GTClasses — gives the conjugacy classes of a group.
GTClassMult — calculates the class constants.
GTClassMultTable — calculates a table of class constants.
Characterization of groups and elements
GTCenter — determines the center of a group.
GTConjugacyClass — constructs the set of all subgroups conjugated to the subgroup of group.
GTConjugateElement — gives the conjugate element.
GTGenerators — gives the generators of a group.
GTGetInvSubGroup— gives an invariant subgroup of a specified order
GTGetSubGroups — finds subgroups of a group.
GTGroupOrder — gives the order of a group.
GTInverseElement — gives the inverse element.
GTInvSubGroups — gives the invariant subgroups of a group.
GTLeftCosets — gives the left coset of a group according to a subgroup.
GTMultTable — gives the multiplication table for a group.
GTNormalizer — constructs the normalizer of group with respect to its supergroup.
GTOrderOfElement — gives the order of a group element.
GTProductGroup — forms the product of two groups.
GTQuotientGroup — gives the multiplication table of the quotient group.
GTRightCosets — gives the right coset of a group according to a subgroup.
Logical operators
GTAbelianQ — tests if a group is an abelian group.
GTCyclicQ — tests if group is a cyclic group.
GTGroupQ — tests if a group of symmetry elements satisfies the "group axioms".
GTInvSubGroupQ — tests if the group with smaller order is an invariant subgroup of the group with larger order.
GTProductGroupQ — tests if group is a product group of two groups.
GTQuotientGroupQ — tests if two groups can form a quotient group.
GTSelfAdjointQ — tests if an element of a group is self-adjoint
GTSubGroupQ — tests if the group with smaller order is a subgroup of the group with larger order.
Symbols, matrices, quaternions and Euler angles
GTAllSymbols — gives a list of all implemented symbols.
GTGetEulerAngles — gives the Euler angles of a symmetry element.
GTGetMatrix — gives a representation matrix of a certain symmetry element.
GTGetQuaternion — gives the quaternion of a certain symmetry element.
GTGetRotationMatrix — gives the 3-dimensional rotation matrix of a certain symmetry element.
GTGetSU2Matrix — gives the SU(2) matrix of a certain symmetry element.
GTGetSymbol — gives the symbol of a certain symmetry element.
GTgmat — performs a group multiplication of two elements.
GTSetMultiplication — multiplications of sets of symmetry elements.
GTType — transforms a point group element to a space group element.
GTWhichInput — determines the type of an element.
GTWhichOutput — transforms an element to a certain type.
Coordinate transformation
GTTransformation — performs a coordinate transformation of a vector.
GTTransformationOperator — applies a coordinate transformation to a function.
Magnetic groups
GTMagnetic — determines if magnetic point group are taken into account
GTMagneticQ — gives True if if magnetic groups are taken into account