plots the Cayley graph of a point group.
Details and Options
- The Cayley graph describes the structure of the group. The connection of the group elements mediated by the generators is graphically represented.
- The command handles the crystallographic point groups.
- The following options can be given:
GOVerbose False Decides if additional information is given. GOColorScheme {Blue,Red,Green} graphical representation of edges and vertices. GOPlot True Decides if the graph is plotted VertexSize 0.8 size of the vertices VertexLabelStyle Directive[Blue, 15] style of the vertex labels VertexShapeFunction "Circle" shape of vertices - This command is not explained in:
- W. Hergert, M.Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 4.1.2
open allclose allOptions (6)
GOVerbose (1)
GOColorScheme (1)
GOPlot (1)
With GOPlot->False the graph is given in a standard form . It can be presented afterwards with Mathematica's graph tools, but the labeling with the symmetry elements is not provided.