


gives the nomenclature of the 230 space groups.

Details and Options

  • The argument can be the name of a crystal system, a space group number or the symbol of the space group in Schönflies notation or the international notation.
  • If argument is a crystal system, information of all space groups corresponding to this system is printed (no output in this case).
  • If a space group number or a symbol in one of the two forms is given, GTSpaceGroups gives a list {space group number, Schönfliess notation, international notation, symmorphic/nonsymmorphic} which is also printed.
  • Check the examples for the writing style of the Schoenfliess or Herman-Maughin notation.
  • The following options can be given:
  • GOTable FalsePrints the complete table of information
  • GOVerboseTrueControls the output of additional information
  • See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 4.2


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Basic Examples  (4)

First, load the package:

A crystal system is used as input.

The Herman-Maughin notation is used. Note, bracketing bars are used in the definition. (Esc l|Esc, Esc r| Esc on the keyboard, also given on the group theory palette.).

The space group number gives the same result.

Finally the Schoenfliess notation is used.

Options  (3)

GOTable  (1)

Information about all 230 space groups is printed, the other input is ignored.

GOVerbose  (2)