is more uncertain than at any time since the hammer and sickle was torn from the Kremlin towers. With impunity, Fidel Castro has shot American citizens out of the skies over international waters. North Korea has won unprecedented concessions regarding its nuclear capability from the Clinton Administration. Much of Africa has dissolved in tragedy - Somalia, Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia. The Clinton Administration objected to lifting the arms embargo on Bosnia while it facilitated the flow of Iranian weapons to that country. Bill Clinton made tough campaign pledges on China but subsequently failed in his attempt to bluff the Chinese government - diminishing American prestige while not addressing the serious issues of human rights, regional stability, and nuclear proliferation. Bill Clinton's weakness, indecision, and double-talk, have undermined America's role as leader of the free world.\nIn 1996, the nation's choice is clear: either we return responsible leadership to the White House , or Bill Clinton's lack of international purpose results in catastrophe. We must keep our country strong and sovereign, and assert the interests and values of the United States in the international arena.\nThe Atlantic Alliance and Europe\n\n\"Let us begin by reaffirming that Europe's security is indispensable to the security of the United States, and that American leadership is absolutely indispensable to the security of Europe.\" - Bob Dole, June 25, 1996\nThe Atlantic Alliance: Our relations with the nations of Europe must continue to be based on the NATO alliance, which remains the worlds' strongest bulwark of freedom and international stability. Our policy will strive to consolidate our Cold War victory in Europe and to build a firm foundation for a new century of peace. In the same spirit that Ronald Reagan called for the integration of Spain into the NATO alliance, we call for the immediate expansion of the framework for peace to include those countries of Central Europe which demonstrate the strongest commitment to the democratic ideals NATO was created to protect.\nWith the people of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary we have special bonds. These nations - and others - are rightfully part of the future of Europe. As Bob Dole said, \"It is an outrage that the patriots who threw off the chains of Soviet bondage have been told by Bill Clinton that they must wait to join the NATO alliance.\" We strongly endorse Bob Dole's call for Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary to enter NATO by 1998.\nBosnia: We support America's men and women in uniform who are serving in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, we did not support the ill-conceived and inconsistent policies that led to their deployment. In 1992, candidate Bill Clinton pledged to lift the arms embargo on Bosnia, but once in office he ignored his promises. For three years, Bill Clinton upheld the illegal and unjust arms embargo on Bosnia and allowed genocidal aggression to go virtually unchallenged, while Bob Dole successfully led the effort in the Congress to lift the U.S. arms embargo. Once again, Bill Clinton subordinated American national interests to the United Nations in vetoing bipartisan legislation that would have lifted the U.S. arms embargo and rendered the deployment of American forces unnecessary. At the same time Bill Clinton was opposing congressional efforts to lift the arms embargo, he made a secret decision to allow the terrorist Iranian regime to supply arms to Bosnia. This duplicitous policy has endangered U.S. and Allied forces and given Iran a foothold in Europe.\nWe look forward to a timely withdrawal of U.S. forces from Bosnia and recognize that providing the Bosnian Federation with adequate weapons and training is the only realistic exit strategy. We support the democratic process in Bosnia and, when conditions exist, the conduct of free and fair elections. We support bringing indicted war criminals to justice. We encourage the peoples of the region - and in particular those of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia and Montenegro - to play a constructive role in fostering peace and stability there. We note with concern that repression and human rights abuses are escalating in Kosova and support the appointment of a U.S. special envoy to help resolve the situation there.\nRussia: We salute the people of Russia in their quest for democracy and a free market economy. During this crucial period, the Clinton Administration has pursued an accommodationist and misguided policy toward Moscow. Bill Clinton's comparison of Russia's extreme brutality in Chechnya to the American Civil War is offensive. The Clinton Administration's passivity in the face of Russia's intimidation and economic blackmail against countries of the former Soviet Union has encouraged the rise of extreme nationalist and undemocratic forces. Its willingness to accept Russian changes to already agreed-to arms control treaties has undermined security. Its complacency over Russia's sale of nuclear technology to Iran and Cuba has contributed to the threat of nuclear proliferation.\nOur foreign policy toward Russia should put American interests first and consolidate our Cold War victory in Europe. We have a national interest in a security relationship with a democratic Russia. Specifically, we will encourage Russia to respect the sovereignty and independence of its neighbors; support a special security arrangement between Russia and NATO - but not Moscow's veto over NATO enlargement; support Russian entry to the G-7 after its reforms have been achieved; and link U.S. assistance to Russian adherence to international treaty obligations.\nNewly Independent States: We reaffirm our party's historic commitment to the independence of all former Captive Nations still recovering from the long night of Soviet Communism, especially Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Armenia, and Ukraine. We endorse Republican legislation to establish in Washington, D. C., funded by private contributions, an international memorial to the one hundred million victims of Communism.\nIreland: We support efforts to establish peace with justice in Northern Ireland through a peace process inclusive of all parties who reject violence. During this difficult period in Irish history, we encourage private U. S. investment in the North, fully consistent with the MacBride principles for fair employment, in order to address the systemic discriminatory practices that still exist, especially against Catholics, in the workplace and elsewhere. We call on all parties to renounce terrorism in the Northern Ireland conflict.\nCyprus: We encourage a peaceful settlement for Cyprus and respect by all parties for the wishes of the Cypriot people. Concerned about continuing tension in the Aegean Sea, we will maintain close ties to both Greece and Turkey and urge all parties to refrain from precipitous actions and assertions contrary to legally established territorial arrangements.\nDefending America Against Missile Attack\n\nWe face two scandalous situations. First, most Americans do not realize our country has no defense against long-range missile attack. Second, the current occupant of the Oval Office refuses to tell them of that danger. So we will.\nThis is the frightening truth: The United States provided the technology to Israel to protect it from Iraqi missile attacks during the Persian Gulf War, but President Clinton refuses to provide the technology - technology that is readily available - to the American people to protect our country from the growing threat posed by long-range ballistic missiles. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) of the last two Republican administrations has been dismantled by Bill Clinton, who - contrary to the national security interests of the United States - clings to the obsolete Cold War ABM Treaty. Clinton slashed the funding budgeted by past presidents for missile defense and even violates the law by slowing down critical theater missile defenses. He has pursued negotiations to actually expand the outdated ABM Treaty, further tying America's hands, and hobbling our self-defense. He now seeks new limitations that will hinder the United States from developing and deploying even theater ballistic missile defenses to protect our troops abroad.\nIn a peaceful world, such limitations would be imprudent. In today's world, they are immoral. The danger of a missile attack with nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons is the most serious threat to our national security. Communist China has mocked our vulnerability by threatening to attack Los Angeles if we stand by our historic commitment to the Republic of China on Taiwan. We are vulnerable to blackmail - nuclear or otherwise - from a host of terrorist states that are now trying to acquire the instruments of doom. In the face of those dangers, Bill Clinton has ignored his responsibilities. In the most egregious instance, he directed that a National Intelligence Estimate focus only on the missile threat to the continental United States, deliberately ignoring the near-term menace posed to Alaska and Hawaii by long-range missiles now being developed or otherwise acquired by the Communists who rule North Korea.\nAmerica will be increasingly threatened by long-range ballistic missiles in the near future, but there also exists today a more immediate threat from the proliferation of shorter-range, or \"theater\" missiles. Bill Clinton says that theater missile defense (TMD) is a top priority of his administration, yet refuses to provide adequate funding for our most promising and effective TMD programs. For example, not only has he recently cut funding by 40% for the Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) program, but he has also failed to request sufficient funds to develop and deploy the Navy Upper Tier system. Republicans will fully fund and deploy these and other TMD systems to protect American troops and vital interests abroad.\nThe Republican Party is committed to the protection of all Americans - including our two million citizens in Alaska and Hawaii - against missile attack. We are determined to deploy land-based and sea-based theater missile defenses as soon as possible, and a national system thereafter. We will not permit the mistakes of past diplomacy, based on the immoral concept of Mutual Assured Destruction, to imperil the safety of our nation, our Armed Forces abroad, and our allies. Arms control will be a means to enhance American national security, not an end in itself. We therefore endorse the Defend America Act of 1996, introduced by Senator Bob Dole which calls for a national missile defense system for all fifty States by the year 2003.\nTo cope with the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the United States will have to deter the threat or use of weapons of mass destruction by rogue states. This in turn will require the continuing maintenance and development of nuclear weapons and their periodic testing. The Clinton Administration's proposed Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is inconsistent with American security interests.\nRebuilding America's Strength\n\nRepublicans are committed to ensuring the status of the United States as the world's preeminent military power. We must reverse the decline in what our nation spends for defense. In just three and a half years, an amateur approach to military matters and dramatic reductions in defense spending under the Clinton Administration have had a serious negative impact on the readiness and capabilities of our armed forces. In 1994, three of the Army's primary combat divisions reported unacceptably low levels of readiness, and all forward-deployed Army divisions reported below par readiness ratings. Not since the \"Hollow Army\" days of Jimmy Carter have Army readiness levels been so low. Funding shortfalls and shortages of spare parts and munitions are limiting training opportunities and thus the combat readiness of our forces. At the same time, Bill Clinton's peacekeeping operations and other global ventures have increased the operational demands on the limited forces available, extended the duration of their deployments, and put immense strains on service members and their families - without any discernible benefit to U.S. national security.\nRepublicans faced a similar situation with a deteriorating military in 1981, but then two Republican presidents turned things around and restored America's world leadership. We must do it again, and quickly. The All-Volunteer force is composed of the finest military personnel in the world today. These outstanding men and women deserve a civilian leadership committed to providing them with the resources, technology, and equipment they need to safely and successfully perform their missions. They deserve nothing but the best from the people they protect.\nWe recognize that today's military research and development, as well as procurement, is tomorrow's readiness. We are committed to readiness not just today, but also tomorrow. Bill Clinton has decimated our research and development effort, and slashed procurement for our armed forces. Not since 1950 have we spent so little on new weapons for our military. Fortunately, the Republican Congress has restored some of the funding Bill Clinton sought to cut for research and development and for procurement. Only a Commander-in-Chief who fully understands and respects the military can rebuild America's defense capabilities.\nThe Clinton Administration's own inadequate defense \"strategy\" has been underfunded. The mismatch between strategy, forces, and resources poses an enormous potential risk to America's military personnel and vital interests. This mismatch must be resolved now, before regional crises erupt and find our nation unprepared. A Republican president will immediately conduct a thorough review that will require resources and programs to be redirected according to goals set by the President instead by the bureaucracy.\nMoney alone is not the answer. It must be spent the right way, with long-term efficiencies in mind. We call for reductions in the overhead and infrastructure of the Defense Department and successful demonstrations of weapons and equipment prior to full scale purchases. Budgetary decisions must be made with an eye to preserving the nation's defense industrial base, accelerating procurement of key military and dual-use technologies, incorporating emerging technologies into military operations, and maintaining an adequate, safe and reliable capability in nuclear weapons.\nOnly a Republican president and a Republican Congress can fulfill these duties.\nProtecting American Interests\n\nWe scorn the Clintonite view that soon \"nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority.\" This is nonsense, but it explains why the Democrat Administration has lurched from one foreign policy fiasco to the next - and why Bill Clinton vetoed the first legislative restructuring of America's diplomatic institutions in a half century. A Republican president will reform the Department of State to ensure that America's interests always come first.\nRepublicans will not subordinate United States sovereignty to any international authority. We oppose the commitment of American troops to U.N. \"peacekeeping\" operations under foreign commanders and will never compel American servicemen to wear foreign uniforms or insignia. We will insist on an end to waste, mismanagement, and fraud at the United Nations. We will ensure American interests are pursued and defended at the United Nations, will not tolerate any international taxation by the organization, nor will we permit any international court to seize, try, or punish American citizens. Before his departure from the Senate, Bob Dole introduced legislation prohibiting U.S. payments to the United Nations and any of its agencies if they attempt to implement global taxes. We support the passage of the Prohibition on United Nations Taxation Act of 1996 to preserve America's sovereignty and the American taxpayer's right to taxation with representation.\nA Republican president will withdraw from Senate consideration any pending international conventions or treaties that erode the constitutional foundations of our Republic and will neither negotiate nor submit such agreements in the future. We will ensure that our future relations with international organizations not infringe upon either the sovereignty of the United States or the earnings of the American taxpayer.\nAmerican citizens must retain ownership of their private property, and must maintain full control of our national and state parks, without international interference.\nInternational Terrorism\n\nTerrorist states have made a comeback during Bill Clinton's Administration. He has treated their rulers with undue respect and failed to curb their acquisition of weapons of mass destruction. Although congressional Republicans passed anti-terrorism legislation earlier this year, the Clinton Administration has not implemented many key provisions of the law. It has not been used to freeze terrorists' assets, deny terrorists' visas, cut off foreign aid to supporters of terrorist states, or halt terrorist fundraising in the United States. The Clinton Administration has not implemented the anti-terrorist research program established and funded by Congress in the 1990 Aviation Security Act.\nA Republican president will forcefully lead the world community to isolate and punish state sponsors of terrorism. It is vital to our security that we actively work to reverse the threat posed by these regimes - through imposition and enforcement of sanctions, banning investment, and leading our allies in effective policies. The governments of North Korea, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and Cuba must know that America's first line of defense is not our shoreline, but their own borders. We will be proactive, not reactive, to strike the hand of terrorism before it can be raised against Americans.\nWe denounce terrorist attacks made on American citizens at home or abroad. We must take all legitimate steps to swiftly apprehend and severely punish persons committing terrorists acts. However, we must also denounce any attempts to deprive law-abiding citizens of their God-given, constitutionally-protected rights while fighting terrorism. To take away the liberty of the American people while fighting terrorism is repugnant to the history and character of our nation. We firmly oppose any legislation that would infringe upon the rights of American citizens to freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly; the right to keep and bear arms; and the right to judicial due process.\nAfrica\n\nWe support those U. S. aid programs to Africa which have proven records of success, especially the Child Survival Program of vitamins, immunizations, sanitation, and oral rehydration. We hail the social and economic progress of those nations which have used the free market to liberate the talent and striving of their people. They deserve our attention, but our outreach must be on a case-by-case basis. Our hope for the future of South Africa, for example, stands in contrast with the military rule now imposed on Nigeria, the continent's most populous country.\nThe Republican Party's commitment to freedom and human rights in Africa is as old as the establishment of the Republic of Liberia. Today, the tragic fate of that small nation symbolizes the larger tragedy that has befallen much of the continent. The Clinton Administration's dismal performance in Somalia, resulting in needless American deaths, set the stage for international passivity in the face of genocide in Rwanda and Burundi. The Clinton Administration has even failed to rally the world against the slave trade sponsored by the government of the Sudan, whose persecution of Sudanese Christians and others is nothing short of genocide. A Republican president will not tolerate this unconscionable treatment of children and women.\nAsia\n\nBill Clinton's foreign policy failures loom large in Asia. Four years ago, most of that continent was rushing toward democratic reform. Today it threatens to slip backwards into conflict and repression. A Republican Administration will keep the mutual security treaties with Japan and with the Republic of Korea as the foundation of our role in the region. We will halt Bill Clinton's efforts to appease North Korea by rewarding treaty-breaking with American taxpayer-financed oil and nuclear reactors. We will make further improvement of relations with Vietnam and North Korea contingent upon their cooperation in achieving a full and complete accounting of our POW's and MIA's from those Asian conflicts.\nThe Middle East\n\nPeace through strength continues to be central in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein reminded us just five years ago of the potential for aggression by radical states in this region. Republicans understand the importance of maintaining a robust U.S. military capability in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf, cooperating with our allies to ensure regional stability. Republicans also understand the need to be willing to use force to deter aggression and, where deterrence fails, to defeat it. That is why Republicans were the bedrock of support for the congressional vote to authorize the use of force against Iraq's aggression in 1991, while most Democrats voted against Operation Desert Storm.\nThe Middle East remains a region vital to American security. Our enduring goals there are to promote freedom and stability, secure access to oil resources, and maintain the security of Israel, our one democratic ally in the region with whom we share moral bonds and common strategic interests. Most of the world's oil exports flow from the Middle East, and thus its strategic significance remains. But it is still the most volatile region in the world. Islamic radicalism, increasing terrorism, and rogue states like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya threaten regional and international stability.\nIn this environment, Israel's demonstrated strategic importance to the U.S. as our most reliable and capable ally in this part of the world is more critical than ever. That is why Israel's security is central to U.S. interests in the region. That is why Republican Administrations initiated efforts with Israel to pre-position military equipment, to conduct joint contingency planning and joint military exercises. That is why we advocate continuing cooperation on the Arrow Missile, boost phase intercept, and the Nautilus programs. That is why we look toward the greater integration of Israel into our regional defense planning and wish to explore ways to enhance our strategic cooperation. That is why we have continued to support full funding for aid to Israel despite cuts in the foreign assistance budget, and why we applaud the country's commitment toward economic self-sufficiency.\nWe reaffirm that Republican commitment to maintain Israel's qualitative military advantage over any adversary or group of adversaries. While we fully support Israel's efforts to find peace and security with its neighbors, we will judge the peace process by the security it generates both for Israel and for the United States. In that context, we support Israel's right to make its own decisions regarding security and boundaries. We strongly oppose the Clinton Administration's attempts to interfere in Israel's democratic process.\nWe applaud the Republican Congress for enacting legislation to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. A Republican administration will ensure that the U.S. Embassy is moved to Jerusalem by May 1999.\nWe honor the memory of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and express our support for the new government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We applaud those leaders in the Arab world, President Mubarak and King Hussein, who have spoken courageously and acted boldly for the cause of peace. We endorse continued assistance and support for countries which have made peace with Israel - led by Egypt and later joined by Jordan. Republican leadership will support others who follow their example, while isolating terrorist states until they are fit to rejoin the community of nations.\nWestern Hemisphere\n\nThe U.S. commitment to democratic institutions and market economies in the Western Hemisphere has paralleled our enduring interest in the security of the region, as laid out in the Monroe Doctrine. The success of Republican national security policies in the 1980s halted Soviet imperialism and promoted the process of economic and political reform in Latin America - defeating totalitarianism of the right and of the left. During the last decade and a half, Latin American countries have made enormous progress developing democratic institutions. We applaud their progress and offer our assistance to further expand and deepen democratic conditions in the region.\nHemispheric progress toward free and democratic societies has stalled during the Clinton Administration. A government bought and paid for by drug traffickers holds power in Colombia. Mexico - with whom we share hundreds of miles of border - is increasingly tainted by narcotics-related corruption at all levels of society. Similarly, there are signs of backsliding on democracy in Latin America, most notably in Paraguay, where a coup was narrowly averted earlier this year.\nWe call for a new partnership among the democratic nations of the Western Hemisphere to protect our hard-won victories against dictatorial government. This new partnership must address the most recent and dangerous threat to the hemisphere - narcotics traffickers and their trade. The emergence of the Western Hemisphere as an area - apart from Cuba - which shares our ideals of economic and political liberty must also mean close cooperation with the United States on a range of security issues. The Clinton Administration's policy of denying most Latin American nations the opportunity to replace their obsolescent military equipment, raise the professional competence of their armed forces, and cooperate fully with the United States in joint military training and exercises will be reversed by a Republican Administration.\nWe cherish our special relationship with the people of Mexico and Canada. In a spirit of mutual respect, we believe the forthright discussion of economic and social issues that may divide us is in the best interest of all three nations.\nBill Clinton's outreach to Castro has only delayed the emergence of \"Cuba Libre,\" extending the duration of Communist tyranny. The Republican Party has not wavered and will not waver in its goal of a democratic Cuba. We affirm our policy of isolating the Castro regime, including full implementation of the Helms-Burton Act to penalize foreign firms which do business there.\nBill Clinton's awkward and misguided intervention in Haiti has cost American taxpayers some $3 billion and risked the lives of American military personnel for a less than vital interest. We reject Clinton administration claims of \"success\" in its military intervention in Haiti. Human rights abuses by government forces go unpunished, promised economic reforms have not been made, and the democratic process is deeply flawed.\nSecurity and Foreign Assistance\n\nAmerica is and must remain the leader of the world. We did not win the Cold War without allies and friends, and we hope to face future challenges with them. Our country should not bear world burdens alone. Providing friendly nations with access to U.S. defense equipment can protect American security interests abroad and reduce the likelihood that American forces will have to be directly engaged in military conflict. The Clinton Administration has been blind to that wisdom.\nWe have seen the result in Bosnia, where American ground forces have been deployed because the Clinton Administration denied Bosnia the opportunity to acquire defense equipment in the United States.\nThe Clinton administration has diverted aid from our friends to support U.N. operations and social welfare spending in the Third World. Congressional Republicans have done all they could to resist this folly. Only a Republican president can put an end to it.\nThe Clinton administration's failure to couple American interests abroad with foreign aid has produced wasteful spending and has presented an impediment to achieving a balanced budget. A Republican administration will ensure foreign aid is cost-effective and based on its important role in directly promoting American national interests.\nProtecting America's Technological Edge\n\nAmerican scientific and industrial leadership is one of the critical factors sustaining American security. Our technological edge is at risk not only because of the Clinton Administration's refusal to sustain an adequate investment in defense modernization, but also its virtual abandonment of national security-related export controls. Acquisition of technology by aspiring proliferators of weapons of mass destruction has been irresponsibly facilitated. A Republican Administration will protect the American technological edge. It will do so by expanding investment in defense modernization, ensuring that the Defense Department has a key role in approving exports of militarily critical technology, and restoring the effectiveness of export control regimes.\nThe Men and Women of Defense\n\nAs Commander-in-Chief, Bill Clinton has been out of touch with the needs of the troops under his command. Bob Dole has served in the military and will protect military families against inflation, restore appropriate funding levels for billets and family housing, and ensure an environment where promotions and awards are made on the basis of military merit. A Republican president who has been on active duty will not casually disrupt military family life by sending troops on non-military missions around the world.\nWe have a solemn obligation to those who fight for America. Our military personnel should not be denied a cost of living increase, as Bill Clinton proposed in his first year in office. A Republican president will ensure a high priority for the quality of life of our military personnel and their families.\nWe will maintain the All-Volunteer force and will resist attempts to bring back the draft, whether directly or through Democrat schemes for compulsory national service. We will maintain our Armed Forces as a meritocracy, a model for the rest of our society, without special preferences or double standards for any group.\nWe salute the men and women of the National Guard and Reserve, citizen soldiers who have been - and must continue to be - a tradition in America. They perform important military functions as an integral part of our warfighting capability, and provide a critical link between our national security efforts and every community in the country. Our National Guard and Reserve forces must not be treated as an afterthought.\nWe oppose Bill Clinton's assault on the culture and traditions of the Armed Forces, especially his attempt to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military. We affirm that homosexuality is incompatible with military service.\nWe support the advancement of women in the military. We reaffirm our support for the exemption of women from ground combat units and are concerned about the current policy of involuntarily assigning women to combat or near-combat units. A Republican president will continue to reevaluate and revise, as necessary, current policies in light of evidence with regard to the effect on military morale, discipline, and overall readiness. We will not tolerate sexual harassment or misconduct toward anyone in the uniform, but we oppose politically motivated witch-hunts that smear the innocent and destroy honorable careers. To promote the dignity of all members of the Armed Forces and their families, we endorse the efforts of congressional Republicans to halt the sale, in military facilities, of pornographic materials.\nWe deplore Bill Clinton's shameless attempt to use protections afforded active duty military personnel under the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 to protect himself from a sexual harassment lawsuit. We will amend the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 to make clear that its protection against civil suits while on active duty does not extend to the occupant of the Oval Office.\nThe Republican Party has always been the advocate of the nation's veterans and remains unequivocally committed to the faithful fulfillment of America's obligations to them. We have no greater duty than providing for the courageous men and women who have risked their lives in defense of our country, a major reason why we defeated Bill Clinton's plan to replace veterans' health care with socialized medicine. We will continue to meet the nation's promises to those who make the military their career. That is why Republicans proposed and created a separate Department of Veterans Affairs, support veterans' preference in federal employment education and retraining programs, and pledge sufficient funding for veterans' hospitals, medical care, and employment programs.\nIntelligence\n\nThe intelligence community should be our first line of defense against terrorism, drug trafficking, nuclear proliferation, and foreign espionage. Bill Clinton's neglect of our country's intelligence service is one of his most serious sins of omission. He has underfunded, misutilized, and marginalized critical intelligence missions and capabilities. No wonder his first appointee as Director of Central Intelligence has endorsed Bob Dole. The nation's security - and the personal safety of our citizens - cannot be placed at risk.\nEffective intelligence can be expensive. But what it costs is measured in dollars rather than lives - an important lesson of the Gulf War. A Republican Administration will reverse the decline in funding for intelligence personnel and operations while better managing the development of futuristic capabilities. We will not constrain U.S. intelligence personnel with \"politically correct\" standards that impede their ability to collect and act on intelligence information. We will conduct whatever intelligence operations are necessary to safeguard American lives against the terrorists who bomb our airplanes and buildings.\nSpace\n\nThe Republican Party led America into space and remains committed to its exploration and mastery. We consider space travel and space science a national priority with virtually unlimited benefits, in areas ranging from medicine to micro-machinery, for those on earth. Development of space will give us a growing economic resource and a source of new scientific discoveries. We look toward our country's return to the moon and to completion of the International Space Station, not just as a unique orbiting laboratory but also a framework for world cooperation in pursuit of expanding human knowledge.\nThose and other ventures require leadership now lacking at the White House. The Democrat Party approaches space issues with a confined vision and misplaced appropriations, encouraging inefficient investments and pork barrel spending. Bill Clinton gives lip service to our space program but denies it crucial resources. A Republican president and a Republican Congress will work together to make space an American frontier again. We will develop the Reusable Launch Vehicle, promote markets for commercial space launch services, and push technology to its creative limits. Commercial space development holds the key to expanding our aerospace industry and strengthening our technology base, but it can be promoted only by removing unnecessary and artificial regulatory, legal, and tax barriers.\nSpace exploration and exploitation are a matter of national security. Our Armed Forces already rely on space assets to support their operations on earth, and space technology will rapidly become more critical to successful military operations. Space is the ocean of tomorrow, and we cannot allow its domination by another power. We must ensure that America can work and prosper there, securely and without outside influence. A new Republican team will secure the high frontier for peace on earth and for unlimited human opportunity.\nThe Goal is Freedom\n\nAmerica stands on the brink of a new century. After victory in the \"long twilight struggle\" against Soviet Communism, Americans can feel justifiably proud of the role they played in defeating history's most corrupt and predatory empire. The end of the Cold War has not spelled the end of history, but it has instead unleashed forces contained for nearly fifty years of superpower confrontation. Today America faces new challenges and new threats to our vital interests which can only be protected by our continued engagement in the world. Our nation must resist the temptation to turn inward and neglect the exercise of American leadership and our proper role in the world. Will the 21st Century confer new opportunities and new benefits on America, or will it prove to be an era of weakness and decline? This will depend on whether we have a strong, decisive leader like Bob Dole who will protect Americans at home and abroad and vigorously pursue the nation's interests around the globe.\nThe U.S. Constitution, the finest document for human governance ever devised, establishes the mission of providing for the common defense as a chief purpose of the federal government, in order to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. The president's primary constitutional duty and most sacred responsibility is the role of Commander-in-Chief. Above all else, he must be able to ensure that the American people and our interests are defended. That requires strong, combat ready military forces and a sound foreign policy. If the President fails in this office, then America's freedom, independence, and prosperity will be jeopardized, and all other issues - domestic and economic - become moot.\nThe bravery, skill, and sacrifice of America's fighting forces; the dedication, industry, and ingenuity of the American people; the superiority of U.S. technology; and the abundance of America's wealth and resources are sufficient to overcome any foreign threat or challenge. But these gifts are cause for gratitude and humility, not complacency. And these national treasures can be used to safeguard the nation effectively in a time of volatile change only if genuine leadership, wisdom, discernment, courage, and honor are present in the Commander-in-Chief and in the officials he or she appoints to critical national security posts. With such a president at the helm, America will know a new birth of freedom, security, and prosperity. And this nation, and the benefits it has bestowed upon mankind throughout our history, shall not perish from the earth.\nConclusion\n\nAs we begin a new era and a new millennium, we deem it essential to reaffirm the truths of the Declaration of Independence:\nThat all men are created equal;\nThat they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;\nThat government derives its just powers only from the consent of the governed.\nWe close this platform with the wisdom of our forefathers who had the courage to set their names to the Declaration of Independence as they too began a new era. Like them, we appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions. With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we pledge to each other and to the American people an unfaltering commitment to restore to America a deep respect for the values of human freedom.", "Words" -> 27540, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1578, "and" -> 1149, "of" -> 984, "to" -> 906, "in" -> 489, "a" -> 401, "for" -> 345, "We" -> 300, "our" -> 269, "that" -> 254, "is" -> 237, "will" -> 234, "we" -> 185, "by" -> 169, "on" -> 168, "with" -> 152, "their" -> 149, "are" -> 134, "be" -> 131, "has" -> 127, "as" -> 127, "American" -> 123, "not" -> 122, "The" -> 121, "have" -> 118, "Clinton" -> 115, "Republican" -> 100, "all" -> 99, "government" -> 94, "it" -> 91, "Bill" -> 87, "an" -> 86, "who" -> 85, "support" -> 83, "or" -> 79, "from" -> 79, "must" -> 75, "States" -> 71, "Republicans" -> 71, "people" -> 68, "more" -> 67, "federal" -> 66, "against" -> 62, "its" -> 61, "those" -> 60, "which" -> 59, "should" -> 58, "Americans" -> 58, "America" -> 56, "new" -> 55, "this" -> 54, 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"laws" -> 28, "both" -> 28, "women" -> 27, "State" -> 27, "role" -> 27, "now" -> 27, "leadership" -> 27, "House" -> 27, "growth" -> 27, "while" -> 26, "U.S." -> 26, "They" -> 26, "one" -> 26, "international" -> 26, "free" -> 26, "country" -> 26, "communities" -> 26, "citizens" -> 26, "policy" -> 25, "over" -> 25, "life" -> 25, "jobs" -> 25, "foreign" -> 25, "commitment" -> 25, "up" -> 24, "spending" -> 24, "policies" -> 24, "percent" -> 24, "interests" -> 24, "development" -> 24, "crime" -> 24, "congressional" -> 24, "best" -> 24, "any" -> 24, "also" -> 24, "when" -> 23, "restore" -> 23, "program" -> 23, "process" -> 23, "need" -> 23, "made" -> 23, "without" -> 22, "under" -> 22, "taxes" -> 22, "oppose" -> 22, "opportunity" -> 22, "end" -> 22, "Democrats" -> 22, "defense" -> 22, "call" -> 22, "administration" -> 22, "welfare" -> 21, "toward" -> 21, "To" -> 21, "respect" -> 21, "like" -> 21, "home" -> 21, "first" -> 21, "budget" -> 21, "Because" -> 21, "what" -> 20, "way" -> 20, "was" -> 20, "technology" -> 20, "society" -> 20, "resources" -> 20, "research" -> 20, "reduce" -> 20, "recognize" -> 20, "nation" -> 20, "less" -> 20, "job" -> 20, "encourage" -> 20, "year" -> 19, "us" -> 19, "so" -> 19, "schools" -> 19, "interest" -> 19, "goal" -> 19, "businesses" -> 19, "why" -> 18, "vetoed" -> 18, "values" -> 18, "states" -> 18, "small" -> 18, "progress" -> 18, "personal" -> 18, "peace" -> 18, "own" -> 18, "out" -> 18, "forces" -> 18, "especially" -> 18, "enforcement" -> 18, "endorse" -> 18, "costs" -> 18, "better" -> 18, "special" -> 17, "provide" -> 17, "power" -> 17, "needs" -> 17, "National" -> 17, "Medicare" -> 17, "funding" -> 17, "environmental" -> 17, "current" -> 17, "continue" -> 17, "well" -> 16, "trade" -> 16, "these" -> 16, "reforms" -> 16, "party" -> 16, "keep" -> 16, "half" -> 16, "full" -> 16, "For" -> 16, "every" -> 16, "democratic" -> 16, "cut" -> 16, "control" -> 16, "constitutional" -> 16, "between" -> 16, "would" -> 15, "take" -> 15, "school" -> 15, "require" -> 15, "promote" -> 15, "investment" -> 15, "institutions" -> 15, "increase" -> 15, "freedom" -> 15, "environment" -> 15, "drug" -> 15, "community" -> 15, "common" -> 15, "As" -> 15, "approach" -> 15, "again" -> 15, "With" -> 14, "upon" -> 14, "taxpayers" -> 14, "set" -> 14, "same" -> 14, "protection" -> 14, "political" -> 14, "market" -> 14, "lives" -> 14, "industry" -> 14, "improve" -> 14, "human" -> 14, "groups" -> 14, "fight" -> 14, "country's" -> 14, "cost" -> 14, "choice" -> 14, "capital" -> 14, "benefits" -> 14, "1996" -> 14, "whose" -> 13, "While" -> 13, "Washington" -> 13, "two" -> 13, "today's" -> 13, "threat" -> 13, "there" -> 13, "social" -> 13, "services" -> 13, "science" -> 13, "safe" -> 13, "reaffirm" -> 13, "nuclear" -> 13, "levels" -> 13, "important" -> 13, "Federal" -> 13, "fair" -> 13, "expand" -> 13, "committed" -> 13, "child" -> 13, "because" -> 13, "allow" -> 13, "agenda" -> 13, "about" -> 13, "White" -> 12, "where" -> 12, "water" -> 12, "want" -> 12, "too" -> 12, "such" -> 12, "Senate" -> 12, "Security" -> 12, "secure" -> 12, "sector" -> 12, "rural" -> 12, "property" -> 12, "meet" -> 12, "medical" -> 12, "many" -> 12, "lower" -> 12, "legal" -> 12, "just" -> 12, "including" -> 12, "historic" -> 12, "higher" -> 12, "Government" -> 12, "failed" -> 12, "essential" -> 12, "dollars" -> 12, "Department" -> 12, "Democrat" -> 12, "century" -> 12, "burden" -> 12, "billion" -> 12, "At" -> 12, "Administration's" -> 12, "workers" -> 11, "weapons" -> 11, "trust" -> 11, "terrorism" -> 11, "strong" -> 11, "space" -> 11, "savings" -> 11, "safety" -> 11, "responsibility" -> 11, "regulatory" -> 11, "rather" -> 11, "quality" -> 11, "poor" -> 11, "Party" -> 11, "part" -> 11, "oil" -> 11, "nations" -> 11, "money" -> 11, "missile" -> 11, "leaders" -> 11, "lead" -> 11, "last" -> 11, "individuals" -> 11, "immigration" -> 11, "He" -> 11, "hand" -> 11, "example" -> 11, "critical" -> 11, "creation" -> 11, "Constitution" -> 11, "change" -> 11, "Bosnia" -> 11, "become" -> 11, "attempts" -> 11, "access" -> 11, "were" -> 10, "vital" -> 10, "strengthen" -> 10, "responsible" -> 10, "religious" -> 10, "rates" -> 10, "possible" -> 10, "platform" -> 10, "organizations" -> 10, "opposed" -> 10, "operations" -> 10, "men" -> 10, "maintain" -> 10, "living" -> 10, "led" -> 10, "issues" -> 10, "insurance" -> 10, "increased" -> 10, "history" -> 10, "greatest" -> 10, "greater" -> 10, "Freedom" -> 10, "force" -> 10, "expanding" -> 10, "even" -> 10, "energy" -> 10, "effort" -> 10, "continuing" -> 10, "competition" -> 10, "But" -> 10, "before" -> 10, "away" -> 10, "arms" -> 10, "Amendment" -> 10, "aid" -> 10, "abroad" -> 10, "within" -> 9, "War" -> 9, "Today" -> 9, "These" -> 9, "technologies" -> 9, "state" -> 9, "some" -> 9, "Social" -> 9, "remains" -> 9, "region" -> 9, "rate" -> 9, "raise" -> 9, "put" -> 9, "prosperity" -> 9, "proposed" -> 9, "preserve" -> 9, "penalties" -> 9, "passed" -> 9, "parents" -> 9, "opportunities" -> 9, "officials" -> 9, "necessary" -> 9, "much" -> 9, "management" -> 9, "long-term" -> 9, "litigation" -> 9, "juvenile" -> 9, "justice" -> 9, "judges" -> 9, "intelligence" -> 9, "initiative" -> 9, "increasing" -> 9, "housing" -> 9, "high" -> 9, "help" -> 9, "governments" -> 9, "good" -> 9, "go" -> 9, "gas" -> 9, "foster" -> 9, "Europe" -> 9, "effective" -> 9, "down" -> 9, "Dole's" -> 9, "Defense" -> 9, "decades" -> 9, "criminals" -> 9, "criminal" -> 9, "create" -> 9, "cooperation" -> 9, "consumers" -> 9, "Congressional" -> 9, "Century" -> 9, "cannot" -> 9, "business" -> 9, "bring" -> 9, "based" -> 9, "back" -> 9, "authority" -> 9, "applaud" -> 9, "amendment" -> 9, "after" -> 9, "abuse" -> 9, "21st" -> 9, "used" -> 8, "training" -> 8, "today" -> 8, "throughout" -> 8, "three" -> 8, "tape" -> 8, "strength" -> 8, "standards" -> 8, "spirit" -> 8, "sound" -> 8, "service" -> 8, "serious" -> 8, "rules" -> 8, "rule" -> 8, "Rights" -> 8, "review" -> 8, "return" -> 8, "requires" -> 8, "Republic" -> 8, "remove" -> 8, "relationship" -> 8, "reducing" -> 8, "red" -> 8, "record" -> 8, "readiness" -> 8, "providing" -> 8, "propose" -> 8, "products" -> 8, "production" -> 8, "problems" -> 8, "President" -> 8, "persons" -> 8, "personnel" -> 8, "open" -> 8, "off" -> 8, "moral" -> 8, "limits" -> 8, "know" -> 8, "key" -> 8, "Israel" -> 8, "incentives" -> 8, "Improving" -> 8, "impose" -> 8, "illegal" -> 8, "homes" -> 8, "growing" -> 8, "great" -> 8, "goals" -> 8, "further" -> 8, "funds" -> 8, "fully" -> 8, "farmers" -> 8, "Farm" -> 8, "ever" -> 8, "employment" -> 8, "culture" -> 8, "crimes" -> 8, "created" -> 8, "come" -> 8, "burdens" -> 8, "available" -> 8, "assistance" -> 8, "always" -> 8, "already" -> 8, "allies" -> 8, "agriculture" -> 8, "advocate" -> 8, "1995" -> 8, "vote" -> 7, "violent" -> 7, "vigorously" -> 7, "victims" -> 7, "veto" -> 7, "until" -> 7, "unprecedented" -> 7, "unnecessary" -> 7, "turned" -> 7, "Those" -> 7, "themselves" -> 7, "System" -> 7, "stability" -> 7, "spent" -> 7, "sovereignty" -> 7, "source" -> 7, "situation" -> 7, "since" -> 7, "Russia" -> 7, "risk" -> 7, "renewal" -> 7, "regulations" -> 7, "regional" -> 7, "produced" -> 7, "place" -> 7, "per" -> 7, "past" -> 7, "official" -> 7, "offer" -> 7, "nothing" -> 7, "North" -> 7, "NATO" -> 7, "Nations" -> 7, "Nation's" -> 7, "millions" -> 7, "million" -> 7, "Medicaid" -> 7, "long" -> 7, "localities" -> 7, "land" -> 7, "judicial" -> 7, "Its" -> 7, "innovation" -> 7, "individual" -> 7, "incomes" -> 7, "healthy" -> 7, "had" -> 7, "grants" -> 7, "global" -> 7, "fund" -> 7, "find" -> 7, "face" -> 7, "expansion" -> 7, "equal" -> 7, "enforce" -> 7, "enacted" -> 7, "enact" -> 7, "elderly" -> 7, "Education" -> 7, "during" -> 7, "Drug" -> 7, "domestic" -> 7, "does" -> 7, "deficit" -> 7, "decisions" -> 7, "conditions" -> 7, "clean" -> 7, "challenges" -> 7, "cause" -> 7, "build" -> 7, "border" -> 7, "block" -> 7, "attack" -> 7, "around" -> 7, "appropriate" -> 7, "among" -> 7, "aliens" -> 7, "agencies" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "action" -> 7, "across" -> 7, "abortion" -> 7, "World" -> 6, "workplace" -> 6, "working" -> 6, "wasteful" -> 6, "waste" -> 6, "victory" -> 6, "value" -> 6, "union" -> 6, "U" -> 6, "trillion" -> 6, "treatment" -> 6, "Trade" -> 6, "tough" -> 6, "tolerate" -> 6, "things" -> 6, "therefore" -> 6, "then" -> 6, "terrorist" -> 6, "taxpayer" -> 6, "Supreme" -> 6, "supply" -> 6, "supplies" -> 6, "stop" -> 6, "still" -> 6, "step" -> 6, "standard" -> 6, "stand" -> 6, "Soviet" -> 6, "something" -> 6, "single" -> 6, "sign" -> 6, "share" -> 6, "sexual" -> 6, "serve" -> 6, "scientific" -> 6, "salute" -> 6, "S." -> 6, "result" -> 6, "rest" -> 6, "requiring" -> 6, "requirements" -> 6, "remain" -> 6, "reject" -> 6, "punish" -> 6, "providers" -> 6, "protections" -> 6, "promised" -> 6, "proliferation" -> 6, "problem" -> 6, "priority" -> 6, "principles" -> 6, "practice" -> 6, "positions" -> 6, "pay" -> 6, "parental" -> 6, "order" -> 6, "office" -> 6, "Now" -> 6, "needed" -> 6, "narcotics" -> 6, "model" -> 6, "members" -> 6, "May" -> 6, "major" -> 6, "little" -> 6, "line" -> 6, "liberal" -> 6, "liability" -> 6, "let" -> 6, "lawyers" -> 6, "lawsuits" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "Korea" -> 6, "Just" -> 6, "judiciary" -> 6, "It's" -> 6, "Israel's" -> 6, "International" -> 6, "instead" -> 6, "inflation" -> 6, "ignored" -> 6, "hope" -> 6, "honor" -> 6, "hard" -> 6, "hands" -> 6, "ground" -> 6, "generations" -> 6, "generation" -> 6, "foundation" -> 6, "far" -> 6, "exercise" -> 6, "equipment" -> 6, "environmentally" -> 6, "encouraging" -> 6, "embargo" -> 6, "earth" -> 6, "duty" -> 6, "drugs" -> 6, "done" -> 6, "disease" -> 6, "discrimination" -> 6, "diabetes" -> 6, "courts" -> 6, "code" -> 6, "civil" -> 6, "choose" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "capabilities" -> 6, "bureaucrats" -> 6, "bureaucracy" -> 6, "bills" -> 6, "billions" -> 6, "bill" -> 6, "balanced" -> 6, "balance" -> 6, "areas" -> 6, "apply" -> 6, "And" -> 6, "An" -> 6, "Africa" -> 6, "affirm" -> 6, "advance" -> 6, "act" -> 6, "1994" -> 6, "1992" -> 6, "worse" -> 5, "worked" -> 5, "words" -> 5, "whom" -> 5, "When" -> 5, "Western" -> 5, "war" -> 5, "voted" -> 5, "voluntary" -> 5, "violence" -> 5, "using" -> 5, "urge" -> 5, "unique" -> 5, "understand" -> 5, "true" -> 5, "troops" -> 5, "tools" -> 5, "together" -> 5, "theater" -> 5, "terrorists" -> 5, "success" -> 5, "strengthening" -> 5, "Space" -> 5, "size" -> 5, "similar" -> 5, "Service" -> 5, "sense" -> 5, "seen" -> 5, "Savings" -> 5, "saving" -> 5, "response" -> 5, "regulation" -> 5, "recent" -> 5, "receive" -> 5, "reasonable" -> 5, "pursue" -> 5, "promise" -> 5, "prison" -> 5, "powers" -> 5, "potential" -> 5, "pledge" -> 5, "permit" -> 5, "pass" -> 5, "parties" -> 5, "participation" -> 5, "overall" -> 5, "once" -> 5, "older" -> 5, "Office" -> 5, "number" -> 5, "nor" -> 5, "next" -> 5, "never" -> 5, "natural" -> 5, "Native" -> 5, "mutual" -> 5, "minimum" -> 5, "Middle" -> 5, "Medical" -> 5, "measure" -> 5, "means" -> 5, "matter" -> 5, "marketplace" -> 5, "manner" -> 5, "making" -> 5, "lost" -> 5, "look" -> 5, "live" -> 5, "liberty" -> 5, "legislators" -> 5, "leading" -> 5, "Leadership" -> 5, "leader" -> 5, "law-abiding" -> 5, "language" -> 5, "labor" -> 5, "Justice" -> 5, "involvement" -> 5, "Instead" -> 5, "innovative" -> 5, "infrastructure" -> 5, "imposed" -> 5, "if" -> 5, "hold" -> 5, "Hemisphere" -> 5, "Health" -> 5, "grant" -> 5, "give" -> 5, "get" -> 5, "From" -> 5, "fraud" -> 5, "four" -> 5, "Forces" -> 5, "financial" -> 5, "fighting" -> 5, "feel" -> 5, "farm" -> 5, "failure" -> 5, "exports" -> 5, "existing" -> 5, "everyone" -> 5, "ethical" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "establish" -> 5, "enterprise" -> 5, "English" -> 5, "eliminate" -> 5, "elections" -> 5, "elected" -> 5, "East" -> 5, "dramatic" -> 5, "District" -> 5, "disabled" -> 5, "direct" -> 5, "deserve" -> 5, "depend" -> 5, "denied" -> 5, "democracy" -> 5, "demand" -> 5, "decline" -> 5, "debt" -> 5, "days" -> 5, "dangerous" -> 5, "Cuba" -> 5, "crisis" -> 5, "credit" -> 5, "coverage" -> 5, "court" -> 5, "countries" -> 5, "could" -> 5, "contrast" -> 5, "consumer" -> 5, "conflict" -> 5, "conduct" -> 5, "condemn" -> 5, "component" -> 5, "competitiveness" -> 5, "competitive" -> 5, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 5, "combat" -> 5, "Cold" -> 5, "close" -> 5, "clear" -> 5, "citizen" -> 5, "character" -> 5, "Budget" -> 5, "avoid" -> 5, "attempt" -> 5, "assault" -> 5, "Armed" -> 5, "appointed" -> 5, "alone" -> 5, "allowed" -> 5, "ago" -> 5, "advanced" -> 5, "adoption" -> 5, "addition" -> 5, "active" -> 5, "actions" -> 5, "achieve" -> 5, "accountability" -> 5, "abuses" -> 5, "ability" -> 5, "50" -> 5, "1980s" -> 5, "$5" -> 4, "wrongdoing" -> 4, "wrong" -> 4, "won" -> 4, "wisdom" -> 4, "whether" -> 4, "welcome" -> 4, "weakness" -> 4, "vulnerable" -> 4, "veterans" -> 4, "unfair" -> 4, "traffickers" -> 4, "towards" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "threaten" -> 4, "thousands" -> 4, "thereby" -> 4, "term" -> 4, "teen" -> 4, "technological" -> 4, "teachers" -> 4, "taxation" -> 4, "Superfund" -> 4, "sufficient" -> 4, "successful" -> 4, "structural" -> 4, "strongly" -> 4, "streets" -> 4, "strategic" -> 4, "stands" -> 4, "spend" -> 4, "smaller" -> 4, "sites" -> 4, "Since" -> 4, "simple" -> 4, "short" -> 4, "shared" -> 4, "seek" -> 4, "safeguard" -> 4, "Russia's" -> 4, "revolution" -> 4, "reverse" -> 4, "returning" -> 4, "Restoring" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "required" -> 4, "replace" -> 4, "Relief" -> 4, "relief" -> 4, "regarding" -> 4, "regard" -> 4, "reductions" -> 4, "recognizing" -> 4, "reason" -> 4, "real" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "punitive" -> 4, "Public" -> 4, "proven" -> 4, "proud" -> 4, "Protecting" -> 4, "promoted" -> 4, "projects" -> 4, "productivity" -> 4, "productive" -> 4, "product" -> 4, "procurement" -> 4, "proceedings" -> 4, "privatization" -> 4, "principle" -> 4, "primary" -> 4, "prices" -> 4, "prevent" -> 4, "presidents" -> 4, "presidency" -> 4, "preserving" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "prepare" -> 4, "politically" -> 4, "play" -> 4, "planning" -> 4, "period" -> 4, "pension" -> 4, "payments" -> 4, "paperwork" -> 4, "outdated" -> 4, "otherwise" -> 4, "original" -> 4, "Opportunity" -> 4, "Only" -> 4, "officers" -> 4, "obsolete" -> 4, "No" -> 4, "New" -> 4, "neglect" -> 4, "Nation" -> 4, "missiles" -> 4, "mind" -> 4, "Mexico" -> 4, "medicine" -> 4, "matters" -> 4, "mass" -> 4, "Many" -> 4, "mandatory" -> 4, "managed" -> 4, "man" -> 4, "malpractice" -> 4, "majority" -> 4, "majorities" -> 4, "maintaining" -> 4, "low-income" -> 4, "low" -> 4, "long-range" -> 4, "longer" -> 4, "Lincoln" -> 4, "limited" -> 4, "lift" -> 4, "level" -> 4, "legislative" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "learning" -> 4, "Latin" -> 4, "joint" -> 4, "IRAs" -> 4, "Iran" -> 4, "intrusive" -> 4, "interdiction" -> 4, "Intelligence" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "innocent" -> 4, "indispensable" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "income" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "immigrants" -> 4, "ideals" -> 4, "However" -> 4, "how" -> 4, "helping" -> 4, "halt" -> 4, "grow" -> 4, "gives" -> 4, "given" -> 4, "gains" -> 4, "funded" -> 4, "friends" -> 4, "fought" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "food" -> 4, "flexibility" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "First" -> 4, "fewer" -> 4, "few" -> 4, "felons" -> 4, "FBI" -> 4, "farming" -> 4, "Families" -> 4, "fails" -> 4, "export" -> 4, "expectations" -> 4, "expanded" -> 4, "everywhere" -> 4, "era" -> 4, "entire" -> 4, "ensuring" -> 4, "enhance" -> 4, "ending" -> 4, "emphasize" -> 4, "electric" -> 4, "either" -> 4, "economically" -> 4, "early" -> 4, "each" -> 4, "During" -> 4, "Dream" -> 4, "dramatically" -> 4, "directly" -> 4, "difficult" -> 4, "differences" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "destruction" -> 4, "Despite" -> 4, "deplore" -> 4, "defend" -> 4, "dedicated" -> 4, "day" -> 4, "creating" -> 4, "controls" -> 4, "consistent" -> 4, "comprehensive" -> 4, "companies" -> 4, "Communism" -> 4, "commit" -> 4, "Civil" -> 4, "cities" -> 4, "China" -> 4, "capability" -> 4, "boards" -> 4, "benefit" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "battle" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "base" -> 4, "barriers" -> 4, "ban" -> 4, "bad" -> 4, "assure" -> 4, "assist" -> 4, "assert" -> 4, "arrangements" -> 4, "Army" -> 4, "All" -> 4, "ahead" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "agency" -> 4, "After" -> 4, "affordable" -> 4, "advances" -> 4, "adult" -> 4, "additional" -> 4, "activity" -> 4, "Accounts" -> 4, "abortions" -> 4, "25" -> 4, "1993" -> 4, "$35" -> 3, "year's" -> 3, "worsened" -> 3, "works" -> 3, "Women" -> 3, "wish" -> 3, "win" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "wetlands" -> 3, "ways" -> 3, "vision" -> 3, "virtually" -> 3, "views" -> 3, "view" -> 3, "vicious" -> 3, "vetoing" -> 3, "users" -> 3, "Up" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "undermine" -> 3, "Under" -> 3, "unborn" -> 3, "twice" -> 3, "tribal" -> 3, "trial" -> 3, "Treaty" -> 3, "treaties" -> 3, "treated" -> 3, "transform" -> 3, "transfer" -> 3, "trafficking" -> 3, "traditional" -> 3, "track" -> 3, "touch" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "took" -> 3, "tomorrow's" -> 3, "TMD" -> 3, "ties" -> 3, "threats" -> 3, "tenure" -> 3, "Tenth" -> 3, "telecommunications" -> 3, "Technological" -> 3, "Tax" -> 3, "systems" -> 3, "sustainable" -> 3, "sustain" -> 3, "substantially" -> 3, "student" -> 3, "streamline" -> 3, "strategy" -> 3, "strains" -> 3, "status" -> 3, "stage" -> 3, "sponsors" -> 3, "Spending" -> 3, "speech" -> 3, "soon" -> 3, "solutions" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "solemn" -> 3, "So" -> 3, "Small" -> 3, "slashed" -> 3, "simpler" -> 3, "significant" -> 3, "sentences" -> 3, "sending" -> 3, "Senator" -> 3, "seize" -> 3, "secret" -> 3, "schooling" -> 3, "scandal" -> 3, "saved" -> 3, "save" -> 3, "sanctity" -> 3, "sanctions" -> 3, "said" -> 3, "safer" -> 3, "Russian" -> 3, "rogue" -> 3, "risks" -> 3, "revoke" -> 3, "restrictions" -> 3, "restoring" -> 3, "restored" -> 3, "respond" -> 3, "resist" -> 3, "residents" -> 3, "Reserve" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "replaced" -> 3, "repeal" -> 3, "renew" -> 3, "rely" -> 3, "reliable" -> 3, "relations" -> 3, "related" -> 3, "Regulatory" -> 3, "regimes" -> 3, "refuses" -> 3, "Reform" -> 3, "records" -> 3, "R&D" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "pursued" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "prudent" -> 3, "provisions" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "protects" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "Program" -> 3, "privacy" -> 3, "preventive" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "pregnancies" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "poverty" -> 3, "posed" -> 3, "Policy" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "perform" -> 3, "peer-reviewed" -> 3, "peaceful" -> 3, "path" -> 3, "parks" -> 3, "pace" -> 3, "ownership" -> 3, "overdue" -> 3, "outreach" -> 3, "others" -> 3, "orders" -> 3, "Operation" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "On" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "often" -> 3, "Of" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "obligation" -> 3, "Not" -> 3, "Northern" -> 3, "neighbors" -> 3, "missions" -> 3, "misguided" -> 3, "mining" -> 3, "Members" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "meaningful" -> 3, "massive" -> 3, "marriage" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "marginal" -> 3, "mandates" -> 3, "love" -> 3, "loan" -> 3, "line-item" -> 3, "Line" -> 3, "legally" -> 3, "learn" -> 3, "largest" -> 3, "larger" -> 3, "lacking" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "kind" -> 3, "Juvenile" -> 3, "Jobs" -> 3, "jail" -> 3, "isn't" -> 3, "IRS" -> 3, "Ireland" -> 3, "intervention" -> 3, "integration" -> 3, "integral" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "initiatives" -> 3, "Initiative" -> 3, "Information" -> 3, "information" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "Independence" -> 3, "independence" -> 3, "indeed" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "implement" -> 3, "Immigration" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "Illegal" -> 3, "If" -> 3, "idea" -> 3, "households" -> 3, "hopes" -> 3, "honesty" -> 3, "Homeownership" -> 3, "holds" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "Hill" -> 3, "heritage" -> 3, "harder" -> 3, "harassment" -> 3, "Gulf" -> 3, "guided" -> 3, "guard" -> 3, "guarantee" -> 3, "grown" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "Great" -> 3, "grantees" -> 3, "Grant" -> 3, "governors" -> 3, "government's" -> 3, "God" -> 3, "gifts" -> 3, "getting" -> 3, "General" -> 3, "fundamental" -> 3, "frivolous" -> 3, "fostering" -> 3, "forests" -> 3, "foremost" -> 3, "Foreign" -> 3, "forced" -> 3, "follow" -> 3, "flawed" -> 3, "fit" -> 3, "firms" -> 3, "firm" -> 3, "finest" -> 3, "file" -> 3, "fields" -> 3, "fellow" -> 3, "fear" -> 3, "faster" -> 3, "fairness" -> 3, "fairer" -> 3, "factors" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "extended" -> 3, "extend" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "exemption" -> 3, "excessive" -> 3, "excess" -> 3, "evidence" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "entrepreneurial" -> 3, "entitlements" -> 3, "enormous" -> 3, "enforced" -> 3, "Energy" -> 3, "enduring" -> 3, "ends" -> 3, "enable" -> 3, "empower" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "emphasis" -> 3, "emergency" -> 3, "elsewhere" -> 3, "elimination" -> 3, "eliminating" -> 3, "egregious" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "effectively" -> 3, "educational" -> 3, "edge" -> 3, "Economic" -> 3, "earnings" -> 3, "dynamic" -> 3, "dream" -> 3, "dollar" -> 3, "diversity" -> 3, "discoveries" -> 3, "diminished" -> 3, "did" -> 3, "Development" -> 3, "developing" -> 3, "develop" -> 3, "determined" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "destroy" -> 3, "designed" -> 3, "deploy" -> 3, "depends" -> 3, "dependent" -> 3, "dependence" -> 3, "denounce" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "defenses" -> 3, "defended" -> 3, "Declaration" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "decide" -> 3, "danger" -> 3, "cutting" -> 3, "crusade" -> 3, "crucial" -> 3, "creed" -> 3, "Court's" -> 3, "count" -> 3, "costly" -> 3, "cost-effective" -> 3, "cornerstone" -> 3, "cooperate" -> 3, "conviction" -> 3, "controlled" -> 3, "continued" -> 3, "consolidate" -> 3, "consider" -> 3, "consensus" -> 3, "confidence" -> 3, "concerning" -> 3, "complications" -> 3, "compliance" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "compassion" -> 3, "Community" -> 3, "Communist" -> 3, "committee" -> 3, "command-and-control" -> 3, "college" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "climate" -> 3, "Clause" -> 3, "challenge" -> 3, "central" -> 3, "Castro" -> 3, "cases" -> 3, "case" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "caring" -> 3, "carefully" -> 3, "career" -> 3, "Capitol" -> 3, "campaign" -> 3, "bureaucratic" -> 3, "brought" -> 3, "bosses" -> 3, "boost" -> 3, "blocked" -> 3, "biotechnology" -> 3, "big" -> 3, "bear" -> 3, "ballistic" -> 3, "Balanced" -> 3, "average" -> 3, "automatic" -> 3, "Attorney" -> 3, "Asia" -> 3, "armed" -> 3, "appropriation" -> 3, "approaches" -> 3, "appointment" -> 3, "another" -> 3, "alternatives" -> 3, "alliance" -> 3, "air" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "agreements" -> 3, "age" -> 3, "advantage" -> 3, "administered" -> 3, "address" -> 3, "add" -> 3, "achievements" -> 3, "able" -> 3, "abandonment" -> 3, "80" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "30" -> 3, "1990" -> 3, "10" -> 3, "$500" -> 2, "$1" -> 2, "youth" -> 2, "young" -> 2, "worthy" -> 2, "worst" -> 2, "worldwide" -> 2, "world's" -> 2, "worker" -> 2, "word" -> 2, "won't" -> 2, "wonder" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "Without" -> 2, "wishes" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "willing" -> 2, "Wildlife" -> 2, "wilderness" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "We've" -> 2, "western" -> 2, "wellness" -> 2, "wealth" -> 2, "Washington's" -> 2, "Warranty" -> 2, "walks" -> 2, "wait" -> 2, "vouchers" -> 2, "volatile" -> 2, "visas" -> 2, "virtues" -> 2, "violations" -> 2, "victories" -> 2, "verdict" -> 2, "ventures" -> 2, "vehicle" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "utilize" -> 2, "utility" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "usage" -> 2, "urgently" -> 2, "Urban" -> 2, "urban" -> 2, "Upholding" -> 2, "untold" -> 2, "unreliable" -> 2, "unlimited" -> 2, "units" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "unfunded" -> 2, "undue" -> 2, "undermined" -> 2, "underfunded" -> 2, "unconscionable" -> 2, "unchallenged" -> 2, "uncertainty" -> 2, "unacceptably" -> 2, "U.N." -> 2, "tying" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "turn" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "truths" -> 2, "trials" -> 2, "tremendous" -> 2, "treadmill" -> 2, "transportation" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "transition" -> 2, "transforming" -> 2, "transferred" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "tragedy" -> 2, "trading" -> 2, "toxic" -> 2, "toughen" -> 2, "Tough" -> 2, "Top" -> 2, "top" -> 2, "tool" -> 2, "tomorrow" -> 2, "Today's" -> 2, "timber" -> 2, "Throughout" -> 2, "threatens" -> 2, "threatening" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "thirty" -> 2, "There" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "testing" -> 2, "Test" -> 2, "Terrorism" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "Territories" -> 2, "teens" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "TEAM" -> 2, "team" -> 2, "teaching" -> 2, "teach" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "Takings" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "systemic" -> 2, "Syria" -> 2, "symbol" -> 2, "supportive" -> 2, "superpower" -> 2, "Sudan" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "substantial" -> 2, "subsidies" -> 2, "submit" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "struggle" -> 2, "strongest" -> 2, "Stronger" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strike" -> 2, "strengthens" -> 2, "Strength" -> 2, "street" -> 2, "Streamlining" -> 2, "straight" -> 2, "storage" -> 2, "stopped" -> 2, "stewardship" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "statutory" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "start-up" -> 2, "start" -> 2, "Standard" -> 2, "staggering" -> 2, "staff" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "spousal" -> 2, "speed" -> 2, "Speaker" -> 2, "speak" -> 2, "sovereign" -> 2, "sources" -> 2, "Somalia" -> 2, "Solving" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solely" -> 2, "sole" -> 2, "Soldiers" -> 2, "Society" -> 2, "societies" -> 2, "smugglers" -> 2, "slush" -> 2, "slowing" -> 2, "six" -> 2, "significance" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "shut" -> 2, "shows" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "sex" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "serving" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "separation" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "sentencing" -> 2, "Sensible" -> 2, "seniors" -> 2, "sends" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "select" -> 2, "seem" -> 2, "seeks" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "Securing" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "scorn" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "schoolyards" -> 2, "scholarships" -> 2, "schemes" -> 2, "scale" -> 2, "says" -> 2, "say" -> 2, "sanitation" -> 2, "sale" -> 2, "Sailors" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "Rwanda" -> 2, "rushing" -> 2, "runs" -> 2, "ruinous" -> 2, "risked" -> 2, "rise" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "rewarding" -> 2, "reward" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "reveal" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "retirees" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "restructuring" -> 2, "restrict" -> 2, "Restraining" -> 2, "restitution" -> 2, "respecting" -> 2, "resource" -> 2, "resolve" -> 2, "residing" -> 2, "repression" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "reported" -> 2, "repeatedly" -> 2, "repealed" -> 2, "Renewing" -> 2, "Renewal" -> 2, "renewable" -> 2, "rendered" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "release" -> 2, "regime" -> 2, "refuse" -> 2, "refusal" -> 2, "Refuge" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "Reducing" -> 2, "reduces" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "receiving" -> 2, "Rebuilding" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "Real" -> 2, "Reagan" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "ratification" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "ranks" -> 2, "rangeland" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "pursuit" -> 2, "punishment" -> 2, "public's" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "Prosperity" -> 2, "prosecute" -> 2, "Proposition" -> 2, "Property" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "Promoting" -> 2, "promoting" -> 2, "promising" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "Progress" -> 2, "profit" -> 2, "pro-family" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "proactive" -> 2, "prisons" -> 2, "prisoners" -> 2, "priorities" -> 2, "prior" -> 2, "Principles" -> 2, "Prime" -> 2, "previous" -> 2, "prestige" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "presidential" -> 2, "premiums" -> 2, "preferences" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "prayer" -> 2, "Power" -> 2, "possession" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "position" -> 2, "ports" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "police" -> 2, "Poland" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "please" -> 2, "plain" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "pioneering" -> 2, "Philadelphia" -> 2, "Persian" -> 2, "permits" -> 2, "permanently" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "periodic" -> 2, "Pennsylvania" -> 2, "penalty" -> 2, "peacekeeping" -> 2, "patients" -> 2, "patient's" -> 2, "patient" -> 2, "passivity" -> 2, "Party's" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "partnership" -> 2, "partners" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "partial-birth" -> 2, "Park" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "owners" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "overturn" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "over-regulation" -> 2, "overhead" -> 2, "Oval" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "output" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "Organization" -> 2, "option" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opposes" -> 2, "opportunistic" -> 2, "opinion" -> 2, "operational" -> 2, "one-fifth" -> 2, "Once" -> 2, "Older" -> 2, "offering" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "offenses" -> 2, "offense" -> 2, "offenders" -> 2, "occupant" -> 2, "obstetrics" -> 2, "Numbers" -> 2, "Nowhere" -> 2, "November" -> 2, "notion" -> 2, "notice" -> 2, "nonsense" -> 2, "nominate" -> 2, "nightmare" -> 2, "night" -> 2, "Newt" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neighborhood" -> 2, "needless" -> 2, "near-record" -> 2, "near" -> 2, "naming" -> 2, "murder" -> 2, "multiple" -> 2, "Much" -> 2, "mothers" -> 2, "Most" -> 2, "mortgage" -> 2, "More" -> 2, "morally" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "mocked" -> 2, "mistakes" -> 2, "mission" -> 2, "Missile" -> 2, "mismatch" -> 2, "mismanagement" -> 2, "Minister" -> 2, "militarily" -> 2, "middle-class" -> 2, "middle" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "message" -> 2, "merit" -> 2, "Men" -> 2, "memory" -> 2, "meddling" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "may" -> 2, "Marriage" -> 2, "marijuana" -> 2, "margins" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "mainstream" -> 2, "lot" -> 2, "lobbying" -> 2, "Living" -> 2, "livestock" -> 2, "livelihood" -> 2, "link" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "limitation" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "likewise" -> 2, "lied" -> 2, "licensing" -> 2, "Libya" -> 2, "Liberia" -> 2, "liberation" -> 2, "liberating" -> 2, "liberals" -> 2, "liberalism" -> 2, "Let" -> 2, "lesson" -> 2, "legislatures" -> 2, "legalization" -> 2, "Legal" -> 2, "legacy" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "launched" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "languages" -> 2, "Lands" -> 2, "Lakes" -> 2, "lacks" -> 2, "lack" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "King" -> 2, "kept" -> 2, "keeps" -> 2, "juveniles" -> 2, "jurisdictions" -> 2, "joining" -> 2, "joined" -> 2, "join" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "Japan" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "isolating" -> 2, "Iraq" -> 2, "Iranian" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "investments" -> 2, "invest" -> 2, "introduced" -> 2, "intolerance" -> 2, "intimidation" -> 2, "interim" -> 2, "Interest" -> 2, "intent" -> 2, "intended" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "instant" -> 2, "innovations" -> 2, "infringe" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "indoctrination" -> 2, "indifference" -> 2, "indicted" -> 2, "Indian" -> 2, "Independent" -> 2, "indecision" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "increases" -> 2, "inconsistent" -> 2, "includes" -> 2, "improved" -> 2, "impossible" -> 2, "imposition" -> 2, "implemented" -> 2, "impediments" -> 2, "impediment" -> 2, "immoral" -> 2, "ills" -> 2, "illegitimacy" -> 2, "ill-conceived" -> 2, "Hussein" -> 2, "Hungary" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "house" -> 2, "host" -> 2, "hospitals" -> 2, "Hope" -> 2, "Honest" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "hinder" -> 2, "hike" -> 2, "Highway" -> 2, "highest" -> 2, "Herzegovina" -> 2, "here" -> 2, "hearts" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "hearings" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "harsh" -> 2, "Haiti" -> 2, "habitat" -> 2, "guns" -> 2, "Guard" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "Growth" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "gross" -> 2, "grew" -> 2, "greenhouse" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "Governors" -> 2, "goes" -> 2, "Goal" -> 2, "globe" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "Gingrich" -> 2, "Getting" -> 2, "geographic" -> 2, "genocide" -> 2, "generous" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "functions" -> 2, "fulfillment" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "frontier" -> 2, "freedoms" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "fosters" -> 2, "forward" -> 2, "formula" -> 2, "forms" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "forbidding" -> 2, "foothold" -> 2, "focus" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flex-time" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "finish" -> 2, "finding" -> 2, "financially" -> 2, "finally" -> 2, "files" -> 2, "fifty" -> 2, "Fifth" -> 2, "fiber" -> 2, "federally" -> 2, "fearful" -> 2, "favored" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "faithful" -> 2, "faith-based" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "facing" -> 2, "facilitated" -> 2, "eye" -> 2, "extreme" -> 2, "extraordinary" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "explosion" -> 2, "experimentation" -> 2, "expensive" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "exercises" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "excuses" -> 2, "exceeds" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "evasion" -> 2, "ethnic" -> 2, "ethanol" -> 2, "estate" -> 2, "escalating" -> 2, "ESA" -> 2, "eroded" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "engagement" -> 2, "enforcing" -> 2, "Endowment" -> 2, "endorsed" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "endeavor" -> 2, "empowers" -> 2, "empowering" -> 2, "employ" -> 2, "emissions" -> 2, "emerging" -> 2, "emergence" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "efficient" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "educators" -> 2, "Educational" -> 2, "Edge" -> 2, "economics" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "earlier" -> 2, "duration" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "drove" -> 2, "drivers" -> 2, "drive" -> 2, "drag" -> 2, "downsized" -> 2, "Down" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "door" -> 2, "domination" -> 2, "domestically" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "doesn't" -> 2, "documents" -> 2, "doctors" -> 2, "divisions" -> 2, "diverse" -> 2, "disincentives" -> 2, "diseases" -> 2, "discussion" -> 2, "discredited" -> 2, "discourages" -> 2, "disclosure" -> 2, "disclose" -> 2, "discipline" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "Disabilities" -> 2, "Director" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "differing" -> 2, "different" -> 2, "devastated" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "design" -> 2, "desecration" -> 2, "deregulation" -> 2, "deployment" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "deficits" -> 2, "Defending" -> 2, "defeating" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "deepest" -> 2, "deductible" -> 2, "dedication" -> 2, "declaring" -> 2, "decimated" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "decency" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "death" -> 2, "deals" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "deadly" -> 2, "deadbeat" -> 2, "damages" -> 2, "D" -> 2, "Czech" -> 2, "Cyprus" -> 2, "currently" -> 2, "cultural" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "Crisis" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "Crime" -> 2, "credibility" -> 2, "Creator" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "Creating" -> 2, "Courts" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "courage" -> 2, "counties" -> 2, "councils" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "Corporation" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "convicted" -> 2, "contributions" -> 2, "contrary" -> 2, "contract" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "context" -> 2, "Consumer's" -> 2, "constant" -> 2, "consent" -> 2, "conscience" -> 2, "conflicts" -> 2, "confidentiality" -> 2, "concert" -> 2, "compulsion" -> 2, "comp-time" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "complacency" -> 2, "competitors" -> 2, "communications" -> 2, "common-sense" -> 2, "committing" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "commitments" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "Commerce" -> 2, "command" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "comeback" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "Colorado" -> 2, "colleges" -> 2, "collapse" -> 2, "cocaine" -> 2, "coastal" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "closed" -> 2, "Clintonite" -> 2, "clings" -> 2, "clean-up" -> 2, "Cleaning" -> 2, "cleaner" -> 2, "classrooms" -> 2, "classroom" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "clarity" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "claim" -> 2, "civility" -> 2, "city's" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "Citizens" -> 2, "churches" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "check" -> 2, "chart" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "chance" -> 2, "championed" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "centralized" -> 2, "Central" -> 2, "centers" -> 2, "centerpiece" -> 2, "Care" -> 2, "Capital" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "candidate" -> 2, "cancer" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "calls" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "California" -> 2, "C" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "Burundi" -> 2, "burdensome" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "builds" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "Budgets" -> 2, "budgeted" -> 2, "brutality" -> 2, "brownfields" -> 2, "broken" -> 2, "broader" -> 2, "bravery" -> 2, "Bottom" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "borders" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "blackmail" -> 2, "birth" -> 2, "bipartisan" -> 2, "biodiesel" -> 2, "bind" -> 2, "billing" -> 2, "biggest" -> 2, "bias" -> 2, "beyond" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "begin" -> 2, "began" -> 2, "basics" -> 2, "bar" -> 2, "banning" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "Balancing" -> 2, "Aviation" -> 2, "Avenue" -> 2, "automatically" -> 2, "auto" -> 2, "authorities" -> 2, "Aurora" -> 2, "attend" -> 2, "attain" -> 2, "attacks" -> 2, "Attack" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "Association" -> 2, "Assistance" -> 2, "assets" -> 2, "artificial" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "approved" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "apparent" -> 2, "anyone" -> 2, "Another" -> 2, "annual" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "amend" -> 2, "alternative" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "All-Volunteer" -> 2, "allows" -> 2, "Alliance" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "Age" -> 2, "Against" -> 2, "affected" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "advocated" -> 2, "adversaries" -> 2, "adoptive" -> 2, "adopt" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "administrations" -> 2, "administration's" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "addressing" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "acquire" -> 2, "acknowledge" -> 2, "achieving" -> 2, "accounts" -> 2, "accounting" -> 2, "Accordingly" -> 2, "according" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "accessible" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abolished" -> 2, "ABM" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "5" -> 2, "38" -> 2, "28" -> 2, "23" -> 2, "1983" -> 2, "1981" -> 2, "1950" -> 2, "1940" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$700" -> 1, "$6,000" -> 1, "$600" -> 1, "$53" -> 1, "$3,800" -> 1, "$36,000" -> 1, "$30" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$2,500" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$175" -> 1, "$1.6" -> 1, "$150" -> 1, "$15" -> 1, "$1.5" -> 1, "$1,400" -> 1, "zones" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "Zimmer's" -> 1, "zero-out" -> 1, "zeal" -> 1, "youngsters" -> 1, "Yitzhak" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "yellowed" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "Worse" -> 1, "worlds" -> 1, "workplaces" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "witnesses" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "witch-hunts" -> 1, "wishful" -> 1, "Wisconsin" -> 1, "wipe" -> 1, "winners" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "Will" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "wherewithal" -> 1, "Wetland" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "well-managed" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "weight" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "weed" -> 1, "web" -> 1, "wear" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "wavered" -> 1, "waver" -> 1, "Watts-Talent" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "water-related" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wastefully" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Washington-based" -> 1, "warmth" -> 1, "warfighting" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vulnerability" -> 1, "vow" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "volunteers" -> 1, "volunteerism" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "vitamins" -> 1, "visual" -> 1, "vise" -> 1, "virtual" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "violates" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vindicating" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "Vietnam" -> 1, "Victim's" -> 1, "victimization" -> 1, "vibrant" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "verify" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "Vehicle" -> 1, "value-shaping" -> 1, "value-added" -> 1, "usurped" -> 1, "USDA" -> 1, "urging" -> 1, "Upper" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "unwelcome" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unvaccinated" -> 1, "untouched" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "unsupported" -> 1, "unsupervised" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unpunished" -> 1, "unprotected" -> 1, "unprepared" -> 1, "unpredictable" -> 1, "unnecessarily" -> 1, "unmarried" -> 1, "Unlike" -> 1, "unlike" -> 1, "unleashing" -> 1, "unleashed" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "uniting" -> 1, "unify" -> 1, "uniforms" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "unfaltering" -> 1, "unethical" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "undo" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "undertaxed" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "understands" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "understandable" -> 1, "undercutting" -> 1, "undemocratic" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unalienable" -> 1, "unabridged" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "Ulysses" -> 1, "Ukraine" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "typical" -> 1, "two-parent" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "twilight" -> 1, "turns" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "Tuition" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "truth-in-sentencing" -> 1, "truthfulness" -> 1, "Truth" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "Trusting" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "trucks" -> 1, "Truancy" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "trivial" -> 1, "triple" -> 1, "Triggerlock" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "tribes" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "trees" -> 1, "treaty-breaking" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "treasures" -> 1, "traveling" -> 1, "Travel" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "trauma" -> 1, "transported" -> 1, "transferring" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "Traditionally" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "towers" -> 1, "toughest" -> 1, "tougher" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "tort" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "Too" -> 1, "Tongass" -> 1, "tolerates" -> 1, "tolerant" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "told" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "timid" -> 1, "timetables" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "timber-dependent" -> 1, "tighten" -> 1, "Tier" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "thwarting" -> 1, "thwart" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thugs" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "threw" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thoughtful" -> 1, "Thirty" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thinks" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "they're" -> 1, "There's" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "theorists" -> 1, "theories" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "Theater" -> 1, "That's" -> 1, "that's" -> 1, "THAAD" -> 1, "Texas" -> 1, "Testimony" -> 1, "testimony" -> 1, "testifying" -> 1, "testify" -> 1, "Terrorist" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "tempered" -> 1, "tell" -> 1, "Telecommunications" -> 1, "telecommuni-cations" -> 1, "Teddy" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "technicalities" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "tax-preferred" -> 1, "taxpayer's" -> 1, "taxpayer-financed" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "tax-free" -> 1, "tax-exempt" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "tarnished" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tandem" -> 1, "talking" -> 1, "talk" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "Taiwan" -> 1, "tainted" -> 1, "tailor" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tactic" -> 1, "tackling" -> 1, "synonymous" -> 1, "synagogues" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "symbols" -> 1, "symbolizes" -> 1, "switched" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "sweeter" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "suspicious" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "Survival" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "surrendering" -> 1, "surprise" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "Surgeon" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "supporters" -> 1, "supported" -> 1, "supplements" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "super-majority" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "superhighway" -> 1, "Super" -> 1, "suits" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suit" -> 1, "suicide" -> 1, "suffragist" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "Sudanese" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substandard" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "subsidizing" -> 1, "subsidize" -> 1, "subsequently" -> 1, "subordinated" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "submitting" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "subcommittees" -> 1, "studying" -> 1, "studies" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "stroke" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "stricken" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "Street" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategies" -> 1, "Strategic" -> 1, "strangulation" -> 1, "strangest" -> 1, "strangers" -> 1, "Storm" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stifling" -> 1, "stifles" -> 1, "stiff" -> 1, "steers" -> 1, "steeped" -> 1, "stealth" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "stays" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "stature" -> 1, "Station" -> 1, "state-controlled" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "star" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "stalking" -> 1, "stagnant" -> 1, "staffers" -> 1, "stack" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "squeezing" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "squandering" -> 1, "spouse" -> 1, "sponsorship" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "sponsor" -> 1, "spoken" -> 1, "spoke" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "spends" -> 1, "spelled" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speeds" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "specific" -> 1, "Species" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "specially" -> 1, "specialize" -> 1, "spearheaded" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "somersault" -> 1, "someone" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solvency" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "soils" -> 1, "soft" -> 1, "socioeconomic" -> 1, "socially" -> 1, "socialized" -> 1, "socialist" -> 1, "socialism" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "smuggled" -> 1, "smuggle" -> 1, "smother" -> 1, "smooth" -> 1, "smear" -> 1, "slowest" -> 1, "slip" -> 1, "slave" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "skies" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "siting" -> 1, "siphoning" -> 1, "siphoned" -> 1, "sins" -> 1, "sincere" -> 1, "Simultaneously" -> 1, "simply" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplicity" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "signifies" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "sights" -> 1, "siege" -> 1, "sickle" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shrinking" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "shortly" -> 1, "shortfalls" -> 1, "shorter-range" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shoreline" -> 1, "shocks" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "shell" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shareholders" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shameless" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "shadow" -> 1, "sexually-transmitted" -> 1, "sewer" -> 1, "severely" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "sessions" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "Serbia" -> 1, "September" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "Senate's" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "self-sufficiency" -> 1, "self-sacrifice" -> 1, "Self-reliance" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "self-employed" -> 1, "self-discipline" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "self-audit" -> 1, "seizure" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seems" -> 1, "security-related" -> 1, "Securities" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "Secret" -> 1, "second-highest" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "sealed" -> 1, "sea-based" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "SDI" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scorned" -> 1, "scientifically" -> 1, "Scientific" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "School-To-Work" -> 1, "school-based" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "scene" -> 1, "scattered" -> 1, "scare" -> 1, "scarcity" -> 1, "Scandals" -> 1, "scandalous" -> 1, "savers" -> 1, "Samoans" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "same-sex" -> 1, "salvage" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "Safer" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "Safe" -> 1, "Saddam" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "ruthlessness" -> 1, "rush" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruin" -> 1, "rudderless" -> 1, "R's" -> 1, "royalties" -> 1, "routine" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "rotate" -> 1, "rose" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "Ronald" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "risk-taking" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "rightfully" -> 1, "rigged" -> 1, "rig" -> 1, "Rife" -> 1, "rife" -> 1, "ridiculously" -> 1, "Rico's" -> 1, "RICO" -> 1, "ribbon" -> 1, "revocation" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revisit" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "Reversing" -> 1, "reversing" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "Reusable" -> 1, "Retroactive" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retains" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "retail" -> 1, "resurgence" -> 1, "Results" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "Restructuring" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restructure" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "restrained" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "responds" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respectfully" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resounding" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "Resident" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "resemble" -> 1, "Research" -> 1, "rescind" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "Republican-sponsored" -> 1, "Republican-created" -> 1, "represents" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "Representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reprehensible" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replaces" -> 1, "repetition" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "reopen" -> 1, "renounce" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "renaissance" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "reminded" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "relinquish" -> 1, "religiously" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "reliably" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "relaxation" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "rejoin" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reinvigorated" -> 1, "Reinventing" -> 1, "reinvented" -> 1, "reinvent" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "rein" -> 1, "rehydration" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "referenda" -> 1, "reevaluate" -> 1, "reelection" -> 1, "redundant" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "redirected" -> 1, "rectitude" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "recovering" -> 1, "reconnect" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "recidivism" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "receipts" -> 1, "receipt" -> 1, "rebuilt" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "rebates" -> 1, "reassessment" -> 1, "reasserting" -> 1, "reasoned" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "reality" -> 1, "realistic" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "reaffirmation" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "reading" -> 1, "readily" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "reactors" -> 1, "reactive" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "reaches" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "ravaging" -> 1, "rationing" -> 1, "ratings" -> 1, "rapists" -> 1, "rapid" -> 1, "rape" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "ranging" -> 1, "randomness" -> 1, "ranchers" -> 1, "rally" -> 1, "rallied" -> 1, "Raising" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "radicalism" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "Racketeer" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "Rabin" -> 1, "questionable" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quarters" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pushing" -> 1, "pushes" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "purveyors" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purge" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "pupil" -> 1, "punishing" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "proxy" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "provider-sponsored" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prostate" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "prosecuting" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "Properties" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotions" -> 1, "proliferators" -> 1, "pro-life" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "Prohibition" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "pro-growth" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profit-seeking" -> 1, "profiteers" -> 1, "profited" -> 1, "professionals" -> 1, "professional" -> 1, "pro-environment" -> 1, "productively" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "pro-development" -> 1, "procedures" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "pro-business" -> 1, "probation" -> 1, "privatize" -> 1, "private-sector" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "Privacy" -> 1, "Prisons" -> 1, "principals" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "prey" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "Preventive" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "pretrial" -> 1, "pretend" -> 1, "president's" -> 1, "Presidentially" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "prescriptive" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "pre-position" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "premature" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "preexisting" -> 1, "preempt" -> 1, "preeminent" -> 1, "predicted" -> 1, "predictability" -> 1, "predict" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "precondition" -> 1, "precision" -> 1, "precipitous" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "precedent" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "practitioners" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "POW's" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "posts" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "postcard" -> 1, "poses" -> 1, "portable" -> 1, "portability" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "pornography" -> 1, "pornographic" -> 1, "pornographers" -> 1, "pork" -> 1, "populous" -> 1, "popularly" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "pools" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politicized" -> 1, "politicization" -> 1, "policing" -> 1, "poison" -> 1, "point-of-purchase" -> 1, "pocketbooks" -> 1, "plow" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "pipeline" -> 1, "pioneered" -> 1, "pilot" -> 1, "pillar" -> 1, "pill" -> 1, "phony" -> 1, "phonics" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "phased" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "pet" -> 1, "pesticides" -> 1, "perverse" -> 1, "Personal" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "perish" -> 1, "perils" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "performance-based" -> 1, "Performance" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "payers" -> 1, "patrol" -> 1, "patriots" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "pathology" -> 1, "passes" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "particulates" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "Parks" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "parchment" -> 1, "paralyzed" -> 1, "paralleled" -> 1, "Paraguay" -> 1, "par" -> 1, "pamper" -> 1, "package" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "ozone" -> 1, "overwhelm" -> 1, "overstepped" -> 1, "overstaying" -> 1, "overspends" -> 1, "overriding" -> 1, "overlooked" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overcrowding" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outshines" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outrage" -> 1, "outlive" -> 1, "outdoor" -> 1, "outcry" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "OSHA" -> 1, "originally" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "Organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "ordered" -> 1, "Order" -> 1, "orbiting" -> 1, "oral" -> 1, "Or" -> 1, "options" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opponents" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "onshore" -> 1, "ongoing" -> 1, "one-size-fits-all" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "omission" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "Oil" -> 1, "offspring" -> 1, "offshore" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "offender" -> 1, "odds" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obstructionism" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "obsolescent" -> 1, "objector" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "objected" -> 1, "obedience" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "notified" -> 1, "notification" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "notably" -> 1, "Northwest" -> 1, "norms" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "non-meritorious" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "None" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "non-consensual" -> 1, "non-citizens" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "nominee's" -> 1, "no-frills" -> 1, "nocturnal" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "nightfall" -> 1, "Nigeria" -> 1, "Newly" -> 1, "new-found" -> 1, "newcomers" -> 1, "Nevertheless" -> 1, "networks" -> 1, "Netanyahu" -> 1, "neighborhoods" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "negotiable" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "near-term" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "near-combat" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "Nautilus" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "Naturalization" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "nationhood" -> 1, "nationalist" -> 1, "narrowly" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narcotics-related" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "myriad" -> 1, "my" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "Mutual" -> 1, "mushroomed" -> 1, "murders" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multi-employer" -> 1, "Mubarak" -> 1, "MSAs" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "Motor-Voter" -> 1, "motivates" -> 1, "motivated" -> 1, "Moscow's" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "Mortgage" -> 1, "mortality" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "moralism" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "moot" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "Montenegro" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monitoring" -> 1, "Money" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "models" -> 1, "mock" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "misutilized" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "Missle" -> 1, "misplaced" -> 1, "misdirected" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "misapplication" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "minor" -> 1, "Minneapolis" -> 1, "Mining" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mindset" -> 1, "mills" -> 1, "millennium" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "Migrant" -> 1, "micromanagement" -> 1, "micro-machinery" -> 1, "MIA's" -> 1, "Mexican" -> 1, "methamphetamines" -> 1, "mess" -> 1, "mesh" -> 1, "meritocracy" -> 1, "merchandise" -> 1, "mention" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "memorial" -> 1, "Megan's" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "Mediscare" -> 1, "Medisave" -> 1, "mediating" -> 1, "mediate" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "meddled" -> 1, "meddle" -> 1, "mechanisms" -> 1, "measureless" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "measurably" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "mastery" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "masquerade" -> 1, "marshals" -> 1, "marriages" -> 1, "market-based" -> 1, "Marianas" -> 1, "marginalized" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "manageable" -> 1, "Making" -> 1, "makers" -> 1, "Make" -> 1, "Main" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "magnify" -> 1, "magnet" -> 1, "made-in-Washington" -> 1, "MacBride" -> 1, "luster" -> 1, "lurched" -> 1, "lumber" -> 1, "low-tax" -> 1, "Low-Income" -> 1, "Low-income" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "loves" -> 1, "Love" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "lose" -> 1, "Los" -> 1, "loose" -> 1, "loopholes" -> 1, "loom" -> 1, "look-say" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "logging" -> 1, "locking" -> 1, "locked" -> 1, "lock" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "lobbyists" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "litigious" -> 1, "Litigation" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "lip" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "linchpin" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "likelihood" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "lightly" -> 1, "lighter" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "life-threatening" -> 1, "lifestyles" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "Libre" -> 1, "liberate" -> 1, "liberalism's" -> 1, "levy" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "lengthy" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "lender" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "leeway" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "learned" -> 1, "leapfrogged" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "Leading" -> 1, "lawsuit" -> 1, "Launch" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "laughing" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "Largely" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "land-tenure" -> 1, "landowners" -> 1, "landmark" -> 1, "land-based" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "ladder" -> 1, "Lac" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "laboratory" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "Kremlin" -> 1, "Kosova" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "Know" -> 1, "knots" -> 1, "knew" -> 1, "kingpins" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "kill" -> 1, "kidney" -> 1, "kidnappers" -> 1, "keystone" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "justifiably" -> 1, "justices" -> 1, "jurists" -> 1, "junk" -> 1, "June" -> 1, "jumped" -> 1, "July" -> 1, "judged" -> 1, "Judge" -> 1, "judge" -> 1, "Jordan" -> 1, "joins" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "Jimmy" -> 1, "jewels" -> 1, "Jersey" -> 1, "jeopardized" -> 1, "jammed" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "it's" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "Israeli" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irresponsibly" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "Irish" -> 1, "Iraq's" -> 1, "Iraqi" -> 1, "Iowa" -> 1, "inward" -> 1, "involuntarily" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invent" -> 1, "intrusions" -> 1, "intrusion" -> 1, "intrudes" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "interpreting" -> 1, "Internet" -> 1, "interlocked" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "Interests" -> 1, "intercept" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "Institutes" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "instill" -> 1, "Instant" -> 1, "instance" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "insignia" -> 1, "insects" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "Innovation" -> 1, "innovate" -> 1, "inner" -> 1, "inmates" -> 1, "ink" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "initially" -> 1, "inimical" -> 1, "inhibits" -> 1, "inhibit" -> 1, "inherits" -> 1, "inheritance" -> 1, "inhere" -> 1, "ingredients" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "Influenced" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "Inflexible" -> 1, "infirmity" -> 1, "infanticide" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "infamous" -> 1, "ineligible" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "indulged" -> 1, "Individuals" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indirect" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "incurring" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "incur" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "incorporating" -> 1, "incorporate" -> 1, "Inconsistent" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "inclusive" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "incentive-based" -> 1, "Incentive" -> 1, "incarcerated" -> 1, "Inauguration" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "impunity" -> 1, "imprudent" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improves" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "imperiled" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impedes" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "impacts" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "immunizations" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "Illinois" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "ID" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hypocritically" -> 1, "hydro" -> 1, "hurting" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "Hundreds" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humility" -> 1, "humbly" -> 1, "Humanities" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "HUD's" -> 1, "HUD" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "homosexuals" -> 1, "homosexuality" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "home-office" -> 1, "homemakers" -> 1, "home-buying" -> 1, "Hollow" -> 1, "hollow" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "Hold" -> 1, "Hobbs" -> 1, "hobbling" -> 1, "hobbles" -> 1, "HIV" -> 1, "hitting" -> 1, "hits" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "history's" -> 1, "historical" -> 1, "hired-gun" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "hikes" -> 1, "high-yield" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-tech" -> 1, "high-skilled" -> 1, "high-quality" -> 1, "highlighted" -> 1, "high-growth" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hide" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "heroin" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "herbicides" -> 1, "Hemispheric" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helps" -> 1, "Helms-Burton" -> 1, "helm" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heirs" -> 1, "heinous" -> 1, "Heeding" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "heaviest" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "Healthier" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "harvesting" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hard-won" -> 1, "hard-earned" -> 1, "harassing" -> 1, "harass" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "hands-off" -> 1, "handout" -> 1, "handicap" -> 1, "hammer" -> 1, "halves" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "half-billion" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "gun" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guardian" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "growers" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "Ground" -> 1, "greed" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grassroots" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "graduates" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "government-induced" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "governance" -> 1, "got" -> 1, "goodness" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "God-given" -> 1, "Goals" -> 1, "Glory" -> 1, "giver" -> 1, "girl" -> 1, "gerrymandered" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "George" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "genocidal" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generates" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gallon" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "G-7" -> 1, "futuristic" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "fundraising" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "Fundamentally" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "full-time" -> 1, "fulfills" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fueling" -> 1, "fueled" -> 1, "Fuel" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "frivolously" -> 1, "frightening" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freshman-level" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "freeze" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "franchises" -> 1, "framed" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "four-fifths" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "forward-deployed" -> 1, "forty" -> 1, "Fortune" -> 1, "Fortunately" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "forthright" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "Forgotten" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "foresters" -> 1, "forestall" -> 1, "Forest" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "Foremost" -> 1, "foreigners" -> 1, "forefathers" -> 1, "forcing" -> 1, "forcefully" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "Fond" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "focused" -> 1, "flunks" -> 1, "fluency" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "flatter" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "fits" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "firings" -> 1, "firing" -> 1, "fires" -> 1, "firearms" -> 1, "finished" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "filibuster" -> 1, "Fifteen" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "Fidel" -> 1, "fiat" -> 1, "fiasco" -> 1, "fetal" -> 1, "fertilizer" -> 1, "felony" -> 1, "felon" -> 1, "fell" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "feels" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "Federation" -> 1, "federal-State" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "feature" -> 1, "fearmongering" -> 1, "feared" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fatherless" -> 1, "fathered" -> 1, "fate" -> 1, "fastest" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "farmed" -> 1, "fanciful" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "fads" -> 1, "fading" -> 1, "faded" -> 1, "faculty" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "fabricate" -> 1, "extremist" -> 1, "extradition" -> 1, "extraction" -> 1, "extracted" -> 1, "extortion" -> 1, "extorted" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "Export-Import" -> 1, "Export" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "exploiters" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "exploded" -> 1, "explains" -> 1, "explained" -> 1, "Experts" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expedited" -> 1, "expedite" -> 1, "expediency" -> 1, "expectancy" -> 1, "exit" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "executives" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "excused" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exclusions" -> 1, "exclusionary" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "Excessive" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "Examples" -> 1, "exactly" -> 1, "evolving" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everyday" -> 1, "ever-present" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "evaluate" -> 1, "euthanasia" -> 1, "Europe's" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "Estimate" -> 1, "establishes" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "espionage" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "escalated" -> 1, "erupt" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "Era" -> 1, "Equity" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equation" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "envoy" -> 1, "environmentalism" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "entrepreneurs" -> 1, "entrepreneur" -> 1, "entity" -> 1, "entitlement" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "ensuing" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enmeshed" -> 1, "enlisted" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enhances" -> 1, "Enhancement" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "Engineers" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "enforcers" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "Energy's" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endlessly" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "Endangered" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "encompass" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employee" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "empire" -> 1, "emphatic" -> 1, "emphasizing" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "embraces" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "elite" -> 1, "eliminates" -> 1, "electronic" -> 1, "Egypt" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficiencies" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "EEOC" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "echo" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "earns" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "early-release" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "dutifully" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "duplicitous" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "duplicate" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "dual-use" -> 1, "du" -> 1, "drunk" -> 1, "drug-testing" -> 1, "drug-related" -> 1, "drug-impaired" -> 1, "drug-free" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "drives" -> 1, "Drinking" -> 1, "drinking" -> 1, "drilling" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "dreamer" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "double-talk" -> 1, "double" -> 1, "doom" -> 1, "Dole-led" -> 1, "Dole-Canady" -> 1, "dogmas" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "dividend" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diverting" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distorts" -> 1, "distortion" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "distant" -> 1, "dissolved" -> 1, "dissenter" -> 1, "disrupting" -> 1, "disrupt" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "displace" -> 1, "dismantled" -> 1, "dismal" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "diseased" -> 1, "discussed" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "discrepancy" -> 1, "Discredited" -> 1, "discovery" -> 1, "discovers" -> 1, "discovering" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "discernment" -> 1, "discernible" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "directs" -> 1, "directions" -> 1, "diplomatically" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "diploma" -> 1, "diminishing" -> 1, "diluted" -> 1, "dig" -> 1, "didn't" -> 1, "dictatorial" -> 1, "Dick" -> 1, "diabetes-related" -> 1, "Diabetes" -> 1, "devours" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "deterrent" -> 1, "deterrence" -> 1, "deteriorating" -> 1, "Destruction" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "Designation" -> 1, "Desert" -> 1, "described" -> 1, "derives" -> 1, "derailed" -> 1, "Deputy" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "deportation" -> 1, "deportable" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deploying" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "departure" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denounced" -> 1, "denies" -> 1, "demonstrations" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "Democratic" -> 1, "Democrat-controlled" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "delicate" -> 1, "deliberation" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "Delaney" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "defunding" -> 1, "defund" -> 1, "defines" -> 1, "Deficit" -> 1, "defiance" -> 1, "deference" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defendants" -> 1, "Defend" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deepen" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "de-emphasizing" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "deduction" -> 1, "deductibility" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decision-making" -> 1, "deciding" -> 1, "deceptive" -> 1, "decay" -> 1, "debilitating" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "death-row" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "dealers" -> 1, "Deal" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "day-care" -> 1, "Day" -> 1, "dawn" -> 1, "Davis-Bacon" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "dared" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "damp" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "dads" -> 1, "Cypriot" -> 1, "cuts" -> 1, "Customs" -> 1, "curricula" -> 1, "curfews" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "CTBT" -> 1, "crushed" -> 1, "crown" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "Croatia" -> 1, "cripples" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "crime-victim" -> 1, "Crimes" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credentials" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "crafted" -> 1, "cracking" -> 1, "crack-down" -> 1, "crack" -> 1, "Coverdell" -> 1, "coverages" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courageously" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "couple" -> 1, "coup" -> 1, "county" -> 1, "counterproductive" -> 1, "counterforce" -> 1, "counterfeit-proof" -> 1, "counterfeit" -> 1, "countered" -> 1, "counterculture" -> 1, "counterbalance" -> 1, "Counsels" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "Corrupt" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "correctness" -> 1, "Corrections" -> 1, "corrections" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "corner" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "cooperated" -> 1, "convictions" -> 1, "converting" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "Contract" -> 1, "contraception" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "contingent" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "continent's" -> 1, "continental" 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-> 1, "awards" -> 1, "awarded" -> 1, "award" -> 1, "averted" -> 1, "averaging" -> 1, "Average" -> 1, "avaricious" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "authorize" -> 1, "authoritarianism" -> 1, "authored" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "audited" -> 1, "audit" -> 1, "audio" -> 1, "attributes" -> 1, "Attorneys" -> 1, "attorneys" -> 1, "attorney" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attendance" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attainable" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "astounding" -> 1, "Assured" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "assistive" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "assigning" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "Assessment" -> 1, "assertions" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "aspiring" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "aspect" -> 1, "asking" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "arsons" -> 1, "Arrow" -> 1, "arrogating" -> 1, "arrogant" -> 1, "arrive" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "arrangement" -> 1, "arrange" -> 1, "Army's" -> 1, "Arms" -> 1, "Armenia" -> 1, "arm" -> 1, "arena" -> 1, "Area" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "Approximately" -> 1, "approving" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "apprehend" -> 1, "appoints" -> 1, "appointee" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appease" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anxious" -> 1, "anxiety" -> 1, "ANWR" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-terrorist" -> 1, "anti-terrorism" -> 1, "anti-Semitism" -> 1, "anti-poverty" -> 1, "anti-lobbying" -> 1, "antidumping" -> 1, "anti-discrimination" -> 1, "anti-crime" -> 1, "anticipate" -> 1, "answerable" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "animal" -> 1, "Angeles" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "Anemic" -> 1, "anemic" -> 1, "analyses" -> 1, "amputations" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "Ames" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "amateur" -> 1, "am" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "Altitude" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allowing" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "Allied" -> 1, "allegations" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alibis" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "Alaskans" -> 1, "airplanes" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "agreed-to" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "afterthought" -> 1, "afraid" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "afflicts" -> 1, "affiliated" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "aerospace" -> 1, "Aegean" -> 1, "advocacy" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "adversarial" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advancements" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "admitting" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admissibility" -> 1, "Administrations" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addicts" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "activism" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "across-the-board" -> 1, "acre" -> 1, "Acquisition" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accustomed" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accrediting" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "Account" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accommodationist" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "Access" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "acceleration" -> 1, "accelerating" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absurd" -> 1, "Abstinence" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "absentee" -> 1, "Absent" -> 1, "absence" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "About" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "able-bodied" -> 1, "abilities" -> 1, "abdicate" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "85%" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "75" -> 1, "7.1" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "500-per-child" -> 1, "500" -> 1, "50%" -> 1, "4.7-cent" -> 1, "40%" -> 1, "3.9" -> 1, "3.2" -> 1, "301" -> 1, "300,000" -> 1, "2.6" -> 1, "2.4" -> 1, "21" -> 1, "20th" -> 1, "209" -> 1, "2003" -> 1, "2002" -> 1, "2000" -> 1, "2,000" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "19-million" -> 1, "1999" -> 1, "1998" -> 1, "1997" -> 1, "1991" -> 1, "1989" -> 1, "1977" -> 1, "1970" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "1872" -> 1, "187" -> 1, "1862" -> 1, "17,000" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "1.7" -> 1, "165" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "15-percent" -> 1, "120" -> 1, "11-fold" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "105th" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1, "100%" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1992", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1992, "Date" -> DateObject[{1992, 8, 17}], "Text" -> "The Vision Shared: The Republican Platform, Uniting Our Family, Our Country, Our World\n\nPreamble\n\nAbraham Lincoln, our first Republican President, expressed the philosophy that inspires Republicans to this day: \"The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere.\"\nWe believe that most problems of human making are within the capacity of human ingenuity to solve.\nFor good reason, millions of new Americans have flocked to our shores: America has always been an opportunity society. Republicans have always believed that economic prosperity comes from individual enterprise, not government programs. We have defended our core principles for 138 years; but never has this country, and the world, been so receptive to our message.\nThe Fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizes an epochal change in the way people live. More important, it liberates the way people think. We see with new clarity that centralized government bureaucracies created in this century are not the wave of the future. Never again will people trust planners and paper shufflers more than they trust themselves. We all watched as the statue of Soviet hangman Feliks Dzherzhinsky was toppled in front of Moscow' s KGB headquarters by the very people his evil empire sought to enslave. Its sightless eyes symbolized the moral blindness of totalitarians around the world. They could never see the indomitable spirit of people determined to be free from government control—free to build a better future with their own heads, hands, and hearts.\nWe Republicans saw clearly the dangers of collectivism: not only the military threat, but the deeper threat to the souls of people bound in dependence. Here at home, we warned against Big Government, because we knew concentrated decisionmaking, no matter how well-intentioned, was a danger to liberty and prosperity. Republicans stood at the rampart of freedom, defending the individual against the domineering state. While we did not always prevail, we always stood our ground, faithful to our principles and confident of history's ultimate verdict.\nOur opponents declared that the dogmas of the Left were the final and victorious faith. From kremlins and ivory towers, their planners proclaimed the bureaucratic millennium. But in a tragic century of illusion, Five Year Plans and Great Leaps Forward failed to summon a Brave New World. One hundred and fifty years of slogans and manifestos came crashing down in an ironic cascade of unintended consequences. All that is left are the ruins of a failed scoundrel ideology.\nAs May Day lapses back into just another spring festival, the Fourth of July emerges as the common holiday of free men and women. Yet, in 1992, when the self-governing individual has overcome the paternalistic state, liberals here at home simply do not get it. Indeed, their party seeks to turn the clock back. But their ideas are old and tired. Like planets still orbiting a dying star, the believers in state power turn their faces to a distant and diminishing light.\nThe Democrats would revise history to rationalize a return to bigger government, higher taxes, and moral relativism. The Democrat Party has forgotten its origins as a party of work, thrift, and self-reliance. But they have not forgotten their art for dissembling and distortion. The Democrats are trapped in their compact with the ideology of trickle-down government, but they are clever enough to know that the voters would shun them if their true markings were revealed.\nAmerica had its rendezvous with destiny in 1980. Faced with crisis at home and abroad, Americans turned to Republican leadership in the White House. Presidents Reagan and Bush turned our Nation away from the path of over-taxation, hyper-regulation, and mega-government. Instead, we moved in a new direction. We cut taxes, reduced red tape, put people above bureaucracy. And so we vanquished the idea of the almighty state as the supervisor of our daily lives. In choosing hope over fear, Americans raised a beacon, reminding the world that we are a shining city on a hill, the last best hope for man on earth.\nContrary to statist Democrat propaganda, the American people know that the 1980s were a rising tide, a magnificent decade for freedom and entrepreneurial creativity. We are confident that, knowing this, they will never consciously retreat to the bad old days of tax and spend. Our Platform will clarify the choice before our fellow citizens.\nWe have learned that ideas do indeed have consequences. Thus, our words are important not for their prose but for what they reveal about the thinking of our President and our Party.\nTwo years ago, President Bush described the key elements of what be called \"our new paradigm,\" a fresh approach that aims to put new ideas to work in the service of enduring principles—principles we upheld throughout the long twilight struggle, principles George Bush has acted decisively to advance. Thus we honor the Founders and their vision.\nUnlike our opponents, we are inspired by a commitment to profound change. Our mission combines timeless beliefs with a positive vision of a vigorous America: prosperous and tolerant, just and compassionate. We believe that individual freedom, hard work, and personal responsibility—basic to free society—are also basic to effective government. We believe in the fundamental goodness of the American people. We believe in traditional family values and in the Judeo-Christian heritage that informs our culture. We believe in the Constitution and its guarantee of color-blind equal opportunity. We believe in free markets. We believe in constructive change, in both true conservatism and true reform. We believe government has a legitimate role to play in our national life, but government must never dominate that life.\nWhile our goals are constant, we are willing to innovate, experiment, and learn. We have learned that bigger is not better, that quantity and quality are different things, that more money does not guarantee better outcomes. We have learned the importance of individual choice—in education, health care, child care—and that bureaucracy is the enemy of initiative and self-reliance. We believe in empowerment, including home ownership for as many as possible. We believe in decentralized authority, and a bottom-line, principled commitment to what works for people.\nWe believe in the American people: free men and women with faith in God, working for themselves and their families, believing in the value of every human being from the very young to the very old.\nWe believe the Founders intended Congress to be responsive, flexible, and foresighted. After decades of Democrat misrule, the Congress is none of these things. Dominated by reactionaries, obsessed with the failed policies and stuctures of the past, the Democrat majority displays a \"do-nothing\" doggedness: they intend to learn nothing and forget nothing. Seeking to build a better America, we seek to elect a better Congress.\nFinally, we believe in a President who represents the national interest, not just the aggregation of well-connected special interests; a President who brings unity to the American purpose.\nAmerica faces many challenges. Republicans, under the strong leadership of President Bush, are responding with this bold Platform of new ideas that infuses our commitment to individual freedom and market forces with an equal commitment to a decent, just way of life for every American.\nWith a firm faith that the American people will always choose hope over fear, we Republicans dedicate ourselves to this forward-looking agenda for America in the 1990s, transcending old, static ideas with a shared vision of hope, optimism, and opportunity.\nUniting Our Family\n\nAs the family goes, so goes the Nation. Strong families and strong communities make a strong America. An old adage says, \"America is great because she is good; if America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.\"\nOur greatness starts at home—literally. So Republicans believe government should strengthen families, not replace them. Today, more than ever, the traditional family is under assault. We believe our laws should reflect what makes our Nation prosperous and wholesome: faith in God, hard work, service to others, and limited government.\nParents bring reality to these principles when they pass them on to their children. As the Book of Proverbs proclaims, \"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.\"\nImagine the America we could create if all parents taught their children the importance of honesty, work, responsibility, and respect for others. We would have less violence in our homes and streets; less illegal drug use; fewer teen pregnancies forcing girls and boys to be adults before they have graduated from high school. Instead, we would have an America of families, friends, and communities that care about one another.\nThat kind of future is not a matter of chance; it is a question of personal responsibility. Barbara Bush captured the importance of that stewardship when she said, \"At the end of your life you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend, or a parent.\"\nThe Republican Party has espoused these principles since its founding. Families built on solid, spiritual foundations are central to our Party's inspiration. At this time of great national and global transition, we renew our commitment to these fundamental principles, which will guide our family, our country, our world into the next century.\nFamily: The Home of Freedom\n\nChange can be good, when it liberates the energy and commitment of family members to build better futures. We welcome change that corrects the mistakes of the past, particularly those at war against the family. For more than three decades, the liberal philosophy has assaulted the family on every side.\nToday, its more vocal advocates believe children should be able to sue their parents over decisions about schooling, cosmetic surgery, employment, and other family matters. They deny parental authority and responsibility, fracturing the family into isolated individuals, each of them dependent upon—and helpless before—government. This is the ultimate agenda of contemporary socialism under all its masks: to liberate youth from traditional family values by replacing family functions with bureaucratic social services. That is why today's liberal Democrats are hostile toward any institution government cannot control, like private childcare or religious schools.\nThe Republican Party responds, as it has since 1980, with an unabashed commitment to the family's economic liberty and moral rights. Republicans trust parents and believe they, not courts and lawyers, know what is best for their children. That is why we will work to ensure that the Congress and the States shall enact no law abridging the rights of the family formed by blood, marriage, adoption, or legal custody-rights which are anterior and superior to those of government. Republicans oppose and resist the efforts of the Democrat Party to redefine the traditional American family.\nWe will promote whole, caring families by eliminating biases that have crept into our legal and tax codes. We will advance adoption through significant tax credits, insurance reforms, and legal reforms. We encourage adoption for those unprepared or unwilling to bear the emotional, financial, or physical demands of raising a child and will work to revive maternity homes to ensure care for both mothers and babies.\nWe applaud the commitment of foster care parents who provide family environments for foster care children. We abhor the disgraceful bureaucratic mismanagement of foster care. Big city mayors have spent billions on social service bureaucrats who have lost track of many children. Many have no health records, no real residence, not even the simplest personal possessions. Shuttled from house to house, they lack discipline and identity and are ripe for lives of crime. We are determined to reform this system to help these children.\nBroken homes can have a devastating emotional and economic impact upon children and are the breeding ground for gang members. We urge State legislatures to explore ways to promote marital stability. Because the intergenerational family is a vital element of social cohesion, we urge greater respect for the rights and the roles of grandparents.\nRepublicans recognize the importance of having fathers and mothers in the home. The two-parent family still provides the best environment of stability, discipline, responsibility, and character. Documentation shows that where the father has deserted his family, children are more likely to commit a crime, to drop out of school, to become violent, to become teen parents, to take illegal drugs, to become enmired in poverty, or to have emotional or behavioral problems. We support the courageous efforts of single-parent families to have a stable home.\nThe President also advanced equity for families that forego a second income to care for their children at home through his Young Child Tax Credit. Congressional Democrats are already trying to repeal it.\nThe demands of employment and commuting often make it hard for parents to spend time with their children. Republicans advocate maximum flexibility in working and child care arrangements so that families can make the most of their schedules. We support pro-family policies: job sharing, telecommuting, compressed work weeks, parental leave negotiated between employer and employees, and flextime. We reject the Democrats' one-size-fits-all approach that puts mandates on employers and takes choices away from employees.\nMost parents prefer in-home care of their children but often encounter government obstacles. Republicans will promote in-home care by allowing payment annually, instead of quarterly, of income taxes by employees and withholding taxes by employers. Our proposals for tort reform, now blocked by the Democrat Congress, will prevent excessive litigation that hampers the growth of child care opportunities. By taking care of our children, we are taking care of our future.\nBetween 1948 and 1990, under the Democrat-controlled Congress for most of those years, federal taxes on the average family of four rose from two percent to 24 percent of income. When State and local levies are included, the tax burden exceeds one-third of family income. The increase in the effective federal tax rate since 1950 has now swallowed up an ever-increasing share of a family's earnings. Instead of working to improve their family's standard of living, they must work to feed government's gluttonous appetite.\nThis is a scandal. In the 1980s, two Republican Presidents kept Democrats from making matters worse. Presidents Reagan and Bush led the way to increase the personal exemption for dependents. We pledge to go farther to restore the value, as a percentage of average household income, it had 50 years ago. The value of the dependent deduction has eroded to a fraction of its original worth to families. Republicans call for a complete restoration, in real dollars, to its original value. Rather than fatten government bureaucracies with new programs to \"help\" families, we want to expand the Young Child Tax Credit to $500 per child and make it available to all families with children under the age of ten.\nWhen the Democrats establish tax policy that makes marriage more expensive than living together, they discourage traditional commitment and stable home life. We will remove the marriage penalty in the tax code, so a married couple will receive as large a standard deduction as their unmarried counterparts. Together, these changes will empower parents to care for their families in a way public services never can.\nAs a result of this popular demand for education, Americans have created the most extensive and widely accessible educational system in the world. The people have insisted that primary responsibility for education properly remain with families, communities, and States, although, from early times, the national government has played a role in encouraging innovation and access. In the 18th century, the Northwest Ordinance assured that school bells would ring amid frontier forests. In the 19th century, President Lincoln signed the Morrill Act establishing 50 land-grant colleges. In the 20th century, President Eisenhower signed the National Defense Education Act, providing millions with a chance at higher education; and President Nixon signed legislation that today provides federal grants and loans to half our full-time college students. In the 21st century, the promotion of educational excellence will be more crucial than ever before in our Nation's history.\nRecognizing what every parent knows, that our current educational system is not educating our children, President Bush is leading an education revolution. We applaud the President's bold vision to change radically our education system. Our parents want it, our communities want it, our States want it, and our children want it—but the Democrat leadership in the House and the Senate continue to thwart the will of the American people for radical change in the way we educate our children.\nThe Republican strategy is based on sound principle. Parents have the right to choose the best school for their children. Schools should teach right from wrong. Schools should reinforce parental authority, not replace it. We should increase flexibility from federal regulation. We should explore a new generation of break-the-mold New American Schools. Standards and assessments should be raised, not reduced to a lowest common denominator. Communities should be empowered to find what works. The pursuit of excellence in education is a fundamental goal. Good teachers should be rewarded for teaching well. Alternative certification can bring desperately-needed new people into the teaching profession. America needs public, private, and parochial schools.\nEducation is a joint responsibility of the individual, the family, and the community. Parents are the first and most important teachers of their children. They should have the right not only to participate in their child's education, but to choose for their children among the broadest array of educational choices, without regard to their income. We also support the right of parents to provide quality education through home-based schools.\nThe Bush Administration has sent to Congress several legislative proposals embodying these principles. The proposals, in spite of the fact that 1500 communities across the Nation have developed local committees to support them through the AMERICA 2000 strategy, languish in the Democrat Congress. And they are opposed by special interest unions which have a power-grip on the failed policies of the past.\nTo do so, the President has established a bold strategy, AMERICA 2000, which challenges communities in every State to take charge to achieve our ambitious national education goals. The success of AMERICA 2000 will depend upon the local community, where implementation and ultimate responsibility rest.\nWe have seen real progress. Perhaps most important, though, is that President Bush has fostered a national debate on education that has challenged every American to get involved. He has called forth American traits of ingenuity and ambition to create better lives for our children. As a result, a new generation of break-the-mold New American Schools is taking shape. New and tougher standards and assessments are being established for what our children should know. The number of strings attached to federal school aid is being reduced.\nThe President has shown unprecedented leadership for the most important education goal of all: helping middle and low income families enjoy the same choice of schools—public, private, or religious—that families with more resources already have. The President's proposed \"GI Bill for Children\" will provide $1,000 scholarships to middle and low income families, enabling their children to attend the school of their choice. This innovative plan will not only drive schools to excel as they compete, but will also give every parent consumer power to obtain an excellent education for his or her child.\nRepublican leadership has nearly doubled funds for Head Start, making it possible, for the first time, for all eligible four-year-olds to participate, should their parents choose to enroll them. The Bush Administration has put a college education within reach of millions more students, young and old. The President has proposed allowing families to deduct the interest they pay on student loans, and penalty-free withdrawal of IRA funds for educational expenses.\nThe President has developed a sweeping youth apprenticeship strategy to meet this goal. His plan will ensure that students meet the high standards demanded of all high school students, while training them with a skill as well. We strongly support youth apprenticeships that include a year of college, to encourage a lifetime of learning and opportunity for students.\nWe have an uncompromising commitment to improve public education—which means assuring that our schools produce well-educated, responsible citizens—not the maintenance of a government monopoly over the means of educating. American families must be given choice in education. We value the important role played by our private, independent, and parochial schools, colleges, and universities. We believe that their quality is best encouraged by minimizing government regulation.\nWe believe distance learning is a valuable tool in the fight to bring equal educational opportunity to every student regardless of wealth or geographic location. Distance learning provides students access to the vast educational resources of our Nation.\nWe encourage the use of modern technology to meet the goal of educational excellence. We support policies that provide access for all instructional and educational programmers to permit them to provide the greatest choice of programming and material to schools and teachers. We also support policies which will encourage the use of all advanced technologies for the delivery of educational and instructional programming in order to give schools and teachers the greatest flexibility in providing creative and innovative instruction. We encourage local school boards to ensure review of these materials by parents and educators.\nWe support efforts to open the teaching profession by reforming the certification system now barring many talented men and women from the classroom.\nSchools should be—as they have been traditionally—academic institutions. Families and communities err when by neglect or design they transfer to the school responsibilities that belong in the home and in the community. Schools were created to help and strengthen families, not to undermine or substitute for them.\nAccordingly, we oppose programs in public schools that provide birth control or abortion services or referrals. Instead, we encourage abstinence education programs with proven track records in protecting youth from disease, pregnancy, and drug use.\nThe critical public mission in education is to set tough, clear standards of achievement and ensure that those who educate our children are accountable for meeting them. This is not just a matter of plans or dollars. Competency testing and merit pay for teachers are essential elements of such accountability.\nWe are proud of our many dedicated, professional teachers and educators who have committed their lives to educating America's children. We also believe that powerful unions and liberal special interest groups should not be the driving force in education reform.\nJust as spiritual principles—our moral compass—help guide public policy, learning must have a moral basis. America must remain neutral toward particular religions, but we must not remain neutral toward religion itself or the values religion supports. Mindful of our country's Judeo-Christian heritage and rich religious pluralism, we support the right of students to engage in voluntary prayer in schools and the right of the community to do so at commencements or other occasions. We will strongly enforce the law guaranteeing equal access to school facilities. We also advocate recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools as a reminder of the principles that sustain us as one Nation under God.\nOur ambitious vision for America works, however, only in a society of well-educated citizens. The Democrat Party, beholden to the special interests who resist change, can never accomplish the improvements in education which our schools and our children so desperately need. Indeed, they have no plan. The Republican Party has started an education revolution. We have presented a detailed plan which is even now becoming reality. The future of our Nation demands no less. The President is leading the country on an education crusade, a crusade the American people have joined.\nBut we must do better. Costs are soaring. Many Americans, responsible for children and aging parents, worry about the quality and price of care. The 1992 election presents all of us with a clear choice. Democrats want a costly, coercive system, imported from abroad, with a budget set by Congress and policies set by bureaucrats. That is a prescription for misery. It would imperil jobs, require billions in new taxes, lower the quality of health care overall, drive health care providers out of the profession, and result in rationing.\nThe congressional Democrats' health care reform proposal would exclude themselves from coverage under their own program. They refuse to live with the scheme they are trying to force on the rest of the country.\nRepublicans believe government control of health care is irresponsible and ineffective. We believe health care choices should remain in the hands of the people, not government bureaucrats. This issue truly represents a fundamental difference between the two parties.\n• Creating new tax credits and deductions to help low-and middle-income Americans. These tax credits would be available in the form of vouchers for low-income people who work.\n• Providing insurance security for working Americans by requiring insurers to cover preexisting conditions.\n• Making health insurance premiums fully deductible for the self-employed.\n• Making it easier for small firms to purchase coverage for their employees. The proposal would allow small businesses to form health insurance purchasing pools that would make insurance more affordable. It also would guarantee the availability and renewability of insurance for small firms, set premium standards, preempt State mandated-benefit laws, establish minimum coverage plans, and require States to establish risk pools to spread risks broadly across health insurers.\n• Addressing the medical malpractice problem by a cap on noneconomic damage recoveries in malpractice claims and an alternative dispute resolution before going to court.\nIn short, the President aims to make coverage available to all, guaranteed, renewable, with no preconditions. Under his plan, no one will have to go broke to get well.\nThe Democrats' plan stands in stark philosophical contrast. Instead of preserving individual options, it would rely on government bureaucrats. Instead of preserving quality care, it would lead to rationing and waiting lines. And instead of enhancing the health care security of American workers, it would require a massive increase in payroll taxes that would destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs.\nThe Democrats' so called \"play or pay\" proposal would require employers either to provide health insurance for their workers or pay a new tax that would fund in part a new government-run health program. According to a study prepared by the Urban Institute, this mandate would require new federal taxes—or new federal borrowing—of $36 billion in the first year alone. Nearly 52 million Americans who now have private health insurance would be dumped by their employers onto the government-run plan. Additional costs to employers—particularly small employers—would total an estimated $30 billion in the first year. The Republican staff of Congress' Joint Economic Committee estimates that 712,000 people would lose their jobs because of the \"play or pay\" mandate.\nRepublicans are also determined to resolve the crisis in medical liability, allowing physicians and certified midwives to deliver babies and practice in underserved areas. Meaningful medical tort reform would assure that doctors would not have to practice medicine under a cloud of potential litigation. We will reduce administrative expenses and paperwork by adopting a uniform claim and data system. We pledge our support for rehabilitation and long-term care coverage. We will curb costs through better prenatal and other preventive care. We encourage the application of the Good Samaritan law to protect health care providers who wish to volunteer their time to provide patient care to the community. We encourage coordinated care in public programs and private insurance. We further support regulatory reforms to speed the development of new drugs and medical technology.\nThe health care safety net must be secure for those who need preventive, acute, and long-term care. Special consideration should be given to abolishing or reforming programs which prohibit or discourage individuals from seeking to work their way out of poverty and dependency. We will reduce paperwork burdens and redirect those resources to actual services. We will enhance access to medical care through community health centers, which provide primary care in medically underserved areas. We will modify outdated antitrust rules that prohibit hospitals from merging their resources to provide improved, cost-effective health care.\nWe encourage the use of telecommunications technology to link hospitals in larger communities with heath care facilities in smaller communities. Advanced communications networks will facilitate the sharing of resources, will improve access to affordable health care through the transmission of medical imaging and diagnostics, and will ensure that Americans living in rural areas have the same access to doctors and the latest medical procedures as Americans living in urban areas.\nRepublicans focus on health, not just health care. We want not only to treat disease and disability, but to reduce and prevent them. Through funding for NIH, we invest in research to cure a range of diseases, from cancer to heart disease, from multiple sclerosis to lupus. We support efforts which foster early cancer detection. Even more important, we rely on individuals to lower the incidence of preventable illness and injury. A large part of our health care costs, public and private, is caused by behavior. Good judgment can save billions of dollars—and perhaps millions of lives.\nEpidemics have, throughout history, challenged governments, which have too often been powerless to combat them. Science—and human wisdom—have advanced, however, and we have met this crisis not only with a massive commitment of resources but also with a personal determination on the part of the President. That commitment and leadership will continue.\nAIDS should he treated like any other communicable or sexually transmitted disease, while at the same time preserving patient confidentiality. We are committed to ensure that our Nation's response to AIDS is shaped by compassion, not fear or ignorance, and will oppose, as a matter of decency and honor, any discrimination against Americans who are its victims.\nWe encourage State legislatures to enact legislation which makes it a criminal act for anyone knowingly to transmit the AIDS virus.\nWe will seek to ensure that medical personnel, and the people who trust in their care, will be protected against infection.\nThis disease also challenges America scientifically. We must succeed in slowing the epidemic's spread. The Administration has thus placed great emphasis on a variety of prevention efforts to do so. We must recognize, also, that prevention is linked ultimately to personal responsibility and moral behavior. We reject the notion that the distribution of clean needles and condoms are the solution to stopping the spread of AIDS. Education designed to curb the spread of this disease should stress marital fidelity, abstinence, and a drug-free lifestyle. There must be a means for successfully treating the virus, and this has led to a threefold increase in research and steps to speed the approval process for new drugs that could make a crucial difference to those infected. Above all, a cure must be found. We have committed enormous resources—$4.2 billion over the past four years for research alone, more than for any disease except cancer. In keeping with the American spirit, our fellow citizens with HIV/AIDS deserve our compassion and our care, and they deserve our united commitment to a cure.\nWe applaud the President's initiatives to require the involvement of more women in clinical trials and to create within NIH a center to combat breast and cervical cancer. We also call for expanded research on various diseases, common to both men and women, but whose effects on women have yet to be determined. We call for fetal protection in the workplace and in scientific research.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to a strong Social Security system. To stop penalizing grandparents and other seniors who care for children, we pledge to continue the Republican crusade to end the earnings limitation for Social Security recipients. More than ever, our Nation needs older Americans in its schools and workplaces. There should be no barriers to their full participation in our country' s future. We pledge support for greater availability of long-term care and for research to combat Alzheimer's disease. Republicans also took the lead in expanding home health care in government programs, and we want to build on that accomplishment.\nOne example is the advocacy of violence against law enforcement officers, promoted by a corporation more interested in profits than the possible consequences of such a message. We believe, in the spirit of Theodore Roosevelt, that corporations, like individuals, have responsibilities to society, and that conscience alone should prevent such outrages.\nWe also stand united with those private organizations, such as the Boy Scouts of America, who are defending decency in fulfillment of their own moral responsibilities. We reject the irresponsible position of those corporations that have cut off contributions to such organizations because of their courageous stand for family values. Moreover, we oppose efforts by the Democrat Party to include sexual preference as a protected minority receiving preferential status under civil rights statutes at the federal, State, and local level.\nWe oppose any legislation or law which legally recognizes same-sex marriages and allows such couples to adopt children or provide foster care.\nWe must recognize that the time has come for a national crusade against pornography. Some would have us believe that obscenity and pornography have no social impact. But if hard-core pornography does not cheapen the human spirit, then neither does Shakespeare elevate it. We call on federal agencies to halt the sale, under government auspices, of pornographic materials. We endorse Republican legislation, the Pornography Victims Compensation Act, allowing victims of pornography to seek damages from those who make or sell it, especially since the Commission on Pornography, in 1986, found a direct link between pornography and violent crimes committed against women and children. Further, we propose a computerized federal registry to track persons convicted of molesting children. We also believe that the various State legislatures should create a civil cause of action against makers and distributors of pornography when their material incites a violent crime.\nGovernment has a responsibility, as well, to ensure that it promotes the common moral values that bind us together as a Nation. We therefore condemn the use of public funds to subsidize obscenity and blasphemy masquerading as art. The fine arts, including those with public support, can certainly enrich our society. However, no artist has an inherent right to claim taxpayer support for his or her private vision of art if that vision mocks the moral and spiritual basis on which our society is founded. We believe a free market in art—with neither suppression nor favoritism by government—is the best way to foster the cultural revival our country needs.\nIndividual Rights, Good Homes and Safe Streets\n\nAt a time when the rest of the world has rejected socialism, there are communities here at home where free markets have not been permitted to flourish. Decades of liberalism have left us with two economies. The pro-growth economy rewards effort, promotes thrift, and supports strong families. The other economy stifles initiative and is anti-work and anti-family. In one economy, people are free to be owners and entrepreneurs. In the other economy, people are at the mercy of government. We are determined to elevate the poor into the pro-growth economy.\nRepublicans will lead a new national consensus around economic opportunity, greater access to property, home ownership and housing, jobs and entrepreneurship. We must bring the great promise of America to every city, every small town, and to all our people.\nOur agenda for equality of opportunity runs throughout this Platform and applies to all Americans. There is no such thing as segregated success. We reject the Democrats' politics of division, envy and conflict. They believe that America is split into classes and can be healed only through the redistribution of wealth. We believe in the economics of multiplication: free markets expand opportunity and wealth for all.\nThat is true liberation. It frees poor people not only from want but also from government control. That is why liberal Democrats have fought us every step of the way, refusing congressional action on Enterprise Zones until Los Angeles burned—and then mocking the expectations of the poor by gutting that critical proposal. They can kill bills, but they cannot kill hope. We are determined to pass that legislation for the sake of all who are awaiting their chance for the American Dream.\nWe will eliminate laws that keep Americans out of jobs, like the outdated ban on home work. The antiquated Davis-Bacon Act inflates taxpayer costs and keeps willing workers from getting jobs in federally-assisted projects. It must go. Unlike the Democrats, we believe the private sector, not the federal government, should set prevailing wage rates.\nAs explained elsewhere in this Platform, low-income families must gain control of their future through choice in their children' s education.\nIn the tradition of Lincoln, President Bush has replicated the American dream of home-ownership. For first-time home buyers, he has proposed a $5,000 tax credit. For lower-income families, he has worked to restore opportunity through HOPE, his initiative to help tenants now dependent on federal aid to buy their own homes; Mortgage Revenue Bonds, to assist more than 1.9 million families to buy a first home; Low Income Housing Tax Credits, already producing more than 420,000 decent apartments at affordable prices; and HOME, a partnership among all levels of government to help low-income families secure better housing.\nFor everyone, but especially for the poor, the best housing policy is non-inflationary economic growth with low interest rates, the heart of our opportunity agenda.\nIt bought a horrendous expansion of dependence, especially among mothers and children.\nToday's welfare system is anti-work and anti-marriage. It taxes families to subsidize illegitimacy. It rewards unethical behavior and penalizes initiative. It cannot be merely tinkered with by Congress; it must be recreated by States and localities. Republican Governors and legislators in several States have already launched dramatic reforms, especially with workfare and leanfare. Welfare can no longer be a check in the mail with no responsibility.\nWe believe fathers and mothers must be held responsible for their children. We support stronger enforcement of child support laws. We call for strong enforcement and tough penalties against welfare fraud and insist that work must be a mandatory part of public assistance for all who are able to work. Because divorce, desertion, and illegitimacy account for almost all the increase in child poverty over the last 20 years, we put the highest priority upon enforcement of family rights and responsibilities.\nAmong these responsibilities is the obligation to get an education—a key to avoiding dependency. Families on welfare with school-age children must be required to send them to school or provide adequate home education in keeping with various State laws in order to continue receiving public assistance. Young adult heads of welfare households should be required to complete appropriate education or training programs.\nViolent crime is the gravest domestic threat to our way of life. It has turned our communities into battlegrounds, playgrounds into grave yards. It threatens everyone, but especially the very young, the elderly, the weak. It destroys business and suffocates economic opportunity in struggling communities. It is a travesty that some American children have to sleep in bathtubs for protection from stray bullets. The poverty of values that justifies drive-by shootings and random violence holds us hostage and insecure, even in our own homes. We must work to develop community-help projects designed to instill a sense of responsibility and pride.\nThis is the legacy of a liberalism that elevates criminals' fights above victims' rights, that justifies soft-on-crime judges' approving early-release prison programs, and that leaves law enforcement officers powerless to deter crime with the threat of certain punishment.\nFor twelve years, two Republican Presidents have fought to reverse this trend, along with Republican officials in the States. They have named tough law-and-order judges, pushed for minimum mandatory sentences, expanded federal assistance to States and localities, sought to help States redress court orders on prison overcrowding, and devoted record resources that are turning the tide against drugs. They have repeatedly proposed legislation, consistently rejected by congressional Democrats, to restore the severest penalties for the most heinous crimes, to ensure swift and certain punishment, and to end the legal loopholes that let criminals go free.\nCongressional Democrats reject Republican reform of the exclusionary rule that prohibits use of relevant evidence obtained in good faith and allows criminals, even murderers, to go free on a technicality. They reject our reform of habeas corpus law to prevent the appellate process from becoming a lawyers' game to thwart justice through endless appeals and procedural delays. They refuse to enact effective procedures to reinstate the death penalty for the most heinous crimes. They reject tougher, mandatory sentences for career criminals. Instead, Congressional Democrats actually voted to create more loopholes for vicious thugs and fewer protections for victims of crime and have opposed mandatory restitution for victims. Their crime legislation, which we emphatically reject, cripples law enforcement by overturning over twenty United States Supreme Court cases that have helped to reduce crime and keep violent criminal offenders off the streets.\nFor too long our criminal justice system has carefully protected the rights of criminals and neglected the suffering of the innocent victims of crime and their families. We support the rights of crime victims to be present, heard, and informed throughout the criminal justice process and to be provided with restitution and services to aid their recovery.\nWe believe in giving police the resources to do their job. Law enforcement must remain primarily a State and local responsibility. With 95 percent of all violent crimes within the jurisdiction of the States, we have led efforts to increase the number of police protecting our citizens. We also support incentives to encourage personnel leaving the Armed Forces to continue to defend their country—against the enemy within—by entering the law enforcement profession.\nNarcotics traffic drives street crime. President Bush has, for the first time, used the resources of our Armed Forces against the international drug trade. By our insistence, multilateral control of precursor chemicals and money laundering is now an international priority. We decry efforts by congressional Democrats to slash international anti-narcotics funding and inhibit the most vital control efforts in Peru. We support efforts to work with South and Central American leaders to eradicate crops used to produce illegal narcotics.\nThe Republican Party is committed to a drug-free America. During the last twelve years, we have radically reversed the Democrats' attitude of tolerance toward narcotics, vastly increased federal operations against drugs, cleaned up the military, and launched mandatory testing for employees in various fields, including White House personnel. As a result, overall drug abuse is falling. We urge that States and communities emphasize anti-drug education by police officers and others in schools to educate young children to the dangers of the chug culture. Dope is no longer trendy.\nWe oppose legalizing or decriminalizing drugs. That is a morally abhorrent idea, the last vestige of an ill-conceived philosophy that counseled the legitimacy of permissiveness. Today, a similarly dysfunctional morality explains away drug-dealing as an escape, and drive-by shootings as an act of political violence. There is no excuse for the wanton destruction of human life. We therefore support the stiffest penalties, including the death penalty, for major chug traffickers.\nDrug users must face punishment, including fines and imprisonment, for contributing to the demand that makes the drug trade profitable. Among possible sanctions should be the loss of government assistance and suspension of drivers' licenses. Residents of public housing should be able to protect their families against drugs by screening out abusers and dealers. We support grassroots action to drive dealers and crack-houses out of operation.\nSafe streets also mean highways that are free of drunken drivers and drivers under the influence of illegal drugs. Republicans support the toughest possible State laws to deal with drunken drivers and users of illegal drugs, who deserve no sympathy from our courts or State legislatures. We also oppose the illicit abuse of legal chugs.\nWhite-collar crime threatens homes and families in a different way. It steals secretly, forcing up prices, rigging contracts, swindling consumers, and harming the overwhelming majority of business people, who play fair and obey the law. We support imprisonment for those who steal from the American people. We pledge an all out fight against it, especially within the political machines that control many of our major cities. We will continue to bring to justice corrupt politicians and those who collude with them to plunder savings and loans.\nIllegal entry into the United States, on the other hand, threatens the social compact on which immigration is based. That is, the Nation accepts immigrants and is enriched by their determination and values. Illegal immigration, on the other hand, undermines the integrity of border communities and already crowded urban neighborhoods. We will build on the already announced strengthening of the Border Patrol to better coordinate interdiction of illegal entrants through greater cross-border cooperation. Specifically, we will increase the size of the Border Patrol in order to meet the increasing need to stop illegal immigration and we will equip the Border Patrol with the tools, technologies, and structures necessary to secure the border.\nWe will seek stiff penalties for those who smuggle illegal aliens into the country, and for those who produce or sell fraudulent documents. We also will reduce incentives to enter the United States by promoting initiatives like the North American Free Trade Agreement. In creating new economic opportunity in Mexico, a NAFTA removes the incentive to cross the border illegally in search of work.\nThe Republican Party is unique in this regard. Since its inception, it has respected every person, even when that proposition was not universally popular. Today, as in the day of Lincoln, we insist that no American' s rights are negotiable.\nThat is why we declare that bigotry and prejudice have no place in American life. We denounce all who practice or promote racism, anti-Semitism, or religious intolerance. We believe churches and religious schools should not be taxed; we defend the right of religious leaders to speak out on public issues; and we condemn the cowardly desecration of places of worship that has shocked our country in recent years.\nAsserting equal rights for all, we support the Bush Administration's vigorous enforcement of statutes to prevent illegal discrimination on account of sex, race, creed, or national origin. Promoting opportunity, we reject efforts to replace equal rights with quotas or other preferential treatment. That is why President Bush fought so long against the Democrat Congress to win a civil rights bill worthy of that name.\nWe renew the historic Republican commitment to the rights of women, from the early days of the suffragist movement to the present. Because legal rights mean little without opportunity, we assert economic growth as the key to the continued progress of women in all fields of American life.\nWe believe the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We therefore reaffirm our support for a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues for abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. We commend those who provide alternatives to abortion by meeting the needs of mothers and offering adoption services. We reaffirm our support for appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.\nPresident Bush signed into law the greatest advance ever for disabled persons: The Americans with Disabilities Act, a milestone in removing barriers to full participation in our country's life. We will fully implement it, with sensitivity to the needs of small businesses, just as we have earlier legal protections for the disabled in federal programs. We oppose the nonconsensual withholding of health care or treatment from any person because of handicap, age, or infirmity, just as we oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide.\nWe support full access to the polls, and the entire political process, by disabled voters. We will ensure that students with disabilities benefit from AMERICA 2000's new emphasis on testing for excellence and accountability for results.\nPromoting the rights of the disabled requires, before all else, an expanding economy, both to advance assistive technology and to create opportunities for personal advancement. That is another reason why Republicans are committed to growth.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution: \"No person shall be...deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.\" We support strong enforcement of this Takings clause to keep citizens secure in the use and development of their property. We also seek to reduce the amount of land owned or controlled by the government, especially in the western States. We insist upon prompt payment for private lands certified as critical for preserving essential parks and preserves.\nRepublicans defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We call for stiff mandatory sentences for those who use firearms in a crime. We note that those who seek to disarm citizens in their homes are the same liberals who tried to disarm our Nation during the Cold War and are today seeking to cut our national defense below safe levels. We applaud congressional Republicans for overturning the District of Columbia's law blaming firearm manufacturers for street crime.\nWe affirm the right of individuals to form, join, or assist labor organizations to bargain collectively, consistent with State laws. We support the right of States to enact Right-to-Work laws.\nA Republican Congress will amend the Hobbs Act, so that union officials will not be exempt from the law' s prohibition against extortion and violence. We call for greater legal protection from violence for workers who stay on the job during strikes.\nWe support self-determination for Indian Tribes in managing their own affairs and resources. Recognizing the government-to-government trust responsibility, we aim to end dependency fostered by federal controls. Reservations and tribal lands held in trust should be free to become enterprise zones so their people can fully share in the Nation's prosperity. We will work with tribal governments to improve education, health, economic opportunity, and environmental conditions. We endorse efforts to preserve the culture and languages of Native Americans and Hawaiians and to ensure their equitable participation in federal programs.\nUniting Our Country\n\nOver the last four years, the United States has achieved our overriding objective since the end of World War II. Communism and other forms of planned economies lie in the ash heap of history, defeated not only by our military strength but by the force of our ideas-democracy and free enterprise.\nNow a huge international market is evolving. Combined with America's low inflation and low interest rate environment, it presents us with unprecedented economic opportunity. We commit to the proposition that the American economy will remain first in the world. This is our goal. Achieving it will ensure that our people will enjoy the jobs, benefits, and economic growth to sustain the American dream for themselves and their posterity.\nRepublicans believe that the greatest engine for social change and economic progress is the entrepreneurial economy. We believe that America has broken down the lines of class to a greater degree than any society on earth, not because of government but because of an economic system that allows men and women to create wealth for themselves and their communities. We believe that positive change can occur and benefit all Americans if we continue to remove governmental barriers to entrepreneurship and, thus, economic growth.\nOur cause embraces traditional ideals and modern realities. It both reforms and innovates. We aim to shape history through faith in one another. Because we look forward, we emphasize saving, investment, and job creation. We encourage innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit that are, together, part of our national character. We both conserve and develop our natural resources. Because we have learned from the past, we are determined to change what desperately needs changing in government.\nGovernment does not have all the answers, but we know where to find them: in the spirit of our people. We know the weapons for this battle: economic and political liberty in the pursuit of happiness. We understand that material gain improves life only if it lifts us all to pursue higher ends: self-respect, work and study, a decent life and future for our children, and a useful old age.\nSo we rededicate ourselves to the truths the Nation keeps coming back to—the simple, spiritual truths about our family, our country, our world—for upon them we will build our more perfect union.\nSecurity and Opportunity in a Changing Economy\n\nOur economy is people, not statistics. The American people, not government, rescued the United States from an economic collapse triggered by Democrats in the 1970s. Crippled by taxes, robbed by inflation, threatened by controls, stunned by interest rates, the people ended America's decline and restored hope across our country and around our world.\nWe launched an era of growth and prosperity such as the world had never seen: 20 million new jobs in the longest peacetime economic expansion in the history of the Republic. We curbed the size and power of the federal establishment. We lowered tax rates. We restored a sound dollar. We unleashed the might of free people to produce, compete, and triumph in free markets. We gave them the tools; they completed the job.\nDuring the 1980s and into the present decade, the U.S. economy once again became the engine of global growth. Inflation has fallen to its lowest level in 30 years. Interest rates dropped 15 percentage points. Productivity has sharply risen. Exports are booming. Despite a global downturn in late 1990, real economic growth resumed last year and has continued for five consecutive quarters. With low interest rates and low inflation, the American economy is poised for stronger growth through the rest of the 1990s. Keeping inflation and interest rates low and stable through a sound monetary policy is essential for economic growth.\nThese gains were made in spite of the leaders of the Democrat Party. They continue to delay and defeat the President's agenda for growth, jobs, and prosperity. Spending faster than ever, they blocked Republican reforms that would have saved billions of wasted taxpayer dollars. They refused to give the President a line-item veto to curb their self-serving pork-barrel projects.\nThe congressional Democrat Leadership killed the Taxpayer Protection Amendment for a balanced budget in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. It was supported by 98 percent of the Republican Members; 57 percent of the Democrat Members voted no. Then they rigged parliamentary procedures to forbid a vote on that Amendment in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Every Republican Senator voted twice to end the filibuster, while more than 70 percent of the Democrats voted, twice, to keep the filibuster going. Their nominee this year for the Vice Presidency supported the filibuster and spurned the Balanced Budget Amendment.\nThey played citizens against one another, wallowing in the politics of hate and envy to smear the wonder of social mobility. They lied about America's achievement in the 1980s, rewriting history to erase the true accomplishments of the American people.\nIn 1990, as the deficit was threatening to balloon and further harm the economy, the President pushed for cuts in government spending overall and for caps on mandatory spending. The Democrat Congress insisted, however, on a tax hike as their price for controlling spending. In short, the Democrats held the U.S. economy—and U.S. jobs—hostage in order to raise taxes, much as they had done to President Reagan.\nJust as they did with President Reagan, the Democrat-controlled Congress promised President Bush they would abide by binding controls on federal spending; and just as with President Reagan, they broke their word. Republicans will not again agree to such a program.\nThis year, to create jobs and promote growth, President Bush submitted a program of tax cuts and incentives designed to get the economy moving again—a program very similar to one he had sent to Congress in early 1990. The Democrats' response was predictable—instead of cutting taxes, they passed a $100 billion tax increase that would have smothered growth and jobs. The President, true to our Republican philosophy, vetoed this tax hike, and sustained his veto with the support of Republicans in Congress.\nNow a new Democrat nominee comes forward with his plan for the economy. With a clean piece of paper, and every opportunity to end his party's romance with taxes, he has instead proposed the largest tax increase in American history. His tax increases, his proposed mandated benefits on small firms, and his further reductions in defense would cost the jobs of 2.6 million Americans. With his present spending increases, his plan would greatly increase the federal budget and the deficit.\nThe simple truth for the American people is this: The only safeguard between themselves and Democrat tax increases is the use of the veto by George Bush and enough Republican votes in Congress to sustain it.\nThe truth is that the Democrat philosophy of bigger government and rigorous redistribution of income requires them to push for ever increasing spending and ever higher taxes.\nThe choice is clear—between George Bush, who vetoes tax increases, and his opponent, who proposes a $150 billion tax increase.\nOur Republican position is equally clear: we will oppose any attempt to increase taxes. Furthermore, Republicans believe that the taxes insisted on by the Democrats in the 1990 budget agreement were recessionary. The Democrat Congress held President Bush and indeed all Americans hostage, refusing to take even modest steps to control spending, unless taxes were increased. The American economy suffered as a result. We believe the tax increases of 1990 should ultimately be repealed.\nJust as history shows that tax increases destroy jobs and economic growth, it also shows that the proper path to create jobs and growth is tax rate reduction.\nWe commend those congressional and senatorial candidates who pledge to oppose tax rate increases.\nAs the deficit comes under control, we aspire to further tax rate cuts, strengthening incentives to work, save, invest, and innovate. We also support President Bush's efforts to reduce federal spending and to cap the growth of non-Social Security entitlements.\nRepublicans want individuals and families to control their own economic destiny. Only long-term expansion of our economy and jobs can make the American dream a reality for generations to come. That is why we demand that the Congress do what President Bush called for last January: open a new era of growth and opportunity by enacting his comprehensive plan for economic recovery, including a reduction in the capital gains tax; an investment tax allowance; a $5,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers; a needed modification of the \"passive loss rule\"; a $500 increase in the personal income tax exemption; making permanent the research and development tax credit; and the passage of federal enterprise zone legislation.\nWe support restoring the deductibility of IRAs for all Americans, including full-time homemakers, and encourage savings for education and home ownership through Family Savings Accounts. The President's Family Savings Accounts will be an impetus to the economy. Let families use their IRAs for first time home purchases, for college education, and for medical emergencies.\nWe will cut the capital gains tax rate to 15 percent—zero in enterprise zones—and index it so government cannot profit from inflation by taxing phantom capital gains, literally stealing from savings and pensions.\nWe reject the notion advanced by Democrats that this enhances the wealthy. To the contrary, it would encourage investment, create new jobs, make capital available for business expansion, and contribute to economic expansion.\nReducing the tax on investment will be the biggest possible boost for the new technologies, businesses, and jobs we need for the next century. If government taxes capital gains at such a high rate that there is no incentive to take risks, to build businesses, to invest, to create jobs, or to better oneself, then jobs and small businesses vanish and everyone's opportunities are diminished.\nCutting the rate, on the other hand, will help supply seed capital where it is needed most—in our poorest communities. Refusing to cut it will handcuff America in international competition and will shackle aspiring entrepreneurs in inner cities and poor rural areas. To encourage investment in new technologies, we will make permanent the research and development tax credit. For the same reason, we want to expand deductibility for investments in new plant and equipment.\nWe support further tax simplification. The tax code should create jobs for Americans, not profits for tax lawyers, lobbyists, and tax-shelters. Small businesses should spend more time hiring and producing, not filling out IRS forms.\nWe oppose taxing religious and ethnic fraternal benefit societies because of their vital role in fostering charity and patriotism.\nWe also oppose tax withholding on savings and dividends.\nWe applaud the efforts by President Bush to help workers who change jobs by enhancing the portability of pensions.\nLeading Democrat Members of Congress have called for a national sales tax, or European style Value Added Tax (VAT), which would take billions of dollars out of the hands of American consumers. Such a tax has been imposed on many nations in Europe and has resulted in higher prices, fewer jobs, and higher levels of government spending. Republicans oppose the idea of putting a VAT on the backs of the American people.\nRepublicans believe in expanding the economy. Jobs and growth are our answer to the future.\nRepublicans also led the way in the 1980s by increasing the personal exemption from $1500 to $2000. This platform calls for another immediate increase of $500, but in the long run we are committed to fully restoring the inflation-adjusted value of the personal exemption. This will require reductions in federal spending, which is why the best hope for tax fairness for America's families lies in a Republican Congress.\nWe support President Bush's freeze on new regulations. We applaud his Competitiveness Council, under Vice President Quayle, for fighting the regulatory mania, saving the public $20 billion with its initial 90-day moratorium on new regulations and billions more under the current 120-day freeze. We call for a permanent moratorium until our regulatory reforms are fully in place. They include market-based regulation, cost-benefit analysis of all new rule-making, and a Regulatory Budget that will make Congress admit—and correct—the harm it does by legislation that destroys jobs and competitiveness.\nWe recognize that property rights are being endangered by government over-regulation. We reaffirm the Constitutional right to private ownership of property; this right is paramount in our free society. Every rule that reduces the value of private property is what our Constitution calls a \"taking.\" This under-the-table taxation is unfair, immoral, and economically destructive. We support legislation to require full compensation of property owners who are victims of regulatory takings.\nWe demand Congress enact President's Bush's housing program introduced as part of his pro-growth package in January.\nProvide a $5,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers and allow them penalty-free IRA withdrawals.\nSet a modified \"passive loss rule\" for active real estate investors.\nExtend tax preferences for mortgage revenue bonds and low-income housing.\nAnd allow deductions for losses on personal residences.\nThe average American' s home is his or her primary asset. That asset should be completely shielded from federal taxation, allowing the homeowner to maintain it or access it as he or she sees fit. We call for the complete elimination of the capital gains tax on the sale of a principal residence.\nOwning a home is not just an investment. It is a commitment to the community, a guard against crime, a statement about family life. It is a crucial component of upward mobility. To advance these goals, Republicans are determined to preserve deductibility of mortgage interest.\nBureaucratic government imposes too many regulatory barriers to affordable housing. These barriers must come down.\nWe applaud efforts in the States to lower property taxes, which strike hardest at the poor, elderly, families with children, and family farmers. We advocate repeal of rent control laws, which help the affluent and hurt low-income families by causing housing shortages.\nWe support the FHA mortgage insurance program, the Government National Mortgage Association, the VA guarantee program, and other programs that enhance housing choices for all. We urge federal departments and agencies to work with the private sector to bring foreclosed housing stock back into service as soon as possible.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to open housing, without quotas or controls, as part of the opportunity we seek for all.\nFor low-income families, the Republican Party stands for a revolution in housing by converting public housing into homes owned by low-income Americans. President Bush is eager to work closely with the States to fight and win a new conservative war on poverty. The truest measure of our success will not be how many families we add to housing assistance rolls but, rather, how many families move into the ranks of homeownership. But every part of that opportunity agenda has been thwarted by landlord Democrats in Congress. We ask the electorate: End the strangulation of divided government. Give Republicans the chance to move housing policy off the Democrat Party plantation into the main-stream of American life. Resident management and ownership of public housing reflect this American mission, not only to assure political freedom but to allow all our fellow citizens to build a better life for themselves and their children.\nCongressional Democrats have consistently blocked efforts to repeal the earnings test which prevents people over age 65 from keeping their jobs and remaining productive members of the workforce. The Social Security earnings test discriminates against senior citizens. These senior citizens have to pay the highest marginal tax rate of any Americans. We support repeal of the Social Security earnings test.\nThe only solution is for the voters to end divided government so that a Republican Congress can enact the Balanced Budget Amendment, requiring a super-majority for any future tax increases. And since the Democrat-controlled Congress has consistently voted clown a line-item veto amendment for the President to control specific wasteful pork barrel spending, a Republican Congress will adopt a line-item veto for the Presidency, restore Presidential power to rescind spending and to lower specific appropriations.\nDeficits lave grown as Democrat Congresses have converted government assistance programs into entitlements and allowed spending to become uncontrolled. A Republican Congress, working with a Republican President, will consider non-Social Security mandatory spending portions of the federal budget when looking for savings.\nWhen legislators and bureaucrats waste tax money, they deserve to lose their jobs. When they save money, they deserve praise. When federal programs have outlived their usefulness, they deserve a decent burial. When federal judges dare to seize the power of the purse, by ordering the imposition of taxes, they should be removed from office by the procedures provided by the Constitution.\nThe latest Democrat scam is to raise taxes for \"investment\"—a code word for more government spending. A Republican Congress will foster investment where it does the most good, by individuals within the private sector.\nSmall business generates 67 percent of all new jobs. Employment in industries dominated by small business increased more than twice as fast as in industries dominated by large businesses. Small business plays a critical role in America's economic health. What happens on Main Street drives what happens on Wall Street.\nTo create jobs and keep small business growing, the Republican Party supports increased access to capital for business expansion, exporting, long term investment, opportunity capital for the disadvantaged, and capital to bring new products and new technology to the market.\nThe Republican Party enthusiastically encourages the passage of federal enterprise zones. Enterprise zones have been effective programs for promoting growth in urban and rural America. Republicans believe that the concept of enterprise zones is based on unyielding faith in the entrepreneurial spirit of all Americans. Enterprise zones foster individual initiative and government deregulation. The States have come a long way in developing successful enterprise zone programs. State programs could only benefit from federal efforts. Congress should follow the lead of President Bush and HUD Secretary Jack Kemp in passing the federal enterprise zone program that will empower communities by reducing government regulation and taxation.\nThe implementation of enterprise zones as an incentive for job creation and business development is also essential to further job and business opportunities. These efforts are bolstered by continued support of job training and minority business development programs, which have been created and implemented by the President's Administration within the last three years. This is of special import to women, who own 32 percent of the Nation's businesses, most of them small ones.\nBecause the regulation of securities markets bars most small businesses from easy access to capital, we also support the Small Business Administration's Section 7(a) loan guarantee program and similar efforts that essentially compensate for the burdens government itself imposes upon entrepreneurs.\nToday, however, government policy at both the federal and State levels is standing in the way of this telecommunications progress. Existing judicial, legislative, and regulatory market allocation schemes constitute a counterproductive industrial policy by prohibiting the full participation by all providers in all segments of the telecommunications marketplace. We need to liberate this future-oriented technology and, in turn, empower the American people by giving consumers a truly competitive choice and lower prices.\nAs a result, we Republicans believe that full and open competition in the telecommunications marketplace is the most effective means for the U. S. to achieve our goal of having the most technologically advanced telecommunications infrastructure in the world.\nScientific research and development in genetics, biotechnology, and electronics will provide better, more affordable health care for all Americans. Distance learning, through technology, will help bring exciting, quality, affordable education to all students, even in rural areas and inner cities. Technology will help us conquer disease, protect the environment, and provide a more abundant, healthier food supply. And technology will lead to better jobs and a better quality of life for all of us—and for our children and our children's children.\nScientific and technological developments in telecommunications, high performance computers, high speed data networks, digitization, advanced software, biotechnology, high energy physics, advanced materials, superconductors, manufacturing processes, energy, transportation, agriculture, oceanography, atmospheric studies, geological research, space, and the environment are some of the keys to increases in productivity. And increases in productivity will create economic growth and a higher standard of living for all of us. Technology is also critical to our national defense.\nWe believe America must make technological development one of its highest priorities. We therefore support efforts to promote science and technology—providing funding for basic research, supporting investment in emerging technologies, improving education in science and engineering, enhancing tax credits for research and development, eliminating unnecessary regulation to create competitive markets, and protecting intellectual property. We further support efforts to increase the pace of technology transfer from the government to the private sector, where the fruits of this research can be used in the free market to create new processes, products, and most important, jobs.\nWe believe these policies will make us internationally competitive and will lead to a bright and prosperous future for our Nation.\nPresident Bush has provided leadership in this arena by developing budgets allocating major new resources to scientific endeavors. The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the research and development program in the Departments of Energy and Commerce have all become budget priorities under the President's leadership. The sad fact is, however, that the Democrat Congress has cut steadily and sharply in science areas in order to expand spending on social programs. This is short-sighted; the truth is that American innovation in science and engineering will expand our economy and jobs to greater social advantage to all Americans. A Republican Congress working with President Bush would reflect our interest in advancing scientific inquiry and assuring the resulting economic benefits for all Americans.\nThat is why President Bush established the National Space Council under Vice President Quayle. Together, they rescued a floundering program, revamped NASA, opened up competition, and engaged the best minds of academia and research in a twofold mission for mankind. Mission to Planet Earth will define and perhaps mitigate effects on our fragile environment. Mission from Planet Earth will open space for science and industry. Especially in this Columbian year, we hail the President's decision \"to return to the moon, this time to stay, and then a journey to tomorrow, a mission to Mars.\"\nInvestments in space, though aimed at the future, pay dividends right now—in research and medicine, in international competitiveness and domestic opportunity. This must not be diverted to political pork barrels. The journey to the stars used to be a bipartisan adventure, but many Democrat officeholders have jumped ship.\nRepublicans, by contrast, are determined to complete Space Station Freedom within this decade. Our agenda is to lower the cost of access to space, and to broaden that access to the private sector, with a family of new launchers; to build and fly sensors for the global environment; and to advance cutting-edge capabilities like the National Aerospace Plane and single-stage-to-orbit rockets, so technological breakthroughs can be quickly exploited. We will promote space-based industry and ensure that space remains a frontier for private enterprise, not a restricted preserve for government. We will continue international cooperation in space ventures and welcome Russia's cosmonauts and citizens of other nations to fly for freedom.\nWe applaud the President' s efforts to alleviate the continuing problems caused by a lack of funds available to creditworthy borrowers in small businesses and the housing industry. We endorse his efforts to restrain overzealous regulators, reduce regulatory compliance costs, strengthen financial institutions through diversification, and reduce unnecessary barriers to lending.\nThe results are spectacular. We have cut the trade deficit in half in just four years. The United States is again the world's top exporter. Exports drive our economy. Every $1 billion in exports creates 20,000 new jobs for Americans. Exports have created nearly two million new jobs at home since 1988.\nWe are tough free traders, battling to sweep away barriers to our exports. We are waging the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations to win worldwide reductions in tariffs, elimination of subsidies, and protection of American intellectual property rights. We are fighting to reduce farm subsidies in the European Community and to break up their government-industry collusion in production of civil aircraft. We firmly endorse President Bush's policy to support the Republic of China on Taiwan in international trade and her accession to GATT. Major market access gains have been made with Japan, with American manufacturing exports tripling since 1985. Throughout the world, we enforced greater compliance with U.S. trade rights. And we are making every effort to bring home a Uruguay Round agreement that is not only good for America, but great for tomorrow's entrepreneurs everywhere.\nThe free trade agenda for the next four years starts with the signing of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico, completing the establishment of a free trade area which already includes Canada. NAFTA will create the largest market in the world, greater than the European Community, with 360 million consumers and a total output of six trillion dollars. It means a net gain of hundreds of thousands of American jobs.\nWe acknowledge the possible effects on regional markets, specifically agriculture. We encourage our negotiators to be sensitive to those market concerns.\nWe will continue to fill the Pacific Rim with American exports, negotiating trade agreements with other Asian economies, and will complete our efforts—such as the Structural Impediments Initiative with Japan—to reduce barriers to American goods and services. And we will continue to negotiate the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative with Latin America as a first step in creating a hemispheric free trade zone.\nCongress should report to the American people the cost to workers, consumers, and businesses of every Democrat trade restriction, trade tax, or trade quota bill it considers. We will not tolerate their obstructing the greatest expansion of international trade in history. Republicans welcome this opportunity; for we know America's workers, thinkers, and builders will make the most of it.\nBecause the world economy is interdependent, the United States has been affected by downturns elsewhere, particularly since 1990 with the crash of the Japanese stock market and Germany's economic difficulties. Now, as progress resumes, the Republican plan for global growth is vital for all nations, developed or otherwise. The continuing prosperity of our neighborhoods will depend in part upon the masterful diplomacy we have come to expect from President Bush.\nEconomic freedom is an essential link to our foreign policy. It means expanded trade, but it also means dynamic growth based on shared values—a coming together of nations in the commonwealth of peaceful progress. To that end, U.S. aid, whether bilateral or through international organizations, should promote market reforms, limit regulation, and encourage free trade.\nChief among these market reforms should be the privatization of state-owned industries such as telecommunications, power, mining, and refining. Privatization should afford American companies the opportunity to purchase some of these assets, bring competition to these countries, and substantially reduce our trade deficit. The United States government should take all possible steps to assist American companies wishing to invest in privatized industries by adopting policies, rules, and regulations that will equitably facilitate these ventures, especially for small businesses.\nWe will work with developing nations to make their economies attractive to private investment and will support innovations to guarantee repayment of their loans, including debt for equity swaps. Our experience can help them develop environmentally rational strategies for growth.\nBecause we uphold the family as the building block of economic progress, we protect its rights in international programs and will continue to withhold funds from organizations involved in abortion.\nMost important, we encourage developing nations to adopt both democracy and free markets. The two are inextricably tied and afford all people the greatest opportunities.\nReforming Government and the Legal System\n\nTwo centuries ago, the American people created a miracle—a system of government, rounded on limited authority and the rule of law, a system that made government the servant of the people. Today it is in shambles. Citizens feel overwhelmed by vast bureaucracies. Congress insulates incumbents from public judgment. Huge problems get worse while committee chairmen play partisan games. The current legal system tends to breed delay, cost, confusion, and jargon—everything but justice. Many of our once-great cities are controlled by one-party machines that promote and encourage corruption and incompetence.\nThe Republic has not failed; the Democrat Party bosses failed the Republic.\nThe Republican Party, now as at its rounding, challenges a debased status quo. In Congress, the States, our cities, our courtrooms, we fight for the basics of self-government.\nWe rely on what works, judging programs by how well they do instead of how much they spend. The Democrats believe in more government. Republicans believe in leaner, more effective government.\nWe decentralize authority, returning decisions to States, localities, and private institutions. The Democrat bosses want to concentrate power on Capitol Hill. Republicans place it in town halls and the American home.\nRepublicans favor the free-enterprise system. We choose market forces—consumer rights—over red tape. The Democrats argue that government must constantly override the market. Republicans regard the worst market failure as the failure to have a market.\nWe replace dependency with empowerment. The Democrats see an America filled with wards of the State. Republicans see an America peopled by citizens and consumers eager for the chance to chart their own course.\nWe make electoral systems understandable and accountable to the voter. The Democrats fear proposals that would limit the tenure and hidden power of incumbent politicians. Republicans want the ballot box to prevail over the cloakroom.\nThe Democrats have transformed what the Framers of the Constitution intended as the people's House into a pathological institution. They have grossly increased their staffing, their payrolls, their allied bureaucracies in little-known congressional agencies. Congress has ballooned to 284 congressional committees and subcommittees, almost 40,000 legislative branch employees and staff, and $2.5 billion in taxpayer financing, amounting to approximately $5 million per lawmaker per year. Incumbents have abused free mailing privileges for personal political gain. Twenty-two Democrats, with a total of 585 years in power, rule over a committee system that blocks every attempt at reform.\nThe Democrats have trampled the traditions of the House, rigging rules, forbidding votes on crucial amendments, denying fair apportionment of committee seats and resources. They have stacked campaign laws to benefit themselves. The Democrat Leadership of the House has been tainted with scandal and has resisted efforts to investigate scandals once disclosed. Some in their Leadership have resigned in well-earned disgrace.\nThe Democrat Leadership of the Congress has turned the healthy competition of constitutional separation of powers into mean-spirited politics of innuendo and inquisition. Committee hearings are no longer for fact-finding; they are political sideshows. \"Advise and consent\" has been replaced by \"slash and burn.\"\nRepublicans want to change all that. We reaffirm our support for a constitutional amendment to limit the number of terms House Members and Senators may serve. We want a citizens' Congress, free of bloated pensions and perpetual perks.\nCongress must stop exempting itself from laws such as the minimum wage and the civil rights statutes, as well as laws which apply to the Executive Branch. The Independent Counsel Act is a case in point. It has permitted rogue prosecutors to spend tremendous amounts to hound some of the Nation's finest public servants. If that Act is reauthorized, it must be extended to Congress as well. Safety and health regulations, civil rights and minimum wage laws are further examples of areas where Congress has set itself apart from the people. This practice must end.\nCongress must slash its own bureaucracy. Its employees operate in a maze of overlapping jurisdictions. A Republican Congress will cut expenses by 25 percent, reduce the number of committees and subcommittees, and assign staff in accurate proportion to party strength.\nWe will restore integrity to the House of Representatives, reforming its rules, allowing open debate and amendment. The committee system, both in Congress and in Democrat-controlled State legislatures, has been abused by chairpersons who have arbitrarily killed legislation which would have passed. Committees are a place for open and free discussion, not a closet for Democrats to stash Republican legislation. Democracy itself is endangered by these abuses, and Republicans condemn these practices. Both houses of Congress must guarantee protection to whistle blowers to encourage employees to report illegality, corruption, sexual harassment, and discrimination.\nThe Democrat rulers of Congress have blocked or stalled Presidential initiatives in many areas, including education, housing, crime control, economic recovery, job creation, and budget reform. They care more about scoring petty partisan points for themselves and their Party than about achieving real progress for the Nation. To accomplish change, we need a change in Congress.\nRepublicans vigorously support a balanced budget, a Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment, and a line-item veto for the President.\nRepublicans believe this balancing of the budget should be achieved, not by increasing taxes to match spending, but by cutting spending to current levels of revenue. We prefer a Balanced Budget Amendment which contains a super-majority requirement to raise taxes.\nWe also propose procedural reforms. We support legislation that would require Congress to pass a legally binding budget before it can consider spending bills. The budget' s spending ceilings shall not be exceeded without a super-majority vote of both chambers. If Congress fails to pass any appropriation bill, funding for its programs will automatically be frozen at the previous year's level. The key to prosperity for the rest of this century and for the next generation of Americans is a budget strategy that restores sanity to the budget process and checks the growth of government.\nCongress should be forced to confront basic arithmetic through Truth in Counting. The Democrats measure all changes in funding against a \"current services baseline,\" with built-in increases for inflation and other factors. If they want a $1 million program to grow to $2 million, they then count an increase to $1.5 million as a half-million dollar cut. This is the accounting system of Wonderland, where words mean exactly what the Democrat Speaker says they mean. The double-talk must end with zero-based budgeting. We also support \"sunset laws\" that require government agencies to be reviewed periodically and reauthorized only if they can be rejustified.\nThroughout the 1980s, voters were cheated out of dozens of seats in the House of Representatives and in State legislatures because districts were oddly shaped to guarantee election of Democrats. It was swindle by law. We support State-level appointment of non-partisan redistricting commissions to apply clear standards for compactness of districts, competitiveness between the parties, and protection of community interests.\nMost of all, we condemn the Democrats' shameless plots to make taxpayers foot the bills for their campaigns. Their campaign finance bill would have given $1 billion, over six years, in subsidies to candidates. President Bush vetoed that bill. Campaign financing does need reform. It does not need a hand in the public's pocketbook.\nWe will require congressional candidates to raise most of their funds from individuals within their home constituencies. This will limit outside special-interest money and result in less expensive campaigns, with less padding for incumbents. To the same end, we will strengthen the role of political parties to remove pressure on candidates to spend so much time soliciting funds. We will eliminate political action committees supported by corporations, unions, or trade associations, and restrict the practice of bundling.\nTo restore competition in elections by attacking the unfair advantages of incumbency, we will stop incumbents from warding off challengers merely by amassing huge war chests. Congressional candidates will be forbidden from carrying campaign funds from one election to the next. We will oppose arbitrary spending limits—cynical devices which hobble challengers to keep politicians in office.\nWe will fully implement the Supreme Court's decision in the Beck case, ensuring that workers have the right to stop the use of their union dues for political or other non-collective bargaining purposes.\nThe Quality Revolution in American business has quietly but profoundly transformed American culture over the past decade. Millions of American workers have benefited from the more cooperative spirit the Quality Revolution has brought to tens of thousands of workplaces; and every American has benefited from the lower costs, higher quality service, and greater level of competitiveness it has produced. Republicans are proud to have played a leading role in this transformation, especially through the annual Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which recognizes companies that best represent the principles of Quality.\nThe Quality Revolution in the private sector, with its concepts of Continuous Improvement, Profound Knowledge, and \"Doing the Right Thing Right the First Time,\" stands in stark contrast to the outmoded practices, insensitivity and outright waste, abuse, and corruption endemic in the bureaucratic welfare state. The Republican Party is firmly committed to bringing the Quality Revolution into government at every level by creating a \"Quality Workers for a Quality America\" coalition whose aim will be to transform the bureaucratic welfare state into a government that is customer-friendly, cost-effective, and improving constantly.\nPrivatization is an important alternative to higher taxes and reduced services. If private enterprise can perform better and more cheaply than government, let it do so. This is especially true of properties now decaying under government control, such as public housing, where residents should have the option to manage their own projects. These citizens should have the chance to become stockholders and managers of government enterprises and to run them more efficiently as private enterprises. We applaud President Bush' s initiative to allow States and localities to privatize facilities built with federal aid.\nWhere it advances both efficiency and safety, we will advocate privatization of airport operation and management.\nWe deplore the blatant political bias of the government-sponsored radio and television networks. It is especially outrageous that taxpayers are now forced to underwrite this biased broadcasting through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We call for sweeping reform of CPB, including greater accountability through application of the Freedom of Information Act, a one-year funding cycle, and enforcement of rigorous fairness standards for all CPB-supported programming. We look forward to the day when public broadcasting is self-sufficient.\nAlways trusting the initiative of the American people over the ways of government, we will not initiate production of goods or delivery of services by the federal government if they can be procured from the private sector.\nWe will not initiate any federal activity that can be conducted better on the State or local level. In doing so, we reassert the crucial importance of the Tenth Amendment. We oppose costly federal mandates that stifle innovation and force tax hikes upon States and localities. We require that Congress calculate the cost of mandated initiatives upon communities affected and provide adequate financial support for mandates invoked. We will continue the process of returning power to local voters by replacing federal programs with block grants.\nThe current legal system forces consumers to pay higher prices for everything from basic goods to medical treatment. Direct litigation and inflated insurance premiums sock American consumers for an estimated $80 billion a year. All told, our legal system costs, directly and indirectly, $300 billion a year. What it costs us in the world marketplace, by hindering our competitiveness, is beyond calculation.\nWe therefore endorse the President's proposals for legal reform as developed by Vice President Quayle, and we salute his principled challenge to the American Bar Association to clean up its own house. We support the Fairness Rule, to allow the winning party to a lawsuit to recover the costs of litigation from the losing party. This will discourage needless suits, freeing legal resources for people with genuine cases.\nWe believe complainants should have a choice of ways to settle problems through alternative dispute programs that will permit parties to pursue less costly and less complicated ways to resolve conflicts. We also call for greater use of judicial sanctions to stop frivolous lawsuits. We call for changes to the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law to limit its use in civil litigation by requiring proof of all elements by clear and convincing proof.\nWe seek to restore fairness and predictability to punitive damages by placing appropriate limits on them, dividing trials into two phases to determine liability separately from damages, and requiring clear proof of wrongdoing. This will go a long way to reduce insurance premiums for professional and product liability and for all malpractice, including medical, thereby lowering costs for consumers throughout the economy, while preserving the ability of injured persons to obtain damages. It will also foster the creation of new products for the American marketplace, perhaps cures for the diseases we most fear.\nThe Republican Party commends President Bush and Vice President Quayle for their continued leadership in helping volunteers overcome their concern that their good acts and voluntary donations of time on behalf of civic groups, community organizations, and churches will result in civil liability and lawsuits. We encourage the State legislatures to pass the Administration's model bill, \"The Volunteerism Act.\"\nWe will throw out \"junk science\" by requiring courts to verify the legitimacy of persons called as expert witnesses. To restore integrity to courtroom testimony, we will ban the practice of paying fees to experts only if a successful verdict is obtained. We will maintain diversity jurisdiction for citizens of different States to ensure access to the federal courts when appropriate.\nBecause four-fifths of the time and cost of a lawsuit involves discovery—pre-trial investigation of the facts—we will require automatic disclosure, by both sides, of basic information. We will ban abuses of the discovery process used to intimidate opponents and drive up their costs.\nWe will fight rising health care costs—and equally important, help dedicated doctors to keep practicing in critical areas like obstetrics—by providing incentives for States to reform their liability laws. This will reduce the practice of \"defensive medicine,\" requiring patients to be tested for every conceivable ailment at their own enormous expense to guard against the mere possibility of a lawsuit.\nRecognizing that legal reform can solve only parts of the larger problem, we support a federal product liability law. The cost of product liability protection is a great expense to the American consumer and seriously impedes our international competitiveness. For example, a consumer pays an additional 17 percent to cover the liability insurance of an ordinary stepladder. If thirteen European nations can enact uniform product liability laws to give them a competitive edge against the United States, we can do it here too—once we break the Democrat hold on the Congress so Republicans can put the interests of workers and consumers ahead of trial lawyers.\nSome of the problems in our legal system are rooted in a declining sense of, and respect for, individual responsibility. We reaffirm that all Americans are first and finally responsible for their own behavior.\nWe affirm the fight of American citizens in the United States territories to seek the full extension of the Constitution with the accompanying rights and responsibilities, and we support all necessary legislation to permit them to do so.\nThe Republican Party supports the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign State after they freely so determine.\nWe recognize that the people of Guam have voted for a closer relationship with the United States of America, and we reaffirm our support of their right to mutually improve their political relationship through commonwealth.\nWe support American Samoa's efforts to advance toward economic self-reliance through a multi-year plan, while ensuring the protection afforded to the people of American Samoa by the original treaty of cession.\nWe support the full extension of rights and responsibilities under the U.S. Constitution to American citizens of the Virgin Islands.\nWe commend President Bush for the successful development of self-government in Micronesia and the Marshall Islands and for efforts to conclude the United Nations' last trusteeship in Palau consistent with the people's right of self-determination.\nOur Land, Food, and Resources\n\nWe hold the resources of our country in stewardship. Our heritage from the past must be our legacy to generations to come. Our people have always known that, as they cherished their land and turned earth and rock into food, fiber, and power. In the process, they built the world's most formidable economy, sustained by its raw materials, driven by its energy resources. They brought comfort to the home, transformed the Nation, and fed the world.\nAgriculture and energy remain building blocks of modern life. Their vitality is crucial to the Nation's growth. Indeed, to its survival. While supporting conservation, we reject the notion that there are limits to growth. Human ingenuity is the ultimate resource, and it knows no limits. The true measure of America's economic success is not whether austerity can be shared by many, but whether prosperity can be achieved for all.\nWe advocate privatizing those government agencies and assets that would be more productive and better maintained in private ownership. We support efforts to decentralize government monopolies that poorly serve the public and waste taxpayers' dollars.\nThey have been pioneer environmentalists. They have turned over to their children and grandchildren land that has been nurtured to expand its productivity while conserving this vital resource. Even more important, they have cultivated in their homes strong family life and moral virtues. We endorse American Samoa's time-honored land tenure system which fosters self-reliance and strong extended family values. When we lose farmers, we lose much more than agriculture. We are committed to bringing our farm families the full benefit of a growing and diversified rural economy.\nOur rural families also deserve to be brought into the mainstream of health care, with tax policies that provide all who are self-employed full deductibility of their health insurance premiums.\nWe stand with farmers against attempts by liberal Democrats to repeal the laws of economics by dictating price levels and restricting production. We stand with them against agricultural embargoes. We reject the notion that elected officials and bureaucrats make better farm managers than farmers themselves.\nWe remain strong in our support of livestock agriculture. We believe in the humane treatment of animals, but we oppose attempts by animal rights extremists to impose excessive restrictions on animal husbandry practices.\nOur Omnibus Farm Bills of 1985 and 1990 gave farmers greater flexibility in decisions concerning management of their farms and marketing of their commodities. We have reduced government control and ownership of commodity inventories. Export sales and profitability have improved significantly. Agricultural debt has fallen by 30 percent. Under this President and sound Republican policies, net farm income has reached record levels.\nAt the same time, we cut by two-thirds the cost of government commodity programs. Only one-half of one percent of the federal budget is now spent on those programs. By reducing dependency on government, we have created a healthier agricultural sector. We will build upon our 1985 and 1990 legislation and repeal obsolete or unworkable statutes while continuing to provide a viable base of support for U.S. farmers.\nAgricultural prosperity is essential to the Nation's global competitiveness. We will continue to expand the growth of American agriculture through exports, development of new products, and new markets. Commodity exports this year will hit $40 billion, a 50 percent increase over the levels of five years ago. There has never been an annual deficit in our balance of agricultural trade, and the positive balance this year will be $18 billion.\nWe pledge to fight unfair competition and to bring down the walls of protectionism around the world that unfairly inhibit competitiveness of U.S. farm exports. We pledge continued pressure to open world markets through the Uruguay Round, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and bilateral negotiations. We affirm that there will be no GATT agreement unless it improves opportunities for U.S. farmers to compete in world markets. We repeat our demand for cutbacks in export subsidies by the European Community and elsewhere, and we will fight the use of arbitrary health and sanitation standards to sabotage U.S. exports.\nNew markets for agricultural products will also be created as producers translate technological breakthroughs into new uses, such as soy oil diesel and biodegradable plastics. We support the widest possible use of ethanol in the U.S. motor fuel market, including in oxygenated fuels programs and as ethanol blends in reformulated gasolines. In addition, the Republican Party supports increased research and development to reduce ethanol production costs and expand its use in motor fuel markets. Such use will greatly help American farmers, improve the rural economy, and reduce our dependence on imported oil.\nBuilding our farm economy requires meeting our farmers' financing needs. Critical to these needs are competitive, reasonable interest rates for U.S. producers. Under George Bush, interest rates have been dramatically reduced, thereby contributing substantially to improving the net income of American farm and ranch families. We will continue working to ensure that farmers have access to credit, with particular consideration to the needs of young and beginning farmers.\nWe recognize the importance of efficient, equitable transportation systems to the economic viability of agricultural experts; and we will work to achieve greater efficiencies within the U.S. maritime industry and to decrease the cost to agriculture of shipping services.\nWe support farm conservation efforts, both those pioneered in our 1985 Farm Bill and entirely voluntary undertakings, which result in three times as much erosion control as those mandated by law. We support the Conservation Reserve, with more than 35 million acres now enrolled. It shows what farmers can do through incentives rather than government controls.\nWe value our Nation's real wetlands habitat and the diversity of our native animal and plant life. We oppose, however, bureaucratic harassment of farm, ranch, and timber families under statutes regarding endangered species and wetlands. When actions are required to protect an endangered species, we recognize that jobs can be lost, communities displaced, and economic progress for all denied. Accordingly, prior to the implementation of a recovery plan for a species declared to be endangered, we will require the Congress to affirm the priority of the species on the endangered list and the specific measures to be taken in any recovery plan. These acts should not rest with the rubber stamp of a bureaucrat.\nWith regard to wetlands, following our principle that environmental protection be reasonable, land that is not truly wet should not be classified as a wetland. Protection of environmentally sensitive wetlands must not come at the price of disparaging landowners' property rights. Thus, we endorse, as President Bush has done, legislation to discourage government activities that ignore property rights. We also find intolerable the use of taxpayer funds, through the Legal Services Corporation, to attack the agricultural community.\nOur goals address our fundamental needs: an energy supply, available to all, that remains reasonably priced, secure, and clean, produced by strong energy industries on which the country can rely, operating in an environmentally responsible manner and producing from domestically available energy resources to the maximum extent practicable.\nAnyone older than a teenager can remember the energy upheavals of the bad old days, when political games threw the Nation into a tailspin. Stranded in gasoline lines, shocked by home heating bills, shutting down factory operations, America's motorists, homeowners, and workers rightly blamed official Washington for wrecking something which had always worked so efficiently that it was taken for granted.\nToday, after 12 years of Republican reform, we can again have confidence in our energy policies. The average household spends 11 percent less on energy, as adjusted for inflation, than it did in 1980, because of both conservation and lower costs.\nWe broke the shackles of bureaucratic regulation by ending petroleum price and allocation controls, deregulating natural gas wellhead prices, and repealing restrictions on the use of clean-burning natural gas by industry and utilities. We repealed the Windfall Profit Tax on crude oil that penalized investment in domestic oil production. We promoted free competition in an open marketplace and ended the public subsidy to the \"synthetic fuels\" program. And we broke the back of OPEC, the international energy cartel.\nAnd, equally important, we undertook a reevaluation of estimates of our domestic energy resource base, which the Carter Administration had determined to be inadequate. The Republican Administration correctly found that we can indeed continue to supply a significant amount of our domestically available energy resources, including natural gas and coal, for all energy consumption needs well into the next century.\nWhen Iraq's dictator moved to seize the world's energy lifeline by controlling the Persian Gulf, George Bush did more than liberate Kuwait. He prevented energy crisis and economic shutdown in America. Now his National Energy Strategy leads toward continued growth in the century ahead. It provides the Nation with a comprehensive and balanced strategy for America's energy future. Specifically, it promotes adequate energy supplies and reduces consumer costs by relying on market forces, diversifying domestic energy sources, and improving the efficiency and flexibility of energy consumption. We seek to foster greater competition and increased output, in the interest of producers and consumers alike.\nThe domestic oil and gas industry saves us from total dependence on unreliable foreign imports. But over the past decade, it has lost more than 300,000 jobs. Drilling rigs are still. Crippled by environmental rules and taxes, independent producers have been devastated and major companies are moving operations overseas. We will reverse that situation by allowing access, under environmental safeguards, to the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, possibly one of the largest petroleum reserves in our country, and to selected areas of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). We support incentives to encourage domestic investment for onshore and OCS oil and gas exploration and development, including relief from the alternative minimum tax, credits for enhanced oil recovery and geological exploration under known geological oil fields and producing geological structures, and modified percentage depletion rules to benefit marginal production. We will ensure that royalty payments on federal lands remain consistent with changing economic conditions.\nMost important, unlike Democrat no-growth fanatics, we know what is most at stake in the energy debate: the family's standard of living, including job opportunities, household income, and the environment in which we live.\nThat is why we have been supporting complete decontrol of wellhead prices for clean natural gas, which have already declined ten percent in the last four years while consumption increased by the same amount. We support replacing government controls with the power of the market to determine transactions between buyers and sellers of natural gas. We encourage the use of natural gas for both vehicles and electricity generation, and the expansion of research, development, and demonstration for end-use natural gas technologies. We will foster more public-private partnerships to advance use of natural gas.\nThe Republican Party has a deep and abiding commitment to America's mining industry. We support the original intent of the Mining Law of 1872: to provide the security necessary for miners to risk capital investment on federal lands, thus preserving jobs and bolstering the domestic economy.\nWe support clean-coal technologies to allow greater use of America's most abundant fossil fuel within standards required by the Clean Air Act. We encourage the export of U.S. coal. We support acceleration of the international transfer of coal-related technologies to boost exports for U.S. coal, in order to capitalize on America's leadership in these technologies.\nWe oppose any attempt to impose a carbon tax as proposed by liberal Democrats.\nWe endorse major national projects, like the Super Conducting Super Collider, which offer the promise of developing more efficient ways to store, transport, and use energy.\nWe will hasten development of the next generation of nuclear power plants—one of the cleanest, safest energy sources of all. Republicans back reform of the nuclear licensing process. We will site and license a permanent waste depository and a monitored retrievable storage facility. We reject the scare tactics used against nuclear power by those who want to shut down this essential contributor to the American future.\nWe endorse development of renewable energy sources and research on fuel cells, conservation, hydro, solar, hydrogen, and wind power as components of our overall plan for energy security and environmental quality.\nApproximately 50 percent of the lands in the West are owned by the federal government. These lands are a deeply intermingled patchwork quilt of public and private ownership. In order to provide an economic base for the people of the West, a public-private cooperative partnership on these lands for multiple use in an environmentally sound manner is imperative.\nToday, America's transportation system is safer, more efficient, more reliable than that of any other country. It employs one of every ten workers and accounts for $800 billion in spending. It enables us to compete in the world market and gives us more choices in our dally lives.\nUnder President Bush, that system has been strengthened by revolutionary legislation to pave the way into the century ahead. Providing $151 billion for highways and transit systems, it is the most extensive transportation improvement project in our Nation's history—and a tremendous jobs program as well.\nHighway death rates have dropped to an all-time low, largely due to better road design and stronger safety programs. This progress would be wiped out by the Democrats' draconian plan for higher Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. Their national nominees want to require a 45 miles-per-gallon standard. That means unsafe vehicles, reduced consumer choice, higher car costs, and a loss of 300,000 jobs in the auto industry here at home.\nTo reduce the congestion that still chokes urban areas, we established a National Highway System of 155,000 miles, giving States and localities greater voice in decisions about projects. It will improve connections between ports and highways, airports and railways; spur development of new airports and reduce their environmental impact; promote private investment in transportation; and foster high-tech solutions to congestion.\nTo keep America on the move, we assert the same principle that guides us in all other sectors of the economy: consumers benefit through competition within the private sector. That is why we will complete the job of trucking deregulation. We will also abolish the Interstate Commerce Commission, finally freeing shippers and consumers from horse-and-buggy regulation. We applaud the President' s executive order that will assist communities to privatize government-controlled ventures, such as airports and toll roads.\nOur tough trade campaign, along with regulatory reforms, will assure U.S. air carriers fair access to international routes and allow the U.S. merchant marine to sail over foreign protectionism. The President has proposed and will aggressively pursue a comprehensive revision of existing maritime policy.\nRegulatory reform of airlines now allows more people to fly more safely, at better prices. Tough laws for drug and alcohol testing are making all modes of transportation safer than ever. Disabled persons will have greater access to the entire transportation network under the Americans with Disabilities Act.\nWherever possible, the market should allocate investment in transportation, steering the development of passenger rail, mass transit, and highways to best suit consumers. States and localities should have discretion in using Highway Trust Fund revenues to construct new roads, expand existing ones, or invest in mass transit facilities, as they see fit. We advocate development of high-speed fall systems, through private investment, to serve inter-city travel. We also advocate development of short-haul aircraft with vertical take-off and landing capability, to bring commerce and jobs to communities large and small.\nWe will continue aggressively to support development of intelligent highway systems, an efficient battery for electric cars, perfected natural gas vehicles, greater private investment in space travel, and removal of regulatory impediments to intermodal transport.\nBecause Republicans advocate personal responsibility, we salute groups, organizations, and individuals that take direct action to improve safe driving and street safety.\nWe spend more than any other country on environmental protection. Over the last 20 years, our country has spent $1 trillion to clean its air, water, and land. We increased GNP by 70 percent while cutting lead in the air by 97 percent. Our rivers run cleaner than ever in memory. We've preserved parks, wilderness, and wildlife. The price of progress is now about $115 billion a year, almost two percent of GNP; and that will grow to three percent by 2000.\nClearly we have led the world in investment in environmental protection. We have taught the world three vital lessons. First, environmental progress is integrally related to economic advancement. Second, economic growth generates the capital to pay for environmental gains. Third, private ownership and economic freedom are the best security against environmental degradation. The ghastly truth about state socialism is now exposed in what used to be the Soviet Union: dead rivers and seas, poisoned land, dying people.\nLiberal Democrats think people are the problem. We know people are the solution. Respecting the people's rights and views, we applied market-based solutions to environmental problems. President Bush's landmark Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the toughest environmental law ever enacted, uses an innovative system of emission credits to achieve its dramatic reductions. This will save $1 billion over the Democrats' command-and-control approach. Other provisions of that law will cut acid rain emissions in half, reduce toxic pollutants by 90 percent, reduce smog, and speed the use of cleaner fuels.\nThe President' s leadership has doubled spending for real wetlands and targeted one million acres for a wetlands reserve through his Farm Bill of 1990. We have collected more civil penalties from polluters in two years than in the previous twenty, begun the phase-out of substances that harm the ozone layer, and launched a long-term campaign to expand and improve national parks, forests, and recreation areas, adding 1.5 million acres. President Bush has dramatically increased spending for cleaning up past environmental damage caused by federal facilities.\nOur reforestation drive will plant one billion trees a year across America. Our moratorium on offshore drilling in sensitive offshore areas has bought time for technology to master environmental challenges. Our farm policies have begun a new era in sound agricultural environmentalism.\nBecause the environment knows no boundaries, President Bush has accelerated U.S. research on global climate change, spending $2.7 billion in the last three years and requesting $1.4 billion for 1993, more than the rest of the world put together. Under his leadership, we have assisted nations from the Third World to Eastern Europe in correcting the environmental damage inflicted by socialism. We proposed a worldwide forestry convention and gave almost half a billion dollars to forest conservation. We won debt-for-nature swaps and environmental trust funds in Latin America and the Caribbean. We secured prohibitions against unilateral export or dumping of hazardous waste. We led the international ban on trade in ivory, persuaded Japan to end driftnet fishing, streamlined response to oil spills, and increased environmental protection for Antarctica.\nAdverse changes in climate must be the common concern of mankind. At the same time, we applaud our President for personally confronting the international bureaucrats at the Rio Conference. He refused to accept their anti-American demands for income redistribution and won instead a global climate treaty that relies on real action plans rather than arbitrary targets hostile to U.S. growth and workers.\nFollowing his example, a Republican Senate will not ratify any treaty that moves environmental decisions beyond our democratic process or transfers beyond our shores authority over U.S. property. The Democrats' national candidates, on the other hand, insist the U.S. must do what our foreign competitors refuse to do: abolish 300,000 to 1,000,000 jobs to get a modest reduction in \"greenhouse gases.\"\nEnvironmental progress must continue in tandem with economic growth. Crippling an industry is no solution at all. Bankrupt facilities only worsen environmental situations. Unemployment is a form of pollution too, poisoning families and contaminating whole communities.\nSome in our own country still refuse to face those facts. They try to hijack environmentalism, making it anti-growth and anti-jobs. Although the average family of four now pays $1,000 a year for environmental controls, liberal Democrats want to tighten the squeeze. They use junk science to foster hysteria instead of reason, demanding rigid controls, more taxes, and less resource production.\nHowever, with billions of dollars at stake in national production and jobs, not to mention our quality of life, our decisions to spend on environmental protection must not be determined by the politics of the moment. We will use scientifically respectable risk-benefit assessments to settle environmental controversies. It is time to replace knee-jerk reactions with the kind of scientific analysis that helps businesses, individuals, and communities contribute to economic and environmental progress through flexible application of laws. We must base our environmental policies on real risks to human health, determined by sound, peer-reviewed science, including procedures for what is an acceptable risk.\nWe will require federal agencies to promptly compensate, from their own budgets, for any taking of private property, including the denial of use.\nWe will legislatively overhaul the Superfund program to speed the clean up of hazardous waste and more efficiently use Superfund dollars. We will develop greenways of parks and open space in urban areas to further improve the quality of life in our cities. We will work with U.S. industry and labor to identify promising markets abroad where America's environmental know-how can carry our success story to the rest of planet earth.\nThe right to own, use, and dispose of property inheres in mankind by nature and is a fundamental political tenet of all free nations. We applaud the wisdom of the First Congress for incorporating this guarantee of individual liberty in the Bill of Rights. We remind all government officials that property rights are not granted by government; rather, government is directed by the governed to protect the rights of private property owners.\nThe vigilant protection of private property rights safeguards for citizens everything of value, including their right of contract to produce and sell the fruits of their labor. The historic collapse of Communism and other command and control economies is absolute evidence of the failure of economic systems that lack a recognition of the natural rights of property owners.\nWe also seek to reduce the amount of land owned or controlled by the government, especially in the western states. We insist upon prompt payment for private lands certified as critical for preserving essential parks and preserves.\nUniting Our World\n\nThe world is now our neighborhood. Its triumphs and tragedies affect our communities, our jobs, and the security of our families. That is why Republicans want America to shape the international future: Because we put America first.\nNot everyone does. Just twelve years ago, the forces of freedom were in tattered retreat. A failed foreign policy by a Democrat White House and Democrat-controlled Congress had left our allies uncertain, our friends betrayed, our foes emboldened. It was a frightening era, in some ways the worst of times. We all remember the flickering television images of blindfolded Americans being degraded by thugs. When voters make their choice in this year's elections, they should ask themselves: Are we safer and stronger today, in 1992, than we were in 1980, when Jimmy Carter was the Democrat President?\nRepublicans are proud to answer those questions. The Nation's international position has not just improved since the Democrats left office. It has been transformed. Never in this century has the United States enjoyed such security from foreign enemies. With President Bush leading the free world, the Soviet empire has collapsed, as Ronald Reagan predicted, into the dustbin of history. Eastern Europe is liberated. Germany is peacefully united. The former Soviet armies are returning home. Nuclear arsenals are being cut to fractions of their former size.\nA democratically elected Russian president sits in the Kremlin. Ukraine, Armenia, and the Baltic states take their rightful place among the family of nations. Israel and all of its Arab neighbors talk face to face for the first time. Nicaragua and Panama celebrate democracy.\nIt might very well not have turned out this way. Only the naive believe that history is an inevitable tide or a series of accidents. Our crusade of a half-century, to champion freedom and civilization against the dark night of totalitarianism, is now victorious. An American President led the free world to this great triumph. George Bush was that man.\nFreedom's victory begins a new chapter in the epic of America, full of both promise and peril. This different and unpredictable world demands visionary, experienced leadership, tested and strengthened, careful and cool. At stake is nothing less than our security, our prosperity, and our children's future. Americans can trust President Bush with that awesome responsibility.\nThe Triumph of Freedom\n\nNo other President in the long history of our country has achieved so many of the enduring objectives of American foreign policy in so short a time as has George Bush. He made it look easy, even destined. It was neither.\nBuilding on the legacy of Ronald Reagan, George Bush saw the chance to sweep away decadent Communism. He was the first Western leader to declare his determination to fashion \"a Europe whole and free.\" He took the free world beyond containment, led the way in aiding democracy in Eastern Europe, and punched holes through the rusting Iron Curtain. We all remember the joy we felt when we saw the people of Berlin dancing on top of the crumbling Wall that had symbolized four decades of Communist oppression.\nHe championed Germany's right to become again one nation and orchestrated the diplomacy to make it happen, on Western terms, in one astounding year. Foreseeing revolutionary change in the Soviet Union itself, he carefully pushed its rulers to open the way to the democratic future. When crisis came, in August 1991, George Bush, in the words of Boris Yeltsin, \"was the first to understand the true meaning of the victory of the Russian people\" and gave his decisive backing to the cause of democracy.\nThe world had never before faced the disintegration of a nuclear superpower. Today, thanks in large part to President Bush's initiatives, nuclear weapons are found in only four countries of the former Soviet Union—not fourteen. Because of his efforts all but Russia are giving up any claim to these weapons, and Russia has agreed to destroy the most dangerous missiles ever built. The balance of terror is fading away. The ideals of liberty, both political and economic, are the dominant moral and intellectual force around the globe.\nGeorge Bush made it happen.\nYet now that we have won the Cold War, we must also win the peace. We must not repeat the mistake of the past by throwing away victory through complacency. A new world beckons, unlike any we have ever known, filled with uncertainties. Old passions have reemerged. New democracies struggle to decide their destiny. Nations are torn asunder. Migrants and refugees strain the social fabric of continents. Tyrants work to build nuclear, chemical, and even biological weapons to threaten us and our neighbors. Drug trafficking and terrorism, often linked, menace Americans at home and abroad.\nGreat transitions in world affairs are rarely tidy. They challenge statesmanship, require steadiness and wisdom. History teaches that when the United States shrinks from the world, we hasten the emergence of new dangers. Republicans remember the lesson taught by our Founders: that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.\nThis was not the same United States held hostage in 1980, when the Democrats controlled both the White House and the Congress. No helpless giant here. The President charted a path that wrecked Saddam Hussein's dreams of conquest and nuclear aggression while keeping America from the quagmire of indefinite military occupation of Iraq.\nPresident Bush, trusting the military commanders he had chosen, was Commander-in-Chief of one of the finest achievements in the distinguished history of our armed forces. Americans will never forget that, of the 323 Congressional Democrats, only 96 voted to support Operation Desert Storm and 227 voted to oppose it. If the Democrats had prevailed, Saddam Hussein would still be in Kuwait, armed with nuclear weapons. Everyone discovered what difference a vote for President can make.\nBuilding a commonwealth of freedom differs greatly from the old concept of containment. It rests on a stable balance of power but goes beyond it to emphasize, above all, the supremacy of an idea: a common conception of how to make freedom work for all the nations moving with us into a radically changing future.\nRepublicans understand that objective cannot be pursued by the United States alone. We therefore have harnessed the free world's strength to American leadership. But such a strategy requires a President whose lead others will trust and follow. By forging consensus whenever possible, we multiply the impact of our Nation' s power and principles. But if necessary we will act alone to protect American interests. Consistent with our policy and traditions, we oppose any actions that would undermine America' s sovereignty, either in political or economic matters. Leadership through partnership allows us to project American ideals and protect American interests abroad, at less cost to our taxpayers.\nThat is how we will secure the victory of democracy as the best guarantee of a world without war. It is how we will open the world for American business to ensure prosperity in an open international economy. And it is how we will banish the nuclear nightmare, limit the danger from weapons of mass destruction, and safely manage a critical transition in our Nation's defenses.\nNew tests lie ahead. On past occasions, the tide of liberty has ebbed as dictators recaptured much of what they had lost. We want freedom's wave to roll on to reach countries like China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and others. We want to keep drawing attention to serious human rights violations around the world, spurring other governments to make and fulfill the promise of liberty to their people. We want to prevent any new ideology of authoritarianism from drawing any of the world's people to a grim and vengeful vision of our future.\nThis is the challenge we face in the next four years. It is why President Bush led the way in promoting assistance to the fledgling democracies of Eastern Europe. It is why he has persuaded the Congress to invest in the democratic future of nations reborn from Communism. To the peoples of those nations, and to the Russian people in particular, we declare: If you stay on the path to freedom, we stand ready to help.\nWe rejoice especially with the people of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, whose nationhood we have always upheld in law and in our hearts.\nIn Western Europe, we reaffirm the NATO alliance. While we reduce our troop commitments on the continent—a thousand soldiers are coming home every week—we must keep a powerful force deployed there. The United States must remain a European power in the broadest sense, able to influence the policies and events that affect the livelihood and security of future generations of Americans.\nThe violence in what used to be Yugoslavia is an affront to humanity. We condemn those responsible for the carnage there and call for an immediate international investigation of atrocities. We support the United Nations peace-keeping effort and urge an immediate cease-fire by all parties. The United States should continue to demand respect for international law and fundamental human rights in this agonizing conflict.\nWe encourage a peaceful settlement for Cyprus and respect by all parties for the wishes of the Cypriot people.\nWe urge peace and justice for Northern Ireland. We welcome the newly begun process of constitutional dialogue that holds so much promise. We encourage investment and reconstruction to create opportunity for all.\nIn the Middle East, prospects for peace have been transformed by the determined statesmanship of George Bush. Without the leadership of president Bush, Iraq would today threaten world peace, the peace and security of the Middle East, and the very survival of Israel with a huge conventional army and nuclear weapons. Direct peace talks, on terms Israel rightly had sought for more than four decades, would not be a reality. Soviet Jewish emigration likely would have been interrupted. The rescue of Ethiopian Jewry might not have happened. And the equation of Zionism to racism still would be a grotesque stain on the United Nations.\nAlthough much has changed for the better, the Middle East remains an area of high tensions—many unrelated to the Arab-Israeli conflict—where regional conflicts can escalate to threaten the vital interests of the United States. As Saddam Hussein's aggression against Kuwait demonstrated, heavily armed radical regimes are capable of independent aggressive action. In this environment, Israel's demonstrated strategic importance to the United States, as our most reliable and capable ally in this part of the world, is more important than ever. This strategic relationship, with its unique moral dimension, explains the understandable support Israel receives from millions of Americans who participate in our political process. The strong ties between the U.S. and Israel were demonstrated during the Gulf War when Israel chose not to retaliate against repeated missile attacks, even though they caused severe damage and loss of life. We will continue to broaden and deepen the strategic relationship with our ally Israel—the only true democracy in the Middle East—by taking additional concrete steps to further institutionalize the partnership. This will include maintaining adequate levels of security and economic assistance; continuing our meetings on military, political and economic cooperation and coordination; prepositioning military equipment; developing joint contingency plans; and increasing joint naval and air exercises.\nConsistent with our strategic relationship, the United States should continue to provide large-scale security assistance to Israel, maintaining Israel's qualitative military advantage over any adversary or coalition of adversaries. We also will continue to negotiate with the major arms supplying nations to reach an agreement on limiting arms sales to the Middle East and preventing the proliferation of non-conventional weapons.\nWe applaud the President's leadership in fostering unprecedented direct talks between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The United States is prepared to use its good offices to mediate disputes at their request. We do not believe the U.S. should attempt to impose a solution on the parties.\nThe basis for negotiations must be U.N. Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Peace must come from direct negotiations. It will be up to the negotiators to determine exactly what is required to satisfy these resolutions, but we firmly believe Israel has a right to exist in secure and recognized borders. As President Bush stated in Madrid, our objective is not simply to end the state of war; rather, it is to establish real peace, one with treaties, security, diplomatic relations, trade, investment, cultural exchange, even tourism. We want the Middle East to become a place where people lead normal lives.\nA meaningful peace must assure Israel's security while recognizing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. We oppose the creation of an independent Palestinian state. Nor will we support the creation of any political entity that would jeopardize Israel's security. As Israelis and Palestinians negotiate interim self-government, no party will be required to commit itself to any specific final outcome of direct negotiations. Israel should not be forced to negotiate with any party. In this regard, the United States will have no dialogue with the PLO until it satisfies in full the conditions laid out by President Bush in 1990. We believe Jerusalem should remain an undivided city, with free and unimpeded access to all holy places by people of all faiths. No genuine peace would deny Jews the right to live anywhere in the special city of Jerusalem.\nPeace in the Middle East entails cooperation between all the parties in the region. To this end, we have worked to bring all of the states of the area together with Israel to hold multilateral negotiations on issues of common concern such as regional development, water, refugees, arms control and the environment. We support these forums as a means of encouraging Arab acceptance of Israel and solving common regional problems.\nWe continue to back legislation mandating that if the U.N. and its agencies were to deny Israel's right to participate, the United States would withhold financial support and withdraw from those bodies until their action was rectified.\nRepublicans believe freedom of emigration is a fundamental human right and that Jews from any nation should be free to travel to Israel. Republicans are proud we have maintained our historic and moral commitment to the resettlement in Israel of persecuted Jews. We congratulate President Bush and Secretary Baker on the agreement with Israel for a generous package of loan guarantees that will provide new immigrants with needed humanitarian assistance.\nWe also should maintain our close ties with and generous aid for Egypt, which properly reaps the benefits of its courageous peace with Israel. We continue to support Egypt and other pro-Western states in the region against subversion and aggression and call for an end to the Arab boycott of Israel. We also support establishment of a strong central government in Lebanon, democratically elected and representative of its citizens.\nWe salute all the countries in the Middle East who contributed to the success of Desert Storm and share our goal of stability in the region. With them, we hope to build upon that triumph a new future for the Middle East, founded on mutual respect and a common longing for peace. To promote this goal, we should settle for nothing less than full, unconditional, immediate, and verified Iraqi compliance with all aspects of the cease-fire laid out in U.N. resolutions.\nIn the Western Hemisphere, as elsewhere, we must promote democratic values. We will continue to seek cooperation in the common battle against the drug lords. We will also lower barriers to trade and investment, knowing that our exports to Latin America are helping to lead our economic recovery at home. The President's Enterprise for the Americas initiative and the North American Free Trade Agreement mean, for the United States, billions in new trade, hundreds of thousands of new jobs, and a long-term solution to the economic pressures behind illegal immigration.\nWe welcome positive changes, economic and political, in Mexico, and salute the people of Panama on their recovery of free institutions after Operation Just Cause. We commend President Bush for the decisive military action that led to the end of the corrupt Noriega regime and freedom for democratically-minded Panamanians. We will uphold free and unencumbered U.S. access to the Canal. We hail the patriots of El Salvador and Nicaragua, whose bravery and blood thwarted Communism and Castro despite the inconstancy of Congressional Democrats. Together with other members of the Organization of American States, we will work to restore democracy to Haiti.\nThe Monroe Doctrine remains a cardinal principle of our foreign policy, and we continue to strive toward the day when the alien ideology of Communism and Fidel Castro's regime will be purged from Cuba, and Americans can welcome the Cuban people back into the family of free nations. Toward that end, we support Radio and TV MartГ­ and the spirit of Cuba Libre.\nIn Asia, we remain committed to the spread of political and economic liberty. We will work with Japan for common progress and maintain our military presence in Japan and in Asia. We also will promote greater Japanese responsibility for self-defense and worldwide prosperity.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the security of Taiwan and regard any attempt to alter its status by force as a threat to the entire region. We adhere to the Taiwan Relations Act, the basis for continuing cooperation with those who have stood loyally with us for half a century.\nOur policy toward China is based on support for democratic reform. We need to maintain the relationship with China so that we can effectively encourage such reform. We will continue to work toward the day when the Chinese people will finally complete their journey to an open society, free of the deplorable restrictions on personal liberties that still exist.\nWe will maintain our close relationship with the Republic of Korea, helping to deter aggression from the north. North Korea remains an outlaw state and must not be permitted to acquire nuclear weapons.\nWith the people of the Philippines, we will maintain our special ties of history and affection.\nWe support the movement in Cambodia toward peace and democracy.\nWe demand the fullest possible accounting for America's POWs and MIAs in Southeast Asia. The grief of their families touches all of us. We will seek complete information in all forums and from all sources. Our President has put the government of Vietnam on notice: improved relations depend upon this goal.\nIn Africa, despite opposition from Congressional Democrats, we armed freedom fighters and helped force the withdrawal of Cuban troops. Now we enter the long season of building, trying to revive faith in democracy on a continent ravaged by Marxist wars, looted by local dictators, and misled by socialist ideology. Political and economic liberty are the keys.\nWe will support responsible efforts by the international community to help end the anarchy in Somalia and to address the plight of the people of that country suffering from drought and starvation. We condemn those who are using armed force to impede food distribution.\nIn South Africa, the Republican policy of constructive engagement—opposing apartheid while fostering peaceful change—has been successful. That nation's prospects have been transformed for the better, though many difficulties lie ahead. We condemn all violence against the innocent and applaud those who seek reconciliation to create a new, democratic South Africa. We encourage economic reform as crucial to both security and prosperity in the new South Africa.\nWe recognize that foreign aid must have a reasonable relationship to our national interests. We therefore support an ongoing review of such programs so that they can be both effectual and justified. We promote financial contribution from other democracies of the world to share the cost of the American burden for peacekeeping and foreign aid.\nWe support efforts by private voluntary agencies to help meet the needs of countries newly liberated from communism, and of the developing world, in such areas as medical, agricultural, educational, and entrepreneurial assistance.\nThe election of 1992 will determine whether our country seizes this tremendous opportunity or retreats from it. Republicans trust individuals and families to make their own economic decisions; Democrat politicians do not. We reject their program of strangled trade, industrial policy, high taxes, and regulation. We reject punitive taxes on foreign businesses in this country that only invite retaliatory taxes against U.S. businesses abroad. Trade war is the road to international depression—and for keeping American workers dependent on government handouts. We do not want to replace the arms race with a subsidies race.\nPutting Americans first means keeping the national interest ahead of the special interests. It means opening the world to American goods within a system of free and expanding trade. Just as Ronald Reagan declared in Berlin, \"Tear down this wall,\" so George Bush is dismantling the walls of protectionism in order to continue expanding our exports.\nOur strong commitment to free trade also encompasses vigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws. We expect a fair and level playing field in our trade with other nations and will work to ensure that foreign markets are just as open to our goods as U.S. markets are to theirs. In all negotiations concerning trade, we will put the interests of America first.\nThroughout the world, as here at home, the Republican Party stands for growth. America's families have nothing to fear—and everything to gain—from the new era of free enterprise and prosperity that will emerge as free people compete, excel, and progress.\nThis means assuring stable command and control of the former Soviet arsenal, complete acceptance and verified implementation of all treaty obligations by the successor states to the USSR, and achieving the additional 50 percent reduction in strategic forces now agreed upon. We must assist in dismantling weapons, transforming the massive Soviet war machine into an engine of peace and civilian revival. We will cooperate with our former adversaries both to curtail proliferation and to move beyond the ABM Treaty toward effective ballistic missile defenses.\nWe will not permit the Soviet nuclear nightmare to be replaced by another one. Outlaw nations—North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya and others—lust for weapons of mass destruction. This is the nightmare of proliferation: nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that, together with ballistic missiles, can deliver death across whole continents, including our own.\nWe will renew and strengthen the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. We will design security policies to counter proliferation dangers. We will reinforce multilateral accords like the Missile Technology Control Regime. And most important, we will develop and deploy global defenses against ballistic missiles. Despite the opposition of the Democrat Party and congressional Democrats, we will deploy an effective strategic defense system for the American people.\nAmerica's Security\n\nBecause America won the Cold War, our homes and neighborhoods are more secure than they have been for half a century. Our children are safer. The greatest peace dividend is peace itself. For it, we thank God.\nVictory was never inevitable. It was won in blood and treasure, over five decades, by the American people—from the military on the front lines to the taxpayers sustaining the forces of freedom. It was also secured, and the course of mankind profoundly changed for the better, because two successive Republican Presidents, Ronald Reagan and George Bush, were dedicated to peace through strength.\n\"Peace through strength\" was more than a slogan. It was the calculated Republican plan for, first, the survival and, then, the triumph, of America. But freedom did not come cheaply, and the new world we celebrate today required great sacrifice.\nIn 1981 we inherited from Jimmy Carter and anti-defense Democrats a crippled military: demoralized, underfunded, ill-equipped. Republicans told the truth to the American people; they heeded our call to arms. We restored our Armed Forces to their proper place in both the budget and the pride of the Nation. Our men and women in uniform today are the equals of the finest soldiers, sailors, and airmen who ever wore the uniform of our country.\nLike earlier generations in 1918 and 1945, they won a great victory. Now, as in the aftermath of those earlier conflicts, comes the difficult task of reducing both the size and cost of defense without letting down America's guard. In the past, terrible mistakes were made, and we paid dearly for them when war came to Korea. We will not allow that to happen again.\nRather than admit their mistakes of the past, the same liberal Democrats who sought to disarm America against the Soviet threat now compound their errors with a new campaign—half audacity, half mendacity—to leave the Nation unprotected in a still dangerous word.\nRepublicans call for a controlled defense drawdown, not a freefall. That is why President Bush proposes to carefully reduce defense spending over the next four years by an additional $34 billion, including $18 billion in outlays, with a 25 percent reduction in personnel. He has already eliminated over 100 weapon systems. Around the world, American forces are coming home from the frontiers of the Cold War. More than 550 overseas bases are being closed or realigned. Yet U.S. forces retain the ability to meet the challenge of another Desert Storm with equal success.\nU.S. defense spending already has been reduced significantly. Five years ago, it was more than a quarter of the federal budget. By 1997 it will be less than a sixth. Spending on defense and intelligence, as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product, will be the lowest it has been since before World War II.\nYet any defense budget, however lean, is still too much for the Democrats. They want to start by cutting defense outlays over the next four years by nearly $60 billion beyond the President's cuts, throwing as many as one million additional Americans out of work. And this may be just the beginning, as the Democrats use the defense budget as a bottomless piggybank to try to beat swords into pork barrels. This is folly. It would take us back to the \"hollow military\" of the Carter era. Once American defenses are allowed to decay, they cannot be rebuilt overnight. Effective arsenals, like effective leaders, require years of patient development. And our greatest asset of all, the people on whom our security depends, deserve a constant long-term investment in their quality, morale, and safety. Republicans pledge to provide it.\nWith a smaller military, modernization of conventional forces is more important than ever. Desert Storm showed the importance of \"force multipliers\" like smart munitions, stealth technology, and night-fighting capabilities. We will upgrade existing weapons and selectively procure those that hold the promise of dramatic forward leaps in capability. Under no circumstances will we yield our technological superiority.\nWe must remain ready to defend American citizens and interests wherever they may be threatened. Essential to that readiness is maintenance of a strong, global navy and modernization of vital airlift and sealift capacity. We remain committed to combating terrorism in all its forms wherever it threatens U.S. citizens or interests.\nRepublicans will preserve the Nation's access to space for defense, as well as for other purposes, and ensure that space technology does not fall into dangerous hands.\nTransformed by the collapse of Communism, our Strategic Defense Initiative is now designed to provide the U. S. and our allies with global defenses against limited ballistic missile attacks. SDI is the greatest investment in peace we could ever make. This system will be our shield against technoterrorism. Russia has agreed to be our partner in it, sharing early warning information and jointly moving forward to stop those who would rain death upon the innocent.\nWe will use missile defenses to assure threatened nations that they do not need to acquire ballistic missiles of their own. We will move beyond the ABM Treaty to deploy effective defenses with the goal of someday eliminating, not merely reducing, the threat of nuclear holocaust.\nWe support efforts to reduce armaments, both conventional and otherwise, but the most effective arms control of all over the long run is democracy. Free nations do not attack one another. That is why the promotion of democracy on every continent is an essential part of the Republican defense agenda.\nOur Armed Forces will still depend on our superb industrial base for everything from belt buckles to submarines. We cannot lose that engineering and manufacturing capability. This is especially true of the high technology, demonstrated in Desert Storm, that made our enemies realize they had been left behind in the race for the future. We therefore pledge to maintain America's technological lead, preserve its defense industrial base, and maintain robust levels of investment in research and development.\nWe will attack the problem of waste in the military, especially at its root in the pork barrel politics of Capitol Hill. A Republican Congress will end the costly micromanagement of defense programs and reduce the number and scope of oversight committees. We will urge the Department of Defense to encourage a broader constituency for saving and to continue genuine procurement reforms based on performance rather than unreasonable regulations imposed by the Democrat Congress. We will continue the successful effort to eliminate redundancy and streamline all facets of defense management.\nWe applaud the President's efforts to assist all individuals and communities adversely affected by the ongoing defense builddown, with more than 30 defense adjustment programs already in place and over $7 billion committed to the effort in just the next two years.\nThe Armed Forces are a color-blind meritocracy, a model for the rest of our society. Its enlistees should receive preference in federal education and retraining programs. We applaud the advancement of women in the military and single out for special recognition the outstanding contribution of women in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. However, we oppose liberal Democrat attempts to place women in combat positions just to make an ideological point. Unlike the Democrat Party and its candidate, we support the continued exclusion of homosexuals from the military as a matter of good order and discipline.\nThe Department of Defense will not be an exception to our assertion of family values. Republicans will not tolerate sexual harassment or misconduct toward any individual in the ranks. We demand both its prevention and its punishment. To drive home that point, we urge a halt to the sale, in military facilities, of sexually explicit materials. We call for greater consideration of the needs of families when parents are called to duty.\nWe must ensure that all of the various benefits, including medical, that were promised to the men and women who chose to make the military and the defense of their Nation a career are fulfilled even upon retirement.\nIn the Republican tradition of support for America's veterans, we proposed and created a Department of Veterans Affairs so their concerns would be represented at the Cabinet table. We affirm our support for veterans preference in federal employment and for sufficient funding to maintain the integrity of the veterans hospital and medical care system. We strongly endorse programs to meet the needs of unemployed veterans.\nAssuring the availability of timely and reliable information on regional threats and unrest, drug trafficking, terrorism, technology transfer, proliferation, and a host of other issues—this is one of our highest national priorities in the post-Cold War world. U.S. policymakers also must have the best possible understanding of international trade, investment, industrial, financial, and other developments that affect our economic security.\nWe must and will maintain the full range of our traditional intelligence capabilities, including covert action, to ensure our security in a dangerous and unpredictable world. We reject the Democrat candidate's proposal to cripple U.S. intelligence and decry the deep spending cuts to the intelligence budget sponsored by Democrats in Congress.\nThe test of international leadership is on the field, not in a playbook. The Oval Office is no place for on-the-job training—not in carrying out the Presidential duty to protect and defend our Nation, not in managing the arsenal of the supreme nuclear power. There are those who talk and those who perform. George Bush has clearly performed for America, making the right calls in a series of tough decisions that helped transform the world.\nNow that we have won the Cold War, we must secure the peace that follows. History has shown that the years following conflict are often critical—where the choices made can either lay the foundation for lasting peace or sow the seeds of future war. In this period of high hopes and great challenges ahead, the Nation needs the tested and experienced leadership of President Bush and the Republican Party.", "Words" -> 24861, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1328, "to" -> 864, "and" -> 858, "of" -> 855, "in" -> 444, "We" -> 395, "a" -> 373, "for" -> 351, "that" -> 238, "our" -> 229, "will" -> 214, "is" -> 182, "we" -> 173, "by" -> 170, "with" -> 146, "The" -> 142, "have" -> 137, "on" -> 130, "their" -> 128, "are" -> 119, "be" -> 108, "as" -> 106, "not" -> 99, "has" -> 97, "all" -> 96, "from" -> 93, "American" -> 89, "support" -> 87, "President" -> 83, "government" -> 79, "it" -> 77, "people" -> 74, "or" -> 71, "an" -> 69, "Republicans" -> 62, "Congress" -> 61, "this" -> 60, "they" -> 60, "new" -> 60, "more" -> 60, "should" -> 59, "Bush" -> 58, "Republican" -> 57, "Democrats" -> 57, "must" -> 56, "economic" -> 54, "tax" -> 53, "believe" -> 53, "who" -> 51, "States" -> 50, "would" -> 49, "federal" -> 49, "also" -> 49, "care" -> 48, "than" -> 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"first" -> 18, "To" -> 17, "responsibility" -> 17, "program" -> 17, "policy" -> 17, "plan" -> 17, "just" -> 17, "Israel" -> 17, "important" -> 17, "call" -> 17, "year" -> 16, "women" -> 16, "why" -> 16, "were" -> 16, "upon" -> 16, "reject" -> 16, "progress" -> 16, "markets" -> 16, "many" -> 16, "ever" -> 16, "crime" -> 16, "change" -> 16, "areas" -> 16, "applaud" -> 16, "And" -> 16, "strong" -> 15, "small" -> 15, "schools" -> 15, "policies" -> 15, "open" -> 15, "nuclear" -> 15, "needs" -> 15, "legal" -> 15, "interest" -> 15, "history" -> 15, "had" -> 15, "especially" -> 15, "costs" -> 15, "century" -> 15, "businesses" -> 15, "workers" -> 14, "technology" -> 14, "seek" -> 14, "remain" -> 14, "protection" -> 14, "prosperity" -> 14, "promote" -> 14, "President's" -> 14, "possible" -> 14, "personal" -> 14, "parents" -> 14, "million" -> 14, "medical" -> 14, "insurance" -> 14, "individual" -> 14, "income" -> 14, "George" -> 14, "full" -> 14, "consumers" -> 14, "best" -> 14, "Because" -> 14, "Act" -> 14, "within" -> 13, "while" -> 13, "well" -> 13, "weapons" -> 13, "themselves" -> 13, "s" -> 13, "quality" -> 13, "process" -> 13, "past" -> 13, "moral" -> 13, "less" -> 13, "four" -> 13, "foster" -> 13, "enterprise" -> 13, "determined" -> 13, "capital" -> 13, "business" -> 13, "bring" -> 13, "where" -> 12, "up" -> 12, "two" -> 12, "toward" -> 12, "same" -> 12, "reforms" -> 12, "part" -> 12, "never" -> 12, "Nation's" -> 12, "means" -> 12, "like" -> 12, "last" -> 12, "interests" -> 12, "individuals" -> 12, "if" -> 12, "human" -> 12, "House" -> 12, "higher" -> 12, "he" -> 12, "foreign" -> 12, "farmers" -> 12, "even" -> 12, "enforcement" -> 12, "cut" -> 12, "cost" -> 12, "community" -> 12, "committed" -> 12, "choice" -> 12, "build" -> 12, "As" -> 12, "about" -> 12, "1990" -> 12, "When" -> 11, "values" -> 11, "true" -> 11, "still" -> 11, "Soviet" -> 11, "since" -> 11, "services" -> 11, "school" -> 11, "real" -> 11, "reaffirm" -> 11, "next" -> 11, "need" -> 11, "natural" -> 11, 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7, "role" -> 7, "responsible" -> 7, "responsibilities" -> 7, "respect" -> 7, "required" -> 7, "price" -> 7, "preserving" -> 7, "practice" -> 7, "party" -> 7, "opportunities" -> 7, "Now" -> 7, "New" -> 7, "negotiations" -> 7, "men" -> 7, "meet" -> 7, "low-income" -> 7, "long-term" -> 7, "localities" -> 7, "lives" -> 7, "level" -> 7, "legislatures" -> 7, "Instead" -> 7, "inflation" -> 7, "incentives" -> 7, "however" -> 7, "half" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "go" -> 7, "get" -> 7, "funding" -> 7, "fully" -> 7, "failed" -> 7, "facilities" -> 7, "Europe" -> 7, "equal" -> 7, "enact" -> 7, "drive" -> 7, "developing" -> 7, "Desert" -> 7, "Democrat-controlled" -> 7, "defenses" -> 7, "crucial" -> 7, "continued" -> 7, "condemn" -> 7, "Communism" -> 7, "clear" -> 7, "clean" -> 7, "chance" -> 7, "called" -> 7, "bureaucrats" -> 7, "bureaucratic" -> 7, "being" -> 7, "away" -> 7, "arms" -> 7, "allowing" -> 7, "ahead" -> 7, "again" -> 7, "advanced" -> 7, "Administration" -> 7, "zones" -> 6, "World" -> 6, "wetlands" -> 6, "welfare" -> 6, "welcome" -> 6, "ways" -> 6, "voters" -> 6, "veto" -> 6, "Under" -> 6, "transformed" -> 6, "Trade" -> 6, "tough" -> 6, "today" -> 6, "three" -> 6, "There" -> 6, "there" -> 6, "then" -> 6, "technological" -> 6, "teachers" -> 6, "taking" -> 6, "strategic" -> 6, "Storm" -> 6, "solution" -> 6, "set" -> 6, "Schools" -> 6, "rules" -> 6, "rule" -> 6, "requiring" -> 6, "replace" -> 6, "repeal" -> 6, "religious" -> 6, "regard" -> 6, "rather" -> 6, "promise" -> 6, "projects" -> 6, "prevent" -> 6, "pornography" -> 6, "poor" -> 6, "North" -> 6, "major" -> 6, "living" -> 6, "limit" -> 6, "keeping" -> 6, "justice" -> 6, "Just" -> 6, "invest" -> 6, "instead" -> 6, "here" -> 6, "financial" -> 6, "European" -> 6, "era" -> 6, "endangered" -> 6, "democratic" -> 6, "deficit" -> 6, "current" -> 6, "credits" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "creation" -> 6, "cooperation" -> 6, "cities" -> 6, "choices" -> 6, "challenges" -> 6, "candidates" -> 6, "Bush's" -> 6, "bill" -> 6, "based" -> 6, "base" -> 6, "authority" -> 6, "At" -> 6, "assist" -> 6, "around" -> 6, "agriculture" -> 6, "ago" -> 6, "affordable" -> 6, "abroad" -> 6, "1980s" -> 6, "$1" -> 5, "young" -> 5, "world's" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "violent" -> 5, "victory" -> 5, "Vice" -> 5, "various" -> 5, "urban" -> 5, "truth" -> 5, "too" -> 5, "throughout" -> 5, "Their" -> 5, "test" -> 5, "taxpayers" -> 5, "taxpayer" -> 5, "Tax" -> 5, "supports" -> 5, "successful" -> 5, "subsidies" -> 5, "strengthen" -> 5, "strength" -> 5, "statutes" -> 5, "states" -> 5, "standard" -> 5, "stand" -> 5, "stable" -> 5, "spread" -> 5, "speed" -> 5, "some" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "see" -> 5, "savings" -> 5, "safety" -> 5, "Republic" -> 5, "remains" -> 5, "regulations" -> 5, "regional" -> 5, "reduction" -> 5, "proposals" -> 5, "proposal" -> 5, "proliferation" -> 5, "products" -> 5, "produce" -> 5, "procedures" -> 5, "Presidents" -> 5, "preserve" -> 5, "poverty" -> 5, "politics" -> 5, "play" -> 5, "Platform" -> 5, "philosophy" -> 5, "persons" -> 5, "penalties" -> 5, "pass" -> 5, "parks" -> 5, "others" -> 5, "often" -> 5, "number" -> 5, "nothing" -> 5, "move" -> 5, "mothers" -> 5, "money" -> 5, "mission" -> 5, "minimum" -> 5, "millions" -> 5, "mean" -> 5, "matter" -> 5, "materials" -> 5, "marketplace" -> 5, "loss" -> 5, "lose" -> 5, "litigation" -> 5, "left" -> 5, "learning" -> 5, "Leadership" -> 5, "large" -> 5, "Korea" -> 5, "Israel's" -> 5, "insist" -> 5, "initiatives" -> 5, "industries" -> 5, "industrial" -> 5, "increasing" -> 5, "ideology" -> 5, "ideas" -> 5, "held" -> 5, "hand" -> 5, "goods" -> 5, "generation" -> 5, "Free" -> 5, "forward" -> 5, "former" -> 5, "Forces" -> 5, "flexibility" -> 5, "fear" -> 5, "Family" -> 5, "face" -> 5, "expanding" -> 5, "entrepreneurial" -> 5, "Enterprise" -> 5, "effort" -> 5, "economies" -> 5, "earnings" -> 5, "early" -> 5, "direct" -> 5, "did" -> 5, "develop" -> 5, "determine" -> 5, "dependency" -> 5, "demands" -> 5, "defend" -> 5, "decades" -> 5, "decade" -> 5, "death" -> 5, "day" -> 5, "cuts" -> 5, "crusade" -> 5, "crisis" -> 5, "criminals" -> 5, "coverage" -> 5, "countries" -> 5, "could" -> 5, "controlled" -> 5, "continuing" -> 5, "consumer" -> 5, "conservation" -> 5, "competitive" -> 5, "compete" -> 5, "committees" -> 5, "Cold" -> 5, "city" -> 5, "choose" -> 5, "changes" -> 5, "campaign" -> 5, "By" -> 5, "Budget" -> 5, "benefits" -> 5, "basic" -> 5, "ballistic" -> 5, "average" -> 5, "attempt" -> 5, "assure" -> 5, "Armed" -> 5, "armed" -> 5, "among" -> 5, "alone" -> 5, "allows" -> 5, "AIDS" -> 5, "Agreement" -> 5, "agreement" -> 5, "affirm" -> 5, "additional" -> 5, "across" -> 5, "50" -> 5, "1980" -> 5, "zone" -> 4, "youth" -> 4, "Yet" -> 4, "works" -> 4, "win" -> 4, "whole" -> 4, "White" -> 4, "While" -> 4, "whether" -> 4, "Western" -> 4, "wealth" -> 4, "voluntary" -> 4, "veterans" -> 4, "until" -> 4, "Uniting" -> 4, "uniform" -> 4, "ultimate" -> 4, "triumph" -> 4, "treaty" -> 4, "treatment" -> 4, "transfer" -> 4, "total" -> 4, "tide" -> 4, "threatens" -> 4, "thousands" -> 4, "though" -> 4, "testing" -> 4, "supply" -> 4, "stronger" -> 4, "steps" -> 4, "stands" -> 4, "spiritual" -> 4, "spent" -> 4, "specific" -> 4, "species" -> 4, "South" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "sought" -> 4, "Some" -> 4, "socialism" -> 4, "Social" -> 4, "Small" -> 4, "size" -> 4, "signed" -> 4, "shows" -> 4, "she" -> 4, "share" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "self-reliance" -> 4, "scientific" -> 4, "save" -> 4, "salute" -> 4, "safer" -> 4, "run" -> 4, "Ronald" -> 4, "Revolution" -> 4, "resource" -> 4, "requires" -> 4, "remember" -> 4, "rely" -> 4, "region" -> 4, "refuse" -> 4, "reductions" -> 4, "reducing" -> 4, "reason" -> 4, "reality" -> 4, "raise" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "Quayle" -> 4, "punishment" -> 4, "provides" -> 4, "proud" -> 4, "profession" -> 4, "product" -> 4, "producing" -> 4, "producers" -> 4, "problem" -> 4, "principle" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "premiums" -> 4, "positive" -> 4, "pork" -> 4, "politicians" -> 4, "played" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "personnel" -> 4, "permit" -> 4, "permanent" -> 4, "path" -> 4, "partnership" -> 4, "participation" -> 4, "participate" -> 4, "owners" -> 4, "owned" -> 4, "overall" -> 4, "original" -> 4, "officials" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "notion" -> 4, "No" -> 4, "net" -> 4, "negotiate" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "Nations" -> 4, "moving" -> 4, "Most" -> 4, "missiles" -> 4, "missile" -> 4, "Members" -> 4, "members" -> 4, "mass" -> 4, "mankind" -> 4, "management" -> 4, "makes" -> 4, "lost" -> 4, "loans" -> 4, "live" -> 4, "lines" -> 4, "line-item" -> 4, "Lincoln" -> 4, "learned" -> 4, "leading" -> 4, "leaders" -> 4, "lawyers" -> 4, "launched" -> 4, "key" -> 4, "judges" -> 4, "Japan" -> 4, "Its" -> 4, "intelligence" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "institutions" -> 4, "innovation" -> 4, "innocent" -> 4, "information" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "include" -> 4, "improving" -> 4, "improved" -> 4, "implementation" -> 4, "impact" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "idea" -> 4, "hold" -> 4, "highways" -> 4, "highest" -> 4, "her" -> 4, "helping" -> 4, "hands" -> 4, "Good" -> 4, "God" -> 4, "goals" -> 4, "giving" -> 4, "give" -> 4, "geological" -> 4, "generations" -> 4, "gave" -> 4, "gain" -> 4, "fuel" -> 4, "Freedom" -> 4, "found" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "family's" -> 4, "fair" -> 4, "exemption" -> 4, "excellence" -> 4, "everything" -> 4, "established" -> 4, "establish" -> 4, "environmentally" -> 4, "entrepreneurs" -> 4, "employers" -> 4, "elsewhere" -> 4, "election" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "Eastern" -> 4, "earth" -> 4, "drivers" -> 4, "discourage" -> 4, "disabled" -> 4, "different" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "designed" -> 4, "dependent" -> 4, "dependence" -> 4, "depend" -> 4, "demonstrated" -> 4, "Defense" -> 4, "deductibility" -> 4, "decent" -> 4, "dangers" -> 4, "dangerous" -> 4, "damages" -> 4, "damage" -> 4, "cutting" -> 4, "culture" -> 4, "criminal" -> 4, "crimes" -> 4, "courts" -> 4, "costly" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "conditions" -> 4, "companies" -> 4, "committee" -> 4, "commend" -> 4, "coming" -> 4, "comes" -> 4, "combat" -> 4, "college" -> 4, "China" -> 4, "challenge" -> 4, "caused" -> 4, "Carter" -> 4, "cancer" -> 4, "buyers" -> 4, "bureaucracies" -> 4, "built" -> 4, "broke" -> 4, "blocked" -> 4, "bills" -> 4, "Bill" -> 4, "behavior" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "ban" -> 4, "Balanced" -> 4, "balance" -> 4, "Arab" -> 4, "amount" -> 4, "AMERICA" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "alternative" -> 4, "almost" -> 4, "air" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "Africa" -> 4, "adoption" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "achieved" -> 4, "achieve" -> 4, "abortion" -> 4, "able" -> 4, "2000" -> 4, "1992" -> 4, "1985" -> 4, "$5,000" -> 3, "$500" -> 3, "Young" -> 3, "worldwide" -> 3, "worked" -> 3, "words" -> 3, "word" -> 3, "withholding" -> 3, "Wall" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "vote" -> 3, "vigorous" -> 3, "verdict" -> 3, "ventures" -> 3, "vehicles" -> 3, "using" -> 3, "Uruguay" -> 3, "unprecedented" -> 3, "Unlike" -> 3, "united" -> 3, "unions" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "union" -> 3, "unfair" -> 3, "understand" -> 3, "U.N." -> 3, "twice" -> 3, "twelve" -> 3, "turn" -> 3, "trying" -> 3, "truly" -> 3, "tremendous" -> 3, "Treaty" -> 3, "travel" -> 3, "transit" -> 3, "training" -> 3, "track" -> 3, "Together" -> 3, "times" -> 3, "ties" -> 3, "Thus" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "Throughout" -> 3, "threatened" -> 3, "threaten" -> 3, "tested" -> 3, "terrorism" -> 3, "terms" -> 3, "ten" -> 3, "Technology" -> 3, "teaching" -> 3, "taxation" -> 3, "taught" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "Taiwan" -> 3, "sustain" -> 3, "survival" -> 3, "supporting" -> 3, "supported" -> 3, "super-majority" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "streets" -> 3, "street" -> 3, "stood" -> 3, "stay" -> 3, "status" -> 3, "stake" -> 3, "staff" -> 3, "stability" -> 3, "Space" -> 3, "slash" -> 3, "short" -> 3, "sharing" -> 3, "shared" -> 3, "shape" -> 3, "sexual" -> 3, "settle" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "sentences" -> 3, "sensitive" -> 3, "sense" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "sell" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "saw" -> 3, "saving" -> 3, "sales" -> 3, "sale" -> 3, "Saddam" -> 3, "Russian" -> 3, "Russia" -> 3, "Round" -> 3, "risks" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "revolution" -> 3, "returning" -> 3, "restrictions" -> 3, "restored" -> 3, "response" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "replacing" -> 3, "renew" -> 3, "remove" -> 3, "reliable" -> 3, "reforming" -> 3, "reflect" -> 3, "redistribution" -> 3, "Recognizing" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "reach" -> 3, "radically" -> 3, "pushed" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "providing" -> 3, "providers" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "protections" -> 3, "protectionism" -> 3, "protecting" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "proof" -> 3, "promoting" -> 3, "promotes" -> 3, "pro-growth" -> 3, "programming" -> 3, "productivity" -> 3, "priority" -> 3, "priorities" -> 3, "primary" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "Presidential" -> 3, "preference" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "position" -> 3, "police" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "plant" -> 3, "person" -> 3, "permitted" -> 3, "perhaps" -> 3, "percentage" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "pensions" -> 3, "penalty" -> 3, "peaceful" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "payment" -> 3, "Patrol" -> 3, "patient" -> 3, "passed" -> 3, "particular" -> 3, "Parents" -> 3, "parental" -> 3, "parent" -> 3, "opponents" -> 3, "operations" -> 3, "Only" -> 3, "officers" -> 3, "office" -> 3, "objective" -> 3, "nightmare" -> 3, "networks" -> 3, "neither" -> 3, "neighbors" -> 3, "neighborhoods" -> 3, "needed" -> 3, "nearly" -> 3, "NAFTA" -> 3, "multilateral" -> 3, "mortgage" -> 3, "More" -> 3, "moratorium" -> 3, "modern" -> 3, "mistakes" -> 3, "might" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "merely" -> 3, "meeting" -> 3, "medicine" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "matters" -> 3, "material" -> 3, "massive" -> 3, "marriage" -> 3, "Many" -> 3, "manufacturing" -> 3, "mandates" -> 3, "mandated" -> 3, "malpractice" -> 3, "lowest" -> 3, "look" -> 3, "longer" -> 3, "link" -> 3, "limits" -> 3, "limited" -> 3, "lie" -> 3, "liberate" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "legacy" -> 3, "lawsuit" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "largest" -> 3, "lack" -> 3, "labor" -> 3, "Kuwait" -> 3, "knows" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "journey" -> 3, "joint" -> 3, "Jews" -> 3, "Iraq" -> 3, "intellectual" -> 3, "insisted" -> 3, "innovative" -> 3, "Initiative" -> 3, "ingenuity" -> 3, "Indeed" -> 3, "indeed" -> 3, "incumbents" -> 3, "incentive" -> 3, "impose" -> 3, "ideals" -> 3, "hundreds" -> 3, "huge" -> 3, "However" -> 3, "household" -> 3, "house" -> 3, "hostage" -> 3, "historic" -> 3, "Highway" -> 3, "heritage" -> 3, "helped" -> 3, "having" -> 3, "harm" -> 3, "hard" -> 3, "harassment" -> 3, "happen" -> 3, "guard" -> 3, "groups" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "goes" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "genuine" -> 3, "GATT" -> 3, "fuels" -> 3, "Founders" -> 3, "fought" -> 3, "fostering" -> 3, "forms" -> 3, "forced" -> 3, "food" -> 3, "fly" -> 3, "five" -> 3, "first-time" -> 3, "First" -> 3, "firms" -> 3, "firmly" -> 3, "finest" -> 3, "find" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "finally" -> 3, "filibuster" -> 3, "fields" -> 3, "fewer" -> 3, "fellow" -> 3, "Farm" -> 3, "Families" -> 3, "fairness" -> 3, "failure" -> 3, "Exports" -> 3, "export" -> 3, "expenses" -> 3, "expanded" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "example" -> 3, "everyone" -> 3, "Every" -> 3, "ethanol" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "equally" -> 3, "entire" -> 3, "enhancing" -> 3, "engineering" -> 3, "engine" -> 3, "empower" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "emphasize" -> 3, "emotional" -> 3, "eliminating" -> 3, "eliminate" -> 3, "elements" -> 3, "elected" -> 3, "either" -> 3, "efficiently" -> 3, "effects" -> 3, "Education" -> 3, "educating" -> 3, "educate" -> 3, "earlier" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "dream" -> 3, "dramatic" -> 3, "done" -> 3, "doctors" -> 3, "diseases" -> 3, "discrimination" -> 3, "discipline" -> 3, "disarm" -> 3, "difference" -> 3, "determination" -> 3, "destruction" -> 3, "destroy" -> 3, "destiny" -> 3, "design" -> 3, "deploy" -> 3, "Department" -> 3, "deny" -> 3, "democracies" -> 3, "dedicated" -> 3, "declared" -> 3, "declare" -> 3, "debate" -> 3, "days" -> 3, "cure" -> 3, "curb" -> 3, "Cuba" -> 3, "creating" -> 3, "courageous" -> 3, "Council" -> 3, "corruption" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "conventional" -> 3, "contrast" -> 3, "consumption" -> 3, "consistently" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "consideration" -> 3, "consequences" -> 3, "conflicts" -> 3, "conflict" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "comprehensive" -> 3, "compliance" -> 3, "Community" -> 3, "commonwealth" -> 3, "commit" -> 3, "collapse" -> 3, "code" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "climate" -> 3, "claim" -> 3, "changing" -> 3, "certified" -> 3, "cause" -> 3, "carefully" -> 3, "capability" -> 3, "capabilities" -> 3, "came" -> 3, "calls" -> 3, "bureaucracy" -> 3, "Building" -> 3, "building" -> 3, "brought" -> 3, "Border" -> 3, "border" -> 3, "bold" -> 3, "blood" -> 3, "bigger" -> 3, "Berlin" -> 3, "begun" -> 3, "balanced" -> 3, "availability" -> 3, "attempts" -> 3, "attack" -> 3, "assuring" -> 3, "asset" -> 3, "assessments" -> 3, "Asia" -> 3, "art" -> 3, "area" -> 3, "arbitrary" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "approach" -> 3, "apply" -> 3, "application" -> 3, "animal" -> 3, "airports" -> 3, "aim" -> 3, "agreed" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "affected" -> 3, "affect" -> 3, "advancement" -> 3, "adopt" -> 3, "Administration's" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "acres" -> 3, "accountability" -> 3, "abuse" -> 3, "above" -> 3, "300,000" -> 3, "30" -> 3, "20" -> 3, "$18" -> 2, "$1,000" -> 2, "you" -> 2, "year's" -> 2, "worst" -> 2, "worse" -> 2, "workplaces" -> 2, "withhold" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "wisdom" -> 2, "winning" -> 2, "willing" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "What" -> 2, "western" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "wellhead" -> 2, "well-educated" -> 2, "wave" -> 2, "water" -> 2, "walls" -> 2, "votes" -> 2, "virus" -> 2, "Vietnam" -> 2, "victorious" -> 2, "vetoed" -> 2, "verified" -> 2, "VAT" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "users" -> 2, "uphold" -> 2, "upheld" -> 2, "unpredictable" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "unlike" -> 2, "unless" -> 2, "unique" -> 2, "understandable" -> 2, "underserved" -> 2, "undermine" -> 2, "unborn" -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "U" -> 2, "Two" -> 2, "twenty" -> 2, "try" -> 2, "truths" -> 2, "trusting" -> 2, "trillion" -> 2, "tribal" -> 2, "trials" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "transition" -> 2, "transform" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "tradition" -> 2, "town" -> 2, "toughest" -> 2, "tougher" -> 2, "tort" -> 2, "top" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "took" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "told" -> 2, "thwarted" -> 2, "thwart" -> 2, "thugs" -> 2, "throwing" -> 2, "thrift" -> 2, "Third" -> 2, "think" -> 2, "things" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "tenure" -> 2, "television" -> 2, "teen" -> 2, "taxing" -> 2, "tape" -> 2, "talks" -> 2, "talk" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "symbolized" -> 2, "sweeping" -> 2, "sweep" -> 2, "swaps" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "Superfund" -> 2, "Super" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "substantially" -> 2, "subsidize" -> 2, "subcommittees" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "student" -> 2, "struggle" -> 2, "structures" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "Street" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "stiff" -> 2, "stewardship" -> 2, "step" -> 2, "statesmanship" -> 2, "starts" -> 2, "stark" -> 2, "spite" -> 2, "Spending" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "So" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "six" -> 2, "simply" -> 2, "simple" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "significantly" -> 2, "significant" -> 2, "shown" -> 2, "shores" -> 2, "shootings" -> 2, "shocked" -> 2, "sharply" -> 2, "shaped" -> 2, "sexually" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "series" -> 2, "sent" -> 2, "senior" -> 2, "self-employed" -> 2, "self-determination" -> 2, "seize" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "Secretary" -> 2, "seats" -> 2, "scientifically" -> 2, "Scientific" -> 2, "scandal" -> 2, "says" -> 2, "Savings" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "Samoa's" -> 2, "safely" -> 2, "safeguards" -> 2, "Safe" -> 2, "safe" -> 2, "S." -> 2, "rulers" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "rising" -> 2, "rigorous" -> 2, "Rights" -> 2, "rightly" -> 2, "Right" -> 2, "rigging" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "revolutionary" -> 2, "revive" -> 2, "revival" -> 2, "review" -> 2, "reverse" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "retreat" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "restoring" -> 2, "restitution" -> 2, "resolve" -> 2, "resolutions" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "residence" -> 2, "rescued" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "report" -> 2, "replaced" -> 2, "repeat" -> 2, "repealed" -> 2, "renewable" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "rejected" -> 2, "reinforce" -> 2, "Regulatory" -> 2, "regret" -> 2, "regime" -> 2, "refusing" -> 2, "refused" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "reduces" -> 2, "red" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "receiving" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "reauthorized" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "rationing" -> 2, "Rather" -> 2, "ranks" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "ranch" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "rain" -> 2, "radical" -> 2, "racism" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "pursuit" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "punitive" -> 2, "public-private" -> 2, "Providing" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "prospects" -> 2, "proposition" -> 2, "proposes" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "Promoting" -> 2, "promoted" -> 2, "promised" -> 2, "project" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "profoundly" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "procedural" -> 2, "privatize" -> 2, "Privatization" -> 2, "privatization" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "principled" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "previous" -> 2, "preventive" -> 2, "prevail" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "president" -> 2, "Presidency" -> 2, "preserves" -> 2, "presents" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "preferential" -> 2, "prefer" -> 2, "powerless" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "Pornography" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "pools" -> 2, "points" -> 2, "planners" -> 2, "Planet" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "petroleum" -> 2, "persuaded" -> 2, "performance" -> 2, "perform" -> 2, "penalty-free" -> 2, "pays" -> 2, "passive" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "parochial" -> 2, "paperwork" -> 2, "paper" -> 2, "Panama" -> 2, "Palestinian" -> 2, "package" -> 2, "overturning" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "overcome" -> 2, "Over" -> 2, "output" -> 2, "outlays" -> 2, "outdated" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "Operation" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "ongoing" -> 2, "ones" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "older" -> 2, "offshore" -> 2, "OCS" -> 2, "occasions" -> 2, "obtained" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obscenity" -> 2, "Nuclear" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "non-Social" -> 2, "nominee" -> 2, "NIH" -> 2, "Nicaragua" -> 2, "newly" -> 2, "Never" -> 2, "neutral" -> 2, "negotiators" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "NASA" -> 2, "narcotics" -> 2, "multiple" -> 2, "movement" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "motor" -> 2, "Mortgage" -> 2, "modified" -> 2, "modest" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "model" -> 2, "mobility" -> 2, "Mission" -> 2, "minority" -> 2, "mining" -> 2, "middle" -> 2, "message" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "market-based" -> 2, "maritime" -> 2, "marital" -> 2, "marginal" -> 2, "manner" -> 2, "mandate" -> 2, "managing" -> 2, "managers" -> 2, "manage" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "Making" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "machines" -> 2, "loopholes" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "linked" -> 2, "likely" -> 2, "Like" -> 2, "liberates" -> 2, "liberated" -> 2, "liberals" -> 2, "liberalism" -> 2, "let" -> 2, "legitimacy" -> 2, "legislators" -> 2, "legally" -> 2, "Legal" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "learn" -> 2, "lawsuits" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "latest" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "knowing" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "killed" -> 2, "kill" -> 2, "keys" -> 2, "keeps" -> 2, "justifies" -> 2, "jurisdiction" -> 2, "junk" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "Judeo-Christian" -> 2, "Jimmy" -> 2, "Jerusalem" -> 2, "Japanese" -> 2, "January" -> 2, "ivory" -> 2, "issues" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "irresponsible" -> 2, "IRAs" -> 2, "IRA" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "investigation" -> 2, "intended" -> 2, "insurers" -> 2, "instructional" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "innovate" -> 2, "inner" -> 2, "initiate" -> 2, "in-home" -> 2, "inhibit" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "inevitable" -> 2, "improves" -> 2, "imprisonment" -> 2, "imposes" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "imported" -> 2, "implement" -> 2, "immigrants" -> 2, "illegitimacy" -> 2, "Illegal" -> 2, "II" -> 2, "Hussein's" -> 2, "hostile" -> 2, "hospitals" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "holds" -> 2, "History" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "Hill" -> 2, "hike" -> 2, "helpless" -> 2, "heinous" -> 2, "hearts" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "healthier" -> 2, "heads" -> 2, "hazardous" -> 2, "hasten" -> 2, "happens" -> 2, "halt" -> 2, "hail" -> 2, "Gulf" -> 2, "guide" -> 2, "growing" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "ground" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "grandparents" -> 2, "government-run" -> 2, "going" -> 2, "GNP" -> 2, "Germany's" -> 2, "generous" -> 2, "generates" -> 2, "games" -> 2, "fund" -> 2, "full-time" -> 2, "fruits" -> 2, "frontier" -> 2, "front" -> 2, "friends" -> 2, "freeze" -> 2, "freeing" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "fostered" -> 2, "forums" -> 2, "forgotten" -> 2, "forget" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forcing" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "Five" -> 2, "fit" -> 2, "final" -> 2, "filled" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "fathers" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "facilitate" -> 2, "faces" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "explore" -> 2, "exploration" -> 2, "explains" -> 2, "experts" -> 2, "experienced" -> 2, "expensive" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "excessive" -> 2, "excel" -> 2, "exactly" -> 2, "evidence" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "estimates" -> 2, "estimated" -> 2, "equity" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "equipment" -> 2, "envy" -> 2, "environmentalism" -> 2, "entrepreneurship" -> 2, "entitlements" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "enter" -> 2, "ensuring" -> 2, "enough" -> 2, "enormous" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "enhance" -> 2, "Energy" -> 2, "enemy" -> 2, "enemies" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "empowerment" -> 2, "empire" -> 2, "emphasis" -> 2, "emigration" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "elevate" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "elderly" -> 2, "Egypt" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "educators" -> 2, "Economy" -> 2, "economics" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "Earth" -> 2, "eager" -> 2, "dying" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "During" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "drunken" -> 2, "drug-free" -> 2, "Drug" -> 2, "dropped" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "drives" -> 2, "drive-by" -> 2, "drawing" -> 2, "dramatically" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "dominated" -> 2, "domestically" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "dividends" -> 2, "divided" -> 2, "diversity" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "Distance" -> 2, "dispute" -> 2, "dismantling" -> 2, "Disabilities" -> 2, "Direct" -> 2, "diplomacy" -> 2, "difficulties" -> 2, "dictators" -> 2, "dialogue" -> 2, "developments" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "destroys" -> 2, "Despite" -> 2, "despite" -> 2, "desperately" -> 2, "deregulation" -> 2, "democratically" -> 2, "delivery" -> 2, "deliver" -> 2, "delay" -> 2, "defending" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "deductions" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "decry" -> 2, "decisive" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "decentralize" -> 2, "decency" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "dealers" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "data" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "cultural" -> 2, "Cuban" -> 2, "Crippled" -> 2, "Credit" -> 2, "CPB" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "court" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "country's" -> 2, "Country" -> 2, "cost-effective" -> 2, "corrupt" -> 2, "Corporation" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "controlling" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contributing" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "continents" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "containment" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "constantly" -> 2, "constant" -> 2, "Consistent" -> 2, "consider" -> 2, "consensus" -> 2, "congestion" -> 2, "confident" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "concerning" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compensate" -> 2, "compassion" -> 2, "compact" -> 2, "commodity" -> 2, "Committee" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "Commerce" -> 2, "command" -> 2, "color-blind" -> 2, "colleges" -> 2, "coalition" -> 2, "close" -> 2, "clearly" -> 2, "cleaner" -> 2, "Clean" -> 2, "churches" -> 2, "chug" -> 2, "chose" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "chemical" -> 2, "cheaply" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "changed" -> 2, "challengers" -> 2, "challenged" -> 2, "certification" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "central" -> 2, "celebrate" -> 2, "cease-fire" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "carrying" -> 2, "career" -> 2, "Capitol" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "cap" -> 2, "campaigns" -> 2, "buy" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "burden" -> 2, "budgets" -> 2, "broadest" -> 2, "broaden" -> 2, "broadcasting" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "breakthroughs" -> 2, "break-the-mold" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "bought" -> 2, "bosses" -> 2, "boost" -> 2, "blocks" -> 2, "block" -> 2, "biotechnology" -> 2, "biological" -> 2, "binding" -> 2, "bilateral" -> 2, "Big" -> 2, "benefited" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "bear" -> 2, "battle" -> 2, "barrels" -> 2, "barrel" -> 2, "bad" -> 2, "babies" -> 2, "attacks" -> 2, "Association" -> 2, "assisted" -> 2, "assets" -> 2, "assert" -> 2, "ask" -> 2, "arsenals" -> 2, "arsenal" -> 2, "appointment" -> 2, "anti-work" -> 2, "answer" -> 2, "annual" -> 2, "analysis" -> 2, "An" -> 2, "Among" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "ambitious" -> 2, "Although" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "allowed" -> 2, "allocation" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "aircraft" -> 2, "Air" -> 2, "aims" -> 2, "Agricultural" -> 2, "aggressively" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "adversaries" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "adopting" -> 2, "address" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "acquire" -> 2, "achieving" -> 2, "achievement" -> 2, "Accounts" -> 2, "accounting" -> 2, "accountable" -> 2, "account" -> 2, "Accordingly" -> 2, "accomplish" -> 2, "acceptance" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "abused" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "abstinence" -> 2, "abolish" -> 2, "ABM" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "70" -> 2, "25" -> 2, "1990s" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "$800" -> 1, "$80" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$60" -> 1, "$5" -> 1, "$40" -> 1, "$36" -> 1, "$34" -> 1, "$300" -> 1, "$30" -> 1, "$2.7" -> 1, "$2.5" -> 1, "$2000" -> 1, "$20" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$151" -> 1, "$1500" -> 1, "$150" -> 1, "$1.5" -> 1, "$1.4" -> 1, "$115" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "zones—and" -> 1, "Zones" -> 1, "Zionism" -> 1, "zero-based" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "your" -> 1, "You" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "Yeltsin" -> 1, "Year" -> 1, "yards" -> 1, "wrongdoing" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "wrecking" -> 1, "wrecked" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "worsen" -> 1, "worry" -> 1, "world—for" -> 1, "workplace" -> 1, "workforce" -> 1, "workfare" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "wore" -> 1, "Wonderland" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "witnesses" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "within—by" -> 1, "withdrawals" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisdom—have" -> 1, "wiped" -> 1, "Windfall" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "Wildlife" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "widely" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "White-collar" -> 1, "whistle" -> 1, "Wherever" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "We've" -> 1, "wetland" -> 1, "wet" -> 1, "well-intentioned" -> 1, "well-earned" -> 1, "well-connected" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "week—we" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "wealthy" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "warned" -> 1, "wards" -> 1, "warding" -> 1, "wanton" -> 1, "wallowing" -> 1, "wall" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "vouchers" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "volunteers" -> 1, "Volunteerism" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "vocal" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "visionary" -> 1, "Vision" -> 1, "virtues" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "Victory" -> 1, "Victims" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vestige" -> 1, "vertical" -> 1, "verify" -> 1, "vengeful" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "vanquished" -> 1, "vanish" -> 1, "values—a" -> 1, "Value" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "VA" -> 1, "utilities" -> 1, "us—and" -> 1, "USSR" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "Urban" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upon—and" -> 1, "upheavals" -> 1, "upgrade" -> 1, "unyielding" -> 1, "unworkable" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unsafe" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unreliable" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unprotected" -> 1, "unprepared" -> 1, "unmarried" -> 1, "unleashed" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "universally" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "Union—not" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "unimpeded" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unethical" -> 1, "unencumbered" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "undertook" -> 1, "under-the-table" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "underfunded" -> 1, "uncontrolled" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "uncompromising" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unabashed" -> 1, "Ukraine" -> 1, "Tyrants" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two-parent" -> 1, "twofold" -> 1, "twilight" -> 1, "Twenty-two" -> 1, "TV" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "Truth" -> 1, "trusteeship" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "truest" -> 1, "trucking" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "troop" -> 1, "triumphs" -> 1, "Triumph" -> 1, "tripling" -> 1, "triggered" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "trickle-down" -> 1, "Tribes" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "trendy" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "trees" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "travesty" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "transmitted" -> 1, "transmit" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transitions" -> 1, "transforming" -> 1, "Transformed" -> 1, "transformation" -> 1, "transfers" -> 1, "transcending" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "trampled" -> 1, "traits" -> 1, "training—not" -> 1, "Train" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "traffickers" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditionally—academic" -> 1, "traders" -> 1, "to—the" -> 1, "toxic" -> 1, "towers" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "Tough" -> 1, "touches" -> 1, "totalitarians" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "torn" -> 1, "toppled" -> 1, "too—once" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "tomorrow's" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "tolerant" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "Today's" -> 1, "today's" -> 1, "tired" -> 1, "tinkered" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "tighten" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "tidy" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "threw" -> 1, "threefold" -> 1, "threats" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thirteen" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "thinkers" -> 1, "Thing" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "thank" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "testimony" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "Tenth" -> 1, "tensions—many" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "tenet" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "tenants" -> 1, "telecommuting" -> 1, "teenager" -> 1, "technoterrorism" -> 1, "technology—providing" -> 1, "technologically" -> 1, "technicality" -> 1, "Tear" -> 1, "teaches" -> 1, "teach" -> 1, "tax-shelters" -> 1, "Taxpayer" -> 1, "taxes—or" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "tattered" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "Tariffs" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "targeted" -> 1, "tandem" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "Takings" -> 1, "takings" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "take-off" -> 1, "tainted" -> 1, "tailspin" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "symbolizes" -> 1, "swords" -> 1, "swindling" -> 1, "swindle" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "swallowed" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "surgery" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "supervisor" -> 1, "superpower" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "superconductors" -> 1, "superb" -> 1, "sunset" -> 1, "summon" -> 1, "suits" -> 1, "suit" -> 1, "suicide" -> 1, "suffragist" -> 1, "suffocates" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "sue" -> 1, "successor" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submarines" -> 1, "style" -> 1, "stunned" -> 1, "studies" -> 1, "stuctures" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "Structural" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strings" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "Streets" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "stray" -> 1, "Strategy" -> 1, "strategies" -> 1, "Strategic" -> 1, "strangulation" -> 1, "strangled" -> 1, "Stranded" -> 1, "strain" -> 1, "story" -> 1, "store" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stockholders" -> 1, "stifles" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "stiffest" -> 1, "stepladder" -> 1, "steering" -> 1, "stealth" -> 1, "steals" -> 1, "stealing" -> 1, "steal" -> 1, "steadiness" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "statue" -> 1, "statistics" -> 1, "statist" -> 1, "Station" -> 1, "static" -> 1, "state-owned" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "State-level" -> 1, "stated" -> 1, "stash" -> 1, "starvation" -> 1, "started" -> 1, "Start" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "stars" -> 1, "star" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "stain" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "stacked" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "spurring" -> 1, "spurned" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spring" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "split" -> 1, "spills" -> 1, "spends" -> 1, "spectacular" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "special-interest" -> 1, "Special" -> 1, "Speaker" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "space-based" -> 1, "soy" -> 1, "sow" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "souls" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "someday" -> 1, "Somalia" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "soliciting" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "software" -> 1, "soft-on-crime" -> 1, "sock" -> 1, "society—are" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "socialist" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "smuggle" -> 1, "smothered" -> 1, "smog" -> 1, "smear" -> 1, "smart" -> 1, "slowing" -> 1, "slogans" -> 1, "slogan" -> 1, "sleep" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "sixth" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "sits" -> 1, "site" -> 1, "single-stage-to-orbit" -> 1, "single-parent" -> 1, "single" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simplest" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "signing" -> 1, "sightless" -> 1, "sideshows" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "Shuttled" -> 1, "shutting" -> 1, "shutdown" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "shun" -> 1, "shufflers" -> 1, "shrinks" -> 1, "showed" -> 1, "short-sighted" -> 1, "short-haul" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shippers" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shining" -> 1, "shielded" -> 1, "Shield" -> 1, "shield" -> 1, "Shelf" -> 1, "Shared" -> 1, "shameless" -> 1, "shambles" -> 1, "Shakespeare" -> 1, "shackles" -> 1, "shackle" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "severest" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "Set" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separately" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sensors" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "seniors" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "senatorial" -> 1, "Senator" -> 1, "sellers" -> 1, "self-sufficient" -> 1, "self-serving" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-governing" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "selectively" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "seizes" -> 1, "segregated" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "sees" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "Seeking" -> 1, "seeds" -> 1, "seed" -> 1, "securities" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "Section" -> 1, "secretly" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "season" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "sealift" -> 1, "SDI" -> 1, "screening" -> 1, "Scouts" -> 1, "scoundrel" -> 1, "scoring" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "sclerosis" -> 1, "Science—and" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "schools—public" -> 1, "schooling" -> 1, "school-age" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "scare" -> 1, "scandals" -> 1, "scam" -> 1, "saves" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satisfy" -> 1, "satisfies" -> 1, "sanity" -> 1, "sanitation" -> 1, "sanctity" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "same-sex" -> 1, "Samaritan" -> 1, "Salvador" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "sailors" -> 1, "sail" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sad" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "sabotage" -> 1, "rusting" -> 1, "Russia's" -> 1, "runs" -> 1, "rule-making" -> 1, "Rule" -> 1, "ruins" -> 1, "rubber" -> 1, "royalty" -> 1, "routes" -> 1, "rounding" -> 1, "rounded" -> 1, "rose" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "romance" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "rockets" -> 1, "rock" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "robbed" -> 1, "risk-benefit" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "ripe" -> 1, "Rio" -> 1, "ring" -> 1, "Rim" -> 1, "rigs" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "rights—over" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "rigged" -> 1, "RICO" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "rewriting" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "reviewed" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "revealed" -> 1, "reveal" -> 1, "revamped" -> 1, "retrievable" -> 1, "retreats" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retaliatory" -> 1, "retaliate" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resumes" -> 1, "resumed" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restores" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsibility—basic" -> 1, "responds" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "Respecting" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "respectable" -> 1, "resources—$4.2" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "Resolutions" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "resigned" -> 1, "Residents" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "Resident" -> 1, "residences" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "Reservations" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "rescind" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "requesting" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "replicated" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repealing" -> 1, "repayment" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renewability" -> 1, "rendezvous" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "removes" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "reminding" -> 1, "reminder" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "religious—that" -> 1, "religions" -> 1, "relies" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "relativism" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "related" -> 1, "rejustified" -> 1, "rejoice" -> 1, "reinstate" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regulators" -> 1, "registry" -> 1, "regimes" -> 1, "Regime" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "Refusing" -> 1, "Refuge" -> 1, "reformulated" -> 1, "Reforming" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "refining" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "reevaluation" -> 1, "reemerged" -> 1, "redundancy" -> 1, "Reducing" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "redistricting" -> 1, "redirect" -> 1, "redefine" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "rectified" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "recreated" -> 1, "recoveries" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "reconciliation" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recitation" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "recessionary" -> 1, "receptive" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "recaptured" -> 1, "rebuilt" -> 1, "reborn" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "reaps" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "realigned" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "reactions" -> 1, "reactionaries" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "ravaged" -> 1, "rationalize" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "rarely" -> 1, "random" -> 1, "rampart" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "railways" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "Radio" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "Racketeer" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quo" -> 1, "quilt" -> 1, "quietly" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarters" -> 1, "quarterly" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "quagmire" -> 1, "Putting" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "puts" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "purse" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "purged" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "punched" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "pro-Western" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "Provide" -> 1, "Proverbs" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "prose" -> 1, "properties" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "prohibitions" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "programmers" -> 1, "Profound" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "profitability" -> 1, "Profit" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "pro-family" -> 1, "Productivity" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "procured" -> 1, "procure" -> 1, "proclaims" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privatizing" -> 1, "privatized" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principles—principles" -> 1, "principles—our" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "preventable" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "pressures" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "prepositioning" -> 1, "prenatal" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "pregnancy" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "preexisting" -> 1, "preempt" -> 1, "predicted" -> 1, "predictable—instead" -> 1, "predictability" -> 1, "precursor" -> 1, "preconditions" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "praise" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "POWs" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "power-grip" -> 1, "potential" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "post-Cold" -> 1, "possibly" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "portability" -> 1, "pornographic" -> 1, "pork-barrel" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "poorest" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "pollutants" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "policymakers" -> 1, "poisoning" -> 1, "poisoned" -> 1, "poised" -> 1, "pocketbook" -> 1, "pluralism" -> 1, "plunder" -> 1, "plots" -> 1, "PLO" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "playing" -> 1, "playgrounds" -> 1, "playbook" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plastics" -> 1, "plants—one" -> 1, "plantation" -> 1, "Plans" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "planets" -> 1, "planet" -> 1, "Plane" -> 1, "Plain" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "pioneered" -> 1, "pioneer" -> 1, "piggybank" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "physics" -> 1, "physicians" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "philosophical" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "phase-out" -> 1, "phantom" -> 1, "petty" -> 1, "Peru" -> 1, "personally" -> 1, "Persian" -> 1, "persecuted" -> 1, "perpetual" -> 1, "permissiveness" -> 1, "perks" -> 1, "periodically" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "Perhaps" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "perfected" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "percent—zero" -> 1, "people—from" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "peopled" -> 1, "penalizing" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "peer-reviewed" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "peacekeeping" -> 1, "peace-keeping" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "payrolls" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "pave" -> 1, "patriots" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patients" -> 1, "pathological" -> 1, "paternalistic" -> 1, "patchwork" -> 1, "passions" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "parliamentary" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "paradigm" -> 1, "Panamanians" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "Palau" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "padding" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "ozone" -> 1, "oxygenated" -> 1, "Owning" -> 1, "overzealous" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "over-taxation" -> 1, "oversight" -> 1, "overriding" -> 1, "override" -> 1, "over-regulation" -> 1, "overnight" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overcrowding" -> 1, "Oval" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "outrages" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outmoded" -> 1, "outlived" -> 1, "Outlaw" -> 1, "outlaw" -> 1, "Outer" -> 1, "outcomes" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "others—lust" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "Organizations" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "Ordinance" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "ordering" -> 1, "orchestrated" -> 1, "orbiting" -> 1, "options" -> 1, "option" -> 1, "optimism" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "opponent" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "OPEC" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "on-the-job" -> 1, "onshore" -> 1, "one-year" -> 1, "one-third" -> 1, "one-size-fits-all" -> 1, "oneself" -> 1, "one-party" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "once-great" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "Omnibus" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officeholders" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offering" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "oddly" -> 1, "oceanography" -> 1, "occur" -> 1, "occupation" -> 1, "obstructing" -> 1, "obstetrics—by" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obsessed" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "objectives" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "now—in" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "Northwest" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "north" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "Noriega" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "Nonproliferation" -> 1, "non-partisan" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "noneconomic" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "non-conventional" -> 1, "nonconsensual" -> 1, "non-collective" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "no-growth" -> 1, "Nixon" -> 1, "night-fighting" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "network" -> 1, "neighborhood" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "negotiable" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "needles" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "NATO" -> 1, "Native" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nations—North" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "nationhood" -> 1, "Narcotics" -> 1, "named" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "naive" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "murderers" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "multi-year" -> 1, "multiply" -> 1, "multipliers" -> 1, "multiplication" -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "motorists" -> 1, "most—in" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "Morrill" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "monitored" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "molesting" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "mocks" -> 1, "mocking" -> 1, "mitigate" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "Missile" -> 1, "misrule" -> 1, "mismanagement" -> 1, "misled" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "miracle—a" -> 1, "Mining" -> 1, "minimizing" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "millennium" -> 1, "milestone" -> 1, "miles-per-gallon" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "Migrants" -> 1, "midwives" -> 1, "middle-income" -> 1, "Micronesia" -> 1, "micromanagement" -> 1, "MIAs" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "meritocracy" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "merging" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "mention" -> 1, "mendacity—to" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "mega-government" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "medically" -> 1, "mediate" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "mean-spirited" -> 1, "Meaningful" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "maze" -> 1, "mayors" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "maternity" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "masterful" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "masquerading" -> 1, "masks" -> 1, "Marxist" -> 1, "MartГ­" -> 1, "Marshall" -> 1, "Mars" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "marriages" -> 1, "markings" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manifestos" -> 1, "mania" -> 1, "mandating" -> 1, "mandated-benefit" -> 1, "Malcolm" -> 1, "makers" -> 1, "Major" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "main-stream" -> 1, "Main" -> 1, "mailing" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "Madrid" -> 1, "machine" -> 1, "lupus" -> 1, "loyally" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lower-income" -> 1, "lowered" -> 1, "low-and" -> 1, "Low" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "Los" -> 1, "lords" -> 1, "looted" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "longing" -> 1, "longest" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "lobbyists" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "little-known" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "limits—cynical" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifts" -> 1, "lifetime" -> 1, "lifestyle" -> 1, "lifeline" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "lied" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "licenses" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "Libya" -> 1, "Libre" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "Liberal" -> 1, "levies" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "legislatively" -> 1, "legalizing" -> 1, "Left" -> 1, "Lebanon" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leaves" -> 1, "Leaps" -> 1, "leaps" -> 1, "leanfare" -> 1, "leaner" -> 1, "lean" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "Leading" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "layer" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "lawmaker" -> 1, "law-and-order" -> 1, "lave" -> 1, "laundering" -> 1, "launchers" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "large-scale" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "lapses" -> 1, "languish" -> 1, "languages" -> 1, "landowners" -> 1, "landmark" -> 1, "landlord" -> 1, "landing" -> 1, "land-grant" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "kremlins" -> 1, "Kremlin" -> 1, "Knowledge" -> 1, "knowingly" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "knew" -> 1, "knee-jerk" -> 1, "KGB" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kemp" -> 1, "Keeping" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "jurisdictions" -> 1, "jumped" -> 1, "July" -> 1, "judging" -> 1, "joy" -> 1, "jointly" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "jobs—hostage" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "Jewry" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "jargon—everything" -> 1, "Japan—to" -> 1, "Jack" -> 1, "it—but" -> 1, "issues—this" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Israel—the" -> 1, "Israelis" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "IRS" -> 1, "ironic" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "Iraq's" -> 1, "Iraqi" -> 1, "Iran" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "invoked" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "Investments" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "inventories" -> 1, "introduced" -> 1, "intolerance" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "interrupted" -> 1, "internationally" -> 1, "intermodal" -> 1, "intermingled" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "intergenerational" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "Interest" -> 1, "interdiction" -> 1, "interdependent" -> 1, "inter-city" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "integrally" -> 1, "insulates" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "institutionalize" -> 1, "Institutes" -> 1, "Institute" -> 1, "instill" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "insensitivity" -> 1, "insecure" -> 1, "inquisition" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "innuendo" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "innovates" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "inheres" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "infuses" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "infrastructure" -> 1, "informs" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "Influenced" -> 1, "inflicted" -> 1, "inflation-adjusted" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "inflates" -> 1, "inflated" -> 1, "infirmity" -> 1, "infection" -> 1, "infected" -> 1, "inextricably" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "indomitable" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "index" -> 1, "Independent" -> 1, "indefinite" -> 1, "Incumbents" -> 1, "incumbent" -> 1, "incumbency" -> 1, "incorporating" -> 1, "inconstancy" -> 1, "incompetence" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "incites" -> 1, "incidence" -> 1, "inception" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "Improvement" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "impetus" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "Impediments" -> 1, "impediments" -> 1, "impedes" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "imaging" -> 1, "Imagine" -> 1, "images" -> 1, "illusion" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illicit" -> 1, "ill-equipped" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "illegality" -> 1, "ill-conceived" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "ignorance" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "identity" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "ideas-democracy" -> 1, "hysteria" -> 1, "hyper-regulation" -> 1, "hydrogen" -> 1, "hydro" -> 1, "Hussein" -> 1, "husbandry" -> 1, "husband" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "Huge" -> 1, "HUD" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "households" -> 1, "hound" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "horse-and-buggy" -> 1, "horrendous" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "HOPE" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "homosexuals" -> 1, "home—literally" -> 1, "Homes" -> 1, "homeownership" -> 1, "home-ownership" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "homeowner" -> 1, "homemakers" -> 1, "home-based" -> 1, "HOME" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "holocaust" -> 1, "hollow" -> 1, "holiday" -> 1, "holes" -> 1, "Hobbs" -> 1, "hobble" -> 1, "HIV" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "history—and" -> 1, "history's" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "hindering" -> 1, "hill" -> 1, "hikes" -> 1, "hijack" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-tech" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "helps" -> 1, "heeded" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "heating" -> 1, "heath" -> 1, "hearings" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "heap" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "healed" -> 1, "headquarters" -> 1, "Head" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "hate" -> 1, "harnessed" -> 1, "harming" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "hard-core" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "happened" -> 1, "hangman" -> 1, "handouts" -> 1, "handicap" -> 1, "handcuff" -> 1, "hampers" -> 1, "halls" -> 1, "half-million" -> 1, "half-century" -> 1, "Haiti" -> 1, "habitat" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "gutting" -> 1, "guides" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "grotesque" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "Gross" -> 1, "grim" -> 1, "grief" -> 1, "greenways" -> 1, "greenhouse" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grassroots" -> 1, "grandchildren" -> 1, "graduated" -> 1, "Governors" -> 1, "government—is" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "government-sponsored" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "government-industry" -> 1, "government-controlled" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "goodness" -> 1, "gluttonous" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "Give" -> 1, "girls" -> 1, "giant" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "ghastly" -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "geographic" -> 1, "genetics" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gasolines" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "gases" -> 1, "gang" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gain—from" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "future-oriented" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "Fuel" -> 1, "frozen" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "frivolous" -> 1, "frightening" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "frees" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freefall" -> 1, "free-enterprise" -> 1, "Freedom's" -> 1, "freedom's" -> 1, "fraudulent" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "Framers" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "fracturing" -> 1, "fractions" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "four-year-olds" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "fourteen" -> 1, "four-fifths" -> 1, "founding" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fossil" -> 1, "forward-looking" -> 1, "Forward" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formidable" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "forging" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foresighted" -> 1, "Foreseeing" -> 1, "forego" -> 1, "foreclosed" -> 1, "forces—consumer" -> 1, "forbidding" -> 1, "forbidden" -> 1, "forbid" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "Following" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "floundering" -> 1, "flocked" -> 1, "flickering" -> 1, "flextime" -> 1, "fledgling" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "firearms" -> 1, "firearm" -> 1, "fines" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "filling" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "fights" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "Fidel" -> 1, "fiber" -> 1, "FHA" -> 1, "fetal" -> 1, "festival" -> 1, "felt" -> 1, "Feliks" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federally-assisted" -> 1, "fed" -> 1, "fear—and" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fatten" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "fashion" -> 1, "farther" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "fanatics" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "Fall" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "Fairness" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "fading" -> 1, "facts—we" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "fact-finding" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "facets" -> 1, "Faced" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "extremists" -> 1, "extortion" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "Extend" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "exporter" -> 1, "Export" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "explicit" -> 1, "explained" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expectations" -> 1, "Existing" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "exempting" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exclusionary" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "exciting" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "exception" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "exceeds" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "evolving" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everyone's" -> 1, "Everyone" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "euthanasia" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "Ethiopian" -> 1, "eternal" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "Essential" -> 1, "espoused" -> 1, "Especially" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "escalate" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "err" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "erase" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "equation" -> 1, "equals" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "epochal" -> 1, "Epidemics" -> 1, "epidemic's" -> 1, "epic" -> 1, "environments" -> 1, "environmentalists" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "entrants" -> 1, "entity" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "enthusiastically" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "enslave" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enroll" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "enmired" -> 1, "enlistees" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enhances" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engagement—opposing" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "end-use" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "endemic" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "End" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "encounter" -> 1, "encompasses" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "employs" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employers—would" -> 1, "employers—particularly" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "emphatically" -> 1, "emissions" -> 1, "emission" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emerges" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "emerge" -> 1, "embraces" -> 1, "emboldened" -> 1, "embodying" -> 1, "embargoes" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "elevates" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electronics" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electorate" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "El" -> 1, "Eisenhower" -> 1, "efforts—such" -> 1, "efficiencies" -> 1, "effectual" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "education—which" -> 1, "education—a" -> 1, "edge" -> 1, "economy—and" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "ebbed" -> 1, "East—by" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "early-release" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "Dzherzhinsky" -> 1, "dysfunctional" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "dustbin" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "dumped" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "drug-dealing" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "Drilling" -> 1, "drilling" -> 1, "driftnet" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "Dream" -> 1, "drawdown" -> 1, "draconian" -> 1, "dozens" -> 1, "downturns" -> 1, "downturn" -> 1, "double-talk" -> 1, "Dope" -> 1, "do-nothing" -> 1, "donations" -> 1, "domineering" -> 1, "Dominated" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "dollars—and" -> 1, "Doing" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "dogmas" -> 1, "doggedness" -> 1, "documents" -> 1, "Documentation" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "division" -> 1, "dividing" -> 1, "dividend" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "diversifying" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "diversification" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distributors" -> 1, "distortion" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distant" -> 1, "distance" -> 1, "dissembling" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispose" -> 1, "displays" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "disparaging" -> 1, "disintegration" -> 1, "disgraceful" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "discriminates" -> 1, "discretion" -> 1, "discovery—pre-trial" -> 1, "discovery" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "disadvantaged" -> 1, "Disabled" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "diminishing" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "digitization" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differs" -> 1, "diesel" -> 1, "dictator" -> 1, "dictating" -> 1, "diagnostics" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "detection" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destined" -> 1, "desperately-needed" -> 1, "desertion" -> 1, "deserted" -> 1, "desecration" -> 1, "described" -> 1, "deregulating" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "depression—and" -> 1, "depository" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "deplorable" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "depart" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "denominator" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demoralized" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "democratically-minded" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "degraded" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "Deficits" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deeper" -> 1, "deepen" -> 1, "deductible" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "decriminalizing" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "decontrol" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decisionmaking" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "decaying" -> 1, "decay" -> 1, "Decades" -> 1, "decadent" -> 1, "debt-for-nature" -> 1, "debased" -> 1, "dearly" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "Day" -> 1, "Davis-Bacon" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "dare" -> 1, "dancing" -> 1, "dally" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "Cypriot" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "cutting-edge" -> 1, "Cutting" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "customer-friendly" -> 1, "custody-rights" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "curbed" -> 1, "cultivated" -> 1, "crumbling" -> 1, "crude" -> 1, "crowded" -> 1, "cross-border" -> 1, "cross" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "critical—where" -> 1, "Critical" -> 1, "Crippling" -> 1, "cripples" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "crept" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creditworthy" -> 1, "Credits" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "Creating" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "crashing" -> 1, "crash" -> 1, "crack-houses" -> 1, "CPB-supported" -> 1, "cowardly" -> 1, "covert" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "courtrooms" -> 1, "courtroom" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "couples" -> 1, "couple" -> 1, "country—against" -> 1, "Counting" -> 1, "counterproductive" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "counseled" -> 1, "Counsel" -> 1, "costs—and" -> 1, "Costs" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "cosmonauts" -> 1, "cosmetic" -> 1, "Corrupt" -> 1, "correct—the" -> 1, "corrects" -> 1, "correctly" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "core" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "cool" -> 1, "convincing" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "converting" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "control—free" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributor" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "Contrary" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "Continuous" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "continent—a" -> 1, "Continental" -> 1, "contemporary" -> 1, "contaminating" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "construct" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "constituency" -> 1, "constituencies" -> 1, "considers" -> 1, "conserving" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "conservatism" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "consecutive" -> 1, "consciously" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "conquer" -> 1, "connections" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "conflict—where" -> 1, "confidentiality" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "Conducting" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condoms" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "conclude" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "concentrate" -> 1, "conceivable" -> 1, "computers" -> 1, "computerized" -> 1, "compressed" -> 1, "compound" -> 1, "components" -> 1, "component" -> 1, "complicated" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complainants" -> 1, "complacency" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "Competitiveness" -> 1, "Competency" -> 1, "Compensation" -> 1, "compass—help" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "compactness" -> 1, "commuting" -> 1, "community-help" -> 1, "Communities" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "communism" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communicable" -> 1, "Commodity" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commends" -> 1, "commencements" -> 1, "commanders" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "command-and-control" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "combines" -> 1, "Combined" -> 1, "combating" -> 1, "Columbia's" -> 1, "Columbian" -> 1, "collusion" -> 1, "collude" -> 1, "Collider" -> 1, "collectivism" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "collapsed" -> 1, "cohesion" -> 1, "coercive" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "Coastal" -> 1, "coal-related" -> 1, "clown" -> 1, "cloud" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "closet" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "clock" -> 1, "cloakroom" -> 1, "clinical" -> 1, "clever" -> 1, "clear—between" -> 1, "Clearly" -> 1, "cleaning" -> 1, "cleanest" -> 1, "cleaned" -> 1, "clean-coal" -> 1, "clean-burning" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classroom" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "clarity" -> 1, "clarify" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "citizens—not" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "chugs" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "chokes" -> 1, "choice—in" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "childcare" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "chests" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "chemicals" -> 1, "checks" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheated" -> 1, "cheapen" -> 1, "charted" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "charity" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "Changing" -> 1, "change—has" -> 1, "Change" -> 1, "championed" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "chambers" -> 1, "chairpersons" -> 1, "chairmen" -> 1, "cession" -> 1, "cervical" -> 1, "certainly" -> 1, "centuries" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "cells" -> 1, "ceilings" -> 1, "ceases" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "Cause" -> 1, "Castro's" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "cascade" -> 1, "cartel" -> 1, "cars" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "carnage" -> 1, "caring" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "care—and" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "carbon" -> 1, "car" -> 1, "captured" -> 1, "caps" -> 1, "capitalize" -> 1, "capacities" -> 1, "candidate's" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "campaign—half" -> 1, "Campaign" -> 1, "Cambodia" -> 1, "calculation" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "calculate" -> 1, "CAFE" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "burned—and" -> 1, "burn" -> 1, "burial" -> 1, "Bureaucratic" -> 1, "bureaucrat" -> 1, "bundling" -> 1, "bullets" -> 1, "built-in" -> 1, "builders" -> 1, "builddown" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "buckles" -> 1, "Broken" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broadly" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "Broadcasting" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bright" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "breed" -> 1, "breast" -> 1, "bravery" -> 1, "Brave" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "boys" -> 1, "boycott" -> 1, "Boy" -> 1, "box" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "bottom-line" -> 1, "bottomless" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "borrowing—of" -> 1, "borrowers" -> 1, "Boris" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "booming" -> 1, "Book" -> 1, "Bonds" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bolstering" -> 1, "bolstered" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "blowers" -> 1, "bloated" -> 1, "blindness" -> 1, "blindfolded" -> 1, "blends" -> 1, "blatant" -> 1, "blasphemy" -> 1, "blaming" -> 1, "blamed" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "biodegradable" -> 1, "bind" -> 1, "Bills" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "biggest" -> 1, "biases" -> 1, "biased" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "be—as" -> 1, "Between" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "belt" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, 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"anti-marriage" -> 1, "anti-jobs" -> 1, "anti-growth" -> 1, "anti-family" -> 1, "anti-drug" -> 1, "anti-defense" -> 1, "anti-American" -> 1, "anterior" -> 1, "Antarctica" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "animals" -> 1, "Angeles" -> 1, "anarchy" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amounting" -> 1, "amid" -> 1, "Amendments" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "ambition" -> 1, "amassing" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "Always" -> 1, "although" -> 1, "alternatives" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "almighty" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "allocating" -> 1, "allocate" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "alleviate" -> 1, "Allegiance" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "airmen" -> 1, "airlines" -> 1, "airlift" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "ailment" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "agonizing" -> 1, "aging" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggregation" -> 1, "again—a" -> 1, "aftermath" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "affront" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "affluent" -> 1, "affection" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "Aerospace" -> 1, "Aeronautics" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advocacy" -> 1, "Advise" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "Adverse" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "adventure" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "Advanced" -> 1, "adults" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "admit—and" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "Addressing" -> 1, "Additional" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "Added" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "adage" -> 1, "acute" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "acid" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "accords" -> 1, "According" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accompanying" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "accession" -> 1, "accessible" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, 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"Republican Party Platform of 1988", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1988, "Date" -> DateObject[{1988, 8, 16}], "Text" -> "An American Vision: For Our Children and Our Future\n\nPreamble\n\nAn election is about the future, about change. But it is also about the values we will carry with us as we journey into tomorrow and about continuity with the best from our past.\nOn the threshold of a new century, we live in a time of unprecedented technological, social, and cultural development, and a rapidly emerging global economy. This election will bring change. The question is: Will it be change and progress with the Republicans or change and chaos with the Democrats?\nAmericans want leadership to direct the forces of change, on America's terms, guided by American values. The next stage of the American experiment will be a new dynamic partnership in which people direct government and government empowers people to solve their own problems and to have more choices in their lives.\nIn 1984, we said, \"From freedom comes opportunity; from opportunity comes growth; from growth comes progress,\"\nIn 1988, we reaffirm that truth. Freedom works. This is not sloganeering, but a verifiable fact. It has been abundantly documented during the Reagan-Bush Administration in terms of real jobs and real progress for individuals, families, and communities urban and rural. Our platform reflects on every page our continuing faith in the creative power of human freedom.\nDefending and expanding freedom is our first priority. During the last eight years, the American people joined with the Reagan-Bush Administration in advancing the cause of freedom at home and around the world. Our platform reflects George Bush's belief that military strength, diplomatic resoluteness, and firm leadership are necessary to keep our country and our allies free.\nRepublicans know the United States is a nation of communities—churches, neighborhoods, social and charitable organizations, professional groups, unions and private and voluntary organizations in city, suburb, and countryside. It is We, the people, building the future in freedom. It is from these innumerable American communities, made up of people with good heads and good hearts, that innovation, creativity, and the works of social justice and mercy naturally flow and flourish. This is why George Bush and all Republicans believe in empowering people and not bureaucracies.\nAt the very heart of this platform is our belief that the strength of America is its people: free men and women, with faith in God, working for themselves and their families, believing in the inestimable value of every human being from the very young to the very old, building and sustaining communities, quietly performing those \"little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love\" that make up the best portion of our lives, defending freedom, proud of their diverse heritages. They are still eager to grasp the future, to seize life's challenges and, through faith and love and work, to transform them into the valuable, the useful, and the beautiful.\nThis is what the American people do, quietly, patiently, without headlines, as a nation of communities, every day. This is the continuing American revolution of continuity and change.\nThis is the American people's true miracle of freedom. It is to them that we dedicate this platform.\nJobs, Growth, and Opportunity for All\n\nAmerica again leads the world, confident of our abilities, proud of our products, sure of our future, the pacesetter for all mankind. Moving toward the threshold of the 21st century, the American people are poised to fulfill their dreams to a degree unparalleled in human history.\nOur nation of communities is prosperous and free. In the sixth year of unprecedented economic expansion, more people are working than ever before; real family income has risen; inflation is tamed. By almost any measure, Americans are better off than they were eight years ago. The Reagan Revolution has become a Republican renaissance. Our country's back—back in business and back on top again.\nGovernment didn't work this economic wonder. The people did. Republicans got government out of the way, off the backs of households and entrepreneurs, so the people could take charge. Once again our people have the freedom to grow. From that freedom come prosperity and security.\nFrom freedom comes opportunity; from opportunity comes growth; from growth comes progress.\nFreedom is not an abstract concept. No, freedom is the inescapable essence of the American spirit, the driving force which makes Americans different from any other people on the face of the globe.\nThe restoration of our country's tradition of democratic capitalism has ushered in a new age of optimistic expansion. Based on free enterprise, free markets, and limited government, that tradition regards people as a resource, not a problem. And it works.\nOn every continent, governments are beginning to follow some degree of America's formula to cut tax rates, loosen regulation, free the private sector, and trust the people.\nRemember the Carter-Mondale years:\n• Taxes skyrocketed every year as the Democrats' inflation pushed everyone into higher tax brackets.\n• Prices spiraled, financially strangling those people least able to keep up. This was heightened by the spending mania of a Democrat-controlled Congress. Savings plunged as prices rose. A dollar saved in 1977 was worth only half by 1981.\n• 21.5 percent interest rates—levels not seen before or since—placed the basic needs of life beyond the means of many American families.\n• The Democrats threatened workers, investors, and consumers with \"industrial policies\" that centralized economic planning.\n• Joblessness eroded the earnings and dignity of millions under the Democrat Administration.\n• The number of poor households grew dramatically during the Democrats' years in power.\n• Economic stagnation caused by the Democrats' policies made it harder to find a job, get a promotion, buy a home, raise a family, or plan for old age.\nIn addition to all of these problems, the Democrats were telling us that there was something wrong with America and something wrong with its people.\nFamily Income\n\nSomething was terribly wrong, but not with the people. A half-century of destructive policies, pitting Americans against one another for the benefit of the Democrats' political machine, had come to a dead end. The Democrats couldn't find a way out, so the voters showed them the door.\nNow the ideological heirs of Carter and Mondale are trying again to sell the public a false bill of goods. These liberals call America's prosperity an illusion. They fantasize our economy is declining. They claim our future is in the hands of other nations. They aren't operating in the real world.\nThey can't build the future on fear. Americans know that and are constructing their futures on the solid foundation Republicans have already set in place:\n• We are in the midst of the longest peacetime expansion in our country's history. Where once we measured new businesses in the thousands, we now count millions. These small businesses have helped create more than 17 million well-paying, high-quality new jobs, more than twice the number of jobs that were created during that time in Japan, Canada, and Western Europe combined! Small business has accounted for 80 percent of the jobs created during the recovery. Who says America has lost its competitive edge?\n• More Americans are working than ever before. Because of Republican pro-growth policies, the unemployment rate has plunged to its lowest level in 14 years.\n• Since 1983, 3 million people have risen above the government poverty level. The poverty rate is down for the third consecutive year. The Republican economic program has been the most successful war on poverty.\n• Under a Republican Administration, family incomes are growing at the fastest pace recorded in 15 years.\n• Under Republican leadership, tax reform removed 6 million low-income people from the income tax rolls and brought financial relief to tens of millions more.\n• The typical family is now paying almost $2,000 less per year in income taxes than it would if the Democrats' antiquated income tax system of the 1970s were still in place.\n• The Carter' \"misery index\"—the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates—is half of what it was in 1980. Republican economic policies have turned it into a \"prosperity index.\"\n• Republicans reduced inflation to one-third of its 1980 level, helping not only average Americans but also low income Americans and elderly Americans on fixed incomes, who spend most of their income on necessities.\n• Interest rates are lower by nearly two-thirds than under the Democrats in 1980.\n• Exports are booming. World sales create local jobs!\n• Productivity is rising three times as fast under Republican policies as it did during the late 1970s.\n• Industrial output increased by one-third during the current expansion.\n• Business investment is increasing 20 percent faster, in real terms, than before the Republican economic resurgence.\n• The manufacturing sector is now accounting for 23 percent of GNP. U.S. manufacturing jobs have increased overall since 1982. The Democrats are wrong about America losing its industrial base, except in Massachusetts, where the Democrat governor of that State has presided over a net decline of 94,000 manufacturing jobs.\nThis is not a portrait of a people in decline. It is the profile of a can-do country, hopeful and compassionate, on the move. It is America resurgent, renewed, revitalized by an idea: the belief that free men and women, caring for families and supporting voluntary institutions in a nation of communities, constitute the most powerful force for human progress.\nIn 1980, Ronald Reagan and George Bush called upon us all to recover from a failed political system the power tightly belonging to the people. Now we call upon our fellow citizens, at the bicentennial of our Constitution, in the words of its preamble, to \"secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity\" by opening new vistas of opportunity.\nThese \"blessings of liberty\"—the chance to make a decent living, provide for the family, buy a home, give children a superior education, build a secure retirement, help a new generation reach farther and build higher than we were able to—these are the goals that George Bush and the Republican Party seek for every American.\nBut this prosperity is not an end in itself. It is a beginning. It frees us to grow and be better than we are, to develop things of the spirit and heart. This is the direction in which George Bush will lead our country. It is prosperity with a purpose.\nJobs\n\nThe Republican Party puts the creation of jobs and opportunity first. In our 1980 and 1984 platforms, we promised to put Americans back to work by restoring economic growth without inflation. We delivered on our promise:\n• Small business entrepreneurs have led the way in creating new job opportunities, particularly for women, minorities, and youths.\n• Over 17 million new jobs have been created.\n• More than 60 percent of these new jobs since 1982 are held by women.\n• More Americans are working now than at any time in our history.\n• The unemployment rate is at its lowest level in 14 years.\n• Statistics show that the great majority of the jobs we have created are full-time, quality jobs, paying more than $20,000 per year.\nJob growth for minority and ethnic Americans has been even more impressive:\n• Minority workers have been finding jobs twice as fast as others.\n• Black unemployment has been cut almost in half since 1982. Black Americans gained 2.3 million new jobs in the last few years.\n• Black teen unemployment is at its lowest level in 15 years.\n• Sales from the top 100 black firms rose 15 percent between 1982 and 1986. The 7.9 percent growth rate for all black businesses compares to an overall rate of 5 percent for all business.\n• Family incomes of Asian-Americans rank among the highest of all ethnic groups in the United States.\n• Hispanic employment increased nearly three times as fast as for all civilian workers. More Hispanics are at work now than at any time since record-keeping began.\nWe will use new technologies, such as computer data bases and telecommunications, to strengthen and streamline job banks matching people who want to work with available jobs.\nWe advocate incentives for educating, training, and retraining workers for new and better jobs—through programs like the Job Training Partnership Act, which provides for a public/private partnership—as our country surges ahead.\nThe best jobs program—the one that created more than 17 million jobs since 1982—is lower taxes on people. We believe that every person who wants a job should have the opportunity to get a job. We reject the notion that putting more Americans to work causes inflation. The failure of government make-work programs proves that jobs are created by people in a free market.\nOpportunity for All\n\nWith its message of economic growth and opportunity, the GOP is the natural champion of blacks, minorities, women and ethnic Americans. We urge Republican candidates and officials at all levels to extend to minority Americans everywhere the historic invitation for full participation in our party.\nA free economy helps defeat discrimination by fostering opportunity for all. That's why real income for black families has risen 14 percent since 1982. It's why members of minority groups have been gaining jobs in the Republican recovery twice as fast as everyone else. Upward mobility for all Americans has come back strong.\nWe are the party of real social progress. Republicans welcome the millions of forward-looking Americans who want an \"opportunity society,\" not a welfare state. We believe our country's greatest resource is its people—all its people. Their ingenuity and imagination are needed to make the most of our common future. So we will remove disincentives that keep the less fortunate out of the productive economy:\n• Families struggling near the poverty line are always hurt most by tax increases. Six million poor have been removed from the tax rolls in the 1986 Tax Reform Act—the largest income transfer to lower-income Americans since the early 1970s. We will continue to reduce their burden.\n• We advocate a youth training wage to expand opportunities and enable unskilled young people to enter the work force.\n• As an alternative to inflationary—and job-destroying—increases in the minimum wage, we will work to boost the incomes of the working poor through the Earned Income Tax Credit, especially for earners who support children. This will mean higher take-home pay for millions of working families.\n• We will reform welfare to encourage work as the ticket that guarantees full participation in American life.\n• We will undertake a long overdue reform of the unemployment insurance program to reward workers who find new jobs quickly.\n• We insist upon the right of Americans to work at home. The Home Work Rule, banning sale of certain items made at home, must go. It idles willing workers, prevents mothers from working and caring for their children in their own homes, limits the country's output, and penalizes innocent persons to please special interests.\n• We will fight to end the Social Security earnings limitation for the elderly. It discourages older persons from reentering or remaining in the work force, where their experience and wisdom are increasingly needed. As a first step, we will remove the earnings limitation for those whose income is from child care.\n• We will continue our efforts, already marked with success, to revitalize our cities. We support, on the federal, State and local levels, enterprise zones to promote investment and job creation in beleaguered neighborhoods.\nEntrepreneurship\n\nOur country's 18 million small business entrepreneurs are the superstars of job creation. In the past decade, they created two out of three new jobs. When they are free to invest and innovate, everyone is better off. They are today's pathfinders, the explorers of America's economic future.\nRepublicans encourage the women and men in small businesses to think big. To help them create jobs, we will cut to 15 percent the current counterproductive capital gains tax. This will foster investment in new and untried ventures, which often are the cutting edge of constructive change. It will also build the retirement value of workers' pension funds and raise revenues for the federal government.\nWe will increase, strengthen, and reinvigorate minority business development efforts to afford socially and economically disadvantaged individuals the opportunity for full participation in our free enterprise system.\nWork place benefits should be freely negotiated by employee-employer bargaining. We oppose government requirements that shrink workers' paychecks by diverting money away from wages to pay for federal requirements. These hidden taxes add to labor costs without paying those who labor. That is the liberals' way of replacing collective bargaining with congressional edicts about what's good for employees. It reduces the number of jobs and dishonestly imposes on others the costs of programs the Congress can't afford.\nWe call for a reasonable State and federal product liability standard that will be fair to small businesses, including professional and amateur sports, and to all who are in liability contests. We propose to return the fault-based standard to the civil justice system. Jobs are being lost, useful and sometimes lifesaving products are being discontinued, and America's ability to compete is being adversely affected. Reform will lower costs for all and will return fairness to the system for the benefit of everyone. Republicans recognize the basic right of all Americans to seek redress in the courts; however, we strongly oppose frivolous litigation. In addition, we support enactment of fair and balanced reforms of the tort system at the State level.\nThe remarkable resurgence of small business under the Republican renaissance of the 1980s highlights the key to the future: plant openings, thousands of them in every part of this land, as small businesses lead the way toward yet another decade of compassionate prosperity.\nReducing the Burden of Taxes\n\nThe Republican Party restates the unequivocal promise we made in 1984: We oppose any attempts to increase taxes. Tax increases harm the economic expansion and reverse the trend to restoring control of the economy to individual Americans.\nWe reject calls for higher taxes from all quarters—including \"bipartisan commissions.\" The decisions of our government should not be left to a body of unelected officials.\nThe American people deserve to know, before the election, where all candidates stand on the question of tax increases. Republicans unequivocally reiterate the no-tax pledge we have proudly taken. While we wouldn't believe the Democrats even if they took the pledge, they haven't taken it.\nThe crowning economic achievement of the Republican Party under Ronald Reagan and George Bush has been the dramatic reduction in personal income taxes. The Reagan-Bush Administration has cut the top marginal tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent. We got government's heavy hand out of the wallets and purses of all our people. That single step has sparked the longest peacetime expansion in our history.\nWe not only lowered tax rates for all. We tied them to the cost of living so congressional Democrats couldn't secretly boost taxes by pushing people into higher brackets through inflation. We took millions of low-income families off the tax rolls, and we doubled the personal exemption for all.\nAs a result, by 1986 the income tax bill of a typical middle-income family had declined by one-quarter. If the Democrats had defeated our economic recovery program, that family would have paid nearly $6,000 more in taxes between 1982 and 1987. Meanwhile, average Americans and the working poor carry substantially less of the burden. Upper income Americans now pay a larger share of federal taxes than they did in 1980.\nOur policies have become the model for much of the world. Through the power of capitalism, governments are rushing to reduce tax rates to save their stagnating economies. This is good for America, for their recovery will make them better trading partners for our own exuberant economy.\nMany economists advising the Democrat Party have publicly called for a national sales tax or European-style Value-Added Tax (VAT) which would take billions of dollars out of the hands of American consumers. Such a tax has been imposed on many nations in Europe and has resulted in higher prices, fewer jobs, and higher levels of government spending. We reject the idea of putting a VAT on the backs of the American people.\nRepublicans know that sustaining the American economic miracle requires a growing pool of private savings. From bank accounts, small stock purchases, and piggy banks, the streams of thrift must flow together and form a mighty tide of capital. That rushing force pushes our society ahead, lifting everyone as it goes. To keep it going:\n• We support incentives for private savings, such as our deductibility for IRA contributions.\n• We oppose tax withholding on savings.\n• To protect savings by ensuring the soundness of our financial system, the federal government must continue to play an active role through its regulatory responsibilities and supervisory duties. We demand stern punishment for those persons, whether in financial institutions or in Congress, whose wheeling and dealing have betrayed the public trust.\nIncome Taxes Slashed for Typical Families\n\n• We will reduce to 15 percent the tax rates for long-term capital gains to promote investment in jobs and to raise revenue for the federal government by touching off another surge of economic expansion. In 1978, we cut the capital gains tax from 49.1 percent to 28 percent; in 1981, it was slashed again to 20 percent. The cuts injected a new vitality into the economy, with the results that revenues from this tax rose 184 percent from 1978 to 1985.\n• We call for a taxpayers' bill of rights to give everyone simple and inexpensive means to resolve disputes with government. Democrats, using the Massachusetts Revenue Department as a model, intend to squeeze more out of the public by making the IRS more intrusive. Republicans will not tolerate tax cheating by anyone, but we know most Americans responsibly pay their fair share. By restoring their confidence in frugal, limited government, we will enhance compliance with tax laws that are simple and fair.\nBeating Inflation\n\nToday, the dollar is sound again. The Republican economic program brought inflation under control and lowered interest rates. Ten million more American families have bought homes for the first time. Inflation has been forced down from over 13 percent to 4 percent. Interest rates are only half of what they were at the end of the Carter years.\nIf the Democrats' inflation rates had continued all these years, a family of four would now be paying an average of $200 a month more for food and over $300 a month more for housing. That's the real cost of the Democrats' bad policies.\nThe Democrats would drag us back to those dreadful years when inflation was robbing workers of their earnings, consumers of their spending power, and families of their savings. Skyrocketing interest rates were stalling the economy and pushing decent housing out of reach for millions.\nWe can't let them do it again. To sustain the country's economic expansion, confidence in American monetary policy is vital. The possibility of imprudent action by government breeds fear, and that fear can shake the stock and commodity markets worldwide. To keep markets on an even keel, we urge objective Federal Reserve policies to achieve long-run price stability.\nRegulatory Reform\n\nThis is a success story for the entire nation. Eight years ago, the country was strangling in red tape. Decades of rules and regulations from official Washington smothered enterprise, hindered job creation, and crippled small businesses. Even worse, the federal bureaucracy was spreading its intrusion into schools, religious institutions, and neighborhoods.\nAt the outset of his Administration, President Reagan asked Vice President Bush to take charge of an unprecedented exercise in liberty: relieving Americans from oppressive and unnecessary regulations and controls. With George Bush's leadership, Republicans turned the tables on the regulators.\nWe saved consumers tens of billions of dollars in needless regulatory costs that had been added to the price of virtually every product and service.\n• In banking, we ensured that savers would get a fair return on their savings through market interest rates in place of artificially low rates capped by government.\n• In energy, transportation, telecommunications, and financial services, we made fundamental changes in the way Americans could do business. We trusted them. We hacked away at artificial rules that stifled innovation, thwarted competition, and drove up consumer prices. Indeed, telecommunications and computer technology innovations have improved economic performance in nearly every American industry and business.\n• In education, housing, and health care, we reduced the chilling effect of regulation upon the private sector and communities. Despite opposition from liberals in the Congress, we have at least slowed the expansion of federal control.\n• We turned dozens of narrow programs, full of strings attached, into a few block grants with leeway for State and local administration.\nThe job isn't over yet. We will resist the calls of Democrats to turn back or eliminate the benefits that reducing regulations has brought to Americans from every walk of life in transportation, finance, energy and many other areas. We want to reduce further the intrusion of government into the lives of our citizens. Consistent with the maintenance of a competitive market place, we are committed to breaking down unnecessary barriers to entry created by regulations, statutes, and judicial decisions, to free up capital for productive investment. Let Democrats trust the federal bureaucracy. Republicans trust the creative energy of workers and investors in a free market.\nWe are committed to further return power from the federal government to State and local governments, which are more responsive to the public and better able to administer critical public services.\nCompetition in Public Services\n\nRepublicans recognize that the American people, in their families, communities, places of work, and voluntary associations, solve problems better and faster than government. That's why the Republican Party trusts people to deal with the needs of individuals and communities, as they have done for centuries.\nIn recent decades, however, big government elbowed aside the private sector. In the process, it made public services both expensive and inefficient. The federal government should follow the lead of those cities and States which are contracting out for a wide range of activities.\nWe resolve to defederalize, denationalize, and decentralize government monopolies that poorly serve the public and waste the taxpayers' dollars. To that end, we will foster competition wherever possible.\nWe advocate privatizing those government assets that would be more productive and better maintained in private ownership. This is especially true of those public properties that have deteriorated under government control, and of public housing, where residents should have the option of managing their own project. In other areas as well, citizens and employees should be able to become stockholders and managers of government enterprises that would be more efficiently operated by private enterprise. We will not initiate production of goods and delivery of services by the federal government if they can be procured from the private sector.\nHousing\n\nThe best housing policy is sound economic policy. Low interest rates, low inflation rates, and the availability of a job with a good paycheck that makes a mortgage affordable are the best housing programs of all.\nThat has been the key to the rebirth of housing during the Reagan-Bush Administration. If things had continued the way they were in 1980, the average family today would have to pay over $300 more for housing every month. Instead, we curbed inflation, pulled down interest rates, and made housing affordable to more Americans than ever before. We promoted homeownership by stoking the engines of economic growth. The results have been spectacular.\n• Mortgage rates have fallen from 17.5 percent to single digits today.\n• Homeownership has become affordable for more than 10 million additional families.\n• Our regulatory reform campaign, in cooperation with local government and the housing industry, has pointed the way to lower housing costs through removal of needless rules that inflate prices.\nThat's only the beginning. We want to foster greater choice in housing for all:\n• First and foremost, Republicans stand united in defense of the homeowner's deduction for mortgage interest. That separates us from the Democrats who are already planning to raise taxes by limiting its deductibility.\n• We will continue our successful drive for lower interest rates.\n• We support the efforts of those in the States who fight to lower property taxes, which strike hardest at the poor, the elderly, families with children, and family farmers.\n• We support programs to allow low-income families to earn possession of their homes through urban and rural homesteading, cooperative ventures in construction and rehabilitation, and other pioneering projects that demonstrate the vitality of the private sector and individual initiative.\n• We support the FHA mortgage insurance program, the Government National Mortgage Association, the VA guarantee program, and other programs that enhance housing choices for all Americans.\n• We pledge to continue to expand opportunities for homeownership and to maintain the strength of savings institutions, including thrifts.\n• We call on the Departments of Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to develop incentives for the private sector to bring housing stock foreclosed on by federal agencies back into service for low- and moderate-income citizens.\n• We call for repeal of rent control laws, which always cause a shortage of decent housing by favoring the affluent with low rents, denying persons with modest incomes access to the housing market.\nIn public housing, we have turned away from the disasters of the past, when whole neighborhoods became instant slums through federal meddling. We have promoted a long-range program of tenant management with encouraging results already. We pledge to continue that drive and to move toward resident ownership of public housing units, which was initiated under Ronald Reagan and George Bush.\nWe are determined to replace hand-out housing with vouchers that will make low-income families neighbors in communities, not strangers in projects.\nTo ensure that federal housing funds assist communities, rather than disrupt them, we advocate merging programs into a block grant at the disposal of States and localities for a wide range of needs.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to open housing as an essential part of the opportunity we seek for all, The Reagan-Bush Administration sponsored a major strengthening of the federal fair housing law. We will enforce it vigorously and will not allow its distortion into quotas or controls.\nControlling Federal Spending\n\nThe Reagan-Bush policies of economic growth have finally turned around the deficit problem. Through Republican-initiated constraints on spending, the federal budget deficit dropped by over 25 percent last year. With the help of the Gramm-Rudman law and a flexible budget freeze, a balanced budget can be expected by 1993.\nBut the relentless spending of congressional Democrats can undo our best efforts. No president can cause deficits; Congress votes to spend money. The American people must prevent big-spending congressional Democrats from bringing back big budget deficits; we must return both the Senate and the House of Representatives to Republican control for the first time in 36 years.\nIn 1981, we inherited a federal spending machine that was out of control. During the Carter-Mondale years, spending grew by 13.6 percent annually. We cut that growth rate in half, but the cancer still expands, as it has in some States such as Massachusetts where the budget has increased more than twice as fast as the federal budget. We will not be content until government establishes a balanced budget and reduces its demands upon the productivity and earnings of the American people.\nWe categorically reject the notion that Congress knows how to spend money better than the American people do. Tax hikes are like addictive drugs. Every shot makes Congress want to spend more. Even with the Republican tax cuts of 1981, revenues have increased by about $50 billion every year. But congressional spending has increased even more! For every $1 Congress takes in in new taxes, it spends $1.25.\nThat's why congressional Democrats have sabotaged the Republican program to control the federal budget. They refuse to put any reasonable restraints on appropriations. They smuggle through pork barrel deals in huge \"continuing resolutions\" larded for the special interests. They oppose the balanced budget amendment and all reforms in the bankrupt process. They mock the restraints legally mandated by our Gramm-Rudman budget plan.\nEnough is enough. It's time to push through the Republican agenda for budget reform to teach the Congress the kind of financial responsibility that characterizes the American family:\n• We call for structural changes to control government waste, including a two-year budget cycle, a super-majority requirement for raising taxes, a legislatively enacted line-item veto, individual transmission of spending bills, greater rescission authority for the chief executive and other reforms.\n• We call for a flexible freeze on current government spending. We insist on the discipline to provide stable funding for important government programs, increasing spending only for true national priorities. We oppose any increase in taxes, so that the economy will continue to expand and so revenues from a growing tax base will reduce the deficit.\n• We believe the Grace Commission report to eliminate waste, inefficiency, and mismanagement in the federal government must be re-examined; its recommendations should be given a high profile by public policy officials.\n• We call for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. If congressional Democrats continue to block it, we urge the States to renew their calls for a constitutional convention limited to consideration of such an amendment.\n• We will use all constitutional authority to control congressional spending. This will include consideration of the inherent line-item veto power of the president.\nOpening Markets Abroad\n\nAmerica's best years lie ahead. Because Republicans have faith in individuals, we welcome the challenge of world competition with confidence in our country's ability to out-produce, out-manage, out-think, and out-sell anyone.\nThis is the voters' choice in 1988: compete or retreat. The American people and the Republican Party are not about to retreat.\nTo make the 1990s America's decade in international trade, Republicans will advance trade through strength. We will not accept the loss of American jobs to nationalized, subsidized, protected foreign industries and will continue to negotiate assertively the destruction of trade barriers:\n• We negotiated a sweeping free trade agreement with Canada, our largest trading partner. Under this agreement, Americans will be able to trade, invest, and prosper, with no barriers to competition and economic growth.\n• We have sought enforcement of U.S. international trade rights more vigorously than any previous Administration. The Reagan-Bush Administration was the first to self-initiate formal trade actions against unfair foreign market barriers.\n• We launched the \"Uruguay Round\" of trade talks to promote a more open trading system and to address new trade problems that stifle world economic progress.\n• We negotiated long and hard to beat back the most protectionist provisions in trade legislation and produced a bill that focuses on opening markets around the world.\n• We support multilateral actions to open up foreign markets to U.S. products through the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. We will use GATT as well to deal with problems involving agricultural subsidies, trade in services, intellectual property rights, and economic relations with countries that mismanage their economies by suppressing market forces.\nWe will not tolerate unfair trade and will use free trade as a weapon against it. To ensure that rapid progress is forthcoming from our work in GATT, we stand ready to pursue bilateral arrangements with nations which share our commitment to free trade. We have begun with the U.S.-Israel and U.S.-Canada free trade agreements. These agreements should be used as a model by the entire Western Hemisphere as it moves toward becoming a free trade zone, a powerhouse of productivity that can spur economic growth throughout the continents. We are prepared to negotiate free trade agreements with partners like the Republic of China on Taiwan and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries if they are willing to open their markets to U.S. products.\nThe emerging global economy has required American workers and consumers to adapt to far-reaching transformations on every continent. These changes will accelerate in the years ahead as nations with free economic systems rush toward a future of incredible promise. International trade among market economies is the driving force behind an unprecedented expansion of opportunity and income.\nUnfortunately, international markets are still restricted by antiquated policies: protective tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. These hinder world trade and hurt everyone, producers and consumers alike. It is the politicians and special interests who use protectionism to cover up their failures and enrich themselves at the expense of the country as a whole.\nWe propose that the General Accounting Office be required to issue regular statistics on the costs of U.S. trade restrictions to American workers, consumers, and businesses.\nThe bosses of the Democrat Party have thrown in the towel and abandoned the American worker and producer. They have begun a full-scale retreat into protectionism, an economic narcotic that saps the life out of commerce, closes foreign markets to U.S. producers and growers, and costs American consumers billions of dollars. The Democrats' plans would endanger 200,000 jobs and $8 billion in economic activity in agriculture alone! Over the past year, U.S. exports have expanded by 30 percent. The Democrats would reverse that growth by cowering behind trade barriers.\nThe bottom line in international trade must be American excellence. Every part of our economy is challenged to renew its commitment to quality. We must redouble our efforts to cut regulation, keep taxes low, and promote capital formation to sustain the advance of science and technology. Changes in both the managing of business and our approach to work, together with a new emphasis on quality and pleasing the customer, are creating a new work place ethic in our country. We will meet the challenges of international competition by know-how and cooperation, enterprise and daring, and trust in a well-trained work force to achieve more than government can even attempt.\nInternational Economic Policy\n\nEight years ago, Ronald Reagan and George Bush offered visionary leadership to make a clean break with the failed past of international economics.\nOur economic success is now acknowledged worldwide. Countries all over the world, even the Soviet Union, are abandoning worn out industrial policy planning by government in favor of the market-oriented policies underlying what foreign leaders call the \"American Miracle.\"\nWe encouraged the major economic powers to draw greater guidance for their monetary policies from commodity prices. This was an important step toward ensuring price stability, eliminating volatility of exchange rates, and removing excessive trade imbalances.\nWe support the Administration's efforts to improve coordination among the industrialized nations regarding their basic economic policies as a means of sustaining non-inflationary growth. It is important that we continue and refine efforts to dampen the volatility of exchange rate fluctuations, which have at times impeded improvements in investment and trade. Further, it is important to guard against the possibility of inflation in all currencies by comparing them with a basket of commodities, including gold.\nInternational price stability will set the stage for developing countries to participate in the transforming process of economic growth. We will not turn our backs on the Third World, where Soviet imperialism preys upon stagnation and poverty. The massive debt of some emerging nations not only cripples their progress but also disrupts world trade and finance.\nWe will use U.S. economic aid, whether bilateral or through international organizations, to promote free market reforms: lower marginal tax rates, less regulation, reduced trade barriers. We will work with developing nations to make their economies attractive to private investment—both domestic and foreign—as the only lasting way to ensure that these nations can secure capital for growth. We support innovations to facilitate repayment of loans, including \"debt for equity\" swaps. We urge our representatives in all multilateral organizations such as the World Bank to support conditionality with all loans to encourage democracy, private sector development, and individual enterprise. As part of our commitment to the family as the building block of economic progress, we believe decisions on family size should be made freely by each family, and we remain opposed to U.S. funding for organizations involved in abortion.\nTo dig their way out of debt, those nations must do more than take out additional loans. They need America's greatest export: capitalism. While sharing the pie of prosperity with others, we will teach its recipe. It is this simple: Where democracy and free markets take root, people live better. Where people live better, they produce and trade more. As capitalism spreads throughout the world, more nations are prospering, international commerce is booming, and U.S. trade is breaking records.\nBut even more important than economic progress is the advance of freedom. Republicans want not only a better life for the people of developing lands; we want a freer and more peaceful future for them, too. Those goals are inextricably linked. It is a case of all or nothing, and we believe that free people can have it all.\nFrom all over the world, capital flows into the United States because of confidence in our future. Direct investment in America creates important economy-wide benefits: jobs, growth, and lower interest rates. We oppose shortsighted attempts to restrict or overly regulate this investment in America that helps our people work, earn, and live better.\nMost important, we will lead by example. We will keep the United States a shining model of individual freedom and economic liberty to encourage other peoples of the world to assert their own economic rights and secure opportunity for all.\nStrong Families and Strong Communities\n\nStrong families build strong communities. They make us a confident, caring society by fostering the values and character—integrity, responsibility, sharing and altruism—essential for the survival of democracy. America's place in the 21st century will be determined by the family's place in public policy today.\nRepublicans believe, as did the framers of the Constitution, that the God-given rights of the family come before those of government. That separates us from liberal Democrats. We seek to strengthen the family. Democrats try to supplant it. In the 1960s and 1970s, the family bore the brunt of liberal attacks on everything the American people cherished. Our whole society paid dearly.\nIt's time to put things together again. Republicans have started this critical task:\n• We brought fairness to the tax code, removed millions of low income families from the rolls, and cut tax rates dramatically.\n• We reestablished a pro-family tax system. We doubled the exemption for dependents and protected families from backdoor tax hikes by indexing the exemption to inflation.