GTCrystalFieldSplitting[group1_,group2_,(character table1, character table2)]
calculates the decomposition of irreducible representations if the symmetry is lowered from group1 to group2.
Details and Options
- It is assumed that group2 is a subgroup of group1. If so, irreducible representations of group1 become reducible representations of group2.
- The module uses GTIrep to estimate how the irreducible representations of group1 split if the symmetry is lowered to group2.
GOFast GOFastValue Controls the input validation GOIrepNotation "Mulliken" Notation of the irreducible representations - See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, Chapter 7.3.