

GTGroupQ[set of symmetry elements]

gives True if set of symmetry elements forms a group, and gives False otherwise.

Details and Options

  • A set of elements is called group if the four group axioms are satisfied:
  • a) Closure: There exists an operation called multiplication which associates with every pair of elements and of to another Element of .
  • b) Associativity: For any three elements , and of the "associative law" is valid.
  • c) Identity element: There exists an Element which is contained in such that for every element .
  • d) Inverse element: For each element there exists an inverse Element which is also contained in such that: .
  • The input can be of type symbol, matrix, quaternion or Euler angles (compare GTEulerAnglesQ, GTQuaternionQ and GTSymbolQ).
  • GOMethod "Numeric"Specifies the method to determine if a given list of elements is a group.
  • See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 3.1.


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Basic Examples  (1)

First, load the package:

Then run the example:

Options  (1)

GOMethod  (1)

GTGroupQ calculates the multiplication table of a list of elements and determines if the resulting elements are members of the initial list. This evaluation can in general be performed numerically. For small groups the time difference between numerical and analytical evaluation is negligible. However, the difference becomes more prominent for large groups or highly dimensional group representations.

For double groups typical square root expressions slow down an analytic evaluation.