


is an option to decide, if a Brillouin zone is plotted.

Details and Options

  • GTVoronoiCell allows to construct Brillouin zones. The Brillouin zone can be shown together with the calculated Fermi surface.
  • Typical values for GOBZ are:
  • Truethe Brillouin zone is plotted
    Falsethe Brillouin zone is not plotted


Basic Examples  (1)

First load the package:

Usually a Brillouin zone is calculated and the corresponding path is plotted.

Define the Hamiltonian

Read the TB parameter set for Cu.

Read the predefined sp^3d^5 Hamiltonian for the fcc structure.

The Hamiltonian for Cu is prepared by insertion of the paramter set.

Plot the Fermi surface

The Fermi surface is plotted together with the Brillouin zone.

Only the Brillouin zone is plotted.