
Structure factors and Fourier transform of inverse permittivity

GTPhCuboid gives the structure factor of a cuboid.

GTPhDCObjects gives the Fourier transform of the inverse permittivity of an ensemble of geometric objects.

GTPhDCPixel gives the Fourier transform of the inverse permittivity of a pixel map.

GTPhDielectric gives the Fourier transform of .

GTPhEllipticRod gives the structure factor of an elliptic rod.

GTPhPermittivity gives ϵ-1(G) for a range of reciprocal lattice vectors.

GTPhPermittivityMatrix complete matrix , i.e. the Fourier transform of .

GTPhPixelSmooth gives a smoothed pixel map.

GTPhPrismaticRod gives the structure factor of a prismatic rod.

GTPhRodSmooth gives a smoothed structure factor of a rectangular rod.

GTPhSlab gives the structure factor of a slab.

GTPhSlabSmooth gives a smoothed structure factor of a slab.

GTPhSphere gives the structure factor of a sphere.

Visualization of distribution of permittivity

GTPhPixelStructure allows to perform a modification of the permittivity distribution defined by a pixel map.

GTPhShowStructure generates an image of the arrangement of dielectric objects in the unit cell.

Master equation in matrix form (plane wave basis)

GTPhMaster constructs the master equation for a structure.

GTPhMasterEquation constructs the matrix formulation of the master equation to calculate photonic band structures.

GTPhMasterObjects constructs the master equation from a list of objects.

GTPhBandsObjects constructs matrix for each k-point numerically.

GTPhMasterPixel constructs the master equation from a pixel map.

Symmetry Analysis of fields

GTPhFields calculates the electromagnetic field in a photonic crystal.

GTPhSymmetryBands performs the symmetry analysis of electromagnetic fields for a band structure.

GTPhSymmetryField performs the symmetry analysis of an electromagnetic field.

GTPhSymmetryPoint performs the symmetry analysis of electromagnetic fields given in datasets.

GTPhUncoupledBands finds uncoupled bands

Connection to MPB

GTPhMPBBands reads a photonic band structure calculated by MPB.

GTPhMPBFields reads a electromagnetic field component calculated by MPB.