
Sometimes an option is not specific to one of the subsections below.

General Options

GOColorScheme defines a color scheme for plots

GODecimals controls number of fractional digits in tables

GODimension Specifies the dimension of space used

GOFast specifies if input is validated

GOFastValue global variable defining the default of GOFast

GOOverWrite reset sample datasets of documentation

GOTolerance defines a maximal allowed deviation for numerical comparisons

GOVerbose Controls the output of additional information

Basic group theory

GOClasses decides if all character in a class or only that of a class representant is calculated

GOGroupOrder Specifies the used group order in the algorithm

GOHarmonics Decides whether real or complex spherical harmonics are used

GONotation Specifies the group notation to Schoenfliess or Herman-Mauguin notation

GORepresentation specify the used representation

GOSelectCase decides which connections between groups are shown

Representation Theory

GOlmax maximum number of quantum number l

GONames controls names of irreducible representations

GOIrepNotation Specifies the irreducible representation notation

GOReality additional information about reality of representations

Representation Theory of Space Groups

GOGeneralPositionIreps controls if the full space group or the space group of the wave vector k should be taken into account

Lattices and Crystal structures, k-space

GOBonds Decides if bonds are plotted

GOBravais Decides if primitive or conventional cell is used

GOBZ decides if Brillouin zone is plotted

GOBZPath decides if Brillouin zone path is plotted

GOCompact fixes output form of adjacency matrix

GOCoordinateSystem decides about plot of a coordinate system

GOData decides between lattice vectors or plot of the cell

GOImage data to customize the plot in GTCellPlot

GODirection option to indicate a direction i a plot

GOLattice Provides rules for the rescaling of lattice constants

GOMatrixType information about structure of matrix

GOMethod Method to manipulate cluster

GOOutput defines output style of Voronoi cell

GOPlot decides if graphical output is provided

GOPlotStyle decides on embedding of connection graph

GOPosition decides about origin in cluster construction

GOSort sorting in canonical order

GOStructures search for structures by formula

GORegionFunction decides if Fermi surface should be restricted to the Brillouin zone

GOTable decides about tabular output of crystal structures and space groups

GOSphere plot of circumscribing sphere

Band structures

GOBands Selects a number of bands for the calculation of the density of states

GOEigenvectors decides if eigenvectors will be calculated

GOFermiEnergy decides about the calculation of the density of states

GOLabelShift shifts labels in band structure plot

GOPlotBands controls calculation of energy bands in the Brillouin zone

GOPlotDos decides if DOS, integrated DOS or both will be presented

GOPhotonic Distinguishes between the calculation of an electronic or a photonic band structure

GOStore controls output to data files

GOShift shifts energies in a band structure

GOTbOrthogonal type of tight-binding eigenvalue problem

Pseudopotential Theory

GOBondCharges decides if bond charges should be used


GODCMethod defines the method to calculate the Fourier transform

GOPhPol defines polarization in the calculation of a photonic band structure

GOPixel decides if pixels are used in the calculation of the Fourier transform

GOTransformation decides about transformation of fields

Tight Binding

GOTbBasis controls construction of two-center tight-binding parameters

GOTbEquivalence renaming of equivalent atoms in basis

GOTbLattice Provides detailed information for the construction of tight-binding Hamiltonians

GOList style of Hamiltonian listing

GOTbRule defines substitution rules for the construction off two-center tight-binding Hamiltonians


GOMolPlot decides if plot of molecule is presented


GOSpecMode selects type of spectroscopy