plots a crystal structure within a certain plot range, defined by Min and Max. scale is an overall scaling factor for the radii of atoms.
Details and Options
- GTPlotStructure uses the atomic radius as well as a certain color from ElementData.
- For a 3-dimensional crystal structure, 3 linear independent basis vectors exist. The vectors Min and Max specify the plot range in numbers of repreated units in each of the 3 directions.
- Scale scales the radii of all atoms.
- GTPlotStructure gives a first impression of the investigated structure. For more advanced graphics use Vesta or XCrysden. GTExportXSF allows the output of structural data for use in XCrysden.
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica