

GTTbSymmetryBandStructure[bands, wave, min, max, group, recipbasis, basis] performs a symmetry analysis for an entire band structure. The bands in file bands and the wavefunctions in wave. Bands are analyzed for band numbers [min,max]. group is the point group of the system with reciprocal basis recipbasis. Basis defines the basis of the crystal.

Details and Options

  • The output of the band structure was changed. It contains now also the symmetry points. Thus, klist was removed from the parameter list.
  • The following options can be given:
  • GOVerbose FalseControls output of additional information
    GOIrepNotation "Bouckaert"Notation of irreducible representation
    PlotStyle{{Thin,Black}}representation of bands in graph
    JoinedTruestandard option of ListPlot
    PlotRangeAllstandard option of ListPlot
    GOLabelShift {0.05, 0.02}a global label shift can be applied to all labels
    GOLabelStyle {}the style of the labels can be changed
    GOPlot Truedecides if a plot of the bands ins presented
    FrameLabel{"" ,"Energy (eV)"}standard option of ListPlot
    PlotLabel"Band structure"standard option of ListPlot
    GOSpinOrbit Falsedecides if spin-orbit coupling is included
    GOOrbitalConstruction Truenon-standard orbital construction
    GOPrecision 4sets the precision of eigenvalues.
  • W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 9.6


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Basic Examples  (1)

Give structural information and define the point group.

Read the fcc Hamiltonian with spd-basis

Parameters for Au are used.

Prepare Hamiltonian for calculation

Prepare a band structure plot to check if all is correct.

Create band structure data

bands contains the band structure and as a second part the list of symmetry point (former klist in parameter list)

The basis is

Perform the symmetry analysis

The position of the levels can be improved by interactive drawing tools or by means of GTBandsPlotImprove.

Options  (9)

FrameLabel, PlotLabel, PlotStyle, PlotRange, and Joined are standard option of ListPlot and will be not explained here.

GOVerbose  (1)

Additional information can be obtained.

GOIrepNotation  (1)

The IREP notation can be changed.

GOLabelShift  (1)

A general shift of all labels can be sometimes helpful.The standard is {0.05,0.02}

The shift is taken large to show the effect.

GOLabelStyle  (1)

Change the label style to your needs.

GOPlot  (1)

GOPlot -> False suppresses the plot.

GOSpinOrbit  (1)

Has to be used for spin-polarized calculation. See example for Au in the book, Chapter 9.6.

GOOrbitalConstruction  (1)

Not used in the moment.

GOPrecision  (1)

Sets the number of decimals for the eigenvalues