Interactive Graphics from Risk and Reward:
The Science of Casino Blackjack

Second Edition

Welcome to the interactive versions of figures and tables from my book, "Risk and Reward: The Science of Casino Blackjack Second Edition".

  1. Download and install Wolfram Player, the software platform enabling the interactivity, by clicking here.
  2. Download any of the interactive items, as listed below, by clicking on its thumbnail. Alternatively, all of them can be downloaded at once, in a Zip file, by clicking here; then unZip that download to retrieve each item in turn.
  3. View and interact with any downloaded item by opening it in the Wolfram Player. Instructions specific to that item are given in its Caption. Should you need help with these procedures, email me at, supplying your contact phone number.

Additional material relevant to the book is available on my website. I created these interactive graphics using the WolframLanguage, they were then tailored expressly for presentation here on the WolframCloud. I am grateful to Wolfram Research and the staff of its Wolfram Media division for their extensive support of this effort, which showcases so impressively their capabilities in interactive publishing.

N. Richard Werthamer