GTBravaisLattice[crystal system]
gives the lattice vectors of the crystal system.
Details and Options
- The command keeps the form of the previous version, but was modified internally.
- For the conventional cell lattice vectors and the basis atoms are given. If the primitive cell is preferred only the lattice vectors are returned.
- The input crystal system has to be of the form {name, type} like {"Cubic","cP"} for primitive cubic lattice.
- All possible values are:
- {{"Triclinic", "aP"}, {"Monoclinic", "mP"}, {"Monoclinic", "mC"}, {"Orthorhombic", "oP"}, {"Orthorhombic", "oC"}, {"Orthorhombic", "oI"}, {"Orthorhombic", "oF"}, {"Tetragonal", "tP"}, {"Tetragonal", "tI"}, {"Hexagonal", "hP"}, {"Rhombohedral", "hR"}, {"Cubic", "cP"}, {"Cubic", "cF"}, {"Cubic", "cI"}}
- The following options can be given:
GOBravais "Conventional" Decides if the lattice should be presented by a primitive cell or conventional cell GOData "Basis" Decides if the lattice vectors or a picture of the cell is provided. GOCoordinateSystem True Decides if coordinate system is plotted. GOImage {a,b,c,α,β,γ} Initial values for the plot. FontSize 20 Font size for the labels. - See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 6.3