

GTClasses gives the conjugacy classes of a group.

GTClassMult calculates the class constants.

GTClassMultTable calculates a table of class constants.

Characterization of groups and elements

GTCenter determines the center of a group.

GTConjugacyClass constructs the set of all subgroups conjugated to the subgroup of group.

GTConjugateElement gives the conjugate element.

GTGenerators gives the generators of a group.

GTGetInvSubGroup gives an invariant subgroup of a specified order

GTGetSubGroups finds subgroups of a group.

GTGroupOrder gives the order of a group.

GTInverseElement gives the inverse element.

GTInvSubGroups gives the invariant subgroups of a group.

GTLeftCosets gives the left coset of a group according to a subgroup.

GTMultTable gives the multiplication table for a group.

GTNormalizer constructs the normalizer of group with respect to its supergroup.

GTOrderOfElement gives the order of a group element.

GTProductGroup forms the product of two groups.

GTQuotientGroup gives the multiplication table of the quotient group.

GTRightCosets gives the right coset of a group according to a subgroup.

Logical operators

GTAbelianQ tests if a group is an abelian group.

GTCyclicQ tests if group is a cyclic group.

GTGroupQ tests if a group of symmetry elements satisfies the "group axioms".

GTInvSubGroupQ tests if the group with smaller order is an invariant subgroup of the group with larger order.

GTProductGroupQ tests if group is a product group of two groups.

GTQuotientGroupQ tests if two groups can form a quotient group.

GTSelfAdjointQ tests if an element of a group is self-adjoint

GTSubGroupQ tests if the group with smaller order is a subgroup of the group with larger order.

Symbols, matrices, quaternions and Euler angles

GTAllSymbols gives a list of all implemented symbols.

GTGetEulerAngles gives the Euler angles of a symmetry element.

GTGetMatrix gives a representation matrix of a certain symmetry element.

GTGetQuaternion gives the quaternion of a certain symmetry element.

GTGetRotationMatrix gives the 3-dimensional rotation matrix of a certain symmetry element.

GTGetSU2Matrix gives the SU(2) matrix of a certain symmetry element.

GTGetSymbol gives the symbol of a certain symmetry element.

GTgmat performs a group multiplication of two elements.

GTSetMultiplication multiplications of sets of symmetry elements.

GTType transforms a point group element to a space group element.

GTWhichInput determines the type of an element.

GTWhichOutput transforms an element to a certain type.

Coordinate transformation

GTTransformation performs a coordinate transformation of a vector.

GTTransformationOperator applies a coordinate transformation to a function.

Magnetic groups    

GTMagnetic determines if magnetic point group are taken into account

GTMagneticQ gives True if if magnetic groups are taken into account