mSASS part 3 - Continuous symmetry parametrization of multielectronic configurations
The tutorial shows the construction of the mSASS-Hamiltonian for a p4 configuration with spin-orbit interaction. We discuss the splitting of two electrons occupying a j=3/2 state in an octahedral field. It is a continuation of part 1 - d1 configuration in an octahedral field and part 2 - d1 configuration in an octahedral field with spin-orbit interaction. More information can be found in the following reference:
GTInstallGroup | Installs point and space groups |
GTAngularMomentumRep |
Computes representation matrices for the irreducible representations of O(3) or SU(2)
GTClebschGordanSum | Constructs the Clebsch-Gordan sum of two representations |