GTTbVarList[mu,mp,rule] generates information fromthe relations between the three-center integrals for the construction of the three-center matrx element.
Details and Options
- The decription has to be completed.
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chpter 9.4.2
- See also: R.F. Egorov, B.I. Reser, and V.P. Shirkovskii, Consistent treatment of Symmetry in the Tight Binding Approximation, phys.stat.sol. 26, 391 (1968)
Basic Examples (1)
Representation matrices are store in lists for this example
Representation matrices of generators the group 11 for representation Γ15 (p-Orbitals im Oh)
Relations between the three-center integrals

Transformation to the shell vector and the corresponding representation matrices.
For a detailed discussion see the book chapter 9.4.2 but also the paper of Egorov.