GTFermiSurfaceXSF[file,Hamiltonian,kbasis,ndel,list of bands,Fermi energy,information]
calculates the energy band structure for a given list of bands from Hamiltonian in the primitive unit cell in k-space, defined by kbasis on a regular mesh, defined by ndel. The results are stored in file.bxsf as data readable in XCrySDen. information is added to the data.
Details and Options
- XCrySDen is a crystalline and molecular structure visualization program. It has interfaces to a series of popular electronic structure codes like CRYSTAL, PWscf, and WIEN. Additional converting unitlities allow to convert data from VASP, TB-LMTO-ASA, SIESTA, and CASTEP in the XCrySDen formats. Charge densities and Fermi surfaces, can be therfore easily visualized.
- GTFermiSurfaceXSF allows the output of data in XCrySDen format to plot the Fermi surface.
- list of bands selects bands, which will contribute to the Fermi surface.
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, section 9.7.1
- Description of the XCrySDen software at