Crystal Structure
Load, save and modify crystal structure libraries
GTAllStructures — prints all structures that are currently installed within the list spcgrp.
GTExportXSF — exports structure data to .xsf format for visualisation.
GTGetStructure — displays an installed crystal structure.
GTInstallStructure — installs a new crystal structure.
GTImportCIF — imports relevant data from cif file.
GTLoadStructures — loads the content of the list spcgrp.
GTSaveStructures — saves the content of the list spcgrp.
GTClearStructures — removes content of spcgrp.
GTChangeCoord — changes coordinates of basis atoms to Cartesian coordinates.
Plot and manipulate crystal structures
GTClusterManipulate — manipulations a cluster in different ways.
GTPlotCluster — creates a 2D or 3D graphics object of the cluster.
GTPlotStructure — plots a crystal structure.
GTPlotStructure2D — plots a 2D crystal structure.
GTAtomsInCell — finds atoms in a region of a cluster.
Point and space group information
GTBravaisLattice — gives the lattice vectors of the crystal system.
GTCrystalData — provides information about crystal structures.
GTCrystalSystem — gives the crystal system of a group and vice versa.
GTGroupNotation — changes between notations.
GTLatticeVectors — generates lattice vectors.
GTShowSymmetryElements — produces a graphical representation of the symmetry elements.
GTSpaceGroups — gives the nomenclature of the 230 space groups.
Carbon nanostructures
GTBuckyBall — generates a cluster of C atoms representing buckminsterfullerene.
GTTubeParameters — calculates geometric properties of single wall carbon nanotubes.
GTTubeStructure — creates a single wall carbon nanotube.
spcgrp — saves the installed crystal structures