We choose the point group C3v which is installed using GTInstallGroup.
The character system of a point group is installed with GTCharacterTable. The option GOIrepNotation controls the names of the irreducible representations. The default is the Bethe notation, naming irreducible representations with a dummy index.
Calculates the representation matrices and the character table.
To calculate the energy level splitting for atoms or molecules, the character of the (2l+1)-dimensional representation matrices of the angular momentum operator are calculated using GTAngularMomentumChars.
To reduce a faithful representation and to calculate the number of times, an irreducible representation occurs within a reducible representation, GTIrep is used.
All representation matrices together with the character table are obtained using GTGetIreps.
Calculates the characters of a direct product representation from two given character systems.
For unitary representations Γ1 and Γ2 the characters of the direct product presentation Γ1⊗ are given by χ(T) = χ1(T)χ2(T). If two character systems are known, GTDirectProductRepresentation calculates the character system of the direct product representation.