

GTPhPrismaticRod[recirocal lattice vector,structure]

gives the structure factor of a prismatic rod.

Details and Options

  • The structure factor of a prismatic rod is given by
  • is the spherical Bessel function. The side of length is parallel to the -axis. is the angle enclosed by the two sides of length and . The parallelogram is centered at the origin of the coordinate system. The lengths have to be given in the terms of the lattice constant . The list structure contains the filling factor and the dimensions of the rod:
  • structure =
  • The last entry is a rotation angle. If present, it enables the rotation of the structure with respect to the coordinate system.
  • A rectangular rod described by the token RectangularRod in GTPhShowStructure is a special case of PrismaticRod.
  • The reciprocal lattice vectors are given in units .
  • See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 10.4


Basic Examples  (1)

First load the package:

The structure factors are calculated for a mesh of reciprocal lattice vectors corresponding to a square lattice.

The small components are better visible in this plot.