\n• We tamed inflation to lower interest rates, protected the savings of the elderly, and made housing more affordable for millions of households.\n• We fought to reverse crime rates and launched the nation's first all-out war on drug abuse, though there is still much more to do.\n• We appointed judges who respect family rights, family values, and the rights of victims of crime.\n• We brought education back to basics, back to parents, and strengthened the principle of local control.\n• Through President Reagan's historic executive order on the family, we set standards in law for determining whether policies help or hurt the American family.\nRepublicans have brought hope to families on the front lines of America's social reconstruction. We pledge to fulfill that hope and to keep the family at its proper place at the center of public policy.\nCaring for Children\n\nThe family's most important function is to raise the next generation of Americans, handing on to them the Judeo-Christian values of Western civilization and our ideals of liberty. More than anything else, the ability of America's families to accomplish those goals will determine the course our country takes in the century ahead.\nOur society is in an era of sweeping change. In this era of unprecedented opportunity, more women than ever before have entered the work force. As a result, many households depend upon some form of non-parental care for their youngsters. Relatives, neighbors, churches and synagogues, employers and others in the private sector, are helping to meet the demand for quality care. In the process, we are learning more about the needs of children and about the impact of various forms of care. That knowledge should guide public policy and private options on many issues affecting the way we work and raise our families.\nRepublicans affirm these commonsense principles of child care:\n• The more options families have in child care, the better. Government must not constrain their decisions. Individual choice should determine child care arrangements for the family.\n• The best care for most children, especially in the early years, is parental. Government must never hinder it.\n• Public policy must acknowledge the full range of family situations. Mothers or fathers who stay at home, who work part-time, or who work full-time, should all receive the same respect and consideration in public policy.\n• Child care by close relatives, religious organizations, and other community groups should never be inhibited by government programs or policies.\nIn sum, this is a perfect example of the difference between the two parties. Republicans want to empower individuals, not bureaucrats. We seek to minimize the financial burdens imposed by government upon families, ensure their options, and preserve the role of our traditional voluntary institutions. Democrats propose a new federal program that negates parental choice and disdains religious participation. Republicans would never bar aid to any family for choosing child care that includes a simple prayer.\nIn returning to our traditional commitment to children, the Republican Party proposes a radically different approach:\n• Establish a toddler tax credit for pre-school children as proposed by Vice President Bush, available to all families of modest means, to help them support and care for their children in a manner best suited to their families' values and traditions.\n• Establishment of a plan that does not discriminate against single-earner families with one parent in the home.\n• Continue to reverse the Democrats' 30-year erosion of the dependent tax exemption. That exemption has been doubled under Republican leadership. This will empower parents to care for their families in a way that public services can never do.\n• Make the dependent care tax credit available to low-income families with young children.\n• Eliminate disincentives for grandparents and other seniors to care for children by repealing the earnings limitation for Social Security recipients.\n• Encourage States to promote child care programs which allow teenage mothers to remain in school.\n• Promote in-home care—preferred by almost all parents—by allowing annual, instead of quarterly, payments of income taxes by employees and withholding taxes by employers.\n• Encourage employers, including government agencies, to voluntarily address their employees' child care needs and use more flexible work schedules and job sharing to recognize the household demands upon their work force.\n• Reform the tort liability system to prevent excessive litigation that discourages child care by groups who stand ready to meet the needs of working parents.\n• Reform Federal Home Mortgage Association rules to retain mortgage eligibility for homeowners who offer family child care.\nAdoption\n\nAdoption is a special form of caring for children. We recognize the tremendous contributions of adoptive parents and foster parents. The Reagan-Bush Administration has given unprecedented attention to adoption through a presidential task force, whose recommendations point the way toward vastly expanding opportunities for children in need.\nRepublicans are determined to cut through red tape to facilitate the adoption process for those who can offer strong family life based on traditional values. Trapping minority and special needs children in the foster care system, when there are families ready to adopt these youngsters, is a national disgrace. We urge States to remove obstacles to the permanent placement of foster children and to reform antiquated regulations that make adoption needlessly difficult.\nPornography\n\nAmerica's children deserve to be free from pornography. We applaud Republicans in the 100th Congress who took the lead to ban interstate dial-a-porn. We endorse legislative and regulatory efforts to anchor more securely a standard of decency in telecommunications and to prohibit the sale of sexually explicit materials in outlets operated on federal property. We commend those who refuse to sell pornographic material. We support the rigorous enforcement of \"community standards\" against pornography.\nHealth\n\nAmericans are accustomed to miracles in health care. The relentless advance of science, boosted by space age technology, has transformed the quality of health care and broadened the exercise of our compassion. By the year 2000, more than 100,000 Americans will be more than 100 years old. Yesterday's science fiction regularly becomes today's medical routine.\nThe American people almost lost all that in the 1960s and 1970s, when political demagogues offered quack cures for the ills of our health care system. They tried to impose here the nationalized medicine that was disastrous in other countries.\nRepublicans believe in reduced government control of health care while maintaining an unequivocal commitment to quality health care:\n• We fostered competition and consumer choice as the only way to hold down the medical price spiral generated by government's open-ended spending on health programs.\n• We gave the hospice movement its important role in federal programs.\n• We launched a national campaign to ensure quality treatment and to prevent abuse in nursing homes.\n• We led the way to enacting landmark legislation for catastrophic health insurance under Medicare.\n• We speeded up the regulatory process for experimental drugs for life-threatening illness and loosened import controls to allow greater choice by patients.\n• We promoted health care through pilot projects in the States. We took extraordinary steps to ensure home health care so that chronically ill children under Medicaid would not have to stay in the hospital.\nRepublicans will continue the recovery of America's health care system from the Democrats' mistakes of the past:\n• We will promote continuing innovation to ensure that tomorrow's miracles are affordable and accessible to all. We are encouraged by advances in communications which enable small or isolated facilities to tap the resources of the world' s greatest centers of healing. Many breakthroughs in recent years have dramatically reduced the incidence of surgery and replaced lengthy hospital stays with out-patient treatment.\n• We will work for continuing progress in providing the most cost-effective, high-quality care.\n• We will lead the fight for reform of medical malpractice laws to stop the intolerable escalation of malpractice insurance. It has artificially boosted costs for patients, driven many good doctors out of fields such as obstetrics and other high-risk specialties, and made care unavailable for many patients.\n• We are opposed to the establishment of government mandated professional practice fees and services requirements as a condition of professional licensure or license renewal.\n• We are committed to avoiding the medical crisis facing Massachusetts—a State for which the American Medical Association observed a \"moment of silence\" at its annual meeting—a State where the decline in the availability of medical care has reached a dangerous level.\n• We will continue to seek opportunities for private and public cooperation in support of hospices.\n• We are committed to improving the quality and financing of long-term care. We will remove regulatory and tax burdens to encourage private health insurance policies for acute or long term care. We will work for convertibility of savings, IRAs, life insurance, and pensions to pay for long term care.\n• We will encourage the trend in the private sector to expand opportunities for home health care to protect the integrity of the family and to provide a less expensive alternative to hospital stays. We want to ensure flexibility for both Medicare and Medicaid in the provision of services to those who need them at home or elsewhere.\n• We will foster employee choice in selecting health plans to promote personal responsibility for wellness.\n• Recognizing that medical catastrophes can strike regardless of age, we empathize with the plight of the thousands of American families with catastrophically ill children and will work toward making catastrophic health care coverage available to our youngest citizens.\n• Recognizing that inequities may exist in the current treatment of health insurance costs for those who are self-employed, including farmers, we will study ways to more appropriately balance such costs.\n• We will continue to promote alternative forms of group health care that foster competition and lower costs.\n• We will make special provision for relief of rural hospitals and health care providers who have been unduly burdened by federal cost containment efforts. The availability of health services, especially during a crisis like the current drought, is essential for rural America.\n• We will continue generous funding for the National Institutes of Health.\n• We will hold down Medicaid costs by promoting State pilot programs to give low-income persons the opportunity to secure health insurance. We demand tough penalties against providers who defraud this and other health programs.\n• We will work to assure access to health care for all Americans through public and private initiatives.\n• We will promote wellness, especially for the nation's youth. Personal responsibility in behavior and diet will dramatically reduce the incidence of avoidable disease and curb health care costs in decades ahead.\n• We will call on the Food and Drug Administration to accelerate its certification of technically sound alternatives to animal testing of drugs and cosmetics when considering data regarding product safety and efficacy.\nAIDS\n\nThose who suffer from AIDS, their families, and the men and women of medicine who care for the afflicted deserve our compassion and help. The Reagan-Bush Administration launched the nation's fight against AIDS, committing more than $5 billion in the last five years. For 1989, the President's budget recommends a 42 percent increase in current funding.\nWe will vigorously fight against AIDS, recognizing that the enemy is one of the deadliest diseases to challenge medical research. Continued research on the virus is vital. We will continue as well to provide experimental drugs that may prolong life. We will establish within the Food and Drug Administration a process for expedited review of drugs which may benefit AIDS patients. We will allow supervised usage of experimental treatments.\nWe must not only marshal our scientific resources against AIDS, but must also protect those who do not have the disease. In this regard, education plays a critical role. AIDS education should emphasize that abstinence from drug abuse and sexual activity outside of marriage is the safest way to avoid infection with the AIDS virus. It is extremely important that testing and contact tracing measures be carried out and be appropriately confidential, as is the case with the long-standing public health measures to control other communicable diseases that are less dangerous than AIDS.\nWe will remove barriers to making use of one's own (autologous) blood or blood from a designated donor, and we call for penalties for knowingly donating tainted blood or otherwise deliberately endangering others.\nThe latency period between infection with the virus and onset of AIDS can be lengthy. People should be encouraged to seek early diagnosis and to remain on the job or in school as long as they are functionally capable.\nHealthy Children, Healthy Families\n\nAs we strengthen the American family, we improve the health of the nation. From prenatal care to old age, strong family life is the lynchpin of wellness and compassion.\nThis is especially important with regard to babies. We have reduced infant mortality, but it remains a serious problem in areas where alcohol, drugs, and neglect take a fearful toll on newborns. We will target federal health programs to help mothers and infants get a good start in life. We will assist neighborhood institutions, including religious groups, in reaching out to those on the margins of society to save their children, especially from fetal alcohol syndrome, the major cause of birth defects in this country.\nInadequate prenatal care for expectant mothers is the cause of untold numbers of premature and low birth-weight babies. These newborns start life at severe disadvantage and often require massive health care investments to have a chance for normal childhood. We continue to endorse the provision of adequate prenatal care for all expectant mothers, especially the poor and young.\nWe hail the way fetal medicine is revolutionizing care of children and dramatically expanding our knowledge of human development. Accordingly, we call for fetal protection, both in the work place and in scientific research.\nMany of the health problems of young people today stem from poverty, moral confusion, and family disruption. Republicans are ready to address the root causes of today's youth crisis:\n• We will assert absolutes of right and wrong concerning drug abuse and other forms of self-destructive behavior.\n• We will require parental consent for unemancipated minors to receive contraceptives from federally funded family planning clinics.\n• We support efforts like the Adolescent Family Life program to teach teens the traditional values of restraint and the sanctity of marriage.\n• We urge all branches of the entertainment and communications industry to exercise greater responsibility in addressing the youth market.\nTo prepare for tomorrow's expanding opportunities, today's young Americans must be challenged by high values with the support that comes from strong families. That is the surest way to guide them to their own affirmation of life.\nOlder Americans\n\nOlder Americans are both our bridge to all that is precious in our history and the enduring foundation on which we build the future. Young Americans see most clearly when they stand on the shoulders of the past.\nAfter eight years of President Reagan's youthful leadership, older Americans are safer and more secure. In 1980, we promised to put Social Security back on a sound financial footing. We delivered. We established the national commission that developed the plan to restore the system and led the way in enacting its recommendations into law.\nNow that Social Security is in healthy shape, congressional Democrats are plotting ways to use its short-term revenue surplus for their own purposes. We make this promise: They shall not do so. We pledge to preserve the integrity of the Social Security trust funds. We encourage public officials at all levels to safeguard the integrity of public and private pension funds against raiding by anyone, in labor, business, or government, such as in Massachusetts where the current Democrat governor has raided $29 million from the State pension reserves to fund his enormous deficit in the State budget.\nWe will not allow liberal Democrats to imperil the other gains the elderly have made during the Reagan-Bush Administration:\n• Inflation, the despoiler of household budgets for the aged, has been reduced to less than one-third its peak rate under the last Democrat Administration.\n• Passage of our anti-crime legislation has helped target resources to fight crime against the elderly, many of whom have been prisoners in their own homes.\n• As a result of the Republican economic program, the poverty rate for older Americans has declined by 20 percent during the Republican Administration. When the value of non-cash benefits is counted, the poverty rate is the lowest in history: 3 percent.\n• We dramatically cut estate taxes so surviving spouses will not have to sell off the property they worked a lifetime to enjoy just to pay the IRS.\n• President Reagan led the Congress in expanding Medicare coverage to include catastrophic health costs.\n• Effective spending on Medicare has more than doubled. We have, however, saved money for both taxpayers and beneficiaries through reforms in Medicare procedures.\n• Congressional Republicans have supported reauthorization of the broad range of programs under the Older Americans Act.\n• The Republican Party reaffirms its long-standing opposition to the earnings test for Social Security recipients. Industrious older persons should not be penalized for continuing to contribute their skills and experience to society.\nThe 1990s should be the best decade ever for America's older worker. Older Americans will be our natural teachers. In a civilization headed for the stars, they will help us keep our feet on the ground.\nThe Homeless\n\nRepublicans are determined to help the homeless as a matter of ethical commitment, as well as sound public policy. The Reagan-Bush Administration has been at the forefront of the effort:\n• In 1987, President Reagan signed a $1 billion aid package to help local governments aid the homeless.\n• In 1988, the federal government will spend $400 million on emergency shelters and medical care alone. Today, a total of 45 federally assisted programs are potentially available to the homeless.\n• In 1983, we launched an Emergency Food and Shelter Program under the Federal Emergency Management Administration.\n• The General Services Administration has donated both buildings and equipment for shelters.\n• In 1985, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) began to lease single-family homes at a nominal rent for use as shelters.\n• The Department of Agriculture has provided hundreds of millions of dollars worth of surplus food—more than 1.1 billion pounds to soup kitchens and shelters.\n• The Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration gives the States about a half-billion dollars a year to offset the lack of outpatient services.\nHomelessness demonstrates the failure of liberalism. It is the result of Democrat policies in the 1960s and 1970s that disrupted mental health care, family stability, low-cost housing, and the authority of towns and cities to deal with people in need. Republicans are ready to deal with the root causes of the problem:\n• Our top priority must be homeless families. As part of an overall emphasis on family responsibility, we will strongly enforce child support laws. We call for development of a model divorce reform law that will adequately safeguard the economic and social interests of mothers and children while securing fairness to fathers in decisions concerning child custody and support.\n• We will improve safety in federally assisted shelters for the good of all, particularly families.\n• We will work with State and local governments to ensure that education is available to homeless children. All appropriate federal education and health programs must make provision for the special needs of these youngsters.\n• We will create, as a national emergency effort, a regulatory reform task force drawn from all levels of government to break through the restrictions that keep 1.7 million housing units unrehabilitated and out of use. We will explore incentives for the private sector to put these housing units back into service.\n• As detailed elsewhere in this platform, we will advance tenant management and resident ownership of public housing as a proven means of upgrading the living environment of low-income families.\n• We favor expanding Community Development Block Grants for acquiring or rehabilitating buildings for shelters. We urge work requirements, no matter how modest, for shelter residents so they can retain skills and a sense of responsibility for their future.\n• Rent controls promise housing below its market cost, but inevitably result in a shortage of decent homes. Our people should not have to underwrite any community which erodes its own housing supply by rent control.\nWe call upon the courts to cooperate with local officials and police departments in arranging for treatment for persons whose actions disrupt the community or endanger their own or others' safety.\nConstitutional Government and Individual Rights\n\nEqual Rights\n\nSince its inception, the Republican Party has stood for the worth of every person. On that ground, we support the pluralism and diversity that have been part of our country's greatness. \"Deep in our hearts, we do believe\":\n• That bigotry has no place in American life. We denounce those persons, organizations, publications and movements which practice or promote racism, anti-Semitism or religious intolerance.\n• That the Pledge of Allegiance should be recited daily in schools in all States. Students who learn we are \"one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all\" will shun the politics of fear.\n• In equal fights for all. The Reagan-Bush Administration has taken to court a record number of civil fights and employment discrimination cases. We will continue our vigorous enforcement of statutes to prevent illegal discrimination on account of sex, race, creed, or national origin.\n• In guaranteeing opportunity, not dictating the results of fair competition. We will resist efforts to replace equal rights with discriminatory quota systems and preferential treatment. Quotas are the most insidious form of reverse discrimination against the innocent.\n• In defending religious freedom. Mindful of our religious diversity, we firmly support the fight of students to engage in voluntary prayer in schools. We call for full enforcement of the Republican legislation that now guarantees equal access to school facilities by student religious groups.\n• That the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We therefore reaffirm our support for a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose the use of public revenues for abortion and will eliminate funding for organizations which advocate or support abortion. We commend the efforts of those individuals and religious and private organizations that are providing positive alternatives to abortion by meeting the physical, emotional, and financial needs of pregnant women and offering adoption services where needed.\n• We applaud President Reagan's fine record of judicial appointments, and we reaffirm our support for the appointment of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.\n• That churches, religious schools and any other religious institution should not be taxed. We reject as wrong, bigoted, and a massive violation of the First Amendment the current attempt by the American Civil Liberties Union to tax the Roman Catholic Church or any other religious institutions it targets in the future.\nPrivate Property\n\nWe believe the right of private property is the cornerstone of liberty. It safeguards for citizens everything of value, including their right of contract to produce and sell goods and services. We want to expand ownership to all Americans, for that is the key for individuals to control their own future.\nTo advance private stewardship of natural resources, we call for a reduction in the amount of land controlled by government, especially in our western States. Private ownership is best for our economy, best for our environment, and best for our communities. We likewise consider water rights a State issue, not a federal one.\nWomen's Rights\n\nWe renew our historic commitment to equal rights for women. The Republican Party pioneered the right of women to vote and initiated the rights now embodied in the Equal Pay Act, requiring equal pay for equal work. But legal rights mean nothing without opportunity, and that has been the hallmark of Republican policy. In government, the Reagan-Bush team has broken all records for the advancement of women to the most important positions: 28 percent of the top policy-level appointments went to women. But far more important than what we've done in government is what women have accomplished with the economic freedom and incentives our policies have provided them.\nWe must remove remaining obstacles to women's achieving their full potential and full reward. That does not include the notion of federally mandated comparable worth, which would substitute the decisions of bureaucrats for the judgment of individuals. It does include equal rights for women who work for the Congress. We call upon the Democrat leadership of the House and Senate to join Republican Members in applying to Congress the civil rights laws that apply to the rest of the nation. Women should not be second-class citizens anywhere in our country, but least of all beneath the dome of the Capitol.\n• Recognizing that women represent less than 5 percent of the U.S. Congress, only 12 percent of the nation's statewide offices, plus 15 percent of State legislative positions, the Republican Party strongly supports the achievements of women in seeking an equal role in the governing of our country and is committed to the vigorous recruitment, training, and campaign support of women candidates at all levels.\nAmericans with Disabilities\n\nOne measure of our country's greatness is the way it treats its disabled citizens.\nOur citizens are the nation's most precious resource. As Republicans, we are committed to ensuring increased opportunities for every individual to reach his or her maximum potential. This commitment includes providing opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The 1980s have been a revolution, a declaration of independence for persons with disabilities, and Republicans have initiated policies which remove barriers so that such persons are more independent.\nThe most effective way to increase opportunities for such persons is to remove intentional and unintentional barriers to education, employment, housing, transportation, health care, and other basic services. Republicans have played an important role in removing such barriers:\n• Republicans supported the creation of a new program to provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities.\n• Republicans initiated a supported employment program that allows individuals with severe disabilities to earn competitive wages in integrated work settings, thus, in many instances, creating first-time taxpayers.\n• Republicans initiated changes in the Social Security Act that now permit individuals with disabilities to work without losing health insurance coverage.\n• Republicans developed legislation to increase the availability of technology-related assistance for individuals with disabilities, thereby increasing their ability to do things for themselves, others, and their communities.\n• Republicans have made a sustained commitment to policies that create opportunities for individuals with disabilities to lead productive and creative lives.\nRepublicans will continue to support such policies:\n• We recognize the great potential of disabled persons and support efforts to remove artificial barriers that inhibit them from reaching their potential, and making their contributions, in education, employment and recreation. This includes the removal, insofar as practicable, of architectural, transportation, communication and attitudinal barriers.\n• We support efforts to provide disabled voters full access to the polls and opportunity to participate in all aspects of the political process.\n• By promoting vigorous economic growth, we will provide incentives for the scientific and technological research that may reverse or compensate for many disabilities.\n• We pledge to fight discrimination in health care. Following the example of President Reagan, we insist upon full treatment for disabled infants. We find no basis, whether in law or medicine or ethics, for denying care or treatment to any medically dependent or disabled person because of handicap, age, or infirmity.\n• We will strongly enforce statutory prohibitions barring discrimination because of handicap in any program receiving federal financial assistance.\n• We will protect the rights established under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act. We will balance those rights against the public's right to be protected against diseases and conditions which directly threaten the health and safety of others.\n• We recognize the need to procedural due process rights of persons with disabilities both to prevent their placement into inappropriate programs or settings and to ensure that their rights are represented by guardians or other advocates when necessary.\nWe endorse policies that give individuals with disabilities the right to participate in decisions related to their education, the right to affect how and where they live and the right to choose or change a job or career.\nTo further promote the independence and productivity of people with disabilities and their integration into the mainstream of life, the Republican Party supports legislation to remove the bias in the Medicaid program toward serving disabled individuals in isolated institutional settings and ensure that appropriate, community-based services are reimbursable through Medicaid.\nNative Americans\n\nWe support self-determination for Indian Tribes in managing their own affairs and resources. Recognizing the government-to-government trust responsibility, we will work to end dependency fostered by federal controls. Reservations should be free to become enterprise zones so their people can fully share in America's prosperity. We will work with tribal governments to improve environmental conditions and will ensure equitable participation by Native Americans in federal programs in health, housing, job training and education.\nWe endorse efforts to preserve the culture of native Hawaiians and to ensure their equitable participation in federal programs that can recognize and preserve their unique place in the life of our nation.\nThe Right of Gun Ownership\n\nRepublicans defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. When this right is abused by an individual who uses a gun in the commission of a crime, we call for stiff, mandatory penalties.\nThe Rights of Workers\n\nWe affirm the right of all freely to form, join or assist labor organizations to bargain collectively, consistent with State laws. Labor relations must be based on fairness and mutual respect. We renew our long-standing support for the right of States to enact \"Right-to-Work\" laws. To protect the political rights of every worker, we oppose the use of compulsory dues or fees for partisan purposes. Workers should not have to pay for political activity they oppose, and no worker should be coerced by violence or intimidation by any party to a labor dispute.\nThe Republican Party supports legislation to mend the Hobbs Act, so that union officials, like all other Americans, are once again subject to the law's prohibition against extortion and violence in labor disputes.\nWe also support amendments to the National Labor Relations Act to provide greater protection from labor violence for workers who choose to work during strikes.\nThe Right to Political Participation\n\nRepublicans want to broaden involvement in the political process. We oppose government controls that make it harder for average citizens to be politically active. We especially condemn the congressional Democrats' scheme to force taxpayer funding of campaigns.\nBecause we support citizen participation in politics, we continue to favor whatever legislation may be necessary to permit American citizens residing in Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas Islands, and Puerto Rico to vote for president and vice president in national elections and permit their elected federal delegate to have the rights and privileges—except for voting on the floor—of other Members of Congress.\nPuerto Rico has been a territory of the United States since 1898. The Republican Party vigorously supports the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted into the Union as a fully sovereign State after they freely so determine. Therefore, we support the establishment of a presidential task force to prepare the necessary legislation to ensure that the people of Puerto Rico have the opportunity to exercise at the earliest possible date their right to apply for admission into the Union.\nWe also pledge that a decision of the people of Puerto Rico in favor of statehood will be implemented through an admission bill that would provide for a smooth fiscal transition, recognize the concept of a multi-cultural society for its citizens, and ensure the right to retain their Spanish language and traditions.\nWe recognize that the people of Guam have voted for a closer relationship with the United States of America, and we reaffirm our support of their right to improve their political relationship through a commonwealth status.\nThe Republican Party welcomes, as the newest member of the American family, the people of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, who became U.S. citizens with President Reagan's 1986 presidential proclamation.\nImmigration\n\nWe welcome those from other lands who bring to America their ideals and industry. At the same time, we insist upon our country's absolute right to control its borders. We call upon our allies to join us in the responsibility shared by all democratic nations for resettlement of refugees, especially those fleeing communism in Southeast Asia.\nRestoring the Constitution\n\nWe reassert adherence to the Tenth Amendment, reserving to the States and to the people all powers not expressly delegated to the national government.\nOur Constitution provides for a separation of powers among the three branches of government. In that system, judicial power must be exercised with deference toward State and local authority; it must not expand at the expense of our representative institutions. When the courts try to reorder the priorities of the American people, they undermine the stature of the judiciary and erode respect for the rule of law. That is why we commend the Reagan-Bush team for naming to the federal courts distinguished women and men committed to judicial restraint, the rights of law-abiding citizens, and traditional family values. We pledge to continue their record. Where appropriate, we support congressional use of Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution to restrict the jurisdiction of federal courts.\nGovernment Ethics and Congressional Reform\n\nAs the United States celebrates the bicentennial of the U.S. Congress, many Americans are becoming painfully aware that they are being dis-enfranchised and inadequately represented by their elected officials.\nIndeed, the process of government has broken down on Capitol Hill. The Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution would be shocked by congressional behavior:\n• The Democrat congressional leaders exempt themselves from the laws they impose on the people in areas like health, safety and civil rights.\n• Salaries and staff keep growing. Lavish free mailing privileges and other power perks help most incumbents hold onto their offices, election after election.\n• Out of 91 appropriations bills in the past seven years, only seven made it to the president's desk on time.\n• A catch-all bill to fund the government for 1988 was 2,100 pages long, lumping together 13 money bills that should have been separately subject to presidential review.\n• $44 billion is currently being spent for programs not authorized by legislation.\n• Special interest spending and pork barrel deals are larded throughout massive bills passed in chaotic late-night sessions.\n• Vetoed bills are not dealt with directly by the Congress but are buried in other pending legislation.\n• Phony numbers are used to estimate budgets and to cover up the true costs of legislation.\nEven worse, outright offenses against ethical standards and public laws are treated lightly. National security leaks go unpunished. In the House of Representatives, the Ethics Committee has become a shield for Democrats who get caught but don't get punished.\nAfter 36 years of one-party rule, the House of Representatives is no longer the people's branch of government. It is the broken branch. It is an arrogant oligarchy that has subverted the Constitution. The Democrat congressional leaders:\n• Stole a congressional seat from the people of Indiana by barring a duly elected, and officially certified, Republican Member.\n• Flagrantly abuse every standard of accepted procedure by adjourning and, contrary to 200 years of House tradition, immediately reconvening in order to create a \"new day\" and pass legislation previously defeated.\n• Deny the century-old right of the minority party to offer its final alternatives to bills.\n• Change House rules to prevent debate and thwart the offering of amendments.\n• Rig adoption of substantive legislation on mere procedural votes, so their followers won't be accountable on controversial votes to the people back home.\n• Protect their cronies charged with personal misconduct or criminal activities.\n• Refuse to allow the House to vote on issues of tremendous concern to the American people and viciously penalize independent Democrats who vote their conscience.\n• Rig the subcommittee system to give themselves artificial majorities and additional staff members.\nRepublicans want to hold accountable to the people, the Congress and every other element of government. We will:\n• Extend the independent counsel law to Congress.\n• Apply health and safety laws and civil rights statutes to the Congress.\n• Give to whistle-blowers on Capitol Hill the same legal protection they have in the executive branch, to encourage employees to report illegalities, corruption and sexual harassment.\n• Implement the budget reform agenda outlined elsewhere in this platform—a balanced budget amendment, line-item veto, and other steps—to restore accountability, order, and truth in government to the way Congress spends the people's money.\n• Support citizen efforts in the Senate to defeat the gerrymanders that steal seats for Democrat congressmen by denying fair representation to the voters.\n• Force democracy into the committee system of the House so that committees and staffs reflect the overall composition of the House.\n• We favor a constitutional amendment which would place some restriction on the number of consecutive terms a man or woman may serve in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate.\nEducation for the Future\n\nRepublican leadership has launched a new era in American education. Our vision of excellence has brought education back to parents, back to basics, and back on a track of excellence leading to a brighter and stronger future for America.\nBecause education is the key to opportunity, we must make America a nation of learners, ready to compete in the rapidly changing world of the future. Our goal is to combine traditional values and enduring truths with the most modern techniques and technology for teaching and learning.\nThis challenge will be immense. For two decades before 1981, poor public policies had led to an alarming decline in performance in our schools. Unfocused federal spending seemed to worsen the situation, hamstringing education with regulations and wasting resources in faddish programs top-heavy with administrative overhead.\nThen President Reagan and Vice President Bush rallied our \"nation at risk.\" The response was in the best tradition of the American people. In every State, indeed, in every community, individuals and organizations have launched a neighborhood movement for education reform. It has brought together Americans of every race and creed in a crusade for our children's future. Since 1980, average salaries for elementary and secondary teachers have increased to over $28,000, an increase of 20 percent after inflation. We can enhance this record of accomplishment by committing ourselves to these principles:\n• Parents have the primary right and responsibility for education. Private institutions, communities, States, and the federal government must support and stimulate that parental role. We support the right of parents to educate their children at home.\n• Choice and competition in education foster quality and protect consumers' rights.\n• Accountability and evaluation of performance at all levels of education is the key to continuing reform in education. We must reward excellence in learning, in teaching, and in administration.\n• Values are the core of good education. A free society needs a moral foundation for its learning. We oppose any programs in public schools which provide birth control or abortion services or referrals. Our \"first line of defense\" to protect our youth from contracting AIDS and other sexually communicable diseases, from teen pregnancy, and from illegal drug use must be abstinence education.\n• Quality in education should be available to all our children within their communities and neighborhoods. Federal policy should empower low-income families to choose quality and demand accountability in their children's schooling.\n• Throughout all levels of education we must initiate action to reduce the deplorable dropout rate which deprives young people of their full potential.\n• Federal programs must focus on students at special risk, especially those with physical disabilities or language deficits, to increase their chance at a productive future in the mainstream of American life.\n• Because America's future will require increasingly competent leadership in all walks of life, national policy should emphasize the need to provide our most talented students with special programs to challenge their abilities.\nBased on those principles, the Republican agenda for better education looks first to home and family, then to communities and States. In States and localities, we support practical, down-to-earth reforms that have made a proven difference in actual operation:\n• Choice in education, especially for poor families, fosters the parental involvement that is essential for student success, and States should consider enacting voucher systems or other means of encouraging competition among public schools.\n• Performance testing, both for students and teachers, measures progress, assures accountability to parents and the public, and keeps standards high.\n• Merit pay, career ladders, or other rewards for superior teachers acknowledge our esteem for them and encourage others to follow their example of dedication to a profession that is critical to our nation's future.\n• Making use of volunteerism from the private sector and providing opportunity for accelerated accreditation for those with needed expertise broadens the classroom experience and encourages excellence.\n• Expansions of curriculum to include the teaching of the history, culture, geography and, particularly, the languages of key nations of the world is a necessity. To compete successfully throughout the world, we must acquire the ability to speak the languages of our customers.\n• Excellence in the teaching of geography is essential to equipping our people with the ability to capture new markets in all parts of the world.\n• Discipline is a prerequisite for learning. Our schools must be models of order and decorum, not jungles of drugs and violence.\nOn the federal level, Republicans have worked to facilitate State and local reform movements:\n• We kept the spotlight on the reform movement through White House leadership, and we refocused the Department of Education to recognize and foster excellence.\n• We enacted legislation to ensure equal access to schools for student religious groups and led congressional efforts to restore voluntary school prayer.\n• We led a national crusade against illiteracy, following the example of Barbara Bush.\n• We put into law protection for pupils in federally funded programs, to shield students and their families from intrusive research and offensive psychological testing.\n• We strengthened education programs by proposing to replace federal aid to schools with direct assistance that would give choice to low-income parents.\n• We broke new ground in early childhood development programs, such as Even Start, that emphasize the involvement of parents in the learning process and address adult illiteracy and school readiness education holistically.\n• We intervened in court cases to defend the right of students to learn in a safe, drug-free environment.\nWe will continue to advance that agenda and to expand horizons for learning, teaching, and mastering the future:\n• We will protect the Pledge of Allegiance in all schools as a reminder of the values which must be at the core of learning for a free society.\n• We will use federal programs to foster excellence, rewarding \"Merit Schools\" which significantly improve education for their students.\n• We will urge our local school districts to recognize the value of kindergarten and pre-kindergarten programs.\n• We will direct federal matching funds to promote magnet schools that turn students toward the challenges of the future rather than the failures of the past.\n• We will support laboratories of educational excellence in every State by refocusing federal funds for educational research.\n• We will increase funding for the Head Start program to help children get a fair chance at learning, right from the beginning.\n• We will work with local schools and the private sector to develop models For evaluating teachers and other school officials.\n• We will continue to support tuition tax credits for parents who choose to educate their children in private educational institutions.\n• We would establish a public-private partnership using the Department of Labor's Job Training Partnership Act funds to encourage youth to stay in school and graduate. The Labor Department funds would be made available to local employers and business groups to hire high school students after school and during the summer with the requirement that they keep their grades at a \"C\" average or above until graduation.\nIn higher education, Republicans want to promote both opportunity and responsibility:\n• We will keep resources focused on low-income students and address the barriers that discourage minority students from entering and succeeding in institutions of higher education.\n• We are determined to reverse the intolerable rates of default in the guaranteed student loan program to make more money available to those who really need to borrow it.\n• We will keep the spotlight of public attention on the college cost spiral—running far ahead of inflation overall—and challenge administrators to exercise more fiscal responsibility.\n• We will create a College Savings Bond program, with tax-exempt interest, to help families save for their children's higher education.\n• We will condition federal aid to post-secondary institutions upon their good faith effort to maintain safe and drug-free campuses.\n• We will insist that freedom of speech is not only a fundamental right, it is one of the first lines of education. This freedom should be afforded to all speakers with a minimum of harassment.\n• We will continue education benefits for veterans of military service and advance the principle that those who serve their country in the armed forces have first call on federal education assistance.\n• We will continue the Reagan-Bush policy of emphasizing vocational-technical education. A large number of jobs in our society require secondary and post-secondary vocational-technical education. Federal programs and policies must recognize and enhance vocational-technical students.\n• We will support educational programs in federal prisons that will allow prisoners the opportunity to become literate and to learn an employable skill. We encourage similar programs at the state level.\nTo compete globally, our society must prepare our children for the world of work. We cannot allow one of every eight 17-year-olds to remain functionally illiterate. We cannot allow 1 million students to drop out of high school every year, most of them without basic skills; therefore, we must teach them reading, writing, and mathematics. We must reestablish their obligation to learn.\nEducation for the future means more than formal schooling in classrooms. About 75 percent of our current work force will need some degree of retraining by the year 2000. More than half of all jobs we will create in the 1990s will require some education beyond high school, and much of that will be obtained outside of regular educational institutions. Unprecedented flexibility in working arrangements, career changes, and a stampede of technological advance are ushering us into a era of lifelong learning. Therefore, we support employment training programs at all levels of government such as the Job Training Partnership Act and the recently restructured Worker Adjustment Program for dislocated workers. The placement success of these programs can be directly traced to their public/private sector partnerships and local involvement in their program development and implementation.\nIn the 1960s and 1970s, we learned what doesn't solve the problems of education: federal financing and regimentation of our schools. In the 1980s, we asserted what works: parental responsibility, community support and local control, good teachers and determined administrators, and a return to the basic values and content of Western civilization. That combination gave generations of Americans the world's greatest opportunities for learning. It can guarantee the same for future generations.\nArts and Humanities\n\nRepublicans consider the resurgence of the arts and humanities a vital part of getting back to basics in education. Our young people must acquire more than information and skills. They must learn to reason and to appreciate the intellectual achievements that express the enduring values of our civilization. To that end, we will:\n• Continue the Republican economic renaissance which has made possible a tremendous outpouring of support for the arts and humanities.\n• Support full deductibility for donations to tax-exempt cultural institutions in order to encourage the private support of arts and humanities.\n• Support the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities and the Institute of Museum Services in their effort to support America's cultural institutions, artists, and scholars.\n• Guard against the misuse of governmental grants by those who attack or derogate any race or creed and oppose the politicization of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities.\nWhile recognizing the diversity of our people, we encourage educational institutions to emphasize in the arts and humanities those ideas and cultural accomplishments that address the ethical foundations of our culture.\nScience and Technology\n\nOur nation's continuing progress depends on scientific and technological innovation. It is America's economic fountain of youth. Republicans advocate a creative partnership between government and the private sector to ensure the dynamism and creativity of scientific research and technology:\n• We recognize that excellence in education, and especially scientific literacy, is a precondition for progress, and that economic growth makes possible the nation's continuing advancement in scientific research.\n• We consider a key priority in any increased funding for the National Science Foundation the retooling of science and engineering labs at colleges and universities.\n• We endorse major national projects like the superconducting Super Collider.\n• We will ensure that tax policy gives optimum incentives for the private sector to fund a high level of advanced research. Toward that end, we will make permanent the current tax credit for research and development and extend it to cooperative research ventures.\n• We will strengthen the role of science and engineering in national policy by reinforcing the Office of the President's Science Adviser with the addition of a Science Advisory Council.\n• We will encourage exchange of scientific information, especially between business and academic institutions, to speed up the application of research to benefit the public.\n• We will improve the acquisition of scientific and technical information from other countries through expedited translation services and more aggressive outreach by federal agencies.\n• We will include international technology flows as part of U.S. trade negotiations to ensure that the benefits of foreign advances are available to Americans.\n• We will encourage innovation by strengthening protection for intellectual property at home and abroad. We will promote the public benefits that come from commercialization of research conducted under federal sponsorship by allowing private ownership of intellectual property developed in that manner.\n• We will oppose regulation which stifles competition and hinders breakthroughs that can transform life for the better in areas like biotechnology.\nThis is an agenda for more than science and technology. It will broaden economic opportunity, sustain our ability to compete globally, and enhance the quality of life for all.\nSpace\n\nThe Republican Party will reestablish U.S. preeminence in space. It is our nation's frontier, our manifest destiny. President Reagan has set ambitious goals for a space comeback. We are determined to meet them and move on to even greater challenges.\nWe support further development of the space station, the National Aerospace Plane, Project Pathfinder, a replacement shuttle, and the development of alternate launch vehicles. We endorse Mission to Planet Earth for space science to advance our understanding of environmental and climatic forces.\nA resurgent America, renewed economically and in spirit, must get on with its business of greatness. We must commit to a manned flight to Mars around the year 2000 and to continue exploration of the moon.\nThese goals will be achievable only with full participation by private initiative. We welcome the Reagan-Bush initiative to increase the role of the private sector in transport, particularly in the launch of commercial satellites. The Reagan-Bush Administration's proposed space station will allow the private sector additional opportunities in the area of research and manufacturing.\nOur program for freedom in space will allow millions of American investors to put their money on the future. That's one of the ways to lift the conquest of space out of the congressional budget logjam. Republicans believe that America must have a clear vision for the future of the space program, well-defined goals, and streamlined implementation, as we reach for the stars.\nStrong Communities and Neighborhoods\n\nCrime\n\nRepublicans want a free and open society for every American. That means more than economic advancement alone. It requires the safety and security of persons and their property. It demands an end to crime.\nRepublicans stand with the men and women who put their lives on the line every day, in State and local police forces and in federal law enforcement agencies. We are determined to reestablish safety in the streets of those Communities where the poor, the hard-working, and the elderly now live in fear. Despite opposition from liberal Democrats, we've made a start:\n• The rate of violent crime has fallen 20 percent since 1981. Personal thefts fell 21 percent, robberies fell 31 percent, assaults fell 17 percent, and household burglaries fell 30 percent.\n• In 1986, crimes against individuals reached their lowest level in 14 years.\n• The Reagan-Bush Administration has crusaded for victims' rights in trials and sentencing procedures and has advocated restitution by felons to their victims.\n• We have been tough on white-collar crime, too. We have filed more criminal anti-trust cases than the previous Administration.\n• We pushed a historic reform of toughened sentencing procedures for federal courts to make the punishment fit the crime.\n• We appointed to the courts judges who have been sensitive to the rights of victims and law abiding citizens.\nWe will forge ahead with the Republican anti-crime agenda:\n• We must never allow the presidency and the Department of Justice to fall into the hands of those who coddle hardened criminals. Republicans oppose furloughs for those criminals convicted of first degree murder and others who are serving a life sentence without possibility of parole. We believe that victims' rights should not be accorded less importance than those of convicted felons.\n• We will reestablish the federal death penalty.\n• We will reform the exclusionary rule, to prevent the release of guilty felons on technicalities.\n• We will reform cumbersome habeas corpus procedures, used to delay cases and prevent punishment of the guilty.\n• We support State laws implementing preventive detention to allow courts to deny bail to those considered dangerous and likely to commit additional crimes.\nThe election of 1988 will determine which way our country deals with crime. A Republican President and a Republican Congress can lay the foundation for a safer future.\nDrug-Free America\n\nThe Republican Party is committed to a drug-free America. Our policy is strict accountability, for users of illegal drugs as well as for those who profit by that usage.\nThe drug epidemic didn't just happen. It was fueled by the liberal attitudes of the 1960s and 1970s that tolerated drug usage. Drug abuse directly threatens the fabric of our society. It is part of a worldwide narcotics empire whose $300 billion business makes it one of the largest industries on earth.\nThe Reagan-Bush Administration has set out to destroy it. In the past six years, federal drug arrests have increased by two-thirds. Compared to 1980, two and a half times as many drug offenders were sent to prison in 1987. Federal spending for drug enforcement programs more than tripled in the last seven years. And we have broken new ground by enlisting U.S. intelligence agencies in the fight against drug trafficking.\nDrug usage in our armed forces has plummeted as a direct result of an aggressive education and random testing program. In 1983, we instituted random drug testing in the Coast Guard. At that time, 10.3 percent of the tests showed positive drug usage. As a result of this testing program, the positive usage rate fell dramatically to 2.9 percent in 1987. The Reagan-Bush Administration has also undertaken efforts to insure that all those in safety related positions in our transportation system are covered by similar drug testing requirements. We commend this effort.\nWe are determined to finish the job:\n• The Republican Party unequivocally opposes legalizing or de-criminalizing any illicit drug.\n• We support strong penalties, including the death penalty for major drug traffickers.\n• User accountability for drug usage is long overdue. Conviction for any drug crime should make the offender ineligible for discretionary federal assistance, grants, loans, and contracts for a period of time.\n• To impress young Americans with the seriousness of our fight against drugs, we urge States to suspend eligibility for a driver's license to anyone convicted of a drug offense.\n• We urge school districts to get tough on illegal drug use by notifying parents and police whenever it is discovered.\n• We will encourage tougher penalties for those who use children in illegal narcotics operations.\n• We will require federal contractors and grantees to establish a drug-free work place with the goal that no American will have to work around drug abuse.\n• We will suspend passports from those convicted of major drug offenses.\n• To protect residents of public housing, we will evict persons dealing in drugs. We will foster resident review committees to screen out drug abusers and dealers. We will promote tenant management as the surest cure for the drug plague in public projects.\n• We will strengthen interdiction of foreign drugs and expand the military's role in stopping traffickers.\n• We will work with foreign governments to eradicate drug crops in their countries.\n• In a summit of Western Hemisphere nations, we will seek total cooperation from other governments in wiping out the international drug empire.\n• In addition to our enforcement activities, we encourage drug education in our schools. These programs should begin as early as the elementary school years, before children are subjected to peer pressure to experiment with drugs, and should continue through high school. Cutting down on the demand for drugs will be of great assistance as we increase our enforcement efforts to reduce drug supply.\n• We will encourage seizure and forfeiture programs by the Department of the Treasury and each State to take the profits out of illicit drug sales.\nWe commend our fellow citizens who are actively joining the war against drugs. Drug dealers are domestic terrorists, and we salute the heroic residents of poor neighborhoods who have boldly shut down crack houses and run traffickers out of their communities.\nWe recognize the need to improve the availability of drug rehabilitation and treatment.\nThere's a bright side to the picture. We know the most powerful deterrent to drug abuse: strong, stable family life, along with the absolute approach summed up in \"Just Say No.\" Nancy Reagan has made that phrase the battle-cry of the war against drugs, and it is echoed by more than 10,000 Just Say No clubs. We salute her for pointing the way to our nation's drug-free future.\nOpportunity and Assistance\n\nOur country's economic miracle of the last eight years has been the most successful assault on poverty in our era. Millions of families have worked their way into the mainstream of national life. The poverty rate continues to decline. However, many remain in poverty, and we pledge to help them in their straggle for self-sufficiency and independence.\nFor most of our country's history, helping those less fortunate was a community responsibility. Strong families pulled together, and strong communities cared for those in need. That is more than a description of the past. It is a prescription for the future, pointing the way toward real reform of today's welfare mess through these Republican principles:\n• We support the maintenance of income assistance programs for those who cannot work. In particular, we recognize our responsibility to ensure a decent standard of living for the aged, the disabled, and children dependent upon the community.\n• Poverty can be addressed by income assistance or in-kind services. Dependency, on the other hand, requires a comprehensive strategy to change patterns of attitude and behavior. We will work to address both poverty and dependency.\n• Work is an essential component of welfare reform, and education is an essential component of employability. Welfare reform must require participation in education and work, and provide day care assistance and continued access to Medicaid during the transition to full independence.\n• Fathers of welfare dependent children must be held accountable by mandating paternity determinations and requiring the participation of unemployed fathers in education and work programs.\n• State and local administration of education, work, and welfare programs is best for both the taxpayers and those in need.\n• State and local pilot programs in welfare are the cutting edge of welfare reform. States should be granted the authority by the federal government to pursue innovative programs which return teen mothers to school and welfare recipients to work. Congressional Democrats are blocking the expansion of this vital process. A Republican Congress will give the States authority to meet local needs.\n• Welfare fraud is an offense against both the taxpayers and the poor. Whether perpetrated by participants or providers of services its eradication is an essential component of a compassionate welfare policy.\nWe are committed to assisting those in need. We are equally committed to addressing the root causes of poverty. Divorce, desertion, and illegitimacy have been responsible for almost all the increase in child poverty in the last 15 years. Because strong family life is the most remarkable anti-poverty force in history, Republicans will make the reinforcement of family rights and responsibilities an essential component of public policy. Stronger enforcement of child support laws must be an important part of that effort, along with the revision of State laws which have left many women and children vulnerable to economic distress.\nChildren in poverty deserve our strongest support. We are committed to safer neighborhoods and full prosecution for child abuse and exploitation. We will reach out to these children through Head Start and targeted education, basic health and nutrition assistance, local community efforts and individual concern. But something more is required to fulfill the hope for self-sufficiency: a job in an expanding economy. The compassionate policy for children in need is the chance for families to stand on their own feet in a society filled with opportunity.\nFighting poverty means much more than distributing cash. It includes education and work programs. It means reducing illiteracy, the single greatest indicator of life-long poverty. It involves combatting crime so that the homes and earnings of the poor are secure. It includes Republican reforms in public housing, like resident management and ownership. It requires regulatory reforms to open up opportunities for those on the margins of the work force. It means streamlining adoption rules and ensuring poor parents a real say in their children's education. Above all, it means maintaining a strong, healthy economy that creates jobs.\nUrban Revitalization\n\nUrban America is center stage of our country's future. That is why we address its problems and potential throughout this platform, rather than limiting our concern to a particular section. In doing so, Republicans follow three broad principles:\n• Economic growth is the most important urban program. Because we cut taxes, a new prosperity has transformed many towns and cities. Because we forced down inflation, cities pay much lower bond rates. Because we created 17.5 million new jobs through a thriving economy, millions of urban residents have seized the opportunity to escape welfare and unemployment. Because we slashed regulatory burdens, enterprise is transforming areas untouched by government programs of past years.\n• Local control is the best form of administration. That's why we merged federal programs into block grants for community development and housing.\n• Citizen choice is the key to successful government. Options in education empower parents and attract new residents. Options in public housing transform slums into real communities, bustling with enterprise and hope.\nBuilding on those principles, Republicans will advance our urban opportunity agenda which includes:\n• Enterprise zones, where tax incentives and regulatory reforms open the way for creating jobs and rebuilding neighborhoods from the ground up which have been blocked by the Democrats in Congress.\n• Resident control—both management and ownership—of public housing, with a goal of transferring one-third of the country's public housing space to tenants by 1995.\n• Urban homesteading and other programs to ensure affordable housing opportunities in our cities.\n• Emergency waiver of Davis-Bacon wage requirements for cities with severe deterioration of the public infrastructure.\n• Contracting out public services to workers in the private sector.\n• Education assistance directed to low-income households instead of aid to institutions that fail to meet their needs.\n• Continued reduction in crime rates, especially street crime and the violence that destroys community life.\n• Unrelenting war on drugs.\n• Greater control by local government in federally assisted programs, especially transportation and housing.\n• Steady environmental progress to ensure clean air and clean water to our cities and assist local governments in solving their solid waste disposal problems in order to make our cities safe and healthy places to live.\n• Special attention to urban residents in the national census, to ensure that cities are not shortchanged in federal representation or in federal programs based upon population.\nRural Community Development and the Family Farm\n\nIntroduction\n\nRepublicans see a robust future for American agriculture. Rural America is our country's heartland and pillar of economic and moral strength. From its small towns and communities comes more than the world's greatest bounty of food. From them also comes a commitment to the land by a proud and independent people.\nFor much of this century, the first line of defense against world hunger has been the American farmer and rancher. In the future as in the past, the enterprise of rural Americans will be crucial to the progress of our country and of mankind. The entire nation—and indeed, the world—benefits from their unsurpassed productivity.\nWhen farmers and ranchers face adversity, the communities that depend on them do, too. When farmers' income falls, the earnings of others follow. When agriculture suffers, the tax base and public services of whole regions decline.\nThat is why the current drought is an emergency for our entire country. It will affect every American: the way we live, the food we eat, the land we cherish. We cannot promise to bring rain, but we can bend every arm of government to provide for the expeditious relief of farmers and ranchers in trouble. We pledge to do so. We will focus assistance on those most seriously hurt by the drought. With strong Republican support in the House and Senate, a major relief bill has been signed by President Reagan.\nThe Record\n\nSome disasters are man-made. In the late 1970s, American agriculture bore the brunt of bad public policy. Long thereafter, farmers suffered the consequences of those four years of devastating Democrat mismanagement. Inflation drove production costs and farm debt to their highest levels in history. To top it off, the Democrats' embargo of grain and other agricultural products dealt a blow to the nation's heartland from which many farmers never recovered.\nNEVER AGAIN!\nFor eight years, Ronald Reagan and George Bush have provided the leadership to turn that situation around. Despite strong Democrat opposition, Republicans have made a good beginning. Because of Republican policies, America's farm and rural sector is coming alive again:\n• Inflation, unemployment, and interest rates are at their lowest levels in years. Our dollar exchange rate is more competitive.\n• Land values, the best indicator of farm prospects, have stabilized and are rising in many areas.\n• Farm credit institutions, both public and private, are back on their feet.\n• Farm debt has been reduced from $193 billion in 1983 to a projected $137 billion in 1988.\n• Net farm income increased to its highest level ever in 1987, reaching $46 billion, while net cash income was also a record at $57 billion.\n• We have reduced price-depressing surpluses to their lowest levels in many years. Total grain surpluses have been cut in half from their high in 1986.\nIn summary, increased agricultural exports, higher commodity and livestock prices, increased profits and land values, declining farm debt and surpluses, all these point to a healthier outlook for the rural economy.\nThe recovery is no accident. Republicans have acted decisively in the interest of rural America. Look at the record:\n• In 1981, we immediately halted the Democrats' embargo on grain and other agricultural products and kept our pledge always to be a reliable supplier. We now reaffirm our promise never to use food as a weapon as was done by the last Democrat Administration.\n• We have successfully opened more markets for our agricultural commodities and value-added products around the world through competitive pricing, aggressive use of the Export Enhancement Program, the Targeted Export Assistance Program, marketing loans, and generic commodity certificates.\n• Through tough trade negotiations, we have opened markets abroad, including the Japanese beef and citrus markets. Numerous markets for specialty products have also been opened.\n• We ended the notorious \"widow's tax\" so surviving spouses don't have to sell family farms and ranches to meet inheritance taxes. We also reduced other burdensome inheritance taxes for farm and ranch families.\n• In 1985, President Reagan signed one of the most successful farm bills in modern history. The dual goals of protecting farm income while gaining back our lost markets are being achieved.\n• We have given farmers the opportunity to profitably retire millions of acres of erodible and generally less productive land through the Conservation Reserve Program, and we enacted legislation to ensure that taxpayers' dollars will not be used to subsidize soil erosion or otherwise damage the environment that makes rural America a place where people want to live.\nThe Democrats offer nothing for the future of farming. Their plan for mandatory production controls would make productive and efficient American farmers beat a full-scale retreat from the world market:\n• It would be a boon to family farms—in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, the European Community, Australia, and other competitor nations.\n• It would pull the plug on rural Americans. It would sound a death-knell for rural towns and cities as land is taken from production. According to a United States Department of Agriculture study, it would reduce Gross National Product by $64 billion and wipe out 2.1 million jobs in the private sector.\nIn short, Democrats want to put farmers on welfare while Republicans want to look after the welfare of all rural Americans.\nOur Global Economy\n\nBetter than most people, agriculturists know we live in a global economy. America's farmers, ranchers, foresters, and fishermen can compete against anyone in the world if trade rules are fair.\nWe recognize the historical contribution of agricultural exports to a positive national trade balance and will work on all fronts to improve agricultural trade.\nRepublicans will aggressively pursue fair and free trade for all U.S. products:\n• We will insist that production-, consumption-, and trade-distorting agricultural subsidies of the European Economic Community and others be phased out simultaneously with the phasing out of our farm and export assistance programs.\n• We will continue to put free and fair trade for farmers and ranchers on the agenda of every international conference on trade.\n• We will use free trade agreements with good trading partners as leverage to open markets elsewhere.\n• We will be a reliable supplier of agricultural products to world markets and will not use food as a weapon of foreign policy.\nIn short, instead of retreat, Republicans promise a full-scale assault on foreign markets.\nThe Future\n\nRepublicans will work to improve agricultural income through market returns at home and abroad, not government controls and subsidies:\n• We pledge early action to renew and improve the successful farm programs set to expire in 1990.\n• We pledge to continue international food assistance, including programs through the Eisenhower Food for Peace program, to feed the world's hungry and develop markets abroad.\n• We will continue to provide leadership in the effort to improve standards of quality for grain and other agricultural products in order to meet international competition.\n• We call for greater planting flexibility in federal programs to allow more diversity in fanning and more freedom for farmers to grow what they want to grow and to sell their products to whoever will buy them.\n• We recognize the need for appropriate multiple-use policy on federal range lands and retention of a fair and equitable grazing fee policy as has been established by the Reagan Administration.\n• We support a States' review of the adequacy of crop irrigation capacity under severe water shortage conditions, such as the 1988 drought, to identify areas of potential need and development.\n• Water use policy formulation belongs to the States without federal interference; we recognize traditional State supremacy in water law, which is the best bulwark against future water crises.\n• We resolve to lower tax rates for long-term capital gains and to work for fairer preproductive expense capitalization laws, including the so-called \"heifer tax\" as just one example, to promote investment in the production of food and fiber.\n• We stand with the nation's foresters and the communities that depend on the forest products industry in supporting an annual timber harvest and multiple-use policy that meets national needs both for a sustained yield of wood products and for sound environmental management.\n• We will continue our strong support for agricultural research, including increased emphasis on developing new uses for farm products, such as alternative fuels, food, non-food and industrial products. The agricultural industry is, and always has been, on the leading edge of the technological revolution, and it must continue this tradition in order to be internationally competitive.\nNet Cash Farm Income\n• We will encourage public and private research and technical assistance to ensure that the resource base of American agriculture is preserved. Sound stewardship of our land and water resources is important for this and future generations. The soil and water resources of our nation must provide profit for farmers and ranchers and a safe and wholesome food supply. Our Land Grant institutions, working with the private sector, can provide more environmentally safe and biodegradable agrichemicals and improved farming techniques that will help preserve the quality of our underground and surface water supplies.\n• We pledge that State farm home exemption and redemption rights shall remain inviolate from federal interference.\nRural Economic Development\n\nRepublicans realize that rural communities face challenges that go beyond agricultural concerns. Rural economic development is about more than jobs; it is also about the quality of life. We are ready to address the needs of rural America with creativity and compassion:\n• The best jobs program for rural Americans is a good farm program.\n• The key to rural development is effective local leadership working in partnership with private business and federal, State, and local governments. We will advance, in Congress and at the State level, rural enterprise zones to attract investment and create jobs geared to the opportunities of the century ahead.\n• Education is the crucial element in ensuring that rural Americans will be in the mainstream of our national future. We must assure rural youngsters quality education and good schools.\n• The roads, bridges, schools, sewer and water systems, and other public works of many rural communities have deteriorated. We will ensure that those communities receive their fair share of aid under federal assistance programs.\n• Discrimination against rural hospitals and medical practices in federal reimbursement of health care costs has contributed to reduced medical services in rural America. We pledge to help rural Americans meet their health care needs and will ensure fair treatment for their health care institutions under federal health programs.\n• To have full participation in our country's unbounded future, rural people will need access to modern telecommunications and satellite communications systems including commercial decryption devices. Adequate supplies of reasonably priced electric power are also a necessity. We continue to support a strong rural electrification and telephone program. We believe the network of local rural electric and telephone cooperatives that provide these services represents a vital public/private partnership necessary to assure growth and development of the rural economy.\n• We will energetically use the Job Training Partnership Act and a newly enacted worker retraining program to ensure that rural workers are fully integrated into the work force of the future.\n• We will continue to support programs that enhance housing, business, and industry opportunities for rural Americans; and we will adapt urban homesteading programs to rural communities.\n• Sound agricultural policy for rural America demands sound economic policy for all America. We will continue to stabilize fiscal and monetary policies in order to keep inflation in check and interest rates stable. This foundation of economic stability must underlie all rural initiatives by levels of government.\nThis is our pledge for the continuing renewal of a prosperous rural America.\nAgricultural Interest Rates\n\nEnergy, Environment, and Transportation\n\nEnergy for the Future\n\nTo make real their vision for the future, the American people need adequate, safe, and reliable supplies of energy. Both the security of our nation and the prosperity of our households will depend upon clean and affordable power to light the way ahead and speed a daring society toward its goals. We recognize that energy is a security issue as well as an economic issue. We cannot have a strong nation if we are not energy independent.\nWe are part way there. In 1981, Republican leadership replaced the Democrats' energy crisis with energy consensus. We rejected scarcity, fostered growth, and set course for an expansive future. We left behind the days of gasoline lines, building-temperature controls, the multi-billion dollar boondoggle of the Synfuels Corporation, and the cancellation of night baseball games.\nThe Carter-Mondale years of crippling regulation and exorbitant costs are a thing of the past. We returned the country to policies that encourage rather than discourage domestic production of energy. With a free, more competitive system of producing and marketing energy, American consumers gained a wider range of energy choices at lower prices.\nCumulative Strategic Petroleum Reserve Oil Fill\n\nDuring the Reagan-Bush years, we loosened OPEC's hold on the world's petroleum markets. The United States built up its Strategic Petroleum Reserve and persuaded its allies to increase their emergency petroleum stocks as both a deterrent and a cushion against supply disruptions. When President Reagan and Vice President Bush took office, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve held only 79 million barrels. Now it contains almost 550 million, a three-month cushion in the event of a crisis.\nConservation and energy efficiency, stimulated by the oil shocks of the 1970s, made impressive gains. The nation now consumes less oil, and no more energy in total, then it did in 1977, even with the remarkable growth in our economy under the Reagan-Bush Administration.\nDespite these gains, much hard work remains. A strong energy policy is required to assure that the needs of our society are met. Because of low prices, domestic oil and gas production has declined significantly. New initiatives will be required to halt the erosion of the domestic oil reserve base, to restore the vitality of the domestic oil and gas industry, to slow the rise in oil imports, and to prevent a return to the vulnerabilities of the 1970s. We must maintain the progress made in conservation and rely more heavily on secure American fuels: domestic oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, alternative sources and renewables.\nOil\n\nThe United States is heavily dependent on oil, which represents 40 percent of our total energy consumption. We must have a healthy domestic industry to assure the availability of this fuel to meet our needs. The decline in oil prices has brought exploratory drilling in the country to a virtual standstill, and continuing low prices threaten the hundreds of thousands of small wells that make up the most of U.S. production.\nWe will set an energy policy for the United States to maintain a viable core industry and to ensure greater energy self-sufficiency through private initiatives. We will adopt forceful initiatives to reverse the decline of our domestic oil production. Republicans support:\n• Repeal of the counterproductive Windfall Profits Tax.\n• Maintenance of our schedule for filling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to reach 750 million barrels by 1993 and encouragement of our allies to maintain similar reserves.\n• Tax incentives to save marginal wells, to encourage exploration for new oil, and to improve the recovery of oil still in place.\n• Repeal of the Transfer Rule prohibiting independent producers from using certain tax provisions on acquired properties.\n• Elimination of 80 percent of intangible drilling costs as an alternative minimum tax preference item.\n• Exploration and development in promising areas, including federal lands and waters, particularly in the Arctic, in a manner that is protective of our environment and is in the best national interest.\nSuch continued exploration and development of new domestic oil and gas reserves are essential to keep our nation from becoming more dependent on foreign energy sources. Indeed, tax incentives can make our investment in U.S. oil and gas exploration competitive with other countries. They can stimulate drilling, put people back to work, and help maintain our leadership in oil field technology and services. Incentives and opportunities for increased domestic exploration can also help limit the rise in imports, discourage oil price shocks, and enhance energy security.\nNatural Gas\n\nNatural gas is a clean, abundant, and reasonably priced fuel secure within the borders of the nation. Increased reliance on natural gas can have significant national security and environmental benefits. While U.S. gas resources are plentiful and recoverable at competitive prices, regulatory burdens and price controls still impede development.\nMore progress must be made in deregulation of natural gas:\n• We support fully decontrolling prices and providing more open access to transportation.\n• We also support the flexible use of natural gas to fuel automobiles and boilers.\nOver the longer term, natural gas as an alternative fuel could significantly reduce overdependence on imported oil, while also improving air quality. We should support cost effective development and greater use of this fuel.\nCoal\n\nThe United States enjoys a rich national endowment of enormous supplies of coal which can provide a secure source of energy for hundreds of years.\n• We should aggressively pursue the clean-coal technology initiative successfully launched by the Reagan-Bush Administration as part of the solution to coal's environmental problems.\n• A major effort should be made to encourage coal exports, which could improve the trade balance, put Americans to work, and provide reliable energy supplies to our allies.\nNuclear Power\n\nWe must preserve nuclear power as a safe and economic option to meet future electricity needs. It generates 20 percent of our electricity, and we anticipate the continued expansion of renewable energy and environmentally safe nuclear power. We will promote the adoption of standardized, cost-effective, and environmentally safe nuclear plant designs. We should enhance our efforts to manage nuclear waste and will insist on the highest standards of safety.\nTechnology, Alternatives, Conservation, and Regulation\n\nTechnology is America's competitive edge, and it should be encouraged in finding new solutions to our energy problems. Energy efficiency improvements such as more efficient cars, better insulated homes, and more efficient industrial processes, have resulted in substantial savings, making the U.S. economy more competitive.\n• We support funding for research and development, particularly where current market economics preclude private initiative.\n• We will set priorities and, where cost effective, support research and development for alternative fuels such as ethanol, methanol, and compressed natural gas, particularly for use in transportation.\n• We will also support research and development for energy efficiency, conservation, renewables, fusion and superconductivity.\n• We encourage the improvements of our national electricity transportation network, to achieve the economic and environmental efficiencies and reliability of linking electricity-exporting regions with importers.\nSubstantial progress has been made in eliminating the intrusive and costly regulatory functions of the Department of Energy and should be continued. Efforts should be made to streamline the department's functions and evaluate its long-term institutional role in setting national energy policy, in discouraging a return to regulation, and in promoting long-term scientific research.\nWe believe continued economic progress requires an adequate and secure supply of electricity from every possible source in addition to energy conservation. Conservation alone cannot meet the energy needs of a growing economy. Witness the case of Massachusetts, where the State government's energy policy of stopping construction of any significant electric generating plants of all kinds has caused a dangerous shortage.\nPreserving and Protecting the Environment\n\nThe Republican Party has a long and honored tradition of preserving our nation's natural resources and environment. We recognize that the preservation, conservation, and protection of our environment contribute to our health and well-being and that, as citizens, we all share in the responsibility to safeguard our God-given resources. A great Republican President, Teddy Roosevelt, once characterized our environmental challenge as \"the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us.\" Satisfying this imperative requires dedication and a commitment both to the protection of our environment and to the development of economic opportunities for all through a growing economy.\nRepublicans have led the efforts to protect the environment.\n• We have dramatically reduced airborne lead contamination. This reduction has been perhaps the most important contribution to the health of Americans living in urban areas.\n• By almost any measure, the air is vastly improved from the 1970s. Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and other emissions have declined substantially.\n• We brought record numbers of enforcement cases against toxic polluters based on the principle that polluters should pay for the damages they cause.\n• We pioneered an international accord for the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer, the first such international agreement.\n• Dramatic progress has been made in protecting coastal barrier islands, in reducing coastal erosion, and in protecting estuaries.\n• We have led the fight to clean up our Great Lakes and the Chesapeake and Narragansett Bays, some of the most unique and productive ecosystems on earth.\n• We encouraged agricultural conservation, enhanced our wetlands, and preserved and restored our National Parks, which had suffered tragic neglect in the years preceding the Reagan-Bush Administration.\n• Under Republican leadership, the most important soil conservation measure of the last half-century became law as the Conservation Title of the 1985 Farm Bill.\n• We established 34 national wildlife refuges in 21 States and territories.\n• We reformed U.S. and international aid programs to assist developing nations to assure environmental protection.\nRepublicans look to the environmental future with confidence in the American people and with a renewed commitment to world leadership in environmental protection. We recognize the necessary role of the federal government only in matters that cannot be managed by regional cooperation or by levels of government closer to the people. Cooperative action by all is needed to advance the nation's agenda for a cleaner, safer environment.\nThe toughest challenges lie ahead of us. Republicans propose the following program for the environment in the 1990s:\n• We will work for further reductions in air and water pollution and effective actions against the threats posed by acid rain. These goals can and must be achieved without harmful economic dislocation.\n• We are committed to minimizing the release of toxins into the environment.\n• We will continue to lead the effort to develop new clean-coal technologies and to remove the barriers that prevent cleaner, alternative fuels from being used.\n• We support a comprehensive plan of action to fight coastal erosion and to protect and restore the nation's beaches, coral reefs, bodies of water, wetlands and estuaries such as the Louisiana coast, Chesapeake Bay, the Great Lakes, San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Narragansett Bay, and other environmentally sensitive areas. The restoration of these areas will continue to be a priority.\n• A top priority of our country must be the continued improvement of our National Parks and wildlife areas. We must upgrade our recreation, fisheries, and wildlife programs in parks, wildlife refuges, forests, and other public lands. We support efforts, including innovative public-private partnerships, to restore declining waterfowl populations and enhance recreational fisheries.\n• We will fight to protect endangered species and to sustain biological diversity wordwide.\n• We support federal, State, and local policies, including tax code provisions, which lead to the renewal and revitalization of our environment through restoration and which encourage scenic easements designed to preserve farmland and open spaces.\n• We believe public lands should not be transferred to any special group in a manner inconsistent with current Reagan-Bush Administration policy. To the extent possible, consistent with current policy, we should keep public lands open and accessible.\n• We will protect the productive capacity of our lands by minimizing erosion.\n• We are committed to the historic preservation of our American heritage, including our architectural, archeological, and maritime resources.\n• We support strong enforcement of our environmental laws and will accelerate the pace of our national effort to clean up hazardous waste sites and to protect our groundwater. We will promote proper use of fertilizers and pesticides to minimize pollution of groundwater.\n• Republicans recognize that toxic and hazardous waste production is increasing. Therefore, we will utilize the nation's scientific community to develop solutions to this waste disposal dilemma as an alternative to the continued burying, exporting, and ocean dumping of these dangerous substances, as they are no more than stop-gap measures with extremely tragic potential.\n• We are committed to solving our country's increasing problem of waste disposal. By 1995, half of our existing landfills will be closed, and municipalities will have increased difficulty finding new sites. This is an issue which will require the dedication and resolve of our local communities, the private sector, and all of us as citizens. Resource recovery, recycling, and waste minimization are critical elements of our solution, and we will work to ensure that innovative approaches to the problem are encouraged.\n• We are determined to prevent dumping off our coasts and in international waters. Ocean dumping poses a hazard not only to marine life, but also to those who live along our coasts and to those who use them for recreation. Where federal laws have been violated, we will prosecute polluters to the full extent of the law, including adherence to the 1991 federal ban on ocean dumping of sewage sludge. Where laws need to be strengthened, we will work at the federal, State, and local levels to do so.\n• We will support all serious efforts to cope with the special problems of illegal dumping of hospital and medical waste. We pledge close cooperation by the Environmental Protection Agency with States and industry groups to develop new approaches to the most cost-effective means for the safe disposal by responsible medical facilities. Those who continue to dump illegally threaten the very life and health of our communities, and we call for enactment by the States of tough new felony laws that will permit swift prosecution of these criminals.\n• We will require that federal departments and agencies meet or exceed the environmental standards set for citizens in the private sector.\nMany of the most serious environmental problems that will confront us in the years ahead are global in scope. For example, degradation of the stratospheric ozone layer poses a health hazard not only to Americans, but to all peoples around the globe. The Reagan-Bush Administration successfully pioneered an agreement to attack this problem through world-wide action. In addition, we will continue to lead this effort by promoting private sector initiatives to develop new technologies and adopt processes which protect the ozone layer. A similar ability to develop international agreements to solve complex global problems such as tropical forest destruction, ocean dumping, climate change, and earthquakes will be increasingly vital in the years ahead. All of these efforts will require strong and experienced leadership to lead the other nations of the world in a common effort to combat ecological dangers that threaten all peoples. The Republican Party believes that, toward this end, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration should be joined with the Environmental Protection Agency.\nWe all have a stake in maintaining the environmental balance and ecological health of our planet and our country. As Republicans, we hold that it is of critical importance to preserve our national heritage. We must assure that programs for economic growth and opportunity sustain the natural abundance of our land and waters and protect the health and well-being of our citizens. As a nation, we should take pride in our accomplishments and look forward to fulfilling our obligation of leaving this land an even better place for our children and future generations.\nTransportation for America\n\nRepublican leadership has revitalized America's transportation system. Through regulatory reform, we increased efficiency in all major modes of transportation. By making our national transportation system safer, more convenient, and less expensive, we have both strengthened our economy and served the interests of all the American people:\n• Aviation deregulation now saves consumers $11 billion annually through improved productivity and lower air fares. Millions more Americans can now afford to fly. Even though more people are flying, the overall safety record for commercial aviation during the past four years has been the best in history.\n• The National Airspace System (NAS) Plan is upgrading virtually all the equipment in the air traffic control system to meet safety and capacity needs into the next century.\n• Rail freight service has been rescued from the brink of insolvency and revitalized. Railroads have lowered rates for many shippers, helping to keep the transportation cost of coal-generated electric power down and making America's farmers more competitive abroad.\n• The creation of regional and short-line railroads has been encouraged by the Reagan-Bush Administration. The development of these small businesses has been a welcomed alternative to railroad abandonments, and we will continue to encourage their growth.\n• The Reagan-Bush Administration achieved new rail safety legislation which expands federal jurisdiction over drug, alcohol, and safety violations.\n• America's trucking industry has also been improved. The number of motor carriers has more than doubled since regulatory barriers to competition were removed. Many of these new carriers are small or minority-owned businesses. Private enterprise has thus been able to restructure routes, reduce empty backhauls, and simplify rates. Reduced regulation saves the American consumer $37 billion annually in lower freight bills, making businesses in every part of America more competitive.\n• The successful sale of Conrail through a public offering recouped nearly $2 billion dollars of the taxpayers' investment in bankrupt railroads from the 1970s.\n• The Reagan-Bush Administration has undertaken a comprehensive program to upgrade federal interstate highways and bridges.\n• Through highway improvements, education, and federal encouragement of tougher State laws against drunk driving, highway safety has vastly improved.\nAs we look to the future, the Republican Party will continue to press for improved transportation safety, reduced costs, and greater availability and convenience of transportation through more open markets and other mechanisms. The Republican Party believes that:\n• Americans demand that those entrusted with their safety while operating commercial motor vehicles, railroads, or aircraft not use drugs or alcohol. While we will protect individual rights, the Republican Party supports comprehensive efforts to curb drug and alcohol abuse in transportation, including drug and alcohol testing of all those in safety-related positions.\n• Our transportation system is based upon a vast public and private investment in infrastructure, which must continue to grow and to be maintained to meet America's needs. We advocate greater local autonomy in decision-making concerning the Highway Trust Fund and the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, and we oppose diversion of their resources to other purposes.\n• Research should be developed for new technologies to deal with urban gridlock and congested highways.\n• The travel and tourism industry is a positive force in enhancing cultural understanding and sustaining economic prosperity. We recognize its important contributions and should work to encourage its continued growth.\n• The federal government and local communities must work together to develop additional airport capacity of all types. At the same time, we support timely completion of the National Airspace System plan and continuing augmentation of air traffic control and aircraft inspection personnel.\n• We will further increase American jobs and trade opportunities by assuring that American air carriers are afforded full and fair access to international route authorities.\n• We will not abandon the economic flexibility that has so enormously strengthened the health of our railroads and so powerfully benefited the American economy.\n• Development of high speed rail systems to meet the needs of inter-city travel should be encouraged.\n• Year by year since 1981, Amtrak operations have shown improvement. Amtrak's ratio of revenues to costs stood at 48 percent in 1981. Last year, 65 percent of the costs were covered by revenues. Fiscal year 1988 will see the ratio pushing 70 percent. We recognize that inter-city rail passenger service plays an important role in our transportation system. At the same time, we support continued reductions in public subsidies.\n• A new spirit of competitive enterprise in transportation throughout all levels of government should be encouraged. We will encourage both States and cities to utilize private companies, where effective, to operate commuter bus and transit services at substantial savings over what publicly funded systems cost.\n• The engines of innovation powered by regulatory reform have brought forth exciting advances in the technology of trucking, rail, and shipping, particularly as they work together as an integrated system for the movement of goods domestically and abroad. Alternative fuels that are clean and efficient will both improve air quality and reduce our dependence on imported oil in meeting transportation needs. These technological approaches are far preferable to outmoded regulation, such as the current design of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, which create substantial advantages for foreign auto manufacturers and actually promote the export of U.S. jobs.\n• We consider a privately owned merchant fleet and domestic shipbuilding capacity necessary to carry our nation's commerce in peace and to support our defense responsibilities. We will support programs to give the American maritime industry greater flexibility and freedom in meeting foreign competition.\n• We are committed to continuing the Reagan-Bush Administration efforts to stop foreign protectionism that inhibits U.S. flag vessels from fairly competing abroad.\n• Maritime safety, search and rescue, military preparedness, environmental and fisheries enforcement, and drug interdiction have long been the responsibility of the U.S. Coast Guard. The Republican Party supports all of these vital roles, and we will support funding and manpower adequate to enable the Coast Guard to carry out its responsibilities.\nAmerica Leading The World\n\nUnder the leadership of President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush, America has led the world through eight years of peace and prosperity.\nIn the years since 1980, our nation has become in fact what it has always been in principle, \"the last best hope of mankind on earth.\"\nRepublicans know that free nations are peace loving and do not threaten other democracies. To the extent, therefore, that democracies are established in the world, America will be safer. Consequently, our nation has a compelling interest to encourage and help actively to build the conditions of democracy wherever people strive for freedom.\nIn 1961, President John Kennedy said, \"We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.\" Seeds sown by the Reagan-Bush Administration to make good on that promise are now bearing fruit.\nToday's Republican Party has the only legitimate claim to this legacy, for our opposition to totalitarianism is resolute. For those Democrats who came of age politically under the party of Truman and Kennedy, the message is clear: The old Democrat world view of realistic anti-communism, with real freedom as its goal, has been abandoned by today's national Democrat Party.\nIn the tradition of the Republican Party, we have long-term foreign policy goals and objectives which provide vision and leadership. We also have a realistic, long-term strategy to match those goals. The primary objectives of foreign policy must be defending the United States of America and its people; protecting America's vital national interests abroad; and fostering peace, stability and security throughout the world through democratic self-determination and economic prosperity.\nTo accomplish these goals, we believe our policies must be built upon three basic pillars: strength, realism, and dialogue.\nRepublican foreign policy, based on a peace preserved by steadfastly providing for our own security, brought us the INF treaty, which eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons. America's determination and will, coupled with our European allies' staunch cooperation, brought the Soviets to the bargaining table and won meaningful reductions in nuclear weapons. The INF treaty was not won by unilateral concessions or the unilateral cancelling of weapons programs.\nToday's Republican foreign policy has been tested and validated. Our formula for success is based on a realistic assessment of the world as it is, not as some would like it to be. The Soviet retreat from Afghanistan is not the result of luck or the need of the Kremlin to save a few rubles. It is a direct result of a Republican policy known as the Reagan Doctrine: our determination to provide meaningful aid to people who would rather die on their feet than live on their knees under the yoke of Soviet-supported oppression. Support for freedom-fighters, coupled with an openness to negotiate, will be the model for our resistance to Marxist expansionism elsewhere.\nThe world expects the United States to lead. Republicans believe it is in our country's best interest to continue to do so. For this reason, we will engage both our adversaries and friends. We share a common interest in survival and peaceful competition. However, the Reagan-Bush Administration has shown that dialogue and engagement can be successful only if undertaken from a position of strength. We know something the national Democrats seem to have forgotten: If a foreign policy is based upon weakness or unrealistic assumptions about the world, it is doomed to failure. If it is based upon naivete, it will be doomed to disaster.\nUnder our constitutional system, the execution of foreign policy is the prime responsibility of the executive branch. We therefore denounce the excessive interference in this function by the current Democrat majority in the Congress, as it creates the appearance of weakness and confusion and endangers the successful conduct of American foreign policy.\nThe world in 1988 shows the success of peace through strength and the Reagan Doctrine advancing America's national interests. Our relations with the Soviets are now based on these determined and realistic policies. Results such as the INF treaty are a concrete example of the soundness of this approach:\n• The Afghan people are on the verge of ridding their country of Soviet occupation, and with our continued support they can secure true liberty.\n• In Southeast Asia, our policies of isolation toward Vietnam and our support for the Cambodian resistance have contributed to Vietnam's decision to get out of Cambodia.\n• In southern Africa, Cuban troops may soon be leaving Angola; Namibia may soon enjoy independence.\n• The Iran-Iraq war is closer to a settlement due to the strong leadership of the Reagan-Bush Administration in the United Nations and the American presence in the Persian Gulf.\nThe party Abraham Lincoln helped to establish—the party of Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush—today offers the United States of America continued leadership, strong and effective. The President of the United States must be a good Commander-in-Chief; the Oval Office is no place for on-the-job training. The Republican Party, tempered by real-world experience, accustomed to making tough choices, is prepared to lead America forward into the 1990s.\nThe Americas\n\nOur future is intimately tied to the future of the Americas. Family, language, culture, environment, and trade link us closely with both Canada and Mexico. Our relations with both of these friends will be based upon continuing cooperation and our mutually shared interests. Our attention to trade and environmental issues will contribute to strong economic growth and prosperity throughout the Americas.\nToday, more Latin Americans than ever before live free because of their partnership with the United States to promote self-determination, democracy, and an end to subversion. The Republican Party reaffirms its strong support of the Monroe Doctrine as the foundation for our policy throughout the Hemisphere, and pledges to conduct foreign policy in accord with its principles. We thereby seek not only to provide for our own security, but also to create a climate for democracy and self-determination throughout the Americas.\nCentral America has always been a region of strategic importance to the United States. There, Nicaragua has become a Soviet client state like Cuba. Democratic progress in the region is threatened directly by the Sandinista military machine and armed subversion exported from Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Soviet Union. The Sandinistas are now equipped with Soviet arms which, in quality and quantity, are far in excess of their own defense requirements.\nThe people of Nicaragua are denied basic human, religious, and political rights by the Sandinista junta. Today, thousands of Nicaraguans are united in a struggle to free their homeland from a totalitarian regime. The Republican Party stands shoulder to shoulder with them in this struggle and is committed to assist them with both humanitarian and military aid. Peace without freedom for the Nicaraguan people is not good enough.\nIf democracy does not prevail, if Nicaragua remains a communist dictatorship dedicated to exporting revolution, the fragile democracies in Central America will be jeopardized. The Republican Party stands with them in their struggle for peace, freedom, and economic growth. We express our emphatic support for the people and government of El Salvador, a target of foreign-directed insurgency. Under Republican leadership, the United States should respond to requests from our Central American neighbors for security assistance to protect their emerging democracies against insurgencies sponsored by the Soviets, Cuba, or others.\nDemocracy continues to prosper in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and in Costa Rica, the region's oldest democracy. However, economic growth in these countries has not matched their political progress. The United States must take the lead in strengthening democratic institutions through economic development based on free market principles. We pledge our continued support to the peoples of the Americas who embrace and sustain democratic principles in their self-government.\nA Republican Administration will continue to promote policy reforms to free the private sector in Central America, such as deregulation of enterprise and privatization of government operations. We will assist friendly democracies in reviving the institutions of regional economic cooperation and integration, and will allow Nicaragua to participate when it enjoys a free, pluralist society and respects free-market principles.\nThe growth of democracy and freedom throughout Latin America is one of the most positive foreign policy developments of the 1980s. Republican leadership has created the environment necessary for this growth. Over the past decade, Latin Americans have moved boldly toward democracy, with 26 of 33 nations now democratic or in transition toward democracy. Mexico has a special strategic and economic importance to the United States, and we encourage close cooperation across a wide variety of fronts in order to strengthen further this critical relationship.\nWe believe the governments of Latin America must band together to defeat the drug trade which now flourishes in the region. We must pledge our full cooperation and support for efforts to induce producers of illicit drug crops to substitute other methods of generating income.\nRepublicans will continue to oppose any normalization of relations with the government of Cuba as long as Fidel Castro continues to oppress the Cuban people at home and to support international terrorism and drug trafficking abroad. We will vigorously continue our support for establishment of a genuinely representative government directly elected by the Cuban people. We reiterate our support of Radio Marti and urge the creation of TV Marti to better reach the oppressed people of Cuba.\nPanama now poses a different challenge to the regional progress made over the past eight years. Our policy must be as firm with respect to military authoritarianism and narco-terrorism as it is with communist tyranny and guerrilla subversion. That policy must include a determined effort to bring to justice any identified narco-terrorist or drug dealer within his or her country of residence or in the courts of the United States of America. Republicans view the Panama Canal as a critical, strategic artery connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. We believe that U.S. access to the Panama Canal must remain free and unencumbered consistent with the foremost principle of the Canal Treaty. We acknowledge, however, the historical partnership and friendship between the American and Panamanian people.\nRepublicans believe that an active, engaged America, clear of purpose and steady in action, is essential to continued progress in Latin America. Passivity and neglect are a sure prescription for the reversal of freedom and peace in Latin America.\nThe Soviet Union: New Challenges and Enduring Realities\n\nSteady American leadership is needed now more than ever to deal with the challenges posed by a rapidly changing Soviet Union. Americans cannot afford a future administration which eagerly attempts to embrace perceived, but as yet unproven, changes in Soviet policy. Nor can we indulge naive inexperience or an overly enthusiastic endorsement of current Soviet rhetoric.\nThe current leaders in the Soviet Union came to power while the United States was undergoing an unsurpassed political, economic, and military resurgence. The Reagan-Bush success story—new jobs and unprecedented economic growth combined with reasserted leadership of the free world—was not lost on the new Soviet regime. It had inherited a bankrupt economy, a society with a Third World standard of living, and military power based upon the sweat of the Soviet worker. Confronted by the failure of their system, the new Soviet leaders have been forced to search for new solutions.\nRepublicans are proud that it was a Republican President who extended freedom's hand and message to the Soviet Union. It will be a new Republican President who can best build on that progress, ever cautious of communism's long history of expansionism and false promises. We are prepared to embrace real reform, but we will not leave America unprepared should reform prove illusory.\nSoviet calls for global peace and harmony ring hollow when compared with ongoing Soviet support for communist guerrillas and governments throughout the Third World. Even in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union is in retreat not as a result of a more benevolent Soviet world view, but because of the courage of determined Mujahidin freedom-fighters fully supported by the United States.\nThe Soviet military continues to grow. Tanks and aircraft continue to roll off Soviet production lines at a rate two to three times that of the United States. Soviet military doctrine remains offensive in nature, as illustrated by the intimidating presence of massed Soviet tank divisions in Eastern Europe. This is the reality of Soviet military posture.\nWith a realistic view of the Soviet Union and the appropriate role of arms reductions in the U.S.-Soviet relationship, the Reagan-Bush Administration concluded the historic INF agreement with the Soviet Union. Ongoing negotiations with the Soviet Union to reduce strategic nuclear weapons by 50 percent are possible because the American people trust Republican leadership. The American people know that, for Republicans, no agreement is better than an agreement detrimental to the security of the free world. To pursue arms control for its own sake or at any cost is naive and dangerous.\nRepublicans will continue to work with the new Soviet leadership. But the terms of the relationship will be based upon persistent and steady attention to certain fundamental principles:\n• Human and religious rights in the Soviet Union.\n• Economic reform in the Soviet Union.\n• Cessation of Soviet support for communist regimes, radical groups, and terrorists.\n• Verified full compliance with all arms control agreements. The right of free emigration for all Soviet citizens.\n• Reduction in the Soviets' massive offensive strategic and conventional capability. In other words, Soviet military doctrine must match its rhetoric.\n• An end to untied credits, particularly general purpose loans which provide the Soviet Union with desperately needed hard currency to bolster its weak economy and facilitate illicit Soviet purchase of U.S. technology.\nRepublicans proudly reaffirm the Reagan Doctrine: America's commitment to aid freedom-fighters against the communist oppression which destroys freedom and the human spirit. We salute the liberation of Grenada. We affirm our support for the heroic fighters in the Afghan resistance and pledge to see them through to the end of their struggle. We pledge political and material support to democratic liberation movements around the world.\nRepublicans believe human rights are advanced most where freedom is advanced first. We call on the Soviet government to release political prisoners, allow free emigration for \"refuseniks\" and others, and introduce full religious tolerance. Soviet Jews, Christians, Armenians, and other ethnic and religious groups are systematically persecuted, denied the right to emigrate, and prevented from freely practicing their religious beliefs. This situation is intolerable, and Republicans demand an end to all of these discriminatory practices.\nWe support the desire for freedom and self-determination of all those living in Captive Nations. The Republican Party denounces the oppression of the national free will of Poles, Hungarians, Czechoslovakians, East Germans, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Albanians. We support the desire for freedom of Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, the people of the Caucasus, and other peoples held captive in the Soviet Union. We support the Solidarity free trade union movement in Poland.\nWe find the violation of human rights on the basis of religion or culture to be morally repugnant to the values we hold. Historical tragedies—like the Holocaust or the terrible persecution suffered by the Armenian people —vividly remind us of the need for vigilance in protecting and promoting human rights. We and others must ensure that such tragedies occur never again.\nThe Republican Party commends the Reagan-Bush Administration for its far-sighted efforts to modernize our electronic tools of public diplomacy to reach the Captive Nations. The Voice of America, Worldnet, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty are on the leading edge of our public diplomacy efforts. These electronic means of communication are force-multipliers of truth. They attack one of the darkest pillars of totalitarianism: the oppression of people through the control of information. We urge the further use of advanced technologies such as Direct Broadcast Satellites and videotape, as well as continuing use of television and radio broadcasting, to articulate the values of individual liberty throughout the world.\nCombatting Narcotics: Defending Our Children\n\nBy eradication at the source, interdiction in transit, education and deterrence against use, prompt extradition of drug kingpins, or rehabilitation, America must be drug free. No nation can remain free when its children are enslaved by drugs.\nWe consider drugs a major national security threat to the United States.\nWe urge all nations to unite against this evil. Although we salute our hemispheric neighbors who are fighting the war on drugs, we expect all nations to help stop this deadly commerce. We pledge aggressive interdiction and eradication, with strong penalties against countries which shield or condone the narcotics traffic.\nRepublicans are proud of the fact that we have dramatically increased the interdiction of dangerous drugs. For example, over the past 6 years, our annual seizure of cocaine has increased by over 1,500 percent. While much has been accomplished in eradicating drugs at the source and in transit, much more remains to be done.\nWe will use our armed forces in the war on drugs to the maximum extent possible. We must emphasize their special capabilities in surveillance and command and control for interdiction and in special operations for eradication of drugs at the source.\nTo fight international drug trade, we will stress the swift extradition of traffickers. We support a comprehensive use of America's resources to apprehend and convict drug dealers. To enforce anti-drug policy, we pledge to enhance eradication efforts with increased herbicide use; regulate exports of \"precursor chemicals\" used in the manufacture of illicit drugs; train and equip cooperating government law-enforcement agencies; emphasize a strategy to \"choke off\" drug supply routes; and impose the death penalty for drug kingpins and those who kill federal law enforcement agents.\nEurope and the Defense of the West\n\nThe United States and Europe share a wide array of political, economic, and military relationships, all vitally important to the United States. Together they represent a growing, multifaceted bond between America and the European democracies.\nCulturally, as well as militarily, we share common goals with Western Europe. The preservation of liberty is first among these. We will not allow the cultural, economic, or political domination of Western Europe by the Soviet Union. Our own national security requires it, for our democracy cannot flourish in isolation. The United States, led by the Reagan-Bush Administration, and our European allies have successfully reasserted democracy's ideological appeal. This formula is without equal for political and economic progress.\nRepublicans believe that the continued growth of trade between Europe and the United States is in the best interest of both the American people and their European friends. However, this economic relationship must be based upon the principle of free and fair trade. Protectionism and other barriers to American products will not be tolerated. The American people demand economic fair play in U. S.-European trade.\nThe recently signed INF treaty has proven that NATO's dual track policy of improving NATO nuclear forces in Europe, while negotiating arms reductions with the Soviet Union, was the only way to make the Soviet leadership accept meaningful nuclear arms reductions. NATO's cohesion as an alliance, when assaulted by Soviet propaganda attacks during the 1980s, proved its resilience. Bolstered by the strong leadership of the United States, Europe stood firm in opposing Soviet demands for a nuclear freeze and unilateral disarmament.\nAmerican aid and European industriousness have restored West Europe to a position of global strength. In accord with this, the Republican Party believes that all members of NATO should bear their fair share of the defense burden.\nRepublicans consider consultation and cooperation with our allies and friends to stop the proliferation of ballistic missile technology a crucial allied goal. We believe that continued support for the Strategic Defense Initiative will yield the type of defensive insurance policy the American people want for themselves and their allies.\nWe share a deep concern for peace and justice in Northern Ireland and condemn all violence and terrorism in that strife-torn land. We support the process of peace and reconciliation established by the Anglo-Irish Agreement, and we encourage new investment and economic reconstruction in Northern Ireland on the basis of strict equality of opportunity and non-discrimination in employment.\nThe Republican Party strongly encourages the peaceful settlement of the long-standing dispute on Cyprus.\nThe future of U.S. relations with Europe is one of endless opportunity and potential. Increased cooperation and consultation will necessarily lead to greater economic, political and military integration, thus strengthening the natural bonds between the democratic peoples on both sides of the Atlantic. This will require a seasoned American leadership, able to build on the achievements of the Reagan-Bush Administration and prepared to lead the alliance into the 1990s and beyond.\nAsia and the Pacific\n\nDemocratic capitalism is transforming Asia. Nations of the Pacific Rim have become colleagues in the enterprise of freedom. They have shown a strong capacity for economic growth and capital development.\nThe Asia-Pacific arena continues to be a vital strategic interest for the U.S. and is an area of increased military, economic, and diplomatic activity for the Soviet Union.\nJapan has assumed the role earned by her people as a world economic power. The GOP believes that our relations can only be strengthened by attacking trade barriers, both tariff and non-tariff, which not only hurt the U.S. now but also will eventually distort Japan's own economy. We believe that it is time for Japan to assume a greater role in this region and elsewhere. This should include a greater commitment to its own defense, commitment to leading the way in alleviating Third World debt, and fostering economic growth in fragile democracies.\nToday, democracy is renewed on Taiwan, the Philippines, and South Korea and is emerging elsewhere in the area. We pledge full cooperation in mutual defense of the Philippines and South Korea and the maintenance of our troops and bases vital for deterring aggression. The United States, with its friends and allies, will strengthen democratic institutions in the Philippines by assisting in its economic development and growth. We reaffirm our commitment to the security of Taiwan and other key friends and allies in the region. We regard any attempt to alter Taiwan's status by force as a threat to the entire region. We adhere to the Taiwan Relations Act, the basis for our continuing cooperation with those who have loyally stood with us, and fought at our side, for half a century.\nToday, the communist regime of the People's Republic of China looks to free market practices to salvage its future from stagnant Marxism. We welcome this development. As we draw closer in our relationship, the Republican Party believes that we must continue to encourage the abandonment of political repression in the People's Republic of China and movement toward a free market. We also look toward continued improvement in mutually beneficial trade between our two nations.\nWe recognize the significant progress made by the Reagan-Bush Administration to assure the end of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. We will continue to press for self-determination and the establishment of a genuinely representative government directly elected by the Afghan people. We pledge to continue full military and humanitarian support and supplies for the resistance until complete Soviet withdrawal is realized.\nWe commend the government of Pakistan for its opposition to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and its support of the Afghan people, particularly its refugees. We reaffirm our friendship and will continue the strong security assistance relationship between the United States and Pakistan.\nWe will press for the withdrawal of Vietnamese occupation of Laos and Cambodia and will continue support for the efforts of the non-communist resistance.\nRepublicans insist that Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia must provide adequate information on American POWs and MIAs. The grief of the POW and MIA families is a constant reminder to all Americans of the patriotic sacrifice made by their missing loved ones. Republicans will not rest until we know the fate of those missing in Indochina. We will continue to press relentlessly for a full accounting of America's POWs and MIAs. We put the government of Vietnam on notice that there will be no improvement in U.S.-Vietnam relations until such a satisfactory full accounting has been provided by the government of Vietnam.\nRepublicans are committed to providing assistance for refugees fleeing Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Republicans strongly believe that the promise of asylum for these refugees must be met by adequate resources and vigorous administration of refugee programs. We will increase efforts to resettle Vietnamese refugees under the orderly departure program. We are particularly committed to assisting the resettlement of Amerasian children against whom brutal discrimination is practiced.\nWe recognize the close and special ties we have maintained with Thailand since the days of Abraham Lincoln. Thailand stands tall against the imperialist aggression of Vietnam and the Soviet Union in Southeast Asia.\nRepublicans strongly support our traditional close bilateral relations with our ally Australia. We also look forward to a rejuvenation of the ANZUS alliance with its benefits and responsibilities to all partners.\nThe Middle East\n\nThe foundation of our policy in the Middle East has been and must remain the promotion of a stable and lasting peace, recognizing our moral and strategic relationship with Israel. More than any of its predecessors, the Reagan-Bush Administration solidified this partnership. As a result, the relations between the United States and Israel are closer than ever before.\nWe will continue to maintain Israel's qualitative advantage over any adversary or coalition of adversaries.\nWe will continue to solidify our strategic relationship with Israel by taking additional concrete steps to further institutionalize the partnership. This will include maintaining adequate levels of security and economic assistance; continuing our meetings on military, political and economic cooperation and coordination; prepositioning military equipment; developing joint contingency plans; and increasing joint naval and air exercises. The growth of the Soviets military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean and along NATO's southern flank has demonstrated the importance of developing and expanding the U. S.-Israel strategic relationship.\nWe oppose the creation of an independent Palestinian state; its establishment is inimical to the security interests of Israel, Jordan and the U.S. We will not support the creation of any Palestinian entity that could place Israel's security in jeopardy.\nRepublicans will build upon the efforts of the Reagan-Bush Administration and work for peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors based upon the following principles:\n• A just and lasting peace is essential, urgent, and can be reached only through direct negotiations between Israel and the Arab nations.\n• Peace treaties must be reached through direct negotiations and must never be imposed upon unwilling partners.\n• The PLO should have no role in the peace process unless it recognizes Israel's right to exist, accepts United Nations Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, renounces terrorism, and removes language from its charter demanding Israel's destruction.\nUnder Republican leadership, the United States will explore every opportunity to move forward the peace process toward direct negotiations as long as the security of Israel is not compromised. Much work remains to establish a climate in the Middle East where the legitimate rights of all parties, including the Palestinians, can be equitably addressed.\nWe recognize that Israel votes with the United States at the United Nations more frequently than any other nation. The Reagan-Bush Administration supported legislation mandating that if the U.N. and its agencies were to deny Israel's right to participate, the United States would withhold financial support and withdraw from those bodies until their action was rectified. The Republican Party reaffirms its support for the recision of U.N. Resolution 3379, which equates Zionism with racism. Failure to repeal that resolution will justify attenuation of our support for the U.N.\nWe believe that Jerusalem should remain an undivided city, with free and unimpeded access to all holy places by people of all faiths.\nRepublicans see Egypt as a catalyst in the Arab world for advancing the cause of regional peace and security. For this reason, we believe that the United States has a significant stake in Egypt's continuing economic development and growth. As the only Arab nation to have formally made peace with Israel, it is reaping the benefits. Egypt's support of the Camp David Accords demonstrates that an Arab nation can make peace with Israel, be an ally of the United States, and remain in good standing in the Arab world. Republicans support the Reagan-Bush Administration's formal designation of Egypt as a major non-NATO ally.\nOur continued support of Egypt and other pro-Western Arab states is an essential component of Republican policy. In support of that policy, we deployed a naval task force to join with allies to keep the sea lanes open during the Iran-Iraq war. We also recognize the important role the moderate Arab states play in supporting U.S. security interests.\nRepublicans will continue to build on the Reagan-Bush achievement of increased security cooperation with the pro-Western Arab states. We recognize that these Arab nations maintain friendly relations with the United States in the face of potential retaliation attempts by radical elements in the Middle East.\nContinuing strife in Lebanon is not in the interest of the U.S. Until order is established, Lebanon will be a source of international terrorism and regional instability. To reestablish normalcy in Lebanon, the U.S. must strengthen the hand of the overwhelming majority of Lebanese, who are committed to an independent, peaceful, and democratic Lebanon.\nIn order to achieve this goal, we will base the policy of the United States on the principles of the unity of Lebanon; the withdrawal of all foreign forces; the territorial integrity of Lebanon; the reestablishment of its government's authority; and the reassertion of Lebanese sovereignty throughout the nation, with recognition that its safekeeping must be the responsibility of the Lebanese government. We will strive to help Lebanon restore its society so that, in the future as in the past, religious groups will live in harmony, international commerce will flourish and international terrorism will not exist.\nFor nearly four decades, U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf has reflected American strategic, economic, and political interests in the area. Republican policy has three fundamental objectives:\n• Maintaining the free flow of oil.\n• Preventing the expansion of Soviet influence.\n• Supporting the independence and stability of the states in the region.\nBy pursuing these goals, we have created the political leverage to begin the process of ending the Iran-Iraq war. Our re-flagging of Kuwaiti ships limited the expansion of both Iranian and Soviet influence in the region.\nAfrica\n\nRepublicans have three priorities in our country' s relations with Africa. The first is to oppose the forces of Marxist imperialism, which sustain the march of tyranny in Africa. This priority includes giving strong assistance to groups which oppose Soviet and Cuban-sponsored oppression in Africa.\nOur second priority is the need to develop and sustain democracies in Africa. Democrats have often taken the view that democracy is unattainable because of Africa's economic condition, yet at the same time they refuse to promote the conditions in which democracies can flourish. Economic freedom and market-based economies are the key to the development of democracy throughout Africa.\nOur third area of concern is humanitarian assistance, especially food aid, to African nations. The Reagan-Bush Administration has always provided this assistance.\nRepublicans salute the Reagan-Bush Administration for responding with characteristic American compassion to famine conditions in Africa by providing record amounts of food, medical supplies, and other lifesaving assistance. In spite of our efforts, the people of Africa continue to suffer. Republicans condemn the cynical Marxist governments, especially in Ethiopia, which used planned starvation as a weapon of war and a tool for forced migration.\nThe recent African drought and resulting famine were not just natural disasters. They were made worse by poorly conceived development projects which stripped lands of their productive capacity. Republicans recognize that protecting the natural resource base of developing nations is essential to protecting future economic opportunities and assuring stable societies. We are leading the fight worldwide to require sound environmental planning as part of foreign development programs.\nWe believe that peace in southern Africa can best be achieved by the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Angola, complete independence and self-determination for the people of Namibia, a rapid process of internal reconciliation, and free and fair elections in both places. The Reagan-Bush Administration has worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome; and while obstacles remain, we are closer than ever to a comprehensive settlement of these interrelated conflicts. America's strong support for Angolan freedom-fighters has helped make this progress possible. We also oppose the maintenance of communist forces and influence in Mozambique.\nRepublicans deplore the apartheid system of South Africa and consider it morally repugnant. All who value human liberty understand the evil of apartheid, and we will not rest until apartheid is eliminated from South Africa. That will remain our goal. Republicans call for an effective and coordinated policy that will promote equal rights and a peaceful transition to a truly representative constitutional form of government for all South Africans and the citizens of all nations throughout Africa. We deplore violence employed against innocent blacks and whites from whatever source.\nWe believe firmly that one element in the evolution of black political progress must be black economic progress; actions designed to pressure the government of South Africa must not have the effect of adversely affecting the rising aspirations and achievements of black South African entrepreneurs and workers and their families. We should also encourage the development of strong democratic black political institutions to aid in the peaceful transition to majority rule. Republicans believe that it is wrong to punish innocent black South Africans for the policies of the apartheid government of South Africa.\nChild Survival Program\n\nThe health of children in the developing countries of Asia, Africa, the Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean has been a priority of the Reagan-Bush Administration. Republicans have designated the Child Survival Program as one of our highest foreign assistance priorities. With the creation of the Child Survival Fund in early 1985, we have helped to ensure that children in developing countries worldwide get a decent start in life.\nOur commitment to the Child Survival Program is more than a compassionate response to this challenge. It is in part an indication of the success of the program. Child Survival funding has been put to good use, and it is making a difference. Experience has shown that a few dollars go a long way in saving a child's life.\nRepublican efforts have seen results. The pilot studies begun by the Reagan-Bush Administration a few years ago have resulted in child survival programs that today are reaching hundreds of thousands of women and children in the developing world. Policies are in place, health workers are trained, and host governments throughout the world are committed to child survival programs.\nRepublicans are committed to continuing our contribution to this vital program. As we look forward to the 1990s, many countries will have achieved what only a few years ago seemed like unattainable goals. Those countries need to find ways to sustain those achievements. It will not be easy. For other countries, the road to these goals will be longer as they strive to give every child what should be his or her birthright, a chance to thrive.\nWe can help them. We can provide leadership and support. We are committed to sustaining this effort to save and improve the lives of the world's children.\nWe commend the Reagan-Bush Administration for its courageous defense of human life in population programs around the world. We support its refusal to fund international organizations involved in abortion.\nStopping International Terrorism and Dealing with Low Intensity Conflict\n\nThe nature of warfare itself has changed. Terrorism is a unique form of warfare that attacks and threatens security and stability around the world. Ranging from the attempted assassination of the Pope and car-bomb attacks on American USO clubs, to narco-subversion in the nations of the West, terrorism seeks to silence freedom as an inalienable right of Man.\nThe world of totalitarianism and anti-Western fanatics have joined forces in this campaign of terror. The goals of their undeclared war against the democracies are the withdrawal of our presence internationally and the retraction of our freedoms domestically.\nThe Republican Party believes that, in order to prevent terrorist attacks, the United States must maintain an unsurpassed intelligence capability. In cases of terrorism where prevention and deterrence are not enough, we believe that the United States must be prepared to use an appropriate mix of diplomatic, political, and military pressure and action to defeat the terrorist attack. The United States must continue to push for a Western commitment to a \"no-concessions\" policy on terrorism.\nThe Republican Party understands that many problems facing our country are centered on \"Low Intensity Conflicts.\" These include insurgencies, organized terrorism, paramilitary actions, sabotage, and other forms of violence in the gray area between peace and declared conventional warfare. Unlike the Democrat Party, Republicans understand that the threat, against the vital interests of the United States covers a broad spectrum of conflict. We are committed to defending the people of the United States at all levels. To implement that commitment, we will rely on the planning and strategy of the U.S. Special Operations Command, the recently established Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict and other Department of Defense offices.\nWe commend the Reagan-Bush Administration for its willingness to provide a measured response to terrorists such as Libya's Colonel Qadhafi. We affirm our determination to continue isolating his outlaw regime. We applaud the Reagan-Bush Administration's dispatch in implementing the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1986. We are strongly committed to obtaining the freedom of all Americans held captive by terrorist elements in the Middle East. Where possible, we will hold accountable those responsible for such heinous acts. We also support foreign military assistance that enables friendly nations to provide for their own defense, including defense against terrorism.\nWe recognize the increasing threat of terrorism to our overall security. We will pursue a forward-leaning posture toward terrorism, and are prepared to act in concert with other nations or unilaterally, as necessary, to prevent or respond to terrorist attacks. Our policy will emphasize pre-emptive anti-terrorist measures; allied and international cooperation; negotiation toward an international agreement to facilitate pre-emptive and proactive measures against terrorists and narco-terrorists; and creation of a multi-national strike force, on the authority granted in a multi-national agreement, specializing in counterterrorism, intelligence and narcotics control.\nRepublicans believe that, when necessary, our own armed forces must have the capability to meet terrorist crises. Our support for defense forces specifically equipped and trained to conduct unconventional warfare has resulted in important improvements in this critical area. Under the Reagan-Bush Administration, major improvements have been made in the special operations force's readiness, manning, and modernization.\nThe Republican Party is strongly committed to increased support of unconventional forces by streamlining the bureaucracy which supports them, building the weapons and platforms which are a minimal requirement for their success, and funding the research and development needed for their future vigor. We wholeheartedly support greater international cooperation to counter terrorism and to ensure the safety of innocent citizens travelling abroad.\nState Department Organization\n\nThe United States depends upon effective diplomacy to protect and advance its interests abroad. Modern diplomacy requires an institution capable of integrating the international dimension of our national values and concerns into a coherent foreign policy. That institution must be made fully responsive to the guidance and direction provided by our country's political leadership.\nThis requires a truly hierarchical decision-making structure in the Department of State to assure that issues not directly decided by the Secretary of State are not out of reach of politically accountable authority.\nRepublicans commend the efforts initiated by the Reagan Administration, and in particular the Secretary of State, to restructure and streamline management of the department in order to provide for greater flexibility, efficiency and accountability.\nWe will continue these efforts in the areas of organization, personnel, and responsiveness as part of a long-term program to make the Department of State more immediately responsive to a complex and changing world.\nPeace Through Strength—A Proven Policy\n\nPeace through strength is now a proven policy. We have modernized our forces, revitalized our military infrastructure, recruited and trained the most capable fighting force in American history. And we have used these tools with care, responsibility, and restraint.\nThe Reagan-Bush national security program has restored America's credibility in the world. Our security and that of our allies have been dramatically enhanced; the opportunities for the United States to be a positive force for freedom and democracy throughout the world have expanded, and the chances for new breakthroughs for peace have risen dramatically.\nRepublicans will build upon this record and advance the cause of world freedom and world peace by using our military credibility as a vehicle for security at home and peace abroad.\nThese new opportunities for peace and world freedom pose new challenges to America.\nThe INF Treaty, the first treaty to actually reduce the number of nuclear weapons, was made possible by our commitment to peace through strength. It will impose new demands on our armed forces. We will redouble our commitment to correct a dangerous imbalance of conventional forces both through negotiation and through force improvements.\nThe Carter administration left our armed forces in a dangerously weakened position. Ten of the Army's 16 divisions were rated as \"not combat ready\" due to shortages of skilled manpower, spare parts, fuel, ammunition, and training. For the same reasons, more than 40 percent of the U.S. Air Force and Navy combat aircraft were not fully mission-capable.\nThe vacillating, ineffectual defense policies of the Democrat presidential nominee would similarly weaken our national security. His ideas about strategic weapons are not only out of step with the thinking of the vast majority of Americans, but also in direct conflict with those of his vice presidential running mate and most of the leading Democrats on the Senate and House Armed Services Committees.\nRepublicans will support U.S. defense capabilities by keeping our economy strong and inflation rates low. Continued economic growth will allow more dollars to be available for defense without consuming a larger portion of the GNP or the federal budget; continued efficiency and economy will assure those dollars are well-spent.\nEven as we engage in dialogue with our adversaries to reduce the risks of war, we must continue to rely on nuclear weapons as our chief form of deterrence. This reliance will, however, move toward non-nuclear defensive weapon systems as we deploy the Strategic Defense System. We will greatly enhance security by making the transition from an all-offensive balance of nuclear terror to a deterrent that emphasizes non-nuclear defense against attack.\nWe must improve conventional deterrence that would prevent our adversaries from being able to advance successfully into allied territory. We stand in unity with our European allies in the conviction that neither a nuclear war nor a conventional war should be fought. Nonetheless, we must stay on the cutting edge of weapon system development and deployment to deter Soviet aggression in Europe and throughout the free world.\nOnly by maintaining our strength and resolve can we secure peace in the years ahead. Republicans will provide the steady leadership needed to move our nation effectively into the 21st century.\nAmerica Defended\n\nWe have begun a historic transition from an America threatened by nuclear weapons to an America defended against the possibility of a devastating nuclear attack.\nWe understand the ominous implications of the proliferation of ballistic missile technology in the Third World. The Reagan-Bush Administration has succeeded in negotiating an agreement among the seven leading industrial countries to stop the spread of this technology. This underscores the need for deployment of the Strategic Defense System commonly known as SDI. SDI represents America's single most important defense program and is the most significant investment we can make in our nation's future security.\nSDI is already working for America. It brought the Soviets back to the bargaining table, and it has energized and challenged our research and technology community as never before. It has started to reverse the trend of unmatched heavy Soviet investment in strategic defense. Republicans insist it is unacceptable that today the citizens of Moscow are protected against ballistic missile attack while Americans have no such protection.\nThe SDI program has been structured to facilitate a smooth transition to a safer world. It emphasizes deployments based upon the following objectives:\n• Providing protection against an accidental or unauthorized launch of a nuclear missile or an attack by a rogue nation.\n• Changing the emphasis of our deterrent from nuclear offense to non-nuclear defensive weapons and providing the only real safeguard against cheating on offensive arms control agreements.\n• Ultimately, providing a comprehensive defense against all ballistic missile attacks.\nWe are committed to rapid and certain deployment of SDI as technologies permit, and we will determine the exact architecture of the system as technologies are tested and proven.\nIn response to the dangerous proliferation of ballistic missiles, a joint U.S.-Israel effort is now underway to produce the free world's first anti-tactical ballistic missile system, \"Project Arrow.\" We will support this use of SDI research funds.\nThe Democrat nominee for president opposes deployment of any SDI system. He opposes deployment of even a limited ballistic missile defense system to protect Americans against missile attacks that might be launched accidentally or by an outlaw ruler with access to a few nuclear weapons. His position contradicts the sponsorship by certain Democrats in Congress of a system to protect Americans from such missile attacks.\nIn recognition of our responsibility to provide optimum protection for the American people from terrorists, accidents and—should deterrence fail—from war, we also believe that a high priority should be given to Civil Defense.\nRepublicans want to begin with protection and add to deterrence. We applaud the leaders of the scientific community for their confidence in the ability of U.S. technology to enhance deterrence and to provide effective defenses. We urge the universities of our country to continue to cooperate with the government and the private sector in establishing the SDI system.\nA Strategy for Deterrence\n\nRepublicans will implement a strategic modernization program, emphasizing offensive and defensive strategic forces that are affordable and credible and that provide for a more stable balance. In contrast with the Democrat nominee and his party, we will not jeopardize America's security and undermine the advances we have made for peace and freedom by permitting erosion of our nuclear deterrent.\nOver the past 30 years, every administration—Democrat and Republican alike—has understood the importance of maintaining a strategic triad: a mix of ground, air and sea retaliatory forces. Republicans know our country needs a survivable land-based leg of the triad. The current Democrat leadership rejects this integral element of our strategic force posture. This will destroy the triad by neglecting necessary modernization and foregoing the strategic forces essential for preserving deterrence.\nThe most critical element in enabling the President to preserve peace is to assure his ability to communicate with foreign leaders and our armed forces under the most adverse circumstances. The Democrat nominee has acted to prevent a future President from having this ability by denying the federal government the needed approval to deploy key elements of the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) in Massachusetts. By doing so, he has demonstrated a shocking disregard for the security of all Americans. This nation cannot afford such irresponsible leadership from one who aspires to be our Commander-in-Chief.\nTo end our historic reliance on massive nuclear retaliation, we need to develop a comprehensive strategic defense system. This system will deter and protect us against deliberate or accidental ballistic missile attack, from whatever source.\nIn the conventional area, we need to ensure that our ground, naval, and air forces are outfitted with the finest equipment and weapons that modern technology can provide; we must also assure that they are fully capable of meeting any threats they may face. We put special emphasis on integrating the guard and reserves into effective combat forces. We must sustain and accelerate the progress we have already made to ensure that all of our forces are prepared for special operations warfare. In addition, advances in conventional weapons technology, specifically, \"smart,\" highly accurate weaponry, must be accelerated. These new weapons will deter our adversaries by threatening significant targets with very precise conventional weapons. We must provide sealift and airlift capability needed to project and support U.S. forces anywhere in the world.\nWe must also deal with the reality of chemical and biological weapons. We must have a deterrent capability; that requires modernization of our own chemical weapons. But we must also strengthen our efforts to achieve a verifiable agreement to eliminate all chemical and biological weapons. Getting a completely verifiable agreement will be difficult, requiring tough, on-site, on-demand verification. It is, however, essential that we press ahead, particularly given the growing proclivity in some quarters to use chemical and biological weapons.\nIn each aspect of our deterrent force, Republicans propose to foster and take advantage of our technology and our democratic alliance systems to develop competing strategies for most effectively defending freedom around the world.\nAn Arms Reduction Strategy\n\nArms reduction can be an important aspect of our national policy only when agreements enhance the security of the United States and its allies. This is the Reagan-Bush legacy; true arms reductions as a means to improve U.S. security, not just the perception of East-West detente. Clear objectives, steady purpose, and tough negotiating, backed up by the Republican defense program, produced the INF Treaty. This is the first real nuclear arms reduction treaty in history. Until 1981, we had accepted arms \"control\" as simply a \"managed\" arms build-up, always waiting for the next agreement to reverse the trend. Republicans insist on mutual arms reductions. We have proven that there are no barriers to mutual reductions except a lack of will and strength to safely achieve them.\nWe cannot afford to return to failed Democrat approaches to arms control. Democrats treat arms control as an end in itself, over-emphasizing the atmospherics of East-West relations, making unilateral concessions, and reneging on the traditional U.S. commitment to those forces essential to U.S. and allied security. Notwithstanding their stated intentions, the Democrats' approach—particularly a nuclear freeze—would make nuclear war more, not less, likely.\nRepublicans are committed to completing the work the Reagan-Bush Administration has begun on an unprecedented 50 percent cut in strategic nuclear weapons. We will achieve verifiable and stable reductions by implementing the Republican agenda for a secure America:\n• We will consistently undertake necessary improvements in our forces to maintain the effectiveness of our deterrent.\n• We will not negotiate in areas which jeopardize our security. In particular, we will not compromise plans for the research, testing, or the rapid and certain deployment of SDI.\n• We will insist on effective verification of compliance with any and all treaties and will take proportional, compensatory actions in cases of non-compliance. Specifically, the Soviet ABM radar at Krasnoyarsk poses a clear violation of the ABM Treaty and, if not corrected, would constitute a \"material breach\" of the Treaty.\n• We will place special emphasis on negotiating asymmetrical Soviet cutbacks in those areas where a dangerous imbalance exists. For example, during the three-year regime of Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet military has added more new conventional weapons than currently exist in the entire armed forces of France and West Germany.\n• We will reject naive and dangerous proposals such as those offered by the Democrat nominee to ban the testing of weapons and delivery systems. Those simplistic and destabilizing proposals are designed only for domestic political appeal and would actually jeopardize achievement of stable arms reductions. The accuracies and efficiencies achieved by testing have in fact resulted in 25 percent fewer warheads and 75 percent less megatonnage than 20 years ago. Our more accurate weapons of today enhance stability.\nWe must always remember—and ever remind our fellow citizens—that, when the future of our country is at stake, no treaty at all is preferable to a bad treaty.\nThe Space Challenge\n\nThe Republican Party is determined to lead our country and the world into the 21st century with a revitalized space program. The American people have never turned back from a frontier.\nOur exploration of space has kept this country on the leading edge of science, research, and technology. Our access to space is essential to our national security. In the coming decade, nations around the world will compete for the economic and military advantages afforded by space.\nThe free and unchallenged use of space offers to the free world, and the Soviet bloc as well, unprecedented strategic, scientific, and economic advantages. The Soviets openly seek these advantages, which must not be denied to the United States and other free nations. Our goal is for the United States to acquire the means to assure that we can enforce a stable and secure space environment for all peoples.\nWe must establish a permanent manned space station in orbit during the 1990s for a commercial and governmental space presence.\nU.S. satellites currently act as the \"eyes and ears\" for our strategic forces. The survivability of U.S. space assets is vital to American interests.\nWe believe the U.S. needs an Anti-Satellite (ASAT) capability to protect our space assets from an operational Soviet threat, and we intend to deploy it rapidly. Furthermore, we encourage the responsible Democrat Members of Congress to join us in this effort. Our country's advance in space is essential to achieve the economic transformations which await us in the new century ahead.\nTwo powerful engines that can reenergize the space program will be competitive free enterprise and SDI. The United States must regain assured access to space through a balanced mix of space shuttles and unmanned vehicles. We must also expand the role—in investment, operation, and control—of the private sector. Republicans believe that this nation can and must develop a private sector capability to compete effectively in the world marketplace as a provider of launches and other services.\nWe applaud those who have pioneered America's rendezvous with the future. We salute those who have lifted the nation's spirit by raising its sights. We remember in special honor those who gave their lives to give our country a leading role in space.\nAmerica: A Strong Leader and Reliable Partner\n\nNATO remains the United States' most important political and military alliance. Republican commitment to NATO is unwavering, reflecting shared political and democratic values which link Europe, Canada, and the United States. NATO pools our collective military resources and capabilities, stretching in Europe from Norway in the north to Turkey, our strategic friend and pillar in the south.\nOur challenge is to assure that today's positive signals from the Soviets translate into a tangible reduction of their military threat tomorrow. Soviet conventional superiority remains a serious problem for NATO. Soviet-Warsaw Pact military doctrine continues to be predicated upon the Soviet Union's ability to mount a massive conventional offensive against the NATO allies. The NATO allies must strengthen their conventional forces, modernize their remaining nuclear systems, and promote rationalization, standardization and interoperability.\nOn the critical issues of defense burden sharing, Republicans reflect the belief of the American people that, although we must maintain a strong presence, the alliance has now evolved to a point where our European and Japanese allies, blessed with advanced economies and high standards of living, are capable of shouldering their fair share of our common defense burden.\nWe are committed to supporting the network of liberty through balanced regional or bilateral alliances with nations sharing our values in all parts of the world, especially our neighbors in Central America. The Republican Party reiterates its support of the people of Central America in their quest for freedom and democracy in their countries.\nWe are proud of the great economic and democratic progress throughout the world during the Reagan-Bush Administration, and we are committed to strengthening the defensive ties that have thwarted Soviet expansion in the past seven years.\nKeeping the Sea Lanes Free\n\nThe United States has always been a maritime nation. We have rebuilt our Navy to permit continued freedom of the seas. Our focus has correctly been on the fighting ships our Navy would use in the event of a conflict. Our successful peace mission in the Persian Gulf is eloquent testimony to the benefits of a blue water Navy.\nTo protect American interests in remote areas of the world, we require a 600-ship navy with 15 aircraft carrier battle groups. This number enables us to operate in areas where we lack the infrastructure of bases we enjoy in Western Europe and the western Pacific. A force of this size will enable us to meet both our security interests and commitments into the 21st century. Republicans are also committed to the strategic homeporting of our forces throughout the United States. Notwithstanding the Democrat nominee's claim to support conventional arms improvements, U.S. security interests are jeopardized by his proposal to cancel two aircraft carriers previously authorized and funded by Congress.\nProviding new policies for the maritime industry is crucial to this nation's defense capability and its economic strength. These policies must include leadership to help make the industries competitive through reform of government programs, aggressive efforts to remove barriers to the U.S. flag merchant fleet, and a commitment to cooperate with the industries themselves to improve their efficiency, productivity, and competitive positions.\nA national commitment to revitalize the commercial shipbuilding industry is needed in this country. Shipyards and the supplier base for marine equipment necessary to build and maintain a merchant marine must survive and prosper. Our merchant marine must be significantly enlarged and become more competitive in order to vastly increase the amount and proportion of our foreign trade it carries.\nSealift is needed to supply our troops and transport commercial cargo during a prolonged national emergency. As a nation, we must be willing to pay for the strategic sealift capability we require. We can do this by ensuring that the needed ships are built and by helping to sustain the ships and their crews in commercial operation. We must return this nation to its foremost place among the world maritime powers through a comprehensive maritime policy.\nLast year Congress slashed the Administration's budget request for the Coast Guard. We urge Congress to adjust the budget process to protect the Coast Guard appropriation, thereby removing the temptation to siphon its funds and personnel into other programs and ensuring improved coordination of government agencies in our nation's war against drugs.\nOur Nation's Technology Base\n\nScience and technology are the keys to a better future for all. Many of the miracles we take for granted in everyday life originated in defense and space research. They have not only helped preserve the peace, but also have made America's standard of living the envy of the world.\nBecause of advances in science and technology, our defense budget today is actually one-third lower, as a fraction of the gross national product, than it was a generation ago.\nToday, national security and technological superiority are increasingly linked by the relationship between technology and key strategies of credible and flexible deterrence, defenses against ballistic missiles, and space pre-eminence.\nInvestment in defense research and development must be maintained at a level commensurate with the Reagan-Bush years. This investment should be focused on efficient and effective areas such as ballistic missile defense, space, command and control, and \"smart\" munitions.\nWe support a defense budget with the necessary funds and incentives for industry to invest in new technologies and new plant and equipment. This is needed to preserve and expand our competitive edge, thereby assuring future opportunities for America's next generation in science, engineering, and manufacturing.\nOur nation will benefit greatly from patent royalties and technological progress that will be developed through spinoffs, especially in the fields of micro-miniaturization and super-conductivity, which are vital in order for U.S. industry to compete in the world.\nWe regard the education of American students in the fields of science and technology as vital to our national security.\nOur investment in militarily critical knowledge and technology must be safeguarded against transfer to the Soviet Union and other unfriendly countries.\nDefense Acquisition\n\nAmericans are prepared to support defense spending adequate to meet the needs of our security. Americans have a right—and the government has a duty—to ensure that their hard-earned tax dollars are well-spent. We Republicans recognize that waste and fraud in the defense acquisition process cheat the American people and weaken our national security. Neither can be tolerated.\nThose who loot national security funds must be prosecuted and punished. Mismanagement must also be rooted out. The planning and budgeting process must be improved, and the acquisition process reformed, recognizing that congressionally mandated waste contributes mightily to inefficiencies in the system.\nWe will sustain necessary appropriations in the defense budget to avoid the destructive impact of wildly fluctuating and unpredictable annual funding.\nThe Packard Commission recommended a series of important reforms for improved defense management. We are committed to ensuring that these reforms are fully implemented—by Congress, the Defense Department and the defense industry. Most particularly we call for submission of a two-year budget for defense to help us meet these goals. Persons involved in the federal government procurement process must be subject to \"revolving door\" legislation.\nProcurement today is constrained by an adversarial relationship between the Congress and the Defense Department. The result is micro-management by Congress, which has resulted in thousands of regulations that add expensive and time consuming red tape without adding value. Republicans support a firm policy of cooperation, treating Members of Congress as full partners in the acquisition process. This will result in more efficiency and better weapons. An example of what can be accomplished with this partnership is the new base closing legislation.\nTo make real these reforms, we will once again depend on the professionalism, the diligence, and the patriotism of the men and women who comprise the vast majority of our defense establishment.\nArmed Forces Personnel for the Nineties\n\nA free society defends itself freely. That is why Republicans created an all-volunteer force of men and women in the 1970s, and why it has proven to be a tremendous success in the 1980s.\nFrom Grenada to the Persian Gulf, the readiness of those in uniform has made America proud again. Despite a demographic decline in the number of those eligible for service, military recruitment and retention rates are at all time highs. Quality is outstanding, and all sectors of society are participating.\nWe will continue to make the military family a special priority, recognizing strong home life as an essential component in the morale and performance of the armed forces.\nRepublicans deplore and reject the efforts of those who would support either a numerical cap or a reduction in the number of military dependents able to accompany U.S. servicemen and women overseas. We recognize that a stable and happy family life is the most important prerequisite for retaining these dedicated men and women in the service of our country.\nRepublicans recognize that a secure national defense depends upon healthy military personnel. We commend the United States Armed Forces for their leadership in proving the utility of testing active duty personnel and applicants for disease and substance abuse.\nRepublicans will never take the military for granted. We support an all-volunteer force and we will continue to insist on fairness in pay and benefits for military personnel and their families, always striving to keep compensation in line with the civilian economy.\nThe National Guard and Reserve are essential to the integrated force concept of our armed services. Prior to 1981, the Guard and Reserve were deprived of both modern equipment and integration into the active forces. This policy has been changed to enable the Guard and Reserve to make their full contribution to our security. We recognize the major role played by the men and women of the Guard and Reserves in the total defense policy. These improvements will be sustained.\nVeterans\n\nVeterans have paid the price for the freedoms we enjoy. They have earned the benefits they receive, and we will be vigilant in protecting these programs of health care, education and housing.\nWe believe men and women veterans have earned the right to be heard at the highest levels of government. With the personal support of President Reagan, America's veterans will now have a seat in the president's Cabinet.\nThe health needs of our aging veterans are of special importance, and Republicans will not retreat from this national commitment. We encourage the new Secretary of the Veterans Department to work with the Federal Council on the Aging, and other agencies and organizations, to assure that the development of new facilities and treatment programs meet the special needs of our elderly veterans.\nRepublicans support the policy that, in all areas where there are no VA hospitals or long-term care facilities, veterans needing medical attention for service-connected disabilities should have the option of receiving medical care within their communities with adequate funding.\nWe must continue to address the unique readjustment problems of Vietnam veterans by continuing the store-front counseling, vocational training and job placement programs. We support veterans preference in federal employment and are vigilant about the serious problems associated with delayed stress reaction in combat veterans, particularly disabled and Vietnam veterans. An intense scientific effort must continue with respect to disabilities that may be related to exposure to ionizing radiation or herbicides.\nThe Republican Party supports sufficient funding to maintain the integrity of the VA hospital and medical care system and the entitlement and beneficiary system. We also support the efforts of the Department of Labor to properly meet the needs of unemployed veterans, particularly disabled and Vietnam veterans.\nOur commitment to America's veterans extends to the men and women of all generations.\nIntelligence: An Indispensable Resource at a Critical Time\n\nA crucial part of the Reagan-Bush Administration's rebuilding of a strong America has been the restoration of the nation's intelligence capabilities after years of neglect and down-grading by the Carter-Mondale administration. This renewed emphasis has been essential in conducting diplomacy, supporting our armed forces, confronting terrorism, stopping narcotics traffic, battling Soviet subversion, and influencing events in support of other national policies. Our vital intelligence capability will continue to prevent tragedies and save lives.\nIn the years ahead, the United States will face a widening range of national security challenges and opportunities. Scores of foreign intelligence services will seek to uncover our secrets and steal our technology. But there will also be opportunities to advance U.S. interests, for freedom and democracy are on the march. Both the threats and the opportunities will place demands on our intelligence capabilities as never before.\nThe Republican Party endorses covert action as one method of implementing U.S. national security policy. We reject legislative measures that impinge on the President's constitutional prerogatives. Our country must be able to collect from both technical and human sources the vital information which is denied to us by closed societies in troubled regions of the world. Our senior national security officials must be informed about trends in foreign societies, opportunities to advance U.S. interests, and the vulnerabilities of those who seek to harm our interests. This information can then be used, through the proper chain of command, to support our national policies.\nTo strengthen the decision-making process and further limit access to classified information, we support the concept of a single joint committee for intelligence, made up of appropriate congressional leaders and analogous to the former Joint Atomic Energy Committee.\nWe will continue to enhance the nation's capability for counter-intelligence. Congressional intrusion into the administration of counter-intelligence must be kept to a minimum.\nLeaks of highly sensitive and classified national security information and materials have increased at an alarming rate in recent years. Such leaks often compromise matters critical to our defense and national security; they can result in the tragic loss of life. We advocate a law making it a felony for any present or former officer or employee of the federal government, including Members of Congress, to knowingly disclose classified information or material to a person not authorized to have access to it.\nThe U.S. must continue to provide political, military, and economic assistance to friends abroad and to those seeking to help us against our adversaries. These activities must always be in support of our national policy, and the U.S. has the right to expect reciprocity wherever possible.\nTo the extent the Congress requires the President to inform its Members of activities sensitive to national security, the President is entitled to require that Congress will respect that sensitivity.\nNational Security Strategy for the Future\n\nWe have set forth the foreign and defense policies of the Republican Party in the two preceding sections of this Platform. To implement those policies, we propose this integrated national security strategy for the future.\nThe long-term security of our nation is the most important responsibility of the U.S. government. The domestic well-being of the American people cannot be ensured unless our country is secure from external attack. To guard our borders, preserve our freedom, protect America from ballistic missile attack, foster a climate of international stability and tranquility—so that nations and individuals may develop, interact, and prosper free from the threat of war or intimidation—these are the most important goals of America's foreign and defense policy.\nWe dare not abandon to others our leadership in pursuit of these goals. International peace and stability require our country' s engagement at many levels. While we cannot resolve all issues unilaterally, neither can we abdicate our responsibilities by retrenchment or by relying on the United Nations to secure our interests abroad. Those who advocate America's disengagement from the world forget the dangers that would be unleashed by America's retreat—dangers which inevitably increase the costs and risks of the necessary reassertion of U.S. power.\nRepublicans learned this lesson well as we implemented the most successful national security policy since World War II. In 1981, we had to deal with the consequences of the Democrat's retreat. We inherited an America in decline, with a crisis of confidence at home and a loss of respect abroad. Reestablishing America's strength, its belief in itself, and its leadership role was the first and most important task facing the Reagan-Bush Administration. We met that task. We repaired our defenses, modernized our strategic nuclear forces, improved our strategy for deterrence with our development of the Strategic Defense Initiative, deployed INF missiles in Europe, and restored pride in our nation's military service.\nWe also met that task by a policy of engagement. We worked with allies, not against them. We supported friends instead of accommodating foes. We fostered the achievement of genuine self-determination and democracy rather than merely preaching about human rights in the Third World.\nThe Reagan-Bush approach produced dramatic results. Our policy is proven: to foster peace while resolutely providing for the security of our country and its allies. We have significantly enhanced that security. We have expanded the opportunities for the United States to be a positive force for freedom and democracy throughout the world, and the chances for new breakthroughs for peace have risen dramatically.\nWe secured the first arms reduction agreement, eliminating an entire class of Soviet and U.S. nuclear weapons. We laid the basis in START for unprecedented, radical reductions in strategic nuclear arms.\nIn regional conflicts, a humiliating Soviet retreat from Afghanistan, made possible by our unyielding support for the Mujahidin, helped to sober the Soviet rulers about the costs of their adventurism. Our protection of vital U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf against Iranian aggression led to the agreement to start resolving the Persian Gulf War. Our support for freedom fighters in Angola has resulted in the chance of a settlement there and elsewhere in southern Africa. Our isolation of Vietnam has led to the prospect of its withdrawal from Cambodia.\nIn human rights and the building of democracy, Republican leadership has turned the tide against terror in Central America, aided the restoration of democracy in the Philippines and South Korea, and liberated the island of Grenada from a Cuban-controlled dictatorship.\nThis is a remarkable record of achievement. It shows that our policies of achieving peace through strength have worked. By rebuilding American strength and restoring American self-confidence, Republicans achieved a remarkable series of foreign policy objectives critical to our country's security. The resurgence of American leadership has changed the world and is shaping the future, creating new opportunities not dreamt of eight years ago. This is true measure of competence.\nAlthough we have established a framework for the future, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. The young democracies we have helped to flourish may yet be overcome by authoritarian pressures. The Soviet Union can easily revert to past practices. Its current effort of internal restructuring could create a more powerful adversary with unchanged objectives. Arms reductions could again become an excuse for reducing our commitment to defense, thus creating dangerous instabilities. Economic competition could easily slip into protectionism and mercantilism. Both to meet those challenges and to build upon the opportunities created by our success, the U.S. must continue in the strong leadership role it has assumed over the past eight years.\nAs we face the opportunities and challenges of the future, our policies must be guided by realism, strength, dialogue, and engagement. We must be realistic about the Soviet Union and the world we face. Hostile forces remain in that world. Soviet military capabilities are still dangerous to us. It must be clear to all, except the leadership of the Democrat Party, that we are not beyond the era of threats to the security of the United States.\nOur country must have all the military strength that is necessary to deter war and protect our vital interests abroad. Republicans will continue to improve our defense capabilities. We will carefully set priorities within a framework of fiscal conservatism, and improved management of defense resources.\nWe will continue modernizing our strategic forces, emphasizing a mix of offensive and defensive forces, effective and survivable, employing unique U.S. technological advantages. We will redouble our commitment through force improvement to correct the dangerous imbalance that exists in conventional forces.\nAt the same time, we will pursue negotiations designed to eliminate destabilizing asymmetries in strategic and conventional forces. Arms reductions can contribute to our national security only if they are designed to reduce the risk of war and result in greater stability. They must be part of a process of broader dialogue with the Soviet Union, as well as other nations, a process in which we explore possible opportunities to reduce tensions and create more stable, predictable, and enduring relationships.\nAs we shape our foreign and defense policies, we must never lose sight of the unique leadership role the United States plays in the world community. No other nation can assume that role. Whether we are dealing with security challenges in the Persian Gulf or terrorism or the scourge of drugs, the willingness of other nations to act resolutely will depend on the readiness of America to lead, to remain vigorously engaged, and to shoulder its unique responsibilities in the world.\nThe American people and the Republican Party, in the tradition of Ronald Reagan and with the leadership of George Bush, are indeed ready to do so.", "Words" -> 35795, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 2070, "and" -> 1376, "of" -> 1368, "to" -> 1206, "in" -> 710, "We" -> 542, "a" -> 526, "for" -> 510, "our" -> 376, "will" -> 351, "that" -> 305, "is" -> 265, "we" -> 226, "by" -> 220, "The" -> 219, "with" -> 218, "are" -> 216, "have" -> 180, "on" -> 172, "be" -> 171, "their" -> 163, "as" -> 161, "has" -> 145, "support" -> 132, "all" -> 130, "Republicans" -> 129, "must" -> 129, "from" -> 118, "people" -> 109, "or" -> 103, "Republican" -> 101, "not" -> 100, "more" -> 100, "American" -> 99, "an" -> 96, "economic" -> 95, "government" -> 91, "its" -> 90, "States" -> 89, "federal" -> 85, "In" -> 79, "those" -> 78, "this" -> 78, "policy" -> 77, "Americans" -> 77, "which" -> 76, "at" -> 75, "world" -> 74, "programs" -> 74, "it" -> 74, "continue" -> 72, "who" -> 71, "than" -> 71, "Soviet" -> 71, "other" -> 71, "work" -> 70, "United" -> 67, "Our" -> 66, "new" -> 65, "been" -> 65, "future" -> 64, "America" -> 64, "U.S." -> 63, "should" -> 63, "Administration" -> 63, "Reagan-Bush" -> 62, "free" -> 62, "security" -> 61, "can" -> 61, "against" -> 61, "years" -> 60, "national" -> 60, "care" -> 60, "through" -> 59, "public" -> 58, "It" -> 57, "education" -> 56, "private" -> 54, "health" -> 54, "This" -> 52, "Democrats" -> 52, "percent" -> 51, "trade" -> 50, "Party" -> 50, "leadership" -> 49, "most" -> 48, "tax" -> 47, "defense" -> 46, "freedom" -> 45, "family" -> 45, "families" -> 45, "drug" -> 44, "America's" -> 44, "use" -> 43, "these" -> 43, "policies" -> 43, "into" -> 43, "forces" -> 43, "program" -> 42, "efforts" -> 42, "children" -> 42, "housing" -> 41, "also" -> 41, "system" -> 40, "made" -> 40, "jobs" -> 40, "growth" -> 40, "any" -> 40, "State" -> 39, "rights" -> 39, "military" -> 39, "they" -> 38, "development" -> 38, "Congress" -> 38, "To" -> 37, "make" -> 37, "life" -> 37, "foreign" -> 37, "believe" -> 37, "every" -> 36, "ensure" -> 36, "country" -> 36, "would" -> 35, "upon" -> 35, "them" -> 35, "recognize" -> 35, "provide" -> 35, "progress" -> 35, "peace" -> 35, "out" -> 35, "nations" -> 35, "nation" -> 35, "such" -> 34, "strong" -> 34, "only" -> 34, "encourage" -> 34, "both" -> 34, "way" -> 33, "rural" -> 33, "right" -> 33, "opportunity" -> 33, "opportunities" -> 33, "rates" -> 32, "important" -> 32, "force" -> 32, "control" -> 32, "local" -> 31, "communities" -> 31, "committed" -> 31, "President" -> 30, "nuclear" -> 30, "international" -> 30, "economy" -> 30, "commitment" -> 30, "women" -> 29, "sector" -> 29, "political" -> 29, "needs" -> 29, "energy" -> 29, "was" -> 28, "us" -> 28, "strategic" -> 28, "space" -> 28, "services" -> 28, "now" -> 28, "Democrat" -> 28, "research" -> 27, "reform" -> 27, "protect" -> 27, "process" -> 27, "full" -> 27, "drugs" -> 27, "assistance" -> 27, "technology" -> 26, "so" -> 26, "pledge" -> 26, "call" -> 26, "best" -> 26, "where" -> 25, "weapons" -> 25, "Union" -> 25, "under" -> 25, "Reagan" -> 25, "promote" -> 25, "need" -> 25, "institutions" -> 25, "help" -> 25, "citizens" -> 25, "budget" -> 25, "That" -> 24, "role" -> 24, "own" -> 24, "nation's" -> 24, "meet" -> 24, "increased" -> 24, "including" -> 24, "costs" -> 24, "toward" -> 23, "They" -> 23, "special" -> 23, "place" -> 23, "past" -> 23, "many" -> 23, "interests" -> 23, "income" -> 23, "democracy" -> 23, "better" -> 23, "As" -> 23, "A" -> 23, "values" -> 22, "throughout" -> 22, "society" -> 22, "responsibility" -> 22, "oppose" -> 22, "interest" -> 22, "first" -> 22, "country's" -> 22, "but" -> 22, "back" -> 22, "war" -> 21, "want" -> 21, "taxes" -> 21, "markets" -> 21, "levels" -> 21, "legislation" -> 21, "keep" -> 21, "fair" -> 21, "essential" -> 21, "especially" -> 21, "continued" -> 21, "transportation" -> 20, "inflation" -> 20, "improve" -> 20, "home" -> 20, "good" -> 20, "goals" -> 20, "during" -> 20, "current" -> 20, "cooperation" -> 20, "continuing" -> 20, "areas" -> 20, "allies" -> 20, "about" -> 20, "vital" -> 19, "up" -> 19, "time" -> 19, "These" -> 19, "strength" -> 19, "safety" -> 19, "religious" -> 19, "one" -> 19, "oil" -> 19, "million" -> 19, "lead" -> 19, "laws" -> 19, "investment" -> 19, "industry" -> 19, "greater" -> 19, "competitive" -> 19, "barriers" -> 19, "arms" -> 19, "allow" -> 19, "advance" -> 19, "workers" -> 18, "spending" -> 18, "secure" -> 18, "resources" -> 18, "rate" -> 18, "quality" -> 18, "power" -> 18, "part" -> 18, "no" -> 18, "individuals" -> 18, "Europe" -> 18, "environmental" -> 18, "effort" -> 18, "do" -> 18, "Department" -> 18, "congressional" -> 18, "child" -> 18, "between" -> 18, "year" -> 17, "were" -> 17, "schools" -> 17, "reduce" -> 17, "real" -> 17, "products" -> 17, "problems" -> 17, "poverty" -> 17, "necessary" -> 17, "market" -> 17, "job" -> 17, "increase" -> 17, "human" -> 17, "For" -> 17, "enterprise" -> 17, "end" -> 17, "countries" -> 17, "business" -> 17, "based" -> 17, "ahead" -> 17, "Africa" -> 17, "school" -> 16, "require" -> 16, "prevent" -> 16, "over" -> 16, "others" -> 16, "order" -> 16, "National" -> 16, "medical" -> 16, "means" -> 16, "lower" -> 16, "law" -> 16, "environment" -> 16, "competition" -> 16, "assure" -> 16, "agricultural" -> 16, "access" -> 16, "abroad" -> 16, "urge" -> 15, "terrorism" -> 15, "result" -> 15, "remain" -> 15, "regulatory" -> 15, "put" -> 15, "protection" -> 15, "persons" -> 15, "pay" -> 15, "particularly" -> 15, "needed" -> 15, "less" -> 15, "history" -> 15, "groups" -> 15, "funding" -> 15, "foster" -> 15, "fight" -> 15, "farmers" -> 15, "expansion" -> 15, "enhance" -> 15, "develop" -> 15, "conventional" -> 15, "community" -> 15, "cannot" -> 15, "Bush" -> 15, "billion" -> 15, "aid" -> 15, "agreement" -> 15, "when" -> 14, "what" -> 14, "students" -> 14, "since" -> 14, "scientific" -> 14, "reductions" -> 14, "prosperity" -> 14, "possible" -> 14, "parents" -> 14, "never" -> 14, "natural" -> 14, "live" -> 14, "level" -> 14, "governments" -> 14, "effective" -> 14, "domestic" -> 14, "disabilities" -> 14, "determined" -> 14, "democratic" -> 14, "dangerous" -> 14, "critical" -> 14, "build" -> 14, "brought" -> 14, "before" -> 14, "again" -> 14, "Act" -> 14, "1970s" -> 14, "working" -> 13, "without" -> 13, "welfare" -> 13, "waste" -> 13, "veterans" -> 13, "testing" -> 13, "take" -> 13, "success" -> 13, "small" -> 13, "relationship" -> 13, "relations" -> 13, "reforms" -> 13, "reduced" -> 13, "principles" -> 13, "poor" -> 13, "organizations" -> 13, "open" -> 13, "millions" -> 13, "making" -> 13, "major" -> 13, "maintain" -> 13, "long" -> 13, "like" -> 13, "liberty" -> 13, "led" -> 13, "land" -> 13, "key" -> 13, "House" -> 13, "George" -> 13, "farm" -> 13, "enforcement" -> 13, "cut" -> 13, "crime" -> 13, "created" -> 13, "create" -> 13, "benefits" -> 13, "Because" -> 13, "around" -> 13, "1981" -> 13, "while" -> 12, "water" -> 12, "sustain" -> 12, "strengthen" -> 12, "stability" -> 12, "share" -> 12, "set" -> 12, "seek" -> 12, "remove" -> 12, "production" -> 12, "prices" -> 12, "preserve" -> 12, "missile" -> 12, "men" -> 12, "may" -> 12, "know" -> 12, "insist" -> 12, "improved" -> 12, "high" -> 12, "gas" -> 12, "funds" -> 12, "ever" -> 12, "even" -> 12, "dramatically" -> 12, "dollars" -> 12, "cities" -> 12, "challenges" -> 12, "century" -> 12, "become" -> 12, "armed" -> 12, "always" -> 12, "air" -> 12, "ability" -> 12, "why" -> 11, "well" -> 11, "systems" -> 11, "successful" -> 11, "stable" -> 11, "South" -> 11, "science" -> 11, "savings" -> 11, "return" -> 11, "requires" -> 11, "record" -> 11, "providing" -> 11, "participation" -> 11, "number" -> 11, "low-income" -> 11, "low" -> 11, "learning" -> 11, "last" -> 11, "Israel" -> 11, "individual" -> 11, "include" -> 11, "incentives" -> 11, "if" -> 11, "higher" -> 11, "had" -> 11, "get" -> 11, "food" -> 11, "example" -> 11, "equal" -> 11, "down" -> 11, "developing" -> 11, "democracies" -> 11, "Defense" -> 11, "creation" -> 11, "consumers" -> 11, "change" -> 11, "capability" -> 11, "By" -> 11, "But" -> 11, "businesses" -> 11, "ballistic" -> 11, "available" -> 11, "attack" -> 11, "alternative" -> 11, "AIDS" -> 11, "abuse" -> 11, "1980" -> 11, "young" -> 10, "World" -> 10, "Vietnam" -> 10, "unprecedented" -> 10, "treatment" -> 10, "traditional" -> 10, "some" -> 10, "Security" -> 10, "SDI" -> 10, "safe" -> 10, "reverse" -> 10, "retreat" -> 10, "promise" -> 10, "productive" -> 10, "priority" -> 10, "potential" -> 10, "partnership" -> 10, "off" -> 10, "long-term" -> 10, "insurance" -> 10, "information" -> 10, "improvements" -> 10, "his" -> 10, "half" -> 10, "Guard" -> 10, "give" -> 10, "further" -> 10, "financial" -> 10, "Federal" -> 10, "expand" -> 10, "European" -> 10, "eight" -> 10, "direct" -> 10, "deterrence" -> 10, "decline" -> 10, "cost" -> 10, "controls" -> 10, "compete" -> 10, "commend" -> 10, "capital" -> 10, "Arab" -> 10, "agenda" -> 10, "agencies" -> 10, "address" -> 10, "action" -> 10, "able" -> 10, "Western" -> 9, "used" -> 9, "urban" -> 9, "Under" -> 9, "together" -> 9, "today" -> 9, "three" -> 9, "there" -> 9, "technological" -> 9, "task" -> 9, "strongly" -> 9, "standards" -> 9, "stand" -> 9, "sound" -> 9, "service" -> 9, "same" -> 9, "respect" -> 9, "Reserve" -> 9, "regulation" -> 9, "reduction" -> 9, "reaffirm" -> 9, "ready" -> 9, "reach" -> 9, "price" -> 9, "positive" -> 9, "officials" -> 9, "much" -> 9, "management" -> 9, "living" -> 9, "leading" -> 9, "launched" -> 9, "lands" -> 9, "homes" -> 9, "fully" -> 9, "From" -> 9, "form" -> 9, "excellence" -> 9, "established" -> 9, "encouraged" -> 9, "edge" -> 9, "earnings" -> 9, "disabled" -> 9, "courts" -> 9, "Constitution" -> 9, "comprehensive" -> 9, "comes" -> 9, "choice" -> 9, "challenge" -> 9, "being" -> 9, "basic" -> 9, "base" -> 9, "authority" -> 9, "attacks" -> 9, "advocate" -> 9, "administration" -> 9, "adequate" -> 9, "achieve" -> 9, "1988" -> 9, "With" -> 8, "When" -> 8, "violence" -> 8, "unemployment" -> 8, "two" -> 8, "trust" -> 8, "treaty" -> 8, "transition" -> 8, "training" -> 8, "tradition" -> 8, "tough" -> 8, "technologies" -> 8, "taxpayers" -> 8, "supports" -> 8, "Strategic" -> 8, "still" -> 8, "Soviets" -> 8, "source" -> 8, "self-determination" -> 8, "Ronald" -> 8, "remains" -> 8, "reject" -> 8, "regional" -> 8, "region" -> 8, "recovery" -> 8, "proven" -> 8, "protecting" -> 8, "property" -> 8, "Program" -> 8, "problem" -> 8, "prepared" -> 8, "party" -> 8, "neighborhoods" -> 8, "NATO" -> 8, "Nations" -> 8, "More" -> 8, "money" -> 8, "lives" -> 8, "leaders" -> 8, "intelligence" -> 8, "INF" -> 8, "independent" -> 8, "hold" -> 8, "historic" -> 8, "helped" -> 8, "growing" -> 8, "goal" -> 8, "friends" -> 8, "face" -> 8, "expanding" -> 8, "entire" -> 8, "ensuring" -> 8, "employment" -> 8, "elsewhere" -> 8, "elderly" -> 8, "efficiency" -> 8, "Economic" -> 8, "East" -> 8, "early" -> 8, "directly" -> 8, "deterrent" -> 8, "demand" -> 8, "deal" -> 8, "could" -> 8, "consider" -> 8, "commercial" -> 8, "clean" -> 8, "cause" -> 8, "black" -> 8, "bills" -> 8, "balanced" -> 8, "area" -> 8, "among" -> 8, "almost" -> 8, "agreements" -> 8, "ago" -> 8, "affordable" -> 8, "1990s" -> 8, "15" -> 8, "youth" -> 7, "wrong" -> 7, "While" -> 7, "Where" -> 7, "value" -> 7, "usage" -> 7, "until" -> 7, "unique" -> 7, "turned" -> 7, "true" -> 7, "top" -> 7, "today's" -> 7, "Today" -> 7, "Through" -> 7, "threat" -> 7, "thousands" -> 7, "Those" -> 7, "themselves" -> 7, "That's" -> 7, "Tax" -> 7, "supply" -> 7, "supplies" -> 7, "standard" -> 7, "Social" -> 7, "save" -> 7, "safer" -> 7, "rules" -> 7, "revenues" -> 7, "resulted" -> 7, "restore" -> 7, "responsibilities" -> 7, "residents" -> 7, "requirements" -> 7, "regulations" -> 7, "range" -> 7, "pursue" -> 7, "proud" -> 7, "planning" -> 7, "plan" -> 7, "Persian" -> 7, "peoples" -> 7, "ownership" -> 7, "offensive" -> 7, "objectives" -> 7, "negotiations" -> 7, "mothers" -> 7, "minority" -> 7, "measures" -> 7, "massive" -> 7, "lowest" -> 7, "look" -> 7, "Lebanon" -> 7, "Latin" -> 7, "labor" -> 7, "independence" -> 7, "increasing" -> 7, "includes" -> 7, "importance" -> 7, "If" -> 7, "Gulf" -> 7, "ground" -> 7, "global" -> 7, "gains" -> 7, "foundation" -> 7, "few" -> 7, "everyone" -> 7, "Even" -> 7, "erosion" -> 7, "equipment" -> 7, "endorse" -> 7, "emphasize" -> 7, "emphasis" -> 7, "discrimination" -> 7, "dependent" -> 7, "demands" -> 7, "decisions" -> 7, "debt" -> 7, "constitutional" -> 7, "confidence" -> 7, "communist" -> 7, "chance" -> 7, "Central" -> 7, "cases" -> 7, "capacity" -> 7, "capabilities" -> 7, "bill" -> 7, "because" -> 7, "balance" -> 7, "average" -> 7, "availability" -> 7, "At" -> 7, "assist" -> 7, "appropriate" -> 7, "An" -> 7, "age" -> 7, "afford" -> 7, "adoption" -> 7, "additional" -> 7, "addition" -> 7, "actions" -> 7, "achieved" -> 7, "20" -> 7, "1986" -> 7, "world's" -> 6, "worker" -> 6, "worked" -> 6, "within" -> 6, "withdrawal" -> 6, "weapon" -> 6, "voluntary" -> 6, "vigorously" -> 6, "Third" -> 6, "teachers" -> 6, "supported" -> 6, "successfully" -> 6, "Strong" -> 6, "strengthened" -> 6, "strategy" -> 6, "spirit" -> 6, "social" -> 6, "significant" -> 6, "shelters" -> 6, "Senate" -> 6, "sell" -> 6, "salute" -> 6, "results" -> 6, "resolve" -> 6, "Reform" -> 6, "realistic" -> 6, "rather" -> 6, "raise" -> 6, "provided" -> 6, "propose" -> 6, "projects" -> 6, "productivity" -> 6, "priorities" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "presidential" -> 6, "presence" -> 6, "platform" -> 6, "personnel" -> 6, "permit" -> 6, "penalties" -> 6, "peaceful" -> 6, "partners" -> 6, "parental" -> 6, "overall" -> 6, "opposition" -> 6, "operations" -> 6, "No" -> 6, "neighbors" -> 6, "nearly" -> 6, "movement" -> 6, "move" -> 6, "model" -> 6, "Members" -> 6, "Medicaid" -> 6, "Massachusetts" -> 6, "maritime" -> 6, "Many" -> 6, "makes" -> 6, "majority" -> 6, "maintaining" -> 6, "loans" -> 6, "line" -> 6, "just" -> 6, "issues" -> 6, "interdiction" -> 6, "innovation" -> 6, "innocent" -> 6, "initiatives" -> 6, "initiated" -> 6, "industrial" -> 6, "illegal" -> 6, "however" -> 6, "households" -> 6, "highest" -> 6, "her" -> 6, "grow" -> 6, "greatest" -> 6, "great" -> 6, "Government" -> 6, "fuel" -> 6, "freely" -> 6, "flexibility" -> 6, "find" -> 6, "federally" -> 6, "facilitate" -> 6, "exploration" -> 6, "exemption" -> 6, "establishment" -> 6, "era" -> 6, "election" -> 6, "educational" -> 6, "Education" -> 6, "economies" -> 6, "dumping" -> 6, "Drug" -> 6, "Development" -> 6, "deployment" -> 6, "depend" -> 6, "defensive" -> 6, "decent" -> 6, "decade" -> 6, "cultural" -> 6, "crisis" -> 6, "creating" -> 6, "continues" -> 6, "conservation" -> 6, "conditions" -> 6, "component" -> 6, "closer" -> 6, "clear" -> 6, "Children" -> 6, "Child" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "certain" -> 6, "burden" -> 6, "believes" -> 6, "attention" -> 6, "Asia" -> 6, "amendment" -> 6, "already" -> 6, "alliance" -> 6, "All" -> 6, "alcohol" -> 6, "aircraft" -> 6, "after" -> 6, "adversaries" -> 6, "advances" -> 6, "Administration's" -> 6, "accountability" -> 6, "abortion" -> 6, "1982" -> 6, "1980s" -> 6, "yet" -> 5, "worldwide" -> 5, "works" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "welcome" -> 5, "warfare" -> 5, "view" -> 5, "victims" -> 5, "Vice" -> 5, "very" -> 5, "Urban" -> 5, "Treaty" -> 5, "total" -> 5, "took" -> 5, "times" -> 5, "threaten" -> 5, "terrorists" -> 5, "terrorist" -> 5, "terms" -> 5, "telecommunications" -> 5, "teaching" -> 5, "taken" -> 5, "sustaining" -> 5, "Survival" -> 5, "survival" -> 5, "supporting" -> 5, "subsidies" -> 5, "strengthening" -> 5, "stop" -> 5, "start" -> 5, "spend" -> 5, "single" -> 5, "significantly" -> 5, "sharing" -> 5, "seven" -> 5, "serious" -> 5, "see" -> 5, "Science" -> 5, "risen" -> 5, "Rights" -> 5, "Rico" -> 5, "revitalized" -> 5, "resurgence" -> 5, "restoration" -> 5, "resource" -> 5, "resistance" -> 5, "required" -> 5, "renewed" -> 5, "renew" -> 5, "remarkable" -> 5, "regime" -> 5, "refugees" -> 5, "reestablish" -> 5, "recognizing" -> 5, "ranchers" -> 5, "Puerto" -> 5, "protected" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "press" -> 5, "president" -> 5, "positions" -> 5, "personal" -> 5, "Peace" -> 5, "participate" -> 5, "Over" -> 5, "oppression" -> 5, "one-third" -> 5, "On" -> 5, "older" -> 5, "old" -> 5, "nominee" -> 5, "Nicaragua" -> 5, "next" -> 5, "narcotics" -> 5, "modern" -> 5, "Middle" -> 5, "Medicare" -> 5, "measure" -> 5, "manufacturing" -> 5, "lost" -> 5, "limited" -> 5, "liberal" -> 5, "learn" -> 5, "justice" -> 5, "join" -> 5, "Job" -> 5, "itself" -> 5, "issue" -> 5, "Israel's" -> 5, "International" -> 5, "integrity" -> 5, "integrated" -> 5, "initiative" -> 5, "Inflation" -> 5, "incomes" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "illicit" -> 5, "hurt" -> 5, "hospital" -> 5, "hope" -> 5, "homeless" -> 5, "helping" -> 5, "held" -> 5, "healthy" -> 5, "given" -> 5, "generations" -> 5, "Future" -> 5, "fundamental" -> 5, "fuels" -> 5, "forward" -> 5, "follow" -> 5, "flourish" -> 5, "flexible" -> 5, "fell" -> 5, "fear" -> 5, "favor" -> 5, "fast" -> 5, "Farm" -> 5, "Family" -> 5, "faith" -> 5, "fairness" -> 5, "facilities" -> 5, "extent" -> 5, "exports" -> 5, "exercise" -> 5, "establish" -> 5, "eradication" -> 5, "enforce" -> 5, "Energy" -> 5, "enable" -> 5, "employees" -> 5, "emerging" -> 5, "emergency" -> 5, "eliminate" -> 5, "element" -> 5, "elected" -> 5, "efficient" -> 5, "drug-free" -> 5, "drought" -> 5, "doubled" -> 5, "diversity" -> 5, "disposal" -> 5, "diplomacy" -> 5, "did" -> 5, "dialogue" -> 5, "developed" -> 5, "determine" -> 5, "Despite" -> 5, "designed" -> 5, "defending" -> 5, "culture" -> 5, "Cuba" -> 5, "crucial" -> 5, "Conservation" -> 5, "concern" -> 5, "compassionate" -> 5, "compassion" -> 5, "common" -> 5, "commerce" -> 5, "come" -> 5, "combat" -> 5, "Coast" -> 5, "close" -> 5, "civil" -> 5, "capitalism" -> 5, "capable" -> 5, "Canada" -> 5, "Cambodia" -> 5, "building" -> 5, "bring" -> 5, "block" -> 5, "beyond" -> 5, "benefit" -> 5, "belief" -> 5, "begun" -> 5, "beginning" -> 5, "basis" -> 5, "approach" -> 5, "applaud" -> 5, "anyone" -> 5, "annual" -> 5, "Americas" -> 5, "agriculture" -> 5, "aggressive" -> 5, "Afghanistan" -> 5, "advantages" -> 5, "advanced" -> 5, "activities" -> 5, "active" -> 5, "achievements" -> 5, "achievement" -> 5, "accountable" -> 5, "21st" -> 5, "1987" -> 5, "1985" -> 5, "1960s" -> 5, "zones" -> 4, "youngsters" -> 4, "worth" -> 4, "wildlife" -> 4, "wide" -> 4, "whole" -> 4, "whether" -> 4, "West" -> 4, "ways" -> 4, "votes" -> 4, "voters" -> 4, "vote" -> 4, "vision" -> 4, "vigorous" -> 4, "verifiable" -> 4, "vastly" -> 4, "using" -> 4, "unilateral" -> 4, "twice" -> 4, "turn" -> 4, "trend" -> 4, "tremendous" -> 4, "Training" -> 4, "traffickers" -> 4, "traffic" -> 4, "trading" -> 4, "towns" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "threats" -> 4, "things" -> 4, "therefore" -> 4, "thereby" -> 4, "Technology" -> 4, "teach" -> 4, "Taiwan" -> 4, "System" -> 4, "Support" -> 4, "subversion" -> 4, "student" -> 4, "struggle" -> 4, "stood" -> 4, "step" -> 4, "steady" -> 4, "stay" -> 4, "states" -> 4, "state" -> 4, "Special" -> 4, "southern" -> 4, "something" -> 4, "solve" -> 4, "skills" -> 4, "simple" -> 4, "similar" -> 4, "signed" -> 4, "shown" -> 4, "shortage" -> 4, "ships" -> 4, "severe" -> 4, "settlement" -> 4, "Services" -> 4, "sensitive" -> 4, "Secretary" -> 4, "safeguard" -> 4, "Rural" -> 4, "rule" -> 4, "root" -> 4, "rolls" -> 4, "revolution" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "restoring" -> 4, "restored" -> 4, "rest" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "response" -> 4, "resident" -> 4, "reserves" -> 4, "Representatives" -> 4, "representative" -> 4, "removed" -> 4, "relief" -> 4, "reliable" -> 4, "regard" -> 4, "reducing" -> 4, "Recognizing" -> 4, "recent" -> 4, "receive" -> 4, "Reagan's" -> 4, "readiness" -> 4, "reaching" -> 4, "reached" -> 4, "rapidly" -> 4, "rapid" -> 4, "railroads" -> 4, "rail" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "provision" -> 4, "protectionism" -> 4, "prosper" -> 4, "professional" -> 4, "product" -> 4, "producers" -> 4, "procedures" -> 4, "Private" -> 4, "practices" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "powerful" -> 4, "possibility" -> 4, "position" -> 4, "poses" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "places" -> 4, "placement" -> 4, "pioneered" -> 4, "pilot" -> 4, "Philippines" -> 4, "Petroleum" -> 4, "person" -> 4, "performance" -> 4, "paying" -> 4, "patients" -> 4, "Partnership" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "Pacific" -> 4, "ozone" -> 4, "once" -> 4, "Older" -> 4, "often" -> 4, "Office" -> 4, "offer" -> 4, "occupation" -> 4, "Now" -> 4, "Northern" -> 4, "negotiating" -> 4, "negotiate" -> 4, "neglect" -> 4, "Navy" -> 4, "mutual" -> 4, "mortgage" -> 4, "moral" -> 4, "modernization" -> 4, "mix" -> 4, "minimum" -> 4, "met" -> 4, "merchant" -> 4, "meeting" -> 4, "medicine" -> 4, "material" -> 4, "marine" -> 4, "manner" -> 4, "mandated" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "maintained" -> 4, "mainstream" -> 4, "Low" -> 4, "long-standing" -> 4, "lines" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "language" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "kept" -> 4, "judicial" -> 4, "joint" -> 4, "involvement" -> 4, "intellectual" -> 4, "integration" -> 4, "instead" -> 4, "infrastructure" -> 4, "industries" -> 4, "increasingly" -> 4, "Income" -> 4, "impose" -> 4, "implementing" -> 4, "hundreds" -> 4, "humanities" -> 4, "However" -> 4, "hand" -> 4, "grants" -> 4, "granted" -> 4, "grain" -> 4, "government's" -> 4, "goods" -> 4, "go" -> 4, "generation" -> 4, "funded" -> 4, "fund" -> 4, "freedom-fighters" -> 4, "four" -> 4, "fostering" -> 4, "fostered" -> 4, "forms" -> 4, "forced" -> 4, "Food" -> 4, "following" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "firm" -> 4, "feet" -> 4, "far" -> 4, "Families" -> 4, "failure" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "experience" -> 4, "expensive" -> 4, "exist" -> 4, "executive" -> 4, "exchange" -> 4, "ethnic" -> 4, "environmentally" -> 4, "entrepreneurs" -> 4, "enjoy" -> 4, "engagement" -> 4, "enduring" -> 4, "enacted" -> 4, "empower" -> 4, "employers" -> 4, "Emergency" -> 4, "elements" -> 4, "electricity" -> 4, "electric" -> 4, "done" -> 4, "dollar" -> 4, "does" -> 4, "Doctrine" -> 4, "diseases" -> 4, "deter" -> 4, "deserve" -> 4, "denying" -> 4, "denied" -> 4, "degree" -> 4, "deficit" -> 4, "defeat" -> 4, "declined" -> 4, "decades" -> 4, "day" -> 4, "credit" -> 4, "creative" -> 4, "convicted" -> 4, "contributions" -> 4, "contribution" -> 4, "contribute" -> 4, "Congressional" -> 4, "concept" -> 4, "Community" -> 4, "commodity" -> 4, "climate" -> 4, "civilization" -> 4, "choose" -> 4, "choices" -> 4, "children's" -> 4, "chemical" -> 4, "causes" -> 4, "Carter-Mondale" -> 4, "Carter" -> 4, "carry" -> 4, "carriers" -> 4, "caring" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "calls" -> 4, "burdens" -> 4, "broken" -> 4, "breakthroughs" -> 4, "branch" -> 4, "biological" -> 4, "bilateral" -> 4, "behavior" -> 4, "bargaining" -> 4, "attempts" -> 4, "Association" -> 4, "arts" -> 4, "Arms" -> 4, "approaches" -> 4, "apartheid" -> 4, "along" -> 4, "alone" -> 4, "allied" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "Afghan" -> 4, "affirm" -> 4, "actually" -> 4, "activity" -> 4, "acquisition" -> 4, "accelerate" -> 4, "1983" -> 4, "17" -> 4, "14" -> 4, "$300" -> 3, "worse" -> 3, "Work" -> 3, "willing" -> 3, "wherever" -> 3, "whatever" -> 3, "wellness" -> 3, "well-being" -> 3, "waters" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "vocational-technical" -> 3, "vitality" -> 3, "virus" -> 3, "violation" -> 3, "veto" -> 3, "Veterans" -> 3, "ventures" -> 3, "vehicles" -> 3, "vast" -> 3, "VA" -> 3, "unsurpassed" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "undertaken" -> 3, "understand" -> 3, "U.N." -> 3, "truth" -> 3, "troops" -> 3, "triad" -> 3, "transit" -> 3, "transforming" -> 3, "transform" -> 3, "trained" -> 3, "tragic" -> 3, "totalitarianism" -> 3, "too" -> 3, "tolerated" -> 3, "threatened" -> 3, "Therefore" -> 3, "then" -> 3, "terror" -> 3, "term" -> 3, "tenant" -> 3, "teen" -> 3, "technical" -> 3, "Taxes" -> 3, "target" -> 3, "tape" -> 3, "sustained" -> 3, "surpluses" -> 3, "supplier" -> 3, "suffered" -> 3, "Such" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "strive" -> 3, "strike" -> 3, "streamline" -> 3, "Strategy" -> 3, "stopping" -> 3, "stock" -> 3, "statutes" -> 3, "station" -> 3, "Start" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "stake" -> 3, "stage" -> 3, "speed" -> 3, "Southeast" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "Sound" -> 3, "solutions" -> 3, "soil" -> 3, "societies" -> 3, "slashed" -> 3, "situation" -> 3, "Since" -> 3, "shoulder" -> 3, "shield" -> 3, "shared" -> 3, "shall" -> 3, "settings" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "self-sufficiency" -> 3, "saved" -> 3, "sales" -> 3, "sale" -> 3, "s" -> 3, "rose" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "rising" -> 3, "reward" -> 3, "retraining" -> 3, "retain" -> 3, "restraint" -> 3, "responsive" -> 3, "requiring" -> 3, "requirement" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "represents" -> 3, "replace" -> 3, "rent" -> 3, "renewal" -> 3, "renaissance" -> 3, "removing" -> 3, "remaining" -> 3, "rely" -> 3, "reliance" -> 3, "release" -> 3, "related" -> 3, "rehabilitation" -> 3, "regions" -> 3, "refuse" -> 3, "redouble" -> 3, "red" -> 3, "recreation" -> 3, "recommendations" -> 3, "recipients" -> 3, "recently" -> 3, "rebuilding" -> 3, "reason" -> 3, "reaffirms" -> 3, "Radio" -> 3, "radical" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "pushing" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "punishment" -> 3, "provisions" -> 3, "providers" -> 3, "proper" -> 3, "promoted" -> 3, "proliferation" -> 3, "produced" -> 3, "produce" -> 3, "prisoners" -> 3, "pressure" -> 3, "President's" -> 3, "preserved" -> 3, "preservation" -> 3, "prepare" -> 3, "prenatal" -> 3, "prayer" -> 3, "posture" -> 3, "polluters" -> 3, "politically" -> 3, "police" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "plays" -> 3, "play" -> 3, "plant" -> 3, "permanent" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "penalty" -> 3, "parts" -> 3, "Panama" -> 3, "paid" -> 3, "options" -> 3, "option" -> 3, "opposes" -> 3, "Opportunity" -> 3, "operation" -> 3, "opened" -> 3, "offices" -> 3, "offering" -> 3, "offered" -> 3, "offense" -> 3, "ocean" -> 3, "obstacles" -> 3, "numbers" -> 3, "notion" -> 3, "nothing" -> 3, "non-nuclear" -> 3, "network" -> 3, "negotiated" -> 3, "naval" -> 3, "NATO's" -> 3, "naive" -> 3, "movements" -> 3, "Mortgage" -> 3, "month" -> 3, "monetary" -> 3, "modest" -> 3, "missiles" -> 3, "miracles" -> 3, "miracle" -> 3, "message" -> 3, "members" -> 3, "meaningful" -> 3, "Marxist" -> 3, "marginal" -> 3, "mankind" -> 3, "managing" -> 3, "machine" -> 3, "lowered" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "longer" -> 3, "line-item" -> 3, "limitation" -> 3, "liberals" -> 3, "liability" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "Lebanese" -> 3, "leaving" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "layer" -> 3, "launch" -> 3, "lasting" -> 3, "largest" -> 3, "Laos" -> 3, "lack" -> 3, "Korea" -> 3, "knowledge" -> 3, "judges" -> 3, "joined" -> 3, "Jobs" -> 3, "jeopardize" -> 3, "Japan" -> 3, "It's" -> 3, "isolation" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "Iran-Iraq" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "investors" -> 3, "invest" -> 3, "intrusive" -> 3, "intrusion" -> 3, "intolerable" -> 3, "interference" -> 3, "Interest" -> 3, "Intensity" -> 3, "institution" -> 3, "innovative" -> 3, "inherited" -> 3, "influence" -> 3, "infants" -> 3, "Indeed" -> 3, "indeed" -> 3, "increases" -> 3, "improving" -> 3, "imposed" -> 3, "implement" -> 3, "immediately" -> 3, "imbalance" -> 3, "illiteracy" -> 3, "Humanities" -> 3, "humanitarian" -> 3, "how" -> 3, "Housing" -> 3, "household" -> 3, "hospitals" -> 3, "homesteading" -> 3, "Home" -> 3, "Hemisphere" -> 3, "Health" -> 3, "hard" -> 3, "hands" -> 3, "guard" -> 3, "Grenada" -> 3, "greatness" -> 3, "General" -> 3, "gave" -> 3, "Fund" -> 3, "full-scale" -> 3, "fulfill" -> 3, "friendly" -> 3, "freeze" -> 3, "fought" -> 3, "formula" -> 3, "formal" -> 3, "foremost" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "flow" -> 3, "fisheries" -> 3, "finding" -> 3, "fighting" -> 3, "fields" -> 3, "fetal" -> 3, "felons" -> 3, "fellow" -> 3, "fathers" -> 3, "failed" -> 3, "facing" -> 3, "export" -> 3, "explore" -> 3, "experimental" -> 3, "expense" -> 3, "expanded" -> 3, "excessive" -> 3, "except" -> 3, "ethical" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "enhanced" -> 3, "engines" -> 3, "engineering" -> 3, "engage" -> 3, "enacting" -> 3, "emphasizing" -> 3, "embrace" -> 3, "eliminating" -> 3, "Egypt" -> 3, "effectively" -> 3, "earth" -> 3, "earned" -> 3, "earn" -> 3, "each" -> 3, "During" -> 3, "due" -> 3, "driving" -> 3, "drilling" -> 3, "doctrine" -> 3, "disease" -> 3, "discourage" -> 3, "disasters" -> 3, "diplomatic" -> 3, "different" -> 3, "difference" -> 3, "determination" -> 3, "destruction" -> 3, "deregulation" -> 3, "deploy" -> 3, "deplore" -> 3, "depends" -> 3, "deficits" -> 3, "defenses" -> 3, "deductibility" -> 3, "dedication" -> 3, "declining" -> 3, "decision-making" -> 3, "death" -> 3, "deals" -> 3, "dealing" -> 3, "dealers" -> 3, "cutting" -> 3, "currently" -> 3, "Cuban" -> 3, "criminals" -> 3, "creed" -> 3, "creativity" -> 3, "creates" -> 3, "coverage" -> 3, "Council" -> 3, "cost-effective" -> 3, "core" -> 3, "coordination" -> 3, "cooperate" -> 3, "Continued" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "consideration" -> 3, "conflict" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "condition" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "concerning" -> 3, "compliance" -> 3, "Communities" -> 3, "communications" -> 3, "command" -> 3, "coastal" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "classified" -> 3, "claim" -> 3, "Civil" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "changing" -> 3, "changed" -> 3, "challenged" -> 3, "catastrophic" -> 3, "case" -> 3, "career" -> 3, "Capitol" -> 3, "can't" -> 3, "candidates" -> 3, "Canal" -> 3, "buy" -> 3, "bureaucracy" -> 3, "built" -> 3, "broad" -> 3, "Both" -> 3, "borders" -> 3, "blood" -> 3, "Black" -> 3, "billions" -> 3, "big" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "begin" -> 3, "becoming" -> 3, "became" -> 3, "bear" -> 3, "Bay" -> 3, "basics" -> 3, "bases" -> 3, "bankrupt" -> 3, "ban" -> 3, "bad" -> 3, "backs" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "authorized" -> 3, "attempt" -> 3, "assuring" -> 3, "assisting" -> 3, "assisted" -> 3, "assets" -> 3, "Arts" -> 3, "artificial" -> 3, "arrangements" -> 3, "Armed" -> 3, "appropriations" -> 3, "apply" -> 3, "antiquated" -> 3, "another" -> 3, "annually" -> 3, "Angola" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "alternatives" -> 3, "ally" -> 3, "Agriculture" -> 3, "African" -> 3, "afforded" -> 3, "advancing" -> 3, "advancement" -> 3, "adopt" -> 3, "add" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "acquire" -> 3, "acknowledge" -> 3, "accounting" -> 3, "accord" -> 3, "accomplished" -> 3, "30" -> 3, "28" -> 3, "2000" -> 3, "1984" -> 3, "$1" -> 2, "yield" -> 2, "Workers" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "won" -> 2, "withholding" -> 2, "willingness" -> 2, "whom" -> 2, "Whether" -> 2, "we've" -> 2, "wetlands" -> 2, "western" -> 2, "well-spent" -> 2, "wells" -> 2, "Welfare" -> 2, "weakness" -> 2, "weaken" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "vulnerabilities" -> 2, "volatility" -> 2, "virtually" -> 2, "vigilant" -> 2, "Vietnamese" -> 2, "vice" -> 2, "verification" -> 2, "VAT" -> 2, "utilize" -> 2, "U.S.-Israel" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "useful" -> 2, "upgrading" -> 2, "upgrade" -> 2, "Until" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "unless" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "union" -> 2, "unilaterally" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "unequivocally" -> 2, "unequivocal" -> 2, "unemployed" -> 2, "undertake" -> 2, "understanding" -> 2, "undermine" -> 2, "unconventional" -> 2, "unborn" -> 2, "unattainable" -> 2, "U" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "typical" -> 2, "two-year" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "try" -> 2, "Trust" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "trucking" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "Treasury" -> 2, "travel" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "transport" -> 2, "transformed" -> 2, "transformations" -> 2, "transfer" -> 2, "tragedies" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "track" -> 2, "toxic" -> 2, "tougher" -> 2, "tort" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "tomorrow's" -> 2, "tomorrow" -> 2, "tolerate" -> 2, "Today's" -> 2, "ties" -> 2, "tied" -> 2, "tide" -> 2, "thwarted" -> 2, "threshold" -> 2, "threatens" -> 2, "though" -> 2, "third" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "Thailand" -> 2, "tested" -> 2, "Terrorism" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "tens" -> 2, "Ten" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "Teddy" -> 2, "techniques" -> 2, "team" -> 2, "tax-exempt" -> 2, "targets" -> 2, "tamed" -> 2, "takes" -> 2, "table" -> 2, "swift" -> 2, "sweeping" -> 2, "suspend" -> 2, "surviving" -> 2, "survivable" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "surest" -> 2, "sure" -> 2, "superiority" -> 2, "superior" -> 2, "sum" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "substantially" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "stress" -> 2, "streamlining" -> 2, "stratospheric" -> 2, "strategies" -> 2, "strangling" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "stewardship" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "steal" -> 2, "Steady" -> 2, "stays" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "started" -> 2, "stars" -> 2, "stagnation" -> 2, "staff" -> 2, "spouses" -> 2, "spotlight" -> 2, "sponsorship" -> 2, "sponsored" -> 2, "spends" -> 2, "specifically" -> 2, "Space" -> 2, "soundness" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "solving" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "solid" -> 2, "smooth" -> 2, "smart" -> 2, "Small" -> 2, "slums" -> 2, "size" -> 2, "sites" -> 2, "silence" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "shows" -> 2, "showed" -> 2, "short" -> 2, "shocks" -> 2, "shipbuilding" -> 2, "shape" -> 2, "sexually" -> 2, "sexual" -> 2, "serving" -> 2, "series" -> 2, "separates" -> 2, "sentencing" -> 2, "seizure" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "seemed" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "Section" -> 2, "secondary" -> 2, "seat" -> 2, "search" -> 2, "sealift" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "schooling" -> 2, "Say" -> 2, "Savings" -> 2, "saves" -> 2, "satellites" -> 2, "Sandinista" -> 2, "sanctity" -> 2, "Salvador" -> 2, "said" -> 2, "S" -> 2, "rushing" -> 2, "Rule" -> 2, "routes" -> 2, "Roosevelt" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "rise" -> 2, "Right" -> 2, "Rig" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "revitalize" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "retirement" -> 2, "retention" -> 2, "retaliation" -> 2, "resurgent" -> 2, "restructure" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "restrict" -> 2, "restraints" -> 2, "respond" -> 2, "Resource" -> 2, "resolutions" -> 2, "resolutely" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "resettlement" -> 2, "repugnant" -> 2, "represented" -> 2, "representation" -> 2, "represent" -> 2, "report" -> 2, "replaced" -> 2, "Repeal" -> 2, "repeal" -> 2, "renewables" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "reminder" -> 2, "remind" -> 2, "relentless" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "reiterate" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "regular" -> 2, "regarding" -> 2, "refuges" -> 2, "reformed" -> 2, "reflects" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "Reduction" -> 2, "reduces" -> 2, "recruitment" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "reconstruction" -> 2, "reconciliation" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "receiving" -> 2, "reassertion" -> 2, "reasserted" -> 2, "reasonably" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "realism" -> 2, "ratio" -> 2, "random" -> 2, "raising" -> 2, "rain" -> 2, "racism" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "quietly" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "Quality" -> 2, "putting" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "push" -> 2, "punished" -> 2, "pulled" -> 2, "public-private" -> 2, "publicly" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "pro-Western" -> 2, "Providing" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "proudly" -> 2, "protective" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "prosperous" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "properties" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "promised" -> 2, "Project" -> 2, "project" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "profit" -> 2, "profile" -> 2, "processes" -> 2, "procedural" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "priced" -> 2, "previously" -> 2, "previous" -> 2, "president's" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "prescription" -> 2, "prerequisite" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "preferable" -> 2, "pre-emptive" -> 2, "precious" -> 2, "preceding" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "POWs" -> 2, "post-secondary" -> 2, "posed" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "pornography" -> 2, "pork" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "poorly" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "politics" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "pointing" -> 2, "plunged" -> 2, "Pledge" -> 2, "played" -> 2, "platforms" -> 2, "pillars" -> 2, "pillar" -> 2, "physical" -> 2, "petroleum" -> 2, "Persons" -> 2, "Personal" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "People's" -> 2, "peacetime" -> 2, "partnerships" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "Parks" -> 2, "Palestinian" -> 2, "Pakistan" -> 2, "pace" -> 2, "overly" -> 2, "overdue" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "output" -> 2, "outlaw" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "Options" -> 2, "optimum" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "Operations" -> 2, "operating" -> 2, "operated" -> 2, "operate" -> 2, "opening" -> 2, "Oil" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "offenses" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "Notwithstanding" -> 2, "newborns" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "Net" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neighborhood" -> 2, "negotiation" -> 2, "needless" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "nature" -> 2, "Natural" -> 2, "Native" -> 2, "nationalized" -> 2, "Narragansett" -> 2, "Namibia" -> 2, "mutually" -> 2, "multiple-use" -> 2, "multi-national" -> 2, "multilateral" -> 2, "Mujahidin" -> 2, "motor" -> 2, "Most" -> 2, "morally" -> 2, "modernized" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "models" -> 2, "missing" -> 2, "mismanagement" -> 2, "minorities" -> 2, "minimizing" -> 2, "minimize" -> 2, "Millions" -> 2, "militarily" -> 2, "MIAs" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "Merit" -> 2, "measured" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "matching" -> 2, "match" -> 2, "Marti" -> 2, "marriage" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "Marianas" -> 2, "margins" -> 2, "march" -> 2, "manpower" -> 2, "manned" -> 2, "mandatory" -> 2, "mandating" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "malpractice" -> 2, "love" -> 2, "losing" -> 2, "loosened" -> 2, "looks" -> 2, "longest" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "litigation" -> 2, "linked" -> 2, "link" -> 2, "Lincoln" -> 2, "limiting" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "likely" -> 2, "lifesaving" -> 2, "lie" -> 2, "license" -> 2, "liberation" -> 2, "leverage" -> 2, "lengthy" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "legacy" -> 2, "learned" -> 2, "leaks" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "Last" -> 2, "larger" -> 2, "larded" -> 2, "languages" -> 2, "Land" -> 2, "Lakes" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "knowingly" -> 2, "kingpins" -> 2, "Kennedy" -> 2, "Just" -> 2, "jurisdiction" -> 2, "judiciary" -> 2, "jeopardized" -> 2, "Japanese" -> 2, "isolated" -> 2, "IRS" -> 2, "Ireland" -> 2, "Iranian" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "internationally" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "inter-city" -> 2, "intend" -> 2, "integrating" -> 2, "insurgencies" -> 2, "institutional" -> 2, "innovations" -> 2, "Initiative" -> 2, "initiate" -> 2, "inheritance" -> 2, "infection" -> 2, "inevitably" -> 2, "Individual" -> 2, "indicator" -> 2, "index" -> 2, "Increased" -> 2, "incidence" -> 2, "impressive" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "imported" -> 2, "implemented" -> 2, "implementation" -> 2, "imperialism" -> 2, "impact" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "ideological" -> 2, "ideas" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "idea" -> 2, "homeownership" -> 2, "historical" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "hinder" -> 2, "Hill" -> 2, "hikes" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "highway" -> 2, "high-quality" -> 2, "highly" -> 2, "heroic" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "helps" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "heavily" -> 2, "hearts" -> 2, "heartland" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "Healthy" -> 2, "Head" -> 2, "hazardous" -> 2, "hazard" -> 2, "harmony" -> 2, "harm" -> 2, "harder" -> 2, "harassment" -> 2, "handicap" -> 2, "half-century" -> 2, "guilty" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "guide" -> 2, "guidance" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "groundwater" -> 2, "grew" -> 2, "greatly" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "Gramm-Rudman" -> 2, "governor" -> 2, "governmental" -> 2, "got" -> 2, "GOP" -> 2, "God-given" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "GNP" -> 2, "globe" -> 2, "globally" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "geography" -> 2, "genuinely" -> 2, "generating" -> 2, "GATT" -> 2, "gaining" -> 2, "gained" -> 2, "functions" -> 2, "functionally" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "full-time" -> 2, "fronts" -> 2, "frontier" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "friend" -> 2, "freight" -> 2, "freedoms" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "fragile" -> 2, "fortunate" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "foresters" -> 2, "forest" -> 2, "Forces" -> 2, "Force" -> 2, "focused" -> 2, "flows" -> 2, "fleet" -> 2, "fleeing" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "financing" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "fights" -> 2, "fighters" -> 2, "fewer" -> 2, "felony" -> 2, "fees" -> 2, "Fathers" -> 2, "faster" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "famine" -> 2, "family's" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "failures" -> 2, "extremely" -> 2, "extradition" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "exporting" -> 2, "Export" -> 2, "experiment" -> 2, "expedited" -> 2, "expectant" -> 2, "expect" -> 2, "expansionism" -> 2, "expands" -> 2, "exists" -> 2, "evil" -> 2, "everything" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "event" -> 2, "Ethics" -> 2, "estuaries" -> 2, "equipped" -> 2, "Equal" -> 2, "Environmental" -> 2, "Environment" -> 2, "ensured" -> 2, "enormous" -> 2, "enjoys" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "Endowments" -> 2, "endanger" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "encourages" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "Encourage" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "enables" -> 2, "employee" -> 2, "empire" -> 2, "emphasizes" -> 2, "emigration" -> 2, "embargo" -> 2, "else" -> 2, "eliminated" -> 2, "eligibility" -> 2, "elementary" -> 2, "electronic" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "El" -> 2, "Eisenhower" -> 2, "Eight" -> 2, "Egypt's" -> 2, "efficiencies" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "educate" -> 2, "Economy" -> 2, "economics" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "ecological" -> 2, "East-West" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "easily" -> 2, "dual" -> 2, "drove" -> 2, "drive" -> 2, "draw" -> 2, "dramatic" -> 2, "door" -> 2, "doomed" -> 2, "don't" -> 2, "domestically" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "divisions" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "disrupt" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "dispute" -> 2, "disincentives" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "discourages" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "Direct" -> 2, "dioxide" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "didn't" -> 2, "dictatorship" -> 2, "devastating" -> 2, "deteriorated" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "destroys" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "destabilizing" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "designated" -> 2, "deployed" -> 2, "dependents" -> 2, "dependency" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "demonstrates" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "delivery" -> 2, "delivered" -> 2, "Defending" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "defeated" -> 2, "dedicated" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "dealt" -> 2, "days" -> 2, "data" -> 2, "daring" -> 2, "dangers" -> 2, "cuts" -> 2, "cushion" -> 2, "curb" -> 2, "crusade" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "criminal" -> 2, "crimes" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "credible" -> 2, "credibility" -> 2, "covered" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "court" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "coupled" -> 2, "counterproductive" -> 2, "counter-intelligence" -> 2, "couldn't" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "contracting" -> 2, "continuity" -> 2, "Continue" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "content" -> 2, "consumption" -> 2, "consuming" -> 2, "consultation" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "constitute" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "consecutive" -> 2, "confusion" -> 2, "conflicts" -> 2, "Conflict" -> 2, "confident" -> 2, "concrete" -> 2, "concessions" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "computer" -> 2, "compromise" -> 2, "complex" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "communicable" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "committing" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "Committee" -> 2, "committee" -> 2, "commit" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "combined" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "code" -> 2, "coasts" -> 2, "clubs" -> 2, "closed" -> 2, "cleaner" -> 2, "clean-coal" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "churches" -> 2, "Choice" -> 2, "childhood" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "Chesapeake" -> 2, "cheating" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "chances" -> 2, "center" -> 2, "caused" -> 2, "cash" -> 2, "Captive" -> 2, "captive" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "Bush's" -> 2, "bureaucrats" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "budgets" -> 2, "brunt" -> 2, "broaden" -> 2, "bridges" -> 2, "breaking" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "branches" -> 2, "brackets" -> 2, "bore" -> 2, "boosted" -> 2, "boost" -> 2, "booming" -> 2, "bond" -> 2, "boldly" -> 2, "bodies" -> 2, "blessings" -> 2, "blacks" -> 2, "birth" -> 2, "bicentennial" -> 2, "began" -> 2, "beat" -> 2, "Based" -> 2, "barring" -> 2, "barrels" -> 2, "barrel" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "babies" -> 2, "avoid" -> 2, "Australia" -> 2, "attract" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "assumed" -> 2, "assume" -> 2, "Assistance" -> 2, "assert" -> 2, "assault" -> 2, "aspect" -> 2, "artificially" -> 2, "architectural" -> 2, "appropriately" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "appointed" -> 2, "appeal" -> 2, "anywhere" -> 2, "anti-crime" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "Although" -> 2, "all-volunteer" -> 2, "allowing" -> 2, "Allegiance" -> 2, "alarming" -> 2, "Airspace" -> 2, "Agreement" -> 2, "aggressively" -> 2, "Agency" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "After" -> 2, "Africans" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "affect" -> 2, "adversely" -> 2, "adversary" -> 2, "advantage" -> 2, "Adoption" -> 2, "admission" -> 2, "administrators" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "addressing" -> 2, "addressed" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "adapt" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "actively" -> 2, "acted" -> 2, "achieving" -> 2, "accustomed" -> 2, "accurate" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "accomplish" -> 2, "accidental" -> 2, "accessible" -> 2, "accepted" -> 2, "accept" -> 2, "accelerated" -> 2, "abstinence" -> 2, "absolute" -> 2, "Abraham" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "ABM" -> 2, "abilities" -> 2, "abandoned" -> 2, "abandon" -> 2, "80" -> 2, "75" -> 2, "70" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "50" -> 2, "5" -> 2, "40" -> 2, "36" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "25" -> 2, "21" -> 2, "1995" -> 2, "1993" -> 2, "1978" -> 2, "1977" -> 2, "17.5" -> 2, "13" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$8" -> 1, "$64" -> 1, "$6,000" -> 1, "$57" -> 1, "$50" -> 1, "$5" -> 1, "$46" -> 1, "$44" -> 1, "$400" -> 1, "$37" -> 1, "$29" -> 1, "$28,000" -> 1, "$20,000" -> 1, "$2,000" -> 1, "$200" -> 1, "$2" -> 1, "$193" -> 1, "$137" -> 1, "$1.25" -> 1, "$11" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "Zionism" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "youthful" -> 1, "youngest" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "yoke" -> 1, "Yesterday's" -> 1, "Year" -> 1, "writing" -> 1, "wouldn't" -> 1, "worsen" -> 1, "worn" -> 1, "world—was" -> 1, "world—benefits" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "Worldnet" -> 1, "Worker" -> 1, "wordwide" -> 1, "wood" -> 1, "won't" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "Witness" -> 1, "withhold" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "wiping" -> 1, "wipe" -> 1, "Windfall" -> 1, "Will" -> 1, "wildly" -> 1, "widow's" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "widening" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "wholeheartedly" -> 1, "whoever" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "whites" -> 1, "white-collar" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "whistle-blowers" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "wheeling" -> 1, "what's" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-trained" -> 1, "well-paying" -> 1, "well-defined" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "weaponry" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "Wave" -> 1, "waterfowl" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wasting" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "warheads" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "wallets" -> 1, "walks" -> 1, "walk" -> 1, "waiver" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "vulnerable" -> 1, "vouchers" -> 1, "voucher" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "volunteerism" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "vividly" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vistas" -> 1, "visionary" -> 1, "Vision" -> 1, "virtual" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "Vietnam's" -> 1, "videotape" -> 1, "viciously" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "Vetoed" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "Verified" -> 1, "verge" -> 1, "vehicle" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "Values" -> 1, "Value-Added" -> 1, "value-added" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "validated" -> 1, "vacillating" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "U.S.-Vietnam" -> 1, "U.S.-Soviet" -> 1, "USO" -> 1, "ushering" -> 1, "ushered" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "User" -> 1, "U.S.-Canada" -> 1, "Uruguay" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "Upward" -> 1, "Upper" -> 1, "unyielding" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unwavering" -> 1, "untried" -> 1, "untouched" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "untied" -> 1, "unskilled" -> 1, "unremembered" -> 1, "Unrelenting" -> 1, "unrehabilitated" -> 1, "unrealistic" -> 1, "unpunished" -> 1, "unproven" -> 1, "unprepared" -> 1, "unpredictable" -> 1, "Unprecedented" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unmatched" -> 1, "unmanned" -> 1, "Unlike" -> 1, "unleashed" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unions" -> 1, "Union's" -> 1, "unintentional" -> 1, "unimpeded" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfriendly" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "Unfocused" -> 1, "unencumbered" -> 1, "unemancipated" -> 1, "unelected" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undo" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "underway" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "understands" -> 1, "underscores" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "underlie" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "undergoing" -> 1, "undeclared" -> 1, "uncover" -> 1, "unchanged" -> 1, "unchallenged" -> 1, "unbounded" -> 1, "unavailable" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unacceptable" -> 1, "Ultimately" -> 1, "Ukrainians" -> 1, "Typical" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "TV" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "tropical" -> 1, "tripled" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "Tribes" -> 1, "tribal" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "treats" -> 1, "treatments" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "travelling" -> 1, "Trapping" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "translation" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "transferring" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "Transfer" -> 1, "tranquility—so" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "tragedies—like" -> 1, "trade-distorting" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "tracing" -> 1, "traced" -> 1, "to—these" -> 1, "toxins" -> 1, "towel" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "toughest" -> 1, "toughened" -> 1, "touching" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "Total" -> 1, "top-heavy" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "toddlers" -> 1, "toddler" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "tirelessly" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "tightly" -> 1, "ticket" -> 1, "thwart" -> 1, "thrown" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "thrive" -> 1, "thrifts" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "three-year" -> 1, "three-month" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "There's" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "thefts" -> 1, "tests" -> 1, "testimony" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "Tenth" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tenants" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "tempered" -> 1, "telling" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "teens" -> 1, "teenage" -> 1, "technology-related" -> 1, "technically" -> 1, "technicalities" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "Tariffs" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "Targeted" -> 1, "targeted" -> 1, "tap" -> 1, "Tanks" -> 1, "tank" -> 1, "tangible" -> 1, "tall" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "take-home" -> 1, "Taiwan's" -> 1, "tainted" -> 1, "tables" -> 1, "systematically" -> 1, "Synfuels" -> 1, "syndrome" -> 1, "synagogues" -> 1, "sweat" -> 1, "swaps" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "survivability" -> 1, "surveillance" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "surgery" -> 1, "surge" -> 1, "surface" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppressing" -> 1, "Supporting" -> 1, "supplant" -> 1, "supervisory" -> 1, "supervised" -> 1, "superstars" -> 1, "super-majority" -> 1, "superconductivity" -> 1, "super-conductivity" -> 1, "superconducting" -> 1, "Super" -> 1, "summit" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "summed" -> 1, "summary" -> 1, "sulphur" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffers" -> 1, "succeeding" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "subverted" -> 1, "suburb" -> 1, "substantive" -> 1, "Substantial" -> 1, "substances" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "subsidize" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "subcommittee" -> 1, "studies" -> 1, "Students" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "structured" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "structural" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "Stronger" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "stripped" -> 1, "strings" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strife-torn" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "stretching" -> 1, "Strength—A" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strangers" -> 1, "straggle" -> 1, "story—new" -> 1, "story" -> 1, "store-front" -> 1, "Stopping" -> 1, "stop-gap" -> 1, "Stole" -> 1, "stoking" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stockholders" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "stifles" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "stiff" -> 1, "stern" -> 1, "steps—to" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "staunch" -> 1, "statutory" -> 1, "stature" -> 1, "Statistics" -> 1, "statistics" -> 1, "statewide" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "stated" -> 1, "starvation" -> 1, "START" -> 1, "standstill" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standardized" -> 1, "standardization" -> 1, "stampede" -> 1, "stalling" -> 1, "stagnating" -> 1, "stagnant" -> 1, "staffs" -> 1, "stabilized" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spreads" -> 1, "spreading" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sports" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "spiral—running" -> 1, "spiraled" -> 1, "spiral" -> 1, "spinoffs" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "speeded" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "spectacular" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "specialty" -> 1, "specialties" -> 1, "specializing" -> 1, "speakers" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "sparked" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "Spanish" -> 1, "spaces" -> 1, "sown" -> 1, "Soviet-Warsaw" -> 1, "Soviet-supported" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "south" -> 1, "soup" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "Something" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solidify" -> 1, "solidified" -> 1, "Solidarity" -> 1, "socially" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "sober" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "smuggle" -> 1, "smothered" -> 1, "sludge" -> 1, "slowed" -> 1, "slow" -> 1, "sloganeering" -> 1, "slip" -> 1, "Slashed" -> 1, "Skyrocketing" -> 1, "skyrocketed" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "sixth" -> 1, "Six" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "siphon" -> 1, "single-family" -> 1, "single-earner" -> 1, "since—placed" -> 1, "simultaneously" -> 1, "simply" -> 1, "simplistic" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "signals" -> 1, "sights" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "shuttles" -> 1, "shuttle" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "shun" -> 1, "shrink" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shoulders" -> 1, "shouldering" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "shortsighted" -> 1, "short-line" -> 1, "shortchanged" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "shocked" -> 1, "Shipyards" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shippers" -> 1, "shining" -> 1, "Shelter" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shake" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "sewer" -> 1, "sewage" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "sessions" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "service-connected" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separately" -> 1, "sentence" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "seniors" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "self-initiate" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-employed" -> 1, "self-destructive" -> 1, "self-confidence" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "seized" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "Seeds" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "secrets" -> 1, "secretly" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seats" -> 1, "seasoned" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "Sealift" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "screen" -> 1, "scourge" -> 1, "Scores" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "scholars" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "schedule" -> 1, "scenic" -> 1, "scarcity" -> 1, "says" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "savers" -> 1, "Satisfying" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "Satellites" -> 1, "satellite" -> 1, "saps" -> 1, "Sandinistas" -> 1, "San" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "salvage" -> 1, "Sales" -> 1, "Salaries" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "safety-related" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safekeeping" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "sabotaged" -> 1, "sabotage" -> 1, "rush" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruler" -> 1, "rubles" -> 1, "royalties" -> 1, "routine" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "Round" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "Romanians" -> 1, "Roman" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "role—in" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "rogue" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "robbing" -> 1, "robberies" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "ring" -> 1, "Rim" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "right—and" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "ridding" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "Rica" -> 1, "rewards" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "revolutionizing" -> 1, "Revolution" -> 1, "reviving" -> 1, "Revitalization" -> 1, "revitalization" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revert" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "retrenchment" -> 1, "retreat—dangers" -> 1, "retraction" -> 1, "retooling" -> 1, "retire" -> 1, "retaliatory" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "Results" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restructured" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "Restoring" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "restates" -> 1, "responsiveness" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resoluteness" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resilience" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "Resident" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "resettle" -> 1, "reserving" -> 1, "Reserves" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "Reservations" -> 1, "Research" -> 1, "rescued" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "rescission" -> 1, "requests" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "Republican-initiated" -> 1, "repression" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "repealing" -> 1, "repayment" -> 1, "repaired" -> 1, "reorder" -> 1, "rents" -> 1, "Rent" -> 1, "renounces" -> 1, "renewable" -> 1, "reneging" -> 1, "rendezvous" -> 1, "removes" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "remember—and" -> 1, "Remember" -> 1, "remember" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relieving" -> 1, "Reliable" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "relentlessly" -> 1, "Relatives" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "rejuvenation" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reiterates" -> 1, "reinvigorate" -> 1, "reinforcing" -> 1, "reinforcement" -> 1, "reimbursement" -> 1, "reimbursable" -> 1, "Rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitating" -> 1, "Regulatory" -> 1, "regulators" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "region's" -> 1, "regimes" -> 1, "regimentation" -> 1, "regards" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refuseniks" -> 1, "Refuse" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "refocusing" -> 1, "refocused" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "re-flagging" -> 1, "refine" -> 1, "referrals" -> 1, "re-examined" -> 1, "reestablishment" -> 1, "Reestablishing" -> 1, "reestablished" -> 1, "reentering" -> 1, "reenergize" -> 1, "reefs" -> 1, "Reducing" -> 1, "Reduced" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "redemption" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "rectified" -> 1, "recruited" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "recovered" -> 1, "recoverable" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "recouped" -> 1, "record-keeping" -> 1, "recorded" -> 1, "Record" -> 1, "reconvening" -> 1, "recommends" -> 1, "recommended" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recited" -> 1, "recision" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "recipe" -> 1, "rebuilt" -> 1, "rebirth" -> 1, "reauthorization" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reaping" -> 1, "real-world" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "Realities" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "reading" -> 1, "reaction" -> 1, "rationalization" -> 1, "rates—levels" -> 1, "rates—is" -> 1, "Rates" -> 1, "rated" -> 1, "rank" -> 1, "Ranging" -> 1, "ranches" -> 1, "rancher" -> 1, "ranch" -> 1, "rallied" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "Rail" -> 1, "raiding" -> 1, "raided" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "radically" -> 1, "radiation" -> 1, "radar" -> 1, "Quotas" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quarters—including" -> 1, "quarters" -> 1, "quarterly" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "quack" -> 1, "Qadhafi" -> 1, "puts" -> 1, "pushes" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "purses" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "pupils" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "pull" -> 1, "Puget" -> 1, "public's" -> 1, "publications" -> 1, "psychological" -> 1, "proving" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "proves" -> 1, "Proven" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protections" -> 1, "protectionist" -> 1, "Protectionism" -> 1, "Protecting" -> 1, "Protect" -> 1, "prospering" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportional" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "Promote" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "prolong" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "prohibitions" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "pro-growth" -> 1, "program—the" -> 1, "Profits" -> 1, "profitably" -> 1, "professionalism" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "pro-family" -> 1, "Productivity" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "Procurement" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "procured" -> 1, "proclivity" -> 1, "proclamation" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "proactive" -> 1, "privileges—except" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privatizing" -> 1, "privatization" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prison" -> 1, "Prior" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "pricing" -> 1, "Prices" -> 1, "price-depressing" -> 1, "preys" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "pressures" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "presided" -> 1, "Preserving" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "prerogatives" -> 1, "preproductive" -> 1, "prepositioning" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "premature" -> 1, "pre-kindergarten" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "pregnancy" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "preeminence" -> 1, "pre-eminence" -> 1, "predictable" -> 1, "predicated" -> 1, "predecessors" -> 1, "precursor" -> 1, "precondition" -> 1, "preclude" -> 1, "precise" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "preamble" -> 1, "preaching" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practiced" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powerhouse" -> 1, "powerfully" -> 1, "powered" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "POW" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "pounds" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "pose" -> 1, "portrait" -> 1, "Pornography" -> 1, "pornographic" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "Pope" -> 1, "pools" -> 1, "pool" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "politicization" -> 1, "politicians" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "policy-level" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "Poles" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poised" -> 1, "pointed" -> 1, "plus" -> 1, "pluralist" -> 1, "pluralism" -> 1, "plummeted" -> 1, "plug" -> 1, "plotting" -> 1, "PLO" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "plentiful" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pleasing" -> 1, "please" -> 1, "platform—a" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "planting" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "Planet" -> 1, "planet" -> 1, "Plane" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plague" -> 1, "pitting" -> 1, "pioneering" -> 1, "piggy" -> 1, "pie" -> 1, "picture" -> 1, "phrase" -> 1, "Phony" -> 1, "phasing" -> 1, "phased" -> 1, "pesticides" -> 1, "persuaded" -> 1, "Personnel" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "persecuted" -> 1, "perpetrated" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "perks" -> 1, "perhaps" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "Performance" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "perception" -> 1, "perceived" -> 1, "people—all" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "peer" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "paychecks" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "Pay" -> 1, "patterns" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "pathfinders" -> 1, "Pathfinder" -> 1, "paternity" -> 1, "patent" -> 1, "passports" -> 1, "Passivity" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "Passage" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "part-time" -> 1, "partnership—as" -> 1, "Partner" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "Participation" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "parents—by" -> 1, "Parents" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "paramilitary" -> 1, "Panamanian" -> 1, "Palestinians" -> 1, "painfully" -> 1, "pages" -> 1, "page" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "Packard" -> 1, "package" -> 1, "pacesetter" -> 1, "ownership—of" -> 1, "Ownership" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "overhead" -> 1, "over-emphasizing" -> 1, "overdependence" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "overall—and" -> 1, "Oval" -> 1, "out-think" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outset" -> 1, "out-sell" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "outreach" -> 1, "out-produce" -> 1, "outpouring" -> 1, "outpatient" -> 1, "out-patient" -> 1, "outmoded" -> 1, "out-manage" -> 1, "outlook" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "outfitted" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "Out" -> 1, "originated" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "orbit" -> 1, "optimistic" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "oppress" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "operational" -> 1, "openness" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "openings" -> 1, "Opening" -> 1, "open-ended" -> 1, "OPEC's" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "on-the-job" -> 1, "on-site" -> 1, "onset" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "Ongoing" -> 1, "ongoing" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "one-quarter" -> 1, "one-party" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "on-demand" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "Omnibus" -> 1, "ominous" -> 1, "oligarchy" -> 1, "oldest" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "officially" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "offender" -> 1, "Oceanic" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "occur" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obstetrics" -> 1, "observed" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "nutrition" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "Numerous" -> 1, "numerical" -> 1, "Nuclear" -> 1, "notorious" -> 1, "notifying" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "no-tax" -> 1, "Norway" -> 1, "north" -> 1, "normalization" -> 1, "normalcy" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-tariff" -> 1, "non-parental" -> 1, "non-NATO" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "non-food" -> 1, "Nonetheless" -> 1, "non-discrimination" -> 1, "non-compliance" -> 1, "non-communist" -> 1, "non-cash" -> 1, "nominee's" -> 1, "nominal" -> 1, "no-concessions" -> 1, "nitrogen" -> 1, "Nineties" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "Nicaraguans" -> 1, "Nicaraguan" -> 1, "newly" -> 1, "newest" -> 1, "NEVER" -> 1, "Network" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "Neighborhoods" -> 1, "neglecting" -> 1, "negates" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "needing" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "Near" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "naturally" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nation—and" -> 1, "Nation's" -> 1, "NAS" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "Narcotics" -> 1, "narcotic" -> 1, "narco-terrorists" -> 1, "narco-terrorist" -> 1, "narco-terrorism" -> 1, "narco-subversion" -> 1, "Nancy" -> 1, "naming" -> 1, "nameless" -> 1, "naivete" -> 1, "Museum" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "multifaceted" -> 1, "multi-cultural" -> 1, "multi-billion" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "Mozambique" -> 1, "Moving" -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "mount" -> 1, "Mothers" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "mortality" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monoxide" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "Mondale" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "Modern" -> 1, "moderate-income" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "mock" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mission-capable" -> 1, "Mission" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "Mismanagement" -> 1, "mismanage" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "Miracle" -> 1, "minors" -> 1, "minority-owned" -> 1, "Minority" -> 1, "minimization" -> 1, "minimal" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "military's" -> 1, "Mikhail" -> 1, "migration" -> 1, "mighty" -> 1, "mightily" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "middle-income" -> 1, "micro-miniaturization" -> 1, "micro-management" -> 1, "MIA" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "methanol" -> 1, "mess" -> 1, "merging" -> 1, "merged" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "mercantilism" -> 1, "Mental" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "mend" -> 1, "Member" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "megatonnage" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "meeting—a" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "medically" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "meddling" -> 1, "mechanisms" -> 1, "Meanwhile" -> 1, "mathematics" -> 1, "mate" -> 1, "matched" -> 1, "mastering" -> 1, "massed" -> 1, "Massachusetts—a" -> 1, "Marxism" -> 1, "marshal" -> 1, "Mars" -> 1, "Markets" -> 1, "marketplace" -> 1, "market-oriented" -> 1, "market-based" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "Maritime" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manning" -> 1, "man-made" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "mania" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "Man" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "Making" -> 1, "make-work" -> 1, "Make" -> 1, "majorities" -> 1, "Maintenance" -> 1, "Maintaining" -> 1, "mailing" -> 1, "magnet" -> 1, "lynchpin" -> 1, "lumping" -> 1, "luck" -> 1, "loyally" -> 1, "lower-income" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "loving" -> 1, "loved" -> 1, "Louisiana" -> 1, "lose" -> 1, "loot" -> 1, "loosen" -> 1, "Look" -> 1, "long-run" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "Long" -> 1, "logjam" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "little" -> 1, "Lithuanians" -> 1, "literate" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "likewise" -> 1, "lightly" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "lifetime" -> 1, "life-threatening" -> 1, "life's" -> 1, "lifelong" -> 1, "life-long" -> 1, "Life" -> 1, "licensure" -> 1, "Libya's" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "Liberties" -> 1, "liberated" -> 1, "liberalism" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "legislatively" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "legalizing" -> 1, "leg" -> 1, "leeway" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "lease" -> 1, "learners" -> 1, "Leaks" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "Leading" -> 1, "Leader" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "law's" -> 1, "law-enforcement" -> 1, "law-abiding" -> 1, "Lavish" -> 1, "laurels" -> 1, "launches" -> 1, "Latvians" -> 1, "late-night" -> 1, "latency" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "Lanes" -> 1, "lanes" -> 1, "landmark" -> 1, "landfills" -> 1, "land-based" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "ladders" -> 1, "labs" -> 1, "Labor's" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Kuwaiti" -> 1, "Kremlin" -> 1, "Krasnoyarsk" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "knees" -> 1, "kitchens" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "kindness" -> 1, "kindergarten" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "kill" -> 1, "keys" -> 1, "keeps" -> 1, "Keeping" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "keel" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "junta" -> 1, "jungles" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "Judeo-Christian" -> 1, "journey" -> 1, "Jordan" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "John" -> 1, "jobs—through" -> 1, "Joblessness" -> 1, "job-destroying—increases" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "Japan's" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "item" -> 1, "isolating" -> 1, "isn't" -> 1, "islands" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "IRAs" -> 1, "IRA" -> 1, "ionizing" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "inviolate" -> 1, "investment—both" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "Introduction" -> 1, "introduce" -> 1, "intolerance" -> 1, "intimidation—these" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "intimidating" -> 1, "intimately" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "intervened" -> 1, "interrelated" -> 1, "interoperability" -> 1, "interact" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intentional" -> 1, "intense" -> 1, "Intelligence" -> 1, "integral" -> 1, "intangible" -> 1, "insurgency" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insulated" -> 1, "Institutionalized" -> 1, "institutionalize" -> 1, "Institutes" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "Institute" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "instability" -> 1, "instabilities" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insolvency" -> 1, "insofar" -> 1, "insidious" -> 1, "innumerable" -> 1, "innovate" -> 1, "in-kind" -> 1, "injected" -> 1, "inimical" -> 1, "in-home" -> 1, "inhibits" -> 1, "inhibited" -> 1, "inhibit" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "inform" -> 1, "influencing" -> 1, "inflationary—and" -> 1, "inflate" -> 1, "infirmity" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "inextricably" -> 1, "inexperience" -> 1, "inexpensive" -> 1, "inestimable" -> 1, "inescapable" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "ineligible" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "inefficiencies" -> 1, "ineffectual" -> 1, "industriousness" -> 1, "Industrious" -> 1, "industrialized" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "indulge" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "Indochina" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "Indispensable" -> 1, "indication" -> 1, "Indiana" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "indexing" -> 1, "incumbents" -> 1, "incredible" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "inception" -> 1, "Incentives" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "inadequately" -> 1, "Inadequate" -> 1, "imprudent" -> 1, "impress" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "importers" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implications" -> 1, "implemented—by" -> 1, "Implement" -> 1, "impinge" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "imperialist" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impeded" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "imbalances" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illustrated" -> 1, "illusory" -> 1, "illusion" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illiterate" -> 1, "illegitimacy" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "illegalities" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "idles" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "hunger" -> 1, "Hungarians" -> 1, "humiliating" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "HUD" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "Hostile" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "hospices" -> 1, "hospice" -> 1, "horizons" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "Honduras" -> 1, "homeporting" -> 1, "Homeownership" -> 1, "homeowners" -> 1, "homeowner's" -> 1, "Homelessness" -> 1, "Homeless" -> 1, "homeland" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "Holocaust" -> 1, "hollow" -> 1, "holistically" -> 1, "Hobbs" -> 1, "Historical" -> 1, "Hispanics" -> 1, "Hispanic" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "hinders" -> 1, "hindered" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "highs" -> 1, "high-risk" -> 1, "highlights" -> 1, "hierarchical" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "heritages" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "herbicides" -> 1, "herbicide" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "heirs" -> 1, "heinous" -> 1, "heightened" -> 1, "heifer" -> 1, "heard" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "headlines" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "haven't" -> 1, "harvest" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "hard-working" -> 1, "hardship" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "hardened" -> 1, "hard-earned" -> 1, "happy" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "hand-out" -> 1, "handing" -> 1, "Handicapped" -> 1, "hamstringing" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "hallmark" -> 1, "half-billion" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "hacked" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "GWEN" -> 1, "Gun" -> 1, "gun" -> 1, "guerrillas" -> 1, "guerrilla" -> 1, "Guatemala" -> 1, "guardians" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "growers" -> 1, "Ground" -> 1, "Gross" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "grief" -> 1, "gridlock" -> 1, "Greater" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "gray" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "Grants" -> 1, "grantees" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "grandparents" -> 1, "graduation" -> 1, "graduate" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "Grace" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "Gorbachev" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "Global" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "Give" -> 1, "Getting" -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "gerrymanders" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "Germans" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generic" -> 1, "generates" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "geared" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "Gas" -> 1, "games" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "fusion" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "furloughs" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fueled" -> 1, "Fuel" -> 1, "fruit" -> 1, "frugal" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "frivolous" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "freeze—would" -> 1, "frees" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "free-market" -> 1, "freedom's" -> 1, "Francisco" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "framers" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "fountain" -> 1, "Founding" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "forward-looking" -> 1, "forward-leaning" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "formally" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forfeiture" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foreign—as" -> 1, "foreign-directed" -> 1, "foregoing" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "foreclosed" -> 1, "force's" -> 1, "force-multipliers" -> 1, "forceful" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "food—more" -> 1, "Following" -> 1, "followers" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "focuses" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "fly" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "fluctuating" -> 1, "flourishes" -> 1, "floor—of" -> 1, "flight" -> 1, "flank" -> 1, "Flagrantly" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fishermen" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "first-time" -> 1, "firms" -> 1, "finish" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filling" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "Fill" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "Fighting" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "Fidel" -> 1, "fiction" -> 1, "fiber" -> 1, "FHA" -> 1, "fertilizers" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "fee" -> 1, "fearful" -> 1, "favoring" -> 1, "fault-based" -> 1, "fate" -> 1, "fastest" -> 1, "farther" -> 1, "far-sighted" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farms—in" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmland" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "fares" -> 1, "fantasize" -> 1, "fanning" -> 1, "fanatics" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "fail—from" -> 1, "Failure" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "faddish" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "exuberant" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extortion" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "Extend" -> 1, "expressly" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "exported" -> 1, "explorers" -> 1, "exploratory" -> 1, "Exploration" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "explicit" -> 1, "expire" -> 1, "expertise" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "expects" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expansive" -> 1, "Expansions" -> 1, "exorbitant" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "exempt" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exclusionary" -> 1, "exciting" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "Excellence" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "exact" -> 1, "evolved" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "evict" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everyday" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "evaluating" -> 1, "evaluate" -> 1, "European-style" -> 1, "Ethiopia" -> 1, "ethics" -> 1, "ethic" -> 1, "ethanol" -> 1, "Estonians" -> 1, "estimate" -> 1, "esteem" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establish—the" -> 1, "Establishment" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establishes" -> 1, "Establish" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "escalation" -> 1, "erodible" -> 1, "erodes" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "eradicating" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equipping" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "equates" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "epidemic" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "Entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entity" -> 1, "entitlement" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enthusiastic" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enslaved" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "Enough" -> 1, "enormously" -> 1, "enlisting" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enhancing" -> 1, "Enhancement" -> 1, "energized" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "Enduring" -> 1, "endowment" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "endorsement" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endangers" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "empty" -> 1, "empowers" -> 1, "empowering" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employee-employer" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "employable" -> 1, "employability" -> 1, "emphatic" -> 1, "empathize" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emissions" -> 1, "emigrate" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "eloquent" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "Eliminate" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "electricity-exporting" -> 1, "elbowed" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Efforts" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficacy" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "edicts" -> 1, "ecosystems" -> 1, "economy-wide" -> 1, "economists" -> 1, "echoed" -> 1, "eat" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "easements" -> 1, "earthquakes" -> 1, "Earth" -> 1, "ears" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "Earned" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "eagerly" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "dynamism" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "Dwight" -> 1, "duty—to" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "dump" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "drunk" -> 1, "Drug-Free" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "dropout" -> 1, "drop" -> 1, "driver's" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "dreamt" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "dreadful" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "Dramatic" -> 1, "drag" -> 1, "dozens" -> 1, "down-to-earth" -> 1, "down-grading" -> 1, "donor" -> 1, "donations" -> 1, "donating" -> 1, "donated" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dome" -> 1, "doesn't" -> 1, "documented" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "Divorce" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "diverting" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "distributing" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distortion" -> 1, "distort" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "disrupts" -> 1, "disruptions" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "dispatch" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "dislocated" -> 1, "dishonestly" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disengagement" -> 1, "dis-enfranchised" -> 1, "disdains" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "discretionary" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "discontinued" -> 1, "disclose" -> 1, "Discipline" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disadvantaged" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "Disabilities" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "Diplomatic" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "diligence" -> 1, "dilemma" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "digits" -> 1, "dig" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "dictating" -> 1, "dial-a-porn" -> 1, "diagnosis" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "detrimental" -> 1, "deterring" -> 1, "Deterrence" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determinations" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "detention" -> 1, "detente" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despoiler" -> 1, "desperately" -> 1, "desk" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "designation" -> 1, "design" -> 1, "desertion" -> 1, "description" -> 1, "descendants" -> 1, "derogate" -> 1, "deprives" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deplorable" -> 1, "Dependency" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "departure" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "department's" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "Deny" -> 1, "denounces" -> 1, "denationalize" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "demographic" -> 1, "Democrat's" -> 1, "Democrat-controlled" -> 1, "democracy's" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demagogues" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "defraud" -> 1, "deference" -> 1, "defends" -> 1, "Defended" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defederalize" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "default" -> 1, "Deep" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deduction" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "decryption" -> 1, "de-criminalizing" -> 1, "decorum" -> 1, "decontrolling" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "decentralize" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "Decades" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "death-knell" -> 1, "dearly" -> 1, "Dealing" -> 1, "dealer" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "deadliest" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "Davis-Bacon" -> 1, "David" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "darkest" -> 1, "dare" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "dampen" -> 1, "damages" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Czechoslovakians" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cynical" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "Cutting" -> 1, "cutbacks" -> 1, "customers" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "custody" -> 1, "curriculum" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "currencies" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "curbed" -> 1, "Cumulative" -> 1, "cumbersome" -> 1, "Culturally" -> 1, "Cuban-sponsored" -> 1, "Cuban-controlled" -> 1, "crusaded" -> 1, "crowning" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "cronies" -> 1, "Critical" -> 1, "crippling" -> 1, "cripples" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "Crime" -> 1, "crews" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "crack" -> 1, "cowering" -> 1, "covert" -> 1, "covers" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "countryside" -> 1, "Countries" -> 1, "counterterrorism" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "counted" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "Costa" -> 1, "cosmetics" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "correctly" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "Corporation" -> 1, "Corporate" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "coral" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "cooperatives" -> 1, "Cooperative" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "Conviction" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "convertibility" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convenient" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "controversial" -> 1, "control—of" -> 1, "control—both" -> 1, "Controlling" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contributes" -> 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"compulsory" -> 1, "compromised" -> 1, "comprise" -> 1, "compressed" -> 1, "composition" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "competitor" -> 1, "Competition" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "compensatory" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compensate" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "comparing" -> 1, "compares" -> 1, "Compared" -> 1, "compared" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "commuter" -> 1, "community-based" -> 1, "communities—churches" -> 1, "communism's" -> 1, "communism" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "Commonwealth" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "commonsense" -> 1, "commonly" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "commercialization" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commends" -> 1, "Command" -> 1, "comeback" -> 1, "combine" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "Combatting" -> 1, "combatting" -> 1, "Colonel" -> 1, "Collider" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "College" -> 1, "college" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "colleagues" -> 1, "cohesion" 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"centralized" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "centered" -> 1, "census" -> 1, "celebrates" -> 1, "cautious" -> 1, "caught" -> 1, "Caucasus" -> 1, "Catholic" -> 1, "categorically" -> 1, "catch-all" -> 1, "catastrophically" -> 1, "catastrophes" -> 1, "catalyst" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "Cash" -> 1, "cars" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "carrier" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "Caring" -> 1, "Caribbean" -> 1, "cargo" -> 1, "care—preferred" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "Carbon" -> 1, "car-bomb" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "capped" -> 1, "capitalization" -> 1, "cap" -> 1, "can-do" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "cancelling" -> 1, "cancellation" -> 1, "cancel" -> 1, "campuses" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "Camp" -> 1, "Cambodian" -> 1, "CAFE" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "\"C\"" -> 1, "bustling" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "Bush—today" -> 1, "bus" -> 1, "burying" -> 1, "buried" -> 1, "burglaries" -> 1, "bureaucracies" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "Burden" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "Bulgarians" -> 1, "build-up" -> 1, "building-temperature" -> 1, "Building" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "broke" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broadens" -> 1, "broadened" -> 1, "broadcasting" -> 1, "Broadcast" -> 1, "brink" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "brighter" -> 1, "bright" -> 1, "bridge" -> 1, "breeds" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "Brazil" -> 1, "bounty" -> 1, "bought" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "bosses" -> 1, "borrow" -> 1, "boondoggle" -> 1, "boon" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "Bond" -> 1, "Bolstered" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "boilers" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blue" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "blocking" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "Block" -> 1, "bloc" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "birth-weight" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "biotechnology" -> 1, "biodegradable" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "big-spending" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "bigoted" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "benevolent" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "beneficiary" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "beneath" -> 1, "bend" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belonging" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "beliefs" -> 1, "beleaguered" -> 1, "beef" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "beautiful" -> 1, "Beating" -> 1, "bearing" -> 1, "beaches" -> 1, "Bays" -> 1, "battling" -> 1, "battle-cry" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "basket" -> 1, "baseball" -> 1, "Base" -> 1, "barrier" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "Barbara" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "banning" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "band" -> 1, "bail" -> 1, "back—back" -> 1, "backhauls" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "backdoor" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "await" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "avoidable" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "Average" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "automobiles" -> 1, "autologous" -> 1, "auto" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "authoritarianism" -> 1, "authoritarian" -> 1, "augmentation" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attitudinal" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attenuation" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attacking" -> 1, "attached" -> 1, "Atomic" -> 1, "atmospherics" -> 1, "Atmospheric" -> 1, "asymmetries" -> 1, "asymmetrical" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assures" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assumptions" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "Assistant" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "assertively" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "assaulted" -> 1, "assassination" -> 1, "aspires" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "Asia-Pacific" -> 1, "Asian-Americans" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "ASEAN" -> 1, "ASAT" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "articulate" -> 1, "Article" -> 1, "artery" -> 1, "Arrow" -> 1, "arrogant" -> 1, "arrests" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "arranging" -> 1, "Army's" -> 1, "Armenians" -> 1, "Armenian" -> 1, "arm" -> 1, "Argentina" -> 1, "aren't" -> 1, "arena" -> 1, "Arctic" -> 1, "architecture" -> 1, "archeological" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "approach—particularly" -> 1, "apprehend" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "Apply" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applicants" -> 1, "appearance" -> 1, "ANZUS" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "anti-Western" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-terrorist" -> 1, "Anti-Terrorism" -> 1, "anti-tactical" -> 1, "anti-Semitism" -> 1, "Anti-Satellite" -> 1, "anti-poverty" -> 1, "anti-drug" -> 1, "anti-communism" -> 1, "anticipate" -> 1, "animal" -> 1, "Angolan" -> 1, "Anglo-Irish" -> 1, "and—should" -> 1, "anchor" -> 1, "analogous" -> 1, "Amtrak's" -> 1, "Amtrak" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "ammunition" -> 1, "Amerasian" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "amateur" -> 1, "altruism—essential" -> 1, "although" -> 1, "Alternatives" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "alternate" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "all-offensive" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "alleviating" -> 1, "alive" -> 1, "alike—has" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "Alcohol" -> 1, "Albanians" -> 1, "Airway" -> 1, "Airport" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "airlift" -> 1, "airborne" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "agriculturists" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agrichemicals" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aging" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "AGAIN" -> 1, "Africa's" -> 1, "affluent" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affirmation" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "Aerospace" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "Advisory" -> 1, "advising" -> 1, "Adviser" -> 1, "adversity" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "adversarial" -> 1, "adventurism" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adoptive" -> 1, "Adolescent" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administration—Democrat" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "Adjustment" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adjourning" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "adequacy" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addictive" -> 1, "acute" -> 1, "Act—the" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "Acquisition" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acknowledged" -> 1, "acid" -> 1, "achievable" -> 1, "accuracies" -> 1, "accreditation" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "Accounting" -> 1, "accounted" -> 1, "Accountability" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "Accords" -> 1, "Accordingly" -> 1, "According" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accompany" -> 1, "accommodating" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "accidentally" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "Abuse" -> 1, "abundantly" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "abstract" -> 1, "absolutes" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "About" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "abdicate" -> 1, "abandonments" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "94,000" -> 1, "91" -> 1, "79" -> 1, "7.9" -> 1, "750" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "600-ship" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "550" -> 1, "504" -> 1, "49.1" -> 1, "48" -> 1, "45" -> 1, "42" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "34" -> 1, "338" -> 1, "3379" -> 1, "33" -> 1, "31" -> 1, "30-year" -> 1, "2.9" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "242" -> 1, "23" -> 1, "2.3" -> 1, "21.5" -> 1, "2,100" -> 1, "2.1" -> 1, "200,000" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1991" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1989" -> 1, "1982—is" -> 1, "1973" -> 1, "1961" -> 1, "1898" -> 1, "184" -> 1, "18" -> 1, "17-year-olds" -> 1, "1.7" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "1,500" -> 1, "13.6" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "1.1" -> 1, "10.3" -> 1, "100th" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1, "10,000" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1984", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1984, "Date" -> DateObject[{1984, 8, 20}], "Text" -> "America's Future Free and Secure\nPreamble\n\nThis year, the American people will choose between two diametrically opposed visions of what America should be.\nThe Republican Party looks at our people and sees a new dawn of the American spirit.\nThe Democratic Party looks at our nation and sees the twilight of the American soul.\nRepublicans affirm that now, as throughout history, the spiritual and intellectual genius of the American people will create a better nation and maintain a just peace. To Republicans, creativity and growth are imperatives for a new era of opportunity for all.\nThe Republican Party's vision of America's future, the heart of our 1984 Platform, begins with a basic premise:\nFrom freedom comes opportunity; from opportunity comes growth; from growth comes progress.\nThis is not some abstract formula. It is the vibrant, beating heart of the American experience. No matter how complex our problems, no matter how difficult our tasks, it is freedom that inspires and guides the American Dream.\nIf everything depends on freedom—and it does—then securing freedom, at home and around the world, is one of the most important endeavors a free people can undertake.\nThus, the title of our Platform, \"America's Future: Free and Secure,\" is more than a summary of our Platform's message. It is the essence.\nThe Democratic Party understands none of this. It thinks our country has passed its peak. It offers Americans redistribution instead of expansion, contraction instead of growth, and despair instead of hope. In foreign policy it asserts the rhetoric of freedom, but in practice it follows a policy of withdrawal and isolation.\nThe Democratic Party, in its 1984 Platform, has tried to expropriate the optimism and vision that marked the 1980 Republican Platform.\nRhetorical pilfering of Republican ideals cannot disguise one of history's major ironies: the party whose 1932 standard-bearer told the American people, as president, that all we have to fear is fear itself has itself become the party of fear.\nToday we declare ourselves the Party of Hope—not for some but for all.\nIt has been said that mercy must have a human heart and pity a human face. We agree. Democrats measure social programs in terms of government activity alone. But the divine command to help our neighbor is directed to each individual and not to a bureaucratic machine. Not every problem cries out for a federal solution.\nWe must help the poor escape poverty by building an economy which creates more jobs, the greatest poverty fighter of them all. Not to help the poor is to abandon them and demean our society; but to help the poor without offering them a chance to escape poverty is ultimately to degrade us all.\nThe great tasks of compassion must be accomplished both by people who care and by policies which foster economic growth to enhance all human development.\nIn all these areas, at home and abroad, Ronald Reagan has demonstrated the boldness of vision, the optimism for our future, and the confidence in the American people that can transform human lives and the life of a nation. That is what we expect from a President who, wounded by an assassin, walked his way into a hospital and cheerfully assured the world that he and his country would not be deterred from their destiny.\nHis example has shaped the 1984 Republican Platform, given it meaning and inspired its vision. We stand with President Reagan and with Vice President Bush to make it a reality.\nEconomic Freedom and Prosperity\n\nFree Enterprise, Democracy, and the Role of Government\n\nFree enterprise is fundamental to the American way of life. It is inseparable from the social, religious, political, and judicial institutions which form the bedrock of a nation dedicated to individual freedom and human rights.\nEconomic growth enables all citizens to share in the nation's great physical and spiritual wealth, and it is maximized by giving them the fullest opportunity to engage in economic activities and to retain the rewards of their labor.\nOur society provides both a ladder of opportunity on which all can climb to success and a safety net of assistance for those who need it. To safeguard both, government must protect property rights, provide a sound currency, and minimize its intrusions into individual decisions to work, save, invest, and take risks.\nThe role of the federal government should be limited. We reaffirm our conviction that State and local governments closest to the people are the best and most efficient. While President Reagan has done much to alleviate federal regulatory and bureaucratic burdens on individuals and businesses, Congress has failed to act. The size and scope of the federal government remains much too large and must be reduced.\nDuring the Carter-Mondale Administration, no group of Americans was spared from the impact of a failing economy. Family budgets were stretched to the limit to keep pace with increases in taxes and costs of food, energy, and housing. For the first time, owning a home slipped out of reach for millions. Working people saw their wage increases outpaced by inflation. Older Americans saw their savings and retirement incomes consumed by basic living costs. Young people found job opportunities narrowing. Disadvantaged Americans faced an inefficient and wasteful bureaucracy which perpetuated programs of dependency. American business and industry faced recession, unemployment, and upheaval, as high interest rates, inflation, government regulation, and foreign competition combined to smother all enterprise and strike at our basic industries.\nWhen President Reagan took office in 1981, our economy was in a disastrous state. Inflation raged at 12.4 percent. The cost of living had jumped 45 percent in the Carter-Mondale years. The prime rate was 21.5 percent. Federal spending increases of 17 percent per year, massive tax rate increases due to inflation, and a monetary policy debasing the dollar had destroyed our economic stability.\nWe brought about a new beginning. Americans are better off than they were four years ago, and they're still improving. Almost six and one-half million have found jobs since the recovery began, the largest increase in our history. One and one-half million have come in manufacturing—a part of our economy designated for stagnation and government control by Democrats. More than 107 million Americans, more than ever before, are working. Their industry proves that policies which increase incentives for work, saving, and investment do lead to economic growth, while the redistributionist policies of the past did cause unemployment, declining incomes, and idle industries.\nWe will therefore continue to return control over the economy to the people. Our policies will maximize the role of the individual and build on the success of the past four years: (a) the most rapid decline in unemployment of any post-World War II recovery; (b) inflation dramatically reduced; (c) interest rates significantly cut; (d) a 25 percent cut in federal tax rates; (e) automatic tax increases eliminated by indexing tax rates; (f) the financial holdings of American families increased by over $1.8 trillion; (g) oil prices down 35 percent in real terms; and (h) 300 million hours once devoted to government paperwork returned to individuals and business.\nOur most important economic goal is to expand and continue the economic recovery and move the nation to full employment without inflation. We therefore oppose any attempts to increase taxes, which would harm the recovery and reverse the trend to restoring control of the economy to individual Americans. We favor reducing deficits by continuing and expanding the strong economic recovery brought about by the policies of this Administration and by eliminating wasteful and unnecessary government spending. Mondale-Ferraro, by contrast, boast that they will raise taxes, with ruinous effects on the economy.\nTo assure workers and entrepreneurs the capital required to provide jobs and growth, we will further expand incentives for personal saving. We will expand coverage of the Individual Retirement Account, especially to homemakers, and increase and index the annual limits on IRA contributions. We will increase the incentives for savings by moving toward the reduction of taxation of interest income. We will work for indexation of capital assets and elimination of the double taxation of dividends to increase the attractiveness of equity investments for small investors.\nWe oppose withholding on dividend and interest income. It would discourage saving and investment, create needless paperwork, and rob savers of their due benefits. A higher personal saving rate is key to deficit control. We therefore oppose any disincentives to thrift.\nHistory has proven again and again that wage and price controls will not stop inflation. Such controls only cause shortages, inequities, and ultimately high prices. We remain firmly opposed to the imposition of wage and price controls.\nWe are committed to bringing the benefits of economic growth to all Americans. Therefore, we support policies which will increase opportunities for the poorest in our society to climb the economic ladder. We will work to establish enterprise zones in urban and rural America; we will work to enable those living in government-owned or subsidized housing to purchase their homes. As part of our effort to reform the tax system, we will reduce disincentives to employment which too often result in a poverty trap for poor American families.\nFiscal and Monetary Policy\n\nA major goal of all Republicans in 1980 was to reduce the oppressive tax rates strangling Americans. The tax burden, which had increased steadily during the Carter-Mondale Administration, was at a record high and scheduled to go even higher. Taxes as a percentage of GNP rose from 18.2 percent in 1976 to 21 percent in 1981 and would have reached 24 percent by 1984. The tax bill for the median-income family of four had risen from $1,713 in 1976 to $2,778 in 1980 and would have reached $3,943 in 1984.\nDouble-digit inflation had pushed individuals into ever higher marginal tax brackets. High marginal tax rates reduced the incentive for work, saving, and investment, and retarded economic growth, productivity, and job creation.\nWith the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, we carried out the first phase of tax reduction and reform by cutting marginal tax rates by 25 percent. Tax brackets were indexed to prevent tax hikes through bracket creep. In addition, families received further relief by reducing the marriage penalty and lowering estate and gift taxes.\nBusinesses and workers benefitted when we replaced outdated depreciation systems with the accelerated cost recovery system, reduced capital gains tax rates, and lowered the pressures which high tax rates place on wage demands. Investment in plants and equipment has increased 16.5 percent since 1982, resulting in 6.3 million new jobs.\nIn 1980, we promised the American people a tax cut which would be progressive and fair, reducing tax rates across-the-board. Despite Democrat opposition we succeeded in reducing the tax rates of all taxpayers by about 25 percent with low-income taxpayers receiving a slightly larger percentage tax reduction than high-income taxpayers. These sound economic policies have succeeded. We will continue our efforts to further reduce tax rates and now foresee no economic circumstances which would call for increased taxation.\nThe bulk of the tax cut goes to those who pay most of the taxes: middle-income taxpayers. Nearly three-fourths of its benefits go to taxpayers earning less than $50,000. In fact, these taxpayers now pay a smaller percentage of total income taxes than they did in 1980; and those earning more than $50,000 pay a larger percentage of total income taxes than they did in 1980.\nAs a result, the income tax system is fairer now than it was under Carter-Mondale. To keep it fair, Republicans indexed the tax code: starting in 1985, individual tax brackets, the zero bracket amount, and the personal exemption will be adjusted annually for inflation. As a result, cost of living raises will no longer push taxpayers into higher brackets.\nFor years, congressional big spenders used inflation as a silent partner to raise taxes without taking the heat for passing tax increases. With indexing, taxpayers will be protected against that theft. Low- and moderate-income taxpayers benefit the most from indexing and would bear the brunt of the hidden tax increases if it were repealed.\nNearly 80 percent of the tax increase from the repeal of indexing would fall on taxpayers earning less than $50,000. For a family of four earning $10,000, repeal of indexing would result in a staggering 40 percent tax increase over the next five years. We pledge to preserve tax indexing. We will fight any attempt to repeal, modify, or defer it.\nThe Republican Party pledges to continue our efforts to lower tax rates, change and modernize the tax system, and eliminate the incentive-destroying effects of graduated tax rates. We therefore support tax reform that will lead to a fair and simple tax system and believe a modified flat tax—with specific exemptions for such items as mortgage interest—is a most promising approach.\nFor families, we will restore the value of personal exemptions, raising it to a minimum of $2,000 and indexing to prevent further erosion. We will preserve the deduction for mortgage interest payments. We will propose an employment income exclusion to assure that tax burdens are not shifted to the poor. Tax reform must not be a guise for tax increases. We believe such an approach will enhance the income and opportunities of families and low- and middle-income Americans.\nWe oppose taxation of churches, religious schools, or any other religious institutions. However, we do believe that any business income unrelated to the religious function of the institution should be subject to the same taxes paid by competing businesses.\nWe oppose the setting of artificially high interest rates which would drastically curtail the ability of sellers to finance sales of their own property. Rather, we encourage marketplace transfer of homes, farms, and smaller commercial properties.\nThe Republican Party believes the federal budget must be balanced. We are committed to eliminating deficits and the excessive spending that causes them. In 1980, federal spending was out of control, increasing at a rate of over 17 percent. We have cut that growth rate by almost two-thirds.\nBut Congress ignored many of the President's budget reforms. It scaled back and delayed the tax cuts. As a result, we began to pay the price for the irresponsible spending and tax policies of the Carter-Mondale Administration. The resulting recession dramatically increased the deficit, and government spending continues at an unacceptable level.\nDemocrats claim deficits are caused by Americans' paying too little in taxes. Nonsense. We categorically reject proposals to increase taxes in a misguided effort to balance the budget. Tax and spending increases would reduce incentives for economic activity and threaten the recovery.\nEven when we achieve full employment and even with robust economic growth, federal spending—including credit programs and other off-budget items—will remain too high. As a percentage of GNP, it must be reduced.\nThe congressional budget process is bankrupt. Its implementation has not brought spending under control, and it must be thoroughly reformed. We will work for the constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget passed by the Republican Senate but blocked by the Democrat-controlled House and denounced by the Democrat Platform. If Congress fails to act on this issue, a constitutional convention should be convened to address only this issue in order to bring deficit spending under control.\nThe President is denied proper control over the federal budget. To remedy this, we support enhanced authority to prevent wasteful spending, including a line-item veto.\nOur 1980 Platform promised to bring inflation under control. We did it. This cruelest tax—hitting hardest at the poor, the aged, and those on fixed incomes—raged up to 13.3 percent under Carter-Mondale. We have brought it down to about 4 percent and we strive for lower levels. The effects of our program have been dramatic. Real, after-tax incomes are rising. Food prices are stable. Interest rates have fallen dramatically, leading to a resurgence in home building, auto purchases, and capital investment.\nJust as our tax policy has only laid the groundwork for a new era of prosperity, reducing inflation is only the first step in restoring a stable currency. A dollar now should be worth a dollar in the future. This allows real economic growth without inflation and is the primary goal of our monetary policy.\nThe Federal Reserve Board's destabilizing actions must therefore stop. We need coordination between fiscal and monetary policy, timely information about Fed decisions, and an end to the uncertainties people face in obtaining money and credit. The Gold Standard may be a useful mechanism for realizing the Federal Reserve's determination to adopt monetary policies needed to sustain price stability.\nDomestically, a stable dollar will mean lower interest rates, rising real wages, guaranteed value for retirement and education savings, growth of assets through productive investment, affordable housing, and greater job security.\nInternationally, a stable dollar will mean stable exchange rates, protection for contract prices, commodity prices which change only when real production changes, greater resources devoted to job-creating investment, less protectionist pressure, and increased trade and income for all nations.\nRegulatory Reform\n\nOur 1980 Platform declared that \"excessive regulation remains a major component of our nation's spiraling inflation and continues to stifle private initiatives, individual freedom, and State and local government autonomy.\" President Reagan's regulatory reform program contributed significantly to economic recovery by removing bureaucratic roadblocks and encouraging efficiency.\nIn many fields, government regulation either did not achieve its goals or made limited improvements at exorbitant costs. We have worked with industry and labor to get better results through cooperation rather than coercion.\nThe flood of regulation has stopped. The number of new regulations has been halved. Unrestrained growth in the size and spending of the regulatory workforce has stopped. Some $150 billion will thereby be saved over the next decade by consumers and businesses. In the past four years alone, 300 million hours of government-mandated paperwork were eliminated. We have reduced the regulatory burden on Americans by making government rules as cost-effective as possible. We must maintain this progress through comprehensive regulatory reform legislation and a constitutional procedure which will enable Congress to properly oversee executive branch rules by reviewing and, if necessary, overturning them.\nSo consumers can have the widest choice of services at the lowest possible prices, Republicans commit themselves to breaking down artificial barriers to entry created by antiquated regulations. With the explosion of computer technologies just beginning to enhance our way of life, we will encourage rather than hinder innovative competition in telecommunications and financial services.\nThere are still federal statutes that keep Americans out of the work-force. Arbitrary minimum wage rates, for example, have eliminated hundreds of thousands of jobs and, with them, the opportunity for young people to get productive skills, good work habits, and a weekly paycheck. We encourage the adoption of a youth opportunity wage to encourage employers to hire and train inexperienced workers.\nWe demand repeal of prohibitions against household manufacturing. Restrictions on work in the home are intolerable intrusions into our private lives and limit economic opportunity, especially for women and the homebound.\nSupport For Small Business\n\nAmerica's small business entrepreneurs have led the way in fueling economic recovery. Almost all the 11 million non-farm businesses in the United States are small, but they provide over 50 million jobs. We must keep them strong to ensure lasting prosperity. Republicans reaffirm our historic ties with independent business people and pledge continued efforts to help this energetic segment of our economy.\nWe have created a climate conducive to small business growth. Our tax rate reductions increased incentives for entrepreneurial activity and provided investment capital through incentives to save. Reduced capital gains taxes further stimulated capital formation and increased the return on small business investment. Greater depreciation allowances encouraged modernization. Estate tax changes will allow families to keep the rewards of their labors.\nWe have insisted on less federal interference with small business. As a result, burdensome regulations were reduced, and runaway agencies like OSHA were reined in. We have ensured that the federal government pays its bills on time or pays interest penalties.\nPresidential action has focused needed attention on increased government procurement from small and minority businesses. In FY 1983 the Small Business Administration directed $2.3 billion in federal sole-source contracts to minority firms through its 8(a) program—a 45 percent increase over 1980. This record amount was achieved along with management improvements that eliminated past abuses in that program.\nThree million women business owners are generating $40 billion in annual receipts and creating many new jobs. Yet, their enterprises face barriers in credit, access to capital, and technical assistance. They lag far behind in federal procurement contracts. We are dedicated to helping them become full partners in the economic mainstream of small business.\nTo them and to all who make America grow, we reaffirm out commitment to reduce marginal tax rates further. We oppose any scheme to roll back the estate tax cuts and will seek further reductions for family businesses. Moreover, we support lower capital gains tax rates and indexation of asset values to protect investors from inflation.\nWe will create enterprise zones to revitalize economically depressed areas by offering simplified regulation and lower taxes for small businesses that relocate there.\nWe will make it easier for small businesses to compete for government contracts, not only to assist the private sector but also to provide competition and greater cost control in federal purchases.\nIn a continuing effort to offset our balance of trade deficit, we reaffirm our strong support for this nation's tourism industry.\nScience and Technology\n\nWe pledge to continue the Reagan Administration's science and technology policies, which have enhanced economic recovery and our nation's research capability.\nWe have refocused federal research and development spending on basic research, and it has increased more than 50 percent.\nWe propose to extend the incremental research and development tax credit to stimulate greater activity in the private sector.\nTo allow U.S. firms to compete on an equal footing with foreign companies, we will permit U.S. firms to cooperate in joint research and development projects.\nEnergy\n\nIn 1980, energy prices were at all-time highs and rising rapidly. The OPEC cartel had an iron grip on free world economies. Oil imports rose, and domestic production fell under Carter-Mondale price controls and allocations. Competition in energy markets declined.\nWe have all but eliminated those disastrous policies. President Reagan's immediate decontrol of oil prices precipitated a decline in real oil prices and increased competition in all energy markets. Oil price decontrol crippled the OPEC cartel.\nThe results have been dramatic. Imported oil prices are down 35 percent in real terms. The real price of gasoline is at a five-year low. Energy consumption has declined relative to economic growth. Energy efficiency increased by 12 percent since 1980, with lower costs to businesses and families. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is now four times larger than in 1980, providing significant protection against any disruption in imports.\nWe will complete America's energy agenda. Natural gas should be responsibly decontrolled as rapidly as possible so that families and businesses can enjoy the full benefits of lower prices and greater production, as with decontrolled oil. We are committed to the repeal of the confiscatory windfall profits tax, which has forced the American consumer to pay more for less and left us vulnerable to the energy and economic strangle-hold of foreign producers.\nWhile protecting the environment, we should permit abundant American coal to be mined and consumed. Environmentally sound development of oil and natural gas on federal properties (which has brought the taxpayers $20 billion in revenue in the last four years) should continue. We believe that as controls have been lifted from the energy marketplace, conservation and alternative sources of energy, such as solar, wind, and geothermal, have become increasingly cost-effective. We further take pride in the fact that Reagan Administration economic policies have created an environment most favorable to the small businesses that pioneer these alternative technologies.\nWe now have a sound, long-term program for disposal of nuclear waste. We will work to eliminate unnecessary regulatory procedures so that nuclear plants can be brought on line quickly, efficiently, and safely. We call for an energy policy, the stability and continuity of which will restore and encourage public confidence in the fiscal stability of the nuclear industry.\nWe are committed to the termination of the Department of Energy. President Reagan has succeeded in abolishing that part which was telling Americans what to buy, where to buy it, and at what price—the regulatory part of DOE. Then he reduced the number of bureaucrats by 25 percent. Now is the time to complete the job.\nAgriculture\n\nThe Republican Party is thankful for, and proud of, the ability of American farmers and ranchers to provide abundant, high quality, and nutritious food and fiber for all our citizens and millions more throughout the world. This unmatched ability to produce is basic to this country's high standard of living. We recognize that a prosperous agriculture is essential to the future of America and to the health and welfare of its people. We have set the stage for securing prosperity in rural America. In 1979, farm and ranch production costs increased 19 percent, in 1983 they actually declined by almost 3 percent. The prime interest rate has been brought down from 21.5 percent to 13 percent. Our reputation as a reliable world food and fiber supplier has been restored. Despite that remarkable beginning, much remains to be done.\nWe believe well managed, efficient American farm and ranch operations are the most cost-effective and productive food and fiber suppliers in the world, and therefore have the inherent economic capability and right to make a profit from their labor, management, and investments. The primary responsibility of government with respect to agriculture is to create the opportunity for a free and competitive economic and policy environment supportive of the American farmers' and ranchers' industrious and independent spirit and innovative talent. We further believe that, to the extent some well-managed and efficient farms and ranches are temporarily unable to make a profit in the marketplace, it is in the public interest to provide reasonable and targeted assistance.\nThe Carter-Mondale Administration, and 28 years of a Congress rigidly controlled by the Democrats and out of touch with the people, brought farmers and ranchers to the hardest times since the Great Depression. Farm and ranch incomes fell to disastrous levels. Uncontrolled inflation and the highest interest rates in over a century prevented farmers from operating at a profit, and 300,000 of them went out of business under Carter-Mondale.\nIn the span of but four devastating years, the Carter-Mondale Administration managed to jeopardize this country's agricultural heritage by putting America's farmers $78 billion further in debt (a 75 percent increase) and inflating farmers' annual food and fiber production costs by $46 billion (55 percent increase). These irresponsible inflationary policies led to spiraling land values and to the illusion of enhanced debt-bearing wealth. This paper wealth was converted into very real and unavoidable debt. Debt payments, combined with record cost of production levels, have presented many farmers and ranchers with severe cash flow problems. On top of all that came the Carter-Mondale grain embargo of 1980. Thus, one begins to understand the origins of the financial stress farmers and ranchers are experiencing today. Adding insult to injury, farmers and ranchers found themselves blamed as Carter-Mondale inflation ballooned consumer food costs by $115 billion, a 50 percent increase in four years.\nRepublicans support a sound agricultural credit policy, including the Farm Credit System, to meet agriculture's expanded credit needs. We support an extensive examination of agricultural and rural credit and crop insurance programs to assure they are adequately serving our farmers and rural residents.\nThe magnitude of indebtedness and the level of interest rates significantly influence farm and ranch profitability. The interrelationship between high interest rates and the high value of the dollar has caused an erosion in our competitive position in export markets. Republicans recognize that lower interest rates are vital to a healthy farm and ranch economy and pledge that an economic priority of the first order will be the further lowering of interest rates by intensifying our efforts to cut federal spending to achieve a balanced budget and by reforming Federal Reserve policy.\nRepublicans are very much aware of the devastating impact which high interest rates have had, and continue to have, on the viability of America's farmers and ranchers. We also realize that, unless interest rates decline significantly in the near future, the character of American agriculture and rural life will be tragically changed. For these reasons, we pledge to pursue every possible course of action, including the consideration of temporary interest rate reductions, to ensure that the American farmer or rancher is not a patient that dies in the course of a successful economic operation.\nRepublicans are cognizant that there are many well-managed, efficient, farm and ranch operations which face bankruptcy and foreclosure. The foreclosures and resulting land sales will jeopardize the equity positions of neighboring farms and ranches, compounding financial problems in agriculture. Republicans pledge to implement comprehensive Farmers Home Administration and commercial farm and ranch debt restructuring procedures, including the establishment of local community farm and ranch finance committees, which will advise borrowers, lenders, and government officials regarding debt restructuring alternatives and farmer and rancher eligibility.\nSensitive to the needs of farmers and ranchers, we have made the best of the tools available to deal with the Carter-Mondale failure. Among the many specific accomplishments of the Reagan Administration in agriculture, Republicans are proud to have:\n• Lifted the Carter-Mondale grain embargo and demonstrated by word and deed that farm and ranch product embargoes will not be used as a tool of foreign policy, negotiated a long term agreement with the Soviet Union, and strengthened our credibility as a reliable supplier by enacting contract sanctity legislation.\n• Increased food assistance and agricultural export financing programs to over $7 billion, a record level.\n• Challenged unfair export subsidy practices and aggressively countered them with \"blended credit\" and other export expansion programs.\n• Achieved major breakthroughs in Japan's beef and citrus quotas, allowing our exports to double over four years.\n• Resisted protectionist efforts by other industries, such as domestic content legislation, that would cause a backlash against U.S. farm and ranch exports.\n• Developed and implemented the PIK program to draw down burdensome reserve stocks of major commodities created by the Carter-Mondale embargo.\n• Reformed bankruptcy law to provide for accelerated distribution of farm products in bankrupt elevators, acceptance of warehouse receipts and scale tickets as proof of ownership, and allowing a lien against elevator assets for unpaid farmers.\n• Eliminated the marriage tax penalty for a surviving spouse and protected family farms and ranches by exempting, by 1987, up to $600,000 from estate taxes.\n• Accelerated depreciation of farm and ranch equipment and buildings and increased the exemption for agricultural vehicles from the heavy vehicle use tax.\n• Increased the gasoline tax exemption by 50 percent for alcohol fuels, stimulating demand for domestic grain production and reducing dependency on foreign oil.\n• Worked with rural credit and farm and ranch lending institutions to assure adequate capital at the lowest possible interest rates.\n• Responded to the emergency financial needs of farmers and ranchers stricken by drought and flood.\nWe want real profits for farmers and ranchers. We have begun the turnaround on farm and ranch incomes. Sound fiscal, monetary, and growth-oriented tax policies are essential if farmers and ranchers are to realize sufficient and enduring profits. We support legislation to permit farmers, ranchers, and other self-employed individuals to deduct from their gross income up to one-half of the cost of their personal hospitalization insurance premiums.\nGovernment policies should strengthen the ability of farmers and ranchers to provide quality products at reasonable rates of return in an expanding economy. We believe that federal farm programs should be tailored to meet the economic needs and requirements of today's structurally diverse and internationally oriented agriculture. These programs must be sensitive to potential impacts on all agriculture, especially non-program commodities, livestock, agribusiness, and rural communities.\nRepublicans believe that the future of American agriculture lies in the utilization of our rich farmland, advanced technology, and hard working farm and ranch people, to supply food and fiber to the world. Traditional farm programs have threatened the confidence of America's farmers and ranchers and exhausted the patience of American taxpayers. We reject the policy of more of the same, and we further reject the Democrats' public utility vision of agriculture which views it as a problem to be minimized by further political and bureaucratic management. Our new programs will bring the flexibility to adjust to rapidly changing export market conditions and opportunities, and, in a timely and effective manner, respond to the inherent, uncontrollable risks of farming and ranching.\nRural Americans impart a special strength to our national character, important to us all. Whether farmers or not, all rural citizens should have the same consideration as those who live in towns and cities in economic development, energy, credit, transportation availability, and employment. Opportunities for non-farm jobs have become increasingly important to farm and ranch families, enhancing life and work in rural America.\nAgriculture is an international advantage for the United States. But a successful farm and ranch policy demands earnest attention to building on the strength of our domestic production capacity and to developing world markets, for American agriculture cannot be prosperous without exports.\nOur farmers and ranchers must have full access to world markets and should not have to face unfair export subsidies and predatory dumping by other producing nations without redress. Republicans believe that unfair trade practices and non-tariff barriers are so serious that a comprehensive renegotiation of multilateral trade arrangements must be undertaken to revitalize the free, fair, and open trade critical to worldwide economic growth.\nThe Republican Party is unalterably opposed to the use of embargoes of grain or other agricultural products as a tool of foreign policy. The Carter-Mondale grain embargo is—still more than any other factor—the cause of the present difficulties in American agriculture and possibly the irretrievable loss of foreign markets. Republicans say, \"Never again.\" The Democratic Platform says nothing.\nAmerica has a long history of helping those in need, and the responsibility for food assistance has been shared by federal and State governments and neighborhood volunteers. Federal expenditures in this area exceeded $19 billion in 1983, the highest amount ever. Numerous private and public efforts assure that adequate food is available. This expresses faith in our future and reflects our people's goodness.\nWe will provide adequate resources in programs ranging from food stamps to school lunches for the truly needy. We also recognize that fraud and abuse must be eliminated from those programs. We stress maximum local control consistent with national objectives.\nExcessive federal regulations, many imposed by the Carter-Mondale Administration, have been a crushing burden.\nIn 1980, we pledged to make sensible reductions in regulations that drained the profitability from farming, ranching, and commercial fishing. We did just that. We restored balance to the Interior Department's ineffective predator-control policies, and we moderated the EPA's and the FDA's excessive adherence to \"zero risk\" standards concerning the use of pesticides, antibiotics, food additives, and preservatives.\nRepublicans favor modernizing our food-safety laws, providing guidelines for risk-benefit assessment, peer review, and regulatory flexibility consistent with other health and safety policies.\nAgriculture must be both economically and environmentally sustainable. The soil and water stewardship of our farmers, ranchers, watermen, and rural people is commendable. Republicans believe that long-term soil, water, and other conservation policies, emphasizing environmentally sound agricultural productivity, rangeland protection, fish and wildlife habitat, and balanced forestry management, must be a top priority. Conservation practices must be intensified and integrated with farm programs to safeguard our most valuable resources. Volunteer participation, emphasizing State and local control and adequate incentives, is essential to effective conservation.\nIn 1980, we pledged a water policy which addressed our national diversity in climate, geography, reclamation needs, and patterns of land ownership. We promised a partnership between the States and federal government which would not destroy traditional State supremacy in water law, and which would avert a water crisis in the coming decades. That partnership is now working to meet these challenges.\nAmerican agriculture is the world's most successful because of the hard work and creativity of family farmers and ranchers. They have benefitted immensely from agricultural research, extension, and teaching, unequalled in the world. Cooperative extension, operating in every country, brings the results of USDA and Land Grant University research to rural America. We support these programs, with special attention to marketing efficiencies, reduced production costs, and new uses for farm and ranch commodities. We also encourage the establishment of regional international research and export trade centers.\nOur agricultural people have developed the ideals of free enterprise and have based their enterprise on our culture's basic element, the family. The family farm and ranch is defined as a unit of agricultural production managed as an enterprise where labor and management have an equity interest in the business and a direct gain or loss from its operation. Family farms and ranches are the heart, soul, and backbone of American agriculture; it is the family farm that makes our system work better than any other.\nOur rural and coastal people developed a great diversity of support organizations. They organized farm and ranch cooperatives, and rural electric and telephone cooperatives to provide essential services. They established farm and ranch organizations to work for better farm policies and to improve the quality of rural life. Republicans note with particular pride and enthusiasm the vital impact women have always had in American farming and ranching, and we support efforts to increase their role.\nAmerican agriculture has always relied upon the hardworking people who harvest seasonal and perishable crops. Republicans support comprehensive farm-labor legislation, fair to workers and employers, to protect consumers from work stoppages which disrupt the flow of food.\nRepublicans also recognize the tremendous efforts of commercial fishers to bring nutritious seafood products to market, thus strengthening America's food base.\nOur agriculture is both a global resource and a tremendous opportunity. Only America possesses the natural, technological, management, and labor resources to commercially develop agriculture's next frontier.\nWe are encouraged by innovation in agriculture, and applaud its diversity, creativity, and enterprise. Commercial applications of new technology and marketing and management innovations are creating additional opportunities for farming and ranching. Republicans have set the stage for building a new prosperity into our fundamentally strong agricultural system. We renew our national commitment to American farmers and ranchers.\nInternational Economic Policy\n\nThe recent tremendous expansion of international trade has increased the standard of living worldwide. Our strong economy is attracting investment in the United States, which is providing capital needed for new jobs, technology, higher wages, and more competitive products.\nWe are committed to a free and open international trading system. All Americans benefit from the free flow of goods, services and capital, and the efficiencies of a vigorous international market. We will work with all of our international trading partners to eliminate barriers to trade, both tariff and non-tariff. As a first step, we call on our trading partners to join in a new round of trade negotiations to revise the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in order to strengthen it. And we further call on our trading partners to join us in reviewing trade with totalitarian regimes.\nBut free trade must be fair trade. It works only when all trading partners accept open markets for goods, services, and investments. We will review existing trade agreements and vigorously enforce trade laws including assurance of access to all markets for our service industries. We will pursue domestic and international policies that will allow our American manufacturing and agricultural industries to compete in international markets. We will not tolerate the loss of American jobs to nationalized, subsidized, protected foreign industries, particularly in steel, automobiles, mining, footwear, textiles, and other basic industries. This production is sometimes financed with our own tax dollars through international institutions. We will work to stop funding of those projects which are detrimental to our own economy.\nThe greatest danger today to our international trade is a growing protectionist sentiment. Tremendous fluctuations in exchange rates have rendered long-term international contracts virtually useless. We therefore urge our trading partners to join us in evaluating and correcting the structural problems of the international monetary system, to base it on more stable exchange rates and free capital markets.\nFurther, we support reorganization of trade responsibilities in order to reduce overlap, duplication, and waste in the conduct of international trade and industry.\nRevisions in that system will stabilize trade relations so that debtor nations can repay their debts. These debts are the direct result of their domestic policies, often mandated by multilateral institutions, combined with the breakdown of the international monetary system. Slower economic growth, reduced imports, and higher taxes will not relieve debt burdens, but worsen them. The only way to repay the debts is to create productive capacity to generate new wealth through economic expansion, as America has done.\nAusterity should be imposed not on people, but on governments. Debtor nations seeking our assistance must increase incentives for growth by encouraging private investment, reducing taxes, and eliminating subsidies, price controls, and politically motivated development projects.\nSecurity for the Individual\n\nAmerica was built on the institutions of home, family, religion, and neighborhood. From these basic building blocks came self-reliant individuals, prepared to exercise both rights and responsibilities.\nIn the community of individuals and families, every generation has relearned the art of self-government. In our neighborhoods, Americans have traditionally taken care of their needs and aided the less fortunate. In the process we developed, independent of government, the remarkable network of \"mediating institutions\"—religious groups, unions, community and professional associations. Prominent among them have been innumerable volunteer groups, from fire departments and neighborhood-watch patrols to meals-on-wheels and the little leagues.\nPublic policy long ignored these foundations of American life. Especially during the two decades preceding Ronald Reagan's election, the federal government eroded their authority, ignored their rights, and attempted to supplant their functions with programs at once intrusive and ineffectual. It thereby disrupted our traditional patterns of caring, sharing, and helping. It elbowed out the voluntary providers of services and aid instead of working through them.\nBy centralizing responsibility for social programs in Washington, liberal experimenters destroyed the sense of community that sustains local institutions. In many cases, they literally broke up neighborhoods and devastated rural communities.\nWashington's governing elite thought they knew better than the people how to spend the people's money. They played fast and loose with our schools, with law enforcement, with welfare, with housing. The results were declining literacy and learning, an epidemic of crime, a massive increase in dependency, and the slumming of our cities.\nWorst of all, they tried to build their brave new world by assaulting our basic values. They mocked the work ethic. They scorned frugality. They attacked the integrity of the family and parental rights. They ignored traditional morality. And they still do.\nOur 1980 Republican Platform offered a renewed vision. We based it upon home, family, and community as the surest guarantees of both individual rights and national greatness. We asserted, as we do now, the ethical dimension of public policy: the need to return to enduring principles of conduct and firm standards of judgment.\nThe American people responded with enthusiasm. They knew that our roots, in family, home, and neighborhood, do not tie us down. They give us strength. Once more we call upon our people to assert their supervision over government, to affirm their rights against government, to uphold their interests within government.\nHousing and Homeownership\n\nHomeownership is part of the American Dream. For the last two decades, that dream has been endangered by bad public policy. Government unleashed a dreadful inflation upon homebuyers, driving mortgage rates beyond the reach of average families, as the prime rate rose more than 300 percent (from 6.5 percent to 21.5 percent). The American worker's purchasing power fell every year from 1977 through 1980.\nNo wonder the housing industry was crippled. Its workers faced recurrent recessions. The boom-and-bust cycle made saving foolish, investment risky, and housing scarce.\nFederal housing blighted stable low-income neighborhoods, disrupting communities which people had held together for generations. Only government could have wasted billions of dollars to create the instant slums which disgrace our cities.\nIn our 1980 Platform, we pledged to reverse this situation. We have begun to do so, despite obstructionism from those who believe that the taxpayer's home is government's castle.\nWe attacked the basic problem, not the symptoms. We cut tax rates and reduced inflation to a fraction of the Carter-Mondale years. The median price house that would cost $94,800 if Carter-Mondale inflation had continued now costs $74,200. The average monthly mortgage payment, which rose by $342 during the Carter-Mondale years, has increased just $24 since January 1981. The American Dream has made a comeback.\nTo sustain it, we must finish the people's agenda.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the federal-tax deductibility of mortgage interest payments. In the States, we stand with those working to lower property taxes that strike hardest at the poor, the elderly, and large families. We stand, as well, with Americans earning possession of their homes through \"sweat-equity\" programs.\nWe will, over time, replace subsidies and welfare projects with a voucher system, returning public housing to the free market.\nDespite billions of dollars poured into public housing developments, conditions remain deplorable for many low-income Americans who live in them. These projects have become breeding grounds for the very problems they were meant to eliminate. Their dilapidated and crumbling structures testify to decades of corrupt or incompetent management by poverty bureaucrats.\nSome residents of public housing developments have reversed these conditions by successfully managing their own housing units through creative self-help efforts. It is abundantly clear that their pride of ownership has been the most important factor contributing to the efficiency of operation, enhancing the quality of housing, improving community morale, and providing incentives for their self-improvement. The Republican Party therefore supports the development of programs which will lead to homeownership of public housing developments by current residents.\nWe strongly believe in open housing. We will vigorously enforce all fair housing laws and will not tolerate their distortion into quotas and controls.\nRent controls promise housing below its market cost but inevitably result in a shortage of decent homes. Our people should not have to underwrite any community which erodes its own housing supply by rent control.\nSound economic policy is good housing policy. In our expanding economy, where people are free to work and save, they will shelter their families without government intrusion.\nWelfare\n\nHelping the less fortunate is one of America's noblest endeavors, made possible by the abundance of our free and competitive economy. Aid should be swift and adequate to ensure the necessities of a decent life.\nOver the past two decades, welfare became a nightmare for the taxpayer and the poor alike. Fraud and abuse were rampant. The costs of public assistance are astronomical, in large part because resources often benefit the welfare industry rather than the poor.\nDuring the 1970s, the number of people receiving federal assistance increased by almost 300 percent, from 9 million to 35 million, while our population increased by only 11.4 percent. This was a fantastic and unsustainable universalization of welfare.\nWelfare's indirect effects were equally as bad. It became a substitute for urgently needed economic reforms to create more entry-level jobs. Government created a hellish cycle of dependency. Family cohesion was shattered, both by providing economic incentives to set up maternal households and by usurping the breadwinner's economic role in intact families.\nThe cruelest result was the maternalization of poverty, worsened by the breakdown of the family and accelerated by destructive patterns of conduct too long tolerated by permissive liberals. We endorse programs to assist female-headed households to build self-sufficiency, such as efforts by localities to enable participants to achieve permanent employment.\nWe have begun to clean up the welfare mess. We have dramatically reduced the poor's worst enemy—inflation—thereby protecting their purchasing power. Our resurgent economy has created over six million new jobs and reduced unemployment by 30 percent.\nWe have launched real welfare reforms. We have targeted benefits to the needy through tighter eligibility standards, enforced child-support laws, and encouraged \"workfare\" in the States. We gave States more leeway in managing welfare programs, more assistance with fraud control, and more incentives to hold down costs.\nOnly sustained economic growth, continuing our vigorous recovery, can give credible hope to those at the bottom of the opportunity ladder.\nThe working poor deserve special consideration, as do low-income families struggling to provide for their children. As part of a comprehensive simplification of the federal tax code, we will restore the real value of their personal tax exemptions so that families, particularly young families, can establish their economic independence.\nFederal administration of welfare is the worst possible, detached from community needs and careless with the public's money. Our long tradition of State and local administration of aid programs must be restored. Programs and resources must be returned to State and local governments and not merely exchanged with them. We will support block grants to combine duplicative programs under State administration.\nWe must also recognize and stimulate the talents and energy of low-income neighborhoods. We must provide new incentives for self-help activities that flow naturally when people realize they can make a difference. This is especially critical in foster care and adoption.\nBecause there are different reasons for poverty, our programs address different needs and must never be replaced with a unitary income guarantee. That would betray the interests of the poor and the taxpayers alike.\nWe will employ the latest technology to combat welfare fraud in order to protect the needy from the greedy.\nWhenever possible, public assistance must be a transition to the world of work, except in cases, particularly with the aged and disabled, where that is not appropriate. In other cases, it is long overdue.\nRemedying poverty requires that we sustain and broaden economic recovery, hold families together, get government's hand out of their pocketbooks, and restore the work ethic.\nHealth\n\nOur tremendous investment in health care has brought us almost miraculous advances. Although costs are still too high, we have dramatically enhanced the length and quality of life for all.\nFaced with Medicare and Medicaid mismanagement, government tried to ration health care through arbitrary cuts in eligibility and benefits. Meanwhile, inflation drove up medical bills for us all. Economic incentives were backwards, with little awareness of costs by individual patients. Reimbursement mechanisms were based on expenses incurred, rather than set prospectively. Conspicuously absent were free-market incentives to respond to consumer wishes. Instead, government's heavy hand was everywhere.\nWe narrowly averted disaster. We moved creatively and carefully to restructure incentives, to free competition, to encourage flexible new approaches in the States, and to identify better means of health-care delivery. Applying these principles, we will preserve Medicare and Medicaid. We will eliminate the excesses and inefficiencies which drove costs unacceptably high in those programs. In order to assure their solvency and to avoid placing undue burdens on beneficiaries, reform must be a priority. The Republican Party reaffirms its commitment to assure a basic level of high quality health care for all Americans. We reaffirm as well our opposition to any proposals for compulsory national health insurance.\nWhile Republicans held the line against government takeover of health care, the American people found private ways to meet new challenges. There has been a laudable surge in preventive health care and an emphasis on personal responsibility for maintaining one's health. Compassionate innovation has developed insurance against catastrophic illness, and capitated \"at risk\" plans are encouraging innovation and creativity.\nWe will maintain our commitment to health excellence by fostering research into yet-unconquered diseases. There is no better investment we as a nation can make than in programs which hold the promise of sounder health and longer life. For every dollar we spend on health research, we save many more in health care costs. Thus, what we invest in medical research today will yield billions of dollars in individual productivity as well as in savings in Medicare and Medicaid. The federal government has been the major source of support for biomedical research since 1945. That research effort holds great promise for combatting cancer, heart disease, brain disorders, mental illness, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, sickle cell anemia, and numerous other illnesses which threaten our nation's welfare. We commit to its continuance.\nMany health problems arise within the family and should be dealt with there. We affirm the right and responsibility of parents to participate in decisions about the treatment of children. We will not tolerate the use of federal funds, taxed away from parents, to abrogate their role in family health care.\nRepublicans have secured for the hospice movement an important role in federal health programs. We must do more to enable persons to remain within the unbroken family circle. For those elderly confined to nursing homes or hospitals, we insist that they be treated with dignity and full medical assistance.\nDiscrimination in health care is unacceptable; we guarantee, especially for the handicapped, non-discrimination in the compassionate healing that marks American medicine.\nGovernment must not impose cumbersome health planning that causes major delays, increases construction costs, and stifles competition. It should not unduly delay the approval of new medicines, nor adhere to outdated safety standards hindering rapidly advancing technology.\nWe must address ailments not symptoms, in health-care policy. Drug and alcohol abuse costs thousands of lives and billions of dollars every year. We reaffirm our vigorous commitment to alcohol and drug abuse prevention and education efforts. We salute the citizens' campaign, launched from America's grass roots, against drunk driving. We applaud those States which raised the legal drinking age.\nMuch illness, especially among the elderly, is related to poor nutrition. The reasons are more often social than economic: isolation, separation from family, and often a mismatch between nutritional needs and available assistance. This reinforces our efforts to protect federal nutrition programs from fraud and abuse, so that their benefits can be concentrated upon the truly needy.\nA supportive environment linking family, home, neighborhood, and workplace is essential to a sound health policy. The other essential step is to encourage the individual responsibility and group assistance that are uniquely American.\nEnvironment\n\nIt is part of the Republican philosophy to preserve the best of our heritage, including our natural resources. The environment is not just a scientific or technological issue; it is a human one. Republicans put the needs of people at the center of environmental concerns. We assert the people's stewardship of our God-given natural resources. We pledge to meet the challenges of environmental protection, economic growth, regulatory reform, enhancement of our scenic and recreational areas, conservation of our non-renewable resources, and preservation of our irreplaceable natural heritage.\nAmericans were environmentalists long before it became fashionable. Our farmers cared for the earth and made it the world's most bountiful. Our families cared for their neighborhoods as an investment in our children's future. We pioneered the conservation that replenished our forests, preserved our wildlife, and created our national park system.\nThe American people have joined together in a great national effort to protect the promise of our future by conserving the rich beauty and bounty of our heritage. As a result, by almost any measure, the air is cleaner than it was 10 years ago, and fish are returning to rivers where they had not been seen for generations.\nWithin the last four years, dramatic progress has been made in protecting coastal barrier islands, and we began the Park Preservation and Restoration Program to restore the most celebrated symbols of our heritage. We support programs to restore and protect the nation's estuaries, wetland resources, and beaches.\nThe Republican Party endorses a strong effort to control and clean up toxic wastes. We have already tripled funding to clean up hazardous waste dumps, quadrupled funding for acid rain research, and launched the rebirth of the Chesapeake Bay.\nThe environmental policy of our nation originated with the Republican Party under the inspiration of Theodore Roosevelt. We hold it a privilege to build upon the foundation we have laid. The Republican Party supports the continued commitment to clean air and clean water. This support includes the implementation of meaningful clean air and clean water acts. We will continue to offer leadership to reduce the threat to our environment and our economy from acid rain, while at the same time preventing economic dislocation.\nEven as many environmental problems have been brought under control, new ones have been detected. And all the while, the growth and shifts of population and economic expansion, as well as the development of new industries, will further intensify the competing demands on our national resources.\nContinued progress will be much more difficult. The environmental challenges of the 1980s are much more complex than the ones we tried to address in the 1970s, and they will not yield quickly to our efforts. As the science and administration of environmental protection have become more sophisticated, we have learned of many subtle and potentially more dangerous threats to public health and the environment.\nIn setting out to find solutions to the environmental issues of the 1980s and 1990s, we start with a healthy appreciation of the difficulties involved. Detecting contamination, assessing the threat, correcting the damage, and setting up preventive measures, all raise questions of science, technology, and public policy that are as difficult as they are important. However, the health and well being of our citizens must be a high priority.\nThe number of people served by waste water treatment systems has nearly doubled just since 1970. The federal government should offer assistance to State and local governments in planning for the disposal of solid and liquid wastes. A top priority nationwide should be to eliminate the dumping of raw sewage.\nWe encourage recycling of materials and support programs which will allow our economic system to reward resource conservation.\nWe also commit ourselves to the development of renewable and efficient energy sources and to the protection of endangered or threatened species of plants and wildlife.\nWe will be responsible to future generations, but at the same time, we must remember that quality of life means more than protection and preservation. As Teddy Roosevelt put it, \"Conservation means development as much as it does protection.\" Quality of life also means a good job, a decent place to live, accommodation for a growing population, and the continued economic and technological development essential to our standard of living, which is the envy of the whole world.\nTransportation\n\nAmerica's overall transportation system is unequalled. Generating over 20 percent of our GNP and employing one of every nine people in the work force, it promotes the unity amid diversity that uniquely characterizes our country. We travel widely, and we move the products of field and factory more efficiently and economically than any other people on earth.\nAnd yet, four years ago, the future of American transportation was threatened. Over several decades, its vigor and creativity had been stunted by the intrusion of government regulation. The results were terribly expensive, and consumers paid the price. Our skies and highways were becoming dangerous and congested. With the same vision that marked President Eisenhower's beginning of the Interstate Highway System, the Reagan Administration launched a massive modernization of America's transport systems.\nAn expanded highway program is rebuilding the nation's roads and bridges and creating several hundred thousand jobs in construction and related fields. Driving mileage has increased by 8 percent, but greater attention to safety has led to a 17 percent reduction in fatalities, saving more than 8,000 lives yearly.\nIn public transit, we have redefined the federal role to emphasize support for capital investment, while restoring day-to-day responsibility to local authorities.\nOur National Airspace Plan is revolutionizing air traffic control. It will improve flight safety and double the nation's flight capacity, providing better air service and stimulating economic growth.\nRegulatory reform is revitalizing American transportation. Federal agencies had protected monopolies by erecting regulatory barriers that hindered the entry of new competitors. Small businesses and minority enterprises were virtually excluded. Prices were set, not by the public through free exchange, but by Washington clerks through green eye-shades.\nRepublicans led the successful fight to break government's strangle-hold. The deregulation of airline economics (not their safety!) will be completed on December 30, 1984, when the Civil Aeronautics Board closes its doors forever. Through our regulatory reform efforts, the rail and trucking industries are now allowed to compete in both price and service. We also led the fight to deregulate interstate bus operations by enacting the Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982. While returning to a more free and competitive marketplace, we have ensured that small communities in rural America will retain necessary services through transitional assistance like the Essential Air Service Program, which will continue for four more years.\nThe Shipping Act of 1984 secured the first major reform of maritime law, as it applies to the U.S. liner trade, since 1916. This major step introduces genuine competition to the maritime industry, while enhancing our ability to compete against international cartels. Important in peacetime, critical in times of conflict, one of our proudest industries had long been neglected. We have expanded employment and brought hope of a future worthy of its past. The Reagan defense program now provides more work for our shipyards than at any time since World War II. We seek to halt the decline of our commercial fleet and restore it to economic strength and strategic capacity to fulfill its national obligations. We also seek to maximize the use of our nation's existing port facilities and shipbuilding and repair capability as a vital transportation resource that should be preserved in the best long-term interest of this country.\nThe American people benefit from regulatory reform. Air travellers now have a remarkable range of options, and flight is within reach of the average family budget. In the trucking business, increased competition has lowered prices and improved service.\nThe future of America's freight rail system is again bright. As a result of our reforms, the major private railroads have climbed back to profitability. Government red tape caused their red ink; by cutting the former, we are wiping out the latter. In addition, we transformed Conrail from a multi-billion dollar drain on the taxpayers into an efficient, competitive freight railroad. Returning Conrail as a financially sound single entity to private ownership, with service and jobs secure, will provide the nation with an improved rail freight system to promote economic growth. It will also return to the Treasury a significant portion of the taxpayers' investment, virtually unheard of for a federal project. We support improved passenger rail service where economically justified. We have made substantial progress in reducing the taxpayers' subsidy to Amtrak while maintaining services for which there is genuine demand. The Reagan Administration is selling the Alaska Railroad to the State of Alaska and transferring Conrail's commuter lines to the jurisdictions they serve.\nThe Republican Party believes that the nation's long-term economic growth will depend heavily on the adequacy of its public works infrastructure. We will continue to work to reverse the long-term decline that has occurred. We should foster development of better information on the magnitude and effectiveness of current federal, State, and local government capital expenditures and innovative financing mechanisms which would improve our capacity to leverage limited federal funds more effectively.\nAmerica's leadership in space depends upon the vitality of free enterprise. That is why we encourage a commercial space-transportation industry. We share President Reagan's vision of a permanent manned space station within a decade, viewing it as the first stepping stone toward creating a multi-billion dollar private economy in space. The permanent presence of man in space is crucial both to developing a visionary program of space commercialization and to creating an opportunity society on Earth of benefit to all mankind. We are, after all, the people who hewed roads out of the wilderness. Our families crossed ocean, prairie, and desert no less dangerous than today's space frontier to reach a new world of opportunity. And every route they took became a highway of liberty.\nLike them, we know where we are going: forward, toward a future in our hands. Because of them, and because of us, our children's children will use space transportation to build both prosperity and peace on earth.\nEducation and Youth\n\nOur children are our hope and our future. For their sake, President Reagan has led a national renewal to get back to the \"basics\" and excellence in education. Young people have turned away from the rebellion of the 1960s and the pessimism of the 1970s. Their hopeful enthusiasm speaks better for a bright future than any government program.\nDuring the Reagan Administration, we restored education to prominence in public policy. This change will clearly benefit our youth and our country. By using the spotlight of the Oval office, the Reagan Administration turned the nation's attention to the quality of education and gave its support to local and State improvement efforts. Parents and all segments of American society responded overwhelmingly to the findings of the National Commission on Excellence in Education, appointed by President Reagan. Its report, along with others from prominent experts and foundations, provided the impetus for educational reform.\nRonald Reagan's significant and innovative leadership has encouraged and sustained the reform movement. He catapulted education to the forefront of the national agenda and will be remembered as a president who improved education.\nUnlike the Carter-Mondale Democrats, Republicans have levelled with parents and students about the problems we face together. We find remedies to these problems in the common sense of those most concerned: parents and local leaders. We support the decentralization necessary to put education back on the right track. We urge local school communities, including parents, teachers, students, administrators, and business and civic leaders, to evaluate school curricula—including extra-curricular activities and the time spent in them—and their ultimate effect upon students and the learning process. We recognize the need to get \"back to basics\" and applaud the dramatic improvements that this approach has already made in some jurisdictions.\nIn schools, school districts, and States throughout our land, the past year and one-half has been marked by unprecedented response to identified education deficiencies. The Nation Responds, a recent report by the Reagan Administration, referred to a \"tidalwave of school reform which promises to renew American education.\" According to that report:\n• Forty-eight States are considering new high school graduation requirements and 35 have approved changes.\n• Twenty-one States report initiatives to improve textbooks and instructional material.\n• Eight States have approved lengthening the school day, seven are lengthening the school year, and 18 have mandates affecting the amount of time for instruction.\n• Twenty-four States are examining master teacher or career ladder programs, and six have begun statewide or pilot programs.\n• Thirteen States are considering changes in academic requirements for extra-curricular and athletic programs, and five have already adopted more rigorous standards.\nEducation is a matter of choice, and choice in education is inevitably political. All of education is a passing on of ideas from one generation to another. Since the storehouse of knowledge is vast, a selection must be made of what to pass on. Those doing the selecting bring with them their own politics. Therefore, the more centralized the selection process, the greater the threat of tyranny. The more diversified the selection process, the greater the chance for a thriving free marketplace of ideas as the best insurance for excellence in education.\nWe believe that education is a local function, a State responsibility, and a federal concern. The federal role in education should be limited. It includes helping parents and local authorities ensure high standards, protecting civil rights, and ensuring family rights. Ignoring that principle, from 1965 to 1980, the United States indulged in a disastrous experiment with centralized direction of our schools. During the Carter-Mondale Administration, spending continued to increase, but test scores steadily declined.\nThis decline was not limited to academic matters. Many schools lost sight of their traditional task of developing good character and moral discernment. The result for many was a decline in personal responsibility.\nThe key to the success of educational reform lies in accountability: for students, parents, educators, school boards, and all governmental units. All must be held accountable in order to achieve excellence in education. Restoring local control of education will allow parents to resume the exercise of their responsibility for the basic education, discipline, and moral guidance of their children.\nParents have the primary right and responsibility for the education of their children; and States, localities, and private institutions have the primary responsibility for supporting that parental role. America has been a land of opportunity because America has been a land of learning. It has given us the most prosperous and dynamic society in the world.\nThe Republican Party recognizes the importance of good teachers, and we acknowledge the great effort many put forth to achieve excellence in the classroom. We applaud their numerous contributions and achievements in education. Unfortunately, many teachers are exhausted by their efforts to support excellence and elect to leave the classroom setting. Our best teachers have been frustrated by lowered standards, widespread indifference, and compensation below the true value of their contribution to society. In 1980-81 alone, 4 percent of the nation's math and science teachers quit the classroom. To keep the best possible teachers for our children, we support those education reforms which will result in increased student learning, including appropriate class sizes, appropriate and adequate learning and teaching materials, appropriate and consistent grading practices, and proper teacher compensation, including rewarding exceptional efforts and results in the classroom.\nClassroom materials should be developed and produced by the private sector in the public marketplace, and then selections should be made at the State, local, and school levels.\nWe commend those States and local governments that have initiated challenging and rigorous high school programs, and we encourage all States to take initiatives that address the special educational needs of the gifted and talented.\nWe have enacted legislation to guarantee equal access to school facilities by student religious groups. Mindful of our religious diversity, we reaffirm our commitment to the freedoms of religion and speech guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and firmly support the rights of students to openly practice the same, including the right to engage in voluntary prayer in schools.\nWhile much has been accomplished, the agenda is only begun. We must complete the block-grant process begun in 1981. We will return revenue sources to State and local governments to make them independent of federal funds and of the control that inevitably follows.\nThe Republican Party believes that developing the individual dignity and potential of disabled Americans is an urgent responsibility. To this end, the Republican Party commits itself to prompt and vigorous enforcement of the rights of disabled citizens, particularly those rights established under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act. We insist on the highest standards of quality for services supported with federal funds.\nIn addition, government should seek out disabled persons and their parents to make them knowledgeable of their rights.\nWe will work toward providing federal funds to State and local governments sufficient to meet the degree of fiscal participation already promised in law.\nWe are committed to excellence in education for all our children within their own communities and neighborhoods. No child should be assigned to, or barred from, a school because of race.\nIn education, as in other activities, competition fosters excellence. We therefore support the President's proposal for tuition tax credits. We will convert the Chapter One grants to vouchers, thereby giving poor parents the ability to choose the best schooling available. Discrimination cannot be condoned, nor may public policies encourage its practice. Civil rights enforcement must not be twisted into excessive interference in the education process.\nTeachers cannot teach and students cannot learn in an undisciplined environment. We applaud the President's promise to provide protection to teachers and administrators against suits from the unruly few who seek to disrupt the education of the overwhelming majority of students.\nWe urge the aggressive enforcement of the Protection of Pupil Rights amendment (also known as the Hatch Amendment, 20 U.S.C. 1232h) in order to protect pupils' and parents' rights. The amendment prohibits requiring any pupil to reveal personal or family information as part of any federally supported program, test, treatment, or psychological examination unless the school first obtains written consent of the pupil's parents.\nThe recent Grove City and Hillsdale College cases have raised questions about the extension of federal interference with private colleges, universities, and schools. Since federal aid, no matter how indirect, is now being linked to nearly every aspect of American life, great care must be taken in defining such terms as \"federal financial assistance,\" \"indirect\" assistance, and \"recipient\" of assistance. We are deeply concerned that this kind of federal involvement in the affairs of some of the nation's fine private universities, colleges, and schools, many of which have remained stubbornly free of federal entanglements, can only bring with it unintended results. As the historical party of Lincoln and individual rights, we support enactment of legislation which would ensure protection of those covered under Title IX.\nWe urge States to establish partnerships with the scientific and business worlds to increase the number of teachers in these critical areas of learning. We also recognize a vast reservoir of talent and experience among retirees and other Americans competent to teach in these areas and ready to be tapped.\nWe endorse experiments with education such as enterprise zones and Cities-in-Schools. We reaffirm our commitment to wipe out illiteracy in our society. Further, we encourage the Congress and the States to reassess the process for aiding education, awarding funds on the basis of academic improvement rather than on daily attendance.\nWe are aware that good intentions do not always produce the desired results. We therefore urge our schools to evaluate their sex education programs to determine their impact on escalating teenage pregnancy rates. We urge that school officials take appropriate action to ensure parent involvement and responsibility in finding solutions to this national dilemma.\nWe support and encourage volunteerism in the schools. President Reagan's Adopt-a-School program is an example of how private initiative can revitalize our schools, particularly inner-city schools, and we commend him for his example.\nOur emphasis on excellence includes the nation's colleges and universities. Although their achievements are unequalled in the world—in research, in proportion of citizens enrolled, in their contribution to our democratic society—we call upon them for accountability in good teaching and quality curricula that will ensure competent graduates in the world of work.\nWe pledge to keep our colleges and universities strong. They have been far too dependent on federal assistance and thus have been tied up in federal red tape. Their independence is an essential part of our liberty. Through regulatory reform, we are holding down the costs of higher education and reestablishing academic freedom from government. This is especially important for small schools, religious institutions, and the historically black colleges, for which President Reagan's Executive Order 12320 has meant new hope and vigor. We further reaffirm and support a regular Black College Day which honors a vital part of our educational community.\nRepublicans applaud the information explosion. This literacy-based knowledge revolution, made possible by computers, tapes, television, satellites, and other high technology innovations, buttressed by training programs through the business sector and foundations, is a tribute to American ingenuity. We urge our schools to educate for the ever-changing demands of our society and to resist using these innovations as substitutes for reasoning, logic, and mastery of basic skills.\nWe encourage excellence in the vocational and technical education that has contributed to the self-esteem and productivity of millions. We believe the best vocational and technical education programs are rooted in strong academic fundamentals. Business and industry stand ready to establish training partnerships with our schools. Their leadership is essential to keep America competitive in the future.\nIn an age when individuals may have four or five different jobs in their working career, vocational education and opportunities for adult learning will be more important than ever. The challenge of learning for citizenship and for work in an age of change will require new adaptations and innovations in the process of education. We urge the teaching profession and educational institutions at all levels to develop the maximum use of new learning opportunities available through learning-focused high technology. This technology in education and in the workplace is making possible, and necessary, the continuing education of our adult population. The participation by adults in educational offerings within their communities will strengthen the linkages among the places where Americans live, work, and study.\nImportant as technology is, by itself it is inadequate for a free society. The arts and humanities flourish in the private sector, where a free market in ideas is the best guarantee of vigorous creativity. Private support for the arts and humanities has increased over the last four years, and we encourage its growth.\nWe support the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities in their efforts to correct past abuses and focus on developing the cultural values that are the foundation of our free society. We must ensure that these programs bring the arts and humanities to people in rural areas, the inner city poor, and other underserved populations.\nCrime\n\nOne of the major responsibilities of government is to ensure the safety of its citizens. Their security is vital to their health and to the well-being of their neighborhoods and communities. The Reagan Administration is committed to making America safe for families and individuals. And Republican programs are paying dividends.\nFor the first time in the history of recorded federal crime statistics, rates of serious crime have dropped for two consecutive years. In 1983, the overall crime rate dropped 7 percent; and in 1982, the overall crime rate dropped 3 percent. In 1982 (the latest year for which figures are available), the murder rate dropped 5 percent, the robbery rate was down 6 percent, and forcible rape dropped 5 percent. Property crimes also declined: burglary decreased 9 percent, auto theft declined 2 percent, and theft dropped 1 percent.\nRepublicans believe that individuals are responsible for their actions. Those who commit crimes should be held strictly accountable by our system of justice. The primary objective of the criminal law is public safety; and those convicted of serious offenses must be jailed swiftly, surely, and long enough to assure public safety.\nRepublicans respect the authority of State and local law enforcement officials. The proper federal role is to provide strong support and coordination for their efforts and to vigorously enforce federal criminal laws. By concentrating on repeat offenders, we are determined to take career criminals off the street.\nAdditionally, the federal law enforcement budget has been increased by nearly 50 percent. We added 1,900 new investigators and prosecutors to the federal fight against crime. We arrested more offenders and sent more of them to prison. Convictions in organized crime cases have tripled under the Reagan Administration. We set up task forces to strike at organized crime and narcotics. In the year since, 3,000 major drug traffickers have been indicted, and nearly 1,000 have already been convicted. We are helping local authorities search for missing children. We have a tough new law against child pornography. Republicans initiated a system for pooling information from local, State and federal law enforcement agencies: the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VI-CAP). Under this program, State and local agencies have the primary law enforcement responsibility, but cross-jurisdictional information is shared rapidly so that serial murderers and other violent criminals can be identified quickly and then apprehended.\nUnder the outstanding leadership of President Reagan and Vice President Bush's Task Force on Organized Crime, the Administration established the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System. We set up an aggressive Marijuana Eradication and Suppression Program, gave the FBI authority to investigate drugs, and coordinated FBI and DEA efforts. We reaffirm that the eradication of illegal drug traffic is a top national priority.\nThe Republican Party has deep concern about gratuitous sex and violence in the entertainment media, both of which contribute to the problem of crime against children and women. To the victims of such crimes who need protection, we gladly offer it.\nWe have begun to restore confidence in the criminal justice system. The Carter-Mondale legal policy had more concern for abstract criminal rights than for the victims of crime. It hurt those least able to defend themselves: the poor, the elderly, school children, and minorities. Republican leadership has redressed that imbalance. We have advanced such reforms as restitution by convicted criminals to their victims; providing victims with full explanations of what will occur before, during, and after trial; and assuring that they may testify at both trial and sentencing.\nThe Republican Senate has twice passed, with one dissenting vote, a comprehensive federal anti-crime package which would:\n• Establish uniform, predictable and fair sentencing procedures, while abolishing the inconsistencies and anomalies of the current parole system;\n• Strengthen the current bail procedures to allow the detention of dangerous criminals, who under current law are allowed to roam the streets pending trial;\n• Increase dramatically the penalties for narcotic traffickers and enhance the ability of society to recoup ill-gotten gains from drug trafficking;\n• Narrow the overly broad insanity defense; and\n• Provide limited assistance to states and localities for the implementation of anti-crime programs of proven effectiveness.\nIn addition, the Republican Senate has overwhelmingly passed Administration-backed legislation which would:\n• Restore a constitutionally valid federal death penalty;\n• Modify the exclusionary rule in a way recently approved by the Supreme Court; and\n• Curtail abuses by prisoners of federal habeas corpus procedures.\nThe Democrat bosses of the House of Representatives have refused to allow a vote on our initiatives by the House Judiciary Committee, perennial graveyard for effective anti-crime legislation, or by the full House despite our pressure and the public's demand.\nThe best way to deter crime is to increase the probability of detection and to make punishment certain and swift. As a matter of basic philosophy, we advocate preventive rather than merely corrective measures. Republicans advocate sentencing reform and secure, adequate prison construction. We concur with the American people's approval of capital punishment where appropriate and will ensure that it is carried out humanely.\nRepublicans will continue to defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. When this right is abused and armed felonies are committed, we believe in stiff, mandatory sentencing. Law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights must not be blamed for crime. Republicans will continue to seek repeal of legislation that restrains innocent citizens more than violent criminals.\nOlder Americans\n\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the financial security, physical well-being, and quality of life of older Americans. Valuing them as a treasure of wisdom and experience, we pledge to utilize their unique talents to the fullest.\nDuring the Carter-Mondale years, the silent thief of inflation ruthlessly preyed on the elderly's savings and benefits, robbing them of their retirement dollars and making many dependent on government handouts.\nNo more. Due to the success of Reaganomics, a retiree's private pension benefits are worth almost $1,000 more than if the 1980 inflation rate had continued. Average monthly Social Security benefits have increased by about $180 for a couple and by $100 a month for an individual. Because President Reagan forged a hard-won solution to the Social Security crisis, our elderly will not be repeatedly threatened with the program's impending bankruptcy as they were under the irresponsible policies of the Carter-Mondale Administration. We will work to repeal the Democrats' Social Security earnings-limitation, which penalizes the elderly by taking one dollar of their income for every two dollars earned.\nOlder Americans are vital contributors to society. We will continue to remove artificial barriers which discourage their participation in community life. We reaffirm our traditional opposition to mandatory retirement.\nFor those who are unable to care for themselves, we favor incentives to encourage home-based care.\nWe are combatting insidious crime against the elderly, many of whom are virtual prisoners in their own homes for fear of violence. We demand passage of the President's Comprehensive Crime Control package, stalled by the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee. We support local initiatives to fight crime against the elderly.\nOlder Americans want to contribute, to live with the dignity and respect they have earned, and to have their special needs recognized. The Republican Party must never turn its back on our elderly, and we ensure that we will adequately provide for them during their golden years so they can continue to enjoy our country's high standard of living, which their labors have helped provide.\nAdvancing Opportunity\n\nThroughout this Platform are initiatives to provide an opportunity ladder for the poor, particularly among minorities, in both urban and rural areas. Unlike the Carter-Mondale Administration that locked them into the welfare trap, Republicans believe compassion dictates our offering real opportunities to minorities and the urban poor to achieve the American Dream.\nWe have begun that effort; and as a pledge of its continuance, this Platform commits us, not to a war of class against class, but to a crusade for prosperity for all.\nFor far too long, the poor have been trapped by the policies of the Democratic Party which treat those in the ghetto as if their interests were somehow different from our own. That is unfair to us all and an insult to the needy. Their goals are ours; their aspirations we share.\nTo emphasize our common bond, we have addressed their needs in virtually every section of this Platform, rather than segregating them in a token plank. To those who would see the Republican future for urban America, and for those who deserve a better break, we offer the commitments that make up the sinew of this Platform.\nCongress must pass enterprise zones, to draw a green line of prosperity around the red-lined areas of our cities and to help create jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities.\nWe offer the boldest breakthrough in housing policy since VA mortgages: we offer opportunities for private ownership of housing projects by the poor themselves.\nWe pledge comprehensive tax reform that will give America back what was its post-war glory: a pro-family tax code with a dramatic work incentive for low-income and welfare families.\nWe offer hope, not despair; more opportunities for education through vouchers and tuition tax relief; and increased participation in the private enterprise system through the reform of counterproductive taxes and regulations.\nTogether with our emphatic commitment to civil rights, Republican programs will achieve, for those who feel left out of our society's progress, what President Reagan has already secured for our country: a new beginning to move America to full employment and honest money for all.\nA Free and Just Society\n\nIn 1980, the Republican Party offered a vision of America's future that applied our traditions to today's problems. It is the vision of a society more free and more just than any in history. It required a break with the worn-out past, to redefine the role of government and its relationship with individuals and their institutions. Under President Reagan's leadership, the American people are making that vision a reality.\nThe American people want an opportunity society, not a welfare state. They want government to foster an environment in which individuals can develop their potential without hindrance.\nThe Constitution is the ultimate safeguard of individual rights. As we approach the Constitutional Bicentennial in 1987, Republicans are restoring its vitality, which had been transgressed by Democrats in Congress, the executive, and in the courts.\nWe are renewing the federal system, strengthening the States, and returning power to the people. That is the surest course to our common goal: a free and just society.\nIndividual Rights\n\nThe Republican Party is the party of equal rights. From its founding in 1854, we have promoted equality of opportunity.\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its support of the pluralism and freedom that have been part and parcel of this great country. In so doing, it repudiates and completely disassociates itself from people, organizations, publications, and entities which promulgate the practice of any form of bigotry, racism, anti-semitism, or religious intolerance.\nAmericans demand a civil rights policy premised on the letter of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That law requires equal rights; and it is our policy to end discrimination on account of sex, race, color, creed, or national origin. We have vigorously enforced civil rights statutes. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has recovered record amounts of back pay and other compensation for victims of employment discrimination.\nJust as we must guarantee opportunity, we oppose attempts to dictate results. We will resist efforts to replace equal rights with discriminatory quota systems and preferential treatment. Quotas are the most insidious form of discrimination: reverse discrimination against the innocent. We must always remember that, in a free society, different individual goals will yield different results.\nThe Republican Party has an historic commitment to equal rights for women. Republicans pioneered the right of women to vote, and our party was the first major party to advocate equal pay for equal work, regardless of sex.\nPresident Reagan believes, as do we, that all members of our party are free to work individually for women's progress. As a party, we demand that there be no detriment to that progress or inhibition of women's rights to full opportunity and advancement within this society.\nParticipation by women in policy-making is a strong commitment by the Republican Party and by President Reagan. He pledged to appoint a woman to the United States Supreme Court. His promise was not made lightly; and when a vacancy occurred, he quickly filled it with the eminently qualified Sandra Day O'Connor of Arizona.\nHis Administration has also sought the largest number of women in history to serve in appointive positions within the executive branch of government. Three women serve at Cabinet level, the most ever in history. Jeane Kirkpatrick, the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Transportation, and Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services, head a list of over 1,600 women who direct policy and operations of the federal government.\nThe Republican Party continues to search for interested and qualified women for all government positions. We will continue to increase the number of first-time appointments for women serving in government at all levels.\nOur record of economic recovery and growth is an additional important accomplishment for women. It provides a stark contrast to the Carter-Mondale legacy to women: a shrinking economy, limited job opportunities, and a declining standard of living.\nWhether working in or outside the home, women have benefitted enormously from the economic progress of the past four years. The Republican economic expansion added over six million new jobs to the economy. It increased labor force participation by women to historic highs. Women's employment has risen by almost four and one-half million since the last Carter-Mondale year. They obtained almost one million more new jobs than men did. Economic growth due to Republican economic policies has produced a record number of jobs so that women who want to work outside the home now have unmatched opportunity. In fact, more than 50 percent of all women now have jobs outside the home.\nThe spectacular decline in inflation has immeasurably benefitted women working both in and outside the home. Under President Reagan, the cost increase in everyday essentials-food, clothing, housing, utilities-has been cut from the Carter-Mondale highs of over 10 percent a year to just over 4 percent today. We have ushered in an era of price stability that is stretching take-home pay hundreds of dollars farther. In 1982, for the first time in 10 years, women experienced a real increase in wages over inflation.\nLower interest rates have made it possible for more women, single and married, to own their homes and to buy their own automobiles and other consumer goods.\nOur 25 percent reduction in marginal tax rates provided important benefits to women, as did the virtual elimination of the \"widow's tax\" which had jeopardized retirement savings of senior women. At the same time, we raised the maximum child care tax credit from $400 to $720 per family. We will continue to actively seek the elimination of discrimination against homemakers with regard to Individual Retirement Accounts so that single-income couples can invest the same amount in IRAs as two-income couples.\nIn addition, President Reagan has won enactment of the Retirement Equity Act of 1984. That legislation, strongly supported by congressional Republicans, makes a comprehensive reform of private pension plans to recognize the special needs of women.\nOur record of accomplishment during the last four years is clear, but we intend to do even better over the next four.\nWe will further reduce the \"marriage penalty,\" a burden upon two-income, working families. We will work to remove artificial impediments in business and industry, such as occupational licensing laws, that limit job opportunities for women, minorities, and youth or prevent them from entering the labor force in the first place.\nFor low-income women, the Reagan Administration has already given States and localities the authority, through the Job Training Partnership Act, to train more recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children for permanent, not make-work, jobs. We have increased child support collections from $1.5 billion to $2.4 billion and enacted a strong child support enforcement law. We will continue to stress welfare reforms which promote individual initiative, the real solution to breaking the cycle of welfare dependency.\nWith women comprising an increasing share of the work force, it is essential that the employment opportunities created by our free market system be open to individuals without regard to their sex, race, religion, or ethnic origin. We firmly support an equal opportunity approach which gives women and minorities equal access to all jobs—including the traditionally higher-paying technical, managerial, and professional positions—and which guarantees that workers in those jobs will be compensated in accord with the laws requiring equal pay for equal work under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.\nWe are creating an environment in which individual talents and creativity can be tapped to the fullest, while assuring that women have equal opportunity, security, and real choices for the promising future. For all Americans, we demand equal pay for equal work. With equal emphasis, we oppose the concept of \"comparable worth.\" We believe that the free market system can determine the value of jobs better than any government authority.\nThe Department of Justice has identified 140 federal statutes with gender-based distinctions. Proposed legislation will correct all but 18; six are still under study; the rest, which actually favor women, will remain as is. President Reagan's Fifty States Project, designed to identify State laws discriminating against women, has encouraged 42 States to start searches, and 26 have begun amending their laws. The Department has filed more cases dealing with sex discrimination in employment than were filed during a comparable period in the Carter-Mondale Administration.\nWorking with Republicans in Congress, President Reagan has declared 1983-1992 the Decade of Disabled Persons. All Americans stand to gain when disabled citizens are assured equal opportunity.\nThe Reagan Administration has an outstanding record in achieving accessibility for the handicapped. During the past two years, minimum guidelines have at last been adopted, and the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard has become fact.\nThe Republican Party realizes the great potential of members of the disabled community in this country. We support all efforts being made at the federal level to remove artificial barriers from our society so that disabled individuals may reach their potential and participate at the maximum level of their abilities in education, employment, and recreation. This includes the removal, insofar as practicable, of architectural, transportation, communication and attitudinal barriers. We also support efforts to provide disabled Americans full access to voting facilities.\nWe deplore discrimination because of handicap. The Reagan Administration was the first to combat the insidious practice of denying medical care or even food and water to disabled infants. This issue has vast implications for medical ethics, family autonomy, and civil rights. But we find no basis, whether in law or medicine or ethics, for denying necessities to an infant because of the child's handicap.\nWe are committed to enforcing statutory prohibitions barring discrimination against any otherwise qualified handicapped individuals, in any program receiving federal financial assistance, solely by reason of their handicap.\nWe recognize the need for watchful care regarding the procedural due process rights of persons with handicaps both to prevent their placement into inappropriate programs or settings and to ensure that their rights are represented by guardians or other advocates, if necessary.\nFor handicapped persons who need care, we favor family-based care where possible, supported by appropriate and adequate incentives. We increased the tax credit for caring for dependents or spouses physically or mentally unable to care for themselves. We also provided a deduction of up to $1,500 per year for adopting a child with special needs that may otherwise make adoption difficult.\nWe are committed to seeking out gifted children and their parents to make them knowledgeable of their educational rights.\nWe reaffirm the right of all individuals freely to form, join, or assist labor organizations to bargain collectively, consistent with State laws and free from unnecessary government involvement. We support the fundamental principle of fairness in labor relations. We will continue the Reagan Administration's \"open door\" policy toward organized labor and its leaders. We reaffirm our long-standing support for the right of States to enact \"Right-to-Work\" laws under section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act.\nThe political freedom of every worker must be protected. Therefore, we strongly oppose the practice of using compulsory dues and fees for partisan political purposes. Also, the protection of all workers must be secured. Therefore, no worker should be coerced by violence or intimidation by any party to a labor dispute.\nThe healthy mix of America's ethnic, cultural, and social heritage has always been the backbone of our nation and its progress throughout our history. Without the contributions of innumerable ethnic and cultural groups, our country would not be where it is today.\nFor millions of black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and members of other minority groups, the past four years have seen a dramatic improvement in their ability to secure for themselves and for their children a better tomorrow.\nThat is the American Dream. The policies of the Reagan Administration have opened literally millions of doors of opportunity for these Americans, doors which either did not exist or were rapidly being slammed shut by the no-growth policies of the Carter-Mondale Administration.\nWe Republicans are proud of our efforts on behalf of all minority groups, and we pledge to do even more during the next four years.\nWe will continue to press for enactment of economic and social policies that promote growth and stress individual initiative of minority Americans. Our tax system will continue to be overhauled and reformed by making it fairer and simpler, enabling the families of minorities to work and save for their future. We will continue to push for passage of enterprise zone legislation, now bottled up in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. That bill, discussed elsewhere in this platform, will help minority Americans living in cities and urban areas to get jobs, to start their own businesses, and to reap the fruits of entrepreneurship by tapping their individual initiative, energy, and creativity.\nWe honor and respect the contributions of minority Americans and will do all we can to see that our diversity is enhanced during the next four years. Active contributions by minorities are the threads that weave the fabric that is America and make us stronger as a nation. We recognize these individuals and their contributions and will continue to promote the kinds of policies that will make their dreams for a better America a reality. The party of Lincoln will remain the party of equal rights for all.\nWe continue to favor whatever legislation may be necessary to permit American citizens residing in the Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico to vote for president and vice president in national elections.\nWe support the right of Indian Tribes to manage their own affairs and resources. Recognizing the government-to-government trust responsibility, we are equally committed to working towards the elimination of the conditions of dependency produced by federal control. The social and economic advancement of Native Americans depends upon changes they will chart for themselves. Recognizing their diversity, we support the President's policy of responsibly removing impediments to their self-sufficiency. We urge the nations of the Americas to learn from our past mistake's and to protect native populations from exploitation and abuse.\nNative Hawaiians are the only indigenous people of our country who are not officially designated as Native Americans. They should share that honored title. We endorse efforts to preserve their culture as a unique element in the human tapestry that is America.\nFamily Protection\n\nRepublicans affirm the family as the natural and indispensable institution for human development. A society is only as strong as its families, for they nurture those qualities necessary to maintain and advance civilization.\nHealthy families inculcate values—integrity, responsibility, concern for others—in our youth and build social cohesion. We give high priority to their well-being. During the 1970s, America's families were ravaged by worsening economic conditions and a Washington elite unconcerned with them.\nWe support the concept of creating Family Education Accounts which would allow tax-deferred savings for investment in America's most crucial asset, our children, to assist low- and middle-income families in becoming self-reliant in meeting the costs of higher education.\nIn addition, to further assist the young families of America in securing the dream of homeownership, we would like to review the concept of Family Housing Accounts which would allow tax-exempt savings for a family's first home.\nPreventing family dissolution, a leading cause of poverty, is vital. It has had a particularly tragic impact on the elderly, women, and minorities. Welfare programs have devastated low-income families and induced single parenthood among teens. We will review legislation and regulations to examine their impact on families and on parental rights and responsibilities. We seek to eliminate incentives for family break-up and to reverse the alarming rate of pregnancy outside marriage. Meanwhile, the Republican Party believes that society must do all that is possible to guarantee those young parents the opportunity to achieve their full educational and parental potential.\nBecause of Republican tax cuts, single people and married people without dependents will have in 1984 basically the same average tax rates they had in 1960. The marriage penalty has been reduced. However, a couple with dependents still pays a greater portion of their income in taxes than in 1960. We reaffirm that the personal exemption for children be no less than for adults, and we will at least double its current level. The President's tax program also increased tax credits for child care expenses. We will encourage private sector initiatives to expand on-site child care facilities and options for working parents.\nThe problem of physical and sexual abuse of children and spouses requires careful consideration of its causes. In particular, gratuitous sex and violence in entertainment media contribute to this sad development.\nWe and the vast majority of Americans are repulsed by pornography. We will vigorously enforce constitutional laws to control obscene materials which degrade everyone, particularly women, and depict the exploitation of children. We commend the Reagan Administration for creating a commission on pornography and the President for signing the new law to eliminate child pornography. We stand with our President in his determination to solve the problem.\nWe call upon the Federal Communications Commission, and all other federal, State, and local agencies with proper authority, to strictly enforce the law regarding cable pornography and to implement rules and regulations to clean up cable pornography and the abuse of telephone service for obscene purposes.\nImmigration\n\nOur history is a story about immigrants. We are proud that America still symbolizes hope and promise to the world. We have shown unparalleled generosity to the persecuted and to those seeking a better life. In return, they have helped to make a great land greater still.\nWe affirm our country's absolute fight to control its borders. Those desiring to enter must comply with our immigration laws. Failure to do so not only is an offense to the American people but is fundamentally unjust to those in foreign lands patiently waiting for legal entry. We will preserve the principle of family reunification.\nWith the estimates of the number of illegal aliens in the United States ranging as high as 12 million and better than one million more entering each year, we believe it is critical that responsible reforms of our immigration laws be made to enable us to regain control of our borders.\nThe flight of oppressed people in search of freedom has created pressures beyond the capacity of any one nation. The refugee problem is global and requires the cooperation of all democratic nations. We commend the President for encouraging other countries to assume greater refugee responsibilities.\nOur Constitutional System\n\nOur Constitution, now almost 200 years old, provides for a federal system, with a separation of powers among the three branches of the national government. In that system, judicial power must be exercised with deference towards State and local officials; it must not expand at the expense of our representative institutions. It is not a judicial function to reorder the economic, political, and social priorities of our nation. The intrusion of the courts into such areas undermines the stature of the judiciary and erodes respect for the rule of law. Where appropriate, we support congressional efforts to restrict the jurisdiction of federal courts.\nWe commend the President for appointing federal judges committed to the rights of law-abiding citizens and traditional family values. We share the public's dissatisfaction with an elitist and unresponsive federal judiciary. If our legal institutions are to regain respect, they must respect the people's legitimate interests in a stable, orderly society. In his second term, President Reagan will continue to appoint Supreme Court and other federal judges who share our commitment to judicial restraint.\nThe Republican Party firmly believes that the best governments are those most accountable to the people. We heed Thomas Jefferson's warning: \"When all government, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another.\"\nFor more responsible government, non-essential federal functions should be returned to the States and localities wherever prudent. They have the capability, knowledge, and sensitivity to local needs required to better administer and deliver public services. Their diverse problems require local understanding. The transfer of rights, responsibilities, and revenues to the \"home front\" will recognize the abilities of local government and the limitations of a distant federal government.\nWe commend the President for the bold initiatives of his \"New Federalism.\" The enacted block grants discussed elsewhere in this Platform are a positive step. But the job of making government more accountable to the people has just begun. We strongly favor the expansion of block-grant funding and other means to restore our nation's federal foundation.\nMore than 40 years ago, a grave injustice was done to many Americans of Japanese ancestry. Uprooted from their homes in a time of crisis, loyal citizens and residents were treated in a way which contravened the fundamental principles of our people. We join them and their descendants in assuring that the deprivation of rights they suffered shall never again be permitted in this land of liberty.\nTo benefit all Americans, we support the privatization of government services whenever possible. This maximizes consumer freedom and choice. It reduces the size and cost of government, thus lessening the burden on taxpayers. It stimulates the private sector, increases prosperity, and creates jobs. It demonstrates the primacy of individual action which, within a free market economy, can address human needs most effectively.\nWithin the executive branch, the Reagan Administration has made government work more efficiently. Under the direction of the Office of Personnel Management, non-defense government employment was reduced by over 100,000. The overwhelming majority of federal employees are dedicated and hard-working. Indeed, we have proposed to base their pay and retention upon performance so that outstanding federal employees may be properly rewarded.\nThe federal government owns almost a third of our nation's land. With due recognition of the needs of the federal government and mindful of environmental, recreational, and national defense needs, we believe the sale of some surplus land will increase productivity and increase State and local tax bases. It will also unleash the creative talents of free enterprise in defense of resource and environmental protection.\nThe expression of individual political views is guaranteed by the First Amendment; government should protect, not impinge upon First Amendment rights. Free individuals must have unrestricted access to the process of self-government. We deplore the growing labyrinth of bewildering regulations and obstacles which have increased the power of political professionals and discouraged the participation of average Americans. Even well-intentioned restrictions on campaign activity stifle free speech and have a chilling effect on spontaneous political involvement by our citizens.\nThe holding of public office in our country demands the highest degree of commitment to integrity, openness, and honesty by candidates running for all elective offices. Without such a commitment, public confidence rapidly erodes. Republicans therefore reaffirm our commitment to the fair and consistent application of financial disclosure laws. We will continue our support for full disclosure by all high officials of the government and candidates in positions of public trust. This extends to the financial holdings of spouses or dependents, of which the official has knowledge, financial interest, or benefit. We will continue to hold all public officials to the highest ethical standards and will oppose the inconsistent application of those standards on the basis of gender.\nRepublicans want to encourage, not restrict, free discourse and association. The interplay of concerned individuals, sometimes acting collectively to pursue their goals, has led to healthy and vigorous debate and better understanding of complex issues. We will remove obstacles to grass-roots participation in federal elections and will reduce, not increase, the federal role.\nRepublicans believe that strong, competitive political parties contribute mightily to coherent national policies, effective representation, and responsive government. Forced taxpayer financing of campaign activities is political tyranny. We oppose it.\nIn light of the inhibiting role federal election laws and regulations have had, Congress should consider abolishing the Federal Election Commission.\nWe are the party of limited government. We are deeply suspicious of the amount of information which governments collect. Governments limited in size and scope best ensure our people's privacy. Particularly in the computer age, we must ensure that no unnecessary information is demanded and that no disclosure is made which is not approved. We oppose national identification cards.\nWe support reasonable methods to fight those who undermine national security, prevent crosschecks of government benefit records to conceal welfare fraud, or misuse financial secrecy laws to hide their narcotics profits under the guise of a right to privacy.\nPrivate property is the cornerstone of our liberty and the free enterprise system. The right of property safeguards for citizens all things of value: their land, merchandise and money, their religious convictions, their safety and liberty, and their right of contract to produce and sell goods and services. Republicans reaffirm this God-given and inalienable right.\nThe unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We therefore reaffirm our support for a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose the use of public revenues for abortion and will eliminate funding for organizations which advocate or support abortion. We commend the efforts of those individuals and religious and private organizations that are providing positive alternatives to abortion by meeting the physical, emotional, and financial needs of pregnant women and offering adoption services where needed.\nWe applaud President Reagan's fine record of judicial appointments, and we reaffirm our support for the appointment of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.\nAmerica Secure and the World at Peace\n\nThe Future of Our Foreign Policy\n\nPresident Reagan has restored the American people's faith in the principles of liberal democracy. Today, we have more confidence in the self-evident truths of democracy than at any time since World War II.\nThe first principle of that faith is that all human beings are created equal in the natural human right to govern themselves.\nJust as we assert the right of self-government, it follows that all people throughout the world should enjoy that same human right. This moral principle must be the ideal by which our policy toward other nations is directed.\nWe Republicans emphasize that there is a profound moral difference between the actions and ideals of Marxist-Leninist regimes and those of democratic governments, and we reject the notions of guilt and apology which animate so much of the foreign policy of the Democratic Party. We believe American foreign policy can only succeed when it is based on unquestioned faith in a single idea: the idea that all human beings are created equal, the founding idea of democracy.\nThe supreme purpose of our foreign policy must be to maintain our freedom in a peaceful international environment in which the United States and our allies and friends are secure against military threats, and democratic governments are flourishing in a world of increasing prosperity.\nThis we pledge to our people and to future generations: we shall keep the peace by keeping our country stronger than any potential adversary.\nOur future is intimately tied to the future of the Americas. Family, language, culture, and trade link us closely with both Canada, our largest trading partner, and our southern neighbors.\nThe people of both Mexico and Canada are of fundamental importance to the people of the United States of America, not just because we share a common border, but because we are neighbors who share both history and a common interest for the present and future. Under President Reagan, our relations with both countries are being carried out in a serious, straight-forward manner in a climate of mutual respect. As our countries seek solutions to common problems on the basis of our mutual interests, we recognize that each country has a unique contribution to make in working together to resolve mutual problems.\nThe security and freedom of Central America are indispensable to our own. In addition to our concern for the freedom and overall welfare of our neighbors to the south, two-thirds of our foreign trade passes through the Caribbean and the Panama Canal. The entire region, however, is gravely threatened by Communist expansion, inspired and supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba. We endorse the principles of the Monroe Doctrine as the strongest foundation for United States policy throughout the hemisphere.