If[StringContainsQ[{<|Openers -> <|NotesSection -> Closed, PrimaryExamplesSection -> Closed, ExampleSection -> <|0 -> Closed, 1 -> Closed|>, ExampleSubsection -> <|0 -> Closed, 1 -> Closed|>|>|>}[Metadata][uri], StartOfString~~{A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z}], Unevaluated[Sequence[XMLElement[span, {class -> main-title-top}, {Transmogrify`XMLTransformPrivate`context$1804426}], XMLElement[h1, {class -> main-title}, {Transmogrify`Recurse[]}], XML`RawXML[<div class="iconography" data-src="s= d= m= c= u= l= n= e="></div>], Transmogrify`XMLTransformPrivate`relatedInterpreterCell$1804426]], If[MemberQ[{Embedding Format, File, Front End Object, Interpreter, Entity, MathLink C Function, Method}, Transmogrify`GetParameter[entityType]], XMLElement[div, {class -> main-heading}, {XMLElement[h1, {class -> main-title}, {Transmogrify`Recurse[]}], XML`RawXML[<div class="iconography" data-src="s= d= m= c= u= l= n= e="></div>], Transmogrify`XMLTransformPrivate`relatedInterpreterCell$1804426}], Unevaluated[Sequence[XMLElement[h1, {class -> main-title}, {Transmogrify`Recurse[]}], XML`RawXML[<div class="iconography" data-src="s= d= m= c= u= l= n= e="></div>], Transmogrify`XMLTransformPrivate`relatedInterpreterCell$1804426]]]]
GTPhPixelStructure[pixel map,modification,structure]
allows to perform a modification of the permittivity distribution defined by a pixel map in the unit cell of a given structure.
Details and Options
- The permittivity in the unit cell of a two-dimensional structure can be defined by an arrangement of geometric objects of given permittivity, or it is defined in a pixelwise manner.
The pixel map is an
matrix and defines the subdevision of the unit cell. The entry
defines the permittivity of the pixel
- The list modification allows the modification of a given pixel map:
modification =
- The list structure defines the structure of the unit cell:
- structure =
are the side lengths and
is the angle enclosed by the two sides.
- The following options can be given:
GOColorScheme "PearlColors" Defines the color scheme GOPlot True Plots the modified structure - See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 10.4