Structure factors and Fourier transform of inverse permittivity
GTPhCuboid — gives the structure factor of a cuboid.
GTPhDCObjects — gives the Fourier transform of the inverse permittivity of an ensemble of geometric objects.
GTPhDCPixel — gives the Fourier transform of the inverse permittivity of a pixel map.
GTPhDielectric — gives the Fourier transform of .
GTPhEllipticRod — gives the structure factor of an elliptic rod.
GTPhPermittivity — gives ϵ-1(G) for a range of reciprocal lattice vectors.
GTPhPermittivityMatrix — complete matrix , i.e. the Fourier transform of
GTPhPixelSmooth — gives a smoothed pixel map.
GTPhPrismaticRod — gives the structure factor of a prismatic rod.
GTPhRodSmooth — gives a smoothed structure factor of a rectangular rod.
GTPhSlab — gives the structure factor of a slab.
GTPhSlabSmooth — gives a smoothed structure factor of a slab.
GTPhSphere — gives the structure factor of a sphere.
Visualization of distribution of permittivity
GTPhPixelStructure — allows to perform a modification of the permittivity distribution defined by a pixel map.
GTPhShowStructure — generates an image of the arrangement of dielectric objects in the unit cell.
Master equation in matrix form (plane wave basis)
GTPhMaster — constructs the master equation for a structure.
GTPhMasterEquation — constructs the matrix formulation of the master equation to calculate photonic band structures.
GTPhMasterObjects — constructs the master equation from a list of objects.
GTPhBandsObjects — constructs matrix for each k-point numerically.
GTPhMasterPixel — constructs the master equation from a pixel map.
Symmetry Analysis of fields
GTPhFields — calculates the electromagnetic field in a photonic crystal.
GTPhSymmetryBands — performs the symmetry analysis of electromagnetic fields for a band structure.
GTPhSymmetryField — performs the symmetry analysis of an electromagnetic field.
GTPhSymmetryPoint — performs the symmetry analysis of electromagnetic fields given in datasets.
GTPhUncoupledBands — finds uncoupled bands
Connection to MPB
GTPhMPBBands — reads a photonic band structure calculated by MPB.
GTPhMPBFields — reads a electromagnetic field component calculated by MPB.