
Quaternion operations

GTQAbs gives the absolute value of the quaternion.

GTConjugate gives the conjugate element of the quaternion.

GTQInverse gives the inverse element of the quaternion.

GTQMultiplication multiplication of quaternions.

GTQPolar gives the polar angle of the quaternion.

Logical operations

GTEulerAngelsQ tests if input is a list with Euler angles.

GTQuaternionQ tests if input is a quaternion.

GTSymbolQ tests if input is a symbol.

Graphical representation of point group relationships

GTGroupConnection illustrates the connection of several group, given in a list of groups.

GTGroupHierarchy gives a graph containing all subgroups of a certain group as well as all group a certain group is a subgroup of.

GTPointGroups plots a graph according to the subgroup relationships of the 32 point groups.

GTCayleyGraph Cayley graph of a point group.

Spherical Harmonics

GTCartesianSphericalHarmonicY gives the spherical harmonics in Cartesian coordinates.

GTCartesianTesseralHarmonicY gives the tesseral harmonic in Cartesian form.

GTGauntCoefficient calculates the integral over three spherical harmonics.

GTTesseralHarmonicY gives the tesseral harmonic (real spherical harmonic).

Input and Output operations

GTExtractDatasets extracts various sample data used in the documentation.

GTFermiSurfaceXSF calculates the Fermi surface and writes it to a file readable by XCrySDen.

GTReadFromFile reads an object from file.

GTWriteToFile writes object to file.

GTSetMessage messages to Notebook or Message window.

Handling of cluster data

GTClusterFilter removes certain types of atoms from a given cluster.

GTCompactStore allows to store sparse matrices in a compact form.

GTNeighborPlot gives the information about the input of GTAdjacencyMatrix

Special matrices

GTDiracMatrix gives the Dirac matrix.

GTSU2Matrix gives the SU(2) matrix for a rotation around a vector.

GTReorderMatrix gives a matrix to reorder a matrix.

Presentation of other data

GTBlueRed defines a ColorFunction based on the MBP color code.

GTSetTableColors used to change the color scheme of the tables.

GTCharacterTableP pretty print of a character table given in list form.

GTGetIrepMatrix prints a selection of representation matrices.

Other functions

GTAllSymbols lists all implemented symbols.