\nWe encourage even closer ties with the countries of South America and consider the strengthening of representative governments there as a contribution to the peace and security of us all. We applaud the Organization of American States for its efforts to bring peace and freedom to the entire hemisphere.\nRepublicans have no illusions about Castro's brutal dictatorship in Cuba. Only our firmness will thwart his attempts to export terrorism and subversion, to destroy democracy, and to smuggle narcotics into the United States. But we also extend a constructive, hopeful policy toward the Cuban people. Castro resents and resists their desire for freedom. He fears Radio Marti, President Reagan's initiative to bring truth to our Cuban neighbors. He is humiliated by the example of Cuban-born Americans, whose spiritual and material accomplishments contrast starkly with Communist failures in their birthplace. We believe in friendship between the Cuban and the American peoples, and we envision a genuine democracy in Cuba's future.\nWe support the President in following the unanimous findings of the Bipartisan Commission on Central America, first proposed by the late Senator Henry \"Scoop\" Jackson of Washington.\nToday, democracy is under assault throughout the hemisphere. Marxist Nicaragua threatens not only Costa Rica and Honduras, but also El Salvador and Guatemala. The Sandinista regime is building the largest military force in Central America, importing Soviet equipment, Eastern bloc and PLO advisors, and thousands of Cuban mercenaries. The Sandinista government has been increasingly brazen in its embrace of Marxism-Leninism. The Sandinistas have systematically persecuted free institutions, including synagogue and church, schools, the private sector, the free press, minorities, and families and tribes throughout Nicaragua. We support continued assistance to the democratic freedom fighters in Nicaragua. Nicaragua cannot be allowed to remain a Communist sanctuary, exporting terror and arms throughout the region. We condemn the Sandinista government's smuggling of illegal drugs into the United States as a crime against American society and international law.\nThe heroic effort to build democracy in El Salvador has been brutally attacked by Communist guerrillas supported by Cuba and the Sandinistas. Their violence jeopardizes improvements in human rights, delays economic growth, and impedes the consolidation of democracy. El Salvador is nearer to Texas than Texas is to New England, and we cannot be indifferent to its fate. In the tradition of President Truman's postwar aid to Europe, President Reagan has helped the people of El Salvador defend themselves. Our opponents object to that assistance, citing concern for human rights. We share that concern, and more than that, we have taken steps to help curb abuses. We have firmly and actively encouraged human rights reform, and results have been achieved. In judicial reform, the murderers of the American nuns in 1980 have been convicted and sentenced; and in political reform, the right to vote has been exercised by 80 percent of the voters in the fair, open elections of 1982 and 1984. Most important, if the Communists seize power there, human rights will be extinguished, and tens of thousands will be driven from their homes. We therefore support the President in his determination that the Salvadoran people will shape their own future.\nWe affirm President Reagan's declaration at Normandy: there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest and territorial expansion. We applaud the liberation of man and mind from oppression everywhere.\nWe applaud the liberation of Grenada, and we honor those who took part in it. Grenada is small, and its people few; but we believe the principle established there, that freedom is worth defending, is of monumental importance. It challenges the Brezhnev doctrine. It is an example to the world.\nThe Caribbean Basin Initiative is a sound program for the strengthening of democratic institutions through economic development based on free people and free market principles. The Republican Party strongly supports this program of integrated, mutually reinforcing measures in the fields of trade, investment, and financial assistance.\nWe recognize our special-valued relationship with Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; and we will support special measures to ensure that they will benefit and prosper from the Caribbean Basin Initiative, thereby reinforcing a stronghold of democracy and free enterprise in the Caribbean. The Republican Party reaffirms its support of the right of Puerto Rico to be admitted into the Union after it freely so determines, through the passage of an admission bill which will provide for a smooth fiscal transition, recognize the concept of a multicultural society for its citizens, and secure the opportunity to retain their Spanish language and traditions.\nStable and peaceful relations with the Soviet Union are possible and desirable, but they depend upon the credibility of American strength and determination. As our power waned in the 1970s, our very weakness was provocative. The Soviets exploited it in Afghanistan, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Western Hemisphere. Our policy of peace through strength encourages freedom-loving people everywhere and provides hope for those who look forward one day to enjoying the fruits of self-government.\nWe hold a sober view of the Soviet Union. Its globalist ideology and its leadership obsessed with military power make it a threat to freedom and peace on every continent. The Carter-Mondale Administration ignored that threat, and the Democratic candidates underestimate it today. The Carter-Mondale illusion that the Soviet leaders share our ideals and aspirations is not only false but a profound danger to world peace.\nRepublicans reaffirm our belief that Soviet behavior at the negotiating table cannot be divorced from Soviet behavior elsewhere. Over-eagerness to sign agreements with the Soviets at any price, fashionable in the Carter-Mondale Administration, should never blind us to this reality. Any future agreement with the Soviets must require full compliance, be fully verifiable, and contain suitable sanctions for non-compliance. Carter-Mondale efforts to cover up Soviet violations of the 1972 Strategic Arms Limitations agreement and Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty emboldened the Soviets to strengthen their military posture. We condemn these violations, as well as recent violations of chemical and toxic weapons treaties in Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, and the Iran-Iraq war. We insist on full Soviet compliance with all treaties and executive agreements.\nWe seek to deflect Soviet policy away from aggression and toward peaceful international conduct. To that end, we will seek substantial reductions in nuclear weapons, rather than merely freezing nuclear weapons at their present dangerous level. We will continue multilateral efforts to deny advanced Western technology to the Soviet war machine.\nWe will press for Soviet compliance with all international agreements, including the 1975 Helsinki Final Act and the U. N. Declaration on Human Rights. We will continue to protest Soviet anti-semitism and human rights violations. We admire the courage of such people as Andrei Sakharov, his wife Yelena Bonnet, Anatole Shcharansky, Ida Nudel and Josef Begun, whose defiance of Soviet repression stands as a testament to the greatness of the human spirit. We will press the Soviet Union to permit free emigration of Jews, Christians, and oppressed national minorities. Finally, because the peoples of the Soviet empire share our hope for the future, we will strengthen our information channels to encourage them in their struggle for individual freedom, national self-determination, and peace.\nForty years after D-Day, our troops remain in Europe. It has been a long watch, but a successful one. For four decades, we have kept the peace where, twice before, our valiant fought and died. We learned from their sacrifice.\nWe would be in mortal danger were Western Europe to come under Soviet domination. Fragmenting NATO is the immediate objective of the Soviet military buildup and Soviet subversion. During the Carter-Mondale years, the Soviets gained a substantial military and diplomatic advantage in Europe. They now have three times as many tanks as we do and almost a monopoly on long-range theater nuclear forces. To keep the peace, the Reagan-Bush Administration is offsetting the Soviet military threat with the defensive power of the Alliance. We are deploying Pershing II and Cruise missiles. Remembering the Nazi Reich, informed voters on both sides of the Atlantic know they cannot accept Soviet military superiority in Europe. That is why the British, Italian, and West German parliaments have approved Euromissile deployments, and why new NATO base agreements were concluded successfully in Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and Greece. This is a victory for the Reagan-Bush Administration and our European friends.\nThe United States again leads the Alliance by offering hope of a safer future. As America's strength is restored, so is our allies' confidence in the future of freedom. We will encourage them to increase their contributions to our common defense.\nTo strengthen NATO's Southern Flank, we place the highest priority on resolving the Cyprus dispute and maintaining our support for both Greece and Turkey, with non-recognition of regimes imposed in occupied territory.\nWe share a deep concern for peace and justice in Northern Ireland and condemn all violence and terrorism in that strife-torn land.\nWe stand in solidarity with the peoples of Eastern Europe: the Poles, Hungarians, East Germans, Czechs, Rumanians, Yugoslavs, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Baltic peoples, Armenians, and all captive nations who struggle daily against their Soviet masters. The heroic efforts of Lech Walesa and the Solidarity movement in Poland are an inspiration to all people yearning to be free. We are not neutral in their struggle, wherever the flame of liberty brightens the black night of Soviet oppression.\nThe tragic repression of the Polish people by the Soviet-inspired military dictatorship in Poland has touched the American people. We support policies to provide relief for Polish nationals seeking asylum and refuge in the United States.\nPresident Reagan's Middle East policy has been flexible enough to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, yet consistent and credible so that all nations recognize our determination to protect our vital interests. The President's skillful crisis management throughout the Iran-Iraq war has kept that conflict from damaging our vital interests. His peace efforts have won strong bipartisan support and international applause. And his willingness to stand up to Libya has made peace-loving states in the region feel more secure.\nThe 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, which surprised the Carter-Mondale Administration, brought Soviet forces less than 400 miles from the strategic Straits of Hormuz. The seizure of American hostages in Iran that year caught the United States unprepared and unable to respond. Lebanon is still in turmoil, despite our best efforts to foster stability in that unhappy country. With the Syrian leadership increasingly subject to Soviet influence, and the Palestine Liberation Organization and its homicidal subsidiaries taking up residence in Syria, U.S. policy toward the region must remain vigilant and strong. Republicans reaffirm that the United States should not recognize or negotiate with the PLO so long as that organization continues to promote terrorism, rejects Israel's right to exist, and refuses to accept U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338.\nThe bedrock of that protection remains, as it has for over three decades, our moral and strategic relationship with Israel. We are allies in the defense of freedom. Israel's strength, coupled with United States assistance, is the main obstacle to Soviet domination of the region. The sovereignty, security, and integrity of the state of Israel are moral imperatives. We pledge to help maintain Israel's qualitative military edge over its adversaries.\nToday, relations between the United States and Israel are closer than ever before. Under President Reagan, we have moved beyond mere words to extensive political, military, and diplomatic cooperation. U.S.-Israeli strategic planning groups are coordinating our joint defense efforts, and we are directly supporting projects to augment Israel's defense industrial base. We support the legislation pending for an Israel-U.S. free trade area.\nWe recognize that attacks in the U.N. against Israel are but thinly disguised attacks against the United States, for it is our shared ideals and democratic way of life that are their true target. Thus, when a U.N. agency denied Israel's right to participate, we withheld our financial support until that action was corrected. And we have worked behind the scenes and in public in other international organizations to defeat discriminatory attacks against our ally.\nOur determination to participate actively in the peace process begun at Camp David has won us support over the past four years from moderate Arab states. Israel's partner in the Camp David Accords, Egypt, with American support, has been a constructive force for stability. We pledge continued support to Egypt and other moderate regimes against Soviet and Libyan subversion, and we look to them to contribute to our efforts for a long-term settlement of the region's destructive disputes.\nWe believe that Jerusalem should remain an undivided city with free and unimpeded access to all holy places by people of all faiths.\nFree Asia is a tremendous success. Emulating the United States economically and politically, our friends in East Asia have had the world's highest economic growth rates. Their economies represent the dynamism of free markets and free people, in stark contrast to the dreary rigidity and economic failures of centrally planned socialism. U.S. investments in Asia now exceed $30 billion, and our annual trade surpasses that with any other region.\nUnable to match this progress, the Soviet Union, North Korea, and Vietnam threaten the region with military aggression and political intimidation. The Soviet rape of Afghanistan, the criminal destruction of the KAL airliner, the genocide in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, the steady growth of Soviet SS-20 forces in East Asia, the rapid increase of the Soviet Pacific Fleet, the continuing build-up of North Korean forces and the brutal bombing of South Korean leaders in Rangoon, the recent deployment of Soviet forces at Cam Ranh Bay, the continued occupation of Cambodia by the Vietnamese, and chemical and biological weapons attacks against defenseless civilian populations in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia are some of the more obvious threats to the peace of Asia and to America's friends there.\nRepublicans salute the brave people of Afghanistan, struggling to regain their freedom and independence. We will continue to support the freedom fighters and pledge our continuing humanitarian aid to the thousands of Afghan refugees who have sought sanctuary in Pakistan and elsewhere.\nTo preserve free Asia's economic gains and enhance our security, we will continue economic and security assistance programs with the front-line states of Korea, Thailand, and Pakistan. We will maintain defense facilities in Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and the Indian Ocean to protect vital sea lanes.\nWe will promote economic growth while we strengthen human rights and the commitment to both democracy and free markets. We will help friendly nations deal with refugees and secure their help against drug cultivation and trafficking.\nOur relations with Japan are central to America's role in the Far East, and they have never been better. The world's second-largest industrial power can make an increasingly important contribution to peace and economic development over much of Asia. We applaud Japan's commitment to defend its territory, air space, and sea lanes. We are heartened by its increases in defense spending and urge Japan to further expand its contribution to the region's defense. We have made progress in our trade relations and affirm that, with good will on both sides, broader agreement is likely.\nIn keeping with the pledge of the 1980 Platform, President Reagan has continued the process of developing our relationship with the People's Republic of China. We commend the President's initiatives to build a solid foundation for the long-term relations between the United States and the People's Republic, emphasizing peaceful trade and other policies to promote regional peace. Despite fundamental differences in many areas, both nations share an important common objective: opposition to Soviet expansionism.\nAt the same time, we specifically reaffirm our concern for, and our moral commitment to, the safety and security of the 18 million people on Taiwan. We pledge that this concern will be constant, and we will continue to regard any attempt to alter Taiwan's status by force as a threat to regional peace. We endorse, with enthusiasm, President Reagan's affirmation that it is the policy of the United States to support and fully implement the provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act. In addition, we fully support self determination for the people of Hong Kong.\nThe Republic of Korea is a stalwart ally. To deter aggression, we will maintain our forces there which contribute to our common defense. Our growing economic relations are good for both countries and enhance our influence to foster a democratic evolution there.\nWe prize our special relationship with the Philippines. We will make every effort to promote economic development and democratic principles they seek. Because the Clark and Subic Bay bases are vital to American interests in the Western Pacific, we are committed to their continued security.\nWe recognize the close and special ties we have maintained with Thailand since the days of Abraham Lincoln. Thailand stands tall against the imperialist aggression of Vietnam and the Soviet Union in Southeast Asia.\nWe hail the economic achievements of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. We will strengthen economic and political ties to them and support their opposition to the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.\nAlmost a decade after our withdrawal from Vietnam, thousands of Americans still do not know the fate of their fathers, brothers, and sons missing in action. Our united people call upon Vietnam and Laos with one voice: return our men, end the grief of the innocent, and give a full accounting of our POW-MIAs. We will press for access to investigate crash sites throughout Indochina. We support the efforts of our private citizens who have worked tirelessly for many years on this issue.\nAfrica faces a new colonialism. The tripartite axis of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Libya has unleashed war and privation upon the continent. We are committed to democracy in Africa and to the economic development that will help it flourish. That is why we will foster free-market, growth-oriented, and liberalized trading policies.\nAs part of reforming the policies of the International Development Association, we have assisted in directing a larger proportion of its resources to sub-Saharan Africa. To nurture the spirit of individual initiative in Africa, our newly created African Development Foundation will work with African entrepreneurs at the village level. In addition, through our rejection of the austerity programs of international organizations, we are bringing new hope to the people of Africa that they will join in the benefits of the growing, dynamic world economy.\nWe will continue to provide necessary security and economic assistance to African nations with which we maintain good relations to help them develop the infrastructure of democratic capitalism so essential to economic growth and individual accomplishment. We will encourage our allies in Europe and east Asia to coordinate their assistance efforts so that the industrialized countries will be able to contribute effectively to the economic development of the continent. We believe that, if given the choice, the nations of Africa will reject the model of Marxist state-controlled economies in favor of the prosperity and quality of life that free economies and free people can achieve.\nWe will continue to assist threatened African governments to protect themselves and will work with them to protect their continent from subversion and to safeguard their strategic minerals. The Reagan-Bush Administration will continue its vigorous efforts to achieve Namibian independence and the expulsion of Cubans from occupied Angola.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the rights of all South Africans. Apartheid is repugnant. In South Africa, as elsewhere on the continent, we support well-conceived efforts to foster peace, prosperity, and stability.\nDeveloping nations look to the United States for counsel and guidance in achieving economic opportunity, prosperity, and political freedom. Democratic capitalism has demonstrated, in the United States and elsewhere, an unparalleled ability to achieve political and civil rights and long-term prosperity for ever-growing numbers of people. We are confident that democracy and free enterprise can succeed everywhere. A central element in our programs of economic assistance should be to share with others the beneficial ideas of democratic capitalism, which have led the United States to economic prosperity and political freedom.\nOur bilateral economic assistance program should be directed at promoting economic growth and prosperity in developing nations. Therefore, we support recently enacted legislation untying our programs from the policies of austerity of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund.\nWe have changed the Carter-Mondale policy of channeling increasing proportions of U.S. assistance through multinational institutions beyond our control. We strongly support President Reagan's decision not to increase funding for the International Development Association because of its predilection for nations with state-dominated economic systems. Our contribution to the International Fund for Agricultural Development will be eliminated due to its consistent bias toward non-market economies. And the anti-American bureaucracy of the U.N.'s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will no longer be supported by U.S. taxpayers. We will not support international organizations inconsistent with our interests. In particular, we will work to eliminate their funding of Communist states.\nProminent among American ideals is the sanctity of the family. Decisions on family size should be made freely by each family. We support efforts to enhance the freedom of such family decisions. We will endeavor to assure that those who are responsible for our programs are more sensitive to the cultural needs of the countries to which we give assistance.\nAs part of our commitment to the family and our opposition to abortion, we will eliminate all U.S. funding for organizations which in any way support abortion or research on abortion methods.\nTo strengthen bilateral foreign assistance, we will reduce or eliminate assistance to nations with foreign policies contrary to our interests and strengthen the Secretary of State's hand by ensuring his direct control over assistance programs.\nForeign military assistance strengthens our security by enabling friendly nations to provide for their own defense, including defense against terrorism.\nTerrorism is a new form of warfare against the democracies. Supported by the Soviet Union and others, it ranges from PLO murder to the attempted assassination of the Pope. Combatting it requires an integrated effort of our diplomacy, armed forces, intelligence services, and law-enforcement organizations. Legislative obstacles to international cooperation against terrorism must be repealed, followed by a vigorous program to enhance friendly nations' counter-terrorist forces. In particular, we seek the cooperation of our hemispheric neighbors to deal comprehensively with the Soviet and Cuban terrorism now afflicting us.\nAmericans cannot count on the international organizations to guarantee our security or adequately protect our interests. The United States hosts the headquarters of the United Nations, pays a fourth of its budget, and is proportionally the largest contributor to most international organizations; but many members consistently vote against us. As Soviet influence in these organizations has grown, cynicism and the double standard have become their way of life.\nThis is why President Reagan announced that we will leave the worst of these organizations, UNESCO. He has put the U.N. on notice that the U.S. will strongly oppose the use of the U.N. to foster anti-semitism, Soviet espionage, and hostility to the United States. The President decisively rejected the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea and embarked instead on a dynamic national oceans policy, animated by our traditional commitment to freedom of the seas. That pattern will be followed with regard to U.N. meddling in Antarctica and outer space. Enthusiastically endorsing those steps, we will apply the same standards to all international organizations. We will monitor their votes and activities, and particularly the votes of member states which receive U.S. aid. Americans will no longer silently suffer the hypocrisy of many of these organizations.\nThe American people believe that United States foreign policy should be animated by the cause of human rights for all the world's peoples.\nA well-rounded human rights policy is concerned with specific individuals whose rights are denied by governments of the right or left, and with entire peoples whose Communist governments deny their claim to human rights as individuals and acknowledge only the \"rights\" derived from membership in an economic class. Republicans support a human rights policy which includes both these concerns.\nRepublican concern for human rights also extends to the institutions of free societies—political parties, the free press, business and labor organizations—which embody and protect the exercise of individual rights. The National Endowment for Democracy and other instruments of U.S. diplomacy foster the growth of these vital institutions.\nBy focusing solely on the shortcomings of non-Communist governments, Democrats have missed the forest for the trees, failing to recognize that the greatest threat to human rights is the Communist system itself.\nRepublicans understand that the East-West struggle has profound human rights implications. We know that Communist nations, which profess dedication to human rights, actually use their totalitarian systems to violate human rights in an organized, systematic fashion.\nThe Reagan-Bush Administration has worked for positive human rights changes worldwide. Our efforts have ranged from support for the Helsinki Accords to our support of judicial and political reform in El Salvador.\nThe Republican Party commends President Reagan for accepting the Honorary Chairmanship of the campaign to erect a U.S. Holocaust Memorial in Washington, D.C. and supports the efforts of the U.S. Holocaust Council in erecting such a museum and educational center. The museum will bear witness to the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.\nFor Republicans, the struggle for human freedom is more than an end in itself. It is part of a policy that builds a foundation for peace. When people are free to express themselves and choose democratic governments, their free private institutions and electoral power constitute a constraint against the excesses of autocratic rulers. We agree with President Truman, who said: \"In the long run our security and the world's hopes for peace lie not in measures of defense or in the control of weapons, but in the growth and expansion of freedom and self-government.\"\nTo this end, we pledge our continued effort to secure for all people the inherent, God-given rights that Americans have been privileged to enjoy for two centuries.\nTo promote and sustain the cause of democracy, America must be an active participant in the political competition between the principles of Communism and of democracy.\nTo do this, America needs a strong voice and active instruments of public diplomacy to counter the Communist bloc's massive effort to disinform and deceive world public opinion. Republicans believe that truth is America's most powerful weapon.\nThe Reagan-Bush Administration has elevated the stature of public diplomacy in the councils of government and increased the United States Information Agency budget by 44 percent in four years. New programs have been launched in television, citizen exchanges, and dissemination of written information. The National Endowment for Democracy has enlisted the talent of private American institutions, including the AFL-CIO and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to educate our friends overseas in the ways of democratic institutions. A sustained billion-dollar effort is modernizing and expanding the Voice of America, strengthening the Voice's signal, lengthening its broadcasts, improving its content, adding new language services and replacing antiquated equipment. Radio Marti, the new broadcast service to Cuba, will begin to broadcast the truth about Cuba to the Cuban people.\nInitial steps have been taken to improve the capabilities of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, which serve the captive nations of the Soviet bloc. We pledge to carry out a thorough improvement program for these radios, including new transmitters and other means of penetrating the jamming which denies the RFE/RL signal to millions of captive people, including the increasingly discontented Soviet minorities, behind the Iron Curtain.\nBecause of the importance we place on people-to-people exchange programs, Republicans support the dedicated work of Peace Corps volunteers. America must nurture good relations not only with foreign governments but with other peoples as well. By encouraging the free flow of ideas and information, America is helping to build the infrastructure of democracy and demonstrating the strength of our belief in the democratic example. The United States Peace Corps, reflecting traditional American values, will follow the White House initiative promoting free enterprise development overseas in third world countries.\nThe tradition of addressing the world's peoples, advocating the principles and goals of democracy and freedom, is as old as our Republic. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence \"with a decent respect to the opinions of mankind.\" This popular advocacy is even more important today in the global struggle between totalitarianism and freedom.\nThe Future of Our National Security\n\nRepublicans look to the future with confidence that we have the will, the weapons, and the technology to preserve America as the land of the free and the home of the brave. We stand united with President Reagan in his hope that American scientists and engineers can produce the technology and the hardware to make nuclear war obsolete.\nThe prospect for peace is excellent because America is strong again. America's defenses have only one purpose: to assure that our people and free institutions survive and flourish.\nOur security requires both the capability to defend against aggression and the will to do so. Together, will and capability deter aggression. That is why the danger of war has grown more remote under President Reagan.\nWhen he took office, defense policy was in disarray. The Carter-Mondale Administration had diminished our military capability and had confused the pursuit of peace with accommodating totalitarianism. It could not respond to the determined growth of Soviet military power and a more aggressive Soviet foreign policy.\nWe are proud of a strong America. Our military strength exists for the high moral purpose of deterring conflict, not initiating war. The deterrence of aggression is ethically imperative. That is why we have restored America's defense capability and renewed our country's will. Americans are again proud to serve in the Armed Forces and proud of those who serve.\nWe reaffirm the principle that the national security policy of the United States should be based upon a strategy of peace through strength, a goal of the 1980 Republican Platform.\nMaintaining a technological superiority, the historical foundation of our policy of deterrence, remains essential. In other areas, such as our maritime forces, we should continue to strive for qualitative superiority.\nPresident Reagan committed our nation to a modernized strategic and theater nuclear force sufficient to deter attack against the United States and our allies, while pursuing negotiations for balanced, verifiable reductions of nuclear weapons under arms control agreements.\nIn order to deter, we must be sufficiently strong to convince a potential adversary that under no circumstances would it be to its advantage to initiate conflict at any level.\nWe pledge to do everything necessary so that, in case of conflict, the United States would clearly prevail.\nWe will continue to modernize our deterrent capability, while negotiating for verifiable arms control. We will continue the policies that have given fresh confidence and new hope to freedom-loving people everywhere.\nAmericans, while caring deeply about arms control, realize that it is not an end in itself, but can be a major component of a foreign and defense policy which keeps America free, strong, and independent.\nSharing the American people's realistic view of the Soviet Union, the Reagan Administration has pursued arms control agreements that would reduce the level of nuclear weaponry possessed by the superpowers. President Reagan has negotiated with flexibility, and always from a position of strength.\nIn the European theater, President Reagan proposed the complete elimination of intermediate-range nuclear missiles. In the START talks with the Soviet Union, he proposed the \"build-down\" which would eliminate from the U.S. and Soviet arsenals two existing nuclear warheads for each new warhead.\nThe Soviet Union has rejected every invitation by President Reagan to resume talks, refusing to return unless we remove the Pershing II and Cruise missiles which we have placed in Europe at the request of our NATO allies. Soviet intransigence is designed to force concessions from the United States even before negotiations begin. We will not succumb to this strategy. The Soviet Union will return to the bargaining table only when it recognizes that the United States will not make unilateral concessions or allow the Soviet Union to achieve nuclear superiority.\nThe Soviet Union, by engaging in a sustained pattern of violations of arms control agreements, has cast severe doubt on its own willingness to negotiate and comply with new agreements in a spirit of good faith. Agreements violated by the Soviet Union include SALT, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972, the Helsinki Accords, and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention of 1972. This pattern of Soviet behavior is clearly designed to obtain a Soviet strategic advantage.\nTo deter Soviet violations of arms control agreements, the United States must maintain the capability to verify, display a willingness to respond to Soviet violations which have military significance, and adopt a policy whereby the defense of the United States is not constrained by arms control agreements violated by the Soviet Union.\nWe support the President's efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons and to improve international controls and safeguards over sensitive nuclear technologies. The President's non-proliferation policy has emphasized results, rather than rhetoric, as symbolized by the successful meeting of nuclear supplier states in Luxembourg in July of this year. We endorse the President's initiative on comprehensive safeguards and his efforts to encourage other supplier states to support such measures.\nThe first duty of government is to provide for the common defense. That solemn responsibility was neglected during the Carter-Mondale years. At the end of the Eisenhower era, nearly 48 percent of the federal budget was devoted to defense programs, representing 9.1 percent of our gross national product. By 1980, under Carter-Mondale, defense spending had fallen to only 5 percent of gross national product and represented only 24 percent of the federal budget. The Reagan Administration has begun to correct the weaknesses caused by that situation by prudently increasing defense resources. We must continue to devote the resources essential to deter a Soviet threat—a threat which has grown and should be met by an improved and modernized U.S. defense capability. Even so, the percentage of the Reagan Administration budget spent on defense is only about half that of the Eisenhower-Kennedy era.\nIn 1980, our military forces were not ready to perform their missions in the event of emergency. Many planes could not fly for lack of spare parts; ships could not sail for lack of skilled personnel; supplies were insufficient for essential training or sustained combat. Today, readiness and sustainability have improved dramatically. We not only have more equipment, but it is in operating condition. Our military personnel have better training, pride, and confidence. We have improved their pay and benefits. Recruiting and retaining competent personnel is no longer a problem.\nUnder the Democrats, the All-Volunteer Force was headed for disastrous failure. Because of the Carter-Mondale intransigence on military pay and benefits, we saw the shameful spectacle of patriotic service families being forced below the poverty level, relying on food stamps and other welfare programs. The quality of life for our military has been substantially improved under the Reagan Administration. We wholeheartedly support the all-volunteer armed force and are proud of our historic initiative to bring it to pass.\nFrom the worst levels of retention and recruiting in post-war history in 1979, we have moved to the highest ever recorded. We are meeting 100 percent of our recruiting needs, and 92 percent of our recruits are high school graduates capable of mastering the skills needed in the modern armed services. In 1980, 13 percent of our ships and 25 percent of our aircraft squadrons reported themselves not combat ready because of personnel shortages. Today, those figures have dropped to less than 1 percent and 4 percent respectively.\nToday, the United States leads the world in integrating women into the military. They serve in a variety of non-combat assignments. We have made significant strides in numbers of women and their level of responsibility. Female officer strength has grown by 24 percent under the Reagan Administration and is projected to increase, with even greater increases for non-commissioned officers.\nIn 1980, we had a \"hollow Army,\" a Navy half its numbers of a decade earlier, and an Air Force badly in need of upgrading. The Army is now receiving the most modern tanks, fighting vehicles, and artillery. The Navy has grown to 513 ships with 79 more under construction this year, well on its way toward the 600-ship, 15-carrier force necessary for our maritime strategy. The Air Force has procured advanced tactical aircraft. By decade's end, our intertheater lift capacity will have increased by 75 percent. We pledge to rescue a shipbuilding industry consigned to extinction by the Carter-Mondale team.\nSince the end of World War II, America's nuclear arsenal has caused the Soviet Union to exercise caution to avoid direct military confrontation with us and our close allies.\nOur nuclear arms are a vital element of the Free World's security system.\nThroughout the 1970s and up to the present, the Soviet Union has engaged in a vast buildup of nuclear arms. In the naive hope that unilateral restraint by the United States would cause the Soviet Union to reverse course, the Carter-Mondale Administration delayed significant major features of the strategic modernization our country needed. There was no arms race because only the Soviet Union was racing, determined to to achieve an intimidating advantage over the Free World. As a result, in 1980, America was moving toward a position of clear nuclear inferiority to the Soviets.\nPresident Reagan moved swiftly to reverse this alarming situation and to reestablish an effective margin of safety before 1990. Despite obstruction from many congressional Democrats, we have restored the credibility of our deterrent.\nWe salute the men and women of the National Guard and the Reserves. The Carter-Mondale team completely neglected our vital Reserve and Guard forces, leaving them with obsolete equipment, frozen pay, and thousands of vacancies.\nThe Reagan Administration has transformed our Reserve and National Guard. The Naval Reserve will ultimately operate 40 of the fleet's 600 ships. Navy and Marine Air Reserve units now receive the most modern aircraft, as do the Air Force Reserve and Guard. Army Reserve and Guard units now receive the latest tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and artillery. Reserve pay has increased 30 percent, and reserve components are having record success in filling their positions. Our country counts on the Reserves and the Guard, and they can count on us.\nThe Republican Party advocates a strong defense and fiscal responsibility at the same time. This Administration has already made major advances in eliminating the deep-rooted procurement problems we inherited. Republicans have changed the way the Pentagon does business, encouraging greater economy and efficiency, stretching the taxpayer's dollar.\nLearning nothing from past mistakes, the Carter-Mondale Administration returned to centralized defense management. The predictable result: competition fell to only 15 percent of Pentagon procurement; programs were mired in disastrous cost overruns and disputes; outrageous and exorbitant prices were paid for spare parts; and the taxpayers' money was wasted on a grand scale.\nWe have tackled this problem head-on. We returned management to the Services and began far-reaching reforms. To hold down costs, we more than doubled competition in Pentagon procurement. We appointed Competition Advocate Generals in each Service and an overall Inspector General for the Pentagon. We increased incentives for excellent performance by contractors, and we have applied immediate penalty for poor performance. Our innovative approaches have already saved the taxpayers billions of dollars.\nSpare parts acquisition has undergone thorough reform. Improving spare parts management, involving a Department of Defense inventory of almost four million items, is a complex and massive management challenge. The Pentagon's new 10-point program is already working. Old contracts are being revamped to allow competition, high prices are being challenged, and rigorous audits are continuing. As an example, a stool cap for a navigator's chair, once priced at $1,100, was challenged by an alert Air Force Sergeant. It now costs us 31 cents. The Pentagon obtained a full refund and gave the Sergeant a cash reward.\nOur men and women in uniform deserve the best and most reliable weapons that this country can offer. We must improve the reliability and performance of our weapons systems, and warranties can be a very positive contribution to defense procurement practices, as can be the independent office of operational testing and evaluation, which was another positive Republican initiative.\nThe acquisition improvement program now includes program stability, multi-year procurement, economic production rates, realistic budgeting, and increased competition. The B-1B bomber, replacing our aging B-52 force, is ahead of schedule and under cost. We support our anti-submarine warfare effort and urge its funding at its current level. For the last two years, the Navy has received nearly 50 ships more than three years ahead of schedule and nearly $1 billion under budget. The U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, our newest aircraft carrier, is 17 months ahead of schedule and almost $74 million under cost.\nWe have reformed inefficient procurement practices established decades ago, and we will continue to ensure the most gain from each defense dollar.\nThe damage to our defenses through unilateral disarmament cannot be repaired quickly. The hollow Army of the Carter-Mondale Administration is hollow no more, and our Navy is moving toward a 600-ship force.\nWe share President Reagan's determination to restore credible security for our country. Our choice is not between a strong defense or a strong economy; we must succeed in both, or we will succeed in neither.\nOur forces must be second to none, and we condemn the notion that one-sided military reduction will induce the Soviets to seek peace. Our military strength not only provides the deterrent necessary for a more peaceful world, but is also the best incentive for the Soviets to agree to arms reduction.\nAmerica is free because of its veterans. We owe them more than thanks. After answering the call to arms, they brought leadership and patriotism back to their communities. They are a continuing resource for America. Through their membership in veterans' service activities, they have strongly supported President Reagan's defense policy. Knowing first-hand the sacrifices of war, they have spoken out frequently for a strong national defense.\nVeterans have earned their benefits; these must not be taken away. The help we give them is an investment which pays our nation unlimited dividends.\nWe have accomplished a great deal. We are meeting the needs of women veterans and ensuring them equal treatment. We must prepare to meet the needs of aging veterans.\nWe are addressing the unique readjustment problems of Vietnam veterans by expanding the store-front readjustment counseling program, extending vocational training and job placement assistance, and targeting research toward understanding delayed stress reaction in combat veterans. We have moved to alleviate the uncertainty of veterans exposed to Agent Orange by providing nearly 129,000 medical exams and by launching an all-out, government-wide research effort.\nWe are making major strides in improving health care for veterans. VA hospital construction has expanded to meet community needs, and benefits for disabled veterans have been improved.\nWe will maintain the veterans' preference for federal hiring and will improve health, education, and other benefits. We support the Reagan Administration's actions to make home ownership attainable by more veterans, as well as our program to help veterans in small business compete for government contracts. We will extend to all veterans of recent conflicts, such as Lebanon and Grenada, the same assistance.\nIn recognition of the unique commitment and personal sacrifices of military spouses, President Reagan has called upon the nation to honor them and proclaimed a day of tribute. We will remember them and advance their interests.\nKnowing our adversaries' capabilities and intentions is our first line of defense. A strong intelligence community focuses our diplomacy and saves billions of defense dollars. This critical asset was gravely weakened during the Carter-Mondale years.\nWe will continue to strengthen our intelligence services. We will remove statutory obstacles to the effective management, performance, and security of intelligence sources and methods. We will further improve our ability to influence international events in support of our foreign policy objectives, and we will strengthen our counterintelligence facilities.\nBy encouraging commerce in militarily significant technology, the Carter-Mondale Administration actually improved Soviet military power. Because of that terrible error, we are now exposed to significant risk and must spend billions of defense dollars that would otherwise have been unnecessary.\nThe Reagan Administration halted the Carter-Mondale folly. We have strengthened cooperative efforts with our allies to restrict diversion of militarily critical technologies. We will increase law-enforcement and counterintelligence efforts to halt Soviet commercial espionage and illegal exploitation of our technology.\nInternational terrorism is not a random phenomenon but a new form of warfare waged by the forces of totalitarianism against the democracies.\nIn recent years, certain states have sponsored terrorist actions in pursuit of their strategic goals. The international links among terrorist groups are now clearly understood; and the Soviet link, direct and indirect, is also clearly understood. The Soviets use terrorist groups to weaken democracy and undermine world stability.\nPurely passive measures do not deter terrorists. It is time to think about appropriate preventive or pre-emptive actions against terrorist groups before they strike.\nTerrorism is an international problem. No one country can successfully combat it. We must lead the free nations in a concerted effort to pressure members of the League of Terror to cease their sponsorship and support of terrorism.\nDuring the Carter-Mondale Administration, the Soviets built more weapons, and more modern ones, than the United States. President Reagan has begun to reverse this dangerous trend. More important, he has begun a process that, over time, will gradually but dramatically reduce the Soviet Union's ability to threaten our lives with nuclear arms.\nHis leadership came none too soon. The combined damage of a decade of neglect and of relentless Soviet buildup, despite treaties and our restraint, will not be undone easily.\nToday, the Soviet Union possesses over 5,000 intercontinental nuclear warheads powerful and accurate enough to destroy hard military targets, and it is flight-testing a whole new generation of missiles. The Carter-Mondale Administration left this country at a decided disadvantage, without a credible deterrent. That is why President Reagan embarked on a modernization program covering all three legs of the strategic triad.\nRepublicans understand that our nuclear deterrent forces are the ultimate military guarantor of America's security and that of our allies. That is why we will continue to support the programs necessary to modernize our strategic forces and reduce the vulnerabilities. This includes the earliest possible deployment of a new small mobile ICBM.\nWhile the Carter-Mondale team hid beneath an umbrella of wishful thinking, the Soviet Union made every effort to protect itself in case of conflict. It has an operational anti-satellite system; the United States does not. A network of huge ultra-modern radars, new anti-missile interceptors, new surface-to-air missiles, all evidence the Soviet commitment to self-protection.\nPresident Reagan has launched a bold new Strategic Defense Initiative to defend against nuclear attack. We enthusiastically support President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. We enthusiastically support the development of non-nuclear, space-based defensive systems to protect the United States by destroying incoming missiles. Recognizing the need for close consultation with our allies, we support a comprehensive and intensive effort to render obsolete the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). The Democratic Party embraces Mutual Assured Destruction. The Republican Party rejects the strategy of despair and supports instead the strategy of hope and survival.\nWe will begin to eliminate the threat posed by strategic nuclear missiles as soon as possible. Our only purpose (one all people share) is to reduce the danger of nuclear war. To that end, we will use superior American technology to achieve space-based and ground-based defensive systems as soon as possible to protect the lives of the American people and our allies.\nPresident Reagan has asked, \"Would it not be better to save lives than to avenge them?\" The Republican Party answers, \"Yes!\"", "Words" -> 27211, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1467, "and" -> 1188, "of" -> 1019, "to" -> 914, "in" -> 443, "We" -> 381, "a" -> 379, "our" -> 318, "for" -> 303, "will" -> 220, "that" -> 217, "is" -> 213, "The" -> 205, "have" -> 188, "we" -> 185, "by" -> 184, "their" -> 153, "with" -> 152, "are" -> 152, "has" -> 135, "be" -> 119, "as" -> 111, "on" -> 108, "which" -> 102, "support" -> 90, "all" -> 88, "people" -> 85, "from" -> 83, "not" -> 81, "federal" -> 81, "economic" -> 81, "it" -> 75, "more" -> 73, "an" -> 73, "American" -> 73, "Soviet" -> 72, "must" -> 72, "percent" -> 69, "tax" -> 68, "In" -> 68, "States" -> 66, "government" -> 66, "President" -> 65, "its" -> 63, "than" -> 62, "Reagan" -> 61, "free" -> 60, "rights" -> 59, "policy" -> 58, "Republicans" -> 57, "Our" -> 56, "programs" -> 54, "at" -> 54, "Administration" -> 54, "Carter-Mondale" -> 53, "been" -> 52, "Americans" -> 52, "or" -> 51, "new" -> 51, "Republican" -> 50, "this" -> 46, "them" -> 46, "efforts" -> 46, "United" -> 44, "those" -> 44, "work" -> 43, "should" -> 43, "America" -> 42, "they" -> 41, "rates" -> 41, "other" -> 41, "continue" -> 41, "against" -> 41, "years" -> 40, "was" -> 40, "women" -> 39, "growth" -> 39, "education" -> 39, "Party" -> 38, "It" -> 38, "assistance" -> 38, "policies" -> 37, "who" -> 35, "increased" -> 35, "defense" -> 35, "but" -> 35, "family" -> 34, "would" -> 33, "human" -> 33, "families" -> 33, "control" -> 33, "can" -> 33, "were" -> 32, "This" -> 32, "system" -> 32, "public" -> 32, "over" -> 32, "local" -> 32, "international" -> 32, "future" -> 32, "freedom" -> 32, "any" -> 32, "under" -> 31, "increase" -> 31, "through" -> 30, "both" -> 30, "1980" -> 30, "only" -> 29, "military" -> 29, "now" -> 28, "national" -> 28, "believe" -> 28, "world" -> 27, "To" -> 27, "private" -> 27, "opportunity" -> 27, "most" -> 27, "individual" -> 27, "high" -> 27, "America's" -> 27, "trade" -> 26, "reform" -> 26, "nuclear" -> 26, "needs" -> 26, "had" -> 26, "four" -> 26, "these" -> 25, "strong" -> 25, "so" -> 25, "reaffirm" -> 25, "program" -> 25, "peace" -> 25, "many" -> 25, "make" -> 25, "jobs" -> 25, "interest" -> 25, "farmers" -> 25, "farm" -> 25, "commitment" -> 25, "us" -> 24, "Union" -> 24, "State" -> 24, "society" -> 24, "right" -> 24, "provide" -> 24, "made" -> 24, "inflation" -> 24, "health" -> 24, "encourage" -> 24, "As" -> 24, "also" -> 24, "life" -> 23, "institutions" -> 23, "economy" -> 23, "care" -> 23, "better" -> 23, "security" -> 22, "pledge" -> 22, "nations" -> 22, "do" -> 22, "development" -> 22, "up" -> 21, "out" -> 21, "individuals" -> 21, "housing" -> 21, "foreign" -> 21, "For" -> 21, "equal" -> 21, "country" -> 21, "costs" -> 21, "welfare" -> 20, "taxpayers" -> 20, "responsibility" -> 20, "ranch" -> 20, "poor" -> 20, "political" -> 20, "one" -> 20, "no" -> 20, "million" -> 20, "further" -> 20, "business" -> 20, "upon" -> 19, "They" -> 19, "That" -> 19, "taxes" -> 19, "such" -> 19, "recognize" -> 19, "protect" -> 19, "possible" -> 19, "law" -> 19, "investment" -> 19, "into" -> 19, "incentives" -> 19, "governments" -> 19, "effort" -> 19, "U.S." -> 18, "time" -> 18, "rural" -> 18, "research" -> 18, "Reagan's" -> 18, "ranchers" -> 18, "Platform" -> 18, "organizations" -> 18, "legislation" -> 18, "home" -> 18, "first" -> 18, "enterprise" -> 18, "citizens" -> 18, "children" -> 18, "technology" -> 17, "share" -> 17, "services" -> 17, "school" -> 17, "own" -> 17, "major" -> 17, "laws" -> 17, "full" -> 17, "every" -> 17, "democracy" -> 17, "benefits" -> 17, "spending" -> 16, "small" -> 16, "schools" -> 16, "part" -> 16, "nation's" -> 16, "including" -> 16, "important" -> 16, "forces" -> 16, "food" -> 16, "ensure" -> 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"quality" -> 13, "price" -> 13, "long" -> 13, "land" -> 13, "industry" -> 13, "increases" -> 13, "income" -> 13, "his" -> 13, "greater" -> 13, "energy" -> 13, "cost" -> 13, "community" -> 13, "businesses" -> 13, "brought" -> 13, "billion" -> 13, "between" -> 13, "almost" -> 13, "Act" -> 13, "when" -> 12, "strengthen" -> 12, "strategic" -> 12, "safety" -> 12, "results" -> 12, "progress" -> 12, "production" -> 12, "party" -> 12, "necessary" -> 12, "markets" -> 12, "labor" -> 12, "interests" -> 12, "great" -> 12, "good" -> 12, "end" -> 12, "dollar" -> 12, "credit" -> 12, "created" -> 12, "continued" -> 12, "cannot" -> 12, "areas" -> 12, "agricultural" -> 12, "A" -> 12, "without" -> 11, "weapons" -> 11, "vision" -> 11, "urge" -> 11, "throughout" -> 11, "standards" -> 11, "religious" -> 11, "relations" -> 11, "record" -> 11, "President's" -> 11, "personal" -> 11, "minorities" -> 11, "maintain" -> 11, "less" -> 11, "leadership" -> 11, "keep" -> 11, "just" -> 11, "information" -> 11, "history" -> 11, "Federal" -> 11, "environment" -> 11, "during" -> 11, "down" -> 11, "dollars" -> 11, "Democrats" -> 11, "concern" -> 11, "capability" -> 11, "Asia" -> 11, "applaud" -> 11, "allow" -> 11, "allies" -> 11, "agreements" -> 11, "ability" -> 11, "within" -> 10, "well" -> 10, "war" -> 10, "two" -> 10, "threat" -> 10, "Their" -> 10, "still" -> 10, "stability" -> 10, "special" -> 10, "Soviets" -> 10, "service" -> 10, "return" -> 10, "restore" -> 10, "respect" -> 10, "Reserve" -> 10, "remain" -> 10, "regulations" -> 10, "providing" -> 10, "problem" -> 10, "poverty" -> 10, "need" -> 10, "much" -> 10, "market" -> 10, "living" -> 10, "initiative" -> 10, "industries" -> 10, "improved" -> 10, "groups" -> 10, "Free" -> 10, "foster" -> 10, "fair" -> 10, "expansion" -> 10, "excellence" -> 10, "elderly" -> 10, "disabled" -> 10, "Congress" -> 10, "confidence" -> 10, "comprehensive" -> 10, "common" -> 10, "child" -> 10, "bring" -> 10, "benefit" -> 10, "back" -> 10, "assure" -> 10, "already" -> 10, "1984" -> 10, "With" -> 9, "why" -> 9, "what" -> 9, "water" -> 9, "traditional" -> 9, "too" -> 9, "systems" -> 9, "states" -> 9, "stand" -> 9, "space" -> 9, "sound" -> 9, "social" -> 9, "reforms" -> 9, "rather" -> 9, "promote" -> 9, "principles" -> 9, "people's" -> 9, "particularly" -> 9, "order" -> 9, "number" -> 9, "National" -> 9, "moral" -> 9, "lower" -> 9, "long-term" -> 9, "limited" -> 9, "learning" -> 9, "job" -> 9, "itself" -> 9, "initiatives" -> 9, "improve" -> 9, "if" -> 9, "homes" -> 9, "funding" -> 9, "even" -> 9, "Europe" -> 9, "environmental" -> 9, "enforcement" -> 9, "educational" -> 9, "During" -> 9, "did" -> 9, "Democratic" -> 9, "decades" -> 9, "controls" -> 9, "communities" -> 9, "Communist" -> 9, "call" -> 9, "build" -> 9, "appropriate" -> 9, "And" -> 9, "among" -> 9, "addition" -> 9, "access" -> 9, "vigorous" -> 8, "Under" -> 8, "trading" -> 8, "Today" -> 8, "terrorism" -> 8, "teachers" -> 8, "supported" -> 8, "strongly" -> 8, "stable" -> 8, "secure" -> 8, "sector" -> 8, "savings" -> 8, "reverse" -> 8, "restored" -> 8, "reducing" -> 8, "rapidly" -> 8, "proud" -> 8, "procurement" -> 8, "priority" -> 8, "preserve" -> 8, "potential" -> 8, "peoples" -> 8, "participation" -> 8, "offer" -> 8, "nearly" -> 8, "minority" -> 8, "meet" -> 8, "may" -> 8, "making" -> 8, "low-income" -> 8, "levels" -> 8, "led" -> 8, "last" -> 8, "highest" -> 8, "higher" -> 8, "favor" -> 8, "export" -> 8, "example" -> 8, "enhance" -> 8, "dramatically" -> 8, "discrimination" -> 8, "determination" -> 8, "deter" -> 8, "demand" -> 8, "decline" -> 8, "cut" -> 8, "creativity" -> 8, "creating" -> 8, "create" -> 8, "countries" -> 8, "contribution" -> 8, "continuing" -> 8, "competitive" -> 8, "commend" -> 8, "clean" -> 8, "cause" -> 8, "By" -> 8, "being" -> 8, "before" -> 8, "become" -> 8, "Because" -> 8, "barriers" -> 8, "again" -> 8, "Africa" -> 8, "adequate" -> 8, "abuse" -> 8, "world's" -> 7, "workers" -> 7, "violations" -> 7, "values" -> 7, "value" -> 7, "U.N." -> 7, "transportation" -> 7, "today" -> 7, "thousands" -> 7, "students" -> 7, "some" -> 7, "significant" -> 7, "sex" -> 7, "set" -> 7, "serve" -> 7, "saving" -> 7, "repeal" -> 7, "region" -> 7, "reduction" -> 7, "recent" -> 7, "promise" -> 7, "projects" -> 7, "principle" -> 7, "open" -> 7, "oil" -> 7, "neighborhoods" -> 7, "needed" -> 7, "natural" -> 7, "monetary" -> 7, "missiles" -> 7, "measures" -> 7, "lives" -> 7, "judicial" -> 7, "indexing" -> 7, "includes" -> 7, "House" -> 7, "hold" -> 7, "guarantee" -> 7, "give" -> 7, "foundation" -> 7, "fight" -> 7, "Family" -> 7, "ever" -> 7, "especially" -> 7, "endorse" -> 7, "encouraging" -> 7, "eliminated" -> 7, "each" -> 7, "dropped" -> 7, "diversity" -> 7, "developing" -> 7, "current" -> 7, "critical" -> 7, "contributions" -> 7, "contribute" -> 7, "consistent" -> 7, "commercial" -> 7, "capacity" -> 7, "But" -> 7, "billions" -> 7, "authority" -> 7, "Air" -> 7, "aggression" -> 7, "affirm" -> 7, "activities" -> 7, "50" -> 7, "While" -> 6, "Washington" -> 6, "want" -> 6, "wage" -> 6, "vote" -> 6, "violence" -> 6, "Vietnam" -> 6, "victims" -> 6, "threatened" -> 6, "successful" -> 6, "success" -> 6, "struggle" -> 6, "standard" -> 6, "save" -> 6, "Rights" -> 6, "responsibilities" -> 6, "requires" -> 6, "remove" -> 6, "regulation" -> 6, "reductions" -> 6, "provides" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "primary" -> 6, "prevent" -> 6, "press" -> 6, "practices" -> 6, "practice" -> 6, "pornography" -> 6, "percentage" -> 6, "penalty" -> 6, "partners" -> 6, "ownership" -> 6, "opposition" -> 6, "officials" -> 6, "next" -> 6, "money" -> 6, "millions" -> 6, "medical" -> 6, "means" -> 6, "marketplace" -> 6, "liberty" -> 6, "launched" -> 6, "join" -> 6, "Israel's" -> 6, "International" -> 6, "instead" -> 6, "independent" -> 6, "increasingly" -> 6, "impact" -> 6, "II" -> 6, "ideals" -> 6, "heritage" -> 6, "helping" -> 6, "he" -> 6, "Guard" -> 6, "Government" -> 6, "goals" -> 6, "get" -> 6, "funds" -> 6, "fundamental" -> 6, "form" -> 6, "Force" -> 6, "fiscal" -> 6, "facilities" -> 6, "face" -> 6, "expand" -> 6, "equipment" -> 6, "encouraged" -> 6, "elsewhere" -> 6, "efficient" -> 6, "effective" -> 6, "Economic" -> 6, "East" -> 6, "due" -> 6, "dramatic" -> 6, "domestic" -> 6, "disastrous" -> 6, "direct" -> 6, "different" -> 6, "dependency" -> 6, "defend" -> 6, "declined" -> 6, "dangerous" -> 6, "Cuban" -> 6, "Cuba" -> 6, "contracts" -> 6, "constitutional" -> 6, "conservation" -> 6, "conflict" -> 6, "compete" -> 6, "combat" -> 6, "civil" -> 6, "choice" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "cases" -> 6, "building" -> 6, "believes" -> 6, "based" -> 6, "available" -> 6, "assist" -> 6, "amount" -> 6, "always" -> 6, "air" -> 6, "aid" -> 6, "Afghanistan" -> 6, "address" -> 6, "actions" -> 6, "action" -> 6, "abortion" -> 6, "25" -> 6, "1982" -> 6, "1970s" -> 6, "World" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "When" -> 5, "vigorously" -> 5, "very" -> 5, "vast" -> 5, "urban" -> 5, "unnecessary" -> 5, "unique" -> 5, "tremendous" -> 5, "treatment" -> 5, "training" -> 5, "together" -> 5, "three" -> 5, "These" -> 5, "Therefore" -> 5, "taken" -> 5, "take" -> 5, "sustained" -> 5, "supports" -> 5, "stress" -> 5, "strengthening" -> 5, "strategy" -> 5, "step" -> 5, "spirit" -> 5, "Southeast" -> 5, "size" -> 5, "six" -> 5, "single" -> 5, "ships" -> 5, "self-government" -> 5, "Security" -> 5, "Salvador" -> 5, "returned" -> 5, "retirement" -> 5, "responsible" -> 5, "respond" -> 5, "resource" -> 5, "remains" -> 5, "relationship" -> 5, "reject" -> 5, "Reagan-Bush" -> 5, "reach" -> 5, "quickly" -> 5, "put" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "protected" -> 5, "property" -> 5, "productivity" -> 5, "procedures" -> 5, "positive" -> 5, "positions" -> 5, "place" -> 5, "permit" -> 5, "performance" -> 5, "Pentagon" -> 5, "peaceful" -> 5, "pays" -> 5, "overall" -> 5, "outside" -> 5, "organized" -> 5, "one-half" -> 5, "often" -> 5, "office" -> 5, "offering" -> 5, "No" -> 5, "never" -> 5, "neighbors" -> 5, "needy" -> 5, "Navy" -> 5, "moved" -> 5, "mortgage" -> 5, "members" -> 5, "meeting" -> 5, "matter" -> 5, "massive" -> 5, "marriage" -> 5, "marginal" -> 5, "longer" -> 5, "localities" -> 5, "live" -> 5, "leaders" -> 5, "largest" -> 5, "ladder" -> 5, "issue" -> 5, "insurance" -> 5, "innovative" -> 5, "influence" -> 5, "increasing" -> 5, "incomes" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "ignored" -> 5, "ideas" -> 5, "how" -> 5, "His" -> 5, "heart" -> 5, "He" -> 5, "grown" -> 5, "growing" -> 5, "grain" -> 5, "government's" -> 5, "goal" -> 5, "given" -> 5, "gains" -> 5, "friends" -> 5, "fraud" -> 5, "flow" -> 5, "firmly" -> 5, "fiber" -> 5, "farms" -> 5, "faith" -> 5, "expanding" -> 5, "executive" -> 5, "exchange" -> 5, "everywhere" -> 5, "established" -> 5, "era" -> 5, "enhanced" -> 5, "enforce" -> 5, "enable" -> 5, "elimination" -> 5, "El" -> 5, "Education" -> 5, "economies" -> 5, "economically" -> 5, "earning" -> 5, "drug" -> 5, "Dream" -> 5, "double" -> 5, "diplomacy" -> 5, "developed" -> 5, "deterrent" -> 5, "Despite" -> 5, "demands" -> 5, "decade" -> 5, "debt" -> 5, "danger" -> 5, "criminals" -> 5, "criminal" -> 5, "country's" -> 5, "cooperation" -> 5, "continent" -> 5, "consumer" -> 5, "construction" -> 5, "congressional" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "Commission" -> 5, "colleges" -> 5, "clearly" -> 5, "Civil" -> 5, "cities" -> 5, "challenges" -> 5, "caused" -> 5, "burden" -> 5, "beginning" -> 5, "base" -> 5, "balanced" -> 5, "average" -> 5, "attention" -> 5, "approved" -> 5, "approach" -> 5, "All" -> 5, "ago" -> 5, "agencies" -> 5, "after" -> 5, "advantage" -> 5, "activity" -> 5, "academic" -> 5, "1981" -> 5, "zones" -> 4, "youth" -> 4, "young" -> 4, "worth" -> 4, "worst" -> 4, "worked" -> 4, "Western" -> 4, "wealth" -> 4, "waste" -> 4, "War" -> 4, "vocational" -> 4, "virtually" -> 4, "universities" -> 4, "units" -> 4, "unfair" -> 4, "unemployment" -> 4, "unable" -> 4, "tried" -> 4, "top" -> 4, "took" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "ties" -> 4, "Thus" -> 4, "threaten" -> 4, "thereby" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "terrorist" -> 4, "terms" -> 4, "technologies" -> 4, "technological" -> 4, "technical" -> 4, "teaching" -> 4, "taxation" -> 4, "Tax" -> 4, "talents" -> 4, "System" -> 4, "sustain" -> 4, "supplier" -> 4, "superiority" -> 4, "succeed" -> 4, "subversion" -> 4, "strike" -> 4, "Strategic" -> 4, "spouses" -> 4, "South" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "significantly" -> 4, "setting" -> 4, "serious" -> 4, "sentencing" -> 4, "seeking" -> 4, "secured" -> 4, "science" -> 4, "safeguard" -> 4, "rose" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "returning" -> 4, "restoring" -> 4, "residents" -> 4, "Republic" -> 4, "report" -> 4, "regimes" -> 4, "regard" -> 4, "receiving" -> 4, "realize" -> 4, "reality" -> 4, "ready" -> 4, "ranching" -> 4, "ranches" -> 4, "rail" -> 4, "Radio" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "protecting" -> 4, "proposed" -> 4, "proper" -> 4, "promised" -> 4, "Program" -> 4, "profound" -> 4, "profits" -> 4, "productive" -> 4, "produce" -> 4, "pride" -> 4, "preventive" -> 4, "president" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "population" -> 4, "pledged" -> 4, "physical" -> 4, "persons" -> 4, "personnel" -> 4, "permanent" -> 4, "passed" -> 4, "parts" -> 4, "particular" -> 4, "participate" -> 4, "parental" -> 4, "operations" -> 4, "Only" -> 4, "Older" -> 4, "obstacles" -> 4, "Nicaragua" -> 4, "neighborhood" -> 4, "modernization" -> 4, "modern" -> 4, "men" -> 4, "maximum" -> 4, "materials" -> 4, "maritime" -> 4, "look" -> 4, "little" -> 4, "line" -> 4, "legal" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "lead" -> 4, "larger" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "knowledge" -> 4, "know" -> 4, "Just" -> 4, "Its" -> 4, "Israel" -> 4, "involvement" -> 4, "investments" -> 4, "intelligence" -> 4, "innovations" -> 4, "innocent" -> 4, "Initiative" -> 4, "Individual" -> 4, "indirect" -> 4, "independence" -> 4, "improving" -> 4, "improvements" -> 4, "importance" -> 4, "illegal" -> 4, "historic" -> 4, "held" -> 4, "healthy" -> 4, "handicapped" -> 4, "goods" -> 4, "generations" -> 4, "gave" -> 4, "Future" -> 4, "From" -> 4, "found" -> 4, "flight" -> 4, "fell" -> 4, "fear" -> 4, "farming" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "expanded" -> 4, "exercise" -> 4, "exemption" -> 4, "excessive" -> 4, "Even" -> 4, "establish" -> 4, "enthusiasm" -> 4, "enjoy" -> 4, "Energy" -> 4, "enacted" -> 4, "embargo" -> 4, "eliminating" -> 4, "element" -> 4, "efficiency" -> 4, "effects" -> 4, "done" -> 4, "directed" -> 4, "difficult" -> 4, "Development" -> 4, "develop" -> 4, "despite" -> 4, "dependents" -> 4, "Department" -> 4, "deficit" -> 4, "dedicated" -> 4, "decisions" -> 4, "decent" -> 4, "deal" -> 4, "cuts" -> 4, "cultural" -> 4, "crisis" -> 4, "credible" -> 4, "course" -> 4, "could" -> 4, "convicted" -> 4, "contrast" -> 4, "continues" -> 4, "consumers" -> 4, "Constitution" -> 4, "consideration" -> 4, "conduct" -> 4, "condemn" -> 4, "concerned" -> 4, "concept" -> 4, "complex" -> 4, "complete" -> 4, "commit" -> 4, "combined" -> 4, "clear" -> 4, "classroom" -> 4, "class" -> 4, "change" -> 4, "Caribbean" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "bureaucratic" -> 4, "burdens" -> 4, "brackets" -> 4, "beyond" -> 4, "benefitted" -> 4, "began" -> 4, "became" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "attacks" -> 4, "artificial" -> 4, "Army" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "annual" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "aircraft" -> 4, "agreement" -> 4, "agenda" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "African" -> 4, "advocate" -> 4, "advanced" -> 4, "adoption" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "actually" -> 4, "accountable" -> 4, "abuses" -> 4, "4" -> 4, "35" -> 4, "300" -> 4, "1983" -> 4, "17" -> 4, "$50,000" -> 3, "yield" -> 3, "worldwide" -> 3, "won" -> 3, "willingness" -> 3, "wildlife" -> 3, "well-being" -> 3, "wasteful" -> 3, "warfare" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "verifiable" -> 3, "vehicles" -> 3, "using" -> 3, "unless" -> 3, "unilateral" -> 3, "unequalled" -> 3, "understanding" -> 3, "understand" -> 3, "ultimately" -> 3, "ultimate" -> 3, "truth" -> 3, "trial" -> 3, "treaties" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "totalitarianism" -> 3, "tolerate" -> 3, "today's" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "threats" -> 3, "Those" -> 3, "theft" -> 3, "theater" -> 3, "Thailand" -> 3, "team" -> 3, "tanks" -> 3, "talent" -> 3, "taking" -> 3, "Supreme" -> 3, "sufficient" -> 3, "successfully" -> 3, "succeeded" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "subsidies" -> 3, "stop" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "statutes" -> 3, "state" -> 3, "start" -> 3, "spiritual" -> 3, "spend" -> 3, "specific" -> 3, "spare" -> 3, "soon" -> 3, "solutions" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "Social" -> 3, "Small" -> 3, "skills" -> 3, "situation" -> 3, "Since" -> 3, "shared" -> 3, "shall" -> 3, "sensitive" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "selection" -> 3, "securing" -> 3, "Secure" -> 3, "Secretary" -> 3, "search" -> 3, "schedule" -> 3, "saw" -> 3, "Sandinista" -> 3, "sanctity" -> 3, "salute" -> 3, "safeguards" -> 3, "rules" -> 3, "Roosevelt" -> 3, "Ronald" -> 3, "risk" -> 3, "rising" -> 3, "rigorous" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "revitalize" -> 3, "Retirement" -> 3, "retain" -> 3, "resulting" -> 3, "restrict" -> 3, "restraint" -> 3, "requiring" -> 3, "requirements" -> 3, "required" -> 3, "require" -> 3, "remember" -> 3, "remarkable" -> 3, "religion" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "reliable" -> 3, "Regulatory" -> 3, "regional" -> 3, "regarding" -> 3, "regain" -> 3, "reformed" -> 3, "red" -> 3, "Recognizing" -> 3, "receive" -> 3, "reasons" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "reaffirms" -> 3, "raised" -> 3, "raise" -> 3, "qualified" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "public's" -> 3, "protectionist" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "profitability" -> 3, "profit" -> 3, "product" -> 3, "produced" -> 3, "prime" -> 3, "pressure" -> 3, "position" -> 3, "populations" -> 3, "Policy" -> 3, "PLO" -> 3, "plants" -> 3, "planning" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "payments" -> 3, "patterns" -> 3, "pattern" -> 3, "passage" -> 3, "pass" -> 3, "partner" -> 3, "paperwork" -> 3, "paid" -> 3, "outstanding" -> 3, "otherwise" -> 3, "others" -> 3, "Organization" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "operation" -> 3, "operating" -> 3, "ones" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "once" -> 3, "obsolete" -> 3, "objective" -> 3, "nurture" -> 3, "numbers" -> 3, "none" -> 3, "New" -> 3, "negotiations" -> 3, "neglected" -> 3, "NATO" -> 3, "Native" -> 3, "Nations" -> 3, "narcotics" -> 3, "mutual" -> 3, "multilateral" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "movement" -> 3, "move" -> 3, "More" -> 3, "modernize" -> 3, "minimum" -> 3, "middle-income" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "merely" -> 3, "Medicare" -> 3, "Medicaid" -> 3, "marked" -> 3, "Many" -> 3, "managed" -> 3, "majority" -> 3, "maintaining" -> 3, "lowered" -> 3, "low" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "Lincoln" -> 3, "limit" -> 3, "like" -> 3, "liberation" -> 3, "lengthening" -> 3, "latest" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "language" -> 3, "justice" -> 3, "judiciary" -> 3, "judges" -> 3, "Japan" -> 3, "irresponsible" -> 3, "invest" -> 3, "intrusion" -> 3, "interference" -> 3, "integrity" -> 3, "integrated" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "insidious" -> 3, "innovation" -> 3, "inherent" -> 3, "infrastructure" -> 3, "inevitably" -> 3, "incentive" -> 3, "imposed" -> 3, "imports" -> 3, "implementation" -> 3, "implement" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "illness" -> 3, "If" -> 3, "identified" -> 3, "idea" -> 3, "humanities" -> 3, "However" -> 3, "honor" -> 3, "Holocaust" -> 3, "hollow" -> 3, "highs" -> 3, "hemisphere" -> 3, "Helsinki" -> 3, "helped" -> 3, "hardest" -> 3, "hard" -> 3, "handicap" -> 3, "hand" -> 3, "guaranteed" -> 3, "gross" -> 3, "Grenada" -> 3, "greatest" -> 3, "grants" -> 3, "God-given" -> 3, "GNP" -> 3, "global" -> 3, "genuine" -> 3, "generation" -> 3, "gain" -> 3, "function" -> 3, "fully" -> 3, "fullest" -> 3, "friendly" -> 3, "freight" -> 3, "freely" -> 3, "foundations" -> 3, "follows" -> 3, "flourish" -> 3, "flexibility" -> 3, "five" -> 3, "firms" -> 3, "find" -> 3, "financing" -> 3, "fields" -> 3, "far" -> 3, "faced" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "extend" -> 3, "exports" -> 3, "exploitation" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "exemptions" -> 3, "ethnic" -> 3, "estate" -> 3, "erodes" -> 3, "equity" -> 3, "entry" -> 3, "entrepreneurs" -> 3, "entire" -> 3, "ensuring" -> 3, "enough" -> 3, "enhancing" -> 3, "enactment" -> 3, "emphasizing" -> 3, "emphasize" -> 3, "emphasis" -> 3, "eligibility" -> 3, "elections" -> 3, "efficiently" -> 3, "effectively" -> 3, "earth" -> 3, "earned" -> 3, "dynamic" -> 3, "doors" -> 3, "does" -> 3, "dividends" -> 3, "disclosure" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "difference" -> 3, "devoted" -> 3, "developments" -> 3, "determined" -> 3, "destroy" -> 3, "despair" -> 3, "designed" -> 3, "deserve" -> 3, "depreciation" -> 3, "depends" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "demonstrated" -> 3, "Democrat-controlled" -> 3, "Democrat" -> 3, "Democracy" -> 3, "delayed" -> 3, "deficits" -> 3, "defensive" -> 3, "Defense" -> 3, "deeply" -> 3, "declining" -> 3, "debts" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "damage" -> 3, "cycle" -> 3, "crimes" -> 3, "Crime" -> 3, "credibility" -> 3, "courts" -> 3, "Court" -> 3, "cost-effective" -> 3, "correct" -> 3, "contract" -> 3, "compliance" -> 3, "competent" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "commodities" -> 3, "comes" -> 3, "code" -> 3, "close" -> 3, "climate" -> 3, "circumstances" -> 3, "choose" -> 3, "character" -> 3, "changed" -> 3, "centralized" -> 3, "Central" -> 3, "center" -> 3, "causes" -> 3, "carried" -> 3, "caring" -> 3, "career" -> 3, "captive" -> 3, "capitalism" -> 3, "candidates" -> 3, "came" -> 3, "Cambodia" -> 3, "buy" -> 3, "Business" -> 3, "buildup" -> 3, "break" -> 3, "brave" -> 3, "branch" -> 3, "black" -> 3, "bill" -> 3, "below" -> 3, "behind" -> 3, "behavior" -> 3, "begin" -> 3, "bear" -> 3, "Bay" -> 3, "bankruptcy" -> 3, "balance" -> 3, "authorities" -> 3, "attempts" -> 3, "attacked" -> 3, "At" -> 3, "assuring" -> 3, "Association" -> 3, "assets" -> 3, "asset" -> 3, "assert" -> 3, "arts" -> 3, "anti-semitism" -> 3, "anti-crime" -> 3, "another" -> 3, "Amendment" -> 3, "alone" -> 3, "Almost" -> 3, "allowed" -> 3, "alcohol" -> 3, "ahead" -> 3, "Agriculture" -> 3, "agree" -> 3, "aggressive" -> 3, "Administration's" -> 3, "adequately" -> 3, "actively" -> 3, "achievements" -> 3, "Accounts" -> 3, "Accords" -> 3, "accomplishment" -> 3, "accomplished" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "accelerated" -> 3, "abolishing" -> 3, "5" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "30" -> 3, "24" -> 3, "21.5" -> 3, "1979" -> 3, "1972" -> 3, "18" -> 3, "10" -> 3, "zero" -> 2, "Young" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "written" -> 2, "works" -> 2, "workplace" -> 2, "Working" -> 2, "worker" -> 2, "women's" -> 2, "Without" -> 2, "Within" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "Whether" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "well-managed" -> 2, "Welfare" -> 2, "ways" -> 2, "wastes" -> 2, "wasted" -> 2, "warheads" -> 2, "vouchers" -> 2, "votes" -> 2, "voters" -> 2, "volunteers" -> 2, "voluntary" -> 2, "voice" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "virtual" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "violent" -> 2, "violated" -> 2, "vigor" -> 2, "views" -> 2, "view" -> 2, "Vietnamese" -> 2, "Vice" -> 2, "VA" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "unparalleled" -> 2, "unmatched" -> 2, "Unlike" -> 2, "unleashed" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "uniquely" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "UNESCO" -> 2, "understood" -> 2, "undermine" -> 2, "unborn" -> 2, "unacceptable" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "two-income" -> 2, "twice" -> 2, "turned" -> 2, "Turkey" -> 2, "tuition" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "trucking" -> 2, "tripled" -> 2, "tribute" -> 2, "trend" -> 2, "Treaty" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "trap" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "transition" -> 2, "transformed" -> 2, "transfer" -> 2, "train" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "trafficking" -> 2, "traffickers" -> 2, "traffic" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "traditionally" -> 2, "toxic" -> 2, "towards" -> 2, "totalitarian" -> 2, "total" -> 2, "tool" -> 2, "Together" -> 2, "Title" -> 2, "title" -> 2, "timely" -> 2, "tied" -> 2, "Throughout" -> 2, "Three" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "Thomas" -> 2, "third" -> 2, "things" -> 2, "Theodore" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "Texas" -> 2, "testify" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "Terrorism" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "term" -> 2, "television" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "teacher" -> 2, "teach" -> 2, "taxpayer's" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "tasks" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "tapped" -> 2, "tape" -> 2, "talks" -> 2, "Taiwan" -> 2, "table" -> 2, "symptoms" -> 2, "swiftly" -> 2, "swift" -> 2, "surest" -> 2, "supportive" -> 2, "supporting" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "subsidy" -> 2, "subsidized" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "student" -> 2, "struggling" -> 2, "stronger" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strides" -> 2, "strictly" -> 2, "stretching" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "strangle-hold" -> 2, "stopped" -> 2, "stimulating" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "stifle" -> 2, "stewardship" -> 2, "steadily" -> 2, "statutory" -> 2, "stature" -> 2, "stark" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "Standard" -> 2, "stamps" -> 2, "stage" -> 2, "spiraling" -> 2, "spent" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "space-based" -> 2, "Sound" -> 2, "soul" -> 2, "sought" -> 2, "sometimes" -> 2, "Some" -> 2, "solid" -> 2, "solely" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "smaller" -> 2, "silent" -> 2, "signal" -> 2, "sides" -> 2, "shortages" -> 2, "shipbuilding" -> 2, "severe" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "serving" -> 2, "Services" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "Sergeant" -> 2, "separation" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "self-sufficiency" -> 2, "self-reliant" -> 2, "self-help" -> 2, "sees" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "scale" -> 2, "saved" -> 2, "Sandinistas" -> 2, "sanctuary" -> 2, "sales" -> 2, "said" -> 2, "sacrifices" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "roots" -> 2, "roads" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "risen" -> 2, "rich" -> 2, "rhetoric" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "reward" -> 2, "reviewing" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "retention" -> 2, "resume" -> 2, "restructuring" -> 2, "responsibly" -> 2, "responded" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "Reserves" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "repression" -> 2, "represented" -> 2, "Representatives" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "replacing" -> 2, "replaced" -> 2, "replace" -> 2, "repealed" -> 2, "repay" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "render" -> 2, "removing" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "rejects" -> 2, "rejected" -> 2, "reinforcing" -> 2, "region's" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "refugee" -> 2, "reforming" -> 2, "Reform" -> 2, "recruiting" -> 2, "recreational" -> 2, "recorded" -> 2, "recognizes" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "recession" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "received" -> 2, "receipts" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "readjustment" -> 2, "reached" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "rape" -> 2, "ranging" -> 2, "rancher" -> 2, "rain" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "qualitative" -> 2, "push" -> 2, "pursuit" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "purchases" -> 2, "punishment" -> 2, "proven" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "properties" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "promoting" -> 2, "promising" -> 2, "Prominent" -> 2, "prohibitions" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "Private" -> 2, "privacy" -> 2, "prisoners" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "pressures" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "pregnancy" -> 2, "predictable" -> 2, "powerful" -> 2, "post-war" -> 2, "possesses" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "politically" -> 2, "Polish" -> 2, "Poland" -> 2, "plans" -> 2, "places" -> 2, "placement" -> 2, "pioneered" -> 2, "philosophy" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "Persons" -> 2, "Pershing" -> 2, "persecuted" -> 2, "People's" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "penalties" -> 2, "paying" -> 2, "passing" -> 2, "partnerships" -> 2, "partnership" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "Parents" -> 2, "Pakistan" -> 2, "package" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "overwhelmingly" -> 2, "overwhelming" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "Over" -> 2, "outdated" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "options" -> 2, "optimism" -> 2, "oppression" -> 2, "oppressed" -> 2, "Opportunity" -> 2, "operational" -> 2, "OPEC" -> 2, "old" -> 2, "Oil" -> 2, "offered" -> 2, "offenders" -> 2, "off" -> 2, "occurred" -> 2, "occupied" -> 2, "occupation" -> 2, "obtained" -> 2, "obscene" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "nutritious" -> 2, "nutrition" -> 2, "numerous" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "Not" -> 2, "North" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "non-tariff" -> 2, "non-farm" -> 2, "network" -> 2, "negotiating" -> 2, "negotiated" -> 2, "negotiate" -> 2, "necessities" -> 2, "Nearly" -> 2, "Mutual" -> 2, "museum" -> 2, "murderers" -> 2, "murder" -> 2, "multi-billion" -> 2, "monthly" -> 2, "Monetary" -> 2, "modernizing" -> 2, "modernized" -> 2, "moderate" -> 2, "missing" -> 2, "Missile" -> 2, "militarily" -> 2, "Middle" -> 2, "membership" -> 2, "medicine" -> 2, "media" -> 2, "mechanisms" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "Meanwhile" -> 2, "meant" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "Marxist" -> 2, "Marti" -> 2, "married" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "manufacturing" -> 2, "manner" -> 2, "mankind" -> 2, "mandatory" -> 2, "managing" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "magnitude" -> 2, "machine" -> 2, "lowest" -> 2, "lowering" -> 2, "looks" -> 2, "literally" -> 2, "link" -> 2, "lies" -> 2, "Libya" -> 2, "liberal" -> 2, "Lebanon" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "learned" -> 2, "learn" -> 2, "leads" -> 2, "leading" -> 2, "law-enforcement" -> 2, "Laos" -> 2, "lanes" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "lack" -> 2, "labors" -> 2, "Korean" -> 2, "knowledgeable" -> 2, "Knowing" -> 2, "knew" -> 2, "key" -> 2, "kept" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "jurisdictions" -> 2, "Judiciary" -> 2, "joint" -> 2, "jeopardize" -> 2, "Japan's" -> 2, "items" -> 2, "issues" -> 2, "isolation" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "Iran-Iraq" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "investigate" -> 2, "intrusions" -> 2, "intransigence" -> 2, "intimidation" -> 2, "intentions" -> 2, "insult" -> 2, "instruments" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "inspired" -> 2, "inspiration" -> 2, "innumerable" -> 2, "initiated" -> 2, "inefficient" -> 2, "industrial" -> 2, "indispensable" -> 2, "Indian" -> 2, "indexed" -> 2, "indexation" -> 2, "Increased" -> 2, "inconsistent" -> 2, "Important" -> 2, "implications" -> 2, "imperatives" -> 2, "impediments" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "illusion" -> 2, "identify" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "households" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "hospital" -> 2, "hopeful" -> 2, "Homeownership" -> 2, "homeownership" -> 2, "homemakers" -> 2, "holdings" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "historical" -> 2, "highway" -> 2, "heroic" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "health-care" -> 2, "Health" -> 2, "halt" -> 2, "half" -> 2, "guise" -> 2, "guidelines" -> 2, "guidance" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "growth-oriented" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "green" -> 2, "Greece" -> 2, "greatness" -> 2, "gravely" -> 2, "gratuitous" -> 2, "graduates" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "gifted" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "gasoline" -> 2, "gas" -> 2, "Further" -> 2, "fundamentally" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "functions" -> 2, "fruits" -> 2, "frontier" -> 2, "free-market" -> 2, "freedom-loving" -> 2, "founding" -> 2, "forward" -> 2, "fortunate" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "fish" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "fine" -> 2, "findings" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "filed" -> 2, "figures" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "fighters" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "feel" -> 2, "FBI" -> 2, "fate" -> 2, "fashionable" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "fairer" -> 2, "failures" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "failing" -> 2, "extra-curricular" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "extends" -> 2, "exposed" -> 2, "explosion" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "exorbitant" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "exhausted" -> 2, "exercised" -> 2, "excesses" -> 2, "excellent" -> 2, "examination" -> 2, "everything" -> 2, "evaluate" -> 2, "European" -> 2, "ethics" -> 2, "ethical" -> 2, "ethic" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "espionage" -> 2, "escape" -> 2, "erosion" -> 2, "erecting" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "environmentally" -> 2, "entrepreneurial" -> 2, "enthusiastically" -> 2, "entertainment" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "entering" -> 2, "ensured" -> 2, "engage" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "Endowment" -> 2, "endeavors" -> 2, "endangered" -> 2, "enacting" -> 2, "enabling" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "embarked" -> 2, "embargoes" -> 2, "elite" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "either" -> 2, "Egypt" -> 2, "efficiencies" -> 2, "effectiveness" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "educate" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "dumping" -> 2, "drugs" -> 2, "drove" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "dream" -> 2, "draw" -> 2, "doubled" -> 2, "domination" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "doctrine" -> 2, "diverse" -> 2, "disrupt" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "dispute" -> 2, "disposal" -> 2, "disincentives" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "discussed" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "Discrimination" -> 2, "discourage" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "difficulties" -> 2, "dictatorship" -> 2, "devastating" -> 2, "devastated" -> 2, "deterrence" -> 2, "determine" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "Destruction" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "designated" -> 2, "deployment" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "dependent" -> 2, "depend" -> 2, "denying" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "democracies" -> 2, "delays" -> 2, "degree" -> 2, "degrade" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "decontrolled" -> 2, "decontrol" -> 2, "declared" -> 2, "Declaration" -> 2, "Day" -> 2, "David" -> 2, "daily" -> 2, "cutting" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "curb" -> 2, "culture" -> 2, "Cruise" -> 2, "cruelest" -> 2, "crucial" -> 2, "crippled" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "couples" -> 2, "couple" -> 2, "counterintelligence" -> 2, "count" -> 2, "correcting" -> 2, "Corps" -> 2, "coordination" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "continuance" -> 2, "content" -> 2, "consumed" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "considering" -> 2, "consider" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "Conrail" -> 2, "concessions" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "computer" -> 2, "compulsory" -> 2, "component" -> 2, "comply" -> 2, "completely" -> 2, "Competition" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "compassion" -> 2, "comparable" -> 2, "Committee" -> 2, "commits" -> 2, "come" -> 2, "combatting" -> 2, "College" -> 2, "collectively" -> 2, "cohesion" -> 2, "coastal" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "climb" -> 2, "claim" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "children's" -> 2, "Children" -> 2, "chemical" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "chance" -> 2, "challenged" -> 2, "challenge" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "central" -> 2, "cash" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "cartel" -> 2, "cared" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "Camp" -> 2, "cable" -> 2, "bureaucrats" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "burdensome" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "brutal" -> 2, "broadcast" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "bright" -> 2, "breaking" -> 2, "breakdown" -> 2, "bracket" -> 2, "borders" -> 2, "bold" -> 2, "block-grant" -> 2, "block" -> 2, "bloc" -> 2, "blamed" -> 2, "bills" -> 2, "bilateral" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "beings" -> 2, "begins" -> 2, "bedrock" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "Basin" -> 2, "basics" -> 2, "bases" -> 2, "bankrupt" -> 2, "bad" -> 2, "backbone" -> 2, "aware" -> 2, "avoid" -> 2, "autonomy" -> 2, "automobiles" -> 2, "auto" -> 2, "austerity" -> 2, "attempted" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "attack" -> 2, "Assured" -> 2, "assured" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "Asian" -> 2, "artillery" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "area" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "approaches" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "appointed" -> 2, "appoint" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "antiquated" -> 2, "animated" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "Although" -> 2, "alternatives" -> 2, "alternative" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "allowing" -> 2, "Alliance" -> 2, "alleviate" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "alarming" -> 2, "Aid" -> 2, "agriculture's" -> 2, "aging" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "advocates" -> 2, "adversary" -> 2, "adversaries" -> 2, "advances" -> 2, "advancement" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "adopt" -> 2, "administrators" -> 2, "addressing" -> 2, "addressed" -> 2, "additional" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "acquisition" -> 2, "acknowledge" -> 2, "acid" -> 2, "achieving" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "accountability" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "abundant" -> 2, "abstract" -> 2, "able" -> 2, "abilities" -> 2, "9" -> 2, "80" -> 2, "8" -> 2, "75" -> 2, "600-ship" -> 2, "45" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "20" -> 2, "1987" -> 2, "1980s" -> 2, "1976" -> 2, "1960" -> 2, "13" -> 2, "12" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$94,800" -> 1, "$78" -> 1, "$74,200" -> 1, "$74" -> 1, "$720" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$600,000" -> 1, "$46" -> 1, "$400" -> 1, "$40" -> 1, "$3,943" -> 1, "$342" -> 1, "$30" -> 1, "$2,778" -> 1, "$24" -> 1, "$2.4" -> 1, "$2.3" -> 1, "$2,000" -> 1, "$20" -> 1, "$19" -> 1, "$180" -> 1, "$1.8" -> 1, "$1,713" -> 1, "$1,500" -> 1, "$150" -> 1, "$1.5" -> 1, "$115" -> 1, "$1,100" -> 1, "$10,000" -> 1, "$1,000" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "Yugoslavs" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "yet-unconquered" -> 1, "Yet" -> 1, "Yes" -> 1, "Yelena" -> 1, "yearning" -> 1, "yearly" -> 1, "wrote" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "Would" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "Worst" -> 1, "worsening" -> 1, "worsened" -> 1, "worsen" -> 1, "worn-out" -> 1, "world—in" -> 1, "worlds" -> 1, "World's" -> 1, "workforce" -> 1, "work-force" -> 1, "workfare" -> 1, "worker's" -> 1, "Worked" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "witness" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withheld" -> 1, "wishful" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "wiping" -> 1, "wipe" -> 1, "windfall" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wife" -> 1, "widow's" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "widely" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholeheartedly" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "Whenever" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "wetland" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-rounded" -> 1, "well-intentioned" -> 1, "well-conceived" -> 1, "Welfare's" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "weave" -> 1, "Weapons" -> 1, "weaponry" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "weaknesses" -> 1, "weakness" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "watermen" -> 1, "watchful" -> 1, "watch" -> 1, "Washington's" -> 1, "warranties" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "warhead" -> 1, "warehouse" -> 1, "waned" -> 1, "walked" -> 1, "Walesa" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "waged" -> 1, "vulnerable" -> 1, "vulnerabilities" -> 1, "voucher" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "volunteerism" -> 1, "Volunteer" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "Voice's" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "visions" -> 1, "visionary" -> 1, "Violent" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "village" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "viewing" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "vice" -> 1, "VI-CAP" -> 1, "vibrant" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "verify" -> 1, "vehicle" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "Valuing" -> 1, "values—integrity" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "valiant" -> 1, "vacancy" -> 1, "vacancies" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "utilities-has" -> 1, "usurping" -> 1, "U.S.S." -> 1, "U.S.-Israeli" -> 1, "ushered" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "useless" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "USDA" -> 1, "U.S.C." -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "Uprooted" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "upheaval" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "untying" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unsustainable" -> 1, "U.N.'s" -> 1, "unruly" -> 1, "unrestricted" -> 1, "Unrestrained" -> 1, "unresponsive" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unquestioned" -> 1, "unprepared" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unpaid" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unleash" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "University" -> 1, "universalization" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unitary" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "unions" -> 1, "Union's" -> 1, "unintended" -> 1, "unimpeded" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "unheard" -> 1, "unhappy" -> 1, "Unfortunately" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undone" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "undisciplined" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understands" -> 1, "underserved" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "undergone" -> 1, "underestimate" -> 1, "Uncontrolled" -> 1, "uncontrollable" -> 1, "unconcerned" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "unbroken" -> 1, "unavoidable" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "unacceptably" -> 1, "Unable" -> 1, "umbrella" -> 1, "ultra-modern" -> 1, "Ukrainians" -> 1, "U" -> 1, "twisted" -> 1, "twilight" -> 1, "Twenty-one" -> 1, "Twenty-four" -> 1, "turnaround" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "turmoil" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "Truman's" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "tripartite" -> 1, "trillion" -> 1, "Tribes" -> 1, "tribes" -> 1, "triad" -> 1, "Tremendous" -> 1, "trees" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "travellers" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "transmitters" -> 1, "transitional" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transgressed" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "transferring" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "Traditional" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "track" -> 1, "Toxin" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "touched" -> 1, "touch" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "tolerated" -> 1, "told" -> 1, "token" -> 1, "tirelessly" -> 1, "tighter" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "tidalwave" -> 1, "tickets" -> 1, "thwart" -> 1, "thriving" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "three-fourths" -> 1, "threat—a" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threads" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "Thirteen" -> 1, "thinly" -> 1, "thinks" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "thief" -> 1, "they're" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "them—and" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "thankful" -> 1, "textiles" -> 1, "textbooks" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "testament" -> 1, "terrorists" -> 1, "Terror" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "telling" -> 1, "telecommunications" -> 1, "teens" -> 1, "teenage" -> 1, "Teddy" -> 1, "Technology" -> 1, "Teachers" -> 1, "tax—with" -> 1, "tax—hitting" -> 1, "tax-exempt" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taxed" -> 1, "tax-deferred" -> 1, "Task" -> 1, "Tariffs" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "targets" -> 1, "targeting" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tapping" -> 1, "tapestry" -> 1, "tapes" -> 1, "tall" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "take-home" -> 1, "Taiwan's" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "tackled" -> 1, "systematically" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "Syrian" -> 1, "Syria" -> 1, "synagogue" -> 1, "symbols" -> 1, "symbolizes" -> 1, "symbolized" -> 1, "sweat-equity" -> 1, "sustains" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "sustainability" -> 1, "suspicious" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "surviving" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "surprised" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "surpasses" -> 1, "surge" -> 1, "surface-to-air" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "Suppression" -> 1, "Supported" -> 1, "Support" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "suppliers" -> 1, "supplant" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "superpowers" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "summary" -> 1, "suits" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "sufficiently" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "suffer" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "succumb" -> 1, "subtle" -> 1, "substitutes" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "subsidiaries" -> 1, "sub-Saharan" -> 1, "Subic" -> 1, "stunted" -> 1, "stubbornly" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "structurally" -> 1, "structural" -> 1, "stronghold" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "strife-torn" -> 1, "stricken" -> 1, "stretched" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "strangling" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "straight-forward" -> 1, "story" -> 1, "storehouse" -> 1, "store-front" -> 1, "stoppages" -> 1, "stool" -> 1, "stone" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stimulates" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "stifles" -> 1, "stiff" -> 1, "stepping" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "statistics" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "statewide" -> 1, "State's" -> 1, "state-dominated" -> 1, "state-controlled" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "START" -> 1, "starkly" -> 1, "standard-bearer" -> 1, "stalwart" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "stagnation" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "Stable" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "SS-20" -> 1, "squadrons" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "spouse" -> 1, "spotlight" -> 1, "spontaneous" -> 1, "sponsorship" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spoken" -> 1, "spending—including" -> 1, "spenders" -> 1, "spectacular" -> 1, "spectacle" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "special-valued" -> 1, "speaks" -> 1, "spared" -> 1, "Spare" -> 1, "Spanish" -> 1, "span" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "space-transportation" -> 1, "Soviet-inspired" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "south" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "sounder" -> 1, "sophisticated" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "somehow" -> 1, "solvency" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "Solidarity" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "sole-source" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "society—we" -> 1, "society's" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "societies—political" -> 1, "socialism" -> 1, "sober" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "smuggling" -> 1, "smuggle" -> 1, "smother" -> 1, "smooth" -> 1, "slums" -> 1, "slumming" -> 1, "Slower" -> 1, "slipped" -> 1, "slightly" -> 1, "slammed" -> 1, "skillful" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "skies" -> 1, "sizes" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "single-income" -> 1, "sinew" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simpler" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "silently" -> 1, "signing" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "sign" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sickle" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "shrinking" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shortcomings" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "shipyards" -> 1, "Shipping" -> 1, "shifts" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "Shcharansky" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "Sharing" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shaped" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "sexual" -> 1, "sewage" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settings" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "serial" -> 1, "sentiment" -> 1, "sentenced" -> 1, "sent" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "Sensitive" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "Senator" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "sellers" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-protection" -> 1, "self-improvement" -> 1, "self-evident" -> 1, "self-esteem" -> 1, "self-employed" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "self" -> 1, "selections" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "seizure" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "segregating" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "Section" -> 1, "secrecy" -> 1, "second-largest" -> 1, "seasonal" -> 1, "seas" -> 1, "searches" -> 1, "seafood" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "scorned" -> 1, "scores" -> 1, "Scoop" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "Scientific" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "schooling" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "scenic" -> 1, "scenes" -> 1, "scarce" -> 1, "scaled" -> 1, "says" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saves" -> 1, "savers" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "Sandra" -> 1, "sanctions" -> 1, "Salvadoran" -> 1, "SALT" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "Sakharov" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "sail" -> 1, "safer" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "sad" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "ruthlessly" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "Rumanians" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruinous" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "Role" -> 1, "robust" -> 1, "robbing" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "rob" -> 1, "roam" -> 1, "roadblocks" -> 1, "RL" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "risky" -> 1, "risk-benefit" -> 1, "rigidly" -> 1, "rigidity" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "Rica" -> 1, "Rhetorical" -> 1, "RFE" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "rewarded" -> 1, "revolutionizing" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revitalizing" -> 1, "Revisions" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "reveal" -> 1, "revamped" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "Returning" -> 1, "retirees" -> 1, "retiree's" -> 1, "retarded" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "resurgent" -> 1, "resurgence" -> 1, "restructure" -> 1, "Restrictions" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restrains" -> 1, "Restoring" -> 1, "Restore" -> 1, "Restoration" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "Responds" -> 1, "Responded" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "Resolutions" -> 1, "resists" -> 1, "Resisted" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "Reserve's" -> 1, "resents" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "reputation" -> 1, "repulsed" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "repudiates" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "Representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "reported" -> 1, "replenished" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repaired" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "reorder" -> 1, "Rent" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renewing" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renewable" -> 1, "renegotiation" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "Remembering" -> 1, "remembered" -> 1, "Remedying" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "remained" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "relocate" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "reliability" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "relearned" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "rejection" -> 1, "reinforces" -> 1, "reined" -> 1, "Reimbursement" -> 1, "Reich" -> 1, "Rehabilitation" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refuses" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refund" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "Reformed" -> 1, "refocused" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "referred" -> 1, "reestablishing" -> 1, "reestablish" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "Reduced" -> 1, "redressed" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "red-lined" -> 1, "redistributionist" -> 1, "redistribution" -> 1, "redefined" -> 1, "redefine" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recurrent" -> 1, "recruits" -> 1, "Recruiting" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "Recovery" -> 1, "recovered" -> 1, "recoup" -> 1, "records" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "recipient" -> 1, "recessions" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "rebirth" -> 1, "rebellion" -> 1, "reassess" -> 1, "reasoning" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reap" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realizes" -> 1, "Real" -> 1, "Reaganomics" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "reaction" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "ravaged" -> 1, "ration" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "Ranh" -> 1, "Rangoon" -> 1, "ranges" -> 1, "rangeland" -> 1, "ranged" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "random" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "raged" -> 1, "radios" -> 1, "radars" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "racing" -> 1, "Quotas" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quit" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualities" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "Purely" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "pupils" -> 1, "pupil's" -> 1, "Pupil" -> 1, "pupil" -> 1, "publications" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "psychological" -> 1, "prudently" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provocative" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "providers" -> 1, "Provide" -> 1, "proves" -> 1, "proudest" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protections" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "prospectively" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "prosecutors" -> 1, "Proposed" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "proportionally" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "promulgate" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotes" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "prominent" -> 1, "prominence" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "Project" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "program—a" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "program's" -> 1, "professionals" -> 1, "profession" -> 1, "profess" -> 1, "pro-family" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "procured" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "procedural" -> 1, "probability" -> 1, "prize" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "privatization" -> 1, "privation" -> 1, "priorities" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "price—the" -> 1, "Prices" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "preyed" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "Preventing" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "preservatives" -> 1, "Preservation" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "premised" -> 1, "premise" -> 1, "pregnant" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "pre-emptive" -> 1, "predilection" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "predator-control" -> 1, "precipitated" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "prairie" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "POW-MIAs" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "powerless" -> 1, "poured" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "post-World" -> 1, "postwar" -> 1, "posture" -> 1, "possibly" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "possessed" -> 1, "positions—and" -> 1, "posed" -> 1, "Portugal" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "Pope" -> 1, "poor's" -> 1, "poorest" -> 1, "pooling" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "Poles" -> 1, "pocketbooks" -> 1, "pluralism" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "Platform's" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "plank" -> 1, "planes" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "pity" -> 1, "pioneer" -> 1, "pilot" -> 1, "pilfering" -> 1, "PIK" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "phenomenon" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "Petroleum" -> 1, "pesticides" -> 1, "pessimism" -> 1, "Personnel" -> 1, "perpetuated" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permissive" -> 1, "perishable" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "perennial" -> 1, "people-to-people" -> 1, "Pentagon's" -> 1, "penetrating" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "peer" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "peace-loving" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paycheck" -> 1, "patrols" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patients" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "passive" -> 1, "passes" -> 1, "passenger" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "Partnership" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "Particularly" -> 1, "Participation" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "parliaments" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "parenthood" -> 1, "parent" -> 1, "parcel" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "Palestine" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "owns" -> 1, "owning" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "owe" -> 1, "overturning" -> 1, "oversee" -> 1, "overruns" -> 1, "overly" -> 1, "overlap" -> 1, "overhauled" -> 1, "Over-eagerness" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "Oval" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outpaced" -> 1, "outer" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "others—in" -> 1, "OSHA" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "originated" -> 1, "oriented" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "organizations—which" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "Order" -> 1, "Orange" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "Opportunities" -> 1, "opponents" -> 1, "opinions" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "openness" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "on-site" -> 1, "one-sided" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "older" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "offsetting" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "officially" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offerings" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "offense" -> 1, "off-budget" -> 1, "O'Connor" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "occur" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "obvious" -> 1, "obtains" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obstructionism" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "obsessed" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "nutritional" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "nuns" -> 1, "Numerous" -> 1, "Nudel" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "notions" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "Normandy" -> 1, "Nonsense" -> 1, "non-renewable" -> 1, "non-recognition" -> 1, "non-proliferation" -> 1, "non-program" -> 1, "non-nuclear" -> 1, "non-market" -> 1, "non-essential" -> 1, "non-discrimination" -> 1, "non-defense" -> 1, "non-compliance" -> 1, "non-Communist" -> 1, "non-commissioned" -> 1, "non-combat" -> 1, "no-growth" -> 1, "noblest" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "newly" -> 1, "newest" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "neutral" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neighboring" -> 1, "neighborhood-watch" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "nearer" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Nazi" -> 1, "navigator's" -> 1, "Naval" -> 1, "naturally" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "NATO's" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "nationals" -> 1, "nationalized" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "narrowly" -> 1, "narrowing" -> 1, "Narrow" -> 1, "Narcotics" -> 1, "narcotic" -> 1, "Namibian" -> 1, "naive" -> 1, "N." -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "multi-year" -> 1, "multinational" -> 1, "multicultural" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "motivated" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "mortal" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "monumental" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "month" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "monitor" -> 1, "Mondale-Ferraro" -> 1, "Modify" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "modified" -> 1, "moderate-income" -> 1, "moderated" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mocked" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mistake's" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "missed" -> 1, "mismatch" -> 1, "mismanagement" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "mired" -> 1, "miraculous" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minimized" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mined" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "mileage" -> 1, "mightily" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "mess" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "mercy" -> 1, "merchandise" -> 1, "mercenaries" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "Memorial" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "medicines" -> 1, "mediating" -> 1, "median-income" -> 1, "median" -> 1, "meddling" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "meals-on-wheels" -> 1, "maximizes" -> 1, "maximized" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "math" -> 1, "maternalization" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "mastery" -> 1, "masters" -> 1, "mastering" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "Marxist-Leninist" -> 1, "Marxism-Leninism" -> 1, "marks" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "Marijuana" -> 1, "margin" -> 1, "Margaret" -> 1, "manufacturing—a" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "mandates" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "managerial" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "make-work" -> 1, "Maintaining" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "MAD" -> 1, "Luxembourg" -> 1, "lunches" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "Low" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "loose" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "logic" -> 1, "locked" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "literacy-based" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "links" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "linked" -> 1, "linkages" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "liner" -> 1, "line-item" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "Limitations" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "lightly" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "Lifted" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "lien" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "Libyan" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "Liberation" -> 1, "liberals" -> 1, "liberalized" -> 1, "leverage" -> 1, "levelled" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lessening" -> 1, "length" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "lenders" -> 1, "legs" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "legacy" -> 1, "leeway" -> 1, "Lech" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "learning-focused" -> 1, "Learning" -> 1, "leagues" -> 1, "League" -> 1, "Law-abiding" -> 1, "law-abiding" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "launching" -> 1, "laudable" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "lag" -> 1, "labyrinth" -> 1, "Kong" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "Kirkpatrick" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "keeps" -> 1, "KAL" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "jumped" -> 1, "July" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "Josef" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "jobs—including" -> 1, "job-creating" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "jeopardizes" -> 1, "jeopardized" -> 1, "Jefferson's" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "Jeane" -> 1, "Japanese" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "jamming" -> 1, "jailed" -> 1, "Jackson" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "items—will" -> 1, "Italian" -> 1, "is—still" -> 1, "Israel-U.S" -> 1, "islands" -> 1, "irretrievable" -> 1, "irreplaceable" -> 1, "ironies" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "IRAs" -> 1, "Iran" -> 1, "IRA" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investigators" -> 1, "inventory" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "intrusive" -> 1, "introduces" -> 1, "intolerance" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intimidating" -> 1, "intimately" -> 1, "intertheater" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interrelationship" -> 1, "interplay" -> 1, "Internationally" -> 1, "internationally" -> 1, "intermediate-range" -> 1, "Interior" -> 1, "interest—is" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "Interest" -> 1, "Interdiction" -> 1, "intercontinental" -> 1, "interceptors" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "intensifying" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "integrating" -> 1, "intact" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "instructional" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "Institutionalized" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "Inspector" -> 1, "insofar" -> 1, "insisted" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "insanity" -> 1, "inner-city" -> 1, "inner" -> 1, "ink" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "Initial" -> 1, "inhibition" -> 1, "inhibiting" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "inflationary" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "inflating" -> 1, "inferiority" -> 1, "infants" -> 1, "infantry" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "inexperienced" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inefficiencies" -> 1, "ineffectual" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "industrious" -> 1, "industrialized" -> 1, "indulged" -> 1, "induced" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "Indochina" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "indigenous" -> 1, "indifferent" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "indicted" -> 1, "index" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "inculcate" -> 1, "incremental" -> 1, "Increase" -> 1, "inconsistencies" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "incoming" -> 1, "incomes—raged" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "incentive-destroying" -> 1, "inappropriate" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "importing" -> 1, "Imported" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "impinge" -> 1, "impetus" -> 1, "imperialist" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impending" -> 1, "impedes" -> 1, "impart" -> 1, "impacts" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "immensely" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "ill-gotten" -> 1, "Ignoring" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "ideology" -> 1, "identification" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "Ida" -> 1, "ICBM" -> 1, "hypocrisy" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "Hungarians" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humiliated" -> 1, "Humanities" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humanely" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "household" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hosts" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hostages" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "hospice" -> 1, "Hormuz" -> 1, "Hope—not" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "Honorary" -> 1, "Hong" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "Honduras" -> 1, "homicidal" -> 1, "homebuyers" -> 1, "homebound" -> 1, "home-based" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "history's" -> 1, "History" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "Hispanic" -> 1, "hiring" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "hindrance" -> 1, "hindering" -> 1, "hindered" -> 1, "hinder" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Hillsdale" -> 1, "hikes" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "high-income" -> 1, "higher-paying" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "hide" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "hid" -> 1, "hewed" -> 1, "Henry" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "Helping" -> 1, "hellish" -> 1, "heed" -> 1, "Heckler" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "heartened" -> 1, "Healthy" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "headquarters" -> 1, "head-on" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "hazardous" -> 1, "Hawaiians" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "Hatch" -> 1, "harvest" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hardworking" -> 1, "hard-working" -> 1, "hard-won" -> 1, "hardware" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handouts" -> 1, "handicaps" -> 1, "Handicapped" -> 1, "halved" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "habitat" -> 1, "habeas" -> 1, "(h)" -> 1, "guilt" -> 1, "guides" -> 1, "guerrillas" -> 1, "Guatemala" -> 1, "guardians" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "Grove" -> 1, "groundwork" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "ground-based" -> 1, "grip" -> 1, "grief" -> 1, "greedy" -> 1, "Greater" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "graveyard" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grass-roots" -> 1, "grass" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "graduation" -> 1, "graduated" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "grading" -> 1, "government-wide" -> 1, "government-to-government" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "government-owned" -> 1, "government-mandated" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "goodness" -> 1, "golden" -> 1, "Gold" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "glory" -> 1, "globalist" -> 1, "gladly" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "ghetto" -> 1, "Germans" -> 1, "German" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "genocide" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generosity" -> 1, "Generating" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "generate" -> 1, "Generals" -> 1, "gender-based" -> 1, "gender" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "(g)" -> 1, "FY" -> 1, "fundamentals" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "fueling" -> 1, "frustrated" -> 1, "frugality" -> 1, "frozen" -> 1, "front-line" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "frequently" -> 1, "freezing" -> 1, "freedom—and" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "Fraud" -> 1, "Fragmenting" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "fourth" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "Foundation" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "Forty-eight" -> 1, "Forty" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formula" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foresee" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "foreclosures" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "forcible" -> 1, "Forces" -> 1, "Forced" -> 1, "footwear" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "foolish" -> 1, "food-safety" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "folly" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "focusing" -> 1, "focuses" -> 1, "focused" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "fly" -> 1, "fluctuations" -> 1, "flourishing" -> 1, "flight-testing" -> 1, "fleet's" -> 1, "Fleet" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "flat" -> 1, "Flank" -> 1, "flame" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "five-year" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fishers" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "first-time" -> 1, "first-hand" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finish" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "Final" -> 1, "filling" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "fighter" -> 1, "Fifty" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "female-headed" -> 1, "Female" -> 1, "felonies" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "federal-tax" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "Federalism" -> 1, "Fed" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "fears" -> 1, "FDA's" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "fatalities" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "fashion" -> 1, "farther" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farmland" -> 1, "farm-labor" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "fantastic" -> 1, "family's" -> 1, "family-based" -> 1, "Families" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "Failure" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "factor—the" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "Faced" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "(f)" -> 1, "eye-shades" -> 1, "extinguished" -> 1, "extinction" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "expulsion" -> 1, "expropriate" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "expresses" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "explanations" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "experiments" -> 1, "experimenters" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experiencing" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expensive" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "expansionism" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "exempting" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "exclusionary" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "excluded" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exchanged" -> 1, "Excessive" -> 1, "exceptional" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "Excellence" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "exams" -> 1, "examining" -> 1, "examine" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everyone" -> 1, "everyday" -> 1, "ever-growing" -> 1, "ever-changing" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "evaluating" -> 1, "Euromissile" -> 1, "ethically" -> 1, "estuaries" -> 1, "estimates" -> 1, "Estate" -> 1, "Establish" -> 1, "essentials-food" -> 1, "Essential" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "Especially" -> 1, "escalating" -> 1, "error" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "erect" -> 1, "Eradication" -> 1, "eradication" -> 1, "Equity" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "epidemic" -> 1, "EPA's" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "envision" -> 1, "Environmentally" -> 1, "environmentalists" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "entry-level" -> 1, "entrepreneurship" -> 1, "entity" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "Enthusiastically" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entanglements" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enormously" -> 1, "enlisted" -> 1, "enjoying" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "England" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "engaging" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "enemy—inflation—thereby" -> 1, "Endowments" -> 1, "endorsing" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "Emulating" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "empire" -> 1, "emphatic" -> 1, "emphasized" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "eminently" -> 1, "emigration" -> 1, "embraces" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "emboldened" -> 1, "embody" -> 1, "Elizabeth" -> 1, "elitist" -> 1, "Eliminated" -> 1, "elevators" -> 1, "elevator" -> 1, "elevated" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elective" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "elect" -> 1, "elderly's" -> 1, "elbowed" -> 1, "Eisenhower's" -> 1, "Eisenhower-Kennedy" -> 1, "Eisenhower" -> 1, "Eight" -> 1, "educators" -> 1, "Educational" -> 1, "edge" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "East-West" -> 1, "east" -> 1, "easily" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "Earth" -> 1, "earnings-limitation" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "(e)" -> 1, "dynamism" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "duplicative" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "dumps" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "drunk" -> 1, "Drug" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "Driving" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "drinking" -> 1, "dreary" -> 1, "dreams" -> 1, "dreadful" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "drained" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "Double-digit" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "Domestically" -> 1, "Dole" -> 1, "does—then" -> 1, "DOE" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "divorced" -> 1, "divine" -> 1, "dividend" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distortion" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distant" -> 1, "dissolution" -> 1, "dissenting" -> 1, "dissemination" -> 1, "dissatisfaction" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disrupting" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "display" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "disinform" -> 1, "disguised" -> 1, "disguise" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "discourse" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "discontented" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "discernment" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disassociates" -> 1, "disarray" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "Disadvantaged" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "Disabled" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "dilemma" -> 1, "dilapidated" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "dies" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictates" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "diametrically" -> 1, "diabetes" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "Developing" -> 1, "Developed" -> 1, "detrimental" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "deterring" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "determines" -> 1, "detention" -> 1, "detection" -> 1, "Detecting" -> 1, "detected" -> 1, "detached" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "destabilizing" -> 1, "desiring" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "desert" -> 1, "descendants" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "deregulation" -> 1, "deregulate" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "Depression" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "deploying" -> 1, "deplorable" -> 1, "depict" -> 1, "Dependent" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Department's" -> 1, "denounced" -> 1, "denies" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "demean" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "deflect" -> 1, "defining" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "deficiencies" -> 1, "defiance" -> 1, "deference" -> 1, "defer" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deep-rooted" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "deductibility" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "dedication" -> 1, "decreased" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "Decisions" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "decided" -> 1, "decentralization" -> 1, "December" -> 1, "deceive" -> 1, "decade's" -> 1, "Decade" -> 1, "Debtor" -> 1, "debtor" -> 1, "debt-bearing" -> 1, "Debt" -> 1, "debate" -> 1, "debasing" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "dealt" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "DEA" -> 1, "D-Day" -> 1, "D.C." -> 1, "day-to-day" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "dawn" -> 1, "damaging" -> 1, "(d)" -> 1, "Czechs" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "cynicism" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "Curtail" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "curricula—including" -> 1, "curricula" -> 1, "cumbersome" -> 1, "culture's" -> 1, "Cultural" -> 1, "cultivation" -> 1, "Cuba's" -> 1, "Cubans" -> 1, "Cuban-born" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "crumbling" -> 1, "cross-jurisdictional" -> 1, "crossed" -> 1, "crosschecks" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "cries" -> 1, "creep" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "creatively" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "crash" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "coupled" -> 1, "counts" -> 1, "counter-terrorist" -> 1, "counterproductive" -> 1, "countered" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "Costa" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "corpus" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "Cooperative" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "Convictions" -> 1, "convictions" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convened" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contributor" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contravened" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contractors" -> 1, "contraction" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "Continued" -> 1, "contamination" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "constraint" -> 1, "constrained" -> 1, "constitutionally" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "Conspicuously" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consigned" -> 1, "conserving" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "consecutive" -> 1, "Conrail's" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confused" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "confiscatory" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "condoned" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concur" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concentrating" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "conceal" -> 1, "computers" -> 1, "comprising" -> 1, "comprehensively" -> 1, "Comprehensive" -> 1, "compounding" -> 1, "components" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "compensated" -> 1, "Compassionate" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "commuter" -> 1, "Communists" -> 1, "Communism" -> 1, "Communications" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercially" -> 1, "commercialization" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commends" -> 1, "commendable" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "comeback" -> 1, "combine" -> 1, "Combatting" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "colonialism" -> 1, "collections" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "cognizant" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "coerced" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "closes" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "climbed" -> 1, "clerks" -> 1, "cleaner" -> 1, "Classroom" -> 1, "Clark" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civilian" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "citrus" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "citing" -> 1, "Cities-in-Schools" -> 1, "circle" -> 1, "churches" -> 1, "church" -> 1, "Christians" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "chilling" -> 1, "child-support" -> 1, "child's" -> 1, "Chesapeake" -> 1, "cheerfully" -> 1, "checks" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "characterizes" -> 1, "Chapter" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "channeling" -> 1, "Chamber" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "Challenged" -> 1, "Chairmanship" -> 1, "chair" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "centuries" -> 1, "cents" -> 1, "centrally" -> 1, "centralizing" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "cell" -> 1, "celebrated" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "caution" -> 1, "caught" -> 1, "categorically" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "catapulted" -> 1, "Castro's" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "castle" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "cartels" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carrier" -> 1, "careless" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "cards" -> 1, "capitated" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "cap" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "Cam" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "(c)" -> 1, "buttressed" -> 1, "Businesses" -> 1, "Bush's" -> 1, "Bush" -> 1, "Bus" -> 1, "bus" -> 1, "burglary" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "Bulgarians" -> 1, "build-up" -> 1, "builds" -> 1, "buildings" -> 1, "build-down" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "brutally" -> 1, "brunt" -> 1, "brothers" -> 1, "broke" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "broadcasts" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "brightens" -> 1, "bridges" -> 1, "Brezhnev" -> 1, "breeding" -> 1, "break-up" -> 1, "breakthroughs" -> 1, "breakthrough" -> 1, "breadwinner's" -> 1, "brazen" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "brain" -> 1, "bounty" -> 1, "bountiful" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "bottled" -> 1, "bosses" -> 1, "borrowers" -> 1, "Border" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "boom-and-bust" -> 1, "Bonnet" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "bombing" -> 1, "bomber" -> 1, "boldness" -> 1, "boldest" -> 1, "boast" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "Board's" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "bloc's" -> 1, "blocks" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blighted" -> 1, "blended" -> 1, "Black" -> 1, "birthplace" -> 1, "Bipartisan" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "biomedical" -> 1, "Biological" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "billion-dollar" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "Bicentennial" -> 1, "bias" -> 1, "bewildering" -> 1, "betray" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "beneath" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "Begun" -> 1, "beef" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "beating" -> 1, "beaches" -> 1, "basically" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "barrier" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "Baltic" -> 1, "ballooned" -> 1, "bail" -> 1, "badly" -> 1, "backwards" -> 1, "backlash" -> 1, "B-52" -> 1, "B-1B" -> 1, "b" -> 1, "(b)" -> 1, "axis" -> 1, "awareness" -> 1, "awarding" -> 1, "averted" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "Average" -> 1, "avenge" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "autocratic" -> 1, "Austerity" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "audits" -> 1, "attractiveness" -> 1, "attracting" -> 1, "attitudinal" -> 1, "attendance" -> 1, "attainable" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "athletic" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "astronomical" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "assignments" -> 1, "assigned" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "assessing" -> 1, "asserts" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "assaulting" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "assassination" -> 1, "assassin" -> 1, "aspect" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "Asia's" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "artificially" -> 1, "art" -> 1, "arsenals" -> 1, "arsenal" -> 1, "arrested" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Arms" -> 1, "Armenians" -> 1, "Armed" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "architectural" -> 1, "Arbitrary" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "Apprehension" -> 1, "apprehended" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointive" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "Applying" -> 1, "applies" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "applause" -> 1, "apology" -> 1, "Apartheid" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anti-submarine" -> 1, "anti-satellite" -> 1, "anti-missile" -> 1, "antibiotics" -> 1, "Anti-Ballistic" -> 1, "Anti-ballistic" -> 1, "anti-American" -> 1, "Antarctica" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "answering" -> 1, "anomalies" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "animate" -> 1, "Angola" -> 1, "anemia" -> 1, "Andrei" -> 1, "ancestry" -> 1, "Anatole" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "Amtrak" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "amid" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "Alzheimer's" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "Also" -> 1, "All-Volunteer" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "allocations" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "Airspace" -> 1, "airliner" -> 1, "airline" -> 1, "ailments" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agribusiness" -> 1, "Agreements" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "Agent" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "after-tax" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "Africans" -> 1, "AFL-CIO" -> 1, "Afghan" -> 1, "affordable" -> 1, "afflicting" -> 1, "affirmation" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "Aeronautics" -> 1, "advocating" -> 1, "Advocate" -> 1, "advocacy" -> 1, "advisors" -> 1, "advise" -> 1, "Advancing" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "Adopt-a-School" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "admire" -> 1, "Administration-backed" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "adequacy" -> 1, "additives" -> 1, "Additionally" -> 1, "Adding" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "adaptations" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "Active" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "across-the-board" -> 1, "Achieved" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "Account" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "According" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "accommodating" -> 1, "Accessibility" -> 1, "accessibility" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "Accelerated" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abundantly" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "absent" -> 1, "abrogate" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "(a)" -> 1, "92" -> 1, "9.1" -> 1, "8,000" -> 1, "79" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6.5" -> 1, "6.3" -> 1, "600" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "513" -> 1, "504" -> 1, "5,000" -> 1, "48" -> 1, "44" -> 1, "42" -> 1, "400" -> 1, "338" -> 1, "31" -> 1, "300,000" -> 1, "3,000" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "242" -> 1, "21" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1990s" -> 1, "1990" -> 1, "1985" -> 1, "1983-1992" -> 1, "1980-81" -> 1, "1977" -> 1, "1975" -> 1, "1973" -> 1, "1970" -> 1, "1965" -> 1, "1964" -> 1, "1960s" -> 1, "1945" -> 1, "1932" -> 1, "1916" -> 1, "1,900" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "1854" -> 1, "18.2" -> 1, "16.5" -> 1, "1,600" -> 1, "15-carrier" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "140" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13.3" -> 1, "129,000" -> 1, "12.4" -> 1, "1232h" -> 1, "12320" -> 1, "11.4" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10-point" -> 1, "107" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1, "1,000" -> 1, "100" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1980", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1980, "Date" -> DateObject[{1980, 7, 15}], "Text" -> "Republican Platform: A Preamble\n\nThe Republican Party convenes, presents this platform, and selects its nominees at a time of crisis. America is adrift. Our country moves agonizingly, aimlessly, almost helplessly into one of the most dangerous and disorderly periods in history.\nAt home, our economy careens, whiplashed from one extreme to another. Earlier this year, inflation skyrocketed to its highest levels in more than a century; weeks later, the economy plummeted, suffering its steepest slide on record. Prices escalate at more than 10 percent a year. More than eight million people seek employment. Manufacturing plants lie idle across the country. The hopes and aspirations of our people are being smothered.\nOverseas, conditions already perilous, deteriorate. The Soviet Union for the first time is acquiring the means to obliterate or cripple our land-based missile system and blackmail us into submission. Marxist tyrannies spread more rapidly through the Third World and Latin America. Our alliances are frayed in Europe and elsewhere. Our energy supplies become even more dependent on uncertain foreign suppliers. In the ultimate humiliation, militant terrorists in Iran continue to toy with the lives of Americans.\nThese events are not isolated, or unrelated. They are signposts. They mark a continuing downward spiral in economic vitality and international influence. Should the trend continue, the 1980s promise to be our most dangerous years since World War II. History could record, if we let the drift go on, that the American experiment, so marvelously successful for 200 years, came strangely, needlessly, tragically to a dismal end early in our third century.\nBy far the most galling aspect of it all is that the chief architects of our decline—Democratic politicians—are without program or ideas to reverse it. Divided, leaderless, unseeing, uncomprehending, they plod on with listless offerings of pale imitations of the same policies they have pursued so long, knowing full well their futility. The Carter Administration is the unhappy and inevitable consequence of decades of increasingly outmoded Democratic domination of our national life. Over the past four years it has repeatedly demonstrated that it has no basic goals other than the perpetuation of its own rule and no guiding principle other than the fleeting insights provided by the latest opinion poll. Policies announced one day are disavowed or ignored the next, sowing confusion among Americans at home and havoc among our friends abroad.\nRepublicans, Democrats, and Independents have been watching and reading these signs. They have been watching incredulously as disaster after disaster unfolds. They now have had enough. They are rising up in 1980 to say that this confusion must end; this drift must end; we must pull ourselves together as a people before we slide irretrievably into the abyss.\nIt doesn't have to be this way; it doesn't have to stay this way. We, the Republican Party, hold ourselves forth as the Party best able to arrest and reverse the decline. We offer new ideas and candidates, from the top of our ticket to the bottom, who can bring to local and national leadership firm, steady hands and confidence and eagerness. We have unparalleled unity within our own ranks, especially between our presidential nominee and our Congressional membership. Most important, we go forth to the people with ideas and programs for the future that are as powerful and compelling as they are fresh. Together, we offer a new beginning for America.\nOur foremost goal here at home is simple: economic growth and full employment without inflation. Sweeping change in economic policy in America is needed so that Mr. Carter's promise of hard times and austerity—his one promise well kept—can be replaced with Republican policies that promise economic growth and job creation. It is our belief that the stagflation of recent years not only has consigned millions of citizens to hardship but also has bottled up the enormous ingenuity and creative powers of our people. Those energies will not be released by the sterile policies of the past: we specifically reject the Carter doctrine that inflation can be reduced only by throwing people out of work. Prosperity will not be regained simply by government fiat. Rather, we must offer broad new incentives to labor and capital to stimulate a great outpouring of private goods and services and to create an abundance of jobs. From America's grass roots to the White House we will stand united as a party behind a bold program of tax rate reductions, spending restraints, and regulatory reforms that will inject new life into the economic bloodstream of this country.\nOverseas, our goal is equally simple and direct: to preserve a world at peace by keeping America strong. This philosophy once occupied a hallowed place in American diplomacy, but it was casually, even cavalierly dismissed at the outset by the Carter Administration—and the results have been shattering. Never before in modern history has the United States endured as many humiliations, insults, and defeats as it has during the past four years: our ambassadors murdered, our embassies burned, our warnings ignored, our diplomacy scorned, our diplomats kidnapped. The Carter Administration has shown that it neither understands totalitarianism nor appreciates the way tyrants take advantage of weakness. The brutal invasion of Afghanistan promises to be only the forerunner of much more serious threats to the West—and to world peace—should the Carter Administration somehow cling to power.\nRepublicans are united in a belief that America's international humiliation and decline can be reversed only by strong presidential leadership and a consistent, far-sighted foreign policy, supported by a major upgrading of our military forces, a strengthening of our commitments to our allies, and a resolve that our national interests be vigorously protected. Ultimately, those who practice strength and firmness truly guard the peace.\nThis platform addresses many concerns of our Party. We seek to restore the family, the neighborhood, the community, and the workplace as vital alternatives in our national life to ever-expanding federal power.\nWe affirm our deep commitment to the fulfillment of the hopes and aspirations of all Americans—blacks and whites, women and men, the young and old, rural and urban.\nFor too many years, the political debate in America has been conducted in terms set by the Democrats. They believe that every time new problems arise beyond the power of men and women as individuals to solve, it becomes the duty of government to solve them, as if there were never any alternative. Republicans disagree and have always taken the side of the individual, whose freedoms are threatened by the big government that Democratic idea has spawned. Our case for the individual is stronger than ever. A defense of the individual against government was never more needed. And we will continue to mount it.\nBut we will redefine and broaden the debate by transcending the narrow terms of government and the individual; those are not the only two realities in America. Our society consists of more than that; so should the political debate. We will reemphasize those vital communities like the family, the neighborhood, the workplace, and others which are found at the center of society, between government and the individual. We will restore and strengthen their ability to solve problems in the places where people spend their daily lives and can turn to each other for support and help.\nWe seek energy independence through economic policies that free up our energy production and encourage conservation. We seek improvements in health care, education, housing, and opportunities for youth. We seek new avenues for the needy to break out of the tragic cycle of dependency. All of these goals—and many others—we confidently expect to achieve through a rebirth of liberty and resurgence of private initiatives, for we believe that at the root of most of our troubles today is the misguided and discredited philosophy of an all-powerful government, ceaselessly striving to subsidize, manipulate, and control individuals. But it is the individual, not the government, who reigns at the center of our Republican philosophy.\nTo those Democrats who say Americans must be content to passively accept the gradual but inexorable decline of America, we answer: The American people have hardly begun to marshal their talents and resources or realize the accomplishments and dreams that only freedom can inspire.\nTo those Democrats who say we face an \"age of limits,\" we ask: Who knows the limit to what Americans can do when their capacity for work, creativity, optimism, and faith is enhanced and supported by strong and responsive political leadership and ideals.\nTo those who, with Mr. Carter, say the American people suffer from a national \"malaise,\" we respond: The only malaise in this country is found in the leadership of the Democratic Party, in the White House and in Congress. Its symptoms are an incompetence to lead, a refusal to change, and a reluctance to act. This malaise has become epidemic in Washington. Its cure is government led by Republicans who share the values of the majority of Americans.\nRepublicans pledge a restoration of balance in American society. But society cannot be balanced by the actions of government or of individuals alone. Balance is found at society's vital center, where we find the family and the neighborhood and the workplace.\nAmerica will not, however, achieve any of these goals on its present course nor under its present leadership. The uncharted course of Mr. Carter will lead surely to catastrophe. By reversing our economic decline, by reversing our international decline, we can and will resurrect our dreams.\nAnd so, in this 1980 Republican Platform, we call out to the American people: With God's help, let us now, together, make America great again; let us now, together, make a new beginning.\nFree Individuals in a Free Society\n\nIt has long been a fundamental conviction of the Republican Party that government should foster in our society a climate of maximum individual liberty and freedom of choice. Properly informed, our people as individuals or acting through instruments of popular consultation can make the right decisions affecting personal or general welfare, free of pervasive and heavy-handed intrusion by the central government into the decisionmaking process. This tenet is the genius of representative democracy.\nRepublicans also treasure the ethnic, cultural, and regional diversity of our people. This diversity fosters a dynamism in American society that is the envy of the world.\nTaxes\n\nElsewhere in this platform we discuss the benefits, for society as a whole, of reduced taxation, particularly in terms of economic growth. But we believe it is essential to cut personal tax rates out of fairness to the individual.\nPresently, the aggregate burden of taxation is so great that the average American spends a substantial part of every year, in effect, working for government.\nSubstantial tax rate reductions are needed to offset the massive tax increases facing the working men and women of this country. Over the next four years, federal taxes are projected to increase by over $500 billion due to the Carter Administration's policies. American families are already paying taxes at higher rates than ever in our history; as a result of these Carter policies, the rates will go even higher. The direct and indirect burden of federal taxes alone, imposed on the average family earning $20,000, has risen to $5,451—over 27 percent of the family's gross income. During the Carter term, the federal tax alone on this family will have risen $2,000.\nThe Republican Party believes balancing the budget is essential but opposes the Democrats' attempt to do so through higher taxes. We believe that an essential aspect of balancing the budget is spending restraint by the federal government and higher economic growth, not higher tax burdens on working men and women.\nPolicies of the Democratic Party are taxing work, saving, investment, productivity, and the rewards for human ingenuity. These same tax policies subsidize debt, unemployment, and consumption. The present structure of the personal income tax system is designed to broaden the gap between effort and reward.\nTherefore, the Republican Party supports across-the-board reductions in personal income tax rates, phased in over three years, which will reduce tax rates from the range of 14 to 70 percent to a range from 10 to 50 percent.\nFor most Americans, these reduced tax rates will slow the rate at which taxes rise. This will assure workers and savers greater rewards for greater effort by lowering the rate at which added earnings would be taxed.\nThese reductions have been before the Congress for three years in the Roth-Kemp legislation. The proposal will not only provide relief for all American taxpayers, but also promote non-inflationary economic growth by restoring the incentive to save, invest, and produce. These restored incentives will in turn increase investment and help reinvigorate American business and industry, leading to the creation of more jobs. In fact, Governor Reagan and Congressional Republicans have already taken the first step. Working together, they have boldly offered the American people a 10 percent tax rate cut for 1981, which will stimulate growth in our economy, and a simplification and liberalization of depreciation schedules to create more jobs.\nOnce tax rates are reduced, Republicans will move to end tax bracket creep caused by inflation. We support tax indexing to protect taxpayers from the automatic tax increases caused when cost-of-living wage increases move them into higher tax brackets.\nTax rate reductions will generate increases in economic growth, output, and income which will ultimately generate increased revenues. The greater justification for these cuts, however, lies in the right of individuals to keep and use the money they earn.\nImproving the welfare system\n\nThe measure of a country's compassion is how it treats the least fortunate. In every society there will be some who cannot work, often through no fault of their own.\nYet current federal government efforts to help them have become counterproductive, perpetuating and aggravating the very conditions of dependence they seek to relieve. The Democratic Congress has produced a jumble of degrading, dehumanizing, wasteful, overlapping, and inefficient programs that invite waste and fraud but inadequately assist the needy poor.\nPoverty is defined not by income statistics alone, but by an individual's true situation and prospects. For two generations, especially since the mid-1960s, the Democrats have deliberately perpetuated a status of federally subsidized poverty and manipulated dependency for millions of Americans. This is especially so for blacks and Hispanics, many of whom remain pawns of the bureaucracy, trapped outside the social and economic mainstream of American life.\nFor those on welfare, our nation's tax policies provide a penalty for getting a job. This is especially so for those whose new income from a job is either equal to, or marginally greater than, the amount received on welfare. In these cases, due to taxes, the individual's earned income is actually less than welfare benefits. This is the \"poverty trap\" which will continue to hold millions of Americans as long as they continue to be punished for working.\nThe Carter Administration and the Democratic Party continue to foster that dependency. Our nation's welfare problems will not be solved merely by providing increased benefits. Public service jobs are not a substitute for employable skills, nor can increases in the food stamp program by themselves provide for individual dignity. By fostering dependency and discouraging self-reliance, the Democratic Party has created a welfare constituency dependent on its continual subsidies.\nThe Carter Administration has proposed, and its allies in the House of Representatives actually voted for, legislation to nationalize welfare, which would have cost additional billions and made millions more dependent upon public assistance. The Democrats have presided over—and must take the blame for—the most monstrous expansion and abuse of the food stamp program to date. They have been either unable or unwilling to attack the welfare fraud that diverts resources away from the truly poor. They have sacrificed the needy to the greedy, and sent the welfare bills to the taxpayers.\nWe categorically reject the notion of a guaranteed annual income, no matter how it may be disguised, which would destroy the fiber of our economy and doom the poor to perpetual dependence.\nAs a party we commit ourselves to a welfare policy that is truly reflective of our people's true sense of compassion and charity as well as an appreciation of every individual's need for dignity and self-respect. We pledge a system that will:\nProvide adequate living standards for the truly needy;\nEnd welfare fraud by removing ineligibles from the welfare rolls, tightening food stamp eligibility requirements, and ending aid to illegal aliens and the voluntarily unemployed;\nStrengthen work incentives, particularly directed at the productive involvement of able-bodied persons in useful community work projects;\nProvide educational and vocational incentives to allow recipients to become self-supporting; and\nBetter coordinate federal efforts with local and state social welfare agencies and strengthen local and state administrative functions.\nWe oppose federalizing the welfare system; local levels of government are most aware of the needs in their communities. We support a block grant program that will help return control of welfare programs to the states. Decisions about who gets welfare, and how much, can be better made on the local level.\nThose features of the present law, particularly the food stamp program, that draw into assistance programs people who are capable of paying for their own needs should be corrected. The humanitarian purpose of such programs must not be corrupted by eligibility loopholes. Food stamp program reforms proposed by Republicans in Congress would accomplish the twin goals of directing resources to those most in need and streamlining administration.\nThrough long association with government programs, the word \"welfare\" has come to be perceived almost exclusively as tax-supported aid to the needy. But in its most inclusive sense—and as Americans understood it from the beginning of the Republic—such aid also encompasses those charitable works performed by private citizens, families, and social, ethnic, and religious organizations. Policies of the federal government leading to high taxes, rising inflation, and bureaucratic empire-building have made it difficult and often impossible for such individuals and groups to exercise their charitable instincts. We believe that government policies that fight inflation, reduce tax rates, and end bureaucratic excesses can help make private effort by the American people once again a major force in those works of charity which are the true signs of a progressive and humane society.\nVeterans\n\nRepublicans recognize the very special sacrifice of those who have served in our nation's armed forces. Individual rights and societal values are only as strong as a nation's commitment to defend them. Because of this our country must never forget its appreciation of and obligation to our veterans.\nToday the veteran population numbers 30 million. This is the largest veteran population in our nation's history. We recognize the major sacrifices they have made for their fellow Americans.\nWe will maintain the integrity of the Veterans Administration. We will seek to keep it separate and distinct from other federal agencies as the single agency for the administration of all veterans' programs. In particular we feel it is of vital importance to continue and expand the health-programs provided to veterans through the Veterans Administration hospitals. Here we see the need for increased access to care, especially for older veterans.\nWe further advocate continued and expanded health care for our Vietnam veterans and consider it vital for the Veterans Administration to continue its programs for the rehabilitation of the disabled as well as its job training efforts.\nWe are committed to providing timely and adequate adjustments in compensation for service-disabled veterans and the survivors of those who died as a result of their service. We are also committed to maintaining the pension program for those who have served during a period of war, for those who were disabled and impoverished, and for their widows and orphans.\nWe will support measures to provide for every veteran at death a final resting place for his remains in a national cemetery, and for costs of transportation thereto.\nVeterans preference in federal employment in all departments and agencies will be continued and strictly enforced.\nRetired military benefits deserve more than the cursory attention given them by a Department of Defense otherwise interested in on-going programs. We believe that such benefits should be administered by the Veterans Administration.\nPrivate property\n\nThe widespread distribution of private property ownership is the cornerstone of American liberty. Without it neither our free enterprise system nor our republican form of government could long endure.\nUnder Democratic rule, the federal government has become an aggressive enemy of the human right to private property ownership. It has dissipated savings through depreciation of the dollar, enforced price controls on private exchange of goods, attempted to enforce severe land use controls, and mistreated hundreds of thousands of national park and forest inholders.\nThe next Republican Administration will reverse this baneful trend. It will not only protect the cherished human right of property ownership, but will also work to help millions of Americans—particularly those from disadvantaged groups—to share in the ownership of the wealth of their nation.\nTransportation—Personal mobility\n\nAmericans enjoy greater personal mobility than any other people on earth, largely as a result of the availability of automobiles and our modern highway system. Republicans reject the elitist notion that Americans must be forced out of their cars. Instead, we vigorously support the right of personal mobility and freedom as exemplified by the automobile and our modern highway system. While recognizing the importance of fuel efficiency and alternate modes of transportation, we quickly acknowledge that for millions of Americans there is no substitute on the horizon for the automobile. We reaffirm our support for a healthy domestic automobile industry, complete with continued support for the highway trust fund, which is the fairest method yet devised for financing America's highway system.\nRepublicans recognize the need for further improvement in highway safety. Projections indicate that highway fatalities may exceed 60,000 per year in the coming decades. Republicans support accelerated cost-effective efforts to improve highway, automobile, and individual driver safety.\nPrivacy\n\nThe essence of freedom is the right of law-abiding individuals to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without undue governmental intervention. Yet government in recent years, particularly at the federal level, has overwhelmed citizens with demands for personal information and has accumulated vast amounts of such data through the IRS, the Social Security Administration, the Bureau of the Census, and other agencies. Under certain limited circumstances, such information can serve legitimate societal interests, but there must be protection against abuse.\nRepublicans share the concerns of our citizens as to the nature, use, and final disposition of the volume of personal information being collected. We are alarmed by Washington's growing collection and dissemination of such data. There must be protection against its misuse or disclosure.\nThe Republican Party commits itself to guaranteeing an individual's right of privacy. We support efforts of state governments to ensure individual privacy.\nBlack Americans\n\nFor millions of black Americans, the past four years have been a long trail of broken promises and broken dreams. The Carter Administration entered office with a pledge to 'all minorities' of a brighter economic future. Today there are more black Americans unemployed than on the day Mr. Carter became President. The unemployment rate of black teenagers is once again rising sharply. And the median income of black families has declined to less than 60 percent of white family income.\nRepublicans will not make idle promises to blacks and other minorities; we are beyond the day when any American can live off rhetoric or political platitudes.\nOur Party specifically rejects the philosophy of the Carter Administration that unemployment is the answer to inflation. We abhor the notion that our cities should become battlegrounds in the fight against inflation and that the jobs of black Americans should be sacrificed in an attempt to counterbalance the inflationary excess of government. Nor are we prepared to accept the practice of turning the poor into permanent wards of the state, trading their political support for continued financial assistance.\nOur fundamental answer to the economic problems of black Americans is the same answer we make to all Americans—full employment without inflation through economic growth. First and foremost, we are committed to a policy of economic expansion through tax-rate reductions, spending restraint, regulatory reform, and other incentives.\nAs the Party of Lincoln, we remain equally and steadfastly committed to the equality of rights for all citizens, regardless of race. Although this nation has not yet eliminated all vestiges of racism over the years we are heartened by the progress that has been made, we are proud of the role that our Party has played, and we are dedicated to standing shoulder to shoulder with black Americans in that cause.\nElsewhere in this platform, we set forth a number of specific proposals that will also serve to improve the quality of life for blacks. During the next four years we are committed to policies that will:\nEncourage local governments to designate specific enterprise zones within depressed areas that will promote new jobs, new and expanded businesses, and new economic vitality;\nOpen new opportunities for black men and women to begin small businesses of their own by, among other steps, removing excessive regulations, disincentives for venture capital, and other barriers erected by the government;\nBring strong, effective enforcement of federal civil rights statutes, especially those dealing with threats to physical safety and security which have recently been increasing; and\nEnsure that the federal government follows a non-discriminatory system of appointments up and down the line, with a careful eye for qualified minority aspirants.\nHispanics are rapidly becoming the largest minority in the country and are one of the major pillars in our cultural, social, and economic life. Diverse in character, proud in heritage, they are greatly enriching the American melting pot.\nHispanics seek only the full rights of citizenship—in education, in law enforcement, in housing—and an equal opportunity to achieve economic security. Unfortunately, those desires have not always been fulfilled; as in so many other areas, the Carter Administration has been long on rhetoric and short on action in its approach to the Hispanic community.\nWe pledge to pursue policies that will help to make the opportunities of American life a reality for Hispanics. The economic policies enunciated in this platform will, we believe, create new jobs for Hispanic teenagers and adults and will also open up new business opportunities for them. We also believe there should be local educational programs which enable those who grew up learning another language such as Spanish to become proficient in English while also maintaining their own language and cultural heritage. Neither Hispanics nor any other American citizens should be barred from education or employment opportunities because English is not their first language.\nThe handicapped\n\nThe Republican Party strongly believes that handicapped persons must be admitted into the mainstream of American society. It endorses efforts to enable our handicapped population to enjoy a useful and productive life.\nToo often in the past, barriers have been raised to their education, employment, transportation, health care, housing, recreation, and insurance. We support a concerted national effort to eliminate discrimination in all these areas. Specifically we support tax incentives for the removal of architectural and transportation barriers. We pledge continued efforts to improve communications for the handicapped and to promote a healthy, constructive attitude toward them in our society.\nWomen's rights\n\nWe acknowledge the legitimate efforts of those who support or oppose ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.\nWe reaffirm our Party's historic commitment to equal rights and equality for women.\nWe support equal rights and equal opportunities for women, without taking away traditional rights of women such as exemption from the military draft. We support the enforcement of all equal opportunity laws and urge the elimination of discrimination against women. We oppose any move which would give the federal government more power over families.\nRatification of the Equal Rights Amendment is now in the hands of state legislatures, and the issues of the time extension and rescission are in the courts. The states have a constitutional right to accept or reject a constitutional amendment without federal interference or pressure. At the direction of the White House, federal departments launched pressure against states which refused to ratify ERA. Regardless of one's position on ERA, we demand that this practice cease.\nAt this time, women of America comprise 53 percent of the population and over 42 percent of the work force. By 1990, we anticipate that 51 percent of the population will be women, and there will be approximately 57 million in the work force. Therefore, the following urgent problems must be resolved.\nTotal integration of the work force (not separate but equal) is necessary to bring women equality in pay;\nGirls and young women must be given improved early career counseling and job training to widen the opportunities for them in the world of work;\nWomen's worth in the society and in the jobs they hold, at home or in the workplace, must be re-evaluated to improve the conditions of women workers concentrated in low-status, low-paying jobs;\nEqual opportunity for credit and other assistance must be assured to women in small businesses; and\nOne of the most critical problems in our nation today is that of inadequate child care for the working mother. As champions of the free enterprise system, of the individual, and of the idea that the best solutions to most problems rest at the community level, Republicans must find ways to meet this, the working woman's need. The scope of this problem is fully realized only when it is understood that many female heads of households are at the poverty level and that they have a very large percentage of the nation's children.\nThe important secret about old age in America today is that it is primarily a woman's issue, and those over 65 are the fastest growing segment of the population. With current population trends, by the year 2020, 15.5 percent of our population will be over 65; by 2035, women in this age group will outnumber men by 13 million.\nIn 1980, 42 percent of women between 55 and 64 are in the work force. Half of the six million elderly women who live alone have incomes of $3,700 or less, and black women in that category have a median income of $2,600. How do they survive with the present rate of inflation? The lower salaries they earned as working women are now reflected in lower retirement benefits, if they have any at all. The Social Security system is still biased against women, and non-existent pension plans combine with that to produce a bereft elderly woman. The Republican Party must not and will not let this continue.\nWe reaffirm our belief in the traditional role and values of the family in our society. The damage being done today to the family takes its greatest toll on the woman. Whether it be through divorce, widowhood, economic problems, or the suffering of children, the impact is greatest on women. The importance of support for the mother and homemaker in maintaining the values of this country cannot be over-emphasized.\nIn other sections of this platform, we call for greater equity in the tax treatment of working spouses. We deplore this marriage tax which penalizes married two-worker families. We call for a reduction in the estate tax burden, which creates hardships for widows and minor children. We also pledge to address any remaining inequities in the treatment of women under the Social Security system.\nWomen know better than anyone the decline in the quality of life that is occurring in America today. The peril to the United States and especially to women must be stressed. Women understand domestic, consumer, and economic issues more deeply because they usually manage the households and have the responsibility for them. With this responsibility must also come greater opportunity for the achievement and total equality toward solution of problems.\nEqual rights\n\nThe truths we hold and the values we share affirm that no individual should be victimized by unfair discrimination because of race, sex, advanced age, physical handicap, difference of national origin or religion, or economic circumstance. However, equal opportunity should not be jeopardized by bureaucratic regulations and decisions which rely on quotas, ratios, and numerical requirements to exclude some individuals in favor of others, thereby rendering such regulations and decisions inherently discriminatory.\nWe pledge vigorous enforcement of laws to assure equal treatment in job recruitment, hiring, promotion, pay, credit, mortgage access, and housing.\nMillions of Americans who trace their heritage to the nations of Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe have for too long seen their values neglected. The time has come to go beyond the ritual election year praise given to Ethnic Americans. We must make them an integral part of government. We must make recognition of their values an integral part of government policy. The Republican Party will take positive steps to see to it that these Americans, along with others too long neglected, have the opportunity to share the power, as well as the burdens of our society. The came holds true of our Asian-American citizens from the cultures of the Orient.\nAs a party we also recognize our commitment to Native Americans. We pledge to continue to honor our trusted relationship with them and we reaffirm our federal policy of self-determination. We support the assumption by Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos themselves of the decisions and planning which will affect their lives and the end of undue federal influence on those plans and decisions.\nPuerto Rico has been a territory of the United States since 1898. The Republican Party vigorously supports the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted into the Union as a fully sovereign state after they freely so determine. We believe that the statehood alternative is the only logical solution to the problem of inequality of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico within the framework of the federal Constitution, with full recognition within the concept of a multicultural society of the citizens' right to retain their Spanish language and traditions. Therefore we pledge to support the enactment of the necessary legislation to allow the people of Puerto Rico to exercise their right to apply for admission into the Union at the earliest possible date after the presidential election of 1980.\nWe also pledge that such decision of the people of Puerto Rico will be implemented through the approval of an admission bill. This bill will provide for the Island's smooth transition from its territorial fiscal system to that of a member of the Union. This enactment will enable the new state of Puerto Rico to stand economically on an equal footing with the rest of the states and to assume gradually its fiscal responsibilities as a state.\nWe continue to favor whatever action may be necessary to permit American citizens resident in the United States territories of the Virgin Islands and Guam to vote for President and Vice President in national elections.\nAbortion\n\nThere can be no doubt that the question of abortion, despite the complex nature of its various issues, is ultimately concerned with equality of rights under the law. While we recognize differing views on this question among Americans in general—and in our own Party—we affirm our support of a constitutional amendment to restore protection of the right to life for unborn children. We also support the Congressional efforts to restrict the use of taxpayers' dollars for abortion.\nWe protest the Supreme Court's intrusion into the family structure through its denial of the parent's obligation and right to guide their minor children.\nStrong Families\n\nThe family is the foundation of our social order. It is the school of democracy. Its daily lessons—cooperation, tolerance, mutual concern, responsibility, industry—are fundamental to the order and progress of our Republic. But the Democrats have shunted the family aside. They have given its power to the bureaucracy, its jurisdiction to the courts, and its resources to government grantors. For the first time in our history, there is real concern that the family may not survive.\nGovernment may be strong enough to destroy families, but it can never replace them.\nUnlike the Democrats, we do not advocate new federal bureaucracies with ominous power to shape a national family order. Rather, we insist that all domestic policies, from child care and schooling to Social Security and the tax code, must be formulated with the family in mind.\nEducation\n\nNext to religious training and the home, education is the most important means by which families hand down to each new generation their ideals and beliefs. It is a pillar of a free society. But today, parents are losing control of their children's schooling. The Democratic Congress and its counterparts in many states have launched one fad after another, building huge new bureaucracies to misspend our taxes. The result has been a shocking drop in student performance, lack of basics in the classroom, forced busing, teacher strikes, manipulative and sometimes amoral indoctrination.\nThe Republican Party is determined to restore common sense and quality to education for the sake of all students, especially those for whom learning is the highway to equal opportunity. Because federal assistance should help local school districts, not tie them up in red tape, we will strive to replace the crazy quilt of wasteful programs with a system of block grants that will restore decisionmaking to local officials responsible to voters and parents. We recognize the need to preserve, within the structure of block grants, special educational opportunities for the handicapped, the disadvantaged, and other needy students attending public and private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools.\nWe hail the teachers of America. Their dedication to our children is often taken for granted, and they are frequently underpaid for long hours and selfless service, especially in comparison with other public employees.\nWe understand and sympathize with the plight of America's public school teachers, who so frequently find their time and attention diverted from their teaching responsibilities to the task of complying with federal reporting requirements. America has a great stake in maintaining standards of high quality in public education. The Republican Party recognizes that the achievement of those standards is possible only to the extent that teachers are allowed the time and freedom to teach. To that end, the Republican Party supports deregulation by the federal government of public education, and encourages the elimination of the federal Department of Education.\nWe further sympathize with the right of qualified teachers to be employed by any school district wishing to hire them, without the necessity of their becoming enrolled with any bargaining agency or group. We oppose any federal action, including any action on the part of the Department of Education, to establish \"agency shops\" in public schools.\nWe support Republican initiatives in the Congress to restore the right of individuals to participate in voluntary, non-denominational prayer in schools and other public facilities.\nOur goal is quality education for all of America's children, with a special commitment to those who must overcome handicap, deprivation, or discrimination. That is why we condemn the forced busing of school children to achieve arbitrary racial quotas. Busing has been a prescription for disaster, blighting whole communities across the land with its divisive impact. It has failed to improve the quality of education, while diverting funds from programs that could make the difference between success and failure for the poor, the disabled, and minority children.\nWe must halt forced busing and get on with the education of all our children, focusing on the real causes of their problems, especially lack of economic opportunity.\nFederal education policy must be based on the primacy of parental rights and responsibility. Toward that end, we reaffirm our support for a system of educational assistance based on tax credits that will in part compensate parents for their financial sacrifices in paying tuition at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary level. This is a matter of fairness, especially for low-income families, most of whom would be free for the first time to choose for their children those schools which best correspond to their own cultural and moral values. In this way, the schools will be strengthened by the families' involvement, and the families' strengths will be reinforced by supportive cultural institutions.\nWe are dismayed that the Carter Administration cruelly reneged on promises made during the 1976 campaign. Wielding the threat of his veto, Mr. Carter led the fight against Republican attempts to make tuition tax credits a reality.\nNext year, a Republican White House will assist, not sabotage, Congressional efforts to enact tuition tax relief into law.\nWe will halt the unconstitutional regulatory vendetta launched by Mr. Carter's IRS Commissioner against independent schools.\nWe will hold the federal bureaucracy accountable for its harassment of colleges and universities and will clear away the tangle of regulation that has unconscionably driven up their expenses and tuitions. We will respect the rights of state and local authorities in the management of their school systems.\nThe commitment of the American people to provide educational opportunities for all has resulted in a tremendous expansion of schools at all levels. And the more we reduce the federal proportion of taxation, the more resources will be left to sustain and develop state and local institutions.\nHealth\n\nOur country's unequalled system of medical care, bringing greater benefits to more people than anywhere else on earth, is a splendid example of how Americans have taken care of their own needs with private institutions.\nSignificant as these achievements are, we must not be complacent. Health care costs continue to rise, farther and faster than they should, and threaten to spiral beyond the reach of many families. The causes are the Democratic Congress' inflationary spending and excessive and expensive regulations.\nRepublicans unequivocally oppose socialized medicine, in whatever guise it is presented by the Democratic Party. We reject the creation of a national health service and all proposals for compulsory national health insurance.\nOur country has made spectacular gains in health care in recent decades. Most families are now covered by private insurance, Medicare, or in the case of the poor, the entirely free services under Medicaid.\nRepublicans recognize that many health care problems can be solved if government will work closely with the private sector to find remedies that will enhance our current system of excellent care. We applaud, as an example, the voluntary effort which has been undertaken by our nation's hospitals to control costs. The results have been encouraging. More remains to be done.\nWhat ails American medicine is government meddling and the strait-jacket of federal programs. The prescription for good health care is deregulation and an emphasis upon consumer rights and patient choice.\nAs consumers of health care, individual Americans and their families should be able to make their own choices about health care protection. We propose to assist them in so doing through tax and financial incentives. These could enable them to choose their own health coverage, including protection from the catastrophic costs of major long-term illness, without compulsory regimentation.\nAmericans should be protected against financial disaster brought on by medical expenses. We recognize both the need to provide assistance in many cases and the responsibility of citizens to provide for their own needs. By using tax incentives and reforming federal medical assistance programs, government and the private sector can jointly develop compassionate and innovative means to provide financial relief when it is most needed.\nWe endorse alternatives to institutional care. Not only is it costly but it also separates individuals from the supportive environment of family and friends. This is especially important for the elderly and those requiring long-term care. We advocate the reform of Medicare to encourage home-based care whenever feasible. In addition, we encourage the development of innovative alternate health care delivery systems and other out-patient services at the local level.\nWe must maintain our commitment to the aged and to the poor by providing quality care through Medicare and Medicaid. These programs need the careful, detailed reevaluation they have never received from the Democrats, who have characteristically neglected their financial stability. We believe that the needs of those who depend upon these programs, particularly the elderly, can be better served, especially when a Republican Administration cracks down on fraud and abuse so that program monies can be directed toward those truly in need. In the case of Medicaid, we will aid the states in restoring its financial integrity and its local direction.\nWe welcome the long-overdue emphasis on preventive health care and physical fitness that is making Americans more aware than ever of their personal responsibility for good health. Today's enthusiasm and emphasis on staying well holds the promise of dramatically improved health and well-being in the decades ahead. Additionally, health professionals, as well as individuals, have long recognized that preventing illness or injury is much less expensive than treating it. Therefore, preventive medicine combined with good personal health habits and health education, can make a major impact on the cost of health care. Employers and employees, unions and business associations, families, schools, and neighborhood groups all have important parts in what is becoming a national crusade for better living.\nYouth\n\nThe Republican Party recognizes that young people want the opportunity to exercise the rights and responsibilities of adults.\nThe Republican agenda for making educational and employment opportunities available to our youth has been addressed in detail in other sections of this platform.\nRepublicans are committed to the enactment of a youth differential in the minimum wage and other vitally needed incentives for the creation of jobs for our young.\nIn addition, we reaffirm our commitment to broaden the involvement of young people in all phases of the political process—as voters, party workers and leaders, candidates and elected officials, and participants in government at all levels.\nWe pledge, as we have elsewhere in this platform, efforts to create an environment which will enable our nation's youth:\nTo live in a society which is safe and free;\nTo pursue personal, educational, and vocational goals to the utmost of their abilities;\nTo experience the support, encouragement, and strength that come from maintenance of the family and its values; and\nTo know the stimulus of challenge, renewal through encouragement, provision of opportunities, and the growth that comes from responsible participation in numerous aspects of our society.\nOlder Americans\n\nInflation is called \"the cruellest tax.\" It strikes most cruelly at the elderly, especially those on fixed incomes. It strikes viciously at the sick and the infirm, and those who are alone in the world.\nInflation has robbed our elderly of dignity and security. An entire generation of responsible and productive citizens who toiled and saved a full working life to build up a retirement nest egg now finds that it cannot survive on its savings. Today's inflation rates dwarf yesterday's interest rates, and the pensions and annuities of our elderly citizens cannot keep up with the rising cost of living. Millions of once-proud and independent elderly Americans face a future of welfare dependency and despair.\nWe propose to assist families, and individuals of all ages, to meet the needs of the elderly, primarily through vigorous private initiative. Only a comprehensive reduction in tax rates will enable families to save for retirement income, and to protect that income from ravaging inflation. Only new tax exemptions and incentives can make it possible for many families to afford to care for their older members at home.\nPresent laws can create obstacles to older Americans' remaining in the family home. Federal programs for the elderly, such as Medicare and Supplemental Security Income, must address, humanely and generously, the special circumstances of those who choose to stay with thir families rather than enter a nursing home or other institution.\nSocial Security is one of this nation's most vital commitments to our senior citizens. We commit the Republican Party to first save, and then strengthen, this fundamental contract between our government and its productive citizens.\nRepublicans consider older Americans a community asset, not a national problem. We are committed to using the sadly wasted talents of the aged throughout our society, which sorely needs their experience and wisdom. To that end, and as a matter of basic fairness, we proudly reaffirm our opposition to mandatory retirement and our long-standing Republican commitment to end the Democrats' limitation on earnings for elderly Social Security recipients. In addition, the Republican Party is strongly opposed to the taxation of Social Security benefits and we pledge to oppose any attempts to tax these benefits.\nRepublicans have resisted Democratic electioneering schemes to spend away the Social Security trust funds for political purposes. Now the bill has come due, and the workers of America are staggering under their new tax burdens. This must stop.\nPrecisely because Social Security is a precious lifeline for millions of the elderly, orphaned, and disabled, we insist that its financing be sound and stable. We will preserve Social Security for its original purpose.\nThe problems of Social Security financing are only an aspect of the overriding problems of the economy which Democratic mismanagement has produced. There is but one answer, the comprehensive tax rate reduction to which Republicans are committed. To save Social Security, we have no choice but to redirect our economy toward growth. To meet this country's commitments to Social Security recipients, present and future, we need more people at work, earning more money, thereby paying more into the trust funds. That same growth can balance the federal budget with lower taxes, over time reducing inflation, which falls so cruelly on senior citizens whose income is fixed by the size of their public or private pension.\nWe pledge to clean up the much-abused disability system. We will also expand eligibility for Individual Retirement Accounts to enable more persons to plan for their retirement years.\nThe Welfare System\n\nThe Republican agenda for welfare reform has been discussed in a previous section, but we think it important to stress that central to it is the preservation of the families the system is designed to serve. The current system does not do this. Neither would guaranteed annual income schemes. By supplanting parental responsibility and by denying children parental guidance and economic support, they encourage and reward the fragmentation of families. This is unconscionable. The values and strengths of the family provide a vital element in breaking the bonds of poverty.\nUltimately, the Republican Party supports the orderly, wholesale transfer of all welfare functions to the states along with the tax sources to finance them.\nThe Family Economy\n\nIt is increasingly common for both husbands and wives to work outside the home. Often, it occurs out of economic necessity, and it creates major difficulties for families with children, especially those of pre-school age. On one hand, they are striving to improve the economic well-being of their family; on the other, they are concerned about the physical and emotional well-being of their children. This dilemma is further aggravated in instances of single parenthood due to death or divorce.\nRecognizing these problems, we pledge to increase the availability of non-institutional child care. We see a special role for local, private organizations in meeting this need.\nWe disapprove of the bias in the federal tax system against working spouses, whose combined incomes are taxed at a proportionately higher rate than if they were single. We deplore this \"marriage tax\" and call for equity in the tax treatment of families.\nWe applaud our society's increasing awareness of the role of homemakers in the economy, not apart from the work force but as a very special part of it: the part that combines the labor of a full-time job, the skills of a profession, and the commitment of the most dedicated volunteer. Recognizing that home-making is as important as any other profession, we endorse expanded eligibility for Individual Retirement Accounts for homemakers and will explore other ways to advance their standing and security.\nFamily protection\n\nIn view of the continuing efforts of the present Administration to define and influence the family through such federally funded conferences as the White House Conference on Families, we express our support for legislation protecting and defending the traditional American family against the ongoing erosion of its base in our society.\nHandicapped people\n\nRepublicans will seek every effective means to enable families more easily to assist their handicapped members and to provide for their education and special medical and therapeutic needs. In the case of handicapped children particularly, flexibility must be maintained in programs of public assistance so that, whenever possible, these youngsters may remain at home rather than in institutions.\nTargeted tax relief can make it possible for parents to keep such a child at home without foregoing essential professional assistance. Similarly, tax incentives can assist those outside the home, in the neighborhood and the workplace, who undertake to train, hire, or house the handicapped.\nSecure and Prosperous Neighborhoods\n\nThe quality of American neighborhoods is the ultimate test of the success or failure of government policies for the cities, for housing, and for law enforcement.\nObsessed with the demands of special interest groups and preoccupied with the design of expensive \"comprehensive\" programs, the Democrats in Congress and the Administration have lost sight of that simple but important criterion. They have proposed more social and fiscal tinkering with our cities and towns.\nRepublicans will address the real problems that face Americans In their neighborhoods day by day—deterioration and urban blight, dangerous streets and violent crime that make millions of Americans, especially senior citizens, fearful in their own neighborhoods and prisoners in their own homes.\nIn the summer of 1980, Americans suffer a rising national unemployment rate, now at nearly eight percent, and double-digit inflation and interest rates. As Republicans meet in Detroit, the policies of the Carter Administration and the Democratic Congress have pushed the economy into recession and have resulted in unemployment approaching 20 percent in our host city.\nThe people of Detroit have worked long and hard to revitalize their city, and the evidence of its rebirth is impressive. Their efforts have been severely set back by Carter Administration policies outside or this or any city's control. The grim evidence is manifested in jobs lost as a direct consequence of bankrupt economic policies which have fostered this recession. Republicans will address and resolve the real problems of today's economy, problems that destroy jobs and deny even the hope of homeownership to millions of American families. We are, moreover, committed to nurturing the spirit of self-help and cooperation through which so many neighborhoods have revitalized themselves and served their residents.\nNeighborhood self-help\n\nThe American ethic of neighbor helping neighbor has been an essential factor in the building of our nation. Republicans are committed to the preservation of this great tradition.\nTo help non-governmental community programs aid in serving the needs of poor, disabled, or other disadvantaged, we support permitting taxpayers to deduct charitable contributions from their federal income tax whether they itemize or not.\nIn contrast, the Democrats' assault against Meals-on-Wheels highlights their insensitivity to the neighborly spirit that motivates so many Americans. For over 25 years, voluntary Meals-on-Wheels organizations have been feeding needy homebound citizens—usually the elderly—with funding from local private charitable sources. Promising for the first time to \"help\" these neighborhood volunteer efforts in 1978, the Democratic Congress and Administration instead used the carrot of federal funding and the stick of federal regulation to crowd out private ventures.\nGovernment must never elbow aside private institutions—schools, churches, volunteer groups, labor and professional associations—in meeting the social needs in our neighborhoods and communities.\nNeighborhood revitalization\n\nThe city is the focus for the lives of millions of Americans. Its neighborhoods are places of familiarity, of belonging, of tradition and continuity. They are arenas for civic action and creative self-help. The human scale of the neighborhood encourages citizens to exercise leadership, to invest their talents, energies, and resources, and to work together to create a better life for their families.\nRepublican economic programs will create conditions for rebirth of citizen activity in neighborhoods and cities across the land. In a Republican economic climate, America's cities can once again produce, build, and grow.\nA Republican Administration will focus its efforts to revitalize neighborhoods in five areas. We will:\nCut taxes, increase incentives to save, restore sound money, and stimulate capital investment to create jobs;\nCreate and apply new tax incentives for employees and employers alike to stimulate economic growth and reduce red-tape for business ventures. Local government will be invited to designate specific depressed areas as jobs and enterprise zones;\nEncourage our cities to undertake neighborhood revitalization and preservation programs in cooperation with the three essential local interests: local government, neighborhood property owners and residents, and local financial institutions;\nReplace the categorical aid programs with block grant or revenue sharing programs and, where appropriate, transfer the programs, along with the tax sources to pay for them, back to the state and local governments; and\nRemain fully committed to the fair enforcement of all federal civil rights statutes and continue minority business enterprise and similar programs begun by Republican Administrations but bungled by overregulation and duplication during the Carter Administration.\nRepublican programs will revitalize the inner cities. New jobs will be created. The federal government's role will be substantially reduced. The individual citizen will reclaim his or her independence.\nThe revitalization of American cities will proceed from the revitalization of the neighborhoods. Cities and neighborhoods are no more nor less than the people who inhabit them. Their strengths and weaknesses provide their character. If they are to grow, it is the people who must seize the initiative and lead.\nHousing and homeownership\n\nOur citizens must have a real opportunity to live in decent, affordable housing. Due to the disastrous policies of the Carter Administration and the Democratic Congress, however, the goal of homeownership and all that aspiration entails is now in jeopardy. These irrational policies have been catastrophic to the housing industry. The highest home mortgage interest rates in the history of the United States have depressed housing starts to the lowest level since World War II. Democratic policies guarantee shortages in owner-occupied and rental housing.\nAs many as 1.4 million people who depend upon homebuilding for work may lose their jobs in this recession. Many already have. In addition to the toll taken on millions of American families, intolerable pressures will build on state, local, and federal budgets as tax revenues decline and expenditures increase to aid the unemployed.\nWe support financing and tax incentives to encourage the construction of rental housing as an essential addition to our housing inventory.\nProspective first-time home buyers simply cannot afford to buy. The affordability of housing has become a crisis. The high rates of inflation have driven mortgage payments, house prices, and down-payment requirements beyond the means of close to 80 percent of young American families. In order to assist the record number of young families who wish to become home buyers, we propose to implement a young family housing initiative, which would include several elements such as: urban homesteading, savings and tax reforms, and innovative alternate mortgage instruments to help meet monthly payment requirements without federal subsidies. To assist older homeowners, again without federal subsidy, we urge more extensive availability of the reverse annuity mortgage which allows older homeowners to withdraw the substantial equity they have built up in their homes and thus supplement their retirement income. In order to slow increases in housing costs, regulations which artificially limit housing production and raise housing costs must be eliminated.\nWe favor expansion of the Republican-sponsored urban homesteading program as a means of restoring abandoned housing. This innovative program is locally administered, returns property to the tax rolls, and develops new ownership and stability within our neighborhoods.\nThe collapse of new home production and the distress of the housing finance system are closely related. The stop and go economic policies of the past year have created extreme volatility in financial markets which have made it impossible for thrift institutions to supply housing credit at a reasonable cost.\nA set of policies aimed at higher and more stable levels of housing production will simultaneously reduce housing costs and unemployment in the economy. To assure a stable and continuous flow of funds for home mortgage financing, we pledge to allow responsible use of mortgage revenue bonds. We will work to change the tax laws to encourage savings so that young families will be able to afford their dreams.\nSpecifically, we will support legislation to lower tax rates on savings in order to increase funds available for housing. This will help particularly to make homeownership an accessible dream for younger families, encouraging them not to despair of ever having a home of their own, but to begin working and saving for it now. We oppose any attempts to end the income tax deductibility of mortgage interest and property taxes.\nRepublicans will also end the mismanagement and waste that has characterized the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Carter Administration. As presently structured, HUD programs present local governments and developers with a maze of bureaucracy, complicated applications, and inflexible requirements, often unsuited to local needs. Such programs often infringe upon the right of local governments to retain jurisdiction over their own zoning laws and building codes. As a result, their cost is so high that relatively few of the needy are ultimately housed or helped. Republicans will replace many of HUD's categorical programs with decentralized block grants to provide more efficient and responsive housing assistance to the elderly, the handicapped, and the poor. In remaining programs, particular emphasis should be given to rehabilitation and preservation of existing housing stock as a priority in federal housing policy.\nCrime\n\nSafety and security are vital to the health and well-being of people in their neighborhoods and communities. Republicans are committed to ensuring that neighborhoods will be safe places in which families and individuals can live, and we support and encourage community crime fighting efforts such as neighborhood crime watch and court monitoring programs.\nFirst, we believe that Republican economic proposals, more particularly those proposals which strengthen society and smaller communities discussed elsewhere in this document, will go a long way toward stabilizing American society.\nSecond, we support a vigorous and effective effort on the part of law enforcement agencies. Although we recognize the vital role of federal law enforcement agencies, we realize that the most effective weapons against crime are state and local agencies.\nJust as vital to efforts to stem crime is the fair but firm and speedy application of criminal penalties. The existence and application of strong penalties are effective disincentives to criminal actions. Yet these disincentives will only be as strong as our court system's willingness to use them.\nWe believe that the death penalty serves as an effective deterrent to capital crime and should be applied by the federal government and by states which approve it as an appropriate penalty for certain major crimes.\nWe believe the right of citizens to keep and bear arms must be preserved. Accordingly, we oppose federal registration of firearms. Mandatory sentences for commission of armed felonies are the most effective means to deter abuse of this right. We therefore support Congressional initiatives to remove those provisions of the Gun Control Act of 1968 that do not significantly impact on crime but serve rather to restrain the law-abiding citizen in his legitimate use of firearms.\nIn recent years, a murderous epidemic of drug abuse has swept our country. Mr. Carter, through his policies and his personnel, has demonstrated little interest in stopping its ravages. Republicans consider drug abuse an intolerable threat to our society, especially to the young. We pledge a government that will take seriously its responsibility to curb illegal drug traffic. We will first and most urgently restore the ability of the FBI to act effectively in this area. Republican government will work with local law enforcement agencies to apprehend and firmly punish drug pushers and drug smugglers with mandatory sentences where appropriate. We support efforts to crack down on the sale and advertising of drug paraphernalia. Private, nonprofit drug abuse rehabilitation agencies have taken the lead in fighting drug abuse, and they deserve greater cooperation and flexibility from federal, state, and local agencies and grant programs. We pledge the enactment of legislation to ban the utilization of federal funds by grantees of the Legal Services Corporation to render their services in cases involving the pushing or smuggling of drugs as well as in cases of repeat offenders. We commend the religious leaders, community activists, parents, and local officials who are working with fervor and dedication to protect young Americans from the drug plague.\nUrban transportation\n\nThe complex problems of mobility, congestion, and energy resources demand creative solutions if we are to improve the living conditions of our urban areas. Many urban centers of our nation need dependable and affordable mass transit systems. The first line of responsibility must lie with the local governments. They must be given the latitude to design and implement the transportation system best suited to their singular circumstances. Republicans believe we should encourage effective competition among diverse modes of transportation. The role of the federal government should be one of giving financial and technical support to local authorities, through surface transportation block grants. Because of the long planning and construction times inherent in bus, rail, and other mass transit systems, a consistent and dependable source of revenue should be established.\nMass transportation offers the prospect for significant energy conservation. In addition, both management and labor agree that ease of access to the workplace is an important factor in employment decisions and industrial plant location. Lack of adequate access is a major reason why businesses have moved out of crowded urban areas, resulting in lower tax bases for cities. To encourage existing businesses to remain in urban centers and to attract new businesses to urban areas, it is vital that adequate public and private transportation facilities be provided.\nRural transportation\n\nRepublicans recognize the importance of transportation in the rural areas of America.\nPublic transit is becoming more significant to rural areas as the costs of energy rise. While public transit will not replace the importance of private vehicles in rural America, it can serve as a vital adjunct to transportation in neighborhoods throughout rural America.\nJobs and the Workplace\n\nWe propose to put Americans back to work again by restoring real growth without inflation to the United States economy. Republican programs and initiatives detailed in this platform will create millions of additional new jobs in the American workplace. As a result of Mr. Carter's recession, more than eight million Americans are now out of work.\nSweeping change in America's economic policy is needed. We must replace the Carter Administration's promise of hard times and austerity—one promise which has been kept—with Republican policies that restore economic growth and create more jobs.\nThe Democratic Congress and the Carter Administration are espousing programs that candidate Carter in 1976 said were inhumane: using recession, unemployment, high interest rates, and high taxes to fight inflation. The Democrats are now trying to stop inflation with a recession, a bankrupt policy which is throwing millions of Americans out of work. They say Americans must tighten their belts, abandon their dreams, and accept higher taxes, less take-home pay, fewer jobs, and no growth in the national economy.\nWe categorically reject this approach. Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. Shutting down our nation's factories and throwing millions of people out of work leads only to shortages and higher prices.\nWe believe inflation can only be controlled by monetary and spending restraint, combined with sharp reductions in the tax and regulatory barriers to savings, investment, production, and jobs.\nThe need for growth and its impact on workers\n\nThe Republican Party believes nothing is more important to our nation's defense and social well-being than economic growth.\nSince 1973, the U.S. economy has grown in real terms at a rate of only 1.9 percent a year. This is barely half of the 3.7 percent annual growth rate we experienced between 1950 and 1973 and well below the 4.6 percent growth rate we enjoyed between 1961 and 1969. If our economy continues to grow at its current rate of less than two percent a year, our Gross National Product (GNP) will barely reach $3 trillion by 1990.\nBut if we can regain the growth we experienced during the economic boom of the 1960s, our GNP will reach nearly $4 trillion by the end of the decade, nearly one-third higher.\nWith this kind of economic growth, incomes would be substantially higher and jobs would be plentiful. Federal revenues would be high enough to provide for a balanced budget, adequate funding of health, education and social spending, and unquestioned military preeminence, with enough left over to reduce payroll and income taxes on American workers and retirees. Economic growth would generate price stability as the expanding economy eliminated budget deficits and avoided pressure on the Federal Reserve to create more money. And the social gains from economic growth would be enormous. Faster growth, higher incomes, and plentiful jobs are exactly what the unemployed, the underprivileged, and minorities have been seeking for many years.\nAll working men and women of America have much to gain from economic growth and a healthy business environment. It enhances their bargaining position by fostering competition among potential employers to provide more attractive working conditions, better retirement and health benefits, higher wages and salaries, and generally improving job security. A stagnant economy, which Democratic policies have brought about, decreases competition among business for workers, discourages improved employee benefits, reduces income levels, and dramatically increases unemployment.\nSavings, productivity, and jobs\n\nSavings and investment are the keys to economic growth. Only that part of national income which goes into savings and which is not consumed by government deficits is available to finance real economic growth.\nAmericans now save less than any other people in the Western world because inflation and the high rates of taxation imposed by the Carter Administration and the Democratic Congress have destroyed their ability and incentive to save and invest. This has strangled economic growth, choked off private initiative, pushed up prices, and retarded productivity and job creation.\nThe sharp drop in the growth of American productivity is the main reason why Americans' average real weekly earnings are no more than they were 19 years ago. This problem has worsened to the point that workers earn eight percent less in real purchasing power as the Carter term comes to a close than they did when it began.\nThe 25 years of Democratic domination of the Congress have cost us a generation of lost opportunities. The Carter Administration in particular has opposed every Republican effort to restore the health of the economy through lower taxes on work effort, savings, and the modernization of America's productive machinery.\nRepublicans are committed to an economic policy based on lower tax rates and a reduced rate of government spending.\nTherefore, the Republican Party pledges to:\nReduce tax rates on individuals and businesses to increase incentives for all Americans and to encourage more savings, investment, output and productivity, and more jobs for Americans;\nProvide special incentives for saving by lowering the tax rates on savings and investment income;\nRevitalize our productive capacities by simplifying and accelerating tax depreciation schedules for facilities, structures, equipment, and vehicles;\nLimit government spending to a fixed and smaller percentage of the Gross National Product; and\nBalance the budget without tax increases at these lower levels of taxation and spending.\nWe also oppose Carter proposals to impose withholding on dividend and interest income. They would serve as a disincentive to save and invest and create needless paper-work burdens for government, business, industry, and the private citizen. They would literally rob the saver of the benefits of interest compounding and automatic dividend reinvestment programs.\nUnless taxes are reduced and federal spending is restrained, our nation's economy faces continued inflation, recession, and economic stagnation. Tax fate reductions and spending restraint will restore the savings and investment needed to create new jobs, increase living standards, and restore our competitive position in the world.\nEmployment safety-net\n\nTo those individuals who have lost their jobs because of the Carter recession, we pledge to ensure that they receive their rightfully earned unemployment compensation benefits.\nThe Republican Party recognizes the need to provide workers who have lost their jobs because of technological obsolescence or imports the opportunity to adjust to changing economic conditions. In particular, we will seek ways to assist workers threatened by foreign competition.\nThe Democratic Administration's inability to ensure fairness and equity between our nation and some of our trading partners has resulted in massive unemployment in many core industries. As we meet in Detroit, this Party takes special notice that among the hardest hit have been the automotive workers whose jobs are now targeted by aggressive foreign competition. Much of this problem is a result of the present Administration's inability to negotiate foreign trade agreements which do not jeopardize American jobs. We will take steps to ensure competitiveness of our domestic industries to protect American jobs. But for workers who have already lost their jobs, we will provide assistance, incentives for job refraining and placement, and job search and relocation allowances. Toward this end, we will pursue specific tax and regulatory changes to revitalize America's troubled basic industries. We will also seek the aid of private individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations to formulate creative new self-supporting answers to training and placement problems as well as non-governmental sources of temporary financial support.\nThe Republican Party believes that protectionist tariffs and quotas are detrimental to our economic well-being. Nevertheless, we insist that our trading partners offer our nation the same level of equity, access, and fairness that we have shown them. The mutual benefits of trade require that it be conducted in the spirit of reciprocity. The Republican Party will consider appropriate measures necessary to restore equal and fair competition between ourselves and our trading partners.\nThe international exchange of goods and services must take place under free and unfettered conditions of market entry.\nTraining and skills\n\nUnemployment is a growing problem for millions of Americans, but it is an unparalleled disaster for minority Americans. As this country's economic growth has slowed over the past decade, unemployment has become more intractable. The gravity of the crisis is so severe that as we entered the present recession, unemployment was over six percent for the entire labor force but it was 33 percent for minority youth. In addition, the black unemployment rate was 10.8 percent and youth between the ages of 16 and 24 continued to account for about one-half of the total unemployed.\nDespite the almost $100 billion spent on well-intended public sector employment and training programs, the structural unemployment problem continues to fester among minorities and young people. In addition to providing a growth climate for job creation, specific and targeted programs must be developed to alleviate these problems.\nSince four out of every five jobs are in the private sector, the success of federal employment efforts is dependent on private sector participation. It must be recognized as the ultimate location for unsubsidized jobs, as the provider of means to attain this end, and as an active participant in the formulation of employment and training policies on the local and national level. Throughout America, the private and independent sectors have repeatedly helped in the creation of minority business through donated counseling and consulting services. They have encouraged equal opportunity hiring practices within their own industries and have built nonprofit, self-supporting training centers where the products produced during training are sold to support the programs.\nA coordinated approach needs to be developed which maximizes the use of existing community resources, offers adequate incentives to the private sector, focuses on both large and small business, and minimizes red tape.\nin recognizing the seriousness of the youth employment problem, Republicans also realize that a job alone will do very little to move a disadvantaged young person beyond the poverty line. Republicans support the creation of comprehensive programs for disadvantaged youth which would offer pre-employment training, education, instruction, and job placement and retention services. Republicans support efforts to establish and maintain programs which seek to match the needs of the private sector and our young people as efficiently and effectively as possible. We also support expansion of proven skill training practices, such as apprenticeship, as well as private schools and trade schools. These methods can provide quality training and point toward the acquisition of specific job skills leading to specific employment goals.\nWe will encourage and foster the growth of new organizations operated by public-private partnerships to help forge a closer link between the schools and private employers. These institutions can afford in-school and out-of-school disadvantaged youth the opportunity to upgrade basic skills, acquire work habits and orientation to work, and move directly from successful completion of the program to private unsubsidized jobs.\nWe believe that present laws create additional barriers for unemployed youth. One of the keys to resolving the youth unemployment problem is to reduce the cost to private employers of hiring young people who lack the necessary skills and experience to become immediately productive. Unfortunately, current government policy makes it too expensive for employers to hire unskilled youths. We urge a reduction of payroll tax rates, a youth differential for the minimum wage, and alleviation of other costs of employment until a young person can be a productive employee.\nSmall business\n\nSmall business is the backbone of the American economy, with unique strengths and problems which must be recognized and addressed. For more than half of all American workers, the workplace is a small business. Small business is family business both in the sense that many of them are owned and operated by single families, and also because most American families rely not only on the goods and services, but on the jobs produced there for their livelihood and standard of living.\nRepublicans have demonstrated their sensitivity to the problems of the small business community. The Carter Administration held a conference to learn what Republicans have long known. In the Congress, we have been working to pass legislation to solve small business problems and achieve the very goals later identified by that conference. A 1978 initiative by the late Representative Bill Steiger reduced the capital gains tax rates which were destroying capital formation in America. Under the leadership of Republicans in Congress, efforts to simplify and liberalize the restrictive depreciation schedule are a top priority. Another proposal long advocated by our Party is the drive to encourage the entrepreneur by reform of the regulatory laws which stifle the very life of business through fines, threats, and harassment. Republicans realize the immediate necessity of reducing the regulatory burden to give small business a fighting chance against the federal agencies. We believe that wherever feasible, small business should be exempt from regulations and, where exemption is not feasible, small business should be subject to a less onerous tier of regulation. We have offered legislation to reimburse small businessmen who successfully challenge the federal government in court. Republicans believe the number one priority for small business in America is the achievement of lower business and personal tax rates for small businessmen and women and we intend to work to secure them.\nAll of these initiatives will receive immediate attention from a Republican Administration and Congress. Without such changes as these, the small entrepreneur, who takes the risks which help make the economy grow and provides over 90 percent of all new jobs annually, will be an endangered species.\nBy fostering small business growth, we are promoting permanent private sector solutions to the unemployment problem. We will continue to provide for small business needs by enacting a substantial increase in the surtax exemption. The heavy estate tax burden imposed on the American people is threatening the life savings of millions of our families, forcing spouses and children to sell their homes, businesses, and family farms to pay the estate taxes. To encourage continuity of family ownership, we will seek to ease this tax burden on all Americans and abolish excessive inheritance taxes to allow families to retain and pass on their small businesses and family farms.\nWe will reform the patent laws to facilitate innovation and we will further this goal by encouraging a greater share of federal research and development be done by small businesses. Finally, we will reform those tax laws which make it more profitable to break up a small business or merge it into a conglomerate than to allow it to grow and develop as an independent business.\nFairness to the worker\n\nThe Republican Party is committed to full employment without inflation. We will seek to provide more jobs, increase the standard of living, and ensure equitable treatment on the job for all American workers by stimulating economic growth.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to the fundamental principle of fairness in labor relations, including the legal right of unions to organize workers and to represent them through collective bargaining consistent with state laws and free from unnecessary government involvement. We applaud the mutual efforts of labor and management to improve the quality of work life.\nWage demands today often represent the attempt of working men and women to catch up with government-caused inflation and high tax rates. With the blessing of the Democrats' majority in Congress, the Council on Wage and Price Stability has put a de facto ceiling of seven to eight and one-half percent on workers' wages, while the Administration devalues their paychecks at a rate of 13 to 15 percent. The government, not the worker, is the principal cause of inflation.\nWe recognize the need for governmental oversight of the health and safety of the workplace, without interfering in the economic well-being of employers or the job security of workers.\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its long-standing support for the right of states to enact \"Right-to-Work\" laws under section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act.\nThe political freedom of every worker must be protected. Therefore, the Republican Party strongly supports protections against the practice of using compulsory dues and fees for partisan political purposes.\nFairness to the consumer\n\nThe Republican Party shares the concerns of consumers that there be full disclosure and fairness in the marketplace. We recognize that government regulation and taxes add significantly to costs of goods and services to the consumer, reducing the standard of living for all Americans. For example, safety and environmental standards, some of which are counterproductive, increase the average price of a new car by over $700. Compliance with those regulations alone costs motorists as much as $12 billion a year.\nFairness to the consumer, like fairness to the employer and the worker, requires that government perform certain limited functions and enforce certain safeguards to ensure that equity, free competition, and safety exist in the free market economy. However, government action is not itself the solution to consumer problems; in fact, it has become in large measure a part of the problem. By consistent enforcement of law and enhancement of fair competition, government can and should help the consumer.\nAn informed consumer making economic choices and decisions in the marketplace is the best regulator of the free enterprise system. Consumers are also taxpayers, workers, investors, shoppers, farmers, and producers. The Republican Party recognizes the need for consumer protection but feels that such protection will not be enhanced by the creation of a new consumer protection bureaucracy. Just as there can be no single monolithic consumer viewpoint, so the Republican Party opposes the funding of special self-proclaimed advocates to represent consumer interests in federal agency proceedings.\nFairness to the employer\n\nThe Republican Party declares war on government overregulation. We pledge to cut down on federal paperwork, cut out excessive regulation, and cut back the bloated bureaucracy.\nIn addressing these problems we recognize that overregulation is particularly harmful to America's small businesses whose survival is often threatened by the excessive costs of complying with government rules and handling federal paperwork.\nWhile we recognize the role of the federal government in establishing certain minimum standards designed to improve the quality of life in America, we reaffirm our conviction that these standards can best be attained through innovative efforts of American business without the federal government mandating the methods of attainment.\nThe extraordinary growth of government, particularly since the middle 1960s, has brought mounting costs to society which, in turn, have added to inflationary pressures, reduced productivity, discouraged new investment, destroyed jobs, and increased bureaucratic intrusion into everyday life.\nRegulatory costs are now running in excess of $100 billion each year, or about $1,800 for every American family. Federal paperwork annually costs businesses from $25 to $32 billion. According to official figures, it takes individuals and business firms over 143 million man-hours to complete 4,400 different federal forms each year. Government regulation produces many indirect immeasurable costs as well and has led to increased bureaucratization of industry. Regulation also restricts personal choices, tends to undermine America's democratic public institutions, and threatens to destroy the private, competitive free market economy it was originally designed to protect.\nGovernment reform\n\nIn the face of a crisis of overregulation, the Carter Administration and the Democrats who control Congress have failed to recognize the problems facing workers, employers, and consumers and seem unable to come to grips with the underlying causes. While belatedly supporting transportation deregulation programs initiated by previous Republican Administrations, they have embarked on ambitious new schemes to tighten Washington's hold on energy and education. They have ignored or sidetracked Republican proposals to eliminate wasteful and outmoded spending programs and regulations. They have combined to push through more legislation and create additional programs which expand the size and power of the federal bureaucracy at the expense of ordinary taxpayers, consumers, and businesses. In contradiction to 1976 Carter campaign promises to cut back on regulation, the number of pages in the Federal Register devoted to new rules and regulations has increased from 57,072 in 1976 to 77,497 in 1979 and will approach 90,000 by the end of 1980.\nThe result of Democratic rule in both the White House and the Congress is that government power has grown unchecked. Excessive regulation remains a major component of our Nation's spiraling inflation and continues to stifle private initiative, individual freedom, and state and local government autonomy.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to a comprehensive program of government reform. We propose to enact a temporary moratorium on all new federal regulations that diminish the supply of goods and services and add significantly to inflation. Such a moratorium will be consistent with the goal of achieving a safe and healthy working environment. We shall work to reduce substantially the regulatory and paperwork burdens on small businesses.\nWe encourage management and labor to form joint safety and health committees to make the workplace a better place to produce goods and services. At the same time we believe that the arbitrary and high-handed tactics used by OSHA bureaucrats must end. OSHA should concentrate its resources on encouraging voluntary compliance by employers and monitoring situations where close federal supervision is needed and serious hazards are most likely to occur. OSHA should be required to consult with, advise, and assist businesses in coping with the regulatory burden before imposing any penalty for noncompliance. Small businesses and employers with good safety records should be exempt from safety inspections, and penalties should be increased for those with consistently poor performance.\nAgriculture\n\nIn no American workplace is there to be found greater productivity, cooperation, neighborly concern, creative use of applied science, information and relevant research, honesty, perseverance, hard work, and independence than on the farm and ranch.\nThe Republican Party takes pride in the ability of American farmers to provide abundant, high quality, and nutritious food and fiber for all our citizens including those most in need and to millions throughout the world, and at the same time to supply the largest single component in our export balance of trade.\nCrisis in Agriculture\nFour years of the Carter Administration and 25 consecutive years of a Congress controlled by Democrats have brought farmers and ranchers to the brink of disaster and the hardest times they have known since the Great Depression. In the last four years, more than 100,000 family farms have failed as farm income has plummeted. Even the present Administration's own figures show a decrease in real net farm income of some 40 percent in the last year alone—from $33 billion in 1979 to less than $22 billion projected for 1980.\nThe Democratic Party and the Carter Administration have abused their authority and failed in their responsibility to provide sound agricultural policies. Republicans pledge to make life in rural America prosperous again. We will:\nIncrease net farm income by supporting and refining programs to bring profitable farm prices with the goal of surpassing parity levels in a market-oriented agricultural economy;\nControl inflation by adopting sound fiscal and monetary policies and by eliminating excessive and unnecessary federal regulations;\nExpand markets at home by effectively utilizing the advantages of the energy potential for farm, forestry, and other biomass products. We encourage the continued innovative efforts in developing alcohol and other renewable energy sources and equipment for both on-farm and commercial use;\nAggressively expand markets abroad by effectively using the Eisenhower Food for Peace program and revolving credit incentives, working to remove foreign restraints on American products, and encouraging the development of dependable new markets in developing countries;\nAssure a priority allocation of fuel for U.S. agriculture, including food and fiber production, transportation, and processing; and\nCombine efforts to encourage the renewable resource timber production capability of privately-owned forests and woodlands with a federal program committed to multiple-use (timber, recreation, wildlife, watershed and/or range management) where federal land has not been designated as wilderness.\nRural America\nAttention to the quality of life in our rural areas is a vital necessity because rural Americans impart a special strength to the national character. It is our goal to assure that all rural citizens—whether they are farmers or not—have the same consideration in matters of economic development, in energy, credit and transportation availability, and in employment opportunities which is given to those who live in towns and cities. The opportunity for non-farm jobs enhances the ability of people to live and work in rural America in the decade ahead, and our dedication to a prosperous and energetic rural America is part and parcel of our commitment to make America great again.\nExpand Export Markets\nAgriculture's contribution to the U.S. trade balance makes it especially fitting that an aggressive market development program to establish dependable new markets for farm exports will be a vital part of the policies to restore profitability to American agriculture. Republicans will ensure that:\nInternational trade is conducted on the basis of fair and effective competition and that all imported agricultural products meet the same standards of quality that are required of American producers;\nThe General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade becomes a meaningful vehicle for handling agricultural trade problems and grievances;\nAn aggressive agricultural market development program and the streamlining of the export marketing system is given top national priority;\nGovernment-to-government sales of agricultural commodities be eliminated, except as specifically provided by law;\nThe future of U.S. agricultural commodities is protected from the economic evils of predatory dumping by other producing nations and that the domestic production of these commodities, so important to the survival of individuals and small rural communities is preserved; and\nThe important and productive potential of the commercial seafood industry is given encouragement.\nFarmer-Held Reserves\nWe support farmer-owned grain reserves, should they become necessary, and adamantly oppose government-controlled reserves.\nGrain Embargo\nWe believe that agricultural embargoes are only symbolic and are ineffective tools of foreign policy. We oppose singling out American farmers to bear the brunt of Carter's ill-conceived, ineffective, and improperly implemented grain embargo. The Carter grain embargo should be terminated immediately.\nExcessive Regulation of Agriculture\nThe crushing burden of excessive federal regulations such as many of those imposed on farmers, ranchers, foresters, and commercial fishermen by OSHA, EPA, the Departments of Agriculture, Labor, Justice, Interior, and other government entities are unrealistic and unnecessary.\nWe pledge a sensible approach to reduce excessive federal regulation that is draining the profitability from farming, ranching, and commercial fishing. Especially high on the agenda for changes in policy under Republican leadership are such regulatory issues as the Interior Department's ineffective predator control policies, EPA and FDA's excessive adherence to \"zero risk\" policies relative to the use of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, food additives, preservatives, and the like.\nSoil and Water Conservation\nWe believe the strong soil and water conservation stewardship to which farmers, ranchers, watermen, and rural Americans are devoted is exemplary, and encourage appropriate local, state, and federal programs to give conservation practices vitality. Voluntary participation with adequate incentives is essential to the effective conservation of our soil and water resources.\nWater Policy\nThe conservation and development of the nation's water resources are vital requisites for rebuilding America's national strength. The natural abundance of water can no longer be taken for granted. The impending crisis in water could be far more serious than our energy problems unless we act now. A dynamic water policy, which addresses our national diversity in climate, geography, and patterns of land ownership, and includes all requirements across the spectrum of water use, including Reclamation policy, will be a priority of the Republican Administration working with the advice and counsel of state and local interests. We must develop a partnership between the federal and state governments which will not destroy traditional state supremacy in water law. Further, there must be cooperation between the Executive Branch and Congress in developing and implementing that policy. Lack of such partnership has resulted in four years of bitter confrontation between the states and the obstructive policies of the Democratic Administration. The Congress has been frustrated in its efforts to conserve and develop our water resources. Working together, the states and the federal government can meet the impending water crisis through innovative and alternative approaches to such problems as cleaning our lakes and rivers, reducing toxic pollution, developing multiple-use projects, and achieving a workable balance between the many competing demands on our water resources.\nAgricultural Labor\nComprehensive labor legislation, which will be fair to American workers and encourage better relations with our neighbors in Mexico and Canada with whom we wish to establish a working North American Accord, is an essential endeavor. We deplore disruptive work stoppages which interrupt the supply of food to consumers.\nTaxation\nFederal estate and gift taxes have a particularly pernicious effect on family farms. Young farmers who inherit farm property are often forced to sell off part of the family farm to pay taxes. Once these taxes are paid, young farmers often must begin their careers deeply in debt. Our tax laws must be reformed to encourage rather than discourage family farming and ranching.\nWe deplore the imposition of present excessive estate and gift taxes on family farms. We support the use of lower, productivity-based valuation when farms are transferred within the family. Further, we believe that no spouse should pay estate taxes on farm property inherited from a husband or wife. We support the Republican tax cut proposal which provides accelerated depreciation and expanded investment tax credits to farm vehicles, equipment, and structures. Finally, we support legislation which would remove tax advantages foreign investors realize on the sale of U.S. forests, farmland, and other real estate.\nRural Transportation\nIt is essential to the well-being and security of our nation that an adequate rural transportation system be restored as a vital link between rural areas and their markets, both domestic and export. Overall, we pledge to eliminate those rules and regulations which restrict the free flow of commerce and trade of agricultural products and encourage an environment that will enhance the private development and improvement of all modes of transportation to move agricultural production swiftly, safely, and economically. Recognizing the inherent advantages of each mode of transportation, the Republican Party will work to encourage and allow those advantages to be utilized on a balanced and equitable basis.\nWe believe the federal 55 miles per hour speed limit is counterproductive and contributes to higher costs of goods and services to all communities, particularly in rural America. The most effective, no-cost federal assistance program available would be for each state to set its own speed limit.\nA Strong USDA\nWe pledge an Administration dedicated to restoring profitability to agriculture. A top priority will be the selection of a qualified and effective Secretary and policy staff who will speak up for American farmers—and a President who will listen.\nAmerica's preeminence in agriculture is rooted in a system of agricultural research, extension, and teaching—unique and unequalled in the world. Land Grant Universities focus on problems of national, regional, and local concern. Cooperative extension, operating in every county of the United States and its territories, brings the results of USDA and Land Grant University research to farmers and ranchers, rural women, consumers, agribusiness, and to youth through 4-H programs.\nFood Safety\nThe Republican Party favors a legislative effort to revise and modernize our food safety laws, providing guidelines for risk assessment, benefit assessment, peer review, and regulatory flexibility which are consistent with other government health and safety policies.\nCooperatives\nWe believe farmer cooperatives and rural electric and telephone cooperatives provide essential benefits to farmers and the rural Americans they serve, and we support exclusive jurisdiction of USDA in the effective administration of the Capper-Volstead Act.\nWe Republicans pledge ourselves to work with farmers, ranchers, and our friends and neighbors to make America great again.\nThe Nation\n\nThough a relatively young nation among those of western civilization, we are possessed of one of the oldest institutions of government extant. Steeped in the Judeo-Christian ethic and in Anglo-Saxon theories of law and right, our legal and political institutions have evolved over many generations to form a stable system that serves free men and women well. It governs a people of multifarious heritage dispersed across a great continent of marked geographical contrasts. It presides over a diverse economy that in its collective whole is the largest, most powerful, and most resilient in the world. In the two centuries of its life, though it has from time to time been sorely tested by constitutional, economic, and social crises, it has stood and not been found wanting. Its timeless strength, coupled with and reinforced by the faith and good will, the wisdom and confidence of the people from whom it derives its powers, has preserved us as a nation of enormous vitality.\nThe intent of the Founders, embraced and reflected by succeeding generations of Americans, was that the Central government should perform only those functions which are necessary concomitants of nationality, preserve order, and do for people only those things which they cannot do for themselves. The durability of our system lies in its flexibility and its accommodation to diversity and changing circumstance. It is notable as much for what it permits as for what it proscribes. Government must ever be the servant of the nation, not its master.\nBig government\n\nUnder the guise of providing for the common good, Democratic Party domination of the body politic over the last 47 years has produced a central government of vastly expanded size, scope, and rigidity. Confidence in government, especially big government, has been the chief casualty of too many promises made and broken, too many commitments unkept. It is time for change— time to de-emphasize big bureaucracies—time to shift the focus of national politics from expanding government's power to that of restoring the strength of smaller communities such as the family, the neighborhood, and the workplace.\nGovernment's power to take and tax, to regulate and require, has already reached extravagant proportions. As government's power continues to grow, the \"consent of the governed\" will diminish. Republicans support an end to the growth of the federal government and pledge to return the decisionmaking process to the smaller communities of society.\nThe emergence of policies and programs which will revitalize the free enterprise system and reverse the trend toward regulation is essential. To sustain the implementation of such policy, it is necessary to raise the public awareness and understanding that our free enterprise system is the source of all income, government and private, and raise the individual's awareness of his or her vested interest in its growth and vitality.\nThe Republican Party believes that it is important to develop a growing constituency which recognizes its direct relationship to the health and success of free enterprise, and realizes the negative impact of excessive regulation. Education and involvement in the system are the best means to accomplish this. To this end, we will actively pursue new and expanding opportunities for all Americans to become more directly involved in our free enterprise system.\nGovernment reorganization\n\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its belief in the decentralization of the federal government and in the traditional American principle that the best government is the one closest to the people. There, it is less costly, more accountable, and more responsive to people's needs. Against the prevailing trend toward increased Centralization of government under the Democrats, Republicans succeeded in the 1970s in initiating large scale revenue sharing and block grant programs to disperse the power of the federal government and share it with the states and localities.\nOur states and localities have the talent, wisdom, and determination to respond to the variety of demands made upon them. Block grants and revenue sharing provide local government with the means and the flexibility to solve their own problems in ways most appropriate for each locale. Unlike categorical grants, they do not lock states and localities into priorities and needs perceived by Washington. They are also more efficient because block grants and revenue sharing relieve both local government and the federal government from the costly and complicated process of program application, implementation, and review associated with the categorical grant system.\nWe pledge to continue and redouble our efforts to return power to the state and local governments. The regionalization of government encouraged by federal policies diminishes the responsiveness of state and local governments and impairs the power of the people to control their destiny.\nWhile Republican efforts have been focused on sharing revenue and the power that goes with it, the Carter Administration has been preoccupied with the reorganization and consolidation of central authority. As a result, we have the Departments of Energy and Education, for example, but no more oil and gas, or learning, to show for it.\nWhen we mistakenly rely on government to solve all our problems we ignore the abilities of people to solve their own problems. We pledge to renew the dispersion of power from the federal government to the states and localities. But this will not be enough. We pledge to extend the process so that power can be transferred as well to non-governmental institutions.\nGovernment reform\n\nWe favor the establishment or a commission of distinguished citizens to recommend ways of reorganizing and reducing the size and scope of the Executive Branch. Federal departments, agencies, and bureaus should be consolidated where possible to end waste and improve the delivery of essential services. Republicans pledge to eliminate bureaucratic red tape and reduce government paperwork. Agencies should be made to justify every official form and filing requirement. Where possible, we favor deregulation, especially in the energy, transportation, and communications industries. We believe that the marketplace, rather than the bureaucrats, should regulate management decisions.\nThe unremitting delegation of authority to the rule-makers by successive Democratic Congresses and the abuse of that authority have led to our current crisis of overregulation. For that reason, we support use of the Congressional veto, sunset laws, and strict budgetary control of the bureaucracies as a means of eliminating unnecessary spending and regulations. Agencies should be required to review existing regulations and eliminate those that are outmoded, duplicative, or contradictory. They must conduct cost-benefit analyses of major proposed regulations to determine their impact on the economy, on public health and safety, on state and local government, and on competition. We recommend legislation which would eliminate the present presumption of validity in favor of federal regulations. We also support legislation to require the federal government to provide restitution to those who have been wrongfully injured by agency actions. We oppose the use of tax monies by any federal agency to pay the expenses of intervenors in the rule-making process.\nWe recognize that there are dangers inherent in the rapid growth of the federal bureaucracy, especially the arbitrary nature of its discretionary power and the abuses of procedural safeguards. Accordingly, we pledge to work for fundamental changes in the federal Administrative Procedures Act in order to give citizens the same constitutional protections before a government agency that they have in a courtroom. Among these reforms are requirements that agencies publish in the Federal Register all rules and statements of policy before they are adopted, that a person be guaranteed written notice and the opportunity to submit facts and arguments in any adjudicatory proceeding, that an agency decision be consistent with prior decisions unless otherwise provided by law, and that a person may seek judicial review without first exhausting his or her administrative remedies. At the same time we urge the Congress to strengthen its oversight to ensure that the agencies comply with the deadlines, report filing, and other requirements mandated by law.\nWe propose to repeal federal restrictions and rewrite federal standards which hinder minorities from finding employment, starting their own businesses, gaining valuable work experience, or enjoying the fruits of their own labors.\nBecause there are too many federal employees in comparison to private sector employees, there should be no further increase in the number of civilian federal employees if that would increase the ratio of federal employees to private sector employees over the present ratio.\nElection reform\n\nThe Republican Party has consistently encouraged full participation in our electoral processes and is disturbed by the steady decline in voter participation in the United States in recent years. We believe that the increased voter turnout during the past year in Republican campaigns is due to dissatisfaction with Democratic officials and their failure to heed popular demands to cut taxes, restrain spending, curb inflation, and drastically reduce regulation.\nRepublicans support public policies that will promote electoral participation without compromising ballot-box security. We strongly oppose national postcard voter registration schemes because they are an open invitation to fraud.\nRepublicans support public policies that encourage political activity by individual citizens. We support the repeal of those restrictive campaign spending limitations that tend to create obstacles to local grass roots participation in federal elections. We also oppose the proposed financing of Congressional campaigns with taxpayers' dollars as an effort by the Democratic Party to protect its incumbent Members of Congress with a tax subsidy. We prefer the present system of having the states and party rules determine the presidential nominating process to the concept of a uniform national primary which would only add to the already high costs of, and excessive federal intrusion into, presidential campaigns.\nWe support the critical roles of competitive political parties in the recruitment of candidates, the conduct of campaigns, and the development of broad-based public policy responsive to the people. We urge Congress and state legislatures to frame their regulations of campaign finance, their nominating systems, and other election laws to strengthen rather than weaken parties.\nArts and Humanities\n\nRecent Republican Administrations led the way in bringing together private support and governmental encouragement to effect a tremendous expansion of artistic and scholarly endeavor. The Carter Administration has crudely politicized these programs, lowering their standards of excellence and increasing federal control over them.\nThe Republican Party will restore the sound economy which is absolutely necessary for the arts and humanities to flourish. We will restore, as well, the integrity of federal programs in this area. Most important, to ensure the continued primacy of private funding for the arts, we reiterate our support of broader tax incentives for contributions to charitable and cultural organizations.\nTransportation\n\nAmerica's transportation system must be designed to meet the requirements of the people, not to dictate what those requirements should be. Essential to any industrialized country is a transportation system which provides efficient and reliable service for both the movement of people and freight, urban and rural, domestic and foreign. Our nation has one of the finest transportation systems in the world but there is a danger that it will be unable to meet the future needs of a growing America.\nPresent levels of public and private investment will not preserve the existing system. For example, highways are deteriorating twice as fast as they are being rebuilt and inadequate rehabilitation will soon cost users more in reduced service levels than the cost of adequate rehabilitation.\nThe demand for transportation will grow dramatically in the next two decades with people-miles travelled increasing by over 50 percent and freight ton-miles more than doubling.\nGovernment overregulation is inhibiting the return on investment necessary to attract capital for future growth and jobs creation.\nA maze of federal agencies, Congressional committees, and conflicting policies is driving up costs and retarding innovation.\nA lackluster energy policy, impeding production of oil, coal, and other forms of energy is endangering transportation's ability to keep up with demand.\nConsequently, the role of government in transportation must he redefined. The forces of the free market must he brought to bear to promote competition, reduce costs, and improve the return on investment to stimulate capital formation in the private sector. The role of government must change from one of overbearing regulation to one of providing incentives for technological and innovative developments, while assuring through anti-trust enforcement that neither predatory competitive pricing nor price gouging of captive customers will occur.\nIncreased emphasis must he placed on the importance of having a well-balanced national transportation system where highways, passenger vehicles, buses, trucks, pipe-lines, and rail, water, and air transportation each provide those services which it does best, while offering the widest range of reasonable choices for both passenger and freight movement. A sound transportation system is a prerequisite for the vision of America that Republicans embrace—a prosperous, growing nation where dreams can still come true.\nEnergy\n\nEnergy is the lifeblood of our economy. Without adequate energy supplies now and in the future, the jobs of American men and women, the security of their lives, and their ability to provide for their families will be threatened and their standard of living will he lowered. Every American is painfully aware that our national energy situation has deteriorated badly over the past four years of Democratic control. Gasoline prices have more than doubled. Our oil import bill has risen 96 percent. Our energy supplies have become increasingly vulnerable because U.S. oil production outside of Alaska is now 28 percent below 1973 levels. The threat of sudden shortages, curtailments, and gas lines has become a recurring reality.\nThis steady deterioration has not only compounded our economic problems of inflation, recession, and dollar weakness, but even more importantly, it has infected our confidence as a nation. Energy shortages, spiralling costs, and increasing insecurity are beginning to darken our basic hopes and expectations for the future.\nThe National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has very accurately focused on the effects that a no-growth energy policy will have on the opportunities of America's black people and other minorities. The NAACP said that \"a pessimistic attitude toward energy supplies for the future...cannot satisfy the fundamental requirement of a society of expanding economic opportunity.\"\nIn commenting on the Carter energy proposals, the Association said, \"We cannot accept the notion that our people are best served by a policy based upon the inevitability of energy shortage and the need for government to allocate an ever diminishing supply among competing interests... (The plan) reflects the absence of a black perspective in its development.\"\nThree and one-half years ago, President Carter declared energy the \"moral equivalent of war\" and sent Congress 109 recommendations for action, including the creation of a new Department of Energy. Since then, the federal budget for government's energy bureaucracy has grown to about $10 billion per year and more then 20,000 pages of new energy regulations and guidelines have been issued. But these have not fostered the production of a single extra unit of energy.\nThe Democratic Congress has joined in the stampede, taking action on 304 energy bills since 1977. As a result, the federal bureaucracy is busy from coast to coast allocating gasoline, setting building temperatures, printing rationing coupons, and readying standby plans to ban weekend boating, close factories, and pass out \"no drive day\" stickers to American motorists—all the time saying, \"We must make do with less.\" Never before in the history of American government has so much been done at such great expense with such dismal results.\nRepublicans believe this disappointing cycle of shrinking energy prospects and expanding government regulation and meddling is wholly unnecessary. We believe that the proven American values of individual enterprise can solve our energy problems. This optimism stands in stark contrast to the grim predictions of the Democrats who have controlled Congress for the last 25 years.\nThey seem to believe not only that we are a nation without resources, but also that we have lost our resourcefulness. Republicans believe in the common sense of the American people rather than a complex web of government controls and interventions that threaten America's ability to grow. We are committed to an alternative strategy of aggressively boosting the nation's energy supplies; stimulating new energy technology and more efficient energy use; restoring maximum feasible choice and freedom in the marketplace for energy consumers and producers alike; and eliminating energy shortages and disruptions, which are a roadblock to renewed national economic growth, rising living standards, and a reawakening of the hopes and dreams of the American people for a better and more abundant future.\nWe believe the United States must proceed on a steady and orderly path toward energy self-sufficiency. But in the interim, our pressing need for insurance against supply disruption should not be made hostage to the whims of foreign governments, as is presently the case under the Carter Administration. We believe it is necessary to resume rapid filling of strategic oil reserves to planned levels of 500 million barrels in the short-term and ultimately to the one billion barrel level and to ensure that non-contiguous ares of the United States have their fair share of emergency oil reserves stored within their respective boundaries, as authorized by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975.\nIn order to increase domestic production of energy, Republicans advocate the decontrol of the price at the well head of oil and gas. We believe that the so-called windfall profits tax (which is unrelated to profit) should be repealed as it applies to small volume royalty owners, new oil, stripper wells, tertiary-recovery, and heavy crude oil, and that the phase-out of the tax on old oil should be accelerated. This tax legislation should be amended to include a plowback provision. We will seek decontrol of prices on all oil products and an end to government authority to allocate petroleum supplies except in national emergency. We also believe that market restrictions on the use of natural gas should be eliminated.\nCoal, our most abundant energy resource, can bridge the gap between our other present energy sources and the renewable energy sources of the future. The coal industry has been virtually ignored by the Carter Administration and the Democratic Congress. In 1977, President Carter promised to double coal production by 1985. Instead, because of obstructionist actions of the Administration, coal production has increased by only 11 percent to date and future prospects are dim. Today, thousands of coal miners are out of work and without hope for the future.\nRepublicans support a comprehensive program of regulatory reform, improved incentives, and revision of cumbersome and overly stringent Clean Air Act regulations. This program will speed conversion of utility, industrial, and large commercial oil-burning boilers to coal to the greatest extent feasible, thus substantially cutting our dependence on foreign oil. This program must begin immediately on a priority basis and be completed at the earliest date possible.\nTo effectively utilize this vast resource, our coal transportation systems must be up-graded and the government controls on them relaxed. Government regulation regarding the mining and use of coal must be simplified. We will propose a policy which will assure that governmental restraints, other then necessary and reasonable environmental controls, do not prevent the use of coal. We also reaffirm that mined lands must be returned to beneficial use and that states, in accordance with past Congressional mandate, have the primary responsibility to implement rules concerning the mining of coal which are adapted to the states' unique characteristics.\nCoal, gas, and nuclear fission offer the best intermediate solutions to America's energy needs. We support accelerated use of nuclear energy through technologies that have been proven efficient and safe. The safe operation, as well as design, of nuclear generating plants will have our highest priority to assure the continued availability of this important energy source. The design and operation of these plants can be guaranteed in less than the 10 to 12 year lead time now required to license and build them. We believe that the licensing process can and should be streamlined through consolidation of the present process and the use of standardized reactor designs.\nThe Three Mile Island incident suggests the need for certain reforms, such as in the area of operator training, but illustrates that properly designed and operated nuclear plants do not endanger public health or safety. We further encourage the research, development, and demonstration of the breeder reactor, with its potential for safely contributing to our nation's future energy supplies.\nNuclear power development requires sound plans for nuclear waste disposal and storage and reprocessing of spent fuel. Technical solutions to these problems exist, and decisive federal action to choose and implement solutions is essential. The Democratic-controlled Congress and Administration have failed to address the spent fuel problem. A Republican Congress and Administration will immediately begin to implement plans for regional away-from-reactor storage of spent fuel with the goal of implementation of a program no later than 1984.\nRepublicans are committed to the rapid development of permanent storage facilities for nuclear wastes. Since waste disposal is a national responsibility, no state should bear an unacceptable share of this responsibility.\nRepublicans will also move toward reprocessing of spent fuel.\nRepublicans will continue to support the development of new technologies to develop liquid, gaseous, and solid hydrocarbons which can be derived from coal, oil shale, and tar sands. The decontrol of oil and gas prices will eliminate any necessity for government support for a synthetic fuel industry except possibly for limited demonstration projects. Clean air, water, waste disposal, mine reclamation, and leasing rules must be made rational and final to accelerate private investment.\nGasohol is an important, immediately available source of energy that is helping to extend our petroleum reserves. We encourage development of a domestic gasohol industry.\nWe also believe the government must continue supporting productive research to speed the development of renewable energy technologies, including solar energy, geothermal, wind, nuclear fusion, alcohol synthesis, and biomass, to provide the next generation of energy sources.\nConservation clearly plays a vital role in the consideration and formulation of national energy policy. Republicans reject, however, the position of the Democrats which is to conserve through government fiat, Republicans understand that free markets based on the collective priorities and judgments of individual consumers will efficiently allocate the energy supplies to their most highly valued uses. We also believe that the role of government is best performed by structuring creative cost-effective incentives to achieve energy efficiency and conservation.\nWe reject unequivocally punitive gasoline and other energy taxes designed to artificially suppress energy consumption.\nMuch inefficient energy use results from government subsidization of imported oil and holding the price of natural gas substantially below its market value. When the price of energy is held artificially low, there is no incentive for conservation. This kind of energy consumption stems not from the excesses of the public, but the foolish policy distortions of government. Every BTU of genuine energy \"waste\" in our economy would rapidly disappear if we immediately and completely dismantle all remaining energy price controls and subsidies.\nA Republican policy of decontrol, development of our domestic energy resources, and incentives for new supply and conservation technologies will substantially reduce our dependence on imported oil. We reject the Carter Administration's incessant excuse that the high price of imported oil and OPEC are the primary cause of inflation and recession at home and a weak dollar and declining balance of payments abroad. The fastest way to bring international oil prices under control is to stop printing so recklessly the dollars in which those prices are denominated. Fully 60 percent of the world oil price increase since 1973 represents the depreciation of our dollars rather than an increase in the real price of oil.\nVirtually all major environmental legislation in the past decade reflected a bipartisan concern over the need to maintain a clean and healthful environment. While the new environmental policies have resulted in improving air quality, cleaner waters, and more careful analysis of toxic chemicals, the price paid has far exceeded the direct and necessary cost of designing and installing new control technology. In the energy area, the increased complexity of regulations, together with continual changes in the standards imposed, have brought about tremendous delays in the planning and construction of new facilities ranging from electric power plants to oil refineries, pipelines, and synthetic fuel plants.\nRepublicans believe that an effective balance between energy and environmental goals can be achieved. We can ensure that government requirements are firmly grounded on the best scientific evidence available, that they are enforced evenhandedly and predictably, and that the process of their development and enforcement has finality.\nRepublicans condemn the Democrats' withdrawal of a massive amount of the most promising federal lands from prospective energy development, including the rich potential of our Outer Continental shelf. It has been estimated that by the end of the 1980s resources from government-controlled acreage could yield over two million barrels of oil per day and four trillion cubic feet of gas per year, the equivalent of nearly all of our imports from OPEC countries. It is clear that restrictive leasing policies have driven us further to depend on OPEC by severely impairing the exploration for, and development of, domestic oil, gas, and coal resources, thereby aggravating our balance of trade deficit and making our country less secure. Republicans will move toward making available all suitable federal lands for multiple use purposes including exploration and production of energy resources.\nRepublicans believe that in order to address our energy problem we must maximize our domestic energy production capability. In the short term, therefore, the nation must move forward on all fronts simultaneously, including oil and gas, coal, and nuclear. In the longer term, renewable resources must be brought significantly on line to replace conventional sources. Finally, in conjunction with this all-out production initiative, we must strive to maximize conservation and the efficient use of energy.\nThe return to the traditions that gave vitality and strength to this nation is urgent.\nThe free world—indeed western civilization—needs a strong United States. That strength requires a prospering economy. That economy will be secure with a vigorous domestic energy industry. That vigor can only be achieved in an atmosphere of freedom—one that encourages individual initiatives and personal resourcefulness.\nEnvironment\n\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its long-standing commitment to the conservation and wise management of America's renewable natural resources.\nWe believe that a healthy environment is essential to the present and future well-being of our people, and to sustainable national growth.\nThe nature of environmental pollution is such that a government role is necessary to ensure its control and the proper protection of public health. Much progress has been made in achieving the goals of clean air, clean water, and control of toxic wastes. At the same time, we believe that it is imperative that environmental laws and regulations be reviewed and, where necessary, reformed to ensure that the benefits achieved justify the costs imposed. Too often, current regulations are so rigid and narrow that even individual innovations that improve the environment cannot be implemented. We believe, in particular, that regulatory procedures must be reformed to expedite decisionmaking. Endless delay harms both the environment and the economy.\nWe strongly affirm that environmental protection must not become a cover for a \"no-growth\" policy and a shrinking economy. Our economy can continue to grow in an acceptable environment.\nWe believe that agricultural policy should give emphasis to the stewardship of the nation's soil and water resources. The permanent loss of productive farm land is a growing problem and we encourage states and local communities to adopt policies that help maintain and protect productive agricultural land as a national asset.\nImmigration and refugee policy\n\nResidence in the United States is one of the most precious and valued of conditions. The traditional hospitality of the American people has been severely tested by recent events, but it remains the strongest in the world. Republicans are proud that our people have opened their arms and hearts to strangers from abroad and we favor an immigration and refugee policy which is consistent with this tradition. We believe that to the fullest extent possible those immigrants should be admitted who will make a positive contribution to America and who are willing to accept the fundamental American values and way of life. At the same time, United States immigration and refugee policy must reflect the interests of our national security and economic well-being. Immigration into this country must not be determined solely by foreign governments or even by the millions of people around the world who wish to come to America. The federal government has a duty to adopt immigration laws and follow enforcement procedures which will fairly and effectively implement the immigration policy desired by the American people.\nThe immediate adoption of this policy is essential to an orderly approach to the great problem of oppressed people seeking entry, so that the deserving can be accepted in America without adding to their hardships.\nThe refugee problem is an international problem and every effort should be made to coordinate plans for absorbing refugee populations with regional bodies, such as the Organization of American States and the Association of South East Asian Nations, on a global basis.\nThe judiciary\n\nUnder Mr. Carter, many, appointments to federal judgeships have been particularly disappointing. By his partisan nominations, he has violated his explicit campaign promise of 1976 and has blatantly disregarded the public interest. We pledge to reverse that deplorable trend, through the appointment of women and men who respect and reflect the values of the American people, and whose judicial philosophy is characterized by the highest regard for protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens, and is consistent with the belief in the decentralization of the federal government and efforts to return decisionmaking power to state and local elected officials.\nWe will work for the appointment of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.\nTaxes and government spending\n\nElsewhere in this platform, we have pledged for the sale of individual freedom and economic growth to cut personal income tax rates for all. Republicans believe that these tax rate reductions should be complemented by firm limitations on the growth of federal spending as provided by the Roth-Kemp Bill. The Republican Party, therefore, pledges to place limits on federal spending as a percent of the Gross National Product. It is now over 21 percent. We pledge to reduce it. If federal spending is reduced as tax cuts are phased in, there will be sufficient budget surpluses to fund the tax cuts, and allow for reasonable growth in necessary program spending.\nBy increasing economic growth, tax rate reduction will reduce the need for government spending on unemployment, welfare, and public jobs programs. However, the Republican Party will also halt excessive government spending by eliminating waste, fraud, and duplication.\nWe believe that the Congressional budget process has failed to control federal spending. Indeed, because of its big spending bias, the budget process has actually contributed to higher levels of social spending, has prevented necessary growth in defense spending, and has been used to frustrate every Republican attempt to lower tax rates to promote economic growth.\nThe immediate burden of reducing federal spending rests on the shoulders of the President and the Congress. We believe a Republican President and a Republican Congress can balance the budget and reduce spending through legislative actions, eliminating the necessity for a Constitutional amendment to compel it. However, if necessary, the Republican Party will seek to adopt a Constitutional amendment to limit federal spending and balance the budget, except in time of national emergency as determined by a two-thirds vote of Congress.\nGovernment lending\n\nNot only has the Democratic Congress failed to control spending, but in the last 10 years federal credit assistance programs have soared out of control.\nMany federal loan guarantees and related credit programs are off-budget. As a result, no one knows the nature and extent of our obligations or the effect such practices have on our economy. The best estimate is that outstanding federal credit is now close to $600 billion.\nRunaway government lending can be just as dangerous as runaway federal spending.\nThe Republican Party will establish a workable federal credit policy that will bring order to the reckless lending practices of the past.\nInflation\n\nWe consider inflation and its impact on jobs to be the greatest domestic threat facing our nation today. Mr. Carter must go! For what he has done to the dollar; for what he has done to the life savings of millions of Americans; for what he has done to retirees seeking a secure old age; for what he has done to young families aspiring to a home, an education for their children, and a rising living standard, Mr. Carter must not have another four years in office.\nIn his three and one-half years in office, Mr. Carter has presented and supported policies which carried inflation from 4.8 percent in 1976 to a peak of 18 percent during 1980.\nHe has fostered a 50 percent increase in federal spending, an increase of more than $200 billion, boosting spending in an era of scarce resources, and driving up prices.\nHe has through both inaction and deliberate policy permitted or forced tax increases of more than 70 percent, more than $250 billion, directly increasing the cost of living and the costs of hiring and producing. This has crippled living standards, productivity, and our ability to compete in the world. It has led to reduced output, scarcity, and higher prices.\nHe has imposed burdensome regulations and controls on production which have reduced the availability of domestic goods and energy resources, increased our dependence on imports, particularly in the energy area, driven down the value of the dollar, and driven up prices.\nHe has permitted continuing federal budget deficits and increased federal borrowing, forcing higher interest rates and inflationary money creation, increasing prices.\nThe inflation policies of the Carter Administration have been inconsistent, counterproductive, and tragically inept. Mr. Carter has blamed everyone from OPEC to the American people themselves for this crisis of inflation—everyone, that is, but his own Administration and its policies which have been the true cause of inflation.\nInflation is too much money chasing too few goods. Much can be done to increase the growth of real output. But ultimately price stability requires a non-inflationary rate of growth of the money supply in line with the real growth of the economy. If the supply of dollars rapidly outstrips the quantity of goods, year in, year out, inflation is inevitable.\nUltimately, inflation is a decline in the value of the dollar, the monetary standard, in terms of the goods it can buy. Until the decade of the 1970s, monetary policy was automatically linked to the overriding objective of maintaining a stable dollar value. The severing of the dollar's link with real commodities in the 1960s and 1970s, in order to pursue economic goals other than dollar stability, has unleashed hyper-inflationary forces at home and monetary disorder abroad, without bringing any of the desired economic benefits. One of the most urgent tasks in the period ahead will be the restoration of a dependable monetary standard—that is, an end to inflation.\nLower tax rates, less spending, and a balanced budget are the keys to maintaining real growth and full employment as we end inflation by putting our monetary policy back on track. Monetary and fiscal policy must each play its part if we are to achieve our joint goals of full employment and price stability.\nUnfortunately, Mr. Carter and the Democratic Congress seek to derail our nation's money creation policies by taking away the independence of the Federal Reserve Board. The same people who have so massively expanded government spending should not be allowed politically to dominate our monetary policy. The independence of the Federal Reserve System must be preserved.\nThe Republican Party believes inflation can be controlled only by fiscal and monetary restraint, combined with sharp reductions in the tax and regulatory disincentives for savings, investment, and productivity. Therefore, the Republican Party opposes the imposition of wage and price controls and credit controls.\nControls will not stop inflation, as past experience has shown. Wage and price controls will only result in shortages, inequities, black markets, and ultimately higher prices. We reject this short-sighted and misguided approach.\nPeace and Freedom\n\nPrologue\n\nAt the start of the 1980s, the United States faces the most serious challenge to its survival in the two centuries of its existence. Our ability to meet this challenge demands a foreign policy firmly rooted in principle. Our economic and social welfare in the 1980s may depend as much on our foreign and defense policy as it does on domestic policy. The Republican Party reasserts that it is the solemn purpose of our foreign policy to secure the people and free institutions of our nation against every peril; to hearten and fortify the love of freedom everywhere in the world; and to achieve a secure environment in the world in which freedom, democracy, and justice may flourish.\nFor three and one-half years, the Carter Administration has been without a coherent strategic concept to guide foreign policy, oblivious to the scope and magnitude of the threat posed to our security, and devoid of competence to provide leadership and direction to the free world. The Administration's conduct of foreign policy has undermined our friends abroad, and led our meet dangerous adversaries to miscalculate the willingness of the American people to resist aggression. Republicans support a policy of peace through strength; weakness provokes aggression.\nFor three and one-half years the Carter Administration has given us a foreign policy not of constancy and credibility, but of chaos, confusion, and failure. It has produced an image of our country as a vacillating and reactive nation, unable to define its place in the world, the goals it seeks, or the means to pursue them. Despite the Administration's rhetoric, the most flagrant offenders of human rights including the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Cuba have been the beneficiaries of Administration good will, while nations friendly to the United States have suffered the loss of U.S. commercial access and economic and military assistance.\nThe threat to the United States and its allies is not only a military one. We face a threat from international terrorism. Our access to energy and raw material resources is challenged by civil unrest, Soviet-sponsored subversion, and economic combinations in restraint of free trade. Our first line of defense, our network of friendly nations and alliances, has been undermined by the inept conduct of foreign affairs.\nAmerican policy since World War II has rested upon the pillars of collective security, military and technological superiority, and economic strength, and upon the perception by our adversaries that the United States possesses the will to use its power where necessary to protect its freedom. These tenets have enabled a commonwealth of free and independent nations to enjoy the benefits and confidence that come from expanding economic interchange in peace and bilateral and multilateral support in time of war. The entire structure of peace was guaranteed by American and allied military power sufficient to deter conflict, or to prevail in conflict if deterrence should fail.\nThe Administration's neglect of America's defense posture in the face of overwhelming evidence of a threatening military buildup is without parallel since the 1930s. The scope and magnitude of the growth of Soviet military power threatens American interest at every level, from the nuclear threat to our survival, to our ability to protect the lives and property of American citizens abroad.\nDespite clear danger signals indicating that Soviet nuclear power would overtake that of the United States by the early 1980s, threatening the survival of the United States and making possible, for the first time in post-war history, political coercion and defeat, the Administration reduced the size and capability of our nuclear forces.\nDespite clear danger signals indicating that the Soviet Union was using Cuban, East German, and now Nicaraguan, as well as its own, military forces to extend its power to Africa, Asia, and the Western Hemisphere, the Administration often undermined the very governments under attack. As a result, a clear and present danger threatens the energy and raw material lifelines of the Western world.\nDespite clear danger signals indicating that the Soviet Union was augmenting its military threat to the nations of Western Europe, American defense programs such as the enhanced radiation warhead and cruise missiles, which could have offset that buildup, were cancelled or delayed—to the dismay of allies who depend upon American military power for their security.\nThe evidence of the Soviet threat to American security has never been more stark and unambiguous, nor has any President ever been more oblivious to this threat and its potential consequences.\nThe entire Western world faces complex and multi-dimensional threats to its access to energy and raw material resources. The growth of Soviet military power poses a direct threat to the petroleum resources of the Persian Gulf now that its military forces deployed in Afghanistan are less than 300 miles from the Straits of Hormuz, through which half the free world's energy supplies flow.\nSoviet efforts to gain bases in areas astride the major sea lanes of the world have been successful due to their use of military power, either directly or indirectly or through Cuban and other Soviet bloc forces. Since the Carter Administration took office in 1977, the Soviets or their clients have taken over Afghanistan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and South Yemen, and have solidified their grasp on a host of other nations in the developing world. The Soviet noose is now being drawn around southern Africa, the West's more abundant single source of critical raw materials.\nThe failure of the United States to respond to direct threats to its security has left American citizens vulnerable to terrorist assaults as well. American diplomatic personnel have been subject to seizure and assault by terrorists throughout the world without drawing a meaningful Administration response.\nNo failure of the Administration has been so catastrophic as its failure of leadership. Mired in incompetence, bereft of strategic vision and purpose, the President's failure to shoulder the burden of leadership in the Western alliance has placed America in danger without parallel since December 7, 1941. The United States cannot abdicate that role without inducing a diplomatic and eventually a military catastrophe.\nRepublicans realize that if the challenges of the 1980s are not met, we will continue to lose the respect of the world, our honor, and in the end, our freedom. Republicans pledge to meet these challenges with confidence and strength. We pledge to restore to the United States and its people a government with conviction in our cause, a government that will restore to our great nation its self-respect, its self-confidence, and its national pride.\nNational Security\n\nDefense budget trends\n\nIn the late 1960s, the Republicans returned to the White House, inheriting a war in Southeast Asia. Because of this war, they also inherited a Fiscal Year (FY) 1968 defense budget which, if calculated in constant 1981 dollars to account for inflation, had risen to over $194 billion from $148 billion in FY 1961, the last Eisenhower year. By the beginning of the second Nixon Administration, U.S. forces were totally disengaged from Southeast Asia. The FY 1974 defense budget had dropped back to $139 billion, and the country had reaped its desired \"peace dividend\" of an over $50 billion reduction in annual defense spending. During this period, between 1969 and 1973, the Democrats who controlled Congress, led by Senators Mondale and Muskie, cut almost $45 billion from Nixon defense requests. Until 1975, Congress continued to ignore long-range defense needs, and made severe cuts in Republican defense proposals. The Ford Administration, however, succeeded in reversing this trend. From a low point of $134 billion in FY 1975, the FY 1976 defense budget rose, in response to President Ford's request, to $139 billion; and in FY 1977 it rose again to $147 billion.\nDespite the growing sentiment for a stronger defense, candidate Carter ran on a promise of massive cuts in U.S. defense spending, one promise he has kept. In his first three years in the White House, Mr. Carter reduced defense spending by over $38 billion from President Ford's last Five Year Defense Plan. Now, in his last year in office, faced with the total collapse of his foreign policy, and with his policy advisers and their assumptions disgraced, he has finally proposed an increase beyond the rate of inflation in defense spending. But this growth for 1981 will be less than one percent.\nWe deplore Mr. Carter's personal attempts to rewrite history on defense budgets. His tough speeches before military audiences cannot hide his continuing opposition to Congressional defense increases. The four chiefs of the armed services have each characterized the Carter defense program as \"inadequate\" to meet the military threat posed to the United States. We associate ourselves with the characterization by Democratic Congressional leaders of the President's behavior on defense as \"hypocritical.\" We would go further; it is disgraceful.\nMr. Carter cut back, cancelled, or delayed every strategic initiative proposed by President Ford. He cancelled production of the Minuteman missile and the B-1 bomber. He delayed all cruise missiles, the MX missile, the Trident submarine and the Trident II missile. He did this while the Soviet Union deployed the Backfire bomber and designed two additional bombers equal in capability to the B-1, and while it deployed four new large ICBMs and developed four others.\nMr. Carter postponed production and deployment of enhanced radiation (neutron) warheads while the Soviet Union deployed the SS-20 mobile missile and the Backfire bomber against Western Europe. He cut President Ford's proposed shipbuilding plan in half. He vetoed a nuclear aircraft carrier. He did this while the Soviet Union pursued an aggressive shipbuilding program capable of giving them worldwide naval supremacy in the 1980s unless current trends are reversed immediately. Mr. Carter opposed efforts to correct the terribly inadequate pay rates for our military personnel and stood by as the alarming exodus of trained and skilled personnel from the services quickened. At the same time, the Soviet Union increased its military manpower to a level of 4.8 million, more than double that of the United States.\nRecovery from the Carter Administration's neglect will require effort, but Americans know that effort is the unavoidable precondition to peace and economic prosperity. The Soviet Union is now devoting over $50 billion more to defense annually than the United States, achieving military superiority as a result. We have depleted our capital and must now devote the resources essential to catching up. The Secretary of Defense has stated that even if we were to maintain a constant increase in our spending of five percent in real terms, it would require 40 years for us to catch up.\nRepublicans commit themselves to an immediate increase in defense spending to be applied judiciously to critically needed programs. We will build toward a sustained defense expenditure sufficient to close the gap with the Soviets, and ultimately reach the position of military superiority that the American people demand.\nDefense strategy\n\nMore is required than reversing our military decline alone. We have seen in recent years how an Administration, possessed of dwindling but still substantial strength, has stood paralyzed in the face of an inexorable march of Soviet or Soviet-sponsored aggression. To be effective in preserving our interests, we must pursue a comprehensive military strategy which guides both the design and employment of our forces. Such a strategy must proceed from a sober analysis of the diverse threats before us.\nRepublicans approve and endorse a national strategy of peace through strength as set forth in House Concurrent Resolution 306. We urge speedy approval of this legislation by both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate as a means of making clear to the world that the United States has not forgotten that the price of peace is eternal vigilance against tyranny. Therefore we commend to all Americans the text of House Concurrent Resolution 306 which reads as follows:\nThe foreign policy of the United States should reflect a national strategy of peace through strength. The general principles and goals of this strategy would be:\nTo inspire, focus, and unite the national will and determination to achieve peace and freedom;\nTo achieve overall military and technological superiority over the Soviet Union;\nTo create a strategic and civil defense which would protect the American people against nuclear war at least as well as the Soviet population is protected;\nTo accept no arms control agreement which in any way jeopardizes the security of the United States or its allies, or which locks the United States into a position of military inferiority;\nTo reestablish effective security and intelligence capabilities;\nTo pursue positive non-military means to roll back the growth of communism;\nTo help our allies and other non-Communist countries defend themselves against Communist aggression; and\nTo maintain a strong economy and protect our overseas sources of energy and other vital raw materials.\nOur strategy must encompass the levels of force required to deter each level of foresee-able attack and to prevail in conflict in the event deterrence fails. The detailed analysis that must form the intellectual basis for elaboration of such a strategy will be the first priority of a Republican Administration. It must be based upon the following principles.\nNuclear forces\n\nNuclear weapons are the ultimate military guarantor of American security and that of our allies. Yet since 1977, the United States has moved from essential equivalence to inferiority in strategic nuclear forces with the Soviet Union. This decline has resulted from Mr. Carter's cancellation or delay of strategic initiatives like the B-1 bomber, the MX missile, and the Trident II submarine missile programs and from his decisions to close the Minuteman production line and forego production of enhanced radiation weapons.\nAs the disparity between American and Soviet strategic nuclear forces grows over the next three years, most U.S. land-based missiles, heavy bombers, and submarines in port will become vulnerable to a Soviet first-strike. Such a situation invites diplomatic blackmail and coercion of the United States by the Soviet Union during the coming decade.\nAn administration that can defend its interest only by threatening the mass extermination of civilians, as Mr. Carter implied in 1979, dooms itself to strategic, and eventually geo-political, paralysis. Such a strategy is simply not credible and, therefore is ineffectual. Yet the declining survivability of the U.S. ICBM force in the early 1980s will make this condition unavoidable unless prompt measures are taken. Our objective must be to assure the survivability of U.S. forces possessing an unquestioned, prompt, hard-target counterforce capability sufficient to disarm Soviet military targets in a second strike. We reject the mutual-assured-destruction (MAD) strategy of the Carter Administration which limits the President during crises to a Hobson's choice between mass mutual suicide and surrender. We propose, instead, a credible strategy which will deter a Soviet attack by the clear capability of our forces to survive and ultimately to destroy Soviet military targets.\nIn order to counter the problem of ICBM vulnerability, we will propose a number of initiatives to provide the necessary survivability of the ICBM force in as timely and effective a manner as possible. In addition, we will proceed with:\nThe earliest possible deployment of the MX missile in a prudent survivable configuration;\nAccelerated development and deployment of a new manned strategic penetrating bomber that will exploit the $5.5 billion already invested in the B-1, while employing the most advanced technology available;\nDeployment of an air defense system comprised of dedicated modern interceptor aircraft and early warning support systems;\nAcceleration of development and deployment of strategic cruise missiles deployed on aircraft, on land, and on ships and submarines\nModernization of the military command and control system to assure the responsiveness of U.S. strategic nuclear forces to presidential command in peace or war; and\nVigorous research and development of an effective anti-ballistic missile system, such as is already at hand in the Soviet Union, as well as more modern ABM technologies.\nFor more than 20 years, commencing in the mid-1950s, the United States has maintained tactical nuclear weapons in Europe for the purpose of assuring against deep penetrations into the West by the Soviet forces. Since 1977, however, the Administration has allowed our former superiority to erode to the point where we now face a more than three-to-one disadvantage.\nA Republican Administration will strive for early modernization of our theater nuclear forces so that a seamless web of deterrence can be maintained against all levels of attack, and our credibility with our European allies is restored. In consultation with them we will proceed with deployments in Europe of medium-range cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, enhanced radiation war-heads, and the modernization of nuclear artillery.\nConventional forces\n\nThe greatest single result of our loss of nuclear parity has been the manifest increase in the willingness of the Soviet Union to take risks at the conventional level. Emboldened by the Carter Administration's failure to challenge their use of surrogate Cuban forces in Africa and the later Soviet presence in Angola, Ethiopia, and South Yemen, the Soviets, for the first time in postwar history, employed their own army units outside of the Soviet bloc in a brutal invasion of Afghanistan. The invasion presents chilling evidence of the mounting threat and raises fundamental questions with respect to United States strategy.\nWe believe it is not feasible at this time, and in the long term would be unworkable, to deploy massive U.S. ground forces to such areas as the Persian Gulf on a permanent basis as we do in Europe and elsewhere. A more effective strategy must be built on the dual pillars of maintaining a limited full-time presence in the area as a credible interdiction force, combined with the clear capability to reinforce this presence rapidly with the forces necessary to prevail in battle. In addition, the strategy must envision military action elsewhere at points of Soviet vulnerability—an expression of the classic doctrine of global maneuver.\nThe forces essential to the support of such a strategy must include a much-improved Navy, the force most suitable for maintaining U.S. presence in threatened areas and protecting sea lines of communication. In addition, we will require a substantial improvement in the air and sea mobility forces and improved access to regional installations. A Republican Administration will propose their substantial improvement, to include the establishment of a permanent fleet in the Indian Ocean. We will also improve contingency planning for the use and expansion of our commercial maritime fleet and a new rational approach to emergency use of our civil aircraft fleet.\nThe budget cuts imposed by Mr. Carter on the Army and his restoration of the supremacy of systems analysis in the Pentagon have resulted in slowdowns, deferrals, and cost increases in nine vitally needed Army procurement programs in armor, firepower, air defense, and helicopters. These critical and long-delayed modernization programs must be restored to economical production rates and must be speeded into the field. Of equal importance is the need to bring our stocks of ammunition, spare parts, and supplies—now at woefully inadequate levels—to a standard that will enable us to sustain our forces in conflict.\nIn addition to the strategic programs needed for our Air Force, we pledge to restore tactical aircraft development and procurement to economical levels and to speed the achievement of 26 modernized wings of aircraft able to conduct missions at night, in all weather conditions, and against the most sophisticated adversary.\nWe pledge to increase substantially our intra- and inter-theater airlift capability and to increase our aerial tanker fleet through procurement and speedy modernization. Of all of the services, the Navy and Marines have suffered most from Mr. Carter's cuts. Their share of the defense budget has shrunk from 40 to 33 percent during the Carter Administration. Mr. Carter slashed President Ford's 157 ship, five-year construction program to 83. He has slowed the Trident submarine and requested only one attack submarine each year in spite of a Soviet three-to-one advantage. He vetoed the Fiscal Year 1979 Defense Authorization Bill because it included an aircraft carrier which a year later Congress forced him to accept. For the fourth straight year he has requested fewer than half of the 325 aircraft needed annually to stay even with peacetime attrition and modernization requirements. He has requested fewer than one-third of the amphibious ships needed just to keep the current level of capability for the Marines, and he has opposed Marine tactical aircraft and helicopter modernization.\nThe current Chief of Naval Operations has testified that, \"We are trying to meet a three ocean requirement with a one-and-a-half ocean Navy.\" Republicans pledge to reverse Mr. Carter's dismantling of U.S. naval and Marine forces. We will restore our fleet to 600 ships at a rate equal to or exceeding that planned by President Ford. We will build more aircraft carriers, submarines, and amphibious ships. We will restore naval and Marine aircraft procurement to economical rates enabling rapid modernization of the current forces, and expansion to meet the requirements of additional aircraft carriers.\nDefense manpower and the draft\n\nThe Republican Party is not prepared to accept a peacetime draft at this time. Under Mr. Carter, the all-volunteer force has not been given a fair chance to succeed. The unconscionable mismanagement and neglect of personnel policy by the Carter Administration has made a shambles of the all-volunteer force concept.\nPerhaps the most compelling vulnerability of our forces results from the dramatic exodus of the core of highly skilled men and women who form the backbone of our military strength. This loss is the direct result of neglect by the Commander-in-Chief.\nThe sustained malign neglect of our military manpower is nothing short of a national scandal. This Administration's active assault on military benefits and military retirement has been accompanied by an enforced pay-cap set at half the inflation rate. The average military family has lost between 14 percent and 25 percent in purchasing power over the past seven years. Officers and skilled enlisted personnel are leaving in droves, and 250,000 of our servicemen qualify for public assistance. Many of our career people earn less than the minimum wage. The services are currently short 70,000 senior enlisted personnel. This scandal is the direct result of Mr. Carter's willful downgrading of the military and inept mismanagement of personnel policy. As a top priority, the Republican Party pledges to end this national disgrace.\nWe pledge to restore a national attitude of pride and gratitude for the service of our men and women in the armed forces. We will act immediately to correct the great inequities in pay and benefits of career military personnel. Specifically, we support immediate action to:\nProvide for an increase in military pay targeted in particular toward the career grades now experiencing the greatest attrition;\nIncrease enlistment and reenlistment bonuses;\nImprove continuation bonuses for aviators;\nIncrease per diem travel allowances;\nIncrease the allowance for moving mobile homes;\nProvide family separation allowances for Junior personnel; and\nExpand benefit entitlement under the CHAMPUS program.\nA Republican Administration will index military pay and allowances to protect military personnel from absorbing the burden of inflation. We pledge that the profession of arms will be restored to its rightful place as a prominent expression of patriotism in America.\nIn order to attract recruits of high ability, a Republican Administration will act to re-introduce G.I. Bill benefits for those completing two years active service. We will press for enactment of legislation denying federal funds to any educational institution that impedes access of military recruiters to their students. We regard as a serious loss the decision of many of our finest institutions of higher learning to discontinue their military officer training programs. The leadership of our armed forces must include the best trained minds in our nation. Republicans call upon our colleges and universities to shoulder their responsibilities in the defense of freedom. We will investigate legislative inducements toward this end. We will not consider a peacetime draft unless a well-managed, Congressionally-funded, full-scale effort to improve the all-volunteer force does not meet expectations.\nReserve forces\n\nThe armed forces of the U.S. are today critically dependent upon our nation's Reserve components for both combat arms and combat support. The Army Reserve and National Guard provide one-third of the Army's combat divisions, 80 percent of its independent combat brigades, one-half of its artillery battalions, and one-third of its special forces groups. The Navy Reserve provides 90 percent of the Navy's ocean mine sweeping and two-thirds of its mobile construction battalions. The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard provide all of our strategic interceptors, 60 percent of our tactical airlift, and one-third of our tactical fighters. Reserve and National Guard units may be mobilized for even the smallest of conflicts and many such units today are expected to deploy immediately with the active duty units they support.\nToday, however, the reserves are ill-equipped, underpaid, and undermanned by several hundred thousand personnel. Proper equipment, realistic, challenging training, and greater full-time support must be made available. We must ensure that all Americans take note of the proud and vital role played by the Reserve and National Guard components of the Armed Forces of the United States.\nReadiness and industrial preparedness\n\nHistory records that readiness for war is the surest means of preventing it. Lack of preparedness is the most dangerously provocative course we can take. Yet funding requests for sufficient fuel, spare parts, ammunition, and supplies for U.S. war reserves have been cut each year for the past four years from the minimum quantities the armed services have stated they need. This has left the U.S. Armed Forces at their lowest state of preparedness since 1950, seriously compromising their ability to sustain a military conflict.\nCrippling shortages of spare parts, fuel, and ammunition compromise the ability of the armed forces to sustain a major military conflict. Some critical types of ammunition could not support combat operations for more than a week although we are committed to holding a 90-day inventory of major ammunition types. In addition, critical facilities such as airfields, ammunition depots, maintenance installations, and living quarters for our troops are in serious disrepair. The backlog of deferred maintenance and the underfunded purchase of vital combat consumables is so vast that years of effort will be required to rebuild U.S. forces to the required level of readiness.\nThe problem of maintaining the day-to-day combat readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces is compounded by the reduced ability of American industry to respond to wartime contingencies. Reduced acquisition of equipment for the modernization of the armed forces and the Carter Administration's failure to maintain combat readiness have eroded the incentive of American industry to maintain capacity adequate to potential defense requirements.\nRepublicans pledge to make the combat readiness of U.S. Armed Forces and the preparedness of the industrial base to a top priority.\nResearch and development\n\nResearch and Development (R & D) provides a critical means by which our nation can cope with threats to our security. In the past, the United States' qualitative and technological superiority provided a foundation for our military superiority. Yet we are now on the verge of losing this advantage to the Soviet Union because of Mr. Carter's opposition to real increases in the R & D effort. Delays imposed on the R & D process now allow seven to 10 years or more to elapse between the time when a new weapon system is proposed and when it becomes available.\nThe Soviet Union now invests nearly twice as much in military research and development as does the United States. This disparity in effort threatens American technological superiority in the mid-1980s and could result in Soviet breakthroughs in advanced weapon systems.\nRepublicans pledge to revitalize America's military research and development efforts, from basic research through the deployment of weapons and support systems, to assure that our vital security needs will be met for the balance of the century. We will seek increased funding to guarantee American superiority in this critical area and to enable us to deal with possible breakthroughs in anti-missile defense, anti-satellite killers, directed energy systems, and the military and civilian exploitation of space.\nAmerica's technological advantage has always depended upon its interaction with our civilian science and technology sector. The economic policy of the Carter Administration has severely encumbered private research and development efforts, thereby depriving both our civil and military sectors of the fruits of scientific innovation.\nUnderfunding of beneficial government-sponsored research efforts in basic and applied scientific research has disrupted the benefits of years of effective effort. In particular, America's preeminence in the exploration of space is threatened by the failure of the Carter Administration to fund fully the Space Shuttle program (with its acknowledged benefits for both the civil and military applications) as well as advanced exploration programs. Republicans pledge to support a vigorous space research program.\nManagement and organization\n\nThe Republican Party pledges to reform the defense programming and budgeting management system established by the Carter Administration. The ill-informed, capricious intrusions of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Defense Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation have brought defense planning full circle to the worst faults of the McNamara years. Orderly planning by the military services has become impossible. Waste, inefficiency, and paralysis have been the hallmarks of Carter Administration defense planning and budgeting. This has resulted in huge cost overruns and in protracted delays in placing advanced systems in the field.\nNational intelligence\n\nAt a time of increasing danger, the U.S. intelligence community has lost much of its ability to supply the President, senior U.S. officials, and the Congress with accurate and timely analyses concerning fundamental threats to our nation's security. Morale and public confidence have been eroded and American citizens and friendly foreign intelligence services have become increasingly reluctant to cooperate with U.S. agencies. As a result of such problems, the U.S. Intelligence community has incorrectly assessed critical foreign developments, as in Iran, and has, above all, underestimated the size and purpose of the Soviet Union's military efforts.\nWe believe that a strong national consensus has emerged on the need to make our intelligence community a reliable and productive instrument of national policy once again. In pursuing its objectives, the Soviet Union and its surrogates operate by a far different set of rules than does the United States. We do not favor countering their efforts by mirroring their tactics. However, the United States requires a realistic assessment of the threats it faces, and it must have the best intelligence capability in the world. Republicans pledge this for the United States.\nA Republican Administration will seek to improve U.S. Intelligence capabilities for technical and clandestine collection, cogent analysis, coordinated counterintelligence, and covert action.\nWe will reestablish the President's Foreign intelligence Advisory Board, abolished by the Carter Administration, as a permanent nonpartisan body of distinguished Americans to perform a constant audit of national intelligence research and performance. We will propose methods of providing alternative intelligence estimates in order to improve the quality of the estimates by constructive competition.\nRepublicans will undertake an urgent effort to rebuild the intelligence agencies, and to give full support to their knowledgeable and dedicated staffs. We will propose legislation to enable intelligence officers and their agents to operate safely and efficiently abroad.\nWe will support legislation to invoke criminal sanctions against anyone who discloses the identities of U.S. intelligence officers abroad or who makes unauthorized disclosures of U.S. intelligence sources and methods.\nWe will support amendments to the Freedom of information Act and the Privacy Act to permit meaningful background checks on individuals being considered for sensitive positions and to reduce costly and capricious requests to the intelligence agencies.\nWe will provide our government with the capability to help influence international events vital to our national security interests, a capability which only the United States among the major powers has denied itself.\nA Republican Administration will seek adequate safeguards to ensure that past abuses will not recur, but we will seek the repeal of ill-considered restrictions sponsored by Democrats, which have debilitated U.S. intelligence capabilities while easing the intelligence collection and subversion efforts of our adversaries.\nTerrorism\n\nIn the decade of the seventies, all civilized nations were shaken by a wave of widespread, international terrorist attacks. Time and again, nations and individuals have been subjected to extortion and murder at the hands of extremists who reject the rule of law, civil order, and the sanctity of individual human rights. Terrorism has been elevated to the level of overt national policy as authorities in Iran, encouraged by the Soviet Union, have held 53 Americans captive for more than eight months. Comprehensive support of international terrorist organizations has been a central, though generally covert, element of Soviet foreign policy.\nRepublicans believe that this tragic history contains lessons that must serve as the basis for a determined international effort to end this era of terrorism. We believe that certain principles have emerged from incidents in which states have defeated terrorist attacks, and we believe the United States should take the lead in a multilateral drive to eliminate the terrorist threat. A first requirement is the establishment of a military capability to deal promptly and effectively with any terrorist acts. We cannot afford, as in the abortive Iranian rescue mission, to allow months to pass while we prepare responses.\nThe United States must provide the leadership to forge an international consensus that firmness and refusal to concede are ultimately the only effective deterrents to terrorism. The United States should take the lead in combating international terrorism. We must recognize and be prepared to deal with the reality of expanded Soviet sponsorship of international terrorist movements. Development of an effective antiterrorist military capability and establishment of a Congressional and Executive capability to oversee our internal security efforts will no longer be neglected.\nThe role of arms control in defense policy\n\nThe Republican approach to arms control has been markedly different from that of the Democratic Party. It has been based on three fundamental premises:\nFirst, before arms control negotiations may be undertaken, the security of the United States must be assured by the funding and deployment of strong military forces sufficient to deter conflict at any level or to prevail in battle should aggression occur;\nSecond, negotiations must be conducted on the basis of strict reciprocity of benefits—unilateral restraint by the U.S. has failed to bring reductions by the Soviet Union; and\nThird, arms control negotiations, once entered, represent an important political and military undertaking that cannot be divorced from the broader political and military behavior of the parties.\nA Republican Administration will pursue arms control solely on the principles outlined above.\nDuring the past three and one-half years, the Carter Administration's policy has been diametrically opposed to these principles. First, by its willful cancellation or delay of essential strategic military programs such as the B-1, the MX missile, and the Trident submarine, it has seriously damaged the credibility and effectiveness of the U.S. deterrent force. Second, by not insisting upon corresponding concessions from the Soviet Union it has, in effect, practiced unilateral disarmament and removed any incentives for the Soviets to negotiate for what they could obviously achieve by waiting. The Republican Party rejects the fundamentally flawed SALT II treaty negotiated by the Carter Administration.\nThe Republican Party deplores the attempts of the Carter Administration to cover up Soviet non-compliance with arms control agreements including the now overwhelming evidence of blatant Soviet violation of the Biological Warfare Convention by secret production of biological agents at Sverdlovsk.\nIn our platform four years ago, we stated that, \"The growth of civilian nuclear technology and the rising demand for nuclear power as an alternative to increasingly costly fossil fuel resources, combine to require our recognition of the potential dangers associated with such development.\" We called for the formation of new multilateral arrangements to control the export of sensitive nuclear technologies. Unfortunately, the Carter Administration has failed to provide the leadership and creative diplomacy essential to forging effective international safeguards and cooperation in this vital area. In particular we oppose and deplore the pending delivery to India of nuclear material which can be directed to the manufacture of weapons.\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its commitment to the early establishment of effective multilateral arrangements for the safe management and monitoring of all transfers and uses of nuclear materials in the international market.\nForeign Policy\n\nU.S.—Soviet relations\n\nThe premier challenge facing the United States, its allies, and the entire globe is to check the Soviet Union's global ambitions. This challenge must be met, for the present danger is greater than ever before in the 200-year history of the United States. The Soviet Union is still accelerating its drive for military superiority and is intensifying its military pressure and its ideological combat against the industrial democracies and the vulnerable developing nations of the world.\nRepublicans believe that the United States can only negotiate with the Soviet Union from a position of unquestioned principle and unquestioned strength. Unlike Mr. Carter, we see nothing \"inordinate\" in our nation's historic judgment about the goals, tactics, and dangers of Soviet communism. Unlike the Carter Administration, we are not surprised by the brutal Soviet invasion of Afghanistan or by other Soviet violations of major international agreements regulating international behavior, human rights, and the use of military force. And, unlike the Carter Administration, we will not base our policies toward the Soviet Union on naive expectations, unilateral concessions, futile rhetoric, and insignificant maneuvers.\nAs the Soviet Union continues in its expansionist course, the potential for dangerous confrontations has increased. Republicans will strive to resolve critical issues through peaceful negotiations, but we recognize that negotiations conducted from a position of military weakness can result only in further damage to American interests.\nA Republican Administration will continue to seek to negotiate arms reductions in Soviet strategic weapons, in Soviet bloc force levels in Central Europe, and in other areas that may be amenable to reductions or limitations. We will pursue hard bargaining for equitable, verifiable, and enforceable agreements. We will accept no agreement for the sake of having an agreement, and will accept no agreements that do not fundamentally enhance our national security.\nRepublicans oppose the transfer of high technology to the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites, such as has been done in the past, permitting development of sophisticated military hardware which threatens the United States and our allies. The Carter Administration has encouraged the most extensive raid on American technology by the Soviet bloc since World War II. The Soviet Union has gained invaluable scientific expertise in electronics, computer sciences, manufacturing techniques, mining, transportation, aviation, agriculture, and a host of other disciplines. This has contributed to the ability of the Soviet Union to divert investment and manpower from their civilian economy to their armed forces. The fruits of Soviet access to American technology will improve the performance of the Soviet military establishment for years to come. The matter is compounded by the practice of subsidized financing of much of the Soviet bloc's acquisition of American technology through U.S. financial institutions.\nRepublicans pledge to stop the flow of technology to the Soviet Union that could contribute, directly or indirectly, to the growth of their military power. This objective will be pursued by a Republican Administration with our allies and other friendly nations as well. We will ensure that the Soviet Union fully understands that it will be expected to fulfill all of the commercial and diplomatic obligations it has undertaken in its international agreements.\nWe oppose Mr. Carter's singling out the American farmer to bear the brunt of his failed foreign policy by imposition of a partial and incompetently managed grain embargo. Because of his failure to obtain cooperation from other grain exporting countries, the embargo has been a travesty and a substitute for policy. We call for the immediate lifting of this embargo.\nWe reaffirm our commitment to press the Soviet Union to implement the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights and the Helsinki Agreements which guarantee rights such as the free interchange of information and the right to emigrate. A Republican Administration will press the Soviet Union to end its harassment and imprisonment of those who speak in opposition to official policy, who seek to worship according to their religious beliefs, or who represent diverse ethnic minorities and nationalities.\nRepublicans deplore growing anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union and the mistreatment of \"refuseniks\" by Soviet authorities. The decline in exit visas to Soviet Jews and others seeking religious freedom and the promulgation of ever more rigorous conditions inhibiting their emigration are a fundamental affront to human rights and the U.N. Charter. Republicans will make the subject of emigration from the Soviet Union a central issue in Soviet-American relations. Human rights in the Soviet Union will not be ignored as it has been during the Carter Administration. As a party to the Helsinki Conference Final Act, a Republican Administration will insist on full Soviet compliance with the humanitarian provisions of the agreement.\nRepublicans pledge our continued support for the people of Cuba and the captive nations of Central and Eastern Europe in their hope to achieve self-determination. We stand firmly for the independence of Yugoslavia. We support self-determination and genuine independence for new captive nations of Africa and Latin America threatened by the growing domination of Soviet power.\nA Republican Administration will end the sustained Carter policy of misleading the American people about Soviet policies and behavior. We will spare no efforts to publicize to the world the fundamental differences in the two systems and will strengthen such means as the international Communications Agency, the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and Radio Liberty actively to articulate U.S. values and policies, and to highlight the weaknesses of totalitarianism.\nWe pledge to end the Carter cover-up of Soviet violations of SALT I and II, to end the cover-up of Soviet violation of the Biological Warfare Convention, and to end the cover-up of Soviet use of gas and chemical weapons in Afghanistan and elsewhere.\nNATO and Western Europe\n\nSince its inception three decades ago, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has expressed the collective will of free nations to resist totalitarian aggression. As a cornerstone of the Western Alliance, NATO has stood on the firm foundations of American strategic strength, joint Allied defense efforts, and cooperative diplomacy based on shared interest and close consultations. The Republican Party recognizes that NATO serves the vital interest of the entire Western world and over the years we have continued to give the Alliance our undiminished and bipartisan support.\nRepublicans deplore the current drifts toward neutralism in Western Europe. We recognize that NATO and our Western Allies today face the greatest array of threats in their history, both from within and from without. Through its inept policies, the Carter Administration has substantially contributed to the evident erosion of Alliance security and confidence in the U.S. A Republican Administration, as one of its highest priorities and in close concert with our NATO partners, will therefore ensure that the United States leads a concerted effort to rebuild a strong, confident Alliance fully prepared to meet the threats and the challenges of the 1980s.\nThe chief external threat to NATO is that of developing Soviet military superiority. In a period of supposed \"detente,\" the NATO nations have too often cut back or delayed essential defense programs and too often placed excessive hopes in arms control negotiations, while the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact has been transformed into the world's most powerful offensive military force.\nThree-and-a-half years of Carter Administration policies have resulted in an increased threat to vital Alliance security interests. Mr. Carter's unilateral cancellations, reductions, and long delays in the B-1, Trident, MX, cruise-missile, and ship-building programs have increased the vulnerability of the U.S. strategic triad and have contributed to a developing strategic imbalance which undermines the foundation of Western deterrent and defense capabilities. His fundamentally flawed SALT II treaty would have codified Western inferiority. His reversals on the development and deployment of the \"enhanced radiation\" or neutron weapon, his treatment of future theater nuclear force modernization negotiations, and his manner of dealing with terrorist actions directed against Americans abroad, further undermined Alliance solidarity and security.\nThese Carter Administration inconsistencies have caused disunity in the Alliance. We have seen confusion in the fields of trade, fiscal, and energy policies. The lack of close coordination regarding Iran, the Middle East, Afghanistan, the Olympic boycott, nuclear proliferation, East-West trade, human rights, North-South issues, and a host of other international issues affecting Alliance interests, has reinforced Allied concerns. Republicans are concerned that these Carter Administration actions have increased Allied temptation to conduct independent diplomacy and to seek accommodation in the face of pressure from the Soviet Union. In this regard, we categorically reject unilateral moratoria on the deployment by the U.S. and NATO of theater nuclear weapons. Further, Republicans will oppose arms control agreements that interfere with the transfer of military technology to our allies.\nIn pledging renewed United States leadership, cooperation, and consultation, Republicans assert their expectation that each of the allies will bear a fair share of the common defense effort and that they will work closely together in support of common Alliance goals. Defense budgets, weapons acquisition, force readiness, and diplomatic coordination need to be substantially increased and improved. Within Europe as well as in areas beyond Europe which affect the shared vital interests of the Alliance, we will seek to increase our cooperative efforts, including increased planning for joint actions to meet common threats.\nThe Republican Party recognizes the vital importance of countries defending the regions of NATO. We will search for an early resolution of problems that currently inhibit the effective participation of all the nations of NATO's southern region and we call for the integration of Spain into the North Atlantic Alliance.\nMiddle East, Persian Gulf\n\nIn the past three years, the nations of the Middle East and Persian Gulf have suffered an unprecedented level of political, economic, and military turmoil. The Soviet Union has been prompt in turning these sources of instability to its advantage and is now in an excellent position to exploit the chaos in Iran and to foment similar upheavals in other countries in the region. Today, the countries of the Middle East and Persian Gulf are encircled as never before by Soviet advisers and troops based in the Horn of Africa, South Yemen, and Afghanistan. Moreover, the Soviets have close political and military ties with other states in the region.\nThe Soviet goal is clear—to use subversion and the threat of military intervention to establish a controlling influence over the region's resource-rich states, and thereby to gain decisive political and economic leverage over Western and Third World nations vulnerable to economic coercion. The first signs of Soviet success in this undertaking are already evidenced in the recent proposal by European countries to associate the Palestinian Liberation Organization in the West Bank autonomy talks.\nRepublicans believe that the restoration of order and stability to the region must be premised upon an understanding of the interrelationship between Soviet and radical Palestinian goals, the fundamental requirements of stable economic development and marketing of the area's resources, and the growing ferment among Islamic radical groups. Republicans believe that a wise and credible United States policy must make clear that our foremost concern is for the long-term peaceful development of all states in the region, not purely a self-serving exploitation of its resources. Our goal is to bring a just and lasting peace to the Arab-Israeli conflict.\nWith respect to an ultimate peace settlement, Republicans reject any call for involvement of the PLO as not in keeping with the long-term interests of either Israel or the Palestinian Arabs. The imputation of legitimacy to organizations not yet willing to acknowledge the fundamental right to existence of the State of Israel is wrong. Repeated indications, even when subsequently denied, of the Carter Administration's involvement with the PLO has done serious harm to the credibility of U.S. policy in the Middle East and has encouraged the PLO's position of intransigence. We believe the establishment of a Palestinian State on the West Bank would be destabilizing and harmful to the peace process.\nOur long- and short-term policies for the area must be developed in consultation with our NATO allies, Israel, Egypt, and other friends in the area, and we will spare no effort in seeking their consultation throughout the policy process, not merely demand their acquiescence to our plans.\nThe sovereignty, security, and integrity of the State of Israel is a moral imperative and serves the strategic interests of the United States. Republicans reaffirm our fundamental and enduring commitment to this principle. We will continue to honor our nation's commitment through political, economic, diplomatic, and military aid. We fully recognize the strategic importance of Israel and the deterrent role of its armed forces in the Middle East and East-West military equations.\nRepublicans recognize that a just and durable peace for all nations of the region is the best guarantee of continued stability and is vital to deterring further Soviet inroads. Peace between Israel and its neighbors requires direct negotiations among the states involved. Accordingly, a Republican Administration will encourage the peace process now in progress between Egypt and Israel, will seek to broaden it, and will welcome those Arab nations willing to live in peace with Israel. We are encouraged by the support given to the Middle East peace process by Sudan and Groan and the progress brought about by the strong and effective leadership of their governments.\nWe applaud the vision and courage of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and we pledge to build our relationship with Egypt in cultural affairs, economic development, and military cooperation.\nRepublicans recognize that the Carter Administration's vacillations have left friend and foe alike unsure as to United States' policies. While reemphasizing our commitment to Israel, a Republican Administration will pursue close ties and friendship with moderate Arab states. We will initiate the economic and military framework for assuring long-term stability in the internal development of regional states and an orderly marketplace for the area's resources. We will make clear that any reimposition of an oil embargo would be viewed as a hostile act. We will oppose discriminatory practices, including boycotts, and we will discourage arms sales which contribute to regional instability.\nRepublicans believe that Jerusalem should remain an undivided city with continued free and unimpeded access to all holy places by people of all faiths.\nThe Americas\n\nLatin America is an area of primary interest for the United States. Yet, the Carter Administration's policies have encouraged a precipitous decline in United States relations with virtually every country in the region. The nations of South and Central America have been battered by the Carter Administration's economic and diplomatic sanctions linked to its undifferentiated charges of human rights violations.\nIn the Caribbean and Central America, the Carter Administration stands by while Castro's totalitarian Cuba, financed, directed, and supplied by the Soviet Union, aggressively trains, arms, and supports forces of warfare and revolution throughout the Western hemisphere. Yet the Carter Administration has steadily denied these threats and in many cases has actively worked to undermine governments and parties opposed to the expansion of Soviet power. This must end.\nWe deplore the Marxist Sandinista take-over of Nicaragua and the Marxist attempts to destabilize El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. We do not support United States assistance to any Marxist government in this hemisphere and we oppose the Carter Administration aid program for the government of Nicaragua. However, we will support the efforts of the Nicaraguan people to establish a free and independent government.\nRepublicans deplore the dangerous and incomprehensible Carter Administration policies toward Cuba. The Administration has done nothing about the Soviet combat brigade stationed there, or about the transfer of new Soviet offensive weapons to Cuba in the form of modern MIG aircraft and submarines. It has done nothing about the Soviet pilots flying air defense missions in Cuba or about the extensive improvements to Soviet military bases, particularly the submarine facilities in Cienfuegos, and the expanded Soviet intelligence facilities near Havana.\nRepublicans recognize the importance of our relations within this hemisphere and pledge a strong new United States policy in the Americas. We will stand firm with countries seeking to develop their societies while combating the subversion and violence exported by Cuba and Moscow. We will return to the fundamental principle of treating a friend as a friend and self-proclaimed enemies as enemies, without apology. We will make it clear to the Soviet Union and Cuba that their subversion and their build-up of offensive military forces is unacceptable.\nRepublicans recognize the special importance of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands in the defense of freedom in the Caribbean. We believe that Puerto Rico's admission to the Union would demonstrate our common purpose in the face of growing Soviet and Cuban pressure in that area.\nRepublicans recognize the fundamental importance of Mexico and restoration of good working relations with that country will be of highest priority. A new Republican Administration will immediately begin high-level, comprehensive negotiations, seeking solutions to common problems on the basis of mutual interest and recognizing that each country has unique contributions to make in resolving practical problems.\nRepublicans pledge to reestablish close and cooperative relations with the nations of Central and South America and repair the diplomatic damage done by the Carter Administration. We pledge understanding and assistance in the efforts of these nations, and their neighbors, to deal seriously with serious domestic problems.\nWe pledge to ensure that the Panama Canal remains open, secure, and free of hostile control.\nThe reservations and understandings to the Panama Canal treaties, including those assuring the United States of primary responsibility of protecting and defending the Canal, are an integral part of those treaties and we will hold Panama to strict interpretation of the language of the treaties, clearly established by the legislative history of Senate adoption of amendments, reservations, and understandings at the time of Senate approval of the treaties.\nWe would remind the American taxpayers that President Carter gave repeated assurances that the Panama Canal treaties would not cost the American taxpayers \"one thin dime,\" and we emphasize the fact that implementing the Panama Canal treaties will cost them $4.2 billion.\nWe will work closely with Canada as our most important trading partner in the hemisphere. We will foster the deep affinity that exists between our two nations and our policies will be based on mutual understanding and complete equality.\nWe will seek a North America Accord designed to foster close cooperation and mutual benefit between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.\nA new Republican Administration will, in close cooperation with its neighbors, seek to work together to build prosperity and to strengthen common efforts to combat externally produced revolution and violence.\nAsia and the Pacific\n\nThe United States is and must remain a Pacific power. It is our vital interest to maintain U.S. guaranteed stability in the area. Republicans recognize the dangerous shifts in power that have accelerated under the current Democratic Administration. The balance on the Korean peninsula has shifted dangerously toward the North. Soviet naval forces in Asia and the Pacific have steadily increased and are now at least equal to U.S. naval forces there. Unilateral cancellation by the United States of the mutual defense pact with Taiwan and the abrupt announcement of withdrawal of U.S. ground forces from Korea, have led countries throughout the region to question the value of alliance with the United States.\nA new Republican Administration will restore a strong American role in Asia and the Pacific. We will make it clear that any military action which threatens the independence of America's allies and friends will bring a response sufficient to make its cost prohibitive to potential adversaries.\nJapan will continue to be a pillar of American policy in Asia. Republicans recognize the mutual interests and special relationships that exist between the two countries in their commitment to democracy and in trade, defense, and cultural matters. A new Republican Administration will work closely with the Japans government to resolve outstanding trade and energy problems on an equitable basis. We strongly support a substantially increased Japanese national defense effort and reaffirm that our long-range objectives of military security and a balancing of the expanded Soviet military presence in the region are of mutual interest.\nRepublicans recognize the unique danger presented to our ally, South Korea. We will encourage continued efforts to expand political participation and individual liberties within the country, but will recognize the special problems brought on by subversion and potential aggression from the North. We will maintain American ground and air forces in South Korea, and will not reduce our presence further. Our treaty commitments to South Korea will be restated in unequivocal terms and we will reestablish the process of close consultations between our governments.\nWe reaffirm our special and historic relationships with the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, and Australia. Republicans will recognize the long friendship with these countries and will cultivate and strengthen our diplomatic and trade relationships.\nWe deplore the brutal acts of Communist Vietnam against the people of Cambodia and Laos. We recognize that the suffering of refugees from these ravaged countries represents a major moral challenge to the world and one of the great human tragedies of modern times. A Republican Administration will work actively to bring relief to these suffering people, especially those who have sought refuge in Thailand. We value the special contribution the people of Thailand have made to the refugees by opening their borders and saving hundreds of thousands of them from death, and we pledge to provide full economic aid and military material to assist Thailand in repelling Vietnamese aggression.\nWe believe that no expanded relations with Communist Vietnam should be pursued while it continues its course of brutal expansionism and genocide. We pledge that a Republican Administration will press for full accounting of Americans still listed as missing in action.\nRecognizing the growing importance of the People's Republic of China in world affairs, Republicans—who took the historic initiative in opening the lines of communication with that nation—will continue the process of building a working relationship with the PRC. Growing contacts between the United States and the People's Republic of China reflect the interests of both nations, as well as some common perceptions of recent changes in the global military balance. We will not ignore the profound differences in our respective philosophies, governmental institutions, policies, and concepts of individual liberty.\nWe will strive for the creation of conditions that will foster the peaceful elaboration of our relationship with the People's Republic of China. We will exercise due caution and prudence with respect to our own vital interests, especially in the field of expanding trade, including the transfer of sophisticated technology with potential offensive military applications. The relationship between the two countries must be based on mutual respect and reciprocity, with due regard for the need to maintain peace and stability in Asia.\nAt the same time, we deplore the Carter Administration's treatment of Taiwan, our long-time ally and friend. We pledge that our concern for the safety and security of the 17 million people of Taiwan will be constant. We would regard any attempt to alter Taiwan's status by force as a threat to peace in the region. We declare that the Republican Administration, in strengthening relations with Taiwan, will create conditions leading to the expansion of trade, and will give priority consideration to Taiwan's defense requirements.\nAfrica\n\nThe Republican Party supports the principle and process of self-determination in Africa. We reaffirm our commitment to this principle and pledge our strong opposition to the effort of the Soviet Union and its militant allies to subvert this process. Soviet bases, tens of thousands of Cuban troops, and Soviet-bloc subversion are unacceptable.\nWe recognize that much is at stake in Africa and that the United States and the industrial West have vital interests there—economically, strategically, and politically. Working closely with our allies, a Republican Administration will seek to assist the countries of Africa with our presence, our markets, our know-how, and our investment. We will work to create a climate of economic and political development and confidence. We will encourage and assist business to play a major role in support of regional industrial development programs, mineral complexes, and agricultural self-sufficiency.\nRepublicans believe that African nations, if given a choice, will reject the Marxist, totalitarian model being forcibly imposed by the Soviet Union and its surrogates including Cuban and Nicaraguan troops as well as East German secret police. We believe that they know the Communist powers have relatively little to offer them and that, for the most part, the African peoples are convinced that the West is central to world stability and economic growth on which their own fortunes ultimately depend.\nA Republican Administration will adhere to policies that reflect the complex origins of African conflicts, demonstrate that we know what U.S. interests are, and back those interests in meaningful ways. We will recognize the important role of economic and military assistance programs and will devote major resources to assisting African development and stability when such aid is given on a bilateral basis and contributes directly to American interests on the continent.\nIn Southern Africa, American policies must be guided by commonsense and by our own humanitarian principles. Republicans believe that our history has meaning for Africa in demonstrating that a multiracial society with guarantees of individual rights is possible and can work. We must remain open and helpful to all parties, whether in the new Zimbabwe, in Namibia, or in the Republic of South Africa. A Republican Administration will not endorse situations or constitutions, in whatever society, which are racist in purpose or in effect. It will not expect miracles, but will press for genuine progress in achieving goals consistent with American ideals.\nForeign assistance and regional security\n\nThe United States has included foreign assistance and regional security as a major element of its foreign policy for four decades. Properly administered and focused, foreign assistance can be an effective means of promoting United States foreign policy objectives, and serve to enhance American security by assisting friendly nations to become stronger and more capable of defending themselves and their regions against foreign subversion and attack.\nThe threat posed to individual Third World nations is beyond the means of any one of them to counter alone. A Republican Administration will seek to strengthen and assist regional security arrangements among nations prepared to assume the burden of their defense.\nNo longer should American foreign assistance programs seek to force acceptance of American governmental forms. The principal consideration should be whether or not extending assistance to a nation or group of nations will advance America's interests and objectives. The single-minded attempt to force acceptance of U.S. values and standards of democracy has undermined several friendly nations, and has made possible the advance of Soviet interests in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and in the Western Hemisphere in the past four years.\nAmerican foreign economic assistance is not a charitable venture; charity is most effectively carried out by private entities. Only by private economic development by the people of the nations involved has poverty ever been overcome. U.S. foreign economic assistance should have a catalytic effect on indigenous economic development, and should only be extended when it is consistent with America's foreign policy interest. America's foreign assistance programs should be a vehicle for exporting the American idea.\nA Republican Administration will emphasize bilateral assistance programs whenever possible. Bilateral programs provide the best assurance that aid programs will be fully accountable to the American taxpayer, and wholly consistent with our foreign policy interests.\nThe effort of the Carter Administration to diminish the role of American military assistance and foreign military sales in our foreign policy has had several negative effects:\nIt has resulted in the export of many thousands of American jobs as the Soviet Union, Britain, and France have taken sales prohibited to American manufacturers;\nIt has reduced the ability of friendly nations to defend their independence against Soviet-sponsored subversion, resulting in several cases in abject takeovers by overtly pro-Soviet regimes; and\nIt has weakened the fabric of the U.S. alliance structure by making the U.S. appear to be an unreliable ally, a trend which can only lead to the undesirable attempt by nations fearful of their security to seek to acquire their own nuclear weapons.\nDecisions to provide military assistance should be made on the basis of U.S. foreign policy objectives. Such assistance to any nation need not imply complete approval of a regime's domestic policy. Republicans pledge to strengthen America's presence abroad by well-constructed programs of military assistance to promote national and regional security.\nThe manipulation of foreign arms sales has been one of the most seriously abused policy initiatives of the Carter Administration. The establishment of arbitrary ceilings on foreign sales, and the complex procedural and policy guidelines governing such sales have impeded the support of U.S. foreign policy objectives abroad. Friendly and allied nations alike have had to turn elsewhere for arms. This has stimulated the growth of a new arms industry in developing nations. Republicans pledge to reform and rebuild U.S. military assistance and foreign arms sales policies so that they will serve American interests in promoting regional security arrangements and the individual defense needs of friendly nations.\nInternational Economic Policy\n\nInternational trade and economic policy\n\nThe American economy has an abundance of human and material resources, but nevertheless, it is part of a larger global economy. Our domestic prosperity and international competitiveness depend upon our participation in the international economy. Moreover, our security interests are in part determined by international economic factors. Yet the Carter Administration has largely ignored the role of international economics in relations between the United States and friendly nations throughout the world. The Administration has conducted its international economic policy at cross-purposes with other dimensions of its foreign policy, resulting in strains within the Western alliance and a general decline in the domestic prosperity. Under a Republican Administration, our international economic policy will be harmonized with our foreign and defense policies to leave no doubt as to the strategy and purpose of American policy.\nThe economic policy of the Carter Administration has led to the most serious decline in the value of the dollar in history. The ability of Americans to purchase goods and services or to invest abroad has been diminished by Carter Administration policies devaluing the dollar. Republicans will conduct international economic policy in a manner that will stabilize the value of the dollar at home and abroad.\nThe Republican Party believes the United States must adopt an aggressive export policy. For too long, our trade policy has been geared toward helping our foreign trading partners. Now, we have to put the United States back on the world export map. We helped pull other countries out of the post-World War II economic chaos: it is time to remedy our own crisis. Trade, especially exporting, must be high on our list of national priorities. The Republicans will put it there and will promote trade to ensure the long-term health of the U.S. economy.\nExports can play a key role in strengthening the U.S. economy, creating jobs and improving our standard of living. A $15 billion increase in exports can increase employment by 1,000,000, the Gross National Product by $37 billion per year, and private investment by $4 billion per year. Nevertheless, the Carter Administration has placed exporting at the bottom of its priority list. The present Administration's trade policies lack coordination, cohesiveness, and true commitment to improving our export performance. Rather than helping to create strong exporters in the United States and thereby create more Jobs for Americans, the Carter Administration's trade policies have discouraged traders. At best, the Administration has adopted a passive approach to trade, merely reacting to changing world economies, rather than actively seeking to promote a global structure that best addresses America's needs. As a result, we lag seriously behind our foreign competitors in trade performance and economic strength. Export promotion will be a central objective of international economic policy in a Republican Administration.\nA Republican Administration will emphasize a policy of free trade, but will expect our trading partners to do so as well. The failure of the Carter Administration energetically to pursue negotiations designed to improve the access of American exports to foreign markets has contributed, in part, to protectionist sentiment.\nDomestic problems—over-burdensome government regulations, excessive taxation, inflationary monetary policy, and an unstable economy—have contributed to the protectionist sentiments as well. We realize that protectionist legislation has engendered retaliation by America's trading partners in the past resulting in \"beggar thy neighbor\" policies that had such disastrous consequences in the 1930s.\nRepublicans are committed to protect American Jobs and American workers first and foremost. The Republican Party believes in free trade, and we will insist that our trade policy be based on the principles of reciprocity and equity. We oppose subsidies, tariff and non-tariff barriers that unfairly restrict access of American products to foreign markets. We will not stand idly by as the jobs of millions of Americans in domestic industries, such as automobiles, textiles, steel, and electronics are jeopardized and lost. We pledge to strengthen trade agreements and to change the Carter economic policies that have undermined the capability of American agriculture and industry to compete abroad.\nRepublicans believe that this nation's international trade balance can be improved through the elimination of disincentives for exporters. Statutory and regulatory requirements that inhibit exports should be reviewed and, where practical, eliminated. We further recognize that government can play a role in promoting international trade by establishing incentives for exports, especially those for small and medium size business. We pledge also to work with our trading partners to eliminate subsidies to exports and dumping.\nThe ability of the United States to compete in foreign markets is hampered by the excessive taxation of Americans working abroad who contribute to our domestic well-being by promoting international trade. Increased exports to our trading partners result in jobs and a rising standard of living at home. Carter Administration policy has the effect of discouraging the presence of American businessmen abroad due to the unfairly high level of taxation levied against them. A Republican Administration will support legislation designed to eliminate this inequity so that American citizens can fully participate in international commerce without fear of discriminatory taxation.\nOur nation must have a strong, competitive, and efficient merchant marine to meet the needs of our international commerce and our national security. We must arrest the significant decline of recent years in the ability of American-flag shipping to compete effectively for the carriage of world commerce. A Republican Administration will revitalize our merchant marine through a responsive and sustained policy. We will encourage the development and maintenance of an American-flag ocean transportation system, staffed with trained American personnel and capable of carrying a substantial portion of our international trade in a competitive and efficient manner. We will promote the development and support of a domestic shipbuilding and ship-repair mobilization base adequate to both the commercial and the national security requirements of the United States.\nThe security of energy and raw materials access\n\nThe security of America's foreign sources of energy and raw material supply can no longer be ignored. The United States imports 50 percent of it domestic petroleum requirements, and depends upon foreign sources for 22 of the 74 non-fuel raw materials essential to a modern industrial economy, Nine of the most critical raw materials are almost entirely (i.e., more than 90 percent) located abroad. In contrast, the Soviet Union imports only two critical minerals at a level in excess of 50 percent of domestic consumption.\nReducing reliance on uncertain foreign sources and assuring access to foreign energy and raw materials require the harmonization of economic policy with our defense and foreign policy. Domestic economic and regulatory policy must be adjusted to remove impediments to greater development of our own energy and raw materials resources. Democratic policies for federal land management, taxation, monetary policy, and economic regulation have served to increase America's dependence on foreign sources of energy and raw materials. Republicans pledge to work to eliminate domestic disincentives to the exploitation of these resources.\nMultilateral negotiations have thus far insufficiently focused attention on U.S. long-term security requirements. A pertinent example of this phenomenon is the Law of the Sea Conference, where negotiations have served to inhibit U.S. exploration of the sea-bed for its abundant mineral resources. Too much concern has been lavished on nations unable to carry out sea-bed mining, with insufficient attention paid to gaining early American access to it. A Republican Administration will conduct multilateral negotiations in a manner that reflects America's abilities and long-term interest in access to raw material and energy resources.\nResource access will assume an important place in defense and economic planning under a Republican Administration. Since America's allies are, in most cases, more dependent than the U.S. on foreign sources of energy and raw materials, they too have a vital interest in the defense of their access to these critical resources. Republicans pledge to promote allied defense cooperation to assure protection from military threats to overseas resources.", "Words" -> 34498, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 2099, "and" -> 1550, "of" -> 1505, "to" -> 1168, "in" -> 624, "a" -> 475, "for" -> 338, "that" -> 335, "our" -> 328, "will" -> 319, "We" -> 292, "is" -> 262, "The" -> 257, "by" -> 224, "be" -> 217, "has" -> 207, "as" -> 188, "have" -> 185, "on" -> 175, "with" -> 174, "we" -> 170, "are" -> 169, "their" -> 155, "Republican" -> 129, "Administration" -> 129, "its" -> 125, "American" -> 121, "government" -> 119, "Republicans" -> 117, "federal" -> 116, "Carter" -> 113, "which" -> 112, "must" -> 112, "it" -> 105, "this" -> 103, "Soviet" -> 102, "economic" -> 100, "policy" -> 99, "from" -> 98, "an" -> 94, "not" -> 93, "military" -> 92, "or" -> 88, "tax" -> 86, "support" -> 84, "energy" -> 82, "more" -> 79, "been" -> 78, "United" -> 77, "States" -> 77, "programs" -> 73, "people" -> 73, "Party" -> 72, "can" -> 71, "at" -> 71, "all" -> 68, "than" -> 67, "policies" -> 67, "Americans" -> 67, "In" -> 64, "those" -> 63, "believe" -> 63, "should" -> 62, "who" -> 61, "pledge" -> 61, "new" -> 61, "growth" -> 59, "other" -> 57, "foreign" -> 57, "U.S." -> 56, "national" -> 55, "years" -> 53, "defense" -> 53, "they" -> 50, "most" -> 50, "through" -> 49, "work" -> 48, "private" -> 48, "percent" -> 48, "system" -> 47, "such" -> 47, "jobs" -> 47, "Union" -> 46, "security" -> 45, "forces" -> 45, "efforts" -> 45, "America" -> 45, "inflation" -> 44, "problems" -> 43, "economy" -> 43, "development" -> 43, "but" -> 43, "only" -> 42, "local" -> 42, "A" -> 42, "This" -> 41, "these" -> 41, "spending" -> 41, "Congress" -> 41, "resources" -> 39, "nations" -> 39, "provide" -> 38, "power" -> 38, "Democratic" -> 38, "also" -> 38, "world" -> 37, "them" -> 37, "over" -> 37, "family" -> 37, "families" -> 37, "any" -> 36, "would" -> 35, "time" -> 35, "so" -> 35, "now" -> 35, "make" -> 35, "international" -> 35, "free" -> 35, "recognize" -> 34, "end" -> 34, "between" -> 34, "women" -> 33, "use" -> 33, "seek" -> 33, "It" -> 33, "assistance" -> 33, "America's" -> 33, "vital" -> 32, "trade" -> 32, "own" -> 32, "against" -> 32, "transportation" -> 31, "rates" -> 31, "program" -> 31, "no" -> 31, "Mr." -> 31, "many" -> 31, "health" -> 31, "business" -> 31, "without" -> 30, "Our" -> 30, "increase" -> 30, "control" -> 30, "citizens" -> 30, "To" -> 29, "nuclear" -> 29, "encourage" -> 29, "year" -> 28, "well" -> 28, "state" -> 28, "society" -> 28, "one" -> 28, "need" -> 28, "individual" -> 28, "income" -> 28, "public" -> 27, "interests" -> 27, "incentives" -> 27, "effective" -> 27, "billion" -> 27, "taxes" -> 26, "states" -> 26, "nation" -> 26, "into" -> 26, "effort" -> 26, "domestic" -> 26, "rights" -> 25, "regulations" -> 25, "production" -> 25, "oil" -> 25, "especially" -> 25, "role" -> 24, "rate" -> 24, "life" -> 24, "housing" -> 24, "home" -> 24, "force" -> 24, "care" -> 24, "As" -> 24, "working" -> 23, "welfare" -> 23, "up" -> 23, "small" -> 23, "right" -> 23, "restore" -> 23, "needs" -> 23, "interest" -> 23, "increased" -> 23, "his" -> 23, "essential" -> 23, "Democrats" -> 23, "costs" -> 23, "continue" -> 23, "benefits" -> 23, "there" -> 22, "services" -> 22, "result" -> 22, "present" -> 22, "past" -> 22, "out" -> 22, "nation's" -> 22, "workers" -> 21, "They" -> 21, "strategic" -> 21, "requirements" -> 21, "political" -> 21, "peace" -> 21, "oppose" -> 21, "necessary" -> 21, "millions" -> 21, "major" -> 21, "made" -> 21, "long" -> 21, "level" -> 21, "legislation" -> 21, "employment" -> 21, "create" -> 21, "commitment" -> 21, "both" -> 21, "become" -> 21, "Administration's" -> 21, "ability" -> 21, "toward" -> 20, "threat" -> 20, "strong" -> 20, "rural" -> 20, "process" -> 20, "meet" -> 20, "individuals" -> 20, "important" -> 20, "higher" -> 20, "budget" -> 20, "best" -> 20, "arms" -> 20, "access" -> 20, "young" -> 19, "real" -> 19, "problem" -> 19, "President" -> 19, "part" -> 19, "means" -> 19, "less" -> 19, "help" -> 19, "ensure" -> 19, "do" -> 19, "country" -> 19, "committed" -> 19, "Western" -> 18, "upon" -> 18, "strength" -> 18, "special" -> 18, "reduce" -> 18, "levels" -> 18, "investment" -> 18, "including" -> 18, "improve" -> 18, "fundamental" -> 18, "four" -> 18, "first" -> 18, "every" -> 18, "education" -> 18, "businesses" -> 18, "allies" -> 18, "agencies" -> 18, "abroad" -> 18, "while" -> 17, "unemployment" -> 17, "strategy" -> 17, "sources" -> 17, "reduced" -> 17, "price" -> 17, "possible" -> 17, "order" -> 17, "laws" -> 17, "job" -> 17, "intelligence" -> 17, "high" -> 17, "future" -> 17, "freedom" -> 17, "For" -> 17, "equal" -> 17, "children" -> 17, "areas" -> 17, "where" -> 16, "values" -> 16, "same" -> 16, "regulatory" -> 16, "regulation" -> 16, "quality" -> 16, "personal" -> 16, "opportunity" -> 16, "living" -> 16, "leadership" -> 16, "if" -> 16, "history" -> 16, "goals" -> 16, "excessive" -> 16, "decline" -> 16, "countries" -> 16, "cost" -> 16, "continued" -> 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"burden" -> 12, "before" -> 12, "basis" -> 12, "based" -> 12, "back" -> 12, "At" -> 12, "again" -> 12, "achieve" -> 12, "well-being" -> 11, "was" -> 11, "us" -> 11, "today" -> 11, "taxation" -> 11, "supply" -> 11, "superiority" -> 11, "share" -> 11, "schools" -> 11, "relations" -> 11, "recession" -> 11, "promote" -> 11, "platform" -> 11, "neighborhood" -> 11, "National" -> 11, "mutual" -> 11, "monetary" -> 11, "lower" -> 11, "goal" -> 11, "gas" -> 11, "fuel" -> 11, "Federal" -> 11, "face" -> 11, "even" -> 11, "environment" -> 11, "enterprise" -> 11, "enable" -> 11, "eliminate" -> 11, "East" -> 11, "dollar" -> 11, "designed" -> 11, "could" -> 11, "conservation" -> 11, "communities" -> 11, "common" -> 11, "By" -> 11, "armed" -> 11, "Alliance" -> 11, "accept" -> 11, "Yet" -> 10, "were" -> 10, "war" -> 10, "urban" -> 10, "ultimately" -> 10, "trading" -> 10, "together" -> 10, "taxpayers" -> 10, "taken" -> 10, "supplies" -> 10, "substantially" -> 10, "South" -> 10, "serve" -> 10, "resulted" -> 10, "Reserve" -> 10, "region" -> 10, "recent" -> 10, "property" -> 10, "promise" -> 10, "position" -> 10, "poor" -> 10, "participation" -> 10, "NATO" -> 10, "modernization" -> 10, "missile" -> 10, "materials" -> 10, "management" -> 10, "lost" -> 10, "led" -> 10, "imposed" -> 10, "immediately" -> 10, "II" -> 10, "Government" -> 10, "failed" -> 10, "expansion" -> 10, "expanded" -> 10, "ever" -> 10, "direct" -> 10, "decisions" -> 10, "credit" -> 10, "controls" -> 10, "come" -> 10, "cities" -> 10, "bureaucracy" -> 10, "brought" -> 10, "bring" -> 10, "available" -> 10, "assure" -> 10, "approach" -> 10, "already" -> 10, "alone" -> 10, "way" -> 9, "very" -> 9, "subversion" -> 9, "standard" -> 9, "single" -> 9, "serious" -> 9, "rising" -> 9, "rather" -> 9, "purpose" -> 9, "proposed" -> 9, "productivity" -> 9, "principle" -> 9, "presence" -> 9, "population" -> 9, "planning" -> 9, "partners" -> 9, "move" -> 9, "money" -> 9, "market" -> 9, "maintaining" -> 9, "land" -> 9, "labor" -> 9, "Israel" -> 9, "initiatives" -> 9, "initiative" -> 9, "independence" -> 9, "increasing" -> 9, "handicapped" -> 9, "grow" -> 9, "fully" -> 9, "friendly" -> 9, "food" -> 9, "fair" -> 9, "employers" -> 9, "effectively" -> 9, "early" -> 9, "due" -> 9, "drug" -> 9, "diplomatic" -> 9, "developing" -> 9, "Defense" -> 9, "danger" -> 9, "crisis" -> 9, "commercial" -> 9, "capital" -> 9, "beyond" -> 9, "better" -> 9, "Asia" -> 9, "allow" -> 9, "air" -> 9, "Act" -> 9, "abuse" -> 9, "1980s" -> 9, "White" -> 8, "While" -> 8, "waste" -> 8, "value" -> 8, "throughout" -> 8, "Therefore" -> 8, "themselves" -> 8, "terrorist" -> 8, "solve" -> 8, "Since" -> 8, "set" -> 8, "service" -> 8, "seeking" -> 8, "save" -> 8, "sales" -> 8, "rules" -> 8, "return" -> 8, "retirement" -> 8, "respect" -> 8, "required" -> 8, "require" -> 8, "Puerto" -> 8, "providing" -> 8, "proposals" -> 8, "place" -> 8, "per" -> 8, "particular" -> 8, "organizations" -> 8, "one-half" -> 8, "nor" -> 8, "never" -> 8, "needy" -> 8, "mortgage" -> 8, "modern" -> 8, "Middle" -> 8, "material" -> 8, "making" -> 8, "long-term" -> 8, "live" -> 8, "lead" -> 8, "last" -> 8, "innovative" -> 8, "industrial" -> 8, "independent" -> 8, "impact" -> 8, "highway" -> 8, "good" -> 8, "go" -> 8, "give" -> 8, "funding" -> 8, "favor" -> 8, "fairness" -> 8, "facilities" -> 8, "export" -> 8, "establishment" -> 8, "environmental" -> 8, "encouraged" -> 8, "employees" -> 8, "efficient" -> 8, "effect" -> 8, "educational" -> 8, "develop" -> 8, "deployment" -> 8, "dangerous" -> 8, "cultural" -> 8, "Cuba" -> 8, "consumers" -> 8, "conflict" -> 8, "confidence" -> 8, "conduct" -> 8, "concern" -> 8, "comprehensive" -> 8, "civil" -> 8, "challenge" -> 8, "central" -> 8, "call" -> 8, "build" -> 8, "block" -> 8, "believes" -> 8, "agreements" -> 8, "aggression" -> 8, "agency" -> 8, "Afghanistan" -> 8, "actions" -> 8, "1980" -> 8, "World" -> 7, "whose" -> 7, "Under" -> 7, "true" -> 7, "trend" -> 7, "treatment" -> 7, "traditional" -> 7, "threatened" -> 7, "terms" -> 7, "technological" -> 7, "supports" -> 7, "sufficient" -> 7, "substantial" -> 7, "specific" -> 7, "sound" -> 7, "solutions" -> 7, "size" -> 7, "shortages" -> 7, "served" -> 7, "secure" -> 7, "Rico" -> 7, "revitalize" -> 7, "reverse" -> 7, "revenue" -> 7, "restraint" -> 7, "restoring" -> 7, "reserves" -> 7, "remain" -> 7, "recognizes" -> 7, "realize" -> 7, "provided" -> 7, "products" -> 7, "produced" -> 7, "principles" -> 7, "plans" -> 7, "permanent" -> 7, "ownership" -> 7, "offer" -> 7, "next" -> 7, "minority" -> 7, "minorities" -> 7, "line" -> 7, "keep" -> 7, "issues" -> 7, "involvement" -> 7, "improved" -> 7, "implement" -> 7, "immediate" -> 7, "ignored" -> 7, "however" -> 7, "hold" -> 7, "had" -> 7, "greatest" -> 7, "grants" -> 7, "funds" -> 7, "form" -> 7, "forced" -> 7, "fiscal" -> 7, "financing" -> 7, "exports" -> 7, "expanding" -> 7, "evidence" -> 7, "estate" -> 7, "establish" -> 7, "equity" -> 7, "enhanced" -> 7, "elsewhere" -> 7, "dreams" -> 7, "down" -> 7, "depend" -> 7, "demands" -> 7, "demand" -> 7, "decades" -> 7, "decade" -> 7, "cuts" -> 7, "crime" -> 7, "creative" -> 7, "change" -> 7, "certain" -> 7, "Central" -> 7, "cases" -> 7, "being" -> 7, "basic" -> 7, "attempt" -> 7, "attack" -> 7, "1976" -> 7, "With" -> 6, "ways" -> 6, "vitality" -> 6, "Veterans" -> 6, "veterans" -> 6, "using" -> 6, "urge" -> 6, "unemployed" -> 6, "undermined" -> 6, "Trident" -> 6, "treaties" -> 6, "transfer" -> 6, "top" -> 6, "threatens" -> 6, "thereby" -> 6, "technologies" -> 6, "Such" -> 6, "submarine" -> 6, "structure" -> 6, "strongly" -> 6, "stop" -> 6, "stable" -> 6, "some" -> 6, "skills" -> 6, "seriously" -> 6, "school" -> 6, "safe" -> 6, "results" -> 6, "requires" -> 6, "replace" -> 6, "renewable" -> 6, "relationship" -> 6, "reduction" -> 6, "reducing" -> 6, "readiness" -> 6, "promises" -> 6, "progress" -> 6, "pressure" -> 6, "presidential" -> 6, "practices" -> 6, "poverty" -> 6, "plants" -> 6, "performance" -> 6, "party" -> 6, "overregulation" -> 6, "outside" -> 6, "ourselves" -> 6, "opposed" -> 6, "once" -> 6, "older" -> 6, "officials" -> 6, "objectives" -> 6, "number" -> 6, "North" -> 6, "necessity" -> 6, "missiles" -> 6, "lives" -> 6, "large" -> 6, "information" -> 6, "industries" -> 6, "However" -> 6, "highest" -> 6, "half" -> 6, "guaranteed" -> 6, "groups" -> 6, "governmental" -> 6, "global" -> 6, "FY" -> 6, "friends" -> 6, "fraud" -> 6, "foster" -> 6, "feasible" -> 6, "farms" -> 6, "example" -> 6, "equality" -> 6, "entire" -> 6, "Energy" -> 6, "emphasis" -> 6, "embargo" -> 6, "eliminated" -> 6, "eight" -> 6, "dollars" -> 6, "does" -> 6, "disincentives" -> 6, "disaster" -> 6, "disadvantaged" -> 6, "directly" -> 6, "directed" -> 6, "destroy" -> 6, "Despite" -> 6, "depreciation" -> 6, "dependent" -> 6, "dependence" -> 6, "Department" -> 6, "day" -> 6, "Cuban" -> 6, "contributed" -> 6, "continues" -> 6, "consider" -> 6, "conducted" -> 6, "complex" -> 6, "competitive" -> 6, "combined" -> 6, "closely" -> 6, "choice" -> 6, "charitable" -> 6, "changes" -> 6, "begin" -> 6, "Because" -> 6, "bear" -> 6, "barriers" -> 6, "B-1" -> 6, "availability" -> 6, "attempts" -> 6, "appropriate" -> 6, "And" -> 6, "ammunition" -> 6, "alternative" -> 6, "agriculture" -> 6, "aggressive" -> 6, "age" -> 6, "address" -> 6, "additional" -> 6, "act" -> 6, "1977" -> 6, "10" -> 6, "whom" -> 5, "West" -> 5, "War" -> 5, "wage" -> 5, "vulnerable" -> 5, "vigorous" -> 5, "unnecessary" -> 5, "unless" -> 5, "unable" -> 5, "ultimate" -> 5, "truly" -> 5, "Today" -> 5, "times" -> 5, "thousands" -> 5, "therefore" -> 5, "That" -> 5, "term" -> 5, "takes" -> 5, "tactical" -> 5, "sustain" -> 5, "survival" -> 5, "success" -> 5, "subsidies" -> 5, "strive" -> 5, "stimulate" -> 5, "still" -> 5, "stand" -> 5, "stamp" -> 5, "spent" -> 5, "speed" -> 5, "spare" -> 5, "Soviets" -> 5, "source" -> 5, "sharing" -> 5, "several" -> 5, "senior" -> 5, "scope" -> 5, "say" -> 5, "restored" -> 5, "restoration" -> 5, "responsive" -> 5, "Republic" -> 5, "represent" -> 5, "remains" -> 5, "religious" -> 5, "relief" -> 5, "rehabilitation" -> 5, "regard" -> 5, "refugee" -> 5, "reforms" -> 5, "reflect" -> 5, "rapidly" -> 5, "ranchers" -> 5, "radiation" -> 5, "provides" -> 5, "Provide" -> 5, "protected" -> 5, "promoting" -> 5, "proceed" -> 5, "primary" -> 5, "press" -> 5, "preserve" -> 5, "prepared" -> 5, "practice" -> 5, "pledges" -> 5, "philosophy" -> 5, "Persian" -> 5, "parties" -> 5, "parents" -> 5, "paperwork" -> 5, "Panama" -> 5, "others" -> 5, "opposition" -> 5, "one-third" -> 5, "office" -> 5, "nothing" -> 5, "neighbors" -> 5, "neglect" -> 5, "nearly" -> 5, "naval" -> 5, "nature" -> 5, "MX" -> 5, "multilateral" -> 5, "mobility" -> 5, "minimum" -> 5, "massive" -> 5, "Marxist" -> 5, "marketplace" -> 5, "manner" -> 5, "loss" -> 5, "longer" -> 5, "limit" -> 5, "liberty" -> 5, "left" -> 5, "later" -> 5, "language" -> 5, "lack" -> 5, "know" -> 5, "itself" -> 5, "Its" -> 5, "Iran" -> 5, "invest" -> 5, "insist" -> 5, "influence" -> 5, "inflationary" -> 5, "Inflation" -> 5, "individual's" -> 5, "increasingly" -> 5, "incomes" -> 5, "include" -> 5, "inadequate" -> 5, "imports" -> 5, "how" -> 5, "hopes" -> 5, "Hispanics" -> 5, "healthy" -> 5, "hard" -> 5, "Gulf" -> 5, "grant" -> 5, "grain" -> 5, "found" -> 5, "focus" -> 5, "flexibility" -> 5, "fleet" -> 5, "firm" -> 5, "far" -> 5, "exploration" -> 5, "experience" -> 5, "expand" -> 5, "existing" -> 5, "exercise" -> 5, "equipment" -> 5, "enough" -> 5, "encouraging" -> 5, "enactment" -> 5, "eliminating" -> 5, "Education" -> 5, "driven" -> 5, "disabled" -> 5, "diplomacy" -> 5, "determined" -> 5, "deter" -> 5, "design" -> 5, "deployed" -> 5, "dependency" -> 5, "dependable" -> 5, "democracy" -> 5, "dedicated" -> 5, "decisionmaking" -> 5, "course" -> 5, "costly" -> 5, "controlled" -> 5, "consultation" -> 5, "construction" -> 5, "constitutional" -> 5, "commitments" -> 5, "collective" -> 5, "climate" -> 5, "civilian" -> 5, "cause" -> 5, "case" -> 5, "Canal" -> 5, "campaign" -> 5, "bureaucratic" -> 5, "burdens" -> 5, "building" -> 5, "brutal" -> 5, "bomber" -> 5, "belief" -> 5, "beginning" -> 5, "away" -> 5, "average" -> 5, "authority" -> 5, "attention" -> 5, "assuring" -> 5, "answer" -> 5, "analysis" -> 5, "almost" -> 5, "afford" -> 5, "advantage" -> 5, "advanced" -> 5, "actively" -> 5, "across" -> 5, "achieving" -> 5, "accelerated" -> 5, "abundant" -> 5, "50" -> 5, "25" -> 5, "1973" -> 5, "worker" -> 4, "weakness" -> 4, "voluntary" -> 4, "Vietnam" -> 4, "vehicles" -> 4, "urgent" -> 4, "unquestioned" -> 4, "Unlike" -> 4, "units" -> 4, "unique" -> 4, "unilateral" -> 4, "Unfortunately" -> 4, "understanding" -> 4, "turn" -> 4, "troops" -> 4, "transit" -> 4, "threatening" -> 4, "Third" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "then" -> 4, "Their" -> 4, "Thailand" -> 4, "terrorism" -> 4, "teachers" -> 4, "Taiwan" -> 4, "sustained" -> 4, "survive" -> 4, "suffering" -> 4, "submarines" -> 4, "strengths" -> 4, "stood" -> 4, "steady" -> 4, "smaller" -> 4, "Small" -> 4, "significantly" -> 4, "shoulder" -> 4, "short" -> 4, "ships" -> 4, "severely" -> 4, "serves" -> 4, "sense" -> 4, "self-determination" -> 4, "see" -> 4, "scientific" -> 4, "schemes" -> 4, "saving" -> 4, "safeguards" -> 4, "rule" -> 4, "risen" -> 4, "rhetoric" -> 4, "revitalization" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "reversing" -> 4, "resulting" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "respond" -> 4, "resolve" -> 4, "requirement" -> 4, "remove" -> 4, "remaining" -> 4, "reestablish" -> 4, "Recognizing" -> 4, "reciprocity" -> 4, "rebuild" -> 4, "reasonable" -> 4, "reality" -> 4, "reaffirms" -> 4, "reach" -> 4, "rapid" -> 4, "range" -> 4, "put" -> 4, "pursued" -> 4, "proud" -> 4, "protectionist" -> 4, "protecting" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "proposal" -> 4, "Product" -> 4, "produce" -> 4, "procurement" -> 4, "priorities" -> 4, "prevail" -> 4, "preserved" -> 4, "preservation" -> 4, "preparedness" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "Policy" -> 4, "point" -> 4, "play" -> 4, "places" -> 4, "placed" -> 4, "physical" -> 4, "petroleum" -> 4, "person" -> 4, "period" -> 4, "penalty" -> 4, "paying" -> 4, "pass" -> 4, "parts" -> 4, "Palestinian" -> 4, "Pacific" -> 4, "output" -> 4, "OSHA" -> 4, "orderly" -> 4, "open" -> 4, "OPEC" -> 4, "Only" -> 4, "old" -> 4, "offensive" -> 4, "ocean" -> 4, "objective" -> 4, "notion" -> 4, "negotiate" -> 4, "neglected" -> 4, "Navy" -> 4, "natural" -> 4, "Much" -> 4, "moral" -> 4, "mismanagement" -> 4, "mining" -> 4, "methods" -> 4, "Medicare" -> 4, "medical" -> 4, "meaningful" -> 4, "matter" -> 4, "mass" -> 4, "Many" -> 4, "manpower" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "localities" -> 4, "limited" -> 4, "like" -> 4, "let" -> 4, "legislative" -> 4, "learning" -> 4, "leading" -> 4, "largest" -> 4, "Korea" -> 4, "just" -> 4, "joint" -> 4, "invasion" -> 4, "intrusion" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "insurance" -> 4, "inept" -> 4, "Increase" -> 4, "incentive" -> 4, "improving" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "imported" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "If" -> 4, "host" -> 4, "homes" -> 4, "homeownership" -> 4, "historic" -> 4, "hiring" -> 4, "heritage" -> 4, "hemisphere" -> 4, "helping" -> 4, "having" -> 4, "Guard" -> 4, "guarantee" -> 4, "Gross" -> 4, "government's" -> 4, "generation" -> 4, "functions" -> 4, "friend" -> 4, "forth" -> 4, "foremost" -> 4, "Ford's" -> 4, "Forces" -> 4, "focused" -> 4, "flow" -> 4, "First" -> 4, "firmly" -> 4, "find" -> 4, "finance" -> 4, "fight" -> 4, "Fairness" -> 4, "facing" -> 4, "faces" -> 4, "extent" -> 4, "exporting" -> 4, "expensive" -> 4, "except" -> 4, "equitable" -> 4, "Equal" -> 4, "enhance" -> 4, "enforced" -> 4, "endorse" -> 4, "encouragement" -> 4, "emergency" -> 4, "eligibility" -> 4, "either" -> 4, "During" -> 4, "drive" -> 4, "draft" -> 4, "domination" -> 4, "diversity" -> 4, "diverse" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "deterrent" -> 4, "deregulation" -> 4, "defending" -> 4, "defend" -> 4, "decontrol" -> 4, "death" -> 4, "deal" -> 4, "date" -> 4, "cruise" -> 4, "credible" -> 4, "credibility" -> 4, "country's" -> 4, "counterproductive" -> 4, "continuing" -> 4, "consumption" -> 4, "constant" -> 4, "consideration" -> 4, "confusion" -> 4, "concerns" -> 4, "concept" -> 4, "complete" -> 4, "compete" -> 4, "Communist" -> 4, "commodities" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "clean" -> 4, "city" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "choose" -> 4, "choices" -> 4, "child" -> 4, "categorical" -> 4, "career" -> 4, "captive" -> 4, "capable" -> 4, "capabilities" -> 4, "campaigns" -> 4, "broaden" -> 4, "bloc" -> 4, "Bill" -> 4, "bill" -> 4, "big" -> 4, "behavior" -> 4, "becoming" -> 4, "bases" -> 4, "base" -> 4, "bargaining" -> 4, "balanced" -> 4, "automobile" -> 4, "authorities" -> 4, "arrangements" -> 4, "Armed" -> 4, "arbitrary" -> 4, "approval" -> 4, "applied" -> 4, "applaud" -> 4, "another" -> 4, "annually" -> 4, "annual" -> 4, "An" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "allowances" -> 4, "alliance" -> 4, "alike" -> 4, "Air" -> 4, "Agriculture" -> 4, "agreement" -> 4, "ago" -> 4, "after" -> 4, "African" -> 4, "affirm" -> 4, "advocate" -> 4, "adversaries" -> 4, "advantages" -> 4, "adopt" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "active" -> 4, "acquisition" -> 4, "achievement" -> 4, "able" -> 4, "1979" -> 4, "1960s" -> 4, "yet" -> 3, "Yemen" -> 3, "Year" -> 3, "Working" -> 3, "Without" -> 3, "wish" -> 3, "wisdom" -> 3, "willingness" -> 3, "willing" -> 3, "why" -> 3, "whole" -> 3, "whether" -> 3, "whenever" -> 3, "whatever" -> 3, "weapon" -> 3, "wasteful" -> 3, "Wage" -> 3, "vulnerability" -> 3, "voter" -> 3, "volunteer" -> 3, "vision" -> 3, "violations" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "veteran" -> 3, "vast" -> 3, "used" -> 3, "USDA" -> 3, "undertaken" -> 3, "undertake" -> 3, "understand" -> 3, "unacceptable" -> 3, "Ultimately" -> 3, "tuition" -> 3, "trust" -> 3, "trillion" -> 3, "trends" -> 3, "tremendous" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "trained" -> 3, "tradition" -> 3, "toxic" -> 3, "totalitarian" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "Too" -> 3, "timely" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "throwing" -> 3, "theater" -> 3, "targeted" -> 3, "tape" -> 3, "talents" -> 3, "taking" -> 3, "tactics" -> 3, "survivability" -> 3, "supremacy" -> 3, "supporting" -> 3, "supported" -> 3, "suffered" -> 3, "successful" -> 3, "substitute" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "students" -> 3, "stronger" -> 3, "strikes" -> 3, "strict" -> 3, "strengthening" -> 3, "storage" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "stay" -> 3, "stated" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "spouses" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "speedy" -> 3, "Specifically" -> 3, "specifically" -> 3, "space" -> 3, "Soviet-sponsored" -> 3, "sophisticated" -> 3, "solution" -> 3, "soil" -> 3, "skilled" -> 3, "situation" -> 3, "simply" -> 3, "simple" -> 3, "signs" -> 3, "significant" -> 3, "signals" -> 3, "shown" -> 3, "shipbuilding" -> 3, "sharp" -> 3, "severe" -> 3, "seven" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "self-supporting" -> 3, "self-help" -> 3, "seen" -> 3, "secret" -> 3, "Second" -> 3, "sea" -> 3, "SALT" -> 3, "sale" -> 3, "said" -> 3, "safely" -> 3, "Rural" -> 3, "rise" -> 3, "Rights" -> 3, "revenues" -> 3, "retain" -> 3, "restrictive" -> 3, "restrictions" -> 3, "restrict" -> 3, "restraints" -> 3, "response" -> 3, "resource" -> 3, "requests" -> 3, "requested" -> 3, "repeal" -> 3, "rely" -> 3, "relatively" -> 3, "relationships" -> 3, "reinforced" -> 3, "reformed" -> 3, "reflected" -> 3, "red" -> 3, "record" -> 3, "recognizing" -> 3, "recognized" -> 3, "recognition" -> 3, "recipients" -> 3, "rebirth" -> 3, "reason" -> 3, "Rather" -> 3, "raise" -> 3, "R" -> 3, "quotas" -> 3, "question" -> 3, "qualified" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "proven" -> 3, "prosperous" -> 3, "prospects" -> 3, "prompt" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "profitability" -> 3, "profession" -> 3, "producers" -> 3, "pride" -> 3, "President's" -> 3, "presented" -> 3, "preeminence" -> 3, "powerful" -> 3, "positive" -> 3, "posed" -> 3, "Policies" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "placement" -> 3, "pillars" -> 3, "persons" -> 3, "perform" -> 3, "People's" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "penalties" -> 3, "peacetime" -> 3, "peaceful" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "parental" -> 3, "paid" -> 3, "outmoded" -> 3, "Organization" -> 3, "opposes" -> 3, "operated" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "official" -> 3, "off" -> 3, "occur" -> 3, "Nuclear" -> 3, "Now" -> 3, "nonprofit" -> 3, "non-governmental" -> 3, "Nicaraguan" -> 3, "neither" -> 3, "neighbor" -> 3, "Most" -> 3, "More" -> 3, "monitoring" -> 3, "modes" -> 3, "mobile" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "met" -> 3, "merely" -> 3, "medicine" -> 3, "Medicaid" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "Marine" -> 3, "malaise" -> 3, "makes" -> 3, "maintained" -> 3, "lowering" -> 3, "long-standing" -> 3, "little" -> 3, "link" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "limits" -> 3, "limitations" -> 3, "lending" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "leaders" -> 3, "law-abiding" -> 3, "launched" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "Lack" -> 3, "keys" -> 3, "jurisdiction" -> 3, "Jobs" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "International" -> 3, "integral" -> 3, "innovation" -> 3, "inhibit" -> 3, "inherent" -> 3, "inferiority" -> 3, "inequities" -> 3, "ineffective" -> 3, "Individual" -> 3, "indicating" -> 3, "impossible" -> 3, "imposition" -> 3, "implemented" -> 3, "implementation" -> 3, "ignore" -> 3, "ideas" -> 3, "ideals" -> 3, "idea" -> 3, "ICBM" -> 3, "humanitarian" -> 3, "hope" -> 3, "honor" -> 3, "His" -> 3, "hire" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "helped" -> 3, "held" -> 3, "heavy" -> 3, "harassment" -> 3, "hands" -> 3, "hand" -> 3, "halt" -> 3, "guidelines" -> 3, "grown" -> 3, "group" -> 3, "ground" -> 3, "genuine" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "generate" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "gap" -> 3, "gains" -> 3, "gain" -> 3, "Further" -> 3, "fundamentally" -> 3, "fund" -> 3, "full-time" -> 3, "fruits" -> 3, "freight" -> 3, "Free" -> 3, "foundation" -> 3, "fostering" -> 3, "fostered" -> 3, "forms" -> 3, "formation" -> 3, "Foreign" -> 3, "Ford" -> 3, "Food" -> 3, "fixed" -> 3, "five" -> 3, "Finally" -> 3, "final" -> 3, "fighting" -> 3, "field" -> 3, "fiber" -> 3, "fewer" -> 3, "few" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "extensive" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "extend" -> 3, "exploitation" -> 3, "expenses" -> 3, "expectations" -> 3, "expect" -> 3, "Expand" -> 3, "existence" -> 3, "exist" -> 3, "exemption" -> 3, "Executive" -> 3, "excess" -> 3, "events" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "ethnic" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "entered" -> 3, "enormous" -> 3, "enjoy" -> 3, "encourages" -> 3, "enact" -> 3, "emphasize" -> 3, "Elsewhere" -> 3, "elimination" -> 3, "element" -> 3, "election" -> 3, "Egypt" -> 3, "efficiently" -> 3, "economical" -> 3, "Eastern" -> 3, "earnings" -> 3, "earned" -> 3, "earn" -> 3, "earliest" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "dramatically" -> 3, "dividend" -> 3, "disposal" -> 3, "discriminatory" -> 3, "direction" -> 3, "diminish" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "different" -> 3, "did" -> 3, "Development" -> 3, "Detroit" -> 3, "deterrence" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "detailed" -> 3, "desired" -> 3, "depressed" -> 3, "departments" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "demonstrated" -> 3, "delivery" -> 3, "delays" -> 3, "delayed" -> 3, "delay" -> 3, "deficits" -> 3, "deep" -> 3, "dedication" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "debate" -> 3, "dangers" -> 3, "damage" -> 3, "D" -> 3, "cruelly" -> 3, "criminal" -> 3, "credits" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "cover-up" -> 3, "court" -> 3, "coordination" -> 3, "cooperative" -> 3, "conviction" -> 3, "contributions" -> 3, "contribution" -> 3, "contribute" -> 3, "contrast" -> 3, "Conservation" -> 3, "Conference" -> 3, "concerned" -> 3, "compulsory" -> 3, "compounded" -> 3, "commit" -> 3, "collection" -> 3, "coercion" -> 3, "circumstances" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "chief" -> 3, "charity" -> 3, "characterized" -> 3, "character" -> 3, "chaos" -> 3, "changing" -> 3, "challenges" -> 3, "century" -> 3, "centers" -> 3, "center" -> 3, "causes" -> 3, "caused" -> 3, "categorically" -> 3, "catastrophic" -> 3, "careful" -> 3, "candidates" -> 3, "cancelled" -> 3, "cancellation" -> 3, "Canada" -> 3, "busing" -> 3, "businessmen" -> 3, "bureaucracies" -> 3, "built" -> 3, "budgets" -> 3, "broken" -> 3, "bringing" -> 3, "blacks" -> 3, "bilateral" -> 3, "benefit" -> 3, "below" -> 3, "becomes" -> 3, "balancing" -> 3, "awareness" -> 3, "aware" -> 3, "attract" -> 3, "attitude" -> 3, "assume" -> 3, "Association" -> 3, "assessment" -> 3, "assault" -> 3, "aspect" -> 3, "artificially" -> 3, "Army" -> 3, "applications" -> 3, "application" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "alternate" -> 3, "along" -> 3, "ally" -> 3, "all-volunteer" -> 3, "allowed" -> 3, "allocate" -> 3, "Allied" -> 3, "allied" -> 3, "All" -> 3, "ahead" -> 3, "agenda" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "admitted" -> 3, "admission" -> 3, "Administrations" -> 3, "administered" -> 3, "addresses" -> 3, "add" -> 3, "actually" -> 3, "acknowledge" -> 3, "achieved" -> 3, "accountable" -> 3, "Accordingly" -> 3, "abundance" -> 3, "abilities" -> 3, "90" -> 3, "60" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "1981" -> 3, "1975" -> 3, "1970s" -> 3, "14" -> 3, "$50" -> 2, "$4" -> 2, "$139" -> 2, "$100" -> 2, "zones" -> 2, "world's" -> 2, "works" -> 2, "worked" -> 2, "workable" -> 2, "Women's" -> 2, "Women" -> 2, "woman's" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "willful" -> 2, "widows" -> 2, "widespread" -> 2, "wholly" -> 2, "When" -> 2, "western" -> 2, "welcome" -> 2, "web" -> 2, "weaknesses" -> 2, "Water" -> 2, "watching" -> 2, "wastes" -> 2, "Washington's" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "Warfare" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "voters" -> 2, "vote" -> 2, "volume" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "vitally" -> 2, "virtually" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "vetoed" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "ventures" -> 2, "venture" -> 2, "vehicle" -> 2, "valued" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "useful" -> 2, "Urban" -> 2, "Until" -> 2, "unsubsidized" -> 2, "unrelated" -> 2, "unparalleled" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "Union's" -> 2, "unfairly" -> 2, "unequivocally" -> 2, "unequalled" -> 2, "undue" -> 2, "undertaking" -> 2, "understood" -> 2, "understands" -> 2, "understandings" -> 2, "underpaid" -> 2, "undermine" -> 2, "unconscionable" -> 2, "uncertain" -> 2, "unavoidable" -> 2, "types" -> 2, "two-thirds" -> 2, "twice" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "treating" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "transferred" -> 2, "tragically" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "traditions" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "towns" -> 2, "Toward" -> 2, "totalitarianism" -> 2, "took" -> 2, "toll" -> 2, "Today's" -> 2, "timber" -> 2, "tighten" -> 2, "ties" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "three-to-one" -> 2, "Three" -> 2, "threaten" -> 2, "though" -> 2, "Those" -> 2, "tested" -> 2, "terrorists" -> 2, "Terrorism" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "teenagers" -> 2, "technical" -> 2, "Taxes" -> 2, "taxed" -> 2, "Tax" -> 2, "targets" -> 2, "Taiwan's" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "synthetic" -> 2, "sympathize" -> 2, "Sweeping" -> 2, "surrogates" -> 2, "supportive" -> 2, "suitable" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "succeeded" -> 2, "subsidy" -> 2, "subsidized" -> 2, "subsidize" -> 2, "structures" -> 2, "Strong" -> 2, "striving" -> 2, "streamlining" -> 2, "stimulating" -> 2, "stifle" -> 2, "stewardship" -> 2, "steadily" -> 2, "statutes" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "stark" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "standing" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "spiral" -> 2, "spend" -> 2, "speak" -> 2, "Spanish" -> 2, "Southern" -> 2, "southern" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "sorely" -> 2, "solved" -> 2, "solely" -> 2, "society's" -> 2, "societal" -> 2, "slowed" -> 2, "slow" -> 2, "slide" -> 2, "six" -> 2, "situations" -> 2, "singling" -> 2, "simultaneously" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "shrinking" -> 2, "show" -> 2, "short-term" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "sentiment" -> 2, "sentences" -> 2, "sent" -> 2, "sensitive" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "self-sufficiency" -> 2, "self-respect" -> 2, "self-proclaimed" -> 2, "seem" -> 2, "sectors" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "Secretary" -> 2, "secondary" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "search" -> 2, "sea-bed" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "schooling" -> 2, "schedules" -> 2, "scandal" -> 2, "scale" -> 2, "Savings" -> 2, "sanctity" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "salaries" -> 2, "sake" -> 2, "Safety" -> 2, "sacrifices" -> 2, "sacrificed" -> 2, "Roth-Kemp" -> 2, "rose" -> 2, "roots" -> 2, "rooted" -> 2, "rolls" -> 2, "risks" -> 2, "risk" -> 2, "rewrite" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "reward" -> 2, "revolution" -> 2, "reviewed" -> 2, "reversed" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "Retirement" -> 2, "retirees" -> 2, "restrain" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "responsiveness" -> 2, "respective" -> 2, "resourcefulness" -> 2, "resolving" -> 2, "Resolution" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "residents" -> 2, "reservations" -> 2, "Research" -> 2, "reprocessing" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "Representatives" -> 2, "repeatedly" -> 2, "reorganization" -> 2, "rental" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "removing" -> 2, "remedies" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "reliable" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "rejects" -> 2, "Regulation" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "registration" -> 2, "Register" -> 2, "regions" -> 2, "regarding" -> 2, "refusal" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "reflects" -> 2, "recruitment" -> 2, "recreation" -> 2, "records" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "received" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "reactor" -> 2, "rational" -> 2, "ratio" -> 2, "ranching" -> 2, "rail" -> 2, "Radio" -> 2, "radical" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "pushed" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "pull" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "protections" -> 2, "Properly" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "projected" -> 2, "profitable" -> 2, "professional" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "procedures" -> 2, "procedural" -> 2, "Private" -> 2, "Privacy" -> 2, "privacy" -> 2, "printing" -> 2, "principal" -> 2, "primarily" -> 2, "primacy" -> 2, "previous" -> 2, "preventive" -> 2, "preventing" -> 2, "pressures" -> 2, "presents" -> 2, "presently" -> 2, "Present" -> 2, "prescription" -> 2, "preoccupied" -> 2, "predatory" -> 2, "precious" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "possessed" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "politically" -> 2, "plummeted" -> 2, "PLO" -> 2, "plentiful" -> 2, "played" -> 2, "Platform" -> 2, "planned" -> 2, "pillar" -> 2, "phased" -> 2, "permitting" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "peril" -> 2, "performed" -> 2, "percentage" -> 2, "perceived" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "payroll" -> 2, "payments" -> 2, "passenger" -> 2, "partnership" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "paralysis" -> 2, "parallel" -> 2, "pages" -> 2, "owners" -> 2, "overwhelming" -> 2, "oversight" -> 2, "Overseas" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "overriding" -> 2, "overcome" -> 2, "Over" -> 2, "outstanding" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "optimism" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "operate" -> 2, "opening" -> 2, "Once" -> 2, "offset" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "Office" -> 2, "offers" -> 2, "offered" -> 2, "offenders" -> 2, "Of" -> 2, "obstacles" -> 2, "oblivious" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "notice" -> 2, "Not" -> 2, "non-inflationary" -> 2, "nominating" -> 2, "no-growth" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "Nixon" -> 2, "Nicaragua" -> 2, "Next" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "Nevertheless" -> 2, "Never" -> 2, "neutron" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "Neither" -> 2, "neighborly" -> 2, "Neighborhood" -> 2, "negative" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "narrow" -> 2, "multiple-use" -> 2, "movement" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "mounting" -> 2, "mother" -> 2, "Moreover" -> 2, "moratorium" -> 2, "months" -> 2, "monies" -> 2, "missions" -> 2, "misguided" -> 2, "Minuteman" -> 2, "minor" -> 2, "mineral" -> 2, "mine" -> 2, "Millions" -> 2, "militant" -> 2, "miles" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "members" -> 2, "meeting" -> 2, "median" -> 2, "meddling" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "Meals-on-Wheels" -> 2, "maze" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "marriage" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "Marines" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "mandatory" -> 2, "Management" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "mainstream" -> 2, "magnitude" -> 2, "lowest" -> 2, "low" -> 2, "losing" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "long-range" -> 2, "location" -> 2, "list" -> 2, "linked" -> 2, "lies" -> 2, "lie" -> 2, "legislatures" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "leasing" -> 2, "leads" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "largely" -> 2, "land-based" -> 2, "Land" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "knows" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "justify" -> 2, "Just" -> 2, "judiciary" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "jeopardized" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "IRS" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "inventory" -> 2, "intolerable" -> 2, "intervention" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "Interior" -> 2, "interchange" -> 2, "Intelligence" -> 2, "integration" -> 2, "instruments" -> 2, "institution" -> 2, "Instead" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "installations" -> 2, "instability" -> 2, "inspire" -> 2, "inhibiting" -> 2, "inherited" -> 2, "ingenuity" -> 2, "informed" -> 2, "inexorable" -> 2, "inevitable" -> 2, "inefficient" -> 2, "indirectly" -> 2, "indirect" -> 2, "Increased" -> 2, "incompetence" -> 2, "included" -> 2, "inability" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "implementing" -> 2, "imperative" -> 2, "impending" -> 2, "Immigration" -> 2, "illness" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "idle" -> 2, "hundreds" -> 2, "humiliation" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "huge" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "households" -> 2, "house" -> 2, "hostile" -> 2, "hospitals" -> 2, "homesteading" -> 2, "homeowners" -> 2, "homemakers" -> 2, "holds" -> 2, "holding" -> 2, "History" -> 2, "Hispanic" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "highly" -> 2, "Hemisphere" -> 2, "Helsinki" -> 2, "Health" -> 2, "harmful" -> 2, "hardships" -> 2, "hardest" -> 2, "handling" -> 2, "handicap" -> 2, "habits" -> 2, "guise" -> 2, "guide" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "grim" -> 2, "grass" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "Grant" -> 2, "government-controlled" -> 2, "goes" -> 2, "GNP" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "gift" -> 2, "German" -> 2, "generally" -> 2, "gave" -> 2, "gasoline" -> 2, "gaining" -> 2, "From" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "frequently" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "formulation" -> 2, "forge" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forcing" -> 2, "Force" -> 2, "follows" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "flourish" -> 2, "flawed" -> 2, "Fiscal" -> 2, "firmness" -> 2, "firearms" -> 2, "finest" -> 2, "filing" -> 2, "figures" -> 2, "fiat" -> 2, "federally" -> 2, "fearful" -> 2, "fastest" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "Family" -> 2, "Families" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "factories" -> 2, "factor" -> 2, "extreme" -> 2, "expression" -> 2, "exporters" -> 2, "Export" -> 2, "exploit" -> 2, "experienced" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "exodus" -> 2, "exempt" -> 2, "exchange" -> 2, "Excessive" -> 2, "excesses" -> 2, "excellent" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "eventually" -> 2, "Ethiopia" -> 2, "ethic" -> 2, "estimates" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "erosion" -> 2, "eroded" -> 2, "ERA" -> 2, "era" -> 2, "equivalent" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "epidemic" -> 2, "EPA" -> 2, "entry" -> 2, "entrepreneur" -> 2, "entities" -> 2, "entirely" -> 2, "enlisted" -> 2, "enhances" -> 2, "English" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "energies" -> 2, "enemies" -> 2, "endeavor" -> 2, "Encourage" -> 2, "employer" -> 2, "employee" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "emigration" -> 2, "emerged" -> 2, "elementary" -> 2, "electronics" -> 2, "electric" -> 2, "electoral" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "elected" -> 2, "elaboration" -> 2, "Eisenhower" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "effects" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "East-West" -> 2, "ease" -> 2, "earth" -> 2, "earning" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "dumping" -> 2, "drop" -> 2, "driving" -> 2, "drift" -> 2, "doubt" -> 2, "double" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "doesn't" -> 2, "doctrine" -> 2, "divorce" -> 2, "distinguished" -> 2, "disparity" -> 2, "dismal" -> 2, "discussed" -> 2, "discouraging" -> 2, "discouraged" -> 2, "discourage" -> 2, "disclosure" -> 2, "disastrous" -> 2, "disappointing" -> 2, "differential" -> 2, "differences" -> 2, "difference" -> 2, "devoted" -> 2, "devote" -> 2, "developments" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "despair" -> 2, "designate" -> 2, "deserve" -> 2, "deploy" -> 2, "Departments" -> 2, "denying" -> 2, "demonstration" -> 2, "demonstrate" -> 2, "define" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "declining" -> 2, "decisive" -> 2, "Decisions" -> 2, "decentralization" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "data" -> 2, "dangerously" -> 2, "daily" -> 2, "cycle" -> 2, "currently" -> 2, "curb" -> 2, "critically" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "creates" -> 2, "covert" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "counter" -> 2, "counseling" -> 2, "cost-effective" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "cornerstone" -> 2, "core" -> 2, "coordinated" -> 2, "coordinate" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "conventional" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "Control" -> 2, "contributes" -> 2, "continuity" -> 2, "continual" -> 2, "continent" -> 2, "consultations" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "constituency" -> 2, "consolidation" -> 2, "consistently" -> 2, "conserve" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "consequence" -> 2, "consensus" -> 2, "conflicts" -> 2, "conference" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "Concurrent" -> 2, "concessions" -> 2, "concerted" -> 2, "concerning" -> 2, "compromising" -> 2, "Comprehensive" -> 2, "components" -> 2, "component" -> 2, "complying" -> 2, "complicated" -> 2, "compliance" -> 2, "competitiveness" -> 2, "competing" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compelling" -> 2, "compassion" -> 2, "comparison" -> 2, "communism" -> 2, "communications" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "commend" -> 2, "command" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "comes" -> 2, "combine" -> 2, "combating" -> 2, "colleges" -> 2, "collapse" -> 2, "coast" -> 2, "Coal" -> 2, "clearly" -> 2, "Clean" -> 2, "circumstance" -> 2, "chasing" -> 2, "chance" -> 2, "centuries" -> 2, "catch" -> 2, "catastrophe" -> 2, "carriers" -> 2, "carrier" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "Caribbean" -> 2, "capricious" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "candidate" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "Cambodia" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "buyers" -> 2, "buy" -> 2, "bureaucrats" -> 2, "buildup" -> 2, "budgeting" -> 2, "brunt" -> 2, "broader" -> 2, "breakthroughs" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "Branch" -> 2, "bottom" -> 2, "boosting" -> 2, "bonuses" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "bombers" -> 2, "body" -> 2, "Board" -> 2, "blackmail" -> 2, "bipartisan" -> 2, "biomass" -> 2, "Biological" -> 2, "bills" -> 2, "bias" -> 2, "bereft" -> 2, "beneficial" -> 2, "beliefs" -> 2, "behind" -> 2, "begun" -> 2, "battle" -> 2, "battalions" -> 2, "barrels" -> 2, "barely" -> 2, "bankrupt" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "ban" -> 2, "Balance" -> 2, "Backfire" -> 2, "backbone" -> 2, "autonomy" -> 2, "automobiles" -> 2, "automatic" -> 2, "attrition" -> 2, "attacks" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "assured" -> 2, "associated" -> 2, "associate" -> 2, "assisting" -> 2, "asset" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "aside" -> 2, "arts" -> 2, "artillery" -> 2, "arrest" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "area's" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "approve" -> 2, "appreciation" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "appointment" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "anyone" -> 2, "analyses" -> 2, "amphibious" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "American-flag" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "Although" -> 2, "alternatives" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "alcohol" -> 2, "airlift" -> 2, "aggressively" -> 2, "aggravating" -> 2, "ages" -> 2, "agents" -> 2, "Agencies" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "affordable" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "affect" -> 2, "advisers" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "addressed" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "activity" -> 2, "acquire" -> 2, "Accounts" -> 2, "account" -> 2, "Accord" -> 2, "accomplish" -> 2, "accommodation" -> 2, "acceptance" -> 2, "accelerating" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "abused" -> 2, "absorbing" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abortion" -> 2, "80" -> 2, "70" -> 2, "65" -> 2, "55" -> 2, "53" -> 2, "4.8" -> 2, "42" -> 2, "33" -> 2, "306" -> 2, "20" -> 2, "1990" -> 2, "1978" -> 2, "1969" -> 2, "1968" -> 2, "1961" -> 2, "1950" -> 2, "1930s" -> 2, "13" -> 2, "$700" -> 1, "$600" -> 1, "$5.5" -> 1, "$500" -> 1, "$45" -> 1, "$4.2" -> 1, "$38" -> 1, "$3,700" -> 1, "$37" -> 1, "$33" -> 1, "$32" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$2,600" -> 1, "$250" -> 1, "$25" -> 1, "$22" -> 1, "$20,000" -> 1, "$2,000" -> 1, "$200" -> 1, "$194" -> 1, "$1,800" -> 1, "$15" -> 1, "$148" -> 1, "$147" -> 1, "$134" -> 1, "$12" -> 1, "$10" -> 1, "zoning" -> 1, "Zimbabwe" -> 1, "zero" -> 1, "Zealand" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "youngsters" -> 1, "younger" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "yesterday's" -> 1, "wrongfully" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "worsened" -> 1, "world—indeed" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "Workplace" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "woodlands" -> 1, "woefully" -> 1, "wives" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wings" -> 1, "windfall" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "wife" -> 1, "Wielding" -> 1, "widowhood" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "widen" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "Who" -> 1, "whites" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "whiplashed" -> 1, "whims" -> 1, "Whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "What" -> 1, "West—and" -> 1, "West's" -> 1, "wells" -> 1, "well-managed" -> 1, "well-intended" -> 1, "well-constructed" -> 1, "well-balanced" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "weekend" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weather" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "wave" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "watermen" -> 1, "watch" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Waste" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "Warsaw" -> 1, "warnings" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "warheads" -> 1, "war-heads" -> 1, "warhead" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "wards" -> 1, "wanting" -> 1, "want" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "vulnerability—an" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "Voluntary" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "volatility" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "visas" -> 1, "Virtually" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "Vigorous" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewpoint" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "Vietnamese" -> 1, "victimized" -> 1, "viciously" -> 1, "Vice" -> 1, "vestiges" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "verifiable" -> 1, "verge" -> 1, "vendetta" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "valuation" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "validity" -> 1, "vacillations" -> 1, "vacillating" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "U.S.