

GTTbParmImport[file,parameter set] reads a tight-binding parameter set generated by means of SimPack from file using the parameter set to store the set in the correct GTPack format.

Details and Options

    After fitting a TB model to band structure data the fitted parameters are stored in a file. The aim of this command is, to read this data set for further use in GTPack. Here it is necessary to recover the notation for the TB-parameters in GTPack. To achieve this, parameter set has to have exactly the same structure as the set in file.

  • The following option can be used:
  • GOVerbose FalseControls the output of additional information.
    GODecimals 5Controls number of digits in table
  • See: Documentation of SimPack.


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Basic Examples  (1)

First load the package:

Set the directory and read the database.

Print the parameter set of Cu from the database of TB parameters.

This data set can be exported by means of GTTbParmExport to a file to be used as a starting approximation for a fit. After the fit GTTbParmImport is used to import the result of the fit to GTPack.

The file "cu_f1_1.parm" contains a result from the fit with genetic algorithms.

You get an error message, because the last three parameters in the set cup are not used in the fit.

Options  (2)

GOVerbose  (1)

The result can be printed in table form

GODecimals  (1)

The number of decimals in the table can be changed.