GTTbSymbol3C[ir1,row1,ir2,row2,qlp] constructs a name and a substitution rule from information on the irreducible representations ir{class -> TI} ;; ;; XMLElement[sub, {}, {1}] and ir{class -> TI} ;; ;; XMLElement[sub, {}, {2}] and the corresponding rows row1 and row2 for the vector
. A substitution rule from a formal name to the name in the usual three-center form is also provided.

Details and Options
- The orbitals are coded in the following way for both irreducible representations:
ir code row orbital 1 1 s 9 1 x 9 2 z 9 3 y 6 1 x2-y2 6 2 3z2-r2 8 1 xz 8 2 xy 8 3 yz - In this case the orbitals are basis functions of irreducible representations of Oh . The ir code corresponds to the number of the corresponding irreducible representation in the character table of oh
- This approach has to be made more flexible in future.
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chpter 9.4.2
- See also: R.F. Egorov, B.I. Reser, and V.P. Shirkovskii, Consistent treatment of Symmetry in the Tight Binding Approximation, phys.stat.sol. 26, 391 (1968)