


is an option to decide in wich way the Fourier transform of is calculated.

Details and Options

  • The Fourier transform of that is needed to set up the master equation can be found in two ways. First, it can be calculated directly by Fourier transform of , the so called direct method. In the second method, the method of matrix inverse (Hos method) , the Fourier transform of is calculated first. The corresponding matrix is inverted afterwards.
  • Typical values for GODCMethod are:
  • "Direct"Fourier transform of .
    "MatrixInverse"Fourier transform of followed by matrix inversion.


Basic Examples  (1)

First load the package:

As an example dielectric rods in a square lattice in air are considered. The structure is defined:

The path in the Brillouin zone is fixed.


The Fourier transform of 1/ϵ(r) is calculated.

The eigenvalue problem is constructed for the TM polarization. The photonic band is calculated and plotted.

GODCMethod "MatrixInverse"

The Fourier transform of ϵ(r) is calculated and the corresponding matrix is inverted afterwards.

Calculation of the photonic band structure with this method.

Small differences occur due to the limited set of plane waves used in the calculation.