—Soviet" -> 1, "usually" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "urgently" -> 1, "upheavals" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "up-graded" -> 1, "upgrade" -> 1, "unworkable" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unsure" -> 1, "unsuited" -> 1, "unstable" -> 1, "unskilled" -> 1, "unseeing" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unremitting" -> 1, "unreliable" -> 1, "unrealistic" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unlike" -> 1, "Unless" -> 1, "unleashed" -> 1, "unkept" -> 1, "University" -> 1, "Universities" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "unimpeded" -> 1, "Unilateral" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unhappy" -> 1, "unfolds" -> 1, "unfettered" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unequivocal" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "undivided" -> 1, "undiminished" -> 1, "undifferentiated" -> 1, "undesirable" -> 1, "underprivileged" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "undermanned" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "Underfunding" -> 1, "underfunded" -> 1, "underestimated" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "unconscionably" -> 1, "uncomprehending" -> 1, "unchecked" -> 1, "uncharted" -> 1, "unborn" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "unambiguous" -> 1, "U.N." -> 1, "tyrants" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "tyrannies" -> 1, "two-worker" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "turnout" -> 1, "turmoil" -> 1, "tuitions" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "trucks" -> 1, "troubles" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "triad" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treats" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "travesty" -> 1, "travelled" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "trapped" -> 1, "trap" -> 1, "Transportation—Personal" -> 1, "transportation's" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "transfers" -> 1, "transcending" -> 1, "trains" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "trail" -> 1, "tragedies" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traders" -> 1, "track" -> 1, "trace" -> 1, "toy" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "Total" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "ton-miles" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "toiled" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "today's" -> 1, "tinkering" -> 1, "timeless" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "tightening" -> 1, "tier" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "ticket" -> 1, "thy" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "Three-and-a-half" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "Though" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thir" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thin" -> 1, "there—economically" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "therapeutic" -> 1, "theories" -> 1, "textiles" -> 1, "text" -> 1, "testified" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "tertiary-recovery" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "terribly" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "tens" -> 1, "tenets" -> 1, "tenet" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "temperatures" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "Technical" -> 1, "teaching—unique" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "teach" -> 1, "tax-supported" -> 1, "tax-rate" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "Tariffs" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "Targeted" -> 1, "tar" -> 1, "tanker" -> 1, "tangle" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "takeovers" -> 1, "take-over" -> 1, "take-home" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "system's" -> 1, "synthesis" -> 1, "symptoms" -> 1, "symbolic" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "Sverdlovsk" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survivable" -> 1, "surtax" -> 1, "surrogate" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surprised" -> 1, "surpluses" -> 1, "surpassing" -> 1, "surface" -> 1, "surest" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "supposed" -> 1, "supplies—now" -> 1, "suppliers" -> 1, "supplied" -> 1, "Supplemental" -> 1, "supplement" -> 1, "supplanting" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "sunset" -> 1, "summer" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suicide" -> 1, "suggests" -> 1, "sudden" -> 1, "Sudan" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "succeeding" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "subvert" -> 1, "Substantial" -> 1, "subsidization" -> 1, "subsequently" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "structuring" -> 1, "structured" -> 1, "structural" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "stripper" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "stressed" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "strangled" -> 1, "strangers" -> 1, "strangely" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "strait-jacket" -> 1, "strains" -> 1, "straight" -> 1, "stored" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stoppages" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stimulus" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "stickers" -> 1, "stick" -> 1, "sterile" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "stems" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "Steiger" -> 1, "steepest" -> 1, "Steeped" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "staying" -> 1, "Statutory" -> 1, "statistics" -> 1, "stationed" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "standby" -> 1, "standard—that" -> 1, "standardized" -> 1, "stampede" -> 1, "stagnation" -> 1, "stagnant" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "stagflation" -> 1, "staffs" -> 1, "staffed" -> 1, "staff" -> 1, "stabilizing" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "Stability" -> 1, "SS-20" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "spouse" -> 1, "sponsorship" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "splendid" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "spiralling" -> 1, "spiraling" -> 1, "spends" -> 1, "speeded" -> 1, "speeches" -> 1, "spectrum" -> 1, "spectacular" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "spawned" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "Space" -> 1, "sowing" -> 1, "Soviet-dominated" -> 1, "Soviet-bloc" -> 1, "Soviet-American" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "somehow" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solidified" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "Soil" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "socialized" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "sober" -> 1, "soared" -> 1, "smuggling" -> 1, "smugglers" -> 1, "smothered" -> 1, "smooth" -> 1, "smallest" -> 1, "slowdowns" -> 1, "slashed" -> 1, "skyrocketed" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "singular" -> 1, "single-minded" -> 1, "Singapore" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "signposts" -> 1, "Significant" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sidetracked" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "Shuttle" -> 1, "Shutting" -> 1, "shunted" -> 1, "shrunk" -> 1, "shoulders" -> 1, "Should" -> 1, "short-sighted" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "shops" -> 1, "shoppers" -> 1, "shocking" -> 1, "ship-repair" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "ship-building" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shifts" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "shelf" -> 1, "shattering" -> 1, "sharply" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shambles" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "shaken" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "severing" -> 1, "seventies" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "serving" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "service-disabled" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "seriousness" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separates" -> 1, "sentiments" -> 1, "sensitivity" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "sense—and" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "self-serving" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "selfless" -> 1, "self-confidence" -> 1, "selects" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "seizure" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "Secure" -> 1, "seamless" -> 1, "seafood" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "scorned" -> 1, "sciences" -> 1, "scholarly" -> 1, "schedule" -> 1, "scarcity" -> 1, "scarce" -> 1, "saying" -> 1, "savers" -> 1, "saver" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satisfy" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "sands" -> 1, "Sandinista" -> 1, "Salvador" -> 1, "safety-net" -> 1, "sadly" -> 1, "Sadat" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "sabotage" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "Runaway" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "rule-making" -> 1, "rule-makers" -> 1, "royalty" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "robbed" -> 1, "rob" -> 1, "roadblock" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "ritual" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "rigidity" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Right-to-Work" -> 1, "rightfully" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "Rico's" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "Revitalize" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "reversals" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "Retired" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retarding" -> 1, "retarded" -> 1, "retaliation" -> 1, "resurrect" -> 1, "resurgence" -> 1, "resume" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restricts" -> 1, "restrained" -> 1, "restitution" -> 1, "resting" -> 1, "rested" -> 1, "restated" -> 1, "responses" -> 1, "resource-rich" -> 1, "Resource" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "resilient" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "Residence" -> 1, "Reserves" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "rescission" -> 1, "requisites" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "Republic—such" -> 1, "Republicans—who" -> 1, "Republican-sponsored" -> 1, "republican" -> 1, "Representative" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "Replace" -> 1, "repelling" -> 1, "Repeated" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "reorganizing" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "reneged" -> 1, "rendering" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "Remain" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "reluctance" -> 1, "relocation" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "released" -> 1, "relaxed" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "reinvigorate" -> 1, "reinvestment" -> 1, "re-introduce" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reimposition" -> 1, "reimburse" -> 1, "reigns" -> 1, "Regulatory" -> 1, "regulator" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "region's" -> 1, "regionalization" -> 1, "regimes" -> 1, "regime's" -> 1, "regimentation" -> 1, "Regardless" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regained" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refuseniks" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "refraining" -> 1, "reforming" -> 1, "reflective" -> 1, "refining" -> 1, "refineries" -> 1, "reevaluation" -> 1, "re-evaluated" -> 1, "reenlistment" -> 1, "reemphasizing" -> 1, "reemphasize" -> 1, "Reducing" -> 1, "reduces" -> 1, "Reduced" -> 1, "Reduce" -> 1, "red-tape" -> 1, "redouble" -> 1, "redirect" -> 1, "redefined" -> 1, "redefine" -> 1, "recurring" -> 1, "recur" -> 1, "recruits" -> 1, "recruiters" -> 1, "Recovery" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "recklessly" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "rebuilt" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reawakening" -> 1, "reasserts" -> 1, "reaped" -> 1, "realizes" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "Reagan" -> 1, "readying" -> 1, "reads" -> 1, "reading" -> 1, "Readiness" -> 1, "reactive" -> 1, "reacting" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "ravaging" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "ravaged" -> 1, "ratios" -> 1, "rationing" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "Ratification" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "ranging" -> 1, "ranch" -> 1, "ran" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "raid" -> 1, "racist" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "quilt" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quickened" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "quarters" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualify" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "pushing" -> 1, "pushers" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "purely" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "publish" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "publicize" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "prudence" -> 1, "provokes" -> 1, "provocative" -> 1, "provider" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "protracted" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "Prosperous" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "prospering" -> 1, "Prospective" -> 1, "prospective" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "pro-Soviet" -> 1, "proscribes" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "proportionately" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "Proper" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promulgation" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "Promising" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "prominent" -> 1, "Prologue" -> 1, "proliferation" -> 1, "Projections" -> 1, "prohibitive" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "programming" -> 1, "Program" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "proficient" -> 1, "professionals" -> 1, "productivity-based" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "process—as" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "proceeding" -> 1, "Procedures" -> 1, "problems—over-burdensome" -> 1, "privately-owned" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "pricing" -> 1, "Prices" -> 1, "Price" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "presumption" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "presides" -> 1, "presided" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preservatives" -> 1, "Presently" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "premises" -> 1, "premised" -> 1, "premier" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "pre-employment" -> 1, "predictions" -> 1, "predictably" -> 1, "predator" -> 1, "precondition" -> 1, "Precisely" -> 1, "precipitous" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "PRC" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "praise" -> 1, "practiced" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "pot" -> 1, "post-World" -> 1, "postwar" -> 1, "post-war" -> 1, "posture" -> 1, "post-secondary" -> 1, "postponed" -> 1, "postcard" -> 1, "possibly" -> 1, "possessing" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "poses" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "poll" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politicized" -> 1, "politicians—are" -> 1, "politic" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "plowback" -> 1, "PLO's" -> 1, "plod" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "pledging" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "platitudes" -> 1, "plant" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plague" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "pipelines" -> 1, "pipe-lines" -> 1, "pilots" -> 1, "philosophies" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "phenomenon" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "phase-out" -> 1, "pesticides" -> 1, "pessimistic" -> 1, "pervasive" -> 1, "pertinent" -> 1, "perspective" -> 1, "perseverance" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "perpetuating" -> 1, "perpetuated" -> 1, "perpetual" -> 1, "pernicious" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "perilous" -> 1, "Perhaps" -> 1, "perceptions" -> 1, "perception" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "people-miles" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "Pentagon" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "peninsula" -> 1, "penetrations" -> 1, "penetrating" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "peer" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peace—should" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paychecks" -> 1, "pay-cap" -> 1, "pawns" -> 1, "patterns" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "patent" -> 1, "passively" -> 1, "passive" -> 1, "Party—we" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "partial" -> 1, "park" -> 1, "parent's" -> 1, "parenthood" -> 1, "parcel" -> 1, "paraphernalia" -> 1, "paralyzed" -> 1, "paper-work" -> 1, "pale" -> 1, "painfully" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "pact" -> 1, "owner-occupied" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "over—and" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "overtly" -> 1, "overtake" -> 1, "overt" -> 1, "oversee" -> 1, "overruns" -> 1, "overly" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "over-emphasized" -> 1, "overbearing" -> 1, "Overall" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "outstrips" -> 1, "outset" -> 1, "outpouring" -> 1, "out-patient" -> 1, "out-of-school" -> 1, "outnumber" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "Outer" -> 1, "others—we" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "orphaned" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "originally" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "Orient" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "Orderly" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operator" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "Open" -> 1, "ongoing" -> 1, "on-going" -> 1, "on-farm" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "onerous" -> 1, "one-and-a-half" -> 1, "once-proud" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "ominous" -> 1, "Olympic" -> 1, "oldest" -> 1, "Older" -> 1, "oil-burning" -> 1, "Often" -> 1, "Officers" -> 1, "officer" -> 1, "offerings" -> 1, "offering" -> 1, "off-budget" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "occurs" -> 1, "occurring" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "obviously" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obstructive" -> 1, "obstructionist" -> 1, "obsolescence" -> 1, "Obsessed" -> 1, "obliterate" -> 1, "nutritious" -> 1, "nurturing" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "numerical" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "not—have" -> 1, "note" -> 1, "notable" -> 1, "North-South" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "noose" -> 1, "non-tariff" -> 1, "non-profit" -> 1, "nonpartisan" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "non-institutional" -> 1, "non-fuel" -> 1, "non-farm" -> 1, "non-existent" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "non-denominational" -> 1, "non-contiguous" -> 1, "noncompliance" -> 1, "non-compliance" -> 1, "non-Communist" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "nominee" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "no-cost" -> 1, "Nine" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "nevertheless" -> 1, "neutralism" -> 1, "network" -> 1, "nest" -> 1, "Neighborhoods" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy's" -> 1, "Naval" -> 1, "NATO's" -> 1, "Native" -> 1, "nation—will" -> 1, "Nation's" -> 1, "nationalize" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "nationalities" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "Namibia" -> 1, "naive" -> 1, "NAACP" -> 1, "mutual-assured-destruction" -> 1, "Muskie" -> 1, "murderous" -> 1, "murdered" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "multiracial" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "Multilateral" -> 1, "multifarious" -> 1, "multi-dimensional" -> 1, "multicultural" -> 1, "much-improved" -> 1, "much-abused" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "mount" -> 1, "motorists—all" -> 1, "motorists" -> 1, "motivates" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "moratoria" -> 1, "Morale" -> 1, "monthly" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "monolithic" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "Mondale" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "Modernization" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mode" -> 1, "mobilized" -> 1, "mobilization" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistreatment" -> 1, "mistreated" -> 1, "mistakenly" -> 1, "misspend" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "missing" -> 1, "misleading" -> 1, "miscalculate" -> 1, "mirroring" -> 1, "Mired" -> 1, "miracles" -> 1, "minimizes" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mined" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "Mile" -> 1, "MIG" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "mid-1980s" -> 1, "mid-1960s" -> 1, "mid-1950s" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "merge" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "Members" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "melting" -> 1, "medium-range" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "McNamara" -> 1, "maximizes" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "massively" -> 1, "Mass" -> 1, "marvelously" -> 1, "marshal" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "Markets" -> 1, "market-oriented" -> 1, "markedly" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "mark" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "marginally" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "map" -> 1, "Manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "manipulative" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "manipulated" -> 1, "manipulate" -> 1, "manifested" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "man-hours" -> 1, "maneuvers" -> 1, "maneuver" -> 1, "Mandatory" -> 1, "mandating" -> 1, "mandated" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "malign" -> 1, "Malaysia" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "MAD" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "low-status" -> 1, "low-paying" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "lowered" -> 1, "Lower" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "loopholes" -> 1, "long-time" -> 1, "long-overdue" -> 1, "long-delayed" -> 1, "logical" -> 1, "locks" -> 1, "lock" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "locale" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "listless" -> 1, "listen" -> 1, "listed" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "Limit" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lifelines" -> 1, "lifeline" -> 1, "lifeblood" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "Liberation" -> 1, "liberalize" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "leverage" -> 1, "levels—to" -> 1, "lessons—cooperation" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "legitimacy" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "learn" -> 1, "leaderless" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "lavished" -> 1, "latitude" -> 1, "latest" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "Laos" -> 1, "lanes" -> 1, "lakes" -> 1, "lag" -> 1, "lackluster" -> 1, "labors" -> 1, "Korean" -> 1, "knowledgeable" -> 1, "knowing" -> 1, "know-how" -> 1, "killers" -> 1, "kidnapped" -> 1, "key" -> 1, "kept—with" -> 1, "kept—can" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "Junior" -> 1, "jumble" -> 1, "judiciously" -> 1, "judgments" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judgeships" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "Judeo-Christian" -> 1, "jointly" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "Jerusalem" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "jeopardizes" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "Japans" -> 1, "Japanese" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "itemize" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "Island's" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "Islamic" -> 1, "irretrievably" -> 1, "irrational" -> 1, "Iranian" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "invoke" -> 1, "invites" -> 1, "invited" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "invests" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "invaluable" -> 1, "intrusions" -> 1, "intransigence" -> 1, "intractable" -> 1, "intra" -> 1, "interventions" -> 1, "intervenors" -> 1, "inter-theater" -> 1, "interrupt" -> 1, "interrelationship" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "intermediate" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interfering" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "interdiction" -> 1, "interceptors" -> 1, "interceptor" -> 1, "interaction" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intensifying" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "insults" -> 1, "insufficiently" -> 1, "insufficient" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "institutions—schools" -> 1, "institutional" -> 1, "instincts" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "installing" -> 1, "inspections" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insignificant" -> 1, "insights" -> 1, "insensitivity" -> 1, "insecurity" -> 1, "in-school" -> 1, "inroads" -> 1, "inordinate" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "inner" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "inject" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "inhumane" -> 1, "inholders" -> 1, "inheriting" -> 1, "inheritance" -> 1, "inherit" -> 1, "inherently" -> 1, "inhabit" -> 1, "infringe" -> 1, "inflexible" -> 1, "inflation—everyone" -> 1, "infirm" -> 1, "infected" -> 1, "inevitability" -> 1, "inequity" -> 1, "inequality" -> 1, "ineligibles" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "ineffectual" -> 1, "industry—are" -> 1, "industrialized" -> 1, "inducing" -> 1, "inducements" -> 1, "Indonesia" -> 1, "indoctrination" -> 1, "Individuals" -> 1, "indigenous" -> 1, "indications" -> 1, "indicate" -> 1, "Indians" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "India" -> 1, "indexing" -> 1, "index" -> 1, "Independents" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "incumbent" -> 1, "incredulously" -> 1, "incorrectly" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "inconsistencies" -> 1, "incomprehensible" -> 1, "incompetently" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "inclusive" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incidents" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "incessant" -> 1, "inception" -> 1, "inadequately" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "imputation" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "Improve" -> 1, "improperly" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "impressive" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "importantly" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "imply" -> 1, "implied" -> 1, "impeding" -> 1, "impediments" -> 1, "impedes" -> 1, "impeded" -> 1, "impart" -> 1, "impairs" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "immeasurable" -> 1, "imitations" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "image" -> 1, "illustrates" -> 1, "ill-informed" -> 1, "ill-equipped" -> 1, "ill-considered" -> 1, "ill-conceived" -> 1, "i.e" -> 1, "idly" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "identities" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "ICBMs" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hypocritical" -> 1, "hyper-inflationary" -> 1, "hydrocarbons" -> 1, "husbands" -> 1, "husband" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humiliations" -> 1, "Humanities" -> 1, "humanities" -> 1, "humanely" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "HUD's" -> 1, "HUD" -> 1, "How" -> 1, "housing—and" -> 1, "housed" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostage" -> 1, "hospitality" -> 1, "Horn" -> 1, "Hormuz" -> 1, "horizon" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "Honduras" -> 1, "home-making" -> 1, "homemaker" -> 1, "homebuilding" -> 1, "homebound" -> 1, "home-based" -> 1, "holy" -> 1, "Hobson's" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "hinder" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "highlights" -> 1, "highlight" -> 1, "high-level" -> 1, "high-handed" -> 1, "hide" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "herbicides" -> 1, "helplessly" -> 1, "helpful" -> 1, "helicopters" -> 1, "helicopter" -> 1, "heed" -> 1, "heavy-handed" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "heartened" -> 1, "hearten" -> 1, "health-programs" -> 1, "healthful" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "havoc" -> 1, "Havana" -> 1, "harms" -> 1, "harmonized" -> 1, "harmonization" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hardware" -> 1, "hard-target" -> 1, "hardship" -> 1, "hardly" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "Handicapped" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "hallowed" -> 1, "hallmarks" -> 1, "Half" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "Gun" -> 1, "guiding" -> 1, "guides" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "Guatemala" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "Growing" -> 1, "groups—to" -> 1, "grounded" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "Groan" -> 1, "grips" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "greedy" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "gravity" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "grantors" -> 1, "grantees" -> 1, "Grain" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "governs" -> 1, "Governor" -> 1, "Government-to-government" -> 1, "government-sponsored" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "government-caused" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "gouging" -> 1, "God's" -> 1, "goals—and" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "Girls" -> 1, "G.I." -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "gets" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "geo-political" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "genocide" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generously" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "general—and" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "geared" -> 1, "Gasoline" -> 1, "Gasohol" -> 1, "gasohol" -> 1, "gaseous" -> 1, "galling" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "futility" -> 1, "futile" -> 1, "fusion" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "Fully" -> 1, "full-scale" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "frustrated" -> 1, "frustrate" -> 1, "fronts" -> 1, "Friendly" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedom—one" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "frayed" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "frame" -> 1, "fragmentation" -> 1, "fourth" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "Founders" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "fossil" -> 1, "for—the" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "fortunes" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "fortify" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "formulate" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forging" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "foresters" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foresee-able" -> 1, "forerunner" -> 1, "foregoing" -> 1, "forego" -> 1, "forcibly" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "foolish" -> 1, "foment" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "focusing" -> 1, "focuses" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "fleeting" -> 1, "flagrant" -> 1, "five-year" -> 1, "Five" -> 1, "fitting" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "fission" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fishermen" -> 1, "first-time" -> 1, "first-strike" -> 1, "firms" -> 1, "firepower" -> 1, "fines" -> 1, "finds" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "finality" -> 1, "Final" -> 1, "filling" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "fester" -> 1, "fervor" -> 1, "ferment" -> 1, "female" -> 1, "felonies" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feet" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "feels" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "federalizing" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "FDA's" -> 1, "FBI" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "faults" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fate" -> 1, "fatalities" -> 1, "Faster" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farther" -> 1, "far-sighted" -> 1, "farmland" -> 1, "farmers—and" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "Farmer-Held" -> 1, "family's" -> 1, "familiarity" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "faiths" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "fairest" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "fad" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "facto" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "eye" -> 1, "extremists" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extra" -> 1, "extortion" -> 1, "externally" -> 1, "external" -> 1, "extermination" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "extant" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "Exports" -> 1, "exported" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "explicit" -> 1, "expertise" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experiencing" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expedite" -> 1, "expectation" -> 1, "expansionist" -> 1, "expansionism" -> 1, "exit" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exhausting" -> 1, "exemptions" -> 1, "exemplified" -> 1, "exemplary" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "excellence" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "exactly" -> 1, "evolved" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everyone" -> 1, "everyday" -> 1, "ever-expanding" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evenhandedly" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "Evaluation" -> 1, "Ethnic" -> 1, "eternal" -> 1, "estimated" -> 1, "estimate" -> 1, "Essential" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "espousing" -> 1, "Especially" -> 1, "Eskimos" -> 1, "escalate" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "erected" -> 1, "equivalence" -> 1, "equations" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "envision" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "enunciated" -> 1, "entitlement" -> 1, "enthusiasm" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entails" -> 1, "ensuring" -> 1, "Ensure" -> 1, "enrolled" -> 1, "enriching" -> 1, "enlistment" -> 1, "enjoying" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "engendered" -> 1, "enforceable" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endured" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "Endless" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "End" -> 1, "encumbered" -> 1, "encompasses" -> 1, "encompass" -> 1, "encircled" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employing" -> 1, "Employers" -> 1, "employable" -> 1, "empire-building" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emigrate" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "embrace—a" -> 1, "embraced" -> 1, "Emboldened" -> 1, "embassies" -> 1, "embarked" -> 1, "embargoes" -> 1, "Embargo" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "elitist" -> 1, "elevated" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "electioneering" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "elderly—with" -> 1, "elbow" -> 1, "elapse" -> 1, "El" -> 1, "Egyptian" -> 1, "egg" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "economy—have" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "easing" -> 1, "easily" -> 1, "Earlier" -> 1, "eagerness" -> 1, "dynamism" -> 1, "dynamic" -> 1, "dwindling" -> 1, "dwarf" -> 1, "durable" -> 1, "durability" -> 1, "duplicative" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drugs" -> 1, "droves" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "driver" -> 1, "drifts" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "dramatic" -> 1, "draining" -> 1, "downward" -> 1, "down-payment" -> 1, "downgrading" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "double-digit" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "dooms" -> 1, "doom" -> 1, "donated" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "dollar's" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "divorced" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "Divided" -> 1, "diverts" -> 1, "diverting" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "divert" -> 1, "Diverse" -> 1, "disunity" -> 1, "disturbed" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "district" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distortions" -> 1, "distinct" -> 1, "dissipated" -> 1, "dissemination" -> 1, "dissatisfaction" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disruptions" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "disrepair" -> 1, "disregarded" -> 1, "disposition" -> 1, "dispersion" -> 1, "dispersed" -> 1, "disperse" -> 1, "disorderly" -> 1, "disorder" -> 1, "dismissed" -> 1, "dismayed" -> 1, "dismay" -> 1, "dismantling" -> 1, "dismantle" -> 1, "disincentive" -> 1, "disguised" -> 1, "disgraceful" -> 1, "disgraced" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "disengaged" -> 1, "discuss" -> 1, "discretionary" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "discourages" -> 1, "discontinue" -> 1, "disclosures" -> 1, "discloses" -> 1, "disciplines" -> 1, "disavowed" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disarm" -> 1, "disapprove" -> 1, "disappear" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "diplomats" -> 1, "diminishing" -> 1, "diminishes" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "dimensions" -> 1, "dime" -> 1, "dim" -> 1, "dilemma" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "diem" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "diametrically" -> 1, "devoting" -> 1, "devoid" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "developers" -> 1, "devaluing" -> 1, "devalues" -> 1, "detrimental" -> 1, "deterring" -> 1, "deterrents" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deteriorating" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "deteriorate" -> 1, "detente" -> 1, "detail" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "destabilizing" -> 1, "destabilize" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "designing" -> 1, "designated" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "derives" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "derail" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "Depression" -> 1, "depots" -> 1, "deployments" -> 1, "Deployment" -> 1, "deplores" -> 1, "deplorable" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "depended" -> 1, "Department's" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denominated" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "Democratic-controlled" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "democracies" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegation" -> 1, "Delays" -> 1, "delayed—to" -> 1, "dehumanizing" -> 1, "degrading" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "deferred" -> 1, "deferrals" -> 1, "defeats" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "de-emphasize" -> 1, "deductibility" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "decreases" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "decline—Democratic" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "December" -> 1, "debilitated" -> 1, "deadlines" -> 1, "de" -> 1, "day—deterioration" -> 1, "day-to-day" -> 1, "darken" -> 1, "damaged" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "Cut" -> 1, "customers" -> 1, "curtailments" -> 1, "cursory" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "cumbersome" -> 1, "cultures" -> 1, "cultivate" -> 1, "cubic" -> 1, "crushing" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "cruise-missile" -> 1, "cruellest" -> 1, "crudely" -> 1, "crude" -> 1, "crowded" -> 1, "crowd" -> 1, "cross-purposes" -> 1, "criterion" -> 1, "Crisis" -> 1, "Crippling" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "Crime" -> 1, "creep" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "crazy" -> 1, "cracks" -> 1, "crack" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "courtroom" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "coupons" -> 1, "coupled" -> 1, "county" -> 1, "counterparts" -> 1, "counterintelligence" -> 1, "countering" -> 1, "counterforce" -> 1, "counterbalance" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "cost-of-living" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "corrupted" -> 1, "corresponding" -> 1, "correspond" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "Corporation" -> 1, "coping" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "Cooperatives" -> 1, "Cooperative" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "convinced" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "Conventional" -> 1, "convenes" -> 1, "Controls" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contrasts" -> 1, "contradictory" -> 1, "contradiction" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "contingencies" -> 1, "Continental" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "contacts" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "consumables" -> 1, "consulting" -> 1, "consult" -> 1, "constitutions" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constancy" -> 1, "consolidated" -> 1, "consists" -> 1, "consigned" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "Consequently" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "consecutive" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "Congressionally-funded" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "conglomerate" -> 1, "congestion" -> 1, "confrontations" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "conflicting" -> 1, "configuration" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "Confidence" -> 1, "conferences" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concomitants" -> 1, "concert" -> 1, 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"benefits—unilateral" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "belts" -> 1, "belonging" -> 1, "belatedly" -> 1, "beggar" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "battlegrounds" -> 1, "battered" -> 1, "basics" -> 1, "barrel" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "baneful" -> 1, "ballot-box" -> 1, "ballistic" -> 1, "badly" -> 1, "backlog" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "b" -> 1, "away-from-reactor" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "aviators" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "avenues" -> 1, "automotive" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Authorization" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "austerity—one" -> 1, "austerity—his" -> 1, "augmenting" -> 1, "audit" -> 1, "audiences" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "Attention" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "astride" -> 1, "Assure" -> 1, "assurances" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assumptions" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "associations—in" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assessed" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "aspiring" -> 1, "aspiration" -> 1, "aspirants" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "Asian-American" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "Arts" -> 1, "artistic" -> 1, "articulate" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "Army's" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armor" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "arguments" -> 1, "ares" -> 1, "arenas" -> 1, "architectural" -> 1, "architects" -> 1, "Arabs" -> 1, "Arab-Israeli" -> 1, "approximately" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "apprenticeship" -> 1, "apprehend" -> 1, "appreciates" -> 1, "applies" -> 1, "appear" -> 1, "apology" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "Anwar" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "antiterrorist" -> 1, "anti-Semitism" -> 1, "anti-satellite" -> 1, "anti-missile" -> 1, "anticipate" -> 1, "antibiotics" -> 1, "anti-ballistic" -> 1, "answers" -> 1, "Another" -> 1, "annuity" -> 1, "annuities" -> 1, "announcement" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "Angola" -> 1, "Anglo-Saxon" -> 1, "Analysis" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amoral" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "Americans—particularly" -> 1, "Americans—full" -> 1, "Americans—blacks" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "amenable" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "ambitions" -> 1, "ambassadors" -> 1, "although" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "alone—from" -> 1, "all-powerful" -> 1, "allows" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "allocation" -> 1, "allocating" -> 1, "Allies" -> 1, "alleviation" -> 1, "alleviate" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "Aleuts" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "alarming" -> 1, "alarmed" -> 1, "airfields" -> 1, "aimlessly" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "ails" -> 1, "Agriculture's" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agribusiness" -> 1, "Agreements" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "agonizingly" -> 1, "Aggressively" -> 1, "aggregate" -> 1, "aggravated" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "affront" -> 1, "affordability" -> 1, "affinity" -> 1, "aerial" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "Advisory" -> 1, "advise" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "advertising" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "Advancement" -> 1, "adrift" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "Administrative" -> 1, "Administration—and" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adjunct" -> 1, "adjudicatory" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "additives" -> 1, "Additionally" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "adapted" -> 1, "adamantly" -> 1, "activists" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "across-the-board" -> 1, "acreage" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "acquiescence" -> 1, "acknowledged" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accurately" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "According" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "accessible" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "Acceleration" -> 1, "Accelerated" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "abyss" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "absence" -> 1, "abrupt" -> 1, "abortive" -> 1, "Abortion" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "ABM" -> 1, "able-bodied" -> 1, "abject" -> 1, "abhor" -> 1, "abdicate" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "96" -> 1, "90-day" -> 1, "90,000" -> 1, "83" -> 1, "77,497" -> 1, "74" -> 1, "70,000" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "64" -> 1, "60,000" -> 1, "600" -> 1, "57,072" -> 1, "57" -> 1, "5,451—over" -> 1, "51" -> 1, "500" -> 1, "4-H" -> 1, "47" -> 1, "4.6" -> 1, "4,400" -> 1, "3.7" -> 1, "325" -> 1, "304" -> 1, "300" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "28" -> 1, "27" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "250,000" -> 1, "24" -> 1, "22" -> 1, "21" -> 1, "2035" -> 1, "2020" -> 1, "200-year" -> 1, "20,000" -> 1, "200" -> 1, "1985" -> 1, "1984" -> 1, "1974" -> 1, "1941" -> 1, "19" -> 1, "1.9" -> 1, "1898" -> 1, "18" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "157" -> 1, "15.5" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "143" -> 1, "1.4" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "109" -> 1, "10.8" -> 1, "1,000,000" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1976", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1976, "Date" -> DateObject[{1976, 8, 18}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nYou are about to read the 1976 Republican Platform. We hope you will also find time to read the Democrats' Platform. Compare. You will see basic differences in how the two parties propose to represent you.\n\"The Platform is the Party's contract with the people.\" This is what it says on the cover of the official printing of the Democrat Platform. So it should be. The Democrats' Platform repeats the same thing on every page: more government, more spending, more inflation. Compare. This Republican Platform says exactly the opposite—less government, less spending, less inflation. In other words, we want you to retain more of your own money, money that represents the worth of your labors, to use as you see fit for the necessities and conveniences of life.\nNo matter how many statements to the contrary that Mr. Carter makes, he is firmly attached to a contract with you to increase vastly the powers of government. Is bigger government in Washington really what you want?\nMake no mistake: you cannot have bigger programs in Washington and less government by Washington. You must choose.\nWhat is the cost of these added or expanded programs? The Democrats' Platform is deliberately vague. When they tell you, as they do time after time, that they will \"expand federal support,\" you are left to guess the cost. The price tag of five major Democrat Platform promises could add as much as $100 billion to the annual cost of government. But the Democrats' Platform proposes over 60 new or expanded spending programs and the expansion or creation of some 22 Washington agencies, offices or bureaus. In fact, the total of all Democrat proposals can be as high as $200 billion a year. While this must be a rough estimate, it does give you a clue to the magnitude and direction of these commitments. The Democrats' Platform can increase federal spending by 50 percent. If a Democrat Congress passes the Democrat Platform and it is signed by a Democrat President, what happens then? The Democrats could raise your taxes by 50 percent to pay for the new programs. Or the Democrats could not raise taxes and the result would be a runaway inflation. Of course, contract or no contract, the Democrats may not honor their promises. Are you prepared to risk it?\nIn stark contrast to the Democrats' Platform, we offer you a responsive and moderate alternative based on these principles:\nWe believe that liberty can be measured by how much freedom you have to make your own decisions—even your own mistakes. Government must step in when your liberties impinge on your neighbor's. Government must protect your constitutional rights. Government must deal with other governments and protect you from aggressors. Government must assure equal opportunity. And government must be compassionate in caring for those citizens who are unable to care for themselves.\nOur federal system of local-state-national government is designed to sort out on what level these actions should be taken. Those concerns of a national character—such as air and water pollution that do not respect state boundaries or the national transportation system or efforts to safeguard your civil liberties—must, of course, be handled on the national level.\nAs a general rule, however, we believe that government action should be taken first by the government that resides as close to you as possible. Governments tend to become less responsive to your needs the farther away they are from you. Thus, we prefer local and state government to national government, and decentralized national government wherever possible.\nWe also believe that you, often acting through voluntary organizations, should have the opportunity to solve many of the social problems of your community. This spirit of freely helping others is uniquely American and should be encouraged in every way by government.\nEvery dollar spent by government is a dollar earned by you. Government must always ask: Are your dollars being wisely spent? Can we afford it? Is it not better for the country to leave your dollars in your pocket?\nYour elected officials, their appointees, and government workers are expected to perform their public acts with honesty, openness, diligence, and special integrity. At the heart of our system must be confidence that these people are always working for you.\nWe believe that your initiative and energy create jobs, our standard of living and the underlying economic strength of the country. Government must work for the goal of justice and the elimination of unfair practices, but no government has yet designed a more productive economic system or one which benefits as many people.\nThe beauty of our land is our legacy to our children. It must be protected by us so that they can pass it on intact to their children.\nThe United States must always stand for peace and liberty in the world and the rights of the individual. We must form sturdy partnerships with our allies for the preservation of freedom. We must be ever willing to negotiate differences, but equally mindful that there are American ideals that cannot be compromised. Given that there are other nations with potentially hostile designs, we recognize that we can reach our goals only while maintaining a superior national defense.\nWe support these principles because they are right, knowing full well that they will not be easy to achieve. Acting with restraint is most difficult when confronted by an opposition Congress that is determined to promise everything to everybody. And this is what the Democrat Congress has been doing. A document, such as this Platform, which refuses to knuckle under to special interest groups, will be accused of being \"uncaring.\" Yet it is exactly because we do care about your basic freedom to manage your own life with a minimum of government interference, because we do care about encouraging permanent and meaningful jobs, because we do care about your getting paid in sound dollars, because we do care about resisting the use of your tax dollars for wasteful or unproven programs—it is for these reasons that we are proposing only actions that the nation can afford and are opposing excessive tinkering with an economic system that works better than any other in the world.\nOur great American Republic was founded on the principle: \"one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.\" This bicentennial year marks the anniversary of the greatest secular experiment in history: That of seeking to determine that a people are truly capable of self-government. It was our \"Declaration\" which put the world and posterity on notice \"that Men are...endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights\" and that those rights must not be taken from those to whom God has given them.\nRecently, Peggy Pinder, a 23-year-old student from Grinnell, Iowa, who is a delegate to this convention, said that she joined our party \"because Republicans understand the place of government in the people's lives better than the Democrats. Republicans try to find ways to take care of needs through the private sector first while it seems automatic for Democrats to take care of them through the governmental system.\"\nThe perception of Peggy Pinder governs this Platform. Aren't these the principles that you want your elected representatives to have?\nJobs and Inflation\n\nWe believe it is of paramount importance that the American people understand that the number one destroyer of jobs is inflation. We wish to stress that the number one cause of inflation is the government's expansion of the nation's supply of money and credit needed to pay for deficit spending. It is above all else deficit spending by the federal government which erodes the purchasing power of the dollar. Most Republicans in Congress seem to understand this fundamental cause-and-effect relationship and their support in sustaining over 40 Presidential vetoes in the past two years has prevented over $13 billion in federal spending. It is clear that most of the Democrats do not understand this vital principle, or, if they do, they simply don't care.\nInflation is the direct responsibility of a spendthrift Democrat-controlled Congress that has been unwilling to discipline itself to live within our means. The temptation to spend and deficit spend for political reasons has simply been too great for most of our elected politicians to resist. Individuals, families, companies and most local and state governments must live within a budget. Why not Congress?\nRepublicans hope every American realizes that if we are permanently to eliminate high unemployment, it is essential to protect the integrity of our money. That means putting an end to deficit spending. The danger, sooner or later, is runaway inflation.\nWage and price controls are not the solution to inflation. They attempt to treat only the symptom—rising prices—not the cause. Historically, controls have always been a dismal failure, and in the end they create only shortages, black markets and higher prices. For these reasons the Republican Party strongly opposes any reimposition of such controls, on a standby basis or otherwise.\nUnfortunately, the Democrat-controlled Congress now persists in attempting to obtain control over our nation's money creation policies by taking away the independence of the Federal Reserve Board. The same people who have so massively expanded government spending should not be allowed politically to dominate our monetary policy. The independence of the Federal Reserve System must be preserved.\nMassive, federally-funded public employment programs, such as the Humphrey-Hawkins Bill currently embraced by the new National Platform of the Democrat Party will cost billions and can only be financed either through very large tax Increases or through ever increasing levels of deficit spending. Although such government \"make-work\" programs usually provide a temporary stimulus to the economy, \"quick-fix\" solutions of this sort—like all narcotics—lead to addition, larger and larger doses, and ultimately the destruction of far more jobs than they create. Sound job creation can only be accomplished in the private sector of the economy. Americans must not be fooled into accepting government as the employer of last resort.\nNor should we sit idly by while 2.5 million American jobs are threatened by imports of textile products. We encourage the renewal of the GATT Multifiber Arrangement and the signing of other necessary bilateral agreements to protect our domestic textile industry.\nIn order to be able to provide more jobs, businesses must be able to expand; yet in order to build and expand, they must be profitable and able to borrow funds (savings) that someone else has been willing to part with on a temporary basis. In the long run, inflation discourages thrift, encourages debt and destroys the incentive to save which is the mainspring of capital formation. When our government—through deficit spending and debasement of the currency—destroys the incentive to save and to invest, it destroys the very wellspring of American productivity. Obviously, when production falls, the number of jobs declines.\nThe American people are beginning to understand that no government can ever add real wealth (purchasing power) to an economy by simply turning on the printing presses or by creating credit out of thin air. All government can do is confiscate and redistribute wealth. No nation can spend its way into prosperity; a nation can only spend its way into bankruptcy.\nTaxes and Government Spending\n\nThe Republican Party recognizes that tax policies and spending policies are in separable. If government spending is not controlled, taxes will inevitably rise either directly or through inflation. By failing to tie spending directly to income, the Democrat-controlled Congress has not kept faith with the American people. Every American knows he cannot continually live beyond his means.\nThe Republican Party advocates a legislative policy to obtain a balanced federal budget and reduced tax rates. While the best tax reform is tax reduction, we recognize the need for structural tax adjustments to help the working men and women of our nation. To that end, we recommend tax credits for college tuition, postsecondary technical training and child care expenses incurred by working parents.\nOver the past two decades of Democrat control of the Congress, our tax laws have become a nightmare of complexity and unfair tax preferences, virtually destroying the credibility of the system. Simplification should be a major goal of tax reform.\nWe support economic and tax policies to insure the necessary job-producing expansion of our economy. These include hastening capital recovery through new systems of accelerated depreciation, removing the tax burden on equity financing to encourage more capital investment, ending the unfair double taxation of dividends, and supporting proposals to enhance the ability of our working and other citizens to own \"a piece of the action\" through stock ownership. When balanced by expenditure reductions, the personal exemption should be raised to $1,000.\nAgriculture and Rural Development\n\nThe bounty of our farms is so plentiful that we may tend to forget what an amazing production achievement this really is. Each American farmer and rancher produces enough food to feed over 56 people—a threefold increase in productivity in 20 years.\nRural America must be maintained as a rewarding place to live. To accomplish this, our rural areas are entitled to services comparable to their urban neighbors, such as water and sewer systems, improved electricity and telephone service, adequate transportation, available and adequate financial credit, and employment opportunities which will allow small farmers to supplement their incomes.\nFarm exports have continued to expand under the policies of this Republican Administration—from a low of $6 billion in 1968, the last Democrat year, to $22 billion in 1975. These exports are not giveaway programs; most are earning dollars from the marketplaces of the world, establishing a favorable balance of trade and a higher standard of living for all. Through our farm exports we fight the problem of world hunger, especially with the humanitarian Food for Peace Program (Public Law 480) of the Eisenhower Administration and the Republican-controlled Congress of 1954.\nRepublican farm policy has permitted farmers to use their crop land fully. We are at last moving toward making effective use of our superb resources. Net farm income from 1972 through 1975 averaged $26 billion, more than double the average of the 1960's. Government should not dictate to the productive men and women who work the land. To assure this, we support the continuation of the central principles of the Agricultural Act of 1973, with adjustments of target prices and loan levels to reflect increased production costs.\nWe oppose government-controlled grain reserves, just as we oppose federal regulations that are unrealistic in farm practices, such as those imposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).\nWe urge prompt action by Congress in amending the Grain Inspection Act to strengthen the present inspection system and restore its integrity.\nWe firmly believe that when the nation asks our farmers to go all out to produce as much as possible for world-wide markets, the government should guarantee them unfettered access to those markets. Our farmers should not be singled out by export controls. Also, when a foreign national subsidizes its farm exports, our farmers deserve protection against such unfair practices. The federal government should assure that foreign imported commodities are equal in quality to our domestic commodities. Nations from whom we buy commodities should not be allowed to circumvent import restriction laws, such as the Meat Import Quota Act of 1964.\nWe recognize the importance of the multilateral trade negotiations now in progress and urge our representatives to obtain the most beneficial agreements for our farmers and the nation's economy.\nIn order to assure the consumers of America an uninterrupted source of food, it is necessary to pass labor relations legislation which is responsive to the welfare of workers and to the particular needs of food production. Such legislation should recognize the need to prevent work stoppages during the critical harvest periods.\nWe must help farmers protect themselves from drought, flood and other natural disasters through a system of all-risk crop insurance through Federal government reinsurance of private insurance companies combined with the existing disaster payment program.\nAs in 1972, we urge prompt passage of the Republican-sponsored legislation now pending in Congress which will increase the estate tax exemption to $200,000, allow valuation of farm property on a current use basis and provide for extension of the time of payment in the case of farms and small businesses. This overdue estate and gift tax legislation must be approved this year. We favor a liberalized marital deduction and oppose capital gains tax at death.\nInnovations in agriculture need to be encouraged by expanding research programs including new pest and predator control measures, and utilization of crops as a new energy resource. If we expect our farmers to produce an abundant food supply, they must have all the energy they need to produce, market and process their crops and livestock.\nWe continue to support farmer cooperatives, including rural electric and telephone cooperatives, in their efforts to improve services to their members. We support the Capper-Volstead Act.\nWe believe that non-farm corporations and tax-loss farming should be prevented from unfairly competing against family farms, which we support as the preferred method of farm organization.\nSince farmers are practicing conservationists, they should not be burdened with unrealistic environmental regulations. We are concerned about regulations issued by the Army Corps of Engineers that will regulate all \"routine\" agricultural and forestry activities on \"all\" our waters and wetland, and support legislation to exempt routine farming operations from these requirements. The adjudication of water rights should be a matter of state determination.\nSmall Business\n\nSmall business, so vital to our economic system, is free enterprise in its purest sense. It holds forth opportunity to the individual, regardless of race or sex, to fulfill the American dream. Small businesses are the base of our economy and its main source of strength. Some 9.6 million small firms generate 55 percent of our private employment—or the livelihood of over 100 million Americans. Yet while small businesses have a unique place in our society, they also have unique problems that government must address. Therefore, we recommend that the Small Business Administration (SBA):\nAssure adequate financing to those credit worthy firms that cannot now obtain funds through conventional channels;\nInclude the proper mix of loan programs to meet the needs of the many different types of firms that constitute the American small business community;\nServe as an aggressive advocate for small business and provide procurement, management and technological assistance.\nFor survival, small businesses must have relief from the overwhelming burden placed on them by many regulatory bodies. Paperwork proliferation has grown out of control, and small business is not equipped to deal with this aggravation.\nThe present tax structure does not allow small firms to generate enough capital to grow and create jobs. Estate taxes need liberalization to benefit the family business in the same manner as the family farm. Encouraging investment in small businesses through more equitable tax treatment remains the best and least expensive method of creating productive employment.\nThe Republican Party, recognizing that small and independent business is the backbone of the American competitive system, pledges itself to strengthen this vital institution.\nAntitrust\n\nThe Republican Party believes in and endorses the concept that the American economy is traditionally dependent upon fair competition in the marketplace. To assure fair competition, antitrust laws must treat all segments of the economy equally.\nVigorous and equitable enforcement of antitrust laws heightens competition and enables consumers to obtain the lowest possible price in the marketplace.\nBureaucratic Over-regulation\n\nWe believe that the extent of federal regulation and bureaucratic interference in the lives of the American people must be reduced. The programs and activities of the federal government should be required to meet strict tests of their usefulness and effectiveness.\nIn particular, we consider essential an analysis of the extensive growth of laws and regulations governing production processes and conditions and standards or consumer products, so as to determine whether the services and benefits the American people receive are worth the price they are paying for these services in higher taxes and consumer prices.\nWe are intensely aware of the need to protect our environment and provide safe working conditions in American industry, while at the same time preventing the loss of jobs and the closing of small businesses through unrealistic or over-rigorous government regulations. We support a balanced approach that considers the requirements of a growing economy and provides jobs for American workers.\nThe average businessman and employer is being overwhelmed by government-required paperwork. We support legislation to control and reduce the burden of federal paper-work, particularly that generated by the Internal Revenue Service and the Census Bureau.\nGovernment that Works\n\nWe believe that Americans are fed up with and frustrated by national government that makes great promises and fails to deliver. We are! We think that Democrat Congresses—in control for 40 out of the last 44 years—are the grand masters of this practice. We think that a national government grown so big that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing has caused the condition we are in.\nWhat we now have is a government organization that doesn't make any sense. It has not developed by design. It just grew—by whim, bureaucratic fighting, and the caving in of Democrat Congresses to special interest demands. So today we find that nine federal departments and twenty independent agencies are involved in education; seven departments and eight agencies in health; federal recreation areas are administered by six agencies in three departments; and so forth.\nWhat we need is a top-to-bottom overhaul. Two high level presidential commissions under two Presidents—one a Democrat, one a Republican—have investigated and come up with the same answer: There must be functional realignment of government, instead of the current arrangement by subject areas or constituencies.\nWe want federal domestic departments to reflect the major purposes of government, such as natural resources, human resources, community development and economic affairs. Unfortunately, the Democrat Congress has refused to address this problem. Now we insist that attention must be paid.\nToo often in the past, we have been content with organizational or procedural solutions to complex economic and social regulatory problems. We should no longer accept rhetoric as a substitute for concrete results. The President has proposed to Congress the Agenda for Government Reform Act, which would guarantee the systematic re-examination and reform of all federal regulatory activities within the next four years. This legislation requires Congress and the President to agree to undertake an exhaustive reassessment of the combined effects of all government regulations, and it requires them to adhere to a disciplined timetable to assure annual results. The American people deserve no less. Every agency of government must be made efficient, and every government regulation should be subjected to cost benefit analysis. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a typical example of a well-intentioned regulatory effort which has imposed large costs but has not solved our problems.\nThe beauty of America's original concept of government was its diversity, the belief that different purposes are best served by governments at different levels. In our lifetime, however, Democrat Congresses have allowed this system to become warped and over-nationalized. As powers have flowed to Washington, the ability to attend to our problems has often dried up in our communities and states. This trend must be reversed. Local government is simply more accountable to the people, and local people are perfectly capable of making decisions.\nWe reaffirm the long standing principle of the Republican Party that the best government is the one closest to the people. It is less costly, more accountable, and more responsive to the people's needs. Our confidence in the people of this nation was demonstrated by initiating the Revenue Sharing Program. To date, $30 billion of federal tax dollars have been returned to the states and localities. This program is administered with fewer than 100 people and a computer. Revenue Sharing is an effort to reverse the trend toward centralization. Revenue Sharing must continue without unwarranted federal strictures and regulations.\nAs a further step in this direction, the Republicans in Congress promoted the new concept of federal block grants to localities for much greater flexibility. Under block grants, federal funds can be tailored by the states and localities to the wishes of each community. There are now two block grant programs—in community development and employment training. Block grant programs should be extended to replace many existing categorical health, education, child nutrition and social services programs. The Democrat Congress stands guilty of failing to enact these vital reforms. Our ultimate goal is to restore taxing and spending to the local level.\nThe Republican Party has always believed that the proper role of government is to do only those things which individuals cannot do for themselves. We encourage individual initiative and oppose the trend of ever expanding government programs which is destroying the volunteer spirit in America. We firmly believe that community involvement is essential to the development of effective solutions to the problems confronting our country.\nWhile we oppose a uniform national primary, we encourage the concept of regional presidential primaries, which would group those states which voluntarily agree to have presidential primaries in a geographical area on a common date.\nWe encourage full participation in our electoral process. We further recognize the sanctity and value of the ballot. In that regard, we oppose \"federal post card registration.\" The possibilities of fraud are inherent in registration by mail. Such possibilities could not only cheapen our ballot, but in fact threaten the entire electoral process.\nControl of the United States Congress by the Democrat Party for 40 of the past 44 years has resulted in a system dominated by powerful individuals and riddled with corruption. Recent events have demonstrated an unwillingness and inability by the Democrat Party to cleanse itself. Selective morality has been the order of the day. Positive Republican initiatives have languished in Democrat-controlled Congressional Committees while business as usual has continued in Washington. The American people demand and deserve reform of the United States Congress. We offer these proposals of far-reaching reform:\nRepeal of legislation which permits automatic increases in the salaries of Members of Congress, congressional staffs, and official expense allowances. Public accountability demands that Members publicly vote on increases on the expenses of their office. Members' salary increases should not become effective until a new Congress is elected.\nElimination of proxy voting which allows Members to record votes in Committee without being present for the actual deliberations or vote on a measure.\nElimination of Democrat Caucus rules which allow a Party to bind its Members' votes on legislation. Each Member of Congress represents his constituency and must be free to vote in accordance with the dictates of his constituency and individual conscience.\nA complete audit by the General Accounting Office of all congressional allowances and appropriate disciplinary measures for those who have violated the public trust.\nFull public disclosure of financial interests by Members and divestiture of those interests which present conflicts of interest.\nChanges in the House rules which would allow a House majority to require the House Ethics Committee to conduct an investigation into alleged misconduct by any Member of Congress if the Committee refuses to act on its own.\nA complete overhaul and streamlining of the system which has permitted the proliferation of subcommittees with over-lapping responsibility, vague jurisdictional definitions and a lack of legislative production.\nQuarterly publication of names, titles and salaries of all Congressional employees.\nImproved lobby disclosure legislation so that the people will know how much money is being spent to influence public officials.\nCitizens are demanding the end to the rapid and wasteful increase in the size of Washington government. All steps must be taken to insure that unnecessary federal agencies and programs are eliminated and that Congress carefully scrutinize the total budget of each agency. If it is determined that sunset laws and zero-based budgeting can accomplish these ends, then they will have our support. Washington programs must be made as cost-effective as those in the states and localities. Among the many serious complaints that we wish to register on behalf of the American people is the poor operation of the United States Postal Service.\nWe note the low respect the public has for Congress—a Democrat-controlled Institution—and wonder how the Democrats can possibly honor their pledge to reform government when they have utterly failed to reform Congress.\nA Safe and Just Society\n\nEvery American has a right to be protected from criminals. Violence has no place in our land. A society that excuses crime will eventually fall victim to it. The American people have been subjected to an intolerable wave of violent crime.\nThe victim of a crime should be treated with compassion and justice. The attacker must be kept from harming others. Emphasis must be on protecting the Innocent and punishing the guilty. Prevention of crime is its best deterrent and should be stressed.\nFighting crime is—and should be—primarily a local responsibility. We support the continuation of the federal help given through the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration {LEAA} to law enforcement officials in our states, counties and municipalities. Each state should have the power to decide whether it wishes to impose the death penalty for certain crimes. All localities are urged to tighten their bail practices and to review their sentencing and parole procedures.\nThe federal criminal code should include automatic and mandatory minimum sentences for persons committing offenses under federal jurisdiction that involve the use of a dangerous weapon; that involve exceptionally serious crimes, such as trafficking in hard drugs, kidnapping and aircraft hijacking; and that involve injuries committed by repeat offenders.\nThe work presently being done to tighten the antiobscenity provisions of the criminal code has our full support. Since the jurisdiction of the federal government in this field is limited to interstate commerce and the mails, we urge state and local governments to assume a major role in limiting the distribution and availability of obscene materials.\nWe support the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. We oppose federal registration of firearms. Mandatory sentences for crimes committed with a lethal weapon are the only effective solution to this problem.\nSure and swift justice demands additional judges, United States Attorneys and other court workers. The Democrat Congress has created no new federal judgeships since 1970; we deplore this example of playing politics with the justice system.\nDrug abuse is not simply a health problem, but also a very real law enforcement concern and a problem of worldwide dimension. Controlling drug abuse calls for the ratification of the existing international treaty on synthetic drugs, increased emphasis on preventing the diversion of amphetamines and barbiturates into illegal markets, and intensive efforts to keep drugs out of this country. Heroin continues to come across our borders. Drug enforcement agents and international cooperation must cut off this supply. We say: Treat the addicts, but, at the same time, remove the pushers from the street and give them mandatory sentences.\nJuveniles now account for almost half the arrests for serious crimes—murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. The cost of school violence and vandalism is estimated at $600 million annually, about what is spent on textbooks. Primary responsibility for raising our children, instilling proper values and thus preventing juvenile delinquency lies with the family, not the government. Yet when families fail, local law enforcement authorities must respond. Law enforcement block grant funds can be used by states in correcting and preventing juvenile delinquency. The LEAA should promote additional research in this area. The structure of the family must be strengthened. All enterprises have to be encouraged to find more Jobs for young people. A youth differential must be included in the minimum wage law. Citizen action should let the television industry know that we want it to curb violence in programming because of its effect on our youth.\nThe criminal justice system must be more vigilant in preventing rape, eliminating discrimination against the victim and dealing with the offenders.\nStates should recognize that antiquated and overcrowded prisons are not conducive to rehabilitation. A high priority of prison reform should be to help the young first-time offender. There should be adequate separation of young from adult offenders, more relevant prison industries, better counseling community-based alternatives and more help in getting a job for the offender who has served his or her time.\nTerrorism—both domestic and international-must be stopped. Not only must the strongest steps be taken in the United States, but collective action must come from all nations. Deterring every form of hijacking calls for sanctions against countries that aid terrorists. The world community should take appropriate action to deal with terrorist organizations. We applaud the daring rescue by Israel of innocent civilian hostages who were kidnapped by terrorists. While we regret that loss of life was involved, the courageous manner in which the hostages were freed speaks eloquently to our abhorrence of world bandits.\nThe Right to Privacy\n\nLiberty depends in great measure on the privacy that each American retains.\nWe are alarmed by Washington's growing collection of information. The number of federal data banks is now estimated at between 800 and 900 and more than 50 agencies are involved. We question the need for all these computers to be storing the records of our lives. Safeguards must protect us against this information being misused or disclosed. Major changes, for example, are needed to maintain the confidentiality of tax returns and Society Security records.\nRecent Supreme Court decisions have held that an individual has no constitutional right to the privacy of records held in banks or other depository institutions and that they can be readily obtained by law enforcement agencies without a person's consent or knowledge. Law enforcement authorities must be able to pursue criminal violators, yet, at the same time, there should be reasonable controls imposed to protect the privacy of law-abiding citizens. We support legislation, now pending, to assure this protection.\nToo many government records, on the other hand, are unnecessarily classified. Congress and the Executive should devise a more reasonable system for classifying and handling government information.\nThe President's achievements in protecting privacy are unequalled by past administrations and must be built upon in the future. We particularly note changes in federal record-keeping systems, the appointment of the Commission on the CIA, the reorganization of the intelligence community and the restriction of White House access to income tax returns.\nThe American Family\n\nFamilies must continue to be the foundation of our nation.\nFamilies—not government programs—are the best way to make sure our children are properly nurtured, our elderly are cared for, our cultural and spiritual heritages are perpetuated, our laws are observed and our values are preserved.\nIf families fail in these vitally important tasks, there is little the government, no matter how well-intentioned, can do to remedy the results. Schools cannot educate children adequately if families are not supportive of the learning process. Law enforcement authorities are nearly helpless to curb juvenile delinquency without family cooperation in teaching young people respect for property and laws. Neither medicine nor school feeding programs can replace the family's ability to provide the basis for good health. Isolation from meaningful family contact makes it virtually impossible for the elderly to avoid loneliness or dependence. The values of hard work and responsibility start with the family.\nAs modern life brings changes in our society, it also puts stresses on families trying to adjust to new realities while maintaining cherished values. Economic uncertainty, unemployment, housing difficulties, women's and men's concerns with their changing and often conflicting roles, high divorce rates, threatened neighborhoods and schools, and public scandal all create a hostile atmosphere that erodes family structures and family values. Thus it is imperative that our government's programs, actions, officials and social welfare institutions never be allowed to jeopardize the family. We fear the government may be powerful enough to destroy our families; we know that it is not powerful enough to replace them.\nBecause of our concern for family values, we affirm our beliefs, stated elsewhere in this Platform, in many elements that will make our country a more hospitable environment for family life—neighborhood schools; educational systems that include and are responsive to parents' concerns; estate tax changes to establish more realistic exemptions which will minimize disruption of already bereaved families; a position on abortion that values human life; a welfare policy to encourage rather than discourage families to stay together and seek economic independence; a tax system that assists rather than penalizes families with elderly members, children in day care or children in college; economic and employment policies that stop the shrinkage of our dollars and stimulate the creation of jobs so that families can plan for their economic security.\nEducation\n\nOur children deserve quality education. We believe that segregated schools are morally wrong and unconstitutional. However, we oppose forced busing to achieve racial balances in our schools. We believe there are educational advantages for children in attending schools in their own neighborhoods and that the Democrat-controlled Congress has failed to enact legislation to protect this concept. The racial composition of many schools results from decisions by people about where they choose to live. If Congress continues to fail to act, we would favor consideration of an amendment to the Constitution forbidding the assignment of children to schools on the basis of race.\nOur approach is to work to eradicate the root causes of segregated schools, such as housing discrimination and gerrymandered school districts. We must get on with the education of all our children.\nThroughout our history, the education of our children has been a community responsibility. But now federal categorical grant programs pressure local school districts into substituting Washington-dictated priorities for their own. Local school administrators and school boards are being turned into bookkeepers for the federal government. Red tape and restrictive regulations stifle imagination and creativity. We are deeply concerned about the decline in the performance of our schools and the decline in public confidence in them.\nWe favor consideration of tax credits for parents making elementary and secondary school tuition payments.\nLocal communities wishing to conduct non-sectarian prayers in their public schools should be able to do so. We favor a constitutional amendment to achieve this end.\nWe propose consolidating federal categorical grant programs into block grants and turning the money over to the states to use in accordance with their own needs and priorities and with minimum bureaucratic controls. A single program must preserve the funding that is directed at the needs of such special groups as the handicapped and the disadvantaged.\nResponsibility for education, particularly on the elementary and secondary levels, belongs to local communities and parents. Intrusion by the federal government must be avoided. Bureaucratic control of schools by Washington has the potential for destruction of our educational system by taking more and more decisions away from parents and local school authorities. Financial dependence on the federal government inevitably leads to greater centralization of authority. We believe, therefore, that a study should be authorized concerning funding of elementary and secondary education, coupled with a study regarding return to the states of equivalent revenue to compensate for any loss in present levels of federal funding.\nUnless steps are taken immediately, soaring prices will restrict a college education to the rich and those poor enough to qualify now for government aid. Federal higher education policy should continue to focus on financial aid for needy individuals, but because the financial ability to go to college is fast slipping out of the grasp of middle income families, more realistic eligibility guidelines for student aid are essential.\nGovernment interference in the management of colleges and universities must be stopped. Federal support to assist in meeting the grave financial problems of higher education should be forthcoming, but such funds should never be used as devices for imposing added controls.\nDiversity in education has great value. Public schools and non-public schools should share in education funds on a constitutionally acceptable basis. Private colleges and universities should be assisted to maintain healthy competition and to enrich diversity. The cost of expanding public campuses can be kept down if existing private institutions are helped to accommodate our student population.\nWe favor continued special federal support for vocational education.\nHealth\n\nEvery American should have access to quality health care at an affordable price.\nThe possibility of an extended illness in a family is a frightening prospect, but, if it does happen, a person should at least be protected from having it wipe out lifetime savings. Catastrophic expenses incurred from major illnesses and accidents affect only a small percentage of Americans each year, but for those people, the financial burden can be devastating. We support extension of catastrophic illness protection to all who cannot obtain it. We should utilize our private health insurance system to assure adequate protection for those who do not have it. Such an approach will eliminate the red tape and high bureaucratic costs inevitable in a comprehensive national program.\nThe Republican Party opposes compulsory national health insurance.\nAmericans should know that the Democrat Platform, which offers a government-operated and financed \"comprehensive national health insurance system with universal and mandatory coverage,\" will increase federal government spending by more than $70 billion in its first full year. Such a plan could require a personal income tax increase of approximately 20 percent. We oppose this huge, new health insurance tax. Moreover, we do not believe that the federal government can administer effectively the Democrats' cradle-to-grave proposal.\nThe most effective, efficient and economical method to improve health care and extend its availability to all is to build on the present health delivery and insurance system, which covers nine out of every ten Americans.\nA coordinated effort should be mounted immediately to contain the rapid increase in health care costs by all available means, such as development of healthier life styles through education, improved preventive care, better distribution of medical manpower, emphasis on out-of-hospital services and elimination of wasteful duplication of medical services.\nWe oppose excessive intrusions from Washington in the delivery of health care. We believe in preserving the privacy that should exist between a patient and a physician, particularly in regard to the confidentiality of medical records.\nFederal health programs should be consolidated into a single grant to each state, where possible, thereby allowing much greater flexibility in setting local priorities. Our rural areas, for example, have different health care delivery needs than our cities. Federal laws and regulations should respect these differences and make it possible to respond differently to differing needs. Fraud in Medicare and Medical programs should be exposed and eliminated.\nWe need a comprehensive and equitable approach to the subject of mental health. Such a program should focus on the prevention, treatment and care of mental illness. It should cover all aspects of the interrelationships between emotional illness and other developmental disabilities that seek to remove us from the dark ages in these areas.\nAlcoholism and drug abuse, growing problems in America today, should receive the utmost attention.\nWhile we support valid medical and biological research efforts which can produce life-saving results, we oppose any research on live fetuses. We are also opposed to any legislation which sanctions ending the life of any patient.\nChild Nutrition\n\nEvery child should have enough to eat. Good nutrition is a prerequisite of a healthy life. We must focus our resources on feeding needy children. The present school lunch programs provide a 20 percent subsidy to underwrite the meals of children from middle- and upper-income families.\nThe existing 15 child nutrition programs should be consolidated into one program, administered by the states, and concentrated on those children truly in need. Other federal programs should insure that low-income people will be able to purchase a nutritionally adequate food supply.\nEqual Rights and Ending Discrimination\n\nRoadblocks must be removed that may prevent Americans from realizing their full potential in society. Unfair discrimination is a burden that intolerably weighs morally, economically and politically upon a free nation.\nWhile working to eradicate discriminatory practices, every citizen should be encouraged to take pride in and foster the cultural heritage that has been passed on from previous generations. Almost every American traces ancestry from another country; this cultural diversity gives strength to our national heritage.\nThere must be vigorous enforcement of laws to assure equal treatment in job recruitment, hiring, promotion, pay, credit, mortgage access and housing. The way to end discrimination, however, is not by resurrecting the much discredited quota system and attempting to cloak it in an aura of new respectability. Rather, we must provide alternative means of assisting the victims of past discrimination to realize their full worth as American citizens.\nWiping out past discrimination requires continued emphasis on providing educational opportunities for minority citizens, increasing direct and guaranteed loans to minority business enterprises, and affording qualified minority persons equal opportunities for government positions at all levels.\nWomen\n\nWomen, who comprise a numerical majority of the population, have been denied a just portion of our nation's rights and opportunities. We reaffirm our pledge to work to eliminate discrimination in all areas for reasons of race, color, national origin, age, creed or sex and to enforce vigorously laws guaranteeing women equal rights.\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its support for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. Our Party was the first national party to endorse the E.R.A. in 1940. We continue to believe its ratification is essential to insure equal rights for all Americans. In our 1972 Platform, the Republican Party recognized the great contributions women have made to society as homemakers and mothers, as contributors to the community through volunteer work, and as members of the labor force in careers. The Platform stated then, and repeats now, that the Republican Party \"fully endorses the principle of equal rights, equal opportunities and equal responsibilities for women.\" The Equal Rights Amendment is the embodiment of this principle and therefore we support its swift ratification.\nThe question of abortion is one of the most difficult and controversial of our time. It is undoubtedly a moral and personal issue but it also involves complex questions relating to medical science and criminal justice. There are those in our Party who favor complete support for the Supreme Court decision which permits abortion on demand. There are others who share sincere convictions that the Supreme Court's decision must be changed by a constitutional amendment prohibiting all abortions. Others have yet to take a position, or they have assumed a stance somewhere in between polar positions.\nWe protest the Supreme Court's intrusion into the family structure through its denial of the parents' obligation and right to guide their minor children. The Republican Party favors a continuance of the public dialogue on abortion and supports the efforts of those who seek enactment of a constitutional amendment to restore protection of the right to life for unborn children.\nThe Social Security System, our federal tax laws, and unemployment and disability programs currently discriminate against women and often work against married couples as well. These inequities must be corrected. We recognize that special support must be given to the increasing number of women who have assumed responsibility as the heads of households while also being wage earners. Programs for job training, counseling and other services should be established to help them attain their dual role in society.\nWe reiterate the pledges elsewhere in this platform of support for child care assistance, part-time and flexible-time work that enables men and women to combine employment and family responsibilities, estate tax reform, small business assistance for women, rape prevention and elimination of discriminatory housing practices.\nEthnic Americans\n\nEthnic Americans have enriched this nation with their hard work, self-reliance and respect for the rights and needs of others. Ethnic groups reaching our shores at various times have given our country its unique identity and strength among the nations of the world. We recognize and value the contributions of Ethnic Americans to our free and democratic society.\nHispanic-Americans\n\nWhen language is a cause of discrimination, there must be an intensive educational effort to enable Spanish-speaking students to become fully proficient in English while maintaining their own language and cultural heritage. Hispanic-Americans must not be treated as second-class citizens in schools, employment or any other aspect of life just because English is not their first language. Hispanic-Americans truly believe that individual integrity must be paramount; what they want most from government and politics is the opportunity to participate fully. The Republican Party has and always will offer this opportunity.\nIndians and Alaska Natives\n\nWe have a unique commitment to Native Americans; we pledge to continue to honor our trust relationship with them, and we reaffirm our federal Indian policy of self-determination without termination. This means moving smoothly and quickly away from federal domination to effective participation and communication by Indians in the political process and in the planning, content and administration of federal programs. We shall pursue our joint effort with Indian leaders to assist in the orderly development of Indian and native-owned resources and to continue to attack the severe health, education and unemployment problems which exist among Indians and Alaska Natives.\nPuerto Rico, The District of Columbia and The Territories\n\nThe principle of self-determination also governs our positions on Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as it has in past platforms. We again support statehood for Puerto Rico, if that is the people's choice in a referendum, with full recognition within the concept of a multicultural society of the citizens' right to retain their Spanish language and traditions; and support giving the District of Columbia voting representation in the United States Senate and House of Representatives and full home rule over those matters that are purely local.\nWe will continue to negotiate with the Congress of Micronesia on the future political status of the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands to meet the mutual interests of both parties. We support a plebiscite by the people of American Samoa on whether they wish to elect a territorial governor. We favor whatever action is necessary to permit American citizens resident in Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to vote for President and Vice President in national elections. With regard to Guam and the Virgin Islands, we urge an increased degree of self-sufficiency and support maximum broadening of self-government.\nResponsibilities\n\nFinally, the most basic principle of all: Achievement and preservation of human rights in our society is based on the willing acceptance by millions of Americans of their responsibilities as free citizens. Instead of viewing government programs with ever increasing expectations, we must readily assume the obligations of wage-earners, taxpayers and supporters of our government and laws. This is often forgotten, and so it is appropriate to remind ourselves in this Platform that this is why our society works.\nHandicapped Citizens\n\nHandicapped persons must be admitted into the mainstream of our society.\nToo often the handicapped population of the nation—over 30 million men, women and children—has been denied the rights taken for granted by other citizens. Time after time, the paths are closed to the handicapped in education, employment, transportation, health care, housing, recreation, insurance, polling booths and due process of law. National involvement is necessary to correct discrimination in these areas. Individual incentive alone cannot do it.\nWe pledge continued attention to the problems caused by barriers in architecture, communication, transportation and attitudes. In addition, we realize that to deny education and employment simply because of an existing disability runs counter to our accepted belief in the free enterprise system and forces the handicapped to be overly dependent on others. Similarly, the denial of equal access to credit and to acquisition of venture capital on the basis of a handicap or other disability conflicts with Republican philosophy. We advocate the elimination of needless barriers for all handicapped persons.\nWorking Americans\n\nFree collective bargaining remains the best way to insure that American workers receive a fair price for their labors.\nThe special problems of collective bargaining in state and local government should be addressed at those levels. Washington should not impose its standards on local governments. While we oppose strikes by public employees, we recognize that states have the right to permit them if they choose.\nUnion membership as a condition of employment has been regulated by state law under Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act. This basic right should continue to be determined by the states. We oppose strikes by federal employees, the unionization of our military forces and the legalization of common-situs picketing.\nEmployees of the federal government should not engage in partisan politics. The Civil Service System must remain non-partisan and non-political. The Hatch Act now protects federal employees; we insist that it be uniformly administered.\nAmong the rights that are the entitlement of every American worker is the right to join a union—large, small or independent; the right to be protected against racial discrimination and misuse of dues; the right to union elections that are fair and democratic; and the right to be assured of ultimately receiving his or her promised pension benefits.\nSafe and healthful working conditions are goals of utmost importance. We should expect the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to help employers, particularly in small businesses, comply with the law, and we will support legislation providing on-site consultation.\nThere should be considerable concern over the presence of several million illegal aliens in the country who fill jobs that otherwise would be available to American workers. We support increased efforts to deal more effectively with this problem and favor legislation prohibiting employers from knowingly hiring illegal aliens. The Democrat leaders in Congress have systematically killed every attempt to debate this legislation in recent years.\nIncreased part-time and flexible-hour work should be encouraged wherever feasible. In keeping with our belief in family life, we want to expand more opportunities for men and women to combine family responsibilities and employment.\nWelfare Reform\n\nThe work of all Americans contributes to the strength of our nation, and all who are able to contribute should be encouraged to do so.\nIn every society there will be some who cannot work, often through no fault of their own. The measure of a country's compassion is how it treats the least fortunate.\nWe appreciate the magnificent variety of private charitable institutions which have developed in the United States.\nThe Democrat-controlled Congress has produced a jumble of degrading, dehumanizing, wasteful, overlapping and inefficient programs failing to assist the needy poor. A systematic and complete overhaul of the welfare system should be initiated immediately.\nThe following goals should govern the reform of the welfare system: (1) Provide adequate living standards for the truly needy; (2) End welfare fraud and prevent it in the future with emphasis on removing ineligible recipients from the welfare rolls, tightening food stamp eligibility requirements, and ending aid to illegal aliens and the voluntarily unemployed; (3) Strengthen work requirements, particularly directed at the productive involvement of able-bodied persons in useful community work projects; (4) Provide educational and vocational incentives to allow recipients to become self-supporting; (5) Better coordinate federal efforts with local and state social welfare agencies and strengthen local and state administrative functions. We oppose federalizing the welfare system; local levels of government are most aware of the needs of their communities. Consideration should be given to a range of options in financing the programs to assure that state and local responsibilities are met. We also oppose the guaranteed annual income concept or any programs that reduce the incentive to work.\nThose features of the present law, particularly the food stamp program, that draw into assistance programs people who are capable of paying for their own needs should be corrected. The humanitarian purpose of such programs must not be corrupted by eligibility loopholes. Food stamp program reforms proposed by Republicans in Congress would accomplish the twin goals of directing resources to those most in need and streamlining administration.\nWe must never forget that unemployment compensation is insurance, not a welfare program. It should be redesigned to assure that working is always more beneficial than collecting unemployment benefits. The benefits should help most the hard-core unemployed. Major efforts must be encouraged through the private sector to speed up the process of finding jobs for those temporarily out of work.\nOlder Americans\n\nOlder Americans constitute one of our most valuable resources.\nFamilies should be supported in trying to take care of their elderly. Too often government laws and policies contribute to the deterioration of family life. Our tax laws, for example, permit a deduction to the taxpayer who gives a contribution to a charitable institution that might care for an elderly parent, but offer little or no incentive to provide care in the home. If an elderly parent relinquishes certain assets and enters a nursing home, the parent may qualify for full Medicaid coverage, but if parents live with their children, any Supplemental Security income benefit for which they are eligible may be reduced. Incentives must be written into law to encourage families to care for their older members.\nAlong with loneliness and ill health, older Americans are deeply threatened by inflation. The costs of the basic necessities of life—food, shelter, clothing, health care— have risen so drastically as to reduce the ability of many older persons to subsist with any measure of dignity. In addition to our program for protecting against excessive costs of long-term illness, nothing will be as beneficial to the elderly as the effect of this Platform's proposals on curbing inflation.\nThe Social Security benefits are of inestimable importance to the well-being and financial peace-of-mind of most older Americans. We will not let the Social Security system fail. We will work to make the Social Security system actuarily sound. The Social Security program must not be turned into a welfare system, based on need rather than contributions. The cost to employers for Social Security contributions must not be raised to the point where they will be unable to afford contributions to employees' private pension programs. We will work for an increase in the earned income ceiling or its elimination so that, as people live longer, there will not be the present penalty on work. We will also seek to correct these provisions of the system that now discriminate against women and married couples.\nSuch programs as Foster Grandparents and Senior Companions, which provide income exempt from Social Security limitations, should be continued and extended to encourage senior citizens to continue to be active and involved in society. Appropriate domiciliary care programs should be developed to enable senior citizens to receive such care without losing other benefits to which they may be entitled.\nWe favor the abolition of arbitrary age levels for mandatory retirement.\nThe Medicare program must be improved to help control inflation in health care costs triggered by present regulations.\nOther areas of concern to the elderly that need increased attention are home and out-patient care, adequate transportation, nutrition, day care and homemaker care as an alternative to costly institutional treatment.\nA nation should be judged by its ability to help make all the years of life as productive and gainful as possible. This nation still has a job to do.\nVeterans\n\nThe nation must never forget its appreciation and obligation to those who have served in the armed forces.\nBecause they bear the heaviest burdens of war, we owe special honor and compensation to disabled veterans and survivors of the war dead.\nWe are firmly committed to maintaining and improving our Veterans Administration hospital system.\nYounger veterans, especially those who served in the Vietnam conflict, deserve education, job and housing loan benefits equivalent to those of World War II and the Korean conflict. Because of our deep and continuing concern for those still listed as Prisoners of War or Missing in Action in Vietnam, the Foreign Policy section of this Republican Platform calls for top priority actions.\nAnd we must continue to provide for our veterans at their death a final resting place for their remains in a national cemetery and the costs of transportation thereto.\nA National Urban Strategy\n\nThe decay and decline of communities in this country is not just a physical and economic crisis, but is traceable to the decline of a real \"sense of community\" in our society. Community development cannot be achieved merely by throwing dollars and mortar at our community problems; what must be developed is a new sense of mutual concern and responsibility among all members of a community for its improvement.\nWe recognize the family, the neighborhood and the private volunteer sector to be the most basic and vital units within our communities and we recognize their central role in revitalizing our communities. We propose a strategy for urban revitalization that both treats our urban areas as social organisms and recognizes that the family is the basic building block in these organisms.\nEffectively helping our cities now requires a coordinated National Urban Policy. The cornerstone of this policy must be to curb inflation. This policy must be based on the principle that the levels of government closest to the cities' problems are best able to respond. Thus federal and state assistance to cities and counties should give the greatest flexibility to those directly on the scene, the local elected officials. Such a policy should replace the welter of confusing and often conflicting federal categorical grant programs—the approach of the Democrat Congress—with block grant programs that allow cities and counties to set their own priorities.\nWithout an urban policy, the Democrat-controlled Congress has created a hodge-podge of programs which have all but destroyed our once vital cities. At the same time, urban crime rates have skyrocketed and the quality and promise of metropolitan education systems have plummeted. All this has happened during the years that the number of federal urban programs has increased almost tenfold: from 45 in 1946 to 435 in 1968; and expenditures have increased 3000 percent; from $1 billion to $30 billion.\nThe Republican programs of revenue sharing and block grants for community development and manpower have already helped our cities and counties immensely. We favor extension of revenue sharing and the orderly conversion of categorical grants into block grants. When federal assistance programs for general purpose local governments are administered through the states, there should be direct pass-through and effective role for cities and counties in the planning, allocation and use of the funds.\nFederal, state and local government resources combined are not enough to solve our urban problems. The private sector must be the major participant. Economic development is the best way to involve business and industry government support should emphasize capital formation and technical assistance for small and minority businesses.\nWe can bring about a new birth of freedom by following the example of those individuals, organizations and community leaders who have successfully solved specific undesirable conditions and problems through private efforts. Government officials should be aware of these successes in developing new approaches to public problems.\nFinancial institutions should be encouraged to participate in the financial requirements of urban development. Each institution should recognize its responsibility in promoting and maintaining economic growth and stability in the central cities.\nOur urban policies should encourage families and businesses to improve their neighborhoods by means of participation in neighborhood self-help groups, improving and rehabilitating their homes and businesses, and investing in and managing local businesses. We support the revision of federal business assistance programs to encourage joint efforts by local merchants' associations.\nWe need a comprehensive approach to plan, develop and implement a variety of programs which take into account the many diverse needs of each neighborhood. The establishment of a National Neighborhood Policy will signal a commitment to the improvement of the quality of our life in our neighborhoods.\nWe call for an expansion of the President's Committee on Urban Development and Neighborhood Revitalization to include representatives of elected state and local officials and the private sector.\nTaken together, the thrust of the proposals in this section and in such related areas as housing, transportation, safety and taxes should contribute significantly to making our cities again pleasant places to live. The Republican National Urban Strategy has been formed in the realization that when the bell tolls for the cities it tolls for all of America.\nHousing\n\nIn the United States today we are the best housed nation in the history of world civilization. This accomplishment was achieved by a private enterprise system using free market concepts.\nAll of our citizens should be given the opportunity to live in decent, affordable housing.\nWe believe that we should continue to pursue the primary goal of expanding housing opportunities for all Americans and we should pursue the companion goal of reducing the degree of direct federal involvement in housing.\nTo most Americans the American dream is a home of their own. The time has come to face some hard realities, primarily that the greatest impediment to decent and affordable housing is inflation. It logically follows that one effective housing program would be simply to elect a Republican Congress which would balance the federal budget.\nTo meet the housing needs of this country there must be a continuous, stable and adequate flow of funds for the purpose of real estate mortgages at realistic interest rates.\nTo continue to encourage home ownership, which now encompasses 64 percent of our families, we support the deductibility of interest on home mortgages and property taxes.\nWe favor the concept of federal revenue sharing and block grants to reduce the excessive burden of the property tax in financing local government.\nWe are concerned with the excessive reliance of financing welfare and public school costs primarily by the property tax.\nWe support inflation-impact studies on governmental regulations, which are inflating housing costs.\nCurrent economic problems and environmental concerns must be balanced in each community by a policy of \"Sensible Growth.\"\nWe oppose discrimination in housing, whether by individuals or by institutional financing polices.\nWe urge continued incentives to support the development of low and moderate income housing in order to assure the availability of adequate shelter for the less fortunate.\nRehabilitation and preservation of existing housing stock should be given high priority in federal housing policy.\nWe urge the continuation of the self-help restoration of housing, such as urban home-steading, which is providing housing for low-income families.\nTransportation\n\nThe federal government has a special responsibility to foster those elements of our national transportation system that are essential to foreign and interstate commerce and national defense. In other transportation systems that primarily support local needs, the federal government's responsibility is to encourage the greatest possible decision-making and flexibility on the part of state and local governments to spend funds in ways that make the best sense for each community. Thus all levels of government have an important role in providing a balanced and coordinated transportation network.\nIn keeping with national transportation goals, the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 has begun the task of removing regulatory constraints of the Interstate Commerce Commission on America's ailing railroads. Now we should carefully assess the need to remove many of the regulatory constraints imposed on the nation's airlines and motor carriers. Consumers pay too high a price for the artificial fare and rate structures imposed by federal regulations.\nThe great Interstate Highway System, initiated by President Eisenhower, has brought new freedom of travel to every American and must be completed and maintained. Our road network should always stress safety through better design as well as bridge maintenance and replacement.\nWe must also have a safe and efficient aviation system capable of responding to the air transportation needs of the future and of reducing exposure to aircraft noise. This includes airport development, navigational and safety facilities, and the design and adequate staffing of advanced air traffic control systems. In airplane use as in other modes of transportation, the impact on the physical environment must always be a basic consideration in federal decisions and such decisions should also include appraisals of impact on the economy. We deplore unfair treatment of United States airlines under foreign landing regulations.\nResearch must be continued to find safe, more fuel-efficient automobile engines and airplanes; safer, faster rail service; and more convenient, less expensive urban transportation. Tax policies should be considered which would stimulate the development and installation of new energy sources in transportation, such as railroad electrification.\nThe disorganization of a Democratic-controlled Congress frustrates the coordination of transportation policy. Currently there are more than 50 congressional subcommittees with independent jurisdiction in the transportation field. This hopelessly disjointed and disorganized approach must be reformed.\nIn keeping with the local goal setting in transportation, the Republican Party applauds the system under which state and local governments can divert funds from interstate highway mileage not essential to interstate commerce or national defense to other, more pressing community needs, such as urban mass transit.\nWe support the concept of a surface transportation block grant which would include the various highway and mass transit programs now in existence. This will provide local elected officials maximum flexibility in selecting and implementing the balanced transportation systems best suited to each locality. It will encompass both capital and operating subsidies for urban mass transit. It will eliminate red tape and over-regulation. We regret that the Democrat-controlled Congress has not adopted such reform.\nEnergy\n\nIn 1973, Americans were shocked to discover that a plentiful supply of energy could no longer be assumed. Unfortunately, the Democrat majority in Congress still has not responded to this clear and urgent warning. The United States is now consuming more imported oil than it was three years ago and our dependence on foreign sources has continued to increase to the point where we now import more than 40% of our oil.\nOne fact should now be clear: we must reduce sharply our dependence on other nations for energy and strive to achieve energy independence at the earliest possible date. We cannot allow the economic destiny and international policy of the United States to be dictated by the sovereign powers that control major portions of the world's petroleum supplies.\nOur approach toward energy self-sufficiency must involve both expansion of energy supply and improvement of energy efficiency. It must include elements that insure increased conservation at all levels of our society. It must also provide incentive for the exploration and development of domestic gas, oil, coal and uranium, and for expanded research and development in the use of solar, geothermal, co-generation, solid waste, wind, water, and other sources of energy.\nWe must use our non-renewable resources wisely while we develop alternative supplies for the future. Our standard of living is directly tied to a continued supply of energy resources. Without an adequate supply of energy, our entire economy will crumble.\nUnwise government intervention in the marketplace has caused shortage of supply, unrealistic prices and increased dependence on foreign sources. We must immediately eliminate price controls on oil and newly-discovered natural gas in order to increase supply, and to provide the capital that is needed to finance further exploration and development of domestic hydrocarbon reserves.\nFair and realistic market prices will encourage sensible conservation efforts and establish priorities in the use of our resources, which over the long run will provide a secure supply at reasonable prices for all.\nThe nation's clear and present need is for vast amounts of new capital to finance exploration, discovery, refining, and delivery of currently usable forms of energy, including the use of coal as well as discovery and development of new sources. At this critical time, the Democrats have characteristically resorted to political demagoguery seeking short-term political gain at the expense of the long-term national interest. They object to the petroleum industry making any profit. The petroleum industry is an important segment of our economy and is entitled to reasonable profits to permit further exploration and development.\nAt the height of the energy crisis, the Republican Administration proposed a strong, balanced energy package directed at both expansion of supply and conservation of energy. The response from the Democrats in Congress was to inhibit expanded production through artificially set price and allocation controls, thereby preventing market forces from working to make energy expansion economically feasible.\nNow, the Democrats proposed to dismember the American oil industry. We vigorously oppose such divestiture of oil companies— a move which would surely result in higher energy costs, inefficiency and undercapitalization of the industry.\nDemocrats have also proposed that the federal government compete with industry in energy development by creating a national oil company. We totally oppose this expensive, inefficient and wasteful intrusion into an area which is best handled by private enterprise.\nThe Democrats are playing politics with energy. If they are permitted to continue, we will pay a heavy price in lost energy and lost jobs during the decades ahead.\nImmediate removal of counter-productive bureaucratic red tape will eliminate hindrances to the exploration and development of hydrocarbons and other energy resources. We will accelerate development of oil shale reserves, Alaskan petroleum and the leasing of the Outer Continental Shelf, always within the context of preserving the fullest possible protection for the environment. We will reduce complexity and delays involved in siting, licensing and the regulatory procedures affecting power generation facilities and refineries.\nCoal, America's most abundant energy resource, is of inestimable value to the American people. It can provide the energy needed to bridge the gap between oil and gas and nuclear and other sources of energy. The uncertainties of governmental regulation regarding the mining, transportation and use of coal must be removed and a policy established which will assure that governmental restraints, other than proper environmental controls, do not prevent the use of coal. Mined lands must be returned to beneficial use.\nUranium offers the best intermediate solution to America's energy crisis. We support accelerated use of nuclear energy through processes that have been proven safe. Government research on the use of nuclear energy will be expanded to include perfecting a long-term solution to the problems of nuclear waste.\nAmong alternative future energy sources, fusion, with its unique potential for supplying unlimited clean energy and the promise of new methods of natural resource recovery, warrants continued emphasis in our national energy research program, and we support measures to assure adequate capital investment in the development of new energy sources.\nEnvironment and Natural Resources\n\nA clean and healthy natural environment is the rightful heritage of every American. In order to preserve this heritage, we will provide for proper development of resources, safeguards for clean air and water, and protection and enhancement of our recreation and scenic areas.\nAs our environmental sophistication grows, we must more clearly define the role of the federal government in environmental protection.\nWe believe that it is a national responsibility to support scientific and technological research and development to identify environmental problems and arrive at solutions.\nWe are in complete accord with the recent Supreme Court decision on air pollution that allows the level of government closest to the problem and the solution to establish and apply appropriate air quality standards.\nWe are proud of the progress that the current Republican Administration has made toward bringing pollution of water, land and air under control. We will meet the challenges that remain by stepping up efforts to perfect our understanding of pollutants and the means for reducing their effects. Moreover, as the nation develops new energy sources and technologies, we must insure that they meet safe environmental standards.\nWe renew our commitments to the development of additional water supplies by desalinization, and to the more efficient use and re-use of waters currently available.\nWe are determined to preserve land use planning as a unique responsibility of state and local government.\nWe take particular pride in the expanded use of the National Park system in recent years, and will provide for continued improvement of the national parks and historic sites.\nWe support establishment of a presidential panel, including representatives of environmental groups, industry, the scientific community and the public to assist in the development of national priorities on environmental and energy issues. This panel will hear and consider alternative policy recommendations set forth by all of the interested groups, and then develop solutions that represent the overall public interest on environmental and energy matters.\nOne of this nation's greatest assets has been our abundant natural resources which have made possible our strong economic and strategic role in the world. We still have a wealth of resources, but they are not of infinite quantity. We must recognize that our material blessings stem from what we grow in the soil, take from the sea, or extract from the ground. We have a responsibility to future generations to conserve our non-renew-able natural resources. Consistent with our needs, conservation should remain our national policy.\nThe vast land holdings of the federal government—approximately one—third of our nation's area—are the lands from which much of our future production of minerals must come. Public lands must be maintained for multiple use management where such uses are compatible. Public land areas should not be closed to exploration for minerals or for mining without an overriding national interest.\nWe believe Americans want their resources developed properly, their environment kept clean and their recreational and scenic areas kept intact. We support appropriate measures to achieve these goals.\nWe also believe that Americans are realistic and recognize that the emphasis on environmental concerns must be brought into balance with the needs for industrial and economic growth so that we can continue to provide jobs for an ever-growing work force.\nThe United States possesses the most productive softwood forests in the world, as well as extensive hardwood forests. Demands for housing, fuel, paper, chemicals and a multitude of other such needs require that these renewable resources be managed wisely on both public and private forest lands—not only to meet these needs, but also to provide for soil conservation, wildlife habitats and recreation.\nRecognizing that timber is a uniquely renewable resource, we will use all scientifically sound means to maximize sustained yield, including clear-cutting and replanting where appropriate. We urge the Congress to strengthen the National Forest Service so that it can realize its potential in becoming an effective participant in the reforestation program.\nWe will support broader use of resource recovery and recycling processes through removal of economic disincentives caused by unnecessary government regulation.\nOne of the important issues at stake in the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference is access to the mineral resources in and beneath the sea. Technology, developed by United States industry, is at hand which can unlock resources of petroleum, manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper and other minerals. We will safeguard the national interest in development and use of these resources.\nScience and Technology\n\nEvery aspect of our domestic economy and well-being, our international competitive position, and national security is related to our past and present leadership in basic and applied research and the development of our technology. But there can be no complacency about our continued commitment to maintain this leadership position.\nIn the past, most of these accomplishments have been achieved through a unique partnership between government and industry. This must continue and be expanded in the future.\nBecause our society is so dependent upon the advancement of science and the development of technology, it is one of the areas where there must be a central federal policy. We support a national science policy that will foster the public-private partnership to insure that we maintain our leadership role.\nThe national space program plays a pioneer role in exploring the mysteries of our universe and we support its expansion.\nWe recognize that only when our technology is fully distributed can it be assimilated and used to increase our productivity and our standard of living. We will continue to encourage young Americans to study science and engineering.\nFinally, we support new initiatives to utilize better the recoverable commodities from solid waste materials. We can no longer afford the luxury of a throw-away world. Recycling offers environmental benefits, economic expansion, resource conservation and energy savings. We support a policy which will reward recycling and economic incentives which will encourage its expansion.\nArts and Humanities\n\nThe arts and humanities offer an opportunity for every American to become a participant in activities that add fullness, expression, challenge and joy to our daily lives. We Republicans consider the preservation of the rich cultural heritages of our various ethnic groups as a priority goal.\nDuring our bicentennial year we have celebrated our anniversary with cultural activities as varied and colorful as our cultural heritage. The Republican Party is proud of its record of support to the arts and humanities during the last eight years. We are committed to steadily increase our support through the National Endowments for the nation's museums, theaters, orchestras, dance, opera and film centers as well as for individual artists and writers.\nThis upward trend in funding for the National Arts and Humanities Endowments deserves to continue. But Washington's presence should never dominate; It must remain limited to supporting and stimulating the artistic and cultural lives of each community.\nWe favor continued federal assistance to public broadcasting which provides us with creative educational and cultural alternatives. We recognize that public broadcasting is supported mainly through private sector contributions and commend this policy as the best insurance against political interference.\nIn 1976, we have seen vivid evidence that America's history lives throughout the nation. We support the continued commemoration throughout the bicentennial era by all Americans of those significant events between 1776 and 1789 which contributed to the creation of this nation. We support the efforts of both the public and private sectors, working in partnership, for the historic preservation of unique and irreplaceable historic sites and buildings.\nWe propose safeguarding the rights of performing artists in the copyright laws, providing tax roller to artists who contribute their own talents and art works for public enjoyment, and encouraging the use of one percent of the cost of government buildings for art works.\nMuch of the support of the arts and humanities comes from private philanthropy. This generosity should be encouraged by government policies that facilitate charitable donations.\nFiscal Responsibility\n\nAs Republicans, we are proud that in this Platform we have urged tax reductions rather than increased government spending. With firm restraint on federal spending this Platform pledges that its proposals for tax changes—reductions, structural adjustments, differentials, simplifications and job-producing incentives—can all be achieved within the balanced federal budgets we also demand as vital to the interests of all Americans. Without such spending restraint, we cannot responsibly cut back taxes. We reaffirm our determination that any net reduction of revenues must be offset by reduced government spending.\nForeign Policy, National Defense and International Economic Policy\n\nPrologue\n\nThe foreign policy of the United States defines the relationships we seek with the world as a whole, with friends and with adversaries. Our policy must be firmly rooted in principle and must clearly express our goals. Our principles cannot be subject to passing whim; they must be true, strong, consistent and enduring.\nWe pledge a realistic and principled foreign policy designed to meet the needs of the nation in the years ahead. The policies we pursue will require an informed consensus; the basis of that consensus will be the American people, whose most cherished desire is to live in freedom and peace, secure from war or threat of war.\nThe United States is a world power with worldwide interests and responsibilities. We pledge the continuation of efforts to revitalize our traditional alliances and to maintain close consultation with our friends. International cooperation and collaboration is required because we can achieve neither our most important objectives nor even our own security in the type of \"splendid isolation\" which is urged upon us by so many strident voices. The regrettable emergence of neo-isolationism often expressed in Congress and elsewhere is detrimental, we believe, to a sound foreign policy.\nThe branches of government can and should work together as the necessary prerequisite for a sound foreign policy. We lament the reckless intrusion of one branch into the clear constitutional prerogative of another. Confronted by so many challenges and so many crises, the United States must again speak with one voice, united in spirit and in fact. We reject partisan and ideological quarrels across party lines and urge Democrats to join with us to lay the foundations of a true bipartisan spirit. Let us speak for this country with one voice, so that our policies will not be misunderstood by our allies or our potential adversaries.\nEffective policy must rest on premises which are understood and shared, and must be defined in terms of priorities. As the world has changed in a dynamic fashion, so too have our priorities and goals, and so too have the methods and debating and discussing our objectives. When we assumed Executive office eight years ago, we found the national security and foreign policy machinery in shambles. Last-minute reactions to crises were the practice. The National Security Council, so effective under President Eisenhower, had fallen into disuse. As an important first step, the National Security Council machinery was streamlined to cope with the problems of the moment and long-range planning. This restored process allows once again the exhaustive consideration of all the options from which a President must choose. Far from stifling internal debate and dissent as had been the practice in the past, Republican leadership now invites and stimulates evaluation of complex issues in an orderly decision-making process.\nRepublican leadership has also taken steps to report comprehensively its foreign policy and national security objectives. An annual \"State of the world\" message, designed to increase communication with the people and with Congress, has become a permanent part of Presidential practice.\nA strong and effective program of global public diplomacy is a vital component of United States foreign policy. In an era of instant communications, the world is infinitely and forever smaller, and we must have the capacity to communicate to the world—to inform, to explain and to guard against accidental or willful distortion of United States policies.\nInterdependence has become a fact of international life, linking our actions and policies with those of the world at large. The United States should reach out to other nations to enrich that interdependence. Republican leadership has demonstrated that recognition of the ties that bind us to our friends will serve our mutual interests in a creative fashion and will enhance the chances for world peace.\nMorality in foreign policy\n\nThe goal of Republican foreign policy is the achievement of liberty under law and a just and lasting peace in the world. The principles by which we act to achieve peace and to protect the interests of the United States must merit the restored confidence of our people.\nWe recognize and commend that great beacon of human courage and morality, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, for his compelling message that we must face the world with no illusions about the nature of tyranny. Ours will be a foreign policy that keeps this ever in mind.\nOurs will be a foreign policy which recognizes that in international negotiations we must make no undue concessions; that in pursuing detente we must not grant unilateral favors with only the hope of getting future favors in return.\nAgreements that are negotiated, such as the one signed tn Helsinki, must not take from those who do not have freedom the hope of one day gaining it.\nFinally, we are firmly committed to a foreign policy in which secret agreements, hidden from our people, will have no part.\nHonestly, openly, and with firm conviction, we shall go forward as a united people to forge a lasting peace in the world based upon our deep belief in the rights of man, the rule of law and guidance by the hand of God.\nNational defense\n\nA superior national defense is the fundamental condition for a secure America and for peace and freedom for the world. Military strength is the path to peace. A sound foreign policy must be rooted in a superior defense capability, and both must be perceived as a deterrent to aggression and supportive of our national interests.\nThe American people expect that their leaders will assure a national defense posture second to none. They know that planning for our national security must be a joint effort by the President and Congress. It cannot be the subject of partisan disputes. It should not be held hostage to domestic political adventurism.\nA minimum guarantee to preserve freedom and insure against blackmail and threats, and in the face of growing Soviet military power, requires a period of sustained growth in our defense effort. In constant dollars, the present defense budget will no more than match the defense budget of 1964, the year before a Democrat Administration involved America so deeply in the Vietnam war. In 1975 Soviet defense programs exceeded ours in investment by 85 percent, and exceeded ours in operating costs by 25 percent, and exceeded ours in research and development by 66 percent. The issue is whether our forces will be adequate to future challenges. We say they must be.\nWe must always achieve maximum value for each defense dollar spent. Along with the elimination of the draft and the creation, under a Republican President, of all-volunteer armed services, we have reduced the personnel requirements for support functions without affecting our basic posture. Today there are fewer Americans in the uniformed services than at any time since the fall of 1950. Substantial economies have been made in weapons procurement and we will continue to act in a prudent manner with our defense appropriations.\nOur national defense effort will include the continuation of the major modernization program for our strategic missile and bomber forces, the development of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, a new missile launching submarine force and a modern bomber—the B-1—capable of penetrating the most sophisticated air defenses of the 1980's. These elements will comprise a deterrent of the first order.\nWe will increase our army to 16 divisions, reinforce our program of producing new tanks and other armored vehicles, and support the development of new, highly accurate precision weapons.\nOur Navy, the guarantor of freedom of the seas, must have a major shipbuilding program, with an adequate balance between nuclear and non-nuclear ships. The composition of the fleet must be based on a realistic assessment of the threat we face, and must assure that no adversary will gain naval superiority.\nAn important modernization program for our tactical air forces is under way. We will require new fighters and interceptor aircraft for the Air Force, Navy and Marines. As a necessary component of our long-range strategy, we will produce and deploy the B-1 bomber in a timely manner, allowing us to retain air superiority.\nConsistent with our total force policy, we will maintain strong reserve components.\nOur investments in military research and development are of great importance to our future defense capabilities. We must not lose the vital momentum.\nWith increasing complexity of weapons, lead times for weapons systems are often as long as a decade, requiring careful planning and prudent financial decisions. An outstanding example of this process is the development and deployment of the cruise missile, which incorporates pinpoint precision by means of sophisticated guidance systems and is an exceptionally economical weapon to produce.\nSecurity assistance programs are important to our allies and we will continue to strengthen their efforts at self-defense. The improvement of their capabilities can help to ensure that the world balance is not tipped against us and can also serve to lessen chances for direct U.S. involvement in remote conflicts.\nAs a vital component of our over-all national security posture, the United States must have the best intelligence system in the world. The effectiveness of the intelligence community must be restored, consonant with the reforms instituted by President Ford. We favor the creation of an independent oversight function by Congress and we will withstand partisan efforts to turn any part of our intelligence system into a political football. We will take every precaution to prevent the breakdown of security controls on sensitive intelligence information, endangering the lives of United States officials abroad, or affecting the ability of the President to act expeditiously whenever legitimate foreign policy and defense needs require it.\nNATO and Europe\n\nFundamental to a stable, secure world is the continuation of our traditional alliances. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) now approaching the end of its third decade, remains healthy and vigorous.\nThe threat to our mutual security by a totalitarian power bent on expansion brought 15 nations together. The expression of our collective will to resist resulted in the creation and maintenance of a military deterrent which, while not without occasional strains, has served our vital interests well. Today that threat continues.\nWe have succeeded in extending our cooperation within NATO and have taken bold new steps in economic cooperation with our partners. Faced with a serious crisis in the energy field following the imposition of the oil boycott, we demonstrated that it was possible to coordinate our joint activities with the other NATO nations.\nThe economic strength of western Europe has increased to the point where our NATO partners can now assume a larger share of the common defense; in response to our urging, our allies are demonstrating a greater willingness to do so. This is not the time to recommend a unilateral reduction of American military forces in Europe. We will, however, pursue the balanced reduction of forces in both Western and Eastern Europe, based on agreements which do not jeopardize the security of the Alliance. With our Alliance partners, we affirm that a strong NATO defense, based on a United States military presence, is vital to the defense of western Europe.\nSome of our NATO allies have experienced rapid and dynamic changes. We are encouraged by developments in the Iberian peninsula, where both Portugal and Spain now face more promising futures. Early consideration should be given to Spain's accession to NATO.\nAt the same time we would view with concern any political developments elsewhere in Europe which are destabilizing to NATO interests. We support the right of all nations to choose their leaders. Democracy and freedom are best served by ensuring that those fundamental rights are preserved and extended for future generations to choose in freedom.\nThe difficult problem of Cyprus, which separates our friends in Greece and Turkey, should be addressed and resolved by those two countries. The eastern flank of NATO requires restored cooperation there and, eventually, friendly relations between the two countries.\nRepublican leadership has strengthened this nation's good relations with the European Economic Community (EEC) in an age of increasing competition and potential irritations. We will maintain and strengthen the excellent relations we have achieved with the EEC.\nIn the final analysis, the NATO Alliance will be as effective as our will and determination, as well as that of our allies, to support it. The function of collective security is to deter wars and, if necessary, to fight and win those wars not successfully deterred. Our vigilance is especially required during periods of prolonged relaxation of tensions with our adversaries because we cannot permit ourselves to accept words and promises as a substitute for deeds. We are determined that the NATO Alliance shall not be lulled into a false sense of security. It can and must respond vigorously when called upon to act.\nAsia and the Pacific\n\nThe United States has vital interests in the entire Pacific Basin and those interests lie foremost in Asian tranquility and stability.\nThe experience of ending direct American involvement in a difficult and costly war initiated during Democrat Administrations has taught us a great deal about how we ought to define our interests in this part of the world. The United States is indisputably a Pacific power. We have sought to express our interests in the area through strengthening existing friendly ties and creating new ones.\nJapan will remain the main pillar of our Asian policy. We have helped to provide the framework, over the course of thirty years, for the development of the Japanese economy, which has risen to second place among free world nations. This nation, without natural resources, has maximized its greatest resource, the Japanese people, to achieve one of the world's most significant economic advances. We will continue our policy of close consultation and cooperation with this valued friend. We have succeeded in establishing an exceptional relationship with Japan. Our long-range goals of stability and economic cooperation are identical, forming the essential strength of a relationship which both countries seek actively to deepen.\nWith respect to the Republic of Korea, a nation with which we have had traditionally close ties and whose economy has grown rapidly in recent years, we shall continue our policy of military and economic assistance. United States troops will be maintained in Korea so long as there exists the possibility of renewed aggression from North Korea. Time has not dimmed our memories of the sudden assault against South Korea. We reaffirm the commitment of the United States to the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea. Simultaneously we encourage the Governments of South Korea and North Korea to institute domestic policy initiatives leading to the extension of basic human rights.\nWhen Republicans assumed executive office in 1969, we were confronted with a war in Vietnam involving more than 500,000 United States troops, and to which we had committed billions of dollars and our national honor and prestige. It was in the spirit of bipartisan support for Presidential foreign policy initiatives, inaugurated in the postwar era by Senator Arthur Vandenberg, that most Republicans supported the United States commitment to assist South Vietnam resist Communist-sponsored aggression. The human cost to us was great; more than 55,000 Americans died in that conflict, and more than 300,000 were wounded.\nA policy of patient, persistent and principled negotiations extricated the United States from that ill-fated war with the expectation that peace would prevail. The refusal of the Democrat-controlled Congress to give support to Presidential requests for military aid to the beleaguered nations of South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, coupled with sustained military assaults by the Communists in gross violation of the Paris Peace Accords, brought about the collapse of those nations and the subjugation of their people to totalitarian rule.\nWe recognize that there is a wide divergence of opinion concerning Vietnam, but we pledge that American troops will never again be committed for the purpose of our own defense, or the defense of those to whom we are committed by treaty or other solemn agreements, without the clear purpose of achieving our stated diplomatic and military objectives.\nWe must achieve the return of all Americans who may be held in Southeast Asia, and a full accounting for those listed as Missing in Action. We strongly urge continued consultation between the President and the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. This country owes at least this much to all of these courageous people who have anguished so long over this matter. To this end, and to underscore our top priority commitment to the families of these POWs and MIAs, we recommend, among other actions, the establishment of a presidential task force headed by a special presidential representative.\nWe condemn the inhumane and criminal retributions which have taken place in Cambodia, where mass executions and forced re-settlements have been imposed on innocent civilians.\nThe important economic developments taking place in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and other Asian countries, will lead to much improved living standards for the people there. We reaffirm our friendship with these nations. Equally, our relationships with Australia and New Zealand are historic and important to us; they have never been better and provide a firm base on which to build.\nUnited States-Chinese relations\n\nA development of significance for the future of Asia and for the world came to fruition in 1972 as our communications were restored with the People's Republic of China. This event has allowed us to initiate dialogue with the leaders of a quarter of the earth's population, and trade channels with the People's Republic have been opened, leading to benefits for each side.\nThe People's Republic of China can and will play an increasingly important role in world affairs. We shall seek to engage the People's Republic of China in an expanded network of contacts and trade. Such a process cannot realistically proceed at a forced or incautious pace; the measured but steady growth of our relations best serves our interests. We do not ignore the profound differences in our respective philosophies, governmental institutions, policies and views on individual liberty, and we are hopeful that basic human rights will be extended to the Chinese people. What is truly fundamental is that we have established regular working channels with the People's Republic of China and that this process can form an important contribution to world peace.\nOur friendly relations with one great power should not be construed as a challenge to any other nation, large or small. The United States government, while engaged in a normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China, will continue to support the freedom and independence of our friend and ally, the Republic of China, and its 16 million people. The United States will fulfill and keep its commitments, such as the mutual defense treaty, with the Republic of China.\nThe Americas\n\nThe relations of the United States with the Americas are of vital and immediate importance. How we conduct our affairs with our neighbors to the North and South will continue to be a priority.\nIn the recent past our attention has at times been diverted to more distant parts of the world. There can be no sensible alternative to close relationships and understanding among the nations of the hemisphere.\nIt is true for a series of new departures in our relations with Canada. Canada is our most important trading partner, and we are hers. We, as Americans, feel a deep affinity for our Canadian friends, and we have much at stake in the development of closer relationships based on mutual understanding and complete equality.\nTo our neighbors in Mexico, Central America and South America, we also say that we wish the opportunity to expand our dialogue. The needs of our friends are great, but this must not serve as an obstacle for a concerted effort to work together more closely. The United States has taken steps to adjust tariffs so as to maximize access to our markets. We recognize that our neighbors place no value on complex and cumbersome aid schemes; they see self-help modernization, and expanded trade as the main sources of economic progress. We will work with them to define specific steps that we can take to help them achieve greater economic strength, and to advance our mutual interests.\nBy continuing its policies of exporting subversion and violence, Cuba remains outside the Inter-American family of nations. We condemn attempts by the Cuban dictatorship to intervene in the affairs of other nations; and, as long as such conduct continues, it shall remain ineligible for admission to the Organization of American States.\nWe shall continue to share the aspirations of the Cuban people to regain their liberty. We insist that decent and humane conditions be maintained in the treatment of political prisoners in the Cuban jails, and we will seek arrangements to allow international entities, such as the International Red Cross, to investigate and monitor the conditions in those jails.\nThe present Panama Canal Treaty provides that the United States has jurisdictional rights in the Canal Zone as \"if it were the sovereign.\" The United States intends that the Panama Canal be preserved as an international waterway for the ships of all nations. This secure access is enhanced by a relationship which commands the respect of Americans and Panamanians and benefits the people of both countries. In any talks with Panama, however, the United States negotiators should in no way cede, dilute, forfeit, negotiate or transfer any rights, power, authority, jurisdiction, territory or property that are necessary for the protection and security of the United States and the entire Western Hemisphere.\nWe reaffirm our faith in the ability of the Organization of American States, which remains a valuable means of inter-American consultation.\nThe Middle East\n\nThe preservation of peace and stability in the Middle East is a paramount concern. The efforts of two Republican Administrations, summoning diplomatic and political skills, have been directed toward reduction of tensions and toward avoiding flashpoints which could serve as an excuse for yet another round of conflict between Israel and the Arab countries.\nOur commitment to Israel is fundamental and enduring. We have honored and will continue to honor that commitment in every way—politically, economically and by providing the military aid that Israel requires to remain strong enough to deter any potential aggression. Forty percent of all United State's aid that Israel has received since its creation in 1948 has come in the last two fiscal years, as a result of Republican initiatives. Our policy must remain one of decisive support for the security and integrity of Israel.\nAn equally important component of our commitment to Israel lies in continuing our efforts to secure a just and durable peace for all nations in that complex region. Our efforts have succeeded, for the first time since the creation of the state of Israel, in moving toward a negotiated peace settlement which would serve the interests and the security of all nations in the Middle East. Peace in the Middle East now requires face-to-face, direct negotiations between the states involved with the recognition of safe, secure and defensible borders for Israel.\nAt the same time, Republic Administrations have succeeded in reestablishing communication with the Arab countries, and have made extensive progress in our diplomatic and commercial relations with the more moderate Arab nations.\nAs a consequence of the Middle East conflict of 1973, the petroleum producing states imposed an embargo on the export of oil to most of the advanced industrial countries. We have succeeded in creating numerous cooperative mechanisms to protect ourselves, working in concert with our allies, against any future embargoes. The United States would view any attempt to reimpose an embargo as an essentially hostile act. We will oppose discriminatory practices, including boycotts of any type.\nBecause we have such fundamental interests in the Middle East, it will be our policy to continue our efforts to maintain the balance of power in the Mediterranean region. Our adversaries must recognize that we will not permit a weakening of our defenses or any attempt to disturb valued Alliance relationships in the Eastern Mediterranean.\nWe shall continue to support peace initiatives in the civil war in Lebanon; United States envoys engaged in precisely such an initiative were murdered, and we express our sorrow for their untimely deaths and for all other dedicated government employees who have been slain elsewhere while in service to their country. In Lebanon, we stand ready to provide food, medical and other humanitarian assistance.\nAfrica\n\nThe United States has always supported the process of self-determination in Africa. Our friendship for the African countries is expressed in support for continued peaceful economic development, expansion of trade, humanitarian relief efforts and our belief that the entire continent should be free from outside military intervention. Millions of Americans recognize their historical and cultural ties with Africa and express their desire that United States policy toward Africa is a matter of great importance.\nWe support all forces which promote negotiated settlements and racial peace. We shall continue to deplore all violence and terrorism and to urge all concerned that the rights of tribal, ethnic and racial minorities be guaranteed through workable safeguards. Our Policy is to strengthen the forces of moderation recognizing that solutions to African problems will not come quickly. The peoples of Africa can coexist in security, work together in freedom and harmony, and strive together to secure their prosperity. We hope that the Organization of African Unity will be able to achieve mature and stable relationships within Africa and abroad.\nThe interests of peace and security in Africa are best served by the absence of arms and greater concentration on peaceful development. We reserve the right to maintain the balance by extending our support to nations facing a threat from Soviet-supplied states and from Soviet weapons.\nUnited States-Soviet relations\n\nAmerican foreign policy must be based upon a realistic assessment of the Communist challenge in the world. It is clear that the perimeters of freedom continue to shrink throughout the world in the face of the Communist challenge. Since 1917, totalitarian Communism has managed through brute force, not through the free electoral process, to bring an increasingly substantial portion of the world's land area and peoples under its domination. To illustrate, most recently South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos have fallen under the control of Communist dictatorships, and in that part of the world the Communist pressure mounts against Thailand, the Republic of China, and Republic of Korea. In Africa, Communist Cuban forces, brazenly assisted by the Soviet Union, have recently imposed a Communist dictatorship upon the people of Angola. Other countries in Africa and throughout the world generally await similar fates. These are the realities of world power in our time. The United States is thoroughly justified in having based its foreign policy upon these realities.\nThirty years ago relations between United States and the Soviet Union were in a phase of great difficulty, leading to the tensions of the Cold war era. Although there have been changes in this crucial superpower relationship, there remain fundamental and profound differences between us. Republican Presidents, while acknowledging the depth of the gulf which separates our free society from Soviet society, have sought methodically to isolate and develop those areas of our relations which would serve to lessen tension and reduce the chance of unwanted conflict.\nIn a world beset by countless opportunities for discord and armed conflict, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union is critically important; on it rests the hopes of the world for peace. We offer a policy that maintains our fundamental strength and demonstrates our steadfast determination to prevent aggressive use of Soviet power.\nThe role of a responsible, participating Congress in maintaining this diplomatic and military posture is critical to success. The United States must remain a loyal and dependable ally, and must be prepared to carry out commitments and to demonstrate a willingness to act. Resistance to open aggression, such as the Soviet-sponsored Cuban intervention in Angola, must not be allowed to become the subject of a partisan debate, nor can it be allowed to become an unchallenged and established pattern of international behavior, lest our credibility and deterrent strength be greatly diminished.\nSoviet military power has grown rapidly in recent years, and while we shall prevent a military imbalance or a sudden shift in the global balance of power, we shall also diligently explore with the Soviet Union new ways to reduce tensions and to arrive at mutually beneficial and self-enforcing agreements in all fields of international activity. Important steps have been taken to limit strategic nuclear arms. The Vladivostok Agreement of November 1974 placed a ceiling on the strategic forces of both the United States and the Soviet Union. Further negotiations in arms control are continuing. We shall not agree for the sake of agreement; on the contrary, we will make sure that any agreements yield fundamental benefits to our national security.\nAs an example of hard-headed bargaining, our success in concluding agreements limiting the size of peaceful nuclear explosions and nuclear weapons tests will, for the first time, permit the United States to conduct on-site inspections in the Soviet Union itself. This important step can now be measured in practical terms. All such agreements must stand the test of verification. An agreement that does not provide this safeguard is worse than no agreement at all.\nWe support the consolidation of joint efforts with our allies to verify that our policies regarding the transfer of technology to the Soviet Union and its allies are in concert and that consultation will be designed to preclude the sale of those technology-intensive products to the Soviet Union by the United States and our allies which will directly or indirectly jeopardize our national security.\nOur trade in non-strategic areas creates jobs here at home, substantially improves our balance-of-payments position, and can contribute to an improved political climate in the world. The overseas sale of our agricultural products benefits American farmers and consumers. To guard against any sudden shift in domestic prices as the consequence of unannounced purchases, we have instituted strict reporting procedures and other treaty safeguards. We shall not permit concessional sales of agricultural products to the Soviet Union, nor shall we permit the Soviet Union or others to determine our agricultural export policies by irregular and unpredictable purchases.\nThe United States and the Soviet Union remain ideological competitors. We do not shrink from such a challenge; rather, we welcome the opportunity to demonstrate that our way of life is inherently preferable to regimentation and government-enforced orthodoxy. We shall expect the Soviet Union to implement the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights and the Helsinki Agreements, which guarantee the conditions for the free interchange of information and the right to emigrate, including emigration of Soviet Jews, Christians, Moslems and others who wish to join relatives abroad. In this spirit we shall expect the immediate end of all forms of harassment, including imprisonment and military service, aimed at preventing such emigration. America must take a firm stand to bring about liberalization of emigration policy in countries which limit or prohibit free emigration. Governments which enjoy the confidence of their people need have no fear of cultural, intellectual or press freedom.\nOur support for the people of Central and Eastern Europe to achieve self-determination will continue. Their ability to choose their future is of great importance to peace and stability. We favor increasing contacts between Eastern and western Europe and support the increasing economic ties of all the countries of Europe. We strongly support the continuation of the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty with adequate appropriations. Strict reciprocity must govern our diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. We express our concern for the safety of our diplomatic representatives in the Soviet Union, and we insist that practices such as microwave transmissions directed at the United States Embassy be terminated immediately.\nThus our relations with the Soviet Union will be guided by solid principles. We will maintain our strategic and conventional forces; we will oppose the deployment of Soviet power for unilateral advantages or political and territorial expansion; we will never tolerate a shift against us in the strategic balance; and we will remain firm in the face of pressure, while at the same time expressing our willingness to work on the basis of strict reciprocity toward new agreements which will help achieve peace and stability.\nInternational cooperation\n\nStrong support for international cooperation in all fields has been a hallmark of United States international policy for many decades. Two Republican Administrations have strengthened agencies of international cooperation not only because of our humanitarian concern for others, but also because it serves United States interests to be a conscientious member of the world community.\nThe political character of the United Nations has become complex. With 144 sovereign members, the U.N. experiences problems associated with a large, sometimes cumbersome and diverse body. We seek to accommodate to these changes in the spirit of friendly concern, but when the United Nations becomes arrayed against the vital interest of any of its member states on ideological or other narrow grounds, the very principles of the organization are threatened. The United States does not wish to dictate to the U.N., yet we do have every right to expect and insist that scrupulous care be given to the rights of all members. Steamroller techniques for advancing discriminatory actions will be opposed. Actions such as the malicious attempt to depict Zionism as a form of racism are inconsistent with the objectives of the United Nations and are repugnant to the United States. The United States will continue to be a firm supporter and defender of any nation subjected to such outrageous assaults. We will not accept ideological abuses of the United States.\nIn the many areas of International cooperation which benefit the average American—elimination of terrorism, peacekeeping, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, termination of the international drug trade, and orderly use of ocean resources—we pledge to build new international structures of cooperation. At the same time, we shall seek to insure that the cost of such new structures, as well as the cost of existing structures, are more equitably shared among participating nations. In the continued tradition of American concern for the quality of human life everywhere, we shall give vigorous support to the non-political work of the specialized agencies of the United Nations which deal with such areas as nutrition and disaster relief for the world's poor and disadvantaged.\nThe United States should withdraw promptly from the International Labor Organization if that body fails to stop its increasing politicization.\nEight years ago we pledged to eliminate waste and to make more business-like the administration of United States foreign aid programs. We have endeavored to fulfill these pledges. Our foreign economic assistance programs are now being operated efficiently with emphasis on helping others to help themselves, on food production and rural development, on health programs and sound population planning assistance, and on development of human resources.\nWe have sought to encourage others, including the oil producing countries, to assume a larger share of the burden of assistance. We shall continue our efforts to secure adequate sources of financing for economic projects in emerging countries.\nThe world's oceans, with their vast resources, must become areas of extended cooperation. We favor a successful conclusion to the Law of the Sea Conference provided it will suitably protect legitimate national interests, freedom of the seas and responsible use of the seas. We are determined to maintain the right of free and unmolested passage for ships of all nations on the high seas and in international waterways.\nWe favor an extension of the territorial sea from three to twelve miles, and we favor in principle the creation of a 200-mile economic zone in which coastal states would have exclusive rights to explore and develop natural resources.\nWe strongly condemn illegal corporate payments made at home and abroad. To eliminate illegal payments to foreign officials by American corporations, we support passage of President Ford's proposed legislation and the OECD Declaration on Investment setting forth reasonable guidelines for business conduct.\nThe growth of civilian nuclear technology, and the rising demand for nuclear power as an alternative to increasingly costly fossil fuel resources, combine to require our recognition of the potential dangers associated with such developments. All nations must work to assure that agreements and treaties currently governing nuclear technology and nuclear exports are carefully monitored. We shall work to devise new multilateral policies governing the export of sensitive nuclear technologies.\nInternational economic policy\n\nThe tumultuous events of the past several years in the world economy were an enormous challenge to our creativity and to our capacity for leadership. We have emerged from this difficult period in a new position in the world, and we have directed and guided a sound recovery.\nTo assure the permanence of our own prosperity, we must work with others, demonstrating our leadership and the vitality of our economy. Together with the industrial democracies, we must ensure steady, non-inflationary growth, based on expanded international cooperation.\nThe Republican Administration will cooperate fully in strengthening the international trade and monetary system, which provides the foundation for our prosperity and that of all nations. We shall bargain hard to remove barriers to an open economic system, and we shall oppose new restrictions to trade. We shall continue to represent vigorously our nation's economic interests in the trade negotiations taking place in Geneva, guard against protectionism, and insist that the principles of fair trade be scrupulously observed. When industries and jobs are adversely affected by foreign competition, adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974 is made available. This Act must be under continuous review to ascertain that it reflects changing circumstances.\nThe Republican Party believes that cooperation in the energy field is indispensable to international stability. Most of the industrial democracies and the less developed countries are increasingly dependent on imported oil, which causes them to be politically, economically and strategically vulnerable. Through the establishment of the International Energy Agency, steps have been taken to expand consumer cooperation. We shall also continue the dialogue with the oil producing countries.\nWe shall continue to work closely with the less-developed countries to promote their economic growth. Those countries will be encouraged to enter into mutually beneficial trade relationships with us that contribute to world peace. To achieve this, we must strengthen the confidence of the major industrial countries as they take part in discussions with less-developed countries. There is no reason for us to be defensive; our combined assets can be used in a coordinated strategy to make our influence effective. We will not yield to threats or confrontational politics.\nWhile we shall support a global increase of investment in natural resources of all types, we shall also oppose the replacement of the free market mechanism by cartels, price-fixing arrangements or commodity agreements. We shall continue policies designed to assure free market consumers abroad that the United States will remain a dependable supplier of agricultural commodities.\nConclusion\n\nThe American people can be proud of our nation's achievements in foreign policy over the past eight years.\nWe are at peace.\nWe are strong.\nWe re-emphasize the importance of our ties with the nations of the Americas.\nOur relations with allies in the Atlantic community and with japan have never been closer.\nSignificant progress has been made toward a just and durable settlement in the Middle East.\nWe have sought negotiation rather than confrontation with our adversaries, while maintaining our strategic deterrent.\nThe world economic recovery, led by the United States, is producing sustainable growth.\nIn this year of our nation's bicentennial, the American people have confidence in themselves and are optimistic about the future.\nWe, the Republican Party, proudly submit our record and our Platform to you.", 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9, "production" -> 9, "principles" -> 9, "permit" -> 9, "opportunity" -> 9, "never" -> 9, "necessary" -> 9, "less" -> 9, "leadership" -> 9, "land" -> 9, "Israel" -> 9, "increasing" -> 9, "including" -> 9, "include" -> 9, "importance" -> 9, "human" -> 9, "home" -> 9, "high" -> 9, "growth" -> 9, "goals" -> 9, "given" -> 9, "fundamental" -> 9, "food" -> 9, "first" -> 9, "financial" -> 9, "existing" -> 9, "end" -> 9, "effort" -> 9, "concept" -> 9, "commitment" -> 9, "basis" -> 9, "balanced" -> 9, "balance" -> 9, "allow" -> 9, "Africa" -> 9, "able" -> 9, "ability" -> 9, "While" -> 8, "When" -> 8, "want" -> 8, "Vietnam" -> 8, "unique" -> 8, "taxes" -> 8, "Such" -> 8, "strong" -> 8, "strengthen" -> 8, "sound" -> 8, "requires" -> 8, "reduce" -> 8, "realistic" -> 8, "problem" -> 8, "priorities" -> 8, "prices" -> 8, "practices" -> 8, "potential" -> 8, "pledge" -> 8, "part" -> 8, "order" -> 8, "opportunities" -> 8, "meet" -> 8, "may" -> 8, "Korea" -> 8, "just" -> 8, "International" -> 8, "individual" -> 8, "imposed" -> 8, "If" -> 8, "how" -> 8, "governments" -> 8, "goal" -> 8, "Federal" -> 8, "farm" -> 8, "example" -> 8, "essential" -> 8, "enough" -> 8, "eliminate" -> 8, "elderly" -> 8, "committed" -> 8, "China" -> 8, "better" -> 8, "approach" -> 8, "alternative" -> 8, "All" -> 8, "act" -> 8, "access" -> 8, "weapons" -> 7, "water" -> 7, "values" -> 7, "together" -> 7, "strategic" -> 7, "stability" -> 7, "spirit" -> 7, "South" -> 7, "Social" -> 7, "simply" -> 7, "served" -> 7, "sector" -> 7, "respect" -> 7, "resource" -> 7, "require" -> 7, "relationships" -> 7, "relationship" -> 7, "regulatory" -> 7, "reaffirm" -> 7, "quality" -> 7, "preventing" -> 7, "prevent" -> 7, "planning" -> 7, "particularly" -> 7, "parents" -> 7, "Nations" -> 7, "mutual" -> 7, "money" -> 7, "million" -> 7, "Middle" -> 7, "members" -> 7, "maintaining" -> 7, "long" -> 7, "lives" -> 7, "Law" -> 7, "justice" -> 7, "involved" -> 7, "groups" -> 7, "grants" -> 7, "financing" -> 7, "face" -> 7, "expand" -> 7, "Every" -> 7, "emphasis" -> 7, "elected" -> 7, "educational" -> 7, "East" -> 7, "direct" -> 7, "developed" -> 7, "decisions" -> 7, "could" -> 7, "continuation" -> 7, "conflict" -> 7, "confidence" -> 7, "conditions" -> 7, "communities" -> 7, "come" -> 7, "clear" -> 7, "choose" -> 7, "changes" -> 7, "burden" -> 7, "At" -> 7, "among" -> 7, "allowed" -> 7, "actions" -> 7, "action" -> 7, "yet" -> 6, "workers" -> 6, "With" -> 6, "wish" -> 6, "value" -> 6, "unemployment" -> 6, "treatment" -> 6, "ties" -> 6, "technology" -> 6, "standards" -> 6, "solutions" -> 6, "social" -> 6, "serve" -> 6, "sense" -> 6, "safe" -> 6, "responsibilities" -> 6, "requirements" -> 6, "remains" -> 6, "recent" -> 6, "rather" -> 6, "pursue" -> 6, "providing" -> 6, "proposed" -> 6, "proposals" -> 6, "property" -> 6, "productive" -> 6, "produce" -> 6, "priority" -> 6, "presidential" -> 6, "preservation" -> 6, "position" -> 6, "Policy" -> 6, "petroleum" -> 6, "persons" -> 6, "People's" -> 6, "offer" -> 6, "obtain" -> 6, "number" -> 6, "negotiations" -> 6, "Members" -> 6, "medical" -> 6, "market" -> 6, "living" -> 6, "liberty" -> 6, "leaders" -> 6, "last" -> 6, "know" -> 6, "job" -> 6, "involvement" -> 6, "integrity" -> 6, "institutions" -> 6, "insist" -> 6, "initiatives" -> 6, "incentive" -> 6, "illegal" -> 6, "honor" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "higher" -> 6, "heritage" -> 6, "greatest" -> 6, "greater" -> 6, "fully" -> 6, "friends" -> 6, "force" -> 6, "firmly" -> 6, "firm" -> 6, "extended" -> 6, "exploration" -> 6, "expect" -> 6, "ever" -> 6, "environment" -> 6, "employees" -> 6, "elimination" -> 6, "during" -> 6, "directed" -> 6, "diplomatic" -> 6, "deterrent" -> 6, "determined" -> 6, "designed" -> 6, "deficit" -> 6, "deal" -> 6, "criminal" -> 6, "crime" -> 6, "credit" -> 6, "contributions" -> 6, "contribute" -> 6, "consultation" -> 6, "constitutional" -> 6, "conservation" -> 6, "conduct" -> 6, "complex" -> 6, "complete" -> 6, "competition" -> 6, "Communist" -> 6, "challenge" -> 6, "budget" -> 6, "beneficial" -> 6, "appropriate" -> 6, "activities" -> 6, "young" -> 5, "world's" -> 5, "whether" -> 5, "wasteful" -> 5, "up" -> 5, "unfair" -> 5, "understand" -> 5, "truly" -> 5, "Thus" -> 5, "threat" -> 5, "These" -> 5, "themselves" -> 5, "Supreme" -> 5, "succeeded" -> 5, "subject" -> 5, "structures" -> 5, "spent" -> 5, "spend" -> 5, "solution" -> 5, "share" -> 5, "Rights" -> 5, "results" -> 5, "restored" -> 5, "responsive" -> 5, "representatives" -> 5, "reduction" -> 5, "reduced" -> 5, "recovery" -> 5, "records" -> 5, "reasonable" -> 5, "racial" -> 5, "purpose" -> 5, "Public" -> 5, "proper" -> 5, "progress" -> 5, "products" -> 5, "producing" -> 5, "privacy" -> 5, "population" -> 5, "politics" -> 5, "pay" -> 5, "partisan" -> 5, "Organization" -> 5, "objectives" -> 5, "nutrition" -> 5, "minimum" -> 5, "men" -> 5, "matter" -> 5, "markets" -> 5, "making" -> 5, "maintained" -> 5, "localities" -> 5, "level" -> 5, "large" -> 5, "kept" -> 5, "joint" -> 5, "involve" -> 5, "investment" -> 5, "intelligence" -> 5, "information" -> 5, "industrial" -> 5, "individuals" -> 5, "independent" -> 5, "independence" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "improved" -> 5, "immediately" -> 5, "illness" -> 5, "humanitarian" -> 5, "however" -> 5, "House" -> 5, "hope" -> 5, "hard" -> 5, "handicapped" -> 5, "hand" -> 5, "governmental" -> 5, "give" -> 5, "flexibility" -> 5, "find" -> 5, "fair" -> 5, "fact" -> 5, "extension" -> 5, "express" -> 5, "exports" -> 5, "excessive" -> 5, "estate" -> 5, "entire" -> 5, "elsewhere" -> 5, "does" -> 5, "directly" -> 5, "difficult" -> 5, "differences" -> 5, "develop" -> 5, "deserve" -> 5, "dependence" -> 5, "currently" -> 5, "Cuban" -> 5, "creating" -> 5, "create" -> 5, "counties" -> 5, "consideration" -> 5, "concerns" -> 5, "commodities" -> 5, "collective" -> 5, "close" -> 5, "child" -> 5, "categorical" -> 5, "bureaucratic" -> 5, "belief" -> 5, "Because" -> 5, "available" -> 5, "attention" -> 5, "attempt" -> 5, "assumed" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "area" -> 5, "An" -> 5, "America's" -> 5, "Alliance" -> 5, "agricultural" -> 5, "aggression" -> 5, "again" -> 5, "adversaries" -> 5, "administered" -> 5, "achieved" -> 5, "abroad" -> 5, "works" -> 4, "What" -> 4, "waste" -> 4, "vote" -> 4, "violence" -> 4, "vigorously" -> 4, "very" -> 4, "used" -> 4, "Urban" -> 4, "unrealistic" -> 4, "trend" -> 4, "treaty" -> 4, "Too" -> 4, "too" -> 4, "throughout" -> 4, "threatened" -> 4, "then" -> 4, "territorial" -> 4, "tensions" -> 4, "tape" -> 4, "taking" -> 4, "System" -> 4, "supported" -> 4, "strongly" -> 4, "still" -> 4, "step" -> 4, "standard" -> 4, "stand" -> 4, "sought" -> 4, "Small" -> 4, "since" -> 4, "Service" -> 4, "service" -> 4, "serious" -> 4, "self-determination" -> 4, "seas" -> 4, "science" -> 4, "safety" -> 4, "rural" -> 4, "rule" -> 4, "Rico" -> 4, "Revenue" -> 4, "revenue" -> 4, "respond" -> 4, "replace" -> 4, "remove" -> 4, "regulation" -> 4, "recreation" -> 4, "recommend" -> 4, "recognition" -> 4, "receive" -> 4, "reasons" -> 4, "realities" -> 4, "real" -> 4, "ratification" -> 4, "rates" -> 4, "Puerto" -> 4, "provides" -> 4, "proud" -> 4, "protected" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "promises" -> 4, "Presidential" -> 4, "preserved" -> 4, "preserve" -> 4, "practice" -> 4, "posture" -> 4, "poor" -> 4, "pledges" -> 4, "Pacific" -> 4, "orderly" -> 4, "older" -> 4, "North" -> 4, "nor" -> 4, "neighbors" -> 4, "neighborhoods" -> 4, "needy" -> 4, "needed" -> 4, "missile" -> 4, "minority" -> 4, "measures" -> 4, "measure" -> 4, "mass" -> 4, "manner" -> 4, "mandatory" -> 4, "longer" -> 4, "least" -> 4, "larger" -> 4, "language" -> 4, "jurisdiction" -> 4, "itself" -> 4, "interstate" -> 4, "interference" -> 4, "increasingly" -> 4, "ideological" -> 4, "history" -> 4, "historic" -> 4, "held" -> 4, "healthy" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "had" -> 4, "guarantee" -> 4, "grown" -> 4, "growing" -> 4, "further" -> 4, "funding" -> 4, "friendly" -> 4, "forth" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "firms" -> 4, "field" -> 4, "fail" -> 4, "export" -> 4, "expanding" -> 4, "Ethnic" -> 4, "establishment" -> 4, "established" -> 4, "era" -> 4, "enterprise" -> 4, "ending" -> 4, "emigration" -> 4, "elements" -> 4, "eight" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "economically" -> 4, "Economic" -> 4, "Eastern" -> 4, "Each" -> 4, "dollar" -> 4, "discriminatory" -> 4, "different" -> 4, "dialogue" -> 4, "developments" -> 4, "determination" -> 4, "dependent" -> 4, "departments" -> 4, "demonstrated" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "delivery" -> 4, "decline" -> 4, "day" -> 4, "crisis" -> 4, "costly" -> 4, "coordinated" -> 4, "contract" -> 4, "continuing" -> 4, "continues" -> 4, "consumers" -> 4, "concerned" -> 4, "comprehensive" -> 4, "component" -> 4, "communication" -> 4, "Committee" -> 4, "commitments" -> 4, "combined" -> 4, "college" -> 4, "coal" -> 4, "clean" -> 4, "central" -> 4, "caused" -> 4, "capable" -> 4, "But" -> 4, "build" -> 4, "brought" -> 4, "bicentennial" -> 4, "benefit" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "authorities" -> 4, "assume" -> 4, "Asia" -> 4, "arms" -> 4, "annual" -> 4, "amendment" -> 4, "ago" -> 4, "afford" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "Administrations" -> 4, "abortion" -> 4, "50" -> 4, "1972" -> 4, "You" -> 3, "yield" -> 3, "Yet" -> 3, "worth" -> 3, "Without" -> 3, "wisely" -> 3, "willingness" -> 3, "willing" -> 3, "whom" -> 3, "western" -> 3, "weapon" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "ways" -> 3, "volunteer" -> 3, "vigorous" -> 3, "victim" -> 3, "veterans" -> 3, "vast" -> 3, "various" -> 3, "urged" -> 3, "unilateral" -> 3, "Unfortunately" -> 3, "understanding" -> 3, "true" -> 3, "troops" -> 3, "transit" -> 3, "training" -> 3, "totalitarian" -> 3, "total" -> 3, "today" -> 3, "times" -> 3, "three" -> 3, "Those" -> 3, "They" -> 3, "sustained" -> 3, "supplies" -> 3, "superior" -> 3, "sudden" -> 3, "subjected" -> 3, "study" -> 3, "student" -> 3, "structure" -> 3, "strict" -> 3, "strengthened" -> 3, "strategy" -> 3, "stated" -> 3, "stamp" -> 3, "stable" -> 3, "sovereign" -> 3, "some" -> 3, "solid" -> 3, "Since" -> 3, "ships" -> 3, "shift" -> 3, "Sharing" -> 3, "sharing" -> 3, "setting" -> 3, "set" -> 3, "sentences" -> 3, "self-help" -> 3, "see" -> 3, "secondary" -> 3, "sea" -> 3, "say" -> 3, "savings" -> 3, "Safety" -> 3, "safeguards" -> 3, "safeguard" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "retain" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "restraint" -> 3, "restore" -> 3, "resist" -> 3, "reserves" -> 3, "required" -> 3, "represent" -> 3, "removing" -> 3, "relief" -> 3, "registration" -> 3, "regarding" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "reforms" -> 3, "Reform" -> 3, "reducing" -> 3, "red" -> 3, "record" -> 3, "recognizes" -> 3, "realize" -> 3, "rapid" -> 3, "rape" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "protecting" -> 3, "promote" -> 3, "promise" -> 3, "productivity" -> 3, "processes" -> 3, "procedures" -> 3, "primarily" -> 3, "pressure" -> 3, "presence" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "powerful" -> 3, "positions" -> 3, "pollution" -> 3, "politically" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "personal" -> 3, "permitted" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "peaceful" -> 3, "Peace" -> 3, "payments" -> 3, "patient" -> 3, "passage" -> 3, "party" -> 3, "partnership" -> 3, "partners" -> 3, "particular" -> 3, "participation" -> 3, "participant" -> 3, "parent" -> 3, "paramount" -> 3, "Panama" -> 3, "overhaul" -> 3, "ourselves" -> 3, "ours" -> 3, "Other" -> 3, "organizations" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "One" -> 3, "office" -> 3, "offers" -> 3, "offenders" -> 3, "Occupational" -> 3, "Now" -> 3, "network" -> 3, "neighborhood" -> 3, "negotiated" -> 3, "negotiate" -> 3, "moving" -> 3, "modernization" -> 3, "moderate" -> 3, "Missing" -> 3, "minerals" -> 3, "method" -> 3, "measured" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "marketplace" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "makes" -> 3, "majority" -> 3, "main" -> 3, "low" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "long-term" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "Local" -> 3, "loan" -> 3, "leading" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "keeping" -> 3, "keep" -> 3, "juvenile" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "jeopardize" -> 3, "issues" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "intrusion" -> 3, "intervention" -> 3, "institution" -> 3, "initiative" -> 3, "initiated" -> 3, "Indians" -> 3, "Indian" -> 3, "increases" -> 3, "incentives" -> 3, "improve" -> 3, "imported" -> 3, "humanities" -> 3, "hostile" -> 3, "Hispanic-Americans" -> 3, "helping" -> 3, "helped" -> 3, "guard" -> 3, "guaranteed" -> 3, "Governments" -> 3, "government's" -> 3, "governing" -> 3, "God" -> 3, "go" -> 3, "global" -> 3, "getting" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "gas" -> 3, "fulfill" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "forget" -> 3, "forced" -> 3, "following" -> 3, "focus" -> 3, "Finally" -> 3, "favors" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "Families" -> 3, "failing" -> 3, "extensive" -> 3, "expensive" -> 3, "expenses" -> 3, "exceeded" -> 3, "events" -> 3, "establish" -> 3, "especially" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "equally" -> 3, "Equal" -> 3, "entitled" -> 3, "employers" -> 3, "eligibility" -> 3, "elementary" -> 3, "electoral" -> 3, "Eisenhower" -> 3, "drugs" -> 3, "drug" -> 3, "diversity" -> 3, "District" -> 3, "disability" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "design" -> 3, "deplore" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "delinquency" -> 3, "define" -> 3, "deeply" -> 3, "deep" -> 3, "Declaration" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "decent" -> 3, "decades" -> 3, "debate" -> 3, "death" -> 3, "date" -> 3, "current" -> 3, "curb" -> 3, "critical" -> 3, "crimes" -> 3, "Court" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "consider" -> 3, "congressional" -> 3, "conflicts" -> 3, "condition" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "complexity" -> 3, "companies" -> 3, "commerce" -> 3, "combine" -> 3, "Columbia" -> 3, "closest" -> 3, "charitable" -> 3, "channels" -> 3, "challenges" -> 3, "certain" -> 3, "cause" -> 3, "carefully" -> 3, "Canal" -> 3, "Cambodia" -> 3, "calls" -> 3, "bring" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "bargaining" -> 3, "aware" -> 3, "average" -> 3, "availability" -> 3, "automatic" -> 3, "assets" -> 3, "Asian" -> 3, "arts" -> 3, "artists" -> 3, "armed" -> 3, "Arab" -> 3, "another" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "analysis" -> 3, "Among" -> 3, "Americas" -> 3, "allows" -> 3, "aliens" -> 3, "aircraft" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "agree" -> 3, "age" -> 3, "African" -> 3, "affordable" -> 3, "affecting" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "adjustments" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "addition" -> 3, "add" -> 3, "accomplish" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "abuse" -> 3, "abundant" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "20" -> 3, "1976" -> 3, "1975" -> 3, "1973" -> 3, "$30" -> 2, "youth" -> 2, "worldwide" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "Women" -> 2, "wishes" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "whim" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "Western" -> 2, "well-intentioned" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "waters" -> 2, "Washington's" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "wage" -> 2, "voting" -> 2, "votes" -> 2, "voluntarily" -> 2, "voice" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "virtually" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "view" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "variety" -> 2, "valued" -> 2, "valuable" -> 2, "vague" -> 2, "utmost" -> 2, "utilize" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "uniquely" -> 2, "unemployed" -> 2, "unable" -> 2, "U.N." -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "types" -> 2, "type" -> 2, "Two" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "turned" -> 2, "tuition" -> 2, "trying" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "Treaty" -> 2, "treats" -> 2, "treated" -> 2, "treat" -> 2, "transfer" -> 2, "traditionally" -> 2, "traditional" -> 2, "top" -> 2, "tolls" -> 2, "Today" -> 2, "Time" -> 2, "tighten" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "think" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "textile" -> 2, "tests" -> 2, "terrorists" -> 2, "terrorism" -> 2, "Territories" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "termination" -> 2, "tend" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "technologies" -> 2, "technological" -> 2, "technical" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "systematic" -> 2, "swift" -> 2, "sure" -> 2, "supportive" -> 2, "supporting" -> 2, "superiority" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "success" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "subcommittees" -> 2, "structural" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strikes" -> 2, "stress" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "streamlining" -> 2, "Strategy" -> 2, "stopped" -> 2, "stop" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "steady" -> 2, "stake" -> 2, "specific" -> 2, "speak" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "sophisticated" -> 2, "Some" -> 2, "solved" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "Society" -> 2, "So" -> 2, "size" -> 2, "sites" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "significant" -> 2, "signed" -> 2, "shrink" -> 2, "shelter" -> 2, "shared" -> 2, "sex" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "serves" -> 2, "separates" -> 2, "sensitive" -> 2, "sensible" -> 2, "senior" -> 2, "self-sufficiency" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "segregated" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "Sea" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "scenic" -> 2, "says" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "sanctions" -> 2, "sale" -> 2, "salaries" -> 2, "Safe" -> 2, "Rural" -> 2, "runaway" -> 2, "run" -> 2, "rules" -> 2, "routine" -> 2, "rooted" -> 2, "risen" -> 2, "rich" -> 2, "Revitalization" -> 2, "review" -> 2, "returns" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "restriction" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "Responsibility" -> 2, "response" -> 2, "Reserve" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "replacement" -> 2, "repeats" -> 2, "renewable" -> 2, "removed" -> 2, "removal" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "regret" -> 2, "region" -> 2, "refuses" -> 2, "reflect" -> 2, "reductions" -> 2, "Red" -> 2, "recycling" -> 2, "recognizing" -> 2, "reciprocity" -> 2, "recipients" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "Recent" -> 2, "really" -> 2, "readily" -> 2, "read" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "Radio" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "qualify" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "purchases" -> 2, "prudent" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "Provide" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "proliferation" -> 2, "projects" -> 2, "prohibiting" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "profound" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "Prisoners" -> 2, "prison" -> 2, "printing" -> 2, "principled" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "primaries" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "prevented" -> 2, "President's" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "prerequisite" -> 2, "prepared" -> 2, "precision" -> 2, "possibility" -> 2, "possibilities" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "plentiful" -> 2, "playing" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "Pinder" -> 2, "physical" -> 2, "permits" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "periods" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "peoples" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "penalty" -> 2, "Peggy" -> 2, "payment" -> 2, "paying" -> 2, "pass" -> 2, "part-time" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "participating" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "panel" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "outside" -> 2, "Ours" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "OSHA" -> 2, "organisms" -> 2, "options" -> 2, "opposes" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "operating" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "on-site" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "Older" -> 2, "official" -> 2, "offender" -> 2, "observed" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "note" -> 2, "non-political" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "nine" -> 2, "Neighborhood" -> 2, "necessities" -> 2, "Navy" -> 2, "Natives" -> 2, "mutually" -> 2, "multilateral" -> 2, "Most" -> 2, "mortgages" -> 2, "Moreover" -> 2, "morally" -> 2, "morality" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "mining" -> 2, "middle" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "message" -> 2, "mental" -> 2, "Member" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "Mediterranean" -> 2, "Medicare" -> 2, "meaningful" -> 2, "maximize" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "materials" -> 2, "married" -> 2, "manpower" -> 2, "managed" -> 2, "Major" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "machinery" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "lost" -> 2, "loneliness" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "listed" -> 2, "limiting" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "lifetime" -> 2, "lies" -> 2, "Liberty" -> 2, "liberalization" -> 2, "let" -> 2, "lessen" -> 2, "less-developed" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "Lebanon" -> 2, "lead" -> 2, "LEAA" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "Laos" -> 2, "labors" -> 2, "labor" -> 2, "jurisdictional" -> 2, "Jobs" -> 2, "job-producing" -> 2, "Japanese" -> 2, "Japan" -> 2, "jails" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "Is" -> 2, "Interstate" -> 2, "intensive" -> 2, "intact" -> 2, "institutional" -> 2, "instituted" -> 2, "innocent" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "Inflation" -> 2, "inevitably" -> 2, "inestimable" -> 2, "ineligible" -> 2, "inefficient" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "incurred" -> 2, "improving" -> 2, "impose" -> 2, "import" -> 2, "implement" -> 2, "impact" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "Humanities" -> 2, "hostages" -> 2, "hiring" -> 2, "hijacking" -> 2, "highway" -> 2, "heritages" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "Helsinki" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "handled" -> 2, "Handicapped" -> 2, "guilty" -> 2, "guidelines" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "guidance" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "governs" -> 2, "govern" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "gives" -> 2, "generate" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "functions" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "fuel" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "friend" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "foundation" -> 2, "fortunate" -> 2, "forms" -> 2, "formation" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "For" -> 2, "Food" -> 2, "Financial" -> 2, "financed" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "final" -> 2, "fight" -> 2, "fields" -> 2, "fewer" -> 2, "feeding" -> 2, "feasible" -> 2, "fear" -> 2, "fashion" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "fails" -> 2, "failed" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "expression" -> 2, "expressed" -> 2, "explore" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "exhaustive" -> 2, "exemption" -> 2, "exempt" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "exceptionally" -> 2, "exactly" -> 2, "eventually" -> 2, "ethnic" -> 2, "estimated" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "erodes" -> 2, "eradicate" -> 2, "equivalent" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "ensure" -> 2, "enrich" -> 2, "enhance" -> 2, "English" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "engage" -> 2, "Energy" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "Endowments" -> 2, "endorses" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "enables" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "employer" -> 2, "embargo" -> 2, "else" -> 2, "Elimination" -> 2, "eliminated" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "elect" -> 2, "either" -> 2, "effects" -> 2, "effectiveness" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "EEC" -> 2, "economical" -> 2, "earned" -> 2, "dynamic" -> 2, "durable" -> 2, "Drug" -> 2, "dream" -> 2, "double" -> 2, "domination" -> 2, "dominate" -> 2, "doing" -> 2, "doesn't" -> 2, "divestiture" -> 2, "diverse" -> 2, "districts" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "discriminate" -> 2, "discovery" -> 2, "disclosure" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "disadvantaged" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "dictatorship" -> 2, "dictate" -> 2, "devise" -> 2, "Development" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "destroys" -> 2, "destroying" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "deployment" -> 2, "dependable" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "denial" -> 2, "demonstrating" -> 2, "demonstrate" -> 2, "democratic" -> 2, "democracies" -> 2, "degree" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "decision-making" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "cut" -> 2, "cumbersome" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "crop" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "credibility" -> 2, "creativity" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "coverage" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "Court's" -> 2, "courageous" -> 2, "couples" -> 2, "coupled" -> 2, "counseling" -> 2, "Council" -> 2, "corrected" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "coordinate" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "conventional" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contrary" -> 2, "continuous" -> 2, "content" -> 2, "contacts" -> 2, "constraints" -> 2, "constitute" -> 2, "constituency" -> 2, "consolidated" -> 2, "Consistent" -> 2, "consequence" -> 2, "consensus" -> 2, "Congressional" -> 2, "Congresses" -> 2, "confronted" -> 2, "conflicting" -> 2, "confidentiality" -> 2, "Conference" -> 2, "concert" -> 2, "concerning" -> 2, "comprise" -> 2, "composition" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compassion" -> 2, "Compare" -> 2, "Community" -> 2, "communications" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "commend" -> 2, "colleges" -> 2, "code" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "closed" -> 2, "clearly" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "Citizens" -> 2, "cherished" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "changed" -> 2, "chances" -> 2, "centralization" -> 2, "Central" -> 2, "ceiling" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "Bureaucratic" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "broadcasting" -> 2, "bridge" -> 2, "borders" -> 2, "bomber" -> 2, "body" -> 2, "bipartisan" -> 2, "bind" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "bigger" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "beauty" -> 2, "bear" -> 2, "base" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "ballot" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "attempting" -> 2, "Atlantic" -> 2, "associated" -> 2, "assisted" -> 2, "assessment" -> 2, "assaults" -> 2, "assault" -> 2, "aspect" -> 2, "Arts" -> 2, "art" -> 2, "arrive" -> 2, "arrangements" -> 2, "Are" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "anniversary" -> 2, "Angola" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "Although" -> 2, "alternatives" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "Along" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "ally" -> 2, "allowing" -> 2, "allowances" -> 2, "allocation" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "airlines" -> 2, "ahead" -> 2, "Agreements" -> 2, "aggressive" -> 2, "Agency" -> 2, "agency" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "affirm" -> 2, "advocate" -> 2, "advantages" -> 2, "advanced" -> 2, "adjust" -> 2, "addressed" -> 2, "address" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "Action" -> 2, "across" -> 2, "achievements" -> 2, "achievement" -> 2, "accountable" -> 2, "account" -> 2, "accordance" -> 2, "accommodate" -> 2, "accelerated" -> 2, "44" -> 2, "1974" -> 2, "1968" -> 2, "1964" -> 2, "16" -> 2, "15" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$70" -> 1, "$600" -> 1, "$6" -> 1, "$26" -> 1, "$22" -> 1, "$200,000" -> 1, "$200" -> 1, "$13" -> 1, "$1,000" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "Zone" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "Zionism" -> 1, "zero-based" -> 1, "Zealand" -> 1, "Your" -> 1, "Younger" -> 1, "years—are" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "writers" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "world—to" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "Works" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "wonder" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "withstand" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "Wiping" -> 1, "wipe" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "willful" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "Why" -> 1, "why" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "wetland" -> 1, "welter" -> 1, "wellspring" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weighs" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "way—politically" -> 1, "wave" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "waterway" -> 1, "Washington-dictated" -> 1, "warrants" -> 1, "warped" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "wage-earners" -> 1, "Wage" -> 1, "vulnerable" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "Vladivostok" -> 1, "vivid" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "Violence" -> 1, "violators" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "Vigorous" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewing" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "Vice" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "verify" -> 1, "verification" -> 1, "venture" -> 1, "vehicles" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "Vandenberg" -> 1, "vandalism" -> 1, "valuation" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "utterly" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "usually" -> 1, "usual" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "usable" -> 1, "U.S." -> 1, "urging" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "Uranium" -> 1, "uranium" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upper-income" -> 1, "Unwise" -> 1, "unwillingness" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unwanted" -> 1, "untimely" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unproven" -> 1, "unpredictable" -> 1, "unnecessarily" -> 1, "unmolested" -> 1, "unlock" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "Unless" -> 1, "universe" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "Unity" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "union—large" -> 1, "unionization" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "uninterrupted" -> 1, "uniformly" -> 1, "uniformed" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfettered" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "Unfair" -> 1, "unequalled" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undoubtedly" -> 1, "undesirable" -> 1, "underwrite" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "underscore" -> 1, "underlying" -> 1, "undercapitalization" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "unchallenged" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "uncaring" -> 1, "unborn" -> 1, "unannounced" -> 1, "unalienable" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "typical" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "tumultuous" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "triggered" -> 1, "tribal" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "Treat" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transmissions" -> 1, "tranquility" -> 1, "trafficking" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "traces" -> 1, "traceable" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "top-to-bottom" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "tn" -> 1, "titles" -> 1, "tipped" -> 1, "tinkering" -> 1, "timetable" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "tightening" -> 1, "tied" -> 1, "tie" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "thrust" -> 1, "throwing" -> 1, "throw-away" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "threefold" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "Thirty" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thing" -> 1, "thin" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "theaters" -> 1, "Thailand" -> 1, "textbooks" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "terrorist" -> 1, "Terrorism—both" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "tenfold" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "temptation" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "tell" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "technology-intensive" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "tax-loss" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "taught" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tanks" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talents" -> 1, "Taken" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "tag" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "systematically" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "symptom—rising" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "surface" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "Sure" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supporters" -> 1, "supporter" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supplier" -> 1, "Supplemental" -> 1, "supplement" -> 1, "superpower" -> 1, "superb" -> 1, "sunset" -> 1, "summoning" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suitably" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "successes" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "Substantial" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsist" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "subsidizes" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "styles" -> 1, "sturdy" -> 1, "studies" -> 1, "students" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "Strong" -> 1, "strident" -> 1, "strictures" -> 1, "Strict" -> 1, "stresses" -> 1, "stressed" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "street" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "strains" -> 1, "storing" -> 1, "stoppages" -> 1, "stimulus" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "stimulates" -> 1, "stifling" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "stepping" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "Steamroller" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "States-Soviet" -> 1, "States-Chinese" -> 1, "State's" -> 1, "statements" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "stark" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standby" -> 1, "stance" -> 1, "staffs" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "splendid" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "spendthrift" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "specialized" -> 1, "speaks" -> 1, "Spanish-speaking" -> 1, "Spanish" -> 1, "Spain's" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "space" -> 1, "Soviet-supplied" -> 1, "Soviet-sponsored" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "sort—like" -> 1, "sort" -> 1, "sorrow" -> 1, "sophistication" -> 1, "sooner" -> 1, "somewhere" -> 1, "sometimes" -> 1, "someone" -> 1, "Solzhenitsyn" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "solar" -> 1, "softwood" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "smoothly" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "slipping" -> 1, "slain" -> 1, "skyrocketed" -> 1, "skills" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "siting" -> 1, "sit" -> 1, "singled" -> 1, "Singapore" -> 1, "sincere" -> 1, "Simultaneously" -> 1, "simplifications" -> 1, "Simplification" -> 1, "Similarly" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "signing" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "Significant" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "signal" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shrinkage" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shocked" -> 1, "shipbuilding" -> 1, "Shelf" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "sharply" -> 1, "shambles" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "sewer" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "Serve" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separable" -> 1, "sentencing" -> 1, "Sensible" -> 1, "Senior" -> 1, "Senator" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "self-enforcing" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "Selective" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "segments" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "seems" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "secular" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "Section" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "scrutinize" -> 1, "scrupulously" -> 1, "scrupulous" -> 1, "scientifically" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scene" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "SBA" -> 1, "sanctity" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safer" -> 1, "Safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "runs" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "rough" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "roller" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "Roadblocks" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "Right" -> 1, "riddled" -> 1, "rhetoric" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revitalizing" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "revitalization" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "re-use" -> 1, "retributions" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retains" -> 1, "resurrecting" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "resting" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "Responsibilities" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "responded" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respectability" -> 1, "resources—we" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resorted" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resisting" -> 1, "Resistance" -> 1, "resides" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "re-settlements" -> 1, "Research" -> 1, "rescue" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requests" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "Republican—have" -> 1, "Republican-sponsored" -> 1, "Republican-controlled" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replanting" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "Repeal" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "relinquishes" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "relaxation" -> 1, "relatives" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "reinsurance" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "reimposition" -> 1, "reimpose" -> 1, "Rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitating" -> 1, "Regulatory" -> 1, "regulated" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regrettable" -> 1, "register" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "regimentation" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "reformed" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "refining" -> 1, "refineries" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "re-examination" -> 1, "reestablishing" -> 1, "re-emphasize" -> 1, "redistribute" -> 1, "redesigned" -> 1, "Recycling" -> 1, "recruitment" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "recoverable" -> 1, "record-keeping" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "Recently" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "reassessment" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realizes" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "realistically" -> 1, "realignment" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "reactions" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "rancher" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "Quota" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quick-fix" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "Quarterly" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quarrels" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "puts" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pushers" -> 1, "pursuing" -> 1, "purest" -> 1, "purely" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "punishing" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "publication" -> 1, "proxy" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proudly" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protects" -> 1, "protectionism" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "Prologue" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "programs—the" -> 1, "programs—it" -> 1, "programs—in" -> 1, "programs—are" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "programming" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "proficient" -> 1, "produces" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "procedural" -> 1, "Private" -> 1, "Privacy" -> 1, "prisons" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "Primary" -> 1, "prices—not" -> 1, "price-fixing" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "presses" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "Presidents—one" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "presently" -> 1, "prerogative" -> 1, "premises" -> 1, "preferred" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "preferable" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "predator" -> 1, "preclude" -> 1, "precisely" -> 1, "precaution" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayers" -> 1, "practicing" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "POWs" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "postwar" -> 1, "postsecondary" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibly" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "Positive" -> 1, "Portugal" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "pollutants" -> 1, "polling" -> 1, "politicization" -> 1, "politicians" -> 1, "polices" -> 1, "polar" -> 1, "pocket" -> 1, "plummeted" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "plebiscite" -> 1, "pleasant" -> 1, "plays" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "Platform's" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "pioneer" -> 1, "pinpoint" -> 1, "pillar" -> 1, "piece" -> 1, "picketing" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "philosophies" -> 1, "Philippines" -> 1, "philanthropy" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "pest" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "personnel" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persists" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "perpetuated" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "permanence" -> 1, "perimeters" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "perfectly" -> 1, "perfecting" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "perception" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "perceived" -> 1, "people—a" -> 1, "peninsula" -> 1, "penetrating" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "peace-of-mind" -> 1, "peacekeeping" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "paths" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "pass-through" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passes" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "partner" -> 1, "parole" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "Paperwork" -> 1, "paperwork" -> 1, "paper-work" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "Panamanians" -> 1, "page" -> 1, "package" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "owe" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "oversight" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "over-rigorous" -> 1, "overriding" -> 1, "Over-regulation" -> 1, "over-regulation" -> 1, "over-nationalized" -> 1, "overly" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "over-lapping" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "overcrowded" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "over-all" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "out-patient" -> 1, "out-of-hospital" -> 1, "Outer" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "Others" -> 1, "orthodoxy" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organizational" -> 1, "orchestras" -> 1, "Or" -> 1, "optimistic" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opposite—less" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opera" -> 1, "openness" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "one—third" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "Of" -> 1, "OECD" -> 1, "oceans" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "occasional" -> 1, "Obviously" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "obscene" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "nutritionally" -> 1, "Nutrition" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "numerical" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "nothing" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "normalization" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non-strategic" -> 1, "non-sectarian" -> 1, "non-renewable" -> 1, "non-renew-able" -> 1, "non-public" -> 1, "non-proliferation" -> 1, "non-partisan" -> 1, "non-nuclear" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "non-farm" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "noise" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "nickel" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "newly-discovered" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "Net" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neo-isolationism" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neighbor's" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "navigational" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "native-owned" -> 1, "Native" -> 1, "nation—over" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "narcotics—lead" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "mysteries" -> 1, "museums" -> 1, "murdered" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "Multifiber" -> 1, "multicultural" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "move" -> 1, "mounts" -> 1, "mounted" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "mothers" -> 1, "Moslems" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "mortar" -> 1, "Morality" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "monitored" -> 1, "monitor" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "moderation" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "misused" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "misunderstood" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mistake" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "minor" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "Mined" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "mileage" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "microwave" -> 1, "Micronesia" -> 1, "MIAs" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "metropolitan" -> 1, "methodically" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "merchants" -> 1, "men's" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "memories" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "mechanisms" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "Meat" -> 1, "meals" -> 1, "maximized" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "masters" -> 1, "massively" -> 1, "Massive" -> 1, "marks" -> 1, "marketplaces" -> 1, "marital" -> 1, "Marines" -> 1, "manganese" -> 1, "Mandatory" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "malicious" -> 1, "Malaysia" -> 1, "make-work" -> 1, "Make" -> 1, "maintains" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "mainspring" -> 1, "mainly" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "magnitude" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "lulled" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "lose" -> 1, "loopholes" -> 1, "logically" -> 1, "local-state-national" -> 1, "locality" -> 1, "lobby" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "life—neighborhood" -> 1, "life—food" -> 1, "life-saving" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "liberties—must" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberalized" -> 1, "lethal" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "lest" -> 1, "legalization" -> 1, "legacy" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "League" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "law-abiding" -> 1, "launching" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "Last-minute" -> 1, "languished" -> 1, "lands—not" -> 1, "landing" -> 1, "lament" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "Korean" -> 1, "knuckle" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "knowingly" -> 1, "knowing" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "kidnapping" -> 1, "kidnapped" -> 1, "keeps" -> 1, "Juveniles" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "Just" -> 1, "jumble" -> 1, "judgeships" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "judged" -> 1, "joy" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "japan" -> 1, "is—and" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "Isolation" -> 1, "isolation" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "irritations" -> 1, "irreplaceable" -> 1, "irregular" -> 1, "Iowa" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "invites" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investing" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigated" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "invest" -> 1, "intrusions" -> 1, "Intrusion" -> 1, "intolerably" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intervene" -> 1, "interrelationships" -> 1, "international-must" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "intermediate" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "Interdependence" -> 1, "interdependence" -> 1, "intercontinental" -> 1, "interchange" -> 1, "interceptor" -> 1, "Inter-American" -> 1, "inter-American" -> 1, "intensely" -> 1, "intends" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "Institution—and" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "instilling" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "installation" -> 1, "inspections" -> 1, "Inspection" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "Innovations" -> 1, "Innocent" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "inhumane" -> 1, "inhibit" -> 1, "inherently" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "inform" -> 1, "inflation-impact" -> 1, "inflating" -> 1, "infinitely" -> 1, "infinite" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "Indonesia" -> 1, "Individuals" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indisputably" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "Increases" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "incorporates" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "Include" -> 1, "incentives—can" -> 1, "Incentives" -> 1, "incautious" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "inability" -> 1, "improves" -> 1, "Improved" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "Important" -> 1, "Import" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "impinge" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impediment" -> 1, "immensely" -> 1, "Immediate" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illustrate" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "ill-fated" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "idly" -> 1, "identity" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "identical" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "Iberian" -> 1, "hydrocarbons" -> 1, "hydrocarbon" -> 1, "hunger" -> 1, "Humphrey-Hawkins" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "How" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "households" -> 1, "housed" -> 1, "hostage" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "hospitable" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "hopelessly" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "Honestly" -> 1, "home-steading" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "homemakers" -> 1, "homemaker" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "hodge-podge" -> 1, "Historically" -> 1, "historical" -> 1, "hindrances" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "hers" -> 1, "Heroin" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "heightens" -> 1, "height" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heaviest" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "hear" -> 1, "healthier" -> 1, "healthful" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "Hatch" -> 1, "hastening" -> 1, "harvest" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "harming" -> 1, "hardwood" -> 1, "hard-headed" -> 1, "hard-core" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "happens" -> 1, "happened" -> 1, "happen" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handicap" -> 1, "hallmark" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "habitats" -> 1, "gulf" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guess" -> 1, "guarantor" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "grounds" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "Grinnell" -> 1, "grew—by" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "Grandparents" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "Grain" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "governor" -> 1, "government—through" -> 1, "government—approximately" -> 1, "government-required" -> 1, "government-operated" -> 1, "government-enforced" -> 1, "government-controlled" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "Given" -> 1, "giveaway" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "gerrymandered" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "generosity" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "generated" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "GATT" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "gainful" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "fusion" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "Fundamental" -> 1, "functional" -> 1, "fullness" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fuel-efficient" -> 1, "frustrates" -> 1, "frustrated" -> 1, "fruition" -> 1, "frightening" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Fraud" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "Foster" -> 1, "fossil" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "Forty" -> 1, "forthcoming" -> 1, "forming" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forfeit" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "Forest" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "Ford's" -> 1, "Ford" -> 1, "Force" -> 1, "forbidding" -> 1, "football" -> 1, "fooled" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "flowed" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flexible-time" -> 1, "flexible-hour" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "flashpoints" -> 1, "flank" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "first-time" -> 1, "firearms" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "film" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "Fighting" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fetuses" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federally-funded" -> 1, "federalizing" -> 1, "fed" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fates" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farther" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "fare" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "family's" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "Families—not" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "face-to-face" -> 1, "Faced" -> 1, "extricated" -> 1, "extract" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "explosions" -> 1, "exploring" -> 1, "explain" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experiences" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expeditiously" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expectations" -> 1, "expectation" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exemptions" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "executions" -> 1, "excuses" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "exceptional" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everybody" -> 1, "ever-growing" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "Ethics" -> 1, "estimate" -> 1, "Estate" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "E.R.A." -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "Equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "EPA" -> 1, "envoys" -> 1, "Environmental" -> 1, "Environment" -> 1, "entitlement" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "enters" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "ensuring" -> 1, "enriched" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "Engineers" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "Ending" -> 1, "endeavored" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "End" -> 1, "Encouraging" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "encompasses" -> 1, "encompass" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "employment—or" -> 1, "Employees" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "Emphasis" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "emigrate" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "emergence" -> 1, "emerged" -> 1, "embraced" -> 1, "embodiment" -> 1, "Embassy" -> 1, "embargoes" -> 1, "eloquently" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "electricity" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "Eight" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "Effectively" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "eat" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "eastern" -> 1, "earth's" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "dried" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doses" -> 1, "don't" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "donations" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "domiciliary" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "dividends" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "divert" -> 1, "Diversity" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "divergence" -> 1, "disuse" -> 1, "disturb" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "distortion" -> 1, "distant" -> 1, "dissent" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disorganized" -> 1, "disorganization" -> 1, "dismember" -> 1, "dismal" -> 1, "disjointed" -> 1, "disincentives" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "discussing" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discourages" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "discord" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "disciplined" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "disciplinary" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "dimmed" -> 1, "diminished" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "dilute" -> 1, "diligently" -> 1, "diligence" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differently" -> 1, "differentials" -> 1, "differential" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictatorships" -> 1, "dictates" -> 1, "dictated" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "developmental" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "detrimental" -> 1, "Deterring" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "detente" -> 1, "destroyer" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "destabilizing" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "desalinization" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "depository" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "depict" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "departures" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "Democratic-controlled" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "Demands" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demagoguery" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "deliberations" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "delegate" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "dehumanizing" -> 1, "degrading" -> 1, "definitions" -> 1, "defines" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defensible" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defender" -> 1, "deepen" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "deductibility" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "declines" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decisions—even" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "decay" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "debating" -> 1, "debasement" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "daring" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "dance" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Cyprus" -> 1, "Currently" -> 1, "Current" -> 1, "currency—destroys" -> 1, "curbing" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "crumble" -> 1, "cruise" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "Cross" -> 1, "critically" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "crimes—murder" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "Creator" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "cradle-to-grave" -> 1, "covers" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counter-productive" -> 1, "counter" -> 1, "cost-effective" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "corrupted" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "copyright" -> 1, "copper" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "convictions" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convenient" -> 1, "conveniences" -> 1, "controversial" -> 1, "Controlling" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "continually" -> 1, "Continental" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "contact" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "construed" -> 1, "constitutionally" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constituencies" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consonant" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consolidating" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considers" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "Consideration" -> 1, "considerable" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "conservationists" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscientious" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Congress—with" -> 1, "Congress—a" -> 1, "Congresses—in" -> 1, "confusing" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "Confronted" -> 1, "confrontational" -> 1, "confrontation" -> 1, "confiscate" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "concrete" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "conclusion" -> 1, "concluding" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concessional" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "concentrated" -> 1, "computers" -> 1, "computer" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "compromised" -> 1, "comprehensively" -> 1, "components" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complaints" -> 1, "complacency" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compensate" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compatible" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "Companions" -> 1, "companion" -> 1, "community-based" -> 1, "Communist-sponsored" -> 1, "Communists" -> 1, "Communism" -> 1, "communicate" -> 1, "common-situs" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committing" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "commemoration" -> 1, "commands" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "colorful" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "Cold" -> 1, "co-generation" -> 1, "coexist" -> 1, "cobalt" -> 1, "coastal" -> 1, "Coal" -> 1, "clue" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "cloak" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clear-cutting" -> 1, "cleanse" -> 1, "classifying" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civilians" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "Citizen" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "circumvent" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "CIA" -> 1, "Christians" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "children—has" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "chemicals" -> 1, "cheapen" -> 1, "character—such" -> 1, "characteristically" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "changes—reductions" -> 1, "Changes" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "Census" -> 1, "cemetery" -> 1, "celebrated" -> 1, "cede" -> 1, "caving" -> 1, "cause-and-effect" -> 1, "Caucus" -> 1, "Catastrophic" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "Carter" -> 1, "cartels" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "caring" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "careers" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "card" -> 1, "Capper-Volstead" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "Canadian" -> 1, "Can" -> 1, "campuses" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "busing" -> 1, "businessman" -> 1, "business-like" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "brute" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "breakdown" -> 1, "brazenly" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "boycotts" -> 1, "boycott" -> 1, "bounty" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "borrow" -> 1, "booths" -> 1, "bookkeepers" -> 1, "bomber—the" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "Block" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "blackmail" -> 1, "black" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bilateral" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "be—primarily" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "beset" -> 1, "bereaved" -> 1, "bent" -> 1, "beneath" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "bell" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "beliefs" -> 1, "beleaguered" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "Basin" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "barbiturates" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "bandits" -> 1, "ballistic" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "balance-of-payments" -> 1, "bail" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "B-1—capable" -> 1, "B-1" -> 1, "b" -> 1, "await" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "averaged" -> 1, "automobile" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Australia" -> 1, "aura" -> 1, "audit" -> 1, "Attorneys" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attacker" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "attached" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "Assure" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "assists" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "assimilated" -> 1, "assignment" -> 1, "assess" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "asks" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "ascertain" -> 1, "artistic" -> 1, "artificially" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "Arthur" -> 1, "arrests" -> 1, "arrayed" -> 1, "Arrangement" -> 1, "arrangement" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armored" -> 1, "Aren't" -> 1, "area—are" -> 1, "architecture" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "approximately" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "Appropriate" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "appraisals" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "applauds" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "Antitrust" -> 1, "antiquated" -> 1, "antiobscenity" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "anguished" -> 1, "ancestry" -> 1, "amphetamines" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "American—elimination" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "amazing" -> 1, "Also" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "all-volunteer" -> 1, "all-risk" -> 1, "alleged" -> 1, "Alexander" -> 1, "Alcoholism" -> 1, "Alaskan" -> 1, "alarmed" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "airplanes" -> 1, "airplane" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "ailing" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "aggravation" -> 1, "aggravated" -> 1, "ages" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "Agenda" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "affinity" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "adventurism" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administration—from" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjudication" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "addicts" -> 1, "actuarily" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "Actions" -> 1, "Acting" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acknowledging" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "Achievement" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "Accounting" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accountability" -> 1, "Accords" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accidents" -> 1, "accidental" -> 1, "accession" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absence" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abortions" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "able-bodied" -> 1, "abhorrence" -> 1, "9.6" -> 1, "900" -> 1, "85" -> 1, "800" -> 1, "66" -> 1, "64" -> 1, "60" -> 1, "56" -> 1, "55,000" -> 1, "55" -> 1, "500,000" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "480" -> 1, "45" -> 1, "435" -> 1, "40%" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "300,000" -> 1, "3000" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "25" -> 1, "2.5" -> 1, "23-year-old" -> 1, "22" -> 1, "200-mile" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1980's" -> 1, "1970" -> 1, "1969" -> 1, "1960's" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1950" -> 1, "1948" -> 1, "1946" -> 1, "1940" -> 1, "1917" -> 1, "1789" -> 1, "1776" -> 1, "144" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1972", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1972, "Date" -> DateObject[{1972, 8, 21}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nThis year our Republican Party has greater reason than ever before for pride in its stewardship.\nWhen our accomplishments are weighed—when our opponents' philosophy, programs and candidates are assessed—we believe the American people will rally eagerly to the leadership which since January 1969 has brought them a better life in a better land in a safer world.\nThis political contest of 1972 is a singular one. No Americans before have had a clearer option. The choice is between going forward from dramatic achievements to predictable new achievements, or turning back toward a nightmarish time in which the torch of free America was virtually snuffed out in a storm of violence and protest. It is so easy to forget how frightful it was. There was Vietnam—so bloody, so costly, so bitterly divisive—a war in which more than a half-million of America's sons had been committed to battle—a war, it seemed, neither to be won nor lost, but only to be endlessly fought—a war emotionally so tormenting as almost to obliterate America's other worldly concerns.\nAnd yet, as our eyes were fixed on the carnage in Asia, in Europe our alliance had weakened. The Western will was dividing and ebbing. The isolation of the People's Republic of China with one-fourth of the world's population, went endlessly on.\nAt home our horrified people watched our cities burn, crime burgeon, campuses dissolve into chaos. A mishmash of social experimentalism, producing such fiscal extravaganzas as the abortive war on poverty, combined with war pressures to drive up taxes and balloon the cost of living. Working men and women found their living standards fixed or falling, the victim of inflation. Nationwide, welfare skyrocketed out of control.\nThe history of our country may record other crises more costly in material goods, but none so demoralizing to the American people. To millions of Americans it seemed we had lost our way. So it was when our Republican Party came to power.\nNow, four years later, a new leadership with new policies and new programs has restored reason and order and hope. No longer buffeted by internal violence and division, we are on course in calmer seas with a sure, steady hand at the helm. A new spirit, buoyant and confident, is on the rise in our land, nourished by the changes we have made. In the past four years:\nWe have turned toward concord among all Americans;\nWe have turned toward reason and order;\nWe have turned toward government responding sensitively to the people's hopes and needs;\nWe have turned toward innovative solutions to the nation's most pressing problems;\nWe have turned toward new paths for social progress—from welfare rolls to payrolls; from wanton pollution to vigorous environmental protection;\nWe have moved far toward peace: withdrawal of our fighting men from Vietnam, constructive new relationships with the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, the nuclear arms race checked, the Mid-East crisis dampened, our alliances revitalized.\nSo once again the foreign policy of the United States is on a realistic footing, promising us a nation secure in a full generation of peace, promising the end of conscription, promising a further allocation of resources to domestic needs. It is a saga of exhilarating progress.\nWe have come far in so short a time. Yet, much remains to be done.\nDiscontents, frustrations and concerns still stir in the minds and hearts of many of our people, especially the young. As long as America falls short of being truly peaceful, truly prosperous, truly secure, truly just for all, her task is not done.\nOur encouragement is in the fact that things as they are, are far better than things that recently were. Our resolve is that things to come can be, and will be, better still.\nLooking to tomorrow, to President Nixon's second term and on into the third century of this Republic, we of the Republican Party see a quarter-billion Americans peaceful and prospering as never before, humane as never before, their nation strong and just as never before.\nIt is toward this bright tomorrow that we are determined to move, in concert with millions of discerning Democrats and concerned Independents who will not, and cannot, take part in the convulsive leftward lurch of the national Democratic Party.\nThe election of 1972 requires of the voters a momentous decision—one that will determine the kind of nation that is to be on its 200th birthday four years hence. In this year we must choose between strength and weakness for our country in the years to come. This year we must choose between negotiating and begging with adversary nations. This year we must choose between an expanding economy in which workers will prosper and a hand-out economy in which the idle live at ease. This year we must choose between running our own lives and letting others in a distant bureaucracy run them. This year we must choose between responsible fiscal policy and fiscal folly.\nThis year the choice is between moderate goals historically sought by both major parties and far-out goals of the far left. The contest is not between the two great parties Americans have known in previous years. For in this year 1972 the national Democratic Party has been seized by a radical clique which scorns our nation's past and would blight her future.\nWe invite our troubled friends of other political affiliations to join with us in a new coalition for progress. Together let us reject the New Left prescription for folly and build surely on the solid achievements of President Nixon's first term.\nFour years ago we said, in Abraham Lincoln's words, that Americans must think anew and act anew. This we have done, under gifted leadership. The many advances already made, the shining prospects so clearly ahead, are presented in this Platform for 1972 and beyond.\nMay every American measure our deeds and words thoughtfully and objectively, and may our opponents' claims be equally appraised. Once this is done and judgment rendered on election day, we will confidently carry forward the task of doing for America what her people need and want and deserve.\nToward a Full Generation of Peace\n\nForeign Policy\n\nWhen Richard Nixon became President, our country was still clinging to foreign policies fashioned for the era immediately following World War II. The world has changed dramatically in the 1960's, but our foreign policies had not.\nAmerica was hopelessly enmeshed in Vietnam. In all parts of the globe our alliances were frayed. With the principal Communist powers our relations showed little prospect of improvement. Trade and monetary problems were grave. Periodic crises had become the way of international economic life.\nThe nation's frustrations had fostered a dangerous spirit of isolationism among our people. America's influence in the world had waned.\nIn only four years we have fashioned foreign policies based on a new spirit of effective negotiation with our adversaries, and a new sense of real partnership with our allies. Clearly, the prospects for lasting peace are greater today than at any time since World War II.\nNew Era of Diplomacy\n\nNot all consequences of our new foreign policy are yet visible, precisely because one of its great purposes is to anticipate crises and avoid them rather than merely respond. Its full impact will be realized over many years, but already there are vivid manifestations of its success:\nBefore this Administration, a Presidential visit to Peking would have been unthinkable. Yet our President has gone there to open a candid airing of differences so that they will not lead some day to war. All over the world tensions have eased as, after a generation of hostility, the strongest of nations and the most populous of nations have started discoursing again.\nDuring the 1960's, Presidential visits to Moscow were twice arranged and twice cancelled. Now our President has conferred, in the Soviet Union, with Soviet leaders, and has hammered out agreements to make this world a much safer place. Our President's quest for peace has taken him to 20 other countries, including precedent-shattering visits to Rumania, Yugoslavia and Poland.\nAround the globe America's alliances have been renewed and strengthened. A new spirit of partnership shows results in our NATO partners' expenditures for the common defense—up by some $2 billion in two years.\nHistorians may well regard these years as a golden age of American diplomacy. Never before has our country negotiated with so many nations on so wide a range of subjects—and never with greater success. In the last four years we have concluded agreements:\nTo limit nuclear weapons.\nTo ban nuclear weapons from the world's sea-beds.\nTo reduce the risk of an accidental nuclear war.\nTo end the threat of biological and toxin warfare.\nTo terminate American responsibility for the administration of Okinawa.\nTo end the recurrent crises over Berlin.\nTo provide for U.S.-Soviet cooperation in health and space research.\nTo reduce the possibility of dangerous incidents at sea.\nTo improve emergency communications between the White House and the Kremlin.\nTo exercise restraint in situations threatening conflict.\nTo realign the world's currencies.\nTo reduce barriers to American exports. To combat the international drug traffic. To protect the international environment.\nTo expand cultural relations with peoples of Eastern Europe.\nTo settle boundary disputes with Mexico.\nTo restore the water quality of the Great Lakes in cooperation with Canada.\nIn Vietnam, too, our new policies have been dramatically effective.\nIn the 1960's, our nation was plunged into another major war—for the fourth time in this century, the third time in a single generation.\nMore than a half-million Americans were fighting in Vietnam in January 1969. Fatalities reached 562 in a single week. There was no plan for bringing Americans home; no hope for an end of the war.\nIn four years, we have marched toward peace and away from war. Our forces in Vietnam have been, cut by 93 per cent. No longer do we have a single ground combat unit there. Casualties are down by 95 per cent. Our young draftees are no longer sent there without their consent.\nThrough it all, we have not abandoned an ally to aggression, not turned our back on their brave defense against brutal invasion, not consigned them to the bloodbath that would follow Communist conquest. By helping South Vietnam build a capability to withstand aggression, we have laid the foundation for a just peace and a durable peace in Southeast Asia.\nFrom one sector of the globe to another, a sure and strong America, in partnership with other nations, has once again resumed her historic mission—the building of lasting peace.\nThe Nixon Doctrine\n\nWhen President Nixon came into office, America's foremost problem was the bloody, costly, divisive involvement in Vietnam. But there was an even more profound task—to redefine the international role of the United States in light of new realities around the globe and new attitudes at home. Precisely and clearly, the President stated a new concept of a positive American role. This—the Nixon Doctrine—is monumentally important to every American and to all other people in the world.\nThe theme of this Doctrine is that America will remain fully involved in world affairs, and yet do this in ways that will elicit greater effort by other nations and the sustaining support of our people.\nFor decades, our nation's leaders regarded virtually every problem of local defense or economic development anyplace in the world as an exclusive American responsibility. The Nixon Doctrine recognizes that continuing defense and development are impossible unless the concerned nations shoulder the principal burden.\nYet, strong economic and military assistance programs remain essential. Without these, we are denied a middle course—the course between abruptly leaving allies to struggle alone against economic stagnation or aggression, or intervening massively ourselves. We cannot move from the over-involvement of the Sixties to the selective involvement of the Seventies if we do not assist our friends to make the transition with us.\nIn the Nixon Doctrine, therefore, we define our interests and commitments realistically and clearly; we offer, not an abdication of leadership, but more rational and responsible leadership.\nWe pledge that, under Republican leadership, the United States will remain a leader in international affairs. We will continue to shape our involvement abroad to national objectives and realities in order to sustain a strong, effective American role in the world.\nOver time we hope this role will eventually lead the peace-loving nations to undertake an exhaustive, coordinated analysis of the root causes of war and the most promising paths of peace, so that those causes may in time be removed and the prospects for enduring peace strengthened year by year.\nPeace in the 1970's\n\nWe stand with our President for his strategy for Peace—a strategy of national strength, a new sense of international partnership, a willingness to negotiate international differences.\nWe will strengthen our relationships with our allies, recognizing them as full-fledged partners in securing the peace and promoting the common well being.\nWith our adversaries, we will continue to negotiate in order to improve our security, reduce tension, and extend the realm of cooperation. Especially important is continued negotiation to maintain the momentum established by the Strategic Arms Limitation agreements to limit offensive and defensive nuclear weapons systems and further to reduce the danger of nuclear conflict. In addition, we will encourage increased trade for the benefit of our consumers, businessmen, workers, and farmers.\nAlong with NATO allies, we will seek agreement with the Warsaw Pact nations on a mutual and balanced reduction of military forces in Europe.\nWe will press for expansion of contacts with the people of Eastern Europe and the People's Republic of China, so long isolated from most of the world.\nWe will continue to seek a settlement of the Vietnam war which will permit the people of Southeast Asia to live in peace under political arrangements of their own choosing. We take specific note of the remaining major obstacle to settlement—Hanoi's demand that the United States overthrow the Saigon government and impose a Communist-dominated government on the South Vietnamese. We stand unequivocally at the side of the President in his effort to negotiate honorable terms, and in his refusal to accept terms which would dishonor this country.\nWe commend his refusal to perform this act of betrayal—and we most emphatically say the President of the United States should not go begging to Hanoi. We believe that the President's proposal to withdraw remaining American forces from Vietnam four months after an internationally supervised cease-fire has gone into effect throughout Indochina and all prisoners have been returned is as generous an offer as can be made by anyone—by anyone, that is, who is not bemused with surrender—by anyone who seeks, not a fleeting peace at whatever cost, but a real peace that will be both just and lasting.\nWe will keep faith with American prisoners of war held by the enemy, and we will keep faith, too, with their families here at home who have demonstrated remarkable courage and fortitude over long periods of uncertainty. We will never agree to leave the fate of our men unclear, dependent upon a cruel enemy's whim. On the contrary-we insist that, before all American forces are withdrawn from Vietnam, American prisoners must be returned and a full accounting made of the missing in action and of those who have died in enemy hands.\nWe pledge that upon repatriation our returned prisoners will be received in a manner befitting their valor and sacrifice.\nWe applaud the Administration's program to assure each returned prisoner the finest medical care, personal counseling, social services and career orientation. This around-the-clock personal service will ease their reintegration into American life.\nNorth Vietnam's violation of the Geneva Convention in its treatment of our prisoners of war has called forth condemnation from leaders around the world—but not by our political opposition at home. We denounce the enemy's flagrant breach of international law and common decency. We will continue to demand full implementation of the rights of the prisoners.\nIf North Vietnam continues obdurately to reject peace by negotiation, we shall nevertheless achieve peace for our country through the successful program of Vietnamization, phasing out our involvement as our ally strengthens his defense against aggression.\nIn the Middle East, we initiated arrangements leading to a cease-fire which has prevailed for two years. We pledge every effort to transform the cease-fire into lasting peace.\nSince World War II, our country has played the major role in the international effort to assist the developing countries of the world. Reform of our foreign assistance program, to induce a greater international sharing of the aid effort, is long overdue. The reforms proposed by the President have been approved only in part. We call for further reforms to make our aid more effective and protect the taxpayer's interests.\nWe stand for an equitable, non-discriminatory immigration policy, reaffirming our support of the principles of the 1965 Immigration Act—non-discrimination against national origins, reunification of families, and the selective admission of the specially talented. The immigration process must be just and orderly, and we will increase our efforts to halt the illegal entry of aliens into the United States.\nWe also pledge to strengthen the agencies of international cooperation. We will help multilateral organizations focus on international issues affecting the quality of life—for example the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the protection of man's cultural heritage and freedom of communication, as well as drug abuse, pollution, overpopulation, exploitation of the oceans and sea-beds, aircraft hijacking and international crime. We will seek to improve the performance of the United Nations, including more objective leadership. We support a more equitable sharing of the costs of international organizations and have serious concerns over the delinquency of many UN members in meeting their financial obligations.\nOur country, which from its beginnings has proclaimed that all men are endowed with certain rights, cannot be indifferent to the denial of human rights anywhere in the world. We deplore oppression and persecution, the inevitable hallmarks of despotic systems of rule. We will continue to strive to bring them to an end, both to reestablish the right of self-determination and to encourage where and when possible the political freedom of subjugated peoples everywhere in the world.\nWe firmly support the right of all persons to emigrate from any country, and we have consistently upheld that doctrine. We are fully aware of and share the concern of many citizens for the plight of Soviet Jews with regard to their freedoms and emigration. This view, together with our commitment to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, was made known to Soviet leaders during the President's discussions in Moscow.\nThe Middle East\n\nWe support the right of Israel and its courageous people to survive and prosper in peace. We have sought a stable peace for the Middle East and helped to obtain a cease-fire which contained the tragic conflict. We will help in any way possible to bring Israel and the Arab states to the conference table, where they may negotiate a lasting peace. We will continue to act to prevent the development of a military imbalance which would imperil peace in the region and elsewhere by providing Israel with support essential for her security, including aircraft, training and modern and sophisticated military equipment, and also by helping friendly Arab governments and peoples, including support for their efforts to diminish their dependence on outside powers. We support programs of economic assistance to Israel pursued by President Nixon that have helped her achieve a nine-per cent annual economic growth rate. This and the special refugee assistance ordered by the President have also helped to provide resettlement for the thousands of immigrants seeking refuge in Israel.\nWe will maintain our technical forces in Europe and the Mediterranean area at adequate strength and high levels of efficiency. The irresponsible proposals of our political opposition to slash the defense forces of the United States-specifically, by cutting the strength of our fleet, by reducing our aircraft carriers from 16 to six and by unilateral withdrawals from Europe—would increase the threat of war in the Middle East and gravely menace Israel. We flatly reject these dangerous proposals.\nWith a settlement fair to all nations of the Middle East, there would be an opportunity for their peoples to look ahead to shared opportunities rather than backward to rancorous animosities. In a new environment of cooperation, Israel will be able to contribute much to economic renaissance in the Mid-East crossroads of the world.\nThe Atlantic Community\n\nWe place high priority on the strengthening of the North Atlantic Alliance. One of the President's first initiatives was to visit Western European capitals to reinvigorate the NATO alliance and indicate its importance in U.S. foreign policy.\nRight now, with plaintive cries of \"come home America\" echoing a new isolationism, the Republican Party states its firm belief that no nation can be an island or a fortress unto itself. Now, more than ever, there is need for interdependence among proven friends and old allies.\nThe North Atlantic Alliance remains the strongest most successful peacetime association ever formed among a group of free nations. The continued strengthening of the Alliance will remain an important clement in the foreign policies of the second Nixon Administration.\nJapan\n\nDuring the 1960's a number of economic and political issues developed in our country's relations with Japan, our major ally in Asia. To resolve these, President Nixon terminated our responsibility for the administration of Okinawa and initiated action to reduce our trade deficit with Japan. We are consulting closely to harmonize our two countries' separate efforts to normalize relations with Peking. In these ways we have shifted our vital alliance with Japan to a more sustainable basis for the long term, recognizing that the maintenance of United States-Japanese friendship advances the interests of both countries.\nThe Soviet Union\n\nOver many years our relations with the Soviet Nation have oscillated between superficial improvements and new crises. False hopes have been repeatedly followed by disillusioned confrontation. In the closing months of 1968, our relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated steadily, forcing the cancellation of a scheduled Presidential visit to Moscow and immobilizing projected negotiations on strategic arms limitation.\nPresident Nixon immediately began the difficult task of building a new relationship—one based on a realistic acceptance of the profound differences in the values and systems of our two nations. He moved decisively on key issues—such as the Berlin problem and strategic arms limitation—so that progress in one area would add momentum to progress in other areas. The success of these efforts was demonstrated at the summit in Moscow. Agreements were reached on new areas of cooperation—public health, environmental control, space exploration and trade. The first historic agreements limiting strategic arms were signed last May 26 in Moscow, and the Soviet Union subscribed to a broad declaration of principles governing our relations.\nWe pledge to build upon these promising beginnings in reorienting relations between the world's strongest nuclear powers to establish a truly lasting peace.\nChina\n\nIn the 1960's it seemed beyond possibility that the United States could dispel the ingrained hostility and confrontation with the China mainland. President Nixon's visit to the People's Republic of China was, therefore, an historic milestone in his effort to transform our era from one of confrontation to one of negotiation. While profound differences remain between the United States and China, at least a generation of hostility has been replaced by frank discussions. In February 1972 rules of international conduct were agreed upon which should make the Pacific region a more peaceful area now and in the future. Both the People's Republic and the United States affirmed the usefulness of promoting trade and cultural exchanges as ways of improving understanding between our two peoples.\nAll this is being done without affecting our mutual defense treaty or our continued diplomatic relations with our valued friend and ally on Taiwan, the Republic of China.\nLatin America\n\nOur common long-range interests, as well as history and geography, give the relations among nations of the Western Hemisphere a special importance. We will foster a more mature partnership among the nations of this hemisphere, with a wider sharing of ideas and responsibility, a broader understanding of diversities, and firm commitment to the common pursuit of economic progress and social justice.\nWe believe the continuing campaign by Cuba to foment violence and support subversion in other countries makes it ineligible for readmission to the community of American states. We look forward to the day when changes in Cuba's policies will justify its re-entry into the American community—and to the day when the Cuban people achieve again their freedom and their true independence.\nAfrica\n\nOur ties with Africa are rooted in the heritage of many Americans and in our historic commitment to self-determination. We respect the hard-earned sovereignty of Africa's new states and will continue to do our utmost to make a meaningful contribution to their development. We have no illusions that the United States can single-handedly solve the seemingly intractable problems of apartheid and minority rule, but we can and will encourage non-violent, evolutionary change by supporting international efforts peacefully to resolve the problems of southern Africa and by maintaining our contacts with all races on the Continent.\nDefense\n\nWe believe in keeping America strong. In times past, both major parties shared that belief. Today this view is under attack by militants newly in control of the Democratic Party. To the alarm of free nations everywhere, the New Democratic Left now would undercut our defenses and have America retreat into virtual isolation, leaving us weak in a world still not free of aggression and threats of aggression. We categorically reject this slash-now, beg-later, approach to defense policy.\nOnly a strong America can safely negotiate with adversaries. Only a strong America can fashion partnerships for peace.\nPresident Nixon has given the American people their best opportunity in this century to achieve lasting peace. The foundations are well laid. By adhering to a defense policy based on strength at home, partnership abroad and a willingness to negotiate everywhere, we hold that lasting peace is now achievable.\nWe will surely fail if we go crawling to the conference table. Military weakness is not the path to peace; it is invitation to war.\nA Modern, Well-Equipped Force\n\nWe believe that the first prerequisite of national security is a modern, well-equipped armed force. From 1965 to 1969 the Vietnam war so absorbed the resources of the Defense Department that maintenance, modernization, and research and development fell into neglect. In the late 1960's the Soviet Union outspent the United States by billions of dollars for force modernization, facing the United States with the dangerous prospect that its forces would soon be qualitatively inferior. Our Reserve Forces and the National Guard had become a dumping ground for cast-off arms and equipment. The military posture of our country became seriously undermined.\nTo assure our strength and counter the mounting Soviet threat, President Nixon directed:\nThe most significant ship construction and modernization program since World War II;\nThe development of new types of tactical aircraft such as the F-155, a lightweight fighter, and a fighter plane for close support of ground troops;\nImprovements in our strategic bomber force and development of the new B-1 strategic bomber;\nDevelopment of a new Trident submarine and undersea missile system;\nGreatly increasing the capability of existing strategic missiles through multiple warheads;\nStrengthening of strategic defenses, including initial deployment of an anti-ballistic missile system;\nThe largest research and development budget in history to insure continued technological superiority;\nEquipping of the National Guard and Reserves with the most modern and sophisticated weapons;\nImproved command and control communications systems.\nWe draw a sharp distinction between prudent reductions in defense spending and the meat-ax slashes with which some Americans are now beguiled by the political opposition. Specifically, we oppose plans to stop the Minuteman III and Poseidon programs, reduce the strategic bomber force by some 60 per cent, cancel the B-1 bomber, reduce aircraft carriers from 16 to 6, reduce tactical air wings by a third, and unilaterally reduce U.S. forces in Europe by half.\nThese slashes are worse than misguided; they are dangerous.\nThey world torpedo negotiations on arms and troop reductions, create a crisis of confidence with our allies, damage our own industrial and technological capacity, destabilize Europe and the Middle East, and directly endanger the nation's security.\nA New Partnership\n\nThe Nixon Doctrine has led to a new military strategy of realistic deterrence. Its essence is the sharing of the responsibilities and the burdens of defense. The strategy is based on the efficient utilization of the total force available—our own and our allies', and our civilian reserve elements as well as our regular forces.\nFor years our country shouldered the responsibility for the defense of other nations. There were fears that we were attempting to be the policeman of the world. Our country found it necessary to maintain a military force of 3.5 million persons, more than a million overseas at 2,270 installations.\nA new partnership is emerging between the United States and other nations of the free world. Other countries are assuming a much greater responsibility for the common defense. Twice in the last two years our European allies have agreed to substantial increases in their support fear NATO forces. In Asia we have been heartened by the efforts of the Koreans, Vietnamese, Thais, Nationalist Chinese, Australians, New Zealanders and others who have sought improvements in their own forces.\nWe have been able to reduce our military forces by more than one million men and women. We have cut by half the number deployed overseas, reduced overseas installations by more than 10 per cent, and sharply reduced the economic burden of defense spending from the Vietnam high. All this has been done by virtue of our new security posture, without impairing our own or our allies' security.\nWe pledge to press on toward a lasting peace. To that end we declare ourselves unalterably opposed to a unilateral slash of our military power, and we reject a whimpering \"come back America\" retreat into isolationism.\nAn All-Volunteer Armed Force\n\nWe wholeheartedly support an all-volunteer armed force and are proud to our historic initiatives to bring it to pass.\nFour years ago, the President pledged to work toward an early end of the draft that promise has been kept. Today we approach a zero draft that will enlarge the personal freedom of millions of young Americans.\nPrior to 1969, annual draft calls exceeded 300,000. The Selective Service System was inequitable in operation, and its rules caused prolonged uncertainty for young men awaiting call.\nSince 1969, the Selective Service System has been thoroughly reorganized, and local draft hostels are more representative than ever before. Today draftees are called by random selection of the youngest first, so that the maximum length of vulnerability is no longer seven years but one year only. Youth advisory committees are in operation all across the country.\nOf critical importance, we are nearing the elimination of draft calls altogether. In every year since 1968, draft calls have been reduced. Monthly draft calls are now down to a few thousand, and no draftees are sent involuntarily to Vietnam. We expect to achieve our goal by July 1973. Then, for the first time in a quarter-century, we hope and expect that young Americans of all ages will be free from conscription.\nOur political opponents have talked for years of their concern for young people. It is our Republican Administration that has taken the strong, effective action required to end the draft, with its many hardships and uncertainties for the youth of America.\nImprovements in Service Life\n\nWe believe that the men and women in the uniformed services deserve the gratitude and respect of all Americans and are entitled to better treatment than received in the past.\nFor years most servicemen have been under-paid, harassed with restrictions, and afforded few opportunities for self-development. Construction of military housing was allowed to fall badly behind.\nSince 1968 improvements in service life have been many and major:\nThe largest pay raises in military history have been enacted. While increases have been in all grades, the largest have gone to new recruits whose base pay will have risen more than 300 per cent by the end of this year.\nConstruction of new housing for military personnel and their families has increased sixfold since January 1969.\nWithout sacrificing discipline, needlessly harsh, irksome and demeaning practices of the past have been abandoned.\nAn effective program against dangerous drugs has been initiated.\nEducational and training opportunities have been expanded.\nMajor strides have been made toward wiping out the last vestiges of racial discrimination.\nWe regard these tasks as never completed, but we are well on the way and pledge ourselves to press forward assuring all men and women in the armed forces rewarding careers.\nBetter Defense Management\n\nIn the 1960's, the Department of Defense became administratively top-heavy and inefficient. The acquisition of new weapons systems was handled with inadequate attention to cost or performance, and there was little recognition of the truman dimensions of the Department. Morale was low.\nOur improvements have been many and substantial. Healthy decentralization has taken place. The methods of acquiring new weapons systems have been reformed by such procedures as \"fly before you buy,\" the use of prototypes and the elimination of frills. Service personnel and civilian employees are now treated as the most important asset of the Department.\nWe have sharply reduced defense spending. In 1968, 45 per cent of the Federal budget was spent for defense and 32 per cent for human resources. In the 1973 budget the proportions were reversed—45 per cent for human resources, 32 per cent for defense. The 1973 defense budget imposes the smallest economic burden on the country of any defense budget in more than 20 years, consuming only 6.4 per cent of the estimated Gross National Product.\nArms Limitation\n\nWe believe in limiting arms—not unilaterally, but by mutual agreement and with adequate safeguards.\nWhen the Nixon Administration began, the Soviet Union was rapidly building its strategic armaments, and any effort to negotiate limitations on such weapons seemed hopeless. The Soviet buildup threatened the efficacy of our strategic deterrent.\nThe Nixon years have achieved a great breakthrough in the long-term effort to curb major armaments by international agreement and given new momentum to arms limitations generally. Of greatest importance were agreements with the Soviet leaders to limit offensive and defensive nuclear weapons. The SALT accords established mutually agreed restraints between the United States and the Soviet Union and reduced tensions throughout the world.\nWith approval of the SALT agreements by the Congress, negotiations will be resumed to place further restrictions on nuclear weapons, and talks will begin on mutual, balanced force reductions in Europe.\nWe believe it is imperative that these negotiations go forward under President Nixon's continuing leadership. We pledge him our full support.\nFor the Future\n\nWe will continue the sound military policies laid down by the President—policies which guard our interests but do not dissipate our resources in vain efforts to police the world. As stated by the President:\nWe will maintain a nuclear deterrent adequate to meet any threat to the security of the United States or of our allies.\nWe will help other nations develop the capability of defending themselves.\nWe will faithfully honor all of our treaty commitments.\nWe will act to defend our interests whenever and wherever they are threatened.\nBut where our vital interests or treaty commitments are not involved our role will be limited.\nWe are proud of the men and women who wear our country's uniform, especially of those who have borne the burden of fighting a difficult and unpopular war. Here and now we reject all proposals to grant amnesty to those who have broken the law by evading military service. We reject the claim that those who fled are more deserving, or obeyed a higher morality, than those next in line who served in their places.\nIn carrying out our defense policies, we pledge to maintain at all times the level of military strength required to deter conflict, to honor our commitments to our allies, and to protect our people and vital interests against all foreign threats. We will not let America become a second-class power, dependent for survival on the good will of adversaries.\nWe will continue to pursue arms control agreements—but we recognize that this can be successful only if we maintain sufficient strength and will fail if we allow ourselves to slip into inferiority.\nA New Prosperity\n\nJobs, Inflation and the Economy\n\nThe goal of our Party is prosperity, widely shared, sustainable in peace.\nWe stand for full employment a job for everyone willing and able to work in an economy freed of inflation, its vigor not dependent upon war or massive military spending.\nUnder the President's leadership our country is once again moving toward these peacetime goals. We have checked the inflation which had started to skyrocket when our Administration took office, making the difficult transition from inflation toward price stability and from war toward peace. We have brought about a rapid rise in both employment and in real income, and laid the basis for a continuing decline in the rate of unemployment.\nAll Americans painfully recall the grave economic troubles we faced in January 1969. The Federal budget in fiscal 1968 had a deficit of more than $25 billion even though the economy was operating at capacity. Predictably, consumer prices soared by an annual rate of 6.6 per cent in the first quarter of 1969. \"Jawboning\" or labor and business had utterly failed. The inevitable tax increase had come too late. The kaleidoscope of \"Great Society\" programs added to the inflationary fires. Our international competitive position slumped from a trade surplus of $7 billion in 1964 to $800 million in 1968. Foreign confidence in the value of the dollar plummeted.\nStrategies and Achievements\n\nOur Administration took these problems head on, accepting the unpopular tasks of holding down the budget, extending the temporary tax surcharge, and checking inflation. We welcomed the challenge of reorienting the economy from war to peace, as the more than two and one-half million Americans serving the military or working in defense-related industries had to be assimilated into the peacetime work force.\nAt the same time, we kept the inflation fight and defense employment cuts from triggering a recession.\nThe struggle to restore the health of our nation's economy required a variety of measures. Most important, the Administration developed and applied sound economic and monetary policies which provided the fundamental thrust against inflation.\nTo supplement these basic policies, Inflation Alerts were published; a new National Commission on Productivity enlisted labor, business and public leaders against inflation and in raising real incomes through increased output per worker; proposed price increases in lumber, petroleum, steel and other commodities were modified. A new Construction Industry Stabilization Committee, with the cooperation of unions and management, braked the dangerously skyrocketing costs in the construction industry.\nPositive results from these efforts were swift and substantial. The rate of inflation, more than 6 per cent in early 1969, declined to less than 4 per cent in early 1971.\nEven so, the economic damage inflicted by past excesses had cut so deeply as to make a timely recovery impossible, forcing the temporary use of wage and price controls.\nThese controls were extraordinary measures, not needed in a healthy free economy, last needed temporarily to recapture lost stability.\nOur mix of policies has worked. The nation's economic growth is once again strong and steady.\nThe rate of increase of consumer prices is now down to 2.7 per cent.\nOn the employment front, expenditures for manpower programs were increased from $2.3 billion to a planned $5.1 billion; new enrollees receiving training or employment under these programs were increased by more than half a million; computerized job banks were established in all cities; more than a million young people received jobs this summer through Federal programs, 50 per cent more than last year; engineers, scientists and technicians displaced by defense reductions were given assistance under the nation-wide Technology Mobilization and Reemployment program; 13 additional weeks of unemployment compensation were authorized; and a Special Revenue Sharing Program for Manpower was proposed to train more people for more jobs—a program still shelved by the opposition Congress.\nCivilian employment increased at an annual rate of about 2.4 million from August 1971 to July 1972. Almost four and one-half million new civilian jobs have been added since President Nixon took office, and total employment is at its highest level in history.\nThe total productive output of this country increased at an annual rate of 9.4 per cent in the second quarter of 1972, the highest in many years.\nWorkers' real weekly take-home pay—the real value left after taxes and inflation—is increasing at an annual rate of 4.5 per cent, compared to less than one per cent from 1960 to 1970. For the first time in six years real spendable income is going up, while the rate of inflation has been cut in half. Time lost from strikes is at the lowest level in many years.\nThe rate of unemployment has been reduced from 6.1 per cent to 5.5 per cent, lower than the average from 1961 through 1964 before the Vietnam buildup began, and is being steadily driven down.\nIn negotiation with other countries we have re-valued the dollar relative to other currencies, helping to increase sales at home and abroad and increasing the number of jobs. We have initiated a reform of the international monetary and trading system and made clear our determination that this reform must lead to a strong United States position in the balance of trade and payments.\nThe Road Ahead\n\nWe will continue to pursue sound economic policies that will eliminate inflation, further cut unemployment, raise real incomes, and strengthen our international economic position.\nWe will fight for responsible Federal budgets to help assure steady expansion of the economy without inflation.\nWe will support the independent Federal Reserve Board in a policy of non-inflationary monetary expansion.\nWe have already removed some temporary controls on wages and prices and will remove them all once the economic distortions spawned in the late 1960's are repaired. We are determined to return to an unfettered economy at the earliest possible moment.\nWe reaffirm our support for the basic principles of capitalism which underlie the private enterprise system of the United States. At a time when a small but dominant faction of the opposition Party is pressing for radical economic schemes which so often have failed around the world, we hold that nothing has done more to help the American people achieve their unmatched standard of living than the free-enterprise system.\nIt is our conviction that government of itself cannot produce the benefits to individuals that flow from our unique combination of labor, management and capital.\nWe will continue to promote steady expansion of the whole economy as the best route to a long-term solution of unemployment.\nWe will devote every effort to raising productivity, primarily to raise living standards but also to hold down costs and prices and to increase the ability of American producers and workers to compete in world markets.\nIn economic policy decisions, including tax revisions, we will emphasize incentives to work, innovate and invest; and research and development will have our full support.\nWe are determined to improve Federal manpower programs to reduce unemployment and increase productivity by providing better information on job openings and more relevant job training. Additionally, we reaffirm our commitment to removing barriers to a full life for the mentally and physically handicapped, especially the barriers to rewarding employment. We commit ourselves to the full educational opportunities and the humane care, treatment and rehabilitation services necessary for the handicapped to become fully integrated into the social and economic main-stream.\nWe will press on for greater competition in our economy. The energetic antitrust program of the past four years demonstrates our commitment to free competition as our basic policy. The Antitrust Division has moved decisively to invalidate those \"conglomerate\" mergers which stifle competition and discourage economic concentration. The 87 antitrust cases filed in fiscal year 1972 broke the previous one-year record of more than a decade ago, during another Republican Administration.\nWe will pursue the start we have made for reform of the international monetary and trading system, insisting on fair and equal treatment.\nSince the 1930's it has been illegal for United States citizens to own gold. We believe it is time to reconsider that policy. The right of American citizens to buy, hold, or sell gold should be re-established as soon as this is feasible. Review of the present policy should, of course, take account of our basic objective of achieving a strengthened world monetary system.\nTaxes and Government Spending\n\nWe pledge to spread the tax burden equitably, to spend the Federal revenues prudently, to guard against waste in spending, to eliminate unnecessary programs, and to make sure that each dollar spent for essential government services buys a dollar's worth of value.\nFederal deficit spending beyond the balance of the full employment budget is one sure way to refuel inflation, and the prime source of such spending is the United States Congress. Because of its present procedures and particularly because of its present political leadership, Congress is not handling Federal fiscal policies in a responsible manner. The Congress now permits its legislative committees—instead of its fiscal committees—to decide, independently of each other, how much should be devoted to individual programs. Total Federal spending is thus haphazard and uncontrolled. We pledge vigorous efforts to reform the Congressional budgeting process.\nAs an immediate first step, we believe the Nation needs a rigid spending ceiling on Federal outlays each fiscal year—a ceiling controlling both the executive branch and the Congress—as President Nixon strongly recommended when he submitted his fiscal 1973 budget. Should the total of all appropriations exceed the ceiling, some or all of them would be reduced by Executive action to bring the total within the ceiling.\nOur tax system needs continual, timely reform. Early in this Administration we achieved the first comprehensive tax reform since 1954. The record shows that as a result of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 and the Revenue Act of 1971:\n9.5 million low-income Americans are removed from the Federal income tax rolls.\nPersons in the lowest income tax bracket will pay 82 per cent less this year than they would have paid, had the 1969 and 1971 tax reforms not been enacted; those in the $10,000 to $15,000 income range will pay 13 per cent less, and those with incomes above $100,000 will pay about 7 per cent more.\nThis year the tax reduction for a family of four earning $7,500 a year will be $270.\nIn this fiscal year individual taxpayers will pay $22 billion less in Federal income taxes than they would have paid if the old tax rates and structures were still in force.\nThe tax disadvantage of single taxpayers is sharply reduced and we urge further changes to assure full equality.\nWorking parents can now deduct more of their costs for the care of their children during working hours.\nThe seven per cent automobile excise tax is repealed, saving the new-car buyer an average of $200 and creating more jobs in that part of the economy.\nThis is sound tax reform, the kind that more equitably spreads the tax burden and avoids incentive-destroying tax levels which would cripple the economy and put people out of work.\nWe reject the deceitful tax \"reform\" cynically represented as one that would soak the rich, but in fact one that would sharply raise the taxes of millions of families in middle-income brackets as well. We reject as well the lavish spending promised by the opposition Party which would more than double the present budget of the United States Government. This, too, would cause runaway inflation or force heavy increases in personal taxes.\nTaxes and government spending are inseparable. Only if the taxpayers' money is prudently managed can taxes be kept at reasonable levels.\nWhen our Administration took office, Federal spending had been mounting at an average annual rate of 17 per cent—a rate we have cut almost in half. We urge the Congress to serve all Americans by cooperating with the President in his efforts to curb increases in Federal spending—increases which will ordain more taxes or more inflation.\nSince 1969 we have eliminated over $5 billion of spending on unneeded domestic and defense programs. This large saving would have been larger still, had Congress passed the Federal Economy Act of 1970 which would have discontinued other programs. We pledge to continue our efforts to purge the Government of these wasteful activities.\nTax reform must continue. During the next session of Congress we pledge:\nTo pursue such policies as Revenue Sharing that will allow property tax relief;\nFurther tax reform to ensure that the tax burden is fairly shared;\nA simplified tax system to make it easier for all of us to pay no more and no less than we rightly owe;\nPrudent fiscal management, including the elimination of unnecessary or obsolete programs, to keep the tax burden to a minimum.\nInternational Economic Policy\n\nIn tandem with our foreign policy innovations, we have transformed our international economic policy into a dynamic instrument to advance the interests of farmers, workers, businessmen and consumers. These efforts are designed to make the products of American workers and farmers more competitive in the world. Within the last year we achieved the Smithsonian Agreements which re-valued our currency, making our exports more competitive with those of our major trading partners, and we pledge continuing negotiations further to reform the international monetary system. We also established negotiations to expand foreign market access for products produced by United States workers, with further comprehensive negotiations committed for 1973.\nAs part of our effort to begin a new era of negotiations, we are expanding trade opportunities and the jobs related to them for American workers and businessmen. The President's Summit negotiations for example, yielded an agreement for the Soviet purchase, over a three-year period, of a minimum of $750 million in United States grains —the largest long-term commercial trade purchase agreement ever made between two nations. This amounts to a 17-percent increase in grain exports by United States farmers. A U.S.-Soviet Commercial Commission has been established, and negotiations are now underway as both countries seek a general expansion of trade.\nAs we create a more open world market for American exports, we are not unmindful of dangers to American workers and industries from severe and rapid dislocation by changing patterns of trade. We have several agreements to protect these workers and industries—for example, for steel, beef, textiles and shoes. These actions, highly important to key American industries, were taken in ways that avoided retaliation by our trading partners and the resultant loss of American jobs.\nAs part of this adjustment process, we pledge improvement of the assistance offered by government to facilitate readjustment on the part of workers, businessmen and affected communities;\nIn making the world trading system a fairer one, we have vigorously enforced anti-dumping and countervailing duty laws to make them meaningful deterrents to foreign producers who would compete unfairly.\nThe growth of multinational corporations poses both new problems and new opportunities in trade and investment areas. We pledge to ensure that international investment problems are dealt with fairly and effectively—including consideration of effects on jobs, expropriation and treatment of investors, as well as equitable principles of taxation.\nAt the same time that we seek a better environment for American exports, we must improve our productivity and competitiveness. We must have a strong domestic economy with increased investment in new plants and equipment and an advancing technology.\nWe pledge increased efforts to promote export opportunities, including coordination of tax policy and improved export financing techniques—designed to make America more competitive in exporting. Of critical importance will be new legislative proposals to equip American negotiators with the tools for constructing an open and fair world trading system.\nWe deplore the practice of locating plants in foreign countries solely to take advantage of low wage rates in order to produce goods primarily fur sale in the United States. We will take action to discourage such unfair and disruptive practices that result in the loss of American jobs.\nSmall Business\n\nSmall business, so vital to our economic system, is free enterprise in its purest sense. It holds forth opportunity to the individual, regardless of race or color, to fulfill the American dream. The seedbed of innovation and invention, it is the starting point of many of the country's large businesses, and today its roll in our increasingly technological economy is crucial. We pledge to sustain and expand that role.\nWe have translated this philosophy into many beneficial actions. Primarily through the Small Business Administration, we have delivered financial assistance to small business at a dramatically increasing rate. Today small business is receiving double the SBA funds it was receiving when our Administration took office. During the 1970-72 fiscal years the Agency loaned small business $3.3 billion—40 per cent of the total amount loaned in the entire 19-year history of the Small Business Administration.\nFinancial help to minorities has been more than tripled, and now more than 17 per cent of the SBA dollar goes to minority businesses. Procurement of Federal contracts for small business has surged above $12 billion.\nIn his first year in office, the President established a Task Force to discover ways in which the prospects of the small businessman could be improved.\nThe findings, reported to Congress, were followed by legislative proposals to give small business tax and interest advantages, to provide incentives for more participation on small business, to make venture capital and long-term credit easier to obtain, and to open the doors for disadvantaged minorities to go into business for themselves. Some of these measures have been signed into law. Others are still in the hands of the indifferent opposition in control of Congress.\nThe results of our efforts have been significant. Today small business is once again gaining ground. Incorporations are at a record level and the number of business failures is dropping. The current new growth of small businesses is about 100,000 units a year. For tomorrow, the challenges are many. We will:\nContinue to fill the capital gap in the small business community by increasing SBA financing to upwards of $3 billion next year.\nProvide more incentives for the private sector to join the SBA in direct action programs, such as lease guarantees, revolving lines of credit, and other sophisticated financial techniques, such as factoring and mortgage financing.\nIncrease SBA's Community Development program so that growth-minded communities can help themselves by building industrial parks and shopping centers.\nContinue the rejuvenation of the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program, leading to greater availability of venture capital for new business enterprises.\nSee that a fair share of all Federal dollars spent on goods and services goes to small business.\nCreate established secondary financial markets for SBA loans, affording ready liquidity for financial institutions and opening up more financial resources to small firms.\nThrough tax incentives, encourage the start-up of more new businesses, and work for a tax system that more fairly applies to small business.\nEstablish special programs that will permit small firms to comply with consumer, environmental, and other new government regulations without undue financial burden.\nImproving the Quality of Life\n\nHealth Care\n\nOur goal is to enable every American to secure quality health care at reasonable cost. We pledge a balanced approach—one that takes into account the problems of providing sufficient medical personnel and facilities.\nLast year President Nixon proposed one of the most all-inclusive health programs in our history. But the opposition Congress has dragged its feet and most of this program has yet to be enacted into law.\nTo increase the supply of medical services, we will continue to support programs to help our schools graduate more physicians, dentists, nurses, and allied health personnel, with special emphasis on family practitioners and others who deliver primary medical care.\nWe will also encourage the use of such allied personnel as doctors' assistants, foster new area health education centers, channel more services into geographic areas which now are medically deprived, and improve the availability of emergency medical care;\nWe note with pride that the President has already signed the most comprehensive health manpower legislation ever enacted.\nTo improve efficiency in providing health and medical care, we have developed and will continue to encourage a pluralistic approach to the delivery of quality health care, including innovative experiments such as health maintenance organizations. We also support efforts to develop ambulatory medical care services to reduce hospitalization and keep costs down.\nTo reduce the cost of health care, we stress our efforts to curb inflation in the economy; we will also expand the supply of medical services and encourage greater cost consciousness in hospitalization and medical care. In doing this we realize the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and the necessity of insuring that individuals have freedom of choice of health providers.\nTo assure access to basic medical care for all our people, we support a program financed by employers, employees and the Federal Government to provide comprehensive health insurance coverage, including insurance against the cost of long-term and catastrophic illnesses and accidents and renal failure which necessitates dialysis, at a cost which all Americans can afford. The National Health Insurance Partnership plan and the Family Health Insurance Plan proposed by the President meet these specifications. They would build on existing private health insurance systems, not destroy them.\nWe oppose nationalized compulsory health insurance. This approach would at least triple in taxes the amount the average citizen now pays for health and would deny families the right to choose the kind of care they prefer. Ultimately it would lower the overall quality of health care for all Americans.\nWe believe that the most effective way of improving health in the long run is by emphasis on preventive measures.\nThe serious physical fitness problem in our country requires urgent attention. The President recently reorganized the Council on Physical Fitness and Sports to increase the leadership of representatives of medicine, physical education, sports associations and school administrations. The Republican Party urges intensification of these efforts, particularly in the Nation's school systems, to encourage widespread participation in effective physical fitness programs.\nWe have initiated this Nation's first all-out assault against cancer. Led by the new National Cancer Institute, the drive to eliminate this cruel killer will involve Federal spending of nearly $430 million in fiscal year 1973, almost twice the funding of just two years ago.\nWe have also launched a major new attack on sickle cell anemia, a serious blood disorder afflicting many black Americans, and developed a comprehensive program to deal with the menace of lead-based paint poisoning, including the screening of approximately 1,500,000 Americans.\nWe support expanded medical research to find cures for the major diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys—diseases which now account for over half the deaths in the United States.\nWe have significantly advanced efforts to combat mental retardation and established a national goal to cut its incidence in half by the year 2000.\nWe continue to support the concept of comprehensive community mental health centers. In this fiscal year $135 million—almost three times the 1970 level—will be devoted to the staffing of 422 community mental health centers serving a population of 56 million people. We have intensified research on methods of treating mental problems, increasing our outlays from $76 million in 1969 to approximately $96 million for 1973. We continue to urge extension of private health insurance to cover mental illness.\nWe have also improved consumer protection, health education and accident prevention programs. And in Moscow this year, President Nixon reached an agreement with the Soviet Union on health research which may yield substantial benefits in many fields in the years ahead.\nEducation\n\nWe take pride in our leadership these last four years in lifting both quality and equality in American education—from pre-school to graduate school —working toward higher standards than ever before.\nOur two most pressing needs in the 1970's are the provision of quality education for all children, an equitable financing of steadily rising costs. We pledge our best efforts to deal effectively with both.\nMonths ago President Nixon sent Congress a two-part comprehensive proposal on school busing. The first is the Student Transportation Moratorium Act of 1972—legislation to halt immediately all further court-ordered busing and give Congress time to devise permanent new arrangements for assuring desegregated, quality education.\nThe details of such arrangements are spelled out in a companion bill, the Equal Educational Opportunities Act. This measure would:\nProvide $2.5 billion in Federal aid funds to help promote quality education while preserving neighborhood schools;\nAccord equal educational opportunities to all children;\nInclude an educational bill of rights for Spanish-speaking people, American Indians, and others who face special language problems in schools;\nOffer, for the first time, a real chance for good schooling for the hundreds of thousands of children who live in urban centers;\nAssure that the people's elected representatives in Congress play their proper role in developing specific methods for protecting the rights guaranteed by the 14th amendment, rather than leaving this task to judges appointed for life.\nWe are committed to guaranteeing equality of educational opportunity and to completing the process of ending de jure school segregation.\nAt the same time, we are irrevocably opposed to busing for racial balance. Such busing fails its stated objective—improved learning opportunities —while it achieves results no one wants—division within communities and hostility between classes and races. We regard it as unnecessary, counter-productive and wrong.\nWe favor better education for all children, not more transportation for some children. We favor the neighborhood school concept. We favor the decisive actions the President has proposed to support these ends. If it is necessary to accomplish these purposes, we would favor consideration of an appropriate amendment to the Constitution.\nIn the field of school finance, we favor a coordinated effort among all levels of government to break the pattern of excessive reliance on local property taxes to pay educational costs.\nOur nation's intellectual resources are remarkable for their strength and public availability, American intellectuals have at least two important historical roles of which we are deeply conscious. One is to inform the public, the other is to assist government by thoughtful criticism and consultation. We affirm our confidence in these functions and especially in the free play of ideas and discourse which they imply.\nWe cherish the nation's universities as centers of learning, as conservers of our culture, and as analysts of our society and its institutions. We will continue to strive to assure their economic well-being. The financial aid we have given and will continue to give in the form of funds for scholarships, research, building programs and new teaching methods must never be used as a device for imposing political controls on our schools.\nWe believe that universities should be centers of excellence-that they should recruit faculty on the basis of ability to teach and admit students on the basis of ability to learn. Yet, excellence can be too narrowly confined—abilities overlooked, and social conformity mistaken for educational preparation.\nWe pledge continued support of collegiate and university efforts to insure that no group in our society—racial, economic, sexual or regional—is denied access to the opportunities of higher education.\nOur efforts to remedy ancient neglect of disadvantaged groups will continue in universities as well as in society at large, but we distinguish between such efforts and quotas. We believe the imposition of arbitrary quotas in the hiring of faculties or the enrollment of students has no place in our universities; we believe quotas strike at the excellence of the university.\nWe recognize that the public should have access to the most rational and most effective kinds of education. Vocational training should be available to both young and old. We emphasize the importance of continuing education, of trades and technologies, and of all the honorable vocations which provide the society with its basic necessities. Such training must complement our more traditional forms of education; it will relieve the pressures on our universities and help us adapt to the rapid pace of technological change. Perhaps most important, it will help to restore a public sense, of importance to these essential jobs and trades.\nMoreover, we believe our educational system should not instruct in a vacuum, unmindful that the students ultimately will engage in a career. Our institutions of learning, from earliest years to graduate schools, can perform a vital function by coupling an awareness of the world of work to the delivery of fundamental education. We believe this kind of career education, blended into our school curricula, can help to prevent the aimlessness and frustration now experienced by large numbers of young people who leave the education system unable to cope with today's complex society.\nIn recognizing the fundamental necessity for quality education of all children, including the exceptional child, we recommend research and assistance in programs directed to the problems of dyslectic and hyperkinetic children who represent an estimated ten per cent of the school population.\nBy every measure, our record in the field of education is exceptionally strong. The United States Office of Education is operating this year under its highest budget ever—$5.1 billion. Federal aid to elementary and secondary education has increased 60 per cent over the past four years. Federal aid for college students has more than tripled.\nWe are proud of these accomplishments. We pledge to carry them forward in a manner consistent with our conviction that the Federal Government should assist but never control the educational process. But we also believe that the output of results, not the input of dollars, is the best yardstick of effectiveness in education. When this Administration took office in 1969, it found American schools deficient at many points. Our reform initiatives have included:\nAn Office of Child Development to coordinate all Federal programs targeted on the first five years of life and to make the Head Start Program work better;\nA Right to Read Program, aimed at massive gains in reading ability among Americans of all ages;\nA Career Education curriculum which will help to prepare students for the world of work;\nA National Institute of Education to be a center for research on the learning process; and\nA proposed National Foundation for Higher Education.\nWe have also proposed grant and loan programs to support a national commitment that no qualified student should be barred from college by lack of money. The Education Amendment of 1972 embodied substantial portions of that proposal and marked the Nation's most far-reaching commitment to make higher education available to all.\nOur non-public schools, both church-oriented and nonsectarian, have been our special concern. The President has emphasized the indispensable role these schools play in our educational system—from the standpoints of the large numbers of pupils they serve, the competition and diversity they help to maintain in American education, and the values they help to teach-and he has stated his determination to help halt the accelerating trend of nonpublic school closures.\nWe believe that means which are consistent with the Constitution can be devised for channeling public financial aid to support the education of all children in schools of their parents' choice, non-public as well as public. One way to provide such aid appears to be through the granting of income tax credits.\nFor the future, we also pledge Special Revenue Sharing for Education, continued work to develop and implement the Career Education concept, and continued efforts to establish a student financial aid system to bring together higher education within the reach of any qualified person.\nWelfare Reform\n\nThe Nation's welfare system is a mess. It simply must be reformed.\nThis system, essentially unchanged since the 1930's has turned into a human and fiscal nightmare. It penalizes the poor. It provides discriminatory benefits. It kills any incentives its victims might have to work their way out of the morass.\nAmong its victims are the taxpayers. Since 1961 the Federal cost of welfare has skyrocketed over 10 times—from slightly over $1 billion then to more than $11 billion now. State and local costs add to this gigantic expenditure. And here are things we are paying for:\nThe present system drains work incentive from the employed poor, as they see welfare families making as much or more on the dole.\nIts discriminatory benefits continue to ensnare the needy, aged, blind and disabled in a web of inefficient rules and economic contradictions.\nIt continues to break up poor families, since a father's presence makes his family ineligible for benefits in many States. Its dehumanizing lifestyle thus threatens to envelop yet another \"welfare generation.\"\nIts injustices and costs threaten to alienate taxpayer support for welfare programs of any kind.\nPerhaps nowhere else is there a greater contrast in policy and philosophy than between the Administration's remedy for the welfare ills and the financial orgy proposed by our political opposition.\nPresident Nixon proposed to change our welfare system \"to provide each person with a means of escape from welfare into dignity.\" His goals were these:\nA decent level of payment to genuinely needy welfare recipients regardless of where they live. Incentives not to loaf, but to work.\nRequiring all adults who apply for welfare to register for work and job training and to accept work or training. The only exceptions would be the aged, blind and disabled and mothers of preschool children.\nExpanding job training and child care facilities so that recipients can accept employment.\nTemporary supplements to the incomes of the working poor to enable them to support their families while continuing to work.\nUniform Federal payment standards for all welfare recipients.\nIn companion actions, our efforts to improve the nutrition of poor people resulted in basic reforms in the Food Stamp Program. The number of recipients increased from some three million to 13 million, and now 8.4 million needy children participate in the School Lunch Program, almost three times the number that participated in 1968.\nNow, nearly 10,000 nutrition aides work in low-income communities, in 1968 there were none.\nSince 1969, we have increased the Federal support for family planning threefold. We will continue to support expanded family planning programs and will foster research in this area so that more parents will be better able to plan the number and spacing of their children should they wish to do so. Under no circumstances will we allow any of these programs to become compulsory or infringe upon the religious conviction or personal freedom of any individual.\nWe all feel compassion for those who through no fault of their own cannot adequately care for themselves. We all want to help these men, women and children achieve a decent standard of living and become self-supporting.\nWe continue to insist, however, that there are too many people on this country's welfare rolls who should not be there. With effective cooperation from the Congress, we pledge to stop these abuses.\nWe flatly oppose programs or policies which embrace the principle of a government-guaranteed income, We reject as unconscionable the idea that all citizens have the right to be supported by the government, regardless of their ability or desire to support themselves and their families.\nWe pledge to continue to push strongly for sound welfare reform until meaningful and helpful change is enacted into law by the Congress.\nLaw Enforcement\n\nWe have solid evidence that our unrelenting war on crime is being won. The American people know that once again the thrust of justice in our society will be to protect the law-abiding citizenry against the criminal, rather than absolve the criminal of the consequences of his own desperate acts.\nSerious crimes rose only one per cent during the first quarter of this year—down from six per cent last year and 13 per cent the year before. From 1960 to 1968 major crime went up 122 per cent.\nThe fact is, in the first quarter of 1972, 80 of our 155 largest cities had an actual decline in reported crime.\nIn our Nation's Capitol, our anti-crime programs have been fully implemented. Through such measures as increased police, street lighting, a Narcotics Treatment Administration, court reform and special prosecuting units for major offenders, we have steadily dropped the crime rate since November 1969. By the first quarter of this year, the serious crime rate was down to half its all-time high.\nWhen our Administration took office, a mood of lawlessness was spreading rapidly, undermining the legal and moral foundations of our society. We moved at once to stop violence in America. We have:\nGreatly increased Federal aid to State and local law enforcement agencies across the country, with more than $1.5 billion spent on 50,000 crime-fighting projects.\nAugmented Justice Department funding fourfold and provided more marshals, more judges, more narcotics agents, more Assistant United States Attorneys in the field.\nRaised the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration budget ten-fold, earmarking $575 million of the $850 million for 1973 to upgrade State and local police and courts through revenue sharing.\nAdded 600 new Special Agents to the FBI.\nRaised Federal spending on juvenile delinquency from $15 million to more than $180 million and proposed legislation to launch a series of model youth services.\nAppointed Attorneys General with a keen sense of the rights of both defendants and victims, and determination to enforce the laws.\nAppointed judges whose respect for the rights of the accused is balanced by an appreciation of the legitimate needs of law enforcement.\nAdded to the Supreme Court distinguished lawyers of firm judicial temperament and fidelity to the Constitution.\nEven more fundamentally, we have established a renewed climate of respect for law and law enforcement. Now those responsible for enforcing the law know they have the full backing of their Government.\nWe recognize that programs involving work release, study release and half-way houses have contributed substantially to the rehabilitation of offenders and we support these programs. We \"further support training programs for the staffs in our correctional institutions and will continue to see that minority group staff members are recruited to work in these institutions.\nThe Fight against Organized Crime\n\nTo most of us, organized criminal activity seems remote and unreal—yet syndicates supply the narcotics pushed on our youth, corrupt local officials, terrify legitimate businesses and fence goods stolen from our homes. This Administration strongly supported the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, and under our Strike Force concept we have combined Federal enforcement agencies to wage a concerted assault on organized crime. We have expanded the number of these strike forces and set a high priority for a new campaign against the syndicates.\nLast year we obtained indictments against more than 2,600 members or associates of organized crime syndicates—more than triple the number indicted in 1968.\nAt last we have the lawless elements in our society on the run.\nThe Republican Party intends to keep them running,\nRehabilitation of Offenders\n\nWe have given the rehabilitation of criminal offenders more constructive, top-level attention than it has received at any time in our Nation's history. In November 1969, the President ordered a ten-year improvement program in prison facilities, correctional systems and rehabilitation methods and procedures.\nWe believe the correctional system not only should punish, but also should educate and rehabilitate. We are determined to press ahead with reform of the system to make it more effective against crime.\nAlmost a decade of inadequate Federal support of law enforcement has left deep scars in our society, but now a new mood pervades the country, Civil disorders and campus violence are no longer considered inevitable. Today, we see a new respect for law and order.\nOur goal is justice—for everyone.\nWe pledge a tireless campaign against crime—to restore safety to our streets, and security to law-abiding citizens who have a right to enjoy their homes and communities free from fear. We pledge to:\nContinue our vigorous support of local police and law enforcement agencies, as well as Federal law enforcement agencies.\nSeek comprehensive procedural and substantive reform of the Federal Criminal Code.\nAccelerate the drive against organized crime. Increase the funding of the Federal judiciary to help clear away the logjam in the courts which obstructs the administration of justice.\nPush forward in prison reform and the rehabilitation of offenders.\nIntensify efforts to prevent criminal access to all weapons, including special emphasis on cheap, readily-obtainable handguns, retaining primary responsibility at the State level, with such Federal law as necessary to enable the States to meet their responsibilities.\nSafeguard the right of responsible citizens to collect, own and use firearms for legitimate purposes, including hunting, target shooting and self-defense. We will strongly support efforts of all law enforcement agencies to apprehend and prosecute to the limit of the law all those who use firearms in the commission of crimes.\nDrug Abuse\n\nThe permissiveness of the 1960's left no legacy more insidious than drug abuse. In that decade narcotics became widely available, most tragically among our young people. The use of drugs became endowed with a sheen of false glamour identified with social protest.\nBy the time our Nation awakened to this cancerous social ill, it found no major combat weapons available.\nSoon after we took office, our research disclosed there were perhaps hundreds of thousands of heroin users in the United States. Their cravings multiplied violence and crime. We found many more were abusing other drugs, such as amphetamines and barbiturates. Marijuana had become commonplace. All this was spurred by criminals using modern methods of mass distribution against outnumbered authorities lacking adequate countermeasures.\nWe quickly launched a massive assault against drug abuse.\nWe intercepted the supply of dangerous drugs at points of entry and impeded their internal distribution. The budget for international narcotics control was raised from $5 million to over $50 million. Narcotics control coordinators were appointed in 59 United States embassies overseas to work directly with foreign governments in stopping drug traffic. We have narcotics action agreements with over 20 countries. Turkey has announced a total ban on opium production and, with our cooperation, France has seized major heroin laboratories and drugs.\nTo inhibit the distribution of heroin in our own country, we increased the law enforcement budget for drug control more than 10 times—from $20 million to $244 million.\nWe are disrupting major narcotics distribution in wholesale networks through the combined efforts of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Customs operations at our borders, and a specially credited unit of over 400 Internal Revenue agents who conduct systematic tax investigations of targeted middle and upper echelon traffickers, smugglers, and financiers. Last January we established the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement to disrupt street and mid-level heroin traffickers.\nWe established the \"Heroin Hot Line\"—a nationwide toll free phone number (800/368-5363) —to give the public a single number for reporting information on heroin pushers.\nLast year we added 2,000 more Federal narcotics agents, and the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs has trained over 170,000 State and local personnel.\nAnd we are getting results. This past year four times as much heroin was seized as in the year this Administration took office. Since 1969, the number of drug-related arrests has nearly doubled.\nFor drug abuse prevention and treatment we increased the budget from $46 million to over $485 million.\nThe demand for illicit drugs is being reduced through a massive effort directed by a newly created office in the White House. Federally funded drug treatment and rehabilitation programs were more than doubled last fiscal year, and Federal programs now have the capacity to treat more than 60,000 drug abusers a year.\nTo alert the public, particularly the youth, to the Dangers of drugs, we established a National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information in 1970 as well as a $3.5 million Drug Education and Training Program.\nWe realize that the problem of drug abuse cannot be quickly solved, but we have launched a massive effort where practically none existed before. Nor will we relax this campaign:\nWe pledge to seek further international agreements to restrict the production and movement of dangerous drugs.\nWe pledge to expand our programs of education, rehabilitation, training and treatment. We will do more than ever before to conduct research into the complex psychological regions of disappointment and alienation which have led many young people to turn desperately toward drugs.\nWe firmly oppose efforts to make drugs easily available. We equally oppose the legalization of marijuana. We intend to solve problems, not create bigger ones by legalizing drugs of unknown physical impact.\nWe pledge the most intensive law enforcement war ever waged. We are determined to drive the pushers of dangerous drugs from the streets, schools and neighborhoods of America.\nAgriculture and Rural Life\n\nOur agriculture has become the economic marvel of the world. Our American farmers and ranchers have tripled per worker production in the last 20 years, while non-farm industries have increased theirs a little over half.\nYet when we took office three and a half years ago, the farm community was being shockingly shortchanged for its remarkable achievements.\nInflation was driving up both the cost of farming and the cost of living—indeed, driving up all prices except the prices of products the farmers were taking to market. Overall farm income was down. Farm exports were low. Bureaucratic planting regulations were oppressive. All across the country family farms were failing.\nOur moves to deal with these problems have been numerous and effective. The rate of inflation has been curbed without forcing down prices for commodities, even as we have stepped up our drive against rising food costs in the cities.\nNet farm income has soared to a record high of more than $18 billion. During these Republican years average net farm income has been over $2 billion a year higher than during the last two Administrations. For the same period average income per farm is up more than 40 percent.\nAnd farm exports now stand at a record $8 billion, sharply up from the $5.7 billion when we took office.\nOperating loans to help young farmers have reached the highest levels in history. Administration-backed legislation has given farmers much greater freedom to plant what they choose, and we have given assistance to cooperatives to strengthen the farmers' bargaining positions.\nRural development has been energetically carried forward, and small towns and rural areas have been helped to adjust and grow. The loan programs of the Farmers Home Administration for farm and rural people have been dramatically increased. Electric and telephone service in rural areas has been substantially expanded, a Rural Telephone Bank has been enacted, and the Farm Credit Administration has been streamlined. The total national investment in rural development has almost tripled. Heading the Department of Agriculture have been leaders who understand and forcefully speak out for the farming people of America.\nFarmers are benefiting markedly from our successful efforts to expand exports—notably a $750 million sale of United States grains to the Soviet Union, with prospects of much more. Last year we negotiated a similar sale amounting to $135 million.\nFor the future, we pledge to intensify our efforts to:\nAchieve a $10 billion annual export market by opening new foreign markets, while continuing to fight for fair treatment for American farm products in our traditional markets;\nFollow sound economic policies to brake inflation and reduce interest rates;\nExpand activities to assist farmers in bargaining for fair prices and reasonable terms in a rapidly changing marketing system;\nKeep farm prices in the private sector, not subject to price controls;\nSupport family farms as the preferred method of organizing agricultural production, and protect them from the unfair competition of farming by tax-loss corporations and non-farm enterprises;\nReform Federal estate tax laws, which often force the precipitate sale of family farms to help pay the tax, in such ways as to help support the continuance of family farms as institutions of great importance to the American way of life;\nProvide greater credit, technical assistance, soil and water conservation aid, environmental enhancement, economic stimulus and sympathetic leadership to America's rural areas and communities;\nConcentrate research on new uses of agricultural products;\nContinue assistance to farm cooperatives, including rural electric and telephone cooperatives, in their efforts to improve their members;\nDevelop land and water policy that takes account of the many uses to which these resources may be put;\nEstablish realistic environmental standards which safeguard wise resource use, while avoiding undue burdens on farmers;\nUse forums of national leaders to create a better understanding by all citizens, those in the cities and suburbs as well as those in small towns, of the difficult problems confronting farm and ranch families in a modern agriculture.\nWe will not relax our efforts to increase net farm income, to narrow the spread between farm and non-farm income levels, and to pursue commodity programs that will enable farmers and ranchers to receive fair prices for what they produce.\nCommunity Development\n\nFor more than a quarter century the Federal Government has sought to assist in the conservation and rebuilding of our urban centers. Yet, after the spending of billions of dollars and the commitment of billions more to future years, we now know that many existing programs are unsuited to the complex problems of the 1970's. Programs cast in the mold of the \"big government\" philosophy of the 1930's are simply incapable of meeting the challenge of today.\nOur Party stands, therefore, for major reform of Federal community development programs and the development of a new philosophy to cope with urban ills.\nRepublican urban strategy rejects throwing good money after bad money. Instead, through fundamental fiscal, management and program reforms, we have created a new Federal partnership through which State, county and municipal governments can best cope with specific problems such as education, crime, drug abuse, transportation, pollution and housing.\nWe believe the urban problems of today fall into these categories:\nThe fiscal crises of State, county and municipal governments;\nThe need for a better quality and greater availability of urban services;\nThe continual requirement of physical development;\nThe need for better locally designed, locally implemented, locally controlled solutions to the problems of individual urban areas.\nIn the last category—the importance of grass roots planning and participation—our Republican Party has made its most important contribution to solving urban problems.\nWe hold the government planners should be guided by the people through their locally elected representatives. We believe that real solutions require the full participation of the private sector.\nTo help ease the fiscal crises of State, county and municipal governments, we pledge increased Federal assistance—assistance we have more than doubled in the past four years. And, as stressed elsewhere in this Platform, we remain committed to General Revenue Sharing, which could reduce the oppressive property tax.\nOur proposals for Special Revenue Sharing for Urban Development, transportation, manpower and law enforcement—all still bottled up by the opposition Congress—are designed to make our towns and cities places where Americans can once again live and work without physical or environmental hazard. Urban areas are already benefiting from major funding increases which we fought for in the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration programs and in our $10 billion mass transit program.\nUrban areas are also benefiting from our new Legacy of Parks program, which is bringing recreation opportunities closer to where people live.\nWe are committed also to the physical development of urban areas. We have quadrupled subsidized housing starts for low and moderate income families since 1969, and effected substantial increases for construction of municipal waste treatment facilities.\nWe strongly oppose the use of housing or community development programs to impose arbitrary housing patterns on unwilling communities. Neither do we favor dispersing large numbers of people away from their homes and neighborhoods against their will. We do believe in providing communities, with their full consent, guidance and cooperation with the means and incentives to increase the quantity and quality of housing in conjunction with providing increased access to jobs for their low-income citizens.\nWe also pledge to carry forward our policy on encouraging the development of new towns in order to afford all Americans a wider range of residential choices. Additionally, our Special Revenue Sharing for Urban and Rural Community Development, together with General Revenue Sharing and nationwide welfare reform, are basic building blocks for a balanced policy of national growth, leading to better lives for all Americans, whether they dwell in cities, suburbs or rural areas.\nOur Party recognizes counties as viable units of regional government with a major role in modernizing and restructuring local services, eliminating duplication and increasing local cooperation. We urge Federal and State governments, in implementing national goals and programs, to utilize the valuable resources of counties as area-wide, general-purpose governments.\nHousing\n\nOur Republican Administration has made more and better housing available to more of our citizens than ever before.\nWe are building two-and-a-third million new homes a year—65 per cent more than the average in the eight years of the two previous Administrations. Progress has not been in numbers alone; housing quality has also risen to an all-time high—far above that of any other country.\nWe will maintain and increase this pattern of growth. We are determined to attain the goal of a decent home for every American.\nSignificant numbers of Americans still lack the means for decent housing, and in such cases-where special need exists—we will continue to apply public resources to help people acquire better apartments and homes. We further pledge:\nContinued housing production for low and moderate income families, which has sharply increased since President Nixon took office;\nImprovement of housing subsidy programs and expansion of mortgage credit activities of Federal housing agencies as necessary to keep Americans the best-housed people in the world;\nContinued development of technological and management innovations to lower housing costs—a program begun by Operation Breakthrough, which is assisting in the development of new methods for more economical production of low-cost, high-quality homes.\nWe urge prompt action by State, county and municipal governments to seek solutions to the serious problems caused by abandoned buildings in urban areas.\nTransportation\n\nWhen President Nixon took office a crisis in transportation was imminent, as indicated by declining mass transportation service, mounting highway deaths, congested urban streets, long delays at airports and airport terminals, deterioration of passenger train service, and a dwindling Merchant Marine. Within two years the President had proposed and signed into law:\nA $10 billion, 12-year program—the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1970—to infuse new life into mass transportation systems and help relieve urban congestion;\nA major 10 year program involving $280 million annually for airport development projects as well as an additional $250 million annually to expand airways systems and facilities;\nThe Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 to streamline and improve the Nation's passenger train service;\nNew research and development projects, including automatic people movers, improved Metroliner and Turbo-trains, quieter aircraft jet engines, air pollution reduction for mass transportation vehicles, and experimental safety automobiles. We strongly support these research and development initiatives of the Department of Transportation.\nFour years ago we called attention to the decline of our Merchant Marine due to previous neglect and apathy. We promised a vigorous ship replacement program to meet the changing pattern of our foreign commerce. We also pledged to expand maritime research and development and the simplification and revision of construction and operating subsidy procedures.\nBy the enactment of the Merchant Marine Act of 1970, we have reversed the long decline of our Merchant Marine. We reaffirm our goals set forth in 1968 and anticipate the future development of a merchant fleet that will give us defensive mobility in time of emergency as well as economic strength in time of peace.\nTo reduce traffic and highway deaths, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been reorganized and expanded, with dramatic results. In 1971, the number of traffic deaths per hundred million miles driven was the lowest in history.\nTo help restore decision-making to the people, we have proposed a new Single Urban Fund providing almost $2 billion a year by 1975 to State and metropolitan areas to assist local authorities in solving their own transportation problems in their own way.\nOur proposal for Special Revenue Sharing for Transportation would also help governments close to the people meet local needs and provide greater freedom to achieve a proper balance among the Nation's major transportation modes.\nTo revitalize the surface freight transportation industry, we have recommended measures to modernize railway equipment and operations and to update regulatory practices. These measures, on which Congress still dawdles, would help curb inflation by saving the public billions of dollars a year in freight costs. Their enactment would also expand employment and improve our balance of trade.\nThe Nation's transportation needs are expected to double in the next 20 years. Our Party will continue to pursue policies and programs that will meet these needs and keep the country well ahead of rapidly changing transportation demands.\nEnvironment\n\nIn January 1969, we found the Federal Government woefully unprepared to deal with the rapidly advancing environmental crisis. Our response was swift and substantial.\nFirst, new decision-making organizations were set in place—the first Council on Environmental Quality, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We also proposed a new Department of Natural Resources, but Congress has failed to act. We also created a National Industrial Pollution Control Council to enlist the private sector more actively against environmental decay, and Presidential Federal Property Review Board was appointed to ferret out Federal property for transfer to local park and recreational uses.\nSecond, we gave top priority in the Federal Budget to environmental improvements. This fiscal year approximately $2.4 billion will be expended for major environmental programs—three times more than was being spent when President Nixon took office.\nThird, sweeping environment messages were sent to Congress in 1970, 1971 and 1972 covering air quality, water quality, toxic waste substances, ocean dumping, noise, solid waste management, land use, parklands and many other environmental concerns. Almost all of these proposals still languish in the opposition Congress.\nAlthough the President cannot move until and unless Congress passes laws in many of these areas, he nevertheless can act—and has acted—forcefully on many fronts:\nHe has directed the Federal Government to practice ecological leadership by using low-lead gasoline and recycled paper. He has cracked down on flagrant polluters, greatly increasing prosecutions and making the first use of Federal authority to shut down major industries during an air pollution crisis. The fragile and unique Everglades were saved from a jetport. Pesticide abuses were curtailed.\nStrict new clean air standards were set, and in many urban centers the air is improving. Regulations were issued to make one grade of lead-free and phosphorous-free gasoline available throughout the Nation by July 1, 1974, and a phased reduction was required in the lead content of regular and premium gasolines. Auto makers were required to design air pollution control systems to assure that vehicles comply with Federal emission standards throughout their usual life.\nAdditionally, the President launched the Legacy of Parks program to convert underutilized Federal properties to park and recreational use, with special emphasis on new parks in or near urban areas. More than 140 areas have already been made available to States, counties and municipalities for such use, including priceless stretches of ocean beach. Moreover, nearly two million acres of land have been purchased by Federal, State and local governments for recreation and for historical and natural preservation purposes.\nA system of recreational trails for hiking, bicycling and horseback riding will help meet the pressing recreational needs of our increasingly urbanized society. Many State, county and municipal governments are developing bicycle, hiking, and horseback trails with our active assistance through various Federal programs. We pledge our continued commitment to seeking out practical ways for more and safer bicycling opportunities within our cities and metropolitan areas.\nWe have also provided effective leadership in international environmental activity. The President has negotiated the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement with Canada and a Cooperative Agreement on Environmental Protection with the Soviet Union.\nThe United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm adopted our government's initiatives for the creation of an international fund for the environment, a continuing United Nations agency for environmental problems, and the control of ocean dumping. Our President has led the effort for a ten-year moratorium on commercial whaling everywhere in the world.\nWe call upon the Congress to act promptly on the President's environmental proposals still stalled there more than 20 in all. These include:\nLegislation to control, and in some cases prohibit, the dumping of wastes into the oceans, estuaries and the Great Lakes;\nA Federal Noise Control Act to reduce and regulate unwanted sound from aircraft, construction and transportation equipment;\nAuthority to control hundreds of chemical substances newly marketed each year; Legislation to encourage the States to step up to pressing decisions on how best to use land. Both environmentally critical areas such as wetlands and growth-inducing developments such as airports would have particular scrutiny;\nA proposal to provide for early identification and protection of endangered wildlife species. This would, for the first time, make the taking of endangered species a Federal offense;\nEstablishment of recreational areas near metropolitan centers such as the Gateway National Recreational Area in New York and New Jersey and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in and around San Francisco Bay.\nThe nostalgic notion of turning the clock back to a simpler time may be appealing but is neither practical nor desirable. We are not going to abandon the automobile, but we are going to have a clean burning engine.\nWe are not going to give up electric lighting and modern industry, but we do expect cleanly-produced electric power to run them.\nWe are not going to be able to do without containers for our foods and materials, but we can improve them and make them reusable or biodegradable.\nWe pledge a workable balance between a growing economy and environmental protection. We will resolve the conflicts sensibly within that framework.\nWe commit ourselves to comprehensive pollution control laws, vigorous implementation of those laws and rigorous research into the technological problems of pollution control. The beginnings we have made in these first years of the 1970's are evidence of our determination to follow through.\nWe intend to leave the children of America a legacy of clean air, clean water, vast open spaces and easily accessible parks.\nNatural Resources and Energy\n\nWilderness areas, forests, fish and wildlife are precious natural resources. We have proposed 36 new wilderness areas, adding another 3.6 million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System. We have made tough new proposals to protect endangered species of wildlife.\nPublic lands provide us with natural beauty, wilderness and great recreational opportunities as well as minerals, timber, food and fiber. We pledge to develop and manage these lands in a balanced way, both to protect the irreplaceable environment and to maximize the benefits of their use to our society. We will continue these conservation efforts in the years ahead.\nWe recognize and commend the humane societies and the animal welfare societies in their work to protect animals.\nWater supplies are not a boundless resource. The Republican Party is committed to developing additional water supplies by desalinization, the discovery of new groundwater stocks, recycling and wiser and more efficient use of the waters we have.\nWe will continue the development of flood control, navigation improvement and reclamation projects based on valid cost-benefit estimates, including full consideration of environmental concerns.\nNo modern nation can thrive without meeting its energy needs, and our needs are vast and growing. Last year we proposed a broad range of actions to facilitate research and development for clean energy, provide energy resources on Federal lands, assure a timely supply of nuclear fuels, use energy more efficiently, balance environmental and energy needs and better organize Federal efforts.\nThe National Minerals Policy Act of 1970 encourages development of domestic resources by private enterprise. A program to tap our vast shale resources has been initiated consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.\nWe need a Department of Natural Resources to continue to develop a national, integrated energy policy and to administer and implement that policy as the United States approaches the 21st Century. Energy sources so vitally important to the welfare of our Nation are becoming increasingly interchangeable. There is nothing inherently incompatible between an adequate energy supply and a healthy environment.\nIndeed, vast quantities of energy are needed to do the work necessary to clean up our air and streams. Without sufficient supplies of power we will not be able to attain our goals of reducing unemployment and poverty and enhancing the American standard of living.\nResponsible government must consider both the short-term and the long-term aspects of our energy supplies. Avoidance of brown-outs and power disruptions now and in the future call for sound policies supporting incentives that will encourage the exploration for, and development of, our fossil fuels. Such policies will buy us time to develop the sophisticated and complex technologies needed to utilize the exotic energy sources of the future.\nNational security and the importance of a favorable balance of trade and balance of payments dictate that we must not permit our Nation to become overly dependent on foreign sources of energy. Since more than half our Nation's domestic fossil resources now lie under Federal lands, high priority must be given to the governmental steps necessary to the development of these resources by private industry.\nA liquid metal fast breeder reactor demonstration plant will be built with the financial support of the Atomic Energy Commission, the electric power industry and the Tennessee Valley Authority.\nWe will accelerate research on harnessing thermo-nuclear energy and continue to provide leadership in the production of energy from the sun and geothermal steam. We recognize the serious problem of assuring adequate electric generating capacity in the Nation, and pledge to meet this need without doing violence to our environment.\nOceans\n\nThe oceans are a vast, largely untapped reservoir of resources, a source of food, minerals, recreation and pleasure, with great potential for economic development. For their maintenance we must:\nEncourage the development of coastal zone management systems by the States, in cooperation with the Federal Government, to preserve the coastal environment while allowing for its prudent social and economic development;\nProtect the oceans from pollution through the creation of binding domestic and international legal and institutional arrangements;\nFoster arrangements to develop the untapped mineral resources of the seas in an equitable and environmentally sound manner;\nEstablish domestic and international institutions for the management of the ocean fisheries. Fishing in international waters, a way of life for many Americans, must be maintained without harassment on the high seas or unreasonable restrictions;\nProtect and conserve marine mammals and other marine species to ensure their abundance and especially to protect species whose survival is endangered;\nMaintain a national capability in ocean science and technology and, through the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, work to codify an international legal framework for the peaceful conduct of ocean activities.\nScience and Technology\n\nBasic and applied scientific research and development are indispensable to our national security, our international competitive position, and virtually every aspect of the domestic economy. We have initiated a new research-and-development strategy which emphasizes a public-private partnership in searching out new ideas and technologies to create new jobs, new internationally competitive industries and new solutions for complex domestic problems.\nIn support of this strategy we have increased Federal efforts in civilian research and development by 65 per cent—from $3.3 billion to $5.4 billion—and expanded research in drug abuse, law enforcement, health care, home building, motor vehicle safety, energy and child development as well as many other fields.\nWe will place special emphasis on these areas in which breakthroughs are urgently needed: Abundant, clean energy sources;\nSafe, fast and pollution-free transportation; Improved emergency health care;\nReduction of loss of life, health and property in natural disasters;\nRehabilitation of alcoholics and addicts to dangerous drugs.\nAdditionally, we urge the fair and energetic enforcement of all fire-prevention laws and applaud the work of the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. We encourage accelerated research on methods of fire prevention and suppression, including studies on flammable fabrics, hazardous materials, fire equipment and training procedures.\nThe space program is yielding impressive dividends in earth-oriented applications of space technology—advances in medicine, industrial techniques and consumer products that would still be unknown had we not developed the technology to reach the moon. We will press ahead with the space shuttle program to replace today's expendable launch vehicles and provide low-cost access to space for a wide variety of missions, including those related to earth resources. We pledge to continue to extend our knowledge of the most distant frontiers in space.\nWe will also extend our exploration of the sea-bed and the sea. We will seek food for the hungry, power for future technologies, new medicines for the sick and new treatments of water for arid regions of the world.\nThe quantities of metals and minerals needed to maintain our economic health and living standards are so huge as to require the re-use of all recoverable commodities from solid waste materials. We pledge a vigorous program of research and development in order to seek out more economical methods to recover and recycle such commodities, including the processing of municipal solid wastes.\nWe pledge to extend the communications frontier, and to foster the development of orbiting satellite systems that will make possible wholly new, world-wide educational and entertainment programs.\nWe recognize that the productivity of our Nation's research and development efforts can be enhanced through cooperative international projects. The signing of the Moscow agreements for cooperation in space, environment, health and science and technology has opened a new era in international relations. A similar agreement between the United States and Polish Governments will permit expansion of programs such as the jointly-funded Copernicus Astronomical Center and Krakow Children's Hospital.\nFinally, we pledge expanded efforts to aid unemployed scientists and engineers. We are determined to see that such on-going efforts as the Technology Mobilization and Reemployment Program are effective.\nThe Individual and Government\n\nEven though many urgently-needed Administration proposals have been long delayed or stopped by the oppositions Congress, we have kept our 1968 promise to make government more accountable and more responsive to the citizen. One such proposal is General Revenue Sharing with State and local governments—a means of returning to the people powers which for 40 years have grown increasingly centralized in the remote Washington bureaucracy. Another is consolidation of scores of categorical grant programs into six Special Revenue Sharing programs which would make available some $12 billion annually in broad policy fields for States and localities to apply in their own ways to their own needs. Yet another is our proposal to modernize the Executive Branch of the Federal Government by combining six Cabinet departments and several independent agencies into four new departments. So far, the opposition controlled Congress has blocked or ignored all of these proposals.\nIn addition, we have:\nImproved domestic policy formulation and implementation by the new Domestic Council and Office of Management and Budget within the Executive Office of the President;\nEstablished stronger liaison between the Federal Government and the States, counties and municipalities by a new Office of Intergovernmental Relations, headed by the Vice President;\nOverhauled the fragmented and poorly coordinated Federal agencies concerned with drug abuse and the environment;\nUtilized voluntary citizen effort through the formation of the ACTION agency in government and the National Center for Voluntary Action outside of government;\nProposed reorganization of the Federal regulatory agencies and appointed distinguished people to those agencies;\nAssured more open government, ending abuse of document classification and providing fuller information to the public.\nWe pledge continuing reform and revitalization of government to assure a better response to individual needs.\nWe express deep concern for the flood victims of tropical Storm Agnes, the worst natural disaster in terms of property damage in our Nation's history. Past laws were totally inadequate to meet this crisis, and we commend the President's leadership in urgently recommending the newly-enacted $1.8 billion flood relief measure, greatly expanding and enlarging the present program. We pledge to reevaluate and enlarge the national flood disaster insurance program so that it will be adequate for future emergencies.\nWe will continue to press for the enactment of General and Special Revenue Sharing and to pursue further initiatives both to decentralize governmental activities and to transfer more such activities to the private sector.\nWe will continue to defend the citizen's right to privacy in our increasingly interdependent society. We oppose computerized national data banks and all other \"Big Brother\" schemes which endanger individual rights.\nWe reaffirm our view that voluntary prayer should be freely permitted in public places—particularly, by school children while attending public schools—providing that such prayers are not prepared or prescribed by the state or any of its political subdivisions and that no person's participation is coerced, thus preserving the traditional separation of church and state.\nWe remain committed to a comprehensive program of human rights, social betterment and political participation for the people of the District of Columbia. We will build on our strong record in this area—a record which includes cutting the District of Columbia crime rate in half, aggressive support for a balanced transportation system in metropolitan Washington, initiation of a Bicentennial program and celebration in the national capital region, and support for the first Congressional Delegate in nearly a century. We support voting representation for the District of Columbia in the United States Congress and will work for a system of self-government for the city which takes fair account of the needs and interests of both the Federal Government and the citizens of the District of Columbia.\nThe Republican Party adheres to the principle of self-determination for Puerto Rico. We will welcome and support statehood for Puerto Rico if that status should be the free choice of its people in a referendum vote.\nAdditionally, we will pursue negotiations with the Congress of Micronesia on the future political status of the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands to meet the mutual interests of both parties. We favor extending the right of electing the territorial Governor to the people of American Samoa, and will take complementary steps to increase local self-government in American Samoa. We vigorously support such action as is necessary to permit American citizens resident in Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to vote for President and Vice President in national elections. We support full voting rights in committees for the Delegates to Congress from Guam and the Virgin Islands.\nIn our territorial policy we seek a maximum degree of local self-sufficiency and self-government, while encouraging greater inclusion in Federal services and programs and greater participation in national decision-making.\nVolunteerism\n\nIn our free system, the people are not only the source of our social problems but also the main source of solutions. Volunteerism, therefore, an indispensable national resource, is basic to our Republican philosophy. We applaud the Administration's efforts to encourage volunteerism by all Americans and commend the millions of volunteers who are working in communities and states across the country on myriad projects. We favor further implementation of voluntary action programs throughout the fifty States to assist public and private agencies in working to assure quality life for all human beings.\nArts and Humanities\n\nThe United States is experiencing a cultural renaissance of inspiring dimension. Scores of millions of our people are now supporting and participating in the arts and humanities in quest of a richer life of the mind and the spirit. Our national culture, no longer the preserve of the elite, is becoming a people's heritage of importance to the whole world.\nWe believe, with the President, that \"the Federal Government has a vital role as catalyst, innovator, and supporter of public and private efforts for cultural development.\"\nWe have supported a three-year extension of the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, and increased the funding of its two endowments by more than four times the level of three years ago. The State Arts Councils, which operate in all 50 States and the five special jurisdictions, have also been strengthened.\nThe Arts Endowment has raised its support for the Nation's museums, orchestras, theatre, dance, opera companies and film centers and encouraged the creativity of individual artists and writers. In addition, the new Federal Expansion Arts Program has been sharply increased.\nWe have encouraged Federal agencies to use the arts in their programs, sponsored an annual Design Assembly for Federal administrators, requested the National Endowment for the Arts to recommend a program for upgrading the design of Federal buildings, and moved to set new standards of excellence in all design endeavors of the Federal Government.\nMoreover, the National Endowment for the Humanities, now greatly enlarged, is fostering improved teaching and scholarship in history, literature, philosophy and ethics. The Endowment also supports programs to raise levels of scholarship and teaching in Afro-American, American Indian and Mexican-American studies, has broadened its fellowship programs to include junior college teachers, and stresses adult or continuing education, including educational television and film series. We have also expanded the funding of public broadcasting.\nFor the future, we pledge continuance of our vigorous support of the arts and humanities.\nA Better Future for All\n\nChildren\n\nWe believe, with the President, that the first five years of life are crucial to a child's development, and further, that every child should have the opportunity to reach his full potential as an individual.\nWe have, therefore, established the Office of Child Development, which has taken a comprehensive approach to the development of young children, combining programs dealing with their physical, social and educational needs and development.\nWe have undertaken a wide variety of demonstration programs to assure our children, particularly poor children, a good start in life—for example, the Parent and Child Center program for infant care, Home Start to strengthen the environment of the preschool child, and Health Start to explore new delivery systems of health care for young children.\nWe have redirected Head Start to perform valuable full-day child care and early education services, and more than 380,000 preschool children are now in the program. We have doubled funds for early childhood demonstration programs which will develop new tools and new teaching techniques to serve children who suffer from deafness, blindness and other handicaps.\nSo that no child will he denied the opportunity for a productive life because of inability to read effectively, we have established the Right to Read Program.\nTo add impetus to the entire educational effort, our newly-created National Institute of Education ensures that broad research and experimentation will develop the best educational opportunities for all children. Additionally, we have taken steps to help ensure that children receive proper care while their parents are at work.\nMoreover, as stated elsewhere in this Platform, we have broadened nutritional assistance to poor children by nearly tripling participation in the Food Stamp Program, more than doubling the number of needy children in the school lunch program, operating a summer feeding program for three million young people, increasing the breakfast program fivefold, and doubling Federal support for child nutritional programs. We are improving medical care for poor children through more vigorous treatment procedures under Medicaid and more effectively targeting maternal and child health services to low-income mothers. We will continue to seek out new means to reach and teach children in their crucial early years.\nYouth\n\nWe believe that what our youth most want and need is not special treatment as a group apart, but just the opposite—the opportunity for full participation by exercising the rights and responsibilities of adults.\nIn 1970 the President approved legislation which gave the vote to more than 11 million 18-to-20 year olds. The 26th Amendment, which places this important new right in the Constitution, has our enthusiastic backing.\nOur Administration has already made the draft a far less arbitrary factor in young men's lives. Now we near the point where we can end conscription altogether and achieve our goal of an all-volunteer armed force.\nOur total war on drug abuse has had special benefits for youth, hardest hit by this menace. Last year we held the first White House Conference ever held by and for young people themselves. The Administration gave the Conference's more than 300 recommendations a searching re view, and last spring the President returned a detailed response and action report to the conferees.\nThe anarchy which swept major campuses in the late 1960's penalized no one more severely than the young people themselves. The recent calm on campus is, we believe, in part the result of the President's leadership in winding down the war in Vietnam, reducing the draft, and taking a strong stand against lawlessness, but our view is that colleges themselves are responsible for maintaining a campus climate that will preserve academic freedom.\nWe have proposed legislation to ensure that no qualified student is denied a higher education by lack of funds, and have also moved to meet the often-overlooked concerns of the two-thirds of the college-age young not in school. We have developed a new job-oriented, career-education concept, expanded Federal manpower programs and provided a record number of summer job opportunities for young men and women.\nTo engage youthful idealism and energies more effectively, we have created the new ACTION volunteer service agency, bringing together the Peace Corps, VISTA, and other volunteer programs; and we encouraged the establishment of the independent National Center for Voluntary Action.\nWe stand for lowering the legal age of majority in all jurisdictions to 18; and we will seek to broaden the involvement of young people in every phase of the political process—as voters, party workers and leaders, candidates and elected officials, and participants in government at municipal, State and Federal levels.\nWe will continue to build on these solid achievements in keeping with our conviction that these young people should have the opportunity to participate fully in the affairs of our society.\nEqual Rights for Women\n\nThe Republican Party recognizes the great contributions women have made to our society as homemakers and mothers, as contributors to the community through volunteer work, and as members of the labor force in careers outside the home. We fully endorse the principle of equal rights, equal opportunities and equal responsibilities for women, and believe that progress in these areas is needed to achieve the full realization of the potentials of American women both in the home and outside the home.\nWe reaffirm the President's pledge earlier this year: \"The Administration will . . . continue its strong efforts to open equal opportunities for women, recognizing clearly that women are often denied such opportunities today. While every woman may not want a career outside the home, every woman should have the freedom to choose whatever career she wishes—and an equal chance to pursue it.\"\nThis Administration has done more than any before it to help women of America achieve equality of opportunity.\nBecause of its efforts, more top-level and middle-management positions in the Federal Government are held by women than ever before. The President has appointed a woman as his special assistant in the White House, specifically charged with the recruitment of women for policy-making jobs in thee United States Government. Women have also been named to high positions in the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Labor to ensure equal opportunities for employment and advancement at all levels of the Federal service.\nIn addition we have:\nSignificantly increased resources devoted to enforcement of the Fair Labor Standards Act, providing equal pay for equal work;\nRequired all firms doing business with the Government to have affirmative action plans for the hiring and promotion of women;\nRequested Congress to expand the jurisdiction of the Commission on Civil Rights to cover sex discrimination;\nRecommended and supported passage of Title IX of the Higher Education Act opposing discrimination against women in educational institutions;\nSupported the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 giving the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforcement power in sex discrimination cases;\nContinued our support of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, our Party being the first national party to back this Amendment.\nOther factors beyond outright employer discrimination—the lack of child care facilities, for example—can limit job opportunities for women. For lower and middle income families, the President supported and signed into law a new tax provision which makes many child care expenses deductible for working parents. Part of the President's recent welfare reform proposal would provide comprehensive day care services so that women on welfare can work.\nWe believe the primary responsibility for a child's care and upbringing lies with the family. However, we recognize that for economic and many other reasons many parents require assistance in the care of their children.\nTo help meet this need, we favor the development of publicly or privately run, voluntary, comprehensive, quality day care services, locally controlled but federally assisted, with the requirement that the recipients of these services will pay their fair share of the costs according to their ability.\nWe oppose ill-considered proposals, incapable of being administered effectively, which would heavily engage the Federal Government in this area.\nTo continue progress for women's rights, we will work toward:\nRatification of the Equal Rights Amendment; Appointment of women to highest level positions in the Federal Government, including the Cabinet and Supreme Court;\nEqual pay for equal work;\nElimination of discrimination against women at all levels in Federal Government;\nElimination of discrimination against women in the criminal justice system, in sentencing, rehabilitation and prison facilities;\nIncreased opportunities for the part time employment of women, and expanded training programs for women who want to reenter the labor force;\nElimination of economic discrimination against women in credit, mortgage, insurance, property, rental and finance contracts.\nWe pledge vigorous enforcement of all Federal statutes and executive orders barring job discrimination on the basis of sex.\nWe are proud of the contributions made by women to better government. We regard the active involvement of women at all levels of the political process, from precinct to national status, as of great importance to our country. The Republican Party welcomes and encourages their maximum participation.\nOlder Americans\n\nWe believe our Nation must develop a new awareness of the attitudes and needs of our older citizens. Elderly Americans are far too often forgotten Americans, relegated to lives of idleness and isolation by a society bemused with the concerns of other groups. We are distressed by the tendency of many Americans to ignore the heart-break and hardship resulting from the generation gap which separates so many of our people from those who have reached the age of retirement. We deplore what is tantamount to cruel discrimination—age discrimination in employment, and the discrimination of neglect and indifference, perhaps the cruelest of all.\nWe commit ourselves to helping older Americans achieve greater self-reliance and greater opportunities for direct participation in the activities of our society. We believe that the later years should be, not isolated years, not years of dependency, but years of fulfillment and dignity. We believe our older people are not to be regarded as a burden but rather should be valuable participants in our society. We believe their judgement, their experience, and their talents are immensely valuable to our country.\nBecause we so believe, we are seeking and have sought in many ways to help older Americans—for example:\nFederal programs of direct benefit to older Americans have increased more than $16 billion these past four years;\nAs part of this, social security benefits are more than 50 per cent higher than they were four years ago, the largest increase in the history of social security;\nSocial security benefits have become inflation proof by making them rise automatically to match cost of-living increases, a protection long advocated by the Republican Party;\nWe have upgraded nursing homes. Expenditures under the Older Americans Act have gone up 800 per cent since President Nixon took office, with a strong emphasis on programs enabling older Americans to live dignified, independent lives in their own homes.\nThe valuable counsel of older people has been sought directly through the White House Conference on Aging. The President has appointed high-level advisers on the problems of the aging to his personal staff.\nWe have urged upon the opposition Congress—again, typically to no avail—numerous additional programs of benefit to the elderly. We will continue pressing for these new initiatives:\nIncrease the amount of money a person can earn without losing social security benefits;\nIncrease widow, widower, and delayed retirement benefits;\nImprove the effectiveness of Medicare, including elimination of the monthly premium required under Part B of Medicare—the equivalent of more than a three per cent social security increase;\nStrengthen private pension plans through tax deductions to encourage their expansion, improved vesting, and protection of the investments in these funds;\nReform our tax system so that persons 65 or over will receive increased tax-free income;\nEncourage volunteer service activities for older Americans, such as the Retired Senior Volunteer Program and the Foster Grandparents Program;\nGive special attention to bringing full government services within the reach of the elderly in rural areas who are often unable to share fully in their deserved benefits because of geographic inaccessibility;\nUpgrade other Federal activities important to the elderly including programs for nutrition, housing and nursing homes, transportation, consumer protection, and elimination of age discrimination in government and private employment.\nWe encourage constructive efforts which will help older citizens to be better informed about existing programs and services designed to meet their needs, and we pledge to cut away excessive Federal red tape to make it easier for older Americans to receive the benefits to which they are entitled.\nWorking Men and Women\n\nThe skill, industry and productivity of American workers are the driving force of our free economy. The Nation's labor unions, comprised of millions of working people, have advanced the well-being not only of their members but also of our entire free-enterprise system. We of the Republican Party reaffirm our strong endorsement of Organized Labor's key role in our national life.\nWe salute the statesmanship of the labor union movement. Time and time again, at crucial moments, it has voiced its outspoken support for a firm and effective foreign policy and for keeping the Armed Forces of the United States modern and strong.\nThe American labor movement and the Republican Party have always worked against the spread of totalitarian forms of government. Together we can continue to preserve in America the best system of government ever devised for human happiness and fulfillment.\nWe are for the right of American workers and their families to enjoy and to retain to the greatest possible extent the rewards of their own labor.\nWe regard collective bargaining as the cornerstone of the Nation's labor relations policy. The government's role is not to encroach upon this process but rather to aid the differing parties to make collective bargaining more effective both for themselves and for the public. In furtherance of that concept, we will continue to develop procedures whereby the imagination, ingenuity and knowledge of labor and management can more effectively seek solutions for such problems as structural adjustment and productivity.\nIn the construction industry, for example, we will build on a new joint effort between government and all parts of the industry to solve such problems as seasonality and varying peaks of demand to ensure a stable growth in the number of skilled craftsmen.\nWe call upon management and labor to devote their best efforts to finding better ways to conduct labor-management relations so the good of all the people can be advanced without strikes or lockouts.\nWe will continue to search for realistic and fair solutions to emergency labor disputes, guided by two basic principles; first, that the health and safety of the people of the United States should always be paramount; and second, that collective bargaining should be kept as free as possible from government interference.\nFor mine health and safety, we have implemented the most comprehensive legislation in the Nation's history, resulting in a major reduction in mine-related accidents. We pledge continued advancement of the health and safety of workers.\nWe will continue to press for improved pension vesting and other statutory protections to assure that Americans will not lose their hard-earned retirement income.\nWe pledge further modernization of the Federal Civil Service System, including emphasis on executive development. We rededicate ourselves to promotion on merit, equal opportunity, and the setting of clear incentives for higher productivity. We will give continuing close attention to the evolving labor-management relationship in the Federal service.\nWe pledge realistic programs of education and training so that all Americans able to do so can make their own way, on their own ability, receiving an equal and fair chance to advance themselves. We flatly oppose the notion that the hard-earned tax dollars of American workers should be used to support those who can work but choose not to, and who believe that the world owes them a living free from any responsibility or care.\nWe are proud of our many other solid achievements on behalf of America's working people—for example:\nNearly five million additional workers brought under the coverage of the unemployment insurance system, and eligibility deadlines twice extended;\nFunding for more than 166,000 jobs under the Emergency Employment Act;\nExpansion of vocational education and manpower training programs;\nUse of the long-neglected Trade Expansion Act to help workers who lose their jobs because of imports. We strongly favor vigorous competition by American business in the world market but in ways that do not displace American jobs;\nNegotiation of long-needed limitations on imports of man-made fibers, textiles and other products, thus protecting American jobs.\nWe share the desire of all Americans for continued prosperity in peacetime. We will work closely with labor and management toward our mutual goal of assuring a job for every man and woman seeking the dignity of work.\nEnding Discrimination\n\nFrom its beginning, our Party has led the way for equal rights and equal opportunity. This great tradition has been carried forward by the Nixon Administration.\nThrough our efforts de jure segregation is virtually ended. We pledge continuation of these efforts until no American schoolchild suffers educational deprivation because of the color of his skin or the language he speaks and all school children are receiving high quality education. In pursuit of this goal we have proposed $2.5 billion of Federal aid to school districts to improve educational opportunities and build facilities for disadvantaged children. Further to assure minority progress, we have provided more support to predominantly black colleges than ever before—twice the amount being spent when President Nixon took office.\nAdditionally, we have strengthened Federal enforcement of equal opportunity laws. Spending for civil rights enforcement has been increased from $75 million to $602 million—concrete evidence of our commitment to equal justice for all. The President also supported and signed into law the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, which makes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission a much more powerful body.\nWorking closely with leaders of construction unions, we have initiated 50 \"home-town\" plans which call for more than 35,000 additional minority hirings in the building trades during the next four years. We will continue to search out new employment opportunities for minorities in other fields as well. We believe such new jobs can and should be created without displacing those already at work. We will give special consideration to minority Americans who live and make their way in the rural regions of our Country—Americans too often bypassed in the advances of the general society.\nWe have made unprecedented progress in strengthening minority participation in American business. We created the Office of Minority Business Enterprise in March 1969 to coordinate the Federal programs assisting members of minority groups who seek to establish or expand businesses. We have more than tripled Federal loans, guarantees and grants to minority-owned businesses. More minority Americans are now in our Nation's economic mainstream than at any other time in our history, and we pledge every effort to expand these gains.\nMinority businesses now receive 16 per cent of the Small Business Administration dollar—more than double the proportion in 1968. Many Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Companies have been licensed since 1969 to provide venture capital for minority enterprises. More than $200 million is now available through this program, and we have requested additional funding.\nIn late 1970, we initiated a combined Government-private program to increase minority bank deposits. This year our goal of $100 million has been reached four times over.\nWe pledge to carry forward our efforts to place minority citizens in responsible positions—efforts we feel are already well under way. During the last four years the percentage of minority Federal employees has risen to a record high of almost 20 per cent and, perhaps more important, the quality of jobs for minority Americans has improved. We have recruited more minority citizens for top managerial posts in Civil Service than ever before. We will see that our progress in this area will continue and grow.\nIn 1970 President Nixon approved strong new amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and we pledge continued vigilance to ensure that the rights affirmed by this act are upheld.\nThe cultural diversity of America's heritage groups has always been a source of strength for our society and our Party. We reaffirm our commitment to the basic American values which have made this Nation the land of opportunity for these groups, originating from all sectors of the world, from Asia to Africa to Europe to Latin America. We will continue our Party's open-door policy and work to assure all minorities full opportunity for participation in the political process. We pledge vigorous support of the Bilingual Act and the Ethnic Studies Heritage Act.\nSpanish-Speaking Americans\n\nIn recognition of the significant contributions to our country by our proud and independent Spanish-speaking citizens, we have developed a comprehensive program to help achieve equal opportunity.\nDuring the last four years Spanish-speaking Americans have achieved a greater role in national affairs. More than thirty have been appointed to high federal positions.\nTo provide the same learning opportunities enjoyed by other American children, we have increased bilingual education programs almost six-fold since 1969. We initiated a 16-point employment program to help Spanish-speaking workers, created the National Economic Development Association to promote Spanish-speaking business development and expanded economic development opportunities in Spanish-speaking communities.\nWe will work for the use of bilingual staffs in localities where this language capability is desirable for effective health care.\nIndians, Alaska Natives, and Hawaiians\n\nPresident Nixon has evolved a totally new Indian policy which we fully support. The opposition Congress, by inaction on most of the President's proposals, has thwarted Indian rights and opportunities.\nWe commend the Department of the Interior for its stalwart defense of Indian land and water rights, and we urge the Congress to join in support of that effort. We further request Congress to permit Indian tribal governments to assume control over the programs of the Departments of Interior and Health, Education and Welfare in their homelands, to assure Indians a role in determining how funds can best be used for their children's schools, to expand Indian economic development opportunity, to triple the funds for Indian credit and create a new Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian and Territorial Affairs.\nThese reforms, all urged by the President, have been ignored by the Congress. We—with the Indian people are impatiently waiting.\nKnowing the Indians' love for their land and recognizing the many wrongs committed in years past, the President has restored Blue Lake in New Mexico to the Taos Pueblo and the Mr. Adams area in Washington to the Yakima Nation. We are seeking to protect Indian water rights in Pyramid Lake by bringing suit in the Supreme Court.\nWe are fully aware of the severe problems facing the Menominee Indians in seeking to have Federal recognition restored to their tribe and promise a complete and sympathetic examination of their pleas.\nWe have increased the Bureau of Indian Affairs' budget by 214 per cent, nearly doubled funds for Indian health, and are arranging with tribal leaders for the allocation of Bureau funds in accordance with priorities set by the tribal governments themselves.\nWe pledge continued attention to the needs of off-reservation Indians and have launched demonstration projects at Indian centers in nine major cities. We are determined that the first Americans will not be the forgotten Americans, and that their rights will be respected.\nWe will continue the policy of Indian preference in hiring and promotion and apply it to all levels, including management and supervisory positions in those agencies with programs affecting Indian peoples.\nThe standard of living of Indian Americans is still far below that of any of the peoples of the United States. This intolerable level of existence should be alleviated by the enactment of new legislation designed to further Indian self-determination without termination and to close this economic gap and raise the Indian standard of life to that of the rest of America. We favor the development of such legislation in the 93d Congress.\nAt the President's recommendation, the Congress voted an Alaska Native Claims Settlement which confirms the titles of the Eskimos, Indians and Aleuts to 40 million acres and compensates them with a generous cash settlement.\nWe will also preserve and continue to protect the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act which provides land already set aside for Hawaiians for homes and the opportunity to preserve their culture.\nOur achievements for human dignity and opportunity are specific and real, not idle promises. They have brought tremendous progress to many thousands of minority citizens and made our society more just for all.\nWe will press on with our fight against social injustice and discrimination, building upon the achievements already made. Knowing that none of us can reap the fullest blessings of liberty until all of us can, we reaffirm our commitment to the upward struggle for universal freedom led by Abraham Lincoln a century ago.\nConsumers\n\nThe American consumer has a right to product safety; clearly specified qualities and values, honest descriptions and guarantees, fair credit procedures, and due recourse for fraud and deception. We are addressing these concerns forcefully, with executive action and legislative and legal initiatives.\nThe issues involved in this accelerating awareness on the part of consumers lie close to the heart of the dynamic American market: Good products at fair prices made it great; the same things will keep it great.\nEnlightened business management is as interested in consumer protection and consumer education as are consumers themselves. In a market-place as competitive and diverse as ours, a company's future depends on the reputation of its products. One safety error can wipe out an established firm overnight.\nUnavoidably, the remoteness of business management from the retail counter tends to hamper consumers in resolving quality and performance questions. Technical innovations make it harder for the consumer to evaluate new products. Legal complexities often deny efficient remedies for deception or product failure.\nTo assist consumers and business, President Nixon established the first Office of Consumer Affairs in the White House and made its Director a member of his personal staff and of the Cost of Living Council. We have also proposed a Buyer's Bill of Rights, including:\nFederal authority for the regulation of hazardous consumer products;\nRequirement of full disclosure of the terms of warranties and guarantees in language all can understand.\nWe support the establishment of an independent Consumer Protection Agency to present the consumer's case in proceedings before Federal agencies and also a consumer product safety agency in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. We oppose punitive proposals which are more anti-business than pro-consumer.\nWe pledge vigorous enforcement of all consumer protection laws and to foster more consumer education as a vital necessity in a market-place ever increasing in variety and complexity.\nVeterans\n\nWe regard our Nation's veterans precisely as our President does:\n\"Americans have long known that those who defended the great values of our Nation in wartime are of great value to the Nation when the war is over. It is traditional that the American veteran has been helped by his Nation so that he can create his own 'peace story', a story of prosperity, independence and dignity.\n\"Veterans benefit programs have therefore become more than a recognition for services performed in the past; they have become an investment in the future of the veteran and of his country.\"\nUnder Republican leadership, far more for our veterans is being done than ever before:\nG.I. Bill education benefits have been increased more than 35 per cent. Vietnam-era veterans have the highest assistance levels in history to help them pursue educational opportunities.\nMajor cost-of-living adjustments have been made in Compensation and pension payments.\nMedical services are the best in the history of the Veterans Administration and now include a strong new drug treatment and rehabilitation program.\nDisability benefits have been increased.\nG.I. home loan benefits have been expanded and improved.\nThe total Administration commitment is massive—$12.4 billion for this fiscal year. This is the largest Veterans Administration budget in history, and the third largest of all Federal agencies and departments.\nWe are giving the highest priority to the employment problems of Vietnam veterans. In 1971 we initiated a comprehensive program which recently placed more than one million Vietnam-era veterans in jobs, training and education programs. For the future, we pledge:\nContinuation of the Veterans Administration as a strong, independent agency;\nContinuation of an independent system of Veterans Administration health care facilities to provide America's veterans with the best medical care available, including appropriate attention to the problems of the ex-serviceman afflicted with drug and alcohol problems;\nContinuing attention to the needs of the Vietnam-era veteran, with special emphasis on employment opportunities, education and housing.\nContinuation of our efforts to raise GI Bill education benefits to a level commensurate with post-World War II benefits in adjusted dollars;\nContinued effort for a better coordinated national policy on cemeteries and burial benefits for veterans.\nWe will not fail our obligation to the Nation's 29 million veterans and will stand ever watchful of their needs and rights.\nConclusion\n\nThe record is clear.\nMore than any President, Richard Nixon has achieved major changes in policy and direction in our government. He has restored faith—faith that our system will indeed reflect the will of the people—faith that there will be a new era of peace and human progress at home and around the world.\nTo be sure there is unfinished business on the agenda of our ever-restless Nation. We have great concern for those who have not participated more fully in the general prosperity. The twin evils of crime and drug abuse are still to be conquered. Peace in the world is not yet won.\nBut Republican leadership has restored stability and sanity to our land once again. We have vigorously attacked every major problem.\nOnce again our direction is peace; once again our determination is national strength; once again we are prospering; once again, on a host of fronts, we are making progress.\nNow we look to tomorrow.\nWe pledge ourselves to go forward at an accelerated pace—with a determination and zeal unmatched before.\nIn four years we mark the 200th anniversary of the freest, most productive, most benevolent Nation of all human history. In four years we celebrate one of man's highest achievements—two hundred years as a constitutional republic founded on the noble concept that every person is a sovereign being, possessed of dignity and inalienable rights.\nAlmost two centuries ago, the Founding Fathers envisioned a Nation of free people, at peace with themselves and the world—each with equal opportunity to pursue happiness in his own way. Much of that dream has come true; much is still to be fulfilled.\nWe, the Republican Party, pledge ourselves to go forward, hand-in-hand with every citizen, to solve those problems that yet stand in the way of realizing that more perfect union, the dream of the Founding Fathers—a dream enhanced by the free and generous gift of people working together, not in shifting alliances of separated minorities, but in unison of spirit and purpose. We cannot favor, nor can we respect, the notion of group isolation in our United States of America. We must not divide and weaken ourselves by attitudes or policies which would segregate our citizens into separate racial, ethnic, economic, religious or social groups. It is the striving of all of us—our striving together as Americans—that will move our Nation continually onward to our Founders' dream.\nBuilding on the foundations of peace in the world, and reason and prosperity at home, our Republican Party pledges a new era of progress for man—progress toward more freedom, toward greater protection of individual rights, toward more security from want and fear, toward greater fulfillment and happiness for all.