is an internal variable saving the used standard representation.
Details and Options
- grpdgrp takes the following values:
grpdgrp = 1, the standard representation is O(3).
grpdgrp = 2, the standard representation is SU(2).
grpdgrp = 3, the standard representation is O(2).
grpdgrp = 4, the standard representation is given by permutation matrices.
grpdgrp = 5, the standard representation is SU(2)x{-1,1} ("SU(2)xS"). - Use GTChangeRepresentation to change the value of grpdgrp.
- Use GTWhichRepresentation to read the value of grpdgrp.
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica