mSASS part 1 - d1 configuration in an octahedral field

Expected level splittingThe mSASS Hamiltonian for the point group O
Lowering the symmetry from octahedral to square symmetryLowering the symmetry to D4
The tutorial shows the construction of the mSASS-Hamiltonian for a d1 configuration in octahedral and square fields. More information can be found in the following reference:
R. M. Geilhufe, J. D. Rineart, arXiv:2209.03123
Expected level splitting
The octahedral symmetry is described by the point group O. First, we compute the character system of the SO(3) representation with l=2 and analyze its decomposition into irreducible representations of O.
Installs point and space groups
Comutes the character table
Gives the characters of representations of O(3) or SU(2)
Computes the decomposition of a reducible representation into irreducible representations of a group
Install the point group O
Compute the character table of O
Calculate the characters of the SO(3) representation with l=2.
Compute the decomposition into irreducible representations of O.
Lowering the symmetry from octahedral to square symmetry
Compute the decomposition of representations upon lowering the symmetry
The symmetry of a square is described by the point group D4.
We compute the character table of D4.
Compute the decomposition of irreducible representation of O into irreducible representations D4.
The mSASS Hamiltonian for the point group O
Computes representation matrices for the irreducible representations of O(3) or SU(2)
Use the point group O, installed above
Compute the representation matrices of the SO(3) representation with l=2.
Generate a generic 5x5 Hamiltonian matrix
The mSASS Hamiltonian is projected using the representation matrices of the angular momentum representation, The right hand-side of the above equation is evaluated as follows.
Solve for the symmetry invariant terms.
Imposing H to be Hermitian, the final Hamiltonian is given by:
Lowering the symmetry to D4
Install a group from group generators
To obtain the proper symmetry axis (z-axis), we install the group from its generators.
Compute the representation matrices of SO(3).
Generate a generic 5x5 Hamiltonian matrix.
Compute the projected Hamiltonian.
Solve for the symmetry invariant terms.
Construct the final Hermitian Hamiltonian.