Sometimes an option is not specific to one of the subsections below.
General Options
GOColorScheme — defines a color scheme for plots
GODecimals— controls number of fractional digits in tables
GODimension — Specifies the dimension of space used
GOFast — specifies if input is validated
GOFastValue — global variable defining the default of GOFast
GOOverWrite — reset sample datasets of documentation
GOTolerance — defines a maximal allowed deviation for numerical comparisons
GOVerbose — Controls the output of additional information
Basic group theory
GOClasses — decides if all character in a class or only that of a class representant is calculated
GOGroupOrder — Specifies the used group order in the algorithm
GOHarmonics — Decides whether real or complex spherical harmonics are used
GONotation — Specifies the group notation to Schoenfliess or Herman-Mauguin notation
GORepresentation — specify the used representation
GOSelectCase— decides which connections between groups are shown
Representation Theory
GOlmax — maximum number of quantum number l
GONames —controls names of irreducible representations
GOIrepNotation — Specifies the irreducible representation notation
GOReality — additional information about reality of representations
Representation Theory of Space Groups
GOGeneralPositionIreps — controls if the full space group or the space group of the wave vector k should be taken into account
Lattices and Crystal structures, k-space
GOBonds — Decides if bonds are plotted
GOBravais — Decides if primitive or conventional cell is used
GOBZ — decides if Brillouin zone is plotted
GOBZPath — decides if Brillouin zone path is plotted
GOCompact — fixes output form of adjacency matrix
GOCoordinateSystem — decides about plot of a coordinate system
GOData — decides between lattice vectors or plot of the cell
GOImage — data to customize the plot in GTCellPlot
GODirection — option to indicate a direction i a plot
GOLattice — Provides rules for the rescaling of lattice constants
GOMatrixType — information about structure of matrix
GOMethod — Method to manipulate cluster
GOOutput— defines output style of Voronoi cell
GOPlot — decides if graphical output is provided
GOPlotStyle — decides on embedding of connection graph
GOPosition — decides about origin in cluster construction
GOSort — sorting in canonical order
GOStructures— search for structures by formula
GORegionFunction— decides if Fermi surface should be restricted to the Brillouin zone
GOTable — decides about tabular output of crystal structures and space groups
GOSphere — plot of circumscribing sphere
Band structures
GOBands — Selects a number of bands for the calculation of the density of states
GOEigenvectors — decides if eigenvectors will be calculated
GOFermiEnergy — decides about the calculation of the density of states
GOLabelShift— shifts labels in band structure plot
GOPlotBands — controls calculation of energy bands in the Brillouin zone
GOPlotDos — decides if DOS, integrated DOS or both will be presented
GOPhotonic — Distinguishes between the calculation of an electronic or a photonic band structure
GOStore — controls output to data files
GOShift —shifts energies in a band structure
GOTbOrthogonal — type of tight-binding eigenvalue problem
Pseudopotential Theory
GOBondCharges — decides if bond charges should be used
GODCMethod — defines the method to calculate the Fourier transform
GOPhPol —defines polarization in the calculation of a photonic band structure
GOPixel — decides if pixels are used in the calculation of the Fourier transform
GOTransformation — decides about transformation of fields
Tight Binding
GOTbBasis — controls construction of two-center tight-binding parameters
GOTbEquivalence — renaming of equivalent atoms in basis
GOTbLattice — Provides detailed information for the construction of tight-binding Hamiltonians
GOList — style of Hamiltonian listing
GOTbRule — defines substitution rules for the construction off two-center tight-binding Hamiltonians
GOMolPlot — decides if plot of molecule is presented
GOSpecMode — selects type of spectroscopy