calculates and plots the density of states for a given Hamiltonian.
Details and Options
- The density of states (DOS) is calculated by a simple Gaussian broadening method.
- structure defines the Bravais lattice. This information is used to construct the k-mesh in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone.
- The vector parameters contains data for the DOS calculation.
- parameters = {nt, scaleK, emin, emax, ne, σ, scale}
nt refinement parameter k-mesh (see also GTBZPointMesh). scaleK scaling factor k-mesh (see also GTBZPointMesh). [emin,emax] energy interval for DOS calculation. ne number of energy points in energy interval. σ width of the Gaussians (if σ = 0 the energy step width is used). scale The whole DOS can be scaled by the factor scale. This is sometimes helpful for comperisons. - The following options can be given:
FrameLabel {"Energy", "DOS"} Option of ListPlot GOBands "All" Selects bands to be included in the DOS calculation GOFermiEnergy 0 Calculates the Fermi energy GOPhotonic False Distinguishes between the calculation of an electronic or a photonic bandstructure GOPlotDos "DOS" Plots density of states GOStore 0 Stores the DOS, if a file name is given PlotLabel "Density of states" Option of ListPlot PlotRange All Option of ListPlot PlotStyle RGBColor[0, 0, 1] Option of ListPlot - See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 9.6.
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Options (5)
FrameLabel, PlotLabel, PlotRange, and PlotStyle are options of Mathematica’s plot functions and not discussed here.