

GTInstallColorGroup[group,halfing group]

constructs from group a Shubnikov group of first kind, if halfing group is an empty list. A Shubnikov group of second kind will be constructed, if halfing group is an invariant subgroup of index 2 of group.

Details and Options

  • The following options can be given:
  • GOFast TrueSkips the input validation
    GOVerbose FalseControls the output of additional information
  • See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica.


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Basic Examples  (3)

First load the package:

Magnetic groups will be constructed starting from .

The subgroups are:

There is only one invariant subgroup. This subgroup is of index 2.

Shubnikov group of 1st kind

Shubnikov group of 2nd kind

Options  (2)

GOFast  (1)

GOVerbose  (1)