\nWe pledge to the American people that the 200th anniversary of this Nation in 1976 will be more than a celebration of two centuries of unequaled success; we pledge it also to be the beginning of the third and greatest century for all of our countrymen and, we pray, for all people in the world.", "Words" -> 24284, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 1331, "of" -> 1012, "and" -> 903, "to" -> 798, "in" -> 488, "a" -> 354, "We" -> 337, "for" -> 314, "our" -> 306, "have" -> 207, "we" -> 196, "will" -> 171, "that" -> 157, "are" -> 139, "by" -> 138, "The" -> 133, "with" -> 132, "more" -> 130, "on" -> 125, "is" -> 122, "as" -> 120, "new" -> 108, "has" -> 107, "Federal" -> 97, "all" -> 92, "than" -> 89, "their" -> 87, "be" -> 82, "which" -> 76, "this" -> 75, "programs" -> 75, "been" -> 71, "from" -> 70, "President" -> 64, "pledge" -> 63, "American" -> 63, "not" -> 62, "years" -> 61, "people" -> 61, "these" -> 58, "In" -> 58, "an" -> 58, "support" -> 56, "at" -> 56, "year" -> 51, "or" -> 51, "Americans" -> 51, "States" -> 48, "efforts" -> 48, "development" -> 48, "continue" -> 48, "its" -> 47, "United" -> 46, "per" -> 46, "million" -> 46, "were" -> 44, "To" -> 42, "world" -> 41, "program" -> 41, "many" -> 41, "economic" -> 41, "cent" -> 41, "was" -> 39, "Our" -> 39, "can" -> 39, "work" -> 38, "would" -> 37, "such" -> 37, "other" -> 37, "into" -> 37, "help" -> 37, "health" -> 37, "education" -> 37, "also" -> 37, "Administration" -> 37, "who" -> 36, "peace" -> 36, "it" -> 36, "but" -> 36, "tax" -> 35, "system" -> 35, "international" -> 35, "believe" -> 35, "Congress" -> 34, "so" -> 33, "problems" -> 33, "care" -> 33, "now" -> 32, "increased" -> 32, "policy" -> 31, "Nixon" -> 31, "children" -> 31, "against" -> 30, "should" -> 29, "opportunities" -> 29, "most" -> 29, "including" -> 29, "government" -> 29, "first" -> 29, "billion" -> 29, "This" -> 28, "Party" -> 28, "national" -> 28, "make" -> 28, "major" -> 28, "country" -> 28, "women" -> 27, "research" -> 27, "between" -> 27, "time" -> 26, "National" -> 26, "war" -> 25, "through" -> 25, "those" -> 25, "Republican" -> 25, "no" -> 25, "areas" -> 25, "America" -> 25, "made" -> 24, "law" -> 24, "four" -> 24, "business" -> 24, "A" -> 24, "1969" -> 24, "toward" -> 23, "they" -> 23, "rights" -> 23, "had" -> 23, "defense" -> 23, "Act" -> 23, "young" -> 22, "well" -> 22, "them" -> 22, "services" -> 22, "over" -> 22, "needs" -> 22, "must" -> 22, "Government" -> 22, "full" -> 22, "both" -> 22, "better" -> 22, "strong" -> 21, "reform" -> 21, "policies" -> 21, "own" -> 21, "his" -> 21, "greater" -> 21, "fiscal" -> 21, "before" -> 21, "welfare" -> 20, "two" -> 20, "resources" -> 20, "quality" -> 20, "one" -> 20, "leadership" -> 20, "inflation" -> 20, "effort" -> 20, "Soviet" -> 19, "society" -> 19, "proposed" -> 19, "opportunity" -> 19, "nations" -> 19, "Nation's" -> 19, "jobs" -> 19, "income" -> 19, "history" -> 19, "free" -> 19, "every" -> 19, "equal" -> 19, "employment" -> 19, "economy" -> 19, "benefits" -> 19, "any" -> 19, "workers" -> 18, "way" -> 18, "use" -> 18, "special" -> 18, "social" -> 18, "reduce" -> 18, "public" -> 18, "political" -> 18, "office" -> 18, "Nation" -> 18, "local" -> 18, "life" -> 18, "Indian" -> 18, "further" -> 18, "foreign" -> 18, "ever" -> 18, "enforcement" -> 18, "educational" -> 18, "control" -> 18, "citizens" -> 18, "Vietnam" -> 17, "still" -> 17, "small" -> 17, "rate" -> 17, "provide" -> 17, "out" -> 17, "military" -> 17, "last" -> 17, "increase" -> 17, "home" -> 17, "For" -> 17, "environmental" -> 17, "effective" -> 17, "drug" -> 17, "budget" -> 17, "under" -> 16, "transportation" -> 16, "training" -> 16, "took" -> 16, "there" -> 16, "State" -> 16, "spending" -> 16, "security" -> 16, "number" -> 16, "minority" -> 16, "housing" -> 16, "force" -> 16, "established" -> 16, "energy" -> 16, "comprehensive" -> 16, "agencies" -> 16, "without" -> 15, "up" -> 15, "systems" -> 15, "since" -> 15, "school" -> 15, "role" -> 15, "future" -> 15, "crime" -> 15, "assure" -> 15, "assistance" -> 15, "again" -> 15, "urban" -> 14, "seek" -> 14, "proposals" -> 14, "progress" -> 14, "private" -> 14, "opposition" -> 14, "management" -> 14, "labor" -> 14, "great" -> 14, "forces" -> 14, "families" -> 14, "fair" -> 14, "encourage" -> 14, "down" -> 14, "do" -> 14, "consumer" -> 14, "aid" -> 14, "when" -> 13, "us" -> 13, "treatment" -> 13, "trade" -> 13, "themselves" -> 13, "right" -> 13, "Revenue" -> 13, "relations" -> 13, "President's" -> 13, "past" -> 13, "once" -> 13, "meet" -> 13, "medical" -> 13, "levels" -> 13, "It" -> 13, "improve" -> 13, "important" -> 13, "importance" -> 13, "governments" -> 13, "forward" -> 13, "farm" -> 13, "expanded" -> 13, "expand" -> 13, "Education" -> 13, "drugs" -> 13, "commitment" -> 13, "being" -> 13, "action" -> 13, "achieve" -> 13, "1972" -> 13, "1968" -> 13, "vigorous" -> 12, "strength" -> 12, "record" -> 12, "protect" -> 12, "Program" -> 12, "pay" -> 12, "participation" -> 12, "nuclear" -> 12, "high" -> 12, "half" -> 12, "freedom" -> 12, "financial" -> 12, "favor" -> 12, "farmers" -> 12, "environment" -> 12, "discrimination" -> 12, "Department" -> 12, "costs" -> 12, "cost" -> 12, "cooperation" -> 12, "continuing" -> 12, "continued" -> 12, "centers" -> 12, "best" -> 12, "become" -> 12, "1970" -> 12, "while" -> 11, "weapons" -> 11, "ways" -> 11, "upon" -> 11, "Union" -> 11, "Sharing" -> 11, "service" -> 11, "schools" -> 11, "real" -> 11, "pursue" -> 11, "protection" -> 11, "products" -> 11, "prices" -> 11, "ourselves" -> 11, "only" -> 11, "negotiations" -> 11, "much" -> 11, "men" -> 11, "long" -> 11, "leaders" -> 11, "land" -> 11, "interests" -> 11, "initiated" -> 11, "develop" -> 11, "child" -> 11, "basic" -> 11, "available" -> 11, "already" -> 11, "allies" -> 11, "ago" -> 11, "abuse" -> 11, "working" -> 10, "total" -> 10, "strategic" -> 10, "some" -> 10, "reject" -> 10, "part" -> 10, "oppose" -> 10, "older" -> 10, "New" -> 10, "level" -> 10, "laws" -> 10, "job" -> 10, "individual" -> 10, "increasing" -> 10, "human" -> 10, "homes" -> 10, "goal" -> 10, "funds" -> 10, "fully" -> 10, "family" -> 10, "end" -> 10, "draft" -> 10, "domestic" -> 10, "dangerous" -> 10, "countries" -> 10, "communities" -> 10, "burden" -> 10, "building" -> 10, "among" -> 10, "agreements" -> 10, "1960's" -> 10, "where" -> 9, "water" -> 9, "taxes" -> 9, "standards" -> 9, "stand" -> 9, "sound" -> 9, "Since" -> 9, "safety" -> 9, "rural" -> 9, "responsibility" -> 9, "rehabilitation" -> 9, "reduced" -> 9, "providing" -> 9, "process" -> 9, "press" -> 9, "power" -> 9, "pollution" -> 9, "partnership" -> 9, "Office" -> 9, "need" -> 9, "nation's" -> 9, "methods" -> 9, "may" -> 9, "maintain" -> 9, "living" -> 9, "lasting" -> 9, "improved" -> 9, "higher" -> 9, "give" -> 9, "far" -> 9, "facilities" -> 9, "Europe" -> 9, "Equal" -> 9, "done" -> 9, "Commission" -> 9, "cities" -> 9, "choose" -> 9, "balance" -> 9, "attention" -> 9, "assist" -> 9, "annual" -> 9, "America's" -> 9, "air" -> 9, "activities" -> 9, "When" -> 8, "veterans" -> 8, "unemployment" -> 8, "too" -> 8, "times" -> 8, "Special" -> 8, "space" -> 8, "solutions" -> 8, "Service" -> 8, "responsible" -> 8, "reaffirm" -> 8, "proposal" -> 8, "procedures" -> 8, "poor" -> 8, "physical" -> 8, "order" -> 8, "never" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "municipal" -> 8, "modern" -> 8, "live" -> 8, "legislation" -> 8, "largest" -> 8, "keep" -> 8, "just" -> 8, "insurance" -> 8, "institutions" -> 8, "initiatives" -> 8, "industry" -> 8, "independent" -> 8, "increases" -> 8, "incentives" -> 8, "highest" -> 8, "given" -> 8, "expansion" -> 8, "ensure" -> 8, "emphasis" -> 8, "Development" -> 8, "determined" -> 8, "cut" -> 8, "concerns" -> 8, "concept" -> 8, "community" -> 8, "committed" -> 8, "China" -> 8, "cannot" -> 8, "businesses" -> 8, "build" -> 8, "arms" -> 8, "area" -> 8, "almost" -> 8, "achievements" -> 8, "1973" -> 8, "Yet" -> 7, "yet" -> 7, "within" -> 7, "vital" -> 7, "violence" -> 7, "urge" -> 7, "turned" -> 7, "three" -> 7, "These" -> 7, "take" -> 7, "substantial" -> 7, "strongly" -> 7, "strategy" -> 7, "solid" -> 7, "Small" -> 7, "sharply" -> 7, "set" -> 7, "Rights" -> 7, "results" -> 7, "Republic" -> 7, "remain" -> 7, "regard" -> 7, "recognize" -> 7, "property" -> 7, "projects" -> 7, "productivity" -> 7, "production" -> 7, "problem" -> 7, "present" -> 7, "place" -> 7, "philosophy" -> 7, "personal" -> 7, "peoples" -> 7, "open" -> 7, "often" -> 7, "Now" -> 7, "negotiate" -> 7, "needed" -> 7, "nearly" -> 7, "narcotics" -> 7, "Moscow" -> 7, "monetary" -> 7, "millions" -> 7, "members" -> 7, "measures" -> 7, "making" -> 7, "less" -> 7, "Last" -> 7, "Israel" -> 7, "Indians" -> 7, "if" -> 7, "growth" -> 7, "goals" -> 7, "funding" -> 7, "exports" -> 7, "example" -> 7, "early" -> 7, "During" -> 7, "during" -> 7, "dollars" -> 7, "developed" -> 7, "crises" -> 7, "credit" -> 7, "created" -> 7, "create" -> 7, "construction" -> 7, "competitive" -> 7, "come" -> 7, "clean" -> 7, "century" -> 7, "Business" -> 7, "balanced" -> 7, "average" -> 7, "At" -> 7, "As" -> 7, "appointed" -> 7, "All" -> 7, "aircraft" -> 7, "ahead" -> 7, "agreement" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "Additionally" -> 7, "additional" -> 7, "act" -> 7, "access" -> 7, "able" -> 7, "ability" -> 7, "20" -> 7, "1971" -> 7, "youth" -> 6, "White" -> 6, "want" -> 6, "Veterans" -> 6, "Urban" -> 6, "trading" -> 6, "together" -> 6, "Today" -> 6, "therefore" -> 6, "technological" -> 6, "taken" -> 6, "supported" -> 6, "supply" -> 6, "spirit" -> 6, "spent" -> 6, "Spanish-speaking" -> 6, "sought" -> 6, "signed" -> 6, "serious" -> 6, "seeking" -> 6, "see" 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"By" -> 6, "because" -> 6, "Asia" -> 6, "Arts" -> 6, "arrangements" -> 6, "another" -> 6, "And" -> 6, "aggression" -> 6, "after" -> 6, "With" -> 5, "what" -> 5, "waste" -> 5, "War" -> 5, "view" -> 5, "vast" -> 5, "values" -> 5, "valuable" -> 5, "universities" -> 5, "truly" -> 5, "tripled" -> 5, "Transportation" -> 5, "today" -> 5, "throughout" -> 5, "third" -> 5, "things" -> 5, "terms" -> 5, "sure" -> 5, "students" -> 5, "strengthened" -> 5, "strengthen" -> 5, "states" -> 5, "stated" -> 5, "standard" -> 5, "species" -> 5, "source" -> 5, "six" -> 5, "single" -> 5, "sharing" -> 5, "share" -> 5, "sense" -> 5, "SBA" -> 5, "run" -> 5, "returned" -> 5, "restored" -> 5, "restore" -> 5, "Reform" -> 5, "reduction" -> 5, "recognizing" -> 5, "recipients" -> 5, "receiving" -> 5, "receive" -> 5, "reach" -> 5, "rapidly" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "prosperity" -> 5, "prospects" -> 5, "promising" -> 5, "priority" -> 5, "People's" -> 5, "peaceful" -> 5, "parties" -> 5, "outside" -> 5, "One" -> 5, "numbers" -> 5, "next" -> 5, "negotiation" -> 5, "natural" -> 5, "Nations" -> 5, "money" -> 5, "minorities" -> 5, "mental" -> 5, "massive" -> 5, "mass" -> 5, "low" -> 5, "locally" -> 5, "lives" -> 5, "limit" -> 5, "legal" -> 5, "led" -> 5, "learning" -> 5, "Law" -> 5, "launched" -> 5, "late" -> 5, "kind" -> 5, "kept" -> 5, "justice" -> 5, "Its" -> 5, "investment" -> 5, "increasingly" -> 5, "improvements" -> 5, "II" -> 5, "hold" -> 5, "historic" -> 5, "helped" -> 5, "group" -> 5, "good" -> 5, "General" -> 5, "foster" -> 5, "firm" -> 5, "especially" -> 5, "equitable" -> 5, "Employment" -> 5, "emergency" -> 5, "elimination" -> 5, "electric" -> 5, "drive" -> 5, "dream" -> 5, "doubled" -> 5, "Doctrine" -> 5, "designed" -> 5, "denied" -> 5, "county" -> 5, "Council" -> 5, "controls" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "conduct" -> 5, "concern" -> 5, "complex" -> 5, "commend" -> 5, "close" -> 5, "clearly" -> 5, "Civil" -> 5, "choice" -> 5, "career" -> 5, "capability" -> 5, "But" -> 5, "bringing" -> 5, "bring" -> 5, "became" -> 5, "basis" -> 5, "based" -> 5, "bargaining" -> 5, "back" -> 5, "around" -> 5, "approach" -> 5, "Amendment" -> 5, "agency" -> 5, "actions" -> 5, "achieved" -> 5, "account" -> 5, "about" -> 5, "world's" -> 4, "World" -> 4, "Working" -> 4, "woman" -> 4, "volunteer" -> 4, "voluntary" -> 4, "visit" -> 4, "virtually" -> 4, "victims" -> 4, "variety" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "uses" -> 4, "until" -> 4, "twice" -> 4, "traffic" -> 4, "traditional" -> 4, "towns" -> 4, "tomorrow" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "Through" -> 4, "threat" -> 4, "thousands" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "technology" -> 4, "technologies" -> 4, "teaching" -> 4, "taxpayers" -> 4, "task" -> 4, "System" -> 4, "supplies" -> 4, "successful" -> 4, "success" -> 4, "steady" -> 4, "steadily" -> 4, "Start" -> 4, "specific" -> 4, "sources" -> 4, "sophisticated" -> 4, "solve" -> 4, "So" -> 4, "shared" -> 4, "sent" -> 4, "self-determination" -> 4, "seemed" -> 4, "second" -> 4, "sale" -> 4, "Rural" -> 4, "responsibilities" -> 4, "resolve" -> 4, "reductions" -> 4, "recognition" -> 4, "received" -> 4, "reason" -> 4, "range" -> 4, "purposes" -> 4, "promote" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "previous" -> 4, "Presidential" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "position" -> 4, "Policy" -> 4, "police" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "person" -> 4, "peacetime" -> 4, "Peace" -> 4, "partners" -> 4, "particularly" -> 4, "overseas" -> 4, "others" -> 4, "organized" -> 4, "organizations" -> 4, "Opportunity" -> 4, "operating" -> 4, "offenders" -> 4, "oceans" -> 4, "North" -> 4, "none" -> 4, "No" -> 4, "Nixon's" -> 4, "neglect" -> 4, "needy" -> 4, "NATO" -> 4, "Narcotics" -> 4, "move" -> 4, "Moreover" -> 4, "modernization" -> 4, "metropolitan" -> 4, "Merchant" -> 4, "measure" -> 4, "markets" -> 4, "Marine" -> 4, "manner" -> 4, "makes" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "low-income" -> 4, "lower" -> 4, "lost" -> 4, "legislative" -> 4, "left" -> 4, "lead" -> 4, "language" -> 4, "lands" -> 4, "laid" -> 4, "lack" -> 4, "Japan" -> 4, "isolation" -> 4, "Increase" -> 4, "incomes" -> 4, "improving" -> 4, "improvement" -> 4, "implementation" -> 4, "how" -> 4, "hostility" -> 4, "hope" -> 4, "heritage" -> 4, "helping" -> 4, "held" -> 4, "He" -> 4, "guarantees" -> 4, "ground" -> 4, "Great" -> 4, "goods" -> 4, "gone" -> 4, "globe" -> 4, "fundamental" -> 4, "From" -> 4, "Force" -> 4, "food" -> 4, "flood" -> 4, "five" -> 4, "financing" -> 4, "fight" -> 4, "fields" -> 4, "farms" -> 4, "extend" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "executive" -> 4, "everywhere" -> 4, "essential" -> 4, "equality" -> 4, "Environmental" -> 4, "Enforcement" -> 4, "Endowment" -> 4, "endangered" -> 4, "enactment" -> 4, "enable" -> 4, "dumping" -> 4, "Drug" -> 4, "dramatically" -> 4, "double" -> 4, "dollar" -> 4, "doing" -> 4, "District" -> 4, "distribution" -> 4, "directed" -> 4, "difficult" -> 4, "differences" -> 4, "developing" -> 4, "dependent" -> 4, "demonstration" -> 4, "Democratic" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "Defense" -> 4, "decline" -> 4, "decent" -> 4, "deaths" -> 4, "deal" -> 4, "curb" -> 4, "crucial" -> 4, "country's" -> 4, "counties" -> 4, "coordinated" -> 4, "conviction" -> 4, "Control" -> 4, "Continued" -> 4, "Continue" -> 4, "consideration" -> 4, "conflict" -> 4, "Conference" -> 4, "Community" -> 4, "commodities" -> 4, "commitments" -> 4, "combined" -> 4, "combat" -> 4, "Columbia" -> 4, "clear" -> 4, "civilian" -> 4, "citizen" -> 4, "changing" -> 4, "changes" -> 4, "change" -> 4, "Center" -> 4, "ceiling" -> 4, "cease-fire" -> 4, "carry" -> 4, "capacity" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "calls" -> 4, "busing" -> 4, "businessmen" -> 4, "Bureau" -> 4, "brought" -> 4, "broad" -> 4, "bomber" -> 4, "billions" -> 4, "beyond" -> 4, "benefit" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "availability" -> 4, "assuring" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "apply" -> 4, "amount" -> 4, "Almost" -> 4, "ally" -> 4, "alliances" -> 4, "age" -> 4, "Africa" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "adversaries" -> 4, "addition" -> 4, "across" -> 4, "50" -> 4, "1970's" -> 4, "13" -> 4, "10" -> 4, "$2" -> 3, "$10" -> 3, "won" -> 3, "Women" -> 3, "Without" -> 3, "wildlife" -> 3, "wide" -> 3, "whose" -> 3, "While" -> 3, "Western" -> 3, "Welfare" -> 3, "Washington" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "vote" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "Vietnam-era" -> 3, "veteran" -> 3, "venture" -> 3, "vehicles" -> 3, "used" -> 3, "unnecessary" -> 3, "units" -> 3, "unions" -> 3, "understanding" -> 3, "Under" -> 3, "triple" -> 3, "tribal" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "train" -> 3, "trades" -> 3, "timely" -> 3, "They" -> 3, "term" -> 3, "temporary" -> 3, "Technology" -> 3, "techniques" -> 3, "taking" -> 3, "takes" -> 3, "Supreme" -> 3, "supporting" -> 3, "summer" -> 3, "sufficient" -> 3, "Such" -> 3, "student" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "strongest" -> 3, "strengthening" -> 3, "streets" -> 3, "stop" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "status" -> 3, "staff" -> 3, "stability" -> 3, "spread" -> 3, "significant" -> 3, "sex" -> 3, "settlement" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "seized" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "seas" -> 3, "saving" -> 3, "safer" -> 3, "rules" -> 3, "rolls" -> 3, "risen" -> 3, "rise" -> 3, "Right" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "retirement" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "restrictions" -> 3, "response" -> 3, "Resources" -> 3, "resource" -> 3, "require" -> 3, "representatives" -> 3, "reorganized" -> 3, "removed" -> 3, "remarkable" -> 3, "regions" -> 3, "region" -> 3, "regardless" -> 3, "reducing" -> 3, "recreation" -> 3, "recognizes" -> 3, "recently" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "rates" -> 3, "rapid" -> 3, "racial" -> 3, "quotas" -> 3, "Quality" -> 3, "qualified" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "Provide" -> 3, "Protection" -> 3, "proper" -> 3, "promotion" -> 3, "promise" -> 3, "profound" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "product" -> 3, "produce" -> 3, "prison" -> 3, "principle" -> 3, "primary" -> 3, "pride" -> 3, "prevention" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "preschool" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "population" -> 3, "play" -> 3, "Platform" -> 3, "planning" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "places" -> 3, "persons" -> 3, "perhaps" -> 3, "performance" -> 3, "perform" -> 3, "people's" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "payments" -> 3, "pattern" -> 3, "parks" -> 3, "output" -> 3, "Organized" -> 3, "opponents" -> 3, "Only" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "Of" -> 3, "nutrition" -> 3, "notion" -> 3, "nor" -> 3, "non-farm" -> 3, "newly" -> 3, "negotiated" -> 3, "necessity" -> 3, "near" -> 3, "Natural" -> 3, "movement" -> 3, "mounting" -> 3, "mothers" -> 3, "mortgage" -> 3, "momentum" -> 3, "moderate" -> 3, "Minority" -> 3, "minerals" -> 3, "middle" -> 3, "menace" -> 3, "meeting" -> 3, "meaningful" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "materials" -> 3, "lowest" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "look" -> 3, "loans" -> 3, "loan" -> 3, "little" -> 3, "limitations" -> 3, "Life" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "leaving" -> 3, "leave" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "leading" -> 3, "Lakes" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "know" -> 3, "key" -> 3, "keeping" -> 3, "July" -> 3, "judges" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "issues" -> 3, "isolationism" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "involved" -> 3, "Interior" -> 3, "Institute" -> 3, "innovations" -> 3, "information" -> 3, "Inflation" -> 3, "inevitable" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "indispensable" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "inadequate" -> 3, "Improved" -> 3, "implemented" -> 3, "immediately" -> 3, "ideas" -> 3, "hundreds" -> 3, "Humanities" -> 3, "humane" -> 3, "hiring" -> 3, "hard-earned" -> 3, "happiness" -> 3, "halt" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "greatest" -> 3, "grant" -> 3, "graduate" -> 3, "generous" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "gave" -> 3, "gap" -> 3, "fulfillment" -> 3, "friends" -> 3, "Four" -> 3, "foundations" -> 3, "forth" -> 3, "forcing" -> 3, "flatly" -> 3, "firms" -> 3, "fighting" -> 3, "field" -> 3, "fear" -> 3, "farming" -> 3, "fairly" -> 3, "failed" -> 3, "fail" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "export" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "expect" -> 3, "Expansion" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "Executive" -> 3, "excellence" -> 3, "evidence" -> 3, "Even" -> 3, "even" -> 3, "Establish" -> 3, "establish" -> 3, "entire" -> 3, "enterprises" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "engage" -> 3, "Energy" -> 3, "encouraged" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "elsewhere" -> 3, "Elimination" -> 3, "eliminate" -> 3, "elected" -> 3, "elderly" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "easier" -> 3, "ease" -> 3, "driving" -> 3, "draftees" -> 3, "disadvantaged" -> 3, "directly" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "devoted" -> 3, "design" -> 3, "deplore" -> 3, "departments" -> 3, "delivery" -> 3, "deficit" -> 3, "defensive" -> 3, "decision-making" -> 3, "decade" -> 3, "damage" -> 3, "culture" -> 3, "cruel" -> 3, "critical" -> 3, "Court" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "could" -> 3, "costly" -> 3, "correctional" -> 3, "cope" -> 3, "cooperatives" -> 3, "controlled" -> 3, "contributions" -> 3, "Continuation" -> 3, "constructive" -> 3, "Construction" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "conscription" -> 3, "confrontation" -> 3, "confidence" -> 3, "concerned" -> 3, "communications" -> 3, "commit" -> 3, "college" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "closely" -> 3, "Child" -> 3, "chance" -> 3, "cases" -> 3, "campus" -> 3, "called" -> 3, "buy" -> 3, "Bill" -> 3, "benefiting" -> 3, "beginnings" -> 3, "began" -> 3, "Because" -> 3, "barriers" -> 3, "awareness" -> 3, "attitudes" -> 3, "Atlantic" -> 3, "assault" -> 3, "arts" -> 3, "arbitrary" -> 3, "approximately" -> 3, "approved" -> 3, "applaud" -> 3, "annually" -> 3, "An" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "allow" -> 3, "Alliance" -> 3, "alliance" -> 3, "agreed" -> 3, "agents" -> 3, "Agency" -> 3, "affecting" -> 3, "Affairs" -> 3, "advances" -> 3, "advanced" -> 3, "Administration's" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "added" -> 3, "add" -> 3, "acres" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "Abuse" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "above" -> 3, "abandoned" -> 3, "40" -> 3, "200th" -> 3, "1965" -> 3, "1930's" -> 3, "16" -> 3, "$750" -> 2, "$5" -> 2, "$3.3" -> 2, "$2.5" -> 2, "$200" -> 2, "$135" -> 2, "$12" -> 2, "Youth" -> 2, "worker" -> 2, "worked" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "Within" -> 2, "willingness" -> 2, "Wilderness" -> 2, "wilderness" -> 2, "wider" -> 2, "widely" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "went" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weakness" -> 2, "waters" -> 2, "Water" -> 2, "wastes" -> 2, "voting" -> 2, "voters" -> 2, "Volunteerism" -> 2, "Voluntary" -> 2, "visits" -> 2, "Virgin" -> 2, "Vietnamese" -> 2, "Vice" -> 2, "vesting" -> 2, "utilize" -> 2, "U.S.-Soviet" -> 2, "using" -> 2, "Use" -> 2, "U.S." -> 2, "urgently" -> 2, "urged" -> 2, "upheld" -> 2, "untapped" -> 2, "unpopular" -> 2, "unmindful" -> 2, "unmatched" -> 2, "unless" -> 2, "unknown" -> 2, "university" -> 2, "unit" -> 2, "unique" -> 2, "union" -> 2, "unilaterally" -> 2, "unilateral" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "undue" -> 2, "understand" -> 2, "uncertainty" -> 2, "unable" -> 2, "turning" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "transition" -> 2, "transform" -> 2, "transfer" -> 2, "trails" -> 2, "traffickers" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "totally" -> 2, "top-level" -> 2, "top" -> 2, "tools" -> 2, "Together" -> 2, "today's" -> 2, "times—from" -> 2, "Time" -> 2, "thrust" -> 2, "three-year" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "though" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "textiles" -> 2, "territorial" -> 2, "ten-year" -> 2, "tensions" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "technical" -> 2, "teach" -> 2, "Taxes" -> 2, "Tax" -> 2, "tasks" -> 2, "targeted" -> 2, "tactical" -> 2, "table" -> 2, "syndicates" -> 2, "sympathetic" -> 2, "swift" -> 2, "sustainable" -> 2, "sustain" -> 2, "survival" -> 2, "surely" -> 2, "suburbs" -> 2, "substantially" -> 2, "substances" -> 2, "subsidy" -> 2, "studies" -> 2, "striving" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strikes" -> 2, "strike" -> 2, "street" -> 2, "story" -> 2, "step" -> 2, "steel" -> 2, "state" -> 2, "started" -> 2, "start" -> 2, "Stamp" -> 2, "staffs" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "Spending" -> 2, "specially" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "South" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "solving" -> 2, "societies" -> 2, "soared" -> 2, "slashes" -> 2, "slash" -> 2, "skyrocketed" -> 2, "simply" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "shows" -> 2, "short" -> 2, "ship" -> 2, "severe" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "serving" -> 2, "series" -> 2, "separate" -> 2, "Selective" -> 2, "selective" -> 2, "segregation" -> 2, "secondary" -> 2, "searching" -> 2, "search" -> 2, "sea-beds" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "scientists" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "scholarship" -> 2, "schemes" -> 2, "Samoa" -> 2, "SALT" -> 2, "running" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "rising" -> 2, "Richard" -> 2, "rewarding" -> 2, "Review" -> 2, "re-valued" -> 2, "retreat" -> 2, "resumed" -> 2, "resulting" -> 2, "Reserve" -> 2, "requires" -> 2, "requirement" -> 2, "requested" -> 2, "reported" -> 2, "reorienting" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "renaissance" -> 2, "remote" -> 2, "remedy" -> 2, "remains" -> 2, "remaining" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "release" -> 2, "relax" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "relationship" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "Rehabilitation" -> 2, "regulatory" -> 2, "regulations" -> 2, "regular" -> 2, "regarded" -> 2, "refusal" -> 2, "reformed" -> 2, "Reemployment" -> 2, "recruited" -> 2, "recommended" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "realities" -> 2, "Read" -> 2, "rational" -> 2, "ranchers" -> 2, "raising" -> 2, "Raised" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "radical" -> 2, "races" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "quickly" -> 2, "quest" -> 2, "quantities" -> 2, "put" -> 2, "pushers" -> 2, "pursuit" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "prudently" -> 2, "prudent" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "provides" -> 2, "protest" -> 2, "protecting" -> 2, "Protect" -> 2, "prospering" -> 2, "prosper" -> 2, "prospect" -> 2, "promoting" -> 2, "promised" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "principal" -> 2, "primarily" -> 2, "pressures" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "premium" -> 2, "precisely" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "poverty" -> 2, "potential" -> 2, "posture" -> 2, "possibility" -> 2, "points" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "pledged" -> 2, "plants" -> 2, "plant" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "Perhaps" -> 2, "Peking" -> 2, "payment" -> 2, "patterns" -> 2, "paths" -> 2, "passenger" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "Partnership" -> 2, "participated" -> 2, "participate" -> 2, "participants" -> 2, "Part" -> 2, "Parks" -> 2, "park" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "Over" -> 2, "outlays" -> 2, "Other" -> 2, "ordered" -> 2, "oppressive" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "operations" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "opening" -> 2, "one-half" -> 2, "Once" -> 2, "On" -> 2, "Older" -> 2, "Okinawa" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "offer" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "nutritional" -> 2, "nursing" -> 2, "November" -> 2, "nothing" -> 2, "note" -> 2, "non-public" -> 2, "nevertheless" -> 2, "net" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "neighborhoods" -> 2, "neighborhood" -> 2, "nationwide" -> 2, "municipalities" -> 2, "mood" -> 2, "months" -> 2, "modernize" -> 2, "Mobilization" -> 2, "missile" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "Mid-East" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "medicine" -> 2, "May" -> 2, "market-place" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "Many" -> 2, "man's" -> 2, "Management" -> 2, "Major" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "low-cost" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "loaned" -> 2, "limiting" -> 2, "Limitation" -> 2, "lighting" -> 2, "life—for" -> 2, "lie" -> 2, "let" -> 2, "Legislation" -> 2, "Legacy" -> 2, "legacy" -> 2, "Left" -> 2, "lawlessness" -> 2, "law-abiding" -> 2, "launch" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "Lake" -> 2, "labor-management" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "Knowing" -> 2, "jurisdictions" -> 2, "jure" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "isolated" -> 2, "involving" -> 2, "Investment" -> 2, "internationally" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "intend" -> 2, "integrated" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "Insurance" -> 2, "installations" -> 2, "insist" -> 2, "innovative" -> 2, "ineligible" -> 2, "inefficient" -> 2, "individuals" -> 2, "indifferent" -> 2, "independence" -> 2, "incapable" -> 2, "Improvements" -> 2, "impossible" -> 2, "impose" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "implement" -> 2, "impact" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "ills" -> 2, "illegal" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "If" -> 2, "idle" -> 2, "hundred" -> 2, "humanities" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "hospitalization" -> 2, "horseback" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "honorable" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "Home" -> 2, "historical" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "hiking" -> 2, "highway" -> 2, "Higher" -> 2, "here" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "healthy" -> 2, "Head" -> 2, "hazardous" -> 2, "Hawaiians" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "handicapped" -> 2, "half-million" -> 2, "guided" -> 2, "Guard" -> 2, "guard" -> 2, "Guam" -> 2, "growing" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "Greatly" -> 2, "grave" -> 2, "grains" -> 2, "government's" -> 2, "governmental" -> 2, "gold" -> 2, "goes" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "G.I." -> 2, "geographic" -> 2, "gasoline" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "Future" -> 2, "Further" -> 2, "fuels" -> 2, "frustrations" -> 2, "fronts" -> 2, "freight" -> 2, "free-enterprise" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "Founding" -> 2, "Foundation" -> 2, "Foster" -> 2, "fossil" -> 2, "forms" -> 2, "forgotten" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "Forces" -> 2, "forcefully" -> 2, "Food" -> 2, "folly" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "fleet" -> 2, "flagrant" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "fitness" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "firearms" -> 2, "fire" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "film" -> 2, "fighter" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "feel" -> 2, "fast" -> 2, "fashioned" -> 2, "Farmers" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "fall" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "facing" -> 2, "facilitate" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extending" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "excessive" -> 2, "everyone" -> 2, "European" -> 2, "estimated" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "equitably" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "environmentally" -> 2, "Environment" -> 2, "entry" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "Enterprise" -> 2, "enlarge" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "enhanced" -> 2, "engineers" -> 2, "energetic" -> 2, "enemy's" -> 2, "enemy" -> 2, "endowed" -> 2, "endlessly" -> 2, "ending" -> 2, "endanger" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "encourages" -> 2, "Encourage" -> 2, "emphasize" -> 2, "elements" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "effectiveness" -> 2, "Educational" -> 2, "Economy" -> 2, "economical" -> 2, "Economic" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "easily" -> 2, "earliest" -> 2, "dynamic" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "Drugs" -> 2, "driven" -> 2, "dramatic" -> 2, "doubling" -> 2, "diversity" -> 2, "distinguished" -> 2, "distant" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "discussions" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "discourage" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "devote" -> 2, "devised" -> 2, "deterrent" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "desirable" -> 2, "deserve" -> 2, "deny" -> 2, "demonstrated" -> 2, "delinquency" -> 2, "delayed" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "decisively" -> 2, "decisions" -> 2, "deception" -> 2, "de" -> 2, "Dangerous" -> 2, "cutting" -> 2, "currencies" -> 2, "crimes" -> 2, "Crime" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "coverage" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "counter" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "coordinate" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contracts" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "continuance" -> 2, "continual" -> 2, "contest" -> 2, "contacts" -> 2, "Consumer" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "consent" -> 2, "Congressional" -> 2, "conference" -> 2, "computerized" -> 2, "compulsory" -> 2, "comply" -> 2, "compete" -> 2, "companion" -> 2, "Communist" -> 2, "committees" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "combining" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "colleges" -> 2, "coastal" -> 2, "climate" -> 2, "child's" -> 2, "checked" -> 2, "challenge" -> 2, "centuries" -> 2, "celebration" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "caused" -> 2, "carriers" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "careers" -> 2, "Career" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "campuses" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "Cabinet" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "buildup" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "Budget" -> 2, "broadened" -> 2, "break" -> 2, "Both" -> 2, "Board" -> 2, "bloody" -> 2, "blood" -> 2, "blind" -> 2, "black" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "bilingual" -> 2, "bicycling" -> 2, "Better" -> 2, "Berlin" -> 2, "bemused" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "begin" -> 2, "begging" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "ban" -> 2, "backing" -> 2, "B-1" -> 2, "aware" -> 2, "automobile" -> 2, "Authority" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "authorities" -> 2, "Attorneys" -> 2, "attain" -> 2, "attack" -> 2, "assisting" -> 2, "Assistant" -> 2, "Assistance" -> 2, "Arms" -> 2, "Armed" -> 2, "armaments" -> 2, "Area" -> 2, "Arab" -> 2, "appropriate" -> 2, "Appointed" -> 2, "applied" -> 2, "anyone" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "anticipate" -> 2, "anniversary" -> 2, "anew" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "altogether" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "all-volunteer" -> 2, "all-time" -> 2, "allocation" -> 2, "allied" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "airports" -> 2, "airport" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "agricultural" -> 2, "Agreements" -> 2, "Agreement" -> 2, "ages" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "affirmed" -> 2, "advancing" -> 2, "advancement" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "Administrations" -> 2, "adjustment" -> 2, "Added" -> 2, "activity" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "ACTION" -> 2, "Action" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "accidents" -> 2, "accelerating" -> 2, "accelerated" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "Abraham" -> 2, "65" -> 2, "60" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "32" -> 2, "300" -> 2, "1964" -> 2, "1961" -> 2, "1960" -> 2, "17" -> 2, "$96" -> 1, "$850" -> 1, "$800" -> 1, "$8" -> 1, "$76" -> 1, "$7,500" -> 1, "$75" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$602" -> 1, "$575" -> 1, "$5.7" -> 1, "$5.4" -> 1, "$5.1" -> 1, "$50" -> 1, "$485" -> 1, "$46" -> 1, "$430" -> 1, "$3.5" -> 1, "$3" -> 1, "$280" -> 1, "$270" -> 1, "$250" -> 1, "$25" -> 1, "$244" -> 1, "$2.4" -> 1, "$2.3" -> 1, "$22" -> 1, "$20" -> 1, "$180" -> 1, "$18" -> 1, "$1.8" -> 1, "$16" -> 1, "$15,000" -> 1, "$15" -> 1, "$1.5" -> 1, "$11" -> 1, "$100,000" -> 1, "$10,000" -> 1, "$100" -> 1, "$1" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "zero" -> 1, "Zealanders" -> 1, "zeal" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "youthful" -> 1, "youngest" -> 1, "you" -> 1, "York" -> 1, "yielding" -> 1, "yielded" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "year—down" -> 1, "year—a" -> 1, "year—65" -> 1, "yardstick" -> 1, "Yakima" -> 1, "wrongs" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "writers" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "world—each" -> 1, "world—but" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "worldly" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "women's" -> 1, "woefully" -> 1, "withstand" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "withdrawals" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "wishes—and" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wiser" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wiping" -> 1, "wipe" -> 1, "wings" -> 1, "winding" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "widower" -> 1, "widow" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "wholeheartedly" -> 1, "whimpering" -> 1, "whim" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whaling" -> 1, "We—with" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "Well-Equipped" -> 1, "well-equipped" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weighed—when" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "web" -> 1, "wear" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "watchful" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "war—for" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "Warsaw" -> 1, "warranties" -> 1, "warheads" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "wants—division" -> 1, "wanton" -> 1, "waned" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "waged" -> 1, "vulnerability" -> 1, "Voting" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "volunteers" -> 1, "volunteerism" -> 1, "Volunteer" -> 1, "voiced" -> 1, "vocations" -> 1, "Vocational" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "vivid" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "VISTA" -> 1, "visible" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "virtual" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "Vietnam—so" -> 1, "Vietnam's" -> 1, "Vietnamization" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "vestiges" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "vehicle" -> 1, "varying" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "valor" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "valid" -> 1, "vain" -> 1, "vacuum" -> 1, "utterly" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "Utilized" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "us—our" -> 1, "usual" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "urges" -> 1, "urgently-needed" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "urbanized" -> 1, "upwards" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "upper" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "upgraded" -> 1, "Upgrade" -> 1, "upgrade" -> 1, "update" -> 1, "upbringing" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unwanted" -> 1, "unto" -> 1, "unthinkable" -> 1, "unsuited" -> 1, "unrelenting" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unreal—yet" -> 1, "unprepared" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unneeded" -> 1, "Universal" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unison" -> 1, "uniformed" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfinished" -> 1, "unfettered" -> 1, "unfairly" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unequaled" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "underway" -> 1, "underutilized" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "undersea" -> 1, "under-paid" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "underlie" -> 1, "undercut" -> 1, "uncontrolled" -> 1, "unconscionable" -> 1, "unclear" -> 1, "unchanged" -> 1, "uncertainties" -> 1, "Unavoidably" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "UN" -> 1, "Ultimately" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "typically" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "two-part" -> 1, "two-and-a-third" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "Twice" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "Turbo-trains" -> 1, "Trust" -> 1, "truman" -> 1, "troubles" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "tropical" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "troop" -> 1, "tripling" -> 1, "triggering" -> 1, "Trident" -> 1, "tribe" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "treatments" -> 1, "Treatment" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "translated" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "Training" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragically" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "Traffic" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "toxin" -> 1, "toxic" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "Total" -> 1, "torpedo" -> 1, "tormenting" -> 1, "torch" -> 1, "top-heavy" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "titles" -> 1, "Title" -> 1, "tireless" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "thwarted" -> 1, "throwing" -> 1, "thrive" -> 1, "threefold" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thoughtfully" -> 1, "thoughtful" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "This—the" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "thermo-nuclear" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "theme" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "thee" -> 1, "theatre" -> 1, "Thais" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "Territorial" -> 1, "terrify" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "terminate" -> 1, "terminals" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "Tennessee" -> 1, "ten-fold" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "Temporary" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "temperament" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "Telephone" -> 1, "technology—advances" -> 1, "techniques—designed" -> 1, "technicians" -> 1, "Technical" -> 1, "teachers" -> 1, "teach-and" -> 1, "taxpayer's" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "tax-loss" -> 1, "tax-free" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "task—to" -> 1, "Task" -> 1, "targeting" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "tap" -> 1, "Taos" -> 1, "tantamount" -> 1, "tandem" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talked" -> 1, "talents" -> 1, "talented" -> 1, "take-home" -> 1, "Taiwan" -> 1, "system—from" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "syndicates—more" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sweeping" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surrender—by" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "surged" -> 1, "surface" -> 1, "surcharge" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supporter" -> 1, "Supported" -> 1, "Support" -> 1, "supplements" -> 1, "supplement" -> 1, "supervisory" -> 1, "supervised" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "superficial" -> 1, "sun" -> 1, "Summit" -> 1, "summit" -> 1, "suit" -> 1, "suffers" -> 1, "suffer" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substantive" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "subscribed" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "subjugated" -> 1, "subjects—and" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "subdivisions" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "Studies" -> 1, "Student" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "structural" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "Strike" -> 1, "strides" -> 1, "Strict" -> 1, "stretches" -> 1, "stresses" -> 1, "stressed" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "Strengthening" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "Strategies" -> 1, "Strategic" -> 1, "Storm" -> 1, "storm" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stolen" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "Stockholm" -> 1, "stir" -> 1, "stimulus" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "stewardship" -> 1, "stepped" -> 1, "steam" -> 1, "statutory" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "States-specifically" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "States-Japanese" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "start-up" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standpoints" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "stalwart" -> 1, "stalled" -> 1, "stagnation" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "Stabilization" -> 1, "spurred" -> 1, "spring" -> 1, "spreads" -> 1, "spreading" -> 1, "Sports" -> 1, "sports" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "spending—increases" -> 1, "spendable" -> 1, "spend" -> 1, "spelled" -> 1, "specified" -> 1, "specifications" -> 1, "Specifically" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "speaks" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "spawned" -> 1, "Spanish-Speaking" -> 1, "spacing" -> 1, "spaces" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "Soon" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "society—racial" -> 1, "Society" -> 1, "Social" -> 1, "soak" -> 1, "snuffed" -> 1, "smugglers" -> 1, "Smithsonian" -> 1, "smallest" -> 1, "slumped" -> 1, "slip" -> 1, "slightly" -> 1, "slash-now" -> 1, "skyrocketing" -> 1, "skyrocket" -> 1, "skin" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "Sixties" -> 1, "sixfold" -> 1, "six-fold" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "singular" -> 1, "single-handedly" -> 1, "Single" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simpler" -> 1, "signing" -> 1, "Significantly" -> 1, "significantly" -> 1, "Significant" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sickle" -> 1, "sick" -> 1, "shuttle" -> 1, "shut" -> 1, "showed" -> 1, "shouldered" -> 1, "shoulder" -> 1, "Should" -> 1, "short-term" -> 1, "shortchanged" -> 1, "shopping" -> 1, "shooting" -> 1, "shoes" -> 1, "shockingly" -> 1, "shining" -> 1, "shifting" -> 1, "shifted" -> 1, "shelved" -> 1, "sheen" -> 1, "she" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "shale" -> 1, "sexual" -> 1, "severely" -> 1, "Seventies" -> 1, "settlement—Hanoi's" -> 1, "Settlement" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "session" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "Serious" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "separates" -> 1, "separated" -> 1, "sentencing" -> 1, "sensitively" -> 1, "sensibly" -> 1, "Senior" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-sufficiency" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "self-development" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "segregate" -> 1, "seems" -> 1, "seemingly" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "Seek" -> 1, "seedbed" -> 1, "See" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "second-class" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "seasonality" -> 1, "sea-bed" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "screening" -> 1, "scorns" -> 1, "Scores" -> 1, "scores" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "Science" -> 1, "schools—providing" -> 1, "schooling" -> 1, "schoolchild" -> 1, "School" -> 1, "scholarships" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "scars" -> 1, "SBIC" -> 1, "SBA's" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satellite" -> 1, "sanity" -> 1, "San" -> 1, "salute" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "Saigon" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "saga" -> 1, "Safety" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "Safeguard" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "Safe" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "rose" -> 1, "roots" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "Road" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "riding" -> 1, "richer" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "rewards" -> 1, "revolving" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "revitalization" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "reversed—45" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "re-use" -> 1, "reusable" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "Retired" -> 1, "retardation" -> 1, "retaliation" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "retail" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "resultant" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "Responsible" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "residential" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "resettlement" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "Reserves" -> 1, "reserve" -> 1, "research-and-development" -> 1, "Requiring" -> 1, "Requirement" -> 1, "Required" -> 1, "Requested" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "reputation" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "repatriation" -> 1, "repaired" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "renal" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remoteness" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "relegated" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "relationship—one" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "rejuvenation" -> 1, "rejects" -> 1, "reinvigorate" -> 1, "reintegration" -> 1, "rehabilitate" -> 1, "Regulations" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "register" -> 1, "regional—is" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "refuel" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "reevaluate" -> 1, "re-established" -> 1, "reestablish" -> 1, "re-entry" -> 1, "reenter" -> 1, "Reduction" -> 1, "redirected" -> 1, "redefine" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recycling" -> 1, "recycled" -> 1, "recycle" -> 1, "recurrent" -> 1, "recruits" -> 1, "recruitment" -> 1, "recruit" -> 1, "Recreational" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "recoverable" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "recourse" -> 1, "reconsider" -> 1, "recommending" -> 1, "Recommended" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recommendation" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "recession" -> 1, "recapture" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reap" -> 1, "realm" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "realistically" -> 1, "realign" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "readmission" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "reading" -> 1, "readily-obtainable" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "reactor" -> 1, "re" -> 1, "Ratification" -> 1, "random" -> 1, "rancorous" -> 1, "ranch" -> 1, "rally" -> 1, "raises" -> 1, "railway" -> 1, "Rail" -> 1, "quieter" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "quarter-century" -> 1, "quarter-billion" -> 1, "quantity" -> 1, "qualities" -> 1, "qualitatively" -> 1, "quadrupled" -> 1, "Pyramid" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "Push" -> 1, "push" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "purge" -> 1, "purest" -> 1, "purchased" -> 1, "pupils" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "Pueblo" -> 1, "published" -> 1, "public-private" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "psychological" -> 1, "Prudent" -> 1, "providers" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "prototypes" -> 1, "protections" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "prosecuting" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "Proposed" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "properties" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "projected" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "progress—from" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "program—the" -> 1, "programs—three" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "Productivity" -> 1, "Product" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "Procurement" -> 1, "pro-consumer" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "process—as" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "procedural" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "privacy" -> 1, "prisoner" -> 1, "priorities" -> 1, "Prior" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "Primarily" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "President—policies" -> 1, "Preservation" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "prescription" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "preferred" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "prefer" -> 1, "predominantly" -> 1, "Predictably" -> 1, "predictable" -> 1, "Precisely" -> 1, "precipitate" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "precinct" -> 1, "precedent-shattering" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayers" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "pray" -> 1, "practitioners" -> 1, "practically" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "potentials" -> 1, "post-World" -> 1, "posts" -> 1, "possessed" -> 1, "Positive" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "positions—efforts" -> 1, "poses" -> 1, "Poseidon" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "populous" -> 1, "poorly" -> 1, "pollution-free" -> 1, "Pollution" -> 1, "polluters" -> 1, "Polish" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "policeman" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poisoning" -> 1, "pluralistic" -> 1, "plunged" -> 1, "plummeted" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pleasure" -> 1, "pleas" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "planting" -> 1, "planners" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "plane" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plaintive" -> 1, "place—the" -> 1, "places—particularly" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "physicians" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "Physical" -> 1, "phosphorous-free" -> 1, "phone" -> 1, "phasing" -> 1, "phased" -> 1, "phase" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "Pesticide" -> 1, "pervades" -> 1, "Persons" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permits" -> 1, "permissiveness" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "Periodic" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "percent" -> 1, "people—for" -> 1, "people—faith" -> 1, "penalizes" -> 1, "penalized" -> 1, "peaks" -> 1, "Peace—a" -> 1, "peace-loving" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "pay—the" -> 1, "pays" -> 1, "payrolls" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "Past" -> 1, "passes" -> 1, "Passenger" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "Party's" -> 1, "partnerships" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participation—our" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "parklands" -> 1, "Parent" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "paint" -> 1, "painfully" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "pace—with" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "owe" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "overpopulation" -> 1, "overnight" -> 1, "overly" -> 1, "overlooked" -> 1, "over-involvement" -> 1, "Overhauled" -> 1, "overdue" -> 1, "Overall" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "outspoken" -> 1, "outspent" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "outnumbered" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "Others" -> 1, "oscillated" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "originating" -> 1, "orientation" -> 1, "orgy" -> 1, "organizing" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "ordain" -> 1, "orchestras" -> 1, "orbiting" -> 1, "option" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "oppositions" -> 1, "opposite—the" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "Opportunities" -> 1, "opium" -> 1, "Operation" -> 1, "Operating" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "opera" -> 1, "openings" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "open-door" -> 1, "onward" -> 1, "on-going" -> 1, "one-year" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "one-fourth" -> 1, "olds" -> 1, "often-overlooked" -> 1, "of-living" -> 1, "off-reservation" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "Offer" -> 1, "offense" -> 1, "Offenders" -> 1, "Oceans" -> 1, "Oceanic" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obstructs" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obliterate" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "objective—improved" -> 1, "objectives" -> 1, "objectively" -> 1, "obeyed" -> 1, "obdurately" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "nowhere" -> 1, "nourished" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "nostalgic" -> 1, "normalize" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non-violent" -> 1, "nonsectarian" -> 1, "nonpublic" -> 1, "non-inflationary" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "Noise" -> 1, "noise" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "nine-per" -> 1, "nine" -> 1, "nightmarish" -> 1, "nightmare" -> 1, "newly-enacted" -> 1, "newly-created" -> 1, "new-car" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "networks" -> 1, "Net" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "Negotiation" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "necessitates" -> 1, "Nearly" -> 1, "nearing" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "Natives" -> 1, "Native" -> 1, "Nationwide" -> 1, "nation-wide" -> 1, "nationalized" -> 1, "Nationalist" -> 1, "narrowly" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "named" -> 1, "myriad" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "museums" -> 1, "multiplied" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multinational" -> 1, "multilateral" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "moves" -> 1, "movers" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "Moratorium" -> 1, "moratorium" -> 1, "morass" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "Morale" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "monumentally" -> 1, "Months" -> 1, "Monthly" -> 1, "monthly" -> 1, "moments" -> 1, "momentous" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "mold" -> 1, "modified" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "Modern" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "mistaken" -> 1, "mission—the" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "missing" -> 1, "missiles" -> 1, "mishmash" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "Minuteman" -> 1, "minority-owned" -> 1, "mine-related" -> 1, "Minerals" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mine" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "million—concrete" -> 1, "million—almost" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "militants" -> 1, "milestone" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "mid-level" -> 1, "middle-management" -> 1, "middle-income" -> 1, "Micronesia" -> 1, "Mexican-American" -> 1, "Metroliner" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "metal" -> 1, "messages" -> 1, "mess" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "mergers" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "men's" -> 1, "Menominee" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "Mediterranean" -> 1, "medicines" -> 1, "Medicare—the" -> 1, "Medicare" -> 1, "medically" -> 1, "Medical" -> 1, "Medicaid" -> 1, "meat-ax" -> 1, "maximize" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "massive—$12.4" -> 1, "massively" -> 1, "Mass" -> 1, "marvel" -> 1, "marshals" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "marketed" -> 1, "markedly" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "mark" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "Marijuana" -> 1, "marijuana" -> 1, "marched" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "man—progress" -> 1, "Manpower" -> 1, "man-made" -> 1, "manifestations" -> 1, "managerial" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "mammals" -> 1, "makers" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "Maintain" -> 1, "mainstream" -> 1, "main-stream" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "lurch" -> 1, "lungs" -> 1, "Lunch" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "lumber" -> 1, "low-lead" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "Looking" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "long-neglected" -> 1, "long-needed" -> 1, "logjam" -> 1, "lockouts" -> 1, "locating" -> 1, "loaf" -> 1, "living—indeed" -> 1, "Living" -> 1, "literature" -> 1, "liquidity" -> 1, "liquid" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "Line" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "Lincoln's" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limitation—so" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "lightweight" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "lifestyle" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "licensed" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liaison" -> 1, "level—will" -> 1, "letting" -> 1, "length" -> 1, "legalizing" -> 1, "legalization" -> 1, "Legal" -> 1, "leftward" -> 1, "Led" -> 1, "lease" -> 1, "learn" -> 1, "lead-free" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "lead-based" -> 1, "lawyers" -> 1, "lawless" -> 1, "lavish" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "languish" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "Labor's" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Kremlin" -> 1, "Krakow" -> 1, "Koreans" -> 1, "kinds" -> 1, "kills" -> 1, "killer" -> 1, "kidneys—diseases" -> 1, "Keep" -> 1, "keen" -> 1, "kaleidoscope" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justice—for" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "junior" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judgement" -> 1, "jointly-funded" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "jobs—a" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "job-oriented" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "jetport" -> 1, "jet" -> 1, "Jersey" -> 1, "Jawboning" -> 1, "IX" -> 1, "issues—such" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "irrevocably" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "irreplaceable" -> 1, "irksome" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "involuntarily" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "invest" -> 1, "invention" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "invalidate" -> 1, "intractable" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intervening" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "Intergovernmental" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "interdependent" -> 1, "interdependence" -> 1, "interchangeable" -> 1, "intercepted" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "Intensify" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "intensification" -> 1, "intends" -> 1, "intellectuals" -> 1, "intellectual" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instruct" -> 1, "institutional" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "insidious" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "input" -> 1, "innovator" -> 1, "innovation" -> 1, "innovate" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "inhibit" -> 1, "inherently" -> 1, "ingrained" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "infuse" -> 1, "infringe" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "inform" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflicted" -> 1, "inflation—is" -> 1, "inflationary" -> 1, "inferiority" -> 1, "inferior" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "inequitable" -> 1, "Industry" -> 1, "industries—for" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "Indochina" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "indictments" -> 1, "indicted" -> 1, "indicated" -> 1, "indicate" -> 1, "Independents" -> 1, "independently" -> 1, "Indeed" -> 1, "indeed" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "Incorporations" -> 1, "incompatible" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "Include" -> 1, "incidents" -> 1, "incidence" -> 1, "Incentives" -> 1, "incentive-destroying" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "inaccessibility" -> 1, "inability" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "Improvement" -> 1, "Improve" -> 1, "impressive" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposing" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "imply" -> 1, "implementing" -> 1, "impetus" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impeded" -> 1, "impatiently" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immobilizing" -> 1, "imminent" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "immensely" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "illusions" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illicit" -> 1, "ill-considered" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "idleness" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "identification" -> 1, "idealism" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "hyperkinetic" -> 1, "hunting" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "Hot" -> 1, "hostels" -> 1, "host" -> 1, "Hospital" -> 1, "horrified" -> 1, "hopelessly" -> 1, "hopeless" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "home-town" -> 1, "Homes" -> 1, "homemakers" -> 1, "homelands" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hit" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "Historians" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "hirings" -> 1, "hijacking" -> 1, "high—far" -> 1, "Highway" -> 1, "high-quality" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "high-level" -> 1, "Heroin" -> 1, "Heritage" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "hence" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helpful" -> 1, "helm" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "heartened" -> 1, "heart-break" -> 1, "Healthy" -> 1, "Heading" -> 1, "headed" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "hazard" -> 1, "Hawaiian" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "harnessing" -> 1, "harmonize" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "hardship" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "harder" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "harassed" -> 1, "haphazard" -> 1, "Hanoi" -> 1, "hand-out" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handled" -> 1, "hand-in-hand" -> 1, "handicaps" -> 1, "handguns" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "hamper" -> 1, "hammered" -> 1, "hallmarks" -> 1, "half-way" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growth-minded" -> 1, "growth-inducing" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "groundwater" -> 1, "Gross" -> 1, "gravely" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grass" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "Grandparents" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "grade" -> 1, "Governor" -> 1, "governments—a" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "Government-private" -> 1, "government-guaranteed" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "Golden" -> 1, "golden" -> 1, "glamour" -> 1, "Give" -> 1, "gigantic" -> 1, "gifted" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "GI" -> 1, "getting" -> 1, "geothermal" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "genuinely" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "Generation" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "general-purpose" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "Gateway" -> 1, "Gate" -> 1, "gasolines" -> 1, "gaining" -> 1, "furtherance" -> 1, "fur" -> 1, "Funding" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "Fund" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "full-fledged" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fuller" -> 1, "full-day" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "frustration" -> 1, "frontiers" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "frills" -> 1, "frightful" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "freest" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "frayed" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "frank" -> 1, "Francisco" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "fragmented" -> 1, "fragile" -> 1, "fourth" -> 1, "fourfold" -> 1, "Founders" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fought—a" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "forums" -> 1, "fortress" -> 1, "fortitude" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "foods" -> 1, "foment" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "Follow" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "fly" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "fleeting" -> 1, "fled" -> 1, "flammable" -> 1, "fivefold" -> 1, "Fitness" -> 1, "Fishing" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fish" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "fires" -> 1, "fire-prevention" -> 1, "Fire" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financiers" -> 1, "Financial" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "filed" -> 1, "Fight" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fibers" -> 1, "fiber" -> 1, "ferret" -> 1, "fence" -> 1, "fellowship" -> 1, "fell" -> 1, "feet" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "Federally" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "February" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fears" -> 1, "FBI" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "Fathers—a" -> 1, "Fathers" -> 1, "father's" -> 1, "fate" -> 1, "Fatalities" -> 1, "fashion" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "far-out" -> 1, "Family" -> 1, "False" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "faith—faith" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "faculty" -> 1, "faculties" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factoring" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "faction" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "fabrics" -> 1, "F-155" -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "extravaganzas" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "ex-serviceman" -> 1, "expropriation" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "exports—notably" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experiments" -> 1, "experimentation" -> 1, "experimentalism" -> 1, "experimental" -> 1, "experiencing" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "Expenditures" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expended" -> 1, "expendable" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "Expanding" -> 1, "Expand" -> 1, "exotic" -> 1, "exists—we" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exhilarating" -> 1, "exhaustive" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "excise" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "exceptions" -> 1, "exceptionally" -> 1, "exceptional" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "excellence-that" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "example—can" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "evolving" -> 1, "evolved" -> 1, "evolutionary" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "ever—$5.1" -> 1, "ever-restless" -> 1, "Everglades" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "evaluate" -> 1, "evading" -> 1, "Europe—would" -> 1, "Ethnic" -> 1, "ethnic" -> 1, "ethics" -> 1, "estuaries" -> 1, "estimates" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "Establishment" -> 1, "Established" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "Especially" -> 1, "Eskimos" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "error" -> 1, "Era" -> 1, "equivalent" -> 1, "Equipping" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "envisioned" -> 1, "envelop" -> 1, "enthusiastic" -> 1, "entertainment" -> 1, "ensures" -> 1, "ensnare" -> 1, "enrollment" -> 1, "enrollees" -> 1, "enmeshed" -> 1, "enlisted" -> 1, "enlist" -> 1, "Enlightened" -> 1, "enlarging" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enhancing" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "engines" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "enforcement—all" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endowments" -> 1, "endorsement" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "Ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "encroach" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emphatically" -> 1, "emphasizes" -> 1, "emphasized" -> 1, "emotionally" -> 1, "emission" -> 1, "emigration" -> 1, "emigrate" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "embassies" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "elite" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "elicit" -> 1, "elementary" -> 1, "Electric" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "electing" -> 1, "Elderly" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficacy" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectively—including" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "education—from" -> 1, "educate" -> 1, "ecological" -> 1, "echoing" -> 1, "echelon" -> 1, "ebbing" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "eased" -> 1, "earth-oriented" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "earmarking" -> 1, "Early" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "eagerly" -> 1, "dyslectic" -> 1, "dwindling" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "durable" -> 1, "duplication" -> 1, "drug-related" -> 1, "dropping" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "drains" -> 1, "dragged" -> 1, "doors" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "dollar—more" -> 1, "dollar's" -> 1, "dole" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "Doctrine—is" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "doctor-patient" -> 1, "divisive—a" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "Division" -> 1, "division" -> 1, "dividing" -> 1, "dividends" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "diversities" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distortions" -> 1, "distinguish" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "dissolve" -> 1, "dissipate" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disruptions" -> 1, "disrupting" -> 1, "disrupt" -> 1, "displacing" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "displace" -> 1, "dispersing" -> 1, "dispel" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "disorder" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "disillusioned" -> 1, "dishonor" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discrimination—the" -> 1, "discrimination—age" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discovery" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discoursing" -> 1, "discourse" -> 1, "discontinued" -> 1, "Discontents" -> 1, "disclosure" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "discerning" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disappointment" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "Disability" -> 1, "Director" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "Diplomacy" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "dimensions" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "dialysis" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "device" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "Develop" -> 1, "deterrents" -> 1, "deterrence" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "details" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destabilize" -> 1, "despotic" -> 1, "desperately" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "Design" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "deserved" -> 1, "desegregated" -> 1, "descriptions" -> 1, "desalinization" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "deployment" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "dentists" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demoralizing" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "demeaning" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delivered" -> 1, "deliver" -> 1, "Delegates" -> 1, "Delegate" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "dehumanizing" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "deficient" -> 1, "defense—up" -> 1, "defense-related" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "defendants" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "deductions" -> 1, "deductible" -> 1, "deduct" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decision—one" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decentralize" -> 1, "decentralization" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "deceitful" -> 1, "decay" -> 1, "decades" -> 1, "dealt" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "deafness" -> 1, "deadlines" -> 1, "dawdles" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "Dangers" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "dance" -> 1, "dampened" -> 1, "cynically" -> 1, "cuts" -> 1, "Customs" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "curriculum" -> 1, "curricula" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "cures" -> 1, "curbed" -> 1, "Cuba's" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "cruelest" -> 1, "crossroads" -> 1, "criticism" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "crime—to" -> 1, "crime-fighting" -> 1, "cries" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "credited" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "crawling" -> 1, "cravings" -> 1, "craftsmen" -> 1, "cracked" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "court-ordered" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "course—the" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "coupling" -> 1, "Country—Americans" -> 1, "countrymen" -> 1, "countervailing" -> 1, "counter-productive" -> 1, "countermeasures" -> 1, "counseling" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "Councils" -> 1, "costs—a" -> 1, "cost-of-living" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "Copernicus" -> 1, "coordinators" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "Cooperative" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "cooperation—public" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "convulsive" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contributed" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contrary-we" -> 1, "contradictions" -> 1, "Continuing" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "continually" -> 1, "Continent" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "containers" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "consumer's" -> 1, "consulting" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "constructing" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consigned" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conservers" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "consciousness" -> 1, "conscious" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "conquered" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "Congress—as" -> 1, "Congress—are" -> 1, "Congress—again" -> 1, "conglomerate" -> 1, "congestion" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "confirms" -> 1, "confined—abilities" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conferred" -> 1, "Conference's" -> 1, "conferees" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "concord" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concerted" -> 1, "concert" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "Concentrate" -> 1, "comprised" -> 1, "complexity" -> 1, "complexities" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "complementary" -> 1, "complement" -> 1, "competitiveness" -> 1, "Compensation" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compensates" -> 1, "compassion" -> 1, "compared" -> 1, "company's" -> 1, "Company" -> 1, "Companies" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "community—and" -> 1, "Communist-dominated" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commonplace" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committees—to" -> 1, "committees—instead" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "collegiate" -> 1, "college-age" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coerced" -> 1, "codify" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "coalition" -> 1, "closures" -> 1, "closing" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clock" -> 1, "clique" -> 1, "clinging" -> 1, "clement" -> 1, "Clearly" -> 1, "Clearinghouse" -> 1, "clearer" -> 1, "cleanly-produced" -> 1, "classification" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "Claims" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "Civilian" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizen's" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "church-oriented" -> 1, "church" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "choices" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "Children's" -> 1, "children's" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "chemical" -> 1, "checking" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "channeling" -> 1, "channel" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "challenges" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "cent—from" -> 1, "cent—a" -> 1, "Century" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "center" -> 1, "cemeteries" -> 1, "cell" -> 1, "celebrate" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "category—the" -> 1, "categories" -> 1, "categorically" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "catalyst" -> 1, "Casualties" -> 1, "cast-off" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "cases-where" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carnage" -> 1, "career-education" -> 1, "Care" -> 1, "Capitol" -> 1, "capitals" -> 1, "capitalism" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "cancerous" -> 1, "Cancer" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "cancelled" -> 1, "cancellation" -> 1, "cancel" -> 1, "calmer" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "bypassed" -> 1, "buys" -> 1, "Buyer's" -> 1, "buyer" -> 1, "businessman" -> 1, "burning" -> 1, "burn" -> 1, "burial" -> 1, "burgeon" -> 1, "Bureaucratic" -> 1, "buoyant" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "Building" -> 1, "buffeted" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgeting" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "brown-outs" -> 1, "Brother" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broke" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "broadcasting" -> 1, "bright" -> 1, "breeder" -> 1, "breakthroughs" -> 1, "Breakthrough" -> 1, "breakthrough" -> 1, "breakfast" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "braked" -> 1, "brake" -> 1, "brackets" -> 1, "bracket" -> 1, "boundless" -> 1, "boundary" -> 1, "bottled" -> 1, "borne" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "Blue" -> 1, "bloodbath" -> 1, "blocks" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "blindness" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "blended" -> 1, "bitterly" -> 1, "birthday" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "biodegradable" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "billion—and" -> 1, "billion—40" -> 1, "Bilingual" -> 1, "bigger" -> 1, "Big" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "bicycle" -> 1, "Bicentennial" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "betrayal—and" -> 1, "best-housed" -> 1, "benevolent" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "beguiled" -> 1, "beg-later" -> 1, "before—twice" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "befitting" -> 1, "beef" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "beach" -> 1, "Bay" -> 1, "battle—a" -> 1, "Basic" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "barred" -> 1, "barbiturates" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "balloon" -> 1, "badly" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "backward" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "awakened" -> 1, "awaiting" -> 1, "avoids" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "Avoidance" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "avail—numerous" -> 1, "available—our" -> 1, "automobiles" -> 1, "automatically" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "Auto" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Australians" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "Augmented" -> 1, "attending" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "Atomic" -> 1, "Atmospheric" -> 1, "Astronomical" -> 1, "Assured" -> 1, "Assure" -> 1, "assuming" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "Association" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "assistants" -> 1, "assistant" -> 1, "assistance—assistance" -> 1, "assimilated" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "assessed—we" -> 1, "Assembly" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "aspect" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "artists" -> 1, "arrests" -> 1, "arranging" -> 1, "arranged" -> 1, "around-the-clock" -> 1, "Around" -> 1, "arms—not" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "area—a" -> 1, "area-wide" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "approach—one" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "apprehend" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appraised" -> 1, "Appointment" -> 1, "applies" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "appears" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "apathy" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "apartheid" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "anyplace" -> 1, "anyone—by" -> 1, "Antitrust" -> 1, "anti-dumping" -> 1, "anti-crime" -> 1, "anti-business" -> 1, "anti-ballistic" -> 1, "Another" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "animosities" -> 1, "animals" -> 1, "animal" -> 1, "anemia" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "anarchy" -> 1, "analysts" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "amphetamines" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amounting" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "amnesty" -> 1, "Americans—that" -> 1, "Americans—for" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "ambulatory" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "Along" -> 1, "All-Volunteer" -> 1, "allowing" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "all-inclusive" -> 1, "alleviated" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alienation" -> 1, "alienate" -> 1, "Aleuts" -> 1, "Alerts" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "alcoholics" -> 1, "alcohol" -> 1, "alarm" -> 1, "airways" -> 1, "airing" -> 1, "aimlessness" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aides" -> 1, "Ahead" -> 1, "agreements—but" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "Agnes" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aging" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "Agents" -> 1, "agenda" -> 1, "Afro-American" -> 1, "Africa's" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "afflicting" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "advisers" -> 1, "adversary" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "administratively" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "Administration-backed" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adhering" -> 1, "adheres" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "addressing" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addicts" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "Adams" -> 1, "Act—non-discrimination" -> 1, "act—and" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acted—forcefully" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achieves" -> 1, "achievements—two" -> 1, "Achievements" -> 1, "Achieve" -> 1, "achievable" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "accords" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "Accord" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accidental" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "accessible" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "Accelerate" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "academic" -> 1, "abusing" -> 1, "abusers" -> 1, "Abundant" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absorbed" -> 1, "absolve" -> 1, "abruptly" -> 1, "abortive" -> 1, "abdication" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "95" -> 1, "9.5" -> 1, "9.4" -> 1, "93d" -> 1, "93" -> 1, "87" -> 1, "8.4" -> 1, "82" -> 1, "800/368-5363" -> 1, "800" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6.6" -> 1, "6.4" -> 1, "6.1" -> 1, "60,000" -> 1, "600" -> 1, "59" -> 1, "562" -> 1, "56" -> 1, "5.5" -> 1, "50,000" -> 1, "45" -> 1, "4.5" -> 1, "422" -> 1, "400" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "380,000" -> 1, "36" -> 1, "3.6" -> 1, "35,000" -> 1, "35" -> 1, "3.5" -> 1, "300,000" -> 1, "29" -> 1, "2.7" -> 1, "26th" -> 1, "2,600" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "2.4" -> 1, "2,270" -> 1, "21st" -> 1, "214" -> 1, "2000" -> 1, "2,000" -> 1, "19-year" -> 1, "1976" -> 1, "1975" -> 1, "1974" -> 1, "1972—legislation" -> 1, "1970—to" -> 1, "1970-72" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "18-to-20" -> 1, "18" -> 1, "17-percent" -> 1, "170,000" -> 1, "16-point" -> 1, "166,000" -> 1, "155" -> 1, "1,500,000" -> 1, "14th" -> 1, "140" -> 1, "12-year" -> 1, "122" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1, "10,000" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1968", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1968, "Date" -> DateObject[{1968, 8, 5}], "Text" -> "Preamble, Purposes and Pledges\n\nTwice before, our Party gave the people of America leadership at a time of crisis—leadership which won us peace in place of war, unity in place of discord, compassion in place of bitterness.\nA century ago, Abraham Lincoln gave that leadership. From it came one nation, consecrated to liberty and justice for all.\nFifteen years ago, Dwight D. Eisenhower gave that leadership. It brought the end of a war, eight years of peace, enhanced respect in the world, orderly progress at home, and trust of our people in their leaders and in themselves. Today, we are in turmoil.\nTens of thousands of young men have died or been wounded in Vietnam.\nMany young people are losing faith in our society.\nOur inner cities have become centers of despair.\nMillions of Americans are caught in the cycle of poverty—poor education, unemployment or serious under-employment, and the inability to afford decent housing.\nInflation has eroded confidence in the dollar at home and abroad. It has severely cut into the incomes of all families, the jobless, the farmers, the retired and those living on fixed incomes and pensions.\nToday's Americans are uncertain about the future, and frustrated about the recent past.\nAmerica urgently needs new leadership—leadership courageous and understanding—leadership that will recapture control of events, mastering them rather than permitting them to master us, thus restoring our confidence in ourselves and in our future.\nOur need is new leadership which will develop imaginative new approaches assuring full opportunity to all our citizens—leadership which will face and resolve the basic problems of our country.\nOur Convention in 1968 can spark a \"Republican Resurgence\" under men and women willing to face the realities of the world in which we live.\nWe must urgently dedicate our efforts toward restoration of peace both at home and abroad.\nWe must bring about a national commitment to rebuild our urban and rural slum areas.\nWe must enable family farm enterprise to participate fully in the nation's prosperity. We must bring about quality education for all. We must assure every individual an opportunity for satisfying and rewarding employment. We must attack the root causes of poverty and eradicate racism, hatred and violence.\nWe must give all citizens the opportunity to influence and shape the events of our time.\nWe must give increasing attention to the views of the young and recognize their key role in our present as well as the future.\nWe must mobilize the resources, talents and energy of public and private sectors to reach these goals, utilizing the unique strength and initiative of state and local governments.\nWe must re-establish fiscal responsibility and put an end to increases in the cost of living.\nWe must reaffirm our commitment to Lincoln's challenge of one hundred six years ago. To Congress he wrote: \"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country .\"\nIn this, our stormy present, let us rededicate ourselves to Lincoln's thesis. Let the people know our commitment to provide the dynamic leadership which they rightly expect of this Party—the Party not of empty promises, but of performance—the Party not of wastefulness, but of responsibility—the Party not of war, but the Party whose Administrations have been characterized by peace—the Republican Party.\nTo these ends, we solemnly pledge to every American that we shall think anew and act anew.\nDomestic Policy\n\nA peaceful, reunified America, with opportunity and orderly progress for all—these are our overriding domestic goals.\nClearly we must think anew about the relationship of man and his government, of man and his fellow-man. We must act anew to enlarge the opportunity and autonomy of the individual and the range of his choice.\nRepublican leadership welcomes challenge. We eagerly anticipate new achievement.\nA new, vital partnership of government at all levels will be a prime Republican objective. We will broaden the base of decision-making. We will create a new mix of private responsibility and public participation in the solution of social problems.\nThere is so much which urgently needs to be done.\nIn many areas poverty and its attendant ills afflict large numbers of Americans. Distrust and fear plague us all. Our inner cities teem with poor, crowded in slums. Many rural areas are run down and barren of challenge or opportunity. Minorities among us—particularly the black community, the Mexican-American, the American Indian—suffer disproportionately.\nAmericans critically need—and are eager for—new and dynamic leadership. We offer that leadership—a leadership to eradicate bitterness and discrimination—responsible, compassionate leadership that will keep its word—leadership every citizen can count on to move this nation forward again, confident, reunited, and sure of purpose.\nCrisis of the Cities\n\nFor today and tomorrow, there must be—and we pledge—a vigorous effort, nation-wide, to transform the blighted areas of cities into centers of opportunity and progress, culture and talent.\nFor tomorrow, new cities must be developed—and smaller cities with room to grow, expanded—to house and serve another 100 million Americans by the turn of the century.\nThe need is critical. Millions of our people are suffering cruelly from expanding metropolitan blight—congestion, crime, polluted air and water, poor housing, inadequate educational, economic and recreational opportunities. This continuing decay of urban centers—the deepening misery and limited opportunity of citizens living there—is intolerable in America. We promise effective, sustainable action enlisting new energies by the private sector and by governments at all levels. We pledge:\nPresidential leadership which will buttress state and local government;\nVigorous federal support to innovative state programs, using new policy techniques such as urban development corporations, to help rebuild our cities;\nEnergetic, positive leadership to enforce statutory and constitutional protections to eliminate discrimination;\nConcern for the unique problems of citizens long disadvantaged in our total society by race, color, national origin, creed, or sex;\nA greater involvement of vast private enterprise resources in the improvement of urban life, induced by tax and other incentives;\nNew technological and administrative approaches through flexible federal programs enabling and encouraging communities to solve their own problems;\nA complete overhaul and restructuring of the competing and overlapping jumble of federal programs to enable state and local governments to focus on priority objectives.\nThese principles as urgently apply to rural poverty and decay. There must be a marked improvement of economic and educational opportunities to relieve widespread distress. Success with urban problems in fact requires acceleration of rural development in order to stem the flow of people from the countryside to the city.\nAir and water pollution, already acute in many areas, require vigorous state and federal action, regional planning, and maximum cooperation among neighboring cities, counties and states. We will encourage this planning and cooperation and also spur industrial participation by means of economic incentives.\nSkyrocketing building costs and interest rates have crippled home building and threaten a housing crisis in the nation, endangering the prospect of a decent home and a suitable living environment for every family. We will vigorously implement the Republican conceived home-ownership program for lower income families and also the Republican-sponsored rent certificate program. Economic incentives will be developed to attract private industry and capital to the low-cost housing market. By reducing interest rates through responsible fiscal and monetary policy we will lower the costs of home-ownership, and new technologies and programs will be developed to stimulate low-cost methods of housing rehabilitation. Local communities will be encouraged to adopt uniform, modern building codes, research in cost-cutting technology through private enterprise will be accelerated, and innovative state and local programs will be supported. We will also stimulate the investment of \"sweat equity\" by home owners.\nOur metropolitan transportation systems—the lifelines of our cities—have become tangled webs of congestion which not only create vast citizen inconvenience, discontent and economic inefficiency, but also tend to barricade inner city people against job opportunities in suburban areas. We will encourage priority attention by private enterprise and all levels of government to sound planning and the rapid development of improved mass transportation systems, Additionally, in the location of federal buildings and installations and the awarding of federal contracts, account will be taken of such factors as traffic congestion, housing, and the effect on community development.\nAmericans are acutely aware that none of these objectives can be achieved unless order through law and justice is maintained in our cities. Fire and looting, causing millions of dollars of property damage, have brought great suffering to home owners and small businessmen, particularly in black communities least able to absorb catastrophic losses. The Republican Party strongly advocates measures to alleviate and remove the frustrations that contribute to riots. We simultaneously support decisive action to quell civil disorder, relying primarily on state and local governments to deal with these conditions.\nAmerica has adequate peaceful and lawful means for achieving even fundamental social change if the people wish it. We will not tolerate violence!\nCrime\n\nLawlessness is crumbling the foundations of American society.\nRepublicans believe that respect for the law is the cornerstone of a free and well-ordered society. We pledge vigorous and even-handed administration of justice and enforcement of the law. We must re-establish the principle that men are accountable for what they do, that criminals are responsible for their crimes, that while the youth's environment may help to explain the man's crime, it does not excuse that crime.\nWe call on public officials at the federal, state and local levels to enforce our laws with firmness and fairness. We recognize that respect for law and order flows naturally from a just society; while demanding protection of the public peace and safety, we pledge a relentless attack on economic and social injustice in every form. The present Administration has:\nIgnored the danger signals of our rising crime rates until very recently and even now has proposed only narrow measures hopelessly inadequate to the need;\nFailed to implement most of the recommendations of the President's own Crime Commission;\nOpposed legislative measures that would assist law enforcement officials in bringing law-breakers to justice;\nRefused to sanction the use of either the court-supervised wiretapping authority to combat organized crime or the revised rules of evidence, both made available by Congress;\nFailed to deal effectively with threats to the nation's internal security by not prosecuting identified subversives.\nBy contrast, Republican leadership in Congress has:\nProvided funds for programs administered by state and local governments to control juvenile delinquency and crime;\nCreated a National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice to conduct crime research and facilitate the expansion of police training programs;\nSecured enactment of laws enabling law enforcement officials to obtain and use evidence needed to prosecute criminals, while at the same time protecting the rights and privacy of all citizens;\nSecured new laws aimed at \"loan sharking,\" the intimidation of witnesses, and obstruction of investigations;\nEstablished disability as well as survivorship benefits for local police officers wounded or killed in pursuit of federal lawbreakers.\nFor the future, we pledge an all-out, federal-state-local crusade against crime, including:\nLeadership by an Attorney General who will restore stature and respect to that office;\nContinued support of legislation to strengthen state and local law enforcement and preserve the primacy of state responsibility in this area;\nFull support of the F.B.I. and all law enforcement agencies of the federal government;\nImproved federal cooperation with state and local law enforcement agencies;\nBetter coordination of the federal law enforcement, crime control, and criminal justice systems;\nA vigorous nation-wide drive against trafficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs, including special emphasis on the first steps toward addiction the use of marijuana and such drugs as LSD;\nTotal commitment to a federal program to deter, apprehend, prosecute, convict and punish the overlords of organized crime in America, including full implementation of the Congressional mandate that court-supervised wiretapping and electronic surveillance tools be used against the mobsters and racketeers;\nIncreased public protection against racketeer infiltration into legitimate business;\nIncreased research into the causes and prevention of crime, juvenile delinquency, and drug addiction;\nCreation of a Federal Corrections Service to consolidate the fragmented and overlapping federal efforts and to assist state and local corrections systems;\nA new approach to the problem of chronic offenders, including adequate staffing of the corrections system and improvement of rehabilitative techniques;\nModernization of the federal judicial system to promote swift, sure justice;\nEnactment of legislation to control indiscriminate availability of firearms, safeguarding the right of responsible citizens to collect, own and use firearms for legitimate purposes, retaining primary responsibility at the state level, with such federal laws as necessary to better enable the states to meet their responsibilities.\nYouth\n\nMore than any other nation, America reflects the strength and creative energy of youth. In every productive enterprise, the vigor, imagination and skills of our young people have contributed immeasurably to progress.\nOur youth today are endowed with greater knowledge and maturity than any such generation of the past. Their political restlessness reflects their urgent hope to achieve a meaningful participation in public affairs commensurate with their contributions as responsible citizens.\nIn recognition of the abilities of these younger citizens, their desire to participate, and their service in the nation's defense, we believe that lower age groups should be accorded the right to vote. We believe that states which have not yet acted should reevaluate their positions with respect to 18-year-old voting, and that each such state should decide this matter for itself. We urge the states to act now.\nFor greater equity we will further revise Selective Service policies and reduce the number of years during which a young man can be considered for the draft, thereby providing some certainty to those liable for military service. When military manpower needs can be appreciably reduced, we will place the Selective Service System on standby and substitute a voluntary force obtained through adequate pay and career incentives.\nWe encourage responsible young men and women to join actively in the political process to help shape the future of the nation. We invite them to join our Republican effort to assure the new direction and the new leadership which this nation so urgently needs and rightfully expects.\nEducation\n\nThe birthplace of American opportunity has been in the classrooms of our schools and colleges. From early childhood through the college years, American schools must offer programs of education sufficiently flexible to meet the needs of all Americans—the advantaged, the average, the disadvantaged and the handicapped alike. To help our educators meet this need we will establish a National Commission to Study the Quality and Relevance of American Education.\nTo treat the special problems of children from impoverished families, we advocate expanded, better programs for pre-school children. We will encourage state, local or private programs of teacher training. The development and increased use of better teaching methods and modern instruction techniques such as educational television and voluntary bilingual education will continue to have our support.\nTo help assure excellence and equality of educational opportunity, we will urge the states to present plans for federal assistance which would include state distribution of such aid to non-public school children and include non-public school representatives in the planning process. Where state conditions prevent use of funds for non-public school children, a public agency should he designated to administer federal funds.\nGreater vocational education in high school and post-high school years is required for a new technological and service-oriented economy. Young people need expansion of post high school technical institutes to enable them to acquire satisfactory skills for meaningful employment. For youths unable to obtain such training, we propose an industry youth program, coupled with a flexible approach to minimum wage laws for young entry-level workers during their training periods.\nThe rapidly mounting enrollments and costs of colleges and universities deprive many qualified young people of the opportunity to obtain a quality college education. To help colleges and universities provide this opportunity, we favor grant and loan programs for expansion of their facilities. We will also support a flexible student aid program of grants, loans and work opportunities, provided by federal and state governments and private organizations. We continue to favor tax credits for those burdened with the costs of higher education, and also tax deductions to encourage savings for this purpose. No young American should be denied a quality education because he cannot afford it or find work to meet its costs.\nHuman Development\n\nThe inability of the poor to cope meaningfully with their environment is compounded by problems which blunt opportunity—inadequate income, inferior education, inadequate health care, slum housing, limited job opportunities, discrimination, and crime.\nFull opportunity requires a coordinated attack on the total problem through community human development programs. Federal revenue sharing would help provide the resources to develop such coordinated programs.\nJobs\n\nThe nation must look to an expanding free enterprise system to provide jobs. Republican policies and programs will encourage this expansion.\nTo qualify for jobs with permanence and promise, many disadvantaged citizens need special assistance and job training. We will enact the Republican-proposed Human Investment Act, offering tax credits to employers, to encourage such training and upgrading.\nA complete overhaul of the nation's job programs is urgent. There are some 70 federally funded job training programs, with some cities having as many as 30 operating side by side. Some of these programs are ineffective and should be eliminated. We will simplify the federal effort and also encourage states and localities to establish single-headed manpower systems, to correlate all such federal activities and gear them to local conditions and needs. Local business advisory boards will assist in the design of such programs to fit training to employment needs. To help the unemployed find work we will also inaugurate a national Job Opportunity Data Bank to report the number, nature and location of unfilled jobs and to match the individuals with the jobs.\nThe Poor\n\nWelfare and poverty programs will be drastically revised to liberate the poor from the debilitating dependence which erodes self-respect and discourages family unity and responsibility. We will modify the rigid welfare requirements that stifle work motivation and support locally operated children's day care centers to free the parents to accept work.\nBurdensome administrative procedures will be simplified, and existing programs will be revised so that they will encourage and protect strong family units.\nThis nation must not blink the harsh fact—or the special demands it places upon us—that the incidence of poverty is consistently greater among Negroes. Mexican-Americans, Indians and other minority groupings than in the population generally.\nAn essential element of economic betterment is the opportunity for self-determination—to develop or acquire and manage one's own business enterprise. This opportunity is bleak for most residents of impoverished areas. We endorse the concept of state and community development corporations. These will provide capital, technical assistance and insurance for the establishment and renewal of businesses in depressed urban and rural areas. We favor efforts to enable residents of such areas to become owners and managers of businesses and, through such agencies as a Domestic Development Bank, to exercise economic leadership in their communities.\nAdditionally, we support action by states, with federal re-insurance, to help provide insurance coverage for homes and small businesses against damage and fire caused by riots.\nWe favor maximum reliance on community leaders utilizing the regular channels of government to provide needed public services. One approach is the Republican-sponsored Community\nService Corps which would augment cooperation and communication between community residents and the police.\nIn programs for the socially and economically disadvantaged we favor participation by representatives of those to be served. The failure so to encourage creative and responsible participation from among the poor has been the greatest among the host of failures of the War on Poverty.\nRecent studies indicate that many Americans suffer from malnutrition despite six separate federal food distribution programs. Here again, fragmentation of federal effort hinders accomplishment. We pledge a unified federal food distribution program, as well as active cooperation with the states and innovative private enterprise, to help provide the hungry poor sufficient food for a balanced diet.\nA new Republican Administration will strive for fairness for all consumers, including additional information and protection programs as necessary, state and local consumer education, vigorous enforcement of the numerous protection laws already enacted, and active encouragement of the many consumer-protection initiatives and organizations of private enterprise.\nHealth\n\nThe inflation produced by the Johnson-Humphrey Administration has struck hardest in the area of health care. Hospital costs are rising 16 percent a year—four times the national average of price increases.\nWe pledge to encourage the broadening of private health insurance plans, many of which cover hospital care only, and to review the operation of government hospital care programs in order to encourage more patients to utilize non-hospital facilities. Expansion of the number of doctors, nurses, and supporting staff to relieve shortages and spread the availability of health care services will have our support. We will foster the construction of additional hospitals and encourage regional hospital and health planning for the maximum development of facilities for medical and nursing care. We will also press for enactment of Republican-sponsored programs for financing of hospital modernization. New diagnostic methods and also preventive care to assure early detection of physical impairments, thus fostering good health and avoiding illnesses requiring hospitalization, will have our support.\nAdditionally, we will work with states and local communities to help assure improved services to the mentally ill within a community setting and will intensify research to develop better treatment methods. We will encourage extension of private health insurance to cover mental illness.\nWhile believing no American should be denied adequate medical treatment, we will be diligent in protecting the traditional patient-doctor relationship and the integrity, of the medical practitioner.\nWe are especially concerned with the difficult circumstances of thousands of handicapped citizens who daily encounter architectural barriers which they are physically unable to surmount. We will support programs to reduce and where possible to eliminate such barriers in the construction of federal buildings.\nThe Elderly\n\nElderly Americans desire and deserve independence, dignity, and the opportunity for continued useful participation. We will strengthen the Social Security system and provide automatic cost of living adjustments under Social Security and the Railroad Retirement Act. An increase in earnings permitted to Social Security recipients without loss of benefits, provision for postage 65 contributions to Social Security with deferment of benefits, and an increase in benefits to widows will also be provided. The age for universal Social Security coverage will be gradually reduced from 72 to 65 and the former 100 percent income tax deduction will be restored for medical and drug expenses for people over 65. Additionally, we will take steps to help improve and extend private pension plans.\nVeterans\n\nThe Republican Party pledges vigorous efforts to assure jobs for returning Vietnam war veterans, as well as other assistance to enable them and their families to establish living conditions befitting their brave service. We pledge a rehabilitation allowance for paraplegics to afford them the means to live outside a hospital environment. Adequate medical and hospital care will be maintained for all veterans with service-connected disabilities and veterans in need, and timely revisions of compensation programs will be enacted for service-connected death and disability to help assure an adequate standard of living for all disabled veterans and their survivors. We will see that every veteran is accorded the right to be interred in a national cemetery as near as possible to his home, and we pledge to maintain all veterans' programs in an independent Veterans Administration.\nIndian Affairs\n\nThe plight of American Indians and Eskimos is a national disgrace. Contradictory government policies have led to intolerable deprivation for these citizens. We dedicate ourselves to the promotion of policies responsive to their needs and desires and will seek the full participation of these people and their leaders in the formulation of such policies.\nInequality of jobs, of education, of housing and of health blight their lives today. We believe the Indian and Eskimo must have an equal opportunity to participate fully in American society. Moreover, the uniqueness and beauty of these native cultures must be recognized and allowed to flourish.\nThe Individual and Government\n\nIn recent years an increasingly impersonal national government has tended to submerge the individual. An entrenched, burgeoning bureaucracy has increasingly usurped powers, unauthorized by Congress. Decentralization of power, as well as strict Congressional oversight of administrative and regulatory agency compliance with the letter and spirit of the law, are urgently needed to preserve personal liberty, improve efficiency, and provide a swifter response to human problems.\nMany states and localities are eager to revitalize their own administrative machinery, procedures, and personnel practices. Moreover, there is growing inter-state cooperation in such fields as education, elimination of air and water pollution, utilization of airports, highways and mass transportation. We pledge full federal cooperation with these efforts, including revision of the system of providing federal funds and reestablishment of the authority of state governments in coordinating and administering the federal programs. Additionally, we propose the sharing of federal revenues with state governments. We are particularly determined to revise the grant-in-aid system and substitute bloc grants wherever possible. It is also important that state and local governments retain the historic right to raise funds by issuing tax-exempt securities.\nThe strengthening of citizen influence on government requires a number of improvements in political areas. For instance, we propose to reform the electoral college system, establish a nation-wide, uniform voting period for Presidential elections, and recommend that the states remove unreasonable requirements, residence and otherwise, for voting in Presidential elections. We specifically favor representation in Congress for the District of Columbia. We will work to establish a system of self-government for the District of Columbia which will take into account the interests of the private citizens thereof, and those of the federal government.\nWe will support the efforts of the Puerto Rican people to achieve statehood when they freely request such status by a general election, and we share the hopes and aspirations of the people of the Virgin Islands who will be closely consulted on proposed gubernatorial appointments.\nWe favor a new Election Reform Act that will apply clear, reasonable restraints to political spending and fund-raising, whether by business, labor or individuals, ensure timely publication of the financial facts in campaigns, and provide a tax deduction for small contributions.\nWe will prevent the solicitation of federal workers for political contributions and assure comparability of federal salaries with private enterprise pay. The increasing government intrusion into the privacy of its employees and of citizens in general is intolerable. All such snooping, meddling, and pressure by the federal government on its employees and other citizens will be stopped and such employees, whether or not union members, will be provided a prompt and fair method of settling their grievances. Further, we pledge to protect federal employees in the exercise of their right freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal to form, join or assist any employee organization or to refrain from any such activities.\nCongress itself must be reorganized and modernized in order to function efficiently as a co-equal branch of government. Democrats in control of Congress have opposed Republican efforts for Congressional reform and killed legislation embodying the recommendations of a special bipartisan committee. We will again press for enactment of this measure.\nWe are particularly concerned over the huge and mounting postal deficit and the evidence, recently stressed by the President's Commission on Postal Organization, of costly and inefficient practices in the postal establishment. We pledge full consideration of the Commission's recommendations for improvements in the nation's postal service. We believe the Post Office Department must attract and retain the best qualified and most capable employees and offer them improved opportunities for advancement and better working conditions and incentives. We favor extension of the merit principle to postmasters and rural carriers.\nPublic confidence in an independent judiciary is absolutely essential to the maintenance of law and order. We advocate application of the highest standards in making appointments to the courts, and we pledge a determined effort to rebuild and enhance public respect for the Supreme Court and all other courts in the United States.\nA Healthy Economy\n\nThe dynamism of our economy is produced by millions of individuals who have the incentive to participate in decision-making that advances themselves and society as a whole. Government can reinforce these incentives, but its over-involvement in individual decisions distorts the system and intrudes inefficiency and waste.\nUnder the Johnson-Humphrey Administration we have had economic mismanagement of the highest order. Inflation robs our pay checks at a present rate of 4 1/2 percent per year. In the past three years the real purchasing power of the average wage and salary worker has actually declined. Crippling interest rates, some the highest in a century, prevent millions of Americans from buying homes and small businessmen, farmers and other citizens from obtaining the loans they need. Americans must work longer today than ever before to pay their taxes.\nNew Republican leadership can and will restore fiscal integrity and sound monetary policies, encourage sustained economic vitality, and avoid such economic distortions as wage and price controls. We favor strengthened Congressional control over federal expenditures by scheduled Congressional reviews of, or reasonable time limits on, unobligated appropriations. By responsibly applying federal expenditure controls to priority needs, we can in time live both within our means and up to our aspirations. Such funds as become available with the termination of the Vietnam war and upon recovery from its impact on our national defense will be applied in a balanced way to critical domestic needs and to reduce the heavy tax burden. Our objective is not an endless expansion of federal programs and expenditures financed by heavier taxation. The imperative need for tax reform and simplification will have our priority attention. We will also improve the management of the national debt, reduce its heavy interest burden, and seek amendment of the law to make reasonable price stability an explicit objective of government policy.\nThe Executive Branch needs urgently to be made a more efficient and economical instrument of public policy. Low priority activities must be eliminated and conflicting missions and functions simplified. We pledge to establish a new Efficiency Commission to root out the unnecessary and overlapping, as well as a Presidential Office of Executive Management to assure a vigorous follow-through.\nA new Republican Administration will undertake an intensive program to aid small business, including economic incentives and technical assistance, with increased emphasis in rural and urban poverty areas.\nIn addition to vigorous enforcement of the antitrust statutes, we pledge a thorough analysis of the structure and operation of these laws at home and abroad in the light of changes in the economy, in order to update our antitrust policy and enable it to serve us well in the future.\nWe are determined to eliminate and prevent improper federal competition with private enterprise.\nLabor\n\nOrganized labor has contributed greatly to the economic strength of our country and the well-being of its members. The Republican Party vigorously endorses its key role in our national life.\nWe support an equitable minimum wage for American workers—one providing fair wages without unduly increasing unemployment among those on the lowest rung of the economic ladder—and will improve the Fair Labor Standards Act, with its important protections for employees.\nThe forty-hour week adopted 30 years ago needs re-examination to determine whether or not a shorter work week, without loss of wages, would produce more jobs, increase productivity and stabilize prices.\nWe strongly believe that the protection of individual liberty is the cornerstone of sound labor policy. Today, basic rights of some workers, guaranteed by law, are inadequately guarded against abuse. We will assure these rights through vigorous enforcement of present laws, including the Taft-Hartley Act and the Landrum-Griffin Act, and the addition of new protections where needed. We will be vigilant to prevent any administrative agency entrusted with labor-law enforcement from defying the letter and spirit of these laws.\nHealthy private enterprise demands responsibility—by government, management and labor—to avoid the imposition of excessive costs or prices and to share with the consumer the benefits of increased productivity. It also demands responsibility in free collective bargaining, not only by labor and management, but also by those in government concerned with these sensitive relationships.\nWe will bar government-coerced strike settlements that cynically disregard the public interest and accelerate inflation. We will again reduce government intervention in labor-management disputes to a minimum, keep government participation in channels defined by the Congress, and prevent back-door intervention in the administration of labor laws.\nRepeated Administration promises to recommend legislation dealing with crippling economic strikes have never been honored. Instead, settlements forced or influenced by government and overriding the interests of the parties and the public have shattered the Administration's own wage and price guidelines and contributed to inflation.\nEffective methods for dealing with labor disputes involving the national interest must be developed. Permanent, long-range solutions of the problems of national emergency disputes, public employee strikes and crippling work stoppages are imperative. These solutions cannot be wisely formulated in the heat of emergency. We pledge an intensive effort to develop practical, acceptable solutions that conform fully to the public interest.\nTransportation\n\nHealthy economic growth demands a balanced, competitive transportation system in which each mode of transportation train, truck, barge, bus and aircraft—is efficiently utilized. The Administration's failure to evolve a coordinated transportation policy now results in outrageous delays at major airports and in glacial progress in developing high-speed train transportation linking our major population centers.\nThe nation's air transport system performs excellently, but under increasingly adverse conditions. Airways and airport congestion has become acute. New and additional equipment, modern facilities including the use of computers, and additional personnel must be provided without further delay. We pledge expert evaluation of these matters in developing a national air transportation system.\nWe will make the Department of Transportation the agency Congress intended it to be-effective in promoting coordination and preserving competition among carriers. We promise equitable treatment of all modes of transportation in order to assure the public better service, greater safety, and the most modern facilities. We will also explore a trust fund approach to transportation, similar to the fund developed for the Eisenhower interstate highway system, and perhaps in this way speed the development of modern mass transportation systems and additional airports.\nResources and Science\n\nAgriculture\n\nDuring seven and a half years of Democrat Administrations and Democrat Congresses the farmer has been the forgotten man in our nation's economy. The cost-price squeeze has steadily worsened, driving more than four and a half million people from the farms, many to already congested urban areas. Over eight hundred thousand individual farm units have gone out of existence.\nDuring the eight years of the Eisenhower Administration, the farm parity ratio averaged 85. Under Democratic rule, the parity ratio has consistently been under 80 and averaged only 74 for all of 1967. It has now fallen to 73. Actions by the Administration, in line with its apparent cheap food policy, have held down prices received by farmers. Government payments to farmers, from taxes paid by consumers, have far from offset this loss.\nInflationary policies of the Administration and its Congress have contributed greatly to increased costs of production. Using 1958 as a base year with an index of 100, prices paid by farmers in 1967 had risen to a weighted index of 117, whereas the prices they received were at a weighted index of only 104. From the 1958 index of 100, interest was up to 259, taxes 178, labor costs 146, and farm machinery 130.\nThe cost-price squeeze has been accompanied by a dangerous increase in farm debt—up nearly $24 billion in the last seven years. In 1967 alone, net debt per farm increased $1,337 while net income per farm went down $605. While net farm equity has increased, it is due mainly to inflated land values. Without adequate net income to pay off indebtedness, the farm owner has no choice but to liquidate some of his equity or go out of business. Farm tenants are even worse off, since they have no comparable investment for inflation to increase in value as their indebtedness increases.\nThe Republican Party is committed to the concept that a sound agricultural economy is imperative to the national interest. Prosperity, opportunity, abundance, and efficiency in agriculture benefit every American. To promote the development of American agriculture, we pledge:\nFarm policies and programs which will enable producers to receive fair prices in relation to the prices they must pay for other products;\nSympathetic consideration of proposals to encourage farmers, especially small producers, to develop their bargaining position;\nSound economic policies which will brake inflation and reduce the high interest rates; A truly two-way export-import policy which protects American agriculture from unfair foreign competition while increasing our overseas commodity dollar sales to the rapidly expanding world population;\nReorganization of the management of the Commodity Credit Corporation's inventory operations so that the Corporation will no longer compete with the marketings of farmers;\nImproved programs for distribution of food and milk to schools and low-income citizens;\nA strengthened program to export our food and farm technology in keeping with the Re-publican-initiated Food for Peace program;\nAssistance to farm cooperatives including rural electric and telephone cooperatives, consistent with prudent development of our nation's resources and rural needs;\nGreater emphasis on research for industrial uses of agricultural products, new markets, and new methods for cost-cutting in production and marketing techniques;\nRevitalization of rural America through programs emphasizing vocational training, economic incentives for industrial development, and the development of human resources;\nImprovement of credit programs to help finance the heavy capital needs of modern farming, recognizing the severe credit problems of young farm families seeking to enter into successful farming;\nA more direct voice for the American farmer in shaping his own destiny.\nNatural Resources\n\nIn the tradition of Theodore Roosevelt, the Republican Party promises sound conservation and development of natural resources in cooperative government and private programs.\nAn expanding population and increasing material wealth require new public concern for the quality of our environment. Our nation must pursue its activities in harmony with the environment. As we develop our natural resources we must be mindful of our priceless heritage of natural beauty.\nA national minerals and fuels policy is essential to maintain production needed for our nation's economy and security. Present economic incentives, including depletion allowances, to encourage the discovery and development of vital minerals and fuels must be continued. We must recognize the increasing demand for minerals and fuels by our economy, help ensure an economically stable industry, maintain a favorable balance of trade and balance of payments, and encourage research to promote the wise use of these resources.\nFederal laws applicable to public lands and related resources will be updated and a public land-use policy formulated. We will manage such lands to ensure their multiple use as economic resources and recreational areas. Additionally, we will work in cooperation with cities and states in acquiring and developing green space—convenient outdoor recreation and conservation areas. We support the creation of additional national parks, wilderness areas, monuments and outdoor recreation areas at appropriate sites, as well as their continuing improvement, to make them of maximum utility and enjoyment to the public.\nImproved forestry practices, including protection and improvement of watershed lands, will have our vigorous support. We will also improve water resource information, including an acceleration of river basin commission inventory studies. The reclaiming of land by irrigation and the development of flood control programs will have high priority in these studies. We will support additional multi-purpose water projects for reclamation, flood control, and recreation based on accurate cost-benefit estimates.\nWe also support efforts to increase our total fresh water supply by further research in weather modification, and in better methods of desalinization of salt and brackish waters.\nThe United States has dropped to sixth among the fishing nations of the world. We pledge a reversal of present policies and the adoption of a progressive national fisheries policy, which will make it possible for the first time to utilize fully the vast ocean reservoir of protein. We pledge a more energetic control of pollution, encouragement of an increase in fishery resources, and will also press for international agreements assuring multi-national conservation.\nWe pledge a far more vigorous and systematic program to expand knowledge about the unexplored storehouses of the sea and polar regions. We must undertake a comprehensive polar plan and an oceanographic program to develop these abundant resources for the continued strength of the United States and the betterment of all mankind.\nScience\n\nIn science and technology the nation must maintain leadership against increasingly challenging competition from abroad. Crucial to this leadership is growth in the supply of gifted, skilled scientists and engineers. Government encouragement in this critical area should be stable and related to a more rational and selective scheme of priorities.\nVigorous effort must be directed toward increasing the application of science and technology, including the social sciences, to the solution of such pressing human problems as housing, transportation, education, environmental pollution, law enforcement, and job training. We support a strong program of research in the sciences, with protection for the independence and integrity of participating individuals and institutions. An increase in the number of centers of scientific creativity and excellence, geographically dispersed, and active cooperation with other nations in meaningful scientific undertakings will also have our support.\nWe regret that the Administration's budgetary mismanagement has forced sharp reductions in the space program. The Republican Party shares the sense of urgency manifested by the scientific community concerning the exploration of outer space. We recognize that the peaceful applications of space probes in communications, health, weather, and technological advances have been beneficial to every citizen. We regard the ability to launch and deploy advanced spacecraft as a military necessity. We deplore the failure of the Johnson-Humphrey Administration to emphasize the military uses of space for America's defense.\nForeign Policy\n\nOur nation urgently needs a foreign policy that realistically leads toward peace. This policy can come only from resolute, new leadership—a leadership that can and will think anew and act anew—a leadership not bound by mistakes of the past.\nOur best hope for enduring peace lies in comprehensive international cooperation. We will consult with nations that share our purposes. We will press for their greater participation in man's common concerns and encourage regional approaches to defense, economic development, and peaceful adjustment of disputes.\nWe will seek to develop law among nations and strengthen agencies to effectuate that law and cooperatively solve common problems. We will assist the United Nations to become the keystone of such agencies, and its members will be pressed to honor all charter obligations, including specifically its financial provisions. World-wide resort to the International Court of Justice as a final arbiter of legal disputes among nations will have our vigorous encouragement, subject to limitations imposed by the U.S. Senate in accepting the Court's jurisdiction.\nThe world abounds with problems susceptible of cooperative solution—poverty, hunger, denial of human rights, economic development, scientific and technological backwardness. The world-wide population explosion in particular, with its attendant grave problems, looms as a menace to all mankind and will have our priority attention. In all such areas we pledge to expand and strengthen international cooperation.\nA more selective use of our economic strength has become imperative. We believe foreign aid is a necessary ingredient in the betterment of less developed countries. Our aid, however, must be positioned realistically in our national priorities. Only those nations which urgently require America's help and clearly evince a desire to help themselves will receive such assistance as can be diverted from our pressing needs. In providing aid, more emphasis will be given to technical assistance. We will encourage multilateral agencies so that other nations will help share the burden. The administration of all aid programs will be revised and improved to prevent waste, inefficiency and corruption. We will vigorously encourage maximum participation by private enterprise.\nNo longer will foreign aid activities range free of our foreign policy. Nations hostile to this country will receive no assistance from the United States. We will not provide aid of any kind to countries which aid and abet the war efforts of North Vietnam.\nOnly when Communist nations prove by actual deeds that they genuinely seek world peace and will live in harmony with the rest of the world, will we support expansion of East-West trade.\nWe will strictly administer the Export Control Act, taking special care to deny export licenses for strategic goods.\nIn the development and execution of the nation's foreign policy, our career Foreign Service officers play a critical role. We strongly support the Foreign Service and will strengthen it by improving its efficiency and administration and providing adequate allowances for its personnel.\nThe principles of the 1965 Immigration Act—non-discrimination against national origins, reunification of families, and selective support for the American labor market—have our unreserved backing, We will refine this new law to make our immigration policy still more equitable and non-discriminatory.\nThe Republican Party abhors the activities of those who have violated passport regulations contrary to the best interests of our nation and also the present policy of reissuing passports to such violators. We pledge to tighten passport administration so as to bar such violators from passport privileges.\nThe balance of payments crisis must be ended, and the international position of the dollar strengthened. We propose to do this, not by peremptory efforts to limit American travel abroad or by self-defeating restraints on overseas investments, but by restraint in Federal spending and realistic monetary policies, by adjusting overseas commitments, by stimulating exports, by encouraging more foreign travel to the United States and, as specific conditions require, by extending tax treatment to our own exports and imports comparable to such treatment applied by foreign countries. Ending inflation is the first step toward solving the payments crisis.\nIt remains the policy of the Republican Party to work toward freer trade among all nations of the free world. But artificial obstacles to such trade are a serious concern. We promise hard-headed bargaining to lower the non-tariff barriers against American exports and to develop a code of fair competition, including international fair labor standards, between the United States and its principal trading partners.\nA sudden influx of imports can endanger many industries. These problems, differing in each industry, must he considered case by case. Our guideline will be fairness for both producers and workers, without foreclosing imports.\nThousands of jobs have been lost to foreign producers because of discriminatory and unfair trade practices.\nThe State Department must give closest attention to the development of agreements with exporting nations to bring about fair competition. Imports should not be permitted to capture excessive portions of the American market but should, through international agreements, be able to participate in the growth of consumption.\nShould such efforts fail, specific counter-measures will have to be applied until fair competition is re-established. Tax reforms will also be required to preserve the competitiveness of American goods.\nThe basis for determining the value of imports and exports must be modified to reflect true dollar value.\nNot the least important aspect of this problem is the relative obsolescence of machinery in this country. An equitable tax write-off is necessary to strengthen our industrial competitiveness in the world.\nWe also favor the broadening of governmental assistance to industries, producers and workers seriously affected by imports—assistance denied by the Johnson-Humphrey Administration's excessively stringent application of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.\nTies of history and geography link us closely to Latin America. Closer economic and cultural cooperation of the United States and the Latin American countries is imperative in a broad attack on the chronic problems of poverty, inadequate economic growth and consequent poor education throughout the hemisphere. We will encourage in Latin America the progress of economic integration to improve opportunity for industrialization and economic diversification.\nThe principles of the Monroe Doctrine, affirmed at Caracas 14 years ago by all the independent nations of this hemisphere, have been discarded by Democrat Administrations, We hold that they should be reaffirmed and should guide the collective policy of the Americas. Nor have we forgotten in this context, the Cuban people who still cruelly suffer under Communist tyranny.\nIn cooperation with other nations, we will encourage the less developed nations of Asia and Africa peacefully to improve their standards of living, working with stronger regional organizations where indicated and desired.\nIn the tinderbox of the Middle East, we will pursue a stable peace through recognition by all nations of each other's right to assured boundaries, freedom of navigation through international waters, and independent existence free from the threat of aggression. We will seek an end to the arms race through international agreement and the stationing of peace-keeping forces of the United Nations in areas of severe tension, as we encourage peace-table talks among adversaries.\nNevertheless, the Soviets persist in building an imbalance of military forces in this region. The fact of a growing menace to Israel is undeniable. Her forces must be kept at a commensurate strength both for her protection and to help keep the peace of the area. The United States, therefore, will provide countervailing help to Israel, such as supersonic fighters, as necessary for these purposes. To replace the ancient rivalries of this region with new hope and opportunity, we vigorously support a well conceived plan of regional development, including the bold nuclear desalinization and irrigation proposal of former President Eisenhower.\nOur relations with Western Europe, so critical to our own progress and security, have been needlessly and dangerously impaired. They must be restored, and NATO revitalized and strengthened. We continue to pursue the goal of a Germany reunified in freedom.\nThe peoples of the captive nations of Eastern Europe will one day regain their freedom and independence. We will strive to speed this day by encouraging the greater political freedom actively sought by several of these nations. On occasions when a liberalization of trade in non-strategic goods with the captive nations can have this effect, it will have our support.\nWe do not intend to conduct foreign policy in such manner as to make the United States a world policeman. However, we will not condone aggression, or so-called \"wars of national liberation,\" or naively discount the continuing threats of Moscow and Peking. Nor can we fail to condemn the Soviet Union for its continuing anti-Semitic actions, its efforts to eradicate all religions, and its oppression of minorities generally. Improved relations with Communist nations can come only when they cease to endanger other states by force or threat. Under existing conditions, we cannot favor recognition of Communist China or its admission to the United Nations.\nWe encourage international limitations of armaments, provided all major powers are proportionately restrained and trustworthy guarantees are provided against violations.\nVietnam\n\nThe Administration's Vietnam policy has failed—militarily, politically, diplomatically, and with relation to our own people.\nWe condemn the Administration's breach of faith with the American people respecting our heavy involvement in Vietnam. Every citizen bitterly recalls the Democrat campaign oratory of 1964: \"We are not about to send American boys 9-10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.\" The Administration's failure to honor its own words has led millions of Americans to question its credibility.\nThe entire nation has been profoundly concerned by hastily extemporized, undeclared land wars which embroil massive U.S. armed forces thousands of miles from our shores. It is time to realize that not every international conflict is susceptible of solution by American ground forces.\nMilitarily, the Administration's piecemeal commitment of men and material has wasted our massive military superiority and frittered away our options. The result has been a prolonged war of attrition. Throughout this period the Administration has been slow in training and equipping South Vietnamese units both for fighting the war and for defending their country after the war is over.\nPolitically, the Administration has failed to recognize the entirely novel aspects of this war. The overemphasis on its old-style, conventional aspects has blinded the Administration to the fact that the issue is not control of territory but the security and loyalty of the population. The enemy's primary emphasis has been to disrupt orderly government.\nThe Administration has paid inadequate attention to the political framework on which a successful outcome ultimately depends. Not only has the Administration failed to encourage assumption of responsibility by the Vietnamese, but their sense of responsibility has been in fact undermined by our approach to pacification. An added factor has been a lack of security for the civilian population.\nAt home, the Administration has failed to share with the people the full implication of our challenge and of our commitments.\nTo resolve our Vietnam dilemma, America obviously requires new leadership—one capable of thinking and acting anew, not one hostage to the many mistakes of the past. The Republican Party offers such leadership.\nWe pledge to adopt a strategy relevant to the real problems of the war, concentrating on the security of the population, on developing a greater sense of nation-hood, and on strengthening the local forces. It will be a strategy permitting a progressive de-Americanization of the war, both military and civilian.\nWe will see to it that our gallant American servicemen are fully supported with the highest quality equipment, and will avoid actions that unnecessarily jeopardize their lives.\nWe will pursue a course that will enable and induce the South Vietnamese to assume increasing responsibility.\nThe war has been conducted without a coherent program for peace.\nWe pledge a program for peace in Vietnam—neither peace at any price nor a camouflaged surrender of legitimate United States or allied interests—but a positive program that will offer a fair and equitable settlement to all, based on the principle of self-determination, our national interests and the cause of long-range world peace.\nWe will sincerely and vigorously pursue peace negotiations as long as they offer any reasonable prospect for a just peace, We pledge to develop a clear and purposeful negotiating position.\nWe will return to one of the cardinal principles of the last Republican Administration: that American interests are best served by cooperative multilateral action with our allies rather than by unilateral U.S. action.\nOur pride in the nation's armed forces in Southeast Asia and elsewhere in the world is beyond expression.\nIn all our history none have fought more bravely or more devotedly than our sons in this unwanted war in Vietnam.\nThey deserve—and they and their loved ones have—our total support, our encouragement, and our prayers.\nNational Defense\n\nGrave errors, many now irretrievable, have characterized the direction of our nation's defense.\nA singular notion—that salvation for America lies in standing still—has pervaded the entire effort. Not retention of American superiority but parity with the Soviet Union has been made the controlling doctrine in many critical areas. We have frittered away superior military capabilities, enabling the Soviets to narrow their defense gap, in some areas to outstrip us, and to move to cancel our lead entirely by the early Seventies. In a host of areas, advanced military research and development have been inhibited and stagnated by inexpert, cost oriented administrators imbued with a euphoric concept of Soviet designs. A strange Administration preference for such second-best weaponry as the costly Navy F111-B (TFX) has deprived our armed forces of more advanced weapons systems. Improvements in our submarines have been long delayed as the Soviets have proceeded apace with their own. Our anti-submarine warfare capabilities have been left seriously inadequate, new fighter planes held up, and new strategic weaponry left on the drawing boards.\nThis mismanagement has dangerously weakened the ability of the United States to meet future crises with great power and decisiveness. All the world was respectful of America's decisive strategic advantage over the Soviets achieved during the Eisenhower Administration. This superiority proved its worth in the Cuban missile crisis six years ago. But now we have had an augury of things to come—a shameful, humiliating episode, the seizure of the USS Pueblo and its crew, with devastating injury to America's prestige everywhere in the world.\nWe pledge to include the following in a comprehensive program to restore the pre-eminence of U.S. military strength:\nImprove our deterrent capability through an ocean strategy which extends the Polaris-Poseidon concept and accelerates submarine technology;\nRedirect and stimulate military strength to encourage major innovations rather than merely respond belatedly to Communist advances;\nStrengthen intelligence gathering and evaluation by the various military services;\nUse the defense dollar more effectively through simplification of the cumbersome, overcentralized administration of the Defense Department, expanded competitive bidding on defense contracts, and improved safeguards against excessive profits;\nReinvigorate the nation's most important security planning organization—the National Security Council—to prevent future haphazard diplomatic and military ventures, integrate the nation's foreign and military policies and programs, and enable our nation once again to anticipate and prevent crises rather than hastily contriving counter-measures after they arise.\nOur merchant marine, too, has been allowed to deteriorate. Now there are grave doubts that it is capable of adequate response of emergency security needs.\nThe United States has drifted from first place to sixth place in the world in the size of its merchant fleet. By contrast, the Russian fleet has been rapidly expanding and will attain a dominant position by 1970. Deliveries of new ships are now eight to one in Russia's favor.\nFor reasons of security, as well as of economics, the decline of our merchant marine must be reversed. We therefore pledge a vigorous and realistic ship replacement program to meet the changing pattern of our foreign commerce. We will also expand industry-government maritime research and development, emphasizing nuclear propulsion, and simplify and revise construction and operating subsidy procedures.\nFinally, we pledge to assemble the nation's best diplomatic, military and scientific minds for an exhaustive reassessment of America's world-wide commitments and military preparedness. We are determined to assure our nation of the strength required in future years to deter war and to prevail should it occur.\nConclusion\n\nWe believe that the principles and programs we have here presented will find acceptance with the American people. We believe they will command the victory.\nThere are points of emphasis which we deem important.\nThe accent is on freedom. Our Party historically has been the Party of freedom. We are the only barricade against those who, through excessive government power, would overwhelm and destroy man's liberty. If liberty fails, all else is dross.\nBeyond freedom we emphasize trust and credibility. We have pledged only what we honestly believe we can perform. In a world where broken promises become a way of life, we submit that a nation progresses not on promises broken but on pledges kept.\nWe have also accented the moral nature of the crisis which confronts us. At the core of that crisis is the life, the liberty, and the happiness of man. If life can be taken with impunity, if liberty is subtly leeched away, if the pursuit of happiness becomes empty and futile, then indeed are the moral foundations in danger.\nWe have placed high store on our basic theme. The dogmas of the quiet past simply will not do for the restless present. The case is new. We must most urgently think anew and act anew. This is an era of rapid, indeed violent change. Clearly we must disenthrall ourselves. Only then can we save this great Republic.\nWe rededicate ourselves to this Republic—this one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", "Words" -> 9955, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 509, "and" -> 475, "of" -> 454, "to" -> 338, "in" -> 168, "We" -> 141, "will" -> 139, "a" -> 119, "for" -> 108, "our" -> 94, "by" -> 75, "with" -> 72, "be" -> 65, "we" -> 59, "The" -> 58, "that" -> 53, "as" -> 52, "must" -> 49, "have" -> 49, "is" -> 48, "has" -> 46, "programs" -> 39, "federal" -> 38, "are" -> 38, "their" -> 37, "such" -> 37, "on" -> 35, "all" -> 34, "this" -> 32, "new" -> 32, "which" -> 30, "its" -> 30, "pledge" -> 29, "an" -> 28, "American" -> 28, "encourage" -> 27, "or" -> 26, "from" -> 26, "economic" -> 26, "been" -> 26, "support" -> 25, "not" -> 25, "also" -> 25, "state" -> 24, "government" -> 23, "development" -> 23, "Republican" -> 22, "policy" -> 22, "these" -> 21, "people" -> 21, "national" -> 21, "areas" -> 21, "private" -> 20, "opportunity" -> 20, 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-> 11, "Americans" -> 11, "young" -> 10, "well" -> 10, "use" -> 10, "urgently" -> 10, "those" -> 10, "than" -> 10, "tax" -> 10, "rural" -> 10, "research" -> 10, "present" -> 10, "participation" -> 10, "international" -> 10, "interest" -> 10, "every" -> 10, "enable" -> 10, "control" -> 10, "Congress" -> 10, "cities" -> 10, "care" -> 10, "believe" -> 10, "anew" -> 10, "aid" -> 10, "Vietnam" -> 9, "them" -> 9, "strength" -> 9, "so" -> 9, "security" -> 9, "responsibility" -> 9, "prevent" -> 9, "order" -> 9, "need" -> 9, "labor" -> 9, "incentives" -> 9, "housing" -> 9, "health" -> 9, "governments" -> 9, "future" -> 9, "costs" -> 9, "assistance" -> 9, "us" -> 8, "urban" -> 8, "protection" -> 8, "population" -> 8, "living" -> 8, "liberty" -> 8, "jobs" -> 8, "It" -> 8, "increasing" -> 8, "increase" -> 8, "greater" -> 8, "forces" -> 8, "fair" -> 8, "effort" -> 8, "defense" -> 8, "conditions" -> 8, "community" -> 8, "become" -> 8, "any" -> 8, "Administration's" -> 8, "adequate" -> 8, "Act" -> 8, "about" -> 8, "without" -> 7, "who" -> 7, "time" -> 7, "This" -> 7, "some" -> 7, "society" -> 7, "progress" -> 7, "priority" -> 7, "prices" -> 7, "poverty" -> 7, "poor" -> 7, "political" -> 7, "past" -> 7, "one" -> 7, "now" -> 7, "methods" -> 7, "justice" -> 7, "into" -> 7, "inadequate" -> 7, "improve" -> 7, "freedom" -> 7, "free" -> 7, "For" -> 7, "farmers" -> 7, "economy" -> 7, "competition" -> 7, "both" -> 7, "better" -> 7, "An" -> 7, "additional" -> 7, "would" -> 6, "water" -> 6, "under" -> 6, "trade" -> 6, "toward" -> 6, "systems" -> 6, "strengthen" -> 6, "special" -> 6, "small" -> 6, "Service" -> 6, "Security" -> 6, "school" -> 6, "right" -> 6, "responsible" -> 6, "respect" -> 6, "reduce" -> 6, "provided" -> 6, "planning" -> 6, "place" -> 6, "pay" -> 6, "ourselves" -> 6, "opportunities" -> 6, "most" -> 6, "modern" -> 6, "meet" -> 6, "make" -> 6, "job" -> 6, "inflation" -> 6, "individual" -> 6, "increased" -> 6, "hospital" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "high" -> 6, "funds" -> 6, "full" -> 6, "food" -> 6, "families" -> 6, "expansion" -> 6, "establish" -> 6, "environment" -> 6, "employees" -> 6, "emphasis" -> 6, "developed" -> 6, "critical" -> 6, "crisis" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "business" -> 6, "attention" -> 6, "ago" -> 6, "agencies" -> 6, "administration" -> 6, "Additionally" -> 6, "activities" -> 6, "action" -> 6, "act" -> 6, "workers" -> 5, "while" -> 5, "wage" -> 5, "vigorously" -> 5, "veterans" -> 5, "treatment" -> 5, "think" -> 5, "technology" -> 5, "sound" -> 5, "Social" -> 5, "share" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "seek" -> 5, "scientific" -> 5, "regional" -> 5, "recognize" -> 5, "rates" -> 5, "quality" -> 5, "pursue" -> 5, "providing" -> 5, "promises" -> 5, "producers" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "price" -> 5, "participate" -> 5, "over" -> 5, "offer" -> 5, "number" -> 5, "no" -> 5, "needed" -> 5, "necessary" -> 5, "men" -> 5, "medical" -> 5, "maximum" -> 5, "man" -> 5, "life" -> 5, "interests" -> 5, "income" -> 5, "improvement" -> 5, "improved" -> 5, "important" -> 5, "imperative" -> 5, "human" -> 5, "fully" -> 5, "facilities" -> 5, "expanding" -> 5, "equitable" -> 5, "encouragement" -> 5, "Eisenhower" -> 5, "dollar" -> 5, "do" -> 5, "disputes" -> 5, "Congressional" -> 5, "communities" -> 5, "Communist" -> 5, "commitment" -> 5, "citizen" -> 5, "centers" -> 5, "best" -> 5, "benefits" -> 5, "assist" -> 5, "approach" -> 5, "America's" -> 5, "again" -> 5, "administrative" -> 5, "abroad" -> 5, "where" -> 4, "when" -> 4, "U.S." -> 4, "total" -> 4, "today" -> 4, "These" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "themselves" -> 4, "technological" -> 4, "techniques" -> 4, "technical" -> 4, "strengthened" -> 4, "space" -> 4, "Soviets" -> 4, "social" -> 4, "services" -> 4, "rights" -> 4, "revised" -> 4, "requires" -> 4, "require" -> 4, "reasonable" -> 4, "rather" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "promise" -> 4, "press" -> 4, "Presidential" -> 4, "practices" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "possible" -> 4, "position" -> 4, "pollution" -> 4, "peaceful" -> 4, "payments" -> 4, "New" -> 4, "net" -> 4, "Nations" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "millions" -> 4, "means" -> 4, "management" -> 4, "major" -> 4, "maintain" -> 4, "lower" -> 4, "live" -> 4, "levels" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "Johnson-Humphrey" -> 4, "insurance" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "industrial" -> 4, "individuals" -> 4, "index" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "increasingly" -> 4, "Improved" -> 4, "imports" -> 4, "highest" -> 4, "heavy" -> 4, "he" -> 4, "growth" -> 4, "Government" -> 4, "flexible" -> 4, "first" -> 4, "Federal" -> 4, "family" -> 4, "failure" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "exports" -> 4, "excessive" -> 4, "equity" -> 4, "eight" -> 4, "educational" -> 4, "each" -> 4, "distribution" -> 4, "disadvantaged" -> 4, "developing" -> 4, "determined" -> 4, "Department" -> 4, "Democrat" -> 4, "demands" -> 4, "countries" -> 4, "contributions" -> 4, "contributed" -> 4, "continuing" -> 4, "concerned" -> 4, "concept" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "children" -> 4, "challenge" -> 4, "case" -> 4, "By" -> 4, "building" -> 4, "away" -> 4, "attack" -> 4, "area" 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"advanced" -> 3, "Administrations" -> 3, "active" -> 3, "65" -> 3, "1967" -> 3, "year" -> 2, "wounded" -> 2, "world-wide" -> 2, "working" -> 2, "women" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "wiretapping" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "weighted" -> 2, "week" -> 2, "weather" -> 2, "weaponry" -> 2, "waters" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "voluntary" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "vital" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "violators" -> 2, "Vigorous" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "utilizing" -> 2, "utilize" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "urgent" -> 2, "urge" -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "universities" -> 2, "unity" -> 2, "unique" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "uniform" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "undertake" -> 2, "unable" -> 2, "travel" -> 2, "Transportation" -> 2, "train" -> 2, "tomorrow" -> 2, "Today" -> 2, "timely" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "They" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "taken" -> 2, "take" -> 2, "susceptible" -> 2, "sure" -> 2, "supported" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "suffer" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "substitute" -> 2, "strong" -> 2, "strive" -> 2, "strikes" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "stormy" -> 2, "still" -> 2, "steps" -> 2, "squeeze" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "spending" -> 2, "speed" -> 2, "specifically" -> 2, "specific" -> 2, "South" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "slum" -> 2, "skills" -> 2, "sixth" -> 2, "simplify" -> 2, "simplified" -> 2, "simplification" -> 2, "side" -> 2, "sharing" -> 2, "shape" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "severe" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "settlements" -> 2, "service-connected" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "seriously" -> 2, "serious" -> 2, "Selective" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "Secured" -> 2, "sciences" -> 2, "Science" -> 2, "science" -> 2, "save" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "root" -> 2, "rising" -> 2, "riots" -> 2, "reunified" -> 2, "retain" -> 2, "restraints" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "response" -> 2, "Resources" -> 2, "resolve" -> 2, "requirements" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "relationship" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "relation" -> 2, "related" -> 2, "rehabilitation" -> 2, "region" -> 2, "reflects" -> 2, "re-establish" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "rededicate" -> 2, "recreational" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "recently" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "received" -> 2, "realistically" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "ratio" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "range" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "quiet" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "pursuit" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "protecting" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "prospect" -> 2, "prosecute" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "progressive" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "productivity" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "privacy" -> 2, "priorities" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "pressing" -> 2, "President's" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "positive" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "polar" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "plan" -> 2, "permitting" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "overriding" -> 2, "overhaul" -> 2, "outdoor" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "operating" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "Office" -> 2, "off" -> 2, "ocean" -> 2, "occasion" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "nuclear" -> 2, "Nor" -> 2, "none" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "nature" -> 2, "narrow" -> 2, "multilateral" -> 2, "move" -> 2, "mounting" -> 2, "Moreover" -> 2, "moral" -> 2, "mistakes" -> 2, "Millions" -> 2, "million" -> 2, "miles" -> 2, "metropolitan" -> 2, "menace" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "massive" -> 2, "market" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "manpower" -> 2, "mankind" -> 2, "manage" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "low-cost" -> 2, "long-range" -> 2, "location" -> 2, "localities" -> 2, "Local" -> 2, "loans" -> 2, "loan" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "Lincoln's" -> 2, "limited" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "lies" -> 2, "letter" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "led" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "leadership—a" -> 2, "last" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "killed" -> 2, "key" -> 2, "kept" -> 2, "juvenile" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "Israel" -> 2, "irrigation" -> 2, "involvement" -> 2, "investment" -> 2, "inventory" -> 2, "intervention" -> 2, "intensive" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "Inflation" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "Indian" -> 2, "indeed" -> 2, "indebtedness" -> 2, "Increased" -> 2, "incomes" -> 2, "inability" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "impoverished" -> 2, "implement" -> 2, "If" -> 2, "hundred" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "host" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "homes" -> 2, "home-ownership" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "hemisphere" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "hastily" -> 2, "harmony" -> 2, "happiness" -> 2, "handicapped" -> 2, "half" -> 2, "growing" -> 2, "greatly" -> 2, "Greater" -> 2, "grave" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "goals" -> 2, "generally" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "fund" -> 2, "Full" -> 2, "frittered" -> 2, "freely" -> 2, "foundations" -> 2, "formulated" -> 2, "former" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "forgotten" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "fleet" -> 2, "firearms" -> 2, "financial" -> 2, "fear" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "Failed" -> 2, "fail" -> 2, "face" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "Expansion" -> 2, "expanded" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "excellence" -> 2, "events" -> 2, "evaluation" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "equipment" -> 2, "entirely" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "energy" -> 2, "endanger" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "empty" -> 2, "employee" -> 2, "emphasizing" -> 2, "emphasize" -> 2, "eliminated" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "Elderly" -> 2, "efficiently" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "Education" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "eager" -> 2, "dynamic" -> 2, "During" -> 2, "drugs" -> 2, "drug" -> 2, "Domestic" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "dogmas" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "disenthrall" -> 2, "discrimination" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "Development" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "desalinization" -> 2, "delinquency" -> 2, "Defense" -> 2, "deduction" -> 2, "dedicate" -> 2, "decisive" -> 2, "decision-making" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "decay" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "dangerously" -> 2, "dangerous" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "damage" -> 2, "Cuban" -> 2, "cruelly" -> 2, "crises" -> 2, "crippling" -> 2, "criminals" -> 2, "Crime" -> 2, "credits" -> 2, "credit" -> 2, "credibility" -> 2, "creative" -> 2, "create" -> 2, "coverage" -> 2, "cover" -> 2, "court-supervised" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "counter-measures" -> 2, "cost-price" -> 2, "costly" -> 2, "cost-cutting" -> 2, "corrections" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "cornerstone" -> 2, "coordination" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "controls" -> 2, "contrast" -> 2, "contracts" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "consumer" -> 2, "consistently" -> 2, "considered" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "concern" -> 2, "conceived" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competitiveness" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "comparable" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "commensurate" -> 2, "come" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "Clearly" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "chronic" -> 2, "choice" -> 2, "characterized" -> 2, "channels" -> 2, "change" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "carriers" -> 2, "career" -> 2, "captive" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "businessmen" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "broken" -> 2, "broadening" -> 2, "boys" -> 2, "boards" -> 2, "black" -> 2, "bitterness" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "because" -> 2, "beauty" -> 2, "based" -> 2, "base" -> 2, "barricade" -> 2, "bar" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "averaged" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "availability" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "attract" -> 2, "attendant" -> 2, "At" -> 2, "assuring" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "aspects" -> 2, "Asia" -> 2, "As" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "antitrust" -> 2, "anticipate" -> 2, "allowed" -> 2, "allowances" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "agricultural" -> 2, "aggression" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "advocate" -> 2, "adopt" -> 2, "administer" -> 2, "addition" -> 2, "addiction" -> 2, "acute" -> 2, "actively" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "acquire" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "achieve" -> 2, "account" -> 2, "accorded" -> 2, "acceleration" -> 2, "able" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "30" -> 2, "1958" -> 2, "$605" -> 1, "$24" -> 1, "$1,337" -> 1, "youths" -> 1, "youth's" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "younger" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "year—four" -> 1, "wrote" -> 1, "write-off" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worsened" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "World-wide" -> 1, "workers—one" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "word—leadership" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "witnesses" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "wilderness" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whereas" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "went" -> 1, "well-ordered" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "webs" -> 1, "weapons" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "wastefulness" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilant" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "Vietnam—neither" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "ventures" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "utility" -> 1, "us—that" -> 1, "us—particularly" -> 1, "usurped" -> 1, "USS" -> 1, "Using" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "urgency" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "updated" -> 1, "update" -> 1, "unwanted" -> 1, "unreserved" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unobligated" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unnecessarily" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "uniqueness" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unfilled" -> 1, "unexplored" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "understanding—leadership" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "under-employment" -> 1, "undeniable" -> 1, "undeclared" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "two-way" -> 1, "Twice" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "turmoil" -> 1, "trustworthy" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "truck" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "trafficking" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "Total" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "Today's" -> 1, "tinderbox" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "tighten" -> 1, "Ties" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "thinking" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thesis" -> 1, "there—is" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "theme" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "TFX" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "Tens" -> 1, "tended" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "tenants" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "teem" -> 1, "technologies" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "tax-exempt" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tangled" -> 1, "talks" -> 1, "talents" -> 1, "talent" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "Taft-Hartley" -> 1, "systems—the" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "Sympathetic" -> 1, "swifter" -> 1, "swift" -> 1, "sweat" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "sustainable" -> 1, "survivorship" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "surveillance" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surmount" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "supersonic" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "sufficiently" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "sudden" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "Success" -> 1, "subversives" -> 1, "suburban" -> 1, "subtly" -> 1, "subsidy" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "submerge" -> 1, "submarines" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "Study" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stressed" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "strange" -> 1, "storehouses" -> 1, "store" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stoppages" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "still—has" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "stem" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "statutory" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "stature" -> 1, "stationing" -> 1, "statehood" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standby" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stagnated" -> 1, "staffing" -> 1, "staff" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "spur" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "spark" -> 1, "space—convenient" -> 1, "spacecraft" -> 1, "Southeast" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solution—poverty" -> 1, "solicitation" -> 1, "solemnly" -> 1, "socially" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "snooping" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "slums" -> 1, "slow" -> 1, "Skyrocketing" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "sites" -> 1, "singular" -> 1, "single-headed" -> 1, "sincerely" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "simultaneously" -> 1, "simply" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "signals" -> 1, "Should" -> 1, "shorter" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shattered" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "sharking" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "severely" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "Seventies" -> 1, "settling" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "service-oriented" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-determination—to" -> 1, "self-determination" -> 1, "self-defeating" -> 1, "seizure" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "securities" -> 1, "sectors" -> 1, "sector" -> 1, "second-best" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "satisfying" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "salvation" -> 1, "salt" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "Russia's" -> 1, "Russian" -> 1, "rung" -> 1, "run" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "robs" -> 1, "river" -> 1, "rivalries" -> 1, "risen" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "rightfully" -> 1, "Rican" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revitalize" -> 1, "Revitalization" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "reviews" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "reunited" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "Retirement" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "Resurgence" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restructuring" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "restrained" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "restlessness" -> 1, "restless" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsibly" -> 1, "responsibility—the" -> 1, "responsibility—by" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respond" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "Republic—this" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "Republican-proposed" -> 1, "Re-publican-initiated" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "reprisal" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "Repeated" -> 1, "reorganized" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "religions" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "Relevance" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "relationships" -> 1, "reissuing" -> 1, "Reinvigorate" -> 1, "re-insurance" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "rehabilitative" -> 1, "regulatory" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regret" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "Refused" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "refine" -> 1, "re-examination" -> 1, "reevaluate" -> 1, "reestablishment" -> 1, "re-established" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "Redirect" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reclaiming" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "recapture" -> 1, "recalls" -> 1, "reassessment" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "reaffirmed" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "reach" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "racketeers" -> 1, "racketeer" -> 1, "racism" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quell" -> 1, "Quality" -> 1, "qualify" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "Purposes" -> 1, "purposeful" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "Pueblo" -> 1, "publication" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "Provided" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protein" -> 1, "protects" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "prosecuting" -> 1, "propulsion" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proportionately" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "projects" -> 1, "progresses" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "proceeded" -> 1, "probes" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "Present" -> 1, "pre-school" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "pre-eminence" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "prayers" -> 1, "practitioner" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "poverty—poor" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "postmasters" -> 1, "post-high" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "postage" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "positioned" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "Poor" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "Politically" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "policeman" -> 1, "Polaris-Poseidon" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "pledge—a" -> 1, "Pledges" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "planes" -> 1, "plague" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "piled" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "pervaded" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "persist" -> 1, "Permanent" -> 1, "permanence" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "perhaps" -> 1, "performs" -> 1, "performance—the" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "peremptory" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "penalty" -> 1, "Peking" -> 1, "peace—the" -> 1, "peace-table" -> 1, "peace-keeping" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "pattern" -> 1, "patients" -> 1, "patient-doctor" -> 1, "passports" -> 1, "Party—the" -> 1, "partnership" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "parents" -> 1, "paraplegics" -> 1, "pacification" -> 1, "owner" -> 1, "overwhelm" -> 1, "oversight" -> 1, "overlords" -> 1, "over-involvement" -> 1, "overemphasis" -> 1, "overcentralized" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "outstrip" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outrageous" -> 1, "outer" -> 1, "outcome" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "other's" -> 1, "origins" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "oriented" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "organization—the" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "oratory" -> 1, "options" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "Opposed" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "opportunity—inadequate" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "one's" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "old-style" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offering" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "oceanographic" -> 1, "occur" -> 1, "occasions" -> 1, "obviously" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "obsolescence" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "novel" -> 1, "notion—that" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-tariff" -> 1, "non-strategic" -> 1, "non-hospital" -> 1, "non-discriminatory" -> 1, "Nevertheless" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neighboring" -> 1, "Negroes" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "need—and" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "naturally" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "NATO" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nation-hood" -> 1, "narcotics" -> 1, "naively" -> 1, "multi-purpose" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multi-national" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "motivation" -> 1, "Moscow" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "monuments" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "modified" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "modes" -> 1, "modernized" -> 1, "Modernization" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "mode" -> 1, "mobsters" -> 1, "mobilize" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "missions" -> 1, "missile" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "Minorities" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "Militarily" -> 1, "Middle" -> 1, "Mexican-Americans" -> 1, "Mexican-American" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "meddling" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meaningfully" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "maturity" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "mastering" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "market—have" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "marketings" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "marijuana" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manifested" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "malnutrition" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "mainly" -> 1, "LSD" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "Low" -> 1, "loved" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "losing" -> 1, "looting" -> 1, "looms" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "liquidate" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "link" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "lifelines" -> 1, "licenses" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "liberate" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "liable" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "Let" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "leeched" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "leadership—one" -> 1, "leadership—leadership" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "Lawlessness" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "lawbreakers" -> 1, "law-breakers" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "launch" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "land-use" -> 1, "Landrum-Griffin" -> 1, "ladder—and" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labor—to" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "labor-law" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "keystone" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "jumble" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "jobless" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "jeopardize" -> 1, "issuing" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "irretrievable" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "Investment" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "intrusion" -> 1, "intrudes" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "inter-state" -> 1, "interred" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "interests—but" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "integration" -> 1, "integrate" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "institutes" -> 1, "Institute" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "instance" -> 1, "installations" -> 1, "innovations" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "initiatives" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "inhibited" -> 1, "ingredient" -> 1, "influx" -> 1, "influenced" -> 1, "Inflationary" -> 1, "inflated" -> 1, "infiltration" -> 1, "inferior" -> 1, "inexpert" -> 1, "Inequality" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "industry-government" -> 1, "industrialization" -> 1, "induced" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indiscriminate" -> 1, "indicated" -> 1, "indicate" -> 1, "Indian—suffer" -> 1, "inconvenience" -> 1, "incidence" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inaugurate" -> 1, "inadequately" -> 1, "impunity" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "Improvements" -> 1, "Improvement" -> 1, "Improve" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "imports—assistance" -> 1, "Imports" -> 1, "implication" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "impersonal" -> 1, "impairments" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imbued" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "illnesses" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "Ignored" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "hunger" -> 1, "humiliating" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "hostage" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "Hospital" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "hopelessly" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "hinders" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Her" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "heavier" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "have—our" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "harsh" -> 1, "hard-headed" -> 1, "hardest" -> 1, "haphazard" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guideline" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "gubernatorial" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "grow" -> 1, "groups" -> 1, "groupings" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "green" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "Grave" -> 1, "grant-in-aid" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "government-coerced" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "goal" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "glacial" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "gifted" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "geography" -> 1, "geographically" -> 1, "genuinely" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gear" -> 1, "gathering" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "gallant" -> 1, "futile" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "fund-raising" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "frustrations" -> 1, "frustrated" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "freer" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "fragmented" -> 1, "fragmentation" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "for—new" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forty-hour" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "foreclosing" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "follow-through" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "flows" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "fishing" -> 1, "fishery" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "Fire" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fighter" -> 1, "Fifteen" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "fellow-man" -> 1, "federal-state-local" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "F.B.I." -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failed—militarily" -> 1, "fact—or" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "F111-B" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "extemporized" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "export-import" -> 1, "Export" -> 1, "explosion" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "explicit" -> 1, "explain" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expects" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "expanded—to" -> 1, "exhaustive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "excessively" -> 1, "excellently" -> 1, "evolve" -> 1, "evince" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "even-handed" -> 1, "euphoric" -> 1, "estimates" -> 1, "Established" -> 1, "Eskimos" -> 1, "Eskimo" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "erodes" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equipping" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "episode" -> 1, "environmental" -> 1, "entry-level" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "entrenched" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enrollments" -> 1, "enlisting" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "enhance" -> 1, "engineers" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "Energetic" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "enemy's" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endorses" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "Ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "encounter" -> 1, "Enactment" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "embroil" -> 1, "embodying" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electronic" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "Election" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "effectuate" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "educators" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "East-West" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "East" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "eagerly" -> 1, "dynamism" -> 1, "Dwight" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dross" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "driving" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drifted" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "doubts" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "doctors" -> 1, "diverted" -> 1, "diversification" -> 1, "Distrust" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "distorts" -> 1, "distortions" -> 1, "disrupt" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disproportionately" -> 1, "dispersed" -> 1, "disorder" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discrimination—responsible" -> 1, "discovery" -> 1, "discourages" -> 1, "discount" -> 1, "discord" -> 1, "discontent" -> 1, "discarded" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "disabilities" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "diplomatically" -> 1, "diligent" -> 1, "dilemma" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "diet" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "diagnostic" -> 1, "devotedly" -> 1, "developed—and" -> 1, "devastating" -> 1, "deterrent" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "deteriorate" -> 1, "detection" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "designated" -> 1, "design" -> 1, "deserve—and" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deprive" -> 1, "deprivation" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "deploy" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "Democratic" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "Deliveries" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "defying" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "deferment" -> 1, "defending" -> 1, "deepening" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "deductions" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "decisiveness" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "Decentralization" -> 1, "debt—up" -> 1, "debilitating" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "de-Americanization" -> 1, "Data" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "cynically" -> 1, "cycle" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "cumbersome" -> 1, "cultures" -> 1, "culture" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "crumbling" -> 1, "Crucial" -> 1, "crowded" -> 1, "critically" -> 1, "crisis—leadership" -> 1, "Crisis" -> 1, "Crippling" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "Criminal" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "crew" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "Creation" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "Created" -> 1, "Court's" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "coupled" -> 1, "countryside" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "countervailing" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "Council—to" -> 1, "cost-benefit" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "correlate" -> 1, "Corrections" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "Corporation's" -> 1, "Corporation" -> 1, "core" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "cooperatively" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contriving" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "Contradictory" -> 1, "Continued" -> 1, "context" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumer-protection" -> 1, "consulted" -> 1, "consult" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "consolidate" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consequent" -> 1, "consecrated" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confronts" -> 1, "conform" -> 1, "conflicting" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condone" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "Concern" -> 1, "concentrating" -> 1, "computers" -> 1, "compounded" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "compassion" -> 1, "comparability" -> 1, "Community" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "Commodity" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "Commission's" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "come—a" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "co-equal" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "code" -> 1, "closest" -> 1, "Closer" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizens—leadership" -> 1, "cities—have" -> 1, "Cities" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "children's" -> 1, "childhood" -> 1, "checks" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "challenging" -> 1, "certificate" -> 1, "certainty" -> 1, "centers—the" -> 1, "cemetery" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "causing" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "caught" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "Caracas" -> 1, "capture" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "cancel" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "camouflaged" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buttress" -> 1, "bus" -> 1, "burgeoning" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "Burdensome" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "bravely" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "Branch" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "brake" -> 1, "brackish" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "blunt" -> 1, "bloc" -> 1, "blink" -> 1, "blinded" -> 1, "blight—congestion" -> 1, "blighted" -> 1, "blight" -> 1, "bleak" -> 1, "bitterly" -> 1, "birthplace" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "bilingual" -> 1, "bidding" -> 1, "be—and" -> 1, "Beyond" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "belatedly" -> 1, "befitting" -> 1, "be-effective" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "basin" -> 1, "barren" -> 1, "barge" -> 1, "backwardness" -> 1, "backing" -> 1, "back-door" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "awarding" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "automatic" -> 1, "augury" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "attrition" -> 1, "Attorney" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "assemble" -> 1, "aspect" -> 1, "Asian" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "architectural" -> 1, "arbiter" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "apprehend" -> 1, "appreciably" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "apace" -> 1, "anti-submarine" -> 1, "anti-Semitic" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "anew—a" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "Americans—the" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "all—these" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "allies" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alleviate" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "Airways" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "aircraft—is" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "Africa" -> 1, "afflict" -> 1, "affirmed" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advocates" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "advantaged" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administrators" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjusting" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "acutely" -> 1, "Act—non-discrimination" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "Actions" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accountable" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "accented" -> 1, "accent" -> 1, "accelerates" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "accelerate" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absorb" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "abounds" -> 1, "abilities" -> 1, "abhors" -> 1, "abet" -> 1, "9-10,000" -> 1, "85" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "74" -> 1, "73" -> 1, "72" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "259" -> 1, "1970" -> 1, "1968" -> 1, "1965" -> 1, "1964" -> 1, "1962" -> 1, "18-year-old" -> 1, "178" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "146" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "130" -> 1, "1/2" -> 1, "117" -> 1, "104" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1964", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1964, "Date" -> DateObject[{1964, 7, 13}], "Text" -> "\"For the People\" Section One\n\nFor a Free People\n\nHumanity is tormented once again by an age-old issue—is man to live in dignity and freedom under God or be enslaved—are men in government to serve, or are they to master, their fellow men?\nIt befalls us now to resolve this issue anew—perhaps this time for centuries to come. Nor can we evade the issue here at home. Even in this Constitutional Republic, for two centuries the beacon of liberty the world over, individual freedom retreats under the mounting assault of expanding centralized power. Fiscal and economic excesses, too long indulged, already have eroded and threatened the greatest experiment in self-government mankind has known.\nWe Republicans claim no monopoly of love of freedom. But we challenge as unwise the course the Democrats have charted; we challenge as dangerous the steps they plan along the way; and we deplore as self-defeating and harmful many of the moves already taken.\nDominant in their council are leaders whose words extol human liberty, but whose deeds have persistently delimited the scope of liberty and sapped its vitality. Year after year, in the name of benevolence, these leaders have sought the enlargement of Federal power. Year after year, in the guise of concern for others, they have lavishly expended the resources of their fellow citizens. And year after year freedom, diversity and individual, local and state responsibility have given way to regimentation, conformity and subservience to central power.\nWe Republicans hold that a leadership so misguided weakens liberty in America and the world. We hold that the glittering enticements so invitingly proffered the people, at their own expense, will inevitably bring disillusionment and true disappointment in place of promised happiness. Such leaders are Federal extremists—impulsive in the use of national power, improvident in the management of public funds, thoughtless as to the long-term effects of their acts on individual freedom and creative, competitive enterprise. Men so recklessly disposed cannot be safely entrusted with authority over their fellow citizens.\nTo Republicans, liberty is still today man's most precious possession. For every citizen, and for the generations to come, we Republicans vow that it shall be preserved.\nIn substantiation of this belief the Republican Party submits this platform. To the American people it is our solemn bond.\nTo Stay Free\n\nThe shape of the future is our paramount concern. Much of today's moral decline and drift—much of the prevailing preoccupation with physical and material comforts of life—much of today's crass political appeals to the appetites of the citizenry—can be traced to a leadership grown demagogic and materialistic through indifference to national ideals rounded in devoutly held religious faith. The Republican Party seeks not to renounce this heritage of faith and high purpose; rather, we are determined to reaffirm and reapply it. So doing, these will be our guides:\n1. Every person has the right to govern himself, to fix his own goals, and to make his own way with a minimum of governmental interference.\n2. It is for government to foster and maintain an environment of freedom encouraging every individual to develop to the fullest his God-given powers of mind, heart and body; and, beyond this, government should undertake only needful things, rightly of public concern, which the citizen cannot himself accomplish.\nWe Republicans hold that these two principles must regain their primacy in our government's relations, not only with the American people, but also with nations and peoples everywhere in the world.\n3. Within our Republic the Federal Government should act only in areas where it has Constitutional authority to act, and then only in respect to proven needs where individuals and local or state governments will not or cannot adequately perform. Great power, whether governmental or private, political or economic, must be so checked, balanced and restrained and, where necessary, so dispersed as to prevent it from becoming a threat to freedom any place in the land.\n4. It is a high mission of government to help assure equal opportunity for all, affording every citizen an equal chance at the starting line but never determining who is to win or lose. But government must also reflect the nation's compassionate concern for those who are unable, through no fault of their own, to provide adequately for themselves.\n5. Government must be restrained in its demands upon and its use of the resources of the people, remembering that it is not the creator but the steward of the wealth it uses; that its goals must ever discipline its means; and that service to all the people, never to selfish or partisan ends, must be the abiding purpose of men entrusted with public power.\nDeeds Not Words\n\nThe future we pledge, then, for freedom, by faithful adherence to these guides. Let the people compare these guides with those of the Democratic Party, then test, not the words of the two Parties, but their performance during the past four years of Democratic control. Let the people ask:\nIs the Republic stronger today or wiser than when the present Administration took office four years ago?\nIs its guardianship of freedom more respected at home and throughout the world?\nFor these four years the leaders of the Democratic Party have been entrusted with the nation's executive power and overwhelmingly in control of the Congress. The question must be asked: Have these leaders successfully advanced the purposes of this mightiest nation mankind has known?\nTragically, in each instance, the answer must be \"no.\"\nLet the Democratic Party stand accused.\nSection Two\n\nFailures of Foreign Policy\n\nThis Democratic Administration has been, from its beginning, not the master but the prisoner of major events. The will and dependability of its leadership, even for the defense of the free world, have come to be questioned in every area of the globe.\nDisregard of Allies\n\nThis Administration has neglected to consult with America's allies on critical matters at critical times, leading to lack of confidence, lack of respect and disintegrating alliances.\nIt has permitted an erosion of NATO force and unity, alienating most of its member nations by negotiating with the common foe behind their backs. It has offered concessions to the Communists while according our allies little understanding, patience, or cooperation.\nThis Administration has created discord and distrust by failing to develop a nuclear policy for NATO.\nIt has provoked crises of confidence with our oldest friends, including England and France, by bungling such major projects as Skybolt and NATO's nuclear needs.\nIt has allowed other great alliances—SEATO and CENTO—also to deteriorate, by failing to provide the leadership required for their revitalization and by neglecting their cooperation in keeping the peace.\nWeakness Before Communism\n\nThis Administration has sought accommodations with Communism without adequate safeguards and compensating gains for freedom. It has alienated proven allies by opening a \"hot line\" first with a sworn enemy rather than with a proven friend, and in general pursued a risky path such as began at Munich a quarter century ago.\nIt has misled the American people and forfeited a priceless opportunity to win concessions for freedom by mishandling sales of farm commodities to Communists. At first it disavowed any intent to subsidize prices or use credit; later it demanded such authority and forced the Democrats in Congress to acquiesce. At first it hinted at concessions for freedom in return for wheat sold to Russia; later it obtained no concessions at all. At first it pledged not to breach restraints on trade with Communist countries in other parts of the world; later it stimulated such trade itself, and thus it encouraged trade with Cuba by America's oldest friends.\nThis Administration has collaborated with Indonesian imperialism by helping it to acquire territory belonging to the Netherlands and control over the Papuan people.\nIt has abetted further Communist takeover in Laos, weakly accepted Communist violations of the Geneva Agreement, which the present Administration perpetrated, and increased Soviet influence in Southeast Asia.\nIt has encouraged an increase of aggression in South Vietnam by appearing to set limits on America's willingness to act—and then, in the deepening struggle, it has sacrificed the lives of American and allied fighting men by denial of modern equipment.\nThis Administration has permitted the shooting down of American pilots, the mistreatment of American citizens, and the destruction of American property to become hallmarks of Communist arrogance.\nIt has stood by as a wire barricade in Berlin became a wall of shame, defacing that great city, humiliating every American, and disgracing free men everywhere.\nIt has turned its back on the captive peoples of Eastern Europe, abandoning their cause in the United Nations and in the official utterances of our government.\nThis Administration has forever blackened our nation's honor at the Bay of Pigs, bungling the invasion plan and leaving brave men on Cuban beaches to be shot down. Later the forsaken survivors were ransomed, and Communism was allowed to march deeper into Latin America.\nIt has turned a deaf ear to pleas from throughout the Western Hemisphere for decisive American leadership to seal off subversion from the Soviet base just off our shore.\nIt has increased the long-term troubles for America by retreating from its pledge to obtain on-the-spot proof of the withdrawal of Soviet offensive weapons from Cuba.\nIt left vacant for many critical months the high posts of ambassador in Panama and with the Organization of American States, and thus it failed to anticipate and forestall the anti-American violence that burst forth in Panama.\nUndermining the United Nations\n\nThis Administration has failed to provide forceful, effective leadership in the United Nations.\nIt has weakened the power and influence of this world organization by failing to demand basic improvements in its procedures to guard against its becoming merely a forum of anti-Western insult and abuse.\nIt has refused to insist upon enforcement of the United Nations' rules governing financial support though such enforcement is supported by an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.\nIt has shouldered virtually the full costs of the United Nations' occupation of the Congo, only to have the ousted leadership asked back when United Nations forces had withdrawn.\nForsaking America's Interests\n\nThis Administration has subsidized various forms of socialism throughout the world, to the jeopardy of individual freedom and private enterprise.\nIt has proved itself inept and weak in international trade negotiations, allowing the loss of opportunities historically open to American enterprise and bargaining away markets indispensable to prosperity of American farms.\nFailure of National Security Planning\n\nLosing a Critical Lead\n\nThis Administration has delayed research and development in advanced weapons systems and thus confronted the American people with a fearsome possibility that Soviet advances, in the decade of the 1970's, may surpass America's present lead. Its misuse of \"cost effectiveness\" has stifled the creativity of the nation's military, scientific and industrial communities.\nIt has failed to originate a single new major strategic weapons system after inheriting from a Republican Administration the most powerful military force of all time. It has concealed a lack of qualitative advance for the 1970's by speaking of a quantitative strength which by then will be obsolete. It has not demonstrated the foresight necessary to prepare a strategic strength which in future years will deter war.\nIt has endangered security by downgrading efforts to prepare defenses against enemy ballistic missiles. It has retarded our own military development for near and outer space, while the enemy's development moves on.\nInvitations to Disaster\n\nThis Administration has adopted policies which will lead to a potentially fatal parity of power with Communism instead of continued military superiority for the United States.\nIt has permitted disarmament negotiations to proceed without adequate consideration of military judgment-a procedure which tends to bring about, in effect, a unilateral curtailment of American arms rendered the more dangerous by the Administration's discounting known Soviet advances in nuclear weaponry.\nIt has failed to take minimum safeguards against possible consequences of the limited nuclear test ban treaty, including advanced underground tests where permissible and full readiness to test elsewhere should the need arise.\nDistortions and Blackouts\n\nThis Administration has adopted the policies of news management and unjustifiable secrecy, in the guise of guarding the nation's security; it has shown a contempt of the right of the people to know the truth.\nThis Administration, while claiming major defense savings, has in fact raised defense spending by billions of dollars a year, and yet has short-changed critical areas.\nUndermining Morale\n\nThis Administration has weakened the bonds of confidence and understanding between civilian leaders and the nation's top military professionals. It has bypassed seasoned military judgment in vital national security policy decisions.\nIt has permitted non-military considerations, political as well as spurious economic arguments, to reverse professional judgment on major weapons and equipment such as the controversial TFX, the X-22, and the nuclear carrier.\nIn sum, both in military and foreign affairs, the Democratic record all the world around is one of disappointment and reverses for freedom.\nAnd this record is no better at home.\nFailures at Home\n\nInability to Create Jobs\n\nThis Administration has failed to honor its pledges to assure good jobs, full prosperity and a rapidly growing economy for all the American people:\n—failing to reduce unemployment to four percent, falling far short of its announced goal every single month of its tenure in office; and\n—despite glowing promises, allowing a disheartening increase in long-term and youth unemployment.\nThis Administration has failed to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens. It has preferred, instead, divisive political proposals.\nIt has demonstrated its inability to measure up to the challenge of automation which, wisely guided, will enrich the lives of all people. Administration approaches have been negative and unproductive, as for example the proposed penalties upon the use of overtime. Such penalties would serve only to spread existing unemployment and injure those who create jobs.\nIt has failed to perform its responsibility under Republican amendments to the Manpower Training Act. It has neglected, for example, the basic requirement of developing a dictionary of labor skills which are locally, regionally and nationally in short supply, even though many thousands of jobs are unfilled today for lack of qualified applicants.\nFailing the Poor\n\nThis Administration has refused to take practical free enterprise measures to help the poor. Under the last Republican Administration, the percentage of poor in the country dropped encouragingly from 28% to 21%. By contrast, the present Administration, despite a massive increase in the Federal bureaucracy, has managed a mere two percentage point reduction.\nThis Administration has proposed a so-called war on poverty which characteristically overlaps, and often contradicts, the 42 existing Federal poverty programs. It would dangerously centralize Federal controls and bypass effective state, local and private programs.\nIt has demonstrated little concern for the acute problems created for the poor by inflation. Consumer prices have increased in the past three and a half years by almost 5%, amounting in effect to a 5% national sales tax on the purchases of a family living on fixed income.\nUnder housing and urban renewal programs, notably in the Nation's Capital, it has created new slums by forcing the poor from their homes to make room for luxury apartments, while neglecting the vital need for adequate relocation assistance.\nRetarding Enterprises\n\nThis Administration has violently thrust Federal power into the free market in such areas as steel prices, thus establishing precedents which in future years could critically wound free enterprise in the United States.\nIt has so discouraged private enterprise that the annual increase in the number of businesses has plummeted from the Republican level of 70,000 a year to 47,000 a year.\nIt has allowed the rate of business failures to rise higher under its leadership than in any period since depression days.\nIt has aggravated the problems of small business by multiplying Federal record-keeping requirements and has hurt thousands of small businessmen by forcing up their costs.\nThis Administration has curtailed, through such agencies as the National Labor Relations Board, the simple, basic right of Americans voluntarily to go into or to go out of business.\nIt has failed to stimulate new housing and attract more private capital into the field. In the past three years it has fallen short by 1,500,000 units of meeting its pledge of 2,000,000 new homes each year.\nIt has sought to weaken the patent system which is so largely responsible for America's progress in technology, medicine and science.\nIt has required private electric power companies to submit to unreasonable Federal controls as a condition to the utilization of rights-of-way over public lands. It has sought to advance, without Congressional authorization, a vastly expensive nationwide electrical transmission grid.\nBetrayal of the Farmer\n\nThis Administration has refused, incredibly, to honor the clear mandate of American wheat farmers, in the largest farm referendum ever held, to free them of rigid Federal controls and to restore their birthright to make their own management decisions.\nIt has strangled the Republican rural development program with red tape and neglected its most essential ingredient, local initiative.\nIt has broken its major promises to farm people, dropping the parity ratio to its lowest level since 1939. It has dumped surplus stocks so as to lower farm income and increase the vicious cost-price squeeze on the farmer.\nIt has evidenced hostility toward American livestock producers by proposals to establish mandatory marketing quotas on all livestock, to fine and imprison dairy farmers failing to maintain Federally-acceptable records, and to establish a subsidized grazing cropland conversion program. It has allowed imports of beef and other meat products to rise to an all-time high during a slump in cattle prices which was aggravated by government grain sales.\nNeglect of Natural Resources\n\nThis Administration has delayed the expeditious handling of oil shale patent applications and the early development of a domestic oil shale industry. It has allowed the deterioration of the domestic mining and petroleum industries including displacement of domestic markets by foreign imports. It has failed to protect the American fishing industry and has retreated from policies providing equitable sharing of international fishing grounds.\nFiscal Irresponsibility\n\nThis Administration has misled the American people by such budget manipulations as crowding spending into the previous fiscal year, presenting a proposal to sell off $2.3 billion in government assets as a cot in spending, and using bookkeeping devices to make expenditures seem smaller than they actually are.\nIt has, despite pledges of economy, burdened this nation with four unbalanced budgets in a row, creating deficits totaling $26 billion, with still more debt to come, reflecting a rate of sustained deficit spending unmatched in peacetime.\nIt has failed to establish sensible priorities for Federal fluids. In consequence, it has undertaken needlessly expensive crash programs, as for example accelerating a trip to the moon, to the neglect of other critical needs such as research into health and the increasingly serious problems of air and water pollution and urban crowding.\nThis Administration has continued to endanger retirement under Social Security for millions of citizens; it has attempted to overload the System with costly, unrelated programs which ignore the dangers of overly regressive taxation and the unfairness of forcing the poor to finance such programs for the rich.\nIt has demanded the elimination of a substantial portion of personal income tax deductions for charitable and church contributions, for real property taxes paid by home owners, and for interest payments. The elimination of these deductions would impose great hardship upon millions of our citizens and discourage the growth of some of the finest organizations in America.\nThis Administration has impeded investigations of suspected wrongdoing which might implicate public officials in the highest offices in the land. It has thus aroused justifiable resentment against those who use the high road of public service as the low road to illicitly acquired wealth.\nIt has permitted the quality and morale of the postal system to deteriorate and drastically restricted its services. It has made the Post Office almost inaccessible to millions of working people, reduced the once admired Parcel Post System to a national laughing stock—and yet it is intimated that Americans may soon have to pay 8Вў for a first-class postage stamp.\nIt has resisted personal income tax credits for education, always preferring the route leading to Federal control over our schools. Some leading Democrats have even campaigned politically in favor of such tax credits while voting against them in Congress.\nContrary to the intent of the Manpower Training Act, it has sought to extend Department of Labor influence over vocational education.\nDiscord and Discontent\n\nThis Administration has exploited interracial tensions by extravagant campaign promises, without fulfillment, playing on the just aspirations of the minority groups, encouraging disorderly and lawless elements, and ineffectually administering the laws.\nIt has subjected career civil servants and part-time Federal employees, including employees of the Agriculture Department, to political pressures harmful to the integrity of the entire Federal service. It has weakened veterans' preference in Federal jobs.\nIt has made Federal intervention, even on the Presidential level, a standard operating practice in labor disputes, thus menacing the entire system of free collective bargaining.\nIt has resorted to police state tactics, using the great power of Federal Departments and agencies, to compel compliance with Administration desires, notably in the steel price dispute. The Department of Justice, in particular, has been used improperly to achieve partisan political, economic, and legislative goals. This abuse of power should be the subject of a Congressional investigation.\nWeakening Responsibility\n\nThis Administration has moved, through such undertakings as its so-called war on poverty, accelerated public works and the New Communities Program in the 1964 housing proposal, to establish new Federal offices duplicating existing agencies, bypassing the state capitals, thrusting aside local governmend, and siphoning off to Washington the administration of private citizen and community affairs.\nIt has undermined the Federally assisted, State-operated medical and hospital assistance program, while using—and abusing—Federal authority to force a compulsory hospital program upon the people and the Congress.\nThis enumeration is necessarily incomplete. It does not exhaust the catalog of misdeeds and failures of the present Administration. And let the nation realize that the full impact of these many ill-conceived and ill-fated activities of the Democratic Administration is yet to come.\nSection Three\n\nThe Republican Alternative\n\nWe Republicans are not content to record Democratic misdeeds and failures. We now offer policies and programs new in conception and dynamic in operation. These we urge to recapture initiative for freedom at home and abroad and to rebuild our strength at home.\nNor is this a new role. Republican Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to Dwight D. Eisenhower stand as witness that Republican leadership is steadfast in principle, clear in purpose and committed to progress. The many achievements of the Eisenhower Administration in strengthening peace abroad and the well-being of all at home have been unmatched in recent times. A new Republican Administration will stand proudly on this record.\nWe do not submit, in this platform, extravagant promises to be cynically cast aside after election day. Rather, we offer examples of Republican initiatives in areas of overriding concern to the whole nation—North, South, East and West-which befit a truly national party. In the interest of brevity, we do not repeat the commitments of the 1960 Republican Platform, \"Building a Better America,\" and the 1962 \"Declaration of Republican Principle and Policy.\" We incorporate into this Platform as pledges renewed those commitments which are relevant to the problems of 1964.\nThese, then, will be our guides, and these our additional pledges, in meeting the nation's needs.\nFaith in the Individual\n\n1. We Republicans shall first rely on the individual's right and capacity to advance his own economic well-being, to control the fruits of his efforts and to plan his own and his family's future; and, where government is rightly involved, we shall assist the individual in surmounting urgent problems beyond his own power and responsibility to control. For instance, we pledge:\n—enlargement of employment opportunities for urban and rural citizens, with emphasis on training programs to equip them with needed skills; improved job information and placement services; and research and extension services channeled toward helping rural people improve their opportunities;\n—tax credits and other methods of assistance to help needy senior citizens meet the costs of medical and hospital insurance;\n—a strong, sound system of Social Security, with improved benefits to our people;\n—continued Federal support for a sound research program aimed at both the prevention and cure of diseases, and intensified efforts to secure prompt and effective application of the results of research. This will include emphasis on mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, cancer, heart disease and other diseases of increasing incidence;\n—revision of the Social Security laws to allow higher earnings, without loss of benefits, by our elderly people;\n—full coverage of all medical and hospital costs for the needy elderly people, financed by general revenues through broader implementation of Federal-State plans, rather than the compulsory Democratic scheme covering only a small percentage of such costs, for everyone regardless of need;\n—adoption and implementation of a fair and adequate program for providing necessary supplemental farm labor for producing and harvesting agricultural commodities;\n—tax credits for those burdened by the expenses of college education;\n—vocational rehabilitation, through cooperation between government—Federal and State—and industry, for the mentally and physically handicapped, the chronically unemployed and the poverty-stricken;\n—incentives for employers to hire teenagers, including broadening of temporary exemptions under the minimum wage law;\n—to repeal the Administration's wheat certificate \"bread-tax\" on consumers, so burdensome to low-income families and overwhelmingly rejected by farmers;\n—revision of present non-service-connected pension programs to provide increased benefits for low income pensioners, with emphasis on rehabilitation, nursing homes and World War I veterans;\n—re-evaluation of the armed forces' manpower procurement programs with the goal of replacing involuntary inductions as soon as possible by an efficient voluntary system, offering real career incentives;\n—enactment of legislation, despite Democratic opposition, to curb the flow through the mails of obscene materials which has flourished into a multimillion dollar obscenity racket;\n—support of a Constitutional amendment permitting those individuals and groups who choose to do so to exercise their religion freely in public places, provided religious exercises are not prepared or prescribed by the state or political subdivision thereof and no person's participation therein is coerced, thus preserving the traditional separation of church and state;\n—full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen;\n—improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times;\n—such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote;\n—immigration legislation seeking to re-unite families and continuation of the \"Fair Share\" Refugee Program;\n—continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex. We recognize that the elimination of any such discrimination is a matter of heart, conscience, and education, as well as of equal rights under law.\nIn all such programs, where Federal initiative is properly involved to relieve or prevent misfortune or meet overpowering need, it will be the Republican way to move promptly and energetically, and wherever possible to provide assistance of a kind enabling the individual to gain or regain the capability to make his own way and to have a fair chance to achieve his own goals. In all matters relating to human rights it will be the Republican way fully to implement all applicable laws and never to lose sight of the intense need for advancing peaceful progress in human relations in our land. The Party of Abraham Lincoln will proudly and faithfully live up to its heritage of equal rights and equal opportunities for all.\nIn furtherance of our faith in the individual, we also pledge prudent, responsible management of the government's fiscal affairs to protect the individual against the evils of spendthrift government—protecting most of all the needy and fixed-income families against the cruelest tax, inflation—and protecting every citizen against the high taxes forced by excessive spending, in order that each individual may keep more of his earnings for his own and his family's use. For instance, we pledge:\n—a reduction of not less than five billion dollars in the present level of Federal spending;\n—an end to chronic deficit financing, proudly reaffirming our belief in a balanced budget;\n—further reduction in individual and corporate tax rates as fiscal discipline is restored;\n—repayments on the public debt;\n—maintenance of an administrative, legislative and regulatory climate encouraging job-building enterprise to help assure every individual a real chance for a good job;\n—wise, firm and responsible conduct of the nation's foreign affairs, backed by military forces kept modern, strong and ready, thereby assuring every individual of a future promising peace.\nIn all such matters it will be the Republican way so to conduct the affairs of government as to give the individual citizen the maximum assurance of a peaceful and prosperous future, freed of the discouragement and hardship produced by wasteful and ineffectual government.\nIn furtherance of our faith in the individual, we also pledge the maximum restraint of Federal intrusions into matters more productively left to the individual. For instance, we pledge:\n—to continue Republican sponsorship of practical Federal-State-local programs which will effectively treat the needs of the poor, while resisting, direct Federal handouts that erode away individual self-reliance and self-respect and perpetuate dependency;\n—to continue the advancement of education on all levels, through such programs as selective aid to higher education, strengthened State and local tax resources, including tax credits for college education, while resisting the Democratic efforts which endanger local control of schools;\n—to help assure equal opportunity and a good education for all, while opposing Federally-sponsored \"inverse discrimination,\" whether by the shifting of jobs, or the abandonment of neighborhood schools, for reasons of race;\n—to provide our farmers, who have contributed so much to the strength of our nation, with the maximum opportunity to exercise their own management decisions on their own farms, while resisting all efforts to impose upon them further Federal controls;\n—to establish realistic priorities for the concentration of Federal spending in the most productive and creative areas, such as education, job training, vocational rehabilitation, educational research, oceanography, and the wise development and use of natural resources in the water as well as on land, while resisting Democratic efforts to spend wastefully and indiscriminately;\n—to open avenues of peaceful progress in solving racial controversies while discouraging lawlessness and violence.\nIn all such matters, it will be the Republican way to assure the individual of maximum freedom as government meets its proper responsibilities, while resisting the Democratic obsession to impose from above, uniform and rigid schemes for meeting varied and complex human problems.\nFaith in the Competitive System\n\n2. We Republicans shall vigorously protect the dynamo of economic growth—free, competitive enterprise—that has made America the envy of the world. For instance, we pledge:\n—removal of the wartime Federal excise taxes, favored by the Democratic Administration, on pens, pencils, jewelry, cosmetics, luggage, handbags, wallets and toiletries;\n—assistance to small business by simplifying Federal and State tax and regulatory requirements, fostering the availability of longer term credit at fair terms and equity capital for small firms, encouraging strong State programs to foster small business, establishing more effective measures to assure a sharing by small business in Federal procurement, and promoting wider export opportunities;\n—an end to power-grabbing regulatory actions, such as the reach by the Federal Trade Commission for injunctive powers and the ceaseless pressing by the White House, the Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission to dominate consumer decisions in the market place;\n—returning the consumer to the driver's seat as the chief regulator and chief beneficiary of a free economy, by resisting excessive concentration of power, whether public or private;\n—a drastic reduction in burdensome Federal paperwork and overlapping regulations, which weigh heavily on small businessmen struggling to compete and to provide jobs;\n—a determined drive, through tough, realistic negotiations, to remove the many discriminatory and restrictive trade practices of foreign nations;\n—greater emphasis on overseas sales of surplus farm commodities to friendly countries through long-term credits repayable in dollars under the Republican Food for Peace program;\n—dedication to freedom of expression for all news media, to the right of access by such media to public proceedings, and to the independence of radio, television and other news-gathering media from excessive government control;\n—improvement, and full and fair enforcement, of the anti-trust statutes, coupled with long-overdue clarification of Federal policies and interpretations relating thereto in order to strengthen competition and protect the consumer and small business;\n—constant opposition to any form of unregulated monopoly, whether business or labor;\n—meaningful safeguards against irreparable injuries to any domestic industries by disruptive surges of imports, such as in the case of beef and other meat products, textiles, oil, glass, coal, lumber and steel;\n—enactment of law, such as the Democratic Administration vetoed in the 88th Congress, requiring that labels of imported items clearly disclose their foreign origin;\n—completely reorganize the National Labor Relations Board to assure impartial protection of the rights of the public, employees and employers, ending the defiance of Congress by the present Board;\n—the redevelopment of an atmosphere of confidence throughout the government and across the nation, in which vigorous competition can flourish.\nIn all such matters it will be the Republican way to support, not harass—to encourage, not restrain—to build confidence, not threaten—to provide stability, not unrest—to speed genuine growth, not conjure up statistical fantasies and to assure that all actions of government apply fairly to every element of the nation's economy.\nIn furtherance of our faith in the competitive system, we also pledge:\n—a continual re-examination and reduction of government competition with private business, consistent with the recommendations of the second Hoover Commission;\n—elimination of excessive bureaucracy;\n—full protection of the integrity of the career governmental services, military and civilian, coupled with adequate pay scales;\n—maximum reliance upon subordinate levels of government and individual citizens to meet the nation's needs, in place of establishing even more Federal agencies to burden the people.\nIn all such matters relating to Federal administration it will be the Republican way to provide maximum service for each tax dollar expended, watchfully superintend the size and scope of Federal activities, and assure an administration always fair, efficient and cooperatively disposed toward every element of our competitive system.\nFaith in Limited Government\n\n3. We Republicans shall insist that the Federal Government have effective but limited powers, that it be frugal and efficient, and that it fully meet its Constitutional responsibilities to all the American people. For instance, we pledge:\n—restoration of collective bargaining responsibility to labor and management, minimizing third party intervention and preventing any agency of government from becoming an advocate for any private economic interest;\n—development of truly voluntary commodity programs for commercial agriculture, including payments in kind out of government-owned surpluses, diversion of unneeded land to conservation uses, price supports free of political manipulation in order to stimulate and attain fair market prices, together with adequate credit facilities and continued support of farm-owned and operated cooperatives including rural electric and telephone facilities, while resisting all efforts to make the farmer dependent, for his economic survival, upon either compensatory payments by the Federal Government or upon the whim of the Secretary of Agriculture;\n—full cooperation of all governmental levels and private enterprise in advancing the balanced use of the nation's natural resources to provide for man's multiple needs;\n—continuing review of public-land laws and policies to assure maximum opportunity for all beneficial uses of the public lands; including the development of mineral resources;\n—comprehensive water-resource planning and development, including projects for our growing cities, expanded research in desalinization of water, and continued support of multi-purpose reclamation projects;\n—support of sustained yield management of our forests and expanded research for control of forest insects, disease, and forest fires;\n—protection of traditional domestic fishing grounds and other actions, including tax incentives, to encourage modernization of fishing vessels, and improve processing and marketing practices;\n—continued tax support to encourage exploration and development of domestic sources of minerals and metals, with reasonable depletion allowances;\n—stabilization of present oil programs, private development of atomic power, increased coal research and expansion of coal exports;\n—a replanning of the present space program to provide for a more orderly, yet aggressively pursued, step-by-step development, remaining alert to the danger of overdiversion of skilled personnel in critical shortage from other vital areas such as health, industry, education and science;\nIn furtherance of our faith in limited, frugal and efficient government we also pledge:\n—credit against Federal taxes for specified State and local taxes paid, and a transfer to the States of excise and other Federal tax sources, to reinforce the fiscal strength of State and local governments so that they may better meet rising school costs and other pressing urban and suburban problems such as transportation, housing, water systems and juvenile delinquency;\n—emphasis upon channeling more private capital into sound urban development projects and private housing;\n—critical re-examination and major overhaul of all Federal grant-in-aid programs with a view to channeling such programs through the States, discontinuing those no longer required and adjusting others in a determined effort to restore the unique balance and creative energy of the traditional American system of government;\n—revitalization of municipal and county governments throughout America by encouraging them, and private citizens as well, to develop new solutions of their major concerns through a streamlining and modernizing of state and local processes of government, and by a renewed consciousness of their ability to reach these solutions, not through Federal action, but through their own capabilities;\n—support of a Constitutional amendment, as well as legislation, enabling States having bicameral legislatures to apportion one House on bases of their choosing, including factors other than population;\n—complete reform of the tax structure, to include simplification as well as lower rates to strengthen individual and business incentives;\n—effective budgetary reform, improved Congressional appropriation procedures, and full implementation of the anti-deficiency statute;\n—a wide-ranging reform of other Congressional procedures, including the provision of adequate professional staff assistance for the minority membership on Congressional Committees, to insure that the power and prestige of Congress remain adequate to the needs of the times;\n—high priority for the solution of the nation's balance of payment difficulties to assure unquestioned confidence in the dollar, maintenance of the competitiveness of American products in domestic and foreign markets, expansion of exports, stimulation of foreign tourism in the United States, greater foreign sharing of mutual security burdens abroad, a drastic reorganization and redirection of the entire foreign aid effort, gradual reductions in overseas U.S. forces as manpower can be replaced by increased firepower; and strengthening of the international monetary system without sacrifice of our freedom of policy making.\nIn all such matters it will be the Republican way to achieve not feigned but genuine savings, allowing a reduction of the public debt and additional tax reductions while meeting the proper responsibilities of government. We pledge an especially determined effort to help strengthen the ability of State and local governments to meet the broad range of needs facing the nation's urban and suburban communities.\nSection Four\n\nFreedom Abroad\n\nThe Republican commitment to individual freedom applies no less abroad.\nAmerica must advance freedom throughout the world as a vital condition of orderly human progress, universal justice, and the security of the American people.\nThe supreme challenge to this policy is an atheistic imperialism-Communism.\nOur nation's leadership must be judged by—indeed, American independence and even survival are dependent upon—the stand it takes toward Communism.\nThat stand must be: victory for freedom. There can be no peace, there can be no security, until this goal is won.\nAs long as Communist leaders remain ideologically fixed upon ruling the world, there can be no lesser goal. This is the supreme test of America's foreign policy. It must not be defaulted. In the balance is human liberty everyplace on earth.\nReducing the Risks of War\n\nA dynamic strategy aimed at victory pressing always for initiatives for freedom, rejecting always appeasement and withdrawal-reduces the risk of nuclear war. It is a nation's vacillation, not firmness, that tempts an aggressor into war. It is accommodation, not opposition, that encourages a hostile nation to remain hostile and to remain aggressive.\nThe road to peace is a road not of fawning amiability but of strength and respect. Republicans judge foreign policy by its success in advancing freedom and justice, not by its effect on international prestige polls.\nIn making foreign policy, these will be our guidelines:\nTrusting Ourselves and Our Friends\n\n1. Secrecy in foreign policy must be at a minimum, public understanding at a maximum. Our own citizens, rather than those of other nations, should be accorded primary trust.\n2. Consultation with our allies should take precedence over direct negotiations with Communist powers. The bypassing of our allies has contributed greatly to the shattering of free world unity and to the loss of free world continuity in opposing Communism.\nCommunism's Course\n\n3. We reject the notion that Communism has abandoned its goal of world domination, or that fat and well fed Communists are less dangerous than lean and hungry ones. We also reject the notion that the United States should take sides in the Sino-Soviet rift.\nRepublican foreign policy starts with the assumption that Communism is the enemy of this nation in every sense until it can prove that its enmity has been abandoned.\n4. We hold that trade with Communist countries should not be directed toward the enhancement of their power and influence but could only be justified if it would serve to diminish their power.\n5. We are opposed to the recognition of Red China. We oppose its admission into the United Nations. We steadfastly support free China.\n6. In negotiations with Communists, Republicans will probe tirelessly for reasonable, practicable and trustworthy agreements. However, we will never abandon insistence on advantages for the free world.\n7. Republicans will continue to work for the realization of the Open Skies policy proposed in 1955 by President Eisenhower. Only open societies offer real hope of confidence among nations.\nCommunism's Captives\n\n8. Republicans reaffirm their long-standing commitment to a course leading to eventual liberation of the Communist dominated nations of Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America, including the peoples of Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Albania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Armenia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and its Serbian, Croatian and Slovene peoples, Cuba, mainland China, and many others. We condemn the persecution of minorities, such as the Jews, within Communist borders.\nThe United Nations\n\n9. Republicans support the United Nations. However, we will never rest in our efforts to revitalize its original purpose.\nWe will press for a change in the method of voting in the General Assembly and in the specialized agencies that will reflect population disparities among the member states and recognize differing abilities and willingness to meet the obligations of the Charter. We will insist upon General Assembly acceptance of the International Court of Justice advisory opinion, upholding denial of the votes of member nations which refuse to meet properly levied assessments, so that the United Nations will more accurately reflect the power realities of the world. Further to assure the carrying out of these recommendations and to correct the above abuses, we urge the calling of an amending convention of the United Nations by the year 1967.\nRepublicans will never surrender to any international group the responsibility of the United States for its sovereignty, its own security, and the leadership of the free world.\nNATO: The Great Shield\n\n10. Republicans regard NATO as indispensable for the prevention of war and the protection of freedom. NATO's unity and vitality have alarmingly deteriorated under the present Administration. It is a keystone of Republican foreign policy to revitalize the Alliance.\nTo hasten its restoration, Republican leadership will move immediately to establish an international commission, comprised of individuals of high competence in NATO affairs, whether in or out of government, to explore and recommend effective new ways to strengthen alliance participation and fulfillment.\nFreedom's Further Demands\n\n11. To our nation's associates in SEATO and CENTO, Republicans pledge reciprocal dedication of purpose and revitalized interest. These great alliances, with NATO, must be returned to the forefront of foreign policy planning. A strengthened alliance system is equally necessary in the Western Hemisphere.\nThis will remain our constant purpose: Republicans will labor tirelessly with free men everywhere and in every circumstance toward the defeat of Communism and victory for freedom.\nThe Geography of Freedom\n\n12. In diverse regions of the world, Republicans will make clear to any hostile nation that the United States will increase the costs and risks of aggression to make them outweigh hopes for gain. It was just such a communication and determination by the Eisenhower Republican Administration that produced the 1953 Korean Armistice, The same strategy can win victory for freedom and stop further aggression in Southeast Asia.\nWe will move decisively to assure victory in South Vietnam. While confining the conflict as closely as possible, America must move to end the fighting in a reasonable time and provide guarantees against further aggression. We must make it clear to the Communist world that, when conflict is forced with America, it will end only in victory for freedom.\nWe will demand that the Berlin Wall be taken down prior to the resumption of any negotiations with the Soviet Union on the status of forces in, or treaties affecting, Germany.\nWe will reassure our German friends that the United States will not accept any plan for the future of Germany which lacks firm assurance of a free election on reunification.\nWe will urge the immediate implementation of the Caracas Declaration of Solidarity against international Communist intervention endorsed in 1954 by the Organization of American States during the Eisenhower Administration, which Declaration, in accordance with the historic Monroe Doctrine, our nation's official policy since 1823, opposes domination of any of our neighbor-nations by any power outside this Hemisphere.\nWe will vigorously press our OAS partners to join the United States in restoring a free and independent government in Cuba, stopping the spread of Sino-Soviet subversion, forcing the withdrawal of the foreign military presence now in Latin America, and preventing future intrusions. We Republicans will recognize a Cuban government in exile; we will support its efforts to regain the independence of its homeland; we will assist Cuban freedom fighters in carrying on guerrilla warfare against the Communist regime; we will work for an economic boycott by all nations of the free world in trade with Cuba; and we will encourage free elections in Cuba after liberty and stability are restored.\nWe will consider raising the economic participation of the Republic of Panama in the operation of the Panama Canal and assure the safety of Americans in the area. We will reaffirm this nation's treaty rights and study the feasibility of a substitute, sea-level canal at an appropriate location including the feasibility of nuclear excavation.\nRepublicans will make clear to all Communists now supporting or planning to support guerrilla and subversive activities, that henceforth there will be no privileged sanctuaries to protect those who disrupt the peace of the world. We will make clear that blockade, interception of logistical support, and diplomatic and economic pressure are appropriate United States counters to deliberate breaches of the peace.\nWe will make clear to all Communist leaders everywhere that aggressive actions, including those in the German air corridors, will be grounds for re-evaluation of any and all trade or diplomatic relations currently to Communism's advantage.\nWe will take the cold war offensive on all fronts, including, for example, a reinvigorated USIA. It will broadcast not our weaknesses but our strengths. It will mount a psychological warfare attack on behalf of freedom and against Communist doctrine and imperialism.\nRepublicans will recast foreign aid programs. We will see that all will serve the cause of freedom. We will see that none bolster and sustain anti-American regimes; we will increase the use of private capital on a partnership basis with foreign nationals, as a means of fostering independence and mutual respect but we assert that property of American Nationals must not be ex-propriated by any foreign government without prompt and adequate compensation as contemplated by international law.\nRespecting the Middle East, and in addition to our reaffirmed pledges of 1960 concerning this area, we will so direct our economic and military assistance as to help maintain stability in this region and prevent an imbalance of arms.\nFinally, we will improve the efficiency and coordination of the foreign service, and provide adequate allowance for foreign service personnel.\nThe Development of Freedom\n\n13. Freedom's wealth must never support freedom's decline, always its growth. America's tax revenues derived from free enterprise sources must never be employed in support of socialism. America must assist young and underdeveloped nations. In the process, however, we must not sacrifice the trust of old friends.\nOur assistance, also, must be conditional upon self-help and progress toward the development of free institutions. We favor the establishment in underdeveloped nations of an economic and political climate that will encourage the investment of local capital and attract the investment of foreign capital.\nFreedom's Shield—and Sword\n\nFinally, Republicans pledge to keep the nation's sword sharp, ready, and dependable.\nWe will maintain a superior, not merely equal, military capability as long as the Communist drive for world domination continues. It will be a capability of balanced force, superior in all its arms, maintaining flexibility for effective performance in the rapidly changing science of war.\nRepublicans will never unilaterally disarm America.\nWe will demand that any arms reduction plan worthy of consideration guarantee reliable inspection. We will demand that any such plan assure this nation of sufficient strength, step by step, to forestall and defend against possible violations.\nWe will take every step necessary to carry forward the vital military research and development programs. We will pursue these programs as absolutely necessary to assure our nation of superior strength in the 1970's.\nWe will revitalize research and development programs needed to enable the nation to develop advanced new weapons systems, strategic as well as tactical.\nWe will include the fields of anti-submarine warfare, astronautics and aeronautics, special guerrilla forces, and such other defense systems required to keep America ready for any threat.\nWe will fully implement such safeguards as our security requires under the limited nuclear test ban treaty. We will conduct advanced tests in permissible areas, maintain facilities to test elsewhere in case of violations, and develop to the fullest our ability to detect Communist transgressions. Additionally, we will regularly review the status of nuclear weaponry under the limited nuclear test ban to assure this nation's protection. We shall also provide sensible, continuing reviews of the treaty itself.\nWe will end \"second-best\" weapons policies. We will end the false economies which place price ahead of the performance upon which American lives may depend. Republicans will bring an end once again to the \"peak and valley\" defense planning, so costly in morale and strength as well as in dollars. We will prepare a practical civil defense program.\nWe will restore the morale of our armed forces by upgrading military professionalism, and we will allow professional dissent while insuring that strong and sound civilian authority controls objective decision-making.\nWe will return the Joint Chiefs of Staff to their lawful status as the President's principal military advisors. We will insure that an effective planning and operations staff is restored to the National Security Council.\nWe will reconsecrate this nation to human liberty, assuring the freedom of our people, and rallying mankind to a new crusade for freedom all around the world.\nWe Republicans, with the help of Almighty God, will keep those who would bury America aware that this nation has the strength and also the will to defend its every interest. Those interests, we shall make clear, include the preservation and expansion of freedom—and ultimately its victory—everyplace on earth.\nWe do not offer the easy way. We offer dedication and perseverance, leading to victory. This is our Platform. This is the Republican way.", "Words" -> 8711, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 515, "of" -> 431, "and" -> 339, "to" -> 309, "in" -> 166, "a" -> 113, "has" -> 107, "for" -> 100, "will" -> 88, "It" -> 70, "by" -> 70, "as" -> 66, "We" -> 57, "with" -> 51, "that" -> 51, "our" -> 51, "be" -> 45, "its" -> 44, "Administration" -> 44, "on" -> 42, "Federal" -> 41, "all" -> 39, "it" -> 38, "such" -> 36, "is" -> 36, "we" -> 35, "This" -> 34, "not" -> 33, "freedom" -> 32, "their" -> 30, "Republican" -> 29, "or" -> 28, "American" -> 27, "this" -> 26, "Republicans" -> 26, "government" -> 26, "which" -> 25, "people" -> 25, "an" -> 25, "world" -> 24, "programs" -> 23, "foreign" -> 23, "must" -> 22, "power" -> 21, "individual" -> 21, "In" -> 21, "free" -> 21, "United" -> 20, "nation's" -> 20, "at" -> 20, "The" -> 19, "any" -> 19, "tax" -> 18, "have" -> 18, "assure" -> 18, "own" -> 17, "other" -> 17, "including" -> 17, "from" -> 17, "while" -> 16, "support" -> 16, "so" -> 16, "private" -> 16, "military" -> 16, "every" -> 16, "development" -> 16, "Communist" -> 16, "are" -> 16, "America" -> 16, "public" -> 15, "pledge" -> 15, "Democratic" -> 15, "against" -> 15, "upon" -> 14, "through" -> 14, "these" -> 14, "States" -> 14, "provide" -> 14, "his" -> 14, "economic" -> 14, "way" -> 13, "policy" -> 13, "new" -> 13, "nation" -> 13, "make" -> 13, "but" -> 13, "those" -> 12, "no" -> 12, "local" -> 12, "leadership" -> 12, "into" -> 12, "under" -> 11, "system" -> 11, "research" -> 11, "present" -> 11, "Nations" -> 11, "more" -> 11, "citizens" -> 11, "adequate" -> 11, "year" -> 10, "strength" -> 10, "nuclear" -> 10, "needs" -> 10, "nations" -> 10, "full" -> 10, "failed" -> 10, "education" -> 10, "business" -> 10, "also" -> 10, "well" -> 9, "use" -> 9, "than" -> 9, "small" -> 9, "program" -> 9, "political" -> 9, "only" -> 9, "never" -> 9, "future" -> 9, "For" -> 9, "enterprise" -> 9, "efforts" -> 9, "effective" -> 9, "control" -> 9, "Communism" -> 9, "who" -> 8, "where" -> 8, "war" -> 8, "trade" -> 8, "state" -> 8, "should" -> 8, "security" -> 8, "rights" -> 8, "meet" -> 8, "maximum" -> 8, "matters" -> 8, "major" -> 8, "liberty" -> 8, "leaders" -> 8, "international" -> 8, "high" -> 8, "help" -> 8, "equal" -> 8, "end" -> 8, "clear" -> 8, "can" -> 8, "assistance" -> 8, "America's" -> 8, "years" -> 7, "without" -> 7, "victory" -> 7, "toward" -> 7, "thus" -> 7, "test" -> 7, "spending" -> 7, "shall" -> 7, "resisting" -> 7, "reduction" -> 7, "problems" -> 7, "policies" -> 7, "peace" -> 7, "over" -> 7, "opportunities" -> 7, "national" -> 7, "most" -> 7, "men" -> 7, "many" -> 7, "management" -> 7, "increase" -> 7, "human" -> 7, "home" -> 7, "forces" -> 7, "domestic" -> 7, "critical" -> 7, "costs" -> 7, "continued" -> 7, "Congress" -> 7, "confidence" -> 7, "citizen" -> 7, "areas" -> 7, "weapons" -> 6, "urban" -> 6, "throughout" -> 6, "they" -> 6, "then" -> 6, "them" -> 6, "take" -> 6, "State" -> 6, "Soviet" -> 6, "service" -> 6, "right" -> 6, "resources" -> 6, "purpose" -> 6, "progress" -> 6, "poor" -> 6, "plan" -> 6, "Party" -> 6, "negotiations" -> 6, "necessary" -> 6, "NATO" -> 6, "may" -> 6, "labor" -> 6, "jobs" -> 6, "instance" -> 6, "increased" -> 6, "farm" -> 6, "faith" -> 6, "fair" -> 6, "even" -> 6, "establish" -> 6, "defense" -> 6, "Cuba" -> 6, "credits" -> 6, "concern" -> 6, "capital" -> 6, "been" -> 6, "after" -> 6, "affairs" -> 6, "would" -> 5, "whether" -> 5, "vital" -> 5, "To" -> 5, "taxes" -> 5, "stand" -> 5, "sought" -> 5, "Security" -> 5, "responsibility" -> 5, "required" -> 5, "remain" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "protect" -> 5, "prices" -> 5, "possible" -> 5, "pledges" -> 5, "planning" -> 5, "place" -> 5, "permitted" -> 5, "opportunity" -> 5, "offer" -> 5, "need" -> 5, "maintain" -> 5, "limited" -> 5, "leading" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "interest" -> 5, "income" -> 5, "implementation" -> 5, "housing" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "Government" -> 5, "goal" -> 5, "further" -> 5, "four" -> 5, "first" -> 5, "failing" -> 5, "encouraging" -> 5, "encourage" -> 5, "emphasis" -> 5, "Eisenhower" -> 5, "develop" -> 5, "controls" -> 5, "Constitutional" -> 5, "Congressional" -> 5, "Communists" -> 5, "come" -> 5, "authority" -> 5, "always" -> 5, "allowed" -> 5, "allies" -> 5, "agencies" -> 5, "advanced" -> 5, "actions" -> 5, "yet" -> 4, "water" -> 4, "up" -> 4, "two" -> 4, "treaty" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "systems" -> 4, "strong" -> 4, "strengthen" -> 4, "sound" -> 4, "services" -> 4, "serve" -> 4, "Section" -> 4, "sales" -> 4, "safeguards" -> 4, "rural" -> 4, "road" -> 4, "respect" -> 4, "Republic" -> 4, "record" -> 4, "real" -> 4, "rather" -> 4, "promises" -> 4, "projects" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "peoples" -> 4, "Panama" -> 4, "out" -> 4, "Our" -> 4, "opposition" -> 4, "oil" -> 4, "off" -> 4, "now" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "move" -> 4, "minimum" -> 4, "meeting" -> 4, "long-term" -> 4, "level" -> 4, "laws" -> 4, "law" -> 4, "lack" -> 4, "keep" -> 4, "influence" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "independence" -> 4, "include" -> 4, "incentives" -> 4, "hospital" -> 4, "hold" -> 4, "guides" -> 4, "governments" -> 4, "governmental" -> 4, "goals" -> 4, "furtherance" -> 4, "friends" -> 4, "forcing" -> 4, "force" -> 4, "fishing" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "farmers" -> 4, "excessive" -> 4, "example" -> 4, "everywhere" -> 4, "elimination" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "economy" -> 4, "each" -> 4, "dollars" -> 4, "do" -> 4, "determined" -> 4, "despite" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "decisions" -> 4, "credit" -> 4, "cooperation" -> 4, "concessions" -> 4, "competitive" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "challenge" -> 4, "balanced" -> 4, "arms" -> 4, "aggression" -> 4, "advance" -> 4, "abroad" -> 4, "win" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "wheat" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "weakened" -> 3, "was" -> 3, "warfare" -> 3, "vocational" -> 3, "violations" -> 3, "uses" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "unity" -> 3, "unemployment" -> 3, "understanding" -> 3, "traditional" -> 3, "today" -> 3, "time" -> 3, "These" -> 3, "there" -> 3, "System" -> 3, "superior" -> 3, "strategic" -> 3, "step" -> 3, "steel" -> 3, "statutes" -> 3, "status" -> 3, "stability" -> 3, "South" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "Social" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "short" -> 3, "sharing" -> 3, "science" -> 3, "schools" -> 3, "revitalize" -> 3, "restored" -> 3, "restore" -> 3, "responsible" -> 3, "responsibilities" -> 3, "relations" -> 3, "relating" -> 3, "rehabilitation" -> 3, "regulatory" -> 3, "regain" -> 3, "refused" -> 3, "reform" -> 3, "reflect" -> 3, "recognize" -> 3, "reasonable" -> 3, "reaffirm" -> 3, "ready" -> 3, "proven" -> 3, "proudly" -> 3, "proposed" -> 3, "property" -> 3, "professional" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "procedures" -> 3, "price" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "pressing" -> 3, "prepare" -> 3, "practical" -> 3, "poverty" -> 3, "Platform" -> 3, "performance" -> 3, "percentage" -> 3, "peaceful" -> 3, "payments" -> 3, "past" -> 3, "participation" -> 3, "others" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "open" -> 3, "once" -> 3, "neglected" -> 3, "needy" -> 3, "needed" -> 3, "morale" -> 3, "millions" -> 3, "member" -> 3, "medical" -> 3, "media" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "market" -> 3, "mankind" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "lives" -> 3, "levels" -> 3, "Let" -> 3, "less" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "legislation" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "later" -> 3, "Labor" -> 3, "known" -> 3, "Justice" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "job" -> 3, "itself" -> 3, "intervention" -> 3, "insist" -> 3, "initiative" -> 3, "individuals" -> 3, "improved" -> 3, "improve" -> 3, "impose" -> 3, "imports" -> 3, "hostile" -> 3, "honor" -> 3, "homes" -> 3, "higher" -> 3, "Hemisphere" -> 3, "heart" -> 3, "guerrilla" -> 3, "growth" -> 3, "grounds" -> 3, "good" -> 3, "Germany" -> 3, "fully" -> 3, "Freedom's" -> 3, "Freedom" -> 3, "forced" -> 3, "fellow" -> 3, "families" -> 3, "Faith" -> 3, "failures" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "expansion" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "establishing" -> 3, "entrusted" -> 3, "entire" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "enemy" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "effort" -> 3, "effect" -> 3, "East" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "down" -> 3, "domination" -> 3, "dollar" -> 3, "discrimination" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "Department" -> 3, "denial" -> 3, "demonstrated" -> 3, "Democrats" -> 3, "dedication" -> 3, "Declaration" -> 3, "debt" -> 3, "dangerous" -> 3, "Cuban" -> 3, "creative" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "could" -> 3, "continue" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "competition" -> 3, "Communism's" -> 3, "commodities" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "civilian" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "chance" -> 3, "career" -> 3, "capability" -> 3, "cannot" -> 3, "bring" -> 3, "Board" -> 3, "billion" -> 3, "benefits" -> 3, "becoming" -> 3, "basic" -> 3, "bargaining" -> 3, "ban" -> 3, "balance" -> 3, "At" -> 3, "assist" -> 3, "Asia" -> 3, "area" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "Americans" -> 3, "allowing" -> 3, "aid" -> 3, "advancing" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "activities" -> 3, "Act" -> 3, "achieve" -> 3, "ability" -> 3, "A" -> 3, "3" -> 3, "2" -> 3, "1970's" -> 3, "1964" -> 3, "1" -> 3, "Year" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "words" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "willingness" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "Western" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weaponry" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "voting" -> 2, "voluntary" -> 2, "vitality" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "vigorously" -> 2, "Vietnam" -> 2, "veterans" -> 2, "using" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unmatched" -> 2, "Undermining" -> 2, "underdeveloped" -> 2, "Under" -> 2, "turned" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "Training" -> 2, "training" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "today's" -> 2, "tirelessly" -> 2, "three" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "though" -> 2, "tests" -> 2, "taken" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "survival" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "supreme" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "subversion" -> 2, "suburban" -> 2, "subsidized" -> 2, "submit" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "strategy" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "still" -> 2, "staff" -> 2, "spread" -> 2, "space" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "socialism" -> 2, "so-called" -> 2, "skills" -> 2, "Sino-Soviet" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "shale" -> 2, "sensible" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "savings" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "rise" -> 2, "rigid" -> 2, "rightly" -> 2, "revitalization" -> 2, "revision" -> 2, "review" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "restrained" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "requirements" -> 2, "renewed" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "reject" -> 2, "re-examination" -> 2, "re-evaluation" -> 2, "reductions" -> 2, "recommendations" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "rate" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "pursued" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "proposals" -> 2, "proposal" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "procurement" -> 2, "priorities" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "preventing" -> 2, "prestige" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "practices" -> 2, "Post" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "personnel" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "permissible" -> 2, "perform" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "penalties" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "patent" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "overwhelmingly" -> 2, "overseas" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "Organization" -> 2, "orderly" -> 2, "opposing" -> 2, "opinion" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "oldest" -> 2, "official" -> 2, "offices" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "notion" -> 2, "notably" -> 2, "Nor" -> 2, "news" -> 2, "neglecting" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "NATO's" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "moves" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "misled" -> 2, "misdeeds" -> 2, "minority" -> 2, "merely" -> 2, "meat" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "master" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "man's" -> 2, "Manpower" -> 2, "manpower" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "lower" -> 2, "low" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "longer" -> 2, "livestock" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "line" -> 2, "Lincoln" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "lead" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "issue" -> 2, "Is" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "investment" -> 2, "intrusions" -> 2, "International" -> 2, "intent" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "instead" -> 2, "initiatives" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "indispensable" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "implement" -> 2, "imperialism" -> 2, "However" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "himself" -> 2, "heritage" -> 2, "helping" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "harmful" -> 2, "hardship" -> 2, "guise" -> 2, "growing" -> 2, "groups" -> 2, "greater" -> 2, "Great" -> 2, "government's" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "German" -> 2, "genuine" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "Further" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "fulfillment" -> 2, "frugal" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "fostering" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "forestall" -> 2, "forest" -> 2, "Food" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "Fiscal" -> 2, "firm" -> 2, "Finally" -> 2, "fighting" -> 2, "feasibility" -> 2, "favor" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "family's" -> 2, "faithful" -> 2, "Failures" -> 2, "extravagant" -> 2, "exports" -> 2, "expensive" -> 2, "expended" -> 2, "expanded" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "excise" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "equipment" -> 2, "enlargement" -> 2, "endanger" -> 2, "encouraged" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "enabling" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "elsewhere" -> 2, "element" -> 2, "electric" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "elderly" -> 2, "Eastern" -> 2, "earth" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "dynamic" -> 2, "drive" -> 2, "drastic" -> 2, "disposed" -> 2, "diseases" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "discipline" -> 2, "disappointment" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "deteriorate" -> 2, "dependent" -> 2, "demanded" -> 2, "delayed" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "deductions" -> 2, "decline" -> 2, "crowding" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "coupled" -> 2, "costly" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "continuing" -> 2, "constant" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "conflict" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "concentration" -> 2, "compulsory" -> 2, "communities" -> 2, "commitments" -> 2, "commitment" -> 2, "college" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "climate" -> 2, "church" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "channeling" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "centuries" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "carrying" -> 2, "bypassing" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "businessmen" -> 2, "bureaucracy" -> 2, "burdensome" -> 2, "burdened" -> 2, "bungling" -> 2, "budget" -> 2, "both" -> 2, "beyond" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "Berlin" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "beef" -> 2, "back" -> 2, "away" -> 2, "attract" -> 2, "assuring" -> 2, "assurance" -> 2, "Assembly" -> 2, "asked" -> 2, "aside" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "armed" -> 2, "appropriate" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "anti-American" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "allow" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "alliance" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aimed" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "ago" -> 2, "aggressive" -> 2, "aggravated" -> 2, "again" -> 2, "advisory" -> 2, "advances" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "Administration's" -> 2, "adequately" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "abuse" -> 2, "Abraham" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "abandoned" -> 2, "5%" -> 2, "5" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "1960" -> 2, "$26" -> 1, "$2.3" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "young" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "X-22" -> 1, "wrongdoing" -> 1, "wound" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "Words" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "witness" -> 1, "Within" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "withdrawal-reduces" -> 1, "wiser" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wire" -> 1, "wide-ranging" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "whim" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "West-which" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "weigh" -> 1, "weaknesses" -> 1, "Weakness" -> 1, "weakly" -> 1, "weakens" -> 1, "Weakening" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "water-resource" -> 1, "watchfully" -> 1, "wastefully" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "wallets" -> 1, "Wall" -> 1, "wall" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vow" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "violently" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victory—everyplace" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "vetoed" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "valley" -> 1, "vacillation" -> 1, "vacant" -> 1, "utterances" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "using—and" -> 1, "USIA" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "U.S." -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "upon—the" -> 1, "upholding" -> 1, "upgrading" -> 1, "unwise" -> 1, "unrest—to" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unregulated" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unquestioned" -> 1, "unproductive" -> 1, "unneeded" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unjustifiable" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "unilaterally" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfilled" -> 1, "unfairness" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "unbalanced" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "Ukraine" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trustworthy" -> 1, "Trusting" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "troubles" -> 1, "trip" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treat" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "transgressions" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "Tragically" -> 1, "traced" -> 1, "tourism" -> 1, "tough" -> 1, "totaling" -> 1, "tormented" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "toiletries" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "thrusting" -> 1, "thrust" -> 1, "Three" -> 1, "threaten—to" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "thoughtless" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "TFX" -> 1, "textiles" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tends" -> 1, "tempts" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "television" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "teenagers" -> 1, "technology" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "takeover" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "sworn" -> 1, "Sword" -> 1, "sword" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surpluses" -> 1, "surpass" -> 1, "surmounting" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "supports" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "supported" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "superintend" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substantiation" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidize" -> 1, "subservience" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "submits" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "subdivision" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "streamlining" -> 1, "strangled" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stop" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stock—and" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stimulation" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "steward" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "step-by-step" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "Stay" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "statistical" -> 1, "State—and" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "State-operated" -> 1, "starts" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "squeeze" -> 1, "spurious" -> 1, "sponsorship" -> 1, "spendthrift" -> 1, "spend" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "specified" -> 1, "specialized" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "Some" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "Solidarity" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "societies" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "smaller" -> 1, "slums" -> 1, "slump" -> 1, "Slovene" -> 1, "Skybolt" -> 1, "skilled" -> 1, "Skies" -> 1, "size" -> 1, "siphoning" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "sides" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shouldered" -> 1, "shot" -> 1, "short-changed" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "shore" -> 1, "shooting" -> 1, "shifting" -> 1, "Shield—and" -> 1, "Shield" -> 1, "shattering" -> 1, "sharp" -> 1, "Share" -> 1, "shape" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "Serbian" -> 1, "separation" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "self-help" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-defeating" -> 1, "selective" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "Secrecy" -> 1, "secrecy" -> 1, "second-best" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "SEATO" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "seasoned" -> 1, "sea-level" -> 1, "seal" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "school" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "sapped" -> 1, "sanctuaries" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "sacrificed" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "ruling" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "row" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "rounded" -> 1, "room" -> 1, "role" -> 1, "risky" -> 1, "Risks" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "risk" -> 1, "rising" -> 1, "rights-of-way" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "rift" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "reviews" -> 1, "reverses" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "re-unite" -> 1, "reunification" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "retreats" -> 1, "retreating" -> 1, "retreated" -> 1, "retraining" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "Retarding" -> 1, "retarded" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restrain—to" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "Respecting" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resorted" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "resentment" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "Republican-initiated" -> 1, "replanning" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "replaced" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "repayments" -> 1, "repayable" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "renounce" -> 1, "renewal" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remembering" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "relocation" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "relevant" -> 1, "rejecting" -> 1, "rejected" -> 1, "reinvigorated" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "regulator" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "regressive" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regionally" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "regimes" -> 1, "regimentation" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "Refugee" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "Reducing" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "redirection" -> 1, "redevelopment" -> 1, "Red" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "records" -> 1, "record-keeping" -> 1, "reconsecrate" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "recklessly" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "recast" -> 1, "recapture" -> 1, "rebuild" -> 1, "reassure" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reapply" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "realities" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "reaffirmed" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "Rather" -> 1, "ransomed" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "rallying" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "radio" -> 1, "racket" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "quotas" -> 1, "questioned" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quantitative" -> 1, "quality" -> 1, "qualitative" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "pursue" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purchases" -> 1, "public-land" -> 1, "psychological" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provoked" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promising" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "proffered" -> 1, "professionals" -> 1, "professionalism" -> 1, "productively" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "probe" -> 1, "privileged" -> 1, "prisoner" -> 1, "priority" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "Principle" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "primacy" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "pressures" -> 1, "pressure" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presenting" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "preoccupation" -> 1, "preferring" -> 1, "preferred" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "precedents" -> 1, "precedence" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "power-grabbing" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "poverty-stricken" -> 1, "potentially" -> 1, "posts" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "postage" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "Poor" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "plummeted" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "pleas" -> 1, "playing" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "Planning" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "placement" -> 1, "pilots" -> 1, "Pigs" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "petroleum" -> 1, "person's" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "perseverance" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "perpetuate" -> 1, "perpetrated" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "percent" -> 1, "pensioners" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "pens" -> 1, "pencils" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "part-time" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partnership" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "Parties" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "Parcel" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "Papuan" -> 1, "paperwork" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "overriding" -> 1, "overpowering" -> 1, "overly" -> 1, "overload" -> 1, "overlaps" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "overdiversion" -> 1, "outweigh" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outer" -> 1, "ousted" -> 1, "Ourselves" -> 1, "originate" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "opposes" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "Open" -> 1, "on-the-spot" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "ones" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "often" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offering" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "oceanography" -> 1, "occupation" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obsession" -> 1, "obscenity" -> 1, "obscene" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "OAS" -> 1, "nursing" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "non-service-connected" -> 1, "non-military" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "news-gathering" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "Netherlands" -> 1, "neighbor-nations" -> 1, "neighborhood" -> 1, "Negro" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "Neglect" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "needful" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "nation—North" -> 1, "nationwide" -> 1, "Nation's" -> 1, "Nationals" -> 1, "nationals" -> 1, "nationally" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "Munich" -> 1, "multi-purpose" -> 1, "multiplying" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multimillion" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "mount" -> 1, "Morale" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "moon" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "month" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "modernizing" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mistreatment" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "missiles" -> 1, "mishandling" -> 1, "misguided" -> 1, "misfortune" -> 1, "minorities" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minimizing" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "mightiest" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "Middle" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "menacing" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "meets" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "materialistic" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "massive" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "manipulations" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "lumber" -> 1, "luggage" -> 1, "low-income" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "Losing" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "long-overdue" -> 1, "logistical" -> 1, "location" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "Limited" -> 1, "life—much" -> 1, "liberation" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "lesser" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "leaving" -> 1, "lean" -> 1, "Lead" -> 1, "lawlessness" -> 1, "lawless" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "lavishly" -> 1, "laughing" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "Later" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "Laos" -> 1, "lacks" -> 1, "labels" -> 1, "Korean" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "keystone" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "justifiable" -> 1, "judgment-a" -> 1, "judged" -> 1, "judge" -> 1, "Joint" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "job-building" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "jewelry" -> 1, "jeopardy" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "issue—is" -> 1, "Irresponsibility" -> 1, "irreparable" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "invitingly" -> 1, "Invitations" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "inverse" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "intimated" -> 1, "interracial" -> 1, "interpretations" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "Interests" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "interception" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "intense" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "insult" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "insects" -> 1, "injuries" -> 1, "injure" -> 1, "injunctive" -> 1, "inheriting" -> 1, "ingredient" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "inflation—and" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inept" -> 1, "ineffectually" -> 1, "ineffectual" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "indulged" -> 1, "inductions" -> 1, "Indonesian" -> 1, "individual's" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indiscriminately" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "incredibly" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "incorporate" -> 1, "incomplete" -> 1, "incidence" -> 1, "inaccessible" -> 1, "Inability" -> 1, "inability" -> 1, "improvident" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improperly" -> 1, "imprison" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "implicate" -> 1, "imperialism-Communism" -> 1, "impeded" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illicitly" -> 1, "ill-fated" -> 1, "ill-conceived" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "ideologically" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hurt" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "humiliating" -> 1, "Humanity" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "hot" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "Hoover" -> 1, "homeland" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "hire" -> 1, "hinted" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "henceforth" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "Have" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "harvesting" -> 1, "harass—to" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "handouts" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "handicapped" -> 1, "handbags" -> 1, "hallmarks" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "guardianship" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "growth—free" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "grid" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "grant-in-aid" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "government—protecting" -> 1, "government—Federal" -> 1, "government-owned" -> 1, "governmend" -> 1, "governing" -> 1, "govern" -> 1, "God-given" -> 1, "glowing" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "glittering" -> 1, "glass" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "Geography" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "fronts" -> 1, "Friends" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedom—and" -> 1, "freedom's" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forum" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "Forsaking" -> 1, "forsaken" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forfeited" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forefront" -> 1, "forceful" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "fluids" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flourished" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "flexibility" -> 1, "fixed-income" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "first-class" -> 1, "firms" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "fires" -> 1, "firepower" -> 1, "finest" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "fighters" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "feigned" -> 1, "Federal-State-local" -> 1, "Federal-State" -> 1, "Federally-sponsored" -> 1, "Federally-acceptable" -> 1, "Federally" -> 1, "fed" -> 1, "fearsome" -> 1, "fawning" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "fatal" -> 1, "fat" -> 1, "farm-owned" -> 1, "Farmer" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "fantasies" -> 1, "family" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "Failure" -> 1, "Failing" -> 1, "factors" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "extremists—impulsive" -> 1, "extol" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "ex-propriated" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "exile" -> 1, "exhaust" -> 1, "exercises" -> 1, "exemptions" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "excesses" -> 1, "excavation" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "everyplace" -> 1, "everyone" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "evade" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "eroded" -> 1, "erode" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equip" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "envy" -> 1, "environment" -> 1, "enumeration" -> 1, "enticements" -> 1, "enterprise—that" -> 1, "Enterprises" -> 1, "enslaved—are" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "enmity" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "England" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "energetically" -> 1, "enemy's" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endorsed" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "encouragingly" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "electrical" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectiveness" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "ear" -> 1, "dynamo" -> 1, "Dwight" -> 1, "duplicating" -> 1, "dumped" -> 1, "Drug" -> 1, "drug" -> 1, "dropping" -> 1, "dropped" -> 1, "driver's" -> 1, "drift—much" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "downgrading" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dominate" -> 1, "Dominant" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "divisive" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "diversion" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "Distortions" -> 1, "dissent" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disrupt" -> 1, "Disregard" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "displacement" -> 1, "dispersed" -> 1, "disparities" -> 1, "disorderly" -> 1, "disintegrating" -> 1, "disillusionment" -> 1, "disheartening" -> 1, "disgracing" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "discouragement" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "discourage" -> 1, "discounting" -> 1, "Discord" -> 1, "discord" -> 1, "discontinuing" -> 1, "Discontent" -> 1, "disclose" -> 1, "disavowed" -> 1, "Disaster" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disarm" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "dictionary" -> 1, "devoutly" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "deteriorated" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "detect" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "desalinization" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "dependable" -> 1, "dependability" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "Demands" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "demagogic" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "delimited" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "defiance" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "defaulted" -> 1, "defacing" -> 1, "deeper" -> 1, "deepening" -> 1, "Deeds" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decision-making" -> 1, "decade" -> 1, "deaf" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "D" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "cynically" -> 1, "curtailment" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "currently" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "cruelest" -> 1, "cropland" -> 1, "Croatian" -> 1, "critically" -> 1, "Critical" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creator" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "Create" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "crass" -> 1, "crash" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "Course" -> 1, "county" -> 1, "country" -> 1, "counters" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "cot" -> 1, "cost-price" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "cosmetics" -> 1, "corridors" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "cooperatives" -> 1, "cooperatively" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "controversial" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "Contrary" -> 1, "contradicts" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "continues" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "continual" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "contempt" -> 1, "contemplated" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "Consultation" -> 1, "consult" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "consciousness" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "conjure" -> 1, "Congo" -> 1, "confronted" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "confining" -> 1, "conditional" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "concealed" -> 1, "comprised" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "complex" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competitiveness" -> 1, "Competitive" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compensatory" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compensating" -> 1, "compel" -> 1, "compassionate" -> 1, "compare" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "Communities" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "comforts" -> 1, "collaborated" -> 1, "cold" -> 1, "coerced" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clarification" -> 1, "claiming" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizenry—can" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "circumstance" -> 1, "chronically" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "Chiefs" -> 1, "checked" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "charted" -> 1, "charitable" -> 1, "characteristically" -> 1, "channeled" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "certificate" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "centralize" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "CENTO—also" -> 1, "CENTO" -> 1, "ceaseless" -> 1, "cattle" -> 1, "catalog" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carrier" -> 1, "Caracas" -> 1, "Captives" -> 1, "captive" -> 1, "capitals" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "cancer" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "canal" -> 1, "campaigned" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "by—indeed" -> 1, "bypassed" -> 1, "bypass" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "businesses" -> 1, "bury" -> 1, "burst" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "Building" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "broadcast" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "brevity" -> 1, "bread-tax" -> 1, "breaches" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "boycott" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "bookkeeping" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "bolster" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "blockade" -> 1, "Blackouts" -> 1, "blackened" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "bicameral" -> 1, "Better" -> 1, "Betrayal" -> 1, "benevolence" -> 1, "beneficiary" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "belonging" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "befit" -> 1, "befalls" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "beaches" -> 1, "Bay" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "barricade" -> 1, "ballistic" -> 1, "backs" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "avenues" -> 1, "availability" -> 1, "automation" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "atomic" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "atheistic" -> 1, "astronautics" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "arrogance" -> 1, "aroused" -> 1, "Armistice" -> 1, "Armenia" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "arguments" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "approaches" -> 1, "apportion" -> 1, "applies" -> 1, "applications" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applicants" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appetites" -> 1, "appeasement" -> 1, "appearing" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "apartments" -> 1, "anti-Western" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-submarine" -> 1, "anti-deficiency" -> 1, "anticipate" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "anew—perhaps" -> 1, "amounting" -> 1, "amiability" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "ambassador" -> 1, "Alternative" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "Almighty" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "Allies" -> 1, "allied" -> 1, "alliances—SEATO" -> 1, "Alliance" -> 1, "alienating" -> 1, "alienated" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "alcoholism" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "alarmingly" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "aggressor" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "age-old" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "aeronautics" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advisors" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "admired" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "adjusting" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "Additionally" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "addiction" -> 1, "acute" -> 1, "act—and" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "acquiesce" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accurately" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "access" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "accelerating" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "abusing—Federal" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "abilities" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "abetted" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "88th" -> 1, "8Вў" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "70,000" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "47,000" -> 1, "42" -> 1, "28%" -> 1, "21%" -> 1, "2,000,000" -> 1, "1967" -> 1, "1962" -> 1, "1955" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1953" -> 1, "1939" -> 1, "1823" -> 1, "1,500,000" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1960", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1960, "Date" -> DateObject[{1960, 7, 25}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nThe United States is living in an age of profoundest revolution. The lives of men and of nations are undergoing such transformations as history has rarely recorded. The birth of new nations, the impact of new machines, the threat of new weapons, the stirring of new ideas, the ascent into a new dimension of the universe- everywhere the accent falls on the new.\nAt such a time of world upheaval, great perils match great opportunities—and hopes, as well as fears, rise in all areas of human life. Such a force as nuclear power symbolizes the greatness of the choice before the United States and mankind. The energy of the atom could bring devastation to humanity. Or it could be made to serve men's hopes for peace and progress—to make for all peoples a more healthy and secure and prosperous life than man has ever known.\nOne fact darkens the reasonable hopes of free men: the growing vigor and thrust of Communist imperialism. Everywhere across the earth, this force challenges us to prove our strength and wisdom, our capacity for sacrifice, our faith in ourselves and in our institutions.\nFree men look to us for leadership and support, which we dedicate ourselves to give out of the abundance of our national strength.\nThe fate of the world will be deeply affected, perhaps determined, by the quality of American leadership. American leadership means both how we govern ourselves and how we help to influence others. We deliberate the choice of national leadership and policy, mindful that in some measure our proposals involve the fate of mankind.\nThe leadership of the United States must be responsible and mature; its promises must be rational and practical, soberly pledged and faithfully undertaken. Its purposes and its aspirations must ascend to that high ground of right and freedom upon which mankind may dwell and progress in decent security.\nWe are impressed, but not dismayed, by the revolutionary turbulence that is wracking the world. In the midst of violence and change, we draw strength and confidence from the changeless principles of our free Constitution. Free men are invincible when the power and courage, the patience and the fortitude latent in them are drawn forth by reasonable appeal.\nIn this Republican Platform we offer to the United States our program—our call to service, our pledge of leadership, our proposal of measures in the public interest. We call upon God, in whose hand is every blessing, to favor our deliberations with wisdom, our nation with endurance, and troubled mankind everywhere with a righteous peace.\nForeign Policy\n\nThe Republican Party asserts that the sovereign purpose of our foreign policy is to secure the free institutions of our nation against every peril, to hearten and fortify the love of freedom everywhere in the world, and to achieve a just peace for all of anxious humanity.\nThe pre-eminence of this Republic requires of us a vigorous, resolute foreign policy—inflexible against every tyrannical encroachment, and mighty in its advance toward our own affirmative goals.\nThe Government of the United States, under the administration of President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon, has demonstrated that firmness in the face of threatened aggression is the most dependable safeguard of peace. We now reaffirm our determination to defend the security and the freedom of our country, to honor our commitments to our allies at whatever cost or sacrifice, and never to submit to force or threats. Our determination to stand fast has forestalled aggression before Berlin, in the Formosa Straits, and in Lebanon. Since 1954 no free nation has fallen victim behind the Iron Curtain. We mean to adhere to the policy of firmness that has served us so well.\nWe are unalterably committed to maintaining the security, freedom and solidarity of the Western Hemisphere. We support President Eisenhower's reaffirmation of the Monroe Doctrine in all its vitality. Faithful to our treaty commitments, we shall join the Republics of the Americas against any intervention in our hemisphere, and in refusing to tolerate the establishment in this hemisphere of any government dominated by the foreign rule of communism.\nIn the Middle East, we shall continue to support the integrity and independence of all the states of that area including Israel and the Arab States.\nWith specific reference to Israel and the Arab Nations we urge them to undertake negotiations for a mutually acceptable settlement of the causes of tension between them. We pledge continued efforts:\nTo eliminate the obstacles to a lasting peace in the area, including the human problem of the Arab refugees.\nTo seek an end to transit and trade restrictions, blockades and boycotts.\nTo secure freedom of navigation in international waterways, the cessation of discrimination against Americans on the basis of religious beliefs, and an end to the wasteful and dangerous arms race and to the threat of an arms imbalance in the area.\nRecognition of Communist China and its admission to the United Nations have been firmly opposed by the Republican Administration. We will continue in this opposition because of compelling evidence that to do otherwise would weaken the cause of freedom and endanger the future of the free peoples of Asia and the world. The brutal suppression of the human rights and the religious traditions of the Tibetan people is an unhappy evidence of the need to persist in our policy.\nThe countries of the free world have been benefited, reinforced and drawn closer together by the vigor of American support of the United Nations, and by our participation in such regional organizations as NATO, SEATO, CENTO, the Organization of American States and other collective security alliances. We assert our intention steadfastly to uphold the action and principles of these bodies.\nWe believe military assistance to our allies under the mutual security program should be continued with all the vigor and funds needed to maintain the strength of our alliances at levels essential to our common safety.\nThe firm diplomacy of the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration has been supported by a military power superior to any in the history of our nation or in the world. As long as world tensions menace us with war, we are resolved to maintain an armed power exceeded by no other.\nUnder Republican administration, the Government has developed original and constructive programs in many fields—open skies, atoms for peace, cultural and technical exchanges, the peaceful uses of outer space and Antarctica—to make known to men everywhere our desire to advance the cause of peace. We mean, as a Party, to continue in the same course.\nWe recognize and freely acknowledge the support given to these principles and policies by all Americans, irrespective of party. Standing as they do above partisan challenge, such principles and policies will, we earnestly hope, continue to have bipartisan support.\nWe established a new independent agency, the United States Information Agency, fully recognizing the tremendous importance of the struggle for men's minds. Today, our information program throughout the world is a greatly improved medium for explaining our policies and actions to audiences overseas, answering Communist propaganda, and projecting a true image of American life.\nThis is the Republican record. We rededicate ourselves to the principles that have animated it; and we pledge ourselves to persist in those principles, and to apply them to the problems, the occasions, and the opportunities to be faced by the new Administration.\nWe confront today the global offensive of Communism, increasingly aggressive and violent in its enterprises. The agency of that offensive is Soviet policy, aimed at the subversion of the world.\nRecently we have noted Soviet Union pretexts to intervene in the affairs of newly independent countries, accompanied by threats of the use of nuclear weapons. Such interventions constitute a form of subversion against the sovereignty of these new nations and a direct challenge to the United Nations.\nThe immediate strategy of the Soviet imperialists is to destroy the world's confidence in America's desire for peace, to threaten with violence our mutual security arrangements, and to sever the bonds of amity and respect among the free nations. To nullify the Soviet conspiracy is our greatest task. The United States faces this challenge and resolves to meet it with courage and confidence.\nTo this end we will continue to support and strengthen the United Nations as an instrument for peace, for international cooperation, and for the advancement of the fundamental freedoms and humane interests of mankind.\nUnder the United Nations we will work for the peaceful settlement of international disputes and the extension of the rule of law in the world.\nAnd, in furtherance of President Eisenhower's proposals for the peaceful use of space, we suggest that the United Nations take the initiative to develop a body of law applicable thereto.\nThrough all the calculated shifts of Soviet tactics and mood, the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration has demonstrated its willingness to negotiate in earnest with the Soviet Union to arrive at just settlements for the reduction of world tensions. We pledge the new Administration to continue in the same course.\nWe are similarly ready to negotiate and to institute realistic methods and safeguards for disarmament, and for the suspension of nuclear tests. We advocate an early agreement by all nations to forego nuclear tests in the atmosphere, and the suspension of other tests as verification techniques permit. We support the President in any decision he may make to re-evaluate the question of resumption of underground nuclear explosions testing, if the Geneva Conference fails to produce a satisfactory agreement. We have deep concern about the mounting nuclear arms race. This concern leads us to seek disarmament and nuclear agreements. And an equal concern to protect all peoples from nuclear danger, leads us to insist that such agreements have adequate safeguards.\nWe recognize that firm political and military policies, while imperative for our security, cannot in themselves build peace in the world.\nIn Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, peoples of ancient and recent independence, have shown their determination to improve their standards of living, and to enjoy an equality with the rest of mankind in the enjoyment of the fruits of civilization. This determination has become a primary fact of their political life. We declare ourselves to be in sympathy with their aspirations.\nWe have already created unprecedented dimensions of diplomacy for these purposes. We recognize that upon our support of well-conceived programs of economic cooperation among nations rest the best hopes of hundreds of millions of friendly people for a decent future for themselves and their children. Our mutual security program of economic help and technical assistance; the Development Loan Fund, the Inter-American Bank, the International Development Association and the Food for Peace Program, which create the conditions for progress in less-developed countries; our leadership in international efforts to help children, eliminate pestilence and disease and aid refugees—these are programs wise in concept and generous in purpose. We mean to continue in support of them.\nNow we propose to further evolution of our programs for assistance to and cooperation with other nations, suitable to the emerging needs of the future.\nWe will encourage the countries of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, to initiate appropriate regional groupings to work out plans for economic and educational development. We anticipate that the United Nations Special Fund would be of assistance in developing such plans. The United States would offer its cooperation in planning, and the provision of technical personnel for this purpose. Agreeable to the developing nations, we would join with them in inviting countries with advanced economies to share with us a proportionate part of the capital and technical aid required. We would emphasize the increasing use of private capital and government loans, rather than outright grants, as a means of fostering independence and mutual respect. The President's recent initiative of a joint partnership program for Latin America opens the way to this approach.\nWe would propose that such groupings adopt means to attain viable economies following such examples as the European Common Market. And if from these institutions, there should follow stronger economic and political unions, we would welcome them with our support.\nDespite the counterdrive of international Communism, relentless against individual freedom and subversive of the sovereignty of nations, a powerful drive for freedom has swept the world since World War II and many heroic episodes in the Communist countries have demonstrated anew that freedom will not die.\nThe Republican Party reaffirms its determination to use every peaceful means to help the captive nations toward their independence, and thus their freedom to live and worship according to conscience. We do not condone the subjugation of the peoples of Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Albania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and other once-free nations. We are not shaken in our hope and belief that once again they will rule themselves.\nOur time surges with change and challenge, peril and great opportunities. It calls us to great tasks and efforts—for free men can hope to guard freedom only if they prove capable of historic acts of wisdom and courage.\nDwight David Eisenhower stands today throughout the world as the greatest champion of peace and justice and good.\nThe Republican Party brings to the days ahead trained, experienced, mature and courageous leadership.\nOur Party was born for freedom's sake. It is still the Party of full freedom in our country. As in Lincoln's time, our Party and its leaders will meet the challenges and opportunities of our time and keep our country the best and enduring hope of freedom for the world.\nNational Defense\n\nThe future of freedom depends heavily upon America's military might and that of her allies. Under the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration, our military might has been forged into a power second to none. This strength, tailored to serve the needs of national policy, has deterred and must continue to deter aggression and encourage the growth of freedom in the world. This is the only sure way to a world at peace.\nWe have checked aggression. We ended the war in Korea. We have joined with free nations in creating strong defenses. Swift technological change and the warning signs of Soviet aggressiveness make clear that intensified and courageous efforts are necessary, for the new problems of the 1960's will of course demand new efforts on the part of our entire nation. The Republican Party is pledged to making certain that our arms, and our will to use them, remain superior to all threats. We have, and will continue to have, the defenses we need to protect our freedom.\nThe strategic imperatives of our national defense policy are these:\nA second-strike capability, that is, a nuclear retaliatory power that can survive surprise attack, strike back, and destroy any possible enemy.\nHighly mobile and versatile forces, including forces deployed, to deter or check local aggressions and \"brush fire wars\" which might bring on all-out nuclear war.\nNational determination to employ all necessary military capabilities so as to render any level of aggression unprofitable. Deterrence of war since Korea, specifically, has been the result of our firm statement that we will never again permit a potential aggressor to set the ground rules for his aggression; that we will respond to aggression with the full means and weapons best suited to the situation.\nMaintenance of these imperatives requires these actions:\nUnremitting modernization of our retaliatory forces, continued development of the manned bomber well into the missile age, with necessary numbers of these bombers protected through dispersal and airborne alert.\nDevelopment and production of new strategic weapons, such as the Polaris submarine and ballistic missile. Never again will they be neglected, as intercontinental missile development was neglected between the end of World War II and 1953.\nAccelerate as necessary, development of hardening, mobility, dispersal, and production programs for long-range missiles and the speedy perfection of new and advanced generations of missiles and anti-missile missiles.\nIntensified development of active civil defense to enable our people to protect themselves against the deadly hazards of atomic attack, particularly fallout; and to develop a new program to build a reserve of storable food, adequate to the needs of the population after an atomic attack.\nConstant intelligence operations regarding Communist military preparations to prevent another Pearl Harbor.\nA military establishment organized in accord with a national strategy which enables the unified commands in Europe, the Pacific, and this continent to continue to respond promptly to any kind of aggression.\nStrengthening of the military might of the free-world nations in such ways as to encourage them to assume increasing responsibility for regional security.\nContinuation of the \"long pull\" preparedness policies which, as inaugurated under the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration, have avoided the perilous peaks and slumps of defense spending and planning which marked earlier administrations.\nThere is no price ceiling on America's security. The United States can and must provide whatever is necessary to insure its own security and that of the free world and to provide any necessary increased expenditures to meet new situations, to guarantee the opportunity to fulfill the hopes of men of good will everywhere. To provide more would be wasteful. To provide less would be catastrophic. Our defense posture must remain steadfast, confident, and superior to all potential foes.\nEconomic Growth and Business\n\nTo provide the means to a better life for individual Americans and to strengthen the forces of freedom in the world, we count on the proved productivity of our free economy.\nDespite the lamentations of the opposition in viewing the economic scene today, the plain fact is that our 500 billion dollar economy finds more Americans at work, earning more, spending more, saving more, investing more, building more than ever before in history. The well-being of our people, by virtually every yardstick, has greatly advanced under this Republican Administration.\nBut we can and must do better. We must raise employment to even higher levels and utilize even more fully our expanding, overall capacity to produce. We must quicken the pace of our economic growth to prove the power of American free enterprise to meet growing and urgent demands: to sustain our military posture, to provide jobs for a growing labor force in a time of rapid technological change, to improve living standards, to serve all the needs of an expanding population.\nWe therefore accord high priority to vigorous economic growth and recognize that its mainspring lies in the private sector of the economy. We must continue to foster a healthy climate in that sector. We reject the concept of artificial growth forced by massive new federal spending and loose money policies. The only effective way to accelerate economic growth is to increase the traditional strengths of our free economy—initiative and investment, productivity and efficiency. To that end we favor:\nBroadly-based tax reform to foster job-making and growth-making investment for modernization and expansion, including realistic incentive depreciation schedules.\nUse of the full powers of government to prevent the scourges of depression and inflation.\nElimination of featherbedding practices by labor and business.\nMaintenance of a stable dollar as an indispensable means to progress.\nRelating wage and other payments in production to productivity—except when necessary to correct inequalities—in order to help us stay competitive at home and abroad.\nSpurring the economy by advancing the successful Eisenhower-Nixon program fostering new and small business, by continued active enforcement of the anti-trust laws, by protecting consumers and investors against the hazard and economic waste of fraudulent and criminal practices in the market place, and by keeping the federal government from unjustly competing with private enterprise upon which Americans mainly depend for their livelihood.\nContinued improvement of our vital transportation network, carrying forward rapidly the vast Eisenhower-Nixon national highway program and promoting safe, efficient, competitive and integrated transport by air, road, rail and water under equitable, impartial and minimal regulation directed to those ends.\nCarrying forward, under the Trade Agreements Act, the policy of gradual selective—and truly reciprocal—reduction of unjustifiable barriers to trade among free nations. We advocate effective administration of the Act's escape clause and peril point provisions to safeguard American jobs and domestic industries against serious injury. In support of our national trade policy we should continue the Eisenhower-Nixon program of using this government's negotiating powers to open markets abroad and to eliminate remaining discrimination against our goods. We should also encourage the development of fair labor standards in exporting countries in the interest of fair competition in international trade. We should, too, expand the Administration's export drive, encourage tourists to come from abroad, and protect U.S. investors against arbitrary confiscations and expropriations by foreign governments. Through these and other constructive policies, we will better our international balance of payments.\nDischarge by government of responsibility for those activities which the private sector cannot do or cannot so well do, such as constructive federal-local action to aid areas of chronic high unemployment, a sensible farm policy, development and wise use of natural resources, suitable support of education and research, and equality of job opportunity for all Americans.\nAction on these fronts, designed to release the strongest productive force in human affairs—the spirit of individual enterprise-can contribute greatly to our goal of a steady, strongly growing economy.\nLabor\n\nAmerica's growth cannot be compartmentalized. Labor and management cannot prosper without each other. They cannot ignore their mutual public obligation.\nIndustrial harmony, expressing these mutual interests, can best be achieved in a climate of free collective bargaining, with minimal government intervention except by mediation and conciliation.\nEven in dealing with emergency situations imperiling the national safety, ways of solution must be found to enhance and not impede the processes of free collective bargaining—carefully considered ways that are in keeping with the policies of national labor relations legislation and with the need to strengthen the hand of the President in dealing with such emergencies.\nIn the same spirit, Republican leadership will continue to encourage discussions, away from the bargaining table, between labor and management to consider the mutual interest of all Americans in maintaining industrial peace.\nRepublican policy firmly supports the right of employers and unions freely to enter into agreements providing for the union shop and other forms of union security as authorized by the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (the Taft-Hartley Act ).\nRepublican-sponsored legislation has supported the right of union members to full participation in the affairs of their union and their right to freedom from racketeering and gangster interference whether by labor or management in labor-management relations.\nRepublican action has given to millions of American working men and women new or expanded protection and benefits, such as: Increased federal minimum wage;\nExtended coverage of unemployment insurance and the payment of additional temporary benefits provided in 1958-59;\nImprovement of veterans' re-employment rights;\nExtension of federal workman's compensation coverage and increase of benefits;\nLegislative assurance of safety standards for longshore and harbor workers and for the transportation of migratory workers;\nAn increase of railroad workers' retirement and disability benefits.\nSeven past years of accomplishments, however, are but a base to build upon in fostering, promoting and improving the welfare of America's working men and women, both organized and unorganized. We pledge, therefore, action on these constructive lines:\nDiligent administration of the amended Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act) and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (Landrum-Griffin Act) with recommendations for improvements which experience shows are needed to make them more effective or remove any inequities.\nCorrection of defects in the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act to protect employees' and beneficiaries' interests.\nUpward revision in amount and extended coverage of the minimum wage to several million more workers.\nStrengthening the unemployment insurance system and extension of its benefits.\nImprovement of the eight-hour laws relating to hours and overtime compensation on federal and federally-assisted construction, and continued vigorous enforcement and improvement of minimum wage laws for federal supply and construction contracts.\nContinued improvement of manpower skills and training to meet a new era of challenges, including action programs to aid older workers, women, youth, and the physically handicapped.\nEncouragement of training programs by labor, industry and government to aid in finding new jobs for persons dislocated by automation or other economic changes.\nImprovement of job opportunities and working conditions of migratory farm workers.\nAssurance of equal pay for equal work regardless of sex; encouragement of programs to insure on-the-job safety, and encouragement of the States to improve their labor standards legislation, and to improve veterans' employment rights and benefits.\nEncouragement abroad of free democratic institutions, higher living standards and higher wages through such agencies as the International Labor Organization, and cooperation with the free trade union movement in strengthening free labor throughout the world.\nAgriculture\n\nAmericans are the best-fed and the best-clothed people in the world. Our challenge fortunately is one of dealing with abundance, not overcoming shortage. The fullness of our fields, forests and grazing lands is an important advantage in our struggle against worldwide tyranny and our crusade against poverty. Our farmers have provided us with a powerful weapon in the ideological and economic struggle in which we are now engaged.\nYet, far too many of our farm families, the source of this strength, have not received a fair return for their labors. For too long, Democratic-controlled Congresses have stalemated progress by clinging to obsolete programs conceived for different times and different problems.\nPromises of specific levels of price support or a single type of program for all agriculture are cruel deceptions based upon the pessimistic pretense that only with rigid controls can farm families be aided. The Republican Party will provide within the framework of individual freedom a greater bargaining power to assure an equitable return for the work and capital supplied by farmers.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to develop new programs to improve and stabilize farm family income. It recognizes two main challenges: the immediate one of utilizing income-depressing surpluses, and the long-range one of steady balanced growth and development with a minimum of federal interference and control.\nTo utilize immediately surpluses in an orderly manner, with a minimum impact on domestic and foreign markets, we pledge:\nIntensification of the Food for Peace program, including new cooperative efforts among food-surplus nations to assist the hungry peoples in less favored areas of the world.\nPayment-in-kind, out of existing surpluses, as part of our land retirement program.\nCreation of a Strategic Food Reserve properly dispersed in forms which can be preserved for long periods against the contingency of grave national emergency.\nStrengthened efforts to distribute surpluses to schools and low-income and needy citizens of our own country.\nA reorganization of Commodity Credit Corporation's inventory management operations to reduce competition with the marketings of farmers.\nTo assure steady balanced growth and agricultural progress, we pledge:\nA crash research program to develop industrial and other uses of farm products.\nUse of price supports at levels best fitted to specific commodities, in order to widen markets, ease production controls, and help achieve increased farm family income.\nAcceleration of production adjustments, including a large scale land conservation reserve program on a voluntary and equitable rental basis, with full consideration of the impact on local communities.\nContinued progress in the wise use and conservation of water and soil resources.\nUse of marketing agreements and orders, and other marketing devices, when approved by producers, to assist in the orderly marketing of crops, thus enabling farmers to strengthen their bargaining power.\nStepped-up research to reduce production costs and to cut distribution costs.\nStrengthening of the educational programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Land-Grant institutions.\nImprovement of credit facilities for financing the capital needs of modern farming.\nEncouragement of farmer owned and operated cooperatives including rural electric and telephone facilities.\nExpansion of the Rural Development Program to help low-income farm families not only through better farming methods, but also through opportunities for vocational training, more effective employment services, and creation of job opportunities through encouragement of local industrialization.\nContinuation and further improvement of the Great Plains Program.\nLegislative action for programs now scheduled to expire for the school milk program, wool, and sugar, including increased sugar acreage to domestic areas.\nFree movement in interstate commerce of agricultural commodities meeting federal health standards.\nTo prevent dumping of agricultural imports upon domestic markets.\nTo assure the American farmer a more direct voice in his own destiny, we pledge:\nTo select an official committee of farmers and ranchers, on a regional basis, broadly representative of American agriculture, whose function will be to recommend to the President guidelines for improving the operation of government farm programs.\nNatural Resources\n\nA strong and growing economy requires vigorous and persistent attention to wise conservation and sound development of all our resources. Teamwork between federal, state and private entities is essential and should be continued. It has resulted in sustained conservation and resource development programs on a scale unmatched in our history.\nThe past seven years of Republican leadership have seen the development of more power capacity, flood control, irrigation, fish and wildlife projects, recreational facilities, and associated multi-purpose benefits than during any previous administration in history. The proof is visible in the forests and waters of the land and in Republican initiation of and support for the Upper Watershed Program and the Small Reclamation Projects Act. It is clear, also, in the results of continuing administration-encouraged forest management practices which have brought, for the first time, a favorable balance between the growth and cutting of America's trees.\nOur objective is for further growth, greater strength, and increased utilization in each great area of resource use and development.\nWe pledge:\nUse of the community watershed as the basic natural unit through which water resource, soil, and forest management programs may best be developed, with interstate compacts encouraged to handle regional aspects without federal domination.\nDevelopment of new water resource projects throughout the nation.\nSupport of the historic policy of Congress in preserving the integrity of the several States to govern water rights.\nContinued federal support for Republican-initiated research and demonstration projects which will supply fresh water from salt and brackish water sources.\nNecessary measures for preservation of our domestic fisheries.\nContinued forestry conservation with appropriate sustained yield harvesting, thus increasing jobs for people and increasing revenue.\nTo observe the \"preference clause\" in marketing federal power.\nSupport of the basic principles of reclamation.\nRecognition of urban and industrial demands by making available to states and local governments.\nfederal lands not needed for national programs.\nFull use and preservation of our great outdoors are pledged in:\nCompletion of the \"Mission 66\" for the improvement of National Park areas as well as sponsorship of a new \"Mission 76\" program to encourage establishment and rehabilitation of local, state, and regional parks, to provide adequate recreational facilities for our expanding population.\nContinued support of the effort to keep our great out-of-doors beautiful, green, and clean.\nEstablishment of a citizens board of conservation, resource and land management experts to inventory those federal lands now set aside for a particular purpose; to study the future needs of the nation for parks, seashores, and wildlife and other recreational areas; and to study the possibility of restoring lands not needed for a federal program.\nMinerals, metals, fuels, also call for carefully considered actions in view of the repeated failure of Democratic-controlled Congresses to enact any long-range minerals legislation. Republicans, therefore, pledge:\nLong-range minerals and fuels planning and programming, including increased coal research.\nAssistance to mining industries in bridging the gap between peak defense demands and anticipated peacetime demands.\nContinued support for federal financial assistance and incentives under our tax laws to encourage exploration for domestic sources of minerals and metals, with reasonable depletion allowances.\nTo preserve our fish and wildlife heritage, we pledge:\nLegislation to authorize exchange of lands between state and federal governments to adapt programs to changing uses and habits.\nVigorous implementation of long-range programs for fish and wildlife.\nGovernment Finance\n\nTo build a better America with broad national purposes such as high employment, vigorous and steady economic growth, and a dependable currency, responsible management of our federal finances is essential. Even more important, a sound economy is vital to national security. While leading Democrats charge us with a \"budget balancing\" mentality, their taunts really reflect their frustration over the people's recognition that as a nation we must live within our means. Government that is careless with the money of its citizens is careless with their future.\nBecause we are concerned about the well-being of people, we are concerned about protecting the value of their money. To this end, we Republicans believe that:\nEvery government expenditure must be tested by its contribution to the general welfare, not to any narrow interest group.\nExcept in times of war or economic adversity, expenditures should be covered by revenues.\nWe must work persistently to reduce, not to increase, the national debt, which imposes a heavy economic burden on every citizen.\nOur tax structure should be improved to provide greater incentives to economic progress, to make it fair and equitable, and to maintain and deserve public acceptance.\nWe must resist assaults upon the independence of the Federal Reserve System; we must strengthen, not weaken, the ability of the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury Department to exercise effective control over money and credit in order better to combat both deflation and inflation that retard economic growth and shrink people's savings and earnings.\nIn order of priority, federal revenues should be used: first, to meet the needs of national security; second, to fulfill the legitimate and urgent needs of the nation that cannot be met by the States, local governments or private action; third, to pay down on the national debt in good times; finally, to improve our tax structure.\nNational security and other essential needs will continue to make enormous demands upon public revenues. It is therefore imperative that we weigh carefully each demand for a new federal expenditure. The federal government should undertake not the most things nor the least things, but the right things.\nAchieving this vital purpose demands:\nThat Congress, in acting on new spending bills, have figures before it showing the cumulative effect of its actions on the total budget.\nThat spending commitments for future years be clearly listed in each budget, so that the effect of built-in expenditure programs may be recognized and evaluated.\nThat the President be empowered to veto individual items in authorization and appropriation bills.\nThat increasing efforts be made to extend business-like methods to government operations, particularly in purchasing and supply activities, and in personnel.\nGovernment Administration\n\nThe challenges of our time test the very organization of democracy. They put on trial the capacity of free government to act quickly, wisely, resolutely. To meet these challenges:\nThe President must continue to be able to reorganize and streamline executive operations to keep the executive branch capable of responding effectively to rapidly changing conditions in both foreign and domestic fields. The Eisenhower-Nixon Administration did so by creating a new Department of Health, Education and Welfare, by establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Agency and the Federal Aviation Agency, and by reorganizations of the Defense Department.\nTwo top positions should be established to assist the President in, (1) the entire field of National Security and international Affairs, and, (2) Governmental Planning and Management, particularly in domestic affairs.\nWe must undertake further reorganization of the Defense Department to achieve the most effective unification of defense planning and command.\nImproved conflict-of-interest laws should be enacted for vigilant protection of the public interest and to remove deterrents to governmental service by our most able citizens.\nThe federal government must constantly strengthen its career service and must be truly progressive as an employer. Government employment must be a vocation deserving of high public respect. Common sense demands continued improvements in employment, training and promotion practices based on merit, effective procedures for dealing with employment grievances, and salaries which are comparable to those offered by private employers.\nAs already practiced by the Republican membership, responsible Policy Committees should be elected by each party in each house of Congress. This would provide a mechanism for meetings of party Congressional leaders with the President when circumstances demand.\nNeeded federal judgeships, appointed on the basis of the highest qualifications and without limitation to a single political party, should be created to expedite administration of justice in federal courts.\nThe remarkable growth of the Post Office since 1952 to serve an additional 9 million urban and l 1/2 million farm families must be continued. The Post Office must be continually improved and placed on a self-sustaining basis. Progressive Republican policies of the past seven years have resulted in reduced costs, decentralization of postal operations, liberal pay, fringe benefits, improved working conditions, streamlined management, and improved service.\nVigorous state and local governments are a vital part of our federal union. The federal government should leave to state and local governments those programs and problems which they can best handle and tax sources adequate to finance them. We must continue to improve liaison between federal, state and local governments. We believe that the federal government, when appropriate, should render significant assistance in dealing with our urgent problems of urban growth and change. No vast new bureaucracy is needed to achieve this objective.\nWe favor a change in the Electoral College system to give every voter a fair voice in presidential elections.\nWe condemn bigotry, smear and other unfair tactics in political campaigns. We favor realistic and effective safeguards against diverting non-political funds to partisan political purposes.\nRepublicans will continue to work for Congressional representation and self-government for the District of Columbia and also support the constitutional amendment granting suffrage in national elections.\nWe support the right of the Puerto Rican people to achieve statehood, whenever they freely so determine. We support the right of the people of the Virgin Islands to an elected Governor, national representation and suffrage, looking toward eventual statehood, when qualified. We also support the right of the people of Guam to an elected Governor and national representation. These pledges are meaningful from the Republican leadership under which Alaska and Hawaii have newly entered the Union.\nCongress should submit a constitutional amendment providing equal rights for women.\nEducation\n\nThe rapid pace of international developments serves to re-emphasize dramatically the challenge which generations of Americans will face in the years ahead. We are reminded daily of the crucial importance of strengthening our system of education to prepare our youth for understanding and shaping the powerful emerging forces of the modern world and to permit the fullest possible development of individual capacities and potentialities.\nWe express our gratefulness and we praise the countless thousands of teachers who have devoted themselves in an inspired way towards the development of our greatest heritage—our own children—the youth of the country.\nEducation is not a luxury, nor a gift to be bestowed upon ourselves and our children. Education is an investment; our schools cannot become second best. Each person possesses the right to education—it is his birthright in a free Republic.\nPrimary responsibility for education must remain with the local community and state. The federal government should assist selectively in strengthening education without interfering with full local control of schools. One objective of such federal assistance should be to help equalize educational opportunities. Under the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration, the federal government will spend more than a billion dollars in 1960 to strengthen American education.\nWe commend the objective of the Republican Administration in sponsoring the National Defense Education Act to stimulate improvement of study and teaching in selected fields at the local level.\nToward the goal of fullest possible educational opportunity for every American, we pledge these actions:\nFederal support to the primary and secondary schools by a program of federal aid for school construction—pacing it to the real needs of individual school districts in states and territories, and requiring state approval and participation.\nStimulation of actions designed to update and strengthen vocational education for both youth and adults.\nSupport of efforts to make adequate library facilities available to all our citizens.\nContinued support of programs to strengthen basic research in education; to discover the best methods for helping handicapped, retarded, and gifted children to realize their highest potential.\nThe federal government can also play a part in stimulating higher education. Constructive action would include:\nThe federal program to assist in construction of college housing.\nExtension of the federal student loan program and graduate fellowship program.\nConsideration of means through tax laws to help offset tuition costs.\nContinued support of the East-West Center for cultural and technical interchange in Hawaii for the purpose of strengthening our relationship with the peoples of the Pacific world.\nFederal matching grants to help states finance the cost of state surveys and inventories of the status and needs of their school systems.\nProvision should be made for continuous attention to education at all levels by the creation of a permanent, top-level commission to advise the President and the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, constantly striving to focus the interest of each citizen on the quality of our education at every level, from primary through postgraduate, and for every age group from children to adults.\nWe are aware of the fact that there is a temporary shortage of classrooms for our elementary and secondary schools in a limited number of states. But this shortage, due to the vigilant action of state legislatures and local school boards, is not increasing, but is decreasing.\nWe shall use our full efforts in all the states of the Union to have these legislatures and school boards augment their present efforts to the end that this temporary shortage may be eliminated and that every child in this country shall have the opportunity to obtain a good education. The respective states as a permanent program can shoulder this long-standing and cherished responsibility easier than can the federal government with its heavy indebtedness.\nWe believe moreover that any large plan of federal aid to education, such as direct contributions to or grants for teachers salaries can only lead ultimately to federal domination and control of our schools to which we are unalterably opposed. In the words of President Eisenhower, \"Education best fulfills its high purpose when responsibility for education is kept close to the people it serves—when it is rooted in the homes, nurtured in the community and sustained by a rich variety of public, private and individual resources. The bond linking home and school and community—the responsiveness of each to the needs of the others—is a precious asset of American education.\"\nScience and Technology\n\nMuch of America's future depends upon the inquisitive mind, freely searching nature for ways to conquer disease, poverty and grinding physical demands, and for knowledge of space and the atom.\nWe Republicans express our profound gratitude to the great scientists and engineers of our country, both in and out of government, for the remarkable progress they have made. Reliable evidence indicates, all areas of scientific knowledge considered, that our country has been, is, and under our system of free inquiry, will continue to be the greatest arsenal and reservoir of effective scientific knowledge in the world.\nWe pledge our continued leadership in every field of science and technology, earthbound as well as spacial, to assure a citadel of liberty from which the fruits of freedom may be carried to all people.\nOur continuing and great national need is for basic research—a wellspring of knowledge and progress. Government must continue to take a responsible role in science to assure that worth-while endeavors of national significance are not retarded by practical limitations of private and local support. This demands from all Americans the intellectual leadership and understanding so necessary for these creative endeavors and an equal understanding by our scientists and technicians of the needs and hopes of mankind.\nWe believe the federal roles in research to be in the area of ( 1 ) basic research which industry cannot be reasonably expected to pursue, and (2) applied research in fields of prime national concern such as national defense, exploration and use of space, public health, and better common use of all natural resources, both human and physical. We endorse the contracting by government agencies for research and urge allowance for reasonable charges for overhead and management in connection therewith.\nThe vigor of American science and technology may best be inspired by:\nAn environment of freedom and public understanding in which intellectual achievement and scientific research may flourish.\nA decentralization of research into as many centers of creativity as possible.\nThe encouragement of colleges and universities, private enterprise, and foundations as a growing source of new ideas and new applications.\nOpportunity for scientists and engineers, in and out of government, to pursue their search with utmost aggressiveness.\nContinuation of the advisory committee to represent the views of the scientific community to the President and of the Federal Council for Science and Technology to foster coordination in planning and execution.\nContinued expansion of the Eisenhower-Nixon Atoms-for-Peace program and a constant striving, backed by scientific advice, for international agreement for peaceful and cooperative exploration and use of space.\nHuman Needs\n\nThe ultimate objective of our free society and of an ever-growing economy is to enable the individual to pursue a life of dignity and to develop his own capacities to his maximum potential.\nGovernment's primary role is to help provide the environment within which the individual can seek his own goals. In some areas this requires federal action to supplement individual, local and state initiative. The Republican Party has acted and will act decisively, compassionately, and with deep human understanding in approaching such problems as those of the aged, the infirm, the mentally ill, and the needy.\nThis is demonstrated by the significant increase in social security coverage and benefits as a result of recommendations made by the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration. As a result of these recommendations and normal growth, 14 million persons are receiving benefits today compared to five million in 1952, and benefit payments total $10.3 billion as compared to $2.5 billion in 1952. In addition, there have been increases in payments to those on public assistance, both for their basic needs and for their health and medical care; and a broad expansion in our federal-state program for restoring disabled persons to useful lives—an expansion which has accomplished the rehabilitation of over half a million persons during this Administration.\nNew needs, however, are constantly arising in our highly complex, interdependent, and urbanized society.\nOlder Citizens\n\nTo meet the needs of the aging, we pledge: Expansion of coverage, and liberalization of selected social security benefits on a basis which would maintain the fiscal integrity of the system.\nSupport of federal-state grant programs to improve health, welfare and rehabilitation services for the handicapped older persons and to improve standards of nursing home care and care and treatment facilities for the chronically and mentally ill.\nFederal leadership to encourage policies that will make retirement at a fixed age voluntary and not compulsory.\nSupport of programs that will persuade and encourage the nation to utilize fully the skills, wisdom and experience of older citizens.\nPrompt consideration of recommendations by the White House Conference on Aging called by the President for January, 1961.\nHealth Aid\n\nDevelopment of a health program that will provide the aged needing it, on a sound fiscal basis and through a contributory system, protection against burdensome costs of health care. Such a program should:\nProvide the beneficiaries with the option of purchasing private health insurance—a vital distinction between our approach and Democratic proposals in that it would encourage commercial carriers and voluntary insurance organizations to continue their efforts to develop sound coverage plans for the senior population.\nProtect the personal relationship of patient and physician.\nInclude state participation.\nFor the needs which individuals of all age groups cannot meet by themselves, we propose:\nRemoving the arbitrary 50-year age requirement under the disability insurance program while amending the law also to provide incentives for rehabilitated persons to return to useful work.\nA single, federal assistance grant to each state for aid to needy persons rather than dividing such grants into specific categories.\nA strengthened federal-state program to rehabilitate the estimated 200,000 persons who annually could become independent after proper medical services and occupational training.\nA new federal-state program, for handicapped persons completely dependent on others, to help them meet their needs for personal care.\nJuvenile Delinquency\n\nThe Federal Government can and should help state and local communities combat juvenile delinquency by inaugurating a grant program for research, demonstration, and training projects and by placing greater emphasis on strengthening family life in all welfare programs for which it shares responsibility.\nVeterans\n\nWe believe that military service in the defense of our Republic against aggressors who have sought to destroy the freedom and dignity of man imposes upon the nation a special responsibility to those who have served. To meet this responsibility, we pledge:\nContinuance of the Veterans Administration as an independent agency.\nThe highest possible standard of medical care with increasing emphasis on rehabilitation.\nIndian Affairs\n\nAs recently as 1953, thirty per cent of Indian school-age children were unable to obtain an education. Through Republican efforts, this fall, for the first time in history, every eligible Indian child will be able to attend an elementary school. Having accomplished this, we will now accelerate our efforts to open up both secondary and higher education opportunities for every qualified Indian youth.\nAs a result of a stepped-up health program there has been a marked decrease in death rates from tuberculosis and in the infant mortality rate. Also substantial progress has been made in the modernization of health facilities. We pledge continued progress in this area.\nWe are opposed to precipitous termination of the federal Indian trusteeship responsibility, and pledge not to support any termination plan for any tribe which has not approved such action.\nHousing\n\nDespite noteworthy accomplishments, stubborn and deep-seated problems stand in the way of achieving the national objective of a decent home in a suitable environment for every American. Recognizing that the federal government must help provide the economic climate and incentives which make this objective obtainable, the Republican Party will vigorously support the following steps, all designed to supplement and not supplant private initiative.\nContinued effort to clear slums, and promote rebuilding, rehabilitation, and conservation of our cities.\nNew programs to stimulate development of specialized types of housing, such as those for the elderly and for nursing homes.\nA program of research and demonstration aimed at finding ways to reduce housing costs, including support of efforts to modernize and improve local building codes.\nAdequate authority for the federal housing agencies to assist the flow of mortgage credit into private housing, with emphasis on homes for middle- and lower-income families and including assistance in urban residential areas.\nA stepped-up program to assist in urban planning, designed to assure far-sighted and wise use of land and to coordinate mass transportation and other vital facilities in our metropolitan areas.\nHealth\n\nThere has been a five-fold increase in government-assisted medical research during the last six years, We pledge:\nContinued federal support for a sound research program aimed at both the prevention and cure of diseases, and intensified efforts to secure prompt and effective application of the results of research. This will include emphasis on mental illness.\nSupport of international health research programs.\nWe face serious personnel shortages in the health and medical fields. We pledge:\nFederal help in new programs to build schools of medicine, dentistry, and public health and nursing, and financial aid to students in those fields.\nWe are confronted with major problems in the field of environmental health. We pledge:\nStrengthened federal enforcement powers in combatting water pollution and additional resources for research and demonstration projects. Federal grants for the construction of waste disposal plants should be made only when they make an identifiable contribution to clearing up polluted streams.\nFederal authority to identify, after appropriate hearings, air pollution problems and to recommend proposed solutions.\nAdditional resources for research and training in the field of radiological medicine.\nProtection of Consumers\n\nIn safeguarding the health of the nation the Eisenhower-Nixon Administration's initiative has resulted in doubling the resources of the Food and Drug Administration and in giving it new legal weapons. More progress has been made during this period in protecting consumers against harmful food, drugs, and cosmetics than in any other time in our history. We will continue to give strong support to this consumer-protection program.\nCivil Rights\n\nThis nation was created to give expression, validity and purpose to our spiritual heritage—the supreme worth of the individual. In such a nation—a nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal—racial discrimination has no place. It can hardly be reconciled with a Constitution that guarantees equal protection under law to all persons. In a deeper sense, too, it is immoral and unjust. As to those matters within reach of political action and leadership, we pledge ourselves unreservedly to its eradication.\nEquality under law promises more than the equal right to vote and transcends mere relief from discrimination by government. It becomes a reality only when all persons have equal opportunity, without distinction of race, religion, color or national origin, to acquire the essentials of life—housing, education and employment. The Republican Party—the party of Abraham Lincoln—from its very beginning has striven to make this promise a reality. It is today, as it was then, unequivocally dedicated to making the greatest amount of progress toward the objective.\nWe recognize that discrimination is not a problem localized in one area of the country, but rather a problem that must be faced by North and South alike. Nor is discrimination confined to the discrimination against Negroes. Discrimination in many, if not all, areas of the country on the basis of creed or national origin is equally insidious. Further we recognize that in many communities in which a century of custom and tradition must be overcome heartening and commendable progress has been made.\nThe Republican Party is proud of the civil rights record of the Eisenhower Administration. More progress has been made during the past eight years than in the preceding 80 years. We acted promptly to end discrimination in our nation's capital. Vigorous executive action was taken to complete swiftly the desegregation of the armed forces, veterans' hospitals, navy yards, and other federal establishments.\nWe supported the position of the Negro school children before the Supreme Court. We believe the Supreme Court school decision should be carried out in accordance with the mandate of the Court.\nAlthough the Democratic-controlled Congress watered them down, the Republican Administration's recommendations resulted in significant and effective civil rights legislation in both 1957 and 1960—the first civil rights statutes to be passed in more than 80 years.\nHundreds of Negroes have already been registered to vote as a result of Department of Justice action, some in counties where Negroes did not vote before. The new law will soon make it possible for thousands and thousands of Negroes previously disenfranchised to vote.\nBy executive order, a committee for the elimination of discrimination in government employment has been reestablished with broadened authority. Today, nearly one-fourth of all federal employees are Negro.\nThe President's Committee on Government Contracts, under the chairmanship of Vice President Nixon, has become an impressive force for the elimination of discriminatory employment practices of private companies that do business with the government.\nOther important achievements include initial steps toward the elimination of segregation in federally-aided housing; the establishment of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, which enforces federal civil rights laws; and the appointment of the bi-partisan Civil Rights Commission, which has prepared a significant report that lays the groundwork for further legislative action and progress.\nThe Republican record is a record of progress—not merely promises. Nevertheless, we recognize that much remains to be done.\nEach of the following pledges is practical and within realistic reach of accomplishment. They are serious—not cynical—pledges made to result in maximum progress.\n1. Voting.\nWe pledge:\nContinued vigorous enforcement of the civil rights laws to guarantee the right to vote to all citizens in all areas of the country.\nLegislation to provide that the completion of six primary grades in a state accredited school is conclusive evidence of literacy for voting purposes.\n2. Public Schools.\nWe pledge:\nThe Department of Justice will continue its vigorous support of court orders for school desegregation. Desegregation suits now pending involve at least 39 school districts. Those suits and others already concluded will affect most major cities in which school segregation is being practiced.\nIt will use the new authority provided by the Civil Rights Act of 1960 to prevent obstruction of court orders.\nWe will propose legislation to authorize the Attorney General to bring actions for school desegregation in the name of the United States in appropriate cases, as when economic coercion or threat of physical harm is used to deter persons from going to court to establish their rights.\nOur continuing support of the President's proposal, to extend federal aid and technical assistance to schools which in good faith attempted to desegregate.\nWe oppose the pretense of fixing a target date 3 years from now for the mere submission of plans for school desegregation. Slow-moving school districts would construe it as a three-year moratorium during which progress would cease, postponing until 1963 the legal process to enforce compliance. We believe that each of the pending court actions should proceed as the Supreme Court has directed and that in no district should there be any such delay.\n3. Employment.\nWe pledge:\nContinued support for legislation to establish a Commission on Equal Job Opportunity to make permanent and to expand with legislative backing the excellent work being performed by the President's Committee on Government Contracts.\nAppropriate legislation to end the discriminatory membership practices of some labor union locals, unless such practices are eradicated promptly by the labor unions themselves.\nUse of the full-scale review of existing state laws, and of prior proposals for federal legislation, to eliminate discrimination in employment now being conducted by the Civil Rights Commission, for guidance in our objective of developing a Federal-State program in the employment area.\nSpecial consideration of training programs aimed at developing the skills of those now working in marginal agricultural employment so that they can obtain employment in industry, notably in the new industries moving into the South.\n4. Housing.\nWe pledge:\nAction to prohibit discrimination in housing constructed with the aid of federal subsidies.\n5. Public Facilities and Services.\nWe pledge:\nRemoval of any vestige of discrimination in the operation of federal facilities or procedures which may at any time be found.\nOpposition to the use of federal funds for the construction of segregated community facilities.\nAction to ensure that public transportation and other government authorized services shall be free from segregation.\n6. Legislative Procedure.\nWe pledge:\nOur best efforts to change present Rule 22 of the Senate and other appropriate Congressional procedures that often make unattainable proper legislative implementation of constitutional guarantees.\nWe reaffirm the constitutional right to peaceable assembly to protest discrimination in private business establishments. We applaud the action of the businessmen who have abandoned discriminatory practices in retail establishments, and we urge others to follow their example.\nFinally we recognize that civil rights is a responsibility not only of states and localities; it is a national problem and a national responsibility. The federal government should take the initiative in promoting inter-group conferences among those who, in their communities, are earnestly seeking solutions of the complex problems of desegregation—to the end that closed channels of communication may be opened, tensions eased, and a cooperative solution of local problems may be sought.\nIn summary, we pledge the full use of the power, resources and leadership of the federal government to eliminate discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin and to encourage understanding and good will among all races and creeds.\nImmigration\n\nImmigration has historically been a great factor in the growth of the United States, not only in numbers but in the enrichment of ideas that immigrants have brought with them. This Republican Administration has given refuge to over 32,000 victims of Communist tyranny from Hungary, ended needless delay in processing applications for naturalization, and has urged other enlightened legislation to liberalize existing restrictions.\nImmigration has been reduced to the point where it does not provide the stimulus to growth that it should, nor are we fulfilling our obligation as a haven for the oppressed. Republican conscience and Republican policy require that:\nThe annual number of immigrants we accept be at least doubled.\nObsolete immigration laws be amended by abandoning the outdated 1920 census data as a base and substituting the 1960 census.\nThe guidelines of our immigration policy be based upon judgment of the individual merit of each applicant for admission and citizenship.\nConclusion\n\nWe have set forth the program of the Republican Party for the government of the United States. We have written a Party document, as is our duty, but we have tried to refrain from writing a merely partisan document. We have no wish to exaggerate differences between ourselves and the Democratic Party; nor can we, in conscience, obscure the differences that do exist. We believe that the Republican program is based upon a sounder understanding of the action and scope of government. There are many things a free government cannot do for its people as well as they can do them for themselves. There are some things no government should promise or attempt to do. The functions of government are so great as to bear no needless enlargement. We limit our proposals and our pledges to those areas for which the government of a great republic can reasonably be made responsible. To the best of our ability we have avoided advocating measures that would go against the grain of a free people.\nThe history and composition of the Republican Party make it the natural instrument for eradicating the injustice and discrimination in this country. We Republicans are fortunate in being able to contend against these evils, without having to contend against each other for the principle.\nWe believe that we see, so far as men can see through the obscurity of time and trouble, the prudent course for the nation in its hour of trial. The Soviet Union has created another of the new situations of peril which has been the Communist record from the beginning and will continue to be until our strategy for victory has succeeded. The speed of technological change makes it imperative that we measure the new situations by their special requirements and accelerate as appropriate our efforts in every direction, economic and military and political to deal with them.\nAs rapidly as we perfect the new generations of weapons we must arm ourselves effectively and without delay. In this respect the nation stands now at one of the new points of departure. We must never allow our technology, particularly in nuclear and propulsion fields, to lag for any reason until such time as we have dependable and honest safeguards of inspection and control. We must take steps at once to secure our position in this regard and at the same time we must intensify our efforts to develop better safeguards in the field of disarmament.\nThe free nations of the world must ever be rallied to the cause and be encouraged to join together in more effective alliances and unions strong enough to meet all challenges and sustain the common effort. It is urgent that we innovate to keep the initiative for our free cause.\nWe offer toil and sweat, to ward off blood and tears. We advocate an immovable resistance against every Communist aggression. We argue for a military might commensurate with our universal tasks. We end by declaring our faith in the Republic and in its people, and in the deathless principles of right from which it draws its moral force.", "Words" -> 10641, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 612, "of" -> 572, "and" -> 509, "to" -> 409, "in" -> 238, "for" -> 160, "a" -> 142, "our" -> 129, "We" -> 104, "that" -> 77, "by" -> 66, "be" -> 66, "with" -> 64, "The" -> 64, "we" -> 62, "is" -> 60, "as" -> 60, "federal" -> 56, "will" -> 42, "has" -> 42, "which" -> 41, "new" -> 41, "are" -> 41, "have" -> 40, "program" -> 37, "on" -> 37, "all" -> 37, "government" -> 35, "support" -> 34, "must" -> 34, "this" -> 33, "Republican" -> 33, "an" -> 31, "their" -> 30, "should" -> 29, "national" -> 29, "programs" -> 28, "pledge" -> 28, "free" -> 28, "world" -> 27, "not" -> 27, "such" -> 26, "its" -> 26, "continue" -> 23, "against" -> 23, "To" -> 22, "other" -> 22, "it" -> 22, "from" -> 22, "freedom" -> 22, "at" -> 21, "research" -> 20, "can" -> 20, "any" -> 20, "United" -> 19, "these" -> 19, "or" -> 19, "more" -> 19, "economic" -> 19, "progress" -> 18, "needs" -> 18, "local" -> 18, "efforts" -> 18, "been" -> 18, "Administration" -> 18, "use" -> 17, "States" -> 17, "security" -> 17, "school" -> 17, "Party" -> 17, "growth" -> 17, "every" -> 17, "education" -> 17, "action" -> 17, "would" -> 16, "them" -> 16, "state" -> 16, "provide" -> 16, "President" -> 16, "nations" -> 16, "nation" -> 16, "make" -> 16, "leadership" -> 16, "upon" -> 15, "those" -> 15, "private" -> 15, "people" -> 15, "In" -> 15, "help" -> 15, "discrimination" -> 15, "development" -> 15, "American" -> 15, "policy" -> 14, "health" -> 14, "employment" -> 14, "Continued" -> 14, "under" -> 13, "time" -> 13, "right" -> 13, "peace" -> 13, "military" -> 13, "individual" -> 13, "best" -> 13, "areas" -> 13, "us" -> 12, "rights" -> 12, "public" -> 12, "power" -> 12, "persons" -> 12, "Our" -> 12, "meet" -> 12, "made" -> 12, "including" -> 12, "great" -> 12, "encourage" -> 12, "Eisenhower-Nixon" -> 12, "effective" -> 12, "each" -> 12, "country" -> 12, "This" -> 11, "than" -> 11, "responsibility" -> 11, "problems" -> 11, "nuclear" -> 11, "men" -> 11, "may" -> 11, "labor" -> 11, "It" -> 11, "international" -> 11, "Federal" -> 11, "end" -> 11, "do" -> 11, "cannot" -> 11, "both" -> 11, "benefits" -> 11, "assistance" -> 11, "aid" -> 11, "Act" -> 11, "A" -> 11, "years" -> 10, "when" -> 10, "through" -> 10, "they" -> 10, "so" -> 10, "policies" -> 10, "ourselves" -> 10, "only" -> 10, "now" -> 10, "management" -> 10, "legislation" -> 10, "laws" -> 10, "improve" -> 10, "Government" -> 10, "farm" -> 10, "facilities" -> 10, "continued" -> 10, "between" -> 10, "believe" -> 10, "Americans" -> 10, "work" -> 9, "strengthen" -> 9, "resources" -> 9, "objective" -> 9, "means" -> 9, "demands" -> 9, "aggression" -> 9, "water" -> 8, "training" -> 8, "themselves" -> 8, "states" -> 8, "standards" -> 8, "Soviet" -> 8, "schools" -> 8, "recognize" -> 8, "purpose" -> 8, "principles" -> 8, "practices" -> 8, "political" -> 8, "opportunities" -> 8, "no" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "Nations" -> 8, "into" -> 8, "history" -> 8, "future" -> 8, "full" -> 8, "equal" -> 8, "economy" -> 8, "domestic" -> 8, "Department" -> 8, "defense" -> 8, "Communist" -> 8, "change" -> 8, "but" -> 8, "better" -> 8, "basis" -> 8, "As" -> 8, "area" -> 8, "also" -> 8, "actions" -> 8, "without" -> 7, "well" -> 7, "vigorous" -> 7, "union" -> 7, "understanding" -> 7, "strength" -> 7, "peoples" -> 7, "own" -> 7, "National" -> 7, "mutual" -> 7, "many" -> 7, "mankind" -> 7, "life" -> 7, "initiative" -> 7, "increasing" -> 7, "housing" -> 7, "governments" -> 7, "force" -> 7, "fields" -> 7, "Education" -> 7, "develop" -> 7, "countries" -> 7, "conservation" -> 7, "civil" -> 7, "citizens" -> 7, "children" -> 7, "challenges" -> 7, "assist" -> 7, "appropriate" -> 7, "America's" -> 7, "workers" -> 6, "who" -> 6, "weapons" -> 6, "vital" -> 6, "technical" -> 6, "tax" -> 6, "system" -> 6, "Support" -> 6, "result" -> 6, "regional" -> 6, "production" -> 6, "possible" -> 6, "planning" -> 6, "out" -> 6, "million" -> 6, "law" -> 6, "interest" -> 6, "increase" -> 6, "improvement" -> 6, "human" -> 6, "hopes" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "high" -> 6, "growing" -> 6, "good" -> 6, "foreign" -> 6, "forces" -> 6, "during" -> 6, "Development" -> 6, "determination" -> 6, "coverage" -> 6, "costs" -> 6, "control" -> 6, "challenge" -> 6, "care" -> 6, "before" -> 6, "basic" -> 6, "assure" -> 6, "among" -> 6, "age" -> 6, "administration" -> 6, "youth" -> 5, "working" -> 5, "within" -> 5, "wise" -> 5, "ways" -> 5, "way" -> 5, "was" -> 5, "war" -> 5, "vote" -> 5, "Use" -> 5, "urban" -> 5, "Union" -> 5, "trade" -> 5, "toward" -> 5, "today" -> 5, "things" -> 5, "there" -> 5, "strengthening" -> 5, "spending" -> 5, "space" -> 5, "sound" -> 5, "some" -> 5, "shall" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "scientific" -> 5, "safeguards" -> 5, "Rights" -> 5, "responsible" -> 5, "resource" -> 5, "Republicans" -> 5, "rehabilitation" -> 5, "record" -> 5, "recommendations" -> 5, "purposes" -> 5, "protect" -> 5, "proposals" -> 5, "projects" -> 5, "primary" -> 5, "peaceful" -> 5, "party" -> 5, "part" -> 5, "order" -> 5, "opportunity" -> 5, "operations" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "needed" -> 5, "most" -> 5, "minimum" -> 5, "might" -> 5, "medical" -> 5, "levels" -> 5, "lands" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "institutions" -> 5, "Indian" -> 5, "independence" -> 5, "increased" -> 5, "improved" -> 5, "higher" -> 5, "greatest" -> 5, "grants" -> 5, "further" -> 5, "field" -> 5, "farmers" -> 5, "families" -> 5, "fair" -> 5, "everywhere" -> 5, "eliminate" -> 5, "dealing" -> 5, "created" -> 5, "cooperation" -> 5, "construction" -> 5, "Congress" -> 5, "community" -> 5, "Civil" -> 5, "capital" -> 5, "build" -> 5, "based" -> 5, "adequate" -> 5, "achieve" -> 5, "women" -> 4, "wisdom" -> 4, "wildlife" -> 4, "welfare" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "vigor" -> 4, "urgent" -> 4, "unions" -> 4, "Under" -> 4, "transportation" -> 4, "too" -> 4, "throughout" -> 4, "therefore" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "That" -> 4, "take" -> 4, "surpluses" -> 4, "strong" -> 4, "steady" -> 4, "specific" -> 4, "situations" -> 4, "significant" -> 4, "shortage" -> 4, "services" -> 4, "serve" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "safety" -> 4, "resulted" -> 4, "respect" -> 4, "requires" -> 4, "Republic" -> 4, "reduce" -> 4, "reasonable" -> 4, "realistic" -> 4, "race" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "Program" -> 4, "problem" -> 4, "prevent" -> 4, "President's" -> 4, "potential" -> 4, "population" -> 4, "pledges" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "peril" -> 4, "payments" -> 4, "past" -> 4, "particularly" -> 4, "participation" -> 4, "over" -> 4, "others" -> 4, "nor" -> 4, "Negroes" -> 4, "need" -> 4, "natural" -> 4, "money" -> 4, "methods" -> 4, "markets" -> 4, "marketing" -> 4, "maintain" -> 4, "long-range" -> 4, "long" -> 4, "living" -> 4, "knowledge" -> 4, "keep" -> 4, "jobs" -> 4, "insurance" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "incentives" -> 4, "Improvement" -> 4, "if" -> 4, "hope" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "Health" -> 4, "handicapped" -> 4, "greater" -> 4, "give" -> 4, "freely" -> 4, "Food" -> 4, "first" -> 4, "federal-state" -> 4, "favor" -> 4, "fact" -> 4, "expansion" -> 4, "executive" -> 4, "evidence" -> 4, "establishment" -> 4, "essential" -> 4, "equitable" -> 4, "enforcement" -> 4, "encouragement" -> 4, "emphasis" -> 4, "Eisenhower" -> 4, "educational" -> 4, "East" -> 4, "developing" -> 4, "designed" -> 4, "desegregation" -> 4, "demonstration" -> 4, "demonstrated" -> 4, "Defense" -> 4, "Court" -> 4, "court" -> 4, "course" -> 4, "constructive" -> 4, "constitutional" -> 4, "conditions" -> 4, "concern" -> 4, "communities" -> 4, "cause" -> 4, "capacity" -> 4, "business" -> 4, "billion" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "become" -> 4, "bargaining" -> 4, "authority" -> 4, "arms" -> 4, "America" -> 4, "already" -> 4, "aimed" -> 4, "agricultural" -> 4, "agreements" -> 4, "abroad" -> 4, "able" -> 4, "Welfare" -> 3, "voluntary" -> 3, "Vigorous" -> 3, "veterans" -> 3, "utilize" -> 3, "uses" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "until" -> 3, "unemployment" -> 3, "undertake" -> 3, "times" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "Through" -> 3, "threats" -> 3, "threat" -> 3, "thousands" -> 3, "They" -> 3, "tests" -> 3, "tensions" -> 3, "temporary" -> 3, "technology" -> 3, "technological" -> 3, "sustained" -> 3, "Supreme" -> 3, "supported" -> 3, "supply" -> 3, "superior" -> 3, "suitable" -> 3, "Such" -> 3, "study" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "Strengthening" -> 3, "strategy" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "skills" -> 3, "single" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "set" -> 3, "segregation" -> 3, "seek" -> 3, "sector" -> 3, "secondary" -> 3, "second" -> 3, "scientists" -> 3, "science" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "revenues" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "retirement" -> 3, "Reserve" -> 3, "representation" -> 3, "remain" -> 3, "recreational" -> 3, "rather" -> 3, "rapidly" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "prove" -> 3, "protecting" -> 3, "promptly" -> 3, "promoting" -> 3, "promises" -> 3, "procedures" -> 3, "price" -> 3, "practical" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "powerful" -> 3, "pledged" -> 3, "physical" -> 3, "personnel" -> 3, "permit" -> 3, "permanent" -> 3, "pay" -> 3, "partisan" -> 3, "origin" -> 3, "orders" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "older" -> 3, "offer" -> 3, "obtain" -> 3, "nursing" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "needy" -> 3, "modernization" -> 3, "missiles" -> 3, "missile" -> 3, "minerals" -> 3, "Middle" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "mean" -> 3, "making" -> 3, "level" -> 3, "Legislative" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "Latin" -> 3, "Labor-Management" -> 3, "Labor" -> 3, "Justice" -> 3, "join" -> 3, "job" -> 3, "investment" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "integrity" -> 3, "industry" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "include" -> 3, "important" -> 3, "imperative" -> 3, "impact" -> 3, "Immigration" -> 3, "ideas" -> 3, "homes" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "greatly" -> 3, "grant" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "generations" -> 3, "funds" -> 3, "fully" -> 3, "Free" -> 3, "fostering" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "following" -> 3, "fish" -> 3, "firm" -> 3, "family" -> 3, "faith" -> 3, "face" -> 3, "exploration" -> 3, "expenditure" -> 3, "expanding" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "ever" -> 3, "establishments" -> 3, "environment" -> 3, "enterprise" -> 3, "Encouragement" -> 3, "elimination" -> 3, "elected" -> 3, "effort" -> 3, "districts" -> 3, "discriminatory" -> 3, "disarmament" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "deter" -> 3, "destroy" -> 3, "Despite" -> 3, "dependable" -> 3, "Democratic-controlled" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "delay" -> 3, "decent" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "courage" -> 3, "could" -> 3, "cooperative" -> 3, "continuing" -> 3, "Continuation" -> 3, "constantly" -> 3, "considered" -> 3, "consideration" -> 3, "conscience" -> 3, "Congressional" -> 3, "confidence" -> 3, "common" -> 3, "committee" -> 3, "commitments" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "climate" -> 3, "clear" -> 3, "call" -> 3, "budget" -> 3, "bring" -> 3, "attack" -> 3, "Asia" -> 3, "Arab" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "allies" -> 3, "alliances" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "Agency" -> 3, "agency" -> 3, "agencies" -> 3, "again" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "advocate" -> 3, "advanced" -> 3, "Administration's" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "Action" -> 3, "accelerate" -> 3, "about" -> 3, "2" -> 3, "1960" -> 3, "1952" -> 3, "1" -> 3, "World" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "whatever" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weaken" -> 2, "wasteful" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "War" -> 2, "voice" -> 2, "vocational" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "vigilant" -> 2, "Vice" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "useful" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "U.S." -> 2, "up" -> 2, "unalterably" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "trial" -> 2, "total" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "Today" -> 2, "termination" -> 2, "Technology" -> 2, "teachers" -> 2, "tasks" -> 2, "Taft-Hartley" -> 2, "tactics" -> 2, "System" -> 2, "sustain" -> 2, "suspension" -> 2, "supports" -> 2, "supplement" -> 2, "suits" -> 2, "sugar" -> 2, "suffrage" -> 2, "subversion" -> 2, "submit" -> 2, "structure" -> 2, "striving" -> 2, "Strengthened" -> 2, "strategic" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "stepped-up" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "Special" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "sovereignty" -> 2, "South" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "sought" -> 2, "solutions" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "society" -> 2, "social" -> 2, "six" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "serious" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "selected" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "Science" -> 2, "scale" -> 2, "salaries" -> 2, "safeguard" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "role" -> 2, "retarded" -> 2, "retaliatory" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "restoring" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "respond" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "reorganization" -> 2, "render" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "remarkable" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "religion" -> 2, "relationship" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "Recognition" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "reasonably" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "rapid" -> 2, "quality" -> 2, "qualified" -> 2, "purchasing" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "proposal" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "productivity" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "priority" -> 2, "pretense" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "practiced" -> 2, "poverty" -> 2, "posture" -> 2, "Post" -> 2, "position" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "plan" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "persist" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "parks" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "pace" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "organizations" -> 2, "Organization" -> 2, "orderly" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "Opportunity" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "Office" -> 2, "offensive" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "numbers" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "Nixon" -> 2, "newly" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "Negro" -> 2, "negotiate" -> 2, "neglected" -> 2, "needless" -> 2, "movement" -> 2, "More" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "Mission" -> 2, "minimal" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "migratory" -> 2, "metals" -> 2, "merit" -> 2, "merely" -> 2, "mere" -> 2, "mentally" -> 2, "men's" -> 2, "membership" -> 2, "medicine" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "mature" -> 2, "marked" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "major" -> 2, "Maintenance" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "low-income" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "legislatures" -> 2, "Legislation" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "leads" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "Korea" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "keeping" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "Israel" -> 2, "involve" -> 2, "investors" -> 2, "inventory" -> 2, "intervention" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "International" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "intensified" -> 2, "intellectual" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "inspired" -> 2, "inflation" -> 2, "income" -> 2, "improving" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "imposes" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "implementation" -> 2, "imperatives" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "immigrants" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "ill" -> 2, "II" -> 2, "Hungary" -> 2, "humanity" -> 2, "however" -> 2, "how" -> 2, "Housing" -> 2, "historic" -> 2, "hemisphere" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "healthy" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "handle" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "guidelines" -> 2, "guarantees" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "groupings" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "ground" -> 2, "Governor" -> 2, "govern" -> 2, "goals" -> 2, "goal" -> 2, "Fund" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "fuels" -> 2, "fruits" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "forward" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "forms" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "forest" -> 2, "For" -> 2, "food" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "firmness" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "finding" -> 2, "financial" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "fate" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "farmer" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "faced" -> 2, "Extension" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extend" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "experience" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "Expansion" -> 2, "expand" -> 2, "Even" -> 2, "even" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "entire" -> 2, "engineers" -> 2, "ended" -> 2, "endeavors" -> 2, "encouraged" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "emerging" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "elementary" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "Eisenhower's" -> 2, "effectively" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "economies" -> 2, "earnestly" -> 2, "Each" -> 2, "drive" -> 2, "drawn" -> 2, "down" -> 2, "domination" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "document" -> 2, "distinction" -> 2, "dispersal" -> 2, "disease" -> 2, "Disclosure" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "directed" -> 2, "diplomacy" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "different" -> 2, "differences" -> 2, "did" -> 2, "developed" -> 2, "desire" -> 2, "depends" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "dedicated" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "decentralization" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "cultural" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "creating" -> 2, "courageous" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "controls" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "Contracts" -> 2, "contend" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "Congresses" -> 2, "Conference" -> 2, "concerned" -> 2, "concept" -> 2, "complex" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compared" -> 2, "Communism" -> 2, "Common" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "Committee" -> 2, "combat" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "clause" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "cities" -> 2, "choice" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "census" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "careless" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "capacities" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "boards" -> 2, "bills" -> 2, "beneficiaries" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "base" -> 2, "balanced" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "avoided" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "authorized" -> 2, "authorize" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "atomic" -> 2, "atom" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "armed" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "approved" -> 2, "approach" -> 2, "applications" -> 2, "another" -> 2, "An" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "amended" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "ahead" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "aggressiveness" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "Africa" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adults" -> 2, "admission" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "active" -> 2, "acted" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "accord" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "accomplished" -> 2, "abundance" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "80" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "1953" -> 2, "1947" -> 2, "$2.5" -> 1, "$10.3" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "Yet" -> 1, "yardstick" -> 1, "yards" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "writing" -> 1, "wracking" -> 1, "worth-while" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worship" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "workman's" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "widen" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "wellspring" -> 1, "well-conceived" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weigh" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "Watershed" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "watered" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "ward" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "Voting" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "vocation" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "visible" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "Virgin" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "viewing" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "victim" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "vestige" -> 1, "versatile" -> 1, "verification" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "validity" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utilizing" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "urbanized" -> 1, "Upward" -> 1, "Upper" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "upheaval" -> 1, "update" -> 1, "unreservedly" -> 1, "Unremitting" -> 1, "unprofitable" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unorganized" -> 1, "unmatched" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unjustly" -> 1, "unjustifiable" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "universe" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unification" -> 1, "unhappy" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "underground" -> 1, "undergoing" -> 1, "unattainable" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "Two" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "turbulence" -> 1, "tuition" -> 1, "tuberculosis" -> 1, "trusteeship" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "troubled" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "tribe" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "trees" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "transport" -> 1, "transit" -> 1, "transformations" -> 1, "transcends" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "towards" -> 1, "Toward" -> 1, "tourists" -> 1, "top-level" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "tolerate" -> 1, "toil" -> 1, "Tibetan" -> 1, "thrust" -> 1, "three-year" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "therewith" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "testing" -> 1, "tested" -> 1, "test" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "technicians" -> 1, "tears" -> 1, "Teamwork" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "taunts" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "tailored" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "symbolizes" -> 1, "swiftly" -> 1, "Swift" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "sweat" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surveys" -> 1, "surprise" -> 1, "surges" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supplied" -> 1, "supplant" -> 1, "summary" -> 1, "suited" -> 1, "suggest" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "students" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "stubborn" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "stronger" -> 1, "striven" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strengths" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "streamline" -> 1, "Strategic" -> 1, "Straits" -> 1, "storable" -> 1, "stirring" -> 1, "stimulus" -> 1, "Stimulation" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "Stepped-up" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "steadfast" -> 1, "stay" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stalemated" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "Spurring" -> 1, "sponsorship" -> 1, "sponsoring" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "spend" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "specialized" -> 1, "spacial" -> 1, "Space" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "sounder" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "soberly" -> 1, "smear" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "slums" -> 1, "slumps" -> 1, "Slow-moving" -> 1, "skies" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "similarly" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "shrink" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "shoulder" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shop" -> 1, "shifts" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shaken" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "sever" -> 1, "Seven" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "serves—when" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "serious—not" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "self-sustaining" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "selective—and" -> 1, "selectively" -> 1, "select" -> 1, "segregated" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "Security" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "second-strike" -> 1, "SEATO" -> 1, "seashores" -> 1, "searching" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "scourges" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "Schools" -> 1, "school-age" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "scene" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "salt" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "Rule" -> 1, "rooted" -> 1, "roles" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "righteous" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "Rican" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "revolution" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "retard" -> 1, "retail" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "responsiveness" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resolves" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residential" -> 1, "reservoir" -> 1, "research—a" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "Republics" -> 1, "Republican-sponsored" -> 1, "Republican-initiated" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "Reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "reorganizations" -> 1, "rental" -> 1, "Removing" -> 1, "Removal" -> 1, "reminded" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "Reliable" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "release" -> 1, "Relating" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "reinforced" -> 1, "rehabilitated" -> 1, "rehabilitate" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "registered" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refugees—these" -> 1, "refugees" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "reference" -> 1, "re-evaluate" -> 1, "reestablished" -> 1, "re-employment" -> 1, "re-emphasize" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "rededicate" -> 1, "recorded" -> 1, "reconciled" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocal—reduction" -> 1, "Recently" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "reaffirmation" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "rational" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rarely" -> 1, "ranchers" -> 1, "rallied" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "radiological" -> 1, "racketeering" -> 1, "races" -> 1, "quickly" -> 1, "quicken" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "qualifications" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pull" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "Provision" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "Provide" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "Protect" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "propulsion" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proportionate" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "proof" -> 1, "Prompt" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "Promises" -> 1, "Projects" -> 1, "projecting" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "progress—to" -> 1, "progress—not" -> 1, "Progressive" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "program—our" -> 1, "programming" -> 1, "profoundest" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "productivity—except" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "Procedure" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "Primary" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "pretexts" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "preparations" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "pre-eminence" -> 1, "precipitous" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "preceding" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "praise" -> 1, "potentialities" -> 1, "postponing" -> 1, "postgraduate" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "polluted" -> 1, "policy—inflexible" -> 1, "Polaris" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "Plans" -> 1, "Planning" -> 1, "Plains" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "pestilence" -> 1, "pessimistic" -> 1, "persuade" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "perils" -> 1, "perilous" -> 1, "perhaps" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "perfection" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "Pension" -> 1, "Pearl" -> 1, "peaks" -> 1, "peak" -> 1, "peacetime" -> 1, "peaceable" -> 1, "Payment-in-kind" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patient" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "Party—the" -> 1, "partnership" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "overtime" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "overhead" -> 1, "overcoming" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "outright" -> 1, "out-of-doors" -> 1, "outer" -> 1, "outdoors" -> 1, "outdated" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "others—is" -> 1, "Other" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "Or" -> 1, "option" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "Opposition" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opportunities—and" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "on-the-job" -> 1, "one-fourth" -> 1, "once-free" -> 1, "Older" -> 1, "often" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "offered" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "occasions" -> 1, "obtainable" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "Obsolete" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "observe" -> 1, "obscurity" -> 1, "obscure" -> 1, "nurtured" -> 1, "nullify" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "noteworthy" -> 1, "noted" -> 1, "notably" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "Nor" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "Nevertheless" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "network" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "negotiating" -> 1, "Needs" -> 1, "needing" -> 1, "Needed" -> 1, "Necessary" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "NATO" -> 1, "nation—a" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "narrow" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "mutually" -> 1, "multi-purpose" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "mortgage" -> 1, "mortality" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "moratorium" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "mood" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mobile" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "Minerals" -> 1, "minds" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "mighty" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "metropolitan" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "mentality" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "meetings" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "meaningful" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "matching" -> 1, "match" -> 1, "massive" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "marketings" -> 1, "Market" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "marginal" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "Management" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "mainspring" -> 1, "mainly" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "machines" -> 1, "luxury" -> 1, "lower-income" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "loose" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "longshore" -> 1, "Long-range" -> 1, "locals" -> 1, "localized" -> 1, "localities" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "lives—an" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "literacy" -> 1, "listed" -> 1, "linking" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "Lincoln—from" -> 1, "Lincoln's" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "life—housing" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "library" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberalize" -> 1, "liberalization" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "liaison" -> 1, "less-developed" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Lebanon" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "lays" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "latent" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "Landrum-Griffin" -> 1, "Land-Grant" -> 1, "lamentations" -> 1, "lag" -> 1, "labors" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "l" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Juvenile" -> 1, "juvenile" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "judgeships" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "job-making" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "January" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "items" -> 1, "Islands" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irrespective" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "inviting" -> 1, "invincible" -> 1, "investing" -> 1, "inventories" -> 1, "interventions" -> 1, "intervene" -> 1, "inter-group" -> 1, "interfering" -> 1, "interdependent" -> 1, "intercontinental" -> 1, "interchange" -> 1, "Inter-American" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "Intensified" -> 1, "Intensification" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "integrated" -> 1, "insurance—a" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "insidious" -> 1, "inquisitive" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "innovate" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "initial" -> 1, "Information" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "infirm" -> 1, "infant" -> 1, "inequities" -> 1, "inequalities—in" -> 1, "industrialization" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indicates" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "income-depressing" -> 1, "Include" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "inaugurating" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "Improved" -> 1, "impressive" -> 1, "impressed" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "imperiling" -> 1, "imperialists" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "immovable" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "image" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "ideological" -> 1, "identify" -> 1, "identifiable" -> 1, "hungry" -> 1, "Hundreds" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "Human" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "historically" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "Highly" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "heritage—the" -> 1, "heritage—our" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "Hemisphere" -> 1, "helping" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "heartening" -> 1, "hearten" -> 1, "hearings" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "hazard" -> 1, "Having" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "haven" -> 1, "harvesting" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "hardly" -> 1, "hardening" -> 1, "Harbor" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "habits" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "Guam" -> 1, "growth-making" -> 1, "Growth" -> 1, "groups" -> 1, "groundwork" -> 1, "grinding" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "green" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "gratefulness" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "graduate" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "government-assisted" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "global" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gifted" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gap" -> 1, "gangster" -> 1, "furtherance" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "full-scale" -> 1, "fullness" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fulfills" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "frustration" -> 1, "fronts" -> 1, "fringe" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "free-world" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freedom's" -> 1, "fraudulent" -> 1, "framework" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "fortunately" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "fortitude" -> 1, "fortify" -> 1, "Formosa" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forged" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "forestalled" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forego" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "food-surplus" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "focus" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "five-fold" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fitted" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finds" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "figures" -> 1, "fields—open" -> 1, "fellowship" -> 1, "Federal-State" -> 1, "federally-assisted" -> 1, "federally-aided" -> 1, "federal-local" -> 1, "featherbedding" -> 1, "fears" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "far-sighted" -> 1, "falls" -> 1, "fallout" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "fall" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "Faithful" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "Facilities" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "Extended" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expropriations" -> 1, "expression" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "exporting" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "explosions" -> 1, "explaining" -> 1, "expire" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expedite" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "Except" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "exaggerate" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "Everywhere" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "ever-growing" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "evaluated" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "estimated" -> 1, "Establishment" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "essentials" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "eradication" -> 1, "eradicating" -> 1, "eradicated" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equal—racial" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "Equality" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "episodes" -> 1, "environmental" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enterprise-can" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "ensure" -> 1, "enrichment" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enhance" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforces" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endurance" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "Electoral" -> 1, "elderly" -> 1, "eight-hour" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "efforts—for" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "education—it" -> 1, "economy—initiative" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "East-West" -> 1, "easier" -> 1, "eased" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earthbound" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "Dwight" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "dumping" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "drugs" -> 1, "Drug" -> 1, "draws" -> 1, "draw" -> 1, "dramatically" -> 1, "doubling" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "Division" -> 1, "dividing" -> 1, "diverting" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "district" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distribute" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "dispersed" -> 1, "dismayed" -> 1, "dislocated" -> 1, "disenfranchised" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "Discharge" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "dimensions" -> 1, "dimension" -> 1, "Diligent" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "devastation" -> 1, "deterrents" -> 1, "Deterrence" -> 1, "deterred" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "desegregation—to" -> 1, "Desegregation" -> 1, "desegregate" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deployed" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "departure" -> 1, "dentistry" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "democracy" -> 1, "Delinquency" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "deliberations" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "deep-seated" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deeper" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "decreasing" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "deceptions" -> 1, "deathless" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "deadly" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "David" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "darkens" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "cynical—pledges" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "custom" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "cumulative" -> 1, "crusade" -> 1, "cruel" -> 1, "crucial" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "creeds" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "creativity" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "Creation" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "crash" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counties" -> 1, "counterdrive" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "Council" -> 1, "cosmetics" -> 1, "Correction" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "Corporation's" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperatives" -> 1, "contributory" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contracting" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "Continuance" -> 1, "continually" -> 1, "contingency" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "Consumers" -> 1, "consumer-protection" -> 1, "construe" -> 1, "Constructive" -> 1, "construction—pacing" -> 1, "constructed" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "Constant" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "conspiracy" -> 1, "Consideration" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conquer" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "confronted" -> 1, "confront" -> 1, "conflict-of-interest" -> 1, "confiscations" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conferences" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condone" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "conclusive" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "composition" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "Completion" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compassionately" -> 1, "compartmentalized" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "compacts" -> 1, "community—the" -> 1, "communism" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "Commodity" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commendable" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "commands" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combatting" -> 1, "Columbia" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "College" -> 1, "college" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "codes" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "clinging" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clearing" -> 1, "clean" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "citadel" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "chronically" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "children—the" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "checked" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "changeless" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "chairmanship" -> 1, "cessation" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "CENTO" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "Center" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "ceiling" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "categories" -> 1, "catastrophic" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "Carrying" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "captive" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "businessmen" -> 1, "business-like" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "built-in" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "brush" -> 1, "Broadly-based" -> 1, "broadly" -> 1, "broadened" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bridging" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "brackish" -> 1, "boycotts" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "bombers" -> 1, "bomber" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "board" -> 1, "blood" -> 1, "blockades" -> 1, "blessing" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "bipartisan" -> 1, "bi-partisan" -> 1, "bigotry" -> 1, "bestowed" -> 1, "best-fed" -> 1, "best-clothed" -> 1, "Berlin" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beliefs" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "Because" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "beautiful" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bargaining—carefully" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "ballistic" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "backing" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "automation" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "augment" -> 1, "audiences" -> 1, "Attorney" -> 1, "attend" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "Atoms-for-Peace" -> 1, "atoms" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "Assurance" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "Association" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "Assistance" -> 1, "asset" -> 1, "asserts" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "ascent" -> 1, "ascend" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "arsenal" -> 1, "arrive" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "arm" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "argue" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "Appropriate" -> 1, "approaching" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applicant" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anxious" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-missile" -> 1, "anticipated" -> 1, "anticipate" -> 1, "Antarctica—to" -> 1, "answering" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "animated" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "amity" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "Also" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allowance" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alert" -> 1, "Albania" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "airborne" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "Agreements" -> 1, "Agreeable" -> 1, "Aging" -> 1, "aging" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "aggressor" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggressions" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "affairs—the" -> 1, "Aeronautics" -> 1, "advocating" -> 1, "advisory" -> 1, "advise" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adversity" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administration-encouraged" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "Adequate" -> 1, "Additional" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "Act's" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acreage" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "Achieving" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accredited" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "acceptable" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "accent" -> 1, "Acceleration" -> 1, "Accelerate" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abandoning" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "76" -> 1, "66" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "50-year" -> 1, "500" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "39" -> 1, "32,000" -> 1, "22" -> 1, "200,000" -> 1, "1963" -> 1, "1961" -> 1, "1960—the" -> 1, "1960's" -> 1, "1959" -> 1, "1958-59" -> 1, "1957" -> 1, "1954" -> 1, "1920" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "1/2" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1956", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1956, "Date" -> DateObject[{1956, 8, 20}], "Text" -> "Declaration of Faith\n\nAmerica's trust is in the merciful providence of God, in whose image every man is created ... the source of every man's dignity and freedom.\nIn this trust our Republic was founded. We give devoted homage to the Founding Fathers. They not only proclaimed that the freedom and rights of men came from the Creator and not from the State, but they provided safeguards to those freedoms.\nOur Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose.\nThe Republican Party was formed 100 years ago to preserve the Nation's devotion to these ideals.\nOn its Centennial, the Republican Party again calls to the minds of all Americans the great truth first spoken by Abraham Lincoln: \"The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere.\"\nOur great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: \"In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.\"\nWhile jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.\nWe shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land.\nWe believe that basic to governmental integrity are unimpeachable ethical standards and irreproachable personal conduct by all people in government. We shall continue our insistence on honesty as an indispensable requirement of public service. We shall continue to root out corruption whenever and wherever it appears.