Representation Theory
GTCharacterTable — gives the character table of a group.
GTExtraRepresentations — extracts the extra representations from the character table.
GTReorderCharacterTable — gives the reordered character table of a group.
GTReality — estimates if a representation is real or complex or other.
GTSpinCharacters — gives the character of the spinor representation for each class.
GTSOCSplitting — calculates the splitting of states due to spin-orbit coupling.
GTCharProjectionOperator — applies the character projection operator to a given function.
GTProjectionOperator — applies the projection operator to a given function.
GTWignerProjectionOperator — applies the projection operator on spherical harmonics.
GTAngularMomentumChars — calculates the character system using representation matrices.
GTAngularMomentumRep — gives a matrix representation using the WignerD-function.
GTRegularRepresentation — gives the regular representation of a group.
GTClebschGordanSum — calculates a matrix representation using the direct sum of two representations.
GTGetIreps — calculates the character table and irreducible representation matrices of a group
GTGetIrep — calculates the representation matrices of an irreducible representation.
GTIrep — gives the number of times an irreducible representation appears in a faithful representation.
GTIrepDimension — gives the dimension of an irreducible representation
GTIrepMatrixView — gives a neat print of the matrices of the irreducible representation.
GTNumberOfIreps — gives the number of non-equivalent representations.
GTClebschGordanCoefficients — gives an array containing Clebsch-Gordan-Coefficients for the calculation of basis functions within a direct product representation.
GTClebschGordanTable — represents a list of Clebsch-Gordan-Coefficients
GTDirectProductChars — gives the character system of a direct product representation from the character systems of two representations.
GTDirectProductRep — calculates the direct product representation of two representations.
GTSymmetrizedProductChars — gives character of symmetrized or antisymmetrized n-th power of an irreducible representation