Electronic Structure

Calculations of Band Structures

GTBands calculates the band energies for a Hamiltonian at certain k-points.

GTBandsPlot plots bands from a file.

GTBandsPlotImprove improves the labeling with irreducible representations in a band structure plot.

GTBandStructure calculates and plots the band structure for a Hamiltonian.

GTFatBandsPlot plots a band structure with fat bands (TB Hamiltonians):

Calculations of Density of States

GTDensityOfStates calculates and plots the density of states.

GTDensityOfStatesPlot calculates the DOS from a band structure.

GTDensityOfStatesRS calculates the density of states of a real space Hamiltionian.

GTFermiSurface calculates a Fermi surface.

GTFermiSurfaceCut calculates a cut cut through the Fermi surface.

GTPartialDOS calculates and plots DOS and partial DOS (TB Hamiltonians).

Combined Plots

GTBandsDOSPlot calculates and plots the density of states.

Group Theory and Band Structures

GTCompatibility calculates the compatibility relations of two point groups.