Quaternion operations
GTQAbs — gives the absolute value of the quaternion.
GTConjugate — gives the conjugate element of the quaternion.
GTQInverse — gives the inverse element of the quaternion.
GTQMultiplication — multiplication of quaternions.
GTQPolar — gives the polar angle of the quaternion.
Logical operations
GTEulerAngelsQ — tests if input is a list with Euler angles.
GTQuaternionQ — tests if input is a quaternion.
GTSymbolQ — tests if input is a symbol.
Graphical representation of point group relationships
GTGroupConnection — illustrates the connection of several group, given in a list of groups.
GTGroupHierarchy — gives a graph containing all subgroups of a certain group as well as all group a certain group is a subgroup of.
GTPointGroups — plots a graph according to the subgroup relationships of the 32 point groups.
GTCayleyGraph — Cayley graph of a point group.
Spherical Harmonics
GTCartesianSphericalHarmonicY — gives the spherical harmonics in Cartesian coordinates.
GTCartesianTesseralHarmonicY — gives the tesseral harmonic in Cartesian form.
GTGauntCoefficient — calculates the integral over three spherical harmonics.
GTTesseralHarmonicY — gives the tesseral harmonic (real spherical harmonic).
Input and Output operations
GTExtractDatasets — extracts various sample data used in the documentation.
GTFermiSurfaceXSF — calculates the Fermi surface and writes it to a file readable by XCrySDen.
GTReadFromFile — reads an object from file.
GTWriteToFile — writes object to file.
GTSetMessage — messages to Notebook or Message window.
Handling of cluster data
GTClusterFilter — removes certain types of atoms from a given cluster.
GTCompactStore — allows to store sparse matrices in a compact form.
GTNeighborPlot — gives the information about the input of GTAdjacencyMatrix
Special matrices
GTDiracMatrix — gives the Dirac matrix.
GTSU2Matrix — gives the SU(2) matrix for a rotation around a vector.
GTReorderMatrix — gives a matrix to reorder a matrix.
Presentation of other data
GTBlueRed — defines a ColorFunction based on the MBP color code.
GTSetTableColors — used to change the color scheme of the tables.
GTCharacterTableP — pretty print of a character table given in list form.
GTGetIrepMatrix — prints a selection of representation matrices.
Other functions
GTAllSymbols — lists all implemented symbols.