\nWe are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs—expansion of social security—broadened coverage in unemployment insurance —improved housing—and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.\nTo these beliefs we commit ourselves as we present this record and declare our goals for the future.\nNearly four years ago when the people of this Nation entrusted their Government to President Eisenhower and the Republican Party, we were locked in a costly and stalemated war. Now we have an honorable peace, which has stopped the bitter toll in casualties and resources, ended depressing wartime restraints, curbed the runaway inflation and unleashed the boundless energy of our people to forge forward on the road to progress.\nIn four years we have achieved the highest economic level with the most widely shared benefits that the world has ever seen. We of the Republican Party have fostered this prosperity and are dedicated to its expansion and to the preservation of the climate in which it has thrived.\nWe are proud of our part in bringing into a position of unique authority in the world one who symbolizes, as can no other man, the hopes of all peoples for peace, liberty and justice. One leader in the world today towers above all others and inspires the trust, admiration, confidence and good will of all the peoples of every nation—Dwight D. Eisenhower. Under his leadership, the Republican Administration has carried out foreign policies which have enabled our people to enjoy in peace the blessings of liberty. We shall continue to work unceasingly for a just and enduring peace in a world freed of tyranny.\nEvery honorable means at our command has been exercised to alleviate the grievances and causes of armed conflict among nations. The advance of Communism and its enslavement of people has been checked, and, at key points, thrown back. Austria, Iran and Guatemala have been liberated from Kremlin control. Forces of freedom are at work in the nations still enslaved by Communist imperialism.\nWe firmly believe in the right of peoples everywhere to determine their form of government, their leaders, their destiny, in peace. Where needed, in order to promote peace and freedom throughout the world, we shall within the prudent limits of our resources, assist friendly countries in their determined efforts to strengthen their economies.\nWe hold high hopes for useful service to mankind in the power of the atom. We shall generously assist the International Atomic Energy Agency, now evolving from President Eisenhower's \"Atoms for Peace\" proposal, in an effort to find ways to dedicate man's genius not to his death, but to his life.\nWe maintain that no treaty or international agreement can deprive any of our citizens of Constitutional rights. We shall see to it that no treaty or agreement with other countries attempts to deprive our citizens of the rights guaranteed them by the Federal Constitution.\nPresident Eisenhower has given the world bold proposals for mutual arms reduction and protection against aggression through flying sentinels in an \"open sky.\"\nWe support this and his further offer of United States participation in an international fund for economic development financed from the savings brought by true disarmament. We approve his determined resistance to disarmament without effective inspection.\nWe work and pray for the day when the domination of any people from any source will have ended, and when there will be liberation and true freedom for the hundreds of millions of individuals now held in subjugation. We shall continue to dedicate our best efforts to this lofty purpose.\nWe shall continue vigorously to support the United Nations.\nWe shall continue to oppose the seating of Communist China in the United Nations.\nWe shall maintain our powerful military strength as a deterrent to aggression and as a guardian of the peace. We shall maintain it ready, balanced and technologically advanced for these objectives only.\nGood times in America have reached a breadth and depth never before known by any nation. Moreover, it is a prosperity of a nation at peace, not at war. We shall continue to encourage the good business and sound employee relationships which have made possible for the first time in our history a productive capacity of more than $400 billion a year. Nearly 67 million people have full-time jobs, with real wages and personal income at record highs.\nThe farmers of America are at last able to look to the future with a confidence based on expanding peacetime markets instead of on politically contrived formulas foredoomed to fail except in a wartime economy. The objective is to insure that agriculture shares fairly and fully in our record prosperity without needless Federal meddlings and domination.\nRestoration of integrity in government has been an essential element to the achievement of our unparalleled good times. We will faithfully preserve the sound financial management which already has reduced annual spending $14 billion below the budgets planned by our Democratic predecessors and made possible in 1954 a $7.4-billion tax cut, the largest one-year tax reduction in history.\nWe will ever fight the demoralizing influence of inflation as a national way of life. We are proud to have fulfilled our 1952 pledge to halt the skyrocketing cost of living that in the previous 13 years had cut the value of the dollar by half, and robbed millions of the full value of their wages, savings, insurance, pensions and social security.\nWe have balanced the budget. We believe and will continue to prove that thrift, prudence and a sensible respect for living within income applies as surely to the management of our Government's budget as it does to the family budget.\nWe hold that the major world issue today is whether Government shall be the servant or the master of men. We hold that the Bill of Rights is the sacred foundation of personal liberty. That men are created equal needs no affirmation, but they must have equality of opportunity and protection of their civil rights under the law.\nWe hold that the strict division of powers and the primary responsibility of State and local governments must be maintained, and that the centralization of powers in the national Government leads to expansion of the mastery of our lives,\nWe hold that the protection of the freedom of men requires that budgets be balanced, waste in government eliminated, and taxes reduced.\nIn these and all other areas of proper Government concern, we pledge our best thought and whole energy to a continuation of our prized peace, prosperity and progress.\nFor our guidance in fulfilling this responsibility, President Eisenhower has given us a statement of principles that is neither partisan nor prejudiced, but warmly American:\nThe individual is of supreme importance.\nThe spirit of our people is the strength of our nation.\nAmerica does not prosper unless all Americans prosper.\nGovernment must have a heart as well as a head.\nCourage in principle, cooperation in practice make freedom positive.\nTo stay free, we must stay strong.\nUnder God, we espouse the cause of freedom and justice and peace for all peoples. Embracing these guides to positive, constructive action, and in their rich spirit, we ask the support of the American people for the election of a Republican Congress and the re-election of the Nation's devoted and dedicated leader—Dwight D. Eisenhower.\nDeclaration of Determination\n\nIn the interest of complete public understanding, elaboration of Republican aspirations and achievements is desirable in the areas of broadest public concern.\nDynamic Economy—Free Labor\n\nTaxation and Fiscal Policy\n\nThe Republican Party takes pride in calling attention to the outstanding fiscal achievements of the Eisenhower Administration, several of which are mentioned in the foreword to these resolutions.\nIn order to progress further in correcting the unfortunate results of unwise financial management during 20 years of Democrat Administrations, we pledge to pursue the following objectives:\nFurther reductions in Government spending as recommended in the Hoover Commission Report, without weakening the support of a superior defense program or depreciating the quality of essential services of government to our people.\nContinued balancing of the budget, to assure the financial strength of the country which is so vital to the struggle of the free world in its battle against Communism; and to maintain the purchasing power of a sound dollar, and the value of savings, pensions and insurance.\nGradual reduction of the national debt.\nThen, insofar as consistent with a balanced budget, we pledge to work toward these additional objectives:\nFurther reductions in taxes with particular consideration for low and middle income families.\nInitiation of a sound policy of tax reductions which will encourage small independent businesses to modernize and progress.\nContinual study of additional ways to correct inequities in the effect of various taxes.\nConsistent with the Republican Administration's accomplishment in stemming the inflation —which under five Democrat Administrations had cut the value of the dollar in half, and so had robbed the wage earner and millions of thrifty citizens who had savings, pensions and insurance—we endorse the present policy of freedom for the Federal Reserve System to combat both inflation and deflation by wise fiscal policy.\nThe Republican Party believes that sound money, which retains its buying power, is an essential foundation for new jobs, a higher standard of living, protection of savings, a secure national defense, and the general economic growth of the country.\nBusiness and Economic Policy\n\nThe Republican Party has as a primary concern the continued advancement of the well-being of the individual. This can be attained only in an economy that, as today, is sound, free and creative, ever building new wealth and new jobs for all the people.\nWe believe in good business for all business—small, medium and large. We believe that competition in a free economy opens unrivaled opportunity and brings the greatest good to the greatest number.\nThe sound economic policies of the Eisenhower Administration have created an atmosphere of confidence in which good businesses flourish and can plan for growth to create new job opportunities for our expanding population.\nWe have eliminated a host of needless controls. To meet the immense demands of our expanding economy, we have initiated the largest highway, air and maritime programs in history, each soundly financed.\nWe shall continue to advocate the maintenance and expansion of a strong, efficient, privately-owned and operated and soundly financed system of transportation that will serve all of the needs of our Nation under Federal regulatory policies that will enable each carrier to realize its inherent economic advantages and its full competitive capabilities.\nWe recognize the United States' world leadership in aviation, and we shall continue to encourage its technical development and vigorous expansion. Our goal is to support and sponsor air services and to make available to our citizens the safest and most comprehensive air transportation. We favor adequate funds and expeditious action in improving air safety, and highest efficiency in the control of air traffic.\nWe stand for forward-looking programs, created to replace our war-built merchant fleet with the most advanced types in design, with increased speed. Adaptation of new propulsion power units, including nuclear, must be sponsored and achieved.\nWe should proceed with the prompt construction of the Atomic Powered Peace Ship in order that we may demonstrate to the world, in this as in other fields, the peaceful uses of the atom.\nOur steadily rising prosperity is constantly reflecting the confidence of our citizens in the policies of our Republican Administration.\nSmall Business\n\nWe pledge the continuation and improvement of our drive to aid small business. Every constructive potential avenue of improvement both legislative and executive—has been explored in our search for ways in which to widen opportunities for this important segment of America's economy.\nBeginning with our creation of the very successful Small Business Administration, and continuing through the recently completed studies and recommendations of the Cabinet Committee on Small Business, which we strongly endorse, we have focused our attention on positive measures to help small businesses get started and grow.\nSmall Business can look forward to expanded participation in federal procurement—valuable financing and technical aids—a continuously vigorous enforcement of anti-trust laws—important cuts in the burdens of paper work, and certain tax reductions as budgetary requirements permit.\nSmall business now is receiving approximately one-third, dollar-wise, of all Defense contracts. We recommend a further review of procurement procedures for all defense departments and agencies with a view to facilitating and extending such participation for the further benefit of Small Business.\nWe favor loans at reasonable rates of interest to small businesses which have records of permanency but who are in temporary need and which are unable to obtain credit in commercial channels. We recommend an extension at the earliest opportunity of the Small Business Administration which is now scheduled to expire in mid 1957.\nWe also propose:\nAdditional technical research in problems of development and distribution for the benefit of small business;\nLegislation to enable closer Federal scrutiny of mergers which have a significant or potential monopolistic connotations;\nProcedural changes in the antitrust laws to facilitate their enforcement;\nSimplification of wage reporting by employers for purposes of social security records and income tax withholding;\nContinuance of the vigorous SEC policies which are providing maximum protection to the investor and maximum opportunity for the financing of small business without costly red tape.\nLabor\n\nUnder the Republican Administration, as our country has prospered, so have its people. This is as it should be, for as President Eisenhower said: \"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America.\"\nThe Eisenhower Administration has brought to our people the highest employment, the highest wages and the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any nation. Today there are nearly 67 million men and women at work in the United States, 4 million more than in 1952. Wages have increased substantially over the past 3 1/2 years; but, more important, the American wage earner today can buy more than ever before for himself and his family because his pay check has not been eaten away by rising taxes and soaring prices.\nThe record of performance of the Republican Administration on behalf of our working men and women goes still further. The Federal minimum wage has been raised for more than 2 million workers. Social Security has been extended to an additional 10 million workers and the benefits raised for 6 1/2 million. The protection of unemployment insurance has been brought to 4 million additional workers. There have been increased workmen's compensation benefits for longshoremen and harbor workers, increased retirement benefits for railroad employees, and wage increases and improved welfare and pension plans for federal employees.\nIn addition, the Eisenhower Administration has enforced more vigorously and effectively than ever before, the laws which protect the working standards of our people.\nWorkers have benefited by the progress which has been made in carrying out the programs and principles set forth in the 1952 Republican platform. All workers have gained and unions have grown in strength and responsibility, and have increased their membership by 2 millions.\nFurthermore, the process of free collective bargaining has been strengthened by the insistence of this Administration that labor and management settle their differences at the bargaining table without the intervention of the Government. This policy has brought to our country an unprecedented period of labor-management peace and understanding.\nWe applaud the effective, unhindered, collective bargaining which brought an early end to the 1956 steel strike, in contrast to the six months' upheaval, Presidential seizure of the steel industry and ultimate Supreme Court intervention under the last Democrat Administration.\nThe Eisenhower Administration will continue to fight for dynamic and progressive programs which, among other things, will:\nStimulate improved job safety of our workers, through assistance to the States, employees and employers;\nContinue and further perfect its programs of assistance to the millions of workers with special employment problems, such as older workers, handicapped workers, members of minority groups, and migratory workers;\nStrengthen and improve the Federal-State Employment Service and improve the effectiveness of the unemployment insurance system;\nProtect by law, the assets of employee welfare and benefit plans so that workers who are the beneficiaries can be assured of their rightful benefits;\nAssure equal pay for equal work regardless of Sex;\nClarify and strengthen the eight-hour laws for the benefit of workers who are subject to federal wage standards on Federal and Federally-assisted construction, and maintain and continue the vigorous administration of the Federal prevailing minimum wage law for public supply contracts;\nExtend the protection of the Federal minimum wage laws to as many more workers as is possible and practicable;\nContinue to fight for the elimination of discrimination in employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry or sex;\nProvide assistance to improve the economic conditions of areas faced with persistent and substantial unemployment;\nRevise and improve the Taft-Hartley Act so as to protect more effectively the rights of labor unions, management, the individual worker, and the public. The protection of the right of workers to organize into unions and to bargain collectively is the firm and permanent policy of the Eisenhower Administration. In 1954, 1955 and again in 1956, President Eisenhower recommended constructive amendments to this Act. The Democrats in Congress have consistently blocked these needed changes by parliamentary maneuvers. The Republican Party pledges itself to overhaul and improve the Taft-Hartley Act along the lines of these recommendations.\nHuman Welfare and Advancement\n\nHealth, Education and Welfare\n\nThe Republican Party believes that the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the people is as important as their economic health. It will continue to support this conviction with vigorous action.\nRepublican action created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare as the first new Federal department in 40 years, to raise the continuing consideration of these problems for the first time to the highest council of Government, the President's Cabinet.\nThrough the White House Conference on Education, our Republican Administration initiated the most comprehensive Community-State-Federal attempt ever made to solve the pressing problems of primary and secondary education.\nFour thousand communities, studying their school populations and their physical and financial resources, encouraged our Republican Administration to urge a five-year program of Federal assistance in building schools to relieve a critical classroom shortage.\nThe Republican Party will renew its efforts to enact a program based on sound principles of need and designed to encourage increased state and local efforts to build more classrooms.\nOur Administration also proposed for the first time in history, a thorough nation-wide analysis of rapidly growing problems in education beyond the high schools.\nThe Republican Party is determined to press all such actions that will help insure that every child has the educational opportunity to advance to his own greatest capacity.\nWe have fully resolved to continue our steady gains in man's unending struggle against disease and disability.\nWe have supported the distribution of free vaccine to protect millions of children against dreaded polio.\nRepublican leadership has enlarged Federal assistance for construction of hospitals, emphasizing low-cost care of chronic diseases and the special problems of older persons, and increased Federal aid for medical care of the needy.\nWe have asked the largest increase in research funds ever sought in one year to intensify attacks on cancer, mental illness, heart disease and other dread diseases.\nWe demand once again, despite the reluctance of the Democrat 84th Congress, Federal assistance to help build facilities to train more physicians and scientists.\nWe have encouraged a notable expansion and improvement of voluntary health insurance, and urge that reinsurance and pooling arrangements be authorized to speed this progress.\nWe have strengthened the Food and Drug Administration, and we have increased the vocational rehabilitation program to enable a larger number of the disabled to return to satisfying activity.\nWe have supported measures that have made more housing available than ever before in history, reduced urban slums in local-federal partnership, stimulated record home ownership, and authorized additional low-rent public housing.\nWe initiated the first flood insurance program in history under Government sponsorship in cooperation with private enterprise.\nWe shall continue to seek extension and perfection of a sound social security system.\nWe pledge close cooperation with State, local and private agencies to reduce the ghastly toll of fatalities on the Nation's highways.\nRural America's Recovery—Agriculture\n\nThe men and women operating the farms and ranches of America have confidence in President Eisenhower and the Republican farm program. Our farmers have earned the respect and appreciation of our entire nation for their energy, resourcefulness, efficiency, and ability.\nAgriculture, our basic industry, must remain free and prosperous. The Republican Party will continue to move boldly to help the farmer obtain his full share of the rewards of good business and good Government. It is committed to a program for agriculture which creates the widest possible markets and highest attainable income for our farm and ranch families. This program must be versatile and flexible to meet effectively the impact of rapidly changing conditions. It does not envision making farmers dependent upon direct governmental payments for their incomes. Our objective is markets which return full parity to our farm and ranch people when they sell their products. There is no simple, easy answer to farm problems. Our approach as ever is a many-sided, versatile and positive program to help all farmers and ranchers.\nFarm legislation, developed under the Democrat Administration to stimulate production in wartime, carried a built-in mechanism for the accumulation of price-depressing surpluses in peacetime. Under laws sponsored by the Republican Administration, almost $7 billion in price-depressing surplus farm products have been moved into use, and the rate of movement is being accelerated.\nAgriculture is successfully making the transition from wartime to peacetime markets, with less disruption than at any time after a great war. We are gratified by the improvement this year in farm prices and income as a result of our policies.\nOur Republican Administration fostered a constructive Soil Bank Program further to reduce surpluses and to permit improvement of our soil, water and timber resources. The Democrat Party tactics of obstruction and delay have prevented our farm families from receiving the full benefits of this program in 1956.\nHowever, by aggressive action, we now have the Soil Bank in operation, and in 3 months, half a million farmers have contracted to shift more than 10 million acres from producing more surpluses to a soil reserve for the future. For this they already have earned $225 million.\nThis program is a sound aid to removing the burdens of surpluses which Democrat programs placed on farmers. It is now moving into full operation.\nBenefits of Social Security have been extended to farm families. Programs of loans and grants for farm families hit by flood and drought have been made operative.\nTax laws were improved to help farmers with respect to livestock, farm equipment, and conservation practices. We initiated action to refund to the farmers $60 million annually in taxes on gasoline used in machinery on the farm.\nCooperation between the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the State Departments of Agriculture and land grant colleges and universities is at an all-time high. This Republican Administration has increased support for agricultural research and education to the highest level in history. New records of assistance to farm and ranch families in soil and water conservation were attained in every year of this Republican Administration.\nConvinced that the Government should ever be the farmer's helper, never his master, the Republican Party is pledged:\nTo establish an effective, new research program, fully and completely implemented to find and vigorously promote new uses for farm crops;\nTo move our agriculture commodities into use at home and abroad, and to use every appropriate and effective means to improve marketing, so that farmers can produce and sell their products to increase their income and enjoy an improving level of living;\nTo encourage the improvement of quality in farm products through agricultural research, education and price support differentials, thus increasing market acceptance both at home and abroad;\nTo further help and cooperate with the several States as co-equals with the federal government to provide needed research, education, service and regulatory programs;\nTo develop farm programs that are fair to all farmers;\nTo work toward full freedom instead of toward more regimentation, developing voluntary rather than oppressive farm programs;\nTo encourage agricultural producers in their efforts to seek solutions to their own production and price problems;\nTo provide price supports as in the Agricultural Act of 1954 that protect farmers, rather than price their products out of the market;\nTo continue our commodity loan and marketing agreement programs as effective marketing tools;\nTo make every effort to develop a more accurate measurement of farm parity;\nTo safeguard our precious soil and water resources for generations yet unborn;\nTo encourage voluntary self-supporting federal crop insurance;\nTo bring sympathetic and understanding relief promptly to farm and ranch families hard hit with problems of drought, flood or other natural disaster, or economic disaster, and to maintain the integrity of these programs by terminating them when the emergency is over;\nTo assist the young people of American farms and ranches in their development as future farmers and homemakers;\nTo continue and expand the Republican-sponsored school milk program, to encourage further use of the school lunch program now benefiting 11 million children, and to foster improved nutritional levels;\nTo provide constructive assistance by effective purchase and donation to ease temporary market surpluses, especially for the producers of perishable farm products;\nTo give full support to farmer-owned and farmer-operated co-operatives;\nTo encourage and assist adequate private and cooperative sources of credit, to provide supplemental credit through the Farmers Home Administration where needed, with an understanding of both the human and economic problems of farmers and ranchers;\nTo expand rural electrification through REA loans for generation and transmission, and to expand rural communication facilities;\nTo continue the improvement of rural mail delivery to farm families;\nTo promote fully the Republican-sponsored Rural-Development Program to broaden the operation and increase the income of low income farm families and help tenant farmers;\nTo work with farmers, ranchers and others to carry forward the Great Plains program to achieve wise use of lands in the area subject to wind erosion, so that the people of this region can enjoy a higher standard of living; and in summation:\nTo keep agriculture strong, free, attuned to peace and not war, to stand ready with a reserve\ncapacity at all times as a part of our defense, based on sound agricultural economy.\nWe are an expanding nation. Our needs for farm products will continue to grow. Farm prices are improving and farm income is climbing.\nOur farm and ranch people are confident of the future, despite efforts to frighten them into accepting economic nostrums and political panaceas. Record numbers of farms are owned by those who operate them.\nThe Republican Party is pledged to work for improved farm prices and farm income. We will seek that improvement boldly, in ways that protect the family farm. Our objective is a prosperous, expanding and free agriculture. We are dedicated to creating the opportunity for farmers to earn a high per-family income in a world at peace.\nFederal Government Integrity\n\nThe Republican Party is wholeheartedly committed to maintaining a Federal Government that is clean, honorable and increasingly efficient. It proudly affirms that it has achieved this kind of Government and dedicated it to the service of all the people.\nOur many economic and social advances of the past four years are the result of our faithful adherence to our 1952 pledge to reverse a 20-year Democratic philosophy calling for more and more power in Washington.\nWe have left no stone unturned to remove from Government the irresponsible and those whose employment was not clearly consistent with national security.\nWe believe that working for the Government is not a right but a privilege. Based on that principle we will continue a security program to make certain that all people employed by our Government are of unquestioned loyalty and trustworthiness. The Republican Party will, realistically and in conformity with constitutional safeguards for the individual, continue to protect our national security by enforcing our laws fairly, vigorously, and with certainty. We will act through the new division established to this end in the Department of Justice, and by close coordination among the intelligence services.\nWe promise unwavering vigilance against corruption and waste, and shall continue so to manage the public business as to warrant our people's full confidence in the integrity of their Government.\nWe condemn illegal lobbying for any cause and improper use of money in political activities, including the use of funds collected by compulsion for political purposes contrary to the personal desires of the individual.\nEfficiency and Economy in Government.\n\nWe pledge to continue our far reaching program for improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Federal Government in accordance with the principles set forth in the report of the Hoover Commission.\nWe are unalterably opposed to unwarranted growth of centralized Federal power. We shall carry forward the worthy effort of the Kestnbaum Commission on Intergovernmental Affairs to clarify Federal relationships and strengthen State and local government.\nWe shall continue to dispense with Federal activities wrongfully competing with private enterprise, and take other sound measures to reduce the cost of Government.\nGovernmental Affairs\n\nPostal Service.\n\nIn the last four years, under direction from President Eisenhower to improve the postal service and reduce costs, we have modernized and revitalized the postal establishment from top to bottom, inside and out. We have undertaken and substantially completed the largest reorganization ever to take place in any unit of business or government:\nWe have provided more than 1200 badly-needed new post office buildings, and are adding two more every day. We are using the very latest types of industrial equipment where practicable; and, through a program of research and engineering, we are inventing new mechanical and electronic devices to speed the movement of mail by eliminating tedious old-fashioned methods.\nWe have improved service across the country in hundreds of ways. We have extended city carrier service to millions of new homes in thousands of urban and suburban communities which have grown and spread under the favorable economic conditions brought about by the Eisenhower Administration.\nWe have re-inspired the morale of our half-million employees through new programs of promotion based on ability, job training and safety, and through our sponsorship of increased pay and fringe benefits.\nWe have adopted the most modern methods of transportation, accounting and cost control, and other operating procedures; through them we have saved many millions of dollars a year for the taxpayers while advancing the delivery of billions of letters by a day or more—all this while reducing the enormous deficit of the Department from its all time high of almost three-quarters of a billion dollars in 1952 to less than half that amount in 1955.\nWe pledge to continue our efforts, blocked by the Democratic leadership of the 84th Congress, for a financially sound, more nearly self-sustaining postal service—with the users of the mails paying a greater share of the costs instead of the taxpayers bearing the burden of huge postal deficits.\nWe pledge to continue and to complete this vitally needed program of modernization of buildings, equipment, methods and service, so that the American people will receive the kind of mail delivery they deserve—the speediest and best that American ingenuity, technology and modern business management can provide.\nCivil Service.\n\nWe will vigorously promote, as we have in the past, a non-political career service under the merit system which will attract and retain able servants of the people. Many gains in this field, notably pay increases and a host of new benefits, have been achieved in their behalf in less than four years.\nThe Republican Party will continue to fight for eagerly desired new advances for Government employees, and realistic reappraisement and adjustment of benefits for our retired civil service personnel.\nStatehood for Alaska and Hawaii.\n\nWe pledge immediate statehood for Alaska, recognizing the fact that adequate provision for defense requirements must be made.\nWe pledge immediate statehood for Hawaii.\nPuerto Rico.\n\nWe shall continue to encourage the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in its political growth and economic development in accordance with the wishes of its people and the fundamental principle of self-determination.\nIndian Affairs.\n\nWe shall continue to pursue our enlightened policies which are now producing exceptional advances in the long struggle to help the American Indian gain the material and social advantages of his birthright and citizenship, while maintaining to the fullest extent the cultural integrity of the various tribal groups.\nWe commend the present administration for its progressive programs which have achieved such striking progress in preparing our Indian citizens for participation in normal community life. Health, educational and employment opportunities for Indians have been greatly expanded beyond any previous level, and we favor still further extensions of these programs.\nWe favor most sympathetic and constructive execution of the Federal trusteeship over Indian affairs, always in full consultation with Indians in the management of their interests and the expansion of their rights of self-government in local and tribal affairs.\nWe urge the prompt adjudication or settlement of pending Indian claims.\nDistrict of Columbia.\n\nWe favor self-government, national suffrage and representation in the Congress of the United States for residents of the District of Columbia.\nEqual Rights.\n\nWe recommend to Congress the submission of a constitutional amendment providing equal rights for men and women.\nEqual Opportunity and Justice\n\nCivil Rights\n\nThe Republican Party points to an impressive record of accomplishment in the field of civil rights and commits itself anew to advancing the rights of all our people regardless of race, creed, color or national origin.\nIn the area of exclusive Federal jurisdiction, more progress has been made in this field under the present Republican Administration than in any similar period in the last 80 years.\nThe many Negroes who have been appointed to high public positions have played a significant part in the progress of this Administration.\nSegregation has been ended in the District of Columbia Government and in the District public facilities including public schools, restaurants, theaters and playgrounds. The Eisenhower Administration has eliminated discrimination in all federal employment.\nGreat progress has been made in eliminating employment discrimination on the part of those who do business with the Federal Government and secure Federal contracts. This Administration has impartially enforced Federal civil rights statutes, and we pledge that we will continue to do so. We support the enactment of the civil rights program already presented by the President to the Second Session of the 84th Congress.\nThe regulatory agencies under this Administration have moved vigorously to end discrimination in interstate commerce. Segregation in the active Armed Forces of the United States has been ended. For the first time in our history there is no segregation in veterans' hospitals and among civilians on naval bases. This is an impressive record. We pledge ourselves to continued progress in this field.\nThe Republican Party has unequivocally recognized that the supreme law of the land is embodied in the Constitution, which guarantees to all people the blessings of liberty, due process and equal protection of the laws. It confers upon all native-born and naturalized citizens not only citizenship in the State where the individual resides but citizenship of the United States as well. This is an unqualified right, regardless of race, creed or color.\nThe Republican Party accepts the decision of the U.S.. Supreme Court that racial discrimination in publicly supported schools must be progressively eliminated. We concur in the conclusion of the Supreme Court that its decision directing school desegregation should be accomplished with \"all deliberate speed\" locally through Federal District Courts. The implementation order of the Supreme Court recognizes the complex and acutely emotional problems created by its decision in certain sections of our country where racial patterns have been developed in accordance with prior and long-standing decisions of the same tribunal.\nWe believe that true progress can be attained through intelligent study, understanding, education and good will. Use of force or violence by any group or agency will tend only to worsen the many problems inherent in the situation. This progress must be encouraged and the work of the courts supported in every legal manner by all branches of the Federal Government to the end that the constitutional ideal of the law, regardless of race, creed or color, be steadily achieved.\nImmigration\n\nThe Republican Party supports an immigration policy which is in keeping with the traditions of America in providing a haven for oppressed peoples, and which is based on equality of treatment, freedom from implications of discrimination between racial, nationality and religious groups, and flexible enough to conform to changing needs and conditions.\nWe believe that such a policy serves our self-interest, reflects our responsibility for world leadership and develops maximum cooperation with other nations in resolving problems in this area.\nWe support the President's program submitted to the 84th Congress to carry out needed modifications in existing law and to take such further steps as may be necessary to carry out our traditional policy.\nIn that concept, this Republican Administration sponsored the Refugee Relief Act to provide asylum for thousands of refugees, expellees and displaced persons, and undertook in the face of Democrat opposition to correct the inequities in existing law and to bring our immigration policies in line with the dynamic needs of the country and principles of equity and justice.\nWe believe also that the Congress should consider the extension of the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 in resolving this difficult refugee problem which resulted from world conflict. To all this we give our wholehearted support.\nHuman Freedom and Peace\n\nUnder the leadership of President Eisenhower, the United States has advanced foreign policies which enable our people to enjoy the blessings of liberty and peace.\nThe changes in the international scene have been so great that it is easy to forget the conditions we inherited in 1953.\nPeace, so hardly won in 1945, had again been lost. The Korean War, with its tragic toll of more than an eighth of a million American casualties, seemed destined to go on indefinitely. Its material costs and accompanying inflation were undermining our economy.\nFreedom was under assault, and despotism was on the march. Armed conflict continued in the Far East, and tensions mounted elsewhere.\nThe threat of global war increased daily.\nInternational Communism which, in 1945, ruled the 200 million people in the Soviet Union and Baltic States, was conquering so that, by 1952, it dominated more than 700 million people in 15 once-independent nations.\nToday.\n\nNow, we are at peace. The Korean War has been ended. The Communist aggressors have been denied their goals.\nThe threat of global war has receded.\nThe advance of Communism has been checked, and, at key points, thrown back. The once-monolithic structure of International Communism, denied the stimulant of successive conquests, has shown hesitancy both internally and abroad.\nThe Far East.\n\nThe Korean War was brought to a close when the Communist rulers were made to realize that they could not win.\nThe United States has made a Collective Defense Treaty with the Republic of Korea which will exclude, for the future, the Communist miscalculation as to announced American interests and intentions which led to the original aggression.\nThe United States has made a security Treaty with the Republic of China coveting Formosa and the Pescadores; and the Congress, by virtually unanimous action, has authorized the President to employ the armed forces of the United States to defend this area. As a result, the Chinese Communists have not attempted to implement their announced intention to take Formosa by force.\nIn Indochina, the Republics of Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos are now free and independent nations. The Republic of Vietnam, with the United States assistance, has denied the Communists the gains which they expected from the withdrawal of French forces.\nThe security of Southeast Asia has now been bolstered by the collective-defense system of SEATO, and its peoples encouraged by the declarations in the Pacific Charter of the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.\nThe Middle East and Southeast Asia.\n\nThe Middle East has been strengthened by the defensive unity of the four \"northern tier\" countries—Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan—which hold gateways to the vast oil resources upon which depend the industry and military strength of the free world. This was made possible by the liberation of Iran from the grip of the Communist Tudeh Party. Iran has again made its oil reserves available to the world under an equitable settlement negotiated by the United States.\nWe have maintained, and will maintain, friendly relations with all nations in this vital area, seeking to mediate differences among them, and encouraging their legitimate national aspirations.\nEurope.\n\nIn Western Europe, the scene has been transformed. The Federal Republic of Germany, which until 1953 was denied sovereignty and the opportunity to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has now had full sovereignty restored by the Treaties of 1954, and has become a member of NATO despite the intense opposition of the Soviet Union.\nNATO itself has been strengthened by developing reliance upon new weapons and retaliatory power, thus assisting the NATO countries increasingly to attain both economic welfare and adequate military defense.\nOn our initiative, the political aspects of NATO are being developed. Instead of being merely a military alliance, NATO will provide a means for coordinating the policies of the member states on vital matters, such as the reunification of Germany, the liberation of the satellites, and general policies in relation to the Soviet Union.\nAustria has been liberated. The freedom treaty, blocked since 1947 by the Soviet Union, was signed in 1955. For the first time since the end of World War II, Red Army forces in Europe evacuated occupied lands.\nThe emotion-charged dispute between Italy and Yugoslavia about Trieste was settled with the active participation of the United States. The City of Trieste was restored to Italian sovereignty, and United States and British forces withdrawn.\nThe Spanish base negotiations, which had long languished, were successfully concluded, and close working relations in this important respect established between the United States and Spain.\nThe Americas.\n\nOur good neighbor policy continues to prove its wisdom.\nThe American Republics have taken effective steps against the cancer of Communism. At the Caracas Conference of March, 1954, they agreed that if International Communism gained control of the political institutions of any American republic, this would endanger them all, and would call for collective measures to remove the danger. This new Doctrine, first proposed by the United States, extends into modern times the principles of the Monroe Doctrine.\nA first fruit of the Caracas Doctrine was the expulsion of the Communist regime ruling Guatemala. Today, Guatemala is liberated from Kremlin control. The Organization of American States has grown in vigor. It has acted promptly and effectively to settle hemispheric disputes. In Costa Rica, for the first time in history, international aerial inspection was employed to maintain peace. The Panama Conference was probably the most successful in the long history of the Organization of American States in its promotion of good will, understanding and friendship.\nRelations with Soviet Russia.\n\nFar-reaching steps have been taken to eliminate the danger of a third world war. President Eisenhower led the way at Geneva. There he impressed the Soviet leaders and the world with the dedication of the United States to peace, but also with its determination not to purchase peace at the price of freedom.\nThat Summit Conference set new forces into motion. The Soviet rulers professed to renounce the use of violence, which Stalin had made basic in the Communist doctrine. Then followed a repudiation of Stalin, the growth of doctrinal disputes within the Communist Party, and a discrediting of Party authority and its evil power. Forces of liberalism within the Soviet Bloc challenge the brutal and atheistic doctrines of Soviet Communism. For the first time, we see positive evidence that forces of freedom and liberation will inevitably prevail if the free nations maintain their strength, unity and resolution.\nThe future.\n\nWe re-dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of a just peace and the defense of human liberty and national independence.\nWe shall continue vigorously to support the United Nations.\nWe shall continue our cooperation with our sister states of the Americas for the strengthening of our security, economic and social ties with them.\nWe shall continue to support the collective-security system begun in 1947 and steadily developed on a bipartisan basis. That system has joined the United States with 42 other nations in common defense of freedom. It has created a deterrent to war which cannot be nullified by Soviet veto.\nWhere needed, we shall help friendly countries maintain such local forces and economic strength as provide a first bulwark against Communist aggression or subversion. We shall reinforce that defense by a military capacity which, operating in accordance with the United Nations Charter, could so punish aggression that it ceases to be a profitable pursuit.\nWe will continue efforts with friends and allies to assist the underdeveloped areas of the free world in their efforts to attain greater freedom, independence and self-determination, and to raise their standards of living.\nWe recognize the existence of a major threat to international peace in the Near East. We support a policy of impartial friendship for the peoples of the Arab states and Israel to promote a peaceful settlement of the causes of tension in that area, including the human problem of the Palestine-Arab refugees.\nProgress toward a just settlement of the tragic conflict between the Jewish State and the Arab nations in Palestine was upset by the Soviet Bloc sale of arms to Arab countries. But prospects of peace have now been reinforced by the mission to Palestine of the United Nations Secretary General upon the initiative of the United States.\nWe regard the preservation of Israel as an important tenet of American foreign policy. We are determined that the integrity of an independent Jewish State shall be maintained. We shall support the independence of Israel against armed aggression. The best hope for peace in the Middle East lies in the United Nations. We pledge our continued efforts to eliminate the obstacles to a lasting peace in this area.\nWe shall continue to seek the reunification of Germany in freedom, and the liberation of the satellite states—Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and other, once-free countries now behind the Iron Curtain. The Republican Party stands firmly with the peoples of these countries in their just quest for freedom. We are confident that our peaceful policies, resolutely pursued, will finally restore freedom and national independence to oppressed peoples and nations.\nWe continue to oppose the seating of Communist China in the United Nations, thus upholding international morality. To seat a Communist China which defies, by word and deed, the principles of the United Nations Charter would be to betray the letter, violate the spirit and subvert the purposes of that charter. It would betray our friend and ally, the Republic of China. We will continue our determined efforts to free the remaining Americans held prisoner by Communist China.\nRecognizing economic health as an indispensable basis of military strength and world peace, we shall strive to foster abroad and to practice at home, policies to encourage productivity and profitable trade.\nBarriers which impede international trade and the flow of capital should be reduced on a gradual, selective and reciprocal basis, with full recognition of the necessity to safeguard domestic enterprises, agriculture and labor against unfair import competition. We proudly point out that the Republican Party was primarily responsible for initiating the escape clause and peril point provisions of law to make effective the necessary safeguards for American agriculture, labor and business. We pledge faithful and expeditious administration of these provisions.\nWe are against any trade with the Communist world that would threaten the security of the United States and our allies.\nWe recognize that no single nation can alone defend the liberty of all nations threatened by Communist aggression or subversion. Mutual security means effective mutual cooperation. Poverty and unrest in less developed countries make them the target for international communism. We must help them achieve the economic growth and stability necessary to attain and preserve their independence.\nTechnical and economic assistance programs are effective countermeasures to Soviet economic offensives and propaganda. They provide the best way to create the political and social stability essential to lasting peace.\nWe will strive to bring about conditions that will end the injustices of nations divided against their will, of nations held subject to foreign domination, of peoples deprived of the right of self-government.\nWe reaffirm the principle of freedom for all peoples, and look forward to the eventual end of colonialism.\nWe will overlook no opportunity that, with prudence, can be taken to bring about a progressive elimination of the barriers that interfere with the free flow of news, information and ideas, and the exchange of persons between the free peoples and the captive peoples of the world. We favor the continuance and development of the \"exchange-of-persons\" programs between free nations.\nWe approve appropriate action to oppose the imposition by foreign governments of discrimination against United States citizens, based on their religion or race.\nWe shall continue the bipartisan development of foreign policies. We hold this necessary if those policies are to have continuity, and be regarded by other free nations as dependable.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to continue the dynamic, courageous, sound and patriotic policies which have protected and promoted the interests of the United States during the past four years.\nIn a world fraught with peril, peace can be won and preserved only by vigilance and inspired leadership. In such a world, we believe it is essential that the vast experience of our proven leader, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, continues to guide our country in the achievement and maintenance of a just, honorable and durable peace.\nBulwark for the Free World—Our National Defense\n\nThe military strength of the United States has been a key factor in the preservation of world peace during the past four years. We are determined to maintain that strength so long as our security and the peace of the world require it.\nThis Administration, within six months after President Eisenhower's inauguration, ended the war in Korea by concluding an honorable armistice. The lesson of that war and our lack of preparedness which brought it about will not be forgotten. Such mistakes must not be repeated.\nAs we maintain and strengthen the security of this Nation, we shall, consistent with this Administration's dedication to peace, strive for the acceptance of realistic proposals for disarmament and the humanitarian control of weapons of mass destruction.\nOur country's defense posture is today a visible and powerful deterrent against attack by any enemy, from any quarter, at any time.\nWe have the strongest striking force in the world—in the air—on the sea—and a magnificent supporting land force in our Army and Marine Corps. Such visible and powerful deterrents must continue to include:\nA) A jet-powered, long-range strategic air force, and a tactical air force of the fastest and very latest type aircraft, with a striking capability superior to any other;\nB) The most effective guided and ballistic missiles;\nC) A modern navy, with a powerful naval aircraft arm prepared to keep the sea lanes open to meet any assignment;\nD) An army whose mobility and unit firepower are without equal;\nE) Bases, strategically dispersed at home and around the world, essential to all these operations.\nWe will maintain and improve the effective strength and state of readiness of all these armed forces.\nTo achieve this objective, we must depend upon attracting to, and retaining in our military services vigorous and well-trained manpower, and upon continuously maintaining in reserve, an enthusiastic and well-informed group of men and women. This will require incentives that will make armed service careers attractive and rewarding. A substantial start has been made toward bolstering the rewards and benefits that accompany a military career. We must continue to provide them.\nIn order that American youth in our armed services shall be provided with the most modern weapons, we have supported and will continue to support an effective and well-directed program of research and development, staffed by men of the highest caliber and ability in this field. There is no substitute for the best where the lives of our men and the defense of our Nation are concerned.\nWe fully appreciate the importance of scientific knowledge and its application particularly in the military field.\nWe pledge ourselves to stimulate and encourage the education of our young people in the sciences with a determination to maintain our technological leadership.\nIn this age of weapons of inconceivable destructiveness, we must not neglect the protection of the civilian population by all known means, while, at the same time, preparing our armed forces for every eventuality.\nWe wholeheartedly agree with President Eisenhower that our military defense must be backed by a strong civil defense, and that an effective civil defense is an important deterrent against attack upon our country, and an indispensable reliance should our nation ever be attacked.\nWe support his proposals for strengthening civil defense, mindful that it has become an effective Government arm to deal with natural disasters.\nWe shall continue to carry forward, vigorously and effectively, the valued services of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as all other Government intelligence agencies, so as to insure that we are protected at all times against subversive activities. We will never relax our determined efforts to keep our Government, and our people, safely guarded against all enemies from within.\nWe agree and assert that civilian authority and control over our defense structure and program must be maintained at all times. We believe, without qualification, that in our present Commander-in-Chief, Dwight D. Eisenhower, this Nation possesses a leader equipped by training, temperament, and experience in war and in peace, for both that personal example and that direction of our national defense in which the American people will continue to have confidence, and in which the peoples of all the free world will find an increasing sense of security and of an opportunity for peace.\nVeterans\n\nWe believe that active duty in the Armed Forces during a state of war or national emergency is the highest call of citizenship constituting a special service to our nation and entitles those who have served to positive assistance to alleviate the injuries, hardships and handicaps imposed by their service.\nIn recognizing this principle under previous Republican Administrations we established the Veterans Administration. This Republican Administration increased compensation and pension benefits for veterans and survivors to provide more adequate levels and to off-set cost of living increases that occurred during the most recent Democratic Administration.\nWe have also improved quality of hospital service and have established a long-range program for continued improvement of such service. We have strengthened and extended survivors' benefits, thus affording greater security for all veterans in the interest of equity and justice.\nIn advancing this Republican program we pledge:\nThat compensation for injuries and disease arising out of service be fairly and generously provided for all disabled veterans and for their dependents or survivors;\nThat a pension program for disabled war veterans in need and for their widows and orphans in need be maintained as long as necessary to assure them adequate income;\nThat all veterans be given equal and adequate opportunity for readjustment following service, including unemployment compensation when needed, but placing emphasis on obtaining suitable employment for veterans, particularly those disabled, by using appropriate facilities of government and by assuring that Federal employment preference and re-employment rights, to which the veteran is entitled, are received;\nThat the Veterans Administration be continued as a single independent agency providing veterans services;\nThat the service-disabled continue to receive first-priority medical services of the highest standard and that non-service disabled war veterans in need receive hospital care to the extent that beds are available.\nGuarding and Improving Our Resources\n\nOne of the brightest areas of achievement and progress under the Eisenhower Administration has been in resource conservation and development and in sound, long-range public works programming.\nPolicies of sound conservation and wise development—originally advanced half a century ago under that preeminent Republican conservation team of President Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot and amplified by succeeding Republican Administrations—have been pursued by the Eisenhower Administration. While meeting the essential development needs of the people, this Administration has conserved and safeguarded our natural resources for the greatest good of all, now and in the future.\nOur national parks, national forests and wildlife refuges are now more adequately financed, better protected and more extensive than ever before. Long-range improvement programs, such as Mission 66 for the National Parks system, are now under way, and studies are nearing completion for a comparable program for the National Forests. These forward-looking programs will be aggressively continued.\nOur Republican Administration has modernized and vitalized our mining laws by the first major revision in more than 30 years.\nRecreation, parks and wildlife.\n\nACHIEVEMENTS: Reversed the 15-year trend of neglect of our National Parks by launching the 10-year, $785 million Mission 66 parks improvement program. Has nearly completed field surveys for a comparable forest improvement program. Obtained passage of the so-called \"Week-end Miner Bill.\" Added more than 400,000 acres to our National Park system, and 90,000 acres to wildlife refuges. Has undertaken well-conceived measures to protect reserved areas of all types and to provide increased staffs and operating funds for public recreation agencies.\nWe favor full recognition of recreation as an important public use of our national forests and public domain lands.\nWe favor a comprehensive study of the effect upon wildlife of the drainage of our wetlands.\nWe favor recognition, by the States, of wild-life and recreation management and conservation as a beneficial use of water.\nWe subscribe to the general objectives of groups seeking to guard the beauty of our land and to promote clean, attractive surroundings throughout America.\nWe recognize the need for maintaining isolated wilderness areas to provide opportunity for future generations to experience some of the wilderness living through which the traditional American spirit of hardihood was developed.\nPublic land and forest resources.\n\nACHIEVEMENTS: Approved conservation programs of many types, including improvement of western grazing lands through reseeding programs, water-spreading systems, and encouragement of soil-and moisture-conservation practices by range users. Returned to the States their submerged lands and resources of their coasts, out to their historical boundaries—an area comprising about one tenth of the area off the Continental Shelf and about 17 per cent of the mineral resources. Initiated leasing of the Federally owned 83 per cent of the Continental Shelf which is expected ultimately to bring from 6 to 8 billion dollars into the Treasury and already has brought in over 250 million dollars. Enacted new legislation to encourage multiple use of the public domain.\nWe commend the Eisenhower Administration for its administration of our public lands and for elimination of bureaucratic abuses. We recommend continuing study and evaluation of the advisability of returning unused or inadequately used public lands.\nWe commend the Administration for expanding forest research and access road construction.\nWe shall continue to improve timber conservation practices, recreational facilities, grazing management, and watershed protection of our national forests and our public domain.\nMinerals.\n\nRecognizing that a vigorous and efficient mineral industry is essential to the long-term development of the United States, and to its defense, we believe the Federal Government should foster a long-term policy for the development and prudent use of domestic mineral resources, and to assure access to necessary sources abroad, without dangerously weakening the market for domestic production of defense-essential materials.\nWe favor reasonable depletion allowances. We favor freedom of mineral producers from unnecessary governmental regulation; expansion of government minerals exploration and research, and establishment of minerals stockpile objectives which will reduce, and, where possible, eliminate foreseeable wartime shortages.\nACHIEVEMENTS: St. Lawrence Seaway and power projects, Colorado River Storage Project, Great Lakes connecting channels, small watershed protection and flood prevention under local control, Mississippi Gulf level canal, extension of water-pollution control program, survey of power potential of Passamaquoddy Bay tides, expansion of small project development for flood control, navigation and reclamation; extension to all 48 States of water facilities act, accelerated research on saline water conversion, authorized planning surveys and construction of more than 200 navigation, flood-control, beach erosion, rivers and harbors, reclamation, and watershed projects throughout the nation, advanced partnership water resource developments in a number of states.\nWater resources.\n\nWater resource development legislation enacted under the Eisenhower Administration already has ushered in one of the greatest water resource development programs this Nation has ever seen, a soundly-conceived construction program that will continue throughout this Century and beyond.\nWe recognize that the burgeoning growth of our Nation requires a combination of Federal, State and local water and power development—a real partnership of effort by all interested parties. In no other way can the nation meet the huge and accelerated demands for increasing generating capacity and uses of water, both by urban and agricultural areas. We also are aware that water demands have been accentuated by the ravages of drought, creating emergency conditions in many sections of our country. We commend the Eisenhower Administration for encouraging state and local governments, public agencies, and regulated private enterprise, to participate actively in comprehensive water and power development. In such partnership we are leading the way with great Federal developments such as the Upper Colorado Project and with partnership projects of great importance, some of which have been shelved by the Democratic 84th Congress.\nIn the marketing of federally produced power we support preference to public bodies and cooperatives under the historic policy of the Congress.\nWe will continue to press for co-operative solution of all problems of water supply and distribution, reclamation, pollution, flood control, and saline-water conversion.\nWe pledge legislative support to the arid and semi-arid states in preserving the integrity of their water laws and customs as developed out of the necessities of these regions. We affirm the historic policy of Congress recognizing State water rights, as repeatedly expressed in Federal law over the past 90 years.\nWe pledge an expansion in research and planning of water resource development programs, looking to the future when it may be necessary to re-distribute water from water-surplus areas to water-deficient areas.\nFisheries.\n\nACHIEVEMENTS: Accelerated research and administrative action to rehabilitate our long-neglected fishing industry. Approval of measures for additional conservation and propagation of fish. Development of the comprehensive program for fisheries management and assistance adopted by the Congress.\nWe favor continuation of the Eisenhower program to rehabilitate our long-neglected domestic fishing industry.\nWe advocate protective treaties insuring the United States commercial-fisheries industry against unfair foreign competition.\nThe Republican Party is acutely aware that a foundation stone of the nation's strength is its wealth of natural resources and the high development of its physical assets. They are the basis of our great progress in 180 years of freedom and of our nation's military and economic might.\nWe pledge that we will continue the policies of sound conservation and wise development instituted by this Administration to insure that our resources are managed as a beneficial trust for all the people.\nFor a Brighter Tomorrow: Atomic Energy.\n\nThe Republican Party pledges continuous, vigorous development of Atomic Energy:\nfor the defense of our own country and to deter aggression, and\nfor the promotion of world peace and the enhancement of our knowledge of basic science and its application to industry, agriculture and the healing arts.\nFrom the passage of the first Atomic Energy Act in 1946 to the beginning of this Republican Administration, a stalemate had existed, and only an arms race with the prospect of eventual catastrophe faced the nations of the world.\nPresident Eisenhower has inaugurated and led a strong program for developing the peaceful atom—a program which has captured the imagination of men and women everywhere with its widespread, positive achievements.\nThe Government and private enterprise are working together on a number of large-scale projects designed to develop substantial quantities of electric power from atomic sources. The first power reactor will be completed next year. More and more private funds are being invested as the Government monopoly is relaxed.\nIn relaxing its monopoly, Government can stimulate private enterprise to go ahead by taking recognition of the tremendous risks involved and the complexity of the many technical problems that will arise, and assist in those ways that will make advances possible.\nThe Atomic Energy Commission also is encouraging a vigorous rural electrification program by cooperatives.\nEvery day, radioactive isotopes are brought more and more into use on farms, in clinics and hospitals, and in industry. The use of isotopes already has resulted in annual savings of hundreds of millions of dollars and the nuclear age has only begun.\nIt is to the benefit of the United States, as well as to all nations everywhere, that the uses of atomic energy be explored and shared. The Republican Party pledges that it will continue this imaginative, world-embracing program. We shall continue to chart our course so as to fortify the security of the free nations and to further the prosperity and progress of all people everywhere.\nDeclaration of Dedication\n\nWith utmost confidence in the future and with justifiable pride in our achievements, the Republican Party warmly greets the dawn of our second century of service in the cause of unity and progress in the Nation.\nAs the Party of the Young and in glowing appreciation of his dynamic leadership and inspiration, we respectfully dedicate this Platform of the Party of the Future to our distinguished President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and to the Youth of America.", "Words" -> 11360, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 717, "of" -> 580, "and" -> 541, "to" -> 354, "in" -> 249, "We" -> 163, "for" -> 141, "our" -> 140, "a" -> 138, "that" -> 105, "by" -> 82, "have" -> 81, "The" -> 78, "with" -> 74, "has" -> 68, "is" -> 64, "as" -> 62, "which" -> 60, "will" -> 56, "all" -> 56, "Republican" -> 55, "are" -> 55, "this" -> 53, "continue" -> 53, "their" -> 52, "we" -> 47, "Administration" -> 46, "be" -> 43, "people" -> 42, "been" -> 41, "an" -> 39, "shall" -> 38, "program" -> 37, "United" -> 35, "States" -> 35, "Party" -> 35, "Government" -> 35, "Federal" -> 34, "peace" -> 33, "on" -> 32, "more" -> 32, "its" -> 32, "Eisenhower" -> 31, "world" -> 30, "To" -> 29, "at" -> 29, "farm" -> 27, "or" -> 26, "In" -> 25, "from" -> 24, "programs" -> 22, "freedom" -> 22, "free" -> 22, "economic" -> 22, "pledge" -> 21, "was" -> 20, "under" -> 20, "than" -> 20, "support" -> 20, "public" -> 20, "development" -> 20, "President" -> 19, "new" 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"favor" -> 12, "efforts" -> 12, "business" -> 12, "benefits" -> 12, "assistance" -> 12, "work" -> 11, "time" -> 11, "out" -> 11, "opportunity" -> 11, "nation" -> 11, "highest" -> 11, "help" -> 11, "future" -> 11, "every" -> 11, "country" -> 11, "control" -> 11, "but" -> 11, "who" -> 10, "upon" -> 10, "those" -> 10, "State" -> 10, "most" -> 10, "management" -> 10, "laws" -> 10, "It" -> 10, "into" -> 10, "history" -> 10, "conservation" -> 10, "brought" -> 10, "areas" -> 10, "without" -> 9, "vigorous" -> 9, "veterans" -> 9, "they" -> 9, "system" -> 9, "social" -> 9, "principles" -> 9, "millions" -> 9, "local" -> 9, "living" -> 9, "leadership" -> 9, "law" -> 9, "industry" -> 9, "improve" -> 9, "had" -> 9, "forces" -> 9, "families" -> 9, "expansion" -> 9, "employment" -> 9, "area" -> 9, "action" -> 9, "when" -> 8, "wage" -> 8, "vigorously" -> 8, "That" -> 8, "small" -> 8, "should" -> 8, "services" -> 8, "private" -> 8, "only" -> 8, "needed" -> 8, "Nations" -> 8, "Nation" -> 8, "many" -> 8, "make" -> 8, "international" -> 8, "insurance" -> 8, "improved" -> 8, "four" -> 8, "essential" -> 8, "equal" -> 8, "economy" -> 8, "determined" -> 8, "Democrat" -> 8, "created" -> 8, "countries" -> 8, "confidence" -> 8, "Communism" -> 8, "civil" -> 8, "citizens" -> 8, "both" -> 8, "America" -> 8, "agriculture" -> 8, "aggression" -> 8, "women" -> 7, "Small" -> 7, "Republic" -> 7, "record" -> 7, "race" -> 7, "protect" -> 7, "prosperity" -> 7, "products" -> 7, "possible" -> 7, "positive" -> 7, "political" -> 7, "need" -> 7, "necessary" -> 7, "liberty" -> 7, "lands" -> 7, "integrity" -> 7, "individual" -> 7, "important" -> 7, "hold" -> 7, "high" -> 7, "growth" -> 7, "great" -> 7, "foreign" -> 7, "field" -> 7, "end" -> 7, "education" -> 7, "discrimination" -> 7, "developed" -> 7, "D" -> 7, "continued" -> 7, "conditions" -> 7, "Business" -> 7, "between" -> 7, "armed" -> 7, "also" -> 7, "air" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "Act" -> 7, "about" -> 7, "year" -> 6, "within" -> 6, "where" -> 6, "were" -> 6, "well" -> 6, "ways" -> 6, "way" -> 6, "understanding" -> 6, "times" -> 6, "savings" -> 6, "promote" -> 6, "past" -> 6, "over" -> 6, "needs" -> 6, "measures" -> 6, "land" -> 6, "including" -> 6, "home" -> 6, "forward" -> 6, "force" -> 6, "For" -> 6, "flood" -> 6, "federal" -> 6, "facilities" -> 6, "expanding" -> 6, "ended" -> 6, "East" -> 6, "do" -> 6, "cooperation" -> 6, "constructive" -> 6, "construction" -> 6, "China" -> 6, "best" -> 6, "based" -> 6, "Atomic" -> 6, "assist" -> 6, "already" -> 6, "agencies" -> 6, "additional" -> 6, "achieved" -> 6, "1952" -> 6, "would" -> 5, "working" -> 5, "wartime" -> 5, "unemployment" -> 5, "Under" -> 5, "toward" -> 5, "today" -> 5, "taxes" -> 5, "tax" -> 5, "surpluses" -> 5, "supported" -> 5, "strong" -> 5, "strengthened" -> 5, "states" -> 5, "right" -> 5, "resource" -> 5, "reduce" -> 5, "recognize" -> 5, "ranch" -> 5, "principle" -> 5, "price" -> 5, "present" -> 5, "personal" -> 5, "peaceful" -> 5, "partnership" -> 5, "participation" -> 5, "order" -> 5, "objectives" -> 5, "NATO" -> 5, "National" -> 5, "modern" -> 5, "means" -> 5, "maintained" -> 5, "long" -> 5, "liberation" -> 5, "level" -> 5, "less" -> 5, "just" -> 5, "inflation" -> 5, "Indian" -> 5, "independence" -> 5, "human" -> 5, "honorable" -> 5, "half" -> 5, "greatest" -> 5, "funds" -> 5, "fully" -> 5, "extension" -> 5, "enterprise" -> 5, "Energy" -> 5, "employees" -> 5, "effectively" -> 5, "dynamic" -> 5, "during" -> 5, "dollars" -> 5, "District" -> 5, "disabled" -> 5, "Democratic" -> 5, "creed" -> 5, "comprehensive" -> 5, "color" -> 5, "carry" -> 5, "capacity" -> 5, "budget" -> 5, "bring" -> 5, "billion" -> 5, "benefit" -> 5, "before" -> 5, "basic" -> 5, "among" -> 5, "agricultural" -> 5, "again" -> 5, "advances" -> 5, "advanced" -> 5, "abroad" -> 5, "A" -> 5, "84th" -> 5, "1954" -> 5, "wise" -> 4, "wildlife" -> 4, "while" -> 4, "weapons" -> 4, "War" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "uses" -> 4, "Union" -> 4, "types" -> 4, "trust" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "throughout" -> 4, "There" -> 4, "technical" -> 4, "take" -> 4, "Supreme" -> 4, "study" -> 4, "strengthen" -> 4, "state" -> 4, "standards" -> 4, "standard" -> 4, "spirit" -> 4, "speed" -> 4, "soil" -> 4, "settlement" -> 4, "seek" -> 4, "schools" -> 4, "school" -> 4, "rural" -> 4, "responsibility" -> 4, "respect" -> 4, "regardless" -> 4, "reductions" -> 4, "reduced" -> 4, "recommend" -> 4, "recognition" -> 4, "providing" -> 4, "provided" -> 4, "projects" -> 4, "prices" -> 4, "powerful" -> 4, "postal" -> 4, "pledges" -> 4, "Peace" -> 4, "pay" -> 4, "part" -> 4, "ourselves" -> 4, "operating" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "objective" -> 4, "number" -> 4, "natural" -> 4, "mineral" -> 4, "meet" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "markets" -> 4, "marketing" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "maintaining" -> 4, "last" -> 4, "largest" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "justice" -> 4, "itself" -> 4, "Iran" -> 4, "International" -> 4, "insure" -> 4, "initiated" -> 4, "independent" -> 4, "improving" -> 4, "health" -> 4, "groups" -> 4, "Forces" -> 4, "financial" -> 4, "financed" -> 4, "fight" -> 4, "farms" -> 4, "fairly" -> 4, "extended" -> 4, "everywhere" -> 4, "established" -> 4, "enjoy" -> 4, "energy" -> 4, "encouraged" -> 4, "enable" -> 4, "eliminated" -> 4, "effort" -> 4, "Dwight" -> 4, "domestic" -> 4, "deterrent" -> 4, "Department" -> 4, "denied" -> 4, "dedicated" -> 4, "day" -> 4, "Court" -> 4, "cost" -> 4, "conflict" -> 4, "Conference" -> 4, "completed" -> 4, "compensation" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "commend" -> 4, "close" -> 4, "citizenship" -> 4, "children" -> 4, "businesses" -> 4, "build" -> 4, "blessings" -> 4, "being" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "balanced" -> 4, "available" -> 4, "authorized" -> 4, "Agriculture" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "ACHIEVEMENTS" -> 4, "achievements" -> 4, "accordance" -> 4, "whose" -> 3, "Welfare" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "watershed" -> 3, "warmly" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "voluntary" -> 3, "vital" -> 3, "Veterans" -> 3, "very" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "urban" -> 3, "unity" -> 3, "unions" -> 3, "true" -> 3, "Treaty" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "transportation" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "toll" -> 3, "Today" -> 3, "threat" -> 3, "things" -> 3, "They" -> 3, "there" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "survivors" -> 3, "substantial" -> 3, "subject" -> 3, "struggle" -> 3, "strive" -> 3, "striking" -> 3, "stimulate" -> 3, "still" -> 3, "steps" -> 3, "steadily" -> 3, "sponsored" -> 3, "special" -> 3, "sovereignty" -> 3, "sources" -> 3, "shared" -> 3, "set" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "self-determination" -> 3, "safety" -> 3, "safeguards" -> 3, "Rights" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "reserve" -> 3, "regulatory" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "recreation" -> 3, "records" -> 3, "recognizing" -> 3, "reclamation" -> 3, "receive" -> 3, "ranchers" -> 3, "racial" -> 3, "quality" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "proud" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "proposals" -> 3, "promotion" -> 3, "progressive" -> 3, "production" -> 3, "producers" -> 3, "primary" -> 3, "previous" -> 3, "preserve" -> 3, "preservation" -> 3, "practices" -> 3, "potential" -> 3, "points" -> 3, "physical" -> 3, "persons" -> 3, "pensions" -> 3, "pension" -> 3, "peacetime" -> 3, "parks" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "Organization" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "opportunities" -> 3, "operation" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "nearly" -> 3, "Nation's" -> 3, "months" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "minimum" -> 3, "Middle" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "maximum" -> 3, "man's" -> 3, "major" -> 3, "mail" -> 3, "look" -> 3, "long-range" -> 3, "loans" -> 3, "life" -> 3, "liberated" -> 3, "legislation" -> 3, "led" -> 3, "leader" -> 3, "Labor" -> 3, "Korean" -> 3, "key" -> 3, "keep" -> 3, "jobs" -> 3, "job" -> 3, "Israel" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "interest" -> 3, "instead" -> 3, "indispensable" -> 3, "increasing" -> 3, "increases" -> 3, "increase" -> 3, "importance" -> 3, "if" -> 3, "hundreds" -> 3, "hospitals" -> 3, "held" -> 3, "Health" -> 3, "Guatemala" -> 3, "grown" -> 3, "greater" -> 3, "Great" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "give" -> 3, "Germany" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "gains" -> 3, "friendly" -> 3, "foundation" -> 3, "foster" -> 3, "forests" -> 3, "forest" -> 3, "find" -> 3, "family" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "expand" -> 3, "Every" -> 3, "Europe" -> 3, "equipment" -> 3, "encouraging" -> 3, "emergency" -> 3, "elimination" -> 3, "eliminate" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "Education" -> 3, "drought" -> 3, "domination" -> 3, "domain" -> 3, "dollar" -> 3, "does" -> 3, "Doctrine" -> 3, "distribution" -> 3, "disease" -> 3, "disarmament" -> 3, "developing" -> 3, "develop" -> 3, "despite" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "delivery" -> 3, "Defense" -> 3, "dedicate" -> 3, "Declaration" -> 3, "decision" -> 3, "deal" -> 3, "cut" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "create" -> 3, "costs" -> 3, "contracts" -> 3, "continuing" -> 3, "continuation" -> 3, "constitutional" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "competition" -> 3, "Columbia" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "Charter" -> 3, "changes" -> 3, "certain" -> 3, "cause" -> 3, "care" -> 3, "cannot" -> 3, "blocked" -> 3, "beyond" -> 3, "because" -> 3, "bargaining" -> 3, "authority" -> 3, "attained" -> 3, "attain" -> 3, "assure" -> 3, "As" -> 3, "arms" -> 3, "Armed" -> 3, "Arab" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "America's" -> 3, "Americans" -> 3, "aid" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "ago" -> 3, "Affairs" -> 3, "advancing" -> 3, "advance" -> 3, "Administrations" -> 3, "activities" -> 3, "active" -> 3, "acres" -> 3, "achievement" -> 3, "achieve" -> 3, "accelerated" -> 3, "ability" -> 3, "1956" -> 3, "1955" -> 3, "1953" -> 3, "young" -> 2, "won" -> 2, "wilderness" -> 2, "wholeheartedly" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "Where" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weakening" -> 2, "Water" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "visible" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "vigilance" -> 2, "Vietnam" -> 2, "versatile" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "various" -> 2, "using" -> 2, "users" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "unit" -> 2, "unfair" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "Trieste" -> 2, "tribal" -> 2, "training" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "traditional" -> 2, "timber" -> 2, "thrown" -> 2, "thousands" -> 2, "Then" -> 2, "themselves" -> 2, "temporary" -> 2, "taxpayers" -> 2, "Taft-Hartley" -> 2, "sympathetic" -> 2, "surveys" -> 2, "supreme" -> 2, "supports" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "superior" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "subversion" -> 2, "substantially" -> 2, "studies" -> 2, "structure" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "stone" -> 2, "steel" -> 2, "stay" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "Stalin" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "sponsorship" -> 2, "spending" -> 2, "Southeast" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "soundly" -> 2, "some" -> 2, "Soil" -> 2, "Social" -> 2, "six" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "significant" -> 2, "Shelf" -> 2, "shares" -> 2, "share" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "settle" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "Segregation" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "Security" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "seating" -> 2, "scene" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "safeguard" -> 2, "rulers" -> 2, "robbed" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "rising" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "rewards" -> 2, "reunification" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "resulted" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "resolving" -> 2, "requires" -> 2, "requirements" -> 2, "require" -> 2, "Republics" -> 2, "Republican-sponsored" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "Relief" -> 2, "reliance" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "rehabilitate" -> 2, "refuges" -> 2, "refugees" -> 2, "Refugee" -> 2, "recommended" -> 2, "recommendations" -> 2, "Recognizing" -> 2, "receiving" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "realize" -> 2, "realistic" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "rather" -> 2, "rapidly" -> 2, "ranches" -> 2, "raised" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "pursuit" -> 2, "pursued" -> 2, "pursue" -> 2, "purchase" -> 2, "Puerto" -> 2, "prudent" -> 2, "prudence" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "prove" -> 2, "proudly" -> 2, "prosperous" -> 2, "prosper" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "promptly" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "Project" -> 2, "Program" -> 2, "profitable" -> 2, "producing" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "procedures" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "price-depressing" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "President's" -> 2, "preserving" -> 2, "preparing" -> 2, "preference" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "practicable" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "point" -> 2, "pledged" -> 2, "plans" -> 2, "planning" -> 2, "permit" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "peril" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "Parks" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "Palestine" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "others" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "oppressed" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "One" -> 2, "On" -> 2, "older" -> 2, "oil" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "nuclear" -> 2, "Now" -> 2, "neglect" -> 2, "needless" -> 2, "Nearly" -> 2, "navigation" -> 2, "naval" -> 2, "nation's" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "movement" -> 2, "moved" -> 2, "move" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "modernized" -> 2, "Mission" -> 2, "minerals" -> 2, "minds" -> 2, "mental" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "medical" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "master" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "low" -> 2, "long-term" -> 2, "long-neglected" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "levels" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "latest" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "Kremlin" -> 2, "Korea" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "knowledge" -> 2, "kind" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "Jewish" -> 2, "isotopes" -> 2, "intervention" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "intelligence" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "inspection" -> 2, "insistence" -> 2, "injuries" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "inherent" -> 2, "inequities" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "increasingly" -> 2, "impressive" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "Human" -> 2, "huge" -> 2, "housing" -> 2, "host" -> 2, "hospital" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "Hoover" -> 2, "hit" -> 2, "historic" -> 2, "higher" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "Has" -> 2, "grow" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "grazing" -> 2, "God" -> 2, "goals" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "global" -> 2, "generously" -> 2, "generations" -> 2, "gained" -> 2, "Further" -> 2, "friendship" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "fostered" -> 2, "forward-looking" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "Formosa" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "flow" -> 2, "flexible" -> 2, "fishing" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "financing" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "Far" -> 2, "faithful" -> 2, "faced" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "explored" -> 2, "expeditious" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "expanded" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "eventual" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "erosion" -> 2, "equity" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "Equal" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "endorse" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "employee" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "electrification" -> 2, "Eisenhower's" -> 2, "effectiveness" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "educational" -> 2, "easy" -> 2, "earner" -> 2, "earned" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "division" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "diseases" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "differences" -> 2, "devoted" -> 2, "developments" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "designed" -> 2, "deprive" -> 2, "depend" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "dedication" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "creating" -> 2, "could" -> 2, "costly" -> 2, "corruption" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "cooperatives" -> 2, "conversion" -> 2, "continuously" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "Continue" -> 2, "Continental" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "confident" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "comparable" -> 2, "community" -> 2, "communities" -> 2, "Communists" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "Colorado" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "checked" -> 2, "channels" -> 2, "changing" -> 2, "century" -> 2, "cent" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "casualties" -> 2, "carrier" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "career" -> 2, "Caracas" -> 2, "cancer" -> 2, "calling" -> 2, "call" -> 2, "Cabinet" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "buildings" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "budgets" -> 2, "boldly" -> 2, "Bloc" -> 2, "bipartisan" -> 2, "Bill" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "betray" -> 2, "beneficial" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "behalf" -> 2, "begun" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "Bank" -> 2, "back" -> 2, "aware" -> 2, "Austria" -> 2, "attractive" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "attack" -> 2, "atomic" -> 2, "atom" -> 2, "assets" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "Asia" -> 2, "Army" -> 2, "arm" -> 2, "approve" -> 2, "appreciation" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "annual" -> 2, "announced" -> 2, "anew" -> 2, "Americas" -> 2, "almost" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "alleviate" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "aircraft" -> 2, "agree" -> 2, "agency" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "advocate" -> 2, "advantages" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "Administration's" -> 2, "acutely" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "accomplishment" -> 2, "access" -> 2, "acceptance" -> 2, "able" -> 2, "67" -> 2, "66" -> 2, "6" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "200" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "1947" -> 2, "1945" -> 2, "1/2" -> 2, "10" -> 2, "$785" -> 1, "$7" -> 1, "$60" -> 1, "$400" -> 1, "$225" -> 1, "$14" -> 1, "Yugoslavia" -> 1, "Youth" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "Young" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "wrongfully" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worsen" -> 1, "World—Our" -> 1, "world—in" -> 1, "world-embracing" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "workmen's" -> 1, "Workers" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wishes" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "wind" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "wild-life" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "widen" -> 1, "widely" -> 1, "wholehearted" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "western" -> 1, "well-trained" -> 1, "well-informed" -> 1, "well-directed" -> 1, "well-conceived" -> 1, "Week-end" -> 1, "water-surplus" -> 1, "water-spreading" -> 1, "water-pollution" -> 1, "water-deficient" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "warrant" -> 1, "war-built" -> 1, "Wages" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vitalized" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "valued" -> 1, "vaccine" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "ushered" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "Use" -> 1, "U.S." -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "upset" -> 1, "Upper" -> 1, "upholding" -> 1, "upheaval" -> 1, "unwise" -> 1, "unwavering" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unused" -> 1, "unturned" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unrivaled" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unquestioned" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unleashed" -> 1, "universities" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "unimpeachable" -> 1, "unhindered" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unending" -> 1, "undertook" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "underdeveloped" -> 1, "unceasingly" -> 1, "unborn" -> 1, "unanimous" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "ultimately" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "U" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "Tudeh" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trustworthiness" -> 1, "trusteeship" -> 1, "tribunal" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "Treaties" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transformed" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "towers" -> 1, "top" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "Tomorrow" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "tier" -> 1, "tides" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "thrived" -> 1, "thrifty" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "three-quarters" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "theaters" -> 1, "terminating" -> 1, "tenth" -> 1, "tensions" -> 1, "tension" -> 1, "tenet" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "tenant" -> 1, "temperament" -> 1, "tedious" -> 1, "technology" -> 1, "technologically" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "Technical" -> 1, "team" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "target" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "tactics" -> 1, "tactical" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "symbolizes" -> 1, "survey" -> 1, "surroundings" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "Summit" -> 1, "summation" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "succeeding" -> 1, "subvert" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "suburban" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "subscribe" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "submerged" -> 1, "subjugation" -> 1, "studying" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "strongest" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "Strengthen" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "strategic" -> 1, "Storage" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stockpile" -> 1, "stimulated" -> 1, "Stimulate" -> 1, "stimulant" -> 1, "stemming" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "states—Poland" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "started" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "stalemated" -> 1, "stalemate" -> 1, "staffs" -> 1, "staffed" -> 1, "St." -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sponsor" -> 1, "spoken" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "speediest" -> 1, "Spanish" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "soundly-conceived" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "solutions" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "soil-and" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "slums" -> 1, "skyrocketing" -> 1, "sky" -> 1, "situation" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "Simplification" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "signed" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "Ship" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "shelved" -> 1, "Sex" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "Session" -> 1, "service—with" -> 1, "service-disabled" -> 1, "serves" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sentinels" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "semi-arid" -> 1, "self-sustaining" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-interest" -> 1, "selective" -> 1, "seizure" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seemed" -> 1, "security—broadened" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "SEC" -> 1, "sea—and" -> 1, "Seaway" -> 1, "SEATO" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scrutiny" -> 1, "scientists" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "sciences" -> 1, "science" -> 1, "scheduled" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satisfying" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "satellite" -> 1, "saline-water" -> 1, "saline" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safest" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "S." -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "Rural-Development" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "runaway" -> 1, "Rumania" -> 1, "ruling" -> 1, "ruled" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "Rica" -> 1, "rewarding" -> 1, "revitalized" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "Revise" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "Reversed" -> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "Returned" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retaliatory" -> 1, "retains" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restraints" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "Restoration" -> 1, "restaurants" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "respectfully" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resourcefulness" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resides" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "reseeding" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "repudiation" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "Report" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "renounce" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "reluctance" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relaxing" -> 1, "relaxed" -> 1, "relax" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "reinsurance" -> 1, "re-inspired" -> 1, "reinforced" -> 1, "reinforce" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regulated" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "regimentation" -> 1, "regime" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refund" -> 1, "refugee" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "reflecting" -> 1, "re-employment" -> 1, "re-election" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "re-distribute" -> 1, "re-dedicate" -> 1, "Red" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recreational" -> 1, "Recreation" -> 1, "Recovery—Agriculture" -> 1, "Record" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "receded" -> 1, "reappraisement" -> 1, "realistically" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "reactor" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "REA" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "range" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "radioactive" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "qualification" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "providence" -> 1, "Provide" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protect" -> 1, "prospered" -> 1, "prospects" -> 1, "prospect" -> 1, "propulsion" -> 1, "propose" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "propagation" -> 1, "propaganda" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "Programs" -> 1, "programming" -> 1, "professed" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "procurement—valuable" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "Procedural" -> 1, "probably" -> 1, "prized" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "privately-owned" -> 1, "prisoner" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "prevention" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "presented" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prejudiced" -> 1, "preeminent" -> 1, "predecessors" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "pray" -> 1, "Powered" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "posture" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "populations" -> 1, "pooling" -> 1, "pollution" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "polio" -> 1, "Policies" -> 1, "playgrounds" -> 1, "played" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "Plains" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "Pinchot" -> 1, "physicians" -> 1, "philosophy" -> 1, "Pescadores" -> 1, "personnel" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "permanency" -> 1, "perishable" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perfection" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "per-family" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "patterns" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "Passamaquoddy" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "parliamentary" -> 1, "Park" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "panaceas" -> 1, "Palestine-Arab" -> 1, "Pakistan—which" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "overlook" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "operative" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "one-year" -> 1, "one-third" -> 1, "once-monolithic" -> 1, "once-independent" -> 1, "once-free" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "old-fashioned" -> 1, "off-set" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "offensives" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "occurred" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "Obtained" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "nutritional" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "nullified" -> 1, "notably" -> 1, "notable" -> 1, "nostrums" -> 1, "northern" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-service" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neighbor" -> 1, "Negroes" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "needy" -> 1, "needs—expansion" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "nearing" -> 1, "Near" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "nation—Dwight" -> 1, "nation-wide" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "Mutual" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "moving" -> 1, "mounted" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "more—all" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "moisture-conservation" -> 1, "modifications" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "modernization" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "missiles" -> 1, "miscalculation" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "Minerals" -> 1, "Miner" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "milk" -> 1, "migratory" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "mid" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "mergers" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "merciful" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "mentioned" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "mediate" -> 1, "meddlings" -> 1, "mechanism" -> 1, "mechanical" -> 1, "measurement" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "mastery" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "many-sided" -> 1, "Many" -> 1, "manpower" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "maneuvers" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lunch" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "low-rent" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "long-standing" -> 1, "longshoremen" -> 1, "Long-range" -> 1, "lofty" -> 1, "locked" -> 1, "locally" -> 1, "local-federal" -> 1, "lobbying" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "liberalism" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "letters" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lesson" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "leads" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leader—Dwight" -> 1, "laws—important" -> 1, "Lawrence" -> 1, "launching" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "large-scale" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "Laos" -> 1, "languished" -> 1, "lanes" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "Kestnbaum" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "justifiable" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "jet-powered" -> 1, "jealously" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "Italy" -> 1, "Italian" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "isolated" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "irreproachable" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "Iraq" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "Investigation" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "inventing" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "internally" -> 1, "Intergovernmental" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "intentions" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intensify" -> 1, "intense" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "Integrity" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "insurance—we" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "inspired" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "insofar" -> 1, "inside" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "Initiation" -> 1, "initiating" -> 1, "Initiated" -> 1, "inherited" -> 1, "ingenuity" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "Indochina" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "indefinitely" -> 1, "inconceivable" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "incentives" -> 1, "inauguration" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "inadequately" -> 1, "Improving" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "impressed" -> 1, "imposition" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implications" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "implement" -> 1, "imperialism" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impact" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immense" -> 1, "imaginative" -> 1, "imagination" -> 1, "image" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illegal" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "ideas" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "ideal" -> 1, "Hungary" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "housing—and" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "homemakers" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "homage" -> 1, "historical" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "highs" -> 1, "hesitancy" -> 1, "hemispheric" -> 1, "helper" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "haven" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "hardly" -> 1, "hardihood" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handicaps" -> 1, "handicapped" -> 1, "halt" -> 1, "half-million" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guides" -> 1, "guided" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "Guarding" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "guardian" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "grip" -> 1, "grievances" -> 1, "greets" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "gratified" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "Gradual" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "goes" -> 1, "goal" -> 1, "glowing" -> 1, "Gifford" -> 1, "ghastly" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "Geneva" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "generating" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "gateways" -> 1, "gasoline" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "Future" -> 1, "Furthermore" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "full-time" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfilling" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fruit" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "fringe" -> 1, "frighten" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "French" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "fraught" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "Founding" -> 1, "fortify" -> 1, "formulas" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forget" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "foreword" -> 1, "Forests" -> 1, "foreseeable" -> 1, "foredoomed" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "focused" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "flourished" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "flood-control" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "five-year" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "Fisheries" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fish" -> 1, "Fiscal" -> 1, "first-priority" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "firepower" -> 1, "financially" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "Federal-State" -> 1, "Federally-assisted" -> 1, "Federally" -> 1, "federally" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "Fathers" -> 1, "fatalities" -> 1, "fastest" -> 1, "Far-reaching" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "farmer's" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "farmer-operated" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilitating" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extensions" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "Extend" -> 1, "expulsion" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "expire" -> 1, "expellees" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "executive—has" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "exchange-of-persons" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "exceptional" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "evolving" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "eventuality" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "evacuated" -> 1, "ethical" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "espouse" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "escape" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "envision" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "entitles" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enthusiastic" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enslavement" -> 1, "enslaved" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enhancement" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "Enacted" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emphasizing" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "emotion-charged" -> 1, "emotional" -> 1, "Embracing" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electronic" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "elaboration" -> 1, "eight-hour" -> 1, "eighth" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "Economy—Free" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "Economic" -> 1, "eaten" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "eagerly" -> 1, "E" -> 1, "Dynamic" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "durable" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "Drug" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "dreaded" -> 1, "dread" -> 1, "drainage" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "donation" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dollar-wise" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "doctrinal" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "disruption" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dispersed" -> 1, "dispense" -> 1, "discrediting" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "directing" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "differentials" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "development—originally" -> 1, "development—a" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "deterrents" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "Determination" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "destructiveness" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "destined" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "design" -> 1, "deserve—the" -> 1, "desegregation" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "depressing" -> 1, "depreciating" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "dependable" -> 1, "Departments" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "demoralizing" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "defies" -> 1, "deficits" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defense-essential" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "Dedication" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "dawn" -> 1, "dangerously" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "cuts" -> 1, "customs" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "curbed" -> 1, "cultural" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "Creator" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "coveting" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "Courage" -> 1, "country—they" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countries—Turkey" -> 1, "countermeasures" -> 1, "counseled" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "Costa" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "coordinating" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "Cooperation" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "Convinced" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "controls" -> 1, "contrived" -> 1, "contrast" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contracted" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "Continued" -> 1, "Continuance" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "Continual" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constituting" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "Consistent" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "conserved" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "conquests" -> 1, "conquering" -> 1, "connotations" -> 1, "connecting" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "conform" -> 1, "confers" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concur" -> 1, "conclusion" -> 1, "concluding" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "compulsion" -> 1, "comprising" -> 1, "complexity" -> 1, "complex" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "Community-State-Federal" -> 1, "communism" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "Commonwealth" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "commits" -> 1, "commit" -> 1, "commercial-fisheries" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "colonialism" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "collective-security" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collective-defense" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "co-equals" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "climbing" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clause" -> 1, "classrooms" -> 1, "classroom" -> 1, "Clarify" -> 1, "clarify" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilians" -> 1, "City" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "chart" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "certainty" -> 1, "Century" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "Centennial" -> 1, "ceases" -> 1, "catastrophe" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "careers" -> 1, "captured" -> 1, "captive" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capacities" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "canal" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "Cambodia" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "caliber" -> 1, "C" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "business—small" -> 1, "burgeoning" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "Bureau" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "Bulwark" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "Bulgaria" -> 1, "built-in" -> 1, "budgetary" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "broadest" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "British" -> 1, "brings" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "brightest" -> 1, "Brighter" -> 1, "breadth" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "boundless" -> 1, "boundaries—an" -> 1, "bottom" -> 1, "bolstering" -> 1, "bolstered" -> 1, "bold" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "bitter" -> 1, "birthright" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "Benefits" -> 1, "benefiting" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "beliefs" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "Beginning" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "beds" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "bearing" -> 1, "beach" -> 1, "Bay" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "Bases" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "Based" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "Barriers" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "Baltic" -> 1, "ballistic" -> 1, "balancing" -> 1, "badly-needed" -> 1, "backed" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "avenue" -> 1, "attuned" -> 1, "attracting" -> 1, "attract" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attainable" -> 1, "attacks" -> 1, "attacked" -> 1, "atom—a" -> 1, "Atoms" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "atheistic" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "Assure" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assignment" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "aspects" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "around" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "approximately" -> 1, "Approved" -> 1, "Approval" -> 1, "approach" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "applies" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "appears" -> 1, "antitrust" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "ancestry" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "amplified" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "air—on" -> 1, "aids—a" -> 1, "ahead" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "aggressors" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "Agency" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "affirms" -> 1, "affirmation" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "aerial" -> 1, "advisability" -> 1, "Advancement" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administrations—have" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjudication" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "Additional" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "Added" -> 1, "Adaptation" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accumulation" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accompanying" -> 1, "accompany" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "accentuated" -> 1, "Accelerated" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "90,000" -> 1, "90" -> 1, "83" -> 1, "80" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7.4-billion" -> 1, "700" -> 1, "48" -> 1, "42" -> 1, "400,000" -> 1, "40" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "250" -> 1, "20-year" -> 1, "20" -> 1, "1957" -> 1, "1946" -> 1, "180" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "15-year" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "1200" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10-year" -> 1, "100" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1952", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1952, "Date" -> DateObject[{1952, 7, 7}], "Text" -> "Preamble\n\nWe maintain that man was not born to be ruled, but that he consented to be governed; and that the reasons that moved him thereto are few and simple. He has voluntarily submitted to government because, only by the establishment of just laws, and the power to enforce those laws, can an orderly life be maintained, full and equal opportunity for all be established, and the blessings of liberty be perpetuated.\nWe hold that government, and those entrusted with government, should set a high example of honesty, of justice, and unselfish devotion to the public good; that they should labor to maintain tranquillity at home and peace and friendship with all the nations of the earth.\nWe assert that during the last twenty years, leaders of the Government of the United States under successive Democrat Administrations, and especially under this present Administration, have failed to perform these several basic duties; but, on the contrary, that they have evaded them, flouted them, and by a long succession of vicious acts, so undermined the foundations of our Republic as to threaten its existence.\nWe charge that they have arrogantly deprived our citizens of precious liberties by seizing powers never granted.\nWe charge that they work unceasingly to achieve their goal of national socialism.\nWe charge that they have disrupted internal tranquillity by fostering class strife for venal political purposes.\nWe charge that they have choked opportunity and hampered progress by unnecessary and crushing taxation.\nThey claim prosperity but the appearance of economic health is created by war expenditures, waste and extravagance, planned emergencies, and war crises. They have debauched our money by cutting in half the purchasing power of our dollar.\nWe charge that they have weakened local self-government which is the cornerstone of the freedom of men.\nWe charge that they have shielded traitors to the Nation in high places, and that they have created enemies abroad where we should have friends.\nWe charge that they have violated our liberties by turning loose upon the country a swarm of arrogant bureaucrats and their agents who meddle intolerably in the lives and occupations of our citizens.\nWe charge that there has been corruption in high places, and that examples of dishonesty and dishonor have shamed the moral standards of the American people.\nWe charge that they have plunged us into war in Korea without the consent of our citizens through their authorized representatives in the Congress, and have carried on that war without will to victory.\nForeign Policy\n\nThe present Administration, in seven years, has squandered the unprecedented power and prestige which were ours at the close of World War II.\nIn that time, more than 500 million non-Russian people of fifteen different countries have been absorbed into the power sphere of Communist Russia, which proceeds confidently with its plan for world conquest.\nWe charge that the leaders of the Administration in power lost the peace so dearly earned by World War II.\nThe moral incentives and hopes for a better world which sustained us through World War II were betrayed, and this has given Communist Russia a military and propaganda initiative which, if unstayed, will destroy us.\nThey abandoned friendly nations such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Czechoslovakia to fend for themselves against the Communist aggression which soon swallowed them.\nThey required the National Government of China to surrender Manchuria with its strategic ports and railroads to the control of Communist Russia. They urged that Communists be taken into the Chinese Government and its military forces. And finally they denied the military aid that had been authorized by Congress and which was crucially needed if China were to be saved. Thus they substituted on our Pacific flank a murderous enemy for an ally and friend.\nIn all these respects they flouted our peace-assuring pledges such as the Atlantic Charter, and did so in favor of despots, who, it was well-known, consider that murder, terror, slavery, concentration camps and the ruthless and brutal denial of human rights are legitimate means to their desired ends.\nTehran, Yalta and Potsdam were the scenes of those tragic blunders with others to follow. The leaders of the Administration in power acted without the knowledge or consent of Congress or of the American people. They traded our overwhelming victory for a new enemy and for new oppressions and new wars which were quick to come.\nIn South Korea, they withdrew our occupation troops in the face of the aggressive, poised for action, Communist military strength on its northern border. They publicly announced that Korea was of no concern to us. Then when the Communist forces acted to take what seemed to have been invited, they committed this nation to fight back under the most unfavorable conditions. Already the tragic cost is over 110,000 American casualties.\nWith foresight, the Korean War would never have happened.\nIn going back into Korea, they evoked the patriotic and sacrificial support of the American people. But by their hampering orders they produced stalemates and ignominious bartering with our enemies, and they offer no hope of victory.\nThey have effectively ignored many vital areas in the face of a global threat requiring balanced handling.\nThe people of the other American Republics are resentful of our neglect of their legitimate aspirations and cooperative friendship.\nThe Middle East and much of Africa seethe with anti-American sentiment.\nThe peoples of the Far East who are not under Communist control find it difficult to sustain their morale as they contrast Russia's \"Asia First\" policy with the \"Asia Last\" policy of those in control of the Administration now in power.\nHere at home they have exhibited corruption, incompetence, and disloyalty in public office to such an extent that the very concept of free representative government has been tarnished and has lost its idealistic appeal to those elsewhere who are confronted with the propaganda of Communism.\nThey profess to be following a defensive policy of \"containment\" of Russian Communism which has not contained it.\nThose in control of the Party in power have, in reality, no foreign policy. They swing erratically from timid appeasement to reckless bluster.\nThe good in our foreign policies has been accomplished with Republican cooperation, such as the organization of the United Nations, the establishment of the trusteeship principle for dependent peoples, the making of peace with Japan and Germany, and the building of more solid security in Europe. But in the main the Republican Party has been ignored and its participation has not been invited.\nThe American people must now decide whether to continue in office the party which has presided over this disastrous reversal of our fortunes and the loss of our hopes for a peaceful world.\nThe Republican Party offers, in contrast to the performances of those now running our foreign affairs, policies and actions based on enlightened self-interest and animated by courage, self-respect, steadfastness, vision, purpose, competence and spiritual faith.\nThe supreme goal of our foreign policy will be an honorable and just peace. We dedicate ourselves to wage peace and to win it.\nWe shall eliminate from the State Department and from every Federal office, all, wherever they may be found, who share responsibility for the needless predicaments and perils in which we find ourselves. We shall also sever from the public payroll the hordes of loafers, incompetents and unnecessary employees who clutter the administration of our foreign affairs. The confusions, overlappings, and extravagance of our agencies abroad hold us up to the ridicule of peoples whose friendship we seek.\nWe shall substitute a compact and efficient organization where men of proven loyalty and ability shall have responsibility for reaching our objectives. They will reflect a dynamic initiative. Thus we can win the support and confidence which go only to those who demonstrate a capacity to define and get results.\nWe shall have positive peace-building objectives wherever this will serve the enlightened self-interest of our Nation and help to frustrate the enemy's designs against us.\nIn Western Europe we shall use our friendly influence, without meddling or imperialistic attitudes, for ending the political and economic divisions which alone prevent that vital area from being strong on its own right.\nWe shall encourage and aid the development of collective security forces there, as elsewhere, so as to end the Soviet power to intimidate directly or by satellites, and so that the free governments will be sturdy to resist Communist inroads.\nIn the balanced consideration of our problems, we shall end neglect of the Far East which Stalin has long identified as the road to victory over the West. We shall make it clear that we have no intention to sacrifice the East to gain time for the West.\nThe Republican Party has consistently advocated a national home for the Jewish people since a Republican Congress declared its support of that objective thirty years ago.\nIn providing a sanctuary for Jewish people rendered homeless by persecution, the State of Israel appeals to our deepest humanitarian instincts. We shall continue our friendly interest in this constructive and inspiring undertaking.\nWe shall put our influence at the service of peace between Israel and the Arab States, and we shall cooperate to bring economic and social stability to that area.\nOur ties with the sister Republics of the Americas will be strengthened.\nThe Government of the United States, under Republican leadership, will repudiate all commitments contained in secret understandings such as those of Yalta which aid Communist enslavements. It will be made clear, on the highest authority of the President and the Congress, that United States policy, as one of its peaceful purposes, looks happily forward to the genuine independence of those captive peoples.\nWe shall again make liberty into a beacon light of hope that will penetrate the dark places. That program will give the Voice of America a real function. It will mark the end of the negative, futile and immoral policy of \"containment\" which abandons countless human beings to a despotism and godless terrorism, which in turn enables the rulers to forge the captives into a weapon for our destruction.\nWe shall support the United Nations and loyally help it to become what it was designed to be, a place where differences would be harmonized by honest discussion and a means for collective security under agreed concepts of justice. We shall seek real meaning and value for our regional security treaties, which implies that all parties shall contribute their loyal support and fair shares.\nWe shall see to it that no treaty or agreement with other countries deprives our citizens of the rights guaranteed them by the Federal Constitution.\nWe shall always measure our foreign commitments so that they can be borne without endangering the economic health or sound finances of the United States. Stalin said that \"the moment for the decisive blow\" would be when the free nations were isolated and were in a state of \"practical bankruptcy.\" We shall not allow ourselves to be isolated and economically strangled, and we shall not let ourselves go bankrupt.\nSums available by this test, if competently used, will be more effective than vastly larger sums incompetently spent for vague and endless purposes. We shall not try to buy good will. We shall earn it by sound, constructive, self-respecting policies and actions.\nWe favor international exchange of students and of agricultural and industrial techniques, and programs for improvement of public health.\nWe favor the expansion of mutually-advantageous world trade. To further this objective we shall press for the elimination of discriminatory practices against our exports, such as preferential tariffs, monetary license restrictions, and other arbitrary devices. Our reciprocal trade agreements will be entered into and maintained on a basis of true reciprocity, and to safeguard our domestic enterprises and the payrolls of our workers against unfair import competition.\nThe policies we espouse will revive the contagious, liberating influences which are inherent in freedom. They will inevitably set up strains and stresses within the captive world which will make the rulers impotent to continue in their monstrous ways and mark the beginning of their end.\nOur nation will become again the dynamic, moral and spiritual force which was the despair of despots and the hope of the oppressed. As we resume this historic role, we ourselves will come to enjoy again the reality of peace, security and solvency, not the shabby and fleeting counterfeit which is the gift of the Administration in power.\nNational Defense\n\nOn the prudent assumption that Communist Russia may not accommodate our own disgracefully-lagging program for preparedness, we should develop with utmost speed a force-in-being, as distinguished from paper plans, of such power as to deter sudden attack or promptly and decisively defeat it. This defense against sudden attack requires the quickest possible development of appropriate and completely-adequate air power and the simultaneous readiness of coordinated air, land, and sea forces, with all necessary installations, bases, supplies and munitions, including atomic energy weapons in abundance.\nGenerally, we shall see to it that our military services are adequately supported in all ways required, including manpower, to perform their appropriate tasks in relation to the defense of this country and to meet our treaty obligations.\nWe shall coordinate our military policy with our foreign policy, always seeking universal limitation and control of armaments on a dependable basis.\nWe shall review our entire preparedness program and we shall strip it clean of waste, lack of coordination, inertia, and conflict between the services. We shall see that our fighting men in Korea, or wherever they may be, shall not lack the best of weapons or other supplies or services needed for their welfare.\nCommunism\n\nBy the Administration's appeasement of Communism at home and abroad it has permitted Communists and their fellow travelers to serve in many key agencies and to infiltrate our American life. When such infiltrations became notorious through the revelations of Republicans in Congress, the Executive Department stubbornly refused to deal with it openly and vigorously. It raised the false cry of \"red herring\" and took other measures to block and discredit investigations. It denied files and information to Congress. It set up boards of its own to keep information secret and to deal lightly with security risks and persons of doubtful loyalty. It only undertook prosecution of the most notorious Communists after public opinion forced action.\nThe result of these policies is the needless sacrifice of American lives, a crushing cost in dollars for defense, possession by Russia of the atomic bomb, the lowering of the Iron Curtain, and the present threats to world peace. Our people have been mired in fear and distrust and employees of integrity in the Government service have been cruelly maligned by the Administration's tolerance of people of doubtful loyalty.\nThere are no Communists in the Republican Party. We have always recognized Communism to be a world conspiracy against freedom and religion. We never compromised with Communism and we have fought to expose it and to eliminate it in government and American life.\nA Republican President will appoint only persons of unquestioned loyalty. We will overhaul loyalty and security programs. In achieving these purposes a Republican President will cooperate with Congress. We pledge close coordination of our intelligence services for protecting our security. We pledge fair but vigorous enforcement of laws to safeguard our country from subversion and disloyalty. By such policies we will keep the country secure and restore the confidence of the American people in the integrity of our Government.\nSmall Business in a Free Economy\n\nFor twenty years the Administration has praised free enterprise while actually wrecking it. Here a little, there a little, year by year, it has sought to curb, regulate, harass, restrain and punish. There is scarcely a phase of our economic and social life today in which Government does not attempt to interfere.\nSuch hostility deadens initiative, discourages invention and experiment, and weakens the self-reliance indispensable to the Nation's vitality. Merciless taxation, the senseless use of controls and ceaseless effort to enter business on its own account, have led the present Government to unrestrained waste and extravagance in spending, irresponsibility in decision and corruption in administration.\nThe anti-monopoly laws have been employed, not to preserve and foster competition, but to further the political ambitions of the men in power. Wage and price controls have been utilized, not to maintain economic stability, but to reward the friends and punish the enemies of leaders of the Party in power.\nNeither small nor large business can flourish in such an atmosphere. The Republican Party will end this hostility to initiative and enterprise.\nWe will aid small business in every practicable way. We shall remove tax abuses and injurious price and wage controls. Efforts to plan and regulate every phase of small business activity will cease. We will maintain special committees in Congress whose chief function will be to study and review continuously the problems of small business and recommend legislation for their relief. We shall always be mindful of the importance of keeping open the channels of opportunity for young men and women.\nWe will follow principles of equal enforcement of the anti-monopoly and unfair-competition statutes and will simplify their administration to assist the businessman who, in good faith, seeks to remain in compliance. At the same time, we shall relentlessly protect our free enterprise system against monopolistic and unfair trade practices.\nWe will oppose Federal rent control except in those areas where the expansion of defense production has been accompanied by critical housing shortages. With local cooperation we shall aid slum clearance.\nOur goal is a balanced budget, a reduced national debt, an economical administration and a cut in taxes. We believe in combating inflation by encouraging full production of goods and food, and not through a program of restrictions.\nTaxation and Monetary Policy\n\nOnly with a sound economy can we properly carry out both the domestic and foreign policies which we advocate. The wanton extravagance and inflationary policies of the Administration in power have cut the value of the dollar in half and imposed the most confiscatory taxes in our history. These policies have made the effective control of Government expenditures impossible. If this Administration is left in power, it will further cheapen the dollar, rob the wage earner, impoverish the farmer and reduce the true value of the savings, pensions, insurance and investments of millions of our people. Further inflation must be and can be prevented. Sound tax and monetary policies are essential to this end. We advocate the following tax policies:\n1. Reduction of expenditures by the elimination of waste and extravagance so that the budget will be balanced and a general tax reduction can be made.\n2. An immediate study directed toward reallocation of fields of taxation between the Federal, State, and municipal governments so as to allow greater fiscal freedom to the States and municipalities, thus minimizing double taxation and enabling the various divisions of government to meet their obligations more efficiently.\n3. A thorough revision and codification of the present hodge-podge of internal revenue laws.\n4. Administration of the tax laws free from politics, favoritism and corruption.\nWe advocate the following monetary policies:\n1. A Federal Reserve System exercising its functions in the money and credit system without pressure for political purposes from the Treasury or the White House.\n2. To restore a domestic economy, and to use our influence for a world economy, of such stability as will permit the realization of our aim of a dollar on a fully-convertible gold basis.\nAgriculture\n\nThe good earth is the food storehouse for future generations. The tending of the soil is a sacred responsibility. Development of a sound farm program is a high national duty. Any program that will benefit farmers must serve the national welfare. A prosperous agriculture with free and independent farmers is fundamental to the national interest.\nWe charge the present Administration with seeking to destroy the farmers' freedom. We denounce the Administration's use of tax money and a multitude of Federal agencies to put agriculture under partisan political dictation and to make the farmer dependent upon government. We condemn the Brannan plan which aims to control the farmer and to socialize agriculture. We brand as unscrupulous the Administration's manipulation of grain markets during the 1948 election campaign to drive down farm prices, and its deliberate misrepresentation of laws passed by the Republican 80th Congress, which authorized a long-range farm price support program and provided for adequate grain storage.\nWe condemn as a fraud on both the farmer and the consumer the Brannan plan scheme to pay direct subsidies from the Federal Treasury in lieu of prices to producers.\nWe favor a farm program aimed at full parity prices for all farm products in the market place. Our program includes commodity loans on non-perishable products, \"on-the-farm\" storage, sufficient farm credit, and voluntary self-supporting crop insurance. Where government action on perishable commodities is desirable, we recommend locally-controlled marketing agreements and other voluntary methods.\nOur program should include commodity loans on all non-perishable products supported at the level necessary to maintain a balanced production. We do not believe in restrictions on the American farmers' ability to produce.\nWe favor a bi-partisan Federal Agricultural Commission with power to review the policies and administration of our farm programs and to make recommendations.\nWe support a constructive and expanded soil conservation program administered through locally-controlled local districts, and which shall emphasize that payments shall be made for practices and improvements of a permanent nature.\nFlood control programs should include the application of sound land use, reforestation and water-management practices on each watershed. These, so far as feasible, should be decentralized and locally-controlled to insure economy and effective soil conservation.\nWe recommend expanded agricultural research and education to promote new crops and uses, new markets, both foreign and domestic, more trustworthy crop and market estimates, a realistic trade program for agriculture aimed at restoring foreign markets and developing new outlets at home. Promotion of world trade must be on a basis of fair competition.\nWe support the principle of bona fide farmer-owned, farmer-operated co-operatives and urge the further development of rural electrification and communication, with federally-assisted production of power and facilities for distribution when these are not adequately available through private enterprise at fair rates.\nWe insist that an adequate supply of manpower on the farm is necessary to our national welfare and security and shall do those things required to assure this result.\nThe Republican Party will create conditions providing for farm prosperity and stability, safe-guarding the farmers' independence and opening opportunities for young people in rural communities. We will do those things necessary to simplify and make efficient the operation of the Department of Agriculture, prevent that Department from assuming powers neither intended nor delegated by Congress, and to place the administration of farm programs as closely as possible to State and local levels.\nLabor\n\nThe Republican Party believes that regular and adequate income for the employee together with uninterrupted production of goods and services, through the medium of private enterprise, are essential to a sound national economy. This can only be obtained in an era of industrial peace.\nWith the above in mind, we favor the retention of the Taft-Hartley Act, which guarantees:\nTo the Working Man:\n\nThe right to quit his job at any time.\nThe right to take part in legal union activities.\nThe right to remain in his union so long as he pays his dues.\nThe right to protection against unfair practices by either employer or union officials.\nThe right to political activity of his own choice and freedom to contribute thereto.\nThe right to a job without first joining a union.\nThe right to a secret ballot in any election concerned with his livelihood.\nThe right to protection from personal financial responsibility in damage cases against his union.\nTo the Labor Unions:\n\nThe right to establish \"union shop\" contracts by agreement with management.\nThe right to strike.\nThe right to free collective bargaining.\nThe right to protection from rival unions during the life of union contracts.\nThe right to assurance from employers that they will bargain only with certified unions as a protection against unfair labor practices.\nWe urge the adoption of such amendments to the Taft-Hartley Act as time and experience show to be desirable, and which further protect the rights of labor, management and the public.\nWe condemn the President's seizure of plants and industries to force the settlement of labor disputes by claims of inherent Constitutional powers.\nNatural Resources\n\nWe vigorously advocate a full and orderly program for the development and conservation of our natural resources.\nWe deplore the policies of the present Administration which allow special premiums to foreign producers of minerals available in the United States. We favor reasonable depletion allowances, defense procurement policies, synthetic fuels research, and public land policies, including good-faith administration of our mining laws, which will encourage exploration and development of our mineral resources consistent with our growing industrial and defense needs.\nWe favor stockpiling of strategic and critical raw materials and special premium incentives for their domestic exploration and development.\nWe favor restoration to the States of their rights to all lands and resources beneath navigable inland and offshore waters within their historic boundaries.\nWe favor protection of our fisheries by domestic regulation and treaties, including safeguards against unfair foreign competition.\nPublic Works and Water Policy\n\nThe Federal Government and State and local governments should continuously plan programs of economically justifiable public works.\nWe favor continuous and comprehensive investigations of our water resources and orderly execution of programs approved by the Congress. Authorized water projects should go forward progressively with immediate priority for those with defense significance, those in critical flood and water-shortage areas, and those substantially completed.\nWe favor greater local participation in the operation and control, and eventual local ownership, of federally-sponsored, reimbursable water projects.\nWe vigorously oppose the efforts of this national Administration, in California and elsewhere, to undermine state control over water use, to acquire paramount water rights without just compensation, and to establish all-powerful federal socialistic valley authorities.\nPublic Lands\n\nWe favor restoration of the traditional Republican public land policy, which provided opportunity for ownership by citizens to promote the highest land use. We favor an impartial study of tax-free Federal lands and their uses to determine their effects on the economic and fiscal structures of our States and local communities.\nIn the management of public lands and forests we pledge the elimination of arbitrary bureaucratic practices. To this end we favor legislation to define the rights and privileges of grazers and other cooperators and users, to provide the protection of independent judicial review against administrative invasions of those rights and privileges, and to protect the public against corrupt or monopolistic exploitation and bureaucratic favoritism.\nVeterans\n\nWe believe that active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States of America during a state of war or National emergency constitutes a special service to our Nation, and entitles those who have so served to aid and compensation in return for this service.\nConsequently we propose:\nThat the aid and compensation given to veterans of previous wars be extended to veterans of the Korean conflict;\nThat compensation be fairly and adequately adjusted to meet changes in the cost of living;\nThat aid be given to veterans, particularly disabled veterans, to obtain suitable employment, by providing training and education, and through strict compliance with veterans' preference laws in Federal service;\nThat the Veterans' Administration be maintained as a single, independent agency in full charge of all veterans' affairs, and that the Veterans' Administration manage veterans' affairs in an efficient, prompt and uniform manner;\nThat the Veterans' Administration should be equipped to provide and maintain medical and hospital care of the highest possible standard for all eligible veterans.\nSocial Security\n\nInflation has already cut in half the purchasing power of the retirement and other benefits under the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance system. Sixty million persons are covered under the system and four and one-half million are now receiving benefits.\nThe best assurance of preserving the benefits for which the worker has paid is to stop the inflation which causes the tragic loss of purchasing power, and that we propose to do.\nWe favor amendment of the Old Age and Survivors Insurance system to provide coverage for those justly entitled to it but who are now excluded.\nWe shall work to achieve a simple, more effective and more economical method of administration.\nWe shall make a thorough study of universal pay-as-we-go pension plans.\nHealth\n\nWe recognize that the health of our people as well as their proper medical care cannot be maintained if subject to Federal bureaucratic dictation. There should be a division of responsibility between government, the physician, the voluntary hospital, and voluntary health insurance. We are opposed to Federal compulsory health insurance with its crushing cost, wasteful inefficiency, bureaucratic dead weight, and debased standards of medical care. We shall support those health activities by government which stimulate the development of adequate hospital services without Federal interference in local administration. We favor support of scientific research. We pledge our continuous encouragement of improved methods of assuring health protection.\nEducation\n\nThe tradition of popular education, tax-supported and free to all, is strong with our people. The responsibility for sustaining this system of popular education has always rested upon the local communities and the States. We subscribe fully to this principle.\nCivil Rights\n\nWe condemn bigots who inject class, racial and religious prejudice into public and political matters. Bigotry is un-American and a danger to the Republic.\nWe deplore the duplicity and insincerity of the Party in power in racial and religious matters. Although they have been in office as a Majority Party for many years, they have not kept nor do they intend to keep their promises.\nThe Republican Party will not mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse minority groups for political purposes. All American citizens are entitled to full, impartial enforcement of Federal laws relating to their civil rights.\nWe believe that it is the primary responsibility of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions, and this power, reserved to the states, is essential to the maintenance of our Federal Republic. However, we believe that the Federal Government should take supplemental action within its constitutional jurisdiction to oppose discrimination against race, religion or national origin.\nWe will prove our good faith by:\nAppointing qualified persons, without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the Government.\nFederal action toward the elimination of lynching.\nFederal action toward the elimination of poll taxes as a prerequisite to voting.\nAppropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia.\nEnacting Federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureaucracy.\nCensorship\n\nWe pledge not to infringe by censorship or gag-order the right of a free people to know what their Government is doing.\nEqual Rights\n\nWe recommend to Congress the submission of a Constitutional Amendment providing equal rights for men and women.\nWe favor legislation assuring equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.\nStatehood\n\nWe favor immediate statehood for Hawaii.\nWe favor statehood for Alaska under an equitable enabling act.\nWe favor eventual statehood for Puerto Rico.\nDistrict of Columbia\n\nWe favor self-government and national suffrage for the residents of the Nation's Capital.\nIndian Affairs\n\nAll Indians are citizens of the United States and no longer should be denied full enjoyment of their rights of citizenship.\nWe shall eliminate the existing shameful waste by the Bureau of Indian Affairs which has obstructed the accomplishment of our national responsibility for improving the condition of our Indian friends. We pledge to undertake programs to provide the Indians with equal opportunities for education, health protection and economic development.\nThe next Republican Administration will welcome the advice and counsel of Indian leaders in selecting the Indian Commissioner.\nCivil Service\n\nWe condemn the flagrant violations of the Civil Service merit system by the Party in power.\nWe favor a personnel program for the Federal career service comparable to the best practices of progressive private employers. Federal employees shall be selected under a strengthened and extended merit system. Civil servants of ability and integrity shall receive proper recognition, with merit the sole test for promotion.\nDelivery of Mail\n\nWe pledge a more efficient and frequent mail delivery service.\nGovernment Reorganization\n\nWe pledge a thorough reorganization of the Federal Government in accordance with the principles set forth in the report of the Hoover Commission which was established by the Republican 80th Congress.\nWe denounce the duplicity in submitting to Congress for approval, reorganization plans which were represented as being in accordance with the principles of the Hoover Commission recommendations, but which in fact were actually intended to further partisan political purposes of the Administration in power.\nCorruption\n\nThe present Administration's sordid record of corruption has shocked and sickened the American people. Its leaders have forfeited any right to public faith by the way they transact the Federal Government's business.\nFraud, bribery, graft, favoritism and influence-peddling have come to light. Immorality and unethical behavior have been found to exist among some who were entrusted with high policy-making positions, and there have been disclosures of close alliances between the present Government and underworld characters.\nRepublicans exposed eases of questionable and criminal conduct and relentlessly pressed for full investigations into the cancer-like spread of corruption in the Administration. These investigations uncovered a double standard in Federal tax law enforcement—lenient treatment to political favorites including even some gangsters and crooks, but harassment and threats of prosecution for many honest taxpayers over minor discrepancies.\nBesides tax fixes and scandals in the Internal Revenue Bureau, investigations have disclosed links between high officials and crime, favoritism and influence in the RFC, profiteering in grain, sale of postmasterships, tanker-ship deals in the Maritime Commission, ballot-box stuffing and thievery, and bribes and pay-offs in contract awards by officials in agencies exercising extraordinary powers and disbursing billions of dollars.\nUnder public pressure, the Administration took reluctant steps to clean house. But it was so eager to cover up and block more revelations that its clean-up drive launched with much fanfare ended in a farce.\nThe Republican Party pledges to put an end to corruption, to oust the crooks and grafters, to administer tax laws fairly and impartially, and to restore honest government to the people.\nRepublican 80th Congress\n\nThe Republican Party does not rest its case upon promises alone. We have a record of performance which was grossly defamed by the Party in power. The Republican 80th Congress launched the program to stop Communism; unified the armed services; authorized a 70-group Air Force which the President blocked; enacted a national service law; balanced the budget; accumulated an eight-billion-dollar surplus; reduced taxes, with 70 per cent of the tax savings to those with incomes under $5,000; freed 7,400,000 wage earners in the lower brackets from having to pay any further income tax at all, allowed married couples to divide their incomes for tax purposes, and granted an additional $600 exemption to those over 65 years of age and to the blind; enacted the Taft-Hartley law for equitable labor-management relations; passed the first long-range agriculture program; increased social security benefits; and carried out every single pledge they made to the voters in the 1946 election.\nConclusion\n\nUpon this statement of truths and this pledge of performance, the Republican Party stands confident that it expresses the hopes of the citizens of America and certain that it points out with integrity a road upon which free men may march into a new day—a new and better day—in which shall be fulfilled the decent aspirations of our people for peace, for solvency and for the fulfillment of our best welfare, under the guidance of Divine Providence.", "Words" -> 5985, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 342, "and" -> 296, "of" -> 273, "to" -> 198, "in" -> 111, "We" -> 104, "a" -> 84, "our" -> 71, "for" -> 70, "that" -> 57, "The" -> 45, "with" -> 44, "will" -> 43, "which" -> 43, "shall" -> 43, "be" -> 43, "by" -> 42, "have" -> 41, "they" -> 30, "we" -> 29, "as" -> 29, "their" -> 27, "Federal" -> 27, "power" -> 25, "it" -> 24, "favor" -> 23, "this" -> 22, "Republican" -> 22, "not" -> 22, "has" -> 22, "those" -> 21, "on" -> 20, "is" -> 20, "Administration" -> 20, "people" -> 19, "its" -> 19, "or" -> 18, "Party" -> 17, "Congress" -> 17, "are" -> 17, "right" -> 16, "program" -> 16, "policies" -> 16, "Government" -> 16, "been" -> 16, "should" -> 15, "from" -> 15, "all" -> 15, "public" -> 14, "national" -> 14, "an" -> 14, "against" -> 14, "under" -> 13, "such" -> 13, "American" -> 13, "who" -> 12, "They" -> 12, "tax" -> 12, "States" -> 12, "so" -> 12, "foreign" -> 12, "control" -> 12, "charge" -> 12, "at" -> 12, "laws" -> 11, "government" -> 11, "free" -> 11, "without" -> 10, "were" -> 10, "support" -> 10, "security" -> 10, "rights" -> 10, "practices" -> 10, "political" -> 10, "policy" -> 10, "pledge" -> 10, "peace" -> 10, "local" -> 10, "into" -> 10, "farm" -> 10, "end" -> 10, "Communist" -> 10, "world" -> 9, "was" -> 9, "United" -> 9, "present" -> 9, "more" -> 9, "In" -> 9, "health" -> 9, "but" -> 9, "administration" -> 9, "veterans" -> 8, "through" -> 8, "system" -> 8, "service" -> 8, "responsibility" -> 8, "purposes" -> 8, "protection" -> 8, "programs" -> 8, "other" -> 8, "new" -> 8, "further" -> 8, "full" -> 8, "economic" -> 8, "development" -> 8, "citizens" -> 8, "can" -> 8, "aid" -> 8, "action" -> 8, "use" -> 7, "union" -> 7, "services" -> 7, "Our" -> 7, "no" -> 7, "men" -> 7, "make" -> 7, "domestic" -> 7, "defense" -> 7, "corruption" -> 7, "Communism" -> 7, "years" -> 6, "us" -> 6, "That" -> 6, "State" -> 6, "sound" -> 6, "own" -> 6, "over" -> 6, "only" -> 6, "military" -> 6, "maintain" -> 6, "leaders" -> 6, "It" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "high" -> 6, "good" -> 6, "freedom" -> 6, "equal" -> 6, "business" -> 6, "between" -> 6, "balanced" -> 6, "water" -> 5, "waste" -> 5, "war" -> 5, "upon" -> 5, "up" -> 5, "unfair" -> 5, "trade" -> 5, "To" -> 5, "time" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "set" -> 5, "Russia" -> 5, "production" -> 5, "plan" -> 5, "ourselves" -> 5, "now" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "loyalty" -> 5, "life" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "Korea" -> 5, "investigations" -> 5, "Indian" -> 5, "including" -> 5, "home" -> 5, "farmers" -> 5, "extravagance" -> 5, "enterprise" -> 5, "elimination" -> 5, "education" -> 5, "economy" -> 5, "do" -> 5, "condemn" -> 5, "believe" -> 5, "always" -> 5, "agriculture" -> 5, "Administration's" -> 5, "where" -> 4, "welfare" -> 4, "War" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "voluntary" -> 4, "victory" -> 4, "Veterans" -> 4, "there" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "taxes" -> 4, "taxation" -> 4, "study" -> 4, "state" -> 4, "stability" -> 4, "special" -> 4, "small" -> 4, "review" -> 4, "resources" -> 4, "recommend" -> 4, "providing" -> 4, "provide" -> 4, "President" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "persons" -> 4, "peoples" -> 4, "opportunity" -> 4, "office" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "many" -> 4, "maintained" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "just" -> 4, "integrity" -> 4, "insurance" -> 4, "initiative" -> 4, "influence" -> 4, "if" -> 4, "forces" -> 4, "favoritism" -> 4, "farmer" -> 4, "faith" -> 4, "fair" -> 4, "every" -> 4, "efficient" -> 4, "effective" -> 4, "East" -> 4, "during" -> 4, "dollar" -> 4, "Department" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "cost" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "compensation" -> 4, "Communists" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "Civil" -> 4, "bureaucratic" -> 4, "best" -> 4, "benefits" -> 4, "basis" -> 4, "authorized" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "agencies" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "advocate" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "A" -> 4, "80th" -> 4, "would" -> 3, "World" -> 3, "work" -> 3, "within" -> 3, "With" -> 3, "wherever" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "what" -> 3, "vigorously" -> 3, "value" -> 3, "tragic" -> 3, "toward" -> 3, "thorough" -> 3, "These" -> 3, "There" -> 3, "take" -> 3, "Taft-Hartley" -> 3, "statehood" -> 3, "soil" -> 3, "social" -> 3, "serve" -> 3, "see" -> 3, "secret" -> 3, "restrictions" -> 3, "restore" -> 3, "research" -> 3, "required" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "religion" -> 3, "put" -> 3, "purchasing" -> 3, "protect" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "private" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "principle" -> 3, "prices" -> 3, "price" -> 3, "possible" -> 3, "Policy" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "places" -> 3, "place" -> 3, "pay" -> 3, "out" -> 3, "orderly" -> 3, "oppose" -> 3, "officials" -> 3, "nor" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "nations" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "Nation" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "moral" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "monetary" -> 3, "million" -> 3, "merit" -> 3, "meet" -> 3, "medical" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "locally-controlled" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "lands" -> 3, "keep" -> 3, "inflation" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "independent" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "II" -> 3, "hospital" -> 3, "hopes" -> 3, "hope" -> 3, "honest" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "half" -> 3, "grain" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "goal" -> 3, "go" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "friendship" -> 3, "friends" -> 3, "friendly" -> 3, "following" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "essential" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "enforcement" -> 3, "enemies" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "elsewhere" -> 3, "eliminate" -> 3, "election" -> 3, "denied" -> 3, "cut" -> 3, "crushing" -> 3, "critical" -> 3, "controls" -> 3, "continue" -> 3, "constructive" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "communities" -> 3, "come" -> 3, "collective" -> 3, "close" -> 3, "care" -> 3, "But" -> 3, "budget" -> 3, "both" -> 3, "available" -> 3, "areas" -> 3, "area" -> 3, "America" -> 3, "allow" -> 3, "again" -> 3, "adequately" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "ability" -> 3, "young" -> 2, "year" -> 2, "Yalta" -> 2, "women" -> 2, "win" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "weapons" -> 2, "ways" -> 2, "way" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "vital" -> 2, "uses" -> 2, "urge" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "universal" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "twenty" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "treatment" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "Treasury" -> 2, "tranquillity" -> 2, "took" -> 2, "Thus" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "things" -> 2, "thereto" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "Survivors" -> 2, "supported" -> 2, "supplies" -> 2, "sudden" -> 2, "strong" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "strategic" -> 2, "storage" -> 2, "stop" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "Stalin" -> 2, "spiritual" -> 2, "some" -> 2, "solvency" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "simplify" -> 2, "simple" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "self-interest" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "seeking" -> 2, "seek" -> 2, "savings" -> 2, "safeguard" -> 2, "sacrifice" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "rulers" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "Rights" -> 2, "revelations" -> 2, "result" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "Republics" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "reorganization" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "religious" -> 2, "relentlessly" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "recommendations" -> 2, "reality" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "racial" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "punish" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "prosecution" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "propaganda" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "promises" -> 2, "projects" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "privileges" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "preparedness" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "phase" -> 2, "performance" -> 2, "perform" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "passed" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "participation" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "origin" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "opportunities" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "Old" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "objectives" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "notorious" -> 2, "non-perishable" -> 2, "neglect" -> 2, "needless" -> 2, "needed" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "Nation's" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "much" -> 2, "monopolistic" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "market" -> 2, "mark" -> 2, "manpower" -> 2, "lost" -> 2, "loss" -> 2, "long-range" -> 2, "loans" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "light" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "launched" -> 2, "lack" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "Korean" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "job" -> 2, "Jewish" -> 2, "Israel" -> 2, "isolated" -> 2, "invited" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "intended" -> 2, "Insurance" -> 2, "inherent" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "independence" -> 2, "incomes" -> 2, "income" -> 2, "include" -> 2, "incentives" -> 2, "impartial" -> 2, "ignored" -> 2, "human" -> 2, "hostility" -> 2, "Hoover" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "historic" -> 2, "Here" -> 2, "help" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "greater" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "forward" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "food" -> 2, "follow" -> 2, "flouted" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "find" -> 2, "Far" -> 2, "fairly" -> 2, "face" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "exploration" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "expanded" -> 2, "exercising" -> 2, "eventual" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "entrusted" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "enlightened" -> 2, "enemy" -> 2, "encourage" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "enabling" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "economical" -> 2, "earth" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "dynamic" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "duplicity" -> 2, "drive" -> 2, "doubtful" -> 2, "double" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "divisions" -> 2, "District" -> 2, "disloyalty" -> 2, "discriminatory" -> 2, "dictation" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "despots" -> 2, "desirable" -> 2, "deplore" -> 2, "dependent" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "define" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "crop" -> 2, "crooks" -> 2, "credit" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "coordination" -> 2, "cooperation" -> 2, "cooperate" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "contrast" -> 2, "contracts" -> 2, "continuously" -> 2, "continuous" -> 2, "containment" -> 2, "contained" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "consent" -> 2, "conflict" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "conditions" -> 2, "compliance" -> 2, "commodity" -> 2, "commitments" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "clean" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "China" -> 2, "carried" -> 2, "captive" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "Bureau" -> 2, "Brannan" -> 2, "block" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "back" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "attack" -> 2, "atomic" -> 2, "assuring" -> 2, "assurance" -> 2, "aspirations" -> 2, "Asia" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "appropriate" -> 2, "appeasement" -> 2, "anti-monopoly" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aimed" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "agricultural" -> 2, "agreements" -> 2, "agreement" -> 2, "Age" -> 2, "Affairs" -> 2, "actually" -> 2, "activity" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "actions" -> 2, "acted" -> 2, "Act" -> 2, "achieve" -> 2, "accordance" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$600" -> 1, "$5,000" -> 1, "wrecking" -> 1, "Works" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "Working" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "worker" -> 1, "withdrew" -> 1, "White" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "well-known" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weight" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "weakens" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "water-shortage" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "water-management" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wanton" -> 1, "Wage" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "Voice" -> 1, "vitality" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "venal" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "valley" -> 1, "vague" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "users" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "unstayed" -> 1, "unselfish" -> 1, "unscrupulous" -> 1, "unrestrained" -> 1, "unquestioned" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "Unions" -> 1, "uninterrupted" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unfavorable" -> 1, "unfair-competition" -> 1, "unethical" -> 1, "underworld" -> 1, "undertook" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understandings" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "undermine" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "uncovered" -> 1, "unceasingly" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "turning" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "try" -> 1, "truths" -> 1, "trustworthy" -> 1, "trusteeship" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "travelers" -> 1, "transact" -> 1, "traitors" -> 1, "training" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "traded" -> 1, "tolerance" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "today" -> 1, "timid" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "thievery" -> 1, "Then" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "terrorism" -> 1, "terror" -> 1, "tending" -> 1, "Tehran" -> 1, "techniques" -> 1, "tax-supported" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "tax-free" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "tarnished" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "tanker-ship" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "synthetic" -> 1, "swing" -> 1, "swarm" -> 1, "swallowed" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "supplemental" -> 1, "Sums" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "succession" -> 1, "subversion" -> 1, "substituted" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "subscribe" -> 1, "submitting" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "sturdy" -> 1, "stuffing" -> 1, "students" -> 1, "stubbornly" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "strip" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stresses" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "strangled" -> 1, "strains" -> 1, "storehouse" -> 1, "stockpiling" -> 1, "stimulate" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "steadfastness" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "stalemates" -> 1, "squandered" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sphere" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "spending" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "Soviet" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "Sound" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "sordid" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "solid" -> 1, "sole" -> 1, "socialize" -> 1, "socialistic" -> 1, "socialism" -> 1, "Social" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "slum" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "Sixty" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "simultaneous" -> 1, "significance" -> 1, "sickened" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shop" -> 1, "shocked" -> 1, "shielded" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "shameful" -> 1, "shamed" -> 1, "shabby" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "sever" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "sentiment" -> 1, "senseless" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "self-respecting" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "selecting" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "seizure" -> 1, "seizing" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "seethe" -> 1, "seemed" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "Security" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "scenes" -> 1, "scarcely" -> 1, "scandals" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satellites" -> 1, "sanctuary" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safe-guarding" -> 1, "sacrificial" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "ruthless" -> 1, "Russia's" -> 1, "Russian" -> 1, "running" -> 1, "ruled" -> 1, "role" -> 1, "rob" -> 1, "rival" -> 1, "risks" -> 1, "ridicule" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "RFC" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "reversal" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "resume" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "rested" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "resentful" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "repudiate" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "reimbursable" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "Reduction" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reallocation" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "realistic" -> 1, "readiness" -> 1, "reaching" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "quit" -> 1, "quickest" -> 1, "quick" -> 1, "questionable" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "publicly" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "Promotion" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "profess" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "proceeds" -> 1, "priority" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "presided" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "premiums" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "predicaments" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "praised" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "Potsdam" -> 1, "postmasterships" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "poll" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "policy-making" -> 1, "Poland" -> 1, "poised" -> 1, "points" -> 1, "plunged" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "personnel" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "perpetuated" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "perishable" -> 1, "perils" -> 1, "performances" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "penetrate" -> 1, "peace-building" -> 1, "peace-assuring" -> 1, "pays" -> 1, "payrolls" -> 1, "payroll" -> 1, "pay-offs" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "pay-as-we-go" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "overwhelming" -> 1, "overlappings" -> 1, "overhaul" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "oust" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "orders" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "oppressions" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "on-the-farm" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "offshore" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "occupations" -> 1, "occupation" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obstructed" -> 1, "northern" -> 1, "non-Russian" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "navigable" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "mutually-advantageous" -> 1, "murderous" -> 1, "murder" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "municipalities" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "monstrous" -> 1, "Monetary" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "misrepresentation" -> 1, "mislead" -> 1, "mired" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "minor" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "minimizing" -> 1, "minerals" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "Middle" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "Merciless" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "meddling" -> 1, "meddle" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meaning" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "Maritime" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "Manchuria" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "Man" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "maligned" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "Majority" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "Mail" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "lynching" -> 1, "loyally" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "loose" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "loafers" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "Lithuania" -> 1, "links" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "lightly" -> 1, "lieu" -> 1, "license" -> 1, "liberating" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "let" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "Latvia" -> 1, "Last" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "key" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justifiable" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "irresponsibility" -> 1, "Iron" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "invention" -> 1, "invasions" -> 1, "intolerably" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "Internal" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "instincts" -> 1, "installations" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "insincerity" -> 1, "inroads" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injurious" -> 1, "inject" -> 1, "infringe" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "influence-peddling" -> 1, "inflationary" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "infiltrations" -> 1, "infiltrate" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inertia" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "incompetents" -> 1, "incompetently" -> 1, "incompetence" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "improving" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improved" -> 1, "impoverish" -> 1, "impotent" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "implies" -> 1, "imperialistic" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "Immorality" -> 1, "immoral" -> 1, "ignominious" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "idealistic" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "housing" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "house" -> 1, "hordes" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "homeless" -> 1, "hodge-podge" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "herring" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "harmonized" -> 1, "harassment" -> 1, "harass" -> 1, "happily" -> 1, "happened" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "hampering" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "groups" -> 1, "grossly" -> 1, "grazers" -> 1, "grafters" -> 1, "graft" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "good-faith" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "godless" -> 1, "global" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "Generally" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gangsters" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "gag-order" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "futile" -> 1, "Further" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "fully-convertible" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fuels" -> 1, "frustrate" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "frequent" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "Fraud" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "fortunes" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forfeited" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "Forces" -> 1, "force-in-being" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "Force" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "flourish" -> 1, "Flood" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "fleeting" -> 1, "flank" -> 1, "flagrant" -> 1, "fixes" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "files" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "fide" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fend" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "federally-sponsored" -> 1, "federally-assisted" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favorites" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "farmer-operated" -> 1, "farce" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "fanfare" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilities" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "expresses" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "expose" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "exploit" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exhibited" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "excluded" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "examples" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "evoked" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "evaded" -> 1, "Estonia" -> 1, "estimates" -> 1, "espouse" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "erratically" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "entitles" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enslavements" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enforcement—lenient" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "enemy's" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endless" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endangering" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "Enacting" -> 1, "enables" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employee" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "eligible" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eight-billion-dollar" -> 1, "Efforts" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "eases" -> 1, "earners" -> 1, "earner" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "eager" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "duplicate" -> 1, "dues" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "division" -> 1, "Divine" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "districts" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "dishonor" -> 1, "dishonesty" -> 1, "disgracefully-lagging" -> 1, "discussion" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discrepancies" -> 1, "discredit" -> 1, "discourages" -> 1, "disclosures" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "disbursing" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "difficult" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "deter" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desired" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deprives" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "dependable" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "Democrat" -> 1, "Delivery" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "defamed" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "decisively" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "decide" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "debauched" -> 1, "debased" -> 1, "dearly" -> 1, "deals" -> 1, "deadens" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "day—in" -> 1, "day—a" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "Czechoslovakia" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "Curtain" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "cry" -> 1, "cruelly" -> 1, "crucially" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "couples" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "counterfeit" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "Corruption" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "cooperators" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "contagious" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "conspiracy" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "Consequently" -> 1, "consented" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "confusions" -> 1, "confuse" -> 1, "confronted" -> 1, "confiscatory" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "concepts" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "concentration" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "compromised" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "completely-adequate" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "competently" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "comparable" -> 1, "compact" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "Commissioner" -> 1, "combating" -> 1, "codification" -> 1, "clutter" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "clearance" -> 1, "clean-up" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "choked" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "cheapen" -> 1, "Charter" -> 1, "characters" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "certified" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "Censorship" -> 1, "censorship" -> 1, "ceaseless" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "casualties" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "captives" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "cancer-like" -> 1, "camps" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "California" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "businessman" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "bureaucrats" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "brutal" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "bribes" -> 1, "bribery" -> 1, "brand" -> 1, "brackets" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "borne" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "bona" -> 1, "bomb" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "bluster" -> 1, "blunders" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "blocked" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "bi-partisan" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "bigots" -> 1, "Bigotry" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "Besides" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "beneath" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "bases" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "bartering" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "bankrupt" -> 1, "ballot-box" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "awards" -> 1, "Authorized" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "atmosphere" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "assuming" -> 1, "assist" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "arrogantly" -> 1, "arrogant" -> 1, "Armed" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "Appropriate" -> 1, "Appointing" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appearance" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "anti-American" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "animated" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Americas" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "ambitions" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "Already" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "all-powerful" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "Africa" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administrations" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accompanied" -> 1, "accommodate" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absorbed" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abandons" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "7,400,000" -> 1, "70-group" -> 1, "70" -> 1, "65" -> 1, "500" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "1948" -> 1, "1946" -> 1, "110,000" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1948", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1948, "Date" -> DateObject[{1948, 6, 21}], "Text" -> "I Declaration of Principles\n\nTo establish and maintain peace, to build a country in which every citizen can earn a good living with the promise of real progress for himself and his family, and to uphold as a beacon light for mankind everywhere, the inspiring American tradition of liberty, opportunity and justice for all—that is the Republican platform.\nTo this end we propose as a guide to definite action the following principles:\nMaximum voluntary cooperation between citizens and minimum dependence on law; never, however, declining courageous recourse to law if necessary.\nOur competitive system furnishes vital opportunity for youth and for all enterprising citizens; it makes possible the productive power which is the unique weapon of our national defense; and is the mainspring of material well-being and political freedom.\nGovernment, as the servant of such a system, should take all needed steps to strengthen and develop public health, to promote scientific research, to provide security for the aged, and to promote a stable economy so that men and women need not fear the loss of their jobs or the threat of economic hardships through no fault of their own.\nThe rights and obligations of workers are commensurate with the rights and obligations of employers and they are interdependent; these rights should be protected against coercion and exploitation from whatever quarter and with due regard for the general welfare of all.\nThe soil as our basic natural resource must be conserved with increased effectiveness; and farm prices should be supported on a just basis.\nDevelopment of the priceless national heritage which is in our West is vital to our nation.\nAdministration of government must be economical and effective.\nFaulty governmental policies share an important responsibility for the present cruelly high cost of living. We pledge prompt action to correct these policies. There must be decent living at decent wages.\nOur common defense must be strengthened and unified.\nOur foreign policy is dedicated to preserving a free America in a free world of free men. This calls for strengthening the United Nations and primary recognition of America's self-interest in the liberty of other peoples. Prudently conserving our own resources, we shall cooperate on a self-help basis with other peace-loving nations.\nConstant and effective insistence on the personal dignity of the individual, and his right to complete justice without regard to race, creed or color, is a fundamental American principle.\nWe aim always to unite and to strengthen; never to weaken or divide. In such a brotherhood will we Americans get results. Thus we will overcome all obstacles.\nII\n\nIn the past eighteen months, the Republican Congress, in the face of frequent obstruction from the Executive Branch, made a record of solid achievement. Here are some of the accomplishments of this Republican Congress:\nThe long trend of extravagant and ill-advised Executive action reversed;\nthe budget balanced;\ntaxes reduced;\nlimitation of Presidential tenure to two terms passed;\nassistance to veterans, their widows and orphans provided;\nassistance to agriculture and business enacted;\nelimination of the poll tax as a requisite to soldier voting;\na sensible reform of the labor law, protecting all rights of Labor while safeguarding the entire community against those breakdowns in essential industries which endanger the health and livelihood of all;\na long-range farm program enacted;\nunification of the armed services launched;\na military manpower law enacted;\nthe United Nations fostered;\na haven for displaced persons provided;\nthe most far-reaching measures in history adopted to aid the recovery of the free world on a basis of self-help and with prudent regard for our own resources;\nand, finally, the development of intelligent plans and party teamwork for the day when the American people entrust the Executive as well as the Legislative branch of our National Government to the Republican Party.\nWe shall waste few words on the tragic lack of foresight and general inadequacy of those now in charge of the Executive Branch of the National Government; they have lost the confidence of citizens of all parties.\nIII\n\nPresent cruelly high prices are due in large part to the fact that the government has not effectively used the powers it possesses to combat inflation, but has deliberately encouraged higher prices.\nWe pledge an attack upon the basic causes of inflation, including the following measures:\nprogressive reduction of the cost of government through elimination of waste;\nstimulation of production as the surest way to lower prices;\nfiscal policies to provide increased incentives for production and thrift;\na sound currency;\nreduction of the public debt.\nWe pledge further, that in the management of our National Government, we shall achieve the abolition of overlapping, duplication, extravagance, and excessive centralization;\nthe more efficient assignment of functions within the government;\nand the rooting out of Communism wherever found.\nThese things are fundamental.\nIV\n\nWe must, however, do more.\nThe Constitution gives us the affirmative mandate \"to establish justice.\"\nIn Lincoln's words: The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.\nThe tragic experience of Europe tells us that popular government disappears when it is ineffective and no longer can translate into action the aims and the aspirations of the people.\nTherefore, in domestic affairs, we propose:\nThe maintenance of armed services for air, land and sea, to a degree which will insure our national security; and the achievement of effective unity in the Department of National Defense so as to insure maximum economy in money and manpower, and maximum effectiveness in case of war. We favor sustained effective action to procure sufficient manpower for the services, recognizing the American principle that every citizen has an obligation of service to his country.\nAn adequate privately operated merchant marine, the continued development of our harbors and waterways, and the expansion of privately operated air transportation and communication systems.\nThe maintenance of Federal finances in a healthy condition and continuation of the efforts so well started by the Republican Congress to reduce the enormous burden of taxation in order to provide incentives for the creation of new industries and new jobs, and to bring relief from inflation. We favor intelligent integration of Federal-State taxing and spending policies designed to eliminate wasteful duplication, and in order that the State and local governments may be able to assume their separate responsibilities, the Federal government shall as soon as practicable withdraw or reduce those taxes which can be best administered by local governments, with particular consideration of excise and inheritance taxes; and we favor restoring to America a working federalism.\nSmall business, the bulwark of American enterprise, must be encouraged through aggressive anti-monopoly action, elimination of unnecessary controls, protection against discrimination, correction of tax abuses, and limitation of competition by governmental organizations.\nCollective bargaining is an obligation as well as a right, applying equally to workers and employers; and the fundamental right to strike is subordinate only to paramount considerations of public health and safety. Government's chief function in this field is to promote good will, encourage cooperation, and where resort is had to intervention, to be impartial, preventing violence and requiring obedience to all law by all parties involved. We pledge continuing study to improve labor-management legislation in the light of experience and changing conditions.\nThere must be a long-term program in the interest of agriculture and the consumer which should include: An accelerated program of sounder soil conservation; effective protection of reasonable market prices through flexible support prices, commodity loans, marketing agreements, together with such other means as may be necessary, and the development of sound farm credit; encouragement of family-size farms; intensified research to discover new crops, new uses for existing crops, and control of hoof and mouth and other animal diseases and crop pests; support of the principle of bona fide farmer-owned and farmer-operated co-operatives, and sound rural electrification.\nWe favor progressive development of the Nation's water resources for navigation, flood control and power, with immediate action in critical areas.\nWe favor conservation of all our natural resources and believe that conservation and stock-piling of strategic and critical raw materials is indispensable to the security of the United States.\nWe urge the full development of our forests on the basis of cropping and sustained yield with co-operation of States and private owners for conservation and fire protection.\nWe favor a comprehensive reclamation program for arid and semi-arid areas with full protection of the rights and interests of the States in the use and control of water for irrigation, power development incidental thereto and other beneficial uses; withdrawal or acquisition of lands for public purposes only by Act of Congress and after due consideration of local problems; development of processes for the extraction of oil and other substances from oil shale and coal; adequate representation of the West in the National Administration.\nRecognizing the Nation's solemn obligation to all veterans, we propose a realistic and adequate adjustment of benefits on a cost-of-living basis for service-connected disabled veterans and their dependents, and for the widows, orphans and dependents of veterans who died in the service of their country. All disabled veterans should have ample opportunity for suitable, self-sustaining employment. We demand good-faith compliance with veterans preference in Federal service with simplification and codification of the hundreds of piecemeal Federal laws affecting veterans, and efficient and businesslike management of the Veterans Administration. We pledge the highest possible standards of medical care and hospitalization.\nHousing can best be supplied and financed by private enterprise; but government can and should encourage the building of better homes at less cost. We recommend Federal aid to the States for local slum clearance and low-rental housing programs only where there is a need that cannot be met either by private enterprise or by the States and localities.\nConsistent with the vigorous existence of our competitive economy, we urge: extension of the Federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance program and increase of the benefits to a more realistic level; strengthening of Federal-State programs designed to provide more adequate hospital facilities, too improve methods of treatment for the mentally ill, to advance maternal and child health and generally to foster a healthy America.\nLynching or any other form of mob violence anywhere is a disgrace to any civilized state, and we favor the prompt enactment of legislation to end this infamy.\nOne of the basic principles of this Republic is the equality of all individuals in their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This principle is enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Constitution of the United States; it was vindicated on the field of battle and became the cornerstone of this Republic. This right of equal opportunity to work and to advance in life should never be limited in any individual because of race, religion, color, or country of origin. We favor the enactment and just enforcement of such Federal legislation as may be necessary to maintain this right at all times in every part of this Republic.\nWe favor the abolition of the poll tax as a requisite to voting.\nWe are opposed to the idea of racial segregation in the armed services of the United States.\nV\n\nWe pledge a vigorous enforcement of existing laws against Communists and enactment of such new legislation as may be necessary to expose the treasonable activities of Communists and defeat their objective of establishing here a godless dictatorship controlled from abroad.\nWe favor a revision of the procedure for the election of the President and Vice President which will more exactly reflect the popular vote.\nWe recommend to Congress the submission of a constitutional amendment providing equal rights for women.\nWe favor equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.\nWe propose a well-paid and efficient Federal career service.\nWe favor the elimination of unnecessary Federal bureaus and of the duplication of the functions of necessary governmental agencies.\nWe favor equality of educational opportunity for all and the promotion of education and educational facilities.\nWe favor restoration to the States of their historic rights to the tide and submerged lands, tributary waters, lakes, and streams.\nWe favor eventual statehood for Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. We urge development of Alaskan land communications and natural resources.\nWe favor self-government for the residents of the nation's capital.\nVI\n\nWe dedicate our foreign policy to the preservation of a free America in a free world of free men. With neither malice nor desire for conquest, we shall strive for a just peace with all nations.\nAmerica is deeply interested in the stability, security and liberty of other independent peoples. Within the prudent limits of our own economic welfare, we shall cooperate, on a basis of self-help and mutual aid, to assist other peace-loping nations to restore their economic independence and the human rights and fundamental freedoms for which we fought two wars and upon which dependable peace must build. We shall insist on businesslike and efficient administration of all foreign aid.\nWe welcome and encourage the sturdy progress toward unity in Western Europe.\nWe shall erect our foreign policy on the basis of friendly firmness which welcomes co-operation but spurns appeasement. We shall pursue a consistent foreign policy which invites steadiness and reliance and which thus avoids the misunderstandings from which wars result. We shall protect the future against the errors of the Democrat Administration, which has too often lacked clarity, competence or consistency in our vital international relationships and has too often abandoned justice.\nWe believe in collective security against aggression and in behalf of justice and freedom. We shall support the United Nations as the world's best hope in this direction, striving to strengthen it and promote its effective evolution and use. The United Nations should progressively establish international law, be freed of any veto in the peaceful settlement of international disputes, and be provided with the armed forces contemplated by the Charter. We particularly commend the value of regional arrangements as prescribed by the Charter; and we cite the Western Hemispheric Defense Pact as a useful model.\nWe shall nourish these Pan-American agreements in the new spirit of co-operation which implements the Monroe Doctrine.\nWe welcome Israel into the family of nations and take pride in the fact that the Republican Party was the first to call for the establishment of a free and independent Jewish Commonwealth. The vacillation of the Democrat Administration on this question has undermined the prestige of the United Nations. Subject to the letter and spirit of the United Nations Charter, we pledge to Israel full recognition, with its boundaries as sanctioned by the United Nations and aid in developing its economy.\nWe will foster and cherish our historic policy of friendship with China and assert our deep interest in the maintenance of its integrity and freedom.\nWe shall seek to restore autonomy and self-sufficiency as rapidly as possible in our post-war occupied areas, guarding always against any rebirth of aggression.\nWe shall relentlessly pursue our aims for the universal limitation and control of arms and implements of war on a basis of reliable disciplines against bad faith.\nAt all times safeguarding our own industry and agriculture, and under efficient administrative procedures for the legitimate consideration of domestic needs, we shall support the system of reciprocal trade and encourage international commerce.\nWe pledge that under a Republican Administration all foreign commitments shall be made public and subject to constitutional ratification. We shall say what we mean and mean what we say. In all of these things we shall primarily consult the national security and welfare of our own United States. In all of these things we shall welcome the world's co-operation. But in none of these things shall we surrender our ideals or our free institutions.\nWe are proud of the part that Republicans have taken in those limited areas of foreign policy in which they have been permitted to participate. We shall invite the Minority Party to join us under the next Republican Administration in stopping partisan politics at the water's edge.\nWe faithfully dedicate ourselves to peace with justice.\nVII\n\nGuided by these principles, with continuing faith in Almighty God; united in the spirit of brotherhood; and using to the full the skills, resources and blessings of liberty with which we are endowed; we, the American people, will courageously advance to meet the challenge of the future.", "Words" -> 2738, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 183, "of" -> 179, "and" -> 149, "to" -> 80, "in" -> 51, "We" -> 49, "a" -> 47, "for" -> 40, "our" -> 26, "we" -> 25, "with" -> 23, "as" -> 23, "shall" -> 21, "is" -> 20, "be" -> 20, "all" -> 20, "which" -> 18, "favor" -> 16, "on" -> 14, "by" -> 12, "United" -> 11, "The" -> 11, "that" -> 11, "this" -> 10, "their" -> 10, "or" -> 10, "must" -> 10, "States" -> 9, "other" -> 9, "free" -> 9, "Federal" -> 9, "are" -> 9, "should" -> 8, "rights" -> 8, "Republican" -> 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"Government" -> 4, "fundamental" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "Executive" -> 4, "equal" -> 4, "encourage" -> 4, "elimination" -> 4, "economy" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "co-operation" -> 4, "control" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "armed" -> 4, "areas" -> 4, "an" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "world" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "welcome" -> 3, "vital" -> 3, "us" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "too" -> 3, "This" -> 3, "they" -> 3, "taxes" -> 3, "tax" -> 3, "system" -> 3, "strengthen" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "sound" -> 3, "self-help" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "provided" -> 3, "private" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "possible" -> 3, "people" -> 3, "Party" -> 3, "part" -> 3, "Our" -> 3, "only" -> 3, "obligation" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "natural" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "manpower" -> 3, "maintenance" -> 3, "living" -> 3, "limitation" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "inflation" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "high" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "freedom" -> 3, "farm" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "establish" -> 3, "enterprise" 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"wherever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "well-paid" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "welcomes" -> 1, "weapon" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "water's" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "VII" -> 1, "Vice" -> 1, "VI" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "vacillation" -> 1, "V" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unique" -> 1, "unified" -> 1, "unification" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "tributary" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treasonable" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "translate" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "tide" -> 1, "Thus" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "threat" -> 1, "think" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tells" -> 1, "teamwork" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "Survivors" -> 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"segregation" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "sanctioned" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "rooting" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "reversed" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "reliable" -> 1, "relentlessly" -> 1, "relationships" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "recourse" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "Recognizing" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "rebirth" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "quiet" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "Prudently" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "procure" -> 1, "processes" -> 1, "procedures" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "problems" -> 1, "Principles" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "Present" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "post-war" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "piled" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "pests" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "peace-loving" -> 1, "peace-loping" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "Pan-American" -> 1, "Pact" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overcome" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "obstacles" -> 1, "objective" -> 1, "obedience" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "nourish" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "mouth" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "mob" -> 1, "misunderstandings" -> 1, "Minority" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "mentally" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "medical" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "Maximum" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "malice" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "mainspring" -> 1, "Lynching" -> 1, "low-rental" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "long-term" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "localities" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "Lincoln's" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "launched" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "lakes" -> 1, "lacked" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "labor-management" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "IV" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "invites" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "interdependent" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "integration" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "inheritance" -> 1, "infamy" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "incidental" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "inadequacy" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "ill-advised" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "II" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "housing" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "hoof" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "Here" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Hemispheric" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "haven" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "Guided" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "good-faith" -> 1, "godless" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "get" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "furnishes" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "frequent" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fide" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "federalism" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "Faulty" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "farmer-operated" -> 1, "family-size" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extraction" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "expose" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "excise" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "exactly" -> 1, "evolution" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "errors" -> 1, "erect" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "enunciated" -> 1, "entrust" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enterprising" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "eliminate" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "edge" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "dogmas" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "disgrace" -> 1, "diseases" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "disciplines" -> 1, "disappears" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "dictatorship" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "dependable" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "cropping" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "courageously" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "cost-of-living" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "controls" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contemplated" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "consult" -> 1, "Constant" -> 1, "Consistent" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consistency" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "conserving" -> 1, "conserved" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "Communism" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "Commonwealth" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "codification" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "clearance" -> 1, "clarity" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "cite" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "breakdowns" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "bona" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "bad" -> 1, "avoids" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "assist" -> 1, "assignment" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "appeasement" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "anti-monopoly" -> 1, "animal" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "Almighty" -> 1, "all—that" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "Alaskan" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "Age" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accelerated" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1944", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1944, "Date" -> DateObject[{1944, 6, 26}], "Text" -> "Introduction\n\nThe tragedy of the war is upon our country as we meet to consider the problems of government and our people. We take this opportunity to render homage and enduring gratitude to those brave members of our armed forces who have already made the supreme sacrifice, and to those who stand ready to make the same sacrifice that the American course of life may be secure.\nMindful of this solemn hour and humbly conscious of our heavy responsibilities, the Republican Party in convention assembled presents herewith its principles and makes these covenants with the people of our Nation.\nThe War and the Peace\n\nWe pledge prosecution of the war to total victory against our enemies in full cooperation with the United Nations and all-out support of our Armies and the maintenance of our Navy under the competent and trained direction of our General Staff and Office of Naval Operations without civilian interference and with every civilian resource. At the earliest possible time after the cessation of hostilities we will bring home all members of our armed forces who do not have unexpired enlistments and who do not volunteer for further overseas duty.\nWe declare our relentless aim to win the war against all our enemies: (1) for our own American security and welfare; (2) to make and keep the Axis powers impotent to renew tyranny and attack; (3) for the attainment of peace and freedom based on justice and security.\nWe shall seek to achieve such aims through organized international cooperation and not by joining a World State.\nWe favor responsible participation by the United States in post-war co-operative organization among sovereign nations to prevent military aggression and to attain permanent peace with organized justice in a free world.\nSuch organization should develop effective co-operative means to direct peace forces to prevent or repel military aggression. Pending this, we pledge continuing collaboration with the United Nations to assure these ultimate objectives.\nWe believe, however, that peace and security do not depend upon the sanction of force alone, but should prevail by virtue of reciprocal interests and spiritual values recognized in these security agreements. The treaties of peace should be just; the nations which are the victims of aggression should be restored to sovereignty and self-government; and the organized cooperation of the nations should concern itself with basic causes of world disorder. It should promote a world opinion to influence the nations to right conduct, develop international law and maintain an international tribunal to deal with justiciable disputes.\nWe shall seek, in our relations with other nations, conditions calculated to promote world-wide economic stability, not only for the sake of the world, but also to the end that our own people may enjoy a high level of employment in an increasingly prosperous world.\nWe shall keep the American people informed concerning all agreements with foreign nations. In all of these undertakings we favor the widest consultation of the gallant men and women in our armed forces who have a special right to speak with authority in behalf of the security and liberty for which they fight. We shall sustain the Constitution of the United States in the attainment of our international aims; and pursuant to the Constitution of the United States any treaty or agreement to attain such aims made on behalf of the United States with any other nation or any association of nations, shall be made only by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.\nWe shall at all times protect the essential interests and resources of the United States.\nWestern Hemisphere Relations\n\nWe shall develop Pan-American solidarity. The citizens of our neighboring nations in the Western Hemisphere are, like ourselves, Americans. Cooperation with them shall be achieved through mutual agreement and without interference in the internal affairs of any nation. Our policy should be a genuine Good Neighbor policy, commanding their respect, and not one based on the reckless squandering of American funds by overlapping agencies.\nPostwar Preparedness\n\nWe favor the maintenance of postwar military forces and establishments of ample strength for the successful defense and the safety of the United States, its possessions and outposts, for the maintenance of the Monroe Doctrine, and for meeting any military commitments determined by Congress. We favor the peacetime maintenance and strengthening of the National Guards under State control with the Federal training and equipment as now provided in the National Defense Act.\nDomestic Policy\n\nWe shall devote ourselves to re-establishing liberty at home.\nWe shall adopt a program to put men to work in peace industry as promptly as possible and with special attention to those who have made sacrifice by serving in the armed forces. We shall take government out of competition with private industry and terminate rationing, price fixing and all other emergency powers. We shall promote the fullest stable employment through private enterprise.\nThe measures we propose shall avoid federalization of government activities, to the end that our States, schools and cities shall be freed; shall avoid delegation of legislative and judicial power to administrative agencies, to the end that the people's representatives in Congress shall be independent and in full control of legislative policy; and shall avoid, subject to war necessities, detailed regulation of farmers, workers, businessmen and consumers, to the end that the individual shall be free. The remedies we propose shall be based on intelligent cooperation between the Federal Government, the States and local government and the initiative of civic groups—not on the panacea of Federal cash.\nFour more years of New Deal policy would centralize all power in the President, and would daily subject every act of every citizen to regulation by his henchmen; and this country could remain a Republic only in name. No problem exists which cannot be solved by American methods. We have no need of either the communistic or the fascist technique.\nSecurity\n\nOur goal is to prevent hardship and poverty in America. That goal is attainable by reason of the productive ability of free American labor, industry and agriculture, if supplemented by a system of social security on sound principles.\nWe pledge our support of the following:\n1. Extension of the existing old-age insurance and unemployment insurance systems to all employees not already covered.\n2. The return of the public employment-office system to the States at the earliest possible time, financed as before Pearl Harbor.\n3. A careful study of Federal-State programs for maternal and child health, dependent children, and assistance to the blind, with a view to strengthening these programs.\n4. The continuation of these and other programs relating to health, and the stimulation by Federal aid of State plans to make medical and hospital service available to those in need without disturbing doctor-patient relationships or socializing medicine.\n5. The stimulation of State and local plans to provide decent low-cost housing properly financed by the Federal Housing Administration, or otherwise, when such housing cannot be supplied or financed by private sources.\nLabor\n\nThe Republican Party is the historical champion of free labor. Under Republican administrations American manufacturing developed, and American workers attained the most progressive standards of living of any workers in the world. Now the Nation owes those workers a debt of gratitude for their magnificent productive effort in support of the war.\nRegardless of the professed friendship of the New Deal for the workingman, the fact remains that under the New Deal American economic life is being destroyed.\nThe New Deal has usurped selfish and partisan control over the functions of Government agencies where labor relationships are concerned. The continued perversion of the Wagner Act by the New Deal menaces the purposes of the law and threatens to destroy collective bargaining completely and permanently.\nThe long series of Executive orders and bureaucratic decrees reveal a deliberate purpose to substitute for contractual agreements of employers and employees the political edicts of a New Deal bureaucracy. Labor would thus remain organized only for the convenience of the New Deal in enforcing its orders and inflicting its whims upon labor and industry.\nWe condemn the conversion of administrative boards, ostensibly set up to settle industrial disputes, into instruments for putting into effect the financial and economic theories of the New Deal.\nWe condemn the freezing of wage rates at arbitrary levels and the binding of men to their jobs as destructive to the advancement of a free people. We condemn the repeal by Executive order of the laws secured by the Republican party to abolish \"contract labor\" and peonage. We condemn the gradual but effective creation of a Labor Front as but one of the New Deal's steps toward a totalitarian state.\nWe pledge an end to political trickery in the administration of labor laws and the handling of labor disputes; and equal benefits on the basis of equality to all labor in the administration of labor controls and laws, regardless of political affiliation.\nThe Department of Labor has been emasculated by the New Deal. Labor bureaus, agencies and committees are scattered far and wide, in Washington and throughout the country, and have no semblance of systematic or responsible organization. All governmental labor activities must be placed under the direct authority and responsibility of the Secretary of Labor. Such labor bureaus as are not performing a substantial and definite service in the interest of labor must be abolished.\nThe Secretary of Labor should be a representative of labor. The office of the Secretary of Labor was created under a Republican President, William Howard Taft. It was intended that a representative of labor should occupy this Cabinet office. The present administration is the first to disregard this intention.\nThe Republican Party accepts the purposes of the National Labor Relations Act, the Wage and Hour Act, the Social Security Act and all other Federal statutes designed to promote and protect the welfare of American working men and women, and we promise a fair and just administration of these laws.\nAmerican well-being is indivisible. Any national program which injures the national economy inevitably injures the wage-earner. The American labor movement and the Republican Party, while continuously striving for the betterment of labor's status, reject the communistic and New Deal concept that a single group can benefit while the general economy suffers.\nAgriculture\n\nWe commend the American farmers, their wives and families for their magnificent job of wartime production and their contribution to the war effort, without which victory could not be assured. They have accomplished this in spite of labor shortages, a bungled and inexcusable machinery program and confused, unreliable, impractical price and production administration.\nAbundant production is the best security against inflation. Governmental policies in war and in peace must be practical and efficient with freedom from regimentation by an impractical Washington bureaucracy in order to assure independence of operation and bountiful production, fair and equitable market prices for farm products, and a sound program for conservation and use of our soil and natural resources. Educational progress and the social and economic stability and well-being of the farm family must be a prime national purpose.\nFor the establishment of such a program we propose the following:\n1. A Department of Agriculture under practical and experienced administration, free from regimentation and confusing government manipulation and control of farm programs.\n2. An American market price to the American farmer and the protection of such price by means of support prices, commodity loans, or a combination thereof, together with such other economic means as will assure an income to agriculture that is fair and equitable in comparison with labor, business and industry. We oppose subsidies as a substitute for fair markets.\n3. Disposition of surplus war commodities in an orderly manner without destroying markets or continued production and without benefit to speculative profiteers.\n4. The control and disposition of future surpluses by means of (a) new uses developed through constant research, (b) vigorous development of foreign markets, (c) efficient domestic distribution to meet all domestic requirements, and (d) arrangements which will enable farmers to make necessary adjustments in production of any given basic crop only if domestic surpluses should become abnormal and exceed manageable proportions.\n5. Intensified research to discover new crops, and new and profitable uses for existing crops.\n6. Support of the principle of bona fide farmer-owned and farmer-operated co-operatives.\n7. Consolidation of all government farm credit under a non-partisan board.\n8. To make life more attractive on the family type farm through development of rural roads, sound extension of rural electrification service to the farm and elimination of basic evils of tenancy wherever they exist.\n9. Serious study of and search for a sound program of crop insurance with emphasis upon establishing a self-supporting program.\n10. A comprehensive program of soil, forest, water and wildlife conservation and development, and sound irrigation projects, administered as far as possible at State and regional levels.\nBusiness and Industry\n\nWe give assurance now to restore peacetime industry at the earliest possible time, using every care to avoid discrimination between different sections of the country, (a) by prompt settlement of war contracts with early payment of government obligations and disposal of surplus inventories, and (h) by disposal of surplus government plants, equipment, and supplies, with due consideration to small buyers and with care to prevent monopoly and injury to existing agriculture and industry.\nSmall business is the basis of American enterprise. It must be preserved. If protected against discrimination and afforded equality of opportunity throughout the Nation, it will become the most potent factor in providing employment. It must also be aided by changes in taxation, by eliminating excessive and repressive regulation and government competition, by the enforcement of laws against monopoly and unfair competition, and by providing simpler and cheaper methods for obtaining venture capital necessary for growth and expansion.\nFor the protection of the public, and for the security of millions of holders of policies of insurance in mutual and private companies, we insist upon strict and exclusive regulation and supervision of the business of insurance by the several States where local conditions are best known and where local needs can best be met.\nWe favor the re-establishment and maintenance, as early as military considerations will permit, of a sound and adequate American Merchant Marine under private ownership and management.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to foster the development of such strong privately owned air transportation systems and communications systems as will best serve the interests of the American people.\nThe Federal Government should plan a program for flood control, inland waterways and other economically justifiable public works, and prepare the necessary plans in advance so that construction may proceed rapidly in emergency and in times of reduced employment. We urge that States and local governments pursue the same policy with reference to highways and other public works within their jurisdiction.\nTaxation and Finance\n\nAs soon as the war ends the present rates of taxation on individual incomes, on corporations, and on consumption should be reduced as far as is consistent with the payment of the normal expenditures of government in the postwar period. We reject the theory of restoring prosperity through government spending and deficit financing.\nWe shall eliminate from the budget all wasteful and unnecessary expenditures and exercise the most rigid economy.\nIt is essential that Federal and State tax structures be more effectively coordinated to the end that State tax sources be not unduly impaired.\nWe shall maintain the value of the American dollar and regard the payment of government debt as an obligation of honor which prohibits any policy leading to the depreciation of the currency. We shall reduce that debt as soon as economic conditions make such reduction possible.\nControl of the currency must be restored to Congress by repeal of existing legislation which gives the President unnecessary powers over our currency.\nForeign Trade\n\nWe assure American farmers, livestock producers, workers and industry that we will establish and maintain a fair protective tariff on competitive products so that the standards of living of our people shall not be impaired through the importation of commodities produced abroad by labor or producers functioning upon lower standards than our own.\nIf the postwar world is to be properly organized, a great extension of world trade will be necessary to repair the wastes of war and build an enduring peace. The Republican Party, always remembering that its primary obligation, which must be fulfilled, is to our own workers, our own farmers and our own industry, pledges that it will join with others in leadership in every co-operative effort to remove unnecessary and destructive barriers to international trade. We will always bear in mind that the domestic market is America's greatest market and that tariffs which protect it against foreign competition should be modified only by reciprocal bilateral trade agreements approved by Congress.\nRelief and Rehabilitation\n\nWe favor the prompt extension of relief and emergency assistance to the peoples of the liberated countries without duplication and conflict between government agencies.\nWe favor immediate feeding of the starving children of our Allies and friends in the Nazi-dominated countries and we condemn the New Deal administration for its failure, in the face of humanitarian demands, to make any effort to do this.\nWe favor assistance by direct credits in reasonable amounts to liberated countries to enable them to buy from this country the goods necessary to revive their economic systems.\nBureaucracy\n\nThe National Administration has become a sprawling, overlapping bureaucracy. It is undermined by executive abuse of power, confused lines of authority, duplication of effort, inadequate fiscal controls, loose personnel practices and an attitude of arrogance previously unknown in our history.\nThe times cry out for the restoration of harmony in government, for a balance of legislative and executive responsibility, for efficiency and economy, for priming and abolishing unnecessary agencies and personnel, for effective fiscal and personnel controls, and for an entirely new spirit in our Federal Government.\nWe pledge an administration wherein the President, acting in harmony with Congress, will effect these necessary reforms and raise the Federal service to a high level of efficiency and competence.\nWe insist that limitations must be placed upon spending by government corporations of vast sums never appropriated by Congress but made available by directives, and that their accounts should be subject to audit by the General Accounting Office.\nTwo-Term Limit for President\n\nWe favor an amendment to the Constitution providing that no person shall be President of the United States for more than two terms of four years each.\nEqual Rights\n\nWe favor submission by Congress to the States of an amendment to the Constitution providing for equal rights for men and women. We favor job opportunities in the postwar world open to men and women alike without discrimination in rate of pay because of sex.\nVeterans\n\nThe Republican Party has always supported suitable measures to reflect the Nation's gratitude and to discharge its duty toward the veterans of all wars.\nWe approve, have supported and have aided in the enactment of laws which provide for re-employment of veterans of this war in their old positions, for mustering-out-pay, for pensions for widows and orphans of such veterans killed or disabled, for rehabilitation of disabled veterans, for temporary unemployment benefits, for education and vocational training, and for assisting veterans in acquiring homes and farms and in establishing themselves in business.\nWe shall be diligent in remedying defects in veterans' legislation and shall insist upon efficient administration of all measures for the veteran's benefit.\nRacial and Religious Intolerance\n\nWe unreservedly condemn the injection into American life of appeals to racial or religious prejudice.\nWe pledge an immediate Congressional inquiry to ascertain the extent to which mistreatment, segregation and discrimination against Negroes who are in our armed forces are impairing morale and efficiency, and the adoption of corrective legislation.\nWe pledge the establishment by Federal legislation of a permanent Fair Employment Practice Commission.\nAnti-Poll Tax\n\nThe payment of any poll tax should not be a condition of voting in Federal elections and we favor immediate submission of a Constitutional amendment for its abolition.\nAnti-Lynching\n\nWe favor legislation against lynching and pledge our sincere efforts in behalf of its early enactment.\nIndians\n\nWe pledge an immediate, just and final settlement of all Indian claims between the Government and the Indian citizenship of the Nation. We will take politics out of the administration of Indian affairs.\nProblems of the West\n\nWe favor a comprehensive program of reclamation projects for our arid and semi-arid States, with recognition and full protection of the rights and interests of those States in the use and control of water for present and future irrigation and other beneficial consumptive uses.\nWe favor (a) exclusion from this country of livestock and fresh and chilled meat from countries harboring foot and mouth disease or Rinderpest; (b) full protection of our fisheries whether by domestic regulation or treaties; (c) consistent with military needs, the prompt return to private ownership of lands acquired for war purposes; (d) withdrawal or acquisition of lands for establishment of national parks, monuments, and wildlife refuges, only after due regard to local problems and under closer controls to be established by the Congress; (e) restoration of the long established public land policy which provides opportunity of ownership by citizens to promote the highest land use; (f) full development of our forests on the basis of cropping and sustained yield; cooperation with private owners for conservation and fire protection; (g) the prompt reopening of mines which can be operated by miners and workers not subject to military service and which have been closed by bureaucratic denial of labor or material; (h) adequate stock-piling of war minerals and metals for possible future emergencies; (i) continuance, for tax purposes, of adequate depletion allowances on oil, gas and minerals; (j) administration of laws relating to oil and gas on the public domain to encourage exploratory operations to meet the public need; (k) continuance of present Federal laws on mining claims on the public domain, good faith administration thereof, and we state our opposition to the plans of the Secretary of the Interior to substitute a leasing system; and (l) larger representation in the Federal Government of men and women especially familiar with Western problems,\nHawaii\n\nHawaii, which shares the Nation's obligations equally with the several States, is entitled to the fullest measure of home rule looking toward statehood; and to equality with the several States in the rights of her citizens and in the application of all our national laws.\nAlaska\n\nAlaska is entitled to the fullest measure of home rule looking toward statehood.\nPuerto Rico\n\nStatehood is a logical aspiration of the people of Puerto Rico who were made citizens of the United States by Congress in 1917; legislation affecting Puerto Rico, in so far as feasible, should be in harmony with the realization of that aspiration.\nPalestine\n\nIn order to give refuge to millions of distressed Jewish men, women and children driven from their homes by tyranny, we call for the opening of Palestine to their unrestricted immigration and land ownership, so that in accordance with the full intent and purpose of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the Resolution of a Republican Congress in 1922, Palestine may be constituted as a free and democratic Commonwealth. We condemn the failure of the President to insist that the mandatory of Palestine carry out the provision of the Balfour Declaration and of the mandate while he pretends to support them.\nFree Press and Radio\n\nIn times like these, when whole peoples have found themselves shackled by governments which denied the truth, or, worse, dealt in half-truths or withheld the facts from the public, it is imperative to the maintenance of a free America that the press and radio be free and that full and complete information be available to Americans. There must be no censorship except to the extent required by war necessity.\nWe insistently condemn any tendency to regard the press or the radio as instruments of the Administration and the use of government publicity agencies for partisan ends. We need a new radio law which will define, in clear and unmistakable language, the role of the Federal Communications Commission.\nAll channels of news must be kept open with equality of access to information at the source. If agreement can be achieved with foreign nations to establish the same principles, it will be a valuable contribution to future peace.\nVital facts must not be withheld.\nWe want no more Pearl Harbor reports.\nGood Faith\n\nThe acceptance of the nominations made by this Convention carries with it, as a matter of private honor and public faith, an undertaking by each candidate to be true to the principles and program herein set forth.\nConclusion\n\nThe essential question at trial in this nation is whether men can organize together in a highly industrialized society, succeed, and still be free. That is the essential question at trial throughout the world today.\nIn this time of confusion and strife, when moral values are being crushed on every side, we pledge ourselves to uphold with all our strength the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the law of the land. We so pledge ourselves that the American tradition may stand forever as the beacon light of civilization.", "Words" -> 4215, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 270, "of" -> 251, "and" -> 235, "to" -> 123, "in" -> 77, "We" -> 58, "for" -> 55, "by" -> 51, "a" -> 51, "be" -> 48, "with" -> 40, "our" -> 38, "that" -> 30, "The" -> 29, "shall" -> 26, "as" -> 26, "is" -> 22, "American" -> 22, "or" -> 20, "States" -> 19, "labor" -> 19, "which" -> 18, "on" -> 18, "all" -> 18, "should" -> 16, "government" -> 16, "an" -> 16, "we" -> 15, "war" -> 15, "Federal" -> 15, "favor" -> 15, "will" -> 14, "this" -> 14, "not" -> 14, "their" -> 12, "New" -> 12, "must" -> 12, "administration" -> 12, "United" -> 11, "Republican" -> 11, "program" -> 11, "pledge" -> 11, "have" -> 11, "Deal" -> 11, "any" -> 11, "world" -> 10, "public" -> 10, "free" -> 10, "Congress" -> 10, "under" -> 9, "these" -> 9, "such" -> 9, "peace" -> 9, "other" -> 9, "nations" -> 9, "men" -> 9, "laws" -> 9, "Labor" -> 9, "its" -> 9, "industry" -> 9, "at" -> 9, "are" -> 9, "without" -> 8, "who" -> 8, "upon" -> 8, "security" -> 8, "private" -> 8, "people" -> 8, "from" -> 8, "condemn" -> 8, "against" -> 8, "workers" -> 7, "through" -> 7, "State" -> 7, "President" -> 7, "possible" -> 7, "policy" -> 7, "Party" -> 7, "only" -> 7, "military" -> 7, "make" -> 7, "made" -> 7, "full" -> 7, "forces" -> 7, "economic" -> 7, "control" -> 7, "agencies" -> 7, "women" -> 6, "veterans" -> 6, "those" -> 6, "sound" -> 6, "production" -> 6, "own" -> 6, "necessary" -> 6, "maintenance" -> 6, "local" -> 6, "legislation" -> 6, "It" -> 6, "it" -> 6, "Government" -> 6, "farm" -> 6, "every" -> 6, "end" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "support" -> 5, "so" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "regulation" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "promote" -> 5, "present" -> 5, "organized" -> 5, "no" -> 5, "new" -> 5, "national" -> 5, "more" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "international" -> 5, "insurance" -> 5, "farmers" -> 5, "fair" -> 5, "effort" -> 5, "domestic" -> 5, "development" -> 5, "cooperation" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "can" -> 5, "but" -> 5, "armed" -> 5, "Act" -> 5, "use" -> 4, "unnecessary" -> 4, "toward" -> 4, "times" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "tax" -> 4, "systems" -> 4, "subject" -> 4, "Secretary" -> 4, "purposes" -> 4, "providing" -> 4, "prompt" -> 4, "programs" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "prevent" -> 4, "postwar" -> 4, "plans" -> 4, "payment" -> 4, "Palestine" -> 4, "ownership" -> 4, "out" -> 4, "ourselves" -> 4, "need" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "Nation" -> 4, "means" -> 4, "market" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "law" -> 4, "land" -> 4, "interests" -> 4, "insist" -> 4, "In" -> 4, "immediate" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "future" -> 4, "foreign" -> 4, "far" -> 4, "existing" -> 4, "essential" -> 4, "equality" -> 4, "employment" -> 4, "economy" -> 4, "do" -> 4, "discrimination" -> 4, "countries" -> 4, "controls" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "citizens" -> 4, "business" -> 4, "between" -> 4, "best" -> 4, "avoid" -> 4, "assure" -> 4, "agreements" -> 4, "would" -> 3, "while" -> 3, "where" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "Western" -> 3, "uses" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "them" -> 3, "take" -> 3, "system" -> 3, "surplus" -> 3, "substitute" -> 3, "standards" -> 3, "several" -> 3, "same" -> 3, "sacrifice" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "radio" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "protect" -> 3, "propose" -> 3, "problems" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "personnel" -> 3, "organization" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "opportunity" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "meet" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "Indian" -> 3, "If" -> 3, "harmony" -> 3, "gratitude" -> 3, "fullest" -> 3, "financed" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "emergency" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "effective" -> 3, "early" -> 3, "earliest" -> 3, "disputes" -> 3, "direct" -> 3, "develop" -> 3, "debt" -> 3, "currency" -> 3, "co-operative" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "conditions" -> 3, "children" -> 3, "bureaucracy" -> 3, "benefit" -> 3, "behalf" -> 3, "become" -> 3, "basis" -> 3, "basic" -> 3, "based" -> 3, "available" -> 3, "authority" -> 3, "assistance" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "aims" -> 3, "agriculture" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "aggression" -> 3, "Administration" -> 3, "adequate" -> 3, "A" -> 3, "(a)" -> 3, "3" -> 3, "2" -> 3, "1" -> 3, "years" -> 2, "works" -> 2, "withheld" -> 2, "wildlife" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "welfare" -> 2, "water" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "values" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "trial" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "training" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "themselves" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "supported" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "submission" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "stimulation" -> 2, "statehood" -> 2, "state" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "spending" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "sources" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "social" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "seek" -> 2, "Security" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "Rights" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "responsible" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "resources" -> 2, "research" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "repeal" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "relationships" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "relating" -> 2, "reject" -> 2, "regimentation" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "reciprocal" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "provide" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "projects" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "press" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "policies" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "peoples" -> 2, "Pearl" -> 2, "peacetime" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "overlapping" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "Our" -> 2, "orders" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "oil" -> 2, "Office" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "needs" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "Nation's" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "monopoly" -> 2, "minerals" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "members" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "magnificent" -> 2, "looking" -> 2, "long" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "livestock" -> 2, "like" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "liberated" -> 2, "levels" -> 2, "level" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "job" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "irrigation" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "instruments" -> 2, "injures" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "impractical" -> 2, "impaired" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "housing" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "homes" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "Hemisphere" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "Harbor" -> 2, "(h)" -> 2, "governments" -> 2, "Good" -> 2, "goal" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "gas" -> 2, "freedom" -> 2, "For" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "fiscal" -> 2, "family" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "facts" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "expenditures" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "establishing" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "equitable" -> 2, "equipment" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enemies" -> 2, "enduring" -> 2, "ends" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "domain" -> 2, "disposal" -> 2, "disabled" -> 2, "developed" -> 2, "destructive" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "Declaration" -> 2, "(d)" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "crop" -> 2, "could" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "continued" -> 2, "continuance" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "confused" -> 2, "comprehensive" -> 2, "communistic" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "Commission" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "civilian" -> 2, "care" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "(c)" -> 2, "bureaus" -> 2, "bureaucratic" -> 2, "benefits" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "been" -> 2, "Balfour" -> 2, "(b)" -> 2, "attainment" -> 2, "attain" -> 2, "aspiration" -> 2, "Americans" -> 2, "America" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "aided" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "activities" -> 2, "achieved" -> 2, "5" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "1917" -> 2, "yield" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "world-wide" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "workingman" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "wives" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "win" -> 1, "William" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "whims" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "waterways" -> 1, "wastes" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wartime" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "want" -> 1, "Wagner" -> 1, "wage-earner" -> 1, "Wage" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "Vital" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "veteran's" -> 1, "venture" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "usurped" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unrestricted" -> 1, "unreservedly" -> 1, "unreliable" -> 1, "unmistakable" -> 1, "unknown" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unexpired" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "undermined" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "Two-Term" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "trickery" -> 1, "tribunal" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "tragedy" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "today" -> 1, "To" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "theory" -> 1, "theories" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "terminate" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "tenancy" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "technique" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "Taft" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "Support" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "supplied" -> 1, "supplemented" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "suffers" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "striving" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stock-piling" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "starving" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "squandering" -> 1, "sprawling" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "spiritual" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "speculative" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solidarity" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "society" -> 1, "socializing" -> 1, "Social" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "single" -> 1, "sincere" -> 1, "simpler" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shortages" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shackled" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "serving" -> 1, "serve" -> 1, "Serious" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "semi-arid" -> 1, "semblance" -> 1, "self-supporting" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "segregation" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "search" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "scattered" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "role" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "Rinderpest" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "reveal" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "repressive" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "repel" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "reopening" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remembering" -> 1, "remedying" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "Religious" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "Relief" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "Rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regional" -> 1, "Regardless" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refuges" -> 1, "refuge" -> 1, "reforms" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "reference" -> 1, "re-establishment" -> 1, "re-establishing" -> 1, "re-employment" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "rationing" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "raise" -> 1, "Radio" -> 1, "Racial" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pursue" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "provides" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "proportions" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "profiteers" -> 1, "profitable" -> 1, "professed" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "Problems" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "priming" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "previously" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "pretends" -> 1, "Press" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "Preparedness" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "Practice" -> 1, "poverty" -> 1, "potent" -> 1, "Postwar" -> 1, "post-war" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "poll" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "Policy" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "perversion" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "peonage" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Pending" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "participation" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "Pan-American" -> 1, "panacea" -> 1, "owners" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "overseas" -> 1, "outposts" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "ostensibly" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "Operations" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "old-age" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "occupy" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "objectives" -> 1, "Now" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "non-partisan" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neighboring" -> 1, "Neighbor" -> 1, "Negroes" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "Nazi-dominated" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "Naval" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "mustering-out-pay" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "mouth" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "monuments" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "modified" -> 1, "mistreatment" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "mines" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "Mindful" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "menaces" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "medical" -> 1, "meat" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "maternal" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "manageable" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lynching" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "low-cost" -> 1, "loose" -> 1, "logical" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "Limit" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "language" -> 1, "labor's" -> 1, "(l)" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "killed" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "(k)" -> 1, "justifiable" -> 1, "justiciable" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "joining" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "jobs" -> 1, "Jewish" -> 1, "(j)" -> 1, "inventories" -> 1, "Introduction" -> 1, "Intolerance" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "Interior" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "Intensified" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "insistently" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injection" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflicting" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "inexcusable" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "Industry" -> 1, "industrialized" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "Indians" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "incomes" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "impotent" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "(i)" -> 1, "humbly" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "Howard" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "Hour" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "homage" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "historical" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "herewith" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "henchmen" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "hardship" -> 1, "harboring" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "half-truths" -> 1, "Guards" -> 1, "growth" -> 1, "groups—not" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gallant" -> 1, "(g)" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "functioning" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "Front" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "fresh" -> 1, "freezing" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "Four" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "fire" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fide" -> 1, "feeding" -> 1, "Federal-State" -> 1, "federalization" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fascist" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "farmer-operated" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "families" -> 1, "familiar" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "(f)" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "exploratory" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "establishments" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "enlistments" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enforcing" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "employment-office" -> 1, "Employment" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "emphasis" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "emasculated" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eliminate" -> 1, "electrification" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Educational" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "edicts" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "(e)" -> 1, "driven" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctor-patient" -> 1, "disturbing" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "Disposition" -> 1, "disposition" -> 1, "disorder" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "directives" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "diligent" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destroying" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegation" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "decrees" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "dealt" -> 1, "Deal's" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "cry" -> 1, "crushed" -> 1, "cropping" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "covenants" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "Cooperation" -> 1, "conversion" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contractual" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continuously" -> 1, "continuing" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "consumptive" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "consultation" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constituted" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "Consolidation" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscious" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confusing" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concur" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "competence" -> 1, "comparison" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "Communications" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "Commonwealth" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "commanding" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collaboration" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "chilled" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "cessation" -> 1, "centralize" -> 1, "censorship" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "cash" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "buyers" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "businessmen" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "Bureaucracy" -> 1, "bungled" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "bountiful" -> 1, "bona" -> 1, "boards" -> 1, "board" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bilateral" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "beneficial" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "beacon" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "Axis" -> 1, "audit" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attainable" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ascertain" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "arrogance" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Armies" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "Anti-Poll" -> 1, "Anti-Lynching" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "all-out" -> 1, "Allies" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "air" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "affiliation" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "advice" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "Accounting" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "access" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "Abundant" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "abolishing" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "abnormal" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "1922" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1940", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1940, "Date" -> DateObject[{1940, 6, 24}], "Text" -> "Introduction\n\nThe Republican party, in representative Convention assembled, submits to the people of the United States the following declaration of its principles and purposes:\nWe state our general objectives in the simple and comprehensive words of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.\nThose objectives as there stated are these:\n\"To form a more perfect Union; establish justice; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.\"\nMeeting within the shadow of Independence Hall where those words were written we solemnly reaffirm them as a perfect statement of the ends for which we as a party propose to plan and to labor.\nThe record of the Roosevelt Administration is a record of failure to attain any one of those essential objectives.\nInstead of leading us into More Perfect Union the Administration has deliberately fanned the flames of class hatred.\nInstead of the Establishment of Justice the Administration has sought the subjection of the Judiciary to Executive discipline and domination.\nInstead of insuring Domestic Tranquility the Administration has made impossible the normal friendly relation between employers and employees and has even succeeded in alienating both the great divisions of Organized Labor.\nInstead of Providing for the Common Defense the Administration, notwithstanding the expenditure of billions of our dollars, has left the Nation unprepared to resist foreign attack.\nInstead of promoting the General Welfare the Administration has Domesticated the Deficit, Doubled the Debt, Imposed Taxes where they do the greatest economic harm, and used public money for partisan political advantage.\nInstead of the Blessings of Liberty the Administration has imposed upon us a Regime of Regimentation which has deprived the individual of his freedom and has made of America a shackled giant.\nWholly ignoring these great objectives, as solemnly declared by the people of the United States, the New Deal Administration has for seven long years whirled in a turmoil of shifting, contradictory and overlapping administrations and policies. Confusion has reigned supreme. The only steady undeviating characteristic has been the relentless expansion of the power of the Federal government over the everyday life of the farmer, the industrial worker and the business man. The emergency demands organization—not confusion. It demands free and intelligent cooperation—not incompetent domination. It demands a change. The New Deal Administration has failed America.\nIt has failed by seducing our people to become continuously dependent upon government, thus weakening their morale and quenching the traditional American spirit.\nIt has failed by viciously attacking our industrial system and sapping its strength and vigor.\nIt has failed by attempting to send our Congress home during the world's most tragic hour, so that we might be eased into the war by word of deed during the absence of our elected representatives from Washington.\nIt has failed by disclosing military details of our equipment to foreign powers over protests by the heads of our armed defense.\nIt has failed by ignoring the lessons of fact concerning modern, mechanized, armed defense.\nIn these and countless other ways the New Deal Administration has either deliberately deceived the American people or proved itself incompetent longer to handle the affairs of our government.\nThe zero hour is here. America must prepare at once to defend our shores, our homes, our lives and our most cherished ideals.\nTo establish a first line of defense we must place in official positions men of faith who put America first and who are determined that her governmental and economic system be kept unimpaired.\nOur national defense must be so strong that no unfriendly power shall ever set foot on American soil. To assure this strength our national economy, the true basis of America's defense, must be free of unwarranted government interference.\nOnly a strong and sufficiently prepared America can speak words of reassurance and hope to the liberty-loving peoples of the world.\nNational Defense\n\nThe Republican Party is firmly opposed to involving this Nation in foreign war.\nWe are still suffering from the ill effects of the last World War: a war which cost us a twenty-four billion dollar increase in our national debt, billions of uncollectible foreign debts, and the complete upset of our economic system, in addition to the loss of human life and irreparable damage to the health of thousands of our boys.\nThe present National Administration has already spent for all purposes more than fifty-four billion dollars;—has boosted the national debt and current federal taxes to an all-time high; and yet by the President's own admission we are still wholly unprepared to defend our country, its institutions and our individual liberties in a war that threatens to engulf the whole world; and this in spite of the fact that foreign wars have been in progress for two years or more and that military information concerning these wars and the re-armament programs of the warring nations has been at all times available to the National Administration through its diplomatic and other channels.\nThe Republican Party stands for Americanism, preparedness and peace. We accordingly fasten upon the New Deal full responsibility for our un-preparedness and for the consequent danger of involvement in war.\nWe declare for the prompt, orderly and realistic building of our national defense to the point at which we shall be able not only to defend the United States, its possessions, and essential outposts from foreign attack, but also efficiently to uphold in war the Monroe Doctrine. To this task the Republican party pledges itself when entrusted with national authority. In the meantime we shall support all necessary and proper defense measures proposed by the Administration in its belated effort to make up for lost time; but we deplore explosive utterances by the President directed at other governments which serve to imperil our peace; and we condemn all executive acts and proceedings which might lead to war without the authorization of the Congress of the United States.\nOur sympathies have been profoundly stirred by invasion of unoffending countries and by disaster to nations whole ideals most closely resemble our own. We favor the extension to all peoples fighting for liberty, or whose liberty is threatened, of such aid as shall not be in violation of international law or inconsistent with the requirements of our own national defense.\nWe believe that the spirit which should animate our entire defensive policy is determination to preserve not our material interests merely, but those liberties which are the priceless heritage of America.\nRe-Employment\n\nThe New Deal's failure to solve the problem of unemployment and revive opportunity for our youth presents a major challenge to representative government and free enterprise. We propose to recreate opportunity for the youth of America and put our idle millions back to work in private industry, business, and agriculture. We propose to eliminate needless administrative restrictions, thus restoring lost motion to the wheels of individual enterprise.\nRelief\n\nWe shall remove waste, discrimination, and politics from relief—through administration by the States with federal grants-in-aid on a fair and nonpolitical basis, thus giving the man and woman on relief a larger share of the funds appropriated.\nSocial Security\n\nWe favor the extension of necessary old age benefits on an ear-marked pay-as-you-go basis to the extent that the revenues raised for this purpose will permit. We favor the extension of the unemployment compensation provisions of the Social Security Act, wherever practicable, to those groups and classes not now included. For such groups as may thus be covered we favor a system of unemployment compensation with experience rating provisions, aimed at protecting the worker in the regularity of his employment and providing adequate compensation for reasonable periods when that regularity of employment is interrupted. The administration should be left with the States with a minimum of Federal control.\nLabor Relations\n\nThe Republican party has always protected the American worker.\nWe shall maintain labor's right of free organization and collective bargaining.\nWe believe that peace and prosperity at home require harmony, teamwork, and understanding in all relations between worker and employer. When differences arise, they should be settled directly and voluntarily across the table.\nRecent disclosures respecting the administration of the National Labor Relations Act require that this Act be amended in fairness to employers and all groups of employees so as to provide true freedom for, and orderliness in self-organization and collective bargaining.\nAgriculture\n\nA prosperous and stable agriculture is the foundation of our economic structure. Its preservation is a national and non-political social problem not yet solved, despite many attempts. The farmer is entitled to a profit-price for his products. The Republican party will put into effect such governmental policies, temporary and permanent, as will establish and maintain an equitable balance between labor, industry, and agriculture by expanding industrial and business activity, eliminating unemployment, lowering production costs, thereby creating increased consumer buying power for agricultural products.\nUntil this balance has been attained, we propose to provide benefit payments, based upon a widely-applied, constructive soil conservation program free from government-dominated production control, but administered, as far as practicable, by farmers themselves; to restrict the major benefits of these payments to operators of family-type farms; to continue all present benefit payments until our program becomes operative; and to eliminate the present extensive and costly bureaucratic interference.\nWe shall provide incentive payments, when necessary, to encourage increased production of agricultural commodities, adaptable to our soil and climate, not now produced in sufficient quantities for our home markets, and will stimulate the use and processing of all farm products in industry as raw materials.\nWe shall promote a co-operative system of adequate farm credit, at lowest interest rates commensurate with the cost of money, supervised by an independent governmental agency, with ultimate farmer ownership and control; farm commodity loans to facilitate orderly marketing and stabilize farm income; the expansion of sound, farmer-owned and farmer-controlled co-operative associations; and the support of educational and extension programs to ,achieve more efficient production and marketing.\nWe shall foster Government refinancing, where necessary, of the heavy Federal farm debt load through an agency segregated from co-operative credit.\nWe shall promote a national land use program for Federal acquisition, without dislocation of local tax returns, of non-productive farm lands by voluntary sale or lease subject to approval of the States concerned; and the disposition of such lands to appropriate public uses including watershed protection and flood prevention, reforestation, recreation, erosion control, and the conservation of wild life.\nWe advocate a foreign trade policy which will end one-man tariff making, afford effective protection to farm products, regain our export markets, and assure an American price level for the domestically consumed portion of our export crops.\nWe favor effective quarantine against imported livestock, dairy, and other farm products from countries which do not impose health and sanitary standards equal to our own domestic standards.\nWe approve the orderly development of reclamation and irrigation, project by project and as conditions justify.\nWe promise adequate assistance to rural communities suffering disasters from flood, drought, and other natural causes.\nWe shall promote stabilization of agricultural income through intelligent management of accumulated surpluses, and through the development of outlets by supplying those in need at home and abroad.\nTariff and Reciprocal Trade\n\nWe are threatened by unfair competition in world markets and by the invasion of our home markets, especially by the products of state-controlled foreign economies.\nWe believe in tariff protection for Agriculture, Labor, and Industry, as essential to our American standard of living. The measure of the protection shall be determined by scientific methods with due regard to the interest of the consumer.\nWe shall explore every possibility of reopening the channels of international trade through negotiations so conducted as to produce genuine reciprocity and expand our exports.\nWe condemn the manner in which the so-called reciprocal trade agreements of the New Deal have been put into effect without adequate hearings, with undue haste, without proper consideration of our domestic producers, and without Congressional approval. These defects we shall correct.\nMoney\n\nThe Congress should reclaim its constitutional powers over money, and withdraw the President's arbitrary authority to manipulate the currency, establish bimetallism, issue irredeemable paper money, and debase the gold and silver coinage. We shall repeal the Thomas Inflation Amendment of 1933 and the (foreign) Silver Purchase Act of 1934, and take all possible steps to preserve the value of the Government's huge holdings of gold and re-introduce gold into circulation.\nJobs and Idle Money\n\nBelieving it possible to keep the securities market clean without paralyzing it, we endorse the principle of truth in securities in the Securities Act. To get billions of idle dollars and a multitude of idle men back to work and to promote national defense, these acts should be revised and the policies of the Commission changed to encourage the flow of private capital into industry.\nTaxation\n\nPublic spending has trebled under the New Deal, while tax burdens have doubled. Huge taxes are necessary to pay for New Deal waste and for neglected national defense. We shall revise the tax system and remove those practices which impede recovery and shall apply policies which stimulate enterprise. We shall not use the taxing power as an instrument of punishment or to secure objectives not otherwise obtainable under existing law.\nPublic Credit\n\nWith urgent need for adequate defense, the people are burdened by a direct and contingent debt exceeding fifty billion dollars. Twenty-nine billion of this debt has been created by New Deal borrowings during the past seven years. We pledge ourselves to conserve the public credit for all essential purposes by levying taxation sufficient to cover necessary civil expenditure, a substantial part of the defense cost, and the interest and retirement of the national debt.\nPublic Spending\n\nMillions of men and women still out of work after seven years of excessive spending refute the New Deal theory that \"deficit spending\" is the way to prosperity and jobs. Our American system of private enterprise, if permitted to go to work, can rapidly increase the wealth, income, and standard of living of all the people. We solemnly pledge that public expenditures, other than those required for full national defense and relief, shall be cut to levels necessary for the essential services of government.\nEqual Rights\n\nWe favor submission by Congress to the States of an amendment to the Constitution providing for equal rights for men and women.\nNegro\n\nWe pledge that our American citizens of Negro descent shall be given a square deal in the economic and political life of this nation. Discrimination in the civil service, the army, navy, and all other branches of the Government must cease. To enjoy the full benefits of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness universal suffrage must be made effective for the Negro citizen. Mob violence shocks the conscience of the nation and legislation to curb this evil should be enacted.\nUn-American Activities\n\nWe vigorously condemn the New Deal encouragement of various groups that seek to change the American form of government by means outside the Constitution. We condemn the appointment of members of such un-American groups to high positions of trust in the national Government. The development of the treacherous so-called Fifth Column, as it has operated in war-stricken countries, should be a solemn warning to America. We pledge the Republican Party to get rid of such borers from within.\nImmigration\n\nWe favor the strict enforcement of all laws controlling the entry of aliens. The activities of undesirable aliens should be investigated and those who seek to change by force and violence the American form of government should be deported.\nVeterans\n\nWe pledge adequate compensation and care for veterans disabled in the service of our country, and for their widows, orphans, and dependents.\nIndians\n\nWe pledge an immediate and final settlement of all Indian claims between the government and the Indian citizenship of the nation.\nHawaii\n\nHawaii, sharing the nation's obligations equally with the several States, is entitled to the fullest measure of home rule; and to equality with the several States in the rights of her citizens and in the application of our national laws.\nPuerto Rico\n\nStatehood is a logical aspiration of the people of Puerto Rico who were made citizens of the United States by Congress in 1917; legislation affecting Puerto Rico, in so far as feasible, should be in harmony with the realization of that aspiration.\nGovernment and Business\n\nWe shall encourage a healthy, confident, and growing private enterprise, confine Government activity to essential public services, and regulate business only so as to protect consumer, employee, and investor and without restricting the production of more and better goods at lower prices.\nMonopoly\n\nSince the passage of the Sherman Anti-trust Act by the Republican party we have consistently fought to preserve free competition with regulation to prevent abuse. New Deal policy fosters Government monopoly, restricts production, and fixes prices. We shall enforce anti-trust legislation without prejudice or discrimination. We condemn the use or threatened use of criminal indictments to obtain through consent decrees objectives not contemplated by law.\nGovernment Competition\n\nWe promise to reduce to the minimum Federal competition with business. We pledge ourselves to establish honest accounting and reporting by every agency of the Federal Government and to continue only those enterprises whose maintenance is clearly in the public interest.\nFree Speech\n\nThe principles of a free press and free speech, as established by the Constitution, should apply to the radio. Federal regulation of radio is necessary in view of the natural limitations of wave lengths, but this gives no excuse for censorship. We oppose the use of licensing to establish arbitrary controls. Licenses should be revocable only when, after public hearings, due cause for cancellation is shown.\nSmall Business\n\nThe New Deal policy of interference and arbitrary regulation has injured all business, but especially small business. We promise to encourage the small business man by removing unnecessary bureaucratic regulation and interference.\nStock and Commodity Exchanges\n\nWe favor regulation of stock and commodity exchanges. They should be accorded the fullest measure of self-control consistent with the discharge of their public trust and the prevention of abuse.\nInsurance\n\nWe condemn the New Deal attempts to destroy the confidence of our people in private insurance institutions. We favor continuance of regulation of insurance by the several States.\nGovernment Reorganization\n\nWe shall reestablish in the Federal Civil Service a real merit system on a truly competitive basis and extend it to all non-policy-forming positions.\nWe pledge ourselves to enact legislation standardizing and simplifying quasi-judicial and administrative agencies to insure adequate notice and hearing, impartiality, adherence to the rules of evidence and full judicial review of all questions of law and fact.\nOur greatest protection against totalitarian government is the American system of checks and balances. The constitutional distribution of legislative, executive, and judicial functions is essential to the preservation of this system. We pledge ourselves to make it the basis of all our policies affecting the organization and operation of our Republican form of Government.\nThird Term\n\nTo insure against the overthrow of our American system of government we favor an amendment to the Constitution providing that no person shall be President of the United States for more than two terms.\nA Pledge of Good Faith\n\nThe acceptance of the nominations made by this Convention carries with it, as a matter of private honor and public faith, an undertaking by each candidate to be true to the principles and program herein set forth.\nWe earnestly urge all patriotic men and women, regardless of former affiliations, to unite with us in the support of our declaration of principles to the end that \"government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth.\"", "Words" -> 3281, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 222, "of" -> 187, "and" -> 152, "to" -> 106, "We" -> 53, "our" -> 48, "in" -> 43, "by" -> 40, "for" -> 39, "a" -> 35, "has" -> 28, "shall" -> 25, "be" -> 24, "The" -> 22, "as" -> 20, "all" -> 20, "with" -> 18, "that" -> 18, "is" -> 17, "we" -> 15, "national" -> 15, "this" -> 14, "States" -> 14, "New" -> 14, "defense" -> 14, "which" -> 13, "should" -> 13, "Deal" -> 13, "Administration" -> 13, "government" -> 12, "American" -> 12, "system" -> 11, "people" -> 11, "not" -> 11, "an" -> 11, "Government" -> 10, "from" -> 10, "favor" -> 10, "those" -> 9, "Republican" -> 9, "public" -> 9, "pledge" -> 9, "foreign" -> 9, "at" -> 9, "without" -> 8, "or" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "free" -> 8, "Federal" -> 8, "farm" -> 8, "business" -> 8, "are" -> 8, "America" -> 8, "war" -> 7, "United" -> 7, "To" -> 7, "other" -> 7, "its" -> 7, "It" -> 7, "essential" -> 7, "been" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "use" -> 6, "through" -> 6, "these" -> 6, "such" -> 6, "so" -> 6, "regulation" -> 6, "products" -> 6, "production" -> 6, "private" -> 6, "party" -> 6, "objectives" -> 6, "must" -> 6, "more" -> 6, "it" -> 6, "into" -> 6, "Instead" -> 6, "home" -> 6, "failed" -> 6, "establish" -> 6, "debt" -> 6, "condemn" -> 6, "but" -> 6, "Act" -> 6, "will" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "promote" -> 5, "policies" -> 5, "ourselves" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "on" -> 5, "men" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "life" -> 5, "have" -> 5, "groups" -> 5, "enterprise" -> 5, "economic" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "Congress" -> 5, "basis" -> 5, "years" -> 4, "worker" -> 4, "work" -> 4, "who" -> 4, "when" -> 4, "us" -> 4, "upon" -> 4, "unemployment" -> 4, "thus" -> 4, "put" -> 4, "provide" -> 4, "propose" -> 4, "program" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "policy" -> 4, "payments" -> 4, "own" -> 4, "Our" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "money" -> 4, "markets" -> 4, "liberty" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "law" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "interference" -> 4, "interest" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "extension" -> 4, "encourage" -> 4, "dollars" -> 4, "control" -> 4, "compensation" -> 4, "billion" -> 4, "between" -> 4, "world" -> 3, "words" -> 3, "women" -> 3, "where" -> 3, "true" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "threatened" -> 3, "their" -> 3, "than" -> 3, "tax" -> 3, "support" -> 3, "still" -> 3, "spending" -> 3, "solemnly" -> 3, "soil" -> 3, "several" -> 3, "seven" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "Puerto" -> 3, "Public" -> 3, "providing" -> 3, "promise" -> 3, "preserve" -> 3, "present" -> 3, "positions" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "Party" -> 3, "over" -> 3, "orderly" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "Negro" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "man" -> 3, "insure" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "individual" -> 3, "income" -> 3, "idle" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "gold" -> 3, "farmer" -> 3, "fact" -> 3, "effective" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "domestic" -> 3, "development" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "defend" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "cost" -> 3, "co-operative" -> 3, "consumer" -> 3, "competition" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "change" -> 3, "billions" -> 3, "benefits" -> 3, "believe" -> 3, "arbitrary" -> 3, "agriculture" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "agency" -> 3, "against" -> 3, "administration" -> 3, "youth" -> 2, "yet" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "wars" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "unprepared" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "under" -> 2, "two" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "taxes" -> 2, "tariff" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "strong" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "stimulate" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "Social" -> 2, "so-called" -> 2, "small" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "services" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "seek" -> 2, "Security" -> 2, "securities" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "rights" -> 2, "require" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "regularity" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "radio" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "project" -> 2, "programs" -> 2, "problem" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "President's" -> 2, "President" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "practicable" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "possible" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "perfect" -> 2, "peoples" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "opportunity" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "need" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "Nation" -> 2, "Money" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "military" -> 2, "might" -> 2, "marketing" -> 2, "make" -> 2, "major" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "lost" -> 2, "living" -> 2, "liberties" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "laws" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "labor" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "invasion" -> 2, "international" -> 2, "intelligent" -> 2, "insurance" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "Indian" -> 2, "increased" -> 2, "increase" -> 2, "incompetent" -> 2, "In" -> 2, "ignoring" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "hour" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "hearings" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "harmony" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "great" -> 2, "get" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "fullest" -> 2, "freedom" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "federal" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "expenditure" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "employers" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "eliminate" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "domination" -> 2, "do" -> 2, "discrimination" -> 2, "determined" -> 2, "deliberately" -> 2, "Defense" -> 2, "declaration" -> 2, "country" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "continue" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "concerning" -> 2, "commodity" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "channels" -> 2, "can" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "bureaucratic" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "back" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "attempts" -> 2, "attack" -> 2, "assure" -> 2, "aspiration" -> 2, "armed" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "apply" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "aliens" -> 2, "Agriculture" -> 2, "after" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "activity" -> 2, "abuse" -> 2, "A" -> 2, "zero" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "word" -> 1, "woman" -> 1, "withdraw" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wild" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widely-applied" -> 1, "Wholly" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "whirled" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wheels" -> 1, "Welfare" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "wave" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "war-stricken" -> 1, "warring" -> 1, "warning" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "viciously" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "utterances" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "upset" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "un-preparedness" -> 1, "unoffending" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unimpaired" -> 1, "unfriendly" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undeviating" -> 1, "undesirable" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "uncollectible" -> 1, "Un-American" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "Twenty-nine" -> 1, "twenty-four" -> 1, "turmoil" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "trebled" -> 1, "treacherous" -> 1, "Tranquility" -> 1, "tranquility" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "thousands" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "theory" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "them" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "Term" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "teamwork" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "table" -> 1, "sympathies" -> 1, "surpluses" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supplying" -> 1, "supervised" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficiently" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "submits" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjection" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "structure" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "Stock" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "stirred" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "stated" -> 1, "state-controlled" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standardizing" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "stabilization" -> 1, "square" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "spent" -> 1, "Spending" -> 1, "Speech" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speak" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "solve" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "Small" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "simplifying" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "Silver" -> 1, "silver" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shocks" -> 1, "shifting" -> 1, "Sherman" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "shadow" -> 1, "shackled" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "serve" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "self-organization" -> 1, "self-control" -> 1, "segregated" -> 1, "seducing" -> 1, "Securities" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "sapping" -> 1, "sanitary" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "rid" -> 1, "revocable" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "revised" -> 1, "revise" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "restricts" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "resemble" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "reopening" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "relief—through" -> 1, "Relief" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "re-introduce" -> 1, "reigned" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "Regimentation" -> 1, "Regime" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refute" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "refinancing" -> 1, "reestablish" -> 1, "Re-Employment" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "recreate" -> 1, "recovery" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "Reciprocal" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "reassurance" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "re-armament" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "realistic" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "rating" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "quenching" -> 1, "quasi-judicial" -> 1, "quarantine" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "Purchase" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protests" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "profit-price" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "processing" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "preparedness" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "Pledge" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "perish" -> 1, "periods" -> 1, "Perfect" -> 1, "pay-as-you-go" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "paralyzing" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outposts" -> 1, "outlets" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "Organized" -> 1, "organization—not" -> 1, "orderliness" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "operators" -> 1, "operative" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "one-man" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "obtainable" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "notwithstanding" -> 1, "notice" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "non-productive" -> 1, "nonpolitical" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "non-policy-forming" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "neglected" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "Monopoly" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "Mob" -> 1, "Millions" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "Meeting" -> 1, "mechanized" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "meantime" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulate" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "logical" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "Licenses" -> 1, "liberty-loving" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "levying" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "lessons" -> 1, "lengths" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "lease" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "labor's" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "Judiciary" -> 1, "Jobs" -> 1, "jobs" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irreparable" -> 1, "irredeemable" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involvement" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "investigated" -> 1, "Introduction" -> 1, "interrupted" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "insuring" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "Inflation" -> 1, "Industry" -> 1, "indictments" -> 1, "Indians" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "Imposed" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impartiality" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "Idle" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "Huge" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "holdings" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "healthy" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "haste" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "handle" -> 1, "Hall" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "grants-in-aid" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "Government's" -> 1, "government-dominated" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "giant" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fosters" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "flow" -> 1, "flames" -> 1, "fixes" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fifty-four" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fasten" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "farmer-controlled" -> 1, "fanned" -> 1, "family-type" -> 1, "Faith" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "explosive" -> 1, "explore" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "expand" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "excuse" -> 1, "Exchanges" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everyday" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "Establishment" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipment" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engulf" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employee" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "eased" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "ear-marked" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "Doubled" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "Domesticated" -> 1, "domestically" -> 1, "Domestic" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "disposition" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "Discrimination" -> 1, "disclosures" -> 1, "disclosing" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "details" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "descent" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "deported" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "Deficit" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "decrees" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "deceived" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "Debt" -> 1, "debase" -> 1, "Deal's" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "damage" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "countless" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "cooperation—not" -> 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1, "cease" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "cancellation" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "boys" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "borrowings" -> 1, "borers" -> 1, "boosted" -> 1, "Blessings" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "bimetallism" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "Believing" -> 1, "belated" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "available" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attacking" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "assistance" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "any" -> 1, "Anti-trust" -> 1, "anti-trust" -> 1, "animate" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "Americanism" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "all-time" -> 1, "alienating" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "addition" -> 1, "adaptable" -> 1, "Activities" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "accordingly" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "absence" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "1934" -> 1, "1933" -> 1, "1917" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1936", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1936, "Date" -> DateObject[{1936, 6, 9}], "Text" -> "America is in peril. The welfare of American\nmen and women and the future of our youth are at stake. We dedicate ourselves to the preservation of their political liberty, their individual opportunity and their character as free citizens, which today for the first time are threatened by Government itself.\nFor three long years the New Deal Administration has dishonored American traditions and flagrantly betrayed the pledges upon which the Democratic Party sought and received public support.\nThe powers of Congress have been usurped by the President.\nThe integrity and authority of the Supreme Court have been flouted.\nThe rights and liberties of American citizens have been violated.\nRegulated monopoly has displaced free enterprise.\nThe New Deal Administration constantly seeks to usurp the rights reserved to the States and to the people.\nIt has insisted on the passage of laws contrary to the Constitution.\nIt has intimidated witnesses and interfered with the right of petition.\nIt has dishonored our country by repudiating its most sacred obligations.\nIt has been guilty of frightful waste and extravagance, using public funds for partisan political purposes.\nIt has promoted investigations to harass and intimidate American citizens, at the same time denying investigations into its own improper expenditures.\nIt has created a vast multitude of new offices, filled them with its favorites, set up a centralized bureaucracy, and sent out swarms of inspectors to harass our people.\nIt has bred fear and hesitation in commerce and industry, thus discouraging new enterprises, preventing employment and prolonging the depression.\nIt secretly has made tariff agreements with our foreign competitors, flooding our markets with foreign commodities.\nIt has coerced and intimidated voters by withholding relief to those opposing its tyrannical policies.\nIt has destroyed the morale of our people and made them dependent upon government.\nAppeals to passion and class prejudice have replaced reason and tolerance.\nTo a free people, these actions are insufferable. This campaign cannot be waged on the traditional differences between the Republican and Democratic parties. The responsibility of this election transcends all previous political divisions. We invite all Americans, irrespective of party, to join us in defense of American institutions.\nConstitutional Government and Free Enterprise\n\nWe pledge ourselves:\n1. To maintain the American system of Constitutional and local self government, and to resist all attempts to impair the authority of the Supreme Court of the United States, the final protector of the rights of our citizens against the arbitrary encroachments of the legislative and executive branches of government. There can be no individual liberty without an independent judiciary.\n2. To preserve the American system of free enterprise, private competition, and equality of opportunity, and to seek its constant betterment in the interests of all.\nReemployment\n\nThe only permanent solution of the unemployment problem is the absorption of the unemployed by industry and agriculture. To that end, we advocate:\nRemoval of restrictions on production. Abandonment of all New Deal policies that raise production costs, increase the cost of living, and thereby restrict buying, reduce volume and prevent reemployment.\nEncouragement instead of hindrance to legitimate business.\nWithdrawal of government from competition with private payrolls.\nElimination of unnecessary and hampering regulations.\nAdoption of such other policies as will furnish a chance for individual enterprise, industrial expansion, and the restoration of jobs.\nRelief\n\nThe necessities of life must be provided for the needy, and hope must be restored pending recovery. The administration of relief is a major failing of the New Deal. It has been faithless to those who must deserve our sympathy. To end confusion, partisanship, waste and incompetence, we pledge:\n1. The return of responsibility for relief administration to non-political local agencies familiar with community problems.\n2. Federal grants-in-aid to the States and territories while the need exists, upon compliance with these conditions: (a) a fair proportion of the total relief burden to be provided from the revenues of States and local governments; (b) all engaged in relief administration to be selected on the basis of merit and fitness; (c) adequate provision to be made for the encouragement of those persons who are trying to become self-supporting.\n3. Undertaking of Federal public works only on their merits and separate from the administration of relief.\n4. A prompt determination of the facts concerning relief and unemployment.\nSecurity\n\nReal security will be possible only when our productive capacity is sufficient to furnish a decent standard of living for all American families and to provide a surplus for future needs and contingencies. For the attainment of that ultimate objective, we look to the energy, self-reliance and character of our people, and to our system of free enterprise.\nSociety has an obligation to promote the security of the people, by affording some measure of protection against involuntary unemployment and dependency in old age. The New Deal policies, while purporting to provide social security, have, in fact, endangered it.\nWe propose a system of old age security, based upon the following principles:\n1. We approve a pay-as-you-go policy, which requires of each generation the support of the aged and the determination of what is just and adequate.\n2. Every American citizen over sixty-five should receive the supplementary payment necessary to provide a minimum income sufficient to protect him or her from want.\n3. Each state and territory, upon complying with simple and general minimum standards, should receive from the federal government a graduated contribution in proportion to its own, up to a fixed maximum.\n4. To make this program consistent with sound fiscal policy the Federal revenues for this purpose must be provided from the proceeds of a direct tax widely distributed. All will be benefited and all should contribute.\nWe propose to encourage adoption by the states and territories of honest and practical measures for meeting the problems of unemployment insurance.\nThe unemployment insurance and old age annuity sections of the present Social Security Act are unworkable and deny benefits to about two-thirds of our adult population, including professional men and women and all those engaged in agriculture and domestic service, and the self employed while imposing heavy tax burdens upon all. The so-called reserve fund estimated at forty-seven billion dollars for old age insurance is no reserve at all, because the fund will contain nothing but the Government's promise to pay, while the taxes collected in the guise of premiums will be wasted by the Government in reckless and extravagant political schemes.\nLabor\n\nThe welfare of labor rests upon increased production and the prevention of exploitation. We pledge ourselves to:\nProtect the right of labor to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of its own choosing without interference from any source.\nPrevent governmental job holders from exercising autocratic powers over labor.\nSupport the adoption of state laws and interstate compacts to abolish sweatshops and child labor, and to protect women and children with respect to maximum hours, minimum wages and working conditions. We believe that this can be done within the Constitution as it now stands.\nAgriculture\n\nThe farm problem is an economic and social, not a partisan problem, and we propose to treat it accordingly. Following the wreck of the restrictive and coercive A.A.A.., the New Deal Administration has taken to itself the principles of the Republican Policy of soil conservation and land retirement. This action opens the way for a non-political and permanent solution. Such a solution cannot be had under a New Deal Administration which misuses the program to serve partisan ends, to promote scarcity and to limit by coercive methods the farmer's control over his own farm.\nOur paramount object is to protect and foster the family type of farm, traditional in American life, and to promote policies which will bring about an adjustment of agriculture to meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets. As an emergency measure, during the agricultural depression, federal benefits payments or grants-in-aid when administered within the means of the Federal government are consistent with a balanced budget.\nWe propose:\n1. To facilitate economical production and increased consumption on a basis of abundance instead of scarcity.\n2. A national land-use program, including the acquisition of abandoned and non-productive farm lands by voluntary sale or lease, subject to approval of the legislative and executive branches of the States concerned, and the devotion of such land to appropriate public use, such as watershed protection and flood prevention, reforestation, recreation, and conservation of wild life.\n3. That an agricultural policy be pursued for the protection and restoration of the land resources, designed to bring about such a balance between soil-building and soil-depleting crops as will permanently insure productivity, with reasonable benefits to cooperating farmer's on family-type farms, but so regulated as to eliminate the New Deal's destructive policy towards the dairy and live-stock industries.\n4. To extend experimental aid to farmers developing new crops suited to our soil and climate.\n5. To promote the industrial use of farm products by applied science.\n6. To protect the American farmer against the importation of all live stock, dairy, and agricultural products, substitutes thereof, and derivatives therefrom, which will depress American farm prices.\n7. To provide effective quarantine against imported live-stock, dairy and other farm products from countries which do not impose health and sanitary regulations fully equal to those required of our own producers.\n8. To provide for ample farm credit at rates as low as those enjoyed by other industries, including commodity and live-stock loans, and preference in land loans to the farmer acquiring or refinancing a farm as a home.\n9. To provide for decentralized, non-partisan control of the Farm Credit Administration and the election by National Farm Loan Associations of at least one-half of each Board of Directors of the Federal Land Banks, and thereby remove these institutions from politics.\n10. To provide in the case of agricultural products of which there are exportable surpluses, the payment of reasonable benefits upon the domestically consumed portion of such crops in order to make the tariff effective. These payments are to be limited to the production level of the family type farm.\n11. To encourage and further develop co-operative marketing.\n12. To furnish Government assistance in disposing of surpluses in foreign trade by bargaining for foreign markets selectively by countries both as to exports and imports. We strenuously oppose so called reciprocal treaties which trade off the American farmer.\n13. To give every reasonable assistance to producers in areas suffering from temporary disaster, so that they may regain and maintain a self-supporting status.\nTariff\n\nNearly sixty percent of all imports into the United States are now free of duty. The other forty percent of imports compete directly with the product of our industry. We would keep on the free list all products not grown or produced in the United States in commercial quantities. As to all commodities that commercially compete with our farms, our forests, our mines, our fisheries, our oil wells, our labor and our industries, sufficient protection should be maintained at all times to defend the American farmer and the American wage earner from the destructive competition emanating from the subsidies of foreign governments and the imports from low-wage and depreciated-currency countries.\nWe will repeal the present Reciprocal Trade Agreement Law. It is futile and dangerous. Its effect on agriculture and industry has been destructive. Its continuation would work to the detriment of the wage earner and the farmer.\nWe will restore the principle of the flexible tariff in order to meet changing economic conditions here and abroad and broaden by careful definition the powers of the Tariff Commission in order to extend this policy along non-partisan lines.\nWe will adjust tariffs with a view to promoting international trade, the stabilization of currencies, and the attainment of a proper balance between agriculture and industry.\nWe condemn the secret negotiations of reciprocal trade treaties without public hearing or legislative approval.\nMonopolies\n\nA private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable. It menaces and, if continued, will utterly destroy constitutional government and the liberty of the citizen.\nWe favor the vigorous enforcement of the criminal laws, as well as the civil laws, against monopolies and trusts and their officials, and we demand the enactment of such additional legislation as is necessary to make it impressible for private monopoly to exist in the United States.\nWe will employ the full powers of the government to the end that monopoly shall be eliminated and that free enterprise shall be fully restored and maintained.\nRegulation of Business\n\nWe recognize the existence of a field within which governmental regulation is desirable and salutary. The authority to regulate should be vested in an independent tribunal acting under clear and specific laws establishing definite standards. Their determinations on law and facts should be subject to review by the Courts. We favor Federal regulation, within the Constitution, of the marketing of securities to protect investors. We favor also Federal regulation of the interstate activities of public utilities.\nCivil Service\n\nUnder the New Deal, official authority has been given to inexperienced and incompetent persons. The Civil Service has been sacrificed to create a national political machine. As a result the Federal Government has never presented such a picture of confusion and inefficiency.\nWe pledge ourselves to the merit system, virtually destroyed by New Deal spoilsmen. It should be restored, improved and extended.\nWe will provide such conditions as offer an attractive permanent career in government service to young men and women of ability, irrespective of party affiliations.\nGovernment Finance\n\nThe New Deal Administration has been characterized by shameful waste, and general financial irresponsibility. It has piled deficit upon deficit. It threatens national bankruptcy and the destruction through inflation of insurance policies and savings bank deposits. We pledge ourselves to:\nStop the folly of uncontrolled spending. Balance the budget—not by increasing taxes but by cutting expenditures, drastically and immediately.\nRevise the federal tax system and coordinate it with state and local tax systems.\nUse the taxing power for raising revenue and not for punitive or political purposes.\nMoney and Banking\n\nWe advocate a sound currency to be preserved at all hazards.\nThe first requisite to a sound and stable currency is a balanced budget.\nWe oppose further devaluation of the dollar. We will restore to the Congress the authority lodged with it by the Constitution to coin money and regulate the value thereof by repealing all the laws delegating this authority to the Executive.\nWe will cooperate with other countries toward stabilization of currencies as soon as we can do so with due regard for our National interests and as soon as other nations have sufficient stability to justify such action.\nForeign Affairs\n\nWe pledge ourselves to promote and maintain peace by all honorable means not leading to foreign alliances or political commitments.\nObedient to the traditional foreign policy of America and to the repeatedly expressed will of the American people, we pledge that America shall not become a member of the League of Nations nor of the World Court nor shall America take on any entangling alliances in foreign affairs.\nWe shall promote, as the best means of securing and maintaining peace by the pacific settlement of disputes, the great cause of international arbitration through the establishment of free, independent tribunals, which shall determine such disputes in accordance with law, equity and justice.\nNational Defense\n\nWe favor an army and navy, including air forces, adequate for our National Defense.\nWe will cooperate with other nations in the limitation of armaments and control of tragic in arms.\nBill of Rights\n\nWe pledge ourselves to preserve, protect and defend, against all intimidation and threat, freedom of religion, speech, press and radio; and the right of assembly and petition and immunity from unreasonable searches and seizures.\nWe offer the abiding security of a government of laws as against the autocratic perils of a government of men.\nFurthermore\n\n1. We favor the construction by the Federal Government of head-water storage basins to prevent floods, subject to the approval of the legislative and executive branches of the government of the States whose lands are concerned.\n2. We favor equal opportunity for our colored citizens. We pledge our protection of their economic status and personal safety. We will do our best to further their employment in the gainfully occupied life of America, particularly in private industry, agriculture, emergency agencies and the Civil Service.\nWe condemn the present New Deal policies which would regiment and ultimately eliminate the colored citizen from the country's productive life, and make him solely a ward of the federal government.\n3. To our Indian population we pledge every effort on the part of the national government to ameliorate living conditions for them.\n4. We pledge continuation of the Republican policy of adequate compensation and care for veterans disabled in the service of our country and for their widows, orphans and dependents.\n5. We shall use every effort to collect the war debt due us from foreign countries, amounting to $12,000,000—one-third of our national debt. No effort has been made by the present administration even to reopen negotiations.\n6. We are opposed to legislation which discriminates against women in Federal and State employment.\nConclusion\n\nWe assume the obligations and duties imposed upon Government by modern conditions. We affirm our unalterable conviction that, in the future as in the past, the fate of the nation will depend, not so much on the wisdom and power of government, as on the character and virtue, self-reliance, industry and thrift of the people and on their willingness to meet the responsibilities essential to the preservation of a free society.\nFinally, as our party affirmed in its first Platform in 1856: \"Believing that the spirit of our institutions as well as the Constitution of our country guarantees liberty of conscience and equality of rights among our citizens we oppose all legislation tending to impair them,\" and \"we invite the affiliation and cooperation of the men of all parties, however differing from us in other respects, in support of the principles herein declared.\"\nThe acceptance of the nomination tendered by the Convention carries with it, as a matter of private honor and public faith, an undertaking by each candidate to be true to the principles and program herein 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"but" -> 3, "branches" -> 3, "between" -> 3, "As" -> 3, "approval" -> 3, "about" -> 3, "A" -> 3, "who" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "welfare" -> 2, "wage" -> 2, "up" -> 2, "under" -> 2, "type" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "taxes" -> 2, "Tariff" -> 2, "surpluses" -> 2, "Supreme" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "stabilization" -> 2, "soon" -> 2, "soil" -> 2, "social" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "self-supporting" -> 2, "self-reliance" -> 2, "self" -> 2, "Security" -> 2, "scarcity" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "restoration" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "regulations" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "reciprocal" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "population" -> 2, "petition" -> 2, "persons" -> 2, "percent" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "payments" -> 2, 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"meeting" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "major" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "machine" -> 1, "low-wage" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "lodged" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "lease" -> 1, "League" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "land-use" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "jobs" -> 1, "job" -> 1, "irresponsibility" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "investors" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interfered" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insufferable" -> 1, "inspectors" -> 1, "insisted" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "inexperienced" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "Indian" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "incompetence" -> 1, "income" -> 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1, "flexible" -> 1, "flagrantly" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "fisheries" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favorites" -> 1, "fate" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "family-type" -> 1, "families" -> 1, "familiar" -> 1, "faithless" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "failing" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "expressed" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "exportable" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experimental" -> 1, "expansion" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "estimated" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equity" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "Enterprise" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "encroachments" -> 1, "Encouragement" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "employ" -> 1, "emanating" -> 1, "Elimination" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domestically" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "disposing" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "discriminates" -> 1, "discouraging" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "Directors" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "devaluation" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "determinations" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "desirable" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "derivatives" -> 1, "depress" -> 1, "depreciated-currency" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "dependency" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delegating" -> 1, "definition" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "decentralized" -> 1, "decent" -> 1, "Deal's" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "contingencies" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "complying" -> 1, "compliance" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "compacts" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "commercially" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "coerced" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "(c)" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "budget—not" -> 1, "broaden" -> 1, "bred" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "betterment" -> 1, "betrayed" -> 1, "benefited" -> 1, "Believing" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "basins" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "bankruptcy" -> 1, "Banking" -> 1, "bank" -> 1, "Balance" -> 1, "(b)" -> 1, "attractive" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "Associations" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "areas" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrary" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "Appeals" -> 1, "annuity" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounting" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "ameliorate" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "air" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "Agreement" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "affording" -> 1, "affirmed" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "affiliation" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "Adoption" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "actions" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "accordingly" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absorption" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "Abandonment" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "A.A.A" -> 1, "(a)" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "1856" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12,000,000—one-third" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1932", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1932, "Date" -> DateObject[{1932, 6, 14}], "Text" -> "We, the representatives of the Republican Party, in convention assembled, renew our pledge to the principles and traditions of our party and dedicate it anew to the service of the nation.\nWe meet in a period of widespread distress and of an economic depression that has swept the world. The emergency is second only to that of a great war. The human suffering occasioned may well exceed that of a period of actual conflict.\nThe supremely important problem that challenges our citizens and government alike is to break the back of the depression, to restore the economic life of the nation and to bring encouragement and relief to the thousands of American families that are sorely afflicted.\nThe people themselves, by their own courage, their own patient and resolute effort in the readjustments of their own affairs, can and will work out the cure. It is our task as a party, by leadership and a wise determination of policy, to assist that recovery.\nTo that task we pledge all that our party possesses in capacity, leadership, resourcefulness and ability. Republicans, collectively and individually, in nation and State, hereby enlist in a war which will not end until the promise of American life is once more fulfilled.\nLeadership\n\nFor nearly three years the world has endured an economic depression of unparalleled extent and severity. The patience and courage of our people have been severely tested, but their faith in themselves, in their institutions and in their future remains unshaken. When victory comes, as it will, this generation will hand on to the next a great heritage unimpaired.\nThis will be due in large measure to the quality of the leadership that this country has had during this crisis. We have had in the White House a leader—wise, courageous, patient, understanding, resourceful, ever present at his post of duty, tireless in his efforts and unswervingly faithful to American principles and ideals.\nAt the outset of the depression, when no man could foresee its depth and extent, the President succeeded in averting much distress by securing agreement between industry and labor to maintain wages and by stimulating programs of private and governmental construction. Throughout the depression unemployment has been limited by the systematic use of part-time employment as a substitute for the general discharge of employees. Wage scales have not been reduced except under compelling necessity. As a result there have been fewer strikes and less social disturbance than during any similar period of hard times.\nThe suffering and want occasioned by the great drought of 1930 were mitigated by the prompt mobilization of the resources of the Red Cross and of the government. During the trying winters of 1930-31 and 1931-32 a nation-wide organization to relieve distress was brought into being under the leadership of the President. By the Spring of 1931 the possibility of a business upturn in the United States was clearly discernible when, suddenly, a train of events was set in motion in Central Europe which moved forward with extraordinary rapidity and violence, threatening the credit structure of the world and eventually dealing a serious blow to this country.\nThe President foresaw the danger. He sought to avert it by proposing a suspension of intergovernmental debt payments for one year, with the purpose of relieving the pressure at the point of greatest intensity. But the credit machinery of the nations of Central Europe could not withstand the strain, and the forces of disintegration continued to gain momentum until in September\nGreat Britain was forced to depart from the gold standard. This momentous event, followed by tremendous raid on the dollar, resulted in a series of bank suspensions in this country, and the hoarding of currency on a large scale.\nAgain the President acted. Under his leadership the National Credit Association came into being. It mobilized our banking resources, saved scores of banks from failure, helped restore confidence and proved of inestimable value in strengthening the credit structure.\nBy the time the Congress met the character of our problems was clearer than ever. In his message to Congress the President outlined a constructive and definite program which in the main has been carried out; other portions may yet be carried out.\nThe Railroad Credit Corporation was created. The capital of the Federal Land Banks was increased. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation came into being and brought protection to millions of depositors, policy holders and others.\nLegislation was enacted enlarging the discount facilities of the Federal Reserve System, and, without reducing the legal reserves of the Federal Reserve Banks, releasing a billion dollars of gold, a formidable protection against raids on the dollar and a greatly enlarged basis for an expansion of credit.\nAn earlier distribution to depositors in closed banks has been brought about through the action of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Above all, the national credit has been placed in an impregnable position by provision for adequate revenue and a program of drastic curtailment of expenditures. All of these measures were designed to lay a foundation for the resumption of business and increased employment.\nBut delay and the constant introduction and consideration of new and unsound measures has kept the country in a state of uncertainty and fear, and offset much of the good otherwise accomplished.\nThe President has recently supplemented his original program to provide for distress, to stimulate the revival of business and employment, and to improve the agricultural situation, he recommended extending the authority of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to enable it:\n(a) To make loans to political subdivisions of public bodies or private corporations for the purpose of starting construction of income-producing or self-liquidating projects which will at once increase employment;\n(b) To make loans upon security of agricultural commodities so as to insure the carrying of normal stocks of those commodities, and thus stabilize their loan value and price levels:\n(c) To make loans to the Federal Farm Board to enable extension of loans to farm co-operatives and loans for export of agricultural commodities to quarters unable to purchase them;\n(d) To loan up to $300,000,000 to such States as are unable to meet the calls made on them by their citizens for distress relief.\nThe President's program contemplates an attack on a broad front, with far-reaching objectives, but entailing no danger to the budget. The Democratic program, on the other hand, contemplates a heavy expenditure of public funds, a budget unbalanced on a large scale, with a doubtful attainment of at best a strictly limited objective.\nWe strongly endorse the President's program.\nUnemployment and Relief\n\nTrue to American traditions and principles of government, the administration has regarded the relief problem as one of State and local responsibility. The work of local agencies, public and private has been coordinated and enlarged on a nation-wide scale under the leadership of the President.\nSudden and unforeseen emergencies such as the drought have been met by the Red Cross and the Government. The United States Public Health Service has been of inestimable benefit to stricken areas.\nThere has been magnificent response and action to relieve distress by citizens, organizations and agencies, public and private throughout the country.\nPublic Economy\n\nConstructive plans for financial stabilization cannot be completely organized until our national, State and municipal governments not only balance their budgets but curtail their current expenses as well to a level which can be steadily and economically maintained for some years to come.\nWe urge prompt and drastic reduction of public expenditure and resistance to every appropriation not demonstrably necessary to the performance of government, national or local.\nThe Republican Party established and will continue to uphold the gold standard and will oppose any measure which will undermine the government's credit or impair the integrity of our national currency. Relief by currency inflation is unsound in principle and dishonest in results. The dollar is impregnable in the marts of the world today and must remain so. An ailing body cannot be cured by quack remedies. This is no time to experiment upon the body politic or financial.\nBanks and the Banking System\n\nThe efficient functioning of our economic machinery depends in no small measure on the aid rendered to trade and industry by our banking system. There is need of revising the banking laws so as to place our banking structure on a sounder basis generally for all concerned, and for the better protection of the depositing public there should be more stringent supervision and broader powers vested in the supervising authorities. We advocate such a revision.\nOne of the serious problems affecting our banking system has arisen from the practice of organizing separate corporations by the same interests as banks, but participating in operations which the banks themselves are not permitted legally to undertake. We favor requiring reports of and subjecting to thorough and periodic examination all such affiliates of member banks until adequate information has been acquired on the basis of which this problem may definitely be solved in a permanent manner.\nInternational Conference\n\nWe favor the participation by the United States in an international conference to consider matters relating to monetary questions, including the position of silver, exchange problems, and commodity prices, and possible co-operative action concerning them.\nHome Loan Discount Bank System\n\nThe present Republican administration has initiated legislation for the creation of a system of Federally supervised home loan discount banks, designed to serve the home owners of all parts of the country and to encourage home ownership by making possible long term credits for homes on more stable and more favorable terms.\nThere has arisen in the last few years a disturbing trend away from home ownership. We believe that everything should be done by Governmental agencies, national State and local, to reverse this tendency; to aid home owners by encouraging better methods of home financing; and to relieve the present inequitable tax burden on the home. In the field of national legislation we pledge that the measures creating a home loan discount system will be pressed in Congress until adopted.\nAgriculture\n\nFarm distress in America has its root in the enormous expansion of agricultural production during the war, the deflation of 1919, 1920 and the dislocation of markets after the war. There followed, under Republican Administrations, a long record of legislation in aid of the co-operative organization of farmers and in providing farm credit. The position of agriculture was gradually improved. In 1928 the Republican Party pledged further measures in aid of agriculture, principally tariff protection for agricultural products and the creation of a Federal Farm Board \"clothed with the necessary power to promote the establishment of a farm marketing system of farmer-owned and controlled stabilization corporations.\"\nAlmost the first official act of President Hoover was the calling of a special session of Congress to redeem these party pledges. They have been redeemed.\nThe 1930 tariff act increased the rates on agricultural products by 30 per cent, upon industrial products only 12 per cent. That act equalized, so far as legislation can do so, the protection afforded the farmer with the protection afforded industry, and prevented a vast flood of cheap wool, grain, livestock, dairy and other products from entering the American market.\nBy the Agricultural Marketing Act, the Federal Farm Board was created and armed with broad powers and ample funds. The object of that act, as stated in its preamble, was:\n\"To promote the effective merchandising of agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce so that * * * agriculture will be placed on the basis of economic equality with other industries * * * By encouraging the organization of producers into effective association for their own control * * * and by promoting the establishment of a farm marketing system of producer-owned and producer-controlled co-operative associations .\"\nThe Federal Farm Board, created by the agricultural marketing act, has been compelled to conduct its operations during a period in which all commodity prices, industrial as well as agricultural, have fallen to disastrous levels. A period of decreasing demand and of national calamities such as drought and flood has intensified the problem of agriculture.\nNevertheless, after only a little more than two years' efforts, the Federal Farm Board has many achievements of merit to its credit. It has increased the membership of the co-operative farms marketing associations to coordinate efforts of the local associations. By cooperation with other Federal agencies, it has made available to farm marketing associations a large value of credit, which, in the emergency, would not have otherwise been available. Larger quantities of farm products have been handled co-operatively than ever before in the history of the co-operative movement. Grain crops have been sold by the farmer through his association directly upon the world market.\nDue to the 1930 tariff act and the agricultural marketing act, it can truthfully be stated that the prices received by the American farmer for his wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats, flaxseed, cattle, butter and many other products, cruelly low though they are, are higher than the prices received by the farmers of any competing nation for the same products.\nThe Republican Party has also aided the American farmer by relief of the sufferers in the drought-stricken areas, through loans for rehabilitation and through road building to provide employment, by the development of the inland waterway system, by the perishable product act, by the strengthening of the extension system, and by the appropriation of $125,000,000 to recapitalize the Federal land banks and enable them to extend time to worthy borrowers.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to the principle of assistance to co-operative marketing associations, owned and controlled by the farmers themselves, through the provisions of the agricultural marketing act, which will be promptly amended or modified as experience shows to be necessary to accomplish the objects set forth in the preamble of that act.\nTariff and the Marketing Act\n\nThe party pledges itself to make such revision of tariff schedules as economic changes require to maintain the parity of protection to agriculture with other industry.\nThe American farmer is entitled not only to tariff schedules on his products but to protection from substitutes therefor.\nWe will support any plan which will help to balance production against demand, and thereby raise agricultural prices, provided it is economically sound and administratively workable without burdensome bureaucracy.\nThe burden of taxation borne by the owners of farm land constitutes one of the major problems of agriculture.\nPresident Hoover has aptly and truly said, \"Taxes upon real property are easiest to enforce and are the least flexible of all taxes. The tendency under pressure of need is to continue these taxes unchanged in times of depression, despite the decrease in the owner's income. Decreasing price and decreasing income results in an increasing burden upon property owners * * * which is now becoming almost unbearable. The tax burden upon real estate is wholly out of proportion to that upon other forms of property and income. There is no farm relief more needed today than tax relief.\"\nThe time has come for a reconsideration of our tax systems, Federal State and local, with a view to developing a better coordination, reducing duplication and relieving unjust burdens. The Republican Party pledges itself to this end.\nMore than all else, we point to the fact that, in the administration of executive departments, and in every plan of the President for the coordination of national effort and for strengthening our financial structure, for expanding credit, for rebuilding the rural credit system and laying the foundations for better prices, the President has insisted upon the interest of the American farmer.\nThe fundamental problem of American agriculture is the control of production to such volume as will balance supply with demand. In the solution of this problem the co-operative organization of farmers to plan production, and the tariff, to hold the home market for American farmers, are vital elements. A third element equally as vital is the control of the acreage of land under cultivation, as an aid to the efforts of the farmer to balance production.\nWe favor a national policy of land utilization which looks to national needs, such as the administration has already begun to formulate. Such a policy must foster reorganization of taxing units in areas beset by tax delinquency and divert lands that are submarginal for crop production to other uses. The national welfare plainly can be served by the acquisition of submarginal lands for watershed protection, grazing, forestry, public parks and game preserves. We favor such acquisition.\nThe Tariff\n\nThe Republican Party has always been the staunch supporter of the American system of a protective tariff. It believes that the home market, built up under that policy, the greatest and richest market in the world, belongs first to American agriculture, industry and labor. No pretext can justify the surrender of that market to such competition as would destroy our farms, mines and factories, and lower the standard of living which we have established for our workers.\nBecause many foreign countries have recently abandoned the gold standard, as a result of which the costs of many commodities produced in such countries have, at least for the time being, fallen materially in terms of American currency, adequate tariff protection is today particularly essential to the welfare of the American people.\nThe Tariff Commission should promptly investigate individual commodities so affected by currency depreciation and report to the President any increase in duties found necessary to equalize domestic with foreign costs of production.\nTo fix the duties on some thousands of commodities, subject to highly complex conditions, is necessarily a difficult technical task. It is unavoidable that some of the rates established by legislation should, even at the time of their enactment, to be too low or too high. Moreover, a subsequent change in costs or other conditions may render obsolete a rate that was before appropriate. The Republican Party has, therefore, long supported the policy of a flexible tariff, giving power to the President, after investigation by an impartial commission and in accordance with prescribed principles, to modify the rates named by the Congress.\nWe commend the President's veto of the measure, sponsored by Democratic Congressmen, which would have transferred from the President to Congress the authority to put into effect the findings of the Tariff Commission. Approval of the measure would have returned tariff making to politics and destroyed the progress made during ten years of effort to lift it out of log-rolling methods. We pledge the Republican Party to a policy which will retain the gains made and enlarge the present scope of greater progress.\nWe favor the extension of the general Republican principle of tariff protection to our natural resource industries, including the products of our farms, forests, mines and oil wells, with compensatory duties on the manufactured and refined products thereof.\nVeterans\n\nOur country is honored whenever it bestows relief on those who have faithfully served its flag. The Republican Party, appreciative of this solemn obligation and honor, has made its sentiments evident in Congress.\nIncreased hospital facilities have been provided, payments in compensation have more than doubled and in the matter of rehabilitations, pensions and insurance, generous provision has been made.\nThe administration of laws dealing with the relief of the veterans and their dependents has been a difficult task, but every effort has been made to carry service to the veterans and bring about not only a better and generous interpretation of the law but a sympathetic consideration of the many problems of the veteran.\nWe believe that every veteran incapacitated in any degree by reason of illness should be cared for and compensated, so far as compensation is possible, by a grateful nation, and that the dependents of those who lost their lives in war or whose death since the war in which service was rendered is traceable to service causes, should be provided for adequately. Legislation should be in accord with this principle.\nDisability from causes subsequent and not attributable to war and the support of dependents of deceased veterans whose death is unconnected with war have been to some measure accepted obligations of the nation as a part of the debt due.\nA careful study should be made of existing veterans' legislation with a view to elimination of inequalities and injustices and effecting all possible economies, but without departing from our purpose to provide on a sound basis full and adequate relief for our service disabled men, their widows and orphans.\nForeign Affairs\n\nOur relations with foreign nations have been carried on by President Hoover with consistency and firmness, but with mutual understanding and peace with all nations. The world has been overwhelmed with economic strain which has provoked extreme nationalism in every quarter, has overturned many governments, stirred the springs of suspicion and distrust and tried the spirit of international cooperation, but we have held to our own course steadily and successfully.\nThe party will continue to maintain its attitude of protecting our national interests and policies wherever threatened but at the same time promoting common understanding of the varying needs and aspirations of other nations and going forward in harmony with other peoples without alliances or foreign partnerships.\nThe facilitation of world intercourse, the freeing of commerce from unnecessary impediments, the settlement of international difficulties by conciliation and the methods of law and the elimination of war as a resort of national policy have been and will be our party program.\nFriendship and Commerce\n\nWe believe in and look forward to the steady enlargement of the principles of equality of treatment between nations great and small, the concessions of sovereignty and self-administration to every nation which is capable of carrying on stable government and conducting sound orderly relationships with other peoples, and the cultivation of trade and intercourse on the basis of uniformity of opportunity of all nations.\nIn pursuance of these principles, which have steadily gained favor in the world, the administration has asked no special favors in commerce, has protested discriminations whenever they arose, and has steadily cemented this procedure by reciprocal treaties guaranteeing equality for trade and residence.\nThe historic American plan known as the most-favored-nation principle has been our guiding program, and we believe that policy to be the only one consistent with a full development of international trade, the only one suitable for a country having as wide and diverse a commerce as America, and the one most appropriate for us in view of the great variety of our industrial, agricultural and mineral products and the traditions of our people.\nAny other plan involves bargains and partnerships with foreign nations, and as a permanent policy is unsuited to America's position.\nConditions on the Pacific\n\nEvents in the Far East, involving the employment of arms on a large scale in a controversy between Japan and China, have caused worldwide concern in the past year and sorely tried the bulwarks erected to insure peace and pacific means for the settlement of international disputes.\nThe controversy has not only threatened the security of the nations bordering the Pacific but has challenged the maintenance of the policy of the open door in China and the administrative and political integrity of that people, programs which upon American initiation were adopted more than a generation ago and secured by international treaty.\nThe President and his Secretary of State have maintained throughout the controversy a just balance between Japan and China, taking always a firm position to avoid entanglements in the dispute, but consistently upholding the established international policies and the treaty rights and interests of the United States, and never condoning developments that endangered the obligation of treatises or the peace of the world.\nThroughout the controversy our government has acted in harmony with the governments represented in the League of Nations, always making it clear that American policy would be determined at home, but always lending a hand in the common interest of peace and order.\nIn the application of the principles of the Kellogg pact the American Government has taken the lead, following the principle that a breach of the pact or a threat of infringement thereof was a matter of international concern wherever and however brought about.\nAs a further step the Secretary of State, upon the instruction of the President, adopted the principle later enlarged upon in his letter to the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate that this government would not recognize any situation, treaty or agreement brought about between Japan and China by force and in defiance of the covenants of the Kellogg pact.\nThis principle, associated as it is with the name of President Hoover, was later adopted by the Assembly of the League of Nations at Geneva as a rule for the conduct of all those governments. The principle remains today as an important contribution to international law and a significant moral and material barrier to prevent a nation obtaining the fruits of aggressive warfare. It thus opens a new pathway to peace and order.\nWe favor enactment by Congress of a measure that will authorize our government to call or participate in an international conference in case of any threat of non-fulfillment of Article 2 of the Treaty of Paris (Kellogg-Briand pact).\nLatin-America\n\nThe policy of the administration has proved to our neighbors of Latin-America that we have no imperialistic ambitions, but that we wish only to promote the welfare and common interest of the independent nations in the western hemisphere.\nWe have aided Nicaragua in the solution of its troubles and our country, in greatly reduced numbers, at the request of the Nicaraguan Government only to supervise the coming election. After that they will all be returned to the United States.\nIn Haiti, in accord with the recommendations of the Forbes commission, appointed by the President, the various services of supervision are being rapidly withdrawn, and only those will be retained which are mandatory under the treaties.\nThroughout Latin America the policy of the government of the United States has been and will, under Republican leadership, continue to be one of frank and friendly understanding.\nWorld Court\n\nThe acceptance by America of membership in the World Court has been approved by three successive Republican Presidents and we commend this attitude of supporting in this form the settlement of international disputes by the rule of law. America should join its influence and gain a voice in this institution, which would offer us a safer, more judicial and expeditious instrument for the constantly recurring questions between us and other nations than is now available by arbitration.\nReduction of Armament\n\nConscious that the limitation of armament will contribute to security against war, and that the financial burdens of military preparation have been shamefully increased throughout the world, the Administration under President Hoover has made steady efforts and marked progress in the direction of proportional reduction of arms by agreement with other nations.\nUpon his initiative a treaty between the chief naval powers at London in 1930, following the path marked by the Washington Conference of 1922, established a limitation of all types of fighting ships on a proportionate basis as between the three great naval powers. For the first time, a general limitation of a most costly branch of armament was successfully accomplished.\nIn the Geneva disarmament conference, now in progress, America is an active participant and a representative delegation of our citizens is laboring for progress in a cause to which this country has been an earnest contributor. This policy will be pursued.\nMeanwhile maintenance of our navy on the basis of parity with any nation is a fundamental policy to which the Republican Party is committed. While in the interest of necessary government retrenchment, humanity and relief of the taxpayer we shall continue to exert our full influence upon the nations of the world in the cause of reduction of arms, we do not propose to reduce our navy defenses below that of any other nation.\nNational Defense\n\nArmaments are relative and, therefore, flexible and subject to changes as necessity demands. We believe that in time of war every material resource in the nation should bear its proportionate share of the burdens occasioned by the public need and that it is a duty of government to perfect plans in time of peace whereby this objective may be attained in war.\nWe support the essential principles of the National Defense Act as amended in 1920 and by the Air Corps Act of 1926, and believe that the army of the United States has, through successive reductions accomplished in the last twelve years, reached an irreducible minimum consistent with the self-reliance, self-respect and security of this country.\nWages and Work\n\nWe believe in the principle of high wages. We favor the principle of the shorter working week and shorter work day with its application to government as well as to private employment, as rapidly and as constructively as conditions will warrant.\nWe favor legislation designed to stimulate, encourage and assist in home building.\nImmigration\n\nThe restriction of immigration is a Republican policy. Our party formulated and enacted into law the quota system, which for the first time has made possible an adequate control of foreign immigration.\nRigid examination of applicants in foreign countries prevented the coming of criminals and other undesirable classes, while other provisions of the law have enabled the President to suspend immigration of foreign wage-earners who otherwise, directly or indirectly, would have increased unemployment among native-born and legally resident foreign-born wage-earners in this country. As a result, immigration is now less than at any time during the past one hundred years.\nWe favor the continuance and strict enforcement of our present laws upon this subject.\nDepartment of Labor\n\nWe commend the constructive work of the United States Department of Labor.\nLabor\n\nCollective bargaining by responsible representatives of employers and employes of their own choice, without the interference of any one, is recognized and approved.\nLegislation, such as laws, prohibiting alien contract labor, peonage labor and the shanghaiing of sailors; the eight-hour law on government contracts and in government employment; provision for railroad safety devices, of methods of conciliation, mediation and arbitration in industrial labor disputes, including the adjustment of railroad disputes; the providing of compensation for injury to government employes (the forerunner of Federal workers' compensation acts), and other laws to aid and protect labor are of Republican origin, and have had and will continue to have the unswerving support of the party.\nEmployment\n\nWe commend the constructive work of the United States Employment Service in the Department of Labor. This service was enlarged and its activities extended through an appropriation made possible by the President with the cooperation of the Congress. It has done high service for the unemployed in the ranks of civil life and in the ranks of the former soldiers of the World War.\nFreedom of Speech\n\nFreedom of speech, press and assemblages are fundamental principles upon which our form of government rests. These vital principles should be preserved and protected.\nPublic Utilities\n\nSupervision, regulation and control of interstate public utilities in the interest of the public is an established policy of the Republican Party, to the credit of which stands the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission, with its authority to assure reasonable transportation rates, sound railway finance and adequate service.\nAs proof of the progress made by the Republican Party in government control of public utilities, we cite the reorganization under this administration of the Federal Power Commission, with authority to administer the Federal water power act. We urge legislation to authorize this commission to regulate the charges for electric current when transmitted across State lines.\nTransportation\n\nThe promotion of agriculture, commerce and industry requires coordination of transportation by rail, highway, air and water. All should be subjected to appropriate and constructive regulation.\nThe public will, of course, select the form of transportation best fitted to its particular service, but the terms of competition fixed by public authority should operate without discrimination, so that all common carriers by rail, highway, air and water shall operate under conditions of equality.\nInland Waterways\n\nThe Republican Party recognizes that low cost transportation for bulk commodities will enable industry to develop in the midst of agriculture in the Mississippi Valley, thereby creating a home market for farm products in that section. With a view to aiding agriculture in the middle west the present administration has pushed forward as rapidly as possible the improvement of the Mississippi waterway system, and we favor the continued vigorous prosecution of these works to the end that agriculture and industry in that great area may enjoy the benefits of these improvements at the earliest possible date.\nThe railroads constitute the backbone of our transportation system and perform an essential service for the country. The railroad industry is our largest employer of labor and the greatest consumer of goods. The restoration of their credit and the maintenance of their ability to render adequate service are of paramount importance to the public, to their many thousands of employes and to savings banks, insurance companies and other similar institutions, to which the savings of the people have been entrusted.\nWe should continue to encourage the further development of the merchant marine under American registry and ownership.\nUnder the present administration the American merchant fleet has been enlarged and strengthened until it now occupies second place among the merchant marines of the world.\nBy the gradual retirement of the government from the field of ship operations and marked economics in costs, the United States Shipping Board will require no appropriation for the fiscal year 1933 for ship operations.\nSt. Lawrence Seaway\n\nThe Republican Party stands committed to the development of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence seaway. Under the direction of President Hoover negotiation of a treaty with Canada for this development is now at a favorable point. Recognizing the inestimable benefits which will accrue to the nation from placing the ports of the Great Lakes on an ocean base, the party reaffirms allegiance to this great project and pledges its best efforts to secure its early completion.\nHighways\n\nThe Federal policy to cooperate with the States in the building of roads was thoroughly established when the Federal highway act of 1921 was adopted under a Republican Congress. Each year since that time appropriations have been made which have greatly increased the economic value of highway transportation and helped to raise the standards and opportunities of rural life.\nWe pledge our support to the continuation of this policy in accordance with our needs and resources.\nCrime\n\nWe favor the enactment of rigid penal laws that will aid the States in stamping out the activities of gangsters, racketeers and kidnappers. We commend the intensive and effective drive made upon these public enemies by President Hoover and pledge our party to further efforts to the same purpose.\nNarcotics\n\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to continue the present relentless warfare against the illicit narcotic traffic and the spread of the curse of drug addiction among our people. This administration has by treaty greatly strengthened our power to deal with this traffic.\nCivil Service\n\nThe merit system has been amply justified since the organization of the Civil Service by the Republican Party. As a part of our governmental system it is now unassailable. We believe it should remain so.\nThe Eighteenth Amendment\n\nThe Republican Party has always stood and stands today for obedience to and enforcement of the law as the very foundation of orderly government and civilization. There can be no national security otherwise. The duty of the President of the United States and the officers of the law is dear. The law must be enforced as they find it enacted by the people. To these courses of action we pledge our nominees.\nThe Republican Party is and always has been the party of the Constitution. Nullification by non-observance by individuals or State action threatens the stability of government.\nWhile the Constitution makers sought a high degree of permanence, they foresaw the need of changes and provided for them. Article V limits the proposals of amendments to two methods: (1) Two-thirds of both houses of Congress may propose amendments or (2) on application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the States a national convention shall be called by Congress to propose amendments. Thereafter ratification must be had in one of two ways: (1) By the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States or (2) by conventions held in three-fourths of the several States. Congress is given power to determine the mode of ratification.\nReferendums without constitutional sanction cannot furnish a decisive answer. Those who propose them innocently are deluded by false hopes; those who propose them knowingly are deceiving the people.\nA nation wide controversy over the Eighteenth Amendment now distracts attention from the constructive solution of many pressing national problems. The principle of national prohibition as embodied in the amendment was supported and opposed by members of both great political parties. It was submitted to the States by members of Congress of different political faith and ratified by State Legislatures of different political majorities. It was not then and is not now a partisan political question.\nMembers of the Republican Party hold different opinions with respect to it and no public official or member of the party should be pledged or forced to choose between his party affiliations and his honest convictions upon this question.\nWe do not favor a submission limited to the issue of retention or repeal, for the American nation never in its history has gone backward, and in this case the progress which has been thus far made must be preserved, while the evils must be eliminated.\nWe therefore believe that the people should have an opportunity to pass upon a proposed amendment the provision of which, while retaining in the Federal Government power to preserve the gains already made in dealing with the evils inherent in the liquor traffic, shall allow the States to deal with the problem as their citizens may determine, but subject always to the power of the Federal Government to protect those States where prohibition may exist and safeguard our citizens everywhere from the return of the saloon and attendant abuses.\nSuch an amendment should be promptly submitted to the States by Congress, to be acted upon by State conventions called for that sole purpose in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Constitution and adequately safeguarded so as to be truly representative.\nConservation\n\nThe wise use of all natural resources freed from monopolistic control is a Republican policy, initiated by Theodore Roosevelt. The Roosevelt, Coolidge and Hoover reclamation projects bear witness to the continuation of that policy. Forestry and all other conservation activities have been supported and enlarged.\nThe conservation of oil is a major problem to the industry and the nation. The administration has sought to bring coordination of effort through the States, the producers and the Federal Government. Progress has been made and the effort will continue.\nThe Negro\n\nFor seventy years the Republican Party has been the friend of the American Negro. Vindication of the rights of the Negro citizen to enjoy the full benefits of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is traditional in the Republican Party, and our party stands pledged to maintain equal opportunity and rights for Negro citizens. We do not propose to depart from that tradition nor to alter the spirit or letter of that pledge.\nHawaii\n\nWe believe that the existing status of self-government which for many years has been enjoyed by the citizens of the Territory of Hawaii should be maintained, and that officials appointed to administer the government should be bona-fide residents of the Territory.\nPuerto Rico\n\nPuerto Rico being a part of the United States and its inhabitants American citizens, we believe that they are entitled to a good-faith recognition of the spirit and purposes of their organic act.\nWe, therefore, favor the inclusion of the island in all legislative and administrative measures enacted or adopted by Congress or otherwise for the economic benefit of their fellow-citizens of the mainland.\nWe also believe that, in so far as possible, all officials appointed to administer the affairs of the island government should be qualified by at least five years of bona-fide residence therein.\nAlaska\n\nWe favor the policy of giving to the people of Alaska the widest possible territorial self-government and the selection so far as possible of bona-fide residents for positions in that Territory and the placing of its citizens on an equality with those in the several States.\nWelfare Work and Children\n\nThe children of our nation, our future citizens, have had the most solicitous thought of our President. Child welfare and protection has been a major effort of this administration. The organization of the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection is regarded as one of the outstanding accomplishments of this administration.\nWelfare work in all its phases has had the support of the President and aid of the administration. The work of organized agencies—local, State and Federal has been advanced and an increased impetus given by that recognition and help. We approve and pledge a continuation of that policy.\nIndians\n\nWe favor the fullest protection of the property rights of the American Indians and the provision for them of adequate educational facilities.\nReorganization of Government Bureaus\n\nEfficiency and economy demand reorganization of government bureaus. The problem is nonpartisan and must be so treated if it is to be solved. As a result of years of study and personal contact with conflicting activities and wasteful duplication of effort, the President is particularly fitted to direct measures to correct the situation. We favor legislation by Congress which will give him the required authority.\nDemocratic Failure\n\nThe vagaries of the present Democratic House of Representatives offer characteristic and appalling proof of the existing incapacity of that party for leadership in a national crisis. Individualism running amuck has displaced party discipline and has trampled under foot party leadership. A bewildered electorate has viewed the spectacle with profound dismay and deep misgivings.\nGoaded to desperation by their confessed failure, the party leaders have resorted to \"pork barrel\" legislation to obtain a unity of action which could not otherwise be achieved. A Republican President stands resolutely between the helpless citizen and the disaster threatened by such measures; and the people, regardless of party, will demand his continued service.\nMany times during his useful life has Herbert Hoover responded to such a call, and his response has never disappointed. He will not disappoint us now.\nParty Government\n\nThe delays and differences which recently hampered efforts to obtain legislation imperatively demanded by prevailing critical conditions strikingly illustrate the menace to self-government brought about by the weakening of party ties and party fealty.\nExperience has demonstrated that coherent political parties are indispensable agencies for the prompt and effective operation of the functions of our government under the Constitution.\nOnly by united party action can consistent, well-planned and wholesome legislative programs be enacted. We believe that the majority of the Congressmen elected in the name of a party have the right and duty to determine the general policies of that party requiring Congressional action, and that Congressmen belonging to that party are, in general, bound to adhere to such policies. Any other course inevitably makes of Congress a body of detached delegates which, instead of representing the collective wisdom of our people, become the confused voices of a heterogeneous group of unrelated local prejudices.\nWe believe that the time has come when Senators and Representatives of the United States should be impressed with the inflexible truth that their first concern should be the welfare of the United States and the well-being of all of its people, and that stubborn pride of individual opinion is not a virtue, but an obstacle to the orderly and successful achievement of the objects of representative government.\nOnly by cooperation can self-government succeed. Without it election under a party aegis becomes a false pretense.\nWe earnestly request that Republicans throughout the Union demand that their representatives in the Congress pledge themselves to these principles, to the end that the insidious influences of party disintegration may not undermine the very foundations of the Republic.\nConclusion\n\nIn contrast with the Republican policies and record, we contrast those of the democratic as evidenced by the action of the House of Representatives under Democratic leadership and control, which includes:\n1. The issuance of fiat currency.\n2. Instructions to the Federal Reserve Board and the Secretary of the Treasury to attempt to manipulate commodity prices.\n3. The guarantee of bank deposits.\n4. The squandering of the public resources and the unbalancing of the budget through pork-barrel appropriations which bear little relation to distress and would tend through delayed business revival to decrease rather than increase employment.\nGenerally on economic matters we pledge the Republican Party:\n1. To maintain unimpaired the national credit.\n2. To defend and preserve a sound currency and an honest dollar.\n3. To stand steadfastly by the principle of a balanced budget.\n4. To devote ourselves fearlessly and unremittingly to the task of eliminating abuses and extravagance and of drastically cutting the cost of government so as to reduce the heavy burden of taxation.\n5. To use all available means consistent with sound financial and economic principles to promote an expansion of credit to stimulate business and relieve unemployment.\n6. To make a thorough study of the conditions which permitted the credit and the credit machinery of the country to be made available, with out adequate check, for wholesale speculation in securities, resulting in ruinous consequences to millions of our citizens and to the national economy, and to correct those conditions so that they shall not recur.\nRecognizing that real relief to unemployment must come through a revival of industrial activity and agriculture, to the promotion of which our every effort must be directed, our party in State and nation undertakes to do all in its power that is humanly possible to see that distress is fully relieved in accordance with American principles and traditions.\nNo successful solution of the problems before the country today can be expected from a Congress and a President separated by partisan lines or opposed in purposes and principles. Responsibility cannot be placed unless a clear mandate is given by returning to Washington a Congress and a Chief Executive united in principles and program.\nThe return to power of the Republican Party with that mandate is the duty of every voter who believes in the doctrines of the party and its program as herein stated. Nothing else, we believe, will insure the orderly recovery of the country and that return to prosperous days which every American so ardently desires.\nThe Republican Party faces the future unafraid! With courage and confidence in ultimate success, we will strive against the forces that strike at our social and economic ideals, our political institutions.", "Words" -> 7817, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 623, "of" -> 502, "and" -> 329, "to" -> 236, "in" -> 150, "a" -> 136, "by" -> 95, "The" -> 82, "that" -> 79, "has" -> 75, "for" -> 64, "our" -> 59, "with" -> 55, "is" -> 55, "as" -> 55, "be" -> 52, "We" -> 46, "which" -> 45, "been" -> 43, "have" -> 40, "will" -> 37, "Republican" -> 36, "on" -> 35, "this" -> 31, "President" -> 30, "party" -> 30, "American" -> 27, "States" -> 26, "Party" -> 26, "government" -> 26, "an" -> 26, "their" -> 25, "or" -> 25, "policy" -> 24, "its" -> 24, "was" -> 23, "should" -> 23, "other" -> 23, "all" -> 23, "not" -> 22, "Federal" -> 21, "Congress" -> 21, "national" -> 20, "are" -> 20, "we" -> 19, "upon" -> 19, "it" -> 19, "under" -> 18, "made" -> 18, "but" -> 18, "so" -> 17, "public" -> 17, "nation" -> 17, "from" -> 17, "favor" -> 17, "credit" -> 17, "his" -> 16, "country" -> 16, "at" -> 16, "system" -> 15, "such" -> 15, "principles" -> 15, "believe" -> 15, "administration" -> 15, "United" -> 14, "To" -> 14, "time" -> 14, "people" -> 14, "world" -> 13, "State" -> 13, "protection" -> 13, "principle" -> 13, "home" -> 13, "agriculture" -> 13, "agricultural" -> 13, "act" -> 13, "war" -> 12, "than" -> 12, "service" -> 12, "products" -> 12, "possible" -> 12, "only" -> 12, "nations" -> 12, "economic" -> 12, "citizens" -> 12, "any" -> 12, "years" -> 11, "through" -> 11, "tariff" -> 11, "relief" -> 11, "pledge" -> 11, "one" -> 11, "legislation" -> 11, "international" -> 11, "those" -> 10, "program" -> 10, "now" -> 10, "no" -> 10, "may" -> 10, "leadership" -> 10, "law" -> 10, "industry" -> 10, "every" -> 10, "can" -> 10, "between" -> 10, "would" -> 9, "these" -> 9, "problem" -> 9, "present" -> 9, "power" -> 9, "must" -> 9, "more" -> 9, "many" -> 9, "It" -> 9, "In" -> 9, "Hoover" -> 9, "great" -> 9, "foreign" -> 9, "farm" -> 9, "employment" -> 9, "effort" -> 9, "distress" -> 9, "continue" -> 9, "adequate" -> 9, "action" -> 9, "them" -> 8, "political" -> 8, "marketing" -> 8, "increased" -> 8, "Government" -> 8, "efforts" -> 8, "control" -> 8, "commodities" -> 8, "basis" -> 8, "banks" -> 8, "aid" -> 8, "work" -> 7, "without" -> 7, "This" -> 7, "they" -> 7, "progress" -> 7, "production" -> 7, "problems" -> 7, "prices" -> 7, "out" -> 7, "measures" -> 7, "measure" -> 7, "market" -> 7, "local" -> 7, "labor" -> 7, "farmer" -> 7, "established" -> 7, "during" -> 7, "currency" -> 7, "co-operative" -> 7, "conditions" -> 7, "By" -> 7, "Board" -> 7, "always" -> 7, "who" -> 6, "until" -> 6, "treaty" -> 6, "transportation" -> 6, "today" -> 6, "There" -> 6, "support" -> 6, "sound" -> 6, "propose" -> 6, "pledges" -> 6, "peace" -> 6, "own" -> 6, "otherwise" -> 6, "organization" -> 6, "loans" -> 6, "life" -> 6, "laws" -> 6, "into" -> 6, "had" -> 6, "Farm" -> 6, "enlarged" -> 6, "depression" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "brought" -> 6, "being" -> 6, "authority" -> 6, "As" -> 6, "America" -> 6, "adopted" -> 6, "A" -> 6, "when" -> 5, "welfare" -> 5, "themselves" -> 5, "tax" -> 5, "task" -> 5, "stands" -> 5, "shall" -> 5, "security" -> 5, "resources" -> 5, "purpose" -> 5, "provision" -> 5, "private" -> 5, "position" -> 5, "policies" -> 5, "plan" -> 5, "period" -> 5, "necessary" -> 5, "methods" -> 5, "make" -> 5, "maintain" -> 5, "large" -> 5, "interest" -> 5, "industrial" -> 5, "general" -> 5, "first" -> 5, "financial" -> 5, "farmers" -> 5, "far" -> 5, "equality" -> 5, "enacted" -> 5, "duty" -> 5, "do" -> 5, "development" -> 5, "Democratic" -> 5, "controversy" -> 5, "constructive" -> 5, "commerce" -> 5, "commend" -> 5, "business" -> 5, "burden" -> 5, "better" -> 5, "banking" -> 5, "balance" -> 5, "available" -> 5, "associations" -> 5, "agencies" -> 5, "against" -> 5, "about" -> 5, "2" -> 5, "year" -> 4, "well" -> 4, "view" -> 4, "veterans" -> 4, "value" -> 4, "us" -> 4, "unemployment" -> 4, "understanding" -> 4, "traditions" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "throughout" -> 4, "therefore" -> 4, "Tariff" -> 4, "subject" -> 4, "structure" -> 4, "steadily" -> 4, "standard" -> 4, "some" -> 4, "solution" -> 4, "Service" -> 4, "self-government" -> 4, "scale" -> 4, "same" -> 4, "rights" -> 4, "result" -> 4, "relieve" -> 4, "rates" -> 4, "provided" -> 4, "property" -> 4, "promote" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "pact" -> 4, "owners" -> 4, "orderly" -> 4, "operations" -> 4, "Negro" -> 4, "need" -> 4, "loan" -> 4, "land" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "itself" -> 4, "immigration" -> 4, "House" -> 4, "highway" -> 4, "high" -> 4, "greatly" -> 4, "governments" -> 4, "gold" -> 4, "further" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "forward" -> 4, "end" -> 4, "enable" -> 4, "effective" -> 4, "dollar" -> 4, "disputes" -> 4, "costs" -> 4, "Corporation" -> 4, "coordination" -> 4, "cooperation" -> 4, "Constitution" -> 4, "consistent" -> 4, "compensation" -> 4, "common" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "come" -> 4, "China" -> 4, "cannot" -> 4, "budget" -> 4, "appropriation" -> 4, "activities" -> 4, "Act" -> 4, "accordance" -> 4, "1930" -> 4, "1" -> 4, "World" -> 3, "while" -> 3, "were" -> 3, "water" -> 3, "vital" -> 3, "use" -> 3, "Under" -> 3, "two" -> 3, "traffic" -> 3, "times" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "Throughout" -> 3, "three" -> 3, "threatened" -> 3, "thousands" -> 3, "Territory" -> 3, "terms" -> 3, "System" -> 3, "supported" -> 3, "study" -> 3, "strengthening" -> 3, "stimulate" -> 3, "stated" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "sought" -> 3, "situation" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "several" -> 3, "settlement" -> 3, "Secretary" -> 3, "revival" -> 3, "return" -> 3, "Reserve" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "representatives" -> 3, "representative" -> 3, "reorganization" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "Reconstruction" -> 3, "recently" -> 3, "real" -> 3, "rapidly" -> 3, "railroad" -> 3, "Public" -> 3, "provisions" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "promptly" -> 3, "prompt" -> 3, "programs" -> 3, "President's" -> 3, "point" -> 3, "pledged" -> 3, "placed" -> 3, "part" -> 3, "ownership" -> 3, "Our" -> 3, "opportunity" -> 3, "occasioned" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "needs" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "merchant" -> 3, "marked" -> 3, "making" -> 3, "major" -> 3, "maintenance" -> 3, "maintained" -> 3, "machinery" -> 3, "low" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "limited" -> 3, "limitation" -> 3, "Legislatures" -> 3, "Legislation" -> 3, "least" -> 3, "Japan" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "insure" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "inestimable" -> 3, "increase" -> 3, "income" -> 3, "including" -> 3, "hand" -> 3, "greatest" -> 3, "Great" -> 3, "given" -> 3, "future" -> 3, "fundamental" -> 3, "form" -> 3, "For" -> 3, "flexible" -> 3, "Finance" -> 3, "farms" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "expansion" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "ever" -> 3, "essential" -> 3, "encourage" -> 3, "enactment" -> 3, "employes" -> 3, "duties" -> 3, "drought" -> 3, "discount" -> 3, "different" -> 3, "determine" -> 3, "designed" -> 3, "dependents" -> 3, "Department" -> 3, "dealing" -> 3, "creation" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "courage" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "could" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "continued" -> 3, "continuation" -> 3, "Congressmen" -> 3, "Conference" -> 3, "conference" -> 3, "concern" -> 3, "commodity" -> 3, "commission" -> 3, "changes" -> 3, "carried" -> 3, "burdens" -> 3, "building" -> 3, "bring" -> 3, "bona-fide" -> 3, "body" -> 3, "best" -> 3, "benefits" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "bear" -> 3, "Banks" -> 3, "Article" -> 3, "arms" -> 3, "areas" -> 3, "appropriate" -> 3, "appointed" -> 3, "application" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "amendments" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "administer" -> 3, "acted" -> 3, "accomplished" -> 3, "workers" -> 2, "Work" -> 2, "With" -> 2, "wise" -> 2, "wide" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "White" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "whenever" -> 2, "Welfare" -> 2, "waterway" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "warfare" -> 2, "wages" -> 2, "wage-earners" -> 2, "veteran" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "V" -> 2, "utilities" -> 2, "urge" -> 2, "up" -> 2, "unsound" -> 2, "united" -> 2, "unimpaired" -> 2, "undermine" -> 2, "unable" -> 2, "truly" -> 2, "tried" -> 2, "treaties" -> 2, "too" -> 2, "three-fourths" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "thereby" -> 2, "there" -> 2, "tendency" -> 2, "taxes" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "supervision" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "Such" -> 2, "successive" -> 2, "successfully" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "subsequent" -> 2, "submitted" -> 2, "submarginal" -> 2, "strengthened" -> 2, "strain" -> 2, "steady" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "stabilization" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "sorely" -> 2, "solved" -> 2, "social" -> 2, "small" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "shorter" -> 2, "ship" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "served" -> 2, "serious" -> 2, "second" -> 2, "schedules" -> 2, "savings" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "Roosevelt" -> 2, "Rico" -> 2, "revision" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "response" -> 2, "resource" -> 2, "residents" -> 2, "residence" -> 2, "requiring" -> 2, "require" -> 2, "request" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "rendered" -> 2, "render" -> 2, "remains" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "relieving" -> 2, "Relief" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "regarded" -> 2, "reducing" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "reduce" -> 2, "Red" -> 2, "recovery" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "Recognizing" -> 2, "recognition" -> 2, "received" -> 2, "ratification" -> 2, "ranks" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "rail" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "Puerto" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "proved" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "proportionate" -> 2, "proof" -> 2, "promotion" -> 2, "promoting" -> 2, "projects" -> 2, "prohibition" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "price" -> 2, "prevented" -> 2, "pressure" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "preamble" -> 2, "plans" -> 2, "placing" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "permitted" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "peoples" -> 2, "payments" -> 2, "patient" -> 2, "past" -> 2, "partnerships" -> 2, "partisan" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "order" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "operate" -> 2, "Only" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "oil" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "official" -> 2, "offer" -> 2, "obtain" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "objects" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "new" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "navy" -> 2, "naval" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "nation-wide" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "name" -> 2, "much" -> 2, "Mississippi" -> 2, "mines" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "merit" -> 2, "membership" -> 2, "members" -> 2, "member" -> 2, "meet" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "matters" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "Marketing" -> 2, "mandate" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "lines" -> 2, "levels" -> 2, "letter" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "legally" -> 2, "League" -> 2, "Lawrence" -> 2, "Latin-America" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "last" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "Kellogg" -> 2, "island" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "intercourse" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "insurance" -> 2, "initiated" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "impregnable" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "ideals" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "helped" -> 2, "help" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "heavy" -> 2, "Health" -> 2, "He" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "harmony" -> 2, "governmental" -> 2, "giving" -> 2, "Geneva" -> 2, "generous" -> 2, "generation" -> 2, "gains" -> 2, "gain" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "Freedom" -> 2, "foundations" -> 2, "foundation" -> 2, "foresaw" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "forces" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "following" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "flood" -> 2, "fitted" -> 2, "field" -> 2, "favorable" -> 2, "false" -> 2, "fallen" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "expenditure" -> 2, "examination" -> 2, "evils" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "encouraging" -> 2, "Employment" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "else" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "Eighteenth" -> 2, "economy" -> 2, "economically" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "drastic" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "disintegration" -> 2, "directly" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "depositors" -> 2, "depart" -> 2, "degree" -> 2, "Defense" -> 2, "decreasing" -> 2, "decrease" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "death" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "current" -> 2, "cultivation" -> 2, "Cross" -> 2, "crisis" -> 2, "Credit" -> 2, "creating" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "conventions" -> 2, "convention" -> 2, "controlled" -> 2, "contrast" -> 2, "contemplates" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "conciliation" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "Commerce" -> 2, "coming" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "Child" -> 2, "Central" -> 2, "cent" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "carrying" -> 2, "came" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "call" -> 2, "But" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "both" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "bank" -> 2, "authorize" -> 2, "attitude" -> 2, "association" -> 2, "assist" -> 2, "armament" -> 2, "arisen" -> 2, "arbitration" -> 2, "approved" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "Any" -> 2, "An" -> 2, "Amendment" -> 2, "amended" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "Alaska" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aided" -> 2, "afforded" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "adequately" -> 2, "acquisition" -> 2, "accord" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "4" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "1920" -> 2, "$300,000,000" -> 1, "$125,000,000" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "workable" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "witness" -> 1, "withstand" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "wish" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "winters" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "widest" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "wholesome" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "western" -> 1, "west" -> 1, "wells" -> 1, "well-planned" -> 1, "well-being" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "watershed" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "warrant" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "want" -> 1, "Wages" -> 1, "Wage" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "voices" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "Vindication" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "veto" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "varying" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "vagaries" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "Utilities" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "useful" -> 1, "upturn" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "upholding" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "unswervingly" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "unsuited" -> 1, "unshaken" -> 1, "unremittingly" -> 1, "unrelated" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "uniformity" -> 1, "unforeseen" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undesirable" -> 1, "undertakes" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "unconnected" -> 1, "unchanged" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "unbearable" -> 1, "unbalancing" -> 1, "unbalanced" -> 1, "unavoidable" -> 1, "unassailable" -> 1, "unafraid" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "Two-thirds" -> 1, "two-thirds" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "truthfully" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "True" -> 1, "troubles" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "tremendous" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treatises" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "transmitted" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "trampled" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "traceable" -> 1, "tireless" -> 1, "ties" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "therefor" -> 1, "Thereafter" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "tested" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "technical" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "Taxes" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "sympathetic" -> 1, "swept" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "suspensions" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "suspend" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "supremely" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "supporter" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "supplemented" -> 1, "Supervision" -> 1, "supervising" -> 1, "supervised" -> 1, "supervise" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "sufferers" -> 1, "suddenly" -> 1, "Sudden" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "succeeded" -> 1, "succeed" -> 1, "substitutes" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "subjecting" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "subdivisions" -> 1, "stubborn" -> 1, "strongly" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "strikingly" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stricken" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stirred" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "staunch" -> 1, "status" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "starting" -> 1, "standards" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "stamping" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "stability" -> 1, "St." -> 1, "squandering" -> 1, "springs" -> 1, "Spring" -> 1, "spread" -> 1, "sponsored" -> 1, "Speech" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "spectacle" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sounder" -> 1, "solicitous" -> 1, 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-> 1, "reverse" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "retrenchment" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "retaining" -> 1, "retained" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "Responsibility" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responded" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resourcefulness" -> 1, "resourceful" -> 1, "resorted" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "representing" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "relieved" -> 1, "relentless" -> 1, "releasing" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "relationships" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "rehabilitations" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "regulate" -> 1, "registry" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refined" -> 1, "Referendums" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "Reduction" -> 1, "redeemed" -> 1, "redeem" -> 1, "recurring" -> 1, "recur" -> 1, "reconsideration" -> 1, "recommended" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recapitalize" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "readjustments" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "ratified" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidity" -> 1, "railway" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "raids" -> 1, "raid" -> 1, "racketeers" -> 1, "quota" -> 1, "quarters" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "quality" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "quack" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pushed" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "pursuance" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "provoked" -> 1, "protested" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "proposing" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "proportional" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producer-owned" -> 1, "producer-controlled" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "principally" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "pressed" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "preserves" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "prejudices" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "positions" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "pork-barrel" -> 1, "pork" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "politic" -> 1, "plainly" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "permanence" -> 1, "perishable" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "peonage" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "penal" -> 1, "patience" -> 1, "pathway" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "part-time" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participation" -> 1, "participating" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "parks" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "pacific" -> 1, "owner's" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "overwhelmed" -> 1, "overturned" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outset" -> 1, "outlined" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organizing" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "organic" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "opinions" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "opens" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "offset" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "occupies" -> 1, "obtaining" -> 1, "obstacle" -> 1, "obsolete" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "objectives" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "obedience" -> 1, "oats" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "Nullification" -> 1, "Nothing" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "nonpartisan" -> 1, "non-observance" -> 1, "non-fulfillment" -> 1, "nominees" -> 1, "Nicaraguan" -> 1, "Nicaragua" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "Nevertheless" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "nationalism" -> 1, "Narcotics" -> 1, "narcotic" -> 1, "named" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "municipal" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "moved" -> 1, "motion" -> 1, "most-favored-nation" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "More" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "monopolistic" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "momentum" -> 1, "momentous" -> 1, "modify" -> 1, "modified" -> 1, "mode" -> 1, "mobilized" -> 1, "mobilization" -> 1, "mitigated" -> 1, "misgivings" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mineral" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "message" -> 1, "merchandising" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "Members" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "Meanwhile" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "marts" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "marines" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "Many" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulate" -> 1, "mandatory" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "makers" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "majorities" -> 1, "mainland" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "London" -> 1, "log-rolling" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "livestock" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "liquor" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "lift" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "level" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "leader—wise" -> 1, "Leadership" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "lay" -> 1, "Latin" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "Larger" -> 1, "Land" -> 1, "Lakes-St" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "laboring" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "knowingly" -> 1, "kidnappers" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "Kellogg-Briand" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "join" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "issuance" -> 1, "irreducible" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "involves" -> 1, "investigation" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "introduction" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "intergovernmental" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "intensity" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "Instructions" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "insisted" -> 1, "insidious" -> 1, "innocently" -> 1, "Inland" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "infringement" -> 1, "information" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "inflexible" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inequitable" -> 1, "inequalities" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "Individualism" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "income-producing" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "incapacitated" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improved" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "impressed" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "impetus" -> 1, "imperialistic" -> 1, "imperatively" -> 1, "impediments" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impair" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "illustrate" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illicit" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humanly" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "hoarding" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "heterogeneous" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "Herbert" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "handled" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "Haiti" -> 1, "guiding" -> 1, "guaranteeing" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "Grain" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "gradually" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "good-faith" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "going" -> 1, "Goaded" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "Generally" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "gangsters" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "functioning" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "Friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "freeing" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "frank" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formulated" -> 1, "formulate" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "formidable" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "Forestry" -> 1, "forestry" -> 1, "foresee" -> 1, "forerunner" -> 1, "foreign-born" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "Forbes" -> 1, "foot" -> 1, "fleet" -> 1, "flaxseed" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "five" -> 1, "fiscal" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "findings" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "fighting" -> 1, "fiat" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "Federally" -> 1, "fearlessly" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "fealty" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "far-reaching" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "Far" -> 1, "families" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "Failure" -> 1, "factories" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilitation" -> 1, "faces" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "experiment" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "Events" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "erected" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalized" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entanglements" -> 1, "entailing" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlist" -> 1, "enlarging" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "endured" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "endangered" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "electorate" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "eight-hour" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "effecting" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "East" -> 1, "easiest" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "drug" -> 1, "drought-stricken" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "divert" -> 1, "diverse" -> 1, "disturbing" -> 1, "disturbance" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distracts" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "dismay" -> 1, "dislocation" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "discriminations" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "Discount" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "discernible" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "disappointed" -> 1, "disappoint" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "Disability" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "devote" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "developing" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "detached" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despite" -> 1, "desperation" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "depth" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deposits" -> 1, "depositing" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "departing" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demonstrably" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "deluded" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "delegation" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "definitely" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defiance" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "Decreasing" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "deceiving" -> 1, "deceased" -> 1, "dear" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "(d)" -> 1, "cutting" -> 1, "curtailment" -> 1, "curtail" -> 1, "curse" -> 1, "cured" -> 1, "cure" -> 1, "cruelly" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "Crime" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "covenants" -> 1, "courses" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "Corps" -> 1, "corn" -> 1, "coordinated" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "co-operatives" -> 1, "co-operatively" -> 1, "cooperate" -> 1, "Coolidge" -> 1, "convictions" -> 1, "contributor" -> 1, "contribution" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "contact" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "constructively" -> 1, "Constructive" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consistency" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "Conscious" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "confused" -> 1, "conflicting" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confessed" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "condoning" -> 1, "Conditions" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concessions" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "complex" -> 1, "completion" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compensatory" -> 1, "compensated" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "clothed" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clearer" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "cite" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "Children" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "characteristic" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "challenges" -> 1, "challenged" -> 1, "chairman" -> 1, "cemented" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cattle" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carriers" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "cared" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "calls" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "calamities" -> 1, "(c)" -> 1, "butter" -> 1, "Bureaus" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "bureaucracy" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "bulwarks" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "borrowers" -> 1, "borne" -> 1, "bordering" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "blow" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "bewildered" -> 1, "bestows" -> 1, "beset" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "belonging" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "Because" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "barrier" -> 1, "barrel" -> 1, "barley" -> 1, "bargains" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "Banking" -> 1, "Bank" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "backward" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "(b)" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "averting" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "attributable" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attendant" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "Association" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "assistance" -> 1, "Assembly" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assemblages" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "asked" -> 1, "arose" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "Armaments" -> 1, "Armament" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "ardently" -> 1, "aptly" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "Approval" -> 1, "appreciative" -> 1, "applicants" -> 1, "appalling" -> 1, "answer" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "amuck" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "ambitions" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Air" -> 1, "ailing" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "agencies—local" -> 1, "Again" -> 1, "After" -> 1, "afflicted" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "affiliates" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "Affairs" -> 1, "aegis" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "administratively" -> 1, "Administrations" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "addiction" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "across" -> 1, "acreage" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accrue" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "acceptance" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "(a)" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "1933" -> 1, "1931-32" -> 1, "1931" -> 1, "1930-31" -> 1, "1928" -> 1, "1926" -> 1, "1922" -> 1, "1921" -> 1, "1919" -> 1, "12" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1928", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1928, "Date" -> DateObject[{1928, 6, 12}], "Text" -> "The Republican Party in national convention assembled presents to the people of the Nation this platform of its principles, based on a record of its accomplishments, and asks and awaits a new vote of confidence. We reaffirm our devotion to the Constitution of the United States and the principles and institution of the American system of representative government.