GTTbHamiltonianOnsite[hamiltonian, basis, structure] corrects the on-site elements for fcc, and bcc structure due to the crystal-field splitting
Details and Options
- During automatic generation of two-center tight-binding Hamiltonians the crystal field splittings are not taken into account, i.e. for cubic structures only one on-site parameter (dd0) occurs for the d-level. GTTbHamiltonianOnsite allows to substitute (dd0) by two parameters (dd1) corresponding to
- Note, in the moment the module works only for Hamiltonians with spd-basis.
- Parameter values for the one-site energies with crystal-field splitting are given in the "Handbook of the Band Structure of Elemental Solids". The split on-site parameters are provided in the database TB_Handbook. If the Hamiltonian is modified accordingly, the parametrization uses the correct parameters automatically.
- The following options can be given:
GOVerbose False Controls the output of additional information - D.A: Papaconstantopulos, Handbook of the Band Structure of Elemental Solids, Plenum Press, New York (2015)
- See: W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 9.4.
open allclose allBasic Examples (1)
Load the Hamiltonian for for fcc structure with spd basis.
Create information about the basis.
The complete Hamiltonian can be listed by means of GTHamiltonianList
List the d-d block of the Hamiltonian
gonal matrix elements contain the on-site parameter (dd0). Now the splitting is introduced.