Tight Binding

Construction of two-center tight-binding Hamiltonians

GTTbHamiltonian constructs the tight-binding Hamiltonian in k-space from the information about basis and lattice.

GTTbHamiltonianElement constructs an element of the tight-binding Hamiltonian.

GTTbMatrixElement expresses tight-binding matrix element in two-center form.

GTTbSpinMatrix gives the elementary spin matrices for tight-binding Hamiltonians.

GTTbSpinOrbit adds spin-orbit coupling to a given tight-binding Hamiltonian.

GTTbSymbol2C gives a symbol according to the nomenclature of the two-center approximation.

GTTbHamiltonianOnsite corrects onsite energies with respect to crystal field splitting

Construction of three-center tight-binding Hamiltonians

GTIrepInfo information about selected irreducible representations.

GTSymmetryBasisFunctions calculates to which irreducible representations the wave functions are basis functions.

GTTbNumberOfIntegrals calculates the number of independent tight-binding integrals for functions transforming like irreducible representations of point group.

GTTbMatrixElement3C calculates matrix element of three-center Hamiltonian

GTTbSymbol3C Symbols in three-center form

GTTbIntegralRules rules to find independent parameter

GTTbVarList prepare list for parameter substitution

Tight-Binding Real Space Formulation

GTFindStateNumbers finds the number of states lying in a certain energy interval.

GTPlotStateWeights demonstrates at which atoms of a cluster, the wave function has the highest weights.

GTTbHamiltonianRS constructs a tight-binding Hamiltonian in real space.

GTTbRealSpaceMatrix constructs the interaction of two atoms in a real space tight-binding Hamiltonian.

Parameter sets and libraries for tight-binding models

GTTbDatabaseInfo gives information about the tight-binding parameter sets available in database.

GTTbDatabaseRetrieve loads a tight-binding parameter set.

GTTbDatabaseUpdate reads, updates and stores tight-binding parameter sets.

GTTbGetParameter gives the value of a parameter from a tight-binding parameter set.

GTTbParameterNames creates a set of parameter names.

GTTbParmToRule gives a rule to replace tight-binding symbols.

GTTbPrintParmSet prints a tight-binding parameter set.

Wave functions

GTTbAtomicWaveFunction constructs an atomic-like wave function.

Symmetry Analysis of Band Structures

GTTbSymmetrySingleBand symmetry analysis of a single band at a certain k-point.

GTTbSymmetryPoint symmetry analysis of the TB band structure at a certain k-point.

GTTbSymmetryBands symmetry analysis of the entire TB band structure.

Output of Hamiltonians as FORTRAN Modules

GTTbToFortran transforms a k-space tight-binding Hamiltonian into a FORTRAN module.

GTTbToFortranList prints a Hamiltonian as FORTRAN code.


GTTbTubeBands calculates bands for a nanotube


GTTbReadWannier90 reads information from the WANNIER90 package.

GTTbWannier90Hamiltonian constructs Hamiltonian from WANNIER90 output.


GTHamiltonianPlot plots the structure of a Hamiltonian.

GTHamiltonianList list of elements of a tight-binding Hamiltonian