is an option to control the names of irreducible representations.
Details and Options
- The character table of the point group of the problem is a necessary input in the functions, which use GONames. The standard names of the irreducible representations can be used or substituted by other names.
- Typical settings for GONames are:
{} Standard names from GTCharacterTable are used list The names in list are used insted of the standard names
Basic Examples (3)
The point group is considered.
The character table of the group is calculated. The notation of Mulliken is used.
The angular parts (spherical harmonics) of the wave functions can be expressed in cartesian coordinates. All functions up to are considered.
Find out to which irreducible representations the functions belong.
If there is a reason to use other names for the irreducible representations GONames helps.
qv contains the vectors of shell
which are the minimum set to recalculate all vectors of the coordination sphere by point group operations. In case of the simple cubic lattice it is one vector per coordination sphere.
The groups of the vectors
, i.e. all operations of the point group, leaving the vectors constant, are generated.
The character tables of the groups.
The number of independent integrals can be calculated now for each shell.
Instead of the names of the irreducible representations other names can be used.