Electronic Structure
Calculations of Band Structures
GTBands — calculates the band energies for a Hamiltonian at certain k-points.
GTBandsPlot — plots bands from a file.
GTBandsPlotImprove — improves the labeling with irreducible representations in a band structure plot.
GTBandStructure — calculates and plots the band structure for a Hamiltonian.
GTFatBandsPlot — plots a band structure with fat bands (TB Hamiltonians):
Calculations of Density of States
GTDensityOfStates — calculates and plots the density of states.
GTDensityOfStatesPlot — calculates the DOS from a band structure.
GTDensityOfStatesRS — calculates the density of states of a real space Hamiltionian.
GTFermiSurface — calculates a Fermi surface.
GTFermiSurfaceCut — calculates a cut cut through the Fermi surface.
GTPartialDOS — calculates and plots DOS and partial DOS (TB Hamiltonians).
Combined Plots
GTBandsDOSPlot — calculates and plots the density of states.
Group Theory and Band Structures
GTCompatibility — calculates the compatibility relations of two point groups.