CellularAutomatonBoundaries 1.02
CellularAutomatonBoundaries 1.02
documentation notebook
CellularAutomatonBoundaries is a collection of tools for studying boundaries of one-dimensional cellular automata.
This introduction gets you started with a few features of the package; the next section provides a complete list of package symbols along with their usage messages and further examples.
This introduction gets you started with a few features of the package; the next section provides a complete list of package symbols along with their usage messages and further examples.
To use CellularAutomatonBoundaries, first you will need to load the package by evaluating the following cell. (If you need help, see loading a package.)
Creating cellular automaton data
Creating cellular automaton data
Storing data to files
Storing data to files
Package symbols
Package symbols
IrregularBoundaryData and RegularBoundaryData
IrregularBoundaryData and RegularBoundaryData