\nThe National Administration\n\nWe endorse without qualification the record of the Coolidge administration.\nThe record of the Republican Party is a record of advancement of the nation. Nominees of Republican National conventions have for 52 of the 72 years since the creation of our party been the chief executives of the United States. Under Republican inspiration and largely under Republican executive direction the continent has been bound with steel rails, the oceans and great rivers have been joined by canals, waterways have been deepened and widened for ocean commerce, and with all a high American standard of wage and living has been established.\nBy unwavering adherence to sound principles, through the wisdom of Republican policies, and the capacity of Republican administrations, the foundations have been laid and the greatness and prosperity of the country firmly established.\nNever has the soundness of Republican policies been more amply demonstrated and the Republican genius for administration been better exemplified than during the last five years under the leadership of President Coolidge.\nNo better guaranty of prosperity and contentment among all our people at home, no more reliable warranty of protection and promotion of American interests abroad can be given than the pledge to maintain and continue the Coolidge policies. This promise we give and will faithfully perform.\nUnder this Administration the country has been lifted from the depths of a great depression to a level of prosperity. Economy has been raised to the dignity of a principle of government. A standard of character in public service has been established under the chief Executive, which has given to the people of the country a feeling of stability and confidence so all have felt encouraged to proceed on new undertakings in trade and commerce. A foreign policy based on the traditional American position and carried on with wisdom and steadfastness has extended American influence throughout the world and everywhere promoted and protected American interests.\nThe mighty contribution to general well-being which can be made by a government controlled by men of character and courage, whose abilities are equal to their responsibilities, is self-evident, and should not blind us to the consequences which its loss would entail. Under this administration a high level of wages and living has been established and maintained. The door of opportunity has been opened wide to all. It has given to our people greater comfort and leisure, and the mutual profit has been evident in the increasingly harmonious relations between employers and employees, and the steady rise by promotion of the men in the shops to places at the council tables of the industries. It has also been made evident by the increasing enrollments of our youth in the technical schools and colleges, the increase in savings and life insurance accounts, and by our ability, as a people, to lend the hand of succor not only to those overcome by disasters in our own country but in foreign lands. With all there has been a steady decrease in the burden of Federal taxation, releasing to the people the greatest possible portion of the results of their labor from Government exactions.\nFor the Republican Party we are justified in claiming a major share of the credit for the position which the United States occupies today as the most favored nation on the globe, but it is well to remember that the confidence and prosperity which we enjoy can be shattered, if not destroyed, if this belief in the honesty and sincerity of our government is in any way affected. A continuation of this great public peace of mind now existing, which makes for our material well being, is only possible by holding fast to the plans and principles which have marked Republican control.\nThe record of the present Administration is a guaranty of what may be expected of the next. Our words have been made deeds. We offer not promises but accomplishments.\nPublic Economy\n\nThe citizen and taxpayer has a natural right to be protected from unnecessary and wasteful expenditures. This is a rich but also a growing nation with constantly increasing legitimate demands for public funds. If we are able to spend wisely and meet these requirements, it is first necessary that we save wisely. Spending extravagantly not only deprives men through taxation of the fruits of their labor, but oftentimes means the postponement of vitally important public works. We commend President Coolidge for his establishment of this fundamental principle of sound administration and pledge ourselves to live up to the high standard he has set.\nFinance and Taxation\n\nThe record of the United States Treasury under Secretary Mellon stands unrivalled and unsurpassed. The finances of the nation have been managed with sound judgment. The financial policies have yielded immediate and substantial results.\nIn 1921 the credit of our government was at a low ebb. We were burdened with a huge public debt, a load of war taxes, which in variety and weight exceeded anything in our national life, while vast unfunded intergovernmental debts disorganized the economic life of the debtor nations and seriously affected our own by reason of the serious obstacles which they presented to commercial intercourse. This critical situation was evidenced by a serious disturbance in our own life which made for unemployment.\nToday all these major financial problems have been solved.\nThe Public Debt\n\nIn seven years the public debt has been reduced by $6,411,000,000. From March 1921 to September 1928 over eleven billion dollars of securities, bearing high rates of interest, will have been retired or refunded into securities bearing a low rate of interest, while Liberty Bonds, which were selling below par, now command a premium. These operations have resulted in an annual saving in interest charges of not less than $275,000,000, without which the most recent tax reduction measure would not have been made possible. The Republican Party will continue to reduce our National debt as rapidly as possible and in accordance with the provision of existing laws and the present program.\nTax Reduction\n\nWise administrative management under Republican control and direction has made possible a reduction of over a billion eight hundred million dollars a year in the tax bill of the American people. Four separate tax reduction measures have been enacted, and millions of those least able to pay have been taken from the tax rolls.\nExcessive and uneconomic rates have been radically modified, releasing for industrial and payroll expansion and development great sums of money which formerly were paid in taxes to the Federal government.\nPractically all the war taxes have been eliminated and our tax system has been definitely restored to a peace time basis.\nWe pledge our party to a continuation of these sound policies and to such further reduction of the tax burden as the condition of the Treasury may from time to time permit.\nTariff\n\nWe reaffirm our belief in the protective tariff as a fundamental and essential principle of the economic life of this nation. While certain provisions of the present law require revision in the light of changes in the world competitive situation since its enactment, the record of the United States since 1922 clearly shows that the fundamental protective principle of the law has been fully justified. It has stimulated the development of our natural resources, provided fuller employment at higher wages through the promotion of industrial activity, assured thereby the continuance of the farmer's major market, and further raised the standards of living and general comfort and well-being of our people. The great expansion in the wealth of our nation during the past fifty years, and particularly in the past decade, could not have been accomplished without a protective tariff system designed to promote the vital interests of all classes.\nNor have these manifest benefits been restricted to any particular section of the country. They are enjoyed throughout the land either directly or indirectly. Their stimulus has been felt in industries, farming sections, trade circles, and communities in every quarter. However, we realize that there are certain industries which cannot now successfully compete with foreign producers because of lower foreign wages and a lower cost of living abroad, and we pledge the next Republican Congress to an examination and where necessary a revision of these schedules to the end that American labor in these industries may again command the home market, may maintain its standard of living, and may count upon steady employment in its accustomed field.\nAdherence to that policy is essential for the continued prosperity of the country. Under it the standard of living of the American people has been raised to the highest levels ever known. Its example has been eagerly followed by the rest of the world whose experts have repeatedly reported with approval the relationship of this policy to our prosperity, with the resultant emulation of that example by other nations.\nA protective tariff is as vital to American agriculture as it is to American manufacturing. The Republican Party believes that the home market, built up under the protective policy, belongs to the American farmer, and it pledges its support of legislation which will give this market to him to the full extent of his ability to supply it. Agriculture derives large benefits not only directly from the protective duties levied on competitive farm products of foreign origin, but also, indirectly, from the increase in the purchasing power of American workmen employed in industries similarly protected. These benefits extend also to persons engaged in trade, transportation, and other activities.\nThe Tariff Act of 1922 has justified itself in the expansion of our foreign trade during the past five years. Our domestic exports have increased from 3.8 billions of dollars in 1922 to 4.8 billions in 1927. During the same period imports have increased from 3.1 billions to 4.4 billions. Contrary to the prophesies of its critics, the present tariff law has not hampered the natural growth in the exportation of the products of American agriculture, industry, and mining, nor has it restricted the importation of foreign commodities which this country can utilize without jeopardizing its economic structure.\nThe United States is the largest customer in the world today. If we were not prosperous and able to buy, the rest of the world also would suffer. It is inconceivable that American labor will ever consent to the abolition of protection which would bring the American standard of living down to the level of that in Europe, or that the American farmer could survive if the enormous consuming power of the people in this country were curtailed and its market at home, if not destroyed, at least seriously impaired.\nForeign Debts\n\nIn accordance with our settled policy and platform pledges, debt settlement agreements have been negotiated with all of our foreign debtors with the exception of Armenia and Russia. That with France remains as yet unratified. Those with Greece and Austria are before the Congress for necessary authority. If the French Debt Settlement be included, the total amount funded is eleven billion five hundred twenty-two million three hundred fifty-four thousand dollars. We have steadfastly opposed and will continue to oppose cancellation of foreign debts.\nWe have no desire to be oppressive or grasping, but we hold that obligations justly incurred should be honorably discharged. We know of no authority which would permit public officials, acting as trustees, to shift the burden of the War from the shoulders of foreign taxpayers to those of our own people. We believe that the settlements agreed to are fair to both the debtor nation and to the American taxpayer. Our Debt Commission took into full consideration the economic condition and resources of the debtor nations, and were ever mindful that they must be permitted to preserve and improve their economic position, to bring their budgets into balance, to place their currencies and finances on a sound basis, and to improve the standard of living of their people. Giving full weight to these considerations, we know of no fairer test than ability to pay, justly estimated.\nThe people can rely on the Republican Party to adhere to a foreign debt policy now definitely established and clearly understood both at home and abroad.\nSettlement of War Claims\n\nA satisfactory solution has been found for the question of War Claims. Under the Act, approved by the President on March 10, 1928, a provision was made for the settlement of War Claims of the United States and its citizens against the German, Austrian and Hungarian Governments, and of the claims of the nationals of these governments against the United States; and for the return to its owners of the property seized by the Alien Property Custodian during the War, in accordance with our traditional policy of respect for private property.\nForeign Policies\n\nWe approve the foreign policies of the Administration of President Coolidge. We believe they express the will of the American people in working actively to build up cordial international understanding that will make world peace a permanent reality. We endorse the proposal of the Secretary of State for a multilateral treaty proposed to the principal powers of the world and open to the signatures of all nations, to renounce war as an instrument of national policy and declaring in favor of pacific settlement of international disputes, the first step in outlawing war. The idea has stirred the conscience of mankind and gained widespread approval, both of governments and of the people, and the conclusion of the treaty will be acclaimed as the greatest single step in history toward the conservation of peace.\nIn the same endeavor to substitute for war the peaceful settlement of international disputes the administration has concluded arbitration treaties in a form more definite and more inclusive than ever before and plans to negotiate similar treaties with all countries willing in this manner to define their policy peacefully to settle justiciable disputes. In connection with these, we endorse the Resolution of the Sixth Pan American Conference held at Havana, Cuba, in 1928, which called a conference on arbitration and conciliation to meet in Washington during the year and express our earnest hope that such conference will greatly further the principles of international arbitration. We shall continue to demand the same respect and protection for the persons and property of American citizens in foreign countries that we cheerfully accord in this country to the persons and property of aliens.\nThe commercial treaties which we have negotiated and those still in the process of negotiation are based on strict justice among nations, equal opportunity for trade and commerce on the most-favored-nation principle and are simplified so as to eliminate the danger of misunderstanding. The object and the aim of the United States is to further the cause of peace, of strict justice between nations with due regard for the rights of others in all international dealings. Out of justice grows peace. Justice and consideration have been and will continue to be the inspiration of our nation.\nThe record of the Administration toward Mexico has been consistently friendly and with equal consistency have we upheld American fights. This firm and at the same time friendly policy has brought recognition of the inviolability of legally acquired rights. This condition has been reached without threat or without bluster, through a calm support of the recognized principles of international law with due regard to the rights of a sister sovereign state. The Republican Party will continue to support American fights in Mexico, as elsewhere in the world, and at the same time to promote and strengthen friendship and confidence.\nThere has always been, as there always will be, a firm friendship with Canada. American and Canadian interests are in a large measure identical. Our relationship is one of fine mutual understanding and the recent exchange of diplomatic officers between the two countries is worthy of commendation.\nThe United States has an especial interest in the advancement and progress of all the Latin American countries. The policy of the Republican Party will always be a policy of thorough friendship and co-operation. In the case of Nicaragua, we are engaged in co-operation with the government of that country upon the task of assisting to restore and maintain peace, order and stability, and in no way to infringe upon her sovereign rights. The Marines, now in Nicaragua, are there to protect American lives and property and to aid in carrying out an agreement whereby we have undertaken to do what we can to restore and maintain order and to insure a fair and free election. Our policy absolutely repudiates any idea of conquest or exploitation, and is actuated solely by an earnest and sincere desire to assist a friendly and neighboring state which has appealed for aid in a great emergency. It is the same policy the United States has pursued in other cases in Central America.\nThe Administration has looked with keen sympathy on the tragic events in China. We have avoided interference in the internal affairs of that unhappy nation merely keeping sufficient naval and military forces in China to protect the lives of the Americans who are there on legitimate business and in still larger numbers for nobly humanitarian reasons. America has not been stampeded into making reprisals but, on the other hand, has consistently taken the position of leadership among the nations in a policy of wise moderation. We shall always be glad to be of assistance to China when our duty is clear.\nThe Republican Party maintains the traditional American policy of non-interference in the political affairs of other nations. This government has definitely refused membership in the League of Nations and to assume any obligations under the covenant of the League. On this we stand.\nIn accordance, however, with the long established American practice of giving aid and assistance to other peoples, we have most usefully assisted by co-operation in the humanitarian and technical work undertaken by the League, without involving ourselves in European politics by accepting membership.\nThe Republican Party has always given and will continue to give its support to the development of American foreign trade, which makes for domestic prosperity. During this administration extraordinary strides have been made in opening up new markets for American produce and manufacture. Through these foreign contacts a mutually better international understanding has been reached which aids in the maintenance of world peace.\nThe Republican Party promises a firm and consistent support of American persons and legitimate American interests in all parts of the world. This support will never contravene the rights of other nations. It will always have in mind and support in every way the progressive development of international law, since it is through the operation of just laws, as well as through the growth of friendly understanding, that world peace will be made permanent. To that end the Republican Party pledges itself to aid and assist in the perfection of principles of international law and the settlement of international disputes.\nCivil Service\n\nAgriculture\n\nThe agricultural problem is national in scope and, as such, is recognized by the Republican Party which pledges its strength and energy to the solution of the same. Realizing that many farmers are facing problems more difficult than those which are the portion of many other basic industries, the party is anxious to aid in every way possible. Many of our farmers are still going through readjustments, a relic of the years directly following the great war. All the farmers are being called on to meet new and perplexing conditions created by foreign competition, the complexities of domestic marketing, labor problems, and a steady increase in local and state taxes.\nThe general depression in a great basic industry inevitably reacts upon the conditions in the country as a whole and cannot be ignored. It is a matter of satisfaction that the desire to help in the correction of agricultural wrongs and conditions is not confined to any one section of our country or any particular group.\nThe Republican Party and the Republican Administration, particularly during the last five years, have settled many of the most distressing problems as they have arisen, and the achievements in aid of agriculture are properly a part of this record. The Republican Congresses have been most responsive in the matter of agricultural appropriations, not only to meet crop emergencies, but for the extension and development of the activities of the Department of Agriculture.\nThe protection of the American farmer against foreign farm competition and foreign trade practices has been vigorously carried on by the Department of State. The right of the farmers to engage in collective buying and co-operative selling as provided for by the Capper-Volstead Act of 1922 has been promulgated through the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Justice, which have given most valuable aid and assistance to the heads of the farm organizations. The Treasury Department and the proper committees of Congress have lightened the tax burden on farming communities, and through the Federal Farm Loan System there has been made available to the farmers of the nation one billion eight hundred fifty millions of dollars for loaning purposes at a low rate of interest, and through the Intermediate Credit Banks six hundred fifty-five million dollars of short term credits have been made available to the farmers. The Post Office Department has systematically and generously extended the Rural Free Delivery routes into even the most sparsely settled communities.\nWhen a shortage of transportation facilities threatened to deprive the farmers of their opportunity to reach waiting markets overseas, the President, appreciative and sensitive of the condition and the possible loss to the communities, ordered the reconditioning of Shipping Board vessels, thus relieving a great emergency.\nLast, but not least, the Federal Tariff Commission has at all times shown a willingness under the provisions of the Flexible Tariff Act to aid the farmers when foreign competition, made possible by low wage scales abroad, threatened to deprive our farmers of their domestic markets. Under this Act the President has increased duties on wheat, flour, mill feed, and dairy products. Numerous other farm products are now being investigated by the Tariff Commission.\nWe promise every assistance in the reorganization of the marketing system on sounder and more economical lines and, where diversification is needed, Government financial assistance during the period of transition.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to the enactment of legislation creating a Federal Farm Board clothed with the necessary powers to promote the establishment of a farm marketing system of farmer-owned-and-controlled stabilization corporations or associations to prevent and control surpluses through orderly distribution.\nWe favor adequate tariff protection to such of our agricultural products as are affected by foreign competition.\nWe favor, without putting the Government into business, the establishment of a Federal system of organization for co-operative and orderly marketing of farm products.\nThe vigorous efforts of this Administration towards broadening our exports market will be continued.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to the development and enactment of measures which will place the agricultural interests of America on a basis of economic equality with other industries to insure its prosperity and success.\nMining\n\nThe money value of the mineral products of the country is second only to agriculture. We lead the countries of the world in the production of coal, iron, copper and silver. The nation suffers as a whole from any disturbance in the securing of any one of these minerals, and particularly when the coal supply is affected. The mining industry has always been self-sustaining, but we believe that the Government should make every effort to aid the industry by protection by removing any restrictions which may be hampering its development, and by increased technical and economic research investigations which are necessary for its welfare and normal development. The Party is anxious, hopeful, and willing to assist in any feasible plan for the stabilization of the coal mining industry, which will work with justice to the miners, consumers and producers.\nHighways\n\nUnder the Federal Aid Road Act, adopted by the Republican Congress in 1921, and supplemented by generous appropriations each year, road construction has made greater advancement than for many decades previous. Improved highway conditions is a gauge of our rural developments and our commercial activity. We pledge our support to continued appropriations for this work commensurate with our needs and resources.\nWe favor the construction of roads and trails in our national forests necessary to their protection and utilization. In appropriations therefor the taxes which these lands would pay if taxable should be considered as a controlling factor.\nLabor\n\nThe Labor record of the Republican Party stands unchallenged. For 52 of the 72 years of our national existence Republican Administrations have prevailed. Today American labor enjoys the highest wage and the highest standard of living throughout the world. Through the saneness and soundness of Republican rule the American workman is paid a \"real wage\" which allows comfort for himself and his dependents, and an opportunity and leisure for advancement. It is not surprising that the foreign workman, whose greatest ambition still is to achieve a \"living wage,\" should look with longing towards America as the goal of his desires.\nThe ability to pay such wages and maintain such a standard comes from the wisdom of the protective legislation which the Republican Party has placed upon the national statute books, the tariff which bars cheap foreign-made goods from the American market and provides continuity of employment for our workmen and fair profits for the manufacturers, the restriction of immigration which not only prevents the glutting of our labor market, but allows to our newer immigrants a greater opportunity to secure a footing in their upward struggle.\nThe Party favors freedom in wage contracts, the right of collective bargaining by free and responsible agents of their own choosing, which develops and maintains that purposeful co-operation which gains its chief incentive through voluntary agreement.\nWe believe that injunctions in labor disputes have in some instances been abused and have given rise to a serious question for legislation.\nThe Republican Party pledges itself to continue its efforts to maintain this present standard of living and high wage scale.\nRailroads\n\nPrompt and effective railroad service at the lowest rates which will provide for its maintenance and allow a reasonable return to the investor so they may be encouraged to advance new capital for acquired developments, has long been recognized by the Republican Party as a necessity of national existence.\nWe believe that the present laws under which our railroads are regulated are soundly based on correct principles, the spirit of which must always be preserved. Because, however, of changes in the public demands, trade conditions and of the character of the competition, which even the greatest railroads are now being called upon to meet, we feel that in the light of this new experience possible modifications or amendments, the need of which is proved, should be considered.\nThe Republican Party initiated and set in operation the Interstate Commerce Commission. This body has developed a system of railroad control and regulation which has given to the transportation public an opportunity not only to make suggestions for the improvement of railroad service, but to protest against discriminatory rates or schedules. We commend the work which that body is accomplishing under mandate of law in considering these matters and seeking to distribute equitably the burden of transportation between commodities based on their ability to bear the same.\nMerchant Marine\n\nThe Republican Party stands for the American-built, American-owned, and American-operated merchant marine. The enactment of the White-Jones Bill is in line with a policy which the party has long advocated.\nUnder this measure, substantial aid and encouragement are offered for the building in American yards of new and modern ships which will carry the American flag.\nThe Republican Party does not believe in government ownership or operation, and stands specifically for the sale of the present government vessels to private owners when appropriate arrangements can be made. Pending such a sale, and because private owners are not ready as yet to operate on certain of the essential trade routes, the bill enacted allows the maintenance of these necessary lines under government control till such transfer can be made.\nMississippi Flood Relief and Control\n\nThe Mississippi Valley flood in which seven hundred thousand of our fellow citizens were placed in peril of life, and which destroyed hundreds of million of dollars' worth of property, was met with energetic action by the Republican Administration.\nDuring this disaster the President mobilized every public and private agency under the direction of Secretary Hoover of the Department of Commerce and Dwight Davis, the Secretary of War. Thanks to their joint efforts, a great loss of life was prevented and everything possible was done to rehabilitate the people in their homes and to relieve suffering and distress.\nCongress promptly passed legislation authorizing the expenditure of $325,000,000 for the construction of flood control works, which it is believed will prevent the recurrence of such a disaster.\nRadio\n\nWe stand for the administration of the radio facilities of the United States under wise and expert government supervision which will:\n(1) Secure to every home in the nation, whether city or country, the great educational and inspirational values of broadcast programs, adequate in number and varied in character, and\n(2) Assign the radio communication channels, regional, continental, and transoceanic,—in the best interest of the American business man, the American farmer, and the American public generally.\nWaterways\n\nCheaper transportation for bulk goods from the midwest agricultural sections to the sea is recognized by the Republican Party as a vital factor for the relief of agriculture. To that end we favor the continued development in inland and in intra-coastal waterways as an essential part of our transportation system.\nThe Republican Administration during the last four years initiated the systematic development of the Mississippi system of inland transportation lanes, and it proposes to carry on this modernization of transportation to speedy completion. Great improvements have been made during this administration in our harbors, and the party pledges itself to continue these activities for the modernization of our national equipment.\nVeterans\n\nOur country is honored whenever it bestows relief on those who have faithfully served its flag. The Republican Party, appreciative of this solemn obligation and honor, has made its sentiments evident in Congress. Our expenditures for the benefit of all our veterans now aggregate 750 million dollars annually. Increased hospital facilities have been provided, payments in compensation have more than doubled, and in the matter of rehabilitations, pensions, and insurance, generous provision has been made. The administration of laws dealing with the relief of veterans and their dependents has been a difficult task, but every effort has been made to carry service to the veteran and bring about not only a better and generous interpretation of the law, but a sympathetic consideration of the many problems of the veteran. Full and adequate relief for our disabled veterans is our aim, and we commend the action of Congress in further liberalizing the laws applicable to veterans' relief.\nPublic Utilities\n\nRepublican Congresses and Administrations have steadily strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission. The protection of the public from exactions or burdens in rates for service by reason of monopoly control, and the protection of the smaller organizations from suppression in their own field, has been a fundamental idea in all regulatory enactments. While recognizing that at times Federal regulations might be more effective than State regulations in controlling intrastate utilities, the Party favors and has sustained State regulations, believing that such responsibility in the end will create a force of State public opinion which will be more effective in preventing discriminations and injustices.\nConservation\n\nWe believe in the practical application of the conservation principle by the wise development of our natural resources. The measure of development is our national requirement, and avoidance of waste so that future generations may share in this natural wealth. The Republican policy is to prevent monopolies in the control and utilization of natural resources. Under the General Leasing Law, enacted by a Republican Congress, the ownership of the mineral estate remains in the Government, but development occurs through private capital and energy. Important for the operation of this law is the classification and appraisement of public lands according to their mineral content and value. Over five hundred million acres of public land have been thus classified.\nTo prevent wasteful exploitation of our oil products, President Coolidge appointed an Oil Conservation Board, which is now conducting an inquiry into all phases of petroleum production, in the effort to devise a national policy for the conservation and proper utilization of our oil resources.\nThe Republican Party has been forehanded in assuring the development of water power in accordance with public interest. A policy of permanent public retention of the power sites on public land and power privileges in domestic and international navigable streams, and one-third of the potential water power resources in the United States on public domain, has been assured by the Federal Water Powers Act, passed by a Republican Congress.\nLaw Enforcement\n\nWe reaffirm the American Constitutional Doctrine as announced by George Washington in his \"Farewell Address,\" to-wit:\n\"The Constitution which at any time exists until changed by the explicit and authentic act by the whole people is sacredly obligatory upon all.\"\nWe also reaffirm the attitude of the American people toward the Federal Constitution as declared by Abraham Lincoln:\n\"We are by both duty and inclination bound to stick by that Constitution in all its letter and spirit from beginning to end. I am for the honest enforcement of the Constitution. Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States, as our forefathers made it inviolate.\"\nThe people through the method provided by the Constitution have written the Eighteenth Amendment into the Constitution. The Republican Party pledges itself and its nominees to the observance and vigorous enforcement of this provision of the Constitution.\nHonesty in Government\n\nWe stand for honesty in government, for the appointment of officials whose integrity cannot be questioned. We deplore the fact that any official has ever fallen from this high standard and that certain American citizens of both parties have so far forgotten their duty as citizens as to traffic in national interests for private gain. We have prosecuted and shall always prosecute any official who subordinates his public duty to his personal interest.\nThe Government today is made up of thousands of conscientious, earnest, self-sacrificing men and women, whose single thought is service to the nation.\nWe pledge ourselves to maintain and, if possible, to improve the quality of this great company of Federal employees.\nCampaign Expenditures\n\nEconomy, honesty, and decency in the conduct of political campaigns are a necessity if representative government is to be preserved to the people and political parties are to hold the respect of the citizens at large.\nThe Campaign of 1924 complied with all these requirements. It was a campaign, the expenses of which were carefully budgeted in advance, and, which, at the close, presented a surplus and not a deficit.\nThere will not be any relaxing of resolute endeavor to keep our elections clean, honest and free from taint of any kind. The improper use of money in governmental and political affairs is a great national evil. One of the most effective remedies for this abuse is publicity in all matters touching campaign contributions and expenditures. The Republican Party, beginning not later than August 1, 1928, and every 30 days thereafter,—the last publication being not later than five days before the election—will file with the Committees of the House and Senate a complete account of all contributions, the names of the contributors, the amounts expended, and for what purposes, and will at all times hold its records and books touching such matters open for inspection.\nThe party further pledges that it will not create, or permit to be created, any deficit which shall exist at the close of the campaign.\nReclamation\n\nFederal reclamation of arid lands is a Republican policy, adopted under President Roosevelt, carried forward by succeeding Republican Presidents, and put upon a still higher plane of efficiency and production by President Coolidge. It has increased the wealth of the nation and made the West more prosperous.\nAn intensive study of the methods and practices of reclamation has been going on for the past four years under the direction of the Department of the Interior in an endeavor to create broader human opportunities and their financial and economic success. The money value of the crops raised on reclamation projects is showing a steady and gratifying increase as well as the number of farms and people who have settled on the lands.\nThe continuation of a surplus of agricultural products in the selling markets of the world has influenced the Department to a revaluation of plans and projects. It has adopted a ten-year program for the completion of older projects and will hold other suggestions in abeyance until the surveys now under way as to the entire scope of the work are completed.\nCommercial Aviation\n\nWithout governmental grants or subsidies and entirely by private initiative, the nation has made extraordinary advances in the field of commercial aviation. Over 20,000 miles of air mail service privately operated are now being flown daily, and the broadening of this service is an almost weekly event. Because of our close relations with our sister republics on the south and our neighbor on the north, it is fitting our first efforts should be to establish an air communication with Latin-America and Canada.\nThe achievements of the aviation branches of the Army and Navy are all to the advantage of commercial aviation, and in the Mississippi flood disaster the work performed by civil and military aviators was of inestimable value.\nThe development of a system of aircraft registration, inspection and control is a credit to the Republican Administration, which, quick to appreciate the importance of this new transportation development, created machinery for its safeguarding.\nImmigration\n\nThe Republican Party believes that in the interest of both native and foreign-born wage-earners, it is necessary to restrict immigration. Unrestricted immigration would result in widespread unemployment and in the breakdown of the American standard of living. Where, however, the law works undue hardships by depriving the immigrant of the comfort and society of those bound by close family ties, such modification should be adopted as will afford relief.\nWe commend Congress for correcting defects for humanitarian reasons and for providing an effective system of examining prospective immigrants in their home countries.\nNaturalization\n\nThe priceless heritage of American citizenship is our greatest gift to our friends of foreign birth. Only those who will be loyal to our institutions, who are here in conformity with our laws, and who are in sympathy with our national traditions, ideals, and principles, should be naturalized.\nNavy\n\nWe pledge ourselves to round out and maintain the Navy in all types of combatant ships to the full ratio provided for the United States by the Washington Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armament and any amendment thereto.\nHawaii-Alaska\n\nWe favor a continuance for the Territory of Hawaii of Federal assistance in harbor improvements, the appropriation of its share of federal funds and the systematic extension of the settlement of public lands by the Hawaiian race.\nWe indorse the policy of the present administration with reference to Alaska and favor a continuance of the constructive development of the territory.\nWomen and Public Service\n\nFour years ago at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland women members of the National Committee were welcomed into full association and responsibility in party management. During the four years which have passed they have carried with their men associates an equal share of all responsibilities and their contribution to the success of the 1924 campaign is well recognized.\nThe Republican Party, which from the first has sought to bring this development about, accepts wholeheartedly equality on the part of women, and in the public service it can present a record of appointments of women in the legal, diplomatic, judicial, treasury and other governmental departments. We earnestly urge on the women that they participate even more generally than now in party management and activity.\nNational Defense\n\nWe believe that in time of war the nation should draft for its defense not only its citizens but also every resource which may contribute to success. The country demands that should the United States ever again be called upon to defend itself by arms, the President be empowered to draft such material resources and such services as may be required, and to stabilize the prices of services and essential commodities, whether utilized in actual warfare or private activity.\nOur Indian Citizens\n\nNational citizenship was conferred upon all native born Indians in the United States by the General Indian Enfranchisement Act of 1924. We favor the creation of a Commission to be appointed by the President including one or more Indian citizens to investigate and report to Congress upon the existing system of the administration of Indian affairs and to report any inconsistencies that may be found to exist between that system and the rights of the Indian citizens of the United States. We also favor the repeal of any law and the termination of any administrative practice which may be inconsistent with Indian citizenship, to the end that the Federal guardianship existing over the persons and properties of Indian tribal communities may not work a prejudice to the personal and property fights of Indian citizens of the United States. The treaty and property rights of the Indians of the United States must be guaranteed to them.\nThe Negro\n\nWe renew our recommendation that the Congress enact at the earliest possible date a Federal Anti-Lynching Law so that the full influence of the Federal Government may be wielded to exterminate this hideous crime.\nHome Rule\n\nWe believe in the essential unity of the American people. Sectionalism in any form is destructive of national life. The Federal Government should zealously protect the national and international rights of its citizens. It should be equally zealous to respect and maintain the rights of the States and territories and to uphold the vigor and balance of our dual system of government. The Republican party has always given its energies to supporting the Government in this direction when any question has arisen.\nThere are certain other well-defined Federal obligations such as interstate commerce, the development of rivers and harbors, and the guarding and conservation of national resources. The effort, which, however, is being continually made to have the Federal Government move into the field of state activities, has never had, and never will have the support of the Republican Party. In the majority of the cases state citizens and officers are most pressing in their desire to have the Federal Government take over these state functions. This is to be deplored for it weakens the sense of initiative and creates a feeling of dependence which is unhealthy and unfortunate for the whole body politic.\nThere is a real need of restoring the individual and local sense principles; there is a real need of restoring the individual and local sense of responsibility and self-reliance; there is a real need for the people once more to grasp the fundamental fact that under our system of government they are expected to solve many problems themselves through their municipal and State governments, and to combat the tendency that is all too common to turn to the Federal Government as the easiest and least burdensome method of lightening their own responsibilities.", "Words" -> 7330, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 574, "of" -> 440, "and" -> 318, "to" -> 211, "in" -> 168, "a" -> 113, "The" -> 81, "has" -> 74, "for" -> 73, "our" -> 70, "is" -> 67, "which" -> 63, "been" -> 60, "by" -> 58, "Republican" -> 57, "have" -> 57, "that" -> 49, "American" -> 47, "We" -> 45, "be" -> 45, "with" -> 43, "as" -> 41, "this" -> 37, "are" -> 37, "on" -> 35, "will" -> 34, "Party" -> 34, "its" -> 31, "not" -> 29, "all" -> 29, "their" -> 27, "made" -> 24, "we" -> 23, "people" -> 23, "public" -> 22, "policy" -> 22, "foreign" -> 22, "any" -> 22, "States" -> 21, "Federal" -> 21, "at" -> 21, "United" -> 20, "from" -> 20, "development" -> 19, "under" -> 17, "these" -> 17, "or" -> 17, "national" -> 17, "it" -> 17, "but" -> 17, "nation" -> 16, "government" -> 16, "country" -> 16, "an" -> 16, "through" -> 15, "system" -> 15, "such" -> 15, "world" -> 14, "may" -> 14, "should" -> 13, "other" -> 13, "more" -> 13, "great" -> 13, "Government" -> 13, "years" -> 12, "upon" -> 12, "than" -> 12, "standard" -> 12, "President" -> 12, "possible" -> 12, "now" -> 12, "living" -> 12, "It" -> 12, "international" -> 12, "Congress" -> 12, "citizens" -> 12, "record" -> 11, "law" -> 11, "Administration" -> 11, "administration" -> 11, "principles" -> 10, "pledges" -> 10, "only" -> 10, "into" -> 10, "every" -> 10, "always" -> 10, "aid" -> 10, "were" -> 9, "was" -> 9, "Under" -> 9, "transportation" -> 9, "trade" -> 9, "This" -> 9, "support" -> 9, "service" -> 9, "rights" -> 9, "resources" -> 9, "protection" -> 9, "products" -> 9, "present" -> 9, "peace" -> 9, "party" -> 9, "Our" -> 9, "nations" -> 9, "most" -> 9, "maintain" -> 9, "interest" -> 9, "In" -> 9, "favor" -> 9, "farmers" -> 9, "during" -> 9, "Department" -> 9, "control" -> 9, "continue" -> 9, "Constitution" -> 9, "can" -> 9, "believe" -> 9, "without" -> 8, "those" -> 8, "they" -> 8, "there" -> 8, "same" -> 8, "prosperity" -> 8, "property" -> 8, "private" -> 8, "new" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "market" -> 8, "life" -> 8, "labor" -> 8, "itself" -> 8, "Indian" -> 8, "given" -> 8, "economic" -> 8, "dollars" -> 8, "also" -> 8, "Act" -> 8, "would" -> 7, "work" -> 7, "who" -> 7, "war" -> 7, "wage" -> 7, "time" -> 7, "tax" -> 7, "protective" -> 7, "pledge" -> 7, "own" -> 7, "National" -> 7, "interests" -> 7, "industries" -> 7, "if" -> 7, "hundred" -> 7, "home" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "Coolidge" -> 7, "being" -> 7, "agricultural" -> 7, "War" -> 6, "tariff" -> 6, "State" -> 6, "state" -> 6, "so" -> 6, "settlement" -> 6, "relief" -> 6, "problems" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "power" -> 6, "policies" -> 6, "opportunity" -> 6, "natural" -> 6, "million" -> 6, "many" -> 6, "laws" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "high" -> 6, "further" -> 6, "full" -> 6, "five" -> 6, "farm" -> 6, "ever" -> 6, "established" -> 6, "essential" -> 6, "end" -> 6, "countries" -> 6, "Commission" -> 6, "both" -> 6, "assistance" -> 6, "A" -> 6, "women" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "when" -> 5, "well" -> 5, "way" -> 5, "up" -> 5, "taxes" -> 5, "Tariff" -> 5, "still" -> 5, "steady" -> 5, "sound" -> 5, "recognized" -> 5, "rates" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "persons" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "no" -> 5, "men" -> 5, "meet" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "industry" -> 5, "increased" -> 5, "greatest" -> 5, "fundamental" -> 5, "effective" -> 5, "domestic" -> 5, "disputes" -> 5, 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-> 4, "effort" -> 4, "duty" -> 4, "During" -> 4, "desire" -> 4, "co-operation" -> 4, "continued" -> 4, "conservation" -> 4, "confidence" -> 4, "condition" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "commend" -> 4, "comfort" -> 4, "close" -> 4, "character" -> 4, "carried" -> 4, "campaign" -> 4, "called" -> 4, "bring" -> 4, "billions" -> 4, "billion" -> 4, "better" -> 4, "appropriations" -> 4, "America" -> 4, "Agriculture" -> 4, "against" -> 4, "affected" -> 4, "affairs" -> 4, "advancement" -> 4, "adopted" -> 4, "activity" -> 4, "activities" -> 4, "abroad" -> 4, "1928" -> 4, "1922" -> 4, "year" -> 3, "works" -> 3, "wise" -> 3, "wisdom" -> 3, "what" -> 3, "wealth" -> 3, "Washington" -> 3, "vital" -> 3, "utilization" -> 3, "treaty" -> 3, "treaties" -> 3, "Treasury" -> 3, "traditional" -> 3, "toward" -> 3, "today" -> 3, "To" -> 3, "times" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "technical" -> 3, "stand" -> 3, "serious" -> 3, "sense" -> 3, "selling" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "responsibility" -> 3, "responsibilities" -> 3, "regulations" -> 3, "reclamation" -> 3, "railroad" -> 3, "question" -> 3, "protected" -> 3, "protect" -> 3, "promotion" -> 3, "promote" -> 3, "projects" -> 3, "production" -> 3, "plans" -> 3, "permit" -> 3, "permanent" -> 3, "passed" -> 3, "particularly" -> 3, "part" -> 3, "owners" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "Navy" -> 3, "must" -> 3, "mining" -> 3, "mineral" -> 3, "matters" -> 3, "matter" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "make" -> 3, "major" -> 3, "maintenance" -> 3, "loss" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "local" -> 3, "level" -> 3, "legitimate" -> 3, "League" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "justified" -> 3, "improve" -> 3, "immigration" -> 3, "If" -> 3, "idea" -> 3, "humanitarian" -> 3, "honesty" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "greater" -> 3, "governments" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "give" -> 3, "generous" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "friendship" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "four" -> 3, "flood" -> 3, "firm" -> 3, "fights" -> 3, "fair" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "expenditures" -> 3, "expansion" -> 3, "evident" -> 3, "even" -> 3, "establishment" -> 3, "endorse" -> 3, "endeavor" -> 3, "enacted" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "Economy" -> 3, "earnest" -> 3, "disaster" -> 3, "directly" -> 3, "destroyed" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "definitely" -> 3, "debtor" -> 3, "Debt" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "created" -> 3, "create" -> 3, "continuation" -> 3, "continuance" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "consideration" -> 3, "commodities" -> 3, "Commerce" -> 3, "coal" -> 3, "Claims" -> 3, "citizenship" -> 3, "China" -> 3, "chief" -> 3, "carry" -> 3, "cannot" -> 3, "business" -> 3, "bound" -> 3, "body" -> 3, "Board" -> 3, "benefits" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "basis" -> 3, "aviation" -> 3, "assist" -> 3, "arbitration" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "allows" -> 3, "adequate" -> 3, "able" -> 3, "1924" -> 3, "1921" -> 3, "yet" -> 2, "workmen" -> 2, "workman" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "willing" -> 2, "widespread" -> 2, "While" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weight" -> 2, "waterways" -> 2, "water" -> 2, "wasteful" -> 2, "vigorous" -> 2, "veteran" -> 2, "vessels" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "unemployment" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "towards" -> 2, "touching" -> 2, "Today" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "threatened" -> 2, "thousand" -> 2, "These" -> 2, "taxpayer" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "task" -> 2, "taken" -> 2, "systematic" -> 2, "sympathy" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "suggestions" -> 2, "substantial" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "step" -> 2, "stabilization" -> 2, "stability" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "sovereign" -> 2, "soundness" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "situation" -> 2, "sister" -> 2, "single" -> 2, "ships" -> 2, "seven" -> 2, "Settlement" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "services" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "seriously" -> 2, "securities" -> 2, "sections" -> 2, "section" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "schedules" -> 2, "sale" -> 2, "routes" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "rise" -> 2, "revision" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "results" -> 2, "restricted" -> 2, "restoring" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "rest" -> 2, "requirements" -> 2, "representative" -> 2, "report" -> 2, "remains" -> 2, "releasing" -> 2, "relationship" -> 2, "relations" -> 2, "regard" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "reasons" -> 2, "reason" -> 2, "reached" -> 2, "rate" -> 2, "railroads" -> 2, "radio" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "prosperous" -> 2, "proper" -> 2, "promises" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "program" -> 2, "producers" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "presented" -> 2, "practices" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "portion" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "placed" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "personal" -> 2, "period" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "particular" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "Over" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "organizations" -> 2, "orderly" -> 2, "order" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "oil" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "official" -> 2, "officers" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "Nicaragua" -> 2, "next" -> 2, "negotiated" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "native" -> 2, "mutual" -> 2, "modernization" -> 2, "mind" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "military" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "method" -> 2, "membership" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "material" -> 2, "March" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "maintains" -> 2, "lower" -> 2, "lives" -> 2, "lines" -> 2, "light" -> 2, "leisure" -> 2, "leadership" -> 2, "later" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "know" -> 2, "justly" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "Interstate" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "insurance" -> 2, "inspiration" -> 2, "inspection" -> 2, "inland" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "initiated" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "industrial" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "indirectly" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "immigrants" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "higher" -> 2, "harbors" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "guaranty" -> 2, "growth" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "going" -> 2, "generally" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "Four" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "For" -> 2, "flag" -> 2, "finances" -> 2, "fifty" -> 2, "felt" -> 2, "feeling" -> 2, "favors" -> 2, "farming" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "faithfully" -> 2, "factor" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "extraordinary" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "express" -> 2, "exports" -> 2, "exploitation" -> 2, "expected" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "exist" -> 2, "example" -> 2, "exactions" -> 2, "equality" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "energy" -> 2, "encouraged" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "eleven" -> 2, "eight" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "draft" -> 2, "disturbance" -> 2, "diplomatic" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "developments" -> 2, "deprive" -> 2, "depression" -> 2, "dependents" -> 2, "deficit" -> 2, "debts" -> 2, "days" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "could" -> 2, "co-operative" -> 2, "controlling" -> 2, "contributions" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "consistently" -> 2, "considered" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "Congresses" -> 2, "conference" -> 2, "completion" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "communication" -> 2, "command" -> 2, "collective" -> 2, "clearly" -> 2, "changes" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "Canada" -> 2, "Campaign" -> 2, "broadening" -> 2, "books" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "beginning" -> 2, "Because" -> 2, "because" -> 2, "bearing" -> 2, "basic" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "assured" -> 2, "arisen" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "appreciative" -> 2, "appointed" -> 2, "anxious" -> 2, "air" -> 2, "aim" -> 2, "agreement" -> 2, "again" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "Administrations" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "acquired" -> 2, "achievements" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "about" -> 2, "72" -> 2, "52" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$6,411,000,000" -> 1, "$325,000,000" -> 1, "$275,000,000" -> 1, "zealously" -> 1, "zealous" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "yielded" -> 1, "yards" -> 1, "wrongs" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "Women" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "Wise" -> 1, "willingness" -> 1, "wielded" -> 1, "widened" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "wholeheartedly" -> 1, "White-Jones" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "Where" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "well-defined" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "weakens" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "Water" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "warranty" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "wage-earners" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "variety" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "Valley" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "Utilities" -> 1, "utilities" -> 1, "usefully" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "upward" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "unwavering" -> 1, "unsurpassed" -> 1, "unrivalled" -> 1, "Unrestricted" -> 1, "unratified" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unhealthy" -> 1, "unhappy" -> 1, "unfunded" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "uneconomic" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undertakings" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "unchallenged" -> 1, "types" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "twenty-two" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "trustees" -> 1, "tribal" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "transoceanic" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "trails" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, 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-> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sentiments" -> 1, "sensitive" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "self-sustaining" -> 1, "self-sacrificing" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "self-evident" -> 1, "seized" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "Secure" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "Sectionalism" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "scales" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "save" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "saneness" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "sacredly" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "Rule" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "Road" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revaluation" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "resultant" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "research" -> 1, "requirement" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "require" -> 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"quality" -> 1, "qualification" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "purposeful" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "publication" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "provides" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "prospective" -> 1, "prosecuted" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proposal" -> 1, "prophesies" -> 1, "Property" -> 1, "properties" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "promulgated" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "Prompt" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "programs" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privately" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "priceless" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "prevents" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presents" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "prejudice" -> 1, "Practically" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "Powers" -> 1, 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-> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "Mellon" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "Marines" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "Many" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacture" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "mandate" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "looked" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "longing" -> 1, "loaning" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "Limitation" -> 1, "lightening" -> 1, "lightened" -> 1, "lifted" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberalizing" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "lend" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "Leasing" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "Latin-America" -> 1, "Latin" -> 1, "Last" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "lanes" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "keen" -> 1, "justiciable" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joined" -> 1, "jeopardizing" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "inviolate" -> 1, "inviolability" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "investigated" -> 1, "investigate" -> 1, "intrastate" -> 1, "intra-coastal" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "Intermediate" -> 1, "Interior" -> 1, "intergovernmental" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "intercourse" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "inspirational" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "injustices" -> 1, "injunctions" -> 1, "infringe" -> 1, "influenced" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inestimable" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "Increased" -> 1, "inconsistent" -> 1, "inconsistencies" -> 1, "inconceivable" -> 1, "inclusive" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "included" -> 1, "inclination" -> 1, "incentive" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "Improved" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "Important" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrant" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "identical" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "I" -> 1, "Hungarian" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "hopeful" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "Hoover" -> 1, "honored" -> 1, "honorably" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "Honesty" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "highway" -> 1, "hideous" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "help" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "Hawaiian" -> 1, "Hawaii-Alaska" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "Havana" -> 1, "harmonious" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "hampering" -> 1, "hampered" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guarding" -> 1, "guardianship" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "grows" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "Greece" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "gratifying" -> 1, "grasping" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "goal" -> 1, "glutting" -> 1, "globe" -> 1, "glad" -> 1, "Giving" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gift" -> 1, "German" -> 1, "George" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generously" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "gauge" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "fuller" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "French" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "France" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "formerly" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foreign-made" -> 1, "foreign-born" -> 1, "forehanded" -> 1, "forefathers" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "flown" -> 1, "flour" -> 1, "Flood" -> 1, "Flexible" -> 1, "fitting" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "file" -> 1, "fifty-four" -> 1, "fifty-five" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "fast" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmer's" -> 1, "farmer-owned-and-controlled" -> 1, "Farewell" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "family" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "fairer" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "extravagantly" -> 1, "exterminate" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "exportation" -> 1, "explicit" -> 1, "experts" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "Expenditures" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "expended" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exemplified" -> 1, "executives" -> 1, "Executive" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "exchange" -> 1, "Excessive" -> 1, "exception" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "examining" -> 1, "examination" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "estimated" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "especial" -> 1, "equitably" -> 1, "equipment" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entail" -> 1, "enrollments" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enjoys" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "Enfranchisement" -> 1, "Enforcement" -> 1, "energies" -> 1, "energetic" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "emulation" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emergencies" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "eliminate" -> 1, "election—will" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Eighteenth" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "educational" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "ebb" -> 1, "easiest" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "eagerly" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "Dwight" -> 1, "dual" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doubled" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "diversification" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distribute" -> 1, "distressing" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "disorganized" -> 1, "discriminatory" -> 1, "discriminations" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "disasters" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devise" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "derives" -> 1, "depths" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "deprives" -> 1, "deplored" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "Delivery" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "define" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "deepened" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "decency" -> 1, "decades" -> 1, "decade" -> 1, "Debts" -> 1, "debtors" -> 1, "dealings" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "Davis" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "dairy" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "customer" -> 1, "Custodian" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "currencies" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "crops" -> 1, "crop" -> 1, "critics" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "Credit" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "council" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "correcting" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "cordial" -> 1, "copper" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributors" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contravene" -> 1, "Contrary" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "continuity" -> 1, "continually" -> 1, "continental" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contentment" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "contacts" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consistency" -> 1, "considering" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "consequences" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscientious" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "conquest" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "conferred" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "conclusion" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "complied" -> 1, "complexities" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "company" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Committees" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "Committee" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "commendation" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "combatant" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "colleges" -> 1, "clothed" -> 1, "Cleveland" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "clean" -> 1, "classified" -> 1, "classification" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "claiming" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "circles" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "cheerfully" -> 1, "Cheaper" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "Central" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "Capper-Volstead" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "cancellation" -> 1, "canals" -> 1, "Canadian" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "burdensome" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burdened" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "budgets" -> 1, "budgeted" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "broader" -> 1, "broadcast" -> 1, "breakdown" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "Bonds" -> 1, "bluster" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "bestows" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "bars" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "Banks" -> 1, "awaits" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "aviators" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authentic" -> 1, "Austrian" -> 1, "Austria" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associations" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assisted" -> 1, "Assign" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "asks" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "Armenia" -> 1, "Armament" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "appraisement" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appealed" -> 1, "anything" -> 1, "Anti-Lynching" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "amply" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "American-owned" -> 1, "American-operated" -> 1, "American-built" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "ambition" -> 1, "am" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "Alien" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "aircraft" -> 1, "aids" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "aggregate" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "Adherence" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "Address" -> 1, "actuated" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "accustomed" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishing" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "acclaimed" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "abilities" -> 1, "abeyance" -> 1, "750" -> 1, "4.8" -> 1, "4.4" -> 1, "3.8" -> 1, "3.1" -> 1, "30" -> 1, "20,000" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1927" -> 1, "10" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1924", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1924, "Date" -> DateObject[{1924, 6, 10}], "Text" -> "We the delegates of the republican party in national convention assembled, bow our heads in reverent memory of Warren G. Harding.\nWe nominated him four years ago to be our candidate; the people of the nation elected him their president. His human qualities gripped the affections of the American people. He was a public servant unswerving in his devotion to duty.\nA staunch republican, he was first of all a true patriot, who gave unstintingly of himself during a trying and critical period of our national life.\nHis conception and successful direction of the limitation of armaments conference in Washington was an accomplishment which advanced the world along the path toward peace.\nAs delegates of the republican party, we share in the national thanksgiving that in the great emergency created by the death of our great leader there stood forth fully equipped to be his successor one whom we had nominated as vice-president—Calvin Coolidge, who as vice-president and president by his every act has justified the faith and confidence which he has won from the nation.\nHe has put the public welfare above personal considerations. He has given to the people practical idealism in office. In his every act, he has won without seeking the applause of the people of the country. The constantly accumulating evidence of his integrity, vision and single minded devotion to the needs of the people of this nation strengthens and inspires our confident faith in his continued leadership.\nSituation in 1921\n\nWhen the republican administration took control of the government in 1921, there were four and a half million unemployed; industry and commerce were stagnant; agriculture was prostrate; business was depressed; securities of the government were selling below their par values.\nPeace was delayed; misunderstanding and friction characterized our relations abroad. There was a lack of faith in the administration of government resulting in a growing feeling of distrust in the very principles upon which our institutions are rounded.\nTo-day industry and commerce are active; public and private credits are sound; we have made peace; we have taken the first step toward disarmament and strengthened our friendship with the world powers, our relations with the rest of the world are on a firmer basis, our position was never better understood, our foreign policy never more definite and consistent. The tasks to which we have put our hands are completed. Time has been too short for the correction of all the ills we received as a heritage from the last democratic administration, and the notable accomplishments under republican rule warrant us in appealing to the country with entire confidence.\nPublic Economy\n\nWe demand and the people of the United States have a right to demand rigid economy in government. A policy of strict economy enforced by the republican administration since 1921 has made possible a reduction in taxation and has enabled the government to reduce the public debt by $2,500,000,000. This policy vigorously enforced has resulted in a progressive reduction of public expenditures until they arc now two billions dollars per annum less than in 1921. The tax burdens of the people have been relieved to the extent of $1,250,000,000 per annum. Government securities have been increased in value more than $3,000,000,000. Deficits have been converted in surpluses. The budget system has been firmly established and the number of federal employes has been reduced more than one hundred thousand. We commend the firm insistence of President Coolidge upon rigid government economy and pledge him our earnest support to this end.\nFinance and Taxation\n\nWe believe that the achievement of the republican administration in reducing taxation by $1,250,000,000 per annum; reducing of the public debt by $2,432,000,000; installing a budget system; reducing the public expenditures from $5,500,000,000 per annum to approximately $3,400,000,000 per annum, thus reducing the ordinary expenditures of the government to substantially a pre-war basis, and the complete restoration of public credit; the payment or refunding of $7,500,000,000 of public obligations without disturbance of credit or industry—all during the short period of three years—presents a record unsurpassed in the history of public finance.\nThe assessment of taxes wisely and scientifically collected and the efficient and economical expenditure of the money received by the government are essential to the prosperity of our nation.\nCarelessness in levying taxes inevitably breeds extravagance in expenditures. The wisest of taxation rests most rightly on the individual and economic life of the country. The public demand for a sound tax policy is insistent.\nProgressive tax reduction should be accomplished through tax reorganization. It should not be confined to less than 4,000,000 of our citizens who pay direct taxes, but is the right of more than 100,000,000 who are daily paying their taxes through their living expenses. Congress has in the main confined its work to tax reduction. The matter of tax reform is still unsettled and is equally essential.\nWe pledge ourselves to the progressive reduction of taxes of all the people as rapidly as may be done with due regard for the essential expenditures for the government administered with rigid economy and to place our tax system on a sound peace time basis.\nWe endorse the plan of President Coolidge to call in November a national conference of federal and state officials for the development of the effective methods of lightening the tax burden of our citizens and adjusting questions of taxation as between national and state governments.\nWe favor the creation by appropriate legislation of a non-partisan federal commission to make a comprehensive study and report upon the tax system of the states and federal government with a view to an intelligent reformation of our systems of taxation to a more equitable basis and a proper adjustment of the subjects of taxation as between the national and state governments with justice to the taxpayer and in conformity with the sound economic principles.\nReorganization\n\nWe favor a comprehensive reorganization of the executive departments and bureaus along the line of the plan recently submitted by a joint committee of the congress which has the unqualified support of President Coolidge.\nCivil Service\n\nImprovement in the enforcement of the merit system both by legislative enactment and executive action since March 4, 1921, has been marked and effective. By executive order the appointment of presidential postmasters has been placed on the merit basis similar to that applying to the classified service.\nWe favor the classification of postmasters in first, second and third class postoffices and the placing of the prohibition enforcement field forces within the classified civil service without necessarily incorporating the present personnel.\nForeign Debts\n\nIn fulfillment of our solemn pledge in the national platform of 1920 we have steadfastly refused to consider the cancellation of foreign debts. Our attitude has not been that of an oppressive creditor seeking immediate return and ignoring existing financial conditions, but has been based on the conviction that a moral obligation such as was incurred should not be disregarded.\nWe stand for settlements with all debtor countries, similar in character to our debt agreement with Great Britain. That settlement achieved under a republican administration, was the greatest international financial transaction in the history of the world. Under the terms of the agreement the United States now receives an annual return upon four billion six hundred million dollars owing to us by Great Britain with a definite obligation of ultimate payment in full.\nThe justness of the basis employed has been formally recognized by other debtor nations.\nGreat nations cannot recognize or admit the principle of repudiation. To do so would undermine the integrity essential for international trade, commerce and credit. Thirty-five per cent of the total foreign debt is now in process of liquidation.\nThe Tariff\n\nWe reaffirm our belief in the protective tariff to extend needed protection to our productive industries. We believe in protection as a national policy, with due and equal regard to all sections and to all classes. It is only by adherence to such a policy that the well being of the consumers can be safeguarded that there can be assured to American agriculture, to American labor and to American manufacturers a return to perpetrate American standards of life. A protective tariff is designed to support the high American economic level of life for the average family and to prevent a lowering to the levels of economic life prevailing in other lands.\nIn the history of the nation the protective tariff system has ever justified itself by restoring confidence, promoting industrial activity and employment, enormously increasing our purchasing power and bringing increased prosperity to all our people.\nThe tariff protection to our industry works for increased consumption of domestic agricultural products by an employed population instead of one unable to purchase the necessities of life. Without the strict maintenance of the tariff principle our farmers will need always to compete with cheap lands and cheap labor abroad and with lower standards of living.\nThe enormous value of the protective principle has once more been demonstrated by the emergency tariff act of 1921 and the tariff act of 1922.\nWe assert our belief in the elastic provision adopted by congress in the tariff act of 1922 providing for a method of readjusting the tariff rates and the classifications in order to meet changing economic conditions when such changed conditions are brought to the attention of the president by complaint or application.\nWe believe that the power to increase or decrease any rate of duty provided in the tariff furnishes a safeguard on the one hand against excessive taxes and on the other hand against too high customs charges.\nThe wise provisions of this section of the tariff act afford ample opportunity for tariff duties to be adjusted after a hearing in order that they may cover the actual differences in the cost of production in the United States and the principal competing countries of the world.\nWe also believe that the application of this provision of the tariff act will contribute to business stability by making unnecessary general disturbances which are usually incident to general tariff revisions.\nForeign Relations\n\nThe republican party reaffirmed its stand for agreement among the nations to prevent war and preserve peace. As an immediate step in this direction we endorse the permanent court of international justice and favor the adherence of the United States to this tribunal as recommended by President Coolidge. This government has definitely refused membership in the league of nations or to assume any obligations under the covenant of the league. On this we stand.\nWhile we are unwilling to enter into political commitments which would involve us in the conflict of European politics, it should be the purpose and high privilege of the United States to continue to co-operate with other nations in humanitarian efforts in accordance with our cherished traditions. The basic principles of our foreign policy must be independence without indifference to the rights and necessities of others and cooperation without entangling alliances. The policy overwhelmingly approved by the people has been vindicated since the end of the great war.\nAmerica's participation in world affairs under the administration of President Harding and President Coolidge has demonstrated the wisdom and prudence of the national judgment. A most impressive example of the capacity of the United States to serve the cause of the world peace without political affiliations was shown in the effective and beneficent work of the Dawes commission toward the solution of the perplexing question of German reparations.\nThe first conference of great powers in Washington called by President Harding accomplished the limitation of armaments and the readjustment of the relations of the powers interested in the far east. The conference resulted in an agreement to reduce armaments, relieved the competitive nations involved from the great burdens of taxation arising from the construction and maintenance of capital battleships; assured a new, broader and better understanding in the far east; brought the assurance of peace in the region of the Pacific and formally adopted the policy of the open door for trade and commerce in the great markets of the far east.\nThis historic conference paved the way to avert the danger of renewed hostilities in Europe, and to restore the necessary economic stability. While the military forces of America have been restored to a peace footing, there has been an increase in the land and air forces abroad which constitutes a continual menace to the peace of the world and a bar to the return of prosperity.\nWe firmly advocate the calling of a conference on the limitation of land forces, the use of submarines and poison gas, as proposed by President Coolidge, when, through the adoption of a permanent reparations plan the conditions in Europe will make negotiations and co-operation opportune and possible.\nBy treaties of peace, safeguarding our rights and without derogating those of our former associates in arms, the republican administration ended the war between this country and Germany and Austria. We have concluded and signed with other nations during the past three years more than fifty treaties and international agreements in the furtherance of peace and good will.\nNew sanctions and new proofs of permanent accord have marked our relations with all Latin-America. The long standing controversy between Chile and Peru has been advanced toward settlement by its submission to the president of the United States as arbitrator and with the helpful co-operation of this country a treaty has been signed by the representatives of sixteen American republics which will stabilize conditions on the American continent and minimize the opportunities for war.\nOur difficulties with Mexico have happily yielded to a most friendly adjustment. Mutual confidence has been restored and a pathway for that friendliness and helpfulness which should exist between this government and the government of our neighboring republic has been marked. Agreements have been entered into for the determination by judicial commissions of the claims of the citizens of each country against the respective governments. We can confidently look forward to more permanent and more stable re lations with this republic that joins for so many miles our southern border.\nOur policy, now well defined, of giving practical aid to other peoples without assuming political obligations has been conspicuously demonstrated. The ready and generous response of America to the needs of the starving in Russia and the suddenly stricken people of Japan gave evidence of our helpful interest in the welfare of the distressed in other lands.\nThe work of our representatives in dealing with subjects of such universal concern as the traffic in women and children, the production and distribution of narcotic drugs, the sale of arms and in matters affecting public health and morals, demonstrates that we can effectively do our part for humanity and civilization without forfeiting, limiting or restricting our national freedom of action.\nThe American people do cherish their independence, but their sense of duty to all mankind will ever prompt them to give their support, service and leadership to every cause which makes for peace and amity among the nations of the world.\nAgriculture\n\nIn dealing with agriculture the republican party recognizes that we are faced with a fundamental national problem, and that the prosperity and welfare of the nation as a whole is dependent upon the prosperity and welfare of our agricultural population.\nWe recognize our agricultural activities are still struggling with adverse conditions that have brought about distress. We pledge the party to take whatever steps are necessary to bring back a balanced condition between agriculture, industry and labor, which was destroyed by the democratic party through an unfortunate administration of legislation passed as war-time measures.\nWe affirm that under the republican administration the problems of the farm have received more serious consideration than ever before both by definite executive action and by congressional action not only in the field of general legislation but also in the enactment of laws to meet emergency situations.\nThe restoration of general prosperity and the purchasing power of our people through tariff protection has resulted in an increased domestic consumption of food products while the price of many agricultural commodities are above the war price level by reason of direct tariff protection.\nUnder the leadership of the president at the most critical time, a corporation was organized by private capital making available $100,000,000 to assist the farmers of the northwest.\nIn realization of the disturbance in the agricultural export market, the result of the financial depression in Europe. and appreciating that the export field would be enormously improved by economic rehabilitation and the resulting increased consuming power, a sympathetic support and direction was given to the work of the American representatives on the European reparations commission.\nThe revival in 1921 of the war finance corporation with loans of over $300,000,000 averted in 1921 a complete collapse in the agricultural industry.\nWe have established new intermediate credit banks for agriculture and increased the capital of the federal farm loan system. Emergency loans have been granted to drought stricken areas. We have enacted into law the co-operative marketing act, the grain futures and packer control acts; given to agriculture direct representation on the federal reserve board and on the federal aid commission. We have greatly strengthened our foreign marketing service for the disposal of our agricultural products.\nThe crux of the problem from the standpoint of the farmer is the net profit he receives after his outlay. The process of bringing the average prices of what he buys and what he sells closer together can be promptly expedited by reduction in taxes, steady employment in industry and stability in business.\nThis process can be expedited directly by lower freight rates, by better marketing through cooperative efforts and a more scientific organization of the physical human machinery of distribution and by a greater diversification of farm products.\nWe promise every assistance in the reorganization of the market system on sounder and more economical lines and where diversification is needed government assistance during the period of transition. Vigorous efforts of this administration toward broadening our exports market will be continued. The republican party pledges itself to the development and enactment of measures which will place the agricultural interests of\nAmerica on a basis of economic equality with other industries to assure its prosperity and success. We favor adequate tariff protection to such of our agriculture products as are threatened by competition. We favor, without putting the government into business, the establishment of a federal system of organization for co-operative marketing of farm products.\nHighways\n\nThe federal aid road act, adopted by the republican congress in 1921 has been of inestimable value to the development of the highway systems of the several states and of the nation. We pledge a continuation of this policy of federal co-opera-tion with the states in highway building.\nWe favor the construction of roads and trails in our national forests necessary to their protection and utilization. In appropriations, therefore, the taxes which these lands would pay if taxable, should be considered as a controlling factor.\nLabor\n\nThe increasing stress of industrial life, the constant and necessary efforts because of world competition to increase production and decrease costs has made it specially incumbent on those in authority to protect labor from undue exactions.\nWe commend congress for having recognized this possibility in its prompt adoption of the recommendation of President Coolidge for a constitutional amendment authorizing congress to legislate on the subject of child labor, and we urge the prompt consideration of that amendment by the legislatures of the various states.\nThere is no success great enough to justify the employment of women in labor under conditions which will impair their natural functions.\nWe favor high standards for wage, working and living conditions among the women employed in industry. We pledge a continuance of the successful efforts of the republican administration to eliminate the seven-day, twelve-hour day industry.\nWe regard with satisfaction the elimination of the twelve-hour day in the steel industry and the agreement eliminating the seven-day work week of alternate thirteen and eleven hours accomplished through the efforts of Presidents Harding and Coolidge.\nWe declare our faith in the principle of the eight-hour day.\nWe pledge a continuation of the work of rehabilitating workers in industry as conducted by the federal board for vocational education, and favor adequate appropriations for this purpose.\nWe favor a broader and better system of vocational education, a more adequate system of federal free employment agencies with facilities for assisting the movements of seasonal and migratory labor, including farm labor, with ample organization for bringing the man and his job together.\nRailroads\n\nWe believe that the demand of the American people for improved railroad service at cheaper rates is justified and that it can be fulfilled by the consolidation of the railroads into a lesser number of connecting systems with the resultant operating economy. The labor board provision should be amended to meet the requirements made evident by experience gained from its actual creation.\nCollective bargaining, voluntary mediation and arbitration are the most important steps in maintaining peaceful labor relations. We do not believe in compulsory action at any time. Public opinion must be the final arbiter in any crisis which so vitally affects public welfare as the suspension of transportation. Therefore, the interests of the public require the maintenance of an impartial tribunal which can in any emergency make an investigation of the fact and publish its conclusions. This is accepted as a basis of popular judgment.\nGovernment Control\n\nThe prosperity of the American nation rests on the vigor of private initiative which has bred a spirit of independence and self-reliance. The republican party stands now, as always, against all attempts to put the government into business.\nAmerican industry should not be compelled to struggle against government competition. The right of the government to regulate, supervise and control public utilities and public interests, we believe, should be strengthened, but we are firmly opposed to the nationalization or government ownership of public utilities.\nCoal\n\nThe price and a constant supply of this essential commodity are of vital interest to the public. The government has no constitutional power to regulate prices, but can bring its influence to bear by the powerful instrument afforded by full publicity. When through industrial conflict, its supply is threatened, the president should have authority to appoint a commission to act as mediators and as a medium for voluntary arbitration. In the event of a strike, the control of distribution must be invoked to prevent profiteering.\nMerchant Marine\n\nThe republican party stands for a strong and permanent merchant marine built by Americans, owned by Americans and manned by Americans to secure the necessary contact with world markets for our surplus agricultural products and manufactures; to protect our shippers and importers from exorbitant ocean freight rates, and to become a powerful arm of our national defense.\nThat part of the merchant marine now owned by the government should continue to be improved in its economic and efficient management, with reduction of the losses now paid by the government through taxation until it is finally placed on so sound a basis that, with ocean freight rates becoming normal, due to improvement in international affairs, it can be sold to American citizens.\nWaterways\n\nFully realizing the vital importance of transportation in both cost and service to all of our people, we favor the construction of the most feasible waterways from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico, and the improvement and development of rivers, harbors and waterways, inland and coastwise, to the full-est extent justified by the present and potential tonnage available.\nWe favor a comprehensive survey of the conditions under which the flood waters of the Colorado river may be controlled and utilized for the benefit of the people of the states which border thereon.\nThe federal water power act establishes a national water power policy and the way has thereby been opened for the greatest water power development in history under conditions which preserve initiative of our people, yet protect the public interest.\nWorld War Veterans\n\nThe republican party pledges a continual and increasing solicitude for all those suffering any disability as a result of service to the United States in time of war. No country and no administration has ever shown a more generous disposition in the care of its disabled, or more thoughtful consideration in providing a sound administration for the solution of the many problems involved in making intended benefits fully, directly and promptly available to the veterans.\nThe confusion, inefficiency and maladministration existing heretofore since the establishment of this government agency has been cured, and plans are being actively made looking to a further improvement in the operation of the bureau by the passage of new legislation. The basic statute has been so liberalized as to bring within its terms 100,000 additional beneficiaries. The privilege of hospitalization in government hospitals, as recommended by President Coolidge, has been granted to all veterans irrespective of the origin of disability, and over $50,000,000 has been appropriated for hospital construction which will provide sufficient beds to care for all. Appropriations totalling over $1,100,000,000, made by the republican congress for the care of the disabled, evidence the unmistakable purpose of the government not to consider costs when the welfare of these men is at stake. No legislation for the benefit of the disabled soldiers proposed during the last four years by veterans' organizations has failed to receive consideration.\nWe pledge ourselves to meet the problems of the future affecting the care of our wounded and disabled in a spirit of liberality, and with that thoughtful consideration which will enable the government to give to the individual veteran that full measure of care guaranteed by an effective administrative machinery.\nConservation\n\nWe believe in the development, effective and efficient, whether of oil, timber, coal or water power resources of this government only as needed and only after the public needs have become a matter of public record, controlled with a scrupulous regard and ever-vigilant safeguards against waste, speculation and monopoly.\nThe natural resources of the country belong to all the people and are a part of an estate belonging to generations yet unborn. The government policy should be to safeguard, develop and utilize these possessions. The conservation policy of the nation originated with the republican party under the inspiration of Theodore Roosevelt.\nWe hold it a privilege of the republican party to build as a memorial to him on the foundation which he laid.\nEducation and Belief\n\nThe conservation of human resources is one of the most solemn responsibilities of government. This is an obligation which cannot be ignored and which demands that the federal government shall, as far as lies in its power, give to the people and the states the benefit of its counsel.\nThe welfare activities of the government connected with the various departments are already uumerous and important, but lack the co-ordina-tion which is essential to effective action. To meet these needs we approve the suggestion for the creation of a cabinet post of education and relief.\nWar-Time Mobilization\n\nWe believe that in time of war the nation should draft for its defense not only its citizens but also every resource which may contribute to success. The country demands that should the United States ever again be called upon to defend itself by arms the president be empowered to draft such material resources and such service as may be required, and to stabilize the prices of services and essential commodities, whether used in actual warfare or private activities.\nCommercial Aviation\n\nWe advocate the early enactment of such legislation and the taking of such steps by the government as will tend to promote commercial aviation.\nArmy and Navy\n\nThere must be no further weakening of our regular army and we advocate appropriations sufficient to provide for the training of all members of the national guard, the citizens' military training camps, the reserve officers' training camps and the reserves who may offer themselves for service. We pledge ourselves for service. We pledge ourselves to round out and maintain the navy to the full strength provided the United States by the letter and spirit of the limitation of armament conference.\nThe Negro\n\nWe urge the congress to enact at the earliest possible date a federal anti-lynching law so that the full influence of the federal government may be wielded to exterminate this hideous crime. We believe that much of the misunderstanding which now exists can be eliminated by humane and sympathetic study of its causes. The president has recommended the creation of a commission for the investigation of social and economic conditions and the promotion of mutual understanding and confidence.\nOrderly Government\n\nThe republican party reaffirms its devotion to orderly government under the guarantees embodied in the constitution of the United States. We recognize the duty of constant vigilance to preserve at all times a clean and honest government and to bring to the bar of justice every defiler of the public service in or out of office.\nDishonesty and corruption are not political attributes. The recent congressional investigations have exposed instances in both parties of men in public office who are willing to sell official favors and men out of office who are willing to buy them in some cases with money and others with influence.\nThe sale of influence resulting from the holding of public position or from association while in public office or the use of such influence for private gain or advantage is a perversion of public trust and prejudicial to good government. It should be condemned by public opinion and forbidden by law.\nWe demand the speedy, fearless and impartial prosecution of all wrong doers, without regard for political affiliations; but we dee]are no greater wrong can be committed against the people than the attempt to destroy their trust in the great body of their public servants. Admitting the deep humiliation which all good citizens share that our public life should have harbored some dishonest men, we assert that these undesirables do not represent the standard of our national integrity.\nThe government at Washington is served to-day by thousands of earnest, conscientious and faithful officials and employГ©s in every department.\nIt is a grave wrong against these patriotic men and women to strive indiscriminately to besmirch the names of the innocent and undermine the confidence of the people in the government under which they live. It is even a greater wrong when this is done for partisan purposes or for selfish exploitation.\nImmigration\n\nThe unprecedented living conditions in Europe following the world war created a condition by which we were threatened with mass immigration that would have seriously disturbed our economic life. The law recently enacted is designed to protect the inhabitants of our country, not only the American citizen, but also the alien already with us who is seeking to secure an economic foothold for himself and family from the competition that would come from unrestricted immigration. The administrative features of the law represent a great constructive advance, and eliminate the hardships suffered by immigrants under emergency statute.\nWe favor the adoption of methods which will exercise a helpful influence among the foreign born population and provide for the education of the alien in our language, customs, ideals and standards of life. We favor the improvement of naturalization laws.", "Words" -> 5224, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 444, "of" -> 326, "and" -> 200, "to" -> 149, "in" -> 120, "a" -> 93, "by" -> 64, "our" -> 59, "The" -> 56, "We" -> 53, "for" -> 53, "with" -> 43, "has" -> 42, "government" -> 38, "be" -> 35, "which" -> 33, "that" -> 33, "as" -> 32, "public" -> 29, "been" -> 28, "is" -> 26, "have" -> 24, "are" -> 24, "republican" -> 22, "we" -> 21, "people" -> 21, "this" -> 20, "on" -> 19, "all" -> 19, "its" -> 18, "tariff" -> 17, "should" -> 16, "or" -> 16, "national" -> 16, "federal" -> 16, "an" -> 16, "more" -> 15, "American" -> 15, "was" -> 14, "policy" -> 14, "from" -> 14, "favor" -> 14, "administration" -> 14, "will" -> 13, "party" -> 13, "world" -> 12, "under" -> 12, "economic" -> 12, "conditions" -> 12, "can" -> 12, "without" -> 11, "United" -> 11, "their" -> 11, "system" -> 11, "States" -> 11, "service" -> 11, "peace" -> 11, "not" -> 11, "industry" -> 11, "act" -> 11, "such" -> 10, "President" -> 10, 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-> 2, "ocean" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "nominated" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "never" -> 2, "necessities" -> 2, "natural" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "misunderstanding" -> 2, "million" -> 2, "military" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "merit" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "markets" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "machinery" -> 2, "lower" -> 2, "loans" -> 2, "level" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "league" -> 2, "laws" -> 2, "last" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "lack" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "investigation" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "impartial" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "hundred" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "himself" -> 2, "highway" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "generous" -> 2, "gave" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "formally" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "farmers" -> 2, "family" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "expedited" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "European" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "enormously" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "endorse" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "enacted" -> 2, "eliminate" -> 2, "economical" -> 2, "earnest" -> 2, "draft" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "diversification" -> 2, "disturbance" -> 2, "disability" -> 2, "directly" -> 2, "designed" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "democratic" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "delegates" -> 2, "defense" -> 2, "decrease" -> 2, "debtor" -> 2, "dealing" -> 2, "customs" -> 2, "critical" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "costs" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "corporation" -> 2, "co-operative" -> 2, "co-operation" -> 2, "controlled" -> 2, "contribute" -> 2, "continued" -> 2, "continue" -> 2, "continuation" -> 2, "continual" -> 2, "consumption" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "consider" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "congressional" -> 2, "conflict" -> 2, "confined" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "commodities" -> 2, "commend" -> 2, "classified" -> 2, "cheap" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "camps" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "budget" -> 2, "broader" -> 2, "Britain" -> 2, "border" -> 2, "belief" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "basic" -> 2, "bar" -> 2, "average" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "assured" -> 2, "assistance" -> 2, "assert" -> 2, "As" -> 2, "arbitration" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "ample" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "always" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "along" -> 2, "alien" -> 2, "affiliations" -> 2, "affecting" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "advanced" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "adjustment" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "above" -> 2, "1922" -> 2, "$7,500,000,000" -> 1, "$5,500,000,000" -> 1, "$50,000,000" -> 1, "$3,400,000,000" -> 1, "$3,000,000,000" -> 1, "$300,000,000" -> 1, "$2,500,000,000" -> 1, "$2,432,000,000" -> 1, "$1,100,000,000" -> 1, "$100,000,000" -> 1, "yielded" -> 1, "years—presents" -> 1, "wounded" -> 1, "World" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "wisest" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "wielded" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "week" -> 1, "weakening" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waters" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "War-Time" -> 1, "war-time" -> 1, "Warren" -> 1, "warrant" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "vigorously" -> 1, "Vigorous" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "vigilance" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "vice-president—Calvin" -> 1, "vice-president" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "uumerous" -> 1, "utilized" -> 1, "utilize" -> 1, "utilization" -> 1, "usually" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "unwilling" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "unsurpassed" -> 1, "unstintingly" -> 1, "unsettled" -> 1, "unrestricted" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unmistakable" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "undesirables" -> 1, "understood" -> 1, "unborn" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "trying" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "transition" -> 1, "transaction" -> 1, "trails" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "totalling" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "tonnage" -> 1, "To-day" -> 1, "to-day" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "thousands" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "Thirty-five" -> 1, "thirteen" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "Theodore" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "thanksgiving" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "taxable" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "suspension" -> 1, "survey" -> 1, "surpluses" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "supervise" -> 1, "suggestion" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "suddenly" -> 1, "successor" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "submitted" -> 1, "submission" -> 1, "submarines" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "stress" -> 1, "strengthens" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "steel" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadfastly" -> 1, "staunch" -> 1, "starving" -> 1, "standpoint" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stake" -> 1, "stagnant" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "specially" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "sounder" -> 1, "solicitude" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "Situation" -> 1, "single" -> 1, "shippers" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "services" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "serve" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "sells" -> 1, "selling" -> 1, "sell" -> 1, "self-reliance" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seasonal" -> 1, "seaboard" -> 1, "scrupulous" -> 1, "scientifically" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "sanctions" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguarding" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "rounded" -> 1, "round" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "river" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "revival" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "reverent" -> 1, "resultant" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "repudiation" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitating" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "refunding" -> 1, "reformation" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "recommendation" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realization" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "reaffirmed" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "readjusting" -> 1, "re" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "qualities" -> 1, "putting" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "publish" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "prudence" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "prostrate" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "proofs" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prohibition" -> 1, "Progressive" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "productive" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "pre-war" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "presidential" -> 1, "prejudicial" -> 1, "potential" -> 1, "postoffices" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "poison" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "perversion" -> 1, "Peru" -> 1, "personnel" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "perplexing" -> 1, "perpetrate" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "paved" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patriot" -> 1, "pathway" -> 1, "path" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "participation" -> 1, "par" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "packer" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "owing" -> 1, "overwhelmingly" -> 1, "outlay" -> 1, "originated" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "Orderly" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "oppressive" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "opportune" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "oil" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "November" -> 1, "notable" -> 1, "northwest" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "non-partisan" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neighboring" -> 1, "Negro" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "need" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "nationalization" -> 1, "narcotic" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "Mutual" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "morals" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "Mobilization" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "minded" -> 1, "miles" -> 1, "migratory" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "memory" -> 1, "memorial" -> 1, "membership" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "mediators" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "manufactures" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "maladministration" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "main" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "liquidation" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "lightening" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "liberalized" -> 1, "liberality" -> 1, "levying" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lesser" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "legislate" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "lations" -> 1, "Latin-America" -> 1, "language" -> 1, "Lakes" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "justness" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "joins" -> 1, "job" -> 1, "Japan" -> 1, "irrespective" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invoked" -> 1, "investigations" -> 1, "intermediate" -> 1, "interested" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intelligent" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "instead" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "installing" -> 1, "inspires" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "insistent" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "inland" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inestimable" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "industry—all" -> 1, "indiscriminately" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "incurred" -> 1, "incumbent" -> 1, "incorporating" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "Improvement" -> 1, "impressive" -> 1, "importers" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "impair" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "ills" -> 1, "ignoring" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "idealism" -> 1, "humiliation" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "humanitarian" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hostilities" -> 1, "hospitals" -> 1, "hospitalization" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "historic" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "hideous" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "helpfulness" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "health" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "harbored" -> 1, "happily" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "gripped" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "Germany" -> 1, "German" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "gas" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "G" -> 1, "futures" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "furtherance" -> 1, "furnishes" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "Fully" -> 1, "full-est" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "friendliness" -> 1, "friction" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "forfeiting" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "forbidden" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "foothold" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "firmer" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "Finance" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "feasible" -> 1, "fearless" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilities" -> 1, "faced" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "exterminate" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expenditure" -> 1, "exorbitant" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "ever-vigilant" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "estate" -> 1, "establishes" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "empowered" -> 1, "employГ©s" -> 1, "employes" -> 1, "Emergency" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "elimination" -> 1, "eliminating" -> 1, "eliminated" -> 1, "eleven" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "elastic" -> 1, "eight-hour" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "drugs" -> 1, "drought" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "doers" -> 1, "disturbed" -> 1, "disturbances" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distress" -> 1, "disregarded" -> 1, "disposition" -> 1, "disposal" -> 1, "Dishonesty" -> 1, "dishonest" -> 1, "disarmament" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "derogating" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "delayed" -> 1, "definitely" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "defiler" -> 1, "Deficits" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "dee]are" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "Debts" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "Dawes" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "cured" -> 1, "crux" -> 1, "crisis" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "creditor" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "counsel" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "co-ordina-tion" -> 1, "cooperative" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "co-opera-tion" -> 1, "co-operate" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "converted" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controversy" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contact" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "constitution" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "conspicuously" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "conscientious" -> 1, "connecting" -> 1, "connected" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "conclusions" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complaint" -> 1, "competitive" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commissions" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "Colorado" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "collapse" -> 1, "coastwise" -> 1, "Coal" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clean" -> 1, "classifications" -> 1, "classification" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Chile" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "cherish" -> 1, "cheaper" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "Carelessness" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "cancellation" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "buys" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "breeds" -> 1, "bred" -> 1, "bow" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "billions" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "besmirch" -> 1, "benefits" -> 1, "beneficiaries" -> 1, "beneficent" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "belonging" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "Belief" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "beds" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "battleships" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "balanced" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "Aviation" -> 1, "aviation" -> 1, "averted" -> 1, "avert" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "Austria" -> 1, "attributes" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assure" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assuming" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assist" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armament" -> 1, "arm" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "areas" -> 1, "arc" -> 1, "arbitrator" -> 1, "arbiter" -> 1, "approximately" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "Appropriations" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "appreciating" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "applying" -> 1, "applause" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "anti-lynching" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "amity" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "alternate" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "air" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "Agreements" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "agency" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affections" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "Admitting" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjusting" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accumulating" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishments" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "4,000,000" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "1920" -> 1, "100,000,000" -> 1, "100,000" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1920", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1920, "Date" -> DateObject[{1920, 6, 8}], "Text" -> "The Republican party, assembled in representative national convention, reaffirms its unyielding devotion to the Constitution of the United States, and to the guaranties of civil, political and religious liberty therein contained. It will resist all attempts to overthrow the foundations of the government or to weaken the force of its controlling principles and ideals, whether these attempts be made in the form of international policy or domestic agitation.\nFor seven years the national government has been controlled by the Democratic party. During that period a war of unparalleled magnitude has shaken the foundations of civilization, decimated the population of Europe, and left in its train economic misery and suffering second only to the war itself.\nThe outstanding features of the Democratic administration have been complete unpreparedness for war and complete unpreparedness for peace.\nUnpreparedness for War\n\nInexcusable failure to make timely preparations is the chief indictment against the Democratic administration in the conduct of the war. Had not our associates protected us, both on land and sea, during the first twelve months of our participation and furnished us to the very day of the armistice with munitions, planes, and artillery, this failure would have been punished with disaster. It directly resulted in unnecessary losses to our gallant troops, in the imperilment of victory itself, and in an enormous waste of public funds, literally poured into the breach created by gross neglect. To-day it is reflected in our huge tax burdens and in the high cost of living.\nUnpreparedness for Peace\n\nPeace found the administration as unprepared for peace as war found it unprepared for war. The vital need of the country demanded the early andsystematic return of a peace time basis.\nThis called for vision, leadership, and intelligent planning. All three have been lacking. While the country has been left to shift for itself, the government has continued on a wartime basis. The administration has not demobilized the army of place holders. It continued a method of financing which was indefensible during the period of reconstruction. It has used legislation passed to meet the emergency of war to continue its arbitrary and inquisitorial control over the life of the people in the time of peace, and to carry confusion into industrial life. Under the despot's plea of necessity or superior wisdom, executive usurpation of legislative and judicial function still undermines our institutions. Eighteen months after the armistice, with its wartime powers unabridged, its wartime departments undischarged, its wartime army of place holders still mobilized, the administration still continues to flounder helplessly.\nThe demonstrated incapacity of the Democratic party has destroyed public confidence, weakened the authority of the government, and produced a feeling of distrust and hesitation so universal as to increase enormously the difficulty of readjustment and to delay the return to normal conditions.\nNever has our nation been confronted with graver problems. The people are entitled to know in definite terms how the parties purpose solving these problems. To that end, the Republican party declares its policy and programme to be as follows:\nConstitutional Government\n\nWe undertake to end executive autocracy and restore to the people their constitutional government.\nThe policies herein declared will be carried out by the Federal and State governments, each acting within its constitutional powers.\nForeign Relations\n\nThe foreign policy of the Administration has been founded upon no principle and directed by no definite conception of our nation's rights and obligations. It has been humiliating to America and irritating to other nations, with the result that after a period of unexampled sacrifice, our motives are suspected, our moral influence impaired, and our Government stands discredited and friendless among the nations of the world.\nWe favor a liberal and generous foreign policy founded upon definite moral and political principle, characterized by a clear understanding of and a firm adherence to our own rights, and unfailing respect for the rights of others. We should afford full and adequate protection to the life, liberty, property and all international rights of every American citizen, and should require a proper respect for the American flag; but we should be equally careful to manifest a just regard for the rights of other nations. A scrupulous observance of our international engagements when lawfully assumed is essential to our own honor and self-respect, and the respect of other nations. Subject to a due regard for our international obligations, we should leave our country free to develop its civilization along lines most conducive to the happiness and welfare of its people, and to cast its influence on the side of justice and right should occasion require.\n(a) Mexico\nThe ineffective policy of the present Administration in Mexican matters has been largely responsible for the continued loss of American lives in that country and upon our border; for the enormous loss of American and foreign property; for the lowering of American standards of morality and social relations with Mexicans, and for the bringing of American ideals of justice, national honor and political integrity into contempt and ridicule in Mexico and throughout the world.\nThe policy of wordy, futile written protests against the acts of Mexican officials, explained the following day by the President himself as being meaningless and not intended to be considered seriously, or enforced, has but added in degree to that contempt, and has earned for us the sneers and jeers of Mexican bandits, and added insult upon insult against our national honor and dignity.\nWe should not recognize any Mexican government, unless it be a responsible government willing and able to give sufficient guarantees that the lives and property of American citizens are respected and protected; that wrongs will be promptly corrected and just compensation will be made for injury sustained. The Republican party pledges itself to a consistent, firm and effective policy towards Mexico that shall enforce respect for the American flag and that shall protect the rights of American citizens lawfully in Mexico to security of life and enjoyment of property, in accordance with established principles of international law and our treaty rights.\nThe Republican party is a sincere friend of the Mexican people. In its insistence upon the maintenance of order for the protection of American citizens within its borders a great service will be rendered the Mexican people themselves; for a continuation of present conditions means disaster to their interests and patriotic aspirations.\n(b) Mandate for Armenia\nWe condemn President Wilson for asking Congress to empower him to accept a mandate for Armenia. We commend the Republican Senate for refusing the President's request to empower him to accept the mandate for Armenia. The acceptance of such mandate would throw the United States into the very maelstrom of European quarrels. According to the estimate of the Harbord Commission, organized by authority of President Wilson, we would be called upon to send 59,000 American boys to police Armenia and to expend $276,000,000 in the first year and $756,000,000 in five years. This estimate is made upon the basis that we would have only roving bands to fight; but in case of serious trouble with the Turks or with Russia, a force exceeding 200,000 would be necessary.\nNo more striking illustration can be found of President Wilson's disregard of the lives of American boys or of American interests.\nWe deeply sympathize with the people of Armenia and stand ready to help them in all proper ways, but the Republican party will oppose now and hereafter the acceptance of a mandate for any country in Europe or Asia.\n(c) League of Nations\nThe Republican party stands for agreement among the nations to preserve the peace of the world. We believe that such an international association must be based upon international justice, and must provide methods which shall maintain the rule of public right by the development of law and the decision of impartial courts, and which shall secure instant and general international conference whenever peace shall be threatened by political action, so that the nations pledged to do and insist upon what is just and fair may exercise their influence and power for the prevention of war.\nWe believe that all this can be done without\nthe compromise of national independence, without depriving the people of the United States in advance of the right to determine for themselves what is just and fair when the occasion arises, and without involving them as participants and not as peacemakers in a multitude of quarrels, the merits of which they are unable to judge.\nThe covenant signed by the President at Paris failed signally to accomplish this great purpose, and contains stipulations, not only intolerable for an independent people, but certain to produce the injustice, hostility and controversy among nations which it proposed to prevent.\nThat covenant repudiated, to a degree wholly unnecessary and unjustifiable, the time-honored policies in favor of peace declared by Washington, Jefferson, and Monroe, and pursued by all American administrations for more than a century, and it ignored the universal sentiment of America for generations past in favor of international law and arbitration, and it rested the hope of the future upon mere expediency and negotiation.\nThe unfortunate insistence of the President upon having his own way, without any change and without any regard to the opinions of a majority of the Senate, which shares with him in the treaty-making power, and the President's demand that the Treaty should be ratified without any modification, created a situation in which Senators were required to vote upon their consciences and their oaths according to their judgment against the Treaty as it was presented, or submit to the commands of a dictator in a matter where the authority and the responsibility under the Constitution were theirs, and not his.\nThe Senators performed their duty faithfully. We approve their conduct and honor their courage and fidelity. And we pledge the coming Republican administration to such agreements with the other nations of the world as shall meet the full duty of America to civilization and humanity, in accordance with American ideals, and without surrendering the right of the American people to exercise its judgment and its power in favor of justice and peace.\nCongress and Reconstruction\n\nDespite the unconstitutional and dictatorial course of the President and the partisan obstruction of the Democratic congressional minority, the Republican majority has enacted a program of constructive legislation which in great part, however, has been nullified by the vindictive vetoes of the President.\nThe Republican Congress has met the problems presented by the administration's unpreparedness for peace. It has repealed the greater part of the vexatious war legislation. It has enacted a transportation act making possible the rehabilitation of the railroad systems of the country, the operation of which, under the present Democratic administration, has been wasteful, extravagant, and inefficient in the highest degree. The transportation act made provision for the peaceful settlement of wage disputes, partially nullified, however, by the President's delay in appointing the wage board created by the Act. This delay precipitated the outlaw railroad strike.\nWe stopped the flood of public treasure, recklessly poured into the lap of an inept shipping board, and laid the foundations for the creation of a great merchant marine; we took from the incompetent Democratic administration the administration of the telegraph and telephone lines of the country and returned them to private ownership; we reduced the cost of postage and increased the pay of the postal employes—the poorest paid of all public servants; we provided pensions for superannuated and retired civil servants; and for an increase in pay of soldiers and sailors we reorganized the Army on a peace footing and provided for the maintenance of a powerful and efficient navy.\nThe Republican Congress established by law a permanent woman's bureau in the Department of Labor; we submitted to the country the constitutional amendment for woman suffrage, and furnished twenty-nine of the thirty-five legislatures which have ratified it to date.\nLegislation for the relief of the consumers of print paper, for the extension of the powers of the government under the Food Control Act, for broadening the scope of the War Risk Insurance Act, better provision for the dwindling number of aged veterans of the Civil War and for the better support of the maimed and injured of the great war, and for making practical the vocational rehabilitation act, has been enacted by the Republican Congress.\nWe passed an oil leasing and water power bill to unlock for the public good the great pent-up resources of the country; we have sought to check the profligacy of the administration, to realize upon the assets of the government and to husband the revenues derived from taxation. The Republicans in Congress have been responsible for cuts in the estimates for government expenditure of nearly $3,000,000,000 since the signing of the armistice.\nWe enacted a national executive budget law; we strengthened the Federal Reserve Act to permit banks to lend needed assistance to farmers; we authorized financial incorporations to develop export trade; and finally, amended the rules of the Senate and House, which will reform evils in procedure and guarantee more efficient and responsible government.\nAgriculture\n\nThe farmer is the backbone of the nation. National greatness and economic independence demand a population distributed between industry and the farm, and sharing on equal terms the prosperity which it holds is wholly dependent upon the efforts of both. Neither can prosper at the expense of the other without inviting joint disaster.\nThe crux of the present agricultural condition lies in prices, labor and credit.\nThe Republican party believes that this condition can be improved by: practical and adequate farm representation in the appointment of governmental officials and commissions; the right to form co-operative associations for marketing their products, and protection against discrimination; the scientific study of agricultural prices and farm production costs, at home and abroad, with a view to reducing the frequency of abnormal fluctuation; the uncensored publication of such reports; the authorization of associations for the extension of personal credit; a national inquiry on the coordination of rail, water and motor transportation with adequate facilities for receiving, handling and marketing food; the encouragement of our export trade; and end to unnecessary price-fixing and ill-considered efforts arbitrarily to reduce prices of farm products which invariably result to the disadvantage both of producer and consumer; and the encouragement of the production and importation of fertilizing material and of its extensive use.\nThe Federal Farm Loan Acts should be so administered as to facilitate the acquisition of farm land by those desiring to become owners and proprietors and thus minimize the evils of farm tenantry, and to furnish such long time credits as farmers may need to finance adequately their larger and long time production operations.\nIndustrial Relations\n\nThere are two different conceptions of the relations of capital and labor. The one is contractual and emphasizes the diversity of interest of employer and employГ©. The other is that of co-partnership in a common task.\nWe recognize the justice of collective bargaining as a means of promoting good will, establishing closer and more harmonious relations between employers and employГ©s and realizing the true ends of industrial justice.\nThe strike or the lockout, as a means of settling industrial disputes, inflicts such loss and suffering on the community as to justify government initiative to reduce its frequency and limit its consequences. We denied the right to strike against the government; but the rights and interests of all government employГ©s must be safeguarded by impartial laws and tribunals.\nIn public utilities we favor the establishment of an impartial tribunal to make an investigation of the facts and to render decision to the end that there may be no organized interruption of service necessary to the lives and health and welfare of the people. The decisions of the tribunal to be morally but not legally binding, and an informed public sentiment be relied on to secure their acceptance. The tribunals, however, should refuse to accept jurisdiction except for the purpose of investigation as long as the public service be interrupted. For public utilities we favor the type of tribunal provided for in the Transportation Act of 1920.\nIn private industries we do not advocate the principle of compulsory arbitration, but we favor impartial commissions and better facilities for voluntary mediation, conciliation and arbitration supplemented by the full publicity which will enlist the influence of an aroused public opinion. The government should take the initiative in inviting the establishment of tribunals or commissions for the purpose of voluntary arbitration and of investigation of disputed issues.\nWe demand the exclusion from interstate commerce of the products of convict labor.\nNational Economy\n\nA Republican Congress reduced the estimates submitted by the Administration almost three billion dollars. Greater economies could have been effected had it not been for the stubborn refusal of the Administration to co-operate with Congress in an economy program. The universal demand for an executive budget is a recognition of the incontrovertible fact that leadership and sincere assistance on the part of the executive departments are essential to effective economy and constructive retrenchment.\nThe Overman Act invested the President of the United States with all the authority and power necessary to restore the Federal Government to a normal peace basis and to reorganize, retrench and demobilize. The dominant fact is that eighteen months after the armistice, the United States Government is still on a war time basis, and the expenditure program of the Executive reflects war time extravagance rather than rigid peace time economy.\nAs an example of the failure to retrench which has characterized the post war time administration we cite the fact that not including the war and navy departments, the executive departments and other establishments at Washington actually record an increase subsequent to the armistice of 2,184 employГ©s. The net decrease in pay roll costs contained in the 1921 demands submitted by the Administration is only one per cent below that of 1920. The annual expenses of Federal operations can be reduced hundreds of millions of dollars without impairing the efficiency of the public service.\nWe pledge ourselves to a carefully planned readjustment on a peace time basis and to a policy of rigid economy, to the better co-ordination of departmental activities, to the elimination of unnecessary officials and employГ©s, and to the raising of the standard of individual efficiency.\nThe Executive Budget\n\nWe congratulate the Republican Congress on the enactment of a law providing for the establishment of an Executive Budget as a necessary instrument for a sound and business-like administration of the national finances; and we condemn the veto of the President which defeated this great financial reform.\nReorganization of Federal Departments and Bureaus\n\nWe advocate a thorough investigation of the present organization of the Federal departments and bureaus, with a view to securing consolidation, a more business-like distribution of functions, the elimination of duplication, delays and overlapping of work and the establishment of an up-todate and efficient administrative organization.\nWar Powers of the President\n\nThe President clings tenaciously to his autocratic war time powers. His veto of the resolution declaring peace and his refusal to sign the bill repealing war time legislation, no longer necessary, evidenced his determination not to restore to the Nation and to the State the form of government provided for by the Constitution. This usurpation is intolerable and deserves the severest condemnation.\nTaxation\n\nThe burden of taxation imposed upon the American people is staggering; but in presenting a true statement of the situation we must face the fact that, while the character of the taxes can and should be changed, an early reduction of the amount of revenue to be raised is not to be expected. The next Republican Administration will inherit from its Democratic predecessor a floating indebtedness of over three billion dollars—the prompt liquidation of which is demanded by sound financial consideration. Moreover, the whole fiscal policy of the Government must be deeply influenced by the necessity of meeting obligations in excess of five billion dollars which mature in 1923. But sound policy equally demands the early accomplishment of that real reduction of the tax burden which may be achieved by substituting simple for complex tax laws and procedure, prompt and certain determination of the tax liability for delay and uncertainty, tax laws which do not, for tax laws which do, excessively mulct the consumer or needlessly repress enterprise and thrift.\nWe advocate the issuance of a simplified form of income return; authorizing the Treasury Department to make changes in regulations effective only from the date of their approval empowering the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the consent of the taxpayers, to make final and conclusive settlements of tax claims and assessments barring fraud, the creation of a Tax Board consisting of at least three representatives of the taxpaying public and the heads of the principal divisions of the Bureau of Internal Revenue to act as a standing committee on the simplification of forms, procedure and law and to make recommendations to the Congress.\nBanking and Currency\n\nThe fact is that the war to a great extent, was financed by a policy of inflation, through certificate borrowings from the banks, and bonds issued at artificial rates sustained by the low discount rates established by the Federal Reserve Board. The continuance of this policy since the armistice lays the administration open to severe criticism. Almost up to the present time the practices of the Federal Reserve Board as to credit control have been frankly dominated by the convenience of the Treasury.\nThe results have been a greatly increased war cost, a serious loss to the millions of people who, in good faith, bought liberty bonds and victory notes at par, and extensive post war speculation followed to-day by a restricted credit for legitimate industrial expansion and as a matter of public policy, we urge all banks to give credit preference to essential industry.\nThe Federal Reserve System should be free from political influence, which is quite as important as its independence of domination by financial combinations.\nThe High Cost of Living\n\nThe prime cause of the \"High Cost of Living\" has been first and foremost, a fifty per cent depreciation in the purchasing power of the dollar, due to a gross expansion of our currency and credit. Reduced production, burdensome taxation, swollen profits, and the increased demand for goods arising from a fictitious but enlarged buying power, have been contributing forces in a greater or less degree. We condemn the unsound fiscal policies of the Democratic Administration which have brought these things to pass, and their attempts to impute the consequences to minor and secondary causes. Much of the injury wrought is irreparable. There is no short way out, and we decline to deceive the people with vain promises or quack remedies. But as the political party that throughout its history has stood for honest money and sound finance, we pledge ourselves to earnest and consistent attack upon the high cost of living, by rigorous avoidance of further inflation in war government borrowing, by courageous and intelligent deflation of over-expanded credit and currency, by encouragement of heightened production of goods and services, by prevention of unreasonable profits, by exercise of public economy and stimulation of private thrift and by revision of war imposed taxes unsuited to peace time economy.\nProfiteering\n\nWe condemn the Democratic Administration for failure impartially to enforce the Anti-Profiteering Laws enacted by the Republican Congress.\nRailroads\n\nWe are opposed to government ownership and operation or employГ© operation of the Railroads. In view of the conditions prevailing in this country, the experience of the last two years, and the conclusion which may fairly be drawn from an observation of the transportation systems of other countries it is clear that adequate transportation service both for the present and future can be furnished more certainly, economically and efficiently through private ownership and operation under proper regulation and control.\nThere should be no speculative profit in rendering the service of transportation; but in order to do justice to the capital already invested in railway enterprise, to restore railway credit, to induce future investment at a reasonable rate, and to furnish a large facility to meet the requirements of the constantly increasing development and distribution a fair return upon actual value of the railway property used in transportation should be made reasonably sure, and at the same time to provide constant employment to those engaged in transportation service, with fair hours and favorable working conditions, at wages or compensation at least equal to those prevailing in similar lines of industry.\nWe endorse the transportation act of 1920 enacted by the Republican Congress as a most constructive legislative achievement.\nWaterways\n\nWe declare it to be our policy to encourage and develop water transportation service and facilities in connection with the commerce of the United States.\nRegulation of Industry and Commerce\n\nWe approve in general the existing Federal Legislation against monopoly and combinations in restraint of trade, but since the known certainty of a law is the safety of all, we advocate such amendment as will provide American business men with better means of determining in advance whether a proposed combination is or is not unlawful. The Federal Trade Commission, under a Democratic Administration, has not accomplished the purpose for which it was created. This commission properly organized and its duties efficiently administered should afford protection to the public and legitimate business interests. There should be no persecution of honest business; but to the extent that circumstances warrant we pledge ourselves to strengthen the law against unfair practices.\nWe pledge the party to an immediate resumption of trade relations with every nation with which we are at peace.\nInternational Trade and Tariff\n\nThe uncertain and unsettled condition of international balances, the abnormal economic and trade situation of the world, and the impossibility of forecasting accurately even the near future, preclude the formulation of a definite program to meet conditions a year hence. But the Republican party reaffirms its belief in the protective principles and pledges itself to a revision of the tariff as soon as conditions shall make it necessary for the preservation of the home market for American labor, agriculture and industry.\nMerchant Marine\n\nThe National defense and our foreign commerce require a merchant marine of the best type of modern ship, flying the American flag, and manned by American seamen, owned by private capital, and operated by private energy. We endorse the sound legislation recently enacted by the Republican Congress that will insure the promotion and maintenance of the American Merchant Marine.\nWe favor the application of the workmen's compensation act to the Merchant Marine.\nWe recommend that all ships engaged in coastwise trade and all vessels of the American Merchant Marine shall pass through the Panama Canal without payment of tolls.\nImmigration\n\nThe standard of living and the standard of citizenship of a nation are its most precious possessions, and the preservation and the elevation of those standards is the first duty of our government. The immigration policy of the U. S. should be such as to insure that the number of foreigners in the country at any one time shall not exceed that which can be assimilated with reasonable rapidity, and to favor immigrants whose standards are similar to ours.\nThe selective tests that are at present applied should be improved by requiring a higher physical standard, a more complete exclusion of mental defectives and of criminals, and a more effective inspection applied as near the source of immigration as possible, as well as at the port of entry. Justice to the foreigner and to ourselves demands provision for the guidance, protection and better economic distribution of our alien population. To facilitate government supervision, all aliens should be required to register annually until they become naturalized.\nThe existing policy of the United States for the practical exclusion of Asiatic immigrants is sound, and should be maintained.\nNaturalization\n\nThere is urgent need of improvement in our naturalization law. No alien should become a citizen until he has become genuinely American, and adequate tests for determining the alien's fitness for American citizenship should be provided for by law.\nWe advocate, in addition, the independent naturalization of married women. An American woman, resident in the United States, should not lose her citizenship by marriage to an alien.\nFree Speech and Alien Agitation\n\nWe demand that every American citizen shall enjoy the ancient and constitutional right of free speech, free press and free assembly and the no less sacred right of the qualified voted [sic] to be represented by his duly chosen representatives; but no man may advocate resistance to the law, and no man may advocate violent overthrow of the government.\nAliens within the jurisdiction of the United States are not entitled of right to liberty of agitation directed against the government of American institutions\nEvery government has the power to exclude and deport those aliens who constitute a real menace to its peaceful existence. But in view of the large numbers of people affected by the immigration acts and in view of the vigorous malpractice of the Departments of Justice and Labor, an adequate public hearing before a competent administrative tribunal should be assured to all.\nLynching\n\nWe urge Congress to consider the most effective means to end Iynching in this country which continues to be a terrible blot on our American civilization.\nPublic Roads and Highways\n\nWe favor liberal appropriations in co-operation with the States for the construction of highways, which will bring about a reduction in transportation costs, better marketing of farm products, improvement in rural postal delivery, as well as meet the needs of military defense.\nIn determining the proportion of Federal aid for road construction among the States, the sums lost in taxation to the respective States by the setting apart of large portions of their area as forest reservations should be considered as a controlling factor.\nConservation\n\nConservation is a Republican policy. It began with the passage of the Reclamation Act signed by President Roosevelt. The recent passage of the coal, oil and phosphate leasing act by a Republican Congress and the enactment of the waterpower bill fashioned in accordance with the same principle, are consistent landmarks in the development of the conservation of our national resources. We denounce the refusal of the President to sign the waterpower bill, passed after ten years of controversy. The Republican party has taken an especially honorable part in saving our national forests and in the effort to establish a national forest policy. Our most pressing conservation question relates to our forests. We are using our forest resources faster than they are being renewed. The result is to raise unduly the cost of forest products to consumers and especially farmers, who use more than half the lumber produced in America, and in the end to create a timber famine. The Federal Government, the States and private interests must unite in devising means to meet the menace.\nReclamation\n\nWe favor a fixed and comprehensive policy of reclamation to increase national wealth and production.\nWe recognize in the development of reclamation through Federal action with its increase of production and taxable wealth a safeguard for the nation.\nWe commend to Congress a policy to reclaim lands and the establishment of a fixed national policy of development of natural resources in relation to reclamation through the now designated government agencies.\nArmy and Navy\n\nWe feel the deepest pride in the fine courage, the resolute endurance, the gallant spirit of the officers and men of our army and navy in the World War. They were in all ways worthy of the best traditions of the nation's defenders, and we pledge ourselves to proper maintenance of the military and naval establishments upon which our national security and dignity depend.\nThe Service Men\n\nWe hold in imperishable remembrance the valor and the patriotism of the soldiers and sailors of America who fought in the great war for human liberty, and we pledge ourselves to discharge to the fullest the obligations which a grateful nation justly should fulfill, in appreciation of the services rendered by its defenders on sea and on land.\nRepublicans are not ungrateful. Throughout their history they have shown their gratitude toward the nation's defenders. Liberal legislation for the care of the disabled and infirm and their dependents has ever marked Republican policy toward the soldier and sailor of all the wars in which our country has participated. The present Congress has appropriated generously for the disabled of the World War.\nThe amounts already applied and authorized for the fiscal year 1920-21 for this purpose reached the stupendous sum of $1,180,571,893. The legislation is significant of the party's purpose in generously caring for the maimed and disabled men of the recent war.\nCivil Service\n\nWe renew our repeated declaration that the civil service law shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practicable. The recent action of Congress in enacting a comprehensive civil service retirement law and in working out a comprehensive employment and wage policy that will guarantee equal and just treatment to the army of government workers, and in centralizing the administration of the new and progressive employment policy in the hands of the Civil Service Commission is worthy of all praise.\nPostal Service\n\nWe condemn the present administration for its destruction of the efficiency of the postal service, and the telegraph and telephone service when controlled by the government and for its failure to properly compensate employГ©s whose expert knowledge is essential to the proper conduct of the affairs of the postal system. We commend the Republican Congress for the enactment of legislation increasing the pay of postal employГ©s, who up to that time were the poorest paid in the government service.\nWoman Suffrage\n\nWe welcome women into full participation in the affairs of government and the activities of the Republican Party. We earnestly hope that Republican legislatures in states which have not yet acted on the Suffrage Amendment will ratify the amendment, to the end that all of the women of the nation of voting age may participate in the election of 1920 which is so important to the welfare of our country.\nSocial Progress\n\nThe supreme duty of the nation is the conservation of human resources through an enlightened measure of social and industrial justice. Although the federal jurisdiction over social problems is limited, they affect the welfare and interest of the nation as a whole. We pledge the Republican party to the solution of these problems through national and state legislation in accordance with the best progressive thought of the country.\nEducation and Health\n\nWe endorse the principle of Federal aid to the States for the purpose of vocational and agricultural training.\nWherever Federal money is devoted to education, such education must be so directed as to awaken in the youth the spirit of America and a sense of patriotic duty to the United States.\nA thorough system of physical education for all children up to the age of 19, including adequate health supervision and instruction, would remedy conditions revealed by the draft and would add to the economic and industrial strength of the nation. National leadership and stimulation will be necessary to induce the States to adopt a wise system of physical training.\nThe public health activities of the Federal government are scattered through numerous departments and bureaus, resulting in inefficiency, duplication and extravagance. We advocate a greater centralization of the Federal functions and in addition urge the better co-ordination of the work of the Federal, State and local health agencies.\nChild Labor\n\nThe Republican party stands for a Federal child labor law and for its rigid enforcement. If the present law be found unconstitutional or ineffective, we shall seek other means to enable Congress to prevent the evils of child labor.\nWomen in Industry\n\nWomen have special problems of employment which make necessary special study. We recommend Congress for the permanent establishment of the Women's Bureau in the United States Department of Labor to serve as a source of information to the States and to Congress.\nThe principle of equal pay for equal service should be applied throughout all branches of the Federal government in which women are employed.\nFederal aid for vocational training should take into consideration the special aptitudes and needs of women workers.\nWe demand Federal legislation to limit the hours of employment of women engaged in intensive industry, the product of which enters into interstate commerce.\nHousing\n\nThe housing shortage has not only compelled careful study of ways of stimulating building, but it has brought into relief the unsatisfactory character of the housing accommodations of large numbers of the inhabitants of our cities. A nation of home owners is the best guaranty of the maintenance of those principles of liberty, law and order upon which our government is founded. Both National and State governments should encourage in all proper ways the acquiring of homes by our citizens. The United States Government should make available the valuable information on housing and town planning collected during the war. This information should be kept up to date and made currently available.\nHawaii\n\nFor Hawaii we recommend Federal assistance in Americanizing and educating their greatly disproportionate foreign population; home rule; and the rehabilitation of the Hawaiian race.\nPointing to its history and relying on its fundamental principles, we declare that the Republican party has the genius, courage and constructive ability to end executive usurpation and restore constitutional government; to fulfill our world obligations without sacrificing our national independence; to raise the national standards of education, health and general welfare; to re-establish a peace time administration and to substitute economy and efficiency for extravagance and chaos; to restore and maintain the national credit; to reform unequal and burdensome taxes; to free business from arbitrary and unnecessary official control; to suppress disloyalty without the denial of justice; to repel the arrogant challenge of any class and to maintain a government of all the people as contrasted with government for some of the people, and finally, to allay unrest, suspicion and strife, and to secure the co-operation and unity of all citizens in the solution of the complex problems of the day; to the end that our country, happy and prosperous, proud of its past, sure of itself and of its institutions, may look forward with confidence to the future.", "Words" -> 6389, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 562, "of" -> 418, "and" -> 325, "to" -> 219, "in" -> 115, "a" -> 107, "for" -> 98, "The" -> 68, "by" -> 58, "be" -> 52, "We" -> 51, "our" -> 41, "is" -> 41, "that" -> 40, "as" -> 40, "which" -> 38, "its" -> 35, "government" -> 34, "with" -> 33, "has" -> 33, "we" -> 31, "should" -> 31, "Republican" -> 30, "American" -> 29, "Federal" -> 25, "war" -> 24, "policy" -> 24, "an" -> 23, "all" -> 23, "not" -> 22, "Congress" -> 22, "upon" -> 19, "their" -> 19, "States" -> 19, "on" -> 19, "been" -> 19, "public" -> 18, "national" -> 18, "are" -> 18, "time" -> 17, "people" -> 17, "peace" -> 17, "or" -> 17, "law" -> 17, "will" -> 16, "party" -> 16, "country" -> 16, "administration" -> 16, "it" -> 15, "have" -> 15, "but" -> 15, "at" -> 15, "service" -> 14, "President" -> 14, "without" -> 12, "United" -> 12, "shall" -> 12, "transportation" -> 11, "present" -> 11, "nation" -> 11, "favor" -> 11, "Democratic" -> 11, "no" -> 10, "legislation" -> 10, "international" -> 10, "from" -> 10, "this" -> 9, "such" -> 9, "right" -> 9, "other" -> 9, "more" -> 9, "may" -> 9, "justice" -> 9, "into" -> 9, "great" -> 9, "end" -> 9, "credit" -> 9, "against" -> 9, "Administration" -> 9, "through" -> 8, "rights" -> 8, "purpose" -> 8, "power" -> 8, "pledge" -> 8, "necessary" -> 8, "nations" -> 8, "make" -> 8, "It" -> 8, "can" -> 8, "better" -> 8, "advocate" -> 8, "would" -> 7, "tax" -> 7, "production" -> 7, "problems" -> 7, "private" -> 7, "must" -> 7, "means" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "farm" -> 7, "executive" -> 7, "enacted" -> 7, "economy" -> 7, "demand" -> 7, "conditions" -> 7, "any" -> 7, "adequate" -> 7, "Act" -> 7, "act" -> 7, "world" -> 6, "women" -> 6, "War" -> 6, "trade" -> 6, "those" -> 6, "This" -> 6, "sound" -> 6, "restore" -> 6, "proper" -> 6, "principle" -> 6, "political" -> 6, "ourselves" -> 6, "only" -> 6, "Mexican" -> 6, "meet" -> 6, "made" -> 6, "liberty" -> 6, "labor" -> 6, "itself" -> 6, "industrial" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "free" -> 6, "establishment" -> 6, "employГ©s" -> 6, "departments" -> 6, "basis" -> 6, "armistice" -> 6, "America" -> 6, "who" -> 5, "welfare" -> 5, "view" -> 5, "unnecessary" -> 5, "under" -> 5, "they" -> 5, "There" -> 5, "so" -> 5, "resources" -> 5, "provided" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "property" -> 5, "products" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "postal" -> 5, "pay" -> 5, "obligations" -> 5, "National" -> 5, "most" -> 5, "maintenance" -> 5, "just" -> 5, "interests" -> 5, "influence" -> 5, "industry" -> 5, "increase" -> 5, "In" -> 5, "health" -> 5, "future" -> 5, "foreign" -> 5, "failure" -> 5, "fact" -> 5, "equal" -> 5, "employment" -> 5, "effective" -> 5, "economic" -> 5, "duty" -> 5, "do" -> 5, "development" -> 5, "cost" -> 5, "constitutional" -> 5, "condemn" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "Armenia" -> 5, "years" -> 4, "were" -> 4, "ways" -> 4, "was" -> 4, "wartime" -> 4, "up" -> 4, "tribunal" -> 4, "three" -> 4, "these" -> 4, "than" -> 4, "taxation" -> 4, "still" -> 4, "State" -> 4, "standards" -> 4, "standard" -> 4, "Service" -> 4, "return" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "respect" -> 4, "Reserve" -> 4, "relations" -> 4, "program" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "population" -> 4, "part" -> 4, "operation" -> 4, "Mexico" -> 4, "Merchant" -> 4, "Marine" -> 4, "mandate" -> 4, "loss" -> 4, "lives" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "laws" -> 4, "large" -> 4, "Labor" -> 4, "investigation" -> 4, "independence" -> 4, "impartial" -> 4, "honor" -> 4, "home" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "found" -> 4, "form" -> 4, "forest" -> 4, "first" -> 4, "financial" -> 4, "fair" -> 4, "essential" -> 4, "efficiency" -> 4, "education" -> 4, "delay" -> 4, "degree" -> 4, "definite" -> 4, "created" -> 4, "control" -> 4, "constructive" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "civilization" -> 4, "civil" -> 4, "But" -> 4, "business" -> 4, "both" -> 4, "bill" -> 4, "best" -> 4, "become" -> 4, "authority" -> 4, "army" -> 4, "arbitration" -> 4, "applied" -> 4, "among" -> 4, "after" -> 4, "accordance" -> 4, "A" -> 4, "1920" -> 4, "year" -> 3, "within" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "water" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "vocational" -> 3, "usurpation" -> 3, "us" -> 3, "urge" -> 3, "unpreparedness" -> 3, "universal" -> 3, "tribunals" -> 3, "training" -> 3, "throughout" -> 3, "them" -> 3, "taxes" -> 3, "system" -> 3, "submitted" -> 3, "study" -> 3, "strike" -> 3, "stands" -> 3, "special" -> 3, "social" -> 3, "situation" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "rigid" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "require" -> 3, "rehabilitation" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "refusal" -> 3, "reform" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "reduced" -> 3, "recommend" -> 3, "recognize" -> 3, "reclamation" -> 3, "recent" -> 3, "railway" -> 3, "provision" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "procedure" -> 3, "prices" -> 3, "President's" -> 3, "practical" -> 3, "policies" -> 3, "physical" -> 3, "period" -> 3, "passed" -> 3, "ownership" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "over" -> 3, "out" -> 3, "organized" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "one" -> 3, "officials" -> 3, "need" -> 3, "navy" -> 3, "nation's" -> 3, "months" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "marketing" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "living" -> 3, "lines" -> 3, "leadership" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "jurisdiction" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "information" -> 3, "increased" -> 3, "immigration" -> 3, "ideals" -> 3, "however" -> 3, "housing" -> 3, "history" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "greater" -> 3, "good" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "furnished" -> 3, "founded" -> 3, "foundations" -> 3, "For" -> 3, "flag" -> 3, "fiscal" -> 3, "farmers" -> 3, "facilities" -> 3, "extravagance" -> 3, "exercise" -> 3, "Executive" -> 3, "exclusion" -> 3, "evils" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "engaged" -> 3, "endorse" -> 3, "encouragement" -> 3, "enactment" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "early" -> 3, "during" -> 3, "dollars" -> 3, "distribution" -> 3, "disaster" -> 3, "disabled" -> 3, "directed" -> 3, "develop" -> 3, "determining" -> 3, "Department" -> 3, "demands" -> 3, "defenders" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "date" -> 3, "courage" -> 3, "costs" -> 3, "continued" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "consistent" -> 3, "conservation" -> 3, "conduct" -> 3, "condition" -> 3, "comprehensive" -> 3, "complete" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "commissions" -> 3, "Commission" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "Civil" -> 3, "citizenship" -> 3, "citizen" -> 3, "capital" -> 3, "Board" -> 3, "billion" -> 3, "banks" -> 3, "attempts" -> 3, "assistance" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "alien" -> 3, "aid" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "activities" -> 3, "action" -> 3, "acceptance" -> 3, "accept" -> 3, "worthy" -> 2, "World" -> 2, "working" -> 2, "workers" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "Women" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "Wilson" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "wholly" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "what" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "wealth" -> 2, "way" -> 2, "waterpower" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "voluntary" -> 2, "victory" -> 2, "veto" -> 2, "very" -> 2, "utilities" -> 2, "used" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "until" -> 2, "Unpreparedness" -> 2, "unprepared" -> 2, "unconstitutional" -> 2, "type" -> 2, "two" -> 2, "true" -> 2, "Treaty" -> 2, "Treasury" -> 2, "Trade" -> 2, "toward" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "thrift" -> 2, "thorough" -> 2, "themselves" -> 2, "tests" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "telephone" -> 2, "telegraph" -> 2, "take" -> 2, "systems" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "sure" -> 2, "supervision" -> 2, "Suffrage" -> 2, "suffering" -> 2, "stimulation" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "sincere" -> 2, "similar" -> 2, "signed" -> 2, "sign" -> 2, "services" -> 2, "servants" -> 2, "serious" -> 2, "sentiment" -> 2, "Senators" -> 2, "security" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "rule" -> 2, "revision" -> 2, "Revenue" -> 2, "retrench" -> 2, "required" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "rendered" -> 2, "relief" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "reduce" -> 2, "Reclamation" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "reaffirms" -> 2, "readjustment" -> 2, "ratified" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "raise" -> 2, "Railroads" -> 2, "railroad" -> 2, "quarrels" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "progressive" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "prevailing" -> 2, "preservation" -> 2, "presented" -> 2, "practices" -> 2, "poured" -> 2, "post" -> 2, "possible" -> 2, "poorest" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "planning" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "per" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "Peace" -> 2, "patriotic" -> 2, "past" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "pass" -> 2, "participation" -> 2, "paid" -> 2, "owners" -> 2, "overthrow" -> 2, "organization" -> 2, "operations" -> 2, "oil" -> 2, "occasion" -> 2, "numbers" -> 2, "number" -> 2, "nullified" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "normal" -> 2, "No" -> 2, "needs" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "near" -> 2, "naturalization" -> 2, "moral" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "military" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "menace" -> 2, "matter" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "maimed" -> 2, "Living" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "liberal" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "legislatures" -> 2, "legislative" -> 2, "Legislation" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "leasing" -> 2, "lawfully" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "inviting" -> 2, "invested" -> 2, "intolerable" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "Internal" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "intelligent" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "insult" -> 2, "insistence" -> 2, "injury" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "inflation" -> 2, "ineffective" -> 2, "Industry" -> 2, "induce" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "improvement" -> 2, "improved" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "immigrants" -> 2, "human" -> 2, "hours" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "holders" -> 2, "High" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "Hawaii" -> 2, "guarantee" -> 2, "gross" -> 2, "greatly" -> 2, "governments" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "generously" -> 2, "gallant" -> 2, "furnish" -> 2, "functions" -> 2, "fulfill" -> 2, "frequency" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "force" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "five" -> 2, "firm" -> 2, "finance" -> 2, "finally" -> 2, "facilitate" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "extensive" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "expenditure" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "estimates" -> 2, "estimate" -> 2, "establishments" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enormous" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "encourage" -> 2, "empower" -> 2, "employГ" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "efficiently" -> 2, "duplication" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "disputes" -> 2, "dignity" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "Departments" -> 2, "demanded" -> 2, "defense" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "declared" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "covenant" -> 2, "Cost" -> 2, "co-ordination" -> 2, "co-operation" -> 2, "controversy" -> 2, "controlling" -> 2, "controlled" -> 2, "continues" -> 2, "contempt" -> 2, "contained" -> 2, "consumers" -> 2, "consumer" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "considered" -> 2, "consideration" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "consequences" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "complex" -> 2, "combinations" -> 2, "clear" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "characterized" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "certain" -> 2, "cent" -> 2, "careful" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "business-like" -> 2, "bureaus" -> 2, "Bureau" -> 2, "burdensome" -> 2, "burden" -> 2, "Budget" -> 2, "budget" -> 2, "brought" -> 2, "boys" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "board" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "authorized" -> 2, "associations" -> 2, "Army" -> 2, "arbitrary" -> 2, "approve" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "aliens" -> 2, "agitation" -> 2, "agencies" -> 2, "age" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "administrative" -> 2, "administered" -> 2, "addition" -> 2, "added" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "abnormal" -> 2, "$756,000,000" -> 1, "$3,000,000,000" -> 1, "$276,000,000" -> 1, "$1,180,571,893" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "wrought" -> 1, "wrongs" -> 1, "written" -> 1, "workmen's" -> 1, "wordy" -> 1, "Women's" -> 1, "woman's" -> 1, "Woman" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "Wilson's" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "Wherever" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "weakened" -> 1, "weaken" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warrant" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "vindictive" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vexatious" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "valor" -> 1, "vain" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "urgent" -> 1, "up-todate" -> 1, "unyielding" -> 1, "unsuited" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unsettled" -> 1, "unsatisfactory" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unlock" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "unjustifiable" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "ungrateful" -> 1, "unfortunate" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unfailing" -> 1, "unexampled" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undischarged" -> 1, "undertake" -> 1, "understanding" -> 1, "undermines" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "uncertain" -> 1, "uncensored" -> 1, "unabridged" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "U" -> 1, "twenty-nine" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "Turks" -> 1, "trouble" -> 1, "troops" -> 1, "treaty-making" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "train" -> 1, "traditions" -> 1, "town" -> 1, "towards" -> 1, "took" -> 1, "tolls" -> 1, "To-day" -> 1, "to-day" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "time-honored" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "Throughout" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "thirty-five" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "tenantry" -> 1, "tenaciously" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "taxpaying" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "Taxation" -> 1, "taxable" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "System" -> 1, "sympathize" -> 1, "swollen" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "surrendering" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "supplemented" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "superannuated" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "subsequent" -> 1, "submit" -> 1, "Subject" -> 1, "stupendous" -> 1, "stubborn" -> 1, "striking" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "strengthen" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "stopped" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stipulations" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "statement" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "staggering" -> 1, "Speech" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "speculative" -> 1, "speculation" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "solving" -> 1, "soldier" -> 1, "Social" -> 1, "sneers" -> 1, "simplified" -> 1, "simplification" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "signing" -> 1, "significant" -> 1, "signally" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "sic" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shortage" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shares" -> 1, "shaken" -> 1, "severest" -> 1, "severe" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settling" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "serve" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "selective" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seamen" -> 1, "scrupulous" -> 1, "scope" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "scattered" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "sailor" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sacrificing" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "S." -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "roving" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "roll" -> 1, "Roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "Risk" -> 1, "rigorous" -> 1, "ridicule" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "revealed" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "retrenchment" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retired" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "resulting" -> 1, "resulted" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restraint" -> 1, "rested" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resolution" -> 1, "resolute" -> 1, "resistance" -> 1, "resist" -> 1, "resident" -> 1, "reservations" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "request" -> 1, "repudiated" -> 1, "repress" -> 1, "represented" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "repel" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repealing" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "reorganized" -> 1, "reorganize" -> 1, "Reorganization" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "rendering" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remembrance" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remedies" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "relates" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "register" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "reflects" -> 1, "reflected" -> 1, "re-establish" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "Reduced" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "Reconstruction" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "recommendations" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "recklessly" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "realizing" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidity" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "rail" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "quite" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "quack" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "publication" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protests" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "prosper" -> 1, "proprietors" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "Progress" -> 1, "programme" -> 1, "profligacy" -> 1, "Profiteering" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "print" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "price-fixing" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presenting" -> 1, "preparations" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "predecessor" -> 1, "preclude" -> 1, "precipitated" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "praise" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "Powers" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "postage" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "port" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "Pointing" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "planned" -> 1, "planes" -> 1, "phosphate" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "pent-up" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "peacemakers" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "participate" -> 1, "participants" -> 1, "partially" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "par" -> 1, "paper" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "owned" -> 1, "Overman" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "over-expanded" -> 1, "outstanding" -> 1, "outlaw" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "opinions" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "obstruction" -> 1, "observation" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "oaths" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "notes" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "Never" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needlessly" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "Naturalization" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "Nations" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "munitions" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "mulct" -> 1, "Much" -> 1, "motor" -> 1, "motives" -> 1, "Moreover" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopoly" -> 1, "modification" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "mobilized" -> 1, "misery" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "minor" -> 1, "minimize" -> 1, "Mexicans" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "mental" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "mediation" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "meaningless" -> 1, "mature" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "married" -> 1, "marriage" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "manned" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "Mandate" -> 1, "malpractice" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "magnitude" -> 1, "maelstrom" -> 1, "Lynching" -> 1, "lumber" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "losses" -> 1, "lose" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "lockout" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "literally" -> 1, "liquidation" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "lies" -> 1, "Liberal" -> 1, "liability" -> 1, "lend" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "leave" -> 1, "League" -> 1, "lays" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "lap" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "landmarks" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "lacking" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "judge" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "jeers" -> 1, "Iynching" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "issuance" -> 1, "irritating" -> 1, "irreparable" -> 1, "involving" -> 1, "investment" -> 1, "invariably" -> 1, "interruption" -> 1, "interrupted" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instruction" -> 1, "instant" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "inquisitorial" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "inherit" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "informed" -> 1, "influenced" -> 1, "inflicts" -> 1, "infirm" -> 1, "Inexcusable" -> 1, "inept" -> 1, "inefficient" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indictment" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "incorporations" -> 1, "incontrovertible" -> 1, "incompetent" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "impute" -> 1, "impossibility" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "imperishable" -> 1, "imperilment" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "Immigration" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "illustration" -> 1, "ill-considered" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "husband" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "humiliating" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "Housing" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "His" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "Highways" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "hesitation" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "hereafter" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "hence" -> 1, "helplessly" -> 1, "help" -> 1, "heightened" -> 1, "hearing" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "Hawaiian" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "harmonious" -> 1, "Harbord" -> 1, "happy" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "handling" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "Had" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guaranty" -> 1, "guaranties" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "greatness" -> 1, "Greater" -> 1, "graver" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "genuinely" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "futile" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "friendless" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "frankly" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "foreigners" -> 1, "foreigner" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forecasting" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "Food" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "follows" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "flying" -> 1, "fluctuation" -> 1, "flounder" -> 1, "flood" -> 1, "floating" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "fine" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "finances" -> 1, "financed" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fifty" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fictitious" -> 1, "fertilizing" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "feel" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "features" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "faster" -> 1, "fashioned" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "famine" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "fairly" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "explained" -> 1, "expert" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expend" -> 1, "expediency" -> 1, "expected" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "excessively" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "enters" -> 1, "enormously" -> 1, "enlist" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engagements" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "endurance" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "empowering" -> 1, "employes—the" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emphasizes" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "elevation" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "Eighteen" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "educating" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economies" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dwindling" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "draft" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dominated" -> 1, "dominant" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "dollars—the" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "distributed" -> 1, "disregard" -> 1, "disputed" -> 1, "disproportionate" -> 1, "disloyalty" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "discount" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disadvantage" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "dictatorial" -> 1, "dictator" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "devising" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "despot's" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "desiring" -> 1, "designated" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "depriving" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "deport" -> 1, "dependents" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "departmental" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demobilized" -> 1, "demobilize" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "deflation" -> 1, "defectives" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "decrease" -> 1, "decline" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "decimated" -> 1, "deceive" -> 1, "cuts" -> 1, "currently" -> 1, "Currency" -> 1, "crux" -> 1, "criticism" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "credits" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "courts" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "could" -> 1, "corrected" -> 1, "co-partnership" -> 1, "coordination" -> 1, "co-operative" -> 1, "co-operate" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributing" -> 1, "contrasted" -> 1, "contractual" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "contains" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consisting" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "consciences" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "congressional" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confronted" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "conclusive" -> 1, "conclusion" -> 1, "conciliation" -> 1, "conceptions" -> 1, "conception" -> 1, "compulsory" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "competent" -> 1, "compensate" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "committee" -> 1, "Commissioner" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "commands" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "coastwise" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "closer" -> 1, "clings" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "cite" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "changed" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "certificate" -> 1, "certainty" -> 1, "certainly" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "centralizing" -> 1, "centralization" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "caring" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "(c)" -> 1, "buying" -> 1, "Bureaus" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "broadening" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "breach" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "bought" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "borrowings" -> 1, "borrowing" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "blot" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "below" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "barring" -> 1, "bargaining" -> 1, "Banking" -> 1, "bands" -> 1, "bandits" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "(b)" -> 1, "awaken" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "autocratic" -> 1, "autocracy" -> 1, "authorizing" -> 1, "authorization" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assumed" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assimilated" -> 1, "assets" -> 1, "assessments" -> 1, "assembly" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "asking" -> 1, "Asiatic" -> 1, "Asia" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "artillery" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "arrogant" -> 1, "aroused" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "arises" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "aptitudes" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "appreciation" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointing" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "Anti-Profiteering" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "andsystematic" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "ancient" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "Americanizing" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "allay" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "Aliens" -> 1, "alien's" -> 1, "Alien" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "Agitation" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administration's" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "acting" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accurately" -> 1, "According" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accommodations" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "(a)" -> 1, "59,000" -> 1, "2,184" -> 1, "200,000" -> 1, "1923" -> 1, "1921" -> 1, "1920-21" -> 1, "19" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1916", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1916, "Date" -> DateObject[{1916, 6, 7}], "Text" -> "In 1861 the Republican party stood for the Union. As it stood for the Union of States, it now stands for a united people, true to American ideals, loyal to American traditions, knowing no allegiance except to the Constitution, to the Government, and to the Flag of the United States. We believe in American policies at home and abroad.\nProtection of American Rights\n\nWe declare that we believe in and will enforce the protection of every American citizen in all the rights secured to him by the Constitution, by treaties and the laws of nations, at home and abroad, by land and by sea. These rights, which in violation of the specific promise of their party made at Baltimore in 1912, the Democratic President and the Democratic Congress have failed to defend, we will unflinchingly maintain.\nForeign Relations\n\nWe desire peace, the peace of justice and right, and believe in maintaining a strict and honest neutrality between the belligerents in the great war in Europe. We must perform all our duties and insist upon all our rights as neutrals without fear and without favor. We believe that peace and neutrality, as well as the dignity and influence of the United States, cannot be preserved by shifty expedients, by phrase-making, by performances in language, or by attitudes ever changing in an effort to secure votes or voters. The present Administration has destroyed our influence abroad and humiliated us in our own eyes. The Republican party believes that a firm, consistent, and courageous foreign policy, always maintained by Republican Presidents in accordance with American traditions, is the best, as it is the only true way, to preserve our peace and restore us to our rightful place among the nations.\nWe believe in the pacific settlement of international disputes, and favor the establishment of a world court for that purpose.\nMexico\n\nWe deeply sympathize with the fifteen million people of Mexico who, for three years have seen their country devastated, their homes destroyed, their fellow citizens murdered and their women outraged, by armed bands of desperadoes led by self-seeking, conscienceless agitators who when temporarily successful in any locality have neither sought nor been able to restore order or establish and maintain peace.\nWe express our horror and indignation at the outrages which have been and are being perpetrated by these bandits upon American men and women who were or are in Mexico by invitation of the laws and of the government of that country and whose rights to security of person and property are guaranteed by solemn treaty obligations. We denounce the indefensible methods of interference employed by this Administration in the internal affairs of Mexico and refer with shame to its failure to discharge the duty of this country as next friend to Mexico, its duty to other powers who have relied upon us as such friend, and its duty to our citizens in Mexico, in permitting the continuance of such conditions, first by failure to act promptly and firmly, and second, by lending its influence to the continuation of such conditions through recognition of one of the factions responsible for these outrages.\nWe pledge our aid in restoring order and maintaining peace in Mexico. We promise to our citizens on and near our border, and to those in Mexico, wherever they may be found, adequate and absolute protection in their lives, liberty, and property.\nMonroe Doctrine\n\nWe reaffirm our approval of the Monroe Doctrine, and declare its maintenance to be a policy of this country essential to its present and future peace and safety and to the achievement of its manifest destiny.\nLatin America\n\nWe favor the continuance of Republican policies which will result in drawing more and more closely the commercial, financial and social relations between this country and the countries of Latin America.\nPhilippines\n\nWe renew our allegiance to the Philippine policy inaugurated by McKinley, approved by Congress, and consistently carried out by Roosevelt and Taft. Even in this short time it has enormously improved the material and social conditions of the Islands, given the Philippine people a constantly increasing participation in their government, and if persisted in will bring still greater benefits in the future.\nWe accepted the responsibility of the Islands as a duty to civilization and the Filipino people. To leave with our task half done would break our pledges, injure our prestige among nations, and imperil what has already been accomplished.\nWe condemn the Democratic administration for its attempt to abandon the Philippines, which was prevented only by the vigorous opposition of Republican members of Congress, aided by a few patriotic Democrats.\nRight of Expatriation\n\nWe reiterate the unqualified approval of the action taken in December, 1911, by the President and Congress to secure with Russia, as with other countries, a treaty that will recognize the absolute right of expatriation and prevent all discrimination of whatever kind between American citizens whether native-born or alien, and regardless of race, religion or previous political allegiance. We renew the pledge to observe this principle and to maintain the right of asylum, which is neither to be surrendered nor restricted, and we unite in the cherished hope that the war which is now desolating the world may speedily end, with a complete and lasting restoration of brotherhood among the nations of the earth and the assurance of full equal rights, civil and religious, to all men in every land.\nProtection of the Country\n\nIn order to maintain our peace and make certain the security of our people within our own borders the country must have not only adequate but thorough and complete national defence ready for any emergency. We must have a sufficient and effective Regular Army and a provision for ample reserves, already drilled and disciplined, who can be called at once to the colors when the hour of danger comes.\nWe must have a Navy so strong and so well proportioned and equipped, so thoroughly ready and prepared, that no enemy can gain command of the sea and effect a landing in force on either our Western or our Eastern coast. To secure these results we must have a coherent continuous policy of national defence, which even in these perilous days the Democratic party has utterly failed to develop, but which we promise to give to the country.\nTariff\n\nThe Republican party stands now, as always, in the fullest sense for the policy of tariff protection to American industries and American labor and does not regard an anti-dumping provision as an adequate substitute.\nSuch protection should be reasonable in amount but sufficient to protect adequately American industries and American labor and so adjusted as to prevent undue exactions by monopolies or trusts. It should, moreover, give special attention to securing the industrial independence of the United States as in the case of dye-stuffs.\nThrough wise tariff and industrial legislation our industries can be so organized that they will become not only a commercial bulwark but a powerful aid to national defence.\nThe Underwood tariff act is a complete failure in every respect. Under its administration imports have enormously increased in spite of the fact that intercourse with foreign countries has been largely cut off by reason of the war, while the revenues of which we stand in such dire need have been greatly reduced.\nUnder the normal conditions which prevailed prior to the war it was clearly demonstrated that this Act deprived the American producer and the American wage earner of that protection which enabled them to meet their foreign competitors, and but for the adventitious conditions created by the war, would long since have paralyzed all forms of American industry and deprived American labor of its just reward.\nIt has not in the least degree reduced the cost of living, which has constantly advanced from the date of its enactment. The welfare of our people demands its repeal and its substitution of a measure which in peace as well as in war will produce ample revenue and give reasonable protection to all forms of American production in mine, forest, field and factory.\nWe favor the creation of a tariff commission with complete power to gather and compile information for the use of Congress in all matters relating to the tariff.\nBusiness\n\nThe Republican party has long believed in the rigid supervision and strict regulation of the transportation and of the great corporations of the country. It has put its creed into its deeds, and all really effective laws regulating the railroads and the great industrial corporations are the work of Republican Congresses and Presidents. For this policy of regulation and supervision the Democrats, in a stumbling and piecemeal way, are within the sphere of private enterprise and in direct competition with its own citizens, a policy which is sure to result in waste, great expense to the taxpayer and in an inferior product.\nThe Republican party firmly believes that all who violate the laws in regulation of business, should be individually punished. But prosecution is very different from persecution, and business success, no matter how honestly attained, is apparently regarded by the Democratic party as in itself a crime. Such doctrines and beliefs choke enterprise and stifle prosperity. The Republican party believes in encouraging American business as it believes in and will seek to advance all American interests.\nRural Credits\n\nWe favor an effective system of Rural Credits as opposed to the ineffective law proposed by the present Democratic Administration.\nRural Free Delivery\n\nWe favor the extension of the Rural Free Delivery system and condemn the Democratic administration for curtailing and crippling it.\nMerchant Marine\n\nIn view of the policies adopted by all the maritime nations to encourage their shipping interest, and in order to enable us to compete with them for the ocean-carrying trade, we favor the payment to ships engaged in the foreign trade of liberal compensation for services actually rendered in carrying the mails, and such further legislation as will build up an adequate American Merchant Marine and give us ships which may be requisitioned by the Government in time of national emergency.\nWe are utterly opposed to the Government ownership of vessels as proposed by the Democratic party, because Government-owned ships, while effectively preventing the development of the American Merchant Marine by private capital, will be entirely unable to provide for the vast volume of American freights and will leave us more helpless than ever in the hard grip of foreign syndicates.\nTransportation\n\nInterstate and intrastate transportation have become so interwoven that the attempt to apply two and often several sets of laws to its regulation has produced conflicts of authority, embarrassment in operation and inconvenience and expense to the public.\nThe entire transportation system of the country has become essentially national. We, therefore, favor such action by legislation, or, if necessary, through an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as will result in placing it under complete Federal control.\nEconomy and a National Budget\n\nThe increasing cost of the national government and the need for the greatest economy of its resources in order to meet the growing demands of the people for government service call for the severest condemnation of the wasteful appropriations of this democratic administration, of its shameless raids on the treasury, and of its opposition to and rejection of President Taft's oft-repeated proposals and earnest efforts to secure economy and efficiency through the establishment of a simple businesslike budget system to which we pledge our support and which we hold to be\nnecessary to effect a real reform in the administration of national finance.\nConservation\n\nWe believe in a careful husbandry of all the natural resources of the nation—a husbandry which means development without waste; use without abuse.\nCivil Service Reform\n\nThe Civil Service Law has always been sustained by the Republican party, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practicable. The Democratic party has created since March 4, 1913, thirty thousand offices outside of the Civil Service Law at an annual cost of forty-four million dollars to the taxpayers of the country\nWe condemn the gross abuse and the misuse of the law by the present Democratic Administration and pledge ourselves to a reorganization of this service along lines of efficiency and economy.\nTerritorial Officials\n\nReaffirming the attitude long maintained by the Republican party, we hold that officials appointed to administer the government of any territory should be bona-fide residents of the territory in which their duties are to be performed.\nLabor Laws\n\nWe pledge the Republican party to the faithful enforcement of all Federal laws passed for the protection of labor. We favor vocational education, the enactment and rigid enforcement of a Federal child labor law; the enactment of a generous and comprehensive workmen's compensation law, within the commerce power of Congress, and an accident compensation law covering all Government employees. We favor the collection and collation, under the direction of the Department of Labor, of complete data relating to industrial hazards for the information of Congress, to the end that such legislation may be adopted as may be calculated to secure the safety, conservation and protection of labor from the dangers incident to industry and transportation.\nSuffrage\n\nThe Republican party, reaffirming its faith in government of the people, by the people, for the people, as a measure of justice to one-half the adult people of this country, favors the extension of the suffrage to women, but recognizes the right of each state to settle this question for itself.\nConclusion\n\nSuch are our principles, such are our \"purposes and policies.\" We close as we began. The times are dangerous and the future is fraught with peril. The great issues of the day have been confused by words and phrases. The American spirit, which made the country and saved the union, has been forgotten by those charged with the responsibility of power. We appeal to all Americans, whether naturalized or native-born, to prove to the world that we are Americans in thought and in deed, with one loyalty, one hope, one aspiration. We call on all Americans to be true to the spirit of America, to the great traditions of their common country, and above all things, to keep the faith.", "Words" -> 2376, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 178, "and" -> 125, "of" -> 122, "to" -> 86, "in" -> 66, "by" -> 39, "We" -> 33, "a" -> 31, "our" -> 27, "for" -> 23, "as" -> 23, "American" -> 23, "its" -> 21, "which" -> 20, "that" -> 18, "all" -> 18, "be" -> 17, "The" -> 16, "party" -> 15, "with" -> 14, "Republican" -> 14, "have" -> 14, "has" -> 14, "we" -> 13, "country" -> 13, "will" -> 12, "this" -> 12, "their" -> 11, "people" -> 11, "are" -> 11, "or" -> 10, "favor" -> 10, "Democratic" -> 10, "peace" -> 9, "it" -> 9, "is" -> 9, "an" -> 9, "such" -> 8, "protection" -> 8, "Mexico" -> 8, "been" -> 8, "policy" -> 7, "national" -> 7, "Congress" -> 7, "who" -> 6, "war" -> 6, "us" -> 6, "so" -> 6, "laws" -> 6, "labor" -> 6, "great" -> 6, "government" -> 6, "complete" -> 6, "but" -> 6, "believe" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "tariff" -> 5, "States" -> 5, "secure" -> 5, "rights" -> 5, "pledge" -> 5, "order" -> 5, "nations" -> 5, "must" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "law" -> 5, "foreign" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "administration" -> 5, "without" -> 4, "United" -> 4, "transportation" -> 4, "these" -> 4, "system" -> 4, "should" -> 4, "Rural" -> 4, "right" -> 4, "regulation" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "policies" -> 4, "only" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "maintain" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "industrial" -> 4, "Government" -> 4, "give" -> 4, "duty" -> 4, "believes" -> 4, "Administration" -> 4, "adequate" -> 4, "world" -> 3, "women" -> 3, "within" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "true" -> 3, "traditions" -> 3, "through" -> 3, "Such" -> 3, "ships" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "renew" -> 3, "promise" -> 3, "President" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "Merchant" -> 3, "Marine" -> 3, "long" -> 3, "It" -> 3, "influence" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "In" -> 3, "future" -> 3, "from" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "failure" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "enactment" -> 3, "effective" -> 3, "economy" -> 3, "defence" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "cost" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "condemn" -> 3, "compensation" -> 3, "Civil" -> 3, "can" -> 3, "business" -> 3, "between" -> 3, "become" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "Americans" -> 3, "America" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "allegiance" -> 3, "abroad" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "wherever" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "way" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "utterly" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "Under" -> 2, "under" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "trade" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "thoroughly" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "supervision" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "strict" -> 2, "stood" -> 2, "stands" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "social" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "security" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "rigid" -> 2, "restore" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "resources" -> 2, "relating" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "reasonable" -> 2, "ready" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "private" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "Presidents" -> 2, "Philippines" -> 2, "Philippine" -> 2, "outrages" -> 2, "other" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "nor" -> 2, "neutrality" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "need" -> 2, "necessary" -> 2, "native-born" -> 2, "Monroe" -> 2, "million" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "meet" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "made" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "information" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "increasing" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "husbandry" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "honestly" -> 2, "home" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "friend" -> 2, "Free" -> 2, "forms" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "failed" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "expense" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enormously" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "emergency" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "Doctrine" -> 2, "development" -> 2, "destroyed" -> 2, "deprived" -> 2, "Democrats" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "Delivery" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "Credits" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "continuance" -> 2, "constantly" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "call" -> 2, "attempt" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "ample" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "aid" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "abuse" -> 2, "absolute" -> 2, "years" -> 1, "workmen's" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "volume" -> 1, "vocational" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "vessels" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unflinchingly" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "Underwood" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "Transportation" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "thousand" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "thirty" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "Territorial" -> 1, "temporarily" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "task" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "Taft's" -> 1, "Taft" -> 1, "syndicates" -> 1, "sympathize" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "surrendered" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "Suffrage" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "substitution" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "stumbling" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "stifle" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "spite" -> 1, "sphere" -> 1, "speedily" -> 1, "specific" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "sought" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shifty" -> 1, "shameless" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "severest" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "sets" -> 1, "services" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "self-seeking" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "Roosevelt" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "rightful" -> 1, "Right" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "requisitioned" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "reorganization" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relied" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "rejection" -> 1, "reiterate" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "Regular" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "refer" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "really" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "Reaffirming" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "raids" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "proposals" -> 1, "proportioned" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "product" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "prior" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "prevented" -> 1, "prevailed" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "powerful" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "phrases" -> 1, "phrase-making" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persisted" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "perpetrated" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "perilous" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "performed" -> 1, "performances" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "participation" -> 1, "paralyzed" -> 1, "pacific" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "outside" -> 1, "outraged" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "operation" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "oft-repeated" -> 1, "often" -> 1, "Officials" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "ocean-carrying" -> 1, "observe" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "neutrals" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "nation—a" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "murdered" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "misuse" -> 1, "mine" -> 1, "methods" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "McKinley" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "March" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "locality" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "lending" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "lasting" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "language" -> 1, "landing" -> 1, "knowing" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "invitation" -> 1, "intrastate" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "interwoven" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "internal" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "intercourse" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "injure" -> 1, "inferior" -> 1, "ineffective" -> 1, "individually" -> 1, "indignation" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "indefensible" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "inconvenience" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "inaugurated" -> 1, "improved" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "humiliated" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "horror" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "helpless" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "hard" -> 1, "half" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "gross" -> 1, "grip" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "Government-owned" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "gather" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "freights" -> 1, "fraught" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "forty-four" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "Flag" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "Filipino" -> 1, "fifteen" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "factions" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "eyes" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "express" -> 1, "expedients" -> 1, "Expatriation" -> 1, "expatriation" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essentially" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equipped" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entirely" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "embarrassment" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "Eastern" -> 1, "earth" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earner" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "dye-stuffs" -> 1, "drilled" -> 1, "drawing" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "disciplined" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "direction" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "dire" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "different" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "devastated" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "desperadoes" -> 1, "desolating" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "democratic" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "deeply" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "deed" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "December" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "curtailing" -> 1, "crippling" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "court" -> 1, "courageous" -> 1, "Country" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "consistently" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "Conservation" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "conscienceless" -> 1, "Congresses" -> 1, "confused" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "compile" -> 1, "competitors" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "compete" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "colors" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collation" -> 1, "coherent" -> 1, "coast" -> 1, "closely" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "choke" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "businesslike" -> 1, "Business" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "Budget" -> 1, "budget" -> 1, "brotherhood" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "borders" -> 1, "border" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefits" -> 1, "belligerents" -> 1, "believed" -> 1, "beliefs" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "began" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "bands" -> 1, "bandits" -> 1, "Baltimore" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attitude" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "aspiration" -> 1, "As" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "apparently" -> 1, "anti-dumping" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "agitators" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "adventitious" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adult" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "actually" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "1913" -> 1, "1912" -> 1, "1911" -> 1, "1861" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1912", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1912, "Date" -> DateObject[{1912, 6, 18}], "Text" -> "The Republican party, assembled by its representatives in National Convention, declares its unchanging faith in government of the people, by the people, for the people. We renew our allegiance to the principles of the Republican party and our devotion to the cause of Republican institutions established by the fathers.\nIt is appropriate that we should now recall with a sense of veneration and gratitude the name of our first great leader, who was nominated in this city, and whose lofty principles and superb devotion to his country are an inspiration to the party he honored—Abraham Lincoln.\nIn the present state of public affairs we should be inspired by his broad statesmanship and by his tolerant spirit toward men.\nThe Republican party looks back upon its record with pride and satisfaction, and forward to its new responsibilities with hope and confidence. Its achievements in government constitute the most luminous pages in our history. Our greatest national advance has been made during the years of its ascendancy in public affairs. It has been genuinely and always a party of progress; it has never been either stationary or reactionary. It has gone from the fulfilment of one great pledge to the fulfilment of another in response to the public need and to the popular will.\nWe believe in our self-controlled representative democracy which is a government of laws, not of men, and in which order is the prerequisite of progress.\nThe principles of constitutional government, which make provisions for orderly and effective expression of the popular will, for the protection of civil liberty and the rights of man, and for the interpretation of the law by an untrammelled and independent judiciary, have proved themselves capable of sustaining the structure of a government which, after more than a century of development, embraces one hundred millions of people, scattered over a wide and diverse territory, but bound by common purpose, common ideals and common affection to the Constitution of the United States. Under the Constitution and the principles asserted and vitalized by it, the United States has grown to be one of the great civilized and civilizing powers of the earth. It offers a home and an opportunity to the ambitious and the industrious from other lands. Resting upon the broad basis of a people's confidence and a people's support, and managed by the people themselves, the government of the United States will meet the problems of the future as satisfactorily as it has solved those of the past.\nThe Republican party is now, as always, a party of advanced and constructive statemanship. It is prepared to go forward with the solution of those new questions, which social, economic and political development have brought into the forefront of the nation's interest. It will strive, not only in the nation but in the several States, to enact the necessary legislation to safeguard the public health; to limit effectively the labor of women and children, and to protect wage earners engaged in dangerous occupations; to enact comprehensive and generous workman's compensation laws in place of the present wasteful and unjust system of employers' liability; and in all possible ways to satisfy the just demand of the people for the study and solution of the complex and constantly changing problems of social welfare.\nIn dealing with these questions, it is important that the rights of every individual to the freest possible development of his own powers and resources and to the control of his own justly acquired property, so far as those are compatible with the rights of others, shall not be interfered with or destroyed. The social and political structure of the United States rests upon the civil liberty of the individual; and for the protection of that liberty the people have wisely, in the National and State Constitutions, put definite limitations upon themselves and upon their governmental officers and agencies. To enforce these limitations, to secure the orderly and coherent exercise of governmental powers, and to protect the rights of even the humblest and least favored individual are the function of independent Courts of Justice.\nThe Republican party reaffirms its intention to uphold at all times the authority and integrity of the Courts, both State and Federal, and it will ever insist that their powers to enforce their process and to protect life, liberty and property shall be preserved inviolate. An orderly method is provided under our system of government by which the people may, when they choose, alter or amend the constitutional provisions which underlie that government. Until these constitutional provisions are so altered or amended, in orderly fashion, it is the duty of the courts to see to it that when challenged they are enforced.\nThat the Courts, both Federal and State, may bear the heavy burden laid upon them to the complete satisfaction of public opinion, we favor legislation to prevent long delays and the tedious and costly appeals which have so often amounted to a denial of justice in civil cases and to a failure to protect the public at large in criminal cases.\nSince the responsibility of the Judiciary is so great, the standards of judicial action must be always and everywhere above suspicion and reproach. While we regard the recall of judges as unnecessary and unwise, we favor such action as may be necessary to simplify the process by which any judge who is found to be derelict in his duty may be removed from office.\nTogether with peaceful and orderly development at home, the Republican party earnestly favors all measures for the establishment and protection of the peace of the world and for the development of closer relations between the various nations of the earth. It believes most earnestly in the peaceful settlement of international disputes and in the reference of all justiciable controversies between nations to an International Court of Justice.\nMonopoly and Privilege\n\nThe Republican party is opposed to special privilege and to monopoly. It placed upon the statute-book the interstate commerce act of 1887, and the important amendments thereto, and the anti-trust act of 1890, and it has consistently and successfully enforced the provisions of these laws. It will take no backward step to permit the reestablishment in any degree of conditions which were intolerable.\nExperience makes it plain that the business of the country may be carried on without fear or without disturbance and at the same time without resort to practices which are abhorrent to the common sense of justice. The Republican party favors the enactment of legislation supplementary to the existing anti-trust act which will define as criminal offences those specific acts that uniformly mark attempts to restrain and to monopolize trade, to the end that those who honestly intend to obey the law may have a guide for their action and those who aim to violate the law may the more surely be punished. The same certainty should be given to the law prohibiting combinations and monopolies that characterize other provisions of commercial law; in order that no part of the field of business opportunity may be restricted by monopoly or combination, that business success honorably achieved may not be converted into crime, and that the right of every man to acquire commodities, and particularly the necessaries of life, in an open market uninfluenced by the manipulation of trust or combination, may be preserved.\nFederal Trade Commission\n\nIn the enforcement and administration of Federal Laws governing interstate commerce and enterprises impressed with a public use engaged therein, there is much that may be committed to a Federal trade commission, thus placing in the hands of an administrative board many of the functions now necessarily exercised by the courts. This will promote promptness in the administration of the law and avoid delays and technicalities incident to court procedure.\nThe Tariff\n\nWe reaffirm our belief in a protective tariff. The Republican tariff policy has been of the greatest benefit to the country, developing our resources, diversifying our industries, and protecting our workmen against competition with cheaper labor abroad, thus establishing for our wage-earners the American standard of living. The protective tariff is so woven into the fabric of our industrial and agricultural life that to substitute for it a tariff for revenue only would destroy many industries and throw millions of our people out of employment. The products of the farm and of the mine should receive the same measure of protection as other products of American labor.\nWe hold that the import duties should be high enough, while yielding a sufficient revenue, to protect adequately American industries and wages. Some of the existing import duties are too high, and should be reduced. Readjustment should be made from time to time to conform to changing conditions and to reduce excessive rates, but without injury to any American industry. To accomplish this correct information is indispensable. This information can best be obtained by an expert commission, as the large volume of useful facts contained in the recent reports of the Tariff Board has demonstrated.\nThe pronounced feature of modern industrial life is its enormous diversification. To apply tariff rates justly to these changing conditions requires closer study and more scientific methods than ever before. The Republican party has shown by its creation of a Tariff Board its recognition of this situation, and its determination to be equal to it. We condemn the Democratic party for its failure either to provide funds for the continuance of this board or to make some other provision for securing the information requisite for intelligent tariff legislation. We protest against the Democratic method of legislating on these vitally important subjects without careful investigation.\nWe condemn the Democratic tariff bills passed by the House of Representatives of the Sixty-second Congress as sectional, as injurious to the public credit, and as destructive to business enterprise.\nCost of Living\n\nThe steadily increasing cost of living has become a matter not only of national but of world-wide concern. The fact that it is not due to the protective tariff system is evidenced by the existence of similar conditions in countries which have a tariff policy different from our own, as well as by the fact that the cost of living has increased while rates of duty have remained stationary or been reduced.\nThe Republican party will support a prompt scientific inquiry into the causes which are operative, both in the United States and elsewhere, to increase the cost of living. When the exact facts are known, it will take the necessary steps to remove any abuses that may be found to exist, in order that the cost of the food, clothing and shelter of the people may in no way be unduly or artificially increased.\nBanking and Currency\n\nThe Republican party has always stood for a sound currency and for safe banking methods. It is responsible for the resumption of specie payments and for the establishment of the gold standard. It is committed to the progressive development of our banking and currency systems. Our banking arrangements to-day need further revision to meet the requirements of current conditions. We need measures which will prevent the recurrence of money panics and financial disturbances and which will promote the prosperity of business and the welfare of labor by producing constant employment. We need better currency facilities for the movement of crops in the West and South. We need banking arrangements under American auspices for the encouragement and better conduct of our foreign trade. In attaining these ends, the independence of individual banks, whether organized under national or State charters, must be carefully protected, and our banking and currency system must be safeguarded from any possibility of domination by sectional, financial, or political interests.\nIt is of great importance to the social and economic welfare of this country that its farmers have facilities for borrowing easily and cheaply the money they need to increase the productivity of their land. It is as important that financial machinery be provided to supply the demand of farmers for credit as it is that the banking and currency systems be reformed in the interest of general business. Therefore, we recommend and urge an authoritative investigation of agricultural credit societies and corporations in other countries and the passage of State and Federal laws for the establishment and capable supervision of organizations having for their purpose the loaning of funds to farmers.\nThe Civil Service\n\nWe reaffirm our adherence to the principle of appointment to public office based on proved fitness, and tenure during good behavior and efficiency. The Republican party stands committed to the maintenance, extension and enforcement of the Civil Service Law, and it favors the passage of legislation empowering the President to extend the competitive service as far as practicable. We favor legislation to make possible the equitable retirement of disabled and superannuated members of the Civil Service in order that a higher standard of efficiency may be maintained.\nWe favor the amendment of the Federal Employers' Liability Law so as to extend its provisions to all government employГ©s, as well as to provide a more liberal scale of compensation for injury and death.\nCampaign Contributions\n\nWe favor such additional legislation as may be necessary more effectually to prohibit corporations from contributing funds, directly or indirectly, to campaigns for the nomination or election of the President, the Vice-President, Senators, and Representatives in Congress.\nWe heartily approve the recent Act of Congress requiring the fullest publicity in regard to all campaign contributions, whether made in connection with primaries, conventions, or elections.\nConservation Policy\n\nWe rejoice in the success of the distinctive Republican policy of the conservation of our National resources, for their use by the people without waste and without monopoly. We pledge ourselves to a continuance of such a policy.\nWe favor such fair and reasonable rules and regulations as will not discourage or interfere with actual bona-fide homeseekers, prospectors and miners in the acquisition of public lands under existing laws.\nParcels Post\n\nIn the interest of the general public, and particularly of the agricultural or rural communities, we favor legislation looking to the establishment, under proper regulations, of a parcels post, the postal rates to be graduated under a zone system in proportion to the length of carriage.\nProtection of American Citizenship\n\nWe approve the action taken by the President and the Congress to secure with Russia as with other countries, a treaty that will recognize the absolute right of expatriation and that will prevent all discrimination of whatever kind between American citizens, whether native-born or aliens, and regardless of race, religion or previous political allegiance. The right of asylum is a precious possession of the people of the United States, and it is to be neither surrendered nor restricted.\nThe Navy\n\nWe believe in the maintenance of an adequate navy for the National defence, and we condemn the action of the Democratic House of Representatives in refusing to authorize the construction of additional ships.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe believe that one of the country's most urgent needs is a revived merchant marine. There should be American ships, and plenty of them, to make use of the great American Inter-Oceanic canal now nearing completion.\nFlood Prevention in the Mississippi Valley\n\nThe Mississippi River is the nation's drainage ditch. Its flood waters, gathered from thirty-one States and the Dominion of Canada, constitute an overpowering force which breaks the levees and pours its torrents over many millions of acres of the richest land in the Union, stopping mails, impeding commerce, and causing great loss of life and property. These floods are national in scope, and the disasters they produce seriously affect the general welfare. The States unaided cannot cope with this giant problem; hence, we believe the Federal Government should assume a fair proportion of the burden of its control, so as to prevent the disasters from recurring floods.\nReclamation\n\nWe favor the continuance of the policy of the government with regard to the reclamation of arid lands; and for the encouragement of the speedy settlement and improvement of such lands we favor an amendment to the law that will reasonably extend the time within which the cost of any reclamation project may be repaid by the landowners under it.\nRivers and Harbors\n\nWe favor a liberal and systematic policy for the improvement of our rivers and harbors. Such improvements should be made upon expert information and after a careful comparison of cost and prospective benefits.\nAlaska\n\nWe favor a liberal policy toward Alaska to promote the development of the great resources of that district, with such safeguards as will prevent waste and monopoly.\nWe favor the opening of the coal lands to development through a law leasing the lands on such terms as will invite development and provide fuel for the navy and the commerce of the Pacific Ocean, while retaining title in the United States to prevent monopoly.\nPhilippine Policy\n\nThe Philippine policy of the Republican party has been and is inspired by the belief that our duty toward the Filipino people is a national obligation which should remain entirely free from partisan polities.\nImmigration\n\nWe pledge the Republican party to the enactment of appropriate laws to give relief from the constantly growing evil of induced or undesirable immigration, which is inimical to the progress and welfare of the people of the United States.\nSafety at Sea\n\nWe favor the speedy enactment of laws to provide that seamen shall not be compelled to endure involuntary servitude, and that life and property at sea shall be safeguarded by the ample equipment of vessels with lifesaving appliances and with full complements of skilled, able-bodied seamen to operate them.\nRepublican Accomplishment\n\nThe approaching completion of the Panama Canal, the establishment of a Bureau of Mines, the institution of postal savings banks, the increased provision made in 1912 for the aged and infirm soldiers and sailors of the Republic and for their widows, and the vigorous administration of ,laws relating to Pure Foods and Drugs, all mark the successful progress of Republican administration, and are additional evidences of its effectiveness.\nEconomy and Efficiency in Government\n\nWe commend the earnest effort of the Republican administration to secure greater economy and increased efficiency in the conduct of government business; extravagant appropriations and the creation of unnecessary offices are an injustice to the taxpayer and a bad example to the citizen.\nCivic Duty\n\nWe call upon the people to quicken their interest in public affairs, to condemn and punish lynchings and other forms of lawlessness, and to strengthen in all possible ways a respect for law and the observance of it. Indifferent citizenship is an evil against which the law affords no adequate protection and for which legislation can provide no remedy.\nArizona and New Mexico\n\nWe congratulate the people of Arizona and New Mexico upon the admission of those States, thus merging in the Union in final and enduring form the last remaining portion of our continental territory.\nWe retify [ratify] in all its parts the platform of 1908 respecting citizenship for the people of Porto Rico.\nRepublican Administration\n\nWe challenge successful criticism of the sixteen years of Republican administration under Presidents McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft. We heartily reaffirm the indorsement of President McKinley contained in the platforms of 1900 and of 1904, and that of President Roosevelt contained in the Platforms of 1904 and 1908.\nWe invite the intelligent judgment of the American people upon the administration of William H. Taft. The country has prospered and been at peace under his Presidency. During the years in which he had the co-operation of a Republican Congress an unexampled amount of constructive legislation was framed and passed in the interest of the people and in obedience to their wish. That legislation is a record on which any administration might appeal with confidence to the favorable judgment of history.\nWe appeal to the American Electorate upon the record of the Republican party, and upon this declaration of its principles and purposes. We are confident that under the leadership of the candidates here to be nominated our appeal will not be in vain; that the Republican party will meet every just expectation of the people whose servant it is; that under its administration and its laws our nation will continue to advance; that peace and prosperity will abide with the people; and that new glory will be added to the great Republic.", "Words" -> 3392, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 296, "of" -> 224, "and" -> 174, "to" -> 119, "in" -> 62, "a" -> 43, "that" -> 38, "for" -> 38, "be" -> 38, "We" -> 36, "is" -> 32, "The" -> 28, "as" -> 27, "by" -> 26, "Republican" -> 25, "which" -> 24, "our" -> 24, "will" -> 23, "with" -> 21, "people" -> 21, "party" -> 20, "or" -> 20, "its" -> 20, "it" -> 19, "may" -> 16, "has" -> 15, "an" -> 14, "upon" -> 13, "It" -> 13, "favor" -> 13, "are" -> 13, "States" -> 12, "public" -> 12, "under" -> 11, "should" -> 11, "legislation" -> 11, "government" -> 11, "from" -> 11, "American" -> 11, "we" -> 10, "their" -> 10, "law" -> 10, "all" -> 10, "tariff" -> 9, "not" -> 9, "laws" -> 9, "great" -> 9, "development" -> 9, "administration" -> 9, "United" -> 8, "policy" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "Federal" -> 8, "without" -> 7, "those" -> 7, "this" -> 7, "these" -> 7, "such" -> 7, "so" -> 7, "other" -> 7, "his" -> 7, "business" -> 7, "been" -> 7, "at" -> 7, "any" -> 7, "provisions" -> 6, "prevent" -> 6, "need" -> 6, "life" -> 6, "lands" -> 6, "cost" -> 6, "banking" -> 6, "welfare" -> 5, "system" -> 5, "State" -> 5, "provide" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "protect" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "President" -> 5, "orderly" -> 5, "on" -> 5, "no" -> 5, "national" -> 5, "more" -> 5, "monopoly" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "interest" -> 5, "In" -> 5, "establishment" -> 5, "currency" -> 5, "country" -> 5, "Congress" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "action" -> 5, "who" -> 4, "time" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "social" -> 4, "shall" -> 4, "rights" -> 4, "resources" -> 4, "rates" -> 4, "property" -> 4, "progress" -> 4, "powers" -> 4, "possible" 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"enactment" -> 3, "efficiency" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "Courts" -> 3, "countries" -> 3, "continuance" -> 3, "contained" -> 3, "constitutional" -> 3, "confidence" -> 3, "committed" -> 3, "Civil" -> 3, "civil" -> 3, "changing" -> 3, "both" -> 3, "between" -> 3, "appeal" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "against" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "additional" -> 3, "act" -> 3, "whose" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "ways" -> 2, "waste" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "unnecessary" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "This" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "territory" -> 2, "take" -> 2, "Taft" -> 2, "systems" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "successful" -> 2, "success" -> 2, "study" -> 2, "structure" -> 2, "stationary" -> 2, "speedy" -> 2, "solution" -> 2, "ships" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "sense" -> 2, "sectional" -> 2, "seamen" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "satisfaction" -> 2, "safeguarded" -> 2, "Roosevelt" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "restricted" -> 2, "Republic" -> 2, "regulations" -> 2, "reduced" -> 2, "reclamation" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "recall" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "proved" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "proportion" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "preserved" -> 2, "present" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "Policy" -> 2, "Philippine" -> 2, "people's" -> 2, "peaceful" -> 2, "passed" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "particularly" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "Our" -> 2, "opportunity" -> 2, "office" -> 2, "nominated" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "navy" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "nation's" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "Mississippi" -> 2, "Mexico" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "method" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "McKinley" -> 2, "mark" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "Law" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "land" -> 2, "justly" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "judgment" -> 2, "Its" -> 2, "invite" -> 2, "investigation" -> 2, "interstate" -> 2, "intelligent" -> 2, "inspired" -> 2, "injury" -> 2, "industrial" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "increase" -> 2, "improvement" -> 2, "import" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "home" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "heartily" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "greatest" -> 2, "governmental" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "fulfilment" -> 2, "found" -> 2, "forward" -> 2, "floods" -> 2, "far" -> 2, "fair" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "facts" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "facilities" -> 2, "expert" -> 2, "evil" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "enforce" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "either" -> 2, "economic" -> 2, "earth" -> 2, "earnestly" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "disasters" -> 2, "devotion" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "delays" -> 2, "criminal" -> 2, "creation" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "constructive" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "constitute" -> 2, "constantly" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "completion" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "commission" -> 2, "combination" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "citizenship" -> 2, "cases" -> 2, "careful" -> 2, "capable" -> 2, "can" 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1, "unjust" -> 1, "uninfluenced" -> 1, "uniformly" -> 1, "unexampled" -> 1, "unduly" -> 1, "undesirable" -> 1, "underlie" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unchanging" -> 1, "unaided" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "torrents" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "tolerant" -> 1, "Together" -> 1, "to-day" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "throw" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "thirty-one" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tenure" -> 1, "tedious" -> 1, "technicalities" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "suspicion" -> 1, "surrendered" -> 1, "surely" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "supplementary" -> 1, "supervision" -> 1, "superb" -> 1, "superannuated" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "subjects" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "strengthen" -> 1, "stopping" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "statute-book" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, 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"Resting" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "respecting" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "requisite" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "reproach" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "repaid" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "remained" -> 1, "remain" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "rejoice" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "reformed" -> 1, "reference" -> 1, "reestablishment" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "recurring" -> 1, "recurrence" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "Reclamation" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reaffirms" -> 1, "Readjustment" -> 1, "reactionary" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "quicken" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "Pure" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prospered" -> 1, "prospectors" -> 1, "prospective" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "pronounced" -> 1, "promptness" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "project" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "Privilege" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "primaries" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "Prevention" -> 1, "Presidents" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "prerequisite" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "precious" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "pours" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "Porto" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "polities" -> 1, "plenty" -> 1, "Platforms" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placing" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "Parcels" -> 1, "parcels" -> 1, "panics" -> 1, "Panama" -> 1, "pages" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "overpowering" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operative" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "often" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offences" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "occupations" -> 1, "obtained" -> 1, "observance" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "obedience" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "necessaries" -> 1, "nearing" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "Monopoly" -> 1, "monopolize" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "Mines" -> 1, "miners" -> 1, "mine" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "merging" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "managed" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "mails" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lynchings" -> 1, "luminous" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "looks" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "lofty" -> 1, "loaning" -> 1, "Living" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "lifesaving" -> 1, "Liability" -> 1, "liability" -> 1, "levees" -> 1, "length" -> 1, "legislating" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "leasing" -> 1, "leadership" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "Laws" -> 1, "lawlessness" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "landowners" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "justiciable" -> 1, "Judiciary" -> 1, "judiciary" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "judge" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "inviolate" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "interpretation" -> 1, "Inter-Oceanic" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "interfered" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intend" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "inspiration" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "inquiry" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injurious" -> 1, "inimical" -> 1, "infirm" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "industrious" -> 1, 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1, "apply" -> 1, "appliances" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "An" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounted" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "ambitious" -> 1, "altered" -> 1, "alter" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "aged" -> 1, "affords" -> 1, "affection" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acquire" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "Accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "able-bodied" -> 1, "abide" -> 1, "abhorrent" -> 1, "1912" -> 1, "1900" -> 1, "1890" -> 1, "1887" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1908", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1908, "Date" -> DateObject[{1908, 6, 16}], "Text" -> "Once more the Republican Party, in National Convention assembled, submits its cause to the people. This great historic organization, that destroyed slavery, preserved the Union, restored credit, expanded the national domain, established a sound financial system, developed the industries and resources of the country, and gave to the nation her seat of honor in the councils of the world, now meets the new problems of government with the same courage and capacity with which it solved the old.\nRepublicanism Under Roosevelt\n\nIn this greatest era of American advancement the Republican party has reached its highest service under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. His administration is an epoch in American history. In no other period since national sovereignty was won under Washington, or preserved under Lincoln, has there been such mighty progress in those ideals of government which make for justice, equality and fair dealing among men. The highest aspirations of the American people have found a voice. Their most exalted servant represents the best aims and worthiest purposes of all his countrymen. American manhood has been lifted to a nobler sense of duty and obligation. Conscience and courage in public station and higher standards of right and wrong in private life have become cardinal principles of political faith; capital and labor have been brought into closer relations of confidence and interdependence, and the abuse of wealth, the tyranny of power, and all the evils of privilege and favoritism have been put to scorn by the simple, manly virtues of justice and fair play.\nThe great accomplishments of President Roosevelt have been, first and foremost, a brave and impartial enforcement of the law, the prosecution of illegal trusts and monopolies, the exposure and punishment of evil-doers in the public service; the more effective regulation of the rates and service of the great transportation lines; the complete overthrow of preferences, rebates and discriminations; the arbitration of labor disputes; the amelioration of the condition of wage-workers everywhere; the conservation of the natural resources of the country; the forward step in the improvement of the inland waterways; and always the earnest support and defence of every wholesome safeguard which has made more secure the guarantees of life, liberty and property.\nThese are the achievements that will make for Theodore Roosevelt his place in history, but more than all else the great things he has done will be an inspiration to those who have yet greater things to do. We declare our unfaltering adherence to the policies thus inaugurated, and pledge their continuance under a Republican administration of the Government.\nEquality of Opportunity\n\nUnder the guidance of Republican principles the American people have become the richest nation in the world. Our wealth to-day exceeds that of England and all her colonies, and that of France and Germany combined. When the Republican Party was born the total wealth of the country was $16,000,000,000. It has leaped to $110,000,000,000 in a generation, while Great Britain has gathered but $60,000,000,000 in five hundred years. The United States now owns one-fourth of the world's wealth and makes one-third of all modern manufactured products. In the great necessities of civilization, such as coal, the motive power of all activity; iron, the chief basis of all industry; cotton, the staple foundation of all fabrics; wheat, corn and all the agricultural products that feed mankind, America's supremacy is undisputed. And yet her great natural wealth has been scarcely touched. We have a vast domain of 3,000,000 square miles, literally bursting with latent treasure, still waiting the magic of capital and industry to be converted to the practical uses of mankind; a country rich in soil and climate, in the unharnessed energy of its rivers and in all the varied products of the field, the forest and the factory. With gratitude for God's bounty, with pride in the splendid productiveness of the past and with confidence in the plenty and prosperity of the future, the Republican party declares for the principle that in the development and enjoyment of wealth so great and blessings so benign there shall be equal opportunity for all.\nThe Revival of Business\n\nNothing so clearly demonstrates the sound basis upon which our commercial, industrial and agricultural interests are founded, and the necessity of promoting their continued welfare through the operation of Republican policies, as the recent safe passage of the American people through a financial disturbance which, if appearing in the midst of Democratic rule or the menace of it, might have equalled the familiar Democratic panics of the past. We congratulate the people upon this renewed evidence of American supremacy and hail with confidence the signs now manifest of a complete restoration of business prosperity in all lines of trade, commerce and manufacturing.\nRecent Republican Legislation\n\nSince the election of William McKinley in 1896, the people of this country have felt anew the wisdom of intrusting to the Republican party, through decisive majorities, the control and direction of national legislation.\nThe many wise and progressive measures adopted at recent sessions of Congress have demonstrated the patriotic resolve of Republican leadership in the legislative department to keep step in the forward march toward better government.\nNotwithstanding the indefensible filibustering of a Democratic minority in the House of Representatives during the last session, many wholesome and progressive laws were enacted, and we especially commend the passage of the emergency currency bill; the appointment of the national monetary commission; the employer's and Government liability laws, the measures for the greater efficiency of the Army and Navy; the widow's pension bill; the child labor law for the District of Columbia; the new statutes for the safety of railroad engineers and firemen, and many other acts conserving the public welfare.\nRepublican Pledges for the Future\n\nTariff\n\nThe Republican party declares unequivocally for a revision of the tariff by a special session of Congress immediately following the inauguration of the next President, and commends the steps already taken to this end in the work assigned to the appropriate committees of Congress, which are now investigating the operation and effect of existing schedules.\nIn all tariff legislation the true principle of protection is best maintained by the imposition of such duties as will equal the difference between the cost of production at home and abroad, together with a reasonable profit to American industries. We favor the establishment of maximum and minimum rates to be administered by the President under limitations fixed in the law, the maximum to be available to meet discriminations by foreign countries against American goods entering their markets, and the minimum to represent the normal measure of protection at home; the aim and purpose of the Republican policy being not only to preserve, without excessive duties, that security against foreign competition to which American manufacturers, farmers and producers are entitled, but also to maintain the high standard of living of the wage-earners of this country, who are the most direct beneficiaries of the protective system. Between the United States and the Philippines we believe in a free interchange of products with such limitations as to sugar and tobacco as will afford adequate protection to domestic interests.\nCurrency\n\nWe approve the emergency measures adopted by the Government during the recent financial disturbance, and especially commend the passage by Congress, at the last session of the law designed to protect the country from a repetition of such stringency. The Republican party is committed to the development of a permanent currency system, responding to our greater needs; and the appointment of the National Monetary Commission by the present Congress, which will impartially investigate all proposed methods, insures the early realization of this purpose. The present currency laws have fully justified their adoption, but an expanding commerce, a marvellous growth in wealth and population, multiplying the centres of distribution, increasing the demand for the movement of crops in the West and South, and entailing periodic changes in monetary conditions, disclose the need of a more elastic and adaptable system. Such a system must meet the requirements of agriculturists, manufacturers, merchants and business men generally, must be automatic in operation, minimizing the fluctuations of interest rates, and above all, must be in harmony with that Republican doctrine, which insists that every dollar shall be based upon, and as good as, gold.\nPostal Savings\n\nWe favor the establishment of a postal savings bank system for the convenience of the people and the encouragement of thrift.\nTrusts\n\nThe Republican party passed the Sherman Antitrust law over Democratic opposition, and enforced it after Democratic dereliction. It has been a wholesome instrument for good in the hands of a wise and fearless administration. But experience has shown that its effectiveness can be strengthened and its real objects better attained by such amendments as will give to the Federal Government greater supervision and control over, and secure greater publicity in, the management of that class of corporations engaged in interstate commerce having power and opportunity to effect monopolies.\nRailroads\n\nWe approve the enactment of the railroad rate law and the vigorous enforcement by the present administration of the statutes against rebates and discriminations, as a result of which the advantages formerly possessed by the large shipper over the small shipper have substantially disappeared; and in this connection we commend the appropriation by the present Congress to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to thoroughly investigate, and give publicity to, the accounts of interstate railroads. We believe, however, that the interstate commerce law should be further amended so as to give railroads the right to make and publish tariff agreements, subject to the approval of the Commission, but maintaining always the principle of competition between naturally competing lines and avoiding the common control of such lines by any means whatsoever. We favor such national legislation and supervision as will prevent the future over-issue of stocks and bonds by interstate carriers.\nRailroad and Government Employees\n\nThe enactment in constitutional form at the present session of Congress of the employer's liability law; the passage and enforcement of the safety appliance statutes, as well as the additional protection secured for engineers and firemen; the reduction in the hours of labor of trainmen and railroad telegraphers; the successful exercise of the powers of mediation and arbitration between interstate railroads and their employes, and the law making a beginning in the policy of compensation for injured employes of the Government, are among the most commendable accomplishments of the present administration. But there is further work in this direction yet to be done, and the Republican party pledges its continued devotion to every cause that makes for safety and the betterment of conditions among those whose labor contributes so much to the progress and welfare of the country.\nWage-Earners Generally\n\nThe same wise policy which has induced the Republican party to maintain protection to American labor; to establish an eight hour day in the construction of all public works; to increase the list of employes who shall have preferred claims for wages under the bankruptcy laws; to adopt a child labor statute for the District of Columbia; to direct an investigation into the condition of working women and children, and later, of employes of telephone and telegraph companies engaged in interstate business; to appropriate $150,000 at the recent session of Congress in order to secure a thorough inquiry into the causes of catastrophes and loss of life in the mines; and to amend and strengthen the laws prohibiting the importation of contract labor, will be pursued in every legitimate direction within Federal authority to lighten the burdens and increase the opportunity for happiness and advancement of all who toil. The Republican party recognizes the special needs of wage-workers generally, for their well-being means the well-being of all. But more important than all other considerations is that of good citizenship and we especially stand for the needs of every American, whatever his occupation, in his capacity as a self-respecting citizen.\nCourt Procedure\n\nThe Republican party will uphold at all times the authority and integrity of the courts, State and Federal, and will ever insist that their powers to enforce their process and to protect life, liberty and property shall be preserved inviolate. We believe, however, that the rules of procedure in the Federal Courts with respect to the issuance of the writ of injunction should be more accurately defined by statute, and that no injunction or temporary restraining order should be issued without notice, except where irreparable injury would result from delay, in which ease a speedy hearing thereafter should be granted.\nThe American Farmer\n\nAmong those whose welfare is as vital to the welfare of the whole country as is that of the wage-earner, is the American farmer. The prosperity of the country rests peculiarly upon the prosperity of agriculture. The Republican party during the last twelve years has accomplished extraordinary work in bringing the resources of the National Government to the aid of the farmer, not only in advancing agriculture itself, but in increasing the conveniences of rural life. Free rural mail delivery has been established; it now reaches millions of our citizens, and we favor its extension until every community in the land receives the full benefits of the postal service. We recognize the social and economical advantages of good country roads, maintained more and more largely at public expense, and less and less at the expense of the abutting owner. In this work we commend the growing practice of State aid, and we approve the efforts of the National Agricultural Department by experiments and otherwise to make clear to the public the best methods of road construction.\nRights of the Negro\n\nThe Republican party has been for more than fifty years the consistent friend of the American Negro. It gave him freedom and citizenship. It wrote into the organic law the declarations that proclaim his civil and political rights, and it believes to-day that his noteworthy progress in intelligence, industry and good citizenship has earned the respect and encouragement of the nation. We demand equal justice for all men, without regard to race or color; we declare once more, and without reservation, for the enforcement in letter and spirit of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution which were designed for the protection and advancement of the negro, and we condemn all devices that have for their real aim his disfranchisement for reasons of color alone, as unfair, un-American and repugnant to the Supreme law of the land.\nNatural Resources and Waterways\n\nWe indorse the movement inaugurated by the administration for the conservation of natural resources; we approve all measures to prevent the waste of timber; we commend the work now going on for the reclamation of arid lands, and reaffirm the Republican policy of the free distribution of the available areas of the public domain to the landless settler. No obligation of the future is more insistent and none will result in greater blessings to posterity. In line with this splendid undertaking is the further duty, equally imperative, to enter upon a systematic improvement upon a large and comprehensive plan, just to all portions of the country, of the waterways, harbors, and Great Lakes, whose natural adaptability to the increasing traffic of the land is one of the greatest gifts of a benign Providence.\nThe Army and Navy\n\nThe 60th Congress passed many commendable acts increasing the efficiency of the Army and Navy; making the militia of the States an integral part of the national establishment; authorizing joint manoeuvres of army and militia; fortifying new naval bases and completing the construction of coaling stations; instituting a female nurse corps for naval hospitals and ships, and adding two new battleships, ten torpedo boat destroyers, three steam colliers, and eight submarines to the strength of the Navy. Although at peace with all the world, and secure in the consciousness that the American people do not desire and will not provoke a war with any other country, we nevertheless declare our unalterable devotion to a policy that will keep this Republic ready at all times to defend her traditional doctrines, and assure her appropriate part in promoting permanent tranquillity among the nations.\nProtection of American Citizens Abroad\n\nWe commend the vigorous efforts made by the administration to protect American citizens in foreign lands, and pledge ourselves to insist upon the just and equal protection of all our citizens abroad. It is the unquestioned duty of the Government to procure for all our citizens, without distinction, the rights of travel and sojourn in friendly countries, and we declare ourselves in favor of all proper efforts tending to that end.\nExtension of Foreign Commerce\n\nUnder the administration of the Republican party, the foreign commerce of the United States has experienced a remarkable growth, until it has a present annual valuation of approximately $3,000,000,000, and gives employment to a vast amount of labor and capital which would otherwise be idle. It has inaugurated, through the recent visit of the Secretary of State to South America and Mexico a new era of Pan-American commerce and comity, which is bringing us into closer touch with our twenty sister American republics, having a common historical heritage, a republican form of government, and offering us a limitless field of legitimate commercial expansion.\nArbitration and the Hague Treaties\n\nThe conspicuous contributions of American statesmanship to the great cause of international peace so signally advanced in the Hague conferences, are an occasion for just pride and gratification. At the last session of the Senate of the United States eleven Hague conventions were ratified, establishing the rights of neutrals, laws of war on land, restriction of submarine mines, limiting the use of force for the collection of contractual debts, governing the opening of hostilities, extending the application of Geneva principles and, in many ways, lessening the evils of war and promoting the peaceful settlement of international controversies. At the same session twelve arbitration conventions with great nations were confirmed, and extradition, boundary and neutralization treaties of supreme importance were ratified. We indorse such achievements as the highest duty a people can perform and proclaim the obligation of further strengthening the bonds of friendship and good-will with all the nations of the world.\nMerchant Marine\n\nWe adhere to the Republican doctrine of encouragement to American shipping and urge such legislation as will revive the merchant marine prestige of the country, so essential to national defence, the enlargement of foreign trade and the industrial prosperity of our own people.\nVeterans of the Wars\n\nAnother Republican policy which must ever be maintained is that of generous provision for those who have fought the country's battles, and for the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. We commend the increase in the widows' pensions, made by the present Congress, and declare for a liberal administration of all pension laws, to the end that the people's gratitude may grow deeper as the memories of heroic sacrifice grow more sacred with the passing years.\nCivil Service\n\nWe reaffirm our former declarations that the civil service laws, enacted, extended, and enforced by the Republican party, shall continue to be maintained and obeyed.\nPublic Health\n\nWe commend the efforts designed to secure greater efficiency in National Public Health agencies and favor such legislation as will effect this purpose.\nBureau of Mines and Mining\n\nIn the interest of the great mineral industries of our country, we earnestly favor the establishment of a Bureau of Mines and Mining.\nCuba, Porto Rico, Philippines, and Panama\n\nIn Porto Rico the Government of the United States is meeting loyal and patriotic support; order and prosperity prevail, and the well-being of the people is in every respect promoted and conserved .\nWe believe that the native inhabitants of Porto Rico should be at once collectively made citizens of the United States, and that all others properly qualified under existing laws residing in said island should have the privilege of becoming naturalized.\nIn the Philippines insurrection has been suppressed, law is established and life and property made secure. Education and practical experience are there advancing the capacity of the people for government, and the policies of McKinley and Roosevelt are leading the inhabitants step by step to an ever-increasing measure of home rule.\nTime has justified the selection of the Panama route for the great Isthmian Canal, and events have shown the wisdom of securing authority over the zone through which it is to be built. The work is now progressing with a rapidity far beyond expectation, and already the realization of the hopes of centuries has come within the vision of the near future.\nNew Mexico and Arizona\n\nWe favor the immediate admission of the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona as separate States in the Union.\nCentenary of the Birth of Lincoln\n\nFebruary 12, 1909, will be the 100th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, an immortal spirit whose fame has brightened with the receding years, and whose name stands among the first of those given to the world by the great Republic. We recommend that this centennial anniversary be celebrated throughout the confines of the nation, by all the people thereof, and especially by the public schools, as an exercise to stir the patriotism of the youth of the land.\nDemocratic Incapacity for Government\n\nWe call the attention of the American people to the fact that none of the great measures here advocated by the Republican party could be enacted, and none of the steps forward here proposed could be taken under a Democratic administration or under one in which party responsibility is divided. The continuance of present policies, therefore, absolutely requires the continuance in power of that party which believes in them and which possesses the capacity to put them into operation.\nFundamental Differences Between Democracy and Republicanism\n\nBeyond all platform declarations there are fundamental differences between the Republican party and its chief opponent which make the one worthy and the other unworthy of public trust.\nIn history, the difference between Democracy and Republicanism is that the one stood for debased currency, the other for honest currency; the one for free silver, the other for sound money; the one for free trade, the other for protection; the one for the contraction of American influence, the other for its expansion; the one has been forced to abandon every position taken on the great issues before the people, the other has held and vindicated all.\nIn experience, the difference between Democracy and Republicanism is that one means adversity, while the other means prosperity; one means low wages, the other means high; one means doubt and debt, the other means confidence and thrift.\nIn principle, the difference between Democracy and Republicanism is that one stands for vacillation and timidity in government, the other for strength and purpose; one stands for obstruction, the other for construction; one promises, the other performs, one finds fault, the other finds work.\nThe present tendencies of the two parties are even more marked by inherent differences. The trend of Democracy is toward socialism, while the Republican party stands for a wise and regulated individualism. Socialism would destroy wealth, Republicanism would prevent its abuse. Socialism would give to each an equal right to take; Republicanism would give to each an equal right to earn. Socialism would offer an equality of possession which would soon leave no one anything to possess, Republicanism would give equality of opportunity which would assure to each his share of a constantly increasing sum of possessions. In line with this tendency the Democratic party of to-day believes in Government ownership, while the Republican party believes in Government regulation. Ultimately Democracy would have the nation own the people, while Republicanism would have the people own the nation.\nUpon this platform of principles and purposes, reaffirming our adherence to every Republican doctrine proclaimed since the birth of the party, we go before the country, asking the support not only of those who have acted with us heretofore, but of all our fellow citizens who, regardless of past political differences, unite in the desire to maintain the policies, perpetuate the blessings and make secure the achievements of a greater America.", "Words" -> 4015, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 425, "of" -> 275, "and" -> 201, "to" -> 95, "in" -> 74, "for" -> 52, "a" -> 50, "all" -> 36, "that" -> 35, "Republican" -> 32, "by" -> 26, "is" -> 25, "be" -> 25, "The" -> 24, "has" -> 24, "which" -> 23, "We" -> 23, "as" -> 23, "American" -> 23, "party" -> 22, "have" -> 22, "with" -> 21, "people" -> 17, "other" -> 17, "will" -> 16, "one" -> 16, "country" -> 16, "we" -> 15, "this" -> 15, "more" -> 14, "great" -> 14, "our" -> 13, "In" -> 13, "an" -> 13, "would" -> 12, "law" -> 12, "Government" -> 12, "at" -> 12, "such" -> 11, "been" -> 11, "are" -> 11, "present" -> 10, "its" -> 10, "Congress" -> 10, "administration" -> 10, "under" -> 9, "their" -> 9, "Republicanism" -> 9, "public" -> 9, "laws" -> 9, "labor" -> 9, "every" -> 9, "who" -> 8, "wealth" -> 8, "those" -> 8, "States" -> 8, "protection" -> 8, "means" -> 8, "his" -> 8, "greater" -> 8, "favor" -> 8, "Democratic" -> 8, "commend" -> 8, "work" -> 7, "upon" -> 7, "so" -> 7, "session" -> 7, "secure" -> 7, "prosperity" -> 7, "now" -> 7, "national" -> 7, "it" -> 7, "but" -> 7, "between" -> 7, "United" -> 6, "system" -> 6, "should" -> 6, "policy" -> 6, "nation" -> 6, "make" -> 6, "life" -> 6, "It" -> 6, "into" -> 6, "interstate" -> 6, "government" -> 6, "give" -> 6, "equal" -> 6, "Democracy" -> 6, "commerce" -> 6, "citizens" -> 6, "years" -> 5, "world" -> 5, "without" -> 5, "whose" -> 5, "while" -> 5, "were" -> 5, "welfare" -> 5, "through" -> 5, "there" -> 5, "shall" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "Roosevelt" -> 5, "recent" -> 5, "policies" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "not" -> 5, "new" -> 5, "National" -> 5, "measures" -> 5, "many" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "increasing" -> 5, "her" -> 5, "good" -> 5, "foreign" -> 5, "declare" -> 5, "currency" -> 5, "among" -> 5, "wise" -> 4, "step" -> 4, "stands" -> 4, "right" -> 4, "resources" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "principles" -> 4, "principle" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "passage" -> 4, "over" -> 4, "opportunity" -> 4, "operation" -> 4, "Navy" -> 4, "natural" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "maintained" -> 4, "lines" -> 4, "last" -> 4, "future" -> 4, "further" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "Federal" -> 4, "establishment" -> 4, "especially" -> 4, "enforcement" -> 4, "employes" -> 4, "efforts" -> 4, "duty" -> 4, "difference" -> 4, "construction" -> 4, "confidence" -> 4, "capacity" -> 4, "believes" -> 4, "believe" -> 4, "approve" -> 4, "yet" -> 3, "wholesome" -> 3, "well-being" -> 3, "was" -> 3, "war" -> 3, "us" -> 3, "Under" -> 3, "trade" -> 3, "to-day" -> 3, "than" -> 3, "tariff" -> 3, "taken" -> 3, "support" -> 3, "statutes" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "sound" -> 3, "Socialism" -> 3, "same" -> 3, "safety" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "Rico" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "respect" -> 3, "rates" -> 3, "railroads" -> 3, "railroad" -> 3, "protect" -> 3, "property" -> 3, "promoting" -> 3, "progress" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "President" -> 3, "preserved" -> 3, "Porto" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "Philippines" -> 3, "past" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "only" -> 3, "on" -> 3, "obligation" -> 3, "none" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "needs" -> 3, "nations" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "Mexico" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "Lincoln" -> 3, "justice" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "industry" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "increase" -> 3, "inaugurated" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "history" -> 3, "highest" -> 3, "Hague" -> 3, "forward" -> 3, "financial" -> 3, "experience" -> 3, "established" -> 3, "equality" -> 3, "end" -> 3, 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2, "rule" -> 2, "Republic" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "rebates" -> 2, "realization" -> 2, "real" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "ratified" -> 2, "put" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "publicity" -> 2, "Public" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "progressive" -> 2, "proclaim" -> 2, "privilege" -> 2, "pride" -> 2, "practical" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "pledge" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "patriotic" -> 2, "passed" -> 2, "Party" -> 2, "part" -> 2, "Panama" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "once" -> 2, "New" -> 2, "Negro" -> 2, "naval" -> 2, "movement" -> 2, "monopolies" -> 2, "monetary" -> 2, "Mining" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "Mines" -> 2, "mines" -> 2, "militia" -> 2, "methods" -> 2, "meet" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "McKinley" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "manufacturers" -> 2, "mankind" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "makes" -> 2, "line" -> 2, "limitations" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "liability" -> 2, "less" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "leadership" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "keep" 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"conventions" -> 2, "continued" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "conditions" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "Commerce" -> 2, "commendable" -> 2, "Columbia" -> 2, "color" -> 2, "closer" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "chief" -> 2, "can" -> 2, "Bureau" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "bonds" -> 2, "birth" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "Between" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "benign" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "become" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "available" -> 2, "At" -> 2, "assure" -> 2, "Arizona" -> 2, "appointment" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "anniversary" -> 2, "America" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "always" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "aim" -> 2, "aid" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "agricultural" -> 2, "advantages" -> 2, "advancing" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "adherence" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "accomplishments" -> 2, "abuse" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "$60,000,000,000" -> 1, "$3,000,000,000" -> 1, "$16,000,000,000" -> 1, "$150,000" -> 1, "$110,000,000,000" -> 1, "zone" -> 1, "youth" -> 1, "wrote" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "writ" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "worthiest" -> 1, "world's" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "working" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "William" -> 1, "widow's" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "When" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "whatsoever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waste" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "Wars" -> 1, "waiting" -> 1, "Wage-Earners" -> 1, "wage-earners" -> 1, "wage-earner" -> 1, "voice" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "visit" -> 1, "vision" -> 1, "virtues" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "varied" -> 1, "valuation" -> 1, "vacillation" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "Upon" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "unworthy" -> 1, "unquestioned" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unharnessed" -> 1, "unfaltering" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "undisputed" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "un-American" -> 1, "unalterable" -> 1, "Ultimately" -> 1, "tyranny" -> 1, "twenty" -> 1, "Trusts" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "trend" -> 1, "Treaties" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treasure" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "tranquillity" -> 1, "trainmen" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "touched" -> 1, "touch" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "torpedo" -> 1, "toil" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "timidity" -> 1, "Time" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "thorough" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "Thirteenth" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "tending" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "tendencies" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "telegraphers" -> 1, "telegraph" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "suppressed" -> 1, "sum" -> 1, "sugar" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "submits" -> 1, "submarines" -> 1, "submarine" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "stringency" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "strengthen" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stocks" -> 1, "stir" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "steam" -> 1, "stations" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "staple" -> 1, "standards" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "square" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "solved" -> 1, "sojourn" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "socialism" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "simple" -> 1, "silver" -> 1, "signs" -> 1, "signally" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "Sherman" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "settler" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "sessions" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "separate" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "self-respecting" -> 1, "selection" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "scorn" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "schedules" -> 1, "scarcely" -> 1, "Savings" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "richest" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "Revival" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restraining" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responding" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resolve" -> 1, "residing" -> 1, "reservation" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "repugnant" -> 1, "republics" -> 1, "republican" -> 1, "represents" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "repetition" -> 1, "renewed" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "regulated" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "receding" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reaffirming" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "reaches" -> 1, "reached" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidity" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "Railroad" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "pursued" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "publish" -> 1, "provoke" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "Providence" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "progressing" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "productiveness" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "procure" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "Procedure" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "problems" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "prestige" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "preferred" -> 1, "preferences" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "possessions" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "possesses" -> 1, "possessed" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "plenty" -> 1, "Pledges" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "play" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "perpetuate" -> 1, "periodic" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "performs" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "peculiarly" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "panics" -> 1, "Pan-American" 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-> 1, "fearless" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "Farmer" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "familiar" -> 1, "fame" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "factory" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "fabrics" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extradition" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "exposure" -> 1, "experiments" -> 1, "experienced" -> 1, "expectation" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceeds" -> 1, "exalted" -> 1, "evil-doers" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "ever-increasing" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalled" -> 1, "Equality" -> 1, "epoch" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entailing" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "England" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "Employees" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "eleven" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "elastic" -> 1, "effectiveness" 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"convenience" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contributes" -> 1, "contractual" -> 1, "contraction" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "conspicuous" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "conserving" -> 1, "conserved" -> 1, "consciousness" -> 1, "Conscience" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confirmed" -> 1, "confines" -> 1, "conferences" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "completing" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "committees" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commission" -> 1, "commends" -> 1, "comity" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "colonies" -> 1, "colliers" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "coaling" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "Citizens" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "centuries" -> 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"annual" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "America's" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "amelioration" -> 1, "Although" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "agriculturists" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "adversity" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "adaptable" -> 1, "adaptability" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "accurately" -> 1, "accounts" -> 1, "accomplished" -> 1, "abutting" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "Abroad" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1, "60th" -> 1, "3,000,000" -> 1, "1909" -> 1, "1896" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "100th" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1904", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1904, "Date" -> DateObject[{1904, 6, 21}], "Text" -> "Fifty years ago the Republican party came into existence dedicated among other purposes to the great task of arresting the extension of human slavery. In 1860 it elected its first President. During twenty-four years of the forty-four which have elapsed since the election of Lincoln the Republican party has held complete control of the government. For eighteen more of the forty-four years it has held partial control through the possession of one or two branches of the government, while the Democratic party during the same period has had complete control for only two years. This long tenure of power by the Republican party is not due to chance. It is a demonstration that the Republican party has commanded the confidence of the American people for nearly two generations to a degree never equalled in our history, and has displayed a high capacity for rule and government which has been made even more conspicuous by the incapacity and infirmity of purpose shown by its opponents.\nThe Republican party entered upon its present period of complete supremacy in 1897. We have every right to congratulate ourselves upon the work since then accomplished, for it has added lustre even to the traditions of the party which carried the government through the storms of civil war.\nWe then found the country after four years of Democratic rule in evil plight, oppressed with misfortune, and doubtful of the future. Public credit had been lowered, the revenues were declining, the debt was growing, the administration's attitude toward Spain was feeble and mortifying, the standard of values was threatened and uncertain, labor was unemployed, business was sunk in the depression which had succeeded the panic of 1893, hope was faint and confidence was gone.\nWe met these unhappy conditions vigorously, effectively, and at once. We replaced a Democratic tariff law based on free trade principles and garnished with sectional protection by a consistent protective tariff, and industry, freed from oppression and stimulated by the encouragement of wise laws, has expanded to a degree never before known, has conquered new markets, and has created a volume of exports which has surpassed imagination Under the Dingley tariff labor has been fully employed, wages have risen, and all industries have revived and prospered.\nWe firmly established the gold standard which was then menaced with destruction. Confidence returned to business, and with confidence an unexampled prosperity.\nFor deficient revenues, supplemented by improvident issues of bonds, we gave the country an income which produced a large surplus and which enabled us only four years after the Spanish War had closed to remove over one hundred millions of annual war taxes, reduce the public debt, and lower the interest charges of the Government.\nThe public credit which had been so lowered that in time of peace a Democratic administration made large loans at extravagant rates of interest in order to pay current expenditures, rose under Republican administration to its highest point and enabled us to borrow at 2 per cent even in time of war.\nWe refuse to palter longer with the miseries of Cuba. We fought a quick and victorious war with Spain. We set Cuba free, governed the island for three years, and then gave it to the Cuban people with order restored, with ample revenues, with education and public health established, free from debt, and connected with the United States by wise provisions for our mutual interests.\nWe have organized the government of Porto Rico, and its people now enjoy peace, freedom, order, and prosperity.\nIn the Philippines we have suppressed insurrection, established order, and given to life and property a security never known there before. We have organized civil government, made it effective and strong in administration, and have conferred upon the people of those islands the largest civil liberty they have ever enjoyed.\nBy our possession of the Philippines we were enabled to take prompt and effective action in the relief of the legations at Peking and a decisive part in preventing the partition and preserving the integrity of China.\nThe possession of a route for an Isthmian canal, so long the dream of American statesmanship, is now an accomplished fact. The great work of connecting the Pacific and Atlantic by a canal is at last begun, and it is due to the Republican party.\nWe have passed laws which will bring the arid lands of the United States within the area of cultivation.\nWe have reorganized the army and put it in the highest state of efficiency.\nWe have passed laws for the improvement and support of the militia.\nWe have pushed forward the building of the navy, the defence and protection of our honor and our interests.\nOur administration of the great departments of the Government has been honest and efficient, and wherever wrongdoing has been discovered, the Republican administration has not hesitated to probe the evil and bring offenders to justice without regard to party or political ties.\nLaws enacted by the Republican party which the Democratic party failed to enforce and which were intended for the protection of the public against the united discrimination or the illegal encroachment of vast aggregations of capital, have been fearlessly enforced by a Republican President, and new laws insuring reasonable publicity as to the operations of great corporations, and providing additional remedies for the prevention of discrimination in freight rates, have been passed by a Republican Congress.\nIn this record of achievement during the past eight years may be read the pledges which the Republican party has fulfilled. We promise to continue these policies, and we declare our constant adherence to the following principles:\nProtection, which guards and develops our industries, is a cardinal policy of the Republican party. The measure of protection should always at least equal the difference in the cost of production at home and abroad. We insist upon the maintenance of the principle of protection, and therefore rates of duty should be readjusted only when conditions have so changed that the public interest demands their alteration, but this work cannot safely be committed to any other hands than those of the Republican party. To intrust it to the Democratic party is to invite disaster. Whether, as in 1892, the Democratic party declares the protective tariff unconstitutional, or whether it demands tariff reform or tariff revision, its real object is always the destruction of the protective system. However specious the name, the purpose is ever the same. A Democratic tariff has always been followed by business adversity: a Republican tariff by business prosperity. To a Republican Congress and a Republican President this great question can be safely intrusted. When the only free trade country among the great nations agitates a return to protection, the chief protective country should not falter in maintaining it.\nWe have extended widely our foreign markets, and we believe in the adoption of all practicable methods for their further extension, including commercial reciprocity wherever reciprocal arrangements can be effected consistent with the principles of protection and without injury to American agriculture, American labor, or any American industry.\nWe believe it to be the duty of the Republican party to uphold the gold standard and the integrity and value of our national currency. The maintenance of the gold standard, established by the Republican party, cannot safely be committed to the Democratic party which resisted its adoption and has never given any proof since that time of belief in it or fidelity to it.\nWhile every other industry has prospered under the fostering aid of Republican legislation, American shipping engaged in foreign trade in competition with the low cost of construction, low wages and heavy subsidies of foreign governments, has not for many years received from the Government of the United States adequate encouragement of any kind. We therefore favor legislation which will encourage and build up the American merchant marine, and we cordially approve the legislation of the last Congress which created the Merchant Marine Commission to investigate and report upon this subject.\nA navy powerful enough to defend the United States against any attack, to uphold the Monroe Doctrine, and watch over our commerce, is essential to the safety and the welfare of the American people. To maintain such a navy is the fixed policy of the Republican party.\nWe cordially approve the attitude of President Roosevelt and Congress in regard to the exclusion of Chinese labor, and promise a continuance of the Republican policy in that direction.\nThe Civil Service Law was placed on the statute books by the Republican party, which has always sustained it, and we renew our former declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced.\nWe are always mindful of the country's debt to the soldiers and sailors of the United States, and we believe in making ample provision for them, and in the liberal administration of the pension laws.\nWe favor the peaceful settlement of international differences by arbitration.\nWe commend the vigorous efforts made by the Administration to protect American citizens in foreign lands, and pledge ourselves to insist upon the just and equal protection of all of our citizens abroad. It is the unquestioned duty of the government to procure for all our citizens, without distinction, the rights of travel and sojourn in friendly countries, and we declare ourselves in favor of all proper efforts tending to that end.\nOur great interests and our growing commerce in the Orient render the condition of China of high importance to the United States. We cordially commend the policy pursued in that direction by the administrations of President McKinley and President Roosevelt.\nWe favor such Congressional action as shall determine whether by special discrimination the elective franchise in any State has been unconstitutionally limited, and, if such is the case, we demand that representation in Congress and in the electoral college shall be proportionately reduced as directed by the Constitution of the United States.\nCombinations of capital and of labor are the results of the economic movement of the age, but neither must be permitted to infringe upon the rights and interests of the people. Such combinations, when lawfully formed for lawful purposes, are alike entitled to the protection of the laws, but both are subject to the laws and neither can be permitted to break them.\nThe great statesman and patriotic American, William McKinley, who was re-elected by the Republican party to the Presidency four years ago, was assassinated just at the threshold of his second term. The entire nation mourned his untimely death and did that justice to his great qualities of mind and character which history will confirm and repeat.\nThe American people were fortunate in his successor, to whom they turned with a trust and confidence which have been fully justified. President Roosevelt brought to the great responsibilities thus sadly forced upon him a clear hand, a brave heart, and earnest patriotism, and high ideals of public duty and public service. True to the principles of the Republican party and to the policies which that party had declared, he has also shown himself ready for every emergency and has met new and vital questions with ability and with success.\nThe confidence of the people in his justice, inspired by his public career, enabled him to render personally an inestimable service to the country by bringing about a settlement of the coal strike, which threatened such disastrous results at the opening of Winter in 1902.\nOur foreign policy under his administration has not only been able, vigorous, and dignified, but in the highest degree successful.\nThe complicated questions which arose in Venezuela were settled in such a way by President Roosevelt that the Monroe doctrine was signally vindicated, and the cause of peace and arbitration greatly advanced.\nHis prompt and vigorous action in Panama, which we commend in the highest terms, not only secured to us the canal route, but avoided foreign complications which might have been of a very serious character.\nHe has continued the policy of President McKinley in the Orient, and our position in China, signalized by our recent commercial treaty with that empire, has never been so high.\nHe secured the tribunal by which the vexed and perilous question of the Alaskan boundary was finally settled.\nWhenever crimes against humanity have been perpetrated which have shocked our people, his protest has been made, and our good offices have been tendered, but always with due regard to international obligations.\nUnder his guidance we find ourselves at peace with all the world, and never were we more respected or our wishes more regarded by foreign nations.\nPre-eminently successful in regard to our foreign relations, he has been equally fortunate in dealing with domestic questions. The country has known that the public credit and the national currency were absolutely safe in the hands of his administration. In the enforcement of the laws he has shown not only courage, but the wisdom which understands that to permit laws to be violated or disregarded opens the door to anarchy, while the just enforcement of the law is the soundest conservatism. He has held firmly to the fundamental American doctrine that all men must obey the law; that there must be no distinction between rich and poor, between strong and weak, but that justice and equal protection under the law must be secured to every citizen without regard to race, creed, or condition.\nHis administration has been throughout vigorous and honorable, high minded and patriotic. We commend it without reservation to the considerate judgment of the American people.", "Words" -> 2254, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 194, "of" -> 108, "and" -> 103, "to" -> 65, "in" -> 44, "has" -> 33, "a" -> 29, "which" -> 28, "by" -> 27, "We" -> 26, "Republican" -> 25, "party" -> 24, "have" -> 22, "our" -> 20, "with" -> 19, "been" -> 19, "that" -> 18, "it" -> 16, "for" -> 16, "is" -> 14, "be" -> 14, "we" -> 13, "was" -> 13, "The" -> 13, "American" -> 13, "years" -> 10, "protection" -> 10, "people" -> 10, "or" -> 10, "his" -> 10, "great" -> 10, "at" -> 10, "public" -> 9, "President" -> 9, "laws" -> 9, "Democratic" -> 9, "administration" -> 9, "upon" -> 8, "tariff" -> 8, "foreign" -> 8, "but" -> 8, "were" -> 7, "United" -> 7, "States" -> 7, "only" -> 7, "not" -> 7, "its" -> 7, "government" -> 7, "all" -> 7, "policy" -> 6, "never" -> 6, "had" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "any" -> 6, "always" -> 6, "without" -> 5, "such" -> 5, "regard" -> 5, "made" -> 5, "labor" -> 5, "high" -> 5, "Congress" -> 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"neither" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "national" -> 2, "Monroe" -> 2, "met" -> 2, "markets" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "lowered" -> 2, "low" -> 2, "long" -> 2, "last" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "It" -> 2, "international" -> 2, "integrity" -> 2, "insist" -> 2, "industries" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "His" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "growing" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "gave" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "forty-four" -> 2, "fortunate" -> 2, "For" -> 2, "firmly" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "evil" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "encouragement" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "effective" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "doctrine" -> 2, "distinction" -> 2, "direction" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "Cuba" -> 2, "created" -> 2, "cost" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "conditions" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "committed" -> 2, "commercial" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "attitude" -> 2, 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"However" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "hesitated" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "health" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "guidance" -> 1, "guards" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "garnished" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freight" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "franchise" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "fostering" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "Fifty" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "feeble" -> 1, "fearlessly" -> 1, "falter" -> 1, "faint" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "extravagant" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "exports" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exclusion" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalled" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "empire" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "elective" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "elapsed" -> 1, "eighteen" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economic" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "dream" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "disregarded" -> 1, "displayed" -> 1, "discovered" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "Dingley" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "develops" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "deficient" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "defence" -> 1, "dedicated" -> 1, "declining" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, 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"build" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "boundary" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "borrow" -> 1, "books" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assassinated" -> 1, "arresting" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "arose" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "anarchy" -> 1, "alteration" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "Alaskan" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agitates" -> 1, "aggregations" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "adversity" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "administrations" -> 1, "administration's" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1902" -> 1, "1897" -> 1, "1893" -> 1, "1892" -> 1, "1860" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1900", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1900, "Date" -> DateObject[{1900, 6, 19}], "Text" -> "The Republicans of the United States, through their chosen representatives, met in National Convention, looking back upon an unsurpassed record of achievement and looking forward into a great field of duty and opportunity, and appealing to the judgment of their countrymen, make these declarations:\nThe expectation in which the American people, turning from the Democratic party, intrusted power four years ago to a Republican Chief Magistrate and a Republican Congress, has been met and satisfied. When the people then assembled at the polls, after a term of Democratic legislation and administration, business was dead, industry paralyzed and the National credit disastrously impaired. The country's capital was hidden away and its labor distressed and unemployed. The Democrats had no other plan with which to improve the ruinous conditions which they had themselves produced than to coin silver at the ratio of sixteen to one. The Republican party, denouncing this plan as sure to produce conditions even worse than those from which relief was sought, promised to restore prosperity by means of two legislative measures—a protective tariff and a law making gold the standard of value. The people by great majorities issued to the Republican party a commission to enact these laws. This commission has been executed, and the Republican promise is redeemed. Prosperity more general and more abundant than we have ever known has followed these enactments. There is no longer controversy as to the value of any Government obligations. Every American dollar is a gold dollar or its assured equivalent, and American credit stands higher than that of any other nation. Capital is fully employed and labor everywhere is profitably occupied. No single fact can more strikingly tell the story of what Republican Government means to the country than this—That while during the whole period of one hundred and seven years from 1790 to 1897 there was an excess of exports over imports of only $383,028,497, there has been in the short three years of the present Republican administration an excess of exports over imports in the enormous sum of $1,483,537,094.\nAnd while the American people, sustained by this Republican legislation, have been achieving these splendid triumphs in their business and commerce, they have conducted and in victory concluded a war for liberty and human rights. No thought of National aggrandizement tarnished the high purpose with which American standards were unfurled. It was a war unsought and patiently resisted, but when it came the American Government was ready. Its fleets were cleared for action. Its armies were in the field, and the quick and signal triumph of its forces on land and sea bore equal tribute to the courage of American soldiers and sailors, and to the skill and foresight of Republican statesmanship. To ten millions of the human race there was given \"a new birth of freedom,\" and to the American people a new and noble responsibility.\nWe indorse the administration of William McKinley. Its acts have been established in wisdom and in patriotism, and at home and abroad it has distinctly elevated and extended the influence of the American nation. Walking untried paths and facing unforeseen responsibilities, President McKinley has been in every situation the true American patriot and the upright statesman, clear in vision, strong in judgment, firm in action, always inspiring and deserving the confidence of his countrymen.\nIn asking the American people to indorse this Republican record and to renew their commission to the Republican party, we remind them of the fact that the menace to their prosperity has always resided in Democratic principles, and no less in the general incapacity of the Democratic party to conduct public affairs. The prime essential of business prosperity is public confidence in the good sense of the Government and in its ability to deal intelligently with each new problem of administration and legislation. That confidence the Democratic party has never earned. It is hopelessly inadequate, and the country's prosperity, when Democratic success at the polls is announced, halts and ceases in mere anticipation of Democratic blunders and failures.\nWe renew our allegiance to the principle of the gold standard and declare our confidence in the wisdom of the legislation of the Fifty-sixth Congress, by which the parity of all our money and the stability of our currency upon a gold basis has been secured. We recognize that interest rates are a potent factor in production and business activity, and for the purpose of further equalizing and of further lowering the rates of interest, we favor such monetary legislation as will enable the varying needs of the season and of all sections to be promptly met in order that trade may be evenly sustained, labor steadily employed and commerce enlarged. The volume of money in circulation was never so great per capita as it is to-day. We declare our steadfast opposition to the free and unlimited coinage of silver. No measure to that end could be considered which was without the support of the leading commercial countries of the world. However firmly Republican legislation may seem to have secured the country against the peril of base and discredited currency, the election of a Democratic President could not fail to impair the country's credit and to bring once more into question the intention of the American people to maintain upon the gold standard the parity of their money circulation. The Democratic party must be convinced that the American people will never tolerate the Chicago platform.\nWe recognize the necessity and propriety of the honest co-operation of capital to meet new business conditions and especially to extend our rapidly increasing foreign trade, but we condemn all conspiracies and combinations intended to restrict business, to create monopolies, to limit production. or to control prices; and favor such legislation as will effectively restrain and prevent all such abuses, protect and promote competition and secure the rights of producers, laborers, and all who are engaged in industry and commerce.\nWe renew our faith in the policy of Protection to American labor. In that policy our industries have been established, diversified and maintained. By protecting the home market competition has been stimulated and production cheapened. Opportunity to the inventive genius of our people has been secured and wages in every department of labor maintained at high rates, higher now than ever before, and always distinguishing our working people in their better conditions of life from those of any competing country. Enjoying the blessings of the American common school, secure in the right of self-government and protected in the occupancy of their own markets, their constantly increasing knowledge and skill have enabled them to finally enter the markets of the world. We favor the associated policy of reciprocity so directed as to open our markets on favorable terms for what we do not ourselves produce in return for free foreign markets.\nIn the further interest of American workmen we favor a more effective restriction of the immigration of cheap labor from foreign lands, the extension of opportunities of education for working children, the raising of the age limit for child labor, the protection of free labor as against contract convict labor, and an effective system of labor insurance.\nOur present dependence upon foreign shipping for nine-tenths of our foreign carrying is a great loss to the industry of this country. It is also a serious danger to our trade, for its sudden withdrawal in the event of European war would seriously cripple our expanding foreign commerce. The National defense and naval efficiency of this country, moreover, supply a compelling reason for legislation which will enable us to recover our former place among the trade-carrying fleets of the world.\nThe Nation owes a debt of profound gratitude to the soldiers and sailors who have fought its battles, and it is the Government's duty to provide for the survivors and for the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in the country's wars. The pension laws, founded in this just sentiment, should be liberally administered, and preference should be given wherever practicable with respect to employment in the public service, to soldiers and sailors and to their widows and orphans.\nWe commend the policy of the Republican party in maintaining the efficiency of the civil service. The Administration has acted wisely in its efforts to secure for public service in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands, only those whose fitness has been determined by training and experience. We believe that employment in the public service in these territories should be confined as far as practicable to their inhabitants.\nIt was the plain purpose of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution, to prevent discrimination on account of race or color in regulating the elective franchise. Devices of State governments, whether by statutory or constitutional enactment, to avoid the purpose of this amendment are revolutionary, and should be condemned.\nPublic movements looking to a permanent improvement of the roads and highways of the country meet with our cordial approval, and we recommend this subject to the earnest consideration of the people and of the Legislatures of the several states.\nWe favor the extension of the Rural Free Delivery service wherever its extension may be justified.\nIn further pursuance of the constant policy of the Republican party to provide free homes on the public domain, we recommend adequate national legislation to reclaim the arid lands of the United States, reserving control of the distribution of water for irrigation to the respective States and territories.\nWe favor home rule for, and the early admission to statehood of the Territories of New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma.\nThe Dingley Act, amended to provide sufficient revenue for the conduct of the war, has so well performed its work that it has been possible to reduce the war debt in the sum of $40,000,000. So ample are the Government's revenues and so great is the public confidence in the integrity of its obligations that its newly-funded two per cent bonds sell at a premium. The country is now justified in expecting, and it will be the policy of the Republican party to bring about, a reduction of the war taxes.\nWe favor the construction, ownership, control and protection of an Isthmian Canal by the Government of the United States. New markets are necessary for the increasing surplus of our farm products. Every effort should be made to open and obtain new markets, especially in the Orient, and the Administration is warmly to be commended for its successful efforts to commit all trading and colonizing nations to the policy of the open door in China.\nIn the interest of our expanding commerce we recommend that Congress create a Department of Commerce and Industries, in the charge of a Secretary with a seat in the Cabinet. The United States Consular system should be reorganized under the supervision of this new Department upon such a basis of appointment and tenure as will render it still more serviceable to the Nation's increasing trade.\nThe American Government must protect the person and property of every citizen wherever they are wrongfully violated or placed in peril.\nWe congratulate the women of America upon their splendid record of public service in the volunteer aid association and as nurses in camp and hospital during the recent campaigns of our armies in the East and West Indies, and we appreciate their faithful co-operation in all works of education and industry.\nPresident McKinley has conducted the foreign affairs of the United States with distinguished credit to the American people. In releasing us from the vexatious conditions of a European alliance for the government of Samoa, his course is especially to be commended. By securing to our undivided control the most important island of the Samoan group and the best harbor in the Southern Pacific, every American interest has been safeguarded.\nWe approve the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States.\nWe commend the part taken by our Government in the Peace Conference at The Hague. We assert our steadfast adherence to the policy announced in the Monroe Doctrine. The provisions of The Hague Convention were wisely regarded when President McKinley tendered his friendly offices in the interest of peace between Great Britain and the South African Republic. While the American Government must continue the policy prescribed by Washington, affirmed by every succeeding President and imposed upon us by The Hague treaty, of non-intervention in European controversies, the American people earnestly hope that a way may soon be found, honorable alike to both contending parties, to terminate the strife between them.\nIn accepting by the Treaty of Paris the just responsibility of our victories in the Spanish war, the President and the Senate won the undoubted approval of the American people. No other course was possible than to destroy Spain's sovereignty throughout the West Indies and in the Philippine Islands. That course created our responsibility before the world, and with the unorganized population whom our intervention had freed from Spain, to provide for the maintenance of law and order, and for the establishment of good government and for the performance of international obligations. Our authority could not be less than our responsibility; and wherever sovereign rights were extended it became the high duty of the Government to maintain its authority, to put down armed insurrection and to confer the blessings of liberty and civilization upon all the rescued peoples.\nThe largest measure of self-government consistent with their welfare and our duties shall be secured to them by law.\nTo Cuba independence and self-government were assured in the same voice by which war was declared, and to the latter this pledge shall be performed.\nThe Republican party, upon its history, and upon this declaration of its principles and policies confidently invokes the considerate and approving judgment of the American people.", "Words" -> 2297, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 199, "of" -> 135, "and" -> 117, "to" -> 80, "in" -> 59, "a" -> 28, "our" -> 27, "The" -> 23, "American" -> 23, "for" -> 22, "be" -> 18, "has" -> 17, "We" -> 16, "Republican" -> 16, "is" -> 16, "people" -> 15, "its" -> 15, "their" -> 14, "by" -> 14, "been" -> 13, "was" -> 12, "that" -> 12, "this" -> 11, "party" -> 11, "as" -> 11, "we" -> 10, "upon" -> 10, "labor" -> 10, "with" -> 9, "which" -> 9, "policy" -> 9, "legislation" -> 9, "have" -> 9, "Government" -> 9, "Democratic" -> 9, "war" -> 8, "than" -> 8, "public" -> 8, "it" -> 8, "all" -> 8, "States" -> 7, "In" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "foreign" -> 7, "favor" -> 7, "country" -> 7, "at" -> 7, "will" -> 6, "were" -> 6, "United" -> 6, "should" -> 6, "service" -> 6, "President" -> 6, "new" -> 6, "more" -> 6, "markets" -> 6, "interest" -> 6, "business" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "these" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "gold" -> 5, "every" -> 5, "confidence" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "commerce" -> 5, "an" -> 5, "world" -> 4, "wherever" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "those" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "such" -> 4, "so" -> 4, "secured" -> 4, "responsibility" -> 4, "purpose" -> 4, "provide" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "No" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "McKinley" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "It" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "increasing" -> 4, "further" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "credit" -> 4, "country's" -> 4, "control" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "years" -> 3, "who" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "us" -> 3, "they" -> 3, "there" -> 3, "standard" -> 3, "soldiers" -> 3, "self-government" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "sailors" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "renew" -> 3, "record" -> 3, "recommend" -> 3, "rates" -> 3, "production" -> 3, "other" -> 3, "open" -> 3, "obligations" -> 3, "not" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "never" -> 3, "must" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "met" -> 3, "looking" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "judgment" -> 3, "Its" -> 3, "Islands" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "high" -> 3, "Hague" -> 3, "had" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "especially" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "course" -> 3, "could" -> 3, "Congress" -> 3, "commission" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "always" -> 3, "working" -> 2, "wisely" -> 2, "wisdom" -> 2, "widows" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "what" -> 2, "West" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "two" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "system" -> 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"established" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "efficiency" -> 2, "effective" -> 2, "education" -> 2, "during" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "Department" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "Cuba" -> 2, "create" -> 2, "countrymen" -> 2, "co-operation" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "conducted" -> 2, "conduct" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "commended" -> 2, "commend" -> 2, "circulation" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "By" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "blessings" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "basis" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "assured" -> 2, "armies" -> 2, "approval" -> 2, "announced" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "against" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "$40,000,000" -> 1, "$383,028,497" -> 1, "$1,483,537,094" -> 1, "wrongfully" -> 1, "would" -> 1, "worse" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "workmen" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "William" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "While" 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1, "sea" -> 1, "school" -> 1, "satisfied" -> 1, "Samoan" -> 1, "Samoa" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "safeguarded" -> 1, "Rural" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "ruinous" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "Rico" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restrict" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "resided" -> 1, "reserving" -> 1, "rescued" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "reorganized" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "releasing" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "redeemed" -> 1, "recover" -> 1, "reclaim" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "ready" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "quick" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pursuance" -> 1, "Puerto" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "Protection" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "propriety" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promised" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "profound" -> 1, "profitably" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "prescribed" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "potent" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "policies" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "place" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "patriot" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "paths" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "Paris" -> 1, "paralyzed" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "Orient" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "Opportunity" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "Oklahoma" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "occupied" -> 1, "occupancy" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "nurses" -> 1, "non-intervention" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "nine-tenths" -> 1, "newly-funded" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "Nation's" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "movements" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "moreover" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "measures—a" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "majorities" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "Magistrate" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "life" -> 1, "liberally" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "latter" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "laborers" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "Isthmian" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "island" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "invokes" -> 1, "inventive" -> 1, "intrusted" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intended" -> 1, "intelligently" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insurrection" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "inspiring" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "Industries" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "impair" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "However" -> 1, "hospital" -> 1, "hopelessly" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "highways" -> 1, "hidden" -> 1, "Hawaiian" -> 1, "Hawaii" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "halts" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "genius" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "Free" -> 1, "franchise" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fought" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "foresight" -> 1, "forces" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "Fifty-sixth" -> 1, "fifteenth" -> 1, "favorable" -> 1, "farm" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "factor" -> 1, "facing" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expecting" -> 1, "expectation" -> 1, "executed" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "event" -> 1, "evenly" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equivalent" -> 1, "equalizing" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enormous" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "Enjoying" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabled" -> 1, "elevated" -> 1, "elective" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "East" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earned" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "door" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distressed" -> 1, "distinguishing" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinctly" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discredited" -> 1, "disastrously" -> 1, "directed" -> 1, "Dingley" -> 1, "Devices" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "denouncing" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "Delivery" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "cripple" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "cordial" -> 1, "convinced" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "controversy" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "contending" -> 1, "Consular" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "constant" -> 1, "conspiracies" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "considerate" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "Conference" -> 1, "confer" -> 1, "condemned" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "concluded" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commit" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "Commerce" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "colonizing" -> 1, "coinage" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "cleared" -> 1, "clear" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "chosen" -> 1, "China" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "Chicago" -> 1, "cheapened" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "ceases" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "Capital" -> 1, "capita" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "camp" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "Cabinet" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bore" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "blunders" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "battles" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "avoid" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "associated" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "asking" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "approving" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appreciate" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "anticipation" -> 1, "annexation" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "ago" -> 1, "aggrandizement" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "African" -> 1, "affirmed" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "Act" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accepting" -> 1, "abuses" -> 1, "abundant" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "1897" -> 1, "1790" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1896", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1896, "Date" -> DateObject[{1896, 6, 16}], "Text" -> "The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatives in National Convention, appealing for the popular and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of thirty years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles:\nFor the first time since the civil war the American people have witnessed the calamitous consequence of full and unrestricted Democratic control of the government. It has been a record of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensable revenue, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peace, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept a perpetual menace hanging over the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Republican rule. In the broad effect of its policy it has precipitated panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged depression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crippled American production, while stimulating foreign production for the American market. Every consideration of public safety and individual interest demands that the government shall be wrested from the hands of those who have shown themselves incapable of conducting it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad and shall be restored to the party which for thirty years administered it with unequaled success and prosperity. And in this connection, we heartily endorse the wisdom, patriotism and success of the administration of Benjamin Harrison. We renew and emphasize our allegiance to the policy of protection, as the bulwark of American industrial independence, and the foundation of American development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign products and encourages home industry. It puts the burden of revenue on foreign goods; it secures the American market for the American producer. It upholds the American standard of wages for the American workingman; it puts the factory by the side of the farm and makes the American farmer less dependent on foreign demand and price; it diffuses general thrift, and founds the strength of all on the strength of each. In its reasonable application it is just, fair and impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly to sectional discrimination and individual favoritism.\nWe denounce the present tariff as sectional, injurious to the public credit and destructive to business enterprise. We demand such an equitable tariff on foreign imports which come into competition with the American products as will not only furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expenses of the Government, but will protect American labor from degradation and the wage level of other lands. We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The question of rates is a practical question, to be governed by the conditions of time and of production. The ruling and uncompromising principle is the protection and development of American labor and industries. The country demands a right settlement, and then it wants rest.\nWe believe the repeal of the reciprocity arrangements negotiated by the last Republican Administration was a National calamity, and demand their renewal and extension on such terms as will equalize our trade with other nations, remove the restrictions which now obstruct the sale of American products in the ports of other countries, and secure enlarged markets for the products of our farms, forests, and factories.\nProtection and Reciprocity are twin measures of American policy and go hand in hand. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both must be re-established. Protection for what we produce; free admission for the necessaries of life which we do not produce; reciprocal agreement of mutual interests, which gain open markets for us in return for our open markets for others. Protection builds up domestic industry and trade and secures our own market for ourselves; reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. We condemn the present administration for not keeping pace [faith] with the sugar producers of this country. The Republican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on American soil of all the sugar which the American people use, and for which they pay other countries more than one hundred million dollars annually. To all our products; to those of the mine and the fields, as well as to those of the shop and the factory, to hemp and wool, the product of the great industry sheep husbandry; as well as to the foundry, as to the mills, we promise the most ample protection. We favor the early American policy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merchant marine. To the protection of our shipping in the foreign-carrying trade, so that American ships, the product of American labor, employed in American ship-yards, sailing under the stars and stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Americans, may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce.\nThe Republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It caused the enactment of a law providing for the redemption [resumption] of specie payments in 1879. Since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our currency or impair the credit of our country. We are therefore opposed to the free coinage of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the earth, which agreement we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained the existing gold standard must be maintained. All of our silver and paper currency must be maintained at parity with gold, and we favor all measures designated to maintain inviolable the obligations of the United States, of all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard, the standard of most enlightened nations of the earth.\nThe veterans of the Union Armies deserve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given the preference in, the matter of employment. And they are entitled to the enactment of such laws as are best calculated to secure the fulfillment of the pledges made to them in the dark days of the country's peril.\nWe denounce the practice in the pension bureau so recklessly and unjustly carried on by the present Administration of reducing pensions and arbitrarily dropping names from the rolls, as deserving the severest condemnation of the American people.\nOur foreign policy should be at all times firm, vigorous and dignified, and all our interests in the western hemisphere should be carefully watched and guarded.\nThe Hawaiian Islands should be controlled by the United States, and no foreign power should be permitted to interfere with them. The Nicaragua Canal should be built, owned and operated by the United States. And, by the purchase of the Danish Islands we should secure a much needed Naval station in the West Indies.\nThe massacres in Armenia have aroused the deep sympathy and just indignation of the American people, and we believe that the United States should exercise all the influence it can properly exert to bring these atrocities to an end. In Turkey, American residents have been exposed to gravest [grievous] dangers and American property destroyed. There, and everywhere, American citizens and American property must be absolutely protected at all hazards and at any cost.\nWe reassert the Monroe Doctrine in its full extent, and we reaffirm the rights of the United States to give the Doctrine effect by responding to the appeal of any American State for friendly intervention in ease of European encroachment.\nWe have not interfered and shall not interfere, with the existing possession of any European power in this hemisphere, and to the ultimate union of all the English speaking parts of the continent by the free consent of its inhabitants; from the hour of achieving their own independence the people of the United States have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other American peoples to free themselves from European domination. We watch with deep and abiding interest the heroic battles of the Cuban patriots against cruelty and oppression, and best hopes go out for the full success of their determined contest for liberty. The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba, and being unable to protect the property or lives of resident American citizens, or to comply with its Treaty obligations, we believe that the government of the United States should actively use its influence and good offices to restore peace and give independence to the Island.\nThe peace and security of the Republic and the maintenance of its rightful influence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibilities. We, therefore, favor the continued enlargement of the navy, and a complete system of harbor and sea-coast defenses.\nFor the protection of the equality of our American citizenship and of the wages of our workingmen, against the fatal competition of low priced labor, we demand that the immigration laws be thoroughly enforced, and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write.\nThe civil service law was placed on the statute book by the Republican party which has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and heartily, and honestly enforced, and extended wherever practicable.\nWe demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot, and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast.\nWe proclaim our unqualified condemnation of the uncivilized and preposterous [barbarous] practice well known as Iynching, and the killing of human beings suspected or charged with crime without process of law.\nWe favor the creation of a National Board of Arbitration to settle and adjust differences which may arise between employers and employed engaged in inter-State commerce.\nWe believe in an immediate return to the free homestead policy of the Republican party, and urge the passage by Congress of a satisfactory free homestead measure which has already passed the House, and is now pending in the senate.\nWe favor the admission of the remaining Territories at the earliest practicable date having due regard to the interests of the people of the Territories and of the United States. And the Federal officers appointed for the Territories should be selected from the bona-fide residents thereof, and the right of self-government should be accorded them as far as practicable.\nWe believe that the citizens of Alaska should have representation in the Congress of the United States, to the end that needful legislation may be intelligently enacted.\nWe sympathize fully with all legitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of intemperance and promote morality. The Republican party is mindful of the rights and interests of women, and believes that they should be accorded equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work, and protection to the home. We favor the admission of women to wider spheres of usefulness and welcome their co-operation in rescuing the country from Democratic and Populist mismanagement and misrule.\nSuch are the principles and policies of the Republican party. By these principles we will apply it to those policies and put them into execution. We rely on the faithful and considerate judgment of the American people, confident alike of the history of our great party and in the justice of our cause, and we present our platform and our candidates in the full assurance that their selection will bring victory to the Republican party, and prosperity to the people of the United States.", "Words" -> 1933, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 181, "of" -> 120, "and" -> 114, "to" -> 50, "American" -> 34, "in" -> 26, "for" -> 24, "We" -> 23, "our" -> 23, "be" -> 22, "as" -> 19, "with" -> 16, "by" -> 15, "we" -> 14, "The" -> 14, "should" -> 14, "United" -> 13, "States" -> 13, "it" -> 13, "that" -> 12, "all" -> 12, "which" -> 11, "a" -> 11, "Republican" -> 10, "foreign" -> 10, "party" -> 9, "on" -> 9, "their" -> 8, "people" -> 8, "its" -> 8, "from" -> 8, "protection" -> 7, "policy" -> 7, "have" -> 7, "has" -> 7, "free" -> 7, "at" -> 7, "are" -> 7, "will" -> 6, "trade" -> 6, "such" -> 6, "shall" -> 6, "not" -> 6, "is" -> 6, "favor" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "an" -> 6, "those" -> 5, "products" -> 5, "present" -> 5, "other" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "believe" -> 5, "they" -> 4, "them" -> 4, "standard" -> 4, "production" -> 4, "practicable" -> 4, "nations" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "labor" -> 4, "It" -> 4, "interests" -> 4, "industry" -> 4, "In" -> 4, "government" -> 4, "full" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "And" -> 4, "agreement" -> 4, "well" -> 3, "wages" -> 3, "up" -> 3, "time" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "themselves" -> 3, "Territories" -> 3, "success" -> 3, "so" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "rule" -> 3, "revenue" -> 3, "public" -> 3, "Protection" -> 3, "prosperity" -> 3, "property" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "money" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "markets" -> 3, "market" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "influence" -> 3, "independence" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "gold" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "earth" -> 3, "Democratic" -> 3, "credit" -> 3, "control" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "can" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "admission" -> 3, "years" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "women" -> 2, "without" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "unrestricted" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "thoroughly" -> 2, "thirty" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "then" -> 2, "tariff" -> 2, "sympathy" -> 2, "sugar" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "silver" -> 2, "secures" -> 2, "sectional" -> 2, "rights" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "return" -> 2, "residents" -> 2, "renew" -> 2, "redemption" -> 2, "recklessly" -> 2, "reciprocity" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "puts" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "product" -> 2, "produce" -> 2, "practice" -> 2, "policies" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "paper" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "open" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "obligations" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "laws" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "Islands" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "interfere" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "individual" -> 2, "homestead" -> 2, "hemisphere" -> 2, "heartily" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "great" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "go" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "For" -> 2, "fair" -> 2, "factory" -> 2, "factories" -> 2, "extended" -> 2, "expenses" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "enterprise" -> 2, "enforced" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "employed" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "domestic" -> 2, "Doctrine" -> 2, "dishonor" -> 2, "disaster" -> 2, "development" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "deep" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "condemnation" -> 2, "competition" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "cast" -> 2, "calculated" -> 2, "builds" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "both" -> 2, "best" -> 2, "ballot" -> 2, "against" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "accorded" -> 2, "$262,000,000" -> 1, "write" -> 1, "wrested" -> 1, "workingmen" -> 1, "workingman" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "Whenever" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "western" -> 1, "West" -> 1, "welcome" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "watch" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "veterans" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "upholds" -> 1, "upbuilding" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unreservedly" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "unjustly" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "unequaled" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "uncompromising" -> 1, "uncivilized" -> 1, "unceasing" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "unable" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "Turkey" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "thrift" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "syndicates" -> 1, "sympathize" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "surplus" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "struggles" -> 1, "struck" -> 1, "stripes" -> 1, "stimulating" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "station" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "stars" -> 1, "spheres" -> 1, "specie" -> 1, "speaking" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shown" -> 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"receive" -> 1, "reassert" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "reaffirm" -> 1, "read" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purchase" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prolonged" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "producer" -> 1, "proclaim" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "priced" -> 1, "price" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "preposterous" -> 1, "preference" -> 1, "precipitated" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "ports" -> 1, "Populist" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "piled" -> 1, "perpetual" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "peoples" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pension" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "pawned" -> 1, "patriots" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "panic" -> 1, "pace" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "outlet" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "ordinary" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, 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"judgment" -> 1, "Iynching" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "inviolable" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "inter-State" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "interfered" -> 1, "intemperance" -> 1, "intelligently" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "injurious" -> 1, "inhabitants" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indignation" -> 1, "Indies" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "incapable" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impair" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "husbandry" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "hour" -> 1, "hopes" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "historical" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "hemp" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "Hawaiian" -> 1, "Harrison" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "hanging" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "halted" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "grievous" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gain" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "fund" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "founds" -> 1, "foundry" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "forests" -> 1, "foreign-carrying" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "finds" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "favoritism" -> 1, "fatal" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "farm" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "facts" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "exposed" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "Every" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "entrance" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entailed" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlargement" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "English" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "encroachment" -> 1, "encourages" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "emphasize" -> 1, "eked" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "dropping" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "dignified" -> 1, "diffuses" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "designated" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "degradation" -> 1, "deficit" -> 1, "defenses" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "debase" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "Danish" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "Cuban" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "cruelty" -> 1, "crippled" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "countrymen" -> 1, "counted" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "considerate" -> 1, "consequence" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "connection" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "confident" -> 1, "conducting" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "condemn" -> 1, "comply" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "coinage" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "calamity" -> 1, "calamitous" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "borrowed" -> 1, "book" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "blighted" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "Benjamin" -> 1, "believes" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "battles" -> 1, "barbarous" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "awakened" -> 1, "atrocities" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "arrangements" -> 1, "aroused" -> 1, "Armies" -> 1, "Armenia" -> 1, "arise" -> 1, "Arbitration" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "Alaska" -> 1, "adverse" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "address" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "achieving" -> 1, "achievements" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1, "1879" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1892", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1892, "Date" -> DateObject[{1892, 6, 7}], "Text" -> "The representatives of the Republicans of the United States, assembled in general convention on the shores of the Mississippi River, the everlasting bond of an indestructible Republic, whose most glorious chapter of history is the record of the Republican party, congratulate their countrymen on the majestic march of the nation under the banners inscribed with the principles of our platform of 1888, vindicated by victory at the polls and prosperity in our fields, workshops and mines, and make the following declaration of principles:\nWe reaffirm the American doctrine of protection. We call attention to its growth abroad. We maintain that the prosperous condition of our country is largely due to the wise revenue legislation of the Republican congress.\nWe believe that all articles which cannot be produced in the United States, except luxuries, should be admitted free of duty, and that on all imports coming into competition with the products of American labor, there should be levied duties equal to the difference between wagesabroad and at home. We assert that the prices of manufactured articles of general consumption have been reduced under the operations of the tariff act of 1890.\nWe denounce the efforts of the Democratic majority of the House of Representatives to destroy our tariff laws by piecemeal, as manifested by their attacks upon wool, lead and lead ores, the chief products of a number of States, and we ask the people for their judgment thereon.\nWe point to the success of the Republican policy of reciprocity, under which our export trade has vastly increased and new and enlarged markets have been opened for the products of our farms and workshops. We remind the people of the bitter opposition of the Democratic party to this practical business measure, and claim that, executed by a Republican administration, our present laws will eventually give us control of the trade of the world.\nThe American people, from tradition and interest, favor bi-metallism, and the Republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money, with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legislation, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the two metals so that the purchasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold, or paper, shall be at all times equal. The interests of the producers of the country, its farmers and its workingmen, demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by the government, shall be as good as any other.\nWe commend the wise and patriotic steps already taken by our government to secure an international conference, to adopt such measures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money throughout the world.\nWe demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot in all public elections, and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast; that such laws shall be enacted and enforced as will secure to every citizen, be he rich or poor, native or foreign-born, white or black, this sovereign right, guaranteed by the Constitution. The free and honest popular ballot, the just and equal representation of all the people, as well as their just and equal protection under the laws, are the foundation of our Republican institutions, and the party will never relax its efforts until the integrity of the ballot and the purity of elections shall be fully guaranteed and protected in every State.\nSouthern Outrages\n\nWe denounce the continued inhuman outrages perpetrated upon American citizens for political reasons in certain Southern States of the Union.\nForeign Relations\n\nWe favor the extension of our foreign commerce, the restoration of our mercantile marine by home-built ships, and the creation of a navy for the protection of our National interests and the honor of our flag; the maintenance of the most friendly relations with all foreign powers; entangling alliances with none; and the protection of the rights of our fishermen.\nWe reaffirm our approval of the Monroe doctrine and believe in the achievement of the manifest destiny of the Republic in its broadest sense.\nWe favor the enactment of more stringent laws and regulations for the restriction of criminal, pauper and contract immigration.\nMiscellaneous\n\nWe favor efficient legislation by Congress to protect the life and limbs of employees of transportation companies engaged in carrying on inter-State commerce, and recommend legislation by the respective States that will protect employees engaged in State commerce, in mining and manufacturing.\nThe Republican party has always been the champion of the oppressed and recognizes the dignity of manhood, irrespective of faith, color, or nationality; it sympathizes with the cause of home rule in Ireland, and protests against the persecution of the Jews in Russia.\nThe ultimate reliance of free popular government is the intelligence of the people, and the maintenance of freedom among men. We therefore declare anew our devotion to liberty of thought and conscience, of speech and press, and approve all agencies and instrumentalities which contribute to the education of the children of the land, but while insisting upon the fullest measure of religious liberty, we are opposed to any union of Church and State. We reaffirm our opposition, declared in the\nRepublican platform of 1888, to all combinations of capital organized in trusts or otherwise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens.\nWe heartily indorse the action already taken upon this subject, and ask for such further legislation as may be required to remedy any defects in existing laws, and to render their enforcement more complete and effective.\nWe approve the policy of extending to towns, villages and rural communities the advantages of the free delivery service, now enjoyed by the larger cities of the country, and reaffirm the declaration contained in the Republican platform of 1888, pledging the reduction of letter postage to 1 cent at the earliest possible moment consistent with the maintenance of the Post Office Department and the highest class of postal service.\nWe commend the spirit and evidence of reform in the civil service, and the wise and consistent enforcement by the Republican party of the laws regulating the same.\nNicaragua Canal\n\nThe construction of the Nicaragua Canal is of the highest importance to the American people, both as a measure of National defense and to build up and maintain American commerce, and it should be controlled by the United States Government.\nTerritories\n\nWe favor the admission of the remaining Territories at the earliest practicable date, having due regard to the interests of the people of the Territories and of the United States. All the Federal officers appointed for the Territories should be selected from bona-fide residents thereof, and the right of self-government should be accorded as far as practicable.\nArid Lands\n\nWe favor the cession, subject to the homestead laws, of the arid public lands, to the States and Territories in which they lie, under such Congressional restrictions as to disposition, reclamation and occupancy by settlers as will secure the maximum benefits to the people.\nThe Columbian Exposition\n\nThe World's Columbian Exposition is a greatnational undertaking, and Congress should promptly enact such reasonable legislation in aid thereof as will insure a discharge of the expenses and obligations incident thereto, and the attainment of results commensurate with the dignity and progress of the Nation.\nIntemperance\n\nWe sympathize with all wise and legitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of intemperance and promote morality.\nPensions\n\nEver mindful of the services and sacrifices of the men who saved the life of the Nation, we pledge anew to the veteran soldiers of the Republic a watchful care and recognition of their just claims upon a grateful people.\nHarrison's Administration\n\nWe commend the able, patriotic and thoroughly American administration of President Harrison. Under it the country has enjoyed remarkable prosperity and the dignity and honor of the Nation, at home and abroad, have been faithfully maintained, and we offer the record of pledges kept as a guarantee of faithful performance in the future.", "Words" -> 1341, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 148, "of" -> 109, "and" -> 76, "to" -> 30, "We" -> 24, "in" -> 21, "as" -> 19, "our" -> 18, "by" -> 15, "be" -> 15, "that" -> 11, "Republican" -> 10, "a" -> 10, "with" -> 9, "The" -> 9, "States" -> 9, "people" -> 9, "all" -> 9, "will" -> 8, "such" -> 8, "laws" -> 8, "for" -> 8, "or" -> 7, "American" -> 7, "under" -> 6, "their" -> 6, "should" -> 6, "shall" -> 6, "party" -> 6, "legislation" -> 6, "favor" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "upon" -> 5, "United" -> 5, "Territories" -> 5, "its" -> 5, "is" -> 5, "free" -> 5, "wise" -> 4, "which" -> 4, "we" -> 4, "secure" -> 4, "reaffirm" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "every" -> 4, "equal" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "been" -> 4, "ballot" -> 4, "trade" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "silver" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "products" -> 3, "platform" -> 3, "Nation" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "have" -> 3, "has" -> 3, "government" -> 3, "gold" -> 3, "efforts" -> 3, "dignity" -> 3, "commend" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "1888" -> 3, "world" -> 2, "workshops" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "tariff" -> 2, "taken" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "Southern" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "record" -> 2, "public" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "practicable" -> 2, "popular" -> 2, "policy" -> 2, "patriotic" -> 2, "parity" -> 2, "paper" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "Nicaragua" -> 2, "National" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "life" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "lead" -> 2, "insure" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "highest" -> 2, "guaranteed" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "from" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "Exposition" -> 2, "enjoyed" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "employees" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "earliest" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "dollar" -> 2, "doctrine" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "declaration" -> 2, "control" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "Columbian" -> 2, "citizens" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "cast" -> 2, "Canal" -> 2, "both" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "ask" -> 2, "articles" -> 2, "are" -> 2, "approve" -> 2, "anew" -> 2, "an" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "already" -> 2, "administration" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "World's" -> 1, "workingmen" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "watchful" -> 1, "wagesabroad" -> 1, "vindicated" -> 1, "villages" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "veteran" -> 1, "vastly" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unrestricted" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "undertaking" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "sympathizes" -> 1, "sympathize" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "ships" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "services" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sacrifices" -> 1, "Russia" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "rich" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "Republicans" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remind" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "religious" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "relax" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regulating" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reduction" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "reclamation" -> 1, "reciprocity" -> 1, "reasons" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "purity" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "protests" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperous" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "produced" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "postage" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "poor" -> 1, "polls" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pledging" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "piecemeal" -> 1, "persecution" -> 1, "perpetrated" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "Pensions" -> 1, "pauper" -> 1, "Outrages" -> 1, "outrages" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "ores" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "opened" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "Office" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "occupancy" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "number" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "morality" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "moment" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "Miscellaneous" -> 1, "mining" -> 1, "mines" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "metals" -> 1, "mercantile" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "maximum" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "manufactured" -> 1, "manifested" -> 1, "manifest" -> 1, "manhood" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "majestic" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "luxuries" -> 1, "limbs" -> 1, "lie" -> 1, "levied" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lessen" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "Lands" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "Jews" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "irrespective" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "inter-State" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "Intemperance" -> 1, "intemperance" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "instrumentalities" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "insisting" -> 1, "inscribed" -> 1, "inhuman" -> 1, "indorse" -> 1, "indestructible" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "importance" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homestead" -> 1, "home-built" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "Harrison's" -> 1, "Harrison" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "growth" -> 1, "greatnational" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "glorious" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "foreign-born" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fishermen" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farmers" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "export" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "executed" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "evidence" -> 1, "everlasting" -> 1, "Ever" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "disposition" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "difference" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "defects" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "debt-paying" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "countrymen" -> 1, "counted" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "congress" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "conference" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "companies" -> 1, "communities" -> 1, "commensurate" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "Church" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "chapter" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "cession" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "broadest" -> 1, "bond" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "black" -> 1, "bitter" -> 1, "bi-metallism" -> 1, "benefits" -> 1, "banners" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "attacks" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "Arid" -> 1, "arid" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "achievement" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "1890" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1888", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1888, "Date" -> DateObject[{1888, 6, 19}], "Text" -> "The Republicans of the United States assembled by their delegates in National Convention, pause on the threshold of their proceedings to honor the memory of their first great leader—the immortal champion of liberty and the rights of the people—Abraham Lincoln; and to cover also with wreaths of imperishable remembrance and gratitude the heroic names of our later leaders who have been more recently called away from our councils; Grant, Garfield, Arthur, Logan, Conkling. May their memories be faithfully cherished!\nWe also recall with our greetings, and with prayer for his recovery, the name of one of our living heroes, whose memory will be treasured in the history of both Republicans and of the Republic, the name of that noble soldier and favorite child of victory, Philip H. Sheridan. In the spirit of those great leaders and of our own devotion to human liberty, and with that hostility to all forms of despotism and oppression which is the fundamental idea of the Republican party, we send fraternal congratulations to our fellow Americans of Brazil upon their great act of emancipation, which completed the abolition of slavery throughout the two American continents. We earnestly hope that we may soon congratulate our fellow-citizens of Irish birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland.\nWe reaffirm our unswerving devotion to the National Constitution and the indissoluble Union of the States; to the autonomy reserved to the States under the Constitution; to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all the States and Territories of the Union, and especially to the supreme and sovereign right of every lawful citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in public elections, and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold the free and honest popular ballot and the just and equal representation of all the people to be the foundation of our Republican government and demand effective legislation to secure the integrity and purity of elections, which are the fountains of all public authority. We charge that the present Administration and the Democratic majority in Congress owe their existence to the suppression of the ballot by a criminal nullification of the Constitution and laws of the United States.\nWe are uncompromisingly in favor of the American system of protection; we protest against its destruction as proposed by the President and his party. They serve the interests of Europe; we will support the interests of America. We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The protective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by general disaster to all interests, except those of the usurer and the sheriff. We denounce the Mills bill as destructive to the general business, the labor and the farming interests of the country, and we heartily indorse the consistent and patriotic action of the Republican Representatives in Congress in opposing its passage.\nWe condemn the proposition of the Democratic party to place wool on the free list, and we insist that the duties thereon shall be adjusted and maintained so as to furnish full and adequate protection to that industry throughout the United States.\nThe Republican party would effect all needed reduction of the National revenue by repealing the taxes upon tobacco, which are an annoyance and burden to agriculture, and the tax upon spirits used in the arts, and for mechanical purposes, and by such revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports of such articles as are produced by our people, the production of which gives employment to our labor, and releases from import duties those articles of foreign production (except luxuries), the like of which cannot be produced at home. If there shall remain a larger revenue than is requisite for the wants of the government we favor the entire repeal of internal taxes rather than the surrender of any part of our protective system at the joint behests of the whiskey trusts and the agents of foreign manufacturers.\nWe declare our hostility to the introduction into this country of foreign contract labor and of Chinese labor, alien to our civilization and constitution; and we demand the rigid enforcement of the existing laws against it, and favor such immediate legislation as will exclude such labor from our shores.\nWe declare our opposition to all combinations of capital organized in trusts or otherwise to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens; and we recommend to Congress and the State Legislatures in their respective jurisdictions such legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their supplies, or by unjust rates for the transportation of their products to market. We approve the legislation by Congress to prevent alike unjust burdens and unfair discriminations between the States.\nWe reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the United States to be homesteads for American citizens and settlers—not aliens—which the Republican party established in 1862 against the persistent opposition of the Democrats in Congress, and which has brought our great Western domain into such magnificent development. The restoration of unearned railroad land grants to the public domain for the use of actual settlers, which was begun under the Administration of President Arthur, should be continued. We deny that the Democratic party has ever restored one acre to the people, but declare that by the joint action of the Republicans and Democrats in Congress about 60,000,000 acres of unearned lands originally granted for the construction of railroads have been restored to the public domain, in pursuance of the conditions inserted by the Republican party in the original grants. We charge the Democratic Administration with failure to execute the laws securing to settlers the title to their homesteads, and with using appropriations made for that purpose to harass innocent settlers with spies and prosecutions under the false pretense of exposing frauds and vindicating the law.\nThe government by Congress of the Territories is based upon necessity only to the end that they may become States in the Union; therefore, whenever the conditions of population, material resources, public intelligence and morality are such as to insure a stable local government therein, the people of such Territories should be permitted as a right inherent in them to form for themselves constitutions and State government, and be admitted into the Union. Pending the preparation for Statehood, all officers thereof should be selected from the bona-fide residents and citizens of the Territory wherein they are to serve. South Dakota should of right be immediately admitted as a State in the Union under the constitution framed and adopted by her people, and we heartily indorse the action of the Republican Senate in twice passing bills for her admission. The refusal of the Democratic House of Representatives, for partisan purposes, to favorably consider these bills is a willful violation of the sacred American principle of local self-government, and merits the condemnation of all just men. The pending bills in the Senate to enable the people of Washington, North Dakota and Montana Territories to form constitutions and establish State governments, should be passed without unnecessary delay. The Republican party pledges itself to do all in its power to facilitate the admission of the Territories of New Mexico, Wyoming, Idaho and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government as States, such of them as are now qualified, as soon as possible, and the others as soon as they may become so.\nThe political power of the Mormon Church in the Territories as exercised in the past is a menace to free institutions too dangerous to be longer suffered. Therefore we pledge the Republican party to appropriate legislation asserting the sovereignty of the Nation in all Territories where the same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute books legislation stringent enough to divorce the political from the ecclesiastical power, and thus stamp out the attendant wickedness of polygamy.\nThe Republican party is in favor of the use of both gold and silver as money, and condemns the policy of the Democratic Administration in its efforts to demonetize silver.\nWe demand the reduction of letter postage to one cent per ounce.\nIn a Republic like ours, where the citizen is the sovereign, and the official the servant, where no power is exercised except by the will of the people, it is important that the sovereign—the people—should possess intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that intelligence which is to preserve us a free Nation; therefore, the State or Nation, or both combined, should support free institutions of learning sufficient to afford every child growing up in the land the opportunity of a good common school education.\nWe earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken by Congress in the enactment of such legislation as will best secure the rehabilitation of our American merchant marine, and we protest against the passage by Congress of a free ship bill as calculated to work injustice to labor by lessening the wages of those engaged in preparing materials as well as those directly employed in our shipyards. We demand appropriations for the early rebuilding of our navy; for the construction of coast fortifications and modern ordnance and other approved modern means of defense for the protection of our defenseless harbors and cities; for the payment of just pensions to our soldiers; for necessary works of National importance in the improvement of harbors and the channels of internal, coastwise, and foreign commerce; for the encouragement of the shipping interests of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific States, as well as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor, activity to our various industries, increase the security of our country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our produce, and cheapen the cost of transportation. We affirm this to be far better for our country than the Democratic policy of loaning the government's money, without interest, to \"pet banks.\"\nThe conduct of foreign affairs by the present Administration has been distinguished by its inefficiency and its cowardice. Having withdrawn from the Senate all pending treaties effected by Republican Administrations for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our commerce, and for its extension into better markets, it has neither effected nor proposed any others in their stead. Professing adherence to the Monroe doctrine it has seen with idle complacency the extension of foreign influence in Central America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neighbors. It has refused to charter, sanction or encourage any American organization for construction of the Nicaragua Canal, a work of vital importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and of our National influence in Central and South America, and necessary for the development of trade with our Pacific territory, with South America, and with the islands and further coasts of the Pacific Ocean.\nWe arraign the present Democratic Administration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous surrender of the essential privileges to which our fishing vessels are entitled in Canadian ports under the treaty of 1818, the reciprocal maritime legislation of 1830, and the comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We condemn the policy of the present Administration and the Democratic majority in Congress toward our fisheries as unfriendly and conspicuously unpatriotic, and as tending to destroy a valuable National industry, and an indispensable resource of defense against a foreign enemy. \"The name American applies alike to all citizens of the Republic and imposes upon all alike the same obligation of obedience to the laws. At the same time that citizenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who wears it, and protect him, whether high or low, rich or poor, in all his civil rights. It should and must afford him protection at home and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land he may be on a lawful errand.\"\nThe men who abandoned the Republican party in 1884 and continue to adhere to the Democratic party have deserted not only the cause of honest government, of sound finance, of freedom and purity of the ballot, but especially have deserted the cause of reform in the civil service. We will not fail to keep our pledges because they have broken theirs, or because their candidate has broken his. We therefore repeat our declaration of 1884, to wit: \"The reform of the civil service, auspiciously begun under the Republican Administration, should be completed by the further extension of the reform system already established by law, to all the grades of the service to which it is applicable. The spirit and purpose of the reform should be observed in all executive appointments, and all laws at variance with the object of existing reform legislation should be repealed, to the end that the dangers to free institutions which lurk in the power of official patronage may be wisely and effectively avoided.\"\nThe gratitude of the Nation to the defenders of the Union cannot be measured by laws. The legislation of Congress should conform to the pledges made by a loyal people and be so enlarged and extended as to provide against the possibility that any man who honorably wore the Federal uniform shall become the inmate of an almshouse, or dependent upon private charity. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it would be a public scandal to do less for those whose valorous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the action of the Democratic House of Representatives in refusing even a consideration of general pension legislation.\nIn support of the principles herewith enunciated we invite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, and especially of all workingmen, whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the free-trade policy of the present Administration.\nResolution Relating to Prohibition\nOffered by Mr. Boutelle, of Maine:\nThe first concern of all good government is the virtue and sobriety of the people and the purity of their homes. The Republican party cordially sympathizes with all wise and well-directed efforts for the promotion of temperance and morality.", "Words" -> 2385, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 236, "of" -> 169, "and" -> 112, "to" -> 86, "in" -> 47, "our" -> 36, "for" -> 31, "by" -> 28, "as" -> 27, "be" -> 25, "We" -> 24, "all" -> 23, "The" -> 20, "that" -> 18, "a" -> 18, "is" -> 16, "their" -> 14, "Republican" -> 14, "with" -> 13, "which" -> 13, "we" -> 13, "party" -> 13, "States" -> 12, "or" -> 12, "should" -> 11, "people" -> 11, "legislation" -> 11, "Democratic" -> 11, "Congress" -> 11, "such" -> 10, "foreign" -> 10, "will" -> 9, "upon" -> 9, "its" -> 9, "free" -> 9, "Administration" -> 9, "public" -> 8, "has" -> 8, "government" -> 8, "are" -> 8, "Territories" -> 7, "laws" -> 7, "labor" -> 7, "it" -> 7, "American" -> 7, "Union" -> 6, "under" -> 6, "those" -> 6, "policy" -> 6, "National" -> 6, "have" -> 6, "from" -> 6, "against" -> 6, "United" -> 5, "State" -> 5, "reform" -> 5, "present" -> 5, "power" -> 5, "may" -> 5, "interests" -> 5, "his" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "ballot" -> 5, "action" -> 5, "who" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "they" -> 4, "system" -> 4, "service" -> 4, "protection" -> 4, "one" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "Nation" -> 4, "into" -> 4, "In" -> 4, "him" -> 4, "great" -> 4, "favor" -> 4, "demand" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "been" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "an" -> 4, "America" -> 4, "whose" -> 3, "where" -> 3, "therefore" -> 3, "than" -> 3, "support" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "South" -> 3, "soon" -> 3, "so" -> 3, "shall" -> 3, "settlers" -> 3, "Senate" -> 3, "same" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "right" -> 3, "Republicans" -> 3, "Republic" -> 3, "Representatives" -> 3, "purity" -> 3, "President" -> 3, "pledges" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "name" -> 3, "must" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "intelligence" -> 3, "institutions" -> 3, "home" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "extension" -> 3, "except" -> 3, "especially" -> 3, "end" -> 3, "domain" -> 3, "declare" -> 3, "construction" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "civil" -> 3, "both" -> 3, "bills" -> 3, "become" -> 3, "alike" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "without" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "vessels" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "unpatriotic" -> 2, "unjust" -> 2, "unearned" -> 2, "trusts" -> 2, "transportation" -> 2, "throughout" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "taxes" -> 2, "surrender" -> 2, "sovereign" -> 2, "silver" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "school" -> 2, "rich" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "recovery" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "reaffirm" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "protest" -> 2, "protective" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "proposed" -> 2, "production" -> 2, "produced" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "ports" -> 2, "poor" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "place" -> 2, "pension" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "payment" -> 2, "patriotic" -> 2, "passage" -> 2, "others" -> 2, "opposition" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "official" -> 2, "not" -> 2, "necessary" -> 2, "morality" -> 2, "Monroe" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "memory" -> 2, "markets" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "maintained" -> 2, "made" -> 2, "local" -> 2, "like" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "leaders" -> 2, "lawful" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "joint" -> 2, "It" -> 2, "internal" -> 2, "influence" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "indorse" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "hostility" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "homesteads" -> 2, "her" -> 2, "heartily" -> 2, "harbors" -> 2, "gratitude" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "fishing" -> 2, "fisheries" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "exercised" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "employment" -> 2, "elections" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "effected" -> 2, "earnestly" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "doctrine" -> 2, "do" -> 2, "devotion" -> 2, "development" -> 2, "deserted" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "Democrats" -> 2, "defense" -> 2, "Dakota" -> 2, "constitutions" -> 2, "constitution" -> 2, "conditions" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "completed" -> 2, "commerce" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "child" -> 2, "charge" -> 2, "Central" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "Canadian" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "burdens" -> 2, "broken" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "begun" -> 2, "because" -> 2, "articles" -> 2, "Arthur" -> 2, "appropriations" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "also" -> 2, "afford" -> 2, "admitted" -> 2, "admission" -> 2, "1884" -> 2, "Wyoming" -> 1, "wreaths" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "workingmen" -> 1, "wore" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "withdrawn" -> 1, "wit" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "willful" -> 1, "wickedness" -> 1, "white" -> 1, "whiskey" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "well-directed" -> 1, "wears" -> 1, "weak" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "wants" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vindicating" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "variance" -> 1, "valuable" -> 1, "valorous" -> 1, "usurer" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfriendly" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "undue" -> 1, "uncompromisingly" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "twice" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "treasured" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "title" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "threshold" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "theirs" -> 1, "Territory" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "tending" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "temperance" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "sympathizes" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supplies" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "stead" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "Statehood" -> 1, "stamp" -> 1, "stable" -> 1, "spirits" -> 1, "spies" -> 1, "sovereign—the" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "soldier" -> 1, "sobriety" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "shores" -> 1, "shipyards" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "ship" -> 1, "sheriff" -> 1, "Sheridan" -> 1, "settlers—not" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "seriously" -> 1, "send" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "scandal" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "revision" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "resources" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "Resolution" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "requisite" -> 1, "representation" -> 1, "repeat" -> 1, "repealing" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remembrance" -> 1, "remain" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "releases" -> 1, "Relating" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "reciprocal" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "receive" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "rebuilding" -> 1, "rather" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "railroads" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "questioned" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "pusillanimous" -> 1, "pursuance" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "prosecutions" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoter" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "Prohibition" -> 1, "Professing" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "pretense" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "prayer" -> 1, "postage" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "possibility" -> 1, "possess" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "polygamy" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "Philip" -> 1, "pet" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "people—should" -> 1, "people—Abraham" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Pending" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "pause" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "passing" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "panoply" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "owe" -> 1, "overflowing" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "ounce" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "originally" -> 1, "original" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "ordnance" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "oppress" -> 1, "opposing" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "Offered" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "observed" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "obedience" -> 1, "numerous" -> 1, "nullification" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "North" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "Nicaragua" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "Mr." -> 1, "Mormon" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "Montana" -> 1, "Mills" -> 1, "Mexico" -> 1, "merits" -> 1, "merchant" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "memories" -> 1, "mechanical" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "maturing" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "market" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "marine" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "Maine" -> 1, "magnificent" -> 1, "luxuries" -> 1, "lurk" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "low" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "Logan" -> 1, "loaning" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "list" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "lessening" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "learning" -> 1, "leader—the" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "jurisdictions" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "islands" -> 1, "Irish" -> 1, "Ireland" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "introduction" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "inserted" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "inmate" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "inherent" -> 1, "inefficiency" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "indissoluble" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "imposes" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "import" -> 1, "imperishable" -> 1, "immortal" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "If" -> 1, "idle" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "Idaho" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "honorably" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "heroes" -> 1, "herewith" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "Having" -> 1, "harass" -> 1, "H" -> 1, "Gulf" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "greetings" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "Garfield" -> 1, "furtherance" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "free-trade" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "framed" -> 1, "fountains" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "fortifications" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "followed" -> 1, "follow" -> 1, "finance" -> 1, "fellow-citizens" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "favorite" -> 1, "favorably" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "failure" -> 1, "fail" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "exposing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "execute" -> 1, "exclude" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "errand" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "enunciated" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enlarged" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enemy" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emancipation" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "ecclesiastical" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "discriminations" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "directly" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demonetize" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "defenders" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "criminal" -> 1, "cowardice" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "counted" -> 1, "councils" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "continents" -> 1, "conspicuously" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "consider" -> 1, "Conkling" -> 1, "congratulations" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "conform" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condemns" -> 1, "condemnation" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "complacency" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "comity" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combinations" -> 1, "coastwise" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "coast" -> 1, "Cleveland" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "Church" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheapen" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "charity" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "champion" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "Canal" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "Brazil" -> 1, "Boutelle" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "books" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "black" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "behests" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "autonomy" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "auspiciously" -> 1, "attendant" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "asserting" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "arraign" -> 1, "Arizona" -> 1, "arbitrarily" -> 1, "approved" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriating" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "appointments" -> 1, "applies" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "annoyance" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "almshouse" -> 1, "aliens—which" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "Administrations" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "activity" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acres" -> 1, "acre" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "abandonment" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "60,000,000" -> 1, "1862" -> 1, "1830" -> 1, "1818" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1884", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1884, "Date" -> DateObject[{1884, 6, 3}], "Text" -> "The Republicans of the United States in National Convention assembled renew their allegiance to the principles upon which they have triumphed in six successive Presidential elections and congratulate the American people on the attainment of so many results in legislation and administration, by which the Republican party has, after saving the Union, done so much to render its institutions just, equal and beneficent, the safeguard of liberty and the embodiment of the best thought and highest purpose of our citizens.\nThe Republican party has gained its strength by quick and faithful response to the demands of the people for the freedom and equality of all men; for a united nation, assuring the rights of all citizens; for the elevation of labor, for an honest currency; for purity in legislation, and for integrity and accountability in all departments of the government, and it accepts anew the duty of leading in the work of progress and reform.\nWe lament the death of President Garfield, whose sound statesmanship, long conspicuous in Congress, gave promise of a strong and successful administration; a promise fully realized during the short period of his office as President of the United States. His distinguished services in war and peace have endeared him to the hearts of the American people.\nIn the administration of President Arthur, we recognize a wise, conservative and patriotic policy, under which the country has been blessed with remarkable prosperity; and we believe his eminent services are entitled to and will receive the hearty approval of every citizen.\nIt is the first duty of a good government to protect the rights and promote the interests of its own people.\nThe largest diversity of industry is most productive of general prosperity, and of the comfort and independence of the people.\nWe, therefore, demand that the imposition of duties on foreign imports shall be made, not \"for revenue only,\" but that in raising the requisite revenues for the government, such duties shall be so levied as to afford security to our diversified industries and protection to the rights and wages of the laborer; to the end that active and intelligent labor, as well as capital, may have its just reward, and the laboring man his full share in the national prosperity.\nAgainst the so-called economic system of the Democratic party, which would degrade our labor to the foreign standard, we enter our earnest protest.\nThe Democratic party has failed completely to relieve the people of the burden of unnecessary taxation by a wise reduction of the surplus.\nThe Republican party pledges itself to correct the inequalities of the tariff, and to reduce the surplus, not by the vicious and indiscriminate process of horizontal reduction, but by such methods as will relieve the tax-payer without injuring the laborer or the great productive interests of the country.\nWe recognize the importance of sheep husbandry in the United States, the serious depression which it is now experiencing, and the danger threatening its future prosperity; and we, therefore, respect the demands of the representatives of this important agricultural interest for a readjustment of duties upon foreign wool, in order that such industry shall have full and adequate protection.\nWe have always recommended the best money known to the civilized world; and we urge that efforts should be made to unite all commercial nations in the establishment of an international standard which shall fix for all the relative value of gold and silver coinage.\nThe regulation of commerce with foreign nations and between the States, is one of the most important prerogatives of the general government; and the Republican party distinctly announces its purpose to support such legislation as will fully and efficiently carry out the constitutional power of Congress over inter-State commerce.\nThe principle of public regulation of railway corporations is a wise and salutary one for the protection of all classes of the people; and we favor legislation that shall prevent unjust discrimination and excessive charges for transportation, and that shall secure to the people, and the railways alike, the fair and equal protection of the laws.\nWe favor the establishment of a national bureau of labor; the enforcement of the eight hour law, a wise and judicious system of general education by adequate appropriation from the national revenues, wherever the same is needed. We believe that everywhere the protection to a citizen of American birth must be secured to citizens by American adoption; and we favor the settlement of national differences by international arbitration.