is an option to o change the parameters to plot a unit cell.
Details and Options
- GTLatticeVectors returns expressions for lattice vectors and positions of basis atoms in terms of {a,b,c,α,β,γ}.
- a,b,c are the lengths of the corresponding to lattice vectors a,b,c. α is the angle between c and b, β is the angle between c and a and finally γ is the angle between a and b. The Cartesian components of the lattice vectors are constructed in such a way that a is parallel to the x axis. The vector b lies in the xy plane. If a and b are found c is constructed to enclose the angles α and β with b and a.
- The option GOImage returns a rule to set the values. The standard values for the rule are:
- rule={a->1, b->1.5, c->2, α->π/3, β-> π/3, γ -> 2π/3}