gives the character of the spinor representation for each class.
Details and Options
- For each double group a representation using rotation matrices in spin space can be found. This representation is not faithful in general. For a rotation of an angle
about the axis
, the rotation matrices are given by
are the Pauli matrices and
is the 2-dimensional identity matrix. For the representation of the inversion the Pauli-gauge is used, where the inversion is represented by
- The following option can be given:
GOFast GOFastValue Skips the input validation - See: S. L. Altmann, Rotations, Quaternions and Double Groups, Dover Publications, Inc., 2005
- W. Hergert, M. Geilhufe, Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics. Problem Solving with Mathematica, chapter 8.6.
open allclose allBasic Examples (1)
Options (2)
Applications (1)
Within this example the level splitting of an irreducible representation due to spin-orbit coupling is calculated. As an example the double group is used.
To get an overview about the irreducible representations, the character table is calculated via GTCharacterTable.
The class contains the 4-fold rotations about the z-axis, whereas
contains the related double group elements. By comparison of the characters for both classes, the irreducible representations
can be identified as the extra representations of
, since the character changes sign.
The irreducible representation , which is also an irreducible representation of the ordinary point group
, will be discussed in more detail.
is a 2-dimensional irreducible representation and represents a 4-fold degenerated energy level, if the 2-fold degeneracy due to the spin is included. To estimate the influence of spin orbit coupling, the characters of the direct product representation
have to be calculated. First, the characters of the spinor representation
are calculated via GTSpinCharacters.
Now the characters of are calculated via GTDirectProductChars.
Now, the Clebsch-Gordan sum of is calculated via GTIrep.