\nThe Republican party, having its birth in a hatred of slave labor and a desire that all men may be truly free and equal, is unalterably opposed to placing our workingmen in competition with any form of servile labor, whether at home or abroad. In this spirit, we denounce the importation of contract labor, whether from Europe or Asia, as an offense against the spirit of American institutions; and we pledge ourselves to sustain the present law restricting Chinese immigration, and to provide such further legislation as is necessary to carry out its purposes.\nReform of the civil service, auspiciously begun under Republican administration, should be completed by the further extension of the reform system already established by law, to all the grades of the service to which it is applicable. The spirit and purpose of the reform should be observed in all executive appointments; and all laws at variance with the objects of existing reform legislation should be repealed, to the end that the dangers to free institutions, which lurk in the power of official patronage, may be wisely and effectively avoided.\nThe public lands are a heritage of the people of the United States, and should be reserved as far as possible for small holdings by actual settlers. We are opposed to the acquisition of large tracts of these lands by corporations or individuals, especially where such holdings are in the hands of non-resident or aliens. And we will endeavor to obtain such legislation as will tend to correct this evil. We demand of Congress the speedy forfeiture of all land grants which have lapsed by reason of non-compliance with acts of incorporation, in all cases where there has been no attempt in good faith to perform the conditions of such grants.\nThe grateful thanks of the American people are due to the Union soldiers and sailors of the late war; and the Republican party stands pledged to suitable pensions for all who were disabled, and for the widows and orphans of those who died in the war. The Republican party also pledges itself to the repeal of the limitations contained in the arrears act of 1879. So that all invalid soldiers shall share alike, and their pensions begin with the date of disability or discharge, and not with the date of application.\nThe Republican party favors a policy which shall keep us from entangling alliances with foreign nations, and which gives us the right to expect that foreign nations shall refrain from meddling in American affairs; a policy which seeks peace and trade with all powers, but especially with those of the Western Hemisphere.\nWe demand the restoration of our navy to its old-time strength and efficiency, that it may in any sea protect the rights of American citizens and the interests of American commerce; and we call upon Congress to remove the burdens under which American shipping has been depressed, so that it may again be true that we have a commerce which leaves no sea unexplored, and a navy which takes no law from superior force.\nResolved, That appointments by the President to offices in the Territories should be made from the bona-fide citizens and residents of the Territories wherein they are to serve.\nResolved, That it is the duty of Congress to enact such laws as shall promptly and effectually suppress the system of polygamy within our Territories; and divorce the political from the ecclesiastical power of the so-called Mormon church; and that the laws so enacted should be rigidly enforced by the civil authorities, if possible, and by the military, if need be.\nThe people of the United States, in their organized capacity, constitute a Nation and not a mere confederacy of States; the National Government is supreme within the sphere of its national duties; but the States have reserved rights which should be faithfully maintained. Each should be guarded with jealous care, so that the harmony of our system of government may be preserved and the Union kept inviolate.\nThe perpetuity of our institutions rests upon the maintenance of a free ballot, an honest count, and correct returns. We denounce the fraud and violence practised by the Democracy in Southern States, by which the will of a voter is defeated, as dangerous to the preservation of free institutions; and we solemnly arraign the Democratic party as being the guilty recipient of fruits of such fraud and violence.\nWe extend to the Republicans of the South, regardless of their former party affiliations, our cordial sympathy; and we pledge to them our most earnest efforts to promote the passage of such legislation as will secure to every citizen, of whatever race and color, the full and complete recognition, possession and exercise of all civil and political rights.", "Words" -> 1538, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 145, "of" -> 106, "and" -> 77, "to" -> 46, "in" -> 27, "a" -> 22, "by" -> 18, "which" -> 17, "that" -> 17, "be" -> 17, "all" -> 16, "The" -> 15, "for" -> 15, "as" -> 15, "we" -> 14, "party" -> 12, "is" -> 12, "with" -> 11, "We" -> 11, "such" -> 11, "people" -> 11, "our" -> 11, "shall" -> 10, "its" -> 10, "American" -> 10, "States" -> 9, "should" -> 9, "Republican" -> 9, "legislation" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "will" -> 7, "labor" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "so" -> 6, "rights" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "may" -> 6, "it" -> 6, "has" -> 6, "foreign" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "United" -> 5, "system" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "national" -> 5, "institutions" -> 5, "government" -> 5, "Congress" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "wise" -> 4, "upon" -> 4, "their" -> 4, "reform" -> 4, "prosperity" -> 4, "President" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "nations" -> 4, "laws" -> 4, "law" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "duties" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "but" -> 4, "an" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "war" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "Territories" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "full" -> 3, "favor" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "Democratic" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "correct" -> 3, "civil" -> 3, "citizen" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "within" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "violence" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "surplus" -> 2, "strength" -> 2, "standard" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "so-called" -> 2, "share" -> 2, "services" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "sea" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "Resolved" -> 2, "reserved" -> 2, "Republicans" -> 2, "relieve" -> 2, "regulation" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "public" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "promote" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "productive" -> 2, "possible" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "pledges" -> 2, "pledge" -> 2, "pensions" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "out" -> 2, "opposed" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "navy" -> 2, "National" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "laborer" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "itself" -> 2, "international" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "In" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "holdings" -> 2, "grants" -> 2, "good" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "fully" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "establishment" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "end" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "earnest" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "date" -> 2, "country" -> 2, "corporations" -> 2, "carry" -> 2, "birth" -> 2, "best" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "at" -> 2, "appointments" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "adequate" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "workingmen" -> 1, "work" -> 1, "wool" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "voter" -> 1, "vicious" -> 1, "variance" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "unnecessary" -> 1, "unjust" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "unexplored" -> 1, "unalterably" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "triumphed" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "tracts" -> 1, "threatening" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "them" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "tax-payer" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "suppress" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "superior" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "sphere" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "solemnly" -> 1, "So" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "slave" -> 1, "six" -> 1, "silver" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "sheep" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "servile" -> 1, "serve" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "seeks" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "secured" -> 1, "saving" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "salutary" -> 1, "sailors" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "rigidly" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "residents" -> 1, "requisite" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "remarkable" -> 1, "relative" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "Reform" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "recommended" -> 1, 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"hearts" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hatred" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "hands" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guarded" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "grades" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "Garfield" -> 1, "gained" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forfeiture" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "favors" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "faithfully" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "extension" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "experiencing" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "Europe" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "endeavor" -> 1, "endeared" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "embodiment" -> 1, "elevation" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effectually" -> 1, "effectively" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economic" -> 1, "ecclesiastical" -> 1, "Each" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "divorce" -> 1, "diversity" -> 1, "diversified" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinctly" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "disability" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "degrade" -> 1, "defeated" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "count" -> 1, "cordial" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "contained" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constitute" -> 1, "conspicuous" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confederacy" -> 1, "conditions" -> 1, "completely" -> 1, "completed" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "coinage" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "church" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "bureau" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "blessed" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "beneficent" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "begun" -> 1, "begin" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "auspiciously" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "assuring" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "Asia" -> 1, "Arthur" -> 1, "arrears" -> 1, "arraign" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appropriation" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "announces" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "Against" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "afford" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "accountability" -> 1, "accepts" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "1879" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1880", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1880, "Date" -> DateObject[{1880, 6, 2}], "Text" -> "The Republican party, in National Convention assembled, at the end of twenty years since the Federal Government was first committed to its charge, submits to the people of the United States this brief report of its administration:\nIt suppressed a rebellion which had armed nearly a million of men to subvert the national authority. It reconstructed the Union of the States, with freedom instead of slavery as itscorner-stone.\nIt transformed 4,000,000 human beings from the likeness of things to the rank of citizens. It relieved Congress from the infamous work of hunting fugitive slaves, and charged it to see that slavery does not exist. It has raised the value of our paper currency from 38 per cent to the par of gold. It has restored upon a solid basis payment in coin of all national obligations, and has given us a currency absolutely good and equal in every part of our extended country. It has lifted the credit of the Nation from the point where six per cent bonds sold at eighty-six to that where four per cent bonds are eagerly sought at a premium.\nUnder its administration, railways have increased from 31,000 miles in 1860, to more than 82,000 miles in 1879.\nOur foreign trade increased from $700,000,000 to $1,115,000,000 in the same time, and our exports, which were $20,000,000 less than our imports in 1860, were $265,000,000 more than ourimports in 1879.\nWithout resorting to loans, it has, since thewar closed, defrayed the ordinary expenses of Government besides the accruing interest of the public debt, and has disbursed annually more than $30,000,000 for soldiers' and sailors' pensions. It has paid $880,000,000 of the public debt, and, by refunding the balance at lower rates, has reduced the annual interest-charge from nearly $150,000,000 to less than $89,000,000. All the industries of the country have revived; labor is in demand; wages have increased, and throughout the entire country there is evidence of a coming prosperity greater than we have ever enjoyed.\nUpon this record the Republican party asks for the continued confidence and support of the people, and this Convention submits for their approval the following statement of the principles and purposes which will continue to guide and inspire its efforts.\n1. We affirm that the work of the Republican party for the last twenty-one years has been such as to commend it to the favor of the Nation; that the fruits of the costly victories which we have achieved through immense difficulties should be preserved; that the peace regained should be cherished; that the Union should be perpetuated, and that the liberty secured to this generation should be transmitted undiminished to other generations; that the order established and the credit acquired should never be impaired; that the pensions promised should be paid; that the debt so much reduced should be extinguished by the full payment of every dollar thereof; that the reviving industries should be further promoted, and that the commerce already increasing should be steadily encouraged.\n2. The Constitution of the United States is a supreme law, and not a mere contract. Out of confederated States it made a sovereign nation. Some powers are denied to the Nation, while others are denied to the States; but the boundary between the powers delegated and those reserved is to be determined by the National and not by the State tribunal.\n3. The work of popular education is one left to the care of the several States, but it is the duty of the National Government to aid that work to the extent of its constitutional power. The intelligence of the Nation is but the aggregate of the intelligence in the several States, and the destiny of the Nation must be guided, not by the genius of any one State, but by the aggregate genius of all.\n4. The Constitution wisely forbids Congress to make any law respecting the establishment of religion, but it is idle to hope that the Nation can be protected against the influence of secret sectarianism while each State is exposed to its domination. We, therefore, recommend that the Constitution be so amended as to lay the same prohibition upon the Legislature of each State, and to forbid the appropriation of public funds to the support of sectarian schools.\n5. We affirm the belief, avowed in 1876, that the duties levied for the purpose of revenueshould so discriminate as to favor American labor; that no further grants of the public domain should be made to any railway or other corporation; that slavery having perished in the States, its twin barbarity, polygamy, must die in the Territories; that everywhere the protection accorded to a citizen of American birth must be secured to citizens by American adoption; that we deem it the duty of Congress to develop and improve our sea-coast and harbors, but insist that further subsidies to private persons or corporations must cease; that the obligations of the Republic to the men who preserved its integrity in the day of battle are undiminished by the lapse of fifteen years since their final victory. To do them honor is, and shall forever be, the grateful privilege and sacred duty of the American people.\n6. Since the authority to regulate immigration and intercourse between the United States and foreign nations rests with the Congress of the United States and the treaty-making power, the Republican party, regarding the unrestricted immigration of the Chinese as a matter of grave concernment under the exercise of both these powers, would limit and restrict that immigration by the enactment of such just, humane and reasonable laws and treaties as will produce that result.\n7. That the purity and patriotism which characterized the earlier career of Rutherford B. Hayes in peace and war, and which guided the thoughts of our immediate predecessors to him for a presidential candidate, have continued to inspire him in his career as Chief Executive; and that history will accord to his administration the honors which are due to an efficient, just and courteous discharge of the public business, and will honor his vetoes interposed between the people and attempted partisan laws.\n8. We charge upon the Democratic party the habitual sacrifice of patriotism and justice to a supreme and insatiable lust for office and patronage; that to obtain possession of the National Government, and control of the place, they have obstructed all efforts to promote the purity and to conserve the freedom of the suffrage, and have devised fraudulent ballots and invented fraudulent certification of returns; have labored to unseat lawfully elected members of Congress, to secure at all hazards the vote of a majority of the States in the House of Representatives; have endeavored to occupy by force and fraud the places of trust given to others by the people of Maine, rescued by the courage and action of Maine's patriotic sons; have, by methods vicious in principle and tyrannical in practice, attached partisan legislation to appropriation bills, upon whose passage the very movement of the Government depended; have crushed the rights of the individual; have advocated the principles and sought the favor of the Rebellion against the Nation, and have endeavoredto obliterate the sacred memories of the war, and to overcome its inestimably valuable results of nationality, personal freedom and individual equality.\nThe equal, steady and complete enforcement of the law, and the protection of all our citizens in the enjoyment of all privileges and immunities guaranteed by the Constitution, are the first duties of the Nation. The dangers of a solid south can only be averted by a faithful performance of every promise which the Nation has made to the citizen. The execution of the laws, and the punishment of all those who violate them, are the only safe methods by which an enduring peace can be secured and genuine prosperity established through the South. Whatever promises the Nation makes the Nation must perform. A Nation cannot safely relegate this duty to the States. The solid south must be divided by the peaceful agencies of the ballot, and all honest opinions must there find free expression. To this end honest voters must be protected against terrorism, violence or fraud. And we affirm it to be the duty and the purpose of the Republican party to use all legitimate means to restore all the States of this Union to the most perfect harmony that may be possible, and we submit to the practical, sensible people of these United States to say whether it would not be dangerous to the dearest interests of our country at this time to surrender the administration of the National Government to a party which seeks to overthrow the existing policy, under which we are so prosperous, and thus bring distrust and confusion where there is now order, confidence and hope.", "Words" -> 1466, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 156, "of" -> 88, "to" -> 62, "and" -> 62, "that" -> 27, "be" -> 23, "in" -> 20, "by" -> 17, "a" -> 17, "States" -> 14, "have" -> 14, "Nation" -> 12, "which" -> 11, "is" -> 11, "should" -> 10, "has" -> 10, "all" -> 10, "The" -> 9, "its" -> 9, "it" -> 9, "this" -> 8, "our" -> 8, "must" -> 8, "It" -> 8, "are" -> 8, "party" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "for" -> 7, "as" -> 7, "we" -> 6, "than" -> 6, "people" -> 6, "Government" -> 6, "but" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "United" -> 5, "Republican" -> 5, "public" -> 5, "not" -> 5, "National" -> 5, "duty" -> 5, "Congress" -> 5, "work" -> 4, "will" -> 4, "We" -> 4, "upon" -> 4, "State" -> 4, "so" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "Constitution" -> 4, "American" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "years" -> 3, "where" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "there" -> 3, "solid" -> 3, "slavery" -> 3, "since" -> 3, "secured" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "or" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "law" -> 3, "increased" -> 3, "immigration" -> 3, "his" -> 3, "further" -> 3, "freedom" -> 3, "favor" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "debt" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "cent" -> 3, "can" -> 3, "between" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "against" -> 3, "affirm" -> 3, "would" -> 2, "with" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "were" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "undiminished" -> 2, "under" -> 2, "To" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "through" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "their" -> 2, 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1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enduring" -> 1, "endeavoredto" -> 1, "endeavored" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enactment" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "eighty-six" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "eagerly" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "divided" -> 1, "distrust" -> 1, "discriminate" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disbursed" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "devised" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "depended" -> 1, "Democratic" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "defrayed" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "dearest" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "crushed" -> 1, "courteous" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "costly" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "corporation" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "conserve" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confederated" -> 1, "concernment" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "committed" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "closed" -> 1, "Chinese" -> 1, "Chief" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "characterized" -> 1, "certification" -> 1, "cease" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "brief" -> 1, "boundary" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "bills" -> 1, "besides" -> 1, "belief" -> 1, "beings" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "barbarity" -> 1, "ballots" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "averted" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attached" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "asks" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "amended" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agencies" -> 1, "advocated" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accruing" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "82,000" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4,000,000" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "38" -> 1, "31,000" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1876" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1876", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1876, "Date" -> DateObject[{1876, 6, 14}], "Text" -> "When, in the economy of Providence, this land was to be purged of human slavery, and when the strength of government of the people by the people and for the people was to be demonstrated, the Republican party came into power. Its deeds have passed into history, and we look back to them with pride. Incited by their memories, and with high aims for the good of our country and mankind, and looking to the future with unfaltering courage, hope, and purpose, we, the representatives of the party, in national convention assembled, make the following declaration of principles:—\n1. The United States of America is a nation, not a league. By the combined workings of the national and state governments, under their respective constitutions, the rights of every citizen are secured at home and abroad, and the common welfare promoted.\n2. The Republican party has preserved these governments to the hundredth anniversary of the nation's birth, and they are now embodiments of the great truth spoken at its cradle, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that for the attainment of these ends governments have been instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Until these truths are cheerfully obeyed, and if need be, vigorously enforced, the work of the Republican party is unfinished.\n3. The permanent pacification of the Southern section of the Union and the complete protection of all its citizens in the free enjoyment of all their rights, are duties to which the Republican party is sacredly pledged. The power to provide for the enforcement of the principles embodied in the recent constitutional amendments is vested by those amendments in the Congress of the United States; and we declare it to be the solemn obligation of the legislative and executive departments of the government to put into immediate and vigorous exercise all their constitutional powers for removing any just causes of discontent on the part of any class, and securing to every American citizen complete liberty and exact equality in the exercise of all civil, political, and public rights. To this end we imperatively demand a congress and a chief executive whose courage and fidelity to these duties shall not falter until these results are placed beyond dispute or recall.\n4. In the first act of congress, signed by President Grant, the national government assumed to remove any doubt of its purpose to discharge all just obligations to the public creditors, and solemnly pledged its faith \"to make provisions at the earliest practicable period, for the redemption of the United States notes in coin.\" Commercial prosperity, public morals, and the national credit demand that this promise be fulfilled by a continuous and steady progress to specie payment.\n5. Under the constitution, the President and heads of departments are to make nominations for office, the senate is to advise and consent to appointments, and the house of representatives is to accuse and prosecute faithless officers. The best interest of the public service demands that these distinctions be respected; that senators and representatives who may be judges and accusers should not dictate appointments to office. The invariable rule for appointments should have reference to the honesty, fidelity, and capacity of the appointees, giving to the party in power those places where harmony and vigor of administration require its policy to be represented, but permitting all others to be filled by persons selected with sole reference to the efficiency of the public service and the right of citizens to share in the honor of rendering faithful service to their country.\n6. We rejoice in the quickened conscience of the people concerning political affairs. We will hold all public officers to a rigid responsibility, and engage that the prosecution and punishment of all who betray official trusts shall be speedy, thorough, and unsparing.\n7. The public school system of the several states is the bulwark of the American republic; and, with a view to its security and permanence, we recommend an amendment to the constitution of the United States, forbidding the application of any public funds or property for the benefit of any school or institution under sectarian control.\n8. The revenue necessary for current expenditures and the obligations of the public debt must be largely derived from duties upon importations, which, so far as possible, should be so adjusted as to promote the interests of American labor and advance the prosperity of the whole country.\n9. We reaffirm our opposition to further grants of the public lands to corporations and monopolies, and demand that the national domain be devoted to free homes for the people.\n10. It is the imperative duty of the government so to modify existing treaties with European governments, that the same protection shall be afforded to the adopted American citizen that is given to native-born, and all necessary laws be passed to protect emigrants, in the absence of power in the states for that purpose.\n11. It is the immediate duty of congress fully to investigate the effects of the immigration and importation of Mongolians on the moral and material interests of the country.\n12. The Republican party recognizes with approval the substantial advances recently made toward the establishment of equal rights for women, by the many important amendments effected by Republican legislatures in the laws which concern the personal and property relations of wives, mothers, and widows, and by the appointment and election of women to the superintendence of education, charities, and other public trusts. The honest demands of this class of citizens for additional rights, privileges, and immunities should be treated with respectful consideration.\n13. The constitution confers upon congress sovereign power over the territories of the United States for their government. And in the exercise of this power it is the right and duty of congress to prohibit and extirpate in the territories that relic of barbarism, polygamy; and we demand such legislation as will secure this end and the supremacy of American institutions in all the territories.\n14. The pledges which our nation has given to our soldiers and sailors must be fulfilled. The grateful people will always hold those who imperilled their lives for the country's preservation in the kindest remembrance.\n15. We sincerely deprecate all sectional feeling and tendencies. We therefore note with deep solicitude that the Democratic party counts, as its chief hope of success, upon the electoral vote of a united South, secured through the efforts of those who were recently arrayed against the nation and we invoke the earnest attention of the country to the grave truth, that a success thus achieved would reopen sectional strife and imperil national honor and human rights.\n16. We charge the Democratic party with being the same in character and spirit as when it sympathized with treason; with making its control of the house of representatives the triumph and opportunity of the nation's recent foes; with reasserting and applauding in the national capitol the sentiments of unrepentant rebellion; with sending Union soldiers to the rear, and promoting Confederate soldiers to the front; with deliberately proposing to repudiate the plighted faith of the government; with being equally false and imbecile upon the over-shadowing financial question; with thwarting the ends of justice, by its partisan mismanagements and obstruction of investigation; with proving itself, through the period of its ascendency in the lower house of congress, utterly incompetent to administer the government; and we warn the country against trusting a party thus alike unworthy, recreant, and incapable.\n17. The national administration merits commendation for its honorable work in the management of domestic and foreign affairs, and President Grant deserves the continued hearty gratitude of the American people, for his patriotism and his eminent services in war and in peace.\n18. We present as our candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States two distinguished statesmen, of eminent ability and character, and conspicuously fitted for those high offices, and we confidently appeal to the American people to intrust the administration of their public affairs to Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. 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"importations" -> 1, "importation" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "imperilled" -> 1, "imperil" -> 1, "imperatively" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "immunities" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "imbecile" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "hundredth" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "hearty" -> 1, "heads" -> 1, "Hayes" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "front" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "forbidding" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "fitted" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "falter" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "faithless" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "extirpate" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "exact" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "engage" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "emigrants" -> 1, "embodiments" -> 1, "embodied" -> 1, "electoral" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "earliest" -> 1, "doubt" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "discontent" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "dictate" -> 1, "devoted" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deriving" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "deprecate" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "deliberately" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "deeds" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "Creator" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "cradle" -> 1, "counts" -> 1, "country's" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "constitutions" -> 1, "conspicuously" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "confers" -> 1, "Confederate" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "commendation" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "cheerfully" -> 1, "charities" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "capitol" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "By" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "betray" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "benefit" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "barbarism" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "attainment" -> 1, "assumed" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ascendency" -> 1, "arrayed" -> 1, "approval" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "applauding" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anniversary" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "an" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "aims" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "advise" -> 1, "advances" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "achieved" -> 1, "accusers" -> 1, "accuse" -> 1, "absence" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "18" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1872", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1872, "Date" -> DateObject[{1872, 6, 5}], "Text" -> "The Republican party of the United States, assembled in National Convention in the city of Philadelphia, on the 5th and 6th days of June, 1872, again declares its faith, appeals to its history, and announces its position upon the questions before the country\nFirst. During eleven years of supremacy it has accepted with grand courage the solemn duties of the time. It suppressed a gigantic rebellion, emancipated four millions of slaves, decreed the equal citizenship of all, and established universal suffrage. Exhibiting unparalleled magnanimity, it criminally punished no man for political offenses, and warmly welcomed all who proved loyalty by obeying the laws and dealing justly with their neighbors. It has steadily decreased with firm hand the resultant disorders of a great war, and initiated a wise and humane policy toward the Indians. The Pacific railroad and similar vast enterprises have been generously aided and successfully conducted, the public lands freely given to actual settlers, immigration protected and encouraged, and a full acknowledgment of the naturalized citizens' rights secured from European Powers. A uniform national currency has been provided, repudiation frowned down, the national credit sustained under the most extraordinary burdens, and new bonds negotiated at lower rates. The revenues have been carefully collected and honestly applied. Despite large annual reductions of the rates of taxation, the public debt has been reduced during General Grant's Presidency at the rate of a hundred millions a year, great financial crises have been avoided, and peace and plenty prevail throughout the land. Menacing foreign difficulties have been peacefully and honorably composed, and the honor and power of the nation kept in high respect throughout the world. This glorious record of the past is the party's best pledge for the future. We believe the people will not intrust the Government to any party or combination of men composed chiefly of those who have resisted every step of this beneficent progress.\nSecond. The recent amendments to the national Constitution should be cordially sustained because they are right, not merely tolerated because they are law, and should be carried out according to their spirit by appropriate legislation, the enforcement of which can safely be entrusted only to the party that secured those amendments.\nThird. Complete liberty and exact equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political, and public rights should be established and effectually maintained throughout the Union, by efficient and appropriate State and Federal legislation. Neither the law nor its administration should admit any discrimination in respect of citizens by reason of race, creed, color, or previous condition of servitude.\nFourth. The National Government should seek to maintain honorable peace with all nations, protecting its citizens everywhere, and sympathizing with all people who strive for greater liberty.\nFifth. Any system of the civil service under which the subordinate positions of the government are considered rewards for mere party zeal is fatally demoralizing, and we therefore favor a reform of the system by laws which shall abolish the evils of patronage, and make honesty, efficiency, and fidelity the essential qualifications for public positions, without practically creating a life-tenure of office.\nSixth. We are opposed to further grants of the public lands to corporations and monopolies, and demand that the national domain be set apart for free homes for the people.\nSeventh. The annual revenue, after paying current expenditures, pensions, and the interest on the public debt, should furnish a moderate balance for the reduction of the principal and that revenue, except so much as may be derived from a tax upon tobacco and liquors, should be raised by duties upon importations, the details of which should be so adjusted as to aid in securing remunerative wages to labor, and to promote the industries, prosperity, and growth of the whole country.\nEighth. We hold in undying honor the soldiers and sailors whose valor saved the Union. Their pensions are a sacred debt of the nation, and the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are entitled to the care of a generous and grateful people. We favor such additional legislation as will extend the bounty of the Government to all our soldiers and sailors who were honorably discharged, and who, in the line of duty, became disabled, without regard to the length of service or the cause of such discharge.\nNinth. The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers concerning allegiance—\"Once a subject always a subject\"—having at last, through the efforts of the Republican party, been abandoned, and the American idea of the individual's right to transfer allegiance having been accepted by European nations, it is the duty of our Government to guard with jealous care the rights of adopted citizens against the assumption of unauthorized claims by their former governments; and we urge continued careful encouragement and protection of voluntary immigration.\nTenth. The franking privilege ought to be abolished, and the way prepared for a speedy reduction in the rates of postage.\nEleventh. Among the questions which press for attention is that which concerns the relations of capital and labor, and the Republican party recognizes the duty of so shaping legislation as to secure full protection and the amplest field for capital, and for labor—the creator of capital—the largest opportunities and a just share of the mutual profits of these two great servants of civilization.\nTwelfth. We hold that Congress and the President have only fulfilled an imperative duty in their measures for the suppression of violent and treasonable organizations in certain lately rebellious regions, and for the protection of the ballot-box, and therefore they are entitled to the thanks of the nation.\nThirteenth. We denounce repudiation of the public debt, in any form or disguise, as a national crime. We witness with pride the reduction of the principal of the debt, and of the rates of interest upon the balance, and confidently expect that our excellent national currency will be perfected by a speedy resumption of specie payment.\nFourteenth. The Republican party is mindful of its obligations to the loyal women of America for their noble devotion to the cause of freedom. Their admission to wider fields of usefulness is viewed with satisfaction, and the honest demand of any class of citizens for additional rights should be treated with respectful consideration.\nFifteenth. We heartily approve the action of Congress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion, and rejoice in the growth of peace and fraternal feeling throughout the land.\nSixteenth. The Republican party proposes to respect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the powers delegated by them to the State and to the Federal Government. It disapproves of the resort to unconstitutional laws for the purpose of removing evils, by interference with rights not surrendered by the people to either the State or National Government.\nSeventeenth. It is the duty of the general Government to adopt such measures as may tend to encourage and restore American commerce and ship-building.\nEighteenth. We believe that the modest patriotism, the earnest purpose, the sound judgment, the practical wisdom, the incorruptible integrity, and the illustrious services of Ulysses S. Grant have commended him to the heart of the American people, and with him at our head we start to-day upon a new march to victory.\nNineteenth. Henry Wilson, nominated for the Vice-Presidency, known to the whole land from the early days of the great struggle for liberty as an indefatigable laborer in all campaigns, an incorruptible legislator and representative man of American institutions, is worthy to associate with our great leader and share the honors which we pledge our best efforts to bestow upon them.", "Words" -> 1268, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 116, "of" -> 76, "and" -> 67, "to" -> 37, "for" -> 20, "a" -> 19, "in" -> 16, "by" -> 13, "with" -> 12, "be" -> 11, "The" -> 10, "We" -> 9, "should" -> 9, "as" -> 9, "party" -> 8, "is" -> 8, "been" -> 8, "which" -> 7, "that" -> 7, "public" -> 7, "people" -> 7, "have" -> 7, "Government" -> 7, "are" -> 7, "all" -> 7, "who" -> 6, "upon" -> 6, "their" -> 6, "rights" -> 6, "our" -> 6, "national" -> 6, "its" -> 6, "Republican" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "duty" -> 5, "debt" -> 5, "citizens" -> 5, "we" -> 4, "throughout" -> 4, "those" -> 4, "rates" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "It" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "any" -> 4, "American" -> 4, "will" -> 3, "they" -> 3, "such" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "so" -> 3, "respect" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "protection" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "not" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "liberty" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "land" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "from" -> 3, "European" -> 3, "country" -> 3, "an" -> 3, "without" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "under" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "Their" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "sustained" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "speedy" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "share" -> 2, "service" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "repudiation" -> 2, "rebellion" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "principal" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "positions" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "pledge" -> 2, "pensions" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "new" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "may" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "lately" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "labor" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "incorruptible" -> 2, "immigration" -> 2, "honorably" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "having" -> 2, "growth" -> 2, "full" -> 2, "Federal" -> 2, "favor" -> 2, "evils" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "days" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "composed" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "carefully" -> 2, "care" -> 2, "capital" -> 2, "best" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "because" -> 2, "balance" -> 2, "appropriate" -> 2, "annual" -> 2, "amendments" -> 2, "allegiance" -> 2, "additional" -> 2, "accepted" -> 2, "zeal" -> 1, "years" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "witness" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "Wilson" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "wider" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "welcomed" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "warmly" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "violent" -> 1, "viewed" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "Vice-Presidency" -> 1, "vast" -> 1, "valor" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "United" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "undying" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "unauthorized" -> 1, "Ulysses" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "Twelfth" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "treasonable" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "tolerated" -> 1, "to-day" -> 1, "tobacco" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "this" -> 1, "Thirteenth" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "Tenth" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "tax" -> 1, "sympathizing" -> 1, "surrendered" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "suppressed" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "successfully" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "struggle" -> 1, "strive" -> 1, "step" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "States" -> 1, "start" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "specie" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "solemn" -> 1, "slaves" -> 1, "Sixth" -> 1, "Sixteenth" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "ship-building" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "Seventh" -> 1, "Seventeenth" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "servitude" -> 1, "services" -> 1, "servants" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "saved" -> 1, "satisfaction" -> 1, "safely" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "S." -> 1, "rewards" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "resumption" -> 1, "resultant" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resisted" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "remunerative" -> 1, "removing" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "rejoice" -> 1, "regions" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recent" -> 1, "rebellious" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "qualifications" -> 1, "punished" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proposes" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "profits" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "previous" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "practically" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "Powers" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "postage" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "plenty" -> 1, "Philadelphia" -> 1, "perfected" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "paying" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "party's" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "opportunities" -> 1, "Once" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offenses" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obeying" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "nominated" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "Ninth" -> 1, "Nineteenth" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neighbors" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "monopolies" -> 1, "modest" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "mindful" -> 1, "merely" -> 1, "mere" -> 1, "Menacing" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "magnanimity" -> 1, "loyalty" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "liquors" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "life-tenure" -> 1, "length" -> 1, "legislator" -> 1, "leader" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "largest" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "labor—the" -> 1, "laborer" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "June" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "jealous" -> 1, "intrust" -> 1, "interference" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "initiated" -> 1, "industries" -> 1, "individual's" -> 1, "Indians" -> 1, "indefatigable" -> 1, "importations" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "illustrious" -> 1, "idea" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "humane" -> 1, "honors" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honesty" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "honest" -> 1, "homes" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "Henry" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "grants" -> 1, "Grant's" -> 1, "Grant" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "glorious" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "gigantic" -> 1, "generously" -> 1, "generous" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "further" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "fulfilled" -> 1, "frowned" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "fraternal" -> 1, "franking" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "Fourteenth" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "Fifteenth" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "feeling" -> 1, "fatally" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expect" -> 1, "Exhibiting" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "excellent" -> 1, "exact" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entrusted" -> 1, "enterprises" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "emancipated" -> 1, "Eleventh" -> 1, "eleven" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "Eighth" -> 1, "Eighteenth" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effectually" -> 1, "earnest" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "disguise" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disapproves" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "difficulties" -> 1, "died" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "details" -> 1, "Despite" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "demoralizing" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "decreed" -> 1, "decreased" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "crises" -> 1, "criminally" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "creator" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "corporations" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "confidently" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concerns" -> 1, "concerning" -> 1, "Complete" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commended" -> 1, "combination" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "class" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "chiefly" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "careful" -> 1, "capital—the" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "campaigns" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "bounty" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bestow" -> 1, "beneficent" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "became" -> 1, "ballot-box" -> 1, "avoided" -> 1, "attention" -> 1, "assumption" -> 1, "associate" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "appeals" -> 1, "apart" -> 1, "Any" -> 1, "announces" -> 1, "amplest" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "amnesty" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "adopt" -> 1, "admit" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "acknowledgment" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "abandoned" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "6th" -> 1, "5th" -> 1, "1872" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1868", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1868, "Date" -> DateObject[{1868, 5, 20}], "Text" -> "The National Union Republican Party of the United States, assembled in National Convention, in the city of Chicago, on the 20th day of May, 1868, make the following declaration of principles:\nFirst—We congratulate the country on the assured success of the reconstruction policy of Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in the majority of the States lately in rebellion, of constitutions securing equal civil and political rights to all, and regard it as the duty of the Government to sustain those constitutions, and to prevent the people of such States from being remitted to a state of anarchy or military rule.\nSecond—The guaranty by Congress of equal suffrage to all loyal men at the South was demanded by every consideration of public safety, of gratitude, and of justice, and must be maintained; while the question of suffrage in all the loyal States properly belongs to the people of those States.\nThird—We denounce all forms of repudiation as a national crime; and national honor requires the payment of the public indebtedness in the utmost good faith to all creditors at home and abroad, not only according to the letter, but the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted.\nFourth—It is due to the labor of the nation, that taxation should be equalized and reduced as rapidly as the national faith will permit.\nFifth—The National Debt, contracted as it has been for the preservation of the Union for all time to come, should be extended over a fair period of redemption, and it is the duty of Congress to reduce the rate of interest thereon whenever it can be done honestly.\nSixth—That the best policy to diminish our burden of debt, is to so improve our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower rates of interest than we now pay and must continue to pay so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert, is threatened or suspected.\nSeventh—The Government of the United States should be administered with the strictest economy; and the corruptions which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson call loudly for radical reform.\nEighth—We profoundly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and regret the accession of Andrew Johnson to the Presidency, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause he was pledged to support; has usurped high legislative and judicial functions; has refused to execute the laws; has used his high office to induce other officers to ignore and violate the laws; has employed his executive powers to render insecure the property, the peace, the liberty, and life of the citizen; has abused the pardoning power; has denounced the National Legislature as unconstitutional; has persistently and corruptly resisted, by every means in his power, every proper attempt at the reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion; has perverted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption; and has been justly impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the vote of thirty-five senators.\nNinth—The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers, that because a man is once a subject, he is always so, must be resisted, at every hazard, by the United States, as a relic of the feudal times, not authorized by the law of nations, and at war with our national honor and independence. Naturalized citizens are entitled to be protected in all their rights of citizenship, as though they were native-born; and no citizen of the United States, native or naturalized, must be liable to arrest and imprisonment by any foreign power, for acts done or words spoken in this country; and, if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the duty of the Government to interfere in his behalf.\nTenth—Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more especial honor than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of campaign and cruise, and imperilled their lives in the service of the country. The bounties and pensions provided by law for these brave defenders of the nation, are obligations never to be forgotten. The widows and orphans of the gallant dead are the wards of the people—a sacred legacy bequeathed to the nation's protecting care.\nEleventh—Foreign immigration, which in the past, has added so much to the wealth, development of resources, and increase of power to this nation—the asylum of the oppressed of all nations—should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy.\nTwelfth—This Convention declares its sympathy with all the oppressed people which are struggling for their rights.\nThirteenth—We highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forgiveness with which men who have served in the rebellion, but now frankly and honestly co-operate with us in restoring the peace of the country, and reconstructing the Southern State Governments upon the basis of impartial justice and equal rights, are received back into the communion of the loyal people; and we favor the removal of the disqualifications and restrictions imposed upon the late rebels, in the same measure as the spirit of disloyalty will die out, and as may be consistent with the safety of the loyal people.\nFourteenth—We recognize the great principles laid down in the immortal Declaration of Independence as the true foundation of Democratic Government; and we hail with gladness every effort toward making these principles a living reality on every inch of American soil.", "Words" -> 907, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 90, "of" -> 60, "and" -> 45, "to" -> 30, "in" -> 18, "as" -> 13, "has" -> 12, "by" -> 11, "be" -> 11, "all" -> 10, "States" -> 9, "a" -> 8, "with" -> 7, "is" -> 7, "for" -> 7, "so" -> 6, "people" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "it" -> 6, "every" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "who" -> 5, "which" -> 5, "are" -> 5, "United" -> 4, "rights" -> 4, "power" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "national" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "loyal" -> 4, "his" -> 4, "Government" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "will" -> 3, "were" -> 3, "we" -> 3, "was" -> 3, "their" -> 3, "The" -> 3, "that" -> 3, "spirit" -> 3, "should" -> 3, "rebellion" -> 3, "public" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "our" -> 3, "on" -> 3, "laws" -> 3, "honor" -> 3, "high" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "Congress" -> 3, "been" -> 3, "war" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "suffrage" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "resisted" -> 2, "repudiation" -> 2, "reconstruction" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "pay" -> 2, "other" -> 2, "oppressed" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "not" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "lately" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "Johnson" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "honestly" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "have" -> 2, "fostered" -> 2, "faith" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "contracted" -> 2, "constitutions" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "brave" -> 2, "Andrew" -> 2, "words" -> 1, "widows" -> 1, "wholesale" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "wards" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "usurped" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "untimely" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "Twelfth—This" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "treacherously" -> 1, "tragic" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "threatened" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "thirty-five" -> 1, "Thirteenth—We" -> 1, "Third—We" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "thereon" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "Tenth—Of" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "suspected" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "strictest" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "spoken" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "South" -> 1, "soldiers" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "Sixth—That" -> 1, "shamefully" -> 1, "Seventh—The" -> 1, "service" -> 1, "served" -> 1, "senators" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "Second—The" -> 1, "seamen" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rule" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "resources" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "Republican" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "removal" -> 1, "remitted" -> 1, "relic" -> 1, "regret" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refused" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "redemption" -> 1, "reconstructing" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "rebels" -> 1, "reality" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "rate" -> 1, "rapidly" -> 1, "radical" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "pronounced" -> 1, "profoundly" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "perverted" -> 1, "persistently" -> 1, "permit" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "people—a" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "partial" -> 1, "pardoning" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "orphans" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "nursed" -> 1, "none" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "Ninth—The" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "Naturalized" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "nation—the" -> 1, "nations—should" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "misdemeanors" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "May" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "making" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "magnanimity" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "loudly" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "loan" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "life" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "liable" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "Legislature" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "legacy" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "its" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "insecure" -> 1, "induce" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "indebtedness" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "inch" -> 1, "improve" -> 1, "imprisonment" -> 1, "imprisoned" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "imperilled" -> 1, "impeached" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "immortal" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "hazard" -> 1, "hardships" -> 1, "hail" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guaranty" -> 1, "Great" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "gratitude" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gladness" -> 1, "gallant" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "from" -> 1, "frankly" -> 1, "Fourth—It" -> 1, "Fourteenth—We" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forgiveness" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "First—We" -> 1, "Fifth—The" -> 1, "feudal" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "execute" -> 1, "evinced" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "especial" -> 1, "equalized" -> 1, "engine" -> 1, "endured" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "Eleventh—Foreign" -> 1, "elected" -> 1, "Eighth—We" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "down" -> 1, "doctrine" -> 1, "disqualifications" -> 1, "disloyalty" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "development" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "denounced" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "Democratic" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "defenders" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "Debt" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "dead" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "cruise" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "covert" -> 1, "corruptly" -> 1, "corruptions" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "co-operate" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "communion" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "Chicago" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "care" -> 1, "capitalists" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "Britain" -> 1, "bounties" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "bequeathed" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "back" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "assured" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "arrested" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "any" -> 1, "anarchy" -> 1, "an" -> 1, "American" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "acted" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accession" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "20th" -> 1, "1868" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1864", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1864, "Date" -> DateObject[{1864, 6, 7}], "Text" -> "1. Resolved, That it is the highest duty of every American citizen to maintain against all their enemies the integrity of the Union and the paramount authority of the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that, laying aside all differences of political opinion, we pledge ourselves, as Union men, animated by a common sentiment and aiming at a common object, to do everything in our power to aid the Government in quelling by force of arms the Rebellion now raging against its authority, and in bringing to the punishment due to their crimes the Rebels and traitors arrayed against it.\n2. Resolved, That we approve the determination of the Government of the United States not to compromise with Rebels, or to offer them any terms of peace, except such as may be based upon an unconditional surrender of their hostility and a return to their just allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the United States, and that we call upon the Government to maintain this position and to prosecute the war with the utmost possible vigor to the complete suppression of the Rebellion, in full reliance upon the self-sacrificing patriotism, the heroic valor and the undying devotion of the American people to the country and its free institutions.\n3. Resolved, That as slavery was the cause, and now constitutes the strength of this Rebellion, and as it must be, always and everywhere, hostile to the principles of Republican Government, justice and the National safety demand its utter and complete extirpation from the soil of the Republic; and that, while we uphold and maintain the acts and proclamations by which the Government, in its own defense, has aimed a deathblow at this gigantic evil, we are in favor, furthermore, of such an amendment to the Constitution, to be made by the people in conformity with its provisions, as shall terminate and forever prohibit the existence of Slavery within the limits of the jurisdiction of the United States.\n4. Resolved, That the thanks of the American people are due to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy, who have periled their lives in defense of the country and in vindication of the honor of its flag; that the nation owes to them some permanent recognition of their patriotism and their valor, and ample and permanent provision for those of their survivors who have received disabling and honorable wounds in the service of the country; and that the memories of those who have fallen in its defense shall be held in grateful and everlasting remembrance.\n5. Resolved, That we approve and applaud the practical wisdom, the unselfish patriotism and the unswerving fidelity to the Constitution and the principles of American liberty, with which ABRAHAM LINCOLN has discharged, under circumstances of unparalleled difficulty, the great duties and responsibilities of the Presidential office; that we approve and indorse, as demanded by the emergency and essential to the preservation of the nation and as within the provisions of the Constitution, the measures and acts which he has adopted to defend the nation against its open and secret foes; that we approve, especially, the Proclamation of Emancipation, and the employment as Union soldiers of men heretofore held in slavery; and that we have full confidence in his determination to carry these and all other Constitutional measures essential to the salvation of the country into full and complete effect.\n6. Resolved, That we deem it essential to the general welfare that harmony should prevail in the National Councils, and we regard as worthy of public confidence and official trust those only who cordially indorse the principles proclaimed in these resolutions, and which should characterize the administration of the government.\n7. Resolved, That the Government owes to all men employed in its armies, without regard to distinction of color, the full protection of the laws of war—and that any violation of these laws, or of the usages of civilized nations in time of war, by the Rebels now in arms, should be made the subject of prompt and full redress.\n8. Resolved, That foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of resources and increase of power to the nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy.\n9. Resolved, That we are in favor of the speedy construction of the railroad to the Pacific coast.\n10. Resolved, That the National faith, pledged for the redemption of the public debt, must be kept inviolate, and that for this purpose we recommend economy and rigid responsibility in the public expenditures, and a vigorous and just system of taxation; and that it is the duty of every loyal state to sustain the credit and promote the use of the National currency.\n11. Resolved, That we approve the position taken by the Government that the people of the United States can never regard with indifference the attempt of any European Power to overthrow by force or to supplant by fraud the institutions of any Republican Government on the Western Continent and that they will view with extreme jealousy, as menacing to the peace and independence of their own country, the efforts of any such power to obtain new footholds for Monarchical Government, sustained by foreign military force, in near proximity to the United States.", "Words" -> 894, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 104, "of" -> 62, "and" -> 58, "to" -> 35, "in" -> 23, "we" -> 14, "that" -> 14, "That" -> 11, "Resolved" -> 11, "by" -> 11, "as" -> 10, "their" -> 9, "its" -> 9, "Government" -> 9, "be" -> 7, "with" -> 6, "United" -> 6, "States" -> 6, "a" -> 6, "which" -> 5, "it" -> 5, "full" -> 5, "country" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "approve" -> 5, "any" -> 5, "all" -> 5, "who" -> 4, "this" -> 4, "should" -> 4, "people" -> 4, "National" -> 4, "nation" -> 4, "laws" -> 4, "have" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "for" -> 4, "American" -> 4, "against" -> 4, "upon" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "those" -> 3, "these" -> 3, "such" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "Rebels" -> 3, "Rebellion" -> 3, "public" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "power" -> 3, "patriotism" -> 3, "or" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "men" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "force" -> 3, "essential" -> 3, "defense" -> 3, "complete" -> 3, "are" -> 3, "within" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "valor" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "slavery" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "Republican" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "position" -> 2, "permanent" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "owes" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "must" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "made" -> 2, "is" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "indorse" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "favor" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "determination" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "at" -> 2, "arms" -> 2, "an" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "wounds" -> 1, "worthy" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "will" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "Western" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "war—and" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "vindication" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "utter" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "usages" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "unswerving" -> 1, "unselfish" -> 1, "unparalleled" -> 1, "undying" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "traitors" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "thanks" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "terminate" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "system" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "surrender" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supplant" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "strength" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "Slavery" -> 1, "service" -> 1, "sentiment" -> 1, "self-sacrificing" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "salvation" -> 1, "sailors" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "responsibilities" -> 1, "resources" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "Republic" -> 1, "remembrance" -> 1, "reliance" -> 1, "redress" -> 1, "redemption" -> 1, "recommend" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "raging" -> 1, "quelling" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "proximity" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "prosecute" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "proclamations" -> 1, "Proclamation" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "Power" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "periled" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "our" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "oppressed" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "on" -> 1, "official" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offer" -> 1, "obtain" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "not" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "Navy" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "Monarchical" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "menacing" -> 1, "memories" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "LINCOLN" -> 1, "limits" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "jealousy" -> 1, "inviolate" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "immigration" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "heroic" -> 1, "heretofore" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "gigantic" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "furthermore" -> 1, "from" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "footholds" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "fallen" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extirpation" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "everything" -> 1, "everlasting" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employed" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "Emancipation" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "discharged" -> 1, "disabling" -> 1, "difficulty" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "development" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "deathblow" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "credit" -> 1, "Councils" -> 1, "cordially" -> 1, "Continent" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "compromise" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "coast" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "circumstances" -> 1, "characterize" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "carry" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "bringing" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "asylum" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "arrayed" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "armies" -> 1, "applaud" -> 1, "animated" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "aiming" -> 1, "aimed" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "added" -> 1, "ABRAHAM" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1860", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1860, "Date" -> DateObject[{1860, 5, 17}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That we, the delegated representatives of the Republican electors of the United States in Convention assembled, in discharge of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following declarations:\n1. That the history of the nation during the last four years, has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party, and that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever before, demand its peaceful and constitutional triumph.\n2. That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Federal Constitution, \"That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,\" is essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions; and that the Federal Constitution, the Rights of the States, and the Union of the States must and shall be preserved.\n3. That to the Union of the States this nation owes its unprecedented increase in population, its surprising development of material resources, its rapid augmentation of wealth, its happiness at home and its honor abroad; and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for disunion, come from whatever source they may. And we congratulate the country that no Republican member of Congress has uttered or countenanced the threats of disunion so often made by Democratic members, without rebuke and with applause from their political associates; and we denounce those threats of disunion, in case of a popular overthrow of their ascendency as denying the vital principles of a free government, and as an avowal of contemplated treason, which it is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence.\n4. That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the states, and especially the right of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of powers on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any state or territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes.\n5. That the present Democratic Administration has far exceeded our worst apprehensions, in its measureless subserviency to the exactions of a sectional interest, as especially evinced in its desperate exertions to force the infamous Lecompton Constitution upon the protesting people of Kansas; in construing the personal relations between master and servant to involve an unqualified property in persons; in its attempted enforcement everywhere, on land and sea, through the intervention of Congress and of the Federal Courts of the extreme pretensions of a purely local interest; and in its general and unvarying abuse of the power intrusted to it by a confiding people.\n6. That the people justly view with alarm the reckless extravagance which pervades every department of the Federal Government; that a return to rigid economy and accountability is indispensable to arrest the systematic plunder of the public treasury by favored partisans; while the recent startling developments of frauds and corruptions at the Federal metropolis, show that an entire change of administration is imperatively demanded.\n7. That the new dogma that the Constitution, of its own force, carries slavery into any or all of the territories of the United States, is a dangerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legislative and judicial precedent; is revolutionary in its tendency, and subversive of the peace and harmony of the country.\n8. That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom: That, as our Republican fathers, when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory, ordained that \"no persons should be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law,\" it becomes our duty, by legislation, whenever such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it; and we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to givelegal existence to slavery in any territory of the United States.\n9. That we brand the recent reopening of the African slave trade, under the cover of our national flag, aided by perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity and a burning shame to our country and age; and we call upon Congress to take prompt and efficient measures for the total and final suppression of that execrable traffic\n10. That in the recent vetoes, by their Federal Governors, of the acts of the legislatures of Kansas and Nebraska, prohibiting slavery in those territories, we find a practical illustration of the boasted Democratic principle of Non-Intervention and Popular Sovereignty, embodied in the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, and a demonstration of the deception and fraud involved therein.\n11. That Kansas should, of right, be immediately admitted as a state under the Constitution recently formed and adopted by her people, and accepted by the House of Representatives.\n12. That, while providing revenue for the support of the general government by duties upon imports, sound policy requires such an adjustment of these imports as to encourage the development of the industrial interests of the whole country; and we commend that policy of national exchanges, which secures to the workingmen liberal wages, to agriculture remunerative prices, to mechanics and manufacturers an adequate reward for their skill, labor, and enterprise, and to the nation commercial prosperity and independence.\n13. That we protest against any sale or alienation to others of the public lands held by actual settlers, and against any view of the free-homestead policy which regards the settlers as paupers or suppliants for public bounty; and we demand the passage by Congress of the complete and satisfactory homestead measure which has already passed the House.\n14. That the Republican party is opposed to any change in our naturalization laws or any state legislation by which the rights of citizens hitherto accorded to immigrants from foreign lands shall be abridged or impaired; and in favor of giving a full and efficient protection to the rights of all classes of citizens, whether native or naturalized, both at home and abroad.\n15. That appropriations by Congress for river and harbor improvements of a national character, required for the accommodation and security of an existing commerce, are authorized by the Constitution, and justified by the obligation of Government to protect the lives and property of its citizens.\n16. That a railroad to the Pacific Ocean is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country; that the federal government ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construction; and that, as preliminary thereto, a daily overland mail should be promptly established.\n17. Finally, having thus set forth our distinctive principles and views, we invite the co-operation of all citizens, however differing on other questions, who substantially agree with us in their affirmance and support.", "Words" -> 1193, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 105, "of" -> 89, "and" -> 63, "to" -> 32, "in" -> 25, "That" -> 19, "by" -> 18, "that" -> 17, "a" -> 17, "its" -> 16, "we" -> 14, "our" -> 12, "is" -> 11, "or" -> 10, "as" -> 10, "which" -> 8, "their" -> 8, "any" -> 8, "all" -> 8, "with" -> 7, "States" -> 7, "for" -> 7, "Constitution" -> 7, "an" -> 7, "Republican" -> 6, "Federal" -> 6, "country" -> 6, "Congress" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "rights" -> 5, "people" -> 5, "it" -> 5, "be" -> 5, "United" -> 4, "territory" -> 4, "state" -> 4, "slavery" -> 4, "national" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "from" -> 4, "citizens" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "against" -> 4, "upon" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "they" -> 3, "these" -> 3, "should" -> 3, "recent" -> 3, "public" -> 3, "property" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "policy" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "on" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "legislation" -> 3, "Kansas" -> 3, "government" -> 3, "force" -> 3, "efficient" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "disunion" -> 3, "Democratic" -> 3, "among" -> 3, "without" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "view" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "threats" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "territories" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "such" -> 2, "shall" -> 2, "settlers" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "rebuke" -> 2, "powers" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "persons" -> 2, "party" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "maintenance" -> 2, "life" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "imports" -> 2, "imperatively" -> 2, "House" -> 2, "home" -> 2, "happiness" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "established" -> 2, "essential" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "embodied" -> 2, "development" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "demanded" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "change" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "years" -> 1, "worst" -> 1, "workingmen" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "vetoes" -> 1, "variance" -> 1, "uttered" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "unvarying" -> 1, "unqualified" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "triumph" -> 1, "treasury" -> 1, "treason" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "trade" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "through" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "territorial" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "systematic" -> 1, "surprising" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "suppliants" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "substantially" -> 1, "subserviency" -> 1, "sternly" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "startling" -> 1, "Sovereignty" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "slave" -> 1, "skill" -> 1, "silence" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "servant" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "secures" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "sectional" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "schemes" -> 1, "satisfactory" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "river" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "resources" -> 1, "Resolved" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "reopening" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "remunerative" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "regards" -> 1, "reckless" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "rapid" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "purely" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "provision" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "protesting" -> 1, "protest" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "propriety" -> 1, "promulgated" -> 1, "promptly" -> 1, "prompt" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "process" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "pretext" -> 1, "pretensions" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "preliminary" -> 1, "precedent" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "Popular" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "plunder" -> 1, "perversions" -> 1, "pervades" -> 1, "personal" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "perfection" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "paupers" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "partisans" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "owe" -> 1, "overthrow" -> 1, "overland" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "ordained" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "often" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "normal" -> 1, "Non-Intervention" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "Nebraska" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "naturalization" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "metropolis" -> 1, "members" -> 1, "member" -> 1, "mechanics" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "measureless" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "mail" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "legislature" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "Lecompton" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "lawless" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "Kansas-Nebraska" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "involved" -> 1, "involve" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "inviolate" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "intrusted" -> 1, "intervention" -> 1, "instrument" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "infamous" -> 1, "industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indignant" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "immediate" -> 1, "illustration" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "homestead" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "hitherto" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "heresy" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "harmony" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "Governors" -> 1, "governments" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "givelegal" -> 1, "fully" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "free-homestead" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "frauds" -> 1, "fraud" -> 1, "four" -> 1, "forth" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "forever" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "Finally" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "fabric" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "exposition" -> 1, "explicit" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "exertions" -> 1, "execrable" -> 1, "exclusively" -> 1, "exchanges" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "evinced" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "endurance" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "encourage" -> 1, "electors" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "dogma" -> 1, "distinctive" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "developments" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "deriving" -> 1, "deprived" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "denying" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "delegated" -> 1, "declarations" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "deception" -> 1, "dangerous" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "Creator" -> 1, "created" -> 1, "cover" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "countenanced" -> 1, "corruptions" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "contemporaneous" -> 1, "contemplated" -> 1, "construing" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constituents" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "confiding" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "commend" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "certain" -> 1, "causes" -> 1, "case" -> 1, "carries" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "burning" -> 1, "brand" -> 1, "bounty" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "boasted" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "avowal" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "augmentation" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "ascendency" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "apprehensions" -> 1, "applause" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "alienation" -> 1, "alarm" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "agree" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "African" -> 1, "affirmance" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "adjustment" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "accountability" -> 1, "according" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "abridged" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1, "abhorrence" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "13" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Republican Party Platform of 1856", "Party" -> "Republican", "Year" -> 1856, "Date" -> DateObject[{1856, 6, 18}], "Text" -> "This Convention of Delegates, assembled in pursuance of a call addressed to the people of the United States, without regard to past political differences or divisions, who are opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; to the policy of the present Administration; to the extension of Slavery into Free Territory; in favor of the admission of Kansas as a Free State; of restoring the action of the Federal Government to the principles of Washington and Jefferson; and for the purpose of presenting candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President, do\nResolved: That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence, and embodied in the Federal Constitution are essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions, and that the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the union of the States, must and shall be preserved.\nResolved: That, with our Republican fathers, we hold it to be a self-evident truth, that all men are endowed with the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that the primary object and ulterior design of our Federal Government were to secure these rights to all persons under its exclusive jurisdiction; that, as our Republican fathers, when they had abolished Slavery in all our National Territory, ordained that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, it becomes our duty to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it for the purpose of establishing Slavery in the Territories of the United States by positive legislation, prohibiting its existence or extension therein. That we deny the authority of Congress, of a Territorial Legislation, of any individual, or association of individuals, to give legal existence to Slavery in any Territory of the United States, while the present Constitution shall be maintained.\nResolved: That the Constitution confers upon Congress sovereign powers over the Territories of the United States for their government; and that in the exercise of this power, it is both the right and the imperative duty of Congress to prohibit in the Territories those twin relics of barbarism--Polygamy, and Slavery.\nResolved: That while the Constitution of the United States was ordained and established by the people, in order to \"form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty,\" and contain ample provision for the protection of the life, liberty, and property of every citizen, the dearest Constitutional rights of the people of Kansas have been fraudulently and violently taken from them.\nTheir Territory has been invaded by an armed force;\nSpurious and pretended legislative, judicial, and executive officers have been set over them, by whose usurped authority, sustained by the military power of the government, tyrannical and unconstitutional laws have been enacted and enforced;\nThe right of the people to keep and bear arms has been infringed.\nTest oaths of an extraordinary and entangling nature have been imposed as a condition of exercising the right of suffrage and holding office.\nThe right of an accused person to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury has been denied;\nThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, has been violated;\nThey have been deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law;\nThat the freedom of speech and of the press has been abridged;\nThe right to choose their representatives has been made of no effect;\nMurders, robberies, and arsons have been instigated and encouraged, and the offenders have been allowed to go unpunished;\nThat all these things have been done with the knowledge, sanction, and procurement of the present National Administration; and that for this high crime against the Constitution, the Union, and humanity, we arraign that Administration, the President, his advisers, agents, supporters, apologists, and accessories, either before or after the fact, before the country and before the world; and that it is our fixed purpose to bring the actual perpetrators of these atrocious outrages and their accomplices to a sure and condign punishment thereafter.\nResolved, That Kansas should be immediately admitted as a state of this Union, with her present Free Constitution, as at once the most effectual way of securing to her citizens the enjoyment of the rights and privileges to which they are entitled, and of ending the civil strife now raging in her territory.\nResolved, That the highwayman's plea, that \"might makes right,\" embodied in the Ostend Circular, was in every respect unworthy of American diplomacy, and would bring shame and dishonor upon any Government or people that gave it their sanction.\nResolved, That a railroad to the Pacific Ocean by the most central and practicable route is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country, and that the Federal Government ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construction, and as an auxiliary thereto, to the immediate construction of an emigrant road on the line of the railroad.\nResolved, That appropriations by Congress for the improvement of rivers and harbors, of a national character, required for the accommodation and security of our existing commerce, are authorized by the Constitution, and justified by the obligation of the Government to protect the lives and property of its citizens.\nResolved, That we invite the affiliation and cooperation of the men of all parties, however differing from us in other respects, in support of the principles herein declared; and believing that the spirit of our institutions as well as the Constitution of our country, guarantees liberty of conscience and equality of rights among citizens, we oppose all legislation impairing their security.", "Words" -> 952, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 92, "of" -> 74, "and" -> 56, "to" -> 30, "in" -> 17, "been" -> 14, "that" -> 13, "That" -> 12, "by" -> 11, "a" -> 11, "our" -> 10, "Constitution" -> 10, "Resolved" -> 9, "for" -> 9, "right" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "as" -> 8, "States" -> 7, "all" -> 7, "their" -> 6, "people" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "liberty" -> 6, "it" -> 6, "has" -> 6, "be" -> 6, "an" -> 6, "we" -> 5, "United" -> 5, "Slavery" -> 5, "rights" -> 5, "Government" -> 5, "Federal" -> 5, "are" -> 5, "with" -> 4, "this" -> 4, "The" -> 4, "Territory" -> 4, "property" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "its" -> 4, "Congress" -> 4, "without" -> 3, "these" -> 3, "Territories" -> 3, "shall" -> 3, "secure" -> 3, "Republican" -> 3, "purpose" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "Kansas" -> 3, "is" -> 3, "her" -> 3, "Free" -> 3, "country" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "before" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "against" -> 3, "Administration" -> 3, "while" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "union" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "security" -> 2, "sanction" -> 2, "railroad" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "process" -> 2, "President" -> 2, "power" -> 2, "persons" -> 2, "person" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "ordained" -> 2, "no" -> 2, "National" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "men" -> 2, "legislation" -> 2, "law" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "government" -> 2, "from" -> 2, "fathers" -> 2, "extension" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "embodied" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "due" -> 2, "deprived" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "world" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "which" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "violently" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "Vice-President" -> 1, "usurped" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "unworthy" -> 1, "unreasonable" -> 1, "unpunished" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "ulterior" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "twin" -> 1, "truth" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "tranquility" -> 1, "those" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "thereto" -> 1, "therein" -> 1, "thereafter" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "Test" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "Territorial" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "sure" -> 1, "supporters" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "strife" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "Spurious" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "speech" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "should" -> 1, "shame" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "self-evident" -> 1, "seizures" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "searches" -> 1, "route" -> 1, "robberies" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "render" -> 1, "relics" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "raging" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursuance" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "promulgated" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibit" -> 1, "procurement" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "pretended" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "presenting" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "Polygamy" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "plea" -> 1, "perpetrators" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "papers" -> 1, "Pacific" -> 1, "outrages" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "Ostend" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "oppose" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "on" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "officers" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "oaths" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "nature" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "must" -> 1, "Murders" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "Missouri" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "makes" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "line" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "Legislation" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "keep" -> 1, "justified" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "invite" -> 1, "invaded" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "instigated" -> 1, "infringed" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "inalienable" -> 1, "improvement" -> 1, "imposed" -> 1, "imperatively" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "humanity" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "houses" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "hold" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "highwayman's" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gave" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "fraudulently" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "extraordinary" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "exclusive" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "established" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "entitled" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enjoyment" -> 1, "enforced" -> 1, "endowed" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "encouraged" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "emigrant" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effectual" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "dishonor" -> 1, "diplomacy" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "design" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demanded" -> 1, "Delegates" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "dearest" -> 1, "crime" -> 1, "cooperation" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "contain" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "confers" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "condign" -> 1, "Compromise" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Circular" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "becomes" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "barbarism" -> 1, "auxiliary" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "attempts" -> 1, "atrocious" -> 1, "at" -> 1, "association" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "arsons" -> 1, "arraign" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "armed" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "apologists" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "American" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "after" -> 1, "affiliation" -> 1, "advisers" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "addressed" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "accused" -> 1, "accomplices" -> 1, "accommodation" -> 1, "accessories" -> 1, "abridged" -> 1, "abolished" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Libertarian Party Platform of 1972", "Party" -> "Libertarian", "Year" -> 1972, "Date" -> DateObject[{1972, 6, 17}], "Text" -> "THE PARTY OF PRINCIPLE\n\nSTATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES\nWe, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state, and defend the rights of the individual.\nWe hold that each individual has the right to exercise sole dominion over his own life, and has the right to live his life in whatever manner he chooses, so long as he does not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live their lives in whatever manner they choose.\nGovernments throughout history have regularly operated on the opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to regulate the life of the individual and seize the fruits of his labor without his consent.\nWe, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these things, and hold that the sole function of government is the protection of the rights of each individual: namely (1) the right to life -- and accordingly we support laws prohibiting the initiation of physical force against others; (2) the right to liberty of speech and action -- and accordingly we oppose all attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property -- and accordingly we oppose all government interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, and support laws which prohibit robbery, trespass, fraud and misrepresentation.\nSince government has only one legitimate function, the protection of individual rights, we oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. Men should not be forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders on a free market; and the resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of man's rights, is laissez-faire capitalism.\nINDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND CIVIL ORDER\n\nThe protection of individual rights is the only proper purpose of government. No conflict exists between civil order and individual rights. Both concepts are based on the same fundamental principle: that no individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Government is instituted to protect individual rights. Government is constitutionally limited so as to prevent the infringement of individual rights by the government itself.\nCrime\nWe hold that no action which does not infringe the rights of others can properly be termed a crime. We favor the repeal of all laws creating \"crimes without victims\" now incorporated in Federal, state and local laws -- such as laws on voluntary sexual relations, drug use, gambling, and attempted suicide. We support impartial and consistent enforcement of laws designed to protect individual rights -- regardless of the motivation for which these laws may be violated.\nDue Process for Criminally Accused\nUntil such time as a person is proved guilty of a crime, that person should be accorded all possible respect for his individual rights. We are thus opposed to reduction of present safeguards for the rights of the criminally accused. Specifically, we are opposed to preventive detention, so-called \"no-knock laws\" and all other similar measures which threaten existing rights. We further pledge to do all possible to give life to the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of a speedy trial, and shall work for appropriate legislation to this end. We support full restitution for all loss suffered by persons arrested, indicted, imprisoned, tried, or otherwise injured in the course of criminal proceedings against them which do not result in their conviction. We look ultimately to the voluntary funding of this restitution.\nFreedom of Speech and The Press\nWe pledge to oppose all forms of censorship, whatever the medium involved. Recent events have demonstrated that the already precarious First Amendment rights of the broadcasting industry are becoming still more precarious. Regulation of broadcasting can no longer be tolerated. We shall support legislation to repeal the Federal Communications Act, and to provide for private ownership of broadcasting rights, thus giving broadcasting First Amendment parity with other communications media. We support repeal of pornography laws.\nProtection of Privacy\n\nElectronic and other covert government surveillance of citizens should be restricted to activity which can be shown beforehand, under high, clearly defined standards of probable cause, to be criminal and to present immediate and grave danger to other citizens. The National Census and other government compilations of data on citizens should be conducted on a strictly voluntary basis.\nThe Right to Keep and Bear Arms\nIn recognition of the fact that the individual is his own last source of self-defense, the authors of the Constitution guaranteed, in the Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This reasoning remains valid today. We pledge to uphold that guarantee. We oppose compulsory arms registration.\nVolunteer Army\nWe oppose the draft (Selective Service), believing that the use of force to require individuals to serve in the armed forces or anywhere else is a violation of their rights, and that a well-paid volunteer army is a more effective means of national defense than the involuntary servitude exemplified by the draft. We recommend a complete review and possible reform of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, to guarantee effective and equal protection of rights under the law to all members of the U.S. armed forces, and to promote thereby the morale, dignity, and sense of justice within the military which are indispensable to its efficient and effective operation. We further pledge to work for a declaration of unconditional amnesty for all who have been convicted of, or who now stand accused of, draft evasion and for all military deserters who were draftees.\nProperty Rights\nWe hold that property rights are individual rights and, as such, are entitled to the same respect and protection as all other individual rights. We further hold that the owner of property has the full right to control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy his property without interference, until and unless the exercise of his control infringes the valid rights of others. We shall thus oppose restrictions upon the use of property which do not have as their sole end the protection of valid rights.\nUnions and Collective Bargaining\nWe support the right of free men to voluntarily associate in, or to establish, labor unions. We support the concept that an employer may recognize a union as the collective bargaining agent of some or all of his employees. We oppose governmental interference in bargaining, such as compulsory arbitration or the obligation to bargain. We demand that the National Labor Relations Act be repealed. We recognize voluntary contracts between employers and labor unions as being legally and morally binding on the parties to such contracts.\nTRADE AND THE ECONOMY\nBecause each person has the right to offer his goods and services to others on the free market, and because government interference can only harm such free activity, we oppose all intervention by government into the area of economics. The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes and protect contracts, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. All efforts by government to redistribute wealth, or to control or manage trade, are improper in a free society.\nMoney\n\nWe favor the establishment of a sound money system. We thus support the private ownership of gold, and demand repeal of all legal tender laws.\nThe Economy\nSubsidies\n\nIn order to achieve a free economy in which government victimizes no one for the benefit of anyone else, we oppose all government subsidies to business, labor, education, agriculture, science, the arts, or any other special interests. Those who have entered into these activities with promises of government subsidy will be forewarned by being given a cutoff date beyond which all government aid to their enterprise will be terminated. Relief or exemption from involuntary taxation shall not be considered a subsidy.\nTariffs and Quotas\nLike subsidies, tariffs and quotas serve only to give special treatment to favored interests and to diminish the welfare of other citizens. We therefore support abolition of all tariffs and quotas as well as the Tariff Commission and the Customs Court.\nInterim Reforms\nIn order to effect our long-range goals, we recommend, among others, the following interim measures: the adoption of the Liberty Amendment, and provision for greater use of the referendum for reducing or repealing taxes.\nLong-Range Goals\nSince we believe that every man is entitled to keep the fruits of his labor, we are opposed to all government activity which consists of the forcible collection money or goods from citizens in violation of their individual rights. Specifically, we support the eventual repeal of all taxation. We support a system of voluntary fees for services rendered as a method for financing government in a free society.\nDOMESTIC ILLS\nGovernment intervention in current problems, such as crime, pollution, defraud of consumers, health problems, overpopulation, decaying cities, and poverty, is properly limited to protection of individual rights. In those areas where individual rights or voluntary relations are not involved, we support an immediate reduction of government's present role, and ultimately, a total withdrawal of government intervention, together with the establishment of a legal framework in which private, voluntary solutions to these problems can be developed and implemented.\nPollution\nWe support the development of an objective system defining individual property rights to air and water. We hold that ambiguities in the area of these rights (e.g. concepts such as \"public property\") are a primary cause of our deteriorating environment. Whereas we maintain that no one has the right to violate the legitimate property rights of others by pollution, we shall strenuously oppose all attempts to transform the defense of such rights into any restriction of the efforts of individuals to advance technology, to expand production, or to use their property peacefully.\nConsumer Protection\nWe shall support strong and effective laws against fraud and misrepresentation. We shall oppose, however, that present and prospective so-called \"consumer-protection\" legislation which infringes upon voluntary trade.\nOverpopulation\nWe support an end to all subsidies for childbearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children. We further support the repeal of all laws restricting voluntary birth control or voluntary termination of pregnancies during their first hundred days. We shall oppose all coercive measures to control population growth.\nEducation\nWe support the repeal of all compulsory education laws, and an end to government operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools. We call for an immediate end of compulsory busing.\nPoverty and Unemployment\nWe support repeal of all laws which impede the ability of any person to find employment -- including, but not limited to, minimum wage laws, so-called \"protective\" labor legislation for women and children, governmental restrictions on the establishment of private day-care centers, the National Labor Relations Act, and licensing requirements. We oppose all government welfare and relief projects and \"aid to the poor\" programs, inasmuch as they are not within the proper role of government, and do contribute to unemployment. All aid to the poor should come from private sources.\nFOREIGN POLICY\n\nForeign Aid\nWe support an end to the Federal foreign aid program.\nOwnership in Unclaimed Property\nWe pledge to oppose recognition of claims by fiat, by nations or international bodies, of presently unclaimed property, such as the ocean floor and planetary bodies. We urge the development of objective standards for recognizing claims of ownership in such property.\nCurrency Exchange Rates\nWe pledge to oppose all governmental attempts to peg or regulate currency exchange rates. International trade can truly be free only when currency exchange rates reflect the free-market value of respective currencies.\n\nMILITARY\n\nMilitary Alliances\nThe United States should abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world, and should enter into alliances only with countries whose continued free existence is vital to the protection of the freedom of all American citizens. Under such an alliance, the United States may offer the protection of its nuclear umbrella, but our allies would provide their own conventional defense capabilities. We should in particular disengage from any present alliances which include despotic governments.\nMilitary Capability\nWe shall support the maintenance of a sufficient military establishment to defend the United States against aggression. We should have a sufficient nuclear capacity to convince any potential aggressor that it cannot hope to survive a first strike against the United States. But, as our foreign commitments are reduced, and as our allies assume their share of the burden of providing a conventional war capability, we should be able to reduce the size of our conventional defense, and thus reduce the overall cost and size of our total defense establishment.\n\nDIPLOMATIC\n\nDiplomatic Recognition\nThe United States should establish a scheme of recognition consistent with the principles of a free society, the primary principle being that, while individuals everywhere in the world have unalienable rights, governments which enslave individuals have no legitimacy whatsoever.\nSecession\nWe shall support recognition of the right to secede. Political units or areas which do secede should be recognized by the United States as independent political entities where: (1) secession is supported by a majority within the political unit, (2) the majority does not attempt suppression of the dissenting minority, and (3) the government of the new entity is at least as compatible with human freedom as that from which it seceded.\nThe United Nations\nWe support withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations. We further support a Constitutional Amendment designed to prohibit the United States from entering into any treaty under which it relinquishes any portion of its sovereignty.", "Words" -> 2303, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 143, "of" -> 125, "to" -> 88, "and" -> 77, "We" -> 51, "all" -> 32, "a" -> 32, "rights" -> 31, "government" -> 30, "as" -> 27, "in" -> 25, "support" -> 24, "that" -> 22, "for" -> 22, "or" -> 21, "which" -> 20, "individual" -> 20, "be" -> 18, "oppose" -> 16, "laws" -> 16, "is" -> 16, "we" -> 15, "right" -> 15, "property" -> 14, "by" -> 14, "such" -> 13, "should" -> 13, "are" -> 13, "voluntary" -> 12, "their" -> 12, "free" -> 12, "United" -> 11, "his" -> 11, "any" -> 11, "with" -> 10, "shall" -> 10, "protection" -> 10, "other" -> 10, "on" -> 10, "not" -> 10, "The" -> 9, "States" -> 9, "our" -> 9, "repeal" -> 8, "others" -> 8, "only" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "an" -> 8, "labor" -> 7, "has" -> 7, "from" -> 7, "use" -> 6, "private" -> 6, "present" -> 6, "pledge" -> 6, "no" -> 6, "into" -> 6, "individuals" -> 6, "hold" -> 6, "end" -> 6, "do" -> 6, "citizens" -> 6, "can" -> 6, "against" -> 6, "thus" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "life" -> 5, "interference" -> 5, "further" -> 5, "establishment" -> 5, "defense" -> 5, "control" -> 5, "Amendment" -> 5, "within" -> 4, "who" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "system" -> 4, "recognition" -> 4, "protect" -> 4, "person" -> 4, "own" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "legislation" -> 4, "its" -> 4, "In" -> 4, "effective" -> 4, "compulsory" -> 4, "broadcasting" -> 4, "attempts" -> 4, "aid" -> 4, "without" -> 3, "whatever" -> 3, "welfare" -> 3, "valid" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "subsidy" -> 3, "subsidies" -> 3, "sole" -> 3, "society" -> 3, "so-called" -> 3, "services" -> 3, "role" -> 3, "relations" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "proper" -> 3, "problems" -> 3, "principle" -> 3, "possible" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "ownership" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "opposed" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "Military" -> 3, "military" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "manner" -> 3, "lives" -> 3, "limited" -> 3, "legal" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "intervention" -> 3, "immediate" -> 3, "guarantee" -> 3, "governmental" -> 3, "Government" -> 3, "fruits" -> 3, "freedom" -> 3, "force" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "each" -> 3, "draft" -> 3, "does" -> 3, "crime" -> 3, "conventional" -> 3, "contracts" -> 3, "being" -> 3, "areas" -> 3, "activity" -> 3, "Act" -> 3, "accordingly" -> 3, "world" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "withdrawal" -> 2, "will" -> 2, "where" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "unions" -> 2, "ultimately" -> 2, "total" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "THE" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "taxation" -> 2, "tariffs" -> 2, "sufficient" -> 2, "state" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "speech" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "so" -> 2, "size" -> 2, "Since" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "secede" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "restrictions" -> 2, "restitution" -> 2, "respect" -> 2, "Relations" -> 2, "regulate" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "reduce" -> 2, "recommend" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "rates" -> 2, "quotas" -> 2, "provision" -> 2, "Protection" -> 2, "Property" -> 2, "properly" -> 2, "prohibit" -> 2, "primary" -> 2, "precarious" -> 2, "poor" -> 2, "pollution" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "operation" -> 2, "offer" -> 2, "OF" -> 2, "objective" -> 2, "nuclear" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "Nations" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "misrepresentation" -> 2, "members" -> 2, "market" -> 2, "majority" -> 2, "live" -> 2, "legitimate" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "involuntary" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "infringes" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "he" -> 2, "group" -> 2, "governments" -> 2, "goods" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "function" -> 2, "full" -> 2, "fraud" -> 2, "framework" -> 2, "foreign" -> 2, "forces" -> 2, "First" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "favor" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "exchange" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "else" -> 2, "efforts" -> 2, "education" -> 2, "economic" -> 2, "dispose" -> 2, "development" -> 2, "designed" -> 2, "demand" -> 2, "defend" -> 2, "currency" -> 2, "criminal" -> 2, "consistent" -> 2, "concepts" -> 2, "compatible" -> 2, "claims" -> 2, "children" -> 2, "censorship" -> 2, "cause" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "bodies" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "benefit" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "arms" -> 2, "armed" -> 2, "area" -> 2, "AND" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "allies" -> 2, "alliances" -> 2, "All" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "accused" -> 2, "3" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "whose" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "Whereas" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "whatsoever" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "well-paid" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "water" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "Volunteer" -> 1, "volunteer" -> 1, "voluntarily" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "violated" -> 1, "violate" -> 1, "victims" -> 1, "victimizes" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "U.S." -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "uphold" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "unit" -> 1, "Unions" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "Uniform" -> 1, "Unemployment" -> 1, "unemployment" -> 1, "Under" -> 1, "unconditional" -> 1, "Unclaimed" -> 1, "unclaimed" -> 1, "unalienable" -> 1, "umbrella" -> 1, "truly" -> 1, "tried" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "trespass" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "treatment" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "traders" -> 1, "TRADE" -> 1, "tolerated" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "today" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "throughout" -> 1, "threaten" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "those" -> 1, "This" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "them" -> 1, "termination" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "termed" -> 1, "tender" -> 1, "technology" -> 1, "tax-supported" -> 1, "taxes" -> 1, "Tariffs" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surveillance" -> 1, "suppression" -> 1, "supported" -> 1, "suicide" -> 1, "suffered" -> 1, "Subsidies" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "strike" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "strenuously" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "STATEMENT" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "Speech" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "solutions" -> 1, "Sixth" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "share" -> 1, "sexual" -> 1, "servitude" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "self-defense" -> 1, "Selective" -> 1, "seize" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "Secession" -> 1, "secession" -> 1, "seceded" -> 1, "science" -> 1, "schools" -> 1, "scheme" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "RIGHTS" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "Right" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "resultant" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "restricting" -> 1, "restricted" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "repealing" -> 1, "repealed" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "remains" -> 1, "relinquishes" -> 1, "Relief" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "Regulation" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regularly" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "Reforms" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reflect" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "redistribute" -> 1, "recognizing" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "Recognition" -> 1, "Recent" -> 1, "reasoning" -> 1, "realm" -> 1, "Rates" -> 1, "Quotas" -> 1, "purpose" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "providing" -> 1, "proved" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "prospective" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promises" -> 1, "projects" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "programs" -> 1, "program" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "Process" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "probable" -> 1, "Privacy" -> 1, "PRINCIPLES" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "PRINCIPLE" -> 1, "preventive" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "Press" -> 1, "press" -> 1, "presently" -> 1, "pregnancies" -> 1, "Poverty" -> 1, "poverty" -> 1, "potential" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "pornography" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "Pollution" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "POLICY" -> 1, "policeman" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "planetary" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "people" -> 1, "peg" -> 1, "peacefully" -> 1, "PARTY" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "parity" -> 1, "Ownership" -> 1, "owner" -> 1, "Overpopulation" -> 1, "overpopulation" -> 1, "overall" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "otherwise" -> 1, "ORDER" -> 1, "opposite" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "omnipotent" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "no-knock" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "new" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "nationalization" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "namely" -> 1, "motivation" -> 1, "morally" -> 1, "morale" -> 1, "Money" -> 1, "minority" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "MILITARY" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "Men" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "media" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "man's" -> 1, "manage" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "maintain" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "Long-Range" -> 1, "long-range" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "Like" -> 1, "licensing" -> 1, "Liberty" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "Libertarian" -> 1, "legitimacy" -> 1, "legally" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "least" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "laissez-faire" -> 1, "Keep" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "International" -> 1, "international" -> 1, "Interim" -> 1, "interim" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "instituted" -> 1, "injured" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "infringement" -> 1, "infringe" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "INDIVIDUAL" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indicted" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "incorporated" -> 1, "include" -> 1, "inasmuch" -> 1, "improper" -> 1, "imprisoned" -> 1, "implemented" -> 1, "impede" -> 1, "impartial" -> 1, "ILLS" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "hope" -> 1, "history" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "health" -> 1, "harm" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "growth" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "Governments" -> 1, "government's" -> 1, "gold" -> 1, "Goals" -> 1, "goals" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "gambling" -> 1, "funding" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "free-market" -> 1, "Freedom" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forewarned" -> 1, "FOREIGN" -> 1, "Foreign" -> 1, "forcibly" -> 1, "forcible" -> 1, "forced" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "floor" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "fiat" -> 1, "fees" -> 1, "favored" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "expand" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existing" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exemption" -> 1, "exemplified" -> 1, "Exchange" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "events" -> 1, "Even" -> 1, "evasion" -> 1, "environment" -> 1, "entity" -> 1, "entities" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "entering" -> 1, "entered" -> 1, "enter" -> 1, "enslave" -> 1, "enjoy" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employers" -> 1, "employer" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "Electronic" -> 1, "e.g." -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "Education" -> 1, "ECONOMY" -> 1, "Economy" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "economics" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "Due" -> 1, "drug" -> 1, "draftees" -> 1, "dominion" -> 1, "DOMESTIC" -> 1, "domain" -> 1, "dissenting" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "disengage" -> 1, "DIPLOMATIC" -> 1, "Diplomatic" -> 1, "diminish" -> 1, "dignity" -> 1, "developed" -> 1, "deteriorating" -> 1, "detention" -> 1, "despotic" -> 1, "deserters" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "defraud" -> 1, "defining" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decaying" -> 1, "deal" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "day-care" -> 1, "date" -> 1, "data" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "cutoff" -> 1, "Customs" -> 1, "current" -> 1, "Currency" -> 1, "currencies" -> 1, "cult" -> 1, "Criminally" -> 1, "criminally" -> 1, "crimes" -> 1, "Crime" -> 1, "creating" -> 1, "covert" -> 1, "Court" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "cost" -> 1, "convince" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "convicted" -> 1, "contribute" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contractual" -> 1, "continued" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "consumer-protection" -> 1, "Consumer" -> 1, "constitutionally" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "consists" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "consent" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "confiscation" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "compilations" -> 1, "Communications" -> 1, "communications" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "Collective" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "coercive" -> 1, "Code" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "CIVIL" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "cities" -> 1, "chooses" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "childbearing" -> 1, "challenge" -> 1, "centers" -> 1, "Census" -> 1, "capitalism" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "Capability" -> 1, "capability" -> 1, "capabilities" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "busing" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "Both" -> 1, "birth" -> 1, "binding" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "beforehand" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "Because" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "Bear" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "Bargaining" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "authors" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "at" -> 1, "assume" -> 1, "associate" -> 1, "arts" -> 1, "arrested" -> 1, "Army" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "Arms" -> 1, "arbitration" -> 1, "appropriate" -> 1, "anywhere" -> 1, "anyone" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "amnesty" -> 1, "American" -> 1, "Amendment's" -> 1, "ambiguities" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "Alliances" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "air" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "aggressor" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "agent" -> 1, "advance" -> 1, "adoption" -> 1, "adjudicate" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "achieve" -> 1, "Accused" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "abridge" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "abandon" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "American Independent Party Platform of 1968", "Party" -> "American Independent", "Year" -> 1968, "Date" -> DateObject[{1968, 10, 13}], "Text" -> "SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13, 1968\nPREAMBLE\nA sense of destiny pervades the creation and adoption of this first Platform of the American Independent Party, a Platform personifying the ideals, hopes, aspirations and proposals for action of the Party and its candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States, George C. Wallace and Curtis E. LeMay.\nAs this great nation searched vainly for leadership while beset by riots, minority group rebellions, domestic disorders, student protests, spiraling living costs, soaring interest rates, a frightening increase in the crime rate, war abroad and loss of personal liberty at home; while our national political parties and their leaders paid homage to the legions of dissent and disorder and worshipped at the shrine of political expediency, only this Party, the American Independent Party, and its candidates, George C. Wallace and Curtis E. LeMay, possessed the courage and fortitude to openly propose and advocate to the nation those actions which are necessary to return this country to its accustomed and deserved position of leadership among the community of nations and to offer hope to our people of some relief from the continued turmoil, frustration and confusion brought about through the fearful and inept leadership of our national political parties.\nIt is to this end and for this purpose that this Platform is designed. Herein will be set forth the policies, attitude, proposals and position of this Party and its candidates, with matters of deepest concern to the average American, his home, his family, his property, his employment, his right to safety and security in the pursuit of the activities of his daily life, his right to freedom from interference and harassment from and by the government at all levels and, lastly, his pride in himself and this nation and all that it has stood for.\nWe feel that this American has an intense devotion to his country, glorifies in its accomplishments and is saddened by its failures and shortcomings; that he is tolerant of the mistakes of political leaders if he senses their actions to be in good faith and directed to the best interest of the country, but be is confused and dismayed when these leaders desert the principle of government for the people and dedicate themselves to minority appeasement as the country bums and decays.\nThis document treats both foreign and domestic policy and is basically designed to present the proposals and action programs of this Party and its candidates in the area of:\n1. Peace abroad and domestic tranquility at home.\n2. An enlightened and advancing educational program, assisted but not controlled by the federal government.\n3. Job training and opportunity for all Americans willing and able to seek and hold gainful employment.\n4. An alliance and partnership with the private sector of our economy seeking an end to poverty among our people.\n5. Efficiency and prudence in governmental spending leading to a helpful and stable economy free from the need for ever continuing taxation.\n6. Inclusion of the farmer in our program of prosperity through his own efforts rather than total reliance on government subsidy.\n7. Reestablishment of the authority and responsibility of local government by returning to the states, counties and cities those matters properly falling within their jurisdiction and responsibility.\n8. Ending the inflationary spiral of the past decade through fiscal responsibility and efficiency in all echelons of government.\n9. The orderly and economical utilization of the natural resources of this nation coupled with a sensible program of conservation of these resources.\n10. An insistence that the laboring man and woman be given his fair share of responsibility and reward for the development of the mighty potential of this nation.\n11. A re-dedication of this country to the love of God and country and the creation of a judiciary mindful of the attitudes of the people in this regard.\nWith these cardinal principles in mind, we herein set forth the precepts of our Party and Candidates in the following areas of concern:\nDOMESTIC POLICY\nClearly, our citizens are deeply concerned over the domestic plight of this nation. Its cities are in decay and turmoil; its local schools and other institutions stand stripped of their rightful authority; law enforcement agencies and officers are hampered by arbitrary and unreasonable restrictions imposed by a beguiled judiciary; crime runs rampant through the nation; our farmers exist only through unrealistic government subsidies; welfare rolls and costs soar to astronomical heights; our great American institutions of learning are in chaos; living costs rise ever higher as do taxes; interest rates are reaching new heights; disciples of dissent and disorder are rewarded for their disruptive actions at the expense of our law-abiding, God fearing, bard working citizenry. America is alarmed that these conditions have come to exist and that our national leadership takes no corrective action. We feel that the programs and policies of our Party offer this leadership and provide constructive proposals of action for the elimination of the conditions now existing. This we would do in the following manner:\nLOCAL GOVERNMENT\nThe Founding Fathers of our country, when they had won their freedom from King George III in the American Revolution, and were engaged in setting up our Federal Government, in their infinite wisdom, visualized the tyranny and despotism which would inevitably result from an omnipotent central government; and, they sought to avoid that peril by delegating to that central or federal government only those powers which could best be administered by a central or federal government, such as the laying and collecting of taxes to pay the national debt, providing for the common defense, regulating commerce between the states, declaring and waging war, coining money and establishing and maintaining a postal system. And then they provided, in Article X of the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, that:\n\"The powers, not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.\"\nThe Federal Government, in derogation and flagrant violation of this Article of the Bill of Rights, has in the past three decades seized and usurped many powers not delegated to it, such as, among others: the operation and control of the public school system of the several states; the power to prescribe the eligibility and qualifications of those who would vote in our state and local elections; the power to intrude upon and control the farmer in the operation of his farm; the power to tell the property owner to whom he can and cannot sell or rent his property; and, many other rights and privileges of the individual citizen, which are properly subject to state or local control, as distinguished from federal control. The Federal Government has forced the states to reapportion their legislatures, a prerogative of the states alone. The Federal Government has attempted to take over and control the seniority and apprenticeship lists of the labor unions; the Federal Government has adopted so-called \"Civil Rights Acts,\" particularly the one adopted in 1964, which have set race against race and class against class, all of which we condemn. It shall be our purpose to take such steps and pursue such courses as may be necessary and required to restore to the states the powers and authority which rightfully belong to the state and local governments, so that each state shall govern and control its internal affairs without interference or domination of the Federal Government. We feel that the people of a given state are in better position to operate its internal affairs, such as its public schools, than is the Federal Government in Washington; and, we pledge our best efforts to restore to state governments those powers which rightfully belong to the respective states, and which have been illegally and unlawfully seized by the Federal Government, in direct violation of Article X of the Bill of Rights.\nTHE FEDERAL JUDICIARY\nOur forebears, in building our government, wisely provided and established, in the Constitution of the United States, that the Federal Government should consist of three branches, the Legislative, represented by the Congress, whose duty and responsibility it is to enact the laws; the Executive, represented by the President, whose duty it is to enforce the laws enacted by the Congress; and, the judicial, whose duty and responsibility it is to interpret and construe those laws, not to enact them.\nThe Constitution of the United States provides that the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in a Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as the Congress shall from time to time ordain and establish; and, further, that the judges of the Federal courts shall hold their offices for life, during good behavior.\nIn the period of the past three decades, we have seen the Federal judiciary, primarily the Supreme Court, transgress repeatedly upon the prerogatives of the Congress and exceed its authority by enacting judicial legislation, in the form of decisions based upon political and sociological considerations, which would never have been enacted by the Congress. We have seen them, in their solicitude for the criminal and lawless element of our society, shackle the police and other law enforcement agencies; and, as a result, they have made it increasingly difficult to protect the law-abiding citizen from crime and criminals. This is one of the principal reasons for the turmoil and the near revolutionary conditions which prevail in our country today, and particularly in our national capitol. The members of the Federal judiciary, feeling secure in their knowledge that their appointment is for life, have far exceeded their constitutional authority, which is limited to interpreting or construing the law.\nIt shall be our policy and our purpose, at the earliest possible time, to propose and advocate and urge the adoption of an amendment to the United States Constitution whereby members of the Federal judiciary at District level be required to face the electorate on his record at periodical intervals; and, in the event he receives a negative vote upon such election, his office shall thereupon become vacant, and a successor shall be appointed to succeed him.\nWith respect to the Supreme Court and the Courts of Appeals I would propose that this amendment require re-confirmations of the office holder by the United States Senate at reasonable intervals.\nPRIVATE PROPERTY\nWe hold that the ownership of private property is the right and privilege of every American citizen and is one of the foundation 'stones upon which this nation and its free enterprise system has been built and has prospered. We feel that private property rights and human rights are inseparable and indivisible. Only in those nations that guarantee the right of ownership of private property as basic and sacred under their law is there any recognition of human rights.\nWe feel that the American system of private property ownership, coupled with its system of free enterprise, upon the basis of which our country has grown and prospered for more than two hundred years, is sacred; and, we repudiate and condemn those who propose to transform our nation into a socialist state; and, we propose to furnish and provide a national leadership that is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of the great American system of private enterprise and private ownership of property.\nWe repudiate and condemn any federal action regulating or controlling the sale or rental of private property as a socialistic assault upon not only the system of private ownership of property, but upon the right of each American citizen to manage his private affairs without regulation from an all-powerful central government.\nThere is no provision in the Federal Constitution which gives Congress the power to regulate the sale or rental of private property. Such legislation strikes at the very heart of the American system and if followed to its logical conclusion will inevitably lead to a system alien to our concept of free government, where citizens are no longer able to make decisions for themselves or manage their personal affairs. We pledge to take the Federal Government out of the business of controlling private property and return to the people the right to manage their lives and property in a democratic manner.\nCRIME AND DISORDER\nLawlessness has become commonplace in our present society. The permissive attitude of the executive and judiciary at national level sets the tone for this moral decay. The criminal and anarchist who preys on the decent law-abiding citizen is rewarded for his misconduct through never ending justification and platitudes from those in high places who seem to have lost their concern for that vast segment of America that so strongly believes in law and order.\nWe bear much of the \"root causes\" for the depredations committed in our streets and in our towns and cities. We hold that these are to be found in the apparent absence of respect for the law on the part of the perpetrators of these offenses, and the unexplainable compassion for the I criminal evidenced by our executive and judicial officers and officials. We advocate and seek a society and a government in which there is an attitude of respect for the law and for those who seek its enforcement and an insistence on the part of our citizens that the judiciary be ever mindful of their primary duty and function of punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent.\nWe urge full support for law enforcement agencies and officers at every level of government and a situation in which their actions will not be unreasonably fettered by arbitrary judicial decrees.\nWe will insist on fair and equal treatment for all persons before the bar of justice.\nWe will provide every assistance to the continued training and improvement of our law enforcement facilities at federal and local level, providing and encouraging mutual cooperation between each in his own sphere of responsibility.\nWe will support needed legislation and action to seek out and bring to justice the criminal organizations of national scope operating in our country.\nWe will appoint as Attorney General a person interested in the enforcement rather than the disruption of legal processes and restore that office to the dignity and stature it deserves and requires.\nWe will provide leadership and action in a national effort against the usage of drugs and drug addiction, attacking this problem at every level and every source in a full-scale campaign to drive this evil from our society.\nWe will provide increased emphasis in the area of juvenile delinquency and juvenile offenses in order to deter and rehabilitate young offenders.\nWe will not accept violence as the answer to any problem be it social, economic, or self developed. Anarchists and law violators will be treated as such and subjected to prompt arrest and prosecution.\nWe will oppose federal legislation to enforce the registration of guns by our citizens, feeling that this measure would do little or nothing to deter criminal activity, but, rather, would prove restrictive to our decent, law-abiding citizens, and could well encourage further activity by the criminal. We will preserve to the states their rights to take such reasonable measures as they deem appropriate in this area.\nCITIES AND SUBURBS\nThe urban areas of our nation are in a state of social and economic unrest, largely brought\nabout through unfilled promises hastily and carelessly made and the failure of ill-conceived programs enacted under duress and compulsion. For this, we must hold responsible the national leadership of the other two parties, for they were joint partners in this disastrous course of action resulting in the situation now existing in our cities.\nWe object to a federal policy which has poured billions of dollars into our cities over the past decades but which has not been able to prevent their stagnation and decay and has resulted in the flight of millions to the suburbs. We reject the notion that the solution is untold additional billions to be poured into the cities in the same manner, whether such huge sums are to be raised from taxes on the middle class in general, or by unwelcome taxes on those who live in the suburbs of the individual cities. We submit that no government can buy contentment for those living in the cities, suburbs, or rural areas. We advocate the formulation of a mutually arrived at, joint federal, state and local policy which will make it economically and socially attractive and physically safe for people to live again in all sections of all of our cities. We submit that the science and technology, which made possible the development and growth of these cities, is the instrument whereby this can be brought about.\nSpecifically, there must be a restoration and maintenance of law and order before any program, no matter how well conceived, will succeed. We pledge ourselves to this accomplishment and will exert forceful leadership at local level to such effort.\nThose totally unfitted by training, background and environment for urban living who have been lured to the metropolitan areas by the wholly false promises and commitments of self-seeking Political leaders must be afforded an opportunity for training or, in the alternative, an opportunity to return to gainful employment in the less urbanized area from whence they came. This we propose to accomplish in conjunction with private industry through a program of diversification and decentralization of expanding industry into areas away from metropolitan centers, thereby providing relief for many of the problems of the area while providing productive life for those afforded the opportunity to depart these overcrowded areas.\nWe advocate assistance, but not control, to local governmental units from the federal level to enable them to cope with their multiplicity of problems, feeling they are better prepared to offer solution than those more removed therefrom.\nWe advocate and will sponsor a partnership with the private sector of our economy in the restoration of job opportunity and a healthy living environment to our cities through programs made economically attractive to industry.\nWe will support programs designed to provide means by which home-ownership can become a reality to our city dwellers, thereby instilling a greater feeling of dignity, stability and responsibility in those benefiting from such a program.\nAbove all, there must be a restoration of order in our cities as a prelude to any program of assistance, for without order neither government nor private industry will meet with success. Herein lies the cause of much failure in the past.\nJOB OPPORTUNITY AND THE POOR\nWe feel that the matter of our citizens in need and the existence of job opportunities are so closely related as to warrant concurrent consideration.\nWe are convinced that the average American believes in the inherent dignity of gainful employment, preferring this method of attaining a livelihood to any welfare grant or benefit not earned through his own efforts. For this reason we consider the solution to the problem of our needy citizens, capable of gainful employment to be the provision of job opportunity. This will be the goal of our Party and our administration.\nOur first consideration will be the inclusion of private industry in this program and effort. We believe that the private sector of our economy has the will and capability of providing a solution to the problem of poverty much more promptly and efficiently than any or all governmental programs of indiscriminate welfare contributions. Based on this premise, we will work in partnership with private industry in a program mutually beneficial to each to provide these job opportunities. We propose to make this program economically attractive to industry through tax incentives and other means of economic benefit, believing fully that the answer to this problem lies in the vigor and capability of our tremendous free enterprise system.\nWe would propose that the federal government aid and assist in a well-designed program of job training or retraining for those in need thereof. This will be at the vocational school and lower level, depending on the needs of the trainees. We will encourage and assist the states in programs of job training or retraining through realistic productive efforts in this respect, including assistance to the establishment and maintenance of vocational trade schools and other like institutions designed to provide skilled and semiskilled personnel for industrial employment, as well as means whereby 'in-training\" programs can be carried out by private industry in cooperation with government.\nIn the event a public works program becomes necessary to provide employment for all employable Americans, we will provide such a program assuring, however, that these programs be needful and productive and that the participants engage in labor beneficial to the nation and its economy rather than becoming wards of the government and the recipients of gratuitous handouts.\nFor those unemployable by reason of age, infirmity, disability or otherwise, provision will be made for their adequate care through programs of social services based on the requirements and needs of these persons. We hold that all Americans are deserving of and will have the care, compassion and benefits of the fullness of life.\nHEALTH AND WELFARE: OUR SENIOR CITIZENS\nSocial Security is basically an old age, survivors and disability Insurance Plan. It provides for citizens to pay into the Trust Fund during their working years and is designed to replace part of the earning capacity of the participant, or his family, lost due to retirement, death or disability. During past administrations, the Social Security Trust Fund has been depleted and current payments are being made from current revenues. Social Security cannot be financed from current revenues or from the Federal Treasury without raising taxes or jeopardizing other essential programs of government. Such a policy is irresponsible.\nWe pledge to restore the Social Security Trust Fund to a sound financial basis and by responsible fiscal policies to insure the following:\n1. An immediate increase in Social Security payments with a goal of a 60% increase in benefits.\n2. An increase in the minimum payment to $100, with annual cost of living increases.\n3. Restoration of the 100% income tax deduction for drugs and medical expenses paid out by people 65 and over.\n4. Removal of the earnings limitation of people 65 and over in order that they may earn any amount of additional income.\nOur goal is to make every senior citizen a first-class citizen; to restore their dignity, prestige, self-respect, independence and their security, without intrusion into their private lives by federal bureaucrats and guideline writers.\nHEALTH CARE\nIt is the obligation of a responsible government to help people who are unable to help themselves. There should be adequate medical assistance available to the aged and those unable to afford treatment. This can best be achieved through a partnership between federal and state governments and private enterprise. Medicare should be improved. It should be strengthened in conjunction with medical care provided at state and local governmental levels and by private insurance. Through sound fiscal management we set as a goal the following improvements in Medicare:\n1. Relief to persons unable to pay deductible charges under Medicare.\n2. Relief to persons unable to have deducted from their Social Security checks the monthly fee for physician service coverage under Medicare.\n3. Providing for uninterrupted nursing home care for those with chronic illness who require such care.\n4. We will encourage low-cost insurance programs for the elderly and will assist the states and local communities in building hospitals, nursing homes, clinics as well as medical and nursing schools.\nIn this land of plenty, no one should be denied adequate medical care because of his financial condition.\nWe are particularly disturbed about the doctor-patient, and the hospital-patient relationship. We stand solidly for freedom of choice in this relationship. It is our intent that medical care programs be carried out without subjecting our professional people and our hospital administrators and personnel to the harassment which has been their lot since the implementation of the Medicare program. We believe that those assisted by the Medicare program should have some degree of selection in the medical and hospital services furnished to them, and that simplification in the administration of this program would prove of benefit to government, patient and the professional practitioner alike.\nAmerican medical and dental practice is the admitted marvel of the world. Its traditional freedom is one of the chief reasons why this is so. The American Independent Party pledges continuous study and effort to maintain that freedom both for doctor and for patient.\nOTHER SOCIAL SERVICES\nThe people of this land are the fiber of our nation. Their well-being is essential to a strong America. Unfortunately, many of our citizens are unable to earn an adequate living, due to no fault of their own. Our aged, our blind, and our disabled who are unemployed are the concern of us all.\nIn every area of social welfare, rehabilitation should be of paramount concern. This includes physical restoration where possible, training to develop new skills, adult education in many instances, and broad cooperative endeavors between government and private industry to develop jobs that the less skilled can fill. We believe that every American prefers independence and a wage earned. For those whose infirmities, age, or other problems prevent such independence, welfare services should be adequate to provide a living with dignity and honor.\nDependent children become the responsibility of government when they lack the care and support of parents or guardians. Every effort should be made to provide support by responsible persons rather than the government, where possible. However, when children are separated permanently, by death or other cause from their families, all facilities of government should safeguard, protect, serve and care for them.\nIn every area possible, federal grants should be administered through existing state and local governmental agencies, thus eliminating additional federal offices and agencies which merely duplicate efforts of existing state and local agencies.\nWe will review and examine the administration of these programs with a view to the elimination of waste and duplication and thereby better serve the purposes and people designed to be assisted. We subscribe to the principle of block grants, administered by state agencies as a possible solution to these problems.\nNATIONAL ECONOMY\nThe national economy must be restored to and maintained in a healthy, viable posture under conditions assuring to each individual American the opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits arising from a real prosperity, as distinguished from the false, inflationary conditions presently existing. As a first step the nation's business, industry and other agencies and organizations of production must be freed from the ever increasing intrusions of government into the affairs of these institutions and organizations. This nation achieved its economic greatness under a system of free enterprise, coupled with human effort and ingenuity, and thus it must remain. This will be the attitude and objective of this Party.\nThere must be an end to inflation and the ever increasing cost of living. This is of vital concern to the laborer, the housewife, the farmer and the small business man, as well as the millions of Americans dependent upon their weekly or monthly income for sustenance. It wrecks the planned lives and retirement of our elderly who must survive on pensions or savings gauged by the standards of another day.\nWe will take immediate, affirmative steps to bring these conditions to an end through selective decreases in the lavish expenditures of our federal government and through the institution of efficiency into the operation of the machinery of government, so badly plagued with duplication, overlapping and excesses in employment and programs. Bureaucracy will cease to exist solely for bureaucracy's own sake, and the institutions and functions of government will be judged by their efficiency of operation and their contribution to the lives and welfare of our citizens.\nWe will support and assist business and industry in those areas needful and desirable, such as in the area of small business.\nWe will enforce those laws designed to protect the consumer and wage earner, but will eliminate those programs and agencies serving only to harass and intimidate our business community.\nWe will review and propose revisions to our present tax structure so as to ease the load of the small income citizen and to place upon all their rightful share of the tax burden.\nWe will work toward a reduction in the tax burden for all our citizens, using as our tools efficiency and economy in the operation of government, the elimination of unnecessary and wasteful programs and reduction in government expenditures at home and abroad.\nWe will eliminate the favorable treatment now accorded the giant, non-tax-paying foundations and institutions and require these organizations to assume their rightful responsibility as to the operation of our government.\nTo achieve these goals and objectives, we would use government for the strengthening of the free enterprise system rather than the replacement of the free enterprise system by government. We believe that strength and confidence in the American political and economic system will tend to encourage domestic private investment and prosperity in our economy.\nWe would propose that effective use be made during our administration of economic advisors dedicated to the preservation and strengthening of our economic freedoms in the areas of enterprise, labor and marketing that have contributed so much to the strength of the American system.\nOur administration will be dedicated to the maintenance of prosperity and price stability in our economy. We will institute a strong anti-inflationary fiscal, monetary and debt management policy in our nation as the first requirement to solving international problems.\nWe propose to rely heavily upon a competitive market structure rather than upon prices administered or fixed by bureaucratic procedures.\nWe do not propose to use periodic, intermittent tax adjustments or surcharges as a tool of economic policy under the guise of stabilizing the inflationary spiral we are experiencing.\nWe feel little is done to curb inflationary trends in the nation's economy merely by taking from the taxpayer in order to enrich the spending programs of big government. We propose, rather, a stabilized and equitable tax base affording fair treatment to those of small income and designed to cause all persons, organizations and foundations to assume their rightful financial responsibility for government coupled with selective and prudent reductions in the wasteful expenditures of government.\nAGRICULTURE:\nAmerica's agriculture, and especially the small farmer, is on the brink of disaster. Under both Democratic and Republican administrations, the income of our farmers has steadily declined. Farm prices have been ranging at a parity level the lowest since the dark days of the great depression. Individual producers are unable to regulate the output or price of their products and stringent government controls have been forced upon farmers. Revolutionary methods of production have resulted in increased yield from less acreage and requiring less manpower. The farmer is hampered by a faulty system of distribution, and his costs have continued to increase at an astronomical rate. Yet, all America's farmers have received from either of the other two parties have been broken promises.\nThe following is the pledge of the American Independent Party to our nation's farmers:\n1. We pledge ourselves to the protection and preservation of the family farm, which is the backbone of American Agriculture.\n2. We pledge that the new Secretary of Agriculture will immediately begin to support prices at 90% of parity which is the highest level provided under present law.\n3. Congress will be urged to increase the maximum support to 100% of parity.\n4. Legislation will be sought to permit farmers to exercise their freedom of choice to vote whether or not to come under self-imposed controls.\n5. We propose the creation of a National Feed Grain Authority, authorized to make long-term loans for development of farmer-owned and controlled warehouses, to be strategically located, permitting farmers to store large quantities of grain and to sell direct to the trade through their own local organizations.\n6. We propose that no portion of the nation's emergency reserves of food, feed or fiber be sold for less than 115% of the prevailing farm price support of that commodity.\n7. A limit to subsidy payments should be set in order to prevent an unfair advantage being built up by giant corporate farm structures over our small farmer or family farms.\n8. We propose to impose reasonable limitations on the import of foreign farm and meat products into this country.\n9. It is our belief that continued support of the REA and other cooperative programs designed to improve marketing methods and conditions throughout the nation is vital to our farming interests.\n10. It is our belief that federal support for farm research is important, and that Agriculture Colleges and Extension Services should be more effectively utilized.\n11. Governmental agencies similar to the Farm Home Administration have been beneficial to farmers and should be improved and continued.\n12. We propose that the State Department and the Agriculture Department work together in a joint effort to develop new foreign markets for our farm products and develop a vigorous export program.\n13. We support a good soil conservation program and pledge the continuation and improvement of such program.\n14. It is our policy to assist in improving farm production reporting in order that farmers obtain more accurate production forecasts for planning purposes.\n15. It is our intention to simplify the administration of all farm programs, and to eliminate wasteful duplication and red tape within the Department of Agriculture.\n16. We will work toward gradual relaxation and elimination of farm regulation and control with a concurrent reduction in required subsidization as farm income increases, the eventual goal being the elimination of both controls and the need for subsidy, such program being contingent upon the increase in farm income to a level making subsidy unnecessary.\n17. We will require that programs for disease and insect control be continued and expanded where needed if it is indicated that state and local bodies need and desire assistance from the federal level. Such program would, among other things, provide for necessary steps to eradicate the imported fire ants. This pest is now prevalent throughout a major portion of the southern region but will eventually affect three-fourths of the land area of the United States if eradication is not accomplished promptly.\nThe farmers of this nation are entitled to a fair, just and equitable profit on their investment, just as citizens in other fields of endeavor. It is our belief that a major step toward solving our problems in agriculture would be to insure a substantial increase in farm income. It is time for a new Secretary of Agriculture who represents the views and interests of the farmer and the rancher, and who will work ceaselessly and tirelessly to improve the income and the lives of America's farm families. We pledge to you such a Secretary and such a program.\nLABOR\nAmerica achieved its greatness through the combined energy and efforts of the working men and women of this country. Retention of its greatness rests in their hands.\nThrough the means of their great trade organizations, these men and women have exerted tremendous influence on the economic and social life of the nation and have attained a standard of living known to no other nation. In the meantime, American labor has become a bulwark against the intrusion of foreign ideology into our free society. America must be eternally grateful to its working men and women.\nThe concern of this Party is that the gains which labor struggled so long to obtain not be lost to them either through inaction or subservience to illogical domestic policies of our other national parties.\nWe propose and pledge:\nTo guarantee and protect labor in its right of collective bargaining;\nTo assert leadership at the federal level toward assuring labor its rightful reward for its contribution to the productivity of America;\nTo propose and support programs designed to improve living and employment conditions of our working men and women;\nTo prohibit intrusion by the federal government into the internal affairs of labor organizations, seeking to direct and control actions as to seniority and apprentice lists and other prerogatives;\nTo provide for and protect the working men and women in the exercise of democratic processes and principles in the conduct of the affairs of their organizations, free from threats, coercion, or reprisals from within or without such organization;\nTo support programs and legislation designed to afford an equitable minimum wage, desirable working hours and conditions of employment, and protection in the event of adversity or unemployment;\nTo add efficiency and dispatch to the actions and activities of the National Labor Relations Board, resulting in more prompt decisions by this agency;\nTo pledge and assure that labor will be adequately represented in all deliberations of this Party and its administration of the affairs of government;\nTo cause all agents of government to refrain from any coercive action in strike settlements, serving in the role of counselor and advisor only believing that good faith bargaining between the parties concerned is the best solution to any settlement.\nEDUCATION\nWithout question education offers the answer to many of the nation's social and economic problems. It is tragic that during the past two decades, while governed alternately by the Republican and Democratic parties, we have witnessed the deterioration of our public school systems into a state of disruption wherein the maintenance of order is the major problem and quality education is a forgotten objective. Our educational leaders and administrators are discouraged and dismayed by the continuing attacks upon, and erosion of, their duties and authority by agents of the federal bureaucracy and members of the federal judiciary.\nLocal educational officials have been stripped of their authority to administer the affairs of their school systems. Harassing directives and requirements of an unreasonable and unrealistic nature are constantly being imposed upon them. Parents, students and educators alike are dismayed, confused and at a loss as to where to turn for relief. Many of our institutions of higher learning have been completely disrupted by a small band of revolutionaries, encouraged by the permissive attitude of executive and judicial officials of government and the activities of other anarchists throughout the nation.\nMany of our primary and secondary school systems have become centers for social experimentation rather than centers of learning, serving merely as pawns for the whims and caprices of some member of the federal judiciary or some agent of the federal bureaucracy.\nThese conditions must come to an end. Our educational systems and institutions must once again be given the opportunity to resume their rightful duty of preparing the youth of America for entry into our highly competitive society.\nAs a first and immediate step we must absolutely prohibit the agencies and agents of the federal government from intruding into and seeking to control the affairs of the local school systems of the states, counties and cities of the nation. Control of these schools must be returned to the local officials, representatives of the people, who have the rightful duty and authority to administer such school.\nOnce returned to proper control, order must be restored and education of our children again become the primary matter of concern in these schools. Sociological experiments must cease. The people of the several states, counties, cities and communities must be given the right to administer the affairs of their schools as they see fit without fear or threat or reprisal, economic or punitive, from the federal government.\nWe must cooperate with the administrators of our institutions of higher learning now in the hands of revolutionaries. We must support these officials in the restoration of order on their campuses and we must assure that no assistance, financial or otherwise, from the federal level be given to those seeking to disrupt and destroy these great institutions.\nAmerica is a nation \"Under God\" and we must see that it remain such a nation. We will support with all the power of the Executive action to restore to our educational institutions and the children they serve the right and freedom of prayer and devotions to God.\nWe must assure that the federal government assist in all phases of the educational processes of the nation without attempting to control these processes.\nWith these thoughts in mind:\nWe advocate a greater role of the states in administering federal aid and in determining national policy;\nWe advocate the return of our school systems to the states and to local, county and city officials;\nWe advocate support for administrators of our educational institutions in their efforts to restore order to these institutions;\nWe advocate fewer federal guidelines, regulations, and administrative procedures and greater simplification and consolidation of programs and procedures;\nWe advocate less categorical aid and more general aid to states with funding provided for well in advance;\nWe advocate educational opportunity for all people regardless of race, creed, color, economic social status.\nThe complexities of education are many. State and local officials are faced with tremendous pressures to provide early childhood education, increased teacher salaries, provide vocational technical education, improved elementary and secondary education, provide adult education, continuing education, and urban and rural education, provide for higher education, graduate and professional education.\nThe goals of the American Independent Party are to improve the educational opportunity for all our citizens from early childhood through the graduate level. We believe that the improvement of educational opportunity can best be accomplished at the state and local level with adequate support from the federal level.\nSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY\nThe scientific and technological skills and accomplishments of America are the marvel of modem civilization. Our potential in this area is unlimited. Our development of this potential must be commensurate with our capability. We live in a fiercely competitive world in the area of science and technology. For social, economic and security reasons we must not lag behind.\nWe would propose, encourage and provide from the federal level assistance to those of our youth showing demonstrated capacity in these areas of endeavor. Federal grants based on ability and aptitude will be provided to assure development of skills in this field.\nFederal assistance will be made available for research in various fields of science for in research lies the key to tomorrow. Such assistance will be directed both to individuals and to institutions.\nWe propose that this research, development and scientific knowledge so acquired be directed to human problems as well as national security. In the fields of housing, transportation, education, industry and related activities, these skills and the knowledge so acquired can make for a better life for all Americans.\nEmphasis on the further exploration and utilization of space must be renewed. This, again, is a highly competitive area between nations, but not for this reason alone, but for the welfare and security of this nation, we must not be lacking in our effort in this field.\nWe fully support renewed and expanded efforts in our space program with the objective of acquiring knowledge and experience of benefit to the peaceful pursuits of mankind as well as that essential to the military security of this nation.\nTRANSPORTATION\nThe expansion of America's industry, commerce and its economy depends upon its transportation system. America cannot maintain its position as world leader in industry and commerce unless all modes of transportation are able to meet the demanding challenges of the future. To solve America's transportation problems requires ingenuity and planning.\nAirport congestion around most major cities is not only a growing problem, but an ever increasing danger. We face a major railroad crisis and citizens in many urban areas are unable to travel short distances without delays due to congested highway traffic. Our merchant marine fleet has dwindled and our shipbuilding industry suffers today. This not only affects our economy, but is a serious handicap to America's military might.\nWe therefore favor:\n1. The development of a modern, low-cost domestic mass transportation system within our congested urban areas;\n2. Development of high-speed passenger trains between urban areas;\n3. An emergency program carried out cooperatively by the federal government and the airline industry to develop adequate methods of controlling air congestion, and for financing and improving airport facilities;\n4. Developing a program of assistance to modernize and stimulate our merchant marine fleet and our shipbuilding industry.\nThe Interstate Highway System is one of America's wisest investments. Every effort must be made to speed up construction on existing plans, and farsighted planning of additional facilities must be accomplished. The Interstate Highway System must be expanded, adding new routes between population centers, and extra attention should be given to constructing additional freeways in and around congested urban areas. Not only is this necessary for the expansion of commerce and the economy, but highway safety demands it.\nThousands of Americans lose their lives each year on the nation's highways. Most of these deaths are unnecessary. With proper highway planning, stricter enforcement of highway laws, and intensified driver education, along with proper safety devices provided on automobiles, we will be able to cut these needless and tragic fatalities to a small fraction.\nPublic safety and convenience demand that we engage in a vast program to improve and fourlane many of the local road and highway networks. Highway construction is financed by those persons using the highways and is one of the few federal programs that is self-financed which amounts to a capital investment of public funds, and this we greatly favor.\nWe will encourage the development within the transportation industry of organizations who are specialists in the movement of passenger and cargo from point to point, using all modes and means of transportation, and we will encourage healthy competition between such agencies and organizations.\nNATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION\nThe preservation of our natural resources and the quality of our natural environment has greatly been ignored during the past decade. We are vitally concerned about the future well-being of our citizens and fully realize that positive action programs must be undertaken, in a cooperative effort between the federal government and the states, to assure adequate outdoor recreational facilities and to assure necessary health safeguards for generations to come. To these ends we make the following pledge to the American people:\n1. We will promote an aggressive campaign at all levels of government to combat the serious air and water pollution problem.\n2. Full support will be given to the establishment of adequate water quality standards to protect the present high quality waters, to abate pollution, and to improve the status of waters not now considered of high quality.\n3. We will work in close cooperation with private industry and governmental agencies toward engineering designs to abate the mounting air pollution problems.\n4. We will actively support research to control pests through biological means and chemical means which are more selective and less persistent than those now used.\n5. Legislation and an active program are necessary to protect our endangered wildlife species. This problem is of serious concern and will receive our immediate attention and action.\n6. We will work for protection of our waterfowl wetlands and nesting areas.\n7. Our estuarine areas must be protected as vital to the production of fish, shellfish, furbearers, waterfowl and other aquatic creatures.\n8. All federal assistance programs to the states in the areas of game and fish and for outdoor recreation will be streamlined to gain the maximum benefit from each dollar invested.\n9. Our increasing population demands improved and additional outdoor recreational areas. To this end we will support active programs at all levels of government for the development of existing parks and proper outdoor recreational programs. Public lands must be utilized for multiple uses to benefit all of our people.\n10. The preservation of our forest and timber resources is of utmost concern to the nation. We pledge federal cooperation with efforts of state and local governments and with private industry for a sound and economically regulated basis to avoid depletion of this vital natural resource. Government and industry will be encouraged to participate in planned reforestation programs, and programs for protection of our forests from the ravages of fire and other destructive causes.\nAmerica is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, with beautiful scenery and bountiful waters. This land of ours should not be marred and its resources wasted. We recognize that progress invites construction and industrial\ndevelopment and we recognize its necessity, but we must assure that the intangible values of our parks, forests and estuarine areas will be protected, promoted and developed and that America shall retain its scenic beauty for centuries to come.\nWe will place particular emphasis on the problems of air and water pollution and will initiate joint cooperative programs with private industry to attack and solve these problems, as their correction is in the interest of all segments of our national life, the people, the government and the nation's industry.\nVETERANS\nAmerica owes no other group of citizens so much as it does our veterans. To that group of self-sacrificing and patriotic individuals who have risked their lives for our nation and its principles in past wars and conflicts, and to our brave men and women returning from service in Vietnam, we pledge the support of the American Independent Party. We pledge to you and your dependents our assurance of active and vigorous assistance in seeking out job opportunities, job training, further educational opportunities and business opportunities. We likewise support a program to provide educational benefits to children of deceased veterans in order that they may receive a quality education and participate in America's competitive society of the future.\nWe pledge to our veterans, their families and dependents the cooperation and active assistance of their government in providing adequate medical treatment and hospital care. Veterans' benefits and disability benefits will be updated and revised periodically in order to meet the increased cost of living. The Veterans Administration and its hospitals will remain as an independent agency of the government, and its one objective will be to serve our veterans and their families.\nINDIAN AFFAIRS\nFor over 100 years the other two parties have been making promises to our fellow citizens, the American Indians and Eskimos. For over 100 years the promises of those parties have not been kept. Our Party offers to these independent and hard-working people a new hope. We promise that all of the programs of the federal government which have so lavishly bestowed benefits upon minority groups of this country will be made equally applicable to the American Indians and Eskimos. There will be no discrimination with respect to these two ancient and noble races.\nWe also promise that the federal government will cooperate fully to insure that job opportunity, job training, full educational opportunity, and equal application of all health and housing programs are afforded to these, our native citizens, in order that they may enjoy the same benefits and privileges enjoyed by every American. We will foster and support measures through which the beauties and accomplishments of their native culture will be preserved and enhanced.\nFOREIGN POLICY\nOne of the -greatest needs of our country at this moment in history is a strong, realistic, well defined policy to guide our relationship with the other nations of the world. The policy developed to govern our actions in foreign affairs must be one well stated and well understood, first by our own people and, equally as important, by friends and foes alike throughout the world. The absence of any such well-defined and consistent policy throughout the past two decades has contributed immeasurably to the chaotic world conditions now existing.\nOur foreign policy will be one designed to secure a just and lasting peace. We feel that such a situation can best come to exist when nations deal with one another on a basis of mutual trust and understanding. If this be lacking, as is so often the case in today's world, the only alternative is complete frankness and determination to adhere to stated objectives and courses of action. If a nation, as is the case with an individual, will only say what it means and mean what it says, it will gain the respect, if not always the admiration, of its sister nations. It is in this regard that we have failed, so often equivocating in such a manner as to cause friendly, as well as unfriendly, nations to have grave doubt as to our stability, determination and reliability of purpose.\nWe feel that the road to peace lies through international cooperation and understanding. We will pursue this goal to the limits consistent with our own national interest. We will become participants in international programs of aid and development from which all member nations, including our own, derive benefit.\nForeign Aid\nForeign aid and assistance, both of an economic and military nature, will be granted on a basis of what is in the best interest of our own nation as well as the receiving nation.\nWe will deny aid and assistance to those nations who oppose us militarily in Vietnam and elsewhere, as well as those who seek our economic and military destruction by giving aid and comfort to our avowed enemies. This must be so in order to protect the economic welfare and national security of this country.\nWe will continue aid to those countries who need, deserve and have earned the right to our help. This will be done freely and willingly with every effort directed to elimination of waste and dishonesty from such programs.\nWe believe strongly in the free enterprise system for America, internally as well as in its trade relations with other nations. However, should the increasing inflow of imports from low-wage nations endanger employment or marketing by American industry, we will approve reasonable quantitative limits on these imports. We feel that our home industry is entitled to a fair share of the present market and of future growth. Before seeking additional legislation in the import field all efforts will be exerted toward securing negotiated agreements that would fully protect American industry.\nWe will insist on equitable tax treatment for any industry adversely affected by foreign imports, in the area of depreciation allowances for plants and equipment and in like measure.\nWe will cause the Department of State and other interested agencies of government to work toward the lowering of trade barriers against American goods in a manner consistent with the policy of our administration on controlling imports into the American market.\nBalance of Payments\nA serious situation now exists in our balance of payments and this must be ended.\nWe feel that the adoption of the programs and proposals set out in this Platform will result in a more favorable balance of payments situation. Specifically, we feel that the relief we so badly need in this respect may be achieved through reductions in spending for foreign aid, more efficiency in the use of funds for international programs, and more reliance on our allies in meeting heavy military expenditures abroad.\nWe have earlier proposed that foreign aid be granted on a basis of need and in a manner consistent with the best interest of this country and that it be denied those who aggressively seek our destruction. We strongly advocate efficiency in operation and the elimination of waste and corruption from expenditures under international programs and we will insist that our allies assume their proportionate and rightful share of the burden of defenses in those areas in which we have mutual interest.\nOur export-import situation remains in reasonable balance but our disastrous situation as to balance of payments is caused by excesses in our foreign aid program and other international gratuitous expenditures.\nMiddle East\nThe Middle East remains a source of high potential danger to world peace. In the interest of securing a stable peace in this part of the world, we will take the initiative in seeking mutual cooperation between the adversaries in this area in reaching agreement in their age-old dispute. We will encourage the initiation of multilateral discussions to arrive at the best possible terms of settlement. This will mean resolving and stabilizing boundaries and the free use of water and land routes throughout this area. Binding nonaggression agreements must be developed and we must seek the mutual respect of both Israel and the Arab nations.\nFirst and foremost is the need for sincere negotiations between these two parties. Until this is accomplished we must assure that no imbalance of force comes to exist in this area. Nothing could more endanger the peace.\nEurope\nWe continue to regard Western Europe as an area of vital importance to America. In our concern. with the interminable conflict in Southeast Asia we must not lose sight of the strategic importance of our relationship with our European allies. We must retain a posture of strength in this area and must work with and for our allies to assure that they remain economically and militarily strong.\nWe will continue to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and seek to strengthen it through the cooperative efforts of all member nations. We will retain the necessary troop strength in this vital area and will insist that our allies and member nations do likewise.\nWe will deal patiently but firmly with the present French Government feeling that in due time its actions will, of necessity, be directed toward increased cooperation with its Western allies of long standing.\nLatin America\nThe interests of the nations of Latin America are closely related to those of this country, economically, geographically, security-wise, socially and politically.\nWe must and will provide aid and assistance to these nations to enable them to achieve political and economic stability and to better prepare them to resist the threat of communist infiltration and subversion from the Red satellite, Cuba.\nWe will develop a program of assistance to these countries designed to relieve the conditions of economic and social poverty existing in some segments of these nations and to provide for their less fortunate citizens a better condition of life.\nWe will assist in the development of the agricultural and industrial potential of these- nations and the development and proper utilization of their tremendous natural resources rather than the exploitation thereof, to the end that the nations of this hemisphere may live in peace, prosperity and harmony with one another and that the principles of the Monroe Doctrine may once again become a cornerstone of our national policy.\nAs for Cuba, we will continue and strengthen the economic pressures on the Castro tyranny. In order to do this, we must secure a greater degree of cooperation from nations of the free world than we have had in the past. Trade with Cuba by our allies must be effectively minimized, if not completely curtailed.\nTo frustrate Castro's attempt to export subversion, we must increase the quality and effectiveness of our military aid and assistance to\nAfrica and Asia\nThe emerging nations of Africa and Asia desiring assistance and demonstrating a capability of reasonably assimilating such help and assistance will be aided. We will not aid in the replacing of one form of despotism with another, nor will we become concerned with the internal quarrelings of dissident groups and factions.\nGeneral\nWe will conduct the foreign affairs of this country on a basis of aiding, assisting and cooperating with our friends and recognizing and treating our enemies and adversaries as such. We feel that foreign affairs can be conducted effectively only when there is respect for our nation and this respect is best engendered by attaining a position of strength and adopting an attitude of firmness and fairness. This we will do.\nWe feel that when this nation again becomes a strong and determined nation, dedicated to a fixed national and international policy, many of our existing difficulties throughout the world will become resolved and new difficulties are less likely to arise.\nWe will oppose aggression and subversion, Communist or otherwise, whenever it infringes upon the national interest of this country or its friendly allies through means appropriate to the situation.\nWe do not propose, nor does this or any other nation have the capability, to police the entire world. We will avoid unilateral entanglement in situations not vital to our national interest and will seek the cooperation of our allies at every opportunity.\nVIETNAM\nThe current situation in Southeast Asia, and particularly in Vietnam, is one of the most critical which has ever faced this nation. The American people are angry, frustrated and bewildered as they seek for leadership which apparently fails to exist. There is no parallel in American history of such a situation as now exists, not even our engagement in Korea, where there were at least vaguely defined objectives.\nIt is too late to engage in debate as to why we are so deeply involved and committed in Vietnam. The fact is that we are so involved. No one can retrace the steps of the last ten years and correct and adjust all that has gone wrong. We presently have more than one-half million Americans committed to this conflict and they must be supported with the full resources of this nation. The question now is what does America do to maintain its honor, its respect and its position in this most strategic part of the world, Southeast Asia?\nThe prime consideration at this time is the honorable conclusion of hostilities in Vietnam. This must be accomplished at the earliest possible moment.\nWe earnestly desire that the conflict be terminated through peaceful negotiations and we will lend all aid, support, effort, sincerity and prayer to the efforts of our negotiators. Negotiation will be given every reasonable and logical chance for success and we will be patient to an extreme in seeking an end to the war through this means. If it becomes evident that the enemy does not desire to negotiate in good faith, that our hopes of termination of hostilities are not being realized and that the lives and safety of our committed troops are being further endangered, we must seek a military conclusion.\nHopefully such a situation will never arise, but should it come to pass, I would then seek the advice and good judgment of my joint Chiefs of Staff as to ways and means of reaching a military conclusion to this conflict with the least loss of life to our American servicemen and our South Vietnamese allies, stressing the fact that this is to be accomplished through the use of conventional weapons.\nMilitary force has always been recognized as an instrument of national policy and its use to obtain national objectives has always been accepted. However, once national policy is established by the civilian government and military force has been selected as one of the means of attaining national objectives, the tactical employment of this force should be left to the military so long as this employment is consistent with national policy, and the mission of the military should be to attain these national objectives nothing less.\nI would retain full control, as a civilian Commander-in-Chief, of final decision, but I would pay heed to and consider to the fullest extent the advice and judgment of my military advisors.\nUnfortunately, there is no clearly defined national policy with respect to the conflict in Vietnam. If there were, much of the doubt, debate and despair of the American people would be eased. There is a total absence of clearly announced and understood national objectives with respect to Vietnam. We are told that it is not victory over the enemy we seek but something else-what we do not know. In battle, and certainly this is battle, there can be but one objective-that is victory. Anything worth dying for is worth winning.\nAs a first step we must develop a clearly defined national policy as to Vietnam. This policy will be made known to the people of this country and will be based on our own national interest. The essence of this policy will be a timely and successful termination of the conflict, either through negotiation or by victory over the enemy. We will not allow this conflict to drag on indefinitely with its great drain on our national resources and manpower.\nAs President, we will designate a Secretary of Defense who holds the confidence and trust of the people, the Congress and the military establishments and one with the capability and desire of working in harmony with each. He will be required to reduce the excessive manpower of the Pentagon and rid the Department of Defense of those who have fostered the \"no-win\" policy.\nWe will then require the establishment of firm objectives in Vietnam. Should negotiations fail, and we pray that they will not fail, these objectives must provide for a military conclusion to the war. This would require the military defeat of the Vietcong in the South and the destruction of the will to fight or resist on the part of the government of North Vietnam, which is equipping and supporting the enemy troops in the South. We feel that the prompt and effective application of military force could achieve this objective with minimized loss of life, and the tactical employment of this force will be left in the hands of the military commanders, so long as they act pursuant to defined national policy.\nWe will require the military to plan and conduct military operations once policies and objectives are established and we will not, nor will we permit civilian subordinates, to usurp these functions and assume the role of \"commander\" or \"tactician.\" This must be a team effort with officials and leaders of civil government performing their required functions and the military establishment being allowed to perform in the manner and for the purpose for which it is trained.\nOnce hostilities have ceased, efforts must be undertaken to stabilize the government and economy of Vietnam. This must be through programs of self-help and not through completely meaningless \"give away\" programs. We are dealing with a proud people of ancient culture. They are not, and never will be, adapted to all the facets of western civilization, nor should they be. We must help them to become secure in their government, their lands, their economy and in their homes, as their friends and allies and not as sanctimonious intruders. In this manner, we will gain a lasting ally.\nNATIONAL DEFENSE\nNothing is of greater importance to the American people at this time than the state of our National Defense, and, sadly, there is no area of our national structure so fraught with misrepresentations and inconsistencies. As we near the end of the era of \"computerized defense\" and \"cost effectiveness\" rather than military reliability, it is difficult, if not impossible, for the nation to ascertain the true state of its defenses.\nWe are aware of basic fallacies in the doctrines and logic of those who have been charged with the responsibility of our national security.\nWe have been told that strength is weakness and weakness is strength-This is not true.\nWe have been told that parity rather than superiority in weapons and munitions is sufficient to assure the keeping of the peace and the protection of this country-This is not true.\nWe have been told a \"deterrent\" capability is preferable to an offensive capability in maintaining peace and assuring freedom from attack-This is not true.\nWe have been told that commitment of our military forces need not always be followed by a quest for victory-This is not true.\nWe have been led to believe in the proven invulnerability of our \"second strike\" capability -This is not true.\nWe have been told that the complete disruption of the structure of our Reserve Components resulted in a more readily responsive Reserve-This is not true.\nWe have been told that our research and development program, especially in the area of space research and development, is not lagging -This is not true,-And so on.\nWe propose an intensive and immediate review of the policies, practices and capabilities of the Department of Defense with a view to reestablishing sound principles of logic and reasoning to the decisions and directives of that agency and to eliminating from its ranks all of those who have been party to the dissemination and promulgation of the false doctrines of security and the coercion, intimidation and punishment of all who would oppose or disagree with them.\nWe are in accord with civilian control of our defense establishment but will insist that the civilian authorities work in partnership and harmony with the splendid military force with which this country is blessed. We propose to restore to their proper duties, functions and authority the leaders of our military services so that the nation may once again profit from their wisdom and experience.\nWe will require our civilian and military leaders of defense to establish a reasonable relationship between defensive and offensive capabilities and provide our services with the proper arms, munitions and equipment to afford a proper mix of both type weapons and munitions.\nWe will place increased emphasis on research and development in the area of space, weaponry and mobility, as well as other areas vital to our national security.\nWe support the installation of an anti-ballistic missile defense for the protection of our nation and its citizens. We will expedite this program. We will assure to our services the best attainable weapons, equipment, machines and munitions without resort to devious distinctions of cost effectiveness and the substitution of arbitrary, unsound judgment for that of the professional military.\nWe will guarantee to the services and to the nation that American troops will never be committed with less than full support of available resources.\nWe will seek efficiency in the collection and evaluation of vital intelligence throughout the services.\nWe will never permit a static situation to develop wherein America stands still while her potential enemies continue to advance in all areas of development.\nWe will hasten the reconstitution of an adequate and efficiently organized reserve force throughout the several states of the nation. We will accept these reserve component forces into full partnership with the regular military establishment and will assure stability to their organizational structure and operation.\nWe will take all steps necessary to return our Merchant Marine fleet to its rightful place among the maritime nations of the world. This is not only vital to our national security but to the economic progress and viability of the nation. Maritime shipping has been, and will once again become, a vital part of the nation's economy and trade activity.\nWe will take steps to make military service more attractive to the enlistee, the inductee and the career personnel at all levels. We will support programs for better pay; better housing and living conditions, both on and off post; more realistic programs of promotion potential so that merit and performance may be rewarded; equitable sharing of hardship assignments; an increase and more uniform retirement benefit to correct serious inequities now existing; a pay scale commensurate with that of private employment, with provisions for periodic increases measured by the cost of living index; improved and expanded medical and hospital benefits for dependents, and a restoration of the dignity and prestige rightfullv due those engaged in the defense of our nation.\nWith military services becoming more attractive the requirement for involuntary inductions through the Selective Service System is reduced. However, we favor retention of such system for so long as there is a need for manpower being acquired by this means. We would approve any changes to such system designed to eliminate inequities in the selection of inductees, and quite likely some do exist.\nWe would feel that eventually manpower requirements may be met on a voluntary basis. In such event, a fair and equitable system of civilian induction will be kept in existence, on standby basis, for use in the event of national emergency.\nCONCLUSION\nThis Platform represents the attitude, policy, position, judgment and determination of this Party with respect to the major problems confronting America.\nWe believe that our analysis of the nature of these problems is in keeping with the feelings of the great majority of our people. We further feel that our approach to solution of these matters is sound, logical, practical and attainable and in keeping with the basic, inherent good judgment of the American people.\nAmong other proposals:\nWe offer opportunity for early peace to a nation at war.\nWe offer order and domestic tranquility to a nation sorely beset by disorder.\nWe offer a program of job opportunity for the jobless.\nWe offer a return to respect for the law and an opportunity for every citizen to pursue his daily activities in safety and security.\nWe offer to relieve our citizens, their businesses and institutions, from harassment and intimidation by agents of the federal bureaucracy.\nWe offer to return to the officials of local government those matters rightly and properly falling within their scope of responsibility.\nWe offer the laboring man and woman an opportunity to provide for himself and his family a better and fuller life and a greater democratic freedom in the management of the affairs of his organizations, free from intrusion by the federal government.\nWe offer to the farmer an opportunity to regain a place of prominence in the economy of this nation, a fair price for the products of his labor and less dependence on federal subsidation.\nWe offer to restore the dignity, strength and prestige of this nation to a level commensurate with its position as acknowledged leader of the nations of the free world.\nWe offer a national defense designed to assure the security of this nation and its citizens.\nAnd, above all, we offer to each individual citizen a system of government recognizing his inherent dignity and importance as an individual and affording him an opportunity to take a direct hand in the shaping of his own destiny and the destiny of this nation. Under such a system, we are convinced, America will reach new heights of greatness.", "Words" -> 12344, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 733, "and" -> 695, "of" -> 634, "to" -> 435, "in" -> 253, "our" -> 185, "We" -> 178, "a" -> 170, "will" -> 152, "be" -> 132, "that" -> 126, "for" -> 125, "is" -> 121, "this" -> 112, "with" -> 80, "as" -> 80, "their" -> 73, "by" -> 69, "government" -> 65, "we" -> 63, "are" -> 59, "must" -> 55, "or" -> 53, "from" -> 53, "have" -> 51, "not" -> 50, "its" -> 50, "nation" -> 49, "these" -> 46, "all" -> 46, "programs" -> 43, "on" -> 42, "federal" -> 42, "those" -> 41, "The" -> 40, "an" -> 40, "national" -> 39, "which" -> 38, "American" -> 38, "such" -> 36, "at" -> 36, "through" -> 34, "program" -> 33, "support" -> 30, "people" -> 30, "This" -> 29, "other" -> 29, "military" -> 29, "been" -> 29, "private" -> 28, "his" -> 28, "industry" -> 27, "has" -> 27, "policy" -> 26, "it" -> 26, "who" -> 25, "so" -> 25, "provide" -> 25, "system" -> 24, "propose" -> 24, "would" -> 23, "nations" -> 23, "local" -> 23, "citizens" -> 22, "but" -> 22, "area" -> 22, "should" -> 21, "country" -> 21, "assistance" -> 21, "areas" -> 21, "America" -> 21, "they" -> 20, "than" -> 20, "states" -> 20, "state" -> 20, "opportunity" -> 20, "economic" -> 20, "upon" -> 19, "order" -> 19, "level" -> 19, "Party" -> 18, "one" -> 18, "more" -> 18, "Federal" -> 18, "It" -> 17, "feel" -> 17, "economy" -> 17, "development" -> 17, "well" -> 16, "pledge" -> 16, "no" -> 16, "into" -> 16, "education" -> 16, "control" -> 16, "aid" -> 16, "world" -> 15, "To" -> 15, "respect" -> 15, "Our" -> 15, "institutions" -> 15, "free" -> 15, "employment" -> 15, "designed" -> 15, "cities" -> 15, "affairs" -> 15, "seek" -> 14, "problems" -> 14, "offer" -> 14, "living" -> 14, "farm" -> 14, "every" -> 14, "any" -> 14, "agencies" -> 14, "security" -> 13, "responsibility" -> 13, "property" -> 13, "only" -> 13, "means" -> 13, "law" -> 13, "In" -> 13, "efforts" -> 13, "effort" -> 13, "educational" -> 13, "conditions" -> 13, "can" -> 13, "between" -> 13, "become" -> 13, "assure" -> 13, "advocate" -> 13, "action" -> 13, "situation" -> 12, "rather" -> 12, "own" -> 12, "organizations" -> 12, "now" -> 12, "made" -> 12, "life" -> 12, "less" -> 12, "interest" -> 12, "Government" -> 12, "foreign" -> 12, "best" -> 12, "without" -> 11, "vital" -> 11, "Vietnam" -> 11, "there" -> 11, "them" -> 11, "past" -> 11, "need" -> 11, "leadership" -> 11, "job" -> 11, "existing" -> 11, "do" -> 11, "concern" -> 11, "allies" -> 11, "adequate" -> 11, "work" -> 10, "under" -> 10, "social" -> 10, "right" -> 10, "resources" -> 10, "parties" -> 10, "over" -> 10, "objectives" -> 10, "medical" -> 10, "may" -> 10, "many" -> 10, "labor" -> 10, "increase" -> 10, "income" -> 10, "farmers" -> 10, "enterprise" -> 10, "cooperation" -> 10, "citizen" -> 10, "care" -> 10, "United" -> 9, "training" -> 9, "throughout" -> 9, "take" -> 9, "States" -> 9, "shall" -> 9, "services" -> 9, "rightful" -> 9, "restore" -> 9, "protect" -> 9, "problem" -> 9, "peace" -> 9, "officials" -> 9, "new" -> 9, "necessary" -> 9, "judiciary" -> 9, "freedom" -> 9, "end" -> 9, "each" -> 9, "capability" -> 9, "both" -> 9, "better" -> 9, "benefits" -> 9, "being" -> 9, "basis" -> 9, "authority" -> 9, "working" -> 8, "welfare" -> 8, "use" -> 8, "two" -> 8, "true" -> 8, "toward" -> 8, "tax" -> 8, "small" -> 8, "seeking" -> 8, "school" -> 8, "research" -> 8, "require" -> 8, "proper" -> 8, "possible" -> 8, "position" -> 8, "out" -> 8, "operation" -> 8, "nation's" -> 8, "manner" -> 8, "make" -> 8, "lives" -> 8, "leaders" -> 8, "great" -> 8, "given" -> 8, "force" -> 8, "farmer" -> 8, "encourage" -> 8, "efficiency" -> 8, "domestic" -> 8, "dignity" -> 8, "develop" -> 8, "Congress" -> 8, "benefit" -> 8, "believe" -> 8, "America's" -> 8, "again" -> 8, "administration" -> 8, "actions" -> 8, "when" -> 7, "urban" -> 7, "unable" -> 7, "transportation" -> 7, "told" -> 7, "time" -> 7, "strength" -> 7, "solution" -> 7, "society" -> 7, "schools" -> 7, "return" -> 7, "reasonable" -> 7, "quality" -> 7, "provided" -> 7, "present" -> 7, "potential" -> 7, "political" -> 7, "persons" -> 7, "part" -> 7, "international" -> 7, "if" -> 7, "good" -> 7, "For" -> 7, "first" -> 7, "fair" -> 7, "exist" -> 7, "ever" -> 7, "enforcement" -> 7, "elimination" -> 7, "defense" -> 7, "conflict" -> 7, "come" -> 7, "civilian" -> 7, "business" -> 7, "attitude" -> 7, "assist" -> 7, "As" -> 7, "Americans" -> 7, "additional" -> 7, "women" -> 6, "within" -> 6, "where" -> 6, "treatment" -> 6, "trade" -> 6, "There" -> 6, "systems" -> 6, "steps" -> 6, "some" -> 6, "Social" -> 6, "set" -> 6, "Security" -> 6, "safety" -> 6, "restoration" -> 6, "providing" -> 6, "protection" -> 6, "proposals" -> 6, "power" -> 6, "policies" -> 6, "payments" -> 6, "pay" -> 6, "partnership" -> 6, "once" -> 6, "nor" -> 6, "never" -> 6, "natural" -> 6, "much" -> 6, "men" -> 6, "Medicare" -> 6, "major" -> 6, "legislation" -> 6, "judicial" -> 6, "individual" -> 6, "Independent" -> 6, "increased" -> 6, "improve" -> 6, "home" -> 6, "hold" -> 6, "greater" -> 6, "governmental" -> 6, "goal" -> 6, "further" -> 6, "full" -> 6, "following" -> 6, "expenditures" -> 6, "establishment" -> 6, "equitable" -> 6, "economically" -> 6, "duty" -> 6, "Department" -> 6, "criminal" -> 6, "cost" -> 6, "continued" -> 6, "Constitution" -> 6, "cause" -> 6, "AND" -> 6, "An" -> 6, "Agriculture" -> 6, "accomplished" -> 6, "4" -> 6, "3" -> 6, "2" -> 6, "1" -> 6, "years" -> 5, "With" -> 5, "while" -> 5, "war" -> 5, "taxes" -> 5, "structure" -> 5, "strong" -> 5, "stability" -> 5, "sound" -> 5, "serious" -> 5, "rights" -> 5, "required" -> 5, "relationship" -> 5, "purpose" -> 5, "public" -> 5, "prosperity" -> 5, "promises" -> 5, "production" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "preservation" -> 5, "powers" -> 5, "Platform" -> 5, "place" -> 5, "ownership" -> 5, "opportunities" -> 5, "objective" -> 5, "mutual" -> 5, "manpower" -> 5, "long" -> 5, "levels" -> 5, "laws" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "judgment" -> 5, "joint" -> 5, "insist" -> 5, "increasing" -> 5, "improved" -> 5, "immediate" -> 5, "I" -> 5, "highway" -> 5, "help" -> 5, "fully" -> 5, "feeling" -> 5, "family" -> 5, "facilities" -> 5, "event" -> 5, "during" -> 5, "due" -> 5, "directed" -> 5, "defined" -> 5, "decades" -> 5, "cooperative" -> 5, "continue" -> 5, "consistent" -> 5, "conclusion" -> 5, "competitive" -> 5, "committed" -> 5, "children" -> 5, "attractive" -> 5, "Asia" -> 5, "among" -> 5, "against" -> 5, "activities" -> 5, "about" -> 5, "able" -> 5, "whose" -> 4, "what" -> 4, "were" -> 4, "weapons" -> 4, "water" -> 4, "veterans" -> 4, "tremendous" -> 4, "Such" -> 4, "subsidy" -> 4, "step" -> 4, "space" -> 4, "skills" -> 4, "share" -> 4, "serve" -> 4, "secure" -> 4, "Secretary" -> 4, "Rights" -> 4, "retain" -> 4, "responsible" -> 4, "remain" -> 4, "relief" -> 4, "professional" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "processes" -> 4, "price" -> 4, "pollution" -> 4, "planning" -> 4, "particularly" -> 4, "parity" -> 4, "outdoor" -> 4, "oppose" -> 4, "munitions" -> 4, "member" -> 4, "matters" -> 4, "maintenance" -> 4, "loss" -> 4, "live" -> 4, "lies" -> 4, "learning" -> 4, "law-abiding" -> 4, "knowledge" -> 4, "intrusion" -> 4, "internal" -> 4, "inflationary" -> 4, "imports" -> 4, "importance" -> 4, "If" -> 4, "human" -> 4, "However" -> 4, "hospital" -> 4, "higher" -> 4, "high" -> 4, "he" -> 4, "greatness" -> 4, "governments" -> 4, "God" -> 4, "gainful" -> 4, "future" -> 4, "functions" -> 4, "fiscal" -> 4, "financial" -> 4, "families" -> 4, "expanded" -> 4, "enemy" -> 4, "eliminate" -> 4, "does" -> 4, "disability" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "developed" -> 4, "desire" -> 4, "Defense" -> 4, "dedicated" -> 4, "decisions" -> 4, "current" -> 4, "coupled" -> 4, "could" -> 4, "costs" -> 4, "controlling" -> 4, "concerned" -> 4, "commerce" -> 4, "central" -> 4, "centers" -> 4, "candidates" -> 4, "based" -> 4, "balance" -> 4, "assuring" -> 4, "assume" -> 4, "another" -> 4, "always" -> 4, "air" -> 4, "agents" -> 4, "administrators" -> 4, "administered" -> 4, "active" -> 4, "achieved" -> 4, "abroad" -> 4, "A" -> 4, "whereby" -> 3, "waters" -> 3, "wasteful" -> 3, "waste" -> 3, "wage" -> 3, "vote" -> 3, "vocational" -> 3, "victory" -> 3, "utilization" -> 3, "using" -> 3, "up" -> 3, "unnecessary" -> 3, "Under" -> 3, "turmoil" -> 3, "Trust" -> 3, "troops" -> 3, "three" -> 3, "thereby" -> 3, "then" -> 3, "themselves" -> 3, "System" -> 3, "Supreme" -> 3, "subversion" -> 3, "suburbs" -> 3, "strongly" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "spending" -> 3, "Southeast" -> 3, "South" -> 3, "several" -> 3, "serving" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "selective" -> 3, "sector" -> 3, "science" -> 3, "role" -> 3, "rewarded" -> 3, "review" -> 3, "retirement" -> 3, "resulted" -> 3, "result" -> 3, "requirements" -> 3, "represented" -> 3, "related" -> 3, "regard" -> 3, "reduction" -> 3, "recreational" -> 3, "reasons" -> 3, "reason" -> 3, "realistic" -> 3, "reaching" -> 3, "race" -> 3, "pursue" -> 3, "provision" -> 3, "properly" -> 3, "prompt" -> 3, "productive" -> 3, "procedures" -> 3, "primary" -> 3, "prices" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "prestige" -> 3, "poverty" -> 3, "personnel" -> 3, "permit" -> 3, "patient" -> 3, "participate" -> 3, "otherwise" -> 3, "officers" -> 3, "office" -> 3, "obtain" -> 3, "nursing" -> 3, "negotiations" -> 3, "needs" -> 3, "nature" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "most" -> 3, "minority" -> 3, "methods" -> 3, "merely" -> 3, "members" -> 3, "meet" -> 3, "matter" -> 3, "marketing" -> 3, "market" -> 3, "management" -> 3, "manage" -> 3, "man" -> 3, "maintain" -> 3, "lost" -> 3, "logical" -> 3, "keeping" -> 3, "just" -> 3, "investment" -> 3, "interests" -> 3, "insure" -> 3, "inherent" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "independence" -> 3, "increases" -> 3, "improvement" -> 3, "housing" -> 3, "hostilities" -> 3, "Highway" -> 3, "heights" -> 3, "healthy" -> 3, "harmony" -> 3, "harassment" -> 3, "hands" -> 3, "guarantee" -> 3, "group" -> 3, "grants" -> 3, "George" -> 3, "gain" -> 3, "Fund" -> 3, "friends" -> 3, "fleet" -> 3, "fields" -> 3, "field" -> 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-> 3, "Article" -> 3, "arbitrary" -> 3, "answer" -> 3, "And" -> 3, "alike" -> 3, "agency" -> 3, "age" -> 3, "afforded" -> 3, "afford" -> 3, "adoption" -> 3, "administer" -> 3, "activity" -> 3, "acquired" -> 3, "achieve" -> 3, "accomplishments" -> 3, "absence" -> 3, "9" -> 3, "8" -> 3, "7" -> 3, "6" -> 3, "5" -> 3, "10" -> 3, "youth" -> 2, "you" -> 2, "X" -> 2, "worth" -> 2, "woman" -> 2, "wisdom" -> 2, "why" -> 2, "whether" -> 2, "wherein" -> 2, "Western" -> 2, "well-being" -> 2, "weakness" -> 2, "waterfowl" -> 2, "Wallace" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "vigorous" -> 2, "view" -> 2, "Veterans" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "utilized" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "urge" -> 2, "unreasonable" -> 2, "unrealistic" -> 2, "Unfortunately" -> 2, "undertaken" -> 2, "understood" -> 2, "understanding" -> 2, "tyranny" -> 2, "trust" -> 2, "tranquility" -> 2, "tragic" -> 2, "total" -> 2, "today" -> 2, "thus" -> 2, "Through" -> 2, "threat" -> 2, "thereof" -> 2, "THE" -> 2, "termination" -> 2, "technology" -> 2, "tactical" -> 2, "success" -> 2, "succeed" -> 2, "submit" -> 2, "stripped" -> 2, "strike" -> 2, "strengthening" -> 2, "strengthen" -> 2, "strategic" -> 2, "status" -> 2, "stated" -> 2, "standards" -> 2, "stand" -> 2, "stable" -> 2, "stabilizing" -> 2, "spiral" -> 2, "Specifically" -> 2, "source" -> 2, "sought" -> 2, "solving" -> 2, "solve" -> 2, "socially" -> 2, "skilled" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "simplification" -> 2, "shipbuilding" -> 2, "settlement" -> 2, "seniority" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "selection" -> 2, "seized" -> 2, "segments" -> 2, "seen" -> 2, "see" -> 2, "securing" -> 2, "secondary" -> 2, "scope" -> 2, "scientific" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "sale" -> 2, "sacred" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "routes" -> 2, "road" -> 2, "rightfully" -> 2, "reward" -> 2, "revolutionaries" -> 2, "revenues" -> 2, "returning" -> 2, "returned" -> 2, "retraining" -> 2, "resulting" -> 2, "restored" -> 2, "resist" -> 2, "reserve" -> 2, "requires" -> 2, "requirement" -> 2, "repudiate" -> 2, "Republican" -> 2, "represents" -> 2, "rental" -> 2, 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2, "North" -> 2, "needful" -> 2, "needed" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "near" -> 2, "native" -> 2, "NATIONAL" -> 2, "my" -> 2, "mutually" -> 2, "monthly" -> 2, "moment" -> 2, "modes" -> 2, "minimum" -> 2, "minimized" -> 2, "mindful" -> 2, "mind" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "militarily" -> 2, "Middle" -> 2, "metropolitan" -> 2, "merchant" -> 2, "measures" -> 2, "measure" -> 2, "mean" -> 2, "maximum" -> 2, "marvel" -> 2, "marine" -> 2, "Many" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "low-cost" -> 2, "lose" -> 2, "logic" -> 2, "little" -> 2, "lists" -> 2, "limits" -> 2, "likewise" -> 2, "likely" -> 2, "like" -> 2, "LeMay" -> 2, "Legislation" -> 2, "left" -> 2, "least" -> 2, "leader" -> 2, "Latin" -> 2, "lasting" -> 2, "lands" -> 2, "lacking" -> 2, "laboring" -> 2, "known" -> 2, "kept" -> 2, "juvenile" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "Its" -> 2, "involved" -> 2, "intimidation" -> 2, "intervals" -> 2, "Interstate" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "interested" -> 2, "insurance" -> 2, "instrument" -> 2, "insistence" -> 2, "ingenuity" -> 2, "inevitably" -> 2, "inequities" -> 2, "individuals" -> 2, "Indians" -> 2, "independent" -> 2, "including" -> 2, "improving" -> 2, "imposed" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "import" -> 2, "hospitals" -> 2, "hopes" -> 2, "hope" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "homes" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "himself" -> 2, "him" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "highly" -> 2, "Herein" -> 2, "HEALTH" -> 2, "health" -> 2, "hampered" -> 2, "had" -> 2, "growth" -> 2, "groups" -> 2, "greatly" -> 2, "gratuitous" -> 2, "granted" -> 2, "graduate" -> 2, "govern" -> 2, "goals" -> 2, "giant" -> 2, "General" -> 2, "general" -> 2, "funds" -> 2, "friendly" -> 2, "foundations" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "form" -> 2, "forests" -> 2, "Foreign" -> 2, "forces" -> 2, "forced" -> 2, "followed" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "fish" -> 2, "fire" -> 2, "financed" -> 2, "fiber" -> 2, "favorable" -> 2, "Farm" -> 2, "falling" -> 2, "failure" -> 2, "fail" -> 2, "fact" -> 2, "faced" -> 2, "face" -> 2, "export" -> 2, "experience" -> 2, "expansion" -> 2, "exists" -> 2, "existence" -> 2, "exerted" -> 2, "exercise" -> 2, "Executive" -> 2, "excesses" -> 2, "Every" -> 2, "eventually" -> 2, "Europe" -> 2, "estuarine" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "especially" -> 2, "Eskimos" -> 2, "equally" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "entitled" -> 2, "enjoy" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "endeavor" -> 2, "endangered" -> 2, "endanger" -> 2, "encouraged" -> 2, "enact" -> 2, "enable" -> 2, "eliminating" -> 2, "elderly" -> 2, "efficiently" -> 2, "effective" -> 2, "East" -> 2, "earn" -> 2, "earliest" -> 2, "E." -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "drugs" -> 2, "doubt" -> 2, "done" -> 2, "doctrines" -> 2, "distinguished" -> 2, "dissent" -> 2, "disastrous" -> 2, "directives" -> 2, "difficulties" -> 2, "difficult" -> 2, "deter" -> 2, "despotism" -> 2, "desirable" -> 2, "denied" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "demands" -> 2, "delegated" -> 2, "degree" -> 2, "defenses" -> 2, "deeply" -> 2, "decent" -> 2, "decade" -> 2, "debt" -> 2, "debate" -> 2, "death" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "danger" -> 2, "daily" -> 2, "Curtis" -> 2, "culture" -> 2, "courts" -> 2, "courses" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "correct" -> 2, "cooperate" -> 2, "convinced" -> 2, "controlled" -> 2, "contribution" -> 2, "contributed" -> 2, "consider" -> 2, "conservation" -> 2, "conjunction" -> 2, "congestion" -> 2, "confused" -> 2, "confidence" -> 2, "condition" -> 2, "concurrent" -> 2, "complete" -> 2, "compassion" -> 2, "community" -> 2, "communities" -> 2, "coercion" -> 2, "closely" -> 2, "civilization" -> 2, "city" -> 2, "choice" -> 2, "childhood" -> 2, "cease" -> 2, "causes" -> 2, "case" -> 2, "capacity" -> 2, "capabilities" -> 2, "campaign" -> 2, "C" -> 2, "built" -> 2, "building" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "blessed" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "beset" -> 2, "belong" -> 2, "believing" -> 2, "believes" -> 2, "before" -> 2, "becoming" -> 2, "battle" -> 2, "basically" -> 2, "bargaining" -> 2, "badly" -> 2, "away" -> 2, "average" -> 2, "attention" -> 2, "attainable" -> 2, "astronomical" -> 2, "around" -> 2, "arise" -> 2, "approve" -> 2, "appropriate" -> 2, "application" -> 2, "ancient" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "alternative" -> 2, "alone" -> 2, "agriculture" -> 2, "agreements" -> 2, "aged" -> 2, "Africa" -> 2, "affording" -> 2, "advisors" -> 2, "advice" -> 2, "adversaries" -> 2, "advance" -> 2, "adult" -> 2, "adopted" -> 2, "administrations" -> 2, "Administration" -> 2, "accept" -> 2, "abate" -> 2, "65" -> 2, "13" -> 2, "11" -> 2, "100%" -> 2, "100" -> 2, "$100" -> 1, "your" -> 1, "young" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "Yet" -> 1, "year" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "writers" -> 1, "wrecks" -> 1, "worshipped" -> 1, "works" -> 1, "won" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "Without" -> 1, "wisest" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "winning" -> 1, "willingly" -> 1, "willing" -> 1, "wildlife" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "whims" -> 1, "whenever" -> 1, "whence" -> 1, "wetlands" -> 1, "western" -> 1, "well-designed" -> 1, "well-defined" -> 1, "WELFARE" -> 1, "weekly" -> 1, "weaponry" -> 1, "ways" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "warrant" -> 1, "warehouses" -> 1, "wards" -> 1, "waging" -> 1, "voluntary" -> 1, "vitally" -> 1, "visualized" -> 1, "violence" -> 1, "violators" -> 1, "vigor" -> 1, "views" -> 1, "Vietnamese" -> 1, "VIETNAM" -> 1, "Vietcong" -> 1, "victory-This" -> 1, "Vice" -> 1, "viable" -> 1, "viability" -> 1, "VETERANS" -> 1, "vested" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "values" -> 1, "vainly" -> 1, "vaguely" -> 1, "vacant" -> 1, "utmost" -> 1, "usurped" -> 1, "usurp" -> 1, "uses" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "usage" -> 1, "urged" -> 1, "urbanized" -> 1, "updated" -> 1, "unwelcome" -> 1, "untold" -> 1, "Until" -> 1, "unsound" -> 1, "unrest" -> 1, "unreasonably" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "unless" -> 1, "unlawfully" -> 1, "units" -> 1, "unions" -> 1, "uninterrupted" -> 1, "unilateral" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unfriendly" -> 1, "unfitted" -> 1, "unfilled" -> 1, "unfair" -> 1, "unexplainable" -> 1, "unemployment" -> 1, "unemployed" -> 1, "unemployable" -> 1, "type" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "troop" -> 1, "trends" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treats" -> 1, "treating" -> 1, "treated" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "travel" -> 1, "TRANSPORTATION" -> 1, "transgress" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "trains" -> 1, "trainees" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "traditional" -> 1, "Trade" -> 1, "towns" -> 1, "totally" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "tool" -> 1, "too" -> 1, "tone" -> 1, "tomorrow" -> 1, "tolerant" -> 1, "together" -> 1, "today's" -> 1, "tirelessly" -> 1, "timely" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "three-fourths" -> 1, "threats" -> 1, "Thousands" -> 1, "thoughts" -> 1, "Those" -> 1, "things" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "These" -> 1, "thereupon" -> 1, "therefrom" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "Their" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "terminated" -> 1, "Tenth" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "tell" -> 1, "TECHNOLOGY" -> 1, "technological" -> 1, "technical" -> 1, "team" -> 1, "teacher" -> 1, "taxpayer" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "tape" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "takes" -> 1, "tactician" -> 1, "sustenance" -> 1, "survivors" -> 1, "survive" -> 1, "surcharges" -> 1, "supporting" -> 1, "supported" -> 1, "superiority" -> 1, "sums" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "suffers" -> 1, "successor" -> 1, "successful" -> 1, "SUBURBS" -> 1, "substitution" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidization" -> 1, "subsidies" -> 1, "subsidation" -> 1, "subservience" -> 1, "subscribe" -> 1, "subordinates" -> 1, "subjecting" -> 1, "subjected" -> 1, "subject" -> 1, "study" -> 1, "students" -> 1, "student" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "structures" -> 1, "stringent" -> 1, "strikes" -> 1, "stricter" -> 1, "stressing" -> 1, "strength-This" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "streets" -> 1, "streamlined" -> 1, "strategically" -> 1, "store" -> 1, "stood" -> 1, "stones" -> 1, "stimulate" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "stature" -> 1, "static" -> 1, "stands" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "standby" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "stagnation" -> 1, "Staff" -> 1, "stabilized" -> 1, "stabilize" -> 1, "sponsor" -> 1, "splendid" -> 1, "spiraling" -> 1, "sphere" -> 1, "speed" -> 1, "species" -> 1, "specialists" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "sorely" -> 1, "something" -> 1, "solidly" -> 1, "solicitude" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "Sociological" -> 1, "sociological" -> 1, "socialistic" -> 1, "socialist" -> 1, "SOCIAL" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "soaring" -> 1, "soar" -> 1, "situations" -> 1, "sister" -> 1, "sincerity" -> 1, "sincere" -> 1, "simplify" -> 1, "similar" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "shrine" -> 1, "showing" -> 1, "Should" -> 1, "shortcomings" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "shipping" -> 1, "shellfish" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "shaping" -> 1, "shackle" -> 1, "settlements" -> 1, "setting" -> 1, "sets" -> 1, "SERVICES" -> 1, "Services" -> 1, "servicemen" -> 1, "Service" -> 1, "separated" -> 1, "sensible" -> 1, "senses" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "SENIOR" -> 1, "senior" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "semiskilled" -> 1, "self-seeking" -> 1, "self-sacrificing" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "self-imposed" -> 1, "self-help" -> 1, "self-financed" -> 1, "self" -> 1, "Selective" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "segment" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "security-wise" -> 1, "sections" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "searched" -> 1, "SCIENCE" -> 1, "scenic" -> 1, "scenery" -> 1, "scale" -> 1, "says" -> 1, "say" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "satellite" -> 1, "sanctimonious" -> 1, "SAN" -> 1, "salaries" -> 1, "sake" -> 1, "safeguards" -> 1, "safeguard" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "sadly" -> 1, "saddened" -> 1, "runs" -> 1, "root" -> 1, "rolls" -> 1, "risked" -> 1, "rise" -> 1, "riots" -> 1, "rightly" -> 1, "rightfullv" -> 1, "rid" -> 1, "Revolutionary" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "Revolution" -> 1, "revisions" -> 1, "revised" -> 1, "retrace" -> 1, "Retention" -> 1, "retention" -> 1, "resume" -> 1, "rests" -> 1, "restrictive" -> 1, "restrictions" -> 1, "Restoration" -> 1, "responsive" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "respective" -> 1, "RESOURCES" -> 1, "resource" -> 1, "resort" -> 1, "resolving" -> 1, "resolved" -> 1, "Reserve-This" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "reserved" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "reprisals" -> 1, "reprisal" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "replacing" -> 1, "replacement" -> 1, "replace" -> 1, "repeatedly" -> 1, "rent" -> 1, "removed" -> 1, "Removal" -> 1, "rely" -> 1, "relaxation" -> 1, "Relations" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "reject" -> 1, "rehabilitation" -> 1, "rehabilitate" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "regulated" -> 1, "regular" -> 1, "registration" -> 1, "region" -> 1, "regardless" -> 1, "regain" -> 1, "refrain" -> 1, "reforestation" -> 1, "Reestablishment" -> 1, "reestablishing" -> 1, "reduced" -> 1, "reduce" -> 1, "re-dedication" -> 1, "Red" -> 1, "red" -> 1, "recreation" -> 1, "record" -> 1, "reconstitution" -> 1, "re-confirmations" -> 1, "recognized" -> 1, "recognition" -> 1, "recipients" -> 1, "receiving" -> 1, "receives" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "rebellions" -> 1, "reasoning" -> 1, "reasonably" -> 1, "reapportion" -> 1, "realized" -> 1, "realize" -> 1, "reality" -> 1, "real" -> 1, "readily" -> 1, "reach" -> 1, "REA" -> 1, "ravages" -> 1, "ranks" -> 1, "ranging" -> 1, "rancher" -> 1, "rampant" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "races" -> 1, "quite" -> 1, "quest" -> 1, "quarrelings" -> 1, "quantities" -> 1, "quantitative" -> 1, "qualifications" -> 1, "pursuits" -> 1, "pursuit" -> 1, "pursuant" -> 1, "punitive" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "punishing" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "prudence" -> 1, "provisions" -> 1, "Providing" -> 1, "proven" -> 1, "proud" -> 1, "protests" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "proportionate" -> 1, "PROPERTY" -> 1, "promulgation" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "promoted" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "prominence" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "productivity" -> 1, "producers" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "PRIVATE" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "prime" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "pride" -> 1, "preys" -> 1, "prevalent" -> 1, "prevailing" -> 1, "prevail" -> 1, "preserved" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "prescribe" -> 1, "prerogative" -> 1, "preparing" -> 1, "prepared" -> 1, "prepare" -> 1, "premise" -> 1, "prelude" -> 1, "prefers" -> 1, "preferring" -> 1, "preferable" -> 1, "precepts" -> 1, "PREAMBLE" -> 1, "pray" -> 1, "practitioner" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "practice" -> 1, "practical" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possessed" -> 1, "positive" -> 1, "POOR" -> 1, "politically" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "plight" -> 1, "plenty" -> 1, "pledges" -> 1, "platitudes" -> 1, "plants" -> 1, "plans" -> 1, "Plan" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "plagued" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "physician" -> 1, "physically" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "phases" -> 1, "pests" -> 1, "pest" -> 1, "pervades" -> 1, "personifying" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "persistent" -> 1, "perpetuation" -> 1, "perpetrators" -> 1, "permitting" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "periodically" -> 1, "periodical" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "performing" -> 1, "performance" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "Pentagon" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "Payments" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "pawns" -> 1, "patriotic" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "partners" -> 1, "particular" -> 1, "participant" -> 1, "Parents" -> 1, "parents" -> 1, "paramount" -> 1, "parallel" -> 1, "owner" -> 1, "owes" -> 1, "overlapping" -> 1, "overcrowded" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "ours" -> 1, "OUR" -> 1, "others" -> 1, "OTHER" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "organizational" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "orderly" -> 1, "ordain" -> 1, "OPPORTUNITY" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "Only" -> 1, "one-half" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "omnipotent" -> 1, "old" -> 1, "offenders" -> 1, "off" -> 1, "Oct." -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "objective-that" -> 1, "object" -> 1, "no-win" -> 1, "notion" -> 1, "Not" -> 1, "non-tax-paying" -> 1, "nonaggression" -> 1, "noble" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "networks" -> 1, "nesting" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "negotiators" -> 1, "Negotiation" -> 1, "negotiation" -> 1, "negotiated" -> 1, "negotiate" -> 1, "negative" -> 1, "needy" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "NATURAL" -> 1, "multiplicity" -> 1, "multiple" -> 1, "multilateral" -> 1, "movement" -> 1, "mounting" -> 1, "Most" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "Monroe" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "monetary" -> 1, "modernize" -> 1, "modern" -> 1, "modem" -> 1, "mobility" -> 1, "mix" -> 1, "mistakes" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "missile" -> 1, "misrepresentations" -> 1, "misconduct" -> 1, "million" -> 1, "Military" -> 1, "mighty" -> 1, "might" -> 1, "middle" -> 1, "method" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "Merchant" -> 1, "meeting" -> 1, "meat" -> 1, "measured" -> 1, "meantime" -> 1, "meaningless" -> 1, "mass" -> 1, "marred" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "Maritime" -> 1, "maritime" -> 1, "Marine" -> 1, "mankind" -> 1, "majority" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "machines" -> 1, "machinery" -> 1, "lured" -> 1, "low-wage" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lowering" -> 1, "lower" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "lot" -> 1, "long-term" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "located" -> 1, "LOCAL" -> 1, "Local" -> 1, "loans" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "livelihood" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "limitations" -> 1, "limitation" -> 1, "limit" -> 1, "liberty" -> 1, "lend" -> 1, "legislatures" -> 1, "Legislative" -> 1, "legions" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "led" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "lead" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "Lawlessness" -> 1, "lawless" -> 1, "lavishly" -> 1, "lavish" -> 1, "late" -> 1, "lastly" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "lagging" -> 1, "lag" -> 1, "lack" -> 1, "laborer" -> 1, "LABOR" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "Korea" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "King" -> 1, "key" -> 1, "justification" -> 1, "jurisdiction" -> 1, "JUDICIARY" -> 1, "judges" -> 1, "judged" -> 1, "jobs" -> 1, "jobless" -> 1, "JOB" -> 1, "Job" -> 1, "jeopardizing" -> 1, "Israel" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "invulnerability" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "invites" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "invested" -> 1, "intrusions" -> 1, "intruding" -> 1, "intruders" -> 1, "intrude" -> 1, "in-training" -> 1, "intimidate" -> 1, "interpreting" -> 1, "interpret" -> 1, "internally" -> 1, "intermittent" -> 1, "interminable" -> 1, "intention" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "intensive" -> 1, "intensified" -> 1, "intense" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "intangible" -> 1, "Insurance" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "institute" -> 1, "instilling" -> 1, "instances" -> 1, "installation" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "insect" -> 1, "innocent" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "initiation" -> 1, "initiate" -> 1, "infringes" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflow" -> 1, "inflation" -> 1, "infirmity" -> 1, "infirmities" -> 1, "infinite" -> 1, "infiltration" -> 1, "inferior" -> 1, "inept" -> 1, "inductions" -> 1, "induction" -> 1, "inductees" -> 1, "inductee" -> 1, "indivisible" -> 1, "Individual" -> 1, "indiscriminate" -> 1, "indicated" -> 1, "INDIAN" -> 1, "index" -> 1, "indefinitely" -> 1, "increasingly" -> 1, "inconsistencies" -> 1, "Inclusion" -> 1, "inclusion" -> 1, "includes" -> 1, "incentives" -> 1, "inaction" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "implementation" -> 1, "immediately" -> 1, "immeasurably" -> 1, "imbalance" -> 1, "illogical" -> 1, "illness" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "ill-conceived" -> 1, "III" -> 1, "ignored" -> 1, "ideology" -> 1, "ideals" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "huge" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "how" -> 1, "housewife" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "hospital-patient" -> 1, "Hopefully" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "home-ownership" -> 1, "Home" -> 1, "homage" -> 1, "holds" -> 1, "holder" -> 1, "high-speed" -> 1, "highest" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "her" -> 1, "hemisphere" -> 1, "helpful" -> 1, "heed" -> 1, "heavy" -> 1, "heavily" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "He" -> 1, "hastily" -> 1, "hasten" -> 1, "hard-working" -> 1, "hardship" -> 1, "Harassing" -> 1, "harass" -> 1, "handouts" -> 1, "handicap" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "guns" -> 1, "guise" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guidelines" -> 1, "guideline" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "guardians" -> 1, "grown" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grateful" -> 1, "grant" -> 1, "Grain" -> 1, "grain" -> 1, "gradual" -> 1, "Governmental" -> 1, "GOVERNMENT" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "goods" -> 1, "gone" -> 1, "glorifies" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "give" -> 1, "geographically" -> 1, "generations" -> 1, "gauged" -> 1, "game" -> 1, "gains" -> 1, "furnished" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "furbearers" -> 1, "funding" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "full-scale" -> 1, "fullness" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fuller" -> 1, "Full" -> 1, "frustration" -> 1, "frustrated" -> 1, "frustrate" -> 1, "frightening" -> 1, "French" -> 1, "freeways" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freedoms" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "fraught" -> 1, "frankness" -> 1, "FRANCISCO" -> 1, "fraction" -> 1, "fourlane" -> 1, "Founding" -> 1, "foundation" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "fortunate" -> 1, "fortitude" -> 1, "formulation" -> 1, "forgotten" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "foremost" -> 1, "FOREIGN" -> 1, "forecasts" -> 1, "forebears" -> 1, "forceful" -> 1, "food" -> 1, "foes" -> 1, "flight" -> 1, "flagrant" -> 1, "fit" -> 1, "first-class" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "financing" -> 1, "final" -> 1, "fill" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fiercely" -> 1, "fewer" -> 1, "few" -> 1, "fettered" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "feelings" -> 1, "Feed" -> 1, "feed" -> 1, "fee" -> 1, "FEDERAL" -> 1, "fearing" -> 1, "fearful" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "faulty" -> 1, "fault" -> 1, "Fathers" -> 1, "fatalities" -> 1, "farsighted" -> 1, "farms" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "farmer-owned" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "fallacies" -> 1, "fairness" -> 1, "failures" -> 1, "fails" -> 1, "failed" -> 1, "factions" -> 1, "facets" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extra" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "Extension" -> 1, "export-import" -> 1, "exploration" -> 1, "exploitation" -> 1, "experiments" -> 1, "experimentation" -> 1, "experiencing" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expedite" -> 1, "expediency" -> 1, "expanding" -> 1, "exert" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "exceeded" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "examine" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "evident" -> 1, "evidenced" -> 1, "eventual" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "evaluation" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "eternally" -> 1, "establishments" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "essence" -> 1, "erosion" -> 1, "eradication" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "era" -> 1, "equivocating" -> 1, "equipping" -> 1, "entry" -> 1, "entire" -> 1, "entanglement" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "enlistee" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "enhanced" -> 1, "engineering" -> 1, "engendered" -> 1, "engagement" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "ends" -> 1, "Ending" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "ended" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "employable" -> 1, "Emphasis" -> 1, "emerging" -> 1, "elsewhere" -> 1, "else-what" -> 1, "eligibility" -> 1, "elementary" -> 1, "element" -> 1, "electorate" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "Efficiency" -> 1, "educators" -> 1, "EDUCATION" -> 1, "ECONOMY" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "echelons" -> 1, "eased" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "earning" -> 1, "earnestly" -> 1, "earner" -> 1, "earlier" -> 1, "dying" -> 1, "dwindled" -> 1, "dwellers" -> 1, "During" -> 1, "duress" -> 1, "duplicate" -> 1, "drug" -> 1, "driver" -> 1, "drive" -> 1, "drain" -> 1, "drag" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "DOMESTIC" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "document" -> 1, "Doctrine" -> 1, "doctor-patient" -> 1, "doctor" -> 1, "diversification" -> 1, "disturbed" -> 1, "District" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distances" -> 1, "dissident" -> 1, "dissemination" -> 1, "disruptive" -> 1, "disrupted" -> 1, "disrupt" -> 1, "dispute" -> 1, "dispatch" -> 1, "disorders" -> 1, "DISORDER" -> 1, "dishonesty" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discussions" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discouraged" -> 1, "disciples" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "disagree" -> 1, "disabled" -> 1, "devotions" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "devious" -> 1, "devices" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "Developing" -> 1, "deterrent" -> 1, "determining" -> 1, "determined" -> 1, "deterioration" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despair" -> 1, "desiring" -> 1, "designs" -> 1, "designate" -> 1, "deserving" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deserved" -> 1, "deserve" -> 1, "desert" -> 1, "derogation" -> 1, "derive" -> 1, "depression" -> 1, "depredations" -> 1, "depreciation" -> 1, "depletion" -> 1, "depleted" -> 1, "depends" -> 1, "depending" -> 1, "Dependent" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "dependence" -> 1, "depart" -> 1, "deny" -> 1, "dental" -> 1, "demonstrating" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "demanding" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "delinquency" -> 1, "deliberations" -> 1, "delegating" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "defensive" -> 1, "DEFENSE" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "deem" -> 1, "deduction" -> 1, "deductible" -> 1, "deducted" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "decrees" -> 1, "decreases" -> 1, "declined" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "decentralization" -> 1, "deceased" -> 1, "decays" -> 1, "deaths" -> 1, "dealing" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "day" -> 1, "dark" -> 1, "cut" -> 1, "curtailed" -> 1, "curb" -> 1, "critical" -> 1, "crisis" -> 1, "criminals" -> 1, "CRIME" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "creatures" -> 1, "coverage" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "course" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "county" -> 1, "country-This" -> 1, "counselor" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "corrective" -> 1, "correction" -> 1, "corporate" -> 1, "cornerstone" -> 1, "cope" -> 1, "cooperatively" -> 1, "cooperating" -> 1, "conventional" -> 1, "convenience" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "continuous" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "contingent" -> 1, "contentment" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "construing" -> 1, "construe" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "constructing" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constantly" -> 1, "consolidation" -> 1, "consist" -> 1, "considered" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "CONSERVATION" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "confronting" -> 1, "conflicts" -> 1, "conducted" -> 1, "CONCLUSION" -> 1, "concept" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "computerized" -> 1, "compulsion" -> 1, "Components" -> 1, "component" -> 1, "complexities" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "Communist" -> 1, "communist" -> 1, "commonplace" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodity" -> 1, "commitments" -> 1, "commitment" -> 1, "commanders" -> 1, "Commander-in-Chief" -> 1, "commander" -> 1, "comfort" -> 1, "comes" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "combat" -> 1, "color" -> 1, "Colleges" -> 1, "collective" -> 1, "collection" -> 1, "collecting" -> 1, "coining" -> 1, "coercive" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "clinics" -> 1, "Clearly" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "CITIZENS" -> 1, "citizenry" -> 1, "CITIES" -> 1, "chronic" -> 1, "Chiefs" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "chemical" -> 1, "checks" -> 1, "charges" -> 1, "charged" -> 1, "chaotic" -> 1, "chaos" -> 1, "changes" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "challenges" -> 1, "certainly" -> 1, "centuries" -> 1, "ceaselessly" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "caused" -> 1, "categorical" -> 1, "Castro's" -> 1, "Castro" -> 1, "cargo" -> 1, "carelessly" -> 1, "career" -> 1, "CARE" -> 1, "cardinal" -> 1, "caprices" -> 1, "capitol" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "capable" -> 1, "Candidates" -> 1, "campuses" -> 1, "came" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "businesses" -> 1, "bureaucrats" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "bureaucracy's" -> 1, "Bureaucracy" -> 1, "bums" -> 1, "bulwark" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "broad" -> 1, "brink" -> 1, "brave" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "bountiful" -> 1, "boundaries" -> 1, "bodies" -> 1, "Board" -> 1, "block" -> 1, "blind" -> 1, "biological" -> 1, "Binding" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "bewildered" -> 1, "bestowed" -> 1, "benefiting" -> 1, "behind" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "beguiled" -> 1, "begin" -> 1, "Before" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "beauty" -> 1, "beautiful" -> 1, "beauties" -> 1, "bear" -> 1, "Based" -> 1, "base" -> 1, "barriers" -> 1, "bard" -> 1, "bar" -> 1, "band" -> 1, "Balance" -> 1, "background" -> 1, "backbone" -> 1, "aware" -> 1, "avowed" -> 1, "automobiles" -> 1, "authorized" -> 1, "Authority" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "Attorney" -> 1, "attitudes" -> 1, "attempting" -> 1, "attempted" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attained" -> 1, "attain" -> 1, "attack-This" -> 1, "attacks" -> 1, "attacking" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "assisting" -> 1, "assimilating" -> 1, "assignments" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "assault" -> 1, "aspirations" -> 1, "ascertain" -> 1, "arrived" -> 1, "arrive" -> 1, "arrest" -> 1, "arms" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "Arab" -> 1, "aquatic" -> 1, "aptitude" -> 1, "approach" -> 1, "apprenticeship" -> 1, "apprentice" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "appoint" -> 1, "applicable" -> 1, "appeasement" -> 1, "Appeals" -> 1, "apparently" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "Anything" -> 1, "ants" -> 1, "anti-inflationary" -> 1, "anti-ballistic" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "angry" -> 1, "Anarchists" -> 1, "anarchists" -> 1, "anarchist" -> 1, "analysis" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "amount" -> 1, "Among" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "alternately" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "ally" -> 1, "all-powerful" -> 1, "allowed" -> 1, "allowances" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "alarmed" -> 1, "Airport" -> 1, "airport" -> 1, "airline" -> 1, "aiding" -> 1, "aided" -> 1, "Aid" -> 1, "AGRICULTURE" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "agreement" -> 1, "aggressively" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "aggression" -> 1, "age-old" -> 1, "agent" -> 1, "affirmative" -> 1, "affects" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "AFFAIRS" -> 1, "advisor" -> 1, "adversity" -> 1, "adversely" -> 1, "advantage" -> 1, "advancing" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administering" -> 1, "adjustments" -> 1, "adjust" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "adequately" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "addiction" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "adapted" -> 1, "Acts" -> 1, "actively" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acreage" -> 1, "acquiring" -> 1, "acknowledged" -> 1, "accustomed" -> 1, "accurate" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accord" -> 1, "accomplishment" -> 1, "accomplish" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "abundance" -> 1, "absolutely" -> 1, "Above" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "90%" -> 1, "60%" -> 1, "1968" -> 1, "1964" -> 1, "17" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "15" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "115%" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Platform of the States Rights Democratic Party", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1948, "Date" -> DateObject[{1948, 8, 14}], "Text" -> "Unanimously Adopted at Oklahoma City, August 14, 1948\n- 1 -\nWe believe that the Constitution of the United States is the greatest charter of human liberty ever conceived by the mind of man.\n- 2 -\nWe oppose all efforts to invade or destroy the rights guaranteed by it to every citizen of this republic.\n- 3 -\nWe stand for social and economic justice, which, we believe can be guaranteed to all citizens only by a strict adherence to our Constitution and the avoidance of any invasion or destruction of the constitutional rights of the states and individuals. We oppose the totalitarian, centralized bureaucratic government and the police nation called for by the platforms adopted by the Democratic and Republican Conventions.\n- 4 -\nWe stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race; the constitutional right to choose one's associates; to accept private employment without governmental interference, and to earn one's living in any lawful way. We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes, the control of private employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the misnamed civil rights program. We favor home-rule, local self-government and a minimum interference with individual rights.\n- 5 -\nWe oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality by Federal fiat, regulations of private employment practices, voting, and local law enforcement.\n- 6 -\nWe affirm that the effective enforcement of such a program would be utterly destructive of the social, economic and political life of the Southern people, and of other localities in which there may be differences in race, creed or national origin in appreciable numbers.\n- 7 -\nWe stand for the check and balances provided by the three departments of our government. We oppose the usurpation of legislative functions by the executive and judicial departments. We unreservedly condemn the effort to establish in the United States a police nation that would destroy the last vestige of liberty enjoyed by a citizen.\n- 8 -\nWe demand that there be returned to the people to whom of right they belong, those powers needed for the preservation of human rights and the discharge of our responsibility as democrats for human welfare. We oppose a denial of those by political parties, a barter or sale of those rights by a political convention, as well as any invasion or violation of those rights by the Federal Government. We call upon all Democrats and upon all other loyal Americans who are opposed to totalitarianism at home and abroad to unite with us in ignominiously defeating Harry S. Truman, Thomas E. Dewey and every other candidate for public office who would establish a Police Nation in the United States of America.\n- 9 -\nWe, therefore, urge that this Convention endorse the candidacies of J. Strom Thurmond and Fielding H. Wright for the President and Vice-president, respectively, of the United States of America.\nPRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS\n\nWm. H. MURRAY\nJOHN STEEL BATSON\nCLIFTON RATLIFF\nM.F. RAY\nMRS. ANNA B. KORN\nO.L. PENNY\nJ.K. WELLS\nBARNEY WOLVERTON\nR.W. MOTT\nFRANCIS HASKELL\n\nOTHER OFFICERS ELECTED\n\nROSS LILLARD, President\nCHUCK HERD, Vice-President\nMRS. RUTH LACKEY, Secretary\n\nHEADQUARTERS\n\nAt Oklahoma City, Oklahoma", "Words" -> 529, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 41, "of" -> 32, "and" -> 20, "We" -> 16, "by" -> 14, "to" -> 12, "for" -> 10, "a" -> 10, "rights" -> 8, "in" -> 8, "oppose" -> 6, "that" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "United" -> 4, "those" -> 4, "States" -> 4, "be" -> 4, "all" -> 4, "would" -> 3, "stand" -> 3, "social" -> 3, "segregation" -> 3, "program" -> 3, "private" -> 3, "political" -> 3, "our" -> 3, "other" -> 3, "Oklahoma" -> 3, "human" -> 3, "Federal" -> 3, "employment" -> 3, "as" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "with" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "which" -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "this" -> 2, "there" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "race" -> 2, "President" -> 2, "police" -> 2, "people" -> 2, "one's" -> 2, "nation" -> 2, "MRS" -> 2, "local" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "invasion" -> 2, "interference" -> 2, "H" -> 2, "guaranteed" -> 2, "government" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "enforcement" -> 2, "elimination" -> 2, "economic" -> 2, "destroy" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "Democratic" -> 2, "Convention" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "City" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "called" -> 2, "believe" -> 2, "at" -> 2, "America" -> 2, "Wright" -> 1, "WOLVERTON" -> 1, "Wm" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "whom" -> 1, "WELLS" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "we" -> 1, "way" -> 1, "voting" -> 1, "violation" -> 1, "Vice-President" -> 1, "Vice-president" -> 1, "vestige" -> 1, "utterly" -> 1, "usurpation" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "urge" -> 1, "unreservedly" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "Unanimously" -> 1, "Truman" -> 1, "totalitarianism" -> 1, "totalitarian" -> 1, "Thurmond" -> 1, "three" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "Strom" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "STEEL" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "states" -> 1, "sponsoring" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "S." -> 1, "R.W." -> 1, "RUTH" -> 1, "ROSS" -> 1, "returned" -> 1, "responsibility" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "Republican" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "regulations" -> 1, "RAY" -> 1, "RATLIFF" -> 1, "racial" -> 1, "races" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "PRESIDENTIAL" -> 1, "preservation" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "Police" -> 1, "platforms" -> 1, "PENNY" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "OTHER" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "O.L." -> 1, "OFFICERS" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "numbers" -> 1, "needed" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "MURRAY" -> 1, "MOTT" -> 1, "misnamed" -> 1, "miscegenation" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "mind" -> 1, "M.F." -> 1, "may" -> 1, "man" -> 1, "loyal" -> 1, "localities" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "LILLARD" -> 1, "life" -> 1, "legislative" -> 1, "lawful" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "LACKEY" -> 1, "KORN" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "judicial" -> 1, "JOHN" -> 1, "J.K." -> 1, "J" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "is" -> 1, "invade" -> 1, "integrity" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "ignominiously" -> 1, "home-rule" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "HERD" -> 1, "HEADQUARTERS" -> 1, "HASKELL" -> 1, "Harry" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "FRANCIS" -> 1, "Fielding" -> 1, "fiat" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "enjoyed" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "ELECTORS" -> 1, "ELECTED" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "earn" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "E." -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "Dewey" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "denial" -> 1, "Democrats" -> 1, "democrats" -> 1, "demand" -> 1, "defeating" -> 1, "creed" -> 1, "Conventions" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "conceived" -> 1, "CLIFTON" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "CHUCK" -> 1, "choose" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "charter" -> 1, "centralized" -> 1, "candidate" -> 1, "candidacies" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "call" -> 1, "bureaucrats" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "belong" -> 1, "BATSON" -> 1, "barter" -> 1, "BARNEY" -> 1, "balances" -> 1, "B" -> 1, "avoidance" -> 1, "August" -> 1, "At" -> 1, "associates" -> 1, "are" -> 1, "appreciable" -> 1, "ANNA" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "affirm" -> 1, "Adopted" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "adherence" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "accept" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1948" -> 1, "14" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Progressive Party Platform of 1924", "Party" -> "Progressive", "Year" -> 1924, "Date" -> DateObject[{1924, 11, 4}], "Text" -> "The great issue before the American people today is the control of government and industry by private monopoly.\nFor a generation the people have struggled patiently, in the face of repeated betrayals by successive administrations, to free themselves from this intolerable power which has been undermining representative government.\nThrough control of government, monopoly has steadily extended its absolute dominion to every basic industry.\nIn violation of law, monopoly has crushed competition, stifled private initiative and independent enterprise, and without fear of punishment now exacts extortionate profits upon every necessity of life consumed by the public.\nThe equality of opportunity proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence and asserted and defended by Jefferson and Lincoln as the heritage of every American citizen has been displaced by special privilege for the few, wrested from the government of the many.\nFundamental Rights in Danger\n\nThat tyrannical power which the American people denied to a king, they will no longer endure from the monopoly system. The people know they cannot yield to any group the control of the economic life of the nation and preserve their political liberties. They know monopoly has its representatives in the hails of Congress, on the Federal bench, and in the executive departments; that these servile agents barter away tile nation's natural resources, nullify acts of Congress by judicial veto and administrative favor, invade the people's rights by unlawful arrests and unconstitutional searches and seizures, direct our foreign policy in the interests of predatory wealth, and make wars and conscript the sons of the common people to fight them.\nThe usurpation in recent years by the federal courts of the power to nullify laws duly enacted by the legislative branch of the government is a plain violation of the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln, in his first inaugural address, said: \"The candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.\" The Constitution specifically vests all legislative power in the Congress, giving that body power and authority to override the veto of the president. The federal courts are given no authority under the Constitution to veto acts of Congress. Since the federal courts have assumed to exercise such veto power, it is essential that the Constitution shall give the Congress the right to override such judicial veto, otherwise the Court will make itself master over the other coordinate branches of the government. The people themselves must approve or disapprove the present exercise of legislative power by the federal courts.\nDistress of American Farmers\n\nThe present condition of American agriculture constitutes an emergency of the gravest character. The Department of Commerce report shows that during 1923 there was a steady and marked increase in dividends paid by the great industrial corporations. The same is true of the steam and electric railways and practically all other large corporations. On the other hand, the Secretary of Agriculture reports that in the fifteen principal wheat growing states more than 108,000 farmers since 1920 have lost their farms through foreclosure or bankruptcy; that more than 122,000 have surrendered their property without legal proceedings, and that nearly 375,000 have retained possession of their property only through the leniency of their creditors, making a total of more than 600,000 or 26 per cent of all farmers who have virtually been bankrupted since 1920 in these fifteen states alone.\nAlmost unlimited prosperity for the great corporations and ruin and bankruptcy for agriculture is the direct and logical result of the policies and legislation which deflated the farmer while extending almost unlimited credit to the great corporations; which protected with exorbitant tariffs the industrial magnates, but depressed the prices of the farmers' products by financial juggling while greatly increasing the cost of what he must buy; which guaranteed excessive freight rates to the railroads and put a premium on wasteful management while saddling an unwarranted burden on to the backs of the American farmer; which permitted gambling in the products of the farm by grain speculators to the great detriment of the farmer and to the great profit of the grain gambler.\nA Covenant With the People\n\nAwakened by the dangers which menace their freedom and prosperity the American people still retain the right and courage to exercise their sovereign control over their government. In order to destroy the economic and political power ofmonopoly, which has come between the people and their government, we pledge ourselves to the following principles and policies:\nThe House Cleaning\n\n1. We pledge a complete housecleaning in the Department of Justice, the Department of the Interior, and the other executive departments. We demand that the power of the Federal Government be used to crush private monopoly, not to foster it.\nNatural Resources\n\n2. We pledge recovery of the navy's oil reserves and all other parts of the public domain which have been fraudulently or illegally leased, or otherwise wrongfully transferred, to the control of private interests; vigorous prosecution of all public officials, private citizens and corporations that participated in these transactions; complete revision of the water-power act, the general leasing act, and all other legislation relating to the public domain. We favor public ownership of the nation's water power and the creation and development of a national super-water-power system, including Muscle Shoals, to supply at actual cost light and power for the people and nitrate for the farmers, and strict public control and permanent conservation of all the nation's resources, including coal, iron and other ores, oil and timber lands, in the interest of the people.\nRailroads\n\n3. We favor repeal of the Esch-Cummins railroad law and the fixing of railroad rates upon the basis of actual, prudent investment and cost of service. We pledge speedy enactment of the Howell-Barkley Bill for the adjustment of controversies between railroads and their employees, which was held up in the last Congress by joint action of reactionary leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties. We declare for public ownership of railroads with definite safeguards against bureaucratic control, as the only final solution of the transportation problem.\nTax Reduction\n\n4. We favor reduction of Federal taxes upon individual incomes and legitimate business, limiting tax exactions strictly to the requirements of the government administered with rigid economy, particularly by curtailment of the eight hundred million dollars now annually expended for the army and navy in preparation for future wars; by the recovery of the hundreds of millions of dollars stolen from the Treasury through fraudulent war contracts and the corrupt leasing of the public resources; and by diligent action to collect the accumulated interest upon the eleven billion dollars owing us by foreign governments.\nWe denounce the Mellon tax plan as a device to relieve multi-millionaires at the expense of other tax payers, and favor a taxation policy providing for immediate reductions upon moderate incomes, large increases in the inheritance tax rates upon large estates to prevent the indefinite accumulation by inheritance of great fortunes in a few hands; taxes upon excess profits to penalize profiteering, and complete publicity, under proper safeguards, of all Federal tax returns.\nThe Courts\n\n5. We favor submitting to the people, for their considerate judgment, a constitutional amendment providing that Congress may by enacting a statute make it effective over a judicial veto.\nWe favor such amendment to the constitution as may be necessary to provide for the election of all Federal Judges, without party designation, for fixed terms not exceeding ten years, by direct vote of the people.\nThe Farmers\n\n6. We favor drastic reduction of the exhorbi-tant duties on manufactures provided in the Ford-ney-McCumber tariff legislation, the prohibiting of gambling by speculators and profiteers in agricultural products; the reconstruction of the Federal Reserve and Federal Farm Loan Systems, so as to eliminate control by usurers, speculators and international financiers, and to make the credit of the nation available upon fair terms to all and without discrimination to business men, farmers and home-builders. We advocate the calling of a special session of Congress to pass legislation for the relief of American agriculture. We favor such further legislation as may be needful or helpful in promoting and protecting cooperative enterprises. We demand that the Interstate Commerce Commission proceed forthwith to reduce by an approximation to pre-war levels the present freight rates on agricultural products, including live stock, and upon the materials required upon American farms for agricultural purposes.\nLabor\n\n7. We favor abolition of the use of injunctions in labor disputes and dec]arc for complete protection of the right of farmers and industrial workers to organize, bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and conduct without hindrance cooperative enterprises.\nWe favor prompt ratification of the Child Labor amendment, and subsequent enactment of a Federal law to protect children in industry.\nPostal Service\n\n8. We believe that a prompt and dependable postal service is essential to the social and economic welfare of the nation; and that as one of the most important steps toward establishing and maintaining such a service, it is necessary to fix wage standards that will secure and retain employees of character, energy and ability.\nWe favor the enactment of the postal salary adjustment measure (S. 1898) for the employees of the postal service, passed by the first session of the 68th Congress, vetoed by the President and now awaiting further consideration by the next session of Congress.\nWe endorse liberalizing the Civil Service Retirement Law along the lines of S. 3011 now pending in Congress.\nWar Veterans\n\n9. We favor adjusted compensation for the veterans of the late war, not as charity, but as a matter of right, and we demand that the money necessary to meet this obligation of the government be raised by taxes laid upon wealth in proportion to the ability to pay, and declare our opposition to the sales tax or any other device to shift this obligation onto the backs of the poor in higher prices and increased cost of living. We do not regard the payment at the end of a long period of a small insurance as provided by the law recently passed as in any just sense a discharge of the nation's obligations to the veterans of the late war.\nGreat Lakes to Sea\n\n10. We favor a deep waterway from the Great Lakes to the sea. The government should, in conjunction with Canada, take immediate action to give the northwestern states an outlet to the ocean for cargoes, without change in bulk, thus making the primary markets on the Great Lakes equal to those of New York.\nPopular Sovereignty\n\n11. Over and above constitutions and statutes and greater than all, is the supreme sovereignty of the people, and with them should rest the final decision of all great questions of national policy. We favor such amendments to the Federal Constitution as may be necessary to provide for the direct nomination and election of the President, to extend the initiative and referendum to the federal government, and to insure a popular referendum for or against war except in cases of actual invasion.\nPeace on Earth\n\n12. We denounce the mercenary system of foreign policy under recent administrations in the interests of financial imperialists, oil monopolists and international bankers, which has at times degraded our State Department from its high service as a strong and kindly intermediary of defenseless governments to a trading outpost for those interests and concession-seekers engaged in the exploitations of weaker nations, as contrary to the will of the American people, destructive of domestic development and provocative of war. We favor an active foreign policy to bring about a revision of the Versailles treaty in accordance with the terms of the armistice, and to promote firm treaty agreements with all nations to outlaw wars, abolish conscription, drastically reduce land, air and naval armaments, and guarantee public referendum on peace and war.", "Words" -> 2004, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 189, "of" -> 123, "and" -> 88, "to" -> 66, "in" -> 34, "by" -> 32, "a" -> 27, "We" -> 26, "for" -> 22, "that" -> 18, "people" -> 16, "favor" -> 16, "The" -> 15, "their" -> 14, "government" -> 14, "as" -> 14, "all" -> 13, "upon" -> 12, "which" -> 11, "power" -> 11, "Congress" -> 11, "American" -> 10, "public" -> 9, "other" -> 9, "is" -> 9, "Federal" -> 9, "or" -> 8, "on" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "great" -> 8, "control" -> 8, "with" -> 7, "has" -> 7, "be" -> 7, "without" -> 6, "war" -> 6, "veto" -> 6, "tax" -> 6, "such" -> 6, "policy" -> 6, "monopoly" -> 6, "from" -> 6, "farmers" -> 6, "will" -> 5, "service" -> 5, "private" -> 5, "legislation" -> 5, "federal" -> 5, "corporations" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "an" -> 5, "through" -> 4, "than" -> 4, "right" -> 4, "rates" -> 4, "products" -> 4, "pledge" -> 4, "now" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "necessary" -> 4, "nation's" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "make" -> 4, "law" -> 4, "it" -> 4, "interests" -> 4, "foreign" -> 4, "direct" -> 4, "Department" -> 4, "courts" -> 4, "cost" -> 4, "complete" -> 4, "been" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "while" -> 3, "wars" -> 3, "under" -> 3, "this" -> 3, "these" -> 3, "terms" -> 3, "taxes" -> 3, "system" -> 3, "states" -> 3, "speculators" -> 3, "session" -> 3, "resources" -> 3, "referendum" -> 3, "railroads" -> 3, "present" -> 3, "postal" -> 3, "over" -> 3, "our" -> 3, "oil" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "must" -> 3, "more" -> 3, "legislative" -> 3, "large" -> 3, "Lakes" -> 3, "judicial" -> 3, "its" -> 3, "industry" -> 3, "industrial" -> 3, "including" -> 3, "Great" -> 3, "farmer" -> 3, "exercise" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "enactment" -> 3, "employees" -> 3, "economic" -> 3, "dollars" -> 3, "demand" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "amendment" -> 3, "agriculture" -> 3, "agricultural" -> 3, "actual" -> 3, "action" -> 3, "years" -> 2, "wealth" -> 2, "we" -> 2, "was" -> 2, "violation" -> 2, "veterans" -> 2, "unlimited" -> 2, "treaty" -> 2, "those" -> 2, "they" -> 2, "themselves" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "special" -> 2, "since" -> 2, "should" -> 2, "Service" -> 2, "safeguards" -> 2, "S." -> 2, "revision" -> 2, "retain" -> 2, "representatives" -> 2, "reduction" -> 2, "reduce" -> 2, "recovery" -> 2, "recent" -> 2, "railroad" -> 2, "questions" -> 2, "providing" -> 2, "provided" -> 2, "provide" -> 2, "prosperity" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "profits" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "President" -> 2, "practically" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "policies" -> 2, "passed" -> 2, "ownership" -> 2, "own" -> 2, "override" -> 2, "otherwise" -> 2, "only" -> 2, "obligation" -> 2, "nullify" -> 2, "no" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "national" -> 2, "making" -> 2, "Lincoln" -> 2, "life" -> 2, "leasing" -> 2, "late" -> 2, "Labor" -> 2, "know" -> 2, "international" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "initiative" -> 2, "inheritance" -> 2, "incomes" -> 2, "In" -> 2, "immediate" -> 2, "hands" -> 2, "grain" -> 2, "governments" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "gambling" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "freight" -> 2, "fixed" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "financial" -> 2, "final" -> 2, "fifteen" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "farms" -> 2, "Farmers" -> 2, "executive" -> 2, "essential" -> 2, "enterprises" -> 2, "election" -> 2, "domain" -> 2, "device" -> 2, "development" -> 2, "departments" -> 2, "denounce" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "credit" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "cooperative" -> 2, "Commerce" -> 2, "citizen" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "business" -> 2, "between" -> 2, "bankruptcy" -> 2, "backs" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "against" -> 2, "administrations" -> 2, "adjustment" -> 2, "acts" -> 2, "act" -> 2, "ability" -> 2, "1920" -> 2, "York" -> 1, "yield" -> 1, "wrongfully" -> 1, "wrested" -> 1, "workers" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "wheat" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "weaker" -> 1, "waterway" -> 1, "water-power" -> 1, "water" -> 1, "wasteful" -> 1, "War" -> 1, "wage" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "vital" -> 1, "virtually" -> 1, "vigorous" -> 1, "vetoed" -> 1, "Veterans" -> 1, "vests" -> 1, "Versailles" -> 1, "usurpation" -> 1, "usurers" -> 1, "used" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "us" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unwarranted" -> 1, "unlawful" -> 1, "undermining" -> 1, "unconstitutional" -> 1, "tyrannical" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "tribunal" -> 1, "Treasury" -> 1, "transportation" -> 1, "transferred" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "trading" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "total" -> 1, "today" -> 1, "times" -> 1, "timber" -> 1, "tile" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "That" -> 1, "ten" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tariffs" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "Systems" -> 1, "surrendered" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "supply" -> 1, "super-water-power" -> 1, "successive" -> 1, "subsequent" -> 1, "submitting" -> 1, "struggled" -> 1, "strong" -> 1, "strictly" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "stolen" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "stifled" -> 1, "steps" -> 1, "steam" -> 1, "steady" -> 1, "steadily" -> 1, "statutes" -> 1, "statute" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "standards" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "specifically" -> 1, "Sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "sons" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "Since" -> 1, "shows" -> 1, "Shoals" -> 1, "shift" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "servile" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "seizures" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "Secretary" -> 1, "searches" -> 1, "Sea" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "salary" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "saddling" -> 1, "rulers" -> 1, "ruin" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "Retirement" -> 1, "retained" -> 1, "result" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "Resources" -> 1, "resigned" -> 1, "reserves" -> 1, "Reserve" -> 1, "requirements" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "Republican" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repeated" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "relief" -> 1, "relating" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reductions" -> 1, "Reduction" -> 1, "reconstruction" -> 1, "recently" -> 1, "reactionary" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "raised" -> 1, "railways" -> 1, "Railroads" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purposes" -> 1, "punishment" -> 1, "publicity" -> 1, "prudent" -> 1, "provocative" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "protected" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "prosecution" -> 1, "proportion" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "promoting" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "profiteers" -> 1, "profiteering" -> 1, "profit" -> 1, "proclaimed" -> 1, "proceedings" -> 1, "proceed" -> 1, "problem" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principal" -> 1, "primary" -> 1, "pre-war" -> 1, "prevent" -> 1, "president" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "premium" -> 1, "predatory" -> 1, "Postal" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "Popular" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "poor" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "period" -> 1, "per" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "pending" -> 1, "penalize" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "payment" -> 1, "payers" -> 1, "pay" -> 1, "patiently" -> 1, "pass" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "particularly" -> 1, "participated" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "owing" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "outpost" -> 1, "outlet" -> 1, "outlaw" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "ores" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "opposition" -> 1, "opportunity" -> 1, "onto" -> 1, "one" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "ofmonopoly" -> 1, "officials" -> 1, "ocean" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "northwestern" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "nitrate" -> 1, "next" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "needful" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "nearly" -> 1, "navy's" -> 1, "navy" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "Muscle" -> 1, "multi-millionaires" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "monopolists" -> 1, "money" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "millions" -> 1, "million" -> 1, "mercenary" -> 1, "menace" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "Mellon" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "matter" -> 1, "materials" -> 1, "master" -> 1, "markets" -> 1, "marked" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manufactures" -> 1, "management" -> 1, "maintaining" -> 1, "magnates" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "longer" -> 1, "long" -> 1, "logical" -> 1, "Loan" -> 1, "living" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "limiting" -> 1, "light" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "liberalizing" -> 1, "levels" -> 1, "leniency" -> 1, "legitimate" -> 1, "legal" -> 1, "leased" -> 1, "leaders" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "laid" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "king" -> 1, "kindly" -> 1, "Justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "juggling" -> 1, "judgment" -> 1, "Judges" -> 1, "joint" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "irrevocably" -> 1, "iron" -> 1, "investment" -> 1, "invasion" -> 1, "invade" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "Interstate" -> 1, "intermediary" -> 1, "Interior" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "injunctions" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "independent" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "indefinite" -> 1, "increasing" -> 1, "increases" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "inaugural" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "imperialists" -> 1, "illegally" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "hundreds" -> 1, "hundred" -> 1, "Howell-Barkley" -> 1, "housecleaning" -> 1, "House" -> 1, "home-builders" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "hindrance" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "high" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "helpful" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "hails" -> 1, "guaranteed" -> 1, "guarantee" -> 1, "growing" -> 1, "group" -> 1, "greatly" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "gravest" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "gambler" -> 1, "future" -> 1, "Fundamental" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "free" -> 1, "fraudulently" -> 1, "fraudulent" -> 1, "foster" -> 1, "fortunes" -> 1, "forthwith" -> 1, "foreclosure" -> 1, "Ford-ney-McCumber" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fix" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "financiers" -> 1, "fight" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "Farm" -> 1, "farm" -> 1, "fair" -> 1, "face" -> 1, "extortionate" -> 1, "extent" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extended" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "exploitations" -> 1, "expense" -> 1, "expended" -> 1, "exorbitant" -> 1, "exhorbi-tant" -> 1, "excessive" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "except" -> 1, "exceeding" -> 1, "exacts" -> 1, "exactions" -> 1, "estates" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "Esch-Cummins" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "endorse" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "enacting" -> 1, "enacted" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "emergency" -> 1, "eliminate" -> 1, "eleven" -> 1, "electric" -> 1, "eight" -> 1, "effective" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "Earth" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "duly" -> 1, "drastically" -> 1, "drastic" -> 1, "dominion" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "dividends" -> 1, "Distress" -> 1, "disputes" -> 1, "displaced" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "disapprove" -> 1, "diligent" -> 1, "detriment" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "designation" -> 1, "depressed" -> 1, "dependable" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "Democratic" -> 1, "degraded" -> 1, "deflated" -> 1, "definite" -> 1, "defenseless" -> 1, "defended" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "decision" -> 1, "dec]arc" -> 1, "dangers" -> 1, "Danger" -> 1, "curtailment" -> 1, "crushed" -> 1, "crush" -> 1, "creditors" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "Covenant" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "courage" -> 1, "corrupt" -> 1, "coordinate" -> 1, "controversies" -> 1, "contrary" -> 1, "contracts" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "constitutions" -> 1, "constitutional" -> 1, "constitution" -> 1, "constitutes" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "considerate" -> 1, "conservation" -> 1, "conscription" -> 1, "conscript" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "confess" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "concession-seekers" -> 1, "competition" -> 1, "compensation" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Commission" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "collectively" -> 1, "collect" -> 1, "coal" -> 1, "Cleaning" -> 1, "Civil" -> 1, "citizens" -> 1, "choosing" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "Child" -> 1, "charity" -> 1, "change" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "ceased" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "cargoes" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "candid" -> 1, "Canada" -> 1, "calling" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "bureaucratic" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "bulk" -> 1, "bring" -> 1, "branches" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "body" -> 1, "billion" -> 1, "Bill" -> 1, "betrayals" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "believe" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "basis" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "barter" -> 1, "bargain" -> 1, "bankrupted" -> 1, "bankers" -> 1, "away" -> 1, "Awakened" -> 1, "awaiting" -> 1, "available" -> 1, "assumed" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "arrests" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "armistice" -> 1, "armaments" -> 1, "are" -> 1, "approximation" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "annually" -> 1, "amendments" -> 1, "along" -> 1, "alone" -> 1, "Almost" -> 1, "almost" -> 1, "air" -> 1, "Agriculture" -> 1, "agreements" -> 1, "agents" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "adjusted" -> 1, "address" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "accumulation" -> 1, "accumulated" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "above" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "abolition" -> 1, "abolish" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "9" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "68th" -> 1, "600,000" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "375,000" -> 1, "3011" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "26" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1923" -> 1, "1898" -> 1, "122,000" -> 1, "12" -> 1, "11" -> 1, "108,000" -> 1, "10" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Progressive Party Platform of 1912", "Party" -> "Progressive", "Year" -> 1912, "Date" -> DateObject[{1912, 11, 5}], "Text" -> "The conscience of the people, in a time of grave national problems, has called into being a new party, born of the nation's sense of justice. We of the Progressive party here dedicate ourselves to the fulfillment of the duty laid upon us by our fathers to maintain the government of the people, by the people and for the people whose foundations they laid.\nWe hold with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln that the people are the masters of their Constitution, to fulfill its purposes and to safeguard it from those who, by perversion of its intent, would convert it into an instrument of injustice. In accordance with the needs of each generation the people must use their sovereign powers to establish and maintain equal opportunity and industrial justice, to secure which this Government was founded and without which no republic can endure.\nThis country belongs to the people who inhabit it. Its resources, its business, its institutions and its laws should be utilized, maintained or altered in whatever manner will best promote the general interest.\nIt is time to set the public welfare in the first place.\nThe Old Parties\n\nPolitical parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.\nFrom these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.\nTo destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.\nThe deliberate betrayal of its trust by the Republican party, the fatal incapacity of the Democratic party to deal with the new issues of the new time, have compelled the people to forge a new instrument of government through which to give effect to their will in laws and institutions.\nUnhampered by tradition, uncorrupted by power, undismayed by the magnitude of the task, the new party offers itself as the instrument of the people to sweep away old abuses, to build a new and nobler commonwealth.\nA Covenant With the People\n\nThis declaration is our covenant with the people, and we hereby bind the party and its candidates in State and Nation to the pledges made herein.\nThe Rule of the People\n\nThe National Progressive party, committed to the principles of government by a self-controlled democracy expressing its will through representatives of the people, pledges itself to secure such alterations in the fundamental law of the several States and of the United States as shall insure the representative character of the government.\nIn particular, the party declares for direct primaries for the nomination of State and National officers, for nation-wide preferential primaries for candidates for the presidency; for the direct election of United States Senators by the people; and we urge on the States the policy of the short ballot, with responsibility to the people secured by the initiative, referendum and recall.\nAmendment of Constitution\n\nThe Progressive party, believing that a free people should have the power from time to time to amend their fundamental law so as to adapt it progressively to the changing needs of the people, pledges itself to provide a more easy and expeditious method of amending the Federal Constitution.\nNation and State\n\nUp to the limit of the Constitution, and later by amendment of the Constitution, it found necessary, we advocate bringing under effective national jurisdiction those problems which have expanded beyond reach of the individual States.\nIt is as grotesque as it is intolerable that the several States should by unequal laws in matter of common concern become competing commercial agencies, barter the lives of their children, the health of their women and the safety and well being of their working people for the benefit of their financial interests.\nThe extreme insistence on States' rights by the Democratic party in the Baltimore platform demonstrates anew its inability to understand the world into which it has survived or to administer the affairs of a union of States which have in all essential respects become one people.\nEqual Suffrage\n\nThe Progressive party, believing that no people can justly claim to be a true democracy which denies political rights on account of sex, pledges itself to the task of securing equal suffrage to men and women alike.\nCorrupt Practices\n\nWe pledge our party to legislation that will compel strict limitation of all campaign contributions and expenditures, and detailed publicity of both before as well as after primaries and elections.\nPublicity and Public Service\n\nWe pledge our party to legislation compelling the registration of lobbyists; publicity of committee hearings except on foreign affairs, and recording of all votes in committee; and forbidding federal appointees from holding office in State or National political organizations, or taking part as officers or delegates in political conventions for the nomination of elective State or National officials.\nThe Courts\n\nThe Progressive party demands such restriction of the power of the courts as shall leave to the people the ultimate authority to determine fundamental questions of social welfare and public policy. To secure this end, it pledges itself to provide:\n1. That when an Act, passed under the police power of the State is held unconstitutional under the State Constitution, by the courts, the people, after an ample interval for deliberation, shall have an opportunity to vote on the question whether they desire the Act to become law, notwithstanding such decision.\n2. That every decision of the highest appellate court of a State declaring an Act of the Legislature unconstitutional on the ground of its violation of the Federal Constitution shall be subject to the same review by the Supreme Court of the United States as is now accorded to decisions sustaining such legislation.\nAdministration of Justice\n\nThe Progressive party, in order to secure to the people a better administration of justice and by that means to bring about a more general respect for the law and the courts, pledges itself to work unceasingly for the reform of legal procedure and judicial methods.\nWe believe that the issuance of injunctions in cases arising out of labor disputes should be prohibited when such injunctions would not apply when no labor disputes existed.\nWe also believe that a person cited for contempt in labor disputes, except when such contempt was committed in the actual presence of the court or so near thereto as to interfere with the proper administration of justice, should have a right to trial by jury.\nSocial and Industrial Justice\n\nThe supreme duty of the Nation is the conservation of human resources through an enlightened measure of social and industrial justice. We pledge ourselves to work unceasingly in State and Nation for:\nEffective legislation looking to the prevention of industrial accidents, occupational diseases, overwork, involuntary unemployment, and other injurous effects incident to modern industry;\nThe fixing of minimum safety and health standards for the various occupations, and the exercise of the public authority of State and Nation, including the Federal Control over interstate commerce, and the taxing power, to maintain such standards;\nThe prohibition of child labor;\nMinimum wage standards for working women, to provide a \"living wage\" in all industrial occupations;\nThe general prohibition of night work for women and the establishment of an eight hour day for women and young persons;\nOne day's rest in seven for all wage workers;\nThe eight hour day in continuous twenty-four hour industries;\nThe abolition of the convict contract labor system; substituting a system of prison production for governmental consumption only; and the application of prisoners' earnings to the support of their dependent families;\nPublicity as to wages, hours and conditions of labor; full reports upon industrial accidents and diseases, and the opening to public inspection of all tallies, weights, measures and check systems on labor products;\nStandards of compensation for death by industrial accident and injury and trade disease which will transfer the burden of lost earnings from the families of working people to the industry, and thus to the community;\nThe protection of home life against the hazards of sickness, irregular employment and old age through the adoption of a system of social insurance adapted to American use;\nThe development of the creative labor power of America by lifting the last load of illiteracy from American youth and establishing continuation schools for industrial education under public control and encouraging agricultural education and demonstration in rural schools;\nThe establishment of industrial research laboratories to put the methods and discoveries of science at the service of American producers;\nWe favor the organization of the workers, men and women, as a means of protecting their interests and of promoting their progress.\nDepartment of Labor\n\nWe pledge our party to establish a department of labor with a seat in the cabinet, and with wide jurisdiction over matters affecting the conditions of labor and living.\nCountry Life\n\nThe development and prosperity of country life are as important to the people who live in the cities as they are to the farmers. Increase of prosperity on the farm will favorably affect the cost of living, and promote the interests of all who dwell in the country, and all who depend upon its products for clothing, shelter and food.\nWe pledge our party to foster the development of agricultural credit and co-operation, the teaching of agriculture in schools, agricultural college extension, the use of mechanical power on the farm, and to re-establish the Country Life Commission, thus directly promoting the welfare of the farmers, and bringing the benefits of better farming, better business and better living within their reach.\nHigh Cost of Living\n\nThe high cost of living is due partly to worldwide and partly to local causes; partly to natural and partly to artificial causes. The measures proposed in this platform on various subjects such as the tariff, the trusts and conservation, will of themselves remove the artificial causes.\nThere will remain other elements such as the tendency to leave the country for the city, waste, extravagance, bad system of taxation, poor methods of raising crops and bad business methods in marketing crops.\nTo remedy these conditions requires the fullest information and based on this information, effective government supervision and control to remove all the artificial causes. We pledge ourselves to such full and immediate inquiry and to immediate action to deal with every need such inquiry discloses.\nHealth\n\nWe favor the union of all the existing agencies of the Federal Government dealing with the public health into a single national health service without discrimination against or for any one set of therapeutic methods, school of medicine, or school of healing with such additional powers as may be necessary to enable it to perform efficiently such duties in the protection of the public from preventable diseases as may be properly undertaken by the Federal authorities, including the executing of existing laws regarding pure food, quarantine and cognate subjects, the promotion of vital statistics and the extension of the registration area of such statistics, and co-operation with the health activities of the various States and cities of the Nation.\nBusiness\n\nWe believe that true popular government, justice and prosperity go hand in hand, and, so believing, it is our purpose to secure that large measure of general prosperity which is the fruit of legitimate and honest business, fostered by equal justice and by sound progressive laws.\nWe demand that the test of true prosperity shall be the benefits conferred thereby on all the citizens, not confined to individuals or classes, and that the test of corporate efficiency shall be the ability better to serve the public; that those who profit by control of business affairs shall justify that profit and that control by sharing with the public the fruits thereof.\nWe therefore demand a strong National regulation of inter-State corporations. The corporation is an essential part of modern business. The concentration of modem business, in some degree, is both inevitable and necessary for national and international business efficiency. But the existing concentration of vast wealth under a corporate system, unguarded and uncontrolled by the Nation, has placed in the hands of a few men enormous, secret, irresponsible power over the daily life of the citizen--a power insufferable in a free Government and certain of abuse.\nThis power has been abused, in monopoly of National resources, in stock watering, in unfair competition and unfair privileges, and finally in sinister influences on the public agencies of State and Nation. We do not fear commercial power, but we insist that it shall be exercised openly, under publicity, supervision and regulation of the most efficient sort, which will preserve its good while eradicating and preventing its ill.\nTo that end we urge the establishment of a strong Federal administrative commission of high standing, which shall maintain permanent active supervision over industrial corporations engaged in inter-State commerce, or such of them as are of public importance, doing for them what the Government now does for the National banks, and what is now done for the railroads by the Inter-State Commerce Commission.\nSuch a commission must enforce the complete publicity of those corporation transactions which are of public interest; must attack unfair competition, false capitalization and special privilege, and by continuous trained watchfulness guard and keep open equally all the highways of American commerce.\nThus the business man will have certain knowledge of the law, and will be able to conduct his business easily in conformity therewith; the investor will find security for his capital; dividends will be rendered more certain, and the savings of the people will be drawn naturally and safely into the channels of trade.\nUnder such a system of constructive regulation, legitimate business, freed from confusion, uncertainty and fruitless litigation, will develop normally in response to the energy and enterprise of the American business man.\nWe favor strengthening the Sherman Law by prohibiting agreement to divide territory or limit output; refusing to sell to customers who buy from business rivals; to sell below cost in certain areas while maintaining higher prices in other places; using the power of transportation to aid or injure special business concerns; and other unfair trade practices.\nPatents\n\nWe pledge ourselves to the enactment of a patent\nlaw which will make it impossible for patents to be suppressed or used against the public welfare in the interests of injurious monopolies.\nInter-State Commerce Commission\n\nWe pledge our party to secure to the Inter-State Commerce Commission the power to value the physical property of railroads. In order that the power of the commission to protect the people may not be impaired or destroyed, we demand the abolition of the Commerce Court.\nCurrency\n\nWe believe there exists imperative need for prompt legislation for the improvement of our National currency system. We believe the present method of issuing notes through private agencies is harmful and unscientific.\nThe issue of currency is fundamentally a Government function and the system should have as basic principles soundness and elasticity. The control should be lodged with the Government and should be protected from domination or manipulation by Wall Street or any special interests.\nWe are opposed to the so-called Aldrich currency bill, because its provisions would place our currency and credit system in private hands, not subject to effective public control.\nCommercial Development\n\nThe time has come when the Federal Government should co-operate with manufacturers and producers in extending our foreign commerce. To this end we demand adequate appropriations by Congress, and the appointment of diplomatic and consular officers solely with a view to their special fitness and worth, and not in consideration of political expediency.\nIt is imperative to the welfare of our people that we enlarge and extend our foreign commerce.\nIn every way possible our Federal Government should co-operate in this important matter. Germany's policy of co-operation between government and business has, in comparatively few years, made that nation a leading competitor for the commerce of the world.\nConservation\n\nThe natural resources of the Nation must be promptly developed and generously used to supply the people's needs, but we cannot safely allow them to be wasted, exploited, monopolized or controlled against the general good. We heartily favor the policy of conservation, and we pledge our party to protect the National forests without hindering their legitimate use for the benefit of all the people.\nAgricultural lands in the National forests are, and should remain, open to the genuine settler. Conservation will not retard legitimate development. The honest settler must receive his patent promptly, without hindrance, rules or delays.\nWe believe that the remaining forests, coal and oil lands, water powers and other natural resources still in State or National control (except agricultural lands) are more likely to be wisely conserved and utilized for the general welfare if held in the public hands.\nIn order that consumers and producers, managers and workmen, now and hereafter, need not pay toll to private monopolies of power and raw material, we demand that such resources shall be retained by the State or Nation, and opened to immediate use under laws which will encourage development and make to the people a moderate return for benefits conferred.\nIn particular we pledge our party to require reasonable compensation to the public for water power rights hereafter granted by the public.\nWe pledge legislation to lease the public grazing lands under equitable provisions now pending which will increase the production of food for the people and thoroughly safeguard the rights of the actual homemaker. Natural resources, whose conservation is necessary for the National welfare, should be owned or controlled by the Nation.\nGood Roads\n\nWe recognize the vital importance of good roads and we pledge our party to foster their extension in every proper way, and we favor the early construction of National highways. We also favor the extension of the rural free delivery service.\nAlaska\n\nThe coal and other natural resources of Alaska should be opened to development at once. They are owned by the people of the United States, and are safe from monopoly, waste or destruction only while so owned.\nWe demand that they shall neither be sold nor given away, except under the Homestead Law, but while held in Government ownership shall be opened to use promptly upon liberal terms requiring immediate development.\nThus the benefit of cheap fuel will accrue to the Government of the United States and to the people of Alaska and the Pacific Coast; the settlement of extensive agricultural lands will be hastened; the extermination of the salmon will be prevented and the just and wise development of Alaskan resources will take the place of private extortion or monopoly.\nWe demand also that extortion or monopoly in transportation shall be prevented by the prompt acquisition, construction or improvement by the Government of such railroads, harbor and other facilities for transportation as the welfare of the people may demand.\nWe promise the people of the Territory of Alaska the same measure of legal self-government that was given to other American territories, and that Federal officials appointed there shall be qualified by previous bona-fide residence in the Territory.\nWaterways\n\nThe rivers of the United States are the natural arteries of this continent. We demand that they shall be opened to traffic as indispensable parts of a great Nation-wide system of transportation, in which the Panama Canal will be the central link, thus enabling the whole interior of the United States to share with the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards in the benefit derived from the canal.\nIt is a National obligation to develop our rivers, and especially the Mississippi and its tributaries, without delay, under a comprehensive general plan covering each river system from its source to its mouth, designed to secure its highest usefulness for navigation, irrigation, domestic supply, water power and the prevention of floods.\nWe pledge our party to the immediate preparation of such a plan, which should be made and carried out in close and friendly co-operation between the Nation, the States and the cities affected.\nUnder such a plan, the destructive floods of the Mississippi and other streams, which represent a vast and needless loss to the Nation, would be controlled by forest conservation and water storage at the headwaters, and by levees below; land sufficient to support millions of people would be reclaimed from the deserts and the swamps, water power enough to transform the industrial standings of whole States would be developed, adequate water terminals would be provided, transportation by river would revive, and the railroads would be compelled to co-operate as freely with the boat lines as with each other.\nThe equipment, organization and experience acquired in constructing the Panama Canal soon will be available for the Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway and other portions of this great work, and should be utilized by the Nation in co-operation with the various States, at the lowest net cost to the people.\nPanama Canal\n\nThe Panama Canal, built and paid for by the American people, must be used primarily for their benefit.\nWe demand that the canal shall be so operated as to break the transportation monopoly now held and misused by the transcontinental railroads by maintaining sea competition with them; that ships directly or indirectly owned or controlled by American railroad corporations shall not be permitted to use the canal, and that American ships engaged in coastwise trade shall pay no tolls.\nThe Progressive party will favor legislation having for its aim the development of friendship and commerce between the United States and Latin-American nations.\nTariff\n\nWe believe in a protective tariff which shall equalize conditions of competition between the United States and foreign countries, both for the farmer and the manufacturer, and which shall maintain for labor an adequate standard of living.\nPrimarily the benefit of any tariff should be disclosed in the pay envelope of the laborer. We declare that no industry deserves protection which is unfair to labor or which is operating in violation of Federal law. We believe that the presumption is always in favor of the consuming public.\nWe demand tariff revision because the present tariff is unjust to the people of the United States. Fair dealing toward the people requires an immediate downward revision of those schedules wherein duties are shown to be unjust or excessive.\nWe pledge ourselves to the establishment of a non-partisan scientific tariff commission, reporting both to the President and to either branch of Congress, which shall report, first, as to the costs of production, efficiency of labor, capitalization, industrial organization and efficiency and the general competitive position in this country and abroad of industries seeking protection from Congress; second, as to the revenue producing power of the tariff and its relation to the resources of Government; and, third, as to the effect of the tariff on prices, operations of middlemen, and on the purchasing power of the consumer.\nWe believe that this commission should have plenary power to elicit information, and for this purpose to prescribe a uniform system of accounting for the great protected industries. The work of the commission should not prevent the immediate adoption of acts reducing these schedules generally recognized as excessive.\nWe condemn the Payne-Aldrich bill as unjust to the people. The Republican organization is in the hands of those who have broken, and cannot again be trusted to keep, the promise of necessary downward revision.\nThe Democratic party is committed to the destruction of the protective system through a tariff for revenue only?a policy which would inevitably produce widespread industrial and commercial disaster.\nWe demand the immediate repeal of the Canadian Reciprocity Act.\nInheritance and Income Tax\n\nWe believe in a graduated inheritance tax as a National means of equalizing the obligations of holders of property to Government, and we hereby pledge our party to enact such a Federal law as will tax large inheritances, returning to the States an equitable percentage of all amounts collected.\nWe favor the ratification of the pending amendment to the Constitution giving the Government power to levy an income tax.\nPeace and National Defense\n\nThe Progressive party deplores the survival in our civilization of the barbaric system of warfare among nations with its enormous waste of resources even in time of peace, and the consequent impoverishment of the life of the toiling masses. We pledge the party to use its best endeavors to substitute judicial and other peaceful means of settling international differences.\nWe favor an international agreement for the limitation of naval forces. Pending such an agreement, and as the best means of preserving peace, we pledge ourselves to maintain for the present the policy of building two battleships a year.\nTreaty Rights\n\nWe pledge our party to protect the rights of American citizenship at home and abroad. No treaty should receive the sanction of our Government which discriminates between American citizens because of birthplace, race, or religion, or that does not recognize the absolute right of expatriation.\nThe Immigrant\n\nThrough the establishment of industrial standards we propose to secure to the able-bodied immigrant and to his native fellow workers a larger share of American opportunity.\nWe denounce the fatal policy of indifference and neglect which has left our enormous immigrant population to become the prey of chance and cupidity.\nWe favor Governmental action to encourage the distribution of immigrants away from the congested cities, to rigidly supervise all private agencies dealing with them and to promote their assimilation, education and advancement.\nPensions\n\nWe pledge ourselves to a wise and just policy of pensioning American soldiers and sailors and their widows and children by the Federal Government. And we approve the policy of the southern States in granting pensions to the ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors and their widows and children.\nParcel Post\n\nWe pledge our party to the immediate creation of a parcel post, with rates proportionate to distance and service.\nCivil Service\n\nWe condemn the violations of the Civil Service Law under the present administration, including the coercion and assessment of subordinate employees, and the President's refusal to punish such violation after a finding of guilty by his own commission; his distribution of patronage among subservient congressmen, while withholding it from those who refuse support of administration measures; his withdrawal of nominations from the Senate until political support for himself was secured, and his open use of the offices to reward those who voted for his renomination.\nTo eradicate these abuses, we demand not only the enforcement of the civil service act in letter and spirit, but also legislation which will bring under the competitive system postmasters, collectors, marshals, and all other non-political officers, as well as the enactment of an equitable retirement law, and we also insist upon continuous service during good behavior and efficiency.\nGovernment Business Organization\n\nWe pledge our party to readjustment of the business methods of the National Government and a proper co-ordination of the Federal bureaus, which will increase the economy and efficiency of the Government service, prevent duplications, and secure better results to the taxpayers for every dollar expended.\nGovernment Supervision Over\n\nInvestments\n\nThe people of the United States are swindled out of many millions of dollars every year, through worthless investments. The plain people, the wage earner and the men and women with small savings, have no way of knowing the merit of concerns sending out highly colored prospectuses offering stock for sale, prospectuses that make big returns seem certain and fortunes easily within grasp.\nWe hold it to be the duty of the Government to protect its people from this kind of piracy. We, therefore, demand wise, carefully thought out legislation that will give us such Governmental supervision over this matter as will furnish to the people of the United States this much-needed protection, and we pledge ourselves thereto.\nConclusion\n\nOn these principles and on the recognized desirability of uniting the Progressive forces of the Nation into an organization which shall unequivocally represent the Progressive spirit and policy we appeal for the support of all American citizens, without regard to previous political affiliations.", "Words" -> 4694, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 404, "of" -> 283, "and" -> 212, "to" -> 171, "in" -> 71, "for" -> 58, "We" -> 54, "a" -> 54, "by" -> 47, "people" -> 45, "be" -> 45, "The" -> 42, "that" -> 37, "as" -> 37, "will" -> 32, "or" -> 32, "which" -> 30, "party" -> 30, "our" -> 26, "with" -> 25, "is" -> 25, "such" -> 24, "States" -> 24, "its" -> 23, "we" -> 22, "shall" -> 22, "power" -> 22, "pledge" -> 22, "Government" -> 21, "their" -> 20, "should" -> 19, "public" -> 19, "from" -> 18, "National" -> 17, "business" -> 17, "an" -> 17, "all" -> 17, "on" -> 16, "this" -> 15, "system" -> 15, "Nation" -> 15, "it" -> 14, "demand" -> 14, "American" -> 14, "State" -> 13, "other" -> 13, "labor" -> 13, "industrial" -> 13, "have" -> 13, "Federal" -> 13, "are" -> 13, "United" -> 12, "under" -> 12, "not" -> 12, "resources" -> 11, "government" -> 11, "favor" -> 11, "would" -> 10, "who" -> 10, "use" -> 10, "secure" -> 10, "Progressive" -> 10, "policy" -> 10, "believe" -> 10, "welfare" -> 9, "tariff" -> 9, "legislation" -> 9, "law" -> 9, "immediate" -> 9, "his" -> 9, "general" -> 9, "development" -> 9, "those" -> 8, "ourselves" -> 8, "no" -> 8, "Constitution" -> 8, "women" -> 7, "time" -> 7, "through" -> 7, "service" -> 7, "justice" -> 7, "has" -> 7, "control" -> 7, "commission" -> 7, "commerce" -> 7, "without" -> 6, "water" -> 6, "transportation" -> 6, "To" -> 6, "they" -> 6, "them" -> 6, "political" -> 6, "pledges" -> 6, "now" -> 6, "new" -> 6, "must" -> 6, "methods" -> 6, "maintain" -> 6, "living" -> 6, "laws" -> 6, "itself" -> 6, "into" -> 6, "interests" -> 6, "In" -> 6, "every" -> 6, "efficiency" -> 6, "between" -> 6, "better" -> 6, "benefit" -> 6, "work" -> 5, "while" -> 5, "when" -> 5, "upon" -> 5, "unfair" -> 5, "these" -> 5, "support" -> 5, "so" -> 5, "rights" -> 5, "railroads" -> 5, "protection" -> 5, "prosperity" -> 5, "private" -> 5, "over" -> 5, "out" -> 5, "organization" -> 5, "necessary" -> 5, "natural" -> 5, "monopoly" -> 5, "means" -> 5, "lands" -> 5, "health" -> 5, "establishment" -> 5, "country" -> 5, "co-operation" -> 5, "conservation" -> 5, "certain" -> 5, "both" -> 5, "become" -> 5, "at" -> 5, "also" -> 5, "agricultural" -> 5, "agencies" -> 5, "was" -> 4, "wage" -> 4, "various" -> 4, "trade" -> 4, "supervision" -> 4, "standards" -> 4, "special" -> 4, "publicity" -> 4, "protect" -> 4, "promote" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "partly" -> 4, "Panama" -> 4, "owned" -> 4, "opened" -> 4, "only" -> 4, "officers" -> 4, "national" -> 4, "more" -> 4, "men" -> 4, "may" -> 4, "life" -> 4, "legitimate" -> 4, "It" -> 4, "held" -> 4, "hands" -> 4, "great" -> 4, "good" -> 4, "foreign" -> 4, "extension" -> 4, "except" -> 4, "currency" -> 4, "cost" -> 4, "controlled" -> 4, "conditions" -> 4, "competition" -> 4, "Commission" -> 4, "Commerce" -> 4, "cities" -> 4, "causes" -> 4, "Canal" -> 4, "but" -> 4, "Alaska" -> 4, "against" -> 4, "administration" -> 4, "Act" -> 4, "working" -> 3, "workers" -> 3, "wise" -> 3, "well" -> 3, "way" -> 3, "waste" -> 3, "violation" -> 3, "utilized" -> 3, "used" -> 3, "unjust" -> 3, "true" -> 3, "thus" -> 3, "This" -> 3, "tax" -> 3, "task" -> 3, "social" -> 3, "Service" -> 3, "schools" -> 3, "revision" -> 3, "regulation" -> 3, "provide" -> 3, "proper" -> 3, "promptly" -> 3, "production" -> 3, "producers" -> 3, "principles" -> 3, "primaries" -> 3, "powers" -> 3, "plan" -> 3, "place" -> 3, "pay" -> 3, "order" -> 3, "opportunity" -> 3, "open" -> 3, "old" -> 3, "needs" -> 3, "need" -> 3, "measures" -> 3, "measure" -> 3, "matter" -> 3, "make" -> 3, "made" -> 3, "Law" -> 3, "Inter-State" -> 3, "international" -> 3, "instrument" -> 3, "information" -> 3, "industry" -> 3, "industries" -> 3, "including" -> 3, "hour" -> 3, "fundamental" -> 3, "free" -> 3, "forests" -> 3, "food" -> 3, "first" -> 3, "existing" -> 3, "equitable" -> 3, "equal" -> 3, "enormous" -> 3, "end" -> 3, "effective" -> 3, "education" -> 3, "each" -> 3, "duty" -> 3, "disputes" -> 3, "diseases" -> 3, "Democratic" -> 3, "dealing" -> 3, "day" -> 3, "courts" -> 3, "corrupt" -> 3, "corporations" -> 3, "co-operate" -> 3, "continuous" -> 3, "Congress" -> 3, "committed" -> 3, "commercial" -> 3, "citizens" -> 3, "children" -> 3, "canal" -> 3, "best" -> 3, "benefits" -> 3, "believing" -> 3, "because" -> 3, "away" -> 3, "artificial" -> 3, "any" -> 3, "agreement" -> 3, "after" -> 3, "affairs" -> 3, "adequate" -> 3, "year" -> 2, "world" -> 2, "within" -> 2, "widows" -> 2, "whose" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "what" -> 2, "vital" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "us" -> 2, "urge" -> 2, "union" -> 2, "Under" -> 2, "unconstitutional" -> 2, "unceasingly" -> 2, "Thus" -> 2, "thereto" -> 2, "therefore" -> 2, "there" -> 2, "That" -> 2, "test" -> 2, "Territory" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "subjects" -> 2, "subject" -> 2, "strong" -> 2, "stock" -> 2, "statistics" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "soldiers" -> 2, "ships" -> 2, "share" -> 2, "several" -> 2, "settler" -> 2, "set" -> 2, "serve" -> 2, "sell" -> 2, "secured" -> 2, "school" -> 2, "schedules" -> 2, "savings" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "sailors" -> 2, "safety" -> 2, "safely" -> 2, "safeguard" -> 2, "rural" -> 2, "rivers" -> 2, "river" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "revenue" -> 2, "responsibility" -> 2, "requires" -> 2, "Republican" -> 2, "represent" -> 2, "remove" -> 2, "remain" -> 2, "registration" -> 2, "recognized" -> 2, "recognize" -> 2, "receive" -> 2, "reach" -> 2, "purposes" -> 2, "purpose" -> 2, "Publicity" -> 2, "provisions" -> 2, "protective" -> 2, "protected" -> 2, "prospectuses" -> 2, "property" -> 2, "prompt" -> 2, "promoting" -> 2, "promise" -> 2, "prohibition" -> 2, "profit" -> 2, "products" -> 2, "problems" -> 2, "prices" -> 2, "previous" -> 2, "prevention" -> 2, "prevented" -> 2, "prevent" -> 2, "platform" -> 2, "People" -> 2, "pending" -> 2, "peace" -> 2, "patent" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "particular" -> 2, "part" -> 2, "Pacific" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "officials" -> 2, "occupations" -> 2, "nomination" -> 2, "nations" -> 2, "monopolies" -> 2, "modern" -> 2, "Mississippi" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "method" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "maintaining" -> 2, "limitation" -> 2, "limit" -> 2, "Life" -> 2, "legal" -> 2, "leave" -> 2, "large" -> 2, "laid" -> 2, "keep" -> 2, "Justice" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "jurisdiction" -> 2, "judicial" -> 2, "invisible" -> 2, "inter-State" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "institutions" -> 2, "insist" -> 2, "inquiry" -> 2, "injunctions" -> 2, "increase" -> 2, "improvement" -> 2, "important" -> 2, "importance" -> 2, "imperative" -> 2, "immigrant" -> 2, "honest" -> 2, "home" -> 2, "hold" -> 2, "highways" -> 2, "highest" -> 2, "high" -> 2, "hereby" -> 2, "hereafter" -> 2, "hand" -> 2, "Governmental" -> 2, "given" -> 2, "give" -> 2, "full" -> 2, "foster" -> 2, "forces" -> 2, "floods" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "fatal" -> 2, "farmers" -> 2, "farm" -> 2, "families" -> 2, "extortion" -> 2, "excessive" -> 2, "establish" -> 2, "essential" -> 2, "engaged" -> 2, "encourage" -> 2, "enactment" -> 2, "eight" -> 2, "effect" -> 2, "easily" -> 2, "earnings" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "downward" -> 2, "does" -> 2, "distribution" -> 2, "directly" -> 2, "direct" -> 2, "developed" -> 2, "develop" -> 2, "destruction" -> 2, "democracy" -> 2, "decision" -> 2, "deal" -> 2, "crops" -> 2, "credit" -> 2, "Court" -> 2, "court" -> 2, "Country" -> 2, "corporation" -> 2, "corporate" -> 2, "contempt" -> 2, "construction" -> 2, "Conservation" -> 2, "conferred" -> 2, "condemn" -> 2, "concerns" -> 2, "concentration" -> 2, "competitive" -> 2, "compensation" -> 2, "compelled" -> 2, "committee" -> 2, "coal" -> 2, "Civil" -> 2, "capitalization" -> 2, "cannot" -> 2, "candidates" -> 2, "can" -> 2, "Business" -> 2, "bringing" -> 2, "bring" -> 2, "bill" -> 2, "below" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "bad" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "among" -> 2, "amendment" -> 2, "adoption" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "action" -> 2, "accidents" -> 2, "abuses" -> 2, "abroad" -> 2, "abolition" -> 2, "youth" -> 1, "young" -> 1, "years" -> 1, "worthless" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "worldwide" -> 1, "workmen" -> 1, "withholding" -> 1, "withdrawal" -> 1, "With" -> 1, "wisely" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "wherein" -> 1, "whatever" -> 1, "weights" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "Waterways" -> 1, "waterway" -> 1, "watering" -> 1, "watchfulness" -> 1, "wasted" -> 1, "warfare" -> 1, "Wall" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "votes" -> 1, "voted" -> 1, "vote" -> 1, "violations" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "value" -> 1, "using" -> 1, "usefulness" -> 1, "Up" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unscientific" -> 1, "uniting" -> 1, "uniform" -> 1, "unholy" -> 1, "Unhampered" -> 1, "unguarded" -> 1, "unequivocally" -> 1, "unequal" -> 1, "unemployment" -> 1, "undismayed" -> 1, "undertaken" -> 1, "understand" -> 1, "uncorrupted" -> 1, "uncontrolled" -> 1, "uncertainty" -> 1, "ultimate" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "twenty-four" -> 1, "turned" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "trusted" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "tributaries" -> 1, "trial" -> 1, "Treaty" -> 1, "treaty" -> 1, "transform" -> 1, "transfer" -> 1, "transcontinental" -> 1, "transactions" -> 1, "trained" -> 1, "traffic" -> 1, "tradition" -> 1, "toward" -> 1, "tools" -> 1, "tolls" -> 1, "toll" -> 1, "toiling" -> 1, "Through" -> 1, "thought" -> 1, "thoroughly" -> 1, "Thomas" -> 1, "third" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "therewith" -> 1, "thereof" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "There" -> 1, "therapeutic" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "territory" -> 1, "territories" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "terminals" -> 1, "tendency" -> 1, "teaching" -> 1, "taxpayers" -> 1, "taxing" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "Tax" -> 1, "tasks" -> 1, "Tariff" -> 1, "tallies" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "take" -> 1, "systems" -> 1, "swindled" -> 1, "sweep" -> 1, "swamps" -> 1, "sustaining" -> 1, "survived" -> 1, "survival" -> 1, "Supreme" -> 1, "supreme" -> 1, "suppressed" -> 1, "Supervision" -> 1, "supervise" -> 1, "Suffrage" -> 1, "suffrage" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "substituting" -> 1, "substitute" -> 1, "subservient" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "strengthening" -> 1, "Street" -> 1, "streams" -> 1, "storage" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "statesmanship" -> 1, "standings" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "Standards" -> 1, "standard" -> 1, "sovereign" -> 1, "southern" -> 1, "source" -> 1, "soundness" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "sort" -> 1, "soon" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "solely" -> 1, "sold" -> 1, "Social" -> 1, "so-called" -> 1, "small" -> 1, "sits" -> 1, "sinister" -> 1, "single" -> 1, "sickness" -> 1, "shown" -> 1, "short" -> 1, "Sherman" -> 1, "shelter" -> 1, "sharing" -> 1, "sex" -> 1, "seven" -> 1, "settling" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "sending" -> 1, "Senators" -> 1, "Senate" -> 1, "selfish" -> 1, "self-government" -> 1, "self-controlled" -> 1, "seem" -> 1, "seeking" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "securing" -> 1, "secret" -> 1, "second" -> 1, "seat" -> 1, "seaboards" -> 1, "sea" -> 1, "scientific" -> 1, "science" -> 1, "sanction" -> 1, "salmon" -> 1, "sale" -> 1, "safe" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "Rule" -> 1, "Roads" -> 1, "roads" -> 1, "rivals" -> 1, "rigidly" -> 1, "Rights" -> 1, "reward" -> 1, "revive" -> 1, "review" -> 1, "returns" -> 1, "returning" -> 1, "return" -> 1, "retirement" -> 1, "retard" -> 1, "retained" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restriction" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "responsible" -> 1, "response" -> 1, "respects" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "residence" -> 1, "research" -> 1, "requiring" -> 1, "require" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "reports" -> 1, "reporting" -> 1, "report" -> 1, "repeal" -> 1, "renomination" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "remaining" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "relation" -> 1, "regarding" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "refusing" -> 1, "refuse" -> 1, "refusal" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "referendum" -> 1, "re-establish" -> 1, "reducing" -> 1, "recording" -> 1, "reclaimed" -> 1, "Reciprocity" -> 1, "recall" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "readjustment" -> 1, "raw" -> 1, "ratification" -> 1, "rates" -> 1, "raising" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "race" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "question" -> 1, "quarantine" -> 1, "qualified" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "pure" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "punish" -> 1, "Public" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "protecting" -> 1, "proposed" -> 1, "propose" -> 1, "proportionate" -> 1, "properly" -> 1, "promotion" -> 1, "prohibiting" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "progressively" -> 1, "progressive" -> 1, "progress" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "produce" -> 1, "procedure" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "privilege" -> 1, "prisoners" -> 1, "prison" -> 1, "Primarily" -> 1, "primarily" -> 1, "prey" -> 1, "preventing" -> 1, "preventable" -> 1, "presumption" -> 1, "President's" -> 1, "President" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "preserving" -> 1, "preserve" -> 1, "presence" -> 1, "prescribe" -> 1, "preparation" -> 1, "preferential" -> 1, "Practices" -> 1, "practices" -> 1, "postmasters" -> 1, "Post" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "portions" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "poor" -> 1, "politics" -> 1, "Political" -> 1, "police" -> 1, "plenary" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "piracy" -> 1, "physical" -> 1, "perversion" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "perform" -> 1, "percentage" -> 1, "people's" -> 1, "Pensions" -> 1, "pensions" -> 1, "pensioning" -> 1, "Pending" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "Payne-Aldrich" -> 1, "patronage" -> 1, "Patents" -> 1, "patents" -> 1, "passed" -> 1, "parts" -> 1, "Parties" -> 1, "Parcel" -> 1, "parcel" -> 1, "paid" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "owing" -> 1, "overwork" -> 1, "Over" -> 1, "output" -> 1, "ostensible" -> 1, "organizations" -> 1, "Organization" -> 1, "opposed" -> 1, "operations" -> 1, "operating" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "openly" -> 1, "opening" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "On" -> 1, "Old" -> 1, "oil" -> 1, "offices" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "offers" -> 1, "offering" -> 1, "occupational" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "obligation" -> 1, "notwithstanding" -> 1, "notes" -> 1, "normally" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "non-political" -> 1, "non-partisan" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "nobler" -> 1, "No" -> 1, "night" -> 1, "net" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "needless" -> 1, "near" -> 1, "navigation" -> 1, "naval" -> 1, "naturally" -> 1, "Natural" -> 1, "native" -> 1, "Nation-wide" -> 1, "nation-wide" -> 1, "nation's" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "much-needed" -> 1, "mouth" -> 1, "most" -> 1, "monopolized" -> 1, "moderate" -> 1, "modem" -> 1, "misused" -> 1, "Minimum" -> 1, "minimum" -> 1, "middlemen" -> 1, "merit" -> 1, "medicine" -> 1, "mechanical" -> 1, "matters" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "masters" -> 1, "masses" -> 1, "marshals" -> 1, "marketing" -> 1, "many" -> 1, "manufacturers" -> 1, "manufacturer" -> 1, "manner" -> 1, "manipulation" -> 1, "managers" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "magnitude" -> 1, "lowest" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "loss" -> 1, "looking" -> 1, "lodged" -> 1, "local" -> 1, "lobbyists" -> 1, "load" -> 1, "Living" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "live" -> 1, "litigation" -> 1, "link" -> 1, "lines" -> 1, "Lincoln" -> 1, "likely" -> 1, "lifting" -> 1, "liberal" -> 1, "levy" -> 1, "levees" -> 1, "letter" -> 1, "Legislature" -> 1, "left" -> 1, "lease" -> 1, "leading" -> 1, "Latin-American" -> 1, "later" -> 1, "last" -> 1, "larger" -> 1, "land" -> 1, "Lakes-to-the-Gulf" -> 1, "laborer" -> 1, "laboratories" -> 1, "Labor" -> 1, "knowledge" -> 1, "knowing" -> 1, "kind" -> 1, "justly" -> 1, "justify" -> 1, "jury" -> 1, "Jefferson" -> 1, "Its" -> 1, "issuing" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "issuance" -> 1, "irrigation" -> 1, "irresponsible" -> 1, "irregular" -> 1, "involuntary" -> 1, "investor" -> 1, "Investments" -> 1, "investments" -> 1, "intolerable" -> 1, "interval" -> 1, "interstate" -> 1, "interior" -> 1, "interfere" -> 1, "intent" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "insurance" -> 1, "insufferable" -> 1, "instruments" -> 1, "Instead" -> 1, "inspection" -> 1, "insistence" -> 1, "injustice" -> 1, "injury" -> 1, "injurous" -> 1, "injurious" -> 1, "injure" -> 1, "initiative" -> 1, "inheritances" -> 1, "Inheritance" -> 1, "inheritance" -> 1, "inhabit" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "inevitable" -> 1, "Industrial" -> 1, "individuals" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "indispensable" -> 1, "indirectly" -> 1, "indifference" -> 1, "Increase" -> 1, "Income" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "incident" -> 1, "incapacity" -> 1, "inability" -> 1, "impoverishment" -> 1, "impossible" -> 1, "impartially" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "immigrants" -> 1, "Immigrant" -> 1, "illiteracy" -> 1, "ill" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "hours" -> 1, "Homestead" -> 1, "homemaker" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "holders" -> 1, "hindrance" -> 1, "hindering" -> 1, "himself" -> 1, "highly" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "High" -> 1, "herein" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "hearings" -> 1, "Health" -> 1, "healing" -> 1, "headwaters" -> 1, "hazards" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "hastened" -> 1, "harmful" -> 1, "harbor" -> 1, "guilty" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "grotesque" -> 1, "grazing" -> 1, "grave" -> 1, "grasp" -> 1, "granting" -> 1, "granted" -> 1, "graduated" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "Good" -> 1, "go" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "Germany's" -> 1, "genuine" -> 1, "generously" -> 1, "generation" -> 1, "generally" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "fundamentally" -> 1, "function" -> 1, "fullest" -> 1, "fulfillment" -> 1, "fulfill" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "fruitless" -> 1, "fruit" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "friendship" -> 1, "friendly" -> 1, "freely" -> 1, "freed" -> 1, "founded" -> 1, "foundations" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "fostered" -> 1, "fortunes" -> 1, "forge" -> 1, "forest" -> 1, "forbidding" -> 1, "fixing" -> 1, "fitness" -> 1, "finding" -> 1, "find" -> 1, "financial" -> 1, "finally" -> 1, "fellow" -> 1, "federal" -> 1, "fear" -> 1, "favorably" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "farming" -> 1, "farmer" -> 1, "false" -> 1, "Fair" -> 1, "facilities" -> 1, "extreme" -> 1, "extravagance" -> 1, "extermination" -> 1, "extensive" -> 1, "extending" -> 1, "extend" -> 1, "expressing" -> 1, "exploited" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenditures" -> 1, "expended" -> 1, "expeditious" -> 1, "expediency" -> 1, "expatriation" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "existed" -> 1, "exist" -> 1, "exercised" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "executing" -> 1, "execute" -> 1, "ex-Confederate" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "eradicating" -> 1, "eradicate" -> 1, "equipment" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "equalizing" -> 1, "equalize" -> 1, "Equal" -> 1, "envelope" -> 1, "enthroned" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "enlarge" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "energy" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "endeavors" -> 1, "encouraging" -> 1, "enact" -> 1, "enabling" -> 1, "enable" -> 1, "employment" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "elicit" -> 1, "elements" -> 1, "elective" -> 1, "elections" -> 1, "election" -> 1, "elasticity" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "efficiently" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "effects" -> 1, "Effective" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "easy" -> 1, "earner" -> 1, "early" -> 1, "dwell" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "duplications" -> 1, "due" -> 1, "drawn" -> 1, "done" -> 1, "domination" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "dollars" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "doing" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "dividends" -> 1, "divide" -> 1, "distance" -> 1, "dissolve" -> 1, "disease" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discriminates" -> 1, "discoveries" -> 1, "discloses" -> 1, "disclosed" -> 1, "disaster" -> 1, "diplomatic" -> 1, "differences" -> 1, "Development" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "detailed" -> 1, "destructive" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "desire" -> 1, "desirability" -> 1, "designed" -> 1, "deserves" -> 1, "deserts" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "deplores" -> 1, "dependent" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "Department" -> 1, "department" -> 1, "denounce" -> 1, "denies" -> 1, "demonstration" -> 1, "demonstrates" -> 1, "demands" -> 1, "delivery" -> 1, "deliberation" -> 1, "deliberate" -> 1, "delegates" -> 1, "delays" -> 1, "delay" -> 1, "degree" -> 1, "Defense" -> 1, "deep" -> 1, "dedicate" -> 1, "declaring" -> 1, "declares" -> 1, "declare" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "decisions" -> 1, "death" -> 1, "day's" -> 1, "daily" -> 1, "customers" -> 1, "Currency" -> 1, "cupidity" -> 1, "creative" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "covering" -> 1, "Covenant" -> 1, "covenant" -> 1, "Courts" -> 1, "countries" -> 1, "costs" -> 1, "Cost" -> 1, "Corrupt" -> 1, "co-ordination" -> 1, "convict" -> 1, "convert" -> 1, "conventions" -> 1, "Control" -> 1, "contributions" -> 1, "contract" -> 1, "continuation" -> 1, "continent" -> 1, "consumption" -> 1, "consuming" -> 1, "consumers" -> 1, "consumer" -> 1, "consular" -> 1, "constructive" -> 1, "constructing" -> 1, "consideration" -> 1, "conserved" -> 1, "consequent" -> 1, "conscience" -> 1, "congressmen" -> 1, "congested" -> 1, "confusion" -> 1, "conformity" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "conduct" -> 1, "Conclusion" -> 1, "concern" -> 1, "comprehensive" -> 1, "complete" -> 1, "competitor" -> 1, "competing" -> 1, "compelling" -> 1, "compel" -> 1, "comparatively" -> 1, "community" -> 1, "commonwealth" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "Commercial" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "colored" -> 1, "college" -> 1, "collectors" -> 1, "collected" -> 1, "cognate" -> 1, "coercion" -> 1, "coastwise" -> 1, "Coast" -> 1, "clothing" -> 1, "close" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civil" -> 1, "city" -> 1, "citizenship" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "cited" -> 1, "child" -> 1, "check" -> 1, "cheap" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "channels" -> 1, "changing" -> 1, "chance" -> 1, "central" -> 1, "cases" -> 1, "carried" -> 1, "carefully" -> 1, "capital" -> 1, "Canadian" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "cabinet" -> 1, "buy" -> 1, "But" -> 1, "bureaus" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "building" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "broken" -> 1, "break" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "born" -> 1, "bona-fide" -> 1, "boat" -> 1, "birthplace" -> 1, "bind" -> 1, "big" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "betrayal" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "Behind" -> 1, "behavior" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "battleships" -> 1, "basic" -> 1, "based" -> 1, "barter" -> 1, "barbaric" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "Baltimore" -> 1, "ballot" -> 1, "available" -> 1, "authorities" -> 1, "attack" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "assimilation" -> 1, "assessment" -> 1, "aside" -> 1, "arteries" -> 1, "arising" -> 1, "areas" -> 1, "area" -> 1, "approve" -> 1, "appropriations" -> 1, "appointment" -> 1, "appointees" -> 1, "appointed" -> 1, "apply" -> 1, "application" -> 1, "appellate" -> 1, "appeal" -> 1, "anew" -> 1, "And" -> 1, "ample" -> 1, "amounts" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "Amendment" -> 1, "amending" -> 1, "amend" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "altered" -> 1, "alterations" -> 1, "allow" -> 1, "alliance" -> 1, "allegiance" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "Aldrich" -> 1, "Alaskan" -> 1, "aim" -> 1, "aid" -> 1, "agriculture" -> 1, "Agricultural" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "affiliations" -> 1, "affecting" -> 1, "affected" -> 1, "affect" -> 1, "advocate" -> 1, "advancement" -> 1, "administrative" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "adapted" -> 1, "adapt" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "activities" -> 1, "active" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "acquired" -> 1, "acknowledging" -> 1, "accrue" -> 1, "accounting" -> 1, "account" -> 1, "accorded" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accident" -> 1, "abused" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "Abraham" -> 1, "about" -> 1, "able-bodied" -> 1, "able" -> 1, "ability" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Populist Party Platform of 1892", "Party" -> "Populist", "Year" -> 1892, "Date" -> DateObject[{1892, 7, 4}], "Text" -> "Assembled upon the 116th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's Party of America in their first national convention, invoking upon their action the blessing of Almighty God, put forth in the name and on behalf of the people of this country, the following preamble and declaration of principles:\nPreamble\n\nThe conditions which surround us best justify our co-operation; we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political, and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot-box, the Legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized; most of the States have been compelled to isolate the voters at the polling places to prevent universal intimidation and bribery. The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self-protection; imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn despise the Republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires.\nThe national power to create money is appropriated to enrich bond-holders; a vast public debt payable in legal tender currency has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people.\nSilver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of history, has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of gold by decreasing the value of all forms of property as well as human labor, and the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise, and enslave industry. A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once, it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism.\nWe have witnessed for more than a quarter of a century the struggles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while grievous wrongs have been inflicted upon the suffering people. We charge that the controlling influence dominating both these parties have permitted the existing dreadful conditions to develop without serious effort to prevent or restrain them. Neither do they now promise us any substantial reform. They have agreed together to ignore, in the coming campaign, every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that capitalists, corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of silver and the oppressions of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives, and children on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multitude in order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires.\nAssembled on the anniversary of the birthday of the nation, and filled with the spirit of the grand general and chief who established our independence, we seek to restore the government of the Republic to the hands of \"the plain people,\" with which class it originated. We assert our purposes to be identical with the purposes of the National Constitution, to form a more perfect union and establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.\nWe declare that this Republic can only endure as a free government while built upon the love of the whole people for each other and for the nation; that it cannot be pinned together by bayonets; that the civil war is over and that every passion and resentment which grew out of it must die with it, and that we must be in fact, as we are in name, one united brotherhood of free men.\nOur country finds itself confronted by conditions for which there is no precedent in the history of the world; our annual agricultural productions amount to billions of dollars in value, which must, within a few weeks or months be exchanged for billions of dollars' worth of commodities consumed in their production; the existing currency supply is wholly inadequate to make this exchange; the results are falling prices, the formation of combines and rings, the impoverishment of the producing class. We pledge ourselves that, if given power, we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation, in accordance with the terms of our platform.\nWe believe that the power of government—in other words, of the people—should be expanded (as in the ease of the postal service) as rapidly and as far as the good sense of an intelligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injustice and poverty, shall eventually cease in the land.\nWhile our sympathies as a party of reform are naturally upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make men intelligent, virtuous and temperate, we nevertheless regard these questions, important as they are, as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and upon which not only our individual prosperity, but the very existence of free institutions depend; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republic to administer, before we differ as to the conditions upon which it is to be administered, believing that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward, until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all the men and women of this country.\nPlatform\n\nWe declare, therefore,\nFirst—That the union of the labor forces of the United States this day consummated shall be permanent and perpetual; may its spirit enter into all hearts for the salvation of the Republic and the uplifting of mankind.\nSecond—Wealth belongs to him who creates it, and every dollar taken from industry without an equivalent is robbery. \"If any will not work, neither shall he eat.\" The interests of rural and civic labor are the same; their enemies are identical.\nThird—We believe that the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must own the railroads, and should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing all railroads, we should favor an amendment to the Constitution by which all persons engaged in the government service shall be placed under a civil service regulation of the most rigid character, so as to prevent the increase of the power of the national administration by the use of such additional government employees.\nFinance—We demand a national currency, safe, sound, and flexible, issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts, public and private, and that without the use of banking corporations, a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to exceed 2 per cent per annum, to be provided as set forth by the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or a better system; also by payments in discharge of its obligations for public improvements.\n1. We demand free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1.\n2. We demand that the amount of circulating medium be speedily increased to not less than $50 per capita.\n3. We demand a graduated income tax.\n4. We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all State and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government, economically and honestly administered.\n5. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange.\nTransportation—Transportation being a means of exchange and a public necessity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the interest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the post office system, being a necessity for the transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people.\nLand—The land, including all the natural sources of wealth, is the heritage of the people, and should not be monopolized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be prohibited. All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only.", "Words" -> 1479, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 141, "of" -> 91, "and" -> 62, "to" -> 46, "in" -> 23, "a" -> 23, "for" -> 19, "be" -> 18, "that" -> 17, "as" -> 17, "people" -> 16, "by" -> 15, "We" -> 12, "we" -> 12, "are" -> 12, "is" -> 11, "government" -> 11, "all" -> 11, "which" -> 10, "our" -> 10, "upon" -> 8, "The" -> 8, "should" -> 8, "it" -> 8, "with" -> 7, "this" -> 6, "their" -> 6, "shall" -> 6, "power" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "not" -> 6, "national" -> 6, "labor" -> 6, "have" -> 6, "demand" -> 6, "been" -> 6, "will" -> 5, "public" -> 5, "land" -> 5, "has" -> 5, "every" -> 5, "conditions" -> 5, "these" -> 4, "Republic" -> 4, "railroads" -> 4, "only" -> 4, "on" -> 4, "now" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "men" -> 4, "free" -> 4, "established" -> 4, "currency" -> 4, "country" -> 4, "corporations" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "an" -> 4, "without" -> 3, "us" -> 3, "two" -> 3, "They" -> 3, "they" -> 3, "service" -> 3, "reform" -> 3, "rapidly" -> 3, "purposes" -> 3, "prevent" -> 3, "per" -> 3, "own" -> 3, "other" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "mankind" -> 3, "legal" -> 3, "into" -> 3, "history" -> 3, "hands" -> 3, "great" -> 3, "general" -> 3, "exchange" -> 3, "believe" -> 3, "world" -> 2, "work" -> 2, "who" -> 2, "while" -> 2, "vast" -> 2, "value" -> 2, "usurers" -> 2, "use" -> 2, "union" -> 2, "together" -> 2, "them" -> 2, "than" -> 2, "tender" -> 2, "tax" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "supply" -> 2, "States" -> 2, "spirit" -> 2, "so" -> 2, "silver" -> 2, "secure" -> 2, "same" -> 2, "safe" -> 2, "rings" -> 2, "propose" -> 2, "postal" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "parties" -> 2, "owned" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "necessity" -> 2, "name" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "money" -> 2, "millions" -> 2, "millionaires" -> 2, "means" -> 2, "may" -> 2, "make" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "justify" -> 2, "its" -> 2, "interest" -> 2, "intelligent" -> 2, "injustice" -> 2, "industry" -> 2, "If" -> 2, "identical" -> 2, "homes" -> 2, "held" -> 2, "gold" -> 2, "from" -> 2, "forth" -> 2, "forces" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "few" -> 2, "existing" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "enter" -> 2, "down" -> 2, "dollars" -> 2, "declare" -> 2, "day" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "class" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "cease" -> 2, "capitalists" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "billions" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "banks" -> 2, "Assembled" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "anniversary" -> 2, "amount" -> 2, "administered" -> 2, "actual" -> 2, "2" -> 2, "1" -> 2, "$50" -> 1, "wrongs" -> 1, "wrong" -> 1, "worth" -> 1, "workmen" -> 1, "words" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "womb" -> 1, "witnessed" -> 1, "within" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "wholly" -> 1, "whole" -> 1, "While" -> 1, "whether" -> 1, "when" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "weeks" -> 1, "wealth" -> 1, "watered" -> 1, "war" -> 1, "wages" -> 1, "voters" -> 1, "virtuous" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "verge" -> 1, "urban" -> 1, "uproar" -> 1, "uplifting" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "unrecognized" -> 1, "unprecedented" -> 1, "unlimited" -> 1, "universal" -> 1, "United" -> 1, "united" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "turn" -> 1, "trusts" -> 1, "Transportation—Transportation" -> 1, "transmission" -> 1, "tranquillity" -> 1, "touches" -> 1, "toil" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "Third—We" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "there" -> 1, "terrible" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "tend" -> 1, "temperate" -> 1, "telephone" -> 1, "telegraph" -> 1, "teachings" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "taking" -> 1, "taken" -> 1, "sympathies" -> 1, "surround" -> 1, "suffering" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "sub-treasury" -> 1, "substantial" -> 1, "subsidized" -> 1, "struggles" -> 1, "stolen" -> 1, "stock" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "speedily" -> 1, "speculative" -> 1, "sources" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "solution" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "Silver" -> 1, "silenced" -> 1, "sight" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shoot" -> 1, "sham" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "set" -> 1, "serious" -> 1, "sense" -> 1, "self-protection" -> 1, "seek" -> 1, "securely" -> 1, "Second—Wealth" -> 1, "secondary" -> 1, "savings" -> 1, "salvation" -> 1, "sacrifice" -> 1, "rural" -> 1, "ruin" -> 1, "robbery" -> 1, "rigid" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "right" -> 1, "revenues" -> 1, "results" -> 1, "restrain" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "resentment" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "remedied" -> 1, "regulation" -> 1, "regard" -> 1, "reclaimed" -> 1, "reasonable" -> 1, "ratio" -> 1, "railroad" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "quarter" -> 1, "put" -> 1, "purposely" -> 1, "purchasing" -> 1, "provided" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "prostrated" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proposition" -> 1, "property" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "promise" -> 1, "prolific" -> 1, "prohibited" -> 1, "productions" -> 1, "production" -> 1, "producing" -> 1, "privileges" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "prices" -> 1, "pressing" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "precedent" -> 1, "Preamble" -> 1, "preamble" -> 1, "poverty" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "post" -> 1, "possible" -> 1, "possessors" -> 1, "possession" -> 1, "polling" -> 1, "plundered" -> 1, "plunder" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "Platform" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "plan" -> 1, "plain" -> 1, "places" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "pinned" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "perpetual" -> 1, "permitted" -> 1, "permanent" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "people—should" -> 1, "People's" -> 1, "payments" -> 1, "payable" -> 1, "pauperized" -> 1, "passion" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "owning" -> 1, "ownership" -> 1, "overthrown" -> 1, "outcries" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "Our" -> 1, "originated" -> 1, "organize" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "oppressions" -> 1, "oppression" -> 1, "opinion" -> 1, "operated" -> 1, "operate" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "office" -> 1, "obligations" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "newspapers" -> 1, "news" -> 1, "nevertheless" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "Neither" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "naturally" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "muzzled" -> 1, "multitude" -> 1, "much" -> 1, "move" -> 1, "mortgages" -> 1, "moral" -> 1, "months" -> 1, "monopolized" -> 1, "midst" -> 1, "met" -> 1, "meet" -> 1, "medium" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "managing" -> 1, "mammon" -> 1, "love" -> 1, "lost" -> 1, "lives" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "like" -> 1, "less" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "legislation" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "largely" -> 1, "Land—The" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "kept" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "itself" -> 1, "issues" -> 1, "issued" -> 1, "issue" -> 1, "isolate" -> 1, "invoking" -> 1, "intimidation" -> 1, "interests" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "influence" -> 1, "inflicted" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "Independence" -> 1, "independence" -> 1, "increased" -> 1, "increase" -> 1, "income" -> 1, "including" -> 1, "inadequate" -> 1, "improvements" -> 1, "impoverishment" -> 1, "impoverished" -> 1, "imported" -> 1, "important" -> 1, "ignore" -> 1, "if" -> 1, "human" -> 1, "honestly" -> 1, "hireling" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "heritage" -> 1, "hence" -> 1, "help" -> 1, "hearts" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "grievous" -> 1, "grew" -> 1, "grand" -> 1, "graduated" -> 1, "government—in" -> 1, "governmental" -> 1, "good" -> 1, "gold-bearing" -> 1, "God" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "funds" -> 1, "funded" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "fruits" -> 1, "From" -> 1, "forward" -> 1, "fortunes" -> 1, "forms" -> 1, "formation" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "forebodes" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "flexible" -> 1, "First—That" -> 1, "finds" -> 1, "Finance—We" -> 1, "filled" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "fatten" -> 1, "Farmers" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "falling" -> 1, "fact" -> 1, "facilitate" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "expanded" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "exchanged" -> 1, "excess" -> 1, "exceed" -> 1, "evils" -> 1, "eventually" -> 1, "even" -> 1, "European" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "ermine" -> 1, "equivalent" -> 1, "equitable" -> 1, "enterprise" -> 1, "enslave" -> 1, "enrich" -> 1, "engaged" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "endure" -> 1, "endanger" -> 1, "end" -> 1, "employees" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "effort" -> 1, "efficient" -> 1, "economically" -> 1, "eat" -> 1, "ease" -> 1, "earnings" -> 1, "each" -> 1, "drown" -> 1, "dreadful" -> 1, "dominating" -> 1, "dominates" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "dollar" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "differ" -> 1, "die" -> 1, "develop" -> 1, "determine" -> 1, "destruction" -> 1, "destroy" -> 1, "despotism" -> 1, "despise" -> 1, "deposit" -> 1, "depend" -> 1, "denied" -> 1, "demoralized" -> 1, "demonetized" -> 1, "demonetization" -> 1, "degenerating" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "decreasing" -> 1, "Declaration" -> 1, "declaration" -> 1, "debts" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "dawn" -> 1, "creates" -> 1, "create" -> 1, "covered" -> 1, "Corruption" -> 1, "corruption" -> 1, "correct" -> 1, "co-operation" -> 1, "convulsions" -> 1, "convention" -> 1, "controlling" -> 1, "continents" -> 1, "consummated" -> 1, "consumed" -> 1, "conspiracy" -> 1, "Congress" -> 1, "confronted" -> 1, "concentrating" -> 1, "compelled" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "commodities" -> 1, "coming" -> 1, "come" -> 1, "combines" -> 1, "colossal" -> 1, "coinage" -> 1, "coin" -> 1, "classes—tramps" -> 1, "civilization" -> 1, "civic" -> 1, "circulating" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "chief" -> 1, "charge" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "century" -> 1, "cent" -> 1, "capita" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "can" -> 1, "campaign" -> 1, "business" -> 1, "burdens" -> 1, "built" -> 1, "build" -> 1, "brought" -> 1, "brotherhood" -> 1, "bribery" -> 1, "breed" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bonds" -> 1, "bond-holders" -> 1, "boldly" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "blessing" -> 1, "birthday" -> 1, "better" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "bench" -> 1, "belongs" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "before" -> 1, "beats" -> 1, "bayonets" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "bankrupt" -> 1, "banking" -> 1, "ballot-box" -> 1, "assert" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "army" -> 1, "appropriated" -> 1, "annum" -> 1, "annual" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "amendment" -> 1, "altar" -> 1, "also" -> 1, "Almighty" -> 1, "Alliance" -> 1, "All" -> 1, "aliens" -> 1, "alien" -> 1, "agricultural" -> 1, "agreed" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "administer" -> 1, "additional" -> 1, "adding" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "accordance" -> 1, "accepted" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "abridged" -> 1, "A" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "16" -> 1, "116th" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Constitutional Union Party Platform of 1860", "Party" -> "Constitutional Union", "Year" -> 1860, "Date" -> DateObject[{1860, 5, 9}], "Text" -> "Whereas, Experience has demonstrated that Platforms adopted by the partisan Conventions of the country have had the effect to mislead and deceive the people, and at the same time to widen the political divisions of the country, by the creation and encouragement of geographical and sectional parties; therefore\nResolved, that it is both the part of patriotism and of duty to recognize no political principle other than THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COUNTRY, THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS, and that, as representatives of the Constitutional Union men of the country, in National Convention assembled, we hereby pledge ourselves to maintain, protect, and defend, separately and unitedly, these great principles of public liberty and national safety, against all enemies, at home and abroad; believing that thereby peace may once more be restored to the country; the rights of the People and of the States re-established, and the Government again placed in that condition of justice, fraternity and equality, which, under the example and Constitution of our fathers, has solemnly bound every citizen of the United States to maintain a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.", "Words" -> 211, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 21, "and" -> 16, "of" -> 14, "to" -> 7, "THE" -> 6, "that" -> 5, "country" -> 4, "OF" -> 3, "States" -> 2, "political" -> 2, "ourselves" -> 2, "our" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "justice" -> 2, "in" -> 2, "has" -> 2, "by" -> 2, "at" -> 2, "widen" -> 1, "which" -> 1, "Whereas" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "we" -> 1, "unitedly" -> 1, "United" -> 1, "UNION" -> 1, "Union" -> 1, "union" -> 1, "under" -> 1, "tranquillity" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "therefore" -> 1, "thereby" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "STATES" -> 1, "solemnly" -> 1, "separately" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "sectional" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "safety" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "restored" -> 1, "Resolved" -> 1, "representatives" -> 1, "re-established" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "provide" -> 1, "protect" -> 1, "promote" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "Platforms" -> 1, "placed" -> 1, "perfect" -> 1, "People" -> 1, "people" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "patriotism" -> 1, "partisan" -> 1, "parties" -> 1, "part" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "mislead" -> 1, "men" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "LAWS" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "is" -> 1, "insure" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "have" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "geographical" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "fraternity" -> 1, "for" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "Experience" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "equality" -> 1, "ENFORCEMENT" -> 1, "enemies" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "divisions" -> 1, "demonstrated" -> 1, "defense" -> 1, "defend" -> 1, "deceive" -> 1, "creation" -> 1, "COUNTRY" -> 1, "Conventions" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "Constitutional" -> 1, "CONSTITUTION" -> 1, "Constitution" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "bound" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "believing" -> 1, "be" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "as" -> 1, "AND" -> 1, "all" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "again" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "abroad" -> 1, "a" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Democratic Party Platform (Breckinridge Faction) of 1860", "Party" -> "Democratic", "Year" -> 1860, "Date" -> DateObject[{1860, 11, 6}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed, with the following explanatory resolutions:\n1. That the Government of a Territory organized by an act of Congress is provisional and temporary, and during its existence all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the Territory, without their rights, either of person or property, being destroyed or impaired by Congressional or Territorial legislation.\n2. That it is the duty of the Federal Government, in all its departments, to protect, when necessary, the rights of persons and property in the Territories, and wherever else its constitutional authority extends.\n8. That when the settlers in a Territory, having an adequate population, form a State Constitution, the right of sovereignty commences, and being consummated by admission into the Union, they stand on an equal footing with the people of other States, and the State thus organized ought to be admitted into the Federal Union, whether its Constitution prohibits or recognizes the institution of slavery.\nResolved, That the Democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of the Island of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain, at the earliest practicable moment.\nResolved, That the enactments of State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.\nResolved, That the Democracy of the United States recognize it as the imperative duty of this Government to protect the naturalized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lands, to the same extent as its native-born citizens.\nWHEREAS, One of the greatest necessities of the age, in a political, commercial, postal and military point of view, is a speedy communication between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Therefore be it\nResolved, That the National Democratic party do hereby pledge themselves to use every means in their power to secure the passage of some bill to the extent of the constitutional authority of Congress, for the construction of a Pacific Rail road from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, at the earliest practicable moment.", "Words" -> 363, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 41, "of" -> 24, "to" -> 12, "in" -> 11, "and" -> 10, "That" -> 8, "a" -> 6, "Resolved" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "its" -> 5, "their" -> 4, "by" -> 4, "be" -> 4, "at" -> 4, "an" -> 4, "with" -> 3, "Territory" -> 3, "States" -> 3, "State" -> 3, "rights" -> 3, "property" -> 3, "party" -> 3, "Pacific" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "is" -> 3, "Government" -> 3, "Democratic" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "as" -> 3, "all" -> 3, "whether" -> 2, "when" -> 2, "United" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "right" -> 2, "protect" -> 2, "practicable" -> 2, "organized" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "moment" -> 2, "into" -> 2, "Federal" -> 2, "extent" -> 2, "equal" -> 2, "earliest" -> 2, "duty" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "citizens" -> 2, "being" -> 2, "authority" -> 2, "are" -> 2, "without" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "WHEREAS" -> 1, "view" -> 1, "use" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "this" -> 1, "they" -> 1, "Therefore" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "Territories" -> 1, "Territorial" -> 1, "terms" -> 1, "temporary" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "subversive" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "speedy" -> 1, "Spain" -> 1, "sovereignty" -> 1, "some" -> 1, "slavery" -> 1, "Slave" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "settlers" -> 1, "settle" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "same" -> 1, "road" -> 1, "River" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "resolutions" -> 1, "recognizes" -> 1, "recognize" -> 1, "Rail" -> 1, "provisional" -> 1, "prohibits" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "postal" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "point" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "persons" -> 1, "person" -> 1, "people" -> 1, "passage" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "ought" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "One" -> 1, "Ocean" -> 1, "necessities" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "naturalized" -> 1, "native-born" -> 1, "National" -> 1, "Mississippi" -> 1, "military" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "Legislatures" -> 1, "legislation" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "Island" -> 1, "institution" -> 1, "imperative" -> 1, "impaired" -> 1, "hostile" -> 1, "honorable" -> 1, "home" -> 1, "his" -> 1, "hereby" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "have" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "Fugitive" -> 1, "from" -> 1, "form" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "for" -> 1, "footing" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "favor" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "extends" -> 1, "explanatory" -> 1, "existence" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "enactments" -> 1, "else" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "effect" -> 1, "during" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "destroyed" -> 1, "departments" -> 1, "Democracy" -> 1, "defeat" -> 1, "Cuba" -> 1, "consummated" -> 1, "construction" -> 1, "Congressional" -> 1, "communication" -> 1, "commercial" -> 1, "commences" -> 1, "coasts" -> 1, "citizen" -> 1, "Cincinnati" -> 1, "character" -> 1, "bill" -> 1, "between" -> 1, "Atlantic" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "affirmed" -> 1, "adopted" -> 1, "admitted" -> 1, "admission" -> 1, "adequate" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquisition" -> 1, "8" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Whig Party Platform of 1856", "Party" -> "Whig", "Year" -> 1856, "Date" -> DateObject[{1856, 9, 17}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That the Whigs of the United States are assembled here by reverence for the Constitution, and unalterable attachment to the National Union, and a fixed determination to do all in their power to preserve it for themselves and posterity. They have no new principles to announce—no new platform to establish, but are content broadly to rest where their fathers have rested upon the Constitution of the United States, wishing no safer guide, no higher law.\nResolved, That we regard with the deepest anxiety the present disordered condition of our national affairs. A portion of the country being ravaged by civil war and large sections of our population embittered by mutual recriminations, and we distinctly trace these calamities to the culpable neglect of duty by the present National Administration.\nResolved, That the Government of these United States was formed by the conjunction in political unity of widespread geographical sections, materially differing not only in climate and products, but in their social and domestic institutions, and that any cause that shall permanently array these sections in political hostility and organized parties, founded only on geographical distinctions must inevitably prove fatal to the continuance of the National Union.\nResolved, That the Whigs of the United States have declared as a fundamental article of their political faith, the absolute necessity for avoiding geographical parties; that the danger so clearly discerned by the \"Father of his Country,\" founded on geographical distinction, has now become fearfully apparent in the agitation convulsing the nation, which must be arrested at once if we would preserve our Constitutional Union from dismemberment, and the name of America from being blotted out from the family of civilized nations.\nResolved, That all who revere the Constitution and Union, must look with alarm at the parties in the field in the present Presidential campaign—one claiming only to represent sixteen Northern States, and the other appealing to the passions and prejudices of the Southern States—that the success of either faction must add fuel to the flame which now threatens to wrap our dearest interest in a common ruin.\nResolved, That the only remedy for an evil so appalling is to support the candidate pledged to neither geographical section nor arrayed in political antagonism, but holding both in just and equal regard; that we congratulate the friends of the Union that such a candidate exists in Millard Fillmore.\nResolved, That, without adopting or referring to the peculiar principles of the party which has already selected Millard Fillmore as their candidate, we look to him as a well-tried and faithful friend of the Constitution and the Union, eminent alike for his wisdom and firmness, for his justice and moderation in foreign relations, for his calm and pacific temperament, well becoming a great and enlightened Government. For his devotion to the Constitution in its true spirit, and his inflexibility in executing the laws; but, beyond all these attributes, of being representative of neither of the two sectional parties now struggling for political supremacy.\nResolved, That in the present exigency of political affairs, we are not called upon to discuss subordinate questions of administration in exercising the Constitutional powers of government. It is enough to know that civil war is raging, and the Union is in peril; and proclaim a conviction that the restoration of the Fillmore Presidency will furnish the best if not the only means of restoring peace.", "Words" -> 563, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 51, "of" -> 27, "and" -> 23, "to" -> 19, "in" -> 18, "That" -> 8, "Resolved" -> 8, "for" -> 8, "Union" -> 7, "that" -> 7, "a" -> 7, "we" -> 6, "political" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "by" -> 6, "their" -> 5, "States" -> 5, "only" -> 5, "geographical" -> 5, "Constitution" -> 5, "United" -> 4, "these" -> 4, "present" -> 4, "parties" -> 4, "our" -> 4, "must" -> 4, "is" -> 4, "but" -> 4, "which" -> 3, "sections" -> 3, "now" -> 3, "not" -> 3, "no" -> 3, "National" -> 3, "have" -> 3, "from" -> 3, "Fillmore" -> 3, "candidate" -> 3, "being" -> 3, "as" -> 3, "are" -> 3, "all" -> 3, "with" -> 2, "Whigs" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "upon" -> 2, "so" -> 2, "regard" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "preserve" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "new" -> 2, "neither" -> 2, "Millard" -> 2, "look" -> 2, "if" -> 2, "has" -> 2, "Government" -> 2, "founded" -> 2, "Constitutional" -> 2, "civil" -> 2, "at" -> 2, "affairs" -> 2, "wrap" -> 1, "would" -> 1, "without" -> 1, "wishing" -> 1, "wisdom" -> 1, "will" -> 1, "widespread" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "well-tried" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "unity" -> 1, "unalterable" -> 1, "two" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "trace" -> 1, "threatens" -> 1, "They" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "temperament" -> 1, "supremacy" -> 1, "support" -> 1, "such" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "subordinate" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "States—that" -> 1, "spirit" -> 1, "Southern" -> 1, "social" -> 1, "sixteen" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "selected" -> 1, "sectional" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "safer" -> 1, "ruin" -> 1, "reverence" -> 1, "revere" -> 1, "restoring" -> 1, "restoration" -> 1, "rested" -> 1, "rest" -> 1, "representative" -> 1, "represent" -> 1, "remedy" -> 1, "relations" -> 1, "referring" -> 1, "recriminations" -> 1, "ravaged" -> 1, "raging" -> 1, "questions" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "products" -> 1, "proclaim" -> 1, "Presidential" -> 1, "Presidency" -> 1, "prejudices" -> 1, "powers" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "posterity" -> 1, "portion" -> 1, "population" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "permanently" -> 1, "peril" -> 1, "peculiar" -> 1, "peace" -> 1, "passions" -> 1, "party" -> 1, "pacific" -> 1, "out" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "organized" -> 1, "or" -> 1, "once" -> 1, "Northern" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "neglect" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "national" -> 1, "nation" -> 1, "name" -> 1, "mutual" -> 1, "moderation" -> 1, "means" -> 1, "materially" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "large" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "its" -> 1, "It" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "inflexibility" -> 1, "inevitably" -> 1, "hostility" -> 1, "holding" -> 1, "him" -> 1, "higher" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "guide" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "furnish" -> 1, "fundamental" -> 1, "fuel" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "friend" -> 1, "formed" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "For" -> 1, "flame" -> 1, "fixed" -> 1, "firmness" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fearfully" -> 1, "fathers" -> 1, "Father" -> 1, "fatal" -> 1, "family" -> 1, "faithful" -> 1, "faith" -> 1, "faction" -> 1, "exists" -> 1, "exigency" -> 1, "exercising" -> 1, "executing" -> 1, "evil" -> 1, "establish" -> 1, "equal" -> 1, "enough" -> 1, "enlightened" -> 1, "eminent" -> 1, "embittered" -> 1, "either" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "distinctly" -> 1, "distinctions" -> 1, "distinction" -> 1, "disordered" -> 1, "dismemberment" -> 1, "discuss" -> 1, "discerned" -> 1, "differing" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "determination" -> 1, "deepest" -> 1, "declared" -> 1, "dearest" -> 1, "danger" -> 1, "culpable" -> 1, "Country" -> 1, "country" -> 1, "convulsing" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "continuance" -> 1, "content" -> 1, "conjunction" -> 1, "congratulate" -> 1, "condition" -> 1, "common" -> 1, "climate" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "claiming" -> 1, "civilized" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "campaign—one" -> 1, "calm" -> 1, "called" -> 1, "calamities" -> 1, "broadly" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "blotted" -> 1, "beyond" -> 1, "best" -> 1, "becoming" -> 1, "become" -> 1, "be" -> 1, "avoiding" -> 1, "attributes" -> 1, "attachment" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "article" -> 1, "arrested" -> 1, "arrayed" -> 1, "array" -> 1, "appealing" -> 1, "apparent" -> 1, "appalling" -> 1, "any" -> 1, "anxiety" -> 1, "antagonism" -> 1, "announce—no" -> 1, "an" -> 1, "America" -> 1, "already" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "alarm" -> 1, "agitation" -> 1, "adopting" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "add" -> 1, "absolute" -> 1, "A" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Whig Party Platform of 1852", "Party" -> "Whig", "Year" -> 1852, "Date" -> DateObject[{1852, 6, 17}], "Text" -> "The Whigs of the United States, in Convention assembled, firmly adhering to the great conservative principles by which they are controlled and governed, and now as ever relying upon the intelligence of the American people, with an abiding confidence in their capacity for self-government, and their devotion to the Constitution and the Union, do proclaim the following as the political sentiments and deterrnination for the establishment and maintenance of which their national organization as a party was effected:\nFirst: The Government of the United States is of a limited character, and it is confined to the exercise of powers expressly granted by the Constitution, and such as may be necessary and proper for carrying the granted powers into full execution, and that all powers not granted or necessarily implied are expressly reserved to the States respectively and to the people.\nSecond: The State Governments should be held secure in their reserved rights, and the General Government sustained on its constitutional powers, and that the Union should be revered and watched over as the palladium of our liberties.\nThird: That while struggling freedom everywhere enlists the warrnest syrnpathy of the Whig party, we still adhere to the doctrines of the Father of his Country, as announced in his Farewell Address, of keeping ourselves free from all entangling alliances with foreign countries, and of never quitting our own to stand upon foreign ground, that our mission as a republic is not to propagate our opinions, or impose on other countries our for n of government by artifice or force; but to teach, by example, and show by our success, moderation and justice, the blessings of self-government, and the advantages of free institutions.\nFourth: That, as the people make and control the Government, they should obey its constitution, laws and treaties, as they would retain their self-respect, and the respect which they claim and will enforce from foreign powers.\nFifth: Revenue sufficient for the expenses of an economical administration of the Government in time of peace ought to be derived from a duty on imports, and not from direct taxation; and in laying such duties, sound policy requires a just discrimination, whereby suitable encouragement may be afforded to American industry, equally to all classes, and to all parts of the country.\nSixth: The Constitution vests in Congress the power to open and repair harbors, and remove obstructions from navigable rivers, whenever such improvements are necessary for the common defence, and for the protection and facility of commerce with foreign nations, or among the States, said improvements being, in every instance, national and general in their character.\nSeventh: The Federal and State Governments are parts of one system, alike necessary for the common prosperity, peace and security, and ought to be regarded alike with a eordial, habitual and immovable attachment. Respect for the authority of each and acquiescence in the just constitutional measures of each, are duties required by the plainest considerations of national, state, and individual welfare.\nEighth: That the series of acts of the Thirty-first Congress,—the act known as the Fugitive Slave Law, included—are received and acquiesced in by the Whig Party of the United States as a settlement in principle and substance, of the dangerous and exciting question which they embrace; and, so far as they are concerned, we will maintain them, and insist upon their strict enforcement, until time and experience shall demonstrate the necessity of further legislation to guard against the evasion of the law on one hand, and the abuse of their powers on the other, not impairing their present efficiency; and we deprecate all further agitation of the question thus settled, as dangerous to our peace; and will discountenance all efforts to continue or renew such agitation whenever, wherever, or however the attempt may be made; and we will maintain this system as essential to the nationality of the Whig party and of the Union.", "Words" -> 649, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 55, "and" -> 47, "of" -> 34, "to" -> 19, "as" -> 14, "in" -> 12, "their" -> 9, "for" -> 9, "our" -> 7, "by" -> 7, "be" -> 7, "a" -> 7, "they" -> 6, "powers" -> 6, "or" -> 6, "are" -> 6, "all" -> 6, "The" -> 5, "States" -> 5, "on" -> 5, "from" -> 5, "with" -> 4, "will" -> 4, "which" -> 4, "we" -> 4, "such" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "Government" -> 4, "foreign" -> 4, "Whig" -> 3, "upon" -> 3, "United" -> 3, "Union" -> 3, "That" -> 3, "that" -> 3, "should" -> 3, "people" -> 3, "peace" -> 3, "party" -> 3, "necessary" -> 3, "national" -> 3, "may" -> 3, "is" -> 3, "granted" -> 3, "Constitution" -> 3, "whenever" -> 2, "time" -> 2, "system" -> 2, "State" -> 2, "self-government" -> 2, "reserved" -> 2, "question" -> 2, "parts" -> 2, "ought" -> 2, "other" -> 2, "one" -> 2, "maintain" -> 2, "just" -> 2, "its" -> 2, "improvements" -> 2, "his" -> 2, "Governments" -> 2, "further" -> 2, "free" -> 2, "expressly" -> 2, "each" -> 2, "duties" -> 2, "dangerous" -> 2, "countries" -> 2, "constitutional" -> 2, "Congress" -> 2, "common" -> 2, "character" -> 2, "an" -> 2, "American" -> 2, "alike" -> 2, "agitation" -> 2, "would" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "Whigs" -> 1, "wherever" -> 1, "whereby" -> 1, "welfare" -> 1, "watched" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "warrnest" -> 1, "vests" -> 1, "until" -> 1, "treaties" -> 1, "thus" -> 1, "this" -> 1, "Thirty-first" -> 1, "Third" -> 1, "them" -> 1, "teach" -> 1, "taxation" -> 1, "syrnpathy" -> 1, "sustained" -> 1, "suitable" -> 1, "sufficient" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "substance" -> 1, "struggling" -> 1, "strict" -> 1, "still" -> 1, "state" -> 1, "stand" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "so" -> 1, "Slave" -> 1, "Sixth" -> 1, "show" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "Seventh" -> 1, "settlement" -> 1, "settled" -> 1, "series" -> 1, "sentiments" -> 1, "self-respect" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "secure" -> 1, "Second" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "rivers" -> 1, "rights" -> 1, "revered" -> 1, "Revenue" -> 1, "retain" -> 1, "respectively" -> 1, "Respect" -> 1, "respect" -> 1, "requires" -> 1, "required" -> 1, "republic" -> 1, "repair" -> 1, "renew" -> 1, "remove" -> 1, "relying" -> 1, "regarded" -> 1, "received" -> 1, "quitting" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proper" -> 1, "propagate" -> 1, "proclaim" -> 1, "principles" -> 1, "principle" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "power" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "plainest" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "palladium" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "over" -> 1, "ourselves" -> 1, "organization" -> 1, "opinions" -> 1, "open" -> 1, "obstructions" -> 1, "obey" -> 1, "now" -> 1, "never" -> 1, "necessity" -> 1, "necessarily" -> 1, "navigable" -> 1, "nations" -> 1, "nationality" -> 1, "n" -> 1, "moderation" -> 1, "mission" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "make" -> 1, "maintenance" -> 1, "made" -> 1, "limited" -> 1, "liberties" -> 1, "legislation" -> 1, "laying" -> 1, "laws" -> 1, "Law" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "known" -> 1, "keeping" -> 1, "justice" -> 1, "it" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "intelligence" -> 1, "institutions" -> 1, "instance" -> 1, "insist" -> 1, "industry" -> 1, "individual" -> 1, "included—are" -> 1, "impose" -> 1, "imports" -> 1, "implied" -> 1, "impairing" -> 1, "immovable" -> 1, "however" -> 1, "held" -> 1, "harbors" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "habitual" -> 1, "guard" -> 1, "ground" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "governed" -> 1, "General" -> 1, "general" -> 1, "full" -> 1, "Fugitive" -> 1, "freedom" -> 1, "Fourth" -> 1, "force" -> 1, "following" -> 1, "First" -> 1, "firmly" -> 1, "Fifth" -> 1, "Federal" -> 1, "Father" -> 1, "Farewell" -> 1, "far" -> 1, "facility" -> 1, "experience" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "exercise" -> 1, "execution" -> 1, "exciting" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "everywhere" -> 1, "every" -> 1, "ever" -> 1, "evasion" -> 1, "establishment" -> 1, "essential" -> 1, "equally" -> 1, "eordial" -> 1, "entangling" -> 1, "enlists" -> 1, "enforcement" -> 1, "enforce" -> 1, "encouragement" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "Eighth" -> 1, "efforts" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "effected" -> 1, "economical" -> 1, "duty" -> 1, "doctrines" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "discrimination" -> 1, "discountenance" -> 1, "direct" -> 1, "devotion" -> 1, "deterrnination" -> 1, "derived" -> 1, "deprecate" -> 1, "demonstrate" -> 1, "defence" -> 1, "Country" -> 1, "country" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "control" -> 1, "continue" -> 1, "constitution" -> 1, "considerations" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "confined" -> 1, "confidence" -> 1, "concerned" -> 1, "commerce" -> 1, "classes" -> 1, "claim" -> 1, "carrying" -> 1, "capacity" -> 1, "but" -> 1, "blessings" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "authority" -> 1, "attempt" -> 1, "attachment" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "artifice" -> 1, "announced" -> 1, "among" -> 1, "alliances" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "afforded" -> 1, "advantages" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "adhering" -> 1, "adhere" -> 1, "Address" -> 1, "acts" -> 1, "act" -> 1, "acquiescence" -> 1, "acquiesced" -> 1, "abuse" -> 1, "abiding" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Whig Party Platform of 1848", "Party" -> "Whig", "Year" -> 1848, "Date" -> DateObject[{1848, 6, 7}], "Text" -> "1. Resolved, That the Whigs of the United States, here assembled by their Representatives, heartily ratify the nominations of General Zachary Taylor as President and Millard Fillmore as Vice-President of the United States, and pledge themselves to their support.\n2. Resolved, That the choice of General Taylor as the Whig candidate for President we are glad to discover sympathy with a great popular sentiment throughout the nation—a sentiment which, having its origin in admiration of great military success, has been strengthened by the development, in every action and every word, of sound conservative opinions, and of true fidelity to the great example of former days, and to the principles of the Constitution as administered by its founders.\n3. Resolved, That General Taylor, in saying that, had he voted in 1844, he would have voted the Whig ticket, gives us the assurance—and no better is needed from a consistent and truth-speaking man—that his heart was with us at the crisis of our political destiny, when Henry Clay was our candidate and when not only Whig principles were well defined and clearly asserted, but Whig measures depended on success. The heart that was with us then is with us now, and we have a soldier's word of honor, and a life of public and private virtue, as the security.\n4. Resolved, That we look on General Taylor's administration of the Government as one conducive of Peace, Prosperity, and Union. Of Peace—because no one better knows, or has greater reason to deplore, what he has seen sadly on the field of victory, the horrors of war, and especially of a foreign and aggressive war. Of Prosperity—now more than ever needed to relieve the nation from a burden of debt, and restore industry—agricultural, manufacturing and commercial—to its accustomed and peaceful functions and influences. Of Union—because we have a candidate whose very position as a Southwestern man, reared on the banks of the great stream whose tributaries, natural and artificial, embrace the whole Union, renders the protection of the interests of the whole country his first trust, and whose various duties in past life have been rendered, not on the soil or under the flag of any State or section, but over the wide frontier, and under the broad banner of the Nation\n5. Resolved, That standing, as the Whig Party does, on the broad and firm platform of the Constitution, braced up by all its inviolable and sacred guarantees and compromises, and cherished in the affections because protective of the interests of the people, we are proud to have, as the exponent of our opinions, one who is pledged to construe it by the wise and generous rules which Washington applied to it, and who has said, (and no Whig desires any other assurance) that he will make Washington's Administration the model of his own.\n6. Resolved, That as Whigs and Americans, we are proud to acknowledge our gratitude for the great military services which, beginning at Palo Alto, and ending at Buena Vista, first awakened the American people to a just estimate of him who is now our Whig Candidate. In the discharge of a painful duty—for his march into the enemy's country was a reluctant one; in the command of regulars at one time and volunteers at another, and of both combined; in the decisive though punctual discipline of his camp, where all respected and beloved him; in the negotiations of terms for a dejected and desperate enemy; in the exigency of actual conflict, when the balance was perilously doubtful—we have found him the same—brave, distinguished and considerate, no heartless spectator of bloodshed, no trifler with human life or human happiness, and we do not know which to admire most, his heroism in withstanding the assaults of the enemy in the most hopeless fields of Buena Vista—mourning in generous sorrow over the graves of Ringgold, of Clay, or of Hardin—or in giving in the heat of battle, terms of merciful capitulation to a vanquished foe at Monterey, and not being ashamed to avow that he did it to spare women and children, helpless infancy, and more helpless age, against whom no American soldier ever wars. Such a military man, whose triumphs are neither remote nor doubtful, whose virtues these trials have tested, we are proud to make our Candidate.\n7. Resolved, That in support of this nomination we ask our Whig friends throughout the nation to unite, to co-operate zealously, resolutely, with earnestness in behalf of our candidate, whom calumny cannot reach, and with respectful demeanor to our adversaries, whose Candidates have yet to prove their claims on the gratitude of the nation.", "Words" -> 771, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 57, "of" -> 46, "and" -> 40, "to" -> 20, "in" -> 17, "a" -> 14, "as" -> 10, "we" -> 9, "our" -> 9, "Whig" -> 8, "have" -> 8, "with" -> 7, "That" -> 7, "Resolved" -> 7, "on" -> 7, "whose" -> 6, "no" -> 6, "his" -> 6, "at" -> 6, "was" -> 5, "or" -> 5, "one" -> 5, "he" -> 5, "great" -> 5, "by" -> 5, "are" -> 5, "which" -> 4, "us" -> 4, "that" -> 4, "not" -> 4, "its" -> 4, "is" -> 4, "has" -> 4, "General" -> 4, "candidate" -> 4, "who" -> 3, "when" -> 3, "their" -> 3, "Taylor" -> 3, "proud" -> 3, "Of" -> 3, "nation" -> 3, "military" -> 3, "life" -> 3, "it" -> 3, "him" -> 3, "for" -> 3, "word" -> 2, "whom" -> 2, "whole" -> 2, "Whigs" -> 2, "war" -> 2, "voted" -> 2, "United" -> 2, "Union" -> 2, "under" -> 2, "throughout" -> 2, "terms" -> 2, "support" -> 2, "success" -> 2, "States" -> 2, "sentiment" -> 2, "principles" -> 2, "President" -> 2, "people" -> 2, "over" -> 2, "opinions" -> 2, "now" -> 2, "needed" -> 2, "most" -> 2, "more" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "make" -> 2, "interests" -> 2, "human" -> 2, "helpless" -> 2, "heart" -> 2, "gratitude" -> 2, "generous" -> 2, "from" -> 2, "first" -> 2, "every" -> 2, "ever" -> 2, "enemy" -> 2, "country" -> 2, "Constitution" -> 2, "Clay" -> 2, "Candidate" -> 2, "but" -> 2, "Buena" -> 2, "broad" -> 2, "better" -> 2, "been" -> 2, "any" -> 2, "American" -> 2, "all" -> 2, "zealously" -> 1, "Zachary" -> 1, "yet" -> 1, "would" -> 1, "women" -> 1, "withstanding" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "will" -> 1, "wide" -> 1, "where" -> 1, "what" -> 1, "were" -> 1, "well" -> 1, "Washington's" -> 1, "Washington" -> 1, "wars" -> 1, "volunteers" -> 1, "Vista—mourning" -> 1, "Vista" -> 1, "virtues" -> 1, "virtue" -> 1, "victory" -> 1, "Vice-President" -> 1, "very" -> 1, "various" -> 1, "vanquished" -> 1, "up" -> 1, "unite" -> 1, "Union—because" -> 1, "truth-speaking" -> 1, "trust" -> 1, "true" -> 1, "triumphs" -> 1, "trifler" -> 1, "tributaries" -> 1, "trials" -> 1, "time" -> 1, "ticket" -> 1, "though" -> 1, "this" -> 1, "these" -> 1, "then" -> 1, "themselves" -> 1, "The" -> 1, "than" -> 1, "tested" -> 1, "Taylor's" -> 1, "sympathy" -> 1, "Such" -> 1, "strengthened" -> 1, "stream" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "standing" -> 1, "spectator" -> 1, "spare" -> 1, "Southwestern" -> 1, "sound" -> 1, "sorrow" -> 1, "soldier's" -> 1, "soldier" -> 1, "soil" -> 1, "services" -> 1, "seen" -> 1, "security" -> 1, "section" -> 1, "saying" -> 1, "same—brave" -> 1, "said" -> 1, "sadly" -> 1, "sacred" -> 1, "rules" -> 1, "Ringgold" -> 1, "restore" -> 1, "respectful" -> 1, "respected" -> 1, "resolutely" -> 1, "Representatives" -> 1, "renders" -> 1, "rendered" -> 1, "remote" -> 1, "reluctant" -> 1, "relieve" -> 1, "regulars" -> 1, "reason" -> 1, "reared" -> 1, "reach" -> 1, "ratify" -> 1, "punctual" -> 1, "public" -> 1, "prove" -> 1, "protective" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "Prosperity—now" -> 1, "Prosperity" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "position" -> 1, "popular" -> 1, "political" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "pledge" -> 1, "platform" -> 1, "perilously" -> 1, "Peace—because" -> 1, "peaceful" -> 1, "Peace" -> 1, "past" -> 1, "Party" -> 1, "Palo" -> 1, "painful" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "other" -> 1, "origin" -> 1, "only" -> 1, "nor" -> 1, "nominations" -> 1, "nomination" -> 1, "neither" -> 1, "negotiations" -> 1, "natural" -> 1, "nation—a" -> 1, "Nation" -> 1, "Monterey" -> 1, "model" -> 1, "Millard" -> 1, "merciful" -> 1, "measures" -> 1, "march" -> 1, "man—that" -> 1, "manufacturing" -> 1, "look" -> 1, "knows" -> 1, "know" -> 1, "just" -> 1, "inviolable" -> 1, "into" -> 1, "influences" -> 1, "infancy" -> 1, "industry—agricultural" -> 1, "In" -> 1, "horrors" -> 1, "hopeless" -> 1, "honor" -> 1, "heroism" -> 1, "here" -> 1, "Henry" -> 1, "heat" -> 1, "heartless" -> 1, "heartily" -> 1, "having" -> 1, "Hardin—or" -> 1, "happiness" -> 1, "had" -> 1, "guarantees" -> 1, "greater" -> 1, "graves" -> 1, "Government" -> 1, "glad" -> 1, "giving" -> 1, "gives" -> 1, "functions" -> 1, "frontier" -> 1, "friends" -> 1, "founders" -> 1, "found" -> 1, "former" -> 1, "foreign" -> 1, "foe" -> 1, "flag" -> 1, "firm" -> 1, "Fillmore" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "field" -> 1, "fidelity" -> 1, "exponent" -> 1, "exigency" -> 1, "example" -> 1, "estimate" -> 1, "especially" -> 1, "enemy's" -> 1, "ending" -> 1, "embrace" -> 1, "earnestness" -> 1, "duty—for" -> 1, "duties" -> 1, "doubtful—we" -> 1, "doubtful" -> 1, "does" -> 1, "do" -> 1, "distinguished" -> 1, "discover" -> 1, "discipline" -> 1, "discharge" -> 1, "did" -> 1, "development" -> 1, "destiny" -> 1, "desperate" -> 1, "desires" -> 1, "deplore" -> 1, "depended" -> 1, "demeanor" -> 1, "dejected" -> 1, "defined" -> 1, "decisive" -> 1, "debt" -> 1, "days" -> 1, "crisis" -> 1, "co-operate" -> 1, "construe" -> 1, "consistent" -> 1, "considerate" -> 1, "conservative" -> 1, "conflict" -> 1, "conducive" -> 1, "compromises" -> 1, "commercial—to" -> 1, "command" -> 1, "combined" -> 1, "clearly" -> 1, "claims" -> 1, "choice" -> 1, "children" -> 1, "cherished" -> 1, "capitulation" -> 1, "cannot" -> 1, "Candidates" -> 1, "camp" -> 1, "calumny" -> 1, "burden" -> 1, "braced" -> 1, "both" -> 1, "bloodshed" -> 1, "beloved" -> 1, "being" -> 1, "behalf" -> 1, "beginning" -> 1, "because" -> 1, "battle" -> 1, "banner" -> 1, "banks" -> 1, "balance" -> 1, "awakened" -> 1, "avow" -> 1, "assurance—and" -> 1, "assurance" -> 1, "asserted" -> 1, "assembled" -> 1, "assaults" -> 1, "ask" -> 1, "ashamed" -> 1, "artificial" -> 1, "applied" -> 1, "another" -> 1, "Americans" -> 1, "Alto" -> 1, "aggressive" -> 1, "age" -> 1, "against" -> 1, "affections" -> 1, "adversaries" -> 1, "admire" -> 1, "admiration" -> 1, "Administration" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "administered" -> 1, "actual" -> 1, "action" -> 1, "acknowledge" -> 1, "accustomed" -> 1, "7" -> 1, "6" -> 1, "5" -> 1, "4" -> 1, "3" -> 1, "2" -> 1, "1844" -> 1, "1" -> 1|>|>, <|"SourceURL" -> "", "Name" -> "Whig Party Platform of 1844", "Party" -> "Whig", "Year" -> 1844, "Date" -> DateObject[{1844, 5, 1}], "Text" -> "Resolved, That, in presenting to the country the names of Henry Clay for president, and of Theodore Frelinghuysen for vice-president of the United States, this Convention is actuated by the conviction that all the great principles of the Whig party—principles inseparable from the public honor and prosperity—will be maintained and advanced by these candidates.\nResolved, That these principles may be summed as comprising, a well-regulated currency; a tariff for revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government, and discriminating with special reference to the protection of the domestic labor of the country; the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands; a single term for the presidency; a reform of executive usurpations;—and, generally—such an administration of the affairs of the country as shall impart to every branch of the public service the greatest practicable efficiency, controlled by a well regulated and wise economy.\nResolved, That the name of Henry Clay needs no eulogy; the history of the country since his first appearance in public life is his history; its brightest pages of prosperity and success are identified with the principles which he has upheld, as its darkest and more disastrous pages are with every material departure in our public policy from those principles.\nResolved, That in Theodore Frelinghuysen we present a man pledged alike by his revolutionary ancestry and his own public course to every measure calculated to sustain the honor and interest of the country. Inheriting the principles as well as the name of a father who, with Washington, on the fields of Trenton and of Monmouth, perilled life in the contest for liberty, and afterwards, as a senator of the United States, acted with Washington in establishing and perpetuating that liberty, Theodore Frelinghuysen, by his course as Attorney-General of the State of New Jersey for twelve years, and subsequently as a senator of the United States for several years, was always strenuous on the side of law, order, and the constitution, while as a private man, his head, his hand, and his heart have been given without stint to the cause of morals, education, philanthropy, and religion.", "Words" -> 354, "WordCounts" -> <|"the" -> 37, "of" -> 27, "and" -> 17, "a" -> 10, "as" -> 9, "his" -> 8, "to" -> 7, "for" -> 7, "public" -> 6, "in" -> 6, "with" -> 5, "principles" -> 5, "country" -> 5, "by" -> 5, "That" -> 4, "Resolved" -> 4, "United" -> 3, "Theodore" -> 3, "States" -> 3, "Frelinghuysen" -> 3, "every" -> 3, "years" -> 2, "well" -> 2, "Washington" -> 2, "these" -> 2, "that" -> 2, "senator" -> 2, "pages" -> 2, "on" -> 2, "name" -> 2, "man" -> 2, "life" -> 2, "liberty" -> 2, "its" -> 2, "is" -> 2, "honor" -> 2, "history" -> 2, "Henry" -> 2, "from" -> 2, "course" -> 2, "Clay" -> 2, "be" -> 2, "are" -> 2, "without" -> 1, "wise" -> 1, "who" -> 1, "while" -> 1, "Whig" -> 1, "which" -> 1, "well-regulated" -> 1, "we" -> 1, "was" -> 1, "vice-president" -> 1, "usurpations" -> 1, "upheld" -> 1, "twelve" -> 1, "Trenton" -> 1, "those" -> 1, "this" -> 1, "term" -> 1, "tariff" -> 1, "sustain" -> 1, "summed" -> 1, "success" -> 1, "subsequently" -> 1, "strenuous" -> 1, "stint" -> 1, "State" -> 1, "special" -> 1, "single" -> 1, "since" -> 1, "side" -> 1, "shall" -> 1, "several" -> 1, "service" -> 1, "sales" -> 1, "revolutionary" -> 1, "revenue" -> 1, "religion" -> 1, "regulated" -> 1, "reform" -> 1, "reference" -> 1, "protection" -> 1, "prosperity—will" -> 1, "prosperity" -> 1, "proceeds" -> 1, "private" -> 1, "president" -> 1, "presidency" -> 1, "presenting" -> 1, "present" -> 1, "practicable" -> 1, "policy" -> 1, "pledged" -> 1, "philanthropy" -> 1, "perpetuating" -> 1, "perilled" -> 1, "party—principles" -> 1, "own" -> 1, "our" -> 1, "order" -> 1, "no" -> 1, "New" -> 1, "needs" -> 1, "necessary" -> 1, "names" -> 1, "more" -> 1, "morals" -> 1, "Monmouth" -> 1, "measure" -> 1, "may" -> 1, "material" -> 1, "maintained" -> 1, "law" -> 1, "lands" -> 1, "labor" -> 1, "Jersey" -> 1, "interest" -> 1, "inseparable" -> 1, "Inheriting" -> 1, "impart" -> 1, "identified" -> 1, "heart" -> 1, "head" -> 1, "he" -> 1, "have" -> 1, "has" -> 1, "hand" -> 1, "greatest" -> 1, "great" -> 1, "government" -> 1, "given" -> 1, "generally—such" -> 1, "first" -> 1, "fields" -> 1, "father" -> 1, "expenses" -> 1, "executive" -> 1, "eulogy" -> 1, "establishing" -> 1, "efficiency" -> 1, "education" -> 1, "economy" -> 1, "domestic" -> 1, "distribution" -> 1, "discriminating" -> 1, "disastrous" -> 1, "departure" -> 1, "defray" -> 1, "darkest" -> 1, "currency" -> 1, "conviction" -> 1, "Convention" -> 1, "controlled" -> 1, "contest" -> 1, "constitution" -> 1, "comprising" -> 1, "cause" -> 1, "candidates" -> 1, "calculated" -> 1, "brightest" -> 1, "branch" -> 1, "been" -> 1, "Attorney-General" -> 1, "appearance" -> 1, "ancestry" -> 1, "an" -> 1, "always" -> 1, "all" -> 1, "alike" -> 1, "afterwards" -> 1, "affairs" -> 1, "advanced" -> 1, "administration" -> 1, "actuated" -> 1, "acted" -> 1|>|>}, TypeSystem`Vector[TypeSystem`Struct[{"SourceURL", "Name", "Party", "Year", "Date", "Text", "Words", "WordCounts"}, {TypeSystem`Atom[String], TypeSystem`Atom[String], TypeSystem`Atom[String], TypeSystem`Atom[Integer], TypeSystem`Atom[DateObject], TypeSystem`Atom[String], TypeSystem`Atom[Integer], TypeSystem`Assoc[TypeSystem`Atom[String], TypeSystem`Atom[Integer], TypeSystem`AnyLength]}], 95], <|"ID" -> 7507669844611|>]